Muhammad Thohir DKK - Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook

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Muhammad Thohir, Mohammad Kurjum, dan Abdul Muhid

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Surabaya

An E-textbook of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is an important device that supports
the on-line practical aspects of the teaching Arabic as a foreign language (TAFL). The
present study was aimed at describing the characteristics of the design and discourse of the
Schulz’s E-textbooks of MSA. The study focused on Schulz MSA E-Textbook as an
instructional material package of standard Arabic of the intermediate levels (B1 and B2
levels). The study used the qualitative research approach with the discourse-analysis method
of data analyses.The results showed the following findings. The design of the E-package is
web-based with multimedia as resources. The content prioritizes on grammar material in
each initial lesson unit of the textbook. Although standard modern Arabic is used as the
language variant for the language skills, colloquial language variants are given sufficient
attention that can be accessed only in the E-edition version of the package. In terms of the
contents of the discourse, a wide selection of texts are used with varied themes in the field
of education, social affairs, economy, culture, politics, religion, environment, and
technology. Citations embedded in header texts do not always match the contents of the
discourse. The religious discourse pieces in the materials seem to be positioned more as
socio-cultural facts rather than as theological facts.

Keywords: E-textbook, Modern Standard Arabic, discourse, learning material


Buku ajar elektronik bahasa Arab standar merupakan perangkat penting yang
mendukung aspek-aspek praktis online pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa
asing (PBABA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik desain dan
muatan wacana buku ajar elektronik bahasa Arab Standar. Kajian difokuskan pada e-text
karya Eckehard Schulz yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia dan dibatasi pada tingkat
menengah (tingkat B1-B2). Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif
kualitatif dengan analisis wacana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan berikut. Desain
e-textbook MSA Schulz berkarakter web based dengan multimedia sebagai resources.
Kontennya memprioritaskan materi tata bahasa di setiap awal pelajaran. Meskipun
keterampilan berbahasa Arab ditekankan pada penggunaan variasi standar atau modern

language, variasi colloquial language mendapat perhatian cukup memadai yang hanya
dapat diakses dalam versi e-edition. Dari segi muatan wacana, ia menghadirkan banyak
muatan seperti pendidikan, sosial, ekonomi, budaya, politik, agama, lingkungan, dan
teknologi. Kutipan yang disematkan di setiap header halaman tidak selalu cocok dengan
isi wacana. Yang menarik, wacana agama di dalamnya terlihat lebih diposisikan sebagai
fakta sosial-budaya daripada fakta teologis.

Kata kunci: buku elektronik, bahasa Arab standar, wacana, kegiatan pembelajaran

INTRODUCTION In Indonesia, this program has been

Arabic is learned in three variants: established since 2016 by the Islamic
classical written Arabic (CWA), modern State University (ISU) of Sunan Ampel
standard Arabic (MSA), and spoken as a language-learning project under the
Arabic (SA). CWA is one that is used in direct license of the Schulz program.
the al-Quran and literature. MSA, Participants are 5,000 candidates of
acknowledged as standard variety often scholarship recipients who will pursue
called fușhā, is that which consists of the continuing education in various
introduction of vocabulary in formal universities in the Middle-East countries.
contexts (Abdelali, 2004: 23). MSA is In the learning activities, participants are
used by 22 country members of given access, by way of their own
UNESCO, 422 million Arabs, and 1.5 accounts, to on-line and classical face-to-
billion Islamic followers in the world. In face instructional programs. Participants
this state, the learning of Arabic as a are given language-competence
foreign language (LAFL) has spread to a certificates, in accordance with their
wide area in the world. competence levels, directly by Leipziq
In coherence with the strategic issues University after taking the on-line test.
of the 4.0 industrial revolution, LAFL has The present study that looks into the
developed in various programs and strategic issues on the MSA electronic
designs, formally and informally alike. learning materials is based on the premise
Arabic has existed not only as a that instructional packages are not only
representation of the Arabic socio-cultural concerned with the strategies of teaching,
life, but also as part of the cyber-based but also with topics and ideas (Behnke,
dynamics of informational technology. 2018). Instructional materials have even
One example is shown by the MSA been regarded as a determining mediator
program designed on-line by Eckehard for instructional processes (Schuh,
Schulz, a professor in Arabic of the Russell, & Horne, 2018). The studies by
Leipziq University of Germany. This Pepin, Gueudet, & Trouche (2013) have
program is aimed at developing Arabic emphasized that the interfaces of
skills and competences internationally. electronic instructional packages become

2 LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020

a crucial element, including even the (2019) study how the association rule
presentation of the instructional material. model extracts unique phrases from an
Richards (2015: 92) mentions five MSA text.
principles of decent foreign-language In a study specifically related to a
teaching designs, namely: objectives, Schulz MSA learning program, Jaeni
syllabus, structural format, and exercises. (2015) finds that his instructional book
Here, the instructional objectives are contains adequate ideologies and cultures
placed in the front for the reasons that of Arabic since it provides an appropriate
objectives will have impacts on the other portion of Islamic religious teachings by
components. Instructional objectives will citing Quran and Hadist verses in each
show the nature of the language page. In terms of language skill contents,
competences to be achieved. A language the study by Taufikurrahman (2015) finds
competency is understood by Fairclough that the Schulz package has contained
(2003:82) as the ability to perform the the four language skills in a brief time
knowledge and skills in a new situation; and with recent topics and materials.
thus requiring the technological This finding is strengthened by Ediyani’s
orientation of the discourse which is study (2016) stating that the package
different from the traditional language. makes good Arabic learning although it
Research on MSA has been conducted lacks pictures in the book. In the same
by Diab, Hacioglu, & Jurafsky (2007: way, Masyhud (2017), who emphasizes
177). They tried to adapt the support more on the presentation of dialects,
vector machine (SVM) of an English text states that the Shulz MSA material is
into an MSA text, specifically in solving effective in improving pronunciation.
the problems of clitical tokenization on The foregoing discussion shows how
the morphological level. While this study there remain many possibilities in the
is based on texts, the one by Droua- Schluz MSA materials that have not
Hamdani,, (2012) is based on sounds. received attention from researchers. A
By using automatic speech recognition discourse analysis on an instructional
(ASR) for MSA speakers, they found that material has not certainly given a complete
the ASR remains influenced by the local picture if the discussion is mainly based on
accents of the speakers. Internet-based whether or not the materials are adequate
research, such as one conducted by as revealed by Jeni. As comparison,
Nassiri, Lakhouaja, & Cavalli-Sforza Purwanta (2013: 439) finds how historical
(2018), measures readability of MSA texts texts show imbalance in that they are Java-
using the Tashkeela application while centric with the consequence of lacks of
another by Aljasser & Vitevitch (2018) non-native aspects. If Faruqi (2007) and
describes the development of web-based Roibin (2010: 7) regard those religious texts
interfaces to calculate the phonotactic do not necessarily represent the religion as
probability in MSA. Meanwhile, Loukam, a discourse, then Jeni’s study still leaves
Hammouche, Mezzoudj, & Belkredim questions of how Schulz MSA instructional

Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook 3

materials present discourses as important Indonesian-Arabic edition was printed in
materials of LAFL. The study by Pransiska Leipziq in 2016, translated by a team
(2018) about the MSA book in terms of from Maliki ISU of Malang consisting of
design, construction, and implementation Bahkruddin Fannani, Uril Bahruddin,
has not answered the questions either. Miftahul Huda, Zakiyah Arifa, Dewi
It is by those reasons that the present Chamida, Ghufron Hanbali, and Makhi
study is aimed more at giving a description Ulil Kirom. The MSA Schulz E-textbook
of the nature Schulsz MSA elektronic was designed for learners to obtain a
instructional package: how to present competence certificate basedf on the
various language instructional materials Common European Framework of
of standard Arabic. The study is arranged Reference for Languages (CEFR), and
in two foci of discussion: what is the not the American Council of Teaching
design of the electronic book like and Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
how texts are presented in the book. This research material was accessible
METHOD Data were collected from the E-textbook,
The present study was descriptive both text based and graphical user-based,
qualitative research. The research subject by way of reading and note-taking.
was the MSA E-textbook Schulz (2017), Reading was done carefully and
professor of Arabic at Lepziq University of accurately; while note taking was done
Germany. Narration of the book was by writing down the data description,
presented in seven language (multilingual); copying selected materials, making
however, only the Indonesian-Arabic conclusions, and transcribing the
version was used in this study. The research materials using the determined categories.
material was MSA Schulz E-textbook of As a qualitative study, the primary
the B level (intermediate), consisting of instrument was the researcher who had a
the two editions (B1 and B2). The registered account in the MSA site. Data
electronic edition (E-edition) was chosen were analyzed using descriptive-
for the reason that, though the contents qualitative analyses, descriptive statistics,
were the same, E-edition was considered and discourse analyses.
as more complete. In addition, in the
E-editon, lessons 1 through 24 were FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
presented in one menu selection while, in Findings
the interactive edition, these were Design
presented in two books: lessons 1 to 12 in The Schulz MSA E-textbook can be
Book 1 and lessons 13 to 24 in Book 2. described in three main frames: format,
The original version of the MSA resourses, and contents and visual
E-textbook published in Germany was graphics. In the case of the format, the
titled Modernes Hocharabisch Mit Einer book consists of two forms: manual (paper
Einführung In Hauptdialekte, Hamouda textbook) and E-edition (E-textbook). For
Edition, Leipziq: Germany. The the E-edition, the material is accessible by

4 LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020

pre-paying, not open online book (OOB); In the case of contents, the Schulz
however, users are given a trial menu. The E-textbook is constructed of forewords,
E-textbook is not a sofware application, table of contents, directions for use, lists of
not it it a digital text of the PDF or EPUB abbreviations and transliterations, lessons
format. On the contrary, it is an internet- 1 to 24, intensive exercises for each lesson,
based online program that can be accessed and E-test. The material also provides
on the computer or mobile devices using sentence patterns in Arabic, sentence
various platforms such as Windows, IOS, patterns in Indonesian, glossary (Arabic-
or Android. Indonesian), glossary (Indonesian-Arabic),
In the case of resourses, Schulz MSA numbers and figures, and list of verbs and
e-textbook is multi-media. Media for conjugation. In the 24 lessons of this
audio resources, for example, word material, tag-lined as New ways to proficiency
pronunciation (examples and exercises), in Arabic, practical grammatical structures
dialect sounds, and response sounds such occupy the first presentation phase followed
as [huu] for wrong answers and applauses by list of high-frequency words, practice in
for correct answers. Not all exercises use intensive reading, introduction to dialects,
this resource; only the ones with correct/ introduction to discourse texts in various
wrong responses. For the visual resources, communicative events.
texts are used, although not all. For the In the introduction to dialects, four
audiovisual resources, not all lessons main dialects popular in the Arabic world
provide one. For example, in Lesson 8, are selected: (1) Syria, including Lebanon
page 179, it is written the way to use and Palestine, (2) Morocco, (3) Iraq,
numbers 11 and 12 in Arabic. In its including the Arab Gulfs, and (4) Egypt.
description, number 12 that is underlined Explanation of these four dialects is given
has a lifelink to Youtube coded v=VEU_ at the end of the reading text. Meanwhile,
gdvKhkw. This humour video clip tells in the form of analysis exercises, each
how to use teen numbers in Arabic that lesson has different emphases but the total
happens between two persons trapped in portion comes to the same percentage.
a lift as can be seen in Figure 1. Each dialect receives a portion of 25% in a
total of 20 exercises of dialect introduction,
as can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Video resource in Schulz MSA

E-textbook Figure 2. Percentages in emphases of
dialect exercises

Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook 5

Each lesson is scheduled for 8 to 12 contents show the material variant that is
hours depending on class conditions. written or spoken by the language user.
pelajaran yang dapat dikondisikan sesuai Meanwhile, text content data are taken
keadaan kelas. On the first page of each from the header texts and reading texts in
lesson, the sequence of the exercises is the book. In accordance with the themes,
given, not in a chronological order to suit the texts in the Schulz MSA material can
the time allotment. For example, in be classified into: education, social,
Lesson 4, Hour 3, exercises 3 and 23 are economy, culture, politics, religion,
recommended for class activities while environment, and technology (Figure 3).
exercises 2, 33, and 40 for homework
In the case of visual graphics, the book
presents interfaces that are adequate to
support learning. Other than texts,
symbols in blue colours are used such as:
= writing, = listening comprehension,
= home assignment, = computer
work, and = practice (from … to …).
These symbols contain files and audios
which can be activated as a graphical user-
based interface in the E-Edition
version. For special grammar rules,
examples and exercises are completed Figure 3. Themes of header texts and
with red marking. This is expected to reading texts
make it easy for the user to spot
grammatical changes in the examples. Figure 3 shows that Schulz MSA
material represents thematic varieties.
Discourse For example, the header text in Lesson 17,
The texts used in the material are “al-kitab khayru jâlisin (The book as the
based on Van Dijk macro discourse model, best friend)” classifies into educational,
emphasizing the theme and topic of the social, and cultural themes altogether.
passage whereby texts are considered part Meanwhile, in the reading text in Lesson
of a wider social context. Through 12, “Târîkh al-Ţib ‘inda al-Arab wal
discourse, an ideology is obtained, Muslimîn (History of Medicine for the
confirmed, changed, and abstracted by Arabs and Moslems),” classifies into
way of a text (Van Dijk, 2006). In this social, religious, and technological
case, the variants of text contents become themes.
important data for the study since variants
indicate the richness of text analyses. Text

6 LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020

DEJAVUE, and others. For example, the
PDF E-book file can be opened when the
Adobe Acrobat has been installed.
The resource designs of the Schulz
E-textbook represent the characteristics
of modern instructional materials
inasmuch as they are multi-media and
interactive. It is, however, a fact that the
minimal number of the audiovisual
Figure 4. Comparison of text agreement resources, such as videos that are
between header texts and reading texts characteristic of the IT contents of the
4.0 industrial era has forced the learners
Nevertheless, in consideration of the to be satisfied with text listening and
quantities, there is no match in numbers reading. The narrative texts, however, are
between the header texts and reading able to decrease the ability of the reading
texts. Meanwhile, in terms of the themes, duration since E-materials give more
there is a high discrepancy between the potentials for eye strain on the readers’
two text types as it can be seen in Figure eyes than printed materials (paper book)
4. Specifically, in relation to sentences do. It is therefore true that, as what
cited on the header pages, the highest happens in Sunan Ampel ISA, students
frequency is that which is religious taken enjoy spending time reading the printed
from the Alquran and Hadits (Figure 3). materials and they spend some money
buying the paper book besides having the
Discussion Schulz E-textbook version.
E-textbooks are categorizable into The composition of the Schulz
three types: device-based, reading software- E-textbook contents can be seen as placing
based, and web-based (Gu, Wu, & Xu, Arabic materials for non-Arabic speakers
2015 : 28). Looking at its characteristics comprehensively presenting Arabic
as described above, the Schulz MSA language and contents and spoken and
E-textbook is in the web-based category. written forms (Al-Qasimi, 1979). The
This category E-book is considered as material has also placed Arabic according
making it easy for the users to use it on to the Toemah (1989) descriptions, treating
the personal computer, laptop, or mobile language as a system of sounds, words,
gadgets. As long as the device is connected and sentences. Although, in the manual, it
to the computer with Windows, IOS, or is stated that the book emphasizes
Android, the program can be accessed communicative skills (listening, speaking,
easily by the learners. This is different reading, and writing), it seems to represent
from reading software-based E-books in itself as an instructional material of the
that the material can be opened using structural approach.
installed computer or gadget programs

Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook 7

This can be seen from the practice is, therefore, likely that they will not like the
that every lesson begins with students material. Besides the cognitive discre­
being asked to understand the sentence pancies, visually, there are not enough
patterns (nahwu), word derivation (sharf), illustrations or pictures in the book. In each
and meaning of new vocabulary words. lesson, there are only up to 3 pictures found.
Grammatical structures are presented In terms of the graphical-user principles,
deductively beginning from explanation the book is not supporting. In this case, the
of grammar rules followed by examples visual semiotics to support pragmatic
of use. This is in contrast with materials understanding does not match the children’s
used by most formal educational characteristics. In this case, instead, users
institutions in Indonesia, from high are asked to understand the Arabic
school to the university, where language and grammar with the support of
presentations begin with examples of lists of word translations of new vocabulary
use, in the forms of a dialogue (hiwar) and textual semiotics of texts.
and reading (qira’ah) followed then by Considering that instructional
conclusions of the grammar rules. packages are lesson units with series of
An example can be seen in Lesson 17. instructional activities for analyzing and
In the initial phase, explanation is given discussing texts (Syamsi, Sari, & Pujiono,
on the forming of the Arabic conditional 2000: 83), Schulz MSA E-textbook is
sentence by using the word’iżā, ’in, law suitable for adult learners such as
(if), and ḥabbadā law, kamā law kāna, university students or professionals. This
kamā law ’anna (as if). After that, new is based on the fact that the grammatical
words are introduced followed by levels, themes, and contents of the
exercises in the grammatical structure, reading materials, and learning activities
speaking, reading, and writing. and in the book are quite complex,
Introduction of the four dialects (Iraq, comparable to adults’ life frames that are
Syria, Egypt, and Morocco) is presented inclined to be abstract. See, for example,
under the dialogue or reading text. the complexities of the syntaxes and
Exercises in dialect use is given in the language behaviours in the hypotheses of
form of analyses by the teacher and Dale, Roche, & Duran (2008) and the
students on the changes that take place in complex adaptive system of language of
the words or phrases of the Iraqi dialect. Baicchi (2015).
The lesson is completed by oral and Presentation of grammatical struc­
written assignments on a house map and tures in the E-book can be described as
ended with an E-test. attractive, in line with the logical concepts
It seems that the visual graphics in the of adults. This interesting presentation of
E-book may not be suitable for young materials can be seen from how the book
leaners such as elementary-school students. gives comprehensive explanations on the
The children’s world is commonly full of grammatical rules of modern Arabic
fantasies and makes it difficult for them to while still paying attention to conventional
absorb abstract messages from language. It grammatical rules. For example, in

8 LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020

explaining the use of adjectives, both can be used for autonomous learning
predictive and attributive functions are since it has been completed with clear
presented. The predicative positions interface directions for doing the exercises
(khabar) can be occupied by verbs, verbal and preparing for the on-line test.
nouns, and nominals. Seen from the ways In relation to the MSA reading text
in which dominant descriptive grammars analysis, before the use of discourse
are given along the pages in each lesson, analysis, the process begins with
the Schulz E-textbook can be considered comparing between the header text and
as one which is highly structural the contents of the reading text. Semantic
productive so that it can be used for the comparison is done by looking at the
purposes of active linguistic competencies. congruence between the contents of the
These competencies are appropriately header text and the reading text in each
acceptable and achievable for adult lesson. For example, the header text for
learners. Lesson 1 must be coherent with its
Seen from the matter of grammatical reading text. However, this does not
complexities, Schulz E-book does not use happen for all lessons. Of the total 24
contrastive strategies, but more of lessons, only lessons 7 and 12 have the
addition instead. Presentation of congruence. In lesson 7, the header text
grammar (nahwu and sharf) does not only gives the proverb that the best friend is a
refer to modern grammatical patterns book; and the reading text is about an
with all the dialect developments in international book fair. In Lesson 12, the
different countries, but it also considers header text is a quotation from a Hadits
traditional grammar as in the turats and that fasting makes one healthy; and the
al-Quran. Besides, use of verses from the reading text presents an account of
Quran, Hadits, and popular Arabic Islamic medicine and its history.
proverbs in headertexts also marks the Therefore, when students open lessons 7
use of traditional grammar. The E-book and 12, they will have initial
does not seem to contrast modern comprehension of the pragmatic contexts
language against colloquial language; it, that are presented in the visual texts.
on the contrary, is present as a modern On the other hand, the theme of the
plus colloquial language. header text for Lesson 8 is actually
Compared to other packages of agreeable with the theme of the reading
Arabic instructional materials, Schulz text of Lesson 9. In this example, the
MSA E-textbook has many superior header text for Lesson 8 mentions a
aspects. As an instructional material of Quran verse that Islam is the most
LAFL, the textbook can be seen as acceptable religion by the side of Allah;
possessing the ideal requirements for a meanwhile, its reading text presents
language instructional material since it something related to education. On the
gives the qualified bases for Arabic active other hand, this theme about religiosity is
mastery in accordance with standard contained in the reading text of Lesson 9.
grammar rules. In addition, the material In fact, there is the inclination for header

Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook 9

texts to use religious themes. Most of the students. The Schulz materials mention
header texts present a religious aspect. Islamic universities since Islamic diction
For example, Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 19, takes a strategic role in the development
and 23 (33%) use the diction of Allah of the Arabic language both in substance
while the rest (67%) use other religious and institution. Kairo University in
words such as al-din and al-islam and Egypt, for example, becomes a prototype
various values from the Quran, Hadits, or of universities that is originally Asian
mahfudhat. and not affiliating to the management
Meanwhile, header texts tend to relate prototype of European universities.
to discourses outside the religious aspect. Looking back at Figure 3, on the
The header texts for Lesson 9 is related to content classification of the Schulz MSA
an Islamic theme, Lesson 21 to a source materials, it can be seen that there is a big
of Islamic teaching, Lesson 8 to Islamic portion of cultural contents in the book.
education, Lesson 16 to Islamic economy, The following is an example of social-
Lesson 18 to Islamic organizations, and cultural contents in the Schulz materials.
Lessons 14 and 18 to Islamic artefacts
and cultures. The rest are concerned Min hāżihī al-ma‘ālim al-muśirah li
with modern life related to social, ’intibāhi al-sayyāḥ fil-buldāni al-
political, technological, and environ­ ’islāmiyyati wal-‘arabiyyati hiya ba’ḍu
mental matters. The presence of texts al-mabāni al-musyayyadah ‘alā țurāzi
that are not coherent is presented in more ma‘āmirī ’așīlin wa mutamayyizin.
details below. The first is one with an Of the landmarks most interesting for
educational content. visitors in the Islamic and Arabic
countries are the various buildings with
Al-jāmi‘āt al-islāmiyyah hiya ihdā al- authentic and unique architecture
jāmi‘āt al-ḥadîśah wa lā yadrusu fīhā (Lesson 14, page 370).
muwāținū al-baladi faḥasb, bal ayḍan al-
kaśir min al-țālib al-jawānib min jamī‘i The text tells about a cultural
buldān al-‘ālami taqrīban. phenomenon where the Arabic language
The Islamic university is one of the is closely attached to the Arabic and
modern universities in which the Islamic world. In this case, the
students are not only native people but architectural styles of Arabic famous
also foreign students from almost all buildings have authenticity and
the countries in the world (Lesson 8, uniqueness that attract attention for the
page 187). tourism sector. The diction ‘authentic’
and ‘Arabic’ is used by Schulz to justify
The text is related to the importance the presence of Arabic cultures in the use
of Islamic education and its institutions. of the Arabic language. It is understood
The Indonesian Islamic universities that the use of Arabic cannot be detached
receive much attention not only from from the history of the Tadmur cultures
Indonesian students but also from foreign in Syria, giant buildings to mark the city

10 LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020

state of Al-Anbat or Petra in Jordan, etc. context of technology and modern
All these buildings have been destroyed culture, has narrowed down into
by Roman, Ethiopian, and Persian computer ‘server’. Schulz does not
soldiers leaving out artefacts and hesitate to use borrowing from foreign
remnants of high culture before the birth languages although similar words have
of Islam. However, Schluz embraces existed in Arabic. For example, al-
these cultural contents in the text kamputirāt ‘komputer’ is used in the text
materials using the diction of ‘Islam’. despite the existing al-hāsūbūt with the
Schulz is fully aware that Arabic texts same meaning. In this case, the popularity
cannot be separated from Islam since the of the diction is regarded as more
Islamic holy book and much of the important than that in the native language
religious literature are in Arabic. with low popularity. The dialogue above
In relation to technological discourse, also gives a pragmatic signal how Arabic
the following quotation is an example of also plays its role in the development of
the use of cyber technology in the book. modern civilization and not merely a
language for religious matters.
Reporter : Wa kayfa yatimmu żālik? Wa hal By carrying the concepts and values
hāżā min șamīmi takhașșușiki? of modern life in its design, the Schulz
‘How is this done? Is this the MSA E-textbook presents itself as a
core of your expertise?’ collective awareness where language is
Salma : Ţab‘an, ajhizat al-ațțibbi al- no more a mere heritage textbook, but it
ḥadīśah kulluha mutabițah bil has changed its performance in line with
komputer aw hiya juz‘un minhu. the 4.0 industrial era with its social
Wa nahnu nuțawwiru al-baramij
contemporary dynamics based on cyber
wat-tațbīqāt allatī tusayyiru al-
komputirat al-șakhșiyyah wal- technology and artificial intelligence.
khawādim. Moreover, now that Arabic is not just a
Most certainly, all modern language but an important one in the
medical devices are connected News Market, it has now become
to the computer or part of the important in the marketing of online
computer and we develop
languages ( It is
programs and applications that
run our computer sets or
therefore fair to say that the contemporary
personal servers (Lesson 15, challenges of presenting materials in on-
page 401). line formats have been answered
accurately by Schulz with the design of
The text narrates the development of his E-edition book.
the cyber culture and technology in the Meanwhile, in the religious theme,
medical world. The choice of the diction the following is an example.
is more developed in accordance with the
theme. For example, the word khāwādim, Maria : Hal al-șawmu wājibun?
whose lexical meaning is ‘helper’, in the ’Is fasting an obligation?’

Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook 11

As’ad : Mabda’iyyan na’am, wa lākin Rasid: Hażā șaḥīḥ juz’iyyan wa lākinnna
hunāka istiśnā’an, maśalan lil al-qur’āna wal-sunnah al-
marḍā wasy-syuyūkh wan-nisā’ al- nabawiyyah ayḍan bi āyātin tad‘ū
ḥawāmil wal-musāfirīn. ’ilā al-tafakkuri fī al-kawni wal-baḥś
‘In principle, yes. But there are ‘anil-ma‘rifah...
exemptions, such as for sick Well, partly correct. But, the
persons, very old people, pregnant Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah
women, and travellers’ (Lesson 9, are rich of verses on the orders to
page 225). do reflection on the universe and
search for knowledge. (Lesson 21,
page 573).
The text is concerned with the
obligation of Moslems to carry out
fasting. It is interesting that the questioner When it is put into close observation,
is acted by Maria (Mary), which is this dialogue has the same characteristics
identical with a Catholic name, rather as the one in Lesson 9, page 225, between
than Mariyam which is populer in the Maria and As’ad. In this case, the
Arabic lexicography. In this case, the text characterYulia asks a question about the
presents role relations among speakers of Quran to the listener Rasid. In addition
different religious embracers. This type to the atmosphere that it is gender-
of role relations, dialogues among friendly, the dialogue also presents
embracers of different religions, is rarely speakers who are a Moslem and a non-
found in instructional packages. However, Moslem, namely Rasid and Yulia.
it can be found in Schulz MSA E-textbook. However, it is an empirical fact that
The contexts for the dialogue above Arabic texts are much characterized by
can be frequently found in European the domination of males over females. In
social interactions where the Moslem this case, many reading texts in the
community becomes a minority and Schulz E-textbook can be seen as turning
where there is gender equality that places the factual phenomenon over. Meanwhile,
women as equal to men. In this case, the in term of the contents, the materials tell
character Maria (Mary) takes the active how Islamic teaching is not merely
role to greet and ask a question to a male concerned with religious affairs, but it is
listener As’ad. In the Schulz E-textbook, also concerned with science development.
this is not done by accident; but it is done In the case of texts that are related to
intentionally. The following text presents economic and environmental matters,
another example. the following quotation can be an
Yulia : Al-‘ulūm al-țabī‘iyyah fil-qur’ān?
’alaysal qur’ānu kitāban dīniyyan Bāta darûriyyan li al-duwal allatī
khālișan ya‘tamiduhū al-muslimūna tu’assisu iqtisādaha ‘alā tașdīri al-bitrāl
dustūran lisy-syarā’i‘? ‘an tas‘ā li’ījīd badā’il lisaddi hājātiha
‘Physics in the Quran? Isn’t the min al țāqāt fi al-mustaqbali.
Quran is a religious holy book It has been a necessity for countries that
believed by the Moslems to contain
depend their economy on the oil
religious rules?’

12 LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020

exports to find alternatives for their This is an aspiration for the students
energy needs in the future (Lesson 11, to be able to develop their knowledge and
page 268). cultural backgrounds for their personal
identity in the midst of global contexts. It
This text shows how Schulz MSA is unfortunate that, conversely, students
E-materials also raise the issues of the may experience cultural degradation
importance economic development that from being exposed to foreign cultures. It
is environmentally friendly. In the midst is for this reason that Schulz textbook has
of the hedonistic and consumptive life included verses and phrases from the
styles of the Arabs, who are rich because Quran, Hadits, and Mahfudhat in early
of the oil exploitation, this discussion is pages to expose the learners to traditional
important to be presented. This can be and local cultures and values. The same
regarded as an auto-criticism for the users case applies for the Indonesian contexts
of the Arabic language and culture as since the Indonesian learners are mostly
well as a characteristic of modern Indonesian Moslems. As for the global
instructional materials which usually contexts, the textbook presents universal
possess a wide selection of language contents in the reading texts although
discourse. these sometimes are in contrast with
In both the critical and general religious values.
judgements, the Schulz MSA E-textbook In the second criterion, authenticity,
can be seen as having fulfilled the the Shulz E-textbook has taken
hypotheses suggested by Fatima Dar’s consideration of how texts should be
(2012) Textbook Materials and their presented in language that is truly used in
Successful Application in the Classroom: real life. In term of the Arabic language,
Implications for Language Development. Dar modern Arabic has involved the dialectic
states that in developing language value development as an influence among
education, the designing of the the Arabic countries themselves. For
instructional package should fulfill three this, the Schulz textbook has integrated
criteria: (1) global and local contents, (2) the use of the different dialects in the
authenticity, and (3) adaptation. In the materials. This can be seen as one special
first requirement, foreign language characteristic of the book since it
teaching should place a good balance facilitates dynamic language learning
between foreign and local contents. In materials without decreasing the
this case, students are expected to be appreciation of traditional texts. A
exposed to foreign cultures without weakness in the introduction of the four
ignoring native cultures. Local cultures dialects is apparent, however, in that no
are regarded as important. In the learning additional explanation is given on the
situations, students are exposed with textual characteristics of the use of the
contrasts between domestic affairs and dialects. For non-Arabic learners, such as
international affairs. Indonesians, such additional explanation

Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook 13

is needed. Language is, in one way, research findings that recommend
representation of cultures; adequate adaptation in the global level should be
explanation on the our popular Arabic quickly manifested in the community’s
dialects can be used as a symbolic daily life, language, and cultures of the
representation of the countries and local level. In addition, the study by
communities of the Arabic people Defina (2019: 161) on ILFL
(Mahadi & Jafari, 2012). (Indonesian Language for Foreign
For the third criterion, material Learners) also recommends that learners’
adaptation, instructional materials perceptions be taken into consideration
should be designed such that they can be in developing an instructional material.
accepted, absorbed, and understood by Therefore, the development of the Schulz
the learners. Generally, learners do not MSA E-textbook can be carried out by
readily accept and understand reading considering the suitability of the texts
texts, especially the ones on global issues. based on the geographical zonation such
In this case, the instructor plays an as the continental backgrounds of the
important role since he or she can help in learners.
bringing the suitability of the text Should the foregoing discussion be
contents with their appropriate contents sharpened by critical discourse analyses,
as protective factors (Mcivor, Napoleon, it can be focused on the inequality of
& Dickie, 2009) for the balance among contents among the linguistic, cultural,
the values of the modern language, and religious aspects of the contents in
cultures and religious teachings. All this the materials. From the perspectives of
has been done in the Schulz textbook. Holden (2006) as an articulation of
The result is that religious texts do not values showing how much language users
come to be dominant in the textbook see the existing cultural realities, the
since adaptation is done generally for the Schulz E-textbook can be seen as one that
purpose of linguistic exposure; cultural is designed and published by European
modernization and linguistic variants are scholars, Leipsiq University, based more
given more prominence. This can be seen on their cultural realities. This is in line
within the text materials in the 24 lessons with the study of Ingelehart and Baker
with the contents of life frames of the (2000) showing that economic
global cultures presenting the issues of development is tied to pervasive cultural
science dynamics, social technology, changes. Besides, industrialization
communication, and transportation. demands the shift from traditional to
Uniquely, in learning the language, rational secular values (Ronald & Baker,
Indonesian leaners are characterized by 2000). An implication is the presence of
backgrounds that tend to be dominated texts that does not match with the cultural
by religious values so that it takes longer contexts of the learners. , muncul
for them to be adapted with the beberapa teks yang kurang sesuai dengan
E-textbook. In this case, the instructors konteks budaya pemelajar. The Schulz
may well consider Petković (2007) MSA E-textbook, however, has given

14 LITERA, Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2020

room to the presence of the rational (Anyanwu, 2015:19). The identities of
secular values of the European scholars. Arabic and religious values can be quickly
This is in agreement with the case of eroded if religious texts are rarely used.
foreign language learning transformation Identities can vanish quickly without the
in the Northern Ireland in which presence of an active language (Dorais,
language education policies are developed 1995: 304).
in the contexts of identity conflicts and One shortcoming of the instructional
linguistic inheritence as political issues package is the absence of the targeted
on a modern language (Wyburd, 2015: basic competence at the beginning of
21). each lesson. Learners or users are directed
It seems true that the texts in the immediately to read the manual and list
Schulz MSA E-textbook represent the of contents whereas the materials and
author’s views that the community at exercises are recommended not to be
large should still follow the hypothesis done in a sequential order. On a positive
(Faruqi, 2007) on the mid-century point, the book presents themes that are
Islamization of Western science as an recent and up-to-date, practical grammar
approach to Islamic holistic values. This with varied stylistics, varied texts, and
hypothesis underlines the presence of dynamic and enjoyable activities. On a
religious texts translated more as a negative point, listening to and retelling
subordinate cultural product so that they aural texts of the four dialects and
become not as primary texts, but more as understanding of modern vocabulary
secondary ones. This happens most words tend to be slow. However, the
probably because Arabic is seen more as E-book prioritizes grammar, but not
a culture rather than a value system ignoring notional and situational
(Roibin, 2010); or, as what is expressed approaches or other aspects in selecting
by Pritchard (in Marzali, 2012: 73), instructional materials; it is
because language is no more than a multidimentional.
sociological fact, and not a theological
It is interesting how this view is The design of the Schulz MSA
ignored by the Schulz E-textbook by e-textbook has placed the textbook as a
putting in religious verses and proverbs as modern instructional package for Arabic
header texts on every page although they as an international language. The web-
may not always congruent with the based material is expected to support
corresponding reading texts. Although learning in the disruptive manner which
such quotations are seen only as page becomes a characteristic of instruction of
decorations, the Schulz e-textbook has the 4.0 industrial era. It is only that
sub-consciously placed itself as one that multimedia-based resources, such as
guards the humanistic continuity of the videos, are note completely adequate. In
speakers of Arabic since a society without presenting the interfaces, the materials
culture is one that has lost their identities have been arranged in accordance with

Design and Discourse of Modern Standard Arabic E-Textbook 15

the manuals and use of the standard instruction considering that the learners,
language (fusha) without ignoring the most specifically Indonesians, tend to
variant differences in the four dialects of look at Arabic as not merely a cultural
Egypt, Syria, Morocco, and Iraq. In product; but it, more than that, is
terms of vocabulary, the material is regarded as a language of the holy book
adequately representative in rich in life values. At any rate, the Schulz
accommodating various international MSA e-textbook has been in existence as
vocabulary entries. Words and phrases an inspirative Arabic instructional
are presented in the reading texts within material package of the 21st century; its
the 24 lesson units of the package. presence needs to be appreciated and
Although religious texts do not occupy such creative efforts need to be supported
the highest portion of the book, in the future in furthering the
quotations in the forms of verses and development of the teaching of Arabic
proverbs from the Quran, Hadits, and as a foreign language.
mahfudhat are abound throughout the
Discourse pieces in the Schulz Gratitude is bestowed to Prof. Dr.
materials are complete and comprehensive Eckehard Schulz who has directly given
covering a large variety of themes in the researcher training in the use of the
education, social affairs, economy, MSA E-texbook at Leipziq University in
culture, politics, religion, environment, 2015. Statements of appreciation are also
and technology. It is interesting to note dedicated to Prof. H. Masdar Hilmy, S.
that, although there are many religious Ag., M.A, Ph.D., Rector of Sunan Ampel
texts in the materials, the Arabic language ISU, Prof. Dr. H. Sahid HM, M.Ag.,
in the texts looks as more of socio- M.H., Director of the Research and
cultural facts rather than theological Community Services Centre of Sunan
facts. The religious contents in the Ampel ISU, and Prof. Abdul Kadir
materials seem to be dominated more by Riyadi, Ph.D., Director of the Language
rational secular systems of life rather Services Centre of Sunan Ampel ISU for
than by value systems. The same giving the opportunity to the researcher
phenomena happen with texts that come to use the Schulz MSA E-textbook in the
from the Quran so that, although there Arabic classes, since 2017, and facilitating
are a lot of header texts in the materials, the study.
their existence is not much tied to the
reading texts in the lesson units; these are REFERENCES
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the findings of the study is for the The American Society for Information
instructors to be able to bridge the gap in Science and Technology, 55(1), 23-28.
the materials by way of other aspects of

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