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US mango Import

Key words:

APEDA: Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Dte of PPQS: Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, Ministry of Agriculture, NH IV, Faridabad.

NPPO: National Plant Protection Organization

USDA-APHIS: Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, US Department of Agriculture

PH: Packing House Facility

TF: Treatment Facility

1. Flowsheets for regulations

Initiation of process

Letter of Agreement
Registration of Orchard with PH
Record of Registration

Preharvest Orchard survey by PH

Yes Yes
Reject the If fruit fly
orchard pests?
High Low
Dte of PPQS (NPPO)
Apply mitigation
identifies pests and
No measures advise appropriate
Any other

 Harvesting is done at half and full maturity for
sea and air shipment respectively.
Harvesting/Marking of crates  Harvest fruits are kept in disinfected plastic
crates with a polyurethrene foam cushion
and stored in shade until transport to PH.
 Each crate of fruits will be labeled with name
of orchard, production unit code, variety,
and date/time of harvesting.
 Long stick horizontally fitted with a curved
Reject the fruits Yes blade at 450 angle and smooth net pouch
If any damaged/rotten fruits? for holding the harvested fruits is used for

 All damaged fruits will be

immediately disposed
by burying 6” deep
under soil in a pit at
the orchard and

Transport of only programmed fruits to PH in hygienic vehicle

End of Process
Flow chart-Packinghouse Facility
Initiation of Process

Application for Registration

Cooperative Agreement
Registration of PH with APEDA
Registration Certificate
Irradiation Operational Work

plan and its addenda
established between
3 and USA Pre-process inspection of fruits
should be
followed by PH. Refuse for processing and mark “not for export to USA
 PH’s will have to documented
Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) that
are approved by the Dte
of PPQS (NPPO), which Yes
describes all the process If any non- programmed fruits
related to desapping,
cleaning and washing,
hot-water fungicidal
dipping, grading, hygienic
handling, packing,Reject
and fruits and dig 6 feet into a soil dig later. No
labeling/marking of
mango fruits.

If any damaged/diseased
/rotten fruits?  Cleaning/washing of fruits with mix of
potable quality water and a neutral
detergent such as Teepol, Sandovit
or Indtron at 0.1%.
 All debris collected at the conveyor belt
No and at fruit scrubbing brushes (if
any) is removed at the end of each
 Each fruit should be enclosed in a clean, white, soft, expandable, Post-harvest processing process load. It is rinsed and washed
and netted polystyrene sleeve to prevent bruising. Mangoes with clean water containing mild
are then packed in insect-proof boxes having dimensions soap or detergent such as Teepol,
of 370 X 275 X 90 mm, as approved by USDA-APHIS.  followed by mild scrubbing and
 Ventilator openings of the box (if any) should be covered with an second rinsing with clean water.
insect-proof screen of a minimum of 30 meshes per linear  Disinfestation of mango fruits will be
inch and all the sides of the box should be sealed with Packing/labeling/ marking carried out at the packinghouse
adhesive tape to prevent any entry of pests.  facility by hot water fungicidal
 Packing material of only food grade should be used for packing dipping (Sodium hypo chloride at
mangoes and the package boxes.  200 ppm) at 52˚ C for 3-4 minutes.
 Packages are either pre-printed or affixed with a label approved
by the USDA-APHIS. This label should be marked/stamped on
the left-half side indicating Production Unit Code Number Quality inspection of packed fruits
(PUC), Packinghouse Code Number (PHC), Date of Packing,
and Lot Number.

Transport of packed fruits to Treatment Facility in pest free and sealed vehicles

End of process
Flow chart-Irradiation Treatment Facility
Initiation of Process
Initial Certification

by Dte of PPQS

Approval/certification of Facility by USDA-APHIS
Compliance Agreement Certificate of Approval

 The treatment facility should develop

a documented Standard Operating
Procedures that is approved by
the Dte of PPQS (NPPO). After Pre-clearance Inspection by Dte of PPQS/APHIS
certification from the Dte of PPQS,
certifies the TF.
 The TF will enter into a compliance
agreement with NPPO and APHIS.
 The treatment facility will only accept
mango fruits from registered
packinghouse facility and orchards If any target QPs? If any other pests If any non- target QPs?
in insect-proof boxes to ensure E
quality and trace back.
No No Yes
Irradiation Treatment of packages of mangoes
Reject Commodity Reject Commodity

Treatment verification by dosimetry  Irradiated with a minimum

absorbed dosage of 400 Grays
using Cobalt-60.
 Source and equipment used must
be capable of effectively
irradiating the commodities to
Yes the specifications that are
Any treatment failure? required for the target pests.

 Routine dosimetry, as well as dose mapping,

will be carried out by certain types of No
equipment. If the absorbed doses fall
outside the acceptable limits, cartoons are Treatment Marking/ certification
rejected, and the product logbook is
updated by rejected log particulars.
 Dte of PPQS (NPPO of India) and APHIS must be
notified of treatment failure. Further
investigation on causes and preventive
measures should be implemented.
Certification of Export by APHIS- PPQ Form 203
Phytosanitary Certification by Dte of PPQS
 Particulars of treatment (Treatment Facility
Code (TFC), Treatment Identification
Number (TIN), and Date of treatment) must
be marked on the right-half side of the
RADURA label on each box. A treatment  Dte of PPQS of MOA (NPPO) issues a phytosanitary
Transport of treated packages to Airport
certificate must be issued for each treated certificate confirming that:
lot. 1) the mangoes were subjected to post-harvest
 The treated lots are secured in a holding mitigation
room/area. It is separated by an insect- 2) the mangoes inspected during pre-clearance
proof screened partition from treated lots were found free of Cytosphaera mangiferae,
2. Competition/ Exporting
to prevent anyCountries:
reinfestation of treated Macrophoma mangiferae, and Xanthomonas
commodities by hitchhiking pests. End of Treatment Process campestris pv. Mangiferaeindicae.
 The particulars of treatment, USDA-APHIS import permit
number and treatment certificate number will be
marked on the phytosanitary certificate.
 The PPQ Form 203 will be completed, signed, and issued
by the inspector of APHIS and it will accompany the
shipment to USA.
2020 Import Statistics
7,870,000 4,720,000





Only Mexican imports in 2021

3. F.O.B Prices of Different mangoes (Price per Box ($) - By Fruit Size)
Month Country Variety Mango Type All Sizes Low All Sizes High
Dec-20 BRAZIL KENT Conventional Grown 4.95 5.86
Aug-20 BRAZIL TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 6.12 6.79
Sep-20 BRAZIL TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 6.22 7.02
Oct-20 BRAZIL TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 7.38 8.33
Nov-20 BRAZIL TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 5.03 6.04
Dec-20 BRAZIL TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.49 5.5
Mar-20 COSTA RICA KENT Conventional Grown 4.42 5.3
Mar-20 COSTA RICA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.87 5.84
Apr-20 COSTA RICA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 3.98 5.03
May-20 COSTA RICA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.88 5.87
Mar-20 HAITI FRANCIS (FRANCINE) Conventional Grown 10.5 11.5
Apr-20 HAITI FRANCIS (FRANCINE) Conventional Grown 7.18 8.96
May-20 HAITI FRANCIS (FRANCINE) Conventional Grown 9.71 11.39
Jun-20 HAITI FRANCIS (FRANCINE) Conventional Grown 9.81 10.99
Jul-20 HAITI FRANCIS (FRANCINE) Conventional Grown 7.66 9.12
Oct-20 ECUADOR ATAULFO Conventional Grown 8.48 10.05
Nov-20 ECUADOR ATAULFO Conventional Grown 7.92 9.57
Jan-20 ECUADOR KENT Conventional Grown 4.48 5.18
Feb-20 ECUADOR KENT Conventional Grown 3.97 4.53
Dec-20 ECUADOR KENT Conventional Grown 4.92 5.76
Jan-20 ECUADOR TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.62 5.28
Oct-20 ECUADOR TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 7.4 8.43
Nov-20 ECUADOR TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 5.28 6.23
Dec-20 ECUADOR TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.45 5.39
Mar-20 GUATEMALA KENT Conventional Grown 4.42 5.3
Mar-20 GUATEMALA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.87 5.84
Apr-20 GUATEMALA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 3.98 5.03
May-20 GUATEMALA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.73 5.77
Feb-20 MEXICO ATAULFO Conventional Grown 7.23 8.61
Mar-20 MEXICO ATAULFO Conventional Grown 5.43 6.67
Apr-20 MEXICO ATAULFO Conventional Grown 5.01 6.13
May-20 MEXICO ATAULFO Conventional Grown 5.27 6.49
Jun-20 MEXICO ATAULFO Conventional Grown 4.63 5.96
Jul-20 MEXICO ATAULFO Conventional Grown 4.3 5.67
Jul-20 MEXICO KEITT Conventional Grown 3.45 4.18
Aug-20 MEXICO KEITT Conventional Grown 3.51 4.24
Sep-20 MEXICO KEITT Conventional Grown 3.46 4.37
Jun-20 MEXICO KENT Conventional Grown 3.76 4.43
Jul-20 MEXICO KENT Conventional Grown 3.47 4.18
Aug-20 MEXICO KENT Conventional Grown 3.44 4.15
Mar-20 MEXICO TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 5.08 6.2
Apr-20 MEXICO TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.18 5.03
May-20 MEXICO TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.42 5.48
Jun-20 MEXICO TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 3.53 4.66
Jul-20 MEXICO TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 3.22 4.3
Aug-20 MEXICO TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 3.26 4.59
Mar-20 NICARAGUA KENT Conventional Grown 4.42 5.3
Apr-20 NICARAGUA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 3.99 5.08
May-20 NICARAGUA TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.73 5.77
Jan-20 PERU KENT Conventional Grown 4.4 5.13
Feb-20 PERU KENT Conventional Grown 3.85 4.63
Mar-20 PERU KENT Conventional Grown 4.72 5.68
Dec-20 PERU KENT Conventional Grown 5.09 5.88
Jan-20 PERU TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.64 5.31
Dec-20 PERU TOMMY ATKINS Conventional Grown 4.77 5.6

*Here all size low and high indicate lowest and highest prize among all sizes of a particular mango.

4. Mango Varieties:
Most famous varieties of mangoes found in the us are:
 Tommy Atkins: Reddish-orange, undistinguished of flavor and very fibrous of texture. This variety is available
through out the year with the peak season in March to July.
 Ataulfo: It ripens from green to yellow and is the rare mango that has a true season: from early February through
November. It is fiber-free and entirely delectable.
 Keitt: It is a fiber-free variety and is characterized by the odd habit of ripening from red to green. March, April, July
through Sept are peak seasons of this variety

Kent, Haden, Francine are other varieties sold

5. Mango export season


Annexure: 1

Importers must secure the USDA-Import Permit at least 30 days in advance of arrival irradiated commodities at the scheduled
port of entry to facilitate transmission of the permits to the inspector at the U.S. Port of entry in advance of arrival of shipments.

The mangoes must be given post-harvest hot water fungicidal dipping (Prochloraz at 500 ppm) at 52 C for 3-4 minutes.

Each consignment of mangoes must be inspected jointly by USDA-APHIS and NPPO of India (Dte of PPQS of MOA), as part of the
required pre-clearance inspection activities as determined by mutual agreement between USDA-APHIS and NPPO of India.

Each consignment of mangoes must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by NPPO of India (Dte of PPQS of
MOA) certifying that the fruits received required irradiation treatment. The phytosanitary certificate must also bear the
following two additional declarations confirming that:
1. the mangoes were subjected to post-harvest mitigation options described as above and
2. the mangoes were inspected during pre-clearance activities and found free of Cytosphaera mangiferae, Macrophoma
mangiferae, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae

The mangoes will be permitted import in commercial consignments only.

Annexure: 2

The sample size shall include: -

 Lot size of 1 to 4 cartons-inspect all cartons; minimum fruit to cut -10 fruits.
 Lot size of 5 to 99 cartons-inspect 5 cartons; minimum fruit to cut –20 fruits.
 Lot size of 100 to 240 cartons-inspect 7 cartons; minimum fruit to cut – 30fruits.
 Lot size of 241 or more cartons-inspect 14 cartons; minimum fruit to cut-30 fruits.
The exterior of selected cartons and fruits will be thoroughly inspected for target and non-target quarantine pests. Thereafter a
minimum number of fruits as specified will be cut and examined for internal feeders.


Region wise market prices also available, Last 3 year of top importers summary also available

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