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Hormando Leocadio1
CWM van der Geld2
Julio Cesar Passos3

Impinging water jets promote high heat flux extraction rate. Steel industry widely
employs the process for accurate temperature control to improve the microstructure
and to ensure adequate mechanical properties. The range of surface temperatures,
heat fluxes and cooling rates are very large, which makes it important to obtain an
accurate value of the heat transfer coefficient. This paper presents an experimental
and numerical study of the heat transfer behavior of a high temperature (450°C -
900°C) steel plate cooled by a water jet at 20°C to 70°C. High-speed imaging (up to
20,000 fps) within water jet impingement zone allowed the characterization of the
boiling regimes in the early stages of cooling. The effects of initial temperature, water
jet temperature and velocity on the heat transfer coefficient were analyzed by inverse
heat conduction method that predicts the heat flux and temperature on the top
surface from temperatures measured with thermocouples inserted in test plate. Heat
transfer is strongly affected by the initial temperature of the hot steel, water jet
temperature and, less intensely, by jet velocity. High cooling rates start when liquid
water is in direct contact with surface temperatures above 700°C.The results will
contribute to the enhancement of the temperature cooling control on the runout table
and cooling model employed at Usiminas Hot Strip Mill.
Keywords: Hot strip mill; Water jet cooling; Heat transfer coefficient; Temperature

Mechanical Engineer, Ph.D., Specialist Researcher, R&D Department, Usiminas Steel, Ipatinga,
MG, Brazil.
Physicist, Ph.D., Head of Department/Professor, Chair Interfaces with Mass Transfer, Department
of Chemical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Mechanical Engineer, Dr., Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of
St Catarina, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil.

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019,
October 1st-3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
1 INTRODUCTION on the top surface from temperatures
measured with thermocouples inserted in
Many industrial applications use free test plate.
impinging water jets, because of the high
heat transfer rates that can be obtained 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS
using relatively simple equipment [1,2].
The temperature control at the runout table The main components of the
is one of the most critical processes to experimental setup are schematized in
obtain the desired grain structure in a steel Figure 1-a. Normal tap-water is stored in
strip and ensure required mechanical an open head tank in which the water
properties. For a hot strip mill, the finishing temperature is controlled by a thermostat
and the coiling temperatures are between controller. Water is pumped from the
800°C-950°C and 510°C-750°C, collecting reservoir to the head tank. An
respectively. In order to reduce the overflow tube kept the water level in the
temperature of the strip at the exit of the head tank constant, which ascertains a
last stand of the finishing mill to the desired constant pressure and a stable water jet at
coiling temperature, it is mainly cooled by the nozzle exit. The water was heated up
the cooling water on the runout table. The by an electrical immersion heater and
range of required surface temperatures, recirculated through head tank, water box
heat fluxes and cooling rates are typically and reservoir until the desired temperature
very large, which makes it important to was reached everywhere. The inner
obtain an accurate value of the heat diameter of nozzle is 9.7 mm and the
transfer coefficient [3,4]. This process nozzle is positioned centrally above the
includes internal conduction, forced test plate surface. The water flow rate is
convection, boiling, air convection, set by a needle valve. A high-speed
radiation and heat generation from material camera, #2 captures images from the
phase transformation. The entire heat outside of the jet at 300 fps.
transfer process is not yet fully understood The main characteristic that differentiates
because the heat transfer mechanism this test rig from other studies is the ability
involves the complex interaction of water to optically observe interfacial phenomena
impingement and boiling on a moving through the water jet on the hot surface of
surface travelling up to 20 m/s [2,5]. The the plate allowing the characterization of
purpose of the present study is to the boiling regimes in the early stages of
contribute to the understanding of the heat cooling. To this end, a borescope is
transfer behavior that occurs during the mounted in a box that is fully filled with
controlled cooling of high-temperature steel liquid. The borescope is connected to the
by impinging circular water jets. This paper high-speed video camera #1 and is
presents an experimental and numerical positioned centrally above the hole of
study of the heat transfer behavior of a nozzle exit in a way that does not disturb
high temperature (450°C - 900°C) steel the water jet stability. In this way,
plate cooled by a water jet at 20°C to 70°C. recordings through the water jet yield top
High-speed imaging (up to 20,000 fps) views from the jet impingement zone at a
within water jet impingement zone allowed rate of 5 to 20 kfps. A series of LED lights
the characterization of the boiling regimes surrounding the nozzle exit provide
in the early stages of cooling. The effects sufficient illumination for this purpose. A
of jet temperature, jet velocity and initial cylindrical coordinate system is defined in
test temperature on the heat transfer which r is the radial distance to the center
coefficient were analyzed by means of the of the jet and y the height above the
transient inverse heat conduction method surface of the plate. Figure 1-b shows the
that predicts the heat flux and temperature

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
cross section of a jet of 8 mm impinging on 0.11 W/(m.K) at 800°C and 25 mm thick
test plate of 50 x 50 x 10 mm³. was used. Three holes with diameter of
1.1 mm and 9 mm depth were drilled and
checked by calipers. Grounded
Temperature thermocouples Type-K, 1 mm in sheath
control Head tank
diameter made of 304 SS (the same as
Data acquisition
system Needle valve
(b) plate), was used to measure the
Air vent
Automatic valve
temperature history. The thermocouples
TC1, TC2 and TC3 are located in line at
Water box
radial positions of 0, 9 and 18 mm,
HS respectively, from the center of plate at
camera 1
depth of 1 mm below the top surface. High
temperature thermal paste with
lights conductivity of 70 W/(m.K) was inserted
Nozzle into the hole to insure good thermal
Water jet thermocouple-plate contact. The thermal
Insulation properties of the 304 SS [7] are shown in
Table 1.
Thermocouples Table 1. Thermophysical properties of the 304 SS.
Reservoir cp
T (ºC) ρ (kg/m3) k (W/m.K)
valve (b) (a) 27 447 7900 15.2
ic valve 127 515 7859 16.6
327 557 7774 19.8
527 582 7685 22.6
727 611 7582 25.4
927 640 7521 28.0

The test plate was heated by an electrical

oven (3 kW) at test quenching position.
(b) The data acquisition system
sulation Figure 1. (a) Schematic of the test rig; (b) simultaneously triggers the automatic
Schematic of cross section jet impinging on test valve, the high-speed camera, LED lights
plate with thermocouples TC1, TC2, and TC3 and acquires and stores the data. The
located in line at radial positions (r). plate temperature history during cooling
process was measured by three
The impinging jet diameter is similar those thermocouples inserted into the test plate
used in hot strip mill cooling. The test plate at rate of 50 Hz. The test plate was heated
material chosen was the traditional 50°C beyond the initial test temperature.
austenitic stainless steel (SS) type 304 for The quenching tests were carried out at Ti
two reasons. First, because its resistance of 450°C, 600°C, 750°C, and 900°C which
against high temperature oxidation on are commonly used in hot strip mill cooling.
surface, which is ensured by the formation The water was heated up by electrical
of protective chromium oxide (Cr 2O3) film heater and recirculated through head tank,
[6]. Second, to avoid the noticeable water box and reservoir until reach the
amount of heat generation, common in desire test temperature. The water jet
carbon steel, caused by phase temperatures were 20°C, 50°C and 70°C
transformation that distracts temperature (subcooling of 80K, 50K and 30K) with
reading during jet cooling process. On the velocities of 1 and 3 m/s. Before each
plate sides without water impingement, experiment, the impinging surface was
insulation with low thermal conductivity of

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
sanded with 320 grit sandpaper and adiabatic, since the radiation and free
cleaned with acetone. The measured convective heat transfer rate at those
arithmetic mean roughness (Ra) at surfaces are much less than the one at the
impingement zone surface, after quenching impinging side. The impingement surface
test, was found ranging 0.11 to 0.18 µm. was divided into three unknown heat flux
For the new plate surface Ra = 0.10 µm. zones: r1 = 0 to 5 mm (Zone 1); r2 = 5 to
Some hydrodynamic parameters are 14 mm (Zone 2); r3 = 14 to 25 mm
required in a heat transfer analysis of jet (Zone 3). The measured temperature
impingement quenching, such as impinging histories are given as input at the nodes
jet velocity (Vj), impinging jet diameter (dj) corresponding to the positions of the
and active pressure (Pj) at the thermocouples TC1, TC2 and TC3 located
impingement zone. These parameters at at 1 mm from top surface at radial position
stagnation point (r = 0) are listed in Table 2 of r = 0, 9, and 18 mm, respectively.
and were calculated using the equations of Details of this model and validation are
continuity and Bernoulli. The stagnation described in [11].
pressure (Pj) represents the active Calculated uncertainty was within 95%
pressure in the stagnation point (r = 0) at limits and was analyzed according to
impinging jet velocity (Vj) on plate surface criteria suggested by Taylor [12] taking into
and atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa. In account errors in measurement,
the hot strip mill cooling Vj ≈ 7 m/s, the calibration, machining, and measuring
saturation temperature (Tsat) raises to devices. Combining the uncertainties of
105°C. thermocouple and data acquisition system,
the uncertainty of temperature was
Table 2. Hydrodynamic parameters at stagnation ± 0.30%. The calculated relative
point (r = 0). uncertainty for heat flux (q) was ± 5 %.
Qn dn Vn dj Vj Pj Tsat
(ℓ/min) (mm) (m/s) (mm) (m/s) (kPa) (°C) Zone 1
5 mm
Zone 2
9 mm
Zone 3
11 mm
1 mm
3 9.7 0.7 8 1 102 100
TC1 TC2 TC3 4 mm
9 9.7 2.0 8 3 106 101
7 mm

r = 9 mm 6 mm
A widely used commercial inverse heat r = 18 mm

conduction program INTEMP [8,9,10] was y r

used to predict the heat flux and r = 25 mm

temperature distribution along the cooling Figure 2. 2D axisymmetric finite element model
surface from temperature histories divided into three unknown heat flux monitoring
measured with thermocouples inserted in zones on top plate surface.
the test plate. A 2D axisymmetric finite
element model was used for the analysis of 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the data of the present study. The model
had 25 mm in radius, 10 mm thickness with A sequence of snapshots of the jet cooling
600 and 1000 quadratic elements of experiment for Ti = 896°C and Tj = 20°C,
0.5 x 0.5 and 0.5 x 0.2 mm², respectively, showing the growth of the wetted region, is
with 4-nodes per element, as showed in shown in Figure 3. The plate surface
Figure 2. The small elements of initially at 896°C (t = 0) becomes covered
0.5 x 0.2 mm² filled the first 4 mm from the by insulating vapor blanket after the jet has
top surface with thinner elements in the impinged on its surface (t = 0.06 s). A
vertical direction, because of the faster small darker zone is formed at t = 0.27 s
response that is needed close to under the jet indicating that the solid-liquid
quenching surface. The faces of the plate contact (rewetting) was established.
without jet impingement were considered Rewetting temperature (Trw) is defined as

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
the surface temperature that allows the water is deflected upward. The rewetting
establishment of the direct contact of a front velocity, Vrw, decreases as the wetted
liquid with a hot surface. Rewetting delay zone grows radially outwards. The wetted
time (trw) is the time to rewetting occurs zone diameter enlarges from t = 0.38 s to
after jet has impinged on hot surface. 0.68 s (0.3 s) a radial advance of 14 mm
Within wetted region the regime changes and after long period of 1.52 s (t = 2.20 s)
from film to nucleate boiling. Outside this a radial advance only of 1 mm. This
small region, the surface is dry and a vapor sudden drop in rewetting velocity is
blanket occurs. The wetted region grows explained from the heating and thinning of
fast moving radially outward (t = 0.38 s). A the water film while it moves radially
white narrow band demarcates the frontier outwards: it loses its ability to condense
between wetted and dry zone (rewetting vapor at rewetting front edge, this analysis
front). The free-surface on top of the liquid is in line with Karwa et al. [13] and Lee et
flow appears smooth and shiny, without al. [14].
visible evidence of boiling activity within the Figure 4 shows boiling regimes and cooling
wetted region (t = 0.44 s). and curves for Ti = 751°C, Tj = 20°C, and
Vj = 1 m/s. Figure 4-a shows top view
t=0 10 mm t = 0.06 s images inside of water jet impingement
(from A to H) of successive stages of
boiling regimes which are indicated on
curves seen in Figure 4-b which depicts
the boiling regimes (film boiling, transition,
maximum heat flux, nucleate boiling, and
t = 0.38 s
t = 0.27s single-phase) by cooling curve, heat flux,
cooling rate, and heat transfer coefficient
during the quench test.
Film boiling still cover the hot surface
0.02 s after quenching has started
(Stage A) and the surface temperature (Ts)
t = 0.44 s t = 0.68 s remain unaltered due to the low heat
transfer across vapor layer where heat flux,
heat transfer coefficient, and cooling rate
are low. The red dashed circles show
some of many gas bubbles on vapor film.
Such gas bubbles are coming from a
t = 0.83 s t = 2.20 s
degassing process explained by Leocadio
et al. [11].
At trw = 0.11 s (Stage B) the establishment
of the direct steel-liquid contact (rewetting)
occurs on very high-temperature steel
surface at 738°C and surface heat flux (q)
Figure 3. Sequence of events of the wetted region is only 1.1 MW/m². Two small wetted
growth for Ti = 896°C and Tj = 20°C. regions can be seen within the red dashed
Even though this visible absence of circle, and vapor film still exists
bubbles was reported by Leocadio et al. surrounding this region.
[3], top view images from within the jet
impingement zone with vigorous boiling
activity will be showed in the present study.
Outside of the wetted region, the outgoing

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
(a) Snapshots of successive stages of boiling regimes within jet impingement zone.
0.0 0.1 Time, s 1.0
Film boiling Transition Nucleate Boiling 17
7 FNB Partial

Heat Transfer Coef., kW/(m².K)

E 13
Heat Flux, MW/m²

Heat Flux D
5 F
Heat Transfer Coef. 11
3 H
qrw 7
2 B 5

1 3
0 1
-1 A -1
750 C 1500
650 1300
Surface Temperaure,°C

Cooling Rate, K/s

550 Surface Temperature

Cooling Rate (dT/dt) F
G 700
350 TONB
H 500

150 100

50 -100
0.0 0.1 Time, s 1.0
(b) Cooling curve, heat flux, cooling rate, and heat transfer coefficient.
Figure 4. Heat transfer and boiling regimes in jet impingement quenching for Ti = 751°C, Tj = 20°C.

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
The rewetting phenomenon occurring on temperature reduction, what shows the
high-temperature surface beyond critical independence of bubble size from surface
point of water (374°C) is explained by temperature.
Leocadio et al. [11]. They proposed Over time the cooling process continues
equations (1) and (2) for the prediction of until the surface temperature reaches the
the rewetting temperature (T rw) and value of 246°C, where bubbly activity
rewetting delay time (trw), respectively. ceases and just a bubble is observed
(Stage H). The bubbly activity has ceased
𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟔𝟑 𝐓𝐢 −𝟒𝟓𝟎 𝟑 due to high subcooling of water. Increasing
𝐓𝐢 − 𝐓𝐫𝐰 = 𝟏.𝟒𝟒 𝟎.𝟎𝟗𝟐 (𝟒𝟓𝟎−𝐓 ) water jet temperature was observed a
∆𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐛 𝐕𝐣 𝐬𝐚𝐭
increasing in bubbles size and a
(1) decreasing on surface temperature to
cease the bubbly activity. Figure 5 shows
𝐓𝐢 (𝟑𝟕−𝟏.𝟗𝟐 𝐕𝐣) the effect of initial surface temperature (T i)
𝐭 𝐫𝐰 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟓𝟑 𝐞𝐱𝐩 [ 𝟎.𝟒𝟐𝟏 ] (2)
𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 ∆𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐛 on the heat flux curve for jet temperature
(Tj) of 20°C, r = 0, and Vj = 1 m/s.
where ΔTsub = Ts – Tsat is the water jet Maximum heat flux (qmax) increases with
subcooling. The wetted area (nucleate the rise the initial surface temperature. For
boiling regime) increases over time due to Ti = 450°C, 600°C, 750°C and 900°C,
the advancement of rewetting front qmax = 2.6, 3.3, 5.1, 6.4 MW/m² occurs at
outwards in radial direction (red dashed Ts = 393°C, 453°C, 578°C and 653°C,
line), where many vapor bubbles are respectively. This demonstrates the strong
observed, while out of this area the gas influence of initial surface temperature on
bubbles still remain on film boiling (dry qmax.
area). In Stage C, the surface temperature Note that, this inflection on curves
(Ts) dropped to 711°C, while heat flux (q s) indicates probably defines the onset of
increased to 2.4 MW/m². At Stage D the single-phase about the surface
surface is fully wetted and only vapor temperature of 250°C, as shown in image
bubbles are observed and the cooling rate of Stage H in Figure 4-a. In single-phase
(CR) is maximum (1083 K/s) at t = 0.23 s regime all curves remain together,
with Ts = 646°C, and qs = 4.4 MW/m². At regardless of Ti. Due to the end of bubbly
Stage E, the maximum heat flux (q max) of activity, the heat transfer happens by
5.0 MW/m² occurs at t = 0.30 s, forced convection and it depends on only
Ts = 574°C, and CR = 830 K/s. liquid flow. Therefore, Maximum heat flux
After the peak of maximum heat flux and nucleate boiling regime strongly
(Stage E) the direction of the heat flux depend on Ti, while it has a weak influence
curve changes downward. The heat on single-phase regime.
transfer coefficient (h) reaches its Figure 6 shows the effect of Ti on heat
maximum value (≈ 9.5 kW/m².K) between transfer coefficient at r = 0, for Vj = 1 m/s,
Stages E and F and remains almost jet of 20°C, and Ti = 450°C, 600°C, 750°C
constant going through single-phase and 900°C.
regime. The curve shows heat transfer At the beginning of cooling process the
coefficient in film boiling regime is very low, heat transfer coefficient (h) value is too low
increasing during in transition regime. for all Ti but they increases as surface
The snapshots at Stage E - F clearly show temperature (Ts) reduces up to maximum
the gradual reduction in bubble population heat transfer coefficient (hmax) is achieved.
due to the surface temperature reduction of For Ti = 450°C and 900°C, hmax = 7 and
574°C to 332°C. The bubbles size seemed 13.5 kW/m².K, respectively.
non-change over time with the surface

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Tj sub = 80K
= 20°C
6 900°C VVjj==11m/s
750°C rr==00
5 600°C
q, MW/m²


100 200 300 500 1000
Ts , °C

Figure 5. Effect of initial surface temperature on the boiling curve for jet temperature of 20°C and r = 0.

Tj sub = 80K
= 20°C
m/s 900°C
rr==00 hmax 750°C
h , kW/m².K



100 200 300 500 1000
Ts , °C
Figure 6. Effect of Ti on heat transfer coefficient at r = 0, for Vj = 1 m/s and jet temperature of 20°C.

It was observed a trend in hmax to occur on onset of single-phase. This could be the
surface temperature at 350°C – 400°C, explanation for the h curves remain
independently of Ti. However, after hmax, all constant on this region. Therefore, heat
curves go to downward direction and transfer coefficient is strongly affected by Ti
remain relatively constant after surface and Ts.
temperature about 250°C with h ≈ 6 and The heat transfer coefficient curves, at
11 kW/m².K, for Ti = 450°C and 900°C, right side of hmax, should be used as
respectively. As above explained, this boundary condition in controlled cooling
inflection on curves indicates probably the models for hot rolling mill line, because the

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
common range of surface temperature is
Ti = 450°C (a)
350°C < Ts < 900°C. Constant values of 6
Vj = 1 m/s
heat transfer coefficient have to be avoided T
ΔTj =
= 80K
in such models.

q , MW/m²
Figure 7 shows the effect of initial 4
r = 9 mm
temperature (Ti) on radial distribution of r = 18 mm
surface heat flux, for Tj = 20°C and 3

Vj = 1 m/s at (a) Ti = 450°C, (b) Ti = 750°C, 2

(c) Ti = 900°C. The delay time between
peaks of maximum heat fluxes is caused 1

by delay in the rewetting front arrival 0

(growth of wetted zone), as showed in 0.01 0.1 1 10
7 Time, s
Figure 3. The time lapse among peaks of
Ti = 750°C (b)
maximum heat fluxes for Ti = 450°C 6
Vj = 1 m/s
(Figure 7-a) are smaller than for T
ΔTj =
= 80K
Ti = 900°C. Larger initial surface

q , MW/m²
temperature increases the amount of 4
r = 9 mm
energy stored in the test plate, thereby r = 18 mm
increasing the time needed to extract
energy and, thus, reducing the rewetting 2
front propagation. As the test plate has
more energy stored when T i is higher, thus 1

it has more energy to be delivery what 0

leads to higher values in heat fluxes in 0.01 0.1 1 10
7 Time, s
Ti = 900°C and lower values in T i = 450°C.
Note as the heat flux curves were shifted 6
Ti = 900°C
Vj = 1 m/s
up in Figure 7-c. Tj = 20°C
5 ΔT sub = 80K
Therefore, heat flux curves are strongly
q , MW/m²

affected by Ti. The delay time among 4

r= 0
r = 9 mm
maximum heat fluxes are enlarged with
r = 18 mm
increasing of Ti, because higher Ti reduce 3

the ability of water to condense vapor at 2

rewetting front edge, thus, the growth
velocity of the wetted zone. This behavior 1
also was observed in others studies [3,13].
The experiment for the effect of jet 0.01 0.1 1 10
impinging velocity (Vj) on radial distribution Time, s
of surface heat flux, for Ti = 900°C and Figure 7. Effect of initial surface temperature on
Ti = 20°C at Vj = 1 m/s and 3 m/s radial distribution of surface heat flux, for Tj = 20°C
and Vj = 1 m/s at (a) Ti = 450°C, (b) Ti = 750°C, (c)
demonstrated that the lapse of time among Ti = 900°C.
peaks of qmax was smaller for Vj = 3 m/s
than 1 m/s. The explanation for this is the However, the same experiment
larger mass of water on surface for demonstrated the weak effect of jet velocity
Vj = 3 m/s resulting in a smaller heating of on heat flux curve, with Vj = 1 m/s and
water increasing the ability of condensing 3 m/s. Increasing Vj lightly increases the
and removing bubbles at rewetting front, heat flux. The experiment for the effect of
consequently, increasing the rewetting subcooling on radial distribution of surface
front velocity and reducing the time lapse heat flux for Tj = 20°C, 50°C, and 70°C
among peaks. demonstrated that subcooling has a strong
effect on heat flux curve and rewetting front

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
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* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
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Experiment and analysis. International
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017,
Vol. 113, pp. 622-634.

* Technical contribution to the 11th International Rolling Conference, part of the ABM Week 2019, October 1st-
3rd, 2019, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

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