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CITE (Young Learners) Paper A December 2005 Mark Scheme

Part One (20 marks – 1 mark for each correct matching, 1 mark for each
correct and accurate example given)

1. J
2. I
3. K
4. O
5. C
6. L
7. D
8. H
9. N
10. B

Part Two (20 marks – 1 mark for each correct matching, 1 mark for each
correct example given)

1. K
2. L
3. H
4. C
5. D
6. F
7. J
8. B
9. G
10. I

Part Three (15 marks)

Here is an example of successful completion of the task::

The World in Dinosaur Times

Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. The world they lived in was very
different to our world today. It was warm all year round, and it rained
a lot too. Today we’ve got five big continents but for millions of years in
dinosaur times there was only one great big one. There weren’t any
flowers, and the trees or plants didn’t have leaves like ours. Apart from
dinosaurs, all the other animals were very small. (75 words)

This takes the main points of the text and summarises and rephrases them for
Young Learners. Concepts considered too detailed or difficult in English are left
out or glossed over (the Mesozoic era, reptiles, tropical, land mass, surface
features, cone-bearing trees, ferns and mosses, mammals).

When marking, give the text

• an impression mark out of 5 specifically for rephrasing difficult concepts for
YLs (i.e. if the text is cut to 75 words but those words are mostly simply
copied from the original 0, 1 or 2. Rephrasing as above – 5.
• a mechanical mark out of 5 for accuracy of English used - take one mark
away for every mistake made
• an impression mark out of 5 for the overall organisation, summarisation skill,
and suitability as a text for kids.

• Part Four (15 marks)

• Give a mark out of 10 for the accurate identification and correction

of up to 10 errors in the text. Two of these marks may be awarded
for praise given for anything good found but this is not obligatory.
• Give a mark out of 3 for a clear key to the symbols used by the
• Give a mark out of 2 for the comments about the essay – justified
and accurate or not? This mark may be raised to 5 and the mark for
identification of errors lowered to 7 IF the candidate has provided
very good reasons why she/he has omitted to mark errors in the text
e.g. not indicating repeated error, choosing to indicate general rules
broken at the bottom of the text rather than each individual

A Big Surprise

It was Saturday 14th of May is my birthday. It was Saturday 14th May – my

birthday! I got up at 10 o’clock. Good sentence. My mother and

my grandmother we wasied wished me “Happy Birthday”. We gave my present.

They gave me my present. My father, my sister and my brother we walk walked

with me to my uncle. uncle’s house.

In the afternoon my mother she delete she made a cake. Then my mother said

“Stay with delete with, insert in the house”.

Suddenly is opened the door. Suddenly the door opened. I saw my friends and we

washied they wished me “ Happy Birthday.” My mother is delete is insert had a

cake under the table.

After that we ate and we delete we dancing danced. We gave each other ? big

presents and we went for a walk.

After that we old all play played and we old all gave each other kisses ? kiss.

At the one o’clock I go to my went to delete my bed.

It was a big surprise. It was great.

Part Five (10 marks – 1 mark for each correct answer)

1. C hand
2. B call
3. C do
4. B join
5. D stamp
6. D Get
7. C odd
8. D upon
9. A turns
10. C room

Part Six (20 marks)

Allocate marks as follows:

8 marks - Content: impression mark: interesting? relevant? plausible? backed

8 marks - Accuracy: mechanical mark: (one mark down for each mistake, do not
penalise twice for repeat mistakes)
4 marks - Organisation: impression mark: (introduction, middle, end)

NB: For essays too long or too short by a significant amount, penalise by giving 0
for organisation.

CITE (Young Learners) Paper A December 2005 Mark Scheme


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