PO1 13 Transhipment N GP

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Operations Research

Industrial Engineering
Transshipment Model
 Untuk pendistribusikan produk yang tidak dapat dilakukan
secara langsung dari sumber ke tujuan karena pengiriman
langsung tidak ekonomis.
 Pada transshipment model tiap sumber atau tujuan
merepresentasikan bagian yang potensial untuk suplai dan
demand, sehingga tiap lokasi menjadi pensuplai bagi lokasi
Transshipment Model
 Bagian dari model transportasi di mana terdapat titik
(node) yang berfungsi sebagai demand sekaligus supply:
 Transhipment nodes
 Pada kasus di mana transhipment lebih menguntungkan
daripada direct supply to demand nodes
 Supply untuk setiap transhipment node adalah total supply
 Demand untuk setiap transhipment node adalah total
Transshipment Model
 In a transshipment problem flows can occur both out of and
into the same node in three ways:
 If total flow into a node is less than total flow out from node,
node represents a net creator of goods (a supply point).
 Flow balance equation will have a negative right hand side (RHS)
 If total flow into a node exceeds total flow out from node,
node represents a net consumer of goods, (a demand point).
 Flow balance equation will have a positive RHS value.
 If total flow into a node is equal to total flow out from node,
node represents a pure transshipment point.
 Flow balance equation will have a zero RHS value.
The Transshipment Model Characteristics
 It is an extension of the transportation model.
 Intermediate transshipment points are added between
the sources and destinations.
 Items may be transported from:
 Sources through transshipment points to destinations
 One source to another
 One transshipment point to another
 One destination to another
 Directly from sources to destinations
 Some combination of these
Model - Example 1
Executive Furniture
Model - Example 1
Executive Furniture

Transportation Costs Per

Transportation Model Example 1
Executive Furniture Corporation: LP Transportation Model Formulation

Z = minimize total shipping costs
= 5 XDA + 4 XDB + 3 XDC + 3 XEA + 2 XEB + 1 XEC +
9 XFA + 7 XFB + 5 XFC

Xij = number of desks shipped from factory i to warehouse j
i = D (for Des Moines),
E (for Evansville), or
F (for Fort Lauderdale).
J = A (for Albuquerque),
B (for Boston), or
C (for Cleveland).
Transportation Model Example 1
Executive Furniture Corporation: Supply Constraints

 Net flow at supply nodes = (Total flow in) - (Total flow out)

 Net flow
- XDA - XDB - XDC = -100 (Des Moines)
- XEA - XEB - XEC = -300 (Evansville)
- XFA - XFB - XFC = -300 (Fort Lauderdale)

 Multiply each constraint by -1 and rewrite as:

XDA + XDB + XDC = 100 (Des Moines)
XEA + XEB + XEC = 300 (Evansville)
XFA + XFB + XFC = 300 (Fort Lauderdale)
Transportation Model Example 1
 Executive Furniture Corporation: Demand Constraints

 Net flow at demand nodes = (Total flow in) - (Total flow


Net flow at Albuquerque =

XDA + XEA + XFA = 300 (Albuquerque)
XDB + XEB + XFB = 200 (Boston)
XDC + XEC + XFC = 200 (Cleveland)
Transportation Model Example 1:
The Optimum Solution
 100 desks from Des Moines to Albuquerque,
 200 desks from Evansville to Albuquerque,
 100 desks from Evansville to Boston,
 100 desks from Fort Lauderdale to Boston,
 200 desks from Fort Lauderdale to Cleveland.
 Total shipping cost is $3,000.
Executive Furniture Corporation
 Executive Furniture ship desks from Evansville factory to
its three warehouses at very low unit shipping costs.
 Consider shipping all desks produced at other two
factories (Des Moines and Fort Lauderdale) to Evansville.
 Consider using a new shipping company to move desks
from Evansville to all its warehouses.
Executive Furniture
unit shipping costs are
shown here.

Note Evansville factory

shows up in both the
“From” and “To” entries.
Executive Furniture Corporation
 LP Model for theTransshipment Problem
 Two new additional decision variables for new shipping
routes are to be added.
XDE= number of desks shipped from Des Moines to Evansville
XFE = number of desks shipped from Fort Lauderdale to Evansville
Objective Function: minimize total shipping costs =
5XDA + 4XDB + 3XDC + 2XDE + 3XEA + 2XEB +
+1XEC + 9XFA + 7XFB + 5XFC + 3XFE
Executive Furniture Corporation Revisited
 LP Model for theTransshipment Problem
 Relevant flow balance equations written as:
(0) - (XDA + XDB + XDC + XDE) = -100 (Des Moines)
(0) - (XFA + XFB + XFC + XFE) = -300 (Fort Lauderdale)

 Supplies have been expressed as negative numbers in the RHS.

Net flow at Evansville = (Total flow in) - (Total flow out)
= (XDE + XFE) - (XEA + XEB + XEC)

 Net flow equals total number of desks produced (the supply) at Evansville.
Net flow at Evansville = (XDE + XFE) - (XEA + XEB + XEC) = -300

 No change in demand constraints for warehouse requirements:

XDA + XEA + XFA = 300 (Albuquerque)
XDB + XEB + XFB = 200 (Boston)
XDC + XEC + XFC = 200 (Cleveland)
Transshipment Model Example 2
Problem Definition and Data
Transshipment Model Example 2
Model Formulation
Z = 16x13 + 10x14 + 12x15 + 15x23 + 14x24 +
17x25 + 6x36 + 8x37 + 10x38 + 7x46 + 11x47 +
11x48 + 4x56 + 5x57 + 12x58

subject to:
x13 + x14 + x15 = 300
x23 + x24 + x25 = 300
x36 + x46 + x56 = 200
x37 + x47 + x57 = 100
x38 + x48 + x58 = 300
x13 + x23 - x36 - x37 - x38 = 0
x14 + x24 - x46 - x47 - x48 = 0
x15 + x25 - x56 - x57 - x58 = 0
xij  0
Variable Slack dan Surplus
 Variabel Slack, adalah variabel yang ditambahkan ke
model matematik kendala untuk mengkonversikan
pertidaksamaan < menjadi persamaan (=). Penambahan
variabel ini terjadi pada tahap inisialisasi. Pada solusi awal,
variabel slack akan berfungsi sebagai variabel basis.
 Variabel Surplus, adalah variabel yang dikurangkan dari
model matematik kendala untuk mengkonversikan
pertidaksamaan > menjadi persamaan (=). Penambahan
variabel ini terjadi pada tahap inisialisasi. Pada solusi awal,
variabel surplus tidak dapat berfungsi sebagai variabel
Goal Programming Basic
Example: Sage Creek Pottery
Example: Sage Creek Pottery
Example: Sage Creek Pottery
 Fungsi Tujuan selalu meminimalkan

 Meminimalkan deviasi atau penyimpangan dari tujuan yang

 Jika ingin yang lebih, maka minimalkan kekurangannya
 Jika ingin kurang, maka minimalkan kelebihannya
Example: Sage Creek Pottery
Goal Programming
Pendekatan Goal Programming
Pendekatan Goal Programming
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