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YOUR BRIEF TO US: A suggestion of campaign ideas to realize Carbon Neutrality

Carbon Neutrality - Making the actual emissions zero by reabsorbing carbon dioxide emitted from individuals,
companies, and organizations.

Global Temperature Rise

CURRENT STATE: The planet's average surface temperature has risen
1.18 °C since the 19th century, a change driven largely
by increased CO2 emissions.

Warming Ocean, Sea Level Rise,

Shrinking Ice Sheets
Global sea levels have risen 8 inches in the last
century. Data from NASA shows significant loss in
both Antarctica and Greenland.

Carbon dioxide
from human activity is increasing more than 250
times faster than it did from natural sources after the
last Ice Age.

Extreme Events
High and low temperature events, typhoons,
cyclones, intense rainfall events.

Countries and companies are making an effort
Countries companies
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international Corporate attitudes towards sustainability - A survey of
treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties large companies in 6 countries (France, Germany, Mexico,
at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into Singapore, Spain and the UK) has identified that
force on 4 November 2016. environmental management and sustainability are growing
corporate priorities as a result of Covid-19.
Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2,
preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to
pre-industrial levels. Jeff Bezos pledged to have the company be
carbon neutral by 2040

Starbucks aims to be “resource positive” within

a decade by reducing carbon emissions and
landfill waste by 50%

Microsoft has committed to be carbon

negative by 2030

JetBlue intends to make all of its domestic

flights carbon neutral starting in July 2020

But what about individuals?
Millennials are the dominant generational cohort. They are the driving demographic
Millennials: cohort in the marketplace, eclipsing Gen X and Boomers in buying power and economic
influence. They are ethnically and racially diverse, open-minded, and tech-savvy.

Present focus Lack of Sympathy Desire & Peer

& Empathy Pressure
reasons why brain
consumers 22% 19%
Many of the environmental and social impacts
adopted a are not visible or obvious
Lack of Too
sustainable Knowledge Expensive


The impact of climate change won’t be seen in
15% 16%
the short term.

Hence, millennials are our Target audience
Consumers are responsible for: How can we reverse this figures?

Efforts of the government and companies will go in

60% of the globe's greenhouse vain, if individuals are unaware and developed apathy
gas emissions against the consequences of CO2.

Thus, we aim to raise awareness and influence


80% of the world's water use

By driving consumer demand for carbon neutrality, it
will disrupt the forces of supply and demand,

all carbon impacts, which
forcing companies and governments to react, hence
result from driving cars
creating a ripple effect.
and heating homes.

What can we learn from others:
Unfccc An initiative to increase climate action by
engaging non-Party stakeholders. It SIMILARITIES:
encourages and supports organizations to act
now in order to achieve a climate neutral
world by 2050.
Guilt Tripping

Inducing Fear
Burberry Immediate Action
After an investigation revealed that children's
clothes sold by Burberry come infested
microorganisms, and items contained
hazardous substances including Perfluorinated
Chemicals, Greenpeace launched this
Repetitive content,
causing people to
Lego and shell Greenpeace targeted Lego over its partnership
with Shell. The campaign featured a Lego Arctic become immune to
paradise being flooded with oil. However, the such messages
campaign hasn’t been successful as Shell
continues to drill in the Arctic and Lego
continues its partnership with Shell.

Flow of informatioN
To combat our target audience’s sense of apathy
How YOUR life is impacted
by carbon emissions
Our audience has a
predisposition of ABOUT THEIR ACTIONS:
apathy regarding
issues of carbon
We need to inform individuals
of THEIR actions

As such, we must
deliver our flow of
information into a
bottom-up structure,
in order to counteract
Give insights of their actions are
DIRECTLY correlated to the problem INSIGHT
their sense of apathy
Our campaign aims to inspire
individuals on how THEY can make a
change starting today INSPIRE
now, WE NEED Establish connection
with our target audience
In order to help the general public, specifically Consumer
What people care about
millennials understand the significance of achieving Benefit
carbon neutrality and a sustainable lifestyle, we must
first bridge this knowledge gap and make individuals
understand how these environmental issues directly
impact their everyday life.
possible by
In showing the impact carbon emissions have on
everyone, we can help people visualize what life can
be for the better.

As a result, inspire optimism and eagerness in a time Carbon What we want them to also
of skepticism. Neutrality care about

According to the National Institutes of Health, 58% more college students
scored higher on a narcissism scale in 2009 than in 1982. They also found
evidence of rising self-confidence.


Our response to the brief

People are unable to process the severity of the problem at hand due to present focus
brain and societal pressures. As a result, nothing is being done and alarming statistics are
putting pressure on government bodies and companies.

Upon conducting competitor analysis, it indicates that most NGOs approach a method to
instill guilt, fear and ask for immediate actions when promoting their campaigns.
However, with the statistics presented, it is evident that consumers are getting accustomed
to this exposure and have evolved to become immune to such messages.

If every single individual does not play their role in neutralising carbon emissions, this goal
won’t be achieved. Progress cannot be achieved by 1 company or 1 government body, rather
progress is about people working in symphony together.

Before we can inform, give insights and inspire

We must first get people

to realise the impact of their
We must first get people to realise the impact of their actions ON THEMSELVES

And use their self-centered attitude

To prove that they are the antagonist of their own demise

In order to enforce that they

Can’t be neutral about carbon neutrality

In a world full of conflicts and opinions, to remain
neutral seems to be the moral high ground. Being fair
and balanced and not taking a side could be viewed
as the moderating force that could possibly bring
both sides together. Regarding the issue of climate
change, we have to balance between economic
growth and sustainability, and finding compromise
between the two is seemingly the solution. However,
the playing field is not fair and balanced when the
issue at hand is imminent and impacting billions of

By challenging the “it doesn’t matter” and “it’s only
this one time” attitude, and focusing on self centric
characteristics over altruistic, we aim to illustrate
that neutrality towards the environment is not the
catalyst for change, it is the opposite, and inspire a
sense of intrinsic motivation to catalyse the
brighter tomorrow.

How it works
Messaging hierarchy

Campaign Positioning Build awareness of carbon neutrality

Aim to get people to realise the impact of their actions on

Campaign Focus

Campaign Slogan We can’t be Neutral about Carbon Neutrality


Initial concept Excited for your
Still Neutral about Carbon next vacation?
The excitement of travelling to your
dream location and buying local
souvenirs like these haiwain shirts is CONCEPT:
unmatched. However, the image of
the once deep blue waves crashing By displaying how our own
against the golden sand, is now actions can destroy your
replaced with floating plastic and dream destination or even a
debris in waters reflecting the beautiful moment you can
smoggy sky. have by sharing a meal with
your friends, it only highlights
that you are the antanoist on
your own demise. By
portraying the
Still Neutral about consequences of your
Carbon Neutrality? actions negatively
The joy of sharing a meal with your impacting you, it only ignites
friends but the food is filled with our intrinsic motivation to
plastic and trash. People are unaware make a change today, to help
that the single use plastics for save our dream and future
instance they use everyday is experiences.
eventually making its way into their
meals in the form of microplastics,
which is not visible to the naked eye.

*These are not the final key visuals, only serve as an aid
to conceptualise the idea. 17
Campaign planning

Potential campaign plan
Sustain and
Tease Launch Always On Interact Conclusion

Launch our Host events to Similar to ‘interact’ An event to close

Always on digital
Draw attention to narrative that you enable people to events, but serve the campaign -
and social to
Purpose what is carbon cannot be neutral
enable long term
both see and feel as pop-ups leaving the
neutrality about carbon the effects of throughout the audience with a
neutrality carbon neutrality campaign strong message

- Collaborations - Keynote Event - Event - Event - Event

Potential - Social - Social - Social - Digital - Collaborations - Digital
Channel - Digital - Digital - Digital - Social - Social - Social
- PR - PR - PR - Digital - PR

Impact: Inform: Inspire:

Insight: Impact:
KVs of people Campaign Video: Inspire: Campaign Video :
Educational Exhibition
Potential enjoying We are the victims Collabs with KOLs You can change
content on recreating travel
Methods themselves in of our own doings -
consumerism and destinations that
for social media your destiny and
horrible places on highlighting content maintain your
CO2 emission will be destroyed
social media consumer inaction dreams

- Engagement
Potential - Campaign - Media Reach - Engagement - Digital
- PR metrics
KPIs Awareness - Click-through metrics
- Awareness
- Awareness

Media Selection: Posted on sites like travel, booking, and restaurant recommendation pages
Potential campaign plan
Q4 2021 Q1 2022

October November December January February March



Always On


Sustain and Extend




Tactical and promotional Collaborations with Key

messaging Brand building through lifestyle Influencers
- News and advice hub - Key social media trend for creativity
- Drive engagement and customer - Lifestyle hub and collaboration amongst young
acquisition through relevant - Drive engagement through visually audiences
content attractive and culture led content - Its fast-paced nature keeps users
- Fun, brand led tactical content - Leverage hot topics and viral engaged for relatively long periods
- Promotional messaging with paid happenings of time

Potential SOCIAL MEDIA plan
social approach for today’s landscape


As a low involvement category, allows us to Gives the opportunity to engage with As demographics is younger skewed, our
reach and engage with customers in greater customers beyond product and price, building presence on social allows us to nurture a new
numbers and frequency emotional affinity with the idea generation of drivers and customers

Complementary Channels

Tactical and promotional Build brand affinity among the

younger demographic
Facebook is STILL the king of reach on social,
Instagram is the younger generation’s social
thus it remains as one of the strongest
platform of choice for entertaining and
platforms for marketing to the masses for
emotional content
years to come


Summary of our proposal
People are unable to process the severity of the consequences of carbon emissions due to their present
focus brain and societal pressures. Competitor analysis further highlighted that consumers are
INSIGHT becoming immune to messages involving guilt and fear. Lastly, statistics highlight the significant
contribution consumers have on carbon emissions, illustrating that progress is about people.

In order to engage people and make them care about carbon neutrality and their actions, we must first
get people to realise the impact of their actions on themselves.
strategy This leads us to the proposition that we ‘Can’t be neutral about carbon neutrality’
We have also outlined the messaging hierarchy.

INITIAL By focusing on self centric characteristics over altruistic, we want to highlight the irony of people and
make it evident that they are the antagonist of their own demise. By targeting your favourite vacation
destination or restaurant for example, we aim to show that you are ruining your own future experiences,
CONCEPT delivering this message through the route of shock.

We have outline different phases of activity, from strategy to mapping ideas, as well as a roadmap for
PLAN activity throughout 6 months. Potential KPIs listed for each activity plan will enable us to measure

● Boyer, T., 2021. Global Ocean Heat and Salt Content. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● 2021. [online] Available at: <>[Accessed 29 July
● Deloitte United Kingdom. 2021. Sustainability & Consumer Behaviour 2021. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● 2021. MEaSUREs Northern Hemisphere Terrestrial Snow Cover Extent Daily 25km EASE-Grid 2.0, Version 1 | National Snow and Ice Data Center.
[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● 2021. NASA GISS: NASA News & Feature Releases:NASA, NOAA Data Show 2016 Warmest Year on Record Globally. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● Greenpeace International. 2021. Burberry: Detoxing is not just a fashion fad. [online] Available at:
/47937/> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● 2021. SOTC: Sea Ice | National Snow and Ice Data Center. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 29 July
● Patel, P. and Jackson, R., 2021. Visualizing Carbon. [online] Anthropocene | Innovation in the Human Age. Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● 2021. [online] Available at: <>[Accessed 29 July 2021].
● The Carbon Trust. 2021. Corporate attitudes towards sustainability 2020. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● the Guardian. 2021. Five Greenpeace campaigns against companies: Lego, Barbie and Shell. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 July 2021].
● Tucker, R., 2021. Six Driving Forces of Change That Will Shape 2019 and Beyond. [online] Forbes. Available at:
<> [Accessed 29
July 2021].
● 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 July 2021].

Thank you


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