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CLASS: 6th EXAM. T2 TIME: 2 1/2

SUB: Science M. Marks 40 Roll NO:___

Name ______________________________________

Q.1 Answer the following questions (Do any Five) Marks 20

a) Differentiate between movement and location?
b) Enumerate the function of the skeletal system in our body?
c) What is adaptation?
d) Describe the adaptive features of hydrophytes?
e) Define condensation? Mention any two uses of water?
f) Explain water cycle with the help of diagram?
Q.2 Give one example of each of the following types . Marks 05
a) A fully submerged hydrophyte.
b) A tree floating hydrophyte.
c) A bird with webbed feet.
d) An amphibian with webbed feet.
f) An aquatic animal with out gills.
Q.3 Fill in the blanks. Marks 10
a) Retractable claws are a characteristic feature of……………………….
b) Earthworms move by ………………..and …………………….of the body.
c) …………… a soft tissue found between two bones.
d) Water is a substance made of .............and................
e) ,.............helps regulates our body's temperature.
Q.4 State true are false. Marks 5
a) Water changes to ice at 0°c. (. )
b) Plants regulate their temperature by transpiration. (. )
c) The skull has all immovable joints. (. )
d) Muscles shorten by contracting (. )
e) Cactus plants store a lot of water in their stem. (. )

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