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Jl. Pulomas Selatan Kav. 22 Jakarta Timur 13210 Indonesia

+6221 478 83900

Nilai Semester
Study Result

Nama Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Design

: Veliana Autica :
Name School Computer Science and Design
Nomor Induk Mahasiswa Program Studi Sistem Informasi (S1)
: 2016102266 :
Student Identification Number Study Program Information System
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir Jakarta, 17 Agustus 1998 Jenjang Pendidikan Sarjana (S1)
: :
Place & Date of Birth Jakarta, August 17 1998 Educational level Bachelor's Degree

Kode Nama Mata Kuliah Kredit Nilai Nilai Point

Code Course Name Credit Unit (s) Grade Grade Point
Pengenalan Akuntansi
1 AK0002 2 A 8.0
Introduction to Accounting
Pengenalan Basis Data (Lab)
2 SI0004 1 A 4.0
Introduction to Database (Lab)
Pengenalan Sistem
3 SI2003 3 A 12.0
Introduction to System
Pengenalan Algoritma dan Pemrograman
4 TI0004 3 B 9.0
Introduction to Algorithm and Programming
5 UM1013 3 A 12.0
Pengenalan Basis Data
6 SI0004 3 A 12.0
Introduction to Database
Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
7 TI2002 2 A 8.0
Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
Logika Berpikir Kritis
8 UM3012 2 A 8.0
Critical Thinking Logic
Pengenalan Algoritma dan Pemrograman (Lab)
9 TI0004 1 B 3.0
Introduction to Algorithm and Programming (Lab)
Total Credit Unit 20
Total Grade Point 76
GPA 3.80

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