AC Power Analysis: School of Electrical Information

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School of Electrical Information

Chapter 10
AC Power Analysis
10.1 Instantaneous and Average Power
Ø Instantaneous Power !(#)

The instantaneous power !(#) (in watts) is the power at any instant of time

%(#) = '( )*+(,# + .% )

/(#) = 0( )*+(,# + ./ )

! # = / # % # = 0( '( )*+ ,# + .% )*+ ,# + ./

)*+ ./ − .% + )*+ 2,# + .% + ./
= 0 ( '(
3 3
= 0( '( )*+ ./ − .% + 0( '( )*+ 2,# + .% + ./
2 2 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 173

10.1 Instantaneous and Average Power

Ø Average Power !

The average power " (in watts) is the average of the instantaneous
power over one period.

7(*) = 0/ 123(9* + 47 ) 0 = 0/ ∠47

Phasor form
5(*) = ./ 123(9* + 45 ) : = ./ ∠45

$ % $ % $ $
! = ∫' ((*),* = ∫' ( ./ 0/ 123 45 − 47 + ./ 0/ 123 -9* + 47 + 45 ),*
% % - -
= ./ 0/ 123 45 − 47

:̇ ./
<= = ∠45 − 47
̇0 0/
45 − 47 >? @AB >CDEFGBG HCIEB JB@KBBC LAH?MN OME@HIB HCG LAH?MN DFNNBC@ Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 174

10.1 Instantaneous and Average Power

Ø Average Power !

# $ #
! = % '())+) = -. /. 012 34 − 36
$ & ,

When 34 = 36 , the voltage and current are in phase.

This implies a purely resistive circuit or resistive load R

# # # ,
!= -. /. = /,. 7 = /̇ 7
, , ,

When 34 − 36 = ±:&° , we have a purely reactive circuit

! = -. /. 012:&° = &

A resistive load (R) absorbs power all the time, while a reactive
load (L or C) absorbs zero power. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 175 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 176 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 177 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 178 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 179
10.2 Maximum Average Power Transfer Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 180

10.2 Maximum Average Power Transfer

For maximum average power transfer, the load

impedance !" must be equal to the complex
conjugate of the Thevenin impedance !#$

!" = -" + /0" = -#$ − /0#$ = !∗#$

*#$ +
%&'( =

When the load is purely real, by setting 0" = 3 in Eq. (11.18), we get

-" = -+#$ + 0+#$ = !#$

For maximum average power transfer to a purely resistive load, the load
impedance (or resistance) is equal to the magnitude of the Thevenin
impedance. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 181 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 182
10.3 Effective Value
The effective value of a periodic current (voltage) is the dc current
(voltage) that delivers the same average power to a resistor as the
periodic current (voltage)

% &* % & *
!"## = ' ) +, -"## = ' . +,
& ( & (

For #/0 ) = !1 2/34,

% &* % & * !*1 & %

5"## = ' ) +, = ' !1 2/3* 4,+, = ' (% + 2/3*4,)+,
& ( & ( & ( *
Similarly, -1
V"## =
* Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 183
10.3 Effective Value
The effective value is scalar

The effective phasor:

"̇ #$$ = "#$$ ∠'( =

*̇ #$$ = *#$$ ∠'+ =

"̇ "̇ #$$ "- "#$$

,= = = ∠'( − '+ = ∠'( − '+
̇* ̇*#$$ *- *#$$ Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 184

10.4 Apparent Power and Power Factor

Ø Apparent Power S: The product of the effective value of voltage and

current, measured in VA.

Ø Power Factor pf: The cosine of the phase difference between voltage
and current.
It is also the cosine of the angle of the load impedance.

!" = = &'((*+ − *- )
% Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 185 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 186
10.5 Complex Power
Complex Power ! (#$ %&)

) ∗
!= %̇ ,̇
= %.// ,.// ∠12 − 1#
= %.// ,.// 456 12 − 1# + 8%.// ,.// 6#$ 12 − 1#
= 9 + 8:

! = ,*.// F = = %̇ .// ,̇ ∗.//
Real power 9 (#$ =>??):

9 = ;. ! = %.// ,.// 456 12 − 1#

Reactive power : (#$ A5B? − ><C.D. D.>4?#A., %&;):

: = ,< ! = %.// ,.// 6#$ 12 − 1# Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 187

10.5 Complex Power
Power Conservation

!& = $ !% = $ !" = $ Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 188

10.5 Complex Power
Reactive power ! (#$ %&'):

Ø ! = + ,-. ./0#01#2/ 3-450 (6$#17 8,)(96 − 9# = +)

Ø ! < + ,-. <484<#1#2/ 3-450 (3/45#$= 8,)(96 − 9# < +)

Ø ! > + ,-. #$56<1#2/ 3-450 (34==#$= 8,)(96 − 9# > +) Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 189 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 190
10.6 Power Factor Correction
To obtain reactive power compensation by connecting
capacitor in parallel with original equipment (circuit)

Given *,̇ 1% = +456, ,-./0% = 4. 8, ,-./ = 4. 9, ! =?

$ = $% + $!
$! = −()!*+
$,-./ = $% ,-./0% = 1%

$.0:/ = $% .0:/0% − )!*+

!= (<=:/0% − <=:/)
/ = =?,,-.4. 9 = +@. AB∘ 0:DE,<0FG

/ = =?,,-.4. 8 = @H. %H∘ 0:DE,<0FG

! = HIB. @% JK Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 191

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