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Required equipment/Materials:

 Carbonated Beer
 Caustic cleaner
 PAA Sanitizer
 1.5” hoses
 Drain hoses
 Safety glasses
 Gloves

Equipment Information: GAI 3003 A Bier Bottling line with inline labeler. For more specific and detailed information
on individual components, see the owner’s manual.


 Turn on the power, air, CO2 and water to the machine and the power to the labeler and date printer. Check CO2
volume in tank you will be bottling and write this in the log.
 Set up beer hose to H2O cold tap hose.
 Open the drain valve before the diaphragm pump to release the CO2 or chemical and then open the cold tap
H2O valve and allow water to fill the beer hose and pipe into the drain.
 When H2O is flowing close the drain valve. Close the 2 drain valves on back of machine (one just after site glass
on beer inlet and the other coming out of the machine to the vacuum pump). Open drain valve to drain and
close valve to vacuum pump.
 Open bottom two red valves and close top two red valves marked “leveler” and “counter pressure”.
 Turn the machine to wash setting by pressing the button with the hammer on it, then “setting washing”, then
“rinser filler” to “on”, then “start”, put false bottles on filler and rinser, touch “confirm” on screen, then touch
“tank washing” and “acid wash” then “start”. Be sure the red air valve with a tube connected to the diaphragm
pump is on.
 Run just the cold tap H2O for as long as it takes to fill the bottler and for water to flow out of the false bottles
(the sound of the bottler will change too), make sure water is flowing from the false bottles and through the back
of the filler heads (this is the leveler and counter pressure system) by tightening or loosening the valves on each
false bottle.
 During this time fill the 3.5 bbl grundy with hot H2O from the HLT (or from the red hose if you are going to be
doing a warm acid cycle). Open the two butterfly valves that connect the diaphragm pump to the rinser H2O
inlet and turn the water line off (the water line connected to the machine, not the one connected to the beer
 When Grundy is filled press “stop”, attach the beer hose to the Grundy and press “start” again. Allow half of the
hot H2O to run through the machine and add 60 ounces of caustic to the Grundy. Keep your eye on the level in
the Grundy and when it is empty press “stop” and allow the hot caustic H2O to soak into the machine and hose
and piping.
 Use this time to re-attach the lower capping assembly and black plastic stars if they are drying on the rack.
 Start filling Grundy with warm H2O and when it is about ¼ full turn the machine on to rinse the caustic. Rinse for
at least 15 minutes and allow the Grundy to fill up then allow machine to drain tank to half way and pour 60
ounces of acid into Grundy.
 Keep your eye on level in Grundy and when it is empty turn cold H2O on and rinse for 10 minutes and allow
Grundy to fill half way with H2O and add 12 ounces of PAA sanitizer to Grundy.

 Keep your eye on the level and when Grundy is empty press “stop”. Attach beer hose to Brite tank, open valves
INLET and turn water valve connected to machine back on. Now press “start” again.
 Keeps your eye on the site glass after the diaphragm pump watching for beer to flow into machine. Allow about
10 seconds of beer to flow into machine then press “stop”.
 Press “drain mode”, open the two drain valves in the back (one just after the site glass on beer inlet line and the
other back by the vacuum pump; open to vacuum pump, close to drain). Reverse the configuration of the cluster
of red valves marked leveler and counter pressure between the beer inlet and the water inlet. Close the bottom
set, open the top set. Press “start” for drain cycle and when you are satisfied nothing else is coming out of the
drain and false bottles press “stop” and “end”.
 Follow the screens instructions to take off bottle dummies. Close the two red valves on filler head when taking
off false bottles. Take the bottom retainer screw on the capper’s main column off.
 “Connect” rinser and capper station on the main screen and turn the CO2 on to the filler by pressing “on” in the
filler station’s screen, but do not “connect” the filler station yet.
 Press “Format in use” in the upper right hand side of the screen. Press “charge format”, “start automatic position
of heights”, this will start moving all the stations into place.
 When all heights are lowered press the hammer button, then “setting heights”, then “setting manual heights”
push the arrow to change capper height to proper height then. When it is finished lock tighten the two retaining
screws on the capper. Then go to setting manual heights for the rinser and set it higher 3 mm. Then go the
setting manual height of the filler and adjust the filler 10mm from top of bottle to bottom of filler head ring.
 Press button with a house on it, turn off “suction turbine” and turn on “kit filtered air”.
 Press filler station on the screen and check that the CO2 is around 3 bar in the filler bowl then set all buttons to
“automatic” and press “connected”. The machine will start to fill the filler bowl and will settle at a bowl volume
about 30% and the tank pressure should get to about 3 bars.
 Press home button and set speed to 1300 bottles per hour. Keep it this speed until the bowl has chilled to the
same temp as the beer to prevent CO2 in filled bottles from breaking out. This usually takes about 10 to 20 cases.
 Be sure you have the correct labels in the labeler and that it is ready. Put crowns in the hopper. Get all the glass
and cases ready. Set the correct batch number on the printer.
 Press start on the labeler and allow 10 to 15 labeled bottles to collect and to inspect for printing etc. before
turning on the bottling machine.
 Keep your eye on the CO2 level in the Brite tank (keeping the head pressure at 15psi) and check the CO2 level in
the filled bottles every time you collect bottle samples (collect at begging, middle and end of run) for bottle

 Keep your eye on the level of the tank and when you see bubbles in the site glass at the tank, you have about 5
to 10 cases left so be sure you do not have too many labeled bottles lined up to get into the machine. I like to try
to have the rinser filled plus about 6 or so. Keep an eye on the site glass at the beer inlet to the bottler. When
you see air bubbles in this site glass turn the red air valve connected to the diaphragm pump to keep the pump
from calling for more beer. When the machine gives you a low tank level warning it will stop running. Use the
remote in manual to run the rest of the beer from the bowl. When you get a low fill stop running the machine.
 At this point close the CO2 to the Brite tank and shut off the glycol.
 Attach the beer hose to the cold tap H2O and allow the water to flush out the beer line and hose into the drain
just before the diaphragm pump (be careful when you open this drain valve; it will shoot all over you if you are
not slow when opening the valve.
 Open drain valve at the beer inlet to empty what is left in the bowl and to evacuate the CO2. Close the top red
valves and open the bottom ones labeled Leveling and Counter pressure.


 When you only see water coming out to the drain close the drain and open the red air valve connected to the
diaphragm pump. This will start to fill the machine with H2O. When it stops filling, open the drain valve on the
beer inlet after the site glass to drain the H2O from the bowl. Do this a few times to rinse the bowl. Close this
drain valve.
 Unlock the black screws on the main capper cylinder.
 Press the filler part of the diagram of the machine on the touch screen and press “disconnected” and “pression”
to off. Set all the stations to “disconnected”.
 Turn “kit filter” off and turn on “suction air”.
 Touch hammer button, press “setting washing”, “start”, install false bottles, “confirm”, then set “tank washing”
and “acid wash” to on and then press “start”. Follow cleaning instructions above and this time let the caustic
soak overnight. Change it up from overnight caustic soaks to acid soaks and leaving it packing with CO2.
 Soak the end of the beer hose in a light acid water bucket. Turn off bottler, labeler and printer machines.
 Remove the capper lower assembly and inner cylinder to clean, dry and lubricate before re-installing after every
 Spray out the inside of the machine and, after every last run of the week, spray inside and outside with foaming
acid and rinse.
 Take a count of all packaged inventory for the day and write it in your log and tell upstairs and John these
numbers as well.


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