Assignment # 1

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Assignment # 1

Submission Date (Dec 21, 2021)


Ayesha Effa 20011506-110

(Animal diversity-1)


Botany3th (B)

Submitted to

Maryam Khalid

Department of Botany

University of Gujrat

(Session 2020-2024)
Taxonomy, Systematics and Phylogeny

The term taxonomy is derived from the Greek taxis (“arrangement”) and nomos (“law”).
Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing, classifying organism and include all plants,
animals and microorganisms of the world. Taxonomy organizes taxonomic units known as
"taxa" (singular "taxon")." 

The Linnaean system:

Karl Von Linne (Carolus Linnaeus) (1707-1778), who gave a classification of organism called
'The Father of Taxonomy' he classified the organism on the basis of similarities.
His books are considered the beginning of modern botanical and zoological nomenclature,
drew up rules for assigning names to plants and animals and was the first to use
binomial nomenclature consistently (1758). 

Von Linne also recognized that different species could be grouped into border categories
based on shared characteristics. Any grouping of animals that shares a particular set of
characteristics forms an assemblage called Taxon.

For example, A housefly although obviously, unique share characteristics with other flies.
Animals that lay eggs and have scales we call reptiles, and animals that have live births and
have fur or hair we call mammals.
More specifically, all humans share the same characteristics and so belong to a group,
or taxon, of the genus Homo, and species sapiens.

Five taxa
animals plants
Von Linne recognized five
taxa. Modern taxonomists
domain Eukaryota Eukaryota use those five and have
added three others
kingdom Animalia Plantae

phylum Chordata Tracheophyta

class Mammalia Pteropsida

order Primates Coniferales

family Hominidae Pinaceae

genus Homo Pinus

specie Sapiens Sativa

In biological classification, the system of naming organisms is called nomenclature
Problem of using common name:
1. Common name differ from region to region and area to area.
e.g. Onion has different name in different regions and areas (Piyaz, Ganda, Bassal, Wassal)
2. Same name used for different organisms.
e.g. Black bird is used for crow & raven.
3. Sometime common names are used for taxonomic categories higher than species level.
e.g. Cray fish belong to order decapoda and class crustacean.
Binomial nomenclature:
The system of nomenclature in which two terms are used to denote a species of living
organism, the first one indicating the genus and the second the specific epithet
The scientific name of human is presented by Homo sapiens. Homo represents the genus
and sapiens represents the species
1. The entire two - part name must be written in italics (for underlined when hand written).
2. The genus name is always written first.
3. The genus name must be capitalized.
4. The species name is never capitalized.
5. By describing more than one species belonging to the same genus, the genus name is

The word 'systematics' was used by Carl Linnaeus for the first time. The goal of animal
systematics is to arrange animals into groups that reflects evolutionary relationships.
Systematics is a combination of taxonomy and phylogenetic analysis.
Purpose of Systematics:
Systematics plays a central role in biology by providing the means for characterizing the
organisms that we study. Through the production of classifications that reflect evolutionary
relationships it also allows predictions and testable hypotheses.
Group of animal systematics is followings:
 Monophyletic
 Paraphyletic
 Polyphyletic
Monophyletic group:
These groups should include a single ancestral and all of its descendants. Such a group
called monophyletic group.
Paraphyletic group:
These groups include some but not all member’s lineages. Paraphyletic also result when
knowledge of the group is insufficient.
Polyphyletic group:
These groups have members that can be traced to separate ancestors. Since each group
should have a single ancestor, a Polyphyletic group reflects insufficient knowledge of the

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