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Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum of

Source Dependent Variable Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model Pre12 jam 1.136a 1 1.136 .256 .618
Post12 jam 13.136 1 13.136 3.449 .078
Post24 jam 3.682 1 3.682 1.564 .226
Intercept Pre12 jam 7309.136 1 7309.136 1647.551 .000
Post12 jam 5923.682 1 5923.682 1555.143 .000
Post24 jam 5410.227 1 5410.227 2297.780 .000
Kel Pre12 jam 1.136 1 1.136 .256 .618
Post12 jam 13.136 1 13.136 3.449 .078
Post24 jam 3.682 1 3.682 1.564 .226
Error Pre12 jam 88.727 20 4.436
Post12 jam 76.182 20 3.809
Post24 jam 47.091 20 2.355
Total Pre12 jam 7399.000 22
Post12 jam 6013.000 22
Post24 jam 5461.000 22
Corrected Total Pre12 jam 89.864 21
Post12 jam 89.318 21
Post24 jam 50.773 21
a. R Squared = .013 (Adjusted R Squared = -.037)
b. R Squared = .147 (Adjusted R Squared = .104)
c. R Squared = .073 (Adjusted R Squared = .026)

Parameter Estimates
95% Confidence Interval
Dependent Variable Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Pre12 jam Intercept 18.000 .635 28.344 .000 16.675 19.325
[Kel=1] .455 .898 .506 .618 -1.419 2.328
[Kel=2] 0 . . . . .
Post12 jam Intercept 15.636 .588 26.572 .000 14.409 16.864
[Kel=1] 1.545 .832 1.857 .078 -.190 3.281
[Kel=2] 0 . . . . .
Post24 jam Intercept 15.273 .463 33.011 .000 14.308 16.238
[Kel=1] .818 .654 1.250 .226 -.547 2.183
[Kel=2] 0a . . . . .
a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum of Pa
Source Dependent Variable Squares df Mean Square F Sig. S
Corrected Model Pre12 jam 1.136 1 1.136 .256 .618
Pre24 jam 1.136 1 1.136 .224 .641
Post12 jam 13.136c 1 13.136 3.449 .078
Post24 jam 3.682d 1 3.682 1.564 .226
Intercept Pre12 jam 7309.136 1 7309.136 1647.551 .000
Pre24 jam 6460.409 1 6460.409 1273.557 .000
Post12 jam 5923.682 1 5923.682 1555.143 .000
Post24 jam 5410.227 1 5410.227 2297.780 .000
Kel Pre12 jam 1.136 1 1.136 .256 .618
Pre24 jam 1.136 1 1.136 .224 .641
Post12 jam 13.136 1 13.136 3.449 .078
Post24 jam 3.682 1 3.682 1.564 .226
Error Pre12 jam 88.727 20 4.436
Pre24 jam 101.455 20 5.073
Post12 jam 76.182 20 3.809
Post24 jam 47.091 20 2.355
Total Pre12 jam 7399.000 22
Pre24 jam 6563.000 22
Post12 jam 6013.000 22
Post24 jam 5461.000 22
Corrected Total Pre12 jam 89.864 21
Pre24 jam 102.591 21
Post12 jam 89.318 21
Post24 jam 50.773 21
a. R Squared = .013 (Adjusted R Squared = -.037)
b. R Squared = .011 (Adjusted R Squared = -.038)
c. R Squared = .147 (Adjusted R Squared = .104)
d. R Squared = .073 (Adjusted R Squared = .026)
e. Computed using alpha = ,10
Parameter Estimates
90% Confidence Interval
Dependent Variable Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Pre12 jam Intercept 18.000 .635 28.344 .000 16.905 19.095
[Kel=1] .455 .898 .506 .618 -1.094 2.004
[Kel=2] 0 . . . . .
Pre24 jam Intercept 16.909 .679 24.900 .000 15.738 18.080
[Kel=1] .455 .960 .473 .641 -1.202 2.111
[Kel=2] 0a . . . . .
Post12 jam Intercept 15.636 .588 26.572 .000 14.621 16.651
[Kel=1] 1.545 .832 1.857 .078 .110 2.981
[Kel=2] 0a . . . . .
Post24 jam Intercept 15.273 .463 33.011 .000 14.475 16.071
[Kel=1] .818 .654 1.250 .226 -.310 1.947
[Kel=2] 0 . . . . .
a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.
b. Computed using alpha = ,10

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