Growth in The Amount of Garbage in Pasirhalang Village

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Since the era of globalization, population growth in Indonesia has increased dramatically.
People have a basic need that is the need for a decent home and clean from garbage. The house is a
place to shelter people from bad weather, and also to protect people from the heat of the sun. Over
time, housing needs in Indonesia increased. The need for housing must also go hand in hand with
environmental preservation. The preservation of this environment must be controlled so that green
open land still exists until the future. Green land that must be provided in the construction of
houses in accordance with the regulations of north Bandung area is 80% of the land area to be
built. For physical construction of houses can only be built as much as 20% of the total land to be
built. Housing development that provides 80% green open land should be analyzed on
environmental impact to smooth development so as not to violate existing rules. This development
is also located in the Protected Area of North Bandung which must be maintained the
sustainability of nature, flora, fauna and natural beauty. In housing developments, surely residents
will throw away garbage. The waste must be managed and destroyed by the selected methods.

Keyword : Green Land, Garbage, Population Growth, North Bandung


The growth of garbage is causing many problems in populated areas. This garbage can
accumulate and cause flooding, pungent odors, and damage the scenery. The waste is usually
managed by manual separation by the household, and is usually disposed of on vacant land.
However, such a way will accumulate garbage somewhere, resulting in a very bad smell. The
waste will also be a nest of disease, soil pollution, water pollution, air pollution.

The waste can be processed in landfills, but in housings can also use the installation of
incinerators. The waste will be in the incinerator for a predetermined period of time.

Housing activities at the operational stage of "Graha Isola" West Bandung Regency can
result in the occurrence of garbage in the "Graha Isola" neighborhood of West Bandung Regency.
Housing waste in the form of domestic and infectious solid waste derived from waste derived from
food waste of residential visitors, household activity waste, canteen activities and kitchen activities
for non-infectious waste.
North Bandung area (KBU) plays a vital role and function to the surrounding area because
KBU is a water catchment area. The Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) of West Java Province directs
KBU as a Provincial Strategic Area (KSP) in the field of environmental management. KBU spatial
control is currently regulated by Governor Regulation No. 2 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for
Control of North Bandung Area as a Strategic Area of West Java Province. Development carried
out in KBU should pay attention to the carrying capacity of the environment, so that the space
utilization program that will be used as a regulation in spatial documents has been based on
environmental support capacity.

In general waste management is to use or destroy waste with the selected method

Figure 1 - Morphology Map

Result and Discussion


Based on the map above, North Bandung area is dominated by forests and plantations.
Therefore, the resulting waste arises in the form of organic waste. Based on this, some
communities manage their waste by burning and dumping waste in empty land.

The volume of garbage arising "Graha Isola" West Bandung Regency is estimated as
much as 58.38 kg / day. Based on the results of Aditya's research, 2010 in 27.62 kg of
residential waste is equal to 1 cubic meter. "Graha Isola" West Bandung Regency can produce
waste as much as 2.11 cubic meters. With a large sampat place and the size of temporary storage
/ TPS is sufficiently predicted to cause garbage both in the residential area and in the tps location
can be accommodated if carried out daily transportation by the 3rd party to the landfill / waste
management B3.

Impact Critical Nature Forecasts

Based on the guidelines for determining the level of impact interest, the impact of waste
arising from housing activity can be described as follows.

Table1- Determination of the important properties of waste-arising impacts from housing activity

Impact Critical
No. Nature of information
The number of people
who will be affected by
1 -TP Patients, housing officers and housing visitors
business plans and/or
The area of distribution of the impact of the
Area of impact
2 -TP garbage is in the "Graha Isola" neighborhood of
West Bandung Regency
The resulting waste of housing will take place
Impact intensity -TP
every day
3 The occurrence of garbage from housing activities
How long the
-TP will only last 1 day because it will be transported
impact lasts
daily from tps
Number of other
environmental No other components affected by housing
4 -TP
components landfill
Cumulative nature of The impact of health care is cumulative if not
5 -TP
impact managed
Turn around or
If the housing activity is completed, it will return
6 not turn around -TP
to its original
the impact
Other criteria in
accordance with the
There are no other criteria in accordance with the
7 development of science -TP
development of science and technology (IPTEK)
and technology

Reviewed from the criteria of important properties of waste impact from housing activity
activities in the category of non-essential negative impact (-TP).


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