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(Original piece by Jay Belonghilot)

This program is brought you by: _______________ and _____________
Time check is now: ____________
(Music Intro)
VOICE OVER (Cedreix): (Background Music Playing) Live from the news center STI College
This is WZXX 103.7 News Radio. And now, for the headlines of today’s hottest news.

ANCHOR 1 (Jay): For the National news, Country’s Dengue Cases,percentage down.
ANCHOR 2 (Khaira): Luzon news, Vietnamese high officials visit Dagupan City for risk
ANCHOR 1 (A1): For today’s Visayas news update, 3500 trees planted in Siquijor.
ANCHOR 2 (A2): and for the Mindanao news update, Regional Invention Contests and Exhibit’s
winners, proclaimed!
A1: For the World’s Business news, Asian Stock Markets close lower!
A2: For the hottest World news updates, Japan reactors face ‘Stress Tests’.
A1: Twisters, flood feared in New Zealand.
A2: Russian boat sinks in Volga, Russia.
A1: For today’s local Entertainment news, Boxing champ and congressman Manny Pacquiao
realizes another dream.
A2: For the hottest Hollywood news, Katy Perry suffers from food poisoning.
A1: Selena Gomez beats Bieber on Billboard buzz-worthy ‘Social 50’ chart.
A2: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows shows today, is it In or Out?
A1:And for the Sport’s news, Hot Stags make it 3-for-3, Cubs crush Jr. Pirates,163-28
(Music Playing Louder)
VOICE OVER: News details and information, coming up next, right after this short break.
A1: Time check is now: ___________
(Music Outro)
-------------------------------------------- C O M M E R C I A L -----------------------------------------------
(Music Playing)
VOICE OVER: Ladies and gentlemen, our news anchors for today, please welcome, Jay
Belonghilot and Khaira Espiritu.
(Music Minimize)
A1: The globe’s latest news,
A2: The country’s hottest and sizzling issues,
A1: We give you the truth, nothing but the truth.
A2: This is the program that everyone has been waiting for.
A1: Serving people.
A2: No bias.
A1: Just news!
Voice Over, A1 and A2: (Music Playing Louder) This is WZXX 103.7 News Radio!
A1: (Music Minimize) Wazzup wazzup! Good morning listeners, good morning Khaira and to all
of our solid “KABALITAANS” all over the world.
A2: Good morning to you too Jay, to those who hear us out today here at our school news
center and to all of our dear listeners from coast to coast.
(Music louder then Minimize)
A1: And now, let’s go with the details of our news. Looks like a good news Philippines, country’s
dengue cases, percentage down. And to give us the full National news, George Michael
Baquiran on-the-sight! George? (George reporting)
George: (delivering the news) … Back to the station. (Music louder then Minimize)
A2: Thank you George. Let’s go with the hottest provincial news, in Luzon: Vietnamese high
officials visit Dagupan, Pangasinan for risk reduction, news details and information is to be
given to us on-the-sight! by Paulo Manansala, Paulo?
Paulo: Yes Khaira … (delivering the news) … Back to you Khai & Jay.
A2: Thank you Paulo.
A1: in Visayas region, 3,500 trees were planted in Siquijor. Live from Siquijor City, let us call in
Rey Repuyan on-the-sight! Wazzup there Rey?
Rey: Yes Jay … (reporting) … back to you Khaira and Jay.
A1: Thank you Rey!
A2: For the Mindanao news, Salvador Sibayan is live on-the-sight from Dipolog City, Zanorte.
Ok Salvador, who are these so called R.I.C.E winners?
Salvador: Yes Khai … (delivering the news) … Back to the station Khai and Jay.
A2: Time check is now: ___________
A1: Asian Stock Markets close lower, Twisters, flood feared in New Zealand and Russian boat
sinks in Volga. All these World and Entertainment’s sizzling news coming up next!
Both A1 & A2: We’ll be right back after this break.
(Music Outro)
VOICE OVER: This worldwide news program is brought you by: _________________
------------------------------------------ C O M M E R C I A L -------------------------------------------------
(Music Playing)
A1: And now we’re back. The Peso exchange rate closed lower at 42.91 pesos to the U.S.
dollar yesterday at the Philippine Dealing & Exchange Corporation or PDEx from 42.735 pesos
last Monday. The weighted average rate depreciated to 42.884 pesos from 42.76 pesos. Total
volume amounted to 646.08 million U.S dollar.
A2: Well Jay, prior to that news, Asian Stock Markets closed lower also yesterday with
Australian shares falling on concerns over a carbon tax plan, while the Shanghai market
consolidated in a narrow range as investors digested the latest inflation data. Japan Nikkei stock
average was down 0.6 % and others.
A1: For the World news, Japan reactor’s face stress tests, Russian boat sinks in Volga and
Twisters, flood feared in New Zealand. And to deliver us these news, we have our world-
reporter Kevin Curt Unite, on-the-sight! Kevin?
Kevin: Yes Jay … (delivering the news) … back to the station.
A2: Thank you Curt! OMG! Katy Perry suffers from food poisoning?, and Selena Gomez beat
Justin Bieber on Billboard ‘social 50’ chart?. More of these hottest Hollywood and local
Entertainment news, here’s my chikadora BFF Jona May Paz on-the-sight for the full updates.
BFF Jona, wazzup?
Jona: Yes BFF Khai, that’s a very big check! … (delivering the news) … back to you BFF!
A2: Thank you my Chikadora BFF!
A1: Let’s check first the traffic update of our major streets and avenues, live from NLEX
Malhakan, Meycauayan Tollgate point, Jocero Repuyan on-the-sight! Jocero?
Jocero: Yes Jay … (delivering the news) … back to the station Khai and Jay.
A2: Thank you Jocero. And now, let’s check our weather forecast update, live from PAGASA
Quezon City, Brother Alphy Francisco on-the-sight! Brother Alphy?
Alphy: Yes Khaira and Jay … (delivering the news) … back to the station.
A1: Thank you Brother.
A2: OMG! The Harry Potter series last chapter shows in all cinemas today?
A1: Yes, That’s right partner Khai, distributed by Warner Brothers, “Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows Part 2” is now released in Philippine theatres and IMAX, in 3D and 2D.
A2: Well partner Jay, I super love this Harry Potter series, from the beginning chapter, I saw it
and now I need to come in SM Cinema later and watch this final adventure in the Harry Potter
film series -- the most successful film franchise of all time. The much anticipated motion picture
event is the 2nd of two full-length parts.
A1: As I saw the motion trailer partner, in the epic finale, the battle between the good and evil
forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher
and no one is safe. But it is Harry Potter who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice
as he draws closer to the climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort.
A2: Sounds like exciting huh! Come on Kabalitaans, let’s watch this last Harry Potter film. Now
(Music louder then Minimize)
A1: Time check is now: ____________
VOICE OVER: Hot Stags make it 3-for-3, this Sports News coming up next right after this short
(Music Outro)
VOICE OVER: This news advisory is brought you by: ___________
-------------------------------------------- C O M M E R C I A L ----------------------------------------------
(Music Playing)
A2: And now, for the last parade of our news, partner Jay wazzup for the latest Sports News?
A1: Yes partner Khai. And to give us the full sports report, let us call in our Sports reporter; on-
the-sight Master Cavimn Cabidog. Come in Master Cavimn.
Cavimn: Yes Jay … (delivering the news)
A1: Master, I heard that coaches clinic will be held tomorrow and the day after? How true it is?
Cavimn: Absolutely Jay … (delivering the news) … Back to you Khai and Jay.
A2: Thank you Master.
A1: Ok partner Khai, It is now time to read our Kabalitaans messages, we have some tweets
here at our page in Twitter, we have from @justinbieber it says; “every day I listened to your
radio station, it is so good to hear the fresh, the hottest and the most reliable news ever”. Wow,
thanks for that complement @justinbieber. We have also thousand of comments in our
Facebook page. We have from Charice Pempengco, she says; “Good morning WZXX, I really
love this radio station, the DJ’s were so good, news are always fresh and best to rely”. We have
also here from NEBU on facebook, he says “hi crush Khai and idol Jay, super love your radio
station, I always listened to it, especially the traffic updates. Hindi na ako maleleyt sa iskul,
super thanks! More power and continue helping the people”.
A2: Wow, thanks Charice and my fan NEBU, haha ! for that very touching message.
A1: Kabalitaans just keep sending us your messages, all of you, are the reason of our energetic
service here.
A2: “KABALITAANS” It is our pleasure to hear your comments, suggestions or any reactions.
Like us on Facebook; slash WZXX1037 or you can add and chat with me and
with my partner JayB, search on Khaira Anne Jallane Espiritu or Jay Belonghilot on Facebook.
A1: “KABALITAANS” you can also follow us on Twitter; click on slash WZXX1037 or
you can also tweet with me and DJ Sam T, search on Jay Belonghilot or Khaira Anne Jallane
Espiritu on Twitter.
A2: Kabalitaans, you can also log us on our website and share your
A1: Or you can call or text us on our call and text hotline 0944-855-6070
A2: Ok, that’s 0944-855-6070, never hesitate to text or call us anytime.
A1: Kabalitaans, and if you have scoped some news in your town, you can send us pictures or
news messages thru MMS. Just type MYNEWS space your name slash your address space the
message and send it to our text lines.
A2: And that concludes our business today.
A1: This has been Jay Belonghilot.
A2: and this has been Khaira Anne Jallane Espiritu.

VOICE OVER: and Cedreix Bambalan the “Voice Over”.
A1: Be with us again tomorrow 9 AM for the another parade of,
A2: The country’s latest news
A1: The globe’s hottest and sizzling issues
A2: We give you the truth, nothing but the truth.
A1: The news program that everyone has awaited for.
A2: Serving people.
A1: No bias.
A2: Just news!
Voice Over, A1&A2: “Kabalitaans”, this is WZXX 103.7 News Radio.
A1: Stay tuned for the next program WZXX 103.7 Top 30 Music Countdown
A2: Coming up next, DJ Ryan Seacrest
Both: Bah – bye!
(Music playing louder)
VOICE OVER: This program is brought you by ________________ and _______________.
(Music Outro)

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