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ALUNO: ______________________________________________________________
ETAPA ________

1ª Questão:
Anne is talking to Meg.
Anne: Hello Meg. Can I ask you something?
Do you collect anything?
Meg: Yes, I do. I have a nail polish collection.
Anne: Polish?
Meg: Yes, I like them very much.
Anne: How many do you have?
Meg: I think there are over 150.
Anne: How do you get all of them?
Meg: My mom gives me when I get good marks.
Mark the wrong statement:
a) Meg coleciona esmaltes.
b) Meg gosta muito de esmaltes.
c) A coleção tem quase 150 esmaltes.
d) Sua mãe lhe dá quando ela tem boas notas.
e) Anne perguntou a Meg se ela colecionava alguma coisa
2ª Questão:
Hey Paul!
You are so curious! There is a nice girl in my class, too. Her name is Julia. She is 12 years old
and her birthday is on July 1st. She is tall and she has brown eyes and long brown hair. I think
she´s not very pretty, but I’m in love with her. She is not my girlfriend yet…Tonight I’ll be off-
line. I have to study for my Mathematic test tomorrow morning.
De acordo com o texto lido acima, coloque Right (R), Wrong (W) ou Not Mentioned (NM) nos
1) Amanda is 13 years old.( )
2) Paul’s History grades are bad. ( )
3) Amanda is tall and she has brown eyes. ( )
4) Julia is not Beto’s girlfriend yet. ( )
5) Beto is in love with Amanda. ( )
6) Paul’s birthday is on October 22nd ( )
3ª Questão:
Leia as sentenças e complete com as palavras corretamente:
1) dryer machine 2) bathtube 3) dresser 4) stove
a) My mother is buying a new _____________________ for our kitchen.
b) Please, go to my bedroom and pick the hair dryer on the ___________________.
c) My bathroom is so comfortable! Today I am going to jump in my _________________.
d) Look in the laundry! There are three T-shirts in the _________________
As questões 04 e 05 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto que segue.
The Red Cross
The Red Cross is an international organization which cares for people who are in need of help.
A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was injured in na
earthquake, and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red
The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe. The world Red Cross
organizations are sometimes called Red Crescent, the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red
Lion. All these agencies share the common goal of trying to help people in need.
The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with
Jean Henri Dunant.
4ª Questão:
Pelo texto, podemos afirmar que a organização Red Cross:
a) Custa muito pouco dinheiro.
b) Funciona em muitos países.
c) Tem o mesmo nome em todos os lugares.
d) É uma organização que não existe mais.
e) Funciona apenas em tempos de paz.
5ª Questão:
A pessoa que lançou a ideia da organização foi:
a) Cross
b) Dunant
c) Barton
d) Mogen
e) Crescent

6ª Questão

What is Calvin’s class at the moment?

a) Computer Science
b) Math
c) Gym
d) English
e) Science
7º Questão
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb to be. (AM, IS, ARE)
Peter: (…) _________ you in tennis practice, Jamie?
Jamie: Yes, I ________.
Peter: Cool! Me, too.
Jamie: What ________ your last name, Peter?
Peter: It _________ Parker.
Jamie: Parker? Peter Parker – like Spider Man? _______ you serious?
Peter: Yes, I ________. It _________ (not) funny.
8º Questão
Traduza os sujeitos abaixo em português


9ª Questão
Marque a alternativa que traduza de forma eficiente o termo em negrito:
Are you crazy?
a) ( ) ele
b) ( ) ela
c) ( ) tu
d) ( )você
10º Questão
Marque a alternativa que traduza de forma eficiente o termo em negrito:
He is reading
a) ( ) ela
b) ( ) ele
c) ( ) eu
d) ( ) tu

Good Test!

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