Negotiation Essentials For Managerial Effectiveness: Negotiation Experience Diary Exercise 3.3: Wild Cat Strike

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Negotiation Experience Diary

Exercise 3.3: Wild Cat Strike

Your Name: Ishika Priya

Role You Played: Jacob_Agitator

Please be critical but constructive in the feedback you are giving your opposing party. If you were an
observer, give feedback to the members of the team you were observing. By being critical here, you
will be in a position to give your batchmate feedback that he would never receive otherwise.
Remember, it is better to learn in a safe environment like a classroom and get critical comments from
a batchmate as opposed to learning through the hard knocks life doles out, and never learning from
your opposing party as to what went wrong. Be constructive, be mindful of not hurting your opposing
partner. Frame your feedback in such a way that can inform him about the steps he could have taken
to improve his behavior. Please remember this feedback will be shared with your opposing partner
and as most exercises are one on one, it will not be anonymous. Please submit this feedback to the
instructor and email a copy of it to your opposing party by the end of the day (23:59:59) that the
exercise was conducted.
When you receive the feedback, please take the feedback constructively. Try and analyze the thoughts
of your opposing party, and try and introspect to see what you could have done to make the
negotiation better. Try to consciously incorporate the suggestions for your next negotiation exercise.

Please reflect on the negotiation you were just a part of and answer the following briefly:

Name 1:Antriksh

What mark would you want to give the person named above, with respect to the effectiveness of
strategy/ tactic on the negotiation (5 being the highest, 0 being the lowest): _ _ _2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Justify the reason behind this mark:

He spoke (or was given less opportunity to speak) very few points during the negotiation process.
Hence, I was not able to gauge his negotiation style completely. He let his teammate take over the

State three things you really liked about his/her handling of this negotiation:

1. Soft spoken
2. Seemed sympathetic to cause
3. Was trying to initiate transactional negotiation process

State three things you would like him/her to improve with respect to the handling of this

1. State his opinion/arguments/points.

2. Confidence in speech
3. Have a more prominent presence in the discussion

Anything else you would like him/her to know about this negotiation?


Name 2: Ritika

What mark would you want to give the person named above, with respect to the effectiveness of
strategy/ tactic on the negotiation (5 being the highest, 0 being the lowest): _ _ _4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Justify the reason behind this mark:

She made attempts to calm the agitators as well her own team to focus on the negotiation process
instead of indulging in an argument. At times it felt she was playing the role of good cop. She
brought forward important aspects of the negotiation process and in general seemed to push for an
communication rather than argument.

State three things you really liked about his/her handling of this negotiation:

1. Raising valid points

2. Seemed calm and sympathetic
3. Was pushing to initiate the actual negotiation process

State three things you would like him/her to improve with respect to the handling of this

1. Have a more prominent role/presence in the discussion.

2. Being a good cop, she was not persuasive enough to set the tone for cooperation
3. Nonverbal clues

Anything else you would like him/her to know about this negotiation?


Name 3: Saranya

What mark would you want to give the person named above, with respect to the effectiveness of
strategy/ tactic on the negotiation (5 being the highest, 0 being the lowest): _ _3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Justify the reason behind this mark:

Her presence in the negotiation was overshadowed by other members

State three things you really liked about his/her handling of this negotiation:

1. Soft spoken
2. Seemed open to negotiate
3. Heard the concerns tentatively.

State three things you would like him/her to improve with respect to the handling of this

1. Have a more prominent role/presence in the discussion.

2. Non-Verbal clues
3. Articulate her points /views.

Anything else you would like him/her to know about this negotiation?

Name 4: Neeharika

What mark would you want to give the person named above, with respect to the effectiveness of
strategy/ tactic on the negotiation (5 being the highest, 0 being the lowest): _ _ _ 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Justify the reason behind this mark:

She took control of the negotiation process towards the end. However, she posed a hostile approach
to towards the agitators. She chose to distance herself from the problem and did not empathies with
the situation at hand.

State three things you really liked about his/her handling of this negotiation:

1. Leading the conversation

2. Conviction/Confidence in speech
3. Non-Verbal Clues

State three things you would like him/her to improve with respect to the handling of this
1. Hostile Attitude
2. Uncooperative portrayal of her role
3. Not letting other party speak.

Anything else you would like him/her to know about this negotiation?

If she had been more sympathetic in her words and actions, we would be more willing to
communicate with her and her team. Given the sensitivity of the issue of the negotiation, a more
humane approach was expected. The blame game on the hierarical structure of the railway and
unwillingness to show any intention to corporate agitated the argument leading to no agreement.

Name 5: Ramakoti

What mark would you want to give the person named above, with respect to the effectiveness of
strategy/ tactic on the negotiation (5 being the highest, 0 being the lowest): _ _ _3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Justify the reason behind this mark:

He led the negotiation hence setting the tone for the process. He was aggressive and intimidating in
his approach and seemed to play the role of Bad cop. However, did not seem sympathetic or
humane in his approach to negotiate leading to no agreement.

State three things you really liked about his/her handling of this negotiation:

1. Initiated the conversation

2. Confident and conviction in speech
3. Non-Verbal Clues

State three things you would like him/her to improve with respect to the handling of this

1. Seemed uninterested in listening to the concerns of other party

2. Raised Repetitive and Insensitive points
3. Aggressive attitude even before verbal communication began

Anything else you would like him/her to know about this negotiation?
If he had been more sympathetic in his words and actions, we would be more willing to
communicate with him and his team. Given the sensitivity of the issue of the negotiation, a more
humane approach was expected. He often mentioned about increasing the company revenues and
shifted the blame to third parties alienating himself from the actual problem and therefore any steps
in the direction of negotiation could not be initiated.

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