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Anatomy of Threats to the Internet of Things

Imran Makhdoom , Student Member, IEEE, Mehran Abolhasan , Senior Member, IEEE,
Justin Lipman , Senior Member, IEEE, Ren Ping Liu , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Wei Ni, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The world is resorting to the Internet of Things from 9.9 million in 2013 [3] and Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
(IoT) for ease of control and monitoring of smart devices. The traffic flows are also expected to constitute up to 45% of the
ubiquitous use of IoT ranges from industrial control systems whole Internet traffic [4]. However, due to interconnection
(ICS) to e-Health, e-Commerce, smart cities, supply chain man-
agement, smart cars, cyber physical systems (CPS), and a lot with the Internet, IoT devices are vulnerable to various
more. Such reliance on IoT is resulting in a significant amount attacks [1], [5]–[10]. Moreover, it is believed that IoT devices
of data to be generated, collected, processed, and analyzed. The are being manufactured rapidly without giving much attention
big data analytics is no doubt beneficial for business development. to security challenges and the requisite threats [11].
However, at the same time, numerous threats to the availability According to [12], more than 85% of enterprises around
and privacy of the user data, message, and device integrity, the
vulnerability of IoT devices to malware attacks and the risk of the world will be turning to IoT devices in one form or the
physical compromise of devices pose a significant danger to the other, and 90% of these organizations are not sure about the
sustenance of IoT. This paper thus endeavors to highlight most security of their IoT devices. Similarly, Steinberg in [13] has
of the known threats at various layers of the IoT architecture listed many appliances that can spy on people in their own
with a focus on the anatomy of malware attacks. We present a homes. A recent study carried out by HP [14] also revealed
detailed attack methodology adopted by some of the most suc-
cessful malware attacks on IoT, including ICS and CPS. We also that 70% of the devices connected to the Internet are vulnera-
deduce an attack strategy of a distributed denial of service attack ble to numerous attacks. Moreover, development of smart cars
through IoT botnet followed by requisite security measures. In is also on the rise in the world, in which vehicle on-board com-
the end, we propose a composite guideline for the development of puter systems are connected to the Internet thus making them
an IoT security framework based on industry best practices and vulnerable to Cyber-attacks [7]. In addition, the legacy indus-
also highlight lessons learned, pitfalls and some open research
challenges. trial systems such as manufacturing, energy, transportation,
chemical, water and sewage control systems (connected by IoT
Index Terms—Threats to the IoT, Internet of Things, malware to achieve better monitoring, control, and conditional mainte-
attacks on the Internet of Things, attack methodology, security
and privacy, IoT security framework, security guidelines. nance) have greater security risks [15]. Attacks on industrial
systems are not just a threat instead it is a reality, as two
Russian security researchers found vulnerabilities in more
than 60,000 Internet connected control systems that could be
I. I NTRODUCTION exploited to take full control of the compromised systems run-
ILLIONS of embedded devices are being used today ning energy, chemical, and transportation applications [16].
M in safety and security critical applications such as
Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Furthermore, it is expected that by the end of 2020, more
than 25% of corporate attacks would be because of compro-
(VANET), disaster management and critical infrastructure [1]. mised IoT devices [17]. Similarly, the successful launch of
A massive number of these devices have been interconnected sophisticated cyber-attacks like Mirai [18], Ransomware [19],
to each other and further connected to the Internet to form Shamoon-2 [20] and DuQu-2 [21] on ICS and other criti-
an Internet of Things (IoT). IoT based services have seen an cal infrastructure in recent past have rendered existing IoT
exponential economic growth in last five years especially in protocols ineffective.
telehealth and manufacturing applications and are expected to
create about USD 1.1-2.5 Trillion contribution in the global A. Related Work
economy by 2020 [2]. It is estimated that by 2020, the Till date many reviews and survey papers [8],
number of IoT connected devices will exceed to 30 billion [10], [22]–[26] have been published to highlight the
security issues of IoT. However, they do not cover the full
Manuscript received February 13, 2018; revised August 20, 2018; accepted
September 29, 2018. Date of publication October 11, 2018; date of current spectrum of IoT security. A detailed comparison of existing
version May 31, 2019. (Corresponding author: Imran Makhdoom.) work is shown in Table-I. Most of the current work focuses
I. Makhdoom, M. Abolhasan, J. Lipman, and R. P. Liu are with on few aspects and leaves the rest. For instance, [8] refers
the Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney,
Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia (e-mail:; to limited security issues at different IoT layers and dis-;; renping.liu@uts. cusses all theoretical/non-industrial security methods without defining an overall security model. Similarly, [10] mostly
W. Ni is with Data61, CSIRO, Marsfield, NSW 2122, Australia (e-mail: enumerates the Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on various
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/COMST.2018.2874978 layers of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and some security
1553-877X  c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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vulnerabilities in RFID technology. It does not give examples to design minimum security standards based on the types
of such attacks illustrating the vulnerabilities exploited and of IoT applications. Finally, some open research challenges
also lacks recommended security measures to protect against related to IoT security are discussed.
mentioned attacks. Whereas, [22] highlights some generalized
IoT security gaps concerning lack of standardization and B. Paper Organization
regulations by discussing pros and cons of some existing The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
security frameworks such as COBIT, ISO/IEC 27002:2005. It presents a detailed description of threats to IoT. Attack
proposes an integrated security framework with generalized methodology of some of the most successful malware attacks
recommendations on hardware and protocol security with an is described in Section III, while the gap analysis, attack strat-
urge to develop IoT specific security standards. egy of a DDoS attack on IoT devices, and guidelines for the
Abomhara and Køien [23], also briefly discuss the security security framework are discussed in Section IV. Summary,
and privacy issues in IoT with focus on some open problems. lessons learnt and pitfalls are illustrated in Section V. In
The paper broadly covers some of the generalized security Section VI, we present some open research challenges, and
and privacy threats including internal and external attacks, finally, the paper is concluded with some description of the
DoS attacks, physical attacks and attacks on privacy. Authors future work in Section VII.
also highlight some of the security and privacy challenges
to IoT such as user privacy, data protection/authentication, II. T HREATS TO THE I OT
identity/trust management, authorization and access control.
Whereas, [24] covers the security and open research issues This section presents a detailed description of some gener-
related to IoT communication protocols only. Similarly, [25] alized and various specific threats to different layers of IoT
briefly highlights some security and privacy issues of five architecture. However, before we do the threat modeling, it is
smart-home devices and proposes an SDN-based network essential to explain the IoT architecture and some important
level security mechanism that monitor and control network terms that would be used frequently in the later text. Firstly,
operations of each IoT device. IoT systems and IoT ecosystem would be encountered often.
In another notable work [26], authors present an IoT security Where, IoT system refers to a typical IoT application like
architecture comprising three layers, i.e., perception, transport smart-home, smart-grid, smart-vehicle, smart-watch, etc., and
and application layer. The paper comprehensively covers secu- IoT ecosystem points to the IoT (with all its applications) as
rity issues of IoT with a focus on RFID and WSN. The authors a whole. Secondly, IoT architecture concerns the way differ-
also discuss access network technologies including WiFi and ent objects such as sensors, actuators, gateways, network and
3G. Although authors have amply covered some security issues application servers are arranged and communicate with each
related to IoT, yet there is room for improvement by includ- other.
ing examples of practical attacks/vulnerabilities in IoT such
as smart-home and wearable IoT devices. There is a further A. IoT Architecture
requirement of adding a comprehensive security framework for Currently, there is a lack of consistency and standardiza-
IoT. Resultantly, there is a need of a comprehensive illustration tion in IoT solutions across the globe due to which there are
of practical threats to IoT and formulation of a set of secu- issues related to interoperability, compatibility, and manage-
rity guidelines that should cater for varying standards of IoT ability [27]. Likewise, non-uniformity in the presentation of
devices and recommend a common framework for end-to-end IoT Architecture and layered protocol stack was observed in
IoT security [17]. the literature review [8], [24], [28]–[36]. Such as, [8] presents
Contributions of the Paper: To cover the gaps in current IoT layers showing the meagre detail of functionality and
literature (as shown in Table-I), the major contribution of this the protocols. Similarly, [24] just focuses on communica-
paper is to present an “All in one package” that comprehen- tion protocols at various IoT layers. Whereas, [28] displays a
sively covers most of the aspects of IoT security. The paper table of elements and technologies that together form an IoT.
develops logically by first introducing a generalized IoT archi- Therefore, it is believed that due to this non-standardization,
tecture and a detailed IoT protocol stack showing technologies, the world has not yet been able to agree on a single IoT ref-
protocols and functionalities at various layers of IoT. It amply erence model [28]. To reduce this non-uniformity, we present
covers a range of generalized as well as specific threats at a consolidated generalized IoT architecture and a layered IoT
different layers of IoT with examples of such attacks on IoT protocol stack shown in Figure-1 and Figure-2 respectively.
systems/devices at most of the places. We also present a con- An IoT ecosystem may comprise different types of devices,
solidated list of threats to IoT along with the vulnerabilities which can be deployed in any of the following topologies,
that can be exploited to convert these threats into successful i.e., star, clustered tree, and mesh. “Things” are usually con-
attacks. Another aspect that makes this paper differs from its nected to a gateway device using various IoT communication
predecessors is its due diligence on malware attacks and their protocols such as 802.15.4, LoRaWAN, SigFox, ZigBee, WiFi,
attack methodology. We also deduce an attack strategy of a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Near Field Communication and
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack through IoT bot- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The gateway device is
net followed by necessary security measures. This paper also connected to an application or a network server via 3G/4G,
presents a comprehensive set of security guidelines based on LTE (Long-Term Evolution), Optical Fiber Cable (OFC), satel-
industry best practices that can help IoT standardization bodies lite link, etc. The network/application servers (can be located

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Fig. 1. Generalized IoT Architecture.

in the cloud) provide different data analytic services to its analysis, business intelligence, strategic decision-making and
users and third parties including government and private business modelling.
organizations. The processed data is turned into useful infor- Although, by now we are clear about what IoT is, however
mation in the form of health statistics, smart home autonomous there are many areas in which IoT is different than tradi-
services, business intelligence, industrial automation, environ- tion networks (including LANs and Internet), which are being
mental monitoring, livable urban communities and smart city discussed in succeeding paras.
sharing services.
As far as IoT protocol stack is concerned, the first layer is
the physical/perception layer that consists of sensors, actua- B. IoT vs Traditional Networks
tors, computational hardware, identification and addressing of Before discussing IoT threats, it is important to understand
the things. As the name suggests, its purpose is to perceive the differences between IoT and traditional networks, as these
the data from the environment. All the data collection and differences influence the development of requisite security and
data sensing is done at this layer [37]. Some other functions privacy solutions for IoT systems. The significant difference
of physical layer include frequency selection, modulation- between conventional networks and IoT is the level of the
demodulation, encryption-decryption, transmission and recep- resourcefulness of end devices [26]. IoT usually comprises
tion of data. The challenges faced by this layer are energy con- resource constraint embedded devices such as RFID and sen-
sumption, security, and interoperability [27]. The second layer sor nodes. These devices have low memory, low computing
is the MAC (Medium Access Control)/Adaptation/Network power, small disk space and require low power consumption.
layer, which is responsible for receiving data from sensing Whereas, the traditional Internet is composed of computers,
devices and then forward it to the application layer for process- servers and smartphones that have plentiful resources. Hence,
ing, analytics, and smart services. The network layer also faces the traditional networks can be supported by complex and
specific issues concerning scalability, network availability, multi-factor security protocols without any resource consid-
power consumption and security [27]. eration. In contrast to this, IoT systems require lightweight
The third layer is the application/services layer which security algorithms that maintain a balance between security
provides smart services to the customers and also feeds and resource consumption such as battery life.
processed/aggregated data to the semantics layer. The chal- IoT devices mostly connect to the Internet or gateway
lenges being faced at this layer are related to handling, devices through slower and less secure wireless communica-
storage, and processing of data received from the sen- tion media such as 802.15.4, 802.11a/b/g/n/p, LoRa, ZigBee,
sors, security/privacy of user information and conformity NB-IoT and SigFox. Resultantly, IoT systems are prone to data
to industrial/government regulations. For example, Health leakage and other privacy issues. Whereas, in the traditional
Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the Internet, end devices communicate through more secure and
United States and Personal Information Protection and faster wired/wireless media such as fiber optics, DSL/ADSL,
Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in Canada, protect the WiFi, 4G and LTE. Another difference is that traditional
users’ rights concerning their health and personal information. network devices have almost the same OS and data format, but
The fourth and the last layer is semantics which can also be in the case of IoT because of application-specific functionality
termed as a business management layer as it manages all the and lack of OS, there are different data contents and formats.
activities of an IoT system. It implies the use of cognitive Hence, because of this diversity, it is difficult to develop a
technologies to provide certain high-end services such as data standard security protocol that fits all types of IoT devices

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Fig. 2. IoT Protocol Stack.

and systems. As a result, a wide range of IoT threats are still security breaches. As per findings of the security audit, almost
at loose and threaten the security and privacy of the users. 90% of these devices gather personal information about the
If we look at the security design, traditional networks are users in some form or the other. This unauthorized storage of
secured by a blend of static network perimeter defense based information is vulnerable to data security, privacy and integrity
on firewalls, IDS/IPS, and the end devices are secured by attacks. Researchers in [9] and [22] have also rendered secu-
host-based approaches such as anti-virus and security/software rity and privacy issues a threat to data confidentiality and user
patches. Whereas, the host-based security approach cannot be privacy. Moreover, lack of reliable authentication mechanism
applied to the resource constraint IoT devices [38]. Similarly, in IoT devices is also a contributing factor in weak IoT secu-
because of the IoT devices’ vulnerabilities such as lack of rity [10]. Additionally, the lack of data encryption and network
physical security, the absence of host-based defense mecha- access control measures enable an attacker to pose a real threat
nisms (e.g., anti-virus), lack of software updates and security to user privacy through eavesdropping and traffic analysis [40].
patches, lack of access control measures, cross-device depen- 2) Threats to eHealth IoT Devices: Biomedical Sensor
dencies (e.g., a light sensor is triggered by a light bulb), Network (BSN) is a specialized case of WSN in which sen-
and lack of IoT-focused attack signatures, the conventional sors are used to monitor patients’ health and also facilitate
perimeter defense mechanism cannot protect the IoT devices chronic disease self-care [41]. BSN has dynamic network
from insider attacks and physical compromise by unauthorized topology due to mobile nodes, power constraints and low
employs/personnel. bandwidth IoT communication protocols. Therefore, BSN is
vulnerable to numerous attacks including DoS, eavesdropping,
masquerading, and un-authorized disclosure of personal health
C. Generalized Threats information. A successful attack can be life-threatening, and
It is estimated that with the rise in number of things con- can also cause loss of data, misuse of access, loss of per-
nected to IoT systems to swarming billions of devices by 2020, sonal information, manipulation of data and even in some
the potential vulnerabilities will also increase [22]. Hence, cases non-availability of critical health services.
the increase in vulnerabilities due to non-standardization of 3) Device Integrity: The deployment and successful opera-
IoT technologies may give rise to security incidents in IoT tion of IoT in critical infrastructure like smart grids, healthcare,
systems. Some of the most common security issues in IoT are intelligent traffic systems, smart vehicles and smart homes
highlighted in succeeding sections. is highly dependent on the reliability of devices and the
1) Security and Privacy Issues: During a security audit data transmitted between these devices [8]. However, IoT end
conducted by [39], numerous smart devices were checked for devices mostly operate in a trustless environment without

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any physical security. Hence, these devices are subject to jamming is the DoS attack specific to wireless communication.
physical attacks including invasive hardware attacks, side- A smart jamming attack can be launched against 3GPP (3rd
channel attacks, and reverse-engineering attacks [42]. In addi- Generation Partnership Project) specified mobile networks by
tion, cyber-attacks incorporating compromised IoT devices as using mobile botnets, in which control channels essential for
bots such as Mirai DDoS Attack, are a significant threat to the overall operation of the radio interface can be selectively
corporate IoT [43]. blocked. DoS attacks are even a threat to 5G networks.
4) Software/Code Integrity: Software integrity including Furthermore, the short-range wireless technologies like
the integrity of the operating system, applications, and config- Bluetooth and ZigBee are not suitable for applications that
urations of IoT devices, is a key element to guarantee security require long communication range with low bandwidth.
and privacy of the “Things”. Recently a practical manifesta- Although, cellular technology does provide long coverage for
tion of such an attack was experienced by the world, named M2M communication, but require more power [50]. Therefore,
“Mirai” [44]. This attack created a botnet by hacking into thou- since 2015, Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) tech-
sands of IoT devices including CCTV cameras and DVRs, by nology is considered to be a suitable technology for the
exploiting a firmware weakness and then directed these devices applications that require wide area coverage, low energy con-
to launch a DDoS attack on a DNS (Domain Name System) sumption, QoS (Quality of Service), low data transmission
service provider named DYN. rate, low latency and low costs [50], [51].
It is believed that the lack of anti-virus/malware detection Koushanfar et al. [52] also illustrate that communication
mechanism in IoT leads to attacks on the integrity of the protocols are subject to protocol attacks, including MITM and
code/software of an end device [8], [9]. The mobile appli- DoS attacks. A manifestation of one of the DoS attacks on the
cations are another source of malware in smart devices that wireless communication protocol 802.11b is presented in [53].
further corrupt the computer networks through infected emails, The author highlights the vulnerability in the exchange of dis-
documents, and direct connection. In 2016, approximately association message between the client and the station. It is
one million Google accounts were hacked due to an Android identified that the message is sent without any authentication.
malware called “Gooligan”. The malware propagated through Hence, it enables an attacker to initiate a disassociation mes-
eightysix seemingly legitimate applications [17]. Therefore, sage on behalf of other users to stop them from connecting
IoT devices need to be protected against malware attacks such to the network. Correspondingly, this DoS can result in a
as Trojans, viruses, and other runtime attacks [9]. severe availability issue in case of a CPS/IoT system [54].
5) Issues Concerning Communication Protocols: Further It can further be deduced that almost all the communication
challenges in security design of IoT/CPS arise from the fact protocols such as 802.15.4, ZigBee and LoRaWAN provide
that most of the current wireless communication protocols conventional cryptographic security assurances such as con-
adhere to the OSI layered protocol architecture and the phys- fidentiality, data integrity, data authenticity, replay protection
ical layer encryption is not complemented with additional and non-repudiation [24], [30]. However, the cryptographic
security mechanisms in the upper layers of the communica- security embedded in communication protocols is not meant
tion [45]. A Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack launched by to protect against node compromise and malware attacks.
spoofing the address resolution protocol (ARP) at MAC layer There is another upcoming communication technology,
is an example of such a security breach. Moreover, researchers being developed by IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networks
in [46] have identified that cross-layer and hybrid security (TSN) Task Group (TG) for applications requiring Ultra-
issues are open research challenges in wireless communica- Low Latency (ULL). TSN promises a secure end-to-end
tion. These issues can be easily extended toward IoT and network connection between a sender and receiver node
CPS. Same has been demonstrated through various security through a time-sensitive capable network [55]. Similarly, IETF
breaches such as maliciously gaining unauthorized access to (Internet Engineering Task Force) is also working on DetNet
a Mitsubishi vehicle through a brute-force hack of the pre- (Deterministic Networks) to interconnect the isolated OT
shared WiFi key, exfiltration of private/sensitive data from a (Operational Technology), i.e., CPS with IT networks [56].
computer through a covert FM channel [47], and hacking of However, such an interconnection will expose the CPS to var-
wireless controlled implantable medical device [48]. ious internal and external attacks. Moreover, being a work in
Similarly, cellular technologies such as UMTS, GSM, and progress, security aspects require due consideration to mit-
LTE also suffer from specific security issues [49]. Due to open igate the internal and external threats ranging from detNet
implementation of radio baseband stacks, the mobile networks flow modification to path manipulation and attacks on Time
have an added threat of hacking and cyber-attacks. Moreover, Synchronized Mechanisms.
GSM and UMTS networks are vulnerable to “IMSI Catching” Coming over to the core network communication media,
by an active attacker. In addition, there is a time delay in mostly OFC interconnects multiple corporate data centres or
setting security contexts while a UE (User Equipment) is an ISP with the Internet gateway. An optical fiber channel may
connected to the base station. Such a delay may prove fatal directly impact an IoT system, e.g., a smart home gateway
for delay-sensitive applications, e.g., autonomous cars, smart device is connected to an ISP through a Fiber-To-The-Home
medical instruments, etc. Mobile networks are also vulnera- (FTTH) connection in order to provide Internet-based remote
ble to DoS attacks launched by mobile bots [49]. The mobile access to various services to the owner of the house and same
bots may attack MME (Mobile Management Entity) and HSS connection can be used by the vendor for maintenance/remote
(Home Subscriber Server). Correspondingly, radio interface monitoring of the system. Optical channels are vulnerable to

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eavesdropping, jamming and attacks to the availability [57]. awareness, employees are vulnerable to social engineering,
An attacker can eavesdrop on classified/private data by tap- phishing, spear-phishing, and accidental security breaches.
ping into an optical fiber for unencrypted channels [58] or by Hence, they unwittingly download malicious codes by clicking
cracking the encryption keys that are isolated from the pay- infected links in the emails. In addition, sharing of sensitive
load and are transferred over the Network Management System data over public networks through mobile devices is another
(NMS) [59]. Whereas, jamming attacks can be launched by cause of security breaches. It is therefore estimated that with
introducing in-band and out-of-band cross-talk [60], and by the increase in smartphone users, almost one-third of the
exploiting vulnerabilities of the alien wavelengths [61]. Some mobile devices are at high risk of exposing official data [17].
other factors that may degrade an optical channel by launch-
ing signal insertion attacks include Mixed Line Rate (MLR)
networks, On-Off-Keying (OOK) amplitude modulation and D. Threats at Different Layers of IoT Architecture
Cross-Polarization Modulation (XPolM) [62]. Table-II shows a list of numerous threats at various layers of
6) Hardware Vulnerabilities: IoT devices are being com- IoT architecture and the vulnerabilities that can be exploited
mercially developed with more emphasis on device function- to convert such risks into successful attacks. Moreover, these
ality rather than security. Hence, security features are often attacks have also been classified based upon their impact on
added in an ad-hoc manner. Therefore, commercial IoT devices IoT node deployment and network architecture. As shown in
have residual hardware vulnerabilities such as open physi- Figure-3, the IoT attacks affect the geographical (geo) place-
cal interfaces and boot process susceptibilities which can be ment/location and level of physical security of IoT devices
remotely exploited [63]. Whereas, the reliable and safe opera- as per the sensitivity of data and the critical infrastruc-
tion of IoT systems depends on the integrity of the underlying ture. Similarly, selection of IoT communication protocol and
devices, in particular, the integrity of their code and data network topology is also derived by the threat environment
against malicious modifications [64]. and the requirement of requisite security measures. For exam-
7) DoS Attacks: Due to constraint resources such as low ple, if there is a threat of jamming of wireless channels by the
memory, low computation power and low battery consumption, attacker, the use of frequency hopping or a spread spectrum
IoT devices are vulnerable to resource exhaustion attacks [23]. technology would be an appropriate response. Similarly, the
These attacks include jamming of communication channels, decision on the network control by a single entity or a dis-
extensive unauthorized or malicious utilization of critical IoT tributed control, and other network security paradigms such
resources such as bandwidth, memory, CPU time, disk space as the need of network segmentation and network virtual-
and change of node configuration. All of these attacks will ization for better neutralization and mitigation of IoT attacks
most likely affect the operational functionality of IoT devices are also derived by the extent and types of IoT attacks. The
and non-availability of their services to the respective users. detailed description of these threats at different layers of IoT
8) DDoS Attacks: The analysis of past cyber incidents infer architecture is presented in the succeeding sections.
that the vulnerabilities of IoT devices make them an ideal 1) Physical/Perception Layer: Some of the significant
platform to launch DDoS attacks. It has also been disclosed threats at physical/perception layer include:
by [65] that 96 percent of the devices involved in DDoS attacks Eavesdropping on Wireless Communication: Attackers can
were IoT devices. Whereas, 3 percent were home routers and install devices similar to end nodes in an IoT system to sniff
1 percent were compromised Linux Servers. wireless traffic and extract some valuable information about
9) Security Challenges Specific to WSN: Chen et al. [66], users.
have classified threats unique to WSN in following cate- Loss of Power: A Battery drainage attack in which a node
gories: interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication is bombarded with a large no of legal requests thus preventing
attacks. Moreover, unauthorized insertion of malicious mes- it from going to sleep or energy saving mode.
sages in the network has also been highlighted by [29]. Hardware Failure: IoT devices installed in ehealth,
Jing et al. [26] point out that due to wireless communica- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), smart cities and smart
tion media, the process of information collection/sharing can grids can be termed as the lifeline to the users. Hardware fail-
be subjected to eavesdropping, malicious routing and message ure due to a manufacturing fault or as a result of a cyber-attack
tampering. may lead to substantial damage to the system and physical
10) Security Issues of RFID and Bluetooth Devices: Due impairment to the users [8].In such an endeavor, researchers
to lack of physical protection and wireless nature of RFID from security consultancy Rapid-7 [67] discovered that seven
communication, RFID tag data is vulnerable to confidentiality commercially available smart devices are vulnerable to cyber-
and integrity attacks [29]. Some other security issues include attacks. These devices include the Philips In.Sight wireless
lack of uniform coding, conflict collision, privacy protection, baby monitor, iBaby Monitor M3S/M6, Summer Infant Baby
and trust management between RFID tag and the reader and Zoom, TrendNet WiFi Baby Cam, Lens Peek-a-View and a
between the reader and the base station [26]. Similarly, the Gynoii device.
use of unpatched or old version Bluetooth devices can cause In some cases, attacks were as simple as guessing or switch-
connectivity to unauthorized/malicious devices thus exposing ing out sections of Web addresses/URLs. In the particular
private or security-critical data [29]. case of iBaby M6, it was possible to guess the serial num-
11) User Unawareness: Users are one of the most com- ber of the device, the camera type, and a user ID. These
mon attack vectors. Due to lack of security training and parameters were then used in the Web login URL to execute an

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authentication bypass access to the device. In a similar attack, whitelisting of IP addresses to control access to these URLs.
the researchers were able to initiate video and audio streams The researchers were also able to register a new user account
in a Philips camera. In general, there was no blacklisting or for the Summer Baby Zoom Camera by manipulating the

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Fig. 3. Classification of IoT Attacks based on their Impact on Deployment.

URL related to Summer Baby WiFi Monitor and Internet Identities simultaneously or one by one at different instances.
Viewing System without any disclosure/alarm to the legitimate A Sybil Attack may affect the outcome of a voting-based fault
users. tolerance system or a routing protocol.
Malicious Data Injection by Forged Devices: Any deter- Disclosure of Critical Information: A malicious attacker,
mined malicious attacker can introduce a forged device in say a smart thief continually monitors the wireless sensors
an IoT system to eavesdrop on the radio traffic, inject traffic of a smart house. Even if the wireless data is encrypted,
fabricated messages or flood the radio channels with fake the reduced data traffic may infer critical information to the
messages to render the system unavailable to the legitimate attacker that the house is empty. Therefore, he can plan a
users [68]. robbery.
Sybil Attack: In this attack, a malicious node may present Side-Channel Attacks: These attacks are based on side-
multiple identities by impersonating other nodes or by gen- channel information about the encryption device. Such infor-
erating new fake identities. In the worst case scenario, mation is other than the plaintext or ciphertext messages,
multiple identities may be generated using a single phys- i.e., data about processing time or power consumption of the
ical device [69]. The attacker may present all the Sybil device in encrypting/decrypting various messages and during

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vulnerable to timing attacks and re-flashing of external

memory [1]. For example, a weakness in Xbox 360 allowed
the system to be downgraded to a vulnerable kernel version
through a timing attack [73].
Node Cloning: Due to lack of standardization of IoT device
design, mostly the IoT devices such as sensor nodes and CCTV
cameras are developed without any hardware tamper-proofing.
Therefore, these devices can easily be forged and replicated
for unauthorized purposes. This phenomenon is also known
as node cloning [74]. It can happen in any of the two phases,
i.e., manufacturing phase, as well as during the operational
phase. In the former case, an internal attacker can substitute
an original device with a similar, pre-programmed thing for
unauthorized purposes. Whereas, during the operational phase,
a node can be captured and cloned. Node capture could fur-
ther lead to extraction of security parameters and firmware
replacement attacks.
Fig. 4. Home Automation Device Setup. Invasive/Semi-Invasive Intrusions: Semi-invasive and inva-
sive intrusions are a serious threat to smart devices, as trusted
boot sequence relies on trusted on-chip assets. Since long,
the computation of different security protocols like Diffie encryption/decryption keys and other sensitive information
Hellman (DH) key exchange and Digital Signature Standard stored on-chip is considered secure. However, today the inva-
(DSS) protocols [70]. sive methods can reveal valuable assets stored on the chip and
Device Compromise: In a practical manifestation of such may compromise any protocol utilizing the secret information.
an attack, researchers in [71] compromised a smart con- In such an endeavor [75], the researchers were able to extract
troller of a home automation system (device setup is shown the stored Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key from
in Figure-4) through an open UART interface. The complete the internal memory of Actel ProASIC3 FPGA, by launching
attack sequence is also shown in the Figure-5. Once the “Bumping Attacks”.
researchers gained access to the device, they were able to view Change of Configuration/Firmware-Version: Improper
the start-up sequence. They modified the boot parameters and implementation of encryption and hash functions threaten
gained low-level access to the device. They also brute forced the security of the underlying system. For example, even if
the root password and launched network layer attacks such a system is secured with robust authentication mechanism
as port scanning and network traffic analysis. In another vul- such as X.509 certificate-based TLS, unless the credentials
nerability assessment, the researchers were able to modify the are securely stored they can be subject to malicious attacks.
identity (ID) of a smart meter by compromising the device Researchers in [76] were able to downgrade the firmware
through a Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface. They re- of Sony Play Station-3 by exploiting weak cryptographic
enabled write access to an Electrically Erasable Programmable implementations.
Read-only Memory (EEPROM) that stored the device ID. As a Unauthorized Access to the Devices: Use of default pass-
result of such an attack, the spoofed device ID can be used to words by the users and hardcoded username and passwords by
feed wrong power consumption data to the smart meter reader. the manufacturers is a major security vulnerability nowadays.
Similarly, owing to the boot process vulnerabilities, the For instance, the iBaby M3S wireless monitor is shipped with
compromise of boot sequence not only facilitates the attack- a hardcoded username and a password of “admin”. Whereas,
ers in attacking other high-level layers but also in taking the hardcoded credentials can only be fixed by a firmware
control of the device. In an experimental setting in [72], update from the manufacturer [67]. Moreover, the channels
a similar attack was successfully executed on Google Nest that are left open by the manufacturers for debugging or
Learning Thermostat and Nike+ Fuelband SE fitness tracker. Over-the-air (OTA) firmware update, are not always secure.
The researchers exploited vulnerabilities in the boot process Similarly, the developers may leave some open Application
of the Nest Thermostat OS and also some weaknesses in Programming Interfaces (APIs) for accessing the devices at
the physical design. The devices were compromised despite a later time. In such an attack, the Summer Baby Zoom
the availability of default security features including WPA-2 WiFi camera that comes with hardcoded admin access, was
personal security on WiFi interface, TLS (Transport Layer compromised by the security researchers [77].
Security) 1.2 for transmission of any log related data, access 2) MAC/Adaptation/Network Layer: Numerous threats
to Nest Cloud using OAuth authentication tokens and use of affect security at MAC layer, such as unfairness, interroga-
PKCS-7 certificates to ensure authentication and integrity of tion, impersonation and Sybil attacks [78], [79]. Some of
update images. the DoS attacks at this level include collision attack, chan-
Timing Attacks and Hardware Exploitation: Debugging nel congestion attack [10], [80], battery exhaustion attack (by
ports (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART), increasing the frame counter value and spoofing of acknowl-
JTAG, etc.) left open by the manufacturers make the system edgement frames) [30], [81], exploitation of Carrier Sense

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Fig. 5. Attack Sequence of Compromising a Smart Home Controller Through an Open Interface.

Multiple Access (CSMA) by transmitting on multiple chan- Weak Application Security: Security of application/OS run-
nels [30], [80] and initiation of fake PANId conflicts. At ning on an IoT device is of utmost importance. Any weakness
Adaptation layer, there is a likelihood of a fragmentation attack in the authentication and authorization mechanism can result
on 6LoWPAN protocol [24], [82]. in brute force attack, dictionary attack, unwanted disclosure
Next, comes the Network Layer, at which most of the of information, elevation of privileges and data tampering.
attacks are anticipated because it not only connects multiple Moreover, the latest application security risks ranked by Open
private LANs to each other but also provides an interface to Web Application Security Project (OWASP) [89], pose a valid
the Internet. Significant threats to security and integrity of threat to IoT systems that rely on websites and applications
the system include MITM, eavesdropping [68], spoofing [10], to provide relevant services to their users. Some of these
message fabrication/modification/replay attacks [68], unau- application risks include:
thorized access to network, compromise of a device (done • Injection flaws that threaten SQL/noSQL Databases, OS
remotely using malware) [8], node replication [78] and inser- and LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), pose
tion of rogue devices [86]. Similarly, the threats to the an equal risk to IoT application and database servers.
availability of the network/services are; hello flood attack, In such an endeavor security researchers were able to
selective forwarding, Sybil attack, wormhole attack, blackhole exploit an SQL injection vulnerability in Belkin’ s smart
attack [10] and storage attacks [8]. DoS Attacks can also be home products [90]. This vulnerability allows an attacker
launched by sending fake/false messages to a node, server [41] to inject malicious code into the paired Android WeMo
or a gateway device [88]. smartphone app, and take root control of the connected
3) Application Layer: Security is never a preference for the home automation device. As shown in Figure-6, the
application developers rather they focus more on efficiency sequence of attack is illustrated in 5 steps, i.e., from a to e.
and service delivery. As a result, the applications can eas- In that, firstly, the attacker discovers an SQL injection
ily be compromised, and their services can be denied to the vulnerability in the Belkin WeMo Android app. He also
legitimate users. Major threats to the application layer are: discovers that there is no authentication and encryption
Malicious Code: Malicious codes spreading over the used for communication with the Belkin device. Hence,
Internet or targeted malware can easily compromise anyone can send a malicious SQLite file to the device.
the connected IoT devices by exploiting their unique He does the same and resultantly gets root level access to
vulnerabilities, e.g., lack of application security and the Belkin device. Once inside, the attacker can launch a
weaknesses in authentication and authorization mech- DDoS attack or can cause the IoT devices to malfunction.
anism. The infected devices can be used as bots to For example, The lamp is kept on for a long time irre-
launch further attacks on other end devices/network spective of the rules defined by the user. It is imperative to
applications [8]. mention here that once an attacker gains root level access
Software Modification: An attacker can compromise an to the device; he can even kill the firmware update pro-
IoT device physically or by remote access and then mod- cess initiated remotely by the vendor. Hence, the device
ify the software or firmware to perform an unauthorized can be kept in the compromised state for as long as
action [9]. The exploitation can be done via binary patching, desired by the attacker or until the device is updated
code substitution or code extension. on site.

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Fig. 6. Attacking a Belkin WeMo Switch by Exploiting an SQL Injection Vulnerability.

• Incorrect implementation of authentication in applica- masquerade as a legitimate user later. The threat scenario
tions vis-a-vis session management allow attackers to is shown in Figure-7.
steal IDs of other users and compromise passwords, keys, • Broken access control is due to lack of restrictions on
and session tokens. The inability of a user to change authenticated users. Same can be exploited in an IoT
the default username and password to access a new system by attackers to access unauthorized functionality
device or application is an example of this weakness. or data. Such as change of health monitor’s thresholds
This aspect is critical for IoT systems based on smart for generating an alarm/notification.
devices, such as smart city, smart home, smart vehicles • Security misconfiguration is one of the most common
and wearable health monitors. An example of such a weaknesses. It implies insecure default configurations,
vulnerable device is The Withings Smart Baby Monitor open cloud storage, misconfigured HTTP headers, and
that allows the users to monitor their babies remotely overblown error messages that may contain sensitive
via a mobile app. However, the video stream sent from information. An IoT device is insecure without secure
the baby monitor to the WiFi Router is in plain-text. configuration and timely upgradation of its OS and
Hence researchers in [25] were able to hijack the ses- applications.
sion using ARP poisoning and gain access to the camera • XSS (Cross Site Scripting) is a very prominent threat
feed. to Web-based applications, and IoT is not an exception.
• Sensitive data exposure due to insecure Web applications Correspondingly, security researchers were able to exploit
and APIs pose a threat to the confidentiality and pri- a XSS vulnerability in Belkin’s smart home products [90].
vacy of user data collected or processed by IoT devices Such a vulnerability allows an attacker to run an arbitrary
such as smartphones, wearable health monitors and smart JavaScript code in the victim’s browser [91]. It can further
watches. An example of such a vulnerability is the Philips lead to hacking into the phone and theft of private data.
Hue Smart Bulb [25]. It enables the user to control 4) Semantics Layer: The creation of semantics Web has
the lighting system through a mobile app wirelessly. transformed the Web from human-readable form to machine
However, the data exchange via HTTP between the app processable form. The machine processing has no doubt aug-
and the Ethernet-enabled bridge that forwards the com- mented the human reasoning, interpreting and decision-making
mands to the smart bulb is in plain text. Hence, any abilities based on automated Big Data analytics. However,
MITM attacker or eavesdropper can sniff the communi- extraction of intelligence or application specific information
cation between the user and the smart bulb and ascertain from Big Data has its security and privacy issues. For exam-
personal habits of the user. Moreover, attacker can also ple, unauthorized disclosure of personal information stored on
extract the list of authorized users from the bridge and can social media or sensitive health-related data may compromise

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Fig. 7. Threats to Philips Hue Connected Bulb.

privacy of a user. Currently, the tools being used to store and Security). TLS provides communication secrecy (using
compute big data, such as HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File symmetric key encryption), server authentication (using
System) and Google’s MapReduce framework are considered Public Key and Domain Controllers) and message integrity
inadequate to protect sensitive data [92]. using MAC. Now here a question arises that what if
the data is encrypted by the things before it is sent to
the cloud? This encryption by things will have following
E. Security and Privacy Challenges to Cloud-Supported IoT impacts:
The vision of future IoT is a large-scale integration of vari- • The cloud provider will not have access to legible data.
ous technologies, i.e., sensors, actuators, personal devices such • The data cannot be shared publicly.
as smartphones, location services, applications, servers, etc. • The security is to be managed by the things including
The data originating from a multitude of devices will be avail- complexities of key management, especially, once the old
able for open sharing across a range of applications, servers, keys are revoked, and new keys have to be generated and
and users. This public sharing is currently achieved with the issued.
cloud technologies. Over the period cloud computing [93] has • It will affect scalability and restrict data aggregation and
evolved to process, analyze and store Big Data. Though, cloud analytics to be performed by the cloud provider.
services offer benefits in terms of resource management, scal- • Cloud provider is restricted to provide only storage/IaaS
ability [11], [94], cost effectiveness and shifting of business (Infrastructure as a Service).
risks including hardware failures to the infrastructure providers 2) Handling of Heterogeneous Data: IoT applications deal
that have better risk management capabilities [95]. However, with large amount of widely distributed data gathered from
mostly the IoT systems are developed for a particular applica- sub-systems based on multitude devices like WSN, RFID,
tion in mind. Therefore, the security aspects are also limited smartphones, GPS, etc. Such diversified data may exist in
to that particular application with very less or no considera- different formats, hence, demanding appropriate data fusion
tion for security while data is in the cloud and being shared before the cloud can analyze it. However, integration and
openly across a range of devices. If the legacy IoT systems are fusion of such a heterogeneous data may create privacy-related
connected with the cloud for extended data sharing, i.e., hori- issues [68].
zontally between things or various applications via the cloud, 3) User Anonymity Vis-a-Vis ID Management: In a cloud-
the IoT sub-systems usually consider and adopt security mea- supported IoT, drawing a balance between user anonymity and
sures within their sub-networks. However, once the data leaves ID management for authentication, authorization, and audit
the sub-group and enter the cloud for wide/open sharing, then is a big challenge. For example, in eHealth applications, the
numerous issues of security and data privacy emerge. In addi- health-related data of patients is provided to various organi-
tion to data confidentiality there are other issues in cloud zations for data analytics and development of future policies
computing concerning trust mechanism between the service on health issues. Importance of such a use of patient data for
provider and cloud infrastructure provider at various layers of improving health care cannot be denied. However, it always
cloud architecture [95]. raises security and privacy concerns for the patients. Hence,
1) Security of Data: The cloud usually provides secure various user anonymity techniques are being practised to dis-
communication using TLS/DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer associate the ID of the patients from the health data. But at

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the same time, to ensure the security of the cloud-based health F. Security and Privacy Issues in Fog Computing for IoT
services, user authentication is equally essential for restricting Cloud security is an important factor that has adversely
network access to the legitimate users only. affected the development of cloud computing. Cloud’s cen-
4) In-Cloud Data Sharing: The vision of future IoT is tralized data storage and computing framework present a
extensive sharing of data across a range of devices and applica- single point of failure and a concentrated target to the
tions, which can only be achieved with a policy on protection attackers. Hence, to reduce the visibility of end nodes to
and sharing. Otherwise, if things’ data is stored on the cloud the external attackers, fog computing enables the data to
and isolated from other devices [94], the data processing incor- be transiently maintained and analyzed on local fog nodes
porating multiple streams may not be possible, and it may thereby, also reducing the processing load, overcoming the
also affect the efficient data analytic services by the cloud bandwidth constraints and minimizing the latency for time-
provider. Furthermore, it is estimated that at least one-fifth of sensitive applications in IoT [100], [101]. Fog computing
the documents uploaded to file-sharing services contains sen- does compliment the cloud by reducing the latency in data
sitive information and 82% of cloud service providers ensure provisioning [102], however, as it is deployed by differ-
data security during transmission. However, only 10% encrypt ent fog service providers that may not be entirely trusted
data, once it is stored in the cloud [17]. the devices are vulnerable to be compromised. Fog nodes
5) Large-Scale Log Management: In a cloud-supported IoT, have distinctive features, such as decentralized infrastructure,
there would be a huge number of heterogeneous devices such mobility support, location awareness, and low latency [103],
as sensors, smartphones, smart controllers, etc. Therefore, log- which make them vulnerable to various security and pri-
ging and audit of the network may be challenging. Few of vacy threats [104], [105]. These threats include identity and
these challenges may include: What does the cloud provider data forgery, eavesdropping, MITM attacks, DoS attacks, data
must record? If the log is decentralized then there would be and device tampering, Sybil attack and user privacy leak-
variations in what is recorded on different systems, and resul- age (identity and location information, social habits, personal
tantly there would be different interpretations of the logged details, etc.).
data [96]. Moreover, insufficient logging and monitoring, cou- Although all the threats discussed in preceding sections
pled with missing or ineffective integration with incident require due attention. However, the primary objective of this
response, may result in implausible auditing and account- paper is to get the attention of security researchers to one of
ability thus allowing attackers to launch further attacks on the most realistic and currently practiced issue of code mod-
the systems. Hence, no doubt most breach studies show that ification and malware attacks. Which, if left unattended will
time to detect a breach is over 200 days which is typically prove detrimental to the security of future autonomous IoT
detected by external parties rather than internal processes or systems.
monitoring [89]. Correspondingly, Bruce Schneier, Chief Technology Officer
6) Vulnerability to DoS Attacks: Cloud providers usu- (CTO) at IBM Resilient states that IoT devices being
ally implement requisite controls to protect against various connected to the Internet are vulnerable to ransomware
cyber-attacks. These checks include vulnerability mitigation attacks [106]. Recently, in a practical demonstration of
by updating the OS, secure computing using TPM (Trusted such an attack, white hat hackers have developed a first
Platform Module) to protect against malware/code modifica- of its kind ransomware that compromises a smart thermo-
tion attacks, etc. Even if an attack is successful, the isolation stat and then demands a ransom to unlock it [107]. Such
mechanisms contain the effects. However, an IoT Cloud a demonstration has shown the possibility of remote code
is vulnerable to a DoS attack launched from compromised execution on smart devices that can ultimately compromise
things. Moreover, cloud services are usually designed to scale the complete network, e.g., smart home, smart grid, ICS,
up/down resources in response to increasing demand but are smart city. It is, therefore, imperative to understand the
still vulnerable to DoS attacks [97]. malware attack and its methodology, to prepare a strong
7) The Threat of Malicious Things: The cloud being defense.
resourceful and the coordinator between things can augment
the security of cloud-based IoT systems. It can detect a mali-
cious thing/node during the validation process. The cloud III. M ALWARE T HREAT
can also offer a protective security measure by triggering The history of computer viruses goes back to 1981 when
software/firmware updates where deemed necessary and resul- the first “In the Wild” computer virus named Elk Cloner
tantly sending control messages to the things to revoke them targeted Apple-II systems [108]. Moreover, since the commer-
from the network or turn them off. However, there are some cialization of the Internet in the early nineties, there has been
challenges involved in determining/detecting the malicious a considerable rise in cyber-attacks around the world. This
nodes in a system [98]. These problems may include: What number has drastically increased since the start of the twenty-
method be used to identify or detect a malicious node? When first century. Same can be observed in Table-III that shows
to initiate the node attestation procedure? If the attestation is the trend in different types of malware over past thirty-seven
based on software/code verification, then will it be a challenge- years [99], [109], [110]. IoT devices being connected to the
response protocol or a one-way attestation scheme? Finally, is Internet are equally vulnerable to malware attacks. Hence, it
software-based attestation scheme effective? or there is a need is essential to analyze the functioning and attack methodology
for a hardware-based attestation protocol. of some of the significant malware.

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A. Anatomy of Malware 2) WannaCry: A typical ransomware also known as, Wanna

Different types of malware are developed to achieve diverse Decryptor, WannaCrypt, WanaCrypt0r and WCry [134] was
objectives. Some are research-oriented, and some are released detected in May 2017. By then it had affected 230000
into the wild to attain malicious aims set by the attackers. systems including health, telecommunications, transportation,
The malware roaming in the wild can further be categorized shipping and energy sectors in 150 countries. It propagated
as targeted and general threats. Before we go further, it is over the Internet and exploited SMB (Server Message
imperative to clear the difference between a threat and an Block vulnerability) (MS17-010) in Microsoft Windows
attack. In information security domain, a threat can be defined 7, 8, 10 and XP systems. It is assumed that it probably
as a constant danger that has the potential to cause harm to spread through phishing emails or malicious websites [135].
an information system, such as malware, application miscon- Once inside the target system, it would encrypt selected
figuration, and humans. Whereas, an attack is the successful file types before deleting the original files. The malware
execution of a malicious act by exploiting vulnerabilities in also changed the Windows wallpaper and displayed a
an information system. Therefore, in this section, an attack message bearing instructions on how to make the payment
methodology of some of the successful malware attacks is in Bitcoins to get the files decrypted. The worm had a
explained. Although a plentiful of malware attacks such as killer switch in itself as it looked for a non-existent domain
NotPetya [111], DuQu-2 [112]–[115], Cryptlocker [19], ( to
Shamoon-1 [116], [117], Shamoon-2 [118], [119], continue exploitation. However, a security expert found out
Flame/SKyWIper [120]–[123], Gauss [122], [124], [125], this weakness and created the respective domain thus slowing
Icefog [126], Dragonfly-Group/Energetic Bear [127], [128], down the propagation of the malware [136].
Red October [129]–[131], and Night Dragon [120], [132] have Moreover, security researchers in [137], have identified that
been analyzed to derive the attack methodology (discussed in the ICS is of primary concern in the backdrop of malware,
Section III-B). A perceived attack sequence of a cyber-attack especially ransomware attacks. It is because most of the ICS
based on a malware is shown in Figure-8. However, detail of are always in an operational state, hence, it is difficult to
some of the significant malware attacks targeting IoT systems patch them. Additionally, the ICS software and protocols rely
including ICS, CPS, smart devices, and critical infrastructure on NetBIOS and SMB for operation in a distributed com-
is mentioned here. The attack methodology amply covers the puting environment. Therefore, malware exploiting SMB and
attack description, vulnerabilities exploited, attack vectors, NetBIOS vulnerabilities can cause an adverse effect on these
propagation mechanism, and effects incurred by respective systems.
malware. 3) Cryptlocker: Researchers discovered four million sam-
1) Xafecopy Trojan: A Trojan from Ubsod family (Blue ples of this ransomware in 2015. Cryptlocker encrypted files
Screen of Death) was identified in Sep 2017 by Kaspersky on the target system thus restricting access of legitimate users
Labs as Trojan-Clicker-AndroidOS.Xafekopy [133]. Xafecopy to their data. The objective was to get ransom in return for
trojan mostly disguised as a battery optimizer app targeted decrypting the data [19]. The attackers used Angler Exploit Kit
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) based Android devices. to find the vulnerabilities that were exploited by the malware.
The malicious app subscribes the victim user’s MSISDN The malicious software is embedded in a pdf document and
(Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number) propagates as an email attachment through Gameover Zeus
for numerous services on various websites with WAP billing Botnet using encrypted peer-to-peer communication named
system that charges directly to the user’s mobile bill. This tro- Kademlia [138]. It is installed in the user profile folder
jan is also capable of bypassing the CAPTCHA (Completely %APPDATA% or %TEMP%. The vulnerable systems and
Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans applications include Windows, MAC, Linux, Internet explorer
Apart) systems. A modified version of Xafecopy can also send and Adobe Flash. Cryptlocker kept its files encrypted which
SMS from the user’s phone to some premium-rate phone num- made it difficult for ordinary users to identify the malicious
bers. They can also delete incoming SMS from the mobile files. Moreover, to avoid forensics, the malware clears itself
network provider, and hide notifications about balance deduc- from the target computer after putting up ransom demand. It
tion by checking for words like “subscription” in the incoming is estimated that Cryptlocker inferred a loss of over USD 1
messages. It is also capable of switching a user from WiFi Billion in 2016. The gravity of such an attack can be ascer-
connection to mobile data. tained from an incident in Austria [139], where an electronic

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Fig. 8. Malware Attack.

lock system installed in a hotel was attacked, and guests were flash drive. Stuxnet exploited four zero-day vulnerabilities
locked out of their rooms. The hotel management had to pay in Windows-based systems to gain an initial foothold. The
1500 Euros as a ransom to get the system unlocked by the malware consisted of multiple modules including Windows
attackers. and PLC rootkits, anti-virus evasion techniques, complexed
4) Mirai: An Internet based DDoS attack [44] launched process injection and hooking code, network infection rou-
against a computer security journalist Brian Krebs’s security tines, peer-to-peer updates and a CCS interface [143]. Stuxnet
website through IoT Botnets created out of DVRs (Digital specifically targeted PCs running WinCC/PCS-7 control soft-
Video Recorders) and CCTV cameras. The IoT Botnets ware used for programming the PLCs [144]. It could act as
directed 620 Gbps traffic towards the website. The attackers a MITM attacker and mask the malicious code execution by
exploited the default username and passwords hardwired on replaying 21 seconds of legitimate process input signals. It had
the DVRs and CCTV Cameras to gain access to these devices the capability of self-propagation by exploiting print spooler
by launching a dictionary attack involving sixty-two default and LNK vulnerability (CVE-2015-0096) in Windows. It com-
usernames and passwords for various account types, such prised rootkits which could hide its presence and was also
as root, admin, guest, and service. Same malware was also equipped with stolen digital certificates to appear legitimate.
involved in an attack on a French Cloud Computing Company The payload altered the frequency converter drives’ (from spe-
“OVH” [140] and an attack on a DNS provider Dyn in October cific vendors Fararo Paya from Iran and Vacon from Finland)
2016. The attack on Dyn affected services of some of the sig- speed to cause physical damage to over 900 centrifuges [145].
nificant technology, eCommerce and Web giants in the world Microsoft released a security update MS10-061 to fix print
such as Amazon, Airbnb, PayPal, Visa, Twitter, HBO, CNN, spooler and MS-15-018 for Windows shell vulnerability.
and BBC.
5) Havex: Also known as “Backdoor: W32” and
“Havex.A”, is an ICS focused Remote Access Trojan B. Attack Methodology
(RAT), created with an objective of spying on the infected It can be deduced from different characteristics of malware
hosts/servers. It targeted websites of three ICS vendors. It discussed in the previous section that in the last decade or
also has the potential to cause a DoS Attack on OPC (Open so, malware attacks have not only affected the IT infrastruc-
Platform Communications) based applications [141]. Attackers ture but have caused physical damage to ICS as well. Hence,
used three attack vectors to entice the victims to install the keeping in view the operating mechanism and functionalities
software on their systems including spam emails, exploit kits of the malware, we have formulated an attack methodology
and use of watering hole attacks, i.e., software installers on (shown in Figure-9). It illustrates all possible steps taken by
prominent vendors’ sites were infected with RAT thus any the attackers in various phases to attack an IoT system.
user downloading the software or an update would automati- 1) Preparatory Phase: In this phase, attackers carry out
cally download and install the Trojan. The malware exploited reconnaissance and collect information about the potential
the vulnerabilities in vendors’ websites to Trojanize the soft- target. The information can be obtained through social engi-
ware installer. The Trojanized installer comprised a malicious neering, corporate websites and by using various penetration
file named “mbcheck.dll”, which was the actual malware. This testing toolkits such as Metasploit, Wireshark, Nmap, Social
file was dropped and executed as the part of a standard instal- Engineering Toolkit, Kali Linux, and Nessus. The penetration
lation. RAT would then communicate with a Command and testing is done to find the weaknesses in the target system. The
Control Server (CCS) and download numerous plugins for testing can be performed on networks, websites, and servers.
further attacks. Various versions of RAT plugins had differ- Based on this information, attackers plan their attack vectors
ent tasks like enumerating LAN and listing down connected and develop the malware.
resources and servers using OPC [142]. 2) Initial Exploitation and Infiltration Phase: After gain-
6) Stuxnet: A targeted computer worm designed to sabo- ing information about the potential target, the attackers decide
tage CPS installed in Iranian Nuclear Enrichment Facility was on the type of exploit, its functionalities, and the attack vec-
discovered in 2010. It was delivered through an infected USB tors to deliver the exploits to the target systems. In most of

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Fig. 9. Methodology of a Malware Attack Targeting IoT/ICS.

the organizations, not only administrative staff but even the current breed of RATs uses SQL Lite Database, that archives
technical staff is not sound on information security issues. the data in a compressed format. The stolen data is usually
Therefore, attackers utilize this weakness and resort to phish- encrypted before being sent to the CCS. The data may be
ing, spear phishing, watering hole attack and use of infected delivered directly to the CCS or through bots to increase com-
USB flash drives to gain an initial foothold in the target plexities for later forensics. Some of the most notorious RATs
systems. There are some other exploitation methods as well, currently in use are; Sakula, Sub7, KjW0rm, Havex (ICS spe-
such as XSS, buffer overflow, SQL injection, brute force and cific), ComRAT (can target ICS), Heseber BOT, Dark Comet,
dictionary attacks for password recovery and use of hacking and Shark.
toolkits. 4) Propagation Phase: The common attribute in both,
3) Execution Phase: After intruding into the target system, “Targeted” and “In the Wild” malware is the capability to
the attackers can steal information or perform a malicious reproduce or to move from the infected system to a new
action either by remote access or through a sophisticated mal- host. Because of this functionality, the malicious software
ware that installs a Trojan on the host system. The malware can is also termed as self-propagating malware. These malicious
be installed by exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities for which no programs exploit security vulnerabilities at various levels,
security update is available, or by attaining root/admin privi- i.e., application layer, network layer and Web servers to
leges. Most of the latest malware versions keep their files in infect systems and then scan the Internet/LAN for more
an encrypted format to avoid detection by anti-virus or any vulnerable systems. Such weaknesses include print spooler,
other security mechanism. As soon as, the malware identifies LNK/Windows-shell vulnerability, network shares and USB
the target system based on the particular file system, filename memory sticks. The installation of RAT also facilitates attacker
keywords, pathname or some other attributes, the payload is controlled propagation in the victim network.
decrypted and executed. 5) Hideout and Clean-Up Phase: Malware use multiple
In many cases, the payload installs a RAT, which then com- techniques to keep themselves invisible, while operating on a
municates with a CCS and downloads additional components victim system. Usually, they keep their files and folders hidden
of the payload or other toolkits/exploits. Some of the functions or keep them encrypted. The encrypted files are decrypted once
a RAT performs include intelligence gathering on network the malware reaches the target system or at the time of execu-
adapters, files and folders, services in operation, and con- tion. Malware, such as rootkits remain invisible by faking the
nected devices. In addition to espionage, a RAT can enable output of API calls through hooking techniques. The hooking
an attacker to perform any function on the host system from can be achieved by intercepting function calls, altering import
the escalation of privileges to physical damage to the hard- tables of executables and use of a wrapper library. Two most
ware. The RAT is also capable of archiving the stolen data common methods of hooking being implemented by malware
files, VOIP recordings, key logs and financial information. The are Import Address Table (IAT) Hooks and Inline API Hooks.

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Fig. 10. IoT Botnet.

The rootkits also resort to Direct Kernel Object Manipulation used to launch DDoS attacks. The chronology of this DDoS
(DKOM) technique that hides its processes, drivers, files, and attack is shown in Figure-11.
intermediate connections from object manager/task manager. In the preparatory phase, the attacker carries out the recon-
For clandestine operation, these sophisticated malware are also naissance and find out specific vulnerabilities in IoT devices.
capable of making hidden registry entries to allow execution The vulnerabilities may include, open hardware ports (UART,
of malicious code at system startup. To remain undetected JTAG, etc.), weaknesses in the software/OS of the device,
from anti-virus, the malicious software are designed to be weak security implementation, i.e., hardcoded login creden-
metamorphic, i.e., to re-write their code after each execu- tials, weaknesses in the Web interface or APIs, and last but
tion. In addition, to avoid forensics and reverse engineering, not the least open telnet ports. After gaining information about
the malware can delete their payload and files at a given IoT device’ s vulnerabilities, the attacker plans to get an ini-
time or attacker controlled instances. They are also capable tial foothold into the vulnerable devices by selecting/preparing
of removing log data to wipe-off their footprints. appropriate exploits. In this case, the exploit can be in the form
of malware, that establishes a telnet connection with the vic-
tim device and logs into the device by using brute-force or
IV. G AP A NALYSIS AND S ECURITY F RAMEWORK dictionary attack to find out the requisite username and pass-
An exponential increase in the number of IoT devices is word out of the list of probable default credentials that could
expected in next four years. However, due to lack of secure be used by that specific device manufacturer.
architecture and weak security mechanism in commercial IoT In the execution phase, the infected IoT device downloads
devices, these will continue to be a lucrative target for the additional malware payload from the MD. The malware scans
attackers. Keeping in view the latest trends in malware-based the infected IoT device for other malicious codes, if found,
cyber-attacks, there is a high probability that IoT devices may they are deleted, and victim device is reconfigured to be a
be used to create a botnet army to launch various other attacks part of the IoT botnet. The IoT bot is then used to launch
such as DDoS and distribution of ransomware/spyware. Based specific attacks such as the DDoS attack on targeted websites
on malware attack methodology described in Section II, we or servers. During their lifetime, IoT bots communicate regu-
have deduced an attack methodology of a DDoS attack on larly with the CCS and receive instructions for further attacks.
IoT devices, which turns the victim devices into bots. One of The infected IoT devices also scan the Internet or the internal
the probable architecture of a botnet controlled by an attacker network for vulnerable devices and send the scan results to
is shown in Figure-10. A typical IoT botnet [146] comprises the Reporting Server. In case of the Internet, list of vulnerable
a CCS that controls the bots, a Reporting Server that com- devices can be found using specialized search engines such
piles the data about vulnerable IoT devices and forwards it as and The Reporting Server
to the Loader module. The Loader gains an initial foothold forwards the list of vulnerable devices to the Loader module,
into the victim devices by exploiting the weaknesses such as which logs into the vulnerable IoT devices and then instructs
hardcoded default login credentials. Once the Loader logs into them to download additional malware/payload. Usually, the
the victim device, it instructs the victim device to contact the additional payload is downloaded using wget command. The
Malware Distributor (MD), a server in the botnet, to download malware can remain dormant to hide its presence and per-
additional malware payload. The infected IoT devices such as forms the DDoS attack only when commanded by the attacker
CCTV cameras, DVR, smart meters or sensing nodes are then through CCS.

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Fig. 11. DDoS Attack on IoT.

Fig. 12. IoT Security Against DDoS Attack.

Based on the above mentioned DDoS attack, which is just alone, cannot protect against malware/code-modification
one of the numerous threats /attacks facing IoT, it is evi- attacks [24], [30].
dent that current IoT security standards and protocols being Hence, this paper proposes a security mechanism (shown
implemented by the IoT device manufacturers fail to pro- in Figure-12) against IoT botnet malware, comprising preven-
tect against modern era’ s sophisticated malware attacks. tive, detective, responsive and corrective measures. In addition
Although existing IoT communication protocols including to the security measures, the proposed security model also
CoAP, RPL, 6LoWPAN and 802.15.4 do provide commu- illustrates the impact on an attacker’ s methodology of attack
nication security at various layers of the IoT protocol stack based on various phases, as shown in Figure-11. However, in
(shown in Table-IV). However, the communication protocols a realistic world keeping in view the plethora of IoT devices’

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Fig. 13. Guidelines for IoT Security Framework.

vulnerabilities and related threats as discussed in Section II, deployed by some of the technical giants of the world such as
the proposed security mechanism as shown in Figure-12 is IBM (IBM Watson IoT), Cisco, AT&T (American Telephone
insufficient. Therefore, security of IoT ecosystem requires to & Telegraph), and TCG (Trusted Computing Group). A graph-
be dynamic, innovative and wholesome so that it is always ical illustration of these guidelines is shown in Figure-13 and
one step ahead of the adversaries. A comprehensive security Figure-14. Table-V also glances over the security measures
mechanism means proactive approach towards the security of and their respective impact/protection against threats. These
devices, data, applications, networks, and users. Hence, there is security measures are discussed in details in the succeeding
a need for concise and practical guidelines for the development sections.
of a dynamic IoT security framework that can detect con- 1) Risk Assessment and Threat Modelling: The first step
temporary threats, predict future security events and respond in the development of a security policy for any organiza-
swiftly to mitigate the risks and take remedial actions. tion is carrying out the risk assessment for all processes,
equipment (hardware & software both), stakeholders and
information assets at each layer of IoT architecture. For
A. Guidelines for IoT Security Framework example, starting from the manufacturing, transportation,
To prepare a composite set of guidelines for edifying IoT installation and commissioning stage to the operation and
security, we have reviewed the best practices currently being management of the IoT system. The primary objective of

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Guidelines for IoT Security Framework - Preventive Measures.

Fig. 14.

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this assessment is to identify what all security incidents enforce risk management as an integral part of the overall
can happen in the organization, and subsequently initiat- controls.
ing the risk treatment process to minimize the damage of ISO-27001 [149], an international standard for Information
such events. Almost all the information security standards Security Management System (ISMS) outlines seven steps to

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an effective risk assessment. The first step is about How the the impact of risk on confidentiality, integrity, and availability
organization is going to define its risk methodology? The of information and the method of calculating the effects of
methodology includes risk ownership, means of measuring the identified risks. The second step involves determining all

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possible information assets, failure of which can cause some leverage to change the security settings as per their require-
loss to the organization. The third step focuses on identifi- ments [17], [152]. In addition, due consideration should be
cation of threats and the potential vulnerabilities that can be given to the following points:
exploited. In the fourth step, organizations are required to map • The trusted environment for secure computing.
risk impacts against the likelihood of their occurrences. The • Security of all open/debugging ports.
fifth step is the most important, as it involves the implemen- • The integrity of the firmware/code.
tation of measures to avoid, mitigate, transfer or accept the • Access control based on multi-factor authentication.
risks. Sixth and seventh step includes preparation of risk treat- Device Security: Allocation of a unique device identifier
ment plan and continuous monitoring of the ISMS for any to each IoT device and its continuous validation is essential
dynamic changes to the overall security plan. National Institute to ensure platform integrity and controlled access to system
of Standards and Technology (NIST) have also issued a spe- resources [153]. The devices should prove their unique ID
cial publication 800-30 [150] as a guide to conduct a risk to set up secure communication with their respective neigh-
assessment for the security of information systems. Any such bors. The neighbor can be a node, a gateway device or an
standard can be followed until there are some IoT specific application server. The security of device ID against spoofing
standards on board. attacks is critical for sensitive organizations. Moreover, cur-
2) Defense-in-Depth: Due to increase in sophistication rently, device ID is required for most of the network security
and complexity of cyber-attacks, no IT infrastructure can protocols such as IPSec, TLS, and SSH. Similarly, there should
be termed “Safe”. No security measure claims to prevent be some mechanism for safe storage of keys, passwords, cer-
100% attacks. Therefore, the “Defense-in-Depth” mechanism tificates and other security critical information on the device,
requires substantial preventive, detective, responsive and cor- that cannot be tampered by the adversary [43].
rective actions. However, at the same time, implementation To solve the problem of secure device ID, TCG proposes the
and practice of security measures should not be so complicated use of TPM-based keys as device IDs, which complies with
that users avoid and go around them. Hence, a comprehensive IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks and
defense mechanism should be planned based upon risk pro- Secure Device Identity (802.1AR) [154], [155]. The TPM pro-
files of the information assets of the organization. Cisco has vides enhanced security for device identifiers by protecting
issued a straightforward and handy defense-in-depth strategy these keys in the hardware. Therefore, these keys are protected
checklist [151] that can help in evaluating the overall security against unauthorized disclosure during malware and hardware
framework of an organization. Moreover, the defense-in-depth tampering attacks. Another advantage of this technology is
approach requires the organizations to take all possible preven- that being based on TPM, the cryptographic ID is bounded to
tive, detective, reactive and corrective measures. All of these the particular device [155], which makes it almost impossi-
steps are discussed in detail in subsequent sections. ble for an attacker to spoof that particular ID using different
3) Preventive Measures: hardware. However, it is a general opinion that use of crypto-
Security by Design: The architects of the IoT systems graphic identifiers results in privacy issues. Therefore, to avoid
should consider the non-zero likelihood of device compro- long-term user keys/IDs that may lead to unwanted tracking,
mises while developing security protocols. Therefore, security TCG proposes the use of TPM-based attestation identity keys
should be enabled by design and users should have the or direct anonymous attestation.

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There is also a requirement of device registration so that availability of data. To ensure security of data, organizations
devices can be added or removed as and when required must classify their data as per its sensitivity and then grant
and only authorized devices are included in the network. access to users according to their authorization to access
The device registration may encompass maximum informa- respective class of data [17]. Moreover, in the current era of
tion about the device such as device ID, its role/capabilities, IoT, the privacy of data must not be ignored such that per-
type, level of security/authorization as per sensitivity of data, sonal information should not be disclosed publicly or to an
public key, software/firmware version and authorized period entity not authorized to view. In the age of data-driven business
of activation. One of the possibilities to ensure a transpar- development policies, security of PII (Personally Identifiable
ent and immutable device registry is the use of Blockchain Information) in medical and financial records require due con-
technology [43]. sideration. IoT business owners or cloud service providers
IoT devices often operate in an untrusted environment should continuously weigh the utility of user data they are
without any physical protection such as traffic light sensors, maintaining against the risk of holding it. Whenever the said
environmental sensors, agriculture sensors, smart city sen- ratio gets out of proportion, i.e., the risk of keeping large
sors and a lot more. Therefore, the end devices in an IoT privacy-sensitive user data is more than its further utility; the
system should be environmentally rugged and tamper-proof companies should delete old data. Authors in [156] state that in
to protect against any malicious forging and access to device case of corporate sector data theft, the unauthorized disclosure
hardware. However, in case an adversary tries to tamper the of intellectual property may create conflicts in the ownership
device hardware physically, it should fail safely [156]. Such of such data. To ensure the security of private data, researchers
that upon detection of any tampering attempt, the device in [15] suggest the use of ephemeral and separate identifiers
memory should automatically wipe off all the data it is storing. during communications and while in storage.
This may protect against illegal access to sensitive corporate In a cloud environment, there should be a secure device-
data, cryptographic primitives (passwords, keys, unique iden- to-cloud interaction. In a similar effort, IBM Watson IoT
tifiers of neighboring nodes, etc.) or any intellectual property. uses TLS 1.2 for authenticated and encrypted IoT device
Some of the embedded systems manufacturers implement end- interactions, which ensure secure exchange of data over the
to-end security in their devices, such as ARM mbed [157] network. The data sent from the end device to the cloud
provides secure boot and built-in cryptographic and proto- must be encrypted to preserve the confidentiality of user infor-
col support to ensure secure network connection. Whereas, mation [17]. However, the encryption of user data restricts
Juniper Networks [158] make use of Integrity Measurement intra-cloud processing and data analytics. To overcome such an
Architecture (IMA)/Extended Verification Module (EVM) to issue, use of homomorphic encryption is recommended [160].
detect any accidental and malicious file modifications. The Authors in [17] also suggest the use of a Cloud Access
files are attested before they are accessed. The attestation Security Broker (CASB) that not only helps in maintaining
can be done locally or via remote attestation. NXP is yet a secure link between corporate network and the cloud ser-
another manufacturer and developer of various solutions for vices provider but also gives organizations insight into cloud
embedded systems [159]. It offers a secure authentication and applications and services being used by its employees.
anti-counterfeiting technology in the form of tamper-resistant Irrespective of the type of storage, data availability to
CPU and a secure memory that can store cryptographic keys authorized users is a critical requirement for any organiza-
and a device identifier. tion. Moreover, in the wake of a recent surge in ransomware
Given dynamic threat spectrum, the firmware of IoT devices attacks, security of relevant personal/corporate data is equally
also continuously evolve by installing periodic security and vital. It is recommended that a distributed storage mecha-
other operational updates. Therefore, it is imperative that nism should be preferred over a centralized storage to avoid a
all the IoT users especially the critical infrastructure own- single point of failure. Blockchain provides a secure, unforge-
ers such as smart grid, ICS, traffic control systems, nuclear able and a transparent mechanism for distributed storage,
power plants, air travel and railway systems, keep the soft- in which every transaction is validated by network consen-
ware/firmware of their devices up to date to protect against sus [161]. IBM Blockchain [162], Microsoft Azure [163]
any security vulnerability identified by the device manufactur- and Hyperledger Fabric by Linux Foundation [164] are few
ers. Another important aspect of any distributed IoT system examples of multi-purpose Blockchain platforms.
based on heterogeneous devices is authenticated and secure Authentication and Access Control: Authentication for con-
broadcast of security updates and control messages. trolled access to an IoT system is not limited to the devices
Change of default device configuration especially the secu- only. Same applies to the applications and gateway devices as
rity settings such as username and passwords should be well [17], [153]. It is required to protect sensitive informa-
implemented immediately upon the first installation of the IoT tion against malicious applications downloaded by the users
devices. In today’s hostile environment security should not from unauthorized sources. Similarly, gateway devices are
be an optional feature instead it should be implemented by to be authenticated to protect against the introduction of a
design [156]. Hence, the device firmware should prompt the forged gateway device in the network. Depending upon desired
user for a change of default security settings before it starts security level, multi-factor authentication may be used, i.e.,
functioning. a combination of password/passkey and a biometric identi-
Data Security: Security of data mostly refers to the triad fier. Moreover, mutual authentication between IoT devices and
of information security, i.e., confidentiality, integrity, and IoT services/devices can prevent against masquerading of IoT

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services by malicious parties. In addition, it can further help attacker can have access to the communication between end-
in accountability and forensic analysis. points and can also get hold of the authorization information.
Considering the importance of network access control, Based on the apprehended authorization information attacker
Matias et al. [165] proposed a traffic flow based network can spoof the service requester’s ID. The scheme also does
access control. It implements the access control based on not protect against a physical compromise of the device.
numerous traffic flow identifiers, such as MAC address, source In another work, to facilitate and securely manage remote
and destination address (IP address). Similarly, IBM Watson access by users to corporate networks/sites, [17] recommends
IoT uses IBM Bluemix that implements role-based controls software-defined perimeter to restrict access to legitimate
for users, applications, and gateways to realize security of data users. In addition to mere user authentication, such a secu-
and access to other services/resources [86]. Such a distinction rity perimeter ensures that the user accesses the applications,
between roles helps in the implementation of unified security services and data as per his authorization only.
policies across the complete network. In addition to role, geo Software Integrity: It is to be made sure that only legitimate
location [166], department, device type, OS/firmware version software is running on IoT devices, during initial bootup, at
and the time of the day at which user seeks access [17] can runtime and during firmware updates. Software integrity is one
also form the basis of access control policies. of the important pillars in IoT security as cryptographic algo-
Correspondingly, Chen et al. [167] propose an identity- rithms, network security protocols, secure storage and other
based cryptographic authentication scheme without the need such tasks are implemented by software [43].
of a Key-escrow mechanism to secure M2M interactions Mobile Applications: It is being covered as a separate
in CPS. The scheme saves upon precious computation and entity because downloading of mobile applications from unau-
communication resources by averting the process of signa- thorized stores is one of the primary sources of corporate
ture generation, transmission and verification. The proposed networks’ infection. The organizations are advised to enable
scheme is also claimed to be robust against MITM, imper- installation of only whitelisted applications (apps) on corporate
sonation, replay, DoS and node compromise attacks. In a devices and should provide a list of the same to its employees
similar endeavor, security researchers in [168] have designed for implementation on their personal devices as well [17].
a novel mutual authentication and key establishment scheme Security of Non-Corporate Smart Devices: Increase in the
to secure M2M communication in 6LoWPAN networks. The use of smartphones, wearable smart devices such as fitness
proposed scheme duly cater for the static as well as the mobile trackers/bands, smart watches and smart home appliances
nodes in a 6LoWPAN network. Respectively, [169] suggests including smart thermostat, intelligent lighting system, smart
a certificate-less anonymous authentication scheme based on TV, smart cooling system, smart doors, etc., has added another
hybrid encryption to secure multi-domain M2M communi- dimension to IoT ecosystem. It is a common belief that
cation in CPS. The proposed solution is considered to be mobile phones, wearable or smart home devices do not con-
tolerant against MITM, replay, impersonation, DoS, and node tain sensitive information, so they do not require security [17].
compromise attacks. Resultantly, manufacturers do not pay much heed towards
Controlled access to user data by third parties is an impor- security of these devices [11]. Due to this lack of security
tant issue. Currently, user data owned by most of the online consciousness, IoT devices have recently been subjected to
services is made available to the third parties in the form massive DDoS attacks [44]. It is also viewed that in future,
of APIs. The possibility of an unauthorized entity besides nation states can sponsor the sale of apparently legitimate
the generator of the information and the host service access- IoT devices for cyber espionage [17] or sabotage of target
ing the user information cannot be ruled out. Such an event systems. Therefore, it is recommended that a minimum secu-
can result in various privacy and ethical problems. Hence, rity standard should be set for mobile/wearable smart devices
Cirani et al. [170] propose an OAuth-based external authoriza- with an emphasis on following: Access to device based on at
tion service for IoT scenarios. Instead of smart objects/devices least two factor authentication, i.e., password and a biomet-
storing the authorization related information and performing ric identifier, limited access to corporate data (only viewing
the computation intensive verification process, the verifica- option without any modification rights), storage of sensitive
tion of a request by a service is delegated to an external data such as health and financial information in encrypted
OAuth-based authorization service. Such an arrangement pro- form.
vides flexibility to the service provider (hosting user data) The corporate networks should provide remote access to
to remotely configure the access control policies. However, those devices only that meet the minimum security require-
the delegation of authorization logic to an external service ments. It is also recommended that enterprises should enable
demands strong trust between the service provider/smart object mobile access to their systems through VPNs based on
and IoT-OAS (OAuthorization-based Authorization Service). multi-factor authentication.
There is also a requirement of a secure communication Key Management: Secure key management is the baseline
link between the service provider/smart object and IoT-OAS. for the security of any IoT system. It includes key gener-
Moreover, if the smart object directly offers its data as a ser- ation, key distribution, key storage, key revocation and key
vice, then there is a likelihood of a DoS attack if the smart updates. TCG provides a hardware-based secure key manage-
object receives a large number of simultaneous requests. The ment system that supports various options for provisioning
proposed scheme is also vulnerable to a MITM attack if the of keys during IoT device lifecycle, i.e., during chip man-
attacker uses an untrusted HTTP/CoAP proxy. In this way, an ufacturing, assembly of the device, while enrolling with a

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management service and during owner-personalization. It also all the control activities can be termed as a lucrative target
provides secure key update over an untrusted network [155]. for the malicious attacks. Thereby, a successful attacker may
Network Segmentation: Network segmentation or segrega- gain unauthorized access to the controller and insert viruses
tion is an effective methodology to curtail the impact of a or malware in the network thus threatening the confidential-
node or a part of network compromised by an adversary. It ity, integrity and the availability of data and other network
not only protects networks and systems of different security services [57]. Similarly, Thyagaturu et al. [173] also iden-
classifications but also protects systems of the same classifi- tify various threats to SDN such as unauthorized access, data
cation with varying security requirements. Depending on the leakage, data modification and misconfiguration. The authors
system architecture and configuration, network segmentation also highlight the eavesdropping and jamming threats on the
can be achieved by various methods. Some of these include physical layer of Software Defined Optical Networks (SDON).
implementation of demilitarized zones, physical isolation, use However, they also underline a security measure to protect
of VLANs, software-defined perimeter, application firewalls, against eavesdropping and jamming in optical lightpath based
application and service proxies, user and service authentica- on a hopping mechanism. But such a mechanism also suffers
tion and authorization, and last but not the least content-based some shortcomings concerning secure exchange of hopping
filtering [171]. sequence between the transmitter and the receiver and pro-
Virtualized Security: The shift from hardware to Software tection against MITM attacks. It is, therefore, imperative to
Defined Networks (SDN) has revitalized the flexibility in protect SDN against such single point of failures and attacks
the implementation of effective security measures. Virtualized on centralized controllers.
security has enabled protection of data irrespective of its loca- Adaptive Security Management: Most of the IoT appli-
tion. Another benefit of this virtualization is that instead of cations such as eHealth monitoring comprising BSN with
maintaining dedicated hardware for numerous security proto- dynamic network topology, require adaptive security manage-
cols such as encryption, secure routing, and secure gateways, ment. Savola et al. [41] propose a metrics-driven adaptive
software-based security solutions can be implemented on a security management model for eHealth IoT applications. The
single shared platform. Such a dynamic security solution will proposed security model monitors and collects the security
enable organizations to enforce security policies with persis- contextual information from within the system as well as
tence in every type of IoT system, i.e., private or cloud-based from the environment. Based on collected data, it measures
IoT architecture. the security level and matrics, analyzes the received data and
An example of SDN-based security enhancement for IoT responds by changing the security parameters such as encryp-
systems has been demonstrated in [25]. The researchers tion scheme, authorization level, authentication protocol, level
believe that SDN can be used to augment IoT device-level of QoS available to various applications and reconfiguration
protections by implementing dynamic security rules at the of the protection mechanism.
network level. To achieve this goal, researchers in [25] have Security of Automated M-2-M Communication: In an IoT
proposed a software-based Security Management Provider ecosystem, M-2-M communication is an important pedestal
(SMP) that provides appropriate access control functionality of industrial and critical infrastructure automation such as
to the users of IoT systems such as smart lighting, smoke power plants, intelligent traffic control system, railways,
alarm and baby monitor, to preserve their privacy and further smart grids, and smart cities. This type of communication
improve the security. SMP exercises dynamic configuration ranges from information sharing between robotic/intelligent
control over ISP network and the home router on behalf of controllers and smart actuators/appliances to data sharing
the user. It communicates with the ISP network via APIs between smart vehicles. The automated exchange of informa-
and also interacts with the IoT system users via GUIs. The tion between unknown entities must meet the security and
proposed security solution thus motivates the manufacturers privacy requirements. Taking the example of IoV (Internet
to concentrate less on UI (User Interface) development and of Vehicles), it is recommended that any proposed solu-
instead focus on the development of APIs that allow a third- tion should meet specific security requirements such as
party, i.e., SMP to configure IoT behaviour at various layers data authentication, data integrity, data confidentiality, access
of IoT architecture. control based on authorization, non-repudiation, availability
In yet another work, [172] proposes an SDN-based secu- of the best possible communication link and anti-jamming
rity architecture for heterogeneous IoT devices in an Ad-Hoc measures [179].
network. The proposed architecture comprises smart nodes, Protection Against Malware Attacks: There is an increas-
OpenFlow enabled nodes, OpenFlow enabled switches and dis- ing trend in ransomware attacks over the last four years in
tributed SDN controllers. The multiple SDN controllers are which the number of attacks has risen to 638 Million in 2016
synchronized to provide a granular network access control from 3.8 Million in 2015 [180] and are still being counted
and network monitoring. Hence, all network devices are first in 2017-18. As per Symantec Corporation [181], ransomware
authenticated by the controllers, before they start accessing attacks increased by 4500% in 2014, being too profitable
network services as per their authorization. for cybercriminals. Symantec Corporation has proposed few
Conclusively, it is the SDN controller that monitors and dos and don’ ts for the consumers and businesses to pro-
manages all aspects of the network including security, and the tect themselves from such attacks. The preventive measures
interface between SDN applications and the hardware com- include: Do not pay the ransom, avoid clicking attachments in
ponents [173]. Hence, SDN controller, being a focal point of unknown emails, keep software up to date, must use security

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applications and finally the most important step is to take security guarantees and control performance while ensuring
periodical backup of valuable data. the safety of the physical system at all times.
Some common security measures against most of the Human Factor: Any level of security is not sufficient
malware attacks include, not to use hardwired/default user- until the users of the respective organization are security
name and passwords. In addition, use only authenticated concious and believe in the reality of the threats. Any unin-
and encrypted protocols for inbound connections, i.e., SSH tended action like connecting an infected USB flash drive
(Secure Shell) for telnet, SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) to a company’ s private network can cause a disaster for
for FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and https for http. Finally, that enterprise. The organizations should deploy network-wide
keep all external interfaces of the administrative connections security policies to implement controls based on authentica-
closed. Security at lower layers should be complemented by tion, authorization, role and even incorporating geolocation
application level access control, use of multi-factor authenti- of the users. Enterprises should organize periodic security
cation protocols, use of OPC tunnelling technologies, instal- updates and awareness lectures for its employees covering
lation of update patches, deployment of software restriction following dimensions:
policy (application white-listing), white-listing of legitimate • Current threat environment.
executable directories, use of IPSec or VPN for remote • Attack vectors being used by hackers/adversaries.
access [141], implementation of ingress and egress filtering, • Implications of sharing sensitive corporate and personal
restricted number of entry points to ICS Network, maintenance information on public/rogue networks.
of logs and use of configuration management tools to detect • Downloading and installation of applications/software
changes on field devices. from unauthorized sources.
Similarly, numerous security solutions proposed by TCG • Storing of corporate data in personal laptops/flash storage
technologies [154] help to prevent unauthorized access to devices that too without encryption.
security-critical programs and data. To solve this issue Self • Use of private email accounts for official purpose.
Encrypting Drives (SED) based on TCG specifications are in • Throwing of important official documents in open bins,
common use for embedded systems such as ATMs, secure thus giving an invitation to the attackers for dumpster
mobile phones, corporate copiers, and printers. In these drives, diving.
encryption is implemented in the hardware, and data is auto- • Use of default settings for smart devices.
matically encrypted in a transparent way to the user. The drives • Sharing of sensitive data over social media that too with
can be safely sanitized for reuse without any need for rewrit- default (lowest) security settings.
ing multiple layers of garbage data. The user is just required • Avoid malicious links in unknown emails.
to delete the cryptographic key. As a result, the data stored 4) Detective Measures (Firmware/Code Attestation):
is made illegible. The hardware-based automatic encryption Runtime verification of firmware/code installed on an IoT
is termed efficient and secure than simple software-based device is an important means of detecting execution of a
encryption, which can be turned off anytime by the user [174]. malicious code installed remotely on a device.
In addition to restricting unauthorized disclosure to sensitive Auditing (Log management): A record of all changes made
data, the malware should be prevented from execution from to the system and devices be maintained to enable periodic
the beginning. The two best techniques for this purpose are audits to detect security breaches.
whitelisting and execution of manufacturers’ signed binaries Hardened Gateway Devices: Security hardened gateway
only. TCG offers TPM-based secure software updates, static devices can be used to monitor sensors data feed to determine
code analysis, data execution prevention and runtime stack the health of communication b/w devices and services-based
analysis. Any combination of such techniques can ensure the applications.
integrity of a runtime environment [154]. Although hardware- Security Analytics: It helps in gaining visibility of the IoT
based security protections are always efficient and more secure ecosystem and ultimately controlling all the network com-
than software-based solutions, however keeping in view the ponents including the hardware and software to detect and
cost effect and hardware complexity, these techniques may rectify any malfunction or a threat [166]. IBM uses a Cognitive
not be feasible for resource-constrained embedded devices IoT (CIoT) Security Framework named Security-360. All
such as wireless sensors and actuators. In such cases, the the network components including devices, users, applica-
best way is to program the device to reboot periodically and tions, business processes and even workload contribute to
make use of boot time protections. However, rebooting a sen- form a 360-degree view of the security posture. Based
sor or actuator periodically may degrade the performance of on data provided by the entire environment, the security
resource-constrained devices. Such devices are usually battery mechanism assesses the changes in the security posture
operated and have limited energy. Hence, frequent restarts may of the network and plans a defense. In this regard, vari-
drain the device’ s resources. Another, limitation of restart- ous data mining and machine learning techniques can pro-
based recovery mechanism is that it can destabilize RT-IoT vide automated methods to track normal behaviour and flag
(Real-time IoT) systems that need consistent actuation with anomalies [176]–[178]. Moreover, Security Information and
tight timing constraints. To address this issue, Abdi et al. [175] Event Management (SIEM) is also considered a vital com-
propose a runtime restart-based security protocol “ReSecure” ponent of a defense-in-depth approach to network security. It
for RTS (Real-time Systems). ReSecure is a blend of hardware is therefore concluded that intelligent threat analytics should
and software mechanisms that enable a tradeoff between the be able to protect the IoT ecosystem against all sort of

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threats based on known signatures, predictable malicious network after being activated by personalization instead
behavior [17] and correlation of security incidents/events. of OTAA (Over-The-Air-Activation).
A subset of overall system security analytics is “Edge • Disconnect from the Internet.
Security Analytics”. It is implemented by deploying security • Isolation of compromised sub-systems so that healthy part
intelligence gateways. These intelligent devices provide swift of the network remains available.
responses to security incidents by faster detection of anomalies • Recover important official and personal data from
and re-mediation by isolation of events at the source and lim- backup.
iting attack spectrum. They also help in preserving the privacy 6) Corrective Measures: Once an IoT device is compro-
of sensitive data by carrying out processing locally [43]. mised, detected and isolated from the network, the next step
Redefining Network Level Security for IoT: Today, IoT is node recovery, i.e., secure firmware/code update and reacti-
device manufacturers just focus on novel functionality, easy vation of the device. There are two methods of node recovery.
operation and earliest product launch in the market. Hence, The first one is self-recovery, in which, the device itself per-
they do not give attention to device security. This lack of forms the integrity check of the code running on it and the last
manufacturers’ attention to security coupled with constraint best configuration stored in read-only storage. If the validation
resources, IoT devices are not suitable for traditional host- fails, the device deletes the current code and reinstalls last best
based protections (anti-virus and security patches). Hence, configuration. The device then restarts and performs validation
researchers in [38] proposed a network level security architec- of all its modules. The second method is remote attestation; the
ture to secure IoT devices. Their security architecture employs device sends integrity report to the controller/gateway device
an IoTSec (security controller), µmboxes (gateways for IoT for remote validation [154]. A secure firmware update process
devices) and IoT end nodes. is then initiated by the verifier if the validation fails.
The IoTSec controller centrally monitors the network to 7) Penetration Testing/Vulnerability Assessment: Device
record security contexts and environmental variables for each Attestation: Periodic device-side code analysis should be per-
end device, to form a global view of a set of possible states formed to check for the presence of any malicious code
of the system. Based on the set of states IoTSec decides or modification in the original code. The successful code
or controls the flow of commands to the end devices. The verification helps in shrinking the attack surface [15].
proposed system is claimed to be equally useful to enforce Network Testing: Use of penetration testing toolkits and
cross-device security policies. For example, in a smart home, other vulnerability assessment measures adopted by ethical
if an attacker hacks into a fireplace and commands it to ignite hackers to secure the network. The most common tools are
the fire in order to cause an accident. To address this vul- Metasploit, Wireshark, Nmap, Social Engineering Toolkit,
nerability, the IoTSec controller ensures that the fireplace is Kali Linux, Nessus, etc. The penetration testing is done
turned on only if the camera detects that someone is present to highlight the weaknesses in the target system. The test-
in that room. The status of camera output, i.e., the pres- ing can be performed on networks, websites, and servers.
ence of a person in the room can be read from the current The weaknesses are then fixed by installing security patches,
global state of the smart home maintained by the IoTSec improving security configurations, making changes in the IDS
controller itself. However, certain issues related to centraliza- and firewall rules and security of open ports/interfaces.
tion of IoTSec controller and the limitation of using different 8) Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Selection of Suitable
µmboxes for every other kind of IoT device needs to be Security Measure: In this section, we have presented a
addressed. defense-in-depth approach for IoT, comprising various pre-
5) Responsive Measures: An effective incident response ventive, detective, and responsive measures. Here a question
plan begins even before any security incident occurs. In arises that what about the complexity and cost comparison
an IT environment, the response team is usually called as of various security measures? In response to this question,
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT). These teams authors in [182] illustrate that the security requirements of
comprise skilled cybersecurity professionals, auditors, legal two distinct IoT systems and even the security features of
experts, IT administrators and other specialized members. two different technologies cannot be compared using a single
The goal of CERT is to develop and physically practice measure. The security measures are adopted as per the techni-
a comprehensive response plan against any security breach cal resources (computational power, battery life, memory and
so that all the stakeholders are clear about their respon- available bandwidth) of end devices, and the threat environ-
sibilities. An organized and well-planned incident response ment. However, some traditional host-based security solutions
can make or break any business. The response measures such as anti-virus, frequent security updates/patches, secure
are also termed as after-incident reactive measures, which execution environment, OS virtualization, etc., are difficult to
include: be implemented on resource constraint IoT devices. Hence, a
• Action against compromised devices/parts of the system relative cost-benefit analysis of security measures providing
allowing rest of the system to run its routine functionality. same level of security is essential to select the suitable tech-
• Revocation and blacklisting of malicious nodes. nology. For example, as discussed in Section IV-A3, allocation
• Initiation of anti-tamper mechanism, in which, as soon of a unique device identifier is essential to protect against ID
as the hardware of the node is interfered with, the node’s spoofing and device replication attacks. However, just alloca-
memory containing firmware and the code should imme- tion of an identifier is not enough, the safe storage of device
diately be wiped off, and the node should only join the identity and other associated cryptographic primitives such as

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Fig. 15. NB-IoT Security in IoT Threat Environment.

private keys and symmetric keys require additional measures problems with few nodes do not disrupt the blockchain ser-
such as TPM-based keys [154], [155]. However, any additional vices. Cloud is also vulnerable to un-authorized data sharing.
security measure comes at the cost of additional overheads in For example, in the recent past, private data of 87 million users
the form of special hardware, high computation and energy was provided by Facebook to a British political consulting
costs, etc. firm “Cambridge Analytica” without users’ permission [185],
Similarly, blockchain, a distributed ledger technology, is [186]. Such a data breach results in irreversible data security
recommended to replace centralized cloud platforms. Both and privacy issues. Whereas, blockchain with its smart con-
blockchain and cloud, store data for further processing. Both tract technology gives users the freedom to restrict access to
technologies ensure data authentication and integrity. But there their data to authorized entities only, without placing trust in
are few differences that play a key role in the selection any third party or a cloud service provider [187].
of a suitable technology for IoT. Cloud services are pro- Currently, blockchain is considered to be computational and
vided under the centralized control of one trusted entity. energy intensive in the back drop of PoW-based consensus
Hence, the cloud is vulnerable to the single point of fail- protocol used in Bitcoin Blockchain. However, considerable
ure concerning security and privacy issues [68] including research is being done to design and develop IoT-specific
data manipulation [183], [184], and the availability of cloud blockchain technologies that infer low computational and
services. Concerning data manipulation, the cloud service energy costs [188]–[191], are scalable [192], [193] and also
provider has to be the trusted party as it has control over offer privacy-preserving computations on user data [194].
the data stored in the cloud and related services. Therefore, Hence, it is the cost benefit analysis, the resourcefulness of end
the cloud provider can manipulate user data [184]. Whereas, devices, and security requirements that holistically determine
blockchain is orchestrated in a way that all the miner and an appropriate security framework for an IoT system/use case.
full nodes in the blockchain network maintain a same copy
of the blockchain state and the trust is distributed among
all the network nodes. Hence, if one device’ s blockchain V. S UMMARY, L ESSONS L EARNT AND P ITFALLS
data is altered, the system will reject it, and the blockchain To reach some logical conclusions/lessons and identify pit-
state will remain un-tampered. Correspondingly, single point falls concerning IoT security, we have projected a snapshot
of failure also concerns the availability of the services when of the impact of security provided by one of the selected
the cloud servers are down because of software bugs, cyber- real-world IoT technologies on IoT threats discussed in this
attacks, power problems, cooling and other issues; users find paper, in Figure-15. Although, there are many IoT commu-
it difficult to access the cloud services [183]. Whereas, in the nication technologies such as ZigBee, BLE, RFID, LTE-M,
blockchain, data is replicated on many computers/nodes and LoRaWAN, etc., that connect IoT devices with the gateways

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or base stations. However, LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) is operate in an unlicensed spectrum [182]. Hence, it is
considered to be a suitable technology for many IoT use cases imperative to discuss the impact of a licensed and an unli-
due to its low power consumption, wide coverage, long range, censed frequency spectrum on the operational performance and
low latency, reliability, low cost, better QoS, and consider- security of an IoT system. The main advantage that NB-IoT
able security [50], [182], [195]. Therefore, we have carried has over LoRaWAn and Sigfox is that being in a licensed
out a comparison of various LPWA technologies in Table-VI. frequency band, NB-IoT is based on an international stan-
As shown, there are various options for LPWA technology in dard defined by 3GPP [51]. Therefore, NB-IoT is mature with
both licensed and unlicensed spectrum with varying security good QoS and is also less vulnerable to interference. Although,
features. However, all of the technologies cannot be discussed the cost of a licensed frequency band is very high, i.e., more
here in detail. Therefore, we have only mapped NB-IoT secu- than USD 500 Million per MHz, yet, the security and the
rity features in Figure-15. Under the threats sub-section of the performance benefits outweigh the cost effect. Being oper-
Figure-15, the points shown in red color are the threats/attacks ating in a licensed spectrum the end devices get access to
that are not protected against by the NB-IoT security features. the network after due authentication and authorization only.
Whereas, the points shown in the green color are addressed by Therefore, it is difficult for an attacker to introduce a forged
NB-IoT. It is evident that NB-IoT protects against the majority device in the network. Moreover, a regulating authority can
of the transmission/network layer attacks and only a few per- control and manage a licensed spectrum with much ease as
ception layer threats. Moreover, the application layer threats compared to an unlicensed one.
make it essential for the application developers to embed On the other hand, LoRaWAN is a non-standard proprietary
requisite security measures in the applications. It is evident technology with low QoS and no message delivery reliabil-
from Figure-15 that the cryptographic security provided by ity. Being in an unlicensed frequency band, LoRaWAN, and
the NB-IoT, cannot protect against device capture and device SigFox are at high risk of service degradation as the frequency
tampering. Moreover, there is also no mechanism to detect band is shared with a lot of other radio devices. Moreover, the
any forging or change in the device code, hardware configu- use of unlicensed spectrum in most countries is regulated with
ration, and system files. Such a protection is critical to detect some restrictions on the service providers concerning max-
remote code execution attacks that covert the devices into bots. imum power of the transmitted signal and the duty cycle.
The pitfalls observed in NB-IoT security are also shown in However, still, it is difficult to control and regulate the unli-
Figure-15. censed spectrum as at times there can be a large number of
As shown in Table-VI, LTE-M and NB-IoT operate in ad-hoc networks operating in the said band. Correspondingly,
a licensed frequency band, whereas, LoRaWAN and Sigfox the limitation on the duty cycle makes it difficult to support

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firmware updates over-the-air [196]. Whereas, IoT devices • Secure firmware update is one of the effective solutions
without any software updates or security patches are a security against malware attacks in IoT. However, low downlink
hazard. The brief discussion on the impact of real-world IoT data rate, very short duty cycle and lack of firmware
technologies on the security threats and the previous discus- integrity verification measures make it hard for an IoT
sion on IoT threats and security framework has led us to draw technology to implement an effective firmware update
certain lessons which further helped us to identify the pitfalls mechanism [196].
in the current IoT security environment. • Not all IoT technologies’ security protocols meet the
Lessons Learnt and Pitfalls: needs of all IoT use cases. Instead, all technologies
• As shown in Table-II, IoT threats at various layers such have adequate security for some specific applications.
as physical, MAC/Network and application layer exploit However, if the security provided is not enough for a
different vulnerabilities and use different attack vectors particular use case, additional security measures can be
to achieve malicious objectives. For example, a device taken but at the cost of some additional hardware, more
manufacturer leaves some open interfaces in the device computation or bandwidth cost, etc,.
hardware. These open interfaces can be exploited by the • Security features of two different technologies cannot be
attacker to gain an unauthorized access to the device and compared using a single factor/measure.
manipulate its operation [71]. Similarly, jamming of a • The ideal LPWA technologies have some important secu-
communication channel targets availability of the network rity features as optional. These features are required to
or network services. Whereas, anti-jamming protection be enabled by the network operators. Hence, the user
requires different approach as compared to merely pro- organizations/network operators need to have a clear
tecting against eavesdropping. Hence, attacks at various understanding of what security features they require for
layers will have different impact on the overall security of which IoT use case [182].
an IoT system and will require different security measures • To effectively provide comprehensive security and pri-
depending upon the IoT use case and threat environment. vacy solution, it is necessary to analyze the IoT appli-
• According to the discussion in Section II-C, attacks cation and associated threats. Although similar, a smart
at physical layer such as device capture, jamming of building is different from a smart work environment.
wireless channel, hardware exploitation, node cloning, The solutions, especially the ones involving classical
invasive intrusions, device configuration and firmware cryptography and physical layer security must be tai-
modification cannot be protected only by cryptographic lored for the specific threats. The goal is to provide a
security provided by IoT communication protocols. cost-effective solution, while also taking into account
Therefore, security has to be viewed as a whole and the energy requirement of the various solutions (many
supplementary measures need to be taken at different lay- devices can be battery-operated) [198].
ers based on the security requirements of IoT use cases. • Mostly, security is not the primary concern while design-
These additional security measures may infer some addi- ing IoT technologies or products. Instead, the manufac-
tional costs in the form of hardware, software, bandwidth, turers focus more on the performance aspects such as low
computation or storage. cost, low power consumption, more coverage, high data
• The discussion in Section II-D infers that depending rate, ease of implementation and service delivery.
upon the type and physical environment of IoT appli- • Standard IT security protocols cannot be deployed on
cations, end devices are vulnerable to physical attacks resource constraint IoT devices. However, selected stan-
including device capture, tampering, invasive hardware dard security protocols can be optimized by removing
attacks, side-channel attacks, reverse engineering, sensi- various optional features.
tive data leakage and firmware/source code modification • Security is a holistic property. Hence, it should not be
attacks [42]. considered in isolation. For example, LPWA technologies
• DDoS attacks are mostly launched through compromised are developed with the primary objective of improv-
IoT devices [65]. Therefore, there is a requirement of ing upon the performance and reliability concerning low
an effective ingress as well as egress filtering, especially power consumption, wide coverage, long range, low
where IoT is connected to the Internet. latency, reliable data transmission, low cost, and better
• Cyber attacks are considered as one of the biggest QoS security [50], [183], [197]. Therefore, some compro-
threats to IoT applications [197], and mostly the mises have to be made between security and performance
network and the application layers are the focus of the of the system. For example, use of light weight crypto-
attackers [197]. graphic solutions to reduce the computation overhead and
• No operation in an IoT system can be termed safe unless power consumption. Similarly, efficient use of available
the integrity of the code installed on the IoT device and bandwidth implies the use of security measures with less
the integrity of the data being shared between devices is communication complexity.
ensured [9]. • Based on the discussion in Section II and Section IV-A
• Absence of anti-virus/malware detection mechanism in on threats to IoT and guidelines for IoT security frame-
IoT is one of the causes of successful attacks on work respectively, it is deduced that considerable research
the integrity of the code/software of an IoT end and development is being done in both academia and the
device [8], [9]. corporate sectors to mitigate threats to IoT. These threats

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fall in the domain of security triad, i.e., threats to confi- current threats, there is a requirement of various integrated
dentiality, integrity, and availability of data/information. security measures in IoT devices. These measures include
As highlighted in Section IV-A, that security has to be requisite user authentication and authorization, encryption of
viewed as a whole, and for a defense-in-depth approach data at rest and in transit, hardware security against tamper-
against IoT threats, we need to deploy various pre- ing, and OS/application security. However, taking into account
ventive, detective, responsive and corrective security the constraint resources of many IoT devices such as sen-
measures. Hence, Table-V shows that there are many sors, Arm core or like microcontroller-based devices, CCTV
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and academic security cameras, baby monitors, home lighting systems, and the high
solutions available/proposed to provide preventive, detec- computation and memory requirements for traditional cryp-
tive, responsive and corrective measures. For instance, tographic authentication and encryption solutions, there is a
issues concerning device security such as device iden- need to develop lightweight fully optimized cryptographic
tity [153]–[155], tamper-proofing [153], [159], registra- security protocols for IoT devices [199]. Application-specific
tion and management [43], and secure boot [157] have functionality vis-a-vis low manufacturing cost and low energy
been addressed by various tech giants including IBM, consumption are also considered to be the limiting factors in
AT&T, TCG and Juniper Networks. Similarly, issues developing a generalized solution for all the IoT products.
concerning data security and network access including Correspondingly, there is a requirement of an international
authenticated encryption [167]–[169], privacy preserving IoT standards enforcing body to enforce minimum security
computation (homomorphic encryption) [160], secure standards in IoT products.
cloud access [17], mutual device and gateway authentica-
tion [86], and secure network access control [86], [166]
have also been meticulously tackled. Whenever we talk B. Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation and Processing
about cryptographic security, key management is an asso- Privacy is a critical security requirement for IoT users.
ciated challenge, and it is always considered to be an open Although considerable research has already been done con-
research issue [198]. After, device, data, and network cerning user as well as data privacy, however, certain issues
security, application layer security is also very essen- like privacy in data collection, data aggregation, data sharing,
tial as mostly the network and the application layers are and data management warrant further attention [23]. For exam-
the focus of the attackers [197]. Therefore, [89], [153] ple, data aggregation is done at the gateway devices to reduce
highlight threats to IoT systems that rely on websites the communication overhead between end devices and the
and application for service delivery, and also propose cloud/servers. To preserve data security and privacy, the aggre-
security measures. However, the constrained resources gation or processing is done over encrypted data by employing
in IoT devices and corresponding lack of strong secu- additive [200], [201] or multiplicative homomorphic encryp-
rity measures result in certain short comings that need tion schemes. There are some full homomorphic encryption
to be addressed in future. These include; absence of an schemes as well [202], [203], however, due to heavy compu-
International IoT standards body that should govern min- tation load, it is difficult to use full homomorphic encryption
imal security standards as per sensitivity and nature of schemes in IoT. Apart from data encryption, users’ signatures
IoT application. Next is, the lack of security mechanism aggregation is another approach to contain the communication
to ensure the integrity of IoT devices. Similarly, protec- overhead, given p signatures on p distinct messages from the
tion of IoT devices against malware attacks and related same user. However, it is quite challenging to design a multi-
secure firmware update are still open challenges. Another key homomorphic signature to aggregate p signatures on p
critical aspect is that, most of the data processing and ana- distinct messages generated by p users [103].
lytics is performed under the centralized control of a third
party/cloud provider that has to be a trusted one [95].
However, trust in a single party results in various secu- C. Software/Code Integrity
rity and privacy issues. Finally, more work is required to Numerous solutions to ensure the integrity of IoT end
be done in intra-cloud and distributed privacy-preserving devices exist. However, the most dependable solutions are
data analytics. Similarly, exploitation of zero-day vulner- hardware-based that require execution of complete attestation
abilities, especially at the application layer, is a persistent process in a secure environment. But keeping in view the scale
threat. Some of these vital open issues are discussed in of deployment and low cost of IoT devices, manufacturing of
detail in the next section. secure hardware-based IoT products for usages besides crit-
ical infrastructure is not a practical one. Hence, there is a
need to explore a secure software-based solution that can be
easily deployed in resource constraint IoT devices with the
A. Baseline Security Standards flexibility of timely upgradation. Another foreseeable problem
Because of current lack of standardization on IoT products, is that next generation of IoT will consist of a large number
diverse IoT applications and heterogeneity of IoT products, of heterogeneous devices. Therefore, to detect and correct any
there are issues of security, interoperability and compatibility. malicious software modification efficiently, a swarm attestation
Most of the IoT products are being manufactured without any mechanism for large dynamic and heterogeneous networks of
baseline security standard [27]. Whereas, keeping in view the embedded systems is still a challenging task [204].

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Fig. 16. Blockchain for IoT.

D. Blockchain - An Instrument to Augment IoT Security privacy, user data privacy (both, on chain and in transit), min-
The success of Bitcoin brought the attention of the world to imum latency in transaction confirmation for near real-time
its underlying Blockchain technology [161]. The Blockchain IoT systems (smart vehicles, autonomous traffic management,
is considered to be an unforgeable digital ledger that can- smart grid, health monitoring), IoT focused transaction val-
not be manipulated and changed. Although Blockchain was idation rules, IoT centric consensus mechanism with low
initially developed for fintech (financial technology), yet it energy, low computation and low communication overhead.
is being adopted by many to provide secure distributed ser- The research on IoT-centric consensus mechanism must focus
vices, such as Hyperledger-Fabric by Linux Foundation [164], on consensus finality and fork prevention, which is a key to
smart city security [205], supply chain management [206], minimize latency in transaction confirmation and a critical
data sharing [207], data security [208], and decentralized and requirement for real-time IoT systems.
distributed Web services [209]. However, Blockchain’ s adap-
tation in IoT ecosystem requires further evaluation. Figure-16 E. Challenges to Fog Computing in IoT
shows the inherent benefits of Bitcoin Blockchain in blue One of the challenges in fog computing is to realize iden-
blocks, its limitations in pink blocks and the Blockchain fea- tity authentication while ensuring low latency of real-time
tures that IoT can leverage in green blocks. The open research services, the mobility of users, decentralized fog computing
issues are shown in yellow blocks. nodes and avoiding de-anonymization attacks [210]. Currently,
Although IoT can inherit some of the core benefits of there are many identity authentication schemes [211]–[213].
Blockchain such as decentralized and unforgeable digital However, they do not cater for the mobility of the end
ledger, transaction integrity and authentication, no double devices. The probable solution to this challenge lies in the
spending, trustless operation and by design protection against Blockchain-based access control for the fog computing. As
ransomware and cryptlocker type attacks. However, to make shown in Figure-17, all the fog computing nodes can be the full
Blockchain a reliable and secure platform for IoT, certain nodes for the Blockchain and can securely share and maintain
aspects need further research and evaluation. Such challenges the users’ authentication and authorization information using
include, identity management with due consideration for user group keys or attribute-based encryption [214], [215].

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Fig. 17. Blockchain-based ID Authentication in Fog Computing.

Another challenge is the consistency of the access control the leading cause of their detrimental effects can be attributed
policy when multiple devices are used by the users to access to centralized network architecture, in which all the network
real-time services. The policy may involve device authenti- functionalities and security operations are controlled centrally.
cation and management mechanism for the users and key Such architectures are costly to set up, and on the other hand,
management mechanism for the fog nodes. Although security present a single point of failure.
is an essential part of any IoT system, however, the limited Hence, apart from other techniques, Blockchain technol-
computational and power capability of IoT devices, makes ogy with its inherent cryptographic security and unforgeable
it difficult to employ conventional cryptographic solutions. distributed architecture is also being evaluated and tested to
Hence, there is a requirement to design lightweight security address the security and privacy issues of IoT. It is believed
protocols to support real-time services for fog assisted IoT that Blockchain can solve most of the data integrity issues of
applications. IoT due to its ability to run distributed apps in the form of
smart contracts and storing data on multiple nodes. Therefore,
VII. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK we desire to develop a secure Blockchain-based IoT protocol
in future, that would aim to protect the IoT systems against
In this paper, we have tried to highlight most of the known most of the integrity attacks.
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[202] C. Gentry et al., “Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices,” Justin Lipman (S’94–M’04–SM’12) received the
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[207] (2017). Implement IoT and Blockchain for Accountability and Security, tee member in Standards Australia contributing to Australian IoT standards.
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pp. 173–187. Ren Ping Liu (M’09–SM’14) received the B.E.
[211] V. Odelu, A. K. Das, M. Wazid, and M. Conti, “Provably secure authen- (Hons.) and M.E. degrees from the Beijing
ticated key agreement scheme for smart grid,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, University of Posts and Telecommunications, China,
vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1900–1910, May 2016. and the Ph.D. degree from the University of
[212] Q. Jiang et al., “An untraceable temporal-credential-based two-factor Newcastle, Australia. He was a Principal Scientist
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Netw. Comput. Appl., vol. 76, pp. 37–48, Dec. 2016. research activities. He is a Professor with the School
[213] P. Hu et al., “Security and privacy preservation scheme of face iden- of Electrical and Data Engineering, University
tification and resolution framework using fog computing in Internet of Technology Sydney, where he leads Network
of Things,” IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1143–1155, Security Lab, Global Big Data Technologies Centre.
Oct. 2017. He specializes in network design and modeling, and
[214] A. Lewko and B. Waters, “Decentralizing attribute-based encryption,” has delivered networking solutions to a number of government agencies and
in Proc. Annu. Int. Conf. Theory Appl. Cryptograph. Techn., 2011, industry customers. He has over 100 research publications, and has super-
pp. 568–588. vised over 30 Ph.D. students. His research interests include 5G spectrum
[215] A. Sahai and B. Waters, “Fuzzy identity-based encryption,” in Proc. sharing, resource management, IoT energy efficient design, and network secu-
Eurocrypt, vol. 3494, 2005, pp. 457–473. rity. He was a recipient of the Australian Engineering Innovation Award and
the CSIRO Chairman’s Medal. He is the Founding Chair of IEEE NSW
VTS Chapter. He served as the TPC Chair for BodyNets2015, ISCIT2015,
and WPMC2014, the OC Co-Chair for VTC2017-Spring, BodyNets2014,
ICUWB2013, ISCIT2012, and SenSys2007, and in Technical Program
Imran Makhdoom (S’18) received the B.E. degree Committee in a number of IEEE Conferences.
in telecommunications engineering and the master’s
degree in information security from the National
University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan,
in 2004 and 2015, respectively. He is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the University of
Technology Sydney researching on IoT security. He
was a Project Manager on various wireless com-
munication and IT projects involving Satellite, OFC
and CISCO networks. He has also served in a semi- Wei Ni (M’09–SM’15) received the B.E. and
government organization for various cyber-security Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Fudan
auditing tasks from 2014 to 2016. He is an EC-Council Certified Secure University, Shanghai, China, in 2000 and 2005,
Computer User. He was a recipient of the President’s Gold Medal for securing respectively. He is currently a Team Leader with
the first position in his master’s degree. CSIRO, Sydney, Australia, and an Adjunct Professor
with the University of Technology Sydney. He was
a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with Shanghai
Jiaotong University from 2005 to 2008, the Deputy
Project Manager of the Bell Labs R&I Center,
Mehran Abolhasan (S’01–M’03–SM’11) received Alcatel/Alcatel-Lucent from 2005 to 2008, and
the B.E. degree in computer engineering and a Senior Researcher with Devices Research and
the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from the Development, Nokia from 2008 to 2009. He also holds adjunct positions with
University of Wollongong in 1999 and 2003, respec- the University of New South Wales and Macquarie University. His research
tively. He is currently an Associate Professor and interests include stochastic optimization, game theory, graph theory, as well
the Deputy Head of the School of Electrical and as their applications to network and security. He has been serving as the Vice
Data Engineering, University of Technology Sydney. Chair of IEEE NSW VTS Chapter and Editor of IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
He has authored over 120 international publica- W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS since 2018, the Secretary of IEEE NSW VTS
tions and has won over $3 million in research Chapter from 2015 to 2018, the Track Chair for VTC-Spring 2017, the Track
funding. His current research interests are software Co-Chair for IEEE VTC-Spring 2016, and the Publication Chair for BodyNet
defined networking, IoT, wireless mesh, wireless 2015. He also served as the Student Travel Grant Chair for WPMC 2014, a
body area networks, cooperative networks, 5G networks and beyond, and Program Committee Member of CHINACOM 2014, and a TPC Member of
sensor networks. IEEE ICC’14, ICCC’15, EICE’14, and WCNC’10.

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