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1 Esolnet Hellas

Introduction 4-6
The Purpose of the Handbook 4
A Description of the Support Material for the LRN Speaking Exam 4-5
A. The List of Indicative Questions 4
B. The Speaking Syllabi for ALL Levels 5
Familiarising Candidates with the LRN Speaking Exam 6
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam B1 and B2
B1-B2 Format of the Speaking Exam 8
B1 Examiner’s Instructions Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 9-12
B1 Candidate’s Prompts Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 13
B2 Examiner’s Instructions Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 14-17
B2 Candidate’s Prompts Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 18
B1-B2 Marking Scheme 19
B1 Marking Criteria 20-21
B2 Marking Criteria 22-23
B1-B2 Speaking Assessment Sheet 24
Section 1: Warm up Stage
Examiner’s Instructions for B2 June 2019, Section 1: Warm up Stage 25
Description of Section 1 26
Sample Questions and Answers for Section 1 27-34
Suggestions and Tips for Section 1 35-36
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction
Examiner’s Instructions for B2 June 2019, Section 2 Prepared Talks
and Interaction 37
Description of Section 2 38
Sample Questions and Answers for Section 2 39-40
Suggestions and Tips for Section 2 41
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction
Examiner’s Instructions for B2 June 2019, Section 3 Respond to a Question
and Interaction 42
Description of Section 3 43
Sample Questions and Responses for Section 3 43-45
Suggestions and Tips for Section 3 46
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Mock Interview Recordings 47-50
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Video Mock Interviews 51-52

2 Esolnet Hellas
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam C1 and C2 53
C1-C2 Format of the Speaking Exam 54
C1 Examiner’s Instructions Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 55-58
C1 Candidate’s Prompts Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 59
C2 Examiner’s Instructions Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 60-63
C2 Candidate’s Prompts Speaking Exam Paper June 2019 64
C1-C2 Marking Scheme 65
C1 Marking Criteria 66-67
C2 Marking Criteria 68-69
C1-C2 Speaking Assessment Sheet 70
Section 1: Warm up Stage
Examiner’s Instructions for C2 June 2019, Section 1: Warm up Stage 71
Description of Section 1 72
Sample Questions and Sample Answers for Section 1 73-80
Suggestions and Tips for Section 1 81-82
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction
Examiner’s Instructions for C2 June 2019, Section 2: Prepared Talks
and Interaction 83
Description of Section 2 84
Sample Questions and Answers for Section 2 84-88
Suggestions and Tips for Section 2 89
Section 3: Respond to a question and Interaction
Examiner’s Instructions for C2 June 2019, Section 3: Respond to a question
and Interaction 90
Description of Section 3 91
Sample Questions and Answers for Section 3 92-93
Suggestions and Tips for Section 3 94
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Mock Interview Recordings 95-98
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Video Mock Interviews 99-100
Candidates’ Reference for All Levels:
The List of Indicative Questions for Section 1: Warm Up Stage 101-102
Linking Devices and Phrases 103

3 Esolnet Hellas

The Purpose of the Handbook

Preparing Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam: Levels B1, B2, C1 and C2 is a
practical guide that aims to assist you in preparing your Candidates for the LRN Speaking
Exam using the LRN and Esolnet Support Material.

This handbook allows the Support Material to be integrated into your lesson plans. It is
recommended you devote an hour a week throughout the school year to practising for the
Speaking Exam using this guide together with the Support Material.

Using the Support Material throughout the year provides your Candidates with the practice
and familiarity they need to succeed in the LRN Speaking Exam.

Working on all the topics of the Support Material also gives Candidates the chance to acquire
language that can be used for all the papers of the LRN Exams.

A Description of the Support Material for the LRN Speaking Exam for All Levels

The Support Material consists of

A. a List of Indicative Questions to prepare Candidates for Section 1 of the Exam
B. a Speaking Syllabus with a list of topics for each level to prepare Candidates for
Section 2 and Section 3 of the Exam

A. The List of Indicative Questions

This is a list of possible questions for Section 1: Warm Up Stage that is issued for
training purposes. It is NOT inclusive. Examiners may ask other questions.
However, it does provide a broad range of the kinds of questions a Candidate might
be asked.
Candidates’ Reference in this Handbook provides the list of Indicative Questions.
For B1 and B2 the questions on the list are divided into 5 topics, which are the same
for both B1 and B2. For C1 and C2, there are 6 topics, which are the same for
both levels. The majority of the questions under each topic are for ALL LEVELS.
However, each topic may also have questions specifically for C1 and C2.

The 5 Warm-up topics for B1 and B2 are: The 6 Warm-up topics for C1 and C2 are:
• hobbies • hobbies
• free time activities • free time activities
• school • school/college
• hometown or neighbourhood • hometown or neighbourhood
• future plans (for the near future) • future plans
• jobs

4 Esolnet Hellas

B. The Speaking Syllabi for ALL Levels

The B1 and B2 Speaking Syllabi for Section 2 and Section 3 of the Exam consist of:

• 8 general topics for the January Exams

• 10 general topics for the June Exams

The topics are different for B1 and B2 Levels

There are 3 topics in the B1 and B2 Speaking Syllabi which are in bold; these are common topics
for both the January and June Exam periods.
B1 and B2 Levels have different common topics.

The C1 and C2 Speaking Syllabi for Section 2 and Section 3 of the Exam consist of:

• 10 general topics for the January Exams

• 15 general topics for the June Exams

The topics are different for C1 and C2 Levels

There are 5 topics in the C1 and C2 Speaking Syllabi which are in bold; these are common topics
for both the January and June Exam periods.
C1 and C2 Levels have different common topics.

The common topics for both the January and June Exam periods in All Levels (B1, B2, C1, C2)
may be used in either Exam period. One or two of the common topics will be used in the January
Exam; the remaining common topic(s) may be used in the June Exam.
The common topics are reprinted at the end of each Syllabus.

• Each general topic consists of a heading followed by a set of 4 questions (or sometimes 2 sets
at C1 and C2 levels). The first question of each set is the topic that Candidates should prepare
for Section 2 of the Speaking Exam; the other three questions relate to the bullet points in
Section 3 of the Exam.
• The Speaking Syllabi (for ALL Levels) for both January and June are sent at the beginning of
the academic year to all English Schools and teachers who have an account with ESOLNET or
to any English School or teacher on request.
• The list with the final 5 topics that will appear in Sections 2 of the LRN Speaking Exams are
sent two weeks before the Exams. The 5 topics chosen will come from that year’s Speaking
Syllabus. No other topics will be tested in the Exam.

5 Esolnet Hellas

Familiarising Candidates with the LRN Speaking Exam

Familiarising your Candidates with the procedure of the LRN Speaking Exam is vital as knowing
what to expect can make them feel at ease once in the Exam Room. In order to familiarise them
with the exam, you should:

• explain the standard test format: one Examiner, two Candidates

• go through all three Sections of the LRN Speaking Exam, familiarising your Candidates
with the rubrics and the tasks involved in each Section of the Exam
• make your Candidates aware of the time limit of each Section
• hand out copies of the Indicative Questions and the Speaking Syllabus
• explain how you will be using the Indicative Questions and the Speaking Syllabus
• discuss the importance of using the Indicative Questions and the Speaking Syllabus
• inform your Candidates that they might be recorded during their interview
• inform your Candidates that they will receive the final topics chosen for Section 2 of the
Exam two weeks before their Exam
• tell your Candidates that they will need to choose ONE of those 5 final topics to prepare for
Section 2 of the Exam
• ask them to keep all their notes for the Speaking class in a folder
• inform your Candidates that they are not allowed to have any notes or project materials
during their interview on the Exam Day

6 Esolnet Hellas
Preparing Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam

Using the LRN and Esolnet Hellas Support Material

LEVELS B1 and B2
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam B1-B2

Format of the Speaking Exam for B1 and B2

Duration: 14-16 minutes


Section 1 Warm Up Stage
The Examiner introduces himself/herself and asks Candidates to introduce themselves
Time: and say where they come from. Then the Examiner asks Candidates questions about
3 minutes themselves. (No questions about their families or any other sensitive issues are
Section 2 Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction
Presentation of Prepared Topic (1 minute)
6-7 minutes Candidate A presents the topic he/she has prepared for.
Interaction (2-2.5 minutes)
a. The Examiner asks Candidate A a question relevant to what he/she has said.
b. The Examiner asks Candidate B to express his/her point of view on the same
c. The Examiner asks both Candidates a question of his/her own and prompts them
to engage in a conversation.
The same procedure is followed for Candidate B.

Section 3 Respond to a Question and Interaction

Each Candidate talks about a statement which is followed with points; the statement is
relevant to the prepared question in Section 2 which the Candidate has chosen.
5-6 minutes
The other Candidate comments on what has been said and expresses his/her point of
view as well.

Skills tested • Express statements of fact

• Give factual accounts and explanations
• Give personal information
• Present information and ideas in a logical sequence
• Include detail and develop ideas where appropriate
• Take part in social interaction
• Express, and ask about, feelings, likes/dislikes, viewpoints and opinions

8 Esolnet Hellas

Duration: 14 to 16 minutes

Speaking Exam Paper June 2019

Warm up Stage

Duration: 3 minutes

Examiner: Good morning / Good afternoon. My name is ………………

To Candidate A: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

To Candidate B: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about

The Examiner asks each Candidate one or more questions about the following topics.

• hobbies
• free time activities
• school
• hometown or neighbourhood
• future plans

No questions about their families are allowed.

10 Esolnet Hellas

Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Duration: 6 to 7 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, each of you is going to talk for 1 minute about the topic
you have already prepared for. After you have finished your talk, I will ask you some questions
about what you have presented and then your partner can express his/her point of view on the
same topic.

The Examiner shows each Candidate the list of topics and asks them which one
they have prepared to talk about.

List of prepared topics:

1. What factors help us choose our holiday destinations?
2. Why do young people want to dress the same as their friends?
3. Is there a house rule you do not like? Why?
4. What positive effects do pets have on our health?
5. How do you make up with a friend after a fight?

Examiner to Candidate A: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate A can speak for 1 minute

The Examiner asks Candidate A a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate B: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree
with your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes

Examiner to Candidate B: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate B can speak for 1 minute

The Examiner asks Candidate B a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate A: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree
with your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes

Examiner: Thank you.

11 Esolnet Hellas

Respond to a question and Interaction

Duration: 5 to 6 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I will ask each of you to respond to a question.
You may use the ideas given below the question and/or use your own
ideas to answer the question. Your partner will be asked to comment
on what you have said and express his/her point of view as well.

The Examiner must choose a question related to what each Candidate talked about
in Section 2 of the Test.
The Examiner tells each Candidate to look at the chosen question and the points
below it. When the Candidate has finished talking about the question, the Examiner
asks the other Candidate to comment and express his/her point of view.

1. Planning what to do during our holiday is helpful.

• decide which sights to visit
• know the cost beforehand
• pack all the things we need
2. We should not criticise others for what they choose to wear.
• allow them to express themselves
• respect their wish to look different from others
• hurt their feelings

3. House rules are necessary.

• make children more responsible
• teach children to respect others
• protect children from harm

4. There are disadvantages to having a pet.

• it is expensive to have a pet
• owners have a lot of responsibilities
• space can sometimes be a problem

5. It is normal for close friends to fight.

• have different beliefs and interests
• feel comfortable to express our feelings
• easier to fight with someone we love

Examiner: Thank you. This is the end of the Test.

12 Esolnet Hellas

Candidate’s Prompts
Speaking Paper June 2019

List of prepared topics:
1. What factors help us choose our holiday destinations?
2. Why do young people want to dress the same as their friends?
3. Is there a house rule you do not like? Why?
4. What positive effects do pets have on our health?
5. How do you make up with a friend after a fight?

6. Planning what to do during our holiday is helpful.
• decide which sights to visit
• know the cost beforehand
• pack all the things we need
7. We should not criticise others for what they choose to wear.
• allow them to express themselves
• respect their wish to look different from others
• hurt their feelings

8. House rules are necessary.

• make children more responsible
• teach children to respect others
• protect children from harm

9. There are disadvantages to having a pet.

• it is expensive to have a pet
• owners have a lot of responsibilities
• space can sometimes be a problem

10. It is normal for close friends to fight.

• have different beliefs and interests
• feel comfortable to express our feelings
• easier to fight with someone we love

Duration: 14 to 16 minutes

Speaking Exam Paper June 2019

Warm up Stage

Duration: 3 minutes

Examiner: Good morning / Good afternoon. My name is ………………

To Candidate A: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

To Candidate B: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about

The Examiner asks each Candidate one or more questions about the following topics.

• hobbies
• free time activities
• school
• hometown or neighbourhood
• future plans

No questions about their families are allowed.

15 Esolnet Hellas

Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Duration: 6 to 7 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, each of you is going to talk for 1 minute about the topic
you have already prepared for. After you have finished your talk, I will ask you
some questions about what you have presented and then your partner can express
his/her point of view on the same topic.

The Examiner shows each Candidate the list of topics and asks them which one
they have prepared to talk about.

List of prepared topics:

1. What television programmes can benefit children? Why?
2. Are you afraid of trying new things? Why? Why not?
3. Do you trust advertisements? Why? Why not?
4. What can we do to encourage young people to play sports?
5. Can friendships work even when friends have nothing in common?

Examiner to Candidate A: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate A can speak for 1 minute

The Examiner asks Candidate A a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate B: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree
with your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes

Examiner to Candidate B: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate B can speak for 1 minute

The Examiner asks Candidate B a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate A: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree
with your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes

Examiner: Thank you.

16 Esolnet Hellas

Respond to a question and Interaction

Duration: 5 to 6 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I will ask each of you to respond to a question.
You may use the ideas given below the question and/or use your own
ideas to answer the question. Your partner will be asked to comment
on what you have said and express his/her point of view as well.

The Examiner must choose a question related to what each Candidate talked about
in Section 2 of the Test.
The Examiner tells each Candidate to look at the chosen question and the points
below it. When the Candidate has finished talking about the question, the Examiner
asks the other Candidate to comment and express his/her point of view.

1. Children can be seriously affected by violence on television.

• think of violence as a good way to solve problems

• imitate what their idols do on television
• feel frightened and insecure
2. It is important to live life with a little adventure.

• feel satisfaction for doing something challenging

• escape from our ordinary lives
• learn about ourselves
3. There should be no advertisements during children’s TV programmes.

• encourage children to eat junk food

• make children demand more toys
• influence how children think about themselves
4. It is very difficult to be a student athlete.

• a lot of responsibilities and homework

• a lack of free time
• too much pressure
5. Sharing interests is very important in close friendships.

• enjoy the same things

• avoid misunderstandings
• work better together

Examiner: Thank you. This is the end of the Test.

17 Esolnet Hellas

Candidate’s Prompts
Speaking Paper June 2019

List of prepared topics:
1. What television programmes can benefit children? Why?
2. Are you afraid of trying new things? Why? Why not?
3. Do you trust advertisements? Why? Why not?
4. What can we do to encourage young people to play sports?
5. Can friendships work even when friends have nothing in common?

6. Children can be seriously affected by violence on television.

• think of violence as a good way to solve problems

• imitate what their idols do on television
• feel frightened and insecure
7. It is important to live life with a little adventure.

• feel satisfaction for doing something challenging

• escape from our ordinary lives
• learn about ourselves
8. There should be no advertisements during children’s TV programmes.

• encourage children to eat junk food

• make children demand more toys
• influence how children think about themselves
9. It is very difficult to be a student athlete.

• a lot of responsibilities and homework

• a lack of free time
• too much pressure
10. Sharing interests is very important in close friendships.

• enjoy the same things

• avoid misunderstandings
• work better together
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam B1

B1 and B2 Marking Scheme

Deciding on a Candidate’s Final Mark

Examiners should base their marks on a holistic view of the Candidate’s performance by balancing the
performance in all parts of the test, the grammatical and lexical range and accuracy of the level with fluency,
clarity, task fulfilment and communicative effectiveness to reach an overall mark.
Examiners will use the Marking Criteria, CEFR level information to ensure they are marking accurately and
Examiners must use numerical values to work out the final score:

Overall Task fulfilment and Grammar and Clarity of

impression communicative lexis expression

Distinction 5 5 5 5

Merit 4 4 3 2

Pass 3 3 2 2

Fail 1 1 1 1
No language
0 0 0 0
to assess

Total Marks:

0-9 = Fail
10-12 = Pass
16+ = Distinction

19 Esolnet Hellas
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam B1

Marking Criteria for B1 according to the CEFR Level

• Examiners assess Candidates using the marking criteria. Each Candidate will receive
• Examiners will grade Candidates as having met the language and functions of the CEFR
Level, or not.

CEFR B1 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Overall Candidate’s performance Candidate’s Candidate’s performance is Candidate’s
impression is consistently at or performance is fairly consistently at the performance is
exceeds the level of the consistently at the level of the ‘can do’ generally below the
‘can do’ statements for level of the ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR B1 level of the ‘can do’
the CEFR B1 statements for the specification statements for the
specification CEFR B1 specification CEFR B1 specification
Task Responses are Responses are Responses are acceptable to Responses are
fulfilment/ consistently appropriate appropriate to the the prompts most of the appropriate to the
Communicative to the prompts prompts most of the time (including appropriate prompts only some
effectiveness/ throughout (including time (including length of contributions, of the time
Interactive appropriate length of appropriate length of appropriate register, turn-
listening/ contributions, appropriate contributions, taking, appropriate Responses often do not
register, turn-taking, appropriate register, functions), although some provide evidence of
appropriate functions). turn-taking, repetition or clarification appropriately extensive
appropriate functions) may be required contributions,
without constant need appropriate register,
for repetition turn-taking or
appropriate functions
Initiates and responds Initiates and Initiates and responds Lacks fluency and
appropriately, both responds acceptably when prompted, spontaneity and does
actively and receptively appropriately when both actively and not initiate or respond
with interaction close to prompted, both receptively with interaction adequately
natural speech actively and that may be rather slower
receptively with than natural speech
interaction that may be
slower than natural
Maintains and Manages to maintain Manages to maintain the Does not maintain the
contributes to the the interaction, but interaction, but topic interaction sufficiently;
interaction by topic development is development is usually contributions are
elaborating their somewhat dependent on the inappropriate and/or
utterances dependent on the examiner. overly dependent on
spontaneously with examiner. There Hesitation and restarts may the examiner
hardly any hesitations may be a few be in evidence
and restarts hesitations and but do not generally Hesitations are
restarts. impede communication. obvious and impede
frequent pauses and
Says or signals in basic Says or signals in basic Says or signals in basic
ways that they did not ways that they did not ways that they did not
follow something and follow something — follow
these signals are always although sometimes something - sometimes
effective awkward, these awkward, but these signals
signals are effective are mostly fairly effective

20 Esolnet Hellas
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam B1

CEFR B1 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Grammar and Language of the level is Language of the level is Language of the level is Language of the
Lexis / accurate and covers an accurate and covers an fairly accurate and covers level contains
Language appropriate range appropriate range most an appropriate range frequent errors
control / throughout of the time most of the time, but there and/or covers too
Range and may be a few slips. narrow a range
accuracy Meaning comes across
clearly although it may
require some effort on the
listener’s part
Uses a good range of Uses an appropriate Uses an acceptable range Uses a limited range
grammatical structures/ range of grammatical of grammatical of grammatical
lexis to deal with topics at structures/ lexis to deal structures/ lexis to deal structures/ lexis that is
this level with a with topics at this level with topics at this level with not always adequate
relatively high level of with an appropriate level an acceptable level of to deal with topics at
grammatical accuracy of grammatical accuracy grammatical accuracy and this level
and lexical precision to and lexical precision to lexical precision to deal
deal with most familiar deal with most familiar with most familiar topics
topics topics
Word choice is Word choice is Word choice is acceptable Word choice is often
appropriate to the task appropriate to the task to the task and meaning inappropriate to the
and meaning comes and meaning comes comes across clearly most prompt. Meaning can
across clearly across clearly most of the of the time but be deciphered only
throughout time grammatical / lexical gaps with repeated
cause some noticeable clarification
hesitation and
circumlocution. There
may be a few slips
Errors may occur, but Errors may be frequent Errors are frequent but Some or many errors
they do not impede (e.g. tenses, agreement they do not usually impede impede communication
communication markers) but they do not communication
usually impede
Clarity of Articulation is clear Articulation is clear most Articulation is sufficiently Only some parts of
expression/ throughout with lexical of the time with lexical clear most of the time with articulation are clear
delivery stress and intonation stress and intonation lexical stress and with frequent errors
used appropriately generally used intonation generally used in articulation, stress,
appropriately appropriately but with a rhythm and intonation
few slips

Speech is intelligible and Speech is intelligible and Speech is fairly Only some parts of
comprehensible comprehensible most of intelligible and speech are intelligible
throughout and causes the time and causes only comprehensible most of which causes
hardly any strain on the some or no major the time but may cause a considerable strain on
listener’s part strain on the listener’s strain on the listener’s part the listener’s part

21 Esolnet Hellas
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam B2

Marking Criteria for B2 according to the CEFR Level

• Examiners assess Candidates using the marking criteria. Each Candidate will receive
• Examiners will grade Candidates as having met the language and functions of the CEFR
Level, or not.

CEFR B2 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Overall Candidate’s performance is Candidate’s performance Candidate’s performance Candidate’s performance
impression consistently at or exceeds is consistently at the level is fairly consistently at is generally below the
the level of the ‘can do’ of the ‘can do’ statements the level of the ‘can do’ level of the ‘can do’
statements for the CEFR B2 for the CEFR B2 statements for the CEFR statements for the CEFR
specification specification B2 specification B2 specification

Task Fully able at all times to Able to understand Fairly able to understand Responses are
fulfilment/ understand prompts, prompts, respond prompts, respond appropriate to the
Communicative respond appropriately appropriately (including appropriately (including prompts only some
effectiveness/ (including length of length of contributions, length of contributions, of the time
Interactive contributions, register, turn register, turn taking, register, turn taking,
listening/ taking, appropriate appropriate functions) and appropriate functions) and Responses often do not
functions) and successfully successfully complete the successfully complete the provide evidence of
complete the task set task set task set appropriately extensive
most of the time contributions and detail,
appropriate register, turn
taking or appropriate

Confidently provides a Confidently provides a Is able to provide a small Lacks fluency and
sizeable amount of extra fair amount of extra degree of extra detail spontaneity with obvious
detail relevant to the prompt detail relevant to the relevant to the prompt hesitancy which impedes
with well paced, prompt with generally with fairly well paced, communication;
spontaneous interaction well-paced, spontaneous spontaneous interaction frequent pauses and
throughout interaction and some confidence in restarts

Solves any communication Deals with Manages to solve Not able to solve
problems which may occur, communication communication problems, communication problems
naturally problems well but may require more
than one attempt and/or
does not always do it
Effectively maintains and Maintains and develops Maintains and develops Does not maintain and
develops the interaction the interaction the interaction, but develop the interaction
throughout appropriately (eg contributions are not sufficiently;
expanding and developing always wholly contributions are
ideas and showing appropriate and/or are inappropriate or overly
understanding of what somewhat dependent on dependent on the
the examiner said) the examiner examiner with frequent
misinterpretations of the
examiner’s aims and

22 Esolnet Hellas
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam B2

CEFR B2 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Grammar and Language is accurate and Language is accurate and Language is fairly Language of the level
lexis/ appropriate to B2 level appropriate to B2 level accurate and appropriate contains frequent
Language throughout, exceeding it throughout to B2 level errors and/or covers too
control/ at times throughout narrow a range for the
Range and B2 level
accuracy Wide range of word Appropriate range of Demonstrates an Word choice is often
choice is appropriate to the word choice is suitable for acceptable range of word inappropriate to the
task and meaning comes the task and meaning choice, appropriate to the prompt with meaning
across clearly generally comes across task and makes meaning deciphered only with
throughout clearly throughout come across clearly most repeated clarification
of the time

Uses a wide range of Uses an appropriate Uses an acceptable range Uses a limited range of
grammatical structures/ range of grammatical of grammatical grammatical
lexis flexibly to deal with structures/ lexis to deal structures/lexis to manage structures/ lexis that is
topics at this level with topics at this topics at this level, but not always adequate to
level grammatical/lexical gaps deal with topics at this
still cause hesitation and level

Consistently shows a Shows a relatively Shows an acceptable level Does not show an
high level of grammatical high level of grammatical of grammatical accuracy adequate level of
accuracy and lexical accuracy and lexical and lexical precision grammatical
precision precision accuracy and lexical
Any occasional errors do Errors do not impede Most errors do not impede Some errors impede
not impede communication communication communication
Clarity of Speech is intelligible, Speech is intelligible, Speech is fairly Only some parts of
expression/ fluent and fluent and intelligible, fluent and articulation are clear; use
delivery comprehensible comprehensible despite comprehensible despite of non-standard
throughout some use of non-standard some use of non-standard phonemes is sometimes
phonemes phonemes or frequently evident and
Interaction causes no Interaction causes no Interaction may cause Sometimes or often
strain on the listener’s strain on the listener’s some strain on the misuses focal stress and
part with stress and part with stress and listener’s part with stress intonation making some
intonation applied intonation applied and intonation applied at an parts of speech
effectively throughout effectively with only acceptable level and only intelligible. Speaks
occasional occasional hesitancy slowly, sometimes or
hesitancy often halted by hesitancy

There may be one or two There may be a few minor There may be minor slips Causes considerable
very minor slips which slips which are corrected but the flow is fluent strain on the listener’s
are corrected during during repetition enough to follow part throughout

23 Esolnet Hellas







Instructions for marking answers CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE:

• Use black pencil (HB 2).
• Do not use ink or ballpoint pens.
• Erase completely any answer you wish to change.
• Fill or Cross the circles like this

TOPIC USED: Overall Task fulfilment Grammar Clarity of

Impression and and Lexis Expression
 Effectiveness

Distinction    
Total Marks B1, B2: Merit    
0-9 = Fail
Pass    
10-12 = Pass
13-15 = Merit Fail    
16+ = Distinction No language
to assess    

TOTAL MARKS: ________ / 20

EXAMINER’S NAME: ___________________________________ EXAMINER’S

No. ______ 
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Example: Examiner’s Instructions for B2 June 2019, Section 1: Warm up Stage

Warm up Stage

Duration: 3 minutes

Examiner: Good morning / Good afternoon. My name is ………………

To Candidate A: What’s your name?

Where are you from?
To Candidate B: What’s your name?
Where are you from?
Examiner: In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about

The Examiner asks each Candidate one or more questions about the following topics.

• hobbies
• free time activities
• school
• hometown or neighbourhood
• future plans

No questions about their families are allowed.

25 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Description of Section 1: Warm up Stage

• Duration: 3 minutes total, NOT per Candidate

• The Examiner greets the Candidates and introduces himself/herself.
Good morning/ Good afternoon. My name is ....................................

• The Examiner asks each Candidate to introduce themselves and say where they are from.

To Candidate A: What’s your name?

Where are you from?
To Candidate B: What’s your name?
Where are you from?

• The Examiner reads the following rubrics as they are:

In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about yourselves.
• The Examiner then asks each Candidate two or three questions from one or more of the
FIVE topics for the Warm up Stage (see below). No questions on any other topic are
• The Examiner cannot ask any questions about their families or of a sensitive nature that
might make Candidates feel uncomfortable.

The five general topics for the Warm-up Stage are:

▪ hobbies
▪ free time activities
▪ school
▪ hometown or neighbourhood
▪ future plans

• Each Candidate is asked an equal number of questions.

• The Examiner adheres to the time limit specified for the Warm up Stage (3 minutes) and
will limit the number of questions based on the length of the Candidates’ responses.

26 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Sample Questions and Sample Answers for Section 1, Warm up

On the following pages are sample questions for Section 1. There is one sample question from each
topic on the list of Indicative Questions. Each question is followed by

• a table with a list of linking devices and relevant vocabulary and phrases
• sample answers in which the linking devices, vocabulary and useful phrases used are in bold
so that Candidates can see how they are used in a sentence
• a table of additional vocabulary that Candidates can use for answering more Indicative
Questions on the same topic

You may use these sample questions and the sample answers during your Speaking practice. Also,
during Speaking practice, we recommend that you

• use some or all of the Indicative Questions and prepare Candidates to answer questions
from all FIVE topics in Section 1
• choose some questions to work on in class; provide Candidates with the relevant
vocabulary, linking devices and write sample answers to these questions
• hand out a list of linking devices which they can always refer to when they practise in class
or work on homework questions
• assign homework: ask them to find vocabulary for the homework questions and use the
sample questions as a guide for their answers
• remind them that their answers need not be long, but they should use complete sentences
and appropriate linking devices
• stress the importance of justifying what they say and elaborating on what they say

27 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Sample Questions for Section 1: the Warm up Stage

Topic 1: Hobbies

Sample Question : What is your favourite hobby?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Linking Devices /Fillers

1. My favourite hobby is playing the guitar. I started playing the and, but, because, as, so,
guitar when I was 6 years old. I like it as it helps me to express when, which, Well,
my feelings and relax. The hobby I like the most is

2. Well, I like spending time reading books. I became interested Vocabulary and Phrases
in reading when my best friend bought me a book for my 7th
start doing
birthday. I like it because I can do it alone and it helps me
express my feelings
escape reality.
3. I would say drawing is my favourite hobby. I’m a creative spend money on /time doing
person so I enjoy doing things with my hands. I haven’t had become/be interested in
any drawing lessons, but I’m good at drawing people. doing/sth
escape reality
4. I love being physically active so I spend a lot of time playing do things with my hands
sports. The sport which I like the most is football. I like it collect
because I can keep fit and spend time with my friends. I am good at doing
be physically active
5. The hobby that I like the most is collecting old records and
be sporty
CDs. I started this hobby when I was in high school. It’s an keep fit
expensive hobby, but I love music and I don’t mind spending spend time with someone
money on it. spend time doing

Additional Vocabulary for Hobbies

Verbs Adjectives Hobbies
like creative listening to music
prefer fascinating playing musical instruments
enjoy practical playing computer games
love cheap cooking
I’m interested in enjoyable painting
I’m (really) keen on relaxing walking
I’m (really) into different jogging
relax unusual dancing
excite fun swimming
create exciting playing tennis
play interesting fishing
join popular travelling
become a member outdoors photography
interest indoors going to the cinema
take up educational playing board games
get away from entertaining collecting CDs/toys

28 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Topic 2: Free time activities

Sample Question: What do you like doing in your free time?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Linking Devices, Fillers

1. What I really love doing is reading adventure books because
or watching videos and films on the Internet. What I really love doing is
2. Unfortunately, I have little free time because I have also
a heavy schedule, but when I do have some free time, Apart from that,
I prefer to play computer games. but
3. I’m a quiet person so I enjoy being indoors and
spending time on my own.
For example,
4. I usually have a lot of homework so when I have free Well,
time, I want to do something relaxing. For example, I or just
may read a book, listen to music or just watch a film
on television. Vocabulary and Useful Phrases

5. Well, my favourite free time activity is hanging out have much/little/no free time
with my friends. We often go for a walk, watch a film have a heavy schedule /be busy
at the cinema or go shopping. prefer doing/ to do
be indoors/outdoors
6. I’m quite busy on weekdays, but I usually have some
spend time on my own
free time on the weekend. What I enjoy doing during
I am into doing
my free time is going out for a meal with my family
adventure books
or friends.
spend time on the Internet
7. I have the same interests as my sisters so I like have the same interests as my
spending my free time with them. We always have a friends
good laugh together no matter what we do I am close to someone
have a good laugh
watch videos/films on the
go out for a meal
go for a walk
hang out with friends
go shopping

29 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Additional Vocabulary for Free Time Activities

Verbs/Verb phrases visit amusement fascinating

surf boredom fascinated
be in a team
deal with sound hilarious
satisfy addiction funny
do /play sports
afford culture friendly
stand/wait in a queue fascination original
work together
skills imaginative
Nouns pleasure successful
take place
variety trendy
take part in team sports
queue fashionable
participate in individual
chance modern
perform cooperation
personality boring
win teamwork
entertainment violent
beat athletics
responsibility risky
lose athlete
defeat teammate challenge extreme
cheer on spectators
Adjectives scary
have ballet/tennis field
lessons pitch interested in
socialise sports events interesting
achieve score excited
make friends medal exciting
grab something to eat fair game keen on
release practice enjoyable
feel training difficult/easy
choose equipment challenging
imagine competition famous
amuse contest popular once a week
entertain championship professional during the week
succeed tournament amateur at the weekend
fail victory talented (un)fortunately
waste time/money winner informative once in a while
hate/dislike doing fan beneficial every week/month
scare coach active regularly
frustrate talent fond of often/sometimes
choose excitement (un)happy usually/always
fascinate interest in pleased happily
inform choice (un)healthy actively
get away from quality common healthily
develop stress/tension (un)usual extremely
get along with comedy cheap/expensive dangerously
communicate romance proud proudly
discuss violence romantic creatively
escape imagination amusing
30 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Topic 3: School

Sample Question: What is your favourite school subject?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Liking devices, Fillers

1. My favourite school subjects are Chemistry, and, but
Physics and Maths. I like science and I find that is because
these subjects quite easy. To tell you the truth,
To be honest,
2. To tell you the truth, although I’m a good
For example,
student, I don’t have a passion for any school
subject, except R.E..
The subject I like the most is
3. Well, I quite enjoy P.E.. I get the chance to except
exercise and spend time outside the class with
Vocabulary and phrases
my friends.
4. To be honest, I like just a few subjects. For dislike/hate
example, I’m interested in Ancient Greek and have an/no interest in
History. I have to do a lot of homework for both have a/no passion for
every day, but I enjoy studying for them so I be am interested in
don’t mind. great/bad
5. The school subject I like the most is English strict
and that is because my English teacher is science
friendly and makes the lesson fun. find sth easy/interesting/difficult/boring
6. I would say that my favourite school subject is Chemistry/Music/Physical Education (P.E.)/
Information Technology. My IT teacher is a Ancient Greek/Religious Education (R.E.)/
little strict, but she is a great teacher. Information Technology (I.T.)
get the chance
have/do homework

31 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Additional Vocabulary for School / Education

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs

study studying hard-working highly
revise revision (im)patient extremely
attend school/class education careful/careless quite
skip school/class primary school (un)successful anxiously
give/take/sit an exam high/secondary school good/bad at badly
test/examine university encouraging eagerly eventually
think college talented exactly
teach high school diploma intelligent finally
learn university degree clever (un)fortunately
ask state/private schools serious frequently happily
answer vocational/technical excellent hopelessly
explain school qualified occasionally often
understand tutor well-behaved only
solve knowledge responsible perfectly
learn by heart schedule confident politely
memorise break motivated poorly
succeed in/pass school year interested in rarely
fail school term enthusiastic regularly
progress school trip helpful seldom
respect success prepared slowly sometimes
obey failure cooperative unexpectedly
participate in respect quiet usually
improve progress eager weekly
encourage improvement poor monthly
motivate participation weak carefully
experiment motivation keen clearly
listen to report card able
cooperate with instruction naughty
copy lab noisy
finish facilities lazy

32 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Topic 4: Hometown / Neighbourhood

Sample Question: What is your neighbourhood/town/city like?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Linking Devices

1. My neighbourhood is very nice and I like it a lot. Most and, because, but
of the houses are modern with beautiful gardens. The where, which, although, when
streets are wide and quiet and it is safe to play outside’. such as, for example
2. Well, I don’t really like my neighbourhood. There many so
blocks of flats where I live. Most of them are old and
Vocabulary and Useful
dirty. There is usually heavy traffic so it is noisy and Phrases
3. I live in a big city which does not have a lot of parks or old
green spaces. There are a lot of sports centres, new/modern
however, where people can exercise and keep fit. dirty
4. I live in a quiet neighbourhood. Although there aren’t a block of flats
lot of entertainment places for young people, I like garden
living here because there is little traffic and a lot of trees exciting
and open spaces. lively
5. My city is very exciting. It is lively with a lot of fun noisy
places and shopping centres where you can buy safe/dangerous
anything you want. heavy/little traffic
green spaces/parks
6. My town is small and a bit isolated, but it is quiet and shopping centres/malls
clean. It is safe for children to play outside and it is easy sports centres
to make friends. suburb
7. I live in the suburbs. It is not as noisy as in the centre of have fun
the city, but unfortunately, there are not many places playgrounds
where young people can hang out and have fun. The hang out
good thing is that there is a big cinema complex where basketball court
we can see all the new films. cinema complex
fun places

Additional Vocabulary for Hometown / Neighbourhood

Verbs/ Expressions Nouns children’s playground modern/traditional
open spaces luxurious/comfortable
live/stay-(temporary) block of
stairs/lift (elevator) /neglected/run-down/
rent/own (a house) flats/house/cottage
ground floor/1st narrow/ wide (streets)
commute (to work) city /town/village
floor/basement dangerous/busy/safe/
like/enjoy/ facilities
high/low crime rate pretty /ugly/
can’t stand/tolerate/ features
rich/ /poor
depend on/need/ road/street /motorway Adjectives
remote/isolated /
could do with/would (has) character/charm
(of houses) terraced/ crowded
benefit from/lacks public transport/bike
33 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Topic 5: Future plans (for the near future)

Sample Question: What are your plans for this weekend?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Linking Devices

1. I’ve made no plans for this weekend. I have a lot of and, so, but
homework to do so I’ll spend the whole weekend if
studying. because
2. Nothing interesting. I will just stay home and watch Vocabulary and Useful Phrases
a film on TV or play computer games. Maybe, I will
visit my friend if the weather is good.
3. It’s going to be an exciting weekend. On Saturday nothing interesting
morning, I’m going shopping with my best friend and make (no) plans
on Saturday night, I’m going to a party at a friend’s go shopping /go to the cinema/ go to
house. a party
4. I’m going on a short trip to the countryside. I just spend the whole day doing
hope the weather will be fine because I want to go watch a film on television
horseback riding. play computer games
go on a trip
5. Oh, it’s going be another boring weekend at home,
go horseback riding
doing homework and studying for a test.
do homework/ study for a test
6. I’ve made no plans, but after a long week of studying, look forward to doing
I am really looking forward to having fun and relaxing relax
on the weekend. a long week of studying/working

Additional Vocabulary for Future Plans

Verbs/ Expressions Nouns Adjectives
amuse amusement park amusing
take it easy theme park entertaining
catch up on some rest countryside delightful
go out for a drink a busy weekend/day enjoyable
go out of town a quiet weekend/day pleasant
drive all the way to celebration busy
go on a day trip dinner party wonderful
spend the day at the beach outing lovely
go to the cinema cruise great
enjoy the rides adventure fantastic
go by train/bus/car quality time boring
set off terrible
come/get back/return
have a night out

34 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

Suggestions and Tips for Section 1

• Even though Examiners ask their own questions for the Warm up Stage, the list of Indicative
questions and sample answers provide you with adequate preparation material your
Candidates can make a positive first impression on the Examiner during the Warm up
stage and they will then feel more confident to continue.
• Train Candidates to answer in complete sentences, even when they are asked
Yes/No questions. Their answers need not be long; but there should be connectors and
conjunctions ensuring the flow and cohesion of speech.

Justifying their answers

Sample Question: Do you like your town?
Sample Answer: Yes, I do because it’s small and quiet and it’s got places where young
people can hang out and have fun.

Elaborating on their ideas

Sample Question: Who do you spend your free time with?
Sample Answer: I usually spend my free time with my best friends as we have the same
For example, we may go for walks and hang out at the Mall or at a fast-
food restaurant.

• The Examiner will ask each Candidate two to three questions.

• The Examiner will continue with a follow-up question if a Candidate uses short or
one-word answers, which may make the Candidate uncomfortable.
• Encourage your Candidates to use the suggested vocabulary for each topic so that they can
come up with their own answers. They need not memorise the sample answers, but they
can use them as a guide.
• Encourage your Candidates to find relevant vocabulary and linking words for any speaking
task you assign.
• Photocopy each Candidate’s work and distribute it to the class; ask your Candidates to keep
all their work and their classmates’ work in a folder so that they can refer to it whenever
they need to.
• Take advantage of what vocabulary they learn in their Speaking Class and all the ideas they
are exposed to so that they can also improve their writing skills.
• Train your Candidates not to be put off by questions requiring general knowledge; they can
use their own experience and talk about themselves.

35 Esolnet Hellas
Section 1: Warm up Stage B1-B2

General question/General Answer

Sample Question: Which hobbies are popular with young people nowadays?
Sample Answer: There are a lot of hobbies which are popular with young people. In
my opinion, doing sports, listening to music or playing computer
games are the most popular ones.

General Question/ Personal Answer

Sample Question: Which hobbies are popular with young people nowadays?
Sample Answer: Well, I’m not sure which hobbies are more popular with young
people. Personally, I am into sports and I like spending my free time
playing football or basketball with my friends.

• Give your Candidates time to practise; the more they practise, the more fluent they
become, which can improve their performance in the Exam. Teach them to use natural
expressions to fill the gaps while they think about what they want to say, such as: ‘Um…let
me see…that’s a good question…well…I suppose’…etc
• Advise them to ask the Examiner to repeat a question they do not hear well:
They can say: ‘Could you please repeat the question?’
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the question. Could you please repeat it?
‘Could you say that again, please?’
• Advise Candidates to feel free to ask the Examiner to rephrase a question they do not
understand. Assure them they will not be penalised.
They can say: ‘Could you please rephrase the question?’
‘What do you mean by that, exactly?’
• Train Candidates to answer within the time limit.

36 Esolnet Hellas
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction B1-B2

Examiner’s Instructions for B2 June 2019, Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction

Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Duration: 6 to 7 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, each of you is going to talk for 1 minute about the topic
you have already prepared for. After you have finished your talk, I will ask you
some questions about what you have presented and then your partner can express
his/her point of view on the same topic.

The Examiner shows each Candidate the list of topics and asks them which one
they have prepared to talk about.

List of prepared topics:

6. What television programmes can benefit children? Why?
7. Are you afraid of trying new things? Why? Why not?
8. Do you trust advertisements? Why? Why not?
9. What can we do to encourage young people to play sports?
10. Can friendships work even when friends have nothing in common?

Examiner to Candidate A: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate A can speak for 1 minute

The Examiner asks Candidate A a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate B: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree
with your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes

Examiner to Candidate B: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate B can speak for 1 minute

The Examiner asks Candidate B a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate A: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree
with your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes
Examiner: Thank you.

37 Esolnet Hellas
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction B1-B2

Description of Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction

• Duration: 6 to 7 minutes
Candidate A’s turn
Prepared Talk for 1 minute
• The Examiner reads the rubrics as they are.
• The Examiner then shows them the list of topics and asks Candidate A which topic they
are going to talk about. Candidates should be ready to say what topic they have prepared
and its topic number. For example:
‘I am going to talk about Topic 3; what qualities should a good teacher have.’
• The Candidate should talk about the topic they have prepared for 1 minute. The Examiner
will politely interrupt Candidate A if he/she exceeds 1 minute; their score will not be
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes
• When Candidate A has finished his/her 1-minute talk, the Examiner will ask Candidate A
one follow-up question related to his/her talk. Candidate A’s answer need not be long.
• The Examiner then asks Candidate B to express his/her point of view on what Candidate A
has talked about. Candidate B’s answer need not be long
• The Examiner will then ask an interaction question for both Candidates A and B, and
will encourage them to discuss it together
• Candidate B’s turn: The Examiner follows the above procedure for Candidate B.

Sample Questions for Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction

On the following pages, are two Section 2 questions taken from the B2 Speaking Syllabus of
Each question is followed by:
• a table with a list of linking devices and relevant vocabulary and phrases
• a sample answer in which the linking devices, vocabulary and useful phrases used are in
bold so that Candidates can see how they are used in a sentence.
• a sample follow-up question and sample answer
• a sample question addressed to Candidate B and his/her sample answer
• a sample interaction question and sample answers for Candidates A and B

38 Esolnet Hellas
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction B1-B2

Sample 1 Candidate A’s Prepared topic

One of the common topics for Linking devices Vocabulary and Useful Phrases
Section 2, Speaking Syllabus 2019
and, because, so personally
General Topic: Education when, while, since, who, if life-long learning
There are many reasons why confident
Do you like learning new things?
First of all/For one thing, feel a sense of accomplishment
Why? Why not?
What’s more, / In addition, fill (someone) with pride
Following questions in the Another reason is that opportunities
Speaking Syllabus Another reason worth culture
What school subjects might be mentioning is that open minded
Finally, discover
boring for students?
I believe that.../In my opinion, exciting
How do students who don’t have This means that enjoyable
enough time feel? form good relationships
Do you think that students have a social life
boring daily routine? be committed to doing
keep on
deepen our knowledge
be bound to do
put my heart into sth

Candidate A’s Sample Talk using the Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate A:
vocabulary given: If you had the chance, what new thing would you like to
Personally, I like learning new things. I
believe that life-long learning is important Candidate’s Sample Answer to the Follow-up Question:
for all ages. There are many reasons why I Well, I would really like to learn another foreign language.
believe that we should never stop learning. I’m sure that I will have more job opportunities if I know
First of all, when we learn new things, we more than one foreign language.
become more confident because we feel a Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate B:
sense of accomplishment and this fills us What do you think about what your partner said?
with pride. What’s more, learning new
Candidate B’s Sample Answer:
things might be hard, but it can be
I agree. I also believe that knowing more than one language
rewarding; we learn to be patient and work
helps us learn more things about another culture, which can
towards our goals. Another reason worth
make us more open-minded people.
mentioning is that when we learn new
things, we get to know different people with Examiner’s Sample Interaction Question to both
whom we might form good relationships, Candidates A and B:
and this has a positive effect on our social Is it hard for old people to learn new things?
life. Finally, it is said that successful people Sample dialogue to the Interaction Question. Either
are committed to learning every day. This Candidate can answer first.
means, that if we keep on learning, we Candidate A’s Sample Answer:
deepen our knowledge and we are bound to Some old people make themselves believe that they cannot
become successful in whatever we put our learn new things because of their age. For these people, yes,
heart into. learning new things is hard. Do you agree?
Candidate B’s Sample Answer:
Yes, I agree. I also think that it is difficult for old people to
learn new things because they do not like changes in their

39 Esolnet Hellas
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction B1-B2

Sample 2 Candidate B’s Prepared Topic

One of the common topics for Section 2, Linking Devices Vocabulary and Useful Phrases
Speaking Syllabus 2019 which/ that, who, promote
General Topic: Environment in my opinion, culture
first of all, provide
What can a city do to attract more Secondly, historical sites
tourists? Of course, traditional
Another way noisy
Following questions in the Speaking For example, polluted
Syllabus Some/others public transport
In what ways can a park in a city improve Finally, have access to
the quality of life there? apart from places of interest
Why does a park make a city look more appealing destination
a variety of
beautiful? accommodation options
Why is a park a good place for recreational luxury hotel
activities? entertainment

Candidate B’s Sample Talk using the Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate B:
vocabulary given What would you like to see if you visited a city?
There are a lot of things that a city can do to Candidate B’s Sample Answer to the Follow-up
attract tourists. First of all, I believe that the city Question:
must promote its museums. People who are I would like to visit all the important historical sites and
interested in visiting a city want to see the learn more about the city. The next thing to do would be to
culture of a place and in my opinion, museums visit traditional restaurants and taste some of the famous
are the best places for a tourist to learn about the local dishes.
culture and the history of a city or a country. Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate A:
Secondly, a city must provide good public What do you think about what your partner said?
transport. No matter how beautiful a city is or
how interesting its history is, it won’t attract Candidate A’s Sample Answer to the Follow-up
tourists if it is difficult for them to have access Question:
to places of interests. Of course, an I don’t really like visiting cities, I prefer to see the
international airport in, or near, the city can countryside, but if I did visit a city, I would be more
make a city a more appealing destination. interested in going to places where the young people hang
Another way to attract tourists is to offer a out and have fun.
variety of accommodation options. For Examiner’s Sample Interaction Question to both
example, some tourists prefer to stay at a Candidates, A and B:
luxury hotel; others want to stay a cheaper hotel Why do some people not like visiting cities?
and others like renting a room or an apartment.
Finally, apart from visiting historical sites and Sample dialogue to the Interaction Question. Either
museums, the kind of entertainment a city Candidate can answer first.
Candidate B’s Sample Answer:
offers is also important. Some tourists want to
In my opinion, big cities are usually noisy and polluted so
enjoy their meals in traditional restaurants and
people don’t want to spend their holidays in such places.
others to experience the exciting nightlife a
city has to offer. Candidate A’s Sample Answer:
I agree. Big cities are also more expensive to visit than a
place in the countryside.

40 Esolnet Hellas
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction B1-B2

Suggestions and Tips for Preparing Candidates for Section 2 of the

LRN Speaking Exam
• using the Speaking Syllabus will ensure your Candidates’ success in the LRN Speaking
• put aside speaking time every week; recommended time: one hour
• divide your class into two groups; choose a topic from the syllabus for each group and
assign the first question from the set of 4 questions (this question is the Topic of Section 2)
• ask them to find information for their question as homework and prepare to talk about it
for one minute during the following lesson
• ask them to write down their talk as homework and underline important vocabulary items
• pair members from each group and practise the whole Section 2 in class: decide on who is
Candidate A and who is Candidate B
• prepare some follow-up questions or think of simple ones while the Candidates are
presenting their talk

Section 2 procedure for the classroom:

Read the LRN rubrics for Section 2
Presentation of individual talks: 1 minute
ask Candidate A from one pair of students to present their talk
Interaction: 2-2.5 minutes
Ask Candidate A one follow-up question
Ask Candidate B for his/her opinion on Candidate A’s talk
Ask both Candidates a question and ask them to engage in a short dialogue together
Follow the same procedure with Candidate B from the same pair

• avoid correcting Candidates while they are talking; use the LRN Criteria and give
Candidates feedback once they have finished talking
• collect their written work and vocabulary lists
• use vocabulary handed in by all Candidates and make a vocabulary list for each topic
• add your own vocabulary items or phrases if it is necessary and give it to the whole class;
return prepared topics with corrections and comments
• using your class’s work, write a talk for each topic and distribute it to the whole class
• emphasise the importance of interaction (see LRN Speaking Criteria)
• teach them how they can initiate conversation and how to respond to what their partner
has said
• train them to use the right body language; when they respond to the Examiner, they should
look at the Examiner; when they interact with their partner, they should turn and face one
• during the interaction stage, they should use prompts to engage their partner or to help
their partner go on if they hesitate
• give them a list of opinion/agreement/disagreement phrases (Candidates’ Reference)
• train them to justify and/or elaborate on their opinion/agreement/disagreement

41 Esolnet Hellas
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction B1-B2

Examiner’s Instructions for B2 June 2019, Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction

Speaking Instructions for Section 3

Duration: 5 to 6 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I will ask each of you to respond to a question.
You may use the ideas given below the question and/or use your own
ideas to answer the question. Your partner will be asked to comment
on what you have said and express his/her point of view as well.

• The Examiner must choose a question related to what each Candidate talked about
in Section 2 of the Test.
• The Examiner tells each Candidate to look at the chosen question and the points
below it. When the Candidate has finished talking about the question, the Examiner
asks the other Candidate to comment and express his/her point of view.

1. Children can be seriously affected by violence on television.

• think of violence as a good way to solve problems
• imitate what their idols do on television
• feel frightened and insecure
2. It is important to live life with a little adventure.
• feel satisfaction for doing something different
• escape from our ordinary lives
• build friendships
3. There should be no advertisements during children’s TV programmes.
• encourage children to eat junk food
• make children demand more toys
• influence how children think about themselves
4. It is very difficult to be a student athlete.
• a lot of responsibilities and homework
• a lack of free time
• too much pressure
5. Sharing interests is very important in close friendships.
• enjoy things together
• avoid misunderstandings
• work better together

Examiner: Thank you. This is the end of the Test.

42 Esolnet Hellas
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction B1-B2

Description of Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction

Duration: 5 to 6 minutes
• The Examiner reads the rubrics as they are and asks Candidate A to talk about the prompt
related to the topic that he/she talked about in Section 2 using the bullet points below the
prompt and/or his/her own ideas.
• The Examiner tells Candidate A to look at the question and the points below it (the
Examiner will probably point out the Topic on the Exam Booklet).
• The topics will be in the same order as Section 2 so it is helpful if the Candidate tries to
remember the topic number, so if they prepared topic number 2 for Section 2, in Section 3
he/she will speak about prompt 2.
• When Candidate A has finished talking about his/her prompt, the Examiner asks
Candidate B to express his/her point of view on what Candidate A talked about.
• Candidate B’s turn: The Examiner follows the same procedure for Candidate B.

How to use the Speaking Syllabus for Section 3 of the LRN Speaking Exam

• each general topic in the Speaking Syllabus is followed by 4 questions

• the first question covers Section 2 of the Speaking Exam
• the other 3 questions correspond to the bullet points of Section 3 of the Speaking Exam
The actual prompts in Section 3 with their accompanying bullet points ARE NOT
PRERELEASED, but the questions provided in the Speaking Syllabus closely match the
bullet points in Section 3 and allow you and/or your Candidates to:
• COME UP WITH a relevant question prompt
• TURN the three questions into possible bullet points

Sample Questions for Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction

On the following pages are two Section 3 questions taken from the B2 Speaking Syllabus of
Each question is followed by:
• a table with a list of linking devices and relevant vocabulary and phrases
• a sample answer in which the linking devices, vocabulary and useful phrases used are in
bold so that Candidates can see how they are used in a sentence.
• a sample follow-up question for the other Candidate and sample answer

43 Esolnet Hellas
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction B1-B2

Candidate A’s Response to a Question in Section 3

B2 Speaking Syllabus 2019 Linking Devices

General Topic: Education For one thing,
General Question for Section 2
For example,
Do you like learning new things? Why? Why not? which
Following questions in the Speaking Syllabus: as
What school subjects might be boring for students? Secondly,
How do students who don’t have enough free time feel? so...that
Do you think that students have a boring daily routine? Finally,

Section 3 Prompt and bullet points: Vocabulary and Useful Phrases

School life may sometimes be uninteresting. That’s true.
• attend uninteresting lessons I couldn’t agree more.
• have little free time detail
• follow a dull routine
feel stressed
break the routine

Candidate A’s Sample response to the prompt

using the vocabulary given:
Examiners’ Sample Question to Candidate B:
Well, that’s true. Life at school is not always Do you agree?
interesting. For one thing, some lessons are
Candidate B’s Sample comment:
boring. For example, most students find history
I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes, school life is so
boring as there are too many details to memorise.
monotonous that some students try to find any way
Secondly, students have so much homework that
they can to break the routine, even if it means
they have little free time, which can make them
getting into trouble.
feel stressed. Finally, students do the same things
every day and this routine makes their life

44 Esolnet Hellas
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction B1-B2

Candidate B’s Response to a Question in Section 3

B2 Speaking Syllabus 2019 Linking Devices

General Topic: The Environment Absolutely,
General Question for Section 2 First of all,
for instance,
What can a city do to attract more tourists?
Following Questions in the Speaking Syllabus What’s more,
In what ways can a park in a city improve the quality of life as
there? so many ...that
Why does a park make a city look more beautiful?
Why is a park a good place for recreational activities? Vocabulary and Useful Phrases
Section 3 Prompt and bullet points: a variety of
Parks bring many benefits to a city and its people. attractive
• improve quality of life add
• make cities more beautiful a little bit of nature
• provide places for recreational activities buildings
healthier place to live

Candidate B’s Sample response to the prompt

using the vocabulary given:
Examiner’s Sample Question to Candidate A:
Absolutely. Parks have a lot of advantages. First Do you agree?
of all, parks can make the quality of life in the city
Candidate A’s Sample comment:
better. For instance, people can go to parks and
Yes, I agree with my partner. There are so many
spend time with their friends and family in clean
buildings in a city that any green space will make a
air. Parks also have a lot of space for a variety of
city look more appealing and make it a healthier
recreational activities such as walking, jogging or
place to live.
cycling. What’s more, parks make a city more
attractive as they add colour and a little bit of
nature to the city.

45 Esolnet Hellas
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction B1-B2

Suggestions and Tips for Section 3

• encourage Candidates to use the bullet points below the question as using the points makes it
easier for Candidates to talk and not hesitate
• advise them to try to rephrase the bullet points, if they can
• advise Candidates to use their own ideas to talk about a question if they do not understand a
point given
• stress the importance of connecting the bullet points with appropriate linking devices
• encourage them to briefly expand on the points
• advise them that when they comment on what their partner has said, to use their own ideas,
use any of the bullet points given or just repeat what their partner has said using some
novel language

46 Esolnet Hellas
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Mock Interview Recordings B1-B2

B1 Orestis
Distinction 5
Impression Candidate’s performance consistently meets the ‘can do’ statements of the CEFR B1 level
Distinction 5
• responses are consistently appropriate to the prompts throughout
Task • no clarification is required
• long contributions
• maintains and contributes to the interaction by elaborating his utterances spontaneously with
few hesitations
Distinction 5
• a relatively high level of grammatical accuracy and lexical precision to deal with most
familiar topics
• word choice is appropriate to the task and meaning comes across clearly throughout
• errors rarely impede meaning
• extended discourse with both basic and complex structures
• extra details to support his point of view

Complex structures, a good range of vocabulary and linking devices

To begin with, grades are very important for students…they get stressed because if you are getting
good grades, then you can get a good job in the future.
There are some reasons that I prefer summer holidays from winter holidays. Firstly, if you are a
student, you can relax ore from your busy schedule and …Furthermore, you can swim everyday
because of the sunny days…Last but not least, summer holidays are good for our mental health
because our brains are relaxing and we will be ready for the next season of school.
Grammar I agree because it is not easy to travel in the winter time for many reasons. Firstly, one reason is
and Lexis because in cold weather don’t feel comfortable and it has a lot of cold and flights may be cancelled…
Minor / Non-impeding errors
… they get stressed because if you are getting good grades, then you can get a good job in the future.
In my opinion, summer holidays are only for relaxing and have a lot of free time to do what you want
to do ………
… because in cold weather don’t feel comfortable…
…because stress is not helping us to concentrate on our work…

Few Major errors / Impeding errors

….the school is ever difficult…
The best holiday that I have ever had it was when I was 8 years old because I had gone to Thessaloniki
that I have my friends there and we played together…
I disagree with the people that they don’t like summer holidays because summer holidays are for to
have fun and not for the places that it has…
Distinction 5
Clarity of • clear articulation
Expression • speech is intelligible and comprehensible throughout and causes hardly any strain on the
listener’s part

Total: 20

47 Esolnet Hellas
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Mock Interview Recordings B1-B2

B1 Antony
Merit 4
Impression candidate’s performance is usually at the level of the ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR B1

Merit 4

Task • appropriate responses to the prompts most of the time

Fulfilment • usually long contributions
• good turn-taking
• occasionally slower interaction

Merit 3
• language of the level is accurate and covers an appropriate range most of the time
• an appropriate level of grammatical accuracy and lexical precision to deal with most familiar
• usually a good range of lexis and linking devices
• meaning comes across clearly most of the time

Mostly basic structures, some complexity, usually a good range of vocabulary and linking
My favourite holiday is also summer holidays because I like to swim. I like the sun and I like to play
with my friends.
Nowadays young people have a lot of stress due to their work.
Furthermore, I believe that a problem about them is the school.
Finally, they expect from the school they have a lot of things to do.
In conclusion, we can understand the young people have a very tiring programme.
I believe that many families don’t have a lot of money to travel to have winter holidays.
Nowadays, young people have a lot of stress but sometimes stress it helps us to motivate …
and Lexis
Furthermore, it helps us to concentrate for our work…and finally, they help us to achieve our goals.

Minor / Non-impeding errors

Furthermore, I believe that a problem about them is the school.
They can be stressed for a test or for the marks…
… we can understand the young people have a very tiring programme.
People don’t like summer holidays because the place they go there are a lot of people in the sea…
Nowadays, young people have a lot of stress but sometimes stress it helps us to motivate …
… it helps us to concentrate for our work…they help …

Major errors / Impeding errors

I like Piraeus …why I can do a walk with my friends….
… a reason that have stress is they have friends and they can be wondered why they don’t have so
many friends that other teenagers.
… they expect from the school they have a lot of things to do…

Clarity of Distinction 5
Expression • articulation is clear, hardly causing any strain on the examiner

Total: 16

48 Esolnet Hellas
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Mock Interview Recordings B1-B2

B2 Maria
Distinction 5
Impression Candidate’s performance is consistently at or exceeds the level of the ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR
B2 specification

Distinction 5
• fully able at all times to understand prompts and respond appropriately
Task • consistently long contributions
Fulfilment • appropriate functions and good turn taking and successfully completes the task set
• confidently provides a sizeable amount of extra detail relevant to the prompt with well paced,
spontaneous interaction throughout
• effectively maintains and develops the interaction throughout

Distinction 5
• language is accurate and appropriate to B2 level throughout, exceeding it at times
• consistently a wide range of word choice and grammatical structures, appropriate to the task
• meaning comes across clearly throughout
• consistently grammatical accuracy and lexical precision
• no communication breakdowns
Complex structures, a wide range of vocabulary and linking devices
Obviously, it’s nice for the people to have more freedom…and living on their own is very difficult …
I believe that having a big circle of friends is very important. Firstly, you can hang out with them
where you can have …You also feel safe when you go out at night so if something happens, you are at
Grammar least going to be together and also…If you don’t feel well, always someone is going to be there for you.
and Lexis So I believe… When you are with your friends, you have a better time outside and that’s healthier for
I believe it’s wise to have a small group of friends because you feel more comfortable around
them…and your friendships are going to last longer…
I do agree with Stella. I would also like to add that different cultures are very important and learning
about them is very interesting…you can learn different languages, which is also very important.

Minor / Non-impeding errors

I have a small circle of friends … and I prefer that than having a bog group of friends

No major errors

Distinction 5
Clarity of • clear articulation
Expression • speech is intelligible and comprehensible throughout, causing no strain on the listener’s part

Total Mark: 20

49 Esolnet Hellas
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Mock Interview Recordings B1-B2

B2 Stella
Distinction 5
Impression candidate’s performance is consistently at the level of the ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR B2

Distinction 5
• fully able at all times to understand prompts and respond appropriately
• consistently long contributions
Task • appropriate functions and good turn taking and successfully completes the task set
• confidently provides a sizeable amount of extra detail relevant to the prompt with well-
paced, spontaneous interaction throughout
• effectively maintains and develops the interaction throughout

Distinction 5
• language is accurate and appropriate to B2 level throughout
• consistently a good range of word choice and grammatical structures, appropriate to the
• meaning comes across clearly throughout
• a good range of linking devices
• hardly any major errors
• no communication breakdowns
Both basic and complex structures, a good range of vocabulary and linking devices
My favourite school subject is Biology because I can learn more about nature and body.
Grammar and I totally agree with Maria but I believe that …it’s not necessary to go so far from them (parents)
Lexis and if they go, they are going to have freedom and they are going to live better.
I agree with what Maria said and I also think that you can trust only one from the big group and
you can tell your secrets when you are sad…
…if you have the chance to go to another country or place, you can see the culture, the people how
they live and make friends…you can also find something new about this place and learn to adopt

Minor / Non-impeding errors

…you can see the culture, the people how they live and make friends…

No Major errors or Impeding errors

Clarity of Distinction 5
Expression • articulation is clear, causing no strain on the examiner

Total Mark: 20

50 Esolnet Hellas
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Video Mock Interviews B1-B2

B2 Mata
Overall Distinction 5
Impression Candidate’s performance meets the ‘can do’ statements of the CEFR B2 level
Task Fulfilment Distinction 5
• able to understand prompts, respond appropriately (incl. length of contributions,
register, turn-taking, appropriate functions) and successfully complete the tasks set
• provides a fair amount of extra detail relevant to the prompt
• interaction is well paced and spontaneous with confidence
Grammar and Merit 3
• language is generally accurate and appropriate to B2 Level with some slips corrected
with restart/repetition
• word choice is appropriate to the task most of the time
• meaning comes across clearly most of the time

Used extended discourse, a wide range of vocabulary and linking devices

I like maths because I find it really easy for me and my teacher is very understanding…
I worry about my future because I want to have a very good job and earn a good living…
They don’t worry about their health because they worry about other things. For
example, as I said….
First of all, the technology has isolated them because the phone, the Internet can keep
them all day …What’s more, they ….
I agree with you. Another advantage of the car is that it is more comfortable…

Errors usually do not impede meaning

I am going very well…
I am in a school…where we learn Latin, Hip Hop…
He makes us understand with very friendly and patient way
I think I’ll have a lifetime because I’m going ….
What worries me the most is about my relationships and how the grades on them….
They worry about what other think of them because they want to have few friends…
They are afraid of how they look like…
They want many likes just to be famous to their friends…
I agree, but their mobiles phones…
…it is more comfortable from bus…
…they can keep their parents in contact…
Clarity of Distinction 5
Expression • clear articulation with appropriate/acceptable stress, rhythm and intonation
• speech is intelligible and comprehensible throughout
• causes no major strain on the listener’s part

Total Score: 18

51 Esolnet Hellas
Evaluations of B1 and B2 Video Mock Interviews B1-B2

B2 Vicky
Overall Merit 4
Impression Candidate’s performance meets the ‘can do’ statements of the CEFR B2 level
Task Fulfilment Distinction 5
• able to understand prompts, respond appropriately (incl. length of contributions,
register, turn-taking, appropriate functions) and successfully complete the tasks set
• provides a fair amount of extra detail relevant to the prompt
• interaction is well paced and spontaneous with confidence
Grammar and Pass 2
• language is generally accurate and appropriate to B2 Level with some slips corrected
with restart/repetition.
• word choice is appropriate to the task most of the time.
meaning is sometimes impeded
Often Used extended discourse, a good range of vocabulary and linking devices
I disagree with because teenagers nowadays do exercise because they want to feel
comfortable with their body.
Well, we can communicate with anyone and also it is very important to have for an
Finally, the mobile phone it is a great application and personally I can’t live without it…
I agree with Mata and I would like to add that teenagers are different styles…
…sometimes they don’t do their lessons because they are always on their phone…
Errors sometimes impede meaning
It (my hobby) relax me…
I’ll play volleyball since I was 5…
I don’t like maths because ours teacher is very strict…
My friends are coming to my house because we have a subject to do
Nowadays, teenagers do exercise…
Is very good for entertainment because it ….
…the mobile phone it is a great application …
Technology has a negative effects on…
Another invention that help people …
…teenagers are different lifestyles …

Clarity of Distinction 5
Expression • clear articulation with appropriate/acceptable stress, rhythm and intonation
• speech is intelligible and comprehensible
• causes no major strain on the listener’s part

Total Score: 16

52 Esolnet Hellas
Preparing Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam

Using the LRN and Esolnet Hellas Support Material

LEVELS C1 and C2
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam C1-C2

Format of the Speaking Exam for C1 and C2

Duration: 16-18 minutes


Section 1 Warm Up Stage

The Examiner introduces himself/herself and asks Candidates to introduce themselves
Time: and say where they come from. Then the Examiner asks Candidates questions about
4 minutes themselves. (No questions about their families or any other sensitive issues are
Section 2 Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction
Presentation of Prepared Topic (2 minutes)
Candidate A presents the topic he/she has prepared for.
6-8 minutes
Interaction (1-2 minutes)
a. The Examiner asks Candidate A a question relevant to what he/she has said.
b. The Examiner asks Candidate B to express his/her point of view on the same
c. The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a
The same procedure is followed for Candidate B.

Section 3 Respond to a Question and Interaction

Each Candidate talks about a statement which is followed with points; the statement is
Time: relevant to the prepared question in Section 2 which the Candidate has chosen.
6 minutes The other Candidate comments on what has been said and expresses his/her point of
view as well.

Skills tested • Use formal language and register where appropriate

• Respond to criticism and criticise constructively
• Express statements of fact
• Give factual accounts and explanations
• Present information and ideas in a logical sequence and provide further detail and
development to clarify or confirm understanding
• Make relevant contributions and help to move discussions forward
• Take part in social interaction, incl. more formal interaction
• Express, and ask about, views, opinions, feelings, wishes, persuade, warn, rebuke
and etc.
• Use appropriate phrases for interruption and change of topic
• Support opinions and arguments with evidence
• Use strategies intended to reassure, e.g. body language and appropriate

54 Esolnet Hellas

Duration: 16 to 18 minutes

Speaking Exam Paper June 2019

Warm up Stage

Duration: 4 minutes

Examiner: Good morning / Good afternoon. My name is ………………

To Candidate A: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

To Candidate B: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about

The Examiner asks each Candidate one or more questions about the following topics.

• hobbies
• free time activities
• school / college
• job
• hometown or neighbourhood
• future plans

No questions about their families are allowed.

Page 56

Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Duration: 6-8 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, each of you is going to talk for 2 minutes about the topic
you have already prepared for. After you have finished your talk, I will ask you
some questions about what you have presented and then your partner can express
his/her point of view on the same topic.

The Examiner shows each Candidate the list of topics and asks them which one
they have prepared to talk about.

List of prepared topics:

1. What habits do successful students have?
2. What are the advantages of travelling by car?
3. Why do some people want to keep up with their neighbours?
4. What can a community do to promote environmental awareness?
5. Should we know what is in our food? Why? Why not?

Examiner to Candidate A: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate A can speak for 2 minutes

The Examiner asks Candidate A a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate B: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree with
your partner?
The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 1-2 minutes

Examiner to Candidate B: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate B can speak for 2 minutes

The Examiner asks Candidate B a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate A: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree with
your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 1-2 minutes

Examiner: Thank you.

Page 57

Respond to a question and Interaction

Duration: 6 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I will ask each of you to respond to a question.
You may use the ideas given below the question and/or use your own
ideas to answer the question. Your partner will be asked to comment
on what you have said and express his/her point of view as well.

The Examiner must choose a question related to what each Candidate talked about
in Section 2 of the Test.
The Examiner tells each Candidate to look at the chosen question and the points
below it. When the Candidate has finished talking about the question, the Examiner
asks the other Candidate to comment and express his/her point of view.

1. Apart from high grades, there are other factors that ensure success in life.
• hard work and discipline
• useful skills
• talents and interests
2. There are disadvantages to road trips.
• tiring and time-consuming
• dependent on weather and road conditions
• expensive to undertake
3. Trying to keep up with our neighbours can have serious effects on our lives.
• adopt someone else’s standards
• allow feelings of envy to control us
• think of ourselves as inferior to them
4. There are great benefits to environmental volunteering.
• enjoy the outdoors
• learn new skills
• socialise with new people
5. Consumers can be exploited in various ways.
• higher prices for products of low quality
• false claims in advertisements
• attractive design and packaging

Examiner: Thank you. This is the end of the Test.

Page 58

Candidate’s Prompts
Speaking Paper June 2019

List of prepared topics:
1. What habits do successful students have?
2. What are the advantages of travelling by car?
3. Why do some people want to keep up with their neighbours?
4. What can a community do to promote environmental awareness?
5. Should we know what is in our food? Why? Why not?

1. Apart from high grades, there are other factors that ensure success in life.
• hard work and discipline
• useful skills
• talents and interests
2. There are disadvantages to road trips.
• tiring and time-consuming
• dependent on weather and road conditions
• expensive to undertake
3. Trying to keep up with our neighbours can have serious effects on our lives.
• adopt someone else’s standards
• allow feelings of envy to control us
• think of ourselves as inferior to them
4. There are great benefits to environmental volunteering.
• enjoy the outdoors
• learn new skills
• socialise with new people
5. Consumers can be exploited in various ways.
• higher prices for products of low quality
• false claims in advertisements
• attractive design and packaging

Duration: 16 to 18 minutes

Speaking Exam Paper June 2019

Warm up Stage

Duration: 4 minutes

Examiner: Good morning / Good afternoon. My name is ………………

To Candidate A: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

To Candidate B: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about

The Examiner asks each Candidate one or more questions about the following topics.

• hobbies
• free time activities
• school / college
• job
• hometown or neighbourhood
• future plans

No questions about their families are allowed.

Page 61

Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Duration: 6-8 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, each of you is going to talk for 2 minutes about the topic
you have already prepared for. After you have finished your talk, I will ask you
some questions about what you have presented and then your partner can express
his/her point of view on the same topic.

The Examiner shows each Candidate the list of topics and asks them which one
they have prepared to talk about.

List of prepared topics

1. What things should we learn as we get older?
2. Why do some people choose to do indoor rather than outdoor sports?
3. Why is cyberbullying as harmful as other kinds of bullying?
4. Which two factors are the most powerful in a career choice?
5. In what way do social media bring different people together?

Examiner to Candidate A: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate A can speak for 2 minutes

The Examiner asks Candidate A a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate B: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree with
your partner?
The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 1-2 minutes

Examiner to Candidate B: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate B can speak for 2 minutes

The Examiner asks Candidate B a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate A: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree with
your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 1-2 minutes

Examiner: Thank you.

Page 62

Respond to a question and Interaction

Duration: 6 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I will ask each of you to respond to a question.
You may use the ideas given below the question and/or use your own
ideas to answer the question. Your partner will be asked to comment
on what you have said and express his/her point of view as well.

The Examiner must choose a question related to what each Candidate talked about
in Section 2 of the Test.
The Examiner tells each Candidate to look at the chosen question and the points
below it. When the Candidate has finished talking about the question, the Examiner
asks the other Candidate to comment and express his/her point of view.

1. Education makes the world a better place.

• helps progress
• eliminates prejudice
• improves our health
2. There are more benefits to outdoor sports than to indoor sports.
• exposure to sunlight and fresh air
• discover and connect with nature
• greater choice of sports
3. There are ways to fight cyberbullying.
• block cyberbullies from all your devices
• report the problem to someone in authority
• change your internet account
4. An overcompetitive work environment can lead to problems.
• increased anxiety among employees
• unfair towards new employees
• negative effects on team spirit
5. Bias can have serious consequences on our lives.
• imposes barriers to self-improvement
• creates stereotypes
• damages personal relationships

Examiner: Thank you. This is the end of the Test.

Page 63

Candidate’s Prompts
Speaking Paper June 2019

List of prepared topics:
1. What things should we learn as we get older?
2. Why do some people choose to do indoor rather than outdoor sports?
3. Why is cyberbullying as harmful as other kinds of bullying?
4. Which two factors are the most powerful in a career choice?
5. In what way do social media bring different people together?

1. Education makes the world a better place.
• helps progress
• eliminates prejudice
• improves our health
2. There are more benefits to outdoor sports than to indoor sports.
• exposure to sunlight and fresh air
• discover and connect with nature
• greater choice of sports
3. There are ways to fight cyberbullying.
• block cyberbullies from all your devices
• report the problem to someone in authority
• change your internet account
4. An overcompetitive work environment can lead to problems.
• increased anxiety among employees
• unfair towards new employees
• negative effects on team spirit
5. Bias can have serious consequences on our lives.
• imposes barriers to self-improvement
• creates stereotypes
• damages personal relationships
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam C1-C2

C1 and C2 Marking Scheme

Deciding on a Candidate’s Final Mark

Examiners should base their marks on a holistic view of the Candidate’s performance by balancing the
performance in all parts of the test, the grammatical and lexical range and accuracy of the level with fluency,
clarity, task fulfilment and communicative effectiveness to reach an overall mark.
Examiners will use the Marking Criteria, CEFR level information to ensure they are marking accurately and
Examiners must use numerical values to work out the final score:

Overall Task fulfilment Grammar and Clarity of

impression and lexis expression

Distinction 6 7 6 6

Merit 4 5 4 4

Pass 3 4 3 3

Fail 1 1 1 1

No language
0 0 0 0
to assess

Total Marks:

0-12 = FAIL

13-16 = PASS

17-19 =Merit

20+ = Distinction

Page 65
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam C1

Marking Criteria for C1 according to the CEFR Level

• Examiners assess Candidates using the marking criteria. Each Candidate will receive
• Examiners will grade Candidates as having met the language and functions of the CEFR
level, or not.

CEFR C1 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Overall Candidate’s performance Candidate’s performance Candidate’s performance Candidate’s
impression is consistently at or is consistently at the level is fairly consistently at performance does not
exceeds the level of the of the ‘can do’ statements the level of the ‘can do’ meet the level of the
‘can do’ statements for for the CEFR C1 statements for the CEFR ‘can do’ statements for
the CEFR C1 specification C1 specification the CEFR C1
specification specification
Participates in the exam Participates in the exam Participates in the exam Participates in the exam
process, expanding and process, expanding and process, expanding and process, but does not
developing the point developing the point developing the point always expand or
being discussed fluently being discussed fluently being discussed fairly develop the point being
without any support, and with minimal support, fluently with an discussed; lacks
handling interjections well and handling interjections acceptable degree of fluency and needs
well support, and handling considerable support
interjections well
Task Fully able at all times to Able to understand Fairly able to understand Able to understand
fulfilment/ understand prompts and prompts and respond prompts and respond prompts and respond
Communicative respond appropriately appropriately and appropriately and appropriately only
effectiveness/ and spontaneously with spontaneously with spontaneously with some of the time and
Interactive relevant and adequate relevant and adequate relevant and adequate often not
listening/ information information throughout information most of the spontaneously or
throughout time without adequate or
relevant information
Excellent turn taking Very good turn taking Good turn taking and Good turn taking and
and agenda management and agenda management agenda management agenda
demonstrating effortless demonstrating effortless demonstrating fairly management are either
interaction between interaction between effortless interaction lacking or too passive
listener and speaker listener and speaker between listener and with interaction
throughout speaker most of the time requiring support
Contributes to effective Contributes to effective Maintains and develops Maintains and develops
topic maintenance and topic maintenance and the interaction adequately, the interaction
development by fully development by linking while indicating acceptably only some
incorporating the contributions to those of understanding of what of the time not usually
examiner’s utterances into the examiner (eg the examiner has said linking contributions to
their own contributions summarising, indicating most of the time those of the examiner
throughout understanding of points
made by the examiner,
establishing common
ground in the interaction)
Solves communication Solves communication Solves communication Does not always solve
problems naturally and problems naturally problems naturally communication problems
speedily, if any, most of the time appropriately or

Responses are immediate Responses are immediate Prompt responses to the Occasional
and always to the point and relevant examiner showing hesitation in order to
throughout relatively quick make sense of examiner
understanding input

Page 66
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam C1

CEFR C1 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Grammar Language control is Language control is Language control and Language control is
and accurate at C1 level accurate at C1 level word choice are fairly often inaccurate at C1
lexis/ throughout, exceeding it throughout – accurate at C1 level level with some major
Language at times – demonstrating an but with occasional slips and word choice
control/ demonstrating a wide appropriate range of minor slips is limited and at times
Range and range of word choice word choice with clear inappropriate to the
accuracy with clear meaning meaning prompt
throughout throughout
Uses a wide range of Uses an appropriate Maintains an Meaning does not
grammatical structures/ range of grammatical acceptable level of come across clearly
lexis flexibly to deal with structures/ lexis to deal grammatical accuracy and some errors
topics at this level - with topics at this level and lexical precision impede
consistently maintaining a fairly most of the time communication
maintaining a high level high level of precision
of precision effortlessly effortlessly, even when Uses a range of
throughout, even when using complex grammatical
using complex language language structures/ lexis that is
not always adequate
to deal with topics at
this level

Takes part effortlessly in Takes part fairly Takes part in Does not show an
conversation or confidently in conversation or adequate level of
discussion demonstrating conversation or discussion grammatical
a very broad lexical discussion demonstrating a fairly accuracy and
repertoire and a good demonstrating a broad broad lexical repertoire lexical precision at
familiarity with lexical repertoire and a and a good familiarity this level
idiomatic expressions with idiomatic
good familiarity with
throughout expressions most of the
idiomatic expressions time
Confidently and Backtracks fairly Backtracks and Meaning often does
effortlessly confidently and restructures not come across
backtracks and restructures around adequately around clearly and
restructures difficulties so smoothly difficulties to get backtracking or
around that other people are meaning across – errors restructuring is an
difficulties so hardly aware of it most do not impede effort
smoothly that of the time communication
other people are
hardly aware of it

Clarity of Speech is intelligible, Speech is generally Speech is fairly Speech does not appear
expression/ fluent and intelligible, fluent and intelligible, fluent and intelligible, fluent or
delivery comprehensible comprehensible comprehensible most comprehensible
throughout of the time,

Interaction causes no Interaction causes no Interaction causes some Does not always speak
strain on the listener’s major strain on the strain on the listener’s promptly and fluently
part with stress and listener’s part with part in isolated and may cause
intonation applied stress and intonation instances, with stress considerable strain on
effectively throughout applied effectively most and intonation applied the listener’s part
of the time fairly effectively most throughout
of the time

Page 67
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam C2

Marking Criteria for C2 according to the CEFR Level

• Examiners assess Candidates using the marking criteria. Each Candidate will receive
• Examiners will grade Candidates as having met the language and functions of the CEFR
level, or not.

CEFR C2 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Overall Candidate’s overall Candidate’s overall Candidate’s overall Candidate’s overall
impression performance is performance generally performance meets the performance does not
consistently at the meets the level of the ‘can do’ statements for meet the level of the
level of the ‘can do’ ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR C2 ‘can do’
statements for the the CEFR C2 specification fairly statements for the
CEFR C2 specification consistently CEFR C2
specification consistently throughout specification.
throughout, often throughout
exceeding expectations
Converses Converses Converses fairly Linguistic limitations
comfortably and comfortably and comfortably and evident
appropriately, appropriately, very appropriately. May
unhampered by any rarely hampered by experience the
linguistic limitations linguistic limitations occasional linguistic
throughout limitation but is
able to self-correct

Task Fully able to Able to generally Fairly able to Able to demonstrate

fulfilment/ demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate flexibility in
Communicative flexibility in flexibility in flexibility in reformulating ideas to
effectiveness/ reformulating ideas to reformulating ideas to reformulating ideas to suit the situation / task
Interactive suit the situation / task suit the situation / task suit the situation / task only some of the time
listening/ all the time most of the time
Fully understands the Understands the Understands the Understands the
prompt and responds prompt and responds prompt and responds prompt and responds
effectively and appropriately and appropriately and appropriately only
spontaneously with spontaneously with spontaneously with some of the time and
relevant and adequate relevant and adequate fairly relevant and often not
information all the information adequate information spontaneously
time most of the time lacking relevant or
adequate information.

Participates in the
exam process, but
does not always
expand or develop
the point being
discussed - lacking
fluency and needing
considerable support

Demonstrates Demonstrates very Demonstrates good Turn-taking and

excellent turn taking good turn taking and turn taking and agenda management
and agenda agenda management agenda management are either lacking or
management too passive
Interaction is Interaction is very Interaction is easy Interaction between
effortless between easy between listener between listener and speaker and listener
listener and speaker and speaker speaker requires support

Page 68
Overview of the LRN Speaking Exam C2

CEFR C2 Distinction Merit Pass Fail

Grammar Express themselves Express themselves Express themselves Language is often
and spontaneously, very spontaneously, fairly spontaneously, inaccurate at C2 level
lexis/ fluently and precisely fluently and precisely fluently and precisely with some major
Language at some length, with consistent with only the mistakes showing that
control/ differentiating finer grammatical occasional slip. grammatical control
Range and shades of meaning accuracy Grammatical control of complex language is
accuracy even in more complex of complex language is not consistent
situations fairly consistent

Takes part effortlessly Takes part fairly Uses idiomatic Idiomatic expressions
in conversation or effortlessly in expressions and and colloquialisms are
discussion conversation or colloquialisms with a not used accurately
demonstrating an discussion fairly natural flow and and word
extensive and varied demonstrating a broad ease demonstrating an choice is limited
lexical repertoire and lexical repertoire and adequate lexical
has an excellent has a good familiarity repertoire appropriate
familiarity with with to the prompt
idiomatic expressions idiomatic expressions
and colloquialisms

Effortlessly Backtracks fairly Backtracks and Meaning often does

backtracks and effortlessly and restructures around not come across
restructures around restructures around difficulties fairly clearly and
difficulties so smoothly difficulties so smoothly smoothly so that other backtracking or
that other people are that other people are people are hardly aware restructuring is an
hardly aware of it hardly aware of it most of it most of the time effort
of the time

Clarity of Completely effortless Effortless articulation Fairly effortless At times laboured

expression/ articulation with with appropriate stress, articulation with articulation with
delivery appropriate stress, rhythm and intonation appropriate stress, inappropriate stress,
rhythm and intonation all the time rhythm and rhythm and intonation
throughout intonation most of some of the time
the time

Speech is intelligible Speech is intelligible Speech is fairly Speech is sometimes

and comprehensible and comprehensible intelligible and unintelligible or
and at near-native and approximates comprehensible most incomprehensible or
level throughout native delivery closely of the time and requires considerable
approximates native effort on the listener's
delivery fairly closely part

Express themselves
with hesitancy and
lacking spontaneity

Page 69







Instructions for marking answers CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE:

• Use black pencil (HB 2).
• Do not use ink or ballpoint pens.
• Erase completely any answer you wish to change.
• Fill or Cross the circles like this

TOPIC USED: Overall Task fulfilment Grammar Clarity of

Impression and and Lexis Expression
 Effectiveness

Distinction    
Total Marks C1, C2: Merit    
0-12 = Fail
Pass    
13-16 = Pass
17-19 = Merit Fail    
20+ = Distinction No language
to assess    

TOTAL MARKS: ________ / 25

EXAMINER’S NAME: ___________________________________ SIGNATURE:

No. ______ 
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Example: Examiner’s Instructions for C2 June 2019, Section 1: Warm up Stage

Warm up Stage

Duration: 4 minutes

Examiner: Good morning / Good afternoon. My name is ………………

To Candidate A: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

To Candidate B: What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about

The Examiner asks each Candidate one or more questions about the following topics.

• hobbies
• free time activities
• school / college
• job
• hometown or neighbourhood
• future plans

No questions about their families are allowed.

Page 71
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Description of Section 1: Warm up Stage

• Duration 3 minutes total, NOT per Candidate

• The Examiner greets the Candidates and introduces himself/herself.
Good morning/ Good afternoon. My name is ....................................
• The Examiner asks each Candidate to introduce themselves and say where they are from.
To Candidate A: What’s your name?
Where are you from?
To Candidate B: What’s your name?
Where are you from?
• The Examiner reads the following rubrics as they are:
In this part of the Test, I would like to ask you some questions about yourselves.
• The Examiner then asks each Candidate two or three questions from one or more of the
SIX topics for the Warm up Stage (see below). No questions on any other topic are
• The Examiner cannot ask any questions about their families or of a sensitive nature that
might make Candidates feel uncomfortable.

The six topics for the Warm up Stage are:

• hobbies
• free time activities
• school / college
• jobs
• hometown / neighbourhood
• future plans

• Each Candidate is asked an equal number of questions.

• The Examiner adheres to the time limit specified for the Warm up Stage (4 minutes) and
will limit the number of questions based on the length of the Candidates’ responses.

Page 72
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Sample Questions and Sample Answers for Section 1, Warm up

On the following pages, are sample questions for Section 1. There is one sample question from each
topic on the list of Indicative Questions. Each question is followed by

• a table with a list of linking devices and relevant vocabulary and phrases
• sample answers in which the linking devices, vocabulary and useful phrases used are in bold
so that Candidates can see how they are used in a sentence.
• a table of additional vocabulary that Candidates can use for answering more Indicative
Questions on the same topic.

You may use these sample questions and sample answers during your Speaking practice. Also,
during Speaking practice, we recommend that you

• use some or all of the Indicative Questions and prepare Candidates to answer questions
from all SIX topics in Section 1
• choose some questions to work on in class; provide Candidates with the relevant
vocabulary, linking devices and write sample answers to these questions
• hand out a list of linking devices which they can always refer to when they practise in class
or work on homework questions
• assign homework: ask them to find vocabulary for the homework questions and use the
sample questions as a guide for their answers
• remind them that their answers need not be long, but they should use complete sentences
and appropriate linking devices
• stress the importance of justifying what they say and elaborating on what they say

Page 73
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Sample Questions for Section 1: the Warm up Stage

Topic 1: Hobbies
Sample Question: What hobbies do you find interesting?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Linking Devices /Fillers

1. Well, I suppose my favourite hobby must be playing the Well, I suppose
guitar. I have been playing guitar since I was 6 years old. I (It) must be…
think I’m pretty good at it now. I play in a rock band with actually
some friends at the weekends. It’s great fun and I’m actually I would probably say that
thinking of taking it up as a career. especially
In fact,
2. I would probably say that drawing is my favourite hobby. I
which I like the most
consider myself to be a creative person so I really enjoy using
my imagination. I haven’t had any formal drawing lessons
yet, but I’m pretty good at it. I especially enjoy drawing
portraits of people. In fact, I sometimes get asked to draw
somebody and that makes me feel especially proud of myself. Vocabulary and Phrases
have been playing… since
3. I love being physically active so I spend a lot of time playing
great fun
sports. The sport which I like the most is basketball. I like it
I consider myself to be
because it keeps me fit and I feel good, mentally, after playing
using my imagination
a game. I am on the school team so we do a lot of training. It’s
pretty good at
demanding, but I enjoy hanging out with my teammates.
feel especially proud of myself
physically active
keeps me fit
hanging out with

Additional Vocabulary for Hobbies

Verbs Adjectives Hobbies
prefer fascinating listening to music (hip-hop, heavy metal, K-pop etc.)
enjoy practical playing/learning the guitar/ piano etc/
love different playing computer board/role-playing/on-line games
I’m (quite) interested in unusual collecting toys/stamps/vinyl/comics etc.
I’m (really) keen on popular painting/drawing/sketching/photography/cooking/cosplay
I’m (really) into outdoors walking/climbing/fishing/hunting/hiking/trail biking
I’m enthusiastic about indoors jogging/dancing/swimming/martial arts (judo/kung fu etc.)
What excites me is educational playing tennis/football/basketball/volleyball etc.
become/am (a member) entertaining travelling abroad/visiting ancient sites/museums
take up great going to the cinema/theatre/clubbing
take part in thrilling a member of/in a team/club/organization/band/theatrical
get away from addictive group etc

Page 74
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Topic 2: Free time activities

Sample Question: What do you like doing in your free time?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Linking Devices, Fillers ,

1. Unfortunately, I rarely have free time because I have a Unfortunately,
heavy schedule, but when I do have manage to find some free rarely
time, I prefer to stay at home and play computer games. I am
a little bit
really into playing first-person shooters online with my I must admit that
friends. To be honest,
2. I like to download TV series and watch them. I tend to Vocabulary and Phrases
binge-watch them, maybe watching a whole season over one have a heavy schedule
weekend. It’s a little bit unhealthy, I know, but I get hooked prefer to
on them and it’s incredibly entertaining; you can get totally am really into
involved in the show and learn to really identify with the download TV series
tend to
3. I must admit that I spend most of my free time on my phone. unhealthy
I find I am either talking with my friends on an app like get hooked on
What’s Up or watching videos on YouTube. To be honest, I incredibly entertaining
get totally involved in
find it’s the ideal way for me to relax after a hard day at
identify with
school/work as it’s not too demanding so I can just switch off I find I am either…or
and have fun. the ideal way
not too demanding
switch off

Additional Vocabulary for Free Time Activities

Verbs/Verb Phrases Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
be in a team team sports interested in /keen on twice a week
train individual fond of/ into / whenever (I can)
work together/cooperate cooperation/teamwork popular/ cultish regularly
take place spectators/audience professional/ amateur often/sometimes
take part in/participate in practice/ training informative usually/ always /
perform competition/contest beneficial/rewarding occasionally
beat / defeat (big) fan (of) pleased every now and
cheer on talent/skill proud then
be into poor/high quality romantic once in a while
socialise stress/tension amusing/ hilarious happily
achieve comedy/ romance/ science fascinating/ fascinated actively
release fiction (sci-fi)/ original/state of the art/ innovative healthily
amuse, entertain fantasy/action/ superhero/ anime trendy/fashionable extremely
waste time/money violence/aggression violent/ risky/ extreme totally
hate/dislike doing boredom/monotony dangerous/scary creatively
scare sound/screen/ special effects frustrating /depressing / upsetting
frustrate (CGI) anti-social / unsociable
get away from addiction/compulsion competitive / challenging
develop culture/ the arts exhausting
get along with pleasure/ enjoyment/ inspiring
deal with amusement/ thrill entertainment
satisfy, afford nerd/geek
stand in a queue
Page 75
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Topic 3: School/College
Sample Question: How do you feel about the school/college you go to?

Liking Devices, Fillers

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given:
1. I attend the 2nd Senior High School of Athens and I’m in the first
For example,
year. Generally, I think it’s a great school. All my friends go to to tell you the truth,
the same school so I don’t feel lonely. Also, the teachers are very quite a bit of
friendly and helpful so that is good, too. For example, in my All in all,
previous school I had a real problem with Ancient Greek, but I am thinking of
the teacher at this school makes it much easier to understand and What I like most about
that is such a relief. Fortunately,
feel very satisfied with
2. Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t really like the school I go to.
It’s an old school and is a bit run down. It is in need of a good Vocabulary and Phrases
clean and new desks and chairs. Also, there is quite a bit of
bullying that goes on there, which makes me anxious. The attend/ go to
in my previous school
teachers are okay, but I prefer the ones at my old school. a real problem with
Actually, I am thinking of changing schools as I believe the such a relief
poor conditions at this one could seriously affect my education. run down
3. I’m studying Biology at Athens University. What I like most in need of
about the university are the facilities it has to offer. It has great bullying
laboratories and an excellent library. It’s quite a demanding goes on
course, but, fortunately, the professors are very supportive and
kind. All in all, I feel very satisfied with both the college and facilities
the course.’ it has to offer
the course

Page 76
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Additional Vocabulary for School/College

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
(mis)behave education industrious highly
pay attention primary/junior school smart extremely
attend/ skip high/secondary school brilliant quite
school/class university/college gifted anxiously
give/ take/ sit an university entrance outstanding badly
exam exams serious eagerly eventually
obey/follow the rules university degree/under- over/well-qualified exactly
participate in/ take graduate/ graduate/ post- well/-behaved frequently happily
part in/ become graduate studies confident hopelessly
involved in MA/MSc (Masters)/PhD motivated only
encourage/ motivate state/private schools (un)prepared perfectly
carry out / vocational/technical eager/ enthusiastic politely
experiment school poor/weak/strong (student) poorly
cooperate with tutor/lecturer/professor high/low (marks) seldom
copy/ take/write academia good/bad (grades) unexpectedly
down/ jot down schedule/timetable lenient/easy-going weekly
(notes)/ autumn/spring/summer strict monthly
record/follow (a term inspiring/stimulating/passi clearly
lecture) school trip/field onate
transmit/convey/soak trip/excursion fed-up/cynical/indifferent
up / take in (make) progress
(knowledge) (show) improvement
(school) report (card)
university clubs/societies
on/off campus
lecture (room/theatre)
head teacher
university faculty/staff
internship / placement

Page 77
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Topic 4: Hometown / Neighbourhood

Question: Do you like the area where you live? Why? Why not?
Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Vocabulary and Useful
1. No, I don’t. I absolutely hate it. I live in the city centre and it’s
really noisy and polluted. There is so much traffic it drives me
crazy. Also, there is a lot of crime in the area so it is unsafe to traffic
walk the streets at night alone. I hope that soon we will move out drives me crazy
of the neighbourhood to somewhere nicer. crime
2. It’s okay, I guess. I live in a small village in the mountains. I have move out
lived there all my life so I can’t really compare it with anything I guess
else. It’s very peaceful and it’s a picturesque place; in the can’t compare it with
summer, many tourists come to visit it, but there is not much to anything else
do there and it feels a bit isolated, especially in winter. peaceful
3. Definitely! I really like my neighbourhood. It has so many not much to do there
facilities for me to take advantage of. It has a big park and lots of a bit isolated
shops and cafes, and several cinemas and clubs, as well. It’s also definitely
by the sea so my friends and I like to go swimming when the facilities
weather is good. For a teenager like me, it’s the perfect place to take advantage of
by the sea
the perfect place to live

Additional Vocabulary for Hometown / Neighbourhood

Verbs/ Expressions Nouns Adjectives

live/stay-(temporary) block of flats/house/cottage/ (of houses) terraced/ detached/
rent/own (a house) bungalow semi-detached
commute (to work) suburbs/city centre/outskirts of modern/traditional
like/enjoy/appreciate/value the city/town/village luxurious/comfortable/cosy
can’t stand/tolerate/ put up facilities/amenities/infrastructure refurbished/renovated
with feature/aspect derelict/neglected/run-down/
depend on/need/ road/street/lane/motorway falling apart
could do with/would benefit an eyesore narrow/ wide (streets)
from/lacks (has) character/charm dangerous/busy/safe/
public transport pretty/charming/ugly/
stairs/lift (elevator) rich/wealthy/poor/deprived
ground floor/1st floor/basement impressive

Page 78
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Topic 5: Future plans

Sample Question: What would you like to do when you finish school/graduate from university?

Vocabulary and Useful

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given:
1. Well, I haven’t really thought about it that much. At the I haven’t really thought
moment, I am concentrating on my school subjects. I suppose about it that much
if I do well at the final exams, I will probably go to university suppose
here in Athens. I am not exactly sure what I want to study yet, probably
I am not exactly sure what
but I am good at Maths so, maybe, I will study something
related to Economics.
2. I’m really looking forward to finishing university. I have I’m really looking forward to
decided to take a gap year before starting work and travel for gap year
make up my mind
a while. I want to see the world before I make up my mind on
career I decide to follow
what career I decide to follow. This last year has been quite quite tough
tough and I really need some time to myself, to broaden my need some time to myself
horizons. broaden my horizons
3. After I finish school, I hope to study abroad. I have applied to
I hope to study abroad
several universities and I have already been accepted by some. applied to
It just depends on how well I do on the final exams. That’s been accepted
the main reason I am studying English at the moment, as I It just depends on
think I will need it for my studies. I hope I can also get a how well I do
scholarship too, which will make it easier for my parents. the main reason
make it easier for

Additional Vocabulary for Future Plans

Verbs/ Expressions Nouns Adjectives

aim/plan/intend to amusement/theme park amusing/entertaining/delightful
take it easy/catch up on some outing/trip enjoyable/pleasant/fantastic
rest/chill out/ unwind quality time uncertain/unsure/undecided/
get away from it all event positive /(not) convinced/
leave home/ the country holiday resort/quiet location/ doubtful/(most)(un)likely/
spend/take (my) time opportunities/chances in all likelihood/
have a night out with further education immediate/future (plans)
celebrate future plans
grow up/become an adult goal/intention/plan/target
get married/engaged
have kids/a family
focus/concentrate on
in the foreseeable future/ in the
have no idea/haven’t a clue
there is a good chance that

Page 79
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Topic 6: Jobs
Sample Question: Do you work? What kind of work do you do?

Sample Answers using the vocabulary given: Vocabulary and Useful Phrases
1. I have been working as a Clinical Psychologist for ten I have been working as
years. My job involves helping people overcome their demanding
problems. It is a demanding job, but very rewarding at the rewarding
same time. I get a great deal of satisfaction from watching get a great deal of satisfaction
my clients progress. I would never change my line of work clients
my line of work
because I like helping people better their lives better their lives
2. I just left university and I’m currently looking for work. I currently
studied Sociology at university, but teaching posts for that looking for work
are few and far between. I would be happy to do anything posts
few and far between
that pays well, but the job market isn’t that great at the pays well
moment so I’m not terribly optimistic about finding a job job market
anytime soon. optimistic
finding a job
3. I am working in a local bakery as an assistant. I don’t see it
as permanent, just a way to earn a living. But the owners permanent
are very friendly and I it is good experience for me. I a way to earn a living
handle the cash and deal with customers, so it is teaching good experience
handle/deal with
me a lot about customer service and being responsible. I’m
customer service
sure it will look good on my CV when I apply for other jobs responsible
in the future. look good on my CV

Additional Vocabulary for Jobs

Verbs/ Expressions Nouns Adjectives/Adverbs
employ post/position/job well-paid/ badly paid
apply for career/profession/vocation/occupation stressful/challenging
commute/travel employer/employee/self-employed/ rewarding/worthwhile
be fired/get the sack/ be made freelance repetitive/tedious
redundant/ lose my job civil-service/private sector confident/ independent
get paid/ paid by the hour benefits/perks financial/social status
earn a living/money the (working) hours/overtime/ (un)skilled
looking for (work)/ exploring my atmosphere/working environment full/part-time
options staff/personnel/colleagues/co-workers temporary/permanent
retire/get receive a pension wages/salary/bonus/ unemployed/out of work/ in-
pays the bills glass ceiling/ equal pay between jobs
lead a comfortable life interview/application form/applicant financially/economically
leave/quit/resign housewife/homemaker highly/over/under-qualified
my job doesn’t define me job (in)security/ gig economy
be my own boss short-term/long-term contract
job opportunities, career options

Page 80
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

Suggestions and Tips for Section 1

• Even though Examiners may ask their own questions for the Warm up Stage, the List of
Indicative Questions and sample answers provide you with adequate preparation material;
well-prepared Candidates can make a positive first impression on the Examiner during the
Warm up Stage and, will feel more confident throughout the rest of the Exam.
• Train Candidates to answer in complete sentences, even when they are asked Yes/No
questions. Their answers need not be that long; but they should be extended to give
enough information to satisfy the Examiner and there should be connectors and
conjunctions ensuring the flow and cohesion of speech.
Justifying their answers
Sample Question: Do you like your town?
Sample Answer: Yes, I do. Despite the fact that it’s a small and, generally, quiet town,
it’s got plenty of places where young people can hang out together
and have fun and unlike a big city everything is within easy reach so
it’s more enjoyable to spend time outdoors.

Elaborating on their ideas

Sample Question: Who do you spend your free time with?
Sample Answer: I tend to spend my free time with my best friends as we are into the
same kinds of things. For instance, we all enjoy visiting the Mall at
the weekend and browsing the shops and maybe stopping off for
something to eat at a fast-food restaurant on the way back home.

• The Examiner will ask each Candidate two to three questions.

• The Examiner will continue with a follow-up question if Candidates use short answers or
one-word answers, which may make Candidates uncomfortable.
• Encourage your Candidates to practice using the suggested vocabulary for each topic so that
they can come up with their own answers. They need not memorise the sample answers,
but they can use them as a guide.
• Encourage your Candidates to find relevant vocabulary and linking words for any speaking
task you assign.
• Train your Candidates not to be put off by questions that seem to require general
knowledge; if they are unsure, they can simply refer to their own experiences and talk
about themselves.

Page 81
Section 1: Warm up Stage C1-C2

General Question/General Answer

Sample Question: Which hobbies are popular with young people nowadays?
Sample Answer: There are a lot of hobbies which are popular with young people. In my
opinion, doing sports, listening to music or playing computer games
are the most popular ones.

General Question/ Personal Answer

Sample Question: Which hobbies are popular with young people nowadays?
Sample Answer: Well, I’m not sure which hobbies are more popular with the young.
Personally, I am into sports and I like spending my free time playing
football or basketball with my friends.

• Give your Candidates time to practise; the more they practise, the more fluent they
become, which can improve their performance in the Exam. Teach them to use natural
expressions to fill the gaps while they think about what they want to say, such as: ‘Um…let
me see…that’s a good question…well…I suppose’…etc
• Advise them to ask the Examiner to repeat a question they do not hear the question well:
They can say: ‘Could you please repeat the question?’
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the question. Could you please repeat it?
‘Could you say that again, please?’
• Advise Candidates to feel free to ask the Examiner to rephrase a question they do not
understand. Assure them they will not be penalized for it.
They can say: ‘Could you please rephrase the question?’
‘What do you mean by that exactly?’
• Train Candidates to answer within the time limit.

Page 82
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction C1-C2

Examiner’s Instructions for C2 June 2019, Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction

Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Duration: 6-8 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, each of you is going to talk for 2 minutes about the topic
you have already prepared for. After you have finished your talk, I will ask you
some questions about what you have presented and then your partner can express
his/her point of view on the same topic.

The Examiner shows each Candidate the list of topics and asks them which one
they have prepared to talk about.

List of prepared topics

1. What things should we learn as we get older?
2. Why do some people choose to do indoor rather than outdoor sports?
3. Why is cyberbullying as harmful as other kinds of bullying?
4. Which two factors are the most powerful in a career choice?
5. In what way do social media bring different people together?

Examiner to Candidate A: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate A can speak for 2 minutes

The Examiner asks Candidate A a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate B: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree with
your partner?
The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 1-2 minutes

Examiner to Candidate B: Which topic are you going to talk about?

Candidate B can speak for 2 minutes

The Examiner asks Candidate B a question on what he/she has said.

Examiner to Candidate A: What do you think of this? or Do you agree or disagree with
your partner?

The Examiner asks both Candidates a question and prompts them to engage in a conversation.
Interaction: 1-2 minutes

Examiner: Thank you.

Page 83
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction C1-C2

Description of Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction

• Duration: 6 to 8 minutes
Candidate A’s turn
Prepared Talk for 2 minutes
• The Examiner reads the rubrics as they are.
• The Examiner then shows them the list of topics and asks Candidate A which topic they
are going to talk about. Candidates should be ready to say what topic they have prepared
and its topic number. For example:
‘I am going to talk about Topic 3; what qualities should a good teacher have.’
• The Candidate should talk about the topic they have prepared for 2 minutes. The
Examiner will politely interrupt Candidate A if he/she exceeds 2 minutes; their score will
not be affected.
Interaction: 1-2 minutes
• When Candidate A has finished his/her 2-minute talk, the Examiner will ask Candidate A
one follow-up question related to his/her talk. Candidate A’s answer need not be long.
• The Examiner then asks Candidate B to express his/her point of view on what
Candidate A has talked about. Candidate B’s answer need not be long
• The Examiner will then ask an interaction question for both Candidates A and B, and
will encourage them to discuss it together.
• Candidate B’s turn: The Examiner follows the above procedure for Candidate B.

Sample Questions for Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction

On the following pages, are two Section 2 questions taken from the C2 Speaking Syllabus of
Each question is followed by:
• a table with a list of linking devices and relevant vocabulary and phrases
• a sample answer in which the linking devices, vocabulary and useful phrases used are in
bold so that Candidates can see how they are used in a sentence.
• a sample follow-up question and sample answer
• a sample question addressed to Candidate B and his/her sample answer
• a sample interaction question and sample answers for Candidates A and B

Page 84
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction C1-C2

Sample 1 Candidate A’s Prepared Topic

Speaking Syllabus General Topic: Education

Why is it difficult for adults to return to education?

Following questions in the Speaking Syllabus

How can ongoing education help us keep up with progress?

Why can continuing education make us better people?
Why can ongoing education make us more competitive in the job market?

Linking Devices Vocabulary and Useful Phrases

First of all, It is an undeniable fact that
such as There are many reasons why
Indeed, pressing responsibilities
of course, family obligations
Another reason worth mentioning is the fact that additional burden
thus, be enough to
It goes without saying that put anyone off
For instance, exorbitant
subsequently, a major deterrent
Furthermore, mortgages
This means that make ends meet
since postpone
Last but not least, lack the motivation
So see the point of
In conclusion, personal growth
therefore, intimidated
despite reluctant
outside their comfort zone
fear of failure
from where they left off
difficulties they face

Candidate A’s Sample Talk using the vocabulary given:

It is an undeniable fact that adults often find it difficult to return to education. There are many
reasons why this happens. First of all, they don’t have enough time. Going back to education requires
time and most adults have other pressing responsibilities such as a full time job, family obligations
and a social life. Indeed, any additional burden could lead to stress and frustration and this, of
course, might be enough to put anyone off returning to learning.
Another reason worth mentioning is the fact that the cost of further education can be exorbitant
and is, thus, a major deterrent to someone continuing their education. It goes without saying that
adults have many financial responsibilities. For instance, they have bills and mortgages to pay,
and families to support so they are obviously worried that they might not make ends meet and,
subsequently, postpone going back to studying.

Page 85
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction C1-C2

Furthermore, many adults lack the motivation. This means that they don’t really see the point of
going back to education since they are not convinced that taking a class will actually help them in
their career or personal growth. Last but not least, many adults feel intimidated and are reluctant
to do anything that is outside their comfort zone. They worry that they may not do well in their
studies or that they might not manage to finish their studies. So, the fear of failure is another reason
that makes it difficult for adults to return to education.
In conclusion, there are many factors that prevent an adult from continuing their education from
where they left off and we should admire those who do manage to do so, despite the numerous
difficulties they face.

Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate A:

What is something new that you have learnt?
Candidate A’s Sample Answer to the Follow-up Question:
Well, I recently learnt how to drive. It was difficult at first but after having some lessons I felt
comfortable enough to take my test and I passed first time. It made me feel very proud of myself.

Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate B:

What do you think about what your partner said?
Candidate B’s Sample Answer to the Follow-up Question:
I agree with him/her (or name). It can be difficult to learn something new, whatever age you are.
There are plenty of obstacles to put you off. However, like he/ she (or name) said, learning something
new can make you feel good about yourself.

Examiner’s Sample Interaction Question to both Candidates A and B:

What are the benefits of lifelong learning?
Sample Dialogue to the Interaction Question. (Either Candidate can answer first).
Candidate A’s Sample Answer:
In my opinion, we should never stop learning. There is so much to know and be curious about and
learning new things helps us feel alive and youthful as we see ourselves keeping up with the times.
What do you think?
Candidate B’ Sample Answer:
I totally agree. Also, if we continue to learn new things, such as a new language, it helps our minds
function properly and helps keep problems associated with ageing, such as dementia, at bay.

Page 86
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction C1-C2

Sample 2 Candidate B’s Prepared Topic

Speaking Syllabus General Topic: Sport

Why do some people choose to do indoor rather than outdoor sports?

Following questions in the Speaking Syllabus

Why is exposure to sunlight and fresh air beneficial?
How can playing sports outdoors help us connect with nature?
Are there more outdoor sports to choose from than indoor sports?

Linking Devices Vocabulary and Useful Phrases

All kinds of depend on weather conditions
whether impossible
in general very disappointing
Although a great way to
such as without worrying about
One of the most important reasons no risk of
Furthermore, easy to maintain
On the other hand, more comfortable places
Also, adequate lighting
Apart from that, tend to be
Another reason cause nasty injuries
For example, socialise
In addition, numerous reasons
which take up a sport
to conclude

Candidate B’s Sample Talk using the vocabulary given:

All kinds of sports, whether they are indoor or outdoor sports, can benefit us. Sports in general
keep us fit and healthy. Although there is a greater variety of outdoor sports, some people choose
an indoor sport, such as badminton, squash or basketball, for several reasons.
One of the most important reasons is that indoor sports or games do not depend on weather
conditions. Playing or training in hot or cold weather can be difficult and sometimes impossible.
Furthermore, it can be very disappointing when bad weather can make us cancel our favourite
game. On the other hand, playing indoors is a great way to exercise without worrying about the
weather. Also, there is no risk of getting sunburn in hot weather or drenched by a sudden downpour
of rain or getting a chill because of freezing winds. Apart from that, as indoor facilities are
protected from bad weather, they are easy to maintain throughout the seasons.
Another reason people choose indoor sports is that the playing area is much easier to play on. For
example, there are no bumps, uneven ground or stones. Indoor facilities are also more comfortable
places in which to play or do the sport we like. There is always adequate lighting so people can
play any time of the day or night they want. In addition, indoor facilities tend to be safer for the
users. There will be no broken bottles on the ground or rusty pieces of wire sticking out of fences,

Page 87
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction C1-C2

which can often cause nasty injuries. Finally, some people choose indoor sports because indoor
playing areas are smaller and that helps them to socialise more easily.
So, to conclude, we can see there are numerous reasons why someone would choose to take up a
sport that they could play indoors, rather than choosing an outdoor sport.

Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate B:

Do you do any indoor sports or activities?
Candidate B’s Sample Answer to the Follow-up Question:
Yes, I belong to a gym. I have been going there for 3 years now on a regular basis. It’s great to have
somewhere where I can exercise every day whatever the weather. Also, I have become good friends
with many of the other members there and so now the gym is part of my social life as well.

Examiner’s Sample Follow-up Question to Candidate A:

What do you think about what your partner said?
Candidate A’s Sample Answer to the Follow-up Question:
I agree with my partner. I play ping-pong quite a lot and belong to a club. It would be very difficult
to play outdoors for much of the year as it is often windy where I live. However, having said that, I
do believe there are benefits to playing sports outdoors, too.

Examiner’s Sample Interaction Question to both Candidates A and B:

Should schools have facilities for indoor sports?

Sample Dialogue to the Interaction Question. (Either Candidate can talk first)
Candidate B’s Sample Answer:
Absolutely! In Greece, the weather can be extreme both in winter and summer. Therefore, I believe
it’s essential that schools provide a sheltered place for students to exercise in comfort all year round,
even if it is just a gym where students can do some physical exercise. Do you agree?
Candidate A’s Sample Answer:
I couldn’t agree more. The PE lesson at school is vital for the students’ well-being. In fact, it is the
only time that some students get to exercise. So schools should provide adequate indoor facilities for
sports, and not just a gym; they should also have an indoor basketball court, a five-a-side football
pitch and even, perhaps, an indoor swimming pool.

Page 88
Section 2: Prepared Talks and Interaction C1-C2

Suggestions and Tips for Preparing Candidates for Section 2 of the

LRN Speaking Exam

• using the Speaking Syllabus will ensure your Candidates’ success in the LRN Speaking
• put aside speaking time every week; recommended time: one hour
• divide your class into two groups; assign the first question from the set of 4 questions
(this question is the Topic of Section 2)
• ask them to find information for their question as homework and to be prepared to talk
about it for one minute during the following lesson
• ask them to write down their talk as homework and underline important vocabulary items;
• pair members from each group and practise the whole Section 2 in class: decide on who is
Candidate A and who is Candidate B
• prepare some follow-up questions or think of simple ones while the Candidates are
presenting their talk

Section 2 procedure for the classroom:

Read the LRN rubrics for Section 2
Presentation of individual talks: 2 minutes
ask Candidate A from one pair of students to present their talk
Interaction: 1-2 minutes
Ask Candidate A one follow-up question
Ask Candidate B for their opinion on Candidate A’s talk
Ask both Candidates a question and ask them to engage in a short dialogue together
Follow the same procedure with Candidate B from the same pair

• avoid correcting Candidates while they are talking; use the LRN Criteria and give
Candidates feedback once they have finished talking
• collect their written work and vocabulary lists
• use vocabulary handed in by all Candidates and make a vocabulary list for each topic
• add your own vocabulary items or phrases if it is necessary and give the completed list to
the whole class; return prepared topics with corrections and comments
• using your class’s work, write a talk for each topic and distribute it to the whole class
• emphasise the importance of interaction (see LRN Speaking Criteria)
• teach them how to initiate conversation and how to respond to what their partner has said
• train them to use the right body language; when they respond to the Examiner, they should
look at the Examiner; when they interact with their partner, they should turn and face one
• during the interaction stage, they should use prompts to engage their partner or to help
their partner go on if they hesitate
• give them a list of opinion/agreement/disagreement phrases (see Candidates’ Reference)
• train them to justify and/ or elaborate on their opinion /agreement/ disagreement

Page 89
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction C1-C2

Examiner’s Instructions for C2 June 2019, Section 3: Respond to a question and Interaction

Speaking Instructions for Section 3

Duration: 6 minutes

Examiner: In this part of the Test, I will ask each of you to respond to a question.
You may use the ideas given below the question and/or use your own
ideas to answer the question. Your partner will be asked to comment
on what you have said and express his/her point of view as well.

The Examiner must choose a question related to what each Candidate talked about
in Section 2 of the Test.
The Examiner tells each Candidate to look at the chosen question and the points
below it. When the Candidate has finished talking about the question, the Examiner
asks the other Candidate to comment and express his/her point of view.

6. Education makes the world a better place.

• helps progress
• eliminates prejudice
• improves our health
7. There are more benefits to outdoor sports than to indoor sports.
• exposure to sunlight and fresh air
• discover and connect with nature
• greater choice of sports
8. There are ways to fight cyberbullying.
• block cyberbullies from all your devices
• report the problem to someone in authority
• change your internet account
9. An overcompetitive work environment can lead to problems.
• increased anxiety among employees
• unfair towards new employees
• negative effects on team spirit
10. Bias can have serious consequences on our lives.
• imposes barriers to self-improvement
• creates stereotypes
• damages personal relationships
Examiner: Thank you. This is the end of the Test.

Page 90
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction C1-C2

Description of Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction

Duration: 6 minutes
• The Examiner reads the rubrics as they are and asks Candidate A to talk about the
prompt related to the topic that he/she talked about in Section 2 using the bullet
points below the prompt and/or his/her own ideas.
• The Examiner tells Candidate A to look at the question and the points below it (The
Examiner will probably point out the Topic on the Exam Booklet).
• The topics will be in the same order as Section 2 so it is helpful if the Candidate tries to
remember the topic number, so if they prepared topic number 2 for Section 2, in
Section 3 he/she will speak about prompt 2
• When Candidate A has finished talking about his/her prompt, the Examiner asks
Candidate B to express his/her point of view on what Candidate A talked about.
• Candidate B’s turn: The Examiner follows the same procedure for Candidate B.

How to use the Speaking Syllabus for Section 3 of the LRN Speaking Exam

• each general topic in the Speaking Syllabus is followed by 4 questions

• the first question covers Section 2 of the Speaking Exam
• the other 3 questions correspond to the bullet points of Section 3 of the Speaking Exam
The actual prompts in Section 3 with their accompanying bullet points ARE NOT
PRERELEASED, but the questions provided in the Speaking Syllabus closely match the
bullet points in Section 3 and allow you and/or your Candidates to:
• COME UP WITH a relevant question prompt
• TURN the three questions into possible bullet points

Sample Questions for Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction

On the following pages are two Section 3 questions taken from the C2 Speaking Syllabus of
Each question is followed by:
• a table with a list of linking devices and relevant vocabulary and phrases
• a sample answer in which the linking devices, vocabulary and useful phrases used are in
bold so that Candidates can see how they are used in a sentence.
• a sample follow-up question for the other Candidate and sample answer

Page 91
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction C1-C2

Candidate A’s Response to a Question in Section 3

C2 Speaking Syllabus 2019

General Topic: The Environment
Why is it difficult for adults to return to education? (General Question for Section 2)

Following Questions in the Speaking Syllabus

How can ongoing education help us keep up with progress?
Why can continuing education make us better people?
Why can ongoing education make us more competitive in the job market?

Section 3 prompt and bullet points:

Ongoing education has many advantages.

• helps us keep up with progress
• makes us better people
• makes us more competitive in the job market

Linking Devices Vocabulary and Useful Phrases

To begin with, It is strongly believed that
which means that benefits
What’s more, keep up with the times
since aware of the latest trends and development
Finally, promotes personal growth and awareness
so improves our knowledge and skills
increases our value as an employee

Candidate A’s Sample Response to the Prompt using the vocabulary given:
‘It is strongly believed that ongoing education has many benefits. To begin with, ongoing
education helps us keep up with the times, which means that we become aware of the latest trends
in society. What’s more, continuing education can make us better people since it promotes personal
growth and awareness. Finally, through lifelong learning we become more competitive in the job
market because it improves our knowledge and skills and so increases our value as an employee.
Examiner’s Sample Question to Candidate B: Do you agree with what your partner has said?

Candidate B’s Sample Answer:

Yes, I do. I think the world we live in is constantly changing. We are discovering new things every
day. In order for someone to keep up with what is going on and benefit from new ideas and
technology, I think it is vital that our education carry on for as long as possible. I also think learning
new things is what makes life exciting and there is so much for us to learn.

Page 92
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction C1-C2

Candidate B’s Response to a Question in Section 3

Speaking Syllabus General Topic: Sport

Why do some people choose to do indoor rather than outdoor sports? (General Question for
Section 2)
Following questions in the Speaking Syllabus:

Why is exposure to sunlight and fresh air beneficial?

How can playing sports outdoors help us discover and connect with nature?
Are there a greater choice of outdoor sports to choose from than indoor sports?

Section 3 prompt and bullet points:

There are more benefits to outdoor sports than to indoor sports.
• exposure to sunlight and fresh air
• discover and connect with nature
• greater choice of sports

Linking Devices Vocabulary and Useful Phrases

One of them is would definitely agree with that statement
also for several reasons
Secondly, much healthier for us
Finally, gives us the chance
so close to nature
generally appreciate the planet we live on
as a result spend as much time as we can outside
who a bigger variety of
the sport that suits them best
get more pleasure from it

Candidate B’s Sample Response to the Prompt using the vocabulary given:
Yes, I would definitely agree with this statement. It is better to do outdoor sports for several
reasons. One of them is that people who do sports outside are exposed to sunlight and fresh air.
This is much healthier for us than being indoors. Secondly, playing a game outdoors or exercising
outdoors gives us the chance to be close to nature. I think, it is important for us to spend as much
time as we can outside so we can appreciate the planet we live on. Finally, I believe that there is
a bigger variety of outdoor sports than indoor sports so people can choose the sport that suits
them best and get more pleasure from it, as a result.
Examiner’s Sample Question to Candidate A: What do you think? Do you agree?
Candidate A’s Sample Answer: Yes, sure. It is better to exercise in nature as it is a healthier
environment. When we are exposed to sunlight, we can get vitamin D, which is vital for our body.
However, we should be careful not to stay out playing too long, especially in summer, as being
exposed to the sun’s rays for too long can be dangerous and we must remember to wear sun screen at
all times.

Page 93
Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction C1-C2

Suggestions and Tips for Section 3

• encourage Candidates to use the bullet points below the question as using the points makes it
easier for Candidates to talk and not hesitate
• advise them to try to rephrase the bullet points, if they can
• advise Candidates to use their own ideas to talk about a question if they do not understand a
point given
• stress the importance of connecting the bullet points with appropriate linking devices
• encourage them to briefly expand on the points
• advise them that when they comment on what their partner has said, to use their own ideas,
use any of the bullet points given or just repeat what their partner has said using some
novel language.

Page 94
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Mock Interview Recordings C1-C2

C1 Dimitra
Merit 4
Overall • candidate’s performance is consistently at the level of the ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR C1
Impression specification
• participates in the exam process, expanding and developing the point being discussed fluently with
minimal support
Distinction 7
Task • fully able at all times to understand prompts and respond appropriately and spontaneously with
Fulfilment relevant and adequate information throughout
• excellent turn taking and agenda management demonstrating effortless interaction between listener
and speaker throughout
Pass 3
• language control and word choice are fairly accurate at C1 level at C1l level
• maintains an acceptable level of grammatical accuracy and lexical precision most of the time
• takes part in conversation or discussion demonstrating a fairly broad lexical repertoire most of the
• errors do not usually impede meaning
Both basic and complex structures, a good range of vocabulary and linking devices
Actually, when I was in high school, I used to play volley ball, but in the local team…
I think that if I had the opportunity, I would like to go to Canada because I have heard that they would have
a lot of opportunities in education…
… but on the other hand, as teenagers, it is difficult because we want to choose people with same interests
…Finally, as adults, of course, it is harder because we have family obligations…so we don’t have free time
to meet new people.
I agree with you, but I think that if the purpose of the advertisement ….
Well, the truth is that when we are older, i6 is very difficult to form friendships. One point is that we have …
Non-impeding errors
Now I study for my proficiency…
I would like to go to Canada because I have heard that they would have a lot of opportunities in education
and Lexis
… they have some chances for entertainment and enjoy, but I don’t attend in all these…
… we want to choose people with same interests so sometimes it’s not easy and maybe being affected from
our peers to whom we choose….
But we should not forget that some for our long-lasting friendships are formed …
… more children participate in this (social media)
…it’s not easy when we meet someone from the internet …
… the first day children go on school …
Major errors
…I think when we are younger, the school it is easier to for a new friendship…
… we want to choose people with same interests so sometimes it’s not easy and maybe being affected from
our peers to whom we choose….
… it’s not easy when we meet someone from the internet talk with him to say that he is or she is our friend
They (cooking shows) seem like a game so I think it’s very familiar to them and not something strange…
… we don’t have much time for meet new people and also friends from the past. Also our job and maybe
some people they are interesting more about their careers and their work not for make friends at the
workplace and real life, but there is a possibility that some people may be they don’t have a lot of self-
confidence and so they are afraid that maybe rejected from others.

Distinction 6
• fluent throughout
• speech causes no strain on the listener’s part

Total: 20

Page 95
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Mock Interview Recordings C1-C2

C1 Despoina
Distinction 6
• candidate’s performance is consistently at the level of the ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR C1
• participates in the exam process, expanding and developing the point being discussed fluently
without any support
Distinction 7
• fully able at all times to understand prompts and respond appropriately and spontaneously with
relevant and adequate information throughout
• excellent turn taking and agenda management demonstrating effortless interaction between listener
and speaker throughout
Grammar Merit 4
and Lexis • language control and word choice are fairly accurate at C1 level at C1l level
• maintains an acceptable level of grammatical accuracy and lexical precision most of the time
• takes part in conversation or discussion demonstrating a fairly broad lexical repertoire most of the
• errors occasionally impede meaning

Both basic and complex structures, a range of vocabulary and linking devices
I agree with my fellow student… It’s really difficult to form relationships and friendships as we grow up
since life gets chaotic and our schedule is really busy.
… The Internet does give a lot of chances to actually know another person, but I have a friend, I can call her
friend because I met her on the internet and we discuss about books and music.
As we all know, television plays an important role in our lives, hqs become a large part of our routine…
It’s important to point out that young kids gain a sufficient amount of knowledge through documentaries,
even from movies …
Of course, on the other side of the coin, …. As a result, television gives them all the information about the
world. One of the most harmful effects is the inappropriate language and behaviours children are exposed
to… It’s worth mentioning that the role of parents’ ….since they have the privilege of controlling television
for kids…
I don’t think they can comprehend what they watch…
… as we get older, we confuse trust and friendship…
… television sends the wrong message….so parents should control that tool …

Non-impeding errors
… I would like to taste their menus, to dance in the local music …
… television plays an important role in our lives, hqs become a large part of our routine…
…children can watch these shows especially for them….
… young kids’ minds have not been developed yet …
… television should be considered as a tool … it’s a controlled tool that enhance knowledge …

Major errors
… television can make kids diminish their studies…
I didn’t watch a lot of TV ….since I was turned 6, I started to watch …
… they tend to diminish the power of studying….
Merit 4
• fluent, but the wrong intonation and wrong pronunciation causes communication breakdowns

Total: 21

Page 96
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Mock Interview Recordings C1-C2

C2 Marilina

Merit 4
• candidate’s performance generally meets the level of the ‘can do’ statements for the
CEFR C2 specification consistently throughout
• converses comfortably and appropriately, very rarely hampered by linguistic limitations
Distinction 7

Task • fully able to demonstrate flexibility in reformulating ideas to suit the task all the time
Fulfilment • fully understands the prompt and responds effectively and spontaneously with relevant and
adequate information all the time

Merit 4

• expresses herself spontaneously, fluently and precisely generally with grammatical accuracy
• takes part fairly effortlessly in conversation or discussion demonstrating a broad lexical

Basic and complex structures, a good range of vocabulary and linking devices
I’m not so active a person. If I found the time, I would really enjoy to share it with my family and
friends. Also, I’m a fervent supporter of reding…
First, I totally agree with George, and also I would like to add that not only a good education
guarantees a good job but also plays role in the personality of people ad also the willingness to
… make ends meet …Also I would like to tell you that I do believe that if you choose a career, it is
very important to take into consideration the chances to climb to the career ladder.
Grammar … in 30 years humanity will have advanced… Apparently in the future, most of our consumer
and Lexis electronics such as ….will be manufactured with the latest state-of- the art features..
telecommunications will flourish and without a doubt they will organise their time and
simultaneously be in the comfort of their home…
Non-impeding errors
… I would like to add that not only a good education guarantees a good job but also plays role in the
personality of people ad also the willingness to succeed.
… chances to climb to the career ladder.
… you find yourself to give up easily and without thinking, …
Major errors
… it is very important for someone not only because make ends meet but also because they enjoy.
… we’ll have state-of -the art equipment in order to become not only more popular among
adolescence and people from other ages but also in order to trigger their interest… (confusing)
…if you haven’t enough time, you will not have the nerves to deal with difficulties…
…having all the amenities and features in the comfort of your home… (confusing)

Distinction 6
Clarity of • fluent throughout
• little hesitation, causing no strain on the listener’s part

Total: 21

Page 97
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Mock Interview Recordings C1-C2

C2 George
Merit 4
• candidates’ performance generally meets the level of the ‘can do’ statements for the CEFR C2
specification consistently throughout
• converses comfortably and appropriately, very rarely hampered by linguistic limitations
Merit 5
• able to generally demonstrate flexibility in reformulating ideas to suit the task
Task • understands the prompt and responds appropriately and spontaneously with relevant and adequate
Fulfilment information
• demonstrates very good turn taking and agenda management
• interaction is very easy between listener and speaker
Pass 3
• expresses himself fairly spontaneously
• grammatical control of complex language is fairly consistent
• demonstrates an adequate lexical repertoire appropriate to the prompt
• errors sometimes impede meaning
Both basic and complex structures, an adequate range of vocabulary and linking devices
I’m keen on playing sports,…
we don’t have enough facilities such as youth centres …
A good education has much to offer a student as he is exposed to a world of knowledge…
Additionally, the individual acquires information on the subject they have chosen to study…
On the other side of the coin, character…personality are also vital in order for a person to succeed
I believe that furthering your studies here in Greece offers a wide variety of opportunities owing to the fact
that Greece is trying to overcome its economic crisis …
We should bear in mind the fact that income should be something that people should consider when
choosing a job.
Non-impeding errors
… I’m keen on playing sports, specially basketball … I’m also in favour of catching up with my friends…
… we don’t have enough facilities such as youth centres … that people can exercise … Although in 2004,
we had Olympics, ...
and Lexis A good education has much to offer a student as he is exposed to a world of knowledge…
… making more possible for young people, kids and adult graduates to find job …
Major errors
… some of the stadiums and facilities have worn off.
… with more and more university graduates, employers prefer to hire someone with a degree …
Irrelevant of unemployment, if a person has a good education, especially he has graduated from a
prestigious university, then they …
A good education has much to offer a student as he is exposed to a world of knowledge, intelligence…
The process of getting obtain a degree teaches a graduate … to organise their time in order to succeed in
our goals.
The essential factors a person must have is the ability to …
We should bear in mind the fact that virtual reality should and would play a vital role in our lives,
especially making video games more interesting and up to date and even more physical, thus adolescences
would reject sedentary life and enjoy video games that actually involves their movement, not sitting.
… you actually have more opportunities to get a job … as a matter of income or interest…
…virtual reality will help students, young adolescences and gamers not to actually play video games more
but choosing to play games that accommodate more physical action, not staying and playing something
that doesn’t offer physical. (confusing)
Distinction 6
• effortless articulation, speech is comprehensible throughout
Total: 18

Page 98
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Mock Interview Recordings C1-C2

C2 Konstantinos
Overall Pass 3
Impression • The holistic impression is that the candidate performs consistently at C2.
Merit 5
• Able to demonstrate flexibility in reformulating ideas to suit the situation / task
• Can understand the prompt and respond appropriately and spontaneously with relevant
and adequate information
• Very good turn taking and agenda management
• Interaction is very easy between listener and speaker
Grammar Pass 3
and Lexis Used Extended discourse and a good range of vocabulary
I plan on leaving my home town. I really like travelling and meet new people so that I can adapt
to the new kind of life. Furthermore, I think that you can’t grow as a person if you don’t leave
your comfort zone. By moving away, you can have more career chances, live with different
peoples, with different backgrounds and also you will see new places that you will never see
again if you don’t leave your country….

Some serious grammar errors

…on my free time…
…because Martial Arts can make you more confidence about yourself and also is stress-relief
…because maths are very difficult, but I like to for my future this kind of science.
Now I don’t have plan for my future, but I’d like to be with computers and economics, but
because of crisis I think that every job that could pay me, it would be …
…and also you will see new places that you will never see again if you don’t leave your
Also, living away from your parents make you more self-relient…
…more and more people going to shopping malls because they can have fun with a lot of
different ways.
…it is difficult to adapt in those situations because they don’t know to handle with it. ..
Also, you will find more career opportunities that I think will be better paying.
Last, you learn more flexible…

Clarity of Pass 3
Expression • Effortless articulation with appropriate stress, rhythm and intonation most of the time
• Speech is intelligible and comprehensible
Total Score: 14

Page 99
Evaluations of C1 and C2 Mock Interview Recordings C1-C2

C2 Maria
Overall Merit 4
Candidate’s performance meets the ‘can do’ statements of the CEFR C2 level specification.
Task Merit 5
• Able to demonstrate flexibility in formulating ideas to suit the situation / task
• Can understand the prompt and respond appropriately and spontaneously with relevant and
adequate information
• Very good turn taking and agenda management
• Interaction is very easy between listener and speaker
Grammar Pass 3
and Lexis Used extended discourse and a good range of vocabulary and linking devices

I think Peiraias has an advantage that has the sea near it and not many cities have this
opportunity so if a tourist came to me to ask me what I would propose to him, I would say to
make a walk n Peiraiki, or Zea, where he can see the sea…
Well, I partly agree with Konstantinos because it is true that you can become more independent
if you leave your hometown and if you expand your horizons by learning new countries and
cultures but as I said before, I wouldn’t leave my country forever.

Grammar errors do not usually impede meaning

…if a tourist came to me to ask me what I would propose to him, I would say to make a walk n
I’m studying philology at the University of Athens and I think it’s something very beautiful
because I wanted since I was a kid.Moreover, shopping malls have opportunities than local
shops don’t have since there are sales…
Well, it is a fact that shopping malls it’s better if they wouldn’t be built near residential area
…. there is much traffic problem in residential area…

Clarity of Pass 3
Expression • Effortless articulation with appropriate stress, rhythm and intonation most of the time
• Speech is intelligible and comprehensible

Total Score: 15

Page 100
Candidates’ Reference for All Levels

The List of Indicative Questions for Section 1: Warm up Stage

1. Hobbies (for all Levels) 4. How much free time do you have at the
1. What is your favourite hobby? 5. What do you think is the attraction of computer
2. Why did you choose it? games?
3. How long have you had this hobby? 6. Do you think people will still go to the cinema
4. Is your hobby expensive? in 10 years’ time?
5. Is your hobby popular? 7. What do you usually like to do in order to relax?
6. Is your hobby dangerous? 8. What was the best/worst holiday you had?
7. Is your hobby difficult? 9. How do you like travelling?
8. Which hobbies are popular with young people? 10. How often do you go on trips?
9. What hobbies do you find interesting? 11. How do young people like to enjoy themselves
10. What hobbies do you find boring? in their free time?
Hobbies (for C1, C2) 12. What is your favourite activity?
13. What new activity would you like to try?
1. Why is it important to have a hobby?
14. What sports or hobbies are popular among
2. Do you like reading? Why? Why not?
young people in your country?
3. What extreme sports would you like to do? Why?
15. Do you think it’s important to do a sport?
2. Free time activities (for all Levels) 16. Do you prefer to watch films at home? Why?
Why not?
1. What do you like doing in your free time?
17. What sort of T.V programmes or films do you
2. Who do you spend your free time with?
like to watch?
3. Do you have a lot of / enough free time?
18. What can young people do in your town to
4. What do you like doing with your friends in
have fun?
your free time?
19. What kind of music do you enjoy most?
5. When you are at home what do you like doing?
6. What do usually do at the weekends? 3. School (for all Levels)
7. How do you usually spend your summer
1. What is your favourite school subject? Why?
2. Which school subject do you find difficult/easy?
8. Do you do any sports?
9. What sport do you do?
3. Do you have a favourite teacher?
10. What kind of sports are you interested in?
4. How do you get on with your teachers?
11. What sports do you like watching?
5. What do you like about your school?
12. How often do you go to the cinema?
6. What facilities does your school offer?
13. Which do you prefer more, watching television
7. Does your school have a computer lab?
or going to the cinema?
8. What changes would you like to see at your
14. Do you watch much T.V?
15. How often do you go to the cinema and what
9. What school activities do you like the most/the
kind of films do you see?
least? Why?
16. Do you like playing computer games in your
10. How do you get to school?
free time?
11. What school do you go to and what class are
17. Do you like going shopping?
you in?
18. Where do you like doing your shopping?
19. Where would you go for an evening out with School and Education (for C1, C2)
your friends?
1. Can you tell me something about your school?
20. Do you like travelling? Why? Why not? 2. Do you prefer to study alone or with your
Free time activities (for C1, C2) friends?
3. Why do you learn English?
1. What kind of things do you like doing in your
4. What do you like about your school?
free time?
5. What makes a good teacher?
2. Do people spend their free time differently now
6. What teacher impressed you the most?
as compared to the past?
7. What do you enjoy most about your studies?
3. How important is music in your life?
8. How important is education in a person’s life?

Page 101
Candidates’ Reference for All Levels

9. How much free time do high schools students

have? 5. Future plans (for all Levels)
10. How do you feel about the school you go to?
1. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
11. Do you have happy memories from primary
2. Where are you planning to go for your
winter/summer holiday?
12. Do you have a lot of pressure at school?
4. Are you going shopping this weekend? If yes,
13. What would you do to improve your
with whom?
5. What are going to have for dinner tonight?
4. Hometown/Neighbourhood (for all Levels) 6. Which film would you like to see this month?
7. Are you going to any parties this month? How
1. Do you like the area where you live? Why? Why
do you feel about it?
8. What television programme are you going to
2. What is the best/worst thing about the area you
watch tonight?
live in?
9. If your friend invites to spend the weekend at
3. What is your hometown like?
their house this weekend, what will you say?
4. What is your neighbourhood like?
10. Will you do anything different at school next
5. What is the most interesting place to visit in
your area?
Future plans for C1, C2
6. Does your area have parks?
7. Does your area have a lot of shops? 1. What would you like to do after you graduate
8. Are there places where young people can have from high school?
fun? 2. What would you like to study at University?
9. What changes would you like to see in your 3. Would you like to live in your hometown
area? forever? Why? Why not?
10. Is there a lot of traffic in your area?
6. Jobs (for C1 and C2)
11. Are there cinemas in your area?
12. Does your area have sport facilities? 1. What type of job would you like to do in the
future? Why?
Hometown / Neighbourhood (for C1, C2)
2. Would you like to work in your hometown?
1. Would you ever consider moving to the Why? Why not?
countryside? 3. Would you like to work abroad? Why? Why
2. What do you do for entertainment in your town? not?
3. If you had the choice, where would you like to 4. Would you like to work in a company? Why?
live? Why? Why not?
4. What facilities are there for young people in 5. Do you work? What kind of work do you do?
your area? 6. What qualifications do people need to get a
5. If you could live in any country, apart from your well-paid job?
own, which one would it be? Why? 7. What would be the most satisfying job for you?
6. What do you like most about where you live? 8. Would you like to change jobs? Why? Why not?
7. Where do you live and how long have you lived 9. Which professions / jobs are popular in your
there? country?
8. What would your ideal home be like? 10. How important is your job for you?
9. What would be the ideal place for you to live?

Page 102
Candidates’ Reference for All Levels

Linking Devices
Time Contrast Addition Example
First but and for example
Then yet in addition for instance
next although furthermore in particular
after even thought apart from
after that while besides
before whereas moreover because
as soon as though what’s more since
just as in spite of additionally as
the moment despite also due to
once however owing to
since in contrast as a result of
the first time nevertheless Therefore because of
when on the other hand So
while on the contrary Consequently
until This means that in order to do
As a result so as to do
so that

Agree phrases Disagree phrases

I agree. I don’t doubt you’re right, but …
Sure. You know more about this than me, but…
Absolutely! I understand what you’re saying, but…
Definitely. I see what you mean, but …
Me too. I could be wrong about this, but …
Of course. You might be right, but don’t you think…
I also think that. It might true, but maybe…
I feel that way too. I don’t think you’re right. In my opinion,
That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.
I couldn’t agree with you more. That’s not always true/the case.
You have a point there.

Expressing Opinion prhrases Asking for an opinion

In my opinion, ... What's your idea?
Personally, What are your thoughts on all of this?
To my mind, How do you feel about that?
The way I see it... Do you have anything to say about this?
If you want my honest opinion.... What do you think?
As far as I'm concerned... Do you agree?
If you ask me... Wouldn't you say?

Page 103

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