Switchwords Online Course Book

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Contents of this Book are copyright protected & owned by (xsorrco Rahul Kaushl ve MANACURUCON P, *~ANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM Prologue > It's been a year long journey with all of you spanning across countries like India, Dubai, Canada & USA with a promise to be taking it to every nook & corner of the world. But for me this journey started 24 years ago when I ventured into the field of occult since then T have just been learning & I am amazed at the variety Numerology has to offer. Having conducted more than 24 workshops in 3 years & building an Intuitive Army of more than 1000 Occult Experts, I have realised that people are quick learners & adapt to the learning effortlessly. It gives me immense pride to see all of you taking forward the ‘not so emphasised’ science of Numerology. workshop I make sure T bring something new to the table for the benefit of mise to keep doing that in the future as well. This book is an attempt in the same direction In the end I would like to thank the supreme power for always being my guiding light and my Dad I.P,Singh, My wife Divya Kaushall, my soul sister Kangan Baja} and my daughter Devishree Kaushal for their endless support. ve n Light to all Pt. Rahul Kaushl Occult Master wwwPandit.com ww OccultMaster.com First launched on 5 August 2020 at 12:15:15 pm Copyright: Rahul Kaushal ’ Occult & Occult Master are Registered Trademarks of Rahul Kaushal and CAN'T be used in any form i.e. name or company name etc.” Coxporate Office (India) USA Office Trichakra Foundation ‘Trichakra Foundation LLC 80, Vishal Nagar 1910 THOMES AVENUE, Pakhowal Road CHEYENNE, WY 82002 Ludhiana, PB usa India: 141001 +91-769-666-6666 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Disclaimer: All opinions and interferences expressed in the book are solely the author's and are not meant to prove anything. (— A few dialogues before you proceed >» Pandit.com is an online learning portal affiliated to the Occult Master - each owned & operated by “Pt. Rahul Kaushl” - a name which does not require much introduction in the world of teaching occult sciences ~ now available via online courses on the demand of students, We personally believe that knowledge is like water - the flow of which - cannot be restricted by any means. Hence, our E-learning concept has arrived with a vision of never-ending é& obstacle-free learning despite the situation & time. Wearing this aim on the shoulders, we have come up witha range of online occult courses for both beginners and experts. Pandit.com is an inclusive platform for learning & developing occult skills to succeed in the field and adopting new earning ways. The range of our online courses includes Astrology, Vastu, Remedies, Tarots, Graphology, Gemmology, and much more. Furthermore, all the course modules are prepared & delivered by Pt. Rahul Kaushl, which means you could certainly expect added & the next-level knowledge as a bonus through these online courses. Well, this is just the kickoff, stay connected to be abreast of more interesting courses. The beautiful thing about learning is that e No one can take it away from you! LIST OF MASTER SWITCHV DS This isa list of master Switchwords. Master Switchwords can be chanted exclusively or together [iE with other Switchword, Switch-phrases, & Switchcodes. = MASTER COLOUR USES ¥ SWITCHWORD| ENERGY ADD Red. To enhance or increase something, To manifest something or fetch something in life, thing, ora RUNG oe situation. CHARM Pink To attract & fulfil the heart's desires. DIVINEORDER | Green __|_ To achieve efficiency in something and getting on the track. For successful & timely completion of any task or meeting ONE, ord deadlines, ete. ELATE Orange —_| To uplift and retrieve lost things, persons & relationships, etc. LOVE Pink To soothe down the pressure, bad effects, obstacles RO iim To avoid delays, take on the spot actions, eliminate past experiences & Karmas. RESET White To come back to the previous situation & clear chaos. To bring energy, hope, courage & abundance and to shun So NR Sa coe elie laziness, stress, anxiety & delays. ‘To move on, stop an argument, come out of the guilt, get eS Gen solutions, and feeling light. POCrrTa Sky Blue | T° unite body, mind & soul, to do something quickly, get connected with the divine energies & to achieve mastery in something, PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, a ‘A LIST OF SWITCHV DS This is a combined list of Switchwords along with their uses. Remember, these Switchwords must be ‘used in CAPITAL LETTERS to enhance their effects. However, the same Switchwords are used in small letters toneutralize or nullify theeffect. ACT - be a good orator; transition ADD - find or increase percentage; enlarge what you have ADJUST ~ create balance; assume or carry a burden; handle uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions AIM ~ to give purpose ALERT - increase awareness; perk up; pay attention to your surroundings ALIGN - support ALLOW - make available; release; discover ALONE - nurture or heal; increase focus on self AMAZING - inspired; create miraculous endeavours ANCHOR - attach; self-confident; firmly fasten ARIE - bring into being; materialize AROUND - gain or improve perspective ATTENTION - do detailed work; avoid carelessness BALANCE - increase dependability; create stability BAMBOO - diversify yourself; grow rapidly BE - be at peace and in good health; have good form; dispel loneliness; skill in sports; to be unaffected by ridicule BEAM - bring sunshine; stop raining; brighten BEGIN - bring into existence BENEVOLENT - be liberal; receive generosity; show compassion and understanding; be peacefully accepting BETWEEN - use or enhance telepathy; increase psychic awareness BINGO - find a right answer; feel excitement BLESSED - increase vibrational level; fee! peace; feel gratitude and appreciation BLUFF - dispel fear or nervousness; enhance imagination and dreams BOW - dispel arrogance BRICKS - solidify; strengthen; fortify position BRING - unite with; manifest; make it so; deliver the goods BUBBLE - expand beyond perceived limitations; get energized; get excited BUFFER - be discerning; avoid exploitation BUZZ - kick it into high gear; accomplish task at hand quickly and efficiently CALM ~ at rest; stable; constant CANCEL - eliminate negativity or unwanted conditions; eliminate, - erase or discreate debt or - any kind of negativity, or any unwanted thought or condition; dispel annoyance; to - dispel worry; eliminate poverty CANCER - calm emotional distress; soften (from astrology's Cancer the Crab) CARE - memorize; remember; retain CHANGE - dispel emotional or physical pain; get something out of the eye CHARLTON HESTON - stand straight and tall (or use someone you know who stands straight and tall) PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURULCOM ———— JE eer a ‘A CHARM - manifest your heart's desires CHISEL - mould to form; sculpture; cut out excesses (such as tumours) CHLORINE ~ mingle; share yourself; make a difference; blend; become one with CHOOSE - empower; release old pains CHUCKLE - turn on personality CIRCULATE - end loneliness; mingle CLAP - show appreciation; feel good CLASSIC - appear cultured, suave CLEAR - dispel anger and resentment (CLIMB - rise; enhance your view point COMPASSION - be accepting; show special kindness; alleviate pain CONCEDE - stop arguing, "kiss & make up" CONFESS - end aggression CONGRATULATIONS - feel accomplished; increase self-esteem CONSIDER - be a good mechanic, a fixer of things, CONTAIN - arrest current condition immediately; stop sequence CONTINUE - create or increase endurance; continue swimming COPY - have good taste; increase fertility CORONA - connect to Source within; fill with light energy; attach to life energy COUNT - make money; reduce smoking COVER - reduce nervousness; subdue inner excitement COZY - create comfort CRISP - dispel fatigue; feel refreshed; revitalize; enhance; rejuvenate; brighten CROWD - dispel disobedience in children, pets or subordinates CRYSTAL - clarify the situation, things; look to the future; improve clairvoyance; purify; neutralize; access Universal Knowledge CURVE ~ create beauty; make something beautiful CUT - for moderation if tempted to excess; sever ties, CUTE - think; discern; be sharp-witted; be clever DANCE - feel joy DASH - take pause; refine details DAZZLE - give astonishing results; show brilliance DECLARE - begin the creation process; create possibilities DEDICATE - stop clinging DEEP - submerge within; give focused attention DELIVER - empower DETACH - withdraw; disassociate; remove DIMINISH - reduce; be reasonable; be gentle DIPOLE - create a neutral zone; balance negative with positive DIVINE - work miracles or extraordinary accomplishment; increase personal ability DIVINE LIGHT - multiply intensity; increase enlightenment; brightly focus positivity DIVINEORDER - anytime you have some organizing or cleaning to do, or packing for a trip, be efficient; clean up a mess; put in optimum order; revamp DO - eliminate procrastination PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURULCOM ————— J} eer a ‘A DONE - create completion; meet a deadline; keep a resolution; build willpower DOWN - stop bragging DUCK - dispel hypersensitivity DYNAMIC - refresh; revitalize; update energy EASE - simplify the task at hand; unleash yourself; calm down ELATE - transform a setback into an uplift or benefit ENCHANTED - give/ get captivated attention END - stop thinking about; close; forget ENHANCE - unfurl; open (yourself) and choose to be seen EVAPORATE - transform; mingle with your environment EVER - maintain continuity; keep things going EXCITED - increase awareness; increase vital signs (heart rate, breathing, etc. EXTINCT - terminated; ended; no longer exists FIFTY FIVE (65) - show the way; lead to the light; whole-brain thinking; quantum spirituality; universal mediator; mental telepathy; clairvoyance; ultimate freedom; ultimate oneness; integral consciousness FIFTY THREE (53) - pay primary concern; take responsibility FIGHT - win a competitive game; intensify intents FILTER - restrict available information to (focus); focus on smaller details FIND - build a fortune FLAME - extend; radiate warmth and light FLASH - be prompt; lunge ahead FLOW - let go of the details; release need to maintain a routine; break a habit FLOWER - flourish; thrive; open up to the world; share your inner beauty FOR - promote FOREVER - keep a secret FORGIVE - eliminate remorse; end desire for revenge FREEDOM - release ties to guilt-driven action; release need to conform; let go of constrictions FULL - optimum level; go beyond; expand capacity GATHER - come together GENIUS - raise expectations; merge with information beyond human comprehension GIGGLE - get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at hand GIVE - sell; help others GO - end laziness; begin; progress GRACE - smooth the rough spots; be mer GRASS ~ be versatile; make yourself useful GUARD - protection of body, spirit or property; preserve personal safety GUIDE - follow inner guidance; allow oneself to know the way HALFWAY - make a long distance seem short HELP - eliminate indecision or uncertainty; increase focus HIDE - block or dim view; put into the shade HIGHLIGHT ~ draw attention to; direct focus at HO - relax; to reduce tension; to yawn; to sigh HOLD - build character PANDITCOM -OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURULCOM ———— eer a ‘A HOLE - be attractive, appealing HOLIDAY - enjoy yourself; step out of routine; stop the monotony HORSE - be solid; be strong; gain power HORSESHOE - remain steadfast; strengthen the soul; safely move rapidly ahead; increase sturdiness and balance HUG - feel warm appreciation; connect with another ICE CUBE - cool down; numb pain IMMUNITY - protected from accident or harm; maintain wellness INHERITANCE - gain external enhancement INK - add permanency INNOCENCE - create, build faith and trust INTEGER - whole; without attachments ~ INTEGRATE - assimilate; embrace; bond with INVEST - show devotion JACK LALANNE - enthuse (or use someone you know who is an enthusiast) JACKPOT - feel successful; feel excitement JEWEL - shine brightly; feel magnificent; raise your vibration JOHN - feel calm and comforted; feel safe JOY - give and receive joy; increase bliss JUDGE - love to read; increase comprehension KEEP - be safe; feel cherished LAMINATE - allow protected access; maintain integrity LEARN - be youthful; look youthful; rejuvenate LIGHT - be inspired; lighten load, mood or stress LIMIT - set parameters; keep others from taking advantage of you; back off; stop; regain control LISTEN - predict the future; in touch with nature and self LOVE - generate, radiate, experience love; acceptance MAGIC - enchant; thrill; excite MAGNANIMITY - be generous; end pettiness MAHATMA GANDHI - allow for peaceful resolution MAINTAIN - take on responsibility for MARVEL - create a unique perspective MASK - save from harm; shield MIRACLE - transcend beyond expectations MIX - bond with MONA LISA - smile; dispel hate; dispel envy (or someone who represents a smile to you) MOVE - increase energy; eliminate tiredness; increase pep; clear inertia NEXT - finish lots of meticulous work; repeat; at this time NOURISH - to preserve; to develop NOW - end procrastination; act on good impulse NUTSHELL - be precise and concise PANDITCOM -OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURULCOM ———— J eer a ‘A OAK - strengthen ties to Earth and nature; be grounded; hold strong OFF - quit an unwanted habit; go to sleep OFFER - dispel greed OIL - clear friction; smooth; release tension; release resistance; separate ON - get new ideas; obtain transportation; nourish ambition; build; produce OPEN - release; tolerate; understand; comprehend; free the mind; breathe easier; be artful; dispel inhibitions; allow OVER - end frustration PEACE - quell panic; reclaim stability; cease hostilities PERFECT - feel satisfied PERSONAL - publish a successful newspaper or newsletter; be a success PHASE - set goals, routine or pattern; improve situation PIVOT - change view; redirect; revise your position/attitude PLETHORA - overflowing; more than expected; joyful abundance POINT - improve eyesight and focus; find direction; decide POSTPONE - stop pouting; let it go PRAISE - be beautiful; stop being critical; stop fault finding; make yourself handsome PRESERVE - delay PROUD - feel increased self-worth; show improved image PURGE - dismiss; expel PURIFY - to harmonize energies, cleanse your aura, space or relationships PURSUE - set focus intently upon (should have a target following it: PURSUELOVE; PURSUE- TRUST) PUT - build; expand QUENCH - find relief; become satiated QUEST - make new discoveries QUIET ~ quiet the ego RAINBOW - fulfill promises; create a colorful conscious life; dreams beckon reality REACH - locate misplaced objects; reach solutions for problems; repair things; find what you're looking for such as misplaced items like keys, papers, tools, etc., forgotten ideas, information in your mind or memory like names, numbers, etc., solutions to problems; invent; solve problems; remember, recall; retrieve REFINE - upgrade; add more detail REFLECT - look within the details; gain advantage REFRESH - incorporate new information/things; gain a new perspective REJOICE - stop being jealous RELAY - to move forward; progress RELEASE - stop trying to control REMISSION - release and forget the ills of the past; look to the future with positive expectations RESCIND - undo; restart; cancel; redo; (similar to Control-Z on a Windows computer you undo - last action) Caution: It may be wise to use BETWEEN, CRYSTAL and LISTEN with RESCIND to avoid possible time loop RESTORE - restore fairness; restore honesty REVEAL - see; visualize; understand; bring into focus PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTERLCOM - MAHAGURU;COM, eer a ‘A REVERSE - bury a grudge; stop RHYTHM - keep pace; keep moving; increase efficiency RIDICULOUS - get publicity; center attention on you RIVET - to attach; hold onto ROOT - dig; discover; grow RUSH - overcome obstacles; move quickly toward a goal SAGE - dispel evil SANDPAPER - smooth things over; remove imperfections SAVE - stop drinking alcohol and other unwanted habits SCHEME - advertise; design create SENSE - internalize information; recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations ‘SERENE - feel relaxed; release worries SEVENTY THREE - connect to Ketu, the Divine and Jupiter, which in turn opens up extraordinary mental and psychic powers SHAKE - release stress; let go of unwanted energies; release negativity SHARP - incisive; alert; ready SHIP - internalize; put within SHOE LACE - maintain protection; retain buffer SHOULDER - assume a task; simplify a complexity SHOW - be devout; virtuous; moral; give respect SHUFFLE - realign; rethink; make significant modifications SHUT - stop looking for trouble SIMPLE - gain perspective on a difficult task SING - vibrate with emotion; feel words (heard, said, sung or thought) SLOW - be wise; have patience SNAP - change focus immediately; take immediate action; give focused attention SNEEZE - reject; expel; scatter SOMEHOW - release the details and let it be SOPHISTICATE - publish a successful magazine; become a larger success SPARK - promote transformation; catalyst for change SPEED - bring about good fortune; bring about abundance; bring about prosperity SPEND - dress better; be beautiful STAR - bea guiding light; show brilliance STAY ~ maintain status quo; be still; remain undisturbed STEADY- maintain balance; move with ease; increase endurance STILL - pay close attention; focus intently STRETCH - prolong a good feeling or event or sense of well-being; grow intellectually, mentally, ~ spiritually or physically SUFFER ~ handle success; handle prosperity PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM ——______________—. eer a ‘A SUPREME - connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself; release negative connotations; allow yourself to let go of negative thoughts SURPRISE - feel elated; trust the unknown to be defined; take joy in discovery SURRENDER - accept; relinquish need to control SWARM - drive a multitude SWEET - be soothing to others; be caring SWING - have courage; be bold SWIVEL - relieve constipation; relieve diarrhea TAKE ~ become a good leader TAP ~ convert; adapt; renovate THANKS - stop regretting; release guilt TINY ~ be polite; be kind; be courteous; reduce size; decrease importance TOGETHER - master any activity; have it all together; become single-minded TOMORROW - eliminate remorse; dispel sorrow TOO ~ be included; go to the extreme ‘TRANSFORM - improve; advance TREASURE - maintain; make important TRICKLE - to share; to give; to be attentive to TRUST - align physical, emotional and spiritual energies; balance chakras UNCLE - dispel differences, ward off apartness UNMASK - bring into focus; expose; lay bare UNPLUG - release attachments; think outside the box; release limitations UP - be in high spirits; dispel the blues; dispel inferiority complex US - unify VIBRANT - be a strong presence VICTORY - overcome; achieve WAIT - learn a secret WASTE - appear rich; show opulence WATCH - learn a skill; perfect a skill WATCHMAN - increase security; feel safe WHET - stimulate; sharpen; hone; refine; finalize WHIMSICAL - make unusual; make spectacular; be innovative WHISK ~ open up space; aerate; incorporate air WHISPER - be quiet; pay close attention to what you are hearing WIND - access your unseen power; sweep things away WINGS - rise above the pressure; move freely and unencumbered WITH - be agreeable; compatible; harmonize well with others; immerse in WOMB - feel cuddled; be cuddly; be secure; reconnect with Source YES! - stop hesitating and just do it; get on with it; get energized ZERO/XERO - gone; dissipated; dried up PANDITCOM -OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURULCOM ———— eer a ‘A ENERGY CIRCLES —O5 iG-ON-LOVE-| BRING-ON-LOVE-DIVINE © Lor o © ( i) ‘3 GUARD-WOMB FSS le) )_ Improving Love Relationships Ome Why oY | curvenote p aes AF AC PANDITCOM - OCCUTMASTERCOM- MAHAGURU.COM J EXGTar TEC Ee DIVINE-TOGETHER gr Ox é @& & > © a > 6) ASF KL) SLOSS NSS SET PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, A ® z Eo LOVE-WOMB PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, ee COTS uO nS ALN een] Omani SCENES POTS Break From Routine & Enjoy 8 ©) Cea SLOSS NS SET EPS NLS eT PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, > spa0my g ® z CoE POSTPONE-CONFESS PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, (Om = 5 OEE ETE () DIVINE-STRETCH EE Prsoricon SccuTTUASTER CO NAGI) ———o Prsorcou, OccAern Cu AACHEN PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, I LM | I ©) DIVINE-SHIELD-ON Coe Oo Wks @ ~®) ©" © ye © cH © © oS CT PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, CoS o nnn Cm iQue BALANCE DN n TEI ec) OE Prsorecon SccuTTUASTER COM MAGIC) PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, CoS o nnn err Ges & Increasing Ability fone teen rer OTT CCE So te el PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, The Heart Energy Circle O_o a ‘A PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURUL.COM, $$ Radionic Energy Circle ETE eM Recto) er ca PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM COTS uO nS ALN een] PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, The Pointed Rays Energy Circle PANDIT. PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, Multi-Purpose Energy Circle el) | PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM ~ MAHAGURU.COM a fa A The Flower Energy Circle Common Energy Circle Oo a ‘A PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU;COM_ Coloured Energy Circle PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM ~ MAHAGURU.COM a ‘A Center Dot Energy Circle a ‘A PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU;COM_ Amoeba Energy Circle PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU;COM_ are White Light Energy Circle OL: a ‘A PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU. COM, The Hand Print Energy Circle Oa PANDITCOM - OCCUETMASTER.COM - MAHAGURULCOM ———— JE Astro Energy Circle CONTE REC STE Soy PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM, Notes PANDIT.COM - OCCULTMASTER.COM - MAHAGURU.COM. RUDRAKSHA BRACELET In Hinduism, Rudraksha is regarded as the sacred bead and one of the symbols of Lord Shiva. Scientifically, Rudraksha helps to neutralize neurophysiology of the body. The highly positive bead Rudraksha is capable of warding off the negative effects/ energies around the wearer. The power of Rudraksha gets multiplied when paired up with crystals. Crystal is popular because of its lustre and beauty. Alongside, it has many health benefits and a soothing effect on the wearer. Wearing a bracelet made up of Rudraksha & Crystal creates abundance! Sy icleetaotae Tonomecme marcel ed ee) The benefits of wearing a Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: + Itexalts the planets, Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury and Venus. + Inenhances beauty & attraction power. + Itcures skin disorders. + Itattracts higher & positive cosmic vibrations. + Itwards off the negative vibrations in/around you. + Itworksas an amuletto protect from the evil eye & evil energies. + Itimproves your relationships. * Ithelpsyoutokeepcalm. * _ Itreleases the anxieties and worries by soothing the nervous system. + Itadds stability to your personality and life. * Itpurifies the body, mind and soul. + Ithelps you to succeed in spiritual practises such as meditation or prayers, etc. + Itkeeps you active & alert. + Ttenhances the concentration power and is especially beneficial for students. + Itmakesyou fortunate in many life affairs. Who Shall Wear Rudr Generally, anybody can wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having the weak Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury and Venus in the horoscope shall wear it. * People born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, & 29th of any month shall wear it. * People born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, & 30th of any month shall wearit. * People born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, & 31st of any month shall wear it. * People born on 5th, 14th, & 23rd ofany month shall wearit. * People with missing number 2,3, 4 & 5 in the date of birth shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 2 shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 3 shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 4 shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 5 shall wear it. * People whose name starts from letter B, C, D, E, K, L, M,N, T, U, V, or W shall wearit. + People with incompatible name number shall wear it. + Inany relationship between driver number 1 and driver numbers 2, 3, 4, & 5 - person with driver number 1 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. * Inany relationship between driver number 2 and driver numbers 2, 3, 4, & 5 - person with driver number 2 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. * Inany relationship between driver number 3 and driver numbers 2, 3, 4, & 5 - person with driver number3 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 4 and driver numbers 2,3, 4, & 5 ~ person with driver number 4 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 5 and driver numbers 2, 3,4, & 5 - person with driver number 5 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 6 and driver numbers 2, 3, 4, & 5 - person with driver number 6 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 7 and driver numbers 2,3, 4, & 5 - person with driver number7 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 8 and driver numbers 2,3, 4, & 5 - person with driver number 8 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. Inany relationship between driver number 9 and driver numbers 2, 3, 4, & 5 - person with driver number 9 shall wear Rudraksha & Crystal Bracelet to improve the relationship. People suffering from skin disorders shall wear it. People suffering from health issues shall wear it. People who want to gain mental clarity shall wearit. People who want to enhance the concentration power shall wear it. People who get angry rather easily shall wear it. People having neuron issues, mental instability, and anxiety issues must wear it. AMETHYST BRACELET Amethyst is a perfectionist stone itself! Amethyst Bracelet is an all in one bracelet which helps you on both physical, mental, and spiritual level. The violet-coloured bracelet adds four moons in the appearance of the wearer. This stone is associated with the Crown Chakra - the final target of Chakra Balancing - which proves its eminence! In simple words, the Amethyst Bracelet is an abundance creator. Benefi CRomatad yaar aod The benefits of wearing an Amethyst Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: . Ttexalts the planet, Saturn. + Itactivates the mind & awakens the sixth sense. * Itmakes one intuitive. . Itrelieves stress & anxiety. Ithelps in meditating and like practices. Ithelps in activating the Third Eye Chakra. Ithelpsin having asound sleep. Itmakes you confident, expressive, discriminating and decisive. Itimproves bonding with family, friends and associates. Itregulates the blood circulation. Itcures skin disorders. . __ Itsupports the healing process of the body. + Itensures success & financial stability. + It guards against miss happenings suchas accidents. + Itbrings love, luck, health and harmony in life. + Itmakes the wearer a perfectionist bestowing with fine practical skills and humanity. st Bracelet: Generally, anybody can wear the Amethyst Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: * People having weak Saturn in the horoscope shall wearit. * People born on 8th, 17th, & 26th of any month shall wear it. * People with missing number 8 in the date of birth shall wear it. + People going through Sade Sati shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 8 must wear it. + People with incompatiblename number shall wear it. * People born on 8th, 17th & 26th of any month shall wear it. * People whose name starts from letter H, Q, or Z shall wear it. + Inany relationship between driver number 1 and driver number 8 - person with driver number 1 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 2 and driver number 8 - person with driver number 2 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 3 and driver number 8 - person with driver number 3 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 4 and driver number 8 - person with driver number 4 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 5 and driver number 8 - person with driver number5 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 6 and driver number 8 - person with driver number 6 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 7 and driver number 8 - person with driver number7 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 8 and driver number 8 - both the parties shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 9 and driver number 8 - person with driver number 9 shall wear Amethyst bracelet to improve the relationship. + People who are in spiritual practices shall wear it. + People whoare less expressive é& indecisive must wear it. TER-COM * People who are affected by evil energies shall wearit. * People who often confrontaccidents and injuries, etc. shall wearit. * People facing frequent failures shall wear it. + People whoare not financially stable shall wear it. + People who want to develop business skills shall wear it. + People who don’t get the results against efforts shall wear it. + People in sales & marketing jobs shall wear it. * People having health issues related to lungs, heart, skin, teeth, bones, nervous system, and harmonic gland, etc. must wear it! TIGER EYE BRACELET Tiger eye stone is named after the real eye of a tiger to which it resembles. The beauty of this stone grabs the attention of everyone. However, this beautiful looking bracelet contains such properties/benefits which may leave you amazed. From aeons, Tiger eye has been especially used as an amulet to protect from the evil eye. Alongside, it provides with a ton of healing, psychological and cosmic advantages which crown it as a divine bracelet indeed! Benefits of Tiger Eye Bracelet The benefits of wearing a Tiger Eye Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: . Itexalts the planet, Ketu. + Itisanamuletwhich protects you fromall evils. + Itattracts money and improves your financial status. + Itmakesluck work for you in whatever you endeavour. + Itboosts up your confidence level. + Itmakesyouaction-oriented and wards off the lethargy. . Itmakes you talented, creative & skilled. + Itgets success inspiritual pursuits. . It gets you stability in body, mind and life. . Itmakes you courageous enough. + Itgetsyou mental clarity & decisiveness. + Iteliminates the negativity out of life and frees up space for positivity. + Itgetsyou success - above all - satisfaction through the gained success. + Itsupports the healing system and especially treats bone problems. + Ithelpsyou toachieve the targets and ensures success! Who Shall Wear Generally, anybody can wear the Tiger Eye Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having weak Ketu in the horoscope shall wear it. * People born on 7th, 16th, & 25th of any month shall wear it. * People whose name starts from letter G, P, or Y shall wear it. + People with missing number 7 in the date of birth shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 7 must wear it. * People with incompatiblename number shall wear it. + Inany relationship between driver number 1 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number 1 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 2 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number 2 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 3 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number 3 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 4 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number 4 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. * Inany relationship between driver number 5 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number5 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 6 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number 6 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number7 and driver numbers 7 - both the parties shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 8 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number 8 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 9 and driver numbers 7 - person with driver number 9 shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet to improve the relationship. + People, especially children, affected by evil eye or negative energies shall wear it. * People looking for luck and want to get rid of the back luck shall wear it. + People confronting financial problems shall wear it. + People facing failures in life or frequent loses in business shall wear it. + People who aren’t expressive shall wear it. * Introvert and passive people must wear it! * People looking for motivation and courage in life shall wear it. + People want to develop/regain confidence shall wear it. * People have bone problems shall wear it. * People who often fall sick must wear it! * People in creative jobs suchas designing, acting, arts & crafts or so shall wear it. * People who are unable tomake quick/right decisions shall wear it. * People who don’t get insights shall wear it. 7 CHAKRA BRACELET Chakras are the energy wheels inside the body in subtle form. Usually, there are numerous Chakras inside the body, but the activation of 7 primary Chakras (starting from the Root Chakra to Crown Chakra) is popular. Chakras activation by stones is quite popular in which stones of different colours are used to activate respective chakras. Each of the7 Chakra is represented by a colour - different stones of which are stringed in a bracelet. The 7 Chakra Bracelet contains 7 energies together, which align the chakra and has many other unbelievable benefits. Benefits of 7 Chakra Bracele' The benefits of wearing a 7 Chakra Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: Itexalts the planet, Venus. Ithelps to get rid of bad addictions such + Itpuffs you up with the divine energy. asalcohol, smoking, or drugs, etc. « Italigns the Chakras. * It speeds up the healing process of the + Italigns your body, mind & soul. body. + Itpurifies your aura. + Itkeeps youhealthy. ® le [helpel youllto|edeceed in spiritual + It opens up the doors of intellect and practises such as meditation or prayers, poses 7 . etc. * It attracts higher & positive cosmic . vibrations. rem cs cones be and See neal + It wards off the negative vibrations Garity, a in/around you and fills you up with * It helps in spiritual practices like positivity. meditation, Reiki, Chakra balancing, or + It works as an amulet to protect from So. the evil eye & evil energies. Ttenhances your attraction power. + Ithelpsyoutokeep calm. Ao EAA AG Eee meted Generally, anybody can wear 7 Chakra Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having the weak Venus in the horoscope shall wear it. * People born on 6th, 15th, & 24th of any month shall wear it. * People whose name starts from letter F, O, or X shall wear it. + People with missing number 6 in the date of birth shall wear it. + People with Driver or Conductor number 6 must wear it. + People with incompatible name number shall wear it. + Inany relationship between driver number 1 and driver number 6 - person with driver number 1 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 2 and driver number 6 - person with driver number 2 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 3 and driver number 6 - person with driver number 3 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 4 and driver number 6 - person with driver number 4 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 5 and driver number 6 - person with driver number5 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 6 and driver number 6 - both the parties shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 7 and driver number 6 - person with driver number7 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 8 and driver number 6 - person with driver number 8 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. * Inany relationship between driver number 9 and driver number 6 - person with driver number 9 shall wear 7 Chakra bracelet to improve the relationship. * People who practice meditation, chakra balancing or like practises shall wear it. + People who suffer from mental instability, anger issues or anxieties shall wear it. + People having psychological issues must wear it. * People who want to gain mental clarity shall wear it. * People who want to enhance the concentration power shall wear it. + People who getangry rather easily shall wear it. LAPIS LAZULI BRACELET Lapis Lazuli is a symbol of wisdom and truth! Such a lucky bracelet ensures success in all endeavours. This magical bracelet is made up of deep blue-coloured beads. The beautiful looking bracelet certainly enhances the beauty & personality of the wearer. The royal stone - Lapis Lazuli - has mystic properties which it transmits to the person wearing it. Benefits of Lapis Lazuli Bracelet: The benefits of wearing a Lapis Lazuli Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: . Itstrengthens the planet Sun. + Itboosts up the confidence. + Itmakes youconfident, creative and objective. + Ttattracts higher & positive cosmic vibrations. + Itwards off the negative vibrations in/around you. + Itboosts up the immunity and keeps you healthy. + Itworksasanamulet to protect from the evil eye. . Itimproves your relationships. + Itmakesone expressive & intelligent. + Youbegin to getinsights & intuitions. + Itgetssuccess in study, career, business, life, or whatever you endeavour. + It gets you success, honour, luck, wisdomand prosperity. + Ithelps you to acquire a balance in mind, body and life. + Itensures growth on spiritual, personal, professional and worldly front. + Ithelps to activate the Third Eye Chakra. MASTER.COM Who Shall Wear Lap: Generally, anybody can wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: s Lazu acelet: + People having the weak Sun in the horoscope shall wear it. * People born on 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month shall wear it. + People whose name starts from letter A, J, or S shall wear it. * People with missing number 1 in the date of birth shall wear it. + People with Driver or Conductor number 1 shall wear it. + People with incompatible name number shall wear it. + Inany relationship between driver number 1 and driver number 1 - both the parties shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 2 and driver number 1 - person with driver number 2 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 3 and driver number 1 - person with driver number3 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 4 and driver number 1 - person with driver number 4 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 5 and driver number 1 - person with driver number5 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 6 and driver number 1 - person with driver number 6 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. * Inany relationship between driver number 7 and driver number 1 - person with driver number7 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 8 and driver number 1 - person with driver number 8 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 9 and driver number 1 - person with driver number 9 shall wear Lapis Lazuli Bracelet to improve the relationship. * Less confident people shall wearit. + People who want to gain mental clarity shall wear it. * People who often fall sick shall wear it. * People who want success in endeavours shall wear it. * People who want to improve status in society shall wear it. * People who want success in studies or competitive exams shall wear it. OCCULTMASTER.COM CARNELIAN BRACELET Carnelian Bracelet gives an instant stroke of energy. The powerful bracelet comes in red-orange mixed hue and gentle-shaped carnelian beads. This is a masculine bracelet which puffs you up with the required energy. It gets you a perfect balance of materialism & spiritualism. Benefits of Carnelian Bracelet The benefits of wearing a Carnelian Bracelet are countless; yet, some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: + Itexalts the planet, Mars. + Itempowers & motivates you. + It makes you action-oriented & fearless. + Itfills you with life force. * It stimulates the Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra. * It develops & enhances the masculine power. + It makes you determined enough to achieve the set targets. + It makes you courageous to present yourself before others * It makes you kind-hearted, loving and passionate. * It makes your aura so powerful that negative energies won’ t bother you. rr * It keeps you energetic throughout and wards off the lethargy. Itimproves lifestyle. It makes your personality, solid and authoritative. It boosts up your physical stamina. Itmakes you truthful & expressive. Itignites your inner fire. Itenhances your skills & talents. You come out as a positive & powerful person. Itreleases unnecessary emotions. It helps you overcome all obstacles and difficulties courageously. Ithelpsin overcoming sexual anxieties. It fulfils your worldly desires. Who Shall Wear Carnel Generally, anybody can wear the Carnelian Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: n Bracelet + People having weak Mars in the horoscope shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 9 must wear it. + People withincompatible name number shall wear it. + People born on 9th, 18th & 27th of any month shall wear it. * People whose name starts from letters I or R shall wear it. + Inany relationship between driver number 1 and driver number 9 - person with driver number 1 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 2 and driver number 9 - person with driver number 2 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 3 and driver number 9 - person with driver number3 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 4 and driver number 9 - person with driver number 4 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. * Inany relationship between driver number 5 and driver number 9 - person with driver number 5 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 6 and driver number 9 - person with driver number 6 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 7 and driver number 9 - person with driver number 7 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 8 and driver number 9 - person with driver number 8 shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Inany relationship between driver number 9 and driver number 9 - both the parties shall wear Carnelian Bracelet to improve the relationship. + Peopleinarts, music, & drama, ete. shall wear it. + People with weak immunity shall wear it. * People who feel a lack of confidence shall wear it. * People who look for external motivation shall wear it. + People who are less or notatall expressive must wear it. * People who want to improve/ develop personality shall wearit. + People having sexual anxieties shall wearit. + Athletes, builders, architects, military or police, etc. shall wear it. GREEN AVENTURINE BRACELET Green Aventurine is a stone of luck which brings in luck in all affairs, including, love, health, business, prosperity, wealth, love & opportunities. It is a cleansing stone also which clears all past blockages, disappointments, and habits; hence, enables a positive outlook for life. Green Aventurine appears like an emerald stone, nay considered as a substitute for emerald, the stone of the planet Mercury. Benefits of Green Aventurine Bracelet: ‘The benefits of wearing a Green Aventurine Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: + Itexalts the planet Mercury. + Itclears obstacles and opens the door tonew opportunities. + Ithelps to manifest desires, wealth, and success. + Ithelpsin attracting the love of life. + Itgetsa great business sense and ensures success in any business. + Itmakes youa great competitor; moreover, ensures success in any competition. * It brings good vibes and good luck for special days, events & occasions such as result, promotion, proposals & dealing, ete. + Itfills up withenthusiasm. * It develops incredible confidence, leadership, decisiveness, and a sense of responsibility inside. + Itbestows one with higher intellectual & analytical power. + Itgets success in education, communication, writing & media like fields. + Itimproves your sense of humour and makes you jovial. + Itsupports the physical growth of children. + Itis quite effective in treating all sorts of skin issues, weak eyesight, astigmatism, cerebral, dyspraxia, lungs, and nervous system, etc. PANDIT. + Itimproves fertility; hence, is good for progeny. + Itsupports and fastens up natural recovery & healing. * Itdevelops inner harmony and balances the emotional level. * Ttawakens the Heart Chakra and makes you more open to love. + It as well acts on heart issues, cardiac conditions, blood pressure, and circulatory problems, ete. aA o Shall Wear Green Aventurine Bracele Generally, anybody can wear the Green Aventurine Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: * People having the weak Mercury in the horoscope shall wear it. + People desiring business success must wear it. * People having skin issues must wear it. + People having lungs, heart, and nervous system issues must wear it. * People appearing for any competition or competitive exams must wear it. + Peoplein fields like education, media, writing, journalism, and like shall wear it. * People whoare less expressive & indecisive must wear it. * People remain unhappy and disappointed shall wear it. + People who want to improve the sense of humour must wear it. * People having anxiety, depression, and nervous issues shall wear it. * People who often fall sick shall wear it. + People who are emotionally unhappy shall wear it. CRYSTAL / SPHATIK — DIAMOND CUT BRACELET Sphatik crystal is a power source which attracts, retains, and emits out positive vibes. It is the most powerful stone which wards off negativity around also prevents it enter in the aura of the wearer. The cool crystal is usually recommended to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual peace. Sphatik crystal is available in diamond-cut shape and is never properly round. The lustrous stone, Sphatik is usually recommended to exalt the Venus planet. Benefits of Sphatik crystal Bracelet: Itexalts the planet Venus. Italigns the body, mind & soul. It fills you up with immense energy. It provides with attractive physique & charming personality. It bestows with the required mental peace. It has a cooling effect which provides with a calm mind, lessens pains, reduces anger, and promotes health. It is quite effective in treating fever, blood-related issues, migraine, and other headache issues. It speeds up the healing process of the body. Itis also best to use for neuron issues. It makes one rather intuitive and helps tosee beyond. ‘The benefits of wearing a Sphatik crystal Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: It also develops wisdom and discriminating power. It improves the personality, character, tastes, and preferences of the wearer. It proves quite lucky in love & romantic relationships. Itreduces fears & phobias. It also uplifts one’s financial & social status. It helps in attaining the blessings of Maa Lakshmi. It gets success in spiritual practices such as meditation, Reiki, Chakra balancing, energy healing, or so. It also helps in attaining quick Sidhi on a Mantra. It wards off negativity, poverty, and sorrows in life. It awakens the Third Eye Chakra. Who Shall Wear Sphatik crystal Bracelet: Generally, anybody can wear the Sphatik crystal Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having the weak Venus in the horoscope shall wearit. + People who want to gain wisdom and knowledge shall wear it. + People who want to improve their financial status shall wear it. + People whoare looking to add love in life shall wear it. + People suffering from health issues shall wear it. + People suffering from anger issues shall wear it. People having neuron issues shall wear it. + People having severe migraine shall wearit. BLACK BANDED AGATE BRACELET Black Banded Agate is an extraordinary stone & an amulet which guard against the effects of the back magic. It is also knownas Hakik or Sulemani. Black Agate is the secretive stones of Tantriks and is often recommended to ward off evil energies and Tantrik attacks. The black banded agate is associated with the planet Rahu and Lord Shiva. It holds life- changing properties, and wearing the Black Banded Agate does apparent wondersin life. Benefits of Black Banded Agate Bracele The benefits of wearing a Black Banded Agate Bracelet are countle benefits experienced by people are shared below: yet some assured + Ttexalts the planet Rahu. * Itisused to please Lord Shiva & Hanuman. + Itprevents the ill effects of planets. + Itsapparentadvantage is protecting from the evil, black magic & Tantrik attacks. * Itremoves all the obstacles from the path of the wearer. + Ifkeptathome, it brings fortune to the house & family. + Itneverlets poverty befall on the wearer and keeps him prosperous all along. + Itgets immense success in business or occupation. + Itthrows out the negativity and fills one up with positivity. * Itcreatesa protection layer around and protects from mishappenings. + Ithelps to overcome fears and provide with immense strength, confidence & courage. * It eliminates the negative thoughts, mental distress, and anxiety; thus, provides with mental peace & calmness. + Itensures success in anything you endeavour. * This bracelet holds a perfect balance of Shiv & Shakti energies; thus, improves the aura of the wearer. * Itdevelopsa balance in the body which prevents various ailments. * Itkeeps one healthy and energetic throughout. + Itkeeps the digestion good which further promotes overall health. * Ithealsjoint pains and strengthens the bones & muscles. * Itboosts the sexual power & libido and keeps the sexual life satisfied. + Itprevents critical ailments suchas breast cancer. * Itisas well beneficial for good progeny. + Itawakens & balances the Root Chakra. Who Shall Wear Black Banded Agate Bracele Generally, anybody can wear the Black Banded Agate Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having the weak Rahu in the horoscope shall wear it. + People born on 4th, 13th, & 24th of any month shall wear it. * People with missing number 4 in the date of birth shall wear it. * People with Driver or Conductor number 4 must wear it. + People with incompatiblename number shall wear it. * People who wantto nullify the effect of black magic must wear it. * People whoare negative & less confident shall wearit. + Peopleconfronting poor planetary effects shall wear it. * People who wantto please Lord Shiva shall wear it. + People who want success in business, education, competitions, or anything else shall wear it. + People going through the Dasha of Rahu or Ketu shall wear it. + People who often fall sick shall wear it. + People having a dissatisfied sex life shall wear it. * People who frequently face losses and downfall must wear it. Yellow Citrine is a bright stone which brightens up every area of life as well as brings good luck to the wearer. Citrine or Sunehla belong to the amethyst family and is a variety of crystalline quartz. Itis useful for the body as it helps the electromagnetic field of the body; additionally, it removes night fears to promote proper slumber. Yellow Citrine also reckoned as a substitute of yellow sapphire and recommended by the astrologers as a stone of the planet Jupiter. The benefits of wearing a Yellow Citrine Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: + Itexalts the planet Jupiter. Itgets luck at your side inanything you endeavour. It instils wisdom, intellect, sharp-memory, focus, decisiveness, determination, mental- clarity, and confidence in one. Itmakes you confident, expressive, and original. « Itmakes you positive to the extent that criticism does not bother or affect you anymore. + Itovercomes anxieties, depression, fears & phobias. * Itgets quick grasping power and finding solutions. Ithelps you fight with tough situations without getting affected. It makes you enthusiastic & motivates also helps you see possibilities & opportunities around. « Itenriches your overall persona. + Ithelpsin balancing hormones. + Itboosts the growth of hair, skin cells, and nails. + Itimproves digestion and metabolism. + Itis best to preventallergies & infections. * Itboosts one’s sexual drive. + Italigns yourbody, mind & soul with which you acton the right things at the right time. + Itworks with the Root Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra. Generally, anybody can wear the Yellow Citrine Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having the weak Jupiter in the horoscope shall wear it. + People who want to gain wisdom and knowledge shall wear it. * People who want to develop focus shall wear it. AASTER.COM ws L254 acon HOWLITE BRACELET Howlite is a quite soft & sober stone. The stone is stuffed with immense spiritual energies. This is also called a healing stone which is widely used for various healing purposes. Alongside, this calm-looking stone brings emotional balance achieving which one could easily improve the spiritual level. It is essentially used by spiritual practitioners, as it takes them to the state of oneness. Benefits of Howlite Bracelet: The benefits of wearing a Howlite Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: * Itexalts the planet Moon. * Itfills one up with spiritual energy. + Itis best to calm the anger, nervousness & anxiety. + Itmakesyou lucky inmoney matters. + It ensures success in spiritual practices such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, energy healing, Tantra & the occult. + Ithasa soothing effect on the nervous system, health, and aggression. + Itlessens severe & acute pains. + Beingahealing stone, it supports the body’s healing system and ensures quick recovery. * Itdevelops great intuition power in one. + Itincreases the mental capacity and makes you think beyond. + Itgets you unique, inventive, and productive ideas. + Itdevelopsa focus on your targets; thus, helps you achieve them. + Itgets you the ability to accept & move on. MASTER.CON + Itdevelops understanding, wisdom, and maturity inside. * Ithelps yousee the possibilities around. + Ithelps you manifest your desires. + Ittreats insomnia and other sleep disorders; thus, get youa healthy & sound sleep. + Itbringsa marked change in your personality by making it interesting. + Itsweetens & strengthens the relationships. * Ifdeparts you from the unwanted & unhealthy relationships and emotional pains. + Ifshows you the lighter and happiest side of life. + Itmakes you inspiring & expressive enough. + Itthrows the discomfort out of life and generates true bliss from inside. + Itclears blockages on all three levels viz. physical, mental & spiritual; thus, helps in living an ideal life. * Itimpacts the Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra. Who Shall Wear Howlite Bracelet: Generally, anybody can wear the Howlite Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having the weak Moon in the horoscope shall wear it. + People who are in spiritual practices shall wear it. + People who are less expressive & indecisive must wear it. + People having aggression issues shall wear it. * People looking for success in the occult or spiritual field must wear it. * People remain unhappy and disappointed shall wear it. * People having anxiety, depression, and nervous issues shall wear it. * People who often fall sick shall wear it. * People who are emotionally upset must wearit. CATS EYE BRACELET Cat's Eye is a mystical stone. Due to its resemblance to the eyes of a cat, itis called the cat’s eye stone. Its off-white colour makes it rather attractive. Its beauty does not allow to shift eyes anywhere else. Inastrology, the cat’s eye stone holds special significance. Basically, this stone is to balance planet Ketu and gaining spiritual & mystical powers. The mystical stone brings fortune, peace & prosperity in life. Alongside, it holds healing powers and could heal many critical diseases. Benefits of Cat’s Eye Bracelet: The benefits of wearing a Cat’s Eye Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below: + Itexalts the planet Ketu. * Itdevelops spiritual and mystical powers. * It develops & enhances wisdom, intellect, memory, perception, and quick grasping power. + Itgets success in spiritual fields/ practices & occult sciences. + Itguards against evil eye & energies and worksas an amulet. + Itfills you up with immense energy. + Itnegates misfortune and brings luck to the wearer. + Itguards against many bad experiences such as miseries, sorrows, and unexpected events given by the Ketu planet. * The stone does wonders for those who are in speculation, gambling, share market, and trading, ete. + Ithelps in coming out of the losses and regaining the lost wealth; thus, makes the wearer wealthy & prosperous. + Ithelps to overcome anxiety, depression, and mental stress. + Itclears the mind of unwanted & unnecessary thoughts & desires; thus, provides with a calm mind. * It helps to deal with critical ailments such as cancer, leukaemia, paralysis, and genetic disorders. * Ittreats skin disorders including, pimples, acne, eczema, ringworms, boils, and pox, etc. * Itas well strengthens the bones and relieves joint pain, legs pain, and other body aches. + Italsohelpsin improving appetite & metabolism and keeps you healthy throughout. * People looking for salvation can also get benefit from this stone. Generally, anybody can wear the Cat's Eye Bracelet for overall success; however, it provides guaranteed results in the cases mentioned below: + People having the weak Ketu in the horoscope shall wear it. + People who wantto gain wisdom and knowledge shall wear it. + People who getaffected by evil eye shall wearit. + People who wantto get success in the occult field must wear it. * People going through the Dasha of Rahu or Ketu must wear it. * People who want success in education shall wear it. + People who frequently face misfortune must wear it. * People who want to get out of losses in business shall wear it. * Peopleinspeculation and risky fields must wear it for good luck. + People who want to walk on the path of asceticism and looking for salvation can wear this stone, * People suffering from critical health conditions such as cancer, leukaemia, paralysis, and genetic disorders shall wearit. + People suffering from skin disorders & allergies shall wear it. + People having joint pain or other body aches shall wear it. * People having imbalances hormones shall wear it.

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