Act 10

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Name :Samuel J. Pablo

Course Description : BSA Set-A
Date & Schedule :11-11-21/Mon-Thurs 10:30-12:00
Instructor : Filipina Geronimo
Activity No : 10 Global Demography

• Humanitarian Issue
-Somalia is experiencing a severe humanitarian crisis as a result of political instability and
civilian insecurity, as well as some genuinely devastating effects of climate change. The number
of Somalis in need of humanitarian aid has surged by 40% in the last two years, and currently
surpasses 5 million, accounting for about half of the country's population. It is related to
humanitarian issue because, it described as a single occurrence or a series of events that pose a
threat to a community's or large group's health, safety, or well-being. It can be an internal or
foreign war, and it usually takes place over a huge amount of land.

• Climate Change
-The reservoir is fast depleting. Due to a severe drought brought on by climate change and rising
water demand, Lake Mead reached its lowest level since the reservoir was built in the 1930s on
Wednesday. Lake Mead, a Colorado River reservoir on the Nevada-Arizona border east of Las
Vegas, is set to become the focal point of one of the country's most serious climate crises: West
Coast water shortages. According to academics, the Colorado River scarcity will affect millions
of people in the next years and decades, with some compelled to make harsh water cuts. It is
related to climate change because, climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and
weather patterns.

• Global Population
-Africa is predicted to account for more than half of global population growth between now and
2050. Africa has the highest population growth rate among the main continents. By 2050, the
population of Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to quadruple. Even if fertility numbers fall
significantly in the near future, Africa is expected to experience high population growth.
Regardless of the uncertainties surrounding future fertility rates in Africa, the vast number of
young people on the continent who will reach maturity and have children in the coming years
ensures that the continent will play a key role in influencing the world's population size and
distribution. Regardless of the uncertainty surrounding future fertility trends in Africa, the large
number of young people on the continent who will reach adulthood and have children in the
coming years ensures that the continent will play a key role in shaping the world's population size
and distribution in the coming decades. It is related to global population because, it is an
undesirable situation in which the current human population exceeds the Earth's real carrying

• Gender Inequality
-In Canada, women earn less than males practically immediately after college, and the disparity
widens. According to a research issued Tuesday by the Education Policy Research Initiative at
the University of Ottawa and the Labour Market Information Council, this is the case. The report
focused on men's and women's annual earnings rather than wages, therefore hours worked were
not taken into account. The study followed students from 11 different fields of study and five
distinct credential levels, including a college-level certificate, a college-level diploma, a
bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and a doctoral degree. It is related to gender inequality
because, gender inequality refers to the fact that men and women are not treated equally in
society. Differences in genetics, psychology, or societal cultural standards may be at the root of
the treatment.

• Poverty
-We've heard that COVID-19 has increased rates of domestic violence and violence against
children, and the long-term consequences are impossible to predict. We've heard that before the
epidemic, one out of every four children was at danger of poverty, but that number is now likely
to be substantially higher. We've heard that there is still a significant digital divide in Europe.
Families are frightened of the future, and many may struggle to keep their houses warm this
winter, according to reports. We've heard that our child protection systems are under strain, and
that children in foster care are frequently more damaged than those in public care. It is related to
poverty because, poverty is defined as a lack of sufficient funds to cover basic requirements such
as food, clothing, and shelter. Poverty, on the other hand, is much more than a lack of resources.

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