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Unit of Measure (UoM)

SOR Item ID Subcontract SOR Item Description Detailed Definition & Method of Measurement

CW-02-01-05b Supply riser to P6 pit Each pit riser

Supply and install pit riser
Excluded The number of pit risers required to be installed irrespective of
the height in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
CW-02-01-06a Supply pit lids Each pit lids Excluded Supply and install pit lids
The number of missing or damaged pit lids required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with items CW-02-01-
CW-02-01-06b Install pit lids Each pit lids 20 01b/c, CW-02-01-02b/c, CW-02-01-03 b/c or CW-02-01-04b/c

CW-02-01-08a Supply composite pit lids Each pit lids Supply and install composite pit lids
The number of existing concrete pit lids required to be replaced by composite pit lids in the Work Order by the Subcon
CW-02-01-08b Install composite pit lids Each pit lids be claimed in conjunction with items CW-02-01- 01b/c, CW-02-01-02b/c, CW-02-01-03 b/c or CW-02-01-04b/c

CW-02-02 Rock

For CW-02-02-01a the volume (in cubic metres) of Rock which the Subcontractor is required to excavate to install a pit
This extra over rate applies:
(a) to CW-02-01 Pit install items;
(b) once per pit, where the Subcontractor is required to excavate more than 0.25m3 of Rock (measured insitu) to inst
(c) to the cubic metres of rock the Subcontractor is required to excavate to install that pit.
(d) The extra-over excavation rate for rock shall be deemed to include backfill and disposal of surplus materials. Dew
disposal of slurry or wet waste are to be treated in accordance with local, state or environmental laws. The rate shall i
Demobilisation of all necessary plant and equipment.
This code will not be claimable unless prior approval has been given via a sequence number and the relevant substant
In this schedule of rates, Rock means any naturally occurring material with a hardness in excess of 25MPa
Upon detection of rock the Subcontractor shall immediately contact the nominated Visionstream Representative. Con
entitlement comprise evidence of notification to Visionstream Representative, Visionstream sequence number for roc
including those of plant used to break through the rock, evidence to support measured quantity, NATA accredited test
of boring activities the respective bore log. For the avoidance of doubt, costs assosciated with obtaining NATA accredi
are deemed inclusive in this extra over rate. Samples used for hardness testing must be taken at the depth of the insta
metre of the alignment.
For excavation in Rock, the depth, width and length of the excavation and the plant used (type and size).
(a). Provide geo-tagged photos showing the excavated trench that visibly confirms presence of rock at claim locations.
(b). Provide Geo-tagged showing the entire excavation sections
CW-02-02-01a Extra over rate for the installation of a pit in Rock Per cubic metre $120.00 and street surroundings.

CW-02-03 Remove & Dispose Asbestos

Contaminated Material (ACM) Pits
CW-02-03-01a Removal and disposal of small and Each ACM Pit Prior to executing any Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) works, the Subcontractor must comply with Asbestos Man
medium (P2) ACM Pit but not limited to identification, notification removal and handle or disposal of asbestos or asbestos containing mater
Extra over rate to remove and dispose of asbestos accordance with applicable Laws.
conduit(s) for new small pit at new location is In this schedule of rates, ACM Pit means a pit constructed using material containing asbestos, and ACM Duct(s) refer t
CW-02-03-01b being installed over existing ACM Each Pit Excluded asbestos conduit(s) at that location where the ACM pit is required

CW-02-03-02a Removal and disposal of small and Each ACM Pit

medium (P5) ACM Pit

Extra over rate to remove and dispose of asbestos to be removed and the new pit will be installed
conduit(s) for new Medium pit at new location is Extra Over for Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Pit Removal The number of ACM Pits and associated ACM Duct(s) r
CW-02-03-02b being installed over existing ACM Each Pit Excluded and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor while installing new pits at that same location.
pipe(s) These codes are not claimable with CW-01-01-01d & CW-01-01- 02d (Providing conduit entries) to ACM pit)
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply to an ACM Pit which is required to be removed or disposed of du
CW-02-03-03a Removal and disposal of large (P6 Each ACM Pit
$560.00 of the Subcontractor.
or P8) ACM Pit
The Subcontractor must upload to the Company’s nominated work order management system all photographic eviden
Extra over rate to remove and dispose of asbestos to support any ACM Removal activities as per Schedule 2 – Special Conditions - Module
conduit(s) for new Large pit at new location is
CW-02-03-03b being installed over existing ACM Each Pit Excluded

CW-02-03-04a Removal and disposal of extra-large Each ACM Pit

(P9) ACM Pit
Extra over rate to remove and dispose of asbestos
conduit(s) for new Xlarge pit at new location is
CW-02-03-04b being installed over existing ACM Each Pit Excluded
CW-02-04 Remove Plastic Pits

CW-02-04-01a Remove and dispose of a single lid Each Pit The number of plastic pits required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. This rates
plastic pit exposed cables / duct
Remove and dispose of a double lid plastic pit For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply to a plastic pit which is required to be removed or disposed of du
or omission of the Subcontractor.
CW-02-04-02a Each Pit Excluded

CW-03 Core bore

CW-03-01 Core bore

The number of core bores required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in solid concrete wall or
This code will not be claimable where pipe knock outs are provided, i.e. providing conduit entry to ACM Pits, boring th
Pits, pre-cast man holes or hollow walls.
Items SD-02-01-03a and SD-02-01-04a cannot be applied in conjunction with this item.
CW-03-01-01a Core bore Each core bore $160.00

CW-04 Direct Buried Cable

CW-04-01 Cable Install

Installation of single cable by direct buried e
tecgnique by any means
Per linear meter 6


Identify and repair blockage(s) at a single

Per blockage
CW-05-01-01a location less than 1200mm deep and upto 2.1 m 285
in length location repaired

Extra over rate to remove and dispose of

CW-05-01-01b asbestos conduit while repairing a ACM pipe Per Location Excluded

Clear pipe blockage using high pressure water

This item applies where a duct is blocked and the blockage is cleared by the use of a positive displacement high pressu
extraction machine, as described in section 5 of document NBN-HSE-GDE-0375.
This item does not apply where:
CW-05-01-02a Clear pipe blockage using high pressure water Per blockage cleared $125.00 a) item CW-05-01-01a applies;
b) the blockage can be cleared using unassisted mains pressure
water or duct flushing; or

c) the blockage is caused by an act or omission of the

This item is an extra over to item CW-05-01-01a where a secondary damaged or blocked duct is identified in the same
This item applies where a duct is damaged and the damage causes a blockage in the duct which cannot be cleared usin
in CW-05-01-02a
For the avoidance of doubt, a secondary blockage in the same duct section cannot be claimed if the secondary blockag
from the primary blockage
This item does not apply where:
(a) item CW-05-01-02a applies; or
(b) the damage or blockage is caused by an act or omission of the Contractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item excludes any surface works and third party traffic management.
Extra over for the repair of a secondary damaged Per blockage
CW-05-01-03a $264.00 Temporary reinstatement and reinstatement of natural surfaces are included in this item
or blocked duct in any surface location repaired

CW-06 Surface Works

CW-06-01 Breakout Surface Works

Breakout Surface Materials

The Rate items apply to all excavations in all surface types other than natural or soft (turfed, grassed or garden) landsc
installation of conduit, pits and duct repair per linear metre
CW-06-01-01a Breakout concrete surface material Per linear metre $36.00
The prices shall include all costs associated with the breakout of existing hard surfaces of any type and include, but no
* Provision of saw cut to depth suitable for neat breakout of existing surface; and
* Breakout pavement and dispose of waste and prepare area for excavation; and
* any temporary reinstatement (e.g Coldmix)/pavements as required.
Payment for breakout will be based on linear metres determined from standard design drawings for the applicable inf
construction. Temporary reinstatement is included in this item
Linear metre is measured in the direction in which the network path is continuing and is inclusive of the depth and wid
council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
For the avoidance of doubt, breakout of natural or soft surfaces is deemed to be included in the duct/pit/repair rates.
claimed in conjunction with item PS-01-01-09a
CW-06-01-02a Breakout asphalt or bitumen Per linear metre $32.00
Breakout of paving in CBD areas is only applicable for breakout performed in the below FSA:
* 2PAR- Parramatta
* 2CHA- Chatswood
* 2HMK- Haymarket
* 2NSY- North Sydney
* 2DAL- Dalley
* 2CYS- City South
* 4CHL- Charlotte
* 4NWF- New Farm
* 5FLN- Flinders
* 3LON- Lonsdale
* 3EXH- Exhibition
CW-06-01-03a Breakout paving material in CBD areas Per linear metre $80.00 * 6PIE- Pier

Breakout paving material in all areas other than

CW-06-01-04a Per linear metre $44.00

CW-06-02 Reinstate Surface Works

Reinstatement of Surface Materials

The prices shall include all costs associated with the reinstatement of all existing surface types for the installation of co
repair per linear metre and include, but not be limited to:
* Excavation and disposal of localised temporary pavement where applicable;
* Subgrade preparation and sub-base preparation;
* Supply and installation of all permanent materials, including finishing off, making good disturbed areas, loaming and
undisturbed unpaved areas where necessary; and
Disposal of all spoil, waste and surplus materials. These itmes also includes the supply of any broken pavers during bre
Payment for reinstatement will be based on the linear metres of breakout measured in accordance with the relevant s
CW-06-02-01a Reinstate concrete surface material Per linear metre $116.00 specifications.
Linear metre is measured in the direction in which the network path is continuing and is inclusive of the depth and wid
council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
Temporary reinstatement is included in this item
If there is a requirement for a full bay replacement of concrete to be reinstated, the Subcontractor will measure the lin
control joint to control joint. If the there is part panel or strip reinstatement, the Subcontractor shall claim from the co
the additional saw cut, or the strip length where works have been completed in which the network path is continuing.
For bitumen and pavers, the Subcontractor shall refer to the required standards for the distance of reinstatement req
after breakout.
The depth of concrete and asphalt should adhere to local council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction
For the avoidance of doubt, this item includs any day to day Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management in accordance
scenarios specified in Visionstream's Guideline: Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management. Where a situation involvi
movement lies outside the Guideline, advice shall be sought from a Supervisor before any work proceeds.
This item does not apply to reinstatement of topsoil and seeding.
i.e. Reinstatement of natural or soft surfaces is deemed to be included in the duct/pit/repair rates
Reinstatement of paving material in CBD areas is only applicable for reinstatement performed in the below FSA:
* 2PAR- Parramatta
* 2CHA- Chatswood
* 2HMK- Haymarket
* 2NSY- North Sydney
* 2DAL- Dalley
* 2CYS- City South
* 4CHL- Charlotte
* 4NWF- New Farm
* 5FLN- Flinders
* 3LON- Lonsdale
* 3EXH- Exhibition
* 6PIE- Pier
* Supply and installation of all permanent materials, including finishing off, making good disturbed areas, loaming and
undisturbed unpaved areas where necessary; and
Disposal of all spoil, waste and surplus materials. These itmes also includes the supply of any broken pavers during bre
Payment for reinstatement will be based on the linear metres of breakout measured in accordance with the relevant s
Linear metre is measured in the direction in which the network path is continuing and is inclusive of the depth and wid
council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
Temporary reinstatement is included in this item
If there is a requirement for a full bay replacement of concrete to be reinstated, the Subcontractor will measure the lin
control joint to control joint. If the there is part panel or strip reinstatement, the Subcontractor shall claim from the co
the additional saw cut, or the strip length where works have been completed in which the network path is continuing.
For bitumen and pavers, the Subcontractor shall refer to the required standards for the distance of reinstatement req
after breakout.
The depth of concrete and asphalt should adhere to local council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction
For the avoidance of doubt, this item includs any day to day Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management in accordance
scenarios specified in Visionstream's Guideline: Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management. Where a situation involvi
movement lies outside the Guideline, advice shall be sought from a Supervisor before any work proceeds.
This item does not apply to reinstatement of topsoil and seeding.
i.e. Reinstatement of natural or soft surfaces is deemed to be included in the duct/pit/repair rates
Reinstatement of paving material in CBD areas is only applicable for reinstatement performed in the below FSA:
CW-06-02-02a Reinstate asphalt or bitumen Per linear metre $78.40 * 2PAR- Parramatta
* 2CHA- Chatswood
* 2HMK- Haymarket
* 2NSY- North Sydney
* 2DAL- Dalley
* 2CYS- City South
* 4CHL- Charlotte
* 4NWF- New Farm
* 5FLN- Flinders
* 3LON- Lonsdale
* 3EXH- Exhibition
* 6PIE- Pier

CW-06-02-03a Reinstate paving material in CBD areas Per linear metre $240.00

Reinstate paving material in all areas other than

CW-06-02-04a Per linear metre $72.00


CI-01 Pipe Proving

CI-01-01 Conduit

The linear metres of Pipe Proving required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in vacant or occup
asbestos duct.
Measured from the pit wall to pit wall, or from pit wall to base of pole or point of contact on a building.
In this schedule of rates, Pipe Proving has the meaning given in the Activity Scope. This price shall include all costs ass
successful pipe proving of conduit by any means for all hours of the day, including any preparation work, unassisted m
duct flushing, locating buried pits clean up and disposal of waste and surplus material. Successful pipe proving is defin
CI-01-01-01a Pipe Proving in existing duct Per linear metre $1.50 conduit(s) using the required mandrel and installation of a rope in that conduit(s). This activity
includes clearing of pits to expose conduit(s) for pipe proving.

CI-01-02 Riser

Pipe Proving in existing riser on a pole or in Per existing riser on a The number of existing risers on a pole and existing risers on the external face of a building, which require Pipe Provin
existing riser on the external face of a building pole or existing riser on Work Order by the Subcontractor in vacant or occupied conduit. This also includes proving all ducts to the first pit fro
the external face of a
CI-01-02-01a $36.00

CI-02 Underground Install

CI-02-01 Fibre

Installation of a cable sheath greater than 144 The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in the network mea
fibre in $2.48 (a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
CI-02-01-01a Per linear metre
underground duct by any means (b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
CI-02-01-01b Installation of a cable sheath greater than 144 Per linear metre For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any cable sheath required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops
fibre in underground duct by any means offs, and any length of cable sheath that is inside a pit or man hole at completion are deemed to be included in the rat
(Outside Working Hours) $2.80
pit wall to pit wall will be paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed an
asbestos duct.
CI-02-01-01c Supply and Installation of pipe seal Each Pit The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably req
TDux Product $16.00 for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
CI-02-01-02a Installation of a cable sheath greater than 12 fibre Per linear metre • Wastage
and up to and including 144 fibre in underground • PNI (Physical Network Information)
duct by any means $2.16 • Start and end cable readings
Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the
Supply & Install pipe seal TDux Product
The prices shall include all costs associated with the supply and installation of all T-Dux products.
Outside Working Hours
Outside Working Hour can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Satur
Hours items may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt these codes cannot be used to prep
scope work performed outside
working hours
(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any cable sheath required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops
offs, and any length of cable sheath that is inside a pit or man hole at completion are deemed to be included in the rat
pit wall to pit wall will be paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed an
asbestos duct.
The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably req
for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
• Wastage
• PNI (Physical Network Information)
• Start and end cable readings
Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the
Installation of a cable sheath greater than 12 fibre Supply & Install pipe seal TDux Product
and up to and including 144 fibre in underground The prices shall include all costs associated with the supply and installation of all T-Dux products.
CI-02-01-02b duct by any means (Outside Per linear metre $2.48 Outside Working Hours
Working Hours) Outside Working Hour can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Satur
Hours items may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt these codes cannot be used to prep
Installation of 12 fibre cable sheath in
CI-02-01-03a Per linear metre $1.76 scope work performed outside
underground duct by any means
working hours
Installation of 12 fibre cable sheath in
CI-02-01-03b underground duct by any means Per linear metre $2.08
(Outside Working Hours)

Installation of single fibre cable sheath in

CI-02-01-04a underground duct by any Per linear metre $1.44

Installation of single fibre cable sheath in

CI-02-01-04b underground duct by any means (Outside Per linear metre $1.76
Working Hours)

CI-02-01-05a Installation of a cable sheath in existing riser on a Per cable sheath The number of cable sheaths which are required to be installed by the Subcontractor inside existing risers on a pole or
pole or in existing riser on the external face of a $36.00 the external face of a building.

CI-02-02 Copper

Installation of copper cable greater than 2 pair The linear metres of copper cable required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor from:
and up to and including
CI-02-02-01a Per linear metre $1.44
10 pair in underground duct

CI-02-02-01b Installation of copper cable greater than 10 pair Per linear metre (a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
and up to and including 100 pair in underground $2.20 (b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
duct (c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any copper cable required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops
offs, and any length of copper cable that is inside a pit or man hole at Completion, are excluded from this item. (Only
paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed and any hauling in asbestos
The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably req
for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
• Wastage
• PNI (Physical Network Information)
• Start and end cable readings
Installation of copper cable of greater than 100 Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the
CI-02-02-02a Per linear metre $3.80
pair in underground duct required by the Company.

CI-02-03 HFC

Installation of RG6/RG11 in underground duct by The linear metres of hardline cable required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor from:
any means by (a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
CI-02-03-01a Per linear metre $1.84
any means (b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any copper cable required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops
offs, and any length of copper cable that is inside a pit or man hole at Completion, are excluded from this item. (Only
paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed and any hauling in asbestos
The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably req
for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
• Wastage
• PNI (Physical Network Information)
• Start and end cable readings
Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the
Installation of CX50/CX75 hardline in Company.
CI-02-03-01b Per linear metre $4.40
underground duct by any means by any means

CI-02-03-02a Installation of hardline in an existing riser on a Per Riser The number of hardline cables which are required to be installed by the Subcontractor in existing risers on a pole or in
pole or in an existing riser on the external face of $36.00 the external face of a building.
a building
CI-03 Aerial Install

CI-03-01 Fibre

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the communications corridor
infrastructure on timber poles in the The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by th
communications corridor includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
CI-03-01-01a Per Span $296.96 poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the communications corridor
infrastructure on stobie poles in the The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by th
communications corridor includes all required traffic control.
CI-03-01-02a Per Span $332.87 In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the communications corridor
infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work O
communications corridor Subcontractor, includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
CI-03-01-03a Per Span $329.03 poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the power corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcont
and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.
CI-03-01-04a infrastructure on timber poles in the power Per Span $216.00

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the power corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontr
and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.
CI-03-01-05a infrastructure on stobie poles in the power Per Span $284.00

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the power corridor
infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work Order by th
power corridor includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
CI-03-01-06a Per Span $284.00 In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

CI-03-02 Copper

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the communications corridor up t
infrastructure on timber poles in the Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcontracto
communications corridor up to 100 pair removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
CI-03-02-01a Per Span $296.96 In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the communications corridor up to
infrastructure on stobie poles in the Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
communications corridor up to 100 pair removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
CI-03-02-02a Per Span $332.87 In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the communications cor
infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work O
communications corridor up to 100 pair Subcontractor, includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.
CI-03-02-03a Per Span $329.03

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the power corridor up to 100 pair
infrastructure on timber poles in the power The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcont
corridor up to 100 pair and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.
CI-03-02-04a Per Span $296.96
Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the power corridor up to 100 pair
infrastructure on stobie poles in the power The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontr
corridor up to 100 pair and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
CI-03-02-05a Per Span $332.87 poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the power corridor up to
infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work Order by the Subcontracto
power corridor up to 100 pair removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
CI-03-02-06a Per Span $329.03 poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

CI-03-03 HFC

Installation of hardline on all pole types Per Coaxial Cable Installation of hardline on all pole types
Span The number of Hardline Cable Spans required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, "Hardline Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole
on a building. This item includes pruning and removal
CI-03-03-01a $280.00 of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Installation of a catenary wire only on timber Per Coaxial Cable Installation of a catenary wire only on timber poles
poles Span The number of Coaxial Cable Spans required to be installed on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole a
CI-03-03-02a $164.32 a building. This item includes pruning and removal
of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Installation of a catenary wire only on stobie Per Coaxial Cable Installation of a catenary wire only on stobie poles
poles Span The number of Coaxial Cable Spans required to be installed on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole a
a building. This item includes pruning and removal
CI-03-03-03a $236.26
of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Installation of a catenary wire only on concrete or Per Coaxial Cable Installation of a catenary wire only on concrete or steel poles The number of Coaxial Cable Spans required to be insta
steel poles Span poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building. This item includes pruning and removal
CI-03-03-04a $236.26 of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Re-lashing of existing hardline to existing catenary wire

The number of Coaxial Cable Spans in respect of which an existing coaxial distribution cable needs to be re-lashed to a
in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where any of items CI-03-03-01a, CI-03-03-02a, CI-03-03-03a and
In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole a
Re-lashing of existing hardline to existing catenary Per Coaxial Cable a building. This item includes pruning and removal
CI-03-03-05a $174.72
wire Span of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

CI-04 In Building

CI-04-01 Fibre Cable

Installation of cable sheath within a cable The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the Work Order within all cable chambers and tunnel netw
CI-04-01-01a chamber or tunnel networks Per linear metre 5.6 In this rate, cable chamber means a cable chamber associated with an exchange or within all tunnel networks.
This schedule of rate items applies for any hours of the day
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance
codes cannot be used to prepare a
Installation of cable sheath within a cable build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.
CI-04-01-01b chamber or tunnel networks (outside working Per linear metre 8

CI-04-01-02a Installation of cable sheath via riser Per linear metre The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the building via riser shaft or cable tray (includes both ver
shaft/cable tray 8 and includes access sub floor.
Installation of cable sheath via riser shaft/cable n this rate, riser shaft/cable tray means infrastructure located within a building.
tray (outside working hours) This rate cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-04-01-04a
CI-04-01-02b Per linear metre 11.2
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance
codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

Installation of cable sheath via ceiling space/floor The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the building via ceiling space/floor cavity or crawl space
CI-04-01-03a cavity or crawl Per linear metre 9.76 In this rate, ceiling space/floor cavity or crawl space means infrastructure located within a building
space This rate cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-04-01-02a and CI-04-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This rate cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-04-01-02b and CI-04-01-04b
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance
codes cannot be used to prepare a
Installation of cable sheath via ceiling space/floor
CI-04-01-03b Per linear metre 13.76 build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.
cavity or crawl space (outside working hours)

CI-04-01-04a Installation of cable sheath via Per linear metre The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the building via existing or new conduit.
existing or new conduit 5.84 In this rate, conduit means infrastructure located within a building
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance
Installation of cable sheath via existing or new codes cannot be used to prepare a
conduit (outside working hours)
Per linear metre 8.2 build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

CI-04-02 Copper

Extra over rate for supply and install AC power cable for FTTB Cabinet
This extra over rate applies:
(a) to item CB-03-01-01a, CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a and;
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of
Extra over rate for supply and install AC power
CI-04-02-01a Per linear metre 22.4 between the switchboard or the electricity metre to the FTTB Cabinet; and
cable for FTTB Cabinet
(c) to each linear metre of AC cabling in excess of 10 metres
required for each FTTB Cabinet.

Extra over rate for supply and install earth cable for FTTB Cabinet This extra over rate applies:
(a) to items CB-03-01-01a, CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a; and
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of
Extra over rate for supply and install earth cable
CI-04-02-02a Per linear metre 9.6 the service earth bar to the FTTB Cabinet; and
for FTTB Cabinet
(c) to each linear metre of earth cabling in excess of 10 metres
required for each FTTB Cabinet.

Extra over rate for the installation of a copper Extra over rate for the installation of a copper cable sheaths from main distribution frame to FTTB Cabinet, via riser, sh
cable sheaths from main distribution frame to This extra over rate applies:
FTTB Cabinet, via riser, shaft or cable tray (a) to item CB-03-01-01a; and
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of
from the main distribution frame to the FTTB Cabinet; and
CI-04-02-03a Per linear metre 7.36 (c) to each linear metre of copper cable sheaths in excess of 10 metres required for each FTTB Cabinet, which is requir
installed via riser, shaft or cable tray.

Extra over rate for the installation of copper cable sheaths via ceiling space, floor cavity or crawl space
This extra over rate applies:
(a) to item CB-03-01-01a, CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a; and
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of
Extra over rate for the installation of copper cable
from the main distribution frame to the FTTB Cabinet; and
CI-04-02-04a sheaths via ceiling space, floor cavity or crawl Per linear metre 8.4 (c) to each linear metre of copper cable sheaths in excess of 10 metres required for each FTTB Cabinet, which is requir
installed via ceiling space, floor cavity or crawl space.

CI-04-03 HFC

CI-04-03-01a Installation of backbone cable in buildings Per linear metre Installation of backbone cable in buildings
The linear metres of backbone cable required to be installed in new or existing cable tray, duct, conduit, catenary wire
the Subcontractor within all buildings.
Installation of coaxial service drop cable (lateral) Installation of coaxial service drop cable (lateral) from isolator to the ICD in existing or new duct and the installation of
from isolator to the ICD in existing or new duct coaxial drop cables which is required to be installed from the tap to the ICD in existing or new duct by the subontracto
and the installation of the ICD This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
CI-04-03-02a Per drop 65.6 item MD-01-07-03a does not apply

Installation of coaxial service drop cable (lateral) Installation of coaxial service drop cable (lateral) from isolator to ICD on existing or new cable tray and the installation
from isolator to ICD on existing or new cable tray of coaxial service drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the ICD in existing or new cable tray
and the installation of the ICD the Work Order
CI-04-03-03a Per drop 96.8 This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
item MD-01-07-03a does not apply

Installation of coaxial service drop cable (lateral) The number of coaxial service drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the ICD in cavity or com
from isolator to ICD in cavity or communications Subcontractor in the Work Order
CI-04-03-04a riser and the installation of the ICD Per drop 76 This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
item MD-01-07-03a does not apply

Installation of coaxial customer premises tie- Installation of coaxial customer premises tie-cabling from ICD to wall plate
cabling from ICD to wall plate The number of wall plates in which the Subcontractor is required to install coaxial customer premise tie-cables from t
CI-04-03-05a Per wall plate 68 wall plate

Installation of coaxial customer premises tie- Installation of coaxial customer premises tie-cabling from isolator to unterminated location within ceiling void
cabling from isolator to unterminated location The number of tie cables in which the Subcontractor is required to install and terminate in an unterminated location w
CI-04-03-06a within ceiling void Per Tie cable 80 cavity
Where this item applies, item CI-04-03-05a does not apply

Installation of coaxial customer premises drop Installation of coaxial customer premises drop cable from isolator to wall plate in existing or new ducting
cable from isolator to wall plate in existing or new The number of coaxial customer premises drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the wall pl
ducting ducting by the Subcontractor in the Work Order This item applies once per service drop. Where a drop cable is require
CI-04-03-07a Per drop 116 wall plate, item CI-04-03-02a does
not apply.

Installation of coaxial customer premises drop Installation of coaxial customer premises drop cable from isolator to wall plate on existing or new cable tray
cable from isolator to wall plate on existing or The number of coaxial customer premises drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the wall pl
new cable tray cable tray by the Subcontractor in the Work Order This item applies once per service drop. Where a drop cable is requ
CI-04-03-08a Per drop 116 the wall plate, item CI-04-03-03a does
not apply.

Installation of coaxial customer premises drop Installation of coaxial customer premises drop cable from isolator to wall plate in cavity or communications riser
cable from isolator to wall plate in cavity or The number of coaxial customer premises drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the wall pl
communications riser communication riser by the Subcontractor in the Work Order
This item applies once per service drop. Where a drop cable is required to be installed to the wall plate, item CI-04-03-
not apply.
CI-04-03-09a Per drop 116

CI-05 Cable Recovery

CI-05-01 Cable Recovery

CI-05-01-01a Removal and disposal of cable in distribution Per Span Per span of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
aerial Network This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

CI-05-01-02a Removal and disposal of cable in local aerial Per Span Per span of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
Network This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
152 Works Platform (EWP).

CI-05-01-03a Removal and disposal of catenary wire in aerial Per Span Per span of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
Network This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
144 Works Platform (EWP).

The linear metres of cable required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in the net
(a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
Removal and disposal of cable in distribution
CI-05-01-04a Per metre 1.12 (c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
underground Network

The linear metres of cable required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in the net
(a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
Removal and disposal of cable in local (b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
underground Network
Per metre 1.04 (c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.

CI-05-01-06a Removal and disposal of cable in Per metre The linear metres of cable to be removed and disposed in the
buildings 2.64 Work Order in buildings by the Subcontractor
CI-05-01-10a Removal and disposal of aerial lead in cables Per lead in Per lead in of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
80 coax cable

CI-05-01-11a Relocation of aerial lead in cables Per lead in Per lead in of cable to be relocated in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
coax cable

CI-05-01-12a Disconnect and re-connect of aerial lead in cables Per lead in Per lead in of cable to be disconnected and re-connected in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
120 coax cable

CI-05-01-15a Removal and disposal of underground lead in Per lead in Per lead in of underground cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
cables For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
56 coax cable

CB-01 FTTP Cabinets
CB-01-01 Cabinet Install
The number of external FDH Cabinets which are required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. For t
this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FDH plinth and installation of an FDH. This item shall i
CB-01-01-01a Installation of an external FDH Cabinet Per FDH Cabinet 1200 associated with any link up conduit(s) from
the plinth to connecting pit

CB-02 FTTN Cabinets

CB-02-01 Cabinet Install

The number of small port Node Cabinets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FTTN plinth and installatio
A small port Node Cabinet is a port Node Cabinet with a capacity to serve up to 48 end user premises.
This Schedule of Rate item shall include all costs associated with civil activities, but not limited to the installation of a p
small port Node Cabinet including standing the node. This SOR also includes the installation of the earth rod/stake usi
as specified in the SWMS. This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
* Excavation required for earthing and pedestal installation Installation of the earthing mat;
* Removal of excess soil from backfilled trench sections and/ or
Installation only of an external small port Node Per external Node pedestal and pit excavations;
Cabinet Cabinet

* Installation of pedestal, reinstatement and soil backfill to establish pedestal and conduit connectivity and stability;
* Installation of the pedestal and H frame support;
* Provision of an appropriate barrier or exclusion and warning system to protect the public from any trip or fall hazard
concrete setting period Site clearing and preparation where applicable;
* Supply and installation of one earth inspection pit and conduit to plinth (Includes the installation of earth rod and ea
* Commissioning/ Integration of the node through NBN network operations consultation;
* Installation of splitter/filter modules within the service box environment or equivalent termination practice if require
* fitout of the Compact Sealed DSLAMs including installation of FMPS, SX-48 DSLAM, service box, isolator switch and r
frame within the pedestal Installation of splitter/filter modules within the service box environment or equivalent term
Please refer to the NBN Co Construction Standard (NBN-CON-STD-
1893 and NBN-CON-STD-1894) for scope details.
The number of medium port Node Cabinets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FTTN plinth and installatio
A medium port Node Cabinet is a port Node Cabinet with a capacity to serve up to 192 end user premises.
This Schedule of Rate item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to the Installation of a plinth and eart
Node Cabinet including standing the node and placing/connecting batteries in cabinet. This SOR also includes the insta
rod/stake using Hydro Vac excavation as specified in the SWMS. This item shall include all costs associated with, but n
* Site clearing and preparation where applicable;
* Supply and installation of a concrete plinth where applicable;
* Supply and installation of all fixings and fitments;
* Supply and install all starter pipes for Electrical and comms in plinth out to 1m from edge of plinth
* Installation of Earth mat Installation of 2x35mm2 service earth cables and hauling through conduit ready for fixing to
* Supply and installation of one earth inspection pit and conduit to plinth (Includes the installation of earth rod and ea
* Standing of cabinet and fixing to base
* Installation of temporary conduit plugs as required;
* Installation of desiccant bag and indicator label Commission and Integration of a medium Node. Includes installatio
all required Quality data and
Installation only of an external medium port Node Per external Node Commissioning/ Integration of the node through NBN network operations consultation.
Cabinet Cabinet
Please refer to the NBN Co Construction Standard for scope

The number of large port Node Cabinets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FTTN plinth and installatio
A medium port Node Cabinet is a port Node Cabinet with a capacity to serve more than 192 end user premises.
This Schedule of Rate item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to the Installation of a plinth and eart
Node Cabinet including standing the node and placing/connecting batteries in cabinet. This SOR also includes the insta
rod/stake using Hydro Vac excavation as specified in the SWMS. This item shall include all costs associated with, but n
* Site clearing and preparation where applicable;
* Supply and installation of a concrete plinth where applicable;
* Supply and installation of all fixings and fitments;
* Supply and install all starter pipes for Electrical and comms in plinth out to 1m from edge of plinth
* Installation of Earth mat Installation of 2x35mm2 service earth cables and hauling through conduit ready for fixing to
* Supply and installation of one earth inspection pit and conduit to plinth (Includes the installation of earth rod and ea
* Standing of cabinet and fixing to base
* Installation of temporary conduit plugs as required;
Installation only of an external large port Node Per external Node
CB-02-01-03a 5200 * Installation of desiccant bag and indicator label Commission and Integration of a medium Node. Includes installatio
cabinet Cabinet
all required Quality data and
Commissioning/ Integration of the node through NBN network operations consultation.
Please refer to the NBN Co Construction Standard for scope

CB-02-02 Infrastructure Install

Installation of service jumpering in a FTTN/FTTB Per 48 Port Line Card The number of 48 Port Line Cards in which service jumpering is required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subc
CB-02-02-01a Node Cabinet 140

CB-02-02-02a Cable layup within CJL for external small port CSD Per CJL The number of layup and installations of X and C pairs to the CJL in an external small port node cabinet in the Work Or
node Subcontractor.
This item is to be applied with item CB-02-02-01a

CB-03 FTTB Cabinets

CB-03-01 Cabinet Install

CB-03-01-01a Installation of an internal small FTTB Cabinet Per FTTB The number of small FTTB Cabinets required to be installed (including commissioning and integration) in the Work Ord
Cabinet Small FTTB cabinet is defined as a cabinet size up to 48 ports.

CB-03-01-02a Installation of an internal medium FTTB Cabinet Per FTTB The number of medium FTTB Cabinets required to be installed (including commissioning and integration) in the Work
Cabinet Subcontractor.
Medium FTTB cabinet is defined as a cabinet size up to 192 ports.
CB-03-01-03a Installation of an internal large FTTB Cabinet Per FTTB The number of large FTTB Cabinets required to be installed (including commissioning and integration) in the Work Ord
(greater than 192 up to 384 port) Cabinet Medium FTTB cabinet is defined as a cabinet size up to 384 ports.

CB-03-02 Infrastructure Install

Supply and install new service earth bar Per service earth The number of service earth bars required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
CB-03-02-01a bar 56
Supply and install new service earth stake Per service earth The number of service earth stakes required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
CB-03-02-02a stake 48
Per 10 pair MDF The number of 10 pair MDF terminal blocks required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
CB-03-02-03a Install a 10 pair MDF terminal block terminal block 20
Install a 100 pair MDF terminal frame Per 100 pair MDF The number of 100 pair MDF terminal frames required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
CB-03-02-04a terminal 32
CB-04 Maintenance

CB-04-01 Cabinet Maintenance

The number of cabinets which are required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes any cabinet type in the Network
CB-04-01-01a Removal and disposal of a cabinet Per Cabinet Excluded

The number of cabinets which are required to be repaired in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
Repair of a cabinet panel This item includes any cabinet type in the Network
CB-04-01-02a Per Cabinet Excluded

The number of cabinets where graffiti is to be removed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CB-04-01-03a Removal of graffiti from a cabinet Per Cabinet Excluded This item includes any cabinet type in the Network

The number of existing cabinets locks which are required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed once per cabinet and cannot be claimed in conjunction with
01a, CB-02-01-02a, CB-02-01-03a, CB-03-01-01a,
CB-04-01-04a Replacement of a cabinet lock Per Cabinet Excluded CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a


FB-01 Fibre Joints

FB-01-01 Joint Install

The number of fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports;
Installation and preparation of a new fibre joint Per fibre joint (c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base
enclosure greater than 144 fibres enclosure
368 (d) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

Installation and preparation of a new fibre joint The number fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
enclosure greater than 12 fibres and up to and This item:
including 144 fibres (a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports;
Per fibre joint (c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base
244 (d) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

The number of fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports;
Installation and preparation of a fibre joint Per fibre joint (c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base
enclosure up to and including 12 fibres enclosure
184 (d) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

Installation and preparation of Gator fibre joint Per Gator fibre joint The number of Gator fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
enclosure enclosure This item:
(a) includes all activities to prepare, splice and install;
(b) excludes multiports
FB-01-01-04a 120
(c) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

FB-01-02 Cable Preparation

Prepare a fibre cable sheath greater than 144 Per cable sheath The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a existing fibre joint enclosure in the Work Ord
FB-01-02-01a fibres to be 168 Subcontractor.
connected to fibre joint enclosures For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
FB-01-02-02a Prepare a fibre cable sheath greater 12 fibres and Per cable sheath This item applies to ribbon fibre only
up to and including 144 fibres to be
connected to fibre joint enclosures
The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a existing fibre joint enclosure in the Work Ord
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
This item applies to ribbon fibre only

FB-01-02-03a Prepare a 12 fibre cable to be Per cable

connected to fibre joint enclosures sheath 40
Prepare Single fibre cable sheath to be connected The number of single fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a fibre joint enclosure in the Work Orde
to fibre joint enclosures For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation for single fibre splicing occurring in the e
FB-01-02-04a Per cable sheath 28 network to an existing fibre joint only.

FB-01-02-05a Lay up of cable sheaths Per cable The number of cable sheaths that are required to be layed up to a
sheath fibre joint enclosure in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
FB-01-02-06a Prepare a loose tube fibre cable sheath greater Per cable sheath The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a existing fibre joint enclosure in the Work Ord
than 144 fibres to be connected to fibre joint Subcontractor.
enclosures For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
This item applies to loose tube fibre only
FB-01-02-07a Prepare a loose tube fibre cable sheath greater 12 Per cable sheath
fibres and up to and including 144 fibres to be
connected to fibre joint enclosures

Prepare a loose tube 12 fibre cable to be Per cable sheath

FB-01-02-08a connected to fibre joint 48
Prepare a loose tube Single fibre cable sheath to The number of single fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a fibre joint enclosure in the Work Orde
be connected to fibre joint enclosures For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
FB-01-02-09a Per cable sheath 32 This item applies to loose tube fibre only

FB-01-03 Cable Re-entry

The number of fibre joint enclosures required to be re-entered in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports; and
(c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base
(d) is applied for the purpose of installing additional cable sheaths into the joint enclosure.
Per fibre joint For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply to fibre joint enclosure which is required to be re-entered due to
FB-01-03-01a Re-entry into a fibre joint enclosure 72
enclosure omission of the Subcontractor.

FB-01-04 Splitters

FB-01-04-01a Installation of splitter within Per splitter The number of splitters which are required to be installed in the
existing FDH / PDH cabinet 24 Work Order by the Subcontractor.
FB-01-04-02a Installation of splitter within an Per splitter The number of splitters which are required to be installed in the
existing BJL enclosure 40 Work Order by the Subcontractor.
FB-01-04-03a Installation of splitter within an Per splitter The number of splitters which are required to be installed in the
existing FJL enclosure 55.2 Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Installation of a splitter card output fibres to LFN The number of fibres which are required to be patched from an existing splitter card within a FDH Cabinet. This item in
ports within and existing FDH cabinet fibre detail records within a FDH Cabinet
FB-01-04-04a Per Fibre 8 For the avoidance of doubt, this rate cannot be claimed in
conjunction with FB-01-04-01a

Installation of a Fibre TV Splitter (TVS) within an The number of devices which are required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
FB-01-04-05a FDH Cabinet Per device 24
FB-01-04-06a Installation of a Fibre TV Splitter Per device The number of devices which are required to be installed in the
within a PDH enclosure 24 Work Order by the Subcontractor.
FB-02 Multiports

FB-02-01 Multiport Install

Installation of multiport or splitter multiport in The number of multiports or splitter multiports required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcon
underground pit or
Per multiport 20

FB-02-01-02a Installation of multiport or splitter multiport on Per multiport The number of multiports or splitter multiports required to be installed on any pole in the Work Order by the subontra
any pole This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
94.4 Works Platform (EWP).

Replacement or Upgrade of existing splitter The number of existing multiports that are required to be either replaced like for like or upgraded in the Work Order b
multiport in underground pit or manhole This item includes the disconnection, reconnection and testing of all existing drop sheaths as described in Activity Scop
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item is claimed item FB-
02-01-01a cannot be claimed in conjunction
FB-02-01-03a Per multiport 80

The number of existing multiports that are required to be either replaced like for like or upgraded in the Work Order b
This item includes the disconnection, reconnection and testing of all existing drop sheaths as described in Activity Scop
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item is claimed item FB-
Replacement or Upgrade of existing splitter
FB-02-01-04a Per multiport 02-01-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction
multiport on any pole

This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).

FB-03 Splicing

FB-03-01 Fibre Splicing

FB-03-01-01a Splicing of optic fibre ribbons Per Ribbon Splice The number of Ribbon Splices that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the subontractor.
In this schedule of rates, the connection of two fibre ribbons using
splicing technique constitute one Ribbon Splice.

FB-03-01-02a Splicing of single fibre Per Fibre Splice The number of Fibre Splices that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, the connection of two single fibres using
splicing technique constitute one Fibre Splice.

FB-03-01-03a Splicing of loose tube fibre Per Fibre Splice The number of Fibre Splices that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, the connection of two fibres using
splicing technique constitute one Fibre Splice.

FB-03-01-04a De ribbonise 12 fibre ribbon Per ribbon The number of Fibre Ribbons De-Ribbonised that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontracto
In this schedule of rates, the De-Ribbonising of fibres to separate
fibres for the purpose of single fibre splicing

FB-04 Fibre Testing

FB-04-02 Network Testing

The number of fibres that are required to be OTDR tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre one way,includes all DFN and LFN OTDR testing and
number of OTDR tests performed on that fibre. This item only applies to successful tests, irrespective of the number o
Uni-directional OTDR Testing to the first fibre that fibre.
Per fibre 36 In this schedule of rates, OTDR means Optical Time Domain

This extra over item applies to each additional fibre that is required to be tested within the same sheath
This item applies to item FB-04-02-01a only
Extra over for additional Uni- directional OTDR For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed
Per fibre 12.8

The number of fibres that are required to be OTDR tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to the first fibre to be tested by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item only applies to successful tests, irrespective of the number of tests performed on
schedule of rates, OTDR has the meaning given in the Activity Scope.
Where this item applies items FB-04-02-01a and FB-04-02-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction
Point to point DFL OTDR test to the first fibre
Per fibre 64 This item applies to point to point (transit and wireless links) Work
Orders only

The number of fibres that are required to be OTDR tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This extra over item applies to each additional fibre that is required to be tested within the same sheath
This item applies to item FB-04-02-03a only
For the avoidance of doubt, this item only applies to successful tests, irrespective of the number of OTDR tests perform
In this schedule of rates, OTDR has the meaning given in the Activity Scope.
Extra over for additional Point to point DFL OTDR Where this item applies items FB-04-02-01a and FB-04-02-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction
Per fibre 16 This item applies to DFL point to point (transit and wireless links)
Work Orders only

Insertion loss testing to the first fibre tested The number of fibres that are required to be insertion loss tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item applies to the first fibre to be tested by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed
FB-04-02-05a Per fibre 36 fibre.

The number of fibres that are required to be insertion loss tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item applies to item FB-04-02-05a only
FB-04-02-06a Extra over for additional Insertion loss testing Per fibre 12.8 For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of insertion perfor
that fibre.

This extra over rate applies:

(a) to item FB-04-02-05a;
(b) where the Subcontractor is required to perform insertion loss testing of a fibre to the PCD, in the LFN or MTLFN.
This rate is applied to the number of fibres that are required to be insertion loss tested to the PCD in the LFN or MTLFN
Extra over rate for LFN / MTLFN insertion loss
FB-04-02-07a Per fibre 12 For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of insertion tests p
testing to the PCD
In this schedule of rates, PCD means a premise connection device.

The number of fibres that are required to be PON Meter tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, in the LFN / M
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed
FB-04-02-08a PON Power Meter Test Per fibre 12.8 PON Meter testing is applicable to Type 3 architecture only
FB-04-02-09a End to end connectivity testing to the GPON NTD Per fibre The number of fibres that are required to be tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor at the customer premise
at customer premises avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre,
and irrespective of the number of tests performed on that fibre.

End to end connectivity testing to SASK NTD at The number of fibres that are required to be tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor at the customer premise
customer premises avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed on that
FB-04-02-10a Per fibre 28 fibre.

FB-05 Fibre Termination

FB-05-02 Infrastructure

Installation of a 12/24 way fibre patch panel The number of 12/24 way patch panels to be installed within the customer premise environment in the Work Order b
within a customer premise environment This item:
FB-05-02-01a Per patch panel 88 a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

Installation of a 24 way HDODF patch panel within The number of 24 way patch panels to be installed within the HDODF or equivalent environment in the Work Order by
a HDODF or equivalent environment This item:
FB-05-02-04a Per patch panel 68 a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

Installation of a 72 way HDODF patch panel within The number of 72 way patch panels to be installed within the HDODF or equivalent environment in the Work Order by
a HDODF or equivalent environment This item:
FB-05-02-05a Per patch panel 96 a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

Installation of a 144 way HDODF patch panel The number of 144 way patch panels to be installed within the HDODF or equivalent environment in the Work Order b
within a HDODF or equivalent environment This item:
FB-05-02-06a Per patch panel 120 a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

FB-05-03 Termination

Prepare and splice of a 12 fibre sheath within a Per cable sheath The number of 12 fibres that are required to be terminated at a customer premise location in the Work Order by the
FB-05-03-01a customer premises 88 Subcontractor
Prepare and splice of a single fibre in a PIC cable This item is to be applied for any splice in a PIC cable from PCD / CTL to NTD.
For the avoidance of doubt if the Subcontractor is using double ended pre-terminated PIC cable, this item is not applic
The Subcontractor is to ensure order of preference is followed as per Engineering standards.
FB-05-03-02a Per Fibre 36 This item is not claimable in conjunction with any drop SORs

Install patching cable within a HDODF or Per patching cable The number of patching cables required to be installed within HDODFs or equipment racks to complete the Work Orde
FB-05-03-03a equivalent environment 20 This item applies to all HDODF patch panel sizes

Prepare and splice a fibre cable sheath greater Per cable sheath The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected within a HDODF environment in the Work Order
than 144 fibres to be connected within a HDODF For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
FB-05-03-06a environment 604 conjunction with FB-03-01-01a, FB-03-01-02a and FB-03-01-03a

Prepare and splice a fibre cable sheath greater 12 Per cable sheath The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected within a HDODF environment in the Work Order
fibres and up to and including 144 fibres to be For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
FB-05-03-07a connected within a HDODF 452 conjunction with FB-03-01-01a, FB-03-01-02a and FB-03-01-03a

Installation of an inline optical attenuator in Per optical The number of inline optical attenuators required to be installed within HDODFs to complete the Work Order.
FB-05-03-08a conjunction with attenuator 28
HDODF patching works
Installation of an inline optical attenuator within Per optical The number of inline optical attenuators required to be installed within HDODFs to complete the Work Order.
the HDODF cabinet or equivalent rack attenuator
FB-05-03-09a environments as part of line 52
balancing works for an FTTC DPU

FB-06 Fibre Maintenance

FB-06-01 Fibre Maintenance

Removal of existing fibre joint enclosure Per fibre joint The number of existing fibre joint enclosures required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subco
FB-06-01-01a enclosure 65.6 This item includes capping of exposed fibre tubes as necessary.


CP-01 Copper Augment - CCU

CP-01-01 Install CCU

The number of new 900 type CCUs which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to installing a new 900 type CCU.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate covers all the scope of a new pillar installation including civils up to and including
trench in OTR and associated duct work.
Per new 900 type
CP-01-01-01a Installation of a new 900 type CCU 592.8
The number of new 1800 type CCUs which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
Construction of new Pillar and cross connect infrastructure activities include, but are not limited to:
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate covers all the scope of a new pillar installation including civils up to and including
Per new 1800 type OTR and associated duct work. This rate does not apply
CP-01-01-02a Installation of a new 1800 type CCU 618.4
CCU where rate CP-01-02-01a applies.

Installation of 10 cable pair bundles between two The number of 10 cable pair bundles which are installed between two Connection Modules in the Work Order by the S
copper cable insulation displacement modules shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
(Connection Modules), including the termination * Installing 10 pair IDS modules to existing equipment;
of the bundle on each Connection Module * Installing 10 pair protection modules to existing IDS equipmen ;
* Install New Quante IDS Terminal Unit 100 pair unit (for 900 Type CCU) ;
Per 10 cable pair * Testing to prove continuity & straightness;
* Install New Quante IDS Terminal Unit 200 pair unit (for 1800 Type CCU)

Cutting over existing services from an existing The number of 10 cable pair bundles which:
Connection Module to a new Connection Module (a) are installed between two Connection Modules in the Work Order by the Subcontractor; and
CP-01-01-04a Per 10 cable pairs 62.4 (b) in respect of which the Contractor is required to cut over one or more existing service from one or both of the Con
Modules referred to in subparagraph (a) above.

CP-01-02 Rehabilitate CCU

Per CCU required to be The number of existing CCUs in the Work Order which the Subcontractor is required to upgrade from 900 type to 1800
upgraded from 900 type applies item CP-01-04-01a cannot be claimed in conjunction
to This item includes the installation of a Krone Extension Kit if required by the design.
1800 type This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
Upgrading of an existing CCU from 900 type to * Install Cover Lightweight (1800 Type)
1800 type
160 * Install Cover to base sealing ring
* Install Spindle Ext Kit to Allow for Increase of Capacity New/old
900 pair CCU

The number of 900 type CCU's which the Subcontractor is required to retrofit where the existing CCU has 2 or more av
This item shall include all cost associated with, but not limited to:
* Hauling of pre-terminated ‘x’ & ‘c’ cables through existing ports in the CCU and hauling through conduit into the Nod
* Fitting of pre-terminated blocks to extension piece and then to the existing CCU (Note: if CCU is spring loaded, the Su
grind the pin to enable extension kit to be fitted to the top of the CCU)
* Heat shrinking of ‘x’ & ‘c’ cables
* Sealing in CCU base
* Removing redundant 900 CCU cover and returning it to the Visionstream warehouse within that bundle
Augmentation of an existing 900 type CCU (Pillar * Replacing & fitting of new extension cover
Expansion Option 1)
Per Expansion CCU 408
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate CP-01-01-01a, CP-01-01-02a, CP-01-02-01a and CP-01

The number of 900 type CCU's which the Subcontractor is required to retrofit where the CCU has 1 or less available po
include all cost civil works associated with, but not limited to:
* Excavation and exposing existing CCU plinth
* Saw cut plinth to enable introduction of 2x P50 conduit for new
‘x’ and ‘c’ cable
* Straightening of pillar if required (underpin with additional concrete/props
* Supply and installation of concrete plinth
* Fitting new CCU apron to align conduits to correct position on existing CCU modules
* Installation of 2 x P50 conduits and draw rope from CCU to Pillar
or manhole (i.e. new ‘x’ and ‘c’ conduits ready for hauling)
* Boxing out plinth to make good with existing surface
Augmentation of an existing 900 type CCU (Pillar * Placement of new apron over existing pillar once retrofitted plinth has cured
Expansion Option 2)
Per Expansion CCU 560 * Removing redundant 900 CCU cover and returning it to the Visionstream warehouse within that bundle
* Fitting and locking new CCU into place
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate CP-01-01-01a, CP-01-01-02a, CP-01-02-01a and CP-01

CP-01-03 Remove CCU 0

CP-01-03-01a Removal and disposal of an existing Per existing The number of existing CCU removed and disposed of in the Work
CCU CCU 120 Order by the Subcontractor
CP-01-04 CCU Maintenance 0
CP-01-04-01a Replacement of Pillar Lid Lock or Per existing The number of existing Pillar Lid Locks or Pillar Caps to be
Pillar Cap CCU 16.8 replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-01-04-02a Installation of 2-piece Pillar Base Per existing The number of existing CCU's which require a 2-piece Pillar repair
Repair Kit CCU 76 kit to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-01-04-03a Replace Cover Lightweight (1800 Per existing The number of CCU covers which are required to be replaced in
Type) CCU 24 the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-01-04-04a Replacement of copper cable insulation Per existing The number of CCU 10 pair cable installation connection modules which are required to be replaced in the Work Orde
displacement connection module (Connection module
Module) and
termination of cable
CP-02 Copper Augment - Joints
CP-02-01 Install Joint
Installation of a new Distribution extra large Per new Distribution The number of new Distribution extra large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Or
copper joint extra large copper joint In this schedule of rates a Distribution extra large copper joint means an enclosure that connects more than 100 copp
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-01a 560 CP-02-01-07a applies.

Per new Distribution The number of new Distribution large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
large copper joint In this schedule of rates a Distribution large copper joint means an enclosure that connects more than 50 copper pairs
including 100.
Installation of a new Distribution large copper
CP-02-01-02a 400 For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate CP-02-01-08a applies.

Installation of a new Distribution small copper Per new Distribution The number of new Distribution small copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
joint small copper joint In this schedule of rates a Distribution small copper joint means an enclosure that connects up to and including 50 cop
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-03a 176 CP-02-01-09a applies.

Per new Main Cable The number of new Main Cable small copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
small copper joint In this schedule of rates a Main Cable small copper joint means an enclosure that connects up to 100 copper pairs in t
Installation of a new Main Cable small copper For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-03a applies.

Installation of a new Main Cable medium copper Per new Main Cable The number of new Main Cable medium copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Orde
joint medium Copper a Main Cable medium copper joint means an enclosure that connects main cable sizes more than 100 and up to
CP-02-01-05a joint 800 and including 400 copper pairs in total.

Installation of a new Main Cable large copper Per new Main Cable The number of new Main Cable large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
joint enclosure large Copper joint In this schedule of rates a Main Cable large copper joint means an enclosure that connects main cable sizes of 401 and
enclosure copper pairs in total.
CP-02-01-06a 2000 For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-02a applies.

Installation of a new Main Cable extra large Per new Main Cable The number of new Main Cable extra large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Ord
copper joint enclosure extra large Copper joint In this schedule of rates a Main Cable extra large copper joint means an enclosure that connects main cable sizes of m
enclosure pairs in total.
CP-02-01-07a 4000 For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rates
CP-02-01-01a applies

Installation of a new aerial large copper joint Per new Distribution The number of new aerial large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
large copper joint In this schedule of rates a aerial large copper joint means an enclosure that connects more than 50 copper pairs in tot
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
CP-02-01-08a 200 Works Platform (EWP).

Per new Distribution The number of new aerial small copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
small copper joint In this schedule of rates a aerial small copper joint means an enclosure that connects up to 50 copper pairs in total.
CP-02-01-09a Installation of a new aerial small copper joint 160 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

CP-02-02 Rehabilitate Joint

CP-02-02-01a Rehabilitate existing Distribution extra large or Per large openable The number of existing extra large or large openable copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate
large openable copper joint copper joint 85.6

CP-02-02-02a Rehabilitate existing Distribution medium or small Per small openable The number of existing medium or small openable copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in
openable copper joint copper joint 64

CP-02-02-03a Replacement of existing Distribution in-line Per existing copper joint The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new large copper joint in th
copper joint with a new in-line large copper replaced

CP-02-02-04a Replacement of existing Distribution in-line Per existing copper joint The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new small copper joint in t
copper joint with a new in-line small copper replaced

Cutting over existing services from an existing Per existing copper joint The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new large copper joint, and
copper joint to a new large copper joint replaced Subcontractor is required to cut over existing services from the existing copper joint to that new large copper
CP-02-02-05a 168 joint.

Cutting over existing services from an existing Per existing copper joint The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new small copper joint, an
copper joint to a new small copper joint replaced Subcontractor is required to cut over existing services from the existing copper joint to that new small copper
CP-02-02-06a 144 joint.
CP-02-02-07a Rehabilitate existing aerial extra large or large Per existing copper joint The number of existing aerial extra large or large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replaced with a
copper joint replaced 224 in the Work Order.

CP-02-02-08a Rehabilitate existing aerial medium or small Per existing copper joint The number of existing aerial copper medium or small joints which the Subcontractor is required to replaced with a ne
copper joint replaced 156 the Work Order.

Per existing copper joint The number of existing elevated joints which the Subcontractor is required to replaced with a new copper elevated joi
replaced Where this item applies items CP-02-02-07a,CP-02-02-08a and CP- 02-03-03a do not apply
CP-02-02-09a Rehabilitate existing elevated copper joint 76

Rehabilitate existing small Distribution in-line Per small in-line copper The number of existing in-line copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.
CP-02-02-10a copper joint joint 120
Rehabilitate existing extra large or large Per existing copper The number of existing in-line copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.
CP-02-02-15a Distribution in-line copper joint 248
Rehabilitate existing medium Distribution in-line Per existing copper The number of existing in-line copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.
CP-02-02-16a copper joint joint 160
CP-02-02-20a Joint a working cable pair into an existing joint up Per existing copper The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair up to and including 10 pair cable
to and including a 10 pair cable joint For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
conjunction with CP-02-02-02a or CP-02-02-04a

CP-02-02-21a Joint a working cable pair into an existing joint Per existing copper The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair above 10 pair and up to and including 50 pair
above a 10 pair cable and up to and including a joint For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
50 pair conjunction with CP-02-02-02a or CP-02-02-04a
Joint a working cable pair into an existing joint Per existing copper The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair above 50 pair and up to and including 100 pair
above a 50 pair cable and up to and including a joint For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CP-02-02-01a, CP-02-02-02a, CP-02-02-03
CP-02-02-22a 100 pair cable 128 CP-02-02-04a

CP-02-02-23a Joint a working cable pair into an existing joint Per existing copper The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair above 100 pair
above 100 pair cable joint For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
conjunction with CP-02-02-01a or CP-02-02-03a

CP-02-02-24a Insert a 2 pair cable into an existing Per 2 pair cable The number of 2 pair cables required to be inserted into an
joint and joint to existing cable 56 existing joint and jointed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-02-02-25a Insert a cable including a 10 pair and up to an Per Cable The number of cables including a 10 pair up to and including a 100 pair required to be inserted into an existing joint an
including a 100 pair into an existing joint and joint inserted Order by the Subcontractor
existing cable
Locate and rectify a fault in a copper pair Per Copper Cable The number of copper cable faults located and rectified in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt, this item shall only be claimed once per copper cable irrespective of the number of faults
CP-02-02-26a 120 the copper cable

CP-02-03 Remove Joint

Per existing copper The number of existing copper joints required to be removed and disposed of by the Subcontractor in the Work Order
CP-02-03-01a Removal of existing copper joint joint 44
CP-02-03-02a Removal of existing aerial copper joint Per existing copper The number of existing aerial copper joints required to be removed and disposed of by the Subcontractor in the Work
joint all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

Per existing copper The number of existing elevated copper joints required to be removed and disposed of by the Subcontractor in the Wo
CP-02-03-03a Remove a existing elevated joint joint 88
CP-02-04 Joint Maintenance

Joint sealing maintenance task (add Dexbond 10B Per existing copper The number of existing joints required to be resealed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-02-04-01a Sealant) joint 44
Replace joint lid, clamp, or Support Bar (HSOJ or Per existing copper The number of existing joints lids, clamp and Support Bar required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontra
CP-02-04-02a Dexgreen Joint) joint 11.2
Replace or install 2-5pr Snap Enclosure Per existing copper The number of existing Enclosures required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-02-04-03a joint 20
Replace or install 10pr Snap Enclosure Per existing copper The number of existing Enclosures required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-02-04-04a joint 56
Replace connectors in an openable joint Per existing copper The number of existing connectors required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-02-04-05a joint 72
Per existing copper The number of existing bandit straps required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
CP-02-04-06a Replace Bandit Strap joint 17.6
CP-03 Copper Maintenance

CP-03-01 Network Maintenance

Per pair gain system The number of pair gain systems which the Subcontractor is required to remove in the Work Order.
CP-03-01-01a Removal of a pair gain system 316
Migration of an existing service from a pair gain Per existing The number of existing services which are required to be migrated from a pair gain system to a dedicated copper circu
CP-03-01-02a system to a service 120 Order.
dedicated copper circuit
The number of single service active migrations required to be performed by the Subcontractor in the Work Order
This item applies once per service and includes activities at any location in the network to enable the active migration
Single service active migration in a CSD including migration of existing single service only and
service jumpering in the pillar
Per service 76 can be claimed in conjunction with CP-03-01-10a or a standalone
item via NOC migration
CP-03-01-04a Removal of existing line conditioning equipment Per existing line The number of existing line conditioning equipment which is required to be removed in the Work Order.
conditioning equipment For the avoidance of doubt, the line conditioning equipment is as
described in the Activity Scope.

CP-03-01-05a Removal of an existing bridge tap Per existing bridge The number of existing bridge taps which are required to be removed in the Work Order.
tap For the avoidance of doubt, a bridge tap is as described in the
Activity Scope.

CP-03-01-06a Install earth bonding cable Per linear metre The linear metres of earth bonding cable required to be installed
between cable sections 9.6 between cable sections by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
The number of existing validations required for active migrations required to be performed by the Subcontractor in th
applies once per service and includes activities such as document preparation and submission for any location in the n
Multiple services pre-validation for migration at Per existing active migration only
any location service
Active migration can be claimed in conjunction with CP-03-01-03a

CP-05 Service Jumpering and Removal

CP-05-01 Exchange Location or MDF

The number of Services that require transposition in an Exchange in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes, but not limited to;
a) all work necessary to run jumpers at the exchange MDF to complete the transfer of the customer service (which ma
b) locating, identifying, testing pairs; and
c) removal of necessary jumpers at each location; and
d) amending NPAMS records
CP-05-01-01a Installation of service jumpering in an Exchange Per Service 24 For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply when applying CP-01-01-04a, or jumpering associated with main
which is included in CP-01-02-04a, CP-01-02- 05a, CP-01-02-06a and CP-01-02-07a
In this schedule of rates a Service is a premises connected by the
copper access network to the public switched telephony network.

The number of existing service jumpers to be transferred between the MDF and a termination end point. An end poin
limited to a CCU or TBOX/MDF at an MDUFor the avoidance of doubt where this item applies, CP-04-01-01a does not a
“existing services” is specified in the NPAMs data provided in the Design Documents. The NPAMs data is broken into t
categories:Category Description Considered as an ‘Existing Service’ for purposes of Method of MeasurementC = Work
Service’ for purposes of Method of MeasurementD = Disconnected pairs Yes existing Service’ for purposes of Method
Vacant pairs No, not an existing serviceF = Faulty pairs No, not an existing serviceW = Waiting Connection Yes, existing
Existing service transfer jumpering in an MDF and Per existing Method of MeasurementX = Waiting Disconnection Yes,
termination end point service
existing Service’ for purposes of Method of Measurement

CP-05-02 CCU

The number of services that require transposition in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to the first service to be jumpered by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
Installation of service jumpering in a cross In this schedule of rate, a Service is a premise connected by the copper access network
connect unit for the first service jumpered
Per Service 32 This item is not applicable to Activation Work Orders

This extra over item applies to each additional service that is required to be jumpered within the same CCU.
This extra over item applies to CP-05-02-01a only
Extra over service Jumpering in a cross connect For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per service, and irrespective of the number of jumpering pe
Per Service 6.8
on that service

EA CNI and Active equipment works

EA-01 Scoping

EA-01-01-01a Copper performance line testing Per cable pair The number of copper pairs tested by the Contractor to confirm
52 25/5 performance
EA-01-01-02a Line Testing Vacant Pairs Per cable pair 9.6 The number of vacant copper pairs tested by the Contractor


HF-01 HFC Augmentation - Aerial

HF-01-01 Install HFC Equipment

The number of aerial bridge amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in a new network in a Work Order
In these schedule of rates:
(a) "new network" means a network or part of a network that is in not in operation as at the time the activity is perfor
(b) "aerial" means a device, cable, or other things that is attached to a pole or a catenary wire
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).Where this item applies item
Installation of aerial bridger amplifier in new Per bridger
HF-01-01-01a 212 03-01a does not apply
network amplifier
Installation of aerial bridger amplifier in existing Per bridger The number of aerial bridger amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Work Order
network amplifier In these schedule of rates "existing network" means a network or part of a network that is in operation as at the time
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
HF-01-01-02a 232 Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-03a Installation of aerial line-extender amplifier in Per line- The number of aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in new network in a Work Order.
new network extender This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
amplifier 184 Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-04a Installation of aerial line-extender amplifier to Per line- The number of aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Work Or
existing network extender This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
amplifier 212 Works Platform (EWP).

Installation of aerial directional coupler, network Per coupler or network The number of aerial mounted directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be instal
splitter, line equaliser or line power inserter in splitter or line power the Subcontractor
new network inserter This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
HF-01-01-05a 112 For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item
MD-01-07-09a applies

Installation of aerial mounted directional coupler, Per coupler or network The number of aerial mounted directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be instal
network splitter, line equaliser or line power splitter or line power by the Subcontractor
inserter in existing network inserter This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
HF-01-01-06a 124 For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item
MD-01-07-09a applies

HF-01-01-07a Installation of aerial line power supply in new Per line power The number of aerial line power supply to be installed in a new network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order
network supply This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-08a Installation of aerial line power supply in existing Per line power The number of aerial line power supply to be installed in an existing network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order
network supply This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-09a Installation of pedestal mounted line power Per line power The number of pedestal mounted line power supplies installed in a new network by the Subcontractor in a Work Orde
supply in new network supply This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
552 Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-10a Installation of pedestal mounted line power Per line power The number of pedestal mounted line power supplies installed in an existing network by the Subcontractor in a Work
supply in existing network supply This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
552 Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-11a Installation of aerial tap in new network Per tap The number of aerial taps required to be installed in a new network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
86.4 Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-12a Installation of aerial tap in existing network Per tap The number of aerial taps required to be installed in existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

Installation of aerial mounted power blocker in The number of aerial power blockers required to be installed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcont
existing network This rate only applies where the Subcontractor is required to install a aerial power blocker that is not connected to a d
Subcontractor is required to install or remove
HF-01-01-13a per device 112 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-14a Installation of aerial RF splice in existing network Per Splice The number of RF splices required to be installed in other than existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontract
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-15a Installation of an earth to an existing aerial active Per device The number earths required to be installed to an existing aerial device in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
device where no earth has been provided or is This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
unserviceable Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-01-16a Installation of tie-cabling from PCD to wall plate Per wall plate The number of wall plates in which the Subcontractor is required to install coaxial tie-cables from the PCD to the wall p
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
79.2 Works Platform (EWP).

HF-01-02 Rehabilitate HFC Equipment

HF-01-02-04a Replacement of aerial tap face plate in the Per face plate The number of aerial taps that require a faceplate replacement in the existing network
existing network This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
61.296 Works Platform (EWP).

Replacement of existing PCD with a lock box This item is applicable to the upgrade of an existing PCD with a lock box to enable a subsequent drop cable to an adjoi
HF-01-02-05a Per PCD 36

HF-01-03 Remove HFC Equipment

The number of aerial bridger amplifier or aerial line extender amplifier required to be removed in an existing network
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
Removal of aerial bridger amplifier or aerial line performance.
extender amplifier in existing network
Per device 128

The number of aerial coupler or aerial network splitter required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Ord
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
Removal of aerial coupler or aerial network
splitter in existing network
Per device 110.4

The number of aerial taps required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
HF-01-03-03a Removal of aerial tap in existing network Per tap 60.8 performance

The number of aerial terminator required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontract
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
HF-01-03-04a Removal of aerial terminator in existing network Per terminator 50.4

The number of aerial power blockers required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcont
all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
Removal of aerial power blocker in existing
per device 100

The number of existing line power supply, line power inserter and pedestal housing enclosures removed by the Subco
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Removal of existing aerial line power supply, line Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
power inserter and pedestal housing in existing performance
HF-01-03-06a Per pedestal housing 388

HF-02 HFC Augmentation - Non-Aerial

HF-02-01 Install HFC Equipment

Installation of non-aerial bridger amplifier in new Per bridge The number of non-aerial bridger amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in a new network in a Work Order
HF-02-01-01a network amplifier 122.4
Installation of non-aerial bridger amplifier in Per bridge The number of non-aerial bridger amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Work Orde
HF-02-01-02a existing network amplifier 138.4
Installation of non-aerial line- extender amplifier Per line- The number of non-aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in a new network in a Work Or
HF-02-01-03a in new network extender 116
Installation of non-aerial line- extender amplifier Per line- The number of non-aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Wor
HF-02-01-04a to existing extender 141.6
network amplifier
Installation of non-aerial directional coupler, Per coupler or network The number of non-aerial directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be installed in
network splitter, line equaliser or line power splitter or line power Subcontractor in a Work Order
inserter in new network inserter For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item MD-01-07-09a applies
HF-02-01-05a 70.4

Installation of non-aerial directional coupler, Per coupler or network The number of non-aerial mounted directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be in
network splitter, line equaliser or line power splitter or line power network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item MD-0
HF-02-01-06a inserter in existing network inserter 78.4

Installation of non-aerial mounted tap in new The number of non-aerial mounted tap required to be installed in other than existing network in the Work Order by th
HF-02-01-07a network Per tap 56 Subcontractor

HF-02-01-08a Installation of non-aerial tap in Per tap The number of non-aerial taps required to be installed in existing
existing network 72 network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
HF-02-01-09a Supply and install optical patch cable within Per patch cable The number of patch cables required to be installed within HDODFs in the Work Release by the Subcontractor.
HDODF In this schedule of rates, HDODF have the meanings given in the
Activity Scope

HF-02-01-10a Supply and Installation of pedestal Per pedestal The number of pedestals required to be supplied and installed in a
616 Work Order by the Subcontractor
Installation of non-aerial power blocker in existing The number of non-aerial power blockers required to be installed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Sub
network applies where the Subcontractor is required to install a non-aerial power blocker that is not connected to a
HF-02-01-11a per device 60 device that the Contractor is required to install or remove

HF-02-01-12a Installation of non-aerial RF splice Per Splice The number of RF splices required to be installed in other than
in existing network 40 existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
Installation of power blocker in conjunction with The number of power blockers to be installed in conjunction with a new device (issue as an SoR for that device) in eit
the installation of a new device in either aerial or environment in new network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
HF-02-01-13a non-aerial environment in new network per device 28 This rate only applies where the Contractor is required to install
an aerial non-aerial power blocker in conjunction with an existing

Installation of an earth to an existing non aerial The number earths required to be installed to an existing non aerial device in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
active device
HF-02-01-14a Per device 46.4
where no earth has been provided

HF-02-02 Rehabilitate HFC Equipment

HF-02-02-03a Replacement of non-aerial tap face Per face plate The number of aerial taps that require a faceplate replacement in
plate in the existing network 44 the existing network
HF-02-02-04a Installation of an earth to an existing non aerial Per earth The number earths required to be installed to an existing non aerial device in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
active device where the existing earth is

HF-02-03 Remove HFC Equipment

The number of non-aerial bridger amplifier or non-aerial line extender amplifier required to be removed and disposed
the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Per non-aerial bridger Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
Removal of non-aerial bridger amplifier or non- amplifier or non-aerial performance
aerial line extender amplifier in existing network line extender amplifier

The number of aerial coupler or aerial network splitter required to be removed and disposed in an existing network in
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item
can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network

Removal of non-aerial coupler or non-aerial

network splitter in existing network
Per device 56.8
element or device install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
The number of non-aerial taps required to be removed and disposed in an existing network in the Work Order by the S
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
HF-02-03-03a Removal of non-aerial tap in existing network Per tap 24

The number of non-aerial terminator required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcon
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
Removal of non-aerial terminator in existing performance
Per terminator 22.4

The number of non-aerial power blockers required to be removed and disposed in an existing network in the Work Or
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
Removal of non aerial power blocker in existing performance
per device 44

The number of existing line power supply, line power inserter and pedestal housing enclosures removed and disposed
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable netw
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
Removal of existing line power supply, line power
inserter and pedestal housing in existing network
Per pedestal housing 388

HF-03 HFC Testing & Alignment

HF-03-01 HFC Testing

The number of proof of performance tests for which the Subcontractor is required to carry out proof of performance
HF-03-01-01a Proof of performance testing per device 32

The number of optical nodes in the existing network for which the Subcontractor is required to carry out return path n
Construction of the new network to which the existing network is connected.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate applies once per optical node on which the Subcontractor has carried out return
to the Construction of the new network to which the existing network is connected (irrespective of the number of test
not apply to any optical node installed by the Subcontractor (even if the Subcontractor
has carried out return path noise testing on those optical nodes)
Return path noise testing of an optical node in the
existing network
Per optical node 100

HF-03-02 HFC Alignment

The number of aerial mounted HFC active equipment which requires alignment in a Work Order by the Subcontractor
In these schedule of rates:
(a) "HFC active equipment" means HFC coaxial or optical termination equipment which is energised or powered from
(b) "alignment" means the activities referred to in section 4.6 of the Activity Scope
Per HFC active
HF-03-02-01a Alignment of aerial HFC active equipment 132 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

Alignment of non-aerial HFC active equipment Per HFC active The number of non-aerial mounted HFC active equipment which requires alignment in a Work Order by the Subcontra
HF-03-02-02a equipment 68
Reconfigure output of aerial directional coupler or The number of aerial devices required to be reconfigured in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontract
aerial network splitter in an existing network In this schedule of rates, "reconfigure output" has the meaning given in the Activity Scope
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
HF-03-02-04a per device 124 Works Platform (EWP).

Reconfigure output non-aerial directional coupler The number of non-aerial devices required to be reconfigured in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcon
HF-03-02-05a or network per device 68
splitter in existing network
HF-04 HFC Maintenance

HF-04-01 Equipment Maintenance

The number of occasions where a catenary wire is required to be earthed in the Work Order
HF-04-01-01a Earthing of catenary wire Per earth 180

FC-01 DPU Install

FC-01-01 Install DPU

FC-01-01-03a Installation and commissioning of a wall mounted Per DPU The number of DPUs required to be attached to a building façade in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
DPU terminal device This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
70.4 Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial mounted DPUs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to 4,8 and 16 port DPUs and includes fixing hardware and integration
Installation and commissioning of an aerial DPU This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
terminal device
Per DPU 116 Works Platform (EWP).

Installation and commissioning of a non-aerial The number of non-aerial DPUs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
DPU terminal device This item applies to 4,8 and 16 port DPUs
FC-01-01-11a Per DPU 68

The number of existing DPUs required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the joint from the network including de-energising and disc
DPU tails
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable DPU
section FC-02-02
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuit
FC-01-01-12a Removal of existing DPU Per DPU 20

FC-02 DPU Jointing

FC-02-01 DPU Termination

Supply and installation of a DPU copper lead The number of DPU copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and ei
extension from DPU copper lead to a new or (a) a new or existing aerial mounted openable joint enclosure; or
existing aerial mounted openable joint enclosure (b) an existing aerial mounted terminal box joint enclosure.
or to an existing aerial mounted terminal box joint This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
enclosure For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies FC-02-03-02a, CP-01-02-04a, CP-01-02-05a, CP-01-02-06a, CP-01-
02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply.
Per DPU copper lead For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontra
required to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends,

being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure or terminal box joint enclosure (second end)

The number of DPU copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a
aerial mounted openable joint enclosure
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies FC-02-03-02a, CP-01-02-04a, CP-01-02-05a, CP-01-02-06a, CP-01-
02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply.
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontra
Supply and installation of DPU copper lead to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint e
extension from DPU copper lead to a new or Per DPU copper lead joint enclosure (second end)
existing non-aerial mounted openable joint extension
This item incudes the supply and installation of a 2pair extension
enclosure in the same pit where required
The number of DPU copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a
interconnect unit.
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-03- 02a, FC-02-03-03a, FC-02-01-05a and CP-01-02-07a do
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontra
Supply and installation of a DPU copper lead
Per DPU copper lead to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the copper intercon
FC-02-01-07a extension from DPU copper lead to a non-aerial 48
extension unit (second end).
copper interconnect unit

Installation of a DPU 2 pair high twist copper lead The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper l
extension from DPU copper lead to a new or aerial mounted openable joint enclosureThis item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platf
existing aerial mounted openable joint enclosure twist cable supplied by Visionstream/ nbnFor the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-03- 04a, FC-02-0
or to an existing aerial mounted terminal box joint 02-03-03a, FC-02-01-05a, FC-
enclosure 02-01-06a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply.For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU cop
Per DPU copper lead notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be required to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, bei
high twist extension
(first end) and the openable joint
enclosure or terminal box joint enclosure (second end).

The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper l
copper interconnect unit.
2 pair high twist cable supplied by Visionstream/ nbn
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-03- 04a, FC-02-01-12a, FC-02-03-02a, FC-02-03-03a, FC-02
02-01-06a, FC-02-01-07a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not
Installation of a DPU 2 pair high twist copper lead apply.
extension from DPU copper lead to a new or Per DPU copper lead For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontra
existing non-aerial mounted openable joint high twist extension
54.4 to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure enclosure (second end).

FC-02-02 DPU Copper lead Jointing - Aerial

Jointing of an aerial copper drop sheath to aerial The number of aerial DPU copper leads (DCL) which the Subcontractor is required to join to an aerial copper drop she
DPU copper lead in a new or existing openable existing openable joint in the Work Order
joint enclosure Per aerial DPU copper This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
lead jointed
56 Item FC-02-03-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction with this

Installation of a DPU 2 pair high twist copper lead The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper l
extension from DPU copper lead to a new or aerial mounted openable joint enclosure
existing aerial mounted openable joint enclosure This item includes jointing in a an existing aerial mounted terminal box enclosure also
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Item FC-02-03-02a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction with this item
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontra
Per DPU copper lead
high twist extension
64 to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure or terminal box joint enclosure (second end).

Removal of an existing terminal box joint Per replaced The number of existing terminal box enclosures or existing openable joint enclosures which are required to be remove
enclosure or existing openable joint and enclosure new openable joint enclosure
installation of a new replacement openable joint This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
FC-02-02-03a enclosure 180 For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies item FC-02-
04-01a does not apply.

Installation of a copper tie cable for The number of copper tie cables required to be installed between two new or existing openable joint enclosures or ter
interconnection between two new or existing enclosures in the Work Order
openable joint enclosures or terminal box joint This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
enclosures For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, items CP-02- 01-04a, CP-02-01-05a, CP-02-01-06a, CP-01-02-07
01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per copper tie cable, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might
FC-02-02-04a Per copper tie cable 280 the copper tie cable to two ends, being the two new or existing openable joint enclosures or terminal box joint

FC-02-03 DPU Copper lead Jointing - Non-

FC-02-03-01a Installation of a new non-aerial openable joint Per new non- aerial The number of new non-aerial openable joint enclosures which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Or
enclosure openable joint 168
Jointing of copper drop sheath to DPU copper The number of DPU copper leads (DCL) which the Subcontractor is required to join to a copper drop sheath (CDS) usin
lead using a copper interconnect unit unit (CIU) in the Work Order
Per DPU copper lead This item is applicable to any type of copper interconnect units to which the Subcontractor might be required to use.
This rate does not apply if item FC-01-02-04s applies.

Jointing of copper drop sheath to DPU copper The number of DPU copper leads (DCL) which the Subcontractor is required to join to a copper drop sheath (CDS) in a
lead in a new or existing openable joint enclosure openable joint in the Work Order.
Items FC-02-04-02a and FC-02-04-07a cannot be claimed in conjunction with this item
Where tail extensions are required in the pit housing the DPU, the supply and installation of the extension cable is incl
Per DPU copper lead item also where required

Installation of a DPU 2 pair high twist copper lead The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper l
extension from DPU copper lead to a non-aerial interconnect unit either in a pit or through a pole raiser to an aerial interconnect point.
copper interconnect unit For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-04- 03a, FC-02-04-05a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do n
avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor is r
DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the copper interconnect
Per DPU copper lead unit (second end).
high twist extension

The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper l
copper interconnect unit.
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-04- 03a, FC-02-04-04a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do n
Installation of a DPU 2 pair high twist copper lead avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor mig
Per DPU copper lead required to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends,
FC-02-03-05a extension from DPU copper lead to a new or
high twist extension
existing non-aerial openable joint enclosure

being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure (second end).
The number of 2 pair copper loops which are required to be cut into an existing lead sheath copper lead-in
This extra over applies to items FC-02-04-02a and FC-02-04-04a where an interconnect is required with a lead sheath
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per lead sheath copper lead-in which requires an interconnection
Where this item applies items MD-02-02-01a and SD-02-02-01a
Extra over for the Installation of a 2 pair copper does not apply
cut-in loop to existing lead sheath copper lead-in
Per 2pair loop 24

FC-03 DPU Validation

FC-03-01 DPU Validation

Per existing copper drop The number of existing copper drop sheaths in the Work Order in respect of which:
sheath validated (a) the Subcontractor has joined a DPU copper lead to that copper drop sheath; and
(b) the Subcontractor has validated.
FC-03-01-01a Existing copper drop sheath validation 20 This item will applies once per existing copper drop sheath, irrespective of the number of times it has been jointed or

The number of existing copper drop sheaths in the Work Order in respect of which:
(a) the Subcontractor has joined a DPU copper lead to that copper drop sheath; or
(b) the Subcontractor has validated
(c) in accordance with the scope and processes as stipulated in the Activity Scope and associated Reference Documen
This item will applies once per existing copper drop sheath, irrespective of the number of times it has been jointed or
Existing Copper drop sheath validation for Per existing copper drop validated.
Serviceability for Missed Lead-ins sheath validated

MD Multi Dwelling Units ** **All internal codes, i.e. item ID prefixed with MD are deemed to
include any building induction requirements
MD-01 Building Infrastructure

MD-01-01 Cable Pathway Infrastructure

MD-01-01-01a Supply & Installation of catenary Per linear metre The linear metres of catenary wire systems required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all
wire system in buildings 10.4 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
The linear metres of catenary wire systems required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
Supply & Installation of catenary wire system in
buildings (outside working hours)
Per linear metre 15.2

MD-01-01-02a Supply & Installation of cable tray Per linear metre The linear metres of cable tray required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
in buildings 60 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Supply & Installation of cable tray in buildings outside working hours.
(outside working hours)
Per linear metre 84

MD-01-01-03a Supply and installation of ducting Per linear metre The linear metres of ducting of <30mm width required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within a
<30mm width 17.6 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the
Supply and installation of ducting direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the
<30mm width (outside working hours)
Per linear metre 24

convenience of the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. Th
used to prepare a build up for in scope work performed
0 outside working hours.

MD-01-01-04a Supply and installation of ducting Per linear metre The linear metres of ducting of >30mm width required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within a
>30mm width 28 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Supply and installation of ducting outside working hours.
>30mm width (outside working hours)
Per linear metre 37.6

MD-01-01-05a Supply and installation of conduit Per linear metre 17.6 The linear metres of conduit to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
Supply and installation of conduit build up for in scope work performed
(outside working hours)
Per linear metre 24
outside working hours.

MD-01-01-06a Installation of One Pass Fibre Per linear metre The linear metres of One Pass Fibre Pathway required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within a
Pathway in buildings 16.8 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Installation of One Pass Fibre Pathway in outside working hours.
buildings (outside working hours)
Per linear metre 24

MD-01-01-07a Connecting One Pass Fibre Pathway Each ICD or PCD The number of ICDs or PCDs required to be connected to One Pass Fibre Pathway in the Work Order by the Subcontra
to ICD or PCD 34.4 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
The number of ICDs or PCDs required to be connected to One Pass Fibre Pathway in the Work Order by the Subcontra
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
Connecting One Pass Fibre Pathway to ICD or PCD build up for in scope work performed
(outside working hours)
Each ICD or PCD 48 outside working hours.

MD-01-07 Building Equipment

Installation of Fibre Collector Distributor (FCD) or Each FCD, FDT The number of FCDs, FDTs and CTLs (and includes short form PDH enclosure) required to be installed in the Work Ord
Fibre Distribution Terminal (FDT) or Cable or CTL This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
MD-01-07-01a Transition Location (CTL) 128 Outside Working Hours
within buildings This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
Installation of Fibre Collector Distributor (FCD) or
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
Fibre Distribution Terminal (FDT) or Cable
build up for in scope work performed
Transition Location (CTL) within buildings (outside
outside working hours.
working hours) Each FCD, FDT
or CTL

MD-01-07-02a Installation of Premises Distribution Each PDH The number of PDHs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Hub (PDH) 156 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
Installation of Premises Distribution Hub (PDH) build up for in scope work performed
(outside working hours)
Each PDH 208 outside working hours.

Installation of Internal Connection Device (ICD) or The number of ICDs and PCDs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
MD-01-07-03a Premises Each ICD or PCD 24 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Connection Device (PCD) Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
Installation of Internal Connection Device (ICD) or build up for in scope work performed
MD-01-07-03b Premises Connection Device (PCD) (outside Each ICD or PCD 32 outside working hours.
working hours)

MD-01-07-04a Installation of a fibre wall outlet Per outlet 14.4 The number of fibre wall outlets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
Installation of a fibre wall outlet build up for in scope work performed
(outside working hours)
Per outlet 21.6
outside working hours.

Installation of apartment amplifier in buildings The number of apartment amplifiers required to be installed in all buildings by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
MD-01-07-06a Per amplifier 63.2 Where this item applies item MD-01-07-14a does not apply

Installation of MDU security enclosure Per MDU security The number of MDU security enclosures required to be installed in all buildings by the Subcontractor.This item include
MD-01-07-07a enclosure 36.8 associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).

MD-01-07-08a Installation of tap in buildings Per tap The number of taps required to be installed in all buildings by the Subcontractor (also includes isolator and link cables
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

MD-01-07-09a Installation of directional coupler or splitter in Per directional coupler The number of directional couplers/splitters to be installed in a multi dwelling unit by the Subcontractor
buildings or splitter This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

MD-01-07-10a Extra over rate for the Installation of an isolator in Per Isolator The number of isolators required to be installed in buildings only This item includes all costs associated with the use of
buildings 30.4 Platform (EWP).

The number of existing taps requiring replacement in a building This item applies to MDU environments only
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
MD-01-07-11a Replacement of tap in buildings Per Tap 53.6 If this item is claimed, items HF-01-03-05a, MD-01-07-08a, MD-
01-07-12a and MD-01-07-13a cannot be claimed

Replacement of tap faceplate in buildings The number of taps that require a faceplate replacement in buildings
This item applies to MDU environments only
MD-01-07-12a Per face plate 44 Where this item applies, items MD-01-07-11a, HF-01-02-04a and
HF-02-02-03a do not apply
The number of existing taps, isolators, directional couplers or splitters required to be removed only in a building by th
Where this item applies items MD-01-07-08a, MD-01-07-09a, MD- 01-07-10a, MD-01-07-11a do not apply
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable opti
relevant artefacts to support removal of existing Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all wor
Removal of tap, isolator, directional coupler or maintaining network continuity and
splitter in buildings only
Per device 48 performance

The number of existing apartment amplifiers required to be removed in a building

This item is for removal only and is not claimable when a new device is being installed.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where this item is claimed, item MD-01-07-06a cannot be claimed.
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable opti
relevant artefacts to support removal of existing Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all wor
MD-01-07-14a Removal of an apartment amplifier in buildings per device 52.8 maintaining network continuity and

MD-01-07-15a Installation of Building Fibre Each BFD The number of BFDs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Distributor (BUDI) 132 Inclusive of any NG4(s), OCM-6(s), pigtail sets, patching, cable preparations or splicing required at the BFD.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where this item is claimed, items MD-01-07-17a and MD-01-01- 18a cannot be claimed.
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Installation of Building Fibre Distributor (BUDI)
MD-01-07-15b Each BFD 171.6 outside working hours.
(outside working hours)

MD-01-07-16a Installation of Splitter Distribution Each SDT The number of SDTs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Terminal (SDT) 120 Where a pigtail set or patching is required this is required to be included in this rate
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Installation of Splitter Distribution Terminal (SDT)
MD-01-07-16b Each SDT 156 outside working hours.
outside working hours

The number of additional NG4 Trays required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
MD-01-07-17a Installation of additional NG4 tray per device 36 Where this item is claimed, items MD-01-07-15a and MD-01-07-
15b cannot be claimed.

The number of additional OCM-6 modules required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
MD-01-07-18a Installation of additional OCM-6 module per device 36 Where this item is claimed, items MD-01-07-15a and MD-01-07-
15b cannot be claimed.

The number of additional PCD splice trays required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Inclusive of cable preparation and splicing at the PCD
MD-01-07-19a Installation of additional PCD splice tray per device 36 For the avoidance of doubt this item is subsequent to the first tray included in items MD-01-07-03a and MD-01-07-03
existing PCDs

MD-01-08 Building Construction Works

Provide a wall penetration in brick or concrete Each wall The number of wall penetrations in brick or concrete which is are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Su
MD-01-08-01a wall only penetration 104 avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
The number of wall penetrations in brick or concrete which is are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Su
avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Provide a wall penetration in brick or concrete Each wall
MD-01-08-01b 136 outside working hours.
wall only (outside working hours) penetration

Provide a wall penetration in a plasterboard wall Each wall The number of wall penetrations in plasterboard which is are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Subco
MD-01-08-02a only penetration 9.6 avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Provide a wall penetration in a plasterboard wall Each wall
MD-01-08-02b 12.8 outside working hours.
only (outside working hours) penetration

Provide a floor penetration above 50mm Each floor The number of floor penetrations above 50mm diameter which are required to be provided in the Work Order by the
MD-01-08-03a diameter penetration 200 For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed
Provide a floor penetration above 50mm Each floor outside working hours.
diameter (outside working hours) penetration

Provide a floor penetration up to and including Each floor The number of floor penetrations up to and including 50mm diameter which are required to be provided in the Work
MD-01-08-04a 50mm diameter penetration 160 For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works
Provide a floor penetration up to and including Each floor must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes
50mm diameter (outside working hours) penetration

cannot be used to prepare a build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

Supply and installation of appropriate fire The number of fire stopping seals that are required to be installed by the Contractor
MD-01-08-05a stopping method Per Penetration 65.6 This rate can only be claimed in conjunction with MD-01-08-01, MD-01-08-02, MD-01-08-03, MD-01-08-04
as required For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
Supply and installation of appropriate fire build up for in scope work performed
MD-01-08-05b stopping method as required (outside working Per Penetration 85.28 outside working hours.

MD-02 Service Drops

MD-02-01 Fibre Drops

The number of aerial service drop required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies only once per service drop. In this schedule of rates:
(a) an aerial service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the ground includi
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of cable termination
splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents This item applies
Installation of a single service drop sheath (SDS) Per aerial service only
on a single span to a multi dwelling unit drop
232 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-02-01-01a, CI- 02-01-02a, CI-02-01-03a, CI-02-01-04a, CI-03-01-01a
02a, CI-03-01-03a or MD-01-07-03a

Extra over rate for additional spans for an aerial This extra over applies to items MD-02-01-01a.
service drop to a multi dwelling unit This rate applies where the installation of an aerial service drop requires more than one span.
MD-02-01-02a Each additional Span 76 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate only applies to multi dwelling units

Extra over rate for supply and installation of an Each raiser pole This extra over applies to items MD-02-01-01a.
raiser pole on a building. installed This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
MD-02-01-03a 40 This rate applies where the installation of an aerial service drop
requires a raiser pole to be installed on the facia of the building.

The number of service drop sheaths required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates:
a) an underground service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existing lead-in con
installation of the PCD;
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of connection cable
cable prep and splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
Installation of service drop sheath underground fixed to an MDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents;
to a multi dwelling unit
Per service drop 224
(d) rod and roping of the lead-in conduit
This item applies once per service drop to multi dwelling units only.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item

MD-02-01-05a applies.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI- 01-02-01a, CW-01-01-05a or MD-01-07-03a

The number of direct service drops required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, a direct service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between a multiport and a ne
device located inside a building.
This item applies once per direct service drop to multi dwelling units only.
Installation of direct service drop sheath Per direct service For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item MD-02-01-04a applies.
underground to a multi dwelling unit drop
224 This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a and

The number of lead-in starter pipes required to be installed at an MDU location in the Work Order by the Subcontract
Where this item is claimed, items CW-01-01-01a and CW-01-01- 02a cannot be claimed
This item is to be claimed up to and including 2m of excavation from the located pipe to the network pit
Extend a developer supplied MDU lead-in starter For the avoidance of doubt, this item excludes any surface works, however temporary reinstatement and reinstateme
pipe to the nominated network pit
Per Starter Pipe 360 surfaces are included in this item

SD Single Dwelling Units

SD-01 Single Dwelling Unit Infrastructure

SD-01-01 Install Conduit

This rate applies:
(a) where, in order to install the service drop, a new underground lead-in conduit is required to be installed between t
the structure to which the PCD is mounted upon to a network access pit.
(b) surface mounted conduit fixed to the structure to which the PCD is mounted upon is not included in this item.
(c) where surface mounted conduit is required to be installed to facilitate connection from underground lead-in condu
included in items SD-02-01-03a or SD-02-01-04a
Where this item is claimed, item SD-01-01-04a or SD-01-01-05a cannot be claimed.
For the avoidance of doubt this item:
(a) excludes any surface works other than (b) below,
Supply and install of new lead-in pipe within
SD-01-01-01a Per linear metre 32 (b) includes any temporary reinstatement, and breakout or reinstatement of natural surfaces
property boundary by any means
(c) is measured in horizontal linear metres between the point of contact of the structure to which the PCD is mounted
network access pit

SD-01-01-02a Extra over rate for supply and installation of an Per raiser pole The number of raiser poles required to be installed in the work order by the Subcontractor
raiser pole on a building. This extra over item applies to items SD-02-01-01a, SD-02-02-02a
and SD-02-03-01a only

The number of Y connectors required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor including a
SD-01-01-03a Supply and install of Y connectors Per Y connector 100 conduit required to reach the building entry point

The number of lead-in starter pipes required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Where this item is claimed, item SD-01-01-01a cannot be claimed This item can be claimed for a starter pipe less than
For the avoidance of doubt, this item includes excludes any surface works, however temporary reinstatement and rein
surfaces are included in this item. This item is only claimable from the lead in pit to the property
SD-01-01-04a Supply and install new lead-in starter pipe Per Starter Pipe 160 boundary.

This extra over rate applies:

(a) to items SD-01-01-04a only
(b) where, the requirement for a lead-in pipe is greater that 2 meters this extra-over can be claimed for every meter gr
Extra over rate for the supply and install of new
SD-01-01-05a lead-in starter pipe greater than 2 meters in Per linear metre 32 For the avoidance of doubt, this item includes excludes any
surface works, however temporary reinstatement and

reinstatement of natural surfaces are included in this item. This item is only claimable from the lead in pit to the prope

SD-01-02 Repair Conduit

This extra over rate applies:

(a) to items SD-02-01-03a, SD-02-01-04a
(b) where, the lead-in conduit has been damaged (other than due an act or omission of the Subcontractor), and there
for the drop cable to be installed in the lead-in conduit, for the purposes of the service drop or the direct service drop
(c) the Subcontractor has repaired the lead-in conduit such that there is sufficient capacity for the drop cable to be ins
of the service drop or the direct service drop; and
Per repaired lead-in (d) in any surface, by any means
SD-01-02-01a Extra over rate to repair lead-in conduit 48
conduit For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where the lead-in conduit has been damaged due to an act or om
the Subcontractor.

SD-02 Service Drops

SD-02-01 Fibre Drops

The number of aerial service drop required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies only once per service drop.
In this schedule of rates:
(a) an aerial service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the ground includi
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of cable termination
splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
Installation of a single service drop sheath on a Per aerial service
SD-02-01-01a 232 This item applies to single dwelling units only
single span to a single dwelling unit drop
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a
Extra over rate for additional spans for an aerial This extra over applies to items SD-01-02-01a.
service drop to a single dwelling unit This rate applies where the installation of an aerial service drop requires more than one span.
SD-02-01-02a Each additional Span 76 This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate only applies to single dwelling units

The number of service drop sheaths required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates:
a) an underground service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existing lead-in con
installation of the PCD;
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of connection cable
cable prep and splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
Installation of service drop sheath underground This item applies once per service drop to single dwelling units only.
to a single dwelling unit
Per service drop 224 For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item
SD-02-01-04a applies.

This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-

01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a
The number of direct service drops required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, a direct service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between a multiport and a ne
device located inside a building.
This item applies once per direct service drop to single dwelling units only.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item SD-02-01-03a applies.
Installation of direct service drop sheath Per direct service This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a and
underground to a single dwelling unit drop

SD-02-02 Copper Drops

Replace existing copper aerial lead- in with new Per existing copper The number of aerial lead-in copper cables which are required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
copper aerial lead-in to a single dwelling unit aerial lead-in replaced. This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Per Span This item is not claimable under any FTTC works where a DPU
SD-02-02-01a 232 copper lead is involved

The number of aerial copper service drops required to be installed

In this schedule of rates:
(a) an aerial copper service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the ground
installation of the PCD;
(b) a copper service drop is the installation of a copper service drop sheath between the joint and the point of cable te
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Installation of aerial copper service drop to a Per aerial copper service
single dwelling unit drop
232 This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a

The number of non-aerial copper service drops required to be installed

In this schedule of rates:
a) an non-aerial copper service drop is a copper service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existin
including the installation of the PCD;
(b) a copper service drop is the installation of a copper service drop sheath between the joint and the point of connec
on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
Installation of non-aerial copper service drop to a Per non-aerial copper fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
single dwelling unit service drop
224 This item applies once per service drop.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a
This extra over rate applies to item SD-02-02-02a
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate applies where the installation of an aerial copper service drop requires the cable to be attached and run from

Extra over rate for installation of a new copper

drop cable in-span to a single dwelling unit
Per in-span Drop 76

SD-02-03 HFC Drops

The number of aerial coaxial service drops required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies only once per coaxial service drop. Where this item applies, item HF-01-03-08a does not apply
In this schedule of rates:
(a) an coaxial aerial service drop is a coaxial service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the
installation of the PCD;
(b) an coaxial service drop is the installation of a coaxial drop cable between the TAP and the point of cable terminatio
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Installation of a coaxial drop cable on a single Per aerial service This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
span to a single dwelling unit drop
232 01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a

Extra over rate for installation of a new coaxial This extra over rate applies to item SD-02-03-01a
drop cable in-span to a single dwelling unit This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
SD-02-03-02a Per in-span Drop 80 This rate applies where the installation of an aerial coaxial service drop requires the cable to be attached and run from

Extra over rate for additional spans for a aerial The number of non-aerial coaxial service drops required to be installed
coaxial service drop to a single dwelling unit This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
SD-02-03-03a Each additional Span 88 This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
item HF-01-02-05a does not apply

The number of non-aerial coaxial service drops required to be installed to buildings

In this schedule of rates:
a) an non-aerial coaxial service drop is a coaxial service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existing
including the installation of the PCD;
(b) a non-aerial coaxial service drop is the installation of a coaxial drop cable between the TAP and the point of cable t
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accord
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termin
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop.
This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies, item HF-01-02-05a does not apply
Installation of non-aerial coaxial service drop to a Per coaxial service This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
single dwelling unit drop
224 01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a


CC-01 Customer Premise Equipment

CC-01-01 Install Business Grade Equipment

Installation, commissioning and integration of a The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a wall mount
Enterprise Ethernet B-NTD in a wall mounted item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution poin
environment conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the B-NTD as well as
fibre patch cables and power cables to the customer supplied power
CC-01-01-01a Per device 360 source. This item may include multiple site visits to ensure

successful commissioning of a Enterprise Ethernet B-NTD in a wall mounted environment.AC Power is to be provided b
The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a rack mount
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution
the conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the B-NTD as well as the B-NTD hardware, fibre patch
cables to the customer supplied power source. This item may include multiple site visits to ensure successful commiss
Installation, commissioning and integration of a
Ethernet B-NTD in a wall mounted environment.
CC-01-01-02a Enterprise Ethernet B-NTD in a rack mounted Per device 360
AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a wall mount
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution
the conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and activation of the NTD as well as the B-NTD hardware, fibre patch ca
the customer supplied power source
Installation, commissioning and activation of a AC Power is to be provided by the end user
GPON B-NTD in a wall mounted environment
Per device 104

The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a rack mount
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution
the conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and activation of the NTD as well as the B-NTD hardware, fibre patch ca
the customer supplied power source
Installation, commissioning and activation of a
GPON B-NTD in a rack mounted environment
Per device 104 AC Power is to be provided by the end user

Installation of battery back-up unit in conjunction Per Battery Backup The number of battery back-up units to be installed in conjunction with a NTD within the EUP by the Subcontractor.
with NTD installation Device This item includes installation of power cables between the NTD and battery backup unit and the customer supplied p
AC Power is to be provided by the end user
CC-01-01-05a 20

Installation of a Fibre TV Receiver (TVR) co- The number of RF Splitter devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor.
located with an NTD This item applies to both SDU and MDU environments.
CC-01-01-06a Per device 32

CC-01-02 Install Residential Grade Equipment

The number of residential network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a wall moun
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the R-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution
the conduit or ducting to the R-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the R-NTD as well as the R-NTD hardware, fibre patch
Installation, commissioning and integration of a R- cables to the customer supplied power source. This item includes all cable prep and splicing required at the R-NTD.
NTD in a wall mounted environment
Per device 104 AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of residential network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a rack mou
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the R-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution
the conduit or ducting to the R-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the R-NTD as well as the R-NTD hardware, fibre patch
Installation, commissioning and integration of a R- cables to the customer supplied power source. This item includes all cable prep and splicing required at the R-NTD.
NTD in a rack mounted environment
Per device 104 AC Power is to be provided by the end user

Internal wiring from exterior termination outlet The number of internal wiring installations required in the work order by the Subcontractor
enclosure to internal wall plate/TO This item applies to all technology types where internal wiring is required between the exterior termination enclosure
CC-01-02-03a Per wall plate 76 wall outlet/TO including the installation of the wall outlet/TO,

including connection, power and verification testing

This item can only be claimed once per work order
CC-02-01 Replace Equipment
The number of lead-in enclosures required to be replaced This item includes the following;
a) removal and disposal of the enclosure and any equipment within
b) installation of a new termination enclosure
c) the re-termination of the lead-in cable where applicable
This item is applicable to all technology lead-in types, including aerial and underground
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed when performing activities under
CC-02-01-01a Replace existing lead in termination enclosure Per enclosure 72 a) SD-02-01, SD-02-02, SD-02-03
b) item CC-03-01-01a and CC-03-01-02a

CC-03-01 Remove Equipment

The number of lead-in enclosures required to be removed at the request by the end user
This item includes the removal of the non-aerial lead-in cable, termination enclosure, tie cabling, NTD and Wall plate/T
This item is applicable to all technology lead-in types
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed when performing activities under
a) SD-02-01, SD-02-02, SD-02-03
b) item CC-03-01-01a and CC-03-01-02a
Remove existing aerial lead in equipment from Where an end user requests that a lead-in be re-located, this item is applied for the removal and items (technology sp
lead-in termination enclosure to NTD
Per NTD 76
SD-01-01-01,SD-02-01, SD-02-02 and SD-02-03 are applied also to
complete the re-location activity

The number of lead-in enclosures required to be removed at the request by the end user
This item includes the removal of the non-aerial lead-in cable, termination enclosure, tie cabling, NTD and Wall plate/T
This item is applicable to all technology lead-in types
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed when performing activities under
a) SD-02-01, SD-02-02, SD-02-03
b) item CC-03-01-01a and CC-03-01-02a
Remove existing non-aerial lead in equipment Where an end user requests that a lead-in be re-located, this item is applied for the removal and items (technology sp
from lead-in termination enclosure to NTD
Per NTD 56
SD-01-01-01,SD-02-01, SD-02-02 and SD-02-03 are applied also to
complete the re-location activity

CF-02 Mobilisation

Vehicle (Light truck) fully equipped to allow for flushing, hauling, limited to rodders, locator and manual haul equipme
3 staff (team leader and 2 x labourers).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the mo
Planning and Design - Pipe Proving Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is i
CF-02-02-00a – Travel greater than 100km from the Point of Per Kilometre 0.92 have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
Presence (Business Address) entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.

Construction Works - Splice & Test - Travel Vehicle fully equipped with Ribbon splicing equipment, testing equipment (OTDR, Insertion/Loss). With up to 2 x quali
greater than 100km from the Point of Presence Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order
(Business Address) sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per
CF-02-02-00b Per Kilometre 0.92 Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using

the most direct route. The Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the
is in excess of what should have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Compan
the quantity claimed.

Vehicle (Light truck) fully equipped to allow for hauling, limited to rodders and manual haul equipment, normally man
leader and 2 x labourers).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the mo
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is i
Construction Works - Haul (Light) - Travel greater have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
than 100km from the Point of Presence (Business entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.
CF-02-02-00c Per Kilometre 1.32
Crew set up for longer hauls which require a cable jinker and calibrated FOC haul winch. Comprises Medium / Light tru
Light truck with winch, normally crewed by 4-5 staff (team leader and 3-4 labourers).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the mo
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is i
Construction Works - Haul (Heavy) - Travel have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
greater than 100km from the Point of Presence entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.
CF-02-02-00d Per Kilometre 2.24
(Business Address)

Civil crew set up for trenching and pit installations. Comprises light / medium truck with excavator up to 10 tonne (wit
normally crewed by 3 staff (team leader, plant operator, labourer). May include additional staff dependant on the len
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the mo
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is i
have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
Construction Works - Civil (Single) - Travel greater entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.
CF-02-02-00e than 100km from the Point of Presence (Business Per Kilometre 2.24

Civil crew set up for drilling operations. Comprises light / medium truck with excavator up to 13 tonne (with rock capa
Directional boring machine, with Light / medium truck, normally crewed by 4 staff (Team leader, Operator, Labourer, L
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the mo
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is i
Construction Works - Civil (Combined) - Travel have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
CF-02-02-00f greater than 100km from the Point of Presence Per Kilometre 3.52 entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.
(Business Address)


CF-03-02 LAFHA

Accommodation and meal costs that are reimbursed each day (after staying overnight) that a person is working on a d
greater than 100 kilometres from the Subcontractors place of business.
Subcontractor must provide tax invoices for accomodation incurred per night. The tax invoice must specify the numbe
nights paid for. This item cannot be claimed for the convenience of the Subcontractor. Extra nights cannot be
LAFHA for Planning and Design Works for a Work claimed for due to an act or omission of the Subcontractor.
Per Person Per Night 138.4

Accommodation and meal costs that are reimbursed each day (after staying overnight) that a person is working on a d
greater than 100 kilometres from the Subcontractors place of business.
Subcontractor must provide tax invoices for accomodation incurred per night. The tax invoice must specify the numbe
nights paid for.This item cannot be claimed for the convenience of the Subcontractor. Extra nights cannot be claimed
for due to an act or omission of the Subcontractor.
CF-03-02-00b LAFHA for Construction Works for a Work Order Per Person Per Night 138.4


PS-01 Provisional Sums

PS-01-01 Provisional Sums

PS-01-01-01a Telecommunications service provider fees Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for any fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an ap
telecommunications service provider.
Quote This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.

Cost of pole make ready Visionstream will pay the Subcontractor the Provisional Sum Cost of any work which the owner of a pole has specified
works be carried out as a condition precedent to the owner granting the subontractor, the Company or NBN Co access to tha
of the Works
PS-01-01-02a Pole make ready works Quote This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.

Supply and install standard GPO as per design Cost of GPO Visionstream will pay the Subcontractor the Provisional Sum Cost of this work
installation This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.
PS-01-01-03a Quote
Certification and professional services fees Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for any fee which the Subcontractor is required to pay where a Certific
associated with activities not otherwise specified approval or advice/consent is required in relation to the performance of the Works
in Activity Scope This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.
PS-01-01-04a Quote

PS-01-01-05a Registered Surveyor Works Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an ap
Registered Surveyor
Quote This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.

PS-01-01-06a Contaminated Waste Material Removal Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an ap
contaminated waste service provider.
Quote This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an ap
party traffic control unit
For the avoidance of doubt, this item only applies to works classified by the local authority to warrant third party traff
Traffic Control - All costs associated with the hire This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing
PS-01-01-07a Quote
of professional traffic control units

PS-01-01-08a Local Authority Charges Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an ap
Quote This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor the costs of engaging a council, or a council mandated Subcontractor b
approval to complete breakout and/or reinstatement work, where it is a council requirement that breakout and/or re
completed by the council or a council mandated Contractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item cannot be claimed in conjunction with items CW-06-01-01a, CW-06-01-02a, CW-0
01a, CW-06-02-02a, CW-06-01-03a or CW-06-02-
PS-01-01-09a Council breakout and reinstatement Amount of the fee Quote
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the cost of any works and fees which the Subcontractor is required
Approval to pay a third party for construction works within a building, provided those works or fees are not also requi
Construction works in building not contained Cost of the works Requirements or NBN Co Standards
PS-01-01-10a Quote
within the Activity Scope and fees This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

PS-01-01-11a Aerial pole replacement Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an ap
aerial pole replacement
Quote This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Third party aerial design management fees Amount of the fee Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an ap
services by a third party for the replacement of a aerial pole
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing
PS-01-01-12a Quote

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor on the supply and installation of a electricity connection, from the elec
(a) to the node cabinet for an external node cabinet; and
(b) to the building main distribution board of a multi dwelling unit for a FTTB node cabinet; and
(c) any external works required to be completed at the direction of nbn Co.
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing
Supply and install electricity connection as per
PS-01-01-13a Amount of the fee Quote

TB Time Based Rates

TB-01 Hourly Rates

TB-01-01 Labour

TB-01-01-01a Electrician (inclusive equipment) Per hour 52.248 Time Based Rates - can only be claimed with pre-approval by Visionstream Representative
The Subcontractor may be directed to carry out minor works or night works in exceptional or extraordinary circumstan
TB-01-01-01b Electrician (inclusive equipment) – Per hour
26.128 The Subcontractor shall keep such records as reasonably required in relation to carrying out any part of the Works on
Extra Over
TB-01-01-01c Electrician (inclusive equipment) – Per hour Unless otherwise stated, the rates are fully inclusive and shall be deemed to include Labour and Materials (if any) vehi
Outside Working Hours 78.376
equipment, and all overhead costs; and profit.
TB-01-01-02a Fibre Technician (inclusive Per hour Outside Working Hours
equipment) 50.248 This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
TB-01-01-02b Fibre Technician (inclusive Per hour For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
equipment) – Extra Over 25.128 the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.
Fibre Technician (inclusive equipment) – Outside
Extra Over
TB-01-01-02c Working Per hour 75.376
Extra over item cannot be claimed in conjunction with the corresponding Time Based Rate item or the corresponding
TB-01-01-03a Labourer Per hour Working Hours Rate item. Where applicable, the company will specify the quantities and how these rates shall be app
32.36 doubt, this rate may only be claimed in exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. Extra over works must be pre-app
TB-01-01-03b Labourer – Extra Over Per hour 16.184 writing.
Unless otherwise stated, the rates are fully inclusive and shall be deemed to include Labour and Materials (if any) vehi
equipment, and all overhead costs; and profit.
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cann
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.
Extra Over
Extra over item cannot be claimed in conjunction with the corresponding Time Based Rate item or the corresponding
Working Hours Rate item. Where applicable, the company will specify the quantities and how these rates shall be app
doubt, this rate may only be claimed in exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. Extra over works must be pre-app
TB-01-01-03c Labourer – Outside Working Hours Per hour 48.544
TB-01-01-04a Plant Operator Per hour 36
TB-01-01-04b Plant Operator – Extra Over Per hour 18
TB-01-01-04c Plant Operator – Outside Working Per hour
Hours 54
TB-01-01-05a Advanced pole inspector (inclusive Per hour
plant and equipment) 52
Advanced pole inspector (inclusive plant and
TB-01-01-05b equipment) – Extra Per hour 24.8
Advanced pole inspector (inclusive plant and
TB-01-01-05c equipment) – Outside Per hour 76.8
Working Hours
TB-01-01-06a Telecommunication Technician Per hour
(inclusive plant and equipment) 50.248
Telecommunication Technician (inclusive plant
TB-01-01-06b and equipment) – Per hour 25.128
Extra Over
Telecommunication Technician (inclusive plant
TB-01-01-06c and equipment) – Per hour 75.376
Outside Working Hours
TB-01-01-07a Designer Per hour 48
TB-01-01-07b Designer – Extra Over Per hour 24
TB-01-01-07c Designer – Outside Working Hours Per hour 72
TB-01-01-08a Copper Technician (inclusive plant Per hour
and equipment) 48

TB-01-01-08b Copper Technician (inclusive plant and Per hour

equipment) – Extra Over 24

Copper Technician (inclusive plant and

equipment) – Outside Working
TB-01-01-08c Hours Per hour 72
Detailed Definition & Method of Measurement

Supply and install pit riser

The number of pit risers required to be installed irrespective of
the height in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Supply and install pit lids
The number of missing or damaged pit lids required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with items CW-02-01-
01b/c, CW-02-01-02b/c, CW-02-01-03 b/c or CW-02-01-04b/c

Supply and install composite pit lids

The number of existing concrete pit lids required to be replaced by composite pit lids in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. This item cannot
be claimed in conjunction with items CW-02-01- 01b/c, CW-02-01-02b/c, CW-02-01-03 b/c or CW-02-01-04b/c

For CW-02-02-01a the volume (in cubic metres) of Rock which the Subcontractor is required to excavate to install a pit, subject to the below.
This extra over rate applies:
(a) to CW-02-01 Pit install items;
(b) once per pit, where the Subcontractor is required to excavate more than 0.25m3 of Rock (measured insitu) to install that pit; and
(c) to the cubic metres of rock the Subcontractor is required to excavate to install that pit.
(d) The extra-over excavation rate for rock shall be deemed to include backfill and disposal of surplus materials. Dewatering, pumping and
disposal of slurry or wet waste are to be treated in accordance with local, state or environmental laws. The rate shall include Mobilisation and
Demobilisation of all necessary plant and equipment.
This code will not be claimable unless prior approval has been given via a sequence number and the relevant substantiation is provided.
In this schedule of rates, Rock means any naturally occurring material with a hardness in excess of 25MPa
Upon detection of rock the Subcontractor shall immediately contact the nominated Visionstream Representative. Conditions precedent to
entitlement comprise evidence of notification to Visionstream Representative, Visionstream sequence number for rock, photographic images
including those of plant used to break through the rock, evidence to support measured quantity, NATA accredited test results and in the case
of boring activities the respective bore log. For the avoidance of doubt, costs assosciated with obtaining NATA accredited hardness test results
are deemed inclusive in this extra over rate. Samples used for hardness testing must be taken at the depth of the installed pit and within 1
metre of the alignment.
For excavation in Rock, the depth, width and length of the excavation and the plant used (type and size).
(a). Provide geo-tagged photos showing the excavated trench that visibly confirms presence of rock at claim locations.
(b). Provide Geo-tagged showing the entire excavation sections
and street surroundings.

Prior to executing any Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) works, the Subcontractor must comply with Asbestos Management which include
but not limited to identification, notification removal and handle or disposal of asbestos or asbestos containing material (ACM) in strict
accordance with applicable Laws.
In this schedule of rates, ACM Pit means a pit constructed using material containing asbestos, and ACM Duct(s) refer to multiple
asbestos conduit(s) at that location where the ACM pit is required

to be removed and the new pit will be installed

Extra Over for Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Pit Removal The number of ACM Pits and associated ACM Duct(s) required to be removed
and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor while installing new pits at that same location.
These codes are not claimable with CW-01-01-01d & CW-01-01- 02d (Providing conduit entries) to ACM pit)
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply to an ACM Pit which is required to be removed or disposed of due to an act or omission
of the Subcontractor.
The Subcontractor must upload to the Company’s nominated work order management system all photographic evidence and documentation
to support any ACM Removal activities as per Schedule 2 – Special Conditions - Module
The number of plastic pits required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. This rates includes sleeving any
exposed cables / duct
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply to a plastic pit which is required to be removed or disposed of due to an act
or omission of the Subcontractor.

The number of core bores required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in solid concrete wall or solid brick wall.
This code will not be claimable where pipe knock outs are provided, i.e. providing conduit entry to ACM Pits, boring through plastic walls, ACM
Pits, pre-cast man holes or hollow walls.
Items SD-02-01-03a and SD-02-01-04a cannot be applied in conjunction with this item.

The linear meter of direct buried cable reqwuired to be installed in the work order by the subcontractor . This item
shall include all costs including breakoit and reinstaintment , cable lay ups and supply and install of detectable
marker tapes.

Identify and repair blockage(s) at single location less than 1200mm deep and up to a span of 2.1 m in length. This
item applies where the duct(s) are damaged and the blockage in the duct(s) cannot be cleared using the method
described in CW-05-01-02a (i.e. Clear pipe blockage using high pressure water). The prices shall include all costs
associated with: • Identification and location of pipe blockage(s); • Excavation to expose pipe blockage(s); • Repair
pipe blockage(s), including the supply of all materials necessary to effect the repair; and • Backfill, compact and
tidy up, including disposal of surplus materials. For the avoidance of doubt, temporary reinstatement and
reinstatement of natural surfaces are included in this item. Breakout and reinstatement of surface works will be
measured and paid separately under Schedule of Rates items CW-06. This item does not apply where: a) item CW-
05-01-02a applies (i.e. failure to clear a blockage using high pressure flush); or b) the damage or blockage(s) is
caused by an act or omission of the Subcontractor. c) the damaged ducts and or blockage is identified and not

This is an extra over rate that is used in conjunction with the install of a new pit at new location over existing ACM
pipe Note: CW-05-01-01b is an extra over rate that is used in conjunction with CW-05-01-01a Prior to executing
any Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) works, the Subcontractor must comply with Asbestos Management
which include but not limited to identification, notification removal and handle or disposal of asbestos or asbestos
containing material (ACM) in strict accordance with applicable Laws. In this schedule of rates, ACM Pit means a
pit constructed using material containing asbestos, and ACM Conduit(s) refer to multiple asbestos duct(s) at that
location where the the blockage is required to be repaired or ACM pit is required to be removed and the new pit
will be installed The Subcontractor must upload to the Company’s nominated work order management system all
photographic evidence and documentation to support any ACM Removal activities as per Schedule 2 – Special
Conditions - Module

Clear pipe blockage using high pressure water

This item applies where a duct is blocked and the blockage is cleared by the use of a positive displacement high pressure pump and a vacuum
extraction machine, as described in section 5 of document NBN-HSE-GDE-0375.
This item does not apply where:
a) item CW-05-01-01a applies;
b) the blockage can be cleared using unassisted mains pressure
water or duct flushing; or

c) the blockage is caused by an act or omission of the

This item is an extra over to item CW-05-01-01a where a secondary damaged or blocked duct is identified in the same duct section
This item applies where a duct is damaged and the damage causes a blockage in the duct which cannot be cleared using the method described
in CW-05-01-02a
For the avoidance of doubt, a secondary blockage in the same duct section cannot be claimed if the secondary blockage is within 3 meters
from the primary blockage
This item does not apply where:
(a) item CW-05-01-02a applies; or
(b) the damage or blockage is caused by an act or omission of the Contractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item excludes any surface works and third party traffic management.
Temporary reinstatement and reinstatement of natural surfaces are included in this item

Breakout Surface Materials

The Rate items apply to all excavations in all surface types other than natural or soft (turfed, grassed or garden) landscaped surfaces for the
installation of conduit, pits and duct repair per linear metre
The prices shall include all costs associated with the breakout of existing hard surfaces of any type and include, but not be limited to:
* Provision of saw cut to depth suitable for neat breakout of existing surface; and
* Breakout pavement and dispose of waste and prepare area for excavation; and
* any temporary reinstatement (e.g Coldmix)/pavements as required.
Payment for breakout will be based on linear metres determined from standard design drawings for the applicable infrastructure under
construction. Temporary reinstatement is included in this item
Linear metre is measured in the direction in which the network path is continuing and is inclusive of the depth and width adhering to local
council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
For the avoidance of doubt, breakout of natural or soft surfaces is deemed to be included in the duct/pit/repair rates. These items cannot be
claimed in conjunction with item PS-01-01-09a
Breakout of paving in CBD areas is only applicable for breakout performed in the below FSA:
* 2PAR- Parramatta
* 2CHA- Chatswood
* 2HMK- Haymarket
* 2NSY- North Sydney
* 2DAL- Dalley
* 2CYS- City South
* 4CHL- Charlotte
* 4NWF- New Farm
* 5FLN- Flinders
* 3LON- Lonsdale
* 3EXH- Exhibition
* 6PIE- Pier

Reinstatement of Surface Materials

The prices shall include all costs associated with the reinstatement of all existing surface types for the installation of conduit, pits and duct
repair per linear metre and include, but not be limited to:
* Excavation and disposal of localised temporary pavement where applicable;
* Subgrade preparation and sub-base preparation;
* Supply and installation of all permanent materials, including finishing off, making good disturbed areas, loaming and grassing to blend into
undisturbed unpaved areas where necessary; and
Disposal of all spoil, waste and surplus materials. These itmes also includes the supply of any broken pavers during breakout.
Payment for reinstatement will be based on the linear metres of breakout measured in accordance with the relevant standard drawings and
Linear metre is measured in the direction in which the network path is continuing and is inclusive of the depth and width adhering to local
council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
Temporary reinstatement is included in this item
If there is a requirement for a full bay replacement of concrete to be reinstated, the Subcontractor will measure the linear metre distance from
control joint to control joint. If the there is part panel or strip reinstatement, the Subcontractor shall claim from the control joint/saw cut to
the additional saw cut, or the strip length where works have been completed in which the network path is continuing.
For bitumen and pavers, the Subcontractor shall refer to the required standards for the distance of reinstatement required subsequent to, or
after breakout.
The depth of concrete and asphalt should adhere to local council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item includs any day to day Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management in accordance with the traffic
scenarios specified in Visionstream's Guideline: Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management. Where a situation involving pedestrian and traffic
movement lies outside the Guideline, advice shall be sought from a Supervisor before any work proceeds.
This item does not apply to reinstatement of topsoil and seeding.
i.e. Reinstatement of natural or soft surfaces is deemed to be included in the duct/pit/repair rates
Reinstatement of paving material in CBD areas is only applicable for reinstatement performed in the below FSA:
* 2PAR- Parramatta
* 2CHA- Chatswood
* 2HMK- Haymarket
* 2NSY- North Sydney
* 2DAL- Dalley
* 2CYS- City South
* 4CHL- Charlotte
* 4NWF- New Farm
* 5FLN- Flinders
* 3LON- Lonsdale
* 3EXH- Exhibition
* 6PIE- Pier
* Supply and installation of all permanent materials, including finishing off, making good disturbed areas, loaming and grassing to blend into
undisturbed unpaved areas where necessary; and
Disposal of all spoil, waste and surplus materials. These itmes also includes the supply of any broken pavers during breakout.
Payment for reinstatement will be based on the linear metres of breakout measured in accordance with the relevant standard drawings and
Linear metre is measured in the direction in which the network path is continuing and is inclusive of the depth and width adhering to local
council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
Temporary reinstatement is included in this item
If there is a requirement for a full bay replacement of concrete to be reinstated, the Subcontractor will measure the linear metre distance from
control joint to control joint. If the there is part panel or strip reinstatement, the Subcontractor shall claim from the control joint/saw cut to
the additional saw cut, or the strip length where works have been completed in which the network path is continuing.
For bitumen and pavers, the Subcontractor shall refer to the required standards for the distance of reinstatement required subsequent to, or
after breakout.
The depth of concrete and asphalt should adhere to local council, road authority, and/or nbn Co relevant construction standards.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item includs any day to day Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management in accordance with the traffic
scenarios specified in Visionstream's Guideline: Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic Management. Where a situation involving pedestrian and traffic
movement lies outside the Guideline, advice shall be sought from a Supervisor before any work proceeds.
This item does not apply to reinstatement of topsoil and seeding.
i.e. Reinstatement of natural or soft surfaces is deemed to be included in the duct/pit/repair rates
Reinstatement of paving material in CBD areas is only applicable for reinstatement performed in the below FSA:
* 2PAR- Parramatta
* 2CHA- Chatswood
* 2HMK- Haymarket
* 2NSY- North Sydney
* 2DAL- Dalley
* 2CYS- City South
* 4CHL- Charlotte
* 4NWF- New Farm
* 5FLN- Flinders
* 3LON- Lonsdale
* 3EXH- Exhibition
* 6PIE- Pier

The linear metres of Pipe Proving required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in vacant or occupied conduit including
asbestos duct.
Measured from the pit wall to pit wall, or from pit wall to base of pole or point of contact on a building.
In this schedule of rates, Pipe Proving has the meaning given in the Activity Scope. This price shall include all costs associated with the
successful pipe proving of conduit by any means for all hours of the day, including any preparation work, unassisted mains pressure water or
duct flushing, locating buried pits clean up and disposal of waste and surplus material. Successful pipe proving is defined as proving of
conduit(s) using the required mandrel and installation of a rope in that conduit(s). This activity
includes clearing of pits to expose conduit(s) for pipe proving.

The number of existing risers on a pole and existing risers on the external face of a building, which require Pipe Proving to be performed in the
Work Order by the Subcontractor in vacant or occupied conduit. This also includes proving all ducts to the first pit from the riser.

The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in the network measured from:
(a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any cable sheath required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops in pits or man holes, lay-
offs, and any length of cable sheath that is inside a pit or man hole at completion are deemed to be included in the rate from this item (Only
pit wall to pit wall will be paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed and any hauling in
asbestos duct.
The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably required by Visionstream
for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
• Wastage
• PNI (Physical Network Information)
• Start and end cable readings
Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the format required by the
Supply & Install pipe seal TDux Product
The prices shall include all costs associated with the supply and installation of all T-Dux products.
Outside Working Hours
Outside Working Hour can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday. Outside Working
Hours items may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of the Subcontractor. It
must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt these codes cannot be used to prepare a build up for in
scope work performed outside
working hours
(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any cable sheath required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops in pits or man holes, lay-
offs, and any length of cable sheath that is inside a pit or man hole at completion are deemed to be included in the rate from this item (Only
pit wall to pit wall will be paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed and any hauling in
asbestos duct.
The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably required by Visionstream
for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
• Wastage
• PNI (Physical Network Information)
• Start and end cable readings
Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the format required by the
Supply & Install pipe seal TDux Product
The prices shall include all costs associated with the supply and installation of all T-Dux products.
Outside Working Hours
Outside Working Hour can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday. Outside Working
Hours items may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of the Subcontractor. It
must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt these codes cannot be used to prepare a build up for in
scope work performed outside
working hours

The number of cable sheaths which are required to be installed by the Subcontractor inside existing risers on a pole or inside existing risers on
the external face of a building.

The linear metres of copper cable required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor from:

(a) the pit wall to pit wall; and

(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any copper cable required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops in pits or man holes, lay-
offs, and any length of copper cable that is inside a pit or man hole at Completion, are excluded from this item. (Only pit wall to pit wall will be
paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed and any hauling in asbestos duct.
The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably required by Visionstream
for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
• Wastage
• PNI (Physical Network Information)
• Start and end cable readings
Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the format
required by the Company.

The linear metres of hardline cable required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor from:
(a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.
For the avoidance of doubt, the length of any copper cable required as part of any joint enclosure, maintenance loops in pits or man holes, lay-
offs, and any length of copper cable that is inside a pit or man hole at Completion, are excluded from this item. (Only pit wall to pit wall will be
paid). This rate also includes any re-roping of conduits for additional cables to be installed and any hauling in asbestos duct.
The Subcontractor must provide all necessary information/ documentation/ photographic evidence as reasonably required by Visionstream
for all Free Issue Materials including but not limited to:
• Usage
• Wastage
• PNI (Physical Network Information)
• Start and end cable readings
Please refer to the Works Order issued pursuant to the Master Subcontract for further information with respect to the format required by the

The number of hardline cables which are required to be installed by the Subcontractor in existing risers on a pole or inside existing risers on
the external face of a building.
Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the communications corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor,
includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the communications corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor,
includes all required traffic control.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the communications corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work Order by the
Subcontractor, includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the power corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, includes pruning
and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the power corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, includes pruning
and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the power corridor
The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor,
includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the communications corridor up to 100 pair The number of
Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, includes pruning and
removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the communications corridor up to 100 pair The number of
Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, includes pruning and
removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the communications corridor up to 100 pair
The number of Spans required to be installed in the communications corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work Order by the
Subcontractor, includes pruning and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on timber poles in the power corridor up to 100 pair
The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, includes pruning
and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.
Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on stobie poles in the power corridor up to 100 pair
The number of Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, includes pruning
and removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines. In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of copper cable sheath and all NBN Co infrastructure on concrete or steel poles in the power corridor up to 100 pair The number of
Spans required to be installed in the power corridor on concrete or steel poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, includes pruning and
removal of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.
In this schedule of rates, Span means a span of cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building.

Installation of hardline on all pole types

The number of Hardline Cable Spans required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, "Hardline Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole and a point of contact
on a building. This item includes pruning and removal
of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Installation of a catenary wire only on timber poles

The number of Coaxial Cable Spans required to be installed on timber poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on
a building. This item includes pruning and removal
of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Installation of a catenary wire only on stobie poles

The number of Coaxial Cable Spans required to be installed on stobie poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on
a building. This item includes pruning and removal
of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Installation of a catenary wire only on concrete or steel poles The number of Coaxial Cable Spans required to be installed on concrete or steel
poles in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two
poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on a building. This item includes pruning and removal
of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

Re-lashing of existing hardline to existing catenary wire

The number of Coaxial Cable Spans in respect of which an existing coaxial distribution cable needs to be re-lashed to an existing catenary wire
in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where any of items CI-03-03-01a, CI-03-03-02a, CI-03-03-03a and CI-03-03-04a
In this schedule of rates, "Coaxial Cable Span" means a span of hardline cable between two poles, or between a pole and a point of contact on
a building. This item includes pruning and removal
of vegetation as per nbn guidelines.

The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the Work Order within all cable chambers and tunnel networks.
In this rate, cable chamber means a cable chamber associated with an exchange or within all tunnel networks.
This schedule of rate items applies for any hours of the day
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt, these
codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the building via riser shaft or cable tray (includes both vertical and horizontal runs)
and includes access sub floor.
n this rate, riser shaft/cable tray means infrastructure located within a building.
This rate cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-04-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt, these
codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the building via ceiling space/floor cavity or crawl space
In this rate, ceiling space/floor cavity or crawl space means infrastructure located within a building
This rate cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-04-01-02a and CI-04-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This rate cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-04-01-02b and CI-04-01-04b
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt, these
codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

The linear metres of cable sheath required to be installed in the building via existing or new conduit.
In this rate, conduit means infrastructure located within a building
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. For the avoidance of any doubt, these
codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

Extra over rate for supply and install AC power cable for FTTB Cabinet
This extra over rate applies:
(a) to item CB-03-01-01a, CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a and;
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of AC power cabling
between the switchboard or the electricity metre to the FTTB Cabinet; and
(c) to each linear metre of AC cabling in excess of 10 metres
required for each FTTB Cabinet.

Extra over rate for supply and install earth cable for FTTB Cabinet This extra over rate applies:
(a) to items CB-03-01-01a, CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a; and
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of earth cabling between
the service earth bar to the FTTB Cabinet; and
(c) to each linear metre of earth cabling in excess of 10 metres
required for each FTTB Cabinet.

Extra over rate for the installation of a copper cable sheaths from main distribution frame to FTTB Cabinet, via riser, shaft or cable tray
This extra over rate applies:
(a) to item CB-03-01-01a; and
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of copper cable sheaths
from the main distribution frame to the FTTB Cabinet; and
(c) to each linear metre of copper cable sheaths in excess of 10 metres required for each FTTB Cabinet, which is required to be
installed via riser, shaft or cable tray.

Extra over rate for the installation of copper cable sheaths via ceiling space, floor cavity or crawl space
This extra over rate applies:
(a) to item CB-03-01-01a, CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a; and
(b) where, as part of the installation of a FTTB Cabinet, the Subcontractor is required to install more than 10 metres of copper cable sheaths
from the main distribution frame to the FTTB Cabinet; and
(c) to each linear metre of copper cable sheaths in excess of 10 metres required for each FTTB Cabinet, which is required to be
installed via ceiling space, floor cavity or crawl space.

Installation of backbone cable in buildings

The linear metres of backbone cable required to be installed in new or existing cable tray, duct, conduit, catenary wire or void by
the Subcontractor within all buildings.
Installation of coaxial service drop cable (lateral) from isolator to the ICD in existing or new duct and the installation of the ICD The number of
coaxial drop cables which is required to be installed from the tap to the ICD in existing or new duct by the subontractor in the Work Order
This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
item MD-01-07-03a does not apply

Installation of coaxial service drop cable (lateral) from isolator to ICD on existing or new cable tray and the installation of the ICD The number
of coaxial service drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the ICD in existing or new cable tray by the Subcontractor in
the Work Order
This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
item MD-01-07-03a does not apply

The number of coaxial service drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the ICD in cavity or communication riser by the
Subcontractor in the Work Order
This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
item MD-01-07-03a does not apply

Installation of coaxial customer premises tie-cabling from ICD to wall plate

The number of wall plates in which the Subcontractor is required to install coaxial customer premise tie-cables from the ICD to the
wall plate

Installation of coaxial customer premises tie-cabling from isolator to unterminated location within ceiling void
The number of tie cables in which the Subcontractor is required to install and terminate in an unterminated location within a ceiling void or
Where this item applies, item CI-04-03-05a does not apply

Installation of coaxial customer premises drop cable from isolator to wall plate in existing or new ducting
The number of coaxial customer premises drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the wall plate in existing or new
ducting by the Subcontractor in the Work Order This item applies once per service drop. Where a drop cable is required to be installed to the
wall plate, item CI-04-03-02a does
not apply.

Installation of coaxial customer premises drop cable from isolator to wall plate on existing or new cable tray
The number of coaxial customer premises drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the wall plate in existing or new
cable tray by the Subcontractor in the Work Order This item applies once per service drop. Where a drop cable is required to be installed to
the wall plate, item CI-04-03-03a does
not apply.

Installation of coaxial customer premises drop cable from isolator to wall plate in cavity or communications riser
The number of coaxial customer premises drop cables which is required to be installed from the isolator to the wall plate in cavity or
communication riser by the Subcontractor in the Work Order
This item applies once per service drop. Where a drop cable is required to be installed to the wall plate, item CI-04-03-04a does
not apply.

Per span of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

Per span of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

Per span of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The linear metres of cable required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in the network measured from:
(a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.

The linear metres of cable required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor in the network measured from:
(a) the pit wall to pit wall; and
(b) pit wall to base of a pole; and
(c) pit wall to the point of contact on a building.

The linear metres of cable to be removed and disposed in the

Work Order in buildings by the Subcontractor
Per lead in of cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
coax cable

Per lead in of cable to be relocated in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
coax cable

Per lead in of cable to be disconnected and re-connected in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
coax cable

Per lead in of underground cable to be removed and disposed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes fibre, copper and
coax cable

The number of external FDH Cabinets which are required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. For the avoidance of doubt
this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FDH plinth and installation of an FDH. This item shall include all costs
associated with any link up conduit(s) from
the plinth to connecting pit

The number of small port Node Cabinets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FTTN plinth and installation of an FTTN cabinet
A small port Node Cabinet is a port Node Cabinet with a capacity to serve up to 48 end user premises.
This Schedule of Rate item shall include all costs associated with civil activities, but not limited to the installation of a pedestal and earthing for
small port Node Cabinet including standing the node. This SOR also includes the installation of the earth rod/stake using Hydro Vac excavation
as specified in the SWMS. This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
* Excavation required for earthing and pedestal installation Installation of the earthing mat;
* Removal of excess soil from backfilled trench sections and/ or
pedestal and pit excavations;

* Installation of pedestal, reinstatement and soil backfill to establish pedestal and conduit connectivity and stability;
* Installation of the pedestal and H frame support;
* Provision of an appropriate barrier or exclusion and warning system to protect the public from any trip or fall hazards during the works or
concrete setting period Site clearing and preparation where applicable;
* Supply and installation of one earth inspection pit and conduit to plinth (Includes the installation of earth rod and earth cable);
* Commissioning/ Integration of the node through NBN network operations consultation;
* Installation of splitter/filter modules within the service box environment or equivalent termination practice if required;
* fitout of the Compact Sealed DSLAMs including installation of FMPS, SX-48 DSLAM, service box, isolator switch and requisite cabling to the H
frame within the pedestal Installation of splitter/filter modules within the service box environment or equivalent termination practice if
Please refer to the NBN Co Construction Standard (NBN-CON-STD-
1893 and NBN-CON-STD-1894) for scope details.
The number of medium port Node Cabinets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FTTN plinth and installation of an FTTN cabinet
A medium port Node Cabinet is a port Node Cabinet with a capacity to serve up to 192 end user premises.
This Schedule of Rate item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to the Installation of a plinth and earthing for medium port
Node Cabinet including standing the node and placing/connecting batteries in cabinet. This SOR also includes the installation of the earth
rod/stake using Hydro Vac excavation as specified in the SWMS. This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
* Site clearing and preparation where applicable;
* Supply and installation of a concrete plinth where applicable;
* Supply and installation of all fixings and fitments;
* Supply and install all starter pipes for Electrical and comms in plinth out to 1m from edge of plinth
* Installation of Earth mat Installation of 2x35mm2 service earth cables and hauling through conduit ready for fixing to node
* Supply and installation of one earth inspection pit and conduit to plinth (Includes the installation of earth rod and earth cable and earth
* Standing of cabinet and fixing to base
* Installation of temporary conduit plugs as required;
* Installation of desiccant bag and indicator label Commission and Integration of a medium Node. Includes installation of cards, gathering of
all required Quality data and
Commissioning/ Integration of the node through NBN network operations consultation.
Please refer to the NBN Co Construction Standard for scope

The number of large port Node Cabinets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item includes all costs associated with the installation of an FTTN plinth and installation of an FTTN cabinet
A medium port Node Cabinet is a port Node Cabinet with a capacity to serve more than 192 end user premises.
This Schedule of Rate item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to the Installation of a plinth and earthing for medium port
Node Cabinet including standing the node and placing/connecting batteries in cabinet. This SOR also includes the installation of the earth
rod/stake using Hydro Vac excavation as specified in the SWMS. This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
* Site clearing and preparation where applicable;
* Supply and installation of a concrete plinth where applicable;
* Supply and installation of all fixings and fitments;
* Supply and install all starter pipes for Electrical and comms in plinth out to 1m from edge of plinth
* Installation of Earth mat Installation of 2x35mm2 service earth cables and hauling through conduit ready for fixing to node
* Supply and installation of one earth inspection pit and conduit to plinth (Includes the installation of earth rod and earth cable and earth
* Standing of cabinet and fixing to base
* Installation of temporary conduit plugs as required;
* Installation of desiccant bag and indicator label Commission and Integration of a medium Node. Includes installation of cards, gathering of
all required Quality data and
Commissioning/ Integration of the node through NBN network operations consultation.
Please refer to the NBN Co Construction Standard for scope

The number of 48 Port Line Cards in which service jumpering is required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of layup and installations of X and C pairs to the CJL in an external small port node cabinet in the Work Order by the
This item is to be applied with item CB-02-02-01a

The number of small FTTB Cabinets required to be installed (including commissioning and integration) in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Small FTTB cabinet is defined as a cabinet size up to 48 ports.

The number of medium FTTB Cabinets required to be installed (including commissioning and integration) in the Work Order by the
Medium FTTB cabinet is defined as a cabinet size up to 192 ports.
The number of large FTTB Cabinets required to be installed (including commissioning and integration) in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Medium FTTB cabinet is defined as a cabinet size up to 384 ports.

The number of service earth bars required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of service earth stakes required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of 10 pair MDF terminal blocks required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of 100 pair MDF terminal frames required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of cabinets which are required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes any cabinet type in the Network

The number of cabinets which are required to be repaired in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes any cabinet type in the Network

The number of cabinets where graffiti is to be removed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes any cabinet type in the Network

The number of existing cabinets locks which are required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed once per cabinet and cannot be claimed in conjunction with CB-01-01- 01a, CB-02-01-
01a, CB-02-01-02a, CB-02-01-03a, CB-03-01-01a,
CB-03-01-02a, CB-03-01-03a

The number of fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports;
(c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base)
(d) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

The number fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports;
(c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base)
(d) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

The number of fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports;
(c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base);
(d) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

The number of Gator fibre joint enclosures required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) includes all activities to prepare, splice and install;
(b) excludes multiports
(c) includes the preparation of cables,cable layup, sheath
preparation and fibre lay up in joint to a new fibre joint only

The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a existing fibre joint enclosure in the Work Order by the
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
This item applies to ribbon fibre only
The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a existing fibre joint enclosure in the Work Order by the
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
This item applies to ribbon fibre only

The number of single fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a fibre joint enclosure in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation for single fibre splicing occurring in the external
network to an existing fibre joint only.

The number of cable sheaths that are required to be layed up to a

fibre joint enclosure in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a existing fibre joint enclosure in the Work Order by the
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
This item applies to loose tube fibre only

The number of single fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected to a fibre joint enclosure in the Work Order by the subontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for the preparation of cables to an existing fibre joint only
This item applies to loose tube fibre only

The number of fibre joint enclosures required to be re-entered in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
(a) applies once per fibre joint enclosure;
(b) excludes multiports; and
(c) applies to all types of fibre joint enclosures (including joint enclosures with a mechanical base or a heat shrink base); and
(d) is applied for the purpose of installing additional cable sheaths into the joint enclosure.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply to fibre joint enclosure which is required to be re-entered due to an act or
omission of the Subcontractor.

The number of splitters which are required to be installed in the

Work Order by the Subcontractor.
The number of splitters which are required to be installed in the
Work Order by the Subcontractor.
The number of splitters which are required to be installed in the
Work Order by the Subcontractor.
The number of fibres which are required to be patched from an existing splitter card within a FDH Cabinet. This item includes the updating of
fibre detail records within a FDH Cabinet
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate cannot be claimed in
conjunction with FB-01-04-01a

The number of devices which are required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of devices which are required to be installed in the

Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of multiports or splitter multiports required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.

The number of multiports or splitter multiports required to be installed on any pole in the Work Order by the subontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of existing multiports that are required to be either replaced like for like or upgraded in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes the disconnection, reconnection and testing of all existing drop sheaths as described in Activity Scope section 4.1.8
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item is claimed item FB-
02-01-01a cannot be claimed in conjunction

The number of existing multiports that are required to be either replaced like for like or upgraded in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes the disconnection, reconnection and testing of all existing drop sheaths as described in Activity Scope section 4.1.8
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item is claimed item FB-
02-01-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).

The number of Ribbon Splices that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the subontractor.
In this schedule of rates, the connection of two fibre ribbons using
splicing technique constitute one Ribbon Splice.

The number of Fibre Splices that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, the connection of two single fibres using
splicing technique constitute one Fibre Splice.

The number of Fibre Splices that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, the connection of two fibres using
splicing technique constitute one Fibre Splice.

The number of Fibre Ribbons De-Ribbonised that are required to be performed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, the De-Ribbonising of fibres to separate
fibres for the purpose of single fibre splicing

The number of fibres that are required to be OTDR tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre one way,includes all DFN and LFN OTDR testing and irrespective of the
number of OTDR tests performed on that fibre. This item only applies to successful tests, irrespective of the number of tests performed on
that fibre.
In this schedule of rates, OTDR means Optical Time Domain

This extra over item applies to each additional fibre that is required to be tested within the same sheath
This item applies to item FB-04-02-01a only
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed on that

The number of fibres that are required to be OTDR tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to the first fibre to be tested by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item only applies to successful tests, irrespective of the number of tests performed on that fibre. In this
schedule of rates, OTDR has the meaning given in the Activity Scope.
Where this item applies items FB-04-02-01a and FB-04-02-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction
This item applies to point to point (transit and wireless links) Work
Orders only

The number of fibres that are required to be OTDR tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This extra over item applies to each additional fibre that is required to be tested within the same sheath
This item applies to item FB-04-02-03a only
For the avoidance of doubt, this item only applies to successful tests, irrespective of the number of OTDR tests performed on that fibre.
In this schedule of rates, OTDR has the meaning given in the Activity Scope.
Where this item applies items FB-04-02-01a and FB-04-02-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction
This item applies to DFL point to point (transit and wireless links)
Work Orders only

The number of fibres that are required to be insertion loss tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item applies to the first fibre to be tested by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed on that

The number of fibres that are required to be insertion loss tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item applies to item FB-04-02-05a only
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of insertion performed on
that fibre.

This extra over rate applies:

(a) to item FB-04-02-05a;
(b) where the Subcontractor is required to perform insertion loss testing of a fibre to the PCD, in the LFN or MTLFN.
This rate is applied to the number of fibres that are required to be insertion loss tested to the PCD in the LFN or MTLFN.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of insertion tests performed on that fibre.
In this schedule of rates, PCD means a premise connection device.

The number of fibres that are required to be PON Meter tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor, in the LFN / MTLFN.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed on that fibre.
PON Meter testing is applicable to Type 3 architecture only
The number of fibres that are required to be tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor at the customer premise location.For the
avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre,
and irrespective of the number of tests performed on that fibre.

The number of fibres that are required to be tested in the Work Order by the Subcontractor at the customer premise location. For the
avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per fibre, and irrespective of the number of tests performed on that

The number of 12/24 way patch panels to be installed within the customer premise environment in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

The number of 24 way patch panels to be installed within the HDODF or equivalent environment in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

The number of 72 way patch panels to be installed within the HDODF or equivalent environment in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

The number of 144 way patch panels to be installed within the HDODF or equivalent environment in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item:
a) Includes layup of fibre,
b) excludes splicing of 12 way ribbon fibres.

The number of 12 fibres that are required to be terminated at a customer premise location in the Work Order by the

This item is to be applied for any splice in a PIC cable from PCD / CTL to NTD.
For the avoidance of doubt if the Subcontractor is using double ended pre-terminated PIC cable, this item is not applicable.
The Subcontractor is to ensure order of preference is followed as per Engineering standards.
This item is not claimable in conjunction with any drop SORs

The number of patching cables required to be installed within HDODFs or equipment racks to complete the Work Order.
This item applies to all HDODF patch panel sizes

The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected within a HDODF environment in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
conjunction with FB-03-01-01a, FB-03-01-02a and FB-03-01-03a

The number of fibre cable sheaths that are required to be connected within a HDODF environment in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
conjunction with FB-03-01-01a, FB-03-01-02a and FB-03-01-03a

The number of inline optical attenuators required to be installed within HDODFs to complete the Work Order.

The number of inline optical attenuators required to be installed within HDODFs to complete the Work Order.

The number of existing fibre joint enclosures required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes capping of exposed fibre tubes as necessary.

The number of new 900 type CCUs which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to installing a new 900 type CCU.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate covers all the scope of a new pillar installation including civils up to and including 10 linear metre of open
trench in OTR and associated duct work.
The number of new 1800 type CCUs which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
Construction of new Pillar and cross connect infrastructure activities include, but are not limited to:
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate covers all the scope of a new pillar installation including civils up to and including 10m of open trench in
OTR and associated duct work. This rate does not apply
where rate CP-01-02-01a applies.

The number of 10 cable pair bundles which are installed between two Connection Modules in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. This item
shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
* Installing 10 pair IDS modules to existing equipment;
* Installing 10 pair protection modules to existing IDS equipmen ;
* Install New Quante IDS Terminal Unit 100 pair unit (for 900 Type CCU) ;
* Testing to prove continuity & straightness;
* Install New Quante IDS Terminal Unit 200 pair unit (for 1800 Type CCU)

The number of 10 cable pair bundles which:

(a) are installed between two Connection Modules in the Work Order by the Subcontractor; and
(b) in respect of which the Contractor is required to cut over one or more existing service from one or both of the Connection
Modules referred to in subparagraph (a) above.

The number of existing CCUs in the Work Order which the Subcontractor is required to upgrade from 900 type to 1800 type. Where this item
applies item CP-01-04-01a cannot be claimed in conjunction
This item includes the installation of a Krone Extension Kit if required by the design.
This item shall include all costs associated with, but not limited to:
* Install Cover Lightweight (1800 Type)
* Install Cover to base sealing ring
* Install Spindle Ext Kit to Allow for Increase of Capacity New/old
900 pair CCU

The number of 900 type CCU's which the Subcontractor is required to retrofit where the existing CCU has 2 or more available ports.
This item shall include all cost associated with, but not limited to:
* Hauling of pre-terminated ‘x’ & ‘c’ cables through existing ports in the CCU and hauling through conduit into the Node ready for termination
* Fitting of pre-terminated blocks to extension piece and then to the existing CCU (Note: if CCU is spring loaded, the Subcontractor needs to
grind the pin to enable extension kit to be fitted to the top of the CCU)
* Heat shrinking of ‘x’ & ‘c’ cables
* Sealing in CCU base
* Removing redundant 900 CCU cover and returning it to the Visionstream warehouse within that bundle
* Replacing & fitting of new extension cover
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate CP-01-01-01a, CP-01-01-02a, CP-01-02-01a and CP-01-02-03a

The number of 900 type CCU's which the Subcontractor is required to retrofit where the CCU has 1 or less available ports This item shall
include all cost civil works associated with, but not limited to:
* Excavation and exposing existing CCU plinth
* Saw cut plinth to enable introduction of 2x P50 conduit for new
‘x’ and ‘c’ cable
* Straightening of pillar if required (underpin with additional concrete/props
* Supply and installation of concrete plinth
* Fitting new CCU apron to align conduits to correct position on existing CCU modules
* Installation of 2 x P50 conduits and draw rope from CCU to Pillar
or manhole (i.e. new ‘x’ and ‘c’ conduits ready for hauling)
* Boxing out plinth to make good with existing surface
* Placement of new apron over existing pillar once retrofitted plinth has cured
* Removing redundant 900 CCU cover and returning it to the Visionstream warehouse within that bundle
* Fitting and locking new CCU into place
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate CP-01-01-01a, CP-01-01-02a, CP-01-02-01a and CP-01-02-02a

The number of existing CCU removed and disposed of in the Work

Order by the Subcontractor

The number of existing Pillar Lid Locks or Pillar Caps to be

replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of existing CCU's which require a 2-piece Pillar repair
kit to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of CCU covers which are required to be replaced in
the Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of CCU 10 pair cable installation connection modules which are required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of new Distribution extra large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a Distribution extra large copper joint means an enclosure that connects more than 100 copper pairs in total.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-07a applies.

The number of new Distribution large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a Distribution large copper joint means an enclosure that connects more than 50 copper pairs in total and up to and
including 100.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate CP-02-01-08a applies.

The number of new Distribution small copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a Distribution small copper joint means an enclosure that connects up to and including 50 copper pairs in total.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-09a applies.

The number of new Main Cable small copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a Main Cable small copper joint means an enclosure that connects up to 100 copper pairs in total.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-03a applies.

The number of new Main Cable medium copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.In this schedule of rates
a Main Cable medium copper joint means an enclosure that connects main cable sizes more than 100 and up to
and including 400 copper pairs in total.

The number of new Main Cable large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a Main Cable large copper joint means an enclosure that connects main cable sizes of 401 and up to and including 800
copper pairs in total.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rate
CP-02-01-02a applies.

The number of new Main Cable extra large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a Main Cable extra large copper joint means an enclosure that connects main cable sizes of more than 800 copper
pairs in total.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate does not apply where rates
CP-02-01-01a applies

The number of new aerial large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a aerial large copper joint means an enclosure that connects more than 50 copper pairs in total and less than 100.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of new aerial small copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rates a aerial small copper joint means an enclosure that connects up to 50 copper pairs in total.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of existing extra large or large openable copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.

The number of existing medium or small openable copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.

The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new large copper joint in the Work Order.

The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new small copper joint in the Work Order.

The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new large copper joint, and in respect of which the
Subcontractor is required to cut over existing services from the existing copper joint to that new large copper

The number of existing copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replace with a new small copper joint, and in respect of which the
Subcontractor is required to cut over existing services from the existing copper joint to that new small copper
The number of existing aerial extra large or large copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to replaced with a new copper aerial joint
in the Work Order.

The number of existing aerial copper medium or small joints which the Subcontractor is required to replaced with a new copper aerial joint in
the Work Order.

The number of existing elevated joints which the Subcontractor is required to replaced with a new copper elevated joint in the Work Order.
Where this item applies items CP-02-02-07a,CP-02-02-08a and CP- 02-03-03a do not apply

The number of existing in-line copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.

The number of existing in-line copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.

The number of existing in-line copper joints which the Subcontractor is required to rehabilitate in the Work Order.

The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair up to and including 10 pair cable
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
conjunction with CP-02-02-02a or CP-02-02-04a

The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair above 10 pair and up to and including 50 pair
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
conjunction with CP-02-02-02a or CP-02-02-04a

The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair above 50 pair and up to and including 100 pair
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CP-02-02-01a, CP-02-02-02a, CP-02-02-03a or

The number of existing copper joints required to joint a cable pair above 100 pair
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed in
conjunction with CP-02-02-01a or CP-02-02-03a

The number of 2 pair cables required to be inserted into an

existing joint and jointed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of cables including a 10 pair up to and including a 100 pair required to be inserted into an existing joint and jointed in the Work
Order by the Subcontractor

The number of copper cable faults located and rectified in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
For the avoidance of doubt, this item shall only be claimed once per copper cable irrespective of the number of faults identified on
the copper cable

The number of existing copper joints required to be removed and disposed of by the Subcontractor in the Work Order

The number of existing aerial copper joints required to be removed and disposed of by the Subcontractor in the Work Order This item includes
all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of existing elevated copper joints required to be removed and disposed of by the Subcontractor in the Work Order

The number of existing joints required to be resealed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of existing joints lids, clamp and Support Bar required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of existing Enclosures required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of existing Enclosures required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of existing connectors required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of existing bandit straps required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of pair gain systems which the Subcontractor is required to remove in the Work Order.

The number of existing services which are required to be migrated from a pair gain system to a dedicated copper circuit in the Work

The number of single service active migrations required to be performed by the Subcontractor in the Work Order
This item applies once per service and includes activities at any location in the network to enable the active migration only This item is for the
migration of existing single service only and
can be claimed in conjunction with CP-03-01-10a or a standalone
item via NOC migration
The number of existing line conditioning equipment which is required to be removed in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, the line conditioning equipment is as
described in the Activity Scope.

The number of existing bridge taps which are required to be removed in the Work Order.
For the avoidance of doubt, a bridge tap is as described in the
Activity Scope.

The linear metres of earth bonding cable required to be installed

between cable sections by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
The number of existing validations required for active migrations required to be performed by the Subcontractor in the Work Order This item
applies once per service and includes activities such as document preparation and submission for any location in the network to enable the
active migration only
Active migration can be claimed in conjunction with CP-03-01-03a

The number of Services that require transposition in an Exchange in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes, but not limited to;
a) all work necessary to run jumpers at the exchange MDF to complete the transfer of the customer service (which may include x and c pairs);
b) locating, identifying, testing pairs; and
c) removal of necessary jumpers at each location; and
d) amending NPAMS records
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply when applying CP-01-01-04a, or jumpering associated with main side pillar compression
which is included in CP-01-02-04a, CP-01-02- 05a, CP-01-02-06a and CP-01-02-07a
In this schedule of rates a Service is a premises connected by the
copper access network to the public switched telephony network.

The number of existing service jumpers to be transferred between the MDF and a termination end point. An end point may include but not
limited to a CCU or TBOX/MDF at an MDUFor the avoidance of doubt where this item applies, CP-04-01-01a does not applyThe number of
“existing services” is specified in the NPAMs data provided in the Design Documents. The NPAMs data is broken into the following sub-
categories:Category Description Considered as an ‘Existing Service’ for purposes of Method of MeasurementC = Worker pairs Yes, existing
Service’ for purposes of Method of MeasurementD = Disconnected pairs Yes existing Service’ for purposes of Method of MeasurementV =
Vacant pairs No, not an existing serviceF = Faulty pairs No, not an existing serviceW = Waiting Connection Yes, existing Service’ for purposes of
Method of MeasurementX = Waiting Disconnection Yes,
existing Service’ for purposes of Method of Measurement

The number of services that require transposition in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to the first service to be jumpered by the Subcontractor in the Work Order.
In this schedule of rate, a Service is a premise connected by the copper access network
This item is not applicable to Activation Work Orders

This extra over item applies to each additional service that is required to be jumpered within the same CCU.
This extra over item applies to CP-05-02-01a only
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only apply once per service, and irrespective of the number of jumpering performed
on that service

The number of copper pairs tested by the Contractor to confirm

25/5 performance
The number of vacant copper pairs tested by the Contractor

The number of aerial bridge amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in a new network in a Work Order
In these schedule of rates:
(a) "new network" means a network or part of a network that is in not in operation as at the time the activity is performed; and
(b) "aerial" means a device, cable, or other things that is attached to a pole or a catenary wire
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).Where this item applies items Item HF-01-
03-01a does not apply
The number of aerial bridger amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Work Order
In these schedule of rates "existing network" means a network or part of a network that is in operation as at the time the activity is performed.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in new network in a Work Order.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Work Order
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial mounted directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be installed in new network by
the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item
MD-01-07-09a applies

The number of aerial mounted directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be installed in existing network
by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item
MD-01-07-09a applies

The number of aerial line power supply to be installed in a new network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial line power supply to be installed in an existing network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of pedestal mounted line power supplies installed in a new network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of pedestal mounted line power supplies installed in an existing network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial taps required to be installed in a new network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial taps required to be installed in existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial power blockers required to be installed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This rate only applies where the Subcontractor is required to install a aerial power blocker that is not connected to a device that the
Subcontractor is required to install or remove
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of RF splices required to be installed in other than existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number earths required to be installed to an existing aerial device in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of wall plates in which the Subcontractor is required to install coaxial tie-cables from the PCD to the wall plate
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial taps that require a faceplate replacement in the existing network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

This item is applicable to the upgrade of an existing PCD with a lock box to enable a subsequent drop cable to an adjoining
The number of aerial bridger amplifier or aerial line extender amplifier required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of aerial coupler or aerial network splitter required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of aerial taps required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of aerial terminator required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of aerial power blockers required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor This item includes
all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of existing line power supply, line power inserter and pedestal housing enclosures removed by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and
The number of non-aerial bridger amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in a new network in a Work Order

The number of non-aerial bridger amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Work Order

The number of non-aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in a new network in a Work Order

The number of non-aerial line-extender amplifiers to be installed by the Subcontractor in an existing network in a Work Order

The number of non-aerial directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be installed in new network by the
Subcontractor in a Work Order
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item MD-01-07-09a applies

The number of non-aerial mounted directional couplers, network splitters, line equaliser or line power inserter to be installed in an existing
network by the Subcontractor in a Work Order For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item MD-01- 07-09a applies

The number of non-aerial mounted tap required to be installed in other than existing network in the Work Order by the

The number of non-aerial taps required to be installed in existing

network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of patch cables required to be installed within HDODFs in the Work Release by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, HDODF have the meanings given in the
Activity Scope

The number of pedestals required to be supplied and installed in a

Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of non-aerial power blockers required to be installed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor This rate only
applies where the Subcontractor is required to install a non-aerial power blocker that is not connected to a
device that the Contractor is required to install or remove

The number of RF splices required to be installed in other than

existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of power blockers to be installed in conjunction with a new device (issue as an SoR for that device) in either aerial or non-aerial
environment in new network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This rate only applies where the Contractor is required to install
an aerial non-aerial power blocker in conjunction with an existing

The number earths required to be installed to an existing non aerial device in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of aerial taps that require a faceplate replacement in

the existing network
The number earths required to be installed to an existing non aerial device in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of non-aerial bridger amplifier or non-aerial line extender amplifier required to be removed and disposed in an existing network in
the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of aerial coupler or aerial network splitter required to be removed and disposed in an existing network in the Work Order by the
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item
can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network

element or device install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and
The number of non-aerial taps required to be removed and disposed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of non-aerial terminator required to be removed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of non-aerial power blockers required to be removed and disposed in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of existing line power supply, line power inserter and pedestal housing enclosures removed and disposed by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the network element or device from the network
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable network element or device
install item with relevant artefacts to support removal of existing
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of proof of performance tests for which the Subcontractor is required to carry out proof of performance

The number of optical nodes in the existing network for which the Subcontractor is required to carry out return path noise testing prior to the
Construction of the new network to which the existing network is connected.
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate applies once per optical node on which the Subcontractor has carried out return path noise testing prior
to the Construction of the new network to which the existing network is connected (irrespective of the number of tests performed), and does
not apply to any optical node installed by the Subcontractor (even if the Subcontractor
has carried out return path noise testing on those optical nodes)

The number of aerial mounted HFC active equipment which requires alignment in a Work Order by the Subcontractor
In these schedule of rates:
(a) "HFC active equipment" means HFC coaxial or optical termination equipment which is energised or powered from an AC or DC electricity
(b) "alignment" means the activities referred to in section 4.6 of the Activity Scope
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of non-aerial mounted HFC active equipment which requires alignment in a Work Order by the Subcontractor
The number of aerial devices required to be reconfigured in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
In this schedule of rates, "reconfigure output" has the meaning given in the Activity Scope
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of non-aerial devices required to be reconfigured in an existing network in the Work Order by the Subcontractor

The number of occasions where a catenary wire is required to be earthed in the Work Order

The number of DPUs required to be attached to a building façade in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of aerial mounted DPUs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to 4,8 and 16 port DPUs and includes fixing hardware and integration
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of non-aerial DPUs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to 4,8 and 16 port DPUs

The number of existing DPUs required to be removed and disposed of in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all works associated with the removal of the joint from the network including de-energising and disconnection of all existing
DPU tails
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable DPU tail jointing Items under
section FC-02-02
Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with maintaining network continuity and

The number of DPU copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and either
(a) a new or existing aerial mounted openable joint enclosure; or
(b) an existing aerial mounted terminal box joint enclosure.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies FC-02-03-02a, CP-01-02-04a, CP-01-02-05a, CP-01-02-06a, CP-01-02-07a, CI-02-
02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply.
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be
required to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends,

being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure or terminal box joint enclosure (second end)

The number of DPU copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a new or existing non-
aerial mounted openable joint enclosure
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies FC-02-03-02a, CP-01-02-04a, CP-01-02-05a, CP-01-02-06a, CP-01-02-07a, CI-02-
02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply.
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be required
to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint enclosure or terminal box
joint enclosure (second end)
This item incudes the supply and installation of a 2pair extension
in the same pit where required
The number of DPU copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a non-aerial copper
interconnect unit.
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-03- 02a, FC-02-03-03a, FC-02-01-05a and CP-01-02-07a does not
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be required
to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the copper interconnect
unit (second end).

The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a new or existing
aerial mounted openable joint enclosureThis item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).2 pair high
twist cable supplied by Visionstream/ nbnFor the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-03- 04a, FC-02-01-13a, FC-02-03-02a, FC-
02-03-03a, FC-02-01-05a, FC-
02-01-06a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply.For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension,
notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be required to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead
(first end) and the openable joint
enclosure or terminal box joint enclosure (second end).

The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a non-aerial
copper interconnect unit.
2 pair high twist cable supplied by Visionstream/ nbn
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-03- 04a, FC-02-01-12a, FC-02-03-02a, FC-02-03-03a, FC-02-01-05a, FC-
02-01-06a, FC-02-01-07a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be required
to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure (second end).

The number of aerial DPU copper leads (DCL) which the Subcontractor is required to join to an aerial copper drop sheath (CDS) in a new or
existing openable joint in the Work Order
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Item FC-02-03-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction with this

The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a new or existing
aerial mounted openable joint enclosure
This item includes jointing in a an existing aerial mounted terminal box enclosure also
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Item FC-02-03-02a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a cannot be claimed in conjunction with this item
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be required
to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure or terminal box joint enclosure (second end).

The number of existing terminal box enclosures or existing openable joint enclosures which are required to be removed and replaced with a
new openable joint enclosure
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies item FC-02-
04-01a does not apply.

The number of copper tie cables required to be installed between two new or existing openable joint enclosures or terminal box joint
enclosures in the Work Order
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, items CP-02- 01-04a, CP-02-01-05a, CP-02-01-06a, CP-01-02-07a, CI-02-02-
01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per copper tie cable, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be required to connect
the copper tie cable to two ends, being the two new or existing openable joint enclosures or terminal box joint

The number of new non-aerial openable joint enclosures which the Subcontractor is required to install in the Work Order.
The number of DPU copper leads (DCL) which the Subcontractor is required to join to a copper drop sheath (CDS) using a copper interconnect
unit (CIU) in the Work Order
This item is applicable to any type of copper interconnect units to which the Subcontractor might be required to use.
This rate does not apply if item FC-01-02-04s applies.

The number of DPU copper leads (DCL) which the Subcontractor is required to join to a copper drop sheath (CDS) in a new or existing
openable joint in the Work Order.
Items FC-02-04-02a and FC-02-04-07a cannot be claimed in conjunction with this item
Where tail extensions are required in the pit housing the DPU, the supply and installation of the extension cable is included in this
item also where required

The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a copper
interconnect unit either in a pit or through a pole raiser to an aerial interconnect point.
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-04- 03a, FC-02-04-05a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply. For the
avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor is required to connect the
DPU copper lead extension to two ends, being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the copper interconnect
unit (second end).

The number of DPU high twist copper lead extensions which are required to be installed between a new DPU copper lead and a non-aerial
copper interconnect unit.
For the avoidance of doubt, where this item applies, FC-02-04- 03a, FC-02-04-04a, CI-02-02-01a and CI-02-02-02a do not apply. For the
avoidance of doubt this item applies once per DPU copper lead extension, notwithstanding that the Subcontractor might be
required to connect the DPU copper lead extension to two ends,

being the DPU copper lead (first end) and the openable joint
enclosure (second end).
The number of 2 pair copper loops which are required to be cut into an existing lead sheath copper lead-in
This extra over applies to items FC-02-04-02a and FC-02-04-04a where an interconnect is required with a lead sheath copper lead- in
For the avoidance of doubt this item applies once per lead sheath copper lead-in which requires an interconnection
Where this item applies items MD-02-02-01a and SD-02-02-01a
does not apply

The number of existing copper drop sheaths in the Work Order in respect of which:
(a) the Subcontractor has joined a DPU copper lead to that copper drop sheath; and
(b) the Subcontractor has validated.
This item will applies once per existing copper drop sheath, irrespective of the number of times it has been jointed or

The number of existing copper drop sheaths in the Work Order in respect of which:
(a) the Subcontractor has joined a DPU copper lead to that copper drop sheath; or
(b) the Subcontractor has validated
(c) in accordance with the scope and processes as stipulated in the Activity Scope and associated Reference Documents
This item will applies once per existing copper drop sheath, irrespective of the number of times it has been jointed or

**All internal codes, i.e. item ID prefixed with MD are deemed to

include any building induction requirements

The linear metres of catenary wire systems required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
The linear metres of catenary wire systems required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The linear metres of cable tray required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The linear metres of ducting of <30mm width required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the
direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the

convenience of the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be
used to prepare a build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The linear metres of ducting of >30mm width required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The linear metres of conduit to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The linear metres of One Pass Fibre Pathway required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor within all buildings.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of ICDs or PCDs required to be connected to One Pass Fibre Pathway in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
The number of ICDs or PCDs required to be connected to One Pass Fibre Pathway in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of FCDs, FDTs and CTLs (and includes short form PDH enclosure) required to be installed in the Work Order by the Contractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of PDHs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of ICDs and PCDs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of fibre wall outlets required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of apartment amplifiers required to be installed in all buildings by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where this item applies item MD-01-07-14a does not apply

The number of MDU security enclosures required to be installed in all buildings by the Subcontractor.This item includes all costs
associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).

The number of taps required to be installed in all buildings by the Subcontractor (also includes isolator and link cables)
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of directional couplers/splitters to be installed in a multi dwelling unit by the Subcontractor
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated
Works Platform (EWP).

The number of isolators required to be installed in buildings only This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works
Platform (EWP).

The number of existing taps requiring replacement in a building This item applies to MDU environments only
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
If this item is claimed, items HF-01-03-05a, MD-01-07-08a, MD-
01-07-12a and MD-01-07-13a cannot be claimed

The number of taps that require a faceplate replacement in buildings

This item applies to MDU environments only
Where this item applies, items MD-01-07-11a, HF-01-02-04a and
HF-02-02-03a do not apply
The number of existing taps, isolators, directional couplers or splitters required to be removed only in a building by the Subcontractor
Where this item applies items MD-01-07-08a, MD-01-07-09a, MD- 01-07-10a, MD-01-07-11a do not apply
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable optical node install item with
relevant artefacts to support removal of existing Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with
maintaining network continuity and

The number of existing apartment amplifiers required to be removed in a building

This item is for removal only and is not claimable when a new device is being installed.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where this item is claimed, item MD-01-07-06a cannot be claimed.
Where upgrade or replacement activities are required this item can be claimed in conjunction with the applicable optical node install item with
relevant artefacts to support removal of existing Where removal only activities are required, this item includes all works associated with
maintaining network continuity and

The number of BFDs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Inclusive of any NG4(s), OCM-6(s), pigtail sets, patching, cable preparations or splicing required at the BFD.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where this item is claimed, items MD-01-07-17a and MD-01-01- 18a cannot be claimed.
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of SDTs required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Where a pigtail set or patching is required this is required to be included in this rate
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of additional NG4 Trays required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where this item is claimed, items MD-01-07-15a and MD-01-07-
15b cannot be claimed.

The number of additional OCM-6 modules required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Where this item is claimed, items MD-01-07-15a and MD-01-07-
15b cannot be claimed.

The number of additional PCD splice trays required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
Inclusive of cable preparation and splicing at the PCD
For the avoidance of doubt this item is subsequent to the first tray included in items MD-01-07-03a and MD-01-07-03b, and for
existing PCDs

The number of wall penetrations in brick or concrete which is are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. For the
avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
The number of wall penetrations in brick or concrete which is are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. For the
avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of wall penetrations in plasterboard which is are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Subcontractor. For the
avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of floor penetrations above 50mm diameter which are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04a
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.

The number of floor penetrations up to and including 50mm diameter which are required to be provided in the Work Order by the Contractor.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works
must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes

cannot be used to prepare a build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.

The number of fire stopping seals that are required to be installed by the Contractor
This rate can only be claimed in conjunction with MD-01-08-01, MD-01-08-02, MD-01-08-03, MD-01-08-04
For the avoidance of doubt, this item can only be claimed for in building works only
Certification for activities not specified in Activity Scope are claimed separately via Item PS-01-01-04
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed
outside working hours.
The number of aerial service drop required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies only once per service drop. In this schedule of rates:
(a) an aerial service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the ground including the installation of the
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of cable termination including cable prep and
splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents This item applies to multi dwelling units
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-02-01-01a, CI- 02-01-02a, CI-02-01-03a, CI-02-01-04a, CI-03-01-01a, CI-03-01-
02a, CI-03-01-03a or MD-01-07-03a

This extra over applies to items MD-02-01-01a.

This rate applies where the installation of an aerial service drop requires more than one span.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate only applies to multi dwelling units

This extra over applies to items MD-02-01-01a.

This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate applies where the installation of an aerial service drop
requires a raiser pole to be installed on the facia of the building.

The number of service drop sheaths required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates:
a) an underground service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existing lead-in conduit including the
installation of the PCD;
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of connection cable termination including
cable prep and splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an MDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents;
(d) rod and roping of the lead-in conduit
This item applies once per service drop to multi dwelling units only.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item

MD-02-01-05a applies.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI- 01-02-01a, CW-01-01-05a or MD-01-07-03a

The number of direct service drops required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, a direct service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between a multiport and a network termination
device located inside a building.
This item applies once per direct service drop to multi dwelling units only.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item MD-02-01-04a applies.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a and

The number of lead-in starter pipes required to be installed at an MDU location in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Where this item is claimed, items CW-01-01-01a and CW-01-01- 02a cannot be claimed
This item is to be claimed up to and including 2m of excavation from the located pipe to the network pit
For the avoidance of doubt, this item excludes any surface works, however temporary reinstatement and reinstatement of natural
surfaces are included in this item
This rate applies:
(a) where, in order to install the service drop, a new underground lead-in conduit is required to be installed between the point of contact of
the structure to which the PCD is mounted upon to a network access pit.
(b) surface mounted conduit fixed to the structure to which the PCD is mounted upon is not included in this item.
(c) where surface mounted conduit is required to be installed to facilitate connection from underground lead-in conduit to PCD, this is
included in items SD-02-01-03a or SD-02-01-04a
Where this item is claimed, item SD-01-01-04a or SD-01-01-05a cannot be claimed.
For the avoidance of doubt this item:
(a) excludes any surface works other than (b) below,
(b) includes any temporary reinstatement, and breakout or reinstatement of natural surfaces
(c) is measured in horizontal linear metres between the point of contact of the structure to which the PCD is mounted upon to a
network access pit

The number of raiser poles required to be installed in the work order by the Subcontractor
This extra over item applies to items SD-02-01-01a, SD-02-02-02a
and SD-02-03-01a only

The number of Y connectors required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor including associated
conduit required to reach the building entry point

The number of lead-in starter pipes required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
Where this item is claimed, item SD-01-01-01a cannot be claimed This item can be claimed for a starter pipe less than or equal to 2 meters in
For the avoidance of doubt, this item includes excludes any surface works, however temporary reinstatement and reinstatement of natural
surfaces are included in this item. This item is only claimable from the lead in pit to the property

This extra over rate applies:

(a) to items SD-01-01-04a only
(b) where, the requirement for a lead-in pipe is greater that 2 meters this extra-over can be claimed for every meter greater than 2 meters in
For the avoidance of doubt, this item includes excludes any
surface works, however temporary reinstatement and

reinstatement of natural surfaces are included in this item. This item is only claimable from the lead in pit to the property boundary.

This extra over rate applies:

(a) to items SD-02-01-03a, SD-02-01-04a
(b) where, the lead-in conduit has been damaged (other than due an act or omission of the Subcontractor), and there is insufficient capacity
for the drop cable to be installed in the lead-in conduit, for the purposes of the service drop or the direct service drop; and
(c) the Subcontractor has repaired the lead-in conduit such that there is sufficient capacity for the drop cable to be installed, for the purposes
of the service drop or the direct service drop; and
(d) in any surface, by any means
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where the lead-in conduit has been damaged due to an act or omission of
the Subcontractor.

The number of aerial service drop required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies only once per service drop.
In this schedule of rates:
(a) an aerial service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the ground including the installation of the
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of cable termination including cable prep and
splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies to single dwelling units only
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a
This extra over applies to items SD-01-02-01a.
This rate applies where the installation of an aerial service drop requires more than one span.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate only applies to single dwelling units

The number of service drop sheaths required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates:
a) an underground service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existing lead-in conduit including the
installation of the PCD;
(b) a service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between the multiport and the point of connection cable termination including
cable prep and splicing on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop to single dwelling units only.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item
SD-02-01-04a applies.

This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-

01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a
The number of direct service drops required to be installed underground in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
In this schedule of rates, a direct service drop is the installation of a service drop sheath between a multiport and a network termination
device located inside a building.
This item applies once per direct service drop to single dwelling units only.
For the avoidance of doubt, this item does not apply where item SD-02-01-03a applies.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a and

The number of aerial lead-in copper cables which are required to be replaced in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item is not claimable under any FTTC works where a DPU
copper lead is involved

The number of aerial copper service drops required to be installed

In this schedule of rates:
(a) an aerial copper service drop is a service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the ground including the
installation of the PCD;
(b) a copper service drop is the installation of a copper service drop sheath between the joint and the point of cable termination on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a

The number of non-aerial copper service drops required to be installed

In this schedule of rates:
a) an non-aerial copper service drop is a copper service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existing lead-in conduit
including the installation of the PCD;
(b) a copper service drop is the installation of a copper service drop sheath between the joint and the point of connection cable termination
on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop.
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a
This extra over rate applies to item SD-02-02-02a
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate applies where the installation of an aerial copper service drop requires the cable to be attached and run from within a span.

The number of aerial coaxial service drops required to be installed in the Work Order by the Subcontractor.
This item applies only once per coaxial service drop. Where this item applies, item HF-01-03-08a does not apply
In this schedule of rates:
(a) an coaxial aerial service drop is a coaxial service drop installed between two points of contact which are above the ground including the
installation of the PCD;
(b) an coaxial service drop is the installation of a coaxial drop cable between the TAP and the point of cable termination on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop.
This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a

This extra over rate applies to item SD-02-03-01a

This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This rate applies where the installation of an aerial coaxial service drop requires the cable to be attached and run from within a

The number of non-aerial coaxial service drops required to be installed

This item includes all costs associated with the use of an Elevated Works Platform (EWP).
This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies,
item HF-01-02-05a does not apply

The number of non-aerial coaxial service drops required to be installed to buildings

In this schedule of rates:
a) an non-aerial coaxial service drop is a coaxial service drop installed between two points of contact in new or existing lead-in conduit
including the installation of the PCD;
(b) a non-aerial coaxial service drop is the installation of a coaxial drop cable between the TAP and the point of cable termination on a building.
(c) this item includes surface mounted conduit and fixings from the point of contact on a building to the PCD, in accordance with the siting
guidelines within reference documents NBN-CON-GDE- 1661 and NBN-CON-GDE-1662 and applies to any other termination enclosure type
fixed to an SDU not referred to in the above mentioned premises connections reference documents
This item applies once per service drop.
This item applies once per service drop. Where this item applies, item HF-01-02-05a does not apply
This item cannot be claimed in conjunction with CI-01-01-01a, CI-
01-02-01a and CW-01-01-05a

The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a wall mounted environment.This
item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution point within the EUP or the
conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the B-NTD as well as the B-NTD hardware,
fibre patch cables and power cables to the customer supplied power
source. This item may include multiple site visits to ensure

successful commissioning of a Enterprise Ethernet B-NTD in a wall mounted environment.AC Power is to be provided by the end user
The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a rack mounted environment.
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution point within the EUP or
the conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the B-NTD as well as the B-NTD hardware, fibre patch cables and power
cables to the customer supplied power source. This item may include multiple site visits to ensure successful commissioning of a Enterprise
Ethernet B-NTD in a wall mounted environment.
AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a wall mounted environment.
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution point within the EUP or
the conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and activation of the NTD as well as the B-NTD hardware, fibre patch cables and power cables to
the customer supplied power source
AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of business network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a rack mounted environment.
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the B-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution point within the EUP or
the conduit or ducting to the B-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and activation of the NTD as well as the B-NTD hardware, fibre patch cables and power cables to
the customer supplied power source
AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of battery back-up units to be installed in conjunction with a NTD within the EUP by the Subcontractor.
This item includes installation of power cables between the NTD and battery backup unit and the customer supplied power source
AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of RF Splitter devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor.
This item applies to both SDU and MDU environments.

The number of residential network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a wall mounted environment.
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the R-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution point within the EUP or
the conduit or ducting to the R-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the R-NTD as well as the R-NTD hardware, fibre patch cables and power
cables to the customer supplied power source. This item includes all cable prep and splicing required at the R-NTD.
AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of residential network terminal devices to be installed within the EUP by the Subcontractor in a rack mounted environment.
This item does not include provision or installation of the cable between the R-NTD and FDT or equivalent distribution point within the EUP or
the conduit or ducting to the R-NTD.
This item includes installation, commissioning and integration of the R-NTD as well as the R-NTD hardware, fibre patch cables and power
cables to the customer supplied power source. This item includes all cable prep and splicing required at the R-NTD.
AC Power is to be provided by the end user

The number of internal wiring installations required in the work order by the Subcontractor
This item applies to all technology types where internal wiring is required between the exterior termination enclosure to the first
wall outlet/TO including the installation of the wall outlet/TO,

including connection, power and verification testing

This item can only be claimed once per work order
The number of lead-in enclosures required to be replaced This item includes the following;
a) removal and disposal of the enclosure and any equipment within
b) installation of a new termination enclosure
c) the re-termination of the lead-in cable where applicable
This item is applicable to all technology lead-in types, including aerial and underground
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed when performing activities under
a) SD-02-01, SD-02-02, SD-02-03
b) item CC-03-01-01a and CC-03-01-02a

The number of lead-in enclosures required to be removed at the request by the end user
This item includes the removal of the non-aerial lead-in cable, termination enclosure, tie cabling, NTD and Wall plate/TO
This item is applicable to all technology lead-in types
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed when performing activities under
a) SD-02-01, SD-02-02, SD-02-03
b) item CC-03-01-01a and CC-03-01-02a
Where an end user requests that a lead-in be re-located, this item is applied for the removal and items (technology specific items) under
SD-01-01-01,SD-02-01, SD-02-02 and SD-02-03 are applied also to
complete the re-location activity

The number of lead-in enclosures required to be removed at the request by the end user
This item includes the removal of the non-aerial lead-in cable, termination enclosure, tie cabling, NTD and Wall plate/TO
This item is applicable to all technology lead-in types
For the avoidance of doubt, this item cannot be claimed when performing activities under
a) SD-02-01, SD-02-02, SD-02-03
b) item CC-03-01-01a and CC-03-01-02a
Where an end user requests that a lead-in be re-located, this item is applied for the removal and items (technology specific items) under
SD-01-01-01,SD-02-01, SD-02-02 and SD-02-03 are applied also to
complete the re-location activity

Vehicle (Light truck) fully equipped to allow for flushing, hauling, limited to rodders, locator and manual haul equipment, normally manned by
3 staff (team leader and 2 x labourers).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order/ STOW. Where mutiple
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the most direct route. The
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is in excess of what should
have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.

Vehicle fully equipped with Ribbon splicing equipment, testing equipment (OTDR, Insertion/Loss). With up to 2 x qualified splicing technicians.
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order/ STOW. Where mutiple
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per
Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using

the most direct route. The Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed
is in excess of what should have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is entitled to adjust
the quantity claimed.

Vehicle (Light truck) fully equipped to allow for hauling, limited to rodders and manual haul equipment, normally manned by 3 staff (team
leader and 2 x labourers).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order/ STOW. Where mutiple
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the most direct route. The
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is in excess of what should
have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.
Crew set up for longer hauls which require a cable jinker and calibrated FOC haul winch. Comprises Medium / Light truck with cable jinker,
Light truck with winch, normally crewed by 4-5 staff (team leader and 3-4 labourers).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order/ STOW. Where mutiple
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the most direct route. The
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is in excess of what should
have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.

Civil crew set up for trenching and pit installations. Comprises light / medium truck with excavator up to 10 tonne (with rock capability),
normally crewed by 3 staff (team leader, plant operator, labourer). May include additional staff dependant on the length of the construction).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order/ STOW. Where mutiple
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the most direct route. The
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is in excess of what should
have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.

Civil crew set up for drilling operations. Comprises light / medium truck with excavator up to 13 tonne (with rock capability), Combined with a
Directional boring machine, with Light / medium truck, normally crewed by 4 staff (Team leader, Operator, Labourer, Locator).
Per kilometre is calculated from Subcontractor’s Business Address to the Site Address(es) detailed on the Works Order/ STOW. Where mutiple
sites are issued to the Subcontractor, the Per Kilometre distance will be calculated from the previous site using the most direct route. The
Subcontractor must plan and sequence the works to minimise any unnecessary travel. If the per kilometre claimed is in excess of what should
have been otherwise claimed for, (i.e. most direct route from site to site), then the Company is
entitled to adjust the quantity claimed.

Accommodation and meal costs that are reimbursed each day (after staying overnight) that a person is working on a designated project/s
greater than 100 kilometres from the Subcontractors place of business.
Subcontractor must provide tax invoices for accomodation incurred per night. The tax invoice must specify the number of personnel and
nights paid for. This item cannot be claimed for the convenience of the Subcontractor. Extra nights cannot be
claimed for due to an act or omission of the Subcontractor.

Accommodation and meal costs that are reimbursed each day (after staying overnight) that a person is working on a designated project/s
greater than 100 kilometres from the Subcontractors place of business.
Subcontractor must provide tax invoices for accomodation incurred per night. The tax invoice must specify the number of personnel and
nights paid for.This item cannot be claimed for the convenience of the Subcontractor. Extra nights cannot be claimed
for due to an act or omission of the Subcontractor.

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for any fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an approval to pay to a
telecommunications service provider.
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.

Visionstream will pay the Subcontractor the Provisional Sum Cost of any work which the owner of a pole has specified are works which must
be carried out as a condition precedent to the owner granting the subontractor, the Company or NBN Co access to that pole for the purposes
of the Works
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.

Visionstream will pay the Subcontractor the Provisional Sum Cost of this work
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.
Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for any fee which the Subcontractor is required to pay where a Certification, professional
approval or advice/consent is required in relation to the performance of the Works
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an approval to pay to a
Registered Surveyor
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing.

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an approval to pay to a
contaminated waste service provider.
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an approval to pay to a third
party traffic control unit
For the avoidance of doubt, this item only applies to works classified by the local authority to warrant third party traffic management.
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an approval to pay to a Local
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor the costs of engaging a council, or a council mandated Subcontractor by a provision of an
approval to complete breakout and/or reinstatement work, where it is a council requirement that breakout and/or reinstatement may only be
completed by the council or a council mandated Contractor.
For the avoidance of doubt this item cannot be claimed in conjunction with items CW-06-01-01a, CW-06-01-02a, CW-06-01- 03a, CW-06-02-
01a, CW-06-02-02a, CW-06-01-03a or CW-06-02-
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the cost of any works and fees which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an
Approval to pay a third party for construction works within a building, provided those works or fees are not also required by Legislative
Requirements or NBN Co Standards
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an approval to pay for an
aerial pole replacement
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor for the fee which the Subcontractor is required by a provision of an approval to pay for design
services by a third party for the replacement of a aerial pole
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Visionstream will reimburse the Subcontractor on the supply and installation of a electricity connection, from the electricity source:
(a) to the node cabinet for an external node cabinet; and
(b) to the building main distribution board of a multi dwelling unit for a FTTB node cabinet; and
(c) any external works required to be completed at the direction of nbn Co.
This item must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing

Time Based Rates - can only be claimed with pre-approval by Visionstream Representative
The Subcontractor may be directed to carry out minor works or night works in exceptional or extraordinary circumstances.
The Subcontractor shall keep such records as reasonably required in relation to carrying out any part of the Works on the basis of Hourly Work
Unless otherwise stated, the rates are fully inclusive and shall be deemed to include Labour and Materials (if any) vehicles, tools and test
equipment, and all overhead costs; and profit.
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.
Extra Over
Extra over item cannot be claimed in conjunction with the corresponding Time Based Rate item or the corresponding Time Based Outside
Working Hours Rate item. Where applicable, the company will specify the quantities and how these rates shall be applied. For the avoidance of
doubt, this rate may only be claimed in exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. Extra over works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in
Unless otherwise stated, the rates are fully inclusive and shall be deemed to include Labour and Materials (if any) vehicles, tools and test
equipment, and all overhead costs; and profit.
Outside Working Hours
This item can only be claimed outside the hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 3pm Saturday
For the avoidance of doubt, this rate may only be claimed at the direction of the property owner or asset manager and not the convenience of
the Subcontractor. Outside Working Hours works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in writing. These codes cannot be used to prepare a
build up for in scope work performed outside working hours.
Extra Over
Extra over item cannot be claimed in conjunction with the corresponding Time Based Rate item or the corresponding Time Based Outside
Working Hours Rate item. Where applicable, the company will specify the quantities and how these rates shall be applied. For the avoidance of
doubt, this rate may only be claimed in exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. Extra over works must be pre-approved by Visionstream in

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