Name Misbah Majid: 1.statistics in Educational Research Statistics Is Vital Important in Edu

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Name= misbah majid

roll num= by678557


Educatinal statistics

Question no= 1:

1.statistics in educational research=

Statistics is vital important in educational research. It does not include measurement of

problem such as constraction of indices and the scoring of items on the
questionnaire. Rather, it involves a manipulation of number the assumption that
certain requirements have been meet in the measurement procedure. Statistics
practically seems to work at the analysis stage of the research process vwhen
data have been selected and collected it does not mean that social scientis can
plan and carry entire research project and trying to analyze data without using
statistical techniques will carry away from the objective of the study.

2. staticsics educational in teaching learning process:

Sastistics education play a

important role in teaching learning process. Teachimng learning process is very
important for all the leaner. They includes the set of meathod and rules for
organizing,summarizing,and interpreting is the way to getting
information from the data. Teachres use thes method to give the information to
the learners.
Statictics play a important role in the all field of the science.

.for example; it use in the forecasting,researchers,and also in medical field.

Before any drugs prescribed,pharmactics show satistically valid rate of

effectiveness. Similarly statscits is behind all other studies. Doctors predict
disease on the bases of statistical concepts.

And the important point of the statistics is the using in the cduaction of teaching
learning. This can be use to determine the realibity and validity to a test factor


it is the best example of the teaching learning process it play a important role in
the education. It use the different techiniques for the teaching process.

b. validity:

it also the form of the education teaching process. In whoch teachers

use the gaphics and numerical vakues in education system.

3. use in the numerical values:

We cannot applky the statictical values to all type

of technique.. these should be only applied on the phenomena which is capable
to measured the numerical values. For example; health, intelligence, honesty,
efficacy etc these should be firstly qualified them.then these were be applied.

1. Ask a question.
2. Define the problem
3. Forming the hypothesis
4. Analyzing the result
5. Drawing the conclusions
6. Communicate the results

:ask the question

Asking a question is the frst step. Good question copmes from the carefull
observation. Our scence are a good source of observation. Sometime certain
information of instrument like microscope or a terlescope are also used. These
instrument extend the range of senesce. These question drive the teaching

:define the problem=

The question rasied during the observation led to state a


;forming a hypothesis=

It is a clear statement of what one expect to be the answer

of the question. A hypothesis represent the educated guess based on ones the

:analyzing the results=

After the experiments all information that are gathered are


:drawing conclusions=

Basis of analysis it is conclude weather or not the results

support the hypothesis. If in case hypothesis is not supported by the data , the
researcher checks for errors.

:communicate the results=

After any scientific investigation,results should be

communicated to let others know the new piece of knowledge.

Thes can be use the other following method;

 Population proportion
 Sample proportion
 Set of population elements
Question no = 2

. hypothesis testing=

It is usually impossible for a researcher to observe each individual in a population.

Therefore, he select the some individual from the hypoyhesis population as
sample and collects data from the sample. He then uses the sample data to
answer question about the population. For this purpose, he uses some statistical

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method that uses sample data to evaluate a

hypothesis about population paramer. A hypothesis test is usually used in context
of a research study. Depending on the type of research and type of data , details
of the hypothesis test will change from the situation another.

Hypothesis testing is the foramulized procedure that followers a standerd series

of opperations. In this way researcher has standerized method for evaluating the
result of his research.

.logics of hypothesis testing;

1. First a researcher states a hypothesis about a

population. sually the hypothesis concerns the
values of the hypothesis population mean for
example, we miht hypothesize that mean iq for
2. Before e researcher actually select a sample, he
uses the hypothesis to predict the characteristics
that a sample should have. For example,if
hypothesis that the population. Then he should
predict the sample should have a mean around
3. Next the researcher obtains sample data with the
prediction that was made from the hypoythesis
.for example,he select a random sample of
registerd voters tyo compute the m,ean iq for the
4. Finally, hecompares the obtained sample data
with the prediction that was made from the
hypothesis. If the sample mean is consistent with
prediction . he will conclude that hypothesis is
reasonable. But of there is big difference between
the data and the prediction,he will dicide that the
hypothesis is wrong.
 Four steps process for hypothesis testing=
Thes following steps are given
i) Stating the hypothesis
ii) Setting the criteria for the decision
iii) Collecting data and comparing sample statistics
iv) Make a decion
 Stating the hypoyhesis=
The process of the hypothesis is being
started with the unknomn population. Usually a researcher states
two opposing hypothesis. And both have stated in terms of
population parameters.
The first and most important of two hypothesis is called null
hypothesis. A null hypothesis states that treatement has no effect.
In general , null hypothesis states that there is no change . no
effect, no difference – nating happened.
The null hypothesis states that in the general population there is
no change , no difference no relation ship.
The second hypothesis is simply the opposite of null hypothesis
and its called alternative hypothesis.thos hypothesis effect on the
treatement on dependable values/variables. This will states that
there is the change, the diffrenece,or a relationship for a general
 Setting criteria for the decision:
In a common practice a researcher uses the data from the sample

To evaluate the authority. The data will either support or nagate

the null hypothesis . tyo formulize the decision process, or researcher will use null
hypothesis to predict exactly the what kind of sample should be obtained if the
treatment has no effect.

 Collecting the data and computing the sample statistics:

The next
step the hypothesis testing is to obtain the sample data. Then raw
data are summarized with appropriate satistics such as mean
,standerd deviation etc. then it is possible to the researcher to
compare the sample with null hypothesid.
 Make a decision:
In the final step the researcher decides ,in the
light of analysis of data. Wether to accept or reject the nuul


Question no 3=

(a) Correlation
(b) Regression

 Correlation=
Correlation is the statstics techiques use to
measured and describe the relation ship between two
variables. These varibales are nither manipulated not
controlled , rather they simply arew observed as they
naturally exist in the environment . supposed a researcher
is interested in relationship between number of children in
a family and iq of the childrens.
1.Using of correlation
The discussion follows the following

If two varibles are known to be related in
some systematic way, it is possible to use one variables to
make prediction about other. For example, when a student
seeks admission in a college he is required to submit a great
deal of personal information, includind his sorecs in
Suppose e researcher develops a new test for
measuring intelligence. It is necessary that he should show
that this new test valid and truly measures what is claims
to measure. One common technique for demonstrating
validity is to use correlation.
Apart from the determing validity, correlation
are also used to determine realibility. A measurement
procedure is reliable if it is priducers stable and consistence
measurement. It means a reliable measurement procedure
will produce the same common way to
evaluate reliability is to use correlation to determine
relationship between two stes of scores.
 Regression=
A correlation quantifies the degree and
direction to which two variables are related. It does not fit
to line through the data points. It does not have to think
about the case and effect. It does not matter which of the
two variables is called dependent and which is called
On the other hand regression the best line that predicts
dependent variables from the independent variable. The
decision of which variables is calls dependent and which
calls independent is an important matter in regression, as it
will get a different best line if we exchange the two
varaibles i.e dependent and in dependent.
The primary regression objective is to develop the
relationship between a response variable and explanatory
variables for the purpose of prediction, assume, that a
fuctional relationship exist,and alternative approaches are
Use of regression analysis=
Regression analysis estimate the relationship between two
or more variables an is used for forecasting pr finding cause
and effect relationship between variables. There are
multiple benefits of using regression analysis. These are
i. It in cludes the significant relationship between two
or more dependent and independent variables.
ii. It indicate the strength of impact of multiple
independent variables on the dependent variables.
iii. It allows us to compare the effect of variables
measured on different scales.
These benefits help the researcher to estimate and
evaluate the best of variables to be used for building
productive models.


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