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An Evaluation of the Customers’

Satisfaction with the Financial Services of

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
Internship Report
An Evaluation of the Customers’
Satisfaction with the Financial Services of
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited

Submitted To
Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University

Submitted By

Md. Nasimul Haque

ID: 181-11-583
Major in Marketing
Program: BBA
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University

Date of Submission:

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Letter of Transmittal

29th September, 2021

Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal,

Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship
Subject: Submission of Internship report ‘‘An Evaluation of the Customers’ Satisfaction
with the Financial Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited’’

Dear Sir,

I got an opportunity for internship in Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Joypurhat Branch and
prepared an internship report on ‘‘An Evaluation of the Customers’ Satisfaction with the
Financial Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited’’. I think the knowledge that I have
gathered during practical work and preparation of the report has enlarged my learning to the
field significantly. I have tried at my best. There may have some mistakes. I would be
grateful if you consider those as excusable points and I like to thank you for your kind

I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to accept my report for evaluation and oblige

Thanking you,

Sincerely Yours


Md. Nasimul Haque

ID: 181-11-583
Major in Marketing
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Program: BBA
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship

Student Declaration

First, I would like to declare that the Internship report on An Evaluation of the Customers’
Satisfaction with the Financial Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited – is not a copy of
another person’s report. The study is original in nature. I have tried my best to make this
report as informative as possible, I also ensure that, this report has not been submitted to any
other person earlier in any other research purpose and will not be anybody in the future.


Md. Nasimul Haque

ID: 181-11-583

Major in Marketing

Program: BBA

Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship

Daffodil International University

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Certificate of Supervisor

This is to certify that Md. Nasimul Haque is a student of BBA, Department of Business
Administration, ID:181-11-583 has successfully completed internship report entitled “An
Evaluation of the Customers’ Satisfaction with the Financial Services of Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited” – under my supervision as a partial fulfilment of the BBA program.

The report is recommended for submission.


Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal


Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship

Daffodil International University

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Practical knowledge can no longer be overlooked in the face of a rapidly changing global
reality. I thank my Almighty for his magnificence in allowing me to accomplish and for my
good health in allowing me to properly prepare this report. Secondly I would like to thank my
parents and my beloved prepare the internship report entitled - An Evaluation of the
Customers’ Satisfaction with the Financial Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited. I
acknowledgement my immeasurable gratitude to professor. Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal,
Dean, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, Daffodil International University, for his
helpful supervision, suggestion, guidance, and encouragement. In fact, he served as both a
teacher and a motivation for me.

To help me comprehend and complete a comprehensive report like this one. I respectfully
acknowledge his assistance and extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Branch Manager and
officers of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) at Joypurehat Branch. Thank you also to
the employees and officers who spent so much of their time talking with me. I would like to
convey my heartfelt gratitude to the Department of Business Administration and all of its
officers for their unwavering assistance and caring attitude, as well as many more who I have
not mentioned here.

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Executive Summary

Banking become popular with the industrial revolution. Today's modern civilization is
completely reliant on the banking sector. Bangladesh is one of the world's largest Muslim
countries. This country's people are deeply committed to the Islamic way of life as enshrined
in the holy Quran and Sunnah. Naturally, fashioning and designing their economic lives in
accordance with Islamic precepts remains a deep cry in their hearts.

The study's overall goal is to measure consumer satisfaction with general banking, which is
closely tied to its current market image. There will be a discussion of a research
methodology, survey, and data analysis procedure on the Topic An Evaluation of Customers'
Satisfaction with Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited's Financial Services. A thorough
examination of the topic is required to fulfil the following study objectives: to determine
customer satisfaction with Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited's general banking practices in

Customer satisfaction is determined by how well a product performs in comparison to the

buyer's expectations. A customer's level of satisfaction can range from low to high. The client
is happy if the product's performance falls short of expectations. If the performance meets or
exceeds the customer's expectations, the customer is ecstatic.

The features and organizational structure of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited are detailed in
this study. Customer satisfaction level measurement criteria, survey analysis, and finally,
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conclusion, findings, and a few recommendations have been offered, which will help to
resolve some issues with Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited's customer service.

Table of Contents

Cover Page i
Letter of Transmittal ii
Student Declaration iii
Certificate of Supervisor iv
Acknowledgement v
Executive Summary vi
1.1 Introduction: 02
1.2 Background of the study: 02
1.3 Scope of the Study 02
Chapter- 01 Introduction 1.4 Objective of the Study: 03
1.5 Methodology of the study 03-04
1.6 Limitations of the study 04
2.1 History of IBBL 06
2.2 Mission 07
2.3 Vision 07
2.4 Strategic Objectives: 07-08
Chapter- 02 Organization 2.5 Core Values 08
2.6 Commitments 09
Overview 2.7 Product and Service 09-10
3.1 Customer Satisfaction 12
3.2 Importance of Customer Satisfaction 12
3.2.1 Differentiation Strategy 12
3.2.2 Improved Profitability 13
3.2.3 Improved customer retention 13
3.2.4 Improved market share 13
Chapter- 03 Customer 3.2.5 by product of customer satisfaction 13
Satisfaction and Financial 3.3 Roles of Customer Satisfaction measurement 13-14
Services of IBBL 3.4 Can 100% Customer Satisfaction be 14
3.5 How to achieve Customer Satisfaction? 14
3.6 Questionnaire Survey Analysis 15-25

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3.7 Financial Services 25-26
3.7.1 The primary operations of the banks 26-27
Chapter- 04 Findings, Findings 29
Recommendations & Recommendation 30-31
Conclusion 32
References 33

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Chapter- 01


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Because of the changing globalization today the world is improving the way of trade and
investment, for the promotion of global economies today has been striving from all angles.
As a result, in today’s market the banking industry is in the forefront of the business. They
play an important role in meeting the needs of the community such as large-scale production,
investment, manufacturing, industrial and commercial development and so on. Southeast
Asia completes most of its financial services and investment operations on a revenue-loss
basis in accordance with the principles of Islamic Shariah. Islami Bank does not pay interest
to the depositor. Substitute depositors involved in the benefits of the bank. The bank
participates in investing in long-term plans on a profit-loss basis rather than providing loans
with interest. IBBL also operates a wide range of community health services through its
affiliate organization the Islami Bank Foundation (IBF). In this report, I undertake a brief
analysis of most of the Different Design Patterns of IBBL and the art as well.

1.2 Background of the study:

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has significantly contributed to the flow of international
transactions. Among the private commercial banks of our country IBBL is being kept the first
position in earnings and operating profit. This topic appealed to me since it focuses on an
assessment of customers' satisfaction with Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited's financial
services and activities as they relate to Islamic Shariah. The purpose of this survey is to
assess IBBL's satisfaction with its financial services. The study's findings may help the
organization make strategic decisions about how to increase the volume of general banking in
the future. With the help of these courses, as well as my expertise and basic facts, I included
this report during the registration season at Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.

1.3 Scope of the study:

The primary focus of the report is on the behaviors and outcomes of financial service
satisfaction. This study demonstrates how to get the most out of Islami Bank Bangladesh
Limited and obtain real-world experience. The study also aids in identifying customer
satisfaction concerns with Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited's financial services, which may
aid in the resolution of existing and future issues. The report will conclude with some
recommendations based on the information gathered and the findings of the investigation.

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1.4 Objective of the Study:

The title is “An Evaluation of the Customers’ Satisfaction with the Financial Services of
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited” and it will be conducted with the following objectives:
I. To explain customer satisfaction.
II. To identify the financial services of Islami bank Bangladesh Limited.
III. To measure customers satisfaction with the financial services of Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited
IV. To identify to problem related to the customers satisfaction with the financial
services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd;
V. To make some recommendation to improve customers satisfactions

1.5 Methodology of the study

Data Collection

So as to direct this Internship the report I have used both essential and optional

 Primary data Collection

 The essential information has been acquired by utilizing the following three systems:
 In my investigation, I used a survey as a means of gathering data. There are 31
respondents have responded. The poll is broken down into eight sections. Section one
includes questions about your statistical profile; section two is about substantial –
quality measurement; section three is about unwavering quality measurement; section
four is about responsiveness; section five is about confirmation measurement; section
six is about compassion dimension; section seven is about online office assessment;
and section eight is about ATM corner and ATM card relationship.
 Essential information is the first information that made by me through the meeting,
survey, investigations or contextual analysis.
 Up close and personal discussion with the representatives.
 Secondary data collection

I used a variety of secondary information in my research. Sources included that information:

a) Internal sources

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I. Face to face conversation
II. Website of the bank
b) External Sources
I. Different Internship Report from Internet
II. Website Surfing
III. Consultation of related books & publications
IV. Journals &Newspapers

1.6 Limitations of the study

Revealing and study impediments are as per the following:

 Discovering data about contenders is troubles.

 Every one of the loads gave is defended.
 As a rule, the latest and refreshed data is not distributed.
 Tests were chosen for accommodation.
 The size of the chose test doesn’t speak to the absolute populace.
 The Joypurhat Bank office is considered for this report just and my need data.
 This report was made led in a quarter of a year which was brief.

The duration of the event was brief, and the entire examination was overseen by a single
person, so I may have gotten tangled up in data gathering, data entering, data orchestrating,
data arranging, data testing, data presenting, and result interpretation at some point.

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Chapter- 02

Organization Overview

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2.1 History of IBBL

In 1981, President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh chatted at the 3rd Islamic Summit
Conference held at Makkah and Taif recommended, to facilitate trade and business, Islamic
countries should have their own separate financial system. In 1982, the International
Development Bank (IDB) paid a study tour to Bangladesh. They established aids done by the
Islamic Economics Research Bureau (IERB) and the Bangladesh Islamic Bankers
Association (BIBA); they prepared conferences, public opinion through symposia and
workshops; and they established aids done by the Islamic Economics Research Bureau
(IERB) and the Bangladesh Islamic Bankers Association (BIBA). Muslim Businessman
Society supports professional efforts. The organization primarily prepared equity capital for
creating Islamic banks. Finally, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) was founded in
1983 to take on the problem of banking.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is a Shari'ah-compliant joint venture public limited

company with 63.09 percent foreign shares and the largest branch network (a total of 374
branches, 196 branches, and 2292 agencies) in Bangladesh's private banking sector. It was
established on March 13, 1983, as Southeast Asia's first Islamic bank.

The Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. and the Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. both list it. The
bank's authorized capital is Tk. 20,000.00 million, with Tk. 16,099.91 million in paid-up
capital and 33,686 shareholders as of December 31, 2019.

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2.2 Mission

Establishing Islamic banking services by establishing a prosperous banking system and

ensuring equality and justice in all economic activities in order to achieve balanced growth
and equitable development through diversified investment activities, particularly in priority
sectors and underdeveloped areas of the country, in order to achieve balanced growth and
equitable development through diversified investment activities, especially in priority sectors
and underdeveloped areas of the country. Promote disadvantaged communities'
socioeconomic momentum and financial services, particularly in rural locations.

2.3 Vision

 We will also try to encourage investment particularly in projects which are more
likely to lead to higher employment
 We will try to encourage savings in the form of direct investment
 Our mission is to establish and maintain modern banking techniques, to ensure the
health and development of the financial system based on Islamic principles, and to
grow into a strong and efficient organization with highly motivated professionals
working in the population's best interests, based on accountability, transparency, and
integrity. To ensure the financial systems' stability.

2.4 Strategic Objectives:

 To promote using solar energy and green banking culture and ecological balancing.
 To ensure Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through all activities.
 To strengthen corporate culture.
 To achieve global standard.
 To encourage sound and pro-active future generation.
 To ensure development of devoted and satisfied human resources.
 To motivate team members to take the ownership of every job.
 To be excellent in serving the cause of least developed community and area.
 To train & develop human resources continuously & provide adequate logistics to
satisfy customer need.

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 To ensure zero tolerance on negligence in compliance issues both Shariah and
regulatory issues.
 To ensure lucrative in career path, attractive facilities and excellent working
 To pay more importance in human resources as well as financial capital.
 To strive hard to become a employer of choice and nurturing & development talent in
performance driven culture.
 To invest in the thrust and priority sectors of the economy.
 To ensure diversification by sector, size, Economic purpose & geographical location
wise investment and expansion need based Retail and SME /Women entrepreneur
 To emerge as a healthier & stronger all the bank at the top of the banking sector and
continue stable positions in rating, based on the volume of quality assets.
 To prioritize the clients welfare.
 To establish as a set of managerial succession and adopting technological changes to
ensure successful development of an Islamic Bank as a stable financing institution.
 To ensure welfare oriented banking.
 To ensure customer satisfaction.

2.5 Core Values

 Proper delegation, transparency& Accountability.

 Adoption of Changed Technology.
 Personalized Service.
 Environmental consciousness.
 Equity and justice.
 Welfare banking.
 Highest standard of honesty, Integrity& morale.
 Strict observance of Islamic shariah.
 Trust in Almighty Allah.

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2.6 Commitments

 To environment
 To other stakeholder
 To the employees
 To the customer
 To the community
 To the shareholder
 To the regulators
 To shariah

2.7 Product and Service

I. Deposits
 Al-Wadeah current Account (AWCA)
 Mudaraba savings Account(MSA)
 Mudaraba Team Deposit Account (MTDR)
 Mudaraba Special Notice Account (MSNA)
 Mudaraba Haji Savings Account (MHSA)
 Mudaraba Special Savings Account(MSSA)
 Mudaraba savings Bond(MSB)
 Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit Account (MMPDA)
 Mudaraba Muhor Savings Account (MMSA)
 Mudaraba Waqf Cash Deposit Account(MWCDA)
 Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond (MNSB)Account
 Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (SMSA)
 Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account (MFSA)

 Features
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 Remitance Card
 Investment Scheme for Foreign Extricate
 Mudaraba NRB Saving Bond

 Formation of SME Division
 Specialized SME Branches

 Personalized Service
 Locker Available in various size
 Safe custody of goods and bonds/shares
 Parcel handling
 Facilities to access outside scheduled time

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Chapter- 03

Customer Satisfaction and Financial

Services of IBBL

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3.1 Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the feeling customers have about a firm when their expectations are
met or exceeded during the product or service's life cycle. Customer pleasure leads to product
repurchase and business loyalty. This definition has a number of major implications:

 There should be some connection between customer satisfaction measurement and

bottom line results
 Customer satisfaction measurement5 must be undertaken with an understanding of the
gap between customer expectations and attribute performance perceptions.
 Because customer satisfaction is a subject, non-quantitative state, measurement won’t
be exact and will require sampling and statistical analysis.

Based on the nature of the business and the specific client relationship, each industry could
contribute to this list. The amount of satisfaction a customer has varies depending on the type
of satisfaction being investigated. Manufacturers, for example, typically demand on-time
delivery and adherence to standards, thus supplier satisfaction metrics must incorporate these
key factors.

3.2 Importance of Customer Satisfaction

3.2.1 Differentiation Strategy

Satisfaction is quickly becoming the most important factor in determining an industry's

competitiveness. Products or services initially build a market by filling a basic need.
However, a product's product status is determined by its ability to provide simply the bare
minimum of functionality. Companies have built brands in order to assure the market's long-
term prosperity. Companies have been able to build and maintain a brand image, as well as
differentiate their products from those of competitors, thanks to the use of brands. Most
businesses nowadays are maximizing their brand's potential. Customer happiness is the next
most likely technique for furthering brand differentiation. Businesses realize that the brand
that satisfies their customers best will not only keep them longer, but will also benefit from
word of mouth.

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3.2.2 Improved Profitability

There is both trust and clear evidence that improving customer satisfaction can lead to
effective collaboration.

3.2.3 Improved customer retention

Satisfaction prolongs the value of the consumer's life. Focus on too the interest helps to
estimate the negative words on the complainant's mouth.

3.2.4 Improved market share

A corporation has four business opportunities at all times. For each purchasing choice, four
types of customers were identified: 1) honest customers, 2) customers exchanged by
competitors, 3) customers new to the category, and 4) users who left the category. Each of the
four consumers in the courtroom has a different level of success, as honest customers lead the
route to additional business, deserving of more attention and emphasis than they currently
receive. Customer satisfaction has a significant impact on the current organization and can be
advantageous in the future. It is depicted by the circle. Consumers are willing to forego
greater payments in order to avoid paying superior personnel. This makes employees more
ethical and reduces employee exchanges, which in turn helps to create a happier and faster
customer experience.

3.2.5 by product of customer satisfaction

So, improve customer relationships by doing one thing the beginning makes them happy, so
they are interested ultimately improving their understanding of the value to the organization
that could lead to increased revenue.

3.3 Roles of Customer Satisfaction measurement

 Information: The primary purpose of customer satisfaction measurement is to gather

information about what customers report to change (in a product, service, or delivery
system) or to assess how well an organization is currently meeting its understanding

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of these needs. This is an enlightening role. Therefore, market research and
psychological measurements are of great relevance.

 Communication: Only research customers offer fantastic communications; the

company is interested in learning about customers' well-being, requirements, interests,
and worries. While this is technically "media marketing," there's no harm in
researching both the presentation and the conversation. As a result, in the eyes of
consumers, the organization's image relates to its provision as a reality coupled with
products and services.
 3.4 Can 100% Customer Satisfaction be achieved?

It cannot consistently achieve 100% customer satisfaction. The reason is simple: Every time
an organization tries to meet consumer expectations, the next level of expectation rises, so
there is always a difference between the two. The organization can try at least regularly or
close to the customer's needs.

3.5 How to achieve Customer Satisfaction?

Initialize Idea

Implement Support a
Service Service Driven
Standards philosophy

Current Select Service
Services trends

Create Reward


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3.6 Questionnaire Survey Analysis

The survey yielded 23 male responses and 8 female responses. As a result, 74.19 percent of
the customers polled were men, while 25.81 percent were women. I observed that the
majority of Islamic Bank Bangladesh Ltd. clientele prefer the bank in some way based on the
findings of the poll. In a study, it's critical to assess the research findings and use them as a
guide for refining the job. In the test analysis, the research findings were presented in tables
and graphed as percentage examples. Each of the learning outcomes had its own set of

Respondent customers by type of Accounts

Current Account Savings Account Fixed Account




Analysis: The text shows that 12% of respondents has current account on the bank, 60% of
the defendants has a savings account, 28% of the respondents have a fixed deposit. Most of
the respondents here have a savings account. Here the bank has to declare the value of the
other account.

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Respondent Banking with IBBL
below 1 Year 1-3 years 3-5 years 5 years above

30% 6%



Analysis: The chart shows that 6% of farmers respond to IBBL in 1 year; 28% of
respondents have spent money with IBBL for 1 to 3 years, 36% of respondents have spent
money with IBBL for 3 to 5 years, and the remaining 30% of respondents have spent money
with 5 years and later with IBBL. This is the majority of bank users with IBBL over 3 years
and above for banking services and reputation. Here bank should improve their service and
personal relationship with the customers.

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Satisfaction about Mudaraba Savings Account

strongly agree
neither agreenor disagree
Strongly Disagree


Analysis: The figure shows that 60% of people are very satisfied with the Mudaraba savings
accounts facility (MSA) of the IBBL and 40% are satisfied with the saving deposit facility of
the bank in Mudaraba savings account (MSA)

Al-wadeah Current Account (AWCA)


Strongly Agree
40% Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

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Analysis: The figure shows that 58% of people are very satisfied with the IBBL's Al-Wadeah
current account (AWCA) facilities and 40% are satisfied with this facility. 2% of people did
not ever enjoy this AWCA service.

Satisfaction from Mudaraba Trem Deposit


Strongly agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree


Analysis: We can see from the picture that 89% of people are very satisfied with the IBBL
Mudaraba term deposit acceptance (MTDR) opportunities, and 11% - the bank Mudaraba
term deposit acceptance (MTDR) opportunities.

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Satisfaction from Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit
20% 7%
0% 0%
e 0%
re e
Ag re ee
ly Ag gr ee
ng si a gr ee
rt o a gr
S rd Di
s a
no di
r ee lg y
g n
ra ro
e St

Analysis: According to the figure we can see that 93% of people are strongly satisfied with
the facilities of Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit of IBBL & 7% people are satisfied with the
facilities of Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit of the Bank.

Satisfaction from Mudaraba Millionaire Deposit Scheme



30% 27%


0% 0%
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

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Analysis: From the figure, we can see that 52% of the people are very satisfied with the
Mudaraba Millionaire Deposit Scheme (MMS) facilities of IBBL and 27% of the people are
satisfied with the Mudaraba Millionaire Deposit Scheme (MMS) facilities of the bank. 21%
people are confused to determine their level of satisfaction with this service of the Bank.

Satisfaction in ATM services

30% 62%
0% 18%
re e
Ag gre ee
ly A gr ee
ng a gr
r o is a ee
St rd Di
s gr
o si a
en d
r e
er r o
ie th St

Analysis: From the table we can see that the majority of people are not strongly satisfied with
the ATM facilities but are satisfied. This conveys the message that the bank is not in a
satisfactory service position in terms of its ATM services. It must therefore do more than
enough to take a place in this arena.

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Satisfaction in Payment facilities
40% 32%
Strongly agree 0%
Agree 0%
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

Analysis: From the table we can see that most are very random with payment facilities, but
some are quite unique in this service. This indicates that the bank has a satisfactory service
position with regard to its money transfers.

Satisfaction in Card Services

40% 36%
0% 0%
agr re
ly g ee
agr ee
o is gr ee
rd si a agr
o D s
en di
e lg y
gr on
era St

Analysis: We can see from the table that most people are very satisfied with card services
like VISA debit card, Khidmah credit, Remittance card but some fully agree with this service.

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This sends the message that the bank has a very satisfactory service position in its card

Satisfaction in Foreign trade facilities

30% 56%
20% 44%
0% 0%
re e
ag re
ly Ag ee
ng agr ee
r o is gr ee
st rd si a agr
o D s
en di
e ly
ra r o
e st

Analysis: The table shows that the majority of people are definitely satisfied with the foreign
trade opportunities, but some fully agree with this service. This conveys the message that the
bank is in a satisfactory service position in terms of its foreign trade services.

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Analysis: The table shows that the majority of people are not very satisfied with the Mobile
Banking facilities, but a satisfactory level is a certain level. This sends the message that the
bank is not in a good service position with regard to its Mobile Banking facility services. So
it should do more than enough to take a place in this sector.

Satisfaction in investment facilities


34% Strongly agree

Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis: The table shows that the majority of people are not very satisfied with the
investment facilities, but a satisfactory level is a certain level. This sends the message that the
bank is not in a satisfactory service position with regard to its Investment Facility services. So
it should do more than enough to take a place in this sector.

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Satisfaction on line banking facilities

10% 4%
Strongly agree 0%
Agree 0%
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

Analysis: The high percentage of the table represents that the confidentiality of the customer
information is maintained with great care in the bank. They are very confident that the bank
will show respect for them by preserving their confidential information. But some people are
not entirely sure that the bank keeps their information.

Service Charge
30% 26%
0% 0%
agr re
ly Ag gr
ng sa gr
r o i a ee
St o rd Di
s agr
en di
r e gly
ag n
er ro
ith St

Analysis: Service charges are one of the most important factors for customer satisfaction and
from the above table we can clearly say that IBBL has maintained a minimum service rate for
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their customer and 74% of the surveyed customers think the charges are quite acceptable
compared to the charges of the others. Somewhat not satisfied, but the proportion of
dissatisfied customers is regularly normal for the bank. This is possible because of the
employee's personal relationship with the Clients & Banks vision for their clients.

IBBL need product diversification


Analysis: The figure shows that 88% of customers agreed that IBBL does not need to
diversify the existing product. The existing products more or less covered all customer
satisfaction. But 12% of customers give the impression that the existing product needs
diversification of levelling and in the case of promotional sector. Here, IBBL must change the
existing products and confirm the availability of products to reach the customers.

3.7 Financial Services

When it comes to this new sort of company, most companies choose one of two ways. One
strategy could be for a bank to simply purchase an insurance firm or an investment bank,
preserve the purchased company's original branding, and add the purchase to the holding to
diversify revenues. Non-financial services companies are permitted within the holding
company outside of Bangladesh (for example, in Japan). In this situation, each company
appears to be self-contained, with its own customers and so on. In the second approach, a

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bank would simply establish its own brokerage or insurance section and try to market these
products to existing customers with incentives to do everything with the same company.

3.7.1 The primary operations of the banks

 Sell investment products like Mutual funds

 Accepting the deposits from customer and provide the credit facilities to them
 Notary service for financial and other documents
 Provide a check guaranteed by the Bank itself and prepaid by the customer, such as a
cashier's check or a cashier's check
 Give advances on the payment card for the bank's own money to customers who want
to settle the monthly credit advances
 Create an online banking system to make it easier for customers to view and manage
their accounts over the Internet.
 Provide overdrafts on temporary advances on the banks own money to meet the
customer's monthly consumption obligations on their checking account.
 Facilities of standing orders and direct debits, so payment for bills can be made
 Allow financial transfer of fund transfer between banks
 Allow financial transactions at branches or by using `automatic Teller machine
 Issuance of debit cards for use as substitute for cheques
 Issuance of credit cards and transactions and billing
 Provide personal loans commercial loans, and mortgage loans (typically loans to
purchase a home, property or business)
 Issuance of cheque books so that bills can be paid and other kinds of payments can be
delivered by post
 Keeping money safe while also allowing withdrawals when needed

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 Investment banking services
 Capital markets services underwriting debt and equity, assist company deals
(advisory services, underwriting, mergers and acquisitions and advisory fees)
and restructure debt into structure debt finance products)
 Private banking private banking services exclusively to high net worth
individuals. Many financial services firms require a person or family to have a
certain minimum net worth to quality for private banks often provide more
personal services, such as wealth management and tax planning, than normal
retail banks.
 Brokers services-facilities the buying and financial securities between a buyer
and a seller.
 Foreign exchange services

Foreign exchange services are provided by many banks specialist foreign exchange

brokers around the world. Foreign exchange services include:

 Currency exchange - where customers can buy and sell banknotes in foreign
 Remittance- where customers who are migrant workers send money back to
their home country.

 Investment Services
Companies that administer collective investment funds are referred to as
wealth management firms. Also refers to services given by those who are
registered as registered investment advisers with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Investment banking is a type of financial service that focuses
on generating capital through customer investments.

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Chapter- 04

Findings, Recommendations
& Conclusion

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The following findings were discovered as a result of the investigation:

 Many people are dissatisfied with the investment options available. Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) does not finance any project that is incompatible with
Islam's moral value system because the bank follows Islamic principles. Only if the
initiative is successful and profitable does IBBL receive a return. IBBL examines the
project's viability as well as the entrepreneur's business acumen and managerial
skills., Everyone in our country is accustomed to investing in conventional banks,
which is why they are confused.
 They are dissatisfied because the bank charges interest yet declares it as profit, which
causes clients to be confused. The majority of our country's citizens have a negative
perception of IBBL's indirect generating of interest, which the bank refers to as profit.
In conformity with the teachings and principles of Islamic Shariah, IBBL will invest
on the basis of profit and loss sharing.
 On this survey you see there only 25.81% were female because there’s not much
female employees in the branch regrets other bank.
 The majority of people are not strongly satisfied with the ATM facilities but are
satisfied. Number of ATM booths is insufficient as needed. There's only 621 IBBL
ATM booths for customers around the country. On the other hand, other conventional
banks have more than a thousand.
 The majority of people are not very satisfied with the Mobile Banking Service. Only
20% are strongly satisfied but a satisfactory level is a certain level. Because without
having knowledge of using the mobile apps named IBBL iBanking the customers of
this bank don’t utilized all benefits. The customers are mostly 31 to 40 years old.
 The decision-making process is very long and sometimes it creates problems that are
unexpected for the customers. In most cases, the head office controls the decision
making process and it is centralized.
 Most of the customers are not satisfied with IBBL advertising activities.

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 The bank can make a clear picture of the difference between Profit and Interest. Some
people believe that this bank is accepting interest and claiming it as profit in
accordance with Islamic principles. Because the majority of our country's residents
view Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) indirect interest generation, which the
bank refers to as profit, as negative. The promotion of Shariah-based banks as profit-
loss-sharing banks helps to alleviate this issue.
 IBBL can expand its investment scope by emphasizing on the shariah concept of
investing among bank officers, employers, and clients through strong training and
seminars. They can also provide specialized training to the individual working at the
information desk so that they can serve clients with more accurate and timely
information. Female personnel are also employed at the information desk for female
 People have some confusion about this bank. As a result, the bank must try to clear up
any ambiguity. It may be able to educate individuals about the bank's varied activities
by holding numerous seminars and symposiums. The bank should invite potential
consumers to participate in the development of constructive ideas for the bank's
 The bank needs to open more ATM booths in different places as it has a huge number
of customers. Now it’s only 621 but for increasing customers they must have more
ATM booths.
 To attract more female consumers, the bank should consider hiring more female
personnel at the branch, particularly in the investment section. Because in our culture,
women prefer to converse with other women rather than men. Some clients expressed
their dissatisfaction with the bank's lack of female personnel, despite the fact that this
branch had none. Even in the other branches of IBBL, women make up a small
percentage of the workforce.
 However, as you may be aware, many consumers are dissatisfied with Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited's mobile banking service. As a result, they must upgrade their
apps and increase call receive time in order to hire staff in their call center to assist
clients. Also gave information to their customers how effectively using apps and other

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 The profit rate of this bank is not fixed due to which the customers do not know the
amount of their dividend accurately and the interest rate in Islami Bank seems to be
much higher to the customers as compared to other banks so they should reduce it.
 This is a very annoying time for the customers as the branches of the bank are waiting
for the decision of the head office to make a decision, so I think each branch should
have its own decision making power.
 To achieve a broad geographic presence, IBBL bank should put more emphasis on
their marketing efforts and engage in promotional events. Through the employment of
a customer relationship officer at the branch level, the IBBL authority should promote
more innovation and modern customer care.

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As a well-known and well-known commercial bank in Bangladesh, it was not easy for Islami
Bank Bangladesh Limited to maintain its reputation with due honesty and satisfy its
customers. Many businesses nowadays try to gratify their clients by giving a shortcut service
through which the business may simply gain money from them. They are just concerned with
their own profit, not with the well-being of their clients. In that circumstance, Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited is always there for its consumers. They provide a wide range of services
and offers to all types of consumers. These programs are accessible to disadvantaged older
individuals with disabilities as well as schoolchildren and pregnant women. Being a part of
such a company gave me the opportunity to work and learn these methods, which helped me
enhance my customer service abilities. Working here also allows me to examine a wide range
of clients and discuss their issues with the appropriate solution. This report is fully based on
information I obtained while working there, with figures derived entirely from a direct survey
as well as customer and employee interviews. It was an honour for me to be part of such an
organization and to work under the guidance of such competent personalities who taught me
everything with patience and care. All in all it was a success experience for me.

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2. Annual report of IBBL
3. Zikmund, William G. Business Research Methods. Ohio: Thomson, South Western
4. Internship-Report-on-Assessing-Customer-Satisfaction-Level-at-Islami-Bank
6. http://www.bangladesh-bank.or
7. Hokanson, S., January 2, 1995, The Deeper You Analyze, The More You Satisfy
Customers, Marketing News, p. 16.
8. Quantity, E. o. (2017). Evolution of financial Services. Islami Bank Bangladesh
Limited, Marketing . Dhaka: Assignment point.

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