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Professor of Church History in the Principal of King's College,
Union Theological Seminary, New York, London.





Copyright, 1894,

'flTY "T tW


Press of J. J. Little & Co.

Astor Place, New York.

By Alexander Roberts, D.D., Professor of Humanity, St. Andrews, Scotland.
Life of St. Martin 3
Dialogues ^4
Doubtful Letters 55
Sacred History

By C. a.Heurtley, D.D., Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University
OF Oxford and Canon of Christ Church.
Introduction '
a commonitory '3'

Appendices '57-159

By Edgar C. S. Gibson, M.A. Principal of the Theological College, Wells, Somerset.
Prolegomena '°3
The Twelve Books on the Institutes of the Ccenobia
The Conferences, Part I. (i.-x.) 291
4' '
The Conferences, Part II. (xj.-xvii.)
The Conferences, Part III. (xviii.-xxiv.) 475
The Seven Books on the Incarnation of the Lord, Against Nestorius 547







SuLPiTius (or Sulpicius) Severus was born in Aquitania about a.d. 363, and died, as is gener-

ally supposed, in a.d. 420.

He was thus a contemporary of the two great Fathers of the Church,
St. Jerome and St. Augustine. The former refers to him in his Commentary on the 36th chapter
" our friend Severus." St.
of Ezekiel as Augustine, again, having occasion to allude to him in
his 205th letter, describes him as "a man excelling in learning and wisdom." Sulpitius belonged
to an illustrious family. He
was very carefully educated, and devoted himself in his early years
to the practice of oratory. He
acquired a high reputation at the bar ; but, while yet in the
prime of life, he resolved to leave it, and seek, in company
with some pious friends, contentment
and peace in a life of retirement and religious exercises. The immediate occasion of this resolu-
tion was the premature death of his wife, whom he had married at an early age, and to whom he
was deeply attached. His abandonment of the pleasures and pursuits of the world took place
about A.D. 392 ; and, notwithstanding all the entreaties and expostulations of his father, he
continued, from that date to his death, to lead a life of the strictest seclusion. Becoming a
Presbyter of the Church, he attached himself to St. Martin of Tours, for whom he ever after-
wards cherished the profoundest admiration and affection, and whose extraordinary career he has
traced with a loving pen in by far the most interesting of his works.
It is stated by some ancient writers that Sulpitius ultimately incurred the charge of heresy,
having, to some extent, embraced Pelagian opinions. And there have not been wanting those in
modern times who thought they could detect traces of such errors in his works. But it seems to
us that there is no ground for any such conclusion. Sulpitius constantly presents himself to us
" "
as a most strenuous upholder of " catholic or " orthodox doctrines. It is evident that his

whole heart was engaged in the love and maintenance of these doctrines he counts as his :

" friends " those

only who consistently adhered to them and, while by no means in favor of

bitterly prosecuting or severely punishing heretics," he shrunk with abhorrence from all thought
of communion with them. Perhaps the most striking impression we receive from a perusal of
his writings is his sincerity. We may often feel that he is over-credulous in his acceptance of the
miraculous ;
and we may lament his narrowness in clinging so tenaciously to mere ecclesiastical

formulae ; but we are always impressed with the genuineness of his convictions, and with his
fervent desire to bring what he believed to be truth under the attention of his readers.
The style of Sulpitius is, upon the whole, marked by a considerable degree of classical purity
and clearness. He has been called " the Christian Sallust," and there are not a few obvious
resemblances between the two writers. But some passages occur in Sulpitius which are almost,
ifnot entirely, unintelligible. This is owing partly to the uncertainty of the text, and partly to
the use of terms which had sprung up since classical times, and the exact import of which it is

impossible to determine. In executing our version of this author (now for the first time, we
believe, translated we have had constantly before us the editions of Sigonius
into English),

(1609), of Hornius (1664), of Vorstius (1709), and of Halm (1866). We have also consulted
a very old French translation of the Historia Sacra, published at Rouen in 1580.
The order in which we have arranged the writings of Sulpitius is as follows :

1. Life of St. Martin.
2. Letters (undoubted).

3. Dialogues.
4. Letters (doubtful).

5. Sacred History.

By far the most attractive of these works are those bearing on the life and achievements of
St. Martin. Sulpitius delights to return again and again to this wonderful man, and cannot find
language sufficiently strong in which to extol his merits. Hence, not only in the professed
Life, but also in the Letters and Dialogues, we have him brought very fully before us. The
reader will find near the beginning of the Vita as translated by us, a note bearing upon the
solemn asseverations of Sulpitius as to the reality of the miracles which Martin performed.
Most of the Letters here given are deemed spurious by Halm, the latest editor of our author.
He has, nevertheless, included the whole of them in his edition, and we have thought it desirable
to follow his example in our translation.
The Sacred History of Sulpitius has for its object to present a compendious history of the
world from the Creation down to the year a.d. 400. The first and longer portion of the work is
simply an abridgment of the Scripture narrative. The latter part is more interesting and
valuable, as it deals with events lying outside of Scripture, and respecting which we are glad to
obtain information from all available sources. Unfortunately, however, Sulpitius is not always
a trustworthy authority. His inaccuracies in the first part of his work are very numerous, and will

be found pointed out in our version.

The following are some of the Estimates which have been formed of our author.

PauUnus, a contemporary of Sulpitius, and bishop of Nola, addressed to him about fifty letters,
" It
in the fifth of which he thus writes certainly would not have been given to thee to draw

up an account of Martin, unless by a pure heart thou hadst rendered thy mouth worthy of uttering
his sacred praises. Thou art blessed, therefore, of the Lord, inasmuch as thou hast been able, in
worthy style, and with proper
feeling, complete the history of so great a priest, and so

illustrious a confessor. Blessed, too, is he, in accordance with his merits, who has obtained a
historian worthy of his faith and of his life ; and who has become consecrated to the Divine

glory by his own virtues, and to human memory by thy narrative regarding him."
Gennadius (died a.d. 496), in his "Catalogue of illustrious men," says: "The Presbyter
Severus, whose cognomen was Sulpitius, belonged to the province of Aquitania. He was a man
distinguished both for his family and learning, and was remarkable for his love of poverty and
humility. He was also a great friend of some holy men, such as Martin, bishop of Tours, and
Paulinus, bishop of Nola ;
his works are by no means to be neglected."
In modern times, Scaliger has said of Sulpitius, "He is the purest of all the ecclesiastical
J. J.
writers." And Vossius, referring to some remarks of Baronius on Sulpitius, says " I differ :

from him (Baronius) in this, that, without sufficient care, he calls Gennadius the contemporary of
Severus, since Gennadius flourished seventy years, more or less, after Severus. For he dedicated
his book '
On Faith

(as he himself tells us) to Pope Gelasius, who became bishop of Rome in

A.D. 492. But he greatly extols the holiness of Sulpitius; and in the Roman martyrology his
memory (i.e. of Sulpitius) is celebrated on the 29th of January."
Archdeacon Farrar has recently remarked concerning Martin and Sulpitius, Owing partly to
the eloquent and facile style of his (Martin's) biographer, Sulpicius Severus, his name was known
from Armenia to Egypt more widely than that of any other monk or bishop of his day." — Lives
of the Fathers, i. 628.

Studies of the kind, I had lost the whole of that,

PREFACE TO DESIDERIUS. these matters for so
through having neglected
Desiderius a course of time. But, after all, that I may
Severus to his dearest brother long
sendeth greeting. I had determined, my like- not have in future to adopt such an irksome
minded brother, to keep private, and confine mode of self-defense, the best way will be that
within the walls of my own house,
the little trea- the book should be published, if you think right,
tise which I had written concerning the Ufe of with the author's name suppressed. In order
erase the title which
St. Martin. I did so, as I am not gifted with this may be done, kindly
and shrank from the criticisms of the book bears on its front, so that the page
much talent,
and (what is quite enough) let
the world, lest (as I think will be the case) my may be silent ;
should my the book its subject-matter, while it
somewhat unpolished style displease proclaim
deemed of the author.
readers, and I should be highly worthy tells nothing
of general reprehension for having too boldly
laid hold of a subject which ought to have
reserved for truly eloquent writers. But I have CHAPTER I.

refuse and
not been able to your request again
For what could there be which Reasons for writing the Life of St. Martin.
again presented.
I would not grant in deference to your love,
However, Mo^
men being vainly devoted to the pursuit
at the expense of my own modesty? as they imagined, acquired
of worldly glory, have,
I have submitted the work to you on
the sure
a memorial of their own names from this source ;
to no other,
understanding that you will reveal it viz. devoting their pens to the embeUishment
received promise to that effect.
having your the lives of famous men. This course, although
will be-
Nevertheless, I have my fears that you it did not secure for them
a lasting reputation,
come the means of its publication to the world ; still has brought them some fulfil-
and I well know that, once issued, it can never It has done
ment of the they cherished.
be recalled. If this shall happen, and you come both by preserving their own memory, though
to know that it is read by some others, you will, their having
the to no purpose, and because, through
I trust, kindly ask the readers to attend to
presented to the world the examples of great
facts related, rather than the language in which
no small emulation has been excited in
will beg them not to men,
they are set forth. You the bosoms of their readers. Yet, notwithstand-
be offended if the style chances unpleasantly to their labors have in no degree
affect their ears, because the kingdom of God
ing things,
the blessed and never-ending life to
consists not of eloquence, but faith. Let them borne upon
which we look forward. For what has a glory,
also bear in mind that salvation was preached
destined to perish with the world, profited those
to the world, not by orators, but by fishermen, who have written on mere secu-
the men themselves
although God could certainly have adopted lar matters? Or what benefit has posterity
other course, had it been advantageous. For or
derived from reading of Hector as a warrior,
my part, indeed, when I first applied my mind Socrates as an expounder of philosophy ? There
to writing what follows, because I thought it dis-
can be no profit in such things, since it is not
of so great a man
graceful that the excellences the persons referred to, but
folly to imitate
should remain concealed, I resolved with my- only not to assail them with the
absolute madness
self not to feel ashamed on account of sole-
utmost severity. For, in truth, those persons
cisms of language. This I did because I had
who estimate human life only by present actions,
never attained to any great knowledge of such their hopes to fables, and their
things; or, if I had formerly
some taste of have consigned
souls to the tomb. In fact, they gave themselves
" Delere licebit in the memory of
up to be perpetuated simply
Quod non edideris: nescit vox missa reverti." whereas it is the duty of man rather to
— Hor. Art Poet. 389-90. mortals,
seek after eternal life than an eternal memorial,
and that, not by writing, or fighting, or philoso-

phizing, but by Hving a pious, holy, and religious

Military Service of St. Martin.
life. This erroneous conduct of mankind, being
enshrined in literature, has prevailed to such an Martin, then, was born at Sabaria ^ in Pan-
extent that it has found many who have been nonia, but was brought up at Ticinum,^ which is
emulous either of the vain philosophy or the situated in Italy. His parents were, according
foolish excellence which has been celebrated. to the judgment of the world, of no mean
For this reason, I think I will accomplish some- but were heathens. His father was at first sim-
thing well worth the necessary pains, if I write ply a soldier, but afterwards a military tribune.
the life of a most holy man, which shall serve in He himself in his youth following military pur-
future as an example to others ; by which, indeed,
syits was enrolled in the imperial guard, first
the readers shall be roused to the pursuit of true under king Constantine, and then under Julian
knowledge, and heavenly warfare, and divine Caesar. This, however, was not done of his own
virtue. In so doing, we have regard also to our free will, for, almost from his earliest
years, the
own advantage, so that we may look for, not a holy infancy of the illustrious boy aspired rather
vain remembrance among men, but an eternal to the service of God.^ For, when he was of
reward from God. For, although we ourselves the age of ten years, he betook himself,
have not lived in such a manner that we can the wish of his parents, to the Church, and
serve for an example to others, nevertheless, we
begged that he might become a catechumen.
have made it our endeavor that he should not Soon afterwards, becoming in a wonderful man-
remain unknown who was a man worthy of imi- ner completely devoted to the service of God,
tation. I shall therefore set about
writing the when he was twelve years old, he desired to en-
life of St. Martin, and shall narrate both what ter on the life of a hermit and he would have

he did previous to his episcopate, and what he followed up that desire with the necessary vows,
performed as a bishop. At the same time, I had not his as yet too youthful age prevented.
cannot hope to set forth all that he was or did. His mind, however, being always engaged on
Those excellences of which he alone was con- matters pertaining to the monasteries or the
scious are completely unknown, because, as he Church, already meditated in his boyish years
did not seek for honor from men, he desired, as what he afterwards, as a professed servant of
much as he could accomplish it; that his virtues
should be concealed. And even of those which
its truth or falsehood. And in such a spirit the historical student
will consider the case of Bede's and other historians' mij-acles. He
had become known to us, we have omitted a will, I think, as a general rule, disbelieve them; for the immense
multitude which he finds recorded, and which, I suppose, no credu-
great number, because we have judged it enough lity could believe in, shows sufficiently that on this point there was
if only the more striking and eminent should be a total want of judgment and a blindness of belief generally existing
which make the testimony
wholly insufficient; and, while tlie ex-
recorded. At the same time, I had in the inter- ternal evidence in favor of these alleged miracles is so unsatisfactory,
there are, for the most part, strong mternal evidence
ests of readers to see to it that, no undue amount But with against them.
regard to some miracles, he will see that there is no strong
of instances being set before them should make d /rwr/ improbability in their occurrence, but rather the contrary;
as, for instance, when the first missionaries of the Gospel in a bar-
them weary of the subject. But I implore those barous country are said to have been assisted by a manifestation of
who are to read what follows to give full faith to the spirit
of power; and, if the evidence appears to warrant his
belief, will readily and gladly yield it. And in doing so he will
the things narrated, and to believe that I have have the countenance of a great man (Burke) who in his fragment
of English history has not hesitated to express the same sentiments.
written nothing of which I had not certain Nor will he be but most unwilling, thankful, to find sufficient
knowledge and evidence. I should, in fact, grounds for believing that not only at the beginning of the Gospel,
but in ages long afterwards, believing prayer has received extraor-
have preferred to be silent rather than to narrate dinary answers; that it has been heard even in more than it might
things which are false.^
have dared to ask for. Yet, again, if the gift of faith —
the gift as
distinguished from the grace —
of the faith which removes moun-
1 This is a tains, has been given to any in later times in remarkable measure,
remarkable asseveration in view of the many miracu- the mighty works which such faith
lous accounts which follow. When we remember, on the one may have wrought cannot be
hand, incredible in themselves to those who remember our Lord's
how intimate Sulpitius was with St. Martin, and how strongly, as promise,
and if it appears from satisfactory evidence that they were
in this passage, he avouches the truth of all he
narrates, it is 'ex- actually, we shall believe them, — wrought
and believe with joy. Only as it
tremely difficult to decide as to the real value of his narrative. It is in most cases impossible to admit the trustworthiness of the
has been said (Smith's Diet. II. 967) that Sulpitius' Life of St.
dence, our minds must remain at the most in a state of suspense;
Martinus is " filled with the most puerile fables," and and I do not know why it is necessary to come to any positive decis-
many of the stories recorded are of that character. But whether, ion-'"— "The Fathers for English Readers": St. Hilary
considering the close relation in which the two men stood to each of Poi-
tiersand St. Martin 0/ Tours, p. 191.
other, all the miraculous accounts are to be discredited, must be On this subject it has lately been said: "Most, if not all, of the
left to the judgment of the reader. The following valuable remarks so-called miracles which were supposed to surround Martin with a
be c[uoted on this interesting " Some
forty years blaze of glory were either
may^ question. absolutely and on the face of them false;
ago," writes Dr. Cazenove, "an audience in Oxford was listening or were gross
to a professor of modern historjr (Dr. Arnold of exaggerations of natural events; or were subjective
Rugby), who dis- impressions clothed in objective images; or were the distortions of
cussed this subject. After pointing out the difference between the credulous rumor; or at the best cannot claim in their favor a
Gospel miracles and those recorded by ecclesiastical historians, the single particle of trustworthy evidence. They cannot be narrated
lecturer proceeded as follows ' Some appear to be unable to con- as though they were actual events.
Martin was an eminent bishop,
ceive of belief or unbelief, except as having some ulterior but halfof the wonderful deeds attributed to him are
" object: unworthy and
We believe this because we love it; we disbelieve it because we absurd." —
Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, I. 644.
wish it to be disproved." There is, however, in minds more health- 1
Sarwar. 2 Pavia.
fully constituted a belief and a disbelief, founded solely upon the 3 The
text is here corrupt and uncertain, but the general mean-
evidence of the case, arising neither out of " divinam
partiality, nor out of ing is plain to the above effect. Hahn has adopted ser-
prejudice against the supposed conclusions, which may result from " divina servitute."
vitutem," instead of the common
of Amiens
a poor man destitute of
Christ, fulfilled. But when an edict was issued the city
the state, that the sons clothing. He was entreating those that passed
by the ruling powers* in
of veterans should be enrolled
for military ser- by to have compassion upon him, but all passed
information furnished by his the wretched man without notice, when Martin,
vice, and he, on the
with an evil eye on his blessed that man full of God, recognized that a being to
father, (who looked
and in whom others showed no pity, was, in that re-
actions) having been seized put chains,
left to him. Yet, what should he do?
when he was fifteen years old, was compelled to spect, cloak in which he
con- He had nothing except the
take the military oath, then showed himself
as his attendant. And was clad, for he had already parted with the
tent with only one servant Tak-
rest of his garments for similar purposes.
even to him, changing places as it were, he often
he had been therefore, his sword with which he was girt,
acted as though, while really master, ing,
for the most he divided his cloak into
two equal parts, and
inferior; to such a degree that, he again
drew off his [servant's] boots and cleaned gave one part
to the 'poor man, while
part, he himself with the remainder. Upon this,
his own hand ; while
they took their clothed
them with
meals together, the real master, however, gener-
some of the by-standers laughed, because he
and stood out as
ally acting the part
of servant. During nearly was now an unsightly object,
but dressed. Many, however, who were
three years before his baptism, he was engaged partly
of but he of sounder understanding, groaned deeply be-
in the profession arms, kept completely
of men cause they themselves had done nothing
free from those vices in which that class
become too frequently involved. He showed They especially
felt this, because, pos-
sessed of more than Martin, they could have
exceeding kindness towards his fellow-soldiers,
the poor man without reducing them-
and held them in wonderful affection ; while his clothed
what seemed selves to nakedness. In the following night,
patience and humility surpassed had himself to sleep, he
There is no need to when Martin resigned
possible to human
which he displayed it was had a vision of Christ arrayed in that part of his
praise the self-denial

cloak with which he had clothed the poor man.

so great that, even at that date, he was regarded
not so much as being a soldier as a monk. By He contemplated the Lord with the greatest
as his the robe
all these qualities he had so endeared"
himself to attention, and was told to own
which he had given. Ere long, he heard Jesus
the whole body of his comrades, that they es-
with a clear voice to the multitude of
teemed him while they marvelously loved him. saying —"
angels standing round Martin, who is still
Although not yet made a new
creature* in Christ,
acted the part of a can- but a catechumen, clothed
me with this robe."
he, by his good works,
The Lord, truly mindful of his own words (who
didate for baptism. This he did, for instance,
in trouble, by furnish- had said when on earth
" Inasmuch" as —ye
by aiding those who were have done these things to one of the least of
ing assistance to the wretched, by supporting have done them unto me), declared
the naked, while he reserved these, ye
needy, by clothing
that he himself had been clothed in that poor
nothing for himself from his military pay except
what was necessary for his daily sustenance. man ; and to confirm the testimony he bore to
so adeed, he condescended to show him
Even then, far from being a senseless hearer of good
himself in that very dress which the poor man
the Gospel, he so far complied with its precepts man was
received. After this vision the sainted
as to take no thought about the morrow.
not puffed up with human glory, but, acknowledg-
in what had been done,
ing the goodness of God
and being now of the age of twenty years, he
CHAPTER III. hastened to receive baptism. He did not, how-
ever, at once, retire from military service,
Christ appears to St. Martin.
yielding to the entreaties of his tribune, whom he
admitted to be his familiar tent-companion.'' For
Accordingly, at a certain period, when he the tribune promised that, after the period
had nothing except his arms and his simple from
his office had expired, he too would retire
military dress, in the
middle of winter, a winter back the
the world. Martin, kept by expecta-
which had shown itself more severe than ordi- tion of this event, continued, although
but in
cold was proving fatal
nary, so that the extreme name, to act the part of a soldier, for nearly two
to many, he happened to meet at the gate of
years after he had
received baptism.
Sulpitius uses reges instead of
the more common expression " Arabianensium civitas
i The place here called by Sulpitius
imperatorcs. . . j tt was known " Samarobriva," and is supposed to be the modern
baptism in these words. How-

as also as
Sulpitius manifestly refers
» * St.
A miens. Matt. XXV. 40.
ever mistakenly, several others of the early Fathers held that regen- in the old Latin rendering
» There is a
peculiar use oi guamdiii
eration does not take place before baptism, and that baptism is,
It is used as an equivalent for
to regeneration. St. Ambrose has the of the passage here quoted.
fact, absolutely necessary no doubt with the meaning inasmuch as.
statement on the subject: "Credit catechumenus; Greek ii»' 6<Tov,
following strong contubemio
sed nisi baptizetur, remissionem pcccatorum non potest obtinere.
Comp. Tacitus, Agric. chap. 5, electus, quern
— Libri de his, qui initiantttr mysUriii, chap. 4. xstimaret."

CHAPTER IV. Hilarius, bishop of the city Pictava,^ whose faith

in the things of God was then
regarded as of
Martin retires from Military Service. high renown, and in universal esteem. For
some time Martin made his abode with him.
In the meantime, as the barbarians were
Now, this same Hilarius, having instituted him
rushing within the two divisions of Gaul, Ju- in the office of
the diaconate, endeavored still
lian Caesar,^ bringing an army together at the
more closely to attach him to himself, and to
city^ of the Vaugiones, began to distribute a
bind him by leading him to take part in Divine
donative to the soldiers. As was the custom in
service. But when he constantly refused, cry-
such a case, they were called forward, one by
ing out that he was unworthy, Hilarius, as
one, until it came to the turn of Martin. Then, being
a man of deep penetration, perceived that he
indeed, judging it a suitable opportunity for could
seeking his discharge —for he did not think it only be constrained in this way, if he
should lay that sort of office upon him, in dis-
would be proper for him, if he were not to con-
tinue in the service, to receive a donative
he of —
charging which there should seem to be a kind
injury done him. He therefore appointed
said to Caesar, Hitherto I have served you as
him to be an exorcist. Martin did not refuse
a soldier :allow me now to become a soldier
this appointment, from the fear that he
to God : let the man who is to serve thee re- might
seem to have looked down upon it as somewhat
ceive thy donative I am the soldier of Christ
: :
humble. Not long after this, he was warned in
it is not lawful for me to Then truly the a
fight." dream that he should visit his native land, and
tyrant stormed on hearing such words, declaring
more particularly his parents, who were still in-
that, from fear of the batde, which was to take
volved in heathenism, with a regard for their
place on the morrow, and not from any religious
religious interests. He set forth in accordance
feeling, Martin withdrew from the service. But with
the expressed wish of the holy
of Hilarius,
Martin, full
courage, yea all the more reso- after being adjured by him with
lute from the danger that had been set before and, many
" If
this conduct of mine is
prayers and tears, that he would in due time re-
him, exclaims,
turn. According to report Martin entered on
ascribed to cowardice, and not fo faith, I will
that journey in a melancholy frame of
take my stand unarmed before the line of battle mind,
after calling the brethren to witness that
to-morrow, and in the name of the Lord Jesus, many
sufferings lay before him. The result fully
protected by the sign of the cross, and not by
shield or helmet, I will safely justified this prediction. For, first of all, hav-
penetrate the followed some devious paths
ranks of the enemy." He is ordered, therefore, ing among the
he fell into the hands of robbers. And
to be thrust back into prison, determined on Alps,
when one of them lifted up his axe and poised
proving his words true by exposing himself un- it above
Martin's head, another of them met
armed to the barbarians. But, on the following
with his right hand the blow as it fell ; never-
day, the enemy sent ambassadors to treat about
theless, having had his hands bound behind his
peace and surrendered both themselves and all he was handed over to one of them to be
their possessions. In these circumstances who back,
guarded and stripped. The robber, having led
can doubt that this victory was due to the
man ? It was granted him that he should not him to a private place apart from the rest, began
to enquire of him who he was.
be sent unarmed to the fight. And Upon this,
although Martin
the good Lord could have preserved his own replied that he was a Christian. The
robber next asked him whether he was afraid.
soldier, even amid the swords and darts of the
Then indeed Martin most courageously replied
enemy, yet that his blessed eyes might not be that he never before had
felt so safe, because he
pained by witnessing the death of others, he
removed all necessity for fighting. For Christ
knew that the mercy of the Lord would be es-
did not require to secure any other pecially present with him in the midst of trials.
victory in He added that he
behalf of his own soldier, than that, the grieved rather for the man in
enemy whose hands he was,
because, by living a life of
being subdued without bloodshed, no one should
suffer death. robbery, he was showing himself unworthy of the
mercy of Christ. And then entering on a dis-
course concerning Evangelical truth, he preached
CHAPTER V. the word of God to the robber.
Why should I
Martin converts a Robber to the Faith. delay stating the result ? The robber believed ;
and, after expressing his respect for Martin, he
From that time quitting military service, restored him to the
way, entreating him to pray
Martin earnestly sought after the
society of the Lord for him. That same robber was after-
Commonly known
- This
as Julian the Apostate. *
This was a city of the Ketones (or Pictavi) who are mentioned
city was called Borbetomagus, and is represented
by the by Cassar, Bell Gall. iii. ii. Their territory corresponded to the
modern Worms. modern diocese of Poitiers.
wards seen leading a religious life ; so that, in to holy Hilarius, he made an effort to meet him
fact, the narrative I have given above is based at Rome, and, with this view, set out for that
upon an account furnished by himself. city.

Martin restores a Catechumen to Life.
The Devil throws himself in the Way of Martin.
As Hilarius had already gone away, so Martin
Martin, then, having gone on from thence, followed in his footsteps and having been most

after he had passed Milan, the devil met him in joyously welcomed by him, he established for
the way, having assumed the form of a man. himself a monastery not far from the town. At
The devil first asked him to what place he was this time a certain catechumen joined him, being

going. Martin having answered him to the ef- desirous of becoming instructed in the doetrines *
fect that he was minded to go whithersoever the and habits of the most holy man. But, after the
Lord called him, the devil said to him, " Wher- lapse only of a few days, the catechumen, seized
ever you go, or whatever you attempt, the devil with a languor, began to suffer from a violent
will resist you." Then Martin, replying to him fever. It so happened that Martin had then left
in the prophetical word, said, The Lord is my home, and having remained away three days, he
helper ; I will not fear what man can do unto found on his return that life had departed from
me." ^ Upon this, his enemy immediately van- the catechumen ; and so suddenly had death oc-
ished out of his sight and thus, as he had in-
; curred, that he had left this world without re-
tended in his heart and mind, he set free his ceiving baptism. The body being laid out in
mother from the errors of heathenism, though public was being honored by the last sad offices
his father continued to cleave to its evils. How- on the part of the mourning brethren, when
ever, he saved many by his example. Martin hurries up to them with tears and lamen-
After this, when the Arian heresy had spread tations. But then laying hold, as it were, of the
through the whole world, and was especially Holy Spirit, with the whole powers of his mind,
powerful in Illyria, and when he, almost single- he orders the others to quit the cell in which
handed, was fighting most strenuously against the body was lying and bolting the door, he

the treachery of the priests, and had been sub- stretches himself at full length on the dead limbs
jected to many punishments (for he was publicly of the departed brother. Having given himself
scourged, and at last was compelled to leave the for some time to earnest prayer, and perceiving

city), again betaking himself to Italy, and hav- by means of the Spirit of God that power was
ing found the Church in the two divisions of Gaul present,* he then rose up for a little, and gazing
in a distracted condition through the departure on the countenance of the deceased, he waited
also of the holy Hilarius, whom the violence without misgiving for the result of his prayer
of the heretics had driven into exile, he estab- and of the mercy of the Lord. And scarcely
Hshed a monastery for himself at Milan. There, had the space of two hours elapsed, when he saw
too, Auxentius, the originator and leader of the the dead man begin to move a little in all his
Arians, bitterly persecuted him ; and, after he members, and to tremble with his eyes opened
had assailed him with many injuries, violently for the practice of sight. Then indeed, turning
expelled him from the city. Thinking, there- to the Lord with a loud voice and giving thanks,
fore, that it was necessary to yield to circum- he filled the cell with his ejaculations. Hearing
stances, he withdrew to the island Gallinaria,* the noise, those who had been standing at the
with a certain presbyter as his companion, a door immediately rush inside. And truly a mar-
man of distinguished excellences. Here he sub- velous spectacle met them, for they beheld the
sisted for some time on the roots of plants ; and, man alive whom they had formerly left dead.
while doing so, he took for food hellebore, which Thus being restored to life, and having immedi-
is, as people say, a poisonous kind of grass. But ately obtained baptism, he lived for many years
when he perceived the strength of the poison afterwards ; and he was the first who offered
increasing within him, and death now nearly at himself to us both as a subject that had experi-
hand, he warded off the imminent danger by enced the virtues^ of Martin, and as a witness
means of prayer, and immediately all his pains to their existence. The same man was wont
were put to flight. And not long after having relate that, when he
the body, he was brought
discovered that, through penitence on the part of before the tribunal of the Judge, and being as-
the king, permission to return had been granted signed to gloomy regions and vulgar crowds, he

Ps. cxviii. 6. > All this seems to be implied in the words
Comp. institui
* An island near Albium Ingaunum — the modern Allenea, on * " adesse virtutem."
the Gulf of Genoa. The island was so named from abounding in * Or " powers" according to the use of the Greek word Jvcafxic
fowls in a half-tamed state. It still bears the name of Galliaaria. in St. Luke viii. 46.
received a severe sentence. Then, however, he their votes.^ There was but one wish among all,
added, was suggested by two angels of the
it there were the same prayers, and there was the
Judge that he was the man for whom Martin same fixed opinion to the effect that Martin was
was praying and that, on this account, he was
most worthy of the episcopate, and that the
ordered to be led back by the same angels, and church would be happy with such a priest. A
given up to Martin, and restored to his former few persons, however, and among these some of
life. From this time forward, the name of the the bishops, who had been summoned to appoint
sainted man became illustrious, so that, as being a chief priest, were impiously offering resistance,
reckoned holy by all, he was also deemed pow- asserting forsooth that Martin's person was con-
erful and truly apostolical. temptible, that he was unworthy of the episco-
pate, that he was a man despicable in counte-
nance, that his clothing was mean, and his hair
disgusting. This madness of theirs was ridiculed
CHAPTER VIII. by the people of sounder judgment, inasmuch as
such objectors only proclaimed the illustrious
Martin restores one that had been strangled.
character of the man, while they sought to
Not long after these events, while Martin was slander him. Nor tnily was it allowed them to
passing by the estate of a certain man named do anything else, than what the people, follow-
Lupicinus, who was held in high esteem according ing the Divine will, desired to be accomplished.
to the judgment of the world, he was received Among the bishops, however, who had been
with shouting and the lamentations of a wailing present, a certain one of the name Defensor is
crowd. Having, in an anxious state of mind, said to have specially offered opposition ; and
gone up to that multitude, and enquired what on this account it was observed that he was at
such weeping meant, he was told that one of the the time severely censured in the reading from
slaves of the family had put an end to his life by the prophets. For when it so happened that the
hanging. Hearing this, Martin entered the cell reader, whos6 duty it was to read in public
in which the body was lying, and, excluding all that day, being blocked out by the people,
the multitude, he stretched himself upon the failed to appear, the officials falling into con-
body, and spent some little time in prayer. fusion, while they waited for him who never
Ere long, the deceased, with life beaming in his came, one of those standing by, laying hold of
countenance, and with his drooping eyes fixed the Psalter, seized upon the first verse which
on Martin's face, is aroused ; and with a gentle presented itself to him. Now, the Psalm ran
" Out of the mouth of
effort attempting to rise, he laid hold of the thus : babes and suck-
right hand of the saintly man, and by this means lings thou hast perfected praise because of thine
stood upon his feet. In this manner, while the enemies, that thou mightest destroy the enemy
whole multitude looked on, he walked along and the avenger.'"' On these words being read,
with Martin to the porch of the house. a shout was raised by the people, and the oppo-
site party were confounded. It was believed
that this Psalm had been chosen by Divine
ordination, that Defensor^ might hear a testi-
CHAPTER IX. mony to his own work, because the praise of the
Esteem in which Martin was held. Lord was perfected out of the mouth of babes
and sucklings in the case of Martin, while the
Nearly about the same time, Martin was enemy was at the same time both pointed out
called upon to undertake the episcopate of the and destroyed.
but when he could not
church at Tours ;

easily be drawn forth from his monastery, a

certain Ruricius, one of the citizens, pretending CHAPTER X.
that his wife was ill, and casting himself down Martin as Bishop of Tours.
at his knees, prevailed on him to go forth.
And now having entered on the episcopal
Multitudes of the citizens having previously been
posted by the road on which he he is office,
it is beyond
my power fully to set forth
how Martin distinguished himself in the dis-
thus under a kind of guard escorted to the city.
An incredible number of people not only from charge of its duties. For he remained with the
utmost constancy, the same as he had been
that town, but also from the neighboring cities,
2 It is clear from this
had, in a wonderful manner, assembled to give passage that the people at large were
accustomed in ancient times to give their votes on the appointment
of a bishop.
* Here again be noted what fatal consequences were sup-
it is to 3 We here "
" adopt Halm's reading cogitabat," in preference to
posed to flow from dying without receiving baptism. the usual cogebat." *.Ps. viii. 3.
1 The Turones
occupied territory on both sides of the river ° The word
" "
in the English A. V. is
" de-
" avenger
Loire. Caesar refers to them {Sell. Gall, ii- 35i &c.). Their chief fensor in the Vulgate, and thus the man referred to would have
town was named Caesarodunum, the modern Tours. seemed to be expressly named.
before. There was the same humility in his excellences which Martin displayed as a bishop.
heart, and the same homehness in his garments. There was, not far from the town, a place very
Full aUke of dignity and courtesy, he kept up close to the monastery, which a false human
the position of a bishop properly, yet in such a opinion had consecrated, on the supposition that
way as not to lay aside the objects and virtues some martyrs had been buried together there.
of a monk. Accordingly he made use, for some For it was also believed that an altar had been
time, of the cell connected with the church placed there by former bishops. But Martin,

but afterwards, when he felt it impossible to not inclined to give a hasty belief to things un-
tolerate the disturbance caused by the numbers certain, often asked from those who were his
of those visiting it, he established a monastery elders, whether among the presbyters or clerics,
for himself about two miles outside the city. that the name of the martyr, or the time when
This spot was so secret and retired that he en- he suffered, should be made known to him. He
joyed in it the solitude of a hermit. For, on did so, he said, because he had great scruples
one side, it was surrounded by a precipitous on these points, inasmuch as no steady tradition
rock of a lofty mountain, while the river Loire respecting them had come down from antiquity.
had shut in the rest of the plain by a bay ex- Having, therefore, for a time kept away from
tending back for a little distance ; and the place the place, by no means wishing to lessen the
could be approached only by one, and that a religious veneration with which it was regarded,
very narrow passage. Here, then, he possessed because he was as yet uncertain, but, at the
a cell constructed of wood. Many also of the same time not lending his authority to the
brethren had, in the same manner, fashioned re- opinion of the multitude, lest a mere supersti-
treats for themselves, but most of them had tion should obtain a firmer footing, he one day
formed these out of the rock of the overhanging went out to the place, taking a few brethren
mountain, hollowed into caves. There were with him as companions. There standing above
altogether eighty disciples, who were being dis- the very sepulchre, Martin prayed to the Lord
cipUned after the example of the saintly master. that he would reveal who the man in question
No one there had anything which was called his was, and what was his character or desert. Next
own all things were possessed in common.
; It turning to the left-hand side, he sees standing
was not allowed either to buy or to sell anything, very near a shade of a mean and cruel appear-
as is the custom among most monks. No art ance. Martin commands him to tell his name
was practiced there, except that of transcribers, and character. Upon this, he declares his name,
and even this was assigned to the brethren of and confesses his guilt. He says that he had
younger years, while the elders spent their time been a robber, and that he was beheaded on
in prayer. Rarely did any one of them go be- account of his crimes ; that he had been hon-
yond the cell, unless when they assembled at ored simply by an error of the multitude ; that
the place of prayer. They all took their food he had nothing in common with the martyrs,
together, after the hour of fasfing was past. No since glorywas their portion, while ])unishment
one used wine, except when illness compelled exacted its penalties from him. Those who
them to do so. Most of them were clothed in stood by heard, in a wonderful way, the voice
garments of camels' hair.^ Any dress approach- of the speaker, but they beheld no person.
ing to softness'' was there deemed criminal, and Then Martin made known what he had seen,
this must be thought the more remarkable, be- and ordered the altar which had been there to
cause many among them were such as are be removed, and thus he delivered the people
deemed of noble rank. These, though far dif- from the error of that superstition.
ferently brought up, had forced themselves down
to this degree of humility and patient endurance,
and we have seen numbers of these afterwards CHAFFER XII.
made bishops. For what city or church would
there be that would not desire to have its priests Martin causes the Bearers of a Dead Body to
from among those in the monastery of Martin ? stop.

Now, it came to pass some time after the

CHAPTER XL above, that while Martin was going a journey,
he met the body of a certain heathen, which was
Martin demolishes an Altar consecrated to a being carried to the tomb with
superstitious fu-
Robber. neral rites. Perceiving from a distance the crowd
that was approaching, and being ignorant as to
But let me proceed to a description of other what was
going on, he stood still for a little
Cf. St. Matt.
• In St.
Matt. xi. 8, there is a reference to those " that wear soft
while. For there was a distance of nearly half
— oi rd /laAaxd t^opoOi'Tcc, a mile between him and the crowd, so that it
was difficult to discover what the spectacle he that crowd of heathen agreed to the condition
beheld really was. Nevertheless, because he named ;
for they held the loss of their tree a
saw it was a rustic gathering, and when the linen small matter, if only they got the enemy of their
clothes spread over the body were blown about religion buried beneath its fall.
by the action of the wind, he believed that some since that pine-tree was hanging over in one
profane rites of sacrifice were being performed. direction, so that there was no doubt to what
This thought occurred to him, because it was the side it would fall on being cut, Martin,
custom of the Gallic rustics in their wretched been bound, is, in accordance with the decision
folly to carry about through the fields the im- of these pagans, placed in that spot where, as no
ages of demons veiled with a white covering. one doubted, the tree was about to fall. They
Lifting up, therefore, the sign of the cross oppo- began, therefore, to cut down their own tree,
site to them, he commanded the crowd not to with great glee and joyfulness, while there was
move from the place in which they were, and to at some distance a great multitude of
set down the burden. Upon this, the miserable spectators. And now the pine-tree began to
creatures might have been seen at first to be- totter, and to threaten its own ruin by falling.
come stiff like rocks. Next, as they endeavored, The monks at a distance grew pale, and, terri-
with every possible effort, to move forward, but fied by the danger ever coming nearer, had lost
were not able to take a step farther, they began all hope and confidence, expecting only the
to whirl themselves about in the most ridiculous death of Martin. But he, trusting in the Lord,
fashion, until, not able any longer to sustain the and waiting courageously, when now the falling
weight, they set down the dead body. Thunder- pine had uttered its expiring crash, while it was
struck, and gazing in bewilderment at each other, now falling, while it was just rushing upon him,
as not knowing what had happened to them, simply holding up his hand against it, he put in
they remained sunk in silent thought. But when its way the sign of salvation.
Then, indeed,
the saintly man discovered that they were simply after the manner of a spinning-top
(one might
a band of peasants celebrating funeral rites, and have thought it driven- back), it swept round
not sacrifices to the gods, again raising his hand, to the opposite side, to such a degree that it
he gave them the power of going away, and of almost crushed the rustics, who had taken their
lifting up the body. Thus he both compelled places there in what was deemed a safe spot.
them to stand when he pleased, and permitted Then truly, a shout being raised to heaven, the
them to depart when he thought good. heathen were amazed by the miracle, while the
monks wept for joy ; and the name of Christ
was in common extolled by all. The well-known
CHAPTER XIII. result was that on that day salvation came to
that region. For there was hardly one of that
Martin escapes from a Falling Pine-tree. immense multitude of heathens who did not
express a desire for the imposition of hands, and
Again, when in a certain village he had de- abandoning his impious errors, made a profession
molished a very ancient temple, and had set of faith in the Lord Jesus. Certainly, before
about cutting down a pine-tree, which stood the times of Martin, very few, nay, almost none,
close to the temple, the chief priest of that place, in those regions had received the name of Christ ;
and a crowd of other heathens began to oppose but through his virtues and example that name
him. And these people, though, under the in- has prevailed to such an extent, that now there
fluence of the Lord, they had been quiet while is no place thereabouts which is not filled either
the temple was being overthrown, could not with very crowded churches or monasteries.
patiently allow the tree to be cut down. Martin For wherever he
destroyed heathen temples,
carefully instructed them that there was nothing there he used immediately to build either
sacred in the trunk of a tree, and urged them churches or monasteries.
rather to honor God whom he himself served.
He added that there was a moral necessity why
that tree should be cut down, because it had CHAPTER XIV.
been dedicated to a demon. Then one of them
who was bolder than the others says, " If you Martin destroys Heathen Temples and Altars.
have any trust in thy God, whom you say you
we ourselves will cut down this
Nor did he show less much about eminence,
worship, tree,
the same time, in other transactions of a like
and be ityour part to receive it when falling ;

for if, as you declare, your Lord is with you, 1 " suam " here stands for "
Perhaps ejus," as in other passages
of our author. The meaning will then be, " and to threaten his
you will escape all injury." Then Martin, cour- (Martin's) destruction by falling."
^ It seems
ageously trusting in the Lord, promises that he better to preserve the parenthesis than to translate
the words as they stand in Halm's text, " turn vero — velut tur-
would do what had been asked. Upon this, all binis modo retro actam putares — diversam in partem ruit."

kind. For, having in a certain village set fire upon him with a drawn sword, Martin, throwing
to a very ancient and celebrated temple, the back his cloak, offered his bare neck to the assas-
circle of flames was carried by the action of the sin. Nor did the heathen delay to strike, but in
wind upon a house which was very close to, yea, the very act of lifting up his right arm, he fell to
connected with, the temple. When Martin per- the ground on his back, and being overwhelmed
ceived this, he climbed by rapid ascent to the by the fear of God, he entreated for pardon.
roof of the house, presenting himself in front of Not unhke this was that other event which hap-
the advancing flames. Then indeed might the pened to Martin, that when a certain man had
fire have been seen thrust back in a wonderful resolved to wound him with a knife as he was
manner against the force of the wind, so that destroying some idols, at the very moment of
there appeared a sort of conflict of the two ele- fetching the blow, the weapon was struck out of
ments fighting together. Thus, by the influence his hands and disappeared. Very frequently, too,
of Martin, the fire only acted in the place where when the pagans were addressing him to the
it was ordered to do so. But in a village which effect that he would not overthrow their
was named Leprosum, when he too wished to he so soothed and conciliated the minds of the
overthrow a temple which had acquired great heathen by his holy discourse that, the light of
wealth through the superstitious ideas enter- truth having been revealed to them, they them-
tained of its sanctity, a multitude of the heathen selves overthrew their own temples.
resisted him to such a degree that he was driven
back not without bodily injury. He, therefore,
withdrew to a place in the vicinity, and there CHAPTER XVL
for three days, clothed in sackcloth ' and ashes,
fasting and praying the whole time, he besought Cures effected by St. Martin.
the Lord, that, as he had not been able to over-
throw that temple by human effort, Divine power Moreover, the gift^ of accomplishing cures
might be exerted to destroy it. Then two angels, was so largely possessed by Martin, that scarcely
with spears and shields after the manner of heav- any sick person came to him for assistance with-
enly warriors, suddenly presented themselves to out being at once restored to health. This will
him, saying that they were sent by the Lord to clearly appear from the following example. A
put to flight the rustic multitude, and to furnish certain girl at Treves ''was so completely pros-
protection to Martin, lest, while the temple was trated by a terrible paralysis that for a long time
being destroyed, any one should offer resistance. she had been quite unable to make use of her
They told him therefore to return, and complete body for any purpose, and being, as it were,
the blessed work which he had begun. Accord- already dead, only the smallest breath of life
ingly Martin returned to the village and while seemed still to remain in her.
Her afflicted
the crowds of heathen looked on in perfect quiet relatives were standing by, expecting nothing
as he razed the pagan temple even to the foun- but her death, when it was suddefily announced
dations, he also reduced all the altars and images that Martin had come to that city. When the
to dust. At this sight the rustics, when they father of the girl found that such was the case,
perceived that they had been so astounded and he ran to make a request in behalf of his all but
terrified by an intervention of the Divine .will, lifeless child. It happened that Martin had
that they might not be found fighting against already entered the church. There, while the
the bishop, almost all believed in the Lord
Jesus. people
were looking on, and in the presence of
They then began to cry out openly and to con- many other bishops, the old man, uttering a cry
fess that the God of Martin grief, embraced" the saint's knees and said
ought to be wor- of"

shiped, and that the idols should be despised, My daughter is dying of a miserable kind of
which were not able to help them. infirmity and, what is more dreadful than death

is now alive she

itself, only in the spirit, her flesh
being already dead before the time. I beseech
thee to go to her, and give her thy blessing for

I believe that through you she will be restored

Martin offers his Neck to an Assassin. to health." Martin, troubled by such an address,
was bewildered, and shrank back, saying that
I SHALL also relate what took
place in the vil- this was a matter not in his own hands that ;

lage of the yEdui. When Martin was there over- the old man was mistaken in the judgment he
throwing a temple, a multitude of rustic heathen
rushed upon him in a frenzy of rage. And when * The
Latin word ^rvr/jVi here corresponds to the Greek yapietia.
one of them, bolder than the rest, made an attack St. Paul says much respecting the various xapiatkara. in z Cor. xii.,
and speaks, amont; others, of xa.pi<T».ara. iauaruv (v.
' "
The name Trnieri at first denoted the people (as ofken in
Literally a covering made of Cilician goats' hair." It was Cxsar, Btll. Gall. i. 37, &c.), and was afterwards applied to their
called Cilicium, and was worn by soldiers and others. chief city, the modem Treves
had formed ;
and that he was not worthy to be the family, who was staying in the inner part of
the instrument through whom the Lord should the house ; and the poor wretch began at once to
make a display of his power. The father, in rage with his teeth, and to lacerate whomsoever
tears, persevered in still more earnestly pressing
he met. The house was thrown into disorder ;
the case, and entreated Martin to visit the dying the family was in confusion ; and the people
girl. At last, constrained by the bishops stand- present took to flight. Martin threw himself in
ing by to go as requested, he went down to the the way of the frenzied creature, and first of all
home of the girl. An immense crowd was wait- commanded him to stand still. But when he
ing at the doors, to see what the servant»of the continued to gnash with his teeth, and, with
Lord would do. And first, betaking himself to gaping mouth, was threatening to bite, Martin
his familiar arms in affairs of that kind, he cast inserted his fingers into his mouth, and said,
himself down on the ground and prayed. Then If you possess any power, devour these." But
gazing earnestly upon the ailing girl, he requests then, as if red-hot iron had entered his jaws,
that oil should be given him. After he had re- drawing his teeth far away he took care not to
ceived and blessed this, he poured the powerful touch the fingers of the saintly man ; and when
sacred liquid into the mouth of the girl, and im- he was compelled by punishments and tortures,
mediately her voice returned to her. Then gradu- to flee out of the possessed body, while he had

ally, through contact with him, her limbs began,

no power of escaping by the mouth, he was cast
one by one, to recover life, till, at last, in the out by means of a defluxion of the belly, leaving
presence of the people, she arose with firm steps. disgusting traces behind him.


Martin casts out Several Devils. Martin performs Various Miracles.

At the same time the servant of one Tetra- In" the meanwhile, as a sudden report had

dius, a man of proconsular rank, having been troubled the city as to the movement and
laid hold of by a demon, was tormented with inroad of the barbarians, Martin orders a pos-
the most miserable results. Martin, therefore, sessed person to be set before him, and com-
having been asked to lay his hands on him, or- manded him to declare whether this message
dered the servant to be brought to him ; but the was true or not. Then he confessed that there
evil spirit could, in no way, be brought forth from were sixteen demons who had spread this report
the cell in which he was he showed himself so
among the people, in order that by the fear thus
fearful, with ferocious teeth, to those who at- excited, Martin might have to flee from the city,
tempted to draw near. Then Tetradius throws but that, in fact, nothing was less in the minds
himself at the feet of the saintly man, imploring of the barbarians than to make any inroad.
that he himself would go down to the house in When the unclean spirit thus acknowledged these
which the possessed of the devil was kept. But things in the midst of the church, the city was
Martin then declared that he could not visit the set free from the fear and tumult which had at
house of an unconverted heathen. For Tetra- the time been felt.
dius, at that time, was still involved in the errors At Paris, again, when Martin was entering the
of heathenism. He, therefore, pledges his word gate of the city, with large crowds attending
that if the demon were driven out of the boy, him, he gave a kiss to a leper, of miserable ap-
he would become a Christian. Martin, then, pearance, while all shuddered at seeing him do
laying his hand upon the boy, cast the evil spirit so ; and Martin blessed him, with the result
out of him. On seeing this, Tetradius believed that he was instantly cleansed from all his mis-
in the Lord Jesus, and immediately became a ery. On the following day, the man appearing
catechumen, while, not long after, he was bap- in the church with a healthy skin, gave thanks
tized and he always regarded Martin with ex-
for the soundness of body which he had recov-
traordinary affection, as having been the author ered. This fact, too, ought not to be passed
of his salvation. over in silence, that threads from Martin's gar-
About the same time, having entered the ment, or such as had been plucked from the
dwelling of a certain householder in the same sackcloth which he wore, wrought frequent mir-
town, he stopped short at the very threshold, and aclesupon those who were sick. For, by either
said, that he perceived a horrible demon in the being tied round the fingers or placed about the
court-yard of the house. When Martin ordered neck, they very often drove away diseases from
it to depart, it laid hold of a certain member of the afilicted.

have yielded to royal flattery), when a number

of bishops from various parts had assembled to
A Letter of Martin effects a Cure, with Other the Emperor Maximus, a man of fierce charac-
Miracles. ter, and at that time elated with the victory ht
had won in the civil wars, and when the dis-
Further, Arborius, an ex-prefect, and a man
graceful flattery of all around the emperor was
of a very holy and faithful character, while his
generally remarked, while the priestly dignity
daughter was in agony from the burning fever had, with degenerate submissiveness, taken a
of a quartan ague, inserted in the bosom of the secon(J place to the royal retinue, in Martin
girl, at the very paroxysm
of the heat, a letter
alone, apostolic authority continued to assert
of Martin which happened to have been brougl^f itself. For even if he had to make suit to the
to him, and immediately the fever was dispelled.
sovereign for some things, he commanded rather
This event had such an influence upon Arborius, than entreated him and
; although often invited,
that he at once consecrated the girl to God, and he
kept away from his entertainments, saying
devoted her to perpetual virginity. Then, pro- that he could not take a
place at the table of
ceeding to Martin, he presented the girl to him, one who, out of two emperors, had deprived
as an obvious living example of his power of one of his
kingdom, and the other of his life.
working miracles, inasmuch as she had been At last, when Maximus maintained that he had
cured by him though absent ; and he would not not of his own accord assumed the
suffer her to be consecrated by any other than
but that he had simply defended by arms the
Martin, through his placing upon her the dress necessary requirements ^ of the empire, regard to
characteristic of virginity. which had been imposed upon him by the sol-
Paulinus, too, a man who was afterwards to diers,
according to the Divine appointment, and
furnish a striking example of the age, having be- that the favor of God did not seem
wanting to
gun to suffer grievously in one of his eyes, and him who, by an event seemingly so incredible,
when a pretty thick skin having grown over it had secured the

victory, adding to that the

had already covered up its pupil, Martin touched statement that none of his adversaries had been
his eye with a painter's brush, and, all pain slain
except in the open field of battle, at
being removed, thus restored it to its former length, Martin, overcome either by his reasoning
soundness. He himself also, when, by a certain or his entreaties, came to the royal banquet.
accident, he had fallen out of an upper room, The
king was wonderfully pleased because he
and tumbling down a broken, uneven stair, had had
gained this point. Moreover, there were
received many wounds, as he lay in his cell at
guests present who had been invited as if to a
the point of death, and was tortured with griev- festival men of the highest and most illustrious
ous sufferings, saw in the night an angel appear

the prefect, who was also consul, named
to him) who washed his wounds, and applied
Evodius, one of the most righteous men that
healing ointment to the bruised members of his ever lived ; two courtiers possessed of the great-
body. As the effect of this, he found himself on est power, the brother and uncle of the king,
the morrow restored to soundness of health, so while between these
two, the presbyter of Mar-
that he was not thought to have suffered any tin had taken his
place ; but he himself occupied
harm. But because it would be tedious to go a seat which was set
quite close to the king.
through everything of this kind, let these ex- About the middle of the banquet, according to
amples suffice, as a few out of a multitude ; and custom, one of the servants presented a goblet
let it be enough that we do not in striking cases
to the king. He orders it rather to be given to
[of miraculous interposition] detract from the the very holy bishop, expecting and hoping that
truth, while, having so many to choose from, we he should then receive the
cup from his right
avoid exciting weariness in the reader. hand. But Martin, when he had drunk, handed
the goblet to his own presbyter, as thinking no
one worthier to drink next to himself, and hold-
ing that it would not be right for him to prefer
either the king himself, or those who were next
How Martin acted towards the Emperor
Maximus. the king, to the presbyter. And the emperor,
as well as all those who were then present, ad-
And here to insert some smaller matters mired this conduct so much, that this very thing,
among things so great (although such is the by which they had been undervalued, gave them
nature of our times in which all things have pleasure. The report then ran through the
fallen into decay and corruption, it is almost a whole palace that Martin had done, at the

pre-eminent virtue for priestly firmness not to king's dinner, what no bishop had dared to do

* "
Nubes," lit.
" a cloud." ^ "
Regni necesiitatem
" — an awkward expression.
at the banquets of the lowest judges. And Martin that not only on this occasion to which
Martin predicted to the same Maximus long I have specially referred, but on
many occasions
before, that if he went into Italy to which he of the same kind, in fact as often as such things
then desired to go, waging war, against the occurred, he perceived them long beforehand,
Emperor Valentinianus, it would come to pass and - disclosed the things which had been re-
that he should know he would indeed be victo- vealed to him to the brethren.
rious in the first attack, but would perish a short

time afterwards. And we have seen that this

did in fact take place. For, on his first arrival, CHAPTER XXII.
Valentinianus had to betake himself to flight ;
tMartin preaches Repentance even to the Devil.
but recovering his strength about a year after-
wards, Maximus was taken and slain by him Now, the devil, while he tried to impose upon
within the walls of Aquileia. tl\e holy man by a thousand injurious arts, often
thrust himself upon him in a visible form, but in
very various shapes. For sometimes he pre-
CHAPTER XXI. sented himself to his view changed into the per-
son of Jupiter, often into that of Mercury and
Martin has to do both 7uith Angels and Devils. Minerva. Often, too, were heard words of re-
proach, in which the crowd of demons assailed
It is also well known
that angels were very Martin with scurrilous expressions. But know-
often seen by him, so that they spoke in turns ing that all were false and groundless, he was
with him in set speech. As to the devil, Martin not affected by the charges brought against him.
held him so visible and ever under the power of Moreover, some of the brethren bore witness
his eyes, that whether he kept himself in his that they had heard a demon reproaching Mar-
proper form, or changed himself into different tin in abusive terms, and asking why he had
shapes of spiritual wickedness, he was perceived taken back, on their subsequent repentance,
by Martin, under whatever guise he appeared. certain of the brethren who had, some time
The devil knew well that he could not escape previously, lost their baptism by falling into
discovery, and therefore frequently heaped in- various errors. The demon set forth the crimes
sults upon Martin, being unable to beguile him of each of them but they added that Martin,

by trickery. On one occasion the devil, hold- resisting the devil firmly, answered him, that
ing in his hand the bloody horn of an ox, by-past sins are cleansed away by the leading
rushed into Martin's cell with great noise, and of a better life, and that through the mercy of
holding out to him his bloody right hand, while God, those are to be absolved from their sins
at the same time he exulted in the crime he who have given up their evil ways. The devil
had committed, said " Where, O Martin, is thy saying in opposition to this that such guilty men

power? I have just slain one of your people." as those referred to did not come within the
Then Martin assembled the brethren, and related pale of pardon, and that no mercy was extended
to them what the devil had disclosed, while he by the Lord to those who had once fallen away,
ordered them carefully to search the several Martin is said to have cried out in words to the
cells in order to discover who had been visited following effect
" If
thou, thyself, wretched

with this calamity. They report that no one of being, wouldst but desist from attacking mankind,
the monks was missing, but that one peasant, and even, at this period, when the day of judg-
hired by them, had gone to the forest to bring ment is at hand, wouldst only repent of your
home wood in his wagon. Upon hearing this, deeds, I, with a true confidence in the Lord,
Martin instructs some of them to go and meet would promise you the mercy of Christ."^ O
him. On their doing so, the man was found what a holy boldness with respect to the loving-
almost dead at no great distance from the mon- kindness of the Lord, in which, although he
astery. Nevertheless, although just drawing his could not assert authority, he nevertheless showed
last breath, he made known to the brethren the the feelings dwelling within him And since !

cause of his wound and death. He said that, our discourse has here sprung up concerning
while he was drawing tighter the thongs which the devil and his devices, it does not seem away
had got loose on the oxen yoked together, one from the point, although the matter does not
of the oxen, throwing his head free, had wounded ' Halm reads "aut sibi nuntinta fratribus indicabat."

him with his horn in the groin. And not long 1

This is a truly noteworthy passage. It anticipates a well-
known sentiment of Burns, the national bard of Scotland. In his
after the man expired. You^ see with what Address to the Deil, Burns has said that if the great enemy would
" tak a thocht an'
men'," he might still have a chance of safety,
judgment of the Lord this power was given to only and this idea seems very much in accordance with the opinion of
the devil. This was a marvelous feature in St. Martin as expressed above. Hornius, however, is very indig-
nant on account of it, and exclaims: Intolerabilis hie Martini
2 There isconsiderable confusion in this sentence. error. NeeSulpicius excusatione sua demit, sed auget. Orig-nes
^ Halm reads the imperative " videris,"
consider." primus ejus erroris author."

bear immediately upon Martin, to relate what again, filled with amazement, gathers the rest
took place ; both because the virtues of Martin together, and Clarus himself also runs up ; and
do, to some extent, appear in the transaction, a light being obtained, they all carefully inspect
and the incident, which was worthy of a miracle, the garment. Now, it was of the utmost soft-
will properly be put on record, with the view of ness, of marvelous brightness, and of glittering

furnishing a caution, should anything of a similar purple, and yet no one could discover what was
character subsequently occur. its nature, or of what sort of fleece it had been

formed. However, when it was more minutely

examined by the eyes or fingers, it seemed nothing
else than a garment. In the meantime, Clarus
urges upon the brethren to be earnest in prayer,
A Case of Diabolic Deception. that the Lord would show them more clearly
what it really was. Accordingly, the rest of the
There was a certain man, Clarus by name, a night was spent in singing hymns and psalms.
most noble youth, who afterwards became a But when day broke, Clarus wished to take the
presbyter, and who is now, through his happy young man by the hand, and bring him to Mar-
departure from this world, numbered among the tin, being well aware that he could not be de-
saints. He, leaving all others, betook himself ceived by any arts of the devil. Then, indeed,
to Martin, and in a short time became distin- the miserable man began to resist and refuse,
guished for the most exalted faith, and for all and affirmed that he had been forbidden to show
sorts of excellence. Now, it came to pass that, himself to Martin. And when they compelled
when he had erected an abode for himself not him to go against his will, the garment vanished
far from the monastery of the bishop, and many from among the hands of those who were con-
brethren were staying with him, a certain youth, ducting him. Wherefore, who can doubt that
Anatolius by name, having, under the profession this, too, was an illustration of the power of
of a monk, falsely assumed every appearance of Martin, so that the devil could no longer dis-
humility and innocence, came to him, and lived semble or conceal his own deception, when it
for some time on the common store along with was to be submitted to the eyes of Martin?
the rest. Then, as time went on, he began to
affirm that angels were in the habit of talking
with him. As no one gave any credit to his CHAPTER XXIV.
words, he urged a number of the brethren to
believe by certain signs. At length he went to Martin is tempted by the Wiles of the Devil.
such a length as to declare that angels passed
It was found, again, that about the same time
between him and God ; and now he wished that
he should be regarded as one of the prophets. there was a young man in Spain, who, having by
Clarus, however, could by no means be induced
many signs obtained for himself authority among
to believe. He then began to threaten Clarus the people, was puffed up to such a pitch that
with the anger of God and present afflictions,
he gave himself out as being Elias. And when
because he did not believe one of the saints. multitudes
had too readily believed this, he went
on to say that he was actually Christ ; and he
At the last, he is related to have burst forth with
" succeeded so well even in this delusion that a
the following declaration :
Behold, the Lord
certain bishop named Rufus worshiped him as
will this night give me a white robe out of
the l/jrd. For so doing, we have seen
heaven, clothed in which, I will dwell in the being
midst of you and that will be to you a sign this bishop at a later date deprived of
his office.
also informed me

that I am the Power of God, inasmuch as I Many of the brethren have

have been presented with the garment of God." that at the same time one arose in the East, who
Then truly the expectation of all was highly boasted that he was John. We may infer from
since false prophets of such a kind have
raised by tliis profession. Accordingly, about the this,
middle of the night, it was seen, by the noise of appeared, that the coming of Antichrist is at
hand ; for he is already practicing in these per-
people moving eagerly about, that the whole
in the was sons the mystery of iniquity. And truly I think
monastery place excited. It might
be seen, too, that the cell in which the young this point should not be passed over, with what
man referred to lived was glittering with numer- arts the devil about this very time tempted Mar-

ous lights ; and the whisperings of those moving tin. For, on a certain day, prayer having been
about in it, as well as a kind of murmur of many previously offered, and the fiend himself being
surrounded by a purple light, in order that he
voices, could be heard. Then, on silence being
the more easily deceive people by the
secured, the youth coming forth calls one of the might
brilliance of the splendor assumed, clothed also
brethren, Sabatius by name, to himself, and shows
him the robe in which he had been clothed. He * " Precc" for the usual
prae «e.'
in a royal robe, and with a crown of precious he should have deigned to admit me to fellow-
stones and gold encircling his head, his shoes ship with him He went so far as in person to

too being inlaid with gold, while he presented a present me with water to wash my hands, and
tranquil countenance, and a generally rejoicing at eventide he himself washed my feet ; nor had

aspect, so that no such thought as that he was I sufficient coutage to resist or oppose his
the devil might be entertained —
he stood by so. In fact, I felt so overcome by the
the side of Martin as he was praying in his cell. he unconsciously exerted, that I deemed it un-
The saint being dazzled by his first appearance, lawful to do anything but acquiesce in his ar-
both preserved a long and deep silence. This rangements. His conversation with me was all
was first broken by the devil, who said " Ac- : directed to such points as the following that the :

knowledge, Martin, who it is that you behold. allurements of this world and secular burdens
I am Christ ; and being just about to descend were to be abandoned in order that we might
to earth, I wished first to manifest myself to be free and unencumbered in following the Lord
thee." When Martin kept silence on hearing ; Jesus and he pressed upon me as an admirable
these words, and gave no answer whatever, the example in present circumstances the conduct
devil dared to repeat his audacious declaration of that distinguished man Paulinus, of whom I

Martin, why do you hesitate to believe, when have made mention above. Martin declared of
you see? I am Christ." Then Martin, the him that, by parting with his great possessions
Spirit revealing the truth to him, that he might and following Christ, as he did, he showed him-
understand it was the devil, and not God, re- self almost the only one who in these times had
plied as follows : The Lord Jesus did not pre- fully obeyed the precepts of the Gospel. He
dict that he would come clothed in purple, and insisted strongly was the man who
that that
with a glittering crown upon his head. I will should be made
the object of our imitation,
not believe that Christ has come, unless he ap- adding that the present age was fortunate in
pears with that appearance and form in which possessing such a model of faith and virtue.
he suffered, and openly displaying the marks of For Paulinus, being rich and having many pos-
his wounds upon the cross." On
hearing these sessions, by selling them all and giving them to
words, the devil vanished like smoke, and filled the poor according to the expressed will of the
the cell with such a disgusting smell, that he left Lord, had, he said, made possible by actual
unmistakable evidences of his r^al character. proof what appeared impossible of accomplish-
This event, as I have just related, took place in ment. What power and dignity there were in
the way which I have stated, and my informa- Martin's words and conversation How active !

tion regarding it was derived from the lips of he was, how practical, and how prompt and
Martin himself; therefore let no one regard it ready in solving questions connected with
as fabulous.^ And because I know that many are
Scripture !

incredulous on this point, —

for indeed I have met
with persons who did not believe me when I re-
CHAPTER XXV. lated such things, —
I call to witness Jesus, and
our common hope as Christians, that I never
Intercourse of Sulpitius with Martin. heard from any other lips than those of Martin
For since I, having long heard accounts of such exhibiti'ons of knowledge and genius, or
such specimens of good and pure speech. But
his faith, life and virtues, burned with a desire
how insignificant is all such praise when
of knowing him, I undertook what was to me a yet,
for the of him. compared with the virtues which he possessed !

pleasant journey purpose seeing it is remarkable that in a man who had no

At the same time, because already my mind was Still,
claim to be called learned, even this attribute
inflamed with the desire of writing his fife, I
was not wanting.
obtained my information partly from himself, in [of high intelligence]
so far as I could venture to question him, and
partly from those who had lived with him, or
well knew the facts of the case. And at this CHAPTER
time it is scarcely credible with what humility
and with what kindness he received me ; while Words cannot describe the Excellences of Martin.
he cordially wished me joy, and rejoiced in the
Lord that he had been held in such high estima- But now my book must be brought to an end,
tion by me that I had undertaken a journey
and my discourse finished. This is not because
all that was worthy of being said concerning
owing to my desire of seeing him. Unworthy
me (in fact, I hardly dare acknowledge it) that Martin is now exhausted, but because I, just as

sluggish poets grow less careful towards the end

2 In
spite of the combined testimony of Martin and Sulpitius of their work,
here referred to, few will have any doubt as to the real character of
give over, being bafiled by the
this narrative. immensity of the matter. For, although his

outward deeds could in some sort of way be set and never was there a feeling in his heart except
forth in words, no language, I truly own, can piety, peace, and tender mercy. Frequently, too,
ever be capable of describing his inner life and he used to weep for the sins of those who showed
daily conduct,
and his mind always bent upon themselves his revilers — those who, as he led
the things of heaven. No one can adequately his retired and tranquil life, slandered him with
make known perseverance and self-mastery
his poisoned tongue and a viper's mouth. And truly
in abstinence and
fastings, or his power in we have had experience of some who were envi-
watchings and prayers, along with the nights, as ous of his virtues and his hfe who really hated —
well as days, which were spent by him, while not in him what they did not see in themselves,
a moment was separated from the service of and what they had not power to imitate. And
God, either for indulging in ease, or engaging in
— O wickedness worthy of deepest grief and
business. But, in fact, he did not indulge either groans !

some of his calumniators, although
in food or sleep, except in so far as the necessi- very few, some of his maligners, I say, were re-
ties of nature required. I freely confess that, ported to be no others than bishops Here, !

if, as the saying is. Homer himself were however, it is not necessary to name any one,
to as-
cend from the shades below, he could not do although a good many of these people are still
justice to this subject in words ; to such an ex- venting' their spleen against myself I shall
tent did all excellences surpass in Martin the deem it
any one of them reads
sufficient that, if

p Dssibility of being embodied in language. Never this account, and perceives that he is himself
did a single hour or moment pass in which he pointed at, he may have the grace to. blush. But
was not either actually engaged in prayer ; or, if, on the other hand, he shows anger, he will,
if it happened that he was occupied with some- by that very fact, own that he is among those
thing else, still he never let his mind loose from spoken of, though all the time perhaps I have
prayer. In truth, just as it is the custom of been thinking of some other person. I shall,
blacksmiths, in the midst of their work to beat however, by no means feel ashamed if any peo-
their own anvil as a sort of relief to the laborer, ple of that sort include myself in their hatred
so Martin even when he appeared to be doing along with such a man as Martin. I am quite

truly blessed
was in prayer.

there was no guile
in —O persuaded of this, that the present little work
will give pleasure to all truly good men. And I
judging no man, condemning no man, returning shall only say further that, if any one read this
evil for evil to no man He displayed indeed narrative in an unbelieving spirit, he himself will

such marvelous patience in the endurance of fall into sin. I am conscious to myself that I
injuries, that even when he was chief priest, he have been induced by belief in the facts, and by
allowed himself to be wronged by the lowest the love of Christ, to write these things ; and
clerics with impunity ; nor did he either remove that, in doing so, I have set forth what is well
them from the office on account of such con- known, and recorded what is true ; and, as I
duct, or, as far as in him lay, repel them from a trust, that man will have a reward prepared by
place in his affection. God, not who shall read these things, but who
shall believe them.'

* Lit.
" are barkine round about."
CHAPTER XXVII. * It seems extremely difficult (to recur to the point once more),
after readine this account of St. Martin by Sulpitius, to form any
certain conclusion regarding it. The writer so frequently and sol-
Wonderful Piety of Martin. emnly assures us of his good faith, and there is such a verisimilitude
about the style, that it appears impossible to accept the theory of
willful deception on the part of the writer. And then, he was so
No one ever saw him enraged, or excited, or intimately acquainted with the subject of his narrative, that he
lamenting, or laughing ; he was always one and could hardly have
fictions for facts, or failed in his estimate
of the friend he so mucn admired and loved. Altogether, this Life
the same displaying a kind of heavenly happi-
of St. Martin seems to bring before us one of the puzzles of history.
ness in his countenance, he seemed to have The saint himself must evidently have been a very extraordinary
man, to impress one of the talents and learning of Sulpitius so
passed the ordinary limits of human nature. remarkably as he did; but it is extremely hard to say how far the
miraculous narratives, which enter so largely into the account before
Never was there any word on his lips but Christ, us, were due to pure invention, or Unconscious hallucination.' Milner
" Summus sacerdos " remarks {^Church History, II. 193), " I should be ashamed, as well
" that "
is," remarks Homius,

bishop. as think the labor ill spent, to recite the stories at length which
They were also in those ages styled Popes (Papac). This is clear
Sulpitius gives us." See, on the other side, Cardinal Newman's
from Cyprian, Je»ome, and others of a much later age." Essays on Miracles, p. 137, 309, &c.

thou most miserable of men, you ought, even
from that example to have yourself been con-
TO EUSEBIUS. vinced of your falsity ; so that, if it had proved
a stumbling-block to thee that Martin appeared
touched by the flame of fire, you should, on
Against Some Envious Assailants of Martin.
the other hand, have ascribed his being merely
Yesterday a number of monks having come touched to his merits and power, because, though
to me, it happened that amid endless fables, and surrounded by flames, he did not perish. For
much tiresome discourse, mention was made of acknowledge, thou miserable man, acknowledge
the little work which I published concerning the what you seem ignorant of, that almost all the
life of that saintly man Martin, and I was most saints have been more remarkable for^ the dangers
happy to hear that it was being eagerly and care- they encountered, than even for the virtues they
fully read by multitudes. In the meantime, how- displayed. I see, indeed, Peter strong in faith,

ever, I was told that a certain person, under the walking over the waves of the sea, in opposition
influence of an evil spirit, had asked why Martin, to the nature of things, and that he pressed the
who was said to have raised the dead and to unstable waters with- his footprints. But not
have rescued houses from the flames, had him- on that account does the preacher of the Gen-
self recently become subject to the power of fire, tiles* seem to me a smaller man, whom the
and thus been exposed to suffering of a danger- waves swallowed up ; and, after three days * and
ous character. Wretched man, whoever he is, three nights, the water restored him emerging
that expressed himself thus recognize his
! We from the deep. Nay, I am almost inclined to
perfidious talk in the words of the Jews of old, think that it was a greater thing to have lived in
who reviled the Lord, when hanging upon the the deep, than to have walked along the depths of
" He saved
cross, in the following terms others ;
: the sea. But, thou foolish man, you had not, as
himself he cannot save." ^ Truly it is clear that, I suppose, read these things ; or, having read
whoever be the person referred to, if he had them, had not understood them. For the
lived in those times, he would have been quite blessed Evangelist would not have recorded in
prepared to speak against the Lord in these holy writ an incident of that kind under divine —
terms, inasmuch as he blasphemes a saint of the guidance

(except that, from such cases, the
Lord, after a like fashion. How then, I ask human mind might be instructed as to the dan-
thee, whosoever thou art, how does the case gers connected with shipwrecks and serpents !)
stand? Was Martin really not possessed of and, as the Apostle relates, who gloried in his
power, and not a partaker of holiness, because nakedness, and hunger, and perils from robbers,
he became exposed to danger from fire? O all these things are indeed to be endured in
thou blessed man, and in all things like to the common by holy men, but that it has always
Apostles, even in the reproaches which are thus been the chief excellence of the righteous in
heaped upon thee Assuredly those Gentiles enduring and conquering such things, while amid

are reported to have entertained the same sort all their trials, being patient and ever uncon-
of thought respecting Paul also, when the viper querable, they overcame them all the more
had bitten him, for they said, " This man must courageously, the heavier was the burden which
be a murderer, whom, although saved from the they had to bear. Hence this event which is
sea, the fates do not permit to live." But he, ascribed to the infirmity of Martin is, in reality,
shaking off the viper into the fire, suffered no full of dignity and glory, since indeed, being tried
harm. They, however, imagined that he would "
magis insignes periculorum suorum"
^ : such is the construc-
suddenly fall down, and speedily die ; but when tion of insigtiis with later writers.
* This refers to St. an echo of the Apostle's own
they saw that no harm befell him, changing their words in Rom. xi. 13 —
Paul, bein^
lyia e9vMV airoiTToAo?.

minds, they said that he was a God. But, O The writer here supposes that St. Paul was sunk for three days

and three nights in the sea —

a mistaken inference from 2 Cor. xi. 25.
The construction of the very long sentence which soon follows is
very confused, and has not been rigidly followed in our translation.
1 St. Matt, xxvii. 42. ' Acts xxviii. 4.

by a most dangerous calamity, he came forth a committing himself entirely to the Lord, he lay
conqueror. But let no one wonder that the down in the midst of the flames. Then truly,
incident referred to was omitted by me in that the fire having been removed by divine interpo-
treatise which I wrote concerning his life, since sition, he continued to pray amid a circle of
in that very work I openly acknowledged that I flames that did him no harm. But the monks,
had not embraced all his acts ; and that for the who were before the door, hearing the sound of
good reason that, if I had been minded to nar- the crackling and struggling fire, broke open the
rate them all, I must have presented an enor- barred door ; and, the fire being extinguished,
mous volume to my readers. And indeed, his they brought forth Martin from the midst of the
achievments were not of so Hmited a number flames, all the time supposing that he must ere
that they could all be comprehended in a book. then have been burnt to ashes by a fire of so
Nevertheless, I shall not leave this incident, long continuance. Now, as the Lord is my
about which a question has arisen, to remain in witness, he himself related to me, and not with-
obscurity, but shall relate the whole affair as it out groans, confessed that he was in this matter
occurred, lest I should appear perchance to have beguiled by the arts of the devil ; in that, when
intentionally passed over that which might be roused from sleep, he did not take the wise
put forkvard in calumniation of the saintly man. course of repelling the danger by means of faith
Martin having, about the middle of winter, and prayer. He also added that the flames
come to a certain parish," according to the. usual raged around him all the time that, with a dis-
custom for the bishops to visit the churches in tempered mind, he strove to throw open the
the diocese, the clerics had prepared an abode door. But he declared that as soon as he again
for him in the private^ part of the church, and sought assistance from the cross, and tried the
had kindled a large fire beneath the floor which weapons of prayer, the central flames gave way,
was decayed and very thin.^ They also erected and that he then felt them shedding a dewy
for him a couch consisting of a large amount of refreshment over him, after having just experi-
straw. Then, when Martin betook himself to enced how cruelly they burned him. Consider-
rest, he was annoyed with the softness of the too ing all which, let every one who reads this letter
luxurious bed, inasmuch as he had been accus- understand that Martin was indeed tried by
tomed to lie on the bare ground with only a piece that danger, but passed through it with true
of sackcloth stretched over him. Accordingly, acceptance.'
influenced by the injury which had, as it were,
been done him, he threw aside the whole of the
straw. Now, it so happened that part of the straw II. LETTER
which he had thus removed fell upon the stove. TO THE DEACON AURELIUS.
He himself, in the meantime, rested, as was his
wont, upon the bare ground, tired out by his Sulpitius has a Vision of St. Martin.
long journey. About midnight, the fire bursting SuLPrrius Severus to Aurelius the Deacon
up through the stove which, as I have said, was
far from sound, laid hold of the dry straw.
sendeth greeting, ' —
After you had departed from me in the morn-
Martin, being wakened out of sleep by this
ing, I was sitting alone in my cell and there

unexpected occurrence, and being prevented by occurred to me, as often happens, that hope of
the pressing danger, but chiefly, as he afterwards
the future which I cherish, along with a weari-
related, by the snares and urgency of the devil, ness of the present world, a terror of judgment,
was longer than he ought to have been in having
a fear of punishment, and, as a consequence, in-
recourse to the aid of prayer. For, desiring to deed as the source from which the whole train of
get outside, he stniggled long and laboriously
with the bolt by which he had secured the door.
thought had flowed, a remembrance of my sins,
which had rendered me worn and miserable.
Ere long he perceived that he was surrounded
Then, after I had placed on my couch my limbs
by a fearful conflagration and the fire had even
fatigued with the anguish of my mind, sleep crept

laid hold of the garment with which he was

clothed. At length recovering his habitual con- upon me, as frecjuently happens from melan-
viction that his safety lay not in flight, but in the
choly and such sleep, as it is always somewhat

lightand uncertain in the morning hours, so it

Lord, and seizing the shield of faith and prayer.
pervaded my members only in a hovering and
• " ad dioecesim
" : it seems certain that diocesii has doubtful manner. Thus it happens, what does
here the meaning of " parish." not occur in a different kind of slumber, that
' "in secretario ecclesiae": it is very difficult to sav what is
here meant by " secretarium." It appears from Dial. II. i, that one can feel he is dreaming while almost awake.
there might be two or more secretaria in one church.
' " " " In these circumstances, I seemed suddenly to
pavimento": this word tistially means a floor," or pave-
ment," but some take it here to be the same as fornax. This, see St. Martin appear to me in the character of
however, can hardly be the case; and the meaning probably is that
the church w.i» heated, as the baths were, by means of a hypo- • Halm here inserts " vere."
caustum, or flue running below the pavement. 1 This salutation is ouitted by Halm.

a bishop, clothed in a white robe, with a coun- to rejoice. For he is now mingling among the
tenance as of fire, with eyes Hke stars, and with Apostles and Prophets, and (with all respect for
purple hair.- He thus appeared to me with the saints on high be it said) he is second to
that aspect and form of body which I had no one in that assembly of the righteous as I
known, so that I find it almost difficult to say firmly hope, believe, and trust, being joined es-
what I mean —
he could not be steadfastly be- pecially to those who washed their robes in the
held, though he could be clearly recognized. blood of the^ Lamb. He now follows the Lamb
Well, directing a gentle smile towards me, he as his guide, free from all spot of defilement.
held out in his right hand the small treatise For although the character* of our times could
which I had written concerning his life. I, for not ensure him the honor of martyrdom, yet he
my part, embraced his sacred knees, and begged will not remain destitute of the glory of a martyr,
for his blessing according to custom. Upon because both by vow and virtues he was alike
this, I felt his hand placed on my head with the able and willing to be a martyr. But if he had
sweetest touch, while, amid the solemn words of been permitted, in the times of Nero and of
benediction, he repeated again and again the Decius,* to take part in the struggle which then
name of the cross so familiar to his lips. Ere went on, I take to witness the God of heaven
long, while my eyes were earnestly fixed upon and earth that he would freely have submitted*
him, and when I could not satisfy myself with to the rack of torture, and readily surrendered
gazing upon his countenance, he was suddenly himself to the flames yea, worthy of being com- :

taken away from me and raised on high. At pared to the illustrious Hebrew youths, amid the
last, having passed through the vast expanse of circling flames, and though in the very midst of
the air, while my straining eyes followed him the furnace, he would have sung a hymn of the
ascending in a rapidly moving cloud, he could Lord. But if perchance it had pleased the per-
no longer be seen by me gazing after him. And secutor to inflict upon him the punishment which
not long after, I saw the holy presbyter Clarus, Isaiah endured, he would never have shown
a disciple of Martin's who had lately died, as- himself inferior to the prophet, nor would have
cend in the same way as I had seen his master. shrunk from having, his members torn in pieces
I, impudently desiring to follow, while I aim at by saws and swords. And if impious fury had
and strive after such lofty stejxs, suddenly wake preferred to drive the blessed man over precip-
up ; and, being roused from sleep, I had begun itous rocks or steep mountains, I maintain that,
to rejoice over the vision, when a boy, a servant clinging'' to the testimony of truth he would
in the family, enters to me with a countenance willingly have fallen. But if, after the example
sadder than is usual with one who gives utter- of the teacher of the Gentiles,^ as indeed often
ance to his grief in words. " What," I enquire happened, he had been included among other
of him, " do you wish to tell me with so melan- victims who were condemned
to die by the
choly an aspect?" "Two monks," he replied, sword, he would have been foremost to urge on
" have
just been here from Tours, and they have the executioner to his work that he might obtain

brought word that Martin is dead." I confess the crown of blood. And, in truth, far from
that I was cut to the heart ; 'and bursting into shrinking from a confession of the Lord, in the
tears, I wept most abundantly. Nay, even now, face of all those penalties and punishments,
as I write these things to you, brother, my tears which frequently prove too much for human in-
are flowing, and I find no consolation for my all firmity, he would have stood so immovable as to
but unbearable sorrow. And I should wish you, have smiled with joy and gladness over the suf-
when this news reaches you, to be a partaker in my ferings and torments he endured, whatever
grief, as you were a sharer with me in his love. might have been the tortures inflicted upon
Come then, I beg of you, to me without delay, him. But although he did in fact sufler none
that we may mourn in common him whom in of these things, yet he fully attained to the
common we love. And yet I am well aware honor of martyrdom without shedding his blood.
that such a man ought not to be mourned over, For what agonies of human sufferings did he not
to whom, after his victory and triumph over the endure in behalf of the hope of eternal Hfe, in
world, there has now at last been given the hunger, in watchings, in nakedness, in fastings,
crown of righteousness. Nevertheless, I cannot *
Compare Rev. vii. 14.
so command myself as to keep from grieving. * As
being peaceful, the imperial power having now passed into
have, no doubt, sent on before me one who
the hands of Christians.
I ^ Roman
emperor, a.d. 249-251 his full name was C. Messius ;

will plead my cause in heaven, but I have, at Quintus Decius.

" Trajanus ascendisset "
"would have mounted the
the same time, lost my great source of con- woodenequileum an instrument of torture.
lit. :

solation in this present life ; yet if grief would ' Some read " perhibeo confisus testimonium veritati," and
others veritatis"; in either case, the construction is confused and
yield to the influence of reason, I certainly ought irregular.
' St. Paul is referred to: tradition bears that he was beheaded.
' cnne purpureo it is impossible to tell the exact color * A
late use of the verb depuiare.
which intended. '" i.e.
is martyrdom, palmam sanguinis."

in reproachings of the malignant, in persecutions mains, one last and solitary hope, that, what I
cannot obtain of myself, I may, at any rate, be
of the wicked, in care for the weak, in anxiety for in danger ? For who ever suffered but Mar- thought worthy of, through the prayers of Martin
tin suffered along with him? Who was made to in my behalf. But why, brother, should I longer
stumble and he burnt not? Who perished, and he occupy your time with a letter which has turned
did not mourn deeply ? Besides those daily strug- out so garrulous, and thus delay you from coming
gles which he carried on against the various con- to me ? At the same time, my page being now
flicts with human and spiritual wickedness, while filled, can admit no more. This, however, was
invariably, as he was assailed with divers temp- my object in prolonging my discourse to a some-
tations, there prevailed in his case fortitude in what undue extent, that, since this letter con-
conquering, patience in waiting, and placidity in veys to you a message of sorrow, it might also
enduring. O man, truly indescribable in piety, furnish you with consolation, through my sort of
mercy, love, which daily grows cold even in friendly conversation with you.
holy men through the coldness of the world, but
which in his case increased onwards to the end,
and endured from day to day I, for my part,

had the happiness of enjoying this grace in him

even in an eminent degree, for he loved me in a TO BASSULA, HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW.
special manner, though I was far from meriting
such affection. And, on the remembrance, yet How St. Martin passed from this Life to Life
tears burst forth, while groans issue Eternal.
again my
from the bottom of my heart. In what man SuLPrrius Severus to Bassula, his venerable
shall I for the future find such repose for my parent, sendeth greeting.
spirit as I did in him? and in whose love shall If it were lawful that parents should be sum-
I enjoy like consolation? Wretched being that moned to court
by their children, clearly I might
I am, sunk in affliction, can I ever, if life be ^
drag you with a righteous thong before the tri-
spared me, cease to lament that I have sur- bunal of the praetor, on a charge of robbery and
vived Martin ? Shall there in future be to me For why should I not complain of the
any pleasure in life, or any day or hour free injury which I have suffered at your hands?
from tears ; or can I ever, my dearest brother, You have left me no little bit of writing at home,
make mention of him to you without lamenta-
tion? And yet, in conversing with you, can I
no book, not even a letter —
to such a degree
do you play the thief with all such things and
ever talk of any other subject than him? But
publish them to the world. If I write anything
why do I stir you up to tears and lamentations? in familiar style to a friend ; if, as I amuse my-
So I now desire you to be comforted, although self I dictate anything with the wish at the same
I am unable to console myself. He will not be time that it should be kept private, all such things
absent from us ; believe me, he will never, never seem to reach you almost before they have been
forsake us, but will be present with us as we
written or spoken. Surely you have my secre-
discourse regarding him, and will be near to us
taries^ in your' debt, since through them any
as we pray ; and the happiness which he has
even to-day deigned to bestow, even that of
trifles I compose are made known to you. And
yet I cannot be moved with anger against them
seeing him in his glory, he will frequently in if they really obey you, and have invaded my
future afford and he will protect us, as he did
rights under the special influence of your gener-

but a little while ago, with his unceasing bene-

osity to them, and ever bear in mind that they
diction. Then again, according to the arrange-
belong to you rather than to me. Yes, thou
ment of the vision, he showed that heaven was alone art the culprit —
thou alone art to blame —
open to those following him, and taught us to inasmuch as you both lay your snares for me,
what we ought to follow him he instructed us
and cajole them with your trickery, so that with-
to what objects our hope should be directed,
out making any* selection, pieces written famil-
and to what attainment our mind should *be
iarly, or let out of hand without care, are sent
turned. Yet, my brother, what is to be done ? to thee quite unelaborated and unpolished. For,
For, as I am myself well aware, I shall never be to say nothing about other writings, I beg to ask
able to climb that difficult ascent, and penetrate
how that letter could reach you so speedily, which
into those blessed regions. To such a degree I recently wrote to Aurelius the Deacon. For,
does a miserable burden press me down ; and
Instead of justo loro," Halm reads, " justo dolore," i.e. " with
while I cannot, through the load of sin which *

overwhelms me, secure an ascent to heaven, the just* " notaries": shorthand writers, who wrote from dictation.
' Halm here reads "
cruel pressure rather sinks me in my misery to obarratos," wiih what sense 1 know not;
the reading obzratos," followed in the text seems to yield a very
the place of despair." Nevertheless, hope re- good meaning.
* The " sine dileclu seems pref-
" sine delictoadopted by Halm,
reading ullo,"
" "in tartara." erable to the old ullo."

as I was situated at Toulouse/ while you were them before they know it they devour : their
dwelling at Treves, and were so far distant from victims when taken, and they can never be satis-
your native land, owing to the anxiety felt on fied with what they have devoured." Then

account of your son, what opportunity, I should Martin, with a miraculous power in his words,
like to know, did you avail yourself of, to get commands the birds to leave the pool in which
hold of that familiar^ epistle? For I have re- they were swimming, and to betake themselves
ceived your letter in which you write that I to dry and desert regions ; using with respect to
ought in the same epistle in which I made men- those birds that very same authority with which
tion of the death of our master, Martin, to have he had been
accustomed to put demons to
described the manner in which that saintly man Accordingly, gathering themselves to-
left this world. As if, indeed, I had either given
gether, all those birds formed a single body, and
forth that epistle with the view of its being readleaving the river, they made for the mountains
by any other except him to whom it purported and woods, to no small wonder of many who
to be sent ; or as if I were fiited to undertake perceived such power in Martin that he could
so great a work as that all things which should even rule the birds. Having then delayed some
be known respecting Martin are to be made time in that village or church to which he had
public through me particularly as the writer. gone, and peace having been restored among
Therefore, if you desire to learn anything con- the clerics, when he was now meditating a re-
cerning the end of the saintly bishop, you should turn to his monastery, he began suddenly to
direct your enquiries rather to those who were fail in bodily strength, and, assembling the
present when his death occurred. I for my part brethren, he told them that he was on the point
have resolved to write nothing to you lest you of dissolution. Then indeed, sorrow and grief
publish me' everywhere. Nevertheless if you took possession of all, and there was but one
pledge your word that you will read to no one voice of them lamenting, and saying Why, :

what I send you, I shall satisfy your desire in a dear father, will you leave us? Or to whom
few words. Accordingly I shall communicate^ can you commit us in our desolation ? Fierce
to you the following particulars which are com- wolves will speedily attack thy flock, and who,
prised within my own knowledge. when the shepherd has been smitten, will save
I have to state, then, that Martin was aware us" from their bites? We know, indeed, that
of the period of his own death long before it you desire to be with Christ but thy reward ;

occurred, and told the brethren that his depart- above is safe, and will not be diminished by
ure from the body was at hand. In the mean- being delayed ;
rather have pity upon us, whom
time, a reason sprang up which led him to visit you are leaving desolate." Then Martin, affected
the church at Condate." For, as the clerics of by these lamentations, as he was always, in truth,
that church were at variance among themselves, full of compassion, is said to have burst into
Martin, wishing to restore peace, although he tears ; and, turning to the Lord, he replied to
well knew that the end of his own days was at those weeping round him only in the following
" O
hand, yet he did not shrink from undertaking words, Lord, if I am still necessary to
the journey, with such an object in view. He thy people, I do not shrink from toil thy will :

did, in fact, think that this would be an excellent be done." Thus hovering as he did between ^^
crown to set upon his virtues, if he should leave desire and love, he almost doubted which he
behind him peace restored to a church. Thus, preferred for he neither wished to leave us,

then, having set out with that very numerous nor to be longer separated from Christ. How-
and holy crowd of disciples who usually accom- ever, he placed no weight upon his own wishes,
panied him, he perceives in a river a number of nor reserved anything to his own will, but com-
water-fowl busy in capturing fishes, and notices mitted himself wholly to the will and power of
that a voracious appetite was urging them on to the Lord. Do you not think you hear him
frequent seizures of their prey. "This," ex- speaking in the following few words which I re-
claimed he, " is a picture of how the demons peat ?
Terrible, indeed, Lord, is the struggle
act :
they lie in wait for the unwary and capture of bodily warfare, and surely it is now enough
that I have continued the fight till now ; but, if
identity of Tolosa, mentioned in the text with the modem thou dost command me still to
5 The

Toulouse, is uncertain.
persevere in the
" Of
course, this is all jocular, and shows the best relations as same toil for the defense of thy flock, I do not
existing between Sulpitius and his mother-in-law.
' There is
clearly some affectation in the horror which Sulpitius
refuse, nor do I plead against such an appoint-
expresses in this and other passages at the thought of his writings
" "
Halm "
being published. It is obvious that he derived gratification from the '"
potenti virtute verborum : reads simply potenti
fact of their being widely read. verbo."
' " " : the construction is "
praestabo his participem peculiar, but
A singular and obviously corrupt reading is quis eos a
the meaning is obvious. morsibus nostris prohibebit ?" Halm's reading has been followed
^ There were several towns of this name in Gaul. The one in the text.
^2 Lit. " as he bowels of mercy in the Lord."
probably here referred to was on the road from Augustodunum always flowed with
'^ " "
(Autun) to Paris. It corresponds to the modern Cosne, at the junc- spes seems here to mean longing of heart."
tion of the stream Nonain with the river Loire. " "
pro castris tuorum."

ment my declining years. Wholly given to the glory of the future resurrection, and with
thee, I will whatever duties thou dost as- the nature of a body which had been changed.

sign me, and I will serve under thy standard as But it is hardly credible what a multitude of
long as thou shalt prescribe. Yea, although re- human beings assembled at the performance of
lease is sweet to an old man after lengthened his funeral rites the whole city poured forth :

toil, yet my mind is a conqueror over meet his body all the inhabitants of the dis-
my years, to ;

and I have no desire ^' to yield to old age. But trict and villages, along with many also from the
if now thou art merciful to my many years, neighboring cities, attended. O how great was
good, O Lord, is thy will to me and thou thy- the grief of all how deep the lamentations in

self wilt guard over those for whose safety I fear." particular of the sorrowing monks They are !

O man, whom no language can describe, uncon- said to have assembled on that day almost to
quered by toil, and unconquerable even by the number of two thousand, a special glory —
death, who didst show no personal preference of Martin,

through his example so numerous
for either alternative, and who didst neither fear plants had sprung up for the service of the Lord.
to die nor refuse to live Accordingly, though Undoubtedly the shepherd was then driving his


he was for some days under the influence of a own flocks before him the pale crowds of that
strong fever, he nevertheless did not abandon saintly multitude bands arrayed in cloaks, —
the work of God. Continuing in supplications either old men whose life-labor was finished, or
and watchings through whole nights, he com- young soldiers who had just taken the oath of
pelled his worn-out limbs to do service to his allegiance to Christ. Then, too, there was the
spirit as he lay on his glorious couch upon choir of virgins, abstaining out of modesty from
sackcloth and ashes. And when his disciples weeping and with what holy joy did they con-

begged of him that at least he should allow ceal the fact of their affliction No doubt faith !

some common straw to be placed beneath him, would prevent the shedding of tears, yet affec-
he replied " It is not fitting that a Christian tion forced out groans. For there was as sacred

should die except among ashes and I have an exultation over the glory to which he had

sinned if I leave you a different example." attained, as there was a pious sorrow on account
However, with his hands and eyes steadfastly of his death. One would have been inclined to
directed towards heaven, he never released his pardon those who wept, as well as to congratu-
unconquerable spirit from prayer. And on late those who rejoiced, while each single per-
being asked by the presbyters who had then son preferred ^hat he himself should grieve, but
gathered round him, to relieve his body a little that another should rejoice. Thus then this
" Allow
by a change of side, he exclaimed me, multitude, singing hymns of heaven, attended

dear brother, to fix my looks rather on heaven the body of the sainted man onwards to the
than on earth, so that my spirit which is just place of sepulture. Let there be compared with
about to depart on its own journey may be di- this spectacle, I will not say the worldly '" pomp
rected towards the Lord." Having spoken of a funeral, but even of a triumph and what ;

these words, he saw the devil standing close at can be reckoned similar to the obsequies of
hand, and exclaimed Why do you stand here, Martin ? Let your worldly great men lead before

thou bloody monster? Thou shalt find nothing their chariots captives with their hands bound
in me, thou deadly one Abraham's bosom is behind their backs. Those accompanied the body

about to receive me." of Martin who, under his guidance, had overcome
As he uttered these words, his spirit fled ; and the world. Let madness honor these earthly
those who were there present have testified to warriors with the united praises of nations.
us that they saw his face as if it had been the Martin is praised with the divine psalms, Martin
" of an
face angel. His limbs too appeared white is honored in heavenly hymns. Those worldly
as snow, so that people exclaimed, " Who would men, after their triumphs here are over, shall be
ever believe that man to be clothed in sackcloth, thrust into cruel Tartarus, while Martin is joy-
or who would imagine that he was enveloped fully received into the bosom of Abraham. Mar-
with ashes? For even then he presented such tin, poor and insignificant on earth, has a rich
an appearance, as if he had been manifested in entrance granted him into heaven. From that
blessed region, as I trust, he looks upon me, as
M Or, "I. am not one to yield," netcius cedere.
my guardian, while I am writing these things,
1" " nobili illo strato suo"; nobilis in one sense, though so and upon you while you read them.'"
humble in another.
" There is a great " the
variety of readings here; Halm has been •'
Or, pomp of a worldly funeral."
followed in the text. >* Halm inseru this last sentence in brackets.

DIALOGUE I. ing in Egypt, was ever holding fellowship with

you in my mind and thoughts, and affection for
CONCERNING THE VIRTUES OF THE MONKS OF THE you had full possession of me as I meditated
EAST. upon you day and night. Surely then, you can-
not imagine that I will now fail for a single
CHAPTER I. moment to gaze with delight upon you, as I
hang upon your lips. I will listen to you, I will
When I and a Gallic friend had assembled in converse with you, while no one at all is admitted
one place, this Gaul being a man very dear to to our retirement, which this remote cell of
me, both on account of his remembrance of mine furnishes to us. For, as I suppose, you
Martin (for he had been one of his disciples), will not take amiss the presence of this friend
and on account of his own merits, my friend of ours, the Gaul, who, as you perceive, rejoices
Postumianus joined us. He had just, on my with his whole heart over this arrival of yours,
account, returned from the East, to which, leav- even as I do myself."
" " that
ing his native country, he had gone three years Quite right," said Postumianus, Gaul
before. Having embraced this most affection- will certainly be retained in our company who,

ate friend, and kissed both his knees and his although I am but little acquainted with him,
feet, we were for a moment or two, as it were, yet for this very reason that he is greatly beloved
astounded ; and, shedding mutual tears of joy, by you, cannot fail also to be dear to me. This
we walked about a good deal. But by and by must especially be the case, since he is of the
we sat down on our garments of sackcloth laid school of Martin ; nor will I grudge, as you
upon the ground. Then Postumianus, directing desire, to talk with you in connected discourse,
his looks towards me is the first to speak, and since I came hither for this very purpose, that
— I should, even at the risk of being tedious,
" When I was in the remote
parts of Egypt, I respond to the desire of my dear Sulpitius


felt a desire to go on as far as the sea. I there and in so speaking he affectionately took hold
met with a merchant vessel, which was ready to of me with both his hands.
set sail with the view of making for Narbonne.'
The same night you seemed in a dream to stand
beside me, and laying hold of me with your CHAPTER II.
hand, to lead me away that I should go on
board that ship. Ere long, when the dawn "Truly," said I, "you have clearly proved
dispersed the darkness, and when I rose up in how much a sincere love can accomplish, inas-
the place in which I had been resting, as I much as, for my sake, you have traveled over so
revolved my dream in my mind, I was suddenly many seas, and such an extent of land, journey-
seized with such a longing after you, that with- ing, so to speak, from the rising of the sun in
out delay I went on board the ship. Landing the East to where he sets in the West. Come,
on the thirtieth day at Marseilles, I came on then, because we are here in a retired spot by
from that and arrived here on the tenth day — ourselves, and not being otherwise occupied,
so prosperous a voyage was granted to my duti- feel it our duty to attend to your discourse,
ful desire of seeing you. Do thou only, for come, I pray thee, relate to us the whole history
whose sake I have sailed over so many seas, and of your wanderings. Tell us, if you please, how
have traversed such an extent of land, yield the faith of Christ is flourishing in the East ;
yourself over to me to be embraced and enjoyed what peace the saints enjoy ; what are the cus-
apart from all others." toms of the monks ; and with what signs and
"I " while
truly," said I, you were still stay- miracles Christ is working in his servants. For
Narbona, more commonly called Narbo Martius; the modern
assuredly, because in this region of ours and
Narbonne. amid the circumstances in which we are placed.

life itself has become a weariness to us, we shall before our eyes ; and, landing on it in boats,
gladly hear from you, if life is permitted to when we perceived that the whole country round
Christians even in the desert." was destitute of human cultivation, I penetrated
In reply to these words, Postumianus declares, farther inland, for the purpose of more carefully
" I shall do as I see
you desire. But I beg you exploring the locality. About three miles from
first to tell me, whether all those persons whom the sea-coast, I beheld a small hut in the midst
I left here as priests, continue the same as I of the sand, the roof of which, to use the ex-
knew them before taking my departure." pression of Sallust, was like the keel of a ship.
Then I exclaim, " Forbear, I beseech thee, *
It was close to the earth, and was floored with
to make any enquiry on such points, which you good strong boards, not because any very heavy
either, I think, know as well as I do, or if you rains are there feared (for, in fact, such a
are ignorant of them,it is better that you should as rain has there never even been heard of), but
hear nothing regarding them. I cannot, how- because, such is the strength of the winds in that
ever, help saying, that not only are those, of district, that, if at any time only a little breath of
whom you enquire, no better than thfiy were air begins there to be felt, even when the weather
when you knew them, but even that one man, is pretty mild, a
greater wreckage takes place in
who was formerly a great friend of mine, and in those lands than on any sea. No plants are
whose affection I was wont to find some conso- there, and no seeds ever spring up, since, in such
lation from the persecutions of the rest, has shifting soil, the dry sand is swept along with
shown himself more unkind towards me than he every motion of the winds. But where some
ought to have been. However, I shall not say promontories, back from the sea, ac^ as a check
anything harsher regarding him, both because I to the winds, the soil, being somewhat more
once esteemed him as a friend, and loved him firm, produces here and there some prickly grass,
even when he was deemed my enemy. I shall and that furnishes fair pasturage for sheep. The
only add that while I wassilently meditating on inhabitants live on milk, while those of them that
these things in my thoughts, this source of grief are more skillful, or, so to speak, more wealthy,
deeply me, that I had almost lost the
afflicted make use of barley bread. That is the only kind
friendship of one who was both a wise and a of grain which flourishes there, for barley, by
religious man. But let us turn away from these the quickness of its growth in that sort of soil,
topics which are full of sorrow, and let us rather generally escapes the destmction caused by the
listen to you, according to the promise which fierce winds. So rapid is its growth that we are
you gave some time ago."- told it is ripe on the thirtieth day after the sow-
" Let it be
so," exclaimed Postumianus. And ing of the seed. But there is no reason why

on his saying this, we all kept silence, while, men should settle there, except that all are free
moving his robe of sackcloth, on which he had from the payment of taxes. The sea-coast of
sat down, a little nearer me, he thus began. the Cyrenians is indeed the most remote, border-
ing upon that desert which lies between Egypt
and Africa," and through which Cato formerly,
when fleeing from Caesar, led an army.^

"Three years ago, Sulpitius, at which time,

leaving this neighborhood, I bade thee farewell, CHAPTER IV.
after setting sail from Narbonne, on the fifth
we entered a port of Africa so prosperous, by
I THEREFORE bent my steps toward the hut

the will of God, had been the voyage. I had

which I had beheld from a distance. There I
in my mind a great desire to go to find an old man, in a garment made of skins,
Carthage, to
visit those localities connected with the
saints, turning a mill with his hand. He saluted and
and, above all, to worship at the tomb of the
received us kindly. We explain to him that we
had been forced to land on that coast, and were
martyr Cyprian. On the fifth day we returned
to the harbor, and launched forth into the
deep. prevented by the continued raging of the sea'
Our destination was Alexandria; but as the from being able at once to pursue our voyage ;

south wind was against us, we were almost driven that, having made our way on shore, we had
upon the Syrtis ; the cautious sailors, however, desired, as is in keeping with ordinary human
guarding against this, stopped the ship by cast- » "
iCdificia Numidarum agrestium, quse mapalia illi vocant,
ing anchor. The continent of Africa then lay oblonga, incurvis lateribus tecta, quasi navium carins sunt." —
Sail. 7«^. XVI 1 1. 8.

* The hut was perhaps built on piles rising slightly above the
Ad sepulchrum Cypriani martyris adorare." ground.
This was probably the Syrtis Minor, a dangerous sandbank in * The term Africa is here
used in its more restricted sense to
the sea on the northern coast of Africa; it is now known as the Gulf denote the territory of Carthage.
of Cabcs. The Syrtis Major lay farther to the east, and now bears "
This took place in the spring of the year B.C. 47.
the lame of the Gulf of Sidra. > " maris
nature, to become acquainted with the character he was jeered at. However, on the following
of the locaUty, and the manners of the inhabi- day, when some of the natives had come to-
tants. We
added that we were Christians, and gether to visit us, we discovered that that host
that the principal object of our enquiry was of ours was a Presbyter a fact which he had —
whether there were any Christians amid these concealed from us with the greatest care. We
solitudes. Then, indeed, he, weeping for joy, then went with him to the church, which was
throws himself at our feet ; and, kissing us over about two miles distant, and was concealed from
and over again, invites us to prayer, while, our view by an intervening mountain. We
spreading on the ground the skins of sheep, he found that it was constructed of common and
makes us sit down upon them. He then serves worthless trees, and was not much more impos-
up a breakfast truly luxurious,^ consisting of the ing than the hut of our host, in which one could
half of a barley cake. Now, we were four, while not stand without stooping. On enquiring into
he himself constituted the fifth. He also brought the customs of the men of the district, we found
in a bundle of herbs, of which I forget the name, that they were not in the habit of either buying
but they were like mint, were rich in leaves, and or selling anything. They knew not the mean-
yielded a taste like honey. We were delighted ing of either fraud or theft. As to gold and
with the exceedingly sweet taste of this plant, silver, which mankind generally deem the most
and our hunger was fully satisfied." desirable of all things, they neither possess them,
Upon this I smiled, and said to my friend the nor do they desire to possess them. For when
Gaul, What, Gaul, do you think of this ? Are I offered that Presbyter ten gold coins, he
you pleased* with a bundle of herbs and half a refused them, declaring, with profound wisdom,
barley cake as a breakfast for five men?" that the church was not benefited but rather ^
Then he, being an exceedingly modest person, injured by gold. We presented him, however,
and blushing somewhat, while he takes my" joke with some pieces of clothing.
" You
in good part, says, act, Sulpitius, in a way
like yourself, for you never miss any opportunity
which is offered you of joking us on the subject of
our fondness for eating. But it is unkind of you
to try to force us Gauls to live after the fashion " After he had kindly accepted our gifts, on
of angels ; and yet, through own liking for
my the back the we
sailors calling us to sea,
eating, I could believe that even the angels are in departed and after a favorable we
; passage,
the habit of eating ; for such is my appetite that Alexandria on the seventh day.
arrived at
I would be afraid even singly 'to attack that half
There we found a disgraceful strife raging be-
barley cake. However, let that man of Cyrene tween the bishops and monks, the cause or
be satisfied with it, to whom it is either a matter occasion of which was that the
priests were
of necessity or nature alvyays to feel hungry or, known when assembled
together often to have

again, let those be content with it from whom, I passed decrees in crowded
synods to the effect
suppose, their tossing at sea had taken away all that no one should read or
possess the books of
desire for food. We, on the other hand, are at Origen. He was, no doubt, regarded as a most
a distance from the sea ; and, as I have often able
disputant on the sacred Scriptures. But
testified to you, we are, in one word, Gauls. But the
bishops maintained that there were certain
instead of wasting time over such matters, let
things in his books of an unsound character;
our friend here rather go on to complete his and his
supporters, not being bold enough to
account of the Cyrenian." defend these, rather took the fine of declaring
that they had been inserted by the heretics.
They affirmed, therefore, that the other portions
CHAPTER V. of his writings were not to be condemned on
account of those things which justly fell under
" "I
Assuredly," continues Postumianus, censure, since the faith of readers could easily
shall take care in future not to mention the make a distinction, so that
they should not
abstinence of any one, in case the difficult ex- follow what had been
forged, and yet should
ample should quite offend our friends the Gauls. keep hold of those points which were handled
I had intended, however, to give an account in accordance with the Catholic faith.
also of the dinner of that man of Cyrene —
for remarked that there was
nothing wonderful if,
we were seven days with him —
or some of the in modern and recent
writings, heretical guile
subsequent feasts ; but these things had better had been at work ; since it had not feared in
be passed over, lest the Gaul should think that certain places to attack even
Gospel truth.
* " Prandium sane " The bishops, struggling against these positions
locupletissimum : of course, there is a
friendly irony in the words.
' " " non
fatigationem," a late sense of the word. •
instrui, sed potius destrui."
to the utmost extent of their
power, insisted that not inclined to judge
what was quite correct in the rashly in regard to any
writings of Origen one ; but even the most learned men were
should, along with the author himself, and even to hold different
his whole works, be
opinions in this controversy.
condemned, because those However, whether that of opinion
books were more than sufficient which the Origen was'
simply an error, as I think, or whether it was a
church had received. They also said that the
heresy, as is generally supposed, it not
reading was to be avoided of such works as only
could not be suppressed
would do more harm to the unwise than by multitudes of cen-
they sures on the part of the
would benefit the wise. For my priests, but it never
nart, on being led could have spread itself so far and
wide, had it
by curiosity to investigate some portions of these not gathered
strength from their contentions.
writings, I found very many things which pleased
Accordingly, when I came to Alexandria, I
me, but some that were to be blamed. I think found that city in a ferment from disturbances
it is clear that the author himself
really enter- connected with the matter in The
tained these impious question.
opinions, though his de- Bishop, indeed, of that place received me very
fenders maintain that the
passages have been kindly, and in a better spirit than I expected,
forged. I truly wonder that one and the
same and even endeavored to retain me with him.
man could have been so different from himself But I was not at all inclined to settle
as that, in the portion which is there,
approved, lie where a recent outbreak of ill-will had resulted
has no equal since the times of the
Apostles, in a destruction of the brethren.
while in that which is For, although
justly no one'
condemned, perhaps it may seem that they ought to have
can be shown to have erred more
egregiously. obeyed the bishops, yet such a multitude of
persons, all living in an open confession of
Christ, ought not for that reason to have been
persecuted, especially by bishops.
For while many things in his books which were
extracted from them
by the bishops were read
to show that they were written in CHAPTER VHL
opposition to
F the Catholic faith, that
passage especially ex- Accordingly, setting out from that place, I
cited bad feeling against
him, in which we read made for the town of
in his published works that the Lord Bethlehem, which is six
Jesus, as miles distant from
Jenisalem, but requires six-
he had come in the flesh for the
redemption teen stoppages » on the
Df mankind, and part of one journeying
suffering upon the cross for the from Alexandria. The
jalvation of man, had tasted death to presbyter Jerome* niles
procure the church of this
iternal life for the human place ; for it is a of the parish
race, so he was, by bishop who has possession of Jerusalem. Hav-
he same course of
^ suffering, even to render the ing already in my former journey become ac-
levil a partaker of
redemption. He maintained quainted with Hieronymus, he had easily brought
his on the
ground that such a thing would be it about that I with
I a harmony with his goodness and good reason deemed no one
beneficence, nrjore worthy of
r nasmuch as he who had restored fallen and my regard and love. For, be-
sides the merit due to him on account of
uined man, woukl thus also set free an his
and the possession of many virtues, he is
vho had previously fallen. When these angel faith,
and a man
learned not only in Latin and
(^,reek, but
ther things of a like nature were
brought also Hebrew, to such a
:)rward by the degree that no one dare
bishops, a tumult arose owmg

venture to compare himself with him in all

t) the zeal of the
different parties ; and when
knowledge. I shall indeed be surprised if he
tiis could not be
quelled by the authority of is not well known to you also
t le
priests, the governor of the city was called
through means of
the works which he has
written, since he is, in
pon to regulate the discipline of the church fact, read the whole world over."
perverse precedent; and through the terror "
V hich he
Well," says the Gaul at this point, " he is, in
inspired, the brethren were dispersed,
V hile the monks took to truth, but too well known to us. For, some five
flight in different direc- years ago, I read a certain book of his, in which
t )ns so that, on the decrees
being published the whole tribe of our monks is most
ey were not permitted to find lasting vehemently
accept- assaulted and reviled by him. For this reason,
aice' m
any place. This fact influenced me our Belgian friend is accustomed to be
g eatly, that Hieronymus, a man very
tnily Catholic angry, because he has said that we are in the
a d most skillful in the
holy law, was thought at habit of cramming ourselves even to
, fi St to have been a follower of repletion.
Origen, yet now But I, for my part, pardon the eminent man
ove most others, went the ;
^^ length of condemn- and am of opinion that he. had made the remark
? the whole of his writing s.
l^J_ Assuredly, I am rather about Eastern than Western monks. For
in nulla consUtere »ede sinerentur."
* " • "
mansionibus." Otherwiie, Hieronymus."
the love of eating is gluttony in the case of the to God first to visit ^ the
desert previously referred
Greeks, whereas among the Gauls it is owing to to, Ishould have grudged to depart even for the
the nature they possess." shortest time from so great a man. Handing
Then exclaimed I, " You defend your nation, over, then, and entrusting to him all my pos-
my Gallic friend, by means of rhetoric ; but I sessions and my whole family, which having fol-
beg to ask whether that book condemns only lowed me against my owii inclination, kept me
this vice in the case of the monks?" in a state of embarrassment, and thus being in
" No " the writer
a sort of way delivered from a heavy burden,
indeed," replies he ; passed
nothing over, which he did not blame, scourge, and restored to freedom of action, I returned to
and expose in particular, he inveighed against
Alexandria, and having visited the brethren
avarice and no less against arrogance. He dis- there I set out from the place for upper Thebais,
coursed much respecting pride, and not a little that is for the farthest off confines of Egypt.
about superstition ; and I will freely own that For a great multitude of monks were said to
he seemed to me to draw a true picture of the inhabit the widely extending soHtudes of that
vices of multitudes." wilderness. But here it would be tedious, were
I to seek to narrate all the things which I wit-
nessed I shall only touch lightly on a few

CHAPTER IX. points.

" But as to familiarities which take

place CHAPTER X.
between virgins and monks, or even clerics, how
true and how courageous were his words
" Not far from the desert, and close to the
And, !

on account of these, he is said not to stand high Nile, there are numerous monasteries. For the
in favor with certain people whom I am un- most part, the monks there dwell together in
willing to name. For, as our Belgian friend is companies of a hundred and their highest rule is ;

angry that we were accused of too great fond- to live under the orders of their Abbot, to do
ness for eating, so those people, again, are said nothing by their own inclination, but to depend
to express their rage when they find it written in in all things on his will and authority. If it so
that little work, —
'The virgin despises her true happens that any of them form in their minds
unmarried brother, and seeks a stranger.* a lofty ideal of virtue, so as to wish to betake
Upon this I exclaim, "You are going too far, themselves to the desert to live a solitary life,
my Gallic friend take heed lest some one who
they do not venture to act on this desire except
perhaps owns to these things, hear what you are with the permission of the Abbot. In fact, this
saying, and begin to hold you, along widi Hie- is the first of virtues in their estimation, to —
ronymus, no great affection. For, since you
in live in obedience to the will of another. To
are a learned man, not unreasonably will I ad- those who betake themselves to the desert, bread
monish you in the verse of that comic poet or some other kind of food is furnished by the
who says,
— '
Submission procures friends, while command of that Abbot. Now, it so happened
truth gives rise to hatred.' Let rather, Postu- that, in those days during which I had come
mianus, your discourse to us about the East, so thither, the Abbot had sent bread to a certain
well begun, now be resumed." person who had withdrawn to the desert, and
" " as I had
Well," says he, commenced to had erected a tent for himself not more than six
relate, I stayed with Hieronymus six months, miles from the monastery. This bread was sent
who carried on an unceasing warfare against the by the hands of two boys, the elder of whom
wicked, and a perpetual struggle in opposition was fifteen, and the younger twelve years of age.
to the deadly hatred of ungodly men. The As these boys were returning home, an asp of
heretics hate him, because he never desists from remarkable size encountered them, but they
attacking them ; the clerics hate him, because were not the least afraid on meeting it ; and
he assails their life and crimes. But beyond moving up to their very feet, as if charmed
doubt, all the good admire and love him for ;
some melody, it laid down its dark-green neck
those people are out of their senses, who sup- before them. The younger of the boys laid hold
pose that he is a heretic. Let me tell the truth of it with his hand, and, wrapping it in his dress,
on this point, which is that the knowledge of went on his way with it. Then, entering the
the man is Catholic, and that his doctrine is monastery with the air of a conqueror, and
sound. He is always occupied in reading, al- meeting with the brethren, while all looked on,
ways at his books with his whole heart he takes : he opened out his dress, and set down the im-
no rest day or night he is perpetually either
; prisoned beast, not without some appearance of
reading or writing something. In fact, had I boastfulness. But while the rest of the spec-
not been resolved in mind, and had promised tators extolled the faith and virtue of the chil-

1 " scholasticus." ' "

propositam eremum."

dren, the Abbot, with deeper insight, and to pre- declared themselves miserable in having made
vent them at such a tender age from being pufifed their abode only too long amid a multitude,

up with pride, subjected both to punishment. where human fellowship had to be carried on
This he did after blaming them much for having and endured.
pubUcly revealed what the Lord had wrought
through their instrumentality. He declared that
that was not to be attributed to their faith, but to CHAPTER XII.
the Divine power ; and added that they should
rather learn to serve God in humility, and not
" In this
monastery I saw two old men who
to glory in signs and wonders ; for that a sense were said to have already lived there for forty
of their own weakness was better than any vain- years, and in fact never to have departed from
glorious exhibition of power. it. I do not think that I should pass by all
mention of these men, since, indeed, I heard the
following statement made regarding their vir-
CHAPTER XL tues on the testimony of the Abbot himself, and
all the brethren, that in the case of one of

"When the monk whom I have mentioned them, the sun never beheld him feasting, and in
heard of this, — when he learned both that the the case of the other, the sun never saw him
children had encountered danger through meet- angry."
ing the snake, and that moreover, having got the Upon this, the Gaul looking at me exclaims
better of the serpent, they had received a sound
" Would that a friend of I do not wish — :

— he implored the Abbot that henceforth to mention his name
were now —
present; I
no bread or food of any kind should be sent to should greatly like him to hear of that example,
him. And now the eighth day had passed since since we have had too much experience of his
that man of Christ had exposed himself to the bitter anger in the persons of a great many peo-
danger of perishing from hunger ; his limbs were ple. Nevertheless, as I hear, he has lately for-
growing dry with fasting, but his mind fixed given his enemies and, in these circumstances,

upon heaven could not fail ; his body was wear- were he to hear of the conduct of that man, he
ing away with abstinence, but his faith remained would be more and more strengthened in his
firm. In the meantime, the Abbot was admon- forgiving course by the example thus set before
ished by the Spirit to visit that disciple. Under him, and would feel that it is an admirable vir-
the influence of a pious solicitude, he was eager tue not to fall under the influence of anger. I
to learn by what means of preserving life that will not indeed deny that he had just reasons
faithful man was supported, since he had de- for his wrath ; but where the battle is hard, the
clined any human aid in ministering to his ne- crown of victory is all the more glorious. For
cessities. Accordingly, he sets out in person to this reason, I think, if you will allow me to say
satisfy himself on the subject. When the recluse so, that a certain man was
justly to be praised,
saw from a distance the old man coming to him, because when an ungrateful freedman abandoned
he ran to meet him : he thanks him for the him he rather pitied than inveighed against the
visit, and conducts him to his cell. As they fugitive. And, indeed, he was not even angry
enter the cell together, they behold a basket of with the man by whom he seems to have been

palm branches, full of hot bread, hanging fixed carried ofl"."

at the door-post. And first the smell of the hot Upon remarked " Unless Postumianus
this I :

bread is perceived ; but on touching it, it ap- had given us that example of overcoming anger,
pears as if just a little before it had been taken I would have been very angry on account of the
from the oven. At the same time, they do not departure of the fugitive ;
but since it is not
recognize the bread as being of the shape com- lawful be angry, all remembrance of such
mon in Egypt. Both are filled with amazement, things, as it annoys us, ought to be blotted from
and acknowledge the gift as being from heaven. our minds. Let us rather, Postumianus, listen to
On the one side, the recluse declared that this what you have got to say."
event was due to the arrival of the Abbot " I will "
; do," says he, Sulpitius, what you
while, on the other side, the Abbot ascribed it request, as I see you are so desirous of hear-

rather to the faith and virtue of the recluse ; but ing me. But remember that
I do not address
both broke the heaven-sent bread with exceed- my speech to you without hope of a larger
ing joy. And when, on his return to the mon- recompense ; I shall gladly perform what you
istery, the old man reported to the brethren require, provided that, when ere long my turn
vhat had occurred, such enthusiasm seized the comes, you do not refuse what I ask."
ninds of all of them, that they vied with each We indeed," said I, " have nothing by
)ther in their haste to betake themselves to the
It appears impossible to give a certain rendering of these

lesert, and its sacred seclusion ; while they words — "a quo vidctur abductui."
means of which we can return the obligation we produces them. It may indeed be that God,
was one day
shall under to you even without a larger
lie knowing beforehand that the desert
return.'' However, command us as to anything to be inhabited by the prepared these

things for his servants.

For those who settle
you have thought about, provided you satisfy
our desires, as you have already begun to do, within these solitudes live for the most part on
for your speech conveys to us true delight." the fruit of such trees, since no other kinds of
" I will stint "
of plants thrive in these quarters. Well, when we
nothing," said Postumianus,
and inasmuch as have recog- came up to that tree to which the kindness of
your desires ; you
nized the virtue of one recluse, I shall go on to our host conducted us, we there met with a lion ;

relate to you some few things about more such and on seeing it, both my guide and myself
began to tremble but the holy man
went up
to it without delay, while we, though in great
terror, followed him. As if commanded by
CHAPTER Xni. God, the beast modestly withdrew and stood
the monk, plucked
gazing at us, while our friend,
" Well when I entered upon the near- some fruit hanging within easy reach on the
est parts of the desert, about twelve miles from lower branches. And, on his holding out his
the Nile, having as my guide one of the brethren hand filled with dates, the monster ran up to
who was well acquainted with the localities, we him and received them as readily as any domes-
arrived at the residence of a certain old monk ; tic animal could have done and having eaten
who dwelt at the foot of a mountain. In that them, it departed. We, beholding these things,
a very rare thing and being still under the influence of fear, could
place there was a well, which is
in these regions. The monk had one ox, the not but perceive how great was the power of
whole labor of which consisted in drawing faith in his case, and how weak it was in our-
water by moving a machine worked with a selves.
wheel. This was the only way of getting at the
water, for the well was said to be a thousand
more feet deep. There was also a garden there XIV. CHAPTER
fullof a variety of vegetables. This, too, was
" found another equally remarkable man
contrary to what might have been expected
the desert where, all things being dry and burnt living in a small hut, capable only of containing
up by the fierce rays of the sun produce not a single person. Concerning him we were told
even the slenderest root of any plant. But the that a she-wolf was accustomed to stand near
labor which in common with his ox, the monk him at dinner and that the beast could by no

performed, as well as his own special industry, means be easily deceived so as to fail to be with
produced such a happy state of things to the him at the regular hour when he took refresh-
in which It was also said that the wolf waited at
holy man for the frequent irrigation
he engaged imparted such a fertility to the sand the door until he offered her the bread which
that we saw the vegetables in his garden flour- remained over his own humble dinner that ;

ishing and coming to maturity

in a wonderful she was accustomed to lick his hand, and then,
manner. On these, then, the ox hved as well as her duty being, as it were, fulfilled, and her re-
its master ;
and from the abundance thus sup- spects paid to him, she took her departure.
plied, the holy man provided us also with a din- But it so happened that that holy man, while he
ner. There I saw what ye Gauls, perchance, escorted a brother who had paid him a visit, on
may not believe —
a pot boiling without fire
his pretty long time away, and
way home, was a
with the vegetables which were being got ready only returned under night.^ In the meanwhile,
for our dinner such is the power of the sun in
: the beast made its appearance at the usual din-
that place that it is sufficient for any cooks, even
ner time. Having entered the vacant cell and
for preparing the dainties of the Gauls. Then
perceived that its benefactor was absent, it be-
after dinner, when the evening was coming on, ourgan to search round the hut with some curiosity
host invites us to a palm-tree, the fruit of which
to discover, if possible, the inhabitant. Now
he was accustomed to use, and which was at a it so
happened that a basket of palm-twigs was
distance of about two miles. For that is the hanging close at hand with five loaves of bread
only kind of tree found in the desert, and even in it. Taking one of these, the beast devoured
these are rare, though they do occur. I am not it, and then, having committed this evil deed,,
sure whether this is owing to the wise foresight went its way. The recluse on his return found
of former ages, or whether the soil naturally the basket in a state of disorder, and the num-
2 " vel sine fsenore."
ber of loaves less than it should have been.
1 Hornius strangely remarks on this, Frequens id in Africa.
" sub "
this may be used for the usual classical form
Quin et ferrum niipio solis ardore moUescere scribunt qui interiorem " sub
nocte :

Libyam perlustrarunt." noctem," towards evening.


He is aware of the loss of his household goods, plants they settle nowhere in any fixed place,

and observes near the threshold some fragments lest they should frequently have men visiting
of the loaf which had been stolen. Consider- them wherever night compels them they choose

ing all this, he had little doubt as to the author their abode. Well, two monks from Nitria
of the theft. Accordingly, when on the follow- directed their steps towards a certain man living
ing days the beast did not, in its usual way, in this style, and under these conditions. They
make its appearance (undoubtedly hesitating did so, although they were from a very different
from a consciousness of its audacious deed to quarter, because they had heard of his virtues,
come to him on whom it had inflicted injury), and because he had formerly been their dear
the recluse was deeply grieved at being deprived and intimate friend, while a member of the same
of the happiness he had enjoyed in its society. monastery. They sought after him long and
At last, being brought back through his prayers, much; and at length, in the seventh month,
it appeared to him as usual at dinner time, after
they found him staying in that far-distant wilder-
the lapse of seven days. But to make clear to ness which borders upon Memphis. He was
every one the shame it felt, through regret for said already to have dwelt in these solitudes for
what had been done, not daring to draw very twelve years; but although he shunned inter-
near, and with its eyes, from profound self- course with all men, yet he did not shrink from
abasement, cast upon the earth, it seemed, as meeting these friends on the contrary, he ;

was plain to the intelligence of every one, to beg yielded himself to their affection for a period
in a sort of way, for pardon. The recluse, pity- of three days. On the fourth day, when he had
ing its confusion, bade it come close to him, and gone some distance escorting them in their
then, with a kindly hand, stroked its head return journey, they beheld a lioness of remark-

while, by giving it two loaves instead of the able size coming towards them. The animal,
usual one, he restored the guilty creature to its although meeting with three persons, showed no
former position and, laying aside its misery on uncertainty as to the one she made for, but

thus having obtained forgiveness, it betook it- threw herself down at the feet of the anchorite :

self anew to its former habits. Behold, I beg of and, lying there with a kind of weeping and
you, even in this case, the power of Christ, to lamentation, she manifested mingled feelings of
whom all is wise that is irrational, and to whom sorrow and supplication. The sight affected all,
all is mild that is by nature savage. A wolf dis- and especially him who perceived that he was
charges duty a wolf acknowledges the crime sought for he therefore sets out, and the others
; :

of theft a wolf is confounded with a sense of follow him.

; For the beast stopping from time
shame when called for, it presents itself; it to time, and, from time to time looking back,

offers its head to be stroked and it has a per- clearly wished it to be understood that the an-

ception of the pardon granted to it, just as if it chorite should follow wherever she led. What
had a feeling of shame on account of its mis- need is there of many words ? We arrived at
conduct, —
this is thy power, O Christ —
these, the den of the animal, where she, the unfortu-
O Christ, are 'thy marvelous works. For in nate mother, was nourishing five whelps already
truth, whatever things thy servants do in thy grown up, which, as they had come forth with
name are thy doings ; and in this only we find closed eyes from the womb of their dam, so
cause for deepest grief that, while wild beasts they had continued in persistent blindness.
acknowledge thy majesty, intelligent beings fail Bringing them out, one by one, from the hollow
to do thee reverence. of the rock, she laid them down at the feet of
the anchorite. Then at length the holy man
perceived what the creature desired ; and having
CHAPTER XV. called upon the name of God, he touched with
his hand the closed eyes of the whelps ;
" But lest this should perchance seem incred- immediately their blindness ceased, while light,
ible to any one, I shall mention still
greater so long denied them, streamed upon the open
things. I call Christ
to witness that I invent of the animals. Thus, those brethren,
nothing, nor will I relate things published by havmg visited the anchorite whom they were
uncertain authors, but will set forth facts which desirous of seeing, returned with a very precious
have been vouched for to me by
trustworthy reward for their labor, inasmuch as, having been
men. permitted to be eye-witnesses of such power,
" Numbers of
those persons live in the desert they had beheld the faith of the saint, and the
without any roofs over their heads, whom people glory of Christ, to which they will in future
call anchorites.'^ They subsist on the roots of bear testimony. But I have still more mar\'els
to tell the lioness, after five days, returned to

" Fides Christj adest " lit. " the faith of

the man who had done her so great a kindness,
Christ is
" anchoret ": it means "one who has present."

' Also
spelt retired from
the world" {avax>op*u>). and brought him, as a gift, the skin of an un-
the first of the eremites,
common animal. Frequently clad in this, as if the most blessed Paul,
itwere a cloak, that holy man did not disdain to had his abode. I saw the Red Sea and the
receive that gift through the instrumentality of ridges of Mount Sinai, the top of which almost
the beast ; while, all the time, he rather regarded touches heaven, and cannot, by any human
Another as being the giver. effort, be reached. An anchorite was said to
live somewhere within its recesses : and I sought
long and much to see him, but was unable to do
CHAPTER XVI. so. He had for nearly fifty years been removed
from all human fellowship, and used no clothes,
" There was also an illustrious name of an- but was covered with bristles
growing on his
other anchorite in those regions, a man who own body, while, by Divine gift, he knew not of
dwelt in that part of the desert which is about his own nakedness. As often as any pious men
Syene. This man, when first he betook
himself desired to visit him, making hastily for the path-
to the wilderness, intended to live on the roots less wilderness, he shunned all meeting with his
of plants which the sand here and there pro- kind. To one man only, about five years before
duces, of a very sweet and delicious flavor ; but my visit, he was said to have granted an inter-
being ignorant of the nature of the herbs,
he view ; and I believe that man obtained the
often gathered those which were of a deadly favor through the power of his faith. Amid
character. And, indeed, it was not easy to dis- much talk which the two had together, the
criminate between the kind of the roots by the recluse is said to have replied to the question
mere taste, since all were equally sweet, but why he shunned so assiduously all human beings,
many of them, of a less known nature, contained that the man who was frequently visited by
within them a deadly poison. When, therefore, mortals like himself, could not often be visited
the poison within tormented him on eating by angels. From this, not without reason, the
these, and all his vitals were tortured with ter- report had spread, and was accepted by multi-
rific pains, while frequent vomitings, attended tudes, that that holy man enjoyed angelic fellow-

by excruciating agonies, were shattering the ship. Be this as it may, I, for my part, departed
very citadel of life, his stomach being completely from Mount Sinai, and returned to the river Nile,
exhausted, he was in utter terror of all that had the banks of which, on both sides, I beheld
to be eaten for sustaining existence. Having dotted over with numerous monasteries. I saw
thus fasted for seven days, he was almost at the that, for the most part, as I have already said,
point of death, when a wild animal
called an the monks resided together in companies of a
Ibex came up to him. To this creature stand- hundred ; but it was well knoWn that so many
ing by him, he offered a bundle of plants
which as two or three thousand sometimes had their
he had collected on the previous day, yet had abode in the same villages. Nor indeed would
not ventured to touch ; but the beast, casting ope have any reason to think that the virtue of
aside with its mouth those which were poisonous, the monks there dwelling together in great num-
picked out such as it knew to be harmless. In bers, was less than that of those was known to
this way, that holy man, taught by its conduct be, who kept themselves apart from human
what he ought to eat, and what to reject, both fellowship. The chief and foremost virtue in
escaped the danger of dying of hunger and of these places, as I have already said, is obedience.
being poisoned by the plants. But it would be In fact, any one applying for admission is not
tedious to relate all the facts which we have received by the Abbot of the monastery on any
either had personal knowledge of, or have heard other condition than that he be first tried
from others, respecting those who inhabit the and proved it being understood that he will

desert. I spent a whole year, and nearly seven never afterwards decline to submit to any in-
months more, of set purpose, within these soli- junction of the Abbot, however arduous and
tudes, being, however, rather an admirer of the dilificult, and though it may seem something
virtues of others, than myself making any at- unworthy to be endured.
tempt to manifest the extraordinary endurance
which they displayed. For the greater part of
the time I Uved with the old man whom I have CHAPTER XVIII.
mentioned, who possessed the well and the ox. " I WILL relate two wonderful
examples of
almost incredible obedience, and two only,
CHAPTER XVII. although present themselves to my recol-
lection ;
in any case, a few instances do
but if,
" I VISITED two monasteries of St.
Anthony, not suffice to rouse readers to an imitation of
which are at the present day occupied by his the like virtues, many would be of no advantage.
disciples. I also, went to that place in which Well then, when a certain man having laid aside

all worldly business, and having entered a mon- the Abbot fixed in the ground, and imposed this
astery of very strict discipline, begged that he work upon the visitor, that he should continue
might be accepted as a member, the Abbot be- to water the twig, until (what was against every
gan to place considerations before him,
many — natural result) that dry piece of wood should
that the toils of that orderwere severe ; that his grow green in the sandy soil. Well, the stranger,
own requirements were heavy, and such as no being placed under the authority of unbending
one's endurance could easily comply with ; that law, conveyed water every day on his own
he should rather enquire after another monas- shoulders — water which had to be taken from
tery where life was carried on under easier con- the river Nile, at almost two miles' distance.
ditions and that he should not try to attempt And now, after a year had run its course, the

that which he was unable to accomplish. But labor of that workman had not yet ceased, but
he was in no degree moved by these terrors there could be no hope of the good success of

on the contrary, he all the more promised his undertaking. However, the grace of obedi-
obedience, saying that if the Abbot should ence continued to be shown in his labor. The
order him to walk into the fire, he would not following year also mocked the vain labor of the
refuse to enter it. The Master then, having (by this time) weakened brother. At length,
accepted that profession of his, did not delay as the third annual circle was gliding by, while
putting it to the test. It so happened that an the workman ceased not, night or
day, his
iron vessel was close at hand, very hot, as it was labor in watering, the twig began to show signs
being got ready by a powerful fire for cooking of life. I have myself seen a small tree
some loaves of bread the flames were bursting from that little rod, which, standing at the

forth from the oven broken open, and fire raged present day with green branches in the court
without restraint within the hollows of that fur- of the monastery, as if for a witness of what has
nace. The Master, at this stage of affairs, been stated, shows what a reward obedience
ordered the stranger to enter it, nor did he received, and what a power faith can exert.
hesitate to obey the command. Without a But the day would fail me before I could fully
moment's delay he entered into the midst of the enumerate the many different miracles which
flames, which, conquered -at once by so bold a have become known to me in connection with
display of faith, subsided at his approach, as the virtues of the saints.
happened of old to the well-known Hebrew
children. Nature was overcome, and the fire
gave way so that he, of whom it was thought
that he would be burned to death, had reason to
marvel at himself, besprinkled, as it were, with WILL, however, still further give you an
a cooling dew. But what wonder is it, O Christ, account of two extraordinary marvels. The one
that that fire did not touch thy youthful soldier? of these will be a notable warning against the
The result was that, neither did the Abbot inflation of wretched vanity, and the other will
as no mean guard against the display of a
regret having issued such harsh commands, nor serve
did the disciple repent having obeyed the spurious righteousness.
" A certain
orders received. He, indeed, on the very day saint, then, endowed with almost
on which he came, being tried in his weakness, incredible power in casting out demons from
was found perfect deservedly happy, deservedly
the bodies of those possessed by them, was, day
glorious, having been tested in obedience, he by day, performing unheard-of miracles. For,
was glorified through suffering. not only when present, and not merely by his
word, but while absent also, he, from time to
time, cured possessed bodies, by some threads
taken from his garment, or by letters which he
CHAPTER XIX. sent. He, therefore, was to a wonderful degree
" In the same visited by people who came to him from every
monastery, the fact which I am
about to narrate was said to have occurred part of the world. I say nothing about those
within recent memory. A certain man had of'humbler rank; but prefects, courtiers, and
of various ranks often lay at his doors.
come to the same Abbot in like manner with judges
the former, in order to obtain admission. When
Most holy bishops also, laying aside their priestly
the first law of obedience was placed before dignity, and humbly imploring him to touch and
bless them, believed with good reason that they
him, and he promised an unfailing patience for
the endurance of all things however extreme, it were sanctified, and illumined with a divine
so happened that the Abbot was holding in his gift, as often as they touched his hand and gar-
hand a twig of storax already withered. This ment. He was reported to abstain always and
utterly from every kind of drink, and for food
* " monasterium
magnse dispositionii." (I will whisper this, Sulpitius, into your ear lest
our friend the Gaul hear it), to subsist upon will think himself no less than an angel. And
only six dried figs. But in the meantime, just even if he is not marked out from others either
as honor accrued to the holy man from his by acts or excellence, but is simply made a
excellence,^ so vanity began to steal upon him cleric, he instantly enlarges the fringes of his
from the honor which was paid him. When dress, delights in salutations, is puffed up by
first he perceived that this evil was growing upon people visiting him, and himself gads about

him, he struggled long and earnestly to shake it everywhere. Nay, the man who had been pre-
off, but it could not be thoroughly got rid of by viously accustomed to travel on foot, or at most
all his efforts, since he still had a secret con- to ride on the back of an ass, must needs now
sciousness of being under the influence of vanity. ride proudly on frothing steeds ; formerly con-
Everywhere did the demons acknowledge his tent to dwell in a small and humble cell, he
name, while he was not able to exclude from now builds a lofty fretted ceiling ; he constructs
his presence the number of people who flocked many rooms ; he cuts and carves doors ; he
to him. The hidden poison was, in the mean- paints wardrobes ; he rejects the coarser kind
time, working in his breast, and he, at whose of clothing, and demands soft garments ; and he
beck demons were expelled from the bodies of gives such orders as the following to dear wid-
others, was quite unable to cleanse himself from ows and friendly virgins, that the one class weave
the hidden thoughts of vanity. Betaking him- for him an embroidered cloak, and the other a
self, therefore, with fervent supplication to God, flowing robe. But let us leave all these things
he is said to have prayed that, power being to be described more pungently by that blessed
given to the devil over him for five months, he man Hieronymus ; and let us return to the ob-
might become like to those whom he himself ject more immediately in view."
had cured. Why should I delay with many " I
"Well," says our Gallic friend upon this,
words ? That most powerful man, he, re- know —
not indeed what you have left to be said
nowned for his miracles and virtues through all by Hieronymus ; you have within such brief
the East, he, to whose threshold multitudes had compass comprehended all our practices, that I
gathered, and at whose door the highest digni- think these few words of yours, if they are taken
taries of that age had prostrated themselves —
in good part, and patiently considered, will
laid hold of by a demon, was kept fast in greatly benefit those in question, so that
chains. It was only after having suffered all wifl not require in future to be
kept in order by
those things which the possessed are wont to the books of Hieronymus. But do thou rather
endure, that at length in the fifth month he was go on with what you had begun, and bring for-
delivered, not only from the demon, but (what ward an example, as you said you would do,
was to him more useful and desirable) from the against spurious righteousness ; for to tell you
vanity which had dwelt within him. the truth, we are subject to no more destructive
evil than this within the wide boundaries of
" I will do " nor
so," replied Postumianus,
wUl I any longer keep you in a state of expec-
" But to me on these
reflecting things, there
occurs the thought of our own unhappiness and
our own infirmity. For who is there of us,
whom if one despicable creature of a man has CHAPTER XXH.
humbly saluted, or one woman has praised with " ACERTAIN young man from Asia, exceed-
foolish and flattering words, is not at once elated
with pride and puffed up with vanity? This ingly wealthy, of distinguished family, and hav-
will bring it about that even ing a wife and little son, happening to have been
though one does a tribune in Egypt, and in frequent
not possess a consciousness of sanctity, yet, be- campaigns
cause through the flattery, or, it may be, the against the Blembi to have touched on some
mistake of fools, he is said to be a holy man, parts of the desert, and having also seen several
tents of the saints, heard the word of salvation
he will, in fact, deem himself most holy And !

from the blessed John. And he did not then

then, frequent gifts are sent to him, he will
maintain that he is so honored by the munifi- delay to show his contempt for an unprofitable
cence of God, inasmuch as all necessary mihtary life with its vain honor. Bravely enter-
are bestowed upon him when ing into the wilderness, he in a short time be-
sleeping and at came
rest. But further, if some signs of any kind distinguished as being perfect in every
kind of virtue. Capable of lengthened
of power fall to him even in a low degree, he fasting,
conspicuous for humility, and steadfast
in faith,
virtute," perhaps /tfWfr, as in many other places. he had easily obtained a reputation in the
suit of virtue equal to that of the monks of old. CHAPTER XXIIL
But by and by, the thought (proceeding from
the devil) entered his mind that it would be " " is there not
replied I, enough
more proper for him to return to his native land about my friend Martin in that book of mine
and be the means of saving his only son and his which you know that I pubUshed respecting his
family along with his wife ;
which surely would hfe and virtues? "
" I own " and that
be more acceptable to God than if he, content it," said Postumianus,
with only rescuing himself from the world, book of yours is never far from my right hand.
should, not without impiety, neglect the salva- For if you recognize it, look here

(and so
tion of his friends. Overcome by the plausible saying he displayed the book which was con-
appearance of that kind of spurious righteous- cealed in his dress)

here it is. This book,"
" is
ness, the recluse, after a period of nearly four added he, my companion both by land and
years, forsook his cell and the
end to which he sea it has been my friend and comforter in all

had devoted his life. But on arriving at the my But I will relate to you to what
nearest monastery, which was inhabited by places that book has penetrated, and how there
many brethren, he made known to them, in is almost no spot upon earth in which the sub-
reply to their questionings, the reason
of his de-
ject of so happy a history is not possessed as a
parture and the object he had in view. Paulinus, a man who has
All of well-known narrative.

them, and especially the Abbot of that place, the strongest regard for you, was the first to
sought to keep him back but the intention he bring it to the city of Rome and then, as it
; ;

had unfortunately formed could not be rooted was greedily laid hold of by the whole city, I
out of his mind. Accordingly with an unhappy saw the booksellers rejoicing over it, inasmuch
obstinacy he went forth, and, to the grief of all, as nothing was a source of greater gain to them,
departed from the brethren. But scarcely had for nothing commanded a readier sale, or fetched
he vanished from their sight, when he was taken a higher price. This same book, having got a
possession of by a demon, and vomiting bloody long way before me in the course of my travel-
froth from his mouth, he began to lacerate him- ing, was already generally read through all
self with his own teeth. Then, having been Carthage, when I came into Africa. Only that
carried back to the same monastery on the presbyter of Cyrene whom I mentioned did not
shoulders of the brethren, when the unclean possess it but he wrote down its contents from

spirit could not be restrained

within its walls, he my description. And why should I speak about
was, from dire necessity, loaded with iron fet- Alexandria? for there it is almost better known
ters, being bound both in hands and feet
— a to all than it is to yourself. It has passed

punishment not undeserved by a fugitive, in- through Egypt, Nitria, the Thebaid, and the
asmuch as chains now restrained him whom whole of the regions of Memphis. I found it
faith had not restrained. At length, after two being read by a certain old man in the desert ;
years, having been set free from the
unclean and, after I told him that I was your intimate
friend, this commission was given me both by
spirit by the prayers of the saints, he immedi-
ately returned to the desert from which he
had him and many other brethren, that, if I should
departed. In this way he was both himself cor- ever again visit this country, and find you well,
rected and was rendered a warning to others, I should constrain you to supply those particu-
that the shadow of a spurious righteousness lars which you stated in your book you had
might neither delude any one, nor a shifting passed over respecting the virtues of the sainted
fickleness of character induce any one, with un- man. Come then, as I do not desire you to
profitable inconstancy, to forsake the course on repeat to me those things which are already
which he has once entered. And now let it sufficiently known from wliat you have written,
suffice for you to learn these things respecting let those other points, at my request and that of
the various operations of the Lord which he many others, be fiilly set forth, which at the
has carried on in the persons of his servants ; time of your writing you passed over, to pre-
with the view either of stimulating others to a vent, as I believe, any feeling of weariness on
like kind of conduct, or of deterring them the
part of your readers."
from particular actions. But since I have by
this time fully satisfied your ears — have, in fact,
been more lengthy than I ought to have been — CHAPTER XXIV.
do you now (upon this he addressed himself to
me) — pay me the recompense you owe, by
" "
Indeed, Postumianus," replied I, while I
letting us hear you, after your usual fashion, was listening attentively, all this time,
to you

discoursing about your friend Martin, for my talking about the excellences of the saints, in
longings after this have already for a long time my secret thoughts I had my mind turned to my
been strongly excited." friend Martin, observing on the best of grounds
that those things which different individuals be visited by angels, with Martin angels were

had done separately, were easily and entirely ac- wont to hold daily discourse. Moreover, he
complished by that one man alone. For, although bore so unconquerable a spirit against vanity and
you certainly related lofty deeds, I really heard boastfulness, that no one more determinedly dis-
nothing from your lips (may I say it, without of- dained these vices, and that, although he often,
fence to these holy men), in which Martin was while absent, cured those who were filled with
inferior to any one of them. And while I hold spirits, and issued his commands not
that the excellence of no one of these is ever to only to courtiers or prefects, but also to kings
be compared with the merits of that man, still themselves. This was indeed a very small
this point ought to be attended to, that it is un- thing amid his other virtues, but I should wish
fair he should be compared, on the same terms, you to believe that no one ever contended more
with the recluses of the desert, or even with the earnestly than he did against not only vanity,
anchorites. For they, at freedom from every but also the causes and the occasions of vanity.
hindrance, with heaven only and the angels as I shall also mention what is indeed a small
witnesses, were clearly instructed to perform ad- point, but should not be passed over, because it
mirable deeds ; he, on the other hand, in the is to the credit of a man who, being possessed
midst of crowds and intercourse with human of the highest power, manifested such a pious
— among quarrelsome clerics, and among desire to show his regard for the blessed Martin.
furious bishops, while he was harassed with al- I remember, then, that Vincentius the prefect,
most daily scandals on all sides, nevertheless an illustrious man, and one of the most eminent
stood absolutely firm with unconquerable virtue in all Gaul for every kind of virtue, when he had
against all these things, and performed such won- occasion to be in the vicinity of Tours, often
ders as not even those accomplished of whom begged of Martin that he would allow him to
we have heard that they are, or at one time were, stay with him in the monastery. In making
in the wilderness. But even had they done this request, he brought forward the example of
things equal to his, what judge would be so un- Saint Ambrose, the bishop, who was generally
just as not, on good grounds, to decide .that he spoken of at that time as being in the habit of
was the more powerful? For put the case that entertaining both consuls and prefects. But
he was a soldier who fought on unfavorable Martin, with deeper judgment, refused so to act,
ground, and yet turned out a conqueror, and lest by so doing some vanity and inflation of
compare them, in like manner, to soldiers, who, spirit might steal upon him. You, therefore,
however, contended on equal terms, or even on must acknowledge that there existed in Martin
favorable terms, with the enemy. What then? the virtues of all those men whom you have
Although the victory of all is one and the same, mentioned, but there were not found in all of
the glory of all certainly cannot be equal. And them the virtues by which Martin was distin-
even though you have narrated marvelous things, guished."
still you have not stated that a dead man was

recalled to life by any one. In this one particu-

lar undoubtedly, it must be owned that no one CHAPTER XXVI.
is to be compared with Martin. "
Why do you," here exclaimed Postumianus,
speak to me in such a manner? As if I did
CHAPTER XXV. not hold the same opinion as yourself, and had
not always been of the same mind. I, indeed,
For, if it is worthy of admiration that the as long as I live,and retain my senses, will ever
flames did not touch that Egyptian of whom celebrate the monks of Egypt : I will praise the
you have spoken, Martin also not infrequently anchorites ; I will admire the eremites ; but I
proved his power over fire. If you remind us will place Martin in a position of his own : I do
that the savagery of wild beasts was conquered not venture to compare to him any one of the
by, and yielded to, the anchorites, Martin, for monks, far less any of the bishops. Egypt owns
his part, was accustomed to keep in check both this Syria and ^Ethiopia have discovered this

the fury of wild beasts and the poison of ser- India has heard this ; Parthia and Persia have
pents. But, if you bring forward for compari- known this ; not even Armenia is ignorant of it ;
son him who cured those possessed of unclean the remote Bosphorus is aware of it ; and in a
spirits, by the authority of his word, or even word, those are acquainted with it who visit
through the instrumentality of threads from his* the Fortunate Islands or the Arctic Ocean. All
dress, there are many proofs that Martin was the more wretched on
this account is this coun-
not, even in this respect, inferior. Nay, should try of ours,which has not been found worthy to
you have recourse to him, who, covered with his be acquainted with so great a man, although he
own hair instead of a garment, was thought to was in its immediate vicinity. However, I will

However, you will listen to me as a foolish sort

not include the people at large in this censure :

only the clerics, only the priests know nothing of man, who says nothing in an affected or stilted
of him and not without reason were they, in fashion.
For if you have conceded to me that
their ill-will, disinclined to know him, inasmuch I was a disciple of Martin, grant me this also
as, had they become acquainted with his virtues, that I be allowed, under the shelter of his ex-
they must have recognized their own vices. I ample, to despise the vain trappings of speech
shudder to state what I have lately heard, that and ornaments of words."
a miserable man (I know him not), has said "Certainly," replied Postumianus, "speak either
that you have told many lies in that book of in Celtic, or in Gaulish, if you prefer it, provided
yours. This is not the voice of a man, but of only you speak of Martin. But for my part, I
the devil ; and it is not Martin who is, in this believe, that, even though you were dumb,
way, injured, but faith is taken from the Gospels words would not be wanting to you, in which
themselves. For, since the Lord himself testi- you might speak of Martin with eloquent lips,
fied of works of the kind which Martin accom- just as the tongue of Zacharias was loosed at the

plished, that they were to be performed by all naming of John. But as you are, in fact, an
the faithful, he who does not believe that Martin orator,^ you craftily, like an orator, begin by
accomplished such deeds, simply does not be- begging us to excuse your unskillfulness, because
lieve that Christ uttered such words'. But the you really excel in eloquence. But it is not
miserable, the degenerate, the somnolent, are fitting either that a monk should show such cun-
put to shame, that the things which they them- ning, or that a Gaul should be so artful. But to
selves cannot do, were done by him, and prefer work rather, and set forth what you have still
rather to deny his virtues than to confess their got to sayj for we have wasted toa much time
own inertness. But let us, as we hasten on to already in dealing with other matters ; and the
other matters, let go all remembrance of such lengthening shadow of the declining sun warns
persons and do you rather, as I have for a long
: us that no long portion of day remains till night
time desired, proceed to narrate the still untoldbe upon us. Then, after we had all kept silence
deeds of Martin." for a little, the Gaul thus begins "I think I —
" " I think that must take care in the first place not to repeat
Well," said I, your request
would more properly be directed to our friend those particulars about the virtues of Martin,
the Gaul, since he is acquainted with more of which our friend Sulpitius there has related in
Martin's doings than I am — his book.
for a disciple could For this reason, I shall pass over his
not be ignorant of the deeds of his master —
early achievements, when he was a soldier
and nor ;

who certainly owes a return of kindness, not will I touch on those things which he did as a

only to Martin, but to both of us, inasmuch as layman and a monk. At the same time, I shall
I have already published ray book, and you have, relate nothing which I simply heard from others,
so far, related to us the doings of our brethren but only events of which I myself was an eye-
in the East. Let then, our friend the Gaul witness."
commence that detailed account which is due
from him because, as I have said, he both

owes us a return in the way of speaking, and II.DIALOGUE

will, I believe, do this much for his friend Mar-
tin — that he shall, not unwillingly, give a nar- CONCERNING THE VIRTUES OF ST. MARTIN.
rative of his deeds."
Well then, when first, having left the schools,
CHAPTER XXVIL attached myself to the blessed man, a few

days after doing so, we followed him on his way

"Well," said the Gaul, "I, for my part, to the church. In the way, a poor man, half-
though I am unequal to so great a task, feel naked in these winter-months, met him, and
constrained by those examples of obedience begged that some clothing might be
given him.
which have been related above by Postumianus, Then Martin, calling for the chief-deacon,
not to refuse that duty which you impose upon orders that the
shivering creature should be
me. But when I reflect that I, a man of Gaul," clothed without After that, entering a
am about to speak in the presence of natives of private apartment, and sitting down by himself,
Aquitania, I fear lest my somewhat rude form' as his custom was for he secured for himself—
of speech should offend your too delicate eats. this retirement even in the
church, liberty being
The word Gaul must here be taken in its more limited sense * " Gtirdonicus ": a word said to have been

derived from the name
as denoting
only the country of the CelUc. See the well-known of a people in Spain notpd for their stolidity.
first sentence of Cxsar's Gallic War. * " Scholasticus."
granted to the clerics, since indeed the pres- obtaining secrecy, while, in his nakedness, he
byters were seated in another apartment, either clothes himself with the garment, striving with
spending their time in mutual^ courtesies, or all his might to keep secret what he had done.
occupied in listening to affairs of business. But But when do such things remain concealed in
Martin kept himself in his own seclusion up to the case of the saints desiring that they should
the hour at which custom required that the be so ? Whether they will or not, all are brought
sacred rites should be dispensed to the people. to light.
And I will not pass by this point that, when
sitting in his retirement, he never used a chair ;
and, as to the church, no one ever saw him CHAPTER IL
sitting saw a certain man
there, as I recently
(God iswitness), not without a feeling of
my Martin, then, clothed in this garment, pro-
shame at the spectacle, seated on a lofty throne, ceeds to offer the sacrifice ^ to God. And then
in its a kind of tribunal on that very day I am about to narrate some- —
yea, elevation, royal ;

but Martin might be seen sitting on a rude little thing wonderful when he was engaged in —
stool, such as tliose in use by the lowest of blessing the altar, as is usual, we beheld a globe
servants, which we Gallic country-people call of fire dart from his head, so that, as it rose on
tripets^and which you men of learning, or those high, the flame produced a hair of extraordinary
at leastwho are from Greece, call tripods. Well, length. And, although we saw this take place
that poor man who had been chanced upon, as on a very famous day in the midst of a great
the chief-deacon delayed to give him the gar- multitude of people, only one of the virgins, one
ment, rushed into this private apartment of the of the presbyters, and only three of the monks,
blessed man, complaining that he had not been witnessed the sight but why the others did not :

attended to by the cleric, and bitterly mourning behold it is a matter not to be decided by our
over the cold he suffered. No delay took place judgment. :

" About the

the holy man, while the other did not observe, same time, when my uncle Evan-
secretly drew off his tunic which was below his thius, a highly Christian man, although occupied
outer ^ garment, and clothing the poor man with in the affairs of this world, had begun to be
this, told him to go on his way. Then, a little afflicted with a very serious illness, to the ex-
after, the chief-deacon coming in informs him, treme danger of his life, he sent for Martin.
according to custom, that the people were wait- And, without any delay, Martin hastened towards
ing in the church, and that it was incumbent on him ; but, before the blessed man had com-
him to proceed to the performance of the sacred pleted the half of the distance between them,
rites. Martin said to him in reply that it was the sick man experienced the power of him that
necessary that the poor man —
referring to him- was coming ; and, being immediately restored
self —should be clothed, and that he could not to health, he himself met us as we were ap-
possibly proceed to the church, unless the poor proaching. With many entreaties, he detained
man received a garment. But the deacon, not Martin, who wished to return home on the fol-
understanding the true state of the case —
that lowing day ; for, in the meantime, a serpent had
Martin, while outwardly clad with a cloak, was struck with a deadly blow a boy belonging to
not seen by him to be naked underneath, at my uncle's family; and Evanthius himself, on
last begins to complain that the
poor man does his own shoulders, carried him all but lifeless
not make his appearance. ' Let the garment through the force of the poison, and laid him at
which has been got ready,' said Martin, 'be the feet of the holy man, believing that
brought to me there will not be wanting the was impossible to him. By this time, the ser-

poor man requiring to be clothed.' Then, at pent had diffused its poison through all the
length, the cleric, constrained by necessity, and members of the boy one could see his skin :

now in not the sweetest temper, hurriedly pro- swollen in all his veins, and his vitals strung
cures a rough ^ garment out of the nearest
shop, like a leather-bottle. Martin stretched forth
short and shaggy, and costing only five pieces his hand, felt all the limbs of the
boy, and
of silver, and lays it, in wrath, at the feet of placed his finger close to the little wound, at
' '
Martin. See,' cries he, there is the garment, which the animal had instilled the poison.
but the poor man is not here.' Then —
Martin, nothing
moved, bids him go to the door for a little, thus derful — we saw theam whole
in truth I
going to tell things won-
poison, drawn from
1 "
salutationibus vacantes ": this is, in the original, a very
every part of the body, gather quickly together
confused and obscure sentence. to Martin's finger; and next, we beheld the
2 Halm edits "
tripeccias," which
may have
been the local
patois for tripetias
(ter-pes) corresponding to the Greek jpi-aovi,
poison mixed with blood press through the
and meaning " a three-legged stool." small puncture of the wound, just as a
3 "
" a late
: Latin word corresponding to the more long line
classical toga.
* " "
bigerricam vestem." ^
oblaturus sacrificium.'

of abundant milk is wont to flow forth from the in some way or other, there was a higher power
teats of goats or sheep, when these are squeezed at work in the bosoms of these brutes, so that
by the hand of shepherds. The boy rose up quitethey were, in fact, restrained by the interposition
well. We were amazed by so striking a miracle of a deity. At length, therefore, returning to
and we acknowledged — ;

as, indeed, truth com- themselves, they began to enquire who he was
pelled us to do

that there was no one under whom but a little before they had scourged at
heaven who could equal the deeds of Martin. the same place ; and when, on pursuing the
investigation, they ascertained from those on
the way that it was Martin who had been so
CHAPTER III. cruelly beaten by them, then, indeed, the cause
of their misfortune appeared manifest to all ;
" In the same
way, some time afterwards, we and they could no longer doubt that they were
made a journey with him while he visited the kept back on account of the injury done to that
various parishes in his diocese. He had gone man. Accordingly, they all rush after us at full
forward a little by himself, some necessity or speed, and, conscious of what they had done
other, I know not what, compelling us to keep and deserved, ovenvhelmed with shame, weep-
behind. In the meantime, a state-conveyance, ing, and having their heads and faces smeared
full of military men, was coming along the pub- with the dust with which they themselves had
lic highway. But when the animals near the besprinkled their bodies, they cast themselves
side beheld Martin in his shaggy garment, with at Martin's feet, imploring his pardon, and
a long black cloak over it, being alarmed, they begging that he would allow them to proceed.
swerved a little in the opposite direction. Then, They added that they had been sufficiently pun-
the reins getting entangled, they threw into con- ished by their conscience alone, and that they
fusion those extended lines in which, as you deeply felt that the earth might swallow them
have often seen, those wfetched creatures are alive in that very spot, or that rather, they, losing
held together ; and as they were with difficulty all sense, might justly be stiffened into immov-

rearranged, delay, of course, was caused to those able rocks, just as they had seen their beasts of
people hastening forward. Enraged by this in- burden fixed to the places in which they stood ;
jury, the soldiers, with hasty leaps, made for the but they begged and entreated him to extend
ground. And then they began to belabor Mar- to them pardon for their crime, and to allow
tin with whips and staves ; and as he, in silence them to go on their way. The blessed man had
and with incredible patience, submitted his back been aware, before they came up to us, that they
to them smiting him, this roused the greater were in a state of detention, and had already
fury in these wretches, for they became all the informed us of the fact; however, he kindly
more violent from the fact, that he, as if he did granted them forgiveness; and, restoring their
not feel the blows showered upon him, seemed animals, permitted them to pursue their journey.
to despise them. He fell almost lifeless to the
earth ;
and we, ere long, found him covered
with blood, and wounded in every part of his
body. Lifting him up without delay, and plac-
ing him upon his own ass, while we execrated "I HAVE often noticed this, Sulpitius, that a
the place of that cruel bloodshed, we hastened Martin was accustomed to say to you, thaUfliclL
ofi" as speedily as possible. In the meantime,
an abundance' of power was by no meaneW
the soldiers having returned to their conveyance, him while he was a as he re-
granted bishop, 1
after their fury was satisfied, urge the beasts to membered to have possessed before he obtained v
proceed in the direction in which they had been that office. Now, if this be tnie, or rather since
But they all remained fixed to the spot, we may imagine how
going. it is true, great those
as stiff asthey had been brazen statues, and
things were which, while a monk, he ac-

although their masters shouted at them, and the complished, and which, without any witness, he
sound of their whips echoed on every side, still effected apart by himself; since we have seen
the animals never moved. These men next all that, while a bishop, he performed so great won-
fall to with lashes ; in fact, while punishing the ders before the eyes of all. Many, no doubt, of
mules, they waste all the Gallic whips they had. his former achievements were known to the
The whole of the neighboring wood is laid hold world, and could not be hid, but those are said
of, and the beasts are beaten with enormous to have been innumerable which, while he
cudgels ; but these cruel hands still effected avoided boastfulness, he kept concealed and
nothing the animals continued to stand in one
did not allow to come to the knowledge of man-
and the same place like fixed effigies. The kind ; for, inasmuch as he transcended the capar
wretched men knew not what to do, and they
could no longer conceal from themselves that, ' " earn virtutum
bilities of mere man, in a consciousness of his CHAPTER V.
own eminence, and trampling upon worldly
conquered, O Gaul," said Postu-
" You have
glory, he was
content simply to have heaven as
a witness of his deeds. That this is true we mianus, "you have conquered, although cer-
can judge even from these things which are well tainly not me, who am, on the contrary, an
known to us, and could not be hid ; since e.g. upholder of Martin, and who have always known
before he became a bishop he restored two dead and believed all these things about that man;
men to life, facts of which your book has treated but you have conquered all the eremites and
pretty fully, but,
while he was bishop, he raised anchorites. For no one of them, like your
a which I am surprised you friend, or rather our friend, Martin, ruled over
up only one, point
have not noticed. I myself am a witness to this deaths of alP kinds. And Sulpitius there justly
latter occurrence; but, probably, you have no compared him to the apostles and prophets,
doubts about the matter being duly testified. inasmuch as the power of his faith, and the
At any rate, I will set before you the affair as it works accomplished by his power, bear witness
I know not what, that he was, in all points, like them. But go
happened. For some reason,
we were on our way to the town of the Carnutes.- on, I beg of you, although we can hear nothing
In the meantime, as we pass by a certain village more striking than we have heard still, go on,

most populous in inhabitants, an enormous crowd O Gaul, to set forth what still remains of what
went forth to meet us, consisting entirely of you have to say concerning Martin. For the
heathen; for no one in that village was ac- mind is eager to know even the least and com-
monest of his doings, since there is no doubt
quainted with a Christian. Nevertheless, owing
to the report of the approach of so great a man, that the least of his actions surpass the greatest
a multitude of those streaming to one point had deeds of others."
Martin " I will " but I did
filled all the widely spreading plains. do
so," .replies the Gaul,
felt that some work was to be performed and ; not myself witness what I am about to relate,
as the spirit within him was thus moving him, for it took before I became an associate
he was deeply excited. He at once began to of Martin's still, the fact is well known, having

preach to the heathen the word of God, been spread through the world by the accounts

utterly different from that

of man, often groaning given by faithful brethren, who were present on
that so great a crowd should be ignorant of the the occasion. Well, just about the time when
Lord the Saviour. In the meantime, while an he first bishop, a necessity arose for
became a
incredible multitude had surrounded us, a cer- his visiting the imperial^ court. Valentinian,
tain woman, whose son had recendy died, began the elder, then was at the head of affairs.
to present, with outstretched hands, the lifeless When he came to know that Martin was asking
body to the blessed man, saying, "We
know for things which he did not incline to grant, he
that are a friend of God restore me my ordered him to be kept from entering the doors
you :

son, who is my only one." The rest of the mul- of the palace. Besides his own unkind and
titude joined her, and added their entreaties to haughty temper, his wife Arriana had urged
those of the mother. Martin perceiving, as he him to this course, and had wholly alienated
afterwards told us, that he could manifest power, him from the holy man, so that he should not
in order to the salvation of those waiting for its show him the regard which was due to him.
display, received the body of the
deceased into Martin, accordingly, when he had once and
his own hands ; and when, in the sight of all, he again endeavored to procure an interview with
had fallen on his knees, and then arose, after the haughty prince, had recourse to his well-
his prayer was finished, he restored to its mother known weapons he clothes himself in sack- —
the child brought back to life. Then, truly, the cloth, scatters ashes upon his person, abstains
whole multitude, raising a shout to heaven, ac- from food and drink, and gives himself, night
knowledged Christ as God, and finally began to and day, to continuous prayer. On the seventh
rush in crowds to the knees of the blessed man, day, an angel appeared to him, and tells him to
sincerely imploring that he would make them go with confidence to the palace, for that the
Christians. Nor did he delay to do so. As royal doors,- although closed against him, would
they were in the middle of the plain, he made open of their own accord, and that the haughty
them all catechumens, by placing his hand upon spirit of the emperor would be softened. Mar-
the whole of them while, at the same time, tin, therefore, being encouraged by the address

turning to us, he said that, not without reason, of the angel who thus appeared to him, and
were these made catechumens in that plain trusting to his assistance, went to the palace.
where the martyrs were wont to be consecrated." The doors stood open, and no one opposed his
1 " mortibus."
dwelt on both sides of the Loire, and their chief 2 " adire comitatum '
this is a common meaning of comitatus
The Carnutes
town, here referred to, was Autricum, now Chartres. in writers of the period.

entrance ; so that, going in, he came at last into her husband (saying that both of them should
the presence of the king, without any one seek- constrain Martin to agree) that all other attend-
ing to hinder him. The king, however, seeing ants should be removed from the holy man, and
him at a distance as he approached, and gnash- that she alone should wait upon him«at meals.
ing his teeth that he had been admitted, did not, Nor could the blessed man refuse too obsti-
by any means, condescend to rise up as Martin nately. His modest entertainment is got up by
advanced, until fire covered the royal seat, and the hands of the queen ; she herself arranges
until the flames seized on a part of the royal his seat for him ; places his table furnishes ;

person. In this way the haughty monarch is him with water for his hands and serves up the

driven from his throne, and, much against his food which she had herself cooked. While he
will, rises up to receive Martin. He even gave was eating, she, \vith her eyes fixed on the
many embraces to the man whom he had ground, stood motionless at a distance, after
formerly determined to despise, and, coming to the fashion of servants, displaying in all points
a better frame of mind, he confessed that he the modesty and humility of a ministering ser-
perceived the exercise of Divine power without ;
vant. She herself mixed for him his drink and
waiting even to listen to the requests of Martin, presented it. When the meal was over, she
he granted all he desired *before being asked. collected the fragments and crumbs of the
Afterwards the king often invited the holy man bread that had been used, preferring with true
both to conferences and entertainments ; and, faithfulness these remains to imperial banquets.
in the end, when he was about to depart, offered Blessed woman worthy, by the display of so

him many presents, which, however, the blessed great piety, of being compared to her who came
man, jealously maintaining his own poverty, from the ends of the earth to hear Solomon, if
totally refused, as he did on all similar occa- we merely regard the plain letter of the history.
sions. But the faith of the two queens is to be com-
pared (and let it be granted me to say this,
setting aside the majesty of the secret* truth
CHAPTER VI. implied): the one obtained her desire to hear
a wise man ; the other was thought worthy not
"And as we
have, once for all, entered the only to hear a wise man, but to wait upon
palace, I shall string together events which there him."
took place, although they happened at different
times. And, indeed, it does not seem to me
right that I should pass unmentioned the ex- CHAPTER VII.
ample of admiration for Martin which was
shown by a faithful queen. Maximus then niled To these sayings Postumianus replies ** While :

the state, a man worthy

of being extolled in his '
listening to you, O
Gaul, I have for a long time
whole life, if only he had been permitted to re- been admiring the faith of the queen ; but to
what does that statement of yours lead, that no
ject a crown thrust upon him by the soldiery in
an illegal tumult, or had been able to keep out of woman was ever said to have stood more close
civil war. But the fact is, that a great empire to Martin ? For let us consider that that queen
can neither be refused without danger, nor can not only stood near him, but even ministered
be preserved without war. He frecjuently sent unto him. I really fear lest those persons who

for Martin, received him into the palace, and freely mingle among women should to some ex-
treated him with honor his whole speech with tent defend themselves by that example."
Then said the Gaul " Why do you not notice,

him was concerning things present, things to


come, the glory of the faithful, and the immor-

as grammarians are wont to teach us, the place,
the time, and the person ? For only set before
tality of the saints ; while, in the meantime, the
the of and not your eyes the picture of one kept in the palace
queen hung upon lips Martin,
inferior to her mentioned in the Gospel, washed of the emperor importuned by prayers, con-
the feet of the holy man with tears and wiped strained by the faith of the queen, and bound
them with the hairs of her head. the necessities of the time, to do his utmost
Martin, by
no woman had hitherto touched that he might set free those shut up in prison,
though him,
could not escape her assiduity, or rather her might restore those who had been sent into
She did not think of the exile, and might recover goods that had been
servile attentions.
wealth of the kingdom, the dignity of the em- taken away, —
of how much importance do you
think that these things should have appeared to
pire, the crown, or the purple ; only stretched
a bishop, so as to lead him, in order to the
upon the ground, she could not be torn away
from the feet of Martin. At last she begs of accomplishment of them all, to abate not a lit-
tle of the rigor of his general scheme of life?
1 H»lm'!i text is here followed. The older texts, which read " vir
omnt vitz merito predicandus," teem hardly ' "
intelligible. Quod mihi liceat separata mysterii majcstate dixisse."
However, as you think that some will make a though, to be sure, I had often heard her blam-
bad use of the example thus furnished them, I ing others who acted in such a manner,


shall only say that those will be truly happy if raised up against me such a degree of hatred on
they do not fall short of the excellence of the the part of all the women and all the monks,
example in question. For let them consider that both bands entered upon sworn war against
that the facts of the case are these once in
: me. Wherefore, be quiet, I beg of you, lest
his life only, and that when in his seventieth even what we are saying should tend to increase
year, was Martin served and waited upon at his their animosity towards me. Let us entirely blot
meals, not by a free sort of widow, nor by a out these people from our memory, and let us
wanton virgin, but by a queen, who lived under rather return to Martin. Do thou, friend Gaul,
the authority of a husband, and who was sup- as you have begun, carry out the work you have

ported in her conduct by the entreaties of her taken in hand."

husband, that she might be allowed so to act. Then says he "I have really related al-

It is farther to be observed that she did not re- ready so many things to you, that my speech
cline with Martin at the entertainment, nor did ought to have satisfied your desires ; but, because
she venture even to partake in the feast, but I am not at liberty to refuse compliance with
simply gave her services in waiting upon him. your wishes, I shall continue to speak as long as
Learn, therefore, the proper course ; let a ma- the day lasts. For, in truth, when I glance at
tron serve thee, and not rule thee ; and let that straw, which is being prepared for our beds,
her serve, but not recline along with thee ; just there comes into my mind a recollection re-
as Martha, of whom we read, waited upon the specting the straw on which Martin had lain,
Lord without being called to partake in the that a miracle was wrought in connection with
nay, she who chose rather simply to hear it. The affair took place as follows. Claudio-
the word was preferred to her that served. But magus is a village on the confines of the Bituri-
in the case of Martin, the queen spoken of ful- ges and the Turoni. The church there is cele-
filled both parts : she both served like Martha, brated for the piety of the saints, and is not less
and listened Hke Mary. If any one, then, de- illustrious for the multitude of the holy virgins.
sires to make use of this example, let him keep Well, Martin, being in the habit of
passing that
to it in all particulars ; let the cause be the way, had an apartment in the private part of the
same, the person the same, the service the church. After he left, all the virgins used to
same, and the entertainment the same, — and rush into that retirement they kiss ^ every place

let the thing occur once only in one's whole life." where the blessed man had either sat or stood,
and distribute among themselves the very straw
on which he had lain. One of them, a few days
CHAPTER VIII. afterwards, took a part of the straw which she
had collected for a blessing to herself, and hung
"Admirably," exclaimed Postumianus, "does it from the neck of a possessed person, whom a
your speech bind those friends of ours from spirit of error was troubling. There was no
going beyond the example of Martin ; but I own delay ; but sooner than one could speak the
to you my belief that these remarks of yours will demon was cast
out, and the person was cured.
fall upon deaf ears. For if we were to follow the
ways of Martin, we should never need to defend
ourselves in the case of kissing, and we should be
free from all the reproaches of sinister-
But as you are wont to say, when you are ac- " About the same time, a cow which a demon
cused of being too fond of eating, 'We are
harassed met Martin as he was returning from
Gauls,' so we, for our part, who dwell in this
Treves. That cow, leaving its proper herd, was
district, will never be reformed either by the ex-
accustomed to attack human beings, and had
ample of Martin, or by your dissertations. But with its horns.
while we have been discussing these points at so already seriously gored many
do such
Now, when she was coming near us, those who
great length, why you, Sulpitius, preserve followed her from a distance began to warn us,
an obstinate silence ? "
with a loud voice, to beware of her. But after
"Well, for my part," replied I, "I not only she
had in great fury come pretty near to us,
keep silence, but for a long time past I have
with rage in her eyes, Martin, lifting up his
determined to be silent upon such points. For,
ordered the animal to halt, and she im-
because I rebuked a certain spruce gadding- hand,
mediately stood stock-still at his word. Upon
about widow, who dressed expensively, and
Martin perceived a demon sitting upon her
lived in a somewhat loose manner, and also a this,
back, and reproving it, he exclaimed,

virgin, who was following somewhat indecently

a certain young man who was dear to me, — al- 1 " adlambunt "
: "touch."
perhaps only

thou deadly being ; leave the innocent beast, and on the new Adam.' Oxen had, in one part,
cease any longer to torment it.' The evil spirit eaten up the grass of the meadows ; pigs also
obeyed and departed. And the heifer had sense had dug up some portions of them with their
enough to understand that she was set free ; for, snouts ; while the remaining portion, which
peace being restored to her, she fell at the feet continued uninjured, flourished, as if painted
of the holy man ; and on Martin directing her,
with variously tinted flowers. That part,* said
she made for her own herd, and, quieter than he,
which has been eaten down by cattle, al-
any sheep, she joined the rest of the band. though it has not altogether lost the beauty of
This also was the time at which he had no sen- grass, yet retains no grandeur of flowers, con-
sation of being burnt, although placed in the veys to us a representation of marriage ; that
midst of the flames ; but I do not think it nec- part, again, which the pigs, unclean animals, had
essary for me to give an account of this, because dug up, presents a loathsome picture of fornica-
Sulpitius there, though passing over it in his tion ; while the remaining portion, wliich had
book, has nevertheless pretty fully narrated it in sustained no injury, sets forth the glory of vir-
the epistle which he sent to Eusebius, who was ginity ;
—it flourishes with abundance of
grass ;
then a presbyter, and is now a bishop. I believe, the fruits of the field abound in it ; and, decked
Postumianus, you have either read this letter, or, with flowers to the very extreme of beauty, it
if it is still unknown to you, you may easily ob- shines as if adorned with glittering gems.
tain it, when you please, from the bookcase. Blessed is such beauty and worthy of God for ;

I shall simply narrate particulars which he has nothing is to be compared with virginity. Thus,
omitted. then, those who set marriage side by side with
"Well, on a certain occasion, when he wxs fornication grievously err ; and those who think
going round the various parishes, we came upon that marriage is to be placed on an equal foot-
a band of huntsmen. The dogs were pursuing ing with virginity are utterly wretched and
a hare, and the little animal was already much foolish. But this distinction must be maintained
exhausted by the long run it had had. When by wise people, that marriage belongs to those
it perceived no means of escape in the plains things which may be excused, while virginity
spreading far on every side, and was several points to glory, and fornication must incur pun-
times just on the point of being captured, it tried ishment unless its guilt is
purged away through
to delay the threatened death by frequent doub- atonement.'
lings. Now the blessed man pitied the danger
of the creature with pious feelings, and com-
manded the dogs to give up following it, and to CHAPTER XI.
permit it to get safe away. Instantly, at the
" A CERTAIN soldier had renounced the mili-
first command they heard, they stood quite '
still one might have thought them bound, or tary life in the Church, having professed him-

rather arrested, so as to stand immovable in self a monk, and had erected a cell for himself
their own footprints. In this way, through her at a distance in the desert, as if with the pur-
pursuers being stopped as if tied together, the pose of leading the life of an eremite. But
hare got safe away. in course of time the crafty adversary harassed
his unspiritual nature with various thoughts, to
the effect that, changing his mind, he should
CHAPTER X. express a desire that his wife, whom Martin had
ordered to have a place in the nunnery * of the
Moreover, it will be worth while to relate young women, should rather dwell along with
also some of his familiar sayings, since they him. The courageous eremite, therefore, visits
tvere all salted with spiritual instruction. He Martin, and makes known to him what he had
lappened to see a sheep that had recently in his mind. But Martin denied very strongly

>een sheared ; and, '

See,' says he,
she has that a woman could, in inconsistent fashion, be
ulfilled the precept of the Gospel she had two joined again to a man who was now a monk,

:oats, and one of them she has given to him and not a husband. At last, when the soldier
vho had none thus, therefore, ye ought also to was insisting on the point in question asserting

lo.' Also, when he perceived a swineherd in that no evil would follow from carrying out his
garment of skin, cold and, in fact, all but purpose that he simply desired to possess the

laked, he exclaimed
Look at Adam, cast out solace of his wife's company ; and that there

if Paradise, how he feeds his swine in a gar- was no fear of his again returning to his own
lent of skin but let us, laying aside that old
"cingulum": lit. a girdlt, or tword-btU, and then put for
vdam, who still remains in that man, rather put service. military
'" brutiim pectus": the words leem to refer to the man as
' Halm has here an unintelligible rei>-1ing, probably a misprint i^vyiKot, in opposition to iTKcvftaTixbt.
" * "
quern recen* tontam forte coatpcxctat." monasterio."
pursuits ; adding that he was a soldier of Christ,
But she did not relax those bonds of a most
and that she also had taken the oath of alle- severe method of life, which she had imposed
giance in the same service ; and that the bishop upon herself, even by allowing herself to see
therefore should allow to serve as soldiers to- Martin. And thus the blessed man, having
gether people who were saints, and who, in vir- received, through another woman, her praise-
tue of their faith, totally ignored the question of worthy apology, joyfully departed from the
—then Martin (I am going to repeat his doors of her who had not permitted herself to
very words to you) exclaimed Tell me if you
be seen or saluted. O glorious virgin, who did
have ever been in war, and if you have ever not allow herself to be looked upon even by
stood in the line of battle ? In answer he
Martin ! O blessed Martin, who did not regard
said, Frequently ; I have often stood in line of that repulse as being any insult to himself, but,

battle, and been present in war.' On this extolling with exultant her excellence,
Martin replies :
me, did you
Well, then, tell rejoiced an example only too rare in that
ever in a line which was prepared with arms locality Well, when approaching night had

for battle, or, having already advanced near, compelled us to stay at no great distance from
was fighting against a hostile army with drawn her humble dwelling, that same virgin sent a
sword —
did you ever see any woman standing present to the blessed man ; and Martin did
there, or fighting Then at length the soldier
what he had never done before (for he accepted
became confused and blushed, while he gave a present or gift from nobody), he refused none
thanks that he had not been permitted to fol- of those things which the estimable virgin had
low his own evil counsel, and at the same time sent him, declaring that her blessing was by no
had not been put right by the use of any harsh means to be rejected by a priest, since she was
language, but by a true and rational analogy, indeed to be placed before many priests. Let,
connected with the person of a soldier. Mar- beg, virgins listen to that example, so that they

tin, for his part, turning to us they desire to close their doors to the
(for a great shall, if
crowd of brethren had surrounded him), said wicked, even shut them against the good ; and

Let not a woman enter the camp of men, but that the ill-disposed may have no free access to
let the line of soldiers remain separate, and let them, they shall not fear even to exclude priests
the females, dwelling in their own tent, be re- from their society. Let the whole world listen
mote from that of men. For this renders an attentively to this a virgin did not permit her- :

army ridiculous, if a female crowd'is mixed with self to be looked upon by Martin. And it was
the regiments of men. Let the soldier occupy no common ^ priest whom she repulsed, but the
the line, let the soldier fight in the plain, but girl refused to come under the eyes of a man
let the woman keep herself within the protection whom it was the salvation of onlookers to be-
of the walls. She, too, certainly has her own hold. But what priest, besides Martin, would
glory, if, when her husband is absent, she main- not have regarded this as doing an injury to
tains her chastity ; and the first excellence, as him? What irritation and fury would he have
well as completed victory of that, is, that she conceived in his mind against that virgin ? He
should not be seen.' would have deemed her a heretic ; and would
have resolved that she should be laid under an
anathema. And how surely would such a man
CHAPTER XII. have preferred to that blessed soul those virgins
who are always throwing themselves in the way
" I
BELIEVE, my dear Sulpitius, that you re- of the priest, who get up sumptuous entertain-
member with what emphasis he extolled to us ments, and who recline at table with the rest !

(when you too were present) that virgin who But whither is my speech carrying me ? That
had so completely withdrawn herself from the somewhat too free manner of speaking must be
eyes of all men, that she did not admit to her checked, lest perchance it may give offense to
presence Martin himself, when he wished to visit some ; for words of reproach will not profit the
her in the discharge of duty. For when he was unfaithful, while the example quoted will be
passing by the little property, within which for enough for the faithful. At the same time, I
several years she had chastely confined herself, wish so to extol the virtue of this
virgin, as
having heard of her faith and excellence, he nevertheless to think that no deduction is to be
turned out of his way that, as a bishop, he might made from the excellence of those others, who
honor, with pious respect, a girl of such eminent often came from remote regions for the purpose
merit. We
who journeyed with him thought of seeing Martin, since indeed, with the same
that that virgin would rejoice, inasmuch as she object in view, even angels ofttimes visited the
was to obtain such a testimony to her virtue, blessed man.
while a priest of so great reputation, departing
^ "
quemcumque," in the sense of gualemcumgue, which is, in
from his usual rigor of conduct, paid her a visit. fact, found in some of the MSS.

this, I am to narrate a matter, of small impor-

CHAPTER XIII. tance indeed, but still I will state it. A synod,

composed of bishops, was held at Nemausus,
But in what I am now about to narrate, I and while he had refused to attend it, he was
possess you, Sulpitius (here he looked at me) nevertheless desirous of knowing what was done
" as a fellow-witness. One day, I and Sulpitius at it. It so happened that our friend Sulpitius
there were watching before Martin's door, and was then on board ship with him, but, as was
had already sat in silence for several hours. We his custom, he kept his place at a distance from
did so with deep reverence and awe, as if we the rest, in a retired part of the vessel. There
were carrying out a watch prescribed to us an angel announced to him what had taken
before the tent of an angel ; while, all the time, place in the synod. And when, afterwards, we
the door of his cell being closed, he did not carefully enquired into the time at which the
know that we were there. Meanwhile, we heard council was held, we found, beyond all doubt,
the sound of people conversing, and by and by that that was the very day of the council, and
we were filled with a kind of awe and arnaze- that those things were there decreed by the
ment, for we could not help perceiving that bishops which the angel had announced to
something divine was going on. After nearly Martin.
two hours, Martin comes out to us ; and then
our friend Sulpitius (for no one was accustomed
to speak to him more familiarly) began to en- CHAPTER XIV.
treat him to make known to us, piously enquiring
" But when we questioned him concerning
on the subject, what meant that sort of Divine the
awe which we confessed we had both felt, and end of the world, he said to us that Nero and
with whom he had been conversing in his cell. Antichrist have first to come that Nero will

We added that, as we stood before the door, we rule in the Western portion of the world, after
had undoubtedly heard a feeble sound of people having subdued ten kings and that a persecu-

talking, but had scarcely understood it. Then tion will be carried on by him, with the view of
he after a long delay (but there was really noth- compelling men to worship the idols of the
ing which Sulpitius could not extort from him Gentiles. Healso said that Antichrist, on the
even against his will : I am about to relate things other hand, would first seize upon the empire of
somewhat of belief, but, as Christ is my
difficult the East, having his seat and the capital of his
witness, I lie not, unless any one is so impious kingdom at Jerusalem while both the city and

as to think that Martin himself lied) said :

I the temple would be restored by him. He
will tell yoUy but I beg you will not speak of it to added that his persecution would have for its

any one else. Agnes, Thecla, and Mary were object to compel men to deny Christ as God,
there with me.' He proceeded to describe to while he maintained rather that he himself was
us the face and general aspect of each. And Christ, and ordered all men to be circumcised,
he acknowledged that, not merely on that day, according to the law. He further said that
but frequently, he received visits from them. Nero was to be destroyed by Antichrist, and
Nor did he deny that Peter also and Paul, the that the whole world, and all nations, were to
Apostles, were pretty frequently seen by him. be reduced under the power of Antichrist, until
Moreover, he was in the habit of rebuking the that impious one should be overthrown by the
demons by their special names, according as they coming of Christ. He told us, too, that there
severally came to him. He found Mercury a was no doubt but that Antichrist, having been
cause of special annoyance, while he said that conceived by an evil spirit, was already bom,
fupiter was sttipid and doltish. I am aware and had, by this time, reached the years of boy-
that these things seemed incredible even to hood, while he would assume power as soon as

nany who dwelt in the same monastery ; and he reached the proper age. Now, this is the
"ar less can I expect that all who simply hear of eighth year since we heard these words from his

hem will believe them. For unless Martin had lips you may conjecture, then, how nearly

ived such an inestimable life, and displayed about to happen are those things which are
>uch excellence, he would by no means be re- feared in the future."
garded among us as having been endowed with so As. our friend the Gaul was emphatically
;reat glory. And yet it is not at all wonderful speaking thus, and had not yet finished what he
hat human infirmity doubted concerning the intended to relate, a boy of the family entered
vorks of Martin, when we see that many at the with the announcement that the presbyter Re-
)resent day do not even believe the Gospels. frigerius was standing at the door. We began
Jut we have ourselves had personal knowledge to doubt whether it would be better to hear the
nd experience, that angels often appeared and Gaul further, or to go and welcome that man
poke familiarly with Martin. As bearing upon whom we so greatly loved, and who had come
to pay his respects to us, when our friend the there enters the presbyter ^therius,
little after,

Gaul remarked " Even although this most holy

with Calupio the deacon, and Amator the sub-
priest had not arrived, this talk of ours
would deacon ; lastly, Aurelius the presbyter, a very
have had to be cut short, for the approach of dear friend of mine, who came from a longer
night was itself urging us to finish the discourse distance, rushes up out of breath. Why," I
" do
which has been so far continued. But inas- enquire, you so suddenly and unexpectedly
much as all things bearing upon the excellences run together to us from so many different quar-
of Martin have by no means yet been men- ters, and at so early an hour in the morning?
tioned, let what you have heard suffice for "We," they reply, "heard yesterday that your
to-day to-morrow we shall proceed to what re- friend the Gaul spent the whole day in narrating

mains." This promise of our GaUic friend the virtues of Martin, and, as night overtook
being equally acceptable to us all, we rose up. him, put off the rest until to-day wherefore, we :

have made haste to furnish him with a crowded

audience, as he speaks about such interesting
matters." In the meantime, we are informed
DIALOGUE in. that a multitude of lay people are standing at
the door, not venturing to enter, but begging,
nevertheless, that they might be admitted.
Then " It is no means
Aper declares, by proper
that these people should be mixed up with us,
" It for they have come to hear, rather from curi-
daylight, our Gallic friend, and you
osity than piety." I was grieved for the sake
must get up. For, as you see, both Postumi-
who was of those who ought not, as he thought, to be
anus is urgent, and this presbyter, yes-
admitted, but all that I could obtain, and with
terday admitted to hear what was going on, ex-
difficulty, was that they should admit Eucher-
pects that what you put off narrating with regard
ius from among the lieutenants,^ and Celsus, a
to our beloved Martin till to-day, you should
man of consular rank, while the rest were kept
now, in fulfillment of your promise, proceed to
tell. He is not, indeed, ignorant of all the back. We then place the Gaul in the middle
seat and he, after long keeping silence, in har-
things which are to be related, but knowledge is

sweet and pleasant even to one who goes over mony with his well-known modesty, at length
as follows.
again things already known to him ; since, in- began
deed, it has been so arranged by nature that
one rejoices with a better conscience in his
knowledge of things which he is sure, through II. CHAPTER
the testimony borne to them by many, are not
in any degree uncertain. For this man, too, You have assembled, my pious and eloquent
having been a follower of Martin from his early friends, to hear me ; but, as I presume, you
youth, has indeed been acquainted with all his have brought to the task religious rather than
doings ; but he gladly hears over again things learned ears ; for you are to listen to me simply
already known. And I will confess to thee, O as a witness to the faith, and not as speaking
Gaul, that the virtues of Martin have often been with the fluency of an orator. Now, I shall not
heard of by me, since, in fact, I have committed repeat the things which were spoken yesterday :

to writing many things regarding him ; but those who did not hear them can become ac-
through the admiration I feel for his deeds, quainted with them by means of the written
those things are always new to me which, al- records. Postumianus expects something new,
though I have already heard them, are, over and intending to make known what he hears to the
over again, repeated concerning him. Where- East, that it may not, when Martin is brought
fore, we congratulate you that Refrigerius has into comparison, esteem itself above the West.
been added to us as a hearer, all the ^ more And first, my mind inclines to set forth an inci-
earnestly that Postumianus is manifesting such dent respecting which Refrigerius has just whis-
eagerness, because he hastens, as it were, to con- pered in ray ear the affair took place in the

vey a knowledge of these things to the East, city of Carnutes. A certain father of a family
and is now to hear the truth from you confirmed, ventured to bring to Martin his daughter of
so to speak, by witnesses." twelve years old, who had been dumb from her
As I was saying these words, and as the Gaul birth, begging that the blessed man would loose,
was now ready to resume his narrative, there by his pious merits, her tongue, which was thus
rushes in upon us a crowd of monks, Evagrius tied. He, giving way to the bishops Valentinus
the presbyter, Aper, Sabbatius, Agricola ; and, a and Victricius, who then happened to be by his

1 The original is here very obscure. ex vicariis.

side, declared that he was unequal to so great that (as the same presbyter tells us at the pres-
an undertaking, but that nothing was impossible ent day) there was no room in that jar for insert-
to them, as if holier than himself. But they, ing the stopper by which people are accustomed
adding their pious entreaties, with suppliant to close those vessels, the contents of which are
voices, to those of the father, begged Martin to to be preserved with special care. That, too,
accomplish what was hoped for. He made no was a remarkable thing that happened to this
further delay, —
being admirable in both re- man." Here he fooked at me. " He had set down
spects, in the display, first of all, of humility, a glass vessel containing oil blessed by Martin in
and then in not putting off a pious duty, but — a pretty high window ; and a boy of the family,
orders the crowd of people standing round to not knowing that a jar was there, drew towards
be removed and while the bishops only, and
him the cloth covering it, with rather much vio-
the father of the girl, were present, he pros- lence. The vessel, in consequence, fell down
trates himself in prayer, after his usual fashion. on the marble pavement. Upon this, all were
He then blesses a little oil, while he utters the filled with dread* lest the blessing of God, be-
formula of exorcism and holding the tongue
stowed on the vessel by Martin, had been lost ;
of the girl with his fingers, he thus pours the but the jar was found as safe as ever, jirst as if
consecrated liquid into her mouth. Nor did it had fallen on the softest feathers. Now, this
the result of the power thus exerted disappoint result should be ascribed, not so much to chance,
the holy man. He asks her the name of her as to the power of Martin, whose blessing could
father, and she instantly replied. The father not possibly perish.
cries out, embracing the knees of Martin, with
" There is which was effected by a
this, too,
a mixture of joy and tears ; and while all certain person, whose name, because he is pres-
around are amazed, he confesses that then for ent, and has forbidden it to be mentioned, shall
the first time he listened to the voice of his be suppressed Saturninus too, who is now with

daughter. And that this may not appear in- us, was present on the occasion referred to. A
credible to any one, let Evagrius, who is here, dog was barking at us in a somewhat disagree-
I command thee,' said the per-
furnish you with a testimony of its truth ; for able manner.
the thing took place in his very presence. son in question, ' in the name of Martin, to be
quiet.' The dog —his barking seemed to stick
in his throat, and one might have thought that
CHAPTER III. his tongue had been cut out —
was silent.
really a small matter that Martin him-
it is

"The following is a small matter which I self performed miracles believe me that other :

learned lately from the narration of Arpagius people also have accomplished many things in
the presbyter, but I do not think it ought to be his name.
passed over. The wife of the courtier Avitianus
had sent some oil to Martin, that he might bless CHAPTER IV.
(such is the custom) so as to be ready when
needful to meet different causes of disease. It "You knew the too barbarous and, beyond
was contained in a glass jar of a shape which, measure, bloody ferocity of Avitianus, a former
round throughout, gradually btilges * out towards courtier. He enters the city of the Turones
the middle, with a long neck ; but the hol- with a furious spirit, while rows of people, laden
low of the extended neck was not filled, be- with chains, followed him with melancholy looks,
:ause it is the custom to fill vessels of the kind orders various kinds of punishments to be got
n 'such a way that the top may be left free ready for slaying them ; and to the grave amaze-
"or the knobs which the The ment of the city, he arranges them for the sad
stop up jar. pres-
)yter testified that he saw the under work on the following day. When this became
oil increase
he blessing of Martin, so much that, the abun- known to Martin, he set out all alone, a little
lance of it overflowing the jar, it ran down from before midnight, for the palace of that beast.
he top in every direction. He added that it But when, in the silence of the depths of the
nibbled up with the same* effect, while the vessel night, and as all were at rest, no entrance was
/as being carried Kick to the mistress of the possible through the bolted doors, he lays him-
lousehold ; for the oil so steadily flowed over in self down before that cruel threshold. In the
he hands of the boy carrying it, that the abun- meantime, Avitianus, buried in deep sleep, is
ance of the liquid, thus pouring down, covered smitten by an assailing angel, who says to him,
He said, moreover, that the Does the servant of God lie at your threshold,
; 11 his garment.
and do you continue sleeping?' He, on listen-
idy received the vessel so full even to the brim.
ing to these words, rises, in much disturbance,
The text of this sentence is very uncertain, and the meaning from his bed ; and calling his servants, he ex-
>mcwhat obscure.
' * Text and meaning both very obscure.
Here, again, the text is in confusion.
door go But
claims in terror, Martin is at the they are so unbelieving, I give it
really, if
immediately, and undo the bolts, opinion that they will not believe even
that the ser- as my
vant of God may suffer no harm.' But they, in the witnesses named. And yet I am surprised
accordance with the tendency of all servants, that any one, who has even the least sense of
having scarcely stepped beyond the first thresh- religion, can venture on such wickedness as to
old, and laughing at their master as having
think that any one could tell lies concerning
been mocked by a dream, affirm that there was Martin. Be that far from every one who lives
no one at the door. This they did as simply in obedience to God ; for, indeed, Martin does
inferring from their own disposition, that no one not require to be defended by falsehoods. But,
could be keeping watch through the night, while O Christ, we lay the truth of our whole discourse
far less did they believe that a priest was lying before thee, to the effect that we neither have
at the threshold of another man during the said, nor will say, anything else than what either
horror of that night. Well, they easily per- we ourselves have witnessed, or have learned
suaded Avitianus of the truth of their story. from undoubted authorities, and, indeed, very
He again sinks into sleep ; but, being ere long frequently from Martin himself. But although
struck with greater violence than before, he ex- we have adopted
the form of a dialogue, in
claimed that Martin was standing at the door, order that the style might be varied to prevent
and that, therefore, no rest either of mind or weariness, still we affirm that we are really set-
body was allowed him. As the servants delayed,
ting forth a true history in a dutiful spirit. The
he himself went forward to the outer threshold ; unbelief of some has compelled me, to my great
and there he found Martin, as he had thought regret, to insert in my narrative these remarks
he would. The wretched man, struck by the which are apart from the subject in hand. But
let the discourse now return to our assembly ;
display of so great excellence, exclaimed, Why,
sir, have you done this to me? There is no in which since L saw that I was listened to so
need for you to speak I know what you wish eagerly, I found it necessary to acknowledge that
: :

I see what you require depart as quickly as Aper acted properly in keeping back the un-

possible, lest the anger of heaven consume me believing, under the conviction he had that those
on account of the injury done you I have only ought to be allowed to hear who were of a

already suffered sufficient punishment. Believe believing spirit.

me, that have firmly determined in my own
niind how should now proceed.' So then,
after the departure of the holy man, he calls for CHAFFER VL
his officials and orders all the prisoners to be
" I
AM enraged in heart, believe me, and,
set free, while presently he himself went his way.
Thus Avitianus being put to flight, the city through vexation, I seem to lose my senses do :

Christian men not believe in the miraculous

rejoiced, and felt at liberty.
powers of Martin, which the demons acknowl-
edged ?

CHAPTER V. "The monastery

of the blessed man was at
two miles' distance from the city ; but if, as
" While these are certain
facts, since Avitianus often as he was to come to the church, he only
related them to
persons, they are further
many had set his foot outside the threshold of his
confirmed on this ground that Refrigerius the cell,one could perceive the possessed roaring
presbyter, whom you see here present, lately had through the whole church, and the bands of
them narrated to him, under an appeal to the guilty^ ones trembling as if their judge Were
Divine majesty, by Dagridus, a faithful man coming, so that the groanings of the demons
among the tribunes, who swore that the account announced the approach of the bishop to the
was given him by Avitianus himself. But I do clerics, who were not previously aware that he
not wish you to wonder that I do to-day what was coming. I saw a certain man snatched up
I did not do yesterday ; viz. that I subjoin to the into the air on the approach of Martin, and
mention of every individual wonder the names suspended there with his hands stretched up-
of witnesses, and mention persons to whom, if wards, so that he could in no way touch the
any one is inclined to disbelieve, he may have ground with his feet. But if at any time Mar-
recourse, because they are still in the body. tin undertook the
duty of exorcising the de-
The unbelief of very many has compelled that ; mons, he touched no one with his hands, and
for they are said to hesitate about some things reproached no one in words, as a multitude of
which were related yesterday. Let these people, expressions is generally rolled forth by the
then, accept as witnesses persons who are still clerics;
but the possessed, being brought up to
aliveand well, and let them give more credit to " nos
pie praestruere profitemur historise veritatem."
such, inasmuch as they doubt our good faith. ^ "
agmina damnanda."

him, he ordered all others to depart, and the with much lamentation, that Martin was not
doors being bolted, clothed in sackcloth and preserved up to this time.
sprinkled with ashes, he stretched himself on the
ground in the midst of the church, and turned
to prayer. Then truly might one behold the CHAPTER VIII.
wretched beings tortured with various results —
some hanging, as it were, from a cloud, with " But to return to Avitianus while at :
their feet turned upwards, and yet their gar- other place, and in all other cities, he displayed
ments did not fall down over their faces, lest marks of horrible cruelty, at Tours alone he did
the part of their body which was exposed no harm. Yes, that beast, which was nourished
should give rise to shame ; while in another part by human blood, and by the slaughter of un-
of the church one could see them tortured with- fortunate creatures, showed himself meek and
out any question being addressed to them, and peaceable in the presence of the blessed man.
confessing their crimes. They revealed, their I remember that Martin one day came to him,
names, too, of their own accord ; one acknowl- and having entered his private apartment, he
edged that he was Jupiter, and another that he saw a demon of marvelous size sitting behind
was Mercury. Finally, one could see all the his back. Blowing upon him from a distance
servants of the devil suffering agony, along with (if I may, as a matter of necessity, make use
their master, so that we could not help acknowl- of a word which is hardly Latin'), Avitianus
edging that in Martin there was fulfilled that thought that he was blowing at him, and ex-
which is written that * the saints shall judge claimed, Why, thou holy man, dost thou

treat me thus?'

angels.' But then Martin said, It is

not at you, but at him who, in all his terrible-
ness, leans over your neck.' The devil gave
CHAPTER VII. way, and left his familiar seat ; and it is well
known that, ever after that day, Avitianus was
" There was a certain
village in the couiitry milder, whether because he now understood that
of the Senones which was every year annoyed he had always been doing the will of the devil
with hail. The inhabitants, constrained by an sitting by him, or because the unclean spirit,
extreme of suffering, sought help from Martin. driven from his seat by Martin, was deprived of
A highly respectable embassy was sent to him the power of attacking him while the servant

by Auspicius, a man of the rank of prefect, was ashamed of his master, and the master did
whose fields the storm had been wont to smite not force on his servant.
more severely than it did those of others. But " In a
village of the Ambatienses, that is in
Martin, having there offered up prayer, so com- an old stronghold, which is now largely inhabited
pletely freed the whole district from the pre- by brethren, you know there is a great idol-
vailing plague, that for twenty years, in which temple built up with labor. The building had
he afterwards remained in the body, no one in been constructed of the most polished stones
those places suffered from hail. And that this and furnished with turrets and, rising on high

may not be thought to be accidental, but rather in the form of a cone, it preserved the super-
effected by Martin, the tempest, returning afresh, stition of the place by the majesty of the work.
once more fell upon the district in the year in The blessed man had often enjoined its de-
which he died. The world thus felt the de- on Marcellus, who was there settled as
parture of a believing man to such a degree, presbyter. Returning after the lapse of some
time, he reproved the presbyter, because the
that, as it justly rejoiced in his life, so it also
bewailed his death. But if any hearer, weak inedifice of the idol-temple was still standing.
faith, demands also witnesses to prove those He pleaded in excuse that such an immense
things which we have said, I will bring forward, structure could with difficulty be thrown down
not one man, but many thousands, and will even by a band of soldiers, or by the strength of a
summon the whole region of the Senones to large body of the public, and far less should Mar-
bear witness to the power which was experi- tin think it easy for that to be effected by means
enced. But not to speak of this, you, presby- of weak clerics or helpless monks. Then Martin,
ter Refrigerius, remember, I believe, that we having recourse to his well-known auxiliaries,
lately had a conversation, concerning the matter spent the whole night in watching and prayer

referred to, with Romulus, the son of that with the result that, in the morning, a storm
Auspicius I mentioned, an honored and religious arose, and cast down even to its foundations the
man. He related the points in question to us, idol-temple. Now let this narrative rest on the
as if they had not been previously known ; and
testimony of Marcellus.
as he was afraid of constant losses in future har-
he did, as you yourself beheld, > "
vests, regret, exsufflans.'

CHAPTER IX. doubtedly to which some poet gave utterance

as we are
(for we use a learned verse, inasmuch
" I WILL make use of another not dissimilar conversing with learned people) —
marvel in a like kind of work, having the con- And brought his captive boar ^ to wondering Argos.'

currence of Refrigerius in doing so. Martin

was prepared to throw down a pillar of immense "Truly that disciple of Christ, imitating the
size, on the top of which
an idol stood, but miracles performed by the Saviour, and which
there was no means by which effect could be he, by way of example, set before the view of
given to his design. Well, according to his his saints, showed Christ also working in him,
usual practice, he betakes himself to prayer. It who, glorifying his own
holy follower everywhere,
is undoubted that then a column, to a certain conferred upon that one man the gifts of vari-
degree like the other, rushed down from heaven, ous graces. Arborius, of the imperial body-
and falling upon the idol, it crushed to powder guard, testifies that he saw the hand of Martin
the whole of the seemingly indestructible mass was offering sacrifice, clothed, as it seemed,
: as he
this would have been a small matter, had he with the noblest gems, while it glittered with a
only in an invisible way made use of the purple light ; and that, when his right hand was
powers of heaven, but these very powers were moved, he heard the clash of the gems, as they
beheld by human eyes serving Martin in a struck together.
"Again, the same Refrigerius is my witness
that a woman, suffering from an issue of blood, CHAPTER XL
when she had touched the garment of Martin,
" I WILL now come to an event which he al-
after the example of the woman mentioned in
the Gospel, was cured in a moment of time. ways concealed, owing to the character of the
serpent, cutting its way through a river, times, but which he could not conceal from us.
was swimming towards the bank on which we In the matter referred to, there is this of a
had taken our stand. In the name of the mifaculous nature, that an angel conversed, face

Lord,' said Martin, I command thee to return.* to face, with him.

The Emperor Maximus,
Instantly, at the word of the holy man, the while in other respects doubtless a good man,
venomous beast turned round, and while we was led astray by the advices of some priests
looked on, swam across to the farther .bank. after Priscillian had been put to death. He,
As we all perceived that this had not happened therefore, protected by his royal power Ithacius
without a miracle, he groaned deeply, and ex- the bishop, who had been the accuser of Pris-
claimed, Serpents hear me, but men will not cillian, and others of his confederates, whom it

hear.' is not
necessary to name. The emperor thus
prevented every one from bringing it as a charge
against Ithacius, that, by his instrumentality, a
of any sort had been condemned to death.
Martin, constrained to go to the court by
many serious causes of people involved in suf-
" Being accustomed to eat fish at the time of
fering, incurred the whole force of the storm
Easter, he enquired a little before the hour for which was there raging. The bishops who had
refreshment, whether it was in readiness. Then assembled at Treves were retained in that city,
Cato, the deacon, to whom the outward man- and daily communicating with Ithacius, they had
agement of the monastery belonged, and who made common cause with him. When it was
was himself a skillful fisher, tells him that no announced to them expecting no such informa-
capture had fallen to his lot the whole day, and tion, that Martin was coming, completely losing
that other fishers, who used to sell what they courage, they began to mutter and tremble
caught, had also been able to do nothing. among themselves. And it so happened that
Go,' said he, let down your line, and a cap- already, under their influence, the emperor had
' '

ture will follow.' As Sulpitius there has already determined to send some tribunes armed with
described, we had our dwelling close to the absolute power into the two Spains, to search
river. We all went, then, as these were holidays, out heretics, and, when found, to deprive them
to see our friend fishing, with the hopes of all of their Ufe or goods. Now there was no doubt
on the stretch, that the efforts would not be in that that tempest would also make havoc of
vain by which, under the advice of Martin him- multitudes of the real saints, little distinction
self, it was sought to obtain fish for his use. At being made between the various classes of in-
the first throw the deacon drew out, in a very
small net, an enormous pike, and ran joyfully captivum suem." Probably there is here an allusion to the

of the Erymanthian boar by Hercules, with a punning

back to the monastery, with the feeling un- capture reference to a secondary meaning of sus as a kind of fish.

dividuals. For in such circumstances, a judg- CHAPTER XII.

ment was formed simply by appearances, so that
meantime, those bishops with whom
one was deemed a heretic rather on his turning " In the

pale from fear, or wearing

a particular garment, Martin would not hold communion went in ter-
than by the faith which he professed. And the ror to the king, complaining that they had been
bishops were well aware that such proceedings condemned beforehand ; that it was all over
would by no means please Martin ; but, con- with them as respected the status of every one
scious of evil as they were, this was a subject of them, if the authority of Martin was now to
of deep anxiety to them, lest when he came, he uphold the pertinacity of Theognitus,
who alone
should keep from communion with them know-
; had as yet condemned them by a sentence pub-
ing well as they did, that others
would not be licly pronounced that the man ought not to

wanting who, with his example to guide them, have been received within the walls that he ;

would follow the bold course adopted by so was now not merely the defender of heretics,
great a man. They therefore form a plan with but their vindicator; and that nothing had
the emperor, to this effect, that, officials of the really been accomplished by the death of Pris-
court being sent on to meet him, Martin should cillian, if Martin were to act the part of his
be forbidden to come any nearer to that city, avenger. Finally, prostrating themselves with
unless he should declare that he would maintain weeping and lamentation, they implored the
peace with the bishops who were living emperor to put forth his power against this one
there. '

But he skillfully frustrated their object, by declar- man. And the emperor was not far from being
ing that he would come among them compelled to assign to Martin, too, the doom
with the
peace of Christ. And at last, having entered of heretics. But after all, although he was dis-
during the night, he went to the church, simply posed to look upon the bishops with too great
for the purpose of prayer. On the following favor, he was not ignorant that Martin excelled
he betakes himself to the palace. Besides all other mortals in faith, sanctity, an^ excel-
many other petitions which he had to present, lence he therefore tries another way of get-

and which it would be tedious to describe, the ting the better of the holy man. And first he
following were the principal : entreaties in be- sends for him
privately, and addresses
him in
half of the courtier Narses, and the president the kindest fashion, assuring him that the here-
Leucadius, both of whom had belonged to the tics were condemned in the regular course of

party of Gratianus, and that, with

more than public trials, rather than by the persecutions
which this is not the time to
the priests ; and that there was no reason why
ordinary zeal, upon
dilate, and who had thus incurred the anger of he should think that communion with Ithacius
the conqueror ; but his chief request was, that and the rest of that party was a thing to be
tribunes, with the power of life and death, condemned. He added that Theognitus had
should not be sent into the Spains. For Martin created disunion, rather by personal hatred, than
felt a pious solicitude not only to save from
by the cause he supported ; and that, in fact, he
danger the true Christians in these regions, who was the only person who, in the meantime, had
were to be persecuted in connection with that separated himself from communion while no :

expedition, but to protect even heretics them- innovation had been made by the rest. He
selves. But on the first and second day the remarked fijrther that a synod, held a few days
wily emperor kept the holy man in suspense, previously, had decreed that Ithacius* was not
whether that he might impress on him the chargeable with any fault. When Martin was
importance of the affair, or because, being ob- but little impressed by these statements, the
noxious to the bishops, he could not be recon- king then became inflamed with anger, and hur-
ciled to them, or because, as most people ried out of his presence ; while, without delay,
thought at the time, the emperor opposed his executioners are appointed for those in whose
wishes from avarice, having cast a longing eye behalf Martin had made supplication.
on the property of the persons in question.
For we are told that he was really a man dis-
tinguished by many excellent actions, but that CHAPTER
he was not successful in contending against
ivarice. This may, however, have been due to "When this became known to Martin, he
the necessities of the empire at the time, for rushed to the palace, though it was now night.
.he treasury of the state had been exhausted by He pledges himself that, if these people were
'ormer rulers and he, being almost constantly let the
spared, he would communicate ; only

n the expectation of civil wars, or in a state of

tribunes, who had already been sent to the
^reparation for them, may easily be excused for Spains for the destruction of the churches,
laving, by all sorts of expedients, sought re-
iources for the defense of the empire. ' "
potesutcm regiam.'
recalled. There is no delay Maximus grants :
peril of their lives. In these circumstances, a
all hisrequests. On the following day, the or- certain Egyptian merchant, who was not yet a
dination of Felix as bishop was being arranged,
Christian, cried out, Save us, O
God of Mar-
a man undoubtedly of great sanctity, and truly tin,' upon which the tempest was immediately

worthy of being made a priest in happier times. stilled, and they held their desired course,
Martin took part in the communion of that day, while the pacified ocean continued in perfect
judging it better to yield for the moment, than tranquillity.
to disregard the safety of those over whose Lycontius, a believing man belonging to the
heads a sword was hanging. Nevertheless, al- heutenants, when a violent disease was afflicting
though the bishops strove to the uttermost to his family, and sick bodies were lying all through

get hirA to confirm the fact of his communi- his house in sad proof of unheard-of calamity,

cating by signing his name, he could not be implored the help of Martin by a letter. At
induced to do so. On the following day, hur- this time the blessed man declared that the

rying away from that place, as he was on the thing asked was difficult to be obtained, for he
way returning, he was filled with mourning and knew in his spirit that that house was then being
lamentation that he had even for an hour been scourged by Divine appointment. Yet he did
mixed up with the evil communion, and, not far not give up an unbroken course of prayer and
from a village named Andethanna, where remote fasting for seven whole days and as many nights,
woods stretch ^ far and wide with profound soli- so that he at last obtained that which he aimed
tude, he sat down while his companions went at in his supplications. Speedily, Lycontius,
on a little before him. There he became in- having experienced the Divine kindness, flew
volved in deep thought, alternately accusing and to him, at once reporting the fact and giving
defending tlie cause of his grief and conduct. thanks, that his house had been delivered from
Suddenly, an angel stood by him and said, all danger. He also offered a hundred pounds
Justly, O Martin, do you feel compunction, but silver, which the blessed man neither rejected
you could not otherwise get out of your diffi- nor accepted but before the amount of money ;

culty. Renew your virtue, resume your courage, touched the threshold of the monastery, he had,
lest you not only now expose your fame, but without hesitation, destined it for the redemp-

your very salvation, to danger.' Therefore, from tion of captives. And when it was suggested to
that time forward, he carefully guarded against him by the brethren, that some portion of it
being mixed up in communion with the party should be reserved for the expenses of the
of Ithacius. But when it happened that he monastery, since it was difficult for all of them
cured some of the possessed more slowly and to obtain necessary food, while many of them
with less grace than usual, he at once confessed were sorely in need of clothing, he replied, Let *

to us with tears that he felt a diminution of his the church both feed and clothe us, as
long as
power on account of the evil of that commun- we do not appear to have provided, in any way,
ion in which he had taken part for a moment, for our own wants.'
" There occur to
through necessity, and not with a cordial spirit. my mind at this point many
He hved sixteen years after this, but never again miracles of that illustrious man, which it is more
did he attend a synod, and kept carefully aloof easy for us to admire than to narrate. You all
from all assemblies of bishops. doubtless recognize the truth of what I say :

doings of his which cannot be

there are many
set forth in words. For instance, there is the
following, which I rather think cannot be re-
XIV. lated by us just as it took place. A certain one
of the brethren (you are not ignorant of his
" But
very clearly, as we experienced, he re- name, but his person must be concealed, lest
paired, with manifold interest, his grace, which we should cause shame to a godly man), a —
had been diminished for a time. I saw after- certain one, I say, having found abundance of
wards a possessed person brought to him at the coals for his stove, drew a stool to himself, and
gate^ of the monastery; and that, before the was sitting, with outspread legs and exposed
man touched the threshold, he was cured. person, beside that fire, when Martin at once
" I
lately heard one testifying that, when he perceived that an improper thing was done
was sailing on the Tuscan Sea, following that under the sacred roof, and cried out with a loud
course which leads to Rome, whirlwinds '

having voice, Who, by exposing his person, is dis-

suddenly arisen, all on board were in extreme honoring our habitation?' When our brother
heard this, and felt from his own conscience,
1 The text is here very corrupt: we have followed a conjecture that was he who was rebuked, he immediately
of Halm's.
" " ran to us almost in a fainting condition, and
Pseudothyrura : Halm prefers the form " pseudoforum," but
the meaning is the same.
acknowledged his shame ; which was done, how-

ever, only through the forth-putting of the power pentance. Speedily, then, he returns, and throws
of Martin. himself at the feet of Martin, begging for pardon
and confessing his error, while, at length restored
to a better mind, he acknowledges that he had
CHAPTER XV. been under the influence of a demon. It was
no difficult business for Martin to forgive the
" And then the holy man explained
Again, on a certain day, after he had sat suppliant.
down on that wooden seat of his (which you both to him and to us all, how he had seen him
all know), placed in the small open court driven on by demons, and declared that he was
which surrounded his abode, he perceived two not moved by the reproaches which had been
demons sitting on the lofty rock which over- heaped upon him ; for they had, in fact, rather
hangs the monastery. He then heard them, in injured the man who uttered them. And sub-
eager and gladsome tones, utter the following sequently, when this same Brictio was often
invitation, Come hither, Brictio, come hither, accused before him of many and great crimes,

Brictio.' I beheve they perceived the miser- Martin could not be induced to remove him
able man approaching from a distance, being from the presbyterate, lest he should be sus-
conscious how great frenzy of spirit they had pected of revenging the injury done to himself,
excited within him. Nor is there any delay while he often repeated this saying
: :
If Christ
Brictio rushes in in absolute fury ; and there, bore with Judas, why should not I bear with
full of madness, he vomits forth a thousand re- Brictio?'"

proaches against Martin. For he had been

reproved by him on the previous day, beqnjHI
he who had possessed nothing before he enteiid
the clerical office, having, in fact, been broagfit
Upon this, Postumianus exclaims, "Let that
up in the monastery by Martin himself, was now well-known man in our immediate neighborhood,
keeping horses and purchasing slaves. For at listen to that
example, who, when he is wise,
that time, he was accused by many of not only
takes no notice either of things present or future,
having bought boys belonging to barbarous but if he has been ofiended, falls into utter
nations, but girls also of a comely appearance. no control over himself. He then rages
The miserable man, moved with bitter rage on
against the clerics, and makes bitter attacks
account of these things, and, as I believe, chiefly
upon the laity, while he stirs up the whole world
instigated by the impulse received from those for his own He will continue in this
demons, made such an onset upon Martin as state of contention for three
years without inter-
scarcely to refrain from laying hands upon him.
mission, and refuse to be mollified either by
The holy man, on his part, with a placid coun- time or reason. The condition of the man is to
tenance and a tranquil mind, endeavored by
be lamented and pitied, even if this were the
gentle words to restrain the madness of the un- But
only incurable evil by which he is afflicted.
happy wretch. But the si)irit of wickedness so you ought, my Gallic friend, to have frequently
prevailed within him, that not even his own recalled to his mind such
examples of patience
mind, at best a very vain one, was under his and
tranquillity, that he might know both how to
control. With trembling lips, and a changing be
angry and how to forgive. And if he hap-
countenance, pale with rage, he rolled forth the to hear of this speech of mine which has
words of sin, asserting that he was a holier man pens
been briefly interpolated into our discourse, and
than Martin who had brought him up, inasmuch
directed against himself, let him know that I
as from his earliest years he had grown up in
spoke, not more with the lips of an enemy than
the monastery amid the sacred institutions of
the mind of a friend because I should wish, if
the Church, while Martin had at first, as he could
the thing were possible, that he should be spoken
not deny, been tarnished with the life of a sol-
of rather as being like the bishop Martin, than
dier, and had now entirely sunk into dotage by the But let us pass away from
tyrant Phalaris.
means of his baseless superstitions, and ridiculous
him, since the mention of him is far from pleas-
fancies about visions. After he had uttered
ant, and let us return, O Gaul, to our friend
many things like these, and others of a still more Martin."
bitter nature, which it is better not to mention,
going out, at length, when his rage was satisfied,
he seemed to feel as if he had completely vin- CHAPTER XVII.
dicated his conduct. But with rapid steps he
rushed back by the way he had gone out, the Then said I, since I perceived by the setting
demons having, I believe, been, in the mean- sun that evening was at hand " The day is :

time, driven from his heart by the prayers of gone, Postumianus ;

we must rise up and at ;

Martin, and he was now brought back to re- the same time some refreshment is due to these
so zealous listeners. And as to Martin, you such a man as Martin. But when you have
ought not to expect that there is any limit to come as far as Egypt, although it is justly proud
one talking about him he extends too far to be
: of the numbers and virtues of its own saints,
comprised fully in any conversation. In the yet let it not disdain to hear how Europe will
meantime, you will convey to the East the not yield to it, or to all Asia, in having only
things you have now heard about that famous Martin.
man ; and as you retrace your steps to your
former haunts, and pass along by various coasts, CHAPTER XVIII.
places, harbors, islands, and seas, see that you
the peoples the name and glory of " But when
spread among you have again set sail from that
Martin. Especially remember that you do not place with the view of making for Jerusalem, I
omit Campania ; and although your route will enjoin upon you a duty connected with our
take you far off the beaten track, still any ex- grief, that, if you ever come to the shore of re-
penditure from delay will not be to you of so nowned Ptolemais, you enquire most carefully
much importance as to keep you from visiting where Pomponius, that friend of ours, is buried,
in that quarter Paulinus, a man renowned and and that you do not refuse to visit his remains
praised throughout the whole world. I beg you on that foreign soil. There shed many tears, as
first to unroll to him the volume of discourse much from the working of your own feelings, as
which we either completed yesterday, or have from our tender affection ; and although it is
said to-day. You will relate all to him ; you but a worthless gift, scatter the ground there
will repeat all to him ; that in due time, by with purple flowers and sweet-smelling grass.
his means, Rome may learn the sacred merits And you will say to him, but not roughly, and
of this man, just as he spread that first little not harshly, —with the address of one who sym-
book of ours not only through Italy, but even pathizes, and not with the tone of one who re-
through the whole of lUyria. He, not jealous proaches, — that if he had only been willing to
of the glories of Martin, and being a most pious listen to you at one time, or to me constantly,
admirer of his saintly excellences in Christ, will and if he had invited Martin rather than that
not refuse to compare our leading man with his man whom I am unwilling to name, he would
own friend Felix. Next, if you happen to cross never have been so cruelly separated from me,
over to Africa, you will relate what you have or covered by a heap of unknown dust, having
heard to Carthage ; and, although, as you suffered death in the midst of the sea with the
yourself have said, it already knows the man, lot of a ship-wrecked pirate, and with difficulty
yet now pre-eminently it will learn more respect- securing burial on a far-distant shore. Let those
ing him, that it
may not admire its own martyr behold this as their own work, who, in seeking
Cyprian alone, although consecrated by his sa- to revenge him, have wished to injure me, let
cred blood. And then, if carried down a little them behold their own glory, and being avenged,
to the left, you enter the gulf of Achaia, let let them henceforth cease to make any attacks
Corinth know, and let Athens know, that Plato upon me."
in the academy was not wiser, and that Socrates Having uttered these sad words in a very
in the prison was not braver, than Martin. You mournful voice, and while the tears of all the
will say to them that Greece was indeed happy others were drawn forth by our laments, we at
which was thought worthy to listen to an apostle
length departed, certainly with a profound ad-
pleading, but that Christ has by no means for- miration for Martin, but with no less sorrow from
saken Gaul, since he has granted it to possess our own lamentations.

LETTER I. through the frequency of my writings to

have now exhausted language of that
you, I
A LETTER OF THE HOLY PRESBYTER SEVERUS TO kind J and I can really write nothing new to you,
HIS SISTER CIJVUDLV CONCERNING THE LAST so as to avoid what I have written before. And
in truth, through the goodness of God, you do
not now need to be exhorted, inasmuch as, per-
CHAPTER I. fecting your faith at the very beginning of your
saintly life, you display a devoted love in Christ.
On reading your letters, my feelings were, One thing, however, I do press upon you, that
in many ways, deeply moved, and I could not you do not go back on things you have already
refrain from tears. For I both wept for joy passed away from, that you do not long again
because I could perceive from the very language for things you have already scorned, and that,
of your letters, that you were living according having put your hand to the plow, you do not
to the precepts of the Lord Ciod, and out of look back again, retracing your steps for, un- ;

my exceeding desire after you, I could not help doubtedly, by falling into this fault, your furrow
lamenting that, without any fault on my part, I and the cultivator will
will lose its straightness,
was parted from you ; and I would have felt not receive his own proper reward. Moreover,
this still more strongly had you not sent me a he does not secure even a measure of the
letter. Should I not, then, enjoy the company reward, if he has, in a measure, failed. For, as
of such a sister? But I call your salvation to we must flee from sin to righteousness, so he
witness, that I have very often wished to come who has entered on the practice of righteousness
to you, but have up till now been prevented, must beware lest he lay himself open to sin.
through the op])osition of him who is accus-
For it is written that " his righteousness shall
tomed to hinder us. For, in my eager desire, not profit the righteous on the day on which he
I was both urgent to satisfy my wishes by seeing has gone astray." ' For this, then, we must take
you ; and we seemed, if we should meet, likely our stand, for this we must labor, that we, who
to accomplish more effectually the work of the have escaped from sins, do not lose the pre-
Lord, since by comforting one another we should pared rewards. For the enemy stands ready
live with the heavy load of this world trodden against us, that he may at once strike the man
under our feet. But I do not now fix the day who has been stripped of the shield of faith.
or time of visiting you, because, as often as I Our shield, therefore, is not to be cast aside, lest
have done so, I have not been able to fulfil my our side be exposed to attack ; and our sword
purpose. I shall wait on the will of the Lord, is not to be put away, lest the enemy then begin

and hope that, by my supplications and your to give up all fear :

moreover, we know that if
prayers, he may bring it about that we reap he sees a man fully armed, he will retreat. Nor
some advantage from our perseverance.^ are we ignorant that it is a hard and difficult
thing daily to fight against the flesh and the
world. But if you reflect upon eternity, and if
CHAPTER n. you consider the kingdom of heaven, which un-
doubtedly the Lord will condescend to bestow
Birr because you have desired from me in all upon us although we are sinners, what suffering,
I ask, is sufficiently great, by which we may
my letters which I had sent to you precepts to merit such things? And besides, our struggle
nourish your life and faith, it has come to pass
in this world is but for a short time for al-

^ It is obvious that, in this whole passage, Sulpitiiis has in his though death do not speedily overtake us, old
mind the language of St. Paul, Rom. i. 9-13.
• Halm * Luke ix. 63.
reads prittentia, instead of the old readihg pirtevt-
rantia, but apparently without good grounds. Ezek. xviii. 34.

age will come. The years flow on, and time Lord, about the mid-time^ of the age of the
glides while, as I hope, the Lord Jesus will
by ; world, laid the foundation of the faith by which
speedily call us to himself, as being dear to his the human race should believe in thee ; I was
heart. chosen as the father of the nations, that they
might follow my example ; I did not hesitate,
CHAPTER Lord, to offer Isaac, while yet a youth, as a sac-
rifice to thee, that they might understand that

O HOW happy shall be that departure of ours, there is nothing which ought not to be presented
when Christ shall receive us into his own abode to the Lord, when they perceived that I did not
after we have been purged ^ from the stains of spare even my only son I left. Lord, my coun- :

try, and my family, at thy command, that they

sin through the experience of a better life !

Martyrs and prophets will meet with us, apostles also might have an example teaching them to
will join themselves to us, angels will be glad, leave the wickedness of the world and the age :

archangels will rejoice, and Satan, being con- I, Lord, was the first to recognize thee, though
quered, will look pale, though still retaining his under a corporeal- form, nor did I hesitate to
cruel countenance, inasmuch as he will lose all ^ beheve who it was that I beheld, although thou
advantage from our sins which he had secured didst appear to me in a different form from
for himself in us. He will see glory granted us thine own, that these might learn to judge, not ac-
through mercy, and merits honored by means of cording to the flesh, but according to the spirit."
glory. Wetriumph over our conquered Him the blessed
" I
Moses will support in his plead-
foe.Where shall now the wise men of the world ings, saying Lord, delivered the law to all:

appear ? Where shall the covetous man, where these, at thy command, that those whom a free
shall the adulterer, where shall the irreligious, faith did not influence, the spoken law at least
where shall the drunkard, where shall the evil- might restrain: I .said, 'Thou shalt not* com-
speaker be recognized? What shall these mit adultery,' in order that I might prevent the
wretched beings say in their own defense ? " We licentiousness of fornication I said, Thou shalt :

did not know thee. Lord ; we did not see that love thy neighbor,' that affection might abound ;
said, Thou shalt worship the Lord alone,'
' ^
thou wast in the world thou didst not send the
: I

prophets thou didst not give the law to the in order that these might not sacrifice to idols,

world we did not see the patriarchs we did or allow temples to exist; I commanded that
: :

not read the lives of the saints. Thy Christ false witness should not be spoken, that I might
never was upon the earth Peter was silent :
shut the lips of these people against all falsehood.

Paul refused to preach no Evangelist taught. I set forth the things which had been done and

There were no martyrs whose example we should said from the beginning of the world, through
follow no one predicted thy future judgment the working within me of the spirit of thy

no one commanded us to clothe the poor no power, that a knowledge of things past might

one enjoined us to restrain lust no one per- convey to these people instruction about things

suaded us to fight against covetousness we fell to come. I predicted, O Lord Jesus, thy com-

through ignorance, not knowing what we did." ing, that it might not be an unexpected thing to
these people, when they were called to acknowl-
edge him whom I had before announced as
about to come."

Against these, from among the company of

the saints, righteous Noah shall first proclaim, V. CHAPTER
I, Lord, predicted that a deluge was about to
come on account of the sins of men, and after After him, there will stand up David worthy
of his descendant the Lord, and declare "
the deluge I set an example to the good in my I, :

Lord, proclaimed thee by every means ; I set

own person; since I did not perish with the
forth that only thy name was to be
wicked who perished, that they might know both worshiped ;
I said, 'Blessed is the man^ who fears the
what was the salvation of the innocent, and what
I said too, 'The saints shall ^ be
the punishment of sinners." After him, faithful Lord'; '
in glory ; and I said, ' The desire of the
Abraham will say in opposition to them, "I,
1 Abraham
1 Clericus here remarks " these words lived (in round numbers) about 2000 years B.C., and
that clearly teach us that
Severus knew of no other purgation than that by which we are assuming the beginning of the world to have been about 4000 years
B.C., he may thus be said to have lived about
" the
cleansed in this life from sin by a change of character, and which mid-time." The
note of Clericus which refers the words to the evd of the world
chatige if we steadily maintain, then, when life is ended, we are seems quite mistaken.
received into the abode of Christ, without any dread of the fire of 2 The
reference is to Gen. xviii.
purgatory." 3 A faith
2 " conversatione." having no regard to either rewards or punishments.
* Ex. 7 Ex. XX.
' XX. 14. 3, &c.
Having led us into sin that we might be condemned along with « Lev. xix. 18. 1 Ps. cxi. i.
himself. The meaning, however, is obscure. « *
Deut. vi. 13. Ps. cxlix. 5.

wicked^ shall perish,' that these people might no man might hesitate to suffer for himself what
acknowledge thee- and cease to sin. I, when God had endured for man. I showed myself
I had become possessed of royal power, clothed after my resurrection, in order that your faith
in sackcloth, with dust spread beneath me, and might not be overthrown. I admonished the
with the emblems of my greatness laid aside, lay Jews in the person of Peter I preached to the ;

down in my clothes, that an example might be Gentiles in the person of Paul and I do ;

given to these people of gentleness and humility. not regret doing so, for good results followed.
I spared my enemies who desired to slay me, The good have understood my work the faith- ;

that these people might approve of my merciful- ful have perfected itthe righteous have com-

ness, as worthy of being imitated." After him, pleted it ; the merciful have consummated it :

Isaiah, who was worthy of

the Spirit of God, there have been, a large number of martyrs, and
will not be silent ; but will " a large number of saints. Those to whom I
say I, Lord, :

whilst thou wast speaking through my mouth, thus refer were undoubtedly in the same body
gave this warning, —
'Woe to those ^ who join and in the same world as you. Why, then, do
house to house,' that I might set a limit to no good work in you, ye descendants of
I find
covetousness. I bore witness that thine anger Ye have shown no repentance for your
vipers ?
came .upon the wicked, that at any rate fear of
wicked deeds, even at the very end of your
punishment, if not hope of reward, might keepearthly course. And what does it profit that ye
back these people from their evil deeds." honor me with your lips, when you deny me by
your deeds and works? Where are now your
riches, where your honors, where your powers,
CHAPTER VI. and where your pleasures? I pronounce no
new sentence over you you simply incur the :

After these, and several others who have judgment which I formerly predicted,"
discharged for us the duties of instruction, the
Son of God himself will speak thus " I, cer- :

tainly, exalted on a lofty seat, holding heaven CHAPTER VII.

in my hand, and the earth in my fist, extended
within and without, in the inside of all things Then will the Evangelist repeat this to the
" Go ^
which are produced, and on the outside of all wretched beings, '
ye into outer dark-

things that move, inconceivable, infinite in the ness,

where shall be weeping and gnashing of
power of nature, invisible to sight, inaccessible teeth." O ye miserable men, whom these words

to touch, in order that I might exist as the least do not now impress They shall then see their !

of you (for the purpose of subduing the hard- own punishment, and the glory of others. Let
ness of your heart and for softening your faith- them use this present world, provided they do
lessness by sound doctrines), condescended to not enjoy that eternity which is prepared for the
be born in flesh, and, having laid aside the glory saints. Let them abound in riches let them :

of God, I assumed the form of a servant, so that, rest on gold provided that there they be found

sharing with you in bodily infirmity, I might in needy

and destitute. Let them be wealthy in
turn bring you to a participation in my glory, this world, provided they be poor in eternity,
for it is written regarding them, " The rich were
through obedience to the precept of salvation.
I restored health to the sick and infirm, in* want, and suffered hunger." But the Scrip-
to the deaf, sight to the blind, the power of ture has added what follows respecting the good,
speech to the dumb, and the use of their feet

" but those who seek the
Lord shall not want
to the lame ; that I might influence
you, by any good thing."
heavenly signs, all the more easily to believe in Therefore, my sister, although those people
me, and in those things which I had announced, mock at us, and although they call us foolish
I promised you the
kingdom of heaven I also, and unhappy, 1^ us all the more joyfiilly exult

in order thaj; you might have an in such reproaches, by which glory is heaped
example of up
escape from punishment, placed in Paradise the
for us, and punishment for them. And do not
robber who acknowledged me almost at the let us laugh at their folly, but rather grieve over
moment of his death, that ye might follow even their unhappiness ; because there is among
the faith of him who had been thought them a large number of our own people, whom
if we win over, our
of having his sins forgiven him. And that
by glory shall be increased.
my example in your behalf, ye yourselves also But however they may conduct themselves, let
might be able to sufl'er ; I suffered for you, that * Clericus thinks this
and fitted to
expression unscriptural, sup-
port heresy. Hut it may be justified by such a passage as Acts xx.
28, if 0fov be accepted as the correct reading, which is now generally
Ps. cxii. lo. *
Isa. v. 8. agreed upon.
1 The divine omnipresence is here denoted. 1
St. Matt. xxii. ii.
• "
Or, accordine to another punctuation, inconceivable in nature, • Ps. xxxiv. 10: the
above rendering entirely departs from the
infinite in power. Hebrew text.

them be to us as Gentiles and publicans ; but II. CHAPTER

letus keep ourselves safe and sound. If they

rejoice now over

us lamenting, it will be our For it is a great and a divine thing, almost

turn afterwards to rejoice over their suffering. beyond a corporeal nature, to lay aside luxury,
Farewell, dearest sister, and tenderly
beloved in and to extinguish, by strength of mind, the
Christ. flame of concupiscence, kindled by the torch of
youth to put down by spiritual
effort the force

of natural delight to live in opposition to the ;

practice of the human race

to despise the ;

II. comforts of wedlock ; to disdain the sweet en-
joyments derived from children and to regard ;

A LETTER OF SULPITIUS SEVERUS TO HIS SISTER as nothing, in the hope of future blessedness,
CLAUDIA CONCERNING VIRGINITY. everything that is reckoned among the advan-
tages of this present life.
This is, as I have
said, a great and admirable virtue,
and is not
undeservedly destined to a vast reward, in pro-
How great blessedness, among heavenly gifts, portion to the greatness of its labor..
testimonies " I will
belongs to holy virginity, besides the Scripture says, give to the eunuchs, saith
of the Scriptures, we learn also from the prac- the Lord, a place in my house and within my
tice of the Church, by which we are taught that walls, a place counted better than^
sons and
a peculiar merit belongs to those who have de- daughters ; I will give them an eternal name,
voted themselves to it by special consecration. not^ fail." The Lord again speaks
and it shall
For while the whole multitude of those that concerning such enunchs in the Gospel, saying,
believe receive equal gifts of grace, and all re- " For there are eunuchs who have made them-

joice in the same blessings of the sacraments, selves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's
those who are virgins possess something above sake."* Great, indeed, is the struggle con-
the rest, since, out of the holy and unstained nected with chastity, but greater is the reward ;
company of the Church, they are chosen by the the restraint is temporal, but the reward will
Holy Spirit, and are presented by the bishop^ be eternal. For the blessed Apostle "John also
at the altar of God, as if being more holy and speaks concerning these, saying that they fol-
merits of their low the Lamb whithersoever he goeth." ^ This,
pure sacrifices, on account of the
voluntary dedication. This is truly
a sacrifice I
think, is to be understood to the following
worthy of God, inasmuch as it is the offering of effect, that there will be no place in the court of
so precious a being, and none will please him heaven closed against them, but that all the
more than the sacrifice of his own image. For habitations of the divine mansions will be thrown
I think that the Apostle especially referred to a open before them.
sacrifice of this kind, when he said, Now, I
beseech you, brethren, by the mercy of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God." Virginity,

fore, possesses both that which others have, and

But that the merit of virginity may shine
that which others have not ; while it obtains forth more and that there may be a
both common and special grace, and rejoices better understanding as to how worthy it is of
(so to speak) in its own peculiar privilege
God, let this be considered, that the Lord God,
consecration. For ecclesiastical authority per- our Saviour, when, for the salvation of the human
mits us to style virgins also the brides of Christ
race, he condescended to assume mankind, chose

while, after the manner of brides, it veils those no other than a virgin's womb, that he might
whom it consecrates to the LorcJ, openly exhib- show how virtue of this kind especially pleased
iting those as very especially about
to possess
him and that he might point out»the blessed-

spiritual marriage who have fled away from car-

ness of chastity to both sexes, he had a virgin
nal fellowship. And those are worthily united,
mother, while he himself was ever to remain in
after a spiritual manner, to God, in accordance He own
a like condition. thus furnished in his
with the analogy of marriage, who, from love to
person to men, and in the person of his mother
him, have set at nought human alliances. In to women, an example of virginity, by which it
their case, that saying of the apostle finds its
" He who is might be proved, with respect to both sexes,
fullest possible fulfillment, joined that the blessed state of
purity possessed the
to the Lord,^ is one spirit."
1 "
sopire luxuriam," lit. to put to sleep.
1 " summum sacerdotera." 2 "a filiis et filiabus": a mistaken rendering of the Hebrew
* Rom. xii. i. text.
' I 3 * Matt. xix. 12. Rev. xiv. 4.
Cor. vi. 17. Isa. Ivi. 5.

rullness of divinity,^ for whatever dwelt in the Son ments."" Therefore no one has that life, except
was also wholly in the mother. But why should the man who has kept all the precepts of the
I take pains to make known the excellent and law, and he who has not such life cannot be a
surpassing merit of chastity, and to set forth the possessor of the kingdom of heaven, in which it
glorious good of virginity, when I am not igno-
is not the dead, but the living who shall
rant that many have discoursed on this subject, Therefore virginity, which hopes for the glory of
and have proved its blessedness by most con- the kingdom of heaven, will profit nothing by
clusive reasons, and since it c^n never be a mat- itself, unless it also possess that to which eternal
ter of doubt to any reflecting mind, that a thing life is promised, by means of which the reward

has all the more merit, the more difficult it is of of the kingdom of heaven is possessed. Above
all things, therefore, the commandments which
accomplishment? For if any one judges chas-
tity to be of no moment or only of small con-
have been enjoined upon us must be kept by
sequence, it is certain that he is either ignorant those who preserve chastity in its entireness, and
of the matter, or is not willing to incur the who are hoping for its reward from the justice of
trouble it impHes. Hence it comes to pass God, lest otherwise the pains taken to maintain
that those always derogate from the importance a glorious chastity and continence come to
of chastity, who either do not possess it, or who nothing. No one acquainted with the law does
are unwillingly compelled to maintain it. not know that virginity is above ' the command-
ment or precept, as the Apostle says, " Now,
as to virgins, I have no precept of the Lord, but
CHAPTER IV. I give my advice."
When, therefore, he simply
gives advice about maintaining virginity, and
Now, we have set forth, al-
therefore, since
lays down no precept, he acknowledges that it
though few words, both the difficulty and the
is above the commandment. Those, therefore,
merit of purity, great care must be taken lest a
who preserve virginity, do more than the com-
matter which in itself implies great virtue, and mandment B»it it will then profit
is also destined to a vast reward, should fail to
you to have done more than was commanded, if
produce its proper fruits. For the more pre- you also do that which is commanded. For
cious every sort of thing is, the more it is
how can you boast that you have done more, if,
guarded with anxious solicitude. And since in
respect to some point, you do less ? Desiring
there are many things which fail to secure their
to fulfill the Divine counsel, see that, above all
proper excellence, unless they are assisted by
things, you keep the commandment wishing to :

the aid of other things, as is, for instance, the

attain to the reward of virginity, see that you
case with honey, which, unless it is preserved by
the protection of wax, and by the cells of the
keep fast hold of what is necessary to merit life,
that your chastity may be such as can receive
honeycombs, and is indeed, to state the matter
a recompense. For as the observance of the
more truly, sustained by these, loses its delicious- commandments ensures
life, so, on the other
ness and cannot exist apart by itself; and
hand, does the violation give rise to death.
again as it is with wine, which, unless it be kept And he who
through disobedience has been
in vessels of a pleasant odor, and with the pitch
doomed to death cannot hope for the crown
frequently renewed, loses the power of its
pertaining to virginity nor, when really handed ;
natural sweetness ; so, great care must be taken
over to punishment, can he expect the reward
lest perchance some things may be necessary
ilso to virginity, without which it can by no
promised to chastity.
means produce its proper fruits, and thus a
natter of so great difficulty may be of no ad van- CHAPTER V.
age (while all the time it is believed to be of
idvantage)', because it is possessed without the Now, there are three kinds of virtue, by
jther necessary adjuncts. For unless I am means of which the possession of the kingdom
Mistaken, chastity is preserved in its entirety, for of heaven is secured. The first is chastity, the
he sake of the reward to be obtained in the second, contempt of the world, and the third,
angdom of heaven, which it is perfectly certain righteousness, which, as when joined together,
loone can obtain who does ^ not deserve eternal they very greatly benefit their possessors, so,
ife. But that eternal life cannot be merited when separated, they can hardly be of any
ixcept by the keeping of all the divine com- advantage, since every one of them is required,
nandments, the Scripture testifies, saying, If not for its own sake only, but for the sake of
hou wilt enter into life, keep the command- another. First of all, then, chastity is demanded.
* The text is here most uncertain; that adopted by Halm seems * Matt. xix.
* " " Clericus remarks on "Non
" supra mandatum :
this, supra,
neminem consequi posse scdprtrter, nam ea dc re nihil prscepit Christus."
quod sine tetenue vitae merito satis
!« :rtum tsu" * I Cor. vii.

that contempt of the world may more from evil, and do not do good, you are a trans-
follow, because the world can be more gressor of the law, which is fulfilled, not simply
despised by those who are not held by abhorring all evil deeds, but also by the
fast in the
bonds of matrimony. Contempt of the world, performance of good works. For, indeed, you
again, is required, in order that righteousness have not merely received this commandment,
may be maintained, which those can with diffi- that you should not deprive one who is clothed
culty fully preserve who are involved in desires of his garments, but that you should cover with
after worldly advantages, and in the pursuit of your own the man who has been deprived of
mundane pleasures. Whosoever, therefore, pos- his ; nor that you should not take away bread
sesses the first kind of virtue, chastity, but does of his own from one who has it, but that you
not, at the same time, have the second, which should willingly impart of your bread to him
is contempt of the world, possesses the first who has none ; nor that you should not simply
almost to no purpose, since he does not have not drive away a poor man from a shelter of his
the second, for the sake of which the first was own, but that you should receive him when he
required. And if any one possesses the first has been driven out, and has no shelter, into
and second, but is destitute of the third which your own. For the precept which has been
" to ^
is righteousness, he labors in vain, since the given us is weep with them that weep,"
former two are principally required for the sake But how can we weep with them, if we share in
of the third. For what profits it to possess none of their necessities, and afford no help to
chastity in order to contempt of the world, and them in those matters on account of which they
yet not to have that on account of which you lament? For God does not call for the fruit-
have the other? Or why should you despise less moisture of our tears; but, because tears
the things of the world, if you do not observe are an indication of grief, he wishes you to feel
righteousness, for the sake of which it is fitting the distresses of another as if they were your
that you should possess chastity, as well as con- own. And just as you would wish aid to be
tempt for the world? For as the first kind of given you if you were in such tribulation, so
virtue is on account of the second, and the sec- should you help another in accordance with the
ond on account of the third, so the first and the statement, "Whatsoever ye would that men
second are on account of the third ; and if it should do unto you, do ye even so ^ to them."
does not exist, neither the first nor the second For to weep with one that weeps, and at the
will prove of any advantage. same time to refuse to help, when you can, him
that weeps, is a proof of mockery, and not of
CHAPTER VI. piety. In short, our Saviour wept with Mary
and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, and proved
But you perhaps say here, "Teach me, the feeling of infinite compassion within him by
then, what righteousness is, so that knowing it, the witness of his tears. But works, as the
I may be able more easily to fully practice it."
proofs of true affection soon followed, when
Well, I shall briefly explain it to you, as I am Lazarus, for whose sake the tears were shed, was
able, and shall use the simplicity of common raised up and restored to his sisters. This was
words, seeing that the subject of which we treat sincerely to weep with those who wept, when the
issuch as ought by no means to be obscured by occasion of the weeping was removed. But he
attempts at eloquent description, but should be did it, you will say, as having the power. Well,
opened up by the simplest forms of expression. nothing is demanded of you which it is impos-
For a matter which is necessary to all in common sible for you to perform he has fulfilled his

ought to be set forth in a common sort of speech. entire duty who has done what he could.
Righteousness, then, is nothing else than not to
commit sin ; and not to commit sin is just to
keep the precepts of the law. Now, the ob- CHAPTER VII.
servance of these precepts is maintained in a
two-fold way —
thus, that one do none of those But (as we had begun to remark) it is not
things which are forbidden, and that he strive to sufficient for a Christian to keep himself from
fulfill the things which are commanded. This is wickedness, unless he also has fulfilled the duties
the meaning of the following statement " De-
implied in
as is good works, very distinctly
part from evil, and do ^ good." For I do not proved by that statement in which the Lord
wish you to think that righteousness consists threatened that those will be doomed to eternal
simply in not doing evil, since not to do good is fire, who, although they have done no evil, have
also evil, and a transgression of the law takes not done all that is
" good, declaring "Then
place in both, since he who said, Depart from will the king say to those who are on his right
" " and
evil said also, do good." If you depart hand depart from me,
ye cursed, into eternal

I Ps. xxxiv. 14. * Rom. xii. 15. ^ Matt. vii. 12.


fire, Father has prepared for the devil

which my then, if he spared Adam, he will also spare you.
and for I was hungry, and ye gave
his angels
; Yea, he might have been spared with better
me not to eat ; I was thirsty, and ye gave me reason than you, inasmuch as he was still igno-
no ^ drink," with what follows. He did not say, rant and inexperienced, and was restrained by
"Depart from me, ye cursed, because ye have the example of no one who had previously
committed murder, or adultery, or theft ; for sinned, and who had died on account of his sin.
it isnot because they had done evil, but because But such examples as you possess, after

they had not done good, that they are con- the law, after the prophets, after the gospels, and
demned, and doomed to the punishments of after the apostles, if you still set your mind on
the eternal Gehenna; nor because they had transgressing, I see not in what way pardon can
committed things which were forbidden, but be extended to you.
because they had not been willing to do those
things which had been commanded. And from' CHAPTER VHL
this it is to be observed what hope those can
have, who, in addition, do some of those things Do
flatter yourself on account of the at-
which are forbidden, when even such are doomed tribute of virginity? Remember Adam and
to eternal fire as have simply not done the things Eve fell when they were virgins, and that the
which are commanded. For I do not wish you perfect purity of their bodies did not profit them
to flatter yourself in this way, —
if you have not when they sinned. The virgin who sins is to be
done certain things, because you have done cer- compared to Eve, and not to Mary. We do not
Whoso- " the rem-
tain other things, since it is written, deny that, in the present life, there is
ever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in edy of repentance, but we remind you rather to
one has become guilty of all."*
point, For hope for reward, than to look for pardon. For
Adam sinned once, and died and do you think it is disgraceful that those should ask for indul-

that you can live, when you are often doing that gence who are expecting the crown of virginity,
which killed another person, when he had only and that those should commit anything unlawful
done it once? Or do you imagine that he com- who have even cut themselves off" from things
mitted a great crime, and was therefore justly lawful ; for it must be remembered that it is law-
condemned to a severer punishment? Let us ful to contract an alliance by marriage. And
consider, then, what it was he really did. He as those are to be praised who, from love to
ate of the fruit of tlie tree, contrary to the com- Christ, and for the glory of the kingdom o<'
mandment. What then? Did God punish man heaven, have despised the tie of wedlock, so
with death for the sake of the fruit of a tree ? those are to be condemned who, through the
No not on account of the fruit of the tree, but pleasure of incontinence, after they have vowed

on account of the contempt of the command- themselves to God, have recourse to the Apostolic
ment. The question, therefore, is not about the remedy. Therefore, as we have said, those who
nature of the offense, but about the trans- decline marriage despise not things unlawful,
gression of the commandment. And the same but things lawful. And if that class of people
being who told Adam not to eat of the fruit of swear, if they speak evil of others, if they are
the tree, has commanded you not to speak evil, detractors, or if they patiently listen to detract-
not to lie, not to detract, not to listen to a de- ors, if they return evil for evil, if they incur the
tractor, to swear not at all, not to covet, not to charge of covetousness with respect to other
envy, not to be drunken, not to be greedy, not people's property, or of avarice in regard to
to render evil for evil to any one, to love your their own, if they cherish the poison of revenge
enemies, to bless them that curse you, to pray or envy, if they either say or think anything
for them that malign and persecute you, to turn unbefitting against the institutions of the law or
the other cheek to one smiting you, and not to the Apostles, if with a desire of pleasing in the
go to law before a worldly tribunal, so that, if flesh, they exhibit themselves dressed up and
any one seeks to take away your goods, you adorned, if they do any other unlawful things,
should joyfully lose them, to flee from the charge as is only too common, what will it profit them
of avarice, to beware of the sin of all pride and to have spurned what is lawful, while they prac-
boastfulness, and live, humble and meek, after tice what is not lawful? If you wish it to be of
the example of Christ, avoiding fellowship with advantage to you, that you have despised things
the wicked so completely that you will not even lawful, take care that you do not any of those
eat with fornicators, or covetous persons, or things which are not lawful. For, it is foolish
those that speak evil of others, or the envious, to have dreaded that which is in its nature less,
or detractors, or the drunken, or the rapacious. and not to dread that which is intrinsically more
Mow, if you despise him in any such matter, [or not to avoid those things which are inter-

The genuineness of this clause is very doubtful, and the text
' Matt. XXV. 41. * 10 at best, exceedingly corrupt.
James ii. is,
dieted, while such things as are permitted meet CHAPTER IX.
with contempt]. For the Apostle says, "She
" how
that is unmarried careth for the things of the There clause
Lord, how she may please God, that she may please God,"
— God,the
I say, not men, — she
that she
be holy both in body and spirit ; but she who is may be holy both in body and spirit." He does
married careth for the things of this world, how not say that she may be holy only in a member
she may please^ her husband." He thus affirms or in the body, but that she may be holy in
that the married woman pleases her husband by body and spirit. For a member is only one
thinking of worldly things, while the unmarried part of the body, but the body is a union of all
woman pleases God, inasmuch as she has no the members. When, therefore, he says that
anxiety about the things of the world. Let him she may be holy in the body, he testifies that
tell me, then, whom she desires to please, who she ought to be sanctified in all her members,
has no husband, and yet cares for the things of because the sanctification of the other members
the world? Shall not the married woman, in will not avail, if corruption be found remaining
such a case, be preferred to her? Yes, since in one. Also, she will not be holy in body
she by caring for the things of the world pleases (which consists of all the members), who is de-
at least her husband, but the other neither filed by the pollution of even one of them.

pleases her husband, since she does not have But in order that what I say may be made more
one, nor can she please God.^ But it is not obvious and clear, suppose the case of a woman
fitting that we should pass over in silence that who is purified by the sanctification of all her
which he said " The unmarried woman careth
: other members, and sins only with her tongue,
for the things of the Lord, how she may please inasmuch as she either speaks evil ^ of people or
God, that she may be holy both in body and bears false testimony, will all her other members
spirit [she careth, he says, for the things of the secure the acquittal of one, or will all the rest
Lord ; she does not care for the things of the be judged on account of the one? If, there-
world, or of men, but for the things of God]. fore, the sanctification of the other members
What, then, are the things of the Lord? Let will not avail, even when one only is at fault,
the Apostle tell "Whatsoever* things are holy,
: how much more, if all are corrupted by the
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are guilt of various sins, will the perfection of one
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if be of no avail ?
there be any virtue, and if there be any praise of
doctrine these are the things of the Lord,

which holy and truly apostolic virgins meditate


upon, and think of, day and night, without any Wherefore, beseech you, O virgin, do not
interval of time. Of the Lord is the resurrec- flatter yourself on
the ground of your purity
tion of the dead, of the Lord is immortality, of alone, and do not trust in the perfection of one
the Lord is incorruption, of the Lord is that member; but according to the Apostle, main-
splendor of the sun which is promised to the tain the sanctity of your body throughout.
saints, as it is written in the Gospel, "Then Cleanse thy head from all defilement, because
shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the it is a disgrace that it, after the
sanctifying oil
kingdom of their Father" :^ of the Lord are the has been applied to it, should be polluted with
many mansions of the righteous in the heavens, the juice or powder of either crocus, or any
of the Lord is the fruit which is produced, other pigment, or should be adorned with gold
whether thirty fold, or sixty fold, or an hundred or gems or any other earthly ornament, because
fold. Those virgins who think on these things, it already shines with the radiance of
and by what works they may be able to merit adornment. It is undoubtedly a grave insult to
them, think of the things of the Lord. Of the Divine grace to prefer to it any mundane and
Lord, too, is the law of the new and old tes- worldly ornament. And next, cleanse thy fore-
tament, in which shine forth the holy utterances head, that it may blush at human, and not at
of his lips ; and if any virgins meditate without Divine works, and may display that shame which
intermission on these things, they think of the gives rise not to sin, but to the favor of God,
things of the Lord. In that case, there is ful- as the sacred Scripture declares, "There is a
filled in them the saying of the prophet " The : shame that causes sin, and there is a shame that
^ ^
eternal foundations are upon a solid rock, and brings with it the favor of God." Cleanse,
the commands of God are in the heart of the ^
too, thy neck, that it may not carry thy locks
holy woman." in a golden net and necklaces hung round it,
2 I Cor. vii. 34.
3The text is here very uncertain; we have followed that of ' "
Halm, but with hesitation. 1 Eccl. iv. 21.
Halm's "
< Phil. iv. 8, with the addition of en-io-T^inj)?. 2 Thetext is here most uncertain; ut non aurea reti-
cula capillus portet is " that thy hair
6 Matt. "
xiii. 43. EccI. xxvi. 24. may not carry golden nets."

but may rather bear about it "those ornaments you by God the Maker, not for vices, but for
of which the Scripture says, Let not ^ mercy virtues and, when you have cleansed the whole

and faith depart from thee," and hang them of your limbs from every stain of sin, and they
upon thy heart as upon thy neck. Cleanse* thine have become sanctified throughout your whole
eyes, whilst thou dost withdraw them from all body, then understand that this purity will profit

concupiscence, and dost never turn them away you, and look forward with all confidence to the
from the sight of the poor, and dost keep them prize of virginity.
from dyes, in that purity in which they were
made by God. Cleanse thy tongue from false-
hood, because
" a mouth * which tells lies de- CHAPTER XL
stroys the soul cleanse it from detraction, from

I BEUEVE that I have now set

swearing, and from perjury. I beg you not to forth, briefly
think it is an inverted order that I have said the indeed, but, at the same time, fully, what is im-
plied in a woman's purity of body it remains
tongue should be cleansed from swearing be-

that we should learn what it is to be pure also

fore perjury, for one will then the more easily
in spirit ; i.e. that what it is unlawful for one to
escape perjury, if he swears not at all, so that
there may be fulfilled in him that statement,
do in act, it is also unlawful for one even to
" *
Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from imagine in thought. For she is holy, alike in
speaking guile." And be mindful of the Apostle body and in spirit, who sins neither in mind nor
who says, " Bless, and ^ curse not." But often heart, knowing that God is one who examines
call to mind the following words,
" See that also the heart ; and, therefore, she takes every

no one render evil for evil to any man, or curs- pains to possess a mind as well as a body free
from sin. Such a person is aware that it is
ing for cursing, but on the contrary, do ye bless " ' "
written, heart with all diligence ;
Keep thy
them, because to this ye have been called, that " *
' " and again, God loveth holy hearts, and all
ye should possess a blessing by inheritance ; "
and this other passage, " If any ' one offend the undefiled are acceptable to him ;
and else-
" Blessed ' are
not in tongue, he is a perfect man." For it is where, those of a pure heart ; for
shameful that those lips, by which you confess they shall see God." I think that this last
statement is made regarding those whom con-
God, pray to him, bless him, and praise him,
should be defiled by the pollution of any sin. science accuses of the guilt of no sin ; concern-
I know not with what conscience any one can ing whom I think that John also spoke in his
" If our
Epistle when he said, heart * condemn
pray to God with that tongue with which he
either speaks falsehood, or calumniates, or de-
us not, then have we confidence towards God,
tracts. God listens to and speedily and whatsoever we ask we shall receive from
holy lips,
answers those which an him." I do not wish you to think that you have
tongue pours Cleanse also thine ears, so
forth. escaped the accusation of sin, although act does
that they may not listen except to holy and true not follow desire, since it is written, " Whoso-
ever' looketh on a woman to lust after her,
discourse, that they never admit into them ob-
hath already committed adultery with her in his
scene, or infamous, or worldly words, or tolerate
heart." And do not say, " I had the thought,
any one detracting from another, on account of "
that which is " "
thine ears indeed, but I did not carry it out in act for
written, Hedge up ;

it is unlawful even to desire that which it is

with thorns, and do not listen to a wicked
unlawful to do. Wherefore also blessed Petei*
tongue, that you may have your part with him, " "
of whom it is said, that he was'" righteous in issues a precept to this effect purify your :

souls and if he had not been aware of such
hearing and seeing i.e. he sinned neither with

his eyes nor his ears.

a thing as defilement of the soul, he would not
Cleanse, too, thy hands,
" that " be not stretched out to have expressed a desire that it should be puri-
they receive, but
shut against giving," and that they be not prompt fied. But we should also very carefully con-
" These ^ are
to strike, but ever ready for all the works of
sider that passage which says,
who did not defile themselves with women,
mercy and piety. In fine, cleanse thy feet, that they
for they remained virgins, and they follow the
they follow not the broad and ample way which "
eads to grand and costly worldly banquets, but Lamb whithersoever he goeth ; and should re-
hat they tread rather the difficult and narrow flect whether, if these are joined to the Divine

)ath, which guides to heaven, for it is written,

retinue, and traverse all the regions of the
'Make a" straight path for your feet." Ac- heavens, through the merit of chastity and
there may be also other means by
:nowledge that your members were formed for purity alone,
which virginity being assisted may attain to the
^ ProT. '
iti. 3. James iti. 2.
* Wisd. II. * Eccl. xxviii. ' *
34. Prov. iv. 23. Matt. V. 28.
Ps. xxxiv. 13. " 2 Pet. ii. 8. '
Prov. xvii. 3; * I Pet. i. 22.
* Rom. xii. 14. " Eccleg. iv. 31. ' Matt. v. 8. * Rev. xiv. 4.
' Thess. V. 15; ** Prov. iv. *
I I Pet. iii.
9. 26. I John iti. 2i«
glory of so great blessedness. his chief pleasure and delight.
But whence finds And when
shall we be able to know this? From she has learned these things, she so conducts
the fol-

lowing passages (if I mistake not) in which it is herself, in all respects, that her service, her
written, "These were^ purchased from among cheerfulness, her diligence,
and her whole mode
men as the first fruits to God and the Lamb, of Hfe, may be in harmony with the char-
and in their mouth there was found no false- acter of her betrothed. And do thou, who
hood, for they are without spot before the throne hast Christ as thy bridegroom, enquire from
of God." You see, then, that they are spoken the domestics and intimates of that bridegroom
of as closely following in the footsteps of the of thine what is his character ; yes, do thou
Lord, not in virtue of one member only, but zealously and skillfully enquire in what things he
those are said to do so, who, besides virginity, specially delights, what sort of arrangement he
had passed a life freed from all the pollution of loves in thy dress, and what kind of adornment
sin. Wherefore, let the virgin especially despise he desires. Let his most intimate associate
marriage on this account, that, while she is safer Peter tell thee, who does not allow personal
than others, she may the more easily accomplish adorning even to married women, as he has
what is also required from those who are mar- written in his epistle, " Let wives,^ in like
ried ; viz. keep herself from all sin, and obey manner, be subject to their own husbands, so
all the commandments of the law. For if she that, if any believe not the word, they may,
does not marry, and nevertheless indulges in without the word, be won over by the conduct
those things from which even married women of their wives, contemplating their chaste be-
are enjoined to keep themselves free, what will havior in the fear of God and let theirs not be ;

it profit her not to have married ? For although an outward adornment of the hair, or the put-
it is not allowed to any Christian to commit sin, ting on of gold, or elegance in the apparel which
and it befits all without exception who are puri- is adopted, but let there be the hidden man of
fied through the sanctification of the spiritual the heart in the stainlessness of a peaceful
bath, to lead an unstained life, that they may be and modest spirit, wliich is in the sight of God
thoroughly identified' with the Church, which of great price." Let another apostle also tell
is described as being
" without ^^
spot, or wrinkle, thee, the blessed Paul, who, writing to Timothy,
or any such thing," much more is it requisite gives his approval to the same things in regard
that a virgin should reach this standard, whom to the conduct of beheving women " Let :

neither the existence of a husband, nor of sons, wives in like manner adorn themselves with the

nor of any other necessity, prevents from fully ornament of a habit of modesty and sobriety,
carrying out the demands of holy Scripture ; nor not with curled hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly
shall she be able, if she fail, to defend herself array, but as becomes women that profess
by any sort of excuse. chastity, with good and upright behavior."


O VIRGIN, maintain thy purpose which is des- But perhaps you say, did not the "Why
tined for a great reward. Eminent with the Apostles enjoin these things on virgins?" Be-
Lord is the virtue of virginity and purity, if it cause they did not think that necessary, lest such
be not disfigured by other kinds of lapses into an exhortation, if given to them, might rather
sins and wickedness. ReaUze your state, realize seem an insult than a means of edification. Nor,
your position, realize your purpose. You are in fact, would they have believed that virgins
called the bride of Christ ; see that you commit could ever proceed to such an extreme of har-
no act which is unworthy of him to whom you dihood, as to claim for themselves carnal and
profess to be betrothed. He will quickly write worldly ornaments, not permitted even to mar-
a bill of divorcement, if he perceive in you even ried women. Undoubtedly, the virgin ought to
one act of unfaithfulness. Accordingly, whoso- adorn and array herself; for how can she be
ever receives those gifts which, as an earnest, able to please her betrothed, if she does not
are bestowed in the case "of human betrothals, come forth in a neat and ornamental form?
immediately begins earnestly and diligently to Let her be adorned by all means, but let her
enquire of domestics, intimates, and friends, ornaments be of an internal and spiritual kind,
what is the character of the young man, what and not of a carnal nature ; for God desires in
he especially loves, what' he receives, in what her a beauty not of the body, but of the soul.
style he lives, what habits he practices, what lux- Do thou, therefore, who desirest that thy soul
uries he indulges in, and in what pursuits he
1 I Pet. iii. I fif.

- "
* Rev. xiv. 4 ff. Eph. V. 27. I Tim. ii. 9, 10; chastity is here unwarrantably read in place
• " visceribus intimari." oi godliness.

should be loved and dwelt in by God, array it seen in you, and your divine nobleness shine
with all diligence, and adorn it with spiritual clearly forth. Let there be in you a new dignity,
garments. Let nothing unbecoming, nothing an admirable virtue, a notable modesty, a mar-
repulsive, be seen in it. Let it shine with the velous patience, a gait becoming a virgin with a
gold of righteousness, and gleam with the gems bearing of true shamefacedness, speech always
of holiness, and glitter with the most precious modest, and such as is uttered only at the
pearl of purity ; instead of fine linen and silk, let proper time, so that whosoever beholds you may
it be arrayed in the robe of mercifulness and admiringly exclaim
" What is this exhibition of:

" Put
ye on, new dignity among men? What is this striking
piety, according to what is written,
therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, modesty, what this well-balanced excellence,
bowels of mercy, kindness, humility," and so what this ripeness of wisdom? This is not the
forth. And let the virgin not ask for the beauty outcome of human training or of mere human
due to ceruse,- or any other pigment, but let her discipline. Something heavenly sheds its fra-
have the brightness of innocence and simplicity, grance on me in that earthly body. I really
the rosy hue of modesty, and the purple glow of believe that God does reside in some human
honorable shamefacedness. Let her be washed beings." And when he comes to know that you
with the nitre of heavenly doctrine, and purified are a handmaid of Christ, he will be seized with
by all spiritual lavements.' Let no stain of the greater amazement, and will reflect how
malice or sin be left in her. And lest, at any marvelous must be the Master, when his hand-
time, she should give forth the evil odor of sin, maid manifests such excellence.
let her be imbued, through and through, with
the most pleasant ointment of wisdom and
knowledge. CHAPTER XV.

If you wish, tlien, to be with Christ, you must

CHAPTER XIV. live according to the example of Christ, who was
so far removed from all evil and wickedness,
God seeks for adornment of this kind, and that he did not render a recompense even to
desires a soul arrayed in such a manner. Re-
his enemies, but rather even prayed for them.
member that you are called the daughter of For I do not wish you to reckon those souls
God, according to what he says, Hearken,' O
Christian, who (I do not say) hate either their
daughter, and consider." But you yourself also,
brothers or sisters, but who do not, before God
as often as you call God your Father, bear wit-
as a witness, love their neighbors with their
ness that you are the daughter of God. Where-
whole heart and conscience, since it is a bounden
fore, if you are the daughter of God, take care
that you do none of those things which are un- duty for Christians, after the example of Christ
himself, even to love their enemies. If you
worthy of God, your Father but do all things
desire to possess fellowship with the saints,
as being the daughter of God. Reflect how the
cleanse your heart from the thought of malice
daughters of nobles in this world conduct them- and sin. Let no one circumvent let no
you ;
selves, to what habits they are accustomed and
one delude you by beguiling speech. The court
by what exercises they train themselves. In
of heaven will admit none except the holy, and
some of them, there is so great modesty, so great
excel righteous, and simple, and innocent, and pure.
dignity, so great self-restraint, that they F>il has no place in the presence of God. It is
the habits of other human beings in regard to
that he who desires to reign with
human nobleness, and, lest they should attach necessary
Christ should be free from all wickedness and
any mark of disgrace on their honorable parents
guile. Nothing is so oflensive, and nothing so
by their failure, they strive to acquire another* detestable to
nature for themselves by the mode of their God, as to hate any one, to wish
to harm any one ; while nothing is so acceptable
acting in the world. And do you, therefore, The prophet know-
to him as to love all men.
have regard to your origin, consider your de-
ing this bears witness to it when he teaches,
scent, attend to the glory of your nobility. " Ye who ' love the
Lord, hate evil."
Acknowledge that you are not merely the
daughter of man, but of God, and adorned with
the nobility of a divine birth. So present your- CHAPTER XVI.
self to the world that your heavenly birth be

' Col. 13.

Take heed that ye love not human glory in
lead, used by women to whiten their any respect, lest your portion also be reckoned
* "cerussse": white

among those to whom it was said, How' can
* " lomentis ": a mixture of bcan-mc.-tl and
rice, used as a
lotion to preserve the smoothness of the skin.
ye believe, who seek glory, one from another?"
Ps. xlv. 10.
Only a guess can here be made at the meaning; the text is in
utter confusion. '
Ps. xcvii. 10. * V. 44.
and of whom it is said through the prophet, and strife. For if, according to the doctrine of
" Increase ^ evils to them increase evils to the the Apostle " the servant ^ of the Lord must not
" " Ye are
boastful of the earth ; and elsewhere, strive," how much more does this become the
confounded from your boasting, from your re- handmaid of the Lord, whose mind ought to be

proaching in the sight of the Lord." For I

do more gentle, as her sex is more bashful and
not wish you to have regard to those, who are retiring. Restrain thy tongue from evil speak-
virgins of the world, and not of Christ ;
who un- ing, and put the bridle of the law upon thy
mindful of their purpose and profession, rejoice mouth ; so that you shall speak, if you speak at
in delicacies, are delighted with riches, and boast all, only when it would be a sin to be silent.
of their descent from a merely carnal nobility ; Beware lest you utter anything which might be
who, if they assuredly believed themselves to be justly found fault with. A
word once spokerr is
the daughters of God, would never, after their like a stone which has been thrown wherefore :

divine ancestry, admire mere human nobility, it should be long thought over before it is
nor glory in any honored earthly father if they uttered. Blessed, assuredly, are the lips, which

felt that they had God as their Father, they never utter what they would wish to recall.
would not love any nobiUty connected with the The talk of a chaste mind ought itself also to be
flesh. Why, thou foolish woman, dost thou chaste, such as may always rather edify than
flatter thyself about the nobleness of thy descent, injure the hearers, according to that command-
" Let no ^
and take delight in it ? God, at the beginning, ment of the Apostle when he says,
created two human beings, from whom the whole communications proceed out of your
multitude of the human race has descended ; mouth, but that which is good for the edification
and thus it is not the equity of nature, but the of faith, that it may convey grace to them that
ambition of evil desire, which has given rise to hear." Precious to God is that tongue which
worldly nobility. Unquestionably, we are all knows not to form words except about divine

rendered equal by the grace of the divine * bath, things, and holy is that mouth from which
and there can be no difference among those, heavenly utterances continually flow forth. Put
whom the second birth has generated, by means down by the authority of Scripture calumniators
of which alike the rich man and the poor man, of those who are absent, as being evil-minded
the free man and the slave, the nobly born and persons, because the prophet mentions this also
the lowly born, is rendered a son of God. Thus as among the virtues of a perfect man, if, in the
mere earthly rank is overshadowed by the bril- presence of the righteous an evil-minded man,
liance of heavenly glory, and henceforth is taken who brings forward things against his neighbor
no account of, while those who formerly had which cannot be proved, is brought down to
been unequal in worldly honors are now equally nothing. For it is not lawful for you patiently
arrayed in the glory of a heavenly and divine to listen to evil-speaking against another, inas-
nobility. There is now among such no place much as you would not wish that to be done by
for lowness of birth ; nor is any one inferior to others when directed against yourself. Certainly,
another whom the majesty of the divine birth everything is unrighteous which goes against the
adorns ; except in the estimation of those who Gospel of Christ, and that is the case, if you
do not think that the things of heaven are to be quietly permit anything to be done to another,
preferred to those of earth. There can be no which you would feel painful, if done by any
worldly boasting among them, if they reflect how one to yourself. Accustom your tongue always
vain a thing it is that they should, in smaller mat- to speak about those who are good, and lend
ters, prefer themselves to those whom they know your ears rather to listen to the praises of good
to be equal to themselves in greater matters, and men than to the condemnation of such as are
should regard, as placed below themselves on wicked. Take heed that all the good actions
earth, those whom they believe to be equal to you perform are done for the sake of God,
themselves in what relates to heaven. But do knowing that for every such deed you will only
thou, who art a virgin of Christ, and not of the receive a reward, so far as you have done it out
world, flee from all the glory of this present life, of regard to his fear and love. Study rather to
that thou mayest attain to the glory which is be holy than to appear so, because it is of no
promised in the world to come. avail to be reckoned what you are not ; and the
guilt of a twofold sin is contracted when you do
not have what you are credited with having, and
CHAPTER XVII. when you pretend to possess what you do not
Avoid words of contention and causes of ani- possess.
mosity : flee also from all occasions of discord
^ 2 *
Tim. ii. 24. Eph. iv. 29.
* Isa. xxvi. 15, after the LXX.
Jer. xii. 13, after the LXX.
* " divmi lavacri "
referring to baptis.11.

CHAPTER XVIII. for Jesus, who has left us an example how to

live, increased not only in years as respected
Delight his body, but in wisdom and spiritual grace be-
thyself rather in fastings than in
mindful of that widow who did not fore God and men. Reckon all the time in
depart from the temple, but served God with which you do not perceive yourself growing
fastings and prayers day and night. Now, if better as positively lost. Maintain to the last
she who was
a widow, and a Jewish widow, that purpose of virginity which you have formed ;
for it is the part of virtue not merely to
proved herself such, what is it fitting that a vir- begin,
gin of Christ should now attain to? Love more but to finish, as the Lord says in the Gospel,
" Whosoever ^
than any other thing the feast of the divine shall endure to the end, the same

word, and desire that you be filled with spiritual shall be saved." Beware, therefore, lest you
dainties, while you seek for such food as re- furnish to any one an occasion even of evil
freshes the soul, rather than for that which only desire, because thy God, betrothed to thee, is
pleases the body. Flee from all kinds of flesh jealous ; for an adulteress against Christ is more
and wine, as being the sources of heat and guilty than one against her husband. Be thou,
provocatives to lust. And only then, if need be, therefore, a model of life to all ; be an example ;
use a little wine, when the stomach's uneasiness, and excel in actual conduct those whom you
or great infirmity of body, requires you to do precede in your consecration^ to chastity.
{ so. Subdue anger, restrain enmity, and what- Show thyself in all respects a virgin ; and let
ever there may be which gives rise to remorse no stain of corruption be brought as a charge
when done, avoid as an abomination giving
it is against thy person. And let one whose body is
rise^ to immediate sin. It is fitting that that perfect in its purity be also irreproachable in
mind should be very tranquil and quiet, as well conduct. Now, as we said in the beginning of
as free from all the tumults of anger, which this letter, that you have become a sacrifice
desires to be the dwelling-place of God, as he taining to God, such a sacrifice as undoubtedly
imparts its own sanctity also to others, that, as
testifiesthrough the prophet, saying, Upon
what other man shall I rest than upon him who every one worthily receives from it, he himself
also may be a partaker of sanctification, so
is humble and
quiet, and who trembleth at my
words?" Believe that God is a witness of all then, let the other virgins also be sanctified
thy deeds and thoughts, and take good heed lest through you, as by means of a divine offering.
you either do or think anything which is un- Show yourself to them so holy in all things,
worthy of the divine eyesight. When you de- that, whosoever comes in contact with thy life,
sire to engage in prayer, show yourself in such whether by hearing or seeing, may experience
a frame of mind as becomes one who is to speak the power of sanctification, and may feel that
with the Lord. such an amount of grace passes to him from
your manner of acting, that, while he desires to
imitate thee, he himself becomes worthy of being
a sacrifice devoted to God.

When you repeat^ a psalm, consider whose

words you are repeating and delight yourself
more with
true contrition of soul, than with the
pleasantness of a trilling voice. For God sets a A LETTER OF SEVERUS TO HOLY PAUL THE
higher value on the tears of one thus praising BISHOP.
him, than on the beauty of his voice ; as the
" ^
prophet says, Serve the Lord with fear, and After I learned that all thy cooks had given*
rejoice with trembling." Now, where there are up thy kitchen (I believe because they felt in-
fear and trembling, there is no lifting up of the dignant at
having to fulfill the duty towards cheap
voice, but humility of mind with lamentation dishes of pulse-), I sent a little boy to you out
and tears. Display diligence in all thy doings ; of our own workshop. He is quite skillful enough
for it is written, " Cursed * is the man who to cook
pale beans and to pickle homely beet-
carelessly performs the work of the Lord." root, with vinegar and sauce, as well as to pre-
Let grace grow in you with years ; let righteous- pare cheap porridge for the jaws of the
ness increase with age ; and let your faith ap- monks. He knows nothing, however, of pepper
pear the more perfect the older you become ; or of laser," but he is quite at home with cumin.
• " "
proximi criminis abominationem declina the text :
" Matt. x. aa.
and construction are both very uncertain, so that we can only make The text and meaning are here somewhat uncertain.
a guess at the meaning. 1 " renuntiasse."
Isa. Ixvi. a. ' "
pulmentariis": this word generally means some sort o{
' " dicis " the reference
; seems to be to singing or chanting. relish, but here it seems to denote a kind of pottage.
' " » * 2
psallentis." Ps. ii. 11. Jer. xlviii. 10. Laser was the juice of a plant called laserpitium.
and is mor-
especially clever in plying the noisy
No less is Xenocrates, by far the most learned
tar with sweetly smelling plants. has one of the philosophers, held in estimation, who suc-
fault, that he is no kindly foe to admit to any ceeded by severe exhortations in having luxury
for if let in, he will mow down with a conquered. For when a certain Polemo, heavy
garden ;

sword all things within his reach, and he will with wine, staggered openly out of a nocturnal
never be satisfied with the slaughter simply of revel at the time when his hearers were flocking
mallows. However, in furnishing himself with to the school of Xenocrates, he, too, entered the
fuel he will not swindle you. He will burn what- place, and impudently took his seat among the
ever comes in his way ; he will cut down and crowd of disciples, in that dress in which he had
not hesitate to lay hands upon buildings, and to come forth from the banquet. A chaplet of
carry off old beams from the household. We flowers covered his head, and yet he did not
feel ashamed that he would seem unlike all the
present him, then, to you, with this character
and these virtues ; and we wish you to regard others, because, in truth, indulgence in a long
him not as a servant, but as a son, because you drinking-bout had upset his brains, which are
are not ashamed to be the father of very small the seat of reason. As the rest of those there
creatures. I myself would have wished to serve present began to murmur grievously, because so
you instead of him ; but if good-will may be unsuitable a hearer had found his way in among
taken as in some measure standing for the deed, a multitude of men of letters,, the master him-,
do' you only, in return, take care to remember self was not in the slightest degree disturbed,
me amid your breakfasts and delightful dinners, but, on the contrary, began to discourse on the
because it is more proper to be your slave, than science of morals, and the laws of moderation.
the master of others. Pray for me.* And so powerful proved the influence of the
teacher that the mind of that impudent intruder
was persuaded to the love of modesty. First of
LETTER IV. all, then, Polemo, in utter confusion, took off
the chaplet from his head, and professed himself
TO THE SAME, ON HIS WISDOM AND GENTLENESS. a disciple. And in course of time he con-
formed himself so thoroughly to the duties im-
The exponent of our holy religion so
faithful plied in dignity, and surrendered himself so
arranges things that no place be found in
entirely to the exhibition of modesty, that a
future for transgressors for what else do you,
glorious amendment of character threw a cloak
for instance, promise us by so great sanctity of over the habits of his former life. Now we
character, than that, all errors being laid aside, admire this very thing in your instructions, that,
we should lead a blessed life? In this matter, without the use of any threats, and without
I see that the greatest praise befits thy, virtues, having recourse to terrors of any kind, you have
because you have changed even an uninstructed turned infatuated minds to the worship of God ;
mind by your and drawn it over to so that even a badly ordered intellect should
an excellent condition. But it would not seem believe it preferable^ to live well and happily
so wonderful, if you had simply strengthened with all, rather than to hold unrighteous opinions
educated minds by instilling wisdom into them ; with a few.
for intelligent men have a sort of relationship to
devotion, but rustic natures are not easily won
over to the side of severity.^ Just as those who
shape the forms of animals out of stone, under- LETTER V.
take a business of a pretty difficult kind, when
they strike very hard rocks with their chisels, TO AN UNKNOWN PERSON, ENTREATING HIM TO
while those who make their attempts on sub- DEAL GENTLY WITH HIS BROTHER.
stances of a softer nature feel that their hands
are aided by the ease of fashioning these mate- Although my lord and brother has already
rials, and it is deemed proper that the labor of begged of your nobleness that you would see
the workman, when difficult, should be held in that Tutus should be most^ safe, yet it has been
the highest honor, so. Sir, singular commenda- allowed to me to commend the same person in
tion ought so be given to you, because you have a letter, in order that, by the petition being
made unpolished and rustic minds, set free from doubled, he may be held all the safer. For let
the darkness of sin, both to think what is human, it be granted that a youthful fault and error of a
and to understand what is divine. yet unsettled age has injured him, so as to in-
flict a stain on his early years still one, who did
* Clericus "
remarks, Jocosa haec est epistola," but the fun is not
yet know what was due to right conduct,
certainly of a very ponderous kind. We are, by no means, sure of
the sense in some parts of the letter.
* "
crudelitati," which, as Clericus remarks, must here be ^ "
rectissimum," where reciius might have been expected.
equivalent to severitati. 1 There is a play upon the words— " Tutum esse

has gone wrong almost without contracting which had prevailed. In like manner, let it
blame. For when he came to a right state of delight the boastful soldier after his term of ser-
mind and to reflection, he understood on better vice
completed, to hang up his trophies, and

thoughts that a theatrical life was to be con- burden of age.

patiently to bear the
demned. However, he could not be completely But I do not quite understand why you should
cleared of his fault, unless he should wash its take a delight in terrifying miserable husband-
guilt away by the aid of Deity, since, by the men ; and I do not comprehend why you wish
remedy obtained through the Catholic religion, to harass my rustics with the fear of want of
changing his views, he has denied himself the sustenance ; ^ as if, indeed, I did not know how
enjoyment of a less honorable place, and has to console them, and to deliver them from fear,
withdrawn himself from the eyes of the people.- and to show them that there is not so great a
reason to fear as you pretend. I confess that,
OF THE MASTER AS ABOVE.* while we were occupied in the plain, I was often
frightened by the arms of your eloquence, but
Since, therefore, both divine and state laws
frequently I returned you corresponding blows,
do not permit a faithful body and sanctified as far as I was able. I
certainly learned along
minds to exhibit disgraceful though pleasing with
you, by what right, and in what order, the
spectacles, and to set forth vulgar means of en-
husbandmen are demanded back, to whom a
joyment, especially since an injury seems in legal process is competent, and to whom the
some degree to accrue to the chaste dedication issue of a
process is not competent. You say
of onele self, in case any one who has been re- that the Volusians
wished you brought back, and
newed by holy baptism should fall back upon
frequently, in your wrath, you repeat that you
his old licentiousness, it behooves your Excel-
will withdraw the country people from my little
lency to show favor to good intentions, so that keep ; and you, the very man, as I
he who, by the goodness of God, has entered on hope and
desire, bound to me by the ties of old rela-
a pious duty, should not be forced to sink into
now rashly threaten that, casting our
the pitfall of the theatre. He does not, how- tionship, to the
agreement winds, you will lay hold upon
ever, refuse compliance with the judgment of men. I ask of your illustrious knowledge,
you all, if you enjoin other fitting actions on his whether there is one law for advocates, and an-
part in behalf of the requirements of our com- other for
private persons, whether one thing is
mon country.*
just at Rome, and quite another thing at Mat-
In the meantime, I do not know that you
LETTER VL were ever lord of the Volusian property, since
Dionysius is said to have preserved the right of
TO SALVIUS A COMPLAINT THAT THE COUNTRY possession to it, and he never wanted heirs ;

PEOPLE WERE HARASSED, AND THEIR POSSES- who, while he lived, was accustomed to hurl
SIONS PLUNDERED. the envenomed jibes of his low language upon
a multitude of individuals.^ There was, at that
Forensic excitement ought to be at full heat time, one
Porphyrius, the son of Zibberinus, and
during the time of business in the law-courts for yet he was not properly named the son of Zib-

it is fitting that the arms of

industry, as it strug- berinus. He kept hidden, by military service,
gles daily, should display energetic movements. the question as to his birth, and, that he might
But when loud-toned eloquence has sounded
dispel the cloud from his forehead, he took
a retreat, and has retired to peaceful groves in officious services and acts of
part willing
and pleasant dwelling-places, it is right that one submission. He was much with me both at
lay aside idle murmurs, and cease to utter home and in the forum, having often employed
ineffectual threats. For we know that palm- me as his defender with and as his my father,
bearing steeds, when they have retired from the advocate before the judge. Sometimes I even
circus, rest with the utmost quietness in their kept back Dionysius, feeling that he ought not,
stables. Neither constant fear nor doubtful for the sake of twenty aqres to discharge vulgar
palms of victory distress them, but at length, abuse upon Porphyrius.
haltered to the peaceful cribs, they now no
See, here is the reason why thy remarkable
longer stand in awe of the master urging them prudence threatened my agents, so that, though
on, enjoying sweet oblivion of the restless rivalry
you are not the owner of the place, you every-
' " divinitatis accessu ": the context is almost
where make mention of my husbandmen.
' This probably denotes that what follows is the substance of But if you give yourself out as the successor
the Master s petition.
Clericus, while accepting most of the letters with which we arc of Porphyrius, you must know that the narrow
now dealine, doubts, from the difference of style, whether this is
an epistle of Sulpitius. It is certainly very different from his usual 1 " "
exhibitionis formidine — a stranfje phrase.
clearness and correctness. ' The text is uncertain, and the mcanmg very obscure.
space of twenty acres cannot certainly be man- disposition, nor destitute of learning, Let Max-
aged by one cultivator, or, if mindful of your iminus at least render you gentle.^
proper dignity and determined to maintain it,
you shrink from naming yourself the heir of
Porphyrins, it is certain and obvious that he can
commence proceedings," to whom the right of LETTER VII.
doing so belongs, so as to go to law with those
who have no property in that land. But if you TO AN UNKNOWN PERSON, BEGGING THE FAVOR
diligently look into the matter, you will see that
the endeavor to recover it most especially de-
The faith and piety of souls, no doubt, re-
volves on me. Wherefore, my much esteemed
main, but this should be made known by the
lord and brother, it behooves you to be at peace,
evidence of a letter, in order that an increase of
and to return to friendship with me, while you
affection may be gained by such mutual cour-
condescend to come to a private conference.
tesy. For just as a fertile field cannot bring
Cease, I pray you, to disturb inactive and forth abundant
fruits, if its cultivation has been
easily frightened persons, and utter your boastful and the good qualities of soil are lost
words at a distance. Believe me, however, that neglected,
I am delighted with your high spirit, and by no
through the indolence of one who rests, instead
of working, so I think that the love and kindly
means offended ; for we are neither of a harsh
feelings of the mind grow feeble, unless those
"posse proponere." who are absent are visited, as if present, by
* We
thoroughly agree with Clericus that this letter is, in style, means of a letter.^
more alien even than the from the
preceding genuine epistles of
Sulpitius. It is barbarous as regards composition, and in several
places not intelligible.
* Most editions add " Deo gratias. Amen."


CHAPTER I. The world was created by God nearly six*

thousand years ago, as we shall set forth in the
I ADDRESS myself to give a condensed account course of this book ; although those who have
of those things which are set forth in the sacred entered upon and published a calculation of the
Scriptures from the beginning of the world, dates, but little agree among themselves. As,
and to tell of them, with distinction of dates, however, this disagreement is due either to the
and according to* their importance, down to a will of God or to the fault of antiquity, it ought

period within our own remembrance. Many not to be a matter of censure. After the forma-
who were anxious to become acquainted with tion of the world man was created, the male
divine things by means of a compendious treat- being named Adam, and the female Eve. Hav-
ise, have eagerly entreated me to undertake this ing been placed in Paradise, they ate of the tree
work. I, seeking to carry out their wish, have from which they were interdicted, and therefore
not spared my labor, and have thus succeeded were cast forth as exiles into our earth.* To
in comprising in two short books things which them were born Cain and Abel but Cain, being

elsewhere filled many volumes. At the same an impious man, slew his brother. He had a
time, in studying brevity, I have omitted hardly son called Enoch, by whom a city was first
any of the facts. Moreover, it seemed to me built,* and was called after the name of its
not out of place that, after I had run through founder. From him Irad, and from him again
the sacred history down to the crucifixion of Maliiahel was descended. He had a son called
Christ, and the doings of the Apostles, I should Mathusalam, and he, in turn, begat Lamech, by
add an account of events which subsequently whom a young man is said to have been slain,
took place. I am, therefore, to tell of the de- without, however, the name of the slain man
struction of Jerusalem, the persecutions of the being mentioned

a fact which is thought by the
Christian people, the times of peace which fol- wise to have presaged a future mystery. Adam,
lowed, and of all things again thrown into con- then, after the death of his younger son, begat
fusion by the intestine dangers of the churches. another son called Seth, when he was now two
But I will not shrink from confessing that, wher- hundred and thirty years old he lived alto-

ever reason required, I have made use of pro- gether eight hundred and thirty years. Seth
fane historians to fix dates and preserve the begat Enos, Enos Cainan, Cainan Malaleel, Ma-
series of events unbroken, and have taken out laleel Jared, and Jared Enoch, who on account
of these what was wanting to a complete knowl- been trans-
of his righteousness is said to have
edge of the facts, that I might both instruct the lated by God.His son was called Mathusalam
ignorant and carry conviction to the learned. who begat Lamech ; from whom Noah was de-
Nevertheless, as to those things which I have scended, remarkable for his righteousness, and
condensed from the sacred books, I do not wish above all other mortals dear and acceptable to
so to present myself as an author to my readers, God. When by this time the human race had
that they, neglecting the source from which my increased to a great multitude, certain angels,
materials have been derived, should be satisfied whose habitation was in heaven, were captivated
with what I have written. My aim is that one by the appearance of some beautiful virgins, and
who is already familiar with the original should cherished illicit desires after them, so much so,
recognize here what he has read there ; for all that falling beneath their own proper nature and
the mysteries of divine things cannot be brought origin, they left the higher regions of which they
out except from the fountain-head itself. I
Sulpitius follows the Gr^ek version, which ascribes many more

shall now enter upon my narrative.
years to the fathers of mankind than docs the original Hebrew.
Many of the ancients (amoni; whom our author is apparently
* " " such seems to be the meaning of the word here, to be reckoned) believed that Paradise was situated ovitsidc our
as Sigonius has noted.

His words are " Carptim — profecto innuit world altogether.

3 An obvious mistake. The first city was built, not by Enoch,
se singtilas res eodem modo persecuturum, sed
non qux memoratu
digniores visas fuertnt, selecturum." but by Cain. Gen. iv. 17.
were inhabitants, and allied themselves in earthly senseless with wine, incurred his father's curse.
marriages. These angels gradually spreading His son, Chas by name, begat the giant Neb-
wicked habits, corrupted the human family, and roth,- by whom the city of Babylon is said to
from their alliance giants are said to have have been built. Many other towns are related
of beings of to have been founded at that time, which I do
sprung, for the mixture with them
a different nature, as a matter of course, gave not here intend to name one by one. But
birth to monsters. although the human race was now multiplied,
and men occupied different places and islands,
nevertheless all made use of one tongue, as long
CHAPTER III. as the multitude, afterwards to be scattered
through the whole world, kept itself in one
God being offended by these things,. and es- body. These, after the manner of human na-
pecially by the wickedness
of mankind, which ture, formed the design of obtaining a great
had gone beyond measure, had determined to name by constructing some great work before
destroy the whole human race.
But he ex- they should be separated from one another.
empted Noah, righteous man and of blameless
They therefore attempted to build a tower
life,from the destined doom. He being warned which should reach up to heaven. But by the
by God that a flood was coming upon the earth, ordination of God, in order that the labors of
built an ark of wood of immense size, and those engaged in the work might be hindered,
covered it with pitch so as to render it im- they began to speak in a kind of languages very
pervious to water. He was shut into it along different from their accustomed form of speech,
with his wife, and his three sons and his three while no one understood the others. This led
daughters-in-law. Pairs of birds also and of to their being all the more readily dispersed,
the different kinds of beasts were likewise re- because, regarding each other as foreigners, they
ceived into it, while all the rest were cut off by a were easily induced to separate. And the world
flood. Noah then, when he understood that the was so divided to the sons of Noah, that Shem
violence of the rain had ceased, and that the occupied the East, Japhet the West, and Ham
ark was quietly floating on the deep, thinking the intermediate parts. After this, till the time
(as really was the case) that the waters were of Abraham,^ their genealogy presented nothing
decreasing, sent forth first a raven for the pur- very remarkable or worthy of record.
pose of enquiring into the matter, and on its
not returning, having settled, as I conjecture, on
the dead bodies, he then sent forth a dove. V. CHAPTER
It, not finding a place of rest, returned to him,
and being again sent out, it brought back an Abraham, whose father was Thara, was born in
olive leaf, in manifest proof that the tops of the the one thousand and seventeenth year after the
trees were now to be seen. Then being sent deluge. His wife was called Sara, and his dwel-
forth a third time, it returned no more, from hng-place was at first in the country of the Chal-
which it was understood that the waters had daeans. He then dwelt along with his father at
subsided ; and Noah accordingly went out from Charrae. Being at this time spoken to by God,
the ark. This was done, as I reckon, two thou- he left his country and his father, and taking
sand two hundred^ and forty- two years after with him Lot, the son of his brother, he came
the beginning of the world. into the country of the Canaanites, and settled
at a place named Sychem. Ere long, owing to
the want of corn, he went into Egypt, and again
IV. returned. Lot, owing to the size of the house-
hold, parted from his uncle, that he might take
Then Noah first of all erected an altar to advantage of more spacious territories in what
God, and offered sacrifices from among the was then a vacant region, and settled at Sodom.
birds .^ Immediately afterwards he was blessed That town was infamous on account of its in-
by God along with his sons, and received a habitants, males forcing themselves upon males,
command that he should not eat blood, or shed and it is said on that account to have been hate-
the blood of any human being, because Cain, ful to God. At that period the kings of the
having no such precept, had stained the first neighboring peoples were in arms, though pre-
age of the world. Accordingly, the sons of viously there had been no war among man-
Noah were alone left in tlTC then vacant world ^
This is the Nimrod of the A. V. he is called Ncbrod by the

for he had three, Shem, Ham, and Japhet. But LXX. We have, for the most part, given the proper names as they
because he had mocked his father when appear Halm.
in the edition of
Ham, ' Such is the form of the name as given by Halm, though Abrani
would be expected.
1 After the LXX, as usual. 1
The LXX has x^pa, instead of Ur.
1 Not oibi'rds only, but other animals also. Gen. viii. 2o. ^ A most improbable statement.

kind. But the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah things forbidden), turned back her eyes, and is
and of the adjacent territories went forth to said to have been at once changed into a monu-
battle against those who were making war upon ment. As for Sodom, it was burned to ashes
the regions round about, and being routed at by fire from heaven. And the daughters of
the first onset, yielded the victory to the oppo- Lot, imagining that the whole human race had
site side. Then Sodom was plundered and perished, -sought a union with their father while
made a spoil of by the victorious enemy, while he was intoxicated, and hence sprung the race
Lot was led into captivity. When Abraham of Moab and Ammon.
heard of this, he speedily armed his servants, to
the number of three hundred and eighteen, and, CHAPTER VIL
stripping of their spoils and arms the kings
flushed with victory, he put them to flight. Almost at the same time, when Abraham was
Then he was blessed by Melchisedech the priest, now a hundred years old, his son Isaac was born.
and gave him tithes of the spoil. He restored Then Sara expeUed the maid-servant by whom
the remainder to those from whom it had been Abraham had had a son and she is said to ;

taken. have dwelt in the desert along with her son, and
defended by the help of God. Not long after
CHAPTER VL this, God tried the faith of Abraham, and required
that his son Isaac should be sacrificed to him
At the same time God spoke to Abraham, by his father. Abraham did not hesitate to
and promised that his seed .was to be multiplied offer him, and had already laid the lad upon
as the sand of the sea and that his predicted
the altar, and was drawing the sword to slay
seed would live in a land not his own, while his him, when a voice came from heaven command-
posterity would endure slavery in a hostile ing him to spnre the young man and a ram ;

country for four hundred years, but would after- was found hand to be for a victim. When
wards be restored to liberty. Then his name the sacrifice was offered, God spoke to Abraham,
was changed, as well as that of his wife, by the and promised him those things which he had
addition of one letter so that instead of Abram already said he would bestow. But Sara died

he was called Abraham, and, instead of Sara, in her one hundred and twenty-seventh year,
she was called Sarra. The mystery involved in and her body was, through the care of her hus-
this is by no means trifling, but it is not the part band, buried in Hebron, a town of the Canaanites,
of this work to treat of it. At the same time, for Abraham was staying in that place. Then
the law of circumcision was enjoined on Abra- Abraham, seeing that his son Isaac was now of
ham, and he had by a maid-servant a son called youthfijl age, for he was, in fact, in his fortieth
Ishmael. Moreover, when he himself was a year, enjoined his servant to seek a wife for
hundred years old, and his wife ninety, God him, but only from that tribe and territory from
promised that they should have a son Isaac, the which he himself was known to be descended.
Lord having come to him along with two angels. He was instnicted, however, on finding the girl,
Then the angels being sent to Sodom, found Lot to bring her into the land of the Canaanites, and
sitting gate of the city.
in the He supposed not to suppose that Isaac would return into the
them to be human beings, and welcomed them country of his father for the purpose of obtaining
to share in his hospitality, and provitled an en- a wife. In order that the servant might carry
tertainment for them in his house, but the wicked out those instructions zealously, Abraham ad-
youth of the town demanded the new arrivals ministered an oath to him, while his hand rested
for impure purposes. Lot oflered them his on the thigh of his master. The servant accord-
daughters in place of his guests, but they did ingly set out for Mesopotamia, and came to the
not accept the offer, having .a desire rather for town of Nachor, the brother of Abraham. He
things forbidden, and then Lot himself was laid entered into the house of Bathuel, the Syrian,
hold of with vile designs. The angels, however, son of Nachor ; and having seen Rebecca, a
speedily rescued him from danger, by causing beautiful virgin, the daughter of Nachor, he
blindness to fall upon the eyes of these unchaste asked for her, and brought her to his master.
sinners. Then Lot, being informed by his guests After this, Abraham took a wife named Kethurah,
that the town was to be destroyed, went away who is called in the Chronicles his concubine,
from it with his wife and daughters ; but they and begat children by her. But he left his
were commanded not to look back upon it. possessions to Isaac, the son of Sara, while, at
His wife, however, not obeying this precept (in the same time, he distributed gifts to those
accordance with that evil tendency of human whom he had begotten by his concubines ;
nature which renders it difficult to abstain from thus they were separated from Isaac. Abraham
In the Greek of the LXX. the name appears as Abraitm, so *
"juvenilis setatis": the meaning is that he had ceased to be a
that, as our author says, there it only a change of one letter. mere tidoUtctnt, and had reached the flower of his age.
died after a life of a hundred and seventy-five
years; and his body
was laid in the tomb of CHAPTER IX.
Sara his wife.
Laban had two daughters, Leah and Rachel ;
but Leah had tender eyes, while Rachel is said
CHAPTER VIII. to have been beautifiil. Jacob, captivated by
her beauty, burned with love for the virgin, and,
Now, Rebecca, having long been barren, at asking her in marriage from the father, gave
her But
length,through the unceasing prayers of himself up to a servitude of seven years.
husband to the Lord, brought forth twins about when the time was fulfilled, Leah was foisted
her marriage. upon him, and he was subjected to another
twenty years after the time of
These are said to have often leaped^ in the servitude of seven years, after which Rachel was
womb of their mother and it was announced
; given him. But we are told that she was long
by the answer of the Lord on
this subject, that
barren, while Leah was fruitful. Of the sons
two peoples were foretold in these children, and whom Jacob had by Leah, the following are the
that the elder would, in rank, be inferior to the names
Reuben, Symeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar,

younger. Well, the first that

was bom, bristling Zebulon, and a daughter Dinah ; while there
over with hair, was called Esau, while Jacob was were born to him by the handmaid of Leah,
the name given to the younger. At that time, a Gad and Asher, ajid by the handmaid of Rachel,
grievous famine had taken place. Under the Dan and Naphtali. But Rachel, after she had
pressure of this necessity, Isaac
went to Gerar, despaired of offspring, bare Joseph. Then
to King Abimelech, having been warned by the Jacob, being desirous of returning to his father,
Lord not to go down into Egypt. There he is when Laban his father-in-law had given him a
promised the possession of the whole land,
and and
portion of the flock as a reward for his service,
is blessed, and having been greatly increased Jacob the son-in-law, thinking him not to be act-
in cattle and every kind of substance, he is, ing justly in that matter, while he [also] suspected
under the influence of envy, driven out by the deceit on his part, privately departed about the
inhabitants. Thus expelled from that region, he thirtieth year after his arrival. Rachel, without
" the well ^ of
sojourned by the well, known as
the knowledge of her husband, stole the idols of
the oath." By and by, being advanced in years, her father, and on account of this injury Laban
and his eyesight being gone, as he made ready followed his son-in-law, but not finding his idols,
to bless his son Esau, Jacob through the coun- returned, after being reconciled, having straitly
sel of his mother, Rebecca, presented himself charged his son-in-law not to take other wives
to be blessed in the place of his brother. Thus in addition to his daughters. Then Jacob, going
Jacob is set before his brother as the one to be on his way, is said to have had a vision of angels
honored by the princes and the peoples. Esau, and of the army^ of the Lord. But, as he
enraged by these occurrences, plotted the death directed his journey past the region of Edom,
of his brother. Jacob, owing to the fear thus which his brother Esau inhabited, suspecting
excited, and by the advice of his mother, fled the temper of Esau, he first sent messengers and
into Mesopotamia, having been urged by his gifts to try him. Then he went to meet his
father to take a wife of the house of Laban, brother, but Jacob took care not to trust him
Rebecca's brother so great was their care,
beyond what he could help. On the day before
while they dwelt in a strange country, that their the brothers were to meet, God, taking a human
children should marry within their own kindred. form, is said to have wrestled with Jacob. And
Thus Jacob, setting out for Mesopotamia, is said when he had prevailed with God, still he was
in sleep to have had a vision of the Lord ; and not ignorant that his adversary was no mere
on that account regarding the place of his dream mortal ; and therefore begged to be blessed by
as sacred, he took a stone from it ; and he him. Then his name was changed by God, so
vowed that, if he returned in prosperity, the that from Jacob he was called Israel. But
^ "
name of the pillar should be the house of the when he, in turn, inquired of God the name of
Lord," and that he would devote to God the God, he was told that that should not be asked \

tithes of all the possessions he had gained. after because it was wonderful.^ Moreover, from
Then he betook himself to Laban, his mother's that Avrestling, the breadth'* of Jacob's thigh
brother, and was kindly received by him to shrank.
share in his hospitality as the acknowledged son
of his sister. ei5(uAa is the Septuagint rendering of the Hebrew Teraphim.

Perhaps the original word should simply be transliterated into

1 So in LXX. English as has been done in the Revised Version.
This is the meaning of the Hebrew word, Beersheba.
* ^ The of the
rendering LXX.
" Titulum sibi domus Dei futurum": the
' 3 " Admirabile."
rendering of the
Hebrew original is here obviously faulty, and the words, as they * "Latitudo": Vorstius says this refers to the broad bone, or
stand, are scarcely intelligible. broad nerve of the thigh.

CHAPTER X. Sela, Her was allied by concubinage* to

Thamar. On his death, Onan took his brother's
Israel, therefore, avoiding the house of his wife and he is related to have been destroyed

brother, sent forward his company to Salem, a by God, because he spilled his seed upon the
town of the Shechemites, and there he pitched earth. Then Thamar, assuming the garb of a
his tent on a spot which he had purchased. harlot, united with her brother-in-law, and bore
Emor, a Chorraean prince, was the ruler of that him two sons. But when she brought them
town. His son Sychem defiled Dinah, the forth, there was this remarkable fact, that, when
daughter of Jacob by Leah. Symeon and Levi, on one of the boys being born, the midwife had
the brothers of Dinah, discovering this, cut off bound his hand with a scarlet thread to indicate
by a stratagem all those of the male sex in the which of them was born first, he, drawing back
again into the womb of his mother, was born
town, and thus terribly avenged the injury done
to their sister. The town was plundered by the the last boy of the two. The names of Fares
sons of Jacob, and all the spoil carried off. and Zarah were given to the children. But
Jacob is said to have been much displeased with Joseph, being kindly treated by the royal gov-
these proceedings. Soon after being instructed ernor who had obtained him for a sum of money,
by God, he went to Bethel, and there erected and having been made manager of his house
an altar to God. Then he fixed his tent in a and family, had drawn the eyes of his master's
part of the territory belonging to the tower* wife upon himself through his remarkable beauty.
Gader. Rachel died in childbirth the boy : And as she was madly laboring under that base
she bore was called Benjamin. Israel died at passion, she made advances to him oftener than
the age of one hundred and eighty years. Now, once, and when he would not yield to her desires,
Esau was mighty in wealth, and had taken to she disgraced him by the imputation of a false
himself wives of the nation of the Canaanites. crime, and complained to her husband that he
I do not think that, in a work so concise as the had made an attempt upon her virtue. Accord-
present, I am called upon to mention his de- ingly, Joseph was thrown into prison. There
scendants, and, if any one is curious on the were i.i the same place of confinement two of
subject, he may turn to the original. After the the king's scr\'ants, who made known their
death of his father, Jacob stayed on in the place dreams to Joseph, and he, interpreting these as
where Isaac had lived. His other sons occa- bearing upon the future, declared that one of
sionally left him along with the flocks, for the them would be put to death, and the other would
sake of pasturage, but Joseph and the little be pardoned. And so it came to pass. Well,
Benjamin remained at home, Joseph was much after the lapse of two years, the king also had a
beloved by his father, and on that account was dream. And when this could not be explained
hated by his brethren. There was this further by the wise men among the Egyptians, that
cause for their aversion, that by frequent dreams servant of the king who was liberated from
of his it seemed to be indicated that he would prison informs the king that Joseph was a won-
be greater than all of them. Accordingly, derful interpreter of dreams. Accordingly,
having been sent by his father to inspect the Joseph was brought out of prison, and interpreted
flocks and pay a visit to his brothers, there to the king his dream, to this effect, that, for
seemed to them a fitting opportunity for doing the next seven years, there would be the greatest
him harm. For, on seeing their brother, they fertility in the land ;
but in thosa that followed,
took counsel to slay him. But Reuben, whose famine. The king being alarmed by this terror,
mind shuddered at the contemplation of such a and seeing was a divine spirit in
that there,
crime, opposing their plan, Joseph was let down Joseph, set him over the department of food-
into a well.^ Afterwards, by the persuasions of supply, and made him equal with himself in the
Judah, they were brought to milder measures, government. Then Joseph, while corn was
and sold him to merchants, who were on their abundant throughout all Egypt, gathered to-
way to Egypt. And by them he was delivered gether an immense quantity, and, by increasing
to Petifra, a governor of Pharaoh. the number of granaries, took measures against
the future famine. At that time, the hope and
XI. safety of Egypt were placed in him alone. About
the same period, Aseneh bore him two sons,
«. About this same time, Judah, the son of Ja- Manasseh and Ephraim, He himself, when he
:ob, took in marriage Sava,' a woman of Canaan. received the chief power from the king, was
?y her he had three sons,

Her, Onan, and thirty years old ; for he was sold by his brothers
when he was seventeen years of age.
parte turns Gadir":
this is a stranjfe rendering of the
[ebrew. The LXX has "beyond the tower Gader"; while the
Revised English Version has beyond the tower of Ekler." * Or perhaps, rather, marriage of a sort, as appears from whxt
* " Lacum."
Called SAuaA in A. V. ' A different " was born on the following day."
reading gives,

In the mean time, affairs having been well It is almost incredible to relate how the He-
settled in Egypt to meet the famine, a grievous brews who had come down into Egypt so soon
want of corn began to distress the world. Jacob, increased in numbers, and filled Egypt with
constrained by this necessity, sent his sons into their numerous descendants. But on the death
Egypt, keeping only Benjamin with himself at of the king, who kindly cherished them on
home. Joseph, then, being at the head of account of the services of Joseph, they were
affairs, and having complete power over the kept down by the government of the succeeding
corn-supplies, his brothers come to him, and kings. For both the heavy labor of building
cities was laid upon them, and because their
pay the same honor to him as to a king. He,
when he saw them, craftily concealed his recog- abounding numbers were now feared, lest some
nition of them, and accused them of having day they should secure their independence by
come as enemies, subtly to spy out the land. arms, they were compelled by a royal edict to
But he was annoyed that he did not see among drown their newly-born male children. And no
them his brother Benjamin. Matters, then, are permission was granted to evade this cruel order.
brought to this point, that they promised he Well, at that time, the daughter of Pharaoh
should be present, specially that he might be found an infant in the river, and caused it to be
asked whether they had entered Egypt for the brought up as her own son, giving the boy the
purpose of spying out the land. In order to name of Moses. This Moses, when he had come
secure the fulfillment of this promise, Symeon to manhood, saw a Hebrew being assaulted by
was retainedas hostage, while to them corn was an Egyptian ; and, filled with sorrow at the
given freely. Accordingly, they returned, bring- sight, he delivered his brother from injury, and
ing Benjamin with them as had been arranged. killed the Egyptian with a stone. Soon after,
Then Joseph made himself known to his brothers, fearing punishment on account of what he had
to the shame of these evil-deservers. Thus, he done, he fled into the land of Midian, and,
sent them home again, laden with corn, and taking up his abode with Jothor the priest of
presented with many gifts, forewarning them that district, he received his daughter Sepphora
that there were still five years of famine to come, in marriage, who bore him two sons, Gersam
and advising them to come down with their and Eliezer. At this epoch lived Job, who had
father, their children, and their whole connec- acquired both the knowledge of God and all
tions to Egypt. So Jacob went down
to Egypt, righteousness simply from the law^ of nature.
to the great joy of the Egyptians and of the He was exceedingly rich, and on that account
king himself, while he was tenderly welcomed all the more illustrious, because he was neither
by his son. That took place in the hundred corrupted by that wealth while it remained entire,
and thirtieth year of the life of Jacob, and one nor perverted by it when it was lost. For,
thousand three hundred and sixty years ^ after when, through the agency of the devil, he was
the deluge. But from the time when Abraham stripped of his goods, deprived of his children,
settled in the land of the Canaanites, to that and finally covered in his own person with ter-
when Jacob entered Egypt, there are to be rible boils, he could not be broken down, so as,
reckoned two hundred and fifteen years. After from impatience of his sufferings, in any way, to
this, Jacob, in the seventeenth year of his resi- commit sin. At length he obtained the reward
dence in Egypt, suffering severely from illness, of the divine approval, and being restored to
entreated Joseph to see his remains placed in health, he got back doubled all that he had lost.
the tomb. Then Joseph presented his sons to
be blessed ; - and when this had been done, but
so that he set the younger before the elder as to
the value of the blessing given, Jacob then blessed CHAPTER XIV.
all his sons in order. He died at the age of
one hundred and forty-seven years. His funeral But
the Hebrews, oppressed by the multiplied
was of a most imposing character, and Joseph evils of slavery, directed their complaints to
laid his remains in the tomb of his fathers. He heaven, and cherished the hope of assistance
continued to treat his brothers with kindness, from God. Then, as Moses was feeding his
although, after the death of their father, they sheep, suddenly a bush appeared to him burning,
felt alarmed from a consciousness of the but, what was surprising, the flames did it ho
wrong harm. Astonished at such an extraordinary
they had done. Joseph himself died in his one
hundred and tenth sight, he drew nearer to the bush, and iramedi-
The chronology of the
LXX is, as usual, here followed. 1
This somewhat remarkable statement is supported by the text
The original is, " quibus benedictis, cum tamen benedictionis
2 "
" Halm, who reads, lege naturae." But other editions have
merito majori minorem prseposuisset, filios omnes benedictione lus-
legem naturae," and the meaning will then be who had learned
travit." the law of nature, and the knowledge of God," &c.

ately God spoke to him in leavened bread

words to and that they should hand
this effect, ;

that he was the Lord of and down the observance to their posterity. Thus
Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, and that he desired that their descendants, the people went forth rich, both by their own
who were kept down under the tyranny of the wealth, and still more by the spoils of Egypt.
Egyptians, should be dehvered from their suffer- Their number had grown from those seventy-
ings, and that he, therefore, should go to
the five ^ Hebrews, who had first gone down into
king of Egypt, and present himself as a leader Egypt, to six hundred thousand men. Now,
for restoring them to liberty. When he hesitated, there had elapsed from the time when Abraham
God strengthened him with power, and imparted first reached the land of the Canaanites a period
to him the gift of working miracles. Thus of four hundred and thirty years, but from the
Moses, going into Egypt, after he had first deluge a period of five hundred and seventy-
performed miracles in the presence of his own five years. Well, as they went forth in haste,
people, and having associated his brother Aaron a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by
with him, went to the king, declaring that he had night, marched before them. But since, owing
been sent by God, and that he now told him in to the fact that the gulf of the Red Sea lay
the words of (iod to let the Hebrew people go. between, the way led by* the land of the Philis-
But the khig, affirming that he did not know tines, in order that an opportunity might not
the Lord, refused to obey the command ad- afterwards be offered to the Hebrews, shrinking
dressed to him. And when Moses, in proof that from the desert, of returning into Egypt by a
the orders he issued were from God, changed well-known road through a continuous land-
his rod into a serpent,^ and soon after converted journey, by the command of God they turned
all the water into blood, while he filled the aside, and journeyed towards the Red Sea,
whole land with frogs, as the Chaldaeans were where they stopped and pitched their camp.
doing similar things, the king declared that the When it was announced to the king that the
wonders performed by Moses were simply due Hebrew people, through mistaking the road,
to the arts of magic, and not to the power of had come to have the sea right before them,
God, until the land was covered with stinging and that they had no means of escape since the
insects brought over it, when the Chaldoeans deep would prevent them, vexed and furious
confessed that this was done by the divine that so many thousand men should escape from
majesty. Then the king, constrained by his his kingdom and power, he hastily led forth his
sufferings, called to him Moses and Aaron, and army. And already the arms, and standards,
gave the people liberty to depart, provided that and the lines drawn up in the widespreading plains
the calamity brought upon the kingdom were were visible, when, as the Hebrews were in a
removed. But, after the suffering was put an state of terror, and gazing up to heaven, Moses
end to, his mind, having no control over itself, being so instructed by God, stnick the sea with
returned to its former state, and did not allow his rod, and divided it. Thus a road was
the Israelites to depart, as had been agreed opened to the people as on firm land, the waters
ipon. Finally, however, he was broken do\vii giving way on both sides. Nor did the king of
uid conquered by the ten plagues which were Egypt hesitate to follow the Israelites going
sent upon his person and his kingdom. forward, for he entered the sea >vhere it had
opened ; and, as the waters speedily came
together again, he, with all his host, was de-
CHAPTER XV. stroyed.
But on
the day before the people went out

Egypt, being as yet unacquainted with dates,


hey were instructed by the command of God CHAPTER XVI.

1 3 acknowledge that month which was then
] assing by as the first of all months ; and were Then Moses, exulting in the safety of his own
1 ^\<\ that the sacrifice of the day was to be people, and in the destruction of the enemy, by
Dlemnly and regularly offered in coming ages, such a miracle,' sang a song of praise to God,
that, on the fourteenth day of the month, a and the whole multitude, both of males and
1 Lmb without blemish, one year old, should be females, took part in it. But, after they had
s ain as a victim, and that the
door-posts should entered the desert, and advanced a journey of
I 2
sprinkled with its blood ; that its flesh was three days, want of water distressed them and, ;

V holly to be eaten, but not a bone of it was to when it was found, it proved of no use on
I J broken ; that they should abstain from what
' The Hebrew text has "
V as leavened for seven days, using only un- seventy," but our author, as usual,
follows the LXX.

Af{ain after the LXX.
Draconem." ' The text here is uncertain and obscure.
Such is Halm's reading; another " • " Virtute."
is simply before."
account of its bitterness. And then for the first company with Aaron and Hur, was himself simply
time the stubbornness of the impatient people to be a spectator of the fight, while, at the same
showed itself, and burst forth against Moses ; time, for the purpose of praying to the Lord, he
when, as instructed by God, he cast some wood went up to the top of a mountain. But when
into the waters, and its power was such that it the armies had met with doubtful issue, through
rendered the taste of the fluid sweet. Thence the prayers of Moses, Joshua slew the enemy
advancing, the multitude found at Elim twelve until nightfall. At the same time, Jothor, Moses'
fountains of waters, with seventy palm-trees, and father-in-law, with his daughter Sepphora (who,
there they encamped. Again the people, com- having been married to Moses, had remained at
plaining of famine, heaped reproaches upon home when her husband went into Egypt), and
Moses, and longed for the slavery of Egypt, his children, having learned the things which
accompanied as it was with abundance to please were being done by Moses, came to him. By
their appetite, when a flock of quails was di- his advice Moses divided the people into various
vinely sent, and filled the camp. Besides, on ranks ; and, setting tribunes, centurions, and
the following day, those who had gone forth decurions ^ over them, thus furnished a mode of
from the camp perceived that the ground was discipHne and order to posterity, Tothor then
covered with a sort of pods,^ the appearance of returned to his own country, while the Israelites
which was like a coriander-seed of snowy white- came on to Mount Sinai. There Moses was
ness, as we often see the earth in the winter admonished by the Eord that the people should
months covered with the hoar-frost that has be sanctified, since they were to hearken to the
been spread over it. Then the people were words of God ; and that was carefully seen to.
informed, through Moses, that this bread had But when God rested on the mountain, the air
been sent them by the gift of God ; that every was shaken with the loud sounds of trumpets,
one should gather in vessels prepared for the and thick clouds rolled around with frequent
purpose only so much of it as would be sufficient flashes of lightning. But Moses and Aaron were
for each, according to their number, during one on the top of the mountain beside the Lord,
day but that on the sixth day they should while the people stood around the bottom of

gather double, because it was not lawful to the mountain. Thus a law was given, manifold
collect it on the Sabbath. The people, however, and full of the words of God, and frequently
as they were never prone to obedience, did not, repeated but if any one is desirous of knowing

in accordance with human nature, restrain their particulars regarding it, he must consult the
desires, providing in their stores not merely for original, as we here only briefly touch upon
but also for the But that it. " There shall "
one, following day. not said be," God, any
which was thus laid up swarmed with worms, strange gods among you, but ye shall worship
while its fetid odor was dreadful, yet that which me alone ; thou shalt not make to thee any idol ;
was laid up on the sixth day with a view to the thou shalt not take the name of thy God in vain ;
Sabbath remained quite untainted. The He- thou shalt do no work upon the Sabbath ; honor
brews made use of this food for forty years its ; thy father and thy mother ; thou shalt not kill ;
taste was very like that of honey and its name;
thou shalt not commit adultery ; thou shalt not
is handed down as being manna. Moreover, steal ; thou shalt not bear false witness against
as an abiding witness to the divine gift, Moses thy neighbor thou shalt not covet anything

is related to have laid up a full

gomer of it in a belonging to thy neighbor."
golden vessel.

These things being said by God, while the
people going on from thence, and being trumpets uttered their voices, the lamps blazed,
again tried with want of water, hardly restrained and smoke covered the mountain, the people
themselves from destroying their leader. Then trembled from terror and begged of Moses

Moses, under divine orders, striking with his that God should speak to him alone, and that
rod the rock at the place which is called Horeb, he would report to the people what he thus
brought forth an abundant supply of water. heard. Now, the commandments of God to
But when they came to Raphidin, the Amalekites Moses were as follows A Hebrew servant pur-

destroyed numbers of the people by their chased with money shall serve six years, and
attacks. Moses, leading out his men to battle, after that he shall be free but his ear shall be ;

placed Joshua at the head of the army ; and, in bored, should he willingly remain in slavery.
strange description of the manna. Hornius Whosoever slays a man shall be put to death ;
' This is a somewhat

remarks upon it that there may be a reference to the dew in which

the Hebrews believed the manna to have been enveloped, but that 1
These words denote what is expressed in the Greek, " rulers of
seems a far-fetched explanation. thousands, of hundreds, and of tens."

he who does so unwittingly shall in due form be strayed, but shalt bring it back. If you find an
banished. Whosoever shall beat his father or animal of your enemy fallen down under a
his mother, and utter evil sayings against them, burden, it will be your duty to raise it up. Thou
shall suffer death. If any one sell a Hebrew shalt not slay the innocent and the righteous.
who has been stolen, he shall be put to death. Thou shalt not justify the wicked for rewards.
If any one strike his own man-servant or maid- Gifts are not to be accepted. A stranger is to
servant, and he or she die of the blow, he shall be be kindly treated. Work is to be done on six
put on his trial for doing so. If any one cause a days rest is to be taken on the Sabbath. The

woman '
to miscarry, he shall be put to death. If crops of the seventh year are not to be reaped,
any one knock out the eye or the tooth of his but are to be left for the poor and needy.
servant, that servant shall receive his liberty in due
form. If a bull kill a man, it shall be stoned ; and
if its master, knowing the vicious temper of the
animal, did not take precautions in connection
with it, he also shall be stoned, or shall redeem Moses reported these words of God to the
himself by a price as large as the accuser shall
people, and placed an altar of twelve stones at
demand. If a bull kill a servant, money to the the foot of the mountain. Then he again as-
amount of thirty double- drachmas shall be paid cended the mountain on which the Lord had
to his master. If any one does not cover up a taken his place, bringing with him Aaron, Nabad,
pit which has been dug, and an animal fall into and seventy of the elders. But these were not
that pit, he shall pay the price of the animal to able to look upon the Lord nevertheless, they

its master. If a bull kill the bull of another saw the place * in which God stood, whose form
man, the animal shall be sold, and the two is related to have been wonderful, and his splen-
masters shall share the price ; they shall also dor glorious. Now, Moses, having been called
divide the animal that has been killed. But if
by God, entered the inner cloud which had
a master, knowing the vicious temper of the
gathered round about God, and is related to
bull, did not take precautions in connection have remained there forty days and forty nights.
with it, he shall give up the bull. If any one
During this time, he was taught in the words
steals a calf, he shall restore five if he steals a ;
of God about building the tabernacle and the
sheep, the penalty shall be fourfold ; and if the ark, and about the ritual of sacrifice things

animals be found alive in the hands of him who which I, as they were obviously told at great
drove them off, he shall restore double. It
length, have not thought proper to be in-
shall be lawful to kill a thief by night, but not
serted in such a concise work as the present.
one by day. If the cattle of any one has eaten But as Moses stayed away a long time, since he
up the corn of another, the master of the cattle spent forty days in the presence of the Lord,
shall restore what has been destroyed. If a the people, despairing of his return, compelled
deposit disappears, he, in whose hands it was Aaron to construct images. Then, out of metals
deposited, shall swear that he has not been which had been melted together, there came
guilty of any deceit. A thief who is caught forth the head of a calf. The people, unmindful
shall pay double. An animal given in trust, if of God, having ofTered sacrifices to this, and
devoured by a wild beast, shall not be made
given themselves up to eating and drinking,
good. If any one defile a virgin not yet be- God, looking upon these things, would in his
trothed, he shall bestow a dowry on the girl,
righteous indignation, have destroyed the wicked
and thus take her to wife ; but, if the father of
people, had he not been entreated by Moses
the girl shall refuse to give her in marriage, then
not to do so. But Moses, on his return, bringing
the ravisher shall give her a dowry. If any one down the two tables of stone which had been
shall join himself to a beast, he shall be put to
written by the hand of God, and seeing the
death. Let him who sacrifices to idols perish.
people devoted to luxury and sacrilege, broke
The widow and orphan are not to be oppressed ; the tables, thinking the nation unworthy of having
the poor debtor is not to be hardly treated, nor He
the law of the Lord delivered to them.
is usury to be demanded the garment of- the
then called around himself the Levites, who had
poor is not to be taken as a pledge. A niler of been assailed with many insults, and commanded
the people is not to be evil spoken of. All the them to smite the people with drawn swords.
first-born are to be ofTered to God. Flesh In this onset twenty-three thousand* men are
taken from a wild beast is not to be eaten.
said to have been slain. Then Moses set up
Agreements to bear false witness, or for any evil
the tabernacle outside the camp ; and, as often
purpose, are not to be made. Thou shalt not
pass by any animal of thine enemy which has The Hebrew text is here diflTcrent.

' "
Curiously enough, our author here reads, twenty-three thou-
sand," in
opposition alike to the Greek and Hebrew text, both of
which have " three thousand."
jSome words seem to have been lost here. v
as he entered the pillar of cloud was observed
instructed by the Lord that the land was now
to stand before the door ; and God spoke, face near, the possession of which the Lord had
to face, with Moses. But when Moses en- promised them. Spies, accordingly, having been
treated that he might see the Lord in his pe- sent into it, they report that it was a land blessed
cuUar majesty, he was answered that the form with all abundance, but that the nations were
of God could not be seen by mortal eyes ; yet powerful, and the towns fortified with immense
it was allowed to see his back parts ; and the walls. When
was made known to the people,
tables which Moses had formerly broken were minds of all and to such a pitch
fear seized the ;

constructed afresh. And Moses is reported, of wickedness did they come, that, despising
during this conference with God, to have stayed the authority of Moses, they prepared to appoint
forty days with the Lord. Moreover, when he for themselves a leader, under whose guidance
descended from the mountain, bringing with they might return to Egypt. Then Joshua and
him the tables, his face shone with so great Caleb, who had been of the number of the spies,
brightness, that the people were not able to look rent their garments with tears, and implored the
upon him. It was arranged, therefore, that people not to believe the spies relating such
when he was to make known to them the com- terrors for that they themselves had been with

mands of God, he covered his face with a veil, them, and had found nothing dreadful in that
and thus spoke to the people in the words of country ; and that it behooved them to trust
God. In this part of the history an account is the promises of God, that these enemies would
given of the tabernacle, and the building of its rather become their prey than prove their de-
inner parts. Which having been finished, the struction. But that stiff-necked race, setting
cloud descended from above, and so over- themselves against every good advice, rushed
shadowed the tabernacle that it prevented Moses upon them to destroy them. And the Lord,
himself from entering. These are the principal angry on account of these things, exposed a
matters contained in the two books of Genesis part of the people to be slain by the enemy,
and Exodus. while the spies were slain for having excited
fear among the people.

Then follows the book of Leviticus, in which CHAPTER XXI.
the precepts bearing upon sacrifice are set forth ; There followed the revolt of those, who, with
commandments also are added to the law Dathan and Abiron as leaders, endeavored to
formerly given ; and almost the whole is full of set themselves up against Moses and Aaron ;
instructions connected with the priests. If any
but the earth, opening, swallowed them alive.
one wishes to become acquainted with these, he And not long after, a revolt of the whole people
will obtain fuller information from that source.
arose against Moses and Aaron, so that they
For we, keeping within the limits of the work rushed into the tabernacle, which it was not
undertaken, touch upon the history only. The lawful for any but the priests to enter. Then
tribe of Levi, then, being set apart for the priest-
trulydeath mowed them down in heaps and ;
hood, the rest of the tribes were numbered, and allwould have perished in a moment, had not
were found to amount to six hundred and three the Lord, appeased by the prayers t)f Moses,
thousand five hundred persons.^
When, there- turned aside the disaster. Nevertheless, the
fore, the people made
use of the manna for number of
those slain amounted to seven hun-
food, as we have related above, even amid so dred and fourteen thousand.' And not long
many and so great kindnesses of God, showing after, as had already often happened, a revolt
themselves, as ever, ungrateful, they longed after of the
people arose on account of the want of
the worthless viands to which they had been
water. Then Moses, instructed by God to strike
accustomed in Egypt. Then the Lord brought
the rock with his rod, with a kind of trial now
an enormous supply of quails into the camp ;
familiar to him, since he had already done that
and as they were eagerly tearing these to pieces,
before, struck the rock once and again, and
as soon as their lips touched the flesh, they
thus water flowed out of it. In regard, however,
perished. There was indeed on that day a great
to this point, Moses is said to have been reproved
destruction in the camp, so that twenty and
three thousand men are said to have died. by
God, that, through want of faith, he did not
bring out the water except by repeated blows ;
Thus the people were punished by the very food
in fact, on account of this transgression, he did
which they desired. Thence the company went
not enter the land promised to him, as I shall
forward, and came to Faran ; and Moses was show farther on.
Moses, then, moving away
3 Halm here reads
referetur," but
refertur," another reading,
from that place, as he was preparing to lead his
seems preferable.
1 The text here varies: we have followed Halm. ^ "
septingenti et xiiii milia."

company along by the borders of Edom, sent trust in God, did not attack the city either by
ambassadors to the king to beg liberty to pass arms or force ; he simply ordered the ark of
by ; for he thought it right to abstain from war God to be carried round the walls, while the
on account of the connection by blood ; for that priests walked before the ark, and sounded
nation was descended from Esau. But the trumpets. But when the ark had been carried
king despised the suppliants, and refused them round seven times, the walls and the towers fell ;
liberty to pass by, being ready to contend in and the city was plundered and burnt. Then
arms. Then Moses directed his march towards Joshua is said to have addressed the Lord, and
the mountain, Or, keeping clear of the forbid- to have called down a curse upon any one who
den road, that he might not furnish any cause should attempt to restore the town which had
of war between those related by blood, and on thus by divine help been demolished. Next,
that route he destroyed the king of the nation of the army was led against Geth, and an ambus-
the Canaanites. He smote also Seon the king cade having been placed behind the city, Joshua,
of the Amorites, and possessed himself of all pretending fear, fled before the enemy. On
their towns he conquered, too, Basan and Balac. seeing this, those who were in the town, opening

He pitched his camp beyond Jordan, not far the gates, began to press upon the enemy giving
from Jericho. Then a battle took place against way. Thus, the men who were in ambush took
the Midianites, and they were conquered and the city, and all the inhabitants were slain, without
subdued. Moses died, after he had ruled the one escaping the king also was taken, and

people forty years in the wilderness. But the suffered capital punishment.
Hebrews are said to have remained in the wil-
derness for so long a time, with this view, until
all those who had not believed the words of CHAPTER
God perished. For, except Joshua and Caleb,
not one of those who were more than twentv When this became known to the kings of the
years old on leaving Kgypt passed over Jordan. neighboring nations, they made a warlike alliance
That Moses himself only saw the promised land, to put down the Hebrews by arms. But the
and did not reach it, is ascribed to his sin, Gibeonites, a powerful nation with a wealthy
because, at that time when he was ordered to city, spontaneously yielded to the Hebrews,
strike the rock, and bring forth water, he doubted, promising to do what they were ordered, and
even after so proofs of his miraculous
were received under protection, while they were
He died in the one hundred and told to bring in wood and water. But their
twentieth year of his age. is known surrender had roused the resentment of the
concerning the place of his buriaL kings of the nearest cities. Accordingly, moving
up their troops, they surround with a blockade
their town, which was called Gabaoth. The
CHAPTER XXn. townspeople, therefore, in their distress, send
messengers to Joshua, that he would help them
After the death of Moses, the chief power in their state of siege. Accordingly, he by a
passed into the hands of Joshua the son of Nun, forced march came upon the enemy at unawares,
for Moses had appointed him his successor, and many thousands of them were completely
being a man very like himself in the good qualities destroyed. When day failed the victors, and it
which he displayed. Now, at the commence- seemed that night would furnish protection to
ment of his rule, he sent messengers through the vanquished, the Hebrew general, through the
the camp people to make ready
to instruct the power of his faith, kept ofl" the night, and the
supplies of corn, and announces that they should day continued, so that there was no means of
march on the third day. But the river Jordan, escape for the enemy. Five kings who were
a very powerful stream, hindered their crossing, taken suffered death. By the same attack,
because they did not have a supply of vessels neighboring cities also were brought under the
for the occasion, and the stream could not be power of Joshua, and their kings were cut off".
crossed by fords, as it was then rushing on in But as it was not my design, studious as I am
full flood. He, therefore, orders the ark to be of brevity, to follow out all these things in order,
carried forward by the priests, and that they I only carefully observe this, that twenty-nine
should take their stand against the current of kingdoms were brought under the yoke of the
the river. On this being done, Jordan is said Hebrews, and that their territory was distributed
to have been divided, and thus the army was among eleven tribes, to man after man. For to
led over on dry ground. There was in these the Levites, who had been set apart for the
places a town called Jericho, fortified with very priesthood, no portion was given, in order that
strong walls, and not easy to be taken, either by 1
Some words hare here been but are conjectural ly supplied
storm or blockade. But Joshua, putting his in the text.
they might the more freely serve God. I desire the people, through lust for power, preferred
not, in silence, to pass over the example thus (to their own ruin) to rule over those who were
set, but I would earnestly bring it forward as conquered. Accordingly, when, forsaking God,
well worthy of being read by the ministers of they worshiped idols, they were deprived of
the Church. For these seem to me not only the divine assistance, and, being vanquished and
unmindful of this precept, but even utterly igno- subdued by the king of Mesopotamia, they paid
rant of it —such a lust for possessing has, in the penalty of eight years' captivity, until, with
this age, seized, like an incurable disease, upon Gothoniel as their leader, they were restored to
their minds. They gape upon possessions ; they liberty, and enjoyed
independence for fifty
cultivate estates ; they repose upon gold ; they years. Then by the evil effect
again, corrupted
buy and sell ; they study gain by every possible of a lengthened peace, they began to sacrifice
means. And even, if any of them seem to have
to idols. And speedily d'd retribution fall upon
a better aim in life, neither nor them thus sinning.
possessing Conquered by Eglon, king
trading, still (what is much more disgraceful) of the Moabites, they served him eighteen years,
remaining inactive, they look for gifts, and have until, by a divine impulse, Aod slew the enemies'
corrupted the whole glory of life by their mer- king by a stratagem, and, gathering together a
cenary dispositions, while they present an ap- hasty army, restored them to liberty by force of
pearance of sanctity, as if even that might be arms. The same man ruled the Hebrews in
made a source of gain. But I have gone farther peace for forty years. To him Semigar suc-
than I intended in expressing my loathing and seeded, and he, engaging in battle with the
disgust over the character of our times and I Philistines,^ secured a decisive victory.
hasten to return to the subject in hand. The again, the king of the Canaanites, Jabin by
vanquished territory, then, as I have already name, subdued the Hebrews who were once
said, having been divided among the tribes, the more serving idols, and exercised over them a
Hebrews enjoyed profound peace their neigh- grievous tyranny for twenty years, until Deborah,

bors, being terrified by war, did not venture to a* woman, restored them to their former condi-
attempt hostilities against those distinguished by tion. They had to such a degree lost confidence
so many victories. At the same period died in their generals, that they were now protected
Joshua in the hundred and tenth year of his by means of a woman. But it is worthy of
age. I do not express any definite opinion as notice, that this form of deliverance was arranged
to the length of time he ruled the prevalent beforehand, as a type of the Church, by whose

view, however, is, that he was at the head of the aid captivity to the devil is escaped. The He-
Hebrew affairs during twenty-seven years. If brews were forty years under this leader or
were so, then three thousand eight hundred judge. And being again delivered over to the
and eighty-four years had elapsed from the Midianites for their sins, they were kept under
beginning of the world to his death. hard rule ; and, being afflicted by the evils of
slavery, they implored the divine help. Thus
always when in prosperity they were unmindful
of the kindnesses of heaven, and prayed to idols ;
CHAPTER XXIV. but in adversity they cried to God. Wherefore,
as often as I reflect that those people who lay
After the death of Joshua, the people acted under so many obligations to the goodness of
without a leader. But a necessity of making God, being chastised with so many disasters when
war with the Canaanites having arisen, Judah they sinned, and experiencing both the mercy
was appointed as general in the war. Under and the severity of God, yet were by no means
his guidance, matters were successfully con- rendered better, and that, though they always
ducted there was the greatest tranquillity both
obtained pardon for their transgressions, yet
at home and abroad the people ruled over the
they as constantly sinned again after being par-

nations which had either been subdued or re- doned, it can appear nothing wonderful that
ceived under terms of surrender. Then, as Christ when he came was not received by them,
almost always happens in a time of prosperity, since
already, from the beginning, they were
becoming unmindful of morals and discipline, found so often rebelling against the Lord. It is,
they began to contract marriages from among in fact, far more wonderful that the clemency of
the conquered, and by and by to adopt foreign God never failed them when
they sinned, if only
customs, yea, even in a sacrilegious manner to they called upon his name.^
offer sacrifice to idols so pernicious is all

alliance with foreigners. 1 "

God, foreseeing these -
Allophylos ": lit. strangers.
Many of the proper names occurrinK in this and other chapters
things long before, had, by a wholesome precept are very different in form from those with which we are familiar in
enjoined upon the Hebrews to give over the the O. T. But they have generally been given as they stand in the
text of our author, and they can easily be identified by any read^'S
conquered nations to utter destruction. But who think it worth while to do so.

sent, a proposal was made to Gideon that he

CHAPTER XXV. should be king of the people.

But he rejected
this proposal, and preferred rather to live on
Accordingly, when the Midianites, as we have
related above, ruled over them, they turned to equal terms with his fellow-citizens than to be
the Lord, imploring his wonted tender mercy,
their ruler. Having, therefore, escaped from
their captivity, which had pressed upon the
and obtained it. There was then among the
Hebrews one Gideon by name, a righteous man, people for seven years, they now enjoyed peace
for a period of forty years.
who was dear and acceptable to God. The
angel stood by him as he was returning home
from the harvest-field, and said unto him, "The
Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor." CHAPTER XXVL
But he in a humble voice complained that the
Lord was not^ with him, because captivity But on
the death of Gideon, his son Abime-
lech, whose mother was a
concubine, having
pressed sore upon his people, and he remem-
bered with tears the miracles wrought by the concurrence of a
slain his brothers with the
multitude of wicked men, and especially by the
Lord, who had brought them out of the land of
" help of the chief men among the Shechemites,
Egypt. Then the angel said, Go, in this spirit
in which you have spoken, and deliver the people
took possession of the kingdom. And he, being
harassed by civil strife, while he pressed hard
from captivity." But he declared that he could
not, with his^ feeble strength, since he was a
upon his people by war, attempted to storm a
certain tower, into which they, after losing the
man of very small importance, undertake such
a heavy task. The angel, however, persisted in town, had betaken themselves by flight. But, as
he approached the place without sufficient cau-
urging him not to doubt that those things could
be done which the Lord said. So then, having tion, he
was slain by a stone which a woman threw,
after holding the government for three years.
offered sacrifice, and overthrown the altar which
the Midianites had consecrated to the image of
To him succeeded Thola, who reigned two and
After him came Jair ; and after
Baal, he went to his own people, and pitched twenty years.
his camp near the camp of the enemy. But the he had held the chief place for a like period of
nation of the Amalekites had also joined them- twenty-two years, the people, forsaking God,
selves to the Midianites, while Gideon had not gave
themselves up to idols. On this account,
the Israelites were subdued by the Philistines
gathered more than an army of thirty-two thou-
sand men. But before the battle began, God and Ammonites, and remained under their power
said to him that this was a larger number than
for eighteen years. At the end of this period,
he wished him to lead forth to the conflict ; they began to call upon God ; but the divine
answer to them was that they should rather in-
that, if he did make use of so many, the Hebrews
voke the aid of their images, for that he would
would, in accordance with their usual wickedness,
ascribe the result of the fight, not to God, but to
no longer extend his mercy to those who had
their own bravery ; he should therefore furnish an
been so ungrateful. But they witli tears con-
fessed their fault, and implored forgiveness ;
opportunity of leaving to those who desired to do
so. When this was made known to the people, while, throwing away their idols, and earnestly
obtained the divine com-
twenty and two thousand left the camp. But calling upon God, they
of the ten thousand who had remained, Gideon, passion, though it had been at first refused.
as instructed by God, did not retain more than Accordingly, under Jephtha
as general, they

the rest he dismissed from the assembled in great numbers

for the purpose of
three hundred :

their liberty by arms, having first

field. Thus, entering the camp of the enemy recovering
in the middle watch of the night, and having
sent ambassadors to King Ammon, begging that,
ordered all his men to sound their trumpets, he content with his own territories, he should keep
caused great terror to the enemy ; and no one from warring against them. But he, far from
had courage to resist ; but they made off in a declining battle, at once drew up his army.
disgraceful flight wherever they could. The Then Jephtha, before the signal for battle was
Hebrews, however, meeting them in every direc- given, is said to have vowed that, if he obtained
the victory, the person who first met him as he
tion, cut the fugitives to pieces. Gideon pur-
sued the kings beyond Jordan, and having cap- returned home, should be offered to God as a
tured them, gave them over to death. In that sacrifice. Accordingly, on the enemy being
battle, a hundred and twenty thousand of the
defeated, as Jephtha was returning home, his

anemy are said to have been slain, and fifteen (laughter met him, having joyfully gone forth
with dnims and dances to receive her flither as
;housand captured. Then, by universal con-
a conqueror. Then Jephtha, being overwhelmed
' " Non esse
' " Infractis
in ne." with sorrow, rent his clothes in his affliction,
viribiis": Vorstius well remarks that

infractis" is
lerc used with the sense of the simple
" fraciis." and made known to his daughter the stringent
But she, with a courage and he began to suffer from thirst, he
obligation of his vow. violent,
not tobe expected from a woman, did not calledupon God, and water flowed forth from
refuse to die ; she only begged that her life the bone which he held in his hand.

might be spared for two months, that she might

before dying have the opportunity of seeing the
friends of her own age. This being done, she CHAPTER XXVIII.
willingly returned to her father,
and fulfilled
the vow to God. Jephtha held the chief power At that time Samson ruled over the Hebrews,
for six years. To him Esebon succeeded, and the Philistines having been subdued by the
having ruled in tranquillity for seven years, then prowess of a single individual. They, therefore,
died. After him, Elon the Zebulonite ruled for sought his life by stratagem, not daring to assail
ten years,- and Abdon also for eight years ; but, him openly, and with this view they bribe his
was peaceful, they performed nothing
as their rule wife (whom he had received after what has been
which history might record. stated took place) to betray to them wherein
the strength of her husband lay. She attacked
him with female blandishments and, after he ;

CHAPTER XXVII. had deceived her, and staved off" her purpose
for a long time, she persuaded him to tell that
The Israelites yet again turned to idols ; and, his strength was situated in his hair. Presently
being deprived of the divine protection, were she cut off his hair stealthily while he was asleep,
subdued by the Philistines, and paid the penalty and thus delivered him up to the Philistines ;

of their unfaithfulness by forty years of captivity. for although he had often before been given
At that time, Samson is related to have been
up to them, they had not been able to hold him
born. His mother, after being long barren, had fast. Then they,- having put out his eyes, bound
a vision of an angel, and was told to abstain and cast him into prison.
him with fetters,
from wine, and strong drink, and everything
But, in course of time, his hair which had been
unclean for that she should bear a son who cut off

began to grow again, and his strength to

would be the restorer of liberty to the Israelites, return with it. And now
Samson, conscious of
and their avenger upon their enemies. He, his recovered
strength, was only waiting for an
with unshorn locks, is said to have been pos-
opportunity of righteous revenge. The Philis-
sessed of marvelous strength, so much so that tines had a custom on their festival
days of pro-
he tore to pieces with his hands a lion which met
ducing Samson as if to make a public spectacle
him in the way. He had a wife from the Philis- of
him, while they mocked their illustrious cap-
tines, and when she, in the absence of her hus- tive.
Accordingly, on a certain day, when they
band, had entered into marriage with another, he, were making a feast in honor of their idol, they
through indignation on account of his wife being ordered Samson to be exhibited. Now, the
thus taken from him, wrought destruction to her
temple, in which all the people and all the
nation. Trusting in God and his own strength, princes of the Philistines feasted, rested on two
he openly brought disaster on those hitherto
pillars of remarkable size ; and Samson, when
victors. For, catching three hundred foxes, he
brought out, was placed between these pillars.
tied burning torches to their tails, and sent them
Then he, having first called upon the Lord,
into the fields of the enemy. It so happened
seized his opportunity, and threw down the
that at the time the harvest was ripe, and thus The whole multitude was overwhelmed
the fire easily caught, while the vines and olive- in
the ruins of the building, and Samson himself
trees were burnt to ashes. He was thus seen died
along with his enemies, not without having
to have avenged the injury done him in taking
avenged himself upon them, after he had ruled
away his wife, by a great loss inflicted on the the Hebrews To him Simmichar
twenty years.
Philistines. And they, enraged at this disaster, succeeded, of whom Scripture relates nothing
destroyed by the woman who had been the
more than that simple fact. For I do not find
cause of so great a calamity, along with her
that even the time when his rule came to an
house and her father. But Samson, thinking
end is mentioned, and I see that the people
himself as yet but poorly avenged, ceased not
was for some time without a leader. Accordingly,
to harass the heathen race with all sorts of evil
when civil war arose against the tribe of Benja-
devices. Then the Jews, being compelled to it,
min, Judah was chosen as a temporary leader
handed him over as a prisoner to the Philistines ; in the war. But most of those who have writ-
but, when thus handed over, he burst his bonds, ten about these times note that his rule was
and seizing the jaw-bone ^ of an ass, which chance
only for a single year. On this account, many
offered him as' a weapon, he slew a thousand of
his enemies. And, as the heat of the day grew ^ "
This is clearly the meaning, and Halm's punctuation, invo-
" osse "
cato Deo ex osse, quod manu tenebat, aqua fluxit," is obviously
Simply asini in text. wrong.

pass him by altogether, and place Eli, the priest, three hundred and three. Nevertheless, I am
immediately after Samson. We shall leave that not ignorant that others differ from this reckon-
point doubtful, as one not positively ascertained. ing of ours ; but I am at the same time conscious
that I have, not without some care, set forth the
order of events in the successive years (a thing
hitherto left in obscurity), until I have fallen
upon these times, concerning which I confess
About these times, civil war, as we have said, that I have my doubts. Now I shall go on to
had broken out ; and the following was the what remains.
cause of the tumult. A certain Levite was on a
journey along with his concubine, and, con- XXX. CHAPTER
strained by the approach of night, he took up
his abode in the town of Gabaa, which was in-
The Hebrews, then, as I have narrated above,
habited by men of Benjamin. 'A certain old
were living according to their own will, without
man having kindly admitted him to hospitality, any judge or general. Eli was priest ; and in
his days Samuel was bom. His father's name
the young men of the town surrounded the
was Elchana, and his mother's, Anna. She
guest, with the view of subjecting him to im-
treatment. After much chidden having long been barren, is said, when she asked
proper being
a child from God, to have vowed that, if it were
by the old and with
man, difficulty dissuaded
a boy, it should be dedicated to God. .Accord-
from their purpose, they at length received for
their wanton sport the person of his concubine as ingly, having brought forth a boy, she delivered
a substitute for his own ; and they thus spared him to Eli the priest. By and by, when he had
the stranger, but abused her through the whole grown up, God spoke to him. He denounced
and only restored her on the following day. wrath against Eli the priest on account of the
life of his sons, who had made the
But she (whether from the injury their vile con- priesthood
of their father a means of gain to themselves,
duct had inflicted on her, or from shame, I do not
venture to assert) died on again seeing ' her hus- and exacted gifts from those who came to
sacrifice and, although their father is related
band. Then the Levite, in testimony of the hor- ;

rible deed, divided her members into twelve parts,

to have often reproved them, yet his reproofs
were too gentle to serve the purpose of discipline.
and distriljuted them among the twelve tribes,
that indignation at such conduct might the more Well, the Philistines made an incursion into
And when this Judaea, and were met by the Israelites. But the
readily be excited in them all.
became known to all of them, the other eleven Hebrews, being beaten, prepare to renew the
tribes entered into a warlike confederacy against
contest they carry the ark of the Lord with

In this war, Judah, as we have said, them into battle, and the sons of the priests go
forth with it, because he himself, being burdened
was the general. But they had bad success in
with years, and afflicted with blindness, could
the first two battles. At length, however, in the
third, the Benjamites were conquered, and cut
not discharge that duty. But, when the ark
off to a man ; thus the crime of a few was pun-
was brought within sight of the enemy, terrified
as if by the majesty of God's presence, they
ished by the destruction of a multitude. These
were ready to take to flight. But again recover-
things also are contained in the Book of Judges :

the Books of Kings follow. But to me who am ing courage, and changing their minds (not
without a divine impulse), they rush into battle
following the succession of the years, and the
order of the dates, the history does not appear with their whole strength. The Hebrews were
marked by strict chronological accuracy. For, conquered ;
the ark was taken the sons of the ;

since after Samson as judge, there came Semi- priest fell. Eli, when the news of the calamity
was brought to him, being overwhelmed with
gar, and a little later the history certifies that
the people lived without judges, Eli the priest is grief, breathed his last, after he had held the
for twenty years.
related in the Books of Kings to have also been priesthood
a judge,'' but the Scripture has not stated how
many years there were between Eli and Samson. CHAPTER XXXI.
I see that there was some portion of time be-
tween these two, which is left in obscurity. The Philistines, victorious in this prosperous
But, from the day of the death of Joshua up to battle, brought the ark of God, which had fallen
the time at which Samson died, there are into their hands, into the temple of in
reckoned four hundred and eighteen years, and the town of Azotus. But the image, dedicated
from the beginning of the world, four thousand to a demon, fell down when the -ark was brought
A clear mistake of memory in our author. The whole narra-
in there and, on their setting the idol up again

tive is confused.
* The meaning is here doubtful. * The Hebrew text \v3Li forty yean.
in its place, in the following night it was torn in greatly disliked by almost all free nations. Yes,
pieces. Then mice, springing up throughout all with an example of madness certainly very re-
the country, caused by their venomous bites the markable, they now preferred to exchange liberty
death of many thousand persons.^ The men of for slavery. They, therefore, come in great
Azotus, constrained by this source of suffering, numbers to Samuel, in order that, as he himself
in order to escape the calamity, removed the ark was now an old man, he might make for them a
to Gath. But the people there being afflicted king. But he endeavored in a useful address,
with the same evils, conveyed the ark to Asca- quietly to deter the people from their insane
lon. The inhabitants, however, of that place, desire ; he set forth the tyranny and haughty
the chief men of the nation having been called rule of kings, while he extolled liberty, and de-
together, formed the design of sending back the nounced slavery ; finally, he threatened them
ark to the Hebrews. Thus, in accordance with with the divine wrath, if they should show them-
the opinion of the chiefs, and augurs, and priests, selves men so corrupt in mind as that, when
it was placed upon a cart, and sent back with
having God as their king, they should demand
many gifts. This remarkable thing then hap- for themselves a king from among men. Hav-
pened, that when they had yoked heifers to the ing spoken these and other words of a like nature
conveyance, and had retained their calves at to no purpose, finding that the people persisted
home, these cattle took their course, without in the determination, he consulted God. And
any guide, towards Judaea, and showed no desire God, moved by the madness of that insane
of returning, from affection toward their young nation, replied that nothing was to be refused to
left behind. The rulers of the Philistines, who them asking against their own interests.
had followed the ark into the territory of the
Hebrews, were so struck by the marvelousness
of this occurrence that they performed a relig- CHAPTER XXXIII.
ious service. But the Jews, when they saw the
ark brought back, vied with each other in joy- Accordingly, Saul, having bpen first anointed
ously rushing forth from the town of Betsamis to by Samuel with the sacerdotal oil, was appointed
meet it, and in hurrying, exulting, and returning king. He was of the tribe of Benjamin, and his
thanks to God. Presently, the Levites, whose father's name was Kish. He was modest in
business it was, perform a sacrifice to God, and mind, and of a singularly handsome figure, so
offer those heifers which had brought the ark. that the dignity of his person worthily corre-
But the ark could not be kept in the town which sponded to the royal dignity. But in the be-
I have named above, and thus severe illness fell, ginning of his reign, some portion of the people
by the appohitment of God, upon the whole city. had revolted from him, refusing to acknowledge
The ark was then transferred to the town of his authority, and had joined themselves to

Cariathiarim/ and there it remained twenty the Ammonites. Saul, however, energetically
years. wreaked his vengeance on these people ; the
enemy were conquered, and pardon was granted
CHAPTER XXXII. to the Hebrews. Then Saul is said to have
been anointed by Samuel a second time. Next,
At this time, Samuel the priest ^ ruled over a bloody war arose by an invasion of the
the Hebrews ;
and there being a cessation of ;
and Saul had appointed Gilgal as
all Philistines
war, the people lived in peace. But this tran- place where his army was to assemble.
quillity was disturbed by an invasion of the Phil- As they waited there seven days for Samuel,
istines, and all ranks were in a state of terror that he might offer sacrifice to God, the people
from their consciousness of guilt. Samuel, gradually dropped away owing to his delay, and
having first offered sacrifice, and trusting in God, the king, with r.nlawful presumption, presented
led his men out to battle, and the enemy a burnt-offering, thus taking upon him the duty
routed at the first onset, victory declared for the of a priest. For this he was severely rebuked
Hebrews. But when the fear of the enemy was by Samuel, and acknowledged his sin with a
thus removed, and affairs were now
prosperous penitence that was too late. For, as a result of
and peaceful, the people, changing their views the king's sin,had pervaded the whole
for the worse, after the manner of the mob, who army. The camp enemy lying at no
of the
are always weary of what they have, and
long great distance showed them how actual the
for things of which they have had no danger was, and no one had the courage to
expressed a desire for the kingly name —
a name think of going forth to battle most had be- :

1 No reference
taken themselves to the marshes.^ For besides
to this occurs in the Hebrew text, but it is found
in the Greek, and is also noticed by Josephus. See the LXX. the want of courage on the part of those who
I Sam. V. 6, and Josephus, Antta. vi. i.
2 Called Kirjath-jearim in the
English version.
The text here is very uncertain; we have followed the reading
1 "
Samuel was a Levite, but not a priest of Halm, lamas," but others have " lacrimas " or " latebras."

felt that God was alienated from them on reckoned among the servants of the king. And
account of the king's sin, the army was in the the Philistines and Hebrews being at this time
greatest want of iron weapons ; so much so that hotly engaged in war, as the armies were sta-
nobody, except Saul and Jonathan his son, is tioned opposite to each other, a certain man of
said to have possessed either sword or spear. the Philistines named Goliath, a man of marvel-
For the Philistines, as conquerors in the former ous size and strength, passing along the ranks
wars, had deprived the Hebrews of the use of of his countrymen, cast insults, in the fiercest
arms,^ and no one had had the power of forging terms, upon the enemy, and challenged any one
any weapon of war, or even making any imple- to engage in single combat with him. Then the
ment for rural purposes. In these circum- king promised a great reward and his daughter
stances, Jonathan, with an audacious design, and in marriage to any one who should bring home
with his armor-bearer as his only companion, the spoils of that boaster ; but no one out of so
entered the camp of the enemy, and having great a multitude ventured to make the attempt.
slain about twenty of them, spread a terror In these circumstances, though still a youth,-
throughout the whole army. And then, through David off"ered himself for the contest, and reject-
the appointment of God, betaking themselves to ing the arms by which his yet tender age was
flight, they neither carried out orders nor kept weighed down, simply with a staff" and five stones
their ranks, but placed all the hope of safety in which he had taken, advanced to the battle. And
flight. Saul, perceiving this, hastily drew forth by the first blow, having discharged one of the
his men, and pursuing the obtained afugitives, stones from a sling, he overthrew the Philistine ;
victory. The king is said on that day to have then he cut off the head of his conquered foe,
issued a proclamation that no one should help carried off his spoils, and afterwards laid up his
himself to food until the enemy were destroyed. sword in the temple. In the meanwhile, all the
But Jonathan, knowing nothing of this prohibi- Philistines, turning to flight, yielded the victory
tion, found a honey-comb, and, dipping the to the Hebrews. But the great favor shown to
point of his weapon in it, ate up the honey. David as they were returning from the battle
When that became known to the king through excited the envy of the king. Fearing, how-
the anger of God which followed, he ordered ever, that if he put to death one so beloved by
his son to be put to death. But by the help all,that might give rise to hatred against himself
of the people, he was saved from destruction. and prove disastrous, he resolved, under an
At that time, Samuel, being instructed by God, appearance of doing him honor, to expose him
went to the king, and told him in the words to danger. First then he made him a captain,
of God to make war on the nation of the that he might be charged with the affairs of war ;

Amalekites, who had of old hindered the He- and next, although he had promised him his
brews when they were coming out of Egypt ; daughter, he broke his word, and gave her to
and the prohibition was added that they should another. Ere long, a younger daughter of the
not covet any of the spoils of the conquered. king, Melchol by name, fell violently in love
Accordingly, an army was led into the territory with David. Accordingly, Saul sets before
of the enemy, the king was taken* and the David as the condition of obtaining her in mar-
nation subdued. But Saul, unable to resist riage the following proposal that if he should

the magnitude of the spoil, and unmindful of the bring in a hundred foreskins of the enemy, the
divine injunctions, ordered the booty to be maiden would be given him in marriage ;
saved and gathered together. he hoped that the youth, venturing on so
great dangers, would probably perish. But the
result proved very different from what he im-
CHAPTER XXXIV. agined, for David, according to the proposal
made to him, speedily brought in a himdred
God, displeased with what had been done, foreskins of the Philistines and thus he ob- ;

spoke to Samuel, saying that he repented that tained the daughter of the king in marriage.
he had made Saul king. The priest reports
what he had heard to the king. And ere long,
being instructed by God, he anointed David CHAPTER XXXV.
with the royal oil, while he was as yet only a
little boy' living under the care of his
The hatred of the king towards him increased
and acting as a shepherd, while he was accus- daily, under the influence of jealousy, for the
tomed often to play upon the harp. For this wicked always persecute the good. He, there-
reason, he was taken afterwards by Saul, and fore, commanded his servants and Jonathan his
to prepare snares against his life. But
' "
Armorum " is here supplied, but some prefer *' cotis," accord- son,
ing to I Sam. xiii. 30. Jonathan had even from the first had a great
This is a mistake : David was undoubtedly then a grown-up
young man. * " Puer "
: another misuke.
regard and affection for David;
and therefore CHAPTER XXXVI.
the king, being taken to task by his son, sup-
pressed the cruel order he
had given. But the At that time Samuel died. when the
wicked are not long good. For, when Saul was Philistines made war upon him, consulted God,
afflicted by a spirit of error, and David stood by and no answer was returned to him. Then, by
him, soothing him with the harp under means of a woman whose entrails a spirit of

trouble, Saul tried to pierce him

with a spear, error had filled, he called up and consulted

and would have done so, had not he rapidly Samuel. Saul was informed by him that on the
evaded the deadly blow. From this time forth, following day he with his sons, being overcome
the king no longer secretly but openly sought to by the Philistines, would fall in the battle. The
compass his death; and David no longer trusted Philistines,accordingly, having pitched their
himself in his power. He fled, and first betook camp on the enemy's territory, drew up their
himself to Samuel, then to Abimelech, and finally army in battle array on the following day, David,
fled to the king of Moab. By-and-by, under however, being sent away from the camp,
the instructions of the prophet Gad, he returned because they did not believe that he would be
into the land of Judah, and there ran in danger faithful to them against his own people. But
of his life. At that time, Saul slew Abimelech the battle taking place, the Hebrews were routed
the priest because he had received David ; and and the sons of the king fell ; Saul, having sunk
when none of the king's servants ventured to lay down from his horse, that he might not be taken
hands upon the priest, Doeg, the Syrian, fulfilled by the enemy, fell on his own sword. We
the cruel duty. After that, David made for the do not find any certain statements as to the
desert. Thither Saul also followed him, but his
length of his reign, unless that he is said in the
efforts at his destructionwere in vain, for God Acts of the Apostles to have reigned forty
protected him. There was a cave in the desert, years. As to this, however, I am inclined to
opening with a vast recess. David had thrown think that Paul, who made the statement in his
himself into the inner parts of this cave. Saul, preaching, then meant to include also the years
not knowing that he was there, had gone into it of Samuel under the length of that king's reign.^
for the purpose of taking* bodily refreshment, Most of those, however, who have written about
and there, overcome by sleep, he was resting. these times, remark that he reigned thirty years.
When David perceived this, although all urged I can, by no means, agree with this opinion, for
him to avail himself of the opportunity, he at the time when the ark of God was transferred
abstained from slaying the king, and simply took to the town of Cariathiarim, Saul had not yet
away his mantle. Presently going out, he ad- begun to reign, and it is related that the ark
dressed the king from a safe position behind, was removed by David the king out of that town
recounting the services he had done him, how after it had been there twenty years. There-
often he had exposed his life to peril for the fore, since Saul reigned and died within that
sake of the kingdom, and how last of all, he had period, he must have held the government only
not, on the present occasion, sought to kill him for a vefy brief space of time. We find the
when he was given over to him by God. Upon same obscurity concerning the times of Samuel,
hearing these things, Saul confessed his fault, who, having been born under the priesthood of
entreated pardon, shed tears, extolled the piety Eli, is related, when very old, to have fulfilled
of David, and blamed his own wickedness, while the duties of a some, however, who priest. By
he addressed David as king and son. He was have written about these times (for the sacred
so much changed from his former ferocious
history has recorded almost nothing about his
character, that no one could now have thought years),'' but by most he is said to have ruled the
he would make any further attempt against his I have, however, been
people seventy years.
son-in-law. But David, who had thoroughly^ unable to discover what authority there is for
tested and known
his evil disposition, did not this assumption. Amid such variety of error,
think safe to put himself in the power of the
it we have followed the account of the Chronicles,*
king, and kept himself within the desert. Saul, because we think that it was taken (as said
almost mad with rage, because he was unable to
above) from the Acts of the Apostles, and we
capture his son-in-law, gave in marriage to one repeat that Samuel and Saul together held the
Faltim his daughter Melchol, who, as we have
government for forty years.
related above, had been married to David.
David fled to the Philistines. 1 The witch of Endor seems here to be referred to as if she had

practised ventriloquism, this being regarded as a form of demoniacal

" Reficiendi " possession.
corporis gratia : different from the Hebrew *ext. 2 See Alford on Acts xiii. 21.
' The text is uncertain, but the meaning is clear. s Halm here inserts the usual mark of a lacuna in the text :

others omit the words plerisque autem."
* He here specially refers* to the well-known Chronicles of
Eusebius, which were translated into Latin, and supplemented by
Saint Jerome.

CHAPTER XXXVII. Then David, after being severely reproved

Nathan the prophet, although he confessed his
Saul having thus been cut off, David, when the sin, did not escape the punishment of God.
news of his death was brought to him in the land For he lost in a few days the scfh. who was born
of the Phihstines, is related to have wept, and from the clandestine connection, and
to have given a marvelous proof of his affection. terrible things happened in respect to his house
He then betook himself to Hebron, a town of and family. At last his son Absalom hfted im-
Judaea ; and, being there again anointed with pious arms against his father, with the desire of
the royal oil, received the title of king. But driving him from the throne. Joab encountered
Abenner, who had been master of the host of him in the field of battle, and the king entreated
King Saul, despised David, and made Isbaal him to spare the young man when conquered ;
king, the son of King Saul. Various battles but he, disregarding this command, avenged
then took place between the generals of the with the sword his parricidal attempts. That
kings. Abenner was generally routed yet in ;
victory is said to have been a mournful one to
his flight he cut off the brother of Joab, who the king :so great was his natural affection that
had the command of the army on the side of he wished even his parricidal son to be forgiven.
David. Joab, on account of the sorrow he felt This war seemed hardly finished when another
for this, afterwards, when Abenner had surren- arose, under a certain general called Sabaea,
dered to King David, ordered him to be mur- who had stirred up all the wicked to arms.
dered, not without regret on the part of the But the whole commotion was speedily checked
kinjg, whose honor he had thus tarnished. At by the death of the leader. David then engaged
the same time, almost all the older men of the in several battles against the Philistines with
Hebrews conferred on him by public consent favorable results and all being subdued by war,

the sovereignty of the whole nation ; for during both foreign and home disturbances having been
seven years he had reigned only in Hebron. brought to accord, he possessed in peace a most
Thus, he was anointed king for the third time, flourishing kingdom. Then a sudden desire
being about thirty years of age. He repulsed seized him of numbering the people, in order to
in successful battles the Philistines
making in- ascertain the strength of his empire ; and accord-
roads upon his kingdom. And at that time, he ingly they were numbered by Joab, the master
transferred to Zion the ark of God, which, as I of the host, and were found to amount to one
have said above, was in the town of Cariathiarim. million three hundred thousand citizens. David '

And when he had formed the intention of build- soon regretted and repented of this proceeding,
ing a temple to God, the divine answer was and implored pardon of God for having lifted
given him to the effect, that that was reserved up his thoughts to this, that he should reckon
for his son. He then conquered the Philistines the power of his kingdom rather by the multi-
in war, subjugated the Moabites, and subdued tude of his subjects than by the divine favor.
Syria, imposing tribute upon it. He brought Accordingly, an angel was sent to him to reveal
back with him an enormous amount of booty in to him a threefold punishment, and to give him
gold and brass. Next, a war arose against the the power of choosing either one or another.
Ammonites on account of the injury which had Well, when a famine for three years was set
been done by their king, Annon. And when before him, and flight before his enemies for
the Syrians again rebelled, having formed a con- three months, and a ])estilence for three days,
federacy for war with the Ammonites, David shunning both flight and famine, he made choice
intrusted the chief command of the war to of pestilence, and, almost in a moment of time,
Joab, the master of his host, and he himself seventy thousand men perished. Then David,
remained in Jerusalem far from the scene of beholding the angel by whose right hand the
strife. people were overthrown, implored pardon, and
offered himself singly to punishment instead of
all, saying that he deserved destruction inasmuch
CHAPTER XXXVIII. as it was he who had sinned. Thus, the punish-
ment of the people was turned aside and David ;
At this time, he knew in a guilty way Bersabe, built an altar to God on the
spot where he had
a woman of remarkable beauty. She is said to beheld the After this, having become
have been the wife of a certain man called infirm
through years and illness, he appointed
Uriah, who was then in the camp. David caused Solomon, who had been born to him
by Bersabe,
him to be slain by exposing him to the enemy the wife of Uriah, his successor in the
at a dangerous place in the battle. In this way, He, having been anointed with the
royal oil by
he added to the number of his wives the woman
who was now free from the bond of marriage,
' As often the case with respect to numbers, there are discrep-
but who was already pregnant through adultery. ancies iniithe various accounts of this census.
Sadoc the received the title of king, given above, I should perhaps reckon fewei
while his father was still alive. David died, years than more. But I do not doubt that the
after he had reigned forty years.
truth had been falsified by the carelessness of
copyists, especially since so many ages inter-
vened, rather than that the sacred writer erred.
In the same way, in the case of this little work
CHAPTER XXXIX. of ours, we believe it will happen that, through
Solomon in the beginning of his reign sur- the negligence of transcribers, those things which
rounded the city with a wall. To him while have been put together, not without care on our
part, should be corrupted. Well, then, Solomon
asleep God appeared standing by him, and gave
him the choice of whatever things he desired. finished his work of building the temple in the
But he asked that nothing more than wisdom twentieth year from its commencement. Then,
should be granted him, deeming all other things having offered sacrifice in that place, as well as
of little value. Accordingly, when he arose from uttered a prayer, by which he blessed the people
and the temple, God spoke to him, declaring
sleep, taking his stand before the sanctuary of
God, he gave a proof of the wisdom which had that, if at any time they should sin and forsake
been bestowed upon him by God. For two women God, their temple should be razed to the ground.
who dwelt in one house, having given birth to We see that this has a long time ago been ful-
male children at the same time, and one of these filled, and in due time we shall set forth the
connected order of events. In the meantime,
having died in the night three days afterwards,
the mother of the dead child, while the other Solomon abounded in wealth, and was, in fact,

woman slept, insidiously substituted her child, the richest of all the kings that ever lived. But,
and took away the living one. Then there arose as always takes place in such circumstances, he
an altercation between them, and the matter sunk from wealth into luxury and vice, forming
was at length brought before the king. As no marriages (in spite of the prohibition of God)
witness was forthcoming, it was a difficult matter with foreign women, until he had seven hundred
to give a judgment between both denying guilt. wives, and three hundred concubines. As a
Then Solomon, in the exercise of his gift of consequence, he set up idols for them, after the
divine wisdom, ordered the child to be slain, manner of their nations, to which they might
and its body to be divided between the two offer sacrifice. God, turned away from him by
doubtful claimants. Well, when one of them
such doings, reproved him sharply, and made
acquiesced in this judgment, but the other
known to him as a punishment, that the greater
wished rather to give up the boy than that he part of his kingdom would be taken from his
should be cut in pieces, Solomon, concluding son, and given to a servant. And that happened
from the feeling displayed by this woman that accordingly.
she was the true mother, adjudged the child to
her. The bystanders could not repress their
admiration at this decision, since he had in such CHAPTER XLI.
a way brought out the hidden truth by his sa-
For, on the death of Solomon in the fortieth
gacity. Accordingly, the kings of the neighbor-
year of his reign, Roboam his son having suc-
ing nations, out of admiration for his ability and
ceeded to the throne of his father in the sixteenth
wisdom, courted his friendship and alliance,
to out his commands. year of his age, a portion of the people, taking
being prepared carry
offense, revolted from him. For, having asked
that the very heavy tribute which Solomon had
imposed upon them might be lessened, he re-
CHAPTER XL. jected the entreaties of these suppliants, and
thus alienated from him the favor of the whole
Trusting in these resources, Solomon set people. Accordingly, by universal consent, the
about erecting a temple of immense size to God,
government was bestowed on Jeroboam. He,
funds for the purpose having been got together
sprung from a family of middle rank, had for
during three years, and laid the foundation of some time been in the service of Solomon. But
it about the fourth
year of his reign. This was when the king found that the sovereignty of the
about the five hundred and eighty-eighth year Hebrews had been promised to him by a re-
after the departure of the Hebrews from
Egypt, sponse of the prophet Achia, he had resolved
although in the third Book of Kings the years privately to cut him off. Jeroboam, under the
are reckoned at four hundred and This influence of this fear, fled into Egypt, and there
is by no means accurate for it would have been married a wife of the
royal family. But, wher.
more likely that, in the order of dates I have at
length he heard of the death of Solomon, he
Here, again, there much - "
discrepancy in the accounts. Propheta.'

returned to his native land, and, by the wish of were deprived^ of the government. He had
the people, as we have said above, he assumed for his successor Baasa, the son of Achia, and
the government. Two tribes, however, Judah he proved himself equally estranged from God.
and Benjamin, had remained under the sway of He died in the twenty-sixth year of his reign :

Roboam ; and from these he got ready an army and his power passed to Ela his son, but was
of thirty thousand men. But when the two hosts not retained more than two years. For Zam-
advanced, the people were instructed by the bri, leader of his cavalry, killed him at a ban-
words of God to abstain from fighting, for that quet, and seized the kingdom,

a man equally
Jeroboam had received the kingdom by divine odious to God and men. A portion of the
appointment. Thus the army disdained the people revolted from him, and the royal power
command of the king, and dispersed, while the was conferred on one Thamnis. But Zambri
power of Jeroboam was increased. But, since reigned before him seven years, and at the same
Roboam held Jerusalem, where the people had time with him twelve years. And, on the death
been accustomed to offer sacrifice to God in the of Asab, Josaphat his son began to reign over
temple built by Solomon, Jeroboam, fearing lest part of the tribe of Judah, a man deservedly
their religious feelings might alienate the people famous for his pious virtues. He lived at peace
from him, resolved to fill their minds with super- with Zambri and he died, after a reign of

stition. Accordingly, he set up one golden calf twenty-five years.

at Bethel, and another at Dan, to which the

people might ; and, passing by the

offer sacrifice
tribe of Levi, he appointed priests from among CHAPTER XLIII.
the people. But censure followed this guilt
so hateful to God. Frequent battles then took In the time of his reign, Ahab, the son of
place between the kings, and so they retained Ambri, was king of the ten tribes, impious above
their respective kingdoms on doubtful condi- all
against God. For having taken in marriage
tions. Roboam died at the close of the seven- Jezebel, the daughter of Basa, king of Sidon, he
teenth year of his reign. erected an altar and groves to the idol Bahal,
and slew the prophets of God. At this time,
Elijah the prophet by prayer shut up heaven,
CHAPTER XLH. that it should not give any rain to the earth, and
revealed that to the king, in order that he, in
In his room Abiud his son held the kingdom his impiety, might know himself to be the cause
at Jerusalem for six years, although he is said in of the The waters of heaven, therefore,
the Chronicles* to have reigned three years.
being restrained, and since th^ whole country,
Asab his son succeeded him, being the fifth burned up by the heat of the sun, did not
from David, as he was his great-great-grandson. furnish food either for man or beast, the prophet
He was a pious worshiper of God ; for, de- had even exposed himself to the side of perish-
stroying the altars and the groves of the idols, he ing from hunger. At that time, when he betook
removed the traces of his father's faithlessness. himself to the desert, he depended for life on
He formed an alliance with die king of Syria, the ravens fijrnishing him with food, while a
and by his help inflicted much loss on the king-
neighboring rivulet furnished him with water,
dom of Jeroboam, which was then held by his untilit was dried up. Then, being instructed
son, and often, after conquering the enemy, by God, he went to the town of Saraptae, and
carried off spoil as the result of victory. After turned aside to lodge with a widow-woman.
forty-one years he died, afflicted with disease in And when, in his hunger, he begged food from
his feet. To him sin of a three-fold kind is her, she complained that she had only a handful
ascribed first, that he trusted too much to his
; of meal and a little oil, on the consumption of
alliance with the king of Syria secondly, that ; which she expected death along with her chil-
he cast into prison a prophet of God who dren.' But when Elijah promised in the words
rebuked him for this and thirdly, that, ; when of God that neither should the meal lessen in
suffering from disease in his feet, he sought a the barrel nor the oil in the vessel, the woman
remedy, not from God, but from the physicians. did not hesitate to believe the prophet demand-
In the beginning of his reign died Jeroboam, ^
ing faith, and obtained the fulfillment of what
king of the ten tribes, and left his throne to his was promised, since by daily increase as much
ion Nabath. He, from his wicked works, and,
by his own and his father's doings, hateful remarkable, as Homius has obser%-ed aftes Ligonius, that,
^ It is
while in the kingdom of Judah the sovereignty remained in the
.0 God, did not possess the kingdom more than same family, in the kingdom of Ephraim the scepter was hardly
wo years, and his children, as being unworthy, ever transmitted to son or grandson.
"Cum filiis": after the Greek; the Hebrew text speaks of
only one son.
The Chronicon of Eusebius is referred to. ' Such fieems
clearly to be the meaning of the somewhat strange
* " " "
Many editors here read maternis," instead of patemis." phrase, promissorum iidem consecuta est."
was added as was day by day taken away. At aside threatening punishment. For the king of
the same time, P^lijah restored to life the dead Syria with a great army, having formed a military
son of the same widow. Th^n, by the command confederacy with thirty-two kings, entered the
of God, he went to the king, and having re- territories of Samaria, and began to besiege the
proved his impiety, he ordered all the people to city with its king. The affairs of the besieged
be gathered together to himself. When these being then in a state of great distress, the Syrian
had hastily assembled, the priests of the idols king offers these conditions in the war, — if they
and of the groves to the number of about four should give up their gold and silver and women,
hundred and fifty, were also summoned. Then he would spare their lives. But, with such in-
there arose a dispute between them, Elijah set- iquitous conditions offered, it seemed better to
ting forth the honor of God, while they upheld suffer the greatest extremities. And now when
their own superstitions. At length they agreed the safety of all was despaired of, a prophet sent
that a trial should be made to this effect, that, by God went to the king, encouraged him to
if fire sent down from heaven should consume go forth to battle, and when he hesitated,
the slain victim of either of them, that religion strengthened his confidence in many ways. Ac-
should be accepted as the true one which per- cordingly making a sally, the enemy were routed,
formed the miracle. Accordingly, the priests, and an abundant store of booty was secured.
having slain a calf, began to call upon the idol But, after a year, the Syrian king returned with
Bahal and, after wasting their invocations to
recruited strength into Samaria, burning to
no purpose, they tacitly acknowledged the help- avenge the defeat he had received, but was
lessness of their God. Then Elijah mocked again overthrown. In that battle one hundred
them and said, "Cry aloud more vehemently, and twenty thousand of the Syrians perished ;
lest perchance he sleeps, and that thus you may the king was pardoned, and his kingdom and
rouse him from the slumber in which he is sunk." former position were granted him. Then Ahab
The wretched men could do nothing but shudder was reproved by the prophet in the words of
and mutter to themselves, but still they waited God, for having abused the divine kindness, and
to see what Elijah would do. Well, he slew a spared the enemy delivered up to him. The
calf and laid it upon the altar, having first of all Syrian king, therefore, after three years, made
filled the sacred place with water ;
and then, war upon the Hebrews. Against him Ahab,
calling upon the name of the Lord, fire fell from under the advice of some false prophet, went
heaven in the sight of all, and consumed alike forth to batde, having spurned the words of
the water and tlie victim. Then truly the peo- Michea the prophet and cast him into prison,
ple, casting themselves upon the earth, confessed because the prophet had warned him that the
God and execrated the idols ; while finally, by fight would prove disastrou§ to him. Thus,
the command of Elijah, the impious priests were then, Ahab, being slain in that battle, left the
seized, and, being brought down to the brook, kingdom to his son Ochozia.
were there slain. The prophet followed the
king as he returned from that place ; but as
Jezebel, the wife of the king, was devising means CHAPTER XLV.
for taking his life, he retired to a more remote

spot. There God addressed him, telling him He being sick in body, and having sent some
that there were still seven thousand men who of his servants to consult an idol about his
had not given themselves up to idols. That was recovery, Elijah, as instructed by God, met them
to Elijah a marvelous statement, for he had in the way, and, after rebuking them ordered
supposed that he himself was the only one who them to inform the king that his death would
had kept free from impiety. follow from that disease. Then the king
ordered him to be seized and brought into his
presence, but those who were sent for this pur-
XLIV. pose were consumed by fire from heaven. The
king died, as the prophet had predicted. To
At that time, Ahab, king of Samaria, coveted him there succeeded his brother
the vineyard of Naboth, which was
Joram and he ;

adjacent to held the government for the space of twelve

his own. And as Naboth was unwilling to sell But on the side of the two tribes, Josa-
it to him, he was cut off
by the wiles of Jezebel. phat the king having died, Joram his son pos-
Thus Ahab got possession of the vineyard, sessed the
kingdom for eighteen years. He had
though he is said at the same time to have the
daughter of Ahab to wife, and proved him-

regretted the death of Naboth. Acknowledging self more like his father-in-law than his father.
his crime, he is related to have done ^
penance After him, Ochozias his son obtained the king-
clothed in sackcloth and in this way he turned
dom. During his is related to have
reign, Elijah
Egisse paenitentiam." been taken up to heaven. At the same time,

Elisha his disciple showed himself powerful by punishment of his sin, for, having entered as
working many miracles, which are all too well a conqueror the territories of the Idumseans, he
known to need any description from my pen. By had adopted the idols of that nation. He is
him the son of a widow was restored to life, a described as having reigned nine years, so far
leper of Syria was cleansed, at a time of famine as I find it stated in the Books of Kings. But
abundance of all things was brought into the city in the Chronicles of Scripture, as well as in the
by the enemy having been put to flight, water Chronicles^ of Eusebius, he is affirmed to have
was furnished for the use of three armies, and held the government twenty-nine years ; and
from a little oil the debt of a woman was paid the mode of reckoning which may easily be
by the oil being immensely multiplied, and suffi- perceived in these Books of Kings imdoubtedly
cient means for a livelihood was provided for leads to that conclusion. For Jeroboam is said
herself. In his times, as we have said, Ochozia to have begun to reign as king of the ten tribes
was king of the two tribes, while Joram, as we in the eighth year of the reign of Amassia, and
have related above, ruled over the ten and an;
to have held the government forty-one years,
alliance was formed between them. For war and to have at length died in the fourth year of
was carried on by them with combined forces the reign of Ozia, son of Amassia. By this mode
both against the Syrians, 'and against Jeu, who of reckoning, the reign of Amassia is made to
had been anointed by the prophet as king ofextend over twenty-eight years. Accordingly,
the ten tribes ;
and having gone we, following out this, inasmuch as it is our pur-
forth to battle
in company, they both perished in the same pose to adhere in this work to the dates in their

fight. proper order, have accepted the authority of the



But Jeu possessed kingdom of Joram.
OziAS, then, the son of Amassia, succeeded to
After the death of Ochozia in Judaea, when he him.
For, on the side of the ten tribes, Joas,
had reigned one year, his mother, Gotholiah,
reaching the end of his days, had given place to
seized the supreme power, having deprived her his son
Jeroboa, and after him, again, his son
grandson (whose name was Joas) of the gov- Zacharias began to reign. Of these kings, and
ernment, he being at the time but a little child. of all who ruled over Samaria on the side of the
But the power thus snatched from him by his ten
tribes, we have not thought it necessary to
grandmother was, after eight years, restored to note the dates, because, aiming at brevity, we
him through means of the priests and people, have omitted and we
everything superfluous ;
while his grandmother was driven into exile. have
thought that the years should be carefully
He, at the beginning of his reign, was most de- traced for a knowledge especially of the times
voted to the divine worship, and embellished of that '
portion of the Jews, which being carried
the temple at great expense afterwards, how- into captivity at a later
period than the other,
ever, being corrupted by the flattery of the
passed through a longer time as a kingdom.
chief men, and unduly honored by them, he
Ozias, then, having obtained the kingdom of
incurred wrath. For Azahel, king of Syria,
Judah, gave his principal care to knowing the
made war upon him ; and, as things went badly
Lord, making great use of Zachariah the prophet
with him, he purchased peace with the gold of
(Isaiah, too, is said to have first prophesied
the temple. He did not, however, obtain it under ;
this king) and, on this account, he
but through resentment for what he had done, carried on war
against his "neighbors with de-
he was slain by his own people in the fortieth
servedly prosperous results, while he also con-
year of his reign. He was succeeded by his son quered the Arabians. .And already he had
Amassia. But, on the side of the ten tribes, shaken
Egypt with the terror of his name ; but,
feu having died, Joachas his son began to reign,
being elated by prosperity, he ventured on what
;iis])leasing to God on account of his wicked was forbidden, and offered incense to God, a
>vorks, in punishment of which his kingdom was
thing which it was the established custom for
'avaged by the Syrians, until, through the mercy the priests alone to do. Being, then, rebuked
(iod, the enemy was driven back, and the
by Azaria the priest, and compelled to leave the
nhabitants of the land began to occupy their sacred
place, he burst out into a rage, but was,
"jrmer position. Joachas, having ended his when he finally withdrew, covered with leprosy.
lays, left the kingdom to his son Joa. He Under the influence of this disease he ended his
aised civil war against Amassia, king of the two
" '
ribes ; and, having obtained the victory, con- * "
Chronicis," i.e. of Eusebius.
eyed much spoil into his own kingdom. That '
Chro'iicoriim," i.e. of Eusebius.
There is a rcforeiicc in these words to the two tribes, or kingdom
5 related to have occurred to Amassia as a of Judah.
days, after having reigned fifty-two years.
tne kingdom was given to Joathas his son ; and
he is related to have been very pious, and carried But in Samaria, Zacharia the king, who was
on the government with success he subdued in very wicked, and whom we have spoken of

war the nation of the Ammonites, and compelled above as occupying the throne, was slain by a
them to pay tribute. He reigned sixteen years, certain Sella, who seized the kingdom. He, in
and his son Achaz succeeded him. turn, perished by the treachery of Mane, who
simply repeated the conduct of his predecessor.
Mane held the government which he had taken
CHAPTER XLVHI. from Sella, and left it to his son Pache. But a
certain person of the same name slew Pache,

The remarkable faith of the Ninevites is re- and seized the kingdom. Ere long being cut off
lated to have been manifested about these times. by Osee, he lost the sovereignty by the same
That town, founded of old by Assure, the son crime by which he had received it. This man,
of Sem, was the capital of the kingdom of the being ungodly beyond all the kings who had
Assyrians. It was then full of a multitude of him, brought punishment upon himself
inhabitants, sustaining one hundred and twenty from God, and a perpetual captivity on his
thousand men, and abounding in wickedness, as nation. For Salmanasar, king of the Assyrians,
is usually the case among a vast concourse of made war with him, and when conquered ren-

people. God, moved by their sinfulness, com- dered him tributary. But when, with secret
manded the prophet Jonah to go from Judaea, plans, he was preparing for rebellion, and had
and denounce destruction upon the city, as asked the king of the Ethiopians, who then had
Sodom and Gomorrah had of old been con- possession of Egypt for his assistance, Salman-
sumed by fire from heaven. But the prophet asar, on discovering that, cast him into prison
declined that office of preaching, not out of with fetters never taken off, while he destroyed
contumacy, but from foresight, which enabled the city, and carried off the whole people into
him to behold God reconciled through the re- his own kingdom, Assyrians being placed in the
pentance of the people and he embarked on enemy's country to guard it. Hence that district

board a ship which was bound for Tharsus, in a was called Samaria, because in the language of
very different direction. But, after they had the Assyrians guards are called Samaritse.^ Very
gone forth into the deep, the sailors, constrained many of their settlers accepted the divine rite*
by the violence of the sea, inquired by means of the Jewish religion, while others remained in
of the lot who was the cause of that suffering. the errors of heathenism. In this war, Tobias
And when the lot fell upon Jonah, he was cast was carried into captivity. But on the side of
into the sea, to be, as it were, a sacrifice for the two tribes, Achaz, who was displeasing to God
stilling the tempest, and he was seized and on account of his impiety, finding he had fre-
swallowed by a whale — a monster of the deep. quently the worst of it in wars with his neigh-
Cast out three days afterwards on the shores of bors, resolved to worship the gods of the
the Ninevites, he preached as he had been heathen, undoubtedly because by their help his
commanded, namely that the city would be enemies had proved victorious in frequent
^ ^
destroyed in three days, as a punishment for battles. He ended his days with this crime in
the sins of the people. The voice of the prophet his wicked mind, after a reign of sixteen years.
was listened to, not in a hypocritical fashion, as
at Sodom of old ;
and immediately by the order,
and after the example, of the king, the whole CHAPTER L.
people, and even those infants newly born, are
commanded to abstain from meat and drink : To him succeeded Ezekias his son, a man
the very beasts of burden in the place, and very unlike his father in character. For, in the
animals of different kinds, being forced by beginning of his reign, urging the people and the
hunger and thirst, presented an appearance of priests to the worship of God, he discoursed to
those who lamented along with the human in- them in many words, showing how often, after
habitants. In this way, the threatened evil was being chastened by the Lord, they had obtained
averted. To Jonah, complaining to God, that mercy, and how the ten tribes, having been at
his words had not been fulfilled, it was answered last carried away into captivity, as had lately
that pardon could never be denied to the peni- happened, were now paying the penalty of their
tent. impiety. He added that their duty was care-
1 fully to be on their guard lest they should de-
Surely a blunder; for, as has been well asked, how could Jonah,
who was swallowed by a whale in the Mediterranean, have been cast serve to suffer the same things. Thus, the
out by the fish on the shores of the Ninevites? The
" the
Hebrew text
has simply dryland."
1 Vorstius remarks that this is a totally erroneous statement.
After the Greek; the Hebrew has " forty days." * " Piaculo": a
very old meaning is here attached to the word.

minds of all being turned to religion, he ap- king in terr.or fled to the town of Nineveh, and
pointed the Levites and all the priests to offer being there slain by his sons, met with an end
sacrifices according to the law, and arranged worthy of himself. At the same time, Ezekias,
that the Passover, which had for a long time sick in body, lay suffering from disease. And
been neglected, should be celebrated. And when Isaiah had announced to him in the words
when the holy day was at hand, he proclaimed of the Lord that the end of his life was at hand,
the special day of assembly by messengers sent the king is related to have wept ; and thus he
throughout all the land, so that, if any had got fifteen years added to his life. These com-
remained in Samaria, after the removal of the ing to an end, he died in the twenty-ninth year
ten tribes, they might gather together for the of his reign, and left the kingdom to his son
sacred observance. Thus, in a very full assem- Manasse. He, degenerating much from his
blage, the sacred day was spent with public father, forsook God, and took to the practice of
rejoicing, and, after a long interval, the proper impious worship and being, as a punishment

religious rites were restored by means of Ezekias. for this, delivered into the power of the Assyr-
He then carried on military affairs with the ians, he was by his sufferings constrained to
same diligence with which he had attended to acknowledge his error, and exhorted the people
divine things, and defeated the Philistines in they should worship
that, forsaking their idols,
frequent battles ; until Sennacherim, king of the God. Heaccomplished nothing worthy of
Assyrians, made war against him, having entered special mention, but reigned for fifty-five years.
his territories with a large army ; and then, when Then Amos his son obtained the kingdom, but
the country had been laid waste without any possessed it only two years. He was the heir
opposition, he laid siege to the city. For Eze- of his father's impiety, and showed himself re-
kias, being inferior in numbers, did not venture gardless of God being entrapped by some

to come to an engagement with him, but kept stratagems of his friends, he perished.
himself safe within the walls. The king of
Assyria, thundering at the gates, threatened de-
struction, and demanded surrender, exclaiming CHAPTER LIL
that in vain did Ezekias put his trust in God, for
that he rather had taken up arms by the appoint- The government then passed to his son Josia.
ment of God ;
and that the conqueror of all He is related to have been very pious, and to
nations, as well as the overthrower of Samaria, have attended to divine things with the utmost
could not be escaped, unless the king secured care, profiting largelyby the aid of the priest
his own safety by a speedy surrender. In this Helchia. Having read a book written with the
state of affairs, Ezekias, trusting in God, con- words of God, and which had been found in
sulted the prophet Isaiah, and from his answer the temple by the priest, in which it was stated
he learned that there would be no danger from that the Hebrew nation would be destroyed on
the enemy, and that the divine assistance would account of their frequent acts of impiety and
not fail him. And, in fact, not long after, sacrilege, by pious supplications to God,

Tarraca, king of Ethiopia, invaded the kingdom and constant he averted the impending
of the Assyrians. overthrow. When he learned through Olda the
prophetess that this favor was granted him, he
then with still greater care set himself to prac-
CHAPTER LI. tice the worship of God, inasmuch as he was
now under obligation to the divine goodness.
By this news Sennacherim was led to return Accordingly, he burned all the vessels which
in order to defend his own territories, and he had by the superstitions of former kings been
gave up the war, at the same time murmuring consecrated to idols. For to such a height had
and crying out that victory was snatched from profane observances prevailed, that they used to
him the victor. He also sent letters to Ezekias, pay divine honors to the sun and moon, and
declaring, with many insulting words, that he, even erected shrines made of metal to these
after settling his own affairs, would speedily fancied deities. Josia reduced these to powder,
return for the destruction of Judaea. But Eze- and also slew the priests of the profane temples.
kias, in no wise disturbed by these threats, is He did not even spare the tombs of the im-
iaid to have prayed to God that he would not pious ; and it was observed that thus was ful-
iUow the so great insolence of this man to pass
filled what had of old been predicted by the

anavenged. Accordingly, in the same night, prophet. In the eighteenth year of his reign,
m angel attacking the camp of the Assyrians, the Passover was celebrated. And about three
:aused the death of many thousand men. The years afterwards, having gone forth to battle
Our author is here guilty of omission and consequent inaccu- against
Nechao, king of Egypt, who was making
acy. Comp. Isa. chap. 37.
war upon the Assyrians, before the armies prop-
an arrow. CHAPTER
erly engaged, he was wounded by LIV.
And being carried back to the city, he died of
that wound, after he had reigned twenty and one Meanwhile Sedechias, the king of the useless
years. multitude, although without power, being of an
unfaithful disposition and neglectful of God,
and not understanding that captivity had been
CHAPTER LIII. brought upon them on account of the sins of the
nation, becoming at length ripe for suffering the
his son, having then obtained the last evils he could endure, offended the mind of
doomed the king. Accordingly, after a period of nine
kingdom, held it for three months, being
For made war against him,
to captivity on account of his impiety. years, Nabuchodonosor
of bound him and led him and forced him to flee within the walls,
Nechao, king Egypt, having
while still a he
away captive, and not long after, besieged him for three years. At this time,
prisoner, he ended his days. An annual tribute consulted Jeremia the prophet, who had already
was demanded of the Jews, and a king was given often proclaimed that captivity impended over
them at the will of the victor. His name was the city, to discover if perhaps there might still
Eliakim, but he afterwards changed
it to Joa- be some hope. But he, not ignorant of the
chim. He was the brother of Joacha, and the anger of heaven, having frequently had the same
his brother than his father,
son of Josia, but liker an answer,
question put to him, at length gave
displeasing God by Accordingly, denouncing special punishment upon the king.
his impiety.
while he was in subjection to the king of Egypt, Then Sedechias, roused to resentment, ordered
and in token thereof paid him tribute, Na- the prophet to be thrust into prison. Ere long,
buchodonosor, the king of Babylon, seized the however, he regretted this cruel act, but, as the
land of Judsea, and as victor held it by the right chief men of thfe Jews (whose practice it had
of war for three years. For the king of Egypt been even from the beginning to afflict the
of their
giving way, and the boundaries not venture to
now righteous) opposed him, he did
fixed between them, it had been release the innocent man. Under coercion from
empire being
agreed that the Jews should belong
to Babylon. the same persons, the prophet was let down
Thus after Joachim, having finished his reign of into a pit of great depth, and which was dis-

eleven years, had given place to his son of the gusting from its filth and squalor, while a deadly

same name, and he had excited against himself stench issued from it. This was done that he
the wrath of the king of Babylon (God undoubt- might not simply die by a common death. But
edly overruling everything, having
resolved to the
king, impious though he was, yet
to captivity and himself somewhat more merciful than the priests,
give the nation of the Jews up
destruction), Nabuchodonosor entered Jerusa- and ordered the prophet to be taken out of the
lem with an army, and leveled the walls and the pit, and restored to the safekeeping of the prison.
temple to the ground. He also carried off
an In the meantime the force of the enemy and
immense amount of gold, with sacred ornaments want began to press the besieged hard, and
either public or private, and all of mature age everything being consumed that could be eaten,
both of the male and female sex, those only famine took a firm hold of them. Thus, its de-
being left behind whose weakness or age
caused fenders being worn out with want of food, the
trouble to the conquerors. This useless crowd town was taken and burnt. The king, as the
had the task assigned them of working and cul- prophet had declared, had his eyes put out, and
in order that the was carried
tivating the fields in slavery, away to Babylon, while Jeremia,
soil might not be neglected. Over them a king through the mercy of the enemy, was taken out
called Sedechias was appointed ; but while the of his prison. When Nabuzardan, one of the
empty shadow of the name of king was allowed royal princes, was leading him away captive with
him, all real power was taken away. Joachim, the rest, the choice was granted by him to the
for his part, possessed the sovereignty only for his deserted and
prophet, either to remain in
three months. He was carried away, along with desolated native country, or to go along with
the people, to Babylon, and was there thrown him in the possession of the highest honors ;
into prison ; but being, after a period of thirty and Jeremia preferred to abide in his native
years released, while he was admitted by the land. Nabuchodonosor, having carried away
king to his friendship, and made a partaker with the people, appointed as governor over those
him at his table and in his counsels, he died at left behind by the conquerors (either from the
last, not without some consolation in that his circumstances attending the war, or from an ab-
misfortunes had been removed. solute weariness of accumulating spoil) Godolia,
who belonged to the same nation. He

^ " as once before.

1 Lacum,"

him, however, no royal ensign, or even the name that her cause should be heard afresh. For the
of governor, because there was really no honor multitude of the Jews who were then present,
in ruling over these few wretched persons. thought that a boy of an age so little command-
ing respect, had not ventured to take such a
bold step without a divine impulse, and, granting
him the favor which was asked, returned anew
BOOK II. to council. The trial, then, is entered upon
once more and Daniel was allowed to take his

CHAPTER I. place among the elders. Upon this, he orders

the two accusers to be separated from each
The times of the captivity have been rendered other, and inquires of each of them in turn,
illustrious by the predictions and deeds of the under what kind of a tree he had discovered the

prophets, and especially by the remarkable per- adulteress. From the difference of answers
sistency of Daniel in upholding the law, and by which they gave, their falsehood was detected :

the deliverance of Susanna through the divine Susanna was acquitted ; and the elders, who had
wisdom, as well as by the other things which it brought the innocent into danger, were con-
accomplished, and which we shall now relate in demned to death.
their order. Daniel was made a prisoner under
King Joachim, and was brought to Babylon,
while a very little child. Afterwards, on

account of the beauty of his countenance, he

had a place given him among the king's servants, At that time, Nabuchodonosor had a dream
and along with him, Annanias, Misael, and Aza- marvelous for that insight^ into the future which
rias. But, when the king had ordered them to it implied. As he could not of himself bring
be supplied with the finer kinds of food, and out its interpretation, he sent for the Chaldaeans
had imposed it as a duty on Asphane the eunuch who were supposed by magic arts and by the
to attend to that matter, Daniel, mindful of the entrails of victims to know secret things, and to
traditions of his fathers which forbade him to
predict the future, in order to its interpretation.
partake of food from the table of a king of the Presently becoming apprehensive lest, in the
Gentiles, begged of the eunuch to be allowed usual manner of men, they should extract from
to use a diet of pulse only. Asphane objected the dream not what was true, but what would
that the leanness which would follow might reveal be acceptable to the king, he suppresses the
the fact that the king's commandment had been
things he had seen, and demands of them that,
disobeyed,; but Daniel, putting his trust in God, if a real power of divination was in them, they
promised that he would have greater beauty of should relate to him the dream itself; saying
countenance from living on pulse than from the that he would then believe their interpretation,
use of the king's dainties. And his words were if they should first make proof of their skill by
made good, so that the faces of those who were But they declined attempt-
relating the dream.
cared for at the public expense were regarded
ing so great a difficulty, and confessed that such
as by no means comparable to those of Daniel a thing was not within the reach of human
and his friends.Accordingly, being promoted
power. Tlie king, enraged because, under a
by the king to honor and
favor, they were, in a false profession of divination, they were mocking
short time, by their prudence and wise conduct, men with their errors, while they were compelled
preferred to all those that stood nearest to the by the present case to acknowledge that they
king. About the same time, Susanna, the wife had no such knowledge as was pretended, made
of a certain man called Joachis, a woman of an exposure of them by means of a royal edict ;

remarkable beauty, was desired by two elders, and the men professing that art were publicly
and, when she would not listen to their unchaste to death. When Daniel heard of that, he
proposals, was assailed by a false accusation.
spoke to one of those nearest to the king, and
These elders reported that a young man was
promised to give an account of the dream, as
found with her in a retired place, but escaped well as supply its interpretation. The thing is
their hands by his youthful nimbleness, while
reported to the king, and Daniel is sent for.
they were enfeebled with age. Credit, accord- The mystery had already been revealed to him
ingly, was given to these elders, and Susanna
by God ;
and so he relates the vision of the
was condemned by the sentence of the people. But this matter
king, as well as interprets it.
And, as she was being led away to punishment demands that we set forth the dream of the
according to the law, Daniel, who was then king and its interpretation, along with the fulfill-
twelve years old, after having rebuked the Jews ment of his words
by what followed. The king,
for delivering the innocent to death, demanded
that she should be brought back to trial, and * "
mysterio futurorum mirabile."
then, had seen in his sleep an image with a nothing that world in which exist earthly king-
head of gold, with a breast and arms of silver, doms, and will establish another kingdom,
with a belly and thighs of brass, with legs of incorruptible and everlasting, that is, the future
iron, and which in its feet ended partly
with iron, world, which is prepared for the saints. The
and partly with clay. But the iron and the clay faith of some still hesitates about this point only,
when blended together could not adhere to each while they do not believe about things yet to
other. At last, a stone cut out without hands come, though they are convinced of the things
broke the image to pieces, and the whole, being that are past. Daniel, then, was presented with
reduced to dust, was carried away by the wind. many gifts by the king, was set over Babylon
and the whole empire, and was held in the
highest honor. By his influence, Annanias,
Azarias, and Misael, were also advanced to the
About the same
highest dignity and power.
Accordingly, as the prophet interpreted the time, the remarkable prophecies of Ezekiel
came out, the mystery of future things and of
matter, the image which was seen furnished a
of the world. The head the resurrection ^ having been revealed to him.
representation golden
is the empire of the Chaldaeans ; for we have
His book is one of great weight, and deserves to
that it was the first and wealthiest. be read
with care.
The breast and the arms of silver represent the
second kingdom ; for Cyrus, after the ChaMse-
ans and the Medes were conquered, conferred
the empire on the Persians. In the brazen CHAPTER IV.
belly it is said that the third sovereignty was
indicated and we see that this was fulfilled, for But in Judaea, over which, as we have related

Alexander took the empire from the Persians, above, Godolia was set after the destruction of
and won the sovereignty for the Macedonians. Jerusalem, the Jews taking it very ill that a
The iron legs point to a fourth power, and that ruler not of the royal race had been assigned
is understood of the Roman empire, which is
them by the mere will of the conqueror, with a
more powerful^ than all the kingdoms which certain Ismael as their leader and instigator of
were before it. But the fact that the feet were the execrable conspiracy, cut off Godolia by
means of treachery while he was at a banquet.
partly of iron and partly clay, indicates that the
Roman empire is to be divided, so as never to Those, however, who had no part in the plot,
the deed,
be united. This, too, has been fulfilled, for the wishing to take steps for avenging
Roman state is ruled not by one emperor but hastily take up arms against Ismael. But when
he learned that destruction threatened him,
by several, and these are always quarreling
among themselves, either in actual warfare or leaving the army which he had collected, and
with not more than eight companions he fljed to
by factions. Finally, by the clay and the iron
the Ammonites. Fear, therefore, fell upon the
being mixed together, yet never in their sub-
stance thoroughly uniting, are shadowed forth whole people, lest the king of Babylon should
those future mixtures of the human race which avenge the guilt of a few by the destruction of
all ; for, in addition to Godolia, they had slain
disagree among themselves, though apparently
combined. For it is obvious that the Roman many of the Chaldseans along with him. They,
therefore, form a plan of fleeing into Egypt, but
territory is occupied by foreign nations, or
they first go in a body to Jeremia, requesting of
rebels, or that it has been given over to those
who have surrendered themselves under an him divine counsel. He then exhorted them
all in the words of God to remain in their
appearance^ of peace. And it is also evident
that barbarous nations, and especially Jews, native country, telling them that if they did so,
have been commingled with our armies, cities, they would be protected by the power of God,
and provinces ; and we thus behold them living and that no danger would accrue from the
if they went into Egypt,
among us, yet by no means agreeing to adopt Babylonians, but that,
our customs. And the declare that they would all perish there by sword, and
these are the last times. But in the stone cut famine, and kinds of death.
different The
out without hands, which broke to pieces the rabble, however, with the usual evil tendency

gold, silver, brass, iron, and clay, there is a they show, being unaccustomed to yield to
For he, not born under human useful advice and the divine power, did go into
figure of Christ.
conditions (since he was born not of the will of Egypt. The sacred Scriptures are silent as to
their future fate ; and I have not been able
man, but of the will of God), will reduce to
to discover anything regarding it.
1 Such is clearly the meaning, but it is
strangely expressed by
the words
" omnibus ante regnis validissimum." * "
resurrectionis," referring probably not to the rising again of
2 The text is here very uncertain and obscure. the dead, but to the restoration of the Jews. See Ezek. chap. 37.

CHAPTER V. remark unnoticed, since it does in

to pass the
harmonize with the Chronicles, and chus its
At this period of time, Nabuchodonosor, account agrees with us, to the effect that,
elated with prosperity, erected a golden statue through the succession of the kings, whose dates
to himself of enormous size, and ordered it to the record contained, it completed seventy years
be worshiped as a sacred image. And when up to the first year of king Cyrus, and such in
this was zealously gone about by all, inasmuch fact is the number of years which is stated in
as their minds had been corrupted by the uni- the sacred history to have elapsed from the cap-
versal flattery which prevailed, Annanias, Azarias, tivity up to the time of Cyrus.
and Misael kept aloof from the profane observ-
ance, being well aware that that honor was due to
God alone. They were therefore, according to CHAPTER VI.
an edict of the king, regarded as criminals, and
there was set before them, as the means of After Nabuchodonosor, the kingdom fell to
his son, whom I find called Euilmarodac in the
punishment, a fiery furnace, in order that, by
present terror, they might be compelled to
Chronicles. He died in the twelfth year of his
worship the statue. But they preferred to be reign, and made room for his younger brother,
swallowed up by the flames rather than to com- who was called Balthasar. He, when in the
mit such a sin. Accordingly, they were bound, fourteenth year he gave a public feast to his
and cast into the midst of the fire. chief men and rulers, ordered the sacred vessels
But the
flames laid hold of the agents in this execrable (which had been taken away by Nabuchodo-
nosor from the temple at Jerusalem, yet had not
work, as they were forcing, with all eagerness, the
victims into the fire; while —
wonderful to say,
been employed for any uses of the king, but
and indeed incredible to all but eye-witnesses —
were kept laid up in the treasury) to be brought
And when all persons, both of the male
the fire did not touch the Hebrews at all. They forth.
were seen by the spectators walking in the midst and female sex, with his wives and concubines,
of the furnace, and singing a song of praise to were using these amid the luxury and licentious-
ness of a royal banquet, suddenly the king ob-
God, while there was also beheld along with
them a fourth person having the appearance of served fingers writing upon the wall, and the
an angel, and whom Nabuchodonosor, on obtain- letters were perceived to be formed into words.^
But no one could be found who was able to read
ing a nearer view of him, acknowledged to be
the' Son of God. Then the king having no the writing. The king, therefore, in perturba-
doubt that the divine power was present in the tion called for the magi and the Chaldreans.
event which had taken place, sent proclamations When these simply muttered among themselves
and answered nothing, the queen reminded the
throughout his whole kingdom making known
the miracle which had taken place, and confess- king that there was a certain Hebrew, Daniel by
who had formerly revealed to Nabucho-
ing that honor was to be paid to (Jod alone. name,
Not long after, being instructed by a vision donosor a dream containing a secret mystery,
which presented itself to him, and presently also and had then, on account of his remarkable wis-
been promoted to the highest honors.
by a voice which reached him from heaven, he dom,
is said to have done aside Accordingly, he, being sent for, read and inter-
penance by laying his
preted the writing, to the effect that, on account
kingly power, retiring from all intercourse with
of the sin of the king, who had profaned vessels
mankind, and to have sustained life by herbs
alone. sacred to God, destniction impended over him,
However, his empire was kept for him
and that his kingdom was given to the Medes
by the will of God, until the time was fulfilled,
and at length duly acknowledging C}od, he was, and Persians. And this presently took place.
after seven years, restored to his For, on the same night, Balthasar perished, and
kingdom and
former position. He is related, after Darius, a Mede by nation, took possession of his
Sedechia kingdom. He again, finding that Daniel was
conquered (whom he carried away held
in the highest reputation, placed him at
captive to Babylon), as we have said above, to
have the head of the whole empire, in this following
reigned twenty-six years, although I do not
find thatrecorded in the sacred history. But it the judgment of the kings who had preceded
has perhaps happened that, while I was him. For Nabuchodonosor had also set him
engaged over the kidgdom, and Balthasar had presented
in searching out many points, I found this re-
mark in the work of some anonymous author him with a purple robe and a golden chain,
which had become interpolated in course of while he also constituted him the third ruler in
the kingdom.
time, and in which the dates of the Babylonish
kings were contained. I did not think it right "in vcrsum ductae
literae": various emendations have been
proposed, but the text may stand. The meaning appears to be that
" the letters were not thrown together at random, but so placed as to
Or, confessed that he had seen a son of God." form words.
which Nabuchodonosor had carried away
from the temple at Jerusalem. Accordingly, a
few then returned into Judaea
Those, therefore, who were possessed of power ;
as to the others,
we have not been able to discover whether the
along with him, stimulated by envy, because a
desire of returning, or the power of doing
foreigner belonging to a captive nation had been so,
was wanting. There was at that time
placed on a footing of equality with them, con- among
strain the king, who had been corrupted by flat- the Babylonians a brazen image of Belus, a very
ancient king, whom Virgil also has mentioned.^
tery, to enact that divine honors should be paid
to him for the next thirty days, and that it should This having been deemed sacred by the super-
not be lawful for any one to pray to a god except stition of the people, Cyrus also had been ac-
the king. Darius was easily persuaded to that, customed worship, being deceived by the

through the folly of all kings who claim for trickery of its
priests. They affirmed that the
themselves divine honors. In these circum- image ate and drank, while they themselves
stances, Daniel being not unacquainted with secretly carried off the daily portion which was
what had happened, and not being ignorant that offered to the idol. Cyrus, then, being on inti-
prayer ought to be addressed to God, and not to
mate terms with Daniel, asked him why he did
man, is accused of not having obeyed the king's not worship the image, since it was a manifest
commandment. And much against the will of symbol of the living God, as consuming those
Darius, to whom he had always been dear and things which were offered to it. Daniel, laugh-
acceptable, the rulers prevailed that he should ing at the mistake of the man, replied that it
be let down into a den.^ But no harm came to could not possibly be the case, that that work
him when thus exposed to the wild beasts. And of brass —
mere insensate matter coitld use—
on the king discovering he ordered his ac- either meat or drink. Tlie king, therefore, or-
cusers to be given over to the Hons. dered the priests to be called (they were about
They, how-
in number) and, bringing terror to
ever, did not pass through a similar experience, seventy ;

for they were instantly devoured to satisfy the bear upon them, he reprovingly asked them who
hunger of the savage beasts. Daniel, who had was in the way of consuming what was offered,
been famous before, was now esteemed still since Daniel, a man distinguished for his wis-
more famous and the king, repealing his for- dom, maintained that that could not be done by

mer edict, issued a new one to the effect that, an insensate image. Then they, trusting in their
all and superstitions being abandoned, the
errors ready-made trick, ordered the usual offering to
God of Daniel was to be worshiped. There be made, and the temple to be scaled up by the
exists also a record of visions of Daniel, in king, on the understanding that, unless on the
which he revealed the order of events in com- following day the whole offering were found to
ing ages, embracing in them also the number of have been consumed, they should suffer death,
the years, within which he announced that Christ while, on the opposite being discovered, the
would descend to earth (as has taken place), same fate awaited Daniel. Accordingly, the
and clearly set forth the future coming of Anti- temple Avas sealed up by the signet of the king ;
christ. If any one is eager to inquire into these but Daniel had previously, without the knowl-
points, he will find them more fully treated of in edge of the priests, covered the floor of it with
the book of Daniel our design is simply to
: ashes, so that their footprints
might betray the
present a connected statement of events. Darius clandestine approaches of those who entered.
is related to have
reigned eighteen years ; after The king, then, having entered the temple on
which date Astyages began to rule over the the following day, perceived that those things
Medes. had been taken away, which he had ordered to
be served up to the idol. Then Daniel lays open
the secret fraud by the betraying footprints,

CHAPTER showing that the priests, with their wives and

children, had entered the temple by a hole
Him Cyrus, his grandson by his daughter, ex- opened from below, and had devoured those
pelled from the kingdom, having used the arms things which were served up to the idol. Ac-
of the Persians for the purpose ; and hence the cordingly, all of them were put to death by the
chief power was transferred to the Persians. order of the king, while the temple and
The Babylonians also fell under his power and
were submitted to the power of Daniel, and
were destroyed at his command.
government. It happened at the beginning of
his reign that, by the
issue of public edicts, he
The reference is to Mn. I. 729, but Sigonius and others have
gave permission to the Jews to return into their suspected the words as being a gloss. They are, however, probably
own country ; and he also restored the sacred genuine. Virgil's words are,
" Hie

regina gravem gemmis auroque poposcit
* " lacum " Implevitqiie mero paternam, quam F'elus et omnes
: twice used before in the sense of pit. A Belo soliti; turn facta silentia tectis."

the length of his rule in most copies,' set

To him
at twenty and five years. suc-
ceeded Artaxerxes, of whom we have made
In the meantime, those Jews, who, as we have
mention above. Since he ordered the building
said above, returned into their native land by
of the Jewish city and temple to be stopped,
the permission of Cyrus, attempted to restore
the work was suspended to the second year of
their city and temple. But, being few and poor,
king Darius. But that the succession of dates
they made but little progress, until, at last, after
be completed up to him, I have to state
the lapse of about a hundred years, while Arta- may
that Artaxerxes reigned forty-one years, Xerxes
xerxes the king ruled over the Persians, they
two months, and that, after him, Sucdianus
were absolutely deterred from building by those
ruled for seven months.
who had local authority. For, at that time,
Syria and all Judaea was ruled under the empire
of the Persians by magistrates and governors.
Accordingly, these took counsel to write to king
Artaxerxes, that it was not fitting that opportu- Next, Darius, under whom the temple was
nity should be granted to the Jews of rebuilding restored, obtained the kingdom, his name being
their city, lest, in accordance with their stubborn at that time Ochus. He had three Hebrew
character, and being accustomed to rule over
youths of tried fidelity as his body-guard, and
other nations, they should, on recovering their one of these
had, from the proof of his prudence
strength, not submit to live under the sway of a which he had
given, attracted towards himself
foreign power. Thus, the plan of the rulers the admiration of the king. The choice, then,
being approved of by the king, the building of being given him of asking for anything which
the city was put a stop to, and delayed until the he had formed a desire for in his heart, groaning
second year of Darius the king. But, who were over the ruins of his country, he begged permis-
kings of Persia throughout this period of time, sion to restore the city, and obtained an order
we shall here insert, in order that the successionfrom the king to urge the lieutenants and nilers
of the dates may be set forth in a regular and to hurry fonvard the building of the holy temple,
fixed order. Well, then, after Darius the Mede, and furnish the expense needful to that end.
who, as we have said above, reigned eighteen
Accordingly, the temple was completed in four
years, Cyrus held the supreme power for thirty- years ; that is, in the sixth year after Darius
one years. While making war upon the Scyth-
began to reign, and that seemed, for the time,
ians, he fell in battle, in the second year after
enough to the people of the Jews. For, as it
Tarquinius Superbus began to reign at Rome. was a work of great labor to restore the city,
To Cyrus succeeded his son Cambyses, and distnisting their own resources, they did not
reigned eight years. He, after harassing with venture at the time to begin an undertaking of
war Egypt and Ethiopia, and subduing these so great difficulty, but were content with having
countries, returned as victor to Persia, but acci- rebuilt the temple. At the same time, Esdras
dentally hurt himself, and died from that wound. the scribe, who was skilled in the law, about
After his death, two brothers, who were magi,
twenty years after the temple had been com-
and Medes by nation, held rule over the Per-
pleted (Darius being now dead who had pos-
sians for seven months. To slay these, seven sessed the sovereignty for nineteen years), by
of the most noble of the Persians formed a con- the permission of Artaxerxes the second (not he
spiracy, of whom the leader was Darius, the son who had a place between the two Xerxes, but
of Hystaspes, who was a cousin of Cyrus, and
he who had succeeded to Darius Ochus), set
by unanimous consent the kingdom was bestowed out from Babylon with many following him, and
on him he reigned thirty and six years. He,

they carried to Jerusalem the vessels of various

four years before his death, fought at Marathon,
workmanship, as well as the gifts which the king
in a battle greatly celebrated both in Greek and
had sent for the temple of God. Along with
Roman history. That took place about the two them were but twelve Levites for with difficulty
hundred and sixtieth year after the founding of that number of the tribe is related then to have
Rome, while Macerinus and Augurinus were been found. He, having found that the Jews
consuls, that is, eight hundred and eighty-eight had united in marriage with the Gentiles, rebuked
years ago, provided the research I have made them severely on that account, and ordered
into the succession of Roman consuls does not
them to renounce all connections of that kind,
deceive me ; for I have made the entire reckon- as well as to put away the children which had
ing down to the time of Stilico.* After Darius been the issue of such marriages and all yielded ;
came Xerxes, and he is said to have reigned obedience to his word. The people, then, being
twenty-one years, although I have found that
' "in
plerisque exemplaribus ": the MSS. varying) as they so
Stilico was consul during the lifetime of Sulpittus. often do, with respect to numbers.
performed the rites sanctioned by
and of all ranks — to such an extent had their
the ancient law. But I do not find that Esdras formerly enormous numbers been reduced by
did anything with the view of restoring the frequent wars, and by the multitude kept in
city because he thought, as I imagine, that a
; captivity. For, of old, those two tribes, of
more urgent duty was to reform the people whom the remaining people were all that sur-
from the corrupt habits which they had con- vived, had, when the ten tribes were separated
tracted. from them, been able to furnish three hundred
and twenty thousand armed men. But being
given up by God, on account of their sin, to
death and captivity, they had sunk down to the
miserably small number which they now pre-
one Nehe- sented. This company, however, as I have
There was at that time at Babylon ^
consisted only of the two tribes the ten
miah, a servant of the king, a Jew by birth, and
said, :

which had previously been carried away being

very much beloved by Artaxerxes on account of
scattered among the Parthians, Medes, Indians,
the services he had rendered. He, having in-
and Ethiopians never returned to their native
quired of his fellow-countrymen the Jews, what
was the condition of their ancestral city ; and country, and are to this day held under the
of barbarous nations. But the completion
having learned that his native land remained in sway
of the restored city is related to have been
the same fallen condition as before, is said to
of the reign
have been disturbed with all his heart, and effected in the thirty-second year
of Artaxerxes. From that time to the crucifixion
to have prayed to God with groans and many
tears. He also called to mind the sins of his of Christ ; that is, to the time when Fufius Gem-
inus and Rubellius were consuls, there elapsed
nation, and urgently entreated the divine com-
the that three hundred and ninety and eight years. But
passion. Accordingly, king noticing he,
from the restoration of the temple to its de-
while waiting at table, seemed more sorrowful
than usual, asked him to explain the reasons of struction,
which was completed by Titus under
his grief. Then he began to bewail the misfor- Vespasian, when Augustus was consul, there was
four hundred and eighty-three years.
tunes of his nation, and the ruin of his ancestral a period of
which for almost two hundred and That was formerly predicted by Daniel, who
city, now, fifty
announced that from the restoration of the
years, being leveled with the ground, furnished
there would elapse
a proof of the evils which had been endured, temple to its overthrow
and a gazing-stock to their enemies. He there- seventy and nine weeks. Now, from the date
fore begged the king to grant him the liberty of the captivity
of the Jews until the time of the
of going and restoring it. The king yielded to restoration of the city, there were two
these dutiful entreaties, and immediately sent and sixty years.
him away with a guard of cavalry, that he might
the more safely accomplish his journey, giving
him, at the same time, letters to the rulers re-
questing them to furnish him with all that was
necessary. When he arrived at Jerusalem, he At this period of time we think Esther and
distributed the work connected with the city to
Judith lived, but I confess that I cannot easily
the people, man by man ; and all vied with each
perceive with what kings especially I should
other carrying out the orders which they
connect the actions of their lives. For, while
received. And already the work of rebuilding ^ Esther is said to have lived under King Arta-
had been half accomplished, when the jealousy
xerxes, I find that there were two Persian kings
of the surrounding heathen burst out, and the
of that name, and there is much hesitation in
neighboring cities conspired to interrupt the
concluding to which of these her date is to be
works, and to deter the Jews from building.
assigned. However, it has seemed preferable
But Nehemiah, having stationed guards against
to me to connect the history of Esther with
those making assaults upon the people, was in
that Artaxerxes under whom Jerusalem was
no degree alarmed, and carried out what he
restored, because it is not likely that, if she had
had begun. And thus, after the wall was com-
lived under the former Artaxerxes, whose times
pleted, and the entrances of the gates finished, Esdras has given an account of, he would have
he measured out the city for the construction
made no mention of such an illustrious woman.
by families of houses within it. He reckoned, This is all the more convincing since we know
also, that the people were not adequate in num-
bers to the size of the city ; for there were not
2 Our author here touches upon a most interesting question —
the ultimate destiny of the ten tribes. He seems to imply that none
more of them than fifty thousand of both sexes of them returned to Palestine, but were wholly absorbed among the
Gentile nations. That, however, cannot be correct, for it was still
possible, in the time of Christ, to speak of some as connected with
jamque ad medium machinae processerant." the tribe of Asher, one of the ten tribes. See Luke ii. 36.

that the building of the temple was (as we have his kingdom a race of men of wicked supersti-
related above) prohibited by that Artaxerxes, tions, and hateful alike to God and men. He
and Esther would not have allowed that had said that, as they lived according to foreign laws,
she then been united with him in marriage. they deserved to be destroyed ; and that it was
But I will now repeat what things she accom- a righteous thing to hand over the whole of this
plished. There was at that time a certain nation to death. At the same time, he promised
Vastis connected with the king in marriage, a the king immense wealth out of their posses-
woman of marvelous beauty. Being accus- sions. The barbarous prince was easily per-
tomed to extol her loveliness to all, he one day, suaded, and an edict was issued for the slaughter
when he was giving a public entertainment, of the Jews, while men were at once sent out to
ordered the queen to attend for the purpose of publish it through the whole kingdom from
exhibiting her beauty. But she, more prudent India even to Ethiopia. When Mardochaeus
than the foolish king, and being too modest to heard of this, he rent his clothes, clothed him-
make a show of her person before the eyes of self in sackcloth, scattered ashes upon his head,
men, refused compliance with his orders. His and, going to the palace, he there made the
savage mind was enraged by this insult, and he whole place resound with his wailing and com-
drove her forth, both from her condition of plaints, crying out thatit was an unworthy thing

marriage with him and from the palace. Con- that an innocent nation should perish, while
sequently, when a young woman was sought there existed no ground for its destniction.
after to take her place as the wife of the king, Esther's attention was attracted by the voice of
Esther was found to excel all others in beauty. lamentation, and she learned how the case really
She being a Jewess of the tribe of lienjamin, stood. But she was then at a loss what step she
and an orphan, without father or mother, had should take (for, according to the custom of the
been brought up by her cousin-german,^ Mar- Persians, the queen is not permitted access to
dochaeus. On being espoused to the king, she, the king, unless she has been sent for, and
by the instructions of him who had brought her indeed is not admitted at any time the king
up, concealed her nation and fatherland, and may please, but only at a fixed period) ; and it
was also admonished by him not to become happened at the time, that by this rule, Esther
forgetful of her ancestral traditions, nor, though was held as separated from the presence of the
as a captive she had entered into marriage with king for the next thirty days. However, think-
a foreigner, to take part in the food of the ing that she ought to run some risk in behalf of
heathen. Thus, then, being united to Jthe king, her fellow-countrymen, even should sure destruc-
she, in a short time, as was to be expected, tion await her, she was prepared to encounter
easily captivated his whole mind by the power death in such a noble cause, and, after having
of her beauty, so that, equalizing her with him- called upon God, she entered the court of the
self in the emblem of sovereign power, he But the barbarian, though at first amazed
pre- king.
sented her with a purple robe. at this unusual occurrence, was gradually won
over by female blandishments, and at length
went so far as to accompany the queen to a ban-
quet which she had prepared. Along with him
CHAPTER XHI. also went Haman, the favorite of the king, but
a deadly enemy of the nation of the Jews.
At this time, Mardochaeus was among those Well, when after the feasting the
banquet began
nearest to the king, having entirely under his to become through the many cups which
charge the affairs of the household. He had were drank, Esther cast herself down at the
made known to the king a plot which had been knees of the king, and implored him to stay the
formed by two eunuchs, and, on that account, destruction which threatened her nation. Then
had become a greater favorite, while he was pre- the king promised to refuse nothing to her
sented \vith the highest honors. There was at entreaties, if she had any further request to
that period one Haman, a very confidential make. Esther at once seized the opportunity,
friend of the king, whom he had made equal to and demanded the death of Haman as a satis-
himself and, after the manner of sovereign rulers, faction to her nation, which he had desired to
had ordered to be worshiped. Mardochaeus see destroyed. But the king could not forget
being the one man among all who refused to do his friend, and hesitating a little, he withdrew
that, had greatly kindled the wrath of the Per- for a short time for the purpose of considering
sian against himself. Accordingly, Haman set- the matter. He then returned, and when he
ting his mind to work the ruin of the Hebrew, saw Haman grasping the knees of the queen,
went to the king, and affirmed that there was in excited with rage, and, crying out that violence
* " was being applied to the queen, he ordered him
patruele palre ": words which have much perplexed the
editors. to be put to death. It then came to the knowl-
was named Nabuchodonosor was really Ochus,
edge of the king that a cross had been got
was to since profane historians have related that Baguas
ready by Hainan on which Mardochseus
suffer. Thus, Hainan was fixed to that very lived in his reign. But this ought not to be
felt at all remarkable by any one, that mere
cross, and all his goods were handed over

Mardochaeus, while the Jews at large were set worldly writers have not touched on any of
free, Artaxerxes reigned sixty and two years, those points which are recorded in the sacred
and was succeeded by Ochus. writings. The spirit of God thus took care that
the history should be strictly confined within its
own mysteries, unpolluted by any corrupt mouth,
or that which mingled truth with fiction. That
history being, in fact, separated from the affairs
of the world, and of a kind to be expressed only
To this series of events it will be right that in sacred words, clearly ought not to have been
I should append an account of the doings of mixed up with other histories, as being on a
for she is related to have lived after the For it would
Judith ;
footing of equality with them.
captivity, but the sacred history
has not revealed have been most unbecoming that this history
who was king of the Persians in her day. It, should be commingled with others treating of
however, calls the king under whom her exploits other things, or pursuing different inquiries. But
were performed by the name of Nabuchodo- I will now proceed to what remains, and will
nosor, and that was certainly not the one who narrate in as few words as I can the acts per-
took Jerusalem. But I do not find that any one formed by Judith.
of that name reigned over the Persians after the
captivity, unless it be that, on account
of the ^
wrath and like endeavors which he manifested,
any king acting so was styled Nabuchodonosor CHAPTER XV.
by the Jews. Most persons, however, think that
it was Cambyses, the son of Cyrus, on this The Jews, then, having returned, as we have
ground that he, as a conqueror, penetrated into narrated above, to their native land, and the
Egypt and Ethiopia. But the sacred history is condition of their affairs and of their city being
opposed to this opinion for Judith is described not yet properly settled, the king of the Persians

as having lived in the twelfth year of the king in made war on the
Medes, and engaged in a suc-
question. Now, Cambyses did not possess the cessful battle against their king, who was named
supreme power for more than eight years. Arphaxad. That monarch being slain, he added
Wherefore, if it is allowable to make a conjec- the nation to his empire. He did the same to
ture on a point of history, I should be inclined
other nations, having sent before him Holofernes
to believe that her exploits were performed whom he had
appointed master of his host, with
under king Ochus, who came after the second a hundred and
twenty thousand foot-soldiers,
Artaxerxes. I found this conjecture on the
and twelve thousand cavalry. He, after having
fact that (as I have read in profane histories)
ravaged in war, Cilicia and Arabia, took many
he is related to have been by nature cruel and cities
by force, or compelled them through fear
fond of war. For he both engaged in hostilities
to surrender. And now the army, having moved
with his neighbors, and recovered by wars Egypt,
on to Damascus, had struck the Jews with great
which had revolted many years before. At that terror. But as
they were unable to resist, and
time, also, he is related to have ridiculed the
as, at the same time, they could not bring their
sacred rites of the Egyptians and Apis, who
minds to acquiesce in the thought of surrender,
was regarded by them as a god a thing which since
they had previously known from experi-

Baguas, one of his eunuchs, an Egyptian by ence the miseries of slavery, they betook them-
nation, and indignant at the king's conduct, selves in crowds to the
temple. There, with a
afterwards avenged by the death of the king,
general groaning and commingled wailing, they
considering that the king had insulted the race
to which he belonged. ^ implored the divine assistance saying that they ;

Now, the inspired his- had been sufficiently punished by God for their
tory makes mention of this Baguas for, when sins and offenses ;
and begging him to spare ;
Holofernes by the order of the king led an
the remnant of them who had recently been de-
army against the Jews, it has related that Baguas livered from In the meantime, Holo-
was among the host. Wherefore, not without
fernes had admitted the Moabites to surrender,
reason may I bring it forward in proof of the
and joined them to himself as allies in the war
opinion I have expressed that that king who their chief He
against the Jews. inquired of
" "
men what was the
poenam crucis
text is
: after the
here uncertain.
Greek. power on which the Hebrews
* " historia divina " : the writer applies these words to the
relied in not bringing their minds to submit to
book of Judith. the thought of submission. In reply, a certain

man called Achior stated to him the facts, viz. :

beauty, but still more distinguished for her
that the Jews being worshipers of God, and virtue than her beauty), who was then in the
trained by their fathers to pious observances, camp, she thought that, in the distressed cir-
had formerly passed through a period of slavery cumstances of her people, some bold effort
in Egypt, and that, brought out from that coun- ought to be made by her, even though it should
try by the divine aid, and having passed over on lead to her own destruction. She therefore
foot the sea which was dried up before them, decks her head and beautifies her countenance,
they had at last conquered all the opposing na- and then, attended by a single maid-servant,
tions, and recovered the territory inhabited by she enters the camp of the enemy. She was
their ancestors. That subsequently, with various immediately conducted to Holofernes, and tells
fluctuations in their affairs, they had either pros- him that the affairs of her countrymen were
pered or the reverse, that, when they did sink desperate, so that she had taken precautions for
into adversity, they had again escaped from their her life by flight. Then she begs of the general
sufferings, finding that God was, in turn, either the right of a free egress from the camp during
angry against them, or reconciled towards them, night, for the purpose of saying her prayers.
according to their deserts, so that, when they That order was accordingly given to the senti-
sinned, they were chastised by the attacks of nels and keepers of the gates. But when by
enemies or by being sent into captivity, but were the practice of three days she had established
always unconquerable when they enjoyed the for herself the habit of going out and returning,,
divine favor. So then, if at the present time and had also in this way inspired belief in he^
they are free from guilt, they cannot possibly be intj the barbarians, the desire took possession
subdued but if they are otherwise situated, they of Holofernes of abusing the person of his cap-

will easily be conquered. Upon this, Holofernes, tive for, being of surpassing beauty, she had

flushed with many victories, and thinking that easily impressed the Persian. Accordingly, she
everything must give way before him, was roused was conducted to the tent of the general by
to wrath, because victory on his part was re- Baguas, the eunuch ; and, commencing a ban-
garded as principally depending on the sin of quet, the barbarian stupefied himself with a great
the Jews, and ordered Achior to be pushed for- deal of wine. Then, when the servants with-
ward into the camp of the Hebrews, that he drew, before he offered violence to the woman,
might perish in company with those who he had he fell asleep. Judith, seizing the opportunity,
affirmed could not be conquered. Now, the cut off the head of the enemy and carried it
Jews had then made for the mountains ; and away with her. Being regarded as simply going
those to whom the business had been assigned, out of the camp according to her usual custom,
proceeded to the foot of the mountains, and she returned to her own people in safety. On
there left Achior in chains. When the Jews the following day the Hebrews held forth for
perceived that, they freed him from his bonds show the head of Holofernes from the heights ;
and conducted him up the hill. On their in- and, making a sally, marched upon the camp of
quiring the reason of what had happened, he the enemy. And then the barbarians assemble
explained it to them, and, being received in in crowds at the tent of their general, waiting
peace, awaited the result. I may add that, after for the signal of battle. When his mutilated
the victory, he was circumcised and became a body was discovered, they turned to flight
Jew. Well, Holofernes, perceiving the difficulty under the influence of a disgraceful panic, and
of the localities, because he could not reach the fled before the enemy. The Jews, for their
heights, surrounded the mountains with soldiers, part, pursued the fugitives, and after slaying
and took the greatest pains to cut off the He- many thousands, took possession of the camp
brews from all water supplies. On that account, and the booty within it. Judith was extolled
they felt all the sooner the misery of a siege. with the loftiest praises, and is said to have
Being therefore overcome through want of lived one hundred and five years. If these
water, they went in a company to Ozias, their things took place, as we believe, under king
leader, all inclined to make a surrender. But Ochus, in the twelfth year of his reign, then
he replied that they should wait a little, and from the date of the restoration of Jerusalem up
look for the divine assistance, so that the time to that war there elapsed two and twenty years.
of surrender was fixed for the fifth day after- Now Ochus reigned in all twenty-three years.
wards. And he was beyond all others cruel, and more
than of a barbarous disposition. Baguas, the
eunuch, took him off by poison on an occasion
CHAPTER XVI. of his suffering from illness. After him. Arses
his son held the government for three years, and
When this became known to Judith (a widow Darius for four.
woman of great wealth, and remarkable for
CHAPTER XVII. easily persuaded. Accordingly, Onias was driven
from office,and the priesthood bestowed on
Against him Alexander of Macedon engaged Jason. He harassed his countrymen and his
in war. And on his being conquered, the sover- country in the most shameful manner. Then,
as he had sent through a certain Menelaus (the
eign power was taken from the Persians,
from the time of its establish-
brother of that Simon who has been mentioned)
having lasted,
the money he had promised to the king, a way
ment by Cyrus, two hundred and fifty years.
Alexander, the conqueror of almost all nations, being once laid open to his ambition, Menelaus
is said to have visited the temple at Jerusalem,
obtained the priesthood by the same arts which
and to have conveyed gifts into it and he pro-
Jason had employed before. But not long after,
as he had not furnished the promised amount
claimed throughout the whole territory which he
had reduced under his sway that it should be of money, he was driven from his position, and
free to the Jews living in it to return to their Lysimachus substituted in his stead. Then there
At the end of the twelfth year of arose disgraceful conflicts between Jason and
own country.
his reign, and seven years after he had con- Menelaus, until Jason, as an exile, left the coun-
quered Darius, he died at Babylon. His friends try. By examples hke these, the morals of the
who, along with him, had carried on those very people became corrupted to such an extent, that
numbers of the natives begged permission from
important wars, divided his empire among them-
selves. For some time they administered the Antiochus to live after the fashion of the Gen-
tiles. And when the king granted their request,
charges they had undertaken without making
use of the name of king, while a certain Arridaeus all the most worthless vied with each other in
their endeavors to construct temples, to sacrifice
Philippus, the brother of Alexander, reigned, to
to idols, and to profane the law. In the mean-
whom, being of a very weak character, the
was and in time, Antiochus returned from Alexandria (for
sovereignty nominally appearance
he had then made war upon the king of Egypt,
given, but the real power was in the hands of
those who had divided among themselves the which, however, he gave up by the orders of the
army and the provinces. And indeed this senate and Roman people, when Paulus and
state of things did not long continue, but all Crassus
were consuls), and went to Jerusalem.
that should be called the Finding the people at variance from the diverse
preferred they by
name of kings. In Syria Seleucus was the first superstitions they had adopted, he destroyed the
after Persia and law of God, and showed favor to those who fol-
king Alexander, Babylon being
also subject to his sway. At that time the Jews lowed impious courses, while he carried off all
the ornaments of the temple, and wasted it with
paid an annual tribute of three hundred talents
of silver to the king but they were governed much destruction. That came to pass in the

not by foreign magistrates but by their own hundred and fiftieth year after the death of
priests. And they lived according to the fash- Alexander, Paulus and Crassus being, as we
ions of their ancestors until very many of them, have said, consuls, about five years after Antio-
chus began to reign.
again corrupted by a long peace, began to
mingle all things with seditions, and to create
disturbances, while they aimed at the high-
priesthood under the influence of lust, avarice, CHAPTER XIX.
and the desire of power.
But that the order of the dates may be cor-
rectly preserved, that it may appear more
CHAPTER XVIII. clearly who Antiochus was, we shall enu-
merate both the names and times of the kings
For, first of all, under king Seleucus, the son who came after Alexander in Syria. Well, then,
of Antiochus the great, a certain man called king Alexander having died, as we have related
Simon accused to the king on false charges above, his whole empire was portioned out by
Onias the priest, a holy and uncorrupted man, his friends, and was governed for some time by
and thus tried, but in vain, to overthrow him. them under the name of the king.^ Seleucus,
Then, after an interval of time, Jason, the after the lapse of nine years, was himself styled
brother of Onias, went to Antiochus the king, king in Syria,and reigned thirty-two years.
who had succeeded his brother Seleucus, and After him came Antiochus, his son, with a reign
promised him an increase of tribute, if the high-of twenty-one years. Then came Antiochus, the
priesthood were transferred to him. And al-son of Antiochus, who was surnamed Theus, and
though it was an unusual, and indeed, until now, he reigned fifteen years. After him, his son
an unpermitted thing for a man to enjoy the
1 did not themselves, for a time, assume the name of king,
high-priesthood year after year, still the eager but, They
as said above, professed to rule under the authority of king
mind of the king, diseased with avarice, was Arridaeus, brother of Alexander.

Seleucus, surnamed Callinicus, reigned twenty- ochus was compelling those Jews who were
one years. Another Seleucus, the son of Calli- found in the Greek cities in hisdominions to
nicus, reigned three years. After his death, offer sacrifice, and was visiting with unheard-of

Antiochus, the brother of Callinicus, held Asia torments those who refused. At this time, there
and Syria for thirty-seven years. This is the occurred that well-known and remarkable suffer-
Antiochus against whom Lucius Scipio Asiaticus ing of the seven brothers and their mother.
made war ;
he, being worsted in the war, All of the brothers, when they were being
was stripped of a part of his empire. Hehad forced to violate the law of God, and the cus-
two sons, Seleucus and Antiochus, the latter of toms of their ancestors, preferred rather to die.
whom he had given as a hostage to the Romans. At last, their mother, too, accompanied them
Thus, then, Antiochus the great having died, his both in their sufferings and death.
younger son Seleucus obtained the kingdom,
under whom, as we have said, Onias the priest
had an accusation brought against him by Simon. CHAPTER XXI.
Then Antiochus was set free by the Romans,
and there was given in his place as hostage In the meantime, Matthathias dies, having
Demetrius, the son of Seleucus, who was at that appointed in his own place his son Judah, as
time reigning. Seleucus dying in the twelfth general of the army which he had brought to-
year of his reign, his brother Antiochus, who gether. Under his leadership, several success-
had been a hostage at Rome, seized the king- ful battles took place against the royal forces.
dom. He, five years after the beginning of his For first of all, he destroyed, along with his
reign, did, as we have shown above, lay waste
whole army, Apollonius, the enemy's general,
Jerusalem. For, as he had to pay a heavy trib- who had entered on the conflict with a large
ute to the Romans, he was almost of necessity number of troops. When a certain man, named
compelled, in order to meet that enormous ex- Seron, who was then the ruler of Syria, heard
pense, to provide himself with money by rapine, of this, he increased his forces, and attacked
and to neglect no opportunity of plundering. Judah with much spirit as being superior in
Then, after two years, the Jews being again numbers, but when a battle took place, he was
visited by a similar disaster to that which they routed and put to flight and with the loss of

had suffered before, lest it should happen that, nearly eight hundred men, he returned to Syria.
driven on by their numerous miseries, they should On this becoming known* to Antiochus, he was
commence war, he placed a garrison in the cita- filled with rage and regret, inafhiuch as it vexed

del. Next, with the view of overturning the him

that his generals had been conquered, not-
holy law, he published an edict, that all, forsak- withstanding their large armies. He therefore
ing the traditions of their ancestors, should live gathers aid from his whole empire, and bestows
after the manner of the Gentiles. And there a donative on the soldiers, almost to the ex-
were not wanting those who readily obeyed this haustion of his treasury. For he was then suf-
profane enactment. Then truly there was a hor- fering in a very special manner from the want
rible spectacle presented ; through all the cities of money. The reason of this was, on the one
sacrifices were publicly offered in the streets, side, that the Jews, who had been accustomed
while the sacred volumes of the law and the to pay him an annual tribute of more than three
prophets were consumed with fire. hundred talents of silver, were now in a state
of rebellion against him ; and on the other side,
that many of the Greek cities and countries
CHAPTER XX. were unsettled by the evil of persecution. For
Antiochus had not spared even the Gentiles,
At that time, Matthathias, the son of John, whom he had sought to persuade to abandon
was high-priest. When he was being forced by their long-established superstitions, and to
the servants of the king to obey the edict, with draw over to one kind of religious observance.
marvelous courage he set at naught the profane And no doubt, those of them who regarded
enactments, and slew, in the presence of all, a nothing as sacred, easily were induced to give
Hebrew who was publicly performing profane up their ancient forms of worship, but at the
acts. A leader having thus been found, rebel- same time all were in a state of alarm and dis-
lion at once took place. Matthathias left the aster. For these reasons, then, the taxes had
town ; and as many flocked to him, he got up ceased to be paid. Boiling with wrath on these
the appearance of a regular army. The object grounds (for he who had of old been the richest
of every man in that host was to defend himself of kings now deeply felt the poverty due to his
by arms against a profane government, and own wickedness), he divided his forces with
rather even to fall in war than to take part in Lysias, and committed to him Syria and the
impious ceremonies. In the meantime, Anti- war against the Jews, while he himself set out
against the Persians, to collect
the taxes among efforts of Lysias.^ Thus, from distress of mind,
them. Lysias, then, selected Ptolemy, Gorgias, he fell into bodily disease. But as he was then
Doro, and Nicanor, as generals in the war ; and tormented with internal sufferings, he remem-
to these he gave forty thousand infantry, and bered the miseries which he had inflicted on
seven thousand cavalry. At the first onset, the people of God, and acknowledged that these
these caused great alarm among the Jews. evils had deser\'edly been sent upon him.
Then Judah, when all were in despair, exhorted Then, after a few days, he died, having reigned
his men to go with courageous hearts to battle —eleven years. He left the kingdom to his son
that, if they put their trust in God, everything Antiochus, to whom the name of Eupator was
would give way before them for that often given.

before then the victory had been won by a few

fighting against many. A fast was proclaimed,
and sacrifice was offered, after which they went CHAPTE^R XXIII.
down to battle. The result was that the forces
of the enemy were scattered, and Judah, taking
At that time Judah besieged the Syrians who
found both much were posted in the citadel. They, being sore
possession of their camp, in it

gold and Tyrian treasures. For merchants pressed with famine and want of all things, sent
to the king to implore assistance.
from Syria, having no doubt as to victory, had messengers
followed the king's army with the hope of pur- Accordingly, Eupator came to their aid with a
now were hundred thousand infantry and twenty thousand
chasing prisoners, and themselves
while elephants marched in front of his
spoiled. When these things werereported to cavalry,
line, causing immense terror to the onlookers.
Lysias by messengers, he got together troops
with still greater efforts, and in a year after
Then Judah, abandoning the siege, went to
meet the king, and routed the Syrians in the
again attacked the Jews with an enormous The king begged for peace, which,
first battle.
army; but being defeated, he retreated to
because ^ he, with his treacherous disposition,
made a bad use of, vengeance followed his
treachery. For Demetrius, the son of Seleucus,
who, we have said above, was handed over as
a hostage to the Romans, when he heard that
CHAPTER XXII. Antiochus had departed, begged that they would
send him to take possession of the kingdom.
Judah, on the defeat of the enemy, returned And when this was refused to him, he secretly
to Jerusalem, and bent his mind on the purifi-
fled from Rome, came into Syria, and seized the
cation and restoration of the temple, which hav-
supreme power, having slain the son of Anti-
ing been overthrown by Antiochus, and profaned who had one and six
ochus, reigned year
by the Gentiles, presented a melancholy specta- months. It was during his reign that the
cle. But as the Syrians held the citadel, which Jews
firstbegged the friendship of the Roman people,
being connected with the temple, but standing and alliance with them and the embassy to
above it in position, was really impregnable, the ;

this effect having been kindly received, they

lower parts proved inaccessible, as frequent
from above prevented persons from ap- were, by a decree of the senate, styled alHes
and friends. In the meantime Demetrius was,
proaching them. But Judah placed against
these assailants a very powerful body of his men. by means of his generals, carrying on war against
Thus the work of the sacred building was pro- Judah. And first the army was led by a certain
man named Bacc hides, and by Alcimus, a Jew ;
tected, and the temple was surrounded with a
Nicanor, being afterwards placed at the head of
wall, while armed men were appointed to main-
the war, fell in battle. Ihen Bacchides and
tain a perpetual defence. And Lysias, having
Alcimus, recovering power, and having increased
again returned into Jud«a with increased forces, their forces, fought against Judah, The Syrians,
was once more defeated with a great loss both
of his own army and of the auxiliaries, which turning out victorious in that battle, cruelly
abused their victory. The Hebrews elect Jona-
being sent to him by various states had com- In the
bined with him in the war. In the meantime, than, the brother of Judah, in his place.
meantime, Alcimus, after he had fearfully deso-
Antiochus, who, as we have said above, had
lated Jerusalem, dies ; Bacchides, being thus de-
marched into Persia, endeavored to plunder the
town of Elymus, the wealthiest in the country, prived of his ally, returns to the king. Then,
after an interval of two years, Bacchides again
and a temple situated there which was filled
made war upon the Jews, and being beaten, he
with gold ; but, as a multitude flocked together
from all sides for the defense of the place, he 1
Some add the words, " or of Lysimachus," but this appears to
was put to flight. Moreover, he received news have been a gloss. •

The text is here in utter confusion; we have followed that
of the want of success which had attended the suggested by Vorstius.

begged for This was granted him on descended to battle, formidable with an army of
certain conditions, to the effect that he should forty thousand men. Tryphon, when he saw
give up the deserters and prisoners, along with himself unequal to the contest, pretended a
all that he had taken in war. desire for peace, and slew Ptolemais who had
been received and invited into friendship with
him. After Jonathan, the chief power was con-
CHAPTER XXIV. ferred on his brother Simon. He celebrated
the funeral of his brother with great pomp, and
While these things are going on in Judaea, a built those well-known seven pyramids of most
certain young man educated at Rhodes, by noble workmanship, in which he buried the
name Alexander, gave himself out as being the remains both of his brothers and of his father.
son of Antiochus (which was false), and assisted Then Demetrius renewed his treaty with the
by the power of Ptolemy, king of Alexan- Jews ; and in consideration of the loss caused
dria, came into Syria with an army. He con- to them by Tryphon (for after the death of
quered Demetrius in war, and slew him after Jonathan he had wasted by war their cities and
he had reigned twelve years. This Alexander, territories), he remitted to them their annual
before he made war against Demetrius, had tribute forever; for up to that time, they had
formed an alliance with Jonathan, and had pre- paid tribute to the kings of Syria, except vhen
sented him with a purple robe and royal ensigns. they resisted by force of arms. That took place
For this reason Jonathan had assisted him with in the second year of king Demetrius and we ;

auxiliary forces ; and on the defeat of Deme- have noted that, because up to this yerr we have
trius, had been the very first to meet him with run through the times of the Asiatic kings, that
congratulations. Nor did Alexander afterwards the series of dates being given in order might
violate the faith which he had pledged. Accord- be perfectly clear. But now we shall arrange
ingly, in the five years during which he held the the order of events through the times of those,
chief power, the affairs of the Jews were peace- who were either high-priests or kings among the
ful. In these circumstances, Demetrius, the Jews, up to the period of the birth of Christ.
son of Demetrius, who, after the death of his
father, had betaken himself to Crete, at the in-
stigation of Lasthenes, general of the Cretans, CHAPTER XXVI.
tried by war to recover the kingdom of his
father, but finding his power unequal to the Well, then, after Jonathan, his brother Simon,
task, he implored Ptolemy Philometor, king of as has been said above, ruled over the Hebrews
Egypt, the father-in-law of Alexander, but who with the power of high-priest. For that honor
was then on bad terms with his son-in-law, to was then bestowed upon him both by his own
give him assistance. But he, induced not so countrymen and by the Roman people. He
much by the entreaties of the suppliant as by began to nile over his countrymen in the second
the hope of seizing Syria, joined his forces with year of
king Demetrius, but eight years after-
those of Demetrius, and gives him his daughter, wards,
being deceived by a plot of Ptolemy, he
who had been married to Alexander. Against met his death. He was succeeded by his son
these two Alexander fought a pitched battle. And he, on the ground that he had
Ptolemy fell in the fight, but Alexander was de- fought With distinction against the Hyrcani, a
feated and he was soon afterwards slain, after very powerful nation, received the surname of

he had reigned five, or as I find it stated in Hyrcanus. He died, after having held the
many authors, nine years. supreme power for twenty-six years. After him,
Aristobulus being appointed high-priest, was the
first of all living after the captivity to assume the

CHAPTER XXV. name of king, and to have a crown placed upon

his head. At the close of a year, he died.
Demetrius, having thus obtained the king- Then Alexander, his son, who was both king

dom, treated Jonathan with kindness, made a and high-priest, reigned twenty-seven years;
treaty with him, and restored the Jews to their but I have found nothing in his doings worthy
own laws. In the meantime, Tryphon, who had of mention, except his cruelty. He having left
belonged to the party of Alexander, was ap- two young sons named Aristobulus and Hyrca-
pointed* governor of Syria, to keep him in nus, Salina or Alexandra, his wife, held the sov-
check by war. Jonathan,^ on the other hand. ereignty for three years. After his decease,
frightful conflicts about the supreme power arose
' Some
words have here been lost, but the critics are not agreed between the two brothers. And first of all,
as to what should be supplied.
' As
Vorstius suggests, we have here taken Jonathan as a nomi-
Hyrcanus held the government but being by

native, but the passage is very obscure.

and by defeated by his brother Aristobulus, he
fled to Pompey, That Roman general, having not say that he was the worst of kings, but that
finished the war with Mithridates, and settled he was worthily held the basest of all men, and
Armenia and Pontus, being, in fact, the con- even of wild beasts. It was he who first began a
queror of all the nations which he had visited, persecution ; and I am not sure but he will be
desired to march inwards,' and to add all the the last also to carry it on, if, indeed, we admit,
neighboring regions to the Roman empire. He as many are inclined to believe, that he will yet
therefore inquired into the causes of the war, appear immediately before the coming of Anti-
and the means of obtaining^ the mastery. Ac- christ. Our subject would induce me to set
cordingly he readily received Hyrcanus, and, forth his vices at some length, if it were not in-
under his guidance, attacked the Jews ; but consistent with the purpose of this work to enter
when the city was taken and destroyed, he upon so vast a topic. I content myself with the
spared the temple. He sent Aristobulus in remark, that he showed himself in every way
chains to Rome, and restored the right of the most abominable and cruel, and at length even
high-priesthood to Hyrcanus. Settling the trib- went so far as to be the murderer of his own
ute to be paid by the Jews, he placed over them mother. After this, he also married a certain
as governor a certain Antipater of Askelon. Pythagoras in the style of solemn alliances, the
Hyrcanus held the chief power for thirty-four bridal veil being put upon the emperor, while
years ; but while he carried on war against the the usual dowry, and the marriage couch, and
Parthians, he was taken prisoner. wedding torches, and, in short, all the other
observances were forthcoming things which

even in the case of women are not looked upon
CHAPTER XXVIl. without some feeling of modesty. But as to his
other actions, I doubt whether the description
Then Herod, a foreigner, the son of Antipater of them would excite
greater shame or sorrow.
of Askelon, asked and received the sovereignty He first
attempted to abolish the name of Chris-
of Judaea from the senate and people of Rome.
tian, in accordance with the fact that vices are
Under him, the Jews began for the first time to
always inimical to virtues, and that all good men
have a foreigner as king. For as now the ad- are ever
regarded by the wicked as casting re-
vent of Christ was at hand, it was necessary,
proach upon them. For, at that time, our divine
according to the predictions of the prophets, that religion had obtained a wide prevalence in the
they should be deprived of their own rulers, that city, Peter was there executing the oifice of
they might not look for anything beyond Christ. bishop, and Paul, too, after he had been brought
Under this Herod, in the thirty-third year of his to
Rome, on appealing to Caesar from the un-
reign, Christ was born on the twenty-fifth of just
judgment of the governor. Multitudes then
December in the consulship of Sabinus and came
together to hear Paul, and these, influenced
Rufinus. But we do not venture to touch on
by the truth which they were given to know, and
these things which are contained in the Gospels, '
by the miracles of the apostles, which they then
and subsequently in the Acts of the Apostles, so
frequently performed, turned to the worship
lest the character of our condensed work should,
of God. For then took place the well-known
in any measure, detract from the dignity of the
and celebrated encounter of Peter and Paul with
events; and I shall proceed to what remains. Simon.^
He, after he had flown up into the air
Herod reigned four years after the birth of the
by his magical arts, and supported by two de-
Lord ; for the whole period of his reign com- mons
(with the view of proving that he was a
prised thirty-seven years. After him, came
god), the demons being put to flight by the
Archelaus the tetrarch, for eight years, and of the apostles, fell to the earth in the
Herod for twenty-four years. Under him, in prayers
sight of all the people, and was dashed to pieces.
the eighteenth year of his reign, the Lord was
crucified, Fufius Geminus and Rubellius Gem-
inus being consuls ; from which date
up to the XXIX, CHAPTER
consulship of Stilico, there have elapsed three
hundred and seventy-two years. In the meantime, the number of the Christians
being now very large, it happened that Rome
was destroyed by fire, while Nero was stationed
CHAPTER XXVIII. at Antium. But the opinion of all cast the
odium of causing the fire upon the emperor,
Luke made known the doings of the apostles
and he was believed .in this way to have sought
up to the time when Paul was brought to Rome for the And in
under the emperor Nero. As to Nero, I shall glory of building a new city.
fact, Nero could not by any means he tried
1 " "
Introrsum," towards home; another reading is ultror-
sum,"" farther onwards. ^ "
* vincendi ": others read "
incendii." '
Generally spoken of as Simon Magus

escape from the charge that the fire had been ceived with the greatest favor by the senate and
caused by his orders. He therefore turned the people and Vitellius having killed himself, his

accusation against the Christians, and the most hold of the sovereign power was fully confirmed.
cruel tortures were accordingly inflicted upon The Jews, meanwhile, being closely besieged, as
the innocent. Nay, even new kinds of death no chance either of peace or surrender was
were invented, so that, being covered in the allowed them, were at length perishing from
skins of wild beasts, they perished by being de- famine, and the streets began everywhere to be
voured by dogs, while many were crucified or filled with dead bodies, for the duty of burying
slain by fire, and not a few were set apart for them could no longer be performed. Moreover,
this purpose, that, when the day came to a close, they ventured on eating all things of the most
they should be consumed to serve for light dur- abominable nature, and did not even abstain
ing the night. In this way, cruelty first began from human bodies, except those which putre-
to be manifested against the Christians. After- faction had already laid hold of and thus
wards, too, their religion was prohibited by laws excluded from use as food. The Romans,
which were enacted ; and by edicts openly set accordingly, rushed in upon the exhausted
forth it was proclaimed unlawful to be a Chris- defenders of the city. And it so happened
tian. At that time Paul and Peter were con- that the whole multitude from the country,
demned to death, the former being beheaded and from other towns of Judaea, had then as-
with a sword, while Peter suffered crucifixion. sembled for the day of the Passover: doubt-
And while these things went on at Rome, the less, because it pleased God that the impious
Jews, not able to endure the injuries they suffered race should be given over to destruction at the
under the rule of Festus Florus, began to rebel. very time of the year at which they had cruci-
Vespasian, being sent by Nero against them, with fied the Lord. The Pharisees for a time main-
proconsular power, defeated them in numerous tained their ground most boldly in defense of
important battles, and compelled them to flee the temple, and at length, with minds obsti-
within the walls of Jerusalem. In the mean- nately bent on death, they, of their own accord,
while Nero, now hateful even to himself from a committed themselves to the flames. The num-
consciousness of his crimes, disappears from ber of those who suffered death is related to
among men, leaving it uncertain whether or not have been eleven hundred thousand, and one
he had laid violent hands upon himself: cer- hundred thousand were taken captive and sold.
tainly his body was never found. It was accord- Titus is said, after calling a council, to have

ingly believed that, even if he did put an end to first deliberated whether he should destroy the
hirhself with a sword, his wound was cured, and temple, a structure of such extraordinary work.
his life preserved, according to that which was For it seemed good to some that a sacred edi-
written regarding him, — " And his mortal ^
fice, distinguished above all human achieve-
wound was healed," — to be sent forth again ments, ought not to be destroyed, inasmuch
near the end of the world, in order that he may as, if preserved, it would furnish an evidence of
practice the mystery of iniquity. Roman moderation, but, if destroyed, would
serve for a perpetual proof of Roman cruelty.
But on the opposite side, others and Titus him-
CHAPTER XXX. self thought that the temple ought specially to
be overthrown, in order that the religion of the
So then, after the departure of Nero, Galba
Jews and of the Christians might more thor-
seized the government ; and ere long, on Galba
oughly be subverted ; for that these religions,
being slain, Otho secured it. Then Vitellius from although contrary to each other, had nevertheless
Gaul, trusting to the armies which he com- proceeded from the same authors ; that the
manded, entered the city, and having killed Christians had sprung up from among the Jews ;
Otho, assumed the sovereignty. This afterwards and that, if the root were extirpated, the off-
passed to Vespasian, and although that was ac- shoot would speedily perish. Thus, according
complished by evil means, yet it had the good to the divine will, the minds of all being in-
effect of rescuing the state from the hands of
flamed, the temple was destroyed, three hun-
the wicked. While Vespasian was besieging dred and And this last
thirty-one years ago.
Jerusalem, he took possession of the imperial overthrow of the temple, and final captivity of
power ; and as the fashion is, he was saluted as the Jews, by which, being exiles from their na-
emperor by the army, with a diadem placed tive land, they are beheld scattered through the
upon his head. He made his son Titus, Caesar ; whole world, furnish a daily demonstration to
and assigned him a portion of the forces, along the
world, that they have been punished on no
with the task of continuing the siege of Jerusa- other account thart for the
impious hands which
lem. Vespasian set out for Rome, and was re- they laid upon Christ. For though on other
' " humanis rebus eximitur.' * Rev. xiii. occasions they were often given over to captivity
on account of their sins, yet they never paid the tyrdoms were seen taking place in Gaul, for the
penalty of slavery beyond a period of seventy religion of God had been accepted somewhat
late beyond the Alps, Then the sixth persecu-
tion of the Christians took place under the
emperor Severus. At this time Leonida, the
father of Origen, poured forth his sacred blood

Then, after an Domitian, the son of

in martyrdom. Then, during an interval of
the Christians, At this thirty-eight years, the Christians enjoyed peace,
Vespasian, persecuted
that at the middle of that time Maxi-
date, he banished John the Apostle and Evan- except
gelist to the island of Patmos. There he, secret minus persecuted the clerics of some churches.
Ere long, under Decius as emperor, the seventh
mysteries having been revealed to him, wrote
and pubhshed his book of the holy Revelation, bloody persecution broke out against the Chris-
which indeed is either foolishly or impiously tians, Next, Valerian proved himself the eighth
not accepted by many. And with no great enemy of the saints. After him, with an interval

interval there then occurred the third persecu- of about fifty years, there arose, under the em-
tion under Trajan. But he, when after torture perors Diocletian and Maximian, a most bitter
and racking he found nothing in the Christians persecution which, for ten continuous years,
wasted the people of God. At this period,
worthy of death or punishment, forbade any
further cruelty to be put forth against them. almost the whole world was stained with the
Then under Adrian the to sacred blood of the martyrs. In fact, they vied
Jews attempted rebel,
and endeavored to plunder both Syria and with each other in rushing upon these glorious
Palestine ; but on an army being sent against struggles, and martyrdom by glorious deaths
were subdued. At this time was then much more keenly sought after than
them, they Adrian,
thinking that he would destroy the Christian bishoprics are now attempted to be got by
faith by inflicting an injury upon the place, set wicked ambition. Never more than at that
time was the world exhausted by wars, nor did
up the images of demons both in the temple
and in the place where the Lord suffered. And we ever achieve victory with a greater triumph
because the Christians were thought principally than when we showed that we could not be
to consist of Jews (for the church at Jerusalem conquered by the slaughters of ten long years.
did not then have a priest except of the circum- There survive also accounts of the sufferings of
the martyrs at that time which were committed
cision), he ordered a cohort of soldiers to keep
constant guard in order to prevent all Jews from to writing ; but I do not think it suitable to

approaching to
Jerusalem. This, however, subjoin these lest I should exceed the limits
rather benefited^ the Christian faith, because prescribed to this work.
almost all then believed in Christ as God while
continuing in the observance of the law. Un-
doubtedly that was arranged by the over-ruling XXXIII. CHAPTER
care of the Lord, in order that the slavery of
the law might be taken away from the liberty of Well, the end of the persecutions was reached
the faith and of the church. In this way, Mark eighty-eight years ago, at which date the em-
from among the Gentiles was then, first of all, perors began to be Christians, For Constantine
bishop at Jerusalem. A fourth persecution is then obtained the sovereignty, and he was the
reckoned as having taken place under Adrian, first Christian of all the Roman rulers. At that
which, however, he afterwards forbade to be time, it is true, Licinius, who was a rival of
carried on, declaring it to be unjust that any Constantine for the empire, had commanded
one should be put on his trial without a charge his soldiers to sacrifice, and was expelling from
being specified against him. the service those who refused to do so. But ,

that is not reckoned among the persecutions ; it

was an affair of too little moment to be able to
inflict any wound upon the churches. From
that time, we have continued
to enjoy tranquil-
After Adrian, the churches had peace under lity ;
nor do
believe that there will be any I
the rule of Antoninus Pius. Then the fifth further persecutions, except that which Anti-
persecution began under Aurelius, the son of christ will carry on just before the end of the
Antoninus, And then, for the first time, mar- world. For it has been proclaimed in divine
How so? words, that the world was to be visited by ten
Because, according to Drusius, the Christian Jews ^
were thus first taught to cast off the yok^e of the law, which
afflictions and since nine of these have already
had observed up to this time.
These were half-Jews and half-Christians, and were known at been endured, the one which remains must be
a later date under the name of Nazarites. They made use of what
was called the Gospel according to the Hebrews. ^ " decern "

the last. During this period of time, it is mar- enough to be committed by mere mortals, they
velous how the Christian rehgion has prevailed. might perhaps consecrate as the cross of the
For Jerusalem which had presented a horrible Lord, that which belonged to one of the robbers.
mass of ruins was then adorned with most numer- They form then the plan of placing one who
ous and magnificent churches. And Helena, the had recently died in contact with the crosses.
mother of the emperor Constantine (who reigned Nor is there any delay in carrying out this pur-
along with her son as Augusta), having a strong pose ; for just as if by the appointment of God,
desire to behold Jerusalem, cast down the idols the funeral of a dead man was then being con-
and the temples which were found there ; and ducted with the usual ceremonies, and all rush-
in course of time, through the exercise of her ing up took the body from the bier. It was
royal powers, she erected churches on the site applied in vain to the first two crosses, but when
of the Lord's passion, resurrection, and ascen- it touched that of Christ, wonderful to tell,
sion. It is a remarkable fact that the spot on while all stood trembhng, the dead body was-
which the divine footprints had last been left, shaken off, and stood up in the midst of those
when the Lord was carried up in a cloud to looking at it. The cross was thus discovered,
heaven, could not be joined by a pavement with and was consecrated with all due ceremony.^
the remaining part of the street. For the earth,
unaccustomed. to mere human contact, rejected
all the appliances laid upon it, and often threw CHAPTER XXXV.
back the blocks of marble in the faces of those
who were seeking to place them. Moreover, it Such were the things accomplished by Helena,
is an enduring proof of the soil of that place while, under a Christian prince, the world had
both attained to liberty, and possessed in him
having been trodden by God, that the footprints
are still to be seen ; and although the faith of an exemplar of faith. But a far more dreadful
those who daily flock to that place, leads them danger than all that had preceded fell upon all
to vie with each other in seeking to carry away the churches from that state of tranquillity. For
what had been trodden by the feet of the Lord, then the Arian heresy burst forth, and disturbed
the whole world by the error which it instilled.
yet the sand of the place suffers no injury ; and
the earth still preserves the same appearance For by means of the two' Ariuses, who were
which it presented of old, as if it had been the most active originators of this unfaithfulness,
sealed by the footprints impressed ypon it. the emperor himself was led astray, and while
he seemed to himself to fulfill a religious duty,
he proceeded to a violent exercise of persecu-
CHAPTER XXXIV. tion. The bishops were driven into exile :

cruelty was exerted against the clerics ; and

Through the kind efforts of the same queen, even the laity were punished, who had separated
the cross of the Lord was then found. It could from the communion of the Arians. Now, the
not, of course, be consecrated at the beginning, doctrines which the Arians proclaimed were of
owing to the opposition of the Jews, and after- the following nature, that God the Father —
wards it had been covered over by the rubbish had begotten his Son for the purpose of creating
of the ruined city. And now, it would never have the world and that, by his power, he had

been revealed except to one seeking for it in made ^ out of nothing into a new and second
such a believing spirit. Accordingly, Helena substance, a new and second God ; and that
having first got information about the place of there was a time when the Son had no existence.
our Lord's passion, caused a band of soldiers to To meet this evil, a synod was convened from
be brought' up to it, while the whole multitude the whole world to meet at Nicaea. Three
of the inhabitants of the locality vied with each hundred and eighteen bishops were there as-
other in seeking to gratify the desires of the sembled the faith was fully set forth in writing

queen, and ordered the earth to be dug up, and the Arian heresy was condemned ; and the em-
all the adjacent most extensive ruins to be peror confirmed the whole by an imperial de-
cleared out. Ere long, as the reward of her cree. The Arians, then, not daring to make any
faith and labor, three crosses
(as of old they further attempt against the orthodox faith, mixed
had been fixed for the Lord and the two rob- themselves among the churches, as if they
bers) were discovered. But upon this, the acquiesced in the conclusions which had been
greater difficulty of distinguishing the gibbet on reached, and did not hold any different opinions.
which the Lord had hung, disturbed the minds ' " fiinus excussum ": a
singular expression.
and thoughts of all, lest by a mistake, likely ' "ambitu":
apparently used here with the meaning which
sometimes belongs to " ambitione."
"basilicas": edifices, which, in size and grandeur, had some '
The one of these was Arius, tV.e author of the heresy, and the
resemblance to a royal palace. other a presbyter of Alexandria bearing the same name.
admota militari manu atqiie omnium provincialium multitu-
Roth the text and meaning are here obscure. Wc have read,
dine in studia reginz certantium." with " fecisse " for the usual " factum."
There remained, however, in their hearts, a Julius, bishop of Rome, asked pardon of him
the Catholics, and for having condemned the innocent, and publicly
deep-seated hatred against
assailed, with suborned accusers and declared that he had been justly acquitted by
trumped-up charges, those with
whom they the decree of the Council of Sardes.
could not contend in argument on matters of


CHAPTER XXXVI. When, after an interval of some time had

elapsed, Athanasius, finding that Marcellus was
Accordingly, they first attack and condenin by no means sound in the faith, suspended him
in his absence Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, from communion. And he had this degree of
a holy man, who had been present as deacon at modesty, that, being censured by the judgment
the Synodof Nicaea. For they added to the of so great a man, he voluntarily gave way. But
charges which false witnesses
had heaped up though at a former period innocent, yet con-
with wicked inten- fessedly afterwards becoming heretical, it may
against him, this one, that,
tions, he had received
Marcellus and Photinus,
be allowed to conclude that he was really then
heretical priests who had been condemned by a when judgment was pronounced regard-
sentence of the Synod. Now, it was not doubt- ing him. The Arians, then, finding an oppor-
ful as to Photinus that he had been justly con- tunity of that kind, conspire to subvert alto-
demned. But in the case of Marcellus, it gether the decrees of the Synod of Sardes. For
seemed that nothing had then been found a certain coloring of right seemed to be fur-
worthy of condemnation, and^ a beUef in his nished them in this fact, that a favorable judg-
innocence was above all strengthened by the ment had as unjustly been formed on the side
animus of that party, inasmuch as no one of Athanasius, as Marcellus had been improp-
doubted that those samd judges were hereti- erly acquitted, since now, even in the opinion
cal by whom he had been condemned. But of Athanasius himself, he was deemed a heretic.
the Arians did not so much desire to get these For Marcellus had stood forward as an upholder
Athanasius him- of the Sabellian heresy.^ But Photinus had
persons out of the way as
self. Accordingly, they constrain the emperor already brought forward a new heresy, differing
to go so far as this, that Athanasius should be indeed from Sabellius with respect to the union
sent as an exile into Gaul. But ere long, eighty of the divine persons, but proclaiming that
bishops, assembling together
in Egypt, declare Christ had his beginning in Mary. The Arians,
that Athanasius had been unjusdy condemned. therefore, with cunning design, mix up what
The matter is referred to Constantine he was harmless with what was blameworthy, and

orders " bishops from the whole world to assem- embrace, under the same judgment, the con-
ble at Sardes, and that the entire process by demnation of Photinus, and Marcellus, and
which Athanasius had been condemned, should Athanasius. They undoubtedly did this with
be reconsidered by the council. In the mean- the view of leading the minds of the ignorant to
time, Constantine dies, but the Synod, called conclude, that those had not judged incorrectly
together while he was yet emperor, acquits regarding Athanasius, who, it was admitted, had
Athanasius. Marcellus, too, is restored to his expressed a well-based opinion respecting Mar-
bishopric, but the sentence on Photinus, bishop cellus and Photinus. At that time, however,
of Sirmion, was not rescinded for even in the
; the Arians concealed their treachery ; and
judgment of our friends, he is regarded as a not daring openly to proclaim their erroneous
heretic. However, even this result chagrined doctrines, they professed themselves CathoHcs.
Marcellus, because Photinus was known to have They thought that their first great object should
been his disciple in his youth. But this, too, be to get Athanasius turned out of the church,
tended to secure an acquittal for Athanasius, who had always presented a wall of opposition
that Ursatius and Valens, leading men among to their endeavors, and they hoped that, if he
the Arians, when they were openly separated were removed, the rest would pass over to their
from the communion of the Church after the eviP opinion. Now, that part of the bishops
Synod at Sardes, entering into the presence of wliich followed the Arians accepted the con-
demnation of Athanasius with delight. Another
part, constrained by fear and faction, yielded
1 Different
periods and events are here mixed up by our author.
2 The text is in utter
confusion, and we can only make a prob- the wish of the Arian party ; and only a few, to
able guess at the meaning.
8 It has been remarked that Sulpitius is in error in ascribing the

summoning of this council to Constantine the Great, instead of his

1 As
Epiphanius remarks, Sabellius taught that the Father,
son Constantine II. The curious thing is that he should have made Son, and Holy Ghost were all the same person, only under different
a mistake regarding an event so near his own time. appellations.
* " libidinem."
qui etiam nostrorum judicio haereticus probatur."

whom the true faith was dearer than any other XXXIX. CHAFFER
consideration, refused to accept their unjust
judgment. Among these was PauUnus, the From this first proof that the prince had
bishop of Treves. It is related that he, when been won over to their side, the Arians plucked
a letter on the subject was placed before him, up their courage, knowing that they could make
thus wrote, that he gave his consent to the con- use of the power of the king, when they could
demnation of Photinus and Marcellus, but did make little impression by their own authority.
not approve that of Athanasius. Accordingly, when our friends did not accept of
the judgment which they had pronounced in
regard to Athanasius, an edict was issued by the ,

CHAPTER XXXVIII. emperor to the effect that those who did not sub-
scribe to the condemnation of Athanasius should
But then the Arians, seeing that stratagem be sent into banishment. But, at that time,
did not succeed, determined to proceed by councils of bishops were held by our friends at
force. For was easy for those to attempt
it Aries and Bitterse, towns situated in Gaul. They
and carry out anything who were supported by requested that before any were compelled to sub-
the favor of the monarch, whom they had scribe against Athanasius, they should rather enter
thoroughly won over to themselves by wicked on a discussion as to the true faith ; and main-
flatteries. Moreover, they were by the consent tained that only then was a decision to be come
of all unconquerable ; for almost all the bishops to respecting the point in question, when they
of the two Pannonias, and many of the Eastern had agreed as to the person of the judges.^ But
bishops, and those throughout all Asia,
had Valens and his confederates not venturing on
joined in their unfaithfulness. But the chief a discussion respecting the faith, first desired
men in that evil company were Ursatius of to secure by force the condemnation of Athan- ^
Singidunum, Valens of Mursa, Theodorus of asius. Owing to this conflict of parties, Pauli- ^'V
of Acatius nus was driven into banishment. In the mean-
Heraclia, Stephanus Antioch, ^^
of Caesarea, Menofantus of Ephesus, Georgius
of Laodicia, and Narcissus of Neronopolis.
time, an assembly was held at Milan, where the ^^
emper,or then was ; but the same controversy was
These had got possession of the palace to such there continued without any relaxation of its bit-
an extent that the emperor did nothing without terness. Then Eusebius, bishop of the Vercel-
their concurrence. He was indeed at the beck lenses, and Lucifer, bishop of Carahs^ in Sardinia,
of all of them, but was especially under the in- were exiled. Dionysius, however, priest of Milan,
fluence of Valens. For at that time, when a subscribed to the condemnation of Athanasius, on
battle was fought at Mursa against Magnentius, the condition that there should be an investiga-
Constantius had not the courage to go down to tion among the bishops as to the true faith. But
witness for himself the conflict, but took up his Valens and Ursatius, with the rest of that party,
abode in a church of the martyrs which stood through fear of the people, who maintained the
outside the town, Valens who was then the Catholic faith with extraordinary enthusiasm,
bishop of the place being with him to keep up did not venture to set forth in public their
his courage. But Valens had cunningly ar- monstrous ' doctrines, but assembled within the
ranged, through means of his agents, that
he From that place, and under the name of
should be the first to be made acquainted with the emperor, they issued a letter full * of all sorts
the result of the battle. He did this either to of wickedness, with this purpose, no doubt, that,
the favor of the if he should be the if the
gain king, people gave it a favorable hearing, they
first to convey to him good news, or with a view should then
bring forward, under public au-
to saving his own life, since he would obtain
thority, the things which they desired but if it ;

time for flight, should the issue prove unfortu- should be received otherwise, that all the ill feel-
nate. Accordingly, the few persons who were ing might be directed against the king, while his
with the king being in a state of alarm, and the mistake
might be regarded as excusable, because
emperor himself being a prey to anxiety, Valens being then only a catechumen, he might readily
was the first to announce to them the flight of be supposed to have erred concerning the mys-
the enemy. When Constantius requested that teries of the faith. Well, when the letter was
the person who had brought the news should be read in the church, the people expressed their
introduced to his presence, Valens, to increase aversion to it. And Dionysius, because he did
the reverence felt for himself, said that an angel not concur with them, was banished from the
was the messenger who had come to him. The city, while Auxentius was immediately chosen as
emperor, who was easy of belief, was accustomed 1 The text is here in utter confusion and
uncertainty. Some for
afterwards openly to declare that he had won " ac turn " read " nee turn," and some, instead of " jiidicum " read
" The be
the victory through the merits of Valens, and therefore can
meaning only " guessed at.
» The modern Cagliari.
' Piacula profiteri."
not by the valor of his army. * Instead of" refertam," some read " infectam."
Liberius, too, bishop of may have been that in his extreme old age (for
bishop in his place.
the city of Rome, and Hilarius, bishop of Poic- he was then more than a centenarian, as St.
tiers, were driven into exile. Rhodanius, also, Hilarius relates in his epistles) he had fallen

bishop of Toulouse (who, being by nature of a into dotage. While the world was disturbed by
softer disposition, had resisted the Arians, not these things, and the churches were languishing
so much from his own powers as from his fellow- as if from a sort of disease, an anxiety, less

ship with Hilarius) was involved in the same exciting indeed, but no less serious, pressed
punishment. All these persons, however, were upon the emperor, that although the Arians,

prepared to suspend Athanasius from commun- whom he favored, appeared the stronger, yet
there wasstill no agreement among the bishops
ion, only in order that an inquiry mignt be in-
stituted among the bishops as to the true faith. concerning the faith.
But it seemed best to the Arians to withdraw the
most celebrated men from the controversy. Ac-
cordingly, those whom we have mentioned above CHAPTER XLI.
were driven into exile, forty-five years ago, when
Arbitio and Lollianus were consuls. Liberius, Accordingly, the emperor orders a Synod to
however, was, a afterwards, restored to the assemble at Ariminum, a city of Italy, and in-
at structs Taurus the prefect, not to let them sepa-
city, in consequence of the disturbances
Rome. But it is well known that the persons rate, after they were once assembled, until they
exiled were celebrated by the admiration of the should agree as to one faith, at the same time
whole world, and that abundant supplies of promising him the consulship, if he carried the

money were collected to meet their wants, while

afiair to a successful termination. Imperial
they were visited by deputies of the Catholic officers, therefore, being sent through Illyria,
people from almost all the provinces. Italy, Africa, and the two Gauls, four hundred
and rather more Western bishops were sum-
moned or compelled to assemble at Ariminum ;

CHAPTRR XL. and for all of these the emperor had ordered
provisions^ and lodgings to be provided. But
In the meantime, the Arians, not secretly, as that appeared unseemly to the men of our part
before, but openly and publicly proclaimed their of the world, that is, to the Aquitanians, the
monstrous heretical doctrines. Moreover, they Gauls, and Britons, so that refusing the public
interpreted after their own views the Synod of supplies, they preferred to live at their own
Nicsea, and by the addition of one letter to its expense. Three only of those from Britain,
finding, threw a sort of obscurity over the truth. through want of means of their own, made use
For where the expression Homoousion had been of the public bounty, after having refused con-
written, which denotes of one substance," they tributions off'ered by the rest for they thought ;

maintained that it was written Homoiousion, it more burden the public treasury
dutiful to
which simply means " of like substance." They than individuals. I have heard that Gavidius,
thus granted a likeness, but took away unity ; our bishop, was accustomed to refer to this con-
for likeness is very different from unity ; just as, duct in a censuring sort of way, but I would be
for illustration's sake, a picture of a human body inclined to judge far otherwise and I hold it ;

might be like a man, and yet possess nothing of matter of admiration that the bishops had noth-
the reality of a man. But some of them went
ing of their own, while they did not accept
even farther, and maintained Anomoioiisia, that assistance from others rather than from the
is, an unUke substance. And to such a pitch public treasury, so that they burdened nobody.
did these controversies extend, that the wide In both points, they thus furnished us with a
world was involved in these monstrous errors. noble example. Nothing worthy of mention is
For Valens and Ursatius, with their supporters, recorded of the others but I return to the sub-

whose names we have stated, infected Italy, After all the bishops had been
ject in hand.
lUyria, and the East with these opinions. Satur- collected together, as we have said, a separation
ninus, bishop of Aries, a violent and factious of parties took place. Our friends^ take pos-
man, harassed our country of Gaul in like man- session of the church, while the Arians select, as
ner. There was also a prevalent belief that a place for prayer, a temple which was then in-
Osius from Spain had gone over to the same But these did not
tentionally standing empty.
unfaithful party, which appears all the more amount to more than eighty persons the rest :

wonderful and incredible on this account, that

belonged to our party. Well, after frequent
he had been, almost during his whole life, the
meetings had been held, nothing was really
most determined upholder of our views, and the
" "
Synod of Nice was regarded as having been held
magistris officialibus": .Halm reads magistri."
' " annonas et cellaria."
at his instigation. If he did go over, the reason ^ Of course, the Catholics, or orthodox.

accomplished, our friends continuing in the munion, and being also received into alliance,
and the others not abandoning their un- was added to the council.
faith, They then pro-
faithfulness. At length it was resolved to send ceeded to actual work, and the originators of
ten deputies to the emperor, that he might leam the wicked heresy being discovered, were sepa-
what was the faith or opinion of the parties, and rated from the body of the Church. In that
might know that there could be no peace with number were Georgius of Alexandria, Acacius,
heretics. The Arians do the same thing, and

Eudoxius, Vranius, Leontius, Theodosius, Eva-

send a like number of deputies, who should con- grius, Theodulus. But when the Synod was
tend with our friends in the presence of the over, an embassy was appointed to go to the
emperor. But on the part of our people, young emperor and make him acquainted with what
men of but Httle learning and little prudence had been done. Those who had been con-
had been selected ; while, on the side of the demned also went to the prince, relying upon
Arians, old men were sent, skillful and abounding the power of their confederates, and a common
in talent, thoroughly imbued, too, with their old cause with the monarch.
unfaithful doctrines and these easily got the

upper hand with the prince. But our friends

had been specially charged not to enter into any CHAPTER XLIII.
kind of communion with the Arians, and to.
reserve every point, in its entirety, for discussion In the meantime, the emperor compels those
in a Synod. deputies of our party who had been sent from
the council at Ariminum to join in communion
with the heretics. At the same time, he hands
CHAPTER XLII. them a confession of faith which had been
drawn up by these wicked men, and which,
In the meantime in the East, after the example being expressed in deceptive terms, seemed to
of the West, the emperor ordered almost all the exhibit the Catholic faith, while unfaithfulness
bishops to assemble at Seleucia, a town of secretly lay hid in it. For under an appearance
Isauria. At that time, Hilarius, who was now of false reasoning, it abolished the use of the
spending the fourth year of his exile in Phrygia, word Ousia as being ambiguous, and as having
is compelled to be present among the other been too hastily adopted by the fathers, while

bishops, the means of a public conveyance it rested upon no Scriptural authority. The
being furnished to him by the lieutenant^ and object of this was that the Son might not be
governor. As, however, the emperor had given believed to be of one substance with the Father.
no special orders regarding him, the judges, The same confession of faith acknowledged that
simply following the general order by which the Son was like the Father. But deception was
they were commanded to gather all bishops to carefully prepared within the words, in order
the council, sent him also among the rest who that he might be like, but not equal. Thus,
were willing to go. This was done, as I imagine, the deputies being sent away, orders were given
by the special ordination of God, in order that to the prefect that he should not dissolve the
a man who was most deeply instructed in divine Synod, until all professed by their subscriptions /
things, might be present when a discussion was their agreement to the declaration of faith which
to be carried on respecting the faith. He, on had been drawn up ; and if any should hold
arriving at Seleucia, was received with great back with excessive obstinacy, they should be
favor, and drew the minds and affections of all driven into banishment, provided their number
towards himself. His first inquiry was as to the did not amount to fifteen. But when the depu-
real faith of the Gauls, because at that time the ties returned, they were refused communion,
Arians had spread evil reports regarding us, and although they pleaded the force which had been
we were held suspected by the Easterns as hav- brought to bear upon them by the king. For
ing embraced the belief of Sabellius, to the when it was discovered what had been decreed,
effect that the unity of the one God was simply greater disturbance arose in their affairs and
distinguished by a threefold name. But after purposes. Then by degrees numbers of our
he had set forth his faith in harmony with those people, partly overcome through the weakness
conclusions which had been reached by the of their character, and pardy influenced by the
fathers at Nicaea, he bore his testimony in thought of a weary journeying into foreign lands,
favor of the Westerns. Thus the minds of all surrendered to the opposite party. These were
having been satisfied, he was admitted to com- now, on the return of the deputies, the stronger
of the two bodies, and had taken possession
' " "
per vicarium ac pracsidem : as Vorstius remarks, these were
of the church, our friends being driven out of
the two magistrates of Phrygia.
" Sabellius
solitarii Dei unionem": Hornius here remarks it. And when the minds of our people once
that believed that the Father, the Son, and the
Holy '
to incline in that direction, they rushed
Spirit were the same, and diflcreJ among themselves only in name, began
in flocks over to the other side, until the num- Valens, as if assisting our friends, subjoined the
ber of our friends was diminished down to statement (in which there lurked a secret guile)
that the Son of God was not a creature like the
other creatures ; and the deceit involved in this
declaration escaped the notice of the hearers.
CHAPTER XLIV. For in these words, in which the Son was denied
to be like the other creatures, he was neverthe-
But fewer they became, showed
these, the less pronounced a creature, only superior to the
themselves more powerful as the most
all the ;
rest. Thus neither party could hold that it had
steadfast among them was to be reckoned our wholly conquered or had wholly been conquered,
friend Foegadius, and Servatio, bishop of the since the confession itself was in favor of the
Tungri. As these had not yielded to threats Arians, but the declarations afterwards added
and terrors, Taurus assails them with entreaties, were in favor of our friends. That one, how-
and beseeches them with tears to adopt milder ever, must be excepted which Valens had sub-
counsels. He argued that the bishops were joined, and which, not being at the time under-
now in the seventh month since they had been stood, was at length comprehended when it was
shut up within one city —
that no hope of too late. In this way, at any rate, the council
returning home presented itself to them, worn was brought to an end, a council which had a
out by the inclemency of winter and positive good beginning but a disgraceful conclusion.
want ; and what then would be the end ? He
urged them to follow the example of the ma-
jority, and to derive authority for so doing at CHAPTER XLV.
least from the numbers who had preceded them.
For Foegadius openly declared that he was pre- Thus, then, the Arians, with their affairs in a
very flourishing condition, and everything turn-
pared for banishment, and for every kind of
ing out according to their wishes, go in a body
punishment that might be assigned him, but to Constantinople where the emperor was.
would not accept that confession of faith which
had been drawn up by the Arians. Thus several There they found the deputies from the Synod
of Seleucia, and compel them by an exercise of
days passed in this sort of discussion. And when
the royal power to follow the example of the
they made little progress towards a pacification,
Westerns, and accept that heretical confession
by degrees Foegadius began to yield, and at the of faith. Numbers who refused were tortured
last was overcome by a proposal which was made
with painful imprisonment and hunger, so that
to him. For Valens and Ursatius affirmed that
at length they yielded their conscience captive.
the present confession of faith was drawn up on
the lines of Catholic doctrine, and having been
But many who resisted more courageously,

brought forward by the Easterns at the instiga- being

deprived of their bishoprics, were driven
into exile, and others substituted in their place.
tion of the emperor, could not be rejected with-
the best priests being either terrified by
out impiety; and what possible end of strife Thus,
could there be if a confession which satisfied threats, or driven into exile, all gave way before
the Easterns was rejected by those of the West? the unfaithfulness of
a few. Hilarius was there
at the time, having followed the deputies from
Finally, if there appeared anything less fully
stated in the present confession than was de- Seleucia;
and as no certain orders had been
sirable, they themselves should add what they
given regarding him, he was waiting on the will
of the emperor to see whether perchance he
thought ought to be added, and that they, for
their part, would acquiesce in those things which
should be ordered to return into banishment.
When he perceived the extreme danger into
might be added. This friendly profession was
received with favorable minds by all. Nor did which the faith had been brought, inasmuch as
our people venture any longer to make opposi- the Westerns had been beguiled, and the East-
erns were being overcome by means of wicked-
tion, desiring as they did in some way or other
now to put an end to the business. Then con- ness, he, in three papers publicly presented,
fessions drawn up by Foegadius and Servatio begged an audience of the king, in order that
he might debate on points of faith in the pres-
began to be published ; and in these first Arius
and his whole unfaithful scheme was condemned, ence of his adversaries. But the Arians opposed
while the Son of God also was ^ pronounced equal that to the utmost extent of their ability. Fi-
to the Father, and without beginning, nally, Hilarius was ordered to return to Gaul, as
[that is] ^
without any commencement^ in time. Then being a sower of discord, and a troubler of the
East, while the sentence of exile against him
1 The text is
very uncertain; we have followed that of Halm, remained uncanceled. But when he had wan-
but the common text inserts a " non," and reads thus: " but the Son
of God is not pronounced equal to the Father, and without begin- dered over almost the whole earth which was in-
ning," etc.
2 " sine 1 " seminarium "
tempore." : lit. seed-plot.

fected with the evil of unfaithfulness, his mind rhetorician named these again
Helpidius. By
was full of doubt and deeply agitated with the Priscillian was instructed, a man
of noble birth,
mighty burden of cares which pressed upon it. of great riches, bold, restless, eloquent, learned
Perceiving that it seemed good to many not to through much reading, very ready at debate and
enter into communion with those who had ac- discussion —
in fact, altogether a happy man, if
knowledged the Synod of Ariminum, he thought he had not ruined an excellent intellect by
the best thing he could do was to bring back all wicked studies. Undoubtedly, there were to
to repentance and reformation. In frequent be seen in him many admirable qualities both
councils within Gaul, and while almost all the of mind and body. He was able to spend much
bishops publicly owned the error that had been time in watchfulness, and to endure both hunger
committed, he condemns the proceedings at and thirst he had little desire for amassing

Ariminum, and frames anew the faith of the wealth, and he was most economical in the use
churches after its pristine form. Saturninus, of it. Put at the same time he was a very vain
however, bishop of Aries, who was, in truth, a man, and was much more puffed up than he
very bad man, of an evil and corrupt character, ought to have been with the knowledge of mere
resisted these sound measures. He was, in fact, ^
earthly things moreover, it was believed that

a man who, besides the infamy of being a here- he had practised magical arts from his boyhood.
tic, was convicted of many unspeakable crimes, He, after having himself adopted the pernicious
and cast out of the Church. Thus, having lost system referred to, drew into its acceptance
its leader, the strength of the party opposed to many persons of noble rank and multitudes of
Hilarius was broken. Paternus also of Petro- the common people by the arts of persuasion
corii,^ equally infatuated, and not shrinking from and flattery which he possessed. Besides this,
openly professing unfaithfulness, was expelled women who were fond of novelties and of un-
from the priesthood pardon was extended to stable faith, as well as of a prurient curiosity in

the others. This fact is admitted by all, that all things, flocked to him in crowds. It in-
our regions of Gaul were set free from the guilt creased this tendency that he exhibited, a kind
of heresy through the kind efforts of Hilarius of humility in his countenance and manner, and
alone. But Lucifer, who was then at Antioch, thus excited in all a greater honor and respect
held a very different opinion. For he con- for himself. And now by degrees the wasting
demned those who assembled at Ariminum to disorder of that heresy * had pervaded the most
such an extent, that he even separated him- of Spain, and even some of the bishops came
self from the communion of those who had under its depraving influence. Among these,
received them as friends, after they had made Instantius and Salvianus had taken up the cause
satisfaction or exhibited penitence. Whether of Priscillian, not only by expressing their con-
this resolution of his was right or
wrong, I will currence in his views, but even by binding them-
not take ujion me to say. Paulinus and Rho- selves to him with a kind of oath. This went on
danius died in Phrygia Hilarius died in his until Hyginus, bishop of Cordova, who dwelt in

native country in the sixth year after his return. the vicinity, found out how matters stood, and
reported the whole to Ydacius, priest of Eme-
rita. But he, by harassing Instantius and his
CHAPITER XLVI. confederates without measure, and beyond what
the occasion called for, applied, as it were, a
There follow the times of our own day, both torch to the growing conflagration, so that he
difficult and dangerous. In these the churches rather exasperated than suppressed these evil
have been defiled with no ordinary evil, and all men.
things thrown into confusion. For then, for the
first time, the infamous heresy of the Gnostics
was detected in Spain —
a deadly suj)ersti-
tion which concealed itself under mystic rites. '^

So, then, after many controversies among them,

The birthplace of that mischief was the East, which are not worthy of mention, a Synod was
and specially Egypt, but from what beginnings
assembled at Saragossa, at which even the Aqui-
it there
sprang up and increased is not easy to tanian bishops were present. But the heretics
explain. Marcus was the first to introduce it did not venture to submit themselves to the judg-
into Spain, having set out from
Egypt, his birth- ment of the council sentence, however, was

place being Memphis. His pupils were a cer-

tain Agape, a woman of no mean passed against them in their absence, and In-
origin, and a stantius and Salivanus, bishops, with Helpidius
* The modern Peris^tfitx.
and Priscillian, laymen, were condemned. It
* "
exitiabilis ": the very words which Tacitus em-
siiperstitio was also added that if any one should admit the
ploys, when
speakint; of Christianity itself {Aunnl. xv. 44).
= "
arcanis occtiltata secretis": it is impossible to
say what is
the exact meaning of these words. * " * "
profanarum rerum." perfidiae istius."
condemned persons to communion, he should whom
were their wives and even strange women.
understand that the same sentence would be In the number of these was Euchrotia and her
pronounced against himself. And the duty was daughter Procula, of the latter of whom there
entrusted to Ithacius, bishop of Sossuba, of was a common report that, when pregnant through
seeing that the decree of the bishops was brought adultery with Priscillian, she procured abortion
to the knowledge of .all, and that Hyginus es- by the use of certain plants. When they reached
pecially should be excluded from communion, Rome with the wish of clearing themselves be-
who, though he had been the first to commence fore Damasus, they were not even admitted to
open proceedings against the heretics, had after- his presence. Returning to Milan, they found
wards fallen away shamefully and admitted them that Ambrose was equally opposed to them.
to communion. In the meantime, Instantius Then they changed their plans, with the view
and Salvianus, having been condemned by the that, as they had not got the better of the two
judgment of the priests, appoint as bishop in the bishops, who were at that time possessed of the
town of Aries, Priscillian, a layman indeed, but highest authority, they might, by bribery and
the leader in all these troubles, and who had flattery, obtain what they desired from the em-
been condemned along with themselves in the peror. Accordingly, having won over Macedo-
Synod at Saragossa. This they did with the nius, who was the master^ of public services,
view of adding to their strength, doubtless im- they procured a rescript, by which, those decrees
agining that, if they armed with sacerdotal au- which had formerly been made being trampled
thority a man of bold and subtle character, they under foot, they were ordered to be restored to
would find themselves in a safer position. But their churches. Relying upon this, Instantius
then Ydacius and Ithacius pressed forward their and Priscillian made their way back to Spain
measures more ardently, in the belief that the (for Salvianus had died in the city) and they ;

mischief might be suppressed at its beginning. then, without any struggle, recovered the churches
With unwise counsels, however, they applied to over which they had ruled.
secular judges, that by their decrees and prose-
cutions the heretics might be expelled from the
cities. Accordingly, after many disgraceful
squabbles, a rescript was, on the entreaty of CHAPTER
Ydacius, obtained from Gratianus, who was then
emperor, in virtue of which all heretics were But the power, not the will, to resist, failed
enjoined not only to leave churches or cities, but Ithacius ; for the heretics had won over by bribes
to be driven forth beyond all the territory under
Voluentius, the proconsul, and thus consolidated
his jurisdiction. When this edict became known, their own
power. Moreover, Ithacius was put
the Gnostics, distrusting their own affairs, did on his trial,
by these men as being a disturber
not venture to oppose the judgment, but those of the churches, and he
having been ordered as
of them who bore the name of bishops gave way the result of a fierce
prosecution, to be carried
of their own accord, while fear scattered the off' as a fled in terror into Gaul, where
rest. he betook himself to Gregory the prefect. He,
after he learned what had taken place, orders

CHAPTER XLVIII. the authors of these tumults to be brought before

himself, and makes a report on all that had
Andthen Instantius, Salvianus, and Priscillian occurred to the emperor, in order that he might
set out for Rome, in order that before Damasus, close against the heretics every means of flattery
who was at that time the bishop of the city, they or bribery. But that was done in vain ; because,
might clear themselves of the charges brought through the licentiousness and power of a few,
against them. Well, their journey led them allthings were there to be purchased. Accord-
through the heart of Aquitania, and being there ingly, the heretics by their artifices, having
received with great pomp by such as knew no presented Macedonius with a large sum of
better, they spread the seeds of their heresy. money, secure that, by the imperial authority,
Above they perverted by their evil teachings the hearing of the trial was taken from the pre-
the people of Elusa, who were then of a good fect, and transferred to the lieutenant in Spain.
and religious disposition. They were driven By that time, the Spaniards had ceased to have
forth from Bordeaux by Delfinus,
yet lingering a proconsul as ruler, and officials were sent
for a little while in the
territory of Euchrotia,' by the Master to bring back to Spain Ithacius
they infected some with their errors. They then who was then living at Treves. He, however,
pursued the journey on which they had entered, craftily escaped them, and being subsequently de-
attended by a base and shameful company, among fended by the bishop Pritannius, he set them at
^ The text has merely " extra omnes terras." 2 "
magistro officiorum."
Some read Euchrocia, and so afterwards. 1 This appears to be the meaning, but the text is obscure.

defiance. Then, too, a faint rumor had spread that he should give up his accusations, or to
that Maximus had assumed imperial power in implore Maximus that he should not shed the
Britain, and would, in a short time, make an blood of the unhappy persons in question. He
incursion into Gaul. Accordingly, Ithacius then maintained that it was quite sufficient punish-
resolved, although his affairs were in a ticklish ment that, having been declared heretics by a
state, to new emperor;
wait the arrival of the sentence of the bishops, they should have been
and meantime, no step should on
that, in the expelled from the churches ; and that it was,
his part be taken. When therefore Maximus, besides, a foul and unheard-of indignity, that a
as victor, entered the town of the Treveri, he secular ruler should be judge in an ecclesiastical
poured and accusa-
forth entreaties full of ill-will cause. And, in fact, as long as Martin sunaved,
tions against Priscillian and
his the trial was put off; while, when he was about
The emperor influenced by these statements, to leave this world, he, by his remarkable influ-
sent letters to the prefeet of Gaul and to the ence, obtained a promise from Maximus, that
lieutenant in Spain, ordering that all whom that no cruel measure would be resolved on with
disgraceful^ heresy had affected should be respect to the guilty persons. But subsequently,
brought to a Synod at Bordeaux. Accordingly, the emperor being led astray by Magnus and
Instantius and Priscillian were escorted thither, Rufus, and turned from the milder course which
and, of these, Instantius was enjoined to plead Martin had counseled, entrusted the case to the
his cause ; and after he was found unable to prefect Evodius, a man of stem and severe
clear himself, he was pronounced unworthy of character. He tried Priscillian in two assemblies,
the office of a bishop. But Priscillian, in order and convicted him of evil conduct. In fact,
that he might avoid being heard by the bishops, Priscillian did not deny that he had given him-
appealed to the emperor. And that was per- self up to lewd doctrines ; had been accustomed
mitted to be done through the want of resolution to hold, by night, gatherings of vile women,
on the part of our friends, who ought either to and to pray in a state of nudity. Accordingly,
have passed a sentence even against one who Evodius pronounced him guilty, and sent him
resisted it, or, if they were regarded as them- back to prison, until he had time to consult
selves suspicious persons, should have reserved the emperor. The matter, then, in all its de-
the hearing for other bishops, and should not tails, was reported to the palace, and the em-
have transferred to the emperor a cause involv- peror decreed that Priscillian and his friends
ing such manifest offences. should be put to death.


Thus, then, all whom the process embraced But Ithacius, seeing how much ill-will it

were brought before the king. The bishops would excite against him among the bishops, if
Ydacius and Ithacius followed as accusers ; and he should stand forth as accuser also at the last
I would by no means blame their zeal in over- trial on a capital charge (for it was requisite that

throwing heretics, if they had not contended the trial should be repeated), withdrew from the
for victory with greater keenness than was fitting. prosecution. His cunning, however, in thus
And my feeling indeed is, that the accusers were acting was in vain, as the mischief was already
me as the accused. I certainly
as distasteful to accomplished. Well, a certain Patricius, an ad-
hold that Ithacius had no worth or holiness vocate connected with the treasury, was then
about him. For he was a bold, loquacious, appointed accuser by Maximus. Accordingly,
impudent, and extravagant man ; excessively under him as prosecutor, Priscillian was con-
devoted to the pleasures of sensuality. He demned to death, and along with him, Felicissi-
proceeded even to such a pitch of folly as to mus and Armenius, who, when they were clerics,
charge all those men, however holy, who either had lately adopted the cause of Priscillian, and
took delight in reading, or made it their object revolted from the Catholics. Latronianus, too,
to vie with each other in the practice of fasting, and Euchrotia were beheaded. Instantius, who,
with being friends or disciples of Priscillian. as we have said above, had been condemned by
The miserable wretch even ventured publicly to the bishops, was transported to the island of
bring forward a disgraceful charge of heresy Sylina^ which lies beyond Britain. A process
against Martin, who was at that time a bishop, was then instituted against the others in trials
and a man clearly worthy of being compared to which followed, and Asarivus, and Aurelius the
the Apostles. For Martin, being then settled at deacon, were condemned to be beheaded, while
Treves, did not cease to importune Ithacius, Tiberianus was deprived of his goods, and ban-
' "
Clemens " : some read " Clementen," and join it with " Max- '
Halm prefers the form
Sylinancim" to" Sylinam." The ref-
imum." » " labes erence
ilia." is probably to the Scilly Isles.
ished to the island of Sylina. Tertullus, Pota- cover the position which had been lost. Well,
mius, and Joannes, as being persons of less con- after the death of Priscillian, not only was the
sideration, and worthy of some merciful treat- heresy not suppressed, which, under him, as its
ment, inasmuch as before the trial they had author, had burst forth, but acquiring strength,
made a confession, both as to themselves and it became more widely spread. For his follow-
their confederates, were sentenced to a tem- ers who had previously honored him as a saint,
porary banishment into Gaul. In this sort of subsequently began to reverence him as a mar-
way, men who were most unworthy of the light tyr. The bodies of those wlio had been put to
of day, were, in order that they might serve as death were conveyed to Spain, and their funerals
a terrible example to others, either put to death were celebrated with great pomp. Nay, it came
or punished with exile. That conduct^ which to be thought the highest exercise of religion to
he had at first defended by his right of appeal swear by Priscillian. But between them and
to the tribunals, and by regard to the public our friends, a perpetual war of quarreling has
good, Ithacius, harassed^ with invectives, and been kept up. And that conflict, after being
at last overcome, threw the blame of upon sustained for fifteen years with horrible dissen-
those, by whose direction and counsels he had sion,could not by any means be set at rest.
effected his object. Yet he was the only one of And now all things were seen to be disturbed

all of them who was thrust out of the episcopate. and confused by the discord, especially of the
For Ydacius, although less guilty, had voluntarily bishops, while everything was corrupted by them
resigned his bishopric that was wisely and through their hatred, partiality, fear, faithless-

respectfully done, had he not afterward spoiled ness, envy, factiousness, lust, avarice, pride,
the credit of such a step by endeavoring to re- sleepiness, and inactivity. In a word, a large
2 The seems to that Ithacius blamed for
number were striving with insane plans and ob-
meaning be, being bring-
ing accusations against his brethren, at first defended his conduct by stinate inclinations against a few giving wise
an appeal to the laws and the public weal, both of which justified
the prosecution of heretics; but being at last driven from this posi-
counsel while, in the meantime, the people of

tion, he turned round and cast the blame upon those for whom God, and all the excellent of the earth were
he had acted.
3 Some read
solitus," instead of
" sollicitus." exposed to mockery and insult.






Chapter I.— The Object of the Following Treatise 131
Chapter II.— A General Rule distinguishing the Truth of the Catholic Faith from the
Falsehood of Heretical Pravity 132
Chapter III.—A solved
difficulty 133
Chapter IV. — The resulting from the introduction of Novel Doctrine exemplified
evil the in
instances of the Donatists and Arians 133
Chapter V. — The Example of the Martyrs whom no force could deter from maintaining the
Faith of their Predecessors 134
Chapter VI. — The example of Pope Stephen resisting the Iteration of Baptism
in 134
Chapter VII. — How Heretics obscure passages
craftily cite ancient writers support of
in in
theirnovelties 136
Chapter VIII. — Exposition of Paul's words, Gal.
St. i
Chapter IX. — Paul's warning
St. the Galatians a warning
to to all 137
Chapter X. — Why God permits Eminent Men become Authors of Novelties-
to 137
Chapter XI. — The words of Moses, Deut. exemplified the History of the Church
xiii. i, in . .
Chapter XI — The Heresies of Photinus, Apollinaris, and Nestorius
Chapter XI — The Catholic Doctrine of the Trinity and of the Incarnation
1 1.
Chapter XIV. — Jesus Christ very Man 141
Chapter XV. — The Word took our Nature the Womb of the Blessed Virgin, whence She
in is
truly Theotocos," the Mother of God 142
Chapter XVI. — Recapitulation of Chapters XIII., XIV., and XV 143
Chapter XVI — The Error of Origen a great Trial to the Church
Chapter XVIII. — Tertullian 145
Chapter XIX. — The Lessons taught by the foregoing Examples 145
.Chapter XX. — The Characteristics of a true Catholic 146
Chapter XXI. — Exposition of Tim. 20 i vi. 146
Chapter XXI — The same continued
I. 147
Chapter XXIII. — Of Development Religious Doctrine in 147
Chapter XXIV. — Renewed consideration of Tim. 20 i vi. 149
Chapter XXV. — Heretics appeal to Scripture 150
Chapter XXVI. — Following therein the example of Satan 151
Chapter XXVII. — Rule the Interpretation of Scripture
for 152
Chapter XXVIII. — Rules the Detection of Heretical Novelties
for 152
Chapter XXIX. — Recapitulation of the subject matter of both Commonitories 153
Chapter XXX. — The Council of Ephesus 154
Chapter XXXI. — The Example set by the Fathers of the Council of Ephesus 155
Chapter XXXII. — The Example of Popes Celestine and Sixtus 155
Chapter XXXIII. — Conclusion 156

Very little is known

of the author of the following Treatise. writes under the He
assumed name Gennadius of Marseilles,* who flourished a.d. 495, some
of Peregrinus, but

sixty years after its date, ascribes it to Vincentius,

an inmate of the famous monastery of
Le'rins, in the island of that name,'^ and his ascription has been universally accepted.
Vincentius was of Gallic nationality. In earlier life he had been engaged in secular
pursuits, whether civil or military is not clear, though the term he uses,
"secularis militia,"

might possibly imply the latter. He refers to the Council of Ephesus, held in the summer

and early autumn of 431, as having been held some three years previously to the time at
which he was writing " ante triennium ferme."' This gives the date of the Commonitory
434. Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, was still living.* Sixtus the Third had succeeded to
the See of Rome;* his predecessor, Celestine, having died in 432. Gennadius says that
" •
Vincentius died, "Theodosio at Valentiniano regnantibus. Theodosius died, leaving
Valentinian still reigning, in July, 450. Vincentius' death, therefore, must have occurred in
or before that year.
Baronius places his name in the Roman Martyrology, Tillemont doubts whether with
sufficient reason.' He is commemorated on the 24th of May.
Vincentius has been charged with Semipelagianism. Whether he actually held the
doctrine which was afterwards called by that name is not clear. Certainly the express
enunciation of it is nowhere to be found in the Commonitory. But it is extremely probable
that at least his sympathies were with those who held it. For not only does he omit the
name of St. Augustine, who was especially obnoxious to them, when making honorable
mention at any time of the champions of the faith, but he denounces his doctrine, though
under a misrepresentation of it, as one of the forms of that novel error which he reprobates.^
Indeed, whoever will compare what he says in § 70 of the heresy which he describes but
forbears to name, with Prosper's account of the charges brought against Augustine by
certain Semipelagian clergymen of Marseilles," will have little doubt that Vincentius and

they had the same teacher in view, and were of the same mind with regard to his teaching.

De Scriptoribus EccUsiastkis. Gennadius's work is to be found at the end of the second volume of Vallarsius's edition of St.
Jerome's works.
s Now Honorat, so called from St. Honoratus, the founder of the monastery.
The monastery seems at first to have consisted of an aggregation of separate cells, each of which, according to the usage of that time,
would be called a " monasterium." " Tota ubique insula, exstructis cellulis, unum velut monasterium evasit." Cardinal Noris, Hisior. —
Pelig. p. 251. "Monasterium potest unius monachi habitaculum nominari." Cassian. Collat. xvii. i8.—
Among its more prominent members, contemporary with Vincentius, were Honoratus and Hilary, afterwards successively bishops of
and Faustus, afterwards bishop of Riez, all of them in sympathy with the neighbouring clergy of Marseilles, opposed to St. Augustine's
and holding what was afterwards called Semipelagian doctrine.
later teaching,
The adjoining islet of St. Marguerite, one of the L^rins group, has acquired notoriety of late, from having been the place to which Mar-
shal Bazaine, the betrayer of Metz, was banished in 1873.
» 5 7g.

§ 80. »
S 85.
« De Illustr. Eccles. Scrip, c. 84. ' xv. p. 146.
' " Non modo
Cardinal Noris does not hesitate to say of him, Semipelagianum se prodit, sed disertis verbis Augustini discipulos
tanquam h.-Brcticos traducit." — ffisloria Pelng-iana, p. 245. See below, Appendix II.
' See Prosper's letter to Augustine in Augustine's works, Ep. 225, Tom. ii. Ed. Paris, 1836, etc.
Be this however as it may, when monks of Lerins, in common with
it is considered that the
the general body of the were strenuous upholders of Semipela-
churchmen of Southjern Gaul,

gianism, it will not be thought surprising that Vincentius should have been suspected of at
least a leaning in that direction. Tillemont, who forbears to express himself decidedly, but
evidently inclines to that view, says "L'opinion qui le condamne et I'abandonne aux Semi-
pelagiens passe aujourd'hui pour la plus commune parmi les savans."^
It has been matter of question whether Vincentius is to be credited with the authorship

of the "Objectiones Vincentianae," a collection of Sixteen Inferences alleged to be dedu-

which has come down to us in Prosper's Reply.
cible from St. Augustine's writings,
Its date coincides so nearly with that of the Commonitory as to preclude all doubt
as to the identity of authorship on that score,* and it must be confessed that its animus
and that of the 70th and 86th sections of the Commonitory are too much in keeping to make
it difficult to believe that both are from the same pen.

ViNCENTius's object in the following treatise is to provide himself, as he states, with a

general rule whereby to distinguish Catholic truth from heresy; and he commits what he has
learnt, he adds, to writing, that he may have it by him for reference as a Commonitory, or
Remembrancer, to refresh his memory.
This rule, in brief, is the authority of Holy Scripture. By that all questions must be
tried in the first instance. And it would be abundantly sufficient, but that, unfortunately,
men differ in the interpretation of Holy Scripture. The rule, therefore, must be supple-
mented by an appeal to that sense of Holy Scripture which is supported by universality,
antiquity, and consent: by universality, when it is the faith of the whole Church; by
antiquity, when it is that which has been held from the earliest times; by consent, when it
has been the acknowledged belief of all, or of almost all, whose office and character gave
authority to their determinations. This is the famous "Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab
omnibus," with which Vincentius's name is associated." The body of the work is taken
up with its illustration and application.
The work consisted originally of two books; but unfortunately the second was lost, or
rather, as Gennadius says, was stolen, while the author was still alive and there remains ;

to us nothing but a recapitulation of its contents, which the authour, unwilling to encounter
the labour of re-writing the whole, has drawn up.*
In prosecution of his purpose Vincentius proceeds to show how his rule applies for the
detection of error in the instances of some of the more notorious heretics and schismatics
who up to his time had made havoc of the Church, —
the Donatists and the Arians, for
instance, and the maintainers of the iteration of Baptism and how the great defenders of ;

the Faith were guided in their maintenance of the truth by its observance.^
But the perplexing question occurs: Wherefore, in God's providence, were persons,
eminent for their attainments and their piety, such as Photinus, Apollinaris, and Nestorius,
permitted to fall into heresy? To which the answer is, For the Church's trial. And
Vincentius proceeds to show, in the case of each of these, how great a trial to the Church
his fall was. This leads him to give an account of their erroneous teaching severally,' from
which he turns aside for a while to expound the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity as opposed
to the heresy of Photinus, and of the Incarnation as opposed to the heresies of Apollinaris
and Nestorius, in an exposition remarkable for its clearness and precision.^ It contains so
much in common with the so-called Athanasian Creed, both as to the sentiments and the

' T. XV. p. 146.

' The Objectiones Vincentiana; must have been published at some time betwreen the publication of St. Augustine's Antipelagian Treatises
and the death of Prosper. They are to be found in Prosper's Reply, contained in St. Augustine's works, Appendix, Tom. x. coll. 2535
et seq. Paris, 1836, etc.
* « B « »
§ 6. §§ 77-88. §§ 9 sqq. §§ 27 sgq. 1
§§ 32 Sqq. §§ 36 ill-

language, that some have inferred from it, that Vincentius was the author of that Formu-
Returning from this digression, Vincentius proceeds, after promising to deal with these
subjects more fully on a future occasion,'^ to two other very signal instances of heretical
defection caused by the disregard of antiquity and universality; those of Origen^and
Tertullian,* of both of whom he draws a vivid picture, contrasting them, such as they were
before their fall with what they became afterwards, and enlarging on the grievous injury to
the Church generally, and the distressing trial to individuals in particular, consequent

upon their defection.

But it will be asked, Is Christian doctrine to remain at a standstill? Is there to be
no progresss, as in other sciences?* Undoubtedly there is to be progress; but it must be
real progress, analogous, for instance, to the growth of the human body from infancy to
childhood, from childhood to mature age; or to the development of a plant from the seed
to the full-grown vegetable or tree; it must be such as the elucidation of what was before

obscure, the following out into detail of what was before expressed only in general terms,*
not the addition of new doctrine, not the rejection of old.
One difficulty which is not unlikely to perplex a simple Christian is the readiness with
which heretics appeal to Scripture, following therein the example of their arch-leader, who,
in his temptation of our Lord, dared to make use of arms drawn from that armoury.' This
leads to the question. How are we to ascertain the true sense of Scripture ? And, in the
answer to it,more detailed exposition of the general rule given at the outset.
to a

Scripture, then, must be interpreted in accordance with the tradition of the Catholic
Church, our guide being antiquity, universality,, consent.
With regard
to antiquity, that interpretation must be held to which has been handed
down from the earliest times; with regard to universality, that which has always been held,
if not
by all, at least by the most part, in preference to that which has been held only by a
few; with regard to consent, the determination of a General Council on any point will of
course be of summary authority, and will hold the first place; next to this, the interpre-
tation which has been held uniformly and persistently by all those Fathers, or by a majority
of them, who have lived and died in the communion of the Catholic Church. Accordingly,
whatsoever interpretation of Holy Scripture is opposed to an interpretation thus authenti-
cated, even though supported by the authority of one or another individual teacher, how-
ever eminent, whether by his position, or his attainments, or his piety, or by all of these
together, must be rejected as novel and unsound.
Here the first
Commonitory ends; but it ends with a promise of a still further and more
detailed inquiry, to be prosecuted in the Commonitory which is to follow, into the way in
which the opinions of the ancient Fathers are to be collected, and the rule of faith deter-
mined in accordance with them.
Unfortunately that promise, however fulfilled according to the author's intention, has
been frustrated to his readers. The second Commonitory, as was said above, was lost, or
rather stolen, and all that remains to us is a brief and apparently partial recapitulation of
its contents and of the contents of the

Antblmi, Nova d* Symbolo Athanasintio DUquUitio. See the note on S 42, Appendix I.

§§ 44-46. M 47-
§ 55-
For instances in point, he might have referred to the enlargement and expansion of the earlier Creed, first in the Nicene.

§§ 55-6o.
afterward in the Constantinopolitan Formulary. Thus, in the Definition of the Faith of the Council of Chalcedon, the Fathers are careful
to explain that they are making no addition to the original deposit, but simply
unfolding and rendering more intelligible what before had
been less distinctly set forth: "Teaching which from the beginning hath remained unshaken, it decrees, in the
in its fulness the doctrine
first place, that the Creed of the 318 (the Nicene Creed) remain untouched; and on account of those who impugn the Holy Spirit,
it ratifies and confirms the doctrine
subsequently delivered, concerning the essence of the Holy Spirit, by the hundred and fifty holy
Fathers, (the Constantinopolitan Creed), which they promulgated for universal acceptance, not as though they were supplying some
omission of their predecessors, but testifying in express words in writing their own minds concerning the Holy Spirit."
tS 6s tgq.
I30 '
In this Vincentius repeats the rule for ascertaining the Catholic doctrine which he had
laid down at the outset, enlarging especially upon the way in which the consent of the
Fathers is to be arrived at, and illustrating what he says by the course pursued by the
Council of Ephesus in the matter of Nestorius, — how the Fathers of the Council, instead
of resting upon their own judgment, eminent as many of them were, collected together the

opinions of the most illustrious of their predecessors, and following their consentient belief,
determined the question before them. To this most noteworthy example he adds the
authority of two bishops of Rome, Sixtus III., then occupying the Papal Chair, and
Celestine, his immediate predecessor,

the gist of the whole being the confirmation of the
rule which it had been his object to enforce throughout the Treatise —
that profane novel-
ties must be rejected, and that faith alone adhered to which the universal Church has held
consentiently from the earliest times. Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus.

CHAPTER L especially since a certain awful expectation of

the approach of the divine judgment importu-
The Object of the Following Treatise.
nately demands increased earnestness in reli-
gion, while the subtle craftiness of new heretics
[r.] I, Peregrinus,* who am the least of all calls for no ordirtary care and attention.
the servants of God, remembering the admo- I am incited also by the opportuneness of
nition of Scripture, "Ask thy fathers and
place, in that, avoiding the concourse and
they will tell thee, thine elders and they will crowds of cities, I am dwelling in the seclu-
declare unto thee, "^ and again, "Bow down sion of a Monastery, situated in a remote
thine ear to the words of the wise,"* and
grange,' where, I can follow without distrac-
once more, "My son, forget not these instruc- tion the Psalmist's^ admonition, "Be still,
" ^
tions, but let thy heart keep my words :
and know that I am God."
remembering these admonitions, I say, I, Pere- Moreover, it suits well with my purpose
grinus, am persuaded, that, the Lord helping in adopting this life; for, whereas I was at
me, it will be of no little use and certainly as
one time involved in the manifold and de-
regards my own feeble powers, it is most neces-
plorable tempests of secular warfare, I have
sary, that I should put down in writing the now at length, under Christ's auspices, cast
things which I have truthfully received from anchor in the harbour of religion, a harbour
the holy Fathers, since I shall then have ready
to all always most safe, in order that, having
at hand wherewith by constant reading to make there been freed from the blasts of
vanity and
amends for the weakness of my memory. pride, and propitiating God by the sacrifice
[2.] To this I am incited not only by of Christian humility, I may be able to
regard to the fruit to be expected from my escape not only the shipwrecks of the present
labour but also by the consideration of time
life, but also the flames of the world to come.
and the opportuneness of place:
By the consideration of time, for seeing — [3.] But now, in the Lord's name, I will
set about the object I have in view; that'is to
that time seizes upon all things human, we
say, to record with the fidelity of a narrator
also in turn ought to snatch from it some- rather than the presumption of an author, the
thing which may profit us to eternal life. things which our forefathers have handed
down to us and committed to our keeping,
CoMMONiTORY. I have retained the original title in its angh- yet observing this rule in what I write, that I
cised form, already familiar to English ears in connection with the
name of Vincentius. Its meaning, as he uses it, is indicated suffi-
" An aid to
ci^ntly, in § 3, memory." Technically, it meant a Paper "
of Instructions given to a person charged with a commission, to assist Noris, from this word, viUula," a grange or country house,
his memory as to its details. concludes that Vincentius, at the time of writing, though a monk,
Peregrinus. It does not appear why Vincentius writes under an was not a monk of Ldrins, for there could be no " villula " there
assumed name. Vossius, with whom Cardinal Noris evidently agrees, then, Honoratus having found the island desolate and without
" vacan-
supposes that his object was to avoid openly avowing himself the author inh-ibitant, when he settled on it but a few jrears previously,
of a work which covertly attacked .St. Augustine. Vossius, Histor. tem insulam ob nimictatem squaloris, et inaccessam venenatorum
Pelag. p. 40. Ego quidem ad Vossii sententiam plane accessissem, animalium metu." Histor. Pelag. p. 251. Why, however, may not
nisi tot delatx a sapientissimis Scriptoribus Commonitorio laudes
" villula " have been built
the subsequently to Honoratus's settlement,
mihi pene injecissent. — NoRls, Htstor. Pelag. p. 246. and indeed, as a part of it? Whether Vincentius was an uimate of
Deut. xxxii. 7. the monastery of L^rins at the time of writing the Commonitory or
Prov. xxii. 17. not, he was so eventually, and died there.
* Prov. lii. 1. '
Ps. xlvi. 10.

shall by no means touch upon everything that another, Photinus, Apollinaris, Priscillian, an-
might be said, but only upon what is neces- other, lovinian, Pelagius, Celestius, another,
sary nor yet in an ornate and exact style, but lastly, Nestorius another. Therefore, it is very

in simple and ordinary language,^ so that the necessary, on account of so gseat intricacies
most part may seem to be intimated, rather of such various error, that the rule for the
than set forth in detail. Let those cultivate right understanding of the prophets and apos-
elegance and exactness who are confident of tles should be framed in accordance with
their ability or are moved by a sense of duty. the standard of Ecclesiastical and Catholic
For me it will be enough to have provided a interpretation.
CoMMONiTORY (or Remembrancer) for myself, [6.] Moreover, in the Catholic Church
such as may aid my memory, or rather, pro- itself, all possible care must be taken, that we
vide against my forgetfulness which same hold that faith which has been believed every-

Commonitory however, I shall endeavor, the where, always, by all. For that is truly and
Lord helping me, to amend and make more in the strictest sense "Catholic," which, as
complete by little and little, day by day, by the name itself and the reason of the thing
recalling to mind what I have learnt. I men- declare, comprehends all universally. This
tion this at the outset, that if by chance what rule we shall observe if we follow universality,
I. write should slip out of
my possession and antiquity, consent. We shall follow univer-
come into the hands of holy men, they may for- sality if we confess that one faith to be true,
bear to blame anything therein hastily, when which the whole Church throughout the world
they see that there is a promise that it will yet confesses; antiquity, if we in no wise depart
be amended and made more complete. from those interpretations which it is manifest
were notoriously held by our holy ancestors
and fathers; consent, in like manner, if in
CHAPTER II. antiquity itself we adhere to the consentient
definitions and determinations of all, or at the
A General Rule for distinguishing the Truth of the Catholic least of almost all
Faith from the Falsehood of Heretical Pravity. priests and doctors.

I HAVE often then inquired earn-

and attentively of very many men CHAPTER III.
eminent for sanctity and learning, how and
What to be done one or more dissent from the
by what sure and so to speak universal rule is if rest.

I may be able to distinguish the truth of What then will a Catholic Christian
Catholic faith from the falsehood of heretical [7.]
do, ifa small portion of the Church have cut
pravity; and I have always, and in almost
itself off from the communion of the universal
every instance, received an answer to this
effect That whether I or any one else should
faith? What, surely, but prefer the sound-
wish to detect the frauds and avoid the snares ness of the whole body to the unsoundness
of heretics as they rise, and to continue sound of a pestilent and corrupt member? What,
if some novel
and complete in the Catholic faith, we must, contagion seek to infect not
the Lord helping, fortify our own belief in merely an insignificant portion of the Church,
two ways first, by the authority of the Divine but the whole? Then it will be his care to

cleave to antiquity, which at this day cannot

Law, and then, by the Tradition of the Catholic
Church. possibly be seduced by any fraud of novelty.
But what, if in antiquity itself there be
[5.] But here some one perhaps will ask.
Since the canon of Scripture is complete, and found error on the part of two or three men,
or at any rate of a city or even of a province ?
sufficient of itself for everything, and more
than what need is there to join with Then it will be his care by all means, to
it the prefer the decrees, if such there be, of an
authority of the Church's interpretation?
For this reason, — because, owing to the depth
ancient General Council to the rashness and
of Holy Scripture, all do not ignorance of a few. But what, if some error
accept it in one
and the same sense, but one understands its should spring up on which no such decree is
words in one way, another in another; so that found to bear? Then he must collate artd
it seems to be
consult and interrogate the opinions of the
capable of as many interpreta-
tions as there are interpreters. For Novatian ancients, of those, namely, who, though living
in divers times and places, yet continuing
expounds it one way, Sabellius another, Dona-
tus another, Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, in the communion and faith of the one
Catholic Church, stand forth acknowledged
1 " 11 dit
qu'il I'a voulu ^crire d'un style facile et commun, sans le
and approved authorities and whatsoever he

vouloir orner et polir et je voudrois que les

ouvrages qu'on a piis le shall ascertain to have been held, written,
plus de peine 4 polir dans ce siecle (le 4me) et dans le suivant, ressem-
blassent a celui-ci. Tilletnont, T. taught, not by one or two of these only, but

by all, equally, with one consent, openly, a sort of blindness had fallen upon almost all
frequently, persistently, that he must under- the bishops'' of the Latin tongue, circum-
stand 'that he himself also is to believe with- vented partly by force partly by fraud, and
out any doubt Or hesitation. was preventing them from seeing what was
most expedient to be done in the midst of so
much confusion, then whoever was a true
CHAPTER IV. lover and worshipper of Christ, preferring the
ancient belief to the novel misbelief, escaped
The evil resulting from the bringing in of Novel Doctrine shown the
in the instances of the Donatists and Arians.
pestilent infection.
[11.] By the peril of which time was
abundantly shown how great a calamity the
[9.] But that we may make what we say introduction of a novel doctrine causes. For
more intelligible, we must illustrate it by
then truly not only interests of small account,
individual examples, and enlarge upon it
but others of the very gravest importance, were
somewhat more fully, lest by aiming at too
subverted. For not only affinities, relation-
great brevity important matters be hurried
over and lost sight of. ships, friendships, families, but moreover,
at last
In the time of Donatus,* from whom his cities, peoples, provinces, nations,
the whole Roman Empire, were shaken to
followers were called Donatists, when great
their foundation and ruined.
numbers in Africa were rushing headlong into
For when this same profane Arian novelty,
their own mad error, and unmindful of their
like a Bellona or a Fury, had first taken
name, their religion, their profession, were pre-
captive the Emperor,* and had then subjected
ferring the sacrilegious temerity of one man all the
before the Church of Christ, then they alone principal persons of the palace to new
laws, from that time it never ceased to involve
throughout Africa were safe within the sacred
everything in confusion, disturbing all things,
precincts of the Catholic faith, who, detest-
the continued in com- public and private, sacred and profane, pay-
ing profane schism, no regard to what was good and true, but,
munion with the universal Church, leaving to ing
as though holding a position of authority,
posterity an illustrious example, how, and Then wives
how well in future the soundness of the whole smiting whomsoever
it pleased.

were violated, widows ravished, virgins pro-

body should be preferred before the madness faned, monasteries demolished,
of one, or at most of a few. clergymen
ejected, the inferior clergy scourged, priests
[10.] So also when the Arian poison had driven into
exile, jails, prisons, mines, filled
infected not an insignificant portion of the
with saints, of whom the greater part, for-
Church but almost the whole world,'' so that
bidden to enter into cities, thrust forth from
their homes to wander in deserts and caves,
• There were two
persons of this name, both intimately connected rocks and the haunts of wild beasts,
with the schism, — the earherone, bishop of Casa Nigra in Numidia, among
the other the successor of Majorinus, whom in the year 311 the party to nakedness, hunger, thirst, were
had elected to be bishop of Carthage in opposition to Cecilian, the
Catholic bishop,the ground of the opposition being that the princi-
worn out and consumed. Of all of which
pal among Cecilian's consecrators lay under the charge of having was there any other cause than while
delivered up the sacred books to the heathen magistrates in the that,
Dioclesian persecution, and of having thereby rendered his ministerial
acts invalid. It was from the last-mentioned probably that the sect
was called.
The Donatists affected great strictness of life, and ignoring the Arianism spread with great rapidity and though condemned
plain declarations of Scripture, and notably the prophetic representa- the Council of Nicasa in 325, it gained fresh strength on the death
tions contained in our Lord's parables of the Tares, the Draw-net, and of Constantine and the accession of Constantius, so that for many
others, they held that no church could be a true church which endured years thenceforward the history
of the Church is occupied with noth-
the presence of evil men in its society. Accordingly they broke off ing "so much as with accounts of its struggle for supremacy.
communion with the rest of the African Church and with all who Arians aud Donatists began both about one time, which heresies,
held communion with it, which was in effect the rest of Christendom, according to the different strength of their own sinews, wrought, as
denying the validity of their sacraments, rebaptizing those who came the hope of success led them, the one with the choicest wits, the
over to them from other Christian bodies, and reordaining their clergy. other with the multitude, so far, that after long and troublesome
The sect became so powerful that for some time it formed the experience, the perfectest view that men could take of both was
stronger party in the church of North Western Africa, its bishops hardly able to induce any certain determinate resolution, whether
exceeding four hundred in number; but partly checked through tne error may do more by the curious subtlety of sharp discourse, or else
exertions of Augustine in the first years of the Afth century, and of
by the mere appearance of real and devout affection."
— Hooker,
Pope Gregory the Great at the close of the sixth, and partly weakened Eccles. Pol. V. 62. § 8.
bishops, in number more than four hundred, who
• The Catholic
by divisions among themselves, they dwindled away and became
extinct. at Ariminum, in 359, after having subscribed the Creed of Nicasa,
* The rise of Arianism was nearly contemporaneous with that of were induced, partly by fraud, partly by threats, to repudiate its
Donatism. It originated with Arius, a presbyter of Alexandria, a man crucial terms and sign an Arian Formulary. It was in reference to
He began by calling in question "
of a subtle wit and a fluent tongue. this that St. Jerome wrote, Ingemuit orbis,et Arium seesse miratus
the teaching of his bishop, when discoursing on a certain occasion " The world and marvelled to find itself Arian." He
est." groaned
on the subject of the Trinity. For himself he denied our blessed continues, "The vessel of the .ipostles was in extreme danger. The
Lord's coeternity and consubstantiality with the Father, which was in storm raged, the waves beat upon the ship, all hope was gone. The
effect to
deny that He is God in any true sense, though he made no Lord awakes, rebukes the tempest, the monster (Constantius) dies,
scruple of giving Him the name. His doctrine may be best inferred tranquillity is restored. The bishops who had been thrust out from
from the anathema directed against it, appended to the original their sees return, through the clemency of the new emperor. Then
Nicene Creed: "Those who say, that once the Son of God did not did Egypt "-eceive Athanasius in triumph, then did the Church of
exist, and that before He was begotten He did not exist, or who Gaul receive Hilary returning from battle, then did Italy put off her
affirm that He is of a different substance or essence (from that of the mourning garments at the return of Eusebius(of S^xz^Wx.). —Advers.
Father), or that His nature is mutable or alterable, those the Catholic Luci/erianos, J 10.
and Apostolic Church anathematises." Constantius, the Emperor of the West.

human superstitions are being brought in to upon them while they who had not ventured

supplant heavenly doctrine, while well estab- to tamper with it proved themselves Con-
lished antiquity is being subverted by wicked fessors and martyrs? How can we deny the
novelty, while the institutions of former ages faith of those whose victory we proclaim? "
are being set at naught, while the decrees of [13.] We proclaim it truly, O venerable
our fathers are being rescinded, while the de- Ambrose, we proclaim it, and applaud and
terminations of our ancestors are being torn in admire. For who is there so demented, who,
pieces, the lust of profane and novel curiosity though not able to overtake, does not at least
refuses to restrict itself within the most earnestly desire to follow those whom no
chaste limits of hallowed and uncorrupt force could deter from defending the faith of
antiquity? their ancestors, no threats, no blandishments,
not life, not death, not the palace, not the

CHAPTER Imperial Guards, not the Emperor, not the

empire itself, not men, not demons ? whom, —
set us by the Martyrs, whom no force could
I say, as a recompense for their steadfastness
The Example
hinder from defending the Faith of their Predecessors. in adhering to religious antiquity, the Lord
counted worthy of so great a reward, that by
[i2.] But it
may be, we invent these their instrumentality He restored churches
charges out of hatred to novelty and zeal for which had been destroyed, quickened with
antiquity. Whoever is disposed to listen to new life peoples who were spiritually dead,
such an insinuation, let him at least believe
replaced on the heads of priests the crowns
the blessed Ambrose, who, deploring the acer- which had been torn from them, washed out
bity of the time, says, in the second book of those abominable, I will not say letters, but
his work addressed to the Emperor Gratian ^ blotches :

{jion literas, sed lituras) of novel impi-

"Enough now, O God Almighty! have we ety, with a fountain of believing tears, which
expiated with our own ruin, with our own God opened in the hearts of the bishops? —
blood, the slaughter of Confessors, the banish-
lastly, when almost the whole world was over-
ment of priests, and the wickedness of such whelmed
by a ruthless tempest of unlooked
extreme impiety. It is clear, beyond ques-
for heresy, recalled it from novel misbelief to
tion, that they who have violated the faith the ancient
faith, from the madness of novelty
cannot remain in safety." to the soundness of antiquity, from the blind-
And again in the third book of the same ness of
novelty to pristine light?
work,^ "Let us observe the precepts of our
[14.] But in this divine virtue, as we may
predecessors, and not transgress with rude call it, exhibited
rashness the landmarks which we have in- note
by these Confessors, we must
especially that the defence which they
herited from them. That sealed Book of then undertook in
appealing to the Ancient
Prophecy no Elders, no Powers, no Angels, Church, was the defence, not of a part, but of
no Archangels, dared to open. To Christ the whole For it was not right that
alone was reserved the prerogative of explain- men of such eminence should
uphold with so
ing it.* Who of us may dare to unseal the huge an effort the vague and conflicting
Sacerdotal Book sealed by Confessors, and
notions of one or two men, or should exert
consecrated already by the martyrdom of themselves in the defence of some ill-advised
numbers, which they who had been 9ompelled combination of some
petty province; but
by force to unseal afterwards resealed, con- adhering to the decrees and definitions of the
demning the fraud which had been practised universal priesthood of Holy Church, the
heirs of Apostolic and Catholic truth, they
Though Vincentius' account of the Arian persecutions refers to
those under the Arian emperors, Constantius and Valens, the former chose rather to deliver up themselves than to
especially, yet he could not but have had in mind the atrocious cruel-
ties which were being perpetrated, at the time when he was betray the faith of universality and antiquity.
by the Arian Vandals in Africa. Possidius, in his life of St. Augustine, For which cause they were deemed worthy of
who lay on his death-bed in Hippo while the fierce Vandal host was
encamped round the city (c. xxviii.), gives a detailed account of
so great glory as not only to be accounted
belonging to a date some four years earlier, entirelv of a piece with
Vnicentius' description in the text. Victor,
Confessors, but rightly and deservedly to be
bishop of Vite, himself a
sufferer, has left a still ampler relation, De Persecutione Vandalorum. accounted foremost among Confessors.
2 St. Ambrose. De Fide, 1. 2, c. 15, § 141. See also St. Jerome
adv. Luciferianos, § 19.
ii,iJ_ 1
j^ § ,jg^ g{_ Ambrose speaks
of the Gothic war as a
judgment upon Valens, both for his Arianism and for his persecution
of the Catholics. He had permitted the Goths to cross the Danube, CHAPTER VI.
and settle in Thrace and the
adjoining parts, with the understanding
that they should embrace The example of Pope Stephen in resisting the Iteration of
Christianity in its Arian form. They had
now turned against him, and Gratian was on the eve of setting out Baptism.
to carry aid to him. St. Ambrose's book, De Fide, was written to
confirm Gratian in the Catholic faith, in view
especially of the Arian
influence to which he might be subjected in his intercourse with [15.] Great then is the example of these
Valens. Valens was killed the following year, 378, at the battle of
same blessed men, an example plainly divine,
* Rev. V.
1-5. and worthy to be called to mind, and medi-

tated upon continually by every true Catho- holy and prudent man well knew that true
lic, who, like the seven-branched candlestick, piety admits no other rule than that whatso-
shining with the sevenfold light of the Holy ever things have been faithfully received
Spirit, showed to posterity how thenceforward from our fathers the same are to be faithfully
the audaciousness of profane novelty, in all consigned to our children and that it is our ;

the several rantings of error, might be crushed duty, not to lead religion whither we would,
by the authority of hallowed antiquity. but rather to follow religion whither it leads;
Nor is there anything new in this? For and that it is the part of Christian modesty
it has
always been the case in the Church, and gravity not to hand down our own beliefs
that the more a man is under the influ- or observances to those who come after us,
ence of religion, so much the more prompt but to preserve and keep what we have
is he to oppose innovations. Examples there received from those who went before us.
are without number: but to be brief, we What then was the issue of the whole matter?
will take one, and that, in preference to What but the usual and customary one?
others, from the Apostolic See,* so that it Antiquity was retained, novelty was rejected.
may be clearer than day to every one with [17.] But it may be, the cause of innovation
how great energy, with how great zeal, with at that time lacked patronage. On the con-
how great earnestness, the blessed successors trary, it had in its favor such powerful talent,
of the blessed apostles have constantly de- such copious eloquence, such a number oi
fended the integrity of the religion which partisans, so much resemblance to truth, such
they have once received. weighty support in Scripture (only interpreted
[16.] Once on a time then, Agrippinus,* in a novel and perverse sense), that it seems
bishop of Carthage, of venerable memory, to me that that whole conspiracy could not
held the doctrine — and he was the first who possibly have been defeated, unless the sole
held it — that Baptism ought to be repeated, cause of this extraordinary stir, the very
contrary to the divine canon, contrary to the novelty of what was so undertaken, so de-
rule of the universal Church, contrary to the fended, so belauded, had proved wanting to
customs and institutions of our ancestors. it. In the end, what result, under God,
This innovation drew after it such an amount had that same African Council or decree?*
of evil, that it not only gave an example of None whatever. The whole affair, as though
sacrilege to heretics of all sorts, but proved a dream, a fable, a thing of no possible
an occasion of error to certain Catholics account, was annulled, cancelled, and trodden
even. underfoot.
When then all men protested against the [18.] And O marvellous revolution! The
novelty, and the priesthood everywhere, each authors of this same doctrine are judged
as his zeal prompted him, opposed it, Pope Catholics, the followers heretics; the teachers
Stephen of blessed memory, Prelate of the are absolved, the disciples condemned; the
Apostolic See, in conjunction indeed with his writers of the books will be children of the
colleagues but yet himself the foremost, with- Kingdom, the defenders of them will have
stood it, thinking it right, I doubt not, that their portion in Hell. For who is so de-
as he exceeded all others in the authority of mented as to doubt that that blessed light
his place, so he should also in the devotion among all holy bishops and martyrs, Cyprian,
of his faith. In fine, in an epistle sent at together with the rest of his colleagues, will
the time to Africa, he laid down this rule: reign with Christ; or, who on the other
*'Let there be no innovation —
nothing but hand so sacrilegious as to deny that the
what has been handed down." ' For that Donatists and those other pests, who boast
the authority of that council for their iteration
of baptism, will be consigned to eternal fire
"The Apostolic see" (Sedes Apostolica) here means Rome *
of course. But the title was not restricted to Rome. It was com- with the devil?
mon to all sees which could claim an apostle as their Founder.
Thus St. Augustine, suggesting a rule for
determining what books are
to be regarded as Canonical, says, " In Canonicis Scripturis Eccle-
siarunriCatholicarum quamplurium auctoritatem sequatur, inter quas his credit, by the terms in which Cvprian speaks of it in the
sane ills sint quae Apostolicas Sedes habere et Epistolas accipere judging
letter in which he quotes the passage in the text.— Ad Pomfieian,
meruerunt." "Let him follow the of those Catholic Ep. 74.
Churches which have been counted worthy to have Apostolic Sees; * The Council held under the presidency of Cyprian in 256. Its
i.e., to have been founded by Apostles, and to have been the recipi-
Cyprian's works, Ed. Fell. pp. 158, etc. An
acts are contained in
ents of Apostolic Epistles.'' — /?« Doctr. Christiana, II. § 13. But earlier council had been held in the same city in the beginning of the
the title, even in St. Augustine's time, had even a wider meaning. under Agrippinus. Both had affirmed the of
" century necessity
Anciently everv bishop's see was dignified with the title of Sedes rebaptizing heretics, or, as they would rather have said, of baptizing
Apostolica, which in those days was no peculiar title of the bishop them. The controversy was set at rest by a decision of the council
of Rome, but
given to all bishops in general, as deriving their of Aries, in 314, which ordered, in its Eighth Canon, that if the bap-
origin and counting their succession from the apostles." — Bingham, tism had been administered in the name of the Trinity, converts
Antiq. II., c. 2, § 3. should bf admitted simply by the imposition of hands that they might
Agrippinus. See note 4, below. receive the Holy Ghost.
Stephen's letter has not come down to us, happily perhaps for 5 See Hooker's reference
to this passage. —Eccles. Pol. v, 6a, § 9.
had cast " ^
off their first faith ; who had
CHAPTER VII. been deceived by those of whom the same
apostle writes to the Roman Christians,
How Heretics, craftily cite obscure passages in ancient
"Now, beseech you, brethren, mark them
writers in support of their own novelties.
which cause divisions and offences, contrary
to the doctrine which ye have learned, and
[19.]This condemnation, indeed,^ seems
avoid them. For they that are such serve
to have been providentially promulgated as
not the Lord Christ, but their own belly, and
though with a special view to the fraud of those
who, contriving to dress up a heresy under a hearts of by good words and fair speeches deceive the
the simple;"* "who enter into
name other than its own, get hold often of the
houses, and lead captive silly women laden
works of some ancient writer, not very clearly
with sins, led away with diverse lusts, ever
expressed, which, owing to the very obscurity and never able to come to the know-
of their own doctrine, have the appearance of learning
ledge of the truth;"' "vain talkers and
agreeing with it, so that they get the credit who subvert whole houses, teaching
of being neither the first nor the only persons deceivers,
who have held it. This wickedness of theirs, things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's
sake " * " men of corrupt minds, reprobate
in my judgment, is doubly hateful: first,

because they are not afraid to invite others to concerning the faith;"* "proud knowing
drink of the poison of heresy; and secondly, nothing, but doting about questions and strifes
of words, destitute of the truth,
because with profane breath, as though fanning supposing
that godliness is gain," ^° "withal learning to
smouldering embers into flame, they blow upon
the memory of each holy man, and spread an
be idle, wandering about from house to house,
evil report of what ought to be buried in silence
and not only idle, but tattlers also and busy-
by bringing it again under notice, thus tread-
bodies, speaking, things which they ought
" "who
ing in the footsteps of their father Ham, who not," having put away a good con-
not only forebore to cover the nakedness science have made shipwreck concerning the
faith ;"^^ "whose profane and vain
of the venerable Noah, but told it to the babblings
others that they might laugh at it, ofifend-
increase unto more ungodliness, and their
word doth eat as doth a cancer." ^^ Well,
jng thereby so grievously against the duty of
is it written of them: "But
filial piety, that even his descendants were also, they shall
involved with him in the curse which he drew proceed no further: for their folly shall be
manifest unto all men, as their 's also was."^*
down, widely differing from those blessed
brothers of his, who would neither pollute
their own eyes by looking upon the nakedness
of their revered father, nor would suffer others VIII. CHAPTER
to do but went backwards, as the Scrip-
ture says, and covered him, that is,
they neither Exposition of St. Paul's Words, Gal. 8. i.

approved nor betrayed the fault of the holy

man, for which cause they were rewarded [21.] When therefore certain of this sort
with a benediction on themselves and their wandering about provinces and cities, and
posterity.^ carrying with them their venal errors, had
[20.] But to return to the matter in hand: found their way to Galatia, and when the
It behoves us then to have a
great dread of Galatians, on hearing them, nauseating the
the crime of perverting the faith and adulter- truth, and
vomiting up the manna of Apos-
ating religion, a crime from which we are tolic and Catholic doctrine, were delighted
deterred not only by the Church's discipline, with the garbage of heretical
novelty, the
but also by the censure of apostolical author- apostle putting in exercise the
authority of
ity. For every one knows how gravely, how his office, delivered his sentence with the
severely, how vehemently, the blessed apostle utmost severity, "Though we," he says, "or
Paul inveighs against certain, who, with mar- an angel from heaven,
preach any other Gospel
vellous levity, had " been so soon removed from unto
you than that which we have preached
him who had called them to the grace of Christ unto you, let him be accursed. "^^
to another Gospel, which was not
another;"^ [22.] Why does he say "Though we"?
"who had heaped to themselves teachers why not rather " though I " ? He means, ,

after their own lusts, "

turning away their ears though Peter, though Andrew, though John,
from the truth, and being turned aside unto
fables;"* "having damnation because they * 2 Tim. iv. '" I Tim. vi.
3, 4. 4.
^ Tim. '1
I V. 12. I Tim. V. ij.
" Rom. '*
1 The condemnation of St. Cyprian's practice of
xvi. 17, 18 I Tim. i. 19.
rebaptism. "^
2 Tim. iii. 6. *^ 2 Tim. ii.
* Gen. 16, 17.
ix. 22. 8 Tit.
i. 10. " 2 Tim. iii. g.
GaL I. 6.
2 Tim. 15
iii. 8. Gal. i. 8.

in a word, though the whole company of for all to receive any other Gospel than that
apostles, preach unto you other than we have which the Catholic Church preaches every-
preached unto you, let him be accursed." where.
Tremendous severity! He spares neither [25.] Or perhaps the anathema pronounced
himself nor his fellow apostles, so he may on any one who should preach another Gospel
preserve unaltered the faith which was at first than that which had been preached was
delivered. Nay, this is not all. He goes on meant for those times, not for the present.

" from heaven the "Walk in

Even though an angel preach Then, also, exhortation, the
unto you any other Gospel than that which Spirit and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the
we have preached unto you, let him be flesh,"'' was meant for those times, not for
" But if it be both impious and
accursed. It was not enough for the preser- the present.
vation of the faith once delivered to have pernicious to believe this, then it follows
referred to man; he must needs comprehend necessarily, that as these injunctions are to be
angels also. "Though we," he says, "or an observed by all ages, so those warnings also
angel from heaven." Not that the holy which forbid alteration of the faith are warn-
angels of heaven are now capable of sinning. ings intended for all ages. To preach any doc-
But what he means is Even if that were to trine therefore to Catholtc Christians other
happen which cannot happen,

if —
any one, be than what they have received never was lawful,
he who he may, attempt to alter the faith never is lawful, never will be lawful and to :

once for all delivered, let him be accursed. anathematize those who preach anything other
[23.] But it may be, he spoke thus in the than what has once been received, always was
first instance inconsiderately, giving vent to a duty, always is a duty, always will be a duty.
human impetuosity rather than expressing [26.] Which being the case, is there any
himself under divine guidance. Far from one either so audacious as to preach any
it. He follows up what he had said, and other doctrine than that which the Church
urges it with intense reiterated earnestness,preaches, or so inconstant as to receive any
"As we said before, so say I now again. If other doctrine than that which he has received
any man preach any other Gospel to you from the Church? That elect vessel, that
than that ye have received, let him be teacher of the Gentiles, that trumpet of the
accursed." He does not say, "If any man apostles, that preacher whose commission
deliver to you another message than that you was to the whole earth, that man who was
have received, let him be blessed, praised, caught up to heaven,' cries and cries again in
welcomed," —no; but "let him be accursed," his Epistles to all, always, in all places, "If.
[anaihemd] i.e., separated, segregated, ex- any man preach any new doctrine, let him be
cluded, lest the dire contagion of a single accursed." On the other hand, an ephemeral,
sheep contaminate the guiltless flock of Christ moribund set of frogs, fleas, and flies, such as
by his poisonous intermixture with them. the Pelagians, call out in opposition, and
that to Catholics, "Take our word, follow our
lead, accept our exposition, condemn what
you used to hold, hold what you used to
CHAPTER IX. condemn, cast aside the ancient faith, the
institutes of your fathers, the trusts left for
you by your ancestors and receive instead,
His warning to the Galatians a warning to all.
— what? I tremble to utter it: for it is so full
of arrogance and self-conceit, that it seems
[24.] But, possibly, this warning was
intended for the Galatians only. Be it so; to me that not only to aflSrm it, but even to
then those other exhortations which follow in refute it, cannot be done without guilt in
the same Epistle were intended for the Gala- some sort.
tians only, such as, "If we live in the Spirit,
let us also walk in the Spirit; let us not
be desirous of vain glory, provoking one
another, envying one another," etc. which ;
Why Eminent Men are permitted by God to become Authors
alternative if it be absurd, and the injunctions of Novelties in the Church.
were meant equally for all, then it follows,
that as these injunctions which relate to [27.] But some one will ask, is it How
morals, so those warnings which relate to faith then, that certain excellent persons, and of
are meant equally for all and just as it is
; position in the Church, are often permitted
unlawful for all to provoke one another, or to by God to preach novel doctrines to
envy one another, so, likewise, it is unlawful Catholics? A proper question, certainly.

» « Gal. V. 16. ' 2

Gal. V. 2S. Cor, xii. 3.

and one which ought to be very carefully CHAPTER XL

and fully dealt with, but answered at the
same time, not in reliance upon one's own
Examples from Church History, confirming the words of
ability, but by the authority of the divine Moses, — Nestorius, Photinus, Apollinaris.
Law, and by appeal to the Church's deter-
mination. [29.] Here, perhaps, some one will require
Let us listen, then, to Holy Moses, and let us to illustrate the words of holy Moses by
him teach us why learned men, and such as examples from Church History. The demand
because of their knowledge are even called is a fair one, nor shall it wait long for satis-
Prophets by the apostle, are sometimes per- faction.
mitted to put forth novel doctrines, which the For to take first a very recent and very
Old Testament is wont, by way of allegory, plain case: what sort of trial, think we, was
to call " strange gods," forasmuch as heretics that which the Church had experience of the
pay the same sort of reverence to their notions other day, when that unhappy Nestorius,^ all
that the Gentiles do to their gods. at once metamorphosed from a sheep into a
to make havoc of the fiock of
[28.] Blessed IVJoses, then, writes thus in wolf, began
Deuteronomy : "If there arise among you a Christ, while as yet a large proportion of
prophet or a dreamer of dreams, that is, one those whom he was devouring believed him
holding office as a Doctor in the Church, who to be a sheep, and consequently were the
is believed by his disciples or auditors to more exposed to his attacks ? For who would
teach by revelation: well,

what follows? readily suppose him to be in error, who was
and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the known to have been elected by the high choice
sign or the wonder come to pass whereof he of the Emperor, and to be held in the greatest
— he is pointing to some eminent esteem by the priesthood? who would readily •

doctor, whose learning is such that his fol- suppose him to be in error, who, greatly
lowers believe him not only to know things beloved by the holy brethren, and in high
human, but, moreover, to foreknow things favor with the populace, expounded the Scrip-
superhuman, such as, their disciples commonly tures in public daily, and confuted the
boast, were Valentinus, Donatus, Photinus, pestilent errors both of Jews and Heathens?
Apollinaris, and the rest of that sort! What Who could choose but believe that his teach-
next? "And shall say to thee. Let us go after ing was Orthodox, his preaching Orthodox,
other gods, whom thou knowest not, and serve his belief Orthodox, who, that he might
them. What are those other gods but strange open the way to one heresy of his own, was
errors which thou knowest not, that is, new zealously inveighing against the blasphemies
and such as were never heard of before ? " And of all heresies? But this was the very thing
let us serve them;" that is, "Let us believe which Moses says " The Lord your God doth

them, follow them." What last? "Thoushalt try you that He niay know whether you love
not hearken to the words of that prophet or Him or not."
dreamer of dreams." And why, I pray thee, Leaving Nestorius, in whom there
does not God forbid to be taught what God was always more that men admired than they
forbids to be heard? "For the Lord, your were profited by, more of show than of reality,
God, trieth you, to know whether you love Him whom natural ability, rather than divine
with all your heart and with all your soul." grace, magnified for a time in the opinion of
The reason is clearer than day why Divine the common people, let us pass on to speak
Providence sometimes permits certain doctors of those who, being persons of great attain-
of the Churches to preach new doctrines — ments and of much industry, proved no small
"That the Lord your God may try you," he trial to Catholics. Such, for instance, was
says. And assuredly it is a great trial when Photinus, in Pannonia,* who, in the memory
one whom thou believest to be a prophet, a
disciple of prophets, a doctor and defender of ' Nestorius
was a native of Germanicia, a town in the patriarchate
the truth, whom thou hast folded to thy breast of Antioch, of which Church he became a Presbyter. On the See of
with the utmost veneration and love, when Constantinople becoming vacant by the death of Sisinnius, the
Emperor Theodosius sent for him and caused him to be consecrated
such a one of a sudden secretly and furtively Archbishop. He was at first extremely popular, and so eloquent that
people said of him (what was much to be said of a successor of
brings in noxious errrors, which thou canst Chrysostom), that there had never before been such a bishop. He
neither quickly detect, being held by the was condemned by the Council of Ephesus, in 431. The emperor,
after ordering him to return to the
monastery to which he formally
prestige of former authority, nor lightly think belonged, eventually banished him to the great Oasis, whence he
was harried from place to place till death put an end to his suffer-
right to condemn, being prevented by afifec-
ings, in 440. Evagrius, i. 7.
tion for thine old master. 2
Photinus, bishop of Sirmium in Pannonia, was a native of
Galatia, and a disciple of Marcellus of Ancyra. Bishop Pearson (on
the Creed, Art. 11) has an elaborate note, in which he collects
together many notices of him left by the ancients. These agree with
Vmcentius in representing him as a man of extraordinary
Deut. abihty and
xiii. i. etc. of consummate eloquence. His heresy consisted in the denial of

of our fathers, is said to have been a trial ness, his adroitness, his learning? How
to the Church of Sirmium, where, when he many heresies did he, in many volumes, anni-
had been raised to the priesthood with uni- hilate! How many errors, hostile to the
versal approbation, and had discharged the faith, did he confute! proof of which is A
office for some time as a Catholic, all of a that most noble and vast work, of not less
sudden, like that evil prophet or dreamer of than thirty books, in which, with a great
dreams whom Moses refers to, he began to mass of arguments, he repelled the insane
persuade the people whom God had intrusted calumnies of Porphyry.'^ It would take a
to his charge, to follow "strange gods," that long time to enumerate all his works, which
is, strange errors, which before they knew not. assuredly would have placed him on a level
But there was nothing unusual in this: the with the very chief of the Church's builders,
mischief of the matter was, that for the perpe- if that profane lust of heretical curiosity had
tration of so great wickedness he availed not led him to devise I know not what novelty
himself of no ordinary helps. For he which as though through the contagion of a sort
was of great natural ability and of powerful of leprosy both defiled all his labours, and
eloquence, and had a wealth of learning, caused his teachings to be pronounced the
disputing and writing copiously and forcibly Church's trial instead of the Church's edifi-
in both languages, as his books which remain, cation.
composed partly in Greek, partly in Latin,
testify.But happily the sheep of Christ CHAPTER Xn.
committed to him, vigilant and wary for the
Catholic faith, quickly turned their eyes to A fuller account of the Errors of Photinus, Apollinaris
the premonitory words of Moses, and, though and Ncstorius.

admiring the eloquence of their prophet and

pastor, were not blind to the trial. For from [32.] possibly, I may be asked for
thenceforward they began to flee from him as some the above
of mentioned
a wolf, whom formerly they had followed as heresies; those, namely, of Nestorius, Apol-
the ram of the flock. linaris, and Photinus. This, indeed, does
not belong to the matter in hand for our ob-
[31.] Nor is it only in the instance of

Photinus that we learn the danger of this ject is not to enlarge upon the errors of indi-
trial to the Church, and are admonished viduals, but to produce instances of a few, in
withal of the need of double diligence in whom the applicability of Moses' words may
be evidently and clearly seen; that is to
guarding the faith. Apollinaris^ holds out a
like warning. For he gave rise to great say, that if at any time some Master in
the Church, himself also a prophet in inter-
burning questions and sore peplexities among
his disciples, the Church's authority drawing preting the mysteries of the prophets, should
them one way, their Master's influence the attempt to introduce some novel doctrine
into the Church of God, Divine Providence
opposite; so that, wavering and tossed hither
and thither between the two, they were at a permits this to happen in order to try us. It
will be useful, therefore, by way of digres-
loss what course to take.
But perhaps he was a person of no weight sion, to give a brief account of the opin-
of character. On the contrary, he was so ions of the above-named heretics, Photinus,
eminent and so highly esteemea that his word Apollinaris, Nestorius.
would only too readily be taken on whatsoever [33.] The heresy of Photinus, then, is as
For what could exceed his acute- follows: He says that God is singular and
sole, and is to be regarded as the Jews
regarded Him. He denies the completeness
our blessed Lord's divine nature, whom he regarded as man, and of the Trinity, and does not believe that
nothing more, t^iXu; avOpionot, and as having had no existence there is any Person of God the Word, or any
before his birth of the Virgin. He was condemned in several synods,
the fifth of which, a Council of the Western bishops, held at Sir- Person of the Holy Ghost. Christ he affirms
mium, in 350, deposed him. But in spite of the deposition, so great to be a mere man, whose original was from
was his popularity, that he could not even yet be removed. The
following year however he was by another council, held at the same Mary. Hence he insists with the utmost
place, agani condemned, and sent into banishment. He died in
Ga1atia,in 377. See Cave, Hisi. Lit., who refers with praise to a obstinacy that we are to render worship only
learned dissertation on Photinus by Larroque.
to the Person of God the Father, and that we
Apolliuaris the younger (a contemporary of Photinus), bishop
of Laodicea in Syria, was one of the most distinguished men of the are to honour Christ as man only. This is the
ai;e in which he lived. Epiphanius {Hctr. Ixxvii. 2), referring to his
fall into heresy, says that when it first began to be
doctrine of Photinus.
spoken of, people
[34.] Apollinaris, affecting to agree with the
would hardly credit it, so great was the estimation in which he was
held. Ijis heresy,
which consisted in the denial of the verity of our
Lord's human nature, the Divine Word supplying the place of the Church as to the unity of the Trinity, though
rational soul, and in the assertion that his flesh was not derived from
.he Virgin* but was brought down from heaven, was condemned by
he Council of Constantinople, in 381 (Canon L). It was in reference * This work, of which St. Jerome speaks in high terms (dt Viris
o the latter form of it that the clause " of the Holy Ghost and the lUuslr., c. 104), has not come dowu to us, nor indeed have his other
" was inserted in the Nicene Creed,
Virgin Mary writings, except in fragments.
not this even with entire soundness of belief,^ in the glory of God, yet once there would
as to the Incarnation of the Lord, blas- seem to have been no difference between
phemes openly. For he says that the flesh Him and all other men.
of our Saviour was either altogether devoid of
a human soul, or, at all events, was devoid
of a rational soul. Moreover, he says that
this same flesh of the Lord was not received CHAPTER XIII.
from the flesh of the holy Virgin Mary, but
came down from heaven into the Virgin and, ; The Catholic Doctrine of the Trinity and the Incarnation
ever wavering and undecided, he preaches explained.
one while that it was co-eternal with God the
Word, another that it was made of the divine In these ways then do these rabid
nature of the Word. For, denying that there dogs, Nestorius, Apollinaris, and Photinus,
are two substances in Christ, one divine, bark against the Catholic faith: Photinus,
the other human, one from the Father, the by denying the Trinity; Apollinaris, by teach-
other from his mother, he holds that the very ing that the nature of the Word is mutable, and
nature of the Word was divided, as though refusing to acknowledge that there are two
one part of it remained in God, the other was substances in Christ, denying moreover either
converted into flesh so that whereas the truth
: that Christ had a soul at all, or, at all events,
says that of two substances there is one that he had a rational soul, and asserting that
Christ, he affirms, contrary to the truth, that the Word of God supplied the place of the
of the one divinity of Christ there are become rational soul Nestorius, by affirming that there

two substances. This, then, is the doctrine were always or at any rate that once there
of Apollinaris. were two Christs. But the Catholic Church,
[35.] Nestorius, whose disease is of an holding the right faith both concerning Qod
opposite kind, while pretending that he holds and concerning our Saviour, is guilty of blas-
two distinct substances in Christ, brings in of phemy neither in the mystery of the Trinity,
a sudden two Persons, and with unheard of nor in that of the Incarnation of Christ. For
wickedness would have two sons of God, two she worships both one Godhead in the plenitude
Christs, —
one, God, the other, man, one, be- of the Trinity, and the equality of the Trinity
gotten of his Father, the other, born of his in one and the same majesty, and she confesses
mother. For which reason he maintains that one Christ Jesus, not two the same both God

Saint Mary ought to be called, not Theotocos and man, the one as truly as the other."
(the mother of God), but Christotocos (the One Person indeed she believes in Him, but
mother of Christ), seeing that she gave birth two substances; two substances but one
not to the Christ who is God, but to the Person: Two substances, because the Word
Christ who is man. But if any one supposes of God is not mutable, so as to be converti-
that in his writings he speaks of one Christ, ble into flesh; one Person, lest by acknow-
and preaches one Person of Christ, let him ledging two sons she should seem to worship
not lightly credit it. For either this is a not a Trinity, but a Quaternity
crafty device, that by means of good he may [37.] But it will be well to unfold this same
the more easily persuade evil, according to doctrine more distinctly and explicitly again
that of the apostle, "That which is good and again.
was made death to me,'"^ —
either, I say, he In God there is one substance, but three
craftily affects in some places in his writ- Persons; in Christ two substances, but one
ings to believe one Christ and one Person of Person. In the Trinity, another and another
Christ, or else he says that after the Virgin Person, not another and another substance
had brought forth, the two Persons were (distinct Persons, not distinct substances)

united into one Christ, though at the time of in the Saviour another and another substance,
her conception or parturition, and for some not another and another Person, (distinct
short time afterwards, there were two Christs ; substances, not distinct Persons. How in
so that forsooth, though Christ was born at the Trinity another and another Person
first an
ordinary man and nothing more, and (distinct Persons) not another and another
not as yet associated in unity of Person with substance (distinct substances) ? ^ Because
the Word of God, yet afterwards the Person there is one Person of the Father, another
of the Word assuming descended
upon Him;
and though now the Person assumed remains ' Unum Christum Jesum non duos, eundemque Deum pariter " Est
atque Hominem confitetur. Compare the Athanasian Creed,
> "
Et hoc ipsum non plena fidei sanitate." — The Cambridge ergo fides recta et credamus et confiteamur, quia Dominus Noster
Jesus Christus. Dei Fihus, Deus pariter et Homo est."
Ed., 1687, with Baluzius's notes appended, reads, " et hoc ipsum plena * In Trinitate alius
fidei sanctitate." atque alius, non aliud atque aliud. In "Salvatore
aliud atgue aliud, non alius atque alius.
Rom. vii. 13. ' Aliud atque aliud, non alius atque alius.

of the Son, another of the Holy Ghost;

one our Saviour and Redeemer One, not by I :

but yet there is not another and another know not what corruptible confusion of God-
nature (distinct natures) but one and the head and manhood, but by a certain entire and
same nature. How in the Saviour another singular unity of Person. For the' conjunc-
and another substance, not another and an- tion hath not converted and changed the one
other Person (two distinct substances, not nature into the other, (which is the character-
two distinct Persons) ? Because there is one istic error of the Arians), but rather hath in
substance of the Godhead, another of the such wise compacted both into one, that while
manhood. But yet the Godhead and the there always remains in Christ the singularity
manhood are not another and another Person of one and the self-same Person, there abides
(two distinct Persons), but one and the same eternally withal the characteristic property of
Christ, one and the same Son of God, and each nature; whence it follows, that neither
one and the same Person of one and the doth God (i.e., the divine nature) ever begin
same Christ and Son of God, in like manner to be body, nor doth the body ever cease to be
as in man the flesh is one thing and the soul body. The which may be illustrated in human
another, but one and the same man, both soul nature: for not only in the present life, but
and flesh. In Peter and Paul the soul is in the future also, each individual man will
one thing, the flesh another; yet there are not consist of soul and body; nor will his body
two Peters, —
one soul, the other flesh, or two ever be converted into soul, or his soul into
Pauls, one soul, the other flesh, but one and — body; but while each individual man will
the same Peter, and one and the same Paul, con- live for ever, the distinction between the two
sisting each of two diverse natures, soul and substances will continue in each individual
body. Thus, then, in one and the same Christ man for ever. So likewise in Christ each
there are two substances, one divine, the substance will for ever retain its own char-
other human one of (ex) God the Father, the
acteristic property, yet without prejudice to
other of (ex) the Virgin Mother; one co- the unity of Person.
eternal with and co-equal with the Father, the
other temporal and inferior to the Father;
one consubstantial with his Father, the other CHAPTER XIV.
consubstantial with his Mother, but one and
the same Christ in both substances. There Jesus Christ Man in Truth, not in Semblance.
is not, therefore, one Christ God, the other

man, not one uncreated, the other created; [38.] But when we use the word "Person,"
not one impassible, the other passible; not and say that God became man by means of a
one equal to the Father, the other inferior to Person, there is reason to fear that our mean-
the P"ather; not one of his Father (ex), the ing may be taken to be, that God the Word
other of his Mother (ex), but one and the same assumed our nature merely in imitation, and
Christ, God and man, the same uncreated and peformed the actions of man, being man not
created, the same unchangeable and incapable in reality, but only in semblance, just as in a
of suffering, the same acquainted by experi- theatre, one man within a brief space repre-
ence with both change and suffering, the same sents several persons, not one of whom him-
equal to the Father and inferior to the Father, self is. For when one undertakes to sustain
the same begotten of the Father before time, the part of another, he performs the offices, or
("before the world"), the same born of his does the acts, of the person whose part he sus-
mother in time (" in the world "),* perfect tains, but he is not himself that person. So,
God, perfect Man. In God supreme divinity, to take an illustration from secular life and
in man perfect humanity. Perfect humanity, one in high favour with the Manichees, when
I say, forasmuch as it hath both soul and a tragedian represents a priest or a king, he is
flesh; the flesh, very flesh; our flesh, his not really a priest or a king. For, as soon as
mother's flesh; the soul, intellectual, endowed the play is over, the person or character whom
with mind and reason. There is then in he represented ceases to be. God forbid that
Christ the Word, the soul, the flesh; but the we should have anything to do with such nefa-
whole is one Christ, one Son of God, and rious and wicked mockery. Be it the infatu-
ation of the Manichees, those preachers of
Quia scilicet alia est Persona Patris, alia Filii, alia Spiritus Sancti hallucination, who say that the Son of God,

sed tamen Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti non alia et alia sed una
cadunquc natura. So the Athanasian Creed, Alia est enim Persona God, was not a human person really and truly,
Patris, alia Filii, alia Spiritus Sancti, sed Patris et Filii et Spiritus but that He counterfeited the
Sancti una est Divinifas, etc." The coincidence between the whole person of a man
of this context and the Athanasian Creed is very observable, though in feigned conversation and manner of life.
the agreement is not always exact to the very letter.
' Idem ex Patre ante sxcula
genitus, Idem in saeculo ex matre [39.] But the Catholic Faith teaches that
Compare the Athanasian Creed, Deus est ex substantia the Word of God became man in such wise,
'atris ante sxcula genitus;
feneratus. Homo ex substantia Matris in sxculo
natus." See Appendix I. that He took upon Him our nature, not feign-

edly and in semblance, but in reality and womb. For we must take most especial heed
truth, and performed human actions, not as that weconfess Christ not only one, but
though He were imitating the actions of always one. For it were intolerable blas-
another, but as performing His own, and as phemy, if while thou dost confess Him one
being in reality the person whose part He now, thou shouldst maintain that once He was
sustained. Just as we ourselves also, when not one, but two; one forsooth since His bap-
we speak, reason, live, subsist, do not imitate tism, but two at His birth. Which monstrous
men, but are men. Peter and John, for in- sacrilege we shall assuredly in no wise avoid
stance, were men, not by imitation, but by unless we acknowledge the manhood united to
being men in reality. Paul did not counter- the Godhead (but by unity of Person), not from
feit an apostle, or feign himself to be Paul, the ascension, or the resurrection, or the bap-
but was an apostle, was Paul. So, also, that tism, but even in His mother, even in the
which God the Word did, in His condescen- womb, even in the Virgin's very conception.^
sion, in assuming and having flesh, in speak- In consequence of which unity of Person, both
ing, acting, and suffering, through the instru-
those attributes which are proper to God are
mentality of flesh, yet without any marring ascribed to man, and those which are proper
of His own divine nature, came in one word to the flesh to God, indifferently and promis-
to this: —He did not imitate or feign Himself cuously.* For hence it is written by divine
to be perfect man, but He shewed Himself to guidance, on the one hand, that the Son of
be very man in reality and truth. There- man came down from heaven;* and on the
fore, as the soul united to the flesh, but yet other, that the Lord of glory was crucified on
not changed into flesh, does not imitate man, earth. Hence it is also that since the
but is man, and man not feignedly but sub- Lord's flesh was made, since the Lord's
stantially, so also God the Word, without any flesh was createdj the very Word of God is
conversion of Himself, in uniting Himself to said to have been made, the very omniscient
man, became man, not by confusion, not by Wisdom of God to have been created, just as
imitation, but by actually being and subsist- prophetically His hands and His feet are
ing. Away then, once and for all, with the described as having. been pierced.® From this
notion of His Person as of an assumed ficti- unity of Person it follows, by reason of a like
tious character, where always what is is one mystery, that, since the flesh of the Word was
thing, what is counterfeited another, where born of an undefiled mother, God the Word
the man who acts never is the man whose part Himself is most Catholicly believed, most
he acts. God forbid that we should believe impiously denied, to have been born of the
God the Word to have taken upon Himself Virgin which being the case, God forbid that

the person of a man in this illusory way. any one should seek to defraud Holy Mary
Rather let us acknowledge that while His own of her prerogative of divine grace and her
unchangeable substance remained, and while special glory. For by the singular gift of
He took upon Himself the nature of perfect Him who is our Lord and God, and withal,
man. Himself actually was flesh. Himself actu- her own son, she is to be confessed most
ally was man. Himself actually was personally truly and most blessedly — The mother of God
man; not feignedly, but in truth, not in imita-
tion, but in substance; not, finally, so as to ambiguitjr which is not continued in our derived word Person. Per-
signifies not only Person, in our sense of the word, but also an
cease to be when the performance was over, sona assumed character. Though however we have not this sense in
but so as to be, and continue to be substantially Person, we have in Personate. it
2 If the
Son of God had taken to Himself- a man now made and
and permanently. ^ already perfected, it would of necessity follow that there are in
Christ two persons, the one assuming and the other assumed;
whereas, the Son of God did not assume a man's person unto His
own, but a man's nature to His own person, and therefore took
CHAPTER XV. semen, the seed of Abraham, the very first original element of our
nature, before it was come to have any personal human subsistence.
The Union of the Divine with the Human Nature took place in
The flesh, and the conjunction of the flesh with God, began both in
one instant. His making and taking to Himself our flesh was but one
the very Conception of the Virgin. The appellation "The
act, so that in Christ there is no personal subsistence but one, and
Mother of God." that from everlasting. By taking only the nature of man He still
continueth one person, andchangeth but the manner of His subsisting,
[40.] This unity of Person, then, in Christ which was before in the mere glory of the Son of God, and is now
was not effected after His birth of the Virgin, in the habit of our flesh. — Hooker, Eccl. Pol. v. 52, § 3.
^ " A kind of mutual commutation there
is, whereby those con-
but was compacted and perfected in her very Crete names, God and man, when we speak of Christ, do take inter-
changeably one another's room, so that for truth of speech, it skill-
eth not, whether we say that the Son of God hath created the world,
1 " "
The word Person is used in this and the preceding section and the Son of man by His death hath saved it, or else, that the Son
in a way which might seem at variance with Catholic truth. Christ of man did create, and the Son of God die to save the world. How-
did not assume the Person of a man; but, being God, He united in
beit, as oft as we attribute to God what the manhood of Christ claim-
his one divine Person, the Godhead and the Manhood. This Vin- eth, or to man what His Deity hath right vmto, we understand by the
centius himself teaches most explicitly. But his object here is to name of God and the name of man neither the one nor the other
show that our blessed Lord, while conversant among us as man, and nature, but the whole person of Christ, in whom both natures are."
being to all_ appearance man, did noi personafe man, but was man in — Hooker, Eccl. Polity, v. 53, § 4. This is technically called "The
deed and in truth. The
misconception against which Vincentius Communication of Properties," Commtmicatio idiomatum.
seeks to guard arises from the ambiguity of the Latin Persona, an * St.
John iii. 13.
^ i Cor. ii. 8. * Ps. xxii. 16.

"Theotocos," but not in the sense in which it but of a Person not feigned and transient,
is imagined by a certain impious heresy which but substantial and permanent.
maintains, that she is to be called the Mother Blessed, I say, be the Church, which de-
of God for no other reason than because she clares this unity of Person to be so real and
gave birth to that man who afterwards became effectual, that because of it, in a marvellous
God, just as we speak of a woman as the and ineffable mystery, she ascribes divine at-
mother of a priest, or the mother of a bishop, tributes to man, and human to God; because
meaning that she was such, not by giving of it, on the one hand, she does not deny that
birth to one already a priest or a bishop, but Man, as God, came down from heaven, on
by giving birth to one who afterwards became the other, she believes that God, as Man, was
a priest or a bishop. Not thus, I say, was created, suffered, and was crucified on earth;
the holy Mary "Theotocos," the mother of because of it, finally, she confesses Man the
God, but rather, as was said before, because Son of God, and God the Son of the Virgin.
in her sacred womb was wrought that most Blessed, then, and venerable, blessed and
sacred mystery whereby, on account of the most sacred, and altogether worthy to be com-
singular and unique unity of Person, as the pared with those celestial praises of the
Word in flesh is flesh, so Man in God is God.^ Angelic Host, be the confession which ascribes
glory to the one Lord God with a threefold
ascription of holiness. For this reason more-
CHAPTER XVI. over she insists emphatically upon the oneness
of the Person of Christ, that she may not go
Recapitulation of what was said of the Catholic Faith and
of divers Heresies, Chapters xi-xv. beyond the mystery of the Trinity (that is
by making in effect a Quaternity.)
[41.] But now that we may refresh our Thus much by way of digression. On
remembrance of what has been briefly said another occasion,
please God, we will deal
concerning either the afore-mentioned heresies with the subject and unfold it more fully.*
or the Catholic Faith, let us go over it again Now let us return to the matter in hand.
more briefly and concisely, that being repeated
it may be more thoroughly understood, and

being pressed home more firmly held. CHAPTER XVn.

Accursed then be Photinus, who does not
receive the Trinity complete, but asserts that The Error of Origen a great Trial to the Church.
Christ is mere man.
Accursed be Apollinaris, who affirms that [42.] said above that in the Church of We
the Godhead of Christ is marred by conver- God the teacher's error is the people's trial,
sion, and defrauds Him of the property of a trial by so much the greater in proportion
to the greater learning of the erring teacher.
perfect humanity.
Accursed be Nestorius, who denies that This we showed first by the authority of
God was born of the Virgin, affirms two Scripture, and then by instances from Church
Christs, and rejecting the belief of the History, of persons who having at one time
Trinity, brings in a Quaternity.
had the reputation of being sound in the faith,
But blessed be the Catholic Church, which eventually either fell away to some sect already
worships one God in the completeness of the in existence, or else founded a heresy of their
Trinity, and at the same time adores the
own. An important fact truly, useful to be
equality of the Trinity in the unity of the learnt, and necessary to be remembered, and
Godhead, so that neither the singularity of to be illustrated and enforced again and again,
substance confounds the propriety of the Per- by example upon example, in order that all
sons, not the distinction of the Persons in the true Catholics may understand that it be-
Trinity separates the unity of the Godhead. hoves them with the Church to receive Teach-
Blessed, 1 say, be the Church, which be- ers, not with Teachers to desert the faith of
lieves that in Christ there are two true and the Church,
perfect substances but one Person, so that [43.] My belief is, that among many
neither doth the distinction of natures divide instances of this sort of trial which might be
the unity of Person, nor the unity of Person produced, there is not one to be compared
confound the distinction of substances. • with that of Origen,' in whom there were
Blessed, I say, be the Church, which under-
Anrtelmi, who ascribed the Athanasian Creed to Vincentuis,
stands God to have become Man, not by con-
thouRht that document a fulfilment of the promise here made. Nova
version of nature, but by reason of a Person, de Sytnbolo Athanasiano Disquisitio. — See Ap()endix I.
Origen was born of Christian parents, at Alexandria, about the
year 186. His father, Leonidas, suffered martyrdom in the perse-
Sicut Verbum in came caro, ita Homo in Deo Deus est. Com- cution under Severus, in jo2 ; and the family estate having been con-
t)ie Athanasian Creed,
pare " v. 33, in what is
probably the true read- fiscated, his mother, with six younger children, became dependent
ing, Unus autem, non conversione Divinitatis in carne, sed upon him for her support. At the age of eighteen he was appointed
assumptione Humanitatis in Deo." by the bishop Demetrius over the Catechetical School of Alex3r>«lria,

many things so excellent, so unique, so martyrs, without number.^ Then who can
admirable, that antecedently any one would express how much he was admired by all,
readily deem that implicit faith was to be how great his renown, how wide his influ-
placed in all his assertions. For if the con- ence? Who was there whose religion was at
versation and manner of life carry authority, all above the common standard that did not

great was his industry, great his modesty, his hasten to him from the ends of the earth?
patience, his endurance; if his descent or his What Christian did not reverence him almost
erudition, what more noble than his birth of as a prophet; what philosopher as a master?
a house rendered illustrious by martyrdom? How great was the veneration with which he
Afterwards, when in the cause of Christ he was regarded, not only by private persons, but
had been deprived not only of his father, but also by the Court, is declared by the histories
also of all his property, he attained so high a which relate how he was sent for by the
standard in the midst of the straits of holy mother of the Emperor Alexander,* moved by
poverty, that he suffered several times, it is the heavenly wisdom with the love of which
said, as a Confessor. Nor were these the she, as he, was inflamed. To this also his
only circumstances connected with him, all of letters bear witness, which, with the authority
which afterwards proved an occasion of trial. which he assumed as a Christian Teacher, he
He had a genius so powerful, so profound, so wrote to the Emperor Philip,^ the first Roman
acute, so elegant, that there was hardly any prince that was a Christian. As to his in-
one whom he did not very far surpass. The credible learning, if any one is unwilling to
splendour of his learning, and of his erudition receive the testimony of Christians at our
generally, was such that there were few points hands, let him at least accept that of heathens
of divine philosophy, hardly any of human, at the hands of philosophers. P'or that im-
which he did not thoroughly master. When pious Porphyry says that when he was little
Greek had yielded to his industry, he made more than a boy, incited by his fame, he
himself a proficient in Hebrew. What shall I went to Alexandria, and there saw him, then
say of his eloquence, the style of which was an old man, but a man evidently of so great
so charming, so soft, so sweet, that honey attainments, that he had reached the summit
rather than words seemed to flow from his of universal knowledge.
mouth! What subjects were there, however [44.] Time would fail me to recount, even
difficult, which he did not render clear and per- a very small measure, the excellencies of
spicuous by the force of his reasoning? What this man, all of which, nevertheless, not
undertakings, however hard to accomplish, only contributed to the glory of religion, but
which he did not make to appear most easy? also increased the magnitude of the trial.
But perhaps his assertions rested simply on in- For who in the world would lightly desert a
geniously woven argumentation? On the con- man of so great genius, so great learning, so
trary, no teacher ever used more proofs drawn great influence, and would not rather adopt
from Scripture. Then I suppose he wrote that saying, That he would rather be wrong
little? No man more, so that, if I mistake with Origen, than be right with others.®
not, his writings not only cannot all be read What shall I say more? The result was
through, they cannot all be found; for that that very many were led astray from the
nothing might be wanting to his opportunities integrity of the faith, not by any human
of obtaining knowledge, he had the additional excellencies of this so great man, this so
advantage of a life greatly prolonged.^ But great doctor, this so great prophet, but, as
perhaps he was not particularly happy in his the event showed, by the too perilous trial
disciples? Who ever more so? From his which he proved to be. Hence it came to
school came forth doctors, priests, confessors, pass, that this Origen, such and so great as
he was, wantonly abusing the grace of God,
rashly following the bent of his own genius,
the duties of which place he discharged with eminent
ability and
success. He remained a layman till the age of
forty-three, when he
was admitted to priest's orders at Cjesarea, greatly to the displeasure and placing overmuch confidence in himself,
of Demetrius, by whose hand,
according to the Church's rule, the office account of the ancient simplicity
ought to have been conferred, and he was in consequence banished making light
religion, presuming that he
from Alexandria. Returning to Csesarea, he taught there with great of the Christian
reputation, and had many eminent persons among his disciples. He
suffered much in the Decian persecution in
250, when he was thrown
knew more than all the world besides, de-
into prison and subjected to severe tortures. His works, as Vincen-
tius says, were very numerous, including among them the Hexapla,
a revised edition of the Hebrew Scriptures and of the * these were Gregory Thaumaturgus, Bishop of Neo-
Septuagint ver- Among
sion, together with three other versions, the Hebrew being set forth Casarea in Pontus, and Firmilian, Bishop of Cassarea in Cappa-
in both Hebrew and Greek characters. His writings were corrupted docia.
in many instances, so that, as Vincentius * Mammea.
says, opinions were often
imputed to him which he would not have acknowledged. He died in <•
St. Jerome's words, from whose book, De Viris illus-
These are
his sixty-ninth year at Tyre, and was buried there. tribus c. 54, Vincentius's account of Origen is taken. The vexed
1 " "
Quis nostrum," says St. Jerome, potest tanta legere quanta question of Philip's claim to be ranked as a Christian is discussed by
ille conscripsit."
— Hieron. ad Pam. et Ocean. Tillemont. —
Histoire des Empereurs, T. iii. pp. 494 sgq.
He died, as was said in the preceding note, in his
" Errare malo cum Platone
quam cum istis vera sentire.— Cicero,
Tuscttl. Quasi, i.

spising the traditions of the Church and the among the Greeks, so does Tertullian among
determinations of the ancients, and interpret- the Latins. For who more learned than he,
ing certain passages of Scripture in a novel who more versed in knowledge whether divine
way, deserved for himself the warning given or human? With marvellous capacity of mind
to the Church of God, as applicable in his he comprehended all philosophy, and had a
case as in that of others, If there arise a knowledge of all schools of philosophers, and
prophet in the midst of thee," "thou shalt . . . of the founders and upholders of schools, and
not hearken to the words of that prophet," was acquainted with all their rules and ob-
. .
.because the Lord your God doth make servances, and with their various histories
trial of you, whether you love Him or and' studies. Was not his genius of such un-
not." ^ Truly, thus of a sudden to seduce the rivalled strength and vehemence that there
Church which was devoted to him, and hung was scarcely any obstacle which he proposed
upon him through admiration of his genius, to himself to overcome, that he did not pene-
his learning, his eloquence, his manner of trate by acuteness, or crush by weight? As
life and influence, while she had no fear, no to his style, who can sufficiently set forth its

suspicion for herself,

thus, I say, to seduce praise? It was knit together with so much
the Church, slowly and little by little, from cogency of argument that it compelled assent,
the old religion to a new profaneness, was even where it failed to persuade. Every word
not only a trial, but a great trial.* almost was a sentence every sentence a vit- ;

[45.] But some one will say, Origen's tory. This know the Marcions, the Apelleses,
books have been corrupted. I do not deny the Praxeases, the
Hermogeneses, the Jews,
it; nay, I grant it readily. For that such is the Heathens, the Gnostics, and the rest,
the case has been handed down both orally whose blasphemies he overthrew by the force
and in writing, not only by Catholics, but by of his many and ponderous volumes, as with
heretics as well. But the point is, that though so many thunderbolts. Yet this man also,
himself be not, yet books published under his notwithstanding all that I have mentioned,
name are, a great trial, which, abounding in this Tertullian, I say, too little tenacious of
many hurtful blasphemies, are both read and Catholic doctrine, that is, of the universal
delighted in, not as being some one else's, and ancient faith, more eloquent by far than
but as being believed to be his, so that, faithful,* changed his belief, and justified what
although there was no error in Origen's origi- the blessed Confessor, Hilary, writes of him,
nal meaning, yet Origen's authority appears namely, that "by his subsequent error he
to be an effectual cause in leading people to detracted from the authority of his approved
embrace error. writings."* He also was a great trial in the
Church. But of Tertullian I am unwilling to
XVHI. say more. This only I will add, that, contrary
to the injunction of Moses, by asserting the
Tertullian a Trial to the Church.
novel furies of Montanus ' which arose in the
Church, and those mad dreams of new doc-
[46.] The case is the same with Tertullian.* trine dreamed by mad women, to be true
For as Origen holds by far the first place prophecies, he deservedly made both himself
and his writings obnoxious to the words,
Deuteronomy xiii. i.
• "The
great Origen died after his many labors in peace. His "If there arise a prophet in the midst of
immediate pupils were saints and rulers in the Church. He has the
of St. Athanasius, St. Basil, and St. Gregory Nazianzen, and thee,". "thou shalt not hearken to the
. .

praise " "

furnishes materials to St. Ambrose and St. Hilary; yet, as time pro- words of that
prophet. For why ? Because
ceeded, a definite heterodoxy was the growing result of his theology,
and at length, three hundred years after his death, he was condemned, the Lord your God doth make trial of you,
and, as has generally been considered, in an CEcumenical Council." — whether love Him or not."
Nbwman on Development, p. 85, First Edition. you
* known of Tertullian, besides what may be
Hardly anything is
gathered from his works, in addition to the following account given
St. Jerome (De VirU which quote from Bishop
by Illustribut), I

Kaye's work on Tertullian and his writings: "Tertullian, a pres- CHAPTER XIX.
the first Latin writer after Victor and Apollonius, was a native
of the province of Africa and city of Carthage, the son of a procon-
sular centurion. He was a man of a sharp and vehement temper, What we ought to learn from these Examples.
flourished under Severus and Caracalla, and wrote numerous works,
which, as they are generally known, I think it unnecessary to par- It behoves us, then, to give heed to
ticularize. I saw at Concordia, in Italy, an old man named Paulus, [47.]
who said that, when young, he had met at Rome with an aged these instances from Church History, so
amanuensis of the blessed Cyprian, who told him that Cyprian never
passed a day without reading some portion of Tertullian's works, and many and so great, and others of the same
used frequently to say, Give me

my master,' meaning Tertullian.

After remaining a presbyter of the Church till he had attained the * ' In Mat. v.
Fidelior, Baluz. Felicior, others.
middle of life, Tertullian was by the cruel and contumelious treatment •
Montanus, with his two prophetesses, professed that he was
of the Roman clergy driven to embrace the opinions of Montanus, intrtisted with a —
new dispensation, a dispensation in advance of
which he has mentioned in several of his works, under the title of the Gospel, as the Gospel was in advance of the Law. His system
'The New Prophecy.' He is reported to have lived to a very was a protest against the laxity which had grown up in the Church,
advanced age." He was bom about the middle of the second cen- as has repeatedly been the case after revivals of rebgious fervor, veri-
" Christiani
tury, and flourished, according to the dates indicated above, between fying Tertullian s apophthegm, fiunt,'non nascuntur"
the years 190 and 216. (men become Christians, they are not bom such). Its characteristics

description, and to understand distinctly, surging tempestuous cares are they tossed
in accordance with the rule laid down in about! One while, the error being set in
Deuteronomy, that if at any time a Doctor in motion, they are hurried whithersoever the
the Church have erred from the faith. Divine wind drives them; another, returning upon
Providence permits it in order to make trial themselves like refluent waves, they are dashed
of us, whether or not we love God with all back one while, with rash presumption, they:

our heart and with all our mind. give their approval to what seems uncertain ;
another, with irrational fear, they are fright-
ened out of their wits at what is certain,
XX. CHAPTER in doubt whither to go, whither to return,
The Notes of a true Catholic. what to seek, what to shun, what to keep,
what to throw away.
[48.] This being the case, he is the true [50.] This affliction, indeed, of a hesitating
and genuine Catholic who loves the truth of and miserably vacillating mind is, if they
God, who loves the Church, who loves the are wise, a medicine intended for them by
Body of Christ, who esteems divine religion God's compassion. For therefore it is that
and the Catholic Faith above every thing, outside the most secure harbour of the Cath-
above the authority, above the regard, above olic Faith, they are tossed about, beaten, and
the genius, above the eloquence, above the almost killed, by divers tempestuous cogita-
philosophy, of every man whatsoever; who tions, in order that they may take in the sails
sets light by all of these, and continuing of self-conceit, which, they had with ill
steadfast and established in the faith, resolves advice unfurled to the blasts of novelty,
that he will believe that, and that only, which and may betake themselves again to, and
he is sure the Catholic Church has held uni- remain stationary within, the most secure
versally and from ancient time; but that what- harbour of their placid and good mother, and
soever new and unheard-of doctrine he shall may begin by vomiting up those bitter and
find to have been furtively introduced by some turbid floods of error which they had swal-
one or another, besides that of all, or contrary lowed, that thenceforward they may be able
to that of all the saints, this, he will under- to drink the streams of fresh and living water.
stand, does not pertain to religion, but is per- Let them unlearn well what they had learnt
mitted as a trial, being instructed especially not well, and let them receive so much of the
by the words of the blessed Apostle Paul, who entire doctrine of the Church as they can
writes thus in his first Epistle to the Cor- understand what they cannot understand let :

inthians, "There must needs be heresies, that them believe.

they who are" approved may be made manifest
among you as though he should say, This
is the reason why the authors of Heresies are
not forthwith rooted up by God, namely, that Exposition of St. Paul's Words. i Tim. vi. 20. —
they who are approved may be made manifest;
that is, that it may be apparent of each indi- [51.] Such being the case, when I think
over these things, and revolve them in my mind
vidual, how tenacious and faithful and stead-
fast he is in his love of the Catholic faith. again and again, I cannot sufficiently wonder
at the madness of certain men, at the impiety
[49.] And in truth, as each novelty springs
of their blinded understanding, at their lust
up incontinently is discerned the difference
between the weight of the wheat and the of error, such that, not content with the rule
lightness of the chaff. Then that which had of faith delivered once for all, and received
no weight to keep it on the floor is without from the times of old, they are every day
difficulty blown away. For some at once fly seeking one novelty after another, and are
off entirely; others
having been only shaken constantly longing to add, change, take away,
in religion, as though the doctrine, "Let what
out, afraid of perishing, wounded, half alive,
has once for all been revealed suffice," were
half dead, are ashamed to return.
in fact swallowed a
quantity of
They have, not a
poison not — heavenly but an earthly rule, a rule —
which could not be complied with except by
enough to kill, yet more than can be got rid
continual emendation, nay, rather by con-
of; it neither causes death, nor suffers to
live. O wretched condition! With what tinual fault-finding; whereas the divine
Oracles cry aloud, "Remove not the land-
were extreme ascetism, rigorous fasting, the exaltation of
celibacy, the marks, which thy fathers have set,"^ and "Go
absolute prohibition of second marriage, the
expectation of our Lord's
second advent as near at hand, the disparagement of the
clergy in
not to law with a Judge," ^ and "Whoso
comparison with its own Paraclete-inspired teachers. It had its rise breaketh
Phrygia, and from thence spread throughout Asia Minor, thence it through a fence a serpent shall bite
found Its way to Southern Gaul, to Rome, to North Western Africa
in which last for a time it had many followers.
him,"* and that saying of the Apostle where-

1 1 Cor. ii.
9. * Prov. xxii. 28. ' Ecclus. * Eccles. X. 8.
viii. 14.

with, as with a spiritual sword, all the wicked "O Timothy, keep the deposit, avoid-
novelties of all heresies often have been, ing profane novelties of words."
and will always have to be, decapitated, "O "O! " The exclamation implies fore-know-
Timothy, keep the deposit, shunning pro- ledge as well as charity. For he mourned in
fane novelties of words and oppositions of the anticipation over the errors which he foresaw.
knowledge falsely so called, which some ^ pro- Who is the Timothy of to-day, but either gener-
fessing have erred concerning the faith." ally the Universal Church, or in particular, the
[52.] After words such as these, is there whole body of The Prelacy, whom it behoves
any one of so hardened a front, such anvil- either themselves to possess or to communicate
like impudence, such adamantine pertinacity, to others a complete knowledge of religion?
as not to succumb to so huge a mass, not to What is "Keep the deposit"? "Keep it,"
be crushed by so ponderous a weight, not to be because of thieves, because of adversaries,
shaken in pieces by such heavy blows, not lest, while men sleep, they sow tares over that
to be annihilated by such dreadful thunder- good wheat which the Son of Man had sown
bolts of divine eloquence? "Shun profane in his field. "Keep the deposit." What is
novelties," he says. He does not say shun "The deposit"? That which has been in-
"antiquity." But he plainly points to what trusted to thee, not that which thou hast
ought to follow by the rule of contrary. For if thyself devised: a matter not of wit, but of
novelty is to be shunned, antiquity is to be learning; not of private adoption, but of
held fast; if novelty is profane, antiquity is public tradition; a matter brought to thee, not
sacred. He adds, And oppositions of science put forth by thee, wherein thou art bound to be
falsely so called." "Falsely called" indeed, not an author but a keeper, not a teacher
as applied to the doctrines of heretics, where but a disciple, not a leader but a follower.
ignorance is disguised under the name of "Keep the deposit." Preserve the talent of
knowledge, fog of sunshine, darkness of light. Catholic Faith inviolate, unadulterate. That
"Which some professing have erred concern- which has been intrusted to thee, let it con-
ing the faith." Professing what.
What but tinue in thy possession, let it be handed
some (I know not what) new and unheard-of on by thee. Thou hast received gold; give
doctrine. For thou mayest hear some of these gold in turn. Do not substitute one thing
same doctors say, "Come, O
silly wretches, for another. Do not for gold impudently
who go by the name of Catholics, come and substitute lead or brass. Give real gold, not
learn the true faith, which no one but our- counterfeit.
selves is acquainted with, which same has lain O Timothy! O Priest! O Expositor! O
hid these many ages, but has recently been Doctor! if the divine gift hath qualified
revealed and made manifest. But learn it by thee by wit, by skill, by learning, be thou a
stealth and in secret, for you will be delighted Bazaleel of the spiritual tabernacle,' engrave
with it. Moreover, when you have learnt it, the precious gems of divine doctrine, fit them
teach it furtively, that the world may not hear, in accurately, adorn them skilfully, add splen-
that the Church may not know. For there dor, grace, beauty. Let that which formerly
are but few to whom it is granted to receive was believed, though imperfectly apprehend-
the secret of so great a mystery." Are not ed, as expounded by thee be clearly under-
these the words of that harlot who, in the stood. Let posterity welcome, understood
proverbs of Solomon, calls to the passengers through thy exposition, what antiquity vener-
who go right on their ways, "Whoso is ated without understanding. Yet teach still
simple let him turn in hither." And as for the same truths which thou hast learnt, so that
them that are void of understanding, she though thou speakest after a new fashion, what
exhorts them saying: "Drink stolen waters, thou speakest may not be new.
for they are sweet, and eat bread in secret for
it is pleasant." What next? "But he know-
eth not that the sons of earth perish in her CHAPTER XXHL
house." ^ Who are those "sons of earth"?
Let the apostle explain: "Those who have On Development in Religious Knowledge.
erred concerning the faith."

[54.] But some one will say perhaps.

CHAPTER XXn. Shall there, then, be no progress in Christ's
Church? Certainly; all possible progress.
A more particular Exposition of i Tim. vi. 2(^ For what being is there, so envious of men,
so full of hatred to God, who would seek to
[53.] But it is worth while to expound the forbid it? Yet on condition that it be real
whole of that passage of the apostle more
* Tim. vi. 20. » Prov. 16-18. * Exod. xxxi.
I ix. I, etc.

progress, not alteration of the faith. For result, —there should be no discrepancy be-
progress requires that the subject be enlarged tween the first and the last. From doctrine
in itself, alteration, that it be transformed which was sown as wheat, we should reap, in
into something else. The intelligence, then, the increase, doctrine of the same kind —
the knowledge, the wisdom, as well of indi- wheat also; so that when in process of time
viduals as of all, as well of one man as of the any of the original seed is developed, and
whole Church, ought, in the course of ages now flourishes under cultivation, no change
and centuries, to increase and make much may ensue in the character of the plant.
and vigorous progress; but yet only in its There may supervene shape, form, variation
own kind that is to say, in the same doc- in outward appearance, but the nature of each

trine, in the same sense, and in the same kind must remain the same. God forbid that
meaning. those rose-beds of Catholic interpretation
[55.] The growth of religion in the soul should be converted into thorns and thistles.
must be analogous to the growth of the body, God forbid that in that spiritual paradise
which, though in process of years it is from plants of cinnamon and balsam darnel
developed and attains its full size, yet and wolfsbane should of a sudden shoot
remains still the same. There is a wide dif- forth.
erence between the flower of youth and the Therefore, whatever has been sown by the
maturity of age yet they who were once young fidelity of the Fathers in this husbandry of

are still the same now that they have become God's Church, the same ought to be culti-
old, insomuch that though the stature and vated and taken care of by the industry of
outward form of the individual are changed, their children, the same ought to flourish and
yet his nature is one and the same, his person ripen, the same ought to advance and go for-
is one and the same. An infant's limbs are ward to perfection. For it is right that those
small, a young man's large, yet the infant ancient doctrines of heavenly philosophy
and the young man are the same. Men when should, as time goes on, be cared for,
full grown have the same number of joints smoothed, polished; but not that they should
that they had when children; and if there be be changed, not that they should be maimed,
any to which maturer age has given birth, not that they should be mutilated. They
these were already present in embryo, so may receive proof, illustration, definiteness;
that nothing new is produced in them when but they must retain withal their complete-
old which was not already latent in them ness, their integrity, their characteristic
when children. This, then, is undoubtedly properties.
the true and legitimate rule of progress, this [58.] For if once this license of impious
the established and most beautiful order of fraud be admitted, I dread to say in how
growth, that mature age ever develops in the great danger religion will be of being utterly
man those parts and forms which the wisdom destroyed and annihilated. For if any one
of the Creator had already framed beforehand part of Catholic truth be given up, another,
in the infant. Whereas, if the human form and another, and another will thenceforward
were changed into some shape belonging to be given up as a matter of course, and the
another kind, or at any' rate, if the number of several individual portions having been
its limbs were increased or diminished, the
rejected, what will follow in the end but the
result would be that the whole body would rejection of the whole? On the other hand,
become either a wreck or a monster, or, at the if what is new begins to be mingled with
least, would be impaired and enfeebled. what is old, foreign with domestic, profane
[56.] In like manner, it behoves Christian with sacred, the custom will of necessity
doctrine to follow the same laws of progress, creep on universally, till at last the Church
so as to be consolidated by years, enlarged by will have nothing left untampered with,
time, refined by age, and yet, withal, to con- nothing unadulterated, nothing sound, nothing
tinue uncorrupt and unadulterate, complete pure but where formerly there was a sanctuary

and perfect in all the measurement of its of chaste and undefiled truth, thenceforward
parts, and, so to speak, in all its proper there will be a brothel of impious and base
members and senses, admitting no change, no errors. May God's mercy avert this wicked-
waste of its distinctive property, no variation ness from the minds of his servants; be it
in its limits. rather the frenzy of the ungodly.
[57.] For example: Our forefathers in the [59.] But the Church of Christ, the careful
old time sowed wheat in the Church's field. and watchful guardian of the doctrines depos-
It would be most unmeet and
iniquitous if ited in her charge, never changes anything
we, their descendants, instead of the genuine in them, never diminishes, never adds, does
truth of corn, should reap the counterfeit not cut off what is
necessary, does not add
error of tares. This rather should be the what is superfluous, does not lose her own,

does not appropriate what is another's, but subjects, opinions, such as are contrary to
while dealing faithfully and judiciously with antiquity and the faith of the olden time.
ancient doctrine, keeps this one object care- Which if
they be received, it follows neces-
fully in view,

if there be
anything which sarily that the faith of the blessed fathers is
antiquity has left shapeless and rudimentary, violated either in whole, or at all events in
to fashion and polish it, if anything already it follows necessarily that all the
great part;
reduced to shape and developed, to consoli- faithful of all ages, all the saints, the chaste,
date and strengthen it, if any already ratified the continent, the virgins, all the clergy.
and defined to keep and guard it. Finally, Deacons and Priests, so many thousands
what other object have Councils ever aimed at of Confessors, so vast an army of martyrs,
in their decrees, than to provide that what such multitudes of cities and'of peoples, so
was before believed in simplicity should in many islands, provinces, kings, tribes, king-
future be believed intelligently, that what was doms, nations, in a word, almost the whole
before preached coldly should in future be earth, incorporated in Christ the Head,
preached earnestly, that what was before prac- through the Catholic faith, have been ignorant
tised negligently should thenceforward be for so long a tract of time, have been mis-
practised with double solicitude? This, I say, taken, have blasphemed, have not known what
is what the Catholic Church, roused by the to believe, what to confess.
novelties of heretics, has accomplished by the "Shun profane novelties of words,"
decrees of her Councils, —
this, and nothing
which to receive and follow was never the

she has thenceforward consigned to part of Catholics; of heretics always was.
posterity in writing what she had received In sooth, what heresy ever burst forth save
from those of olden times only by tradition, under a definite name, at a definite place, at
comprising a great amount of matter in a few a definite time? Who ever originated a heresy
words, and often, for the better understanding, that did not first dissever himself from the
designating an old article of the faith by the consentient agreement of the universality and
characteristic of a new name.* antiquity of the Catholic Church? That this
is so is demonstrated in the clearest way by

examples. For who ever before that profane

CHAPTER XXIV. Pelagius* attributed so much antecedent
Continuation of the Exposition of i Tim. vi. ao. strength to Free-will, as to deny the necessity
of God's grace to aid it towards good in every

[60.] But let us return to the apostle. *

"O Timothy," he says, "Guard the deposit, where
Pelagius, a monk, a Briton by birth, but resident in Rome,
bjr the strictness of his Ufe he had acquired a high reputation

shunning profane novelties of words." for sanctity, was led, partly perha^is by opposition to St. Augustine's
" teaching on the subject of election and predestination, partly by
Shun them as you would a viper, as you indignation at the laxity of professing Christians, who pleaded, in
would a scorpion, as you would a basilisk, lest excuse for their low standard, the weakness of human nature, to
insist upon man's natural power, and to deny his need of divine grace.
they smite you not only with their touch, but Pelagius was joined by another monk, Coelestius, a younger man,
even with their eyes and breath. " What is *' to with whom about the year 410, the year in which Rome was taken
by the Goths, he began to teach openly and in public what before he
shun " ? Not even to eat ^ with a person of this had held and taught in private. After the sack of Rome, the two
sort. What is " shun " ? " If anyone," says St. friends passed over into Africa, and from thence Pelagius proceeded
tu Palestine, where he was in two separate synods acquitted of the

John, "come to you and bring not this doc- charge of heresy, which had been brought against him oy Orosius, a
Spanish monk, whom Augustine had sent for that purpose. But in
trine." What doctrine? Whatbut the Catholic 416, two African synods condemned his doctrine, and ZosimuA,
and universal doctrine, which has continued bishop of Rome, whom he had appealed to, though he had set aside
their decision, was eventually obliged to yield to the firmness with
one and the same through the several succes- which they held their ground, and not only to condemn Pelagius,
" In
but to talce stringent measures against his adherents. 418, an-
sions of ages by the uncorrupt tradition of
the truth, and so will continue for ever
Re- — other African synod of two hundred and fourteen bishops passed nine
canons, which were afterwards generally accepted throughout the
Church, and came to be regarded as the most important bulwark
ceive him not into your house, neither bid him against Pelagianism." The heresy was formally condemned, in 431,
by the General Council of Ephesus. Canons 2 and 4.
Godspeed, for he that biddeth him Godspeed The Pelagians denied the corruption of man's nature, and the
communicates with him in his evil deeds."' necessity of divine grace. They held that infants new-born are in
the same state in which Adam was before his fall ; that Adam's
[61.] "Profane novelties of words." sin injured no one but himself, and affected his no other
What words are these? Such as have noth- wise than by the evil example which it afforded ; they held also that
men may live without sin it they will, and that some have so lived.
ing sacred, nothing religious, words utterly Those who were afterwards called semi-Pelagians (they belonged
remote from the inmost sanctuary of the chiefly to the churches of Southern Gaul) were orthodox except in
one particular In their anxiety to justify, as they thought, Gc-d's

Church, which is the temple of God. "Pro- dealings with man, they held that the first step in the way of salva-
tion must be from ourselves we must ask that we may receive, seek
fane novelties of words," that is, of doctrines, :

that we may find, knock that it may be opened to us; thenceforward

in every stage of the road, our strenuous efforts must be aided by
divine grace. They did not understand, or did not grant, that to that
For instance, the proper Deity of our Blessed Lord by the same grace must be referred even the disposition to ask, to seek, to
word " Homousios," consubstantial, of one substaDce, essence, knock. See Prosper's letter to Augustine, August. Opera, Tom. x.
nature. The semi-Pelagian doctrine was condemned in the second Council
Cor. V. 11. of Orange (a.d. 529), the third and fifth canons of which are directed
» 2
John to. against it.

single act? Who ever before his monstrous private or in public, in speaking or in writing,
disciple Coelestius denied that the whole at convivial meetings, or in the streets, hardly
human race is involved in the guilt of Adam's ever do they bring forward anything of their
sin? Who ever before sacrilegious Arius own which they do not endeavour to shelter
dared to rend asunder the unity of the under words of Scripture. Read the works of
Trinity? Who before impious Sabellius was Paul of Samosata, of Priscillian, of Eunomius,
so audacious as to confound the Trinity of of Jovinian, and the rest of those pests, and
the Unity? Who before cruellest Novatian you will see an infinite heap of instances,
represented God as cruel in that He had hardly a single page, which does not bristle
rather the wicked should die than that he with plausible quotations from the New Tes-
should be corPverted and live? Who before ment or the Old.
Simon Magus, who was smitten by the apos- [65.] But the more secretly they conceal
tle's rebuke, and from whom that ancient sink themselves under shelter of the Divine Law,
of every thing vile has flowed by a secret con- so much the more are they to be feared and
tinuous succession even to Priscillian of our guarded against. For they know that the evil
own time, — who, I say, before this Simon stench of their doctrine will hardly find accept-
Magus, dared to say that God, the Creator, ance with any one if it be exhaled pure and
is the author of evil, that is, of our wicked- simple. They sprinkle it over, therefore, with
nesses, impieties, flagitiousnesses, inasmuch as the perfume of heavenly language, in order
he asserts that He created with His own hands that one who would be ready to despise human
a human nature of such a description, that of error, may hesitate to condemn divine words.
its own motion, and by the impulse of its They do, in fact, what nurses do when they
necessity-constrained will, can do nothing would prepare some bitter draught for chil-

else, can will nothing but sin, seeing dren; they smear the edge of the cup all
that tossed to and fro, and set on fire by round with honey, that the unsuspecting
the furies of all sorts of vices, it is hurried child, having first tasted the sweet, may have
away by unquenchable lust into the utmost no fear of the bitter. So too do these act,
extremes of baseness? who disguise poisonous herbs and noxious
[63.] There are innumerable instances of juices under the names of medicines, so that
this kind, which for brevity's sake, pass over; no one almost, when he reads the label, sus-
by all of which, however, it is manifestly pects the poison.
and clearly shown, that it is an established [66.] It was for this reason that the
law, in the case of almost all heresies, Saviour cried, "Beware of false prophets
that they evermore delight in profane novel- who come to you in sheep's clothing, but
ties, scorn the decisions of antiquity, and, inwardly they are ravening wolves." What
through oppositions of science falsely so is meant by "sheep's clothing"? What but
called, make shipwreck of the faith. On the the words which prophets and apostles with
other hand, it is the sure characteristic of the guilelessness of sheep wove beforehand
Catholics to keep that which has been com- as fleeces, for that immaculate Lamb which
mitted to their trust by the holy Fathers, to con- taketh away the sin of the world? What are
demn profane novelties, and, in the apostle's the ravening wolves? What but the savage
words, once and again repeated, to anathema- and rabid glosses of heretics, who continu-
tize every one who preaches any other doctrine ally infest the Church's folds, and tear in
than that which has been received.^ pieces the flock of Christ wherever they are
able ? But that they may with more success-
ful guile steal upon the unsuspecting sheep,
retaining the ferocity of the wolf, they put off
CHAPTER XXV. his appearance, and wrap themselves, so to
in the language of the Divine Law, as in
Heretics appeal to Scripture that tliey may more easily say,
succeed in deceiving. a fleece, so that one, having felt the softness
of wool, may have no dread of the wolf's
[64.] Here, possibly, some one may ask, fangs. But what saith the Saviour? "By
Do heretics also appeal to Scripture? They their fruits ye shall know them " that is, ;

do indeed, and with a vengeance for you may when they have begun not only to quote those

see them scamper through every single book divine words, but also to expound them, not
of Holy Scripture, — through the books of as yet only to make a boast of them as on their
Moses, the books of Kings, the Psalms, the side, but also to interpret them, then will that
Epistles, the Gospels, the Prophets. Whether bitterness, that acerbity, that rage, be under-
among their own people, or among strangers, in stood; then will the ill-savour of that novel
1 Gal. '
ii. 9. Matt. vii. 15.

poison be perceived, then will those profane they shall bear thee up, lest perchance thou
novelties be disclosed, then may you see first dash thy foot against a stone." ^ What sort of
the hedge broken through, then the landmarks treatment must men, insignificant wretches that
of the Fathers removed, then the Catholic they are, look for at the hands of him who as-
faith assailed, then the doctrine of the Church sailed even the Lord of Glory with quotations
torn in pieces. from Scripture? " If thou be the Son of God,"
[67.] Such were they whom the Apostle saith he, "cast thyself down." Wherefore?
Paul rebukes in his Second Epistle to the "For," saith he, "it is written." It behoves
Corinthians, when he says, "For of this sort us to pay special attention to this passage and
are false apostles, deceitful workers, trans- bear it in mind, that, warned by so important
forming themselves into apostles of Christ." an instance of Evangelical authority, we may
The apostles brought forward instances from be assured beyond doubt, when we find peo-
Holy Scripture; these men did the same. ple alleging passages from the Apostles or
The apostles cited the authority of the Prophets against the Catholic Faith, that the
Psalms; these men did so likewise. The Devil speaks through their mouths. For as
apostles brought forward passages from the then the Head spoke to the Head, so now
prophets; these men still did the same. But also the members speak to the members, the
when they began to interpret in different members of the Devil to the members of
senses the passages which both had agreed Christ, misbelievers to believers, sacrilegious
in appealing to, then were discerned the to religious, in one word. Heretics to Catholics.
guileless from the crafty, the genuine from [69.] But what do they say? "If thou be
the counterfeit, the straight from the crooked, the Son of God, cast thyself down that is, If ;

then, in one word, the true apostles from thou wouldst be a son of God, and wouldst
the false apostles. "And no wonder," he receive the inheritance of the Kingdom of
says, "for Satan himself transforms himself Heaven, cast thyself down that is, cast thy- ;

into an angel of light. It is no marvel then self down from the doctrine and tradition of
if his servants are transformed as the servants that sublime Church, which is
imagined to be
of righteousness." Therefore, according to nothi ng less than the very temple of God. And
the authority of the Apostle Paul, as often as if one should ask one of the heretics who
either false apostles or false teachers cite gives this advice, How do you prove? What
passages from the Divine Law, by means of ground have you, for saying, that I ought to
which, misinterpreted, they seek to prop up cast away the universal and ancient faith of
their own errors, there is no doubt that they the Catholic Church? he has the answer
are following the cunning devices of their ready,
For it is written " and forthwith he ;

father, which assuredly he would never have produces a thousand testimonies, a thousand
devised, but that he knew that where he examples, a thousand authorities from the
could fraudulently and by stealth introduce Law, from the Psalms, from the apostles, from
error, there is no easier way of effecting his the Prophets, by means of which, interpreted
impious purpose than by pretending the on a new and wrong principle, the unhappy
authority of Holy Scripture. soul may be precipitated from the height of
Catholic truth to the lowest abyss of heresy.
Then, with the accompanying promises, the
heretics are wont marvellously to beguile the
CHAPTER XXVI. incautious. For they dare to teach and
promise, that in their church, that is, in the
Heretics, in quoting Scripture, follow the example of the conventicle of their communion, there is a
certain great and special and altogether
personal grace of God, so that whosoever
[68.] But spme one will say, What proof to their number, without any labour,
have we that the Devil is wont to appeal to pertain
without any effort, without any industry, even
Holy Scripture? Let him read the Gospels neither ask, nor seek, nor knock,
wherein it is written, "Then the Devil took though they
have such a dispensation from God, that,
Him (the Lord the Saviour) and set Him borne
up by angel hands, that is, preserved
upon a pinnacle of the Temple, and said unto the protection of angels, it is impossible
Him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself by
they should ever dash their feet against a
down, for it is written, He shall give His that they should ever be
stone, that is,
angels charge concerning thee, that they may offended.'
keep thee in all thy ways: In their hands

» Matt. iv. 5, etc.

* * See Appendix II.
2 Cor. xi. 12.

of Faith is concerned. Nor is this way of

CHAPTER XXVII. dealing with heresy to be resorted to always,
or in every instance, but only in the case of
What Rule is to be observed in the Interpretation of
those heresies which are new and recent, and
Scripture. that on their first arising, before they have
had time to deprave the Rules of the Ancient
[70.] But it will be said, If the words, the Faith, and before they endeavour, while the
sentiments, the promises of Scripture, are poison spreads and diffuses itself, to corrupt
appealed to by the Devil and his disciples, of the writings of the ancients. But heresies
whom some are false apostles, some false already widely diffused and of old standing are
prophets and false teachers, and all without by no means to be thus dealt with, seeing that
exception heretics, what are Catholics and the through lapse of time they have long had
sons of Mother Church to do ? How are they to opportunity of corrupting the truth. And
distinguish truth from falsehood in the sacred therefore, as to the more ancient schisms or
Scriptures.^ They must be very careful to heresies, we ought either to confute them, if
pursue that course which, in the beginning need be, by the sole authority of the Scrip-
of this Commonitory, we said that holy and tures, or at any rate, to shun them as having
learned men had commended to us, that is been already of old convicted and condemned
to say, they must interpret the sacred Canon by universal councils of the Catholic Priest-
according to the traditions of the Universal hood.
Church and in keeping with the rules of [72.] Therefore, as soon as the corruption
Catholic doctrine, in which Catholic and Uni- of each mischievous error begins to break
versal Church, moreover, they must follow forth, and to defend itself by filching certain
universality, antiquity, consent. And if at passages of Scripture, and expounding them
any time a part opposes itself to the whole, fraudulently and deceitfully, forthwith, the
novelty to antiquity, the dissent of one or a opinions of the ancients in the interpretation
few who are in error to the consent of all or of the Canon are to be collected, whereby the
at all events of the great majority of Catho- novelty, and consequently the profaneness,
lics, then they must prefer the soundness of whatever it may be, that arises, may both with-
the whole to the corruption of a part; in out any doubt be exposed, and without any ter-
which same whole they must prefer the giversation be condemned. But the opinions
religion of antiquity to the profaneness of of those Fathers only are to be used for com-
novelty; and in antiquity itself in like manner, parison, who living and teaching, holily,
to the temerity of one or of a very few they
wisely, and with constancy, in the Catholic
must prefer, first of all, the general decrees, faith and communion, were counted worthy
if such there be, of a Universal Council, or either to die in the faith of Christ, or to
if there be no such, then, what is next best, suffer death happily for Christ. Whom yet
they must follow the consentient belief of we are to believe on this condition, that that
many and great masters. Which rule having only is to be accounted indubitable, certain,
been faithfully, soberly, and scrupulously established, which either all, or the more part,
observed, we shall with little difficulty have supported and confirmed manifestly,
detect the noxious errors of heretics as they frequently, persistently, in one and the same
arise. sense, forming, as it were, a consentient
council of doctors, all receiving, holding,
handing on the same doctrine. But whatso-
ever a teacher holds, other than all, or con-
trary to all, be he holy and learned, be he
bishop, be he a Confessor, be he a martyr,
In what Way, on collating the consentient opinions of the
Ancient Masters, the Novelties of Heretics may be detected let that be regarded as a private fancy
of his
and condemned. own, and be separated from the authority of
common, public, general persuasion, lest, after
[71.] And here I perceive that, as a neces- the sacrilegious custom of heretic^ and schis-
sary sequel to the foregoing, I ought to show matics, rejecting the ancient truth of the uni-
by examples in what way, by collating the versal Creed, we follow, at the utmost peril
consentient opinions of the ancient masters, of our eternal salvation, the newly devised
the profane novelties of heretics may be de- error of one man.
tected and condemned. Yet in the investi- [73.] Lest any one perchance should
gation of this ancient consent of the holy rashly think the holy and Catholic consent
Fathers we are to bestow our pains not on of these blessed fathers to be despised,
every minor question of the Divine Law, but the Apostle says, in the First Epistle to the
only, at all events especially, where the Rule Corinthians, "God hath placed some in the

Church, first Apostles," of whom himself was

the Apostle's threatening, we see to have
one; "secondly Prophets," such as Agabus, befallen Julian the Pelagian,'' who either neg-
of whom we read in the Acts of the Apostles "lected to* associate himself with the belief

"then doctors," who are now called Hom- of his fellow Christians, or presumed to dis-
ilists. Expositors,' whom the same apostle sociate himself from it.
sometimes calls also "Prophets," because by [75.] But it is now time to bring forward the
them the mysteries of the Prophets are opened exemplification which we promised, where and
to the people. Whosoever, therefore, shall how the sentences of the holy Fathers have
despise these, who had their appointment of been collected together, so that in accordance
God in His Church in their several times with them, by the decree and authority of a
and places, when they are unanimous in council, the rule of the Church's faith
may be
Christ, in the interpretation of some one settled. Which that it may be done the more
point of Catholic doctrine, despises not man, conveniently, let this present Commonitory end
but God, from whose unity in the truth, here, so that the remainder which is to follow
lest any one should vary, the same Apostle may be
begun from a fresh beginning.
earnestly protests, "I beseech you, brethren,
that ye all speak the same thing, and that [The Second Book of the Commonitory is lost. Noth-
there be no divisions among you, but that ye ing of it remains but the conclusion : in other words,
the recapitulation which follows-]
be perfectly joined together in the same mind
and in the same judgment."* But if any one
dissent from their unanimous decision, let
him listen to the words of the same apostle," CHAPTER XXIX.
"God is not the God of dissension but of
peace;"* that is, not of him who departs Recapitulation.
from the unity of consent, but of those who
remain steadfast in the peace of consent; [76.] This being the
case, it is now time
"as," he continues, "I tqach in all Churches that we should
recapitulate, at the close of
of the saints," that is, -of Catholics, which this second Commonitory, what was said in
churches are therefore churches of the saints, that and in the preceding.
because they continue steadfast in the com- We said above, that it has always been the
munion of the faith. custom of Catholics, and still is, to prove
[74.] And lest any one, disregarding every
the true faith in these two ways; first by the
one else, should arrogantly claim to be lis- authority of the Divine Canon, and next by
tened to himself alone, himself alone to be the tradition of the Catholic Chnrch. Not
believed, the Apostle goes on to say, Did the that the Canon alone does not of itself suffice
word of God proceed from you, or did it for every question, but seeing that the more
come to you only? " And, lest this should be part, interpreting the divine words according
thought lightly spoken, he continues, "If any to their own persuasion, take up various erro-
man seem to be a prophet or a spiritual person, neous opinions, it is therefore necessary that
let him acknowledge that the the interpretation of divine Scripture should
things which I
write unto you are the Lord's commands." be ruled according to the one standard of
As to which, unless a man be a prophet or a the Church's belief, especially in those arti-
spiritual person, that is, a master in spiritual cles on which the foundations of all Catholic
matters, let him be as observant as possible doctrine rest.
of impartiality and unity, so as neither to [77.] We said likewise, that in the Church
prefer his own opinions to those of every one itselfregard must be had to the consentient
besides, nor to recede from the belief of voice of universality equally with that of
the whole body. Which injunction, whoso antiquity, lest we either be torn from the
ignores, shall be himself ignored;' that is, integrity of unity and carried away to schism,
he who either does not learn what he does or be precipitated from the religion of an-
not know, or treats with contempt what he tiquity into heretical novelties. said, We
knows, shall be ignored, that is, shall be further, that in this same ecclesiastical
deemed unworthy to be ranked of God with antiquity two points are very carefully and
those who are united to each other by faith, earnestly to be held in view by those who
and equalled with each other by humility,
than which I cannot imagine a more terrible
evil. This it is however which, according to Eclanum, a small town in Apulia or Campania,
Julian, bishop of
was one 01 nineteen
bishops, who, having espoused the cause of
Pelagius, and having refused to subscribe a circular letter issued by
Zosimus, now adopting the decisions of the African Council (see
Cor. xii. a;, »8. » Acts xi. aS.
" above note p. 147) were deposed and banished. St. Augustine at his
death left a work against Julian unlinished, "
* Tractatores." St. Augustine's Expository Lectureilon St.
" 0/us imper/ectum
John's Gospel are entitled Tractatus." contra Julianum," in which he had been engaged till the sickness
* I Cor. i. 10. » t Cor. xjv. • 1 Cor. xiv.
jj. 33. of which he died put an end to his labours.

would keep clear first, they should

of heresy :

ascertain decision has been

whether any CHAPTR XXX.
matter in
given in ancient times as to the
The Council of
question by the whole priesthood
of the Ephesus.
Catholic Church, with the authority of a These then are the men whose writ-
General Council: and, secondly, if some new whether as judges or as witnesses, were
no such de- ings,
question should arise on which recited in the Council: St. Peter, bishop of
cision has been given, they should then have
Alexandria, a most excellent Doctor and most
recourse to the opinions of the holy Fathers, blessed martyr, Saint Athanasius, bishop of
of those at least, who, each in his own time
the same city, a most faithful Teacher, and
and place, remaining in the unity of com- most eminent Confessor, Saint Theophilus,
munion and of the faith, were accepted as also bishop of the same city, a man illus-
approved masters; and whatsoever these may trious for his faith, his life, his knowl-
be found to have held, with one mind and with
edge, whose successor, the revered Cyril,
one consent, this ought to be accounted the now' adorns the Alexandrian Church. And
true and Catholic doctrine of the Church,
lest perchance the doctrine ratified by the
without any doubt or scruple.
Council should be thought peculiar to one
we should seem to allege
Which lest
and province, there were added also
presumptuously on our own warrant rather those lights of Cappadocia, St. Gregory of
than on the authority of the Church, we
Nazianzus, bishop and Confessor, St. Basil
appealed to the example of the holy council of Caesarea in Cappadocia, bishop and Con-
which some three years ago was held at
fessor, and the other St. Gregory, St. Gregory
Ephesus^ in Asia, in the consulship of Bassus of Nyssa, for his faith, his conversation,
and Antiochus, where, when question was his integrity, and his wisdom, most worthy
raised as to the authoritative determining of
to be the brother of Basil. And lest Greece
rules of faith, lest, perchance, any profane
or the East should seem to stand alone, to
novelty should creep in, as did the perversion
of the truth at Ariminum,*^ the whole body
prove that the Western and Latin world
also have always held the same belief, there
of priests there assembled, nearly two hun-
were read in the Council certain Epistles
dred in number, approved of this as the
of St. Felix, martyr, and St. Julius, both
most Catholic, the most trustworthy, and the And that not only the
best course, viz., to bring forth into the midst
bishops of Rome.
Head, but the other parts, of the world also
the sentiments of the holy Fathers, some of
whom it was well known had been martyrs, might bear witness to the judgment of the
council, there was added from the South the
some Confessors, but all had been, and con- most blessed Cyprian, bishop of Carthage and
tinued to the end to be, Catholic priests, in
and from the North St. Ambrose,
order that by their consentient determina- martyr,
bishop of Milan.
tion the reverence due to ancient truth might
[80.] These all then, to
the sacred num-
be duly and solemnly confirmed, and the
ber of the decalogue,* were produced at Eph-
blasphemy of profane novelty condemned.
Which having been done, that impious Nes-
torius was lawfully and deservedly adjudged 3 This marks Vincentius's date within
very narrow limits, viz.
death. Cyril died
to be opposed to Catholic antiquity, and con- after the Council of Ephesus, and before Cyril's
in 444.
trariwise blessed Cyril to be in agreement * Vincentius's
copy of the acts of the Council appears to have con-
extracts from no more than ten Fathers. But the Fathers
with it. And that nothing might be wanting tained
from whose writings extracts were read were twelve in number the ;

to the credibility of the matter, we recorded the two omitted by Vincentius being Atticus, bishop of Constantinople,
Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium. In Labbe's Concilia, where
names and the number (though we had for- and the whole are given, it is remarked that in one manuscript the two
mentioned occupy a different place from the others.
gotten the order) of the Fathers, according
Dean Milman {Latin Christianity, vol. i, p. 164) speaks of the
to whose consentient and unanimous judg- passages read, " as of very doubtful bearing on the question raised by
Nestorius." It is true two, those from Athanasius and Gregory
ment, both the sacred preliminaries of judi- Nazianzen, contain the only crucial term
" Theotocos " but all
express the
cial procedure were expounded, and the rule truth which "Theotocos" symbolizes. That the word was not of
recent introduction. Bishop Pearson (Creed, Art. 3) shows by quota-
of divine truth established. Whom, that we tions from other writers besides those produced at the Council, going
may strengthen our memory, it will be no backThe as far as to Origen.
Fathers cited may certainly be said to fulfil to some extent
superfluous labour to mention again here Vincentius's requirement of universality. They represent the teach-
ing of Alexandria, Rome, Carthage, Milan, Constantinople,
and Asia
Minor ; but his appeal would hare been more to his purpose if antiq-
uity had been more expressly represented. With the exception of
Cyprian, all the passages cited were from writers of comparatively
recent date at the time, though, as Vincentius truly remarks, others
The Council of Ephesus, summoned by the Emperor Theodo- might have been produced.
sius to meet at Whitsuntide, 431 (June 7), held its first sitting on Petavius {De Incam. 1. xiv. c. 15), in defending the cultus of the
June 22, in the Church of St. Mary, where the blessed Virgin was blessed Virgin and of the saints generally, lays much stress on this
believed to have been buried. omission of citations from earlier Fathers at the Council, as he does
* See note above, p. 131, n. 3. also on similar omissions in the case of the fourth, fifth, and sixth

esus as doctors, councillors, witnesses, judges. such that, though the number of priests was
And that blessed council holding their doc- so great, almost the more part of them metro-
trine, following their counsel, believing their politans, so erudite, so learned, that almost
witness, submitting to their judgment without all were capable of taking part in doctrinal
haste, without foregone conclusion, without discussions, whom the very circumstance of
partiality, gave their
determination concerning their being assembled for the purpose, might
the Rules of Faith. A
much greater number seem to embolden to make some determi-
of the ancients might have been adduced; but nation on their own authority, yet they inno-
it was needless, because neither was it fit that vated nothing, presumed nothing, arrogated
the time should be occupied by a multitude of to themselves absolutely nothing, but used
witnesses, nor does any one suppose that those all possible care to hand down nothing to
ten were really of a different mind from the posterity but what they had themselves re-
rest of their colleagues. ceived from their Fathers. And not only
did they dispose satisfactorily of the matter
presently in hand, but they also set an ex-
ample to those who should come after them,
CHAPTER XXXI. how they also should adhere to the determi-
nations of sacred antiquity, and condemn the
The Constancy of the Ephesine Fathers in driving away devices of profane novelty.
Novelty and maintaining Antiquity.
[83.] We inveighed also against the wicked
presumption of Nestorius in boasting that
[81.] After the preceding
we added also
he was the first and the only one who under-
the sentence of blessed Cyril, which is con- stood
holy Scripture, and that all those
tained in these same Ecclesiastical Proceed- teachers were
ignorant, who before him had
ings. For when the Epistle of Capreolus,^
expounded the sacred oracles, forsooth, the
bishop of Carthage, had been read, wherein he whole
body of priests, the whole body of Con-
earnestly intreats that novelty may be driven fessors and
martyrs, of whom some had pub-
away and antiquity maintained, Cyril made lished commentaries upon the Law of God,
and carried the proposal, which it may not be
others had agreed with them in their com-
out of place to insert here For says he, at the

" ments, or had acquiesced in them. In a word,

close of the proceedings, Let the Epistle of
he confidently asserted that the whole Church
Capreolus also, the reverend and very reli- was even now in error, and always had been in
gious bishop of Carthage, which has been read, error, in that, as it seemed to him, it had
be inserted in the acts. His mind is obvi-
followed, and was following, ignorant and
ous, for he intreats that the doctrines of the teachers.
ancient faith be confirmed, such as are misguided
novel, wantonly devised, and
impiously pro-
mulgated, reprobated and condemned.' All
the bishops cried out, "These are the words CHAPTER XXXII.
of all; this we all say, this we all desire."
What mean "the words what mean The zeal of Celestine and Sixtus, bishops of Rome, in oppos-
of all,"
ing Novelty.
"the desires of all," what has
but that
been handed down from antiquity should be
[84.] The foregoing would be enough and
retained, what has been newly devised, re-
very much more than enough, to crush and
jected with disdain? annihilate But yet
every profane novelty.
[82.] Next we expressed our admiration
that nothing might be wanting to such com-
the humility and sanctity of that Council, of we at the
pleteness proof, added, close,
the twofold authority of the Apostolic See,
Councils, with what object h sufficiently obvious. Bishop Pull first, that of holy Pope Sixtus, the venerable

points out Petavius's disposition to disparage or misrepresent the prelate who now adorns the Roman Church ;

teaching of the earlier Fathers, in another and still more important

instance. (De/ens. Fid. Nic.) Introd. % 8. and secondly that of his predecessor, Pope
* The letter of
Capgreolus is given in Labbe's Concilia, vol. 3, col. Celestine of blessed memory, which same we
Theodosius had written to Augustine, requir-
J2g sqq. The Emperor
ing his presence at the Council which he had summoned to meet at think it necessary to insert here also.
matter of Ncstorius. But Augustine having died
Ephesus in the
while the letter was on its way, it was brought to Capreolus, bishop Holy Pope Sixtus* then says in an Epistle
of Carthage and Metropolitan. Capreolus would have summoned a which he wrote on Nestorius's matter to the
meeting oithe African bishops, thai they might appoint a delegate to
bishop of Antioch, "Therefore, because, as
represent them at the Council ; but the presence of the hostile Vati-
dals, who were laying waste the country in all directions, made it the Apostle says, the faith is one, evidently

impossible for the bisnops to travel to any place of meeting.
reolus therefore could do no more than send his deacon Besula to
the faith which has obtained hitherto, let —
represent him
and the African Church, bearing with him the letter
referred to in the text. The letter, after having been read before the
Council, both in the original Latin and in a Greek translation, was, T.
> III. See the Epistle in Labbe's
Sixtus Concilia, iii.

on the motion of Cyril, inserted in the acts. Col. 1262.

us believe the things that are to be said, andthe venerable Capreolus, in that he would fain
say the things that are to be held." What have the ancient doctrines of the faith con-
are the things that are to be believed and to firmed, and novel inventions condemned; yet
be said? He goes on: "Let no license be more, he tramples upon the Council of
allowed to novelty, because it is not fit thatEphesus, that is, on the decisions of the holy
any addition should be made to antiquity. bishops of almost the whole East, who de-
creed, under divine guidance, that nothing
Let not the clear faith and belief of our fore-
fathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." ought to be believed by posterity save what
A truly apostolic sentiment! He enhances the sacred antiquity of the holy Fathers,
the belief of the Fathers by the epithet of consentient in Christ, had held, who with one
clearness; profane novelties he calls muddy. voice, and with loud acclaim, testified that
[85.] Holy Pope Celestine also expresses these were the words of all, this was the
himself in like manner and to the same wish of all, this was the sentence of all,
effect. For in the Epistle which he wrote to that as almost all heretics before Nestorius,
the priests of Gaul, charging them with con- despising antiquity and upholding novelty,
nivance with error, in that by their silence had been condemned, so Nestorius, the
they failed in their duty to the ancient author of novelty and the assailant of antiq-
faith, and allowed profane novelties to spring uity, should be condemned also. Whose
up, he says We are deservedly to blame if
: consentient determination, inspired by the
we encourage error by silence. Therefore gift of sacred and celestial grace, whoever
rebuke these people. Restrain their liberty disapproves must needs hold the profaneness
of preaching." But here some one may of Nestorius to have been condemned un-
doubt who they are whose liberty to preach he despises as vile and
as they list he forbids, —
the preachers of
finally, justly;
worthless the whole Church of Christ, and its
antiquity or the devisers of novelty. Let doctors, apostles, and prophets, and especially
himself tell us; let himself resolve the the blessed Apostle Paul: he despises the
reader's doubt. For he goes on: "If the Church, in that she hath never failed in
case be so (that is, if the case be so as loyalty to the duty of cherishing and preserv-
certain persons complain to me touching your ing the faith once for all delivered to her;
cities and provinces, that by your hurtful he despises St. Paul, who wrote, " O
dissimulation you cause them to consent to guard the deposit intrusted to thee, shunning
certain novelties), if the case be so, let profane novelties of words ^
and again, " If ;

novelty cease to assail antiquity." This, any man preach unto you other than ye have
then, was the sentence of blessed Celestine, received, let him be accursed."' But if
not that antiquity should cease to subvert nov- neither apostolical injunctions nor ecclesias-
elty, but that novelty should cease to assail tical decrees may be violated, by which, in
antiquity.^ accordance with the sacred consent of univer-
sality and antiquity, all heretics always, and,
last of all, Pelagius, Coelestius, and Nestorius
CHAPTER XXXHL have been rightly and deservedly condemned,
then assuredly it is incumbent on all Catho-
The Children of the Catholic Church ought to adhere to the
Faith of their Fathers and die for it. lics who are anxious to approve themselves

genuine sons of Mother Church, to adhere

[86.] Whoever then gainsays these Apos-
henceforward to the holy faith of the holy
tolic and Catholic determinations, first of all Fathe:rs, to be wedded to it, to die in it;
necessarily insults the memory of holy Celes-
but as to the profane novelties of profane men
tine, who decreed that novelty should cease

to detest them, abhor them, oppose them,
to assail antiquity; and in the next place sets give them no quarter.
at naught the decision of
holy Sixtus, whose [87.] These matters, handled more at large
sentence was, "Let no license be allowed to in the two preceding Commonitories, I have
novelty, since it is not fit that any addition now put together more briefly by way of
be made to antiquity;" moreover, he con- recapitulation, in order that my memory, to
temns the determination of blessed Cyril, aid which I composed them, may, on the one
who extolled with high praise the zeal of hand, be refreshed by frequent reference, and,
on the other, may avoid being wearied by
Celestine's letter will be found in the appendix to Vol. x., Part
II., of St. Augustine's Works, col. 2403, Paris, 1838. See the
remarks on Vincentius's mode of dealing with Celestine's letter,
Appendix III. •
Tim. vi. 20. s
Gal. i. 9.

Note on Section 41, Page 143.

There is so close an agreement, both in substance and often in the form of expression,
between the preceding sections (36-42) and the so-called Athanasian Creed, that it led
Antelmi {Nova de Symb. Athanas. Disguisitio,) to ascribe that document to Vincentius
as its author, and to suppose that in it we have the fulfilment of the promise here referred
to. If, however, the Creed was the work of Vincentius, it cannot well be the work promised
at the close of § 41, for Vincentius's words point to a fuller and more explicit treatment of
the subjects referred to, whereas in the Athanasian Creed, though the subjects are the same,
the treatment of them is very much briefer and more concise.
Whoever was the author however, if it was not Vincentius, he must at feast, as the sub-
joined extracts seem to prove, have been familiar with the Commonitory, as also with St.
Augustine's writings, of which, as well as of the Commonitory, the Creed bears evident traces.
I subjoin the following instances of agreement between the Commonitory and the
Creed: Antelmi gives several others.


Unum Christum Jesum, non duos, eum- Est ergo Fides recta, ut credamus et con-
demque Deum pariter atque Hominem con- fiteamur, quia Dominus noster Jesus Christus,
fitetur. § 36. Dei Filius, Deus pariter et Homo est. v. 28.

Alia est Persona Patris, alia Filii, alia Alia est Persona Patris, alia Filii, alia
Spiritus Sancti, § 37. Spiritus Sancti. v. 5.

Unus idemque Christus, Deus et Homo, Deus ex substantia Patris, ante saecula
Idem Patri et JEqualis et minor. Idem ex Patre genitus, Homo ex substantia Matris, in
ante saecula genitus, Idem in saeculo ex Matre saeculo natus; perfectus Deus perfectus Homo,
generatus, perfectus Deus, perfectus Homo. vv. 29, 30.

Unus, non corruptibili nescio qua Divini- Unus omnino, non conversione substantias,
tatis etHumanitatis confusione, sed integraet sed unitate Personae. v. 34.
singular! quadam unitate Personae. § 37.

Sicut Verbum in came caro, ita Homo in Unus, non conversione Divinitatis in came,
Deo Deus est. § 40. sed Adsumptione Humanitatis in Deo.* v. 33.
This is probably the true reading.



Note on Section 69, Page 149.

That Vincentius had Augustine and his adherents in view in this description will hardly be
doubted by any one who will compare it with the following extracts, the first from Prosper 's
letter to Augustine,^ giving him an account of the complaints made against his doctrine by
the Massilian clergy; the second from St. Augustine's treatise,
De dono Perseveranti "^
written in consequence of it.


" "The Massilian
Si quis interroget quempiam haereticorum clergy complain," he says,
" Romoveri
sibi talia persuadentem, Unde probas, unde omnem
industriam, tollique vir-
doces quod Ecclesiae Catholicae universalem tutes, si Dei constitutio humanus praeveniat
et antiquam fidem dimittere debeam? Statim voluntates." § 3.
ille, Scriptum est enim,' et continuo niille tes-
Then referring to the teaching of the Massil-
timonial mille exempla, milk auctoritates parat ians themselves, Prosper continues,
de Lege, de Psalmis, de Apostolis, de Prophetis, "Ad conditionem banc velint uniuscujusque
quibus, novo et malo more interpretatis, ex hominis pertinere, ut ad cognitionem Dei et
arce Catholica in haereseos barathrum infelix ad obedientiam mandatorum Ejus possit suam
anima praecipitetur. Audent enim polliceri dirigere voluntatem, et ad banc gratiam qua
et docere, quod in Ecclesia sua, id est, in in Christo renascimur pervenire, per natu-
communionis suae conventiculo, magna et ralem scilicet facultatem, petendo, qucBrendo,
specialis ac plane personalis quaedam sit Dei pulsando.
gratia, adeo ut sine ullo labore, sine ullo Referring to the line of argument pursued
studio, sine ulla industria, etiamsi nee petant, by himself and others of Augustine's friends
nee quarant, nee pulsent, quicunque illi ad and the Massilian way of dealing with it, he
numerum suum "
pertinent, tamen ita divinitus says, Et cum contra eos Scripta Beatitudinis
dispensentur, ut, angelicis evecti manibus, id tuae validissimis et innumeris testimoniis Divi-
est, angelica protectione servati, nunquam narum Scripturarum instructa proferimus,
possint offendere ad lapidem pedem suum, id obstinationem suam vetustate defendunt.
. . .

est, nunquam scandal izari." §3. .

St. Augustine replies to Prosper not in an

ordinary letter, but in two short Treatises,

which must have been written immediately
after its receipt, for he died in August 430,
the first entitled "De Praedestinatione Sanc-
torum," the second De Dono Perse verantiae."
The following extract is from the latter:
Attendant ergo quomodo falluntur qui pu-
tant Esse a nobis, nan dart nobis, ut petamus,
quceramus, pulsemus. Et hoc esse, dicunt,
quod gratia praeceditur merito nostro, ut
sequatur ilia cum
accipimus petentes, et itiveni-
mus aperiturque pulsantibus.
qucerentes, Nee
volunt intelligere etiam hoc divini muneris
esse ut oremus, hoc est, petamus, quceramus,
atque pulsamus.'^

De Dono Persev. c. 23, § 64.

Vincentius's language is in keeping with that of others of St. Augustine's opponents, as

Cassian and Faustus, extracts from whom are given by Noris; only, as he observes, while
Vincentius uses the term " heresy " of the doctrine impugned, they are content to use

the milder term "error." —
Histor. Pelag. p. 246.

» Inter Epistolas S. August. Ep. 225. Tom. ii. and again Tom. x. col. 1327. •
Opera ix. col. 1833.


Note on Section 85, Page 156.

Celestine's letter was addressed to certain Bishops of Southern Gaul, who are particular-
ized by name.
It appears that Prosper and Hilary had made a journey to Rome, where they then were,
for the purpose of complaining to Celestine of the connivance of certain bishops of South-
ern Gaul with the unsound teaching of their clergy. They complained too of the disre-
spectful manner in which these same clergy treated the memory of Augustine, then recently
Celestine writes to these bishops: blames their connivance with a fault, which, says he,
by their silence they make their own, and then proceeds to charge them, as in the passage
quoted in the text, "Rebuke these people: restrain their liberty of preaching. If the case
be so, let novelty cease to assail antiquity, let restlessness cease to disturb the Church's
peace." Then, after some further exhortation, he adds, "We cannot wonder at their thus
assailing the living, when they do not shrink from seeking to asperse the memory of the
departed. With Augustine, whom all men everywhere loved and honoured, we ever held
communion. Let a stop be put to this spirit of disparagement, which unhappily is on the
The manner in which Vincentius deals with this letter has been very commonly thought,,
and with reason, to indicate a Semipelagian leaning.^ His "si ita est," "if the case be
so," emphasized by being repeated again and again, quite in an excited manner, as we
should say, shows an evident wish to shift the charge of novelty from those against whom it
had been brought, and fix it upon the opposite party. "Who are the introducers of novelty?
The Massilians, as Prosper represents them, or their calumniators? Not the Massilians:
they notoriously appeal to antiquity,

not the Massilians, but Prosper and the rest of
Augustine's followers."
The feeling with regard to Augustine, on the part of the Massilian clergy, as indicated
in Celestine's letter, is quite in accordance with the animus of § 69 above. See the note
on that place, and see Noris's remarks, pp. 246-248.
E.g. Hunc locum Vincentius Lirinensis sic a vero sensu contra Prosperum et Hilarium detorquet, ut ipse baud injuria in eiroris
Semipelagiani suspicionem veniat." The Benedictine editor of St. Augustine's works on Celestine's letter, Tom. x. col. 1403. To the
same purpose, among others, Card. Nokkis, HUtor. Pelag., 246. Vossius, Histor. Ptlag. Tillbmont, T. xv. pp. 145, 862.
Neandbk, Church History, iv. p. 388.








Chapter I.— Of the monk's 201
Chapter II.— Of the monk's robe girdle
Chapter III. — Of the hoods the Egyptians
of 202
Chapter IV. — Of the tunics of the Egyptians 203
Chapter V. — Of their cords 203
Chapter VI. — Of their 203
VII. — Of the sheepskin and the goatskin
Chapter 203
Chapter VIII. — Of the the Egyptians
staff of 203
Chapter IX. — Of their shoes 204
Chaiter X. — Of the modification the observances which may be permitted
in in accordance with the char-
acter of the climate or the custom of the district 204
Chapter XI. — Of the and
spiritual girdle its
mystical meaning 204



Chapter — Of the canonical system of the nocturnal prayers and Psalms

I. 205
Chapter — Of the difference the number of Psalms appointed be sung
— Of the observance one uniform throughout the whole Egypt,theand
of rule
the election of
in all

of those who are over the brethren

set 205
Chapter IV. — How throughout the whole Egypt and the Thebaid the number of Psalms
of is fixed at
twelve 206
Chapter V. — How the the number of the Psalms was
fact that be twelve was received from the teaching
of an angel 206
Chapter VI. — Of the custom having twelve prayers
of 207
Chapter VII. — Of method
their of ^ 207
Chapter VIII. — praying
Of the prayer which follows the Psalm 208
Chapter IX. — Of the the prayer, the
characteristics of treatment of which
fuller reserved the Con- is for
ferences of the Elders 208
Chapter X. — Of the silence and conciseness with which the Collects are offered up by the Egyptians 209
Chapter XI. — Of the system according which the Psalms are said among the Egyptians
to 209
Chapter XII. — Of the reason why while one sings the Psalms the down during the and
rest sit service; of
the zeal with which they afterwards prolong their vigils in their cells till
daybreak 210
Chapter XIII. — The reason why they are not allowed go the night service
to to after 210
Chapter XIV. — Of the way
which they devote themselves
in equally manual labour and
in their cells to to
Chapter XV. — Of the rule by which every one must
discreet the close of the prayers;
retire to his cell after
and of the rebuke which any one who does otherwise
to is 211
Chapter XVI. — is to
How no one allowed pray with one who has been suspended from prayer 211
Chapter XVII. — How he who rouses them for them the usual time
to call at 212
Chapter XVIII. — prayer ought
How they do not kneel from the evening of Saturday the evening of Sunday till 212



Chapter I. — Of the services of the Third, Sixth, and Ninth hours, which are observed in the regions of
Chapter II. — How among the Egyptians they apply themselves all day long to prayer and Psalms con-
tinually with the addition of work, without distinction of hours
Chapter III. — How
throughout all the East the services of Tierce, Sext and None are ended with only
three Psalms and prayers each ; and the reasons why these spiritual offices are assigned more particularly
to those hours 213
Chapter IV. — How the Mattin Office was not appointed by an ancient tradition, but was started in our own

for a definite reason 215

Chapter V. — How they ought not to go back to bed again after the Mattin prayers 215
Chapter VI. — How no change was made by the Elders in the ancient system of Psalms when the Mattin
office instituted 216
Chapter VII. — How one who does not come to the daily prayer before the end of the first Psalm is not
allowed to enter the Oratory; but at Nocturns a late arrival up to the end of the second Psalm can be
overlooked 216
Chapter ^ Of the
VIII. which celebrated on the evening preceding the Sabbath;
Vigil service is of its
length, and the manner which observed
in it is 216
Chapter IX. — The reason why a appointed the Sabbath day dawns, and why a dispensation from
vigil is as
enjoyed on the Sabbath
is through the East all 217 f

Chapter X. — How was brought about

it they on the Sabbath the that fast 218 in
Chapter XI. — Of the points
which the held on Sunday
in from what customary on other days
service differs is

Chapter XII. — Of the days on which, when supper provided the brethren, a Psalm not is
they for is said as
assemble for the meal, as is usual at dinner 218


OF the institutes of the renunciants.

Chapter — Of the training those who renounce world, and the way which those are taught
I. of this of in
among the monks Tabenna and the Egyptians who are received
of the monasteries 219 into
Chapter — Of the way
II. which among them men remain
in the monasteries even extreme old age. in
219 to • . .

Chapter — Of the ordeal by which one who

III. be received the monastery testedto 219 in
Chapter IV. — The reason why those who are received the monastery are not allowed

bring anything

to in
with them 219
Chapter V. — The reason why those who give up the world, when they are received the monasteries, must in
lay aside own clothes and be clothed
their others by the Abbot in 220
Chapter VI. — The reason why the clothes the renunciants with which they joined the monastery are pre-
served by the steward 220
Chapter VII. — The reason why those who are admitted a monastery are not permitted mix once with
to to at
the congregation the brethren, but are
of committed the guest house first 220
Chapter VIII. — Of the practices which the juniors are in exercised that they may become first proficient in
all their desires 221
Chapter IX. — The reason why the juniors are enjoined not
keep back any thoughts from the to of their
seniors 221
Chapter X. — How thorough the obedience the juniors even
is those things which are matters
of in of
common necessity 221
Chapter XI. — The kind of food which considered the greatest delicacy among them 222
Chapter XII. — How they leave every kind work offthe sound

some one knocking

of the door,
at of at in
their answer toonce at 222
Chapter XIII. — How wrong
considered any one
it is
anything, however
for own. 222
to that trifling, is his
Chapter XIV. — How, even a large sum
money amassed by the labour
if of each, no one may ven-
is of still
ture exceed the moderate
to what limit of as 222
Chapter XV. — Of the excessive desire
appointed is
possession among us of
Chapter XVI. — Of the
various rebukes
rules for
Chapter XVII. — Of those who introduced the plan that the holy Lessons should be read
the Coenobia in
while the brethren are and the which ofkept among the Egyptians
strict silence 224
Chapter XVIII. — How
eating, is

against theit is
anyone to take anything rule for eat or drink except the to at
common table
Chapter XIX. — How throughout Palestine and Mesopotamia a
service undertaken by the brethren,- 224
Chapter XX. — Of the three
daily is
beans which the steward found
Chapter XXI. — Of the spontaneous service
some the brethren of of
Chapter XXII. — Of the system
225 [
the Egyptians, which of the exercise the brethren. 226: for of
Chapter XXIII. — Of the obedience
appointed daily
Abbot John by which he was exalted even
of the grace prophecy. 226 of
Chapter XXIV. — Of the dry
which, the stick
bidding Abbot John kept on watering
at of his senior. as if it
would grow 226
Chapter XXV. — Of the unique vase thrown away by Abbot Johnof oil command
Chapter XXVI. — How Abbot John obeyed
227 at his senior's
senior by trying a huge stone, which a large number
his to roll
ofmen were unable move to
Chapter XXVII. — Of the humility and obedience
Abbot Patermucius, which he did not of make hesitate to
perfect by throwing his little
the the commandinto river at
Chapter XXVIII. — How was revealed
boy senior 227 of his
the Abbot concerning Patermucius,
it to he had done the deed that
of Abraham; and how when the same Abbot died, Patermucius succeeded to the charge of the monastery. 228
Chapter XXIX. — Of the obedience of a brother who, at the Abbot's bidding, carried about in public ten
baskets and sold them by retail 228
Chapter XXX. — Of the humility of Abbot Pinufius, who
a very famous Coenobium over which he
sided as Presbyter, and out of the love of subjection, sought a distant monastery where he could be received
as a novice 228
Chapter XXXI, —
How when Abbot Pinufius was brought back to his monastery he stayed there for a
little while, and then fled again into the regions of Syrian Palestine
Chapter XXXII. —
The charge which the same Abbot Pinufius gave to a brother whom he admitted into

his monastery in our presence

Chapter XXXIII. —
How it is that, just as a great reward is due to the monk who labours according to

the regulations of the fathers, so likewise punishment must be inflicted on an idle one;. and therefore

no one should be admitted into a monastery too easily

Chapter XXXIV. — 230
Of the way in which oui; renunciation is nothing but mortification and the image of the
Chapter XXXV. — How the fear of the Lord is our Cross

Chapter XXXVI. — How our renunciation of the world is of no use if we are again entangled in those

things which we have renounced

Chapter XXXVII. — How the
always wait
devil our end, and how we ought continually
lies in for to
watch head
Chapter XXXVIII. — Of the renunciant's preparation against temptation, and
the few who are worthy of
of imitation
Chapter XXXIX. — Of the way
which we should mount towards
in whereby we may afterwards perfection,
ascend from the God
fear of love to
Chapter XL. — That the monks should seek
up 232
examples perfection not from many
for but from
of instances,
one or very
a few
Chapter XLI. — The appearance
what one who
of a Coenobium ought
infirmities lives in to exhibit
Chapter XLII. — How a monk should not look the blessing patiencefor own case a
of in his as result of
the but
virtue of others, rather a consequence as own of his ;

Chapter XLIII. — Recapitulation

long 233 suffering
the explanation how a monk can mount up towards perfection
of 233


OF the spirit of gluttony.

Chapter — The
I. from the
transition the monks
Institutes ofthe struggle against the eight principal
faults 233
Chapter —
II.How the occasions these being found
of everybody, are ignored by everybody; and
faults, in
how we need the Lord's help make them to 234
Chapter — How our
III. struggle must be against the
gluttony; spirit of
the pleasures the i.e., of
Chapter IV. — The testimony
Abbot Antony
of which he teaches in each ought be sought that virtue to for
from him who possesses a it in 234
Chapter V. — How
degree special
one and the same
that cannot be observed by everybody
rule of fasting 235
Chapter VI. — That the mind not intoxicated by wine alone
is 235
Chapter VII. — How bodily weakness need not with purity heart
interfere 236of
Chapter VIII. — How food should be taken with regard the aim perfect continence
to of
Chapter IX. — Of the measure the chastisement
of be undertaken, and the remedy
to 236 of fasting
Chapter X. — That abstinence from food not is bodily and mental
of itself sufficient for
preservation of
Chapter XI. — That bodily not extinguished except by the
lusts are rooting out entire
237 of vices
Chapter XII. — That our in contest we ought draw an example from the carnal contests
to 237
Chapter XIII. — That we cannot enter the
the inner man unless we have been
battle of from the set free
vice of
Chapter XIV. — How gluttonous
gluttony v 238
can be overcome
Chapter XV. — How a monk must always be eager preserve heart
to his
239 of
Chapter XVI. — How, the fashion
after of
the Olympian games, a monk should not attempt spiritual
unless he has won
conflicts over the
battles flesh
Chapter XVII. — That the foundation and the combat must be
basis of the struggle against
laid in
Chapter XVIII. — Of the number
and through which the blessed apostles
of different conflicts victories
ascended the crown
to the highest combat
of 240
Chapter XIX. — That the so long
athlete of Christ, he the body, never without a
as is in is battle
Chapter XX. — How a monk should not overstep the proper hours taking food, he wants proceed
for if to
to the struggle of interior conflicts 24
Chapter XXI. — Of the inward peace

a monk, and of abstinence of spiritual 241

Chapter XXII. — That We should reason for this bodily abstinence,practisewe may by that this fasting
attain to purity , of 242
Chapter XXIII. — What should be the character the monk's food of 242

Chapter XXIV.
— OfHowthe abstinence
Egypt we saw was broken without scruple on an
in the that daily fast 242 arrival
Chapter XXV. one old man, who took food
of times so sparingly he was six that still

Chapter XXVI. — Of another old man, who never partook

hungry 243
food alone of in his cell
Chapter XXVII. — What the two Abbots, and John, Poesius
the said of
fruits of their zeal
Chapter XXVIII. — The Lessons and example which Abbot John when dying
left to his disciples
Chapter XXIX. — Of Abbot Machetes, who never during the conferences, but always went
to tales
Chapter XXX. — A saying
sleep during earthly 243
the same old man about not judging any one
of 244
Chapter XXXI. — The same old man's rebuke when he saw how the brethren went sleep during the to
conferences, and woke up when some story was idle told244
Chapter XXXII — Of the
which were burnt without being read
Chapter XXXIII. — .'

Of the solution a question which Abbot Theodore obtained by prayer


Chapter XXXIV. — Of the saying the same old man through which he taught by what
of a monk
can acquire a knowledge the Scriptures
Chapter XXXV. — A rebuke the same old man, when he had come
of my the middle the
to cell in of

Chapter XXXVI. — A description

night 245
the desert Diolcos, where the Anchorites
of in live
Chapter XXXVII. — Of the which Abbot Archebius gave up
cells us with to
their furniture
Chapter XXXVIII. — The same Archebius a debt mother's by the labours own hands.
of his
of his
Chapter XXXIX. — Of the device a
old man ofby which some work was found
certain Abbot Simeon,
. . .

when he had do to
Chapter XL. — Of the boys, who, when bringing
nothing 247
a man some died
to the desert from hunger,
sick figs, in
without having themtasted
Chapter XLI. — The saying
the Abbot Macarius
of the behaviour a monk, one who was
of a of as to live for
long while, and as one who was daily at the point of death 248





Chapter — How our warfare with covetousness a

I. one, and how not a
is one
foreign this fault is natural in
man, as the other faults are
— 248
Chapter —How
the disease of

is the usefulness of vices us are natural to

Chapter IV. — That we can say us some natural

that there exist in without wronging Creator. faults the • . .

Chapter V. — Of which contracted through our own

the faults are without impulses natural
Chapter VI. — How covetousness
difficult the evil of away when once has been admitted is to drive

Chapter VII. — Of
source from which covetousness
the and the which springs, of evils of it is itself the
Chapter VIII. — How covetousness a hindrance
is to all virtues
Chapter IX. — How a monk who has money cannot stay the monastery in

Chapter X. — Of the
which a deserter from a monastery must undergo through covetousness, though he
used formerly murmur to the very at tasks
Chapter XI. — That, under pretence
slightest 251
keeping the purse, women have to be sought
of dwell with them. to ..
Chapter XIL — An instance a lukewarm monk caught
of the snares covetousness in
Chapter XIII. — What the elders the juniors the matter
relate to in
of off sins
Chapter XIV. — Instances show that the disease
to covetousness
threefold of
Chapter XV. — Of the difference between one who renounces the world badly, and one who does not

renounce at all
Chapter XVI. — Of the authority under which those
themselves, who object to stripping themselves
of their
Chapter XVII. — Of the renunciation
goods 253
Apostles and the primitive Church
Chapter XVIII. — That we want if imitate the Apostles we ought not
to according our own pre-
to live to
but follow to their
Chapter XIX. — A saying
scriptions, examples 254
of S. Basil,
the Bishop, directed against Syncletius
Chapter XX. — How be overcome by covetousness

Chapter XXI. — How

covetousness can be conquered
it is

* Omitted in the translation.

Chapter XXII. — That one who has no money may be deemed covetous still
Chapter XXIII. — An example drawn from case Judas
the of

XXIV. — That covetousness cannot be overcome except by

Chapter one's self of
XXV. — Of the deaths
stripping 255
Chapter Ananias and Sapphira and
of Judas, which they underwent, ofthrough the
Chapter XXVI. — That covetousness brings upon the
impulse 256
a soul
Chapter XXVII. — Scripture proofs by which one who
leprosy spiritual 256
aiming perfection is taught not attake back is to
what he has up and renounced
Chapter XXVIII. — That the
again given 256
over covetousness can only be gained by
victory one's bare stripping self of

Chapter XXIX. — How a monk can

everything 256
retain his
Chapter XXX. — The remedies against the
poverty ^.. 256
disease of
Chapter XXXI. — That no one can
the get covetousness unless he
better of the Ccenobium; and stays in
how one can remain there 257


OF the spirit of anger.

Chapter I. — How our fourth conflict is against the sin of anger, and how many e\nls this passion produces. 257
Chapter II. — Of those who say that anger is not injurious, if we are angry with those who do wrong, since
God Himself is said to be angry
Chapter III. — Of those things which are spoken of God anthropomorphically

Chapter IV. — In what sense we should understand the Passion and human parts which are ascribed to the

unchanging and incorporeal God

Chapter V. —How calm a monk ought to be

Chapter VI. —Of the righteous and unrighteous passion of wrath


Chapter VII. — Of the only case in which anger is useful to us


Chapter VIII. — Instances from the life of the blessed David in which anger was rightly felt

Chafper IX. — Of the anger which should be directed against ourselves

Chapter X. —Of the sun, of which it is said that it should not go down upon your wrath 260
Chapter XI. — Of those, to whose wrath even the going down of the sun sets no limit 260
Chapter XII. — How this is one end of temper and anger when a man carries it into action as far as he
can 261
Chapter XIII. — That we should not retain our anger even an instant for 261
Chapter XIV. — Of reconciliation with our brother 261
Chapter XV. — How the old Law would root out anger, not only from the but from the thoughts actions, .. 261
Chapter XVI. — How useless retirement of those who do not give up
is tfie bad manners their 262
Chapter XVII. — That the peace of our heart does not depend on another's but our own will, lies in
control 262
Chapter XVIII. — Of the with which we should seek the
zeal and of the things which we make
desert, in
progress there 262
Chapter XIX. — An illustration to
help forming an opinion on those who are only patient when they are
not triedby any one 262
Chapter XX. — How anger should be banished according the Gospel to
Chapter XXI. — Whether we ought
admit the addition
to without a cause " of *'
that which written in is in
the Gospel " whoever angry with
is brother," his etc 263
Chapter XXII. — The remedies by which we can root out anger from our hearts 263



Chapter I.— How our combat against the

fifth is and the harm which
spirit of dejection, of
upon it inflicts
the soul
Chapter II.— Of the care with which the malady dejection must be healed
Chapter III.— To what the may be compared, which prey the attacks dejection
soul a to of
Chapter IV. — Whence and
is 264
what way dejection
in arises
Chapter V. — That disturbances
are us not by the in other people but by our own
faults of
Chapter VI, — That no one comes
by a sudden
to grief but destroyed byfall, through a long
is falling
course of carelessness
Chapter VII. — That we ought not
give up intercourse with our brethren
to order seek in to after perfection,
but should rather constantly the
cultivate virtue of
Chapter VIII. — That
patience 265
if we have improved our character us get on with everybody. for to .. .*
Chapter IX. — Of another
possible it is 265
dejection which produces despair
sort of of salvation 265
Chapter X. — Of the only thing which dejection useful us
in is to
Chapter XI. — How we can decide what and the sorrow accordingis God, and what
useful, devilish to is
and deadly 266
Chapter XII. — That except wholesome sorrow, which springs up
that three ways, sorrow and dejec- in all
tion should be resisted as hurtful 266
Chapter XIII. — The means by which we can root out dejection from our hearts 266



Chapter — How our

I. combat
sixth the of Accidie, and what
is character 266 its is

Chapter — A description Accidie,against

II. of and the way which
creeps over the heart of a monk, and the
in it

Chapter — Of onthethe
it inflicts

ways which Accidie overcomes a monk
Chapter IV. — How Accidie hinders the mind from contemplation the all of
267 virtues
Chapter V. — How the attack Accidie twofold
of is 268
Chapter VI. — How are the Accidie effects of 268
Chapter VII. — Testimonies from the apostle concerning the
Accidie spirit of 268
Chapter VIII. — That he sure be
is who to not be content with the work
restless will own hands. 269 of his . . .

Chapter IX. — That not the Apostle only, but those too who were with him, laboured with own hands. 270 their
Chapter X. — That reason the Apostle laboured with
for this own hands he might us an example
his that set
of work 270
Chapter XI. — That he preached and taught men work, not only by example, but
to by words.. 270 his also his
Chapter XII. — Of " " '

his any not work neither

If he
will shall 271 eat
Chapter XIII. — Of
" We have heard that some "
his saying, among you walk disorderly 271
Chapter XIV. — How manual labour prevents many faults 271
Chapter XV. — How kindness should be shown even the and to idle careless
Chapter XVI. — How we ought admonish those who go wrong, not out
to hatred, but out love 272 of of
Chapter XVII. — Different passages which the Apostle declares
in we ought work, or which that to in it is

shown he himself worked

that 272
Chapter XVIII. — That the Apostle wrought what he thought would be him and others sufficient for for
who were with him 272
Chapter XIX. — How we should understand these words: more blessed give than
It is "••• 272 to to receive.
Chapter XX. — Of a brother who persuade others leave the monastery
tried to to 273
Chapter XXI. — Different passages from the writings
Solomon against Accidie of 273
Chapter XXII. — How the brethren Egypt work with in hands, not only supply their own needs, to their
but minister
also to those who are
to in » 274
Chapter XXIII. — That
the reason why there are not monasteries
idleness is monks the West 274 for in
Chapter XXIV. — Of Abbot Paul, who every year burnt with the works hands fire all 274 of his
Chapter XXV. — The words Abbot Moses which he
of me about the cure Accidie said to 275 of



Chapter — How our seventh combat against the

Chapter — How vain-glory attacks a monk, not only on vain-glory,butand what

spirit of
his carnal, also
his spiritual side
is 275
Chapter — How many forms and shapes vain-glory takes
III. 275
IV. — How vain-glory attacks a monk on the
Chapter hand and on the left 276
V. — A comparison which shows the nature
Chapter of 276
VI. — That vain-glory
Chapter not altogether got
by the advantages rid of of solitude 276
Chapter VII. — How when has been overcome, again keener than ever the rises for 276
VIII. — How vain-glory
vain-glory, fight
Chapter not allayed the desert either in or 277
IX. — That vain-glory
through advancing years
Chapter the more dangerous through being mixed up with
is virtues 277
Chapter X. — An instance showing how King Hezekiah was overtaken by the dart of 277
XI. — The instance
Chapter King Uzziah, who was overcome by the
of the same malady taint of
XII. — Several testimonies against vain-glory
XIII. — Of the ways
Chapter which vain-glory attacks a monk
in 278
Chapter XIV. — How suggests it a man may seek
that take holy orders to
XV. — How vain-glory
Chapter the mind
intoxicates 278
Chapter XVI. — Of one whom the superior came upon, and found deluded by in his cell
XVII. — How
vain-glory. idle • • •
Chapter cannot be cured unless
faults and causes have been discovered
their roots
XVIII. — How a monk ought
Chapter avoid women and bishops
XIX. — Remedies by which we can overcome vain-glory
Chapter 279



Chapter — How our eighth combat against the
I. is and spirit of pride,
character 280
of its
Chapter —
II. How there two kinds
are of 280
Chapter —
III. How pride equally is
destructive of all virtues 280
Chapter IV. — How by reason pride Lucifer was turned from an archangel
of a 280 into devil
Chapter V. — That incentives to spring from pride
all sins 281
Chapter VI. — That the sin of the order
is last in actual
the combat, but time and
of 281 first in origin. ..
Chapter VII. — That the
evil of so great is has even God Himself
that it 281 as its
Chapter VIII. — How God has destroyed the pride
pride rightly adversary
the by the of and various
devil virtue of humility,
pass^es in of this 282
Chapter IX. — How we too may overcome pride


Chapter X. How no one can obtain and the

perfect virtue
promised by own strength alone 282
bliss his
Chapter XI. — The case the of and David
thief and ofour order ofthe grace God..
call in to illustrate of ..

Chapter XII. That no evil is
worthy be compared with
to the promised
Chapter XIII. — The teaching
the of on the method
elders of
Chapter XIV. — That the God given of those
is who
283 purity

Chapter XV. — From whom we can learn the way

help 283
of 284
Chapter XVI. — That we cannot even make
obtain perfection without the mercy and
the effort to inspiration
Chapter XVII. — Various passages, which show we cannot do anything which belongs
clearly that our
without the
salvation God
aid of 284
Chapter XVIII. — How we protected by the grace
are God, not only our ofcondition, but by in natural also
His Providence
Chapter XIX. — How
this faith grace God was delivered
the us by the ancient Fathers..
of 286 to ..
Chapter XX. — Of one who
for his
blasphemy was over a most unclean to 286
Chapter XXI. — The instance
given spirit
Joash King Judah, showing what
of was the pride.... 286 of his
Chapter XXII. — That every proud
soul iswickedness, be deceived
subject to spiritual by to it

Chapter XXIII. — How perfection can only be attained through the grace
Chapter XXIV. — Who
humility 287
attacked by
are and who by carnal pride
Chapter XXV. — A
spiritual 287
description of
carnal and the which of the evils a monk. in soul of • .

Chapter XXVI. — That a man whose foundation

pride, produces 287
bad sinks from badis worse 288 to
Chapter XXVII. — A
description of which spring from the
faults evil of
Chapter XXVIII. — Of
the a
of brother certain
Chapter XXIX. — The
pride 289
which you can carnal a
the of in soul
Chapter XXX. — How when a man has grown cold through
bysigns recognize presence pride 289
he wants be put over other
pride, to to rule

Chapter XXXI. — How we can overcome pride and

people 289
Chapter XXXII. — How pride which
perfection 290
so is can
destructive ofbe destroyed by
all virtues itself true
Chapter XXXIII. — Remedies
theagainst pride evil of 290


I. — First Conference of Abbot Moses; on the Goal or Aim of the Monk.

Chapter I.— Of our and

stay in Scete, which we proposedthat Abbot Moses to
Chapter — Of the question Abbot
II. Moses, who asked what was the goal and what the
of end of the

Chapter HI. — Of our reply
Chapter IV. — Of Abbot Moses' question on the aforesaid statement 296
Chapter V. — A comparison with a man who mark is trying to hit a
Chapter VI. — Of those who
renouncing the world, aim
in perfection without love at
Chapter VII. — How peace mind should be sought

Chapter VIII. — Of the main

towards the contemplation
effort heavenly and an of things, illustration from
the case Martha and Mary
Chapter IX. — A question how the it is that cannot remain with a man
practice of virtue

Chapter X. — The answer

not the reward, but the doing
that the works come an end of will to
Chapter XI. — Of the abiding character love of

Chapter XII. — A question on perseverance in spiritual


Chapter XIII. — The answer concerning the

contemplation 300
the heart direction of
Chapter XIV. — Of the continuance the of soul

Chapter XV. — How we must meditate on God


Chapter XVI. — A question on the changing character

the thoughts of 303
Chapter XVII. — The answer what the mind can, and what it cannot do with regard to the state of its

Chapter XVIII. — Comparison
a and a mill-stone
of soul 303
Chapter XIX. — Of the threefold our thoughts origin of 304
Chapter XX. — About discerning the thoughts, with an illustration from a good money changer 304
Chapter XXI. — Of the Abbot John
illusion of 306
Chapter XXII. — Of the fourfold method discrimination of 306
Chapter XXIII. — Of the discourse the teacher regard of in to the merits of his hearers 306

II. —The Second Conference of Abbot Moses; on Discretion.

Chapter — Abbot Moses' introduction on the grace

I. of discretion 307
Chapter — What
II. alone can give a monk; and a discourse
discretion the blessed Antony of on this
Chapter — Of the
III. Saul and Ahab, by which they were deceived through lack
error of of of discretion.. 309
Chapter IV. — What the value
is said of Holy Scripture of discretion in 309
Chapter V. — Of death the old man Heron
the of
Chapter VI. — Of
the two brethren lack of for of discretion 310
Chapter VII. — Of an which another
illusion into lack fell for of discretion
Chapter VIII. — Of the
and deceptionfall a monk Mesopotamia of of
Chapter IX. — A question about the acquirement
of discretion
Chapter X. — The answer how
may be gained
true discretion 311
Chapter XI. — The words of Abbot Serapion on the decline of thoughts that are exposed to others, and
also on the danger of self-confidence
Chapter XII. — A confession of the modesty which made us ashamed to reveal our thoughts to the elders...

Chapter XIII.— The answer concerning the trampling down shame, and the danger one without of of

contrition ;

Chapter XIV. — Of the

Samuel call of
Chapter XV. — Of the
the Apostle Paul
call of 316
Chapter XVI. — How seek to for discretion
Chapter XVII. — On excessive
and fasts 316
Chapter XVIII. — A question on the
measure abstinence and refreshment of
Chapter XIX. — Of the best plan
right 316
our food for 317
Chapter XX. — An
on the case abstinence, which a man
of thatsustained by two in is biscuits.
Chapter XXI. — The answer concerning the value and measure
objection, • .
well proved abstinence of
Chapter XXII. — What the usual
isboth abstinence, and
limit partaking food of of
Chapter XXIII. — Quemadmodum abundantia umorem genitalium

Chapter XXIV. — Of the

castigetur 317
difficulty of and the gluttony Brother Benjamin
in eating, of of
Chapter XXV. — A question how
uniformity 317
observe one and the same measure
it is to
Chapter XXVI. — The answer how we should not exceed the proper measure
possible always 318
food of 318

III. — Conference of Abbot Paphnutius ; on the Three Sorts of Renunciations.

Chapter — Of the and conduct Abbot Paphnutius

I. life of 319
Chapter — Of the discourse the same old man, and our reply
II. of 319 to
Chapter III,— The statement Abbot Paphnutius on the three kinds vocations, and the three

of sorts of
renunciations 320
Chapter IV. — An explanation the three of 320
Chapter V. — How the
thesefirst of no use a sluggard, and the
calls is of no hindrance
to one last is to
who is earnest
Chapter VI. — An account
the three of renunciations sorts of
Chapter VII. — How we can
attain these renunciations
in of sorts of
Chapter VIII. — Of our very own
which the beauty
possessions, in the seen or foulness of soul
Chapter IX. — Of three
323 is its
sorts of
Chapter X. — That no one can become
possessions 324
the renunciation 324 of
Chapter XI — A question on the
merely through perfectgrade first
man and the grace
free-will of God of
Chapter XII. — The answer on the economy
Divine grace with of us free-will in
Chapter XIII. — That the ordering
remaining 325 still
our way comes from God
of 326
Chapter XIV. — That knowledge the law ofthe and illumination
is the Lord of
Chapter XV. — That the understanding, by means
given by guidance 326
which we can recognize God's commands and the
performance a of
good are from the Lord
Chapter XVI. — That
will, gifts 326
must be given us by the Lord
faith itself
Chapter XVII. — That temperateness and the endurance
must be us the Lord
Chapter XVIII. — That the continual
temptations given by 328
God must be bestowed on us by the Lord
fear of 328
Chapter XIX. —-That the beginning our good-will and of come from God
Chapter XX. — That nothing can be done
completion its 328
world without God in this
Chapter XXI. — An objection on the power
of free-will
Chapter XXII. — The answer,
our always has need
viz., that free-will
the help the Lord 329 of of

— Conference of Abbot Daniel; on the Lust of the Flesh and of the Spirit.
Chapter — Of the
I, Abbot Daniel
life of 330
Chapter — An investigation the origin a sudden change of
II. of from inexpressible joy
of feeling to
extreme dejection mind of
Chapter — His answer
III. the question to raised

Chapter IV. — How there a twofold reason

is the permission and allowance of God
Chapter V. — How our
and exertions
efforts no use without God's help are of
Chapter VI. — How
it is our advantage be toby God to left
Chapter VII. — Of the value the which the Apostle makes
of conflicts the struggle between the to consist in
fleshand the 332 •

Chapter VIII. — A question how

the Apostle's chapter,
it is that in he has spoken the the after of lusts of
flesh opposing one another, he adds a man's third thing, viz.,
333 will
Chapter IX. — The answer on the understanding
one who asks of
Chapter X. — That the word " 333 rightly
" not used with one
flesh is
meaning only
Chapter XI. — What the Apostle means by
passage; and what the the
flesh in this 333 lust of flesh is
Chapter XII. — What our is which stands between the
free-will the and the in 334 lust of flesh
Chapter XIII. — Of the advantage
the delay which offrom the struggle between the and
results flesh
Chapter XIV. — Of the incurable depravity
335 spirit.
wickedness of spiritual
Chapter XV. — Of the value
the the ofagainst thelust of our case flesh spirit in
Chapter XVI. — Of the excitement
the without the humiliation
of which we should
flesh, more of fall

Chapter XVII. — Of the lukewarmness
eunuchs of 336
Chapter XVIII. — The question what the between the carnal and natural man
is difference
Chapter XIX. — Answer concerning the threefold condition souls of

Chapter XX. — Of those who renounce the world but

Chapter XXI. — Of those who having made great things busy themselves about
light of 338 trifles

V. — Conference of Abbot Serapion; on the Eight Principal Faults.

Chapter I. — Our arrival at Abbot Serapion's cell, and inquiry on the different kinds of faults, and the way
overcome them
to 339
Chapter II. — Abbot Serapion's enumeration of the eight principal faults 339
Chapter III. — Of the two classes of faults, and their fourfold manner of acting upon us 339
Chapter IV. — A review of the passions of gluttony and fornication, and their remedies 339
Chapter V. — How our Lord alone was tempted without sin 340
Chapter VI. — Of the manner of the temptation in which our Lord was attacked by the devil 341
Chapter VII. — How vain-glory and pride can be consummated without any assistance from the body 342
Chapter VIII. — Of covetousness, which is something outside our nature, and of the difference between it
and those faults which are natural to us 342
Chapter IX. — How dejection and Accidie generally arise without any external provocation, as in the case
ofother faults 342
Chapter X. — How these
six of are and the two which
faults from them are akin
related, one differ to
another 343
Chapter XI. — Of the and character each these of of faults343
Chapter XII. — How vain-glory may be
us useful to 344
Chapter XIII. — Of the ways which
different these in us all faults assault
Chapter XIV. — Of the struggle which we must enter against our
into when they attack us 345 faults
Chapter XV. — How we can do nothing against our without the help God, and how we
faults should not of
be puffed up by over them
victories 346
Chapter XVI. — Of the meaning the seven nations of whose lands took possession, and the reason
of Israel
are sometimes " seven " and sometimes
of as " " as
why they spoken many 347
Chapter XVII. — A question with regard the comparison seven natioas with
to of 348 eight faults
Chapter XVIII. — The answer how the number nations made up accordance with the eight
of eighl is in
faults 348
Chapter XIX. — The reason why one nation be forsaken, while seven are commanded
is to be destroyed. 348 to
Chapter XX. — Of the nature which of
may be by the the illustrated
349 simile of
Chapter XXI. — Of the
gluttony, eagle
character upheld against some philosophers
of as 349
Chapter XXII. — How was
lasting gluttony
it that Abraham would have
foretold to drive out ten that Israel
349 to nations.
Chapter XXIII. — How us
it is take possession
useful for lands
to of their
Chapter XXIV. — How the lands from which the Canaanites were expelled had been assigned the seed to of
Chapter XXV. — Different passages
Scripture on the meaning
of the eight of faults
Chapter XXVI. — How, when we have got the
the passion gluttony, we must
better of take pains gain of to
allthe other virtues 350
Chapter XXVII. — That our are not fought with our
battles the same order which they
faults in as that in
stand in the list

VI. — Conference of Abbot Theodore; on the Death of the Saints.

Chapter I. —Description of the wilderness, and the question about the death of the saints
Chapter II. —Abbot Theodore's answer to the question proposed to him
Chapter III. —Of the three kinds of things that there are in the world, viz., good, bad, and 352 indifferent.. ..
Chapter IV. — How evil cannot be forced on any one by another against his will 353
Chapter V. —An objection, how God Himself can be said to create evil 354
Chapter VI. —The answer to the question proposed 354
Chapter VII. —A question whether the man who causes the death of a good man is guilty, if the good man
the gainer by
is death
his 354
Chapter VIII. — The answer the foregoing question
to 355
Chapter IX. — The case Job who was tempted by the
of and the Lord who was betrayed by Judas,
devil, of
and how prosperity well
as adversityas advantageous a good man
is to 355
Chapter X. — Of the excellence the man who
of spoken ambidextrous is of as
Chapter XI. — Of the two kinds
perfect 356
which come upon us
of trials threefold way in a
Chapter XII. — How the upright man ought be a stamp, not wax, but
to hard
359 of of steel
Chapter XIII. — A question whether the man can constantly continue one and the same condition in
Chapter XIV. — The answer
the points
to by the questionerraised 359
Chapter XV. — How one by going away from one's
loses cell
Chapter XVI. — How even powers above are capable
celestial change
Chapter XVII. — That no one dashed
the ground by a sudden
is to 361 fall

VII. — First Conference of Abbot Serenus on Inconstancy of Mind and Spiritual Wickedness.

Chapter — Of the
— The question theAbbot
I. chastity of Serenus 361 '.

Chapter II. of aforesaid old man on the our thoughts state of 361
Chapter HI. — Our answer on the character
fickle our thoughts of 362
Chapter IV. — The discourse the old man on the
of the and excellence
state of soul 363 its
Chapter V. — Of the perfection the of drawn from the comparison
soul, as the centurion the Gospel.. 363 of in
Chapter VI. — Of perseverance regards care
as the thoughts of 365
Chapter VII. — A question on the roving tendency the mind, and the attacks of wickedness-. 365 of spiritual •

Chapter VIII. — The answer on the help God and the power
of of free-will
Chapter IX. — A question on the union the with
of soul devils 366
Chapter X. — The answer how unclean are united with human 366 souls
Chapter XI. — An objection whether unclean
can be present or united with the
spirits those in souls of
whom they have filled 366
Chapter XII. — The answer how unclean
it is that can lord over the possessed it
Chapter XIII. — How cannot be penetrated by
and how God alone incorporeal 366 is

Chapter XIV. — An objection

how we ought
as to believe see
the thoughts men
that devils367 into of
Chapter XV. — The answer, what can, and what they cannot do,
devils regard the thoughts men. 367 in to of ..
Chapter XVI. — An showing how we are taught
illustration unclean know the thoughts
that men.. 367 of
Chapter XVII. — Of the not every
fact that has the power devil
suggesting every passion men of 368
Chapter XVIII. — A question whether among the there any order observed
devils the is system in attack, or
in its
changes 368
Chapter XIX. — The answer, how an agreement
far among about the attack and
exists devils
368 its . .

Chapter XX. — Of the fact that

opposite powers not the same boldness, and
the occasions
of that of
temptation are not under own control
their 368
Chapter XXI. — Of the struggle with men not without
fact that devils on 369 effort their part
Chapter XXII. — Of the the power
fact that hurt does not depend upon the
to the 370 will of devils
Chapter XXIII. — Of the diminished power the of devils 370
Chapter XXIV. — Of the way which the in prepare themselves an entrance
devils the bodies
for into of
those whom they are to 371
Chapter XXV. — Of the
going possess
that those men are more wretched who are possessed by
fact than those who sins
arepossessed by devils
Chapter XXVI. — Of the death
the prophet who was led
of and the the Abbot Paul,
astray, of infirmity of
with which he was the sake
visited for of his
Chapter XXVII. — Of the temptation
cleansing 371
Abbot Moses of 372
Chapter XXVIII. — How we ought not despise those who are delivered up
to unclean to
Chapter XXIX. — An
372 spirits
asking why
objection, those who tormented by unclean are separated from
are spirits
the Lord's communion
Chapter XXX. — The answer
the question
to raised
Chapter XXXI. — Of
those men are more
the fact that be whom not given
to be subjected
pitied to it is to
tothose temporal temptations
Chapter XXXII. — Of the
and wishes which
different desires the powers the exist in of air
Chapter XXXIII. — A question
the as to such origin of differences in
the of evil in
Chapter XXXIV. — The postponement of the answer
powers sky 374
the question to 375 raised


VIII. — The Second Conference of Abbot Serenus; on Principalities.

Chapter — Of the
I. Abbot Serenus
hospitality of

Chapter II.— A question propounded on the kinds wickedness

of spiritual
Chapter —
III. The answer on the many kinds food provided Holy Scripture of
Chapter IV. — Of the double sense
which Holy Scripture may be taken
Chapter V. — Of the the question suggested ought
fact that be included among those things to
be held
to in
a neutral doubtful way
Chapter VI. — Of the fact that created by God is evil

Chapter VII. — Of the

or powers
origin of principalities

Chapter VIII. — Of the the

fall of and the angels

Chapter IX. — An objection

stating that the
fall of took origin from the deception Eve
devil its of
Chapter X. — The answer about the beginning the of devil's fall

Chapter XI. — The punishment the deceiver and the deceived


Chapter XII. — Of the crowd

the of and the disturbance which they always
devils, our raise in
Chapter XIII. — Of the
opposing powers turn the attack which they aim
fact that men, even against each at
Chapter XIV. — How
it is wickedness obtained the names
that spiritual powers or of
Chapter XV. — Of the not without reason
fact that it is the names angels and archangels that given
toholy and heavenly powers
Chapter XVI. — Of the subjection
the which they show
of devils,own princes, as seen a to their in
brother's vision
Chapter XVII. — Of the
two angels always cling
fact that every man to
Chapter XVIII. — Of the degrees wickedness which
of shown the case two
exist in hostile spirits, as in of
Chapter XIX. — Of the
fact cannot
that devils against men unless they have
prevail at all
secured first

possession of their minds 382

Chapter XX. —Aquestion about the fallen angels who are said in Genesis to have had intercourse with the
daughters of men
Chapter XXI. — The answer the question to raised

Chapter XXII. — An objection how an unlawful intermingling with the daughters

as to of Cain could be

charged against the Seth before the prohibition

line of the law of
Chapter XXIII. — The answer by the lawthat nature men were from the beginning of liable to judgment

and punishment
Chapter XXIV. — Of the
they were
fact that punished who sinned before the flood
Chapter XXV. — How
justly 385
this that is said of
the the Gospel devil in to " he a
be^understood, is viz., that is liar
and his father

IX. — The First Conference of Abbot Isaac; on Prayer.

Chapter I.— Introduction the Conference

Chapter II.— The words Abbot Isaac on the nature of prayer

Chaffer III.— How pure and sincere prayer can be gained 387

IV. — Of the lightness

Chapter the soul which may be compared
of a wing or feather to
V. — Of the ways
Chapter which our soul
in weighed down
Chapter VI. — Of the vision which a certain elder saw concerning the

work a brother of

VII. — A question how

restless 389
Chapter that harder work
it is
preserve than
is to to
Chapter VIII. — The answer on the characters
originate good thoughts

IX, — Of the four kinds

prayer 390
Chapter of
Chapter X. — Of the order the
of kinds down with regard
different laid
the character of prayer

Chai-ter XI. — Of supplication

to 391

Chapter XII. — Of prayer


Chapter XIII. — Of intercession


Chapter XIV. — Of thanksgiving •


Chaffer XV. — Whether these four kinds

prayers are necessary of every one once or for to offer all at
separately and turns
Chapter XVI. — Of the kinds ofwhich we ought to ourselves to direct

Chapter XVII. — How the four kinds

prayer 392
supplication were originated by the Lord
Chaffer XVIII. — Of the Lord's Prayer

Chapter XIX. — Of the clause "Thy kingdom come"


Chapter XX. — Of the clause " Thy be done " will


Chapter XXI. — Of our supersubstantial or daily bread


Chapter XXII. — Of the clause " Forgive us our debts, etc."


Chapter XXIII. — Of the clause " Lead us not into temptation "

Chapter XXIV. — How we ought not

ask other to except only those which are contained
for things, the in
limits of the Lord's Prayer
Chapter XXV. — Of the character the sublimer prayer

Chapter XXVI. — Of the

different conviction of 396
Chapter XXVII. — Of the
Chapter XXVIII. — A question about the conviction
different sorts of
that a fact supply not our own power of tears is in
Chapter XXIX. — The answer on the conviction which spring from
varieties of
tears 397
Chapter XXX. — How ought not
tears be squeezed when they do not flow spontaneously
to out, 397
Chapter XXXI. — The opinion Abbot Antony on the condition
of prayer of 39S
Chapter XXXII. — Of the proof prayer being heardof 398
Chapter XXXIII. — An objection that the confidence being heard described belongs only
of as to saints. . •
Chapter XXXIV. — The answer on the reasons prayer being heard
different for 39S
Chapter XXXV. — Of prayer be offered within the chamber and with the door shut
to 400
Chapter XXXVI. — Of the value short and of
prayer silent .

X. — The Second Conference of Abbot Isaac; on Prayer.

Chapter — Introduction
Chapter — Of the custom which kept up the Province Egypt signifying the time Easter. 401
II. is in of 401 for of .

Chapter — Of Abbot Serapion, and the heresy the Anthropomorphites, into which he
III. of the fell in
error of 402
Chapter IV. — Of our return
Abbot Isaac and question concerning the error into which the aforesaid old
man had fallen 402
Chapter V. — The answer on the origin of the heresy described above 403
Chapter VI. — Of the reasons why Jesus Christ appears each one us either His to
humility or His of in in
condition 403
Chapter VII. — What constitutes our end and perfect
bliss 404
Chapter VIII. — A question on the training perfection by which we canin perpetual recollection arrive at
ofGod 404
Chapter IX. — The answer on the understanding which
efficacy of gained by experience is405
Chapter X. — Of the method continual prayer
of 405
Chapter XL — Of the perfection

which we
of can by the to
system described rise 407
Chapter XII. — A question
how as tothoughts can be retained without them 408
Chapter XIII. — Of the lightness
spiritual losing
thoughts of 408 '.

Chapter XIV. — The answer how we can gain hearts or of thoughts stability of 409


XI. — The First Conference of Abbot Chceremon; on Perfection.

Chapter — Description the town Thennesus

I. of of
Chapter — Of Bishop Archebius
Chapter —
III. the where Chceremon, Nesteros, and Joseph
of desert 416 lived
Chapter IV. — Description
Of Abbot Chceremon and excuse about teaching which we asked
his the 416 for
Chapter V. — Of our answer excuse to his 416
Chapter VI. — Abbot Choeremon's statements can be overcome three ways
that faults 416 in
Chapter VII. — By what we can ascend the heights and what permanence there
to of love,
417 is in it. . . .

Chapter VIII. — How

those excel who depart from through the love sin 418 feeling of
Chapter IX. — greatly
That love not only makes sons out but bestows image and likeness
of servants, also the of
God 418
Chapter X. — How the perfection
it is love pray one's enemies, and by what
of to we may recog-
for signs
a mind
nize not yet
that is 419
Chapter XI. — A question why he has
the and hope imperfect
called feeling of fear 419
Chapter XII. — The answer on the kinds different
perfection of 420
Chapter XIII. — Of the which the outcome
fear theis love of
Chapter XIV, — A question about complete
greatest 421
Chapter XV. — The postponement the explanation whichof asked
is 422 for

XII. — The Second Conference of Abbot Chceremon; on Chastity.^

XIII. — The Third Conference of Abbot Chceremon; on the Protection of God.

Chapter I. —
Introduction 422
Chapter II. —
A question why the merit of good deeds may not be ascribed to the exertions of the man
who does them 423
Chapter III. —
The answer that without God's help, not only perfect chastity, but good of every kind,
cannot be performed 423
^ Omitted in the translation.
Chapter IV. — An asking how Gentiles can be have
the without the grace said to chastity of God, 424
V. — The answer on the imaginary
Chapter the philosophers chastity of 424
Chapter VI. — That without the grace God we cannot make any
of diligent efforts 424
Chapter VII. — Of the main purpose God, and His of providence 425
VIII. — Of
Chapter the God and the freedom
of the of will 426
IX. — Of
Chapter the
power our good of and grace Godwill, t)ie of 426
Chapter X. — Of weakness
the of free-will 427
Chapter XI. — Whether the grace God precedes or follows our good
of will 427
Chapter XII. — That a good should not always be
will nor always man himself
attributed to grace, to 428
Chapter XIII. — How human cannot be
effortsagainst the grace God set of 430
Chapter XIV. — How God makes man's
trial of by means
the of
temptations will of his 430
XV. — Of the manifold grace
Chapter men's of calls ^ 432
Chapter XVI. — Of the God, theof thafit transcends the narrow
to effect humaii limits of faith .... 433
XVII. — Of the
Chapter inscrutable
providence God of 433
Chapter XVIII. — The Fathers
decision of the not equal save a man
that free-will is to 434

XIV. — The First Conference of Abbot Nesteros ; on Spiritual Knowledge.

Chapter — The words Abbot Nesteros on knowledge of the

I. of the 435
Chapter — Of grasping knowledge
II. the things of spiritual
Chapter — How
III. perfection depends on a double system 435
IV. — How
Chapter practical life among many
is distributedprofessions and different interests 436
Chapter V. — Of perseverance the in has been chosenline that 436
Chapter VI. — How weak
the moved
are easily - 436
Chapter VII. — An which teaches us
instance of chastity men should not be emulous that all of all .
VIII. — Of
Chapter knowledge 437
IX, — How from
Chapter knowledge we must proceed to spiritual 438
X. — How
Chapter embrace
to system the knowledge of true 439
Chapter XI. — Of the manifold meaning Holy Scripture of 440
Chapter XII. — A question how we can the cares world
attain to forgetfulness of of this 441
Chapter XIII. — Of method by which we can remove the dross from our memory
the 441
Chapter XIV. — How an unclean can give nor
soul neither
knowledge receive spiritual 442
Chapter XV. — An objection owing the many impure persons hive knowledge while
to fact that have saints
not 442
Chapter XVI. — The answer the tobad men cannot possess
effect that knowledge true 443
Chapter XVII. — To whom the method be of shall laid 444
Chapter XVIII. — Of the reasons
perfection open
which for is unfruitful 445
Chapter XIX. — How often even those who
learning spiritual
not worthy can the grace
are the saving word receive of 445

XV. — The Second Conference of Abbot Nesteros; on Divine Gifts.

Chapter I.— Discourse Abbot Nesteros on the threefold system

of of gifts 445
Chapter — Wherein one ought admire the
II. to saints 446
Chapter —
III. Of a dead man raised by Abbot Macariusto life 446
Chapter IV. — Of the miracle which Abbot Abraham wrought on the breasts a woman of 447
Chapter V. — Of the cure a lame man which the same
of saint 447
Chapter VI. — How the merits
each man should not be judged by
of miracles his 447
Chapter VII. — How the excellence not miracles, but
of gifts consists, in in 448
Chapter VIII. — How more wonderful
it is have out one'sto
from one's
cast than faults self devils from
another 448
Chapter IX. — How uprightness of more importance than the working
of life miracles of 449
Chapter X. — A revelation on the
trial of
perfect chastity 449

XVI. — The First Conference of Abbot Joseph; on Friendship.

Chapter I.— What Abbot Joseph asked us the instance in 450

Chapter II.— Discourse the same elder on the untrustworthy

sort of 45°
Chapter III.— How friendship indissoluble is
Chapter IV. — A question whether anything that really useful should be performed even against a
brother's wish 45 1
Chapter V. — The answer, how a friendship can only among those who are perfect exist
Chapter VI. — By what means union can be preserved unbroken
lasting 451
45 1
Chapter VII. — How nothing should be put before love or after 452
Chapter VIII. — On what grounds a dispute can
among arise 453
Chapter IX. — How get to even rid discord
of spiritual

Chapter X. — Of the best

test of truth :
Chapter XI. — How it is
impossible one who forown judgment to escape being deceived by the
trusts to his
devil's illusion 453
Chapter — Why not be despised conference
Chapter — How love doesshould
not only belong God, but God to
in 454

XIV. — On the different grades of love

Chapter 454
Chapter XV. — Of those who only increase own or brother's grievances by hiding them
their their
XVI. — How
Chapter that it our brother has any grudge against
is if the of our prayers are us, gifts
the Lord
Chapter XVII. — Of those who hold that patience should be shown
rejected by :
worldly people rather than to the to
Chapter XVIII. — Of those who pretend
patience, but excite brethren
to anger by silence- 456 their to their . . •

Chapter XIX. — Of those who out of rage fast

Chapter XX. — Of the feigned patience of some who the other cheek to be smitten offer 457
Chapter XXI, — A question how we obey the commands of Christ we can
if fail of
Chapter XXII. — The answer that Christ looks not onty
evangelical perfection. 457 .

the action, but also the at 457 at will

Chapter XXIII. — How he the strong and vigorous man, who yields to the will of another
Chapter XXIV. — How the weak are harmful and cannot bear wrongs 458
Chapter XXV. — A question how he can be strong who does not always support the weak 458
Chapter XXVI. — The answer that the weak does not always allow himself be borne to
Chapter XXVII. — How anger should be repressed
Chapter XXVIII. — How friendships entered upon by conspiracy cannot be lasting ones 460

XVII. — The Second Conference of Abbot Joseph; on Making Promises.

Chapter I. —
Of the vigils which we endured 460
Chapter II, —
Of the anxiety of Abbot Germanus at the recollection of our promise 460
Chrpter III. —
My ideas on this subject 460
Chapter IV. —
Abbot Joseph's question, and our answer on the origin of our anxiety 461
Chapter V. —
The explanation of Abbot Germanus why we wanted to stay in Egypt, and were drawn back
to 461
Chapter VI. — Abbot Joseph's question whether we got more good
Egypt than in in Syria.
Chapter VII. — The answer on the
customs the two countries
difference of in 461
Chapter VIII. — How those who are perfect ought not make any promises toand whether absolutely,
decisions can be reversed without sin 462
Chapter IX. — How often
it is break one's engagements than
better to them 462 to fulfil

Chapter X. — Our question about our the oath which we gave

fear of the monastery 462 in in
Chapter XI. — The answer
we must take
that account the purpose into the doer rather than the execution of
of the business 463
Chapter XII. — How a fortunate be no
issue will ofwhile bad deeds not
avail to evil-doers, will injure
good men 463 >

Chapter XIII. — Our answer the reason which demanded an oath from us
as to 463
Chapter XIV. — The discourse the showing how the plan
of elder, action may be changed without of fault
provided one keeps
that the carrying-out
to good intention of a 464
Chapter XV. — A question whether can be without it our knowledge weak brethren an
sin that affords to
for 464
Chapter XVI. — The answer
opportunity lying
Scripture that not be truthon account
is an offence given
to the
altered of to
weak 464
Chapter XVII. — How the have saints employed a hellebore lie like 464
Chapter XVIII. — An objection only those men employed
with impunity who under the law-
lies 465 lived


Chapter XIX. The answer leave that which was not even granted under the old Covenant, has
to lie,
been taken by many 466
Chapter XX. — How even Apostles thought
a was often that and thelie 467 truth injurious
Chapter XXI. — Whether abstinence ought
secret be made known, without to a about
those telling lie it, to
who and whether what has once been declined may be taken
ask, hand 468
Chapter XXII. — An objection abstinence ought
that be concealed, but to
things have been that that
declined should not be received 469
Chapter XXIII. — The answer that decision unreasonable
in this is 469
Chapter XXIV, — obstinacy
How Abbot Piamun chose hide abstinence to his 469
Chapter XXV, — The evidence Scripture on changes
of determination of 469
Chapter XXVI. — How men cannot be hard and obstinate 472
Chapter XXVII. — A question whether the saying, "I have sworn and am purposed,"
opposed the is to
view given above 472
Chapter XXVIII. — The answer what cases the determination
telling in be kept and what is to fixedly, in
cases may be broken need be

Chapter XXIX. — How we ought

if 473
do those things which
to be kept are to 473 secret
Chapter XXX. — That no determination should be made on those things which concern the needs the of
common life 473


XVIII. — Conference of Abbot Piamun; on the Three Sorts of Monks.

Chapter I.— How we came Diolcos and were received by Abbot Piamun

Chapter — The words Abbot Piamun, how monks who were novices ought be taught by the 479
II. of to
of their
Chapter — How elders
III. the juniors ought not discuss the orders of the seniors
Chapter IV. — Of the three
monks which there are
sorts of in
Chapter V. — Of the founders who originated the order
Egypt 480
Coenobites of
Chapter VI. — Of the system
the Anchorites and
of its
Chapter VII. — Of the origin
beginning 481
the Sarabaites, and
of mode their of life
Chapter VIII. — Of a fourth
sort of
Chaffer IX. — A question
as to the difference between a Coenobium and a monastery

Chapter X. — The answer


Chapter XI. — Of true humility; and how Abbot Serapion exposed the mock humility
a certain man. of
Chapter XII. — A question how true patience can be gained
483 . .

Chapter XIII. — The answer

Chapter XIV. — Of the example
patience given by a certain
of woman
Chapter XV. — Of the example
patience given by Abbot
Chapter XVI. — Of the perfection
Paphnutius 486
patience of

XIX. — Conference of Abbot John; on the Aim of the Coenobite and Hermit.
Chapter I. — Of the Coenobium Abbot Paul, and the patience a
of brother of certain
Chapter II. — Of Abbot John's humility, and our question 489

Chapter III. — Abbot John's answer why he had the left desert

IV. — Of the excellence which the aforesaid old man showed

Chapter the system the Anchorites in of
Chapter V.*— Of the advantages the desert of

VI. — Of the conveniences

Chapter the Coenobium
VII. — A question on the
Chapter the Coenobium and the desert
fruits of
VIII. — The answer
Chapter the question proposed
IX. — Of
Chapter and complete perfection
X. — Of those who while
Chapter still the desert retire into
XI. — A question how
imperfect 493
Chapter cure those who have
to the congregation the Coenobium
hastily left of
XII. — The answer
Chapter how a can discover his faults
XIII. — A question how a man can be cured who has entered on
telling solitary 494
Chapter without having solitude his faults
Chapter XIV. — The answer on
Chapter XV. — A question whether
ought be ascertained to
the other just as
Chapter XVI. — The answer, giving the proofs by which can be recognized
chastity feelings 495

XX. — Conference of Abbot Pinufius; on the End of Penitence and the Marks of Satisfaction.
Chapter — Of the humility Abbot
I. of and of his 496
Chapter — Of our coming him
II. to

Chapter — A question on the end penitence and the marks of

III. of
Chapter IV. — The answer on the humility shown by our request
Chapter V. — Of the method penitence and the proof of pardon
of 498
Chapter VI. — A question whether our be remembered out
sins contrition of heart
to of
Chapter VII. — The answer showing how
ought 498
we ought preserve the recollection
far to previous actions 499 of
Chapter VIII. — Of the various of penitence
Chapter IX. — How valuable
the perfect
to the forgetfulness of sin
Chapter X. — How the recollection
ourof should be avoided
Chapter XI. — Of the marks
and the removal
of satisfaction, of sins
Chapter XII; — Wherein we must do penance
past 502
a time only, and wherein
for can have no end 502 it

XXI. — The First Conference of Abbot Theonas; on the Relaxation during the Fifty Days.
Chapter — How Theonas came Abbot John
I. to
Chapter — The exhortation Abbot John Theonas, and the others who had come together with him. 503
II. of to
Chapter — Of the
III. and
offering of tithes first-fruits

Chapter IV. — How Abraham, David, and other went beyond the requirements the law
Chapter V. — How those who under the grace
live the Gospel ought go beyond the requirements
to of
the law 504
Chapter VI. — How the grace the Gospel supports the weak so of they can obtain pardon, that as it

secures theto the kingdom God of S^S

Chapter VII. — How
our own power
it lies in choose whether remain under the grace
to the Gospel, to of
or under the law
terror of the 5^5
Chapter VIII. — How Theonas exhorted wife she too should make her renunciation
his that 505
Chapter IX. — How he when
fled tO' a wife would not consent his 506
Chapter X. — An explanation
we may not appear that recommend separation from wives to 507
Chapter XI. — An inquiry why Egypt they do not in during the days (of Easter), nor bend
fast all fifty
theirknees in 5°7
Chapter XII. — The answer on the nature
things good, bad, and of 507 indifferent
Chapter XIII. — What kind good of is 508
Chapter XIV. — How
not good
fasting is own nature in its 508
Chapter XV. — How a thing good that own nature ought not
is be done
in its the sake some to for of lesser
good 509
Chapter XVI. — How what good own nature can be distinguished from other things
is in its good.. 510 that are
Chapter XVII. — Of the reason and value for fasting its 510
Chapter XVIII. — How not always
fasting is suitable 510
Chapter XIX. — A question why we break the through Eastertide fast all 511
Chapter XX. — The answer 511
Chapter XXI. — A question whether ihe relaxation the not the of the body. 511
fast is prejudicial to chastity of
Chapter XXII. — The answer on the way keep control over abstinence to 511
Chapter XXIII. — Of the time and measure refreshment of 512
Chapter XXIV. — A question on the ways keeping Lent
different of 513
Chapter XXV. — The answer the the to Lent has reference
effect that the the year
fast of 513 to tithe of
Chapter XXVI. — How we ought our the Lord
also to offer first fruits to
Chapter XXVII. — Why Lent kept by many with a is number different 514 of
Chapter XXVIII. — Why called Quadragesima, when the
it is
only kept days 514 fast is for thirty-six
Chapter XXIX. — How those who are go beyond the Lent fixed rule of
Chapter XXX. — Of the and beginning Lent
of 515

Chapter XXXI. — A question how we ought

understand the Apostle's words: "Sinto not have shall
dominion over you " 5^6
Chapter XXXII. — The answer on the difference between grace and the commands the law. 516 of
Chapter XXXIII. — Of the the precepts the Gospel are milder than those
fact that the law
of 516 of
Chapter XXXIV. — How a man can be shown be under grace to 517
Chapter XXXV. — A question why some times, when we are more than we are fasting

strictly usual,
troubled by carnal more keenly than usual
desires 5^8
Chapter XXXVI. — The answer question should be reserved
telling that this a conference 518 for future

XXII. — The Second Conference of Abbot Theonas ; on Nocturnal Illusions.!

XXIII. — The Third Conference of Abbot Theonas; on Sinlessness.

Chapter — Discourse Abbot Theonas on the Apostle's words: " For do not the good that would "• 519
I. of I I
Chapter — How the Apostle completed many good actions

Chapter — What the

III. good which the Apostle
is that he could not perform

IV. — How man's goodness and righteousness are not good

really testifies
Chapter compared with the goodness and if
God of
Chapter V. — How no one can be continually intent upon
righteousness 521
Chapter VI. — How those who think
highest good 521
they are without are that sin like
Chapter VII. — How those who maintain that a man can be without
purblind people 523
are charged with a twofold error.. 523 sin
Chapter VIII. — How

but few
it is understand what to to sin is
Chapter IX. — Of the care with which a monk should preserve the recollection
given 524
God of
Chapter X. — How those who are on the way
perfection are humble, and tothat they always truly feel
stand need
in God's grace
Chapter XI. — Explanation
525 r
the phrase: " For of the law God the inner man, etc.". in of after
Chapter XII. — Of
delight I 525 . . .

" But we know

this also the law etc." that
Chapter XIII. — Of
: is
526 spiritual,
" But know that
this also dwelleth no "
that my in is, in
Chapter XIV. — An objection that the saying, " For do not the good
: I good thing 526 flesh,
would, etc.," applies I the that I to
persons neither unbelievers nor
of of saints
Chapter XV. — The answer
the objection raisedto 527
Chapter XVI. —What the body is of sin
Chapter XVII. — How
the have confessed with truth that they were unclean and
all saints sinful
Chapter XVIII. — That even good and holy men are not without
Chapter XIX. — How even
the hour in almost of avoid to
Chapter XX. — From whom we can learn the destruction
prayer impossible it is
530 sin
and perfection of sin, of
Chapter XXI. — That, although we acknowledge
goodness 531
we cannot be without yet we ought not to
that sin, still

suspend ourselves from the Lord's communion 531

* Omitted in the translation.

XXIV. — Conference of Abbot Abraham ; on Mortification.

Chapter — How we bare the
I. laid our thoughts
secrets ofAbbot Abraham to
Chapter — How the old man exposed our
II. errors
531 .,

Chapter — Of the character the

III. which Anchorites ought
of districts seek
IV. — What
Chapter work should be chosen by
sorts of Solitaries
V. — That anxiety
Chapter heart made worse rather than
of is better restlessness of
VI. — A comparison showing how a monk ought
by body 533
Chapter over to his
VII. — A question why the neighbourhood
keep guard thoughts 534
Chapter our kinsfolk considered of with is to interfere us,
whereas does not
it the case
interfere in those of living in
Chapter VIII. — The answer
Egypt 534
things are not
that all men suitable for all
Chapter IX. — That those need not
the neighbourhood
fear who can emulate theof their kinsfolk, mortifica-
tion ofAbbot ApoUos
Chapter X. — A question whether
bad a monk
it is have wants supplied by
for to kinsfolk his his
Chapter XI. — The answer
what Saint Antony down on matter laid this
Chapter XII. — Of the value
stating 536
work, and the harm
of idleness of
Chapter XIII. — A story
a barber's payments, introduced
of the sake recognizing the for of devil's
Chapter XIV. — A question how such wrong notions can creep
us into
Chapter XV. — The answer on the threefold movement
the of soul
Chapter XVI. — That the
rational of soul is
Chapter XVII. — How the weaker
part corrupt 538
the the
part of soul is
the first to yield to devil's
Chapter XVIII. — A question whether we should be drawn back
temptations 538
our country by a proper to desire for
greater silence
Chapter XIX. — The answer on the
because he promises us the peace
devil's illusion, a vaster of solitude..
Chapter XX. — How
relaxation on the
useful is brethren arrival of
Chapter XXI. — How the Evangelist John said
have shown the value
is relaxation
to of
Chapter XXII. — A question how we ought
understand what the Gospel says: " My yoke
to and is easy,
my burden is

Chapter XXIII. — The answer, with the explanation

light ^41
the saying of
Chapter XXIV. — Why the Lord's yoke grievous and His burden heavy
is felt

Chapter XXV. — Of the good which an attack

temptations brings about of
Chapter XXVI. — How the promise an hundredfold of made those whose renunciation
in this life is
to is

perfect 543

Book I.

Chapter I. —The heresy compared to the hydra of the poets

Chapter II. —Description of the different heretical monsters which spring from one another

Chapter III. — He describes the pestilent error of the Pelagians


Chapter IV. — Leporius, together with some others, recants his Pclagianism

Chapter V. — By the case of Leporius he establishes the fact that an open sin ought to beexpiated by an

open confession, and also teaches from words what the right view
his be held on the Incarnation. to
Chapter VI. — The united doctrine of the orthodox to be received as the Catholic
is . . .
is faith 555

Book II.

Chapter I. —How the errors of later heretics have been condemned and refuted in the persons of their
authors and originators
Chapter II. — Proof that the Virgin Mother of God was not only Christotocos but also Theotocos, and that

Christ is truly God eq 6

Chapter III. — He follows up the same argument with passages from the Old Testament
Chapter IV. — He produces testimonies to the same doctrine from the Apostle Paul

Chapter V. — 559
From the gifts of Divine grace which we receive through Christ he infers that He is truly God. 560
Chapter VI. — That the power of bestowing Divine grace did not come to Christ in the course of time, but
was innate in Him from His very birth
Chapter VII. — How in Christ Divinity, Majesty, Might and Power have existed in perfection from eternity,

and will continue 562


Book III.
Chapter — That Christ, who God and man unity of person, sprang from
I. is in and the Virgin Mary Israel
the to flesh
Chapter — The
II. of Godtitle given in one sense
is Christ, another to mento in

Chapter — He
III. explains the Apostle's saying,
" From henceforth we know no man according to the
' '
Chapter IV. — From the Epistle to the Galatians he brings forward a passage to show that the weakness of

the in
flesh Christ was absorbed by His Divinity
Chapter V. — As
it is
blasphemy pare away the Divinity of Christ, so also
to blasphemous to deny that is it

He true
is man
Chapter VI. — He shows from the appearance
Christ vouchsafed to the Apostle when persecuting the
Church, the existence both natures
of Him in
Chapter VII. — He shows once more by other passages of the Apostle that Christ God

Chapter VIII. — When confessing the Divinity of Christ we ought not pass over silence the Confession
of the Cross
Chapter IX. — How the Apostle's preaching was rejected by Jews and Gentiles because
confessed that it

the Christ was God

Chapter X. — How the Apostle maintains that Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God

Chapter XI. — He supports the same doctrine by proofs from the Gospel

Chapter XII. — He proves from the renowned confession of the blessed Peter that Christ God

Chapter XIII. — The confession of the blessed Peter receives a testimony

truth from Christ Himself. to its

Chapter XIV. — How the confession of the blessed Peter the

of the whole Church
is faith
Chapter XV. —
Thomas also confessed the same
St. as Peter the Lord's resurrection
faith after
Chapter XVI. — He brings forward the witness of God the Father to the Divinity of the Son

Book IV.

Chapter — That Christ was before the Incarnation God from everlasting
Chapter — He
II. from what he has
infers the Virgin Mary gave
said that a son who had pre-existed
birth to
and was greater than she was herself
Chapter — He proves from the Epistle
III. the Romans the eternal Divinity
to Christ
Chapter IV. — He brings forward other testimonies the same view to

Chapter V. — How the hypostatic union

in virtue of the two natures Christ the Word of termed
in is rightly
the Saviour or incarnate man, and the Son God of
Chapter VI. — That there Christ but one hypostasis
is in

Chapter VII. — He returns the former subject order show against the Nestorians
to in to those things

are said of the man which belong to the Divine nature, as it were, of a person of Divine nature, and
conversely that those things are said of God which belong to the human nature, as it were, of a person
of human nature, because there is in Christ but one and a single personal self
— 577
Chapter VIII.
Chapter IX. — How
this interchange of titles does not interfere with His Divine power
He corroborates this statement by the authority of the old prophets

Chapter X. —
He proves Christ's Divinity from the blasphemy of Judaizing Jews, as well as from the con-

fession of converts to the faith of Christ

Chapter XI. —
He returns to the prophecy of Isaiah

Chapter XII. — How

the title of Saviour is given to Christ in one sense, and to men in another

Chapter XIII. —
He explains who are those in whose person the prophet Isaiah says: " Thou art our God,

anSt we knew thee not


Book V.

Chapter — He vehemently inveighs against the

I. the Pelagians who declared Christ was a
error of that
mere man 580
Chapter — That the doctrine Nestorius with the the Pelagians
Chapter — How participation Divinity whichconnected
III. this
of is
the Pelagians and Nestorius
581 error of
attribute to is
common men
to all 582
Chapter IV. — What the
between Christ and the
difference is saints
Chapter V. — That before His time Christ was always called God by the prophets
birth in 583
Chapter VI. — He the same doctrine by passages from the New Testament
illustrates 584
Chapter VII. — He shows again from the union Christ two natures one person
in what belongs
of in that
tothe Divine nature may be ascribed man, and what the human
to nature God 584 to to
Chapter VIII. — He confirms the judgment
rightly belongs
the Apostle by the authorityof the Lord 586 of
Chapter IX. — Since those marvellous works which from the days Moses were shown the children of
586 to of
Israel are attributed to Christ,
follows He must have long before His
that time existed birth in
Chapter X. — He explains what means

and what meansto confess, to dissolve

Chapter XI. — The mystery
it Jesus it 587
the Lord's Incarnation
of implies the Divinity Christ of
Chapter XII. — He explains more
clearly 588
what the mystery which
fully under the name is,man and is signified of
wife 589
Chapter XIII. — Of the longing with which the old patriarchs desired to see the revelation of that
Chapter XIV. — He
refutes the wicked and blasphemous notion of the heretics who said that God dwelt
and spoke in Christ as in an instrument or a statue • 59^
Chapter XV. — What the prayers of the saints for the coming of Messiah contained; and what was the
nature of that loiiging of theirs 59°

Book VI.

Chapter — From the miracle the feeding of the multitude from the barley loaves and two
I. of he five fishes
shows the majesty of Divine power
Chapter — The author adapts the mystery of the number seven (made up ihejive loaves and the hvo
II. of

own work
fishes) to his 591
Chapter — He
III. opponent by the testimony
refutes his the Council Antioch of of 592
Chapter IV. — How the Creed has authority divine as well human as 593
Chapter V. — He proceeds against opponent with the choicest arguments, and shows that we ought
his to
hold the
fast to which we have received from our fathers 593
Chapter VI. — Once more he challenges him
the profession of the Creed to Antioch of 594
Chapter VII. — He continues the same argument drawn fromline of Creed Antioch the. of 595
Chapter VIII. — How can be said that Christ came and was born
it a Virgin of 595
Chapter IX, — Again he convicts opponent his
deadly heresy by own confession
of his 596
Chapter X. — He inveighs against him because though he has forsaken the pitholic he nevertheless religion,
presumes teachto the Church,
in and give decisions
to sacrifice, to 596
Chapter XI. — He removes the objection of heretics who want to recant the profession
silent of their faith
made childhood
in 597
Chapter XII. — Christ an offence and foolishness
crucified is those who declare He was a mere man>.
to that 598
Chapter XIII. — He the objection
replies to which they say the child born ought
in be one that to of
substance with the mother • 59^
Chapter XIV. — He compares erroneous view with the teaching of the Pelagians
this 598
Chapter XV. — He shows those who patronize
that teaching acknowledge two Christs
this false 599
Chapter XVI. —
He shows further that this teaching is destructive of the confession of the Trinity 599
Chapter XVII. —Those who are under an error in one point of the Catholic religion lose the whole faith,
and all the value of the faith • • 600
Chapter XVIII. — He discourse upon
directs hisantagonist with whom he disputing, and begs him
his is to
return senses.
to hisThe sacrament reconciliation necessary the lapsed
of salvation
is for for their 600
Chapter XIX. — That the birth Christ time diminished nothing
of the glory and power
in His Deity. of of .. 600
Chapter XX. — He shows from what has been said that we do not mean God was mortal or that of flesh
before the worlds, although Christ, who is God from eternity and was made man in time, is but one
Chapter XXI. —
The authority of Holy Scripture teaches that Christ existed from all eternity 601
Chapter XXII. —
The hypostatic union enables us to ascribe to God what belongs to the flesh in Christ 602
Chapter XXIII. —
That the figure synecdoche, in which the part stands for the whole, is very familiar to the
Holy Scripture 602

Book VII.

Chapter I. —
As he is going to reply to the slanders of his opponents, he implores the aid of Divine Grace to
teach a prayer to be used by those who undertake to dispute with heretics • • • •
Chapter II, —
He meets the objection taken from these words: No one gave birth to one who had existed
before her 604
Chapter III. —
He replies to the cavil that the one who is born must be of one substance with the one who
bears • •
Chapter IV. —
How God has shown His omnipotence in His birth in time as well as in everything else 606
Chapter V. —
He shows by proofs drawn from nature itself, that the law which his opponents lay down,
viz., that the one born ought to be of one substance with the one who bears,
fails to hold good in
• • • • 006
many cases •

Chapter VI. — He refutes another argument of Nestorius, in which he tried to make out that Christ was like
Adam in
every point

Chapter VII. — Heretics usually cover doctrines with a cloaktheirHoly Scripture of 608
Chapter VIII. — The heretics Christ only the shadow
attribute to Divinity, and so of assert that He is to be
with God but not God as 608
Chapter IX. — How those are wrong who say that the birth of Christ was a
worshipped together
since secret, it was clearly
shown even the patriarch Jacob
to 609
Chapter X. — He more witnesses
collects the same of fact 610
Chapter XI. — How the was forced by many reasons
devil the view Christ was God to that 610
Chapter XII. — He compares notion and reasonable suspicion
this the with the of devil obstinate and
inflexible idea of his opponents, and shows that this last is worse and more blasphemous than the
former 610
Chapter XIII. — How
the devil always retained this notion of Christ's Divinity (because of His secret
working which he experienced) even up to His cross and death
Chapter XIV. — He shows how heretics pervert Holy Scripture, by replying to the argument drawn from
the Apostle's words " without father, without mother, etc." Heb. viii — 6i i
Chapter XV. — How Christ could be said by the Apostle to be without genealogy 6i2
Chapter XVI. — He shows that like the devil when tempting Christ, the heretics garble and pervert Holy
Chapter XVII. — That the glory and honour
not to be ascribed to the Holy Ghost in such a way
of Christ is

as to deny that it proceeds from Christ Himself, -as if all that excellency, which was in Him, was
another's and proceeded from another source
Chapter XVIII. — How we are to understand the Apostle's words " He appeared in the flesh, was justified

in the spirit, etc." 614

Chapter XIX. — That it was not only the Spirit, but Christ Himself also, who made Him to be feared 614
Chapter XX. — He tries by stronger and weightier arguments to destroy that notion
Chapter XXI. — That it must be ascribed equally to Christ and the Holy Ghost that His flesh and

humanity became the temple God of

Chapter XXII. — That the
up Christ into heaven
of not be ascribedis the alone
to 616
Chapter XXIII. — He continues the same argument
raising Spirit
show Christ had no need
to that another's glory of as
He had glory His own
of 616
Chapter XXIV. — He supports doctrine by the authority
this the blessed Hilary of
Chapter XXV. — He shows
Ambrose agrees with
that Hilary S.
Chapter XXVI. — He adds
the foregoing the testimony
to Jerome of S. 618
Chapter XXVII. — To the foregoing he adds Rufinus and the blessed Augustine 618
Chapter XXVIII. — As he goingis produce the testimony
to Greek or Eastern Bishops, he brings
forward the
in first Gregory Nazianzen.
Chapter XXIX. — In the next place he puts the authority
place 619
Athanasius of S.
Chapter XXX. — He adds
also S.
John Chrysostom
Chapter XXXI. — He bemoans the unhappy
lot of
Constantinople owing the misfortune which has
overtaken it from that heretic; and at the same time he urges the citizens to stand fast in the ancient
Catholic and ancestral faith .•


T*he Life of Cassian.

Cassianus natione Scytha " is the description given by Gennadius ^ of the writer whose
works are now for the first time translated into English. In spite, however, of the precision of
this statement, considerable doubt hangs over Cassian's nationality, and it is hard to believe
that he was in reality a Scythian. Not only is his language and style free from all trace of
barbarism, but as a boy he certainly received a liberal education; for in his Conferences he
laments that the exertions of his tutor and his own attention to continual study had so weak-
ened him that his mind was so filled with songs of the poets that even at the hour of
prayer it was thinking of those trifling fables and stories of battles with which it had from
earliest infancy been stored; "and," he adds, "wjien singing Psalms or asking forgiveness
of sins, some wanton recollection of the poems intrudes itself or the image of heroes fighting
presents itself before the eyes; and an imagination of such phantoms is always haunting
me.'"^ Further evidence of the character of his education is also supplied by the fact
that in his work on the Incarnation against Nestorius he manifests an acquaintance not only
with the works of earlier Christian Fathers, but also with those of such writers as Cicero
and Persius.*
These considerations are sufficient to make us hesitate before accepting the statement of
Gennadius in what would at first sight be its natural meaning; although from the fact of his
connection with Marseilles, where so much of Cassian's life was spent, as well as the early
date at which he wrote (a.d. 495), it is dangerous to reject his authority altogether. It
is, however, possible that the term "Scytha" is not really intended to denote a Scythian,
but to refer to the desert of Scete, or Scitis,* in Egypt, where Cassian passed many years of
his life, and with which his fame was closely associated; and, therefore, without going to the
length of rejecting the authority of Gennadius altogether, we are free to look for some other
country as the birthplace of our author. But little light is thrown on this subject by the
statements of other writers. Photius' (a.d. 800) calls him '/V"'»of» which need mean no
more than born within the Roman Empire; while Honorius of Autun (a.d. 1130) speaks
of him as Afer. The last-mentioned writer is, however, of too late a date to be of any author-
ity; and it is just possible that the term "Afer," like the "Scytha" of Gennadius, may be
owing to his lengthy residence in Egypt. In the writings of Cassian himself there is nothing
to enable us to identify the country of his birth with certainty; but, in describing the
situation of his ancestral home, he speaks of the delightful pleasantness of the neighbour-
hood, and the recesses of the woods, which would not only delight the heart of a monk
but would also furnish him with a plentiful supply of food;'' while in a later passage he
says that in his own country it was impossible to find any one who had adopted the monastic
life.* From these notices, compared with a passage in the Preface to the Institutes, where
Gennadius Catalogus, c. Ixii.
* Conference XIV. xii.
» On the Incarnation, VI. ix., x.
^KiaOit, and 2icta0iKi; (v. 1. SkiOiok^) x"P<» are the forms of the name given by Ptolemy. The Greek Fathers speak of the dis-
trict as 2it^Ti9, while in Latin writers the name appears as
Scythia, or Scythis; and, though the printed texts of Cassian give the form as
Scitium, heremus Scitii, and heremus Scitiotica, yet we learn from Petschenig that in the MSS. of his works it is not seldom written as
Scythium. It should be added that in the text of Gennadius the reading is not absolutely free from doubt, as there is some slight authorit)(
for reading " natus Serta."
Bibliotheca, ctxl. cxcvii.
* Dr. Gregory Smith (Dictionary of Christian Biog^nphy, art. Cassian) thinks that 'Cassianus' possibly points to Casius, a small
town in Syria; but, apart from the fact that the name was not uncommon in the West as well as in the East, the description of his home
as being in a country where there were no monasteries is quite fatal to this idea.
Conference XXIV. i.
* c. xviii.

the diocese of in Gallia Narbonensis is spoken of as still without monasteries,
Apta Julia
some ground given for thi conjecture that Cassian was really a native of Gaul, whither
he returned in mature age after his wanderings were ended, and where most of his friends of
whom we have any knowledge were settled. On the whole, then, it appears to the present
writer to be the most probable view that Cassian was of Western origin, and, perhaps, a
native of Provence, although it must be freely acknowledged that it is impossible to speak
with certainty on this subject.^
Once more: not only is there this doubt about his nationality, but questions have also
been raised concerning his original name. Gennadius and Cassiodorus - speak of him
simply as Cassianus. In his own writings he represents himself as addressed by the monks
in Egypt more than once by the name of John.^ Prosper of Aquitaine (his contemporary
and antagonist) combines both names, and speaks of him as "Joannes cognomento Cas-
sianus."* In the titles of the majority of the MSS. of his own writing he is merely
"Cassianus," though in one case the work is entitled "Beatissimi Joannis qui et Cassiani."^
Are we, then, with the writer of the last-mentioned MS., to suppose that the names John and
Cassian are alternatives; or, with Prosper, that John was his nomen and Cassianus his
cognomen, or, more strictly, agnomen? The former view is, perhaps, the more probable, as
he may well have taken the name of John at his baptism or at his admission to the mon-
astic life. The theory which has sometimes been advocated that he received it at his —
ordination by S. John Chrysostom —
falls to the ground when we notice that he represents him-
self as called John during his residence in Egypt, several years before his ordination and
intercourse with S. Chrysostom.
To pass now from the question of his name and nationality to the narrative of Cassian 's
life. Various considerations point to the date of his birth as about the year 360. Of his
family we know nothing, except that in one passage of his writings he incidentally makes
mention of a sister; ® while the language which he uses of his parents would imply that they
were well-to-do and pious." As we have already seen, he received a liberal education
as a boy, but while still young forsook the world, and was received, together with his
friend Germanus, into a monastery at Bethlehem,^ where he spent several years and became
thoroughly familiar with the customs and traditions of the monasteries of Syria. Eager,
however, to make further progress'in the perfect life, the two friends finally determined to
visit Egypt,® where, as it was the country in which the monastic life originated, the most
famous monasteries existed, and the most illustrious Anchorites were to be found. Per-
mission to undertake the journey was sought and obtained from their superiors, a pledge
being required of a speedy return when the object of their visit was gained.^" Sailing from
some port of Syria, perhaps Joppa, the friends arrived at Thennesus, a town at the mouth of
the Tanitic branch of the Nile, near Lake Menzaleh. Here they fell in with a celebrated
Anchorite named Archebius, bishop of the neighbouring town of Panephysis, who had con^e
to Thennesus on business connected with the election of a bishop. He, on hearing the object
of their visit to Egypt, at once offered them an introduction to some celebrated Anchorites
in his own neighbourhood. The offer was gladly accepted, and under his guidance they
made their way through a dreary district of salt marshes, many of the villages being in ruins
and deserted by their inhabitants owing to the floods which had inundated the country and
turned the rising grounds into islands, " and thus afforded the desired solitudes to the holy An-
chorites, among whom three old men —
Cheeremon, Nesteros, and Joseph were famed as the —
Anchorites of the longest standing." ^^ Archebius brought them first to Chasremon, who had
already passed his hundredth year, and was so far bent with age and constant prayer that he
could no longer walk upright, but crawled upon his hands and knees. The saint's hesita-
tion at allowing himself to be thus interviewed by strangers was soon overcome; and he finally

1 No
difficulty need be felt on the score of his thorough knowledge of Greek, for this could easily be accounted for by his education at
Bethlehemj and prolonged residence in the East.
2 De
Div. Lect. Pref., and c. xxix.
3 Conference XIV.
ix.; Institute V. xxxv.
* Chronicle.
* Parisinus. Nouv. acquis. Lat. 260, of the eighth or ninth century.
8 InstitutesXI. xviii.
' Conference XXIV. i.
8 See the Institutes III. iv. IV. xix.-xxi., xxxi. Conferences I. i. XI. i. v. XIX. i. XX. i. The date is too early for this to have
; ; ; ;

been S. Jerome's famous monastery, as that father only settled at Bethlehem towards the close of 386, by which time Cassian himself
inust have been already in Egypt ; nor does he anywhere in his writings make any allusion to Jerome as his teacher, although he mentions
him with great respect in his work on the Incarnation, Book VII. c. xxvi.
9 Conference XI. i. A good account of Cassian's visits to Egypt is given in Fleury's Ecclesiastical History, Book XX., c. iil.-vii.
10 Conference XVII. ii.
11 Conference XI.
i.-iii., and compare VII. xxvi. for another description of the same district.

gratified their curiosity by delivering three discourses, on the subjects of Perfection, Chas-
tity, and the Protection of God.^ From the cell of Chaeremon Cassian and his companion
proceeded to that of Abbot Nesteros, who honoured them with two discourses, on Spiritual
Knowledge, and Divine Gifts and from him they repaired to Joseph, who belonged to a

noble family, and before his renunciation of the world had been ''primarius" of his native
city, Thmuis. He was naturally better educated than the others, and was able to converse with
them in Greek instead of being obliged to have recourse to the help of an interpreter, as had
been the case with Chasremon and Nesteros.® His first question referred to the relationship
between Cassian and Germanus: were they brothers ? And their reply that the brotherhood —
was spiritual and not carnal —
furnished the old man with a text for his first discourse, which
was on Friendship, and which was followed up on the next day by one on the Obligation of
Promises,* called forth by the perplexity in which the travellers found themselves owing to
their promise to return to Bethlehem, —
a promise which they were loth to break, and which
yet they could not fulfil without losing a grand opportunity of making progress in the spirit-
ual life. In their difficulty they consulted Joseph; and, fortified by his authority and advice,
they determined to break the letter of their promise and make a longer stay in Egypt, where
they accordingly remained for seven years in spite of their brethren at Bethlehem, whose
displeasure at their conduct, Cassian tells us, was not removed by their frequent letters
home. ®
It was while Cassian and his fellow-traveller were still in the neighbourhood of
*' " Panephysis
that these energetic precursors of the modern interviewers paid a visit to Abbot Pinufius,
a priest who presided over a large monastery. This man was an old friend of theirs, whose
acquaintance they had previously made at Bethlehem, whither (after an ineffectual attempt
to conceal himself in a monastery in the island of Tabenna) he had fled in order to escape
the responsibilities of his office. There he had been received as a novice, and had been
assigned by the abbot as an inmate of Cassian 's cell, until he was recognized by a visitor
from Egypt and brought back in triumph to his own monastery." To him, therefore, Cassian
and Germanus made their way; and by him they were warmly welcomed; the old man repay-
ing their former hospitality by giving them quarters in his own cell. While staying in this
monastery they were so fortunate as to be present at the admission of a novice, and heard the
charge which Pinufius made to the new-comer on the occasion;^ and afterwards the abbot
favoured them with a discourse "on the end of penitence and the marks of satisfaction." *
After this, resisting his pressing invitation to remain with him in the monastery, they pro-
ceeded once more on their travels, and, crossing the river, came to Diolcos, a town
hard by the Sebennytic mouth of the Nile. Here was a barren tract of land between the
river and the sea, rendered unfit for cultivation by the saltness of the soil and the dryness of
the sand. It was, therefore, eagerly seized upon by the monks, who congregated here in great
numbers in spite of the absence of water; the river from which it had to be fetched being
some three miles distant.' In this neighbourhood they made the acquaintance of Abbot
Piamun, a most celebrated Anchorite, who explained to them with great care the character-
istics of the three kinds of monks; viz., the Coenobites, the Anchorites, and the Sarabaites. ^°
This discourse had the effect of exciting their desire more keenly than ever for the Anchor-
ites' life in preference to that of the Canobite, —
a desire which was afterwards confirmed by
what they saw and heard in the desert of Scete. They next visited a large monastery in the
same neighbourhood, which was governed by the Abbot Paul, and which ordinarily accom-
modated two hundred monks, but was at that moment filled with a much larger number, who
had come from the surrounding monasteries to celebrate the "depositio" of the late abbot."
Here they met a certain Abbot John, whose humility had led him to give up the life of an
Anchorite for that of a Coenobite, in order that he might have the opportunity of practising
the virtues of obedience and subjection, which seemed out of the reach of the solitary. He
was accordingly well qualified to speak of the subject which he selected for his discourse;
viz., the aims of the Anchorite and Coenobite life.^^ Another well-known abbot, whose
acquaintance they now made, was Theonas, who, when quite a young man, had been married
by his parents, and later on, on failing to obtain the consent of his wife to a separation, in
Conferences Xr., XII., XIII. ' Institute V. xxxii.-xlii.
Conferences XIV., XV. . • Conference XX.
Conference XVI. i. • Institute V. ixxvi.
Conferences XVI., XVII. lo Conference XVIII. On the Sanbaites, »ee the note on c. rii.
» See Conference XVH. i.-v. and xxx. " Conference XIX. i.
Conference XX. i., ii. The story is also told in the Institutes, " Conference XIX. i.
IV. xxx.
order that they might devote themselves to the monastic life, had deserted her and fled away
into a monastery, where after a time he had been promoted to the office of almoner. From
him they heard a discourse on the relaxation of the fast during Easter-tide and Pentecost,^
and, later on, one concerning Nocturnal Illusions,^ and another on Sinlessness.^ By these
various discourses the two friends were rendered more desirous than ever of adopting the
Anchorite life, and less inclined than before to return to the subjection of the monastery at
Bethlehem. A far better course seemed to them to return to their own home, probably (as
we have seen) in Gaul, where they would be free to practice what austerities they pleased
without let or hindrance.* In their perplexity they consulted Abbot Abraham, who threw
cold water on their plan in a discourse on Mortification,^ which was entirely successful in
persuading them to relinquish their half-formed intention. They, therefore, remained in
Egypt for some years longer; and it is to the time of their stay in the neighbourhood of
Diolcos that their acquaintance with Abbot Archebius must be assigned. This man, so Cas-
sian tells us,® having discovered their desire to make some stay in the place, offered them
the use of his cell, pretending that he was about to go off on a journey. T^^ey gladly accepted
his offer. He went away for a few days, collected materials, and then returned and proceeded
to build a new cell for himself. Shortly afterwards some more brethren came. He at once
gave up to them his newly built cell, and once more set to work to build another for himself.
It is difficult to determine whether a stay in the desert of Scete was comprised in
the seven years which the two friends now spent in Egypt, or whether they visited it for the
first time during their second tour, after their return from Bethlehem. On the one hand, the
language used in Conference XVIII. cc. i. and xvi. would almost suggest that they made
their way into this remote district during their first sojourn in Egypt; and, on the other hand,
that employed in Conference I. c. i. might imply a distinct journey to Egypt for the sake
of visiting this region: and in XVII. xxx. Cassian distinctly asserts that they did visit Scete
after their return to Bethlehem in fulfilmsnt of their promise. On the whole, it appears the
more natural view to suppose that their first tour was not extended beyond the Delta, more
distant expeditions being reserved for a future occasion. Adopting, then, this view, we follow
the travellers, after a seven years' absence, back to the monastery at Bethlehem, where they
managed to pacify the irate brethren, and, strange to say, obtained leave to return to Egypt
a second time.'' On this occasion they penetrated farther into the country than they had
previously done. The region which they now visited was the desert of Scete, or Scitis that ;

is, the southern part of the famous Nitrian Valley, a name which is well known to all
students from the rich treasure of Syrian MSS. brought home from thence by the Hon.
Robert Curzon and Archdeacon Tattam now more than forty years ago. The district lies
"to the northwest of Cairo, three days' journey in the Libyan desert," * and gains its name
of Nitria from the salt lakes which still furnish abundance of nitre, which has been worked
for fully two thousand years. The valley has some claims to be considered the original
home of monasticism. Some have thought that a colony of Therapeutic was settled here
in the earliest days; and hither S. Frontonius is said to have retired with seventy brethren, to
lead the life of ascetics, about the middle of the second century.® Less doubtful is the fact
that S. Ammon, a contemporary and friend of S. Antony, organized the monastic system here
in the fourth century, and "filled the same place in lower Egypt as Antony in the The-
baid."^'' Towards the close of the fourth century the valley was crowded with cells and
monasteries. Rufinus, who visited it about 372, mentions fifty monasteries;" and the
same number is given by Sozomen, who says that "some were inhabited by monks who live
together in society, others by monks who have adopted a solitary mode of existence."
twenty years later Palladius passed a considerable time here, and reckons the total number
of monks and ascetics at five thousand.^' They were also visited by S. Jerome about
the same time, and various details of the life of the monks are given by him in his Epistles."
Some few monks still linger on to the present day to keep up the traditions of nearly eighteen
centuries. They were visited (among others) by the Hon. Robert Curzon in 1833; and an
interesting account of them is given by him in his volume on "the monasteries of the
Levant " ^^ but the latest and best account of them is that given by Mr. A. J. Butler, who

1 Conference XXI. » Conference XXII. » Conference XXIII.

* Conference XXIV. i. 6 Conference XXIV. 8
Institute V. xxxvi. sg.
Conference XVII. xxx. » Butler's Co/iic Churches, Vol. I., p. 287.
Rosweyd, Vitae Pairum ; and the Bollandist Ada
Sanctorum, 14 April, Vol. II., 201-3.
Dictionary 0/ Christian Biography, art. Amnion ;cf. Rufinus, Hist.: Monach, xxx.; and Palladius, Hist. :
Lausiaca, viii.
" Hist., Monach, c. xxi.
Sozomen, H. E. VI. xxxi. " Hist., Laus., c. vii.
" Epp. ad Kustochium, ad Rustic.
i" Part
I., cc. vii., viii.

succeeded in gaining permission to visit them in 1883, and has described his journey in
his excellent work on "the ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt." ^ Four monasteries alone
remain, known as Dair Abu Makar, Dair Anba Bishoi, Dair es Sfiriani, and Dair al
Baramus; but the ruins of many others may still be traced in the desert tracts on the west
side of the Natron lakes, and the valley of the waterless river which at some very remote
period is supposed to have formed the bed of one of the branches of the Nile." The mon-
asteries are all built on the same general plan, so that, as Mr. Butler tells us, a description
of one will mt)re or less accurately describe the others. Dair Abu Makar (the monastery
of S. Macarius), the first which he visited, which lies strictly within the desert of Scete,
is spoken of as "a veritable fortress, standing about one" hundred and fifty yards square, with
blind, lofty walls rising sheer out of the sand." Each monastery has also, either detached or
not, a large keep, or tower, standing four-square, and approached only by a draw-bridge.
The tower contains the library, store-rooms for the vestments and sacred vessels, cellars
for oil and corn, and many strange holes and hiding-places of the monks in the last resort,
if their citadel should be taken by the enemy. Within the monastery in enclosed one
principal and one or two smaller court-yards, around which stand the cells of the monks,
domestic buildings, such as the mill-room, the oven, the refectory, and the xike, and the
churches."* The outward aspect can have changed but little since the fourth century.
The buildings are perhaps stronger and more adapted to resist hostile attacks, but the
general plan is probably identical with that adopted in the earliest monasteries erected in
this remote region. Such, then, was the district to which Cassian and Germanus now made
their way. Here they first sought and obtained an interview with Abbot Moses, who had
formerly dwelt in the Thebaid near S. Antony, and was now living at a spot in the desert
of Scete known as Calamus,* and was famous not only for practical goodness but also for
contemplative excellence. After much persuasion he yielded to their entreaties and dis-
coursed to them "on the goal or aim of a monk,"^ and, on the following day, on Discre-
tion.® They next visited Abbot Paphnutius, or "the Buffalo," as he was named, from his
love of solitude. He was an aged priest who had lived for years the life of an Anchorite,
only leaving his cell for the purpose of going to the church, which was five miles off, on
Saturday and Sunday, and returning with a large bucket of water on his shoulders to last him
for the week. From him they heard of the " three kinds of renunciation " necessary for a
monk.^ They also visited his disciple Daniel, who had been ordained priest through the
instrumentality of Paphnutius, but was so humble that he would never perform priestly
functions in the presence of his master. The subject of his discourse in answer to the inquiry
of the two friends was "the lust of the flesh and the spirit." * The next ascetic interviewed
was Serapion, who spoke of the "eight principal faults" to which a monk was exposed;
viz., gluttony, fornication, covetousness, anger, dejection, "accidie," vain glory, and pride.'
After this they proceeded on a journey of some 'eighty miles to Cellze, a place that lay
between the desert of Scete (properly so called) and the Nitrian Valley, in order to consult
Abbot Theodore on a difficulty which the recent massacre of a number of monks in Palestine
by the Saracens had brought forcibly before them; viz., why was it that men of such illustrious
merits and so great virtues should be slain by robbers, and why should God permit so great
a crime to be committed? The difficulty was solved by Abbot Theodore in a discourse on
"the death of the saints; " ^^ and thus the journey was not taken in vain. Two other cele-
brated monks were also visited by the friends, whose discourses are recorded by Cassian:
viz.. Abbot Serenus, who spoke of "Inconstancy of mind, and Spiritual wickedness,"" as
well as of the nature of evil spirits, in a Conference on " Principalities; " and Abbot Isaac,

who delivered two discourses on the subject of Prayer.^' A few days after the first of these
was delivered there arrived in the desert the "festal letters" of Theophilus, Bishop of
Alexandria, in which he denounced the heresy of the Anthropomorphites. This caused a
great commotion among the monks of Scete and Abbot Paphnutius, who presided over the

monastery where Cassian was staying, was the only one who would allow the letters to be
publicly read in the congregation. Finally, however, owing to the conciliatory firmness of
Paphnutius, the great body of the monks was won over to a sounder and less materialistic
view of the nature of the Godhead than had hitherto been prevalent among them."

TAe Ancient Coptu Ckurcfut of Egypt, by Alfred J. Butler, a vols. (Oxford, 1S84).

Curzon, p. 79.
Conference HI. " Conference VIII.

Butler, Vol. 6, 7.
• Conference IV. " Conference IX. x-

I., pp. J95, , ,.
Conference II. li. III. v. • Conference V. .'
See Conference X. cc. i-iii.
• Conference I. *<*
Conference VI. '

• Conference II. u Conference VII.

1 88 -
These are all the details that can be gathered from Cassian's writings of his stay in
Scete, further than which he does not appear to have penetrated, as, when he speaks of the
Thebaid and the monasteries there, it is only from hearsay and not from personal knowledge,
although his original intention had certainly been to visit this district among others.^
In considering the date of Cassian's visit to Egypt there are various indications to guide
us. In Conference XVIII. c. xiv., S. Athanasius is spoken of by Abbot Piamun as "of
blessed memory and the language used of the Emperor Valens in c. vii. is such as to

imply that he was already dead. The former died in 373, and the latter in 378. Again, in
Conference XXIV. c. xxvi. Abbot Abraham is made to speak of John of Lycopolis as so
famous that he was consulted by the very lords of creation, who sought his advice, and
entrusted to his prayers and merits the crown of their empire and the fortunes of war. These
expressions evidently allude to John's announcement to Theodosius of his victory over
Maxentius in 388, and his success against Eugenius in 395.^ If they stood alone, we could
scarcely rely on these indications of date with any great confidence because the Conferences
were not written till many years later, and it is impossible to determine with certainty how
far they really represent the discourses actually spoken by the Egyptian Fathers, or how
far they are the ideal compositions of Cassian himself. But, as we have seen, it is certain
that Cassian was actually in Egypt at the time of the Anthropomorphite controversy raised
by the letters of Theophilus in 399; and, as the other notices of events previously mentioned
coincide very fairly with this, we cannot be far wrong in placing the two visits to Egypt
between 380 and 400. About the last-named date Cassian must have finally left the country;
and we next hear of him in Constantinople, where he was ordained deacon by S. Chrysostom,^
and, together with his friend Germanus, put in charge of the treasury, the only part of the
Cathedral which escaped the flames in the terrible conflagration of 404. Thus Cassian was
a witness of all the troublous scenes which attended the persecution of S. Chrysostom, whose
side he warmly espoused in the controversy which rent the East asunder. And when the
Saint was violently deposed and removed from Constantinople, the two friends Germanus, —
who was by this time raised 4o the priesthood, and Cassian, who was still in deacon's orders
— were chosen as the bearers of a letter to Pope Innocent I. from the clergy who adhered to
Chrysostom, detailing the scandalous scenes that had taken place, and the trials to which
they had been exposed.* Of the length of Cassian's stay in Rome we have no information,
but it is likely that it was of some considerable duration; and it may have been at this time
that he was ordained priest by Innocent. Possibly, also, it was now that he made the acquaint-
ance of one who was then quite young, but was destined afterwards to become famous as
Pope Leo the Great; for some years afterwards (a.d. 430) it was at the request of Leo, then
Archdeacon of Rome, that Cassian wrote his work on the Incarnation against Nestorius.
Leaving Rome, Cassian is next found in Gaul,* which (if we are right in the supposition that
it was his birthplace) he must have quitted when
scarcely more than a child. When he left
it monasticism was a thing almost if not quite unknown there, but during his absence in
the East a few monasteries had been founded in the district of the Loire by S. Martin and
S. Hilary of Poictiers. Liguge was founded shortly after 360, and Marmoutier rather later,
after 371; and about the time of his return similar institutions ^were beginning to spring up
in Provence. In 410 S. Honoratus founded the monastery which will ever be associated
with his name, in the island of Lerins, and, in the eloquent words of the historian of the
monks of the West, "opened the arms of his love to the sons of all countries who desired to
love Christ. A multitude of disciples of all nations joined him. The West could no longer
envy the East; and shortly that retreat, destined in the intentions of its founder to renew
upon the coasts of Provence the austerities of the Thebaid, became a celebrated school of
theology and Christian philosophy, a citadel inaccessible to the waves of barbarian inva-
sion, an asylum for literature and science, which had fled from Italy invaded by the Goths; —
in short, a nursery of bishops and saints, who were destined to spread over the whole of Gaul
the knowledge of the gospel and the glory of Le'rins. " ^
It must have been about the same time —
a little earlier or a little later that Cassian —
settled at Marseilles; and there, "in the midst of those great forests which had supplied the

1 See Conference XI. * s On the

* Palladius Dial. iii.
i. Compare the Institutes, IV. xxiii. Incarnation, VII. xxxi.
; H. E. VIII. xxvi.
It is
highly from
precarious to infer the language used in the Institutes, III. that Cassian visited Mesopotamia before settling in Gaul.
His departure from Rome may perhaps have been occasioned by the Gothic invasion of Italy and Alaric's sieges of Rome, 408-410.
6 Montalembert's Monks
of the West, Vol. I. p. 464 (Eng. Translation). The names of Hilary of ArleSj Vincent of Lerins, Salvian,
Eucherius of Lyons, Lupus ofTroyes, and Caesanus of Aries, are alone sufficient to render the monastery of Lerins illustrious in the annals
of the Church of ,Gaul.

Phoenician navy, which in the time of Caesar reached as far as the sea-coast, and the myste-
rious obscurity of which had so terrified the Roman soldiers that the conqueror, to embolden
them, had himself taken an axe and struck down an old oak,"^ two monasteries were now

one for men, built it is said over the tomb of S. Victor, a martyr in the persecu-
tion of Diocletian,^ and the other for women. Cassian's long residence in the East and his
intimate knowledge of the monastic system in vogue in Egypt made him at once looked up
to as an authority, and practically as the head of the movement which was so rapidly taking
root in Provence and, although his fame has been overshadowed by that of the greatest of

Western monks, S. Benedict of Nursia, yet his is really the credit of being, not indeed the
actual founder, but the first organizer and systematizer, of Western monachism: and it is
hoped that the copious illustrations from the Benedictine rule given in the notes to the first
four books of the Institutes will serve to show how much the founder of the greatest order in
the West was really indebted to his less-known predecessor. He brought to bear upon the
organization of Gallic monasteries lessons learnt in the East. Although S. Martin and
others were before him, yet his life must be regarded as a new departure for monasticism in
the land. The religious communities of S. Martin and S. Victricius in the centre of France
were doubtless rudimentary and half-developed in discipline when compared with that
established by Cassian at Marseilles, and with the many others which speedily arose mod-
elled upon his elaborate rules."' The high estimation in which his work was held through-
out the Middle Ages is shown not only by the immense number of MSS. of the Institutes and
Conferences which still remain scattered throughout the libraries of Europe, but also by the
recommendation of them by Cassiodorus, and by S. Benedict himself, who enjoins that the
Conferences should be read daily by the monks of his order.
At Marseilles, then, Cassian settled; and here it was that he wrote his three great works,
— the Institutes, the Conferences, and On the Incarnation against Nestorius; the two former
being written for the express purpose of encouraging and developing the monastic life. Of
these the Institutes was the earliest, being composed in "twelve books on the institutes of
the monasteries and the remedies for the eight principal faults,"* at the request of Castor,
Bishop of Apta Julia, some forty miles due north of Marseilles, who was desirous of intro-
ducing the monastic life into his diocese, where it was still a thing unknown.^ As Castor
died in 426,* and the work is dedicated to him, it must have been written some time between
the years 419 and 426. When it was first undertaken Cassian's design already was to follow
it up
by a second treatise containing the Conferences of the Fathers, to which he several
times alludes in the Institutes as a forthcoming work,' and which, like the companion
volume, was undertaken at Castor's instigation. But, before even the first part of it was ready
for publication, the Bishop of Apta was dead; and thus, to Cassian's sorrow, he was unable
to dedicate it to him, as he had hoped to do. He therefore dedicated Conferences I.-X. (the
first portion of the work) to Leontius, Bishop
(probably) of Frejus, and Helladius, who is
termed "frater in the Preface to this work, though, as we see from the Preface to Conference
XVIIL, he was afterwards raised to the episcopate.*
This portion of Cassian's work must have been completed shortly after the death of
Castor in 426. It was speedily followed by Part II., containing Conferences XI. to XVII.
This is dedicated to Honoratus and Eucherius, who are styled "fratres." Eucherius did
not become Bishop of Lyons till 434; but, as Honoratus was raised to the see of Aries in
426, the volume must have been published not later than that year, or he would have been
termed "Episcopus," as he is in the Preface to Conference XVIIL, instead of *'frater."
The third and last part of the work, containing Conferences XVIII. to XXIV., is dedi-
cated to Jovinian, Minervius, Leontius, and Theodore, who are collectively styled "fratres."
Leontius must, therefore, be a different person from the bishop to whom Conferences I.-X.
were dedicated; and nothing further is known of him, or of Minervius and Jovinian. Theo-
dore was afterwards raised to the Episcopate, and succeeded Leontius in the see of Frdjus in
432. This third part of Cassian's work was ready before the death of Honoratus, Bishop of

1 c.
Montalembert, 1.
* The Acts S. Victor's martyrdom given by Ruinart, Acta Sineera, p. 225, have been attributed by Tillemont and others to Cassian,
but without sufficient reason.
* TAe Church in Roman
Gaul, by R. Travers Smith, p. 245.
* This is the title which Cassian himself
gives to the work in his Preface to the Conferences.
» Preface.
" Castor is commemorated on the
twenty-first of September. See the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum, Sept. VI. 249.
' See the Institutes II.
i., ix., xviii. ; V. iv.

Pafia Leontiei Sancte /rater He Uadi, in the Preface to Conference I., compare beatissimis Bpiscopit Htttadio ac Ltontio, in
» With

the Preface to Conference XVIII.

its publication
and, therefore,
be than 428, as Honoratus ^^^^^^^ ,J^^^';^'y;n^the years 426 and 428; and now Cassian
later .

Thus the whole work was ^°^P^^^f ^^^f7,Xras Tf ht life's work was nearly over.

who was growing old was for the remaining years of his
But the repose which he sought
was not to be 'rantld to him,
gran^e^/^ ^^^ ^he Pelagian,
or, rather, its
life were troubled by
two these there is no need to enter
^^^^f ^^f; ^^e his-.^*,^;of
ory ot the
tne former
to of
offshoot, the Semi-Pelagian. ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^l^^p -^ 3^,.
out 1^^^°
here in detail. It broke rise to the controversy was
The Co^^^^i\\7^^^^^ gave
cession to Sisinnius, in 428 ^^.^^^^^ .^^^ ^^^^^3, the
the immed^^^^^^^^^^^ as
a sermon by Anastasms ^^^^^^^P.^^.^^^^^^^ This
1 ^ at once created a great sensation,
the blessed Virgin Mary.
Theotocos, as given to
^^s chaplain and poceea J ^^^^ ^ connected
Nestorius warmly supported ^^3^brought to Egypt,
in a course of -between the
with his name,
^f™°^ .^^^^fray Af^er some correspondence
at once entered of Rome early in
of of the Church
Cyril to gam ''^J'^dherence
^^^^^^ J!^5
two bishops, both parties endeavoured tl^eadheren^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^
the year 430; and now ^^
at^his time and it was, perhaps,
at a low ^^^^wf m Ko^^an
ebb in thTpoma^^^ v. ;^
as owing to his
ing was evidently ^h^ language, as well
to Cassian's Celestine's Archdeacon
panly owing where the trouble
^am^^^^^^^^^^^^Si,^^ naa now arisL, fhLt
connexion with Constantinople, whatever was the reason, an earnest
crisis for
Leo turned to him at this help^ ,^X7i Refutation of the new heresy.

appeal from Rome reached him, begging

h""J\7:\*^b^J,t is seen in the seven books
on the
sZe hesitation he consented -d J^he

, ,
,o^h.s^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ p^^^.^1
Incarnation against Nestorius. ./^^^Yc'r.n sneaks of Nestorius throughout as still Bishop
Cassian speaks
before the Council of EP^esus/for ^^^
from the
of Constantinople), and, judging 3^'" ^^^'^'^^^AugSst, 430. A great part of the
before the death of that but, taken
xxvii., Fathe^'J^^^^^'^^^-sPo^^^^^^
of our unity of Person;
work is occupied with Scripture proof ^^^^ L^^^^^^^ ^^^^.y^ ^^ ^^^ betrays
of on the
as a whole, the treatise is distinctly ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^3e of inaccurate language
the haste in which it was composed ^Y^^^ °X^3e''3 \-,hich the mature judgment of the
Incarnation, and o which
subject of the ruirnenSron TsTeen by the quickners with
Church has rejected.
^^^ the writer s keen link between the
the teaching ^^
of ti
he connects the new heresy with wno
ag^^s p p ^^.^^| p^^
^.^ ,.iews of
of Leporius of Treves, from
two being found in the errors 00
^ S^^^ shrinking
had ^PP^^ed them to the case
man's sufficiency and strength, ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^.^^^
the conclusion that He
was a mere man
^^°in^^jf .^^^^^^f^
virtue His3'baptism,
bapts whereby the ^Divine
without sin, and had only been
made Christ j^^.^^^ ^^^^
and human were associated m
^^^h o^
o ten been noticed by later writers,
and fanner tha^ has
connexion between Nestorianism P.e^^^^am^^/.^' °"^poi^^ it out. Of the impression

gianism, on
which something must now be said.
with Pelagianism
the following .^^Y- During tne struggle
The controversy arose th s^gg ^u-
between the years 410 and 420 Augustine's [;ews c^. ^^3,^^^^^^^
into a theory tha grace was the complexity
ally hardening Divine irr^^^^^^^^^ h"
' pract-^lly forgot
above all things on magnifying the ^"^f f^^V^^', human element in the mysterious pro-
failed to do justice to ^^e
of the problem in hand and e^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
The view of ^n
cess of man's salvation." .absolute
of grace was
and mdefectible character
character, and of the irresistible Some years aire ^^,^ ^^^^

in a letter to a Roman priest,

Sixtus in the year 418. teaching;
nto the hands of the monks of
Adrumetum some of whom were
the matter was reterrea

and, in order to allay the disputes among ^em, ^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^

that the letter and other docu-

I:: !];: IS
^? 1^^^ ^^S^1?a^^^S'^^'ch
ments !ent by Nestorius had had to be translated into Latin.
he for delay by saying

D.D. (Oxford), .889, p. «•

with an Introduction by WilUam Bright,
. B

satisfy the malcontents, he followed it up with his work "De Correptione et Gratia" (426),
which, so far as the monks of Adrumetum were concerned, seems to have ended the contro-
versy. Elsewhere, however, hesitation was felt in going the full length of Augustine's teach-
ing; and, in the South of Gaul especially, many were seriously disturbed at the turn which
the controversy had lately taken, and were prepared to reject Augustine's teaching, as not
merely novel, but also practically dangerous. "They said, in effect," to quote Canon
Bright's lucid summary of their position, "to treat predestination as irrespective of foreseen
conduct, and to limit the Divine good-will to a fixed number of persons thus selected, who,
as such, are assured of perseverance, is not only to depart from the older theology, and from
the earlier teaching of the Bishop of Hippo himself, but to cut at the root of religious effort,
and to encourage «ither negligence or despair. They insisted that whatever theories might
be devised concerning this mystery, which was not a fit subject for popular discussion, the
door of salvation should be regarded as open to all, because the Saviour died for all. To ' '

explain away the Scriptural assurance was, they maintained, to falsify the Divine promise
and to nullify human responsibility. They believed in the doctrine of the Fall; they
acknowledged the necessity of real grace in order to man's restoration; they even admitted
that this grace must be 'prevenient to such acts of will as resulted in Christian good
works: but some of them thought —
and herein consisted the error called Semi-Pelagian —
that nature, unaided, could take the first step towards its recovery, by desiring to be healed
through faith in Christ. If it could not, if the —
very beginning of all gocd were strictly a
Divine act, —
exhortations seemed to them to be idle, and censure unjust, in regard to those
on whom no such act had been wrought, and who, therefore, until it should be wrought, were '

" ^
helpless, and so far guiltless, in the matter. Of the party which took up this position
Cassian was the recognized head. True, he did not directly enter into the controversy him-
self, nor is he the author of any polemical works upon the subject; but it is impossible to
doubt that the thirteenth Conference, containing the teaching of Abbot Chasremon on the
Protection of God, was intended to meet what he evidently regarded as a serious error; viz.,
thfe implicit denial by the Augustinians of the need of effort on man's part.

Augustine was informed of the teaching of the School of Marseilles, as it was called, by
one Hilary (a layman, not to be confounded with his namesake, the Bishop of Aries), who
wrote to him two letters, of which the former is lost. The latter is still existing, and con-
tains a careful account of what was maintained at Marseilles. Towards the close of it
Hilary says that, as he was pressed for time, he had prevailed upon a friend to write as well,
and would attach his letter to his own. This friend was Prosper of Aquitaine, also a layman
and an ardent Augustinian, whose epistle has been preserved as well as Hilary's.' From these
" "
letters, and from the works which Augustine wrote in reply, we learn that the Massilians
had been first disturbed by some of Augustine's earlier writings, as the Epistle to Paulinus;
and that their distrust of his teaching on the subjects of Grace, Predestination, and Freewill
had been increased by the receipt of his work "De Correptione et Gratia," although in other
matters they agreed with him entirely, and were great admirers of his.' Personally, they are
spoken of with great respect as men of no common virtue, and of wide influence and, though ;

Cassian's name is never mentioned in the correspondence, yet it is easy to read between the
lines and see that he is referred to.*
Augustine replied to his correspondents by writing what proved to be almost his latest
works, — "
the treatises "De Praedestinatione Sanctorum and "De dono Perseverantiae.
these volumes Augustine, while freely acknowledging the great difference between his oppo-
nents and the Pelagians, yet maintained as strongly as ever his own position, and "did not
abate an iota of the contention that election and rejection were arbitrary, and that salvation
was not really within the reach of all Christians." ^ Thus the books naturally failed to satisfy
the recalcitrant party, or to convince those who thought that the denial of the freedom of
the will tended to destroy man's responsibility. Prosper, however, was delighted with the
treatises, and proceeded to follow them up with a work of his own, a poem of a thousand lines,

Anti-Pelagian Treatises, p. liv., Iv.
F^pp, ccxxv., ccxxvi., in the correspondence of S. Augustine. Works, Vol. II. 820, in the Benedictine Edition.
* Cassian himself quotes Augustine as an authority for the Catholic doctrine of the Incarnation in his work against Nestorius, VII.
xxvii. But it is remarkable that, whereas on all the other authorities quoted (Hilary, Ambrose, Jerome, Rufinus, Gregory, Nazianzen,
Athanasius, and Chrysostom) a high encomium is passed, Augustine alone is alluded to with no words of praise^ being simply spoken of
as "
priest (sacerdos) of Hippo Regius. There is no authority for the reading magnus sacerdos," found in the editions of Cuyck and Gazet,
which misled Neander. Ch. Hist. Vol. IV. p. J76, E. T.
* The
only person referred to by name is Hilary, who had just succeeded Honoratus as Bishop of Aries. This fixes the date of the
correspondence as 429.
Bright's Anti-Pelagian Treatises, 1. c.
"De Ingratis," by which he designates the Pelagians and Semi -Pelagians, whose opinions he
speaks of as spreading with alarming rapidity. The date of this publication was probably the
early part of 430. It was certainly written before the death of Augustine, which took place
on August 28 of the same year. The removal from this life of the great champion of Grace
did not bring to an end the controversy to which his writings had given birth. The school
of Marseilles continued to propagate its views with unabated vigour, in spite of the protests of
Prosper and Hilary, who finally took the important step of appealing to Pope Celestine, from
whom they succeeded in obtaining a letter addressed to the Galilean Bishops, Venerius of
Marseilles, Leontius of Frejus, Marinus, Auxonius, Arcadius, Filtanius, and the rest.^ Ce-
lestine speaks strongly of their negligence in not having suppressed what he regarded as a
public scandal, and says that "priests ought not to teach so as to invade fhe episcopal pre-
rogative," an expression in which we may well see an allusion to Cassian, the leading presbyter,
of the diocese of Marseilles, whose Bishop is named first in the opening salutation; and
the letter concludes with some words of eulogium on Augustine "of holy memory." Never,
perhaps, was Galilean independence shown in a more striking manner than in the sturdy way
in which the Massilians clung to their views in spite of the authority of the Pope now brought
to bear upon them. Prosper and Hilary on their return found the obnoxious teaching daily
spreading, so that the former of them finally determined to put down, if possible, the upholders
of the objectionable tenets by a direct criticism of Cassian's Conferences. This was the ori-
gin of Prosper's work Contra Collatorem," against the author of the Conferences, a treatise of
considerable power and force, although not scrupulously fair. The respect in which Cassian
was held is strikingly shown by the fact that his antagonist never once names him directly,
but merely speaks of him as a man of priestly rank who surpassed all his companions in
power of arguing. The work consists of an examination of the thirteenth Conference, that
of Abbot Chaeremon, on the Protection of God, from which Prosper extracts twelve proposi-
tions, the first of which he says is orthodox while all the others are erroneous*. He concludes

The letter is given in full in Gazet's edition of Cassian, with certain doctnnal articles appended, which really belong to a later date.
See Dr. Newman's note to the English translation of P"leury, Book XXV I. c. xi.
The treatise is given in Gazet s edition of Cassian.
' The
propositions extracted by Prosper are the following:

(i) That the initiative not only of our actions but also of our good thoughts comes from God, who inspires us with a good will to begin
with, and supplies us with the opportunity of carrying out what we rightly desire ; for every good gift and every perfect gift cometh down
from above, from the Father of light," who both begins what is good, and continues it and completes it in us. c. iii. This proposition
Prosper allows to be catholic and orthodox.
The Divine protection is inseparably present with us, and so great is the kindness of the Creator towards His creatures that His
Providence not only accompanies it, but even constantly precedes it, as the prophet experienced and plainly confessed, saying, My God
will prevent me with His mercy." And when He sees in us some beginnings of a good will, He at once enliglitens and strengthens it, and
urges it on towards salvation, increasing that which He Himself implanted, or which He sees to have arisen from our own efforts, c. viii.
(3) Only in all tliese there is a declaration of the grace of God and the freedom of the will, because even of his own motion a man can
be led to the quest of virtue, but always stands in need of the help of the Lord. For neither does any one enjoy good health whenever he
likes, nor is he of his own will and pleasure set free from disease and sickness, c. ix.

(4) That it may be still clearer that, through the excellence of nature, which is granted by the goodness of the Creator, sometimes the
first beginnings of a good will arise, which, however, cannot attain to the complete performance of what is good unless they are guided
" P"or to will is
by the Lord, the apostle bears witness, and says, present with me, but to perform what is good I find not." lb.
(5) And so these are somehow mixed up and indiscriminately confused, so that, among many persons, the question which depends upon
the other is involved in great difficulty; i.e., does God have compassion upon us because we have shown the beginning of a good will, or
does the beginning of a good will follow because God has had compassion upon us ? For many, believing each of these alternatives, and
asserting them more broadly than is right, are entangled in all kinds of opposite errors. For if we say that the beginning of free will is in
our own power, what about Paul the persecutor, what about Matthew the publican, of whom the one was drawn to salvation while eager
for bloodshed and the punishment of the innocent, the other while eager for violence and rapine.' But, if we say that the beginning of our
free will is always due to the inspiration of the grace of God, what about the faith of Zacchaeus, or what are we to say of the goodness of
the thief on the cross, who by their own desires brought violence to bear on the kingdom of heaven, and prevented the special leadings of
their vocation ? c. xi.
(6) These two, then, viz., the grace of God and Free-will, seem opposed to each other, but really are in harmony and we gather from

natural piety that we ought to have both alike, lest if we withdraw one of them from men we should seem to have broken the rule of the
Church's faith. lb.
(7) Adam, therefore, after the fall, conceived a knowledge of evil which he had not previously, but did not lose the knowledge of good
which he already possessed, c. xii.
(8) Wherefore we must take care not to refer all the merits of the saints to the Lord in such a way as to ascribe nothing but what is evil
and perverse to human nature. lb.
(9) It cannot be doubted that there are by nature some seeds of goodness implanted by the kindness of the Creator, but unless they are
quickened by the assistance of God they cannot attain an increase of perfection. lb.
And for this, too, we read that in the case of Job, his well-tried athlete, when the Devil had challenged him to single combat, the
Divine righteousness had made provision. For, if he had advanced against his foe not with his own strength, but solely with the protection
of God's grace, and, supported only by Divine aid, without any virtue of patience on his own part, had borne that manifold weight of tempta-
tions and losses, contrived with all the cruelty of his foe might not the Devil have repeated with some justice that slanderous speech which
he had previously uttered, " Doth Job serve God for nought? Hast Thou not hedged him in, and all his substance round about? But
" and he
take away thine hand," ie., allow him to fight with me in his own strength, will curse Thee to Thy face." But, as after the
struggle the slanderous foe dared not give vent to any such murmur as this, he admitted that he was vanquished by his (i.e., Job's) strength,
and not by that of God: although, too, we must not hold that the grace of God was altogether wanting to him, which gave to the tempter a
power of tempting in proportion to that which he had of resisting, c. xiv.
(11) The Lord marvelled at him (viz., the centurion), and praised him, and put him before all those of the people of Israel who had
believed, saying, Verily, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith in Israel." For there would have been no ground for praise or
merit if Christ had only preferred in him what He Himself had given. lb.
(12) Hence it comes that in our prayers we proclaim God as not only our protector and Saviour, but actually as our helper and sponsor.
For whereas He first calls us to Him, and while we are still ignorant and unwilling draws us towards salvation. He is our protector and

by warning his antagonist of the danger of Pelagianism, and expresses a hope that his doctrine
may be condemned by Pope Sixtus as it had been by Celestine and his predecessors. The
last statement fixes the date of the book as not earlier than 432 for Celestine only died in ;

April in that year.

Cassian was evidently still living when this attack upon him was made but, so far as we ;

know, he made no reply to it. Its publication is the last event in his life of which we have

any knowledge. He probably died shortly afterwards, as the expression used by Gennadius
in speaking of his work against Nestorius would seem to imply that it preceded his death by
no long interval for he says that with this he brought to a close his literary labours and his

life in the reign of Theodosius and Valentinian.^

The controversy on Grace and Freewill lingered on for nearly a century longer, and was
only finally disposed of by the wise moderation shown by Caesarius of Aries and those who
acted with him at the Council of Orange (Arausio), in the year 529.^
While it cannot be denied that the teaching of Cassian and his school in denying the
necessity of initial and prevenient grace is erroneous and opens a door at which Pelagianism
may easily creep in, yet it was an honest attempt to vindicate human responsibility; and it
must be frankly admitted that the teaching of Augustine was one-sided and required to be
balanced: nor would the question have ever been brought into prominence had it not been
for the hard and rigorous way in which the doctrine of Predestination was taught, and the
denial that the possibility of salvation lay within the reach of all men. While, then, it is
granted that a verdict of guilty must be returned on the charge of Semi-Pelagianism in Cas-
sian's case, we are surely justified in claiming that a recommendation to mercy be attached
to it on the plea of extenuating circumstances. Since his death Cassian has ever occupied a
somewhat ambiguous position in the mind of the Church. Never formally canonized, his,
name is not found in the Calendars of the West; nor is he honoured with the title of " Saint."
He is, however, generally spoken of as *^the blessed Cassian," holding in this respect the
same position as Theodoret, of whom Dr. Newman says that, though he "has the responsi-
bility of acts which have forfeited to him that oecumenical dignity," yet he is "not without
in the Church's hagiology; for he has ever been known as the blessed Theo-
honorary* title
doret.' In the East Cassian's position is somewhat better. He is there regarded as a saint,
and may possibly be intended by the Cassian who is commemorated on February 29.* It is

only natural that this difference should be made, for the Eastern Church has always held a
milder view of the effect of the Fall than that which has been current in the West since the
days of Augustine and, indeed, Cassian, in making his protest againt the rising tide of Augus-

tinianism, was in the main only handing on the teaching which he had received from his
Eastern instructors.



The literary history of Cassian's works is not without an interest of its own. We have
already seen the estimation in which they were held in spite of their Semi-Pelagian doctrines.
These were naturally accounted a blemish, and it is not surprising that those who most
admired their excellences were anxious to avoid propagating their errors. Hence they were
often "expurgated," and in many MSS. the text has suffered considerably from the changes
made by copyists in the interests of orthodoxy. As early as the fifth century we find two
revised versions of portions of his works existing. His friend Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons,

Saviour ; but whereas, when we are already striving, He is wont to bring us help, and to receive and defend those who fly to Him (or refuge,
He is deemed our sponsor and refuge, c. xvii.
This last extract is in itself perfectly orthodox, and might be thought merely to express the distinction between "preventing" and
"co-operating" grace; but the context makes it clear that Cassian means that in some cases grace "prevents," while in others the initial
movement towards salvation comes from man, and grace is only needed to " co-operate."
" De Gennadius,
in Catal., c. Ixii. Ad extremum rogatus a Leone Archidiacono, posteaurbis Romae Episcopo, scripsit adversus Nestoriiim
Incarnatione Domini " libros septem, et in his scribendi apud Massiliam et vivendi linem fecit Theodosio et Valentiniano regnantibus.
The local commemoration of Cassian is on July 23.
* On the
historvof Semi-Pelagianism see Tir\%hl'i Anti-Pelagian Treatiut 0/ S. Auguxtint, Introd.,pp.xlix.-lxviii., and the Christian
Remembrancer, Vol. XXXI. pp. 155-162.
* Historical Sketches, \o\. III., p. 307.
* The identification is anything but certain, for though there is no difficulty in the term 'Pia/aaioj, as that is also applied to our author
by Photius, yet the additional statement made in the Horologion, that he wns originally <rrpaTt<i>Tt«[bs T^f Toifii', suggests that a different
person is alluded to, possibly the same as the Cassian commemorated in the Roman martyrology on August 13.
A list of some twenty-five churches where Cassian is honoured as a saint is given in Guesnay's Cassianus Illustraius.
was the author of an epitome of the Institutes, which still exists;^ and although this was
compiled for convenience' sake because of the length of the original work, rather than from
any suspicion of his teaching, the case is different with a recension made for use in Africa
by Victor, Bishop of Martyrites. This is no longer extant, but Cassiodorus distinctly tells us
that it was made in the interests of orthodoxy by means of expurgation as well as addition of
what was wanting.^ Yet another epitome of three of the Conferences (I., II., VH.) was made
at some time before the tenth century. It was translated into Greek, and known to Photius,
who speaks^ of three works of Cassian as translated into Greek: viz., (i) an Epitome of the
Institutes, Books I. -IV. (2) Epitome of the Institutes, Books V.-XII.
and (3) one of the ;

Conferences I., II., VII.

Thus in very early days the fashion was set of expurgating and emending the writings of
Cassian; and Leuwis de Ryckel, better known as Dionysius Carthusianus, might have quoted
several precedents for his method of dealing with the text. This famous divine, the doctor —
exstaticus of the fifteenth century, —
shocked as others had been before him at the Semi-Pela-
gianism of the Conferences, and yet sensible of their real value in spite of sundry blemishes,
took in hand to correct them, and gave to the world a free paraphrase both of the Institutes
and of the Conferences, in a somewhat simple style and one more easy to be understood than
the original. The greatest alterations, as might be expected, are visible in the thirteenth
Conference; as Dionysius, in his endeavour to make Cassian orthodox, omits all that savours
of Semi-Pelagianism and from c. viii. onward there are large omissions and various sugges-

tive alterations in the text.*

Incidental mention has been already made of the esteem in which the Institutes and
Conferences were held by S. Benedict and Cassiodorus. In the Rule of the former (c. xlii.)
it is ordered that after supper the brethren should assemble together, and one of them

should read the Conferences, or Lives of the Fathers, or any other book calculated to edify.
And again, in the closing chapter of the same rule, the study of them is recommended to those
who are desirous of perfection for " what are the Conferences of the Fathers, the Institutes,

and the lives of them; what, too, the Rule of our holy father, S. Basil, but examples of
virtuous and obedient monks, and helps to the attainment of virtue?" Equally strong is the
recommendation of Cassiodorus " Sedulo legite, frequenter audite " but at the same time

he reminds his readers that Cassian was very properly censured by Prosper for his teaching on
Freewill, and that, therefore, he is to be read with caution whenever he touches on this subject.
With testimonies such as these to their value it is no wonder that copies were rapidly multi-
plied, so that scarcely a monastery was without a copy of some part of them; and existing
MSS. of the Institutes and Conferences are very numerous. But none of the oldest MSS.
contain the complete work. The Institutes were often regarded as made up of two separate

(i) the Institutes of the Coenobia, containing Books I. -IV., and (2) On the
Eight Principal Faults, comprising Books V.-XII. So, too, with the Conferences, and their
three divisions: they are often found separately in different MSS.
The MSS. being so numerous, it was found impossible to collate them all for the latest
edition of Cassian's works; viz., that edited by Petschenig for the Vienna Corpus Scriptorum
Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. The Editor therefore confined his attention to a limited num-
ber, of which the following is the list.

I. The Institutes.
Codex Casinensis Rescriptus, 295. A Palimpsest with the Epistles of S. Jerome written over Cassian's
work. The date of this MS. is the seventh or eighth century, and it contains portions only of the Institutes,
nothing remaining of Books I.-IV., or of VIII. and IX.
2. Codex
Majoris Seminarii CEduensis (Autun), 24. Seventh century, containing portions of Books V.-XII.
3. Caroliruhensis, 87. Eighth century, containing all twelve books.
4. Sangallensis, 183. Ninth century.
5. Parisinus, 12292. Tenth century.
6. Laudunensis (Laon), 328 bis. Ninth century.
7. Caroliruhensis, 164. Ninth century.

Gennadius, Catal.Ixiv. In the Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, art. Eucherius, this is said to be lost. But see Migne, Vol. L.
p. 867 s^ ; and
cf. Pelschenig's Introduction to Cassian, p. xcvi.

Lect. c. xxix. Cujus (Cassian!) dicta Victor Mattaritanus Episcopus Afer ita Domino juvante purgavit at quas minus erant
addidit ut ei rerum istarum palina merito conferatur quern inter alios de Africa partibus cito nobis credimus esse dirigendum.

Biblioth, Cod. 197.
< The " Doctrina Catholica Beati
Dionysii Richelii Carthusiani precedenti Collationi ab ipso substituta," given in Gazet's edition,
and hence in Migne's, as c. xix., is only the /a«?r part of the paraphrase of this Conference, beginning in c. viii., with the words, " Adest
igitur inseparabiliter nobis," etc.
The paraphrase may be found in Vol. III. of the edition of the works of Dionysius, published at Cologne in 1540. Of this there is a
copy in the British Museum which was formerly in the possession of Archbishop Cranmer, and which still contains his autograph.

II. Conferences I.-X.

1. Vaticanus, 5766.
Eighth century.
2. Ninth century.
Parisinus, Bibl. Nat., 13384.
3. Vercellensis (Chapter Library), 187, 44. Cent. 8-10.
4. Parisinus. Bibl. Nat. nouv. fonds, 2170. Ninth century. This (with a few lacunae) contains all the Con-
ferences, being the only one of Petschenig's MSS. of which this can be said.
5. Vaticanus, Bibl. Palat., 560. Tenth century.
6. Sangallensis, 574. Cent. 9-10.
Of these MSS. the last two contain many errors and interpolations, some of which are followed in the editions
of Cassian published at Basle, 1 485-1 495.
III. Conferences XI.-XVII.
1. Sessorianus (Rome),
55. Cent. 7-8.
Petropolitanus, Bibl. Imp. O. i, 4.
2. Seventh or eighth century.
3. Sangallensis, 576. Ninth century.
4. Parisinus, Bibl. Nat. nouv. fonds., 21^0 (as above).
5. Vindobonensis, 397. Tenth century. This Vienna MS. contains Prosper's work Contra Collatorem, the
passages of Cassian being written in the margin.
IV. Conferences XVIII.-XXIV.
1. Monacensis, 4549. Cent. 8-9.
2. Monacensis, 6343. Ninth century.
3. Parisinus, Bibl. Nat. nouv. fonds., 2170 (as above).
4. Vaticanus, Bibl. Reginae Sueciae, 140. Cent. 9-10.
5. Caroliruhensis, 92. Ninth century.
6. Sangallensis, 575. Ninth century.

Passing now from the Institutes and Conferences to the work "On the Incarnation
against Nestorius," we are no longer encumbered by the number of MSS. There was not the
same reason for the multiplication of copies of it as there was in the case of those writings
which bore on the monastic life. It appears never to have obtained any special popularity,
and, so far as is known, only seven MSS. of it are still in existence. The following are those
of which Petschenig made use for his edition: —
1. Codex
Bibl. Armentarii Parisiensis (Bibl. de I'Arsenal), 483. Cent. lo-ii.
2. Museum addl., 16414. Cent. 11-12.

3. Parisinus, Bibl. Nat., 14860.

Thirteenth cen tury.
4. Bibl. Coloniensium Augustinianorum. This MS. is now lost, but was used by Cuyck for his edition of
Cassian, and from this Petschenig is able to give selected readings.

The remaining MSS. known to exist, but not used by Petschenig, are these:

Matritensis, Bibl. Nat., Q. 106. Twelfth century.
Laurentianus (Laurentian Library at Florence), XXVL, 13. Fifteenth century.
Bibl. Leop. Medici Foesulanae (also at Florence), 48. Fifteenth century.
Parisinus, 2143. Fourteenth century.^

only remains to give some account of the various editions of the printed text.
has generally been stated that the earliest edition of the Institutes was that printed at
Venice in 1481, of which only a single copy is known to exist, viz., in the Laurentian Library
at Florence; and that the first edition which included the Conferences was that published by
Amerbach at Basle in 1485. This statement, however, appears to be erroneous, as there still
exists in the British Museum a single copy of a very early black-letter edition of the Confer-
ences. The title-page is gone, and there is no colophon and, therefore, the date cannot be ;

given with certainty, but the work is assigned by the authorities of the Museum to the year
1476, and is thought to have proceeded from the press of the Brothers of the Common life at
Brussels. The first page of the work begins as follows: "Ut Valeas cor in opere isto citius
invenire qd requiris haec tibi concapitulatio breviter demostrabit quis unde in singulis col-
lationibus disputaverit." Then follows a list of the twenty-four Conferences with their
authors, and the page ends with these words: "Prologus cassiani sup. collationes patru ad
leontiu etelladiu epos. In nomine Domini ihu cristi dei nostri feliciter."
This, then, in all probability was the first edition of the Latin text of the Conferences. But
it is a curious fact that at a still earlier date a free German translation or paraphrase of them

had already been published. This, like the work just mentioned, has been overlooked by all
the editors of Cassian, but two copies of it still remain in the British Museum, beginning as
follow: Hie liber a quodam egregio sacrarum literarum professore magistro Johafie Nide
ordis pdicatorum fratre de latino in vulgarem Nuremberge translatus est." The colophon
On all these MSS. see Petschenig's introduction, Cassian, VoL I. pp. xiv.-lxxviii.
in one copy gives the date as 1472', and the place at which it was printed as Augsberg. The
other copy has no date but is assigned by the authorities of the Museum to a still earlier
year; viz., 1470.
The Basle edition of 1485 was reprinted at the press of Amerbach in 1497 and at Venice ;

there was issued a second edition of the Institutes, to which the Conferences were added, in
1491.^ Subsequent early editions are those of Lyons, in 1516 and 1525, and Bologna 1521.
But not till 1534 were the seven books on the Incarnation against Nestorius published. They
appear for the first time in the edition which was issued in this year from the press of Cra-
tander at Basle.
Far superior to all these early editions, which were very faulty, was that published by
Christopher Plantin at Antwerp in 1578, edited by H. Cuyck, Professor at Louyain and after-
ward Bishop of Ruremonde. It was undertaken at the suggestion of Cardinal Carafa, and its
full title is the following: "D. loannis Cassiani Eremitae Monasticarum Institutionum libri
JUL De Capitalibus vitiis libri VIII. Collationes SS. Patrum XXIIII. De Verbi Incar-
natione libri VII. Nunc demum post varias editiones ad complurium MS. fidem a non panels
mendarum milibus incredibili labore expurgati: id quod ex subiectis ad calcem castiga-
tionibus facile cognosci poterit: additis etiam ad quaedam loca censoriis notationibus, et
obscurarum vocum ac sententiarun elucidatione, un a cum duobus Indicibus locupletissimis.
Accesserunt quoque Regulae SS. Patrum ex antiquissimo Affliginiensis monasterii MS.
codice desumptae. Opera et studio Henrici Cuyckii Sacrae Theologise Licentiati."
Cuyck's work was supplemented, also at Carafa's desire, by Petrus Ciacconius, a priest of
Toledo, who died in 1581, before it was ready for the press. A new edition was, however, pub-
lished at Rome in 1588 "ex Edibus Dominicae Basae," in which the notes and emendations
of Ciacconius were embodied. Unfortunately this edition does not contain the books on the
Incarnation. Its full title is as follows: "loannis Cassiani Eremitae de institutis renuntian-
tium Libri XII. Collationes Sanctorum Patrum XXIIII. Adiectae sunt quarundam obscura-
rum dictionum interpretationes ordine alphabeti dispositae: et observationes in locaambigua
et minus tuta. Praeterea Indices duo testimoniorum sacras Scripturee, quae a Cassiano vel
explicantur, vel aliter quam vulgata editio habet, citantur: ac postremo verum memorabi-
lium Index copiosissimus. Accedit Regula S. Pachomii, quae a S. Hieronymo in Latinum
sermonem conversa est: Omnia multo quam antehac, auxilio vetustissimorum codicum, emen-
datiora, et ad suam integritatem restituta." This edition, as well as the previous one, con-
tained a dissertation on a number of passages (some thirty in all) of doubtful orthodoxy, in
order to put the reader on his guard against following Cassian in his errors.
In 1 6 16 there was published at Douay in two volumes what has remained until the present
day the standard edition of Cassian's works, prepared with loving care by a Benedictine
monk of the Abbey of St. Vaast at Arras, named Gazet. This edition is enriched throughout
with copious annotations, containing an immense amount of illustrative matter; and besides the
text of Cassian's works it contains several other documents of importance for a right under-
standing of them. The full title is this: "loannis Cassiani presbyteri, quem alii eremitam,
alii abbatem nuncupant, opera omnia. Novissime recognita, repurgata et notis amplissi-
mis illustrata. Quibus accessere alia ejusdem argumenti opuscula, quorum elenchum sequens
pagina exhibebit. Studio et opera D. Alardi Gazaei coenobitae Vedastini ord. Benedicti."
Besides the Institutes, Conferences, and the work on the Incarnation against Nestorius,
these volumes contained the following among other material :

The Rule of St. Pachomius.
The Catholic doctrine substituted for the latter part of Conference XIII. by
" "
Prosper Contra Collatorem.
This edition has been frequently reprinted,'^ some of the later reprints containing still
more illustrative material. It still remains indispensable to the student of Cassian's works
by reason of the valuable commentary with which it is throughout enriched. But for the mere
text it is now altogether superseded
by the fine edition prepared by Petschenig for the Vienna
Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, in two volumes.
Vol. I. —
loannis Cassiani De Institutis Coenobiorum et de octo Principalium Vitiorum
Remediis Libri XII. De Incarnatione Domini Contra Nestorium Libri VII. recensuit et
commentario critico instruxit Michael Petschenig. Accedunt Prolegomena et Indices (Vin-
dobonae, 1888).
Of this edition there is a copy in the British Museum which formerly belonged to the Convent of S. Mark at Florence, and is enriched
with marginal notes in the handwriting of Girolamo Savonarola.
* Gazet himself
prepared a revised edition, which was brought out after his death, at Arras, in 1628.

Vol. II. — loannis Cassiani Conlationes XXIIII. (Vindobonae, 1886). Petschenig's work
is admirably done, and the text of this edition is vastly superior to that of all its predeces-
sors. In the present translation it has been used throughout the Conferences. The volume
containing the Institutes and the work on the Incarnation unfortunately appeared too late for
the translation to be made from it. It has, however, been carefully compared with the text of
Ciacconius, which Gazet merely repeats,^ and attention is called to the chief variations in
the notes.
Mention has already been made of the early German paraphrase or translation, dating from
1470 or 1472; and the popularity of the Cassian's works is evinced by the number of other
early translations made into the various languages of Europe. Of these next in order of time
is one in Flemish. In the copy of this in the British Museum the title is wanting, the book
beginning as follows Hier beghint der ouder vader coUacie. Hi hyetede loannes Cassianus

die dese vieretwintich navolgende vad, coUacien ghemaect hevet." The colophon is this:
Hier eyndet een seer goede en profitelike leeringhe. En is ghenoemt der ouder vaders col-
lacien. Michiel hiller van Hoochstraten. Tantwerpen 1506. fol."
Very little later is the first of several French translations, with the following curious title:
Les Collacions des sains Peres anciens translateez de Grec en latin. Par Cassiodorus tres
sainct docteur en theologie et translateez de latin en francoys par maistre ieha gosein aussy
docteur en theologie de I'ordr&des freres de la Montaigne du carme et imprimees nouvelle-
ment a paris." No date is given, but the work is assigned by the Museum authorities to the
year 15 10.
Later French translations are the following: —
Paris. Chez Charles Savreux. 8° les Confe'rences de Cassien traduites en fran9ois par
De Saligny. 1663. (This edition altogether omits the thirteenth Conference.)
Paris. Chez Charles Savreux. 8° les Institutions de Cassien traduites en fran9ois par
De Saligny. 1667.
Institutions de Cassien traduites par E. Cartier. Paris, Tours, 1872.
There are also two Italian translations, one as early as 1563 (Opera. Tradotta per B. Buffi.
Venetia. 1563. 4°), and one of the present century,

Volgarizzamento delle coUazioni del
SS. Padri del venerabile G. C. [By Bartolommeo da San Concordio?] Testo di lingua in
edito [edited by T. Bini]. Lucca. 1854. 8°.
It is remarkable that England has till now stood almost alone in possessing no transla-
tion, Cassian's works having never yet appeared in an English press. It is hoped that the
version now offered to the reader may do something to make the works of this interesting and
most instructive writer more widely known than they appear to be at present.

> The edition used is that published at Leipsic in 1733. It cannot, however, be recommended, as it is full of misprints.

The history of the Old Testament tells us that the most wise Solomon received from
heaven "wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart even as the sand
" ^
that is on the seashore that cannot be counted; so that by the Lord's testimony we may say
that no one either has arisen in time past equal to him or will arise after him: and after\iard,
when wishing to raise that magnificent temple to the Lord, we are told that he asked the help
of a foreigner, the king of Tyre. And when there was sent to him one Hiram, the son of a
widow woman, ^ it was by his means and ministration that he executed all the glorious things
which he devised by the suggestion of the Divine wisdom either for the temple of the Lord or
for the sacred vessels. If, then, that power that was higher than all the kingdoms of the earth,
and that noble and illustrious scion of the race of Israel, and that divinely inspired wisdom
which excelled the training and customs of all the Easterns and Egyptians, by no means
disdained the advice of a poor man and a foreigner, rightly also do you, most blessed Pope '
Castor, taught by these examples, deign to call in me, a worthless creature though I am,
and in every respect as poor as possible, to a share in so great a work. When you are plan-
ning to build a true and reasonable temple for God, not with inanimate stones but with a
congregation of saints, and no temporal or corruptible building, but one that is eternal and
cannot be shaken; and desiring also to consecrate to the Lord most precious vessels not forged
of dumb * metal, of gold or silver, which a Babylonish monarch may afterwards take and devote
to the pleasures of his concubmes and princes,* but fashioned of holy souls which shine with
the uprightness of innocence, righteousness, and purity, and bear about Christ abiding in
themselves as King; —
since, then, you are anxious that the institutions of the East and
especially of Egypt should be established in your province, which is at present without mon-
asteries," although you are yourself perfect in all virtues and knowledge and so filled with all
spiritual riches that not only your talk but even your life alone is amply sufficient for an
example to those who are seeking perfection, —
yet you ask me, not knowing what to say, and
feeble in speech and knowledge, to contribute something from the scanty supply of my
thoughts toward the satisfaction of your desire; and you charge me to declare, although with
inexpert pen, the customs of the monasteries which we have seen observed throughout Egypt
and Palestine, as they were there delivered to us by the Fathers; not looking for graceful
speech, in which you yourself are especially skilled, but wanting the simple life of holy men to
be told in simple language to the brethren in your new monastery. But in proportion as a
dutiful desire of granting your request urges me to obey, so do manifold difficulties and
embarrassments deter me when wishing to comply. First, because my merits are not so pro-
portioned to my age as for me to trust that I can worthily comprehend with my mind and
heart matters so difficult, so obscure, and so sacred. Secondly, because that which we either
tried to do or learnt or saw when from our earliest
youth we lived among them and were
urged on by their daily exhortations and examples, —
this we can scarcely retain in its entirety
when we have been for so many years withdrawn from intercourse with them and from fol-
lowing their mode of life; especially as the method of these things cannot possibly be taught
or understood or kept in the memory by idle meditation and verbal teaching, for it depends
entirely upon experience and practice. And, as these things cannot be taught save by one

' » lb. vii.

Kings iv. 2g. 13.
Papa. The title was at an early period confined to bishops in the West, but was not limited to the Bishop of Rome till a later date.
Petschenig's text reads muto. Another reading is mullo.
» Cf. Dan. V. 2.

Castor, at whose request this work was written, was Bishop of Apta Ju'.ia in Gallia Narboneosis.

who has had experience of them, so they cannot even be learnt or understood except by one
who has tried with equal care and pains to grasp them while, unless they are often discussed ;

and well worn in frequent conferences with spiritual men, they quickly fade away throu'gh
carelessness of mind. Thirdly, because a discourse that is lacking in skill cannot properly
expound those things which we can recall to mind, not as the things themselves deserve, but
as our condition allows us. To this it must be added that on this very subject men who were
noble in life and eminent for speech and knowledge have already put forth several little books,
I mean Basil and Jerome, and some others, the former of whom, when the brethren asked
about various rules and questions, replied in language that was not only eloquent but rich in
testimonies from Holy Scripture; while the latter not only published works that were the off-
spring of his own genius, but also translated into Latin works that had been written in Greek.

And, after such abundant streams of I

eloquence, might not unfairly be accused of presumption
for trying to produce this feeble rill, were it not that the confidence of your holiness encour-
aged me, and the assurance that these trifles would be acceptable to you, whatever they were
like, and that you would send them to the congregation of the brethren dwelling in your newly
founded monastery. And if by chance I have said anything without sufficient care, may they
kindly overlook it and endure it with a somewhat indulgent pardon, asking rather for trust-
worthiness of speech than for grace of style on my part. Wherefore, most blessed Pope, remark-
able example of religion and humility, encouraged by your prayers, I will to the best of my
ability approach the work which you enjoin; and those matters which were altogether left
untouched by those who preceded us, since they endeavoured to describe what they had heard
rather than what they had experienced, these things I will tell as to an inexperienced mon-
astery, and to men who are indeed'* athirst. Nor certainly shall I try to weave a tale of
God's miracles and signs, although we have not only heard of many such among our elders,
and those past belief, but have also seen them fulfilled under our very eyes; yet, leaving out
all these things which minister to the reader nothing but astonishment and no instruction in the

perfect life, I shall try, so far as I can, with the help of God, faithfully to explain only their
institutions and the rules of their monasteries, and especially the origin and causes of the
principal faults, of which they reckon eight, and the remedies for them according to their
traditions, —
since my purpose is to say a few words not about God's miracles, but about the
way to improve our character, and the attainment of the perfect life, in accordance with that
which we received from our elders. In this, too, I will try to Satisfy your directions, so that,
if I
happen to find that anything has been either withdrawn or added in those countries not
in accordance with the example of the elders established by ancient custom, but according
to the fancy of any one who has founded a monastery, I will faithfully add it or omit it, in
accordance with the rule which I have seen followed in the monasteries anciently founded
throughout Egypt and Palestine, as I do not believe that a new establishment in the West, in
the parts of Gaul could find anything more reasonable or more perfect than are those customs,
in the observance of which the monasteries that have been founded by holy and
minded fathers since the rise of apostolic preaching endure even to our own times. I shall,
however, venture to exercise this discretion in my work, that where I find anything in the —
rule of the Egyptians which, either because of the severity of the climate, or owing to some
difficulty or diversity of habits, is impossible in these countries, or hard and difficult, I shall
to some extent balance it by the customs of the monasteries which are found throughout
Pontus and Mesopotamia; because, if due regard be paid to what things are possible, there
is the same perfection in the observance although the power
may be unequal.
The reference is to Basil's opoi Kara. TrAaros (the greater monastic rules), and opoi Kara eTriTo/njji' (the lesser rules), written in the form
of answers to questions of the monks. Jerome translated the rule of Pachomius, besides writing the lives of the hermits Paul, Malchus,
and Hilarion.
' in veriiate. Another reading is veritatent.






CHAPTER I. messengers returned to him and brought back
the prophet's message, he asked what the man
Of the Monk's Girdle. who had met them and spoken such words was
like and how he was dressed. "An hairy man,"
As we are going to speak of the customs and "
they said, and girt with a girdle of leather
rules of the monasteries, how by God's grace about his loins;" and by this dress the king
can we better begin than with the actual dress at once saw that it was the man of God, and
of the monks, for we shall then be able to ex- said: "It is Elijah the Tishbite:"* i.e., by
pound in due course their interior life when we the evidence of the girdle and the look of the
have set their outward man before your eyes.
hairy and unkempt body he recognized with-
A monk, then, as a soldier of Christ ever ready out the slightest doubt the man of God, be-
for battle, ought always to walk with his loins cause this was always attached to him as he
girded. For in this fashion, too, the authority dwelt among so many thousands of Israelites,
of Holy Scripture shows that they walked who as if it were impressed as some special sign of
in the Old Testament started the original of his own particular style. Of John also, who
this life, —
I mean Elijah and Elisha; and, came as a sort of sacred boundary between the
moreover, we know that the leaders and auth- Old and New Testament, being both a begin-
ors of the New Testament, viz., John, Peter,
ning and an ending, we know by the testimony
and Paul, and the others of the same rank, of the Evangelist that "the same John had his
walked in the same manner. And of these raiment of camel's hair and a girdle of skin
the first-mentioned, who even in the Old Tes- about his loins." ' When Peter also had been
tament displayed the flowers of a virgin life
put in prison by Herod and was to be brought
and an example of chastity and continence, forth to be slain on the next day, when the
when he had been sent by the Lord to rebuke "
angel stood by him he was charged Gird :

the messengers of Ahaziah, the wicked king of '

And the angel
thyself and put on thy shoes."
Israel, because when confined by sickness he of the Lord would certainly not have charged
had intended to consult Beelzebub, the god of him to do this had he not seen that for the sake
Ekron, on the state of his health, and there- of his night's rest he had for a while freed his
upon the said prophet had met them and said wearied limbs from the girdle usually tied
that he should not come down from the bed round them. Paul also, going up to Jerusalem
on which he lay, —
this man was made known and soon to be put in chains by the Jews, was
to the bed-ridden king by the description of met at Caesarea by the prophet Agabus, who
the character of his clothing. For when the took his girdle and bound his hands and feet
Cf. Basil's Greater Monastic Rules, Q. zxii., from which a con-
siderable portion of this chapter is taken. ' 2 I. -8. * S. Matt •» Acts xii. 8.
Kings i. ill. 4.

to show by his bodily actions the injuries which this garb, a rule for the monasteries is not,
he was to suffer, and said: ''So shall the Jews therefore, to be passed by us, nor should the
in Jerusalem bind the man whose girdle this is, ancient decrees of the holy fathers be upset
and deliver him into the hands of the Gen- because we do not think that a few men, pre-
tiles."^ And surely the prophet would never suming on the possession of other virtues, are
have brought this forward, or have said "the to be blamed even in regard of those things
man whose girdle this is," unless Paul had which they have practised not in accordance
always been accustomed to fasten it round his with the Catholic rule. For the opinion of a
loins. few ought not to be preferred to or to interfere
with the general rule for all. For we ought
CHAPTER II. to give unhesitating allegiance and unques-
tioning obedience, not to those customs and
Of the Monk's Robe. rules which the will of a few have intro-
duced, but to those which a long standing
Let the robe also of the monk be such as antiquity and numbers of the
holy fathers have
may merely cover the body and prevent the passed on by an unanimous decision to those
disgrace of nudity, and keep off harm from that come after. Nor, indeed, ought this to
cold, not such as may foster the seeds of vanity influence us as a
" precedent for our daily life,
and pride for the same apostle tells us Hav- that Joram, the wicked
king of Israel, when

ing food and covering, with these let us be con- surrounded by bands of his foes, rent his
tent."^ "Covering," he says, not "raiment,"
clothes, and is said to have had sackcloth in-
as is wrongly found in some Latin copies: side
them;' or that the Ninevites, in order to
that is, what may merely cover the body, not
mitigate the sentence of God, which had been
what may please the fancy by the splendour of
pronounced against them by the prophet, were
the attire commonplace, so that it may not be clothed in
rough sackcloth.* The former is
thought remarkable for novelty of colour or shown to have been clothed with it secretly
fashion among other men of the same profes-
underneath, so that unless the upper garment
sion; and quite from anxious carefulness,
free had been rent it could not possibly have been
yet not discoloured by stains acquired through
known by any one, and the latter tolerated a
neglect. Lastly, let them be so far removedcovering of sackcloth at a time when, since all
from this world's fashions as to remain alto-were mourning over the approaching destruc-
gether common property for the use of the tion of the city and were clothed with the same
servants of God. -For whatever is claimed by
garments, none could be accused of ostenta-
one or a few among the servants of God and is tion. For where there is no special difference
not the common property of the whole body of and all are alike no harm is done.^
the brethren alike is either superfluous or vain,
and for that reason to be considered harmful,
^nd affording an appearance of vanity rather
than virtue. And, therefore, whatever models CHAPTER IIL
we see were not taught either by the saints of
old who laid the foundations of the monastic Of the Hoods of the Egyptians.

life, or by the fathers of our own time who in

their turn There are some things besides in the dress
at the present
keep up day their of the
customs, these we also should reject as super- Egyptians which concern not the care
fluous and useless wherefore they utterly dis- of the body so much as the regulation of the

that the observanceof simplicity and

approved of a robe of sackcloth as being character,
visible to all and conspicuous, and what from innocence may be preserved by the very char-
this very fact will not only confer no benefit acter of the clothing. For they constantly use
on the soul but rather minister to vanity and both by day and by night very small hoods
down to the end of the neck and
pride, and as being inconvenient and unsuit- coming
able for the performance of necessary work for shoulders, which only cover the head, in order
which a monk ought always to go ready and that they may constantly be moved to pre-
serve the simplicity and innocence of little
unimpeded. But even if we hear of some re-
spectable persons who have been dressed in children by imitating their actual dress.' And
* Acts xxi. II. 8 2 *
Kings vi. 30. Jonah iii. 8.
1 Tim. VI. 8. The Greek is iTKeira<TiJ.aTa, for which Jerome's 5
sit diversitas, non oflEendit squalitas (Petsche-
Quia nisi insolens
version has "quibus tegamur." Sabbatier gives "victiim et vesti- The text
of Gaz^us has inoequalitas.
tum " as the rendering of the old Latin, but it is often quoted as ^ The hood,
or cowl (cucuUa), was anciently worn by children and
" victus et te^umentum " " Alimenta et "
by Augustine. operimenta peasants, and thus was said to symbolize humility. Compare the
must be Cassian's own rendering from the Greek. " Vestimenta," account of the Egyptian monks given by Sozomen, //zi;!. III. xiv.:
which he speaks of as being found in gome Latin copies, is not given "They wore a covering on their heads called a cowl, to show that
by Sabbatier at all, though Jerome quotes the text with " vestimen-
they ought to live with the same innocence and purity as infants who
tum " in Ep. ad Titura, IIL are nourished with milk and wear a covering of the same form."
BOOK I. 20'

these men have

returned to childhood in Christ nought, but with labour and toil working night
and sing hours with heart and soul:
at all and day that we should not be burdensome to
Lord, my heart is not exalted nor are mine any of you." And: "If any will not work
eyes lofty. Neither have I walked in great neither let him eat."'
matters nor in wonderful things above me. If
I was not humbly minded, but exalted my
soul as a child that is weaned is towards his
mother." 1
Of their Capes.W
Next they cover their necks and shoulders
Of the Tunics with a narrow cape, aiming at modesty of dress
of the Egyptians.
as well as cheapness and economy; and this
They wear also linen tunics ^ which scarcely is called in our language as well as theirs
reach to the elbows, and for the rest leave their ma/ors; and so they avoid both the expense
hands bare, that the cutting off of the sleeves and the display of cloaks and great coats.
may suggest that they have cut off all the deeds
and works of this world, and the garment of
linen teach that they are dead to all earthly VII. CHAPTER
conversation, and that hereby they may hear
" Of the Sheepskin and the Goatskin.U
the Apostle saying day by day to them Mor- :

tify your members which are upon the earth;"

their very dress also declaring this: "For ye The last article of .their dress is the goat-
are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in skin, which is called mclotes, ox pera,^^ and
which they carry in imitation of those
God;«" and again: "And I live, yet now not I staff,
but Christ liveth in me. To me indeed the who foreshadowed the lines of the monastic
life in the Old Testament, of whom the Apostle
world is crucified, and I to the world."'
says: "They wandered about in sheepskins
and goatskins, being in want, distressed, af-
V. flicted; of whom the world was not worthy;
A^andering in deserts, and in mountains, and
Of their Cords.* in dens, and in caves of the eari;h."
" And this
garment of goatskin signifies that having de-
They also wear double scarves * woven of stroyed all wantonness of carnal passions they
woollen yarn which the Greeks call (i»"iA«j?o«, ought to continue in the utmost sobriety of
but which we should name girdles ° or strings,' virtue, and that nothing of the wantonness or
or more properly cords.* These falling down heat of youth, or of their old lightmindedness,
over the top of the neck and divided on either should remain in their bodies.
side of the throat go round the folds (of the
robe) at the armpits and gather them up on
either side, so that they can draw up and tuck VIII. •
in close to the body the wide folds of the dress,
and so with their arms girt they are made active Of the Staff of the Egyptians.
and ready for all kinds of work, endeavouring
with all their might to fulfil the Apostle's For Elisha, himself one of them, teaches
For these hands have ministered not that the same men used to carry a staff; as he
charge :

to me but to those also who are with says to Gehazi, his servant, when sending him
only me,"
"Neither have we eaten any man's bread for to raise the woman's son to life: "Take my
staif and run and go and place it on the lad's
Ps. CXXX. (cxxxi.) 1,2. face that he may live."" And the prophet
* Colobium
(koAo^ioc), a tunic with very short sleeves. Cf Doro- .

theus (Migne, Patrol. Grxca Ixxxviii. 1631). To (T\Tiiia h it>

• Acts XX. 34 ; a Thess. iii. 8, 10.
KoK6Pi6v t<TTi, fir) ii\ov xeipiSia, xal ^wfT) SepfiaTifi) KaX a.vd\a^o%
Kai KOVKOiiAcof. '" The mafors ( iia^utpiov or ^at^xSpiof)is the monkish scapular,
* Col. iii.
5, 3. Gal. ii. 20; vi. 14. Cf. Soiomen 1. c. "They
: or working-dress. Cf. theRule of S. Benedict, c. 55 " Scapulare

wore their tunics without sleeves in order to teach that the hands propter opera." In form it was a large, coarse cape, or hood.
ought not to be ready to do evil." " The melotes ((itjAwT?;?), a sheepskin garment hanging down on
* Rebrncchiatoria. The whole passage is somewhat obscure, and one side, was the usual dress of monks. S. Anthony bequeathed his,
the various synonyms do not help us much in the elucidation of it. at his death, to S. Athanasius. Ath. Vita Anton, 91.
'XvaAafioi is given in Petschenig's text, l)ut avaPoKai. has some MS.
*' Pera can
hardly be used here in its ordinary sense of scrip or wallet
nuthoritv. 'AvapoXivt is the word used by Sozomen, who also men- Gaz.-cus suggests that it may be a transcriber's error for pce-
itripa. "
tions thfs cord. "Their girdle also and cord, the former girding the nula, while Ducange would read, quae melotes appellatur, vel pera,
loins, the latter going round the shoulders and arms, admonish them et baculus." Mr. Sinker, in the Dictionary 0/ Christian Antiqui-
that they ouglit always to be ready for the service of God and their ties (Vol. II. p. 1619), suggests that possibly the word may be Egyp-
work." tian.
" ResticuljE. ' Succinctoria. " Heb. xi. 37, 38.
' • 1* 2
Redimicula. Rebracchiatoria. Kings iv. 29.
would certainly not have given it to him to
take unless he had been in the habit of con-
stantly carrying it about in his hand. And the Of the modification in the observances which may be per-
carrying of the staff spiritually teaches that mitted in accordance with the character of the climate or the
custom of the district.
they ought never to walk unarmed among so
many barking dogs of faults and invisible
So much may be said, that we may not ap-
beasts of spiritual wickedness (from which the
blessed David, in his longing to be free, says :
pear to have left out any article of the dress
"Deliver not, O Lord, to the beasts the soul
of the Egyptians. But we need only keep to
^ those which the situation of the place and the
that trusteth in Thee"), but when they attack
customs of the district permit. For the severity
them they ought to beat them off with the sign
of the winter does not allow us to be satisfied
of the cross and drive them far away; and
with slippers ^ or tunics or a single frock; and
when they rage furiously against them they
the covering of tiny hoods or the
should annihilate them by the constant recol- wearing of a
lection of the Lord's passion and by follow- sheepskin
would afford a subject for derision
instead of edifying the spectators. Wherefore
ing the example of His mortified life.
we hold
that we ought to introduce only those
things which we have described above, and
which are adapted to the humble character of
our profession and the nature of the climate,
Of their Shoes. that the chief thing about our dress may be not
the novelty of the garb, which might 'give some
But refusing shoes, as forbidden by the offence to men of the world, but its honourable
command of the gospel, if bodily weakness or simplicity.
the morning cold in winter or the scorching
heat of midday compels them, they merely CHAPTER XL
protect their feet with sandals, explaining that
by the use of them and the Lord's permission Of the Spiritual Girdle and its Mystical Meaning.^
it is implied that if, while we are still in this

world we cannot be completely set free fronj Clad, therefore, in these vestments, the sol-
care and anxiety about the flesh, nor can we be dier of Christ should know first of all that he
altogether released from it, we should at least is protected by the girdle tied round him, not
provide for the wants of the body with as little only that he may be ready in mind for all the
fuss and as slight an entanglement as possible work and business of the monastery, but also

and as for the feet of our soul which ought to that he may always go without being hindered
be ready for our spiritual race and always by his dress. For he will be proved to be the
prepared for preaching the peace of the gos- more ardent in purity of heart for spiritual
pel (with which feet we run after the odour of progress and the knowledge of Divine things
the ointments of Christ, and of which David in proportion as he is the more earnest in his
I ran in thirst," and Jeremiah: "But I zeal for obedience and work.
says: Secondly, he
am not troubled, following Thee"),^ we ought should realize that in the actual wearing of the
not to suffer them to be entangled in the deadly girdle there is no small mystery
cares of this world, filling our thoughts with what is demanded of him. For the girding of
those things which concern not the
supply of the loins and binding them round with a dead
the wants of nature, but
unnecessary and harm- skin signifies that he bears about the mortifi-
ful pleasures. And this we shall thus fulfil catior^ of those members in which are contained
if, as the Apostle advises, we make not pro- the seeds of lust and lasciviousness, always
vision for the flesh with its lusts." ^ But knowing that the command of the gospel, which
though lawfully enough they make use of these says, Let your loins be girt about,'"* is applied
sandals, as permitted by the Lord's command, to him by the Apostle's interpretation; to wit,
yet they never suffer them to remain on their "Mortify your members which are upon the
feet when they approach to celebrate or to earth; fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil con-

they think that cupiscence."* And so we find in Holy Scrip-

receive the holy mysteries, as
they ought to observe in the letter that which ture that only those were girt with the girdle
was said to Moses and to Joshua, the son of in whom the seeds of carnal lust are found to
Nun " Loose the latchet of thy shoe for the

" *
place whereon thou standest is holy ground. 6 This and the
are omitted in the
following chapter altogether
edition of Gazaeus.
1 Ps. Ixxiii. (Ixxiv.) ig. Gallica.
2 Ps. Ixi. (Ixii) 5; Jer. xvii. 16 (Ixx.). ' Sacramentum.
' Rom. *
xiii. 14. S. Luke xii. 35.
Exod. iii. 5 ; Josh. v. i6. • Col. iii.
BOOK II. 205

be destroyed, and who sing with might and proach of the frost of continence from without,
main this utterance of the blessed David " For if only, as the Apostle says, they no longer

I am become like a bottle in the frost," be- allow any reign of sin in their mortal body,

cause when the sinful flesh is destroyed in the nor wear a flesh that resists the spirit." ^
inmost parts they can distend by the power of
the spirit the dead skin of the outward man. * Cf. Rom. vi. 12 Gal. v. S. Benedict's rule about the dress
; 17.
And therefore he significantly adds "in the of the monks is as follows " Lot the dress of the brethren be adapted

to the character of the place or climate in which they live, as more

frost," because they are never satisfied merely clothing is required in cold than in hot countries. Hence we leave
with the mortification of the heart, but also this to the abbot to determine. However, in temperate climates we
are of opinioti that it will be for each monk to have a hood
have the motions of the outward man and the and a frock, a roui^h one for enoughthe winter, and in the summer a simple
or old one a scapular also for work and the covering of the feet,
incentives of nature itself frozen by the ap- shoes and socks. And the monks are not to ; ;

of complain the colour

or size of these articles, but to be satisfied with whatever can be found
or got cheapest in the country where they live." Kegula S. Bened.
* Ps. czviii. (cxix.) 83. c. Iv.



CHAPTER I. as well. Others have even tried to go beyond
this number. Some use eighteen. And in
Of the Canonical System of the Nocturnal Prayers and Psalms. this way we have found different rules ap-
pointed in different places, and the system
Girt, therefore, with this twofold girdle of and
regulations that we have seen are almost
which we have spoken,' the soldier of Christ as many in number as the monasteries and
should next learn the system of the canonical cells which we have visited. There are some,
prayers and Psalms which was long ago ar- too, to whom it has seemed good that in the
ranged by the holy fathers in the East. Of
their character, however, and of the way in
day offices of prayer, viz., Tierce, Sext, and
Nones, the number of Psalms and prayers
which we can pray, as the Apostle directs, should be made to correspond exactly to the
"without ceasing," * we shall treat, as the Lord
number of the hours at which the services are
may enable us, in the .proper place, when we offered up to the Lord.* Some have thought
begin to relate the Conferences of the Elders. fit that six Psalms should be assigned to each
service of the day. And so I think it best to
CHAPTER II. most ancient system of the fathers
set forth the
which is still observed by the servants of God
Of the difference of the number of Psalms appointed to be
sung in all the provinces.
throughout the whole of Egypt, so that your
new monastery in its untrained infancy in
For we have found that many in different Christ' maybe instructed in the most ancient
institutions of the earliest fathers.
countries, according to the fancy of their mind
(having, indeed, as the Apostle says, "a zeal
for God but not according to knowledge" *),
have made for themselves different rules and IIL CHAPTER
arrangements in this matter. For some have
appointed that each night twenty or thirty Of the observance of one uniform rule throughout the whole
Psalms should be said, and that these should of Egypt, and of the election of those who are set over the
be prolonged by the music of antiphonal sing-
ing,* and by the addition of some modulations
And so throughout the wliole of Egypt and
» See Book I. c. xi.
* I Thess. V.
the Thebaid, where monasteries are not found-
" Rom. X. 2. ed at the fancy of every man who renounces

Antiphona. In this passage the word appears to mean the act-
ual Psalms Sling antiplionally, rather than what is generally meant in ' The
third, sixth, and ninth hours were observed as hours of
" bicite ma-
writings by the term. Cf. the Rule of Aurelian, prayer from the earliest days. Cf. Tertullian De Oratione, c. 25 ;

tutinarios, i.e., primo cnnticum in antiphona, deinde directaneum, Clem. Alex. Stromata, VII., c. 7, § 40.
jiidica me Deus ... in antiphona dicite hymnum, splendor pa- «
I.e., that at Tierce there should be three Psalms, at Sext six,
tudse glorix." And see the use of the word later on by Caisian him- and at Nones nine.
* Castor had founded a monastery about the year 430.
self, c. vii.
the world, but through a succession of fathers sors. But, while we meant to explain the best
and their traditions last even to the present system of prayers to be observed, we have in
day, of are founded so to last, in these we have our eagerness for the institutions of the fathers
noticed that a prescribed system of prayers is anticipated by a hasty digression the account
observed in their evening assemblies and noc- which we were keeping back for its proper
turnal vigils. For no one is allowed to preside place. And so let us now return to the subject
over the assembly of the brethren, or even over before us.
himself, before he has not only deprived him-
self of all his property but has also learnt the CHAPTER IV.
fact that he is not his own maker and has no
How throughout the whole of Egypt and the Thebaid the
authority over his own actions. For one who
number of Psalms is fixed at twelve.
renounces the world, whatever property or
riches he may possess, must seek the common
So, as we said, throughout the whole of
dwelling of a Coenobium, that he may not
flatter himself in any way with what he has
Egypt and the Thebaid the number of Psalms
forsaken or what he has brought into the mon-
is fixed at twelve both at
Vespers and in the
office of Nocturns,^ in such a way that at the
astery. He must also be obedient to all, so as close two lessons follow, one from the Old and
to learn that he must, as the Lord says, ^ be-
the other from the New Testament.* And this
come again a little child, arrogating nothing to
himself on the score of his age and the number arrangement, fixed ever so long ago, has con-
tinued unbroken to the present day throughout
of the years which he now counts as lost while
so many ages, in all the monasteries of those
they were spent to no purpose in the world ;
districts, because it is said that it was no ap-
and, as he is only a beginner, and because
of the novelty of the apprenticesht^, which he
pointment of man's invention, but was brought
down from heaven to the fathers by the minis-
knows he is serving in Christ's service, he an angel.
should not hesitate to submit himself even to try of

his juniors. Further, he is obliged to habit- CHAPTER V.

uate himself to work and toil, so as to prepare
with his own hands, in accordance with the How the fact that the number of the Psalms was to be twelve
Apostle's command,^ a daily supply of food, was received from the teaching of an angel.
either for his own use or for the wants of
strangers and that he may also forget the pride
For in the early days of the faith when
and luxury of his past life, and gain by grind- only a few, and those the best of men, were
ing toil humility of heart. And so no one is known by the name of monks, who, as they
chosen to be set over a congregation of breth- received that mode of life from the Evangelist
ren before that he who is to be placed in author- Mark of blessed memory, the first to preside
ity has learnt by obedience what he ought to
over the Church of Alexandria as Bishop, not
enjoin on those who are to submit to him, and only preserved those grand characteristics for
has discovered from the rules of the Elders which we read, in the Acts of the Apostles,
what he ought to teach to his juniors. For that the Church and multitude of believers in
they say that to rule or to be ruled well needs primitive times was famous ("The multitude
a wise man, and they call it the greatest gift of believers had one heart and one soul. Nor
and grace of the Holy Spirit, since no one did any of them say that any of the things
can enjoin salutary precepts on those who which he possessed was his own: but they
submit to him but one who has previously, had all things common; for as many as were
been trained in all the rules of virtue; nor can owners of lands or houses sold them, and
any one obey an Elder but one who has been brought the price of the things which they sold,
filled with the love of God and
perfected in and laid it at the feet of the Apostles, and
the virtue of humility. And so we see that distribution was- made to every man as he had
there is a variety of rules and regulations in need"),^ but they added to these characteristics
use throughout other districts, because we others still more sublime. For withdrawing
often have the audacity to preside over a mon- into more secluded spots outside the cities they
astery without even having learnt the system led a life marked by such rigorous abstinence
of the Elders, and appoint ourselves Abbots
' The rule
of Caesarius also prescribes twelve Psalms on every
before we have, as we ought, professed our- Sabbath, Lord's day, and festival (c. 25) so also, according to the

selves disciples, and are readier to Benedictine rule, there are twelve Psalms at mattins, besides the fixed
require the ones, iii. and xcv. (see c. 9 and 10), as there are still in the Roman
observance of our own inventions than to pre- Breviary on ordinary week-days.
* Tlie custom
of having iwo lessons only appears to have been
serve the well-tried teaching of our predeces-
peculiar to Egypt. Most of the early Western rules give three, e.g.,
those of Cassanus and Benedict, while in the Eastern daily offices
Cf. S. Matt, xvlii. 3. there are no lections from
2 Cf. I Thess. iv. 11.
Holy Scripture.
Acts iv. 32-34.
BOOK II. 207

that even to those of another creed the exalted up in the midst to chant the Psalms to the
character of their life was a standing marvel. Lord. And while they were all sitting (as is
For they gave themselves up to the reading of still the custom in Egypt ^), with their minds
Holy Scripture and to prayers and to manual intently fixed on the words of the chanter,
labour night and day with such fervour that when he had sung eleven Psalms, separated by
they had no desire or thoughts of food

un- prayers introduced between them, verse after
less on the second or third day bodily hunger ^ verse being evenly enunciated,* he finished
reminded them, and they took their meat and the twelfth with a response of Alleluia,^ and
drink not so much because they wished for it then, by his sudden disappearance from the
as because it was necessary for life; and even eyes of all, put an end at once to their dis-
then they took it not before sunset, in order cussion and their service.^
that they might connect the hours of daylight
with the practice of spiritual meditations, and
the care of the body with the night, and might VI. CHAPTER
perform other things much more exalted than
these. And about these matters, one who has Of the Custom of having Twelve Prayers.
never heard anything from one who is at home
in such things, may learn from ecclesiastical Whereupon the venerable assembly of the
history.^ that time, therefore, when the
At Fathers understood that by Divine Providence
perfection of the primitive Church remained a general rule had been fixed for the congre-
unbroken, and was still preserved fresh in the gations of the brethren through the angel's
memory by their followers and successors, and direction, and so decreed that this number
when the fervent faith of the few had not yet should be preserved both in their evening and
grown lukewarm by being dispersed among the in their nocturnal services; and when they
many, the venerable fathers with watchful care added to these two lessons, one from the Old
made provision for those to come after them, and one from the New Testament, they added
and met together to discuss what plan should them simply as extras and of their own ap-
be adopted for the daily worship throughout pointment, only for those who .liked, and who
the whole body of the brethren; that they were eager to gain by constant study a mind
might hand on to those who should succeed well stored with Holy Scripture. But on
them a legacy of piety and peace that was free Saturday and Sunday they read them both
from all dispute and dissension, for they were from the New Testament; viz., one from the
afraid that in
of the daily services some Epistles' or the Acts of the Apostles, and one
difference or dispute might arise among those from the Gospel.^ And this also those do
who joined together in the same worship, and whose concern is the reading and the recollec-
at some time or other it might send forth a tion of the Scriptures, from Easter to Whit-
poisonous root of error or jealousy or schism suntide.'
among those who came after. And when each
man in proportion to his own fervour and — CHAPTER VII.
unmindful of the weakness of others thought

that that should be appointed which he judged Of their Method of Praying.
was quite easy by considering his own faith
and strength, taking too little account of what These aforesaid prayers, then, they begin
would be possible for the great mass of the and finish in such a way that when the Psalm is
brethren in general (wherein a very large pro- ended they do not hurry at once to kneel down,
portion of weak ones is sure to be and as some of us do in this country, who, before
found) ;

when in different degrees they strove, each

according to his own powers, to fix an enor-
* Cf.
below, c. xii.
mous number of Psalms, and some were for Cumque . . . undecim Psalmos orationum interjectione dis-
tinctos contiguis versibus parili pronunciatione cantassat.
fifty,others sixty, and some, not content with So, according to the Benedictine rule, the Psalms at mattins are
ended with Alleluia (c. ix.): "After these three lessons with their
this number, thought that they actually ought responds there shall follow the remaining six Psalms with the
to go beyond it, —
there was such a holy differ- Alleluia."
Cf. c. xi. and xv.
This story is referred to in the Eighteenth Canon of the Second
ence of opinion in their pious discussion on Council of Tours, a.d. 567. "The statutes of the Fathers have pre-
scribed that twelve Psalms be said at the Twelfth (i.e.. Vespers), with
the rule of their religion that the time for their Alleluia, whicli, moreover, they learnt from the showing of an angel."

Vesper office came before the sacred question Apostolus, the regular name for the book of the Epistles.
* Cf. the note above on c. v.
was decided; and, as they were going to cele- * Totis
Quingtiagessintoe diebus', i.e., the whole period of fifty days
brate their daily rites and prayers, one rose between Easter and Whitsuntide (cf. c. xviii. and the Conferences
XXI. viii., xi., xx.). This is the usual meaning of the term Pentecost
in early writers, though it is also used more strictly for the actual fes-
tival of Whitsunday. Cf. the Twentieth Canon of the Council of
Petschenig's text has inedia, others itudiatn, Nica;a, and see Canon Bright's Notts on the Carums, p. 72, for other
' Cf Kusebius, Book II. c. xv., xvi. Soiomen, Book
. I. c. xii., xiii. instances.


the Psalm is fairly ended, make haste to pro- the Psalm is finished, the prayer that follows
strate themselves for prayer, in their hurry to is offered up by the singer. But with this
finish the service^ as quickly as possible. hymn in honour of the Trinity only the whole
For though we have chosen to exceed the limit Psalmody is usually ended.*
which was anciently fixed by our predecessors,
supplying the number of the remaining Psalms,
we are anxious to get to the end of the ser- IX. CHAPTER
vice, thinking of the refreshment of the wearied
body rather than looking for profit and benefit Of the characteristics of the pi^yer, the fuller treatment of
from the prayer. Among them, therefore, it is which is reserved for the Conferences of the Elders.

not so, but before they bend their knees they

And as the plan of these Institutes leads us
pray for a few moments, and while they are to
the of the time the system of the canonical prayers, the
standing up spend greater part
in prayer. And so after this, for the briefest fuller treatment .of which we will however
reserve for the Conferences of the Elders(where
space of time, they prostrate themselves to the
we shall speak of them at greater length when
ground, as if but adoring the Divine Mercy,
and as soon as possible rise up, and again we have begun to tell in their own words of the
standing erect with outspread hands just as

character of their prayers; and how continuous

they had been standing to pray before

re- they are),
still I think it well, as far as the place

main with thoughts intent upon their prayers. and my narrative permit, as the occasion offers
For when you lie prostrate for any length of itself, to glance briefly for the present at a few
time upon the ground you are more open to points, so that by picturing in the meanwhile
an attack, they say, not only of wandering the movements of .the outer man, and by now
the foundations, as it were, of the prayer,
thoughts but also of slumber. And would that laying
we too did not know the truth of this by experi- we may afterwards, when we come to speak of
ence and daily practice —
we who when pros- the inner man, with less labour build up the
edifice of his prayers; providing,
trating ourselves on the ground too often wish complete all for this, that if the end of life should
for this attitude, to be prolonged for some time, above
not for the sake of our prayer so much as for overtake us and cut us off from finishing the
the sake of resting.But when he who is to narration which we are anxious (D.V.) fitly
" to compose, we may at least leave in this work
''collect the prayer rises from the ground

the beginnings of so necessary a matter to you,

they all start up at once, so that no one would
venture to bend the kn^e before he bows down, to whom everything seems a delay, by reason

nor to delay when he has risen from the of the fervour of your dfesire: so that, if a
few more years of life are granted to us, we
ground, lest it should be thought that he has
offered his own prayer independently instead may at least mark out for you some outlines
of following the leader to the close. of their prayers, that those above all who live
in monasteries may have some information
about them providing also, at the same time,

CHAPTER VIII. that those who perhaps may meet only with
this book, and be unable to procure the other,
Of the Prayer which follows the Psalm. may find that they are supplied with some sort
of information about the nature of their
That practice too which we have observed prayers; and as they are instructed about the
in this country —
viz., that while one sings to dress and clothing of the outer man, so too
the end of the Psalm, all standing up sing they may not be ignorant what his behaviour
together with a loud voice, Glory be to the ought to be in offering spiritual sacrifices.
Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost "
— we have never heard anywhere throughout '
Antiphona. The word must certainly be used here not in the
later sense of "antiphon," but as descriptive of the whole of the
the East, but there, while all keep silence when Psalmody of the office. Cf. note on c. i.
* In the Eastern offices the Psalter is divided
into twenty sections
called (caSicr/aara, each of which is subdivided into three <7Ta<reis, at
A d celeritatent tnissa. The word " missa " is here used for the the close of each of which the Gloria is said, and not, as in the West,
breaking up of the congregation after service, as it is again in Book after every Psalm. This Western custom which Cassian here notices
III. c. vii., where Cassian says that one who came late for seems to have originated in Gaul, and thence spread to other churches,
had to wait, standing before the door, for the "missa " of the wliole as, according to Walafrid Strabo, at Rome it was used but rarely
assembly. Cf. III. c. viii., "post vigiliarum missam," and the rule after the Psalms in the ninth century. See Walafrid Strabo, c.
of S. Benedict (c. xvii.): "After the three Psalms are finished, let XXV. ap. Hittorp. 688. The earliest certain indications of the use
fiant." A
one lesson be read, a verse, and Kyrie Eleison et missa
: of the hymn itself are found in the fourth century. .See S. Basil,
full account of the various meanings given to the word will be found De Spiritu Sancto, c. xxix. ; Theodoret, Eccl. Hist., II. xxiv. So-
in the Dictionary of Christian
Antiquities, Vol. II. p. 1193 sq. zoinen, Eccl. Hist., III. xx. The Greek form is Aofa irarpi koX
CoUigere orationetn. The phrase corresponds to the Greek
uioj KOX ayiw 7Tyevfj.a.TL Kal vvv Kal ael Kai cty tov^ atwfa? rotv
<Tvvo.Tfre.i.v, but Ducange gives but few instances of its use in Latin.
" Plebs iiiaviov, afi7)v. The additional words in use in the West, " sicut
It is found, however, in Canon xxx. of the Council of erat in principio," were first adopted in the sixth century, being
collecta oratione ad vesperam ab Episcopo cum benedictione dimit- ordered by the Council of Vaison, a.d. 529, "after the example of
tatur." the apostolic see."
BOOK II. 209

Since, though these books, which we are now ing thoughts and all sorts of rheums he en-
arranging with the Lord's help to write, are deavours to distract our minds from attending
mainly taken up with what belongs to the outer to our prayers, and by this means tries to make
man and the customs of the Coenobia, yet it grow cold, though begun with fervour.
those will rather be concerned with the training Wherefore they think it best for the prayers to
of the inner man and the perfection of the be short and offered up very frequently ® on :

heart, and the life and doctrine of the An- the one hand that by so often praying to the
chorites. Lord we maybe able to cleave to Him contin-
ually; on the other, that when the devil is
CHAPTER X. lying in wait for us, we may by their terse
brevity avoid the darts with which he endeav-
Of the silence and conciseness with which the Collects are ours to wound us especially when we are saying
offered up by the Egyptians. our prayers.

When, then, they meet together to celebrate

the aforementioned rites, which they term
synaxes^^ they are all so perfectly silent that, which the Psalms are said
Of the system according; to among
though so large a number of the brethren is the Egyptians.
assembled together, you would not think a
single person was present except the one who And, therefore, they do not even attempt to
stands up and chants the Psalm in the midst; finish the Psalms, which they sing in the ser-
and especially is this the case when the prayer vice, by an unbroken and continuous recita-
is offered up,^ for then there is rfb spitting, no tion. But they repeat them separately and
clearing of the throat, or noise of coughing, no bit by bit, divided into two or three sections,
sleepy yawning with open mouths, and gaping, according to the number of verses, with prayers
and no groans or sighs arc uttered, likely to dis- in between.* For they do not care about the
tract those standing near. No voice is heard quantity of verses, but about the intelligence
save that of the priest concluding the prayer, ex- of the mind; aiming with all their might at
cept perhaps one that escapes the lips through this: "I will sing with the spirit: I will sing
aberration of mind and unconsciously takes also with the understanding.'" And so they
the heart by surprise, inflamed as it is with consider it better for ten verses to be sung with
an uncontrollable and irrepressible fervour of
understanding and thought* than for a whole
spirit, while that which the glowing mind is Psalm to be poured forth with a bewildered
unable to keep to itself strives through a sort mind. And tliis is sometimes caused by the
of unutterable groaning to make its escape
hurry of the speaker, when, thinking of the
from the inmost chambers of the breast. But character and number of the remaining Psalms
any one infected with coldness of mind prays to be sung, he takes no pains to make the
out loud or emits any of those sounds we have
meaning clear to his hearers, but hastens on
mentioned, or is overcome by a fit of yawning, to get to the end of the service. Lastly, if any
they declare that he is guilty of a double fault. of the younger monks, either through fervou^
He is blameworthy, first, as regards his own of spirit or because he has not yet been properly
prayer because he offers it to God in a careless
way; and, secondly, because by his unmannerly » Cf.
Augustine, £>. cxxx., § so (Vol. 11. 389): Dicuntur
fratres in yl£gypto crcbras quidcm habere orationes, scd eas tamen
noise he disturbs the thoughts of another who ne
brevissimas, et raptim quodammodo jaculatas, ilia vigilantes
would otherwise perhaps have been able to erecta, qua; oranti plurimum ncccssaria est, per productiores moras
evanescat atque hebetetur inteiuio;" and Hooker, Eccl. Polity,
pray with greater attention. And so their Book V. c. xxxiii. : " The brethren in Egypt (saith S. Augustine) are
rule is that the prayer ought to be brought to an reported to have many prayers, but every of them very short, as i£
out with a kind of sudden quickness, lest that
they were darts thrown
end with a speedy conclusion, lest while we are vigilant and erect attention of mind which in prayer is very necessary
should be wasted or dulled tlirough continuance, if their prayers were
lingering over it some superfluity of spittle or few and long. . . .Those prayers whcreunto devout minds have
phlegm should interfere with the close of our added a piercing kind of brevity, as well in that respect which we
iiave already mentioned, as also thereby the better to express that
prayer. And, therefore, while it is still glow- quick and speedy expedition wherewith ardent affections, the very
ing the prayer is to be snatched as speedily wings of prayer, are delighted to present our suits in heaven, even
sooner than our tongues can devise to utter them," etc.
as possible out of the jaws of the enemy, who, * This
plan of dividing some of the longer Psalms (as is still done
with the 119th in the English Psalter) was adopted sometimes in thi
although he is indeed always hostile to us, is West also. Cf. the Rule of S. IJenedict, "c. xviii., and the Third
yet never more hostile than when he sees that Council of Narbonne (a.d. 589), Canon 2 : Ut in psallcndis ordir.i-
bus per quemque Psalmum Gloria dicatur Omnipotenti Deo, per ma-
we are anxious to offer up prayers to God jores vero Psalmos, prout f uerint prolixius, pausationes fiant, et
per quamgue pausationem Gloria Trinitatit Domino decantctur."
against his attacks; and by exciting wander- Further, the rule that prayers should be intermingled with Psalms,
whicii was perhaps introduced into the West by Cassian, was widely
Synaxis (truvof i?), a general name for the course of the ecclesi- adopted both in Gaul and in Spain.
* I Cor. xiv. IS.
astical offices.
Consumma/ur. Cum rationabili assignatione.
taught, goes beyond the proper limit of what is who are very ardent in faith room might be left
to be sung, the one who is singing the Psalm is in which their never-tiring flow of virtue might
stopped by the senior clapping his hands where spend itself, and notwithstanding no loathing
he sits in his stall, and making them all rise arise in their wearied and weak bodies from
for prayer. Thus they take every possible care too large a quantity. And so, when the offices
that no weariness may creep in among them of the canonical prayers have been
duly fin-
as they sit through the length of the Psalms, ished, every one returns to his own cell (which
as thereby not only would the singer himself he inhabits alone, or is allowed to share with
lose the fruits of understanding, but also loss only one other whom partnership in work or
would be incurred by those whom he made to training in discipleship and learning has
feel the service a weariness by going on so long. joined with him, or perhaps similarity of
They also observe this with the greatest care ;
character has made his companion), and again
viz., that no Psalm should be said with the they offer with greater earnestness the same
response of Alleluia except those which are service of prayer, as their special private sacri-
marked with the inscription of Alleluia in fice,as it were nor do any of them give them-

their title. ^ But the aforesaid number of selves up any further to rest and sleep till
twelve Psalms they divide in such a way that when the brightness of day comes on the
if there are two brethren they each sing six ;
labours of the day succeed the labours and
if there are three, then four and if four, three; meditations of the night.
each. A
smaller number than this they never
sing in the congregation, and accordingly,
however large a congregation is assembled, ^CHAPTER XIII.
not more than four brethren sing in the service.*
The reason why they are not allowed to go to sleep after the
night service.^

And these labours they keep up for two rea-
Of the reason why while one sings the Psalms the rest sit sons, besides this consideration, that they —
down during the service and of the zeal with which they
; believe that when they are diligently exerting
afterwards prolong their vigils in their cells till daybreak.
themselves they are offering to God a sacrifice
This canonical system of twelve Psalms, of
of the fruit of their hands. And, if we are
at perfection, we also ought to observe
which we have spoken, they render easier by aiming
this with the same diligence. First, lest our
such bodily rest that when, after their custom,
envious adversary, jealous of our purity against
they celebrate these services, they all, except which he is
the one who stands up in the midst to recite always plotting, and ceaselessly
hostile to us, should by some illusion in a
the Psalms, sit in very low stalls and follow
dream pollute the purity which has been
the voice of the singer with the utmost attention
the Psalms and prayers of the night
of heart. For they are so worn out with fasting gained by :

for after that satisfaction which we have offered

and working all day and night that, unless they
for our negligence and ignorance, and the
*were helped by some such indulgence, they
absolution implored with profuse sighs in our
could not possibly get through this number
For they allow no time to pass confession, he anxiously tries, if he finds some
standing up. time given to repose, to defile us; then above
idly without the performance of some work, all endeavouring to overthrow and weaken our
because not only do they strive with all earn-
trust in God when he sees by the purity of our
estness to do with their hands those things
which can be done in daylight, but also with prayers that we are making most fervent efforts
anxious minds they examine into those sorts
towards God : so that sometimes, when he has
of work which not even the darkness of
been unable to injure some the whole night
can put a stop to, as they hold that they will long, he does his utmost to disgrace them in
that short hour. Secondly, because, even if
gain a far deeper insight into subjects of spir- no such dreaded illusion of the devil arises,
itual contemplation with purity of heart, the even a pure sleep in the interval produces
more earnestly that they devote themselves to
laziness in the case of the monk who ought
work and labour. And therefore they consider
soon to wake up and, bringing on a sluggish
that a moderate allowance of canonical ;

was divinely arranged in order that for those torpor in the mind, it dulls his vigour through-
out the whole day, and deadens that keenness
* Viz.: Pss. civ., cv., cvi., ex., cxi., cxii., cxiii., cxiv., cxv.,
cxvi., cxvii., cxviii., cxxxiv., cxxxv., cxlv., cxlvi., cxlvii., cxlviii., cxlix., ^ Missis. The use of this word for the offices of the Canonical
cl., in theLXX. and the Latin. Hours, though not common, is found also in the Thirtieth Canon of
^ This arrangement by which the Psalm was sung by a single the Council of Agde, a.d. 506. " At the end of the
morning and
voice, while tlie rest of the congregation listened, is that which was evening missce, after the hymns, let the little chapters from the
afterwards known by the name of Tractus. Psalms be said."
BOOK 11. 211

of perception and exhausts that energy^ of work which he is wont

day, or to forsake the
heart which would be capable of keeping us to carry on when they happen to
in it, except
all day long more watchful against all the be called out for the performance of some
snares of the enemy and more robust. Where- necessary duty, which they fulfil by going
fore to the Canonical Vigils there are added out of doors so that there may not be any
these private watchings, and they submit to chattering at all among them. But every one
them with the greater care, both in order that does the work assigned to him in such a way
the purity which has been gained by Psalms that, by repeating by heart some Psalm or
and prayers may not be lost, and also that a passage of Scripture, he gives no opportunity
more intense carefulness to guard us diligently or time for dangerous schemes or evil designs,
through the day may be secured beforehand or even for idle talk, as both mouth and heart
by the meditation of the night. are incessantly taken up with spiritual medita-
tions. For they are most particular in observ-
ing this rule, that none of them, and especially
CHAPTER XIV. of the younger ones, may be caught stopping
even for a moment or going anywhere together
Of the way in which they devote themselves in their cells with another, or holding his hands in his. But,
equally to manual labour and to prayer.
they discover any who in defiance of the
And therefore they supplement their prayer discipline of this rule have perpetrated any of
these forbidden things, they pronounce them
by the addition of labour, lest slumber might
steal upon them as idlers. For as they scarcely guilty of no slight fault, as contumacious and
disobedient to the rules nor are they free from
enjoy any time of leisure, so there is no limit

For prac- suspicion of plotting and nefarious designs.

put to their spiritual meditations.
And, unless they expiate their fault by public
tising equally the virtues of the body and of
the soul, they balance what is due to the outer penance when all the brethren are gathered
together, none of them is allowed to be present
by what is profitable to the inner man steady- -."^

at the prayers of the brethren.

ing the slippery motions of the heart and the
shifting fluctuations of the thoughts by the
weight of labour, like some strong and im-
moveable anchor, by which the changeableness CHAPTER XVI.
and wanderings of the heart, fastened within
the barriers of the cell, may be shut up in some
How no one is allowed to pray with one who has been sus-
pended from prayer.
perfectly secure harbour, and so, intent only on
spiritual meditation and watchfulness over the Further, if one of them has been suspended
thoughts, may not only forbid the watchful mind from prayer for some fault which he has com-
to give a hasty consent to any evil suggestions,
mitted, no one has any liberty of praying with
but may also keep it safe from any unnecessary him before he performs his penance on the
and idle thoughts so that it is not easy to say
— ground,* and reconciliation and pardon for his

which depends on the other I mean, whether

offence has been publicly granted to him by
they practise their incessant manual labour for the Abbot before all the brethren. For by a
the sake of spiritual meditation, or whether it
plan of this kind they separate and cut them-
is for the sake of their continuous labours that
selves off from fellowship with him in prJiyer
they acquire such remarkable spiritual profi- for this reason —
because they believe that one
ciency and light of knowledge. who is suspended from prayer is, as the Apostle
*' ^
says, delivered unto Satan :" and if any one,
moved by an ill-considered affection, dares to
CHAPTER XV. hold communion with him in prayer before
he has been received by the Elder, he makes
Of the discreet rule by which every one must retire to his cell
after the close of the prayers ; and 8 of the rebuke to which himself partaker of his damnation, and deliv-
any one who docs otherwise is subject. ers himself up of his own free will to Satan, to
whom the other had been consigned for the
And so, when the Psalms are finished, and correction of his.guilt. And in this he falls
the daily assembly, as we said above, is broken into a more grievous offence because, by unit-
up, none of them dares to loiter ever so little ing with him in fellowship either in talk or
or to gossip with another nor does he presume
in prayer, he gives him grounds for still greater
even to leave his cell throughout the whole arrogance, and only encourages and makes
worse the obstinacy of the offender. For, by
Exterioris hominis stipendia cum emolumentit inttrioris txa-
* Cf. III. vii., and the description of this penance in IV. xvi.
^ * I Tim. i. 20.
Pott orationum missam. See note on c.vii. Cor. V. s ; I
giving him a consolation that is only hurtful, be found careless in one of two ways either :

he will make his heart still harder, and not if, overcome with sleep, he lets the proper
let him humble himself for the fault for which hour of the night go by, or if, wanting to go
he was excommunicated and through this he
to bed and impatient for his sleep, he antici-
will make him hold the Elder's rebuke as of no pates it, and so may be thought to have secured
consequence, and harbour deceitful thoughts his own repose instead of attending to the
about satisfaction and absolution. spiritual office and the rest of all the others.*


How he who rouses them for prayer ought to call them at How they do not kneel from the evening of Saturday till the
the usual time. evening of Sunday.

But he who has been entrusted with the This, we ought to know, that from the

summoning the religious assembly and evening
office of of Saturday which precedes the Sun-
with the care of the service should not presume day,'^ up to the following evening, among the
to rouse the brethren for their daily vigils Egyptians they never kneel, nor from Easter
irregularly, as he pleases, or as he may wake to Whitsuntide nor do they at these times ;

up in the night, or as the accident of his own observe a rule of fasting,* the reason for
sleep or sleeplessness may incline him. But,* which shall be explained in its proper place
although daily habit may constrain him to in the Conferences of the Elders,^ if the Lord
wake at the usual hour, yet by often and permits. At present we only propose to run
anxiously ascertaining by the course of the through the causes very briefly, lest our book
stars the right hour for service, he should exceed its due limits and prove tiresome or
summon them to the office of prayer, lest he burdensome to the reader.




Of the services of the third, sixth, and ninth hours, which are How among the Egyptians they apply themselves all day
observed in the regions of Syria. long to prayer and Psalms continuall.v, with the addition of
work, without distinction of hours.
The nocturnal
system of prayers and Psalms
as observed throughout Egypt has been, I For among them (viz., the Egyptians) these
think, by God's help, explained so far as our
officeswhich we are taught to render to the
slender ability was able; and now we must Lord at separate hours and at intervals of
speak of the services of Tierce, Sext, and time, with a reminder from the convener, are
None, according to the rule of the monas- celebrated continuously throughout the whole
teries of Palestine and Mesopotamia,® as we
a fragment of Irenasus, there is a mention of the fact tliat Chris-
said in the Preface, and must moderate by the in
tians abstained from kneeling on Sunday in token of the resurrec-
customs of these the perfection and inimitable tion. For later testimonies see Ambrose, Ep. iiq, adjanuarium.
Epiphanius, on Heresies, Book IIL (Vol. III. p. 583, ed. Dindorf).
rigour of the discipline of the Egyptians. Jerome, Dial Adv. Lucif. c. iv. and the Twentieth Canon of the
: ;

Council of Nicaea, with Canon Bright's notes (Notes on the Canons

of the First Four Getteral Councils, p. 72).
5 Cf. the Conferences XXI. xi.
The rule of S. Benedict is similarly careful that the brethren
1 ^
According to S. Jerome, Hilarion was the first to introduce the
may^ not oversleep themselves. See c. xi. and xlvii. monastic life into Palestine {Vita Hilar.). His work was carried on
Qum lucescit inm die dominicunt. The phrase is borrowed by by his companion and pupil Hesycas, and Epiphanius, afterwards
Cassian from the Latin of S. Matt, xxviii. i. Bishop of Salamis in Cyprus. In Asia Minor S. Basil was the
^ Totis
Quingiiagesitme diebus. See above on c. vi. greater organizer of monasticism, though, as he tells us, there were
^ That this was the rule of
the primitive Church is shown by already many monks, not only in Egypt, but also in Palestine,
" We
TertuUian, De Corona Militis, c. iii. count fasting or kneel- Coelosyria, and Mesopotamia (Ep. ccxxiii.). See also on the early
ing in worship on the Lord's day to be unlawful. We rejoice in the monks of Palestine and the East, Sozomen, H. E., Book VI., cc.
same privilege, also, from Easter to Whitsunday," And even earlier, xxxii.-xxxv.

day, with the addition of work, and that

of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon them,
their own free will. For manual labour is the unbelieving people of the Jews mocked
incessantly practised by them in their cells in and said that they were full of new wine, then
such a way that meditation on the Psalms and Peter, standing up in the midst of them, said :

the rest of the Scriptures is never entirely Men of Israel, and all ye who dwell at Jeru-
omitted. And as with it at every moment salem, let this be known unto you, and consider
they mingle suffrages and prayers, they spend my words. For these men are not, as ye
the whole day in those offices which we cele- imagine, drunk, since it is the third hour of
brate at fixed times. Wherefore, except Ves- the day; but this is that which was spoken
pers and Nocturns, there are no public services the prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in

among them in the day except on Saturday and the last days, saith the Lord, I will pour out
Sunday, when they meet together at the third of my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and
hour for the purpose of Holy Communion.^ your daughters shall prophesy, and your young
For that which is continuously offered is more men shall see visions and your old men shall
than what is rendered at intervals of time; dream dreams. And indeed upon my servants
and more acceptable as a free gift than the and my handmaids in
those days I will pour
duties which are performed by the compulsion out of my Spirit, and
they shall prophesy."*
of a rule as David for this rejoices somewhat
: And all of this was fulfilled at the third hour,
when he says, "Freely will I sacri- when the Holy Spirit, announced before
exultingly by the
ficeunto Thee;" and, "Let the free will offer- prophets, came at that hour and abode upon
ings of my mouth be pleasing to Thee, O the Apostles. But at the sixth houf the spotless
Lord."* Sacrifice, our Lord and Saviour, was offered
up to the Father, and, ascending the cross for
the salvation of the whole world, made atone-
CHAPTER HL ment for the sins of mankind, and, despoiling
How throughout all the East the services of Tierce, Sext, principalities and powers, led them away
and None are ended with only three Psalms and prayers openly; and all of us who were liable to death
each and the reason why these spiritual offices are assigned
and bound by the debt of the handwriting that
particularly to those hours.
could not be paid, He freed, by taking it away
And so in the monasteries of Palestine and out of the midst and affixing it to His cross
for a trophy.' At the same hour, too, to Peter,
Mesopotamia and all the East the services of
in an ecstasy of mind, there was divinely re-
the above-mentioned hours are ended each day
with three Psalms apiece, so that constant vealed both the calling of the Gentiles by the
letting down of the Gospel vessel from heaven,
prayers may be offered to God at the appointed
and also the cleansing of all the living crea-
times, and yet, the spiritual duties being com-
tures contained in it, when a voice came to
pleted with due moderation, the necessary of-
fices of work may not be in any way interfered
him and said to him: "Rise, Peter; kill and
"• which
with f for at these three seasons* we know that eat; vessel, let down from heaven by
Daniel the prophet also poured forth his the four corners, is plainly seen to signify
else than the Gospel, P'or although,
prayers to God day by day in his chamber nothing
with the windows open.' Nor is it without as it is divided by the fourfold narrative of
the Evangelists, it seems to have "four cor-
good reasons that these times are more particu- "
ners (or beginnings), yet the body of the
larly assigned to religious offices, since at them
what completed the promises and summed up Gospel is but one embracing, as it does, the ;

our salvation was fulfilled. For we can show birth as well as the Godhead, and the miracles
that at the third hour the Holy Spirit, who had as well as the passion of one and the same
been of old promised by the prophets, de- Christ Excellently, too, it says not "of
scended in the first instance on the Apostles linen but "(ZJ if of linen." For linen signifies
assembled together for prayer. For when in death. Since, then, our Lord's death and pas-
their astonishment at the speaking with sion were not undergone by the law of human
but of His own free will, it says "as if
tongues, which proceeded from them through nature,
of linen." For when dead according to the
flesh He was not dead according to the spirit,
1 The
Saturday Communion (in addition to that of Wednesday "
and Friday, as well as Sunday) is also mentioned bv S. Basil (£'/. because His soul was not left in hell, neither
and cf. the Forty-ninth Canon of the Council of Laodicxa
(circa 360 a.d.) During Lent the bread shall not be offered except

on Saturday and Sunday." In the West there is no trace of a spe-

cial Saturday celebration of the Holy Communion. * Acts ii. 14-18.
The third hour was the ordinary time for Holy Communion, as * The whole passage is alluding to Col. ii. 14, 15, which runs as
may be seen from the decree (falsely) ascribed to Pope Telesphorus
" Ut nullus
follows in the Vulgate Delens quod adversum nos erat chirograf-

(a.d. 127-1^18), in the Liber PontificalU: ante horam fum decretis, quod erat contrarium nobis, et ipse tulit de medio, affi-
tertiam sacrificium offere prassumeret," and many other testimonies. gens illud cruci, expolians principatus et potestates traduxit connden-
Ps. liii. (liv.) 8; cxviii. (cxix.) 108. ter, palam triumphans illos in semet ipso."
Cf. Daniel vi. 10. * Acts X. 1 1
did His flesh see corruption."^ And again ordered to be offered continually by the law
life from Me
He says: "No man taketh My of Moses? For that the morning whole-burnt

but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to offerings and evening sacrifices were offered
lay it down, and I have power
to take it every day continually in the temple, although
And so in this vessel of the Gospels with figurative offerings, we can show from
let down from heaven, that is written by the that which is sung by David Let my prayer :

Holy Ghost, all the nations which -vfere for- be set forth in Thy sight as the incense, and
merly outside the observance of the law and let the lifting up of my hands be an evening
reckoned as unclean now flow together through sacrifice,"* in which place we can understand
it in a still
belief in the faith that they may to their sal- higher sense of that true evening
vation be turned away from the worship of sacrifice which was given by the Lord our
idols and be serviceable for health-giving food, Saviour in the evening to the Apostles at the
and are brought to Peter and cleansed by the Supper, when He
instituted the holy mysteries
voice of the Lord. But at the ninth hour, of the Church, and
of that evening sacrifice
penetrating to hades, He there by the bright- which He Himself, on the following day, in
ness of His splendour extinguished the inde- the end of the ages, offered up to the Father
scribable darkness of hell, and, bursting its by the lifting up of His hands for the salva-
brazen gates and breaking the iron bars, tion of the whole world; which spreading
brought away with Him to the skies the captive forth of His hands on the Cross is quite
band of saints which was there shut up and correctly called a "lifting up." For when
detained in the darkness of inexorable hell,' we were all lying in hades He raised us to

and, by taking away the fiery sword, restored heaven, according to the word of His own
to paradise its original inhabitants by his pious promise when He' says: "When I am lifted
confession. At the same hour, too, Cornelius, up from the earth, I will draw all men unto
the centurion, continuing with his customary Me."'' But concerning Mattins, that also
devotion in his prayers, is made aware through teaches us which it is customary every day to
the converse of the angel with him that his sing at it: "O God, my God, to Thee do I
prayers and alms are remembered before the watch at break of day " and " I will meditate;

Lord, and at the ninth hour the mystery* of on Thee in the morning;" and "I prevented
the calling of the Gentiles is clearly shown to the dawning of the day and cried; and again,
him, which had been revealed to Peter in his Mine eyes to Thee have prevented the morn-
ecstasy of mind at the sixth hour.
In another ing, that I might meditate on Thy words." At
passage, too, in the Acts of the Apostles, we are these hours too that householder in the Gospel
told as follows about the same time: "But hired labourers into his vineyard. For thus
Peter and John went up into the temple at the also is he described as having hired them in
hour of prayer, the ninth hour."^ And by the early morning, which time denotes the Mat-
these notices it is clearly proved that these tin office; then at the third hour; then at the
hours were not without good reason conse- sixth after tjiis, at the ninth and last of all,
; ;

crated with religious services by holy and at the eleventh,* by which the hour of the
apostolic men, and ought to be observed in lamps is denoted.-'^
like manner by us, who, unless we are com-
• Ps. cxl. (cxli.) 2.
pelled, as it were, by some rule to discharge ' S. John xii. 32.
8 In both East and
these pious offices at least at stated times, Pss. cxviii. (cxix.) 147, 8.
Ixii. (Ixiii.) 2, 7;
West Ps. from very early times been used as a morn-
Ixii. (Ixiii.) has
either through sloth or through forgetfulness, ing hymn. See the Apost. Constitutions II. lix., VIII. xxxvii. In
or being absorbed in business, spend the whole the East it is still one of the fixed Psalms at Lauds, as it is also in
the West, according to the Roman use. But in Cassian's time it
day without engaging in prayer. But concern- had apparently been transferred from Lauds to Prime. See below,
c. vi.
ing the evening sacrifices what is to be said, » S. Matt. XX. 1-6.

since even in the Old Testament these are 10

Lucernaris hora ; i.e., the hour for Vespers, which is some-
times called lucernarium or lucernalis. S. Jerome in Ps. cxix. S.
Augustine, Sertno i ad fratres in er.
* Ps. XV. '^ It will
be noticed that in this chapter Cassian alludes to five
(xvi.) lo.
» S.
John X. i8. offices: (i) A morning office; (2) the third hour; (3) the sixth ; (4)
8 The behef that by the descent into hell our Lord released some the ninth ; and (5) Vespers and gives the grounds for their observ-

who were there detained was almost, if not quite, universal in the ance. Similar grounds are given by Cyprian, De Orat. Dominica sub
early ages, and is recognized bv a large number of the Fathers. It fine: "For upon the disciples, at the third hour, the Holy Spirit
is alluded to by so early a writer as Ignatius {Ad Magn. ix.), and descended, who fulfilled the grace of the Lord's promise. Moreover,
appears in Irenasus (IV. c. xlii.) as a tradition of those who had seen at the sixth hour, Peter, going up to the housetop, was instructed as
the Apostles. See also Tertullian, De Aninta, c. Iv., and a host of well by the sign as by the word of God, admonishing him to receive
later writers.
all to the
grace of salvation, whereas he was previously doubtful of
Sacratnentutn. This word is used by Cassian, as by other the receiving of the Gentiles to baptism. And from the sixth hour
Latin writers, as the regular equivalent of the Greek ^iKjT^pioi', and to the nintli the Lord, being crucified, washed away our sins by His
as such is applied to sacred truths equally with sacred rites.
See blood; and that He might redeem and quicken us, He then accom-
Book V. xxxiv.: Sacramentascriptorum " Conferences IX.xxxiv.
: :
plished His victory by His passion. But for us, beloved brethren,
" Sacramentum resurrectionis Dominicas." And again and again the besides the hours of prayer observed of old, both the times and the
word is used of the mystery of the Incarnation in the books against sacraments have now increased in number. For we must plso pray
Nestorius. in the morning, that the Lord's resurrection may be celebrated by
' Acts iii. I. morning prayer. . . Also at the sun-setting and decline of day we

observance of Tierce and Sext, to signify the

CHAPTER IV. confession of the Trinity)^ should at the same
time by an uniform arrangement put an end to
How the Mattin office was not appointed by an ancient tra- their sleep and make a beginning to their
dition but was started in our own day for a definite reason.
work. And this form, although it may seem
to have arisen out of an accident and to have
But you must know that this Mattins, which
been appointed within recent memory for the
is now very generally observed in Western
reason given above, yet it clearly makes up
countries, was appointed as a canonical office
in our own day, and also in our own monastery, according to the letter that number which the
blessed David indicates (although it can be
where our Lord Jesus Christ was born of a
taken spiritually) " Seven times a day do I

Virgin and deigned to submit to growth in

and where by His Grace He praise Thee because of Thy righteous judg-
infancy as man, ments." ^ For by the addition of this service
supported our own infancy, still tender in we certainly hold these spiritual assemblies
religion, and, as it were, fed with milk.^ For
seven times a day, and are shown to sing
up till that time we find that when this office
of Mattins (which is generally celebrated after praises to God seven times in it.* Lastly,
a short interval after the Psalms and prayers though this same form, starting from the East,
has most beneficially spread to these parts,
of Nocturns in the monasteries of Gaul) was
finished, together with the daily vigils, the re- yet still in some long-established monasteries
in the East, which will not brook the slight-
maining hours were assigned by our Elders to est violation of the old rules of the
But when some rather Fathers,
bodily refreshment. it seems never to have been introduced.*
carelessly abused this indulgence and pro-
longed their time for sleep too long, as they
were not obliged by the requirements of any
service to leave their cells or rise from their CHAPTER V.
beds till the third hour; and when, as well
How they ought not to go back to bed again after the Mattin
as losing their labour, they were drowsy from
excess of sleep in the daytime, when they ought
to have been applying themselves to some But some in this province, not knowing the
duties, (especially on those days when an un- reason
why this office was appointed and in-
usually oppressive weariness was caused by troduced, go back again to bed after their
their keeping watch from the evening till Mattin
prayers are finished, and in spite of it
the approach of morning), a complaint was fall into that
very habit to check which our
brought to the Elders by some of the brethren Elders instituted this service. For they are
who were ardent in spirit and in no slight
eager to finish it at that hour, that an opportu-
measure disturbed by this carelessness, and it
nity may be given, to those who are inclined to
was determined by them after long discussion be indifferent and not careful
enough, to go
and anxious consideration that up till sunrise, back to bed
again, which most certainly ought
when they could without harm be ready to read not to be done
(as we showed more fully in
or to undertake manual labour, time for rest the
previous book when describing the service
should be given to their wearied bodies, and of the
Egyptians),' for fear least the force of
after this they should all be summoned to the
observance of this service and should rise from * Trintt
confessionis exemplo. The words appear to mean that
their beds, and by reciting three Psalms and the three Psalms used at these offices are significant of the Persons
of theHoly Trinity. So somewhat similarly Cyprian (on the Lord's
prayers (after the order anciently fixed for the Prayer) speaks of the third, sixth, and ninth hours being observed as
a sacrament of the Trinity.
» Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 164.
must pray aeain. For since Christ is the true Sun and the true Dav, * This second " RIattins" of which Cassian has been speaking is
as the worldly sun and day depart, when we prav and ask that light the service which the later Church called Prime, Cassian's first
may return to us aRain, we pray for the advent of Christ, which shall Mattins corresponding to Lauds, and his Nocturns, or Vigilia;,"
give us the Rrace of everlasting light." Cf. also S. Basil, The Greater to Mattins. Thus the "seven hours" are made up as follows: ixS
Monastic Rules, Q. xxxvii., where the same subject is discussed, and Nocturns or Mattins, (2) Lauds, (3) Prime, (4) Tierce, (5) Sext, (6)
Apost. Const. Book VIH.c. xxxiv. In later times the Seven Canoni- None, (7) Vespers. Compline, it will be noticed, had not yet bten
cal Hours were all connected with the' events of our Lord's Passion, introduced. This appears for the first time in the Rule of Sr. Bene-
and supposed to commemorate His suflFerings, as the following " "
dict (c. xvi.), a century later. By its introduction the day hours
•tanzas show :
— were made up to seven, Nocturns belonging strictly to the night,
" At midnigfit will I rise to
At Mattins bound, at Prime reviled, and answering to the Psalmist's words,
Condemned to death at Tierce, give thanks to Thee." -Ps. cxix. 62.
» The introduction of Prime
Nailed to the Cross at Sext, at Nones appears to have been very gradual,
His blessed side tf
even in the West for, though an office for it is prescribed in S. Bene-
ey pierce.
dict (c. xix.), yet there is no mention of it in the Rule of Ca;sarius of
take Him down at Vesper-tide, Aries for monks, nor in that of Isidore of Seville, and it is omitted
In grave at Conifiline lay ; by Cassiodorus in his enumeration of the seven hours observed by
Who thenceforth bids His Church observe the monks. After Benedict the next to mention it appears to be
Her sevenfold hours alway. Aurelius, a successor of C^csarius at Aries, and by degrees it made
its wav to universal adoption in the West. In the Greek Church the
' The allusion is to the monastery at Bethlehem, where Cassian office for it is said continuously with Lauds (t6 op9(tov),
had himself been educated. See the Introduction. Book II. c. xiii.
our natural passions should be aroused and assigned to this new service. Lastly, through-
stain that purity of ours which was gained by out Italy at this day, when the Mattin hymns
humble confession and prayers before the are ended, the 50th Psalm is sung in all the
dawn, or some illusion of the enemy pollute churches, which I have no doubt can only
us, or even the repose of
a pure and natural have been derived from this source.
interfere with the fervour of our spirit
and make us lazy and slothful throughout the
whole day, as we are chilled by the slug- CHAPTER VIL
gishness caused by sleep.
And to avoid this
How one who does not come to the daily prayer before the
the Egyptians, and especially as they are in end of the first Psalm is not allowed to enter the Oratory
the habit of rising at fixed times even before

but at Nocturns a late arrival up to the end of the second

the cock-crow, when the canonical office has Psalm can be overlooked.
been celebrated, afterwards prolong their vigils
even to daylight, that the morning light when But one who at Tierce, Sext, or None has
it comes on them may find them established
not come to prayer before the Psalm is begun
in fervour of spirit, and keep them still more and finished does not venture further to enter
careful and fervent all through the day, as it the Oratory nor to join himself to those sing-
has found them prepared for the conflict and ing the Psalms; but, standing outside, he
their with awaits the breaking-up of the congregation,*
strengthened against daily struggle
the devil by the practice of nocturnal vigils and while they are all coming out does penance
and spiritual meditation. lying on the ground, and obtains absolution
for his carelessness and lateness, knowing that
he can in no other way expiate the fault of his
sloth, nor can ever be admitted to the service
CHAPTER which will follow three hours later, unless he
has been quick to make satisfaction at once
How no change was made by the Elders in the ancient system
for his present negligence by the help of true
of Psalms when the Mattin office was instituted.
humility. But in the nocturnal assemblies a
But we ought to know, viz., that no late arrival up to the second Psalm is allowed,
this too
that before the Psalm is finished and
change was made in the ancient arrangement provided
of Psalms by our Elders who decided that this the brethren bow down in prayer he makes
Mattin service should be added but that haste to take his place in the congregation

office was always celebrated in their nocturnal
and join them; but he will most certainly be
assemblies according to the same order as it subjected to the same blame and penance
had been before. For the hymns which in which we mentioned before if he has delayed
this country they used at the Mattin service at ever so little beyond the hour permitted for a
the close of the nocturnal vigils, which they late arrival.'
are accustomed to finish after the cock-crowing
and before dawn, these they still sing in CHAPTER VIIL
like manner; viz., Ps. 148, beginning "O Of the celebrated on the evening pre-
Vigil service which is
praise the Lord from heaven," and the rest ceding the Sabbath ;
of its length, and the manner in which
which follow; but the 50th Psalm and the it is observed.

62nd, and the 89th have, we know, been

In the winter time, however, when the nights
* Missa. are longer, the Vigils,^ which are celebrated
* Some confusion is likely to be caused by the fact
I.e., Prime.
that Cassian speaks of both
" Lauds " and " Prime "
by the same title
" Mattin
every week on the evening at the commencing
of Mattins. Immediately below, where he speaks of the the Sabbath, are arranged by the elders in the
service at the close of the nocturnal vigils " he is referring to Lauds,
which always followed immediately (or after a very short interval) monasteries 'to last till the fourth cock-crow-
after Nocturns, or Mattins. At this service Pss. cxlviii.-cl. have
always been sung indeed, they form the characteristic feature which
Congregaiionis missam.
the service its
name of "Lauds foi aii/oi). Of the' other three ^ The Rule of S. Benedict has similar provisions, allowing a late
'salms, 1. (li.), Ixii. (Ixiii.), and Ixxxix. (xc), which Cassian says had
fives arrival at Mattins till the Gloria after the Venite (the second Psalm,
been transferred from Lauds to the newly instituted service of Prime, as it is preceded by Ps. iii.), and at the other services till the Gloria
Ixii. has been already spoken of as a morning
" If
hymn of the early after the first Psalm. any come later than this, he is not to take
Church (see the notes on c. iii.), and we learn from S. Basil that in his usual place in the choir, but stand last of all, or take whatever
his day Ps. 1. (6 t;^? efonoAoYTJo-eo)? i((aA/tios) was regularly sung after place the Abbot may have appointed for those who are guilty of a
Mattins when the day began to break {Ep. ccvii. ad clerkos Neo-Cces.\ similar neglect, so that he may be seen of all ; and in this place he is
and it is still a Laauds Psalm in both East and West. Ixxxix. (xc.) is to remain until he shall have made public satisfaction, at the end of
" to
now one of the fixed Psalms at Prime in the East, but in the West the office. We deem it necessary," the Rule proceeds, place
it is, according to the Roman rule, such offenders thus apart, that, being thus exposed to the view of
sung at Lauds on Thursdays
only. Thus it would appear that the transfer of these three Psalms all their brethren, they may be shamed into a sense of duty. More-
from Lauds to Prime, of which Cassian speaks, never obtained over, if such were allowed to remain outside the church, they might
widely, but that the older arrangement, whereby, at any rate, 1. and either sit down at their ease, or while away their time in chatting, or
Ixii. were assigned to Lauds, has generally been adhered to both in perhaps return to the dormitory and compose themselves to sleep,
the East and West. Cf. the Rule of S. Benedict, according to which and thus expose themselves to the temptations of the enemy." Rule
Ps. 1. is sung daily at Lauds, and Ixii. as well on Sundays (c. xii., xiii.). of S. Benedict, c. xliii.
* '
Missa. Vigiliae is here used as the equivalent of Nocturns.

ing, for this reason, viz.,

that after the watch
through the whole night they may, by resting
their bodies for the remaining time of nearly
two hours, avoid flagging through drowsiness The reason why a Vigil is appointed as the Sabbath day
dawns, and why a dispensation from fasting is enjoyed on
the whole day long, and be content with repose the Sabbath all through the East.
for this short time instead of resting the whole
night. And it is proper
for us, too, to observe And throughout the whole of the East it
this with the utmost care, that we may be con- has been settled, ever since the time of the
tent with the sleep which is allowed us after preaching of the Apostles, when the Christian
the office of Vigils up to daybreak,

i.e., till faith and religion was founded, that these
the Mattin Psalms,^ —
and afterwards spend Vigils should be celebrated as the Sabbath
the whole day in work and necessary duties, lest dawns,* for this reason, —
because, when our
through weariness from the Vigils, and
feeble- Lord and Saviour had been crucified on the
ness, we might be forced to take by day
the sixth
day of the week, the disciples, over-
sleep which we cut off from the night,
and so whelmed by the freshness of His sufferings,
be thought not to have cut short our bodily remained watching throughout the whole
rest so much as to have changed our time for night, giving no rest or sleep to their eyes.
repose and nightly retirement. For our feeble Wherefore, since that time, a service of Vigils
flesh could not possibly be defrauded of the has been appointed for this night, and is stillt
whole night's rest and yet keep its vigour un- observed in the same way up to the presene
shaken throughout the following day without day all through the East. And so, after the
sleepiness of mind and heaviness of spirit, as exertion of the Vigil, a dispensation from fast-
it will be hindered rather than helped by this
ing, appointed in like manner for the Sabbath
unless after Vigils are over it enjoys a short by apostolic men,* is not without reason en-
slumber. And, therefore, if, as we have sug- joined in all the churches of the East, in
gested, at least ati hour's sleep is snatched accordance with that saying of Ecclesiastes,
before daybreak, we shall save all the hours which, although it has another and a mystical
of Vigils which we have spent all through the sense, is not misapplied to this, by which we
night in prayer, granting to nature what is due are charged to give to both days that is, to —
to it, and having no necessity of taking back the seventh and eighth equally
the same —
by day what we have cut off from the night. share of the service, as it says Give a portion :

For a man will certainly have to give up every- to these seven and also to these eight." * For
thing to this flesh if he tries, not in a rational this dispensation from fasting must not be un-
manner to withhold a part only, but to refuse derstood as a participation in the Jewish fes-
the whole, and (to speak candidly) is anxious tival by those above all who are shown to be
to cut off not what is superfluous but what is free from all Jewish superstition, but as con-
necessary. Wherefore Vigils have to be made tributing to that rest of the wearied body of
up for with greater interest if they are pro- which we have spoken; which, as it fasts con-
longed with ill-considered and unreasonable tinually for five days in the week all through
length till daybreak. And so they divide them the year, v;ould easily be worn out and fail,
into an office in three parts, that by this variety unless it were revived by an interval of at
the effort may be distributed and the exhaus- least two days.
tion of the body relieved by some agreeable
relaxation. For when standing they have
sung three Psalms antiphonally,* after this, voice alone sang the first part of the verse, and the rest of the con-
Both methods are described in a
gregation joined in at the close.
sitting on the ground or in very low stalls, well-known passage in an Epistle of S. Basil {Ep. ccvii. ad cUricos
in the morning service, at one time,
one of them repeats three Psalms, while the Neocces), where he tells us that
the people divide themselves into two parties, and sing antiphonally
rest respond, each Psalm being assigned to to each other (avTi^a.KKovaiv dAA^Aoi«), while at another time they
of beginning the strain, and the rest
one of the brethren, who succeed each other entrust to one person the duty latter method seems to have been a
This very
respond {yittwovaC).
in turn; to these they add three lessons favourite one, the Psalms which were thus sung being called Respon-
See Isidore, De Offic, 8; and compare the Dictionary of
while still sitting quietly. And so, by lessen- soria. i.

Christian AtUiquities, Vol. II. p. 1745; and Bingham, Antiqutties,

their bodily exertion, they manage to ob- Book XIV. c. 1. A third method has been already described by
ing Cassian in Book II. c. xi. viz., that called Tractus, where the Ps.ilm

serve their Vigils with greater attention of was executed by a single voice, while all the rest of the congregation
mind.' * The observance of a vigil for the whole or greater part of the
for the greater festivals,
night was a regular part of the preparation
I.e., the office of Lauds.
and as such was usual in the East before the Sabbath (Saturday) and
Lord's Day, as well as Pentecost and Easter. See Socrates, H. E.,
' Tria
Antiphoua. The word is here used (as above, II. c. 11.),
not in the modern sense of antiphon, but to denote a Psalm or Psalms VI. tin., where there is an allusion to this.
Saturday, as well as
was long regarded as a festival in
sung antiphonally.
the East, and, indeed, originally in most churches of the West as
, , ,.«
» In this chapter Cassian describes two of the different methods
well. See the Const. II. lix. i ; VIII. xxxiii. i. AposU
of Psalmodv employed in the ancient Church (i) Antiphonal sing-
: Apost.
into two parts, or choirs, Cations Ixvi.; Council of Laodicxa, Canons xvi., xlix., li.
ing, where the congregation was divided *
which sang alternate verses (i) the method according to which one
Ecd. xi. 3.
a more solemn and a longer service of Psalms
and prayers and lessons, and so consider
How it was brought about that they fast on the Sabbath in that Tierce and Sext are included in it. And
the city. hence it results that, owing to the addition of
the lessons, there is no diminution of the
But some people in some countries of the amount of their devotions, and yet some differ-
West, and especially in the city,^ not knowing ence is made, and an indulgence over other
the reason of this indulgence, think that a dis- times seems to be granted to the brethren out
pensation from fasting ought certainly not to of reverence for the Lord's resurrection and ;

be allowed on the Sabbath, because they say this seems to lighten the observance all
that on this day the Apostle Peter fasted be- through the week, and, by reason of the
fore his encounter with Simon. But from difference which is interposed, it makes the
this it is quite clear that he did this not in day to be looked forward to more solemnly as
accordance with a canonical rule, but rather a festival, and owing to the anticipation of it
through the needs of his impending struggle. the fasts of the coming week are less felt.
Since there, too, for the same purpose, Peter For any weariness is always borne with greater
seems to have imposed on his disciples not a equanimity, and labour undertaken without
general but a special fast, which he certainly aversion, if some variety is interposed or
would not have done if he had known that it change of work succeeds.
was wont to be observed by canonical rule ;

just as he would surely have been ready to

appoint it even on Sunday, if the occasion of
his struggle had fallen upon it: but no canon- CHAPTER XII.
ical rule of fasting would have been made
general from this, because it was no general Of the days on which, when supper is provided for the breth-
observance that led to it, but a matter of ren, a Psalm is not said as they assemble for the meal, as
is usual at dinner.
necessity, which forced it to be observed on a
single occasion. —
Lastly, also, on those days, i.e., on Satur-

day and Sunday,

and on holy days, on
which it is usual for both dinner and supper to
be provided for the brethren, a Psalm is not
said in the evening, either when they come to
Of the points in which the service held on Sunday differs
from what is customary on other days. supper or when they rise from it, as is usual
at their ordinary dinner^ and the canonical re-
But we ought to know this, too, that on freshment on fast days, which the customary
Sunday only one celebrated before
office is Psalms usually precede and follow. But they
dinner, at which, out of regard for the actual simply make a plain prayer and come to sup-
per, and again, when they rise from it, con-
service and the Lord's communion, they use
clude with prayer alone; because this repast
* is something special among the monks: nor
Viz., Rome.
* The
Saturday fast was observed at Rome in verv early days, are they all obliged to come to it, but it is only
being noticed by TertuUian, who seems to suc;gest that it originated
in the prolongation of the Friday fast [on Fasting, c. xiv). But it for strangers who have come to see the breth-
seems to have been almost peculiar to Rome, and at Milan, in the
time of S. Ambrose, the Eastern custom prevailed. See the impor-
ren, and those whom bodily weakness or their
tant letter of Augustine to Casulanus ^Ep. xxxvi.), where the whole own inclination invites to it.
subject of the difference of usage on this matter is fully discussed.
The reason here given by Cassian for the origin of the local Roman
custom (viz., that S. Peter's traditional encounter with Simon prandiis. The phrase must here refer to their
* In saUetnnibns
Magus took place on Sunday, and was prepared for by the apostle dinner on ordinary days (cf. solemnitatem ciborum, "their usual
with a Saturday fast) is also there alluded to by Augustine as being food," Book IV. c. xxi.)- Among the early monks it was the custom
the opinion of very many, though he tells us candidly that most of ordinarilvto have but one meal a day on the fast days (viz., Wednes-
the Romans thought it false. " Est
quidem et bajc opinio plurimo- day and Friday) this was at the ninth hour; on other days, at the

rum, quamvis eam perhibeant esse falsam plerique Romani, quod sixth (i.e., midday). Cf. the Conferences XXI. c. xxiii. On festivals
Apostolus Petrus cum Simone Mago die dominico certaturo, propter (viz., Saturday, Sunday, and holy days), beside the midday meal,
ipsum magns tentationis periculum, pridie cum cjusdem urbis ecclesia a supper was allowed as well. And on these days, as we learn from
jejunaverit, et consecuto tam prospero gloriosoque successu, eundem the passage before us, the ordinary grace before and after meat vvas
morem tenuerit, eumque irnitatas sunt nonnuUae Occidentis ecclesije." shortened by the omission of the customary Ps.ilms at other times in-
Cf also Augustine, Ep. adjanuarium, liv.
cluded in it. On the meals of the monks, cf S. Jerome's Preface to

* Missa.
the Rule of Pachomius and the Rule of S. Benedict, cc. xxxix.-xli.,
* Collecta. This word, from which our word " Collect " is possi- the former of which tells us that, except on Wednesday and Friday,
bly, derived, is used for an assembly for worship in the Vulgate in dinner was at midday, and a table was also set for labourers, old men,
Lev. xxiii. 36; Deut. xvi. 8; 2 Chron. vii. 9; Neh. viii. 18: and com-
and children, and (apparently) for all, in the height of summer. For
pare the phrase, Ad CoUectam," in the Sacramentary of Gregory the use of Psalms at grace, see Clement of Alexandria, Padag. II.
for the Feast of the Purification. iv. 44; StrotncUeis'^\\.y\\. 49*
BOOK IV. 219




Of the training of those who renounce this world, and of the Of the ordeal by which one who is to be received in the mon-
way in which those are taught among the monks of Tabenna astery is tested.
and the Egyptians who are received into the monasteries.
One, then, who seeks to be admitted to the
From the canonical system of Psalms and
discipline of the monastery is never received
prayers which ought to be observed in the before he gives, by lying outside the doors for
daily services throughout the monasteries, we ten days or even longer, an evidence of his
pass, in the due course of our narrative, to the perseverance and desire, as well as of humility
training of one who renounces this world; and patience. And when, prostrate at the feet
endeavouring first, as well as we can, to em- of all the brethren that pass
by, and of set
brace, in a short account, the terms on which purpose repelled and scorned by all of them,
those who desire to turn to the Lord can be as if he was wanting to enter the
received in the monasteries; adding some monastery
not for the sake of religion but because he
things from the rule of the Egyptians, some was obliged and when, too, covered with many

from that of the monks of Tabenna,' whose insults and affronts, he has given a practical
monastery in the Thebaid is better filled as proof of his steadfastness, and has shown what
regards numbers, as it is stricter in the rigour he will be like in temptations by the way he
of its system, than all others, for there are in has borne the disgrace and when, with the

it more than five thousand brethren under the

ardour of his soul thus ascertained, he is ad-
rule of one Abbot; and the obedience with
mitted, then they enquire with the utmost care
which the whole number of monks is at all whether he is contaminated by a single coin
times subject to one Elder is what no one from his former possessions clinging to him.
among us would render to another even for a For they know that he cannot stay for long
short time, or would demand from him. under the discipline of the monastery, nor ever
learn the virtue of humility and obedience,
nor be content with the poverty and difliicult
life of the monastery, if he knows that ever
CHAPTER II. so small a sum of money has been kept hid; .

but, as soon as ever a disturbance arises on

Of the way in which among them men remain in the mon-
extreme old age.
asteries even to some occasion or other, he will at once dart
off from the monastery like a stone from a
And I think that before anything else we sling, impelled to this by trusting in that
ought to touch on their untiring perseverance sum of money.'
and humility and subjection, —
how it lasts for

so long, and by what system it is formed,

through which they remain in the monasteries CHAPTER IV.
till they are bent double with old
age for it The reason ;
those who are received in the monastery are
is so great that we cannot recollect
any one not allowed to bring anything in with them.
who joined our monasteries keeping it up
unbroken even for a year: so that when we And for these reasons they do not agree to
have seen the beginning of their renunciation take from him money to be used even for the
of the world, we shall understand how it came
' the Rule of Pachomius, c. xxvi.:
" If
about that, starting from such a commence- door Cf. any one comes to the
of the monastery wanting to renounce the world, and to join
ment, they reached such a height of perfec- the number of the brethren, he shall not be allowed to enter, but the
Abbot of the monastery must first be told, and he shall stay for a few
tion. days outside before the gate, and shall be taught the Lord s Prayer,
and as manv Psalms as he can learn, and shall diligently give proof
of himself that he has not done any thing wrong and fled in trouble
Tabenna, or Tabennae, was an island in the Nile, where was for the time, and that he is not in any one's power, and that he can
founded a flourishing monastery by Pachomius c. 330 a.d. Of forsake his relations and disregard his
And if thev see
Pachomius there is a notice in Sozomen H. E., Book III. c. xiv., that he is apt for everything, then he shall be taught the rest of the
and bis Rule was translated into Latin, with a preface by S. lerome, rules of the monastery,— what he ought to do, whom he is to obey,"
who mentions his fame in Ep. cxxvii. There is a Life of Pachomius etc. ; and, finally, he' is to be admitted, See also the Rule of S.
given by Rosweyde ( Vitae Patrum), wMch is said to be a translation Benedict, c. Iviii., which is to much the same effect ; and S. Basil'*
of a work by a contemporary of his. Longer Monastic RuUs, Q. x.
of the monastery: First, in case he may-
be puffed up with arrogance, owing to this
offering, and so not deign to put
himself on a The reason
why the clothes of the renunciants with which
level with the poorer brethren and next, lest ; they joined the monastery are preserved by the steward.
he fail through this pride of his to stoop to the
humility of Christ, and so, when he cannot But those clothes, which he laid aside, are
hold out under the discipline of the monastery, consigned to the care of the steward and kept
leave it, and afterwards, when he has cooled until by different sorts of temptations and
down, want in a bad spirit to receive and get trials they can recognize the excellence of his
back — not without loss to the monastery —
progress and life and endurance. And if they
what he had contributed in the early days of see that he can continue therein as time goes
his renunciation, when he was aglow with on, and remain in that fervour with which he
spiritual fervour. And that this rule should began, they give them away to the poor. But
always be kept they have been frequently if they find that he has been guilty of any fault
taught by many instances. For in some mon- of murmuring, or of even the smallest piece of
asteries where they are not so careful some who disobedience, then they strip off from him the
have been received unreservedly have after- dress of the monastery in which he had been
wards tried most sacrilegiously to demand a clad, and reclothe him in his old garments
return of that which they had contributed and which had been confiscated, and send him
which had been spent on God's work. away.
2 For it is not right for him to go away
with those which he had received, nor do they
allow any one to be any longer dressed in them
they have seen him once grow cold in regard
to the rule of their institution. Wherefore,
The reason why those who give up the world, when they are
received in the monasteries, must lay aside their own clothes also, the opportunity of going out openly is
and be clothed in others by the Abbot. not given to any one, unless he escapes like
Wherefore each one on his admission is a runaway slave by taking advantage of the
thickest shades of night, or is judged unworthy
stripped of all his former possessions, so that
he is not allowed any longer to keep even the of this order and profession and lays aside
clothes which he has on his back: but in the
the dress of the monastery and is expelled with
council of the brethren he is brought forward shame and disgrace
before all the brethren.
into the midst and stripped of his own clothes,
and clad by the Abbot's hands in the dress of
the monastery, so that by this he may know CHAPTER VII.
not only that he has been despoiled of- all
The reason why those who are admitted to a monastery are
his old things, but also that he has laid aside not permitted to mix at once with the congregation of the
all worldly pride, and come down to the want brethren, but are first committed to the guest house.

and poverty of Christ, and that he is now to

be supported not by wealth sought for by the When, then, any one has been received and
world's arts, nor by anything reserved from proved by that persistence of which we have
his former state of unbelief, but that he is to spoken, and, laying aside his own garments,
receive out of the holy and sacred funds of has been clad in those of the monastery, he
the monastery his rations for his service and is not allowed to mix at once with the congre-

that, as he knows that he is thence to be gation of the brethreri, but is given into the
clothed and fed and that he has nothing of charge of an Elder, who lodges apart not far
his own, he may learn, nevertheless, not to be from the entrance of the monastery, and is en-
anxious about the morrow, according to the trusted with the care of strangers and guests,
saying of the Gospel, and may not be ashamed and bestows all his diligence in receiving
to be on a level with the poor, that is with the them kindly. And when he has served there
for a whole year without any complaint, and
body of the brethren, with whom Christ was
not ashamed to be numbered, and to call him- has given evidence of service towards strang-
self their brother, but that rather he may glory ers,* being thus initiated in the first rudiments
that he has been made to share the lot of his
quotation from the Rule of S. Benedict in the note on
" See the

own servants.^ the last chapter.

2 In the same
way the Rule of S. Benedict (c. Iviii.) directs that
the novice is to be placed in the guest house for a few days, while
1 So the Rule of
" Pachomiiis(c.xxvi.) orders that on the admission that of S. Isidore is more precise in ordering him to be placed there
of a monk " for
they shall strip him of his secular dress, and put on him three months," and to wait on the guests there. Two months
the garb of the monks;
" and that of S. Benedict " He is the period fixed by other rules, but a few days was all that was
(c. Iviii.),
shall then be clothed in the religious habit, and his secular clothes ultimately required, and Cassian stands alone in mentioning a full
deposited in the wardrobe, that ff, at the instigation of the devil, he year as the duration of this service, though Sozomen speaks of the
should ever leave the monastery, they may be given back to him, monks of Tabenna as having to undergo a probation of three years.
and the religious dress be taken from him." H. E., III. xiv.
BOOK IV. 221

of humility and patience, and by long practice and pronounced so by the examination of the
in it acknowledged, when he is to be admitted senior. Thus it results that our cunning ad-
from this into the congregation of the breth- versary cannot in any way circumvent a young
ren he is handed over to another Elder, who and inexperienced monk, or get the better of
is placed over ten of the juniors, who are en- his ignorance, or by any craft deceive one
trusted to him by the Abbot, and whom he both whom he sees to be protected not by his own
teaches and governs in accordance with the discretion but by that of his senior, and who
arrangement which we read of in Exodus as cannot be persuaded to hide from his senior
made by Moses. ^ those suggestions of his which like fiery darts
he has shot into his heart; since the devil,
subtle as he is, cannot ruin or destroy a junior
CHAPTER VIII. unless he has enticed him either through pride
or through shame to conceal his thoughts.
Of the practices in which the juniors are first exercised that For
they may become proficient in overcoming all their desires.
they lay it down as an universal and clear
proof that a thought is from the devil if we
And his anxiety and the chief part of his in- are ashamed to disclose it to the senior.*
struction — through which the juniors brought
to him may be able in due course to mount to
the greatest heights of perfection —will be to X.CHAPTER
teach him first to conquer his own wishes;
How thorough is the obedience of the jimiors even in those
and, anxiously and diligently practising him things which are matters of common necessity.
in this, he will of set purpose contrive to give
him such orders as he knows to be contrary Next, the rule is kept with such strict obe-
to his liking; for, taught by many examples, dience that, without the
knowledge and per-
they say that a monk, and especially the mission of their superior, the juniors not only
younger ones, cannot bridle the desire of his do not dare to leave their cell but on their
concupiscence unless he has first learnt by own authority do not venture to satisfy their
obedience to mortify his wishes. And so they common and natural needs. And so they are
lay' it down that the man who has not first quick to fulfil without any discussion all those
learnt to overcome his desires cannot possibly
things that are ordered by him, as if they were
stamp out anger or sulkiness, or the spirit of commanded by God from heaven;* so that
fornication; nor can he preserve true humility sometimes, when impossibilities are com-
of heart, or lasting unity with the brethren, or manded them,
they undertake them with such
a stable and continuous concord; nor remain faith and devotion as to strive with all their
for any length of time in the monastery.
powers and without the slightest hesitation to
fulfil them and carry them out; and out of rev-
erence for their senior they do not even con-
CHAPTER IX. sider whether a command is an impossibility.*
But of their obedience I omit at present to
The reason why the juniors are enjoined not to keep back
any of speak more particularly, for we propose to
their thoughts from the senior.

speak of it in the proper place a little later on,

By these practices, then, they hasten to im- with instances of it, if through your prayers
press and instruct those whom they are train- the Lord carry us safely through. now pro- We
ing with the alphabet, as it were, and first ceed to the other regulations, passing over all
syllables in the direction of perfection, as account of those which cannot be imposed
they can clearly see by these whether they are * the Conferences, Book II. c. x., where Cassian returns
grounded in a false and imaginary or in a true to theCompare
same subject. A similar rule that the brethren are to lay bare
humility. And, that they may easily arrive all the secrets of their hearts to their superior is given by S. Basil in
the Longer Monastic Rules, Q. xxvi., and in the Rule of S. Isaiah
at this, they are next taught not to conceal by in Holsten's Codex Regularum, Vol. I.
vi., xliii.), (cc. printed
a false shame any itching thoughts in their » Cf. the Rule of S.
Benedict, c. v., where is said that "the it

first degree of
humility is ready obedience. Tliis is peculiar to those
hearts, but, as soon as ever such arise, to lay who prefer notlung to Christ, and fulfil the injunctions of their
. . .

them bare to the senior, and, in forming a promptly as if God Himself had given them the com-
judgment about thepi, not to trust anything * The Rule of S. Benedict has a
chapter to explain what is to be
if a brother is commanded to perform impossibilities (c. Ixviii.).
to their own discretion, but to take it on trust done
" If a brother is commanded to do
anything that is difficult, or even
that that is good or bad which is considered impossible, let him receive the command with all meekness and obedi-
ence meanwhile, should he see that he is unequal to the
task laid upon him, let him represent the matter to his
superior calmly
Cf Exod. xviii. 25. The office of " Dean " (Decaiius), which is
. and respectfully, without pride, resistance, or contradiction. If the
here spoken of by Cassian, is also referred to bv Augustine (De Mor. superior, after hearing what he has to say, still insists on the execu-
Eccl. xxxi.) and Jerome (£/». xxii. ad Ettsiock.), and recognized by tion of the command, let the junior be persuaded that it is for his
the Rule of S. Benedict, c. xxi., where directions for his appoint- spiritual good, and accordingly, trusting m God's assistance, let him
ment are given. for His love undertake the work."
or kept in the monasteries in this country,
as we promised to do in our Preface for in- ;
stance, how they never use woollen garments,
How wrong it is considered for any one to say that anything,
but only cotton, and these not double, changes however trifling, is his own.
of which each superior gives out to the ten
monks under his care when he sees that those Among their other practices I fancy that it
which they are wearing are dirty. is unnecessary even to mention this virtue,

viz., that no one is allowed to possess a box or

basket as his special property, nor any such
CHAPTER XL thing which he could keep as his own and
secure with his own seal, as we are well aware
The kind of food which is considered the greatest delicacy by
them. that they are in all respects stripped so bare
that they have nothing whatever except their
IPASS over, too, that difficult and sublime
shirt, cloak, shoes, sheepskin, and rush mat;'
sort of self-control, through which it is con- for in other monasteries as well, where some
sidered the greatest luxury if the plant called
indulgence and relaxation is granted, we see
cherlock,^ prepared with salt and steeped in that this rule is still most strictly kept, so that
water, is set on the table for the repast of the no one ventures to say even in word that any-
brethren; and many other things like this, thing is his own and it is a great offence if

which in this country neither the climate nor there drops from the mouth of a monk such
the weakness of our constitution would permit. an expression as "my book," *' my tablets,"
And I shall only follow up those matters which " "
my pen," my. coat," or shoes;" and
cannot be interfered with by any weakness of for this he would have to make satisfaction
the flesh or local situation, if only no weak-
ness of mind or coldness of spirit gets rid of
by a proper penance, if
by accident some such
expression escaped his lips through thought-
them. lessness or ignorance.

How they leave off every kind of work at the sound of some
one knocking at the door, in their eagerness to answer at once.

even if a large sum of money is amassed by the labour

And and devoting How,
so, sitting in their cells of each, still no one may venture to exceed the moderate
their energies equally to work and to medita- limit of what is appointed as adequate.

tion, when they hear the sound of some one

knocking at the door and striking on the cells And although each one of them may bring
of each, summoning them to or some in daily by his work and labour so great a
work, every one eagerly dashes out from his return to the monastery that he could out of
cell, so that one who is practising the writer's it not only satisfy his own moderate demands
art, although he may have just begun to form but could also abundantly supply the wants of
a letter, does not venture to finish it, but runs many, yet he is no way puffed up, nor does he
out with the utmost speed, at the very moment flatter himself on account of his toil and this
when the sound of the knocking reaches his large gain from his labour, but, except two
ears, without even waiting to finish the letter biscuits,* which are sold there for scarcely
he has begun; but, leaving the lines of the threepence, no one thinks that he has a right
letter incomplete, he aims not at
to anything further. And among them there
and saving his labour, but rather hastens with is nothing (and I am ashamed to say this, and
the utmost earnestness and zeal to attain the heartily wish it was unknown in our own mon-
virtue of obedience, which
they put not merely asteries) which is claimed by any of them, I
before manual labour and reading and silence will not say in deed but even in thought, as
and quietness in the cell, but even before all
virtues, so that they consider that everything
' Psiathiutn. The rush mats which served as a seat by day and
a bed by night for the monks. See Book V. xxxv., and the Confer-
should be postponed to it, and are content to ences I. xxiii.; XV. i. ; XVII. iii. XVIII.xi. S. Jerome mentions

it in his preface to the Rule of Pachomius as one of the very few

undergo any amount of inconvenience if only articles contained in the cells of the monks of Tabenna. "They
may be seen that they have in no way neg- have nothing in their cells except a n^t and what is described below
two lebitonaria,' a kind of garment without sleeves which the Egyp-

lected this virtue.^ tian monks use (the colobium, or shirt), one old one for sleeping or

• working, a linen garment and two hoods, a sheepskin, a linen girdle,

Labsanion. Cf. below, c. xxiii., where charlock is mentioned shoes, and a staff."
again, together with other delicacies (!) of the Egyptians. *
Paxamatium, a biscuit. The word comes from the Greek
Cf. the Rule of S. Benedict, c. v. "Those who choose to tread
irafaftaSioi', and is said to be derived from the name of a baker,
the path that leads to life eternal
immediately quit their private occu- Uofaioid? (see Liddell and Scott, c. v.). These biscuits formed an im-
pations at the call of obedience, and, renouncing their own will so portant part of the diet of the Egyptian monks, as we see from the
far as to cast away unfinished out of their hands whatever thev
may Conferences, where they are often mentioned; e.g., II. xi., xix.,
be occupied with, hasten to execute the orders of their superiors," etc. xxiv., xxvi. ; XII. xv. XIX. iv.
BOOK IV. 223

his special property. And though he believes CHAPTER XVI.

that the whole granary of the monastery forms
his substance, and, as lord of all, devotes his On the rules for various rebukes.
whole care and energy to it all, yet never-
theless, in order to maintain that excellent If then any one by accident breaks an
state of want and poverty which he has secured earthenware jar (which they call "baucalis"),
and which he strives to preserve to the very he can only expiate his carelessness by public
last in unbroken perfection, he regards him- penance and when all the brethren are assem-

self as a foreigner and an alien to them all, so bled for service he must lie on the ground
that he conducts himself as a stranger and a and ask for absolution until the service of the
sojourner in this world, and considers himself prayers is finished; and will obtain it when
a pupil of the monastery and a servant instead by the Abbot's command he is bidden to rise
of imagining that he is lord and master of from the ground. The same satisfaction must
anything. be given by one who when summoned to some
work or to the usual service comes rather late,
or who when singing a Psalm hesitates ever so
CHAPTER XV. little. Similarly if he answers unnecessarily
or roughly or impertinently, if he is careless
Of the excessive desire of possession among us. in carrying out the services enjoined to him,
if he makes a slight complaint, if
To this what shall we wretched creatures reading to work or obedience he is slow in
say, who though living in Ccenobia and estab- performing his appointed duties, if when ser-
lished under the government and care of an vice is over he does not make haste to go back
Abbot yet carry about our own keys, and at once to his cell, if he stops for ever so
trampling under foot all feeling of shame and short a time with some one else, if he goes
disgrace which should spring from our pro- anywhere else even for a moment, if he takes
fession, are not ashamed actually to wear any one else by the hand, if he ventures to dis-
openly upon our fingers rings with which to cuss anything however small with one who is
seal what we have stored up; and in whose not the joint-occupant of his cell,* if he prays
case not merely boxes and baskets, but not with one who is suspended from prayer, if he
even chests and closets are sufficient for those sees any of his relations or friends in the world
things which we collect or which we reserved and talks with them without his senior, if he
when we forsook the world; and who some- tries to receive a letter from any one or to write
times get so angry over trifles and mere noth- back without his Abbot's leave.* To such an
ings (to which however we lay claim as if they extent does spiritual censure proceed and in
were our own) that if any one dares to lay a such matters and faults like these. But as
finger on any of them, we are so filled with rage for other things which when indiscriminately
against him that we cannot keep the wrath of committed among us are treated by us too as
our heart from being expressed on our lips and blameworthy, viz. open wrangling, manifest :

in bodily excitement. But, passing by our contempt, arrogant contradictions, going out
faults and treating with silence those things of from the
monastery freely and without check,
which it is a shame even to speak, according familiarity with women, wrath, quarrelling,
to this saying: My mouth shall not speak the jealousies, disputes, claiming something as
deeds of men," ^ let us in accordance with the
method of our narration which we have begun '
Many of these faults are noticed in the Rule of Pachomius as
deserving censure e.g., unpunctuality at or carelessness in service
proceed to those virtues which are practised (c. viii. ix.). breaking anything (c.cxxv.), murmuring (Ixxxvii.), taking
the hand 01 another (xiiv.). So also in the Rule of S. Benedict
among them, and which we ought to aim at with (cc. xliii.-xlvi.) similar directions are given, while in c. xliv. the
all earnestness; and let us briefly and hastily nature of the penance is more fully described. He who in pun-
ishment of a grievous fault has been excluded from the Refectory
set down the actual rules and systems that and the Church, shall lie prostrate at the door of the latter at the end
afterwards, coming to some of the deeds and of each office, and shall there remain in silence with his forehead
touching the ground, until the brethren retiring from church have all
acts of the elders which we propose carefully walked over him. This penance he shall conUnue to perform till it
to preserve for recollection, we may support be announced to him that he has made due satisfaction. When corn*
manded by the Abbot to appear before him, he shall go and cast him-
by the strongest testimonies what we have set self at his feet and then at the feet of all the brethren, begging of them
He shall then be admitted to the choir, if the
to pray for him.
forth in our treatise, and still further confirm Abbot so order, and shall take there whatever place he may assign
everything that we have said by examples and him but let him not presume to intone a Psalm, read a lesson or

perform any similar duty, without the special permission of the

instances from life. Abbot. He shall, moreover, f)rostrate himself in his place in choir
at the end of every office, until the Abbot tells him to discontinue
this penance. Those who for light faults are excluded merely from

Ps. xvi. (xvii.) 4. the common table, shall make satisfaction in the church according as
* Froro this
passage we gather that in Egypt two tnonks were often the Abbo. shall direct, and shall continue to do so until he gives
the joint occupants of a single cell. Cf . 1 1. xii. and Conference XX. them his blessing and tells them that they have made sufficient atone-
one's ownproperty, the infection of covetous- XVIII. CHAPTER
ness, the desire and acquisition of unnecessary
things which are not possessed by the rest of How it is against the rule for any one to take anything to eat or
the brethren, taking food between meals and drink except at the common table.

by stealth, and things like these they are

dealt with not by that spiritual censure of In between their regular meals in common
which we spoke, but by stripes; or are atoned they are especially careful that no one should
for by expulsion. presume to gratify his palate with any food :

so that when they are walking casually

through gardens or orchards, when the fruit
hanging enticingly on the trees not only knocks
CHAPTERXVII. against their breasts as they pass through, but
is also lying on the ground and offering itself
Of those who introduced the plan that the holy Lessons to be under and it is all
should be read in the Coenobia while the brethren are eating, trampled foot, (as
and of the strict silence which is kept among the Egyptians. ready to be gathered) would easily be able to
entice those who see it to gratify their appetite,
But we have been informed that the plan and by the chance offered to them and the
that, while the brethren are eating, the holy quantity of the fruit, to excite even the most
lessons should be read in the Coenobia did severe and abstemious to long for it; still they
not originate in the Egyptian system but in consider it wrong not merely to taste a single
the Cappadocian. And there is no doubt that fruit, but even to touch one with the hand,
they meant to establish it not so much for the except what is put on the table openly for the
sake of the spiritual exercise as for the sake common meal of all, and supplied publicly
of putting a stop to unnecessary and idle con- by the steward's catering through the service
versation, and especially discussions, which so of the brethren, for their enjoyment.
often arise at meals since they saw that these

could not be prevented among them in any

other way. ^ For among the Egyptians and CHAPTER XIX.
especially those of Tabenna so strict a silence
is observed by all that when so large a number How throughout Palestine and Mesopotamia a daily service
is undertaken by the brethren.
of the brethren has sat down together to a <i

meal, no one ventures to talk even in a low In order that we may not appear to omit any
tone except the dean, who however if he sees
of the Institutes of the Coenobia I think that
that anything is wanted to be put on or taken
it should be briefly mentioned that in other
off the table, signifies it by a sign rather
countries as well there is a daily service un-
than a word. And while they are eating, the
dertaken by the brethren. For throughout the
rule of this silence is so strictly kept that with
whole of Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Cappa-
their hoods drawn down over their eyelids
docia and all the East the brethren succeed
(to prevent their roving looks having the op- one another in turn
every week for the per-
portunity of wandering inquisitively) they can formance of certain duties, so that the number
see nothing except the table, and the food that
is put on it, and which they take from it; so
serving is told off according to the whole num-
ber of monks in the Coenobium. And they
that no one notices what another is eating.
hasten to fulfil these duties with a zeal and
humility such as no slave bestows on his ser-
^ It is
quite in keeping with what is here said by Cassian that in vice even to a most harsh and powerful mas-
the Rule of Pachomius there is no mention of reading at meals, but
ter; so that not satisfied only with these
only of the strict silence observed, so that anything wanted might not
be asked for but only indicated by a sign (cc. xxxi., xxxiii.), while in services which are rendered by canonical rule,
the shorter Monastic Rules of S. Basil the custom of reading at
they actually rise by night in their zeal and
meals is distinctly alluded to (Q. clxxx.). It is of course also ordered
in most of the later monastic rules, e.g. that of Cesarius of Aries
" ad Monachos " c. " ad " c. xvi. that of S. Aure- whose special duty this is; and
relieve those
xlix., Virgines ;

lian, c. xlix. S. Isidore, c. x., and S. Benedict, c. xxxviii. The secretly anticipating them try to finish those

regulations in the last mentioned are as follows

— "A book should duties which these others would
have to do.
be read in the Refectory while the brethren are at meals. Let no
one presume to read of his own accord but let there be one appointed But each one who undertakes these weeks is

to perform that duty, wlio, commencing on Sunday, will read during

the entire week. Profound silence shall be observed
on duty and has to serve until supper on
. .
meals, so that no voice save that of the reader may be heard. The
brethren will so help each other to what is necessary as regards food
and drink that no one may have occasion to ask for anything should,
; similarly we find in the Rule of Pachomius that no one is allowed
however, anything be wanted, let it be asked for by sign rather than to keep any food in his ceil besides what he receives from the steward
word. Let no one presume to make any observation either on what (c. Ixxix.); and the Benedictine Rule also says: "Let no one pre-
is being read or on any other subject, lest occasion be given to the sume to take any food or drink out of the regular hours of meals"
enemy. The Prior, however, should he think fit, may say a few (c. xliii). Cf. also the Rule of Pachomius cc. Ixxv. and Ixxviii., S.
words to edify the brethren." Basil's longer Monastic Rules Q. xv.,'A>//oto fipmixaTiav irapa
* So Pachomius While they are eating they shall sit in
(c. xxix.). Kaipov ; ini wKelarov t^s rj/oic'pa? aTrderiTOS i(TTio, the Rule of Aure-
their right places and shall cover their heads. lian (c. lii.), that of Isidore (c. xiii.), etc.
BOOK IV. 225

Sunday, and when this is done, his duty for prayer. And the offence of his negligence
the whole week is finished, so that, when all was only pardoned when he had atoned for it
the brethren come together to chant the Psalms by public penance. For they believe not only
(which according to custom they sing before that they themselves are not their own, but also
going to bed) those whose turn is over wash that everything that they possess is conse-
the feet of all in turn, seeking faithfully from crated to the Lord. Wherefore if anything
them the reward of this blessing for their work whatever has once been brought into the mon-
during the whole week, that the prayers offered astery they hold that it ought to be treated
up by all the brethren together may accompany with the utmost reverence as an holy thing.
them as they fulfil the command of Christ, And they attend to and arrange everything
the prayer, to wit, that intercedes for their with great fidelity, even in the case of
ignorances and for their sins committed through things which are considered unimportant or
human frailty, and may commend to God the regarded as common and paltry, so that if they
complete service of their devotion like some change their position and put them in a better
rich offering. And so on Monday after the place, or if they fill a bottle with water, or
Mattin hymns they hand over to others who give anybody something to drink out of it, or
take their place the vessels and utensils with if they remove a little dust from the
oratory or
which they have ministered, which these re- from their cell they believe with implicit faith
ceive and keep with the utmost care and anxi- that they will receive a reward from the Lord.
ety, that none of them may be injured or
destroyed, as they believe that even for the
smallest vessels they must give an account, as CHAPTER XXL
sacred things, not only to a present steward,
but to the Lord, if by chance any of them is Of the spontaneous service of some of the brethren.

injured through their carelessness. And what

limit there is to this discipline, and what fidel- We have been told of brethren in whose
ity and care there is in keeping it up, you may week there was such a scarcity of wood that
see from one instance which I will give as an they had not enough to prepare the usual
example. For while we are anxious to satisfy food for the brethren and when it had been ;

that fervour of yours through which you ask ordered by the Abbot's authority that until
for a full account of everything, and want even more could be brought and fetched, they
what you know perfectly well to be repeated should content themselves .with dried food,'
to you in this treatise, we are also afraid of though this was agreed to by all and no one
exceeding the limits of brevity.^ could expect any cooked food; still these men
as if they were cheated of the fruit and reward
of their labour and service, if they did not

CHAPTER prepare the food for their brethren according

to custom in the order of their turn imposed —
Of the three lentil beans which the Steward found. upon themselves such uncalled-for labour and
care that in those dry and sterile regions
During the week of a certain brother the where wood cannot possibly be procured un-
steward passing by saw lying on the ground less it is cut from the fruit trees (for there are
three lentil beans which had slipped out of the no wild shrubs found there as with us), they
hand of the monk on duty for the week'' as wander about through the wide deserts, and
he was hastily preparing them for cooking, traversing the wilderness which stretches
together with the water in which he was wash- towards the Dead Sea,* collect in their lap
ing them; and immediately he consulted the and the folds of their dress the scanty stubble
Abbot on the subject; and by him the monk and brambles which the wind carries hither
was adjudged a pilferer and careless about and thither, and so by their voluntary service
sacred property, and so was suspended from prepare all their usual food for the brethren,
so that they suffer nothing to be diminished of
the ordinary supply; discharging these duties

The weekly officers here spoken of were termed " Hebdoma-
" of theirs towards their brethren with such fidel-
darii (see the next chapter). According to most rules their duties
inchidcd cooking, serving, and reading at meals. They are men-
tioned in S. Jerome's preface to the Rule of Pachomius (cf. also ity that though the scarcity of wood and the
Ep. xxii. ad Eustochium), but it would appear from what Cassian says
below in c. xxii. that in Egypt the office of cook was assigned to
some one brother and not undertaken by all in turn. According to *
Xerofihagia (irtpoibayia), "dried food," distinguished from
Cassian they entered upon office on Monday morning, but the Hene- what is raw
(otno^hagia) in the next chapter. Cf. for the word,
dictinc (c. xx5cv.) and other rules speak of them as beginning their Tertullian on Fastmg c. i. and xvji.
duties on Sunday morning. The custom of washing the feet of the * This shows that Cassian is here writing about the monks of
brethren, which Cassian here describes, is also mentioned by S. Palestine, not those of Egypt, who (according to the next cl)a|)ter)
Benedict. 1. c. had permanent cook. There is a further allusion to and description

' of this desert in the Conference VI. i.

Abbot's order would be a fair excuse for them, pose. Wherefore, to make this book as short
yet out
still of regard for their profit and re- as possible we will produce and set down two
ward they will not take advantage of this or three out of the whole number of the
liberty. Fathers; and first of all Abbot John who
lived near Lycon * which is a town in the

CHAPTER XXII. Thebaid; and who was exalted even to the

grace of prophecy for his admirable obedience,
Of the system of the Egyptians, which is appointed for the and was so celebrated all the world over that
daily service of the brethren. he was by his merits rendered famous even
among kings of this world. For though, as we
These things have been told in accordance said, he lived in the most remote parts of the
with the system, as we remarked before, of Thebaid, still the
Emperor Theodosius did
the whole East, which also we say should be not venture to declare war
against the most
observed as a matter of course in our own
powerful tyrants before he was encouraged by
But among the Egyptians whose his utterances and
country. replies: trusting in which
chief care is for work there is not the mutual as if
they had been brought to him from
change of weekly service, for fear lest owing heaven he gained victories over his foes in
to the requirements of office they might all battles which seemed
be hindered from keeping the rule of work.
But one of the most approved brethren is given
the care of the larder and kitchen, and he XXIV.CHAPTER
takes charge of that office for good and all
as long as his strength and years permit. For Of the dry stick which, at the bidding of his senior, Abbot
he is exhausted by no great bodily labour, John kept on watering as if it would grow.
because no great care is expended among them
in preparing food or in cooking, as they so And
so this blessed John from his youth up
and uncooked food,^ evenand ripe age of manhood was
to a full
largely make use of dried
and among them subject to his senior as long as he continued
the leaves of leeks cut each
in this world, and carried out his com-
month, and cherlock, table salt,^ olives, tiny living
little 3alt fish which they call sardines,* form
mands with such humility that his senior him-
self was utterly astounded at his obedience;
the greatest delicacy.
and as he wanted to make sure whether this
virtue came from genuine faith and profound
simplicity of heart, or whether it was put on
XXIII. and as it were constrained and only shown in
the presence of the bidder, he often laid upon
Of the obedience of Abbot John by which he was exalted
him many superfluous and almost unnecessary
even to the grace of prophecy.
or even impossible commands. From which
And since this book is about the training of I will select three to show to those who wish
one who renounces this world, whereby, mak- to know how perfect was his disposition and
ing a beginning of true humility and perfect subjection. For the old man took from his
obedience, he may be enabled to ascend the woodstack a stick which had previously been
heights of the other virtues as well, I think it cut and got ready to make the fire with, and
well to set down just by way of specimen, as which, as no opportunity for cooking had
we promised, some of the deeds of the elders come, was lying not merely dry but even
whereby they excelled in this virtue, selecting mouldy from the lapse of time. And when
a few only out of many instances, that, if
any he had stuck it into the ground before his very
heights, eyes, he ordered him to fetch water and to
are anxious to aim at still greater
they may not only receive from these an in-
citement towards the perfect life, but may also *
Lycon or Lycopolis in the Thebaid is the modern El Syout on
be furnished with a model of what they pur- the west banks of the Nile, S.E. of Herniopolis ( =
This John of Lycopolis was one of the most celebrated hermits
of the fourth century. Originally a carpenter, he retired at tlie age
of twenty-five into the wilderness, and after the death of his instructor
1 The distinction
between the xerophagia and omophagia is settled near Lycopolis. Here, as Cassian tells us, he received as a
shown by the following passage from S.
Jerome's Life of Hilarion, reward for his obedience the gift of prophecy and was consulted by

describing his food: "From his twenty -first year to his twenty- crowds who came to him for this purpose and among others by the
seventh for three years .... his food' was dry bread and water Emperor Theodosius, to whom he foretold (i) his victory over the
Further from his twenty-seventh to his thirtieth year
(xerophagia). usurper Maximus (a.d. j88), and (2) his success against Eugenius
he supported himself on wild herbs, and the raw roots of certain in A.D. 395. He is mentioned again by Cassian in the Conferences
plants (omophagia)."
xxi., xxvi., etc. Afull account of him is given by
Sal/rictum, "rubbed salt," i.e., table salt as distinct from in his history of the monks c. i., and by Palladius .in theLausiac
rough or block salt. History 43-60; he is also mentioned by Augustine De Civitate Dei,
3Mcenomenia (Petschenig) or Moenidia (Gazaus). The word Book V.c. xxvi; De Cura pro mortuisgerenda, c. xvii., and Jerome
comes from the Greek /uaivo/neva or \i.<u.vihi.ov, dimin. from /iiaiVij, a Ep. cxxxiii. ad Ctesiphontem, as well as by Theodoret H.E. V. xxiv.
small salted fish. and Sozomen H.E. VL xxviii.
BOOK IV. 227
water it twice a day that by this daily watering a very scanty supply of the rich liquid for their
it might strike roots and be restored to life as own use and for that of strangers) " and throw
a tree, as it was before, and spread out its it down out of window." And he flew up
branches and afford a pleasant sight to the stairs when summoned and threw it out of
eyes as well as a shade for those who sat under window and cast it down to the ground and
it in the heat of summer. And this order the broke in pieces without any thought or con-

lad received with his customary veneration, sideration of the folly of the command, or
never considering its impossibility, and day their daily wants, and bodily
infirmity, or of
by day carried it out so that he constantly their poverty, and the trials and difficulties of
carried water for nearly two miles and never the wretched desert in which, even if they had
ceased to water the stick; and for a whole got the money for it, oil of that quality, once
year no bodily infirmity, no festival services, lost, could not be procured or replaced.
no necessary business (which might fairly have
excused him from carrying out the command),
and lastly no severity of winter could interfere
and hinder him from obeying this order. And XXVI. CHAPTER
when the old man had watched this zeal of his
on the sly without saying anything for several How Abbot John obeyed his senior by trying to roll a huge
stone, which a large number of men were unable to move.
days and had seen that he kept this command
of his with simple willingness of heart, as if
Again, when some others were anxious to
it had come from heaven, without
any change be edified by the example of his obedience,
of countenance or consideration of its reason-
ableness — the elder called him and said: "John, run
approving the unfeigned obedience and roll that stone hither as quickly as pos-
of his humility and at the same time commis-
sible;" and he forthwith, applying now his
erating his tedious labour which in the zeal neck, and now his whole
of his devotion he had continued for a whole
body, tried with all

— "
his might and main to roll an enormous stone
he came to the dry stick, and, "John," which a
great crowd of men would not be
said he, "has this tree put forth roots or no?
able to move, so that not only were his clothes
And when the other said that he did not know, saturated with sweat from his
limbs, but the
then the old man as if seeking the truth of
stone itself was wetted by his neck; in this
the matter and trying whether it was yet de-
too never weighing the impossibility of the
pending on its roots, pulled up the stick be- command and deed, out of reverence for the
fore him with a slight disturbance of the earth,
old man and the unfeigned simplicity of his
and throwing it away told him that for the
^ service, as he believed implicitly that the old
future he might stop watering it.
man could not command him to do anything
vain or without reason.

Of the unique vase of oil thrown away by Abbot John at his
senior's command. Of the humility and obedience of Abbot Patermuciu.s,S which he
did not hesitate to make perfect by throwing his little boy
Thusthe youth, trained up by exercises of into the river at the command of his senior.

this sort, daily increased in this virtue of

obedience, and shone forth more and more
So far me to have told a few
let it suffice for

with the grace of humility; and when the sweet things out of many concerning Abbot John:
odour of his obedience spread throughout all now I will relate a memorable deed of Abbot
the monasteries, some of the brethren, coming Patermucius. For he, when anxious to re-
to the elder for the sake of testing him or nounce the world, remained lying before the
doors of the monastery for a long time until
rather of being edified by him, marvelled at
by his dogged persistence he induced them

his obedience of which they had heard; and
so the elder called him suddenly, and said, contrary to all the rules of the Ccenobia
— to
Go up and take this cruse of oil " ^ (which was receive him together with his little boy who
the only one in the desert and which furnished was about eight years old. And when they
were at last admitted they were at once not
' A somewhat similar story is told by Sulpitius Severus (Dialogi
I. c. xiii.) of an Egyptian monk, only in that case tl»e story terminates "
Patermttcius (Petschenig) or Mucins (Gazaeiis); probably a
in a more satisfactory manner, as in the third year the stick took root different person from the man of this name of whom we read in
and sprouted! Rufinus, History of the Monks, c. ix. ; as there is no allusion
' the word is used
Lenticula ; for a cruse of oil in the Vulgate. there to the narrative which Cassian gives here, nor any hint that
I Sam. X. I ; 3 Kings ix. i, 3. that Patermucius had a son.
only committed to the care of different supe- CHAPTER
riors, but also put to live in separate cells
that the father might not be reminded by the How it was revealed to the Abbot concerning Patermucius
that he had done the deed of Abraham and how when the
constant sight of the little one that out of all same Abbot died, Patermucius succeeded to the charge of

his possessions and carnal treasures, which he the monastery.

had cast off and renounced, at least his son re-

And this man's faith and devotion was so
mained to him; and that as he was already
that he was no a rich so acceptable to God that it was immediately
taught longer man, a divine testimony. For it was
he might also forget the fact that he was a approved by
forthwith revealed to the Superior that by this
father. And that it might be more thoroughly obedience of his he had
tested whether he would make affection and copied the deed of the
Abraham. And when shortly after-
love ^ for his own flesh and blood of more ac- patriarch
wards the same Abbot of the monastery de-
count than obedience and Christian mortifi-
out of this life to Christ, he preferred
cation (which all who renounce the world parted
him to all the brethren, and left him as his
ought out of love to Christ to prefer), the child successor and as Abbot to the
was on purpose neglected and dressed in rags monastery.
instead of proper clothes and so covered and
disfigured with dirt that he would rather dis-
gust than delight the eyes of his father when- Of the obedience of a brother who at the Abbot's bidding carried
ever he saw him. And further, he was about in public ten baskets and sold them by. retail.

exposed to blows and slaps from different We -will also not be silent about a brother
people, which the father often saw inflicted whom
without the slightest reason on his innocent
we knew, -who belonged to a high family
to the rank of this world, for he was
child under his very eyes, so that he never according
saw his cheeks without their being stained sprung from a father who was a count and
with the dirty marks of tears. And though extremely wealthy, and had been well brought
with a liberal education. This man, when
the child was treated thus day after day before up
he had left his parents and fled to the monas-
his eyes, yet still out of love for Christ and
in order to prove the humility of his dis-
the virtue of obedience the father's heart stood tery,
firm and unmoved. For he no longer regarded position and the ardour of his faith was at
him as his own son, as he had offered him once ordered by his superior to load his
shoulders with ten baskets (which there was
equally with himself to Christ nor was he con- no need to sell

cerned about his present injuries, but rather re- publicly), and to hawk them
about through the streets for sale this condi-
joiced because he saw that they were endured,

tion being attached, so that he might be kept

not without profit; thinking little of his son's
at the work, viz. that if any one should
tears, but anxious about his own humility and longer

chance to want to buy them all together, he

perfection. And when the Superior of the
Coenobium saw his steadfastness of mind and was not to allow it, but was to sell them to
immovable inflexibility, in order thoroughly purchasers separately. And this he carried
to prove the constancy of his purpose, one
out with the utmost zeal, and trampling under
foot all shame and confusion, out of love for
day when he had seen the child crying, he
Christ, and for His Name's sake, he put the
pretended that he was annoyed with him and
told the father to throw him into the river.
baskets on his shoulders and sold them by
retail at the price fixed and brought back the
Then as if this had been commanded him
at once snatched up the child as money to the monastery; not in the least upset
by the Lord,
quickly as possible, and carried him in his by the novelty of so mean and unusual a duty,
arms to the river's bank to throw him in. And and paying no attention to the indignity of
the thing and the splendour of his birth, and
straightway in the fervour of his faith and obe-
dience this would have been carried out in the disgrace of the sale, as he was aiming at

act, had not some of the brethren been pur- gaining through the grace of obedience that
posely set to watch the banks of the river very humility of Christ which is the true nobility.
carefully, and when the child was thrown in,
had somehow snatched him from the bed of CHAPTER XXX.
the stream, and prevented the command, which Of the humility of Abbot Pinufius, who left a very famous
was really fulfilled by the obedience and devo- Coenobium over which he presided as Presbyter, and out of
the love of subjection sought a distant monastery where he
tion of the father, from being consummated in could be received as a novice.
act and result.
The limits of the book compel us to draw
to a close; but the virtue of obedience, which
Affectionem .... charitatem. — Petschenig The text of
Gazxus reads the ablative. holds the first place among other good qual-
BOOK IV. 229

ities,will not allow us altogether to pass over looked on by the other as hard and degrad-
in silence the deeds of those who have ex- ing, and disagreeable. Rising also by night
celled by it. Wherefore aptly combining he did many things secretly, without any
these two together, I mean, consulting brevity one looking on or knowing it, when darkness
as well as the wishes and profit of those who concealed him so that no one could discover
are in earnest, we will only add one example the author of the deed, And when he had
of humility, which, as it was shown by no hidden himself there for three years and had
novice but one already perfect and an Abbot, been sought for high and low by the brethren
may not only instruct the younger, but also all through Egypt, he was at last seen by one
incite the elders to the perfect virtue of hu- who had come from the parts of Egypt, but
mility, as they read it. Thus we saw Abbot could scarcely be recognized owing to the
Pinufius ^ who when he was presbyter of a huge of his dress and the humble char-
Ccenobium which is in Egypt not far from the acter of the duty he was performing. For he
city of Panephysis,^ was held in honour and was stooping down and hoeing the ground for
respect by all men out of reverence either for vegetables and bringing dung on his shoulders
his life or for his age or for his priesthood; and laying it about their roots. And seeing
and when he saw that for this reason he could this the brother for a long time hesitated about
not practise that humility which he longed for recognizing him, but at last he came nearer,
with all the ardour of his disposition, and had and taking careful note not only of his looks
no opportunity of exercising the virtue of sub- but also of the tone of his voice, straightway
jection which he desired, he fled secretly from fell at his feet: and at first all who saw it were
the Ccenobium and withdrew alone into the struck with the greatest astonishment why he
furthest parts of the Thebaid, and there laid should do this to one who was looked upon
aside the habit of the monks and assumed a by them as the lowest of all, as being a novice
secular dress, and thus sought the Ccenobium and one who had but lately forsaken the world :

of Tabenna, 'which he knew to be the strictest but afterwards they were struck with still
of all, and in which he fancied that he would greater wonder when he forthwith announced
not be known owing to the distance of the his name, which was one that had been well
spot, or else that he could easily lie hid there known amongst them also by repute. And
in consequence of the size of the monastery all the brethren asking his pardon for their
and the number of brethren. There he re- former ignorance because they had for so long
mained for a long time at the entrance, and classed him with the juniors and children,
as a suppliant at the knees of the brethren brought him back to his own Ccenobium,
sought with most earnest prayers to gain ad- against his will and in tears because by the
mission. And when he was at last with much envy of the devil he had been cheated out of
scorn admitted as a feeble old man who had a worthy mode of life and the humility which
he was rejoicing in having discovered after
lived all his life in the world, and had asked
his long search, and because he had not suc-
in his old age to be allowed to enter a Cceno-
bium when he could no longer gratify his ceeded in ending his life in that state of sub-
— jection which he had secured.
as they said that he was seeking And so they
guarded him with the utmost care lest he
this not for the sake of religion but because
he was compelled by hunger and want, they should slip away again in the same sort of
gave him the care and management of the way and escape from them also.
garden, as he seemed an old man and not
specially fitted for any particular work. And
this he performed under another and a younger CHAPTER XXXI.
brother who kept him by him as intrusted to
him, and he was so subordinate to him, and How when Abbot Pinufius was brought back to his monastery
cultivated the desired virtue of humility so he stayed there for a little while and then fled again into the
regions ot Syrian Palestine.
obediently that he daily performed with the
utmost diligence not only everything that had And when he had stopped there for a little
to do with the care and management of the
while, again he was seized with a longing and
garden, but also all those duties which were desire for humility, and, taking advantage of
' Cassian in the Conferences XX. c. >., as an
repeats this story " the silence of night, made his escape in such
introduction to the Conference On the End of Penitence and the a
Marks of Satisfaction," which
he as the work of the
gives said way that this time he sought no neighbouring
Abbot Pinufius. district,but regions which were unknown and
Panephvsis is more
fully described in the Conferences VII.
xxvi. ;XI. iii. It is mentioned by Ptolemy (IV. v. §52), but not by strange and separated by a wide distance.
many other ancient writers. It was situated in the Delta between For embarking in a ship he managed to travel
the Tanitic and Mendesian arms of the Nile, and was identified by
Chanyiollion with the modern Menzaleh. to Palestine, believing that he would more
securely lie hid if he betook himself to those lessly." Therefore you were for a long while
places in which his name had never been declined by us, not as if we did not desire
heard. And when he had come thither, at with all our hearts to secure your salvation and
once he sought out our own monastery ^ which the salvation of all, nor as if we did not care
was at no great distance from the cave 2 in to go to meet even afar off those who are long-
which our Lord vouchsafed to be born of a ing to be converted to Christ; but for fear
virgin. And though he concealed himself lest if we received you rashly we might make
here for some time, yet like "a city set on an ourselves guilty in the sight of God of levity,
" ^ and make you incur a yet heavier punishment,
hill (to use our Lord's expression) he could
not long be hid. For presently some of the if, when you had been too easily admitted by

brethren who had come to the holy places us without realizing the responsibility of this
from Eg)^t to pray there recognized him and profession, you had afterwards turned out a
recalled him with most fervent prayers to his deserter or lukewarm. Wherefore you ought
own Coenobium. in the first instance to learn the actual reason
for the renunciation of the world, and when
you have seen this, you can be taught more
CHAPTER XXXII. plainly what you ought to do, from the reason
for it.
The charge which the same Abbot Pinufius gave to a brother
whom he admitted into his monastery in our presence.
This old man, then, we afterwards diligently
Of the way in which our renunciation is nothing but mortifica-
sought out in Egypt because we had been in- tion and the image of the Crucified.
timate with him in our own monastery; and
I propose to insert in this work of mine an Renunciation is nothing but the evidence
exhortation which he gave in our presence to of the cross and of mortification. And so
a brother whom he admitted into the monas- you must know that to-day you are dead to this
tery, because I think that it may be useful. world and its deeds and desires, and that, as
You know, said he, that after lying for so the Apostle says, you are crucified to this
many days at the entrance you are to-day to world and this world to you.^ Consider there-
be admitted. And to begin with you ought to fore the demands of the cross under the sign **

know the reason of the difficulty put in your of which you ought henceforward to live in
way. For it may be of great service to you this life; because J!'*?// no longer live but J/e
in this road on which you are desirous to lives in you who was crucified for you.'' We
enter, if you understand the method of it and must therefore pass our time in this life in
approach the service of Christ accordingly, that fashion and form in which He was cruci-
and as you ought. fied for us on the cross so that (as David
says) piercing our flesh with the fear of the
Lord,® we may have all our wishes and desires
CHAPTER XXXIII. not subservient to our own lusts but fastened
How it is that, just as a great reward is due to the monk who to His mortification. For so shall we fulfil
labours according to the regulations of the fathers, so like- the command of the Lord which says: "He
wise punishment must be inflicted on an idle one and there- that taketh not

fore no one should be admitted into a monastery too easily.

up his cross and foUoweth me
is not worthy of me." But perhaps you will
For as unbounded glory hereafter is prom- say: How
can a man carry his cross continu-
ised to those who faithfully serve God and ally? or how can any one who is alive be cru-
cleave to Him according to the rule of this cified? Hear briefly how this is.
system so the severest penalties are in store

for those who have carried it out carelessly

and coldly, and have failed to show to Him CHAPTER
fruits of holiness corresponding to what they How the fear of the Lord is our cross.
professed or what they were believed by men
to be. For "it is better," as Scripture says, The fear of the Lord is our cross. As then
that a man should not vow rather than that one who is crucified no longer has the power
he should vow and not pay;" and "Cursed is of moving or turning his limbs in any direc-
he that doeth the work of the Lord care-
« Eccl. V. 4 (LXX.); Jer. ilviii. lo (LXX.).
5 Cf. Gal. vi. 14.
OnCassian's connection with the monastery at Bethlehem, see * Sacratneniunt.
the Introduction. Cf. Gal. ii. 20.
* "
On the Cave of the Nativity, see Justin Martyr Dialogue with Cf. Ps. cxvlii. (cxix.) 120, where the Gallican Psalter has Con-
Trypho, c. Ixxviii. Origen against Celsus, I. c. li. figetimore tuo carnes meas.''
3 9 S. Matt. X.
S. Matt. V. 14. 38.
BOOK IV. 231

tion as he pleases, so we also ought to affix tinue even to the end in that state of naked-
our wishes and desires —
not in accordance ness of which you made profession in the
with what is pleasant and delightful to us now, sight of God and of his angels. In this hu-
but in accordance with the law of the Lord, mility too and patience, with which you per-
where it constrains us. And as he who is fas- severed for ten days before the doors and
tened to the wood of the cross no longer con- entreated with many tears to be admitted into
siders things present, nor thinks about his lik- the monastery, you should not only continue
ings, nor is perplexed by anxiety and care for but also increase and go forward. For it is
the morrow, nor disturbed by any desire of too bad that when you ought to be carried on
possession, nor inflamed by any pride or strife from the rudiments and beginnings, and go
or rivalry, grieves not at present injuries, forward to perfection, you should begin to
remembers not past ones, and while he is still fall back from these to worse things. For not
breathing in the body considers that he is dead he who begins these things, but he who en-
to all earthly things,^ sending the thoughts of dures in them to the end, shall be saved.®
his heart on before to that place whither he
doubts not that he is shortly to come so we :

also, when crucified by the fear of the Lord CHAPTER XXXVIL

ought to be dead indeed to all these things, i.e.
not only to carnal vices but also to all earthly How the ''evil always lies in wait for our end, and how we
ought continually to watch his head.*
things,^ having the eye of our minds fixed there
whither we hop>e at each moment that we are
For the subtle serpent is ever "watching
soon to pass. For in this way we can have all
our heel," that is, is lying in wait for the
our desires and carnal affections mortified.
close, and endeavouring to trip us up right to
the end of our life. And therefore it will not
be of any use to have made a good beginning
CHAPTER XXXVL and to have eagerly taken the first step towards
How our renunciation of the world is of no use if we are renouncing the world with all fervour, if a
again entangled in those things which we have renounced. corresponding end does not likewise set it off
and conclude it, and if the humility and pov-
Beware therefore lest at any time you take erty of Christ, of which you have now made
Jtgain any of those things which you renounced profession in His sight, are not preserved by
and forsook, and, contrary to the Lord's com- you even to the close of your life, as they were
mand, return from the field of evangelical first secured. And that you may succeed in
work, and be found to have clothed yourself doing this, do you ever "watch his head,"
again in your coat which you had stripped off;'' i.e. the first rise of thoughts, by bringing them
neither sink back to the low and earthly lusts at once to your superior. For thus you will
and desires of this world, and in defiance learn to "bruise" his dangerous beginnings,
of Christ's word come down from the roof of if you are not ashamed to disclose any of them
perfection and dare to take up again any to your superior.
of those things which you have renounced and
forsaken. Beware that you remember nothing
of your kinsfolk or of your former affections, CHAPTER XXXVHL
and that you are not called back to the cares
and anxieties of this world, and (as our Lord Of the renunciant's preparation against temptation, and of the
few who are worthy of imitation.
says) putting your hand to the plough and
looking back be found unfit for the kingdom
of heaven.' Beware lest at any time, when Wherefore, as Scripture says, "when you
go forth to serve the Lord stand in the fear
you have begun fo dip into the knowledge of of the Lord, and "^
Psalms and prepare your mind not
the of this life, you be little by
for repose or carelessness or delights, but
little puffed up and think of
reviving that for
which now at have temptations and troubles. For "through
pride your beginning you much tribulation we must enter into the king-
trampled under foot in the ardour of faith dom of God." For "strait is the
and in fullest humility; and thus (as the gate and
narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and
Apostle says) building again those things
which you had destroyed, you make yourself 5 Cf. S. Matt. xxiv. 13.
6 AH through this chanter Cassian is "I
alluding to Gen. iii. 15
a backslider.* But rather take heed to con- will put enmity between tnee and the woman and between thy seed

and her seed it shalt bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his

EUtnenta. " the last clause of which is

1 heel :
rendered by the LXX. a.\n6<i aov
8 Cf. S. Matt. xxiv.
TTjp^rft K«/>aA>|i< Kai <ru Ti)p)i<7<i{ ovtoO n-Ttpvof where the Vulgate
3 S. Luke ix. 62. *'
has Ipsa conteret caput tuum et tu insidiaberis calcaneo ejus."
4 Cf. Gal. ii. 18. 7 Ecclus. ii. I.
few there be which find it." ^ Consider there- inely secured, then at once it leads you on by
fore that you belong to the few and elect; and a still higher step to love which knows no fear ;*
do not grow cold after the examples of the and through this you begin, without any effort
lukewarmness of many but live as the few, : and as it were naturally, to keep up everything
that with the few you may be worthy of a that you formerly observed not without fear
place in the kingdom of God: for "many are of punishment no longer now from regard of ;

called, but few chosen," and it is a "little punishment or fear of it but from love of good-
flock to which it is the Father's good pleasure ness itself, and delight in virtue.*
" 2
to give an inheritance. You should there-
fore realize that it is no light sin for one who CHAPTER XL.
has made profession of perfection to follow
That the monk should seek for examples of perfection not
after what is
imperfect. And to this state of from many instances but from one or a very few.
perfection you may attain by the following
steps and in the following way. And
that you may the more easily arrive at
this, the examples of the perfect life of one

CHAPTER XXXIX. dwelling in the congregation, which you may

imitate, should be sought from a very few or
Of the way in which we shall mount towards perfection, where- indeed from one or two only and not from too
by we may afterwards ascend from the fear of God up to For apart from the fact that a life
love. many.
which is tested and refined and purified is only
"The beginning" of our salvation and the to be found in a few, there is this also to be
safeguard of I said,
it is, as
the fear of the gained, viz. that a man is more thoroughly

Lord."® For through this those who are instructed and formed by the example of some
trained in the way of perfection can gain a one, towards the perfection which he sets before
start in conversion as well as purification him, viz. that of the Coenobite life.

from vices and security in virtue. And when

this has gained an entrance into a man's heart CHAPTER XLL
it produces
contempt of all things, and begets
a forgetfulness of kinsfolk and an horror of the The appearance of what infirmities one
bium ought
to exhibit.6
lives in a Coeno-

world itself. But by the contempt for the

loss of all
possessions humility is gained.
And that you maybe able to attain all this,
And humility is attested by these signs First :
and continually remain subject to this spiritual
of all if a man has all his desires mortified; rule, you must observe these three things in
the congregation: viz.: that as the Psalmist
secondly, if he conceals none of his actions
or even of his thoughts from his superior; says: "I was like a deaf man and heard not
thirdly, if he puts no trust in his own opinion,
and as one that is dumb who doth not open
but all in the judgment of his superior, and his mouth and I became as a man that hear-

listens eagerly and willingly to his directions; eth not, and in whose mouth there are no
reproofs," so you also should walk as one that

fourthly, if he maintains in everything obedi-

ence and gentleness and constant patience; is deaf and dumb and blind, so that

aside the contemplation of him who has been
fifthly, if he not only hurts nobody else, but
also is not annoyed or vexed at wrongs done rightly chosen by you as your model of per-
to himself; sixthly, if he does nothing and fection —
you should be like a blind man and
ventures on nothing to which he is not urged not see any of those things which you find
by the Common Rule or by the example of to be unedifying, nor* be influenced by the
our elders; seventhly, if he is contented with authority or fashion of those who do these
the lowest possible position, and considers things, and give yourself up to what is worse
himself as a bad workman and unworthy in and what you formerly condemned. If you
the case of everything enjoined to him; hear any one disobedient or insubordinate or
eighthly, if he does not only outwardly pro- disparaging another or doing anything differ-
fess with his lips that he is inferior to all, but ent from what was taught to you, you should
really believes it in the inmost thoughts of his not go wrong and be led astray by such an
heart; ninthly, if he governs his tongue, and
is not over talkative; * Cf. I John iv. 18.
tenthly, if he is not 6
^yith this chapter there should be compared the Rule of S.
easily moved or too ready to Jaugh. For by Benedict c. vii., where a very similar description is given of twelve
such signs and the like is true humility recog- grades "on the mystic ladder [of humility] which Jacob saw,"
evidently suggested by the chapter before us.
nised. And when this has once been genu- 6
Quarum debilitatnm similitudinent suscipere debeat qui in
caenobio commoratiir. — 'I'lie text of Gazasus gives as the
title of this chapter:
" /«Petsclienig.
conf;regaiiune coenobitica constituti quid
1 Acts xiv. 22 ; S. Matt. vii. 14. tolerare ac susiiiiere debeant"
2 S. Matt. XX. 16 S. Luke xii. 32. 1 Ps. xxxvii.
(xxxviii.) 14, 15.
8 Prov. ix. 10. 8 Nee CPetschenig) . Gazaeus reads ne.
BOOK V. 233

example to imitate him but, "like a deaf thinking that then only can you secure it when

man," as if you had never heard it, you should you are not irritated by any (for it is not in
pass it all by. If insults are offered to you your own power to prevent this from happen-
or to any one else, or wrongs done, be immov- ing) but rather you should look for it as the ;

able, and as far as an answer in retaliation is consequence of your own humility and long-
concerned be silent "as one that is dumb," suffering which does depend on your own will.
always singing in your heart this verse of the
Psalmist: I said I will take heed to
my ways
that I offend not with my tongue. I set a

guard to my mouth when the sinner stood be- CHAPTER XLHI.

fore me. I was dumb and was humbled and
" ^
kept silence from good things. But cultivate Recapitulation of the explanation how a monk can mount up
above everything this fourth thing which adorns towards perfection.

and graces those three of which we have spoken

above viz. ;
make yourself, as the Apostle
And in order that all these things which
have been set forth in a somewhat lengthy
directs,'^ a fool in this world that you may
become wise, ex6rcising no discrimination discourse may be more easily stamped on your
and judgment of your own on any of those heart and may stick in your thoughts with all
matters which are commanded to you, but tenacity, I will make a summary of them so
that you may be able to learn all the changes
always showing obedience with all simplicity
and faith, judging that alone to be holy, use- by heart by reason of their brevity and con-
ciseness. Hear then in few words how you
ful, and wise which God's law or the decision
of your superior declares to you to be such. can mount up to the heights of perfection with-
For built up on such a system of instruction out any effort or difficulty.
The beginning "
" "
of our salvation and of wisdom is, according
you may continue forever under this discipline, "
and not fall away from the monastery in con- to Scripture, "the fear of the Lord." From
of or devices of the the fear of the Lord arises salutary compunc-
sequence any temptations
tion. From compunction of heart springs re-
nunciation, i.e. nakedness and contempt of all
possessions. From nakedness is begotten
CHAPTER XLII. humility; from humility the mortification of
How a monk should not look for the blessing of patience in his faults are
Through mortification of desires all
own case as a result of the virtue of others, but rather as a extirpated and decay. By driving
consequence of his own longsuffering. out faults virtues shoot up and increase. By
the budding of virtues purity of heart is
You should therefore not look for patience gained. By purity of heart the perfection of
in your own case from the virtue of others, apostolic love is acquired.



CHAPTER L cipal faults, i.e. first. Gluttony or the pleasures
of the palate; secondly. Fornication thirdly, ;

The from the Institutes of the monks to the struggle

Covetousness, which means Avarice, or, as it
against the eight principal faults.
may more properly be called, the love of
This book of ours is now by the help money, fourthly, Anger; fifthly. Dejection;
which is heaviness or
of God be produced.
to For after the four sixthly, "Accidie,"*
books which have been composed on the cus-
* Ps. cxi. 10.
toms of the monasteries, we now propose, be- < Acedia. It is much to be that the old word regretted English
" Accidie " has
ing strengthened by God through your prayers, entirely dropped out of use. It is used by Chaucer
and other early writers for the sin of spiritual sloth or sluggishness.
to approach the struggle against the eight prin- "
See The Persone's Tale," where it is thus described: ''After the
slnne of wrath, now wol I speke of the sinne of accidie or slouth:
for envie blindeth the herte of a man, and ire troubleth a man, and
1 Ps, xxxviii. (xxxix.) 2, 3.
3 Cf. I Cor. iii. 18. accidie maketh him hevy, thoughtful, and wrawe. Envie and ire
weariness of heart; seventhly, xevodo^la which the counsels of the hearts," that thus pene-

means foolish or vain glory^ eighthly, pride. trating with pure eyes of the mind to the foul
And on entering upon this difficult task we darkness of vices, we may be able to dis-
need your prayers, O most blessed Pope Cas- close them and drag them forth to light; and
tor, more than ever; that we may be enabled may succeed in explaining their occasions and
in the first place worthily to investigate the natures to those who are either free from them,
nature of these in all points however trifling or are still tied and bound by them, and so
or hidden or obscure: and next to explain passing as the prophet says,^ through the fire
with sufficient clearness the causes of them; of vices which terribly inflame our minds, we
and thirdly to bring forward fitly the cures and may be able forthwith to pass also through
remedies for them. the water of virtues which extinguish them
unharmed, and being bedewed (as it were)
with spiritual remedies may be found worthy
CHAPTER XL to be brought in purity of heart to the conso-
lations of perfection.
How the occasions of these faults, being found in everybody,
are ignored by everybody ; and hovf we need the Lord's help
to make them plain.

And of these passions as the occasions are How our lirst

struggle must be against the spirit of gluttony,
recognized by everybody as soon as they are i.e. the pleasures of the palate.

laid open by the teaching of the elders, so

before they are revealed, although we are all And so the first conflict we must enter
overcome by them, and they exist in every one, upon is that against gluttony, which we have
yet nobody knows of them. But we trust that explained as the pleasures of the palate and :

we shall be able in some measure to explain in the first place as we are going to speak of
them, if by your prayers that word of the the system of fasts, and the quality of food,
Lord, which was announced by Isaiah, may we must again recur to the traditions and
apply to us also
" —
I will go before thee, and customs of the Egyptians, as everybody knows
bring low the mighty ones of the land, I will that they contain a more advanced discipline
break the gates of brass, and cut asunder the in the matter of self-control, and a perfect
iron bars, and I will open to thee concealed method of discrimination.
treasures and hidden secrets " ^ so that the —
word of the Lord may go before us also, and
firstmay bring low the mighty ones of our CHAPTER IV.
land, i.e. these same evil passions which we
are desirous to overcome, and which claim' The testimony of Abbot Antony in which he teaches that each
virtue ought to be sought for from him who professes it in a
for themselves dominion and a most horrible
special degree.
tyranny in our mortal body; and may make
them yield to our investigation and expla- For it is an ancient and excellent saying of
nation, and thus breaking the gates of our the blessed Antony
that when a monk is en-
ignorance, and cutting asunder the bars of deavouring after the plan of the monastic life
vices which shut us out from true knowledge, to reach the heights of ^ more advanced
may lead to the hidden things of our secrets, perfection, and, having learned the considera-
and reveal to us who have been illuminated, tion of discretion, is able now to stand in his
according to the Apostle's word, "the hidden own judgment, and to arrive at the very
things of darkness, and may make manifest summit of the anchorite's life, he ought by
no means to seek for all kinds of virtues from
maken bitternesse in herte, which bittemesse is mother of accidie, and one man however excellent. For one is
benimeth him the love of alle goodnesse than is accidie the an-

guish of a troubled herte." The English word lingered on till

adorned with flowers of knowledge, another
the seventeenth century, as it is used
by Bishop HalI(Serm.V. is more strongly fortified with methods of
140), in the form "Acedy," which is etymologically more correct
as being nearer the Latin Acedia and the Greek
'A(CT)6ia, a
discretion, another is established in the dig-
word which occurs in the LXX. version of the Old Testament
m Isaiah Ixi. 3; Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 28; Baruch iii. i; Ecclus. nity of patience, another excels in the virtue
XXIX. 6 (cf. the use of the verb <i(c7)6ia<a> in Ps. Ix.
(Ixi.) 2;
of humility, another in that of continence,
ci. (cii.) i; cxlii. (cxliii.)4; Ecclus. xxii. 14). In ecclesiastical
writers the term Acedia is a favourite one to denote another is decked with the grace of simplicity.
primarilv the
mental prostiAtion induced by fasting and other physical causes and

afterwards spiritual sloth and sluggishness in general. It forms the

subject of the tenth book of the institutes, and is treated of asjain by 2 I Cor. iv.
Cassian in the Conferences V. iii. sq.; cf. also the " Summa " of S. 3 Ps. Ixv.
(Ixvi.) 12.
Thomas, 11. ii. q.xxxv., where there is a full discussion of its nature * S. " founder of asceticism " and one of the most
and character. — cf. Dr. Paget's
essay "Concerning Accidie" in
Antony, the
famous of the early monks, was born about 250 a.d. at Coma, on
" The
Spirit of Discipline." the borders of Egypt, and died about 355, at the great age of 105.
1 Isa. xlv. 2, 3. He is frequently mentioned by Cassian in the Conferences.
BOOK V. 235

This one excels all others in magnanimity, like the rest of the virtues, acquired by stead-
that one in pity, another in vigils, another fastness of mind alone. And therefore, be-
in silence, another in
earnestness of work. cause it does not depend only on mental
And therefore the monk who
desires to gather firmness, since it has to do with the possibili-
spiritual honey, ought like a most careful bee, ties of the body, we have received this ex-
to suck out virtue from those who specially planation concerning it which has been handed
possess it, and should diligently store it up down to us, viz. that there is a difference of

in the vessel of his own breast: nor should he time, manner, and quality of the refreshment
investigate what any one is lacking in, but in proportion to the difference of condition of
only regard and gather whatever virtue he has. the body, the age, and sex but that there is :

For if we want to gain all virtues from some one and the same rule of restraint to every-
one person, we shall with great difficulty or body as regards continence of mind, and the
perhaps never at all find suitable examples for virtue of the spirit. For it is impossible for
us to imitate. For though we do not as yet every one to prolong his fast for a week, or
see that even Christ is made "all things in to postpone taking refreshment during a two
all," as the Apostle says;' still in this way or three days' abstinence. By many people
we can find Him bit by bit in all. For it is said also who are worn out with sickness and
of Him, "Who was made of God to you wis- especially with old age, a fast even up to sun-
dom and righteousness and sanctification and set cannot be endured without suffering. The
redemption."'^ While then in one there is sickly food of moistened beans does not agree
found wisdom, in another righteousness, in with everybody: nor does a sparing diet of
another sanctification, in another kindness, fresh vegetables suit all, nor is a scanty meal
in another chastity, in another humility, in of dry bread permitted to all alike. One man
another patience, Christ is at the present time does not feel satisfied with two pounds, for
divided, member by member, among all of another a meal of one pound, or six ounces,
the saints. But when all come together into is too much; but there is one aim and object
the unity of the faith and virtue, He is formed of continence in the case of all of these, viz. :

into the "perfect man," ' completing the ful- that no one may be overburdened beyond the
ness of His body, in the joints and proper- measure of his appetite, by gluttony. For it
ties of all His members. Until then that time is not only the quality, but also the quantity
arrives when God will be "all in all," for of food taken which dulls the keenness of the
the present God can in the way of which we mind, and when the soul as well as the flesh
have spoken be "in all," through particular is surfeited, kindles the baneful and fiery in-
virtues, although He is not yet "all in all" centive to vice.
through the fulness of them. For although
our religion has but one end and aim, yet
there are different ways by which we ap- CHAPTER
proach God, as will be more fully shown in That the mind is not intoxicated by vtrine alone.
the Conferences of the Elders.* And so we
must seek a model of discretion and con-
The belly when filled with all kinds of food
tinence more particularly from those from
gives birth to seeds of wantonness, nor
whom we see that those virtues flow forth can the
mind, when choked with the weight
more abundantly through the grace of the
of food, keep the guidance and government of
Holy Spirit; not that any one can alone ac- the thoughts. For not only is drunkenness
quire those things which are divided among with wine wont to intoxicate the mind, but
many, but in order that in those good quali- excess of all kinds of food makes it weak and
ties of which we are capable we
may advance uncertain, and robs it of all its power of pure
towards the imitation of those who especially
and clear contemplation. The cause of the
have acquired them.
overthrow and wantonness of Sodom was not
drunkenness through wine, but fulness of bread.
CHAPTER V. Hear the Lord rebuking Jerusalem through the
prophet. For how did thy sister Sodom sin,
That one and the same rule of fasting cannot be observed by in that she ate her bread in fulness and
abundance ? " * And because through fulness
And so on the manner of fasting a uniform of bread they were inflamed with uncontrol-
rule cannot easily be observed, because every- lable lust of the flesh, they were burnt up by
the judgment of God with fire and brimstone
body has not the same strength; nor is it
from heaven. But if excess of bread alone
1 I Cor. XV. 2S. 2 I Cor. i. 3 Enh. iv.
30. 13.
* See especially Conferences XVIII. and JCIX. i Ezek. xvi. 49.
drove them to such a headlong downfall into of moderation and bodily christening; and
sin through the vice of satiety, what shall we that this isthe aim of perfect virtue for all
think of those who with a vigorous body dare alike, viz. :that though we are still forced to
to partake of meat and wine with unbounded desire it, yet we should exercise self-restraint
licence, taking not just what their bodily in the matter of the food, which we are obliged

frailty demands, but what the eager desire of to take owing to the necessity of
the mind suggests. the body. For even if one is weak in body,
he can attain to a perfect virtue and one equal
to that of those who are thoroughly strong and
CHAPTER VII. healthy, if with firmness of mind he keeps a
check upon the desires and lusts which are
How bodily weakness need not interfere with purity of heart. not due to weakness of the flesh. For the
Apostle says: "And take not care for the flesh
Bodily weakness is no hindrance to purity in its lusts." *
He does not forbid care for it
of heart, if only so much food
is taken as the in every respect but says that care is not to

bodily weakness requires, and not what pleas- be taken in regard to its desires and lusts.
ure asks for. It is easier to find men who He cuts away the luxurious fondness for the
altogether abstain from the more fattening flesh : he does not exclude the control neces-
kinds of foods than men who make a moderate
sary for life: he does the former, lest through
use of what is allowed to our necessities; and
pampering the flesh we should be involved in
men who deny themselves everything out of dangerous entanglements of the desires; the
love of continence than men who taking food latter lest the body should be injured by our
on the plea of weakness preserve the due fault and unable to fulfil its spiritual and ne-
measure of what is sufficient.^ For bodily
cessary duties.
weakness has its glory of self-restraint, where
though food is permitted to the failing body,
a man deprives himself of his refreshment, CHAPTER IX.
although he needs it, and only indulges in
Of the measure of the chastisment to be undertaken, and the
just so much food as the strict judgment of remedy of fasting.
temperance decides to be sufficient for the
necessities of life, and not what the longing
The perfection then of abstinence is not to
appetite asks for. The more delicate foods, be
gathered from calculations of time alone, nor
as they conduce to bodily health, so they
only from the quality of the food; but beyond
need not destroy the purity of chastity, if they from the of conscience.
are taken in moderation. everything
For whatever For each one shouldJudgment such a
^ impose sparing
strength is gained by partaking of them is diet on himself as the battle of his
used up in the toil and waste of care. Where- The canonical obser-
struggle may require.
fore as no state of life can be deprived of the
vance of fasts is indeed valuable and by all
virtue of abstinence, so to none is the crown
means to be kept. But unless this is followed
of perfection denied.
by a temperate partaking of food, one will not
be able to arrive at the goal of perfection.


For the abstinence of prolonged fasts where

repletion of body follows

produces weari-,
ness for a time rather than purity and chastity.
How food should be taken with regard to the aim at perfect
continence.3 Perfection of mind indeed depends upon the
abstinence of the belly. He has no lasting
And so it is a very true and most excellent purity and chastity, who is not contented
saying of the Fathers that the right method always to keep to a well-balanced and temper-
of fasting and abstinence lies in the measure ate diet. Fasting, although severe, yet if
unnecessary relaxation follows, is rendered
" Facilius vidi- useless, and
Petschenig's text in this passage is as follows: presently leads to the vice of
mus viros qui ab esciscorpulentiuribus otnnimodis temperarent, quam
moderate uses pro necessitate concessis, et qui totum sibi pro amore gluttony.
A reasonable supply of food par-
continentiae denegarent, quam qui eas sub Infirmitatis occasione taken of
sumentes mensuram sufficientia custodirent." Gazaeus gives some-
daily with moderation, is better than
" Facilius vidimus victos a severe and long fast at intervals. Excessive
thing quite different:
qui ab escis corpulen-
tioribus omnimodis temperarent, quas moderate usus pro necessitate
fasting has been known not only to undermine
concedit, et qui totum sibi pro continentiae amore denegarent quam also to weaken

qui eas sub mfirmitatis occasione sumentes mensuram sufficientia the constancy of the mind, but
— " the power of prayers through sheer weariness
'^ Quidquid eniTn/ortiiudinis. Petschenig. Gazxus has Quid
quid enim fortitudinis causa.'" of body.
3 —
Quod pro perfectce continentice fine esca sumenda sit. Pet-
schenig. Quomodo cibum appetere, ac sumere liceat is the title as
given by Gazaeus. 4 Rom. xiii. 14.
BOOK V. 0/
to be distributed through many different
kinds pf jewelry according to the skill of the
That abstinence from food is not of itself sufficient for preser- goldsmith. And so he is proved to possess
vation of bodily and mental purity. no virtue perfectly, who is known to have
broken down in some part of them. For how
In order to preserve the mind and body in can we believe that that man has extinguished
a perfect condition abstinence from food is the burning heats of concupiscence (which are
not alone sufficient: unless the other virtues kindled not only by bodily incitement but by
of the mind as well are joined to it. And so vice of the mind), who could not assuage the
humility must first be learned ^ by the virtue of sharp stings of anger which break out from
obedience, and grinding toil and bodily ex- intemperance of heart alone ? Or how can we
haustion. The possession of money must not think that he has repressed the wanton desires
only be avoided, but the desire for it must be of the flesh and spirit, who has not been able
utterly rooted out. For it is not enough not to conquer the simple fault of pride ? Or how
to possess it, —
a thing which comes to many can we believe that one has trampled under
as a matter of necessity but we ought, if by foot a wantonness which is ingrained in the

chance it is offered, not even to admit the flesh, who has not been able to disown the
wish to have it. The madness of anger should love of money, which is something external
be controlled; the downcast look of dejec- and outside our own substance ? In what way
tion be overcome; vainglory should be de- will he triumph in the war of flesh and spirit,
spised, the disdainfulness of pride trampled who has not been man enough to cure the
under foot, and the shifting and wandering disease of dejection? However great a city
thoughts of the mind restrained by continual may be protected by the height of its walls
recollection of God. And the slippery wan- and the strength of its closed gates, yet it is
derings of our heart should be brought back laid waste by the giving up of one postern
again to the contemplation of God as often however small. For what difference does it
as our crafty enemy, in his endeavour to make whether a dangerous foe makes his way
lead away the mind a captive from this con- into the heart of the city over high walls, and
sideration, creeps into the innermost recesses through the wide spaces of the gate, or through
of the heart. secret and narrow passages?

That bodily lusts are not extinguished except by the entire
rooting out of vice. That in our spiritual contest we ought to draw an example from
the carnal contests,

For an impossibility that the fiery

it is
motions of the body can be extinguished, be- "One who strives in the games is not
fore the incentives' of the other chief vices are crowned unless he has contended lawfully.'"^
One who wants to extinguish the natural
utterly rooted out: concerning which we
desires of the should hasten to
speak in their proper place, if God permits, flesh, first

But now we overcome those vices whose seat is outside

separately, in different books.
have to deal with Gluttony, that is the desire our nature. For if we desire to make trial of
of the palate, against which our first battle is. the force of the Apostle's saying, we ought first
He then will never be able to check the mo- to learn what are the laws and what the disci-
tions of .a burning lust, who cannot restrain the pline of the world's contest, so that finally by
desires of the appetite. The chastity of the a comparison with these, we may be able to
inner man is shown by the perfection of this know what the blessed Apostle meant to teach
virtue. For will never feel sure that he to us who are striving in a spiritual contest
can strive against the opposition of a stronger by this illustration. For in these conflicts,

enemy, whom you have seen overcome by which, as the same Apostle says, hold out "a
weaker ones in a higher conflict. For of all corruptible crown" to the victors, this rule is
virtues the nature is but one and the same, kept, that he who aims at preparing himself
for the crown of glory, which is embellished
although they appear to be divided into many
different kinds and names: just as there is with the privilege of exemption, and who is
but one substance of gold, although it may anxious to enter the highest struggle in the

2 3 Tim. ji. 3 I Cor. ix. 75.

Operis contrition* (Petschenig) : cordis contrition* (Gazjcus). 5.
contest, should first in the Olympic and Pyth-
ian games give evidence of his abilities as a
youth, and his strength in its first beginnings How gluttonous desires can be overcome.

since in these the younger men who want to

practise this training are tested as to whether First then we must trample under foot glut-
they deserve or ought to be admitted to it, by tonous desires, and to this end the mind must
the judgment both of the president of the be reduced not
only by fasting, but also by
games and of the whole multitude. And when and vigils, by reading, by frequent compunc-
any one has been carefully tested, and has first tion of heart for those things in which perhaps
been proved to be stained by no infamy of life, it recollects that it has been deceived or over-
and then has been adjudged not ignoble come,
sighing at one time with horror at sin,
through the yoke of slavery, and for this at another time inflamed with the desire of
reason unworthy to be admitted to this train-
perfection and saintliness: until it is fully
ing and to the company of those who practise occupied and possessed by such cares and
and when thirdly he produces sufficient meditations, and
recognizes the participation
evidence of his ability and prowess and by of food to be not so much a concession to
striving with the younger men and his own pleasure, as a burden laid upon it; and con-
compeers has shown both his skill and valour siders it to be rather a necessity for the body
as a youth, and going forward from the con- than
anything desirable for the soul. And,
tests of boys has been by the scrutiny of the
preserved by this zeal of mind and continual
president permitted to mix with full-grown compunction, we shall beat down the wanton-
men and those of approved experience, and ness of the flesh
(which becomes more proud
has not only shown himself their equal in and
haughty by being fomented with food)
valour by constant striving with them, but has and its
dangerous incitement, and so by the
also many a time carried off the prize of vic-
copiousness of our tears and the weeping of
tory among them, then at last he is allowed to our heart we shall succeed in extinguishing
approach the most illustrious conflict of the the fiery furnace of our body, which is kindled
games, permission to contend in which is by the Babylonish king' who continually fur-
granted to none but victors and those who are nishes us with opportunities for sin, and vices
decked with many crowns and' prizes. If we with which we burn
more fiercely, instead of
understand this illustration from a carnal
naphtha and pitch until, through the grace

contest, we ought by a comparison with it to of God, instilled like dew
know what is the system and method of our our by His Spirit in
hearts, the heats of lusts can be fleshly
spiritual conflict as well. This then is our first
altogether deadened.
contest, this is as it were our first trial in the
Olympic games, to extinguish the desires of
CHAPTER XIII. the palate and the belly by the longing for
perfection. On which account we must not
That we cannot enter the battle of the inner man we
only trample down all unnecessary desire for
have been set free from the vice of gluttony.
food by the contemplation of the virtues,
We also ought first to give evidence of our
but also must take what is necessary for the
freedom from subjection For
to the flesh. support of nature, not without anxiety of heart,
of whom a man is overcome, of the same is as if it were opposed to chastity. And so at
he the slave. " ^
And every one that doeth sin length we may enter on the course of our life,
is the slave of sin."
And when the scrutiny so that there may be no time in which we feel
of the president of the contest finds that we that we are recalled from our spiritual studies,
are stained by no infamy of disgraceful lust, further than when we are obliged by the weak- .

and when we are judged by him not to be ness of the body to descend for the needful
care of it. And when we are subjected to
slaves of the flesh, and ignoble and
unworthy this of attending to the wants of —
of the Olympic
struggle against our vices, necessity
then we shall be able to enter the lists against life rather than the desires of the soul we —
our equals, that is the lusts of the flesh and should hasten to withdraw as quickly as pos-
the motions and disturbances of the soul. sible from it, as if it kept us back from really
For it is impossible for a full belly to make health-giving studies. For we cannot pos-
trial of the combat of the inner man nor is sibly scorn the gratification
of food presented
he worthy to be tried in harder battles, who to us, unless the mind is fixed on the contem-
can be overcome in a slight skirmish. plation of divine things, and is the rather

3 Cf. Dan.
iii.6; and see below Book VI. c. xvii. where Cassian
1 2 Pet. ii. 2
John vlii. 34. once more speaks of the devil as the Babylonish king.
BOOK V. 239

entranced with the love of virtue and the freedom nor of strength, we shall be straight-
delight of things celestial. And so a man way repulsed from the conflicts with spiritual
will despise all things present as transitory, hosts, as unworthy and as slaves, with every
when he has securely fixed his mental gaze on mark of confusion. For " every one that doeth
those things which are immovable and eternal, sin is the servant of sin." And this will be
and already contemplates in heart —
though addressed to us by the blessed Apostle, to-
still in the flesh —
the blessedness of his gether with those among whom fornication is
future life. named. Temptation does not overtake you,
except such as is human." For if we do not
seek for strength of mind * we shall not deserve
CHAPTER XV. to make trial of severer contest against wicked-
ness on high, if we have been unable to sub-
How a monk must always be eager to preserve his purity of due our weak flesh which resists the
And some not understanding this testimony of
the Apostle, have read the subjunctive instead
It is like the case when one endeavours to
of the indicative mood, i.e., "Let no tempta-
strike some mighty prize of virtue on high
tion overcome you, except such as is human." '"

pointed out by some very small mark; with

But it is clear that it is rather said by him
the keenest eyesight he points the aim of his
with the meaning not of a wish but of a dec-
dart, knowing that large rewards of glory and
laration or rebuke.
prizes depend on his hitting it; and he
turns away his gaze from every other consid-
eration, and must direct it thither, where he
sees that the reward and prize is placed, be- CHAPTER
cause he would be sure to lose the prize of his
lliat the foundation and basis of the spiritual combat must be
skill and the reward of his prowess if the laid in the struggle against gluttony.
keenness of his gaze should be diverted ever
so little.* Would you like to hear a true athlete of
Christ striving according to the rules and
laws of the conflict? "I," said he, "so run,
CHAPTER XVI. not as uncertainly; I so fight, not as one that
beateth the air: but I chastise my body and
How, after the fashion of the Olympic games, a monV should
bring it into
subjection, lest by any means when
not attempt spiritual conflicts unless he has won battles over
I have preached to others I myself should be a
the flesh. •
castaway." You see how he made the chief
And so when the desires of the belly and of part of the struggle depend upon himself, that is
the palate have been by these considerations upon his flesh, as if on a most sure foundation,
and placed the result of the battle simply in
overcome, and when we have been declared,
as in the Olympic contests, neither slaves of the chastisement of the flesh and the subjec-
the flesh nor infamous through the brand of sin,
tion of his body. "I then so run not as un-
we shall be adjudged to be worthy of the con- certainly." He does not run uncertainly,
test in higher struggles as well, and, leaving because,^ looking to the heavenly Jerusalem,
behind lessons of this kind, may be believed he has a mark set, towards which his heart is
swiftly directed without swerving. He does
capable of entering the lists against spiritual "
not run uncertainly, because, forgetting those
wickednesses, against which only victors and
those who are allowed to contend in a spiritual things which are behind, he reaches forth to
conflict are deemed worthy to struggle. those that are before, pressing towards the
this is so to speak a most solid foundation of
mark for the prize of the high calling of God
.all the conflicts, viz.
in Christ Jesus," whithef he ever directs his
that in the first instance

the impulses of carnal desires should be mental gaze, and hastening towards it with
destroyed. For no one can lawfully strive all "
speed of heart, proclaims with confidence,
I have fought a good fight, I have finished
unless his own flesh has been overcome. And
one who does not strive lawfully certainly
cannot take a share in the contest, nor win a 8 S. John viii. 34.
8 Cor. X. 13.
crown of glory and the grace of victory. But * Mentis robore non

— Petschenig. Gazaeus omits the
if we have been overcome in this battle, hav- negative and reads conguisito.
5 S. Jerome's version, which was certainly known to Cassian (cf.
ing been proved as it were slaves of carnal Conferences XXI M. viii.) has Temptatio vos non apprehendat
nisi humana."
lusts, and thus displaying the tokens neither of 6 Cor. ix. 26, t 27.
1 Ott/W
(Petschenig) :
^«/ (Gazseus).
8 Phil. iii. 13, 14.
Compare a similar illustration in the Conferences I. v. 9 ProperatiotUt others Prceparatione.
my course, I have kept the faith.
And secured for his victorious spirit the crown
because he knows he has run unweariedly of immortality and the prize of incorruption.
"after the odour of the ointment""'^ of Christ You see the orthodox method of the contest,
with ready devotion of heart, and has won the and consider the issue of spiritual combats :

battle of the spiritual combat by the chastise- how the athlete of Christ having gained a
ment of the flesh, he boldly concludes and says, victory over the rebellious flesh, having cast
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown it as it were under his feet, is carried forward

of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous as triumphing on high. And therefore "he
judge, will give to me in that day." And that does not run uncertainly," because he trusts
he might open up to us also a like hope of that he will forthwith enter the
holy city, the
reward, if we desire to imitate him in the heavenly Jerusalem. He "so fights," that is
struggle of his course, he added But not to : with fasts and humiliation of the flesh, "not
me only, but to all also who love His com- as one that beateth the air," that is, striking
ing; declaring that we shall be sharers of his into space with blows of continence, through
crown in the day of judgment, if we love the which he struck not the empty air, but those
coming of Christ

not that one only which spirits who inhabit it, by the chastisement of
will be manifest to men even against their his body. For one who says " not as one that
will; but also this one which daily comes to beateth the air," shows that he strikes not —
pass in holy souls

and if we gain the victory empty and void air, but certain beings in the
in the fight by chastising the body. And of air. And because he had overcome in this
this coming it is that the Lord speaks in the kind of contest, and marched on enriched with
Gospel. "I," says He, "and my Father will the rewards of many crowns, not undeservedly
come to him^ and will make our abode with does he begin to enter the lists against still
him."* And again: "Behold, I stand at the more powerful foes, and having triumphed over
door and knock : if
any man hear my voice and his former rivals, he boldly makes proclama-
open the gate, I will come in to him and will tion and says, Now our striving is not against
sup with him, and he with me." flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against world-rulers of this
darkness, against spiritual wickedness in
CHAPTER XVIIL heavenly places."

Of the number of different conflicts and victories through which

the blessed Apostle ascended to the crown of the highest
combat. CHAPTER XIX.

But he does not mean that- he has only That the athlete of Christ, so long as he is in the body, is
" never without a battle.
finished the contest of a race when he says I
so run, not as uncertainly (a phrase which The athlete of Christ, as long as he is in
has more particularly to do with the intention
the body, is never in want of a victory to
of the mind and fervour of his spirit, in which
be gained in contests: but in proportion as
he followed Christ with all zeal, crying out
he grows by triumphant successes, so does a
with the Bride, "We will run after thee for
severer kind of struggle confront him. For
the odour of thine ointments;"® and again,
soul cleaveth unto thee
" when the flesh is subdued and conquered,
My but he also

what swarms of foes, what hosts of enemies

testifies that he has conquered in another kind
" are incited by his triumphs and rise up against
of contest, saying, So fight I, not as one that
the victorious soldier of Christ for fear lest
beateth the air, but I chastise my body and
in the ease of peace the soldier of Christ might
bring it into subjection." And this properly relax his efi^orts and begin to forget the glori-
has to do with the* pains of abstinence, and
ous struggles of his contests, and be rendered
bodily fasting and affliction of the flesh: as he slack through the idleness which is caused by
means by this that he is a vigorous bruiser of
his own flesh, and points out that not in vain immunity from danger, and be cheated of the
has he planted his blows of continence against
reward of his prizes and the recompense of his
it; but that he has gained a battle triiimph by
triumphs. And so if we want to rise with ever-
mortifying his own body; for when it is chas- growing virtue to these stages of triumph we
tised with the blows of continence and struck ought also in the same way to enter the lists of
battle and begin by saying with the Apostle:
down with the boxing-gloves of fasting, he has
"I so fight,/ not as one that beateth the air,
1 2 Tim. iv.
7. 5 Rev. iii. 20,
but I chastise my body and bring it into sub-
2 Cant. i.
3. 6 Cant. i. 3.
3 2 Tim. iv. 8. 1 Ps. Ixii.
(Ixiii.) 9.
i John xiv. 23. 8
BOOK V. 241

jection,"! thatwhen this conflict is ended CHAPTER XXI.

we may once more be able to say with him :

"we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but Of the inward peace of a monk, and of spiritual abstinence.

against principalities, against powers, against

world-rulers of this darkness, against spiritual For it is not an external enemy whom we
wickedness in heavenly places." ^ For other- have to dread. Our foe is shut up within
wise we cannot possibly join battle with them ourselves an internal warfare is daily waged

nor deserve to make trial of spiritual combats by us: and if we are victorious in this, all
if we are bafiled in a carnal contest, and smit- external things will be made weak, and every-
ten down in a struggle with the belly: and thing will be made peaceful and subdued for
deservedly will it be said of us by the Apostle the soldier of Christ. We
shall have no ex-
in the language of blame: "Temptation does ternal enemy to fear, if what is within is over-
not overtake you, except what is common to come and subdued to the spirit. And let us
man."* not believe that that external fast from visible
food alone can possibly be sufficient for per-
CHAPTER XX. fection of heart and purity of body unless
with it there has also been united a fast of
How a monk should not overstep the proper hours for taking the soul. For the soul also has its foods
food, if he wants to proceed to the struggle of interior
conflicts. which are harmful, fattened on which, even
without superfluity of meats, it is involved in
.A MONK therefore who wants to proceed to a downfall of wantonness. Slander is its food,
the struggle of interior conflicts should lay and indeed one that is very dear to it. A
down this as a precaution for himself to begin burst of anger also is its food, even if it be a
with: viz. that he will not in any case allow
very slight one; yet supplying it with miser-
himself to be overcome by any delicacies, or able food for an hour, and destroying it as
* well with its deadly savour.
(take anything to eat or drink before the fast Envy is a food
over and the hour for refreshment of the mind, corrupting it with its poisonous
iis proper
has come, outside meal times;* nor, when the juices and never ceasing to make it wretched
meal is over, will he allow himself to take a and miserable at the prosperity and success
morsel however small; and likewise that he of another. Kenodoxia, i.e., vainglory is its
will observe the canonical time and measure food, which gratifies it with a delicious meal
of sleep. For that self-indulgence must be for a time but afterwards strips it clear and

cut off in the same way that the sin of un- bare of all virtue, and dismisses it barren and
chastity has to be rooted out. For if a man void of all spiritual fruit, so that it makes it
is unable to check the not only lose the rewards of huge labours, but
unnecessary desires of
the appetite how will he be able to extinguish also makes it incur heavier punishments. All
the fire of carnal lust? And if a man is not lust and shifty wanderings of heart are a sort
able to control passions, which are openly of food for the soul, nourishing it on harmful
manifest and are but small, how will he be meats, but leaving it afterwards without share
able with temperate discretion to fight against of the heavenly bread and of really solid food.
those which are secret, and excite him, when If then, with all the powers we have, we ab-
none are there to see ? And therefore strength ^ain from these in a most holy fast, our obser-
of mind is tested in separate impulses and in vance of the bodily fast will be both useful
any sort of passion and if it is overcome in
: and profitable. For labour of the flesh, when
the case of very small and manifest desires, joined with contrition of the spirit, will pro-
how it will endure in those that are really duce a sacrifice that is most acceptable to
great and powerful and hidden, each man's God, and a worthy shrine of holiness in the
conscience must witness for himself. pure and undefiled inmost chambers of the
heart. But if, while fasting as far as the body
1 I Cor. ix.
26, J7. is concerned, we are entangled in the most
2 vi. 12.
3I Cor. X. 13. dangerous vices of the soul, our humiliation
* Staiio. This is properly the term for the weekly fasts on Wed- of the flesh will do us no
nesday and Friday, observed by the early Church in memory of our
good whatever, while
Lord's betrayal and crucifixion. See Tertullian on Prayer c. xix.
the most precious part of us is defiled: since
on Fasting c. x. In this place the word appears to be used by

Cassian for the close of the last while elsewhere he uses it for fast-
we go wrong through that substance by virtue
ing generally (not specially on Wednesday and Friday,) as in c. xxiv. of which we are made a shrine of the Holy
of the present book, and in the Conferences, II. xxv. XXI. xxi.
The origin of the word is somewhat uncertain (a) because the fast Ghost.
For it is not so much the corruptible
was observed on stated d*ys {statis diebus) or (b), as S. Ambrose flesh as the clean
" ;

our fasts are our encampments which protect us

heart, which is made a
suggests, because
from the devil's attacks in short, they are called stationes, because shrine for God, and a temple of the Holy

standing {stanies) and staying in them we repel our plotting foe
(Serm. 25). See Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, vol. ii. p. 1928.
Ghost. We ought therefore, whenever the
8 Extra mensam. outward man fasts, to restrain the inner man
as well from food which is bad for him that hour for a meal, next that which delights in

inner man, namely, which the blessed Apostle stuffing the stomach, and gorging all kinds of
above all urges us to present pure before God, food thirdly, that which takes pleasure in more

that it may be found worthy to receive Christ refined and delicate feasting. And so against
as a guest within, saying "that in the inner it a monk should observe a threefold watch :

man Christ may dwell in your hearts through first, he should wait till the proper time for
breaking the fast; secondly, he should not
give way to gorging; thirdly, he should be con-
tented with any of the commoner sorts of food.
CHAPTER XXII. For anything that is taken over and above
what is customary and the common use of all,
That we should for this reason practise bodily abstinence that is branded by the ancient tradition of the
we may by it attain to a spiritual fast. fathers as defiled with the sin of vanity and
glorying and ostentation. Nor of those whom
And so we know that we ought therefore to
we have seen to be deservedly eminent for
bestow attention on bodily abstinence, that we
learning and discretion, or whom the grace of
may by this fasting attain to purity of heart. Christ has singled out as shining lights for
Otherwise our labours will be spent in vain, if one to imitate, have we known any who
we endure this without weariness, in contem- every have abstained from eating bread which is
plating the end, but are unable to reach the
accounted cheap and easily to be obtained
end for which we have endured such trials; them nor have we seen that any one
and it would have been better to have ab- among ;

who has rejected this rule and given up the use

stained from' the forbidden foods of the soul,
of bread and taken to a diet of beans or herbs
than to have fasted with the body from things
or fruits, has been reckoned among the most
indifferent and harmless, for in the case of
esteemed, or even acquired the grace of know-
these latter there is a simple and harmless For not only do they
a creature of which in itself ledge and discretion.
reception of God, it down that a monk ought not to ask for
has nothing wrong about it: but in the case lay
foods which are not customary for others, lest
of the former there is at the very first a danger-
his mode of life should be exposed publicly
ous tendency to devour the brethren of which
to all and rendered vain and idle and 'so be
it is said, Do not love backbiting lest thou
be rooted out.'"* And and destroyed by the disease of vanity; but they
concerning anger insist that the common chastening disci-
jealousy the blessed Job says: "For "'
anger of fasts ought not lightly to be disclosed
And pline
slayeth a fool, and envy killeth a child. to any one, but as far as possible concealed
at the same time it should be noticed that he
and kept secret. But when any of the breth-
who is angered is set down as a fool; and ren arrive
he who is jealous, as a child. For the former they rule that we ought to show the
virtues of kindness and charity instead of
is not undeservedly considered a fool, since of
a severe abstinence and our strict
his own accord he brings death upon himself, observing
daily rule nor should we consider what our

being goaded by the stings of anger; and the

own wishes and profit or the ardour of our
latter, while he is envious, proves that he is a
desires require, but set before us and
child and a minor, for while he envies another
gladly ^Ifil whatever the refreshment of the
he shows that the one at whose prosperity ha
is vexed, is greater than he.
guest, or his weakness may demand from us.

How in Egypt we saw that the daily fast was broken without
What should be the character of the monk's food.
scruple on our arrival.

We should then choose for our food, not When we had come from the region of Syria
only that which moderates the heat of burn- and had sought the province of Egypt, in our
ing lust, and avoids kindling it; but what is desire to learn the rules of the Elders, we were
easily got ready, and what is recommended astonished at the alacrity of heart with which
by its cheapness, and is suitable to the life of we were there received so that no rule forbid-
the brethren and their common use. For the the appointed hour of
ding refreshment till
nature of gluttony is threefold: first, there is the fastwas over was observed, such as we
that which forces us to anticipate the proper had been brought up to observe in the monas-
teries of Palestine ;
but except in the case of
Eph. iii. 16, 17.
2 Prov. xx.
13. (LXX.). 3 Job v. 2. the regular days, Wednesdays and Fridays,
BOOK V. 243

wherever we went the daily fast ^ was broken ^ home at once to his cell, and together with

and when we asked why the daily fast was him partook of refreshment for the body not
thus ignored by them without scruple one of so much by reason of his own needs, as for
the elders replied: "The opportunity for fast- the sake of kindness and on his brother's
ing is always with me. But as I am going account. And so as they know that the daily
to conduct you on your way, I cannot always fast is broken without scruple on the arrival
keep you with me. And a fast, although it of brethren, when they leave, they compen-
is useful and advisable, is yet a free-will offer- sate for the refreshment which has been en-

ing. But the exigencies of a command require joyed on their account by a greater abstinence,
the fulfilment of a work of charity. And so and sternly make up for the reception of even
receiving Christ in you I ought to refresh Him a very little food by a severer chastisement

but when I have sent you on your way I shall not only as regards bread, but also by lessen-
be able to balance the hospitality offered for ing their usual amount of sleep.
His sake by a stricter fast on my own account.
For the children of the bridegroom cannot

' '
fast while the bridegroom is with them but :
when he has departed, then they will rightly
fast." What the two Abbots Paesius and John said of the fruits of
their zeal.

CHAPTER XXV. When the aged John, who was superior of

a large monastery and of a quantity of breth-
Of the abstinence of one old man who took food six times so ren,
had come to visit the aged Pasius, who
sparingly that he was still hungry. was living in a vast desert, and had been asked
of him as of a very old friend, what he had
When one of the elders was pressing me to done in all the forty years in which he had
eat a little more as I was taking refreshment, been separated from him and had scarcely
and I said that I could not, he replied: "I ever been disturbed in his solitude by the
have already laid my table six times for differ- brethren " Never,'' said he, "has the sun seen

ent brethren who had arrived, and, pressing me eating," "nor me angry," said the other.*
each of them, I partook of food with him, and
am still hungry, and do you, who now partake
of refreshment for the first time, say that you
cannot eat any more ?
The lesson and example which Abbot John when dying left to
his disciples.

CHAPTER XXVI. When the same old man, as one who was
Of another old man, who never partook of food alone in his celL
readily going to depart to his own, was lying
at his last gasp, and the brethren were stand-

We have seen another who lived alone, who ing round, they implored and intreated that
he would leave them, as a sort of legacy, some
declared that he had never enjoyed food by
himself alone, but that even if for five days special charge by which they could attain to
the height of perfection, the more easily from
running none of the brethren came to his cell the brevity of the charge he sighed and said,

he constantly put off taking food until on "

I never did my own will, nor taught any one
Saturday or Sunday he went to church for ser- what I had not first done myself."
vice and found some stranger whom he brought

1 Statio.
2 The allusion here to the sparing diet and voluntary fasts of
the monks, among whom but one meala day was usual (see the note
on III. xiii.) and though this was ordinarily taken at midday, yet

many of the more celebrated anchorites never broke their fast till Of Abbot Machetes, who never slept during the spiritual con-
the evening; e.g. 8. Antony is said never to have eaten till sunset ferences, but always went to sleep during earthly tales.
(Vita Anton.), and S. J[erome givesa similar account of Hilarion(Vita
Hil. § 4), while other instances of voluntary fasts are given by Cas-
sianin the xxv.-xxvii. T*he
following chapters,
" station "
days, how- We knew an old man. Machetes by name,
ever, viz. , Wednesday and Friday, being of ecclesiastical authority, who lived at a distance from the crowds of the
were strictly observed as a matter of rule, but these other voluntary
fasts at other times were to be freely broken through on account of
brethren, and obtained by his daily prayers
the arrival of visitors. See the Conferences II. xxvi.jXXI. xiv.,
XXIV. xxi., and cf. Rufinus, History of the Monks II. vii., Palladius,
the Lausiac History, c. lii. So the Rule of S. Benedict (c. liii.) < There is a Pa;sius mentioned bv Palladius in the I.ausiac
orders that on the arrival of visitors the Superior is to sit at table History, but it is not clear whether he is the same man whom Cas-
with them and break his fast, unless it be a sjtecial fast day which sian mentions. John is a different person from the one already
may not be broken ; but the brethren are to observe the regular fasts. mentioned in Book IV. xxiii. He is mentioned again below in xl.,
3 S. Matt, ix,
15. The Latin has sponsus in each clause. and the Nineteenth Conference is assigned to him.
grace from the Lord, that as often as sight of God, or at any rate in a pardonable
a spiritual conference was held, whether by manner —
we are found to have judged them
rashly and in this commit no light sin,
day or by night, he never was at all overcome by
by sleep but if any one tried to introduce a
: forming an opinion of our brethren different
word of detraction, or idle talk, he dropped from what we ought.
off to sleep at once as if the poison of slander
could not possibly penetrate to pollute his
The same old man's rebuke when he saw how the brethren
CHAPTER XXX. went to sleep during the spiritual conferences, and woke up
when some idle story was told.
A saying of the same old man about not judging any one.
The same man made clear by this
The saijie old man, when he was teaching proof was the devil who encouraged
that it

us that no one ought to judge another, re- idle tales, and showed himself always as the
marked that there were three points on which enemy of spiritual conferences. For when
he had charged and rebuked the brethren, viz. : he was discoursing to some of the brethren on
because some allowed their uvula to be cut necessary matters and spiritual things, and
off, or kept a cloak in their cell, or blessed oil saw that they were weighed down with a sound
and gave it to those dwelling in the world who slumber, and could not drive away the weight
asked for it: and he said that he had done all of sleep from their eyes, he suddenly intro-
these things himself. For having contracted duced an idle tale. And when he saw that
some malady of the uvula, I wasted away, said at once they woke up, delighted with it, and
he, for so long, through its weakness, that at pricked up their ears, he groaned and said,
last I was driven by stress of the pain, and by "Up till now we were speaking of celestial
the persuasion of all the elders, to allow it to things and all your eyes were overpowered
be cut off. And I was forced too by reason of with a sound slumber; but as soon as an idle
this illness, to keep a cloak. And I was also tale was introduced, we all woke up and shook
compelled to bless oil and give it to those who off thedrowsiness of sleep which had over-
prayed for it

a thing which I execrated come us. And from this therefore consider
above everything, since that I thought that it who is the enemy of that spiritual conference,
proceeded from great presumption of heart
— and who has shown himself the suggester of
when suddenly many who were living in the that useless and carnal talk. For it is most
world surrounded me, so that I could not evidently shown that it is he who, rejoicing in
possibly escape them in any other way, had evil, never ceases to encourage the latter and
they not extorted from me with no small vio- to oppose the former."
lence, and entreaties that I would lay my hand
on a vessel offered by them, and sign it with
the sign of the cross: and so believing that CHAPTER XXXII.
they had secured blessed oil, at last they let
me go. And by these things I plainly discov- ^f the letters which were burnt without being read.
ered that a monk was in the same case and
entangled in the same faults for which he had
Nor do I think it less needful to relate this
ventured to judge others. Each one therefore act of a brother who was
intent on purity of
heart, and extremely anxious with regard to
ought only to judge himself, and to be on the
watch, with care and circumspection in all
the contemplation of things divine. When
things not to judge the life and conduct of
after an interval of fifteen years a large number
others in accordance with the Apostle's charge, of letters had been brought to him from his
"But thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? father and mother and many friends in the
to his own master he standeth or falleth." province of Pontus, he received the huge packet
And this: "Judge not, that ye be not judged. of letters, and turning over the matter in his
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall own mind for some time, "What thoughts,"
be judged." ^ For besides the reason of which said he, "will the reading of these suggest to
me, which will incite me either to senseless
we have spoken, it is for this cause also danger-
ous to judge concerning others because in thosejoy or to useless sadness! for how many days
matters in which we are offended as we do —
will they draw off the attention of
my heart
not know the need or the reason for which from the contemplation I have set before me,
the recollection of those who wrote them!
they are really acting either rightly in the by
How long will it take for the disturbance of
1 Rom. xiv.
10, 4 S. Matt. vii. i, 2.
mind thus created to be calmed, and what an
BOOK V. 245

effort will cost for that former state of

it works of commentators, but rather to keep all
peacefulness to be restored, if the mind is the efforts of his mind and intentions of his
once moved by the sympathy of the letters, heart set on purifying himself from carnal
and by recalling the words and looks of those vices for when these are driven out, at once

whom it has left for so long begins once more the eyes of the heart, as if the veil of the pas-
in thought and spirit to revisit them, to dwell sions were removed, will begin as it were
among them and to be with them. And it will naturally to gaze on the mysteries of Scrip-
be of no use to have forsaken them in the body, ture since they were not declared to us by the

if one begins to look on them with the heart, grace of the Holy Spirit in order that they
and readmits and revives that memory which should remain unknown and obscure but they ;

on renouncing this world every one gave up, are rendered obscure by our fault, as the veil
as if he were dead. Turning this over in his of our sins covers the eyes of the heart, and
mind, he determined not only not to read a when these are"* restored to their natural state
of health, the mere reading of Holy Scripture
single letter, but not even to open the packet,
for fear lest, at the sight of the names of the is by itself amply sufficient for beholding
writers, or on recalling their appearance, the the true knowledge, nor do they need the aid
purpose of his spirit might give way. And so of commentators, just as these eyes of flesh
he threw it into the fire to be burnt, all tied need no man's teaching how to see, provided
up just as he had received it, crying, "Away, that they are free from dimness or the dark-
O ye thoughts of my home, be ye burnt up, ness of blindness. For this reason there have
and try no further to recall me to those things arisen so great differences and mistakes among
from which I have fled." commentators because most of them, paying
no sort of attention towards purifying the
mind, rush into the work of interpreting the
CHAPTER XXXIII. Scriptures, and in proportion to the density
or impurity of their heart form opinions that
Of the solution of a question which .\bbot Theodore obtained are at variance with and contrary to each
by prayer. other's and to the faith, and so are unable to
take in the light of trutli.
We knewalso Abbot Theodore,* a man
gifted with the utmost holiness and with per-
fect knowledge not only in practical life, but
also in understanding the Scriptures, which
he had not acquired so much by study and A rebuke of the same old man, when he had come to my cell
reading, or worldly education, as by purity of in the middle of the night.

heart alone since he could with difiiculty un-


derstand and speak but a very few words of The same Theodore came unexpectedly to
the Greek language. This man when he was my cell in the dead of night, with paternal
an explanation of some most diffi- inquisitiveness seeking what I an unformed —
cult question, continued without ceasing for anchorite as I was —
might be doing by my-
seven days and nights in prayer until he dis- self and when he had found me there already,

covered by a revelation from the Lord the as I had finished my vesper office, beginning
solution of the question propounded. to refresh my wearied body, and lying down
on a mat, he sighed from the bottom of his
heart, and calling me by name, said, How
CHAPTER XXXIV. many, O John, are at this hour communing
with God, and embracing Him, and detaining
Of the saying of the same old man, through which he taught Him with them, while
you are deprived of so
by what efforts a monk can acquire a knowledge of the
Scriptures. great light, enfeebled as you are with lazy
This man therefore, when some of And since the virtues of the fathers and the
brethren were wondering at the splendid light grace given to them have tempted us to turn
of his knowledge and were asking of him some aside to a story like this, I think it well to
record in this volume a noteworthy deed of
meanings of Scripture, said that a monk who
wanted to acquire a knowledge of the Scrip- charity, which we experienced from the kind-
tures ought not to spend his labour on the ness of that most excellent man Archebius,
that the purity of continence grafted on to a
Nothing further is known for certain of this Theodore. He work of charity may more readily shine forth,
may be the author of the Vlth of the Conferences; but must be embellished with a pleasing variety.
carefully distinguishedfrom his more celebrated the being
friend of Pachomius, and third Abbot of Tabenna, who died before
Cassian's visit to Egypt. ^ Sacramenia.
For the duty of fasting is then rendered accept- for the grace of kindness, drew us into his cell,
able to God, when it is made perfect by the and having discovered our desire, pretended
fruits of charity. that he wanted to leave the place, and to offer
his cell to us, as if he were going away, de-
claring that he would have done it, even if
CHAPTER XXXVI. we had not come. And we, inflamed with the
desire of remaining there, and putting unhesi-
A description of the desert in Diolcos, where the anchorites live. tating faith in the assertions of so great a man,
willingly agreed to this, and took over his cell
And so when we had come, while still begin- with all its furniture and belongings. And so
ners, from the monasteries of Palestine, to a having succeeded in his pious fraud, he left
city of Egypt called Diolcos, and
were contem- the
place for a few days in which to procure
plating large number of monies bound by the the means for constructing a cell, and after
discipline of the Ccenobium, and trained in this returned, and with the utmost labour built
that excellent system of monasteries, which is another cell for himself. And after some little
also the earliest, we were also eager to see time, when some other brethren came inflamed
with all wisdom of heart another system as with the same desire to
stay there, he deceived
well which is still better, viz. that of the an- them
by a similar charitable falsehood, and

chorites, as we were incited thereto by the gave this one up with everything pertaining to
praises of it by everybody. For these men, it. But he, unweariedly persevering in his act
having first lived for a very long time in Coeno- of charity, built for himself a third cell to
bia, and having diligently learnt all the iniles dwell in.^
of patience and discretion, and acquired the
virtues of humility and renunciation, and hav-
ing perfectly overcome all their faults, in order CHAPTER
to engage in most fearful conflicts with devils,
The same Archebius paid a debt of his mother's by the labour
penetrate the deepest recesses of the desert. of his own hands.
Finding then that men of this sort were living
near the river Nile in a place which is sur- It seems to me worth while to hand down
rounded on one side by the same river, on the another charitable act of the same
man, that
other by the expanse of the sea, and forms an
the monks of our land may be taught by the
island, habitable by none but monks seeking of one and the same man to maintain
such recesses, since the saltness of the soil and example a
not only rigorous continence, but also the
dryness of the sand make it unfit for any culti- most unfeigned affection of love.
vation —
to these men, I say, we eagerly has-
from no ignoble family, while yet a
For he,
tened, and were beyond measure astonished at
child, scorning the love of this world and of
their labours which they endure in the contem-
his kinsfolk, fled to the monastery which is
plation of the virtues and their love of solitude. four miles distant from the aforemen-
For they are hampered by such a scarcity even nearly
tioned town, where he so passed all his life,
of water that the care and exactness with which
that never once throughout the whole of fifty
they portion it out is such as no miser would did he enter or see the village from which
bestow in preserving and hoarding the most years
he had come, nor even look upon the face of
precious kind of wine. For they carry it three
woman, not even his own mother. In the
miles or even further from the bed of the any
mean while his father was overtaken by death,
above-mentioned river, for all necessary pur-
and left a debt of a hundred solidi. And
poses; and the distance, great as it is, with
though he himself was entirely free from all
sandy mountains in between, is doubled by
the very great difficulty of the task. annoyances, since he had been disinherited
of all his father's property, yet he found that
his mothfer was excessively annoyed by the
creditors. Then he through consideration of
duty somewhat moderated that gospel severity
Of the cells through which formerly, while his parents
which Abbot Archebius gave up to us with their
furniture. were prosperous, he did not recognize that he
possessed a father or mother on earth; and
Having then seen this, as we were inflamed acknowledged that he had a mother, and hast-
with the desire of imitating them, the afore- ened to relieve her in her distress, without
said Archebius, the most famous among them relaxing anything of the austerity he had set

1 Diolcos is mentioned again in the Conferences XVIII. i. Sozo- ' Somewhat similar stories are told of others by Palladius,
men (VI. xxix. ) speaks of two celebrated monasteries near there (Lausiac History, cc.ii. i,lxx.); and Rufinus, History of the Monks,
presided over by Piamun and John. I. xxiii.
BOOK V. 247

himself. For remaining within the cloister of year, but also conveyed to him parchment and
the monastery he asked that the task of his everything requisite for writing, and received
usual work might be trebled. And there for afterwards the manuscript, which was not of
a whole year toiling night and day alike he the slightest use (since in those parts they
paid to the creditors the due measure of the were all utterly ignorant of this language),
debt secured by his toil and labour, and and did no good to anybody except that which
relieved his mother from all annoyance and resulted from this device and large outlay, as
anxiety; ridding her of the burden of
the debt the one, without shame or confusion, procured
in such a way as not to suffer aught of the his necessary food and sustenance by the re-
severity he had set himself to be diminished, ward of his work and labour, and the other car-
on plea of duteous necessity. Thus did he ried out his kindness and bounty as it were by
preserve his wonted austerities, without ever the compulsion of a debt: securing for himself
denying to his mother's heart the work which a more abundant reward proportioned to the
duty demanded, as, though he had formerly zeal with which he procured for his foreign
disregarded her for the love of Christ, he now brother not only his necessary food, but als
acknowledged her again out of consideration materials for writing, and an opportunity of
of duty. work.


Of the device man by which some work was
of a certain old
Of the boys who when bringing to a sick man some figs, died
found for Abbot Simeon when he had nothing to do.
in the desert from hunger, without having tasted them.

When a brother who was very dear to us, But since in the section in which we pro-
Simeon by name, a man utterly ignorant of to say something about the strictness of
Greek, had come from the region of Italy, one and abstinence, kindly acts and deeds
of the elders,* anxious to show to him, as he
of charity seem to have been intermingled,
was a stranger, a work of charity, with some
again returning to our design we will insert
pretence of the benefit being mutual, asked him in this little book a
noteworthy deed of some
why he doing nothing in his cell, guessing
who were boys in years though not in their
from would not be able to stay
this that he
feelings. For when, to their great surprise,
much longer in it both because of the roving some one had brought to Abbot John, the stew-
thoughts which idleness produces and because ard in the desert of Scete, some figs from Libya
of his want of the necessities of life; well
Mareotis,^ as being a thing never before seen
knowing that no one can endure the assaults
made in solitude, but one who is contented to
in those districts, —
(John) who had the man-
agement of the church in the days of the
procure food for himself by the labour of his blessed Presbyter Paphnutius,* by whom it
hands. And when the other replied that he had been intrusted to him, at once sent them
could not do or manage any of the things
which were usually done by the brethren there, by the hands of two lads to an old man who
was laid up in ill health in the further parts
except write a good hand, if any one in Egypt of the desert, and who lived about eighteen
wanted a Latin book for his use, then he at And when they had
miles from the church.
length seized the opportunity to secure the received the fruit, and set off for the cell of
long wished for work of charity, under colour
old man, they lost the
of its being a mutual benefit and said,
From the above-mentioned —
a thing which there
God this opportunity comes, for I was just right
me easily
path altogether
happens even to elders as a thick fog —
looking for some one to write out for the
came on. And when all day and
Epistles in Latin; for I have a brother who

is bound in the chains of military service, and night

they had wandered about the trackless
waste of the desert, and could not possibly find
is a good Latin scholar, to whom I want to
the sick man's cell, worn out at last both by
send something from Scripture for him to read
weariness from their journey, and from hunger
for his edification." And so when Simeon
and thirst, they bent their knees and gave up
gratefully took this as an opportunity offered their souls to God in the
to him by God, the old man also gladly seized
very act of prayer.
And afterwards, when they had been for a
the pretext, under colour of which he could
freely carry out his work of charity, and at
* The Mareotic nomc is the district round Lake Mareotis, a lake
once not only brought him as a matter of busi- in the north of the delta bordering upon the Libyan desert (the
ness everything he could want for a whole modem from Birket el Mariout), and running parallel to the Mediter-
which it is
ranean, a separated by long and narrow ridge of
8 On Paphnutius see the note on the Conference IIL i.
long while sought for by the marks of their this book of fasts and abstinence. He said
footsteps which in those sandy regions are then that a monk ought bestow attention on
impressed as if on snow, until a thin coating his fasts, just as if he were going to remain in
of sand blown about even by a slight breeze the flesh for a hundred years and to curb the

covers them up again, it was found that they motions of the soul, and to forget injuries, and
had preserved the figs untouched, just as they to loathe sadness, and despise sorrows and
had received them choosing rather to give up
; losses, as if he were daily at the point of
their lives, than their fidelity to their charge, death. 'For in the former case discretion is
and to lose their life on earth than to violate useful and proper as it causes a monk
the commands of their senior. to walk with well-balanced care, and does not 1
suffer him by reason of a weakened
body to
fall from the heights over most dangerous
cipices: in the other high-mindedness is most
CHAPTER XLI. valuable as it will enable him not only to de-
spise the seeming prosperity of this present
The saying of Abbot Macarius of the behaviour of a monk as
one who was to live for a long while, and as one who was world, but also not to be crushed by adversity
daily at the point of death.
and sorrow, and to despise them as small and
paltry matters, since he has the gaze of his
There* is still one valuable charge of the mind continually fixed therp, whither daily at
blessed Macarius to be brought forward by us, each moment he believes that he is soon to be
so that a saying of so great a man may close summoned.



We have thought best to omit altogether the translation of this book.



CHAPTER I. evil,and although in very early days they at-
tack a man, yet they are overcome with a long
How our warfare with covetousness is a foreign one, and how
this fault is not a natural one struggle.
in man, as the other faults are.

Our third conflict is against covetousness CHAPTER II.

which we can describe as the love of money;
a foreign warfare, and one outside of our How dangerous is the disease of covetousness.
nature, and in the case of a monk originat-
But this disease coming upon us at a later
ing only from the state of a corrupt and slug-
and approaching the soul from with-
gish mind, and often from the beginning of period,
his renunciation being unsatisfactory, and his
love towards God being lukewarm at its Socrates (H.E. Book IV. c. xxiii.) gives an account of two

monks of the name of Macarius, one of whom was from Upper

foundation. For the rest of the incitements Egypt, and the other from Alexandria. Compare also Rufinus,
to sin planted in human nature seem to have History of the Monks, cc. xxviii., xxix. It is not certain to which
of them Cassian's stories refer, here and in the Conferences V. xii.,
their commencement as it were congenital with VII. xxvii., XXIV. xiii. The story told in Conference XV. iii.
" " Macarius
refers to the (cf. Sozomen H. E. III. xiv.,
us, and somehow being deeply rooted in our where the miracle is expressly assigned to him) that in XIV. iv.

flesh, and almost coeval with our birth, anti- evidently belongs to the "Alexandrian" Macarius. The two are
mentioned tt)getner in Conference XIX. ix., and by various other
cipate our powers of discerning good and writers.

out, as it can be the more easily guarded CHAPTER

against and resisted, so, if it is disregarded
and once allowed to gain an entrance into the That we can say that there exist in us some natural faults,
heart, is the more dangerous to everyone, and
without wronging the Creator.

with the greater difficulty expelled. For it

becomes "a root of all evils," ^ and gives rise If then we say that these impulses were im-
to a multiplicity of incitements to sin. planted in us by the Creator, He will not on
that account seem blameworthy, if we choose
wrongly to abuse them, and to pervert them
CHAPTER III. to harmful purposes, and are ready to be
made sorry by means of the useless Cains of
What is the usefulness of those vices which are natural to us. this world, and not by means of showing peni-
tence and the correction of our faults or at :

For example, 'do not we see those natural

least if we are angry not with ourselves (which
impulses of the flesh not only in boys in whom
would be profitable) but with our brethren in
innocence still anticipates the discernment of
defiance of God's command. For in the case
good and evil, but even in little children and of
iron, which is given us for good and useful
infants, who although they have not even the
purposes, if any one should pervert it for mur-
slightest approach to lust within them, yet the innocent, one would not therefore
show that the impulses of the flesh exist in dering
blame the maker of the metal because man had
them and are naturally excited? Do not we
used to injure others that which he had pro-
also see that the deadly pricks of anger already
vided for good and useful purposes of living
exist in full vigour likewise in little children?
and before they have learnt the virtue of happily.
patience, we see that they are disturbed by
wrongs, and feel affronts offered to them even CHAPTER
by way of a joke; and sometimes, although
strength is lacking to them, the desire to Of the faults which are contracted our own
through fault, with-
avenge themselves is not wanting, when anger out natural impulses.
excites them. Nor do I say this to lay the
blame on their natural state, but to point out But we affirm that some faults grow up
that of these impulses which proceed from us, without any natural occasion giving birth to
some are implanted in us for a useful purpose, them, but simply from the free choice of a
while some are introduced from without, corrupt and evil will, as envy and this very
through the fault of carelessness and the desire sin of covetousness which are caught (so to

of an evil will. For these carnal impulses, speak) from without, having no origination in
of which we spoke above, were with a useful us from natural instincts. But these, in pro-
purpose implanted in our bodies by the provi- portion as they are easily guarded against
dence of the Creator, viz. for perpetuating and readily avoided, just so do they make

the race, and raising up children for posterity wretched the mind that they have got hold of

and not for committing adulteries and de- and seized, and hardly do they suffer it to get
baucheries, which the authority of the law at the remedies which would cure it either be- :

also condemns. The pricks of anger too, do cause these who are wounded by persons whom
we not see that they have been most wisely they might either have ignored, or avoided,
given to us, that being enraged at our sins or easily overcome, do not deserve to be healed
and mistakes, we may apply ourselves the by a speedy cure, or else because, having laid
rather to virtues and spiritual exercises, show- the foundations badly, they are unworthy to
ing forth all love towards God, and patience raise an edifice of virtue and reach the summit
towards our brethren? We know too how of perfection.
great is the use of sorrow, which is reckoned
among the other vices, when it is turned to an
opposite use. For on the one hand, when it CHAPTER VI.
is in accordance with the fear of God it is
most needful, and on the other, when it is in How diflicult the evil of covetousness is to drive away when
once it has been admitted.
accordance with the world, most pernicious;
as the Apostle teaches us when he says that
"the sorrow which is according to God work-
Wherefore let not this evil seem of no
account or unimportant to anybody for as it :

eth repentance that is steadfast unto salvation,

can easily be avoided, so if it has once got
but the sorrow of the world worketh death. " ^
hold of any one, it scarcely suffers him to get
Tim. vi. 10.
I ' 2
Cor. vii. 10. at the remedies for curing it. For it is a
"root of all kinds increase of wealth the mania of covetousness
regular nest of sins, and a
of evil," and becomes a hopeless incitement increases. Then next he has forebodings of a
to wickedness, as the Apostle says, Covet- long life, and an enfeebled old age, and in-
i.e. the love of "is a root of firmities of all sorts, and long drawn out,
ousness," money,
all kinds of evil."
^ which will be insupportable in old age, unless
a large store of money has been laid by in
youth. And so the wretched soul is agitated,
CHAPTER VII. and held were, in a serpent's toils,
fast, as it
while it endeavours to add to that heap which
it has unlawfully secured, by still more un-
Of the source from which covetousness springs, and of the evils
of which it is itself the mother. lawful care, and itself gives birth to plagues
which inflame it more sorely, and being en-
When then this vice has got hold of the tirely absorbed in the quest of gain, pays atten-
slack and lukewarm soul of some monk, it tion to nothing but how to get money with
begins by tempting him in regard as possible from the
of a small which to
fiy^ as quickly
sum of money, giving him excellent and discipline of the monastery, never keeping
almost reasonable excuses why he ought to faith where there is a gleam of hope of money
retain some money for himself. For he com- to be got. For this it shrinks not from the
plains that what is provided in the monastery crime of lying, perjury, and theft, of breaking
is not sufficient, and can scarcely be endured a promise, of giving way to injurious bursts

by a sound and sturdy body. What is If the man has dropped away at
he to of passion.
do if ill health comes on, and he has no special all from the hope of gain, he has no scruples
store of his own to support him in his weak- about transgressing the bounds of humility,
ness ? He says that the allowance of the mon- and through it all gold and the love of gain
astery is but meagre, and that
there is the become to him his god, as the belly does to
the sick: and if others. Wherefore the blessed Apostle, look-
greatest carelessness about
he has not something of his own so that he ing out on the deadly poison of this pest, not
can look after the wants of his body, he will only says that it is a root of all kinds of evil,
perish miserably. The dress which is allowed but also calls it the worship of idols, saying
him is insufficient, unless he has provided "And covetousness (which in Greek is called
something with which to procure another. (pdugyv gin) which is the worship of idols."
Lastly, he says that he cannot possibly remain You see then to what a downfall this madness
for long in the same place and monastery, step by step leads, so that by the voice of the
and that unless he has secured the money for Apostle it is actually declared to be the wor-
his journey, and the cost of his removal over ship of idols and false gods, because passing
the sea, he cannot move when he wants to, over the image and likeness of God (which
and, detained by the compulsion of want, will one who serves God with devotion ought to pre-
henceforth drag out a wretched and wearisome serve undefiled in himself), it chooses to love
existence without making the slightest ad- and care for images stamped on gold instead
vance: that he cannot without indignity be of God.
supported by another's substance, as a pauper
and one in want. And so when he has bam-
boozled himself with such thoughts as these, CHAPTER VIII.
he racks his brains to think how he can acquire
at least one penny. Then he anxiously How covetousness is a hindrance to all virtues.

searches for some special work which he can

do without the Abbot knowing anything about With such strides then in a downward direc-
it. And it
to worse, and at last
and so securing tion he goes from bad
selling secretly,
the coveted coin, he torments himself worse cares not to retain I will not say the virtue but
and worse in thinking how he can double it even the shadow of humility, charity, and obe-

and is displeased with everything, and

puzzled as to where to deposit it, or to whom dience;
to intrust it. Then he is oppressed with a murmurs and groans over every work; and now
still weightier care as to what to buy with it, having cast off all reverence, like
a bad-tem-
or by what transaction he can double it. And pered horse, dashes off headlong and unbridled :

when this has turned out as he wished, a still and discontented with' his daily food and
more greedy craving for gold springs up, and is usual clothing, announces that he will not put
more and more keenly excited, as his store of
money grows larger and larger. For with the 2 The same
danger is strongly spoken of by S. Basil in the
"Monastic Constitutions" c. xxxiv., a passage which should be
compared with the one above.
1 3
I Tim. vi. lo. Col. iii. 5.

up with it any longer. He declares that God it has made him through want
rest of the herd,
is not only there, and that his salvation is not of companions an animal fit for prey, and
confined to that place, where, if he does not caused him to be easily eaten up, as he is
take himself off pretty quickly from it, he deprived of fellow lodgers, it forces him, who
deeply laments that he will soon die. once thought it beneath him to perform the
slight duties of the monastery, to labour with-
out stopping night and day, through hope of
CHAPTER IX. gain; it suffers him to keep no services of
prayer, no system of fasting, no rule of vigils;
How a monk who has money cannot stay in the monastery. it does not allow him to fulfil the duties of

seemly intercession, if only he can satisfy the

And so having money to provide for his madness of avarice, and supply his daily
wanderings, with the assistance of which he wants; inflaming the more the fire of covet-
has fitted himself as it were with wings, and ousness, while believing that it will be ex-
now being quite ready for his move, he tinguished by getting.
answers impertinently to all commands, and
behaves himself like a stranger and a visitor,
and whatever he sees needing improvement, CHAPTER XI.
he despises and treats with contempt. And
though he has a supply of money secretly That under pretence of keeping the purse women have to be

hidden, yet he complains that he has neither sought to dwell with them.
shoes nor clothes, and is indignant that they
are given out to him so slowly. And if it Hence many are
led on over an abrupt pre-
and by an irrevocable fall, to death,
happens that through the management of the
and not content to possess by themselves that
superior some of these are given first to one
who is known to have nothing whatever, he is money which they either never had before,
still more inflamed with burning rage, and or which by a bad beginning they kept back,
thinks that he is despised as a stranger; nor they seek for women to dwell with them, to
is he contented to turn his hand to any work, preserve what they have unjustifiably amassed
but finds fault with everything which the needs or retained. And they implicate themselves
of the monastery require to be done. Then of in so many harmful and dangerous occupa-

set purpose he looks out for opportunities tions, that they are cast down even to the
of being offended and angry, lest he might depths of hell, while they refuse to acquiesce
seem to have gone forth from the discipline of in that saying of the Apostle, that "having
the monastery for a trivial reason. And not food and clothing they should be content
content to take his departure by himself alone, !
with that which the thrift of the monastery
lest it should be thought that he has left as supplied, but "wishing to become rich they
fall into temptation and the snare of the devil,

it were from his own fault, he never stops

and many unprofitable and hurtful desires,
corrupting as many as he can by clandestine

conferences. But if the severity of the weather which drown men in destruction and perdi-
interferes with his journey and travels, he re- 1
tion. For the love of money," i.e. covetous-
mains all the time in suspense and anxiety of :
ness, "is a root of all kinds of evil, which
heart, and never stops sowing and exciting
some coveting have erred from the faith, and
have entangled themselves in many sorrows."

discontent; as he thinks that he will only find

consolation for his departure and an excuse
for his fickleness in the bad character and
defects of the monastery. CHAPTER XII.

An instance of a lukewarm monk caught in the snares of

I KNOW who
thinks himself a monk,
of one,
Of th: toils which a deserter from a monastery must undergo
and what is himself on his per-
worse flatters
through covetousness, though he used formerly to murmur
at the very slightest tasks. fection, who had been received into a mon-
astery, and when charged by his Abbot not to
And so he is driven about, and more and turn his thoughts back to those things which
more inflamed with the love of his money, he had given up and renounced, but to free
which when it is acquired, never allows a himself from covetousness, the root of all
monk either to remain in a monastery or to kinds of evil, and from earthly snares; and
liveunder the discipline of a rule. And when
separating him like some wild beast from the
» I
Tim. vi. 8-10.
when told that if he wished to be cleansed which forces men afterwards to resume and
from his former passions, by which he saw that once more desire those things which in the
he was from time to time grievously oppressed, early days of their renunciation of the world
he should cease from caring about those they gave up. A third, which springing from
things which even formerly were not his own, a faulty and hurtful beginning and making
entangled in the chains of w^hich he certainly a bad start, does not suffer those whom it has
could not make progress towards purifying once infected with this lukewarmness of mind
himself of his faults with an angry expression
: to strip themselves of all their worldly goods,
he did not hesitate to answer, "If you have through fear of poverty and want of faith;
that with which you can support others, why and those who keep back money and property
do you forbid me to have it as well ? ^ which they certainly ought to have renounced
and forsaken, it never allows to arrive at
the perfection of the gospel. And we find
CHAPTER XIII. in Holy Scripture instances of these three
catastrophes which were visited with no light
What the elders relate to in the matter of For when Gehazi wished to
thejuniors punishment.
stripping off sins.
acquire what he had never had before, not only
did he fail to obtain the gift of prophecy which
But let not this seem superfluous or objec-
it would have been his to receive from his
tionable to any one. For unless the different
master by hereditary succession, but on the
kinds of sins are first explained, and the origin
and causes of diseases traced out, the proper contrary he was covered by the curse of the
holy Elisha with a perpetual leprosy: while
healing remedies cannot be applied to the sick,
nor can the preservation of perfect health Judas, wanting to resume the possession of the
wealth which he had formerly cast away when
be secured by the strong. For both these
he followed Christ, not only fell into betraying
matters and many others besides these are
the Lord, and lost his apostolic rank, but also
generally put forward for the instruction of was not allowed to close his life with the com-
the younger brethren by the elders in their
mon lot of all but ended it by a violent death.
conferences, as they have had experience
But Ananias and Sapphira, keeping back a
of numberless falls and the ruin of all sorts of
And often recognizing in ourselves part of that which was formerly their own, were
at the Apostle's word punished with death.
many of these things, when the elders ex-
plained and showed them, as men who were
themselves disquieted by the same passions, '^

we were cured without any shame or confu- CHAPTER XV.

sion on our part, since without saying anything Of the difference between one who renounces the world badly
we learnt both the remedies and the causes of and one who does not renounce it at all.

the sins which beset us, which we have passed

over and said nothing about, not from fear of
Of those then who say that they have re-
nounced this world, and afterwards being over-
the brethren, but lest our book should chance
come by want of faith are afraid of losing their
to fall into the hands of some who have had
no instruction in this way of life, and might worldly goods, a charge
is given mystically
disclose to inexperienced persons what ought
in Deuteronomy. any man is afraid and
of a fearful heart let him not go forth to war:
to be known only to those who are toiling and
let him go back and return home, lest he make
striving to reach the heights of perfection. the hearts of his brethren to fear as he himself
is timid and frightened."® What can one
want plainer than this testimony.'' Does not
Scripture clearly prefer that they should not
Instances to show that the disease of covetousness is threefold.
take on them even the earliest stages of this
profession and its name, rather than by their
And so this disease and unhealthy state is persuasion and bad example turn others back
threefold, and is condemned with equal abhor- from the perfection of the gospel, and weaken
rence by all the fathers. One feature is this, them by their faithless terror. And so they
ofwhich we described the taint above, which are bidden to withdraw from the battle and
return to their homes, because a man cannot
by deceiving wretched folk persuades them to
hoard though they never had anything of their fight the Lord's battle with a double heart.
own when they lived in the world. Another, For "a double-minded man is unstable in all
his ways."* And thinking, according to that
1 Cur prohibes (Petschenig). Gazseus omits Cur.
* /'?</trtrf«/M>' (Petschenig). The text of Gazaus has/K/jar^wz/r. s Deut. XX. 8. * S.
James i. 8.

Parable in the Gospel,^ that he who goes forth want to make trial of the monastic life, they
with ten thousand men against a king who must give up and forsake all these things and
comes with twenty thousand, cannot possibly keep back nothing of that which they have
fight, they should,
while he is yet a great way renounced, and, with the Apostle, glory "in
off, ask for peace that is, it is better for them
; hunger and thirsty in cold and nakedness."^
not even to take the first step towards renun-
ciation, rather than afterwards following it up
coldly, to involve themselves in still greater
For " it is better not to vow, than
to vow and not pay." But finely is the one Of the renunciation of the apostles and the primitive church.
described as coming with ten thousand and
the other with twenty. For the number of As if he (who, by his assertion that he was
sins which attack us is far larger than that of
endowed with the privileges of a Roman citizen
the virtues which fight for us. But no man from his birth, testifies that he was no mean
can serve God and Mammon."' And "no
person according to this world's rank) might
man putting his hand to the plough and look- not likewise have been supported by the prop-
ing back is fit for the kingdom of God." erty which formerly belonged to him! And
as if those men who were possessors of lands
and houses in Jerusalem and sold everything
CHAPTER* XVI. and kept back nothing whatever for them-
selves, and brought the price of them and laid
Of the authority under which those shelter themselves who it at the feet of the apostles, might not have
object to stripping themselves of their goods.
supplied their bodily necessities from their
own property, had this been considered the
These then try to make out a case for their
best plan by the apostles, or had they them-
original avarice, by some authority from Holy selves deemed it preferable! But they gave
Scripture, which they interpret with base in- all their at once, and preferred
up property
genuity, in their desire to wrest and pervert to be supported by their own labour, and by
to their own purposes a saying of the Apostle
the contributions of the Gentiles, of whose
or rather of the Lord Himself: and, not collection the
holy Apostle speaks in writing
adapting their own life or understanding to to the Romans, and declaring his own office
the meaning of the Scripture, but making the
in this matter to them, and urging them on
meaning of Scripture bend to the desires of likewise to make this collection: "But now I
their own lust, they try to make it to cor-
go to Jerusalem to minister to the saints.
respond *'to their own views, and say that it is For it has pleased them of Macedonia and
written, It is more blessed to give than to
Achaia to make a certain contribution for the
receive." * And by an entirely wrong interpre-
poor saints who are at Jerusalem: it has
tation of this they think that they can weaken
pleased them indeed, and their debtors they
the force of that saying of the Lord in which
are. For if the Gentiles are made partakers
he says: "If thou wilt be perfect, go sell all
of their spiritual things, they ought also to
that thou hast and give to the poor, and thou *
To the
minister to them in carnal things."
shalt have treasure in heaven and come, fol-
also he shows the same
Corinthians anxiety
low me." ' And they think that under colour about
this, and urges them the more diligently
of this they need not deprive themselves of
to prepare before his arrival a collection,
their riches: declaring indeed that they are
which he was intending to send for their
more blessed if, supported by that which needs. "But
concerning the collection for
originally belonged to them, they give to the saints, as I appointed to the churches of
others also out of their superabundance. And Let each one of you
Galatia, so also do ye.
while they are shy of embracing with the
on the first day of the week put apart with
Apostle that glorious state of abnegation for himself,
laying up what it shall well please
Christ's sake, they will not be content either
him, that when I come the collections be not
with manual laboor or the sparing diet of the But when I come whomso-
then to be made.
monastery. And the only thing is that these ever shall approve by your letters, them
must either know that they are deceiving I will send to
carry your grace to Jerusalem."
themselves, and have not really renounced And that he stimulate them to make a
the world while they are clinging to their
may "
larger collection, he adds, But if it be meet
former riches; or, if they really and truly "'
that I also go, they shall go with me mean- :

if is of such a character as
1 S. Luke xiv. 31, 32. * S. Luke iz. 62.
ing your
» * Acts XX. 35.
Eccl. V. 4 (LXX.).
* S. Matt. vi. 24.
* S. Matt. XIX. 21. '
2 Cor. ii. »7.
• Rom. xv. 25-27. > Cor. xvi. 1-4.
to deserve tobe taken there by my ministra-
the Galatians too, he testifies that
when he was settling the division of the minis- That if we want to imitate the apostles we ought not to live
try of preaching with the apostles, he had according to our own prescriptions, but to follow their
arranged this with James, Peter,- and John:
that he should undertake the preaching to the
Wherefore if we want to obey the gospel
Gentiles, but should never repudiate care and
and to show ourselves the followers
anxious thought for the poor who were at precept,
of the Apostle and the whole primitive church,
Jerusalem, who for Christ's sake gave up all or of the fathers
their goods, and submitted to voluntary pov-
who in our own days suc-
ceeded to their virtues and perfection, we
erty. "And when they saw," said he, "the
should not acquiesce in our own prescrip-
grace of God which was given to me, James
and Cephas and John, who seemed to be pillars, tions, promising ourselves perfection from this
wretched and lukewarm condition of ours:
gave to me and to Barnabas the right hand but
of fellowship, that we should preach to the following their footsteps, we should by
no means aim at looking after our own inter-
Gentiles, but they to those of the circum-
but should seek out the discipline and
cision: only they would that we should be ests,
of a monastery, that we may in very
mindful of the poor." A
matter which he system
truth renounce this world; preserving nothing
testifies that he attended to most
carefully, of those
things which we have despised
saying, "which also I was anxious of myself to
" ^
Who then are the more blessed, those through the temptation of want of faith and ;

who but lately were gathered out of the number should look for oiir daily food, not from any
store of money of our own, but from our own
of the heathen, and being unable to climb to
the heights of the perfection of the gospel,
clung to their own property, in whose case it
was considered a great thing by the Apostle if XIX. CHAPTER
at least they were restrained from the
of idols, and from fornication, and from things A saying of S. Basil, the Bishop, directed against Syncletius.5
strangled, and from blood, and had embraced
the faith of Christ, with their goods and all There is current a saying of S. Basil,

or those who live up to the demands of the Bishop of Cresarea, directed against a certain
gospel, and carry the Lord's cross daily, and Syncletius, who was growing indifferent with
want nothing out of their property to remain the sort of lukewarmness of which we have
for their own use? And if the blessed
Apostle spoken who, though he professed to have re-

himself, bound with chains and fetters, or nounced this world, had yet kept back for
hampered by the difficulties of travelling, himself some of his property, not liking to be
and for these reasons not being able to pro- supported by the labour of his own hands,
vide with his hands, as he generally did, for and to acquire true humility by stripping
the supply of his food, declares that he re- himself and by grinding toil, and the subjec-
ceived that which supplied his wants from the tion of the monastery: "You have," said he,
brethren who came from Macedonia; "For "spoilt Syncletius, and not made a monk."
that which was lacking tome," he says, "the
brethren who came from Macedonia sup-
plied : and to the Philippians he says " For : CHAPTER XX.
ye Philippians know also that in the begin-
ning of the gospel, when I came from Mace- How contemptible it is to be overcome by covetousness.
donia, no church communicated with me in
the matter of giving and receiving, except And so if we want to strive lawfully in our
only; because even in Thessalonica once and spiritual combat, let us expel this dangerous
" ^ enemy also from our hearts. For to overcome
again you sent to supply my needs (if this

was so) then, according to the notion of these him does not so much show great virtue, as to
men, which they have formed in the coldness be beaten by him is shameful and disgraceful.
of their heart, will those men For when you are overpowered by a strong
really be more
blessed than the Apostle, because it is found man, though there is grief in being overthrown,
that they have ministered to him of their sub- and distress at the loss of victory, yet some
stance ? But this no one will venture to as- consolation may be derived by the vanquished
sert, however big a fool he may be. *
Petschenig's text has Syncleimnt as a proper narTie. Gazaus,
however, thinks that it should be Syncleticum ; i.e. 5u-cicAi;tik6? or
Senator and in the saying of S. Basil at the close of the chapter actu-

1 Gal. '
9, lo. 2 Cor. xi. g. ally reads (apparently without any MS. authority), Et Settatorem,
' Acts XV. 20. *
Phil. iv. 15, 16. inquit, perdidisti.

from the strength of their opponent. But if ing which was wanting in their case, and not
the enemy is a poor creature, and the struggle the will for it: which latter is always crowned
a feeble one, besides the grief for defeat there by God, rather than compulsion. And so we
is confusion of a more disgraceful character, must use all diligence lest the fruits of our
and a shame which is worse than loss. labours should be destroyed to no purpose.
For it is a wretched thing to have endured the
effects of poverty and want, but to have lost
CHAPTER XXI. their fruits, through the fault of a shattered
How covetousness can be conquered.

And in this case it will be the greatest
victory and a lasting triumph, if, as is said, An example drawn from the case of Judas.
the conscience of the monk is not defiled by
the possession of the smallest coin. For it Would you like to know how dangerously
is an impossibility for him who, overcome in and harmfully that incitement, unless it has
the matter of a small possession, has once been carefully eradicated, will shoot up for the
admitted into his heart a root of evil desire, destruction* of its owner, and put forth all
not to be inflamed presently with the heat of sorts of branches of different sins? Look at
a still greater desire. For the soldier of Judas, reckoned among the number of the
Christ will be victorious and in safety, and apostles, and see how because he would not
free from all the attacks of desire, so long as bruise the deadly head of this serpent it de-
this most evil spirit does not implant in his stroyed him with its poison, and how when
heart a seed of this desire. Wherefore, though he was caught in the snares of concupiscence,
in the matter of all kinds of sins we ought it drove him into sin and a headlong downfall,

ordinarily to watch the serpent's head,^ yet in so that he was persuaded to sell the Redeemer
this above all we should be more keenly on of the world and the author of man's salva-
our guard. For if it has been admitted it will tion for thirty pieces of silver. And he could
grow by feeding on itself, and will kindle for never have been impelled to this heinous sin
itself a worse fire. "And so we must not only of the betrayal if he had not been contami-
guard against the possession of money, but also nated by the sin of covetousness: nor would
must expel from our souls the t/i's/re for it. he have made himself wickedly guilty of be-
For we should not so much avoid the results traying' the Lord, unless he had first accus-
of covetousness, as cut off by the roots all tomed himself to rob the bag intrusted to him.
disposition towards it. For it will do no good
not to possess money, if there exists in us the
desire for getting it.
That covetousness cannot be overcome except by stripping
one's self of everything.
This is a sufficiently dreadful and clear in-
That one who actually has no money may still be deemed
covetous. stance of this tyranny, which, when once the
mind is taken prisoner by it, allows it to keep
For it is possible even for one who has no to no rules of honesty, nor to be satisfied with

money to be by no means free from the malady any additions to its gains. For we must seek
of covetousness, and for the blessing of pen- to put an end to this madness, not by riches,

ury to do him no good, because he has not but by stripping ourselves of them. Lastly,
been able to root out the sin of cupidity: when he (viz. Judas) had received the bag set
delighting in the advantages of poverty, not apart for the distribution to the poor, and in-
in the merit of the virtue, and satisfied with trusted to his care for this purpose, that he
the burden of necessity, not without coldness might at least satisfy himself with plenty of
of heart. For just as the word of the gospel money, and set a limit to his avarice, yet his
declares of those who are not defiled in body, plentiful supply only broke out into a still
that they are adulterers in heart;* so it is greedier incitement of desire, so that he was
possible that those who are in no way pressed ready no longer secretly to rob the bag, but
down with the weight of money may be con- actually to sell the Lord Himself. For the
demned with the covetous in disposition and madness of this avarice is not satisfied with
intent. For it was the opportunity of possess- any amount of riches.

^ » S. ' Another readinsis nteationit.

Gen. iii. 15. Matt. V. a8. Negationii (Petschenig).
Of the deaths of Ananias and Sapphira, and Judas, which they Scripture proofs by which one who is aiming at perfection is
underwent through the impulse of covetousness. taught not to take back again what he has given up and

Lastly, the chief of the apostles, taught by

these instances, and knowing that one who If then through the desire of perfection you
has any avarice cannot bridle it, and that it have forsaken all things and followed Christ
cannot be put an end to by a large or small who says to thee, "Go sell all that thou hast,
sum of money, but only by the virtue of renun- and give to the poor, and thou shalt have
ciation of everything, punished with death treasure in heaven: and come follow me,"^
Ananias and Sapphira, who were mentioned why, having put your hand to the plough, do
look back, so that you will be declared
before, because they had kept back something you
out of their property, that that death which by the voice of the same Lord not to be fit
for the kingdom of heaven ? ' When secure on
Judas had voluntarily met with for the sin of
the top of the gospel roof, why do you descend
betraying the Lord, they might also undergo
for their lying avarice.^ How closely do the to carry away something from the house, from
sin and punishment correspond in each case those things, namely, which beforetime you

In the one case treachery, in the other false- despised? When you are out in the field
hood, was the result of covetousness. In the and working at the virtues, why do you run
one case the truth is betrayed, in the other back and try to' clothe yourself again with
the sin of lying is committed. For though what belongs to this world, which
you stripped
the issues of their deeds may appear different, off when you renounced it? But if you were
hindered by poverty from having anything to
yet they coincide in having one and the same
aim. For the one, in order to escape poverty, give up, still less ought you to amass what
desired to take back what he had forsaken you never had before. For by the grace of

the others, for fear lest they might become the Lord you were for this purpose made ready
that you might hasten to him the more readily,
poor, tried to keep back something out of
their property, which they should have either being hampered by no snares of wealth. But
offered to the Apostle in good faith, or have let no one who is wanting in this be disap-
given entirely to the brethren. And so in pointed; for there is no one who has not some-
each case there follows the of death
judgment thing to give up. ;
He has renounced all the
because each sin sprang from the root of possessions of this world, whoever has thor-
covetousness. And so if those who oughly eradicated the desire to possess them.
did not covet other persons' goods, but tried
to be sparing of their own, and had no desire
to acquire, but only the wish to retain, there
went forth so severe a sentence, what should
we think of those who desire to amass wealth, That the victory over covetousness can only be gained by
without ever having had any of their own, and, stripping one's self bare of everything.

making a show of poverty before men, are

before God convicted of being rich, through This then is the perfect victory over covet-
the passion of avarice ? ousness not to allow a gleam from the very

smallest scrap of it to remain in our heart, as

we know that we shall have no further power
CHAPTER XXVL of quenching it, if we cherish even the tiniest
bit of a spark of it in us.
Tliat covetousness brings upon the soul a spiritual leprosy.

And such are seen to be lepers in spirit and

heart, after the likeness of Gehazi, who, desir- CHAPTER XXIX.
ing the uncertain riches of this world, was
covered with the taint of foul leprosy, through How a monk can retain his poverty.

which he left us a clear example that every

soul which is defiled with the stain of cupid-
And we
can only preserve this virtue unim-
paired in a monastery, and as
if we remain
ity is covered with the spiritual leprosy of the food and clothing,
sin, and is counted as unclean before God
Apostle says, having
are therewith content.^
with a perpetual curse.

- Matt. xix. 21. « Cf. S. Luke xvii. 31.

1 Cf. Acts V. 3 Cf. S. Luke ix. 62. 6 I Tim. vi. 8.

CHAPTER XXX. man in the gospel to be directed

to the rich
towards us also by the voice of the Lord;
The remedies against the disease of covetousness. '•'Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be re-
quired of thee: then whose shall " *
those things
Keeping then in mind the judgment of be which thou hast prepared? And taking
Ananias and Sapphira let us dread keeping no thought for the morrow, let us never allow
back any of those things which we gave up ourselves to be enticed away from the rule of
and vowed utterly to forsake. Let us also the Coenobium.
fear the example of Gehazi, who for the sin
of covetousness was chastised with the pun-
ishment of perpetual leprosy. From this let
us beware of acquiring that wealth which
we never formerly possessed. Moreover also That no one can get the better of covetousness unless he
dreading both the fault and the death of Judas, in the Coenobium and how one can remain there. :

let us with all the power that we have avoid

taking back any of that wealth which once we But we shall certainly not be suffered to
cast away from us. Above all, considering do this, nor even to remain under the rule of
the state of our weak and shifty nature, let us a system, unless the virtue of patience, which
beware lest the day of the Lord come upon us can only spring from humility as its source,
as a thief in the night, and find our conscience is first securely fixed and established in us.
defiled even by a single penny; for this would For the one teaches us not to trouble any one
make void all the fruits of our renunciation else; the other, to endure with magnanimity
of the world, and cause that which was said wrongs offered to us.



CHAPTER L life, although we are accounted prudent in the
opinion of everybody, for "anger destroys
How our fourth conflict is against the sin of anger, and how even the
prudent."' Nor shall we be able
many evils this passion produces. with clear judgment of heart to secure the con-
of righteousness, even though
In our fourth combat the deadly poison of trolling power
we are reckoned perfect and holy in the esti-
anger has to be utterly rooted out from the
"mation of all men, for "the wrath of man
inmost corners of our soul. For as long as
worketh not the righteousness of God." ' Nor
this remains in our hearts, and blinds with its
can we by any possibility acquire that esteem
hurtful darkness the eye of the soul, we can
and honour which is so frequently seen even in
neither acquire right judgment and discre-
worldlings, even though we are thought noble
tion, nor gain the insight which springs from
and honourable through the privileges of birth,
an honest gaze, or ripeness of counsel, nor
because " an angry man is dishonoured." ' Nor
can we be partakers of life, or retentive of
again can we secure any ripeness of counsel,
righteousness, or even have the capacity for even
though we appear to be weighty, and
spiritual and true light: "for," says one,
"mine eye is disturbed by reason of anger."* endowed with the utmost knowledge; because
Nor can we become partakers of wisdom, even "an angry man acts without counsel."^ Nor
can we be free from dangerous disturbances,
though we are considered wise by universal nor be without
sin, even though no sort of
consent, for "anger rests in the bosom of
disturbances be brought upon us by others;
fools."' Nor can we even attain immortal
< S. Luke xii. 20. f Prov. xi. 25 (LXX.).
5 Prov. XV. I (LXX.). 8 Prov. xiv. 17 (LXX.)
1 Thess. V. 4- 3 Ps. XXX. 3 Eccl. vii. 10 6 S.
(xxxi.) 10. (LXX.). James i. 20.
because a passionate man engenders quarrels, of which we often find mention in
Holy Scrip-
but an angry man digs up sins." ture: nor lastly of the outline of His limbs,
which are spoken of as arranged and ordered
like a man's; e.g., the hair, head, nostrils,
CHAPTER XL eyes, face, hands, arms, fingers, belly, and
feet: if we are willing to take all of which
Of those who say that anger is not injurious, if we are angry
with those who do wrong, since God Himself is said to be
according to the bare literal sense, we must
think of God as in fashion with the outline
of limbs, and a bodily form; which indeed is
We have heard some people trying to excuse shocking even to speak of, and must be far
this most pernicious disease of the soul, in from our thoughts.
such a way as to endeavour to extenuate it by a
rather shocking way of interpreting Scripture :

as they say that it is not injurious if we are CHAPTER I'V.

angry with the brethren who do wrong, since,
say they, God Himself is said to rage and to In what sense we should understand the passions and human
be angry with those who either will not know parts which are ascribed to the unchanging and incorporeal
Him, or, knowing Him, spurn Him, as here:
And the anger of the Lord was kindled against And so as without horrible profanity these
His people " ^ or where the prophet prays and
things cannot be understood literally of Him
says, O
Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, who is declared by the authority of Holy
neither chasten me in thy displeasure;"* not
Scripture to be invisible, ineffable, incompre-
understanding that, while they want to open hensible, inestimable, simple, and uncom-
to men an excuse for a most pestilent sin, they
pounded, so neither can the passion of anger
are ascribing to the Divine Infinity and Foun- and wrath be attributed to that unchangeable
tain of all purity a taint of human passion. nature without fearful blasphemy. For we
ought to see that the limbs signify the divine
powers and boundless operations of God,
CHAPTERIIL which can only be represented to us by the
familiar expression of limbs: by the mouth
Of those things which are spoken of God anthropomorphically.
we should understand that His utterances are
For if when these things are said of God meant, which are of His mercy continually
poured into the secret senses of the soul, or
they are to be understood literally in a mate-
rial and gross signification, then also He sleeps,
which He spoke among our fathers and the
" the eyes we can understand the
Arise, wherefore sleepest thou, prophets by
as it is said,
O Lord ? " * though it is elsewhere said of boundless character of His sight with which
Him: "Behold he that keepeth Israel shall He sees and looks through all things, and so
neither slumber nor sleep."* And Yio, stands nothing is hidden from Him of what is done
and sits, since He says, **
Heaven is my seat, or can be done by us, or even thought. By
and earth the footstool for " ' the expression "hands," we understand His
my feet :
He "measure out the heaven with his hand, providence and work, by which He is the cre-
and holdeth the earth in his fist."^ And He ator and author of all things; the arms are
*the emblems of His might and government,
is "drunken with wine" as it is said, "The
Lord awoke like a sleeper, a mighty man, with which He upholds, rules and controls all
drunken with wine;"* He "who only hath things. And not to speak of other things,
what else does the hoary hair of His head sig-
immortality and dwelleth in the light which
no man can approach unto :
" ®
not to say any- nify but the eternity
and perpetuity of Deity,
of the
" "
and " through which He is without any beginning,
thing ignorance forgetfulness,"
and before all times, and excels all creatures?
Proy. xxix. 22 (LXX.) 'Ai/ijp eu/Li(o8»)t eyei'pet veiKOs, afiip hi So then also when we read of the anger or fury
opyiKoi e(u)pv^ev afiapTiav. The old Latin as given by Sabatier
has " Vir animosus parit zixas: vir autem iracundus effodit peccata." we should take it not (xpOoumonudwg
of the Lord, ;

The verse is quoted by Gregory the Great in a passage which seems

a reminiscence of Cassian's words, with the reading effundit for according to an unworthy meaning of
effodit (Moral V. xxxi.) Jerome's rendering in the Vulgate is quite human passion,^" but in a sense worthy of God,
" Vir iracundus
different :
provocat zixas et qui ad indigaandum
facilis est erit ad peccandum proclivior."
who is free from all passion; so that by this
2 Ps. cv. (cvi.) 40. we should understand that He the judge is
3 Ps. vi. 2.
< Ps. xliii. (xliv.)
and avenger of all the unjust things which are
Ps.cxjc. (cxxi.) 4. done in this world; and by reason of these
Isa. Ixvi. I.
1 Isa. xl. 12.
8 Ps. Ixxvii. 10 On the heresy of the Anthropomorphites see the notes on Con-
(Ixxviii.) 65.
9 I Tim. vi. 16. ference X. c. ii.

terms and their meaning we should dread CHAPTER VI.

Him as the terrible rewarder of our deeds,
and fear to do anything against His will. For Of the righteous and unrighteous passion of wrath.
human nature is wont to fear those whom it
knows to be indignant, and is afraid of offend- From almost every cause the emotion of
ing: as in the case of some most just judges, wrath boils over, and blinds the eyes of the
avenging wrath is usually feared by those who soul, and, bringing the deadly beam of a
are tormented by some accusation of their worse disease over the keenness of our sight,
conscience; not indeed that this passion prevents us from seeing the sun of righteous-
exists in the minds of those who are going
to ness. It makes no difference whether gold
judge with perfect equity, but while they plates, or lead, or what metal you please, are
so fear, the disposition of the judge towards placed over our eyelids, the value of the metal
them is that which is the precursor ot a just makes no difference in our blindness.
and impartial execution of the law. And this,
with whatever kindness and gentleness it may
be conducted, is deemed by those who are VII. CHAPTER
justly to be punished to be the most savage
wrath and vehement anger. It would be tedi- Of the only case in which anger is useful to us.
ous and outside the scope of the present work
were we to explain all the things which are We
have, it must be admitted, a use for
in us for which
spoken metaphorically of God in Holy Scrip- anger' excellently implanted
with human Let be alone it is useful and profitable for us to ad-
ture, figures. it enough
for our present purpose, which is aimed against mit it, viz., when we are indignant and rage
the sin of wrath, to have said this that no one against the lustful emotions of our heart, and
are vexed that the things which we are ashamed
may through ignorance draw down upon him-
self acause of this evil and of eternal death, to do or say before men have risen up in
out of those Scriptures in which he should the lurking places of our heart, as we tremble
seek for saintliness and immortality as the at the presence of the angels, and of God
remedies to bring life and salvation. Himself, who pervades all things everywhere,
and fear with the utmost dread the eye of Him
from whom the secrets of our hearts cannot
possibly be hid.
How calm a monk ought to be.

And so a monk aiming at perfection, and CHAPTER VIIL

desiring to strive lawfully in his spiritual
combat, should be free from all sin of anger Instances from the life of the blessed David in which anger
was rightly felt.
and wrath, and should listen to the charge
which the "chosen vessel" gives him. "Let
all anger," says he, and wrath, and clamour,
And at any rate (this is the case), when we
are agitated against this very anger, because
and evil speaking, be taken away from among
it has stolen on us against our brother, and
you, with all malice."
When he says, "Let
all anger be taken away from you,
" he when in wrath we expel its deadly incitements,
none whatever as necessary or useful for us. nor suffer it to have a dangerous lurking place
And if need be, he should at once treat an in the recesses of our heart. To be angry in
this fashion even that prophet teaches Us who
erring brother in such a way that, while he
had so completely expelled it from his own
manages to apply a remedy to one afflicted
with perhaps a slight fever, he may not by feelings that he would not retaliate even on
his enemies and those delivered by God into
his wrath involve himself in a more dangerous
his hands: when he says "Be ye angry and
malady of blindness. For he who wants to sin not."* For he, when he had longed for
heal another's wound ought to be in good
health and free from every affection of weak-
water from the well of Bethlehem, and had
ness himself, lest that saying of the gospel
been given it by his mighty men, who had
should be used to him,
Physician, first heal brought it through the midst of the hosts of
the enemy, at once poured it out on the
thyself;"* and lest, seeing a mote in his
brother's eye, he see not the beam in his own ground: and thus in his anger extinguished
the delicious feeling of his desire, and poured
eye, for how will he see to cast out the mote
itout to the Lord, without satisfying the long-
from his brother's eye, who has the beam of
own eye ? ' ing that he had expressed, saying: "That be
anger in his
1 iv. 31. 2 8. Luke iv. aj. 8 Cf. S. Matt. vii. 3-5. * Ps. iv.
Eph. 5.
farfrom me that I should do this! Shall I CHAPTER X.
drink the blood of those men who went forth,
of their souls?
"^ And when
on the danger Of the sun, of which it is said that it should not go down upon
Shimei threw stones at King David and cursed your wrath.

him, in his hearing, before everybody, and

Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, the captain of the
And of this sun God clearly makes mention
He "
host, wished to cut off his head and avenge by the prophet, when says, But to those
the insult to the king, the blessed David, that fear my name the sun of righteousness
moved with pious wrath against this dreadful shall arise with healing in His wings." And "^

this again is said to "go down at midday on
suggestion of his, and keeping the due meas-
ure of humility and a strict patience, said with sinners and false prophets, and those who are
when the prophet says, "Their sun is
imperturbable gentleness, ''What have I to angry,
do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah? Let him gone down at noon."® And at any rate
alone that he may curse. For the Lord hath "tropically"'' the mind, that is the vovg or
commanded him to curse David. And who reason, which is fairly called the sun because
is he who shall dare to say, Why hast thou it looks over all the thoughts and discernings
done this? Behold my son, who came forth of the heart, should not be put out by the sin
from my loins, seeks my life, and how much of anger: lest when it "goes down "the shad-
more this son of Benjamin? Let him alone, ows of disturbance, together with the devil
their author,fill all the feelings of our hearts,
that he may curse, according to the command
of the Lord. It may be the Lord will look and, overwhelmed by the shadows of wrath,
as in a murky night, we know not what we
upon my affliction, and return to me good for
this cursing to-day."^ ought to do. In this sense it is that we have
brought forward this passage of the Apostle,
handed down to us by the teaching of the
elders, because it was needful, even at the
Of the anger which should be directed against ourselves.
risk of a somewhat lengthy discourse, to show
how they felt with regard to anger, for they
And some are "be angry" do not permit it even for a moment to effect
commanded to
after a wholesome fashion, but with our own an entrance into our heart: observing with the
selves, and with evil thoughts that arise, and utmost care that saying of the gospel " Who- :

"not to sin," viz., by bringing them to a bad soever is angry with his brother is in danger
issue. Finally, the next verse explains this to of the judgment."* But if it be lawful to be
be the meaning more clearly: "The things you angry up till sunset, the surfeit of our wrath
say in your hearts, be sorry for them on your and the vengeance of our anger will be able to
beds:"* i.e., whatever you think of in your give full play to passion and dangerous ex-
hearts when sudden and nervous excitements citement before that sun inclines towards its
rush in on you, correct and amend with whole- setting."
some sorrow, lying as it were on a bed of rest,
and removing by the moderating influence of
counsel all noise and disturbance of wrath. XL
Lastly, the blessed Apostle, when he made use Of those to whose wrath even the
" going down of the sun sets
of the testimony of this verse, and said, Be no limit.
ye angry and sin not," added, "Let not the
sun go down upon your wrath, neither give But what am I to say of those (and I can-
place to the devil."* If it is dangerous for not say it without shame on my own part) to
the sun of righteousness to go down upon our whose
implacability even the going down of
wrath, and if when we are angry we straight- the sun sets no bound but prolonging it for :

way give place to the devil in our hearts, how several days, and nourishing rancorous feel-
is it that above he charges us to be
" angry, ings against those against whom they have
saying, Be ye angry, and sin not " ? Does he been excited, they say in words that they are
not evidently mean this: be ye angry with not
angry, but in fact and deed they show that
your faults and your tempers, lest, if you ac-
quiesce in them, Christ, the sun of righteous- 5 Mai. iv. 2.
6 Amos viii.
ness, may on account of your anger begin to
7 On the different senses of
Scripture see the note on Conference
do-v^n on darkened and when XIV. viii.
go your minds, 8 S. Matt. 22.
He departs you may furnish a place for the y.
9 Petschenig's text is as follows: Ceterutn si
usque ad occasum
devil in your hearts ?
ante /uroris satietas et uttrices irce cotnmo-
solis licitur sit irasci,
tioneni fioierunt noxite perturbationis explere, guam sol iste ad
locum sui vergat occasus. That of Gazasus has " ante perturba-
1 2
2 2
xxiii. 17.
xvi. 10-12.
3 Ps. iv. 5.
tiones noxice f
poterunt uroris satietatem et ultricis ira commoiionetn
Eph. iv. 26. explere t etc.

they are extremely disturbed? For they do i

our brother, I will not say for several days,
not speak to them pleasantly, nor address them I
but even till the going down of the sun, if we
with ordinary civility, and they think that they are not allowed to offer our prayers to God
are not doing wrong in this, because they do not while he has anything against us.'' And yet
seek to avenge themselves for their upset. But are commanded by the Apostle: "Pray
since they either do not dare, or at any rate without ceasing;"^ and "in every place lift-
are not able to show their anger openly, and ing up holy hands without wrath and disput-
give place to it, they drive in, to their own ing."* It remains then either that we never
detriment, the poison of anger, and secretly pray at all, retaining this poison in our hearts,
cherish it in their hearts, and silently feed on and become guilty in regard of this apostolic
it in themselves; without shaking off by an or evangelic charge, in which we are bidden

effort of mind their sulky disposition, but di- to pray everywhere and without ceasing; or
gesting it as the days go by, and somewhat else if, deceiving ourselves, we venture to
mitigating it after a while. pour forth our prayers, contrary to His com-
mand, we must know that we are offering to
God no prayer, but an obstinate temper with
CHAPTER XII. a rebellious spirit.

How this is the end of temper and anger when a man carries
it into act as far as he can.
But it even this was not the end
looks as if Of reconciliation with our brother.

of vengeance to every one, but some can only

completely satisfy their wrath or sulkiness if
And because we often spurn the brethren
who are injured and saddened, and despise
they carry out the impulse of anger as far as
and say that they were not hurt by any
they are able and this we know to be the case them,

with those who restrain their feelings, not fault of ours, the Healer of souls, who knows
from desire of calming them, but simply from all secrets, wishing utterly to eradicate all
want of opportunity of revenge. For they can opportunities of anger from our hearts, not
do nothing more to those with whom they are only commands us to forgive if we have been
and to be reconciled with our broth-
angry, except speak to them without ordinary wronged,
ers, and keep no recollection of wrong or inju-
civility: or it looks as if anger was to be
moderated only in action, and not to be alto- ries against them, but He also gives a similar
that in case we are aware that they
gether rooted out from its hiding place in our charge,
bosom so that, overwhelmed by its shadows, have anything against us, whether justly or

we are unable not only to admit the light of unjustly, we should leave our jgift, that is,

wholesome counsel and of knowledge, but also postpone our prayers, and hasten first to offer
to be a temple of the Holy Spirit, so long as satisfaction to them and so when our brother's

the spirit of anger dwells in us. For wrath cure is first effected, we may bring the offer-
that is nursed in the heart, although it may ing of our prayers without blemish. For the
not injure men who stand by, yet excludes the common Lord of all does not care so much for
our homage as to lose in one what He gains in
splendour of the radiance of the Holy Ghost,
allowed to
equally with wrath that is openly manifested. another, through displeasure being
reign in us. For in anyone's loss He suffers
some loss, who desires and looks for the sal-
XIII. vation of all His servants in one and the same
therefore our prayer will lose its
way. And
That we should not retain our our brother has anything against us,
anger even for an instant. effect, if

Or how can we think that the Lord would just as much as if we were cherishing feelings
have it retained even for an instant, since He of bitterness against him in a swelling and
does not permit us to offer the spiritual sacri- wrathful spirit.
fices of our prayers, if we are aware that an-
other has any bitterness against us: saying, XV. CHAPTER
If then thou bringest
thy gift to the altar and
there rememberest that thy brother hath aught How the Old L.nw would root out anger not only from the
thoughts. actions but from the
against thee, leave there thy gift at the altar
and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy But why should we spend any more time
brother, and then come and offer thy gift."^ over evangelic and apostolic precepts, when
How then may we retain displeasure against even the old law, which is thought to be some-
1 Matt. * I 8
S. V. 33, 24. Theu. V. 17. I Tim. ii. 8.
what slack, guards against the same thing, of deeper insight into heavenly things, which
when it
says, Thou shalt not hate thy brother can only be gained in solitude by those who
in thine heart;" and again, "Be not mindful are perfect. For whatever faults we bring
of the injury of thy citizens; "i and again, with us uncured into the desert, we shall find
The ways of those who preserve the recollec- to remain concealed in us and not to be got
" ^
tion of wrongs are towards death ? You see rid of. For just as when the character has
there too that wickedness is restrained not been improved, solitude can lay open to it the
only in action, but also in the secret thoughts, purest contemplation, and reveal the knowl-
since it is commanded that hatred be utterly edge of spiritual mysteries to its clear gaze,
rooted out from the heart, and not merely so it generally not only preserves but intensi-
retaliation for, but the very recollection of, a fies the faults of those who have undergone

wrong done. no correction. For a man appears to himself

to be patient and humble, just as long as he
CHAPTER XVI. comes across nobody in intercourse; but
he will presently revert to his former nature,
How useless is the retirement of those who do not give up whenever the chance of any sort of passion
their bad manners.
occurs: I mean that those faults will at once

Sometimes when we have been overcome by appear on the surface which were lying hid,
and, like unbridled horses diligently fed up
pride or impatience, and we want to improve
our rough and bearish manners, we complain during too long a time of idleness, dash forth
from the barriers the more eagerly and fiercely,
that we require solitude, as if we should find
to the destruction of their charioteer. For
the virtue of patience there where nobody pro-
vokes us and we apologize for our careless-
when the opportunity for practising them
ness, and say that the reason of our disturbance
among men is removed, our faults will more
and more increase in us, unless we have first
does not spring from our own impatience, but
been purified from them. And the mere shadow
from the fault of our brethren. And while we
of patience,, which, when we mixed with our
lay the blame of our fault on others, we shall we seemed fancifully to possess, at
never be able to reach the goal of patience brethren,
least out of respect for them and publicity, we
and perfection.
lose altogether through sloth and carelessness.

That the peace of our heart does not depend on another's
will, but lies in our own control. An illustration to help in forming an opinion on those who are
only patient when they are not tried by any one.

The chief part then of our improvement and

But it is like all poisonous kinds of serpents
peace of mind must not be made to depend or of wild beasts, which, while they remain
on another's will, which cannot possibly be
in solitude and their own lairs, are still not
subject to our authority, but it lies rather in
our own control. And so the fact that we are harmless;* for they cannot really be said to
not angry ought not to result from another's
be harmless, because they are not actually
hurting anybody. For this results in their
perfection, but from our own virtue, which is
case, not from any feeling of goodness, but
acquired, not by somebody else's patience,

but by our own long-suffering. I

from the exigencies of solitude, and when they
have secured an opportunity of hurting some
one, at once they produce the poison stored
CHAPTER XVIII. up in them, and show the ferocity of their
nature. And so in the case of men who are
Of the zeal with which we should seek the desert, and of the
aiming at perfection, it is not enough not to
things in which we make progress there. be angry with men. For we recollect that
when we were living in solitude a feeling of
Further, it is those who are perfect and irritation would creep over us against our pen
purified from all faults who ought to seek the because it was too large or too small against ;

desert, and when they have thoroughly exter- our penknife when it cut badly and with a
minated all their faults amid the assembly of blunt edge what we wanted cut; and against
the brethren, they should enter it not a flint if by chance when we were rather
by way
of cowardly flight, but for the of late and hurrying to the reading, a spark of
divine contemplation, and with the desire fire flashed out, so that we could not remove

1 Lev. xix. 17, » 3

18. Prov. xii. 28 (LXX.). Reading non innoxia (Petschenig).
and get rid of our perturbation of mind except prophet But I come that I may gather them

" *
by cursing the senseless matter, or at least together with all nations and tongues and ;

* "
the devil. Wherefore for a method of perfec- again Their
thoughts between themselves
tion it will not be of any use for there to be a accusing or also defending one another, in
dearth of men against whom our anger might the day when God shall judge the secrets of
be roused since, if patience has not already
: men."^
been acquired, the feelings of passion which
still dwell in our hearts can equally well

spend themselves on dumb things and paltry CHAPTER XXI.

objects, and not allow us to gain a continuous
state of peacefulness, or to be free from our Whether we ought to admit the addition of " without a
cause," in that which is written in the Gospel, "whosoever
remaining faults: unless perhaps we think is angry with his
brother," etc.
that some advantage and a sort of cure may
be gained for our passion from the fact that But you should know that in this, which is
inanimate and speechless things cannot pos- "
found in many copies, Whosoever is angry
sibly reply to our curses and rage, nor provoke with his brother without a cause, is in danger
our ungovernable temper to break out into a of the judgment,"^ the words "without a
worse madness of passion. "
cause are superfluous, and were added by
those who did not think that anger for just
causes was to be banished: since certainly
CHAPTER XX. nobody, however unreasonably he is disturbed,
would say that he was angry without a cause.
Of the way in which anger should be bant^hed according to the
Wherefore it appears to have been added
by those who did not understand the drift of
Wherefore if we wish to gain the substance Scripture, which intended altogether to ban-
of that divine reward of which it is said, ish the incentive to anger, and to reserve no
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall occasion whatever for indignation; lest while
see God," 1 we ought not only to banish it we were commanded to be angry with a cause,
from our actions, but entirely to root it out an opportunity for being angry without a cause
from our inmost soul. For it will not be of might occur to us. For the end and aim of
not in being angry with a
any good to have checked anger in words, and patience consists,
not to have shown it in deeds, if God, from good reason, but in not being angry at all.
whom the secrets of the heart are not hid, sees Although I know that by some this very ex-
that remains in the secret recesses of oiir pression, "without a cause," is taken to mean

bosom. For the word of the gospel bids us that he is angry without a cause who when
he is angered is not allowed to seek for ven-
destroy the roots of our faults rather than the
fruits; for these, when the incitements are all geance.
But it is better so to take it as we
removed, will certainly not put forth shoots find it written in
many modern copies and all
the ancient ones.
any more; and so the mind will be able to
continue in all patience and holiness, when
this anger has been removed, not from the
surface of acts and deeds, but from the very CHAPTER XXII.
innermost thoughts. And, therefore to avoid
The remedies by which we can root out anger from our hearts.
the commission of murder, anger and hatred are
cut off, without which the crime of murder
cannot possibly be committed. For "whoso-
Wherefore the athlete of Christ who strives
ever is angry with his brother, is in danger of lawfully ought thoroughly to root out the
the judgment;""* and "whosoever hateth his feeling of wrath. And it will be a sure rem-
brother is a murderer;"' viz., because in his edy for this disease, if in the first place we
heart he desires to kill him, whose blood we
make up our mind that we ought never to be
know that he has certainly not shed among angry at all, whether for good or bad reasons :

as we know that we shall at once lose the

men with his own hand or with a weapon;
light of discernment, and the security of good
yet, owing to his burst of anger, he is declared
to be a murderer by God, who renders to each counsel, and our very uprightness, and the
man, not merely for the result of his actions, temperate character of righteousness, if the
but for his purpose and desires and wishes,
either a reward or a punishment; according * Isaiah Ixvi 18.
8 £t rursum (Petschealg): et Afostolut (Omxm).
to that which He Himself says through the 6 Rom. ii. 15, 16.
7 S. Matt. V. 22. The word
is said by Westcott and Host
" Western and
to be Syrian." It is wanting in M, B, Origen, and
1 S. Matt. V. 8. > lb. ver. aa. 3 I John iii. was not admitted by Jerome in the Vulgate.
main light of our heart has been darkened by we should realize daily that
its shadows next, that the purity of our soul
: are we
soon to depart from the body,
will presently be clouded, and that it cannot and that our continence and chastity, our
possibly be made a temple for the Holy Ghost renunciation of all our possessions, our
while the spirit of anger resides in us; lastly, contempt of wealth, our efforts in fastings
that we should consider that we ought never and vigils will not help us at all, if solely on
to pray, nor pour out our prayer to God, account of anger and hatred eternal pun-
while we are angry. And above all, having ishments are awarded to us by the judge of

before our eyes the uncertain condition of the world. i



CHAPTER I. Divine Spirit expressed the force of this dan-
gerous and most injurious fault.
How our fifth combat is against the spirit of dejection, and of
the harm which it inflicts upon the soul.

In our fifth combat we have to resist the
pangs of gnawing dejection: for if this, through To what the soul may be compared which is ar prey to the
separate attacks made at random, and by hap-
attacks of dejection.

hazard and casual changes, has secured an

For the garment that is moth-eaten has no
opportunity of gaining possession of our mind,
it keeps us back at all times from all insight longer any commercial value or good use to
in divine contemplation, and utterly ruins which it can be put; and in the same way^
and depresses the mind that has fallen away the wood that is worm-eaten is no longer worth
from its complete state of purity. It does not anything for ornamenting even an ordinary
allow it to say its prayers with its usual glad- building, but is destined to be burnt in the
ness of heart, nor permit it to rely on the fire. So therefore the soul also which is a
comfort of reading the sacred writings, nor prey to the attacks of gnawing dejection will
suffer it to be quiet and gentle with the breth- be useless for that priestly garment which,
to the prophecy of the holy David,
ren; it makes it impatient and rough in all according
the duties of work and devotion and, as all the ointment of the Holy Spirit coming down

wholesome counsel is and steadfastness from heaven, first on Aaron's beard, then on
his skirts, is wont to assume as it is said,
of destroyed, it makes the feelings "
heart :

almostmad and drunk, and crushes and over- It is like the ointment upon the head which
whelms them with penal despair. ran down upon Aaron's beard, which ran down
to the skirts of his clothing.* Nor can it have
anything to do with the building or ornamen-
tation of that spiritual temple of which Paul
as a wise master builder laid the foundations,
saying, "Ye are the temple of God, and the
Of the care with which the malady of dejection must be healed.
Spirit of God dwelleth in you:"* and what
the beams of this are like the bride tells us in
Wherefore if we are anxious to exert our- the Song of
Songs: "Our rafters are of cy-
selves lawfully in the struggle of our spiritual ^
press the beams of our houses are of cedar."

combat we ought with no less care to set about And therefore those sorts of wood are chosen
healing this malady also. For "as the moth for the
temple of God which are fragrant and
injures the garment, and the worm the wood, not liable to rot, and which are not subject to
so dejection the heart of man. " ^
With suffi-
decay from age nor to be worm-eaten.
cient clearness and appropriateness has the
2 Totidem is used here by Cassian for itidem, as in III. ix.
3 Ps. cxxxii. (cxxxiii.) 2.
< I Cor. iii. 16 vi. 16.
1 Prov. XXV. 20 (LXX.). 5 Cant. i. 16 (LXX.).
BOOK IX. 265
causes of our falls are found not in others, but
in ourselves, commands that we should not
Whence and in what way dejection arises.
give up intercourse with our brethren, nor
avoid those who we think have been hurt bv
But sometimes it is found to result frxjm
us, or by whom we have been offended, but
the fault of previous anger, or to spring from bids us pacify them, knowing that perfection
the desire of some gain which has not been of heart is not secured by
separating from men
realized, when a man has found that he has so much as by the virtue of patience. Which
failed in his hope of securing those things when it is securely held, as it can keep us at
which he had planned. But sometimes with-
peace even with those who hate peace, so, if
out any apparent reason for our being driven it has not been
acquired, it makes us perpet-
to fall into this misfortune, we are by the
ually differ from those who are perfect and
instigation of our crafty enemy suddenly de- better than we are: for opportunities for dis-
pressed with so great a gloom that we cannot turbance, on account of which we are eager to
receive with ordinary civility the visits of
get away from those with whom we are con-
those who are near and dear to us and what- ;
nected, will not be wanting so long as we are
ever subject of conversation is started by them,
living among men; and therefore we shall not
we regard it as ill-timed and out of place; and
escape altogether, but only change the causes
we can give them no civil answer, as the gall of dejection on account of which we separated
of bitterness is in possession of every corner of from our former friends.
our heart.

That disturbances are caused in us not by the faults of other CHAPTER VIII.
people, but by our own.
That if we have improved our character it is possible for us to
Whence clearly proved that the pains
it is get on with everybody.
of disturbances are not always caused in us
by other people's faults, but j-ather by our We
must then do our best to endeavour to
own, as we have stored up in ourselves the amend our faults and correct our manners.
causes of offence, and the seeds of faults, And if we succeed in correcting them we shall
which, as soon as a shower of temptation certainly be at peace, I will not say with men,
waters our soul, at once burst forth into shoots but even with beasts and the brute creation,
and fruits. according to what is said in the book of the
blessed Job: For the beasts of the field will
CHAPTER VI. be at peace with thee; ^ for we shall not fear
offences coming from without, nor will any
That no one comes to grief by a sudden fall, but is destroyed occasion of falling trouble us from outside, if
by falling through a long course of carelessness.'
the roots of such are not admitted and im-
For no one is ever driven to sin by being planted within in our own selves: for "they
provoked through another's fault, unless he have great peace who love thy law, God; O
has the fuel of evil stored up in his own heart. and they have no occasion of falling." *
Nor should we imagine that a man has been
deceived suddenly when he has looked on a
woman and fallen into the abyss of shameful
lust: but rather that, owing to the opportunity CHAPTER
of looking on her, the symptoms -of disease
which were hidden and concealed in his in- Of another sort of dejection which produces despair of
most soul have been brought to the surface.
There is, too, another still more objection-
able sort of dejection, which produces in the
guilty soul no amendment of life or correction
Tliat we ought not to give up intercourse with our brethren of faults, but the most destructive despair:
in order to seek after perfection, but should rather constantly which did not make Cain repent after the
cultivate the virtue of patience.
murder of his brother, or Judas, after the be-
And so God, the creator of all things, hav- trayal, hasten to relieve himself by making
ing regard above everything to the amendment
amends, but drove him to hang himself in
of His own work, and because the roots and despair.

1 hicuriam (Petschenig) :
Injuriam (Gazxus). 2 Job v. 13. 8 Ps. cxviii, (cxix.) 163.
all those fruits of the Spirit of which we spoke,
which that other sorrow knows how to pro-
Of the only thing in which dejection is useful to us.

so we must see that dejection is only

useful to us in one case, when we yield to it That except that wholesome sorrow, which
springs up in three
either in penitence for sin, or through being ways, all sorrow and dejection should be resisted as hurtful.
inflamed with the desire of perfection, or the
contemplation of future blessedness. And of Wherefore except that sorrow which is
this the blessed Apostle says: "The sorrow endured either for the sake of saving peni-
which is according to God worketh repentance tence, or for the sake of aiming at perfection,
steadfast unto salvation but the sorrow of the or for the desire of the future, all sorrow and

world worketh death. ^ dejection must equally be resisted, as belong-
ing to this world, and being that which work-
eth death," and must be entirely expelled from
our hearts like the spirit of fornication and
covetousness and anger.

How we can decide what is useful and the sorrow according to

God, and what is devilish and deadly.

The means by which we can root out dejection from our hearts.
that dejection and sorrow which "work-
eth repentance steadfast unto salvation is We
should then be able to expel this most
obedient, civil, humble, kindly, gentle, and injurious passion from our hearts, so that by
patient, as it springs from the love of God, spiritual meditation we may keep our mind
and unweariedly extends itself from desire of constantly occupied with hope of the future
perfection to every bodily grief and sorrow of and contemplation of the promised blessed-
spirit; and somehow or other rejoicing and ness. For in this way we shall be able to
feeding on hope of its own profit preserves all get the better of all those sorts of dejection,
the gentleness of courtesy and forbearance, as whether those which flow from previous anger
it has in itself all the fruits of the Holy Spirit or those which come to us from
of which the same Apostle gives the list But ment of gain, or from some loss, or those

the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, for- which spring from a wrong done to us, or those
bearance, goodness, benignity, faith, mildness, which arise from an unreasonable disturbance
modesty."'^ But the other kind is rough, of mind, or those which bring on us a deadly
impatient, hard, full of rancour and useless despair, if, ever joyful with an insight into
grief and penal despair, and breaks down the things eternal and future, and continuing
man on whom it has fastened, and hinders immovable, we are not depressed by present
him from energy and wholesome sorrow, as it accidents, or over-elated by prosperity, but
is unreasonable, and not
only hampers the look on each condition as uncertain and likely
efficacy of his prayers, but actually destroys soon to pass away.



CHAPTER I. desert; and especially disturbing to a monk
about the sixth hour, like some fever which
How our sixth combat is against the spirit of accidie, and what
seizes him at stated times, bringing the burn-
its character is.
ing heat of its attacks on the sick man at
Our combat is with what the Greeks usual and regular hours. Lastly, there are
call uxijdtd, which we
may term weariness or some of the elders who declare that this is
distress of heart. This is akin to dejection, the "midday demon" spoken of in the nine-
and is especially trying to solitaries, and a tieth Psalm.*
dangerous and frequent foe to dwellers in the 4 Ps. xc. where the Latin " et djemonio meridiano " (xci.) 6.,
follows the LXX. koX Saifioviov fieo'rjin/Spii'ou, instead of " the de-
1 2 Cor. 8 Gal. v. 8
vii. lo. »a, 23. See the note on Bk. V. c i. struction that wasteth at noonday."
BOOK X. 267

CHAPTER II. suggests that he ought to show courteous and

friendly hospitalities to the brethren, and pay
A description of accidie, and the way in which it creeps over visits to the sick, whether near at hand or far
the heart of a monk, and the injury it inflicts on the soul. off. He talks too about some dutiful and
religious offices; that those kinsfolk ought to
And when this has taken possession of be inquired after, and that he
ought to go and
some unhappy soul, it produces dislike of the see them of tener that it would be a real work ;

place, disgust with the cell, and disdain and of piety to go more frequently to visit that
contempt of the brethren who dwell with him religious woman, devoted to the service of
or at a little distance, as if they were careless God, who is deprived of all support of kindred ;

or unspiritual. It also makes the man lazy and that it would be a most excellent thing to
and sluggish about all manner of work which get what is needful for her who is neglected
has to be done within the enclosure of his and despised by her own kinsfolk and that ;

dormitory. It does not suffer him to stay in he ought piously to devote his time to these
his cell, or to take any pains about reading,
things instead of staying uselessly and with
and he often groans because he can do no no profit in his cell.
good while he stays there, and complains and
sighs because he can bear no spiritual fruit
so long as he is joined to that society; and he CHAPTER III.
complains that he is cut off from spiritual
gain, and is of no use in the place, as if he Of the different ways in which accidie overcomes a monk.
were one who, though he could govern others
and be useful to a great number of people, And so the wretched soul, embarrassed by
yet was edifying none, nor profiting any one such contrivances of the enemy, is disturbed,
by his teaching and doctrine. He cries up worn out by the spirit of accidie, as by
distant monasteries and those which are a some strong battering ram, it either learns to
long way off, and describes such places as sink into slumber, or, driven out from the
more profitable and better suited for salvation ;
confinement of its cell, accustoms itself to
and besides this he paints the intercourse seek for consolation under these attacks in
with the brethren there as sweet and full of visiting some brother, only to be afterwards
spiritual life. On the other hand, he says weakened the more by this remedy which it
that everything about him is rough, and not seeks for the present. For more frequently
only that there is nothing edifying among the and more severely will the enemy attack one
brethren who are stopping there, but also that who, when the battle is joined, will as he well
even food for the body cannot be procured knows immediately turn his back, and whom he
without great difficulty. Lastly he fancies sees to look for safety neither in victory nor
that he will never be well while he stays in in fighting but in flight: until little by little
that place, unless he leaves his cell (in which he is drawn away from his cell, and begins to
he is sure to die if he stops in it any longer) forget the object of his profession, which is
and takes himself off from thence as quickly nothing but meditation and contemplation of
as possible. Then the fifth or sixth hour that divine purity which excels all things, and
brings him such bodily weariness and longing which can only be gained by silence and con-
for food that he seems to himself worn out tinually remaining in the cell, and by medita-
and wearied as if with a long journey, or some tion, and so the soldier of Christ becomes a
very heavy work, or as if he had put off taking runaway from His service, and a deserter, and
food during a fast of two or three days. Then "entangles himself in secular business," with-
besides this he looks about anxiously this way out at all pleasing Him to whom he engaged
and that, and sighs that none of the brethren himself.*
come'to see him, and often goes in and out of
his cell, and frequently gazes up at the sun, IV. CHAPTER
as if it was too slow in setting, and so a kind
of unreasonable confusion of mind takes pos- How accidie hinders the mind from all contemplation of the
session of him like some foul darkness,^ and
makes him idle and useless for every spiritual
All the inconveniences of this disease are
work, so that he imagines that no cure for so
terrible an attack can be found in anything admirably expressed by David in a single
verse, where he says, "My soul slept from
except visiting some one of the brethren, or
weariness,'" that is, from accidie. Quite
in the solace of sleep alone. Then the disease
* i Tim. ii. 4.
* Velut tirtra suppUtur caligin* (Petschenig) ; the text of Ga- ' Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 28, where the LXX. has «'i'v'o-to{<i' 17 '^y>\n
zseiu reads terra for talra. fiov diro dK))Sia{.
rightly does he say, not that his body, but that For in writing to the Thessalonians, and at
his soul slept. For in truth the soul which first, like a skilful and excellent physician,
is wounded by the shaft of this passion does applying to the infirmity of his patients the

sleep, as regards all contemplation of the vir- soothing and gentle remedy of his words, and
tues and insight of the spiritual senses. beginning with charity, and praising them in
that point, that ^ this deadly wound, having
been treated with a milder remedy, might lose
CHAPTER V. its angry festering and more easily bear severer
treatment, he says But concerning brotherly

How the attack of accidie twofold

charity ye have no need that I write to you :

for you yourselves are taught of God to love

And so the true Christian athlete who de- one another. For this ye do toward all the
sires to strive lawfully in the lists of perfec- brethren in the whole of Macedonia."''^ He
tion, should hasten to expel this disease also first began with the soothing application of
from the recesses of his soul; and should praise, and made their ears submissive and
strive against this most evil spirit of accidie ready for the remedy of the healing words.
in both directions, so that he may neither fall Then he proceeds
But we ask you, brethren,

stricken through by the shaft of slumber, nor to abound more." Thus far he soothes them
be driven out from the monastic cloister, even with kind and gentle words for fear lest he ;

though under some pious excuse or pretext, should find them not yet prepared to receive
and depart as a runaway. their perfect cure. Why is it that you ask,
O t*hat they may abound more in
charity, which you had said above, "But
CHAPTER VI. concerning brotherly
charity we have no need
to write to you ? And why is it necessary
How injurious are the effects of accidie. that you should say to them: "But we ask
you to abound more," when they did not need
And whenever it begins in any degree to to be written to at all on this matter? especially
overcome any one, it either makes him stay in as you add the reason why they do not need
his cell idle and lazy, without making any "
it, saying, For you yourselves have been
spiritual progress, or it drives him out from taught of God to love one another." And
thence and makes him restless and a wan- you add a third thing still more important:
derer, and indolent in the matter of all kinds that not only have they been taught of God,
of work, and it makes him continually go but also that they fulfil in deed that which
round the cells of the brethren and the mon- they are taught. "For ye do this," he says,
" "
asteries, with an eye to nothing but this; viz., not to one or two, but to all the brethren ;

where or with what excuse he can presently and not to your own citizens and friends only,
procure some refreshment. For the mind of but "in the whole of Macedonia." Tell us
an idler cannot think of anything but food then, I pray, why it is that you so particularly
and the belly, until the society of some man begin with this. Again he proceeds, "But
or woman, equally cold and indifferent, is we ask you, brethren, to abound the more."
secured, and it loses itself in their affairs and And with difficulty at last he breaks out into
business, and is thus little by little ensnared that at which he was driving before: "and
by dangerous occupations, so that, just as if that ye take pains to be quiet." He gave the
it were bound up in the coils of a serpent, it first aim. Then he adds a second, "and to
can never disentangle itself again and return do your own business; " and a third as well:
to the perfection of its former profession. and work with your own hands, as we com-
manded you " a fourth " and to walk^ hon-

estly towards those that are without; a fifth :

CHAPTER VII. "and to covet no man's goods." Lo, we can

see through that hesitation, which made him
Testimonies from the Apostle concerning the spirit of accidie. with these preludes put off uttering what his
mind was full of: "And that ye take pains to
The blessed Apostle, like a true and spir- be quiet; " i.e., that you stop in your cells, and
itual physician, either seeing this disease, be not disturbed by rumours, which generally
which springs from the spirit of accidie, al- spring from the wishes and gossip of idle
ready creeping in, or foreseeing, through the persons, and so yourselves disturb others.
revelation of the Holy Spirit, that it would
1 used as equivalent to donee, again in Conf . XXIII.
arise among monks, is quick to anticipate it xii.
Quousque is

by the healing medicines of his directions. 2 I Thess. iv. 9, 10.

BOOK X. 269

And, "to do your own business," you should rible, not by his bare word, but by the impre-
not want to inquire curiously of the world's cation of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ:
actions, or, examining the lives of others, for fear lest they might again scorn it, as
want to spend your strength, not on bettering merely man's word, and think that it was not
yourselves and aiming at" virtue, but on depre- of much importance. And forthwith, like a
ciating your brethren. And work with your well-skilled physician with festering limbs, to
own hands, as we charged you " to secure that
which he could not apply the remedy of a mild
which he had warned them above not to do ; treatment, he tries to cure by an incision with
i.e., that they should not be restless and a spiritual' knife, saying, "that ye withdraw
anxious about other people's affairs, nor walk yourselves from every brother that walketh
dishonestly towards those without, nor covet disorderly, and not according to the tradition
another man's goods, he now adds and says, which ye received of us." And so he bids
"and work with your own hands, as we charged them withdraw from those who will not make
you." For he has clearly shown that leisure time for work, and to cut them off like limbs
isthe reason why those things were done which tainted with the festering sores of leisure lest:

he blamed above. For no one can be restless the malady of idleness, like some deadly con-
or anxious about other people's affairs, but tagion, might infect even the healthy portion
one who is not satisfied to apply himself to of their limbs, by the gradual advance of in-
the work of his own hands. He adds also fection. And when he going to speak of
a fourth evil, which springs also from this those who will not their own hands
work with
leisure, i.e., that they should not walk dis- and eat their bread in quietness, from whom
honestly: when he says: "And that ye walk he urges them to withdraw, hear with what
honestly towards those without." He cannot reproaches he brands them at starting. First
possibly walk honestly, even among those who he calls them "disorderly," and "not walking
are men of this world, who is not content to according to the tradition." In other words,
cling to the seclusion of his cell and the he stigmatizes them as obstinate, since they
work of his own hands but he is sure to be
; will not walk according to his appointment;
dishonest, while he seeks his needful food; and "dishonest," i.e., not keeping to the right
and to take pains to flatter, to follow up news and proper times for going out, and visiting,
and gossip, to seek for opportunities for chat- and talking. For a disorderly person is sure
tering and stories by means of which he may to be subject to aH those faults. And not
gain a footing and obtain an entrance into the according to the tradition which they received
houses of others. And that you should not from us. And in this he stamps them as
covet another man's goods." He is sure to in some sort rebellious, and despisers, who
look with envious eyes on another's gifts and scorned to keep the tradition which they had
boons, who does not care to secure sufficient received from him, and would not follow that
for his daily food by the dutiful and peaceful which
they not only remembered that the
labour of his hands. You see what conditions, master had taught in word, but which they
and how serious and shameful ones, spring knew that he had performed in deed. " For
solely from the malady of leisure. Lastly, you yourselves know how ye ought to be fol-
those very people, whom in his first Epistle lowers of us." He heaps up an immense pile
he had treated with the gentle application of censure when he asserts that they did not
of his words, in his second Epistle he en- observe that which was still in their
deavours to heal with severer and sterner and which not had they learned by verbal
remedies, as those who had not profited by instruction, but also had received by the in-
more gentle treatment; and he no longer citement of his example in working.
applies the treatment of gentle words, no mild
and kindly expressions, as these, "But we
ask you, brethren, " but " We adjure you, breth-
ren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that ye withdraw from every brother that
That he is sure to be restless who will not be content with the
walketh disorderly."^ There he asks; here work of his own hands.
he adjures. There is the kindness of one
who is persuading; here the sternness of one " "
Because we were not restless among you.
and threatening. "We adjure you, When he wants to prove by the practice of
brethren :
because, when we first asked you, work that he was not restless among them, he
you scorned to listen; now at least obey our fully shows that those who will not work are
threats. And this adjuration he renders ter- always restless, owing to the fault of idleness.
Nor did we eat any man's bread for nought."
1 2 Thess. Ui. 6.
By each expression the teacher of the Gentiles
advances a step in the rebuke.^ The preacher mended it by signs and mighty works, did not
of the gospel says that he has not eaten any dare to eat bread for nought, lest he should
man's bread for nought, as he knows that the be burdensome to any, how can those men
Lord commanded that "they who preach the help thinking that they are burdensome who
" ^ and
gospel should live of the gospel again, take it every day in idleness and at their

"The labourer is worthy of his meat.'" And leisure ?

so if he who preached the gospel, performing
a work so lofty and spiritual, did not venture CHAPTER X.
in reliance on the Lord's command to eat his
bread for nought, what shall we do to whom That for this reason the Apostle laboured with his own hands,
that he might set us an example of work.
not merely is there no preaching of the word
intrusted, but no cure of souls except our own "
committed ? with what confidence shall we dare Not as if we had not power but that we ;

with idle hands to eat our bread for nought, might give ourselves a pattern to you to imi-
when the "chosen vessel," constrained by his tate us." He lays bare the reason why he
anxiety for the gospel and his work of preach-
imposed -such labour on himself: "that we
did not venture to eat without might," says he, "give a pattern to you to
ing, labouring
with his own hands? "But in labour," he imitate us," that if by chance you become for-
and weariness, working night and day getful of the teaching of our words which so
" * often passes through your ears, you may at
lest we should be burdensome to any of you.
least keep in your recollection the example of
Up to this point he amplifies and adds to his
rebuke. For he did not simply say, " We did my manner of life given to you by ocular dem-
not eat bread for nought from any of you," onstration. There is here too no slight reproof
and then stop short. For it might have been of them, where he says that he has gone through
this labour and weariness by night and day,
thought that he was supported by his own pri-
for no other reason but to set an example, and
vate means, and by money which he had saved,
or by other people's, though not by their col- that nevertheless they would not be instructed,
lections and gifts. "But in labour," he says, for whose sakes he, although not obliged to do
and weariness, working night and day " that it, yet imposed on himself such toil. "And

indeed," he says, "though we had the power,

is, being specially supported by our own
labour. And this, he says; we did not of our and opportunities were open to us of using all
own wish, and for our own pleasure, as rest your goods and substance, and I knew that I
and bodily exercise suggested, but as our had the permission of our Lord to use them :

I did not use this power, lest what was

necessities and the want of food compelled yet
us to do, and that not without great bodily rightly and lawfully done on my part might
weariness. For not only throughout the whole set
an example of dangerous idleness to others.
but also which seems to be And therefore when preaching the gospel, I
day, by night, to be supported by my own hands
granted for bodily rest, I was continually ply- preferred
and work, that I might open up the way of
ing the work of my hands, through anxiety for
food. perfection to you who wish to walk in the path
of virtue, and might set an example of good
life by my work."
That not the Apostle only, but those two who were with him CHAPTER XL
laboured with their own hands.
That he preached and taught men to work not only by his
And he testifies that it was not he alone example, but also by his words.
who so lived among them, lest haply this
method might not seem important or general But lest haply it might .be thought that,
if he depended
only on his example. But he while he worked in Silence and tried to teach
declares that all those who were appointed them by example, he had not instructed them
with him for the ministry of the gospel, i.e., by precepts and warnings, he proceeds to say:
Silvanus and Timothy, who wrote this with "For when we were with you, this we declared
him, worked in the same fashion. For by to you, that if a man will not work neither

Still greater does he make

saying, "lest we should be burdensome to should he eat."
any of you, he covers them with great shame. their idleness appear, for, though they knew
For if he who preached the gospel and com- that he, like a good master, worked with his
hands for the sake of his teaching and in order
Increpniionis (Petschenig). Interpretationis (Gazaeus).
2 Cor. ix. 14.
I to instruct them, yet they were ashamed to
3 S. Matt. X. 10.
< 2 Thess. iii. 8. * Permissum (Petschenig). Promissutn (Ga2aeus) .
BOOK X. 271

imitate him; and he emphasizes our diligence also asserts that they were restless, and ate

and care by saying that he did not only give their bread for nought. Again he says here,
them this for an example when present, but

have heard that there are some among
that he also proclaimed it continually in you who walk disorderly." And at once he
words; saying that if any one would not subjoins a second weakness, which is the root
work, neither should he eat. of this restlessness, and says, "working not
at all a third malady as well he adds, which;

springs from this last like some shoot: "but

CHAPTER XII. curiously meddling."
" If
Of his saying :
any will not work, neither shall he eat."

And now he no longer addresses to them CHAPTER XIV.

the advice of a teacher or physician, but pro-
How manual labour * prevents many faults.
ceeds with the severity of a judicial sentence,
and, resuming his apostolic authority, pro- And so he loses no time in at once apply-
nounces sentence on his despisers as if from
ing a suitable remedy to the incentive to so
the judgment seat: with that power, I mean,
many faults, and laying aside that apostolic
which, when writing with threats to the Co-
power of his which he had made use of a little
rinthians, he declared was given him of the
before, he adopts once more the tender char-
Lord, when he charged those taken in sin, acter of a good father, or of a kind physician,
that they should make haste and amend their
and, as if they were his children or his pa-
lives before his coming: thus charging them,
" tients, applies by his healing counsel remedies
I beseech you that I may not be bold when
to cure them, saying: "Now we charge them
I am present, against some, with that power
that are such, and beseech them by the Lord
which is given to me over you." And again:
Jesus, that working with silence they would
For if I also should boast somewhat of the eat their own bread." The cause of all these
power which the Lord has given me unto edi- ulcers, which spring from the root of idleness,
fication, and not for your destruction, I shall he heals like some well-skilled physician by
" ^
not be ashamed. With that power, I say, a single salutary charge to work; as he knows
he declares, "If a man will not work, neither
" Not that all the other bad symptoms, which spring
let him eat. punishing them with a car- as it were from the same clump, will at once
nal sword, but with the power of the Holy
diappear when the cause of the chief malady
Ghost forbidding them the goods of this life, has been removed.
that if by chance, thinking but little of the
punishment of future death, they still should
'remain obstinate through love of ease, they
may at last, forced by the requirements of CHAPTER XV.
nature and the fear of immediate death, be
compelled to obey his salutary charge. How kindness should be shown even to the idle and careless.

Nevertheless, like a far-sighted and care-

CHAPTER XIII. ful physician, not only anxious to heal
he is
the wounds of the sick, but gives suitable
Of his saying :
" We have heard that some among you walk directions as well to the whole, that their
health may be preserved continually, and says :

" "
Then after all this rigour of gospel severity,
But be not ye weary in well doing: ye who
following us, i.e., our ways, copy the example
he now lays bare the reason why he put for-
ward all these matters. - For we have heard '*
given to you by imitating us in work, and do
not follow their sloth and laziness: "Do not
that some among you walk disorderly, working
be weary in well doing;" i.e., do you like-
not at all, but curiously meddling." He is
wise show kindness towards them if by chance
nowhere satisfied to speak of those who will As
not give themselves up to work, as if they were they have failed to observe what we said.
For in his then he was severe with those who were
victims of but a single malady.
first Epistle^ he speaks of them as
" weak, for fear lest being enervated by laziness
disorderly," to restlessness and inquisi-
and not walking according to the traditions they might yield
tiveness, so he admonishes those who are in
which they had received from him: and he
good health neither to restrain that kindness
Cor. X. 2, 8.
' A mistake on Cassian's part ; the reference being to 2 Thess. 3 The text of Gazaeus has oratio, but the reading which Pet-
iii. 6. schenig gives, optraiio mamtutH, is clearly so.

which the Lord's command bids us show to that he not only taught this, but actually prac-
the good and evil,^even if some bad men will tised it himself. For when he had come to
not turn to sound doctrine; nor to desist from Corinth, he did not permit himself to lodge
doing good and encouraging them both by anywhere except with Aquila and Priscilla,
words of consolation and by rebuke as well because they were of the same trade which he
as by ordinary kindness and civility. himself was accustomed to practise. For we
thus read: "After this, Paul departing from
Athens came to Corinth and finding a certain

CHAPTER XVI. Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, and Pris-

cilla his wife, he came to them because they
How we ought to admonish those who go wrong, not out of were of the same trade and abode with them,

hatred, but out of love.

and worked: for they were tent-ma^^ers by
But again in case some might be encouraged
by this gentleness, obey his com-
and scorn to
mands, he proceeds with the severity of an
" Butif man not our word
apostle :
any obey That the Apostle wrought what he thought would be sufficient

by this Epistle, note that man and do not keep for him and for others who were with him.

company with him that he may be ashamed."

Then going to Miletus, and from thence
And in warning them of what they ought to
sending to Ephesus, and summoning to him
observe out of regard for him and for the good
the elders of the church of Ephesus, he
of all,and of the care with which they should
keep the apostolic commands, at once he joins charged them how they ought to rule the
to the warning the kindness of a most indul-
church of God in his absence, and said: "I
have not coveted any man's silver and gold;
gent father; and teaches them as well, as if
they were his children, what a brotherly dis- you yourselves know how for such things as
were needful for me and them that are with
position they should cultivate towards those
mentioned above, out of love.
Yet do not me these hands have ministered. I have
esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him showed you all things, how that so labouring
as a brother." With the severity of a judge you ought to support the weak, and to remem-
he combines the affection of a father, and ber the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said :

It is more blessed to give than to receive."*

tempers with kindness and gentleness the sen-
tence delivered with apostolic sternness. For He left us a weighty example in his manner
of life, as he testifies that he not only wrought
he commands them to note that man who
scorns to obey his commands, and not to keep what would supply his own bodily wants alone,
but also what would be sufficient for the needs
company with him and yet he does not bid

of those who were with him those, I mean,

them do this from a wrong feeling of dislike, : .

but from brotherly affection and out of consid- who, being taken up with necessary duties,
eration for their amendment.
Do not keep had no chance of procuring food for themselves
he "with him that he may with their own hands. And as he tells the
company," " says,
be ashamed so that, even if he is not made Thessalonians that he had worked to give

better by my mild charges, he may at last be them an example that they might
imitate him,
to shame so here too he implies something of the same
brought by being publicly separated "
I have showed you all
from all of you, and so may some day begin sort when he says :

to be restored to the way of salvation. things, how that so labouring you ought to
support the weak," viz., whether in mind or
body; i.e., that we should be diligent in sup-
CHAPTER XVII. plying their needs, not from the store of our
abundance, or money laid by, or from another's
Different passages in which the Apostle declares that we ought generosity
and substance, but rather by secur-
to work, or in which it is shown that he himself worked. ing the necessary sum by our own labour and
In the Epistle to the Ephesians also he thus
gives a charge on this subject of work, saying:
He that stole, let him now steal no more, "
but rather let him labour, working with his How we should understand these words : It is more blessed
to give than to receive."
hands the thing that is good, that he may have
something to give to him that suffereth need."
And he says that this is a command of the
And in the Acts of the Apostles too we find Lord: "For He Himself," namely the Lord

» S. Matt. V. 43-45- 2 Eph. iv. 28. 8 Acts xviii. 1-3. * Acts XX. 33-35.
BOOK X. 27.

Jesus, said he, "said it is mote blessed to flight stopped behind in the monastery. It

give than to receive." That is, the bounty of will be enough to have given this single in-
the giver is more blessed than the need of the stance of this sort of men in order to put
receiver, where the gift is not supplied from beginners on their guard, and to show clearly
money that has been kept back through unbe- what evils idleness, as Scripture says,^ can
lief or faithlessness, nor from the stored-up produce in the mind of a monk, and how "evil
treasures of avarice, but is produced from the communications corrupt good manners."
fruits of our own labour and honest toil. And
so "it is more blessed to give than to receive,"
because while the giver shares the poverty of XXI. CHAPTER
the receiver, yet still he is diligent in provid-
ing with pious care by his own toil, not merely Different passages from the writings of Solomon against accidie.
enough for his own needs, but also what he
can give to one in want; and so he is adorned And Solomon, the wisest of men, clearly
with a double grace, since by giving away all points to this fault of idleness in many pas-
his goods he secures the perfect abnegation of sages, as he sa'ys He that followeth idleness :

Christ, and yet by his labour and thought dis- shall be filled with poverty,"* either visible
the of the rich thus or invisible, in which an idle person and one
plays generosity honouring

God by his honest labours, and plucking for entangled with different faults is sure to be
him the fruits of his righteousness, while an- involved, and he will always be a stranger to
other, enervated by sloth and indolent laziness, the contemplation of God, and to spiritual
proves himself by the saying of the Apostle riches, of which the blessed Apostle says:
unworthy of food, as in defiance of his com- "For in all things ye were enriched in him,
mand he takes it in idleness, not without the in all utterance and in all knowledge."* But
guilt of sin and of obstinacy. concerning this poverty of the idler elsewhere
he also writes thus: "Every sluggard shall be
clothed in torn garments and rags."* For

CHAPTER XX. certainly he will not merit to be adorned with

that garment of incorruption (of which the
Of a lazy brother who tried to persuade others to leave the Apostle says, Put ye on the Lord Jesus
monastery. Christ,"' and again: "Being clothed in the
breastplate of righteousness and charity,"'
We a brother, whose name we would
know concerning which the Lord Himself also speaks
give would do any good, who, although he
if it to Jerusalem by the prophet Arise, arise, O :

was remaining in the monastery and compelled Jerusalem, put on the garments of thyglory),"*
to deliver to the steward his fixed task daily, whoever, overpowered by lazy slumber or by
yet for fear lest he might be led on to some accidie, prefers to be clothed, not by his labour
larger portion of work, or put to shame by the and industry, but in the rags of idleness, which
example of one labouring more zealously, when he tears off from the solid piece and body of
he had seen some brother admitted into the the Scriptures, and fits on to his sloth no gar-
monastery, who in the ardour of his faith wanted ment of glory and honour, but an ignominious
to make up the sale of a larger piece of work, cloak and excuse. For those, who are affected
if he found that he could not
by secret persua- by this laziness, and do not like to support
sion check him from carrying out his purpose, themselves by the labour of their own hands,
he would by bad advice and whisperings per- as the Apostle continually did and charged us
suade him to depart thence. And in order to to do, are wont to make use of certain Scrip-
get rid of him more easily he would pretend ture proofs by which they try to cloak their
that he also had already been for many reasons idleness, saying that it is written, "Labour
offended, and wanted to leave, if only he could not for the meat that perisheth, but for that
find a companion and support for the journey. which remains to life eternal;"* and "My
And when by secretly running down the mon- meat is to do the will of my Father."*** But
astery he had wheedled him into consenting, these proofs are (as it were) rags, from the
and arranged with him the time at which to
" Idleness
leave the monastery, and the place to which 1 The reference is probably to Ecclus. xxiii. 29, hath
much evil."
he should go before, and where he should wait 2 I Cor. XV.
8 Prov. xxviii. 19.
for him, he himself, pretending that he would * I Cor. i.

follow, stopped where he was. And when the 5.

5 Prov. xxiii. 31 (LXX.).
6 Rom. xiii.
other out of shame for his flight did not dare 7 I Thess.
v. 8.
to return again to the monastery from which 8 Is. lii. I.
9 S. John vi. 27.
he had run away, the miserable author of his 10 S. John iv. 34.
solid piece of the gospel, which are adopted patience and humility by their diligence in
for this purpose, viz., to cover the disgrace of work; and they not only do not allow them to
our idleness and shame rather than to keep receive anything from another to supply their
us warm, and adorn us with that costly and own wants, but further, they not merely refresh
splendid garment of virtue which that ^ise pilgrims and brethren who come to visit them
woman in the Proverbs, who was clothed with by means of their labours, but actually collect
strength and beauty, is said to have made an enormous store of provisions and food, and
either for herself or for her husband of which ;
distribute it in the parts of Libya which suf-
presently it is said Strength and beauty are
: fer from famine and barrenness, and also in
her clothing, and she rejoices in the latter who are pining away in the
the cities, to those
days."^ Of this evil of idleness Solomon squalor of prison; as they believe that by
thus makes mention again The ways of the
: such an offering of the fruit of their hands
idlers are strown with thorns;"* i.e., with they offer a reasonable and true sacrifice to
these and similar faults, which the Apostle the Lord.
above declared to spring from idleness. And
" *
Every sluggard is always in want. CHAPTER XXIII.
And of these the Apostle makes mention when
" That idleness is the reason why there are not monasteries for
he says, And that you want nothing of any monks in the West.
man's."* And finally: "For idleness has
been the teacher of many evils: "^ which the Hence it is that in these countries we see
Apostle has clearly enumerated in the passage no monasteries found with such numbers of
which he expounded above: "Working not at brethren: for they are not supported by the
all, but curiously meddling." To this fault resources of their own labour in such a way
also he joins another: "And that ye study to that they can remain in them continually; and
" "
be quiet and then, that ye should do your
if in some way or other, through the liberality

own business and walk honestly towards them of another, there should be a sufficient pro-
that are without, and that you want nothing vision to supply them, yet love of ease and
of any man's." Those also whom he notes restlessness of heart does not suffer them to
as disorderly and rebellious, from these he continue long in the place. Whence this
charges those who are earnest to separate saying has been handed down from the old
themselves: "That ye withdraw yourselves," fathers in Egypt that a monk who works is

says he, "from every brother that walketh attacked by but one devil; but an idler is
disorderly and not according to the tradition tormented by countless spirits.
which they received from us." ®
who the works
Of Abbot Paul »
every year burnt with fire all
of his hands.
How the brethren in Egypt work with their hands, not only to
supply their own needs, but also to minister to those who are
in prison. Lastly, Abbot Paul, one of the greatest
was living in a vast
of the Fathers, while he
And so taught by these examples the Fathers desert which is called the Porphyrian desert,®
in Egypt never allow monks, and especially
and being relieved from anxiety by the date
the younger ones, to be idle,'' estimating the
palms and a small garden, had plenty to sup-
purpose of their hearts and their growth in
port himself, and an ample supply of food,
1 Prov. xxxi.
25 (LXX.). and could not find any other work to do,
2 Prov. XV. 19 (LXX.).
3 Prov. xiii. 4 (LXX.).
which would support him, because his dwell-
ing was separated from towns and inhabited
* I Thess. iv. 11.
5 Ecclus. xxxiii.
6 2 Thess. iii. 11; 6; i Thess. iv. ir.
7 The monks of
by seven days' journey,^" or even more,
Egypt were famous for their labours, and Cas-
sian's language might be illustrated from
many passages in the
through the desert, and more would be asked
Fathers; e.g., Epiphanius, in his third book agamst heresies, com- for the carriage of the goods than the price of
pares the monks, and especially those in Egypt, to bees, because of
their diligence. So S. Jerome, writing to Rusticus (Ep. cxxv.), the work would be worth; he collected the
says that no one is received in a monastery in Egypt unless he will leaves of the palms, and regularly exacted of
work, and that this rule is made for the good of the soul rather than
for the sake of providing food. Compare also Sozomen H. E. VL himself his daily task, as if he was to be sup-
xxviii., where it is said of Serapion and his followers in the neigh-
mentioned in connec-
bourhood of Arsinoe that "they lived on the produce of their 8 This Paul is
perhaps the same as the one
labour and provided for the poor. During harvest-time they busied tion with Abbot Moses mConference VH. xxvi. As he was a con-
themselves m reaping :
they set aside sufficient corn for their own temporary of Cassian he must be carefully distinguished from his
use, and furnished grain gratuitously for the other monks." S. more illustrious namesakes, the first hermit and the disciple of S.
Basil also, in his Monastic Constitutions cc. iv. and v., speaks Antony.
strongly of the value of and the Rule of S. Benedict 9 Also called the desert of Calamus, Conference XXIV. iv., but
" aslabour;
(c. xlviii.) enjoins that idleness is the enemy of the soul, the its position has not been ascertained.
brethren are to be employed alternately in manual labour and pious "> Mansio used here and
again in Conference XXIV. iv. for the
reading." stage of a day's journey.

ported by it. And when his cave had been the saints, that I had been terribly troubled
filled with a whole year's work, each year he yesterday by an attack of accidie, and that I
would burn with fire that at which he had so could only be freed from it by running at once
diligently laboured thus proving that without
: to Abbot Paul, he said, You have not freed
manual labour a monk cannot stop in a place yourself from it, but rather have given your-
nor rise to the heights of perfection so that, : self up to it as its slave and subject. For the
though the need for food did not require this enemy will henceforth attack you more strongly
to be done, yet he performed it simply for the as a deserter and runaway, since it has seen
sake of purifying his heart, and strengthening that you fled at once when overcome in the
his thoughts, and persisting in his cell, and conflict: unless on a second occasion when
gaining a victory over accidie and driving it you join battle with it you make up your mind
away. not to dispel its attacks and heats for the
CHAPTER XXV. moment by deserting your cell, or by the in-
activity of sleep, but rather learn to triumph
The words of Abbot Moses which he said to me about the cure over it
of accidie.
by endurance and conflict." Whence
it is proved
by experience that a fit of accidie
When I was beginning my stay in the desert, should not be evaded by running away from
and had said to Abbot Moses, the chief of all it, but overcome by resisting it.^



CHAPTER I. it has attacked the mind by means of
carnal pride, and has been repulsed by the
How our seventh combat is against the spirit of vainglory, shield of
and what its nature is. reply, again, like some wickedness
that takes many shapes, changes its former
and character, and under the appear-
Our seventh combat is against the spirit of guise ance of the virtues tries to strike down and
xefodo^l(t, which we may term vain or idle
destroy its conqueror.
glory: a spirit that takes many shapes, and
is changeable and subtle, so that it can with

difficulty, I will not say be guarded against, CHAPTERIII.

but be seen through and discovered even by
the keenest eyes. How many forms and shapes vainglory takes.

For our other faults and passions may be

CHAPTER II. said to be simpler and of but one form but:

How monk not only on his carnal, but

this takes many forms and shapes, and changes
vainglory attacks a
also on his spiritual side. about and assails the man who stands up
against it from every quarter, and assaults its
For not only does this, like the rest of his
conqueror on all sides. For it tries to injure
faults, attack a monk on his carnal side, but the soldier of Christ in his dress, in his man-
on his spiritual side as well, insinuating itself ner, his walk, his voice, his work, his vigils,
by craft and guile into his mind so that those his fasts, his prayers, when he withdraws,

who cannot be deceived by carnal vices are when he reads, in his his silence,
more grievously wounded through their spir- his obedience, his
humility, his patience; and
itual proficiency; and it is so much the worse like some most
dangerous rock hidden by
to fight against, as it is harder to guard against.
surging waves, it causes an unforeseen and
For the attack of all other vices is more open miserable
shipwreck to those who are sailing
and straightforward, and in the case of each with a fair breeze, while
they are not on the
of them, when he who stirs them up is met lookout for it or
guarding against it.
by a determined refusal, he will go away the This Abbot Moses is
* the one to whom the first two
weaker for it, and the adversary who has been Conferences are attributedprobably (cf. also Conference Vll.xxvi.); and
beaten will on the next occasion attack his possibly the second of this name (Moses the Libyan) mentioned by
Sozomen, H. E. VI. xxix. Cf. also Palladius, the Lausiac His-
victim with less vigour. But this malady tory, c. xxii.


How vainglory attacks a monk on the right hand and on the That vainglory is not altogther got rid of by the advantages of
left. solitude.

And so one who wishes to go along the In solitude also it does not cease from pur-
King's highway by means of the "arms of suing him who has for the sake of glory fled
righteousness which are on the right hand and from intercourse with all men. And the more
on the left," ought by the teaching of the thoroughly a man has shunned the whole world,
Apostle to pass through "honour and dis- so much the more keenly does it pursue him.
honour, evil report and good report,"^ and It tries to lift up with pride one man because
with such care to direct his virtuous course of his great endurance of work and labour,
amid the swelling waves of temptation, with another because of his extreme readiness to
discretion at the helm, and the Spirit of the obey, another because he outstrips other men
Lord breathing on us, since we know that if in humility. One man is tempted through
we little to the right hand or
deviate ever so the extent of his knowledge, another through
to the left, we shall
presently be dashed against the extent of his reading, another through the
most dangerous crags. And so we are warned length of his vigils. Nor does this malady
by Solomon, the wisest of men: "Turn not endeavour to wound a man except through his
aside to the right hand or to the left; ^ i.e., virtues; introducing hindrances which lead to
do not flatter yourself on your virtues and be death by means of those very things through
puffed up by your spiritual achievements on which the supplies of life are sought. For
the right hand nor, swerving to the path of
when men are anxious to walk in the path of
vices on the left hand, seek from them for holiness and perfection, the enemies do not
yourself (to use the words of the Apostle)
" "* lay their snares to deceive them anywhere
glory in your shame. For where the devil except in the way along which they walk, in
cannot create vainglory in a man by means of accordance with that saying of the blessed
his well-fitting and neat dress, he tries to in- David " In the way wherein I walked have

" *
troduce it by means of a dirty, cheap, and they laid a snare for me that in this very

uncared-for style. If he cannot drag a man way of virtue along which we are walking,
down by honour, he overthrows him by humil- when pressing on to "the prize of our high
ity. he cannot make him puffed up by the
If calling," we may be elated by our successes,
grace of knowledge and eloquence, he pulls and so sink down, and fall with the feet of
him down by the weight of silence. If a man our soul entangled and caught in the snares
fasts openly, he is attacked by the pride of of vainglory. And so it results that those of
vanity. If he conceals it for the sake of de- us who could not be vanquished in the con-
spising the glory of it, he is assailed by the flict with the foe are overcome by the very
same sin of pride. In order that he may not greatness of our triumph, or else (which is
be defiled by the stains of vainglory he avoids another kind of deception) that, overstraining
making long prayers in the sight of the breth- the limits of that self-restraint which is pos-
ren and yet because he offers them sible to us, we fail of perseverance in our
and has no one who is conscious of it, he does course on account of bodily weakness.
not escape the pride of vanity.


CHAPTER V. How vainglory, when it has been overcome, rises again keener

than ever for the fight.

A comparison which shows the nature of vainglory.

All vices when overcome grow feeble, and
when beaten are day by day rendered weaker,
Our elders admirably describe the nature
and both in regard to place and time grow
of this malady as like that of an onion, and
less and subside, or at any rate, as they are
of those bulbs which when stripped of one
unlike the opposite virtues, are more easily
covering you find to be sheathed in another; shunned and avoided but this one when it is

and as often as you strip them, you find them

beaten rises again keener than ever for the
still protected.
struggle; and when we think that it is de-
stroyed, it revives again, the stronger for its
* 2 Cor. vi. 7, 8.
2 Prov. * Ps. cxli.
iv. 27 (LXX.). (cxiii.) 4.
^ " Phil, iii,
Phil, iii. 19. 14.
BOOK XI. 277

death. The other kinds of vices usually only death of a hundred and eighty-five thousand
attack those whom they have overcome in the of the army of the Assyrians, whom the angel
conflict; but this one pursues its victors only destroyed in one night, is overcome by boast-
the more keenly; and the more thoroughly it ing and vanity. Of whom — to pass over the
has been resisted, so much the more vigorously long list of his virtues, which it would take a
does it attack the man who is elated by his long time to unfold
— I will say but this one

victory over it. And herein lies the crafty thing. He was a man who, after the close of
cunning of our adversary, namely, in the fact his life had been decreed and the day of his
that, where he cannot overcome the soldier of death determined by the Lord's sentence, pre-
Christ by the weapons of the foe, he lays him vailed by a single prayer to extend the limits
low by his own spear. set to his life by fifteen years, the sun return-
ing by ten steps, on which it had already
shone in its course towards its setting, and by
its return dispersing those lines which the

How vainglory is not allayed either in the desert or through shadow that followed its course had already
advancing years. marked, and by this giving two days in one to
the whole world, by a stupendous miracle con-
Other vices, as we
said, are sometimes
trary to the fixed laws of nature.^
the advantages of position, and Yet after
allayed by
when the matter of the sin and the occasion signs so great and so incredible, after such im-
and opportunity for it are removed, grow slack, mense proofs of his goodness, hear the Scripture
tell how he was destroyed by his very successes.
and are diminished: but this one penetrates
the deserts with the man who
from is
"In those days," we are told, "Hezekiah was
be shut out from any place, nor sick unto death and he prayed to the Lord,

it, nor can it

when outward material for it is removed does and He heard him and gave him a sign," that,
it fail. For it is simply encouraged by the namely of which we read in the fourth book of
the kingdoms, which was given by Isaiah the
achievements of the virtues of the man whom
it attacks. For all other vices, as we said prophet through the going back of the sun.
above, are sometimes diminished by the lapse "But," it says, "he did not render again
of time, and disappear: to this one length of according to the benefits which he had re-
unless ceived, for his heart was lifted up; and wrath
life, supported by skilful diligence
it is

and prudent discretion, is no hindrance, but

was kindled against him and against Judah
and Jerusalem and he humbled himself after-
actually supplies it with new fuel for vanity.

wards because his heart had been lifted up,

both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and
CHAPTER IX. therefore the wrath of the Lord came not upon
them in the days of Hezekiah."* How dan-
That vainglory is the more dangerous through being mixed
up with virtues. gerous, how terrible is the malady of vanity!
So much goodness, so many virtues, faith and
Lastly, other passions which are cy^tirely devotion, great enough to prevail to change
different from the virtues which are thfir op- nature itself and the laws of the whole world,
posites, and which attack us openly and as it perish by a single act of pride! So that all
were in broad daylight, are more easily over- his good deeds would have been forgotten as
come and guarded against: but this being if
they had never been, and he would at once
interwoven with our virtues and entangled in have been subject to the wrath of the Lord
the battle, fighting as it were under cover of unless he had appeased Him by recovering
the darkness of night, deceives the more dan- his humility: so that he who, at the sugges-
gerously those who are off their guard and not tion of pride, had fallen from so great a height
on the lookout. of excellence, could only mount again to the
height he had lost by the same steps of humil-
Do you want to see another instance of
a similar downfall ?
An instance showing how King Hezekiah was overthrown by
the dart of vainglory.
For so we read that Hezekiah, King of
The instance of King Uzziah who was overcome by the taint
Judah, a man of most perfect righteousness in of the same malady.
all things, and one approved by the witness
of Holy Scripture, after unnumbered com- Of Uzziah, the ancestor of this king of
mendations for his virtues, was overthrown by whom we have been speaking, himself also
a single dart of vainglory. And he who by a praised in all things by the witness of the
single prayer of his was able to procure the '
Cf. 3 Kings XX. * 3 Chron. xxxit.
Scripture, commendation for his
after great CHAPTER XIV.
virtue, countless triumphs which he
achieved by the merit of his devotion and How it suggests that a man may seek to take holy orders.
faith, learn how he was cast down by the pride
" "
of vainglory. And," we are told, the name But sometimes it creates a wish to take
of Uzziah went forth, for the Lord helped him holy orders, and a desire for the priesthood or
and had strengthened him. But when he was diaconate. And it represents that if a man
made strong, his heart was lifted up to his has even against his will received this office,
destruction, and he neglected the Lord his he will fulfil it with such sanctity and strict-
God. ^ You behold another instance of ness that he will be able to set an example of
a most terrible downfall, and see how two saintliness even to other priests; and that he
men so upright and excellent were undone by will win over many people, not only by his
their very triumphs and victories. Whence manner of life, but also by his teaching and
you see how dangerous the successes of pros- preaching. It makes a man, even when alone
perity generally are, so that those who could and sitting in his cell, to go round in mind
not be injured by adversity are ruined, unless and imagination to the dwellings and monas-
they are careful, by prosperity and those who teries of others, and to make many conversions

in the conflict of battle have escaped the danger under the inducements of imaginary exulta-
of death fall before their own trophies and tio
How vainglory intoxicates the mind.
Several testimonies against vainglory.
And so the miserable soul is affected by
And so the Apostle warns us
Be noc de- such vanity —
as if it were deluded by a pro-


" ^
sirous of vainglory. And the Lord, rebuk- found slumber that it is often led away by
ing the Pharisees, says, How can ye believe, the pleasure of such thoughts, and filled with
who receive glory from one another, and seek such imaginations, so that it cannot even look
not the glory which comes from God alone ? ' at things present, or the brethren, while it
Of these too the blessed David speaks with a enjoys dwelling upon these things, of which
threat :For God hath scattered the bones of with its wandering thoughts it has waking
them that please men." * dreams, as if they were true.


Of the ways in which vainglory attacks a monk. Of him whom the superior came upon and found in his cell,
deluded by idle vainglory.

In the case also of beginners and of those %

who have as yet made but little progress either I REMEMBER an elder, when I was staying
in powers of mind or in knowledge it usually in the desert of Scete, who went to the cell of
a certain brother to pay him a visit, and when
puffs up their minds, either because of the
he had reached the door heard him muttering
quality of their voice because they can sing
well, or because their bodies are emaciated,^ inside, and stood still for a little while, want-
or because they are of a good figure, or because ing to know what it was that he was reading
from the Bible or repeating by heart (as is
they have rich and noble kinsfolk, or because And when
they have despised a military life and honours. customary) while he was at work.
Sometimes too it persuades a man that if he this most excellent eavesdropper diligently ap-
had remained in the world he would easily plied his ear and listened with some curiosity,
have obtained honours and riches, which per- he found that the man was induced by an
attack of this spirit to fancy that he was de-
haps could not possibly have been secured,
and inflates him with a vain hope of uncertain livering a stirring sermon to the people. And
when the elder, as he stood still, heard him
things and in the case of those things which

he never possessed, puffs him up with pride finish his discourse and return again to his
and he were one who had despised office, and give out the dismissal of the cate-
vanity, as if

them. chumens, as the deacon does,® then at last he

* Celebrare velut diaconum catechutnenis tnissam. Missa is
* 2 Chron. xxvi. * Ps.
15, 16. lii. (liii.) 6. here used for the dismissal of the catechumens, which it was the
« Gal. V. 26. ^
viz., by fasting. deacon's office to proclaim. The whole service was (Uvided into
* S.
John V. 44. two parts, (i) the mass of the catechumens, containing the Scrip-
BOOK XI. 279

knocked at the door, and the man came out, which threaten them, and the remedies which
and met the elder with the customary rever- will heal them.
ence, and brought him in and (for his knowl-
edge of what had been his thoughts
uneasy) asked him when he had arrived, for
How a monk ought to avoid women and bishops.
fear lest he might have taken some harm from
standing too long at the door: and the old Wherefore this is an old maxim of the
man joking pleasantly replied, "I only got Fathers that is still current, though I can- —
here while you were giving out the dismissal not produce it without shame on my own part,
of the catechumens." since I could not avoid my own sister, nor
escape the hands of the bishop, viz., that

a monk ought by all means to fly from women
and bishops. .For neither of them will allow
How faults cannot be cured unless their roots and causes have him who has once been joined in close inter-
been discovered. course any longer to care for the quiet of his
cell, or to continue with pure eyes in divine
I THOUGHT it well to insert these things in

this little work of mine, that we contemplation through his insight into holy
might learn,
not only by reason, but also by examples, things.
about the force of temptations and the order CHAPTER
of the sins which hurt an unfortunate soul,
Remedies by which we can overcome vainglory.
and so might be more careful in avoiding the
snares and manifold deceits of the enemy. And so the athlete of Christ who desires to
For these things are indiscriminately brought strive lawfully in this true and spiritual com-
forward by the Egyptian fathers, that by telling bat, should strive by all means to overcome
them, as those who are still enduring them, this changeable monster of many shapes,
they may disclose and lay bare the combats which, as it attacks us on every side like some
with all the vices, which they actually do suf- manifold wickedness, we can escape by such
fer, and those which the younger ones are sure a remedy as this; viz., thinking on that say-
to suffer; so that, when they explain the illu- ing of David
The Lord hath scattered the

sions arising from all the passions, those who bones of those who please men." ^ To begin
are but beginners and fervent in spirit may with we should not allow ourselves to do any-
know the secret of their struggles, and seeing thing at the suggestion of vanity, and for the
them as in a glass, may learn both the causes sake of obtaining vainglory. Next, when we
of the sins "by which they are troubled, and have begun a thing well, we should endeavour
the remedies for them, and instructed before- to maintain it with just the same care, for fear
hand concerning the approach of future strug- lest afterwards the of vainglory should
gles, may be taught how they ought to guard
creep in and make void all the fruits of our
against them, or to meet them and to fight with labours. And anything which is of very little
them. As clever physicians are accustomed use or value in the common life of the breth-
not only to heal already existing diseases, but ren, we should avoid as leading to boasting;
also by a wise skill to seek to obviate future and whatever would render us remarkable
ones, and to prevent them by their prescrip- amongst the others, and for which credit would
tions and healing draughts, so these true be gained among men, as if we were the only
physicians of the soul, by means of spiritual people who could do it, this should be shunned
conferences, like some celestial antidote, de- by us. For by these signs the deadly taint
stroy beforehand those maladies of the soul vainglory will be shown to cling to
us: which
which would arise, and do not allow them to we shall most easily escape if we consider that
gain a footing in the minds of the juniors, as we shall not merely lose the fruits of those
they unfold to them the causes of the passions labours of ours which we have performed at
the suggestion of vainglory, but that we shall
ture lessons, sermon, and prayers for the catechumens; and (2)
the mass of the faitliful, or the Eucharist proper. At the end pf also be guilty of a great sin, and as impious
the first part the deacon warned the catechumens to depart, in inas-
words varying slightly in different churches, but substantially the persons undergo eternal punishments,
same in all, botli east and west e.g. in the Liturgy of S. Chrysostom

" Let all the catechumens

much as we have wronged God by doing for
the form is depart: let not any of the
catechumens — —
Let all the faithful "; in that of S. Mark it is the favour of men what we ought to have done
for His sake, and are convicted by Him who
" Look lest The Roman
still briefer: any of the catechumens."
missal docs not now contain this feature, but it was certainly origi-
nally found in it, for it is alluded to by Grepory the " Great (Dial.
knows all secrets of having preferred men to
Book If. c. xxiii.), who gives tlie form as follows: Si quis non
communicat det locum." It was also customarjr in Spain and Gaul, God, and the praise of the world to the praise
as well as in Africa, being alluded to by Augustine in Sermon xlix. : of the Lord.
" Ecce manebunt
post sermonen ht missa catechumenis: fideles,
venietur ad locum orationis." 1 Ps. UL (Uii.) 6.



CHAPTER I. own bounds and limits, and though it clouds
other virtues as well, yet it is in the main
How our eighth combat is against the spirit of pride, and of directed against one only, and specially attacks
its character.
and assaults that. And so (to make my mean-
Our ing clearer) gluttony, i.e., the appetites of
eighth and last combat is against the the belly and the pleasures of the palate, is
spirit of pride, which evil, although it is the destructive of strict temperance: lust stains
latest in our conflict with our faults and
stands last on the list, yet in beginning and purity, anger destroys patience so that some-

times a man who is in bondage to some one

in the order of time is the first an 6vil beast :

sin is not altogether wanting in other virtues:

that is most savage and more dreadful than
but being simply deprived of that one virtue
all the former ones, chiefly trying those who
which in the struggle yields to the vice which
are perfect, and devouring with its dreadful
is its rival and opposed to it, can to some
bite those who have almost attained the con-
extent preserve his other virtues: but this one
summation of virtue.
when once it has taken possession of some
unfortunate soul, like some most brutal tyrant,
when the lofty citadel of the virtues has been
taken, utterly destroys and lays waste the whole
How there are two kinds of pride. city; and levelling with the ground of vices
the once high walls of saintliness, and confus-

And of this pride there are two kinds: the ing them together, it allows no shadow of
freedom henceforth to survive in the soul
one, that by which we said that the best of
men and spiritually minded ones were trou- subject to it. And in proportion as it was
bled; the other, that which assaults even be- originally the richer, so now will the yoke of
servitude be the severer, through which by its
ginners and carnal persons. And though each
cruel ravages it will strip the soul it has sub-
kind of pride is excited with regard to both
God and man by a dangerous elation, yet
dued of all its
powers of virtue.

that first kind more particularly has to do with

God the second refers especially to men. Of

the origin of this last and the remedies for it

we will by God's help treat as far as possible

in the latter part of this book. We now pro- How by reason of pride Lucifer was turned from an archangel
pose to say a few things about that former into a devil.

kind, by which, as I mentioned before, those

who are perfect are especially tried. And that we may understand the power
of its awful tyranny we see that that angel
who, for the greatness of his splendour and
CHAPTER III. beauty was termed Lucifer, was cast out of
heaven for no other sin but this, and, pierced
How pride is equally destructive of all virtues. with the dart of pride, was hurled down from
his grand and exalted position as an angel
There is then no other fault which is so into hell. If then pride of heart alone was
destructive of all virtues, and robs and de- enough to cast down from heaven to earth a
spoils a man of all righteousness and holiness, power that was so great and adorned with the
as this evil of pride, which like some pesti- attributes of such might, the very greatness of
lential disease attacks the whole man, and, his fall shows us with what care we who are
not content to damage one part or one limb surrounded by the weakness of the flesh ought
only, injures the entire body by its deadly to be on our guard. But we can learn how to
influence, and endeavours to cast down by a avoid the most deadly poison of this evil if
most fatal fall, and destroy those who were we trace out the origin and causes of his fall.
already at the top of the tree of the virtues. For weakness can never be cured, nor the
For every other fault is satisfied within its remedies for bad states of health be disclosed

unless their origin and causes are investi-

first the freedom of his will and by his own efforts
gated by a wise scrutiny. For as he (viz., he could obtain the glory of Deity, he actually
lost that glory which he already possessed
Lucifer) was endowed with divine splendour,
and shone forth among the other higher powers through the free gift of the Creator.
by the bounty of his Maker, he believed that
he had acquired the splendour of that wisdom
and the beauty of those powers, with which CHAPTER VI.
he was graced by the gift of the Creator, by
That the sin of pride last in the actual order of the
the might of his own nature, and not by the
is combat,
but first in time and origin.
beneficence of His generosity. And on this
account he was puffed up as if he stood in no And so it is most clearly established by
need of divine assistance in order to continue instances and testimonies from Scripture that
in this state of purity, and esteemed himself
the mischief of pride, although it comes later
to be like God, as if, like God, he had no in the order of the combat, is yet earlier in
need of any one, and trusting in the power of
origin, and is the beginning of all sins and
his own will, fancied that through it he could faults: nor is it (like the other vices) simply
richly supply himself with everything
fatal to the virtue opposite to it (in this case,
was necessary for the consummation of virtue but it is also at the same time de-
or for the perpetuation of perfect bliss. This humility),
structive of all virtues: nor does it only tempt
thought alone was the cause of his first fall. ordinary folk and small people, but chiefly
On account of which being forsaken by God, those who
already stand on the heights of
whom he fancied he no longer needed, he valour.* For thus the prophet speaks of this
suddenly became unstable and tottering, and spirit, "His meat is choice."* And so the
discovered the weakness of his own nature, blessed
David, although he guarded the re-
and lost the blessedness which he had enjoyed cesses of his heart with the utmost care, so
6y God's gift. And because he " loved the that he dared to
say to Him from whom the
words of ruin," with which he had said, "I secrets of his conscience were not "
hid, Lord,
will ascend into heaven," and the "deceitful
my heart is not exalted, nor are my eyes lofty:
with which he had said of himself, neither have I walked in
" great matters, nor
I will be like the Most High,"
and of Adam in wonderful above me. If I was not
and Eva, "Ye shall hz as gods," therefore
humbly minded;"' and again, "He that
"shall God destroy him forever and pluck him worketh shall not dwell in the midst of
out and remove him from his dwelling place "'
my house yet, as he knew how hard is that ;
and his root out of the land of the living." watchfulness even for those that are
" perfect,
Then " the just, " when they see his ruin, shall he did not so on his own efforts, but
him and
" presume
fear, and shall laugh at say (what
prayed to God and implored His help, that
may also be most justly aimed at those who he might escape un wounded by the darts of
trust that they can obtain the highest good
this foe, saying, "Let not the foot of pride
without the protection and assistanc;i of (iod)
come to me," * for he feared and dreaded fall-

"Behold the man that made not God his

ing into that which is said of the proud, viz.,
helper, but trusted in tha abundance of his "God resisteth the proud;"' and again:
riches, and prevailed in his vanity."* "
Every one that exalteth his heart is unclean
before the Lord.""


That incentives to all sins spring from pride.

That the evil of pride is so great that it rightly has even God
This the reason of the first fall, and the
is Himself as its adversary.

starting point of the original malady, which

again insinuating itself into the first man,' How great is the evil of pride, that it
through him who had already been destroyed has no angel, nor other virtues opposed to it,
by it, produced the weaknesses and materials but God Himself as its adversary! Since it
of all faults. For while he believed that by should be noted that it is never said of those

* " last infirmity of noble minds." (Lycidas.)

• Is. xiv. 13, 14. Cf. Milton's
» Ps. li. (111.) 6-9.
« Hab. i. i6(LXX.).
Protofrlastum cf. Wisdom vil. i ;
x. i. where Adam is called « Ps. cxxx. (cxxxi.) I, I.
irpwTbirAaa'TOf. From these passages the term came to be com- '
Ps. C. (CI.) I, 2. _
monly used as the designation of our first parents. So Clem. Alex.
' Ps. xxxv. (xxxvi.) I, a.
" S.
Strom, iii. 17 and in its Latin form it is found in the early transla-
: lames iv. 6.
'0 Prov. xvi. 5 (LXX.).
tion of Irenxus. Hxr. III. xxi. 20.
who are entangled in other sins that they haveFather, and He shall presently give me mort
God resisting them I mean it is not said that than twelve legions of angels?" " If we look at

God is opposed " to the gluttonous, fornicators,the reason of our original fall, and the foun-
passionate, or covetous," but only "to the
dations of our salvation, and consider by
proud." For those sins react only on those whom and in what way the latter were laid
who commit them, or seem to be committed and the former originated, we may learn,
against those who share in them, i.e., against either through the fall of the devil, or through
other men; but this one has more properly the example of Christ, how to avoid so terrible
to do with God, [and therefore it is especially a death from pride.
right that it should have Him opposed to it


How we too may overcome pride.

How God has destroyed the pride of the devil by the virtue of
humility, and various passages in proof of this.
And so we can escape the snare of this most
And so God, the Creator and Healer of all, evil spirit, if in the case of every virtue in
which we feel that we make progress, we say
knowing that pride is the cause and fountain "
head of evils, has been careful to heal oppo- these words of the Apostle Not I, but the :

sites with opposites, that those things which grace of God with me," and "by the grace of
" ^^ "
were ruined by pride might be restored by God I am what I am; and it is God that
humility. For the one says, " I will ascend worketh in us both to will and to do of His
" ^® As the author of our salva-
"^ "
into heaven the other, My soul was
good pleasure.
tion Himself also says: "If a man abide in
brought low even to the ground."* The one
says, "And I will be like the most High;"
me and I in him, the same beareth much fruit;
the other, "Though He was in the form of for without me ye can do nothing."" And
God, yet He emptied Himself and took the "Except the Lord build the house, they la-
form of a servant, and humbled Himself and bour in vain that build it. Except the Lord
became obedient unto death." ' The one says, keep the city, the watchman waketh but in
"I will exalt my throne above the stars of vain." And "Vain is it for you to rise up
God " the other, " Learn of me, for I am
before light. ^® For "it is not of him that
meek and lowly of heart."* The one says, willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God
" " ^*
I know not the Lord and will not let Israel that hath mercy.
go;"^ the other, "If I say that I know Him
not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I
know Him, and keep His commandments."*
The one says, " My rivers are mine and I made CHAPTER X.
them: " the other: " I can do nothing of my-

self, but my Father who abideth in me, He

How no one can obtain perfect virtue and the promised bliss
by his own strength alone.
doeth the works."® The one says, "All the
kingdoms of the world and the glory of them
For the will and course of no one, however
are mine, and to whomsoever I will, I give '^^

the other, "Though He were rich, eager and anxious, is sufficiently ready for
them;"® him, while still enclosed in the flesh which
yet He became poor, that we through His warreth

The one says, against the spirit, to reach so great a
might be made rich.
' '

" prize of perfection, and the palm of upright-
As eggs are gathered together which are left, ness and purity, unless he is protected by the
so have I gathered all the earth: and there
divine compassion, so that he is privileged
was none that moved the wing or opened the
" " the to attain to that which he greatly desires and
mouth, or made the least noise other, ;
to which he runs. For " every good gift and
'"I am become like a solitary pelican; I cometh
watched and became as a sparrow alone upon every perfect gift is from above,^^and "
down from the Father of lights." For what
the roof." ^^ The one says, "I have dried up But
hast thou which thou didst not receive ?
with the sole of my foot all the rivers shut
" ^^ the if thou hast received it, why dost thou glory
up in banks; other, "Cannot I ask my as if thou hadst not received it.^
" ^^

1 Is. xiv. '

13. S. John V. 30 xiv. 10.
2 Ps. xliii. (xliv.) 25.
8 S. Luke 6.
" S. Matt. xxvi. 53.
" S. John xv. 5.
iy. ''
3 Phil. ii. &-S. 1" 2 Cor. viii. 9.
1" I Cor. XV. ID. Ps. cxxvi. (cxxvii.) i, 2.
* S. Matt. xi. 29. " Is. X. 14. i« Phil. ii. 13.
•» Rom. ix. 16.
* Exod. V. 2. " Ps. ci. (cii.) 7, 8. ">
Quamvis ferventis et cujiientis (Petschenig) :
Quamvis VO-
" S. 1^ Is. xxxvii. 25. Units ei current is {Gzzxus).
John viii. 55.
T Ezek. xxix. 3. *i '- Cor.
(LXX.) S. James i.
17. i iv. 7.


The case of the thief and of David, and of our call in order to The teaching of the elders on the method of acquiring purity.
illustrate the grace of God.

Wherefore it is now time to produce, in

For if we recall that thief who was by reason the very words in which
they hand it down,
of a single confession admitted into paradise/ the opinion of the Fathers; viz., of those who
we shall feel that he did not acquire such bliss have not painted the way of perfection and its
by the merits of his life, but obtained it by character in high-sounding words, but
the gift of a merciful God. Or if we bear in possessing it in deed and truth, and in the
mind those two grievous and heinous sins of virtue of their spirit, have
passed it on by
their own experience and sure
King David, blotted out by one word of peni- example. And
tence,'^ we shall see that neither here were the so they say that no one can be
merits of his works sufficient to obtain pardon cleansed from carnal sins, unless he has real-
for so great a sin, but that the grace of God ized that all his labours and efforts are insuffi-
superabounded, as, when the opportunity for cient for so great and perfect an end; and
true penitence was taken. He reraovea the unless, taught, not by the system handed down
whole weight of sins through the full confes- to him, but by his feelings and virtues and
sion of but one word. If we consider also the his own experience, he recognizes that it can
beginning of the call and salvation of man- only be gained by the mercy and assistance of
kind, in which, as the Apostle says, we are God. For in order to acquire such splendid
saved not of ourselves, nor of our works, but and lofty prizes of purity and perfection, how-
by the gift and grace of God, we can clearly ever great may be the efforts of
fastings and
see how the whole of perfection is "not of vigils and readings and solitude and retire-
him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but ment applied to it, they will not be sufficient
of God that hath mercy," who makes us vic- to secure it by the merits of the actual efforts
torious over our faults, without any merits of and toil For a man's own efforts and human
works and life on our part to outweigh them, exertions will never make up for the lack of
or any effort of our will availing to scale the the divine gift, unless it is granted
by divine
difficult heights of perfection, or to subdue the compassion in answer to his prayer.
flesh which we have to use: since no tortures
of this body, and no contrition of heart, can
be sufficient for the acquisition of that true CHAPTER XIV.
chastity of the inner man so as to be able to
gain that great virtue of purity (which is innate That the help of God is given to those who labour.*
in the angels alone and
indigenous as it were
to heaven) merely by human efforts, i.e., with- Nor do I say this to cast a slight on human
out the aid of God: for the performance of efforts, or in the endeavour to discourage
everything good flows from His grace, who by one from his purpose of working and doing his
multiplying His bounty has granted such last- best. But clearly and most earnestly do 1 lay
ing bliss, and vast glory to our feeble will down, not giving my own opinion, but that of
and short and petty course of life. the elders, that perfection cannot
possibly be
gained without these, but that by these only
without the grace of God nobody can ever
attain For when we say that human efforts

CHAPTER XII. cannot of themselves secure it without the aid

of God, we thus insist that God's
mercy and
That no toil is worthy to be compared with the promised grace are bestowed only upon those who labour
bliss. and exert themselves, and are granted (to use
the Apostle's expression) to them that "will "
For all the long years of this present life and "run," according to that which is sung in
disappear when you have regard to the eternity the person of God in the eighty-eighth Psalm .

of the future glory: and all our sorrows vanisn "I have laid help upon one that is mighty,
away in the contemplation of that vast bliss, and have exalted one chosen out of my
and like smoke melt away, and come to noth- people."* For we say, in accordance with
ing, and like ashes are no more seen.
3 The language in this
chapter is perilously near semi-Pelagian>
ism, on which compare the Introduction p. 190, sq.
Cf. S. Luke xxiii. 40. * CI. i Sam. xiL 13. * Ps. Ixxxviii.
(Ixxxix.) 20.
our Saviour's words, that it is given to them they knew to be really free from sin and al-
that ask, and opened to them that knocks and ready in the enjoyment of eternal bliss in the
found by them that seek ^ but that the asking,; kingdom of heaven, and so by this considera-
the seeking, and the knocking on our part are tion they avoided the downfall of pride, and
insufficient unless the mercy of God gives what at the same time always saw both what
we ask, and opens that at which we knock, were aiming at and what they had to grieve
and enables us to find that which we seek. over; as they knew that they could not attain
For He is at hand to bestow all these things, that purity of heart for which they yearned
only the opportunity is given to Him by our while weighed down by the burden of the
good will. For He desires and looks for our flesh.

perfection and salvation far more than we do

ourselves. And the blessed David knew so CHAPTER XVI.
well that by his own efforts he could not secure
the increase of his work and labour, that he That we cannot even make the effort to obtain perfection with-
out the mercy and inspiration of God.
entreated with renewed prayers that he might
obtain the "direction" of his work from the
Lord, saying, "Direct thou the work of our
ought therefore, in accordance with their
hands over us yea, the work of our hands do teaching and instruction, so to press towards

thou direct;"^ and again: "Confirm, O God, it,and to be diligent in fastings, vigils, prayers,
what thou hast wrought in us." ' and contrition of heart and body, for fear lest
all these things should be rendered useless
an attack of this malady. For we ought to
believe not merely that we cannot secure this
actual perfection by our own efforts and exer-
From whom we can learn the way of perfection. tions, but also that we cannot perform those
things which we practise for its sake, viz., our
And so, if we wish in very deed and truth efforts and exertions and desires, without the
to attain to the crown of virtues, we ought to assistance of the divine protection, and the
listen to those teachers and guides who, not grace of His inspiration, chastisement, and
dreaming with pompous declamations, but exhortation, which He ordinarily sheds abroad
learning by act and experience, are able to in our hearts either through the instrumen-
teach us as well, and direct us likewise, and tality of another, or in His own person coming
show us the road by which we may arrive at to visit us.
by a most sure pathway; and who also testify
that they have themselves reached it by faith
rather than by any merits of their efforts. And XVH. CHAPTER
further, the purity of heart that they have ac-
Various passages which clearly show that we cannot do any-
quired has taught them this above all; viz.,
thing which belongs to our salvation without the aid of God.
to recognize more and more that they are bur-
dened with sin (for their compunction for their
Lastly, the Author of our salvation teaches
faults increases day by day in proportion as
we ought not merely to think, but also
us what
their purity of soul advances), and to sigh con- "I
to acknowledge in everything that we do.
tinually from the bottom of their heart because can, He says, " of mine own self do nothing,
' '

they see that they cannot possibly avoid the but the Father which abideth in me. He doeth
spots and blemishes of those faults which are the works." * He says, speaking in the human
ingrained in them through the countless tri- nature which He had taken, that He could "*

flings of the thoughts. And therefore they do

declared that they looked for the reward of the nothing of Himself; and shall we, who are
dust and ashes, think that we have no need of
future life, not from the merits of their works,
God's help in what pertains to our salvation?
but from the mercy of the Lord, taking no
And so let us learn in everything, as we feel
credit to themselves for their great circum-
our own weakness, and at the same time His
spection of heart in comparison with others, to declare with the saints,
I was over-
since they ascribed this not to their own exer- help,
turned that I might fall, but the Lord sup-
tions, but to divine grace; and without flatter-
The Lord is my strength and my
ported me.
ing themselves on account of the carelessness and He is become my salvation."®
of those who are cold, and worse than they praise:
And "Unless the Lord had helped me, my
themselves are, they rather aimed at a lasting
humility by fixing their gaze on those whom * S. John xiv. 10; v. 30.
" Ex persona hominis assutnpti. See the note on Against Nesto-
rius, I. V.
* S. Matt. vii. 7. 2 Ps. Ixxxix. (xc.) 3 Ps. Ixvii. * Ps. cxvii.
17. (Ixiii.) 29. (cxviii.) 13, 14.

soul had almost dwelt in hell. If I said, My the sword and stop the way against them that
foot is moved: Thy mercy, O Lord, assisted persecute me say to my soul, I am thy salva- :

me. According to the multitude of my sor- tion."

"And Thou hast made my arms like
rows in given joy a brazen bow.
my "heart, Thy comforts have And Thou hast given me the
.to my soul.
Seeing also that our heart is protection of Thy salvation and Thy right :

"® "
strengthened in the fear of the Lord, and in hand hath held me up. For our fathers got
patience, let us say: "And the Lord became not the possession of the land through their
my protector; and He brought me forth into own sword: neither did their own arm save
a large place." ^ And knowing that knowledge them but Thy right hand and Thine arm and :

is increased by progress in work, let us say the light of Thy countenance because Thou

"For thou lightest my lamp, O Lord: O my wast pleased with them." Lastly, as with

God, enlighten my darkness, for by Thee anxious mind we regard all His benefits
I shall be delivered from temptation, and with thankfulness, let us cry to Him with the

through my God I shall go over a wall." inmost feelings of our heart, for all these
Then, feeling that we have ourselves sought things, because we have fought, and have ob-
for courage and endurance, and are being tained from Him the light of knowledge, and
directed with greater ease and without labour self-control and discretion, and because He
in the path of the virtues, let us say, It is has furnished us with His own arms, and
God who girded me with strength, and made strengthened us with a girdle of virtue, and
my way perfect who made my feet like hart's because He has made our enemies turn their

feet, and setteth me up on high who teacheth backs upon us, and has given us the power of

my hands to war." And having also secured scattering them like the dust before the wind :

discretion, strengthened with which we can "I will love Thee, O Lord my strength; the
dash down our enemies, let us cry aloud to Lord is my stronghold, my refuge and my de-
God: "Thy discipline hath set me up' unto liverer. My God is my helper, and in Him
the end, and Thy discipline the same shall will I put my trust. My protector and the
teach me. Thou hast enlarged my steps under horn of my salvation, and my support.
me, and my feet are not weakened." And Praising I will call upon the name of the
because I am thus strengthened with Thy Lord; and I shall be saved from mine ene-
knowledge and power, I will boldly take up mies." "
the words which follow, and will say, I will

pursue after my enemies and overtake them: CHAPTER XVIII.

and I will not turn again till they are con-
sumed. I will break them, and they shall How we are protected by the grace of God not only in our
natural condition, but also by His daily Providence.
not be able to stand: they shall fall under my
feet."* Again, mindful of our own infirmity, Not alone giving thanks to Him for that He
and of the fact that while still burdened with has
created us as reasonable beings, and en-
the weak flesh we cannot without His assist-
dowed us with the power of free will, and
ance overcome such bitter foes as our sins are,
blessed us with the grace of baptism, and
let us say, "Through Thee we will scatter our
granted to us the knowledge and aid of the
enemies:® and through Thy name we will
law, but for these things as well, which are
despise them that rise up against us. For I
bestowed upon us by His daily providence;
will not trust in my bow: neither shall my
viz., that He delivers us from the craft of our
sword save me. For Thou hast saved us from
enemies; that He works with us so that we
them that afflict us: and hast put them to can overcome the sins of the flesh, that, even
shame that hate us."' But further: "Thou without our
hast guided me with strength unto the battle,
knowing it, He shields us from
dangers; that He protects us from falling
and hast subdued under me them that rose
into sin; that He helps us and enlightens us,
up against me. And Thou hast made mine so that we can understand and recognize the
enemies turn their backs upon me, and hast actual
And reflect- will havehelp which He gives us, (which some
destroyed them that hated me."
it is what is meant by the law) ;

ing that with our own arms alone we cannot that, when we are His influence se-
conquer, let us say, "Take hold of arms and struck with compunction for our sins
shield and rise up to help me. Bring out cretly
and negligences. He visits us with His regard
Ps. xciii. (xcJv.) 17-19. » Ps. xxxiv. (xxxv.) 2-4.
' Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 20 sq. • Ps. xvii.
Erexit (Petschenig). Gazxus reads correxit, with the Vulgpte.
" P# xliii. (xviii.) 35.
(xliv.) 4, 5.
* Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 33 sq. 1' Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 2-4.
» Clazaeus adds comu after the Vulgate. •* The allusion is to the Pelagians. Cf. S. Jerome Contra Pelag.
• Ps. xliii. (xliv.)6-8. I. c. ix.; and in Jerem. c. xxv. ; and S.Augustine De Gratia Christi
' Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 40, 41. contra Pelag.
and chastens us to our soul's health that even who is possessed by the spirit of pride, or

against our will we are sometimes drawn by who has been guilty of blasphemy against

Him to salvation; lastly that this very free God, as one who offers a wrong to Him
will of ours, which is more readily inclined from whom the gift of purity must be looked
to sin, is turned by Him to a better purpose, for is deprived of his —
uprightness and per-
and by His prompting and suggestion, bent fection, and does not deserve the sanctifying
towards the way of virtue. grace of chastity.


How this faith concerning the grace of God was delivered to The instance of Joash, King of Tudah, showing what was the
us by the ancient Fathers. consequence of his pride.

This then is that humility towards God, Some such thing we read of in the book of
this is that genuine faith of the ancient fa- Chronicles. For Joash the king of Judah at
thers which still remains intact among their the age of seven was summoned by Jehoiada
successors. And to this faith, the apostolic the priest to the kingdom and by the witness
virtues, which they so often showed, bear an of Scripture is commended for all his actions
undoubted witness, not only among us but as long as the aforesaid priest lived. But hear
also among infidels and unbelievers: for keep- what Scripture relates of him after Jehoiada's
ing in simplicity of heart the simple faith of death, and how he was puffed up with pride
the fishermen they did not receive it in a and given over to a most disgraceful state.
worldly spirit through dialectical syllogisms But after the death of Jehoiada the princes
or the eloquence of a Cicero, but learnt by the went in and worshipped the king and he was :

experience of a pure life, and stainless actions, soothed by their services and hearkened unto
and by correcting their faults, and (to speak them. And they forsook the temple of the
more truly) by visible proofs, that the character Lord, the God of their fathers, and served
of perfection is to be found in that faith with- groves and idols, and great wrath came upon
out which neither piety towards God, nor Judah and Jerusalem because of this sin."
purification from sin, nor amendment of life, And after a little:
When a year was come
nor perfection of virtue can be secured. about, the army of Syria came up against him :

and they cameJudah and Jerusalem, and

killed all the princes of the people, and they
CHAPTER XX. sent all the spoils to the king to Damascus.
And whereas there came a very small number
Of one who for his blasphemy was given over to a most un- of the
clean spirit. Syrians, the Lord delivered into their
hands an infinite multitude, because they had
forsaken the Lord the God of their fathers:
I KNEW one of the number of the brethren,
whom I heartily wish I had never known; and on Joash they executed shameful judg-
since afterwards he allowed himself to be
ments. And departing they left him in great
" ^
saddled with the responsibilities of my or-
diseases. You see how the consequence of
der: ^ who confessed to a most admirable elder pride
was that he was given over to shocking
and filthy passions. For he who is puffed
that he was attacked by a terrible sin of the
up with pride and has permitted himself to be
flesh for he was inflamed with an intolerable

lust, with the unnatural desire of suffering

worshipped as God, is (as the Apostle says)
over to shameful passions and a repro-
rather than of committing a shameful act: "given
bate mind to do those things which are not
then the other like a true spiritual physician, at
once saw through the inward cause and ori- convenient." *
And because, as Scripture says,

gin of this evil. And, sighing deeply, said: "every one who exalts his heart is unclean be-
fore God," * he who is puffed up with swelling
"Never would the Lord have suffered you
to be given over to so foul a spirit unless pride of heart is given over to most shameful
" confusion to be deluded by it, that when thus
you had blasphemed against Him. And he,
humbled he may know that he is unclean
when this was discovered, at once fell at his
of the flesh and knowledge
feet on the ground, and, struck with the ut- through impurity
most astonishment, as if he saw the secrets of of impure desires, a thing which he had —
his heart laid bare by God, confessed that he
refused to recognize in the pride of his heart ;

had blasphemed with evil thoughts gainst and also that the shameful infection of the
the Son of God. Whence it is clear that one
2 Chr. xxiv.
2 17, 18 ; 23-25.
8 Rom. i. 26, 28.
Viz.j that of the priesthood. * Prov. xvi. s (LXX.).

flesh the hidden impurity of the

may disclose conflicts ;
nor have they secured any purifica-
heart, which he contracted through the sin of tion from the preceding faults of which we
pride, and that through the patent pollution have here explained both the character and
of his body he may be proved to be impure, the remedies in separate books. But it gen-
who did. not formerly see that he had become erally attacks those only who have conquered
unclean through the pride of his spirit. the former faults and have already almost ar-
rived at the top of the tree in respect of the
And because our most crafty enemy
CHAPTER XXII has not been able to destroy them through a
carnal fall, he endeavours to cast them down
That every proud soul is subject to spiritual wickedness to be and overthrow them by a spiritual catastrophe,
deceived by it.
trying by this to rob them of the prizes of
their ancient rewards secured as they were
And this clearly shows that every soul of with
great labour. But as for us, who are still
which the swellings of pride have taken pos-
entangled in earthly passions, he never deigns
session, is given over to the Syrians of the to
tempt us in this fashion, but overthrows
soul,^ i.e., to spiritual wickedness, and that it us
is entangled in the lusts of the flesh, that the
by a coarser and what I called a carnal
pride. And therefore I think it well, as I
soul being at last humbled by earthly faults,
promised, to say a few things about this
and carnally polluted, may recognize its un- kind of
pride by which we and men of our
cleanness, though while it stood erect in the
coldness of its heart, it could not understand
stamp are usually affected, and the minds
especially of younger men and beginners are
that through pride of heart it was rendered
unclean in the of and this
sight God; by
means being humbled, a man may get rid of
his former coldness, and being cast down and CHAPTER XXV.
confused with the shame of his fleshly lusts,
may thenceforward hasten to betake himself A description of carnal pride, and of the evils which
duces in the soul of a monk.
the more eagerly towards fervour and warmth
of spirit.
This carnal pride therefore, of which we
spoke, when it has gained an entrance into
CHAPTER XXIII. the heart of a monk, which is but lukewarm,
How and has made a bad start in renouncing the
perfection can only be attained through the virtue of
humility. world, does not suffer him to stoop from his
former state of worldly haughtiness to the true
And so itclearly shown that none can
is humility of Christ, but first of all makes him
attain the of perfection and purity, ex-
end disobedient and rough then it does not let

cept through true humility, which he displays him be gentle and kindly; nor allows him to
in the first instance to the brethren, and shows be on a level with and like his brethren: nor
also to God in his inmost heart, believing does it permit him to be stripped and de-
that without His protection and aid extended prived of his worldly goods, as God and our
to him at every instant, he cannot possibly Saviour commands and, though renunciation

obtain the perfection which he desires and to of the world is nothing but the mark of mor-
which he hastens so eagerly. tification and the cross, and cannot begin or
rise from any other foundations, but these viz., ;

that a man should recognize that he is not

CHAPTER XXIV. merely spiritually dead to the deeds of this
world, but also should realize daily that he
Who are attacked by spiritual and who by carnal pride. must die in the body —
it makes him on the

contrary hope for a long life, and sets before

Thus much let it suffice to have spoken, as him many lengthy infirmities, and covers him
far as, by God's help, our slender ability was with shame and confusion. If when stripped of
able, concerning spiritual pride of which we everything he has begun to be supported by
have said that it attacks advanced Christians. the property of others and not his own, it per-
And this kind of pride is not familiar to or suades him that it is much better for food and
experienced by most men, because the ma- clothing to be provided for him by his own
jority do not aim at attaining perfect purity rather than by another's means according to
of heart, so as to arrive at the stage of these that text (which, as was before said,^ those

Intellectuales. * See Book X. c. xviii.

who are rendered dense through such dulness to observe any rule of subjection or obedience,
and coldness of heart, cannot possibly under- but will not even listen to teaching about
stand.) "It is more blessed to give than to perfection; and such dislike of spiritual talk
receive." grows up in his heart that if such a conversa-
tion should happen to arise, he cannot keep
his eyes fixed on one spot, but his gaze wan-
ders blankly about here and there, and his
That a man whose foundation is bad, sinks daily from bad to eyes shift hither and thither, as the custom is.
worse. Instead of wholesome coughs, he spits from
a dry throat: he coughs on purpose without
Those then who are possessed by such dis- any need, he drums with his fingers, and twid-
trust of mind, and who through the devil's dles them and scribbles like a man
own want of faith fall away from that spark and all his limbs fidget so that while the spir-
of faith, by which they seemed in the early itual conversation is
proceeding, you would
days of their conversion to be enkindled, begin think that he was sitting on thorns, and those
more anxiously to watch over the money which
very sharp ones, or in the midst of a mass of
before they had begun to give away, and worms and if the conversation turns in all :

treasure it up with greater avarice, as men

simplicity on s.omething which is for the good
who cannot recover again what they have of the hearers, he thinks that it is brought
once wasted : or —what is still worse —
forward for his especial benefit. And all the
take back what they had formerly cast away time that the examination of the :

spiritual life
or else (which is a third and most disgusting is
proceeding, he is taken up with his own
kind of sin), collect what they never before
suspicious thoughts, and is not on the watch
possessed, and thus are convicted of having for something to take home for his good, but
gone no further in forsaking the world than is anxiously seeking the reason why anything
merely to take the name and style of monk. is said, or is quietly turning over in his mind,
With this beginning therefore, and on this how he can raise
objections to it, so that he
bad and rotten foundation, it is a matter of cannot at all take in
any of those things
course that the whole superstructure of faults which are so
admirably brought forward, or
must rise, nor can anything be built on such be done
any good to by them. And so the
villanous foundations, except what will bring result is that the
spiritual conference is not
the wretched soul to the ground with a hope-
merely of no use to him, but is positively
less collapse.
injurious, and becomes to him an occasion
of greater sin. For while he is conscience
CHAPTER XXVII. stricken and fancies that everything is being
aimed at him he hardens himself more stub-
A description of the faults which spring from the evil of pride. bornly in the obstinacy of his heart, and is
more keenly affected by the stings of his
The mind then that is hardened by such wrath: then afterwards his voice is loud, his
feelings, and which begins with this miserable talk harsh, his answers bitter and noisy,
coldness is sure to go daily from bad to worse his gait lordly and capricious his tongue too ;

and to conclude its life with a more hideous ready, he forward in conversation and no
end : and while it takes delight in its former friend to silence except when he is nursing in
desires, and is overcome, as the apostle says, his heart some bitterness against a brother,
by impious avarice (as he says of it "and and his silence denotes not compunction or
,covetousness, which is idolatry, or the worship humility, but pride and wrath: so that one
of idols," and again "the love of money," can hardly say which is the more objection-
says he, "is the root of all evils ^) can never able in him, that unrestrained and boisterous
admit into the heart the true and unfeigned merriment, or this dreadful and deadly solem-
humility of Christ, while the man boasts nity.^ For in the former we see inopportune
himself of his high birth, or is puffed up by chattering, light and frivolous laughter, unre-
his position in the world (which he has for- strained and undisciplined mirth. In the
saken in body but not in mind) or is proud latter a silence that is full of wrath and deadly;
of his wealth which he retains to his own and which simply arises from the desire to
destruction; and because of this he is no prolong as long as possible the rancorous
longer content to endure the yoke of the feelings which are nourished in silence against
monastery, or to be instructed by the teach- some brother, and not from the wish to obtain
ing of any of the elders, and not only objects from it the virtues of humility and patience.
1 *
Acts XX. 35. Col. iii. 5 ; i Tim. vi. 10. 3 SerUtas (Petschenig) : TacUumitas (Gazseus).

And as the man who is a victim to passion traced out with ocular demonstration, they
readily makes everybody else miserable and is may be the more easily plucked up and
ashamed to apologize to the brother whom he avoided. For only then will this most pesti-
has wronged, so when the brother offers to do lent evil be altogether escaped, and if we do
so to him, he rejects it with scorn. And not not begin too late in the day, when it has
only is he not touched or softened by the ad- already got the mastery over us, to be on our
vances of his brother; but is the rather made guard against its dangerous heat and noxious
more angry because his brother anticipates influence, but if, recognizing its symptoms
him in humility. And that wholesome hu- (so to speak) beforehand, we take precautions
miliation and apology, which generally puts against it with wise and careful forethought.
an end to the devil's temptation, becomes to For, as we said before, you can tell a man's
him an occasion of a worse outbreak. inward condition from his outward gait. By
these signs, then, that carnal pride, of which
we spoke earlier, is shown. To begin with,
CHAPTER XXVIII. in conversation the man's voice is loud: in
his silence there is bitterness: in his mirth
On the pride of a certain brother. his laughter is noisy and excessive: when he
is serious he is unreasonably gloomy: in his
I HAVE heard while have been in this dis-
I answers there is rancour he is too free with

trict a thing which I shudder and am ashamed his tongue, his words tumbling out at random
to recall; viz., thatoneof the juniors when he — without being weighed. He is utterly lacking
was reproved by his Abbot because he had in patience, and without charity: impudent in
shown signs of throwing offering insults to others, faint-hearted in
off the humility, of
which he had made trial for a short time at bearing them himself: troublesome in the
his renunciation of the world, and of being matter of obedience except where his own
puffed up with diabolical pride most im- — wishes and likings correspond with his duty:
" Did I humiliate
pertinently answered myself unforgiving in receiving admonition weak in :

for a time on purpose to be always in subjec-

" giving up his own wishes very stubborn about

tion ? And at this wanton and wicked reply yielding to those of others always trying to

of his the elder was utterly aghast, and could compass his own ends, and never ready to
say nothing, as if he had received this answer give them up for others and thus the result

from old Lucifer himself and not from a man is that though he is incapable of giving sound

so that he could not possibly utter a word advice, yet in everything he prefers his own
against such impudence, but only let fall sighs opinion to that of the elders.
and groans from his heart; turning over in
silence in his mind that which is said of our
Saviour: **Who being in the form of God CHAPTER
humbled Himself and became obedient" —
hot, as the man said who was seized with a How when a man has grown cold through pride he wants to
diabolical spirit of pride, "for a time," but be put to rule other people.
" even to death." ^

And when a man whom pride has mastered

has fallen through these stages of descent, he
shudders at the discipline of the ccenobium,
The signs by which you can recognize the presence of carnal and

as if the companionship of the brethren
pride in a soul. hindered his perfection, and the sins of others
impeded and interfered with his advance in
And to draw together briefly what has been patience and humility he longs to take up —
said of this kind of pride, by collecting, as well his abode in a
solitary cell; or else is eager to
as we can, some of its signs that we may some- build a
monastery and gather together some
how convey to those who are thirsting for in- others to teach and instruct, as if he would do
struction in perfection, an idea of its charac-
good to many more people, and make him-
teristics from the movements of the outward self from
being a bad disciple a still worse
man: I think it well to unfold them in a few master. For when through this pride of heart
words that we may conveniently recognize the a man has fallen into this most dangerous and
signs by which we can discern and detect it, injurious coldness, he can neither be a real
that when the roots of this passion are laid monk nor a man of the world, and what is
bare and brought to the surface, and seen and worse, promises to himself to
gain perfection
by means of this wretched state and manner
Phil. U. 6,8. of life of his.
laid in our heart, which being securely laid
may be
able to bear the weight of perfection
and love upon them in such a way that, as we
How we can overcome pride and attain perfection.
have said, we may first show to our brethren
Wherefore if we wish the summit of our true humility from the very bottom of our
heart, in nothing acquiescing in making them
building to be perfect and to rise well-pleas- sad or in
to God, we should endeavour to lay its injuring them: and this we cannot
ing unless true self-denial, which
foundations not in accordance with the desires possibly manage
of our own lust, but according to the rules consists in stripping and depriving ourselves
of all our possessions, is implanted in us by
of evangelical strictness which can only be :

the love of Christ. Next the yoke of obedience

the fear of God and humility, proceeding from
kindness and simplicity of heart. But hu- and subjection must be taken up in simplicity
of heart without any pretence, so that, except
mility cannot possibly be acquired without
for the commands of the Abbot, no will of our
giving up everything and as long as a man is

a stranger to this, he cannot possibly attain own is alive in us. But this can only be en-
sured in the case of one who considers himself
the virtue of obedience, or the strength of
not only dead to this world, but also unwise
patience, or the serenity of kindness, or the
of without which our and a fool and performs without any discus-
perfection love; things
sion whatever is enjoined him by his seniors,
hearts cannot possibly be a habitation for the
believing it to be divine and enjoined from
Holy Spirit: as the Lord says through the
prophet; "Upon whom shall My
spirit rest,
but on him that is humble and quiet and fears
My words,
" or
according to those copies which CHAPTER XXXIIL
express the Hebrew accurately
To whom

Remedies against the evil of pride.

shall I have respect, but to him that is poor
and little and of a contrite spirit and that And when men remain in this condition,
trembleth at words?" ^
My there is no doubt that this quiet and secure
state of humility will follow, so that consider-
ing ourselves inferior to every one else we shall
CHAPTER XXXII. bear everything offered to us, even if it is
How pride which is so destructive of all virtues can itself be hurtful, and saddening, and damaging — with
destroyed by true humility. the utmost patience, as if it came from those
who are our superiors. And these things we
Wherefore the Christian athlete who shall not only bear with the greatest ease, but
strives lawfully in the spiritual combat and we shall consider them trifling and mere
desires to be crowned by the Lord, should nothings, if we constantly bear in mind the
endeavour by every means to destroy this most passion of our Lord and of all His Saints:
fierce beast, which is destructive of all virtues, considering that the injuries by which we are
knowing that as long as this remains in his tried are so much less than theirs, as we are
breast he not only will never be free from all so far behind their merits and their lives:
kinds of but even if he seems to have
evils, remembering also that we shall shortly depart
an)-^ qualities, will lose them by its ma-
good out of this world, and soon by a speedy end
lign influence. For no structure (so to speak) to our life here become sharers of their lot.
of virtue can possibly be raised in our soul un- Por considerations such as these are a sure
less first the foundations of true humility are end not only to pride but to all kinds of sins.
Then, next after this we must keep a firm grasp
Is. Ixvi. 2. It is noteworthy that Cassian after giving a render-
of this same humility towards God: which we
ing which differs but slightly from that of the old Latin^ as given in
Sabbatier's great work, adds the version of " those copies which must so secure as not only to acknowledge
express the Hebrew accurately," and thus shows his acquaintance
with Jerome's new translation which he quotes. He does the same that we cannot possibly perform anything con-
thing again in the Conferences, XXIII. viii.; and On the Incarnation nected with the attainment of
Against Nestorius IV. iii. V. xv.
perfect virtue
; ii. Compare also Institutes
VIII. xxi., and Conf. VIII. x., where he also betrays a knowledge without His assistance and grace, but also

of the Vulgate. As a general rule, however, his translations are taken

from the old Latin, or possibly in some cases are made truly to believe that this very fact that we can
by him from
the LXX. understand this, is His own gift.





The obligation, which was promised to the blessed Pope Castor in the preface to those
volumes which with God's help I composed in twelve books on the Institutes of the Coeno-
bia, and the remedies for the eight principal faults, has now been, as far as my feeble ability
I should certainly like to see what was the opinion
permitted, satisfied. fairly arrived at on
this work both by his judgment and yours, whether, on a matter so profound and so lofty,
and one which has never yet been made the subject of a treatise, we have produced anything
worthy of your notice, and of the eager desire of all the holy brethren. But now as the afore-
said Bishop has left us and departed to Christ, meanwhile these ten Conferences of the grand-
est of the fathers, viz., the Anchorites who dwelt in the desert of Scete, which he, fired with
an incomparable desire for saintliness, had bidden me write for him in the same style (not
considering in the greatness of his affection, what a burden he placed on shoulders too weak
to bear it) —these Conferences I have thought good to dedicate to you in particular, O blessed
Pope, Leontius,
and holy brother Helladius.' For one of you was united to him whom I
have mentioned, by the ties of brotherhood, and the rank of the priesthood, and (what is
more to the point) by fervour in sacred study, and so has an hereditary right to demand
the debt due to his brother: while the other has ventured to follow the sublime customs of
the Anchorites, not like some others, presumptuously on his own account, but seizing, at the

inspiration of the Holy Ghost, on the right path of doctrine almost before he had been taught
and choosing to learn not so much from his own ideas as from their traditions. Wherein
just as I had anchored in the harbour of Silence, a wide sea opens out before me, so that I
must venture to hand down for posterity some of the Institutes and teaching of these great men.
For the bark of my slender abilities will be exposed to the dangers of a longer voyage on the
deep, in proportion as the Anchorite's life is grander than that of the Coenobium, and the con-
templation of God, to which those inestimable men ever devoted themselves, more sublime
than ordinary practical life. It is yours therefore to assist our efforts by your pious prayers
for fear lest so sacred a subject that is to be treated in an untried but faithful manner, should
be imperilled by us, or lest our simplicity should lose itself in the depths of the subject
matter. Let us therefore pass from what is visible to the eye and the external mode of life of
the monks, of which we treated in the former books, to the life of the inner man, which is
hidden from view; and from the system of the canonical prayers, let our discourse mount to
that continuance in unceasing prayer, which the Apostle enjoins, that whoever has through

reading our former work already spiritually gained the name of Jacob by ousting his car-
nal faults, may now by the reception of the Institutes which are not mine but the fathers',
mount by a pure insight to the merits and (so to speak) the dignity of Israel, and in the

Papa. See note on the Preface to the Institutes.
2 The see of which Leontius was Bishop is uncertain, possibly Fr^jus.
3 Helladius was afterwards raised to the Episcopate, but of what see is unknown. See the Preface to Conf. XVIII.

same way be taught what that he should observe on these lofty heights of perfection. ^
it is

And so may your prayers gain from Him, Who has deemed us worthy both to see them and to
learn from them and to dwell with them, that He will vouchsafe to grant us a perfect recol-
lection of their teaching, and a ready tongue to tell it, that we may explain them as

beautifully and as exactly as we received them from them and may succeed in setting before
you the men themselves incorporated, as it were, in their own Institutes, and what is more to
the point, speaking in the Latin tongue. Of this however we wish above all to advertise the
reader of these Conferences as well as of our earlier works, that if there chances to be any-
thing herein which by reason of his condition and the character of his profession, or owing
to custom and the common mode of life seems to him either impossible or very difficult, he
should measure it nA by the limits of his own powers but by the worth and perfection of
the speakers, whose zeal and purpose he should first consider, as they were truly dead to
this worldly life, and so hampered by no feelings for their kinsmen according to the flesh,
and by no ties of worldly occupations. Next let him bear in mind the character of the country
in which they dwelt, how they lived in a vast desert, and were cut off from intercourse
with all their fellow-men, and thus were able to have their minds enlightened, and to con-

template, and utter those things which perhaps will seem impossibilities to the uninitiated
and uninstructed, because of their way of life and the commonplace character of their habits.
But if any one wants to give a true opinion on this matter, and is anxious to try whether
such perfection can be attained, let him first endeavour to make their purpose his own, with
the same zeal and the same mode of life, and then in the end he will find that those things
which used to seem beyond the powers of men, are not only possible, but really delightful.
But now let us proceed at once to their Conferences and Institutes.

The allusion is rather forced and strained. But Cassian means to say that those who have got the better of their carnal sins by

perusing his former work, are already fit to be named Jacob (the supplanter), who got the better of his brother and he hopes that

this new work of his will give them such a view of God and insight into His dealings that they may be worthy to have their name

changed, as Jacob's was, to Israel, which he takes to mean the man seeing God. Cf. the note on Against Nestorius, VII. ix. (intelligi-
bilis here = spiritualis, cf. intellectualis. Conf. XII. xi., and elsewhere).


CHAPTER I. own, on which the diligent pursuer of each art
has his eye, and so endures all sorts of toils
Of our stay in Scete, and thatwhich we proposed to Abbot and dangers and losses, cheerfully and with
equanimity, e.g., the farmer, shunning nei-
ther at one time the scorching heat of the sun,
When I was in the desert of Scete, where nor at another the frost and cold, cleaves the
are the most excellent monastic fathers and
earth unweariedly, and again and again sub-
where all perfection flourishes, in company .

^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^j^.^ ^^^^ ^^ ^j^ ploughshare,


with the holy father Germanus (who had since J^^^.j^ j^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^.^ j^j^ j. ^-^^ ^y
the earliest days and commencement oi of our .,;,;
. i.u.f.- *„ i u u ..„ .,^„ii
^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ .^ ^^^^ i;u„ c^
ji^e fine
spiritual service been
closest companion
my ^^^§ ^^^ ^^ ^1^^^ j^ ^^ ^^ ^^-^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ -^

both in the coenobium and in the desert, so

^^^^ ^^j ^^^^^^ ^^ j^^ believes that in no

that to show the harmony of our friendship

^^j^^^ ^^ ^^^ j^^ .^^ j^j^ ^j^j^.^^^ ^j^^^^^j^j^j^

and aims, everybody would say that a single -^ ^^ ^^^'^^^ ^ ^^^ harvest, and a

large crop;
heart and soul existed in our two bodies), I
^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^j^^^ jj^^ l^j^^^lf f^ee from

sought out Abbot Moses, who was eminent


^^ ^^^ j^^^^^^^ j^j^ ^^^^j^^^


^^ Again,
amid splendid flowers, not only in practi- j^^j^ ^^^ ^^^^^ j^ ^^jj ^^^^^^j 1^^ jg ^^-^^^

cal but also in contemplative excellence,

m ,
^^ empty it, and with incessant labour

myanxietyto be grounded by his instruction ^^ ^^^^.^ the seed to the crumbling furrow,

and together we implored him to give us a dis-

j^inking nothing of the present lessening of
course for our edification not Avithout tears, ^j^ ^^^^.J^ .^^ ^j^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ harvest. Those

for we knew full well his determination never

^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ engaged in mercantile pur-
to consent to open the gate of perfection ex- ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ uncertainties and
cept to those who desired it with all faithful- ^^ances of the ocean, and fear no risks, while

ness, and sought it with all sorrow of heart; ^^ ^

hope urges them forward to their aim

for fear lest if he showed it at random to

of gain. Moreover those who are inflamed with
those who cared nothing for it, or only desired the ambition of
military life, while they look
it in a half-hearted way, by opening what is
forward to their aim of honours and power take
necessary, and what ought only to be discov- no notice of danger and destruction in their
ered to those seeking perfection, to unworthy
wanderings, and are not crushed by present
persons, and such as accepted it with scorn, he losses are eager to obtain
a^d wars, while they
might appear to lay himself open either to the honour held out to them.
the end of some
charge of bragging, or to the sin of betraying And our profession too has its own goal and
his trust; and at last being overcome by our
end, for which we undergo all sorts of toils
prayers he thus began. not merely without weariness but actually
with delight; on account of which the want of
CHAPTER 11. food in fasting is no trial to us, the weariness
of our vigils becomes a delight; reading and
Of the question of Abbot Moses, who asked what was the goal constant meditation on the Scriptures does not
and what the end of the monk. and
pall upon us; and further incessant toil,
self-denial, and the privation of all things,
All the arts and sciences, said he, have
and the horrors also of this vast desert have
some goal or mark; and end or aim of their
no terrors for us. And doubtless for this it

On this Moses see the note on the Institutes, Book X. xxv. was that you yourselves despised the love of

kinsfolk, and scorned your fatherland,

and man who is travelling in a wrong direction, has

the delights of this world, and passed through all the trouble and gets none of the good of
so many countries, in order that you might his journey. And when we stood gaping at
come to us, plain and simple folk as we are, this remark, the old man proceeded: The
state in the desert. end of our profession indeed, as I said, is
living in this wretched
the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven
Wherefore, said he, answer and tell me what

is the and end, which incite you to en- but the immediate aim or goal, is purity of.
dure all these things so cheerfully. without which no one can gain that
end fixing our gaze then steadily on this goal,

as if on a definite mark, let us direct our

CHAPTER III. course as straight towards it as possible, and
if our thoughts wander somewhat from this,
Of our reply. let us revert to our gaze upon it, and check
them accurately as by a sure standard, which
And when he insisted on eliciting an opinion will always bring back all our efTorts to this
from us on this question, we replied that we one mark, and will show at once if our mind
endured all this for the sake of the kingdom has wandered, ever so little from the direc-
of heaven. tion marked out for it.

Of Abbot Moses' question on the aforesaid statement.
A comparison with a man who is trying to hit a mark.
To which he replied: Good, you have spo-
ken cleverly of the (ultimate) end. But what those, whose business it is to use wea-
should be our (immediate) goal or mark, by pons of war, whenever they want to show their
constantly sticking close to which we
can gain skill in their art before a king of this world,
our end, you ought first to know. And when try to shoot their arrows or darts
into certain
we frankly confessed our ignorance, he pro-
small targets which have the prizes painted
ceeded: The first thing, as I said, in all the on them for they know that they cannot in any

arts and sciences is to have some goal, i.e., other way than by the line of their aim se-
a mark for the mind, and constant mental cure the end and the prize they hope for,
purpose, for unless a man keeps which they will only then enjoy when they
this before
him with all diligence and persistence, he have been able to hit the mark set before
will never succeed in arriving at the ultimate them; but if it happeps to be withdrawn from
aim and the gain which he desires. For, as their sight, however much in their want of
I said, the farmer who has for his aim to live skill their aim may vainly deviate from the
free from care and with plenty, while his crops straight path, yet they cannot perceive
are springing has this as his immediate object they have strayed from the direction of the
and goal; viz., to keep his field clear from all intended straight line because they have no
brambles, and weeds, and does not fancy that distinct mark to prove the skilfulness of their
he can otherwise ensure wealth and a peace- aim, or to show up its badness and therefore :

ful end, unless he first secures by some plan while they shoot their missiles idly into space,
of work and hope that which he is anxious to they cannot see how they
have gone wrong or
obtain. The business man too does not lay how utterly at fault they are,
since no mark is
aside the desire of procuring wares, by means their accuser, showing how far they have gone
of which he may more profitably amas^ riches, nor can an
astray from the right direction;
because he would desire gain to no purpose, unsteady look help them to correct and restore
unless he chose the road which leads to it: the straight line enjoined on them. So then
and those men who are anxious to be deco- the end indeed which we have set before us is, '

rated with the honours of this world, first as the Apostle says, eternal life, as he declares,
make up their minds to what duties and con- "having indeed your fruit unto holiness, and
ditions they must devote themselve's, that in the end eternal life;" but the immediate
the regular course of hope they may succeed goal is purity of heart, which he not unfairly
in gaining the honours they desire. And so terms "sanctification," without which the
the end of our way of life is indeed the kingdom afore-mentioned end cannot be gained; as if
of God. But what is the (immediate) goal you he had said in other words, having your im-
must earnestly ask, for if it is not in the same mediate goal in purity ol heart, but the end
way discovered by us, we shall strive and
wear ourselves out to no purpose, because a 1 Rom. vi. 22.

life eternal. Of which goal the same blessed they meet w^ith occasions of impatience and
Apostle teaches us, and significantly uses the death, which give them warning of the need of
very term, i.e., 0x0716c, saying as follows, acquiring the requisite patience and love and ;

Forgetting those things which are behind and when they have given up all their wealth for
reaching forward to those that are before, the love of Christ, yet as they preserve their
I press toward the mark, for the prize of the former disposition in the matter of trifles, and
" ^ which is moreare sometimes quickly upset about them, they
high calling of the Lord: "
clearly put in Greek
y-<tiu axonoy become in all points barren and unfruitful, as
diwy.oi^ i.e., I

press toward the mark," as those who are without the charity of which the
if he said, "With

this aim, with which I forget those things that Apostle speaks and this the blessed Apostle

are behind, i.e., the faults of earlier life, I foresaw in spirit, and "though," says he, "I
strive to reach as the end the heavenly prize. give all my goods to feed the poor, and give
Whatever then can help to guide us to this my body to be burned, but have not charity,
object; viz., purity of heart, we must follow it profiteth me nothing."^ And from this it
with all our might, but whatever hinders us clearly follows that perfection is not arrived at
from it, we must shun as a dangerous and simply by self-denial, and the giving up of all
hurtful thing. For, for this we do and endure our goods, and the casting away of honours,
all things, for this we make light of our kins- unless there is that charity, the details of
folk, our country, honours, riches, the delights which the Apostle describes, which consists
of this world, and all kinds of pleasures, in purity of heart alone. For "not to be
namely in order that we may retain a lasting envious," "not to be puffed up, not to be
purity of heart. And so when this object is angry, not to do any wrong, not to seek one's
set before us, we shall always direct our own, not to rejoice in iniquity, not to think
actions and thoughts straight towards the evil," etc., what is all this except ever to
attainment of it; for if it be not constantly offer to God a perfect and clean heart, and to
fixed before our eyes, it will not only make keep it free from all disturbances?
all our toils vain and useless, and force them
to be endured to no purpose and without any
reward, but it will also excite all kinds of CHAPTER VII.
thoughts opposed to one another. For the
How peace of mind should be sought.
mind, which has no fixed point to which it may
return, and on which may chiefly fasten,
it Everything should be done and sought after
is sure to rove about from hour to hour and for the sake of this. For this we must
by us
minute to minute in all sorts of wandering seek for solitude, for this we know that we
thoughts, and from those things which come ought to submit to fastings, vigils, toils, bodily
to it from outside, to be constantly changed nakedness,
reading, and all other virtues that
into that state which first offers itself to it. them we be enabled to prepare
through may
our heart and to keep it unharmed by all evil

passions, and resting on these steps to mount

CHAPTER VI. to the perfection of charity, and with regard to
these observances, if by accident we have been
Of those who in renouncing the world, aim at perfection with-
out love. employed in some good and useful occupation
and have been unable to carry out our custom-
For hence it arises that in the case of ary discipline, we should not be overcome
some who have despised the greatest posses- by vexation or anger, or passion, with the ob-
sions of this world, and not only large sums of ject of overcoming which, we were going to do
gold and silver, but also large properties, we that which we have omitted. For the gain
have seen them afterwards disturbed and ex- from fasting will not balance the loss from
cited over a knife, or pencil, or pin, or pen. anger, nor is the profit from reading so great
Whereas if they kept their gaze steadily fixed as the harm which results from despising a
out of a pure heart they would certainly never brother. Those things which are of secondary
allow such a thing to happen for trifles, while importance, such as fastings, vigils, with-
in order that they might not suffer it in the case drawal from the world, meditation on Scrip-
of great and precious riches they chose rather to ture, we ought to practise with a view to our
renounce them altogether. For often too some main object, i.e., purity of heart, which is
guard their books so jealously that they will charity, and we ought not on their account to
not allow them to be even slightly moved or drive away this main virtue, for as long as it
touched by any one else, and from this fact is still found in us intact and unharmed, we
Phil. iii. 13, 14. I Cor. xiii. 3.

shall not be hurt if any of the things which not be taken away from her for when Martha :

are of secondary importance are necessarily was toiling with pious care, and was cumbered
omitted; since it will not be of the slightest about her service, seeing that of herself alone
use to have done everything, if this main she was insufficient for such service she
reason of which we have spoken be removed, asks for the help of her sister from the Lord,
for the sake of which everything is to be done. saying : Carest Thou not that my sister has
For on this account one is anxious to secure left me to serve alone bid her therefore that
and provide for one's self the implements for she help me" — :

certainly it was to no unworthy

any branch of work, not simply to possess them work, but to a praiseworthy service that she
to no purpose, nor as if one made the profit summoned her: and yet what does she hear
and advantage, which is looked for from them, from the Lord? "Martha, Martha, thou art
to consist in the bare fact of possession but anxious and troubled about many things: but
that by using them, one may effectually secure few things are needful, or only one. Mary
practical knowledge and the end of that par- hath chosen the good part, which shall not be
ticular art of which they are auxiliaries. taken away from her. ^
You see then that the
' '

Therefore fastings, vigils, meditation on the Lord makes the chief good consist in medita-
Scriptures, self-denial, and the abnegation of tion, i.e., in divine contemplation: whence we
all possesions are not perfection, but aids to see that all other virtues should be put in the
perfection: because the end of that science second place, even though we admit that they
does not lie in these, but by means of these we are necessary, and useful, and excellent, be-
arrive at the end. He then will practise these cause they are all performed for the sake of
exercises to no purpose, who is contented this one thing. For when the Lord says:
with these as if they were the highest good, "Thou art careful and troubled about many
and has fixed the purpose of his heart simply things, but few things are needful or only
on them, and does not extend his efforts one," He makes the chief good consist not in
towards reaching the end, on account of which practical work however praiseworthy and rich
these should be sought for he possesses in- in fruits it may be, but in contemplation of

deed the implements of his art, but is igno- Him, which indeed is simple and "but one ";
rant of the end, in which all that is valuable declaring that "few things" are needful for
resides. Whatever then can disturb that pu- perfect bliss, i.e., that contemplation which is
rity and peace of mind
— even though it may first secured by reflecting on a few saints from


seem useful and valuable should be shunned the contemplation of whom, he who has made
as really hurtful, for by this rule we shall suc- some progress rises and attains by God's help
ceed in escaping harm from mistakes and va- to that which is termed "one thing," i.e., the
garies, and make straight for the desired end consideration of God alone, so as to get beyond
and reach it. those actions and services of saints, and feed
on the beauty and knowledge of God alone.
CHAPTER VIII. Mary" therefore "chose the good part, which
shall not be taken away from her." And this
Of the main effort towards the contemplation of heavenly must be more For when
carefully considered.
things and an illustration from the case of Martha and
He says that Mary chose the good part, al-
though He says nothing of Martha, and cer-
This then should be our main effort and
tainly does not appear to blame her, yet in

this steadfast purpose of heart we should con- praising the one, He implies that the other is
stantly aspire after; viz., that the soul may inferior. Again when He says "which shall
ever cleave to God and to heavenly things. " He shows that
not be taken away from her
Whatever is alien to this, however great it from the other her portion can be taken away
may be, should be given the second place, or (for a bodily ministry cannot last forever with
even treated as of no consequence, or perhaps a man), but teaches that this one's desire can
as hurtful. We have an excellent illustration never have an end.
of this state of mind and condition in the gos-
pel in the case of Martha and Mary: for when
Martha was performing a service that was cer- CHAPTER IX.
tainly a sacred one, since she was ministering A question how it is that the practice of virtue cannot remain
to the Lord and His disciples, and Mary being with a man.
intent only on spiritual instruction was cling-
ing close to the feet of Jesus which she kissed
To which we, being deeply moved, replied
and anointed with the ointment of a good con- what then? will the effort of fasting, dili-
fession, she is shown by the Lord to have '
S. Luke X. 40-42. The reading which Cassian here follows is
chosen the better part, and one which should found in NBC,' but has not much Latin authority. It is however

refer to the shortness of the time,

gence in reading, works of mercy, justice, i.e., it may
piety, and kindness, be taken away
from us, because bodily exercise cannot possibly last
and not continue with the doers of them, es- on with man both in this life and in the world
to come: or it may refer to the smallness of
pecially since the Lord Himself promises the
reward of the kingdom of heaven to these the profit which results from exercising the
works, when He says Come, ye blessed of
flesh, because bodily austerities produce some
inherit the kingdom prepared for sort of beginnings of progress, but not the
My Father,
you from the beginning of the world. For I actual perfection of love, which has the prom-
was an hungred, and ye gave Me to eat I was ;
ise of the life that now is and of that which
thirsty and ye gave Me to drink: etc.
How isand therefore we deem that the
to come :

then shall these works be taken away, which the aforesaid works is needful,
practice of
admit the doers of them into the kingdom of because without them we cannot climb the
heaven .-•
heights of love. For what you call works of
religion and mercy are needful in this life
while these inequalities and diflferences of
conditions still prevail; but even here we
should not look for them to be performed, un-
The answer that not the reward, but the doing of thenj will
come to an end. less such a large proportion of poor, needy,
and sick folk abounded, which is brought
MosES. I did not say that the reward for about by the wickedness of men viz., of those ;

a good work would be taken away, as the Lord who have grasped and kept for their own use
Himself says: "Whosoever shall give to one (without however using them) those things
of the least of these, a cup of cold water only which were granted to all by the Creator of all
in the name of a disciple, verily I sav unto alike. As long then as this inequality lasts in
sort of work will be needful
you, he shall not lose his reward:"* but I this world, this
maintain that the doing of a thing, which and useful to the man that practises it, as it
either bodily necessity, or the onslaught of the brings to a good purpose and pious will the
flesh, or the inequalities of this world, com- reward of an eternal inheritance: but it will
pel to be done, will be taken away. For dili- come to an end in the life to come, where
gence in reading, and self-denial in fasting, equality will reign, when there will be no
are usefully practised for purifying the heart longer inequality, on account of which these
and chastening the flesh in this life only, as things must be done, but all men will pass
long as "the flesh lusteth against the spirit,"* from these manifold practical works to the
and sometimes we see .that even in this life love of God, and contemplation of heavenly
they are taken away from those men who are things in continual purity of heart: to which
worn out with excessive toil, or bodily infirm- those men who are urgent in devoting them-
ity or old age, and cannot be practised by selves
to knowledge and purifying the heart,
them. How much more then will they come have chosen to give them.selves up with all
to an end hereafter, when "this corruptible their might and main, betaking themselves,
shall have put on incorruption," and the while they are still in the flesh, to that duty,
" "
body which is now a natural body shall have in which they are to continue, when they have
risen "a spiritual body"
and the flesh shall laid aside corruption, and when they come to
have begun to be such that it no longer lusts that promise of the Lord the Saviour, which
against the spirit And of this the blessed says "Blessed are the pure in heart for they

Apostle also clearly speaks, when he says that shall see God."'
bodily exercise is profitable for a little: but
(by which he certainly means love) CHAPTER XL
profitable for all things, having the promise
of the life that now is and of that which is to On the abiding character of love.
come." " This clearly shows that what is said
to be useful for a little, is not to be practised And why do you wonder that those duties
for all time, and cannot possibly by itself enumerated above will cease,
when the holy
alone confer the highest state of perfection on Apostle tells us that even the higher- gifts of
the man who slaves at it. For the term "for the Holy Spirit will pass away: and points
a little" may mean either of the two things, out that charity alone will abide without end,
saying "whether there be prophecies, they
followed by Jerome Ep ad Eustochium, xxii. 24, though the Vul-
: shall fail whether there be tongues, they shall

gate has simply Porro iinum est necessarium. For Mary as the type
of the contemplative life, and M.nrtha of the practical, compare S.
cease: whether there be knowledge, it will
Gregory the Great. Moralia VI. c. xxviii.
S. Matt. XXV. 34, 35. ' Gal. v. • i Cor. xv.
17. 44.
• S. Matt. X.
* I
Cor. xv. S3- * ' Tim. iv. 8. f S. Matt y. 8.

come to an end," but of this he says "Charity in us, as the Evangelist says "The kingdom of
never faileth." For all gifts are given for God Cometh not with observation, nor shall
a time as use and need require, but when the men say Lo here, or lo there for verily I say :

dispensation is ended they will without doubt unto you that the kingdom of God is within
" ^ "
presently pass away: but love will never be you. But nothing else can be " within you,
destroyed. For not only does it work usefully but knowledge or ignorance of truth, and
in us in this world but also in that to come,
; delight either in vice or in virtue, through
when the burden of bodily needs is cast off, which we prepare a kingdom for the devil or
it will continue in far greater vigour and ex- for Christ in our heart and of this kingdom :

cellence, and will never be weakened by any the Apostle describes the character, when he
defect, but by means of its perpetual incor- says For the kingdom of God is not meat and
ruption will cling to God more intently and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in
earnestly.* the Holy Ghost."* And so if the kingdom
of God is within us, and the actual kingdom of
CHAPTER XII. God is righteousness and peace and joy, then
the man who abides in these is most cer-
A question on perseverance in spiritual contemplation. tainly in the kingdom of God, and on the
contrary those who live in unrighteousness,
Germanus. Who then, whilebur- and discord, and the sorrow that worketh
he is
dened with our frail flesh, can be always so death, have their place in the kingdom of the
intent on this contemplation, as never to think devil, and in hell and death. For by these
about the arrival of a brother, or visiting the tokens the kingdom of God and the kingdom
sick, or manual labour, or at least about of the devil are distinguished: and in truth if
showing kindness to strangers and visitors? lifting up our mental gaze on high we would
And lastly, who is not interrupted by pro- consider that state in which the heavenly
viding for the body, and looking after it.-* Or powers live on high, who are truly in the
how and in what way can the mind cling to kingdom of God, what should we imagine it
the invisible and incomprehensible God, this to be except perpetual and lasting joy? For
we should like to learn. what is so specially peculiar and appropri-
ate to true blessedness as constant calm and
eternal joy? And that you may be quite
CHAPTER XIII. sure that this, which we say, is really so, not
on my own authority but on that of the Lord,
The answer concerning the direction of the heart towards God,
and concerning the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the
hear how very clearly He describes the char-
devil. acter and condition of that world: "Behold,"
says He, I create new heavens and a new
Moses. To cling to God continually, and earth: and the former things shall not be
as you say inseparably to hold fast to medi- remembered nor come into mind. But ye
tation on Him, is impossible for a man while shall be glad and rejoice forever in that
still in this weak flesh of ours. But we ought which I create." * And again "joy and glad-
to be aware on what we should have the pur- ness shall be found therein: thanksgiving and
pose of our mind fixed, and to what goal we the voice of praise, and there shall be month
should ever recall the gaze of our soul and :
after month, and Sabbath after Sabbath."^
when the mind can secure this it may rejoice ; And again: "they shall obtain joy and glad- " ®
and grieve and sigh when it is withdrawn from ness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

this, and as often as it discovers itself to have And if you want to know more definitely about
fallen away from gazing on Him, it should that life and the city of the saints, hear what
admit that it has lapsed from the highest the voice of the Lord proclaims to the heav
good, considering that even a momentary de- enly Jerusalem herself: "I will make, says
parture from gazing on Christ is fornication. He, "thine officers peace and thine overseers
And when our gaze has wandered ever so righteousness. Violence shall no more be
little from Him, let us turn the eyes of the heard in thy land, desolation nor destruction
soul back to Him, and recall our mental gaze within thy borders. And salvation shall take
as in a perfectly straight direction. For possession of thy walls, and praise of thy
everything depends on the inward frame of gates. The sun shall be no more thy light
mind, and when the devil has been expelled by day, neither shall the brightness of the
from this, and sins no longer reign in it, it moon give light to thee but the Lord shall be

follows that the kingdom of God is founded

* S.Luke xvii. 20, 31. « Is. IXV.
17, 18.
• Is. XXXV. t»
* I * Rom. xiv. 17. » Is. li. ixvi. 23.
Cor. xiii. 8. 3 ;

thine everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. no man remembereth God : but in the grave
® "
Thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall (of sin) who will confess to the Lord? i.e.,

thy moon withdraw itself but the Lord :shall no one will. For no man even though he were
be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy to call himself a Christian a thousand times
" ^
mourning shall be ended: and therefore the over, or a monk, confesses God when he is
holy Apostle does not say generally or with- sinning: no man who allows those things
out qualification that every joy is the kingdom which the Lord hates, remembereth God, nor
of God, but markedly and emphatically that calls himself with any truth the servant of Him,
"in "^ whose commands he scorns with obstinate
joy alone which the Holy Ghost.
For he was perfectly aware of another detest- rashness in which death the blessed Apostle :

able joy, of which we hear "the world shall declares that the widow is involved, who gives
" woe unto
you that laugh, for herself to pleasure, saying "a widow whogiv-
rejoice," and
ye shall mourn."* In fact the kingdom of eth herself to pleasure is dead while she liv-
" ^° There are then
heaven must be taken in a threefold sense, eth. many who while still
either that the heavens shall reign, i.e., the living in this body are dead, and lying in the
saints over other things subdued, according grave cannot praise God and on the contrary ;

" Be thou over five

to this text, cities, and there are many who though they are dead in
thou over ten " * and this which is said to the the body yet bless God in the spirit, and praise
" Ye shall sit "
disciples: upon twelve thrones H im, according to this O ye spirits and souls
" "

judging the twelve tribes of Israel:"' or of the righteous, bless ye the Lord: and
that the heavens themselves shall begin to "every spirit shall praise the Lord.
" " And in
be reigned over by Christ, when "all things the Apocalypse the souls of them that are
are subdued unto Him," and God begins to slain are not only said to praise God but to
be "all in all:"' or else that the saints address Him also." In the gospel too the
shall reign in heaven with the Lord. Lord says with still greater clearness to the
Sadducees: "Have ye not read that which
was spoken by God, when He said to you I :

CHAPTER XIV. am the God of Abraham, and the God of

Isaac and the God of Jacob. He is not the
Of the continuance of the soul.
God of the dead but of the living: for all do
" "
Wherefore live unto Him. Of whom also the Apostle
every one while still existing
"wherefore God is not ashamed to be
in thisbody should already be aware that he says:
must be committed to that state and ofiice, of called their God for He hath prepared for

which he made himself a sharer and an ad- them a city."" For that they are not idle
herent while in this nor should he doubt after the separation from this body, and are
that in that eternal world he will be partner not incapable of feeling, the parable in the
of him, whose servant and minister he chose gospel shows, which tells us of the beggar
to make himself here according to that saying
Lazarus and Dives clothed in purple, one
of our Lord which says
If any man serve Me, of whom obtained a position of bliss, i.e.,
let him follow Me, and where I am, there shall Abraham's bosom, the other is consumed
" with the dreadful heat of eternal fire." But if
My servant also be. ' For as the kingdom of
the devil is gained by consenting to sin, so you care too to understand the words spoken
the kingdom of God is attained by the practice to the thief "To-day thou shalt be with Me
of virtue in purity of heart and spiritual know- in Paradise,"" what do they clearly show but
But where the kingdom of God is, that not only does their former intelligence
there most certainly eternal life is enjoyed, continue with the souls, but also that in their
and where the kingdom of the devil is, there changed condition they partake of some
without doubt is death and the grave. And state which corresponds to their actions and
the man who is in this condition, cannot deserts ? For the Lord would certainly never
have promised him this, if He had known
praise the Lord, according to the saying of
the prophet which tells us: "The dead cannot that his soul after being separated from the
O flesh would either have been deprived of per-
praise Thee, Lord; neither all they that go
down into the grave (doubtless of sin). But ception or have been resolved into nothing.
we," says he, "who live (not forsooth to sin nor For it was not his flesh but his soul which was
to this world but to God) will bless the Lord, to enter Paradise with Christ. At least we
from this time forth for evermore for in death :

» Ps. cxiii.
17, 18; vi. 6.
" S. Matt. xxii. 31, 3a.

Is. Ix. 17-20. " S. Luke xix. 17, 19. >oI Tim. V. 6.
" Heb. xi. 16.
* Cf. Rom. xiv. 17. • S. Matt. xix. 28. »« Dan. iii. 86 (LXX). »• Cf. S. Luke xvi. 19 tq.
• S.
John xvi. 20. ^ I Cor. XV. 28 " Ps. cl. 6. *' S. Luke xxiiL 43.
* S. Luke vi. 25. * S.
John xii. 36. « Cf. Rev. vi. 9, 10.

must avoid, and shun with the utmost horror, say is true, that he actually wished to depart
that wicked punctuation of the heretics, who, from this flesh; that by separation from it, he
as they do not believe that Christ could be might be able to be joined more earnestly to
found in Paradise on the same day on which the Lordr saying: "I desire to be dissolved
He descended into hell, thus punctuate and to be with Christ, which is far better, for
"Verily, I say unto you to-day," and making while we are in the body we are absent from
a stop apply "thou shall be with Me in Para- the Lord: and therefore "we are bold and
dise," in such a way that they imagine that have our desire always to be absent from the
this promise was not fulfilled at once after he body, and present with the Lord. Wherefore
departed from this life, but that it will be also we strive, whether absent or present, to be
fulfilled after the resurrection,^ as they do not pleasing to Him;"^ and he declares indeed
understand what before the time of His resur- that the continuance of the soul which is in
rection He declared to the Jews, who fancied the flesh is distance from the Lord, and ab-
that He was hampered by human difficulties sence from. Christ, and trusts with entire faith
and weakness of the flesh as they were " No that its separation and departure from this

man hath ascended into heaven, but He who flesh involves presence with Christ. And
came down from heaven, even the Son of man again still more clearly the same Apostle
who is in heaven:" - by which He clearly speaks of this state of the souls as one that is
shows that the souls of the departed are not very full of life: "But ye are come to Mount
only not deprived of their reason, but that Sion, and the city of the living God, the
they are not even without such feelings as heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable
hope and sorrow, joy and fear, and that they company of angels, and the church of the
already are beginning to taste beforehand first born, who are written in heaven, " ®
and the
something of what is reserved for them at the spirits of just men made perfect. Of which
last judgment, and that they are not as some spirits he speaks in another passage, "Further-
unbelievers hold resolved into nothing after more we have had instructors of our flesh, and
their departure from this life: * but that they we reverenced them shall we not much more :

live a more real life, and are still more earnest be subject to the Father of spirits and live ?
" ''

in waiting on the praises of God. And in-

deed to put aside for a little Scripture proofs,
and to discuss, as far as our ability permits CHAPTER XV.
us, a little about the nature of the soul itself,
is it not beyond the bounds of I will not say How we must meditate on God.
the folly, but the madness of all stupidity,
even to have the slightest suspicion that the But the contemplation of God is gained in
nobler part of man, in which as the blessed a variety of ways. For we not only discover
Apostle shows, the image and likeness of God God by admiring His incomprehensible es-
consists,* will, when the burden of the body sence, a thing which still lies hid in the hope
with which it is oppressed in this world is laid of the promise, but we see Him through the
aside, become insensible, when, as it contains greatness of His creation, and the considera-
in itself all the power of reason, it makes the tion of His justice, and the aid of His daily
dumb and senseless material flesh sensible, by providence: when with pure minds we con-
participation with it: especially when it fol- template what He has done with His saints
lows, and the order of reason itself demands in every generation, when with trembling
that when the mind has put off the grossness of heart we admire His power with which He
the flesh with which it is now weighed down, governs, directs, and rules all things, or the
it will restore its intellectual powers better vastness of His knowledge, and that eye of
than ever, and receive them in a purer and finer His from which no secrets of the heart can
condition than it lost them. But so far did lie hid, when we consider the sand of the sea,
the blessed Apostle recognize that what we and the number of the waves measured by
Him and known to Him, when in our wonder
1 The
punctuation which Cassian here mentions only to reject, we think that the drops of rain, the
and which is rightly characterized by Alford as worse than silly,"
days and
is also mentioned by Theophylact. Com. in loc. hours of the ages, and all things past and
2 S.
John iii. 13.
" " future are present to His knowledge; when
Augustine (De Hseres. c. lix.) speaks of Seleuciani or "Her-
miani " as denying a visible Paradise, and a future resurrection; we gaze in unbounded admiration on that

and again in c. Ixxxiii. he speaks of some Arabian heretics, as teach-

ing that the soul died and was dissolved (dissolvi) with the body,
ineffable mercy of His, which with unwearied
and that it would at the end of the world be revived and rise again.
These were the heretics o£ whom Eusebius speaks in his Eccl. patience endures countless sins which are
History Book VI. c. xxxvii., where he tells us that they were suc-
cessfully refuted by Origen. It is probably to this last error that Phil. i. 23 ; 2 Cor. v. 6.
Cassian is here making allusion. « Heb. xii. 22, J3.
* Col. ^
Cf. I Cor. xi. 7 ; iii. 10. Ibid., ver. 9.

every moment being committed under His who strive to instil them into us, else there
very eyes, or the call with which from no would not remain any free will in man, nor
antecedent merits of ours, but by the free would efforts for our improvement be in our
grace of His pity He receives us; or again power: but it is, I say, to a great extent in
the numberless opportunities of salvation our power to improve the character of our
which He grants to those whom He is going thoughts and to let either holy and spiritual
to adopt —
that He made us be born in such a thoughts or earthly ones grow up in our
way as that from our very cradles His grace hearts. For for this purpose frequent read-
and the knowledge of His law might be given ing and continual meditation on the Scriptures
to us, that He Himself, overcoming our en- is employed that from thence an opportunity
emy in us simply for the pleasure of His for spiritual recollection may be given to us,
good will, rewards us with eternal bliss and therefore the frequent singing of Psalms is
everlasting rewards, when lastly He undertook used, that thence constant feelings of com-
the dispensation of His Incarnation for our punction may be provided, and earnest vigils
salvation, and extended the marvels of His and fasts and prayers, that the mind may
sacraments ^ to all nations. But there are be brought low and not mind earthly things,
numberless other considerations of this sort, but contemplate things celestial, for if these
which arise in our minds according to the things are dropped and carelessness creeps on
character of our life and the purity of our us, the mind being hardened with the foulness
heart, by which God is either seen by pure of sin is sure to incline in a carnal direction
eyes or embraced: which considerations cer- and fall away.
tainly no one will preserve lastingly, if any-
thing of carnal affections still survives in him,
because "thou canst not,'' saith the Lord,
"see Myface: for no man shall see Me and CHAPTER XVIII.
live;"^ viz., to this world and to earthly
affections. Comparison of a soul and a millstone.

And this movement of the heart is not un-

CHAPTER XVI, suitably illustrated by the comparison of a mill
wheel, which the headlong rush of water whirls
A question on the changing character of the thoughts. round, with revolving impetus, and which can
never stop its work so long as it is driven
Germanus. How is it then, that even round by the action of the water: but it is in
against our will, aye and without our know- the power of the man who directs it, to de-
ledge idle thoughts steal upon us so subtilely cide whether he will have wheat or barley or
and secretly that it is fearfully hard not darnel ground by it. That certainly must be
merely to drive them away, but even to grasp crushed by it which is put into it by the man
and seize them? Can then a mind sometimes who has charge of that business. So then
be found free from them, and never attacked the mind also through the trials of the present
by illusions of this kind? life is driven about by the torrents of tempta-
tions pouring in upon it from all sides, and
cannot be free from the flow of thoughts:
but the character of the thoughts which it
should either throw off or admit for itself, it
will provide by the efforts of its own earnest-
The answer what the mind can and what it cannot do with
regard to the state of its thoughts. ness and diligence: for if, as we said, we
constantly recur to meditation on the Holy
Moses. It is impossible for the mind not Scriptures and raise our memory towards the
to be approached by thoughts, but it is in the recollection of spiritual things and the desire
power of every earnest man either to admit of perfection and the hope of future bliss,
them or to reject them. As then their rising spiritual thoughts are sure to rise
from this,
up does not entirely depend on ourselves, so and cause the mind to dwell on those things
the rejection or admission of them lies in our on which we have been meditating. But if
own power. But because we said that it is we are overcome by sloth or carelessness and
impossible for the mind not to be approached spend our time in idle gossip, or are entan-
by thoughts, you must not lay everything to gled in the cares of this world and unnecessary
the charge of the assault, or to those spirits anxieties,' the result will be that a sort of spe-
cies of tares will spring up, and afford an in-
' Exod. xxxiii. 20. jurious occupation for our hearts, and as our

Lord and Saviour says, wherever the treasure against Ahab in the third book of Kings, in
of our works or purpose may be, there also our the character of an unclean spirit: "I will go
heart is sure to continue.^ forth and will be a lying spirit in the mouth
of all his prophets." But they arise from
ourselves, when in the course of nature we
recollect what we are doing or have done or
CHAPTER XIX. have heard. Of which the blessed David
I thought upon the ancient days, and
speaks :

Of the three origins of our thoughts. had in mind the years from of old, and I medi-
by night I exercised myself with my
know tated,
Above all we ought and searched out my spirit." " And
at least to that
there are three origins of our thoughts, i.e.,
again: ".the Lord knoweth the thoughts of
from God, from the devil, and from ourselves. man, that are vain
" ^*
and the thoughts ''

they :

They come from God when He vouchsafes of the righteous are judgments. " ^® In the,
to visit us with the illumination of the Holy
gospel too the Lord says to the Pharisees:
" "
Ghost, lifting us up to a higher state of pro- do ye think evil in your hearts?
gress, and where we
have made but little pro- "why
gress, or through acting slothfully
have been
overcome. He chastens us with most salutary
compunction, or when He discloses to us
heavenly mysteries, or turns our purpose and About discerning the thoughts, with an illustration from a
will to better actions, as in the case where good money-changer.
the king Ahasuerus, being chastened by the
Lord, was prompted to ask for the books of We
ought then carefully to notice this
the annals, by which he was reminded of the threefold order, and with a wise discretion to
good deeds of Mordecai, and promoted him analyse the thoughts which arise in our
to a position of the highest honour and at hearts, tracking out their origin and cause
once recalled his most cruel sentence con- and author in the first instance, that we may
cerning the slaughter of the Jews.*^ Or when be able to consider how we ought to yield
" I will hearken what the
the prophet says: ourselves to them in accordance with the
" ^ Another too tells
Lord God will say in me. desert of those who suggest them, so that we
" * or
us "And an angel spoke, and said in me, may, as the Lord's command bids us, become
when the Son of God promised that He would good money-changers,^* whose highest skill and
come with His Father, and make His abode whose training is to test what is perfectly pure
in us,^ and "It is not ye that speak, but the gold and what is commonly termed tested,
® ' '

Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. what is not sufficiently purified in the fire; and
And the chosen vessel: " Ye seek a proof of also with unerring skill not to be taken in by
Christ that speaketh in me.'" But a whole a common brass denarius, if by being coloured
range of thoughts springs from the devil, with bright gold it is made like some coin of
when he endeavours to destroy us either by the great value and not only shrewdlj' to recog- ;

pleasures of sin or by secret attacks, in his nize coins stamped with the heads of usurpers,
evil as but with a still shrewder skill to detect those
crafty wiles deceitfully showing us
good, and transforming himself into an angel which have the image of the right king, but
of light to us:* as when the evangelist tells are not properly made, and lastly to be care-
us: "And when supper was ended, when ful by the test of the balance to see that they
the devil had already put it into the heart of are not under proper weight. All of which
" ^
Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray the
' '
Lord and again also after the sop, he says,

" Satan entered into him." ^° Peter also

18 I
' '

Kings xxii. 22.

" Ps. Ixxvi. (Ixxvii.) 6, 7. Scobebam (which Petschenig edits ... ,.

" from the MSB.) = scopebam, which is found in the Galilean Psalter
to Ananias: Why hath Satan "tempted thine
" And that as in the old Latin in this passage. It is merely a Latinized form

heart, to lie to the Holy Ghost ? of OKOTtfiv.

1' Ps. xciii.
(xciv.) 11.
which we read in the gospel much earlier as 16 Prov. xii.
" of
" S. Matt. ix.5. 4. ..,,.,.,
predicted by Ecclesiastes If the spirit :
>' Ut
efficiamur secundum prceceptum probabiles ira-
the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy peztioe. The saying to which Cassian here alludes, yiv^aee " isrpan-tf
not found in the Gospels, but the most
That too which is said to God &6K11X01,
is anywhere
of all Apocryphal sayings, and seems
to be
genuine." Westcott, Introd. to the Gospels, p. 454- It >s quoted
among others by Origen in Joann. xix., and Jerome Ep. 152. See
Cf. S. Matt. vi. 21. ' 2 Cor. xiii. 3. these and other reff. in Anger's Synopsis, p. 274; and cf. the note
2 Cf. Esth. vi. I sq. ' Cf. 2 Cor. xi. 4. of Gazaeus here.
s * »» Obrizum. The word occurs in the Vulgate five times for pure
Ps. Ixxxiv. (Ixxxv.) g. S. John xiii. 2.
Isa. xiii. 12;
* Zech. i. 14.
Ibid., ver. 27. gold." See 2 Chr. iii. 5 Job xxviii. 15; xxxi. 24;

» Cf. S.
John xiv. 23. '^ Acts V. 3. Dan. X. 5 ; and is akin to the Greek o^pvC^ov. Cf Pliny Nat. Hist,

• S. Matt. X. 20. " Eccl. X. 4. xxxiii. c. 3, and Jerome De Nom. Hebr. s. v. Ophaz.

things the gospel saying, which uses this either by immoderate or impossible fasts, or
figure, shows us that we ought also to observe by too long vigils, or inordinate prayers, or
spiritually; first that whatever has found an unsuitable reading, brings us to a bad end.
entrance into our hearts, and whatever doc- Or, when l^e persuades us to give ourselves up
trine has been received by us, should be most to mixing in the affairs of others, and to pious
carefully examined to see whether it has been visits, by which he may drive us away from
purified by the divine and heavenly fire of the the spiritual cloisters of the monastery, and
Holy Ghost, or whether it belongs to Jewish the secrecy of its friendly peaceful ness, and
superstition, or whether it comes from the suggests that we take on our shoulders the
pride of a worldly philosophy and only exter- anxieties and cares of religious women who
nally makes a show of religion. And this we are in want, that when a monk is inextricably
can do, if we carry out the Apostle's advice, entangled in snares of this sort he may dis-
" Believe not
every spirit, but prove the spirits tract him with most injurious occupations and
whether they are of God. " ^ But by this kind cares. Or else when he incites a man to desire
those men also are deceived, who after having the holy ofiice of the clergy under the pretext
been professed as monks are enticed by the of edifying many people, and the love of
grace of style, and certain doctrines of phi- spiritual gain, by which to draw us away from
losophers, which at the first blush, owing to the humility and strictness of our life. All
some pious meanings not out of harmony with of which things, although they are opposed
religion, deceive as with the glitter of gold to our salvation and to our profession, yet
their hearers, whom they have superficially when covered with a sort of veil of compassion
attracted, but render them poor and miserable and religion, easily deceive those who are
for ever, like men deceived by false money lacking in skill and care. For they imitate
made of copper: either bringing them back the coins of the true king, because they seem
to the bustle of this world, or enticing them at first full of piety, but are not stamped by
into the errors of heretics, and bombastic con- those who have the right to coin, i.e., the ap-
ceits: a thing which we read of as happening proved Catholic fathers, nor do they proceed
to Achan in the book of Joshua the son of from the head public office for receiving
Nun,* when he coveted a golden weight from them, but are made by stealth and by the
the camp of the Philistines, and stole it, and fraud of the devil, and palmed off upon the
was smitten with a curse and condemned to unskilful and ignorant not without serious
eternal death. In the second place we should harm. And even although they seem to be
be careful to see that no wrong interpretation useful and needful at first, yet if afterwards
fixed on to the pure gold of Scripture deceives they begin to interfere with the soundness of
us as to the value of the metal by which means our profession, and as it were to weaken in

the devil in his craft tried to impose upon our some sense the whole body of our purpose, it
Lord and Saviour as if He was a mere man, is well that they should be cut off and cast
when by his malevolent interpretation he per- away from us like a member which may be
verted what ought to be understood generally necessary, but yet offends us and which seems
of all good men, and tried to fasten it spe- to perform the office of the right hand or
cially on to Him, who had no need of the care foot. For it is better, without one member
of the angels: saying, ''For He shall give of a command, i.e., its working or result, to
His angels charge concerning Thee, to keep continue safe and sound in other parts, and
Thee in all Thy ways: and in their hands they to enter as weak into the kingdom of heaven
shall bear Thee up, lest at any time Thou rather than with the whole mass of commands
dash Thy foot against a stone," * by a skilful to fall into some error which by an evil cus-
assumption on his part giving a turn to the tom separates us from our strict rule and the
precious sayings of Scripture and twisting system purposed and entered upon, and leads
them into a dangerous sense, the very opposite to such loss, that it will never outweigh the
of their true meaning, so as to offer to us the harm that will follow, but will cause all our
image and face of an usurper under cover of past fruits and the whole body of our work to
the gold colour which may deceive us. Or be burnt in hell fire.* Of which kind of illu-
whether he tries to cheat us with counterfeits, sions it is well said in the Proverbs: ** There
for instance by urging that some work of piety are ways which seem to be right to a man, but
should be taken up which as it does come their latter end will come into the depths of
from the true minds of the fathers, leads under hell, "^ and again "An evil man is harmful
the form of virtue to vice and, deceiving us when he attaches himself to a good man,"®

1 I John iv. I. * Cf. S. Matt, xviii. 8.

S Cf. Josh. vii. 8 Prov xvi. 25 (LXX.).
3 S. Matt. iv. 6; Ps. xc. 11. la. 6 Prov. xi. 15 (LXX.).

i. e. the devil deceives when he is covered with which we have spoken; viz., first that the ma-
an appearance of sanctity but he hates the terial does not escape our notice whether it

sound of the watchman,"^ i.e., the power of be of true or of painted gold secondly, that :

discretion which comes from the words and those thouglits which falsely promise works
of religion should be rejected by us as forged
warnings of the fathers.
and counterfeit coins, as they are those which
are not rightly stamped, and which bear an
CHAPTER XXI. untrue image of the king and that we may

Of the illusion of Abbot John.

be able in the same way to detect those which
in the case of the precious gold of Scripture,
In this manner we have heard that Abbot by means of a false and heretical meaning,
John who lived at Lycon,^ was recently de- show the image not of the true king but of
ceived. For when his body was exhausted an usurper; and that we refuse those whose
and failing as he had put off taking food weight and value the rust of vanity has depreci-
during a fast of two days, on the third ated and not allowed to pass in the scales of
day while he was on his way to take some the fathers, as coins that are too light, and are
refreshment the devil came in the shape of a false and weigh too little; so that we may not
filthy Ethiopian, and falling
at his feet, cried incur that which we are warned by the Lord's
Pardon me because I appointed this labour command to avoid with all our power, and
for you. And so that great man, who was
' '
lose the value and reward of all our labour,
so perfect in the matter of discretion, under- Lay not up for yourselves treasures on the
stood that under pretence of an abstinence earth, where rust and moth corrupt and where
practised unsuitably, he was deceived by the thieves break through and steal." For
craft of the devil, and engaged in a fast of whenever we do anything with a view to
such a character as to affect his worn out body human glory we know that we are, as the
with a weariness that was unnecessary, in- Lord says, laying up for ourselves treasure on
deed that was harmful to the spirit; as he was earth, and that consequently being as it were
deceived by a counterfeit coin, and, while he hidden in the ground and buried in the earth
paid respect to the image of the true king upon it must be destroyed by sundry demons or
it, was not sufficiently alive to the question consumed by the biting rust of vain glory, or
whether it was rightly cut and stamped. But devoured by the moths of pride so as to con-
the last duty of this "good money-changer," tribute nothing to the use and profits of the
which, as we mentioned before, concerns the man who has hidden it. We should then
examination of the weight, will be fulfilled, if constantly search all the inner chambers of
whenever our thoughts suggest that anything our hearts, and trace out the footsteps of
is to be done, we scrupulously think it over, whatever enters into them with the closest in-

and, laying it in the scales of our breast, weigh vestigation lest haply some beast, if I may
it with the most exact balance, whether it be
say so, relating to the understanding, either
full of good for all, or heavy with the fear of lion or dragon, passing through has furtively
God: or entire and sound in meaning; or left the dangerous marks of his track, which
whether it be light with human display or will show to others the way of access into the
some conceit of novelty, or whether the pride secret recesses of the heart, owing to a care-
of foolish vain glory has not diminished or lessness about our thoughts. And so daily and
lessened the weight of its merit. And so hourly turning up the ground of our heart with
straightway weighing them in the public ba- the gospel plough, i.e., the constant recollec-
lance, i.e., testing them by the acts and proofs tion of the Lord's cross, we shall manage to
of the Apostles and Prophets let us hold them stamp out or extirpate from our hearts the lairs
as it were entire and perfect and of full weight, of noxious beasts and the
lurking places of
or else with all care and diligence reject them poisonous serpents.
as imperfect and counterfeit, and of insuffi-
cient weight.
Of the discourse of the teacher in regard to the merits of his
Of the fourfold method of discrimination.

This power of discriminating will then be

At this the old man seeing that we were
for us in the fourfold manner of astonished, and inflamed at the words of his
necessary discourse with an insatiable desire, stopped
1 Prov. xi. 15 (LXX.).
2 On this John of Lycon or Lycopolis see the note on Inst. IV.

3 S. Matt. vi.

his speech for a little in consequence of our that of undue length, by their actions and
admiration and earnestness, and presently deeds destroying the force of the system and
added: Since your zeal, my sons, has led nature which they recommend in word. In
to so long a discussion, and a sort of fire regard then to this most excellent discretion,
supplies keener zest to our conference in on which we still propose to inquire, so far
proportion to your earnestness, as from this as the Lord gives us power, it may in the first
very thing I can clearly see that you are instance be a good thing, when we are dis-
puting about its excellence and the modera-
truly thirsting after teaching about perfection,
I want still to say something to you on the tion which we know exists in it as the first of
excellence of discrimination and grace which virtues, not to allow ourselves to exceed the
rules and holds the field among all virtues, due limit of the discussion and of our time.
and not merely to prove its value and use- And so with this the blessed Moses put a
fulness by daily instances of it, but also stop to our talk, and urged us, eager though
from former deliberations and opinions of the we were and hanging on his lips, to go ofif to
fathers. For I remember that frequently bed for a little, advising us to lie down on the
when men were asking me with sighs and same mats on which we were sitting, and to
tears for a discourse of this kind, and I my- put our bundles under our heads instead of
self was anxious to give them some teaching pillows, as these being tied evenly to thicker
I could not possibly manage it, and not merely leaves of papyrus collected in long and slen-

my thoughts but even my very power of speech der bundles, six feet apart, at one time pro-
failed me so that I could not find how to send vide the brethren when sitting at service with
them away with even some slight consolation. a very low seat instead of a footstool, at
And by these signs we clearly see that the another time being put under their necks
grace of the Lord inspires the speakers with when they go to bed furnish a support for
words according to the deserts and zeal of the their heads, that is not too hard, but comfort-
hearers. And because the very short night able and just right. For which uses of the
which is before us does not allow me to finish monks these things are considered especially
the discourse, let us the rather give it up to fit and suitable not only because they are
bodily rest, in which the whole of it will have somewhat soft, and prepared at little cost of
to be spent, if a reasonable portion is refused, money and labour, as the papyrus grows
and let us reserve the complete scheme of the everywhere along the banks of the Nile, but
discourse for unbroken consideration on a also because they are of a convenient stuff
future day or night. For it is right for the and light enough to be removed or fetched as
best counsellors on discretion to show the need may require. And so at last at the
diligence of their minds in the first place in bidding of the old man we settled ourselves
this, and to prove whether they are or can be down to sleep in deep stillness, both excited
possessors of it by this evidence and patience, with delight at the conference we had held,
so that in treating of that virtue which is the and also buoyed up with hope of the prom-
mother of moderation they may by no means ised discussion.
fall into the vice which is opposite to it; viz.,


CHAPTER I. me too a greater anxiety presses when I take
note of your zeal. For I must give the greater
Abbot Moses' introduction on the grace of discretion. care and devotion in paying my debt, in pro-
And so when we had enjoyed our morning portion as I see that you ask for it the more
to that saying: "When
sleep,when to our delight the dawn of light earnestly, according
thou sittest to eat with a ruler consider dili-
again shone upon us, and we had begun to what is before thee, and forth
ask once more for his promised talk, the gently put put
thine hand, knowing that thou oughtest to pre-
blessed Moses thus began As I see you in-
" ^ Wherefore as we are
such things. going
flamed with such an eager desire, that I do not pare
believe that that very short interval of. quiet
1 Embrimium. The word is
possibly of Egyptian origin. It occurs
which I wanted to subtract from our spiritual also in Cyril in Vita S. Euthymii Abbati, n. 90, and in Apophthegm,
conference and devote to bodily rest, has been Patriim num. 7, and is nossibly the same word as Ebymium," which
occurs in the Rule of Pachoniius, c. xiv. See Ducange, sui voce.
of any use for the repose of your bodies, on ' Prov. xxiii. i, 2 (LXX.).

tospeak of the excellent quality of discretion forward on a sure and right path, and with
and the virtueof it, on which subject our dis- firm step to the heights of perfection. And
course of last night had entered at the ter- when each one gave his opinion according
mination of our discussion, we think it to the bent of his own mind, and some made
desirable first to establish its excellence by it consist in zeal in fasting and vigils, be-
the opinions of the fathers, that when it has cause a soul that has been brought low by
been shown what our predecessors thought these, and so obtained purity of heart and
and said about it, then we may bring forward body will be the more easily united to God,
some ancient and modern shipwrecks and others in despising all things, as, if the mind
mischances of various people, who were were utterly deprived of them, it would come
destroyed and hopelessly ruined because the more freely to God, as if henceforth there
they paid but little attention to it, and then were no snares to entangle it: others thought
as well as we can we must treat of its advan- that withdrawal from the world was the
tages and uses after a discussion of which we thing needful, i.e., solitude and the secrecy

shall know better how we ought to seek after of the hermit's life; living in which a man
it and practise it,
by the consideration of the may more readily commune with God, and
importance of its value and grace. For it is cling more especially to Him; others laid
no ordinary virtue nor one which can be freely down that the duties of charity, i.e., of kind-
•gained by merely human efforts, unless they ness should be practised, because the Lord in
are aided by the Divine blessing, for we read the gospel promised more especially to give
that this is also reckoned among the noblest the kingdom to these; when He said "Come
gifts of the Spirit by the Apostle: *'To one is ye blessed of My Father, inherit the king-
given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to dom prepared for you from the foundation of
another the word of knowledge by the same the world. For I was an hungred and ye
Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, gave Me to eat, I was thirsty and ye gave Me
to another the gift of healing by the same to drink, etc.
" * and when in
: this fashion they
" to another the dis- declared that
Spirit," and shortly after, by means of different virtues a
cerning of spirits." Then after the complete more certain approach to God could be se-
catalogue of spiritual gifts he subjoins: "But cured, and the greater part of the night had
all these worketh one and the selfsame been spent in this discussion, then at last the
Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He blessed Antony spoke and said: All these
will." ^ You see then that the gift of discre- things which you have mentioned are indeed
tion is no earthly thing and no slight matter, needful, and helpful to those who are thirsting
but the greatest prize of divine grace. And for God, and desirous to approach Him. But
unless a monk has pursued it with all zeal, countless accidents and the experience of
and secured a power of discerning with unerr- many people will not allow us to make the
ing judgment the spirits that rise up in him, most important of gifts consist in them. For
he is sure to go wrong, as if in the darkness often when men are most strict in fasting or in
of night and dense blackness, and not merely vigils, and
nobly withdraw into solitude, and
to fall down dangerous pits and precipices, aim at depriving themselves of all their
but also to make frequent mistakes in matters so absolutely that they do not suffer even a
that are plain and straightforward. day's allowance of food or a single penny to
remain to them, and when they fulfil all the
duties of kindness with the utmost devotion,
II. yet still we have seen them suddenly de-
ceived, so that they could not bring the work
What discretion alone can give a monk and a discourse of the ;
had entered upon to a suitable close, but
blessed Antony on this subject. they
brought their exalted fervour and praise-
And so I remember that while I was still worthy manner of life to a terrible end.
a boy, in the region of Thebaid, where the Wherefore we shall be able clearly to recog-
blessed Antony lived,^ the elders came to nize what it is which mainly leads to God, if
him to inquire about perfection and though we trace out with greater care the reason of

the conference lasted from evening till morn- their downfall and deception. For when the
the of the was taken
works of the above mentioned virtues were
ing, greatest part night
in them, discretion alone was

up with this question. For it was discussed at abounding
and allowed them not to continue
great length what virtue or observance could wanting,
even to the end. Nor can any other reason
preserve a monk always unharmed by the
for their falling off be discovered except that
snares and deceits of the devil, and carry him

1 Cor. 8-1 2 C£. the note on the

I xii. 1.
Institutes, V. iv. 3 S. Matt. XXV.
36, 35.

as they were not sufficiently instructed by splendid victory which had been granted to
their elders they could not obtain judgment him by the favour of God to fancy that mercy
and discretion, which passing by excess on on his part was better than the stem execution
either side, teaches a monk always to walk of the divine command, and, as it seemed to
along the royal road, and does not suffer him him, a cruel rule and moved by this consid-

to be puffed up on the right hand of virtue, i. e. , eration, while he desired totemper a bloody
from excess of zeal to transgress the bounds victory with mercy, hewas on account of his
of due moderation in foolish presumption, indiscriminating clemency rendered full of
nor allows him to be enamoured of slackness darkness in his whole body, and condemned
and turn aside to the vices on the left hand, irreversibly to death.*
i.e., under pretext of controlling the body, to

grow slack with the opposite spirit of luke-

warmness. For this is discretion, which is CHAPTER IV.
termed in the gospel the "eye," "and light of
the body," according to the Saviour's saying: \Vhat said of the value of discretion in
is Holy Scripture.
"The light of thy body is thine eye: but if
thine eye be single, thy whole body will be
Such is discretion, which is not only the
full of light, but if thine eye be evil, thy "
whole body will be full of darkness:"* be- "lightof the body, but also called the sun by
the Apostle, as it said "Let not the sun go
cause as it discerns all the thoughts and ac-
down upon your wrath. "* It is also called
tions of men, it sees and overlooks all things
the guidance of our life: as it said "Those
which should be done. But if in any man
who have no guidance, fall like leaves." • It
this is "evil," i.e., not fortified
by sound is most truly named counsel, without which
judgment and knowledge, or deceived by the authority of Scripture allows us to do
some error and presumption, it will make our
whole body "full of darkness," i.e., it will nothing, so that we are not even permitted to
take that spiritual "wine which maketh glad
darken all our mental vision and our actions,
the heart of man" without its regulating con-

as they will be involved in the darkness of

trol as it is said
: Do everything with counsel,
' *

vices and the gloom of disturbances. For, *

drinkthy wine with counsel," and again "like
says He, "if the light which is in thee "be a city that has its walls destroyed and is not
darkness, how great will that darkness be! fenced in, so is a man who does anything with-
For no one can doubt that when the judgment
out counsel. "' And how injurious the absence
of our heart goes wrong, and is overwhelmed
of this is to a monk, the illustration and
by the night of ignorance, our thoughts and
figure in the passage quoted shows, by com-
deeds, which are the result of deliberation
and discretion, must be involved in the dark- paring it to a city that is destroyed and without
walls. Herein lies wisdom, herein lies in-,
ness of still greater sins.
telligenceand understanding without which
our inward house cannot be built, nor can
spiritual riches be gathered together, as it is
CHAPTER ni. said: "A house is built with wisdom, and
again it is set up with intelligence. With un-
Of the error of Saul and of Ahab, by which they were deceived with
through lack of discretion.
derstanding the storehouses are filled " " This
all precious riches and good things.
I say is "solid food," which can only be taken
Lastly, the man who
in the judgment of
God was the to be
worthy of the kingdom
first by those"who are full grown and strong, as it
of His people Israel, because he was lacking in is said :But solid food is for full grown men,
this "eye
of discretion, was, as if his whole who by reason of use have their senses exer-
cised to discern good and evil."" And it
body were full of darkness, actually cast
down from the kingdom while, being deceived is shown to be useful and necessary for us,
" in so far as it is in accordance with the
by the darkness of this light," and in error, only
he imagined that his own offerings were more word of God and its powers, as is said "For
to God than obedience to the the \^ord of God is quick and powerful, and
command of Samuel, and met with an occa- sharper than any two-edged sword, and reach-
sion of falling in that very matter in which ing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and
he had to the Divine Ma- spirit, of both joints
and marrow, and a dis-
hoped propitiate
And ignorance, I say, of this discretion
led Ahab the king of Israel after a triumph and * Cf. I Kings XX. 8 Prov. xxxi. 3
5 Eph. iv. 26. » Prov. XXV. 28 (LXXA
6 Prov. xi. 14 (LXX.). 10 J'rov. xxiv. 3, 4 (LXX.).
* S. Matt. vi. 22, 13. * S. Matt. vi. 22, 23. * Cf. 1 Sam. zv. 1 Ps. ciii. (civ.) 15. 11 Heb. V. 14.

cerner of the thoughts and intents of the obeyed his commands and cast himself down
heart: "^ and by this it is clearly shown that a well, so deep that the eye could not pierce
no virtue can possibly be perfectly acquired or its depths, nothing doubting of the promise of

continue without the grace of discretion. And the angel who had assured him that the merits
so by the judgment of the blessed Antony as of his virtues and labours were such that he
well as of all others it has been laid down thatcould not possibly run any risk. And that he
it is discretion which leads a fearless monk by might prove the truth of this most certainly
fixed stages to God, and preserves the virtues by experimenting on his own safety, in the
mentioned above continually intact, by means dead of night he was deluded enough to cast
of which one may ascend with less weariness himself into the above mentioned well, to
to the extreme summit of perfection, and prove indeed the great merit of his virtue if
without which even those who toil most will- he should come out thence unhurt. And when
ingly cannot reach the heights of perfection. by great efforts on the part of the brethren he
For discretion is the mother of all virtues, as had been got out already almost dead, on the
well as their guardian and regulator. third day afterward he expired, and what was
worse, persisted in his obstinate delusion
so that not even the experience of his death
CHAPTER V. could persuade him that he had been deceived
by the craft of devils. Wherefore in spite of
Of the death of the old man Heron. the merits of his great labours and the number
of years which he had spent in the desert
And to support this judgment delivered those who with compassion and the greatest
of old by the blessed Antony and the other kindness pitied his end, could hardly obtain
fathers by a modern instance, as we promised from Abbot Paphnutius ^ that he should not be
to do, remember what you lately saw happen reckoned among suicides, and be deemed un-
before your very eyes, I mean, how the old worthy of the memorial and oblation for those
man Heron, ^ only a very few days ago was at rest*
cast down by an illusion of the devil from
the heights to the depths, a man whom we
remember to have lived for fifty years in this

desert and to have preserved a strict conti- Of the destruction of two brethren for lack of discretion.
nence with especial severity, and who aimed at
the secrecy of solitude with marvellous fer- What shall I say of those two brethren who
vour beyond all those who dwell here. By lived beyond that desert of the Thebaiid where
what device then or by what method was he once the blessed Antony dwelt, and, not being
deluded by the deceiver after so many labours,
sufficiently influenced by careful discrimina-
and falling by a most grievous downfall struck tion, when they were going through the vast
with profound grief all those who live in this and extended waste determined not to take
desert ? Was it not because, having too little any food with them, except such as the Lord
of the virtue of discretion he preferred to Himself might provide for them. And when
be guided by his own judgment rather than as they wandered through the deserts and were
to obey the counsels and conference of the
already fainting from hunger they were spied
brethren and the regulations of the elders? at a distance by the Mazices *
(a race which
Since he ever practised incessant abstinence is even more
savage and ferocious than almost
and fasting with such severity, and persisted all wild tribes, for
they are not driven to shed
in the secrecy of solitude and a monastic cell
blood, as other tribes are, from desire of spoil
so constantly that not even the observance of but from simple ferocity of mind), and when
the Easter festival could ever persuade him these acting contrary to their natural ferocity,
to join in the feast with the brethren: when met them with bread, one of the two as dis-
in accordance with the annual observance, all cretion came to his aid, received it with de-
the brethren remained in the church and he
light and thankfulness as if it were offered
alone would not join them for fear lest he to him by the Lord,
thinking that the food
might seem to relax in some degree from his
purpose by taking only a little pulse. And ^
On Paphnutius see the note on III. i.
deceived by this presumption he received with 4
Pausantium, i.e., those at rest. The word is used for the
the utmost reverence an departed in a similar way in the 6th Canon of the Council of Au-
angel of Satan as relia (Orleans) a.d. 511. " Quando recitaiitur pausantium nomina."
an angel of light and with blind slavishness And the phrase " Pausat in pace " is occasionally found in sepul-
chral inscriptions. Inscr. Boldetti Cimeter. p. 399; Inscr. Ma£E.
Gall. Antiq. p. 55.
Heb. iv. 12. •'
Mazicesa people of Mauritania Caesariensis, who joined in
Gazasus thinks that this is a different person from the man of the revolt of Firmus, but submitted to Theodosius in
373. See
the same name mentioned by Palladius, Hist. Laus. c. xxxii. Ammianns Marcellinus XXIX. v. § 17.

had been divinely provided for him, and that which he had surpassed all those Avho dwelt
it was God's doing that those who always de- in the same parts, he actually relapsed mis-

lighted in bloodshed had offered the staff of erably into Judaism and circumcision of the
life to men who were already fainting and flesh. For when the devil by accustoming
dying; but the other refused the food because him to visions through the wish to entice him
it was offered to him by men and died of star- to believe a falsehood in the end, had like a
vation. And though this sprang in the first messenger of truth revealed to him for a long
instance from a persuasion that was blame- while what was perfectly true, at length he
worthy yet one of them by the help of discre- showed him Christian folk together with the
tion got the better of the idea which he had leaders of our religion and creed viz. Apostles ;

rashly and carelessly conceived, but the other and Martyrs, in darkness and filth, and foul
persisting in his obstinate folly, and being and disfigured with all squalor, and on the
utterly lacking in discretion, brought upon other hand the Jewish people with Moses, the
himself that death which the Lord would have patriarchs and prophets, dancing with all joy
averted, as he would not believe that it was and shining with dazzling light; and so per-
owing to a Divine impulse that the fierce suaded him that if he wanted to share their
barbarians forgot their natural ferocity and reward and bliss, he must at once submit to
offered them bread instead of a sword. circumcision. And so none of these would
have been so miserably deceived, if they had
endeavoured tc obtain a power of discretion.
CHAPTER VII. Thus the mischances and trials of many show
how dangerous it is to be without the grace
Of an illusion into which another fell for lack of discretion. of discretion.

Why also should I speak of one (whose CHAPTER IX.

name we had rather not mention as he is still
alive), who for a long while received a devil
A question about the acquirement of true discretion.
in the brightness ofan angelic form, and was
often deceived by countless revelations from To this Germanus: It has been fully and
him and believed that he was a messenger of completely shown both by recent instances
and by the decisions of the ancients how dis-
righteousness: for when these were granted,
cretion is in some sense the fountain head and
every night he provided a light in his cell
without the need of any lamp. At last he the root of all virtues. We want then to
was ordered by the devil to offer up to God learn how it ought to be gained, or how we
his own son who was living with him in the can tell whether it is genuine and from God,
or whether it is spurious and from the devil
monastery, in order that his merits might by

this sacrifice be made equal to those of the so that (to use the figure of that gospel parable
And he was so far se- which you discussed on a former occasion, in
patriarch Abraham.
duced by his persuasion that he would really which we are bidden to become good money
have committed the murder unless his son changers *) we may be able to see the figure
had seen him getting ready the knife and of the true king stamped on the coin and to de-
tect what is not .stamped on coin that is current,
sharpening it with unusual care, and looking
for the chains with which he meant to tie him and that, as you said in yesterday's talk using
an ordinary expression, we may reject it as
up for the sacrifice when he was going to offer
him up; and had fled away in terror with a counterfeit, under the teaching of that skill
which you treated of with sufficient fulness and
presentiment of the coming crime.
detail, and showed ought to belong to the
man who is spiritually a good money changer
of the gospel. For of what good will it be to
have recognized the value of that virtue and
Of the fall and deception of a monk of Mesopotamia. grace if we do not know how to seek for it
and to gain it ?

It is a long business too to tell the story of

the deception of that monk of Mesopotamia, X. CHAPTER
who observed an abstinence that could be
imitated by but few in that country, which he The answer how true discretion may be gained.
had practised for many years concealed in his
cell, and at last was so deceived by revela-
Then Moses: True discretion, said he, is
tions and dreams that came from the devil only secured by true humility. And of this
that after so many labours and good deeds, in >
Cf. I. XX.

humility the first proof is given by reserving day this most heavy task required of me, so
everything (not only what you do but also
what to speak, by Pharaoh's taskmasters, instead
you think), for the scrutiny of the elders, so of bricks, and could not escape from this cruel
J as not to trust at all in your own judgment tyranny, and yet was ashamed to disclose the
but to acquiesce in their decisions in all I
secret theft to the old man, it chanced by the
what ought to be will of God that I was delivered from the yoke
points, and to acknowledge I

considered good or bad by their traditions.^ of this voluntary captivity, when certain

And this habit will not only teach a young brethren had sought the old man's cell with
man to walk in the right path through the I
the object of being instructed by him. And
true way of discretion, but will also keep him when after supper the spiritual conference had
unhurt by all the crafts and deceits of the begun to be held, and the old man in answer
enemy. For a man cannot possibly be de- j
to the questions which they had propounded
ceived, who lives notby his own judgment but was speaking about the sin of gluttony and
according to the example of the elders, nor j
the dominion of secret thoughts, and showing
will our crafty foe be able to abuse the igno- their nature and the awful power which they

rance of one who is not accustomed from j

have so long as they are kept secret, I was
false modesty to conceal all the thoughts overcome by the power of the discourse and
which rise in his heart, but either checks was conscience stricken and terrified, as I
them or suffers them to remain, in accordance thought that these things were mentioned by
with the ripened judgment of the elders. For him because the Lord had revealed to the old
a wrong thought is enfeebled at the moment man my bosom secrets and first I was moved

that it is discovered: and even before the to secret sighs, and then my heart's compunc-
sentence of discretion has been given, the tion increased and I openly burst into sobs
foul serpent is by the power of confession and tears, and produced from the folds of my
dragged out, so to speak, from his dark dress which shared my theft and received it,
under-ground cavern, and in some sense shown the biscuit which I had carried off in my bad
up and sent away in disgrace. For evil habit to eat on the sly; and I laid it in the
thoughts will hold sway in us just so long as midst and lying on the ground and begging
they are hidden in the heart and that you
: for forgiveness confessed how I used to eat
may gather still more effectually the power of one every day in secret, and with copious
this judgment I will tell you what Abbot tears implored them to intreat the Lord to
Serapion did,^ and what he used often to tell free me from this dreadful Then
" slavery.
to the younger brethren for their edification. the old man : Have faith, said he,
my child,
"Without any words of mine, your confession
frees you from this slavery. For you have
CHAPTER XI. today triumphed over your victorious adver-
sary, by laying him low by your confession in
The words of Abbot Serapion on the decline of thoughts that a manner which more than makes
are exposed to others, and also on the danger of self-con- up for the
fidence. way in which you were overthrown by him
through your former silence, as when, never
While, said he, I was still a lad, and stop- confuting him with your own answer or that
ping with Abbot Theonas,* this habit was of another, you had allowed him to lord it
forced upon me by the assaults of the over you, according to that saying of Solo-
that after I had supped with the old man at mon's 'Because sentence is not speedily

the ninth hour, I used every

day secretly to pronounced against the evil, the heart of the
hide a biscuit in my dress, which I would eat children of men is full within them to do
* '
on the sly later on without his knowing it. evil : and therefore after this exposure of
And though I was constantly guilty of the him that evil spirit will no longer be able
theft with the consent of
my will, and the want to vex you, nor will that foul serpent hence-
of restraint that springs from desire that has forth make his lurking place in you, as he has
grown inveterate, yet when my unlawful de- been..> dragged out into light from the dark-
sire was gratified I would come to ness by your life-giving confession." The old
myself and
torment myself over the theft committed in a man had not finished speaking when lo! a
way that overbalanced the pleasure I had en- burning lamp proceeding from the folds of
joyed in the eating. And when I was forced my dress filled the cell with a sulphureous
not without grief of heart to fulfil smell so that the pungency of the odour scarcely
day after
allowed us to stay there: and the old man
* Cf. what
is said on this
subject in the Institutes, Book IV. c. ix. resuming his admonition said Lo! the Lord
Probablythe author of Conference V., where see the note on
' See the note on Conf. xxi. i. * Eccl. viii. II

has visibly confirmed to you the truth of foes, but invisible and cruel ones, and a
my words, so that you can see with your eyes spiritual combat not against one or two only,
how he who was the author of His Passion but against countless hosts, failure in which is
has been driven out from your heart by your the more dangerous to all, in proportion as
life-giving confession, and know that the the foe is the fiercer and the attack the more
enemy who has been exposed will certainly secret. And therefore we should always fol-
no longer find a home in you, as his expulsion low the footsteps of the Elders with the utmost
is made manifest. And so, as the old man care, and bring to them everything which
declared, said he, the sway of that diabolical rises in our hearts, by removing the veil of
tyranny over me has been destroyed by the shame.
power of this confession and stilled for ever,
so that the enemy has never even tried to CHAPTER XII.
force upon me any more the recollection of
this desire, nor have I ever felt myself seized A confession of the modesty which made us ashamed to reveal
• our thoughts to the elders.
with the passion of that furtive longing. And
this meaning we see is neatly expressed in
Germanus: The ground of that hurtful
a figure in Ecclesiastes. "If" says he '*a
modesty, through which we endeavour to hide
serpent bite without hissing there is no suffi- bad thoughts, is especially owing to this
ciency for the charmer,"^ showing that the
bite of a serpent in silence is dangerous, i.e.,
reason; viz., that we have heard of a superior
of the Elders in the region of Syria, as it was
if a suggestion or thought springing from the
believed, who, when one of the brethi'en had
devil is not by means of confession shown to
laid bare his thoughts to him in a genuine
some charmer, I mean some spiritually minded
confession, was afterwards extremely indig-
person who knows how to heal the wound at nant and severely chid him for them. Whence
once by charms from the Scripture, and to
it results that while we
press them upon our-
Qxtract the deadly poison of the serpent from
selves and are ashamed to make them known
the heart, it will be impossible to help the
to the Elders, we cannot obtain the remedies
sufferer who is already in danger and must that would heal them.
soon die. this way therefore we shall
easily arrive at the knowledge of true dis-
cretion, so as by following the steps of the
Elders never to do anything novel nor to
decide anything by or on our own responsibil- The answer
concerning the trampling down of shame, and the
ity, but to walk in all things as we are taught danger of one without contrition.
by their tradition and upright life. And the
man who is strengthened by this system will Moses: Just as all young men are not alike
not only arrive at the perfect method of dis- in fervour of spirit nor equally instructed in
cretion, but also will remain perfectly safe learning and good morals, so too we cannot find
from all the wiles of the enemy: for by no that all old men are equally perfect and ex-
other fault does the devil drag down a monk cellent. For the true riches of old men are
so precipitately and lead him away to death, not to be measured by grey hairs but by their
as when he persuades him to despise the diligence in youth and the rewards of their past
counsel of the Elders and to rely on his own labours. "For," says one, ''the things that
opinion and judgment: for if all the arts and thou hast not gathered in thy youth, how shalt
contrivances discovered by man's ingenuity thou find them in thy old age
" " For ven- .-•

and those which are only useful for the con- erable old age is not that of long time, nor
veniences of this temporary life, though they counted by the number of years but the un- :

can be felt with the hand and seen with derstanding of a man is grey hairs, and a
the eye, can yet not be understood by anyone spotless life is old age." ^ And therefore we
without lessons from a teacher, how foolish are not to follow in the steps or embrace
it is to
fancy that there is no need of 4in in- the traditions and advice of every old man
structor in this one alone which is invisible whose head is covered with grey hairs, and
and secret and can only be seen by the purest whose age is his sole claim to respect, but
heart, a mistake in which brings about no mere only of those whom we find to have distin-
temporary loss or one that can easily be re- guished themselves in youth in an approved
paired, but the destruction of the soul and and praiseworthy manner, and to have been
everlasting death: for it is concerned with a trained up not on self-assurance but on the
daily and nightly conflict against no visible traditions of the Elders. For there are some,
> Ecd. X. II (LXX.). * Ecdus. XXV. 5 ; Wisdom iv. 8, g.

and unhappily they form the majority, who violence of the assriult which he was secretly

pass their old age

in a lukewarmness which revolving in his heart, asked him the reason
in youth, and in sloth, and of this upset; and when he could not possibly
they contracted
so obtain authority not from the ripeness of answer the old man's gentle inquiry, the
their character but simply from the number latter perceived more and more clearly that
it was not without reason that he wanted to
of their years. Against whom that reproof of
the Lord is specially aimed by the prophet: hide in silence the cause of a gloom so deep
"Strangers have devoured his strength
and that he could not conceal it b) his looks, and
he knew it not: yea, grey hairs also are so began to ask him still more earnestly the
spread about upon him, and he is ignorant
reasons for his hidden grief. And by this
of it.
"^ These men, I are not pointed he was forced to confess thjit he was on his
out as examples to youth from the upright- way to a village to take a wife, and leave the
ness of their lives, nor from the strictness of monastery and return to the world, since, as
their profession, which would be worthy of the old man had told him, he could not be a
praise and imitation, but simply
from the monk, if he was unable to control the desires
number of their years; and so the subtle of the flesh and to cure his passion. And
enemy uses their grey hairs to deceive the then the old
man smoothed him down with
and told him that he him-
younger men, by a wrongful appeal to their kindly consolation,
self was daily tried by the same pricks of
authority, and endeavours in his cunning
craftiness to upset and deceive by their ex- desire and lust, and that therefore he ought
ample those who might have been urged into not to give way to despair, nor be surprised-
the way of perfection by their advice or that at the violence of the attack of which he
of others; and drags them down by means of would get the better not so much by zealous
their teaching and practice either into a bane- efforts, as by the mercy and grace of the Lord ;

ful indifference, or into deadly despair. And and he begged him to put off his intention
as 1 want to give you an instance of this, I just for one day, and having implored him to

will tell you a fact which may. supply us with return to his cell, went as fast as he coulci
some wholesome teaching, without giving the to the monastery of the above mentioned old
name of the actor, lest we might be guilty man — and when he had drawn near to him
of something of the same kind as the man he stretched forth his hands and prayed with
who published abroad the sins of the brother tears, and said "O Lord, who alone art the
which had been disclosed to him. When this righteous judge and unseen Physician of se-
one, who was not the laziest of young men, cret strength and human weakness, turn the
had gone to an old man, whom we know very assault from the young man upon the old
well, for the sake of the profit and health of one, that he may learn to condescend to the
his soul, and had candidly confessed that he weakness of sufferers, and to sympathize even
was troubled by carnal appetites and the in old age with the frailties of youth." And
spirit of fornication, fancying that he would when he had ended his prayer with tears, he
receive from the old man's words consolation sees a filthy Ethiopian standing over against
for his efforts, and a cure for the wounds his cell and aiming fiery darts at him, with
inflicted on him, the old man attacked him which he was straightway wounded, and came
with the bitterest reproaches, and called him out of his cell and ran about hither and thither
a miserable and disgraceful creature, and un- like a lunatic or a drunken man, and going in
worthy of the name of monk, while he could and out could no longer restrain himself in
be affected by a sin and lust of this character, it, but began to hurry off in the same direc-
and instead of helping him so injured him by tion in which the young man had gone. And
his reproaches that he dismissed him from his when Abbot Apollos saw him like a madman
cell in a state of hopeless despair and
deadly driven wild by the furies, he knew that the
despondency. And when he, oppressed with fiery dart of the devil which he had seen, had
such a sorrow, was plunged in deep thought, been fixed in his heart, and had by its
no longer how to cure his passion, but how to intolerable heat wrought in him this men-
gratify his lust, the Abbot Apollos,^ the most tal aberration and confusion of the under-
skilful of the Elders, met him, and
seeing by standing; and so he came up to him and
his looks and gloominess his trouble and the asked "Whither are you hurrying, or what
has made you forget the gravity of years and
* Hos. vii. 9.
Apollos or Apollonius was a most celebrated hermit of the
disturbed you in this childish way, and made
fourth century, who finally became the head of a "
monastery of five
hundred brethren in the Tliebaid. Some account of him is given by you hurry about so rapidly ? And when he
Palladius (Hist. Laus. c. lii.) and Rufinus (Hist. Monach. c. vii.V owing to his guilty conscience and confused
Cf. also Sozomen III. xiv.; and VI. xx., whence we learn that his
life was written
bj^ Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria. Cassian relates
by this disgraceful excitement fancied that
another story of him in XXIV. ix. the lust of his heart was discovered, and, as

the secrets of his heart were known to the old and to teach you something of the violence of
man, did not venture to return any answer to their attack, and of the feeling of compassion,
his inquiri£s, "Return," said he, "to your letus together implore Him in prayer, that
cell, and at last recognize the fact that till He may be pleased to remove that scourge,
now you have been ignored or despised by which the Lord thought good to lay upon you
the devil, and not counted in the number of for your good (for "He maketh sorry and
those with whom he is daily roused to fight cureth: he striketh and his hands heal. He
and struggle against their efforts and earnest-humbleth and exalteth, he killeth and mak-
—you who could not

I will not say eth alive: he bringeth down to the grave
ward off, but not even postpone for one day, and bringeth up ")*, and may extinguish with
a single dart of his aimed at you after so the abundant dew of His Spirit the fiery
many years spent in this profession of yours. darts of the devil, which at my desire He
And with this the Lord has suffered you to allowed to wound you. And although the
be wounded that you may at least learn in Lord removed this temptation at a single
your old age to sympathize with infirmities to prayer of the old man with the same speed
which you are a stranger, and may know from with which He had suffered it to come upon
your own case and experience how to conde- him, yet He showed by a clear proof that a
scend to the frailties of the young, though man's faults when laid bare were not merely
when you received a young man troubled by not to be scolded, but that the grief of one
an attack from the devil, you did not en- in trouble ought not to be lightly despised.
courage him with any consolation, but gave And therefore never let the clumsiness or
him up in dejection and destructive despair shallowness of one old man or of a few deter
into the hands of the enemy, to be, as far as you and keep you back from that life-giving
which we spoke earlier, or from the tra-
you were concerned, miserably destroyed by way,of
him. But the enemy would certainly never dition of the Elders, if our crafty enemy makes
have attacked him with so fierce an onslaught, a wrongful use of their grey hairs in order to
with which he has up till now scorned to deceive younger men: but without any cloak
attack you, unless in his jealousy at the pro- of shame everything should be disclosed to
gress he was to make, he had endeavoured to the Elders, and remedies for wounds be faith-
get the better of that virtue which he saw lay fully received from them together with exam-
in his disposition, and to destroy it with his ples of life and conversation: from which
fiery darts, as he knew without the shadow of we shall find like help and the same sort of
a doubt that he was the stronger, since he result, if we try to do nothing at all on our
deemed it worth his while to attack him with own responsibility and judgment.
such vehemence. And so learn from your
own experience to sympathize with those in
trouble, and never
to terrify with destructive
despair those who are in danger, nor harden
them with severe speeches, but rather restore
them with gentle and kindly consolations, Of the call of Samuel.

and as the wise Solomon says, " Spare not to

deliver those who are led forth to death, and Lastly so
far has this opinion been shown
to redeem those who are to be slain," and *
to be pleasing to God that we see that this
after the example of our Saviour, break not system not without reason finds a place in
the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking holy Scripture, so that the Lord would not
flax,'' and ask of the Lord that grace, by of Himself instruct by the method of a Divine
means of which you yourself may faithfully colloquy the lad Samuel, when chosen for
learn both in deed and power to sing: "the judgment, but suffered him to run once or
Lord hath given me a learned tongue that I twice to the old man, and willed that one
should know how to uphold by word him that whom He was
calling to converse with Him
" *
is weary: should be taught even by one who had offended
for no one could bear the devices
of the enemy, or extinguish or repress those God, as he was an old man, and preferred
carnal fires which burn with a sort of natural that he whom He had deemed worthy to be
flame, unless God's grace assisted our weak- called by Him should be trained by the Elder
ness, or protected and supported it. And in order to test the humility of him who was
^ therefore, as the reason for this salutary inci- called to a Divine office, and to set an example
dent is over, by which the Lord meant to set to the younger men by the manner of his sub-
that young man free from dangerous desires jection.

' Prov. xxiv. It. * CL S. Matt. xii. 30. » Is. 1. 4.

Job V. i8; I Sam. ii. 6, 7.

vigils is equally injurious to a

monk as the tor-
por of a deep sleep for when
: a man is weak-
Of the call of the Apostle Paul. ened by excessive abstinence he .is sure to
return to that condition in which a man is kept
And when Christ in His own Person called
through carelessness and negligence, so that ^

and addressed Paul, although He might have we have often seen those who could not be
the way of per- deceived
opened out to him at once by gluttony, destroyed by excessive
to direct him to
fection, yet He chose rather fasring and by reason of weakness liable to
Ananias and commanded him to learn the that which had before overcome.
passion they
way of truth from him, saying: "Arise and Unreasonable vigils and nightly watchings
it shall be told thee have also been the ruin of some whom
go into the city and there sleep
what thou oughtest to do."^ So He sends could not get the better of wherefore as the :

him to an older man, and thinks good to have apostle says "with the arms of righteousness
him instructed by his teaching rather than on the right hand and on the left, * we pass
' '

His own, lest what might have been rightly on with due moderation, and walk between
done in the case of Paul might set a bad the two extremes, under the guidance of dis-
were to cretion, that we
example of self-sufficiency, if each one may not consent to be led
he also ought in like
persuade himself that
away from the path of continence marked out
manner to be trained by the government and for us, nor fall by undue carelessness into the
teaching of God alone rather than by
the in-
pleasures of the palate and belly.
struction of the Elders. And this self-suffi-
not only by
ciency the apostle himself teaches,
his letters but by his acts and deeds, ought XVII. CHAPTER
to be shunned with all possible care, as he
On excessive fasts and vigils.
says that he went up to Jerusalem solely
this reason; viz., to communicate in a pri- For I remember that I had so often resisted
vate and informal conference with his co- the desire for food, that
having abstained
apostles and those who were before
him from
taking any for two or three days, my
that Gospel which he preached to the Gen- mind was not troubled even
by the recollec-
tiles, the grace of the Holy Spirit accompany- tion of eatables and also that sleep was
ing him with powerful signs and wonders: by the assaults of the devil so far removed
as he says "And I communicated with them from
the Gospel which I preach among the Gen-
my eyes, that for several days and
nights I used to pray the Lord to grant a little
tiles lest perhaps I had run or should run in
sleep to my eyes and then I felt that I was in ;

vain."^ Who then is so self-sufficient and

greater peril from the want of food and sleep
blind as to dare to trust in his own judgment than from
struggling against sloth and glut-
and discretion when the chosen vessel con- And so as we ought to be careful
fesses that he had need of conference with his not to fall into
dangerous effeminacy through
fellow apostles. Whence we clearly see that desire for
bodily gratification, nor indulge
the Lord does not Himself show the way of ourselves with
eating before the right time
perfection to anyone who having the oppor- nor take too much, so also we ought to refresh
tunity of learning depises the teaching and ourselves with food and sleep at the proper
training of the Elders, paying no heed to time even if we dislike it. For the struggle
that saying which ought most carefully to be in
each case is caused by the devices of the
observed: "Ask thy father and he will show and excessive abstinence is still more
it to thee: thine Elders and they will tell enemy;
to us than careless satiety: for from
thee. "8
this latter the intervention of a healthy com-
punction will raise us to the right measure of
strictness, and not from the former.
How to seek for discretion.

We ought then with all our might to strive

for the virtue of discretion by the power of A question on the right measure of abstinence and refreshment.
humility, as it will keep us uninjured by
either extreme, for there is an old saying Germanus: What then is the measure of
uxoonjTsg laoTTjTFc, i.e., extremes meet. For abstinence by keeping which with even ba-
excess of fasting and gluttony come to the lance we shall succeed in passing unharmed
same thing, and an unlimited continuance of between the two extremes ?
1 Acts ' Gal. '
ix. 6. ii. 2. Deut. xxxii. 7. 2 Cor. vi. 7.

CHAPTER XIX. cording to the requirements of his strength or

bodily frame or age, in such quantity as is
Of the best plan for our daily food. required for the support of the flesh, and not
for the satisfactory feeling of repletion. For
Moses : On are aware that on both sides a man will suffer the greatest
this matter we
there have been frequent discussions among injury, if having no fixed rule at one time he
our Elders. For in discussing the abstinence pinches his stomach with meagre food and
of some who supported their lives continually fasts, and at another stuffs it by over-eating
on nothing but beans or only on vegetables himself; for as the mind which is enfeebled
and fruits, they proposed to all of them to for lack of food loses vigour in praying, while
partake of bread alone, the right measure of ir is worn out with excessive weakness of
which they fixed at two biscuits, so small that the flesh and forced to doze, so again when
they assuredly scarcely weighed a pound. weighed down with over-eating it cannot pour
forth to God pure and free prayers: nor will
it succeed in
preserving uninterruptedly the
CHAPTER XX. purity of its chastity, while even on those
days on which it seems to chastise the flesh
An objection on the ease of that abstinence in which a man is with severer abstinence, it feeds the fire of

sustained by two biscuits.
carnal desire with the fuel of the food that it
has already taken.
And this we gladly embraced, and answered
that we should
scarcely consider this limit as
abstinence, as we could not possibly reach it
entirely. Quemadmodum abundantia umorum genitalium castigetur.l

CHAPTER XXI. Nam quod seme! per escarum abundantian

concretus fuerit in medullis, necesse est egeri
The answer concerning the value and measure of well-proved
abstinence. atque ab ipsa natural lege prOpelli, quse exu-
berantiam cujuslibet umoris superflui velut
Moses: If you want to test the force of this
noxiam sibi atque contrariam in semet ipsa
residere non patitur ideoque rationabili sem-
rule, keep to this limit continually, never
et xquali est corpus nostrum parsimonia
departing from it by taking any cooked food per
even on Sunday or Saturday, or on the occa- castigandum, ut si naturali hac necessitate
sions of the arrival of any of the brethren; commorantes in came omnimodis carere non
for the Hesh, refreshed by these exceptions, is possumus, saltim rarius nos et non amplius
able not only to support itself through the quamtrina vice ista conluvione respersos totius
rest of the week on a smaller quantity, but
anni cursus inveniat, quod tamen sine ullo
can also postpone all refreshment without pruritu quietus egerat sopor, non fallax imago
index occultae voluptatis eliciat.
difficulty, as it is sustained by the addition
of that food which it has taken the
Wherefore this is the moderate and even
beyond allowance and measure of abstinence, of
limit; while the man who has always been
satisfied with the full amount of the above- which we spoke, which has the approval also
mentioned measure will never be able to do of the judgment of the fathers; viz., that daily
should go hand in hand with our daily
this, nor to put off breaking his fast till the hunger
morrow. For I remember that our Elders meals, preserving both body and soul in one
and the same condition, and not allowing the
(and 1 recollect that we ourselves also often
had the same experience) found it so hard mind either to faint through weariness from
and difficult to practise this abstinence, and fasting, nor to be oppressed by over-eating,
observed the rule laid down with such pain for it ends in such a sparing diet that some-
and hunger that it was almost against their times a man neither notices nor remembers in
will and with tears and lamentation that the evening that he has broken his fast.
set this limit to their meals.

CHAPTER XXII. Of the diffiailty of uniformity in eating and of the gluttony

of brother Benjamin.
What is the usual limit both of abstinence and of
partaking And so far is this not done without diffi-

culty, that those who know nothing of perfect

But this is the usual limit of abstinence;
It has been thought best to leave the first part of the following
viz., for everyone to allow himself food ac-
chapter untranslated.

discretion would rather prolong their fasts for ab.stinence, and in like manner out of charity
two days, and reserve for tomorrow what to show courtesy and encouragement to any of
they should have eaten today, so that when the brethren who may arrive; because it is
they come to partake of food they may enjoy absolutely ridiculous when you offer food to a
as much as they can desire. And you know brother, nay, to Christ Himself, not to par-
that lastly your fellow citizen Benjamin most take of it with him, but to make yourself a
obstinately stuck to this as he would not stranger to his repast.
: And so we shall keep
every day partake of his two biscuits, nor clear of guilt on either hand if we observe this
continually take his meagre fare with uniform plan; viz., at the ninth hour to partake of one
self-discipline, but preferred always to con- of the two biscuits which form our proper
tinue his fasts for two days that when he came canonical allowance, and to keep back the
to eat he might fill his greedy stomach with other to the evening, in expectation of some-
a double portion, and by eating four biscuits thing like this, that if any of the brethren
enjoy a comfortable sense of repletion, and comes to see us we may partake of it with him,
manage to fill his belly by means of a two and so add nothing to our own customary al-
days' fast. And you doubtless remember lowance and by this arrangement the arrival

what sort of an €nd there was to the life of of our brother which ought to be a pleasure to
this man who obstinately and pertinaciously us will cause us no inconvenience since we :

relied on his own judgment rather than on shall show him the civilities which courtesy
the traditions of the Elders, for he forsook requires in such a way as to relax nothing of
the desert and returned back to the vain phi- the strictness of our abstinence. But if no
losophy of this world and earthly vanities, one should come, we may freely take this last
and so confirmed the above mentioned opinion biscuit as belonging to us according to our
of the Elders by the example of his downfall, canonical rule, and by this
frugality of ours as
and by his destruction teaches a lesson that a single biscuit was taken at the ninth hour,
no one who trusts in his own opinion and our stomach will not be overloaded at even-
judgment can possibly climb the heights of tide, a thing which is often the case with
perfection, nor fail to be deceived by the those who under the idea that they are observ-
dangerous wiles of the devil. ing a stricter abstinence put off all their repast
till evening; for the fact that we have but

recently taken food hinders our intellect from

CHAPTER XXV. being bright and keen both in our evening and
in our nocturnal prayers, and so at the ninth
A question how is it possible always to observe one and*the hour a convenient and suitable time has been
same measure.
allowed for food, in which a monk can refresh
Germanus: How then can we observe this himself and so find that he is not only fresh
measure without ever breaking it ? for some- and bright during his nocturnal vigils, but
times at the ninth hour when the Station fast^ also perfectly ready for his evening prayers,
is over, brethren come to see us and then we
as his food is already digested.
must either for their sakes add something to With such a banquet of two courses, as it
our fixed and customary portion, or were, the holy Moses feasted us, showing us
certainly not only the grace and power of discretion
fail in that
courtesy which we are told to show
to everybody. by his present learned speech, but also the
method of renunciation and the end and aim
of the monastic life by the discussion previ-
ously held so as to make clearer than day-

The answer how we should not exceed the proper measure light what we had hitherto pursued simply
food. with fervour of spirit and zeal for God but
with closed eyes, and to make us feel how far
Moses: Both duties must be observed in we had up till then wandered from purity of
the same way and with equal care: for we heart and the straight line of our course, since
ought most scrupulously to preserve the the practice of all visible arts belonging Xo
proper allowance of food for the sake of our this life cannot possibly stand without an un-
derstanding of their aim, nor can it be taken
* On the Static see the note on the Institutes V. xx. in hand without a clear view of a definite end.



CHAPTER I. might be more readily united to the Lord, to
whom he longed to be inseparably joined,
Of the lift and conduct of Abbot Paphnutios. even while he still lived in the society of the
brethren. And there once more in his exces-
In that choir of saints who shine like bril- sive fervour he outstripped the virtues of the
liant stars in the night of this world, we have Anchorites, and in his eager desire for con-
seen the holy Paphnutius,' like some great tinual divine meditation avoided the sight of
luminary, shining with the brightness of them: and he plunged into solitary places
knowledge. For he was a
presbyter of our yet wilder and more inaccessible, and hid
company, I mean of those whose abode was in himself for a long while in them, so that, as
the desert of Scete, where he lived to extreme the Anchorites themselves only with great
old age, wi.thout ever moving from his cell, of
difficulty caught a glimpse of him every now
which he had taken possession when still and then, the belief was that he
enjoyed and
young, and which was five miles from the delighted in the daily society of angels,
church, even to nearer districts; nor was he and because of this remarkable characteristic
when worn out with years hindered by the of his" he was sumamed by them the Buffalo.
distance from going to Church on Saturday
or Sunday. But not wanting to return from
thence empty handed he would lay on his CHAPTER II.
shoulders a bucket of water to last him all the
week, and carry it back to his cell, and even Of the discourse of the same old man, and our reply to it.

when he was past ninety would not suffer it to

be fetched by the labour of younger men. He As then we were anxious to learn from
then from his earliest youth threw himself his teaching, we came in some agitation to
into the monastic discipline with such fervour his cell towards evening. And after a short
that when he had spent only a short time in silence he began to commend our undertaking,
it, he was endowed with the virtue of submis- because we had our homes, and had visited

sion, as well as the knowledge of all good so love for the Lord, and
many countries out of
qualities. For by the practice of humility were endeavouring with all our might to en-
and obedience he mortified all his desires, dure want and the trials of the desert, and to
and by this stamped out all his faults and imitate their severe life, which even those
acquired every virtue which the monastic who had been born and bred in the same state
system and the teaching of the ancient fathers of want and penury, could scarcely put up
produces, and, inflamed with desire for still with; and we replied that we had come for
further advances, he was eager to penetrate his teaching and instruction in order that we
into the recesses of the desert, so that, with might be to some extent initiated in the cus-
no human companions to disturb him, he toms of so great a man, and in that perfection
which we had known from many evidences to
exist in him, not that we might be honoured
The name
by any commendations to which we had no
Paphnutius. is not uncommon in the annals of the
fourth century: (i) A Deacon who bore it suffered in the persecu-
tion of Diocletian; and (2) a Bishop of the same name, who had right, or be puffed up with any elation of
been a confessor, was mainly instrumental in preventing the rule of
celibacy being forced on the clergy by the Council of Nica:a (3)
mind, (with which we were sometimes exer-
another was a prominent member of the Meletian schism; while cised in our own cells at the suggestion of
(4) a fourth was present, as Bishop of Sais in Lower
Egypt, at the our enemy) in consequence of any words of his.
Council of Alexandria in 362 and (5) the life of a fifth is given
Palladius (Hist. Laus. Ixii.-lxv.) and Rufinus (Hist. Monach. c. Wherefore we begged him rather to lay before
The one whom Cassian here mentions, sumamed the Buf-
falo, is apparently a different person from the last mentioned.
us what would make us humble and contrite,
Further details of his history are given in the Institutes IV. c. xxx. and not what would flatter us and puff us up.
xxxi., and in Conference JC. ii., iii. Cassian tells the interesting
/ story of his share in the Anthropomorphite controversy, and the
beneficial influence which he then exercised. * hia •olitarioesa.
version was received from God alone. For
on entering a church he there heard in the
The statement of Abbot Paphnutius on the three kinds of Gospel the Lord saying: "Whoever hateth
vocations, and the three sorts of
renunciations. not father and mother and children and wife
and lands, yea and his own soul also, cannot
" and "if thou wilt be
Then the blessed Paphnutius: There be my disciple ; per-
are, said he, three kinds of vocations.
And fect, go sell all that thou hast, and give to the
we know that there are three sorts of renun- poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven,
" ^ And with heartfelt
ciations as well, which are necessary to a and come, follow me:
monk, whatever his vocation may be. And contrition he took this charge of the Lord as
we ought diligently to examine first the reason if specially aimed at him, and at once gave
for which we said that there were three kinds up everything and followed Christ, without
of vocations, that when we are sure that we are any incitement thereto from the advice and
summoned to God's service in the first stage teaching of men. The second kind of calling
of our vocation, we may take care that our life is that which we said took place through man ;

is in harmony with the exalted height to viz., when v;e are stirred up by the example
which we are called, for it will be of no use of some of the saints, and their advice, and
to have made a good beginning if we do not thus inflamed with the desire of salvation:
show forth an end corresponding to it. But and by this we never forget that by the grace
if we feel that only in the last resort have we of the Lord we ourselves were summoned, as

been dragged away from a worldly life, then, we were aroused by the advice and good
as it appears that we rest on a less satisfac- example of the above-mentioned saint, to give
tory beginning as regards religion,
so must we ourselves up to this aim and calling; and in
proportionately make the more earnest en- this way also we find in Holy Scripture that
deavours to rouse ourselves with spiritual fer- it was through Moses that the children of
vour to make a better end. It is well too on Israel were delivered from the Egyptian bond-

every ground for us to know secondly the age. But the third kind of calling is that
manner of the threefold renunciations because which comes from compulsion, when we have
we shall never be able to attain perfection, if been involved in the riches and pleasures of
we are ignorant of it or if we know it, but do this life, and temptations suddenly come upon
not attempt to carry it out in act. us and either threaten us with peril of death,
or smite us with the loss and confiscation of
our goods, or strike us down with the death of
CHAPTER IV. those dear to us, and thus at length even
against our will we are driven to turn to God
An explanation of the three callings. whom we scorned to follow in the days of our
wealth. And of this call we
To make clear therefore the main differ- often find instances in compulsory when we
ences between these three kinds of calling, read that on account of their sins the children
the first is from God, the second comes
of Israel were given up by the Lord to their
through man, the third is from compulsion. enemies and that on account of their tyranny
And a calling is from God whenever some in- and ;

savage cruelty they turned "again, and

spiration has taken possession of our heart, cried to the Lord. And it says: The Lord
and even while we are asleep stirs in us a
sent them a Saviour, called Ehud, the son of
desire for eternal life and salvation, and bids
Gera, the son of Jemini, who used the left
us follow God and cleave to His command- "
hand as well as the right: and again we are
ments with life-giving contrition as we read
Lord, who raised

told, "they cried unto the

in Holy Scripture that Abraham was called
them up a Saviour and delivered them, to wit,
by the voice of the Lord from his native Othniel, the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger
country, and all his dear relations, and his brother." * And it is of such that the Psalm
father's house; when the Lord said "Get thee
"When He slew them, then they
out from thy country and from thy kinsfolk speaks:
Him: and they returned and came to
and from thy father's house." ^ And in this sought
we have heard that the blessed
Him early in the morning: and they remem-
way Antony
also was called,^ the occasion of whose con-
addressed specially to himself, and at once proceeded to act upon
them, selling all that he had except a small portion which he re-
served for his sister's maintenance. Shortly after he was struck by
1 " Take no
Gen. xii. i. the words, thought for the morrow," which he heard in
' The story, to which allusion is here made, is given in the Vita church, and acting upon this, made away with the little property
Antonii of Athanasius. We are there told that six months after the which was left, committed his sister to the care of certain faithfiu
death of his parents Antony, then a young man of eighteen, chanced virgins, and betook himself to the ascetic life.
to enter a church just as the gospel for the day was being read and
s S. Luke xiv.
26; S. Matt. xix. 21.
" If thou wilt be *
hearing the words, perfect," etc., he took them as Judg. iii. IS, 9. i

bered that God was

their helper, and the most the highest grade of the Apostolate in the
High God their redeemer." And again: same way in which Peter and the rest of the
''And they cried unto the Lord when they Apostles had been summoned, as he allowed
were troubled, and He delivered them out of the splendid beginning of his call to terminate
their distress."^ in a ruinous end of cupidity and covetousness,
and as a cruel murderer even rushed into the
V. betrayal of the Lord ? Or what hindrance was
it to Paul that he was
suddenly blinded, and
How the first of these calls is ofno use to a sluggard, and seemed to be drawn against his will into the
the last is no hindrance to one who is in earnest.
way of salvation, as aften\'ards he followed
the Lord with complete fervour of soul, and
Of these three calls then, although the
two former may seem to rest on better prin- having begun by compulsion completed it by
a free and voluntary devotion, and terminated
ciples, yet sometimes we find that even by
with a magnificent end a life that was ren-
the third grade, which seems the lowest and
dered glorious by such great deeds ? Every-
the coldest, men have been made perfect and
most earnest in spirit, and have become like thing therefore depends upon the end; in
those who made an admirable beginning in
which one who was consecrated by a noble
conversion at the outset may through careless-
approaching the Lord's service, and passed ness turn out a
the rest of their lives also in most laud- failure, and one who was
to adopt the monastic
able fervour of spirit: and again we find compelled by necessity
life may through fear of God and earnestness
that from the higher grade very many have
be made perfect.
grown cold, and often have come to a miser-
able end. And just as it was no hindrance
to the former class that they seemed to be
converted not of their own free will, but An account of the three sorts of renunciations.
by force and compulsion, in as much as the
loving kindness of the Lord secured for them We must now speak of the renunciations, of
the opportunity for repentance, so too to the which tradition and the
authority of Holy
latter it was of no avail that the early days of
Scripture show us three, and which every one of
their conversion were so bright, because they us
ought with the utmost zeal to make com-
were not careful to bring the remainder of The first is that by which as far as
their life to a suitable end. For in the case the is concerned we make light of all
of Abbot Moses, who lived in a spot in the the wealth and
goods of this world; the
wilderness called Calamus,' nothing was
second, that by which we reject the fashions
wanting to his merits and perfect bliss, in and vices and former affections of soul and
consequence of the fact that he was driven flesh; the third,, that by which we detach our
to flee to the monastery through fear of death,
soul from all present and visible things, and
which was hanging over him because of a
contemplate only things to come, and set our
murder; for he made such use of his compul- heart on what is invisible. And we read that
sory conversion that with ready zeal he turned the Lord charged Abraham to do all these
it into a
voluntary one and climbed the top- three at once, when He said to him "Get thee
most heights of perfection. As also on the out from
thy country, and thy kinsfolk, and
other hand to very many, whose names I ought

thy father's house."* First He said "from

not to mention, it has been of no avail that
on thy country," i.e., from the goods of this
they entered the Lord's service with better
world, and earthly riches: secondly, "from
beginning than this, as afterwards sloth and kinsfolk," i.e., from this former life and
hardness of heart crept over them, and they thy
habits and sins, which cling to us from our
fell into a dangerous state of
torpor, and the
very birth and are joined to us as it were by
bottomless pit of death, an instance of which ties of and "from
we affinity kinship: thirdly, thy
see clearly indicated in the call of the
father's house," i.e., from all the recollection
Apostles. For of what good was it to Judas
of this world, which the sight of the eyes can
that he had of his own free will embraced
afford. For of the two fathers, i.e., of the one
who is to be forsaken, and of the one who is to
> Ps. Ixxvii.
' Moses.
(Ixxviii.) 34, 35 cvi. (cvii.) 19.
; be sought, David thus speaks in the person of
This Abbot is possibly a different "
person from the O
author of the first two Conferences, who had in his youth been a God Hearken,:
daughter, and consider,
forget also thine own
pupil of Antony whereas the one here mentioned only took the and incline thine ear:

monastic life out of fear of death on a charge of murder. He is "* for the
mentioned again in Conferences VII. xxvi.; XIX. xi., and some people and thy father's house person :

account of him is given in .Sor.omen H.E. VI. xxix.

Calamus, mentioned again in the Institutes X. xxiv. (where see
note), and cf. Conf. VII. xxvi.; XXIV. iv. * Gen. xii. i. • P». xliv. (xlv.) II.
who says Hearken, O daughter," is certainly and this also, which we quoted a little while
a Father; and yet he bears witness that the ago: "But our conversation is in heaven,
one, whose house and people he urges should whence also we look for the Saviour, the
be forgotten, is none the less father of his Lord Jesus, who will reform the body of
daughter. And this happens when being dead our low estate made like to the body of His
with Christ to the rudiments of this world, glory," and this of the blessed David: " For

we no longer, as the Apostle says, regard the I am a sojourner upon the earth," and " a
' '

" '
things which are seen, but those which are stranger as all my fathers were; so that we
not seen, for the things which are not may in accordance with the Lord's word be
seen are eternal," ^ and going forth in heart made like those of whom the Lord speaks to
from this temporal and visible home, turn His Father in the gospel as follows They are :
' '

our eyes and heart towards that in which not of the world, as I am not of the world," ®
we are to remain for ever. And this we shall and again to the Apostles themselves: "If
succeed in doing when, while we walk in ye were of this world, the world would love
the flesh, we are no longer at war with the its own: but because ye are not of this world,
Lord according to the flesh, proclaiming in therefore the world hateth you. "^"^ Of this
deed and actions the truth of that saying of third renunciation then we shall succeed in
the blessed Apostle "Our conversation is in reaching the perfection, whenever our soul is
heaven."^ To these three sorts of renuncia- sullied by no stain of carnal coarseness, but,
tions the three books of Solomon suitably all such having been carefully eliminated, it
correspond. For Proverbs answers to the first has been freed from every earthly quality and
renunciation, as in it the desires for carnal desire, and by constant meditation on things
things and earthly sins are repressed to the Divine, and spiritual contemplation has so

second Ecclesiastes corresponds, as there far passed on to things unseen, that in its
everything which is done under the sun is earnest seeking after things above and things
declared to be vanity; to the third the Song spiritual it no longer feels that it is prisoned
of Songs, in which the soul soaring above all in this fragile flesh, and bodily form, but is
things visible, is actually joined to the word caught up into such an ecstasy as not only to
of God by the contemplation of heavenly hear no words with the outward ear, or to
things. busy itself with gazing on the forms of things
present, but not even to see things close at
VII. hand, or large objects straight before the very
eyes. And of this no one can understand the
How we can attain perfection in each of these sorts of renun-
truth and force, except one who has made
trial of what has been said, under the teaching
Wherefore it will not be of much advan- of experience; viz., one, the eyes of whose
tage to us that we have made our first renun- soul the Lord has turned away from all
ciation with the utmost devotion and faith, if
things present, so that he no longer considers
we do not complete the second with the same them as things that will soon pass away, but
zeal and ardour. And so when we have suc- as things that are already done with, and sees
ceeded in this, we shall be able to arrive at them vanish into nothing, like misty smoke;
the third as well, in which we go forth from and like Enoch, "walking with God," and
the house of our former parent, (who, as we "translated" from human life and fashions,
know well, was our father from our very birth, not "be found " amid the vanities of this life.
after the old man, when we were
"by nature And that this actually happened corporeally
children of wrath, as others also,"') and fix in the case of Enoch the book of Genesis thus
our whole mental gaze on things celestial. tells us. "And Enoch walked with God, and
And of this father Scripture says to Jerusa- was not found, for God translated him."
lem which had despised God the true Father, And the Apostle also says: " By faith Enoch
"Thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother was translated that he should not see death,"
a Hittite; " * and in the gospel we read "Ye the death namely of which the Lord says in
are of your father the devil and the lusts of
the gospel: "He that liveth and believeth
your father ye love to do."^ And when we in meshall not die eternally." ^^ Wherefore,
have left him, as we pass from things visible if we
are anxious to attain true perfection, we
to things unseen we shall be able to
say ought to look to it that as we have outwardly
with the Apostle: "But we know that if our with the body made light of parents, home,
earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved the riches and pleasures of the world, we may
we have a habitation from God, a house not
made with hands, eternal in the heavens,"® ^ Phil. iii. 20, 21.
8 Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 19; Ps. xxxviii. (xxxix.) 13.
' *
2 Cor. iv. iS Ezek. xvi. * S.
^ ^
3. John xvii. 16.
Phil. iii. 20. S. John *" S.
viii. John XV. 19.
Eph. ii. 3. * 2 Cor. V. I. " Gen. V. 24 (LXX.); Heb. xi. 3 ; S. John xi. 26,

also inwardly with the heart forsake all these sins, and unrestrained habits, and on that
things and never be drawn back by any desires account could never attain to that love of God
to those things which we have forsaken, as which never faileth, and these, as they fall
those who were led up by Moses, though they short in this second stage of renunciation,
did not literally go back, are yet said to have can still less reach that third stage which
returned in heart to Egypt; viz., by forsaking is most certainly far higher. But consider
God who had led them forth with such mighty too in your minds with great care the fact
signs, and by worshipping the idols of Egypt that he did not simply say "If I bestow my
of which they had thought scorn, as Scripture goods." For it might perhaps be thought that
says: "And in their hearts they turned back he spoke of one who had not fulfilled the
into Egypt, saying to Aaron: Make us gods command of the gospel, but had kept back
to go before us,"* for we should fall into like something for himself, as some half-hearted
condemnation with those who, while dwelling persons do. But he says "Though I bestow
in the wilderness, after they had tasted manna all my goods to feed the poor, "i.e., even if
from heaven, lusted after the filthy food of my renunciation of those earthly riches be
sins, and of mean baseness, and should seem perfect. And to this renunciation he adds
together with them to murmur in the same something still greater: "And though I give
way: "It was well with us in Egypt, when we my body to be burned, but have not charity,
sat over the flesh pots and ate the onions, and I am nothing:" As if he had said in other

garlic, and cucumbers, and melons:" *

A form words, though I bestow all my goods to 'feed
of speech, which, although it referred prima- the poor in accordance with that command in
rily to that people, we yet see fulfilled today in the gospel, where we are told " If thou wilt
our own case and mode of life: for everyone be perfect, go sell all that thou hast, and give
who after renouncing this world turns back to to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in
his old desires, and reverts to his former likings heaven,"' renouncing them so as to keep
asserts in heart and act the very same thing back nothing at all for myself, and though to
that they did, and says It was well with me this distribution (of my goods) I should by
in Egypt," and I am afraid that the number the burning of my flesh add martyrdom so as
of these will be as large as that of the multi- to give up my body for Christ, and yet be im-
tudes of backsliders of whom we read under patient, or passionate or envious or proud, or
Moses, for though they were reckoned as six excited by wrongs done by others, or seek
hundred and three thousand armed men who what is mine, or indulge in evil thoughts, or
came out of Egypt, of this number not more not be ready and patient in bearing all that
than two entered the land of promise. Where- can be inflicted on me, this renunciation and
fore we should be careful to take exam- the burning of the outer man will profit me
ples of goodness from those who are few nothing, while the inner man is still involved
and far between, because according to that in the former sins, because, while in the fer-

figure of which we have spoken in the gospel vour of the early days of my conversion I
"Many are called but few" are said to be made light of the mere worldly substance,
"chosen."' A
renunciation then in body which is said to be not good or evil in itself
alone, and a mere change of place from but indifferent, I took no care to cast out in
Egypt will not do us any good, if we do not like manner the injurious powers of a bad
succeed in achieving that renunciation in heart, or to attain to that love of the Lord
heart, which is far higher and more valuable. which is patient, which is "kind, which envieth
For of that mere bodily renunciation of which not, is not puffed up, is not soon angry,
we have spoken the apostle declares as fol- dealeth not perversely, seeketh not her own,
lows: "Though I bestow all my goods to feed thinketh no evil," which " beareth all things,
the poor, and give my body to be burned, but endureth all things,"* and which lastly never
have not charity, it profiteth me nothing."* suffers him who follows after it to fall by the
And blessed Apostle would never have deceitfulness of
the sin.
said this had it not been that he foresaw by
the spirit that some who had given all their
goods to feed the poor would not be able to CHAPTER VIII.
attain to evangelical perfection and the lofty
Of our very own possessions in which the beauty of the soul
heights of charity, because while pride or im- is seen or its foulness.
patience ruled over their hearts they were not
careful to purify themselves from their former
We ought then to take the utmost care that
Acts vii. jq, 40. our inner man as well may cast off and make
' Numb. xi. 18; Exod. xvi. 3 ; Numb. xi. 5,
' S. Matt. xxii. 14.
J Cor. xiii. 3. • S. Matt. xix. 21. • I Cor. xiii. 4-7.

away with all those possessions of its sins, generation of the righteous shall be blessed:
which it acquired in its former life: which as glory and riches are in his house, and his
they continually cling to body and soul are righteousness remaineth for ever:"^ and
our very own, and, unless we reject them and again "the ransom of a man's life are his
"^° And of these riches it is said in
cut them off while we are still in the flesh, riches.
will not cease to accompany us after death. the Apocalypse to him who has them not and
For as good qualities, or charity itself which to his shame is poor and naked: "I will
is their source, may be gained in this world, begin," says he, "to vomit thee out of my
and after the close of this life make the man mouth. Because thou sayest I am rich and
who loves it lovely and glorious, so our faults wealthy and have need of nothing: and
transmit to that eternal remembrance a mind knowest ncit that thou art wretched and mis-
darkened and stained with foul colours. erable and poor and blind and naked, I coun-
For the beauty or ugliness of the soul is the sel thee tobuy of me gold fire-tried, that
product of virtues or its vices, the colour
its thou mayest be made rich, and mayest be
it takes from which either makes it so glori- clothed in white garments, and that the
ous, that it may well hear from the prophet shame of thy nakedness may not appear." "
"And the king shall have pleasure in thy There are some also which are indifferent,
beauty,"^ or so black, and foul, and ugly, i.e., which may be made either good or bad:
that it must surely acknowledge the stench for they are made either one or the other in
of its shame, and say " wounds stink and
My accordance with the will and character of
are corrupt because of my foolishness," and those who use them: of which the blessed
the Lord Himself says to it "
is not "Why Apostle says Charge the rich of this world
the wound of the daughter of my people not to be high-minded nor to trust in the un-
" ^
closed? And therefore these are our very certainty of riches, but in God (who giveth
own possessions, which continually remain us abundantly all things to enjoy), to do good,
with the soul, which no king and no enemy to give easily, to communicate to others, to
can either give or take away from us. These lay up in store for themselves a good founda-
are our very own possessions which not even tion that they may lay hold on the true life.
" ^"^

death itself can part from the soul, but by These are what the rich man in the gospel
renouncing which we can attain to perfection, kept, and never distributed to the poor,

and by clinging to which we shall suffer the while the beggar Lazarus was lying at his
punishment of eternal death. gate and desiring to be fed with his crumbs;
and so he was condemned to the unbearable
flames and everlasting heat of hell-fire, ^^

Of three sorts of possessions.


Riches and possessions are taken in Holy That none can become perfect merely through the first grade
Scripture in three different ways, i.e., as good, of renunciation.

bad, and indifferent. Those are bad, of which

it is said: "The rich have wanted and have In leaving then these visible goods of the
suffered hunger, * and "Woe unto you that world we forsake not our own wealth, but that
are rich, for ye have received your consola-which is not ours, although we boast of it as
tion:"^ and to have cast off these riches iseither gained by our own exertions or in-
the height of perfection; and a distinction herited by us from our forefathers. For as I
which belongs to those poor who are com- said nothing is our own, save this only which
mended in the gospel by the Lord's saying we possess with our heart, and which cleaves

" Blessed are the to our soul, and therefore cannot be taken
poor in spirit, for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven; " ^ and in the Psalm:away from us by any one. But Christ speaks
"This poor man cried, and the Lord heard in terms of censure of those visible riches, to
him,"^ and again: "The poor and needy those who clutch them as if they were their
shall praise thy name."^ Those riches are own, and refuse to share them with those in
good, to acquire which is the work of great want. If ye have not been faithful in what
virtue and merit, and the righteous is another's, who will give to you what is your
of which is praised by David who " The own?""
says Plainly then it is not only daily
' Ps. xliv. (xlv.) 12. ^ S. Luke vi. 24.
* Ps. xxxvii. (xxxviii.) 6. « S. Matt. V. 3. 9 Ps. cxi.
(cxii.) 2, 3.
" I Tim. vi. 17-19.
* viii. 22. '
Jer. Ps. xxxiii. (xxxiv.) 7. 1"
Prov. xiii. 8. 1' Cf. S. Luke xiv. 19 jji
* Ps. xxxiii. *
(xxxiv.) 11. Ps. Ixxiii. (Ixxiv.) 21. 11
Rev. iii. 16-18. ** S. Luke xvi. 12.

experience which teaches us that these riches ness of mind, he cannot attain to this fourth,
are not our own, but this saying of our Lord which is granted as a reward and privilege to
also, by the very title which it gives them. one whose renunciation is perfect, that he
But concerning visible ^ and worthless riches may be found worthy to enter the land of
Peter says to the Lord: Lo, we have left allpromise which no longer bears for him the
and followed thee. What shall we have thorns and thistles of sins; which after all
" ^ when it is clear that
therefore ? they had the passions have been driven out is acquired
left nothing but their miserable broken nets. by purity of heart even in the body, and
And unless this expression "all" is under- which no good deeds or exertions of man's
stood to refer to that renunciation of sins, efforts (can gain), but which the Lord Himself
which is really great and important, we shall promises to show, saying "And come into
not find that the Apostles had left anything the land which I will show to thee:
" which
of any value, or that the Lord had any reason clearly proves that the beginning of our sal-
for bestowing on them the blessing of so great vation results from the call of the Lord, Who
glory, that they were allowed to hear from says "Get thee out from thy country," and
Him that "in the regeneration, when the Son that the completion of perfection and purity
of Man shall sit on the throne of His glory, is His gift in the same way, as He says

ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones judging "And come into the land which I will show
the twelve tribes of Israel.'" If then those, thee," i.e., not one you yourself can know or
who have completely renounced their earthly discover by your own efforts, but one which I
and visible goods, cannot for sufficient rea- will show not only to one who is ignorant of
son attaint© Apostolic charity, nor climb with it, but even to one who is not looking for it.
readiness and vigour to that third stage of And from this we clearly gather that as we
renunciation which is still higher and belongs hasten to the way of salvation through being
to but few, what should those think of them- stirred up by the inspiration of the Lord, so
selves, who do not even make that first step too it is under the guidance of His direction
(which is very easy) a thorough one, but and illumination that we attain to the perfec-
keep together with their old want of faith, tion of the highest bliss.
their former sordid riches, and fancy that
they can boast of the mere name of monks?
The first renunciation then of which we spoke CHAPTER XL
is of what is not our own, and therefore is
not enough of itself to confer perfection on A question on the free will of nun and the grace of God.
the renunciant, unless he advances to the
second, which is really and truly a renunci- Germanus: Where then is there room for
ation of what belongs to us. And when we free will, and how is it ascribed to our efforts
have made sure of this by the expulsion of all that we are worthy of praise, if God both
our faults, we shall mount to the heights of begins and ends everything in us which con-
the third renunciation also, whereby we rise cerns our salvation ?
above not merely all those things which are
done in this world or specially belong to men,
but even that whole universe around us which CHAPTER XIL
is esteemed so glorious, and shall with heart
and soul look down upon it as subject to The answer on the economy of Divine Grace, with free will still
remaining in us.
vanity and destined soon to pass away; as we
look, as the Apostle says, "not on those
Paphnutius: This would fairly influence
things which are seen, but on those which are
not seen: for the things that are seen, are us, if in
every work and practice, the begin-
and the end were everything, and there
temporal, and the things which are not seen ning
are eternal;"* that so we may be found were
no middle in between. And so as we
know that God creates opportunities of salva-
worthy to hear that highest utterance, which
was spoken to Abraham: "and come into a tion in various ways, it is in our power to
land which I will show thee,"* which clearly make use of the opportunities granted to us
shows that unless a man has made those by heaven more or less earnestly. For just as
offer came from God Who called him
three former renunciations with all earnest- the get
thee out of thy country," so the obedience
was on the part of Abraham who went forth ;

and as the fact that the saying " Come into the
' The
MSS. vary between vuibiiibus and invisiiilibus.
* S. Matt. xix.
« lb. ver. a8.
4 a Cor. iv. 18.
land" was carried into action, was the work
' Gen. xii. i. ofhim who obeyed, so the addition of the

words "which I will show thee" came from "the Lord upholdeth him with His hand: "'
the grace of God Who commanded or prom- and this is to say with the utmost clearness:
ised it. But it is well for us to be sure that None of the righteous are sufficient of them-
although we practise every virtue with unceas- selves to acquire righteousness, unless every
ing efforts, yet with all our exertions and zeal moment when they stumble and fall the
we can never arrive at perfection, nor is mere Divine mercy supports them with His hands,
human diligence and toil of itself sufficient to that they may not utterly collapse and perish,
deserve to reach the splendid reward of bliss, when they have been cast down through the
unless we have secured it by means of the weakness of free will.
co-operation of the Lord, and His directing
our heart to what is right. And so we ought
every moment to pray and say with David CHAPTER Xin.
" Order in thy paths that my foot-
my steps" ^
steps slip not: and " He hath set my feet That the ordering of our way comes from God.
" * that
upon a rock and ordered my goings:
He Who is the unseen ruler of the human Andtruly the saints have never said that
heart may vouchsafe to turn to the desire of it was bytheir own efforts that they secured
virtue that will of ours, which is more readily the direction of the way in which they walked
inclined to vice either through want of know- in their course towards advance and perfection
of virtue, but rather they prayed for it from
ledge of what is good, or through the delights " Direct me in
of passion. And we read this in a verse in the Lord, saying Thy truth,"
which the prophet sings very plainly: ** Being and "direct my way in thy sight. "^ But
pushed I was overturned that I might fall,"
someone else declares that he discovered this
where the weakness of our free will is shown. very fact not only by faith, but also by experi-
And " the Lord sustained me: " " again this ence, and as it were from the very nature of
shows that the Lord's help is always joined to things know, O Lord, that the way of man

is not his: neither is it in a man to walk

it, and by this, that we may not be altogether
and to direct his steps."* And the Lord
destroyed by our free will, when He sees
that we have stumbled. He sustains and sup- Himself says to Israel: "I will direct him
like a green fir-tree: from Me is thy fruit
ports us, as it were by stretching out His "1°
hand. And again: "If I said my foot was found.
moved;" viz., from the slippery character of
the will, "Thy mercy, O Lord, helped me."* CHAPTER XIV.
Once more he joins on the help of God to his
own weakness, as he confesses that it was not That knowledge of the law is given by the guidance and illu-
mination of the Lord.
owing to his own efforts but to the mercy of
God, that the foot of his faith was not moved. The knowledge also of the law itself they
And again: "According to the multitude of the
daily endeavour to gain not by diligence in
sorrows which I had in my heart, which sprang
' '

reading, but by the guidance and illumination

most certainly from my free will, " Thy com- of God as they say to Him:
" Show me
forts have refreshed my soul, " ^ i.e.,
by coming O and me " Thy
ways, Lord, teach Thy paths: and
through Thy inspiration into my heart, and "open Thou mine eyes: and I shall see the
laying open the view of future blessings which wondrous things of Thy law: " and " teach me
Thou hast prepared for them who labour in to do Thy will, for Thou art " and
" my God; "
Thy name, they not only removed all anxiety again: Who teacheth man knowledge."
from my heart, but actually conferred upon it
the greatest delight. And
again: "Had it not
been that the Lord helped me,
almost dwelt in hell." « He
my soul had CHAPTER XV.
certainly shows
that through the
depravity of this free will he That the understanding, by means of which we can recognize
would have dwelt in hell, had he not been saved God's commands, and the performance of a good will are
both gifts from the Lord.
by the assistance and protection of the Lord.
For "By the Lord," and not
" are a by free-will, Further the blessed David asks of the
man's steps directed, " and " although
the righteous fall " Lord that he may gain that very understand-
at least by free will, "he
shall not be cast ing, by which he can recognize God's com-
away." And why? because
Ps. xxxvi. (xxxvii. ) 23, 24 8
1 Ps. xvi. * Ps. xciii. Jer. x. 23.
(xvii.) 5. 8
2 Ps. xxxix. (xciv.) 18. Ps. xxiv. (xxv.) 5 ;
Hos. xiv. Q.
(xl.) 3. * lb. ver.
* Ps.cxvii. 19. '^)
Ps. xxiv. (xxv.) 4 ; cxviii. (cxix.) 18; cxlii. (cxliii.) 10; zdlL
(cxviii.) 13. * lb. ver.
17. (xciv.) 10.
• "
f or no man can prevail by strength.
" ' ' ^
mands which, he well knew, were written in Lord,
the book of the law, and he says I am Thy We ought then always to sing with the blessed
servant O give me understanding that I may David:
: My strength and my praise is not
learn Thy commandments."^ Certainly he my free will, but "the Lord, and He is

was in possession of understanding, which had become my salvation."

And the teacher of
been granted to him by nature, and also had the Gentiles was not ignorant of this when he
at his fingers' ends a knowledge of God's com- declared that he was made capable of the
mands which were preserved in writing in the ministry of the New Testament not by his own
law: and still he prayed the Lord that he merits or efforts but by the mercy of God.
might learn this more thoroughly as he knew ''Not," says he, "that we are capable
that what came to him by nature would never thinking anything of ourselves as of our-
be sufficient for him, unless his understand- selves, but our sufficiency is of God," which
ing was enlightened by the Lord by a daily
can be put in less good Latin but more for-
illumination from Him, to understand the law cibly, "our capability is of God," and then
spiritually and to recognize His commands
there follows: "Who also made us capable
more clearly, as the "chosen vessel" also ministers of the New Testament."'
declares very plainly this which we are insist-
" For God which worketh in
ing on. it is

you both do according to good

to will and to
"^ What could well be clearer than the
assertion that both our good will and the That faith itself inust be given us by the Lord.
completion of our work are "fully wrought in
us by the Lord ? And again For it is granted But so thoroughly did the Apostles realize
to for Christ's sake, not only to believe that everything which concerns salvation was
you •
in but also to suffer for Him."
Him Here given them by the Lord, that they even asked
also he declares that the beginning of our that faith itself should be granted from the
conversion and faith, and the endurance of Lord, "Add to us faith " " as they did saying:
suffering a gift to us from the Lord.
is And not imagine that it could be gained by free
David too, as he knows this, similarly prays will, but believed that it would be bestowed
that the same thing may be granted to him by by the free gift of God. Lastly the Author of
God's mercy. ''
Strengthen, God, that O man's salvation teaches us how feeble and
which Thou hast wrought in us: * showing weak and insufficient our faith would be un-
that it is not enough for the beginning of our less it were strengthened by the aid of the
salvation to be granted by the gift and grace of Lord, when He says to Peter "Simon, Simon,
God, unless it has been continued and ended behold Satan hatn desired to have you that
by the same pity and continual help from he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed
Father that thy faith fail not. " And
Him. For not free will but the Lord to
* *
No strength ' ' my
looseth them that are bound. another finding that this was happening in
of ours, but the Lord "raiseth them that his own case, and seeing that his faith was
are fallen:" no diligence in reading, but
" the Lard " where the being driven by the waves of unbelief on the
enlightens the blind: rocks which would cause a fearful shipwreck,
Greeks have yvyio; gncpoi ri<jr>Aot.,-, i.e., "the Lord asks of the same Lord an aid to his faith,
maketh wise the blind: " no care on our part, saying "Lord, help mine unbelief."" So
" no
but "the Lord careth for the stranger thoroughly then did those Apostles and men in

courage of ours, but "the Lord assists (or the gospel realize that everything which is
" *
supports) all those who are down. But this good is brought to perfection by the aid of
we say, not to slight our zeal and efforts and the Lord, and not imagine that they could
diligence, as if they were applied unnecessa- preserve their faith unharmed by their own
rily and foolishly, but that we may know that strength or free will that they prayed that it
we cannot strive without the help of God, nor might be helped or granted to them by the
can our efforts be of any use in securing the Lord. And if in Peter's case there was need
great reward of purity, unless it has been of the Lord's help that it might not fail, who
granted to us by the assistance and mercy of will be so presumptuous and blind as to fancy
the Lord: for "a horse is prepared for the that he has no need of daily assistance from
day of battle: but help cometh from the the Lord in order to preserve it ? Especially

• Prov. xxi. >• S. Luke xvii. 5.

Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 1J5. » Phil. i. 21).
T I Sam. ii. 9.
" S. Luke xxii. 31, 31.
* Phil. ii. 13.
* P». Ixvii. (Ixviii.) 39.
> Ps. cxvii. (cxviii.) 14. » 5. Mark ix. 23.
» Ps. cxlv. (cxlvi.) cxliv. (cxlv.) 16. * 2 Cor. iii.
7, 8, 9 ; 5, 6.

as the Lord Himself has made this clear

the gospel, saying: As the branch
bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine,^ That the continual fear of God must be bestowed on us by the

except ye abide in me."

so no more can ye,
And again: "for without
me ye can do no-
' ' 2 And lastly the prophet Jeremiah, speaking
How foolish and wicked then it is to
own testifies that
attribute any good action to our diligence in the person of God, clearly
and is even the fear of God, by which we can hold
and not to God's grace assistance,
shown the Lord's saying, which fast to Him, is shed upon us by the Lord:
clearly by
lays down that
no one can show forth the saying as follows: "And I will give them one
fruits of the Spirit without His inspiration and heart, and one way,
that they may fear Me all
For " and every days: and that it may be well with them and
co-operation. every good gift
boon is from above, coming down with their children after them. And
I will
from the Father of lights." Zechariah make an everlasting covenant with them and
too says, "For whatever His, and will not cease to do them good:
is is and I will
what is excellent is from Him."* And so give My fear in their hearts that they may not
the blessed Apostle consistently says
What revolt from Me. ' Ezekiel also says:
And ' '
* '

hast thou which thou didst not receive? But I will give them one heart, and will put a new
if thou didst receive it, why boastest thou as if spirit in their
bowels: and I will take away
"^ the stony heart out of their flesh and will
thou hadst not received it?
that they may
give them a heart of flesh:
walk in My commandments, and keep My
judgments and do them and that they may
" "

be My people, and I may be their God.

That temperateness and the endurance of temptations must be
given to us by the Lord.

That the beginning of our good will and its completion comes
Andthat all the endurance, with which we from God.
can bear the temptations brought upon us,
depends not so much on our own strength as And this plainly teaches us that the begin-
on the mercy and guidance of God, the blessed
" ning of our good will is given to us by the
Apostle thus declares: No temptation hath inspiration of the Lord, when He draws us
come upon you but such as is common to man. towards the way of salvation either by His
But God is faithful, who will not suffer you own act, or by the exhortations of some man,
to be tempted above that ye are able, but or by compulsion; and that the consumma-
will with the temptation make also a way of tion of our good deeds is granted by Him in
" * And
escape, that ye may be able to bear it. the same way: but that it is in our own
that God fits and strengthens our souls for power to follow up the encouragement and
every good work, and worketh in us all those assistance of God with more or less zeal, and
things which are pleasing to Him, the same that accordingly we are rightly visited either
Apostle teaches May the God of peace who
with reward or with punishment, because we
brought out of darkness the great Shepherd have been either careless or careful to corre-
of the sheep, Jesus Christ, in the blood of
spond to His design and providential arrange-
the everlasting Testament, fit you in all good- ment made for us with such kindly regard.
ness, working in you what is well-pleasing And this is clearly and plainly described in
in His sight.
And that the same thing may
'' " the Lord
Deuteronomy. "When," says he,
happen to the Thessalonians he prays as fol- God shall have brought thee into the land
lows, saying: "Now our Lord Jesus Christ which thou art going to possess, and shall have
Himself and- God our Father who hath loved the Hit-
destroyed many nations before thee,
us and hath given us everlasting consolation
tite, and the Gergeshite, and the Amorite,
and good hope in grace, exhort your hearts,
Canaanite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and
and confirm you in every good word and the num-
Jebusite, seven nations much more
work." ^ erous than thou art and stronger than thou,
and the Lord thy God shall have delivered
* S. XV. John 4.
them to thee, thou shalt utterly destroy them.
I Cor. iv. 7.
* Jb. ver. '
5. I Cor. X. 13.
' S.
James i. 17.
^ Heb. xiii. 20, 21.
* Zech. ix. ' 9 i« Ezek. xi. 19, 20.
lyfLXX.). 2 Thess. ii. 15, 16. Jerem. xxxii. 39, 40.

Thou shalt make no league with them. of the body to lord it over us. And the words
Neither shalt thou make marriage with of the Apostle most assuredly teach us this,
them. "1 So then Scripture declares that it when he says: "For this cause God delivered
is the free gift of God that they are brought them up to shameful passions:" and again:
into the land of promise, that many nations "Because they did not like to have God in
are destroyed before them, that nations more their knowledge, God delivered them up to
numerous and mightier than the people of a reprobat-e sense, to do those things Avhich
Israel are given up into their hands. But "
are not convenient. ' And the Lord Himself
whether Israel utterly destroys them, or says by the prophet: "But My
people did not
whether it preserves them alive and spares hear voice and Israel did not obey me
My :

them, and whether or no it makes a league Wherefore I gave them up unto their own
with them, and makes marriages with them or hearts' lusts. They shall walk after their
not, it declares lies in their own power. And own inventions. " *
by this testimony we can clearly see what we
ought to ascribe to free will, and what to the
design and daily assistance of the Lord, and XXL CHAPTER
that it belongs to divine grace to give us op-
portunities of salvation and prosperous under- An objection on the power of free will.
takings and victory: but that it is ours to
follow up the blessings which God gives us Germanus: This passage very clearly
with earnestness or indifference. And this shows the freedom of the will, where it is
same fact we see is plainly taught in the said " If My people would have hearkened
healing of the blind men. For the fact that unto Me," and elsewhere "But
My people
Jesus passed by them, was a free gift of would not hear My voice."' For when He
Divine providence and condescension. "
But says If they would have heard" He shows
the fact that they cried out and said "Have that the decision to
" yield or not to yield lay
mercy on us. Lord, thou son of David," was in their own power. How then is it true that
an act of their own faith and belief. That our salvation does not depend upon ourselves,
they received the sight of tlieir eyes was a gift if God Himself has given us the power either
of Divine pity. But that after the reception to hearken or not to hearken ?
of any blessing, the grace of God, and the
use of free will both remain, the case of the
ten lepers, who were all healed alike, shows
us. For when one of them through goodness CHAPTER XXIL
of will returned thanks, the Lord looking for
The answer; riz., that our free will always has need of the
the nine, and praising the one, showed that .
help of the Lord.
He was ever anxious to help even those who
were unmindful of His kindness. For even Paphnutius: You have shrewdly enough
this is a gift of His visitation; viz., that he noticed how it is said "If they would have
receives and commends the grateful one, and hearkened to Me: " but have not sufficiently
looks for and censures those who are thank- considered either who it is who speaks to one
less. who does or does not hearken; or what fol-
lows: "I should soon have put down their
CHAPTER XX. enemies, and laid My hand on those that
trouble them."* Let no one then try by a
That nothing can be done in this world without God. false to twist that which we
brought forward to prove that nothing can be
But it is right for us to hold with unswer- done without the Lord, nor take it in support
ving faith that nothing whatever is done in of free will, in such a way as to try to take
this world without God. For we must ac-
away from man the grace of God and His
knowledge that everything is done either by daily oversight, through this test: "But My
His will or by His permission, i.e., we must
people did not hear My voice," and again:
believe that whatever is good is carried out by "If My people would have hearkened unto
the will of God and by His aid, and whatever
Me, and if Israel would have walked in My
is the reverse is done by His permission, " but let him consider that
ways, etc. :
when the Divine Protection is withdrawn from as the power of free will is evidenced by the
us for our sins and the hardness of our hearts, disobedience of the people, so the daily over-
and suffers the devil and the shameful passions
» Rom. » Ps. Ixxx.
i. a6, a8. (Ixxxi.) la, 13.
• * 8. Matt. XX. 31. * Ps. Ixxx. (Ixxxi.) 12, 13. • lb. ver.
Deut. vii. 1-3. 15.

God who declares and admonishes we have no wish to do away with man's free
sight of "
will by what we have said, but only to estab-
him is also shown. For where He says If "
have hearkened unto Me lish the fact that the assistance and grace of
My people Avould
He clearly implies that He had spoken to God are necessary to it every day and hour.
them before. And this the Lord was wont to When he had instructed us with this dis-
course Abbot Paphnutius dismissed us from
do not only by means of the written law, but
his cell before midnight in a state of contri-
also by daily exhortations, as this which is
"All day long have I tion rather than of liveliness; insisting on
given by Isaiah:
hands to a disobedient this as the chief lesson in his discourse; viz.,
stretched forth My
" ^ Both that when we fancied that by making perfect
and gain-saying people. points then
can be supported from this passage, where it the first renunciation (which we were en-

" If
My people would have hearkened, deavouring to do with all our powers), we could
and if Israel had walked in My ways, I should climb the heights of perfection, we should
soon have put down their enemies, and laid make the discovery that we had not yet even"
My hand on those that trouble them." For begun to dream of the heights to which a
just as free
will is shown by the disobedience monk can rise, since after we had learnt some
of the people, so the government of God and few things about the second renunciation, we
His assistance is made clear by the beginning should find out that we had not before this
and end of the verse, where He implies that even heard a word of the third stage, in which
He had spoken to them before, and that after- all perfection is comprised, and which in
wards He would put down their enemies, if many ways far exceeds these lower ones.
they would have hearkened
unto Him. For



ever relinquished nothing of his former cus-
tomary humility, and when the other was
Of the life of Abbot Daniel. present, never took upon himself anything
from his advance to a higher order, but when
Among the other heroes of Christian phi- Abbot Paphnutius was offering spiritual sac-
losophy we also knew Abbot Daniel, who was ever continued to act as a deacon in
not only the equal of those who dwelt in the the office of his former ministry. However,
desert of Scete in every sort of virtue, but wasthe blessed Paphnutius though so great a
specially marked by the grace of humility. saint as to possess the grace of foreknowledge
This man on account of his purity and gentle- in many matters, yet in this case was dis-
ness, though in age the junior of most, was appointed of his hope of the succession and
preferred to the office of the diaconate by the the choice he had made, for he himself passed
blessed Paphnutius, presbyter in the same to God no long time after him whom he had
desert for the blessed Paphnutius was so de- prepared as his successor.

lighted with his excellent qualities, that, as

he knew that he was his equal in virtue and
There has been some discussion as to thj
grace of life, he was anxious also to make here told us by Cassian.
action of Paphnutius in having him raised to the priesthood, as Cas-
him his equal in the order of the priesthood. sian here narrates. Was Paphnutius really a bishop, or is it a case
And since he could not bear that he should of presbyterian orders, or do Cassian's expressions merely mean
that Paphnutius procured his ordination first to the Diaconate and
remain any longer in an inferior office, and then to the Priesthood ? Probably the latter, for (i) all the evidence
to show that presbyters had not the power of ordination and
was also anxious to provide a worthy succes- goes
(2 )there are manv instances, in which it is said even of the laity that

sor to himself in his lifetime, he promoted him they " ordained " men "
to the ministry when all tliat can possibly be
" further
meant is (3) it will
to the dignity of the priesthood. ^ He how- be noticedthat they procured their ordination;
that it is not even said that Paphnutius ordained Daniel,
but merely that he " promoted " him to the priesthood an expression

which might equally well be used of nomination as of actual ordina-

1 Is. Ixv. 2. tion. See the subject discussed in Bingham's Antiquities, Book
II. c. iii. § 7, and C. Gore's " Church and the Ministry," p. 374.
8 Nothing further appears to be known of Daniel than what is



An investigation of the origin of a sudden change of feeling How there is a twofold reason for the permission and allow-
from inexpressible joy to extreme dejection of mind.
ance of God.

So then we asked this blessed Daniel why

But God's permission and allowance
it was that as we sat in the cells we were some-
there a twofold reason.
is First, that being
times filled with the utmost gladness of heart,
for a short time forsaken
together with inexpressible delight and abun- by the Lord, and
dance of the holiest feelings, so that I will not observing with all humility the weakness of
our own heart, we may not be puffed
say speech, but even7^'<f//>/^ could not follow it, up on
account of the previous purity of heart,
and pure prayers were readily breathed, and the
mind being filled with spiritual fruits, pray- granted to us by His visitation; and that by
proving that when we are forsaken by Him
ing to God even in sleep could feel that its we cannot possibly recover our former state
petitions rose lightly and powerfully to God: of
and again, why it was that for no reason we purity and delight by any groan ings and
efforts of our own, we may also learn that our
were suddenly filled with the utmost grief, and
previous gladness of heart resulted not from
weighed down with unreasonable depression, our own earnestness but from
so that we not only felt as if we ourselves were His gift, and
that foj the present time it must be
overcome with such feelings, but also our cell sought
once more from His and enlightenment.
grew dreadful, reading palled upon us, aye But a second reasongrace for this allowance, is to
and our very prayers were offered up un-
prove our perseverance, and steadfastness of
steadily and vaguely, and almost as if we
were intoxicated: so that while we were mind,
and real desires, and to show in us,
with what purpose of heart, or earnestness
groaning and endeavouring to restore our-
in prayer we seek for the return of the
selves to our former disposition, our mind Holy
was unable to do this, and the more earnestly Spirit, when He leaves us, and also in order that
when we discover with what efforts we must
sought to fix again its gaze upon God, so seek for that
when once it —
was it the more vehemently carried away to
is lost —
spiritual gladness
and the joy of purity, we may learn
wandering thoughts by shifting aberrations to it more
and so utterly deprived of all spiritual fruits, preserve carefully, when once it
is secured, and to hold it with firmer
as not to be capable of being roused from this grasp.
For men are generally more careless about
deadly slumber even by the desire of the whatever they think can be easily
kingdom of heaven, or by the fear of hell keeping
held out to it. To this he replied. replaced.

How our efforts and exertions are of no use without God's
His answer to the question raised. help.

A THREEFOLD account of this mental dry- And by this it is clearly shown that God's
ness of which you speak has been given by grace and mercy always work in us what is
the Elders. For it comes either from care- good, and that when it forsakes us, the efforts
lessness on our part, or from the assaults of of the worker are, and that however
the devil, or from the permission and allow- earnestly a man may strive, he cannot regain
ance of the Lord. From carelessness on our his former condition without His help, and
part, when through our own faults, coldness that this saying is constantly fulfilled in our
has come upon us, and we have behaved care- case: that it is "not of him that willeth or
lessly and hastily, and owing to slothful idle- runneth but of God which hath mercy. And '

ness have fed on bad thoughts, and so make this grace on the other hand sometimes does
the ground of our heart bring forth thorns and not refuse to visit with that holy inspiration
thistles; which spring up in it, and conse- of which you spoke, and with an abundance of
quently make us sterile, and powerless as spiritual thoughts, even the careless and in-
regards all spiritual fruit and meditation. different; but inspires the unworthy, arouses
From the assaults of the devil when, some- the slumberers, and enlightens those who are
times, while we are actually intent on good blinded by ignorance, and mercifully reproves
desires, our enemy with crafty subtilty makes us and chastens us, shedding itself abroad in
his way into our heart, and without our know- our hearts, that thus we may be stirred
by the
ledge and against our will we are drawn away compunction which He excites, and impelled
from the best intentions. 1 Rom. ix. i6.

to risefrom the sleep of sloth. Lastly we are above that we are able, but makest with the
often filled by His sudden visitation with temptation a way of escape that we may be
sweet odours, beyond the power of human able to bear it."* And something of this sort


so that the soul is ravished we read in the book of Judges was mystically
with these delights, and caught up, as it were, designed in the matter of the extermination
into an ecstasy of spirit, and becomes oblivi- of the spiritual nations which were opposed
ous of the fact that it is still in the flesh. to Israel: "These are the nations, which
the Lord left that by them He might instruct
Israel, that they might learn to fight with their
CHAPTER VI. enemies," and again shortly after: "And the
Lord left them that He might try Israel by
How it is sometimes to our advantage to be left by God. them, whether they would hear the command-
ments of the Lord, which He had commanded
their fathers by the hand of Moses, or not.
' '

But the blessed David recognizes that

semetimes this departure of which we have And this conflict God reserved for Israel,
it were) desertion by God may not from envy of their peace, or from a wish
spoken, and (as
be to some extent to our advantage, so that to hurt them, but because He knew that it
he was unwilling to pray, not that he might would be good for them that while they were
not be absolutely forsaken by God in any- always oppressed by the attacks of those
thing (for he was aware that this would have nations they might not cease to feel them-
been disadvantageous both to himself and to selves in need of the aid of the Lord, and for
human nature in its course towards perfec- this reason might ever continue to meditate
tion) but he rather entreated that it might be on Him and invoke His aid, and not grow
in measure and degree, saying Forsake me *'
careless through lazy ease, and lose the habit
not utterly" as if to say in other words: I of resisting, and the practice of virtue. For
know that thou dost forsake thy saints to their again and again, men whom adversity could
advantage, in order to prove them, for in no not overcome, have been cast down by free-
other way could they be tempted by the devil, dom from care and by prosperity.
unless they were for a little forsaken by Thee.
And therefore I ask not that- Thou shouldest
never forsake me, for it would not be well for
me not to feel my weakness and say "It is CHAPTER VIL
good for me that Thou hast brought me low Of the value of the conflict which tlie Apostle makes to consist
nor to have no opportunity of fighting. And in the strife between the fiesh and the spirit.
this I certainly should not have, if the Divine
protection shielded me incessantly and un- This conflict too we read in the Apostle
brokenly. For the devil will not dare to has for our good been placed in our members :

attack me while supported by Thy defence, as "For the flesh lusteth against the spirit: and
he brings both against me and Thee this the spirit against the flesh. But these two
objection and complaint, which he ever slan- are opposed to each other so that ye should
not do what ye would. ^ You have here too a
' '

derously brings against Thy champions,

"Does Job serve God for nought? Hast not contest as it were implanted in our bodies, by
Thou made a fence for him and his house and the action and arrangement of the Lord.
all his substance round about ?
" ^ But I For when a thing exists in everybody univer-
entreat that Thou forsake me not utterly — sally and without the slightest exception,
what the Greeks call eco? o-(jp(5i5^«, i.e., too what else can you think about it except that
much. For, first, as it is advantageous to me it belongs to the substance of human nature,
for Thee to forsake me a little, that the stead- since the fall of the first man, as it were
fastness of my love may be tried, so it is naturally: and when a thing is found to be
dangerous if Thou suffer me to be forsaken congenital with everybody, and to grow with
excessively in proportion to my faults and their growth, how can we help believing that it
what I deserve, since no power of man, if in was implanted by the will of the Lord, not to
temptation it is forsaken for too long a time by injure them but to help them ? But the reason
Thine aid, can endure by its own steadfast- of this conflict; viz., of flesh and spirit, he
ness, and not forthwith give in to the power of tells us is this:
" that
" And ye should not do what
the enemy's side, unless Thou Thyself, as Thou would. so, if we fulfil what God ar-
knowest the strength of man, and moderatest ranged that we should not fulfil, i.e., that we
his struggles,
" Suffer
us not to be tempted should not do what we liked, how can we help

» 2 '
Ps. cxviii. (cxix.J 8. /^. ver. 71. Job * Cor. x. 13- 5 «
9, 10. i
judg. iii. 1-4. Gal. v. 17,

believing that it is bad for us? And this the meaning of those two desires, i.e., of the
conflict implanted in us by the arrangement flesh and spirit, and so next learn to discuss
of the Creator is in a way useful to us, and our free will, which is placed between- the
calls and urges us on to a higher state: and two, and then lastly in the same way we can
if it ceased, most surely there would ensue see what cannot belong to our free will.
on the other hand a peace that is fraught
with danger.

CHAPTER VIII. That the word flesh is not used with one single meaning only.

A question, how it is that in the Apostle's chapter, after he We find that the word flesh is used in holy
has spoken of the lusts of the flesh and spirit opposing one
another, he adds a third tiling viz., man's will.
; Scripture with many different meanings: for
sometimes it stands for the whole man, i.e.,
Germanus: Although some glimmer of the for that which consists of body and soul, as
now seems clear to us, yet as we cannot here And the Word was made flesh, * and
' '
thoroughly grasp the Apostle's meaning, we "All flesh shall see the salvation of our God. " •
want you to explain this more clearly to us. Sometimes it stands for sinful and carnal
For the existence of three things seems to be men, as here "My
spirit shall not remain in
indicated here: first, the struggle of the flesh those men, because they are flesh." * Some-
against the spirit, secondly the desire of the times it is used for sins themselves, as here :

spirit against the flesh, and thirdly our own "But ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit," '
free will, which seems to be placed between and again "Flesh and blood shall not inherit
the two, and of which it is said: *' Ye should the kingdom of God:" lastly there follows,
not do what ye will." And on this subject, " Neither shall corruption inherit incorrup-
" •
though as I said we can gather some hints, tion. Sometimes it stands for consanguin-
from what you have explained of the meaning, ity and relationship, as here: "Behold we are
—since this conference gives the oppor- thy bone and thy flesh,"' and the Apostle
—we are anxious to have it more fully says " If by any means I may provoke to emu-

explained to us. lation them who are my flesh, and save some
of them."® We must therefore inquire in
which of these four meanings we ought to
CHAPTER IX. take the word flesh in this place, for it is
clear that it cannot possibly stand as in the
The answer on the understanding of one who asks rightly.
passage where it is said "The Word was made
flesh," and "All flesh shall see the salvation
Daniel: It belongs to the understanding of God. " Neither can it have the same mean-
to discern the distinctions and the drift of "
ing as where it is said My Spirit shall not
and it is a main of
questions; part knowledge remain in those men because they are flesh,"
to understand how ignorant you are. Where- because the word flesh is not used here as it is
fore it is said that ''if a fool asks questions, there where it stands
simply for a sinful man

it will be accounted wisdom,"' because, al-
when he says " The flesh lusteth against the
though one who asks questions is ignorant of spirit and the spirit against the flesh. " ^ Nor
the answer to the question raised, yet as he is he
speaking of things material, but of real-
wisely asks, and learns what he does not ities which in one and the same man struggle
know, this very fact will be counted as wisdom either at the same time or
separately, with
in him, because he wisely discovers what he the
shifting and changing of time.
was ignorant of. According then to this
division of yours, it seems that in this passage
the Apostle mentions three things, the lust of
the flesh against the spirit, and of the spirit CHAPTER XL
against the flesh, the mutual struggle of which
What the Apostle means by flesh in this passage, and what
against each other appears to have this as its the lust of the flesh is.
cause and reason; viz., "
that," says he, *'we
should not do what we would." There Wherefore in this passage we ought to
remains then a fourth case, which you have take "flesh " as
meaning not man, i.e., his ma-
overlooked; viz., that we should do what we
would not. Now then, we must first discover « •
S. John i. 14. I Cor. XV. 50.
* S. Luke iii. 6. ^ 3 Sam. V. I.
* (Jen. vi.
3. Rom. xi. 14.
» * Rom. viii. » Gal.
ProT. xvii. a8. (LXX.). 9. V. 17.

terial substance, but the carnal will and evil spiritual virtues together with carnal ease,
" "
does not mean any- and to attain the grace of patience without the
desires, just as spirit
irritation of contradiction, and to practise the
thing material, but the good and spiritual
desires of the soul: a meaning which the humility of Christ without the loss of worldly
blessed Apostle has clearly given just before, honour, to aim at the simplicity of religion in
where he begins: "But I say, walk in the conjunction with worldly ambition, to serve
spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the
desires Christ not without the praise and favour of
of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the
men, to profess the strictness which truth
spirit and the spirit against the flesh: but
demands without giving the slightest offence
these are contrary the one to the other, that to anybody: in a word, it is anxious to pursue

ye may not do what ye would." And since future blessings in such a way as not to lose
these two; viz., the desires of the flesh and of present ones. And this free will would never
the spirit co-exist in one and the same man, lead us to attain true perfection, but would
there arises an internal warfare daily carried plunge us into a most miserable condition of
on within us, while the lust of the flesh which lukewarmness, and make us like those who
rushes blindly towards sin, revels in those are rebuked by the Lord's remonstrance in
delights which are connected with present the Apocalypse "I know thy works, that thou

ease. And on the other hand the desire of art neither hot nor cold. I would that thou
the spirit is opposed to these, and wishes to wert hot or cold. But now thou art luke-
be entirely absorbed in spiritual efforts, so warm, and I will forthwith spue thee out qf
that it actually wants to be rid of even the my mouth ;" were it not that these conten-
necessary uses of the flesh, longing to be so tions which rise up on both sides disturb
constantly taken up with these things as to and destroy this condition of lukewarmness.
desire to have no share of anxiety about the For when we give in to this free will of ours
weakness of the flesh. The flesh delights in and want to let ourselves go in the direction
wantonness and lust: the spirit does not even of this slackness, at once the desires of the
tolerate natural desires. The one wants to flesh start up, and injure us with their sinful
have plenty of sleep, and to be satiated with passions, and do not suffer us to continue in
food: the other is nourished with vigils and that state of purity in which we delight, and
fasting, so as to be unwilling even to admit allure us to that cold and thorny path of
of sleep and food for the needful purposes pleasure which we have to dread. Again,
of life. The one longs to be enriched with if inflamed with fervour of spirit, we want to
plenty of everything, the other is satisfied root out the works of the flesh, and without
even without the possession of a daily supply any regard to human weakness try to raise
of scanty food. The one seeks to look sleek ourselves altogether to excessive efforts after
by means of baths, and to be surrounded every virtue, the frailty of the flesh comes in, and
day by crowds of flatterers, the other delights recalls us and restrains us from that over
in dirt and filth, and the solitude of the inac- excess of spirit which is bad for us: and so
cessible desert, and dreads the approach of the result is that as these two desires are
all mortal men. The one lives on the esteem contradicting each other in a struggle of this
and applause of men, the other glories in kind, the soul's free will, which does not like
injuries offered to it, and in persecutions. either to give itself up entirely to carnal
desires, nor to throw itself into the exertions
which virtue calls for, is tempered as it were
CHAPTER XII. by a fair balance, while this struggle between
the two hinders that more dangerous free will
What is our free will, which stands in between the lust of the of the soul, and makes a sort of equitable
flesh and the spirit. balance in the scales of our body, which
marks out the limits of flesh and spirit most
Between these two desires then the free
accurately, and does not allow the mind in-
will of the soul stands in an intermediate
flamed with fervour of spirit to sway to the
position somewhat worthy of blame, and
right hand, nor the flesh to incline through
neither delights in the excesses of sin, nor
the pricks of sin, to the left. And while this
acquiesces in the sorrows of virtue. Seeking struggle goes on day after day in us to our
to restrain itself from carnal
passions in such profit, we are driven most
a way as not nevertheless to be beneficially to
willing to come to that fourth stage which we do not
undergo the requisite suffering, and wanting like, so as to
to secure bodily gain purity of heart not by ease
chastity without chastising and carelessness, but
the flesh, and to acquire by constant efforts and
purity of heart with-
out the exertion of vigils, and to abound in 1 Rev.
iii. 15, 16.

contrition of spirit; to retain our chastity of ous union had driven to destruction, as when
the flesh by prolonged fastings, hunger, thirst, divisions arose they began to experience
and watchfulness; to acquire purpose of heart human weakness of which when puffed up by
by reading, vigils, constant prayer and the their wicked plots they had hitherto known
wretchedness of solitude; to preserve patience nothing.
by the endurance of tribulation to serve our

Maker in the midst of blasphemies and CHAPTER Xni.

abounding insults ;
to follow after truth if
need be amid the hatred of the world and its 01 the advantage of the delay which results from the struggle
between flesh and spirit.
enmity; and while, with such a struggle going
on in our body, we are secured from slothful But from the differences which this conflict
carelessness, and incited to that effort which there arises a delay that is so far
is against the grain, and to the desire for vir-
our proper balance advantageous to us, and from this struggle an
tue, isadmirably secured,
and on one side the languid choice of our while adjournment that is for our good, so that
through the resistance of the material
free will is tempered by fervour of spirit,
body we are hindered from carrying out
and on the other the frigid coldness of the those
things which we have wickedly con-
flesh is moderated by a gentle warmth, and
ceived with our minds, we are sometimes
while the desire of the spirit does not allow
recalled to a better mind either by penitence
the mind to be dragged into unbridled
springing up, or by some better thoughts which
licence, neither does the weakness of the
flesh allow the spirit to be drawn on to un-
usually come to us when delay in carrying
out things, and time for reflection intervene.
reasonable aspirations after holiness, lest in
those who, as we know, are not pre-
the one case incentives to all kinds of sins Lastly,
vented from carrying out the desires of their
might arise, or in the other the earliest of all free will
sins might lift its head and wound us with a
by any hindrances of the flesh, I mean
devils and spiritual wickednesses, these, since
yet more fatal dart of pride :but a due equi-
have fallen from a higher and angelical
librium will result from this struggle, and they
state, we see are in a worse plight than men,
open to us a safe and secure path of virtue in as much as (owing to the fact that oppor-
between the two, and teach the soldier of
is always present to gratify their de-
Christ ever to walk on the King's highway. tunity
sires) they are not delayed from irrevocably
And thus the result will be that when, in con-
performing whatever evil they have imagined
sequence of the lukewarmness arising from because as their mind is quick to conceive it,
this sluggish will of which we have spoken,
so their substance is ready and free to carry
the mind has been more easily entangled in
it out; and while a short and easy method is
carnal desires, it is checked by the desire of
given them of doing what they wish, no salu-
the spirit, which by no means acquiesces in
tary second thoughts come in to amend their
earthly sins; and again, if through over much wicked intention.
feeling our spirit has been carried in unbounded
fervour and towards ill-considered and im-
possible heights, it is recalled by the weak- CHAPTER XIV.
ness of the flesh to sounder considerations and
rising above the lukewarm condition of our Of the incurable depravity of spiritual wickednesses.
free will with due proportion and even course
proceeds along the way of perfection. Some- For a spiritual substance and one that is
thing of this sort we hear that the Lord not tied to any material flesh has no excuse
ordained in the case of the building of that for an evil thought which arises within, and
tower in the book of Genesis, where a confu- also shuts out forgiveness for its sin, because
sion of tongues suddenly sprang up, and put it is not harassed as we are by incentives of
a stop to the blasphemous and wicked attempts the flesh without, to sin, but is simply in-
of men. For there would have remained flamed by the fault of a perverse .will. And
its sin is without forgiveness and its
aye and against therefore
there in opposition to God,
the interest of those who had begun to assail weakness without remedy. For as it falls
His Divine Majesty, an agreement boding no through the allurements of no earthly matter,
good, unless by God's providence the dif- so it can find no pardon or place for repent-
ference of languages, raising disturbances ance. And from this we can clearly gather
among them, had forced them because of the that this struggle which arises in us of the
variations of their words to go on to a better flesh and spirit against each other is not
condition, and a happy and valuable discord merely harmless, but actually extremely use-
had recalled to salvation those whom a ruin- ful to us.

CHAPTER XV. experience no such fleshly lusts, were cast

down from their high and heavenly estate in
Of the value of the lust of the flesh against the spirit in our everlasting destruction simply from pride of
case. heart. And so we should be altogether hope-
lessly lukewarm, since we should have no
To begin with, because it is an immediate warning of carelessness on our part implanted
reproof of our sloth and carelessness,
and either in our body or in our mind, nor should
like some energetic schoolmaster who never we ever strive to reach the glow of perfection,
allows us to deviate from the line of strict or even keep to strict frugality and abstinence,
discipline, and if our carelessness
has ever were it not that this excitement of the flesh
so little exceeded the limits of due gravity springs up and humbles us and baffles us and
which become it, it immediately excites us makes us keen and anxious about purifying
by the stimulus of desire, and chides us and ourselves from spiritual sins.
recalls us to due moderation. Secondly,
because, in the matter of chastity and perfect
purity, when by God's grace we see that we CHAPTER XVn.
have been for some time kept from carnal pol-
lution, in order that we may not imagine that Of the lukewarmness of eunuchs.
we can no longer be disturbed by the motions
of the flesh and thereby be elated and puffed
Lastly, on this account in those who are
up in our secret hearts as if we no longer bore Eunuchs, we often detect the existence of this
about the corruption of the flesh, it humbles lukewarmness of mind, because, as they are
and checks us, and reminds us by its pricks so to speak free from the needs of the flesh,
that we are but men.'^ For as we ordinarily
they fancy that they have no need either of
fall without much thought into other kinds of
the trouble of bodily abstinence, or of contri-
sins and those worse and more harmful, and tion of heart; and being rendered slack by
are riot so easily ashamed of committing them, thisthey make no
freedom from anxiety,
so in this particular one the conscience is seek or to acquire per-
efforts either truly to
especially humbled, and by means of this fection of heart or even
purity from spiritual
illusion it is stung by the recollection of pas-
faults. And this condition which is the
sions that have been neglected, as it sees result of their
state in the flesh, becomes
clearly that it is rendered unclean by natural natural, which is
altogether a worse state.
emotions, of which it knew nothing while it For he who
passes from the state of coldness
was still more unclean through spiritual sins to that of lukewarmness is branded

and so coming back at once to the cure of its Lord's words as still more hateful. by the
former sluggishness, it is warned both that it

ought not to trust in the attainments of purity

in the past, which it sees to be lost by ever
so small a falling away from the Lord, and
also that it cannot attain the gift of this purity The question what is the difference between the carnal and
except by God's grace alone, since actual ex- natural man.

perience somehow or other teaches us that if

we are anxious to reach abiding perfection of Germanus: You have, it seems to us,
heart we must constantly endeavour to obtain very clearly shown the value of the struggle
the virtue of humility. v/hich is raised between the flesh and spirit,
so that we can believe that it can in a sort
of way be grasped by us; and therefore we
CHAPTER XVI. want to have this also explained to us in the
same way; viz., what is the difference between
Of the excitements of the flesh, without the humiliation of the carnal and the natural man, or how the
which we should fall more grievously.
natural man can be worse than the carnal.
To the fact then that the pride which
results fromthis purity would be more dan-
gerous than all sins and wickednesses, and that CHAPTER XIX.
we should on that account gain no reward for
The answer concerning the threefold condition of souis.
any height of perfect chastity, we call as may
witnesses those powers of which we spoke
Daniel There are, according to the state-

before, which since it is believed that they

ments of Scripture, three kinds of souls the ;

Suo nos rursum quatnvis quieto ac simplici visitatu fluxu. first is the carnal, the second the natural, and

the third the spiritual which we find are thus

: themouth and is received with satisfaction
described by the Apostle. For of the carnal and good results. But whatever has been
" I
he says gave you milk to drink, not meat: once rejected .owing to its miserable luke-

for you were not able as yet. But neither warmness, we cannot — I will not
say touch
indeed are you now able for you are yet car- ;
with the lips — but even look on from a dis-
" And
nal. again: "For whereas there is tance without the greatest disgust. Rightly
among you envying and contention, are you then is he said to be worse, because the carnal
not carnal ?" ^ Concerning the natural he also man, i.e., the worldly man and the heathen,
speaks as follows: ''But the natural man per- is more readily brought to
saving conversion
ceiveth not the things that are of the spirit of and to the heights of perfection than one who
But con- " has been professed as a monk, but has not, as
God; for foolishness to him.
it is

cerning the spiritual "But the spiritual man

: his rule directs, laid hold on the way of per-
judgeth all things: and he himself is judged fection, and so has once for all drawn back
"2 And again "You who are spi- from that fire of spiritual fervour.
by no man. For the
ritual instruct such ones in the spirit of meek- former is at last broken down by the sins of
"' And
ness. so, though at our renunciation the flesh, and acknowledges his uncleanness,
we ceased to be carnal, i.e., we began to and in his compunction hastens from carnal
separate ourselves from intercourse with those pollution to the fountain of true cleansing, and
in the world, and to have nothing to do with the heights of perfection, and in his horror at
open pollution of the flesh, we must still be that cold state of infidelity in which he finds
careful to strive with all our might to attain himself, he is kindled with the fire of the
forthwith a spiritual condition, lest haply we spirit and flies the more readily to perfection.
flatter ourselves because we seem as far as For one who has, as we said, once started with
the outer man is concerned to have renounced a lukewarm beginning, and has begun to abuse
this world and got rid of the defilement of the name of monk, and who has not laid hold
carnal fornication, as if by this we had on the way of this profession with the humil-
reached the heights of perfection and thence ity and fervour that he ought, when once he

become careless and indifferent about purify- is infected by this miserable plague, and is as
ing ourselves from other affections, and so it were unstrung by it, can no longer of him-
being kept back between these two, become un- self discern what is perfect nor learn from
able to reach the stage of spiritual advance- the admonitions of another. For he says in
ment; either because we think that it is his heart that which the Lord tells us:
amply sufficient for our perfection if we seem "Because I am rich and wealthy and want
to separate ourselves, as regards the outward
" and so this which
nothing; follows is at
man, from intercourse with this world and once applied to him: " But thou art wretched,
from its pleasure, or because we are free from and miserable, and poor, and blind, and
corruption and carnal intercourse, and thus we naked: '" and he is so far in a worse condi-
find ourselves in that lukewarm condition tion than a worldly man, because he has no
which is considered the worst of all, and dis- idea that he is wretched or blind or naked or
cover that we are spued out of the mouth of requires cleansing, or needs to be directed and
the Lord, in accordance with these words of taught by any one; and on this account he
His: " 1 would that thou wert hot or cold. receives no sound advice as he does not
But now thou art lukewarm and
I will begin he is weighted with the name of
realise that
mouth. * And not
' '
to spue thee out of My monk, and is lowered in the judgment of all,
without good reason does the Lord declare whereas, though everybody believes him to be
that those whom he has previously received in a saint and regards him as a servant of God,
the bowels of His love, and who have become he must hereafter be subjected to a stricter
shamefully lukewarm, shall be spued out and judgment and punishment. Lastly, why
rejected from His bosom: in as much as, should we any longer linger over those things
though they might have yielded Him some which we have sufficiently discovered and
health-giving subsistence, they preferred to proved by experience? We have often seen
be torn away from His heart: thus becoming those who were cold and carnal, i.e., worldly
far worse than those who had never found men and heathen, attain spiritual warmth:
their way into the Lord's mouth as food, just but lukewarm and "natural" men never. And
as we turn away with loathing from that these too we read in the prophet are hated of
which nausea compels us to bring up. For the Lord, so that a charge is given to spiritual
whatever is cold is warmed when received into and learned men to desist from warning and
teaching them, and not to sow the seed of the
* I Cor. \\\. 3, » Gal vi. I.
* i Cor. * Rev.
ii. 14, 15. iii. 15, 16. Rev. iii.
unsuitable and foolish, while
word in ground that is barren and matters that are
choked by noxious thorns but it is ashamed to be thought inferior to or less
unfruitful and ;

The one on ac-

informed than others.
that they should scorn this, and rather cul- well
the other
tivate fallow ground, that they should count of pride seeks clerical oflftce,
looks down since it fancies that it
and teaching, and their
transfer all their care upon it,

word to and is unsuitable or beneath its former dignity

zeal in the life-giving " pagans
Thus saith and life and the deserts of its birth. And
worldly men: as we thus
men of and inhabitants which of these two should be accounted the
the Lord to the Judah and decide
break up your fallow ground, worse
each man must consider
of Jerusalem:
' '
^ for himself. At any rate the kind of disobe-
and sow not among thorns. man breaks
dience is one and the same, if a
the Elder's commands whether it be owing
to zeal in work, or to love of ease and it is :

as hurtful to upset the rules of the monastery
Of those who renouncs the world but ill. for the sake of sleep, as it is for the sake of
is just the same to transgress
vigilance, and it
am ashamed to how the Abbot's orders in order to read, as it is
In the last place I say
made them in order to sleep: nor is there
we find that a large number have their to slight
in the incentive to pride if you
renunciation in such a way that we find that any difference
of their former neglect a brother, whether it is because of
they have altered nothing
sins and habits, but only their state of life your fast or
because of your breakfast except :

and worldly garb. For they are eager in that those faults which seem to show them-
guise of virtues and
had under the in the
amassing wealth which they never before, selves
are worse and less likely
or else do not give up that which they had, form of spirituality
those which arise openly
or which is still sadder, they actually strive to be cured than
For these latter,
to augment it under this excuse; viz., that and from
carnal pleasures.
that it is right that they should like sicknesses which
are perfectly plain and
they assert
their relations or the visible, are grappled with and cured,
always support with it covered under the
or hoard it under pretence of the former, since they are
brethren, they
which they imagine cloak of virtue, remain uncured, and cause
starting congregations
that they can preside over as Abbots. But their victims to fall into a more dangerous
if only theywould sincerely seek after the and deadly state of ill health.
way of perfection, they
would rather en-
deavour with all their might and main to
attain to this: viz., that they might strip them- CHAPTER XXI.
selves not only of their wealth but of all their
former likings and occupations, and place Of those who having made light of great things busy them-
themselves unreservedly and entirely under selves about trifles.

the guidance of the Elders so as to have no

but even For how can we show how absurd it is that
anxiety not merely about others,
about themselves. But on the contrary we we see that some men after their first enthu-
find that while they are eager to be set over siasm of renunciation in which they forsook
their brethren, they are never subject to their their estates and vast wealth and the service
Elders themselves, and, with pride for their of the world, and betook themselves to the

starting point, while they

are quite ready to monasteries, are still earnestly devoted to
teach others they take no trouble to learn them- those things which cannot altogether be cut
off, and which we cannot
selves or to practise what they are to teach and :
do without in this
so it is sure to end in their becoming, as the state of life, even though they are small and
" blind leaders of the blind " so so that in their case the
Saviour said, trifling things;
" And this pride is greater than
anxiety about these trifles
' ' '^

that both fall into the ditch.

their love of all their property. And it cer-
though there is only one kind of it, yet takes
a twofold form. One form continually puts tainly will not profit them
much that they
on the appearance of seriousness and gravity, have disregarded greater riches and property,
the other breaks out with unbridled freedom if
they have only transferred their
into silly giggling and laughing. (on account of which they were to
The former make light
in not the latter thinks it of them) to small and trifling things. For
delights talking:
hard to be kept to the restraint of silence, the sin of covetousness and avarice of which
and has no scruples about talking freely on they cannot be guilty in the matter of really
valuable things, they retain with regard to
1 iv. 3. 2 Cf. S. Matt. XV. 14. commoner matters, and so show that they have

not got rid of their former greed but only that which ought to belong to all the brethren
changed its object. For if they are too care- alike. As if the difference of metals, and
ful about their mats, baskets, blankets, books, not the passion of covetousness was what mat-
and other trifles such as these, the same pas- tered; and as if it was wrong to be angry
sion holds them captive as before. And they about big things, while one might innocently
actually guard and defend their rights over be about trifling matters: and as if we had
them so jealously as to get angry with their not given up all our precious things just in
brethren about them, and, what is worse, they order that we might learn more readily to
are not ashamed to quarrel over them. And think nothing about trifles! For what differ-
ence does it make whether one gives way to
being still troubled by the bad effects of their
former covetousness, they are not content to covetousness in the matter of large and
possess those things which the needs and splendid things, or in the matter of the merest
requirements of the body compel a monk to trifles, except that we ought to think a man
have, according to the common number and so far worse if he has made light of great
measure, but here too they show the greedi- things and then is a slave to little things?
ness of their heart, as they try to have thoseAnd so that sort of renunciation of the world
things which they are obliged to use, better does not attain perfection of heart, because
got up than the others; or, exceeding all due though it ranks as poverty it still keeps the
bounds, keep as their special and peculiar mind of wealth.
property and guard from the touch of others



CHAPTER I. thirdly philargyria, i.e., avarice or the love
of money, fourthly anger, fifthly dejection,
Our Abbot and inquiry on the differ-
arrival at .Serapion's cell, sixthly acedia, i.e., listlessness or low spirits,
ent kinds of faults and the way to overcome them.
seventhly cenodoxia, i.e., boasting or vain
and eighthly pride.
In that assembly of Ancients and Elders glory,
was a man named Serapion,^ especially en-
dowed with the grace of discretion, whose CHAPTER III.
Conference I think it is worth while to set Of the two classes of faults and their fourfold manner of acting
down in writing. For when we entreated on us.
him to discourse of the way to overcome our Of these faults then there are two classes.
faults, so that their origin and cause might For they are either natural to us as
be made clearer to us, he thus began. or arise outside of nature as covetousness.
But their manner of acting on us is fourfold.
For some cannot be consummated without an
CHAPTER II. act on the part of the flesh, as gluttony and
Abbot Serapion's enumeration of eight principal faults. fornication, while some can be completed
withoutany bodily act, as pride and vainglory.
There are eight principal faults which Some find the reasons for their being excited
attack mankind viz., ;
first gastrimargia, outside us, as covetousness and anger; others"
which means gluttony, secondly fornication. are aroused by internal feelings, as accidie
and dejection.
Serapion when young was a pupil of Theonas, and an anecdote
of his youthful indulgence in good things in secret has been already
told in Conference H. c. xi. Another story of him is given in
XVI 11. xi. One of tliis name is mentioned by Palladius in the
Lausiac History, c. Ixxvi., and by Rufinus in the History of the
Monks, c. xviii., where we are told that he lived at Arsmbe, and
A review of the passions of gluttony and fornication and their
tliat he had ten thousand monks to his rule ; a number remedies.
which Sozomen also gives (H. E.VI.xxviii.). It is, however, doubtful
whether this Serapion of Arsinoe is the person whose Confer-
ence Cassian here gives. Gazet identifies, Tillemont distinguishes
And to make this clearer not only by a short
the two. Jerome, it should be noticed, speaks in Ep. cviii. (Epi- discussion to the best of my ability, but by
taphium Paul,-c) as if there was not only one of this name famous
monks * For word see the note on the Institutes V.
among the of Egypt at that time. this i.
the flesh,
and fornica- not merely contribute no pleasure to
Scripture proof as well, gluttony but on it a weakness that is
exist in us naturally (for actually bring
tion, though they diseased mind
incite- harmful to it, and only feed a
sometimes they spring up without any food of a most miserable
the motion with the pleasure.
ment from the mind, and simply at these need a single medicine
of the if they are to And therefore
and allurement flesh) yet
for the heart: but those which are carnal
be consummated, must find an external object,
acts. can only be cured, as we said, by a double
and thus take effect only through bodily Whence it is extremely useful for
For every man is tempted of his own lust. remedy.
who with-
beareth those aspire to purity, to begin by
Then lust when it has conceived sin,
from themselves the material which
and sin when it is consummated begets drawing
these carnal passions, through which
For the first Adam could not have feeds
of these same
fallen a victim to gluttony unless
he had had opportunity for or recollection
it desires can arise in a soul that is
still affected
material food at hand, and had used
Adam be the evil. For a complicated disease needs
the second by
wrongly, nor could For from the body the
enticement of some a complicated remedy.
tempted without the and material which would allure it
it was Him: "If Thou
object, when
said to object
lust should
art the Son of God, command
that these must be withdrawn, for fear lest the
And clear to endeavour to break out into act and before
stones be made bread." it is ;

also is only com- the mind we should no

less carefully place
everybody that fornication
of this diligent meditation on Scripture and
pleted by a bodily act, as God says
And his force is in anxiety and the withdrawal into solitude, lest
spirit to the
blessed Job :

his it should give birth to desire even in thought.

his loins, and his strength in the navel of
"^ so these two faults in particu- But as regards
other faults intercourse with
belly. And
into the aid our fellows is no obstacle, or rather it is of
lar, which are
carried eiifect by
absti- the greatest possible use, to those who truly
of the flesh, especially require bodily
nence as well as care of the soul desire to get rid of them, because in mixing
spiritual ;

since the determination of the mind is not in with others they more often meet with rebuke,
to resist their attacks (as is and while they are more frequently provoked
itself enough
of the faults is made evident, and
sometimes the case with anger or gloominess the existence
are cured with speedy remedies.
or the other passions, which an effort of the so they
mind alone can overcome without any morti-
fication of the flesh) but bodily chastisement

must be used as well, and be carried out by

means of fasting and vigils and acts of con-
How our Lord alone was tempted without sin.
trition and to this must be added change of

scene, because since these sins are the results

And so our Lord Jesus Christ, though
of faults of both mind and body, so they can have been
united efforts of both, declared by the Apostle's word to
only be overcome by the

in all points like as we are, is yet

And although the blessed Apostle says gener- tempted "
said to have been without sin,
" 6
i. e. without ,

allythat all faults are carnal, since he enumer- knew He

the infection of this appetite, as
ates enmities and anger and heresies among
cure nothing of incitements of carnal lust, \yith
other works of the flesh,* yet in order to
which we are sure to be troubled even against
them and to discover their nature more exactly '
for the
our will and without our knowledge
we make a twofold division of them for we

thus describes the manner of His

call some of them carnal, and some spiritual.
"The Ghost shall come
And those we call carnal, which specially conception:and the Holy of the Most
the of upon thee power High
have to do with pamperingappetites
the flesh, and with which it is so charmed and « Heb. iv.
satisfied, that sometimes it excites the mind
, . ,A , 1

following from D. Mozley's profound

' The work on tlie Aiigus-
of Predestination may serve to illustrate the
when at rest and even drags it against its Theory
will "
in the text: Scripture snys that our Lord
was ni all points tempted
to consent to its desire. Of which the blessed like as we are. But the Church has not considered it consistent

" with to this text to mean that our Lord had the same
Apostle says : In which also we all walked piety inteqiret
direct propension to sin that we have, or
that which is called by

for what is sinful is the

in time past in the desires of our flesh, fulfill- divines concupiscence. Such direct appetite and our Lord did
characteristic of our fallen and corrupt nature ;

ing the will of the flesh and of our thoughts, not assume a corrupt, but a sound humanity. Indeed, concupis-
even prior to and independent of its srratification, has ot
and were by nature children of wrath even as cence, itself the nature of sin and therefore could not belong to a perfect

the rest." ^
But we call those spiritual which Being. Our Lord had all the passions and affections that legiti-

to man which passions and affections, tending as

spring only from the impulse of the mind
and matefy belong'

constituted of
they do in their own natures to become inordinate,

themselves a state of trial but the Churcli has regarded our Lord
1 ;

* Cf. Gal. V. trial as consisting in preserving ordinate affections from becoming

1 S. James i. 14, 15. 19. to sin from

2 S. Matt. iv. * inordinate, rather than in restraining desire proximate

3. Eph. ii. 3. "
3 gratification (p. 97).
Job xl. 16. 1

shall overshadow thee: therefore that which the flesh of sin," because though His was
shall be born of thee shall be called holy, the true flesh and He ate and drank and slept,
Son of God."i and truly received the prints of the nails,
there was in Him no true sin inherited
but only what was something
from the
no experience of the
like it.
For He had
Of the manner of the in which our Lord was fiery darts of carnal lust, which in our case
attacked by the devil. arise even against our will, from the constitu-
tion of our natures, but He took upon Him
For it was right that He who was in posses- something like this, by sharing in our nature.
sion of the perfect image and likeness of God For as He truly fulfilled every function which
should be Himself tempted through those belongs to us, and bore all human infirmities.
passions, through which Adam also was He has consequently been considered to have
tempted while he still retained the image of been subject to this feeling also, that He
God unbroken, that is, through gluttony, vain- might appear through these infirmities to
glory, pride; and not through those in which bear in His own flesh the state even of this
he was by his own fault entangled and in- fault and sin. Lastly the devil only tempted
volved after the transgression of the command- Him to those sins, by which he had deceived
ment, when the image and likeness of God was the first Adam, inferring that He as man
marred. For it was gluttony through which he would similarly be deceived in other matters
took the fruit of the forbidden tree, vainglory if he found that He was overcome by those
through which it was said Your eyes shall be temptations by which he had overthrown His
opened," and pride through which it was said predecessor. But as he was overthrown in
"Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and the first encounter he was not able to bring
With these three sins then we read upon Him the second infirmity which had
that the Lord our Saviour was also tempted shot up as from the root of the first fault.

with gluttony when the devil said to Him: For he saw that He had not even admitted
"Command these stones that they be made anything from which this infirmity might take
" "
bread: with vainglory: If Thou art the Son its rise, and it was idle to hope for the fruit
of God cast Thyself down with pride, when of sin from Him, as he saw that He in no

he showed him all the kingdoms of the world sort of way received into Himself seeds or
and the glory of them and said: "All this will roots of it. Yet according to Luke, who
I give to Thee if Thou wilt fall down and
" ' places last that temptation in which he uses
worship me in order that He might by the words " If Thou art the Son of God, cast

His example teach us how we ought to van- Thyself down,"* we can understand this of
quish the tempter when we are attacked on the feeling of pride, so that that earlier one,
the same lines of temptation as He was. And which Matthew places third, in which, as Luke
so both the former and the latter are spoken the evangelist says, the devil showed Him all
of as Adam the one being the first for destruc- the kingdoms of the world in a moment of

tion and death, and the other the first for time and promised them to Him, may be taken
resurrection and life, 'i'hrough the one the of the feeling of covetousness, because after
whole race of mankind is brought into con- His victory over gluttony, he did not venture
demnation, through the other the whole race to tempt Him to fornication, but passed on
of mankind is set free. The one was fash- to covetousness, which he knew to be the root
ioned out of raw and unformed earth, the other of all evils,* and when again vanquished in
was born of the Virgin Mary. In His case this. He did not dare attack Him with any of
then though it was fitting that He should un- those sins which follow, which, as he knew
dergo temptation, yet it was not necessary full well, spring from this as a root and
that He should fail under it. Nor could He source and so he passed on to the last pas- ;

who had vanquished gluttony be tempted by sion; viz., pride, by which he knew that those
fornication, which springs from superfluity who are perfect and have overcome all other
and gluttony as its root, with which even the sins, can be affected, and owing to which he
first Adam would not have been destroyed remembered that he himself in his character
unless before its birth he had been deceived of Lucifer, and many others too, had fallen
by the wiles of the devil and fallen a vic- from their heavenly estate, without tempta-
tim to passion. And therefore the Son of tion from any of the preceding passions. In
God is not said absolutely to have come this order then which we have mentioned,
in the flesh of sin," but "in the likeness of which is the one given by the evangelist Luke,

* • * S. Luke iv. 9. ' Tim. vt. 10.

1 S. Luke i. 35. Geu. iii. 5. ImatiHarium. I
there an exact agreement between the al-
is passions of anger and covetousness by
of other people. But that covet-
lurements and forms of the temptations by provocation
which that most crafty foe attacked both the ousness is something outside our nature, we
first and the second Adam. For to the one can clearly see from this; viz., that it is proved
he said "Your eyes shall be opened;" to the not to have its first starting point inside us,
other he showed all the kingdoms of the world nor does it originate in what contributes to
the one case he keeping body and soul together,
and to the
and the glory of them." In " "
" in the other, If existence of life. For it is plain that nothing
said Ye shall be as gods ;

Son God." ^
belongs to the actual needs
and necessities of
Thou art the of
our common life except our daily meat and
drink: but everything else, with whatever
CHAPTER VII. zeal and care we preserve it, is shown to be
something distinct from the wants of
man by
How vainglory and pride can be consummated without any the needs of life itself. And so this tempta-
assistance from the body. our nature,
tion, as being something outside
only attacks those monks
who are but luke-
And to go on in the order which we pro- warm and built on a bad foundation, whereas
of the way in which
posed, with our account those which are natural to us do not cease
the other passions act (our analysis of which from troubling even the best of monks and
was obliged to be interrupted by this account those who dwell in solitude. And so far is
of gluttony and of the Lord's temptation) vain- this shown to be true, that we find that there
glory and pride can be consummated are some nations who are altogether free from
without the slightest assistance from the body. this passion of covetousness, because they
For in what way do those passions need any have never by use and custom received into
action of the flesh, which bring ample destruc- themselves this fault and infirmity. And we
tion on the soul they take captive simply by its
believe that the old world before the flood
assent and wish to gain praise and glory from was for long ages ignorant of the madness of
men? Or what act on the part of the body this desire. And in the case of each one of
was there in that pride of old in the case of us who makes his renunciation of the world a
the above mentioned Lucifer; as he only con-
ceived it in his heart and mind, as the prophet
thorough one, we know that it is extirpated
without any difficulty, if, that is, a man gives
tells us: "Who saidst in thine heart: I will monastic
ascend into heaven, I will set my throne above up all his property, and seeks the
to allow him-
I will ascend above the
discipline in such a way as not
the stars of God. And we can
self to keep a single farthing.
heights of the clouds, I will be like the most find thousands of men to bear witness to
High."^ And just as he had no one to stir this, who in a single moment
have given up
him up to this pride, so his thoughts alone
all their property, and have so thoroughly
were the authors of the sin when complete
eradicated this passion as not to be in the
and of his eternal fall especially as no exer-
slightest degree troubled by
it afterwards,
cise of the dominion at which he aimed
all their life long they have to fight
followed. though
against gluttony, and cannot
be safe from it
without striving with the utmost watchfulness
of heart and bodily abstinence.
Ofcovetoiisness, which is something outside our nature, and
of the difference between it and those faults which are natu-
ral to us,
CovETOUSNESS and anger, although they are
How dejection and accidie generally
arise withoutany exter-
not of the same character (for the former is nal provocation, as in the case of other faults.

something outside our nature, while the

latter seems to have as it were its seed plot
Dejection and accidie generally arise
within us) yet they spring up in the same way, without any external provocation, like those
as in most instances they find the reasons for others of which we have been speaking: for
their being stirred in something outside of us. we are well aware that they often harass soli-
For often men who are still rather weak com- taries, and those who have settled themselves
plain that they have fallen into these sins in the desert without any intercourse with
through irritation and the instigation of
others, and are plunged headlong into the
" De
' Such is the
heading which Gazet gives. Petschenig edits
ira atque tristitia, quod inter accedentia yitia plerumque [non]
" where " non " is his own
inveniantur; insertion, and as he frankly
1 Cf. Gen. iii. 5 with S. Malt. iv. 6, 8. 2 Is. xiv.
13, 14. tells us, the heading does not suit the chapter.

other men, and this in the most distressing moment when we have been overcome by the
way. And the truth of this any one who has ones that went before them; but into these
lived in the desert and made trial of the con- two we are in danger of falling when we have
flicts of the inner man, can easily prove by proved victorious, and above all after some

experience. splendid triumph. In the cases then of all

faults just as they spring up from the growth
of those that go before them, so are they eradi-
cated by getting rid of the earlier ones. And
How six of these faults are related, and tlie two which differ in this way in order that pride may be driven
from them are akin to one another. out vainglory must be stifled, and so if we
always overcome the earlier ones, the later
Of these eight faults then, although they ones will be checked; and through the exter-
are different in their origin and in their mination of those that lead the
way, the rest
way of affecting us, yet the six former; viz., of our passions will die down without diffi-
gluttony, fornication, covetousness, anger, culty. And though these eight faults of which
dejection, accidie, have a sort of connexion we have spoken are connected and joined
with each other, and are, so to speak, linked
together in the way which we have shown, yet
together in a chain, so that any excess of the they may be more exactly divided into four
one forms a starting point for the next. For
groups and sub-divisions. For to gluttony
from superfluity of gluttony fornication is fornication is linked
by a special tie: to cove-
sure to spring, and from fornication cov- tousness
anger, to dejection accidie, and to
etousness, from covetousness anger, from
vainglory pride is closely allied.
anger, dejection, and from dejection, accidie.
And so we must fight against them in the
same way, and with the same methods: and CHAPTER XI.
having overcome one, we ought always to
enter the lists against the next. For a tall Of the origin and character of each of these faults.
and spreading tree of a noxious kind will the
more easily be made to wither if the roots on And now, to speak about each kind of
which it depends have first been laid bare or fault separately: of gluttony there are three
cut; and a pond of water which is dangerous sorts: (i) that which drives a monk to eat
will be dried up at once if the spring and before the proper and stated times (2) that ;

flowing channel which produce it are carefully which cares about filling the belly and gor-
stopped up. Wherefore in order to over- ging it with all kinds of food, and (3) that
come accidie, you must first get the better which is on the lookout for dainties and
of dejection in order to get rid of dejection,
: delicacies. And these three sorts give a monk
anger must first be expelled in order to quell
: no little trouble, unless he tries to free him-
anger, covetousness must be trampled under self from all of them with the same care and
foot in order to root out covetousness, forni-
scrupulousness. For just as one should never
cation must be checked: and in order to venture to break one's fast before the right
destroy fornication, you must chastise the time so we must utterly avoid all greediness
sin of gluttony. But the two remaining in eating, and the choice and dainty prepara-
faults; viz., vainglory and pride, are connected tion of our food for from these three causes

together in a somewhat similar way as the different but extremely dangerous conditions
others of which we have spoken, so that the of the soul arise. For from the first there
growth of the one makes a starting point for springs up dislike of the monastery, and
the other (for superfluity of vainglory pro- thence there grows up disgust and intolerance
duces an incentive to pride) but they are
of the life there, and this is sure to be soon
altogether different from the six former faults, followed by withdrawal and speedy departure
and are not joined in the same category with from it. By the second there are kindled the
them, since not only is there no opportunity fiery darts of luxury and lasciviousness. The
given for them to spring up from these, but third also weaves the entangling meshes of
they are actually aroused in an entirely differ- covetousness for the nets of its prisoners, and
ent way and manner. For when these others ever hinders monks from following the perfect
have been eradicated these latter flourish self-abnegation of Christ. And when there
the more vigorously, and from the death of the are traces of this passion in us we can recog-
others they shoot forth and grow up all the nize them by this; viz., if we are kept to
stronger: and therefore we are attacked by dine by one of the brethren we are not content
these two faults in quite a different way. For to eat our food with the relish which he has
we fall into each one of those six faults at the prepared and offers to us, but take the unpar«

donable liberty of asking to have something renunciants from allowing themselves to be

else poured over it or added to it, a thing stripped of their goods and property; (2)
which we should never do for three reasons : that which draws us to resume with excessive

(i) because the monastic mind ought always eagerness the possession of those things
to be accustomed to practise endurance and which we have given away and distributed to
abstinence, and like the Apostle, to learn to the poor; (3) that which leads a man to covet
be content in whatever state he is.' For one and procure what he never previously pos-
who is upset by taking an unsavoury morsel sessed. Of anger there are three kinds:
once and in a way, and who cannot even for one which rages within, which is called in
a short time overcome the delicacy of his Greek 6rii6g; another which breaks out in
appetite will never succeed in curbing the word and deed and action, which they term
secret and more important desires of the oQY^ of which the Apostle speaks, saying

because it sometimes happens that "But now do ye lay aside all anger and
body; (2) indig-
at the time our host is out of that particular nation;
"^ the third, which is not like those
thing which we ask for, and we make him in boiling over and being done with in an
feel ashamed of the wants and bareness of hour, but which lasts for days and long
his table, by exposing his poverty which he periods, which is called /trivic. And all
would rather was only known to God; (3) these three must be condemned by us with
because sometimes other people do not care equal horror. Of dejection there are two
about the relish which we ask for, and so kinds: one, that which springs up when
it turns out that we are annoying most of anger has died down, or is the result of some
them while intent on satisfying the desires loss we have incurred or of some purpose
of our own palate. And on this account which has been hindered and interfered with;
we must by all means avoid such a liberty. the other, that which comes from unreason-
Of fornication there are three sorts: (i) able anxiety of mind or from despair. Of
that which is accomplished by sexual inter- accidie there are two kinds one of which :

course; (2) that which takes place without sends those affected by it to sleep; while the
touching a woman, for which we read that other makes them forsake their cell and fiee
Onan the son of the patriarch Judah was away. Of vainglory, although it takes various
smitten by the Lord; and which is termed forms and shapes, and is divided into differ-
by Scripture uncleanness of which the ent classes, yet there are two main kinds:

Apostle says: "But I say to the unmarried (i) when we are puffed up about carnal
and to widows, that it is good for them if things and things visible, and (2) when we
they abide even as I. But if they do not are inflamed with the desire of vain praise for
contain let them marry: for it is better to things spiritual and unseen.
" ^
marry than to burn; (3) that which is con-
ceived in heart and mind, of which the Lord
says in the gospel Whosoever looketh on a
woman to lust after her hath already com-
mitted adultery with her in his heart."* And How vainglory may be useful to us.
these three kinds the blessed Apostle tells
us must be stamped out in one and the same But in one matter vainglory is found to be
a useful thing for beginners. I mean
way. "Mortify," says he, "your members by
which are upon the fornication, un- those who are still troubled by carnal sins, as
cleanness, lust, etc."
And again of two of for instance, if, when they are troubled by the
them he says to the Ephesians: "Let forni- spirit of fornication, they formed an idea of
cation and uncleanness be not so much as the dignity of the priesthood, or of reputation
" " which
named among you and once
: more But all men, : aniong by they maybe thought
know this thatno fornicator or unclean person, saints and immaculate: and so with these
or covetous person who is an idolater hath considerations they repell the unclean sugges-
inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of tions of lust, as deeming them base and at least
God."^ And just as these three must be unworthy of their rank and reputation; and
avoided by us with equal care, so so by means of a smaller evil
they one they overcome
and all shut us out and exclude us a greater one. For it is better for a man to
from the kingdom of Christ. be troubled by the sin of
Of covetousness vainglory than for
there are three kinds him to fall into the desire
(i) That which hinders
: for fornication,
from which he either cannot recover at all or
» Cf. Phil. iv. II.
only with great difficulty after he has fallen.
Col. iii. s.
a I Cor. vii. »
8, g.
» S. Matt. V. 28.
Eph. V. 3-5.
« Col. iii. 8.

And this thought is admirably expressed by a man is rightly said to have grown old in a
one of the prophets speaking in the person of strange country, if he has not broken up the
God, and saying: For My name's sake I will ground of his faults. Of pride there are two
remove My wrath afar off and with My praise
: kinds: (i) carnal, and (2) spiritual, which
I will bridle thee lest thou shouldest perish," is the worse. For it especially attacks those
i.e., while you are enchained by the praises of who are seen to have made progress in some
vainglory, you cannot possibly rush on into good qualities.
the depths of hell, or plunge irrevocably into
the commission of deadly sins. Nor need we
wonder that this passion has the power of
checking anyone from rushing into the sin of
fornication, since it has been again and again
Of the different ways in which all these faults assault us.
proved by many examples that when once a
man has been affected by its poison and
Although then these eight faults trouble
plague, it makes him utterly indefatigable, so all sorts of men, yet they do not attack them
that he scarcely feels a fast of even two or
all in the same way. For in one man the
three days. And we have often known some fornication holds the chief place:
who are living in this desert, confessing that spirit of
wrath rides rough shod over another: over
when their home was in the monasteries of
another vainglory claims dominion: in an-
Syria they could without difficulty go for five other
pride holds the field: and though it
days without food, while now they are so over- is clear that we are all attacked
come with hunger even by the third hour, that by all of
can on their fast
them, yet the difficulties come to each of us
they scarcely keep daily to
in very different ways and manners.
the ninth hour. And on this subject there is
a very neat answer of Abbot Macarius to one
who asked him why he was troubled with
hunger as early as the third hour in the desert, CHAPTER XIV.
when in the monastery he had often scorned
food for a whole week, without feeling hungry. Of the
struggle into which we must enter against our faults,
"Because," said he, "here there is nobody to when they attack us.
see your fast, and feed and support you with his
praise of you but there you grew fat on the
: Wherefore we must enter the lists against
notice of others and the food of vainglory." these faults in such a way that every one
And of the way in which, as we said, the should discover his besetting sin, and direct
sin of fornication is prevented by an attack his main attack against it, directing all his
of vainglory, there is an excellent and signifi- care and watchfulness of mind to guard
cant figure in the book of Kings, where, when against its assault, directing against it daily
the children of Israel had been taken captive the weapons of fasting, and at all times hurl-
by Necho, King of Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar, ing against it the constant darts of sighs and
King of Assyria, came up and brought them groanings from the heart, and employing
back from the borders of Egypt to their own against it the labours of vigils and the medi-
country, not indeed meaning to restore them tation of the heart, and further pouring forth
to their former liberty and their native land, to God constant tears and prayers and contin-
but meaning to carry them off to his own ually and expressly praying to be delivered
land and to transport them to a still more from its attack. For it is impossible for a
distant country than the land of Egypt in man to win a triumph over any kind of pas-
which they had been prisoners. And this sion, unless he has first clearly understood
illustration exactly applies to the case before that he cannot possibly gain the victory in
us. For though there is less harm in yield- the struggle with it by his own strength and
ing to the sin of vainglory than to fornica- efforts, although in order that he may be ren-
tion, yet it is more difficult to escape from dered pure he must night and day persist in
the dominion of vainglory. For somehow or the utmost care and watchfulness. And even
other the prisoner who is carried off to a. when he feels that he has got rid of this fault,
greater distance, will have more difficulty in he should still search the inmost recesses of
returning to his native land and the freedom his heart with the same purpose, and single
of his fathers, and the prophet's rebuke will out the worst fault which he can see among
be deservedly aimed at him: "Wherefore art those still there, and bring all the forces of
thou grown old in a strange country? " ' since the Spirit to bear against it in particular, and
1 Is. xlviii. 9. 3 Cf. note on the Institutes V. xli. * BaruchiiL ii.

so bv always overcomins
the stronger pas- CHAPTER XV.
a quick and easy victory
sions, he will gain of
a course of triumphs How we can do nothing against our faults without the help
over the rest, because by God, and how we should
not be puffed up by victories over
vigorous, and
made more the tact
the soul is them.
with weaker passion
that the next conflict is
in the struggle And that we ought not to be puffed up by
insures him a readier success

those who are us say-

as is -enerally the case with victories over them he likewise charges ;

in the eaten and art filled,

wont to face all kinds of wild beasts thou hast
ino-, Lest after
out of
haTt built goodly houses and dwelt
the of this world, in them,
presence of kings
consideration for the rewards a —
kind ot
and shalt have herds of oxen and flocks
which is generally called pancar- and of gold and of silver, and
spectacle sheep,
" ^ Such men, I say, direct their hrst be lifted up and thou
of all things, thy heart
see to be
assault against whatever beasts they remember not the Lord thy God, who brought
and and when they have out of the
the strongest fiercest, thee out of the land of Egypt,
then they can more easily house of bondage and was thy leader in the
despatched these, ;
which are not so wilderness." Solomon
lay low the remaining ones, great and terrible
terrible and powerful. So too, by always also says in Proverbs: "When thine enemy
as weaker be not glad, and in his ruin be not
overcoming the stronger passions, will
shall fall
ones take their place, a perfect victory Lord see and it displease
lifted up, lest the
Nor need from him,
Him, and He turn away His wrath
without risk.
be secured for us any
we imagine that if any one grapples w^Whone lest He see thy pride of heart,
and cease
fault in particular, and seems too careless from attacking him, and thou begin to be
of others,
about guarding against the attacks saken by Him and so once more to be troubled
he will be easily wounded by a sudden assault, by that passion which by
God's grace thou
For where For the prophet
for this cannot possibly happen. hadst previously overcome. "
and has
a man is anxious to cleanse his heart, would not have prayed in these w^ords, Deliver
his heart's against the attack O
Lord, the soul that con-
steeled purpose not up to beasts,
for him not
fesseth to Thee,"^ unless he had known
of any one fault, it is impossible
to have a general dread of all
other faults as their of heart some were given
because of pride
For if
care of them. over again to those faults which they had
well, and take similar
a man renders himself unworthy of the prize come, in order that they might be humbled.
of purity by contaminating himself
with other
Wherefore it is well for us both to be certified
faults, how can he possibly
succeed in gaining and also to be instructed
from which by actual experience, that we
the victory over that one passion by countless passages of Scripture,
he is longing to be freed ? But when the main overcome such mighty foes in
cannot possibly
purpose of our heart has singled out one pas- our own strength, and unless supported by
sion as the special object of its attack, the aid of God alone; and that we ought
shall pray about it more earnestly,
and with of our victory each
always to refer the whole
anxiety and fervour shall entreat that to God Himself, as the Lord Himself also
special day
we may be more especially on our guard gives us instruction by Moses on this very
against it and so
succeed in gaining a speedy " heart when the Lord
point Say not in thine :

of the law himself

For the
thy God have destroyed them in thy sight
victory. giver shall
teaches us that we ought to follow this plan For my righteousness hath the Lord brought me
in our own
in our conflicts and not to trust in to possess this land, whereas these
" shalt not fear them
power as
he says Thou
are destroyed for their wickedness. For it is
because the Lord thy God is in the midst of not for thy righteousness, and the uprightness
thee, a God mighty and
terrible He will con- of thine in to possess
heart, that thou shalt go

sume these nations in thy sight by little and their lands: but because they have done
little and by degrees. Thou wilt not be able at thy coming
lest perhaps the
wickedly they are destroyed
to destroy them altogether :
I ask what could be said clearer
in op-
beasts of the earth should increase upon thee. to that impious notion and imperti-
But the Lord thy God shall deliver them in nence of ours, in which we want to ascribe
them until they be
and shall to our own free will and
everything that we do
thy sight; slay
" ^ " " '
utterly destroyed. our own exertions ? Say not, he tells us,
thine heart, when the Lord thy God shall
1 The word was to
originally applied have destroyed them in thy sight: For my
Pancarfius {niyKo.p-KO';).
an offerine of all kinds of fruit. "Cf. Tertullian ad Valent. xu. It
is also used in the general sense
of all sorts by Augustine, Adv.
Secund xxiii Cassian here speaks as if it had become the popular
for the conflicts of gladiators with all kinds
of beasts, though
name 8 Deut. viii. 12-15.
5 Ps. Ixxiii. (Ixxiv.) 19.
for this.
there is apparently no other authority * Prov. xxiv. 17, 18 (LXX.).
8 Deut. ix. 4, 5.
» Deut. vii. 21-23.

righteousness the Lord hath brought me in to faults, which it would take too long to de-
possess this land." To those who have their scribe. And if we are inclined to think these
eyes opened and their ears ready to hearken small matters, let us hear what the Apostle
does not this plainly say: When your struggle thought about them, and what was his opinion
with carnal faults has gone well for you, and of them: ''Neither murmur ye," says he, "as
you see that you are free from the filth of some of them murmured, and were destroyed
them, and from the fashions of this world, of the destroyer and of temptation '' Neither
: :

do not be puffed up by the success of the let us tempt Christ as some of them tempted
conflict and victory and ascribe it to your own and perished by the serpents.''^ Of back-
power and wisdom, nor fancy that you have biting : Love not backbiting lest thou be
" "
gained the victory over spiritual wickedness rooted out. * And of despair Who despair- :

and carnal sins through your own exertions and ing have given themselves up to lascivious-
energy, and free will ? For there is no doubt ness unto the working of all error, in
that in all this you could not possibly have uncleanness." ' And that clamour is con-
succeeded, unless you had been fortified and demned as well as anger and indignation and
protected by the help of the Lord. blasphemy, the words of the same Apostle
teach us as clearly as possible when he thus
charges us: "Let all bitterness, and anger,
and indignation, and clamour, and blasphemy
CHAPTER XVI. be put away from you with all malice,"' and
more things like these. And though
Of the meaninc; of tlie seven nations of whose lands Israel many
took possession, and tlie reason why they are sometimes these are far more numerous than the virtues
" "
spoken of as seven," and sometimes as many." are, yet if those eight principal sins, from

which we know that these naturally proceed,

These are the seven nations whose lands are first overcome, all these at once sink down,
the Lord promised to give to the children of and are

destroyed together with them with

Israel when they came out of Egypt. And a lasting destruction. For from gluttony
everything which, as the Apostle says, hap- From
*' " ^ proceed surfeiting and drunkenness.
pened to them in a figure we ought to take fornication
filthy conversation, scurrility, buf-

as written for our correction. For so we From covet-

foonery and foolish talking.
read: "When the Lord thy God shall have ousness,
lying, deceit, theft, perjury, the
brought thee into the land, which thou art desire of filthy lucre, false witness, violence,

going in to possess, and shall have destroyed inhumanity, and greed. F'rom anger, murders,

many nations before thee, the Hittite, and the clamour and indignation. From dejection,
Girgashites, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, rancor, cowardice, bitterness, despair. Prom

and the Perizzite, andtheHivite, and thejebu- accidie, laziness,

sleepiness, rudeness, rest-
site, seven nations much more numerous than lessness,
wandering about, instability both of
thou art and much stronger than thou and the mind and


body, chattering, inquisitiveness.

Lord thy God shall have delivered them to From
vainglory, contention, heresies, boast-
thee, thou shalt utterly destroy them." And ing and confidence in novelties. From pride,
'' j

the reason that they are said to be much more

contempt, envy, disobedience, blasphemy,

numerous, is that faults are many more in murmuring, backbiting. And that all these
number than virtues and so in the list of j

plagues are stronger than we, we can tell very


them the nations are reckoned as seven in

plainly from the way in which they attack us.

number, but when the attack upon them is For the delight in carnal passions wars more
spoken of they are set down without their powerfully in our members than does the
number being given, for thus we read "And desire for virtue, which is
only gained with
shall have destroyed many nations before the
greatest contrition of heart and body.
thee." For the race of carnal passions which But if
you will only gaze with the eyes of the
springs from this sevenfold incentive and spirit on those countless hosts of our foes,
root of sin, is more numerous than that of which the
Apostle enumerates where he says:
Israel. For thence spring up murders, strifes, " For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood,
heresies, thefts, false witness, blasphemy, sur- but
against principalities, against powers,
feiting, drunkenness, back-biting, buffoon- against the world-rulers of this darkness,
ery, filthy conversation, lies, perjury, foolish against spiritual wickedness in heavenly
talking, scurrility, restlessness, greediness, places, "7 and this which we find of the right-
bitterness, clamour, wrath, contempt, mur-
muring, temptation, despair, and many other
• I Cor. X. 9, 10. • iv. 31.
• '
Prov. XX. i3(LXX.). /Siti., iv. la.
Cor. X. 6. * Deut. • iv. 19.
Cf. I vii. 1,3. Eph.

eous man Psalm: "A thou-

in the nineteenth XIX. CHAPTER
sand shall beside thee and ten thousand
at thy right hand,"
then you will clearly see The reason why one nation is to be forsaken, while seven are
more commanded to be destroyed.
that they are far more numerous and
carnal and earthly crea-
powerful than are we, But -the reason why that nation in which
tures as we are, while to them is given
the children of Israel were born, was bidden
substance which is spiritual and incorporeal.
not to be utterly destroyed but only to have its
land forsaken, while it was commanded that
these seven nations were to be completely
destroyed, is this because
however great may

be the ardour of spirit, inspired by which we

A question with regard
to the comparison of seven nations have entered on the desert of virtues, yet we
with eight faults.
cannot possibly free ourselves entirely from
the neighbourhood of gluttony or from its
Germanus : How then is it that there are
service and, so to speak, from daily inter-
which assault us, when Moses
eight faults course with it. For the liking for delicacies
reckons the nations opposed to the people of
and dainties will live on as something natural
Israel as seve7i, and how is it well for us to
and innate in us, even though we take pains
take possession of the territory of our faults ? to cut off all superfluous appetites and
desires, which, as they cannot be altogether
destroyed, ought to be *'shunned
and avoided.
CHAPTER XVIII. For of these we read Take no care for the
flesh with
desires."its While then we still *

The answer how the number of eight nations is made up in retain the feeling for this care, which
we are
accordance with the eight faults. bidden not altogether to cut off, but to keep
without its desires, it is clear that we do not
Serapion: Everybody is perfectly agreed our-
destroy the Egyptian nation but separate
that there are eight principal faults which selves in a sort of from it, not thinking
affect a monk. And all of them are not in-
anything about luxuries and delicate feasts,
cluded in the figure of the nations for this but, as the Apostle says, being " content with
reason, because in Deuteronomy Moses, our daily food and clothing."' And this is
rather the Lord through him, was speaking to commanded in a this
figure in the law, in
those who had already gone forth from Egypt "Thou shalt not abhor the Egyptian,
and been set free from one most powerful because thou wast a stranger in his land."*
nation, I mean that of the Egyptians. And For necessary food is not refused to the body
we find that this figure holds good also in our without '

danger to it and sinfulness in the

case, as when we have got clear of the snares soul. But of those seven troublesome faults
of this world we are found to be free from we must in the
every possible way root out
gluttony, i.e., the sin of the belly
and palate; affections from the inmost recesses of our
and like them we have a conflict against these souls. "
For of them we read Let all bitter- :

seven remaining nations, without taking ness and

anger and indignation and clamour
account at all of the one which has been
blasphemy be put away from you with
already overcome. And the land of this and, malice:" and again: "But fornication and
nation was not given to Israel for a possession, all iindeanness and covetousness let it not so
but the command of the Lord ordained that much as be named
among you, or obscenity or
they should at once forsake it and' go forth foolisTi talking or scurrility." ^ can then We
from it. And for this cause our fasts ought cut out the roots of these faults which are
to be made moderate, that there may be no without while
grafted into our nature from
need for us through excessive abstinence, we cannot
possibly cut off occasions
of glut-
which results from weakness of the flesh and Foi: however far we have advanced,
infirmity, to return again to the land of Egypt, we cannot help being what we were born.
i.e., to our former greed and carnal lust which And that this is so we can show not
only from
we forsook when we made our renunciation the lives of little
people like ourselves but
of this world. And this has happened in a from the lives and customs of all who have
figure, in those who after having gone forth attained have
perfection, who even when they
into the desert of virtue again hanker after the
flesh pots over which they sat in Egypt.

2 Rom. xiii. 14.

* Deut. xxiii. 7.
1 Ps. xc. (xci.) 7. S Cf. I Tim. iv. 31 V. 3, 4.
vi. 8. Eph. ;

got rid of incentives to all other passions, and 'dunned' by it, and be making as it were in-
are retiring to the desert with perfect fervour terminable payments by continually satisfying
of spirit and bodily abnegation, yet still can- it, and pay never ending toll at its demand."
not do without thought for their daily meal Then they declared that this man, whom they
and the preparation of their food from year to had till now despised as a booby and a country
year. bumpkin, had thoroughly grasped the first
principles, of philosophy, i.e., training in
CHAPTER XX. ethics, and they marvelled that he could by
the light of nature have learnt that which no
Of the nature of gluttony, which may be illustrated by the
simile of the eagle. schooling in this world could have taught
him, while tliey themselves with all their

An admirable illustration of this passion, and long course of training had not

with which a monk, however spiritual and

learnt this. This is enough on gluttony in
is sure to be is found in particular. Now let us return to the discourse
excellent, hampered,
the simile of the eagle. For this bird when in which we had begun to consider the general
relation of our faults to each other.
in its flight on high it has soared above the
highest clouds, and has withdrawn itself from
the eyes of all mortals and from the face of
the whole earth, is yet compelled by the needs
of the belly to drop down and descend to the
How it was that God foretold to Abraham that Israel would
earth and feed upon carrion and dead bodies. have to drive out ten nations.
And this clearly shows that the spirit of glut-
tony cannot be altogether extirpated like all When the Lord was speaking with Abraham
other faults, nor be entirely destroyed like about the future (a point which you did not
them, but that we can only hold down and ask about) we find that He did not enumerate
check by the power of the mind all incentives seven nations, but ten, whose land He
to it and all superfluous appetites. promised to give to his seed.
And this
number is plainly made up by adding idolatry,
and blasphemy, to whose dominion, before the
CHAPTER XXI. knowledge of God and the grace of Baptism,
both the irreligious hosts of the Gentiles and
Of the lasting character of gluttony as described to some
blasphemous ones of the Jews were subject,
while they dwelt in a spiritual Egypt. But
For the nature of this fault was admirably when a man has made his renunciation and
come forth from thence, and having by God's
expressed under cover of the following puzzle
by one of the Elders in a discussion with grace conquered gluttony, has come into the
some philosophers, who thought that they spiritual wilderness, then he is free from the
chaff him like a attacks of these three, and will only have to
might country bumpkin war against those seven which Moses
because of his Christian simplicity.
" "
My wage enumerates.
father, said he, me
in the clutches of a

great many All the others I have

paid in full, and have freed myself from all
their pressing claims but one I cannot satisfy
even by a daily payment. And when they How it is useful for us to take possession of their lands.
could not see the meaning of the puzzle, and
urgently" begged him to explain it: "I was," But the fact that we are bidden for our good
said he, in my natural condition, encompassed
to take possession of the countries of those
by a great many faults. But when God in- most wicked nations, may be understood in
spired me with the longing to be free, I this way. Each fault has its own especial corner
renounced this world, and at the same time in the heart, which it claims for itself in the
gave up all my property which I had inherited recesses of the soul, and drives out Israel,
from my father, and so I satisfied them all
i.e., the contemplation of holy and heavenly
like pressing creditors, and freed myself
things, and never ceases to oppose them. For
entirely from them. But I was never able virtues cannot possibly live side by side with
altogether to get rid of the incentives to glut- faults. **For what participation hath right-
tony. For though I reduce the quantity of Or what fel-
eousness with unrighteousness?
food which I take to the smallest possible
lowship hath light with darkness?"* But as
amount, yet I cannot avoid the force of its
daily solicitations, but must be perpetually >
Cf. Gen. XV. i8-ji. * 2 Cor. vi. 14.

soon as these faults have been overcome by CHAPTER XXV.

the people of Israel, i.e., by those virtues
which war against them, then at once the Different passages of Scripture on the meaning of the eight

place in our heart which the spirit of concu-


piscence and fornication had occupied, will

be filled by chastity. That which wrath had And in reference to these eight faults we
be claimed by patience.
will That also have the following in the gospel But :

which had been occupied by a sorrow that when the unclean spirit is gone out from a
worketh death, will be taken by a godly sor- man, he walketh through dry places seeking
row and one full of joy. That which had rest and findeth none. Then he saith, I will
been wasted by accidie, will at once be return to my house from whence I came out :

and coming he findeth it empty, swept, and

tilled by courage. That which pride had
trodden down will be ennobled by humility: garnished then he goeth and taketh seven

and so when each of these faults has been other spirits worse than himself, and they
enter in and dwell there and the last state of
expelled, their places (that is the tendency

towards them) will be filled by the opposite that man is made worse than the first." Lo,
virtues which are aptly termed the children of just as in the former passages we read of

Israel, thatis, of the soul that seeth God

seven nations besides that of the Egyptians

and when these have expelled all passions from which the children of Israel had gone
from the heart we may believe that they have forth, so here too seven unclean spirits are
recovered their own possessions rather than said to return beside that one which we first
invaded those of others. hear of as going forth from the man. And
of this sevenfold incentive of sins Solomon
gives the following account in Proverbs If :

thine enemy speak loud to thee, do not agree

CHAPTER XXIV. to him because there are seven mischiefs in
his heart;"* i.e., if the spirit of gluttony is
How the lands from which the Canaanites were expelled, had overcome and begins
to flatter you with having
been assigned to the seed of Shem. humiliated asking in a sort of way that

you would relax something of the fervour with

For, as an ancient tradition tells us,^ these which
you began, and yield to it something
same lands of the Canaanites into which the
beyond what the due limits of abstinence, and
children of Israel were brought, had been measure of strict
severity would allow, do not
formerly allotted to the children of Shem at you be overcome by its submission, nor return
the division of the world, and afterward the in fancied
security from its assaults, as you
descendants of Ham wickedly invading them seem to have become for a time freed from
with force and violence took possession of carnal to your previous state of care-
them. And in this the righteous judgment of lessnessdesires,
or former liking for good things.
God is shown, as He expelled from the land For
of others these who had wrongfully taken
through this the spirit whom you have
vanquished is saying "I will return to my
possession of them, and restored to those house from whence I came out," and forthwith
others the ancient property of their fathers
the seven spirits of sins which proceed from
which had been assigned to their ancestors at
it will
prove to you more injurious than that
the division of the world. And we can per-
passion which in the first instance you over-
fectly well see that this figure holds good in came, and will presently drag you down to
our own case. For by nature God's will
worse kinds of sins.
assigned the possession of our heart not to
vices but to virtues, which, after the fall of
Adam were driven out from their own country
by the sins which grew up, i.e., by the Canaan- CHAPTER XXVI.
ites; and so when by God's grace they are by
our efforts and labour restored again to it, we How when we have got the better of the passion of gluttony
we must take pains to gain all the other virtues.
may hold that they have not occupied the
territory of another, but rather have recovered Wherefore while we are practising fasting
their own country.
and abstinence, we must be careful when we
have got the better of the passion of gluttony
" " VII. ix.
Cf. the note on
* The
Against Nestorius never to allow our mind to remain empty of
"ancient tradition" to which Cassian here alludes is
given in the Clementine Recognitions
" xxix., xxx.
I. and in the virtues of which we stand in need; but

Epiphanius Heresies," c. Ixvi. § 83, sq., where it is given as an

answer to the Manichaan objection against the cruelty and injustice
of tlie extermination of the Canaanites ' *
by the Israelites. S. Matt. xii. 43-45. Prov. xxvi. 25. (Ixx.).

we should the more earnestly fill the inmost

recesses of our heart with them for fear lest CHAPTER XXVII.
the spirit of concupiscence should return and
find us empty and void of them, and should That our battles are not fought with our faults in the same
order as that in which they stand in the list.
not be content to secure an entrance there for
himself alone, but should bring in with him
into our heart this sevenfold incentive of sins But you must knowthat our battles are not
and make our last state worse than the first. all fought in the same order, because, as we
For the soul which boasts that it has re- mentioned that the attacks are not always
nounced this world with the eight faults that made on us in the same way, each one of us
hold sway over it, will afterwards be fouler ought also to begin the battle with due regard
and more unclean and visited with severer to the character of the attack which is espe-
punishments, than it was when formerly it cially made on him so that one man will have
was at home in the world, when it had taken to fight his first battle against the fault which
upon itself neither the rules nor the name of stands third on the list, another against that
monk. For these seven spirits are said to be which is fourth or fifth. And in proportion
worse than the first which went forth, for this as faults hold sway over us, and the character
reason; because the love of good things, i.e., of their attack may demand, so we too ought
gluttony would not be in itself harmful, were to regulate the order of our conflict, in such a
it not that it opened the door to other pas- way that the happy result of a victory and
sions; viz, to fornication, covetousness, triumph succeeding may insure our attain-
anger, dejection, and pride, which are ment of purity of heart and complete per-
clearly hurtful in themselves to the soul, and fection.
domineering over it. And therefore a man Thus far did Abbot Serapion discourse to us
will never be able to gain perfect purity, if he of the nature of the eight principal faults, and
hopes to secure it by means of abstinence so clearly did he expound the different sorts
alone, i.e., bodily fasting, unless he knows of passions which are latent within us the —
that he ought to practise it for this reason origin and connexion of which, though we
that when the flesh is brought low by means were daily tormented by them, we could never
of fasting, he may with greater ease enter the before thoroughly understand and perceive —
lists against other faults, as the flesh has not that we seemed almost to see them spread out
been habituated to gluttony and surfeiting. before our eyes as in a mirror.



CHAPTER T. for a long while monks of the most perfect
life and holiness, who were suddenly de-
Description of the wilderness, and the question about the stroyed by an incursion of Saracen robbers

death of the saints.

whose bodies we knew were seized upon with
the greatest veneration* both by the Bishops of
In the district of Palestine near the village
the neighbourhood and by the whole populace
of Tekoa which had the honour of producing
the prophet Amos, 2 there is a vast desert
(2apa«ti)»'oO a name given by the classical geographers
s Saraceni :

which stretches far and wide as far as Arabia to a tribe of Arabia "Felix, famous for its predatory propensities.
mons et desertum Saracenorum quod vocatur
and the dead sea, into which the streams of Pliaran (Liberofdethe
Jerome speaks
situ et nominibus sub voce Choreb) and elsewhere

Jordan enter and are lost, and where are the describes their predatory hal)its (Liber Heb. Qua:st in Genesim)
" Saracenos
vagos universas gentes incursant." By
In this district there lived the seventh century the qui
. . . . . .

ashes of Sodom. name had become a merely general term

equivalent to Arab, and was accordingly adopted and applii-d indiffer-
ently to all t)ie followers of Mohammed
by the writers of the middle

This Abbot Theodore is probably the same person as the one ages (cf. the Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Geography, sub
menlioned in the Institutes, Book y. cc. xxxiii.-xxxv. but nothing
; voce).
further is known of him, and tliere is no reason for identifying; him There is no mention of these martyrs in the so-called Martyro-
with any of the other monks of this name of the fourth century. logium Hieronymianum, but they are commemorated on May 38, in
* Cf. Amos i. I. the Roman Martyrology.
life. But we whose
of short space of this mortal
of Arabia, and deposited among the relics in Christ is not only in this life, for
of people from hope
the martyrs, so that swarms as the we should be of all
war upon lest, Apostle says,
two towns met, and made terrible " ^
(because as we
came men most miserable
each other, and in their struggle actualy none of the in this world we should
of the holy spoil, promises
to blows for the possession for our unbelief lose them also
in that to
while they strove among themselves to follow their ideas,
which of them had the better come) ought not wrongly
pious zeal as to
claim to bury them and keep their
relics the — lest through ignorance of the true
real expla-
and tremble and
to the nation, we should hesitate
one party boasting of their vicinity fail in find ourselves given if we
the other of the fact that temptation,
to God
place of their abode, such men; and should ascribe
thev were near the place of their
birth. But up to
or carelessness about the affairs of
we were upset by this and being disturbed
on account ot
mankind —
a thing which it is almost a sin
either on our own account or
no small to mention —
because He does not protect in
some of the brethren who were in


their temptations men who are living

an up-
at it, inquired why men of
degree scandalized
virtues and holy life, nor requite good men
such illustrious merits and of so great with good things and evil men with evil things

should be thus slain by robbers,

and why the I

to fall
in this world and so we should deserve
Lord permitted such a crime to be committed

into the under the condemnation of those whom the

so as to give up

against his servants, rebukes, saying who say
ad- Zephaniah
hands of wicked men those who were
the [prophet
we in their hearts the Lord will not do good, nor
miration of everybody: and so in our grief " « or at least be found among
man who ex- will He do evil :

came to the holy Theodore, a

For he those of whom we are told that they"blaspheme
celled in practical common sense. Every one
that lies between God with such complaints as this :

was living in Cells, a place that doeth evil is good in the sight of the
miles distant
Nitria and Scete, and is five and such please Him: for surely where
from the monasteries of Nitria, and cut oft by Lord, " * further
is the God of judgment ? Adding
eighty intervening
miles of desert from the
that blasphemy which is described in the
of Scete where we were living. "
same way in what follows He laboureth in
And when we had made our complaint to him

vain that serveth God, and what profit

is it
about the death of the men mentioned above, His ordinances, and walked
that we have kept
and expressed our surprise at the great Wherefore now
He suffered men of sorrowful before the Lord?
patience of God, because we call the proud happy, for they that work
such worth to be killed in this way, so that
of wickedness are enriched, and they
those who ought to be able by the weight and are preserved."
from trials of tempted God, ^^u^.^t
their sanctity to deliver others

fore that we may avoid this ignorance

this kind, could not save themselves
from the
was is the root and cause of this most deadly
hands of wicked men (and asked) why it

first place to know


to be com- error, we ought in the

that God allowed so great a crime and what is bad, and so
what is really good,
mitted against his servants, then the blessed meaning
finally if we grasp

the true
Theodore replied.
of these words, and not the false popular one,
we shall escape being deceived by the errors
of unbelievers.

Abbot Theodore's answer to the question proposed to him.

This question often exercises the minds of


those who have not much faith or knowledge, Of the three kinds of things there are in the world; viz., good
and imagine that the prizes and rewards of bad, and indifferent.
the saints (which are not given in this world,
but laid up for the future) are bestowed in the there are three kinds of things
world; viz., good, bad, and
in the indifferent.

before us, between And so we ought to know what is properly

Cellx, which was, according to the passage
name trom and what is indiffer-
the deserts of Scete and Nitria, apparently derived its
the cells of the monks who congregated there. This
at least is the good, and what is bad,
E. VI. xxxi.) wno ent, that our faith may be supported by
explanation of the name given by Sozomen (H.
which numerous little firm in all temptations.
speaks of a region called xeAXia, throughout
obtains its name. knowledge
and stand
dwellings (oifctjiuaTa) are dispersed, whence

Sozomen also speaks (c. xxix.) of Macarius as priest of Cellae,

CeUa; may be
We must then believe that in things which
fact which gives some ground for conjecturing that
identified with Dair Abu Makir, one of the four
monasteries still
founded by t he
existing in the deserts of Nitria and Scete, probably - I Cor. XV. 19.
* Mai. ii. 17.
saint v^hose name it bears (Macarius). See A. J. Butler s' Coptic 3 6 Mai. iii. 14, 15.
Zeph. i. 12.
Churches of Egypt," vol. i. c. vii.

are merely human there is no real good except sickness sometimes may be the blessing on
virtue of soul alone, which leads us with un- Lazarus, the beggar who was full of sores,
feigned faith to things divine, and makes us shows us. For Scripture makes mention of
constantly adhere to that unchanging good. no other good qualities or deserts of his, but
And on the other hand we ought not to call it was for this fact alone; viz., that he endured
anything bad, except sin alone, which sepa- want and bodily sickness with the utmost
rates us from the good God, and unites us to patience, that he was deemed worthy of the
the evil devil. But those things are indiffer- blessed lot of a place in Abraham's bosom. '^

ent which can be appropriated to either side And with regard to want and persecution and
according to the fancy or wish of their owner, injuries which everybody thinks to be bad, how
as for instance riches, power, honour, bodily useful and necessary they are is clearly proved
strength, good health, beauty, life itself, and by this fact; viz., that the saints not only
death, poverty, bodily infirmities, injuries, never tried to avoid them, but actually either
and other things of the same sort, which can sought them with all their powers or bravely
contribute either to good or to evil as the endured them, and thus became the friends of
character and fancy of their owner directs. God, and obtained the reward of eternal life,
For riches are often serviceable for our good, as the blessed Apostle chants: "For which
as the Apostle says, who charges the rich of cause I delight myself in my infirmities, in
this world to be ready to give, to distribute reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in
to the needy, to lay up in store for themselves distresses for Christ. For when I am weak,
a good foundation against the time to come, then I am strong, for power is made perfect in
that" by this means "they may lay hold on the infirmity. ^ And therefore those who are
true life."
And according to the gospel they exalted with the greatest riches and honours
are a good thing for those who "make to them- and powers of this world, should not be
selves friends of the unrighteous mammon."* deemed to have secured their chief good out
And again, they can be drawn- in the direction of them (for this is shown to consist only in
of what is bad when they are amassed only virtue) but only something indifferent, because
for the sake of hoarding them or for a life of just as to good men who use them well and
luxury, and are not employed to meet the properly they will be found to be useful and
wants of the poor. And that power also and convenient (for they afford them opportunities
honour and bodily strength and good health for good works and fruits which shall endure
are indifferent and available for either (good to eternal life), so to those who wrongfully
or bad) can easily be shown from the fact that abuse their wealth, they are useless and out
many of the Old Testament saints enjoyed of place, and furnish occasions of sin and
all these things and were in positions of great death.
wealth and the highest honour, and blessed
with bodily strength, and yet are known to
have been most acceptable to God. And on

the contrary those who have wrongfully abused How evil cannot be forced on any one by another against
these things and perverted them for their own his will.

purposes are not without good reason pun-

ished or destroyed, as the Book of Kings Preserving then these distinctions clear
shows us has often happened. And that even and fixed, and knowing that there is nothing
life and death are in themselves indifferent good except virtue alone, and nothing bad
the birth of S. John and of Judas proves. except sin alone and separation from God, let
For in the case of the one his life was so us now carefully consider whether God ever
allows evil to be forced on his saints either
profitable to himself that we are told that his
birth brought joy to others also, as we read by Himself or by some one else. And you
And many shall rejoice at his birth " ' but of ;
will certainly find that this never happens.
the life of the other it is said: "It were good For another can never possibly force the evil
for that man if he had never been born."* of sin upon anyone, who does not consent and
Further it is said of the death of John and of who resists, but only on one who admits it
" into himself through sloth and the corrupt
all saints Right dear in the" sight of the Lord
is the death of His saints:
but of that of desire of his heart. Finally, when the devil
Judas and men like him "The death of the having exhausted wicked devices had
all his
wicked is very evil. ' And how useful bodily
' '
tried to force upon the blessed Job this evil of
sin, and had not only stripped him of all his
worldly goods, but also after that terrible and
1 I Tim. vi. S. Matt. xxvi. 24.
* S. Luke xvi. 9. * Ps. cxv. 6 (cxvi.
* S. Luke • T Cf. Luke • 2
i. M- Ps. xxxiii. (xxxiv.) 32. S. xvi. 20. Cor. xii. 9, JO,
354 "
He did it not."
* For Thou, Lord,
And again :

for calamity of bereavement

^^J^lT^ked his seven children, had
are gracious and merciful, patient andjery
Srough the death of wounds and intol- merciful and ready to repent of
the evil, i- e. ,

heaped upon him dreadful of the sufferings and losses

which Ihou art
crown of his head to
from the the reward of our
erable tortures
in vain to fasten forced to bring upon us as
the sole of his foot,
he tried
knowing that these
because he reniained sins And another prophet,
on him the stain of sin,
are to some men, and certainly not
never brought him- profitable
steadfast through it all, of their safety, but with
through any jealousy "Add evils
self to consent blasphemy. an eye to their good, prays thus:
to the haughty
to them, O Lord, add evils
"« and the Lord Himself
ones of the earth;
" evils upon them, i.e.,
says Lo, I will bring
sorrows, and losses, with which they shall
for their soul s
evil. for the present be chastened
how God Himself can be said to create be at length driven to
An objection, health, and so shall
return and hasten back to Me
whom in their
Germanus: We often read in holy Scrip- it they scorned. And so that these
evi or brought prosperity
ture that God has created evil we cannot possibly assert :

is none are originally

men, as is this passage: "There conduce to their good and
upon is none for to many they
beside Me. I am the Lord, and there of eternal bliss, and
I offer the occasions
else: I form the light
and create darkness,
make peace, and create evil."
And again therefore (to return to the question raised)

which are thought to be

Shall there be evil in a city
which the Lord all those things,
us as evils by our enemies or
brought upon
hath not done?"* should not be cqunted as
by any other people, For in the
but as things indifferent.
not be what he thinks, who
end they will
in his rage and fury,
CHAPTER VL brought them upon us
endures them.
but what he makes them who
And so when death has been brought upon a
The answer to the question proposed.
we not to think that an evil has
saint, ought
but a thing indifferent;
happened to him
Theodore: Sometimes holy Scripture
-to use which is an evil to a wicked man, while
use of terms
wont by an "improper " freedom from evils.
afifliction not that these are the ^ood it is rest and
"evils" for ;

nature evils, but because "For death is rest to a man

whose way is
properly and in their man does not suffer
thev are imagined to be evils by those on whom hidden
" «
And so a good
for their good. For when any loss from it, because he suffers nothing
they are brought
is reasoning with men it strange, but by the crime of an enemy he
divine judgment
of without the reward of
must speak with the language and feelings only receives (and not
sake of eternal life) that which would
have happened
men For when a doctor for the
reason either cuts or cauter- to him in the course of nature, and pays the
health with good
izes those who are suffering
from the inflam- debt of man's death, which must be paid by
it is considered an evil by an inevitable law, with the interest of a most
mation of ulcers,
Nor are the spur fruitful passion, and the recompense of a
those who have to bear it.
and the whip pleasant to a restive great reward.
chastisement seems at the
Moreover all
to be a bitter thing to those
are chastised, as the Apostle says:
Now all
chastisement for the present indeed seemeth VII. CHAPTER
but after-
not to bring with it joy but sorrow; the °f a good
A question whether the man whoiscauses
wards it will yield to them that are exercised
his death.
man is guilty, if the good man the gamer by
by it most peaceable fruits of righteousness,
and "whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, Germanus: Well then, if. a good man
and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth
not only suffer no :
evil by being killed, but
for what son is there whom the
father doth a reward from his suffering,
actually gains
not correct?
" ^ And so evils are sometimes how can we accuse the man who has done
where we
wont to stand for afflictions, as
him no harm but good by killing him?
evil which
read: "And God repented of the
He had said that He would do to them and *
Jonah iii. 10
7 Jer. xi. n.
8 (LXX.).
Joel ii. 13 (LXX). Job iii. 23
s Heb. Is. xxvi. 15 (LXX).
1 is. xlv. 6, 7. i Amos iii. 6. xii. fr-i i.

CHAPTER VIII. report, as deceivers and yet true, as sorrowful

but always rejoicing, as needy and yet enrich-
The answer to the foregoing question. ing many:" All those things then which

are considered fortunate, and are called

Theodore: We are talking about the actual those '*on the right hand," which the holy
qualities of things good and bad, and what Apostle designates by the terms honour and
we call indifferent; and not about the charac- good report; and those too which are counted
ters of the men who do these things. Nor misfortunes, which he clearly means by dis-
ought any bad or wicked man to go unpun- honour and evil report, and which he de-
ished because his evil deed was not able to scribes as "on the left hand,'' become to the
do harm to a good man. For the endurance perfect man "the armour of righteousness," if
and goodness of a righteous man are of no when they are brought upon him, he bears
profit to the man who is the cause of his
them bravely, because, as he fights with
death or suffering, but only to him who these, and uses those very weapons with
patiently endures what is inflicted on him. which he seems to be attacked, and is pro-
And so the one is justly punished for his tected by them as by bow and sword and
savage cruelty, because he meant to injure stout shield against those who bring these
him, while the other nevertheless suffers no things upon him, he secures the advantage
evil, because in the goodness of his heart he of his patience and goodness, and obtains a
patiently endures his temptation and suffer- grand triumph of steadfastness by means of
ings, and so causes all those things, which those very weapons of his enemies which are
were inflicted upon him with evil intent, to hurled against him to kill him; and if only
turn out to his advantage, and to conduce to he is not elated by success or cast down by
the bliss of eternal life. failure, but ever marches straightforward on
the king's highway, and does not swerve from
that state of tranquillity as it were to the
right hand, when joy overcomes him, nor let
CHAPTER IX. himself be driven so to speak to the left hand,
when misfortunes overwhelm him, and sor-
The case of Job who was tempted by the devil and of the row holds
sway. For Much peace have they
Lord who was betrayed by Judas: and how prosperity as
well as adversity is advantageous to a good man.
that love Thy law, and to them there is no
stumbling block."' But of those who shift
For the patience of Job did not bring any about according to the character and changes
of the several chances which happen to them,
gain to the devil, through making him a
better man by his temptations, but only to we read: "But a fool will change like the
moon."* Forjustasit is said of men who
Job himself who endured them bravely; nor "
was Judas granted freedom from eternal are perfect and wise To them that love God

because his act of con- all things work together for good,"^ so of
punishment, betrayal
tributed to the salvation of mankind. For those who are weak and foolish it is declared
we must not regard the result of the deed, that "everything is against a foolish man,"
but the of the doer. Wherefore we for he gets no profit out of prosperity, nor
should always cling to this assertion; viz., does adversity make him any better. For it
that evil cannot be brought upon a man by requires as much goodness to bear sorrows
to be moderate in prosperity: and
another, unless a man has admitted it by his bravely, as
sloth or feebleness of heart: as the blessed it is quite certain that one who fails in one of
will not bear up under the other. But
Apostle confirms this opinion of ours in a these,
verse of Scripture: "But we know that all a man can be more easily overcome by pros-
than by misfortunes: for these some-
things work together for good to them that perity
love God."^ But "All work times restrain men against their will and
by saying things
together for good, he includes everything make them humble and through most salutary
not sorrow cause them to sin less, and make them
alike, only things fortunate, but also
those which seem to be misfortunes: through better: while prosperity puffs up the mind
which the Apostle tells us in another place with soothing but most pernicious flatteries
that he himself has passed, when he says: and when men are secure in the prospect of
" dashes them to the ground
By the armour of righteousness on the right their happiness
hand and on the left," i.e., honour with a still greater destruction.
and dishonour, through evil report and good
* 3 Cor. vi. " Rom. viii. 28.
* Ps. cxviii. • Prov. xiv. 7 (LXX.).
(cxix.) 165.
* Rom. viii. 38. * Ecdus. xxvii. 11.
SO that not only is he forsaken by good and
kindling thoughts, but acually Psalms, prayer,
Of the excellence of the perfect man who is reading, and retirement in his cell all pall
spoken of as ambidextrous. upon him, and all virtuous exercises seem by
an intolerable and horrible loathing to have
Those are they then who are figurately lost their savour. And when a monk is
troubled in this way, then he knows that he
spoken of in holy Scripture as ('wq-oTegodsSwr, "
i.e.,ambidextrous, as Ehud is described in is attacked on the left hand. ' '

Anyone there-
the book of Judges "who used either hand as fore who is not at all puffed up through the
the right
hand." And this power we also aid of vainglory by any of those things on
can spiritually acquire, if by making a right the right hand which we have mentioned, and
and proper use of those things which are for- who struggles manfully against those on the
tunate,, and which seem to be "on the right left hand, and does not yield to despair and

hand," as well as of those which are unfortu- give in, but rather on the other hand seizes
nate and as we call it "on the left hand," we the armour of patience to practise himself in
make them both belong to the right side, so virtue —
this man can use both hands as right
that whatever turns up proves in our case, to hands, and in each action he proves trium-
use the words of the Apostle, the armour of phant and carries off the prize of victory from
righteousness." For we see that the inner that condition on the left hand as well as that
man consists of two parts, and if I may be on the right. Such, we read, was the reward
allowed the expression, two hands, nor can which the blessed Job obtained who was cer-
any of the saints do without that which we tainly crowned (for a victory) on the right
call the left hand but by means of it the per-
hand, when he was the father of seven sons
fection of virtue is shown, where a man by and walked as a rich and wealthy man, and
skilful use can turn both hands into right yet offered daily sacrifices to the Lord for their
hands. And in order to make our meaning purification, in his anxiety that they might
clearer, the saint has for his right hand his prove acceptable and dear to God rather than
spiritual achievements, in which he is found to himself, when his gates stood open to every
when with fervent spirit he gets the better of stranger, when he was " feet to lame and eyes
his desires and passions, when he is free from to blind, '"* when the shoulders of the suffer-
all attacks of the devil, and without any effort ing were kept warm
by the wool of his sheep,
or difficulty rejects, and cuts off all carnal sins, when he was a father to orphans and a husband
when he is exalted above the earth and regards to widows, when he did not even in his heart
all things present and
earthly as light smoke rejoice at the fall of his enemy. And again
or vain shadows, and scorns them as what is it was the same man who with still greater
about to vanish away, when with an overflow- virtue triumphed over adversity on the left
ing heart he not only longs most intensely hand, when deprived in one moment of his
for the future but actually sees it the more seven sons he was not as a father overcome
clearly, when he is more effectually fed on with bitter grief but as a true servant of God
spiritual contemplations, when he sees hea- rejoiced in the will of his Creator. When
venly mysteries more brightly laid open to instead of being a wealthy man he became
him, when he pours forth his prayers to God poor, naked instead of rich, pining away
with greater purity and readiness, when he is instead of strong, despised and contemptible
so inflamed with fervour of spirit as to pass instead of famous and honourable, and
with the utmost readiness of soul to things preserved his fortitude of mind unshaken,
invisible and eternal, so as scarcely to believe when,
lastly, bereft of all his wealth and sub-
that he any longer remains in the flesh. He stance he took up his abode on the dunghill,
has also a left hand, when he is entangled in and like some stern executioner of his own
the toils of temptation, when he is inflamed
body scraped with a potsherd the matter that
with the heat of desire for carnal lusts, when broke out, and
plunging his fingers deep into
he is set on fire by emotion towards rage and his wounds
dragged out on every side masses
anger, when he is overcome by being puffed of worms from his limbs. And in all this he
up with pride or vainglory, when he is op- never fell into despair and blasphemy, nor
pressed by a sorrow that worketh death, when murmured at all against his Creator. More-
he is shaken to pieces by the contrivances and over also so little was he overcome
by such a
attacks of accidie, and when he has lost all
weight of bitter temptations that the cloak
spiritual warmth, and grows indifferent with which out of all his former property remained
a sort of lukewarmness and unreasonable
grief to cover his body, and which alone could be

Judg. iii.
15, where the LXX. has aix^orepoSe^iov. 2
Job xxix. 15.

saved from destruction by the devil because teacher of the Gentiles, testifies that he him-
he was clothed with it, he rent and cast off, self was, when he says For I have learnt in

and covered with it his nakedness which he whatsoever state I am, to be content therewith.
I know both how to be brought low and I
voluntarily endured, which the terrible robber
had brought upon him. The hair of his head know how to abound: everywhere and in all
too, which was the only thing left untouched things I am instructed both to be full and to
out of all the remains of his former glory, he be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
shaved and cast to his tormentor, and cutting I can do all things in Him wKich strength-
off even that which his savage foe had left to eneth me. '
him he exulted over him and mocked him
with that celestial cry of his: "If we have CHAPTER XL
received good at the hand of the Lord, should
Of the two kinds of trials, which come upon us in a three-
we not also receive evil ? Naked came I out fold way.
of my mother's womb, and naked shall I
return thither. The Lord gave and the Lord Well though we say that trial is

hath taken away; as it hath pleased the Lord, in prosperityand in adversity,
twofold, i.e.,
so is it done; blessed be the name of the
yet you must know that all men are tried
Lord." ' I should also with good reason call three different ways. Often for their proba-
Joseph ambidextrous, as in prosperity he was tion, sometimes for their improvement, and
very dear to his father, affectionate to his in some cases because their sins deserve it.
brethren, acceptable to God; and in adversity For their
probation indeed, as we read that
was chaste, and faithful to the Lord, in prison the blessed Abraham and Job and
many of
most kind to the prisoners, forgetful of wrongs, the saints endured countless tribulations; or
generous to his enemies; and to his brethren this which is said to the people in Deutero-
who were envious of him and as far as lay in "
their powers, his murderers, he proved not the
nomy by Moses : And thou shalt remember all
way through which the Lord thy God hath
only affectionate but actually munificent. brought thee for forty years through the desert,
These men then and those who are like them to afflict thee and to
prove thee, and that the
are rightly termed ","<jP«rfi'o^^^'o»', i.e., ambidex- that were in thy heart might be made
trous. For they can use either hand as the
known, whether thou wouldst keep His Com-
right hand, and passing through those things mandments or no " * and this which we find in :

which the Apostle enumerates can fairly say: the Psalms " I
" proved thee at the waters of

Through the armour of righteousness on the strife."' To Job also: "Thinkest thou that
right hand and on the left, through honour and I have spoken for any other cause than that
dishonour, through evil report and good report thou "
be seen to be righteous ? ' But
And of this right and left hand Solomon for mightest
improvement, when God chastens his

* speaks as follows in the Song of songs, in the righteous ones for some small and venial sins,
person of the bride: "His left hand is under or to raise them to a higher state of purity,
my head, and his right hand shall embrace and delivers them over to various trials, that
me." "^
And while this passage' shows that He
both are useful, yet it puts one under the may purge away all their unclean thoughts,
and, to use the prophet's word, the "dross,"
head, because misfortunes ought to be subject which he sees to have collected in their secret
to the control of the heart, since they are only
parts, and may thus transmit them
like pure
useful for this; viz., to train us for a time
gold, to the judgment to come, as He allows
and discipline us for our salvation and make to remain in them for the fire of judg-
us perfect in the matter of patience. But the nothing
ment to discover when hereafter it searches
right hand she hopes will ever cling to her to them with
penal torments according to this
cherish her and hold her fast in the blessed are the tribulations of the
embrace of the Bridegroom, and unite her to saying: "Many
righteous."' And: son, neglect not the
him indissolubly. We
shall then be ambi-
of the Lord, neither be thou wearied
dextrous, when neither abundance nor want whilst thou art rebuked For whom
by Him.
affects us, and when the former does not entice
the Lord loveth He chastiseth, and scourgeth
us to the luxury of a dangerous carelessness,
son whom He receiveth. For what son
while the latter does not draw us to despair, every
is there whom the father doth not correct.''
and complaining; but when, giving thanks to But if are without chastisement, whereof
God in either case alike, we gain one and the all are ye
partakers, then are ye bastards, and
same advantage out of good and bad fortune.
And such that truly ambidextrous man, the * « lob xl. 1
Phil. iv. 11-13. (I.XX.).
* ' ]Ps. xxxiii.
Deut. viii. 2. (xxxiv.) 19.
1 ' < Ps. Ixxx.
Job ii. lo; i. 21. Cant. ii. 6. (Ixxxi.) 7.

not sons." And in the Apocalypse: "Those

are not worthy of being healed by the visita-
whom I love, I reprove and chasten."- To tion of the Lord which gives life, and by
whom under the figure of Jerusalem the follow- plagues in this world, as in despair they have
ing words are spoken by Jeremiah, in the per- given themselves over to lasciviousness, unto
son of God: "For I will utterly consume all the working of all error unto uncleanness," ^°
the nations among which I scattered thee but : and as by hardening their hearts, and by
I will not utterly consume thee: but I will growing accustomed and used to sin they have
chastise thee in judgment, that thou may- got beyond cleansing in this brief life and
est not seem to thyself innocent."* And punishment in the present world: men, who
forthis life-giving cleansing David prays are thus reproved by the holy word of the
when he says: " Prove me, O Lord, and try prophet: "I destroyed some of you, as God
me; turn my reins and my heart."* Isaiah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and you
also, well knowing the value of this trial, were as a firebrand plucked out of the burn-
says "O
Lord, correct us but with judgment: ing: yet you returned not to Me, saith the
not in Thine anger." ^ And again
" " and
I will give :
Lord, Jeremiah: "I have killed and
thanks to thee, O Lord, for thou wast angry destroyed thy people, and yet they are not
with me Thy wrath is turned away, and Thou
: returned from their ways."" And again:
hast comforted me."^ But as a punishment "Thou hast smitten them and they have not
for sins, the blows of trial are inflicted, as grieved: Thou hast bruised them and they
where the Lord threatens that He will send refused to receive correction they have made:

plagues upon the people of Israel I will : their faces harder than the rock, they have
send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the refused to return." ^^ And the prophet seeing
fury of creatures that trail upon the ground :
that all the remedies of this life will have
and "In vain have I struck your children: been applied in vain for their healing, and
they have not received correction." In the already as it were despairing of their life,
Psalms also Many are the scourges of the
: declares: "The bellows have failed in the fire,

and in the gospel " Behold thou
: : the founder hath melted in vain: for their
art made whole now sin no more, lest a worse
: wicked deeds are not consumed. Call them
thing happen unto thee."^° We find, it is reprobate silver, for the Lord hath rejected
true, a fourth way also in which we know on them."" And the Lord thus laments that to
the authority of Scripture that some sufferings no purpose has He applied this salutary
are brought upon us simply for the manifes- cleansing by fire to those who are hardened
tation of the glory of God and His works, in their sins, in the person of Jerusalem
according to these words of the gospel: crusted all over with the rust of her sins,
"Neither did this man sin nor his parents, but when He says: "set it empty upon burning
that the works of God might be manifested in coals, that it may be hot, and the brass thereof
him " " and again " This sickness is not unto
: :
may be melted; and let the filth of it be
death, but for the glory of God that the Son of melted in the midst thereof. Great pains
God may be glorified by it." ^'^ There are also have been taken, and the great rust thereof
other sorts of vengeance, with which some is not gone out, no not even by fire.
Thy un-
who have overpassed the bounds of wicked- cleanness is execrable: because I desired to
ness are smitten in this life, as we read that cleanse thee, and thou art not cleansed from
Dathan and Abiram or Korah were punished, ^'
Wherefore like a skilful
thy filthiness."
or above all, those of whom the who has and
tried all saving cures,
Apostle physician,
speaks: "Wherefore God gave them up to vile sees there is no remedy which can be
" ^*
passions and a reprobate mind and this :
applied to their disease, the Lord is in a
must be counted worse than all other punish- manner overcome by their iniquities and is
ments. For of these the Psalmist says "
They :
obliged to desist from that "kindly chastise-
are not in the labours of men neither shall ; ment of His, and so denounces them saying:
be " "
they scourged like other men." For they I will no
longer be angry with thee, and thy
1 jealousy has departed from thee."^^ But of
Heb. xii.
others, whose heart has not grown hard by
Rev. iii. ig.
Jer. XXX. 1 1.
* Ps. XXV.
continuance in sin, and who do not stand in
(xxvi.) 2.
5 The passage is not from Isaiah, but from Jer. x. 24. need of that most severe and (if I may so call
Is. xii.
it) caustic remedy, but for whose
' Deut. xxxii. 24.
Jer. ii. 30. the instruction of the life-giving word is sufii-
9 Ps. xxxi.
(xxxii.) lo.
10 S.
John V. 14.
" S. John ix. 3. '^ '"
'2 S. Eph. iv. 19. Jer. vi. 29, 30.
John xi. 4. '"
Amos iv. II. -" Ezek. xxiv. 1 1-13.
" Rom. i. 26, 28. " 3>
Jer. XV. 7. Ezek. xvi. 42.
** Ps. Ixxii. (Ixxiii.) 5. " Jer. V. 3.

cient — of them it is said: "I will improve so it was right that as they had given to others
them by hearing of their suffering."^ We an example of sin, so also they should give
are well aware that there are other reasons them an example of punishment and of fear,
also of the punishment and vengeance which that anyone, who should attempt to copy them,
is inflicted on those who have sinned grie- might know that (even if his punishment were


not to expiate their crimes, nor wipe postponed in this life) he would be punished
out the deserts of their sins, but that the li- in the samie that they were at the trial
vingmay be put in fear and amend their lives. of the judgment And, since in our
And thes2 we plainly see were inflicted on desire to run through the different kinds of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and Baasha the trials and punishments we seem to have
son of Ahiah, and Ahab and Jezebel, when the wandered somewhat from our subject, on
Divine reproof thus declares: "Behold, I will which we were saying that the perfect man will
bring evil upon thee, and will cut down thy always remain steadfast in either kind of
posterity, and will kill of Ahab every male, trial, now let us return to it once more.
and him that is shut up and the last in Israel.
And I will make thy house like the house of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the CHAPTER XII.
house of Baasha the son of Ahiah: for that
which thou hast done to provoke Me to anger, How the upright man ought to be like a stamp not of wax but
of hard steel.
and for making Israel to sin. The dogs also
shall eat Jezebel in the field of Jezreel. If
Ahab die in the city, the dogs shall eat him: And so the mind of the upright man ought
the birds of the not to be like wax or any other soft material
but if he die in the field air
which always yields to the shape of what
shall eat him,"- and this which is threatened
on it, and is stamped with its form
as the greatest threat of all: "Thy dead body presses
and impress and keeps it until it takes an-
shall not be brought to the sepulchre of thy
other shape by having another seal stamped
fathers."' It was not that this short and
it; and so it results that it never retains
momentary punishment would suffice to purge upon its own form but is turned and twisted about
away the blasphemous inventions of him who
to correspond to whatever is pressed upon it.
first made the golden calves and led to the
But he should rather be like some stamp of
lasting sin of the people, and their wicked
separation from the Lord, or the —
countless hard steel, that the mind may always keep its
and may
and disgraceful profanities of those others, proper form and shape inviolate,
but it was that by their example the fear of stamp
and imprint on everything which occurs
to it the marks of its own condition, while
those punishments which they dreaded might
fall on others also, who, as they thought little upon
it itself nothing that
happens can leave
of the future or even disbelieved in it alto- any

gether, would only be moved by consideration

of things present; and that owing to this
proof of His severity they might acknowledge
that there is no lack of care for the affairs of
A question whether the mind can constantly continue in one
men, and for their daily doings, in the majesty and the same condition.
of God on high, and so through that which
they greatly feared might the more clearly see Germanus: But can our mind constantly
in God the rewarder of all their deeds. We preserve its condition unaltered, and always
find, it is true, that even for lighter faults continue in the s^me state ?
some men have received the same sentence of
death in this world, as that with which those
men were punished who, as we said before, XIV. CHAPTER
were the authors of a blasphemous falling
away: as happened in the case of the man who
The answer to the point raised by the questioner.
gathered sticks on the Sabbath,* and in that
of Ananias and Sapphira, who through the Theodore: It is needful that one must
sin of unbelief kept back some portion of either, as the Apostle says, "be renewed in
their goods: not that the guilt of their sins the spirit of the mind,"' and daily advance
was equal, but because they were the first by pressing forward to those things which are
found out in a new kind of transgression, and before,"' or, if one neglects to do this, the
sure result will be to go back, and become

1 Ho». vii. I a (LXX.). t
Kings xiii. as.
* * Cf. Numb. XV. ja. • Phil. Ui.
I Kin^t xxi. 31-24. Eph. Iv. 33. 13.
the mmd turbed. For if he has let it go he cannot
worse and worse. And therefore
one and the same without difficulty and pains recover that fixed
cannot possibly remain in which he had gained when
as when a man, by pulling hard, purpose of mind,
state Just
force a boat the stream of he remained in his cell and as through this ;

is trying to against
must either stem the rush he has gone back, he will not think anything
a strong current he and which
his arms, and of the advance which he has missed,
of the torrent by the force of he would have secured if he had not allowed
so mount to what is higher up, or letting
down himself to leave his cell, but he will rather
his hands slacken be whirled headlong that he has
it will be a clear proof
of con<yratulate himself if he finds
stream Wherefore from which he fell
we have regained that condition
our failure if we find that gained
as time once lost and gone
we doubt but that away. For just
nothing more, nor should neither can
back, whenever we cannot any more be recovered, so
we have altogether gone missed be
those advantages which have been
find that we have not advanced upwards, of the
mind of man cannot restored for whatever earnest purpose

because, as I said, the be afterwards, it will be the

in the same condition, nor mind
there may
possibly continue
day then present, and
the gain
so long as he is in the flesh
will any of the proi\t of the
that belongs to the time that then is,
and will
reach the of all virtues, so
saints ever height once
For some- not make up for the gain that has been
that they continue unalterable.
must either be added to them or taken for all lost.
no creature can there
away from them, and in
be such perfection, as not to be subject
we in the book
the feeling of change; as read CHAPTER XVI.
of Job
What is man that he should be with-

a woman that of change.

out spot, and he that is born of How even celestial powers above are capable
he should appear just? Behold among as we
saints none is unchangeable, and
the heavens But that even the powers above are,
in His sight."
For we confess said, subject to change is shown by those who
are not pure
God who alone is ranks through the fault of a
fell from their
that only is unchangeable,
thus addressed by the prayer of the holy corrupt will. Wherefore we ought not to
"But Thou art the same,"' and who think that the nature of those is unchangeable,
prophet " in which
I am God, and I change who remain in the blessed condition
says of Himself |

because He alone is by nature always they were created, simply because they
full and and one to not in like manner led astray to choose the
good, always perfect,
have a
whom nothing can ever be added, or from worse part. For it is one thing to another
whom nothing can be taken away. And so nature
incapable of change, and
his vir-
we ought always with incessant care and thing for a man through the efforts of
to ourselves up to the acquire- tue, and
by guarding what is good through the
anxiety give
to be kept
ment of virtue, and constantly to occupy our- grace of the unchangeable God,
we cease For that is secured
selves with the practice of it, lest, if from change. everything i

also be lost by care-

to go forward, the result should immediately or preserved by care, can i

be a going back. For, as we said, the mind 'lessness. And so we read: "Call no man
so long
cannot continue in one and the same condi- blessed before his death,"* because i

I mean without receiving addition to

or as a man is still engaged in the struggle,
diminution of its good qualities. For to fail to
and if may
I use the expression, still wrest-
gain new ones, is to lose them, because
when !

— even though he generally conquers

the desire of ceases, there the and carries off many prizes of victory, yet
making progress
he can never be free from fear, and from
back is present.
danger of going
uncertain issue. And there-
suspicion of an and
fore God alone is called unchangeable
as His is not the result of
good, goodness
effort,but a natural possession, and so
cannot be anything but good. No virtue then
How one loses by going away from one's cell.
can be acquired by man without the possibility
but in order that when it once
And so we ought always to remain shut up jof change,
it must
For whenever a man has strayed exists it may be continually preserved,
in our cell. I

from it and returns fresh to it and begins be watched over with the same care and dili-
gence with which it
was acquired.
againto live there he will be upset and dis-

* Ecclus. xi. 30.

1 * Ps. ci. s Mai. iii. 6.
Job XV. 14, 15. (cii.) 27.

Solomon thus tells us in other words, when he

says :
water dripping drives a man out of the
house on a stormy day." * Elegantly then
That no one is dashed to the ground by a sudden fall. does he compare carelessness of mind to a
roof, and to tiles that have not been looked
But we must not imagine that anyone slips after, through which in the first instance only
and comes to grief by a sudden fall, but that very slight drippings (so to speak) of the pas-
he falls by a hopeless collapse either from sions make their way to the soul: but if these
being deceived by beginning his training are not heeded, as being but small and trifling,
badly, or from the good qualities of his soul then the beams of virtues will decay and be car-
failing through a long course of carelessness ried away by a great tempest of sins, through
mind, and so his faults gaining ground upon which "on a stormy day," i.e., in the time
him by little. For "loss goeth before
little of temptation, the devil's attack will assail us,
destruction, and an evil thought before a and the soul will be driven forth from the
fall," just as no house ever falls to the ground abode of virtue, in which, as long as it pre-
by a sudden collapse, but only when there is served all watchful diligence, it had remained
some flaw of long standing in the foundation, as in a house that belonged to it.
or when by long continued neglect of its in- And so when we had heard this, we were
mates, what was at first only a little drip finds so immensely delighted with our spiritual
its way through, and so the protecting walls repast, that the mental pleasure with which
are by degrees ruined, and in consequence we were filled by this conference outweighed
of long standing neglect the gap becomes the sorrow which we had experienced before
larger, and break away, and in time the from the death of the saints. P"or not only
drenching storm and rain pours in like a were we instructed in things about which we
river: for "by slothfulness a building is cast had been puzzled, but we also learnt from the
down, and through the weakness of hands the raising of that question some things, which
house shall drop through," ^ And that the same our understanding had been too small for us
thing happens spiritually to the soul the same to ask about.



CHAPTER I. even in sleep. And how it was that by the
assistance of God's grace he attained such
On the chastity of Abbot Sercnus.' wondrous purity of the flesh, as it seems
As we desire to introduce to earnest minds beyond the conditions of human nature, I
think that I ought first of all to explain.
the Abbot Serenus, a man of the greatest
holiness and continence, and one who answers
like a mirror to his name, whom we admired CHAPTER n.
above all others with peculiar veneration, we
think that we only carry out our desire by the The question of the aforesaid old man on the state of our
attempt to insert his conferences in our book.
To this man beyond all other virtues, which This man then in his prayers by day and
shone forth not merely in his actions and night, and in fasts and vigils unweariedly
manners, but by God's grace in his very look entreated for inward chastity of heart and soul,
as well, there was granted by a special blessing and seeing that he had obtained what he
the gift of continence, so that he never felt wished and prayed for, and that all the pas-
himself disturbed even by natural incitements sions of carnal concupiscence in his heart were
dead, was roused as it were by the sweetest
Prov. xvi. 18 fl.XX.). taste of purity, and inflamed by his zeal for
' Eccl. X. 18 (LXX.).
Very little is known Serenus but what

of is here told. Cf. the

Vitae « Prov. xxvii. IS (LXX.).
Patrum, c. 1.

more ardent desire, and think that

we ought to have attained perfec-
chastity towards a yet the inner man, has only done this for
fasts and tion of
began to apply himself to stricter teach us that which we are unable to
of this passion us; viz.,
prayers that the mortification his without making us what we are trying to
been to
which by God's grace had
also so as to in- be. Nor do we feel that by this knowledge
inner man, might be extended fixed steadfastness of
an extent that we have acquired any
clude external purity, to such the which we long for, or any strength
he might no longer be affected by any simple but only an increase of confu-
is excited and firmness
and natural movement, such as

And the ex- sion and shame: for though our meditation in
even in children and infants. by aims at this in our daily
he had obtained, which all our discipline
perience of the gift and endeavours from trembling be-
merit of his studies,
he knew he had secured by no to reach a sure and unwavering skill,
of God, he was the ginnings
labours, but by the grace of what
also and to begin to know something
more ardently stimulated to obtain this it knew but vaguely or was alto-
in like manner, as he believed that God could originally
in- gether ignorant of, and by advancing by
much more easily tear up by the roots this towards the condition o*
citement of the flesh, (which even by
man s steps (so to speak)
that discipline, to habituate itself perfectly
art and skill is sometimes destroyed by potions on the con-
since to it without any difficulty, I find
and remedies or by the use of the knife) that while I am struggling in this desire
conferred that
He had of His own free gift trary
I have only got far enough to know
purity of spirit
which is a still greater thing, for purity,
what cannot be. And hence I feel that
and which cannot be acquired by human efforts

when nothing but trouble results to me from all this

and exertions. And with unceasing
of heart, so that matter for tears is
tears he was applying him- contrition
supplications and never wanting, and yet I do not cease to be
self unweariedly to the petition he had com-
in a vision what I ought not to be.
And so what is the
menced, there came to him an angel of learnt what is best, if it cannot
to open his belly, and to good having
by night, and seemed be attained even when known ? for when we
remove from his bowels a sort of fiery fleshly
restore have been feeling that the aim
of our heart
humour, and to cast it away, and^" " he was directed towards what we purposed, in-
as before and lo
everything to its place ;
mind returns to its previous wan-
of your flesh are re- sensibly the
said, "the incitements
have dering thoughts and slips back with a more
moved, and you may be sure that you and is taken up with daily dis-
this day obtained that lasting purity
of body violent rush,
will tractions and incessantly drawn away by num-
for which you have faithfully asked."
so that we
thus to have told this of berless things that take it captive,
be enough briefly
this almost of the improvement which we
the grace of God which was granted to despair
and all these observances seem use-
famous man in a special way. But I deem it long for,
of those virtues less. Since the mind which every moment
unnecessary to say anything
wanders off vaguely, when it is brought back
which he possessed in common with other
for fear lest that narra- to the fear of God or spiritual contemplation,
good men, particular
it is established in it, darts off and
tive on this man's name might seem to deprive before
and when we have been roused and
others of that which is specially mentioned strays;
we have discovered that it has wandered froni the
of him. Him therefore, as were inflamed
it, and want to
with set before recall it to
with the greatest eagerness for conference purpose
from which it has strayed, and
and instruction from him, we arranged to the meditation
firmest purpose of
visit in Lent and when he had very quietly to bind it fast with the

of our thoughts heart, as if with chains, while we are making

inquired of us of the character from the inmost
and the state of our inner man, and what help the attempt it slips away
heart swifter than a snake.
we had got towards its purity from our long recesses of the
in the desert, we approached him with Wherefore we being inflamed by daily exer-
cises of this kind, and yet not seeing that we
these complaints :

gain from them any strength

and stability in
CHAPTER III. heart are overcome and in despair driven to
this opinion; viz., to believe that it is from no
Our answer on the fickle character of our thoughts. fault of our own but from a fault of our nature
time spent here, and the dwelling in that these wanderings of
mind are found in
which mankind.
solitude, and meditation, through you

thing subject to our prudence and industry so

CHAPTER IV. that can be found out, there if it is not found

man on out, we ought certainly to set it down to our own

The discourse of the old the state of the soul and its
excellence. laziness or carelessness and not to the fault of
our nature. And with this meaning
the Psalm-
Serenus: It dangerous to jump to a
is istalso is in agreement, when he says " Blessed :

conclusion and lay down the law hastily on is the man whose
help is from Thee in his :

the nature of anything before you have pro- heart he hath disposed his ascents. " * You see
perly discussed the subject and considered its then that it lies in our power to dispose in
true character. Nor should you, looking only our hearts either ascents, i.e., thoughts that
at your own weakness, hazard a conjecture
belong to God, or descents ; viz., those that sink
instead of pronouncing a judgment based on down to carnal and earthly things. And if
the character and value of the practice itself, this was not in our power the Lord would not
and others' experience of it. For if anyone, have rebuked the Pharisees, saying " \^'hy do
who was ignorant of swimming but knew that *
ye think evil in your hearts ?" norwou. He
the weight of his body could not be supported have given this charge by the prophet, saying :

by water, wished from the proof which his "Take away the evil of your thoughts from
inexperience afforded, to lay down that no "How mine eyes;" and long shall wicked
one composed of solid flesh could possibly be
thoughts remain in you?"* Nor would the
supported on the liquid element, we ought not character of them as of our works be taken
therefore to think his opinion a true one, into consideration in the day of judgment in
which he seemed to bring forward in accord- our case as the Lord threatens by Isaiah:
ance with his own experience, since this can "Lo, I come to gather together their works
be shown to be not merely not impossible but and
" ^
together with all nations and
actually extremely easily done by others, by tongues nor would it be right that we ;

the clearest proofs and ocular demonstration. should be condemned or defended

by their
And so the »'ovg, i.e., the mind, is defined as evidence in that terrible and dreadful ex-
lieixlPTjrog xulnoXvxlvTjiog, i.e., ever shifting and
amination, as the blessed Ap6stle says:
very shifting: as it is thus described in the so Their thoughts between themselves accusing
called wisdom of Solomon in other words: x«i or also
defending one another, in the day
ytuiHeg axl\voi ^qlQei voiv noXv(()f}6vTi8it, i.e.," And when God shall
judge the secrets of men
the earthly tabernacle weigheth down the *
* according to my gospel."
mind that museth on many things." This
then in accordance with its nature can never
remain idle, but unless provision is made
where it may exercise its motions and have CHAPTER V.
what will continually occupy it, it must by
its own fickleness wander about and stray
On the perfection of the soul, as drawn from the comparison
of the Centurion in the gospel.
over all kinds of things until, accustomed by
long practice and daily use in which you — Of this perfect mind then there is an excel-
say that you have toiled without result it — lent figure drawn in the case of the centurion
tries and learns what food for the memory it
in the gospel whose virtue and consistency,

ought to prepare, toward which it may bring owing to which he was not led away by the
back its unwearied flight and acquire strength rush of thoughts, but in accordance with his
for remaining, and thus may succeed in dri-
own judgment either admitted such as were
ving away the hostile suggestion of the enemy good, or easily drove away those of the oppo-
by which it is distracted, and in persisting in site character, are described in this tropical
that state and condition which it yearns for.
form " For I also am a man under authority, :

We ought not then to ascribe this wandering

inclination of our heart either to human nature
having soldiers under me: and I say to this
man. Go, and he goeth; and to another.
or to God its Creator. For it is a true state-
Come, and he cometh and to my servant. Do ;
ment of Scripture, that "God made man up- If then we too strive
this, and he doeth it."'
right; but they themselves found out many
The character of these then de-
manfully against disturbances and sins and can
bring them under our own control and dis-
pends on us ourselves, for it says "a good cretion, and fight and
destroy the passions in
thought comes near to those that know it, but our flesh, and under the sway of reason
a prudent man will find it." *
For where any- bring

* Ps. Ixxxiii. (Ixxxiv.) 6. 1 Is. Ixvi. 18.

Wisdom Ix. IS- • Eccl. vii. 29 (LXX.).
" S. Matt. ix. 4. • Kom. ii.
» Prov. xix. 7 (LXX.). * Is. 16 » S. Matt.
i. ; Jer. iv. 14. viii. g.

the swarm of our thoughts, and drive back to the deadly wounds of swelling thoughts,
from our breast the terrible hosts of the keeps off the blows opposed to it, and does
not allow the darts of the devil to penetrate to
powers opposed to us by the life-giving
standard of the Lord's cross, we shall in our inner man. For it " endureth all things,
reward for such triumphs be promoted to the suffereth all things, beareth all things."''
rank of that centurion spiritually understood, And for an helmet the hope of salvation. " '^

who, as we read in Exodus, was mystically The helmet is what protects the head. As
" then Christ is our head, we ought always
pointed to by Moses Appoint for thee rulers

of thousands, and of hundreds, and of fifties in all temptations and persecutions to pro-
and of tens." ^ And so we too when raised to tect with the hope of future good things

the height of this dignity shall have the same to come, and especially to keep faith in Him

right and power to command, so that we whole and undefiled. For it is possible for
shall not be carried away by thoughts against one who has lost other parts of the body,
our will, but shall be able to continue in and weak as he may be, still to survive: but even
cling to those which spiritually delight us, a short time of living is extended to no one
commanding the evil suggestions to depart, and without a head. " And the sword of the Spirit
they will depart, while to good ones we shall which
is the word of God."' For it is

say "Come," and they will come: and to our sharper than any two-edged sword, and pier-
servant also, i.e., the body we shall in like cing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and
manner enjoin what belongs to chastity and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner
continence, and it will serve us without any of the thoughts and intents of the heart " ^ :

gainsaying, no longer arousing in us the hos- as it divides and cuts off whatever carnal
tile incitements of concupiscence, but showing and earthly things it may find in us. And
all subservience to the spirit. And what is whosoever is protected by these arms will ever
the character of the arms of this centurion, be defended from the weapons and ravages of
and for what use in battle they are, hear the his foes, and will not be led away bound in
blessed Apostle declaring: "The arms," he the chains of his spoilers, a captive and a
says, "of t)ur warfare are not carnal, but prisoner, to the hostile land of vain thoughts,
mighty to God." He tells us their character; nor hear the words of the prophet " art :
viz., that they are not carnal or weak, but thou grown old in a strange country? " ® But
spiritual and mighty to God. Then he next he will stand like a triumphant conqueror in
suggests in what struggles they are to be the land of thoughts which he has chosen.
used: "Unto the pulling down of fortifica- Would you understand too the strength and
tions, purging the thoughts, and every height courage of this centurion, by which he bears
that exalteth itself against the knowledge of these arms of which we spoke before as not
God, and bringing into captivity every under- carnal but mighty to God? Hear of the se-
standing unto the obedience of Christ, and lection by which the King himself marks and
having in readiness to avenge all disobedience, approves brave men when he summons them
when your obedience shall be first fulfilled."-^ to the spiritual combat. "Let," says He,
And since though useful, it yet belongs to "the weak say that I am strong; " and: "Let
another time to run through these one by one, I him who is the sufferer become a warrior."^"
only want you to see the different sorts of these You see then that none but sufferers and
arms and their characteristics, as we also ought weak people can fight the Lord's battles, weak
always to walk with them girt upon us if we indeed with that weakness, founded on which
mean to fight the Lord's battles and to serve that centurion of ours in the gospel said with
among the centurions of the gospel. "Take," confidence " For when I am weak, then am I :

he says " the shield of faith, wherewith ye may strong," and again, "for
strength is made per-
be able to quench all the fiery darts of the fect in weakness." " Of which weakness one
evil one."^ Faith then is that which inter- of the prophets says: "And he that is weak
cepts the flaming darts of lust, and destroys among them shall be as the house of David."
them by the fear of future judgment, and For the patient sufferer shall
fight these
belief in the heavenly kingdom. "And the wars, with that patience of which it is said
" " *
breastplate," he says, of charity. This in- "patience is necessary for you that doing the
deed is that which going round the vital parts will of God ^^
you may receive the reward."
of the breast and what is
protecting exposed
" Cor. xiii. >o
10, II
7. Joel ii. (LXX.).
" I Thess. V. 8. 1' 2 Cor. xii.
9, 10.
' 12 Zech, xii.
Epli. vi. 17. 8.
Exod. viii. 21. 3
Eph. vi. 16. * Heb. iv. 12. 13 Heb. x. 36.
2 Cor. X. 4-6. * "
I I Thess. V. 8. Baruch iii. 11.


Of perseverance as regards care of the thoughts. A question on the roving tendency of the mind and the
attacks of spiritual wickedness.

But we shall find out by our own experience

that we can and ought to cling to the Lord if Germanus: Perhaps this tendency of the
we have our wills mortified and the desires of mind to rove might to some extent be
this world cut off, and we shall be taught by
checked were it not that so great a swarm of
the authority of those who in converse with enemies
surrounded it, and ceaselessly urged
the Lord say in all confidence hath it toward what it has no wish for, or rather
My soul
stuck close to Thee
and I have stuck
whither the roving character of its own nature

unto Thy testimonies, OLord;" and: "It is drives it. And since such numberless foes,
" "
He and those so powerful and terrible, surround
good for me to stick fast to God and ;

who cleaveth to the Lord, is one spirit." ^ We it, we should not fancy that it was possible for
them to be withstood especially by this weak
ought not then to be wearied out by these
flesh of ours, were we not encouraged to this
wanderings of mind and relax from our fer-
vour: for "he that tilleth his ground shall be view by your words as by oracles from

filled with bread: but he that followeth idle- heaven.

ness shall be filled with poverty.'"* Nor CHAPTER VIIL
should we be drawn away from being intent
on this watchfulness through a dangerous The answer on the help of God and the power of free will
despair, for in every one who is anxious there
is abundance, for he who is pleasant and free Serenus: No one who has experienced
from grief will be in want; and again: "a the conflicts of the inner man, can doubt that
man in grief labours for himself, and forcibly our foes are continually lying in wait for us.

brings about his own destruction." Moreover But we mean that they oppose our progress in
also: "the kingdom of heaven suffereth vio- such a way that we can think of them as only
lence and the violent take it by force,"* for ituititig to evil things and x\oX. forcittg. But no
no virtue is acquired without effort, nor can one could altogether avoid whatever sin they
anyone attain to that mental stability which were inclined to imprint upon our hearts, if a
he desires without great sorrow of heart, for strong impulse was present to force (evil)
"man is born to trouble,"' and in order that upon us, just as it is to suggest it. Wherefore
he may be able to attain to the perfect man, as there is in them ample power of inciting,
the measure of the stature of the fulness of so in us there is a supply of power of rejec-
Christ ' he must ever be on the watch with tion, and of liberty of acquiescing. But if we
still greater intentness, and toil with cease- are afraid of their power and assaults, we
less carefulness. But to the fulness of this may also claim the protection and assistance
measure no one will ever attain, but one who of God against them, of which we read: "For
has considered it beforehand and been trained greater is He who is in us than he who is in this
to it now and has had some foretaste of it world: "" and His aid fights on our side with
while still in this world, and being marked a much greater power than their hosts fight |

most precious member of Christ, has possessed against us for God is not only the suggester of j ;
" "'
in the flesh an earnest of that joint by what is good, but the maintainer and insister
which he can be united to His body desiring of it, so that sometimes He draws us towards

one thing alone, thirsting for but one thing, salvation even against our will and without our
ever bringing not only his acts but even his knowing it. It follows then that no one can be
thoughts to bear on one thing alone; viz., deceived by the devil but one who has chosen
that he may even now keep as an earnest to yield to him the consent of his own will: as
that which is said of the blessed life of the Ecclesiastes clearly puts it in these words:
"God may be" "
saints hereafter; viz., that to For since there is no gainsaying by those who
him "all in all."* do evil speedily, thereforetheheart of the child-
ren of men is filled within them to do evil."
It is therefore clear that each man goes wrong
Ps. xlii.
(Ixiii.) 9; cxviit. (cxix.) 31; Ixxi. (Ixxiii) 38; i Cor. from this; viz., that when evil thoughts assault
« Prov. xxviii.
him he does not immediately meet them with
s Prov. xiv.
23 ; xvi. it (LXX.).
refusal and contradiction, for it says: "resist
S. Matt. xi. 12. "

lob V. 7. •
him, and he will flee from you."
F,ph. iv. 13.
7 /iiJ.
• I Cor. XV. 28. » I John iv. 4. 1" Eccl. vlli. u (LXX.). «» S. James iv. 7.

that unclean spirits can lord it over
The answer how it is

of the soul with devils. those possessed.

A the union
question on

as taking of
I is that in- Serenus: What you speak
Germanus: What, pray you, not opposed
place in the case of demoniacs
union of the soul
discriminate and common those possessed by
which it is possib e to our assertion; viz., that
;"th those evil spirits, by do not
be will not say joined with but) unclean spirits say and do what they
for them to (I forced to utter what they
in such a way that they can im- want to, and are
united to it
talk with it, and find their way know not; for it is perfectly clear that they
perceptibly of the spirits
and to it whatever they want are not subject to the entrance
into it suggest
and look all in thesame way: for some are affected by
and incite it to whatever they like,
and movements; them such a way as to have not the slight-
into and see its thoughts do and say, while
a union betvyeen them est conception of what they
arid the result is so close But
with- others know andafterwards recollectit.

and the soul that it is almost impossible is done by the

to distinguish between what we must not imagine that this
out God's grace in such a way that it
and what from infusion of the spirit
results from their instigation,
into the actual substance of the
our free will. penetrates
united to it and
soul and, being as it were
somehow clothed with it, utters words
savings through the
mouth of the sufferer.
this can
CHAPTER X. For we ought not to believe that
be done by them. For we can
united with human souls. clearly see that
this results from no loss
The answer how unclean spirits are of the body,
of the soul but from weakness
unclean seizes on those
can when the spirit
Serenus: It is no wonder that spirit of the soul
and exer- members in which the vigour
be imperceptibly joined with spirit, and on them an enormous and
of persuasion toward resides, laying
cise an unseen power overwhelms it with foulest
is between intolerable weight
what is allowed to it. For there and interferes with its intellectual
them (just as between men) some
sort ot
as we see sometimes happen
of substance, since powers:
similarity and kinship of wine and fever or excessive
of the nature from the fault
the description which is given affecting men
well to their sub- cold, and other indispositions
of the soul, applies equally and was this which the devil
from without; it
stance. But it is impossible for spirits to be to attempt to inflict on the
or united with was forbidden
implanted in spirits inwardly the blessed Job, though he had
received power
them in such a way that one can hold his when the Lord commanded him
true prerogative of Deity over flesh,
other; for this is the into thine hands;
and incor- saying: "Lo, I give him
alone, which is the only simple his soul," M.e., do not weaken
onlv preserve
poreal nature. the'seat of his soul and make
him mad, and
the understanding and wisdom ot
what remains, by smothering the ruling power
CHAPTER XL in his heart with your weight.

can be present iii or

An objection whether unclean spirits
united with the souls of those whom they
have filled.

we think that and how God

Germanus: To this idea How spirit cannot be penetrated by spirit,
those alone is incorporeal.
what we see happen in the case .
when they
possessed is sufficiently opposed, For even if spirit is mingled with this
and do what they know not under the in-
say and solid matter; viz., flesh (as very
fluence of the spirits. How then are we to crass
their souls are not easily happens), should
we therefore believe
refuse to believe that
them made that can be united to the soul, which is in
united to those spirits, when we see it
a way as to make
their instruments, and (forsaking their natural like manner spirit, in such
movements and it also receptive in the same way
of its
condition) yielding to their which is to the
nature: a thing possible
moods, in such a way that they give expres-
sion no longer to their own words and
and wishes, but to those of the demons? Job ii. 6 (T-XX.).

Trinity alone, which is so capable of perva- XV. CHAPTER

ding every intellectual nature, that it cannot
only embrace and surround it but even insert The answer what devils can and what they cannot do in
itself into it and, incorporeal though it is, regard to the thoughts of men.
be infused into a body? For though we
maintain that some spiritual natures exist, Serenus: Nobody doubts that unclean
such as angels, archangels and the other spirits can influence the character of our
powers, and indeed our own souls and the thoughts, but this is by affecting them from
thin air, yet we ought certainly not to con- without by sensible influences, i.e., either
sider them incorporeal. For they have in from our inclinations or from our words, and
their own fashion a body in which they exist, those likings to which they see that we are
though it is much finer than our bodies are, especially disposed. But they cannot possibly
in accordance with the Apostle's words when come near to those which have not yet come
he says And there are bodies celestial, and forth from the inmost recesses of the soul.

bodies terrestrial
and again " It is sown a And the thoughts too, which they suggest,
: :

natural body, it is raised a spiritual body;" whether they are actually or in a kind of way
from which it is clearly gathered that there is embraced, are discovered by them not from
nothing incorporeal but God alone, and there- the nature of the soul itself, i.e., that inner in-
fore it is only by Him that all spiritual and clination which lies concealed so to speak in
intellectual substances can be pervaded, the very marrow, but from motions and signs
because He alone is whole and everywhere given by the outward man, as for example,
and in all things, in such a way as to be- when they suggest gluttony, if they have seen
hold and see the thoughts of men and their a monk raising his eyes anxiously to the win-
inner movements and all the recesses of the dow or to the sun, or inquiring eagerly what
soul; since it was of Him alone that the o'clock it is, they know that he has admitted
blessed Apostle spoke when he said For the feeling of greediness. : If when they
the word of God is quick and powerful and suggest fornication they find him calmly sub-
sharper than any two-edged sword, and pier- mitting to the attack of lust, or see him per-
cing even to the dividing of soul and spirit and turbed in body, or at any rate not groaning
of the joints and marrow; and is a discerner as he ought under the wantonness of an im-
of the thoughts and intents of the heart and pure suggestion, they know that the dart of lust

there is no creature invisible in His sight, is already fixed in his very soul. If they stir
but all things are naked and open to His up incitements to grief, or anger, or rage, they
eyes."* And the blessed David says: ""Who can tell whether they have taken root in the
fashioneth their hearts one by one; and heart by the movements of the body, and
again For He knoweth the secrets of the visible disturbances, when, for instance, they

heart;"' and Job too: "Thou who alone have noticed him either groaning silently, or
knowest the hearts of men. * panting with indignation or changing colour;
and so they cunningly discover the fault to
which he is given over. For they know that
CHAPTER XIV. every one of us is enticed in a regular way by
that one, to the incitement of which they see,
An objection, as to how we ought to believe that devils see by a sort of assenting motion of the body, that
into the thoughts of men.
he has yielded his consent and agreement.
And it is no wonder that this is discovered
Germanus: In this way, which you de-
cannot possibly see into by those powers of the air, when we see that
scribe, those spirits even clever men can often discover the state
our thoughts. But we think it utterly absurd of the inner man from his mien and look and
to hold such an opinion, when Scripture
external bearing. How much more surely
says: "If the spirit of him that hath power
"* then can this be discovered by those who as
ascend upon thee and again " When the
being of a spiritual nature are certainly much

devil had put it into the heart of Simon

more subtle and cleverer than men.
Iscariot to betray the Lord."

How then can
we believe that our thoughts are not open to
them, when we feel that for the most part they CHAPTER XVI.
spring up and are nursed by their suggestions
and instigation? An illustration showing how we are taught that unclean
spirits know the thoughts of men.


Cor. XV. 40, 44.
* a Chron. vi.
» Eccl. x.
30. For just as some thieves are in the habit
la, ij. 4.
• Ps. xwtii.
(xxxiii.) 15 ; xliii. (xllv.) J2.
« S.
John xili. a. of examining the concealed treasures of the

men in those houses which they mean to rob, XIX. CHAPTER

and in the dark shades of night sprinkle with
careful hands little grains of sand and discover The answer how far an agreement exists among devils about
the hidden treasures which they cannot see the attack and its changes.
by the tinkling sound with which they
to the fall of the sand, and so arrive at certain Serenus It is a true assertion that there is

of each thing and metal, which be- no lasting cancord among bad men, and that
the voice elicited from perfect harmony cannot exist even in regard
trays itself in a way by
so these too, in order to explore the trea- to those particular faults which have attrac-
sures of our heart, scatter over us the sand of tions for them all in common. For, as you
certain evil suggestions, and when they see have said, it can never be that system and
sorrie bodily affection arise corresponding to discipline are preserved among undisciplined
their character, they recognize as if by a sort things. But in some matters, where commu-
of tinkling sound proceeding from the inmost nity of interests, and necessity enforces it, or
recesses, what it is that is stored up in the participation in some gain recommends it, they
secret chamber of the inner man. must arrange for some agreement for the time
being. And we see very clearly that this is
so in the case of this war of spiritual wicked-
ness so that not only do they observe times

CHAPTER XVII. and changes among themselves, but actually

are known specially to occupy some particular
On the fact that not every devil has the power of suggesting spots and to haunt them persistently: for since
every passion to'nien.
they must make their attacks through certain
fixed temptations and well defined sins, and
But we ought to know this, that not all at particular times, we
clearly infer from this
devils can implant all the passions in men, that no one can at one and at the same time be
but that certain spirits brood over each sin, deluded
by the emptiness of vainglory and
and that some gloat over uncleanness and filthy inflamed
by the lust of fornication, nor at
lusts, others over blasphemy, others are more one and the same time be
puffed up by the out-
particularly devoted to anger and wrath, rageous haughtiness of spiritual pride, and
others thrive on gloominess, others are paci- to the humiliation of carnal gluttony.
fied with vainglory and pride and each one subject
Nor can anyone be overcome by silly giggling
implants in the hearts of men that sin, in and laughter and at the same time be excited
which he himself revels, and they cannot im-
by the stings of anger, or at any rate filled with
plant their special vices all at one time, but the pains of gnawing grief: but all the spirits
in turn, according as the opportunity of time
must one by one advance to attack the soul,
or place, or a man, who is open to their in
such a way that when one has been van-
suggestions, excites them. quished and retreated, he must make way for
another spirit to attack it still more vehe-
mently, or if he has come forth victorious, he
CHAPTER XVIII. will none the less hand it over to be deceived
by another.
A question whether among the devils there is any order
observed in the attack, or system in its changes.
Germanus: Must we then believe that Of the fact that opposite powers are not of the same boldness,
and that the occasions of temptation are not under their
wickedness is arranged and so to speak sys- control.
tematized among them in such a way that
there is some order in the changes observed We ought also not to be ignorant of this,
by them, and a regular plan of attack carried that they have not all the same fierceness and
out, though it is clear that method and system energy, nor indeed the same boldness and
can only exist among good and upright men, malice, and that with beginners and feeble
as Scripture says " Thou shalt seek wisdom
: folk only the weaker spirits
join battle, and
" when these spiritual wickednesses are beaten,
among the ungodly and shalt not find it;
and " our enemies are senseless " and this
: then gradually the assaults of stronger ones
"There is neither wisdom, nor courage, nor are made against the athlete of Christ. For
^ in proportion to a man's
counsel among the ungodly." strength and pro-
gress, is the difficulty of the struggle made
greater: for none of the saints could possibly
> Prov. xiv. 6; Deut. xxxii. 31; Prov. xxi. 30 (LXX.). be equal to the endurance of the malice of so

many and so great foes, or meet their attacks, ception of men. They then themselves also
or even bear their cruelty and savagery, were come to grief, and as they damage us so are
it not that the merciful
judge of our contest, they also in like manner damaged by us, nor
and president of the games, Christ Himself, when they are worsted do they depart without
equalized the strength of the combatants, and confusion, and seeing these defeats of theirs
repelled and checked their excessive attacks, and their struggles, one who had good
eyes in
and made with the temptation a way of escape his inner man, seeing also that
they gloated
as well that we might be able to bear it.^ over the downfall and mischances of indivi-
duals, and fearing lest his own case might
furnish them with this kind of delight,
CHAPTER XXI. to the Lord saying: "Lighten mine
eyes that
I sleep not in death: lest mine enemy say, I
Of the fact that devils struggle with men not without effort on have prevailed against him. They that trouble
their part.
me will rejoice if I be moved;" and: "O My
But our belief is that they undertake this God, let them not rejoice over me let them ;

not say in their hearts. Aha, Aha, our

struggle not without effort on their part. For very
wish neither let them say, we have devoured
in their conflict they themselves have some ;

sort of anxiety and depression, and especially him;" and: "They gnashed their teeth upon
me. Lord, how long wilt Thou look on this ? "
when they are matched with stronger rivals,
for: "he lieth in wait
i.e., saints and perfect men. Otherwise no secretly as a lion in his
den he lieth in wait to ravish the poor; " and :
contest or struggle, but only a simple decep-
tion of men, and one free from anxiety on
"He seeketh from God his meat."* And
their part would be assigned to them. And again when all their efforts are exhausted, and
how then would the Apostle's words stand, they have failed to secure our deception, they
where he says " We wrestle not against flesh must "be confounded and blush" at the fai-

lure of their efforts, "who seek our souls to

and blood, but against principalities, against
destroy them: and let them be covered with
powers, against world-rulers of this darkness, shame and confusion who
against spiritual wickedness in heavenly us." *
imagine evil against
" Jeremiah also says: "Let them be con-
places; and this too: "So fight I, not as one
that beateth the air;" and again: "I have founded,
and let not me be confounded: let
" ^ them be afraid, and let not me be afraid:
fought good fight ? For where it is spoken
of as a fight, and conflict, and battle, there bring upon
them the fury of Thy wrath, and
" °
must be effort and exertion and-anxiety on both with a double destruction destroy them. For
no one can doubt that when they are van-
sides, and equally there must either be in store
us they will be destroyed with a
for them chagrin and confusion for their fai- quished by
double destruction: first, because while men
lure, delight consequent upon their victory. are
But where one fights with ease and security seeking after holiness, they, though they
another who with possessed it, lost it, and became the cause
against struggles great of man's
ruin; secondly, because being spi-
effort, and in order to overthrow his rival
makes use of his will alone as his strength, ritual existences, they have been vanquished
carnal and earthly ones. Each one then
there it ought not to be called a battle, by
of the saints when he looks on the destruction
struggle, or strife, but a sort of unfair and un-
of his foes and his own triumphs, exclaims
reasonable assault and attack. But they
with delight: "I will follow after mine ene- •

certainly have to labour, and when they attack

mies and overtake them and I will not turn :

men, exert themselves in no lesser degree in

until they are destroyed. I will break them
order to secure from each one that victory
which they want to obtain, and there is hurled and they shall not be able to stand: they
back upon them the same confusion which shall fall under n\y feet,"^ and in his prayers
was awaiting us had we been worsted by them against them the same prophet gays: "Judge
as it is said: ''The head of their compassing thou,
O Lord, them that wrong me overthrow ;

me about, the labour of their own lips shall them that fight against me. Take hold of
overwhelm them " and: "His sorrow shall be arms and shield: and rise up to help me.

turned on his own head;" and again: "Let Bring out the sword and shut up the way
the snare which he knoweth not come upon against
them that persecute me say to my :

I am thy salvation."* And when by

him, and let the net which he hath hidden soul,
catch him, and into that very snare let him
fall ; viz., that which he contrived for the de- « Ps. xii.
(xiii.) 4, 5; xxxiv. (xxxv.) 24,28; ix. 16, 17; (x.)9;
ciii.(civ.) 21.
" Ps. xxxix. (xl.) 15; xxxiv. (xxxv.) 26; xxxix. (xl.), 15.
Cor. •
I X. 13.
Eph. vi. 12 ; j Car. ix. 26 ; 2 Tim. iv. 7. Jer. xvii. i8. » Ps. xvii.
(xviii.) 38, 39.
' Ps. cxxxix. (cxl.) 10 J
vii. 17; xxxiv. (xxxv.) 8. 8 Ps. xxiv.
(xxxv.) 1-3.
subduing and destroying all our passions we
said Thou couldest have no power against

have vanquished these, we shall then be per- Me at all, unless it were given thee from
" ^
mitted to hear those words of blessing Thy above." :

hand shall be exalted over thine enemies,

and all thine enemies shall perish."^ And
so when we read or chant all these and such Of the diminished power of the devils.
like passages found in holy writ, unless we
take them as written against those spiritual But we have thoroughly discovered both by
wickednesses which lie in wait for us night our own experience and by the testimony of
and day, we shall not only fail to draw from the Elders that the devils have not now the
them any edification to make us gentle and same power as they had formerly during the
patient, but shall actually meet
with some early days of the a"nchorites, when yet there
dreadful consequence and one that is quite were only a few monks living in the desert.
contrary to evangelical perfection. For we For such was their fierceness that it was with
shall not only not be taught to pray for or to difficulty that a few very steadfast men, and
love our enemies, but actually shall be stirred those advanced in years were able to endure

up to hate them with an implacable hatred, a life of solitude. Since in the actual mo-
and to curse them and incessantly to pour nasteries where eight or ten men used to live,
forth prayers against them. And it is terribly their violence attacked them so and their as-
wrong and blasphemous to think that these saults were experienced so frequently, and
words were uttered in such a spirit by holy so visibly, that they did not dare all to go
men and friends of God, on whom before the to bed at once by night, but took turns and
coming of Christ the law was not imposed while some snatched a little sleep, others kept
for the very reason that they went beyond its watch and devoted themselves to Psalms and
commands, and chose rather to obey the pre- prayer and reading. And when the wants of
cepts of the gospel and to aim at apostolical nature compelled them to sleep, they awoke
perfection, though they lived before the dis- the others, and committed to them in like
pensation of the time. manner the duty of keeping watch over those
who were going to bed. Whence we cannot
doubt that one of two things has brought about

CHAPTER XXII. this result not only in the case of us who seem
to be fairly strong from the experience which
On the fact that the power to hurt does not depend upon the our age gives us, but also in the case of
will of the devils.
younger men as well. For either the malice
of the devils has been beaten back
by the
But that they have not the power of hurting power of the cross
penetrating even to the
any man is shown in a very clear way by the desert, and by its grace which shines every-
instance of the blessed Job, where the enemy
where; or else our carelessness makes them
did not venture to try him beyond what was relax
something of their first onslaught, as
allowed to him by the Divine permission;
they scorn to attack us with the same energy
and it is evidenced by the confession of the with which
they formerly raged against those
same spirits contained in the records Of the most admirable soldiers of
" Christ; and by
gospel, where they say If Thou cast us out, this deceit and
ceasing from open attacks

suffer us to go into the herd of swine.'' And they do us still more damage. For we see
far more must we hold that
they cannot of that some have fallen into so sluggish a con-
their own free will enter into any one of men dition that
they have to be coaxed by too
who are created in the image of God, if they
gentle exhortations for fear lest they should
have not power to enter into dumb and un- forsake their cells and fall into more
clean animals without the p'ermission of God. ous danger-
But no one — I will not
say of the
troubles, and wander and stray about and
younger be entangled in what I would call grosser
men, whom we see living most steadfastly in sins; and it is
this desert, but even of those who are — thought that a great thing is
perfect got from them if they can even with some list-
could live alone in the desert, surrounded
by lessness remain in the desert, and-the Elders
such swal-ms of foes of this kind, if
they had often say to them as a great relief: Stop in
unlimited power and freedom to hurt and
your cells, and eat and drink and sleep as
tempt us and still more clearly is this sup- much as you like,Mf

only you will stay in

ported by the words of our Lord and Saviour, them
which in the lowliness of the manhood He
' S.
had assumed. He uttered to Pilate, when He *
John xix. ii.
So centuries later it is told of a Jesuit fatlier that when one
wanted to relax the strictness of his "
^ Micah V. 9. fast, he replied, Eat an ox,
S. Matt. viii. 31. but be a Christian."


Of the way in which the devils prepare for themselves an Of the death of the prophet who was led astray, and of the
entrance into the bodies of those whom they are going infirmity of the Abbot Paul, with which he was visited for
to possess. the sake of his cleansing.

It clear then that unclean spirits cannot

And we see clear instance of this in the
make their way into those whose bodies they case of that prophet and man of God in the
are going to seize upon, in any other way than third book of Kings, who was straightway
a lion for a single fault of dis-
by first taking possession of their minds and destroyed by
And when have robbed them obedience, in which he was implicated not of
thoughts. they
of fear and the recollection of God and set purpose nor by the fault of his own will but
ual meditation, they boldly advance upon by the enticement of another,
as the Scripture
them, as if they were dispossessed of all pro- i speaks thus of him It is the man of God,

tection and Divine safeguard, and could who was disobedient to the mouth of the
Lord, and the Lord delivered him to the lion,
easily be bound, and then take up their dwell- ;

and it tare him according to the word of the

ing in them as if in a possession given over
Lord, which He spake." In which case the "*

to them.
punishment of the present offence and care-
lessness together with the reward of his right-
eousness, for which the Lord gave over his
CHAPTER XXV. prophet in this world to the destroyer, are
shown by the moderation and abstinence of
the beast of prey, as that most savage creature
On the fact that those men are more wretched who are pos-
sessed by sins than tliose who are possessed by devils. did not dare even to taste the carcass that
was given over to him. And of the same
Although it is a fact that those men are thing a very clear and plain proof has been
more grievously and severely troubled, who, given in our own days in the case of the
while they seem to be very little aflFected by Abbots Paul and Moses who lived in a spot
them in the body, are yet possessed in spirit in this desert called Calamus,* for the former
in a far worse way, as they are entangled in !
had formerly dwelt in the wilderness which
sins and lusts. is hard by the city of
their For- as the Apostle Panephysis,* which we
says Of whom a man is overcome, of him he
: !
know had only recently been made a wilder-
is also the servant." Only that in this respect I
ness by an inundation of salt water; which
they are more dangerously ill, because though

whenever the north wind blew, was driven

they are their slaves, yet they da not know from the marshes and spreading over the
that they are assaulted by them, and under adjacent fields covered the face of the whole
their dominion. But we know that even ;
district, so as to make the ancient villages,
saintly men have been given over in the flesh |
which on this very account had been deserted
to Satan and to great afflictions for some very ,
by all their inhabitants, look like islands.
slight faults, since the Divine mercy will not j
Here, then, the Abbot Paul had made such
suffer the very least spot or stain to be found '

progress in purity of heart in the stillness and

in them on the day of judgment, and purges silence of the desert, that he did not suffer, I
away in this world every spot of their filth, as will not say a woman's face, but even the
the prophet, or rather God Himself says, in clothes of one of that sex to appear in his
order that He may commit them to eternity as '

sight. For when as he was going to the cell

gold or silver refined and needing no penal |
of one of the Elders together with Abbot
purification. "And," says He, "I will clean' Archebius * who lived in the same desert, by
purge away thy dross, and I will take away' accident a woman met him, he was so dis-
all thy tin; and after this thou shalt be called gusted at meeting her that he dropped the
the city of the just, a faithful city." And business of his friendly visit which he had
again Like as silver and gold are tried in taken in hand and dashed back again to

the furnace, so the Lord chooseth the hearts " his own monastery with greater speed than a

And again: "The fire tries gold and silver;! man would flee from the face of a lion or
but man is tried in the furnace of humilia- terrible dragon; so that he was not moved 1

tion;" and this also: "For whom the Lord even by the shouts and prayers of the afore-
loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every said Abbot Archebius who called him back to
son whom He receiveth."^
« * Cf. on the Institutes IV. xxx.
I Kings xiii. 26.
26; Prov. xvii. 3 (LJ^X.); Ecclus.
« I». i.
25, ii. 5; Heb. xii. 6. ' Cf. on the Institutes X. xxiv. • On Archebius cf. the note on XI. ii.

go on with the journey they had undertaken somewhat too sharply, as he was anticipated
to ask the old man what they had proposed to in some opinion, he was instantly delivered
do. But though this was done in his eager- to so dreadful a demon that he filled his
ness for chastity and desire for purity, yet mouth with filth ^ which he supplied, and the
because it was done not according to know- Lord showed by the quickness of his cure,
ledge, and because the observance of disci- and the author of his healing, that He had
pline, and the methods of proper strictness brought this scourge upon him to purify him,
were overstrained, for he imagined that not that there might not remain in him any stain
merely familiarity with a woman (which is the from his momentary error: for as soon as
real harm,) but even the very form of that sex Abbot Macarius committed himself to prayer,
was to be execrated, he was forthwith over- quicker than a word the evil spirit fled away
taken by such a punishment that his whole from him and departed.
body was struck with paralysis, and none of
his limbs were able to perform their proper
since not merely his hands and
functions, CHAPTER XXVIII.
feet, but even the movements, of the tongue,
which enables us to frame our words, (were How we ought not to despise those who are delivered
up to
affected) and his very ears lost the sense of unclean spirits.

hearing, so that there was left in him nothing

more of his manhood than an immovable and From which it plainly results that we ought
insensible figure. But he was reduced to not to hate or despise those whom we see to
such a condition that the utmost care of men be delivered up to various temptations or to
was unable to minister to his infirmity, but those spirits of evil, because we ought firmly
only the tender service of women could attend to hold these two points: first, that none of
to his wants: for when he was taken to a con- them can be tempted at all by them without
vent of holy virgins, food and drink, which God's permission, and secondly that all things
he could not ask for even by signs, were which are brought upon us by God, whether
brought to him by female attendants, and for they seem to us at the present time to be sad
the performance of all that nature required or joyful, are inflicted for our advantage as by
he was ministered to by the same service for a most kind father and most compassionate
nearly four years, i.e., to the end of his life. physician, and that therefore men are, as it
And though he was affected by such weakness were, given into the charge of schoolmasters,
of all his members that none of his limbs and humbled in order that when they depart
retained their keen power of motion and feel- out of this world they may be removed in a
ing, nevertheless such grace of goodness pro- state of greater purity to the other life, or
ceeded from him that when sick persons were have a lighter punishment inflicted on them,
anointed with the oil which had touched as they have been, as the Apostle
what should be called his corpse rather than delivered over at the present time '* to Satan
his body, they were instantly healed of all for the destruction of the flesh that the
diseases, so that as regards his own malady it may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." ^
was made clearly and plainly evident even to
unbelievers that the infirmity of all his limbs
was caused by the providence and love of the
Lord, and that the grace of these healings
was granted by the power of the Holy Ghost An
objection, asking why those who aire tormented by unclean
as a witness of his
purity and a manifestation spirits are separated from the Lord's communion.
of his merits.
. Germanus: And how is it that we see
them not only scorned and shunned by every-
CHAPTER XXVII. body, but actually always kept away from the
Lord's communion in our provinces, in accord-
On the temptation of Abbot Moses. ance with these words of the gospel " Give :

not that which is holy to the dogs, neither cast

But the second person whom we mentioned your pearls before swine;
" *
while you tell us
as living in this desert,
although he was also a that somehow we ought to hold that the
remarkable and striking man,
yet, in order to humiliation of this temptation is brought
punish a single word, to which in a dispute upon them with a view to their purification
with Abbot Macarius,^ he had
given utterance and profit ?

On Macarius see the note on ths Institutes V. xli. 2
Humanas egestiones. 3 i Cor. v. 5. 4 S. Matt. vii. 6.

tionate to their actions, nor any scourge of

CHAPTER XXX. punishment brought upon them. For to bear

The answer to the question raised. they are vouchsafed no swift and immediate
remedy in this world, whose "hardness and
If we had this knowledge or impenitent heart," being
too much for punish-
Serenus :

rather faith, of which I treated

ment in this life, "heapeth up for itself wrath
above; viz.,
to believe that all things were brought about
and indignation in the day of wrath and reve-
lation of the righteous judgment of God,"
by God, and ordered for the good of our souls,
we should not only never despise them, but "where their worm "
dieth not, and their fire is
not quenched. * Against whom the prophet
rather pray without ceasing for them as our
own members, and sympathize with them with as if perplexed at the affliction of the saints,
all our hearts and the fullest affection (for
when he sees them subject to various losses
"when one member suffers, all the members and temptations, and on the other hand sees
" sinners not only passing through the course
suffer with it ^), as we know that we cannot
possibly be perfected without them inasmuch of this world without any scourge of humilia-
as they are members of us, just as we read tion, but even rejoicing in great riches, and
the utmost prosperity in everything, inflamed
that our predecessors could not attain the
with uncontrollable indignation and fervour of
fulness of promise without us, as the Apostle "
spirit, exclaims: But as for me, my feet had
speaks of them as follows: "And these all
almost gone, my treadings had well nigh
being approved by the testimony of faith,
received not the promise, God providing some slipped. For I was grieved at the wicked,
better thing for us that ihey should not be
when I saw the peace of sinners. For there
* is no regard to their death, nor is there
perfected without us." But we never remem-
ber that holy communion was forbidden them; strength in their stripes. They are not in the
labour of men, neither shall they be scourged
nay rather if it were possible, they thought '
like other men," since hereafter they shall be
that it ought to be given to them daily ; nor
indeed according to the words of the gospel punished with the devils, to whom in this
which you incongruously apply in this sense world it was not vouchsafed to be scourged
Give not that which is holy to dogs," • ought in the lot and discipline of sons, together with
we to believe that holy communion becomes I
men. also, when conversing with
food for the demon, and not a purification God on this prosperity of sinners, although he

and safeguard of body and soul for when it never professes to doubt about the justice of

is received by a man it, so to speak, burns God, as he says "for Thou art just, O Lord,
out and puts to flight the spirit which has if I
dispute with Thee," yet in his
its seat in his members or is trying to lurk
as to the reasons of this inequality, proceeds
to say: "But yet I will speak what is just
in them. For in this way we have lately seen
Abbot Andronicus and many others cured. to Thee. Why doth the way of the wicked
For the enemy will more and more abuse the prosper? Why is it well with all them
man who is possessed, if he sees him cut off that transgress and do wickedly.-' Thou hast
from the heavenly medicine, and will tempt planted them and they have taken root: they
him more often and more fearfully, as he sees prosper and bring forth fruit. Thou art near
him removed the further from this spiritual in their mouth and far from their reins."'
And when the Lord mourns for their destruc-
tion by the prophet, and anxiously directs
CHAPTER XXXI. doctors and physicians to heal them, and in a
manner urges them on to a similar lamenta-
On the fact that those men are more to be pitied to whom it and says: "Babylon is suddenly fallen:
is not given to be subjected to those temporal temptations.
she is destroyed. Howl for her take balm for :

her pain, if so she may be healed; " then, in

But we ought to consider those men
despair, the angels, to whom is entrusted
truly their
wretched and miserable in whose case, al-
the care of man's salvation, make reply; or at
though they defile themselves with all kinds
of sins and wickedness, yet not only is there any rate the prophet in the person of the
no visible sign of the devil's possession Apostles and spiritual men and doctors who
see the hardness of their soul, and their im-
shown in them, nor is any temptation propor-
penitent heart: "We have healed Babylon:
but she is not cured. Let us forsake her,
* ' Heb. » S. Matt. vii. 6.

Cor. xii. i6. xi. 39, 40.
and let us go every man to his own land
question whether the Holy Communion should ever be
griven to those possessed is discussed by S. Thomas Aquinas, in the because her judgment hath reached even to
Summa III. Q. Ixxx.Art. 9, and answered in the affirmative, the
authorities quoted in its favour being this passage from Cassian,and
the third Canon of the ist Council of Orange (A.D. 441). » Rom. ii. s Is. Ixvi. 24. • Ps. Ixxii. ' xii. i, 2.
(Ixxiii.) 2-5. Jer.

the heavens, and is lifted up we have heard a demon openly con-

to the clouds."^ testify as
Of their desperate feebleness then Isaiah fessing that he had proclaimed a wicked and
speaks in the Person of God to Jerusalem: impious doctrine by the mouths of Arius and
" Eunomius. And the same thing we read that
From the sole of the foot unto the top of the
head there is no soundness therein wounds one of them openly proclaimed in the fourth

and bruises and swelling sores: they are not book of Kings: "I will go forth," he said,
^ "
bound up nor dressed nor fermented with oil." and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of
all his prophets.^ On which the Apostle,
when reproving those who are deceived by
them, adds as follows: "giving heed to sedu-
cing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking
Of the different desires and wishes which exist in the powers
lies in hypocrisy." And that there are other
of the air. kinds of devils which are deaf and dumb the
gospels testify. And that some spirits incite
But it is clearly proved that there exist in to lust and wantonness the prophet maintains
unclean spirits as many desires as there are in saying: "The spirit of fornication deceived
men. For some of them, which are com- them and they went astray from their God." '

monly called Plani,' are shown to be so In the same way the authority of Scripture
seductive and sportive that, when they have teaches us that there are demons of the night
taken continual possession of certain places or and of the day and of the noonday ^ But it :

roads, they delight themselves not indeed with would take too long to search through the
tormenting the passers by whom they can whole of Scripture and run through the differ-
deceive, but, contenting themselves merely ent kinds of them, as they are termed by the
with laughing at them and mocking them, prophets onocentaurs, satyrs, sirens, witches,
try to tire them out rather than to injure howlers, ostriches, urchins; and asps and
them while some spend the night merely by basilisks in the Psalms; and are called lions,

harmlessly taking possession of men, though dragons, scorpions in the gospel, and are
others are such slaves to fury and ferocity that named by the Apostle the prince of this world,
they are not simply content with hurting the rulers of this darkness, and spirits of wicked-
bodies of those, of whom they have taken ness.* And all these names we ought not to
possession, by tearing them in a dreadful take as given at random or hap-hazard, but
manner, but actually are eager to rush upon as alluding to their fierceness and madness
those who are passing by at a distance, and to under the sign of those wild beasts which are
attack them with most savage slaughter: like more or less harmful and dangerous among us,
those described in the gospel, for fear of and by comparing them to the poisonous
whom no man dared to pass by that way. wickedness or power which among other
And there is no doubt that these and such as beasts or serpents, some pre-eminence in evil
these in their insatiable fury delight in wars confers on them, they are called
by their
and bloodshed. Others we find affect the names, in such a way that to one is assigned
hearts of those whom they have seized with the name of lion because of the
fury of his
empty pride, (and these are commonly called rage and the madness of his anger, to another
Bacucei * ) so that they stretch themselves up that of basilisk because of his
deadly poison,
beyond their proper height and at one time which kills a person before it is perceived,
puff themselves up with arrogance and pom- and to another that of onocentaur or urchin
posity, and at another time condescend in an or ostrich because of his sluggish malice.
ordinary and bland manner, to a state of calm-
ness and affability: and as they fancy that
they are great people and the wonder of every-
body, at one time show by bowing their body
that they are worshipping higher powers, while
A question as to the origin of such differences in powers of
at another time they think that
they are wor- evil in the sky.
shipped by others, and so go through all those
movements which express true service either Germanus We certainly do not doubt that :

proudly or humbly. Others we find are not those orders which the
Apostle enumerates
only keen for lies, but also inspire men with refer to them " For we wrestle not against :

blasphemies. And of this we ourselves can flesh and blood, but

against principalities,
1 » "
Jer. li. 8,9. Is. i. 6. xxii. 22. 7
3 " " 1
Kings Hos. iv. 12.
n\avoi," Seducers," if the reading be correct : but some " I Tim. iv. 8 ps_ ^c.
I, 2.
MSS. have " Fauni." » Cf. Is xiii. 21, 22; xxxiv. 13,
(xci.) 5, 6.
* The 15; Ps. xc. (xci.) 13; S. Luke
origin of this term is obscure. 19; b. John XIV. 30. Eph. vi. 12.

it out, would launch us on a

against powers, against the world-rulers of began to trace
this darkness, against spirits ofwickedness in wide and deep sea of questions, which the
" ^
heavenly places :but we want to know shortness of the time at our disposal would
whence comes such a difference between them, not permit us to traverse, I think it will be
or how such grades of wickedness exist? more convenient to reserve it for consider-
Were they created for this, to meet with these ation another night, when by the raising of
orders of evil, and in some way to serve this this question I shall receive from your very
wickedness ? ready converse some spiritual joy and richer
fruit, and we shall be able if the Holy Spirit
grants us a prosperous breeze to penetrate
CHAPTER XXXIV. more freely into the intricacies of the ques-
tions raised. Wherefore let us enjoy a little
The postponement of the answer to the question raised sleep, and so shake off the drowsiness that
steals over our eyes, as the dawn approaches,
Serenus: Although your proposals would and then we will go together to church, for
rob us of our whole night's rest, so that we the observance of Sunday bids us do this, and
should not notice the approach of the rising after service will come back, and as you wish,
dawn, and should be tempted greedily to discuss with redoubled delight what the Lord
prolong our conference till sunrise, yet since may have given to us for our common im-
the solving of the question raised, if we provement.




subtly does it never cease to tempt the man

CHAPTER I. who conceals it. Then he set before us table
salt, and three olives each: after which he
Of the hospitality of Abbot Serenus.
produced a basket containing parched vetches
which they from which we each
call trogalia,*
When we had finished the duties of the took five grains,two prunes and a fig apiece.
day, and the congregation had been dis- For it is considered wrong for anyone to ex-
missed from Church we returned to the old ceed that amount in that desert. And when
man's cell, and enjoyed a most sumptuous we had repast and had begun
finished this
repast. For instead of the sauce which with to ask him again for his promised solution
a few drops of oil spi"ead over it was usually of the question, ''Let us hear," said the old
set on the table for his daily meal, he mixed
man, "your question, the consideration of
a little decoction and poured over it a some- which we postponed till the present time."
what more liberal allowance of oil than usual;
for each of them when he is going to partake
of his daily repast, pours those drops of oil on, CHAPTER IL
not that he may receive any enjoyment from
the taste of it (for so limited is the supply Statements on the different kinds of spiritual wickednesses.
that it is hardly enough I will not say to
line the passage of his throat and jaws, but Then Germanus: We want to know what
even to pass down it) but that using it, he is the origin of the great variety of hostile
may keep down the pride of his heart (which is powers opposed to men, and the difference
certain to creep in stealthily and surely if his between them, which the blessed Apostle
abstinence is any stricter) and the incitements sums up as follows: "We wrestle not against
to vainglory, for as his abstinence is practised rtesh and blood, but against principalities,
with the greater secrecy, and is carried on against powers, against the world-rulers of this
without anyone to see it, so much the more darkness, against spiritual wickedness in hea-

Eph, vi. 13. * Cf.
Horace, De Arte Poetica, 1. 349.
" Neither
angels nor creatures, and cattle, and wild animals and
venly places :"^ and again

nor nor any other crea- birds, but utterly useless as food for men,
principalities powers
the love of God which while still in their rough state without
ture, can separate us from conduce
being in any way touched by
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Whence fire,
to the health and life of cattle. And we can
then arises the enmity of all this malice
Are we to believe that those clearly see that the
same system holds good
jealous of us? in that most fruitful garden of the Scriptures
powers were created by the
Lord for this; viz.,
of the Spirit, in which some things shine
to fight against men in these grades and
forth clear and bright in their literal sense,
orders ?
in such a way that while they have no need of
furnish abun-
any higher' interpretation, they
dant food and nourishment in the simple
CHAPTER in. sound of the words, to the hearers: as in this
passage: ''Hear, " O Israel,
the Lord thy

The answer on the many kinds of food provided in hoiy God is one Lord and " Thou shalt love the ;

Scripture. Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
But there
thy soul, and with all thy strength."
Serenus The authority of holy Scripture are some which, unless they are weakened down

it would inform
says on those points on which by an allegorical interpretation, and softened
us some things so plainly and clearly even to
by the trial of the fire of the spirit cannot
those who are utterly void of understanding, become wholesome food for the inner man
in the
that notonly are they not veiled without injury and loss to him and damage ;

obscurity of any hidden meaning,

but do not
rather than profit will accrue to him from
even require the help of any explanation, but But ''

receiving them as with this passage

: :

carry their meaning and sense

on the surface let your loins be girded up and your lights
of the words and letters but some things are "
whosoever has no sword,
burning;" and:

so concealed and involved in mysteries as to "

let him coat and buy himself a sword
sell his ;

offer us an immense field for skill and care and:

whosoever taketh not up his cross
in the discussion and explanation of them. " *
and followeth after Me is not worthy of Me ;

And it is clear that God has so ordered it a passage which some most earnest monks,
for many reasons first for fear lest the holy "

having indeed a zeal for God, but not ac-

if were covered by no veil of ^
mysteries, they cording to knowledge" understood literally,
spiritual meaning, should
be exposed equally and so made themselves wooden crosses, and
to the knowledge and understanding of every- carried them about constantly on their shoul-
body, i.e., the profane as well as the faithful, ders, and so were the cause not of edification
and thus there might be no difference in the but of ridicule on the part of all who saw
matter of goodness and prudence between the them. But some are capable of being taken
lazy and the earnest next that among those

suitable and properly in both ways, i.e., the

who are indeed of the household of faith, historical and allegorical, so that either ex-
while immense differences of intellectual
planation furnishes a healing draught to the
power open out before them, there might be soul; as this passage: "If any one shall smite
the opportunity of reproving the slothfulness thee on the right cheek, .turn to him the other
of the idle, and of proving the keenness and
and " when they persecute you in one

diligence of the earnest. And so holy Scrip- ;

city, flee to another;" and: "if thou wilt be

ture is fitly compared to a rich and fertile field, and give to
perfect, go, sell all that thou hast
which,whilebearing and producing much which the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in
is good for man's food without being cooked ®
heaven, and come follow Me." It produces
by fire, produces some things which are found indeed "grass for the cattle also, (and of this
to be unsuitable for man's use or even harm-
food all the fields of Scripture are full); viz.,
ful unless they have lost all the roughness of
plain and simple narratives of history, by
their raw condition by being tempered and
which simple folk, and those who are incapable
softened down by the heat of fire. But some
of perfect and sound understanding (of whom
are naturally fit for use in both states, so that
it is said "Thou, Lord, wilt save both man
even when uncooked they are not unpleasant and beast ") may be made stronger and more

from their raw condition, but still are ren-

vigorous for their hard work and the labour of
dered more palatable by being cooked and
actual life, in accordance with the state and
heated by fire. Many more things too are measure of their capacity.
produced only fit for the food of irrational
3 Deut. vi. 4, 5. S. Luke xii. 35; xxii. 36; S. Matt. x. 38.
Eph. vi. 12. ' Rom. viii. 38, 39. ^ Rom. X. 2. ' S. Matt. V. 39; X. 23 ;
xix. 21. ' Ps. xxxv. (xxxvi.) 7.
Of the double sense in which Holy Scripture may be taken. Of the fact that nothing is created evil by God.

Wherefore on those passages which are God forbid that we should admit that God
brought forward with a clear explanation we has created anything which is substantially
also can constantly lay down the meaning and evil, as Scripture says "everything that God
boldly state our own opinions. But those had made was very good. ' For if they were ' '

which the Holy Spirit, reserving for our medi- created by God such as they are how, or made
tation and exercise, has inserted in holy for this purpose viz. to occupy these positions ; ,

Scripture with veiled meaning, wishing some of of malice, and ever to be ready for the decep-
them to be gathered from various proofs and tion and ruin of men, we should in opposition
conjectures, ought to be step by step and care- to the view of the above quoted Scripture
fully brought together, so that their assertions slander God as the Creator and author of
and proofs may be arranged by the discretion evil, as having Himself formed utterly evil
of the man who is arguing or supporting them. wills and natures, creating them for this very
For sometimes when a difference of opinion is purpose; viz., that they might ever persist
expressed on one and the same subject, either in their wickedness and never pass over to the
view may be considered reasonable and be feeling of a good will. The following reason
held without injury to the faith either firmly, then of this diversity is what we received
or doubtfully, i.e., in such a way that neither from the tradition of the fathers, being drawn
is full belief nor absolute rejection accorded from the fount of Holy Scripture.
to it, and the second view need not interfere
with the former, if neither of them is found
to be opposed to the faith: as in this case: CHAPTER VII.
where Elias came in the person of John,^ and
is again to be the precursor of the Lord's Of the origin of principalities or powers.

Advent: and in the matter of the "Abomina-

tion of desolation
which *' stood in the holy None of the faithful question the fact that
before the formation of this visible creation
place," by means of that idol of Jupiter which,
as we read, was placed in the temple in Jeru- God made
spiritual and celestial powers, in
order that owing to the very fact that they knew
salem, and which is again to stand in the
Church through the coming of Antichrist,'' and that they had been formed out of nothing by
all those things which follow in the gospel, the goodness of the Creator for such glory and
which we take as having been fulfilled before bliss, they might render to Him continual
the captivity of Jerusalem and still to be ful- thanks and ceaselessly continue to praise Him.
filled at the end of this world. In which mat- For neither should we imagine that God for the
ters neither view is to the nor first time began to originate His creation and
opposed other,
does the first interpretation interfere with the work with the formation of this world, as if
second. in those countless ages beforehand He had
taken no thought of Providence and the
CHAPTER V. divine ordering of things, and as if we could
believe that having none towards whom to
Of the fact that the question suggested ought to be included show the blessings of His goodness. He had
among those things to be held in a neutral or doubtful way. been solitary, and a stranger to all bountiful-
ness a thing which is too poor and unsuitable
And therefore since the question raised by to ;,

fancy of that boundless and eternal and in-

us, does not seem to have been sufficiently as the Lord Himself
comprehensible Majesty;
or often ventilated among men, and is not "
When the stars were
says of these powers :

clear to most people, and from this fact what made all my angels praised Me
we bring forward may perhaps appear to some with a together, loud voice."* Those then who were
to be doubtful, we ought to regulate our own
present at the creation of the stars, are most
view (since it does not interfere with faith
clearly proved to have been created before
in the Trinity) so that it may be included
that "beginning" in which it is said that
among those things which are \.o be held heaven and earth were made, inasmuch as
doubtfully; although they rest not on mere they are said with loud voices and admiration
opinions such as are usually given to guesses to have praised the Creator because of all
and conjectures, but on clear Scripture proof. those visible creatures which, as
they saw.
Cf. S. Matt. xi. 14.
» * xxxviii. 7
!> S«« Dan, iz. 37 ; a Mace. vi. a ; S. Matt. xxiv. 15 tq. Geu. t. 31. Job (LXX.).

proceeded forth from nothing. Before then might behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy
that beginning in time which is spoken of by sanctuaries by the multitude of thy iniquities
Moses, and which according to the historic and by the iniquity of thy traffic."^ Isaiah
and Jewish interpretation denotes the age of also says of another How art thou fallen

this world (without prejudice to our interpre- from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in
tation, according to which we explain that the the morning? how art thou fallen to the
"beginning," of all things is Christ, in whom "
ground, that didst wound the nations? and
the Father created all things, as it is said All thou saidst in thine heart, I will ascend into
things were made by him, and without Hirn heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars
was not anything made,") ^ before, I say, that of God, I will sit in the mountain of the
beginning of Genesis in time there is no covenant,' in the sides of the north. I will
question that God had already created all ascend above the heights of the clouds. I
those powers and heavenly virtues; which will be like the Most High."* But Holy
the Apostle enumerates in order and thus Scripture relates that these fell not alone from
describes: "For in Christ were created all that summit of their station in bliss, as it tells
things both in heaven and on earth, visible us that the dragon dragged down together with
and invisible, whether they be angels or arch- himself the third part of the stars. ^ One of
angels, whether they be thrones or dominions, the Apostles too says still more plainly But :

whether they be principalities or powers. All the angels who kept not their first estate, but
things were made by Him and in Him." left their own dwelling. He hath reserved

in everlasting chains under darkness to the

judgment of the great day." This too which
CHAPTER Vni. is said to us: "But ye shall die like men and
fall like one of the princes,"' what does it
Of the fall of the devil and the angels. imply but that many princes have fallen?
And by these testimonies we can gather the
And so we are clearly shown that out of reason for this diversity; viz., either that they
that number of them some of the leaders fell, still retain those differences of rank (which
by the lamentations of Ezekiel and Isaiah, in adverse powers are said to possess, after the
which we know that the prince of Tyre or that manner of holy and heavenly virtues) from
Lucifer who rose in the morning is lamented the station of their former rank in which they
with a doleful plaint: and of him the Lord were severally created, or else that, though
speaks as follows to Ezekiel Son of man, take themselves cast down from heavenly places,

up a lamentation over the prince of Tyre, and yet, as a reward for that wickedness of theirs
say to him Thus saith the Lord God Thou in which they have graduated in evil, they
: :

wast the seal of resemblance, full of wisdom, claim in

perversity these grades and titles of
perfect in beauty. Thou wast in the pleasures rank among themselves, by way of copying
of the paradise of God: every precious stone those virtues which have stood firm there.
was thy covering the sardius, the topaz and

the jasper, the chrysolyte and the onyx and

the beryl, the sapphire and the carbuncle IX. CHAPTER
and the emerald gold the work of thy beauty,

and thy pipes were prepared in the day that An objection stating that the fall of the devil took its origin
from the deception of God.
thou wast created. Thou wast a cherub
stretched out and protecting, and I set thee Germanus: Up till now we used to believe
in the holy mountain of God, thou hast that the reason and commencement of the ruin
walked in the midst of the stones of fire. and fall of the devil, in which he was cast out
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day of from his
heavenly estate, was more particu-
thy creation, until iniquity was found in thee. larly envy, when in his spiteful subtlety he
By the multitude of thy merchandise thy deceived Adam and Eve.
inner parts were filled with iniquity arid thou
hast sinned; and I cast thee out from the
mountain of God, and destroyed thee, O CHAPTER X.
covering cherub, out of the midst of the stones The answer about the beginning of the devil's fall.
of fire. And thy heart was lifted up with thy
beauty: thou hast lost thy wisdom in thy Serenus: The passage in Genesis shows
beauty, I have cast thee to the ground I have that that was not the beginning of his fall and

set thee before the face of

kings, that they
3 Ezek. * "
xxviii. 11-18. Is. xiv. 12-14. Cf. Rev. xii. 4.
1 2
S. John i. 3. Col. i. 16. 8
Ep. of S. Jude, ver. 6. ^ Ps. Ixxxi. (Ixxx.) 7.

ruin, as before their deception it takes the lesson from the fact that though the author
view that he had already been branded with of the deception was visited with a
the ignominy of the name of the serpent, where punishment and condemnation, yet still the
But the serpent was wiser " or as the
: one who was led astray did not go scot free
Hebrew copies express it, "more subtle than from punishment, although it was somewhat
all the beasts of the earth, which the Lord lighter than that of him who was the author
God had made." ^ You see then that he had of the deception. And this we see was very
fallen away from his angelic holiness even plainly expressed. For Adam who was de-
before he deceived the first man, so that he ceived, or rather (to use the Apostle's words)
not only deserved to be stamped with the "was not deceived" but, acquiescing in the
ignominy of this title, but actually excelled all wishes of her who was deceived, seems to
other beasts of the earth in the subterfuges of come to yield a consent that was
wickedness. For Holy Scripture would not deadly, is only condemned to labour and the
have designated a good angel by such a term, sweat of his brow, which is assigned to him
nor would it say of those who were still con- not by means of a curse upon himself, but
tinuing in that state of bliss But the serpent:
by means of a curse upon the ground, and its
was wiser than all the beasts of the earth." barrenness. But the woman, who persuaded
For this title could not possibly be applied him to this, is visited with an increase of
I say not to Gabriel or Michael, but it would anguish, and pains and sorrow, and also
not even be suitable to any good man. And given over to the yoke of perpetual subjection.
so the title of serpent and the comparison to But the serpent who was the first to incite
beasts most clearly suggests not the dignity of them to this offence, is punished by a lasting
an angel but the infamy of an apostate. curse. Wherefore we should with the utmost
Finally the occasion of the envy and seduc- care and circumspection be on our guard
tion, which led him to deceive man, arose against evil counsels, for as they bring punish-
from the ground of his previous fall, in that he ment upon their authors, so too they do not
saw that man, who had but recently been suffer those who are deceived by them to go
formed out of the dust of the ground, was to free from guilt and punishment
be called to that glory, from which he remem-
bered that he himself, while still one of the
princes, had fallen. And so that first fall of CHAPTER Xn.
his, which was due to pride, and which obtained
for him the name of the serpent, was followed Of the crowd of the devils, and the disturbance which they
by a second owing to envy: and as this one always raise in our atmosphere.
found him still in the possession of something
upright so that he could enjoy some inter- But the atmosphere which extends between
change of conference and counsel with man, heaven and earth is ever filled with a thick
by the Lord's sentence he was very properly crowd of spirits, which do not fly about in
cast down to the lowest depth, that he might it
quietly or idly, so that most fortunately
no longer walk as before erect, and looking the divine providence has withdrawn them
up on high, but should cleave to the ground from human sight. For through fear of
and creep along, and be brought low upon his their attacks, or horror at the forms, into
belly and feed upon the earthly food and works which they transform and turn themselves
of sins, and henceforward proclaim his secret at will, men would either be driven out
of their wits by an insufTerable dread, and
hostility, and put between himself and man
an enmity that is to our advantage, and a dis- faint away, from inability to look on such
cord that is to our profit, so that while men things with bodily eyes, or else would daily
are on their guard against as a dangeroushim grow worse and worse, and be corrupted by
their constant example and by imitating them,
enemy, he can no longer injure them by a
deceptive show of friendship. and thus there would arise a sort of danger-
ous familiarity and deadly intercourse between
men and the unclean powers of the air, where-
as those crimes which are now committed
among men, are concealed either by walls
The punishment of the deceiver and the deceived.
and enclosures or by distance and space, or by
some shame and confusion but if they could:

But we ought in this matter, in order that always look on them with open face, they
we may shun evil counsels, to learn a special would be stimulated to a greater pitch of in-
sanity, as there would not be a single moment
Gen. iii. i. in which they would see them desist from their

wickedness, since no bodily weariness, or

down in the Scriptures of truth and none is :

in business or care for their daily my helper in all these things but Michael
food (as in our case) forces them sometimes your prince." And again " At that time shall '^

even against their will to desist from the Michael rise up, the great prince, who stand-
have to out. eth for the children of thy people."^ So then
purposes they begun carry
we read that in the same way another was
called the prince of the Greeks, who since he
XIII. was patron of that nation which was subject
to him seems to have been opposed to the
Of the fact that opposing powers turn the attack,
which they nation of the Persians as well as to the people
aim at men, even against each other. of IsraeL From which we clearly see that
antagonistic powers raise against each other
For it is quite clear that they aim these those quarrels of nations, and conflicts and
attacks, with which they assault men, even
dissensions, which they show among them-
in like manner they
against each other, for selves at their instigation, and that they either
do not cease to promote with unwearied strife exult at their victories or are cast down at
the discords and struggles which they have their defeats, and thus cannot live in harmony
undertaken for some peoples because of a sort
wickedness which they
love of
among themselves, while each of them is
of innate
we read
of as being very
always striving with restless jealousy on be-
have: and this
half of those whom he presides over, against
clearly set forth in the
vision of Daniel
the patron of some other nation.
the prophet, where the angel Gabriel speaks
as follows Fear not, Daniel for from the
: :

first day that thou didst set thy heart to un-

derstand, to afiflict thyself in the sight of thy

God, thy words have been heard and I am :

How it is that spiritual wickednesses obtained the names of

come for thy words. But the prince of the powers or principalities.
kingdom of the Persians resisted me one and
twenty days: and behold Michael one of the We can then see clear reasons, in addition
chief princes came to help me, and I remained to those ideas which we
expounded above,
there by the king of the Persians. But I am
why they are called principalities or powers;
come to teach thee things shall befall because viz., rule and over
they preside
thy people in the latter days."
And we can- different nations, and at least hold sway
not possibly doubt that this prince of the over inferior spirits and demons, of which
kingdom of the Persians was a hostile power, J

the gospels give us evidence by their own

which favoured the nation of the Persians an confession that there exist legions. For they
enemy of God's people; for in order to hinder could not be called lords unless they had
the good which it saw would result from the some over whom to exercise the sway of lord-
solution of the question for which the prophet
ship; nor could they be called powers or
prayed the Lord, by the archangel, in its principalities, unless there were some over
jealousy it opposed itself to prevent the whom they could claim power and this we find :

saving comfort of the angel from reaching pointed out very clearly in the gospel by the
Daniel too speedily, and from strengthen- Pharisees in their blasphemy " He casteth out :

ing the people of God, over which the devils by Beelzebub the prince of the devils," *
archangel Gabriel was: and the latter said for we find that they are also called "rulers* of
that even then, owing to the fierceness of his ^ "
darkness," and that one of them is styled the
assaults, he would not have been able to come ^
But the blessed
prince of this world."
to him, had not Michael the archangel come
Apostle declares that hereafter, when all
to help him, and met the prince of the king-
things shall be subdued to Christ, these
dom of the Persians, and joined battle with orders shall be destroyed, saying: "When
him, and intervened, and defended him from He shall have delivered up the kingdom to
his attack, and so enabled him to come to in- God even the Father, when He shall have
struct the prophet after twenty-one days. And
destroyed all principalities and powers and
a little later on it says: "And the angel said:
dominions."'' And this certainly can only
Dost thou know wherefore I am come to thee ? take
place if they are removed from the sway
And now I will return to fight against the of those
over whom we know that powers
prince of the Persians. For when I went and dominions and principalities take charge
forth, there appeared the prince of the Greeks in this world.
coming. But I will tell thee what is written
* Dan. *
X. 20, 21. S. Luke xi. 15. 8 S.
John xiv. 30.
* Dan. X. 12-14. ' Dan. xii. i. Eph. vi. 12. ' I Cor. XV. 24.

CHAPTER XV. labour thrown away: but those who reported

that they had deceived those assigned to them.
Of the fact that it is not without reason that the names ofrhc dismissed before all with the highest praise
angels and archangels are given to holy and heavenly amidst the exultation and
applause of all,
powers. as most brave warriors, and most renowned as
an example to all the rest: and when in this
For no one doubts that not without cause
number some most evil spirit had presented
or reason are the same titles of rank assigned
to the better sort, and that they are names of
himself, in delight at having to relate some
office and of worth or dignity, for it is plain magnificent triumph,
he mentioned the name
of a very well known monk, and declared that
that they are termed angels, i.e., messengers
after having incessantly attacked him for fif-
from their office of bearing messages, and the
teen years, he had at last got the better of him,
appropriateness of the name teaches that they so as to
are "archangels" because they preside over destroy him that very same night by
" " the sin of fornication, for that he had not
angels, dominions because they hold domin-
ion over certain persons, and "principalities" only impelled
him to commit adultery with
because they have some to be princes over,
some consecrated maid, but had actually
and " thrones " because they are so near to God persuaded
him to keep her and marry her.
and so privy and close to Him that the Divine
And when there arose shouts of joy at this
rests in them as in a Divine narrative, he was extolled with the highest
Majesty specially
praise by the prince of darkness, and departed
throne, and in a way reclines surely on them.
crowned with great honours. And so when at
break of day the whole swarm of demons had
vanished from his eyes, the brother being
doubtful about the assertion of the unclean
Of the subjection of the devils, which they show to their spirit, and rather thinking that he had desired
own princes, as seen in a brother's victim. to entice him by an ancient customary deceit,
and to brand an innocent brother with the
But that unclean spirits are ruled over by crime of incest, being mindful of those words
worse powers and are subject to them we not of the gospel; viz., that "he abode not in the
only find from those passages of Scripture, truth because there is no truth in him.
recorded in the gospels when the Pharisees When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his
maligned the Lord, and He answered If I by own, for he is a liar, and its father,"^ he
Beelzebub the prince of the devils cast out made his way to Pelusium, where he knew that
but we are also taught this by clear the man lived, whom the evil spirit declared
visions and many experiences of the saints, to be destroyed: for the brother was very well
for when one of our brethren was making a known to him, and when he had asked him,
journey in this desert, as day was now declin- he found that on the same night on which
ing he found a cave and stopped there mean- that foul demon had announced his downfall
ing to say his evening office in it, and there to his company and prince, he had left his
midnight passed while he was still singing former monastery, and sought the town, and
the Psalms. And when after he had finished had gone astray by a wretched fall with the
his office he sat down a little before refresh- girl mentioned.
ing his wearied body, on a sudden he began
to see innumerable troops of demons gather-
ing together on all sides, who came forward CHAPTER XVII.
in an immense crowd, and a long line, some

preceding and others following their prince; Of the fact that two angels always cling to every man.
who at length arrived, being taller and more
dreadful to look at than all the others; and, For Holy Scripture bears witness that
a throne having been placed, he sat down as two angels, a good and a bad one, cling to
on some lofty tribunal, and began to investi- each one of us. And of the good ones the
gate by a searching examination the actions Saviour says Do not despise one of these

of each one of them; and those who said little ones; for I say unto yoft that their
that they had not yet been able to circumvent angels in heaven do always behold the face of
their rivals, he commanded to be driven out " ^
thy Father which is in heaven and this :

of his sight with shame and ignominy as idle also: "the angel of the Lord shall encamp
and slothful, rebuking them with angry wrath round about them that fear Him, and deliver
for the waste of so much time, and for their them."* Moreover this also which is said in
> S. Luke xi. 19. * S.
John viii. 44.
' S. Matt, xviii. 10. * P». xxxiii. (xxxiv.) 8.
it is were directed towards them, could not
the Acts of the Apostles, of Peter, that only
his angel."
But of both sorts the book of not injure him, but not even draw him forth
the Shepherd teaches us very fully. But if« from "^
his monastery for a single instant.
we consider about him who attacked the
blessed Job we shall clearly learn that it was
he who always plotted against him but never CHAPTER XIX.
could entice him to sin, and that therefore he
asked for power from the Lord, as he was Of the fact that devils cannot prevail at all against men unless
they have first secured possession of their minds.
worsted not by his (Job's) virtue but by the
Lord's protection which ever shielded him. And when in their astonishment at this
Of Judas also it is said: "And let the devil they
' ' "
came straight to Abbot Antony and disclosed
stand at his right hand. the extent of their attacks and the reason of
them and their plots, they dissembled their
jealousy and asked that they might forthwith
CHAPTER XVin. be made Christians. But when he had asked
of them the day when the assault was made,
Of the degrees of wickedness which exist in hostile spirits, as
shown in the case oftwo philosophers. he declared that at that time he had been
afflicted with the most bitter pangs of
But of the difference that there is between
And by this experience the blessed Antony
demons we have learnt a great deal by means proved and established the opinion which we
of those two philosophers who formerly by expressed yesterday in our Conference, that
demons cannot possibly find an entrance into
acts of magic had oftentimes great experience
the mind or body of anyone, nor have
both of their laziness and of their courage and they the
For these looking down power of overwhelming the soul of anyone,
savage wickedness. unless they have first deprived it of all holy
on the blessed Antony as a boor and rustic,
and wanting, if they could not injure him thoughts, and made it
empty and free from
at least to drive his him from spiritual meditation. But you must know
any further,
that unclean spirits are obedient to men in
cell by illusions of magic and the devices of
two ways. For either they are by divine
demons, despatched against him most foul
grace and power subject to the holiness of
spirits, for they were impelled to this attack
the faithful, or they are captivated by the
upon him by the sting of jealousy because sacrifices of sinners, and certain charms, and
enormous crowds came daily to him as the
are flattered by them as their
servant of God. And when these most savage worshippers.
demons did not even venture to approach And the Pharisees too were led astray by this
him as he was now signing his breast and notion and fancied that by. this device even
forehead with the sign of the cross, and, now the Lord the Saviour gave commands to devils,
himself to and and said "By Beelzebub the prince of the
devoting prayer supplication,
devils He casteth out devils," in accordance
they returned without any result to those who
had directed them and these again sent against with that plan by which they knew that their

him others more desperate in wickedness, and own magicians and enchanters by invoking

when these too had spent their strength in his name and offering sacrifices, with which

vain, and returned without having accom- they know he is pleased and delighted have —
as his servants power even over the devils
plished anything, and others still more power-
ful were nevertheless told off against the who are subject to him.
victorious soldier of Christ, and could prevail
nothing against him, all these great plots of
theirs devised with all the arts of magic were CHAPTER XX.
only useful in proving the great value that A question about the fallen angels who are said in Genesis to
there is in the profession of Christians, so that have had intercourse with the daughters of men.
those fierce and powerful shadows, which
thought would veil the stin and moon if they Germanus: Since a passage of Genesis
was a while ago by the providence of
1 Acts
* The
reference is to the Pastor or Shepherd of Hermas, a work
God brought forward in our midst, and happily
of the second century. The
passage to which Cassian alludes is reminded us that we can now
found in Book II. Commandm. vi. where it is said that " there are conveniently ask

two angels with a man, one of righteousness and the other of about a point which we have longed to
and suggestions are given how to recognize each of them and to dis-
the of the one from
learn, we want to know what view we ought
tmguish suggestions tliose of the other. The
to take about those fallen
passage is also alluded to by Origen, De Principiis, Book III. c.
and Horn. xxxv. in (Lucam); and Cassian refers to it
angels who are said
again in to have had intercourse with the
Conf. XIII. c. xii. daughters of
3 Ps. cviii.
(cix.) 6. men, and whether such a thing can literally

take place with a spiritual nature. And also Cainan, Cainan begat Mahalaleel, Mahalaleel
with regard to this passage of the gospel begat Methuselah, Methuselah begat Lamech,
which you quoted of the devil a little while Lamech begat Jabal and Jubal." * And so the
back, "for he is a liar and his father," we
line which sprang from the seed of righteous
should like in the same way to hear who is to Seth always mixed with its own kith and kin,
" ''
be understood by his father. and continued for a long while in the holiness
of its fathers and ancestors, untouched by the
blasphemies and the wickedness of an evil
CHAPTER XXI. offspring, which had implanted in it a seed of
sin as it were transmitted by its ancestors.
The answer to the question raised. As long then as there continued that separation
of the lines between them, the seed of Seth, as
Serenus: You have propounded two not it sprang from an excellent root, was by reason
unimportant questions, to which I will reply, of its sanctity termed "
"angels of God," or as
to the best of my ability, in the order in which some copies have it sons of God ;" * and on the
you have raised them. We cannot possibly contrary the others by reason of their own and
believe that spiritual existences can have their fathers' wickedness and their earthly
carnal intercourse with women. But if this deeds were termed children of men." Though
could ever have literally happened how is it then there was up to this time that holy and
that it does not now also sometimes take place, salutary separation between them, yet after
and that we do not see some in the same way this the sons of Seth who were the sons of
born of women by the agency of demons with- God saw the daughters of those who were
out intercourse with men? especially when bom of the line of Cain, and inflamed with
it is clear that they delight in the pollution of the desire for their beauty took to themselves

lust, which they would certainly prefer to bring from them wives who taught their husbands
about through their own agency rather than the wickedness of their fathers, and at once
through that of men, if they could possibly led them astray from their innate holiness and
manage as Ecclesiastes declares
it, What is : the
single-mindedness of their forefathers.
it that* hath been? The same that is. And To whom
this saying applies with sufficient
.what is it that hath been done ? The same accuracy: "I have said: Ye are Gods, and ye
that is done. And there is nothing new that are all the children of the Most High. But
can be said under the sun, so that a man can ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the
" *
say: Behold this is new; for it hath already princes; who fell away from that true study
been in the ages which were before us."" of natural philosophy, handed down to them by
But the question raised may be resolved in their ancestors, which the first man who forth-
this After the death of righteous
way. with traced out the study of all nature, could
Abel, order that the whole human race
in clearly attain to, and transmit to his descen-
might not spring from a wicked fratricide, dants on sure grounds, inasmuch as he had
Seth was born in the place of his brother who seen the infancy of this world, while still as
it were tender and
was slain, to take the place of his brother not throbbing and unorganized;
only as regards posterity, but also as regards and as there was in him ndt only such fulness
justiceand goodness. And his offspring, fol- of wisdom, but also the grace of prophecy
lowing the example of their father's goodness, given by the Divine inspiration, so that while
always remained separate from intercourse he was still an untaught inhabitant of this
with and the society of their kindred de- world he gave names to all living creatures,
scended from the wicked Cain, as the differ- and not only knew about the fury and poison
ence of the genealogy very clearly tells us, of all kinds of beasts and serpents, but also dis-
where it says " Adam begat Seth, Seth begat
tinguished between the virtues of plants and
Enos, Enos begat Cainan, but Cainan begat trees and the natures of stones, and the changes
Mahalaleel, but Mahalaleel begat Jared, Jared of seasons of which he had as yet no expe-
begat Enoch, Enoch begat Methuselah, Me- rience, so that he could well say: "The Lord
thuselah begat Lamech, Lamech begat Noah. " '
And the genealogy of Cain is given separately * Gen. iv.
In Gen. V1.2 the MSS.of the LXX. fluctuate between ayytXoi
as follows: "Cain begat Enoch, Enoch begat _•
ToC 9tov and viol toO 0eov. The interpretation of the passage
which Cassian here rejects is adopted by Philo and Josephus, the
book of Enoch, and several of the early_ fathers,including Justin
S. John viii.
Wefind from Augustine (Tract, xxiv. in Martyr, Tertullian, Clement of
Alexandria, Lactantius and others.
Johan.) that the Manichees interpreted this text as implying that the
" F'or he is a
The explanation, which Cassian here gives, taking the "sons of God "
devil had a father, translating it Har, and so is his of the Sethites, and the " daughters of men " of the line of Cain is ap-

father." Augustine himself explains it as Abbot Serenus does below parently first found in Julius Africanus (ol ano rov 2r)9 jtxaioi),
in c. XXV.; viz., that the devil is not only a liar himself but the
parent and is adopted among others by Augustine, De Civitate Dei, Book
of lies. XV. xxiii., where the passage is fully discussed.
' Ecd. • Gen. v. 4-30. * Ps. Ixxxi.
i. 9, 10. (Ixxxii.) 6, 7.

hath given methe true knowledge of the things and to practise pillaging among men, getting
that are, to knowthe disposition of the whole their living rather by rapine than by being
world, and the virtues of the elements, the contented with the sweat and labour of toil,
beginning and the ending and the midst of and their wickedness increased to such a pitch
times, the alterations of their courses and that the world could only be purified by the
the changes of their seasons, the revolutions flood and deluge. So then when the sons of
of the year and the disposition of the stars, the Seth at the instigation of their lust had trans-
natures of living creatures and the rage of wild gressed that command which had been for a
beasts, the force of winds, and the reasonings long while kept by a natural instinct from the
of men, the diversities of plants and the virtues beginning of the world, it was needful that it
of roots, and all such things as are hid and should afterwards be restored by the letter of
open I have learnt."^ This knowledge then the law Thou shalt not give thy daughter to

of all nature the seed of Seth received his son to wife, nor shalt thou take a wife of
through successive generations, handed down his daughters to thy son; for they shall seduce
from the fathers, so long as it remained sepa- your hearts to depart from your God, and to
rate from the wicked line, and as -it had follow their gods and serve them." ^
received it in holiness, so it made use of it to
promote the glory of God and the needs of
everyday life. But when it had been mingled CHAPTER XXII.
with the evil generation, it drew aside at the
An objection, as to how an unlawful intermingling with the
suggestion of devils to profane and harmful
daughters of Cain could be charged against the line of Seth
uses what it had innocently learnt, and auda- before the prohibition of the law.
ciously taught by it the curious arts of wizards
and enchantments and magical superstitions, Germanus: If that command had been
teaching its posterity to forsake the holy wor- given to them, then the sin of breaking it
ship of the Divinity and to honour and worship might fairly have been brought against them
either the elements or fire or the demons of for their audacity in so marrying. But since
the air. How it was then that this knowledge the observance of that separation had not yet
of curious arts of which we have spoken, did been established by any rule, how could that
not perish in the deluge, but became known
intermingling of races be counted wrong in-
to the ages that followed, should, I think,
them, as it had not been forbidden by any
be briefly explained, as the occasion of this command? For a law does not ordinarily
discussion suggests, although the answer to forbid crimes that are past, but those that are
the question raised scarcely requires it. And future.
so, as ancient traditions tell us. Ham the son of
Noah, who had been taught these superstitions
and wicked and profane arts, as he knew that
he could not possibly bring any handbook on The answer, that by the law of nature men were from the
these subjects into the ark, into which he was beginning liable to judgment and punishment.
to enter with his good father and holy brothers,
inscribed these nefarious arts and profane Serenus: God at man's creation implanted
devices on plates of various metals which in him naturally complete knowledge of the
could not be destroyed by the flood of waters, law, and if this had been kept by man, as
and on hard rocks, and when the flood was at the beginning, according to the Lord's
over he hunted for them with the same inqui- purposes, there would not have been any need
sitiveness with which he had concealed them, for another law to be given, which He after-
and so transmitted to his descendants a seed- wards proclaimed in writing: for it were
bed of profanity and perpetual sin. In this superfluous for an external remedy to be
way then that common notion, according to offered, where an internal one was still im-
which men believe that angels delivered to planted and vigorous. But since this had
men enchantments and diverse arts, is in truth been, as we have said, utterly corrupted by
fulfilled. From these sons of Seth then and freedom and the opportunity of sinning, the
daughters of Cain, as we have said, there were severe restrictions of the law of Moses were
Dorn still worse children who became mighty added as the executor and vindicator of this
hunters, violent and most fierce men who (earlier law) and to use the expressions of
were termed giants by reason of the size of Scripture, as its helper, that through fear of
their bodies and their cruelty and wickedness. immediate punishment men might be kept
For these first began to harass their neighbours from altogether losing the good of natural

* Wis. *
vii. 17-21. Deut. viii. 3 ; Exod. xxxiv. 16 : cf. i
Kings xi. 2.

knowledge, according to the word of the do no murder; Thou shalt not commit adul-
prophet who says "He gave the law to help tery; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not
them " ^ and it is also described by the
bear false witness ;
Thou shalt not covet thy
Apostle as having been given as a school- neighbour's wife," and many other things be-

master^ to little children, as it instructs and sides, in which they anticipated the commands
guards them to prevent them from departing not only of the law but even of the gospel ?
through sheer forgetfulness from the teaching
in which they had been instructed
by the light
of nature for that the complete
knowledge of XXIV. CHAPTER
the law was implanted in man at his first
creation, is clearly proved from this; viz., that Of the fact that they were justly punished, who sinned before
we know that before the law, aye, and even the flood.

before the flood, all holy men observed the

commands of the law without having the letter And so then we see that from the beginning
to read. For how could Abel, without the
God created everything perfect, nor would
command of the law, have known that he there have been need for anything to have
offer to God a sacrifice of the first-
been added to His original arrangement as —
ought to
lings of his flock and of the fat thereof,' un-
if it were
shortsighted and imperfect if —
less he had been taught by the law which was everything had continued in that state and
condition in which it had been created
naturally implanted in him ? How could Noah Him. by
have distinguished what animals were clean And therefore in the case of those
and what were unclean,* when the command- who sinned before the law and even before the
ment of the law had not yet made a distinc- flood we see that God visited them with a
tion, unless he had been taught by a natural
righteous judgment, because they deserved to
be punished without any excuse, for having
knowledge ? Whence did Enoch learn how to
"walk with God,"' having never acquired transgressed the law of nature nor should we ;

fall into the blasphemous slanders of those

any light of the law from another,'' Where who are
had Shem and Japheth read "Thou shalt not ignorant of this reason, and so depre-
ciate the God of the Old Testament, and run
uncover the nakedness of thy father," so that
down our faith, and say with a sneer: Why
they went backwards and covered the shame of
their father? * How was Abraham taught to then did it please your God to will to promul-
the law after so many thousand
abstain from the spoils of the enemy which were gate years,
while He suffered such long ages to pass with-
offered to him, that he might not receive
any out any law ? But if He afterwards discovered
recompense for his toil, or to pay to the priest
Melchizedec the tithes which are ordered by something better, then it appears that at the
of the world His wisdom was infe-
the law of Moses?' How was it too that beginning rior and poorer, and that afterwards as if
the same Abraham and Lot also humbly taught
offered to passers by and strangers offices of by experience
He began to provide for some-
kindness and the washing of their feet, while thing better, and to amend and improve His
yet the Evangelic command had not shone
original arrangements. A thing which cer-
forth? 8 Whence did Job obtain such earnest- tainly cannot happen to the infinite foreknow-
ness of faith, such purity of chastity, such ledge of God, nor can these assertions be made
about Him by the mad folly of heretics with-
knowledge of humility, gentleness, pity and out
kindness, as we now see shown not even by " grievous blasphemy, as Ecclesiastes says :

I have learnt that all the words which God

those who know the gospels by heart? Which
of the saints do we read of as not
hath made from the beginning shall continue
observed some commandment of the law before forever: nothing can be added to them, and
be taken away from them," " and
the giving of the law? Which of them failed nothing can "
" therefore the law is not made for the righteous,
to keep this Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy

God is one Lord? "• Which of them did not but for the unrighteous, and insubordinate, for
fulfil this
Thou shalt not make to thyself any the ungodly
and sinners, for the wicked and
" ^-
For as they had the sound and
graven image, nor the likeness of anything profane.
which is in heaven or in the earth or under complete system of natural laws implanted in
the earth?" Which of them did not observe them they had no need of this external law in
Honour thy father and thy mother," or addition, and one committed to writing, and
what follows in the Decalogue " Thou shalt what was given as an aid to that natural law.

From which we infer by the clearest of reason-

» Is. viii. 20 (LXX.).
» Cf. Gal.
• Gen. ix.
23 Lev. xviii. 7.
; ings that that law committed to writing need not
' Gen. xiv.
' Gen. iv.
• Gen.
20, 22. have been given at the beginning (for it was
^. xviii., xix. cf. S. John ; xiii.34.
* Gen. •
vii. a. Deut. vi. 4.
• Gen. V. aa. >» Exod. XX. " Ecd. " Tim.
4-17. Ui. 14. (LXX.). i i^

unnecessary for this to be done

while the ning, by an examination of the rise and com-
natural law still remained, and was not utterly mencement, from which each originated, and
violated) nor could evangelical perfection by a consideration of the end to which each is
have been granted before the law had been tending, and decides also of the division of
For they could not have listened to this this body and soul, and discourses as follows :
kept. "
saying: "If a man strikes thee
on the right Before the dust returns to the earth as it was,
cheek, turn to him the other also," who were
and the spirit returns unto God who gave it. " *
not content to avenge wrongs done to them But what could be said with greater plainness
with the even justice of the lex talionis, h\xt than that he declares that the matter of the
flesh which he styled dust, because it springs
repaid a very slight touch with deadly kicks
and wounds with weapons, and for a single from the seed of man, and seems to be sown
truth sought to take the life of those who had by his ministration, must, as it was taken
struck them. Nor could it be said to them, from the earth, again return to the earth,
"love your enemies," among whom it was while he points out that the spirit which

considered a great thing and most important is not begotten by intercourse between the
if they loved their friends, but avoided their sexes, but belongs to God alone in a special
enemies and dissented from them only in way, returns to its creator? And this also
hatred without being eager to oppress and is clearly implied in that breathing by God,
kill them. through which Adam in the first instance
received his life. And so from these passages
we clearly infer that no one can be called the
Father of spirits but God alone, who makes
How this that is said of the devil in the gospel to
is be under- them out of nothing whenever He pleases,
stood viz., that
" he is a
liar, and his father." while men can only be termed the fathers
of our flesh. So then the devil also in as
But as for this which disturbed you about much as he was created a spirit or an angel
the devil, that "he is a liar and his father,"* and good, had no one as his Father but God
as if it seemed that he and his father were his Maker. But when he had become puffed
pronounced by the Lord to be liars, it is up by pride and had said in his heart: I will

sufficiently ridiculous to imagine this even ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will
cursorily. For as we said a little while ago be like the Most High," * he became a liar, and
spirit does not beget spirit just as soul cannot "abode not in the truth ;"i° but brought forth
procreate soul, though we do not doubt that a lie from his own storehouse of wickedness
the compacting of flesh is formed from man's and so became not only a liar, but also the
seed, as the Apostle clearly distinguishes in father of the actual lie, by which when he
the case of both substances viz., flesh and promised Divinity to man and said "Ye shall

spirit, what should be ascribed to whom as its be as gods,"" he abode not in the truth, but
author, and says: "Moreover we have had from the beginning became a murderer, both
fathers of our flesh for instructors, and we reve-
by bringing Adam into a state of mortality, and
renced them shall we not much more be in Abel by the hand of his brother
" * by slaying

subjection to the Father of spirits and live ? at his suggestion. But already the approach
What could show more clearly than this dis- of dawn is bringing to a close our discus-
tinction, that he laid down that men were the sion, which has occupied nearly two whole
fathers of our flesh, but always taught that
nights, and our brief and simple words have
God alone was the Father of souls. Although drawn our bark of this Conference from the
even in the actual compacting of this body a deep sea of questions to a safe harbour of
ministerial office alone must be attributed to silence, in which
deep indeed, as the breath
men, but the chief part of its formation to of the Divine Spirit drives us further in, so is
God the Creator of all, as David says: "Thy there ever opened out a wider and boundless
hands have made me and fashioned me " '"

space reaching beyond the sight of our eye,


And the blessed Job " Hast thou not milked and, as Solomon says, " It will become much

me as milk, and curdled me as cheese ? Thou further from us than it was, and a great depth
hast put me together with bones and sinews " ® who shall find it out ? " ^"^ Wherefore let us

and the Lord to Jeremiah " Before I formed

pray the Lord that both His fear and His

thee in the womb, I knew thee. " But Eccle- love, which cannot fail,

may continue stead-

siastes very clearly and accurately gathers fast in
us, and make us wise in all things,
the nature of either substance, and its begin- and ever shield us
unharmed, from the darts
1 S. Matt. V. * *
39. Heb. xii. 9. Job X. 10, II.
* lb. ver. " ' * Eccl. xii. 1" S. '2
44. Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 73. Jer. i. 5. 7. John viii 44. Eccl. vii. 25.
* S. * Is. xiv. 11
John viii. 44. 14. Gen. iii.

of the devil. For with these guards it is im- its position is weaker and it more easily grows

possible for anyone to fall into the snares of cold, and so quickly and more frequently
But there is this difference between allows them to be entangled in the snares of

the perfect and imperfect, that in the case of sin. And when we heard this, the words of
the former love is steadfast, and so to speak this Conference so fired us that when we went
riper and lasts more abidingly
and so makes away from the old man's cell we longed with

them persevere in holiness more steadfastly a keener ardour of soul than when we first
and more easily, while in the case of the latter came, for the fulfilment of his teaching.



CHAPTER I. petual purity, for the sake of which we seek
unweariedly and constantly to practise all
Introduction to the Conference. bodily labours as well as contrition of spirit.
And there is between these two a sort of
What was promised in the second book of reciprocal and inseparable union. For just
the on continual and unceasing
Institutes^ as the crown of the building of all virtues
perseverance in prayer, shall be by the Lord's is the perfection of prayer, so unless every-

help fulfilled by the Conferences of this Elder, thing has been united and compacted by this
whom we will now bring forward; viz.. Abbot as its crown, it cannot possibly continue
Isaac and when these have been propounded
strong and stable. For lasting and continual
I think that I shall have satisfied the com- calmness in prayer, of which we are speaking,
mands of Pope Castor of blessed memory, and cannot be secured or consummated without
your wishes, O blessed Pope Leontius and them, so neither can those virtues which lay
holy brother Helladius, and the length of the its foundations be fully gained without per-
book in its earlier part may be excused, sistence in it. And so we shall not be able
though, in spite of our endeavour not only to either to treat properly of the effect of prayer,
compress what had to be told into a brief or in a rapid discourse to penetrate to its
discourse, but also to pass over very many main end, which is acquired by labouring at
points in silence, it has been extended to a all virtues, unless first all those things which
greater length than we intended. For having for its sakemust be either rejected or secured,
commenced with a full discourse on various are singly enumerated and discussed, and,
regulations which we have thought it well to as the Parable in the gospel teaches,' what-
curtail for the sake of brevity, at the close ever concerns the building of that spiritual
the blessed Isaac spoke these words. and most lofty tower, is reckoned up and care-
fully considered beforehand. But yet these
things when prepared will be of no use nor
CHAPTER II. allow the lofty height of perfection to be
properly placed upon them unless a clearance
The words of Abbot Isaac on the nature of prayer. of all faults be first undertaken, and the
decayed and dead rubbish of the passions
The aim of every monk and the perfection be dug up, and the strong foundations of
of his heart tends to continual and unbroken
simplicity and humility be laid on the solid
perseverance in prayer, and, as far as it is and (so to speak) living soil of our breast, or
allowed to human frailty, strives to acquire *
rather on that rock of the gospel, and by being
an immovable tranquillity of mind and a per- built in this way this tower of spiritual virtues
will rise, and be able to stand unmoved, and

See the Institutes Book II. c. ix.
' Isaac was, as we eathL-r from
c. xxxi., a disciple of St. Antony, be raised to the utmost heights of heaven in
and is mentioned by Palladius Dial, de vita Chrysost. There are
also a few stories of him in the Apophegniata I'atrum (Migne,
full assurance of its stability. For if it rests
Vol. Ixv. p. 2J3); and see the Dictionary of Christian Biography,
s Cf. S. Luke xiv. aS. « Cf. S. Luke vi. 48.
Vol. iii. p.' 294.

on such foundations, then though heavy storms shrine of our heart, that "we 'may thus fulfill
of passions break over it, though mighty tor- the Apostle's injunction Pray withbut ceas- :

rents of persecutions beat against it like a ing;" and: "In every place lifting up holy
a furious tempest of hands without wrath or disputing." For other-
battering ram, though
foes dash against it and attack it, wise we shall not be able to carry out that
will no ruin overtake it, but the charge unless our mind, purified from all stains
yet not only
onslaught will not injure it even in the slight- of sin, and given over to virtue as to its natural
est degree. good, feed on the continual contemplation of
Almighty God.

How pure and sincere prayer can be gained


Of the lightness of the soul which may be compared to a

And therefore in order that prayer may be
wmg or feather.
offered up with that earnestness and purity
with which it ought to be, we must by all For the nature of the soul is not inaptly
means observe these rules. First all anxiety compared to a very fine feather or very light
about carnal things must be entirely got rid
wing, which, if it has not been damaged or
of; next we must leave no room for not merely affected by being spoilt by any moisture fall-
the care but even the recollection of any busi-
ing on it from without, is borne aloft almost
ness affairs, and in like manner also must lay
naturally to the heights of heaven by the
aside all backbitings, vain and incessant
lightness of its nature, and the aid of the
chattering, and buffoonery; anger above all, slightest breath: but if it is weighted by any
and disturbing moroseness must be entirely moisture
falling upon it and penetrating into
destroyed, and the deadly taint of
carnal lust
it, it will not only not be carried away by
and covetousness be torn up by the roots. natural
lightness into any aerial flights but
And so when these and such like faults will
actually be borne down to the depths of
which are also visible to the eyes of men, are earth
by the weight of the moisture it has
entirely removed and cut off, and when such received. So also our soul, if it is not
a purification and cleansing, as we spoke of,
weighted with faults that touch it, and the
has first taken place, which is brought about cares of this
world, or damaged by the mois-
by pure simpHcity and innocence, then first ture of- injurious lusts, will be raised as it
there must be laid the secure foundations of were
by the natural blessing of its own purity
a deep humility, which may be able to support and borne aloft to the
heights by the light
a tower that shall reach the sky and next breath of
spiritual meditation; and leaving

the spiritual structure of the virtues must be

things low and earthly will be transported to
built up upon them, and the soul kept free
those that are heavenly and invisible. Where-
from all conversation and from roving thoughts fore we are well warned
by the Lord's com-
that thus it may by little and little begin to
mand: "Take heed that your hearts be not
rise to the contemplation of God and to spi-
down by surfeiting and drunkenness
ritual insight. For whatever our mind has weighed
and the cares of this world." ^ And therefore
been thinking of before the hour of prayer, if
we want our prayers to reach not only the
is sure to occur to us while we are praying
but what is the sky, let us be
through the activity of the memory. Where- careful to reduce beyond
our soul, purged from all
fore what we want to find ourselves like while
faults and purified from every stain,
we are praying, that we ought to prepare our- earthly
to its natural lightness, that so our prayer
selves to be before the time for prayer. For the
rise to God unchecked by the weight of
mind in prayer is formed by its previous con- may sin.
dition, and when we are applying ourselves
to prayer the images of the same actions and
words and thoughts will dance before our CHAPTER V.
eyes, and make us either angry, as in our pre- Of the ways in which our soul is weighed down.
vious condition, or gloomy, or recall our former
lust and business, or make us shake with fool-
But we should notice the ways in which
ish laughter (which I am ashamed to speak of)
the Lord points out that the soul is weighed
at some silly joke, or smile at some action, or
down: for He did not mention adultery, or
fly back to our previous conversation. And
fornication, or murder, or blasphemy, or rapine,
therefore if we do not want anything to haunt
which everybody knows to be deadly and
us while we are we should be careful
before our prayer, to exclude it from the 1 1 Thess. V. J7 ; 1 Tim. ii. :
^ S. Luke xxi. 34.

damnable, but surfeiting and drunkenness, these splendidly decorated, and larger than
and the cares or anxieties of this world: our needs required, thus showing the passion
which men of this world are so far from avoid- of worldly lusts whenever we can.
ing or considering damnable that actually
some who (I am ashamed to say) call them-
selves monks entangle themselves in these
very occupations as if
they were harmless or
useful. And though these three things, when Of the vision which a certain Elder saw concerning the rest-
literally given way to weigh down the soul, less work of a brother.

and separate it from God, and bear it down to

things earthly, yet it is very easy to avoid And that this is not done without the
them, especially for us who are separated by prompting of devils we are taught by the surest
so great a distance from all converse with proofs, for when one very highly esteemed
this world, and who do not on any occasion Elder was passing by the cell of a certain
have anything to do with those visible cares brother who was suffering from this mental
and drunkenness and surfeiting. But there is disease of which we have spoken, as he was
another surfeiting which is no less dangerous, restlessly toiling in his daily occupations in
and a spiritual drunkenness which it is harder building and repairing what was unnecessary,
to avoid, and a care and anxiety of this world, he watched him from a distance breaking a
which often ensnares us even after the perfect very hard stone with a heavy hammer, and
renunciation of all our goods, and abstinence saw a certain Ethiopian standing over him and
from wine and all feastings and even when we together with him striking the blows of the
are living in solitude
— and of such the prophet hammer with joined and clasped hands, and
says :
Awake, ye that are drunk but not with urging him on with fiery incitements to dili-
wine;"^ and another: "Be astonished and gence in the work: and so he stood still for a
wonder and stagger: be drunk and not with long while in astonishment at the force of the
wine: be moved, but not with drunkenness."* fierce demon and the deceitfulness of such
And of this drunkenness the wine must conse- an illusion. For when the brother was worn
quently be what the prophet calls "the fury of out and tired and wanted to rest and put an
dragons :and from what root the wine comes end to his toil, he was stimulated by the
you may "hear: P>om the vineyard of Sodom," spirit's prompting and urged on to resume his
he says, is their vine, and their branches from hammer again and not to cease from devoting
Gomorrha." Would you also know about the himself to the work which he had begun, so
fruit of that vine and the seed of that branch? that being unweariedly supported by his in-
"Their grape is a grape of gall, theirs is a citements he did not feel the harm that so
cluster of bitterness " for unless we are alto- great labour was doing him. At last then the
gether cleansed from all faults and abstain- old man, disgusted at such a horrid mystifica-
ing from the surfeit of all passions, our heart tion by a demon, turned aside to the brother's
will without drunkenness from wine and excess cell and saluted him, and asked "what work
of any feasting be weighed down by a drunken- is it, brother, that you are doing?" and he
ness and surfeiting that is still more dangerous. replied: "We are working at this awfully
For that worldly cares can sometimes fall on hard stone, and we can hardly break it at all."
us who mix with no actions of this world, is Whereupon the Elder replied : You were right
shown to the rule of the in saying 'zf'^can,' for you were not alone,
clearly according
Elders, who have laid down that anything when you were striking it, but there was
which goes beyond the necessities of daily another with you whom you did not see,
food, and the unavoidable needs of the flesh, who was standing over you not so much to
belongs to worldly cares and anxieties, as for help you as urge you on with all his force."
example if, when a job bringing in a penny And thus the fact that the disease of worldly
would satisfy the needs of our body, we try to vanity has not got hold of our hearts, will be
extend it by a longer toil and work in order proved by no mere abstinence from those
to get twopence or threepence; and when a affairs which even if we want to engage in, we
covering of two tunics would he enough for cannot carry out, nor by the despising of those
our use both by night and day, we manage to matters which if we pursued them would make
become the owners of three or four, or when us remarkable in the front rank among spi-
a hut containing one or two cells would be ritual persons as well as among worldly men,
sufficient, in the pride of worldly ambition but only when we reject with inflexible firm-
and greatness we build four or five cells, and ness of mind whatever ministers to our power
and seems to be veiled in a show of right.
* Is. xxix.
* Deut. xxxiL
33, 33.
And in reality these things which seem trivial

and of no consequence, and which we see to wander any further from the plan of the dis-
be permitted indifferently by those who belong course we had commenced, or delay any longer
to our calling, none the less by their character the explanation promised of the nature of
affect the soul than those more important prayer, we will keep this for its own time,
things, which according to their condition usu- and ask to be informed at once of the cha-
ally intoxicate the senses of worldly people racter of prayer, especially as the blessed
and which do not allow ^ a monk to lay aside Apostle exhorts us at no time to cease from
" "
earthly impurities and aspire to God, on whom it, saying Pray without ceasing. And so we
his attention should ever be fixed; for in his want to be taught first of its character, i.e., how
case even a slight separation from that highest prayer ought always to be offered up, and
good must be regarded as present death and then how we can secure this, whatever it is,
most dangerous destruction. And when the and practise it without ceasing. For that it
soul has been established in such a peaceful cannot be done by any light purpose of heart
condition, and has been freed from the meshes both daily experience and the explanation of
of all carnal desires, and the purpose of the your holiness show us, as you have laid it
heart has been steadily fixed on that which is down that the aim of a monk, and the height
the only highest good, he will then fulfil this of all perfection consist in the consummation
Apostolic precept: "Pray without ceasing;" of prayet.
and: "in every place lifting up holy hands
without wrath and disputing:
for when by
this purity (if we can say so) the thoughts of
the soul are engrossed, and are re-fashioned
out of their earthly condition to bear a spirit- Of the different characters of prayer.
ual and angelic likeness, whatever it receives,
whatever it takes in hand, whatever it does, the Isaac I imagine that all kinds of prayers

prayer will be perfectly pure and sincere. cannot be grasped without great purity of heart
and soul and the illumination of the Holy
Spirit. For there are as many of them as
there can be conditions and characters pro-
CHAPTER VII. duced in one soul or rather in all souls. And
so although we know that owing to our dul-
A question how it is that harder work to preserve than to
it is ness of heart we cannot see all kinds of
originate good thoughts.
prayers, yet we will try to relate them in some
order, as far as our slender experience enables
Germanus: only we could keep as a
us to succeed. For according to the degree
lasting possession those spiritual thoughts in of the purity to which each soul attains, and
the same way and with the same ease with
the character of the state in which it is sunk
which we generally conceive their germs! for
when they have been conceived in our hearts owing to what happens to it, or is by its own
effortsrenewing itself, its very prayers will
either through the recollection of the
Scrip- each moment be altered: and therefore it is
tures or by the memory of some spiritual
quite clear that no one can always offer up
actions, or by gazing upon heavenly mysteries,
uniform prayers. For every one prays in one
they vanish all too soon and disappear by a
sort of unnoticed flight. And when our soul way when he is brisk, in another when he is
has discovered some other occasions for oppressed with a weight of sadness or despair,
spi- in another when he is
ritual emotions, different ones invigorated by spiritual
again crowd in
and those which we had grasped are achievements, in another when cast down by the
upon us,
burden of attacks, in another when he is ask-
scattered, and lightly fly away so that the
mind retaining no persistency, and keeping of ing pardon for his sins, in another when he
asks to obtain grace or some virtue or else
its own power no firm hand over
holy thoughts,
must be thought, even when it does seem to prays for the destruction of some sin, in another
retain them for a while, to have conceived
when he is pricked to the heart by the thought
of hell and the fear of future
them at random and not of set purpose. For judgment, in
can we think that their rise should be another when he is aglow with the hope and
how_ desire of good things to come, in another
ascribed to our own will, if
they do not last when he is taken up with affairs and dangers,
and remain with us? But that we
may not in another when he is in
owing to the consideration of this question peace and security, in
another when he is enlightened the revela-
tion of
Sinentes, thousli the reading of ahnost all MSS. must be an
heavenly mysteries, and in another
error either of the author or of a
copyist for sinentia.
when he is depressed by a sense of barrenness
* I Thess. V. 17; I Tim. ii. 8. in virtues and
dryness in feeling.


Of the fourfold nature of prayer. Of Supplications.

And therefore, when we have laid this down "I EXHORT therefore first of all that suppli-
with regard to the character of prayer, although cations be made."
Supplication is an implor-
not so fully as the importance of the subject
ing or petition concerning sins, in which one
requires, but as fully as the exigencies of who is sorry for his present or past deeds asks
time permit, and at any rate as our slender for
abilities admit, and our dulness of heart en-
ables us, — a still greater difficulty now awaits
us; viz., to expound one by one the different XII. CHAPTER
kinds of prayer, which the Apostle divides in
a fourfold manner, when he says as follows: Of Prayer.
"I exhort therefore first of all that suppli-
Prayers are those by which we offer or vow
cations, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings
be made."^ And we cannot possibly doubt something to God, what the Greeks call
f t';ir»i,

that this division was not made the i.e., a vow. For where we read in Greek iu;
idly by
And to begin with we must investi- t'v/(if fiov TtJ xvQldj icTtoSdiUbi, in Latin we read:
Apostle. " " '
I will pay my vows unto the Lord where
gate what is meant by supplication, by prayer,

according to the exact force of the words it

by intercession, and by thanksgiving. Next
we must inquire whether these four kinds are may be thus represented: "I will pay my
unto the Lord." And this which we
to be taken in hand by him who prays all at prayers
find in Ecclesiastes *'If thou vowest a vow :

once, i.e., are they all to be joined together in

every prayer,

or whether they are to be offered
unto the Lord do not delay to pay it," is writ-
ten in Greek likewise: iiif ^tlyj ivxnt' ko xv()l(Sy
up in turns and one by one, as, for instance, "
If thou prayest a prayer unto the Lord,
at one time at another i.e.,
ought supplications,
prayers, at another intercessions, and at do not delay to pay it," 'which will be ful-
another thanksgivings to be offered, or should filled in this way by each one of us. We
one man present to God supplications, another pray, when we renounce this world and
prayers, another intercessions, another thanks-
promise that being dead to all worldly actions
in accordance with that measure of
and the life of this world we will serve the
Lord with full purpose of heart. We pray when
age, to which each soul is advancing by
earnestness of purpose ? we promise that despising secular honours and
scorning earthly riches we will cleave to the
Lord in all sorrow of heart and humility of
CHAPTER X. spirit. We pray when we promise that we
will ever maintain the most perfect purity of
Of the order of the different kinds laid down with regard to the
character of prayer. body and steadfast patience, or when we vow
that we will utterly root out of our heart the
And so to begin with we must consider the roots of anger or of sorrow that worketh death.
actual force of the names and words, and dis- And sloth and returning to
if, enervated by
cuss what is the difference between prayer our former sins we fail to do this we shall be
and supplication and intercession; then in
guilty as regards our prayers" and vows, and
like manner we must investigate whether
they these words will apply to us It is better not :

are to be offered separately or all together; to vow, than to vow and not to
pay," which
and in the third place must examine whether can be rendered in accordance with the
the particular order which is thus arranged by Greek: "It is better for thee not to
pray than
the Apostle's authority has anything further to
pray and not to pay.
to teach the hearer, or whether the distinction
simply is to be taken, and it should be con-
sidered that they were arranged by him in-
differently in such a way a thing which seems:

to me utterly absurd. For one must not Of Intercession.

believe that the Holy Spirit uttered anything
casually or without reason through the Apostle. In the third place stand intercessions,
And so we will, as the Lord grants us, con- which we are wont to offer up for others also,
sider them in the same order in which we while we are filled with fervour of
began. making request either for those dear to us or

» 1 Tim. il. i. * Ps. cxv. 4 (cxvi. 14).

» Eccl. V.
* /ti'ii. ver.

for the peace of the whole world, and to use already torn from their hearts the guilty thorns
the Apostle's own phrase, we pray "for all of conscience, and thus being now free from
care can contemplate with a pure mind the
men, for kings and all that are in authority."
beneficence of God and His compassions,
which He has either granted in the past, or
CHAPTER XIV. giving in the present, or preparing for the
and thus are borne onward with fervent
Of Thanksgf^ing. hearts to that ardent prayer which cannot be
embraced or expressed by the mouth of men.
Then in the fourth place there stand thanks- Sometimes however the mind which is advan-
givings which the mind cing to that perfect state of purity and which
in ineffable transports
offers up to God, either when it recalls God's is already JDCginning to be established in it,
it contemplates His will take in all these at one and the same
past benefits or when
present ones, or when it looks forward to those
time, and like some incomprehensible and
great ones in the future
which God has pre- all-devouring flime, dart through them all
pared for them that love Him. And with and offer up to God inexpressible prayers of
this purpose too sometimes we are wont to the
purest force, which the Spirit Itself, in-
pour forth richer prayers, v/hile, as we gaze tervening with groanings that cannot be
with pure eyes on those rewards of the saints uttered, while we ourselves understand not,
which are laid up in store hereafter, our spirit pours forth to God, grasping at that hour and
is stimulated to offer up unspeakable thanks
ineffably pouring forth in its supplications
to God with boundless joy.
things so great that they cannot be uttered
with the mouth nor even at any other time be
recollected by the mind. And thence it comes
that in whatever degree any one stands, he is
found sometimes to offer up pure and devout
Whether these four kinds of prayers are necessary for everyone
to offer all at once or separately and in turns. prayers as even in that first and lowly station

which has to do with the recollection of future

And of these four kinds, although some- judgment, he who still remains under the
times occasions arise for richer and fuller punishment of terror and the fear of judgment
prayers (for from the class of supplications is so smitten with sorrow for the time being
which arises from sorrow for sin, and from the that he is filled with no less keenness of spirit
kind of prayer which flows from confidence from the richness of his supplications than
in our offerings and the performance of our he who through the purity of his heart gazes
vows in accordance with a pure conscience, on and considers the blessings of God and is
and from the intercession which proceeds overcome with ineffable joy and delight.
from fervour of love, and from the thanks- For, as the Lord Himself says, he begins to
giving which is born of the consideration of love the more, who knows that he has been
God's blessings and His greatness and good- forgiven the more.^
ness, we know that oftentimes there proceed
most fervent and ardent prayers so that it is
clear that all these kinds of prayer of which CHAPTER XVI.
we have spoken are found to be useful and
needful for all men, so that in one and the Of the kinds of prayer to which we ought to direct ourselves.
same man his changing feelings will give
utterance to pure and fervent petitions now Yet we ought by advancing in life and at-
of supplications, of prayers, now of inter-
now taining to virtue to aim rather at those kinds
cessions) yet the first seems to belong more of prayer which are poured forth either from
especially to beginners, who are still troubled the contemplation of the good things to come
by the stings and recollection of their sins; or from fervour of love, or which at least, to
the second to those who have already attained speak more humbly and in accordance with
some loftiness of mind in their spiritual the measure of beginners, arise for the acquire-
progress and the quest of virtue the third to ment of some virtue or the extinction of some

those who fulfil the completion of their vows fault. For otherwise we shall not possibly
by their works, and are so stimulated to inter-attain to those sublimer kinds of supplication
cede for others also through the consideration of which we spoke, unless our mind has been
of their weakness, and the earnestness of little
by little and by degrees raised through
their love; the fourth to those who have the
regular course of those intercessions.

I Tim. ii, i, 2.
* Cf. S. Luke vii. 47.

CHAPTER XVII. especially to understand that in prayer and

supplication thanksgiving ought to be mingled
How the four kinds of supplication were originated by the with our requests.

These four kinds of supplication the Lord

Himself by His own example vouchsafed to
originate for us, so that in this too He might Of the Lord's Prayer,
fulfil that which was said of Him: "which
Jesus began both to do and to teach." For And so there follows after these different
He made use of the class of supplication when kinds of
supplication a still more sublime
He said: "Father, if it be possible, let this
and exalted condition which is brought about
cup pass from me; or this which is chanted
by the contemplation of God alone and by
in His Person in the Psalm: "My God, My fervent love, by which the mind, transporting
God, look upon Me, why hast Thou forsaken and flinging itself into love for Him, ad-
me," and others like it. It is prayer where
dresses God most familiarly as its own Father
He says: "I have magnified Thee upon the with a piety of its own. And that we ought
earth, I have finished the work which Thou
earnestly to seek after this condition the
gavest Me to do," and this: "And for their formula of the Lord's prayer teaches us, say-
sakes I sanctify Myself that they also may be When then we confess
" ing "Our Father."
sanctified in the truth. ' It is intercession when with our own mouths that the God and Lord
He says: "Father, those whom Thou hast of the universe is our Father, we profess
given me, I will that they also may be with forthwith that we have been called from our
Me that they may see My glory which Thou condition as slaves to the adoption of sons,
hast given Me
" or
at any rate when He says
adding next "Which art in heaven," that, by

"Father, forgive them for they know not what shunning with the utmost horror all lingering
they do."* It is t/iani'sj^i7>ing vfhen He says: in this present life, which we pass upon this
"I confess to Thee, Father, Lord of heaven earth as a pilgrimage, and what separates us
and earth, that Thou hast hid these things
by a great distance from our Father, we may
from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed the rather hasten with all eagerness to that
them unto babes. Even so, Father, for so it
" country where we confess that our Father
seemed good in Thy sight: or at least when dwells, and may not allow anything of this
He says :
Father, I thank Thee that Thou
kind, which would make us unworthy of this
hast heard Me. But I knew that Thou hear- our profession and the dignity of an adoption
" *
est Mealways. But though our Lord made of this kind, and so deprive us as a disgrace
a distinction between these four kinds of pray- to our Father's inheritance, and make us in-
ers as to be offered separately and one by one cur the wrath of His justice and severity.
according to the scheme which we know of, yet To which state and condition of sonship
that they can all be embraced in a perfect when we have advanced, we shall forthwith be
prayer at one and the same time He showed inflamed with the piety which belongs to good
by His own example in that prayer which at sons, so that we shall bend all our energies
the close of S. John's gospel we read that to the advance not of our own profit, but of
He offered up with such fulness. From the our Father's glory, saying to Him: "Hallowed
words of which (as it is too long to repeat it be Thy name," testifying that our desire and
all) the careful inquirer can discover by the our joy is His glory, becoming imitators of
order of the passage that this is so. And the Him who said: "He who speakethof himself,
Apostle also in his Epistle to the Philippians seeketh his own glory. But He who seeks
has expressed the same meaning, by putting the glory of Him who sent Him, the same
these four kinds of prayers in a slightly differ- is true and there is no unrighteousness in
ent order, and has shown that they ought Him."^ Finally the chosen vessel being
sometimes to be offered together in the fervour filled with this feeling wished that he could
of a single prayer, saying as follows: "But in
be anathema from Christ * if only the people
everything by prayer and supplication with belonging to Him might be increased and
thanksgiving let your requests be made known multiplied, and the salvation of the whole
unto God."" And by this he wanted us nation of Israel accrue to the glory of His
Father; for with all assurance could he wish
Acts i. I.
' S. Matt. xxvi. 39 ; Ps. xxi. (xxii.) 2.
to die for Christ as he knew that no one
' S.
/b. 24; S.
xvii. 4, 19.
Luke xxiii. 34.
perished for life. And again he says: "We
' S. Matt. xi. 25, 26; S. John xi. 41, 43.
• Phil. iv. 6. • Cf.
' S. John vii. 18. Rom. ix. 3.
rejoice when we weak but ye
are strong."
are kingdom come." knows by the witness
For it

And what wonder the chosen vessel wished

if of its own conscience when He shall
to be anathema from Christ for the sake of appear, it will presently share His lot. For
Christ's glory and the conversion of His own no guilty person would dare either to say or
brethren and the privilege of the nation, when to wish for this, for no one would want to
the prophet Micah wished that he might be a face the tribunal of the Judge, who knew that
liar and a stranger to the inspiration of the at His coming he would forthwith receive not

Holy Ghost, if only the people of the Jews the prize or reward of his merits but only
might escape those plagues and the going punishment.
forth into captivity which he had announced
in his prophecy, saying Would that I were :
not a man that hath the Spirit, and that I
rather spoke a lie;"^ —
to pass over that wish Of the clause " Thy will be done."
of the Lawgiver, who did not refuse to die
together with his brethren who were doomed The third petition is that of sons: "Thy
to death, saying: "I beseech Thee, Lord; will O be done as in heaven so on earth." There
this people hath sinned a heinous sin; either can now be no grander prayer than to wish
forgive them this trespass, or if Thou do not, that earthly things may be made equal with
blot me out of Thy book which Thou hast things heavenly: for what else is it to say
" ^
But where it is said " Hallowed be "Thy will be done as in heaven so on earth,
Thy name," it may also be very fairly taken in than to ask that men may be like angels and
this The hallowing of God is our perfec-
way : that as God's will is ever fulfilled by them in
tion. And so when we say to Him " Hallowed heaven, so also all those who are on earth
be Thy name " we say in other words, make may do not their own but His will? This
us, O Father, such that we maybe able both to too no one could say from the heart but only
understand and take in what the hallowing of one who believed that God disposes for our
Thee is, or at any rate that Thou mayest be good all things which are seen, whether fortu-
seen to be hallowed in our- spiritual converse. nate or unfortunate, and that He is more care-
And this is effectually fulfilled in our case ful and provident for our good and salvation
when " men see our good works, and glorify our than we ourselves are for ourselves. Or at
Father which is in heaven. " * any rate it may be taken in this way: The will
of God is the salvation of all men, according
to these words of the blessed Paul: "Who
willeth all men to be saved and to come to
CHAPTER XIX. the knowledge of the truth." " Of which will
also the prophet Isaiah says in the Person of
Of the clause " Thy kingdom come."
God the Father: "And all Thy will shall be
The second of the pure heart
done. When we say then " Thy will be done

desires that the kingdom of its Father as in heaven so on earth," we pray in other
may words for this; viz., that as those who are in
come at once; viz., either that whereby Christ
reigns day by day in the saints (which comes
heaven, so also may all those who dwell on
to pass when the devil's rule is cast out of earth be saved, O Father, by the knowledge
our hearts by the destruction of foul sins, and of Thee.
God begins to hold sway over us by the sweet
odour of virtues, and, fornication
being over-
come, charity reigns in our hearts together
Of our supersubstantial or daily bread.
with tranquillity, when rage is
and humility, when pride is trampled under
Next: "Give us this day our bread which
foot) or else that which is promised in due is
time to all who are perfect, and to all the inioioiov^" i.e., "supersubstantial," which
another Evangelist calls " daily. " * The former
sons of God, when it will be said to them
" indicates the quality of its nobility and sub-
by Christ Come ye blessed of My Father,

inherit the kingdom stance, in virtue of which it is above all

prepared for you from
the foundation of the world; " ^
(as the heart) 8
Tim, ii. 4. 7 Is. xlvi. 10.
with fixed and steadfast so to '
Here Cassian is
gaze, speak, on revised text of
relying entirely Jerome's
yearns and longs for
the Latin, which has supersubstanti'alis in S. Matt. vi. 11, as the
it and says to Him "Thy rendering of cTriouo-tos but translates the same word by giwtidiamtm
in the parallel passage in S. Luke xi. It is curious that Cassian
' should have been thus misled, with his knowledge of Greek, as well
2 Cor. xiii. g. * S. Matt. V. 16.
' as his acquaintance with the old Latin version which has
Micah ii. ii. " S. guotidia-
8 Exod. xxxii. 31. 32.
Matt. XXV. 34. nnm in botli gospels. Cf Bishop Lightfoot " On a Fresh Revision of
the New Testament," p. 219.

substances and the loftiness of its grandeur condemnation, and by his own profession asks
and holiness exceeds all creatures, while the that he himself may be judged more severely,
latter intimates the purpose of its use and saying: Forgive me as I also have forgiven.
value. For where it says " daily " it shows And if he is repaid according to his own re-
that without it we cannot live a spiritual life quest, what else will follow but that he will
for a single day. Where it says " today " it be punished after his own example with im-
shows that it must be received daily and that placable wrath and a sentence that cannot be
yesterday's supply of it is not enough, but remitted? And so if we want to be judged
that it must be given to us today also in like mercifully, we ought also to be merciful
manner. And our daily need of it suggests towards those who have sinned against us.
to us that we ought at all times to offer up this For only so much will be remitted to us, as
prayer, because there is no day on which we we have remitted to those who have injured
have no need to strengthen the heart of our us however spitefully. And some dreading
inner man, by eating and receiving it, although this, when this prayer is chanted by all the
" "
the expression used, today may be taken to people in church, silently omit this clause,
apply to his present life, i.e., while we are for fear lest they may seem by their own utter-
living in this world supply us with this bread. ance to bind themselves rather than to ex-
For we know that it will be given to those cuse themselves, as they do not understand
who deserve it by Thee hereafter, but we ask that it is in vain that they try to offer these
that Thou wouldest grant it to us today, quibbles to the Judge of all men, who has
because unless it has been vouchsafed to a willed to show us beforehand how He will
man to receive it in this life he will never be judge His suppliants. For as He does not
partaker of it in that. wish to be found harsh and inexorable towards
them, He has marked out the manner of His
judgment, that just as we desire to be judged
by Him, so we should also judge our brethren,
they have wronged us in anything, for "he
shall have judgment without mercy who hath
Of the clause :
Forgive us our debts, etc." shown no mercy."*
And forgive us our debts as we also for-
give our debtors." O unspeakable mercy of
God, which has not only given us a form of CHAPTER XXIII.
prayer and taught us a system of life accept-
able to Him, and by the requirements of the Of the clause :
" Lead us not into
form given, in which He charged us always
to pray, has torn up the roots of both anger Next there follows: "And lead us not into
and sorrow, but also gives to those who pray temptation," on which there arises no unim-
an opportunity and reveals to them a way by portant question, for if we pray that we may not
which they may move a merciful and kindly be suffered to be tempted, how then will our
judgment of God to be pronounced over them power of endurance
be proved, according to
and which somehow gives us a power by which this text Every
: one who is not tempted is
" *
we can moderate the sentence of our Judge, not proved and again " Blessed is the man

drawing Him to forgive our offences by the that endureth temptation ? * The clause then,
example of our forgiveness when we say to : "Lead us not into temptation," does not
Him: "Forgive us as we also forgive." And mean this; viz., do not permit us ever to be
so without anxiety and in confidence from tempted, but do not permit us when we fall
this prayer a man may ask for pardon of his into temptation to be overcome. For Job
own offences, if he has been forgiving towards was tempted, but was not led into temptation.
his own debtors, and not towards those of his For he did not ascribe folly to God nor blas-
Lord. For some of us, which is very bad, phemy, nor with impious mouth did he yield
are inclined to show ourselves calm and most to that wish of the tempter toward which he
merciful in regard to those things which are was drawn. Abraham was tempted, Joseph
done to God's detriment, however great the was tempted, but neither of them was led into
crimes may be, but to be found most hard and temptation for neither of them yielded his
inexorable exactors of debts to ourselves even consent to the tempter. Next there follows:
in the case of the most trifling
wrongs. Who- "But deliver us from evil," i.e., do not suffer
ever then does not from his heart forgive his us to be tempted by the devil above that we
brother who has offended him, by this prayer
calls down upon himself not
forgiveness but ' S. James ii. 13.
* Ecclus. xzxiv. 11. * S.
James i. 13.

are able, but "make with the temptation a way prayer He shed forth
even drops of blood,
also of escape that we may be able to bear as an example of a purpose
which it is hard
to imitate.


How we those Of the different causes of conviction.

ought not to ask for other things, except only
which are contained in the limits of the Lord's Prayer.
But who is able, with whatever experience
You see then what the method and form he
may be endowed, to give a sufiicient ac-
of prayer proposed to us by the Judge Hirn- count of the varieties and reasons and grounds
self, who is to be prayed to by it,
a form in of conviction,
by which the mind is infiamed
which there is contained no petition for riches, and set on fire and incited to pure and most
no thought of honours, no request for power fervent prayers? And of these we will now
and might, no mention of bodily health and by way of specimen set forth a few, as far as
of temporal life. For He who is the Author we can by God's enlightenment recollect them.
of Eternity would have men ask of Him no- For sometimes a verse of any one of the
thing uncertain, nothing paltry, and nothing Psalms gives us an occasion of ardent prayer
temporal. And so a man will offer the great- while we are singing. Sometimes the har-
est insult to His Majesty and Bounty, if he monious modulation of a brother's voice stirs
leaves on one side these eternal petitions and
up the minds of dullards to intense supplica-
chooses rather to ask of Him something tran- tion. We know also that the enunciation and
sitory and uncertain and
will also incur the the reverence of the chanter adds
greatly to
indignation rather than the propitiation of the the fervour of those who stand by. Moreover
Judge by the pettiness of his prayer. the exhortation of a perfect man, and a spir-
itual conference has often raised the affections
of those present to the richest prayer. We
know too that by the death of a brother or
CHAPTER XXV. some one dear to us, we are no less carried
away to full conviction. The recollection also
Of the character of the sublimer prayer. of our coldness and carelessness has some-
times aroused in us a healthful fervour of
This prayer then though it seems to con- spirit. And in this way no one can doubt
tain all the. fulness of perfection, as being that numberless opportunities are not want-
what was originated and appointed by the ing, by which through God's grace the cold-
Lord's own authority, yet lifts those to whom ness and sleepiness of our minds can be
it belongs to that still higher condition of shaken off.

which we spoke above, and carries them on by

a loftier st^ge to that ardent prayer which is CHAPTER XXVII.
known and tried by but very few, and which
to speak more truly is ineffable; which tran- Of the different sorts of conviction.
scends all human thoughts, and is distin-
guished, I will not say by any sound of the But how and in what way those very convic-
voice, but by no movement of the tongue, or tions are produced from the inmost recesses
utterance of words, but which the mind en- of the soul it is no less diflRcult to trace out.
lightened by the infusion of that heavenly For often through some inexpressible delight
light describes in no human and confined and keenness of spirit the fruit of a most salu-
language, but pours forth richly as from a tary conviction arises so that it actually breaks
copious fountain in an accumulation of forth into shouts owing to the greatness of
thoughts, and ineffably utters to God, express- its incontroUable joy and the delight of the ;

ing in the shortest possible space of time such heart and greatness of exultation makes itself
great things that the mind when it returns to heard even in the cell of a neighbour. But
its usual condition cannot easily utter or sometimes the mind hides itself in complete
relate. And this condition our Lord also silence within the secrets of a profound quiet,
similarly prefigured by the form of those sup- so that the amazement of a sudden illumina-
plications which, when he retired alone in tion chokes all sounds of words and the over-
the mountain He is said to have poured forth awed spirit either keeps all its feelings to it-
in silence, and when being in an agony of self or loses ^ them and pours forth its desires

* I *
Cor. X, 13. Petschenig's text reads "amittat." v. 1. emittat.
Godwith groanings that cannot be uttered. hath my soul been a sojourner." In another
But sometimes it is filled with such over- way do the tears flow forth, which without any
conscience of deadly sin, yet still proceed
whelming conviction and grief that it cannot
floods of tears. from the fear of hell and the recollection of
express it except by
that terrible judgment, with the terror of
which the prophet was smitten and prayed to

XXVIII. God, saying Enter not into judgment with :

Thy sight shall no man Thy servant, for, in

A question about the fact that a plentiful supply be justified."® There is too another
of tears is
not in our own power. kind of tears, which are caused not by know-
ledge of one's self but by the hardness and
Germanus My own poor : self indeed is
sins of others whereby Samuel is described ;

not altogether ignorant of this feeling of con- as for Saul, and both the Lord in
having wept
viction. For often when tears arise at the the
gospel and Jeremiah in former days for
recollection of my faults, I have been by the
the city of Jerusalem, the latter thus saying :

Lord's visitation so refreshed by this ineffable "

the of Oh, that my head were water and mine eyes a
joy which you describe that greatness fountain of tears And I will weep day and !

the joy has assured me that I ought not to for the slain of the daughter of my peo-
despair of their forgiveness. Than
which state night •
ple." Or also such as were those tears of
of mind I think there is nothing more sub-
which we hear in the hundred and first Psalm :

lime if only it could be recalled at our own " For I have eaten ashes for
will. For sometimes when I am desirous to my bread, and
mingled cup with weeping." ^ And these
stir myself up with all my power to the same my
were certamly not caused by the same feel-
conviction and tears, and place before my eyes
ing as those which arise in the sixth Psalm
all my faults and sins, I am unable to bring
from the person of the penitent, but were due
back that copiousness of tears, and so my eyes to the anxieties of this life and its distresses
are dry and hard like some hardest flint, so
and losses, by which the righteous who are
that not a single tear trickles from them. And And this
on living in this world are oppressed.
so in proportion as I congratulate myself is clearly shown not only by the words of the
that copiousness of tears, just so do I mourn
Psalm itself, but also by its title, which runs
that I cannot bring it back again whenever I
as follows in the character of that poor person
of whom it is said in the gospel that "blessed
are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom
CHAPTER XXIX. ofheaven
" *
"A prayer of the poor when he

was in distress and poured forth his prayer to

The answer on the varieties of conviction which spring from
God." •

Isaac Not every kind of shedding of tears


is produced by one feeling or one virtue. For
in one way does that weeping originate which
How tears ought not to be squeezed out, when they do not
is caused by the pricks of our sins smiting our flow si)ontaneously.
heart, of which we read I have laboured :

in my groanings, every night I will wash my From these tears those are vastly different
bed I will water my couch with my tears." ^ which are squeezed out from dry eyes while

And again " Let tears run down like a torrent the heart is hard and although we cannot be-
: :

day and night give thyself no rest, and let lieve that these are altogether fruitless (for the

not the apple of thine eye cease." In another, attempt to shed them is made with a good in-

that which arises from the contemplation of tention, especially by those who have not yet
eternal good things and the desire of that been able to attain to perfect knowledge or to
future glory, owing to which even richer well- be thoroughly cleansed from the stains of past
springs of tears burst forth from uncontrollable or present sins), yet certainly the flow of tears
delights and boundless exultation, while our ought not to be thus forced out by those who
soul is athirst for the mighty Living God, say- have already advanced to the love of virtue,
ing, "When shall I come and appear before the nor should the weeping of the outward man be
presence of God? My tears have been my with great labour attempted, as even if it is
meat day and night,"' declaring with daily produced it will never attain the rich copious-
crying and lamentation: "Woe "
is me that ness of
" spontaneous tears. For it will rather
my sojourning is prolonged and Too long ;

" •
* Ps. cix. (cxix.) 5, 6. Jer. ix. i. S. Matt. V. 3.
» Ps. cxlii. ' Ps. ci. (cii.) 10.
» Ps. ci. (cii.) I.
» ' ' (cxliii.) 2.
Ps. vi. 7. Lam. ii. iS'. Ps. xii. (xliii.) 3, 4.

cast down the soul of the suppliant by his en- conscience, but for us, whose heart is still smit-
deavours, and humiliate him, and plunge him ten by the pricks of sins, how can we have it,
in human affairs and draw him away from the as we have no merits to plead for us, whereby
celestial heights, wherein the awed mind of we might confidently presume that our prayers

one who prays should be steadfastly fixed, and would be heard ?

will force it to relax its hold on its prayers and i

grow sick from barren and forced tears.

CHAPTER XXXI. Answer on the different reasons for prayer being heard.

The opinion of Abbot Antony on the condition of prayer. Isaac That there are different reasons for

prayer being heard in accordance with the varied

And that you may see the character of true
and changing condition of souls the words of
prayer give you not my own opinion but
I Avill
the gospels and of the prophets teach us. For
that of the blessed Antony whom we have
you have the fruits of an answer pointed out

known sometimes to have been so persistent

in prayer that often as he was praying in a
by our Lord's words in the case of the agree-
ment of two persons as it is said " If two of

transport of mind, when the sunrise began to

you shall agree upon earth touching anything
appear, we have heard him in the fervour of for which they shall ask, it shall be done for
his spirit declaiming : Why do you hinder them of my Father which is in heaven." ^ You
me, Osun, who art arising for this very pur- have another in the fulness of
faith, which is
pose; viz., to withdraw me from the bright- compared to a grain of mustard-seed. "For,"
ness of this true light ? And his also is this He " if have faith as a grain of mustard
says, you
heavenly and more than human utterance on seed,
ye shall say unto this mountain Be thou :

the end of prayer That is not, said he, a


removed, and it shall be removed and nothing

perfect prayer, wherein a monk understands shall be

impossible to you."
You have it in
himself and the words which he prays. And continuance in prayer, which the Lord's words
if we too, as far as our slender
ability allows, call,
by reason of unwearied perseverance in
may venture to add anything to this splendid petitioning, importunity: "For, verily, I say
utterance, we will bring forward the marks of unto
you that if not because of his friendship,
prayer which are heard from the Lord, as far because of his importunity he will rise and
as we have tried them. yet
give him as much as he needs." You have
" Shut
it in the fruits of
almsgiving up alms :

in the heart of the poor and it shall pray for

CHAPTER XXXn. thee in the time of tribulation." ^ You have it
Of the proof of prayer being heard. in the purifying of life and in works of mercy,
as it is said " Loose the bands of :
When, while we are praying, no hesitation undo the bundles that oppress and after a ;

intervenes and breaks down the confidence of few words in which the barrenness of an un-
" " thou
our petition by a sort of despair, but we feel that fruitful fast is rebuked, then," he says,
by pouring forth our prayer we have obtained
shalt call and the Lord shall hear thee thou ;

what we are for, we have no doubt that

shalt cry, and He shall say. Here am I." *
our prayers have effectually reached God. For Sometimes also excess of trouble causes it to
so far will one be heard and obtain an answer, be heard, as it is said " When I was in trou- :

as he believes that he is regarded by God, and ble I called unto the Lord, and He heard me ;

that God can grant it. For this saying of our and again " Afflict not the stranger for if he

Lord cannot be retracted " Whatsoever ye ask :

crieth unto Me, I will hear him, for I am mer-
when ye pray, believe that you shall receive, and ciful,"
You see then in how many ways the
they shall come to you."
gift of an answer may be obtained, so that no
one need be crushed by the despair of his con-
science for securing those things which are salu-
CHAPTER XXXni. tary and eternal. For if in contemplating our
wretchedness I admit that we are utterly desti-
An objection that the confidence of being thus heard as
described belongs only to saints. tute of all those virtues which we mentioned
above, and that we have neither that laudable
Germanus : We certainly believe that this agreement of two persons, nor that faith which
confidence of being heard flows fron^
purity of 2 S. Matt, " ^
xviii. ig. Ecchis. xxix. 15. Ps. cxix. (cxx.) i.
^ S. Matt. '
xvii. 19. Is. Iviii. 6, 9. Exod. xxu. 21, 27.
S. Mark xi. 24. "
S. Luke xi. 8.

is compared to a grain of mustard seed, nor tained what we prayed for, and let us not have
those works of piety which the prophet de- any doubts about the Lord's promise where
" All
scribes, surely we cannot be without that im- He says things, whatsoever ye shall ask :

portunity which He supplies who ^

to all desire in prayer believing, ye shall receive." For it
it, owing to which
alone the Lord promises is well for us to consider this saying of the
that He will give whatever He has been prayed blessed Evangelist John, by which the ambiguity
to give. And therefore we ought without un- of this question is clearly solved " This is," he :

believing hesitation to persevere, and not to says, the confidence which we have in Him,
have the least doubt that by continuing in that whatsoever we ask according to His will,
them we shall obtain all those things which He heareth us." * He bids us then have a full
we have asked according to the mind of God. and undoubting confidence of the answer
For the Lord, in His desire to grant what is only in those things which are not for our
heavenly and eternal, urges us to constrain own advantage or for temporal comforts,
Him as it were by our importunity, as He not but are in conformity to the Lord's will.
only does not despise or reject the importunate, And we are also taught to put this into our
but actually welcomes and praises them, and prayers by the Lord's Prayer, where we say
most graciously promises to grant whatever " Thy will be done," Thine not ours. For if —
they have perseveringly hoped for; saying, we also remember these words of the Apostle
" Ask and "
ye shall receive seek and ye shall that "we know not what to pray for as we

find knock and it shall be opened unto you. ought
: we shall see that we sometimes ask
For every one that asketh receiveth, and he for things opposed to our salvation and that
that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh we are most providentially refused our requests
" ^
it shall be opened ; and again " All things by Him who sees what is good for us with

whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye greater right and truth than we can. And it
shall receive, and nothing shall be impossible is clear that this also happened to the teacher
to you."
And therefore even if all the grounds of the Gentiles when he prayed that the mes-
for being heard which we have mentioned are senger of Satan who had been for his good
altogether wanting, at any rate the earnestness allowed by the Lord's will to buffet him, might
of importunity may animate us, as this is be removed, saying " For which I
besought :

placed in the power of any one who wills the Lord thrice that he might depart from me.
without the difficulties of any merits or labours. And He said unto me. My grace is sufficient
But let not any suppliant doubt that he cer- for thee, for strength is made perfect in weak-
tainly will not be heard, so long as he doubts ness."^ And this feeling even our Lord ex-
whether he is heard. But that this also shall pressed when He prayed in the character * of
be sought from the Lord unweariedly, we are man which He had taken, that He might give
taught by the example of the blessed Daniel, us a form of prayer as other things also by
as, though he was heard from the first day His example saying thus Father, if it be ; :

on which he began to pray, he only obtained possible, let this cup pass from me neverthe- :

the result of his petition after one and twenty less not as I will but as Thou wilt," * though
days.* Wherefore we also ought not to grow certainly His will was not discordant with His
slack in the earnestness of the prayers we have Father's will, " For He had come to save what
begun, if we fancy that the answer comes but was lost and to give His life a ransom for
slowly, for fear lest perhaps the gift of the many as He Himself says
No man taketh :

answer be in God's providence delayed, or my life from Me, but I lay it down of Myself.
the angel, who was to bring the Divine bless- I have power to lay it down and I have power
" In which character there is
ing to us, may when he comes forth from the to take it again."
Presence of the Almighty be hindered by the in the thirty-ninth Psalm the following sung by
resistance of the devil, as it is certain that he the blessed David, of the Unity of will which
cannot transmit and bring to us the desired He ever maintained with the Father " To do :

boon, if he finds that we slack off from the Thy will O My God, I am willing."
; For even
And "
earnestness of the petition made. this if we read of the Father For God so loved :

would certainly have happened to the above the world that He gave His only begotten
mentioned prophet unless he had with incom-
parable steadfastness prolonged and persevered « S. Matt. xxi. 22. ' Rom. viii. 36.
in his prayers until the twenty-first day. Let » ^2 Cor. xii. 8, 9.
John V. 16. I

us then not be at all cast down by despair * Ex fersontt

hontinis assumpti. The language is scarcely accu-
but must be remembered that the Conferences were written
from the confidence of this faith of ours, even rate, before the rise of the Nestorian heresy had shown the need of
when we fancy that we are far from having ob- exactness of expression on the subject of the Incarnation. Com-
pare the note on Against Nestorius," Book III. c. iii.
» S. Nfcitt. xxvi. 39.
" S. John x. 18.
" S. Matt, xviii. 11 ; xx. 28. " Ps. xxxix. (xl.) 9.
S. Lukexi. 9, 10.
* S. Matt. xxi. 23 ; xvii. 30. * Cf. Dan. x. 3 sq.

Son," find none the less of the Son

we : should pray in complete silence, not only to
" Himself for our sins." ^ And as it
Who gave avoid distracting the brethren standing near
" Who
is said of the One spared not His own
by our whispers or louder utterances, and dis-
Son, but gave Him for all of us,"
so it is written turbing the thoughts of those who are praying,
" He was offered because He but also that the purport of our petition may
of the other :

Himself willed it." * And it is shown that be concealed from our enemies who are es-
the will of the Father and of the Son is in pecially on the watch against us while we are
all things one, so that even in the actual praying. For so we shall fulfil this injunc-
mystery of the Lord's resurrection we are tion Reep the doors of thy mouth from her :

taught that there was no discord of operation. who sleepeth in thy bosom."

For just as the blessed Apostle declares that

the Father brought about the resurrection of
His body, saying: " And God the Father, who
raised Him from the dead," ^ so also the Son CHAPTER XXXVI.
testifies that He Himself will raise again the
" Of the value of short and silent prayer.
Temple of His body, saying Destroy this :

temple, and in three days 1 will raise it up

And therefore we being instructed Wherefore we ought to pray often but
all these of our Lord which have briefly, lest if we are long about it our crafty foe
by examples
been enumerated ought to end our supplica- may succeed in implanting something in our
tions also with the same prayer, and always to heart. For that is the true sacrifice, as the sac-
this clause to all our "
Never- rifice of God is a broken spirit." This is the
subjoin petitions :

theless not as I will, but as Thou wilt." But salutary offering, these are pure drink offerings,

it is clear enough that one who does not

* that is the "sacrifice of righteousness," the
pray "
with attention of mind cannot observe that sacrifice of praise," these are true and fat
threefold reverence ® which is usually practised victims, holocausts full of marrow," which are
in the assemblies of the brethren at the close offered by contrite and humble hearts, and
of service. which those who practise this control and
fervour of spirit, of which we have spoken,
with effectual power can sing " Let my prayer :

CHAPTER XXXV. be set forth in Thy sight as the incense let :

the lifting up of my hands be an evening sac-

" But the
Of prayer to be offered within the chamber and with the door rifice." approach of the right hour
shut. and of night warns us that we ought with fit-
ting devotion to do this very thing, of which,
Before all things however we ought most as our slender
ability allowed, we seem to
carefully to observe the Evangelic precept, have propounded a great deal, and to have
which tells us to enter into our chamber and
prolonged our conference considerably, though
shut the door and pray to our Father, which we believe that we have discoursed
very little
may be fulfilled by us as follows We pray with- when the magnificence and difficulty of the

in our chamber, when removing our hearts

subject are taken into account.
inwardly from the din of all thoughts and With these words of the holy Isaac we were
anxieties, we disclose our prayers in secret and dazzled rather than satisfied, and after
in closest intercourse to the Lord. We pray service had been held, rested our limbs for a
with closed doors when with closed lips and short
time, and intending at the first dawn
complete silence we pray to the searcher not again to return under promise of a fuller
of words but of hearts. We pray in secret discussion departed, rejoicing over the acqui-
when from the heart and fervent mind we sition of these as well as over the precepts
disclose our petitions to God alone, so that assurance of his promises. Since we felt that
no hostile powers are even able to discover
though the excellence of prayer had been
the character of our petition. Wherefore we shown to us, still we had not
yet understood
1 I John iii. i6. » Rom. viii. 32. " Gal. i.i.
from his discourse its nature, and the power
2 Gal. i. 4.
by which continuance in it might be gained
4 6 g.
Is. liii. 7. (Lat.) John ii. 19.
S. Matt. xxvi. 39.
8 "Non" though wanting inmost MSB. must be read in the and kept.
» " "
Reading curvationis with Petschenig the text of Gazaeus has
Micah vii. 5.
orationis." "Ps. 1. (li.) 19, 21; xlix. (1.) 23; 1.XV. (Ixvi.) 15; cxl. (cxli.) 2.



CHAPTER I. sent from the Bishop of Alexandria through
all the Churches of Egypt,
by which the begin-
ning of Lent, and the day of Easter are pointed
out not only in all the cities but also in all the
Among the sublime customs of the anchor- monasteries.^ In accordance then with this
iteswhich by God's help have been set forth
custom, a very few days after the previous
although in plain and unadorned style, the conference had been held with Abbot Isaac,
course of our'narration compels us to insert there arrived the festal letters of Theophilus *
and find a place for something, which may the Bishop of the aforesaid city, in which
seem so to speak to cause a blemish on a fair
together with the announcement of Easter
body although I have no doubt that by it no
he considered as well the foolish heresy of
small instruction on the image of Almighty the Anthropomorphites * at great length, and
God of which we read in Genesis will be con- abundantly refuted it. And this was received
ferred on some of the simpler sort, especially
by almost all the body of monks residing in
when the grounds are considered of a doctrine the whole province of Egypt with such bitter-
so important that men cannot be ignorant of ness owing to their simplicity and error, that
it without terrible
blasphemy and serious harm the greater part of the Elders decreed that on
to the Catholic faith. the contrary the aforesaid Bishop ought to be
abhorred by the whole body of the brethren
as tainted with heresy of the worst kind,
because he seemed to impugn the teaching of
Of the custom which
holy Scripture by the denial that Almighty
kept up in the Province of Egypt for

signifying the time of Easter.

God was formed in the fashion of a human
" "
In the country of Egypt this custom is by 2 The Festal letters («opTa<rTticttl «'wt<rToAai', Euseb. VII.xx.,

ancient tradition observed that when Epiph- xxi.) —

were delivered by the Bishop of Alexandria as Homilies, and
then put into the form of an Epistle and sent round to all the churches
and, according to some .late writers^ to the Bishops of all
any is past, which the priests of that province theEgypt
of ;

principal sees, in accordance with a decision of the Council of

regard as the time, both of our Lord's baptism Nicxa, in order to inform them of the right day on which Easter
Cassian here speaks of them as sent imme-
and also of His birth in the flesh, and so cele- should be celebrated.
diately after Epiphany, and this was certainly the time at which the
brate the commemoration of either mystery announcement of the date of Easter was made in the West shortly
after his day (so the Council of Orleans, Canon i., a.d. 541) that of
not separately as in the Western provinces but Braga a.d. ;

on the single festival of this day,'

572, Canon ix.
— and that of Auxerre a.d. 572, Canon ii.),
letters are but there is ample evidence in the Festal letters both of

Athana- .S.

and of S. Cyril that at Alexandria the homilies were preached

on the previous Easter, and it is ditBcult to resist the inference that
The observance Epiphany can be traced back in the Chris-
of Cassian's memory is here at fault as to the exact time at which the
tian Cliurch to the second century, and, us Cassian tells us here, in incident related really occurred, and that he is transferring to Egypt
the East (in which its observance apparently orijtiiiated) it was in the custom with which he wns familiar in the West, a.ssigning
the first instance a double festival, commemorating both the Nativity to the festival of Epiphany what really must have taken place at
and the Baptism of our Lord. From the East its observance passed Easter.
over to the West, where however the Nativity was already observed *
Theophilus succeeded Timoihy as Bishop of Alexandria in the
as a separate festival, and hence the j/*^f»ifj/ reference of Epiphany summer of 385. The festal letters of which Cassian here speaks
was simewhat altered, and the manifestation to the Magi was coupled were issued bv him in the year 399.
with that at the Haptism hence the plural Epifihr.niorum dies.
: The Anthropomorphite heresy, into which the monks of Egypt
Meanwhile, as the West adopted the observance of this festival from had fallen, "supposed that (Sod possesses eyes, a face, and hands
the East, so tlie East followed the West in observing a separate feast and other members of a bodily organization. It arose from tak-
of the Nativity. Cassian's words show us that when he wrote the ing too literally those passages of the Old Testament in which God
two festivals were both observed separately in the West, though is spoken of in human terms, out of condescension to man's limited
apparently not yet (to the best of his belief) in the East, but the powers of grasping the Divine nature and appears historically to
Inngiiase of a homily by S. Chrysostom (Vol. ii. \i. 354 Ed. Mont- liave been a recoil from the allegorism of Origen and others of the
faiicon) delivered in A.D. 386 shows that the separation of the two Alexandrian school. The Festal letter of Theophilus in which he
festivals had already begun at Antioch, and all the evidence goes to condemned these views, and maintained the incorporeal nature of
show that "the W'^estem plan was being gradually adopted in the (lod is no longer extant, but is alluded to also by .Sozomeii, H. E.
period which we may roughly define as the last quarter of the 4th VIII. xi., where an account is given of the Origenistic controversy,
and the first quarter of the 5th century." Dictifuiary of Christian of which it was the occasion, and out of which Theophilus came so
Antiquities, Vol. i. p. 361. See further Origines du Culte Chretien, badly. On the heresy see also Epiphanius, Hxr. Ixx.; Augustine,
par L'AbbJ Duchesne, p. 347 sq. Hxr. 1. and Ixxvi.; and Theodoret, H. E. IV. x.

figure, though Scripture teaches with perfect simple, and what can neither be apprehended
clearness that Adam was created in His image. by the eyes nor conceived by the mind, at
Lastly this letter was rejected also by those length the old man was shaken by the numer-
who were living in the desert of Scete and who ous and very weighty assertions of this most
excelled all who were in the monasteries of learned man, and was drawn to the faith of
Egypt, in perfection and in knowledge, so that the Catholic tradition. And when both Abbot
except Abbot Paphnutius the presbyter of our Paphnutius and all of us were filled with intense
congregation, not one of the other presbyters, delight at his adhesion, for this reason viz., ;

who presided over the other three churches in that the Lord had not permitted a man of such
the same desert, would suffer it to be even age and crowned* with such virtues, and one
read or repeated at all in their meetings. who erred only from ignorance and rustic sim-
plicity, to wander from the path of the right
faith up to the very last, and when we arose to
give thanks, and were all together offering up
our prayers to the Lord, the old man was so
CHAPTER HI. bewildered in mind during his prayer because
he felt that the Anthropomorphic image of the
Of Abbot Sarapion and the heresy of the Anthropomorphites Godhead which he used to set before himself
into which he fell in the error of simplicity.
in prayer, was banished from his heart, that
on a sudden he burst into a flood of bitter
Among those then who were caught by this tears and continual sobs, and cast himself '

mistaken notion was one named Sarapion, a down on the ground and exclaimed with strong
man of long-standing strictness of life, and groanings " Alas wretched man that I am
: ! !

one who was altogether perfect in actual dis- they have taken away my God from me, and I
cipline, whose ignorance with regard to the have now none to lay hold of and whorri to

view of the doctrine first mentioned was so far worship and address I know not." By which
a stumbling block to all who held the true scene we were terribly disturbed, and more-
faith, as he himself outstripped almost all the over with the effect of the former Conference
monks both in the merits of his life and in still remaining in our hearts, we returned to
the length of time (he had been there). And Abbot Isaac, whom when we saw close at
when this man could not be brought back to hand, we addressed with these words.
the way of the right faith by many exhorta-
tions of the holy presbyter Paphnutius, because
this view seemed to him a novelty, and one
that was not ever known to or handed down
by his predecessors, it chanced that a certain
deacon, a man of very great learning, named
Of our return to Abbot Isaac and question concerning the
Photinus, arrived from the region of Cappa- error into which the aforesaid old man had fallen.
docia with the desire of visiting the brethren
living in the same desert whom the blessed

Paphnutius received with the warmest wel- Although even besides the fresh matter
come, and in order to confirm the faith which which has our delight in the
lately arisen,
had been stated in the letters of the aforesaid former conference which was held on the char-
Bishop, placed him in the midst and asked acter of prayer would summon us to postpone
him before all the brethren how the Catholic everything else and return to your holiness, yet
Churches throughout the East interpreted the this grievous error of Abbot Sarapion, con-
passage in Genesis where it says Let us make ceived, as we fancy, by the craft of most vile
man after our image and likeness."^ And demons, adds somewhat to this desire of ours.
when he explained that the image and like- For it is no small despair by which we are cast
ness of God was taken by all the leaders of down when we consider that through the fault
the churches not according to the base sound he has not only utterly lost all
of this ignorance
of the letters, but spiritually, and supported this those labours which he has performed in so
very fully and by many passages of Scripture, praiseworthy a manner for fifty years in this
and showed that nothing of this sort could desert, but has also incurred the risk of eternal
happen to that infinite and incomprehensible death. And so we want first to know why and
and invisible glory, so that it could be com- wherefore so grievous an error has crept into
prised in a human form and likeness, since its him. And next we should like to be taught how
nature is incorporeal and uncompounded and we can arrive at that condition in prayer, of
which you discoursed some time back not only
Gen. i. 26.
fully but splendidly. For that admirable Con-

ference has had this effect upon us, that it has

only dazzled our minds and has not shown us CHAPTER VI.
how to perform or secure it.
Of the reasons why Jesus Christ appears to each one of us
either in His humility or in His glorified condition.

For according
to the measure of its purity,
The answer on tlie heresy described above.
said in the former Conference, each mind
as I

Isaac: need not be surprised that a is both raised and moulded in its prayer, if
really sirtiple man who had never received any it forsakes the consideration of earthly and
material things so far as the condition of its
instruction on the substance and nature of the
Godhead could still be entangled and deceived purity may carry it forward, and enable it with
the inner eyes of the soul to see Jesus either
by an error of simplicity and the habit of a long-
still in His
standing mistake, and (to speak more truly) fied and humility and in the flesh, or glori-
continue in the original error which is brought coming in the glory of His Majesty :

for those cannot see Jesus coming in His

about, not as you suppose by a new illusion of
the demons, but by the ignorance of the ancient Kingdom who are still kept back in a sort of
heathen world, while in accordance with the state of Jewish" weakness, and cannot say with
custom of that erroneous notion, by which they the Apostle And if we have known Christ :

used to worship devils formed in the figure of after the flesh, yet now we know Him so no
even now think that the more ; " but only those can look with purest

men, they incompre-

hensible and ineffable glory of the true Deity eyes on His Godhead, who rise with Him from
should be worshipped under the limitations of low and earthly works and thoughts and go
some figure, as they believe that they can grasp apart in the lofty mountain of solitude which
and hold nothing if they have not some image is free from the disturbance of all earthly
set before them, which they can continually thoughts
and troubles, and secure from the
address while they are at their devotions, and interference of all sins, and being exalted by
which they can carry about in their mind and pure faith and the heights of virtue reveals
have always fixed before their eyes. And the glory of His Face and the image of His
to those who are able to look on
against this mistake of theirs this text may be splendour
used " And they changed the glory of the Him with pure eyes of the soul. But Jesus is

incorruptible God into the likeness of the seen as well by those who live in towns and
villages and hamlets, who are occupied in
image "of corruptible man." Jeremiah also

practical affairs 'works, but not with the

says :
people have changed their glory
for an idol." " Which error although by this same brightness with which appeared to He
its origin, of which we have spoken, it is en-
those who can go up with Him into the afore-
said mount of virtues, i.e., Peter, James, and
grained in the notions of some, yet none the
less is it contracted in the hearts also of those John. For so in solitude He appeared to Moses
who have never been stained with the supersti- and spoke with Elias. And as our Lord wished
to establish this and to leave us examples
tion of the heathen world, under the colour of
this passage where it is said
" Let us make man of perfect purity, although He Himself, the
fount of inviolable sanctity, had no need
after our ignorance very
image and our likeness,"
and simplicity being its authors, so that actu- of external help and the assistance of soli-
tude in order to secure it (for the fulness of
ally there has arisen owing to this hateful
interpretation a heresy called that of the An- purity could not be soiled by any stain from
thropomorphites, which maintains with obsti- crowds, nor could He be contaminated by in-
nate perverseness that the infinite and simple tercourse with men, who cleanses and sanctifies
substance of the Godhead is fashioned in our all things that are polluted) yet still He retired
lineaments and human configuration. Which into the mountain alone to pray, thus teach-
however any one who has been taught the ing us by the example of His retirement that
Catholic doctrine will abhor as heathenish blas- if we too wish to approach
God with a pure
and spotless affection of heart, we should also
phemy, and so will arrive at that perfectly pure all the disturbance and confusion
condition in prayer which will not only not con- retire from
of crowds, so that while still living in the body we
nect with its prayers any figure of the Godhead
in some degree to adapt ourselves
or bodily lineaments (which it is a sin even to may manage
but will not even allow in itself even to some likeness of that bliss which is promised
speak of), "
hereafter to the and that God may
the memory of a name, or the appearance of be" to us "all in saints,
an action, or an outline of any character.

1 ' 11. 3 Gen. 26. * 3 Cor. V. 16. S I Cor. XV. 28.

R,om. i. 23. Jer. ii. i.
as by the incitements of this teaching we are
fired with the desire of perfect bliss, so do we
fall back into greater despair, as we know not
What constitutes our end and perfect bliss.
how to seek or obtain training for such lofty
For then will be perfectly fulfilled in our heights. Wherefore we entreat that you will
case that prayer of our Saviour in which He patiently allow us (for it must perhaps be set
forth and unfolded with a good deal of talk) to
prayed for His disciples to the Father saying :

that the love wherewith Thou lovedst Me explain what while sitting in the cell we had
may be in them and they in us and again ;
begun to revolve in a lengthy meditation,
that they all may be one as Thou, Father, in although we know that your holiness -is not at
Me and I in Thee, that they also may be one all troubled by the infirmities of the weak,

in us," ^
that perfect love of God, where- which even for this reason should be openly
with He first loved us" ^ has passed into the set forth, that what is out of place, in them

feelings of our heart as well, by the fulfilment may receive correction. Our notion then is
of this prayer of the Lord which we believe that the perfection of any art or system of
cannot possibly be ineffectual. And this will training must begin with some simple rudi-
come to pass when God shall be all our love, ments, and grow accustomed first to somewhat
and every desire and wish and effort, every easy and tender beginnings, so that being
thought of ours, and all our life and words and nourished and trained little by little by a sort
breath, and that unity which already exists of reasonable milk, it may grow up and so by
between the Father and the Son, and the Son degrees and step by step mount up from the
and the Father, has been shed abroad in our lowest depths to the heights and when by

hearts and minds, so that as He loves us these means it has entered on the plainer prin-
with a pure and unfeigned and indissoluble ciples and so to speak passed the gates of the
love, so we also may be joined to Him by a entrance of the profession, it will consequently
lasting and inseparable affection, since we are arrive without difficulty at the inmost shrine
so united to Him that whatever we breathe or and lofty heights of perfection. For how
think, or speak is God, since, as I say, we could any boy manage to pronounce the sim-
attain to that end of which we spoke before, plest union of syllables unless he had first
which the same Lord in His prayer hopes may carefully learnt the letters of the alphabet ? Or
be fulfilled in us '*
that they all may be one as
: how can any one learn to read quickly, who is
we are one, I in them and Thou in Me, that still unfit to connect together short and
they also may be made perfect in one and ;
sentences ? But by what means will one who
again Father, those vHiom Thou hast given
: is ill instructed in the science of grammar
Me, I will that where I am, they may also be attain eloquence in rhetoric or the knowledge
with Me." ^ This then ought to be the destina- of philosophy.? Wherefore for this highest
tion of the solitary, this should be all his aim learning also, by which we are taught even to
that it may be vouchsafed to him to possess cleave to God, I have no doubt that there are
even in the body an image of future bliss, and some foundations of the system, which must
that he may begin in this world to have a first be firmly laid and afterwards the towering
foretaste of a sort of earnest of that celestial heights of perfection may be placed and raised
life and glory. This, I say, is the end of all upon them. And we have a slight idea that
perfection, that the mind purged from all car- these are its first principles viz., that we should

nal desires may daily be lifted towards

first learn
by what meditations God may be
itual things, until the whole life and all the grasped and contemplated, and next that we
thoughts of the heart become one continuous should manage to keep a very firm hold of this
prayer. topic whatever it is which we do not doubt is
the height of all perfection. And therefore we
want you to show us some material for this
CHAPTER VIII. recollection, by which we may conceive and
ever keep the idea of God in the mind, so that
A question on the training in perfection by which we can by always keeping it before our eyes, when we
arrive at perpetual recollection of God. find that we have dropped
away from Him,
we may at once be able to recover ourselves
Germanus The extent of our bewilder-
: and return thither and may succeed in laying
ment our wondering awe at the former
at hold of it again without from wan-
any delay
Conference, because of which we came back dering around the subject and searching for it.
again, increases still more. For in proportion For it happens that when we have wandered
away from our spiritual speculations and
S. John xvii. 26, 21. 2 i
John iv. 16. » S. John xvii. 22-24. have come back to ourselves as if waking from

a deadly sleep, and, being thoroughly roused, ignorant he is. And therefore I am not afraid
look for the subject matter, by which we may of the charge of betraying secrets, and of
be able to revive that spiritual recollection levity, if I divulge what when speaking in
which has been destroyed, we are hindered by my former discourse on the perfection of
the delay of the actual search before we find prayer I had kept back from discussing, as I
it, and are once more drawn aside from our think that its force was to be explained to us
endeavour, and before the spiritual insight is who are occupied with this subject and inter-
brought about, the purpose of heart which had est even without the aid of my words, by the
been conceived, has disappeared. And this grace of God.
trouble is certain to happen to us for this
reason because we do not keep something X.CHAPTER
special firmly set before our eyes like some
Of the method of continual prayer.
principle to which the wandering thoughts
may be recalled after many digressions and
Wherefore in accordance with that system,
varied excursions and, if I may use the ex-
which you admirably compared to teaching
pression, after long storms enter a quiet haven. children can only take in the first lessons
And so it comes to pass that as the mind is on the (who
hindered this want of
alphabet and recognize the shapes of
constantly by knowledge the letters, and trace but their characters with
and difficulty, and is always tossed about
a steady hand if they have, by means of some
vaguely, and as if intoxicated, among various
copies and shapes carefully impressed on wax,
matters, and cannot even retain firm hold for accustomed to express their figures, by
any length of time of anything spiritual which looking at them and imitating them
has occurred to it by chance rather than of set constantly
daily), we must give you also the form of this
purpose while, as it is always receiving one

spiritual contemplation, on which you may

thing after another, it does not notice either
their beginning and origin or even their end. always fix your gaze with the utmost steadiness,
and both learn to consider it to your profit in
unbroken continuance, and also manage by the
practice of it and by meditation to climb to a
CHAPTER IX. still loftier insight. This formula then shall
be proposed to you of this system, which you
The answer on the efficacy of understanding, which is

gained by experience. want, and of prayer, which every monk in his

progress towards continual recollection of God,
is accustomed to ponder, ceaselessly revolv-
LsAAC Your minute and subtle inquiry

affords an indication of purity being very ing it in his heart, having got rid of all
For no one would be able kinds of other thoughts for he cannot possibly
nearly reached.

even to make inquiries on these matters, — keep his hold over it unless he has freed him-
I willnot say look within and discriminate,
to self from all bodily cares and anxieties. And
— except one who had been urged sound to as this was delivered to us by a few of those
the depths of such questions by careful and who were left of the oldest fathers, so it is only
effectual diligence of mind, and watchful divulged by us to a very few and to those who
are really keen. And so for keeping up con-
anxiety, and one whom the constant aim after
a well controlled life had taught by practical tinual recollection of God this pious formula is
to be ever set before you. OGod, make
experience to attempt the entrance to this
And there- speed to save me O
Lord, make haste to help
purity and to knock at its doors.

me," for this verse has not unreasonably been

fore as I see you, I will not say, standing
before the doors of that true prayer of which picked out from the whole of Scripture for
we have been speaking, but touching its inner For it embraces all the feelings
this purpose.
chambers and inward parts as it were with which can be implanted in human nature, and
the hands of experience, and already laying can be fitly and satisfactorily adapted to every
hold of some parts of it, I do not think that I condition, and all assaults. Since it contains
shall find any difficulty in introducing you now an invocation of God against every danger, it
within what I may call its hall, for you to roam contains humble and pious confession,
it con-

about its recesses, as the Lord may direct; tains the watchfulness of anxiety
and continual
nor do I think that you will be hindjered from fear, it contains the thought of one's own
investigating what is to be shown you by any
weakness, confidence in the answer, and the
obstacles or difficulties. For he is next door assurance of a present and ever ready help.
to understanding who carefully recognizes what * Ps. Ixlx. (Ixx.) 2. It is not improbable that this chapter sug-

he ought to ask about, nor is he far from gested to S. Benedict the use of tliese words as tlie opening versicle
of the hour services, a position which has ever since occupied in

knowledge, who begins to understand how tlie West. See tlie Rule of S. Benedict, cc. ix., xvii., and xviii.

For one who is constantly calling on his pro- to reading a headache interferes and stops me,
tector, is certain that He is always at hand. and at the third hour sleep glues my head to
It contains the glow of love and charity, it con- the sacred page, and I am forced either to

tains a view of the plots, and a dread of the overstep or to anticipate the time assigned
enemies, from which one, who sees himself day to rest and finally an overpowering desire to

and night hemmed in by them, confesses that sleep forces me to cut short the canonical rule
he cannot be set free without the aid^ of his for service in the Psalms in the same way I :

" O
defender. This verse is an impregnable wall must cry out God, make speed to save me
: :

for all who are labouring under the attacks of Lord, make haste to help me." Sleep is
demons, as well as impenetrable coat of mail withdrawn from my eyes, and for many nights
and a strong shield. It does not suffer those 1 find myself wearied out with sleeplessness
who are in a state of moroseness and anxiety caused by the devil, and all repose and rest by
of mind, or depressed by sadness or all kinds night is kept away from my eyelids I must sigh ;

of thoughts to despair of saving remedies, as and pray O God, make speed to save me
: :

it shows that He, who is invoked, is ever look- O Lord, make haste to help me." While I am
ing on at our struggles and is not far from His still in the midst of a struggle with sin sud-
suppliants. It warns us whose lot is spiritual denly an irritation of the flesh affects me and
success and delight of heart that we ought not tries by a pleasant sensation to draw me to
to be at all elated or puffed up by our happy consent while in my sleep. In order that a
condition, which it assures us cannot last with- raging fire from without may not burn up the
out God as our protector, while it implores fragrant blossoms of chastity, I must cry out :

Him not only always but even speedily to help " O God, make speed to save me O Lord, make :

us. This verse, I say, will be found helpful haste to help me." I feel that the incentive to
and useful to every one of us in whatever con- lust is removed, and that the heat of passion
dition we may be. For one who always and has died away in my members In order that :

in all matters wants to be helped, shows that this good condition acquired, or rather that this
he needs the assistance of God not only in grace of God may continue still longer or for-
sorrowful or hard matters but also equally in ever with me, I must earnestly say O God, :

prosperous and happy ones, that he may be de- make speed to save me O Lord, make haste :

livered from the one and also made to continue to help me." I am disturbed by the pangs of
in the other, as he knows that in both of them anger, covetousness, gloominess, and driven to
human weakness is unable to endure without disturb the peaceful state in which I was, and
His assistance. I am affected by the passion which was dear to me In order that I may :

of gluttony. I ask for food of which the des- not be carried away by raging passion into the
ert knows nothing, and in the squalid desert bitterness of gall, I must cry out with deep
" O
there are wafted to me odours of royal dainties, groans O God, make speed to save me
: :

and I find that even against my will I am drawn Lord, make haste to help me." I am tried by
to long for them. I must at once
say : O being puffed up by accidie, vainglory, and
God, make speed to save me O Lord, make
pride, and my mind with subtle thoughts flat-
haste to help me." I am incited to anticipate ters itself somewhat on account of the coldness
the hour fixed for supper, or I am trying with and carelessness of others In order that this :

great sorrow of heart to keep to the limits of dangerous suggestion of the enemy may not get
the right and regular meagre fare. I must cry the mastery over me, I must pray with all con-
out with groans " O God, make speed to save
: trition of heart
O God, make speed to save

me O Lord, make haste to help me." Weak-

: me O Lord, make haste to help me." I have

ness of the stomach hinders me when wanting gained the grace of humility and simplicity,
severer fasts, on account of the assaults of the and by continually mortifying my spirit have got
flesh, or dryness of the belly and constipation rid of the swellings of pride In order that the :

" " "

frightens me. In order that effect may be foot of pride may not again come against
given to my wishes, or else that the fire of car- me," and "the hand of the sinner disturb me," -^

nal lust may be quenched without the and that I may not be more seriously damaged
of a stricter fast, I must
pray : O God, make by elation at my success, I must cry with all
speed to save me O Lord, make haste to help
my might, O God, make speed to save me O :

me." When I come to supper, at the bidding Lord, make haste to help me." I am on fire
of the proper hour I loathe
taking food and am with innumerable and various wanderings of
prevented from eating anything to satisfy the soul and shiftiness of heart, and cannot collect
requirements of nature I must cry with a
my scattered thoughts, nor can I even pour
sigh :O God, make speed to save me O Lord,
: forth my prayer without interruption and images
make haste to help me." When I want for the
sake of steadfastness of heart to apply myself 1
Ps. XXXV. (xxxvi.) 12.

of vain figures, and the recollection of conver- you still considering this verse, till
having been
sations and actions, and I feel myself tied down moulded by the constant use of it, you grow
by such dryness and barrenness that I feel I accustomed to repeat it even in your sleep.
cannot give birth to any offspring in the shape When you wake let it be the first thing to come
of spiritual ideas In order that it may be
: into your mind, let it
your waking
anticipate all
vouchsafed to me to be set free from this thoughts, let it when you rise from your bed
wretched state of mind, from which I cannot send you down on your knees, and thence send
extricate myself by any number of sighs and you forth to all your work and business, and
groans, I must full surely cry out God, make : O let itfollow you about all day long. This you
speed to save me Lord,
: O
make haste to help should think about, according to the Lawgiver's
" at
me." Again, I feel that by the visitation of charge, home and walking forth on a jour-
the Holy Spirit I have gained purpose of soul, ney," sleeping and waking. This you should
steadfastness of thought, keenness of heart, write on the threshold and door of your mouth,
together with an ineffable joy and transport of this you should place on the walls of your house
mind, and in the exuberance of spiritual feel- and in the recesses of your heart so that when
fall on your knees in
ings I have perceived by a sudden illumination you prayer this may be
from the Lord an abounding revelation of most your chant as you kneel, and when you rise up
holy ideas which were formerly altogether hid- from it to go forth to all the necessary business
den from me In order that it may be vouch-
: of life it may be your constant prayer as you
safed to me to linger for a longer time in them stand.
I must often and anxiously exclaim
God, : O
make speed to save me : O Lord, make haste
to help me." Encompassed by nightly horrors
of devils I am agitated, and am disturbed by
the appearances of unclean spirits, my very hope Of the of prayer to which we can
perfection rise by the system
of life and salvation is withdrawn by the hor- described.

ror of fear. Flying to the safe refuge of this

" This, this O is the formula which the mind
verse, I will cry out with all my might :

God, make speed to save me : O Lord, make should unceasingly cling to until, strengthened
haste to help me.' Again, when I have been by the constant use of it and by continual
restored by the Lord's consolation, and, cheered meditation, it casts off and rejects the rich
by His coming, feel myself encompassed as if and full material of all manner of thoughts
by countless thousands of angels, so that all of and restricts itself to the poverty of this one
a sudden I can venture to seek the conflict and verse, and so arrives with ready ease at that
beatitude of the gospel, which holds the first
provoke a battle with those whom a while ago
I dreaded worse than death, and whose touch place among the other beatitudes for He :

" Blessed are the

or even approach I felt with a shudder both of says poor in spirit, for theirs
mind and body In order that the vigour of this
is the kingdom of heaven." And so one who
courage may, by God's grace, continue in me
becomes grandly poor by a poverty of this
still longer, I must sort will fulfil this saying of the prophet
cry out with all my powers

"O "The poor and needy shall praise the name

God, make speed to save me O Lord, make :
haste to help me." We must then ceaselessly of the Lord."
And indeed what greater or
and continuously pour forth the prayer of this holier poverty can there be than that of one
verse, in adversity that we may be delivered, who knowing that he has no defence and no
in prosperity that we may be preserved and strength of his own, asks for daily help from
not puffed up. Let the thought of this verse, another's
and as he is aware that every
I tell you, be conned over in
your breast with- single moment nis life and substance depend
out ceasing. Whatever work you are doing, or on Divine assistance, professes himself not
office you are holding, or without reason the Lord's bedesman, and cries
journey you are going, "
do not cease to chant this. When you are to Him daily in prayer But I am poor and

going to bed, or eating, and in the last necessi- needy the
: Lord helpeth me." And so by
ties of nature, think on this. This thought in the illumination of God Himself he mounts to
that manifold knowledge of Him and begins
your heart may be to you a saving formula, and
not only keep you unharmed by all attacks of henceforward to be nourished on sublimer and
still more sacred mysteries, in accordance with
devils, but also purify you from all faults and
these words of the prophet " The high hills
earthly stains, and lead you to that invisible

and celestial contemplation, and are a refuge for the stags, the rocks for the
carry you on
to that ineffable glow of prayer, of which so
Deut. vi. 7. • Ps. IxxUi. (Ixxiv.) 21.
few have any experience. Let sleep come upon ' S. Matt. V. 3. « Pt. xxxix(xl)i7(LXX.).
hedgehogs," very fairly applied in our carelessness has brought upon us, or our
which is
the sense we have
given, because whosoever earnestness has secured, or Divine Providence
continues in simplicity and innocence is not has granted or the promptings of the foe have
injurious or offensive to any one, but being con- deprived us of, or slippery and subtle forget-
tent with his own simple condition endeavours fulness has carried off, or human weakness
simply to defend himself from being spoiled has brought about, or thoughtless ignorance
by his foes, and becomes a sort of spiritual has cheated us of. For all these feelings we
hedgehog and is protected by the continual find expressed in the Psalms so that by seeing
shield of that rock of the gospel, i.e., being whatever happens as in a very clear mirror we
sheltered by the recollection of the Lord's pas- understand it better, and so instructed by our
sion and by ceaseless meditation on the verse feelings as our teachers we lay hold of it as
given above he escapes the snares of his op- something not merely heard but actually seen,
posing enemies. And of these spiritual hedge- and, as if it were not committed to memory,
hogs we read in Proverbs as follows And but implanted in the very nature of things,

the hedgehogs are a feeble folk, who have we are affected from the very bottom of the
made their homes in the rocks." ^ And indeed heart, so that we get at its meaning not by
what is feebler than a Christian, what is weaker reading the text but by experience anticipating
than a monk, who is not only not permitted it. And so our mind will reach that incorrupt-
any vengeance for wrongs done to him but ible prayer to which in our former treatise, as
is actually not allowed to suffer even a
slight the Lord vouchsafed to grant, the scheme of
and silent feeling of irritation to spring up our Conference mounted, and this is not merely
within? But whoever advances from this not engaged in gazing on any image, but is
condition and not only secures the simplicity actually distinguished by the use of no words
of innocence, but is also shielded by the vir- or utterances but with the purpose of the mind ;

tue of discretion, becomes an exterminator of all on fire, is produced through ecstasy of

deadly serpents, and has Satan crushed beneath heart by some unaccountable keenness of spirit,
his feet, and by his quickness of mind answers and the mind being thus affected without the
to the figure of the reasonable stag, this man aid of the senses or
any visible material pours
will feed on the mountains of the prophets and it forth to God with
groanings and sighs that
Apostles, i.e., on their highest and loftiest cannot be uttered.
mysteries. And thriving on this pasture con-
tinually, he will take in to himself all the XH. CHAPTER
thoughts of the Psalms and will begin to sing
them in such a way that he will utter them A question as to how spiritual thoughts can be retained without
with the deepest emotion of heart not as if losing them.

they were the compositions of the Psalmist,

but rather as if they were his own utterances
Germanus We think that you have de- :

and his very own prayer; and will certainly scribed to us not only the system of this spiritual
for which we asked, but perfection
take them as aimed at himself, and will recog- discipline
nize that their words were not only fulfilled
itself and this with great clearness and open-

ness. For what can be more perfect and sub-

formerly by or in the person of the prophet, lime than for the recollection of God to be
but that they are fulfilled and carried out daily
For then the Holy Scriptures embraced
in so brief a meditation, and for it,
in his own case.
lie open to us with dwelling on a single verse, to escape from all
greater clearness and as it
were their very veins and marrow are exposed, the limitations of things visible, and to com-
when our experience not only perceives but prise in one short word the thoughts of all our
prayers. And therefore we beg you to explain
actually anticipates their meaning, and the
sense of the words is revealed to us not by an to us one thing which still remains viz., how ;

we can keep firm hold of this verse which you

exposition of them but by practical proof. For
if we have
have given us as a formula, in such a way that,
experience of the very state of mind
in which each Psalm was
as we have been by God's grace set free from
sung and written,
we become like their authors and anticipate the trifles of worldly thoughts, so we may also
the meaning rather than follow it, i.e., keep a steady grasp on all spiritual ones.
ing the force of the words before we really
know them, we remember what has happened CHAPTER Xni.
to us, and whathappening in daily assaults
when the thoughts of them come over us, and On the lightness of thoughts.
while we sing them we call to mind all that
For when the mind has taken in the meaning
^ Ps. ciii. (civ.) 18.
2 Prov. XXX. 26(LXX.). of a passage in any Psalm, this insensibly slips

away from it, and ignorantly and thoughtlessly think, said on this subject, yet as you want it
itpasses on to a text of some other Scripture. repeated to you again, I will give you a brief
And when it has begun to consider this with instruction on steadfastness of heart. There
itself, while it is still not thoroughly explored, are three things which make a shifting heart
the recollection of some other passage springs steadfast, watchings, meditation, and prayer,
up, and shuts out the consideration of the for- diligence in which and constant attention will
mer subject. From this too it is transferred produce steadfast firmness of mind. But this
to some other, by the entrance of some fresh cannot be secured in any other way unless all
consideration, and the soul always turns about cares and anxieties of this present life have
from Psalm to Psalm and jumps from a pas- been first got rid of by indefatigable persist-
sage in the Gospels to read one in the Epistles, ence in'work dedicated not to covetousness but
and from this passes on to the prophetic to the sacred uses of the monastery, that we
writings, and thence is carried to some spiritual may thus be able to fulfil the Apostle's com-
history, and so it wanders about vaguely and mand " Pray without ceasing." ^ For he prays

uncertainly through the whole body of the too little, who is accustomed only to
pray at the
Scriptures, unable, as it may choose, either to times when he bends his knees. But he never
reject or keep hold of anything, or to finish prays, who even while on his bended knees
anything by fully considering and examining distracted
by all kinds of wanderings of

it, and so becomes only a toucher or taster of And

therefore what we would be found
spiritual meanings, not an author and possessor when at our prayers, that we ought to be before
of them. And so the mind, as it is always the time of prayer. For at the time of its
light and wandering, is distracted even in time prayers the mind cannot help being affected by
of service by all sorts of things, as if it were its previous condition, and while it is
intoxicated, and does not perform any office will be either transported to things heavenly,
properly. For instance, while it is praying, it or dragged down to earthly things by those
is recalling some Psalm or passage of Scrip-
thoughts in which it had been lingering before
ture. While it is chanting, it is thinking about prayer.
something else besides what the text of the Thus far did Abbot Isaac carry on his Se-
Psalm itself contains. When it repeats a pas- cond Conference on the character of Prayer to
sage of Scripture, it is thinking about some- us astonished hearers whose instruction on ;

thing that has to be done, or remembering the consideration of that verse quoted above
something that has been done. And in this way (which he gave as a sort of outline for begin-
it takes in and
rejects nothing in a disciplined ners to hold) we greatly admired, and wished
and proper way, and seems to be driven about to follow very closely, as we fancied that it
by random incursions, without the power either would be a short and easy method but we ;

of retaining what it likes or lingering over it. have found it even harder to observe than that
It is then well for us before
everything else system of ours by which we used formerly to
to know how we can properly perform these wander here and there in varied meditations
spiritual offices, and keep firm hold of this par- through the whole body of the Scriptures with-
ticular verse which you have given us as a for- out
being tied by any chains of perseverance.
mula, so that the rise and fall of our feelings It is then certain that no one is kept away fronx
Nmay not be in a state of fluctuation from their perfection of heart by not being able to read,
own lightness, but may lie under our own nor is rustic simplicity any hindrance to the
control. possession of purity of heart and mind, which
lies close at hand for all, if only they will
CHAPTER XIV. constant meditation on this verse keep the
thoughts of the mind safe and sound towards
The answer how we can gain stability of heart or of thoughts. God.
Isaac Although, in our former discussion

on the character of prayer, enough was, as I 1 I Thess. V. 17.



Although many of the saints who are taught by your example can scarcely emulate the great-
ness of your perfection, with which you shine like great luminaries with marvellous brightness
in this world, yet still you, O holy brothers Honoratus and Eucherius,^ are so stirred by the
great glory of those splendid men from whom we received the first principles of monasticism,
that one of you, presiding as he does over a large monastery of the brethren, is hoping that
his congregation, which learns a lesson from the daily sight of your saintly life, may be
instructed in the precepts of those fathers, while the other has been anxious to make his way
to Egypt to be edified by the sight of these in the flesh, that he might leave this province
that is frozen as it were with the cold of Gaul, and like some pure turtle dove fly to those
lands on which the sun of righteousness looks and to which it approaches nearest, and which
abound with the ripe fruits of virtues. As a matter of course the greatness of my love wrings
this from me viz., that considering the desire of the one and the labour of the other, I should

not decline the danger and peril of writing, if only to the one there may be added authority
among his children, and from the other may be removed the necessity for so risky a journey.
Further since neither the Institutes of the ccenobia which we wrote to the best of our ability
in twelve books for Bishop Castor of blessed memory, nor the ten Conferences of the fathers

living in the desert of Scete, which we composed somehow or other at the bidding of Saints
Helladius and Leontius the Bishops,^ were able to satisfy your faith and zeal, now in order
that the reason for our journey may be also known, I have thought that seven Conferences of
the three fathers whom we first saw living in another desert, might be written in the same
sWle and dedicated to you, in which whatever has been in our previous works perhaps
o^curely explained or even omitted on the subject of perfection, may be supplied. But if
even this is not enough to satisfy the holy thirst of your desires, seven other Conferences,
which are to be sent to the holy brethren living in the islands of the Stoechades,'^ will, I fancy,
satisfy your wants and your ardour.
On Honoratus and Eucherius, see the Introduction, p. 180. * Cf The Preface to Conference I.
3 A group of islands oS the coast of France opposite Marseilles; mentioned by Pliny, H. N. III. V., now known as Les IsUsd''HUrei.



CHAPTER I. Archbius,' who had been carried off from the
assembly of anchorites and given as Bishop
Description of tlie town of Thennesus. to the town of Panephysis,* and who kept all
his life long to his purpose of solitude with
When we were living in a monastery in such strictness that he relaxed nothing of the
in tlie faith, and character of his former
Syria after our first infancy humility, nor flattered
when after we had grown somewhat we had himself on the honour that had been added to
begun to long for some greater grace of per- him ( for he vowed that he had not been sum-
to seek moned to that office as fit for it, but
fection, we determined straightway complained
and even to the remotest that he had been expelled from the monastic
Egypt penetrating
desert of the Thebaid,^ to visit very many of system as unworthy of it because though he
the saints, whose glory and fame had spread had spent thirty-seven years in it he had never
abroad everywhere, with the wish if not to been able to arrive at the purity so high a pro-
emulate them at any rate to know them. And fession demands) he then when he had re- ;

so we came by a very lengthy voyage to a ceived us kindly and most graciously in the
town of Egypt named Thennesus,^ whose in- aforesaid Thennesus whither the business of
habitants are so surrounded either by the sea electing a Bishop there had brought him, as
or by saltNakes that they devote themselves soon as he heard of our wish and desire to
to business alone and get their wealth and inquire of the holy fathers even in still more
substance by naval commerce as the land fails remote parts of Egypt " Come," said he, " see :

them, so that indeed when they want to build in the meanwhile the old men who live not far
houses, there is no soil sufficient for this, unless from our monastery, the length of whose ser-
it is brought by boat from a distance. vice is shown by their bent bodies, as their
holiness shines forth in their appearance, so
that even the mere sight of them will give a
great lesson to those who see them and from :

CHAPTER n. them you can learn not so much by their

words as by the actual example of their holy
Of Bishop Archebius. life, what I grieve that I have lost, and having
lost cannot give to you. But I think that my
And when we arrived there, God gratified poverty will be somewhat lessened by this zeal
our wishes, and had brought about the arrival of mine, if when you are seeking that pearl of
of that most blessed and excellent man Bishop the Gospel which I have not, I at least provide
where you can conveniently procure it.'
It is doubtful whether Cassian ever carried out tlie inten-
tion, ofwhich he here speaks, of visiting the Thebaid. So far as ^ A rchebius has already been mentioned in Conference VII. xxvi. ;

we can trace the course of his wanderings, he does not seem to have and in the Institutes V. xxxvii., xxxviii., two stories are told illustra-
penetrated farther into Egypt than the desert of Scete. tive of his kindness and goodness of disposition ;but he is not
Thennesus, a town at tlie Tanitic mouth of the Nile near Lake known to us from any other source except Cassian's writings. _

Menzaleh. For the description of the neighbouring country com- 4 For the situation of Panephysis, see the note on the Institutes,
pare Conference VII. c. xxvi. Book IV. c. XXX.

destroyed confidence in speaking? For

how could I to teach what I do not
and do, or instruct another in what I know I now
Description of the desert where Chseremon, Nesteros,
Joseph lived. practise but feebly and coldly ? Wherefore I
do not allow any of the younger men to live
And so he took his staff and scrip, as is with me now that I am of such an advanced
there the custom for all monks starting on a age, lest the other's strictness should be re-
journey, and himself led
us as guide of our laxed owing to my example. For the author-
road to his own city, i.e., Panephysis, the lands ity of a teacher
will never be strong unless he
of which and indeed the greater part of the fixes it in the heart of his hearer by the actual

neighbouring region (formerly an extremely performance of his duty.

rich one since from it, as report says, every-
thing was supplied for the royal table),
been covered by the sea which was disturbed CHAPTER V.
by a sudden earthquake and overflowed its
banks, and so (almost all the villages being in Of our answer to his excuse.
rich lands
ruins) covered what were formerly
with salt marshes, so that you might think that At this we were overwhelmed with no slight
what is spiritually sung in the psalm was a confusion and replied as follows Although :

literal prophecy of that region. He hath both the difficulty of the place and the solitary
turned rivers into a wilderness and the springs;
life itself, which even a robust youth could

of waters into a thirsty land a fruitful land

scarcely put up with, ought to be sufficient to
into saltness for the wickedness of them that teach us everything (and indeed without your
saying anything they do teach and impress us
dwell therein." In these districts then many
towns perched in this way on the higher hills a very great deal) yet still we ask you to lay
were deserted by their inhabitants and turned aside your silence for a little and in a more
by the inundation into islands, and these worthy manner implant in us those principles
afforded the desired solitude to the holy an- by which we may be able to embrace, not so
chorites, among whom three old men; viz., much by imitating it as by admiring it, that
Chaeremon, Nesteros and Joseph, stood out goodness which we see in you. For even if
as anchorites of the longest standing. our coldness is known to you, and does not
deserve to obtain what we are asking for, yet
at least the trouble of so long a journey ought
to be repaid by it, as we made haste to come
here after our first beginning in the monastery
Of Abbot Choeremon and his excuse about the teaching wliich
we asked for. of Bethlehem, owing to a longing for your in-
struction, and a yearning for our own good.
And so the blessed Archebius thought it best
to take us first to Chseremon,"-^ because he was
nearer to his monastery, and because he was CHAPTER VI.
more advanced than the other two in age : for
he had passed the hundredth year of his life, Abbot Chaeremon's statement that faults can be overcome in
three ways.
vigorous only in spirit, but with his back
bowed with age and constant prayer, so that,
as if he were once more in his childhood he
Then the blessed Ch^remon: There are,
said he, three things which enable men to
crawled with his hands hanging down and rest-
* control their faults viz., either the fear of hell
ing on the ground. Gazing then at one and

or of laws even now imposed or the hope and

the same time on this man's wonderful face ;

desire of the kingdom of heaven or a liking

and on his walk (for though all his limbs had ;

for goodness itself and the love of virtue.

already failed and were dead yet he had lost For then we read that the fear of evil loathes
none of the severity of his previous strictness)
contamination " The fear of the Lord hateth
when we humbly asked for the word and doc- :

evil." ^ Hope also shuts out the assaults of all

trine, and declared that longing for spiritual "
faults for all who hope in Him shall not
instruction was the only reason for our coming,

he sighed deeply and said What doctrine can fail." Love also fears no destruction from
" " ^
I teach you, I in whom the feebleness of age sins, for love never faileth and again ;

" love covers a multitude of sins." ^ And there-

has relaxed my former strictness, as it has also
fore the blessed Apostle confines the whole
^ Ps. cvi.
(cvii.) 33 sy.
Chaeremon is perhaps the same person of whom a short account ' Prov. viii. 13. " I Cor. xiii.
* « I Pet. iv. 8.
is given in the Lausiac History of Palladius, c. xcii. Ps. xxxiii. (xxxiv.) 23.
sum of salvation in the attainment of those which the swine son ;
for after those husks
three virtues, saying Now abideth faith, hope, from which was denied to him, ate, satisfaction
love, these three." For faith is what makes i. e., the
disgusting food of sin, as he "came to
us shun the stains of sin from fear of future himself," and was overcome by a salutary fear,
judgment and punishment hope is what with- he already began to loathe the uncleanness of

draws our mind from present things, and the swine, and to dread the punishment of
despises all bodily pleasures from its expecta- gnawing hunger, and as if he had already been 1

tion of heavenly rewards love is what in- made a serv'^ant, desires the condition of a hire-

flames us with keenness of heart for the love of ling and thinks about the remuneration, and
Christ and the fruit of spiritual goodness, and says " How many hired servants of my father :

makes us hate with a perfect hatred whatever have abundance of bread, and I perish here with
is opposed to these. And these three things hunger. I will then return to my father and
although they all seem to aim at one and the will say unto him, Father I have sinned against

same end (for they incite us to abstain from heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy ,

things unlawful) yet they differ from each to be called thy son make me as one of :

other greatly in the degrees of their excellence. thy hired servants.' " * But those words of

For the two former belong properly to those humble penitence his father who ran to meet

men who in their aim at goodness have not him received with greater affection than that
the love of virtue, and the third with which they were spoken, and was not con-
yet acquired
belongs specially to God and to those who tent to allow him lesser things, but passing ;

have received into themselves the image and through the two stages without delay restored
likeness of God. For He alone does the him to his former dignity of sonship. We also [

things that are good, with no fear and no ought forthwith to hasten on that by means of
thanks or reward to stir Him up, but simply the indissoluble grace of love we
may mount
from the love of goodness. For, as Solomon to that third stage of sonship, which believes
says, "The Lord hath made all things for Him- that all that the father has is its own, and so

self." For under cover of His own goodness we may be counted worthy to receive the
He bestows all the fulness of good things on image and likeness of our heavenly Father,

the worthy and the unworthy because He can- and be able to say after the likeness of the

not be wearied by wrongs, nor be moved by true son "All that the Father hath is mine."* :

passions at the sins of men, as He ever remains Which also the blessed Apostle declares of us,
perfect goodness and unchangeable in His saying All things are yours, whether Paul :

nature. or ApoUos or Cephas, or the world, or life, or

death, or things present, or things to come all ;

are yours." * And to this likeness the com-

mands of our Saviour also summon us " Be :

By what steps we can ascend to the heights of love and what ye," says He, "perfect, even as your Father
permanence there is in it. inheaven is perfect."' For in persons
sometimes the love of goodness is found to be
If then any one is aiming at perfection, from
interrupted, when the vigour of the soul is
that first stage of fear which we rightly termed relaxed by some coldness or joy or delight,
servile (of which it is said When ye have :
and so loses either the fear of hell for the
done all things say : we are unprofitable ser- time, or the desire of future blessings. And
vants," ') he should by advancing a step mount there is indeed in these a stage leading to
to the higher path of hope which is com- — some advance, which affects us so that when
pared not to a slave but to a hireling, because from fear of punishment or from hope of re-
it looks for the
payment of its recompense, ward we begin to avoid sin we are enabled to
and as if it were free from care concerning
pass on to the stage of love, for "fear," says
absolution of its sins and fear of punishment, "
one, is not in love, but perfect love casteth
and conscious of its own good works, though out fear for fear hath torment, but he who

it seems to look for the

promised reward, yet it fears is not perfect in love. therefore love We
cannot attain to that love of a son who, trust- because God first loved us." ' can then We
ing in his father's kindness and liberality, has only ascend to that true perfection when, as
no doubt that all that the father has is his, to He first loved us for the grace of nothing
which also that prodigal who together with but our salvation, we also have loved Him for
his father's substance had lost the very name the sake of nothing but His own love alone.
of son, did not venture to aspire, when he Wherefore we must do our best to mount with
" I am no more
said :
worthy to be called thy
* S. Luke XV. 17-19. " •
I Cor. iii. jj. 1 John iv. 18, i().
* Prov. xvi. ' Luke " S. '
1 Cor. xiii. 13. 4. S. xvii. 10. John xvi. 15, St. Matt V. 48.

of mind from this fear to hope, of the security of peace, and has passed on
perfect ardour
from hope to the love of God, and the love of to the love of virtue itself, will keep this con-
the virtues themselves, that as we steadily pass dition of good continually, as he is entirely
on to the love of goodness itself, we may, as wrapped up in it, because he believes that
far as it is possible for human nature, keep nothing can be worse than the loss of his in-
firm hold of what is good. most chastity. For he deems nothing dearer
or more precious than present purity, to whom
a dangerous departure from virtue or a poison-
CHAPTER VIII. ous stain of sin is a grievous punishment. To
such an one, I say, neither will regard for the
How greatly those excel who depart from sin through the presence of another add anything to his good-
feeling of love. ness nor .will solitude take anything away
from it but as always and everywhere he bears

For there is a great difference between one about with him his conscience as a judge
who puts out the fire of sin within him by fear not only of his actions but also of his thoughts,
of hell or hope of future reward, and one who he will especially try to please it, as he knows
from the feeling of divine love has a horror of that it cannot be cheated nor deceived, and
sin itself and of uncleanness, and keeps hold that he cannot escape it.
of the virtue of purity simply from the love and
longing for purity, and looks for no reward
from a promise for the future, but, delighted
with the knowledge of good things present,


does everything not from regard to punish- That love not only makes sons out of servants, but also bestows
ment but from delight in virtue. For this the image and likeness of God.
condition can neither abuse an opportunity to
sin when all human witnesses are absent, nor And if
anyone relying on the help of God
be corrupted by the secret allurements of and not on own efforts, it has been vouch-
thoughts, while, keeping in its very marrow safed to acquire this state, from the condition
the love of virtue itself, it not only does not of a servant, wherein is fear, and from a mer-
admit into the heart anything that is opposed cenary greed of hope, whereby there is sought
to it, but actually hates it with the utmost not so much the good of the donor as the re-
horror. For it is one thing for a man in compense of reward, he will begin to pass on to
his delight at some present good to hate the the adoption of sons, where there is no longer
stains of sins and of the flesh, and another fear, nor greed, but that love which never fail-
thing to check unlawful desires by contemplat- eth continually endures. Of which fear and
ing the future reward and it is one thing to
love the Lord in chiding some shows what
fear present loss and another to dread future is befitting for each one A son knoweth his

punishment. Lastly it is a much greater thing own and a servant feareth his lord And
father, :

to be unwilling to forsake good for good's own if I be a Father, where is My honour and if I :

sake, than it is to withhold consent from evil be a Lord, where is my fear ? ^ For one who
for fear of evil. For in the former case the is a servant must needs fear because "if know-

good is voluntary, but in the latter it is con- ing his lord's will he has done things worthy of
strained and as it were violently forced out of stripes, he shall be beaten with many stripes." ^
a reluctant party either by fear of punishment Whoever then by this love has attained the
or by greed of reward. For one who abstains image and likeness of God, will now delight in
from the allurements of sin owing to fear, goodness for the pleasure of goodness itself,
will whenever the obstacle of fear is removed, and having somehow a like feeling of patience
once more return to what he loves and thus will and gentleness will henceforth be angered by
not continually acquire any stability in good, no faults of sinners, but in his compassion and
nor will he ever rest free from attacks because sympathy will rather ask for pardon for their
he will not secure the sure and lasting peace infirmities, and, remembering that for so long he
of chastity. For where there is the disturb- himself was tried by the stings of similar pas-
ance of warfare there cannot help being the sions till by the Lord's mercy he was saved,
danger of wounds. For one who is in the will feel that, as he was saved from carnal
midst of the conflict, even though he is a war-attacks not by the teaching of his own exer-
riorand by fighting bravely inflicts frequent tions but by God's protection, not anger but
and deadly wounds on his foes, must still pity ought to be shown to those who go astray;^
sometimes be pierced by the point of the and with full peace of mind will he sing to God
enemy's sword. But one who has defeated
the attack of sins and is now in the enjoyment 1 Mai 6.
S. Luke xii. 47. i.
" cannot be free from fault
the following verse Thou hast broken my be unto death,

chains. I will oifer to Thee the sacrifice of and blame,

praise and " except the Lord had helped me,


soul had almost dwelt in hell."

And while CHAPTER X.
he continues in this humility of mind he will be
How it the perfection of Ipve to pray for one's enemies and by
able even to fulfil this Evangelic command of
what signs we may recognize a mind that is not yet purified.
perfection Love your enemies, do good to

them that hate you, and pray for them that When then any one has acquired this love of
persecute you and slander you."
And so it
goodness of which we have been speaking, and
will be vouchsafed to us to attain that reward the imitation of God, then he will be endowed
which is subjoined, whereby we shall not only with the Lord's heart of compassion, and will
bear the image and likeness of God, but shall
pray also for his persecutors, saying in like
even be called sons " that ye may be," says :
manner " Father, forgive them, for they know
He, sons of your Father which is in heaven, not what they do." ^ But it is a clear sign of a
Who maketh His sun to rise on the good and soul that is not yet thoroughly purged from the
evil, and sends rain on the just and on the un-
" * dregs of sin, not to sorrow with a feeling of pity
just : and this feeling the blessed John knew at the offences of others, but to keep to the rigid
that we
that he had attained when he said :
censure of the judge for how will he be able

may have confidence in the day of judgment,* to obtain perfection of heart, who is without
because as He is so are we also in this world." that by which, as the Apostle has pointed out,
For in what can a weak and fragile human the full requirements of the law can be fulfilled,
nature be like Him, except in always showing " Bear one another's burdens and so
saying :

a calm love in its heart towards the good and the law of Christ,"
and who has not that
evil,the just and the unjust, in imitation of virtue of love, which " is not grieved, is not
God, and by doing good for the love of good- "
puffed up, thinketh no evil," which endureth
ness itself, arriving at that true adoption of the all things, beareth all things."
" For " a
sons of God, of which also the blessed Apostle eous man pitieth the life of his beasts but the :

" "
speaks as follows Every one that is born of
heart of the ungodly is without pity." And so
God doeth not sin, for His seed is in him, and a monk is quite certain to fall into the same
he cannot sin, born of God
because he and sins which he condemns in another with merci-
is ;

" We know that

again :
every one who is born less and inhuman severity, for " a stern king
of God sinneth not, but his birth 01 God pre- will fall into "
misfortunes," and one who stops
serves him, and the wicked one toucheth him his ears so as not to hear the shall him-
" weak,
not ? * And this must be understood not of self
cry, and there shall be none to hear him.""
all kinds of sins, but only of mortal sins and :

any one will not extricate and cleanse him-
self from these, for him the aforesaid Apostle
tells us in another place that we ought not even
" If a man knows his brother
to pray, s^ing :
A question why he has called the feeling of fear and hope
to be sinning a sin not unto death, let him ask, imperfect.
and He will give him life for them that sin not
unto death. There is a sin unto death I do : Germanus You have indeed spoken power-

not say that he should ask for it." But of those •*

fully of the perfect love of God.

and grandly
which he says are not unto death, from which But still viz., that while
this fact disturbs us ;

even those who serve Christ faithfully can- you were exalting it with such praise, you said
not, with whatever care they keep themselves, that the fear of God and the hope of eternal
be free, of these he says " If we say that we : reward were imperfect, though the prophet
have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth seems to have thought quite differently about
" "
is not in us and again " If we say that we
them, where he said Fear the Lord, all ye

have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His His saints, for they that fear Him lack no-
word is not in us." For it is an impossibility
And again in the matter of observing
for any one of the saints not to fall into those God's righteous acts he admits that he has
which are committed by word, and
trivial faults done them from consideration of the reward,
" I have inclined
thought, and ignorance, and forgetfulness, and saying :
my heart to ^*do thy
necessity, and will, and surprise which though :
righteous acts forever, for the reward." And
quite different from that sin which is said to the Apostle says By faith Moses when he

• S. Luke xxiii. 34. " Prov. xiii. 17; xxi. 13.

' ' /i. ver. 16. » Gal. vi. 2. '^ Ps. xxxiii. (xxxiv.) 10
Ps. cxv. 7, 8 (cxvi. 16, 17); xciii. (xciv.) 17.
- * ' '" I Cor. xiii. 4-7.
** Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 112.
S. Matt. V. 44. I John iv. 17. i John i. 8, 10
' • »' Prov. xii. 10 (LXX.).
16. 45. I
John iii. 9; v. 18.
" Serve the Lord in fear " and " It is a
up, denied himself to be the son of

was grown great ;


Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to be thing for thee to be called My servant and

; ;

afflicted with the people of God than to have Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when
He Cometh, shall find so doing," ^ yet it is said

the pleasure of sin for a season, esteeming!

" I no
the reproach of Christ greater riches than the to the Apostles longer call you ser-

treasure of the Egyptians for he looked unto ; vants, for the servant knoweth not what his
the reward."
How then can we think that they Lord doeth : but I call you friends, for all
are imperfect, if the blessed David boasted things whatsoever I have heard from my
that he did the righteous acts of God in hope Father, I have made known unto you."
^ And
" Ye are
of a recompense, and the giver of the Law is once more do
My friends, ye what-
if :

said to have looked for a future reward and so ever I command you." You see then that "^

to have despised the adoption to royal dignity, there are different stages of perfection, and
and to have preferred the most terrible afflic- that we are called by the Lord from high things
tion to the treasures of the Egyptians ? to still higher in such a way that he who has
become blessed and perfect in the fear of God,
going as it is written "from strength to strength,
' '

CHAPTER Xn. and from one perfection to another, i.e., mount-

ing with keenness of, soul from fear to hope,

The answer on is summoned in the end to that still more

the different kinds of perfection.
blessed stage, which is love, and he who has
" " ^
Ch^eremon: In accordance with the condi- been a faithful and wise servant will pass
tion and measure of every mind Holy Scrip- to the companionship of friendship and to the
ture summons our free wills to different grades adoption of sons. So then our saying also
of perfection. For no uniform crown of per- must be understood according to this mean-
fection can be offered to all men, because all ing not that we say that the consideration of :

have not the same virtue, or purpose, or fer- that enduring punishment or of that blessed
vour, and so the Divine Word has in some way recompense which is promised to the saints is
appointed different ranks and different mea- of no value, but because, though they are use-
sures of perfection itself. And that this is so ful and introduce those who pursue them to
the variety of beatitudes in the gospel clearly the first beginning of blessedness, yet again
shows. For though they are called blessed, love, wherein is already fuller confidence,
whose is the kingdom of heaven, and blessed and a lasting joy, will remove them from
are they who shall possess the earth, and servile fear and mercenary hope to the love of
blessed are they who shall receive their con- God, and carry them on to the adoption of
solation, and blessed are they who shall be sons, and somehow make them from being
filled, yet we believe that there is a great dif- perfect still more perfect. For the Saviour
ference between the habitations of the king- says that in His Father's house are many
dom of heaven, and the possession of the mansions," ^^ and although all the stars seem to
earth, whatever it be, and also between the be in the sky, yet there is a mighty difference
reception of consolation and the fulness and between the brightness of the sun and of the
satisfaction of righteousness and that there moon, and between that of the morning star

is a great distinction between those who shall and the rest of the stars. And therefore the
obtain mercy, and those who shall be deemed blessed Apostle prefers it not only above fear
worthy to enjoy the most glorious vision of and hope but also above all gifts which are
God. " For there is one glory of the sun, and counted great and wonderful, and shows the
another glory of the moon, and another glory way of love still more excellent than all. For
of the stars for star differeth from star in when after finishing his list of spiritual gifts

glory, so also is the resurrection of the dead."^ of virtues he wanted to describe its members,
While therefore in accordance with this rule he began as follows: "And yet I show unto
holy Scripture praises those who fear God, and you a still more excellent way. Though I
" ^
says Blessed are all they that fear the Lord," speak with the tongues of men and angels, and
and promises them for this a full measure of though I have the gift of prophecy and know
bliss, it
says again
yet There is no fear in all mysteries and all knowledge, and though

love, but perfect love casteth out fear for I have all faith so that I can remove moun-

fear hath torment. But he that feareth is not tains, and though I bestow all my goods to
yet perfect in love."
And again, though it is feed the poor, and give my body to be burned,
a grand thing to serve God, and it is said :

" Ps. 8
ii. II ; Is. xlix. 6; S. Matt. xxiv. 46. Ps. Ixxxiii. (Ixxxiv.) i

Heb. xi. 24-26. 3 Ps. cxxvii. (cxxviii.) i. " S,
John XV. 14, 15.
" S. Matt. xxiv. 45.
^ "
Cor. XV. 41, 42. * 1"
I I John iv. 18. S. John XV. 13. S. John xiv. 2.

but have not love, it profiteth me nothing." fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear." ^
You see then that nothing more precious, noth- And in truth if the beginning of wisdom con-
ing more perfect, nothing more sublime, and, sists in fear, what will its perfection be except
if I
may say so, nothing more enduring can in the love of Christ which, as it contains in
be found than love. For "whether there be it the fear which belongs to perfect love, is
prophecies, they shall fail, whether there be called not the beginning but the treasure of
tongues, they shall cease, whether there wisdom and knowledge? And therefore there
be knowledge, it shall be destroyed," but " love is a twofold stage of fear. The one for be-
never faileth," ^ and without it not only those ginners, i.e., for those who are still
subject to
most excellent kinds of gifts, but even the the yoke and to servile terror of which we ;

glor)' of martyrdom itself will fail. read: "And the servant shall fear his Lord;"''
and in the gospel " I no longer call you ser- :

vants, for the servant knoweth not what his

Lord doeth " and therefore " the servant," ;

He tells us, " abideth not in the house for ever,

Of the fear which is the outcome of the greatest love. but the Son abideth for ever." ^ For He is
instructing us to pass on from that penal fear
Whoever then has bee^ established in this to the fullest freedom of love, and the con-
perfect love is sure to mount by a higher stage fidence of the friends and sons of God. Finally
to that still more sublime fear belonging to the blessed Apostle, who had by the power
love, which is the outcome of no dread of of the Lord's love already passed through the
punishment or greed of reward, but of the servile stage of fear, scorns lower things and
greatest love whereby a son fears with ear- declares that he has "been enriched with good

nest affection a most indulgent father, or a things by the Lord, for God hath not given
brother fears his brother, a friend his friend, us," he says, "a spirit of fear, but of power and
or a wife her husband, while there is no dread of love and of a sound mind." * Those also
of his blows or reproaches, but only of a slight who are inflamed with a perfect love of their
injury to his love, and while in every word as heavenly Father, and whom the Divine adop-
well as act there is ever care taken by anxious tion has already made sons instead of servants,
affection lest the warmth of his love should he addresses in these words For ye have not :

cool in the very slightest degree towards the received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but
object of it. And one of the prophets has ye received the spirit of adoption, whereby we
" It is of this fear
finely described the grandeur of this fear, cry, Abba, Father." too, that
saying Wisdom and knowledge are the the prophet spoke when he would describe that

riches of salvatipn the fear of the Lord is his sevenfold spirit, which according to the mys-

treasure." ^ He could not describe with greater tery of the Incarnation, full surely descended
clearness the worth and value of that fear than on the God man "
And there shall rest :

by saying that the riches of our salvation, upon Him the Spirit of the Lord the Spirit :

which consist in true wisdom and knowledge of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of
of God, can only be preserved by the fear of counsel and of might, the Spirit of knowledge
the Lord. To this fear then not sinners but and of true godliness," and in the last place
saints are invited by the prophetic word where he adds as something special these words :

the Psalmist says " O fear the Lord, all ye His " And the Spirit of the fear of the Lord shall

Saints: for they that fear Him lack nothing."' fill Him." ^^ Where we must in the first place
For where a man fears the Lord with this fear, notice carefully that he does not say " and
it is certain that
nothing is lacking to his per- there shall rest upon Him the Spirit of fear," as
fection. For it was clearly of that other penal he said in the earlier cases, but he says " there
fear that the Apostle John said that " He who shall fill Him the Spirit of the fear of the
feareth is not made perfect in love, for fear Lord." For such is the greatness of its rich-
hath punishment." * There is then a great ness that when once it has seized on a man
difference between this fear, to which nothing is by its power, it takes possession not of a
lacking, which is the treasure of wisdom and portion but of his whole mind. And not with-
knowledge, and that imperfect fear which is out good reason. For as it is closely joined
called "the beginning of wisdom," * and which to that love which never faileth," it not only
has in it punishment and so is expelled from fills the man, but takes a lasting and inseparable

the hearts of those who are perfect by the in-

coming of the fulness of love. For there is no • I John iv. 18. • .S. John XV. 15; viii. 35.
T ^Ial. 6 • 2 Tim.
i. (LXX.). i.
•' Rom. viii. 15.
* I Cor. xii. 31 ; xiii. 1-8. » Ps. xxxiii, (xxxiv.) 10. " Ps. ex. (cxi.) lo. *' Homo Dominicus. See the note on Against Nestorius, V. v.
' Is. xxxiii. 6. * I 1*
John iv. 18. Is. xi. 2, 3.

and continual possession of him in whom it disturb the serenity of our heart, and that thus
has begun, and is not lessened by any allure- we may be enabled
to pass the time of our
ments of temporal joy or delights, as is some- sojourneying in the flesh free from this carnal
times the case with that fear which is cast out. passion, so as never to be inflamed by the fire
This then is the fear belonging to perfection, of excitement.
with which we are told that the God-man,^ who
came not only to redeem mankind, but also to XV. CHAPTER
give us a pattern of perfection and example of
For the true Son of God The postponement of the explanation which is asked for.
goodness, was filled.
" who did no sin neither was
guile found in His
^ Ch^eremon It is indeed a sign of the utmost
mouth," could not feel that servile fear of

blessedness and of singular goodness both con-

tinually to learn and to teach that love by which
XIV. we cling to the Lord, so that meditation on
Him may, as the Psalmist says, occupy all the
A question about complete chastity. days and nights of our life,* and may support
our soul, which insatiably hungers and thirsts
Germanus : Now
you have finished
that after righteousness,%by continually chewing the
your discourse on perfect chastity, we want cud of this heavenly food. But we must also,
also to ask somewhat more freely about the in accordance with the kindly forethought of
end of chastity. For we do not doubt that our Saviour, make some provision for the food
those lofty heights of love, by which, as you of the body, that we faint not by the way,* for
have hitherto explained, we mount to the im- the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is
age and likeness of God, cannot possibly exist weak." ^ And this we must now secure by tak-
without perfect purity. But we should like to ing a food, so that after supper, the mind
know whether a lasting grant of it can be se- may be rendered more attentive for the careful
cured so that no incitement to lust may ever tracing out of what you want.



Not translated.




CHAPTER scruples because in the previous discussion,


the force of which had inspired us with the

Introduction. utmost longing for this chastity which was till
now unknown to us, the blessed old man had
When after a short sleep we returned for by the addition of a single sentence broken
morning service and were waiting for the old down the claims of man's exertions, adding
man, Abbot Germanus was troubled by great that man even though he strive with all his
Homo Dominictts. 3 Cf. Ps. i. 2. B s, Matt. xxvi. 41. 6 On the
Semi-Pelagianism of this Conference and the erroneous
* *
I Pet. ii 22. Cf. S. Matt. XV. 32. passages from it extracted by Prosper, see the Introduction, p. 190, sg.

might for a good result, yet cannot become itself with it, so as to fancy that its own efforts
master of what is good unless he has acquired were the cause of Divine bounty, or to boast
it simply by the gift of Divine bounty and not that a very plentiful crop of fruits was an
by the efforts of his own toil. While then we answer to the merits of its own exertions.
were puzzling over this question the blessed For a man should consider and with a most
Chaeremon arrived at the cell, and as he saw careful scrutiny weigh the fact that he could
that we were whispering together about some- not by his own strength apply those very
thing, he cut the service of prayers
and Psalms efforts which he has earnestly used in his
shorter than usual, and asked us what was the desire for wealth, unless the Lord's protection
matter. and pity had given him strength for the per-
formance of all agricultural labours and that

his own will and strength would have been

powerless unless Divine compassion had sup>-
A question why the merit of good deeds may not be ascribed plied the means for the completion of them,
to the exertions of the man who does them. as they sometimes fail either from too much
or from too little rain. For when vigour has
Then Germanus : As we are almost shut been granted by the Lord to the oxen, and
out, so to speak, by the greatness of that splen- bodily health and the power to do all the
did virtue, which was described in last night's work, and prosperity in undertakings, still a
discussion, from believing in the possibility of man must pray lest there come to him, as
will pardon my saying so, it seems
it, so, if you Scripture says, "a heaven of brass and an
to us absurd for the reward of our efforts, i.e., earth of iron," and " the cankerworm eat what
perfect chastity, which is gained by the earnest- the locust hath left, and the palmerworm
ness of one's own toil, not to be ascribed chiefly eat what the cankerworm hath left, and the
to the exertions of the man who makes the mildew destroys what the palmerworm hath
effort. For it is foolish, if, when for example, left."
Nor is it only in this that the efforts of
we see a husbandman taking the utmost pains the husbandman in his work need God's help,
over the cultivation of the ground, we do not unless it also averts unlooked for accidents by
ascribe the fruits to his exertions. which, even when the field is rich with the
expected fruitful crops, not only is the man
deprived of what he has vainly hoped and
looked for, but actually loses the abundant
fruits which he has already gathered and
The answer tliatwithout God's help not only perfect chastity stored up in the threshing floor or in the barn.
but all gooS" of every kind cannot be performed. From which we clearly infer that the initiative
not only of our actions but also of good
very instance which thoughts comes from God, who inspires us
By this

you bring forward we can still more clearly with a

good will to begin with, and supplies
prove that the exertions of the worker can do us with the opportunity of carrying out what
For neither can we "
nothing without God's aid. rightly desire for every good gift and

the husbandman, when he has spent the ut-

every perfect gift cometh down from above,
most pains in cultivating the ground, forthwith from the Father of
lights," who both begins

ascribe the produce of the crops and the rich what is

good, and continues it and completes it
fruits to his own exertions, as he finds that in " But He who
us, as the Apostle says :
these are often in vain unless opportune rains seed to the sower will both
provide bread to
and a quiet and calm winter aids them, so eat and will
multiply your seed and make the
that we have often seen fruits already ripe fruits of '
your righteousness to increase."
and set and thoroughly matured snatched as it is for us,
humbly to follow day by day the
it were from the hands of those who were
grace of God which is drawing us, or else if
grasping them and their continuous and we resist with "a stiff neck," and
(to use the
earnest efforts were of no use to the workers words of " *
Scripture) uncircumcised ears," we
because they were not under the guidance of shall deserve to hear the words of
Jeremiah :

the Lord's assistance. As then the Divine " Shall he that falleth, not rise
again ? and he
goodness does not grant these rich crops to
tbat is turned away, shall he not turn again ?
idle husbandmen who do not till their fields then is this people in Jerusalem turned
by frequent ploughing, so also toil all night away with a stubborn revolting.? They have
long is of no use to the workers unless the stiffened their necks and refused to return." '
mercy of the Lord prospers it. But herein
human pride should never try to put itself on • * 2 Cor. ix. 10. *
Deut. xxviii. jj Joel 4. i. Jer. viii. 4, 5.
a level with the grace of God or to intermingle

» S. * Acts vii.
James 17. i. 51.
eouarov, i.e., the eyes of a corrupter of boys,"
and his scholars rushed at him, and brought
An how the Gentiles can be said to have chas- him to their master and wanted to avenge the
objection, asking
tity without the grace of God. it is said that he checked their indigna-
tion with these words nuvaaodfy iiaTQOi el/ni yuij,


Germanus To this explanation, the excel- inexut de, i.e.. Stop, my friends, for I am, but I

lence of which we cannot hastily disprove, it restrain myself. It is then quite clearly shown
seems a difficulty that it tends to destroy free not only by our assertions but actually by their
will. For as we see that many of the heathen own admissions that it was only the perform-
to whom the assistance of Divine grace has ance of indecent acts, i.e., the disgrace of inter-
are eminent not course, that was by force of necessity checked
certainly not been vouchsafed,
only in the virtues of frugality
and patience, by them, and that the desire and delight in this
but (which is more remarkable) in that of chas- passion was not shut out from their hearts.
tity, how can
we think that the freedom of their But with what horror must one bring forward
will is taken captive and that these virtues are this saying of Diogenes ? For a thing which
granted to them God's gift, especially as in the
by of this world were not ashamed
following after the of this world, and in
wisdom to bring forward as something remarkable, can-
their utter ignorance not only of God's grace not be spoken or heard by us without shame :

but even of the existence of the true God, as for to one to be punished for the crime of adul-
we have known Him the course of our read- tery they relate that he said
to doi()t-ui' nwlov-
ing and the teaching of others

they are said ficrof dtit'ixTco ftfi uyoQULF, i.e., you should not buy
to have gained the most perfect purity of chas- with your death what is sold for nothing.^ It is
tity by their own
efEorts and exertions. clear then that they did not recognize the vir-
tue of the true chastity which we seek for, and
so it is quite certain that our circumcision which
is in the spirit cannot be acquired save only by
the gift of God, and that it belongs only to
The answer on the imaginary chastity of the philosophers. those who serve God with full contrition of
their spirit.
Ch^remon I am
pleased that, though you

are fired with the greatest longing to know the CHAPTER VI.
truth, yet you bring forward some foolish points,
as by your raising these objections the value That without the grace of God we cannot make any diligent
of the Catholic faith may seem better estab-
lished, and if I may use the expression, more
And therefore though in many things, indeed
thoroughly explored. For what wise man would
in everything, it can be shown that men always
make such contradictory statements as yes-
have need of God's help, and that human weak-
terday to maintain that the heavenly purity of
ness cannot accomplish anything that has to do
chastity could not possibly even by God's grace
be bestowed on any mortals, and now to hold with salvation by itself alone, i.e., without the aid
that it was obtained even by the heathen by of God, yet in nothing is this more clearly shown
their own strength ? But as you have certainly, than in the acquisition and preservation of chas-
as made these objections from the de-
I said, tity. For as the discussion on the difficulty of
sire of getting at the truth, consider what we
its perfection is put off for so long, let us mean-
hold on these points. First we certainly must while discourse briefly on the instruments of
not think that the philosophers attained such it. Who, I ask, could, however fervent he might
be in spirit, relying on his own strength with
chastity of soul as is required of us, on whom it
is enjoined that not fornication only, but un-
no praise from men endure the squalor of the
cleanness be not so much as named among us. desert, and I will not say the daily lack but
But they had a sort of /neoixr]^ i.e., some parti- the supply of dry bread ? Who without the
cle of chastity; viz., continence of the flesh, by Lord's consolation, could put up with the contin-
which they could restrain their lust from carnal ual thirst for water, or deprive his human eyes
intercourse but this internal purity of mind and
of that sweet and delicious morning sleep, and
continual purity of body they could not attain, regularly compress his whole time of rest and
I will not say, in act, but even in thought. Finally repose into the limits of four hours ? Who
would be sufficient without God's grace to give
Socrates, the most famous of them all, as they
themselves esteem him, was not ashamed to continual attendance to reading and constant
For when one who earnestness in work, receiving no advantage of
profess this of himself.
judged a man's character by his looks (ii'vai- 1 The source of these stories of Socrates and Diogenes has not
oYyiifion) looked at him, and said ofifimn
naid been traced.

present gain ? And all smallest spark of good will

these matters, as we US even the very

shining forth, which He Himself has struck as

cannot desire them continuously without divine :

it were out of the hard flints of our hearts. He

inspiration, so in no respect whatever can we per-

form them without His help. And that we mayfans and fosters it and nurses it with His !

breath, as He willeth all men to be saved and
ensure that these things are not only proved to |

us by the teaching of experience, but also made

to come to the knowledge of the truth," for as ^

He says, " it is not the will of your Father

still clearer by sure proof and arguments, does
not some weakness intervene in the case of which is in heaven that one of these little
many things which we wish usefully to perform, ones should perish," and again it says :

and though the full keenness of our desire and " Neither will God have a soul to perish, but
the perfection of our will be not wanting, yet recalleth," meaning that he that is cast off \

interfere with the wish we have conceived, so should not altogether perish.' For He is :

that there is no carrying out of our purpose, true, and lieth not when He lays down
unless the power to perform it has been granted with an oath "As I live, saith the Lord :

by the mercy of the Lord, so that, although God, for I will not the death of a sinner, but* [

there are countless swarms of people who are that he should turn from his way and live." |

anxious to stick faithfully to the pursuit of vir- For if He willeth not that one of His little ones
tue, you can scarcely find any who are able should perish, how can we imagine without {

to carry it out and endure it, to say nothing: grievous blasphemy that He does not generally
of the fact that, even when no weakness at will (i// men, but only some instead of a// to be \

all hinders us, the for doing every- saved ? Those then who perish, perish against
thing that we wish does not lie in our own power. His will, as He testifies against each one of
For it is not in our power to secure the silence them day by day " Turn from your evil ways, :

" *
of solitude and severe fasts and undisturbed and why will ye die, O house of Israel ?
" How often would I have gath-
study even when we could use such opportuni- And again :

ties, but by a chapter of accidents we are often ered thy children together as a hen gather-
very much against our will kept away from the eth her chickens"
under her wings, and ye
salutary ordinances so that we have to pray to would not and " Wherefore is this people in ;

the Lord for opportunities of place or time in Jerusalem turned away with a stubborn revolt-
which to practise them. And it is clear that the ing ? They have hardened their faces and
* The grace
ability for these is not sufficient for us unless refused to return." of Christ then
there be also granted to us by the Lord an op- hand every day, which, while it "willeth is at

portunity of doing what we are capable of (as all men to be saved and to come to the know-
the Apostle al^Q says For we wanted to come ledge of the truth," calleth all without any ex-

" " Come unto

to you once and again, but Satan hindered us '), ception, saying Me, all ye that :

so that sometimes we find for our advantage labour and are heavy laden, and I will refresh
we are called away from these spiritual exer- you." ' But if He calls not all generally but
cises in order that while without our own con- only some, it follows that not all are heavy
sent the regularity of our routine is broken and laden either with original or actual sin, and
we yield something to weakness of the flesh, that this saying is not a true one " For all :

we may even against our will be brought to have sinned and come short of the glory of
a salutary patience. Of which providential God " nor can we believe that " death passed ;

arrangement of God the blessed Apostle says on all men." And so far do all who perish,
" For which I
something similar besought
: the perish against the will of God, that God can-
Lord thrice that it might depart from me. And not be said to have made death, as Scripture
He said to me My grace is sufficient for thee: itself testifies " For God made not death,
: :

for my strength is made perfect in weakness neither rejoiceth in the destruction of the :

and again For we know not what to pray living." ' And hence it comes that for the

for as we ought." ^ most part when instead of good things we ask

for the opposite, our prayer is either heard
but tardily or not at all and again the Lord ;

CHAPTER VIL vouchsafes to bring upon us even against our

will, like some most beneficent physician, for
Of the main purpose of God and His daily Providence. our good what we think is opposed to it, and
sometimes He delays and hinders our injurious
For the purpose of God whereby He made purposes and deadly attempts from having their
man not to perish but to live for ever, stands
immovable. And when His goodness sees in ' I Tim. ii. 4:8. Matt, xviii. 14; 2 Sam. xiv. 14.
* Ezek.xxxiii. 11. » S. Matt. xi. 28.
' /6. • Rom. iii. 23 ; v. 12.
* I Thesi. ii. 18. * 2 Cor. xii.
8, 9 ; Rom. viii. 36.
• S. Matt, xxiii. 37; Jer. viii. 5. * Wisdom i.

horrible effects, and, while we are rushing will. He at once enlightens it and strengthens
headlong towards death, draws us back to it and urges it on towards salvation, increasing
salvation, and rescues us without our know- that which He Himself implanted or which
ing it from the jaws of hell. He sees to have arisen from our own efforts.
For He says " Before they cry, I will hear them :

While they are still speaking I will hear them " ;

and again " As soon as He hears the voice of


thy crying, He will answer thee."

And in
Of the grace of God and the freedom of the will.
His goodness, not only does He inspire us
with holy desires, but actually creates occa-
And this care of His and providence with sions for life and opportunities for good results,
regard to us the Divine word has finely de- and shows to those in error the direction of
scribed by the prophet Hosea under the figure the way of salvation.
of Jerusalem as an harlot, and inclining with
disgraceful eagerness to the worship of idols,
Vv'here when she says
" I will
go after my :
lovers, who give me my bread, and my water,
and my wool, and my flax, and my oil, and my Of tlie power of our good will, and the grace of God.
drink ;
the Divine consideration replies hav-
ing regard to her salvation and not to her Whence human reason cannot easily decide
wishes Behold I will hedge up thy way with how the Lord gives to tliose that ask, is found

thorns, and I will stop it up with a wall, and by those that seek, and opens to those that
she shall not find her paths. And she shall knock, and on the other hand is found by
follow after her lovers, and shall not overtake those that sought Him not, appears openly
them and she shall seek them, and shall not among those who asked not for Him, and all

find them, and shall say I will return to my the day long stretches forth His hands to an

first husband, because it was better with me unbelieving and gainsaying people, calls those
then than now." ^ And again our obstinacy, who resist and stand afar off, draws men
and scorn, with which we in our rebellious against their will to salvation, takes away from
spirit disdain Him when He urges us to a salu- those who want to sin the faculty of carrying
tary return, is described in the following out their desire, in His goodness stands in the
comparison He says : And I said thou shalt way of those who are rushing into wickedness.

call Me Father, and shalt not cease to walk But who can easily see how it is that the com-
after Me. But as a woman that despiseth her pletion of our salvation is assigned to our own
" If
lover, so hath the house of Israel despised Me, will, of which it is said: ye be willing, and
saith the Lord." ^ Aptly then, as He has com- hearken unto Me, ye shall eat the good things
pared Jerusalem to an adulteress forsaking of the land," and how it is not of him that

her husband. He compares His own love and willeth or runneth, but of God that hath
persevering goodness to a man who is dying mercy.?"® What too is this, that God "will
of love for a woman. For the goodness and render to every man according to his works " ;

love of God, which He ever shows to mankind, and "it is God who worketh in you both to will
— since it is overcome by no injuries so as and to do, of His good pleasure ;" *
and "
to cease from
caring for our salvation, or be isnot of yourselves but it is the gift of God not :

driven from His first intention, as if vanquished of works, that no man may boast ?
What is
by our iniquities, —
could not be more fitly this toowhich is said " Draw near to the Lord, :

described by any comparison than the case and He will draw near to you," ^° and what He
of a man inflamed with most ardent love for says elsewhere No man cometh unto Me ex-

a woman, who is consumed by a more burning cept the Father who sent Me draw Him ? " "
" What
passion for her, the more he sees that he is is it that we find Make straight paths :

slighted and despised by The Divine

for your feet and direct your
ways," and what
then that we say in our prayers "
protection is
inseparably present with is it Direct my way :

us, and so great is the kindness of the Creator in Thy sight," and establish my goings in Thy
towards His creatures, that His Providence paths, that my footsteps be not moved " ^^ .''

not only accompanies it, but actually con- What is it again that we are admonished:
stantly precedes it, as the prophet expe-
Make you a new heart and a new spirit," " and
rienced and plainly confessed, " what
saying My is this which is
promised to us "I will
: :

God will prevent me with His mercy." ^ And

when He sees in us some beginnings of a good * Is. Ixv, 24 XXX. 19. 8 Pliil. 13. 12 Prov. iv. 26
fLXX.). ; ii.
" Is- 9 1= Ps. v. xvi. i.
19. Eph. ii. 8, 9. 9; (xvii.) 5.
" Rom. ix. 16. 10 S. James iv. 8. '* Ezek. xviii 31.
1 Hosea ii.
Jer. iii.
19, 20.
» Ps. Iviii. (lix.) 11.
Rom. ii. 6. " S. John vi. 44.

give them one heart and will put a new spirit that we may walk in all His ways and keep
within them
and " I will take away the stony
: His commandments, and ordinances and judg-
heart from their flesh and will give them an ments." ^^ The Psalmist denotes the power of
heart of flesh that they may walk in Thy our will, where he says " Keep thy tongue :

" ^
statutes and keep judgments ? What
My from evil, and thy lips that they speak no
is it that the Lord commands, where He says
guile," our prayer testifies to its weakness,
Wash thine heart of iniquity, Jerusalem, O when we say " O Lord, set a watch before :

that thou mayest be saved," ^ and what is it my mouth, and keep the door of my lips."

that the prophet asks for from the Lord, when The importance of our will is maintained by
he says " Create in me a clean heart, God," O the Lord, when we find " Break the chains of
and again " Thou shalt wash me, and O captive daughter of Zion " ^'^
: I shall of its
thy neck, :

" '
be whiter than snow ? What
that is weakness ^he prophet sings, when he says
is it :

said to us
yourselves with the The Lord looseth them that are bound " and :

" * " Thou hast

light of knowledge and this which;
is said of broken my chains To Thee will I :

God " Who teacheth man knowledge ; " ^ and offer the sacrifice of praise." "
: : hear in the We
the Lord enlightens the blind," ^ or at any gospel the Lord summoning us to come speed-
rate this, which we say in our prayers with the ily to Him by our free will
" Come
unto Me :

prophet Lighten
: mine eyes that I sleep not all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I
in death,"'' unless in all these there is a will refresh you," " but the same Lord testifies
declaration of the grace of God and the free- to its weakness, by saying : " No man can
dom of our will, because even of his own come unto Me except the Father which sent
motion a man can be led to the quest of virtue, Me draw him." " The Apostle indicates our
but always stands in need of the help of the free will by saying " So run that ye may ob- '

" **
Lord ? For neither does anyone enjoy good tain but to its weakness John Baptist

health whenever he will, nor is he at his own will bears witness where he says " No man can [

and pleasure set free from disease and sickness. receive anything of himself, except it be i

But what good is it to have desired the bless- given him from above." '^^ are commanded
ing of health, unless God, who grants us the to keep our souls with all care, when the I

" ^^
enjoyments of life itself, grant also vigorous Prophet says Keep your souls," but by the

and sound health ? But that it may be still same spirit another Prophet proclaims " Ex- I

clearer that through the excellence of nature cept the Lord keep the city, the watchman
which is granted by the goodness of the waketh but in vain." ^ The Apostle writing

Creator, sometimes the first beginnings of a to the Philippians, to show that their will is

good will arise, which however cannot attain free, says Work out your own salvation with
to the complete performance of what is good fear and trembling," but to point out its weak-
" For it is
unless it is guided by the Lord, the Apostle ness, he adds God that worketh :

bears witness and says " For to will is present in you both to will and to do of His good

with me, but to perform what is good I find pleasure." **

not." «
Whether the grace God
of precedes or follows our good will.

On the weakness of free will.

And so these are somehow mixed up and in-
For Holy Scripture supports the freedom of discriminately confused, so that among n^any
the will where
Keep thy heart with
: persons, which depends on the other is involved
* in great questionings, i.e., does God have com-
all diligence," but the Apostle indicates its
weakness by saying "
The Lord keep your passion upon us because we have shown the
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." " David beginning of a good will, or does the begin-
asserts the power of free will, where he says ning of a good will follow because God has
I have inclined my heart to do had compassion upon us ? For many believing
" but the same man in Thy righteous
like manner each of these and asserting them more widely
teaches us its weakness, by praying and say- than is right are entangled in all kinds of op-
" Incline posite errors. For if we say that the begin-
ing, my heart unto Thy testimonies
and not to covetousness •" *^ Solomon also : :
ning of free will is in our own power, what
The Lord incline our hearts unto Himself '* •" S.
I Kings viii. 58. John vi. 44.
' Ps. xxxlii. (xxxiv.) 14. '" i Cor. ix. 24.
Ezek. 19, ao.
" Ps. xciii.
(xdv.) to.
» Prov. iv.
IB Ps. cxl.
(cxli.) 3.
" S. John iii.
Jer. iv. 14. • Ps. cxlv.
»• Phil. iv.
" I.s. Iii. 2. " Jfi""- "vii. 21.
' Ps. 1.
(li.) 12, 9.
' Ps. xii.
(xiii.) 4.
*' Fs. cxviii.
(cxix.) 112
" Ps. cxlv(cxlvi.)7; cxv.(cxvi.) 16, 17.
" Ps. cxxvi. (cxxvii) i.
H08. X. u
(LXX.). Rom. vii. 18.
» "
/6. ver 36. " S. Matt. ji. 28.
»« Phil. ii.
12, 13.

about Paul the persecutor, what about Mat- faith : for when God sees us inclined to will
thew the pubUcan, of whom the one was what is good. He
meets, guides, and strength-
drawn to salvation while eager for bloodshed ens us for " At the voice of thy cry, as soon as

and the punishment of the innocent, the other He shall hear, He will answer thee " and ;

" "
for violence and rapine ? But if we say that the Call upon Me," He says, in the day of tri-

beginning of our free will is always due to bulation and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt
the inspiration of the grace of God, what about Me." * And again, if He finds that we
the faith of Zaccheus, or what are we to say are unwilling or have grown cold, He stirs our
of the goodness of the thief on the cross, who hearts with salutary exhortations, by which a
their own desires brought violence to bear good will is either renewed or formed in us.
on the kingdom of heaven and so prevented
the special leadings of their vocation ? But if
we attribute the performance of virtuous acts,
and the execution of God's commands to our
own will, how do we pray Strengthen, O That a :

good will should not always be attributed to grace, nor

God, what Thou hast wrought in us and ; always to man himself.
" The work of our hands stablish Thou
us ? " 1 We know that Balaam was brought to For we should not hold that God made man
curse Israel, but we see that when he wished such that he can never will or be capable of
to curse he was not permitted to. Abime- what is good or else He has not granted him

lech is preserved from touching Rebecca and a free will, if He has suffered him only to will
so sinning against God. Joseph is sold by or be capable of evil, but neither to will or be
the envy of his brethren, in order to bring capable of what is good of himself. And, in
about the descent of the children of Israel this case how will that first statement of the
into Egypt, and that while they were contem- Lord made about men after the fall stand :

plating the death of their brother provision Behold, Adam is become as one of us, know-
" ^
might be made for them against the famine ing good and evil ? For we cannot think
to come as Joseph shows when he makes him-
: that before, he was such as to be altogether
self known to his brethren and says
Fear :
ignorant of good. Otherwise we should have
not, neither let it be grievous unto you that ye to admit that he was formed like some ir-
sold me into these parts for for your salva-: rational and insensate beast which is suffi- :

tion God sent me before you and below ;
ciently absurd and altogether alien from the
For God sent me before that ye might be pre- Catholic faith. Moreover as the wisest Solo-
served upon the earth and might have food mon says : God made man upright," i.e., al-

whereby to live. Not by your design was enjoy the knowledge of good only,
I ways to
sent but by the will of God, who has made me "
But they have sought out many imagina-
a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his house, tions," ^ for they came, as has been said, to know
and chief over all the land of Egypt." And good and evil. Adam therefore after the fall
when his brethren were alarmed after the conceived a knowledge of evil which he had not
death of his father, he removed their suspicions previously, but did not lose the knowledge of
and terror by saying "
Fear not Can ye good which he had before. Finally the Apos-
: :

resist the will ofGod You imagined

.'' evil tle's words very clearly show that mankind did
against me but God turned it into good,
that not lose after the fall of Adam the knowledge
He might exalt me, as ye see at the present of good as he says " For when the Gentiles, : :

time, that He might save much people." And which have not the law, do by nature the

that this was brought about providentially the things of the law, these, though
they have not
blessed David likewise declared saying in the the law, are a law to themselves, as they show
hundred and fourth Psalm And He called the work of the law written in their hearts,

for a dearth upon the land and brake all the their conscience bearing witness to these, and

staff of bread. He sent a man before them their thoughts within them either accusing or :

Joseph was sold for a slave." These two else excusing them, in the day in which God
then viz., the grace of God and free will seem shall judge the secrets of men."
; And with ''

opposed to each other, but really are in har- the same meaning the Lord rebukes by the
mony, and we gather from the system of good- prophet the unnatural but freely chosen blind-
ness that we ought to have both alike, lest if ness of the Jews, which
they by their obstinacy
we withdraw one of them from man, we may brought upon themselves, " Hear ye
saying :

seem to have broken the rule of the Church's deaf, and ye blind, behold that see.
you may
Ps. Ixvii. (Ixviii.) 29; Ixxxix. (xc.) 17. * Is. XXX. 19; Ps. xlix. 6 Eccl.
2 (1.) 15. vii. 29 (LXX.).
Gen. xlv. 5-8; 1.
19, 20.
3 Ps. civ. (cv). 16, 17. "
Gen. iii. 22. ' Rom. ii. 14-16.

Who is deaf but My servant ? and

blind, but tance of God, they will not be able to attain
" ^
he to whom I have sent My messengers
? to an increase of perfection, for, as the blessed
And that no one might ascribe this blindness of Apostle says Neither is he that planteth :

theirs to nature instead of to their own will, anything nor he that watereth, but God that
elsewhere He says Bnng forth the people
giveth the increase."'^ But that freedom of
that are blind and have eyes that are deaf the will is. to some degree in a man's own

and have ears ;" and again "having eyes, but power is very clearly taught in the book

ye see not and ears, but ye hear

not." The termed the Pastor,^ where two angels are said

Lord also says in the gospel " Because seeing to be attached to each one of us, i.e., a good

they see not, and hearing they hear not neither and a bad one, while it lies at a man's own
do they understand." • And in them is fulfilled option to choose which to follow. And there-
the prophecy of Isaiah which says Hearing fore the will always remains free in man, and

ye shall hear and shall not understand and can either neglect or delight in the grace of

seeing ye shall see and shall not see. For the God. For the Apostle would not have com-
heart of this people is v/axed fat, and thefr ears manded saying Work out your own salvation :

are dull of hearing and they have closed their with fear and trembling," had he not known

eyes, lest they should see with their eyes and hear that it could be advanced or neglected by us.
with their ears and understand with their heart, But that men might not fancy that they had
and be turned and I should heal them." * Finally no need of Divine aid for the work of Salva-
in order to denote that the possibility of good tion, he subjoins For it is God that worketh :

was in them, in chiding the Pharisees, He in you both to will and to do, of His good
says :
But why of your own selves do ye not pleasure."' And therefore he warns Timothy
" ^
judge what is right And this he certainly and says " Neglect not the grace of God
.'' :

would not have said to them, unless He knew which is in thee and again " Forwhich cause ;

that by their natural judgment they could dis- I exhort thee to stir up the grace of God
cern what was fair. Wherefore we must take which is in thee " Hence also in writing to

care not to refer all the merits of the saints to the Corinthians he exhorts and warns them
the Lord in such a way as to ascribe nothing not through their unfruitful works to show
but what is evil and perverse to human nature themselves unworthy of the grace of God, say-

in doing which we are confuted by the evi- ing

" And we
helping, exhort you that ye :

" "
dence of the most wise Solomon, or rather of receive not the grace of God in vain for :

the Lord Himself, Whose words these are for the reception of saving grace was of no profit ;

when the building of the Temple was finished to Simon doubtless because he had received
and he was playing* he spoke as follows " And it in vain for he would not obey the com-

David my father would have built a house to mand of the blessed Peter who said " Repent :

the name of the Lord God of Israel and the of thine iniquity, and pray God if haply the

Lord said to David my father Whereas thou thoughts of thine heart may be forgiven thee

hast thought in thine heart to build a house to for I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitter-
My name, thou hast well done in having this ness and the bonds of iniquity." It prevents
same thing in thy mind. Nevertheless thou therefore the will of man, for it is said " My :

shalt not build a house to My name."® This God will prevent me with His mercy and ;

thought then and this purpose of king David, again when God waits and for our good de-
are we to call it good and from God or bad and lays, that fie may put our desires to the test,
from man ? For if that thought was good and our will precedes, for it is 'said
And the : m
from God, why did He by whom it was inspired morning my prayer shall prevent Thee ;" and
" I
refuse that it should be carried into effect ? But again prevented the dawning of the day :

" "
bad and from man, why is it praised by
if it is and cried Mine eyes have prevented
and :

the Lord It remains then that we must take

.-' the morning."
" For He calls and invites us,
it as good and from man. And in the same when He says ** All the day long I stretched

way we can take our own thoughts today. For hands to a disobedient and gainsay-
" "
forth My
it was not given only to David to think what ing people and He is invited by us when we ;

Him " All the I have stretched

is good of himself, nor is it denied to us natu- say to day long :

" ^^
rally to think or imagine anything that is good. forth My hands unto Thee He waits for us,
It cannot then be doubted that there are by when it is said by the prophet Wherefore :

nature some seeds of goodness in every soul the Lord waiteth to have compassion upon
implanted by the kindness of the Creator :

Cor. '• Tim. iv. 14 2 Tim. 6.

but unless these are quickened by the assis- 7.
» Cf. Conf. VIII. c. xvii. '' 2 Cor. vi.
I iii. I ;

» Phil. ii. 12; M. " .Acts viii. 32, 23.
" Ps. Iviii. (lix.) II.
1 ' S. Matt. xiii. " S. Luke xii. '* Ps. Ixxxvii. (Ixxxviii.) 14; cxviii. (cxix.) 147, 148.
Is. xlii. 18, 19.
, 13. 57.
* Is. xliii. 8
; Jer. v. 31. 4 Is. vi. 9, 10. i Kings viii. 17-19. >" Rom. X. 21. »• Ps. Ixxxvii.
(ixxxviii.) 10.
us ;
He is waited for by us, when we
and tery, was certainly due to free will but that :

waited patiently for the Lord, and He he was reproved by the prophet, this was the
say :

inclined unto me
and " I have waited for thy;
grace of Divine Compassion. Again it was
salvation, O He strengthens us when
Lord." his own doing that he was humbled and ac-
He says " And I have chastised them, and
knowledged his guilt but that in a very short

strengthened their arms " and they have ima- ;

interval of time he was granted pardon for
gined evil against me
and He exhorts ;
such sins, this was the gift of the merciful
us to strengthen ourselves when He says : Lord. And what shall we say of this brief
Strengthen ye the weak hands, and make confession and of the incomparable infinity of
" * "
strong the feeble knees, Jesus cries If : Divine reward, when it is easy to see what the
any man thirst let him come unto Me and blessed Apostle, as he fixes his gaze on the
" ^ "
drink the prophet also cries to Him
I :
greatness of future remuneration, announced
have laboured with crying, my jaws are become on those countless persecutions of his ? " for,"
hoarse mine eyes have failed, whilst I hope
says he, our light affliction which is but for a
" ®
in my God. The Lord seeks us, when He moment worketh in us a far more exceeding
says sought and there was no man.
: I I and eternal weight of glory," ^" of which else-
called, and there was none to answer and ;
where he constantly affirms, saying that " the
He Himself is sought by the bride who mourns sufferings of this present time are not worthy
with tears " I sought on my bed by night
: to be compared with the future glory which
Him whom my soul loved I sought Him and : shall be revealed in us."
However much
found Him not I called Him, and He gave me ;
then human weakness may strive, it cannot
no answer. }} 8
come up to the future reward, nor by its efforts
so take off from Divine grace that it should
not always remain a free gift. And therefore
CHAPTER XHL the aforesaid teacher of the Gentiles, though
he bears his witness that he had obtained the .

How human efforts cannot be set against the grace of God.

grade of "the Apostolate by the grace of God,
By the grace of God I am what I
And so the grace of God always co-oper- saying

am," yet also declares that he himself had cor-

ates with our will for its advantage, and in all
responded to Divine Grace, where he says :

things assists, protects, and defends it, in such " And His Grace in me was not in vain; but I
a way as sometimes even to require and look laboured more
abundantly than they all and :

for some efforts of good will from it that it

yet not I, but the Grace of God with me."

may not appear to confer its gifts on one who For when he says " I laboured," he shows :

is asleep or relaxed in sluggish ease, as it

the effort of his own will; when he says "yet :

seeks opportunities to show that as the torpor not

I, but the grace of God," he points out the
of man's sluggishness is shaken off its bounty value of Divine when he says
protection ;

is not unreasonable, when it bestows it on ac- "

with me," he affirms that it co-operates with
count of some desire and efforts to gain it. him when he was not idle or
careless, but
And none the less does God's grace continue
working and making an effort.
to be free grace while in return for some small
and trivial efforts it bestows with priceless
bounty such glory of immortality, and such
gifts of eternal bliss. For because the faith CHAPTER XIV.
of the thief on the cross came as the first
How God makes trialof the strength of man's will by means
thing, no one would say that therefore the of his temptations.
blessed abode of Paradise was not promised
to him as a free gift, nor could we hold that And this too we read that the Divine right-
it was the penitence of King David's single
eousness provided for in the case of Job His
word which he uttered " I have sinned against :
well tried athlete, when the devil had challenged
the Lord," and not rather the mercy of God him to single combat. For if he had advanced
which removed those two grievous sins of his,
against his foe, not with his own strength, but
so that it was vouchsafed to him to hear from
solely with the protection of God's grace ;
the prophet Nathan "The Lord also hath put :

^ and, supported only by Divine aid without any

away thine iniquity thou shalt not die." virtue of patience on his own part, had borne

The fact then that he added murder to adul- that manifold

weight of temptations and losses,
1 Is. XXX. i8. * Ps. Ixviii.
contrived with all the cruelty of his foe, how
(Ixix.) 4.
* Ps. xxxix.
(xl.) 2 cxviii. (cxix.) i6 ' Cant. v. 6.
would the devil have repeated with some justice
8 Hosaa vii. 15.
' Cant. iii. j.
* Is. * 2
XXXV. 3. Sam. xii. 13.
o S. John vii. 37. 2 Cor. iv. 17. 11 Rom. viii. i8. *^ I Cor. XV. 10.

that slanderous speech which he had previously by the giver of the Law
ciently clearly foretold
" If
" Doth
uttered :
Job serve God for nought ? in Deuteronomy there rise in the midst

Hast Thou not hedged him in, and all his of you a prophet or one that saith he hath seen
substance round about ? but take away thine a dream, and foretell a sign and wonder and ;

hand," i.e., allow him to fight with me in his own that come to pass which he spoke, and he
" ^
strength, and he will curse Thee to Thy face." to thee Let us go and serve strange gods

But as after the struggle the slanderous foe which ye know not, thou shalt not hear the
dare not give vent to any such murmur as this, words of that prophet or dreamer for the Lord ;

he admitted that he was vanquished by his your God surely trieth thee, whether thou lovest
strength and not by that of God although too ;
Him with all thine heart, and keepest His Com-
we must not hold that the grace of God was mandments, or no." What then follows ?
altogether wanting to him, which gave to the When God has permitted that prophet or
tempter a power of tempting in proportion dreamer to arise, must we hold that He will
to that which it knew that he had of resist- protect those whose faith He is purposing to
ing, without protecting him from his attacks in try, in such a way as to leave no place for their
such a way as to leave no room for human vir- own free will, where they can fight with the
tue, but only providing for this viz., that the ; tempter with their own strength ? And why is
most fierce foe should not drive him out of his it
necessary for them even to be tried if He
mind and overwhelm him when weakened, with knows them to be so weak and feeble as not to
unequal thoughts and in an unfair contest. be able by their own power to resist the tempter ?
But that the Lord is sometimes wont to tempt But certainly the Divine righteousness would
our faith that it maybe made stronger and more not have permitted them to be tempted, unless
it knew that there was within them an
glorious, we are taught by the example of the equal
centurion in the gospel, in whose case though power of resistance, by which they could by an
the Lord knew that He would cure his servant equitable judgment be found in either result
by the power of His word, yet He chose to offer either guilty or worthy of praise. To the same
His bodily presence, saying " I will come and: effect also is this which the Apostle says :

" "
heal him but when the centurion overcame
: Therefore let him that thinketh he stand-
this offer of His by the ardour of still more eth, take heed lest he fall. There hath no
fervent faith, and said " Lord, I am not worthy
temptation taken you but such as is com-
that Thou shouldest come under my roof but : mon to man. But God is faithful, who will
speak the word only and my servant shall be not suffer you to be tempted above that
healed," the Lord marvelled at him and praised are able, but will with the temptation make
him, and put him before all those of the people also a way of escape that ye may be able to
of Israel who'trad believed, saying "
Verily, I : bear it."* For when he says " Let him that
say unto you, I have not found so great faith in standeth take heed lest he fall he sets free
Israel." For there would have been no ground will on its guard, as he certainly knew that,
for praise or merit, if Christ had
only preferred after grace had been received, it could either
in him what He Himself had given. And this stand by its exertions or fall through careless-
But when he adds " there
searching trial of faith we read that the Divine ness. hath no :

righteousness brought about also in the case temptation taken you but what is common to
of the grandest of the patriarchs where it is ;
man " he chides their weakness and the frailty
said And it came to pass after these things
: of their heart that is not yet strengthened,
that God did tempt Abraham." * For the Di- as they could not yet resist the attacks
vine righteousness wished to try not that faith of the hosts of spiritual wickedness, against
with which the Lord had inspired him, but that which he knew that he and those who were
which when called and enlightened by the Lord perfect daily fought of which also he says to
he could show forth by his own free will. the Ephesians For we wrestle not against

Wherefore the firmness of his faith was not flesh and blood, but against principalities,
without reason proved, and when the grace of against powers, against the world-rulers of
God, which had for a while left him to prove this darkness, against spiritual wickedness in
" '
him, came to his aid, it was said Lay not :
heavenly places." But when he subjoins :

thine hand on the lad, and do nothing unto " But God is faithful who will not
suffer you to
him for now I know that thou f earest the Lord,
: be tempted above that ye are able," he certainly
and for my sake hast not spared thy beloved is not hoping that the Lord will not suffer
son." And that this kind of temptation can
them to be tempted, but that they may not be
befall us, for the sake of proving us, is suffi- tempted above what they are able to bear.
For the one shows the power of man's will,
lob i. 9-11. * Gen. xxii. i. * lb. ver. 13,
* Matt. viii. 7- " • '
S. Deut. xiii. 1-3. I Cor. X. 12, 13. Eph. vi. 12.

the other denotes the grace of the Lord who apostles by the free compassion of His grace
moderates the violence of temptations. In all when they were thinking nothing of their heal-
these phrases then there is proof that Divine ing and salvation.
Zacchaeus, when in his
grace ever stirs up the will of man, not so as faithfulness he was struggling to see the Lord,

to protect and defend it in all things in such and making up for his littleness of stature by
a way as to cause it not to fight by its own the height of the sycamore tree, He not only
efforts against its spiritual adversaries, the received, but actually honoured by the bles-
victor over whom may set it down to God's sing of His dwelling with him, Paul even
grace, and the vanquished to his own weak- against his will and resisting He drew to Him.
ness, and thus learn that his hope is always Another He charged to cleave to Him so
not in his own courage but in the Divine closely that when he asked for the shortest
assistance, and that he must ever fly to his possible delay in order to bury his father He

Protector. And to prove this not by our own i

did not grant it. To Cornelius when con-
conjecture but by still clearer passages of Holy stantly attending to prayers and alms the way
Scripture let us consider what we read in of salvation was shown by way of recompense,
" The
Joshuah the son of Nun Lord," it says, and by the visitation of an angel he was bid-

" den to summon Peter, and learn from him

left these nations and would not destroy them, :

that by them He might try Israel, whether they |

the words of salvation, whereby he might be
would keep the commandments of the Lord '

saved with all his. And so the manifold wis-

their God, and that they might learn to fight with
dom of God grants with manifold and inscru-
their enemies."
And if we may illustrate the table kindness salvation to men and imparts ;

incomparable mercy of our Creator from some- 1 to each one according to his capacity the
thing earthly, not as being equal in kindness, i

grace of His bounty, so that He wills to grant

but as an illustration of mercy if a tender and : i His healing not according to the uniform power
anxious nurse carries an infant in her bosom ; of His Majesty but according to the measure
for a long time in order sometime to teach it of the faith in which He finds each one, or as

to walk, and first allows it to crawl, then sup- [

He Himself has imparted it to each one. For
ports it that by the aid of her right hand it when one believed that for the cure of his lep-
may lean on its alternate steps, presently rosy the will of Christ alone was sufficient He
leaves it for a little and if she sees it tottering healed him by the simple consent of His will,
at all, catches hold of it, and grabs at it when saying I will, be thou clean."
When an-
falling, when down picks it up, and either other prayed that He would come and raise
shields it from a fall, or allows it to fall lightly, his dead daughter by laying His hands on her,
and sets it up again after a tumble, but when He entered his house as he had hoped, and
she has brought it up to boyhood or the granted what was asked of Him. When another
strength of youth or early manhood, lays upon believed that what was essential for his salva-
it some burdens or labours
by which it may tion depended on His command, and answered :

be not overwhelmed but exercised, and allows " Speak the word only, and my servant shall
it to vie with those of its own
age how much be healed,"
He restored to their former

more does the heavenly Father of all know strength the limbs that were relaxed, by the
whom to carry in the bosom of His grace, power of a word, saying " Go thy way, and as :

whom to train to virtue in His sight by the thou hast believed so be it unto thee." ^ To
exercise of free will, and yet He helps him in others hoping for restoration from the touch
his efforts, hears him when he calls, leaves of His hem. He granted rich
gifts of healing.
him not when he seeks Him, and sometimes To some, when asked. He bestowed remedies
snatches him from peril even without his for their diseases. To others He afforded
knowing it. the means of healing unasked others He :

urged on to hope, saying Wiliest thou to be :

made whole ? " to others when they were


without hope He brought help spontaneously.
Of the manifold of men's calls.
The desires of some He searched out before
grace "
satisfying their wants, saying What will ye :

And bythis it is clearly shown that God's that I should do for you ? To another who ''

judgments are inscrutable and His ways past knew not the way to obtain what he desired.
finding out," by which He draws mankind to
^ He showed it in His kindness, saying " If :

salvation. And this too we can prove by the thou believest thou shalt see the glory of
instances of calls in the gospels. For He God." Among some so richly did He pour
chose Andrew and Peter and the rest of the
^ S. Matt. viii. 3. 5 7(5. ver. '
13. S. Mntt. XX. 32.
Judg. iii. I, 2 ; ii. 22. 2 Rom. xi. 33. * 16. ver. 8. 6 S. John V. 6. ' S. John xi. 40.
forth the mighty works of His cures that of " Why think ye evil in your hearts ? Whether
them the Evangelist says " And He healed is easier to say, thy sins be forgiven thee, or

all their sick." But among others the un- to say, arise and walk ? But that ye may know
fathomable depth of Christ's beneficence was that the Son of man hath power on earth
so stopped up, that it was said And Jesus to forgive sins, then saith He to the sick of

could do there no mighty works because of the palsy Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto :

their unbelief."
And so the bounty of God thine house." * And in the same way in the
is actually shaped according to the capacity of case of the man who had been
" lying for thirty-
man's faith, so that to one it is said Accor- eight years near the edge of the pool, and hop-

" '
ding to thy faith be it unto thee and to ing for a cure from the moving of the water. He

another " Go thy way, "and as thou hast be- showed the princely character of His bounty

" * "
lieved so be it unto thee to another ;
Be it unasked. For when in His wish to arouse
unto thee according as thou wilt," and again to him for the saving remedy. He had said to
another " Thy faith hath made thee whole." * him " wiliest thou to be made whole," and
: :

when the man complained of his lack of

human assistance and said " I have no man :

to put me into the pool when the water is

troubled," the Lord in His pity granted pardon
to his unbelief and ignorance, and restored
Of the grace of God ;
to the effect that it transcends the
narrow limits of human faith. him to his former health, not in the way which
he expected, but in the way which He Him-
But let no one imagine that we have brought self willed, saying " Arise, take up thy bed :

forward these instances to try to make out and go unto thine house." And what won-
that the chief share in our salvation rests with der if these acts are told of the Lord's power,
our faith, according to the profane notion of when Divine grace has actually wrought simi-
some who attribute everything to free will and lar works by means of His servants For !

lay down that the grace of God dispensed is when Peter and John were entering the temple,
in accordance with the desert of each man : when the man who was lame from his mother's
but we plainly assert our unconditional opinion womb and had no idea how to walk, asked an
that the grace of God is superabounding, and alms, they gave him not the miserable coppers
sometimes overflows the narrow limits of man's which the sick man asked for, but the power
lack of faith. And this, as we remember, to walk, and when he was only expecting the
happened in the case of the ruler in the gospel, smallest of gifts to console him, enriched him
who, as he believed that it was an easier thing with the prize of unlocked for health, as
for his son te-be cured when sick than to be Peter said Silver and gold have I none : :

raised when dead, implored the Lord to come but such as I have, give I unto thee. In the
at once, saying Lord, come down ere my name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and

child die and though Christ reproved his walk." i«
lack of faith with these words Except ye see :

signs and wonders ye will not believe," yet He CHAPTER XVII.

did not manifest the grace of His Divinity in
proportion to the weakness of his faith, nor Of the inscrutable of God. providence
did He
expell the deadly disease of the fever •
by His bodily presence, as the man believed he By instances then which we have
would, but by the word of His power, saying :

brought forward from the gospel records we

"Go thy way, thy son liveth."^ And we read also can very clearly perceive that God brings
that the Lord poured forth this superabundance salvation to mankind in diverse and innumer-
of grace in the case of the cure of the paralytic, able methods and inscrutable ways, and that
when, though he only asked for the healing of He stirs up the course of some, who are already
the weakness by which his body was enervated, and thirsting for it, to greater zeal,
wanting it,
He first brought health to the soul by saying :
while He
forces some even against their will,
Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven and resisting. And that at one time He gives
thee." After which, when the scribes did not his assistance for the fulfilment of those things
believe that He could forgive men's sins, in order which he sees that we desire for our good,
to confound their incredulity. He set free by while at another time He puts into us the very
the power of His word the man's limb, and put
beginnings of holy desire, and grants both the
an end to his disease of paralysis, by saying :
commencement of a good work and perse-
verance in it. Hence it comes that in our
1 S. Matt. xiv. 14. S. Matt. viii. 13. " S. Luke xviii. 42.
» S. Mark vi. 5, 6. B S. Matt. XV. 28. ^ S.
John iv. 48-50. » S. "> Acts
* S. Matt. ix. 39. • S. Matt ix. a-6. John V. 6-8. iii. 6.

prayers we proclaim God as not only our Pro- the prudent, nor grace to the learned," but
tector and Saviour, but actually as our Helper that " all these worketh that one and the self-
and Sponsor. For whereas He first calls us same Spirit, dividing to every man severally
as He will."
to Him, and while we are still ignorant and And therefore it is proved by
unwilling, draws us towards salvation, He is no doubtful faith but by experience which
our Protector and Saviour, but whereas when can (so to speak) be laid hold of, that God the
we are already striving. He is wont to bring Father of all things worketh indifferently all
us help, and to receive and defend those who things in all, as the Apostle says, like some
fly to
Him for refuge. He is termed our Spon- most kind father and most benign physician ;

sor and Refuge. Finally the blessed Apostle and that now He puts into us the very begin-
when revolving in his mind this manifold nings of salvation, and gives to each the zeal
bounty of God's providence, as he sees that of his free will and now grants the carrying

he has fallen into some vast and boundless out of the work, and the perfecting of good-
ocean of God's goodness, exclaims O the : ness and now saves men, even against their

depth of the riches of the wisdom and know- will and without their knowledge, from ruin

ledge of God ! How inscrutable are the judg- that is close at hand, and a headlong fall and ;

ments of God and His ways past finding out ! now affords them occasions and opportunities
For who hath known the mind of the Lord ? ^ of salvation, and wards off headlong and
Whoever then imagines that he can by hu- violent attacks from purposes that would bring
man reason fathom the depths of that incon- death and assists some who are already wil-

ceivable abyss, will be trying to explain away ling and running, while He draws others who
the astonishment at that knowledge, at which are unwilling and resisting, and forces them
that great and mighty teacher of the gentiles to a good will. But that, when we do not
was awed. For if a man thinks that he can always resist or remain persistently unwilling,
either conceive in his mind or discuss ex- everything is granted to us by God, and that
haustively the dispensation of God whereby the main share in our salvation is to be as-
He works salvation in men, he certainly im- cribed not to the merit of our own works but
pugns the truth of the Apostle's words and to heavenly grace, we are thus taught by the
asserts with profane audacity that His judg- words of the Lord Himself: " And you shall
ments can be scrutinized, and His ways searched remember your ways and all your wicked
out. This providence and love of God there- doings with which you have been defiled and ;

fore, which the Lord in His unwearied good-, you shall be displeased with yourselves in your
ness vouchsafes to show us. He compares to own sight for all your wicked deeds which you
the tenderest heart of a kind mother, as He have committed. And you shall know that I
wishes to express it by a figure of human am the Lord, when I shall have done well by
affection, and finds in His creatures no such you for My own name's sake, not according
feeling of love, to which he could better com- to your evil ways, nor according to your wicked
pare it. And He uses this example, because deeds, O house of Israel."
And therefore it
nothing dearer can be found in human nature, is laid down by all the Catholic fathers who
saying : Can a mother forget her child, that have taught perfection of heart not by empty
she should not have compassion on the son disputes o'f words, but in deed and act, that
of her womb } But not content with this the first stage in the Divine gift is for each
comparison He at once goes bevond it, and man to be inflamed with the desire of every-
subjoins these words And though she may thing that is good, but in such a way that the

forget, yet will not I forget thee." choice of free will is open to either side and :

that the second stage in Divine grace is for

the aforesaid practices of virtue to be able
to be performed, but in such a way that the
possibilities of the will are not destroyed :

The decision of the fathers that free will is not equal to save the third stage also belongs to the gifts of
a man. God, so that it may be held by the persistence
of the goodness already acquired, and in such
And from this it is clearly gathered by a way that the liberty may not be surrendered
those who, led not by chattering words but and experience bondage. For the God of all
by experience, measure the magnitude of grace, must be held to work in all, so as to incite,
and the paltry limits of man's will, that " the protect, and strengthen, but not to take away
race is not to the swift nor the battle to the the freedom of the will which Pie Himself
strong, nor food to the wise, nor riches to has once given. If however any more subtle

1 Rom. xi. 33, 34. ' Is. xlix. 15. 3 Eccl. ix. II (LXX.); i Cor. xii. 11. * Ezek. xx. 43, 44.

inference of man's argumentation and reason- God works all things in us and yet everything
ing seems opposed to this interpretation, it can be ascribed to free will, cannot be fully
should be avoided rather than brought for- grasped by the mind and reason of man.
ward to the destruction of the faith (for we Strengthened by this food the blessed
gain not faith from understanding, but under- Chasremon prevented us from feeling the toil'
standing from faith, as it is written" Except : of so difficult a journey.
ye believe, ye will not understand ^) for how



CHAPTER I. knowledge with all his might and main. For
this practical knowledge can be acquired with-
The words of Abbot Nesteros on the knowledge of the
out theoretical, but theoretical cannot possibly
be gained without practical. For there are
The order of our promise and course de- certain stages, so distinct, and arranged in
mands that there should follow the instruction such a way that man's humility may be able to
of Abbot Nesteros,-^ a man of excellence in all mount on high and if these follow each other

points and of the greatest knowledge who : in turn in the order of which we have spoken,
when he had seen that we had committed some man can attain to a height to which he could
parts of Holy Scripture to memory and desired not fly, if the first step were wanting. In vain
to understand them, addressed us in these then does one strive for the vision of God, who
words. There are indeed many different kinds does not shun the stains of sins " For the :

spirit of God hates deception, and dwells not

of knowledge this world, since there is as
great a variety of them as there is of the arts in a body subject to sins."
and sciences. But, while all are either utterly
useless or only useful for the good of this pre-
sent life, thefe^is yet none which has not its
own system and method for learning it, by

which can be grasped by those who seek it.

How practical perfection depends on a double system.
If then those arts are guided by certain spe-
cial rules for their publication, how much more But this practical perfection depends on a
does the system and expression of our religion, double system for its first method is to know

which tends to the contemplation of the secrets the nature of all faults and the manner of their
of invisible mysteries, and seeks no present cure. Its second, to discover the order of the
gain but the reward of an eternal recompense, virtues, and form our mind by their perfection
depend on a fixed order and scheme. And the so that it obedient to them, not as if it
may be
knowledge of this is twofold: first, 7To«xr«xij, were forced and subject to some fierce sway,
i. e., which is brought about by an
practical, but as if it delighted in its natural good, and
improvement of morals and purification from throve upon it, and mounted by that steep and
faults secondly, df^otQiinxr^^ which consists in
narrow way with real pleasure. For in what
the contemplation of things Divine and the way will one, who has neither succeeded in
knowledge of most sacred thoughts. understanding the nature of his own faults, nor
tried to eradicate them, be able to gain an un-
derstanding of virtues, which is the second
stage of practical training, or the mysteries of
On grasping the knowledge of spiritual things. spiritual and heavenly things, which exist in
the higher stage of theoretical knowledge ?
Whoever then would arrive at this theore- For it will necessarily be maintained that he
tical knowledge must first pursue practical
persons or one and the same to whom the stories refer). One was
* Is. vii. 9. known as 6 fieya^, and was a friend of St. Antony, and is sup-
In the Vitae Patrum there are some stories of one or posed by some to be the same whose Conferences Cassian hero
' Nesteros.
two of this name (for it is not quite clear whether they are distinct ^ Wisdom i.
relates, but nothing certain is known of him. 4, $.

cannot advance to more lofty heights who has patience who

presided over the guest house
not surmounted the lower ones, and much less at Alexandria such away as to be considered
will he be able to grasp those things that are inferior to none of those who aimed at the
without, who has not succeeded in understand- retirement of the desert. Some choose the
ing what is within his comprehension. But care of the sick, others devote themselves
you should know that we must make an effort to intercession, which is offered up for the
with a twofold purpose in our exertion both ; oppressed and afflicted, or give themselves up
for the expulsion of vice, and for the attainment to teaching, or give alms to the poor, and
of virtue. And this we do not gather from our flourish among men of excellence and renown,
own conjecture, but are taught by the words by reason of their love and goodness.
of Him who alone knows the strength and
" "
method of His work Behold," He says
: I :

have set thee this day over the nations and CHAPTER V.
over kingdoms, to root up, and to pull down,
and to waste, and to destroy, and to build, On perseverance in the line that has been chosen.
" ^
and to plant. He points out that for
noxious Wherefore it is good and profitable for
getting rid of things four things are
each one to endeavour with all his might and
requisite viz., to root up, to pull down, to

main to attain perfection in the work that

waste, and to destroy but for the performance

has been begun, according which

to the line
of good, and the acquisition of what
what is
he has chosen as the grace which he has
pertains to righteousness only to build and to
Whence it is perfectly evident that it received and while he praises and admires
is a harder thing to tear up and eradicate the the virtues of others, not to swerve from his
inveterate passions of body and soul than to own line which he has once for all chosen, as
introduce and plant spiritual virtues. he knows that, as the Apostle says, the body
of the Church indeed is one, but the members
many, and that it has gifts differing accord-
ing to the grace which is given us, whether

CHAPTER IV. prophecy, according to the proportion of the

faith, whether ministry, in ministering, or he
How practical life is distributed among many dififerent that teacheth, in doctrine, or he that exhort-
professions and interests. eth in exhortation, he that giveth, in sim-
plicity, he that ruleth, with carefulness,
This practical life then, which as has been that showeth mercy, with cheerfulness."
said rests on a double system, is distributed no members can claim the offices of other
among many different professions and inter- members, because the eyes cannot perform
ests. For some make it their whole pur- the duties of the
hands, nor the nostrils of
pose to aim at the secrecy of an anchorite, the ears. And so not all are Apostles, not
and purity of heart, as we know that in the all
prophets, not all doctors, not all have the
past Elijah and Elisha, and in our own day gifts of healing, not all speak with tongues, not
the blessed Antony and others who followed all
with the same object, were joined most closely
to God by the silence of solitude. Some
have given all their efforts and interests towards CHAPTER VL
the system of the brethren and the watchful
care of the ccenobium as we remember that ;
How the weak are easily moved.
recently Abbot John, who presided over a big
For those who are not yet settled in the line
monastery in the neighbourhood of the city
Thmuis,-^ and some other men of like merits
which they have taken up are often, when they
were eminent with the signs of Apostles. hear some praised for different interests and
Some are pleased with the kindly service of virtues, so excited by the praise of them that
the guest house and reception, by which in they try forthwith to imitate their method and :

the past the patriarch Abraham and Lot in this human weakness is sure tcr expend its
efforts to no purpose. For it is an impossibility
pleased the Lord, and recently the blessed
a man of and for one and the same man to excel at once in
Macarius,'' singular courtesy
all those good deeds which I enumerated above.
Jer. i. lo. And if
anyone is anxious equally to affect them
It is doubtful whether this is the same John who was mentioned
in the Institutes V. xxviii. and to whom the xixth Conference is all,he is quite sure to come to this viz., that ;

assigned. Thmuis is the Coptic Thmoui, a little to the south of the while he pursues them all, he will not thoroughly
Mendesian branch of the Nile. See Rawlinson's note to Herod, ii.
C. i66 and cf. Ptolemy IV. v. § 51.
3 On the two Macarii see the note on the
Institutes V. xli. 4 Rom. xii. 4-8. 6 Cf. I Cor. xii. 28.

succeed in any one, and will lose more than he when these things did not seem to Abbot John
will gain from this changing and shifting about. sufficient to procure such grace as that with
For in many ways men advance towards God, which he saw that he was endowed, and he
and so each man should complete that one inquired of him and investigated what it was
which he has once fixed upon, never chan- which could be connected with the merits of
ging the course of his purpose, so that he may such grace, he was induced by respect for such
be perfect in whatever line of life his may be. anxious inquiries to confess that, when he
wanted to be professed as a monk, he had been
compelled by force and his parents' command,
twelve years before to take a wife, who, with-
out any body to that day being aware of it, was
An instance of chastity which teaches us that all rfien should kept by him as a virgin in the place of a sister.
not be emulous of all things. And when the old man heard this, he was so
overcome with admiration that he announced
For apart from that loss, which we have said publicly in his presence that it was not without
that a monk
incurs who wants in light-minded-
good reason that the devil who had scorned
ness to pass from one pursuit to another, there him himself, could not endure the presence of
is a risk of death that is hence incurred, because this man, whose virtue he himself, not only in
at times things which are rightly done by some the ardour of youth, but even now, would not
are wrongly taken by others as an example, dare to aim at without risk of his chastity.
and things which turned out well for some, are And though Abbot John would tell this story
found to be injurious to others. For, to give with the utmost admiration, yet he never ad-
an instance, it is as if one \vished to imitate vised any monk to try this plan as he knew
the good deed of that man, which Abbot John that many things which are rightly done by
is wont to bring forward, not for the sake of some involved others who imitate them in great
imitating him but simply out of admiration for danger, and that that cannot be tried by all,
him for one came to the aforesaid old man in which the Lord bestowed upon a few by a

a secular dress and when he had brought him special gift.

some of the first fruits of his crops, he found
some one there possessed by a most fierce
devil. And this one though he scorned the VIII. CHAPTER
adjurations and commands of Abbot John, and
vowed that he would never at his bidding leave Of spiritual knowledge.
the body which he had occupied, yet was terri-
fied at the coming of this other, and departed But to return to the explanation of the
with a most humble utterance of his name. knowledge from which our discourse took its
And the old man marvelled not a little at his rise. Thus, as we said above, practical know-
so evident grace and was the more astonished ledge is distributed among many subjects and
at him because he saw that he had on a secular interests, but theoretical is divided into two
dress and so began carefully to ask of him parts, i.e., the historical interpretation and the

the manner of his life and pursuit. And when spiritual sense. Whence also Solomon when
he said that he was living in the world and he had summed up the manifold grace of the
bound by the ties of marriage, the blessed John, Church, added: "for all who are with her are
considering in his mind the greatness of his clothed with double garments."
But of spiri-
virtue and grace, searched out still more care- tual knowledge there are three kinds, tropologi-
fully what his manner of life might be.
He cal, allegorical, anagogical,^ of which we read
" But do
declared that he was a countryman, and that he as follows in Proverbs you describe :

in three ways according

sought his food by the daily toil of his hands, these things to yourself
and was not conscious of anything good about
> Prov. xxxi. 21
him except that he never went forth to his (LXX.).
» The
meaning o\ the four senses of Scripture here spoken of ;

work in the fields in the morning nor came viz. the historical, tropological, allegorical, and anagogical, is well

home in tke evening without having returned summed up in these linesdocet :

Liter.!, gesta quid credas, allegoria

; ;

thanks in Church for the food of his daily life, Moralis, quid agas quo tendas anagogia. ;

to God Who gave it and that he had never

; Or, as the lines are sometimes given :

Litera scripta docet quod credas, allegoria

used any of his crops without having first offered ; ;

Quod speres, anagoge quid agas, tropologia.


to God and tithes and that

their first fruits ;
Both Origen and Jerome had spoken of the threefold sense of
Scripture, referring to the LXX. rendering of Proverbs
xxii. 20
he had never driven his oxen over the bounds
(winch Cassian quotes below): but in general the Latin Fathers, and
of another's harvest without having first muzzled the Schoolmen after them, separated the third of Origen's senses ;

viz., the spiritual, into two, the allegorical and the anagogical
them that his neighbour might not sustain the so the

" fourfold " sense became the established method of interpre-

slightest loss through his carelessness. And tation in the West.


to the largeness of your heart."

And so the the body and blood of Christ which we receive
history embraces the knowledge of things past daily, contains the allegorical sense. But the
and visible, as it is repeated in this way by the knowledge, which is in the same way men-
" For it is written that Abraham had tioned by the Apostle, is tropological, as by it
Apostle :

two sons, the one by a bondwoman, the other by we can by a careful study see of all things that
a free but he who was of the bondwoman was
have to do with practical discernment whether
born after the flesh, but he who was of the free they are useful and good, as in this case, when
was by promise." But to the allegory belongs we are told to judge of our own selves " whether
it is fitting for a woman to
what follows, for what actually happened is said pray to God with
to have prefigured the form of some mystery : her head uncovered." ® And this system, as has
" For " are been said, contains the moral meaning. So
these," says he, the two covenants,
" "
the one from Mount Sinai, which gendereth prophecy which the Apostle puts in the third
into bondage, which is Agar. For Sinai is a place, alludes to the anagogical sense by
mountain in Arabia, which is compared to Je- which the words are applied to things future
rusalem which now is, and is in bondage with and invisible, as here " But we would not have :

her children." But the anagogical sense rises you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that
from spiritual mysteries even to still more sub- sleep that ye be not sorry as others also who

lime and sacred secrets of heaven, and is sub- have no hope. For if we believe that Christ
" died and rose again, even so them also which
joined by the Apostle in these words But :

Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For
mother of us. For it is written, Rejoice, thou this we say to you by the word of God, that we
barren that bearest not, break forth and cry, which are alive at the coming of the Lord shall
thou that travailest not, for many are the chil- not prevent those that sleep in Christ, for the
dren of the desolate more than of her that hath Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with
an husband." ^ The tropological sense is the a shout, with the voice of the archangel and
moral explanation which has to do with im- with the trump of God and the dead in Christ ;

provement of life and practical teaching, as if shall rise first." In which kind of exhorta-

we were to understand by these two cove- tion the figure of anagoge is brought forward.
nants practical and theoretical instruction, or But " doctrine " unfolds the simple course of
at any rate as if we were to want to take Jeru- historical exposition, under which is contained
salem or Sion as the soul of man, according to no more secret sense, but what is declared by
" " For I
this : Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem praise : the very words as in this passage : :

thy God, O Sion." And so these four pre-

delivered unto you first of all what I also
viously mentioned figures coalesce, if we desire, received, how that Christ died for our sins
in one subject, so that one and the same Jeru- according to the Scriptures, and that He was
salem can be taken in four senses historically, : buried, and that He rose again on the third
" ^
as the city of the Jews allegorically as the
; day, and that he was seen of Cephas and ;

Church of Christ, anagogically as the heavenly God sent His Son, made of a woman, made
city of God which is the mother of us all," under the law, to redeem them that were under
"^ "
tropologically, as the soul of man, whick is the law or this
; Hear, O Israel, the Lord

frequently subject to praise or blame from the the God is one Lord." "
Lord under this title. Of these four kinds of
interpretation the blessed Apostle speaks as
follows But now, brethren, if I come to you

speaking with tongues what shall I profit you
unless I speak to you either by revelation or by How from practical knowledge we must proceed to spiritual.
" *
knowledge or by prophecy or by doctrine ?
For " revelation " belongs to allegory whereby Wherefore if you are anxious to attain to
what is concealed under the historical narra- the light of spiritual knowledge, not wrongly
tive is revealed in its spiritual sense and inter- for an idle boast but for the sake of being
pretation, as for instance if we tried to expound made better men, you are first inflamed with
how "all our fathers were under the cloud and the longing for that blessedness. Of which we
were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and read " blessed are the pure in heart for they

in the sea," and how

they "all ate the same shall see God," " that
you may also attain to
spiritual meat and drank the same spiritual that of which the angel said to Daniel But :

drink from the rock that followed them. But they that are learned shall shine as the splen-
the rock was Christ." ^ And this explanation dor of the firmament and they that turn :

where there is a comparison of the figure of

many to righteousness as the stars for ever
1 Prov. 20 (LXX.). ' "
xxii. Ps. cxlvii. 12. I Cor. < I Cor. xi. 13. * I Cor. XV. 10 Deut. vi. 4.
* Gal. iv. 22-27.
* I Cor. xiv. 6. ' I Thess. iv. i 3
Gal. iv. 4, 5. " S. Matt. v. 8.
" "
and ever ;
and in another prophet :
Enhghten knowledge. For one who is bound by the
yourselves with the light of knowledge while chain of this passion, is sure to be also in
there is time." ^ And so keeping up that dili- bondage to other faults, and especially to that
gence in reading, which I see that you have, of pride :and so if he is baffled by his en-
endeavour with all eagerness to gain in the counter with practical and ethical knowledge,
first place a thorough grasp of practical, i.e., he will certainly not attain that spiritual know-
ethical knowledge. For without this that the- ledge which, springs from it. Be then in all
oretical purity of which we have spoken can- things ." swift to hear, but slow to speak,"
not be obtained, which those only, who are lest there come upon you that which is noted
" If thou seest a man who is
perfected not by the words of others who by Solomon :

teach them, but by the excellence of their own quick to speak, know that there is more hope
actions, can after much expenditure of effort of a fool than of him and do not presume ;

and toil attain as a reward for it. For as they to teach any one in words what you have not
gain their knowledge not from meditation on already performed in deed. For our Lord
the law but from the fruit of their labour, taught us by His own example that we ought
" From
they sing with the Psalmist Thy com- to keep to this order, as of Him it is said
: :

mandments I have understanding " and hav- " what Jesus began to do and to teach." ^ Take

ing overcome all their passions, they say with care then that you do not rush into teaching
confidence " I will sing, and I will understand before doing, and so be reckoned among the

F"or he who is striving number of those of whom the Lord speaks in

in the undefiled way."
" What
in an undefiled way in the course of a pure the gospel to the disciples they say :

heart, as he sings the Psalm, understands the unto you, that observe and do, but not after
words which are chanted. And therefore if their words for they say and do not. But :

you would prepare in your heart a holy taber- they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be j

nacle of spiritual knowledge, purge yourselves borne, and lay them on men's shoulders but ;

from the stain of all sins, and rid yourselves they themselves will not move them with one
of the cares of this world. For it is an im- of their fingers." ® For if he who shall "break
possibility for the soul which is taken up even one of these commands, and shall teach men
to a small extent with worldly troubles, to so, shall be called least in the kingdom of
gain the gift of knowledge or to become an heaven," it follows that one who has dared to
author of spiritual interpretation, and diligent despise many and greater commands and to
in reading holy things. Be careful therefore teach men so, shall certainly be considered
in the first place, and especially you, John, not least in the kingdom of heaven, but

as your more youthful age requires you the greatest in the punishment of hell. And
rather to be caxeful about what I am going to therefore you must be careful not to be led on
—that you may enjoin absolute silence on
to teach by the example of those who have
your lips, in order that your zeal for reading attained some skill in discussion and readi-

and the efforts of your purpose may not -be ness in speech and because they can discourse
destroyed by vain pride. For this is the first ]
on what they please elegantly and fully, are
practical step towards learning, to receive the imagined to possess spiritual knowledge, by
regulations and opinions of all the Elders with those who do not know how to distinguish its j

an earnest heart, and with lips that are dumb real force and character. For it is one thing

and diligently to lay them up in your heart, to have a ready tongue and elegant language,
and endeavour rather to perform than to teach and quite another to penetrate into the very
them. For from teaching, the dangerous ar- heart and marrow of heavenly utterances and
rogance of vainglory, but from performing, to gaze with pure eye of the soul on profound '

the fruit of spiritual knowledge will flour- and hidden mysteries for this can be gained ;

ish. And so you should never venture to say by no learning of man's, nor condition of this
anything in the conference of the Elders un- world, only by purity of soul, by means of the
less some ignorance that might be injurious, illumination of the Holy Ghost.
or a matter which it is important to know leads

you to ask a question as some who are puffed ;

up with vainglory, pretend that they ask, in CHAPTER X.

order really to show off the knowledge which
For it is an impossi- How to embrace the system of true knowledge.
they perfectly possess.
bility forone, who takes to the pursuit of
reading with the purpose of gaining the praise
You must then, if you want to get at the
of men, to be rewarded with the gift of true true knowledge of the Scriptures, endeavour
* S. * Acts ' Matt. v.
James i. 19. i. i. S. 19.
* * Ps. cxviii. * Prov. xxix. 30 " S. Matt,
Dan. xii. 3; Hos. x. 13. (cxix.) 104; c. (ci.) i, 3. (Ixx.). xxiii. 3, 4.

firstto secure steadfast humility of heart, to be taken captive in any snares of bad thoughts :

of love not to next that those things which were conned over
carry you on by the perfection
the knowledge which puffeth up, but to that and frequently repeated and which while we were
which enlightens. For it is an impossibility trying to commit them to memory we could
for an impure mind to gain the gift of spiritual not understand as the mind was at that time
knowledge. And therefore with every possi- taken up, we can afterward see more clearly,
ble care avoid this, lest through your zeal for when we are free from the distraction of all
reading there arise in you not the light of acts and visions, and especially
when we reflect
knowledge nor the lasting glory which is pro- on them in silence in our meditation by night.
mised through the light that comes from learning So that when we are at rest, and as it were
but only the instruments of your destruction plunged- in the stupor of sleep, there is re-
from vain arrogance. Next you must by all vealed to us the understanding of the most
means strive to get rid of all anxiety and worldly secret meanings, of which in our waking hours
thoughts, and give yourself over assiduously or we had not
the remotest conception.
rather continuously, to sacred reading, until
continual meditation fills your heart, and fa-
shions you so to speak after its own likeness, CHAPTER XL
making of it, in a way, an ark of the testimony,^
which has within it two tables of stone, i.e., Of the manifold meaning of the Holy Scriptures.
the constant assurance of the two testaments ;

and a golden pot, i.e., a pure and undefiled But as the renewal of our soul grows by
memory which preserves by a constant tenacity means of this study. Scripture also will begin
the manna stored up in it, i.e., the enduring to put on a new face, and the beauty of the
and heavenly sweetness of the spiritual sense holier meanings will somehow grow with our
and the bread of angels moreover also the ;
growth. For their form is adapted to the ca-
rod of Aaron, i.e., the saving standard of Jesus pacity of man's understanding, and will ap-
Christ our true High Priest, that ever buds pear earthly to carnal people, and divine to
with the freshness of immortal memory. For spiritual ones, so that those to whom it for-
this is the rod which after it had been cut from merly appeared to be involved in thick clouds,
the root of Jesse, died and flourished again cannot apprehend its subtleties nor endure its
with a more vigorous life. But all these are light. But to make this which we are aiming
guarded by two Cherubim, i.e., the fulness of at somewhat clearer by an instance, it will be
historical and spiritual knowledge. For the enough to produce a single passage- of the
Cherubim mean a multitude of knowledge :
law, by which we can prove that all the
and these continually protect the mercy seat heavenly commands as well are applied to
of God, i.e., the peace of your heart, and over- men in accordance with the measure of our
shadow it from all the assaults of spiritual state. For it is written in the law " Thou :

wickedness. And so your soul will be carried shalt not commit adultery."
This is rightly
forward not only to the ark of the Divine Cove- observed according to the simple meaning of
nant, but also to the priestly kingdom, and the letter, by a man who is still in bondage to
owing to its unbroken love of purity being as foul passions. But by one who has already
it were engrossed in spiritual studies, will ful- forsaken these dirty acts and impure affections,
filthe command given to the priests, enjoined it must be observed in the spirit, so that he
" And he
as follows by the giver of the Law ;
may forsake not only the worship of idols but
shall not go forth from the sanctuary, lest he also all heathen superstitions and the obser-
pollute the Sanctuary of God," i.e., his heart, vance of auguries and omens and all signs and
in which the Lord promised that he would ever
" days and times, or at any rate that he be not
dwell, saying : them and will
I will dwell in entangled in the conjectures of words and
walk among them." Wherefore the whole names which destroy the simplicity of our
series of the Holy Scriptures should be dili- faith. For by fornication of this kind we read
gently committed to memory and ceaselessly that Jerusalem was defiled, as she .committed
repeated. For this continual meditation will adultery on every high hill and under every

bring us a twofold fruit first, that while the green tree,"

whom also the Lord rebuked by
attention of the mind is taken up in reading the "
prophet, saying Let now the astrologers

and preparing the lessons it cannot possibly stand and save thee, they that gazed at the
stars and counted the months, that from them
Cf Heb. ix. 4, 5.
2 Instrumentum is a favourite word with
TertulUan, who uses it they might tell the things that shall come to
more than once of the two Testaments, e.g., Apol. xix. and, thee,"
; of which fornication elsewhere also

" Two Instruments, or,

Against Marcion iv. where he speaks of the
as it is usual to speak, of the Two Testaments."
' * 2 Cor. v. 16. ^ Exod. XX. " 7 Is. xlvii. 13.
Lev. xxi. 12. 14. Jer. iii. 6.
the Lord says in rebuking them The spirit filled with those songs of the poets so that

of fornication deceived them, and they went even at the hour of prayer it fs thinking about
a whoring from their God." ^ But one who those trifling fables, and the stories of battles
has forsaken both these kinds of fornication, with which from its earliest infancy it was stored
will have a third kind to avoid, which is con- by its childish lessons: and when singing Psalms
tained in the superstitions of the law and of or asking forgiveness of sins either some wan-
" Ye ob- ton
Judaism of which the Apostle says
recollection of the poems intrudes itself or

serve days and months and times and years the images of heroes fighting presents itself ;

and again " Touch not, taste not, handle before the eyes, and an imagination of such

And there is no doubt that this is said phantoms is always tricking me and does not
of the superstitions of the law, into which one suffer my soul to aspire to an insight into
who has fallen has certainly gone a whoring things above, so that this cannot be got rid of
from Christ, and is not worthy to hear this by my daily lamentations.
from the Apostle '* For I have espoused you :

to one husband, to exhibit you as a chaste vir-

gin to Christ." But this that follows will be XIII. CHAPTER
directed to him by the words of the same
" But I am afraid lest as the
Apostle :
serpent Of the method by which we can remove the dross from our
by his cunning deceived Eve, so your minds memory.
should be corrupted and fall from the simpli-
But if one has Nesteros From this very fact, from which
city which is in Christ Jesus,"

there springs up for you the utmost despair

escaped the uncleanness even of this fornica-
tion there will still be a which is com- of your purification, a speedy and effectual
mitted by adulterous intercourse with heretical remedy may arise if only you will transfer to
teaching. Of which too the blessed Apostle the reading of and meditation upon the wri-
I know that after my departure grie- tings of the Spirit, the same diligence and

vous wolves shall enter in among you, not spa- earnestness which you say that you showed in
those secular studies of yours. For your
ring the flock, and of yourselves also shall arise
men speaking perverse things so as to lead mind is sure to be taken up with those poems
astray the disciples after them."
But if a man until it is gaining with the same zeal and
has succeeded in avoiding even this, let him assiduity other matters for it to reflect upon,
beware lest he fall a more subtle sin into and is in labour with spiritual and divine things
the guilt of fornication. I mean that which instead of unprofitable earthly ones. But
consists in wandering thoughts, because every when these are thoroughly and entirely con-
ceived and it has been nourished upon them,
thought which is not only shameful but even
idle, and departing in however small a degree
then by degrees the former thoughts can be
from God is regarded by the perfect man as expelled and utterly got rid of. P'or the mind

the foulest fornication. of man cannot be emptied of all thoughts, and

so as long as not taken up with spiritual
it is

interests, is sure to be occupied with what it

learnt long since. For as long as it has no-
thing to recur to and exercise itself upon un-
A question how we can attain to forgetfulness of the cares of weariedly, it is sure to fall back upon what it
this world. learnt in childhood, and ever to think about
what it took in by long use and meditation. In
Upon this I was at first moved by a secret order then that this spiritual knowledge may
emotion, and then groaned deeply and said. be strengthened in you with a lasting stead-
All these things which you have set forth so fastness, and that you may not enjoy it only
fully have affected me with still greater despair for a time like those who just touch it not by
than that which I had previously endured as : their own exertions but at the recital of another,
besides those general captivities of the soul and, if I may use the expression, perceive its
whereby I doubt not that weak people are scent in the air but that it may be laid up in

smitten from without, a special hindrance to your heart, and deeply noted in it, and tho-
salvation is added by that knowledge of litera- roughly seen and handled, it is well for you io
ture which I seem
already to have in some use the utmost care in securing that, even if
slight measure attained, in which the efforts of perhaps you hear things that you know very
my tutor, or my attention to continual reading well produced in the Conference, you do not
have so weakened me that now my mind is regard them in a scornful and disdainful way
> 2 *
because you already krtow them, but that you
Hos. iv. 12. Cor. xi. 3. Acts XX. 29, 30.
CoU lay them to your heart with the same eagerness,
* *
Gal. iv.' 10 ',
ii. 31. lb, ver. 3.

with which the words of salvation which we are rovings of your imagination will become to you
a holy and unceasing pondering of the Divine
longing for ought to be constantly poured
our ears or should ever proceed from our lips. law.
For although the narration of holy things be
often repeated, yet in a mind that feels a CHAPTER XIV.
thirst for true knowledge the satiety will never
create disgust, but as it receives it every day How an unclean soul can neither give nor receive spiritual
as were something new and what it wanted,
if it

however often it may have taken it in, it will

But it as we have already said, impos-
so much the more eagerly either hear or speak, is,
sible for, a novice either to understand or to
and from the repetition of these things will gain
teach this. For one
incapable of receiving
if is
confirmation of the knowledge it already pos-
it how can he be it on to another ?
fit to pass
sesses, rather than weariness of any sort from
For it is a sure sign But if he has had the audacity to teach any-
the frequent Conference.
of a mind that is cold and proud, if it receives thing on these matters, most certainly his words
will be idle and useless and only reach the ears
with disdain and carelessness the medicine of
of his hearers, without being able to touch their
the words of salvation, although it be offered
with the zeal of excessive persistence. For " a hearts, uttered as they were in sheer idleness
soul that is full jeers at honeycomb but to a and unfruitful vanity, for they do not proceed

soul that is in want even little things appear

from the treasure of a good conscience, but
And so if these have been from the empty impertinence of boastfulness.
For it is impossible for an impure soul (how-
carefully taken in and stored up in the recesses
of the soul and stamped with the seal of silence,
ever earnestly it may devote itself to reading)
afterwards like some sweet scented wine that to obtain spiritual knowledge. For no one
maketh glad the heart of man, they will, when pours any rich ointment or fine honey or any
mellowed by the antiquity of the thoughts and precious liquid into a dirty and stinking vessel.
For a jar that has once been filled with foul
by long-standing patience, be brought forth
from the jar of your heart with great fragrance, odours spoils the sweetest myrrh more readily
and like some perennial fountain will flow abun- than it receives any sweetness or grace from it,
for what is pure is corrupted much more quickly
dantly from the veins of experience and irriga-
and forth than what is corrupt is purified. And so the
ting channels of virtue will pour
vessel of our bosom unless it has first been
copious streams as if from some deep well in
heart. For that will in purified from all the foul stains of sin will not
your happen your case,
which is spoken in Proverbs to one who has be worthy to receive that blessed ointment of
achieved this in his work " Drink waters from which it is said by the prophet
Like the oint- :

ment upon the head, which ran down upon the

your own cisterns and from the fount of your
own wells. Let waters from your own foun- beard of Aaron, which ran down upon the edge
tain flow in abundance for you, but let your of his garment," nor will it keep undefiled
waters pass through into your streets." ^ And that spiritual knowledge and the words of Scrip-
" sweeter than
according to the prophet Isaiah
" Thou
: shalt ture which are honey and the
^ "
be like a watered garden, and like a fountain honeycomb." For what share hath right-
of water whose waters shall not fail. And the eousness with iniquity ? or what agreement
that have been desolate for hath light with darkness ? or what concord
places ages shall
be built in thee thou shalt raise
the foun- has Christ with Belial?'"'
dations of generation and generation and thou ;

shalt be called the repairer of the fences, turn-

ing the paths into rest,"
And that blessed- CHAPTER XV.
ness shall come upon thee which the same
" An owing to the fact that many impure persons
prophet promises And the Lord will not cause
have knowledge while saints have not.
thy teacher to flee away from thee any more,
and thine eyes shall see thy teacher. And thine Germanus This assertion does not seem

ears shall hear the word of one admonishing to us founded on truth, or based on solid rea-
thee behind thy back This is the way, walk
For if it is clear that all who either
ye in it, and go not aside either to the right never receive the faith of Christ at all or who
hand or to the left.' * And so it will come to sin of heresy, are of
corrupt it
by the wicked
pass that not only every purpose and thought unclean hearts, how is it that many Jews and
of your heart, but also all the wanderings and
heretics, and Catholics also who are entangled

1 Prov. xxvii. 7, 3 Is. Iviii. II, 12.

* Prov. V. 15, 16. * Is. XXX. 20, 21. 5 Ps. cxxxii.(cxxxiii.) 2. " Ps. xviii. (xix.) 11. f 2 Cor. vi. 14, 15.

in various sins, have acquired perfect know- timonies." ® For he does not say in the first
ledge of the Scriptures and boast of the great- place Blessed are they that seek His testimo-

ness of their spiritual learning, and on the othernies," and afterwards add: "Blessed are they
hand countless swarms of saintly men, whose that are undefiled in the way; but he begins
heart has been purified from all stain of sin, by saying: "Blessed are they that are unde-
are content with the piety of simple faith and filed in the way; and by this qlearly shows
know nothing of the mysteries of a deeper that no one can properly come to seek God's
knowledge ? How then will that opinion stand, testimonies unless he first walks undefiled in
which attributes spiritual knowledge solely to the way of Christ by his practical life. Those
purity of heart ? therefore whom you mentioned do not possess
that knowledge which the impure cannot at-
tain, but it>Bvduivvfiot>, i.e., what is falsely so-
called, of which the blessed Apostle speaks:
CHAPTER XVI. "O Timothy, keep that which is committed
to thee, avoiding profane novelties of words,
The answer to the effect that bad men cannot possess tra« and oppositions of the knowledge that is
falsely so called;"' which is in the Greek
r^f lui at'Tidiaeii y/evdiavifiov yviLofoii. Of those
Nesteros One who does not carefully weigh then who seem
acquire some show of know-
every word the opinions uttered cannot
ledge or of those who while they devote them-
rightly discover the value of the assertion. For selves diligently to reading the sacred volume
we said to begin with that men of this sort only and to committing the Scriptures to memory,
possess skill in disputation and ornaments of
yet forsake not carnal sins, it is well said in
speech but cannot penetrate to the very heart
Like as a golden ring in a swine's
of Scripture and the mysteries of its spirit-
snout so is the beauty of an evil-disposed
ual meanings. For true knowledge is only woman."' For what does it profit a man to
acquired by true worshippers of God; and gain the ornaments of heavenly eloquence and
certainly this people does not possess it to the most
precious beauty of the Scriptures if
whom it is said: "Hear, O, foolish people,
by clinging to filthy deeds and thoughts he
thou who hast no heart: ye who having eyes
see not, and having ears, hear not." And destroys
by burying it in the foulest ground,
or defiles it by the dirty wallowing of his own
again: "Because thou, hast rejected know- lusts? For the result will be that that which
ledge, I also will reject thee from acting as is an ornament to those who
^ rightly use it, is
My priest." For as it is said that in Christ not only unable to adorn them, but actually
"all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
becomes dirty by the increased filth and mud.
are hid," ^ how can we hold that he who has
For "from the mouth of a sinner praise is not
scorned to find Christ, or, when He is found, " *
comely; as to him it is said by the prophet:
blasphemes Him with impious lips, or at least "Wherefore dost. thou declare My righteous
defiles the Catholic faith by his impure deeds,
acts, and takest My covenant in thy lips?"'
has acquired spiritual knowledge? "For the
of souls like this, who never possess in any
Spirit of God will avoid deception, and dwell- fashion the fear of the Lord of which
eth not in a body that is subject to sin."' lasting "
it is said th^ fear of the Lord is instruction

There is then no way of arriving at spiritual

and wisdom," ^^ and yet try to get at the mean-
knowledge but this which one of the prophets of Scripture by continual meditation on
has finely described: "Sow to yourselves for ing
them, it is appropriately asked in Proverbs:
righteousness: reap the hope of life. Enlight- " What use are riches to a fool ? For a sense-
en yourselves with the light of knowledge."* " "
less man cannot possess wisdom. But so far
First then we must sow for righteousness, i.e.,
is this true and spiritual knowledge removed
by works of righteousness we must extend from that
worldly erudition, which is defiled
practical perfection; next we must reap the the stains of carnal sins, that we know that
hope of life, i.e., by the expulsion of carnal it has sometimes flourished most
sins must gather the fruits of spiritual virtues;
grandly in
some who were without eloquence and almost
and so we shall succeed in enlightening our-
illiterate. And this is very clearly shown by
selves with the light of knowledge. And the the case of the
Psalmist also sees that this system ought to be Apostles and many holy men,
" who did not spread themselves out with an
followed, when he says Blessed are they that

show of leaves, but were bowed down

are undefiled in the way who walk in the law of empty

by the weight of the true fruits of spiritual

the Lord. Blessed are they that seek His tes-
• ' Ecclus. XV. '0 Prov. XV. 33.
Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) i, 2. 9.
H08. « Wisd. i. • Tim. "P*. *• Prov. xvii. 16.
Jer. V. 21; it. 6. 4, $. 1 vi. 20. xlix. (1.) 16.
» col. *
ii. 3. HOS. X. 13. ' Prov. xi. 23.

knowledge of whom it is written in the Acts

Solomon, that wisest of men, denounced:
of the Apostles: "But when they saw the Attach not a wicked man to the pastures of
boldness of Peter and John, and perceived the just, and be not led astray by the fulness of
that they were ignorant and unlearned men, the belly," for "delicacies are not good for a
they were astonished."
And therefore if you fool, nor is there room for wisdom where sense
are anxious to attain to that never-failing is wanting: for folly is the more led on, because

fragrance, you must first strive with all your a stubborn servant is not improved by words,
might to obtain from the Lord the purity of for even though he understands, he will not
chastity. For no one, in whom the love of obey." And "Do not say anything in the
carnal passions and especially of fornication ears of an imprudent man, lest haply he mock
stillholds sway, can acquire spiritual know- at thy wise speeches."*^ And "give not that
ledge. For "in a good heart wisdom will which is holy to dogs, neither cast ye your
rest;" and: He that f eareth the Lord shall pearls before swine, lest haply they trample
find knowledge with righteousness."^ But them under foot and turn again and rend
that we must attain to spiritual knowledge in you."® It is right then to hide the mysteries
the order of which we have already spoken, we of spiritual meanings from men of this sort,
are taught also by the blessed Apostle. For that you may effectually sing: "Thy words
when he wanted not merely to draw up a list have I hid within my heart: that I should
of all his own virtues, but rather to describe not sin against Thee."' But you will per-
their order, that he might explain which fol- haps say: And to whom are the mysteries of
lows what, and which gives birth to what, after Holy Scripture to be dispensed? Solomon,
some others he proceeds as follows: "In the wisest of men, shall teach you " Give, says :

watch ings, in fastings, in chastity, in know- he, strong drink to those who are in sorrow,
ledge, in long suffering, in gentleness, in the and give wine to drink, to those who are in
Holy Ghost, in love unfeigned."' And by pain, that they may forget their poverty, and
this enumeration of virtues he evidently remember their pain no more,"^ i.e., to those
meant to teach us that we must come from who in consequence of the punishment of their
watchings and fastings to chastity, from chas- past actions are oppressed with grief and sor-
tity to knowledge, from knowledge to long suf- row, supply richly the joys of spiritual know-
ering, from long suffering to gentleness, from ledge like "wine that maketh glad the heart of
gentleness to the Holy Ghost, from the Holy man," and restore them with the strong drink
Ghost to the rewards of love unfeigned. of the word of salvation, lest haply they be
When then by this system and in this order plunged in continual sorrow and a despair
you too have come to spiritual knowledge, that brings death, and so those who are of this

you will certainly have, as we said, not bar- sort be "swallowed up in overmuch sorrow."
ren or idle learning but what is vigorous and But of those who remain in coldness and care-
fruitful; and the seed of the word of salvation lessness, and are smitten by no sorrow of
which has been committed by you to the heart we read as follows For one who is :

hearts of your hearers, will be watered by the kindly and without sorrow, shall be in want.""
plentiful showers of the Holy Ghost that will With all possible care therefore avoid being
follow; and, according to this that the prophet puffed up with the love of vainglory, and so
promised, "the rain will be given to your seed, failing to become a partaker with him whom
wherever you shall sow in the land, and the the prophet praises, "who hath not given his
bread of the corn of the land shall be most money upon usury." ^^ For every one who,
plentiful and fat."* from love of the praise of men dispenses the
words of God, of which it is said "the words
of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried by
XVIL the fire, purged from the earth, refined seven
times," puts out his money upon usury, and
To whom the method of perfection should be laid open. will deserve for this not merely no reward, but
rather punishment. For for this reason he
Take care too, when your riper age leads chose to use up his Lord's money that /le
you to teach, lest you be led astray by the might be the gainer from a temporal profit,
love of vainglory, and teach at random to and not that the Lord, as it is written,
the most impure persons these
things which "when He comes, receive His own with
you have learnt not so much by reading as by usury.

the effects of experience, and so incur what

* Prov. xxiv. 15; xix. 10; xviii. 2 ; xxix. 19; xxiii. g (LXX.).
S. Matt. vii. 6. » Ps. ciii.
(civ.) 15.
" Ps. xiv. (xv.) 5.
Acts iv. 13. ^ 2
Cor. vi. 5, 6. ' Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 11. •" 2 Cor. ii. ^' Ps. xi. (xii.) 7.
Prov. xiv. 33 ; Ecclus. xxxii. 20. * Is. XXX. 23. * Prov. xxxi. 6, 7. 'i Prov. xiv. 23. " S. Matt. xxv. 27.


How often even those who are not worthy can receive the
Of the reasons for spiritual learning is unfruitful.
grace of the saving word.

But it is certain that for two reasons the But sometimes in the lavish generosity of
teaching of spiritual things is ineffectual. God in His Providence, "Who willeth all men
For either the teacher is commending what to be saved and to come to the knowledge of
he has no experience of, and is trying with the truth,"' it is granted that one who has
empty-sounding words to instruct his hearer, not shown himself by an irreproachable life
or else the hearer is a bad man and full of to be worthy of the preaching of the gospel
faults and cannot receive in his hard heart the attains the grace of spiritual teaching for the
holy and saving doctrine of the spiritual man; good of many. But by what means the gifts
and of these it is said by the prophet: "For of healing are granted by the Lord for the
the heart of this people is blinded, and their expulsion of devils it follows that we must in
ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have a similar discussion explain, which as we are
they closed lest at any time they should see
going to rise for supper we will keep for the
with their eyes and hear with their ears, and evening, because that is always more effectually
understand with their heart and be converted grasped by the heart which is taken in by
and I should heal them." ^ degrees and without excessive bodily efforts.




CHAPTER L. are to be cured, the virtue of health proceeds

even from sinners and men unworthy of it. Of
Discourse of Abbot Nesteros on the threefold system of gifts. whom the Saviour says in the gospel Many :

shall say to Me in that day. Lord, Lord, have

After evening service we sat down together we not
prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy
on the mats as usual ready for the promised name cast out
devils, and in Thy name done
narration and when we had kept silence for
mighty works? And then I will confess

some little time out of reverence for the Elder, to them, I never knew
you Depart from Me, :

he anticipated the silence of our respect by

ye workers of iniquity."* And on the other
such words as these. The previous order of hand, if the faith of those who
bring them or
our discourse had brought us to the exposition of the sick is
wanting, it prevents those on
of the system of spiritual gifts, which we have
whom the gifts of healing are conferred from
learnt from the tradition of the Elders is a their powers of healing. On which
threefold one. The first indeed is for the exercising
subject Luke the Evangelist says: "And Jesus
sake of healing, when the grace of signs ac- could not there do
any mighty work because of
companies certain elect and righteous men on their unbelief." * Whence also the Lord Him-
account of the merits of their holiness, as it self
says: "Many lepers were in Israel in the
is clear that the apostles and
many of the days of Elisha the prophet, and none of them
saints wrought signs and wonders in accord-
was cleansed but Naaman the Syrian."" The
ance with the authority of the Lord Who says third method of
healing is copied by the deceit

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the and contrivance of
devils, that, when a man
lepers, cast out devils: freely ye have received, who is enslaved to evident sins is out of ad-
freely give." The second when for the edifi- miration for his miracles

regarded as a saint
cation of the church or on account of the faith and a servant of
God, men may be persuaded
of those who bring their sick, or of those who
» I Tim. ii. /l.
» S. Mark vi. 5. 6.
> I«. iL lo. * S. Matt. X. 8. < S. Matt. vii. • S. Luke iv. 27.
22, 23.

to copy his sins and thus an opening being yet," he says, "I show unto you a still more
made for cavilling, the sanctity of religion excellent way."* By which it is clearly
may be brought into disgrace, or else that shown that the height of perfection and
he, who believes that he possesses the gift of blessedness does not consist in the perfor-
healing, may be puffed up by pride of heart mance of those wonderful works but in the
and so fall more grievously. Hence it is that purity of love. And this not without good
invoking the names of those, who, as they reason. For all those things are to pass away
know, have no merits of holiness or any spiri- and be destroyed, but love is to abide for
tual fruits, they pretend that by their merits ever. And so we have never found that those
they are disturbed and made to flee from the works and signs were affected by our fathers :

bodies they have possessed. Of which it says nay, rather when they did possess them by
in Deuteronomy: "If there rise up in the the grace of the Holy Spirit they would never
midst of thee a prophet, or one who says that use them, unless perhaps extreme and un-
he has seen a dream, and declare a sign and avoidable necessity drove them to do so.
a wonder, and that which he hath spoken
Cometh to pass, and he say to thee: Let us
go and follow after other gods whom thou
knowest not, and let us serve them thou shalt :
not hear the words of that prophet or of that
dreamer, for the Lord thy God is tempting of a dead man raised to life by Abbqt Macarius.
thee that it may appear whether thou lovest
Him or not, with all thy heart and with all As also we remember that a dead man was
thy soul."^ And in the gospel it says: raised to life by Abbot Macarius who was the
"There shall arise false Christs and false first to find a home in the desert of Scete.^
prophets, and shall give great signs and won- For when a certain heretic who followed the
ders, so that, if it were possible, even the error of Eunomius was trying by dialectic
elect should be led astray." ^ subtlety to destroy the simplicity of the
Catholic faith, and had already deceived a
large number of men, the blessed Macarius
was asked by some Catholics, who were
CHAPTER II. terribly disturbed by the horror of such an
upset, to set free the simple folk of all Egypt
Wherein one ought to admire the saints. from the peril of infidelity, and came for
this purpose. And when the heretic had
Wherefore we never ought to admire those approached him with his dialectic art, and
who affect these things, for these powers, wanted to drag him in his ignorance to
but rather to look whether they are perfect the thorns of Aristotle, the blessed Macarius
in driving out all sins, and amending their
put a stop to his chatter with apostolic
ways, for this is granted to each man not brevity, saying: "the kingdom of God is not
for the faith of some other, or for a variety in word but in power."® Let us go therefore
of reasons, but for his own earnestness, by to the tombs, and let us invoke the name of
God's grace. For this is prac-
the action of the Lord over the first dead man we find, and
knowledge which is termed by another
tical " show our faith
let us, as it is written,
by our
name by the Apostle; viz., love, and is by His
works,"'' that by testimony the manifest
the authority of the Apostle preferred to all
proofs of a right faith may be shown, and we
tongues of men and of angels, and to full may prove the clear truth not by an empty
assurance of faith which can even remove discussion of words but by the power of
mountains, and to all knowledge, and pro- miracles and that judgment which cannot be
phecy, and to the distribution of all one's deceived. And when he heard this the heretic
goods, and finally to the glory of martyrdom was overwhelmed with shame before the peo-
itself. For when he had enumerated all kinds
ple who were present, and pretended for the
of gifts and had said: "To one is given by moment that he consented to the terms pro-
the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another posed, and promised that he would come on
the word of knowledge, to another faith, to the morrow, but the next day when they were
another the gift of healing, to another the
" ^
working of miracles, etc. when he was :
* I Cor. xii.
going to speak about love notice how in a ^ This was the "
Egj'ptian," not the "Alexandrian" Macarius.
few words he put it before all gifts: "And See the note on the Institutes, V.. xii. The story is also given by Ru-
finus, History of the Monks, c. xxviii.;as wellasSozomen, H. E. III.
xiv., and by both of these writers is expressly ascribed to the Egyp-
tian Macarius.
^ ^
Deut. xiii. 1-3. s. Mitt. xxiv. 24. ^ j Cor. xii. 8-10. " I Cor. iv. 20. ^ Cf. S. James ii. 14.

all in expectation who had come together

with greater eagerness to the appointed place, CHAPTER IV.
owing to their desire for the spectacle, he
the miracle which Abbot Abraham wrought on the breasts
was terrified by the consciousness of his want Of of a woman.
of faith, and fled away, and at once escaped
out of all Egypt. And when the blessed Why also need I mention the acts of Abbot
Macarius had waited together with the peo-
Abraham,^ who was surnamed unlove, i.e., the
ple till the ninth hour, and saw that he had simple, from the simplicity of his life and his
owing to his guilty conscience avoided him, innocence. This man when he had gone from
he took the people, who had been perverted the desert to Egypt for the harvest in the
by him and went to the tombs determined '
season of Quinquagesima was pestered with
upon. Now in Egypt the overflow of the river tears and prayers by a woman who brought
Nile has introduced this custom that, since
her little child, already pining away and half
the whole breadth of that country is covered
dead from lack of milk; he gave her a cup of
for no small part of the year by the regular
water to drink signed with the sign of the
flood of waters like a great sea so that there
cross; and when she had drunk it at once
is no means of getting about except by a
most marvellously her breasts that had been
passage in boats, the bodies of the dead are till then utterly dry flowed with a copious
embalmed and stored away in cells an good
abundance of milk.
height up. For the land being
soil of that
damp from the continual moisture prevents
them from burying them. For if it receives
any bodies buried in it, it is forced by the ex-
cessive inundations to cast them forth on its
Of the cure of a lame man which the same saint wrought.
surface. When then the blessed Macarius had
taken up his position by a most ancient corpse, Or when the same man as he went to a
he said "O man, if that heretic and son of was surrounded by mocking crowds,
perdition had come hither with me, and, who sneered at him and showed him a man
while he was standing by, I had exclaimed who was for many years deprived of the power
and invoked the name of Christ my God, say of walking from a contracted knee, and
in the presence of these who were almost per-
crawled from a weakness of long standing,
verted by his fraud, whether you would have
they tempted him and said, "Show us, father
arisen." Then he arose and replied with
Abraham, if you are the servant of God, and
words of assent. And then Abbot Macarius restore this man to his former health, that we
asked him what he had formerly been when he believe that the name of Christ, whom
enjoyed life here, or in what age of meTT he hadyou worship, is not vain." Then he at once
lived, or if he had then known the name of invoked the name of Christ, and stooped
Christ, and he replied that he had lived under down and laid hold of the man's withered
kings of most ancient date, and declared that foot and pulled it. And immediately at his
in those days he had never heard the name of
touch the dried and bent knee was straight-
Christ. To whom once more Abbot Maca-
ened, and he got back the use of his legs,
rius: "Sleep," said he, "in peace with the
which he had forgotten how to use in his long
others in your own order, to be roused again
years of weakness, and went away rejoicing.
by Christ in the end." All this power then
and grace of his which was in him would per-
haps have always been hidden, unless the CHAPTER VI.
needs of the whole province which was en-
dangered, and his entire devotion to Christ, How the merits of each man should not be judged by his
and unfeigned love, had forced him to perform miracles.
this miracle. And certainly it was not the
ostentation of glory but the love of Christ And so these men gave no credit to them-
and the good of all the people that wrung selves for their power of working such won-
from him the performance of it. As the ders, because they confessed that they were
passage in the book of Kings shows us that done not by their own merits but by the
the blessed Elijah also did, who asked that compassion of the Lord and with the words
fire might descend from heaven on the sacri- of the
Apostle they refused the human hon-
fices laid on the pyre, for this reason that he
might set free the faith of the whole people Possibly the same person as the author of Conference xxiv.,

which was endangered by the tricks of the but»nothing further appears to be known of him.
i.e., the fifty days from Easter to Whitsuntide ; cf. the note on
false prophets. the Institutes, II. xviii.

our offered out of admiration for their mir- for all, nor granted to all. Humility there-
acles : Men and brethren, why marvel ye fore is the mistress of all virtues, it is the
at this,or why look ye on us as though by surest foundation of the heavenly building, it
ourown power or holiness we had caused this is the special and splendid gift of the Saviour.
man to walk." ^ Nor did they think that any For he can perform all the miracles which
one should be renowned for the gifts and Christ wrought, without danger of being puffed
marvels of God, but rather for the fruits of up, who follows the gentle Lord not in the
his own good deeds, which are brought about grandeur of His miracles, but in the virtues
by the efforts of his mind and the power of of patience and humility. But he who aims
his works. For often, as was said above, at commanding unclean spirits, or bestowing
men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning gifts of healing, or showing some wonderful
the truth, both cast out devils and perform miracle to the people, even though when he is
the greatest miracles in the name of the Lord. showing off he invokes the name of Christ,
Of whom when the Apostles complained and yet he is far from Christ, because in his
said Master, we saw one casting out devils
pride of heart he does not follow his humble
in Thy name, and we forbade him because he Teacher. For when He was returning to
foUoweth not with us," though for the present the Father, He prepared, so to speak. His
Christ replied to them "Forbid him not, for will and left this to His disciples: new "A
he that is not against you is for you,"^ still commandment," said He, "give unto you I
when they say at the end: "Lord, Lord, have that ye love one another; as I have loved
we not in Thy name prophesied, and in Thy you, so do ye also love one another:" and at
name cast out devils, and in Thy name done once He subjoined: "By this shall all men
many mighty works ? He testifies that then know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love
He will answer: "I never knew you: depart to one another."^ He says not: "if ye do
from me, ye workers of iniquity."' And signs and miracles in the same way," but:
therefore He actually warns those, to whom "if ye have love to one another;" and this
He Himself has given this glory of miracles it is certain that none but the meek and
and mighty works because of their holiness, humble can keep. Wherefore our predeces-
that they be not puffed up by them, saying sors never reckoned those as good monks or

Rejoice not because the devils are subject free from the fault of vainglory, who pro-
to you, but rejoice rather because your names fessed themselves exorcists among men, and
are written in heaven."* proclaimed with boastful ostentation among
admiring crowds the grace which they had
either obtained or which they claimed. But
VII. in vain, for "he who trusteth in lies feedeth
the winds: and the same runneth after birds
How the excellence of gifts consists not in miracles but in that fly away."' For without doubt that will
happen to them which we find in Proverbs:
Finally the Author Himself of all miracles
"As the winds and clouds and rain are very
clear so are these who boast of a fictitious
and mighty works, when He called His dis-
gift."" And so if any one does any of these
ciples to learn His teaching, clearly showed
things in our presence, he ought to meet with
what those true and specially chosen follow-
ers ought chiefly to learn from Him, saying:
commendation from us not from admiration
of his miracles, but from the beauty of his life,
''Come and learn of Me," not chiefly to cast
nor should we ask whether the devils are sub-
out devils by the power of heaven, not to
to him, but whether he possesses those
cleanse the lepers, not to give sight to the ject
features of love which the Apostle describes.
blind, not to raise the dead: for even though
I do these things
by some of servants, yetMy
man's estate cannot insert itself into the
praises of God, nor can a minister and servant
gather hereby any portion for himself there How it is more wonderful to have cast out one's faults from
where is the glory of Deity alone. But do one's self than devils from another.
ye, says He, learn this of Me, "for I am
meek and lowly of heart." ^ For this it is And in truth it is a greater miracle to root
which it is possible for all men generally to out from one's own flesh the incentives to
learn and practise, but the working of miracles wantonness than to cast out unclean
and signs is not always necessary, nor good from the bodies of others, and it is a grander
sign to restrain the fierce passions of anger
Acts 2 S. Matt. vii. 22, 23. B S.
iii. 12. Matt. xi. 28, 29.
2 S. Luke ix. 49, 50. S. Luke x. 20. 6 S. John xiii. 34, 35.
' Prov. x. 4. 8 Prov. xxv. 14.

by the virtue of patience than to command burnt in the oven, by a flame that darted up.
the powers of the air, and it is a greater thing And when this happened he was much morti-
to have shut out the devouring pangs of fied and began silently to consider with him-
gloominess from one's own heart than to have self, and ask why was not the fire at peace
expelled the sickness of another and the fever with me, when my more serious contests with
of his body. Finally it is in many ways a demons have ceased? or how will that un-
grander virtue and a more splendid achieve- quenchable fire which searches out the deserts
ment to cure the weaknesses of one's own of all pass me by in that dread day of judg-
soul than those of the body of another. For ment, and fail to detain me, if this trivial
just as the soul is higher than the flesh, so is temporal fire from without has not spared me ?
its salvation of more importance, and as its And as he was troubled
by thoughts of this
nature is more precious and excellent, so is its kind and vexation a sudden sleep overcame
destruction more grievous and dangerous. him and an angel of the Lord came to him
and said :
Paphnutius, why are you vexed
because that earthly fire is not yet at peace
CHAPTER IX. with you, while there still remains in your
members some disturbance of carnal motions
How uprightness of life is of more importance than the that is not completely removed.'' For as long
working of miracle!>.
as the roots of this flourish within you,
will not suffer that material fire to be at peace
And of those cures it was said to the blessed
with you. And certainly you could not feel
Apostles: "Rejoice not that the devils are
it harmless unless
subject to you"^ For this was wrought not you found by such proofs
as these that all these internal motions within
by their own power, but by the might of the
name invoked. And therefore they are warned you were destroyed. Go, take a naked and
not to presume to claim for themselves any
most beautiful virgin, and if while you hold
her you find that the peace of your heart re-
blessedness or glory on this account as it
was done simply by the power and might of mains steadfast, and that carnal heat is still
and quiet within you, then the touch of this
God, but only on account of the inward purity
visible flame also shall pass over you gently
of their life and heart, for which it was vouch-
safed to them to have their names written in
and without harming you as it did over the
heaven. three children in Babylon. And so the Elder
' '

was impressed by this revelation and did not

try the dangers of the experiment divinely
CHAPTER X. shown to him, but asked his own conscience
and examined the purity of his heart; aj»d,
A revelation on the trial of perfect chastity.
guessing that the weight of purity was not yet
sufficient to outweigh the force of this trial, it
And to prove this that we have said both
is no wonder, said he, if when the battles with
by the testimony of the ancients and divine unclean spirits come upon me, I still feel the
oracles, we had better bring forward in his
flames of the fire, which I used to think of
own words and experience what the blessed
less importance than the savage attacks of
Paphnutius^ felt on the subject of admira-
tion of miracles and the grace of purity, or demons, still raging against me. Since it is
a greater virtue and a grander grace to extin-
rather what he learnt from the revelation of
an angel. For this man had been famous guish the inward lust of the flesh than by the
for for his signal strictness so that sign of the Lord* and the power of the might
many years of the Most High to subdue the wicked de-
he fancied that he was completely free from
the snares of carnal concupiscence because
mons which rush upon one from without, or
to drive them by invoking the Divine name
he himself superior to all the attacks of
the demons with whom he had fought openly
from the bodies which they have possessed.
and for a long while; and when some holy So far Abbot Nesteros, finishing the account
of the true working of the gifts of grace ac-
men had come to him, he was preparing for
them a porridge of lentiles which they call companied us to the cell of the Elder Joseph
which was nearly six miles distant from
Athera,' and his hand, as it happened, was
his, as we were eager for instruction in his

S. Luke X. 20. ' Cf. the note on Conferences
III. i.
Athtra. This is noticed by Pliny(Hist. Nat.xxii.35, 57,§i3i)
a* the Kgyptian name for a decoction made from grain. e., the sign of the cross.




in the chain of friendship, by which even
fierce souls become kindly disposed to each
What Abbot Joseph asked us in the first instance. other, so that those, who in forests and moun-
tains delight in robbery and revel in human
The blessed Joseph/ whose instructions bloodshed, embrace 'and cherish the partners
and precepts are now to be set forth, and who of their crimes. But there is another kind of
was one of the three whom we mentioned in love, where the union is from the instincts of
the first Conference,^ belonged to a most illus- nature and the laws of consanguinity, whereby
trious family, and was the chief man of his. those of the same tribe, wives and parents,
city in Egypt, which was named Thmuis,*
and and brothers and children are naturally pre-
so was darefuUy trained in the eloquence ferred to others, a thing which we find is the
of Greece as well as Egypt, so that he could case not only with mankind but with all
talk admirably with us or with those who were birds and beasts. For at the prompting of a
utterly ignorant of Egyptian, not as
the others natural instinct they protect and defend their
did through an interpreter, but in his own offspring and their young ones so that often
person. And when he found that we were they are not afraid to expose themselves to
anxious for instruction from him, he first danger and death for their sakes. Indeed
inquired whether we were own brothers, and those kinds of beasts and serpents and birds,
when he heard thatwe were united in a tie of which are cut off and separated from all others
spiritual and not carnal brotherhood, and that by their intolerable ferocity or deadly poison,
from the first commencement of our renuncia- as basilisks, unicorhs and vultures, though
tion of the world we had always been joined by their very look they are said to be danger-
together in an unbroken bond as well in our ous to every one, yet among themselves they
travels, which we had both undertaken for the remain peaceful and harmless owing to com-
sake of spiritual service, as also in the pur- munity of origin and fellow-feeling. But
suits of the monastery, he began his discourse we see that all these kinds of love of which
as follows. we have spoken, as they are common both to
the good and bad, and to beasts and serpents,
CHAPTER 11. certainly cannot last for ever. For often sepa-
ration of place interrupts and breaks them off,
Discourse of the same elder on the untrustworthy sort of as well as forgetfulness from lapse of time,
friendship. and the transaction of affairs and business
and words. For as they are generally due to
There are many kinds of friendship and different kinds of connexions either of gain,
companionship which unite men in very differ- or desires, or kinship, or business, so when
ent ways in the bonds of love. For some a
any occasion for separation intervenes they
previous recommendation makes to enter upon are broken off.
an intercourse first of acquaintance and after-
wards even of friendship. In the case of
others some bargain or an agreement to give CHAPTER III.
and take something has joined them in the
bonds of love. Others a similarity and union How friendship is indissohible.
of business or science or art or study has united
Among all these then there is one kind of
love which is indissoluble, where the union is
Nothing further appears to be known of this Joseph than what

Cassian here states.

viz., first of the Second Part of the Conferences, i.e., Con-
owing not to the favour of a recommendation,
ference XL * See on Conference XIV. c. iv. or some great kindness or gifts, or the reason

of some bargain, or the necessities of nature, for those who are grounded on equal goodness
but simply to similarity of virtue. This, I to be separated by distance of place. For
with God the union of character, not of place,
say, is what is broken by no chances, what no
joins brethren together in a common dwelling,
interval of time or space can sever or destroy,
and what even death itself cannot part. Thisnor can unruffled peace ever be maintained
is true and unbroken love which grows by where difference of will appears.
means of the double perfection and goodness
of friends, and which, when once its bonds
have been entered, no difference of liking
and no disturbing opposition of wishes can
sever. But we have known many set on this A question whether anything that is really useful should
purpose, who though they had been joined be performed even against a brother's wish.

together in companionship out of their burn-

ing love for Christ, yet could not maintain it Germanus: What then? If when one
continually and unbrokenly, because although party wants to do something which he sees is
useful and profitable according to the mind
they relied on a good beginning for their
friendship, yet they did not with one and the of God, the other does not give his consent,
same zeal maintain the purpose on which they ought it to be performed even against the wish
had entered, and so there was between them a of the brother, or should it be tlirown on one
Sort of love only for a while, for it was not main- side as he wants?
tained by the goodness of both alike, but by the
patience of the one party, and so although it is
held to by the one with unwearied heroism, CHAPTER V.
yet it is sure to be broken by the pettiness of
the other. For the infirmities of those who The answer, how a lasting friendship can only exist among
those who are perfect.
are somewhat cold in seeking the healthy con-
dition of perfection, however patiently they
Joseph For this reason we said that the

may be borne by tlie strong, are yet not put full and perfect grace of friendship can only
up with by those who are weaker themselves. last among those who are perfect and of equal
For they have implanted within them causes
goodness, whose likemindedness and common
of disturbance which do not allow them to be
at ease, just as those, who are affected by
purpose allows them either never, or at any
rate hardly ever, to disagree, or to differ in
bodily weakness, generally impute the deli- those matters which concern their progress in
cacy of their stomach and weak health to the the spirituallife. But if they begin to get
carelessness of their cooks and servants, and
hot with eager disputes, it is clear that they
however carefully their attendants majTServe have never been at one in accordance with the
them, yet nevertheless they ascribe the grounds rule which we gave above. But because no
of their upset to those who are in good health,
one can start from perfection except one who
as they do not see that they are really due to the
has begun from the very foundation, and your
failure of their health.ownWherefore this,
inquiring is not with regard to its greatness,
as we said, is the sure and indissoluble union
but as to how you can attain to it, I think it
of friendship, where the tie consists only in
well to explain to you, in a few words, the
likeness in goodness. For "the Lord maketh
rule for it and the sort of path along which
men to be of one mind in an house." ^
steps should be directed, that you may
therefore love can only continue undisturbed your
be able more easily to secure the blessing of
in those in whom there is but one purpose and
and peace.
mind to will and to refuse the same things. patience
And if you also wish to keep this unbroken,
you must be careful that having first got rid VI. CHAPTER
of your faults, you mortify your own desires,
and with united zeal and purpose diligently By what means union can be preserved unbroken.
fulfil that in which the prophet
specially de-
lights: "Behold how good and joyful a thing The first foundation then, of true friend-
it is for brethren to dwell together in
unity."* ship consists in contempt for worldly sub-
Which should betaken of unity of spirit rather stance and scorn for all things that we possess.
than of place. P'or it is of no use for those For it is
utterly wrong and unjustifiable if,
who differ in character and purpose to be after the of the world and all that isvanity
united in one dwelling, nor is it an hindrance in has been renounced, whatever miserable

furniture remains is more regarded than what

1 Ps. Ixvii. (Ixviii.) 7.
' Ps. cxxxii. (cxxxiii.) i. is most valuable; viz., the love of a brother.

The second is for each man so to prune his of a pious heart these words from the Gospel :

own wishes that he may not imagine himself "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou
to be a wise and experienced person, and so wilt."* Or in what way will he admit any-
prefer his own opinions to those of his neigh- thing which grieves the brother, who thinks
bour. The third is for him to recognize that that nothing is more precious than the bles-
everything, even what he deems useful and sing of peace, and never forgets these words of
necessary, must come after the blessing of the Lord: "By this shall all men know that
love and peace. The fourth for him to realize ye are My disciples, that ye love one an-
that he should never be angry for any reason other;"^ for by this, as by a special mark,
good or bad. The fifth for him to try to cure Christ willed that the flock of His sheep
any wrath which a brother may have conceived should be known in this world, and be sepa-
against him however unreasonably, in the rated from all others by this stamp, so to
same way that he would cure his own, know- speak? But on what grounds will he endure
ing that the vexation of another is equally either to admit the rancour of vexation in
bad for him, as if he himself were stirred himself or for it to remain in another, if his
against another, unless he removes it, to the firm decision is that there cannot be any good
best of his ability, from his brother's mind. ground for anger, as it is dangerous and
The last is what is undoubtedly generally wrong, and that when his brother is angry with
decisive in regard to all faults; viz., that him he cannot pray, in just the same way as
he should realize daily that he is to pass when he himself is angry with his brother, as
away from this world; as the realization of he ever keeps in an humble heart these words
this not only permits no vexation to linger in of our Lord and Saviour: "If thou bring thy
the heart, but also represses all the motions gift to the altar and there remember that thy
of lusts and sins of all kinds. Whoever then brother hath aught against thee, leave there
has got hold of this, can neither suffer nor be thy gift at the altar, and go thy way; first be
the cause of bitter wrath and discord. But reconciled to thy brother, and then come and
when this fails, as soon as he who is jealous offer thy gift." ^ For it will be of no use for
of love has little by little infused the poison you to declare that you are not angry, and to
of vexation in the hearts of friends, it is cer- believe that you are fulfilling the command
tain that owing to frequent quarrels love will which says " Let not the sun go down upon

gradually grow cool, and at sometime or other thy wrath and " Whosoever is angry with

he will part the hearts of the lovers, that have his brother, shall be in danger of the judg-
been for a long while exasperated. For if one ment,"^ if you are with obstinate heart disre-
is walking along the course previously marked garding the vexation of another which you
out, how can he ever differ from his friend, could smooth down by kindness on your part.
for if he claims nothing for himself, he en- For in the same way you will be punished
cause of quarrel (which
tirely cuts off the first for violating the Lord's command. For He
generally springs from trivial things and most who said that you should not be angry with
unimportant matters), as he observes to the another, said also that you should not disre-
best of his power what we read in the Acts gard the vexations of another, for it makes no
of the Apostles on the unity of believers:
difference in the sight of God, Who willeth
But the multitude of believers was of one all men to be saved,"* whether you destroy
heart and soul neither did any of them say
; yourself or someone else. Since the death of
that any of the things which he possessed was any one is equally a loss to God, and at the
his own, but they had all things common."^ same time it is equally a gain to him to whom
Then how can any seeds of discussion arise all destruction is delightful, whether it is ac-
from him who serves not his own but his quired by your death or by the death of your
brother's will, and becomes a follower of his brother. Lastly, how can he retain even the
Lord and Master, who speaking in the cha- least vexation with hjs brother, who realizes
racter ^ of man which He had taken, said: "I
daily that he is presently to depart from this
am not come to do Mine own will, but the world?
will of Him that sent Me ? " ^ But how can he
arouse any incitement to contention, who has CHAPTER VH.
determined to trust not so much to his own
How nothing should be put before love, or after anger.
judgment as to his brother's decision, on his
o\yn intelligence and meaning, in accordance
As then should be put before love,
with his will either approving or
disapproving so on the nothing
his discoveries, and fulfilling in the other hand nothing should be put
* S. Matt. xxvi. 39. ' Matt.
Eph. iv. 26 S. v. 12.
Acts iv. 32. * Ex persona. See note on VIII. xxxv. " S. John xiii. 35. ' I Tim. ii. 4.

S. John vi. 38. " S. Matt. V. 23, 24.


below rage and anger. For all things, how- moral training and the Holy Scriptures, so
ever useful and necessary they seem, should that we fancied that nothing could be truer
that disturbing anger may or more reasonable: but when we came to-
yet be disregarded
be avoided, and all things even which we gether and began to produce our ideas, in
think are unfortunate should be undertaken the general discussion which was held, some
and endured that the calm of love and peace things were first noted by the others as false
may be preserved unimpaired, because we and dangerous, and then presently were con-
should reckon nothing more damaging than demned and pronounced by common consent
anger and vexation, and nothing more advan- to be injurious; though before they had
tageous than love. seemed to shine as if with a light infused by
the devil, so that they would easily have
caused discord, had not the charge of the
CHAPTER VIII. Elders, observed like some divine oracle, re-
strained us from all strife, that charge namely, ;

On what grounds a dispute can arise whereby it was ordered by them almost with
among spiritual persons.
the force of a law, that neither of us should
trust to his own judgments more than his
For as our
enemy separates brethren who
brother's, if he wanted never to be deceived
are still weak and carnal by a sudden burst
by the craft of the devil.
of rage on account of some trifling and earthly
matter, so he sows the seeds of discord even
between spiritual persons, on the ground of
some difference of thoughts, from which cer-
tainly those contentions and strifes about
words, which the Apostle condemns, for the How impossible for one who trusts to his own judgment
it is
most part arise: whereby consequently our to escape being deceived by the devils illusions.

spiteful and malignant enemy sows discord

between brethren who were of one mind. For For often it has been proved that what
these words of wise Solomon are true: "Con- the Apostle says really takes place. "For
tention breeds hatred: but friendship will be Satan himself transforms himself into an
a defence to all who do not strive." * angel of light,'" so that he deceitfully sheds
abroad a confusing and foul obscuration of the
thoughts instead of the true light of know-
ledge. And unless these thoughts are re-
CHAPTER IX. ceived in a humble and gentle heart, and
kept for the consideration of some more expe-
How to get rid even of spiritual grounds of discord. i^gnced brother or approved Elder, and when
thoroughly sifted by their judgment, either
Wherefore for the preservation of lasting rejected or admitted by us, we shall be sure
and unbroken love, it is of no use to have to venerate in our thoughts an angel of dark-
removed the first ground of discord, which ness instead of an angel of light, and be
generally arises from frail and earthly things, smitten with a grievous destruction an injury :

or to have disregarded all carnal things, and which it is impossible for any one to avoid
to have permitted to our brethren an unre- who trusts in his own judgment, unless he
stricted share in everything which our needs becomes a lover and follower of true humility
require, unless too we cut off in like manner and with all contrition of heart fulfils what the
the second, which generally arises under the Apostle chiefly prays for: "If then there be
guise of spiritual feelings; and unless we gain any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of
in everything humble thoughts and harmonious love, if any bowels of compassion, fulfil ye
wills. my joy, that you be of one mind, having the
same love, being of one accord, doing nothing
by contention, neither by vainglory; but in
CHAPTER humility each
esteeming others better than
themselves and this " in honour preferring ;

On the best tests of truth. one another,"' that each may think more of
the knowledge and holiness of his partner, and
For I remember, that when my youthful hold that the better part of true discretion is
age suggested to me to cling to a partner, to be found in the judgment of another rather
thoughts of this sort often mingled with our than in his own.
* * a Cor. » Phil. Rom.
Prov. X. 13. xl. 14. ii. 1-3 ; xii. 10.


should not be despised in Conference.

On the different grades of love.
; Why inferiors
possible then for all to show that love
It is
For often happens either by an illusion which
called uyuni/, of which the blessed is
of the devil or by the occurrence of a human "
While therefore we have time,
man Apostle says :

mistake (by which every in this life is

let us do good unto all men, but specially to
liable to be deceived) that sometimes one
them that are of the household of faith."*
who is keener in intellect and more learned,
And this should be shown to all men in
some wrong notion in his head, while he
gets general to such an extent that we are actually
who is duller in wits and of less worth, con- commanded by our Lord to yield it to our
ceives the matter better and more truly. And "
enemies, for He says Love your enemies." ®

therefore no one, however learned he may be,

But di&deaig, i.e., affection is shown to but
should persuade himself in his empty vanity a few and those who are united to us by kin-
that he cannot require conference with another.
dred dispositions or by a tie of goodness;
For even if no deception of the devil blinds
his judgment, yet he cannot avoid the noxious
though indeed affection seems to have many
degrees of difference. For in one way we love
snares of pride and conceit. For who can
our parents, in another our wives, in another
arrogate this to himself without great danger, our brothers, in another our children, and there
when the chosen vessel in whom, as he main- is a wide difference in
regard to the claims
tained, Christ Himself spoke, declares that he of these
feelings of affection, nor is the love of
went up to Jerusalem simply and solely for
parents towards their children always equal.
this reason, that he might in a secret discus-
As is shown by the case of the patriarch Jacob,
sion confer with his fellow-Apostles on the
who, though he was the father of twelve sons
gospel which he preached to the gentiles by and loved them all with a father's love,
the revelation and co-operation of the Lord ?
loved Joseph with a deeper affection, as Scrip-
By which fact we are shown that we ought not
ture clearly shows: "But his brethren envied
only by these precepts to preserve unanimity him, because his father loved himi " ^
and harmony, but that we need not fear any evidently ;

not that that good man his father failed in

crafts of the devil opposing us, or snares of his
greatly loving the rest of his children, but that
in his affection he clung to this one, because he
was a type of the Lord, more tenderly and in-
dulgently. This also, we read, was very clearly
CHAPTER XIII. shown in the case of John the Evangelist,
where these words are used of him: "that
whom Jesus loved," though certainly

love does not only belong to God but is God.

He embraced all the other eleven, whom He
had chosen in the same way, with His special
Finally so highly the virtue of love ex-
He shows also by the witness of
love, as this
tolled that the blessed Apostle John declares the gospel, where He says: "As I have loved
that it not only belongs to God but that it is "
you, so do ye also love one another; of whom
God, saying: "God is love: he therefore that elsewhere also it is said: "Loving His own
abideth in love, abideth in God, and God in who were in the world, He loved them even
him."^ For so far do we see that it is divine, to the end." * But this love of one in particu-
that we find that what the Apostle says is lar did not indicate any coldness in love for
plainly a living truth in us For the love of :
the rest of the disciples, but only a fuller and
God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy more abundant love towards the one, which his
Ghost Who dwelleth in us."=^ For it is the
prerogative of virginity and the purity of his
same thing as if he said that God is shed flesh bestowed upon him. And therefore it
abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost Who is marked by exceptional treatment, as being
dwelleth in us who also, when we know not
something more sublime, because no hateful

what we should pray for, " makes intercession

for us with groanings that cannot be uttered:
comparison with others, but a richer grace
of superabundant love singled it out. Some-
But He that searcheth the hearts knoweth
thing of this sort too we have in the character
what the Spirit desireth, for He asketh for the of the bride in the Song of Songs, where she
saints according to God."^ For this
says: "Set in order love in me."®

* Gal. vi. ID. " Gen. XXX vii. 8 /6. ver.

4. 34, I.
* I John iv. i6. * Rom. V. 5. 5 Rom, viii. 26, 27.
6 S. Matt. V. 44. ' S. John xiii. 23. » Cant. ii.
is true love set in order, which, while it hates For He does not say if
thy brother hath a :

no one, yet loves some still more by reason of true ground for complaint against thee leave
their deserving it, and which, while it loves thy gift at the altar, and go thy way, first be
but He says " if
all in general, singles out for itself some from reconciled to him thou

those, whom it may embrace with a special remember that thy brother hath aught against
affection, and again among those, who are thee," i.e., if there be anything however
the special and chief objects of its love, sin- trivial or small, owing to which your brother's
is roused against you, and this comes
gles out some who are preferred to others in anger
affection. back to your recollection by a sudden remem-
brance, you must know that you ought not to
offer the spiritual gift of your prayers until by
kindly amends you have removed from your
Of those who only increase their own or their brother's brother's heart the vexation arising from what-
grievances by hiding them. ever cause. If then the words of the Gospel
bid us make satisfaction to those who are
the other hand we know (and O would
On angry for past and utterly trivial grounds of

that we did not know) some of the brethren quarrel, and those which have arisen from
who are so hard and obstinate, that when the slightest causes, what will' become of us
they know that their own feelings are aroused wretches who with obstinate hyp6crisy dis-
against their brother, or that their brother's regard more recent grounds of offence, and
are against them, in order to conceal their those of the utmost importance, and due to
vexation of mind, which is caused by indig- our own faults; and being puffed up with the
nation at the grievance of one or the other, go devil's own pride, as we are ashanied to humble
apart from those whom they ought to smooth ourselves, deny that we are the cause of our
down by humbly making up to them and brother's vexation and in a spirit of rebellion
talking with them; and begin to sing some disdaining to be subject to the Lord's com-
verses of the Psalms. And these while they mands, contend that they never ought to be
fancy that they are softening the bitter thoughts observed and never can be fulfilled? And so
which have arisen in their heart, increase by it comes to
pass that as we make up our
their insolent conduct what they could have minds that He has commanded
things which
got rid of at once if they had been willing to are impossible and unsuitable, we become,
show more care and humility, for a well-timed to use the
Apostle's expression, "not doers
expression of regret would cure their own but judges of the law." ^
feelings and soften their brother's heart.
For by that plan they nourish and cherish the
sin of meanness or rather of pride, instead of CHAPTER XVIL
stamping out all inducement to quarrelling,
and they forget the charge of the Lord which Of those who hold that patience should be shown to worldly
says: "Whosoever is angry with "
his brother, people rather than to the brethren.
is in danger of the judgment; and: " if thou
remember that thy brother hath aught against This too should be bitterly lamented;
that some of the brethren, when
thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, namely,
and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy angered by some reproachful words, if they
are besieged by the prayers of some one else
brother, and then come and offer thy gift."

who wants to smooth them down, when they

hear that vexation ought not to be admitted
or retained against a brother, according to
what is written: " Whoever is angry with his
How it is that, if our brother has any grudge against us, the brother is in danger of the judgment;" and:
gifts of our prayers are rejectea by the Lord. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath," '
instantly assert that if a heathen or one living
So far therefore is our Lord anxious that in the world had said or done this, it rightly
we should not disregard the vexation of an- ought to be endured. But who could stand
other that He does not accept our offerings a brother who was accessory to so great a
if our brother has anything against us, i.e.. fault, or gave utterance to so insolent a
He does not allow prayers to be offered by us reproach with his lips! As if patience were to
to Him until by speedy amends we remove be shown only to unbelievers and blasphem-
from his (our brother's) mind the vexation ers, and not to all in general, or as if anger
which he whether rightly or wrongly feels. should be reckoned as bad when it is against
S. Matt. V. aJ-24. * S. * iv. 26.
James iv. ii. Eph.

a heathen, but good when it is against a fallen and on the point of tumbling into the
brother whereas certainly the obstinate rage
ditch: or as if he alone were guilty who had
of an angry soul brings about the same injury caught a man with the hand, and not also the
to one's self whoever may be the subject against one who had prepared and set the trap for
whom it is aroused. But how terribly obsti- him, or who would not set him free when he
nate, aye and senseless is it for them, owing might have done so. So then it is of no
to the stupidity of their dull mind, not to be good to hold one's tongue, if we impose

able to discern the meaning of these words, for silence upon ourselves for this reason that
Every one who is angry with a by our silence we may do what would have
it is not said :

stranger shall be in danger of the judgment," been done by an outcry on our part, simu-
which might perhaps according to their inter- lating certain gestures by which he whom
pretation except those who are partners of we ought to have cured, may be made still
more angry, while we are commended for all
our faith and life, but the word of the Gospel
most significantly expresses it by saying: this, to his loss and damage: as if a man
"Every one who is angry with his brother, were not for this very reason the more guilty,
shall be in danger of the judgment." And so because he tried to get glory for himself out
though we ought according to the rule of truth of his brother's fall. For such a silence
to regard every man as a brother, yet in this will be equally bad for both because while
passage one of the faithful and a partaker it increases the vexation in the heart of
of our mode of life is denoted by the title of another, so it prevents it from being removed
brother rather than a heathen. from one's own: and against such persons the
prophet's curse is with good reason directed :

"Woe to him
that giveth drink to his friend,
and presenteth his gall, and maketh him
Of those who pretend to patience but excite their brethren to drunk, that he may behold his nakedness.
anger by theirsilence. He is filled with shame instead of glory." ^
And this too which is said of such people by
But what sort of a thing is this, that some- another: "For every brother will utterly sup-
times we fancy that we are patient because plant, and every friend will walk deceitfully.
when provoked we scorn to answer, but by And a man shall mock his brother, and they
sullen silence or scornful motions and ges- will not speak the truth, for they have bent
tures so mock at our angry brothers that by their tongue like a bow for lies and not for
our silent looks we provoke them to anger truth." ^ But often a feigned patience excites
more than angry reproaches would have ex- to anger more keenly than words, and, a
cited them, meanwhile thinking that we are in spiteful silence exceeds the most awful insults
no way guilty before God, because we have in words, and the wounds of enemies are more
let nothing fall from our lips which could easily borne than the deceitful blandishment
brand us or condemn us in the judgment of of mockers, of which it is well said by the
men. As if in the sight of God mere words, prophet: "Their words are smoother than
and not mainly the will was called in fault, oil, and yet they are darts and elsewhere :

and as if Only the actual deed of sin, and not "the words of the crafty are soft: but they
also the wish and purpose, was reckoned as smite within the belly:" to which this also
wrong or as if it would be asked in the judg-
may be finely applied: "With the mouth he
ment only what each one had done and not speaks peace to his friend, but secretly he
what he also purposed to do. For it is not layeth snares for him;" with which however
# only the character of the anger roused, but also the deceiver is rather deceived, for if a man
the purpose of the man who provokes it which prepares a net before his friend, it surrounds
is bad, and therefore the true scrutiny of our his own feet; and: "if a man digs a pit for
judge will ask, not 'how the quarrel was stirred his neighbour, he shall fall into it himself."^
up but by whose fault it arose for the pur- :
Lastly when a great multitude had come with
pose of the sin, and not the way in which the swords and staves to take the Lord, none of
fault is committed must be taken into ac- the murderers of the author of our life stood
count. For what does it matter whether a forth as more cruel than he who advanced
man kills a brother with a sword by himself, before them all with a counterfeit respect and
or drives him to death by some fraud, when salutation and offered a kiss of feigned love;
it is clear that he is killed
by his wiles and to whom the Lord said Judas, betrayest thou

crime? As if it were enough not to have the Son of man with a kiss? " * i.e., the bitter-
pushed a blind man down with one's own
hand, though he is equally guilty who scorned
* Hab. *
ii. IS, i6. Jer. ix. 4, 5.
3 Ps. liv. (Iv.) 22 Prov. xxvi. 22 8 Prov. xxix. 5 xxvi. 27.
Jer. ix.
to save him, when it was in his power, when
; ; ; ;
* S. Luke xxii. 48.

ness of thy persecution and hatred has taken the right cheek, offer him the other also;"^
as a cloke this which expresses the sweetness while they totally ignore the meaning and
of true love. More openly too and more ener- purpose of the passage. For they fancy
getically does He emphasize the force of this that they are practising evangelical patience
grief by the prophet, saying: "For if mine through the sin of anger, for the utter eradi-
enemy had cursed me, I would have borne it : cation of which not only was the exchange
and if he who hated me had spoken great of retaliation and the irritation of strife for-

things against me, I would have hid myself bidden, but the command was- actually given
from him. But it was thou, a man of one us to mitigate the wrath of the striker by the
mind, my guide, and my familiar friend: who endurance of a double wrong.
didst take sweet meats together with me: in
the house of God we walked with consent."

CHAPTER XIX. A question how if we obey the commands of Christ

of evangelical perfection.
we can fail

Of. those who fast out of rage.

Germanus: How can we blame one who
There too another evil sort of vexation
is command of the Gospel and not
satisfies the
which would not be worth mentioning were only does not retaliate, but is actually pre-
it not that we know it is allowed by some of pared to have a double wrong offered to him?
the brethren who, when they have been vexed
or enraged actually abstain persistently from
food, so that (a thing which we cannot men- CHAPTER XXII.
tion without shame) those who when they are
calm declare that they cannot possibly put off The answer that Christ looks not only at the action but also
at the will.
their refreshment to the sixth or at most the
ninth hour, when they are filled with vexation
and rage do not feel fasts even for two days, Joseph: As was said a little before, we
must look not only at the thing which is
and support themselves, when exhausted by
done, but also at the character of the mind
such abstinence, by a surfeit of anger. Where-
and the purpose of the doer. And therefore
in they are plainly guilty of the sin of sac-
as out of the devil's own
you weigh with a careful scrutiny of heart
rilege, rage they what is done
endure fasts which ought specially to be of- by each man and consider with
what mind it is done or from what feeling
fered to God alone out of desire for humili-
ation of heart and purification from sin
it proceeds,
you will see that the virtue of

patience and gentleness cannot possibly be

which is much the same as if they were to
fulfiUeJMn the opposite spirit, i.e., that of
offer prayers and sacrifices not to God but
and rage. Since our Lord and
to devils, and so be worthy of hearing this impatience
when giving us a thorough lesson on
rebuke of Moses: "They sacrificed to devils Saviour,
the virtue of patience and gentleness (i.e.,
and not to God to gods whom they knew
us not to it with our profess
not."'^ teaching only
lips, but to store it up in the inmost recesses
of the soul) gave us this summary of evange-
CHAPTER XX. lical perfection, saying: "If any one smites

Oi the feigned patience of some who offer the other cheek

thee on thy right cheek, offer him the other
to be smitten. *
also"* (doubtless the "r^''///" cheek is men-
tioned, as another "right" cheek cannot be
We are not ignorant also of another kind found except in the face of the inner man, so
of insanity,which we find in some of the breth- to speak), as by this He desires entirely to
ren under colour of a counterfeit patience, as remove all incitement to anger from the deep-
in this case it is not enough to have stirred est recesses of the soul, i.e., that if your
up quarrels unless they incite them with ir^i external right cheek has received a blow from
tating words so as to get themselves smitten, the striker, the inner man also humbly con-
and when they have been touched by the senting may offer its right cheek to be smitten,
slightest blow, at once they offer another sympathizing with the suffering of the out-
part of their body to be smitten, as if in this ward man, and in a way submitting and sub-
way they could fulfil to perfection that com- jecting its own body to wrong from the striker,
mand which says: "If a man smite thee on that the inner man may not even silently be
» P». ' * S.
liv. (Iv.) 13-1S. Deut. xxxii. 17. Matt. V. 39. Jditi.

disturbed in itself at the blows of the outward one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of
man. You see then that they are very far Christ."
For a weak man will never support
from evangelical perfection, which teaches that a weak man, nor can one who is suffering in
patience must be maintained, not in words, the same way, bear or cure one in feeble
but in inward tranquillity of heart, and which health, but one who is himself not subject
bids us preserve it whatever evil happens, to infirmity brings remedies to one in weak
that we may not only keep ourselves always health. For it is rightly said to him " Phy- :

from disturbing anger, but also by submitting sician, heal thyself."^

to their injuries compel those, who are dis-
turbed by their own fault, to become calm,
when they have had their fill of blows; and so CHAPTER XXIV.
overcome their rage by our gentleness. And
so also we shall fulfil these words of the How the weak are harmful and cannot bear wrongs.

Apostle: ''Be not overcome of evil, but over-

come evil with good." ^ And it is quite clear We must note too the fact that the nature of
that this cannot be fulfilled by those who utter the weak always such that they are quick

words of gentleness and humility in such a and ready to offer reproaches and sow the
seeds of quarrels, while they themselves can-
spirit and rage that they not only fail to les-
sen the fire of wrath which has been kindled, not bear to be touched by the shadow of the
but rather make it blaze up the more fiercely very slightest wrong, and while they are riding
both in their own feelings and in those of roughshod over us and flinging about wanton
their enraged brother. But these, even if they charges, they are not able to bear even the
could in some way keep calm and quiet them- slightest and most trivial ones themselves.
selves, would yet not bear any fruits of right-
And so according to the aforesaid opinion of
the Elders love cannot last firm and unbroken
eousness, while they claim the glory of patience
on their part by their neighbour's loss, and except among men of the same purpose and
are thus altogether removed from that Apos- goodness. For at some time or other it is sure
Seeketh not her own," ^ but to be broken, however carefully it may be
tolic love which
the things of others. For it does not so desire guarded by one of them.
riches in such a way as to make profit for itself
out of one's neighbour's loss, nor does it wish
to gain anything if it involves the spoiling of XXV. CHAPTER
A question how he can be strong who does not always support
the weak.
Germanus: How then can the patience of
How he is the strong and vigorous nian, who yields to the will man be worthy of praise if it cannot
a perfect
of another.
always bear the weak?
But you must certainly know that in general
he plays a stronger part who subjects his own
will to his brother's, than he who is found to
be the more pertinacious in defending and The answer that the weak does not
always allow himself to be
clinging to his own decisions. For the former borne.

by bearing and putting up with his neighbour

gains the character of being strong and vigor- Joseph: I did not say that the virtue and
ous, while the latter gains that of being weak endurance of one who is strong and robust
and sickly, who must be pampered and petted would be overcome, but that the miserable
so that sometimes for the sake of his peace condition of the weak, encouraged by the toler-
and quiet it is a good thing to relax something ance of the perfect, and daily growing worse,
even in necessary matters. And indeed in this is sure to give rise to reasons on account of
he need not fancy that he has lost anything of which he himself ought no longer to be borne;
his own perfection, though by yielding he has or else with a shrewd suspicion that the
given up something of his intended strictness, patience of his neighbour shows up and sets
but on the contrary he may be sure that he has off his own impatience at some time or other
gained much more by his virtue of long-sufifer- he chooses to make off rather than always to
ing and patience. For this is the Apostle's be borne by the magnanimity of the other.
command: "Ye who are strong should bear This then we think should be above all else
the infirmities of the weak " and " Bear ye observed by those who want to keep the affec'

' Rom. xii. 21. I Cor. xiii. 5.

^ Rom. XV. I ; Gal. vi. 2. * S. Luke iv. 23.
" ®
tion of their companions unimpaired; viz., things and so your mind will be enlarged

that first of all when provoked by any wrongs, with wide long-suffering and patience, and
a monk should keep not only his lips but even will have within it safe recesses of counsel,
the depth of his breast unmoved: but if he in which the foul smoke of anger will be
finds that they are even slightly disturbed, let received and be diffused and forthwith vanish
him keep himself in by entire silence, and away; or else the passage may be taken in
diligently observe what the Psalmist speaks this way: we give place to wrath, as often
of: "I was troubled and spake nothing;" as we yield with humble and tranquil mind
and: "I said I will take heed to thy ways that to the passion of another, and bow to the
I offend not with
my tongue. I have set a impatience of the passionate, as if we ad-
guard- to my mouth, when the sinner stood mitted that we deserved any kind of wrong.
against me. I was dumb and was humbled, But those who twist the meaning of the per-
and kept silence from good things;"^ and he fection of which the Apostle speaks so as to
should not pay any heed to his present state, make out that those give place to anger, who
nor give vent to what his violent rage suggests go away from a man in a rage, seem to me
and his exasperated mind expresses at the not to cut off but rather to foment the incite-
moment, but should dwell on the grace of past ment to quarrelling, for unless a neighbour's
love or look forward in his mind to the re- is overcome at once
by amends being
newal and restoration of peace, and contem- humbly made, a man provokes rather than
plate it even in the very hour of rage, as if avoids it
by his flight. And there is some-
it were sure
presently to return. And while thing like this that Solomon says: "Be not
he is reserving himself for the delight of hasty in thy spirit to be wroth, for anger
harmony soon to come, he will not feel the bit- reposes in the bosom of fools
and " Be ; :

terness of the present quarrel and will easily not quick to rush into a quarrel, lest thou
make such answers that, when love is restored, repent thereof at the last."' For he does
he will not be able to accuse himself as guilty not blame a hasty exhibition of quarrelling
or be blamed by the other; and thus he will and anger in such a way as to praise a tardy
fulfil these words of the
prophet: "In wrath one. In the same way too must this be taken :

remember mercy. " *

"A fool declares his anger in the very same
hour, but a prudent man hides his shame."'
For he does not lay it down that a shameful
outburst of anger ought to be hidden by wise
CHAPTER XXVII. men in such a way that while he blames a
speedy outburst of anger he fails to forbid
How anger should be repressed. a tardy one, as certainly, if owing to human
weakness it does burst forth, he means that
We ought then to restrain every movement it shouRl be hidden for this reason, that
of anger and moderate it under the direction while for the it moment
is wisely covered
of discretion, that we may not by blind rage up, it may be destroyed forever. For the
be hurried into that which is condemned by nature of anger is such that when it is given
Solomon: "The wicked man expends all his room it languishes and perishes, but if openly
anger, but the wise man dispenses it bit by exhibited, it burns more and more. The
bit,"" i.e., a fool is inflamed by the passion hearts then should be enlarged and opened
of his anger to avenge himself; but a wise wide, lest they be confined in the narrow
man, by the ripeness of his counsel and mode- straits of cowardice, and be filled with the
ration little by little diminishes it, and gets swelling surge of wrath, and so we become
rid of it. Something of the same kind too unable to receive what the prophet calls the
is this which is said
by the Apostle: "Not "exceeding broad" commandment of God in
avenging yourselves, dearly beloved: but give our narrow heart, or to say with the prophet :

place to wrath,"* i.e., do not under the com- I have run the
way of thy commandments
pulsion of wrath proceed to vengeance, but for thou hast enlarged my heart." ' For that
give place to wrath, i.e., do not let your hearts long-suffering is wisdom we are taught by
be confined in the straits of impatience and "
very clear passages of Scripture for a man :

cowardice so that, when a fierce storm of who is long-suffering is great in prudence;

passion rises, you cannot endure it; but be but a coward is very foolish."' And there-
ye enlarged in your hearts, receiving the ad- fore Scripture says of him who to his credit
verse waves of anger in the wide gulf of that asked the gift of wisdom from the Lord:
love which "suffereth all things, beareth all "God gave Solomon wisdom and prudence
Ps. xxxviii. (xxxix.) 2, 3. ' Prov. xxix. 11. » Cor. » •
Ixxyi. (Ixxvil.) 5 ; i xiii. 7. Prov. xii. 16. Prov. xiv. J9.
» Hab. iii. a. Rom. xii. 19. • Ecd. vii. 9; Prov. xxv. 8. • Ps. cxviii.
(cxix.) 32.

exceeding much, and largeness of heart as love, but out of earthly love, and because of
the sand of the sea for multitude." their wants and the bonds of their agreement;
or else because that most crafty foe of ours
hurries them on the more speedily to break
CHAPTER XXVIII. the chains of their friendship in order that
he may make them breakers of their oath.
How friendships entered upon by conspiracy cannot be lasting This opinion then of the most prudent men
is most certainly established; viz., that true
This too has been often proved by many harmony and undivided union can only exist
experiments; viz., that those who entered among those whose life is pure, and who are
the bonds of friendship from a beginning of men of the same goodness and purpose.
conspiracy, cannot possibly preserve their har- Thus much the blessed Joseph discoursed
mony unbroken; either because they tried in his spiritual talk on friendship, and fired
to keep it not out of their desire for perfec- us with a more ardent desire to preserve the
tion nor because of the sway of Apostolic love of our fellowship as a lasting one.




CHAPTER I. such great men, be formed for a more perfect

life and aim, were it not that the terms of
Of the vigils which we endured. our promise compelled us to return at once
to the monastery. But if we return thither,
When then the previous Conference was we shall never get another chance of coming
ended, and the intervening silence of night here again. But if we stay here and choose
as well, as we had been conducted by the holy to carry out our wishes, what becomes of the
Abbot Joseph to a separate cell for the sake faith of the oath which we are aware that we
of quiet, but had passed the whole night with- gave to our Elders promising a speedy return ;

out sleep (since owing to his words a fire was that we might be allowed to make a hasty
raging in our hearts), we came forth from the round of the monasteries and saints "of this
cell and retired about a hundred yards from it province? And when in this state of tumult
and sat down in a secluded spot. And so as we could not make up our minds what we
an opportunity was given by the shades of ought to decide on the state of our salvation
night for secret and familiar converse to- we simply testified by our groans the hard
gether, as we sat there Abbot Germanus fate of our condition, upbraiding the audacity
groaned heavily. of our impudence, and yet hating the shame
which was natural to us, weighed down by
which we could not in any other way resist
CHAPTER II. the prayers of those who kept us back against
our profit and purpose, except by the promise
Of the anxiety of Abbot Germanus at the recollection of our
of a speedy return, as we wept indeed that
we laboured under the fault of that shame,
What are we doing? said he. For we see of which it is said "There is a shame that
that we are involved in a great difficulty and bringeth sin."
are in an evil plight, as reason itself and the
life ofthe saints is effectually teaching us CHAPTER
what isthe best thing for our progress in the
My ideas on this subject.
spiritual life, and yet our promise given to the
Elders does not allow us to choose what is Then I replied: The counsel or rather the
helpful. For we might, by the examples of authority of the Elder to whom we ought to
* *
I Kings iv. 29. Prov. XX vi. II.

refer our anxieties would make a short way of your holiness, and that after our return
out of our difficulties, and whatever is decided we should follow, though with but a feeble
by his verdict, may, like a divine and heavenly rivalry, what we had learnt from your teach-
reply, put an end to all our troubles. And ing. For this our love for our Elders led us
we need not have any doubt of what is given to promise them, while we fancied that we
to us by the Lord through the lips of this could in some degree follow in that monastery
Elder, both for the sake of his merits and for your sublime life and doctrine. Wherefore
our own faith. For by His gift believers have as we thought that by this means all joy would
often obtained saving counsel from unworthy be bestowed upon us, so on the other hand
people, and unbelievers from saints, as the we are overwhelmed with intolerable grief, as
Lord grants this either on account of the we find that we cannot possibly obtain in this
merit of those who answer, or on account of way what we know to be good for us. On
the faith of those who ask advice. And so both sides then we are now hemmed in. For
the holy Abbot Germanus caught eagerly at if we want to keep our promise which we made
these words as if I had uttered them not of in the presence of all the brethren in the cave
myself but at the prompting of the Lord, and where our Lord Himself shone forth from His
when we had waited a little for the coming chamber in the Virgin's womb,'' and which
of the Elder and the approaching hour of' the He Himself witnessed, we shall incur the
nocturnal service, after we had welcomed him greatest loss in our spiritual life. But if we
with the usual greeting and finished reciting ignore our promise and stay in this district,
the right number of Psalms and prayers, we and choose to consider that oath of ours as
sat down again as usual on the same mats on of less importance than our perfection, we are
which we had settled ourselves to sleep. afraid of the awful dangers of falsehood and
perjury. But not even by this plan can we
lighten our burdens; viz., by fulfilling the
CHAPTER IV. terms of our oath by a very hasty return, and
then coming back again as quickly as possible
Abbot Joseph's question and our answer on the origin of our to these parts. For although even a small
delay is dangerous and hurtful for those who
are aiming at goodness and advance in spiri-
Then the venerable Joseph saw that we tual
things, yet still we would keep our faith
were in rather low spirits, and, guessing that
and promise, though by an unwilling return,
this was not the case without reason, addressed
were it not that we felt sure that we should be
us in these words of the patriarch Joseph:
" ^ so tightly bound down both by the authority
Why are your faces sad today ? to whom and also by the love of the Elders, that we
we answered: We are not like those bond should
slaves of Pharaoh who have seen a dream and hi^ceforth have no opportunity at all
to come back again to this place.
there is none to interpret it, but I admit that
we have passed a sleepless night and there
is no one to lighten the weight of our troubles
unless the Lord may remove them by your
wisdom. Then he, who recalled the excel- Ablx>t Joseph's question whether we got more good in Egypt
lence of the patriarch both by his merits and than in Syria.

name, said: Does not the cure of man's per-

plexities come from the Lord? Let them To this the blessed Joseph, after a short
be brought forward for the Divine Compas- silence: Are you sure, said he, that you can

sion is able to give a remedy for them by get more profit in spiritual matters in this
means of our advice according to your faith. country ?

The answer on the difference of customs in the two countries.

The explanation of Abbot Germanus why we wanted to stay

in Egypt, and were drawn back to Syria. Germanus :
Although we ought to be most
grateful for the teaching of those men who
To THIS Germanus We used : to think, said taught us from our youth up to attempt great
he, that we should go back our monastery things, and, by giving us a taste of their ex-
abundantly filled not only with spiritual joy cellence, implanted in our hearts a splendid
but also with what is profitable by the sight thirst for perfection, yet if
any reliance is to

> Gen. xl. 7, Compare on the Inttitutes IV. c. xxxi.

be placed on our judgment, we cannot draw longer be repeated or be the cause of other
any comparison between these customs and sins) than for you to incur that loss, through
those which we learnt there, so as to hold our which you say that your state of life would be-
tongues about the inimitable purity of your come colder, and which would affect you with
life, which we believe is granted to you not a daily and unceasing injury. For a careless
only owing to the concentration of your mind promise is changed in such a way that it may
and aim, but also owing to the aid and assist- be pardoned or indeed praised, if it is turned
ance of the place itself. Wherefore we do into a better path, nor need we take it as a
not doubt that for the following of your grand failure in consistency, but as a correction of
perfection this instruction which is given to rashness, whenever a promise that was faulty
us is not enough by itself, unless we have also is corrected. And all this may be proved by
the help of the life, and a long course of in- most certain witness from Scripture, that for
struction somewhat dissolves the coldness of many the fulfilment of their promise has led
our heart by daily training. to death, and on the other hand that for many
it has been good and profitable to have re-
fused it.
How those who
are perfect ought not to make any promises
How it is often better to break one's engagements than to
absolutely, and whether decisions can be reversed without fulfil them.

And both these points are very clearly

Joseph: good indeed and right and shown
It is

altogether in accordance with our profession, by the cases of S. Peter the Apostle
for us effectually to perform what we decided
and Herod. For the former, because he de-
to do in the case of any promise. Wherefore parted from his expressed determination which
a monk ought not to make any promise hastily, he had as it were confirmed with an oath
lest he may be forced to do what he incau- saying
"Thou shalt never wash my feet,"^
or if he is back gained an immortal partnership with Christ,
tiously promised, kept by
consideration of a sounder view, appear as a whereas he would certainly have been cut off
breaker of his promise. But because at the from the grace of this blessedness, if he had
to his word. But the latter,
present moment our purpose is to treat not so clung obstinately
much of a state of health as of the cure of by clinging to the pledge of his ill-considered
sickness we must with salutary counsel con- oath, became the bloody murderer of the
sider not what you ought to have done in the Lord's forerunner, and through the vain fear
first instance, but how you can escape from
of perjury plunged himself into condemna-
the rocks of this perilous shipwreck. When tion and the punishment of everlasting death.
then no chains impede us and no conditions In everything then we must consider the end,
restrict us, in the case of a comparison of
and must according to it direct our course and
if a choice is that aim, and if when some wiser counsel super-
good things, proposed,
which is most advantageous should be pre- venes, we see it diverging to the worse part, it
ferred: but when some detriment and loss is better to discard the unsuitable arrange-
stands in the way, in a comparison of things ment, and to come to a better mind rather
to our hurt, that should be sought which than to cling obstinately to our engagements
us to the smallest loss. as
and so become involved in worse sins.
exposes Further,
your assertion shows, when your heedless
promise has brought you to this state that in
either case some serious loss and inconveni- CHAPTER X.
ence must result to you, the will in choosing
should incline to that side which involves a Our question about our fear of the oath which we gave in
the monastery in Syria.
loss that is more tolerable, or can be more
easily made up for by the remedy of making Germanus: In so far as it concerns our
amends. then you think that you will get
which we undertook to carry out for
more good for your spirit by staying here than the sake of spiritual profit, we were hoping to
what accrued to you from your life in that be edified by continual intercourse with you.
monastery, and that the terms of your promise For if we were to return to our monastery it is
cannot be fulfilled without the loss of great certain thatwe should not only fail of so
good, it is better for you to undergo the loss sublime a purpose, but that we should also
from a falsehood and an unfulfilled promise
(as it is done once for all, and need not any 1 S. John xiii. 8.

suffer grievous loss from the mediocrity of the accomplish. And again, what could there be
manner of life there. But that command of more culpable than craft and deceit shown
the gospel frightens us terribly: "Let your even to a stranger, not to mention one's
speech be yea, yea, nay, nay but whatsoever : brother and father? And yet the patriarch
is more than these, is from the evil one."^ Jacob not only met with no condemnation
For we hold that we cannot compensate for or blame for such things but was actually
transgressing so important a command by any dowered with the everlasting heritage of the
righteousness, nor can that finally turn out blessing. And not without reason, for the
well which has once been started with a bad last mentioned desired the blessing destined
beginning. for the first-born not out of a greedy desire
for present gain but because of his faith in
everlasting sanctification while the former

(Judas) delivered the Redeemer of all to

death, not for the sake of man's salvation,
The answer that we must take into account the purpose of the
doer rather than the execution of the business.
but from the sin of covetousness. And there-
fore in each case the fruits of their action are
reckoned according to the intention of the
Joseph In every case, as we said, we must
mind and purpose of the will, according to
look not at the progress of the work but at
which the object of the one was not to work
the intention of the worker, nor must we in-
fraud, nor was that of the other to work sal-
quire to begin with what a man has done, but vation. For justly is there repayment to each
with what purpose, so that we may find that
man as the recompense of reward, for what he
some have been condemned for those deeds
conceived in the first instance in his mind,
from which good has afterwards arisen, and
and not for what resulted from it either well
on the other hand that some have arrived by
or badly, against the wish of the worker.
means of acts in themselves reprehensible at
And so the most just Judge regarded him who
the height of righteousness. And in the case
ventured on such a falsehood as excusable
of the former the good result of their actions
and indeed worthy of praise, because without
was of no avail to them as they took the mat-
it he could not secure the
ter in and with an evil purpose, and wanted blessing of the first-
to bring about —
not the good which actually born; and that should not be reckoned as a
sin, which arose from desire of the blessing.
resulted, but something of the opposite cha-
Otherwise the aforesaid patriarch would have
racter; nor was the bad beginning injurious to
been not only unfair to his brother, but also
the latter, as he put up with the necessity of
a cheat of his father and a blasphemer, if
a blameworthy start, not out of disregard for
there had been any other way by which he
God, or with the purpose of doing wrong, but could secure the gift of that blessing, and
with an eye to a needful and holy end.
he had p?feferred to follow this which would
damage and injure his brother. You see then
that with God the inquiry is not into the
CHAPTER XII. carrying
out of the act, but into the purpose
of the mind. With this preparation then for
How a fortunate issue will be of no avail to evil doers, while a return to the question proposed (for which
has been premised) I want you first
bad deeds wil\ not injure good men. all this
for what reason you bound your-
to tell
And that we may make these statements selves in the fetters of that promise.
clear by instances from Holy Scripture, what
could be brought about that was more salu-
tary and more to the good of the whole world,
than the saving remedy of the Lord's Passion? CHAPTER Xin.
And yet it was not only of no advantage, but
was actually to the disadvantage of the traitor Our answer as to the reason which demanded an oath from us.
by whose means it is shown to have been
brought about, so that it is absolutely said of
him: "It were good for that man if he had Germanus: The first reason, as we said,
never been born."" For the fruits of his was that we were afraid of vexing our Elders
labour will not be repaid to him according to and resisting their orders; the second was
the actual result, but according to what he that we very foolishly believed that, if we had
wanted to do, and believed that he would learnt from you anything perfect or splendid
to hear or look at,when we returned to the
S. Matt. y. 37. * S. Matt. xxvi. 24. monastery, we should be able to perform it.
from us were it not that we were terribly
alarmed lest by this example an opportunity
The discourse of the Elder showing how the plan of action for lying might be offered to certain weaker
that one keeps to
may be changed without fault provided brethren, if they knew that the faith of an
the carrying out of a good intention.
agreement could be in any way lawfully
broken, whereas this very thing is forbidden
Joseph: As we premised, the intent of
in such vigorous and threatening terms by the
mind brings a man either reward or condem-
nation, according to this passage: "Their prophet when he says: "Thou"
shalt destroy
or also all those who utter a lie; and: "the mouth
thoughts between themselves accusing that speaketh a shall slay the soul."*
defending one another, in the day when God
shall judge the secrets of men ;
and this too :

But I am coming to gather together their
works and thoughts together with all nations
and tongues.." ^ Wherefore it was, as I see, The answer that Scripture truth is not to be altered on account
from a desire for perfection that you bound of an offence given to the weak.
these oaths, as
yourselves with the chain of
it could be
you then thought that by this plan Joseph Occasions and opportunities for de-

gained, while now that a riper judgment stroying themselves cannot possibly be want-
supervened, you see that you cannot by this
ing to those who are on the road to ruin, or
means scale its heights. And so any departure rather who are anxious to destroy themselves;
from that arrangement, which may seem to nor are those passages of Scripture to be re-
have happened, will be no hindrance, if only jected and altogether torn out of the volume,
no change in that first purpose follows. For a by which the perversity of heretics is en-
change of instrument does not imply a deser- couraged, or the unbelief of the Jews increased,
tion of the work, nor does the choice of a or the pride of heathen wisdom offended; but
shorter and more direct road argue laziness surely they are to be piously believed, and
on the path of the traveller. And so in this firmly held, and preached according to the
matter an improvement in a short-sighted rule of truth. And therefore we should not,
arrangement is not to be reckoned a breach of because of another's unbelief, reject the
a spiritual promise. For whatever is done out oixot'o/nlac, i.e., the "economy" of the prophets
of the love of God and desire for goodness, and saints which Scripture relates, lest while
which has "promise of the life that now is we are thinking that we ought to condescend
and of that which is to come,"* even though to their infirmities, we stain ourselves with
it may appear to commence with a hard and the sin not only of lying but of sacrilege.
adverse beginning, is most worthy, not only But, as we said, we ought to admit these
of no blame, but actually of praise. And according to the letter, and explain how
therefore the breaking of a careless promise they were rightly done. But for those who
will be no hindrance, if in every case the end, are' wrongly disposed, the opening for lies
i.e., the proposed aim at goodness, be- main- will not be blocked up by this means, if we
tained. For we do all for this reason, that are trying either altogether to deny or to
we may be able to show to God a clean heart, explain away by allegorical interpretations
and if the attainment of this is considered to the truth of those things which we are going
be easier in this country the alteration of the to bring forward or have already brought for-
agreement extracted from you will be no hin- ward. For how will the authority of these
drance to you, if only the perfection of that passages injure them if their corrupt will is
purity for the sake of which your promise was alone sufficient to lead them to sin?
originally made, be the sooner secured accord-
ing to the Lord's will.
How the saints have profitably employed a lie like hellebore.

A question whether can be without sin that our knowledge


affords to weak brethren an opportunity for lying. And so to regard a lie and to em-
we ought
ploy it as nature were that of hellebore
if its ;

Germanus As : far as the force of the words which is useful if taken when sorne deadly
which have been reasonably and carefully disease is threatening, but if taken without
considered, is concerned, our scruple about being required by some great danger is the
our promise would have easily been removed cause of immediate death. For so also we
' Tim. '
* Rom. ii. 15, 16; Is. Ixvi. 18. I iv. 8. Ps. V. 7; Wisd. i. II.

read that holy men and those most approved above, one man may be justified by means of
by God employed lying, so as not only to a lie, while another may be guilty of a sin
incur no guilt of sin from it, but even to of everlasting death by telling the truth. To
attain the greatest goodness; and if deceit which end the patriarch Jacob also had regard
could confer glory on them, what on the other when he was not afraid to imitate the hairy
hand would the truth have brought them but appearance of his brother's body by wrapping
condemnation? Just as Rahab, of whom himself up in skins, and to his credit ac-
Scripture gives a record not only of no good quiesced in his mother's instigation of a lie
deed but actually of unchastity, yet simply for for this object. For he saw that in this way
the lie, by means of which she preferred to there would be bestowed on him greater gains
hide the spies instead of betraying them, had of blessing and righteousness than by keep-
it vouchsafed to her to be joined with the ing to the path of simplicity: for he did not
people of God in everlasting blessing. But if doubt that the stain of this lie would at once
she had preferred to speak the truth and to be washed away by the flood of the paternal
regard the safety of the citizens, there is no blessing, and would speedily be dissolved
doubt that she and all her house would not like a little cloud by the breath of the Holy
have escaped the coming destruction, nor Spirit; and that richer rewards of merit would
would it have been vouchsafed to her to be be bestowed on him by means of this dissimu-
inserted in the progenitors of our Lord's lation which he put on than by means of the
nativity,^ and reckoned in the list of the truth, which was natural to him.
patriarchs, and through her descendants that
followed, to become the mother of the Saviour
of all. Again Dalila, who to provide for the CHAPTER XVHI.
safety of her fellow citizens betrayed the truth
she had discovered, obtained exchangem An objection that only those men employed lies with impunity,
eternal destruction, and has left to all men who lived under the law.

nothing but the memory of her sin. When

then any grave danger hangs on confession of Germanus: It is no wonder that these
the truth, then we must take to lying as a schemes were properly employed in the Old
refuge, yet in such a way as to be for our sal- Testament, and that some holy men laudably
vation troubled by the guilt of a humbled con- or at any rate venially told lies, as we see
science. But where there is no call of the that many worse things were permitted to them
utmost necessity present, there a lie should owing to the rude character of the times. For
be most carefully avoided as if it were some- why should we wonder that when the blessed
thing deadly: just as we said of a cup of David was fleeing from Saul, in answer to the
hellebore which is indeed useful if it is only inquiry of Abimelech the priest who said:
taken in the last resort when a deadly and in- "Why awt thou alone, and is no man with
evitable disease is threatening, while if it is thee?" he replied as follows: **The king
taken when the body is in a state of sound and hath commanded me a business, and said,
rude health, its deadly properties at once go Let no man know the thing for which thou art
to find out the vital parts. And this was sent by me, for I have appointed my servants
clearly shown of Rahab of Jericho, and the to such and such a place; and again Hast :

patriarch Jacob; the former of whom could thou here at hand a spear or a sword, for I
only escape death by means of this remedy, brought not my own sword nor my own weapon
while the latter could not secure the blessing with me, for the king's business required
of the first-born without it. For God is not haste;" or this, when he was brought to
only the Judge and inspector of our words and Achish king of Gath, and feigned himself
actions, but He also looks into their purpose mad and frantic, "and changed his counte-
and aim. And if He sees that anything has nance before them, and slipped down between
been done or promised by some one for the their hands; and stumbled against the doors
sake of eternal salvation and shows insight of the gate and his spittle ran down on his
" ^
into Divine contemplation, even though it may beard; when they were even allowed to en-
appear to men to be hard and unfair, yet He joy crowds of wives and concubines, and no
looks at the inner goodness of the heart and sin was on this account imputed to them, and
regards the desire of the will rather than the when moreover they often shed the blood of
actual words spoken, because He must take their enemies with their own hand, and this
into account the aim of the work and the dis- was thought not only worthy of no blame, but
position of the doer, whereby, as was said actually praiseworthy? And all these things
Cf. S. Matt. i.
* I Sam. xxi.
5. I, 2, 8, i;.

we see by the light of the gospel are utterly therefore these plans which we hear that holy
forbidden, so that not one of them can be men under the old covenant adopted either
done without great sin and guilt. And in the from the will of God, or for the prefiguring
same way we hold that no lie can be employed of spiritual mysteries or for the salvation of
by any one, I will not say rightly, but not even some people, we too cannot refuse altogether,
venially, however it may be covered with the when necessity constrains us, as we see that
colour of piety, as the Lord says Let your even apostles did not avoid them, where the

speech be yea, yea, nay, nay but whatsoever "

: consideration of something profitable required
is more than these is of the evil one and them: which in the meanwhile we will for a

the Apostle also agrees with this: "And lie time postpone, while we first discuss those
not one to another. ^ instances which we propose still to bring for-
ward from the Old I'estament, and afterwards
we shall more suitably introduce them so as
CHAPTER XIX. more readily to prove that good and holy men,
both in the Old and in the New Testament,
The answer, that leave to lie, which was not even granted under
the old Covenant, has riglitly been taken by many. were entirely at one with each other in these
contrivances. For what shall we say of that
Joseph: All liberty in the matter of wives pious fraud of Hushai to Absalom for the
and many concubines, as the end of time salvation of king David, which though uttered
is approaching and the multiplying of the with all appearance of good-will by the de-
human race completed, ought rightly to be ceiver and cheat, and opposed to the gocd
cut off by evangelical perfection, as being no of him who asked advice, is yet commended
longer necessary. For up to the coming of by the authority of Holy Scripture, which
Christ it was well that the blessing of the says: But by the will of the Lord the profit-
original sentence should be in full vigour, able counsel of Ahithophel was defeated that
whereby it was said: "Increase and multiply, the Lord might bring evil upon Absalom } ®
and fill the earth. "^ And therefore it was Nor could that be blamed which was done
quite right that from the root of human for the right side with a right purpose and
fecundity which happily flourished in the pious intent, and was planned for the salva-
synagogue, in accordance with that dispensa- tion and victory of one whose piety was pleas-
tion of the times, the buds of angelical vir- ing to God, by a holy dissimulation. What
ginity should spring, and the fragrant flowers too shall we say of the deed of that wcman,
of continence be produced in the Church. who received the men who had been sent to
But that lying was even then condemned the king David by the aforesaid Hushai, and
text of the whole Old Testament clearly shows, hid them in a well, and spread a cloth over
as it says: "Thou shall destroy all them that its mouth, and pretended that she was drying
speak lies;" and again: "The bread of lying pearl-barley, and said "They passed on after
is sweet to a man, but afterwards his mouth is tasting a little water";* and by this invention
filled with gravel and the Giver of the law saved them from the hands of their pursuers?
himself says: Thou shalt avoid a lie.'" But Wherefore answer me, I pray you, and say
we said that it was then properly employed as what you would have done, if any similar
a last resort when some need or plan of salva- situation had arisen for you, living new under
tion was linked on to it, on account of which the gospel would you prefer to hide them ;

it ought not to be condemned. As is the case, with a similar falsehood, saying in the same
which you mentioned, of king David when way: "They passed on after tasting a little
in his flight from the unjust persecution of water," and thus fulfil the command: "Deliver
Saul, to Abimelech the priest he used lying those who are being led to death, and spare
words, not with the object of getting any gain not to redeem those who are being killed;

nor with the desire to injure anybody, but or by speaking the truth, would you have
simply to save himself from that most iniqui- given up those in hiding to the men who
tous persecution; inasmuch as he would not would kill them? And what then becomes
stain his hands with the blood of the hostile of the Apostle's words: "Let no man seek
king, so often delivered up to him by God as his own but the things of another;" and: ;

he said " The Lord be merciful to me that I " Love seeketh not her own, but the things of

may do no such thing to my master the Lord's others;" and of himself he says: "I seek not
anointed, as to lay my hand upon him, mine own good but the gocd of many that
because he is the Lord's anointed."* And they may be saved ? " * For if we seek our own.

1 S. Matt. V. 37 Col. » Gen. i. ^ 2 ,Sam. xvii. '

; iii. 9. 28. 14. Prov. xxiv. II.
' Ps. V. Prov. xx. 17 ; £xod. xxiii. 7. I Sam. xxiv. " 2 16. ver. 20. '
7 ; 7. I Cor. X. 24 ;
xiii. 5 ;
i Cor. x. 33.

and want obstinately to keep what is good without law; to the weak I became weak,
for ourselves, we must even in urgent cases that I might gain the weak: I became all" ^
of this sort speak the truth, and so become things to all men, that I might save all ;

guilty of the death of

another: but if we what does he show but that according to the
prefer what is for another's advantage
to our weakness and the capacity of those who were
own good, and satisfy the demands of the being instructed he always lowered himself
Apostle, we shall certainly have to put up and relaxed something of the vigour of per-
with the necessity of lying. And therefore fection, and did not cling to what his own
we shall not be able to keep a perfect heart strict life might seem to demand, but rather
of love,or to seek, as Apostolic perfection preferred that which the good of the weak
requires, the things of others, unless we might require? And that we may trace these
relax a little in those things which concern matters out more carefully and recount one
the strictness and perfection of our own lives, by one the glories of the good deeds of the
and choose condescend with ready affec-
to Apostles, some one may ask how the blessed
tion to what useful to others, and so with
is Apostle can be proved to have suited himself
the Apostle become weak to the weak, that to all men in all things. When did he to
we may be able to gain the weak. the Jews become as a Jew? Certainly in the
case where, while he still kept in his inmost
heart the opinion which he had maintained
to the Galatians saying: "Behold, I, Paul,
say unto you that if ye be circumcised Christ *
How even Apostles thought t'.iat a lie was often useful and the shall profityou nothing," yet by circumcis-
truth injurious. ing Timothy he adopted a shadow as it were
of Jewish superstition. And again, where
Instructed by which examples, the blessed did he become to those under the law, as
Apostle James also, and all the chief princes under the law? There certainly where James
of Church urged the Apostle
the primitive and all the Elders of the Church, fearing
Paul in consequence of the weakness of lest he might be attacked by the multitude
feeble persons to condescend to a fictitious of Jewish believers, or rather of Judaizing
arrangement and insisted on his purifying him- Christians, who had received the faith of
self according to the requirements of the law, Christ in such a way as still to be bound by
and shaving his head and paying his vows, as the rites of legal ceremonies, came to his
they thought that the present harm which rescue in his difficulty with this counsel and
would come from this hypocrisy was of no advice,and said: "Thou seest, brother, how
account, but had regard rather to the gain many thousands there are among the Jews,
which would result from his still continued wh6 have believed, and they are all zealots
preaching. For the gain to the Apostle Paul for the law. But they have heard of thee
from his strictness would not have counter- that thou teachest those Jews who are among
balanced the loss to all nations from his the Gentiles to depart from Moses, saying
speedy death. And this would certainly have that they ought not to circumcise their child-
been then incurred by the whole Church un- ren;" and below: "Do
therefore this that
less this good and salutary hypocrisy had we say unto thee we have four men who have

preserved him for the preaching of the Gospel. a vow on them. These take and sanctify thy-
For then we may rightly and pardonably ac- self with them and bestow on them, that they
quiesce in the wrong of a lie, when, as we may shave their heads; and all will know
said, a greater harm depends on telling the that the things which they have heard of
truth, and when the good which results to us thee are false, but that thou thyself also
from speaking the truth cannot counterbalance walkest keeping the law."' And so for the
the harm which will be caused by it. And good of those who were under the law, he
elsewhere the blessed Apostle testifies in other trode under foot for a while the strict view
words that he himself always observed this which he had expressed: "For I through the
disposition; for when he says: "To the Jews law am dead unto the law that I may live unto
I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews;
God;"* and was driven to shave his head,
to those who were under the law as being and be purified according to the law and pay
under the law, though not myself under the his vows after the Mosaic rites in the Temple.
law, that I might gain those who were under Do you ask also where for the good of these
the law; to those who were without law, I who were utterly ignorant of the law of God,
became as without law, though I was not with- he himself became as if without law? Read
out the law of God but under the law of 1 »
I Cor. ix. ao-»a. Acts xxi. ao-24.
Christ, that I might gain those who were * Gal. V. ». * Gal. it. 19.

the introduction to his sermon at Atftens Christ was dead to the law that he might live
where heathen wickedness was flourishing: to God, and who had made and treated that
"As I passed by," he says, "I saw your idols righteousness of the law in which he had lived
and an altar on which was written: To the blameless, as dung, that he might gain Christ,
unknown God; " and when he had thus started could not with true fervour of heart offer what
from their superstition, as if he himself also belonged to the law; nor"
is it right to believe
had been without law, under the cloke of that that he who had said: For if I again rebuild
profane inscription he introduced the faith of what I have destroyed, I make myself a trans-
" "
Christ, saying: What therefore ye ignorantly gressor," would himself fall into what he had
worship, that declare I unto you. And after condemned. And to such an extent is account
a little, as if he had known nothing whatever taken, not so much of the actual thing which
of the Divine law, he chose to bring forward is done as of the disposition of the doer, that
a verse of a heathen poet rather than a saying on the other hand truth is sometimes found
of Moses or Christ, saying: "As some also to have injured some, and a lie to have done
of your own poets have said : for we are also them good. For when Saul was grumbling
His offspring." And when he had thus ap- to his servants about David's flight, and say-
proached them with their own authorities, ing: "Will the son of Jesse give you all fields
which they could not reject, thus confirming and vineyards, and make you all tribunes and
the truth by things false, he added and said: centurions: that all of you have conspired
"Since then we are the offspring of God we against me, and there is no one to inform
ought not to think that the Godhead is like me," did Doeg the Edomite say "
anything but
to gold or silver or stone sculptured by the the truth, when he told him : I saw the son
art and device of man."^ But to the weak of Jesse in Nob, with Abimelech the son of
he became weak, when, by way of permission, Ahitub the priest, who consulted the Lord for
not of command, he allowed those who could him, and gave him victuals, and gave him
not contain themselves to return together also the sword of Goliath the Philistine?"^
again, or when he fed the Corinthians with For which true story he deserved to be rooted
milk and not with meat, and says that he was up out of the land of the living, and it is said
with them in weakness and fear and much of him by the prophet: "Wherefore God shall
trembling.* But he became all things to all destroy thee forever, and pluck thee up and
men that he might save all, when he says: tear thee out of thy tabernacle, and thy root
"He that eateth let him not despise him that from the land of the living:"* He then for
eateth not, and let not him that eateth not showing the truth is forever plucked and
judge him that eateth:" and: "He that rooted up out of that land in which the harlot
giveth his virgin in marriage doeth well, and Rahab with her family is planted for her lie:
he that giveth her not in marriage doeth just as also we remember that Samson most
better ;
and elsewhere " Who, " says he, " is injuriously betrayed to his wicked wife the

weak, and I am not weak? Who is offended, truth which he had hidden for a long time by
and I burn not? " and in this way he fulfilled a lie, and therefore the truth so inconside-
what he had commanded the Corinthians to rately disclosed was the cause of his own
do when he said " Be ye without offence to deception, because he had neglected to keep

Jews and Greeks and the Church of Christ, the command of the prophet: Keep the doors
as I also please all men in all things, not of thy mouth from her that sleepeth in
seeking mine own profit but that of the many, bosom.
that they may be saved." For it had cer-
tainly been profitable not to circumcise Tim- CHAPTER XXI.
othy, not to shave his head, not to undergo
Jewish purification, not to practice going Whether secret abstinence ought tn be made known, without
telling a lie about it, to those who ask, and whether what
barefoot,^ not to pay legal vows; but he did has once been declined may be taken in hand.
all these
things because he did not seek his
own profit but that of the many. And And to bring forward some instances from
although this was done with the full conside- our unavoidable and almost daily wants
ration of God, yet it was not free from dis- which with all our care we can never so
simulation. For one who through the law of
against as not to be driven to incur them
1 Acts 2 Cf.
whether with or against our will what, I ask :

xvii. 23, 29. I Cor. vii. 5. 3 Cf. i Cor. iii. 2 ii. 3.

is to be done when, while we are pro-
* Rom.
XIV. 3 ; ICor. viii. 38; 2 Cor. xi. 29; i Cor. x. 32, 33. you,
Nudipedalia non exercere. The expression is also used by to put off our supper, a brother comes
Jerome of S. Paul's purification in Jerusalem (in Gal. Book I [. c. iv.), posing
though there is nothing in the account in the Acts about his going and asks us if we have had it: is our fast to
barefoot. Compare also Jerome against Jovinian, Book I. c. viii.,
and for the word, in connexion with the rites of the Christian Church, 8 Gal. ii. 18. 8 Ps. Ii. (Hi.) 7.
see Tertullian Apologeticum, c. xl. ' I Sam. xxii. 7-10. 8 Micah ii. 7.
be concealed, and the good act of abstinence much richer fruits than those who persist in
hidden, or is it to be proclaimed by telling their determinations, and have declared that
the truth? If we conceal it, to satisfy the it is a better deed to conceal abstinence, as
Lord's command which says: "Thou shalt was said, by this needful and humble lie,
not appear unto men to fast but unto thy rather than to display it with a proud show of
Father Who is in secret;" and again: "Let truth.
not thy left hand know what thy right hand
doeth,"^ we must at once tell a lie. If we CHAPTER XXIV-.
make manifest the good act of abstinence, the
word of the gospel rightly discourages us: How Abbot Piamun chose to hide his abstinence.

"Verily I say unto you, they have their '

reward."^ But what if any one has refused Finally Abbot Piamun after twenty-five
with determination a cup offered to him by years did not hesitate to receive some grapes
some brother, denying altogether that he will and wine offered to him by a certain brother,
take what the other, rejoicing at his arrival, and at once preferred, against his rule, to
taste what was brought him rather than to
begs and intreats him to receive? Is it right
that he should force himself to yield to his display his abstinence which was a secret from
brother who goes on his knees and bows him- everybody. For if we would also bear in mind
self to the ground, and who thinks that he can what we remember that our Elders always did,
who used to conceal the marvels of their own
only show his loving heart by this service, or
should he obstinately cling to his own word good deeds, and their own
which they
and intention? were obliged to bring Conference
forward in
for the instruction of the juniors, under cover
of other persons, what else can we consider
CHAPTER XXII. them but an open lie? And O that we
too had anything worthy which we could
An objection, that abstinence ought to be concealed, but that bring forward for stirring up the faith of the
things that have been declined should not be received.
juniors !
Certainly we should have no scruples
in following their fictions of that kind. For
Germanus: In the former instance we it is better under the colour of a
figure like
think there can be no doubt that it is better that to tell a lie than for the sake of main-
for our abstinence to be hidden than for it to
taining that unreasonable truthfulness either
be displayed to the inquirers, and in cases of hide in ill-advised silence what
might be
this sort we also admit that a lie is unavoid-
edifying to the hearers, or run into the display
able. But in the second there is no need of an
objectionable vanity by telling them
for us to tell a lie, first because we can refuse And the
truthfully in our own character.
what is offered by the service of a brother in teacher of the Gentiles
clearly teaches us the
such a way as to bind ourselves in no bond same
lesson^y his teaching, as he chose to
of determination, and next because when we
bring forward the great revelations made to
once refuse we can keep our opinion un-
him, under the character of some one else,
changed. saying: "I know a man in Christ, whether in
the body or out of the body I cannot tell,
CHAPTER XXIIL God knoweth, caught up even unto the third
heaven and I know such a man, that he was

The answer that obstinacy in this decision is unreasonable.

caught up into paradise and heard unspeak-
able words, which it is not lawful for man to
Joseph: There is no doubt that these are utter."*
the decisions of those monasteries in which
the infancy of your renunciation was, as you
tell us, trained, as their leaders are accus-
tomed to prefer their own will to their The evidence of Scripture on changes of determination.
brother's supper, and most obstinately stick
to what they have once intended. But our It is impossible for us briefly to run through
Elders, to whose faith the signs of Apostolical everything. For who could count up almost all
powers have borne witness, and who have the patriarchs and numberless saints, some of
treated everything with judgment and discre- whom for the preservation of life, others out
tion of spirit rather than with stiff obstinacy of desire for a blessing, others out of pity,
of mind, have laid down that those men who others to conceal some secret, others out of
give in to the infirmities of others, receive zeal for God, others in searching for the

> * lb,
S. Matt. vi. 18, 3. ver. J, * On Piamun see the note on XVIH. * 3 Cor. xii. 3-4.

truth, became, so to speak, patrons of lying? hear that holy men and angels and even Al-
And as all cannot be enumerated, so all ought mighty God Himself have changed what they
not to be altogether passed over. For piety had decided upon. For the blessed David
forced the blessed Joseph to raise a false determined and confirmed it by an oath, say-
charge against his brethren even with an oath ing: "May God do so and add more to the
by the life of the king, saying: "Ye are foes of David if I leave of all that belong
spies to see the nakedness of the land are ye unto Nabal until the morning a single male."

come;" and below: "send," says he, "one And presently when Abigail his wife inter-
of you, and bring your brothers hither: but ceded and intreated for him, he gave up his
ye shall be kept here until your words are threats, lightened the sentence, and preferred
made manifest whether ye speak the truth or to be regarded as a breaker of his word rather
no: but if not, by the life of Pharaoh, ye are than to keep his pledged oath by cruelly exe-
" ^
spies. For if he had not out of pity alarmed cuting it, saying: "As the Lord liveth, if
them by this lie, he would not have been thou hadst not quickly come to meet me there
able to see again his father and his brother, had not been left to Nabal by the morning
nor to preserve them in their great danger of light a single male." * And as we do not hold
starvation, nor to free the conscience of his that his readiness to take a rash oath (which
brethren from the guilt of selling him. The resulted from his anger and disturbance of
act then of striking his brethren with fear by mind) ought to be copied by us, so we do
means of a lie was not so reprehensible as think that the pardon and revision of his
was it aholy and laudable act to
urge determination is
his be followed. The chosen
enemies and seekers to a salutary penitence by vessel," in writing to the Corinthians, prom-
means of a feigned danger. Finally when ises unconditionally to return, saying: "But
they were weighed down by the odium of the 1 will come to you when I pass through Mace-
very serious accusation, they were conscience- donia: for I will pass through Macedonia.
stricken not at the charge falsely raised But I will stay or even pass the winter with
against them, but at the thought of their you that you may conduct me whithersoever I
earlier crime, and said to one another: "We shall go. For I do not want only to see you
suffer this rightly because we sinned against in passing: for I hope to stay with you for
our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his some time."® And this fact he remembers in
soul when he asked us and we did not hearken the Second Epistle, thus: "And in this confi-
to him: wherefore all this trouble hath come dence I was minded first to come unto you, that
upon us."^ And this confession, we think, ye might receive a second favour, and by you
expiated by most salutary humility their ter- to pass into Macedonia and again to come to
rible sin not only against their brother, you from Macedonia and by you be conducted
against whom they had sinned with wicked to Judaea." But a better plan suggested itself
cruelty, but also against God. What about and he plainly admits that he is not going to
Solomon, who in his first judgment manifested fulfil what he had promised. "When then,"
the gift of wisdom, which he had received of says he, " I purposed this, did I use light-
God, only by making use of falsehood? For mindedness? or the things that I think, do I
in order to get at the truth which was hidden think after the flesh, that there should be
by the woman's lie, even he used the help of a with me yea, yea, and nay, nay ? Lastly, he
lie most cunningly invented, declares even with the affirmation of an oath,
saying: "Bring
me a sword and divide the living child into why it was that he preferred to put on one side
two parts, and give the one half to the one and his pledged word rather than by his presence
the other half to the other." And when this to bring a burden and grief to his disciples:
pretended cruelty stirred the heart of the true "But I call God to witness against my soul
mother, but was received with approval by that it was to spare you that I came not as far
her who was not the true mother, then at last as Corinth. For I determined this with myself
by this most sagacious discovery of the truth he that I would not come unto you in sorrow."®
pronounced the judgment which every one has Though when the angels had refused to enter
felt to have been the house of Lot at Sodom, saying to him
inspired by God, saying: :

"Give her the living child and slay it not: "We will not enter but will remain in the
she is the mother of it. " ^ Further we are more street," they were presently forced by his
fully taught by other passages of Scripture as prayers to change their determination, as
well that we neither can nor should "And Lot
carry out Scripture subjoins: constrained
everything which we determine either with them, and they turned in to him."'' And
peace or disturbance of mind, as we often
* Sam. XXV. 22, 34. « 2
I Cor. I. 15-17, 33i iL I.
Gen. xlii. g, i6. * 8 * I
lb. ver. 21. i Kings iii.
24-27, Cor. xvi. 5, 7. ^ Gen. xix. 2, 3.

certainly they knew that they would turn

if going to inflict. But if one says that God
in to him, they refused his request with a revoked that severe sentence in considera-
sham excuse but if their excuse was a real
according to what
tion of their penitence,
one, then they are clearly shown to have he says by Ezekiel
say to the wicked, : "If I

changed their mind. And certainly we hold Thou shalt surely die: and he becomes peni-
that the Holy Spirit inserted this in the sa- tent for his sin, and doeth judgment and
cred volume for no other reason but to teach justice, he shall surely live, he shall not
us by their examples that we ought not to die; we are similarly taught that we ought
cling obstinately to our own determinations, not obstinately to stick to our determination,
but to subject them to our will, and so to keep but that we should with gentle pity soften
our judgment free from all the chains of law down the threats which necessity called forth.
that it may be ready to follow the call of And that we may not fancy that the Lord
good counsel in any direction, and may not granted this specially to the Ninevites, He
delay or refuse to pass without any delay to continually affirms by Jeremiah that He will
whatever a sound discretion may find to be do the same in general towards all, and
the better choice. And to rise to still higher promises that without delay He will change
instances, when king Hezekiah was lying on His sentence in accordance with our deserts;
his bed and afflicted with grievous sickness saying: "I will suddenly speak against a
the prophet Isaiah addressed him in the per- nation and against a kingdom to root out
son of God, and said: "Thus saith the Lord: and to pull down and to destroy it. If that
set thine house in order for thou shaltdie and nation repent of the evil, which I have spoken
not live. And Hezekiah," it says, "turned against it, I also will repent of the evil which
his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord I thought to do to them. And I will sud-
and said I beseech thee, O Lord, remember denly speak of a nation and a kingdom, to

how I have walked before Thee in truth and build up and to plant it. If it shall do evil
with a perfect heart, and how I have done in My sight, that it obey not My voice: I
what was right in Thy sight. And Hezekiah will repent of the good that I thought to do
wept sore." After which it was again said to to it." To Ezekiel also: "Leave out not a
him: "Go, return, and speak to Hezekiah word, if so be they will hearken and be con-
king of Judah, saying: Thus saith the Lord verted every one from his evil way: that I
God of David thy father: I have heard thy may repent Me of the evil that I thought to do
prayer, I have seen thy tears: and behold, 1 to them for the wickedness of their doings."*
will add to thy days fifteen years: and I will And by these passages it is declared that we
deliver thee out of the hand of the king of ought not obstinately to stick to our decis-
the Assyrians, and I will defend this city for ions, but to modify them with reason and
thy sake and for my servant David's sake."^ judgment, and that better courses should
What can be clearer than this proof that out always be adopted and preferred, and that we
of consideration for mercy and goodness the should turn without any delay to that course
Lord would rather break His word and instead which is considered the more profitable.
of the pre-arranged limit of death ext(ind the For this above all that invaluable sentence
life of him who prayed, for fifteen years, teaches us, because though each man's end
rather than be found inexorable because of is known beforehand to Him before his birth,
His unchangeable decree? In the same way yet somehow He so orders all things by a plan
too the Divine sentence says to the men of and method for all, and with regard to man's
Nineveh: "Yet three days, and Nineveh shall disposition, that He decides on everything not
" ^
be overthrown and presently this stern and by the mere exercise of His power, nor ac-

abrupt sentence is softened by their peni- cording to the ineffable knowledge which His
tence and fasting, and is turned to the side Prescience possesses, but according to the
of mercy with goodness that is easy to be present actions of men, and rejects or draws
intreated. But if any one maintains that the to Himself each one, and daily either grants
Lord had threatened the destruction of their or withholds His grace. And that this is so
city (while He foreknew that they would be the election of Saul also shows us, of whose
converted) for this reason, that He might miserable end the foreknowledge of God cer-
incite them to a salutary penitence, it follows tainjy could not be ignorant, and yet He chose
that those who are set over their brethren may, him out ot so many thousands of Israel and
if need arises, without
any blame for telling anointed him king, rewarding the then existing
lies, threaten those who need improvement merits of his life, and not considering the sin
with severer treatment than they are really of his coming fall, so that after he became

I »
3 Kings XX. 1-6. Jonah iii. 4 (LXX.). Ezek. xxxiii. 14, ij. Jer. xviii. 7, 10 ;
xxvi. 2, 3.

reprobate, God complains almost in human But because he was corrupted by the plague
terms and, with man's feelings, as if He re- of covetousness and had his name struck out
pented of his choice, saying: "It repenteth from that heavenly list, it is suitably said of
Me that I have appointed Saul king for he : him and of men like him by the prophet: "O
hath forsaken Me, and hath not performed My Lord, let all those that forsake Thee be con-
words " and again
But Samuel was grieved
: founded. Let them that depart from Thee be
for Saulbecause the Lord repented that He written in the earth, because they have for-
had made Saul king over Israel." ^ Finally saken the Lord, the vein of living waters."
this that He afterwards executed, that the And elsewhere: "They shall not be in the
Lord also declares by the prophet Ezekiel counsel of My people, nor shall they be
that He will by His daily judgment do with written in the writing of the house of Israel,
all men, saying: "Yea, if I shall say to the neither shall they enter into the land of
righteous that he shall surely live, and he Israel."
trusting in his righteousness commit iniquity:
all his righteousness shall be forgotten, and CHAPTER XXVI.
in his iniquity which he hath committed, in
the same he shall die. And if I shall say to How saintly men cannot be hard and obstinate.

the wicked Thou shalt surely die and if he


repent of his sin and do judgment and right-

Nor must we omit the value of that com-
eousness, and if that wicked man restore the
mand because even if we have bound ourselves
pledge and render what he hath robbed, and by some oath under the influence of anger
walk in the commandments of life, and do or some other passion, (a thing which ought
no righteous thing, he shall surely live, he never to be done by a monk) still the case for
shall not die. None of his sins which he each side should be weighed by a thorough
hath committed shall be imputed unto him." ^ judgment of the mind, and the course on
which we have determined should be com-
Finally, when the Lord would for their speedy
fall turn away His merciful countenance pared to that which we are urged to adopt,
from the people whom He had chosen out of and we should without hesitation adopt that
all nations, the giver of the law interposes which on the occurrence of sounder considera-
on their behalf and cries out: "I beseech tions is decided to be the best. For it is better
Thee, O Lord, this people have sinned a great to put our promise on one side than to undergo
the loss of something good and more desir-
sin; they have made for themselves gods of
gold and now if Thou forgivest their sin, for-
able. Finally we never remember that vener-
able and approved fathers were hard and
give it but if not, blot me out of Thy book

which Thou hast written. To whom the Lord unyielding in decisions of this sort, but as
answered If any man hath sinned before Me, wax under the influence of heat, so they were

I will blot him out of book,"* David modified by reason, and when sounder coun-
also, when complaining in prophetic spirit of sels prevailed, did not hesitate to give in to

Judas and the Lord's persecutors, says: "Let the better side. But those whom we have seen
them be blotted out of the book of the living; " obstinately clinging to their determinations
and because they did not deserve to come to we have always set down as unreasonable and

saving penitence because of the guilt of their wanting in judgment.

great sin, he subjoins: "And let them not be
written among the righteous."* Finally in
the case of Judas himself the meaning of the CHAPTER XXVII.
prophetic curse was clearly fulfilled, for when " I have sworn and
his deadly sin was completed, he killed him- A question whether the saying : am
purposed is opposed to the view given above,
self by hanging, that he
might not after his
name was blotted out be converted and repent Germanus : So far as this consideration is
and deserve to be once more written among concerned which has been clearly and fully
the righteous in heaven. must therefore We treated of, a monk ought never to determine
not doubt that at the time when he was chosen
anything for fear lest he turn out a breaker of
by Christ and obtained a place in the Apos- his word or else obstinate. And what then
tolate, the name of Judas was written in. the can we make of this saying of the Psalmist:
^ook of the living, and that he heard as well "
I have sworn and am purposed to keep Thy
as the rest the words: "
"Rejoice not because righteous judgments? What is "to swear '^

the devils are subject unto

you, but rejoice and purpose " except to keep one's determina-
because your names are written in heaven."^ tions fixedly .''

Sam. XV. * Exod. ^
I II, 35. xxxii. 31-33. S.Xuke X. 20.
2 *
Ezek. xxxiii. 13-16. Ps. Ixviii. (Ixix.) 29. 6 Jer. xvii.
13 ; Ezek, xiii. 9, ' Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 106.

casual conversation, and as what is for this

very reason of less account, because it was
not committed to the hearer's mind with a
The answer telling in what cases the determination is to be
kept fixedly, and in what cases it may be broken if need be. strict injunction to silence. For even if you
bind his faith by exacting an oath from him,
Joseph We do not lay this down with re-
you need not doubt that it will very soon be
gard to those fundamental commands, without divulged; for a fiercer assault of the devil's
which our salvation cannot in any way exist, power will be made upon him, both to annoy
but with regard to those which we can either and betray you, and to make him break his
relax or hold fast to without endangering our oath as quickly as possible.
state, as for instance, an unbroken and strict
fast, or total abstinence from wine or oil, or
entire prohibition to leave one's cell, or in- CHAPTER XXX.
cessant attention to reading and meditation,
all of which can be practised at pleasure, with- That no determination should be made on those things which
concern the needs of the common life.
out damage to our profession and purpose,
and, if need be, can be given up without And therefore a monk ought not hastily
blame. But we must most resolutely make up make any promise on those
to things which
our minds to observe those fundamental com-
lest he
merely concern bodily exercise, for fear
mands, and not even, if need arise, to avoid
death in their cause, with regard to which we
up the enemy still more to attack
may stir
what he is keeping as it were under the observ-
must immovably assert: "I have sworn and ance of the law, and so he may be more readily
am purposed." And this should be done for to break it. Since every one who
the preservation of love, for which all things
lives under the grace of liberty, and sets him-
else should be disregarded lest the beauty and
self a law, thereby binds himself in a danger-
perfection of its calm should suffer a stain. ous
slavery, so that if by chance necessity
In the same way we must swear for the purity
constrains him to do what he might have
of our chastity, and we ought to do the same
ventured on lawfully, and indeed laudably
for faith, and sobriety and justice, to all of
and with thanksgiving, he is forced to act as
which we must cling with unchangeable per- a "
transgressor, and to fall into sin for where :

sistence, and to forsake which even for a little there is no law there is no *
is worthy of blame. But in the case of those
bodily exercises, which are said to be profit-
able for a little,^ we must, as we said, decide
By this instruction and the teaching of the
blessed Joseph we were confirmed as by a
in such a way that, if there occurs any morj
Divine oracle and made up our minds to stop
decided opportunity for a good act, which in Bat though henceforward we were
would lead us to relax them, we need not be butEgypt. a little anxious about our promise, yet
bound by any rule about them, but may give when seven were over we were very glad
ihem up and freely adopt what is more useful. to fulfil it. years
For we hastened to our monas-
For in the case of those bodily exercises, if
tery, at a time when we were, confident of
they are dropped for a time, there is no
obtaining permission to return to the desert,
danger: but to have given up these others and first
even for a moment is deadly. paid our respects properly to our
next we revived the former love in
theirminds as out of the ardour of their love
they had not been at all softened by our very
CHAPTER XXIX. frequent letters to satisfy them, and in the
last place, we entirely removed the sting of
How we ought to our broken promise and returned to the re-
do those things which are to be kept secret.
cesses of the desert of Scete, as they them-
You must also provide with the same care selves forwarded us with joy.
that if by chance some word has slipped out of
your mouth which you want to be a secret, no This learning and doctrine of the illustrious
injunction to secrecy may trouble the hearer. fathers, our ignorance, O holy brother, has to
For it will be more likely to be unheeded if it the best of its ability made plain to you. And
is let pass carelessly and
simply, because the if perhaps our clumsy style has confused it
brother, whoever he is, will not be tormented instead of setting it in order, I trust that the
with such a temptation to divulge it, as he blame which our clumsiness deserves will not
will take it as something trivial dropped in interfere with the praise due to these grand

Cf. 1 Tim. iv. 8. * Rom. iv. »$.

men. Since it seemed to us a safer course This at least I charge all those into whose
in the sight of our Judge to state even in un- hand this little book may fall; viz., that they
adorned style this splendid doctrine rather must know that whatever in it pleases them
than to hold our tongues about it, since if he belongs to the fathers, and whatever they dis-
considers the grandeur of the thoughts, the like is all our own.^
fact that theawkwardness of our style annoys
him, need not be prejudicial to the profit of the In this last chapter Cassian certainly makes his own the senti-

reader, and for our part we are more anxious ments of Abbot Joseph on the permissibility of lyin^ and is therefore

not unreasonably attacked for tlie teaching of this Conference by

about its usefulness than its being praised. Prosper. " Contra Collatorem," c. ix.

When by the help of the grace of Christ I had published ten Conferences of the Fathers,
which were composed at the urgent request of the most blessed Helladius and Leontius, I
dedicated seven others to Honoratus a Bishop blessed in name as well as merits, and also to
that holy servant of Christ, Eucherius. The same number also I have thought good to dedi-
cate now to you, O holy brothers, Jovinianus, Minervius, Leontius. and Theodore.^ Since the
last named of you founded that holy and splendid monastic rule in the province of Gaul, with
the strictness of ancient virtue, while the rest of you by your instructions have stirred up monks
not only before all to seek the common life of the ccenobia, but even to thirst eagerly for the
sublime life of the anchorite. For those Conferences of the best of the fathers' are ^arranged
with such care, and so carefully considered in all respects, that they are suited'tb both 'modes
of life whereby you have made not only the countries of the West, but even tjie isles'' to
flourish with great crowds of brethren ; i.e., I mean that not only those who still remains in

congregations with praiseworthy subjection to rule, but those also who retire to no great dis-
tance from your monasteries, and try to carry out the rule of anchofites,- may be more fully
instructed, according as the nature of the place and the character .of their condition rnay
require. And to this your previous efforts and labours have especially contributed* this^* that,
as they are already prepared and practised in these exercises, they can more rea^^ily receive
the precepts and institutes of the Elders, and receiving into their cells the, authors of the
Conferences together with the actual volumes of the Conferences and talking with" them after
a fashion by daily questions and answers, they may not be Ifeft to their own resources to find
that way which is difficult and almost unknown in this country, but full of danger even there
where well-worn paths and numberless instances of those who have gone before are not
wanting, but may rather learn to follow the rule of the anchorite's life taught by their
examples, whom ancient tradition and industry and long experience have thoroughly

See the introduction p. 189.



CHAPTER I. eyes, Divine Grace thus bearing witness to
his excellence, if we are not to exceed the
Mow we came to Diblcos and were received by Abbot Piamun.^ plan and limits of this volume, we feel we
must pass over in silence. For we promised
After visiting and conversing with those to commit to memory what we could recollect,
three Elders, whose Conferences we have at not of the miracles of God, but of the insti-
the instance of our brother Eucherius tried to tutes and pursuits of the saints, so as to
describe, as we were still more ardently de- supply our readers merely with necessary in-
sirous to seek out the further parts of Egypt, struction for the perfect life, and not with
in which a larger and more perfect
— company matter for idle and useless admiration without
of saints dwelt, we came urged not so mucn any correction of their faults. And so when
by the necessities of our journey as by the Abbot Piamun had received us with welcome,
desire of visiting the saints who were dwell- and had refreshed us with becoming kindness,
ing there
— to a village named Diolcos,'' as he understood that we were not of the same
lying on one of the seven mouths of the river country, he .^rst asked us anxiously whence or
Nile. For when we heard of very many and why we had visited Egypt, and when he dis-
very celebrated monasteries founded by the covered that we had come thither from a
ancient fathers, like most eager merchants, at monastery in Syria out of desire for perfection
once we undertook the journey on an uncertain he began as follows :

quest, urged on by the hope of greater gain.
And when we wandered about there for some
long time and fixed our curious eyes on those CHAPTER II.
mountains of virtue conspicuous for their
lofty height, the gaze of those around first The words of Abbot Piamun, how monks who were novices
singled out Abbot Piamun, the senior of all ought to be taught by the example of their elders.
the anchorites living there and their presbyter,
as if he were some tall lighthouse. For he Whatever man, my children, is desirous to
was set on the top of a high mountain like attain skill in any art, unless he gives himself
that city in the gospel,* and at once shed his up with the utmost pains and carefulness to
light on our faces, whose virtues and miracles, the study
of that system which he is anxious
which were wrought by him under our very to learn, and observes the rules and orders of
the best masters of that work or science, is
in a vain hope to reach by idle
Piamun, who has been already spoken of in XVII. xxiv., is also indulging
mentioned by Kulinus (History of the Monks, c. xxxii.), Palladius wishes any similarity to those whose pains
(the Lausinc History, clxxii.), and Sozoqpen (H. E. VI. xxix.), all of
whom tell, with slight variations, the same story, how that one day and diligence he avoids copying. For we
while he was officiatmc at the altar, he saw an angel writing down the know that some have come from your country
names of some of the brethren, and passing by tne names of others,
all of whom Piamun on to these parts, only to go round the monas-
subsequent inquiry found to have been
guilty of some grievous sin. teries for the sake of getting to know the
- On •"
Diolcos see on the Institutes V. xxxvi.
Cf. S'. Matt. V. 14. brethren, not meaning to adopt the rules and

regulations, for the sake of

which they and be urged on to practise it diligently,
travelled hither, nor to retire to the cells and when he has learnt the glory of its authors
aim at carrying out in action what they had and founders. There are three kinds of
learnt by sight or by teaching. And these monks in Egypt, of which two are admirable,
people retained their character and pursuits the third is a poor sort of thing and by all
to which they had grown accustomed, and, as means to be avoided. The first is that of
is thrown in their teeth by some, are held to the cixnobites, who live together in a congre-
have changed their country not for the sake of gation and are governed by the direction of a
their profit, but owing to the need of escaping single Elder:- and of this kind there is the
want. For iii the obstinacy of their stubborn largest number of monks dwelling through-
mind, .they not only could learn nothing, but out the whole of Egypt. The second is that
in these of the anchorites, who were first trained in the
actually 'iwould riot stay any longer
parts. For. if they changed neither their coenobium and then being made perfect in
method of fasting, nor their scheme of Psalms, practical life chose the recesses of the desert:
nor even the fashion of their garments, what

and in this order we also hope to gain a place.
else -could we think that they were after in The third is the reprehensible one of the Sara-
this country, except only the supply of their baites} And of these we will discourse more
victuals. -.. .
fully one by one in order. Of these three
orders then you ought, as we said, first to
know about the founders. For at once from
this there may arise either a hatred for the
How the Juniors order which is to be avoided, or a longing for
ought not to discuss the orders of the seniors.
that which is to be followed, because each way
WHEftEfORE if, as- we believe, the cause of is sure to carry the man who follows it, to
God' has drawn you to try to copy our know- that end which its author and discoverer has
ledge, you must utterly ignore all the rules by
which your early beginnings were trained, and
must with-^ all 'humility follow whatever you CHAPTER V.
see our Elders do or teach. And do not be
troubled or drawn away'arid diverted from im- Of the founders who originated the order of coenobites.

itating if, even if for the moment the cause or

reason of any deed or action is not clear to And so the system of coenobites took its
ydii,' because if men have good and simple
rise the days of the preaching of the
ideas on all things and are anxious faithfully Apostles. For such was all that multitude of
to" copy whatever they see taught or done by believers in Jerusalem, which is thus described
thfeir Elders, instead of discussing it, then the
in the Acts of the Apostles But the multi- :

knowledge of things will follow through

all tude of believers was of one heart and one
experience of the' work. But he will never soul, neither said any of them that any of the
enter into- the reason of' the truth, who begins things which he possessed was his own, but
to learn by discussion, because as the enemy they had all things common. They sold their
sees that he trusts to his own judgment rather possessions and property and divided them
than to .that of the fathers' he easily urges to all, as any man had need." And again:
him.:on so far till those things which are "
For neither was there any among them that
especially useful and helpful seem to him un- lacked; for as many as possessed fields or
necessary or injurious, and the crafty foe so houses, sold them and brought the price of
plays upon his presumption, that by obsti- the things that they sold and laid them before
nately clinging to his own opinion he per- the feet of the Apostles: and distribution was
suades himself that only that is holy, which made to every man as he had need." ^ The
he hinrself dn his pig-headed error thinks to whole Church, I say, was then such as now
be'good'"and right. are those few who can be found with difficulty
in ccenobia. But when at the death of the
Apostles the multitude of believers began to
\-l CHAPTER IV. wax cold, and especially that multitude which
had come to the faith of Christ from diverse
Of the three monks which
foreign nations, from whom the Apostles out
sorts of there are in Egypt.

of consideration'for the infancy of their faith

Wherefore you should first hear how or and their
ingrained heathen habits, required
whence 'the system and beginning of our order "
nothing more than that they should abstain
took its rise. For only then can a man at all
effectually be trained in any art he may wish, *
See the note on c. vii. ^ ^^x.% iv. 32 ; ii. 45 ; iv. 34, 35.

from things sacrificed to idols and from forni- flowers and fruits of the anchorites as well.
cation, and from things strangled, and from And of this order we have heard that the
blood," and so that liberty which was con- originators were those whom we mentioned

ceded to the Gentiles because of the weak- just now; viz., Saint Paul - and Antony, men
ness of their newly-born faith, had by degrees who frequented the recesses of the desert, not
begun to mar the perfection of that Church as some from faintheartedness, and the evil
which existed at Jerusalem, and the fervour of impatience, but from a desire for loftier
of that early faith cooled down owing to the heights of perfection and divine contempla-
daily increasing number both of natives and tion, although the former of them is said f^
foreigners, and not only those who had ac- have found his way to the desert by reason of
cepted the faith of Christ, but even those who necessity, while during the time of persecu-
were the leaders of the Church relaxed some- tion he was avoiding the plots of his neigh-
what of that strictness. For some fancying bours. So then there sprang from that system
that what they saw permitted to the Gen- of which we have spoken another sort of per-
tiles because of their weakness, was also fection, whose followers are rightly termed
allowable for themselves, thought that they anchorites; i.e., withdrawers, because, being
would suffer no loss if they followed the faith by no means satisfied with that victory where-
and confession of Christ keeping their pro- by they had trodden under foot the hidden
perty and possessions. But those who still snares of the devil, while still living among

maintained the fervour of the apostles, mind- men, they were eager to fight with the devils

ful of that former perfection left their cities in open conflict, and a straightforward battle,

and intercourse with those who thought that and so feared not to penetrate the vast re-

carelessness and a laxer life was permissible cesses of the desert, imitating, to wit, John

to themselves and the Church of God, and the Baptist, who passed all his life in the

began to live in rural and more sequestered desert, and Elijah and Elisha and those of
spots, and there, in private and on their own whom the Apostle speaks as follows: "They

account, to practise those things which they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins,

had learnt to have been ordered by the apos- being in want, distressed, afflicted, of whom
tles throughout the whole body of the Church the world was not worthy, wandering in
in general and so that whole system of which deserts, in mountains and in dens and in caves

we have spoken grew up from those dis- of the earth." Of whom too the Lord speaks
ciples who had separated themselves from figuratively to Job But who hath sent out

the evil that was spreading. And these, as by the wild ass free, and who hath loosed his
degrees time went on, were separated from bands? To whom I have given the wilder-
the great mass of believers and because they ness for an house, and a barren land for his

abstained from marriage and cut themselves dwelling. ,

He scorneth the multitude of the
off from intercourse with their kinsmen and city and hearith not the cry of the driver; he

the life of this world, were termed monks or looketh round about the mountains of his

solitaries from the strictness of their lonely pasture, and seeketh for every green thing."

and solitary life. Whence it followed that In the Psalms also: **Let now the redeemed
from their common life they were called of the Lord say, those whom He hath re-
coenobites and their cells and lodgings coe- deemed from the hand of the enemy;" and
nobia. That then alone was the earliest kind after a little "They wandered in a wilderness

of monks, which is first not only in time but in a place without water they found not the :

also in grace, and which continued unbroken way of a city of habitation. They were hungry
for a very long period up to the time of Abbot and thirsty: their soul fainted in them. And
Paul and Antony; and even to this day we they cried unto the Lord in their trouble
see its traces remaining in strict ccenobia and He delivered them out of their dis-
tress;" whom Jeremiah too describes as fol-
lows: "Blessed is the man that hath borne
the yoke from his youth. He shall sit soli-
tary and hold his peace because he hath
taken it up upon himself," and there sing in
Of the system of the Anchorites and its beginning.
heart and deed these words of the Psalmist:

Out of this number of the perfect, and, if 5 Paul was from very early days celebrated as the first of the an-
use the expression, this most fruitful Indeed S. Jerome, who wrote his life (Works, Vol. ii.
I may chorites.
Migne) calls him auctor vitas monasticx
(Ep. xxii. ad
p. 1.1 ed.
root of saints, were produced afterwards the Eustochium). He is said to have fled to the Thebaid from the terrors
of the Decian persecution, and to have died there in extreme old age.

Antony has already been several times mentioned by Cassian. See
Act» XV. 89. the Institutes V, iv. : Conference II. ii. ; III. iv., etc.

"I am become like a pelican in the wilder- of way practise discipline, or are subject to
ness. watched and am become
I like a the will of the Elders, or, taught by their
" ^
alone upon the house-top. traditions, learn to govern their own wills or
take up and properly learn any rule of sound
discretion but making their renunciation only

as a public profession, i.e., before the face of

men, either continue in their homes devoted
to the same occupations as before, though
Of the origin of the Sarabaites and their mode of life.
dignified by this title, or building cells for
themselves and calling them monasteries re-
while the Christian religion was re-
And main in them perfectly free and their own
of monks though
joicing in these two orders masters, never submitting to the precepts of
this system had begun by degrees to deteri- the gospel, which forbid them to be busied
orate, there arose afterwards that disgusting with any anxiety for the day's food, or troubles
and unfaithful kind of monks; or rather, about domestic matters: commands which
that baleful plant revived and sprang up those alone fulfil with no unbelieving doubt,
again which when it first shot up in the per- who have freed themselves from all the goods
sons of Ananias and Sapphira in the early of this world and subjected themselves to the
Church was cut off by the severity of the superiors of the ccenobia so that they cannot
Apostle Peter

a kind which among monks admit that they are at all their own masters.
has been for a long while considered detestable But those who, as we said, shirk the severity
and execrable, and which was adopted by no of the monastery, and live two or three to-
one any more, so long as there remained gether in their cells, not satisfied to be under
stamped on the memory of the faithful the the charge and rule of an Abbot, but arran-
dread of that very severe sentence, in which ging chiefly for this; viz., that they may get
the blessed Apostle not merely refused to rid of the yoke of the Elders and have liberty
allow the aforesaid originators of the novel to carry out their wishes and go and wander
crime to be cured by penitence or any amends, where they will, and do what they like, these
but actually destroyed that most dangerous men are more taken up both day and night in
germ by their speedy death. When then that daily business than those who live in the
precedent, which was punished with Apostoli- ccenobia, but not with the same faith nnd
cal severity in the case of Ananias and Sap- purpose. For these Sarabaites do it not to
phira had by degrees faded from the minds submit the fruits of their labours to the will
of some, owing to long carelessness and for- of the steward, but to procure money to lay
getfulness from lapse of time, there arose the by. And see what a difference there is be-
race of Sarabaites, who owing to the fact tween them. For the others think nothing of
that they have broken away from the congre- the morrow, and offer to God the most accept-
gations of the coenobites and each look able fruits of their toil: while these extend
after their own affairs, are rightly named in their faithless anxiety not only to the morrow,
the Egyptian language Sarabaites,^ and these but even to the space of many years, and
spring from the number of those, whom we so fancy that God is either false or im-
have mentioned, who wanted to imitate rather potent as He either could not or would not
than truly to' aim at Evangelical perfection, grant them the promised supply of food and
urged thereto by rivalry or by the praises of clothing. The one seek this in all their
those who preferred the complete poverty of
prayers; viz., that they may gain dcyirifw(T{)fi]v,
Christ to all manner of riches. These then i.e., the deprivation of all things, and lasting
while in their feeble mind they make a pre- poverty the other that they may secure a rich

tence of the greatest goodness and are forced The one

quantity of all sorts of supplies.
by necessity to join this order, while they are eagerly strive to go beyond the fixed rule of
anxious to be reckoned by the name of monks
daily work that whatever is not wanted for
without emulating their pursuits, in no sort the sacred purposes of the monastery, may be
distributed at the will of the Abbot either
1 Heb. xi. 37, 38; Job xxxix. 5-8; Ps. cvi. (evil.) 2, 4-6; Lam.
among the prisons, or in the guest-chamber
iii. 27, 28; Ps. ci. (cii.) 7, 8.
Sarabaites, this third sort of monks, whom Cassian here paints or in the infirmary or to the poor; the others

in such dark colours, are spoken of by S. Jerome (Ep. xxii. ad Eusto-

chium) under the name of Remoboth. The origin of both names is that whatever the day's gorge leaves over,
obscure, but Jerome and Cassian are quite at one in their scorn for
these pretended monks. S. Benedict begins his monastic rule by may be useful for extravagant wants or else
describing the four kinds of monks, coenobites, anchorites, sara- laid by through the sin of covetousness.
baites, and a fourth class to which he gives the name of
Lastly, if we grant that what has been col-
i. e. wandering monks ; these must be those of whom Cassian speaks

below in c. viii. without giving them any definite name. See further lected by them with no good design, may be
P.ingham, Antiquities VII. ii,, and the Dictionary of Christian An-
li:iui'.i23. Art. Sarabaites. disposed of in better ways than we have men-

tioned, yet not even thus do they rise to the are not satisfied to bear the yoke of humility
merits of goodness and perfection. For the and patience any longer, and scorn to be in
others bring in such returns to the monastery, subjection to the rule of the Elders, look out
and daily report to them, and continue in such for separate cells and want to remain by them-
selves alone, that as they are provoked by no-
humility and subjection that they are deprived
of their rights over what they gain by their body they may be regarded by men as patient,
own efforts, just as they are of their rights gentle, and humble: and, this arrangement,
over themselves, as they constantly renew the or rather this lukewarmness never suffers
fervour of their original act of renunciation, those, of whom it has once got hold, to ap-
while they daily deprive themselves of the proach to perfection. For in this way their
fruits of their labours: but these are puffed faults are not merely not rooted up, but
up by the fact that they are bestowing some- actually grow worse, while they are excited by
thing on the poor, and daily fall headlong no one, like some deadly and
internal poison
into sin. The one party are by patience and which the more it is concealed, so much the
the strictness whereby they continue devoutly more deeply does it creep in and cause an
in the order which they have once embraced, incurable disease to the sick person. For out
so as never to fulfil their own will, crucified of respect for each man's own cell no one
daily to this world and made living martyrs; ventures to reprove
the faults of a solitar}%
the others are cast down into hell by the which he would rather have ignored than
lukewarmness of their purpose. These two cured. Moreover virtues are created not by
sorts of monks then vie with each other in hiding faults but by driving them out.
almost equal numbers in this province; but in
other provinces, which the need of the Catho-
lic faith compelled me to visit, we have found IX. CHAPTER
'that this third class of Sarabaites flourishes
and is almost the only one, since in the time A question as to what is the difference between a coenobitun
and a monastery.
of Lucius who was a Bishop of Arian mis-
belief^ in the reign of Valens, while we car-
ried alms'^ to our brethren; viz., those from
Germanus: Is there any distinction be-
and the who had been con- tween a coenobium and a monastery, or is
Egypt Thebaid,
the same thing meant by either name?
signed to the mines of Pontus and Armenia*
for their steadfastness in the Catholic faith,
though we found the system of coenobia in CHAPTER X.
some few and far between, yet we never
made out that even the name of anchorites The answer.
was heard among them.
Piamun I'^Although many people indiffer-
ently speak of monasteries instead of coenobia,
VIII. yet there is this difference, that monastery is
the title of the dwelling, and means nothing
Of a fourth sort of monks. more than the place, i.e., the habitation of
monks, while ccenobium describes the cha-
There is however another and a fourth racter of the life and its system: and monas-
kind, which we have lately seen springing up tery may mean the dwelling of a single monk,
among those who flatter themselves with the while a coenobium cannot be spoken of except
appearance and form of anchorites, and who where dwells a united community of a large
in their early days seem in a brief fervour number of men
living together. They are
to seek the perfection of the coenobium, but however termed monasteries in which
presently cool off, and, as they dislike to put of Sarabaites live.
an end to their former habits and faults, and

Lucius took the lead of the Arian partv at Alexandria after the
murder of George of Cappadocia in 361, and was put forward by his CHAPTER XL
party as the candidate for the see which they regarded as vacant.
In 37J, after the death of Athana.sius, he was forced upon the reluc-
of Alexandria by the Arian Emperor Valens, and accord- Of true humility, and how Abbot Serapion exposed the mock
tant Church
ing to Gregory Nazianzen a fresh pe-.secution of the orthmlox party humility of a certain man.
at once began and to this it is that Piamun alludes in the text.

' Diaconia. The word is used again by Cassian for alnisjjiving

in Conf. XXI. i., viii., ix., and cf. Gregory the Great, Ep. xxii., and Wherefore as I see that you have learnt
ei? fna.Kovi.a.v in Acts
principles of this life from the best
compare xi. 29.
' To work in the mines was a punishment'to which the Confessors
the first
were frequently subjected in the time of persecution Cf. the prayer
sort of monks, i.e., that starting from the ex-
in the Liturgy of S. Mark that God would have mercy on those in
cellent school of the coenobium you are aim-
prison, or in the mines, etc. Hatnmoud^s f.ititrgus, p. 181.

ing at the lofty heights of the anchorite's inward humbling of the soul: and this will
rule,you should with genuine feeling of heart only then shine forth with clear evidences of
pursue the virtue of humility and patience, patience when a man does not boast about
which I doubt not that you learnt there and sins, which nobody will believe, but, when

not feign it, as some do, by mock humility in another insolently accuses him of them, thinks
words, or by an artificial and unnecessary nothing of it, and when with gentle equanimity
readiness for some duties of the body. And of spirit he puts up with wrongs offered to
this sham humility Abbot Serapion once him.
laughed to scorn most capitally. For when one
had come him making a great display of his
lowliness by his dress and words, and the old

man urged him, after his custom, to collect A question how true patience can be gained.
" ^
the prayer he would not consent to his re-
quest, but debasing himself declared that he Germanus: We
should like to know how
was involved in such crimes that he did not that calmness can be secured and maintained,
deserve even to breathe the air which is com- that, as when silence is enjoined on us we
mon to all, and refusing even the use of the shut the door of our mouth, and lay an em-
mat preferred to sit down on the bare ground. bargo on speech, so also we may be able to
But when he had shown still less inclination preserve gentleness of heart, which sometimes
for the washing of the feet, then Abbot Sera- even when the tongue is restrained loses its
pion, when supper was finished, and the cus- state of calmness within and for this reason

tomary Conference gave him an opportunity, we think that the blessing of gentleness can
began kindly and gently to urge him not to only be preserved by one in a remote cell Ind
roam with shifty lightmindedness over the
solitary dwelling.
whole world, idly and vaguely, especially as
he was young and strong, but to keep to his
cell in accordance with the rule of the Elders, CHAPTER XIII.
and be supported by his own efforts
to elect to
rather than by the bounty of others; which The answer.
even the Apostle Paul would not allow, and
though when he was labouring in the cause of PiAMUN True patience and tranquillity is

the gospel this provision might rightly have neither gained nor retained without profound
been made for him, yet he preferred to work humility of heart: and if it has sprung from
night and day, to provide daily food for him- this source, there will be no need either of
self and for those who were ministering to the good offices of the cell or of the refuge of
him and could not do the work with their own the desert. For it will seek no external sup-
hands. Whereupon the other was filled with port from anything, if it has the internal sup-
such vexation and disgust that he could not port of the virtue of humility, its mother and
hide by his looks the annoyance which he felt its guardian. But if we are disturbed when
in his heart. To whom the Elder Thus far, : attacked by anyone it is clear that the founda-
my son, you have loaded yourself with the tions of humility have not been securely laid
weight of all kinds of crimes, not fearing lest in us, and therefore at the outbreak even of a
by the confession of such awful sins you bring small storm, our whole edifice is shaken and
a reproach upon your reputation; how is it ruinously disturbed. For patience would not
then, I pray, that now, at our simple admo- be worthy of praise and admiration if it only
nition, which involved no reproof, but simply preserved its purposed tranquillity when at-
showed a feeling for your edification and love, tacked by no darts of enemies, but it is grand
I see that you are moved with such
disgust and glorious because when the storms of
that you cannot hide it by your looks, or con- temptation beat upon it, it remains unmoved.
ceal it by an appearance of calmness ? Per- For wherein it is believed that a man is
haps while you were humiliating yourself, you annoyed and hurt by adversity, therein is he
were hoping to hear from our lips this saying: strengthened the more and he is therein the

"The righteous man is the accuser of him- more exercised, wherein he is thought to be
self in the opening of his discourse?''^ annoyed. For everybody knows that patience
Further, true humility of heart must be pre- gets its name from the passions and endur-
served, which comes not from an affected ance, and so it is clear that no one can be
humbling of body and in word, but from an called patient but one who bears without an-
noyance all the indignities offered to him,
* On Serapion see the note on Conf. V. i. and so it is not without reason that he is
* Orationem Colligere. See the notes on the Institutes III. vii.
* Prov. xviii.
17. praised by Solomon: "Better is the patient

man than the strong, and he who restrains his herself occasions of trouble that she might
anger than he who takes a city;" and again: not cease to be tried more often. For this
For a long-suffering man is miglity in pru- woman as she was living at Alexandria and
dence, but a faint-hearted man is very fool- was born of no mean ancestors, and was serv-
ish."^ When then anyone is overcome by ing the Lord religiously in the house which
a wrong, and blazes up in a fire of anger, we had been left to her by her parents, came to
should not hold that the bitterness of the in- Athanasius the Bishop, of blessed memory,
sult offered to him is the cause of his sin, but and entreated him to give her some other
rather the manifestation of secret weakness, in widow to support, who was being provided
accordance with the parable of our Lord and for at the expense of the Church. And, to
Saviour which He spoke about the two give her petition in her own words: "Give
houses,^ one of which was founded upon a me," she said, "one of the sisters to look
rock, and the other upon the sand, on both of after." When then the Bishop had com-
which He says that the tempest of rain and mended the woman's purpose because he saw
waters and storm beat equally: but that one that she was very ready for a work of a mercy,
which was founded on the solid rock felt no he ordered a widow to be chosen out of the
harm at all from the violence of the shock, whole number, who was preferred to all the rest
while that which was built on the shifting and for the goodness of her character, and her
moving sand at once collapsed. And it cer- grave and well-regulated life, for fear lest her
tainly appears that it fell, not because it was wish to be liberal might be overcome by the
struck by the rush of the storms and torrents, fault of the recipient of her bounty, and she
but because it was imprudently built upon who sought gain out of the poor might be
the sand. For a saint does not differ from a disgusted at her bad character and so suffer
sinner in this, that he is not himself tempted an injury to her faith. And when the woman
in the same way, but because he is not worsted was brought home, she ministered to her with
even by a great assault, while the other is over- all kinds of service, and found out her excel-
come even by a si ight temptation. For the for- lent modesty and gentleness, and saw that
titude of any good man would not, as we said, every minute she was honoured by thanks
be worthy of praise, if his victory was gained from her for her kind offices, and so after a
without his being tempted, as most certainly few days she came back to the aforesaid
there is no room for victory where there is Bishop, and said I asked you to bid that a

no struggle and conflict: for "Blessed is the woman be given to me for me to support and
man that endureth temptation, for when he has to serve with obedient complaisance. And
been proved he shall receive the crown of life when he, not yet understanding the woman's
which God hath promised to them that love object and desire, thought that her petition
Him." * According to the Apostle Paul also had been neglected by the deceitfulness of the
" "
Strength is made perfect not in ease and superior, andtnquired not without some anger
delights but "in weakness." "For behold," in his mind, what was the reason of the delay,
I have made thee this day a forti- at once he discovered tliat a widow who was
says He,
fied city, and a pillar of iron, and a wall of better than all the rest had been assigned to
brass, over all the land, to the kings of Judah, her, and so he secretly gave orders that the
and to the princes thereof, and to the priests one who was the worst of all should be given
thereof, and to all the people of the land. to her, the one, I mean, who surpassed in
And they shall fight against thee, and shall anger and quarrelling and wine-bibbing and
not prevail: for I am with thee, saith the talkativeness all who were under the power
Lord, to deliver thee."* of these faults. And when she was only too
easily found and given to her, she began to
keep her at home, and to minister to her with
the same care as to the former widow, or even
CHAPTER XIV. more attentively, and this was all the thanks
which she got from her for her services viz. to
; ,

Of the example of patience given by a certain religious woman. be

constantly tried by unworthy wrongs and
continually annoyed by her by reproaches
Of this patience then I want to give you at and upbraiding, as she complained of her, and
least two examples: one of a certain religious chid her with
spiteful and disparaging re-
woman, who aimed at the virtue of patience marks, because she had asked for her from
so eagerly that she not only did not avoid the the
Bishop not for her refreshment but rather
assaults of temptation, but actually made for for her torment and
annoyance, and had taken
her away from rest to labour instead of from
1 Prov. xvi. xiv. ' S.
James n.
; ji
' Cf. S. Matt. vii.
24, 59.
* 2 Cor. xii.
; 9 Jer.
i. 18, 19.
labour to rest. When then her continual re-

preaches broke out so far that the wanton own book among the boughs which he used
woman did not restrain herself from laying to weave of palm branches, and, secure of his
hands on her, the other only redoubled her well-planned trick, himself went oft" as if with
services in still humbler offices, and learnt to a pure and clean conscience to Church. And
overcome the vixen not by resisting her, but when the whole service was ended as usual,
by subjecting herself still more humbly, so in the presence of all the brethren he brought
that, when provoked by all kinds of indig- his complaint to S. Isidore who was Presby-

nities, she might smooth down the madness ter of this desert before this same Paphnutius,
of the shrew by gentleness and kindness. and declared that his book had been stolen
And when she had been thoroughly strength- from his cell. And when his complaint had
ened by these exercises, and had attained the so disturbed the minds of all the brethren,
perfect virtue of the patience she had longed and more especially of the Presbyter, so that
for, she came to the aforesaid Bishop to thank they knew not what first to suspect or think,
him for his decision and choice as well as for as all were overcome with the utmost astonish-
the blessing of her exercise, because he had ment at so new and unheard of a crime, such
at last as she wished provided her with a most as no one remembered ever to have been com-
worthy mistress for her patience, strengthened mitted in that desert before that time, and
daily by whose constant annoyance as, by which has never happened since, he who had
some oil for wrestling, she had arrived at brought forward the matter as the accuser
complete patience of mind; and, at last, said urged that they should all be kept in Church
she, you have given me one to support, for and certain selected men be sent to search
the former one rather honoured and refreshed the cells of the brethren one by one. And
me by her services. This may be sufficient when this had been entrusted to three of the
to have told about the female sex, that by Elders by the Presbyter, they turned over the
this tale we may not only be edified, but even bed-chambers of them all, and at last found
confounded, as 7cie cannot maintain our pa- the book hidden in the cell of Paphnutius
tience unless we are like wild beasts removed among the boughs of the palms which they
in caves and cells. call aeiQu, just as the plotter had hidden it.
And when the inquisitors at once brought it
back to the Church and produced it before
CHAPTER XV. all, Paphnutius, although he was perfectly
clear in the sincerity of his conscience, yet like
Of the example of patience given by Abbot Paphnutius. one who acknowledged the guilt of thieving,
gave himself up entirely to make amends and
Now let us give the other instance of Abbot humbly asked for a plan of repentance, as he
Paphnutius, who always remained so zeal- was so careful of his shame and modesty (and
ously in the recesses of that renowned and feared) lest if he tried to remove the stain
far-famed desert of Scete, in which he is now of the theft by words, he might further be
Presbyter, so that the rest of the anchorites branded as a liar, as no one would believe
gave him the name of Bubal is, because he anything but what had been found out. And

always delighted in dwelling in the desert as when he had immediately left the Church not.
if with a sort of innate
liking. And so as cast down in mind but rather trusting to the
even in boyhood he was so good and full of judgment of God, he continually shed tears at
grace that even the renowned and great men his prayers, and fasted thrice as often as
of that time admired his gravity and steadfast before, and prostrated himself in the sight of
constancy, and although he was younger in men with all humility of mind. But when he
age, yet put him on a level with the Elders had thus submitted himself with all contrition
out of regard for his virtues, and thought fit of flesh and spirit for almost a fortnight, so
to admit him to their order, the same envy, that he came early on the morning of Satur-
which formerly excited the minds of his day and Sunday not to receive the Holy Com-
brethren against the patriarch Joseph, in- munion but to prostrate himself on the
flamed one out of the number of his brethren threshold of the Church and humbly ask for
with a burning and consuming jealousy. And pardon. He, Who is the witness of all secret
this man wanting to mar his beauty by some things and knows them, suffered him to be no
blemish or spot, hit on this kind of devilry, ^
Gazet thinks tliat this Isidore is the same person as the one
so as to seize an opportunity when Paphnutius mentioned in the Lausiac History c. i.; and Sozomen VI. xxviii.,
but doubts whether he is identical with the person of the same name
had left his cell to go to Church on Sunday: rnentioned in Rufiiius: History of the Monks c.xvii., Sozomen VIII.
and secretly entering his cell he slyly hid his xii., and Socrates VI. ix.
2 On
the Saturday and Sunday celebration of the Holy Commun-
ion in Egypt compare tlie Institutes III. ii. In Gaul it was appar-
i.e., the Buffalo. On Paphnutius see the note on Conf. III. ently received daily : Institutes VI. viii.

longer tried by Himself or defamed by others. are living with us, or that we can avoid them
For what the author of the crime, the wicked by distance of place, or exclude them by the
thief of his own property, the cunning de- protection of walls. For though none of these
famer of another's credit, had done with no things was wanting to Saint Paphnutius yet
man there as a witness, that He made known the tempter did not fail to find a way of ac-
by means of the devil who was himself the cess against him to attack him nor did the ;

instigator of the sin. For possessed by a encircling walls, or the solitude of the desert
most fierce demon, he made known all the or the merits of all those saints in the con-
craft of his secret plot, and the same man who gregation repulse that most foul spirit. But
had conceived the accusation and the cheat because the holy servant of God had fixed the
betrayed it. But he was so long and griev- hope of his heart not on those external things
ously vexed by that unclean spirit that he but on Him Who is the judge of all secrets,
could not even be restored by the prayers of the he could not be moved even by the machi-
saints living there, who by means of divine nations of such an assault as that. On the
gifts can command the devils, nor cTould the other hand did not the man whom envy had
special grace of the Presbyter Isidore himself hurried into so grievous a sin enjoy the bene-
cast out from him his cruel tormenter, though fit of solitude and the protection of a retired

by the Lord's bounty such power was given dwelling, and intercourse with the blessed
him that no one who was possessed was ever Abbot and Presbyter Isidore and other saints?
brought to his doors without being at once And yet because the storm raised by the devil
healed; for Christ was reserving this glory found him upon the sand, it not only drove
for the young Paphnutius, that the man in his house but actually overturned it. We
should be cleansed only by the prayers of him need not then seek for our peace in externals,
against whom he had plotted, and that the nor fancy that another person's patience can
jealous enemy should receive pardon for his be of any use to the faults of our impatience.
offence and an end of his present punishment, For just as "the kingdom of God is within
only by proclaiming his name, from whose you, so "'a man's foes are they of his own
credit he had thought that he could detract. household." " For no one is more my enemy
He then in his early youth already gave these than my own heart which is truly the one of
signs of his future character, and even in his my household closest to me. And therefore
boyish years sketched the lines of that perfec- if we are careful, we cannot possibly be in-
tion which was to grow up in mature age. For where those
If jured by intestine enemies.
then we want to attain to his height of virtue, of our own household are not opposed to us,
we must lay the same foundation to begin there also the kingdom of God is secured in
with. peace of heart. For if you diligently investi-
gate the matter, I cannot be injured by any
CHAPTER XVI. man however s|)iteful, if I do not fight against
On the perfection of patience. myself with warlike heart. But if I am in-
jured, the fault is not owing to the other's
A TWOFOLD reason however led me to relate attack, but to my own impatience. For as
this fact, first that we may weigh this stead- strong and solid food is good for a man in
fastness and constancy of the man, and as good health, so it is bad for a sick one. But
we are attacked by less serious wiles of the it cannot hurt the man who takes it, unless

enemy, may the better secure a greater feeling the weakness of its recipient gives it its power
of calmness and patience, secondly that we to hurt. If then any similar temptation ever

may with resolute decision hold that we can- arises among brethren, we need never be
not be safe from the storms of temptation and shaken out of the even tenor of our ways and
assaults of the devil if we make all the pro- give an opening to the blasphemous snarls of
tection for our patience and all our confidence men living in the world, nor wonder that some
consist not in the strength of our inner man bad and detestable men have secretly found
but in the doors of our cell or the recesses of their way into the number of the saints,
the desert, and companionship of the saints, because so long as we are trodden down and
or the safeguard of anything else outside us. trampled in the threshing floor of this world,
For unless our mind is strengthened by the the chaff which is destined for eternal fire is
power of His protection Who says in the quite sure to be mingled with the choicest of
gospel "the kingdom of God is within you,"^ the wheat. Finally if we bear in mind that
in vain do we fancy that we can defeat the Satan was chosen among the angels, and
plots of our airy foe by the aid of men who Judas among the apostles, and Nicholas the
* »
S. Luke xvii. at. S. Matt. X. 36.

author of a detestable heresy among the offence : and

of these, because they are alto-
deacons, it will be no wonder that the basest gether false, vain
is the hope of cure, while
of men are found among the ranks of the the deadly poison which they will not pro-
saints. For although some maintain that this duce is lurking in their veins. Of which the
Nicholas was not the same man who was wisest of men has fitly said: "If a serpent
chosen for the worjc of the ministry by the bite without hissing, there is no supply for
Apostles,^ nevertheless they cannot deny that the charmer."* For those are silent bites, to
he was of the number of the disciples, all of which alone the medicine of the wise is no
whom were clearly of such a character and so succour. For that evil is so far incurable
perfect as those few whom we can now with that it is made worse by attentions, it is in-
difficulty discover in the coenobia. Let us creased by services, is irritated by presents,
then bring forward not the fall of the above- because as the same Solomon says ,
envy :

mentioned brother, who fell in the desert endures nothing." ^ For just in proportion as
with so grievous a collapse, nor that horrible another has made progress in humble submis-
stain which he afterwards wiped out by the co- sion or in the virtue of patience or in the
pious tears of his penitence, but the example merit of munificence, so is a man excited by
of the blessed Paphnutius ;
and let us not be worse pricks of envy, because he desires no-
destroyed by the ruin of the former, whose thing less than the ruin or death of the man
ingrained sin of envy was increased and made whom he envies. Lastly no submission on
worse by his affected piety, but let us imitate the part of their harmless brother could soften
with all our might the humility of the latter, the envy of the eleven patriarchs, so that
which in his case was no sudden production Scripture relates of them " But his brothers :

of the quiet of the desert, but had been gained envied him because his father loved him, and
" ^
among men, and was consummated and per- they could not speak peaceably unto him
fected by solitude. However you should until their jealousy, .which would not listen to
know that the evil of envy is harder to be any entreaties on the part of their obedient
cured than other faults, for I should almost and submissive brother, desired his death,
say that a man whom it has once tainted with and would scarcely be satisfied with the sin
the mischief of its poison is without a remedy. of selling a brother. It is plain then that
For it is the plague of which it is figuratively envy is worse than all faults, and harder to
said by the prophet: "Behold I will send get rid of, as it is inflamed by those remedies
among you serpents, basilisks, against which by which the others are destroyed. For, for
there is no charm: and they shall bite you.'"^ example, a man who is grieved by a loss that
Rightly then are the stings of envy compared has been caused to him, is healed by a liberal
by the prophet to the deadly poison of basi- compensation: one who is sore owing to a
lisks, as by it the first author of all poisons wrong done to him, is appeased by humble
and their chief perished and died. For he satisfaction being made. What can you do
slew himself before him of whom he was en- with one who is the more offended by the
vious, and destroyed himself before that he very fact that he sees you humbler and kinder,
poured forth the poison of death against man: who is not aroused to anger by any greed
for "by the envy of the devil death entered which can be appeased
by a bribe ; or by any
into the world they therefore who are on his injurious attack or love of vengeance, which

side follow him."^ For just as he who was is overcome by obsequious services; but is
the first to be corrupted by the plague of that only irritated by another's success and happi-
evil, admitted no remedy of penitence, nor ness? But who is there who in order to
any healing plaster, so those also who have satisfy one who envies him, would wish to
given themselves up to be smitten by the same fall from his good fortune, or to lose his
pricks, exclude all the aid of the sacred prosperity or to be involved in some calamity.''
charmer, because as they are tormented not Wherefore we must constantly implore the
by the faults but by the prosperity of those divine aid, to which nothing is impossible, in
of whom they are jealous,
they are ashamed order that the serpent may not by a single
to display the real truth and look out for some bite of this evil
destroy whatever is flourish-
external unnecessary and trifling causes of
ing in us, and animated as it were by the life
1 As
Cassian here implies, considerable doubt exists whether the
and quickening power of the Holy Ghost.
Nicholas from whom the sect of the Nicolaitans (Rev. ii. 1 5) derive their For the other
name was the same person as Nicholas the last of the seven " dea- poisons of serpents, i.e., carnal
cons " mentioned in Acts vi. 5. sins and faults, in which human frailty is
According to Irenaeus (Haer. I.
xxvi.) the Nicolaitans themselves claimed him as their founder, and
the claim is allowed by Hippolytus (Philos. vii. § 36), easily entangled and from which it is as easily
(Hjer. I. ii. §25), and other writers of the fourth century. Clement purified, show* some traces of their wounds
of Alexandria however disputes the claim (Strom. III. iv. and cf.
Euseb. H. E. III. xxix.), as does Theodoret (Hsr. Tab. iii. i).
^ 3
Jer. viii. 17. Wisd. ii. 24, 25. Eccl. ^ Prov. xivii. 4.
6 Gen. xxxvii. 4.
in the flesh, whereby although the earthly certain that God
cannot be the author of envy,
body is most dangerously inflamed, yet if any yet it and worthy of the divine judg-
is fair
charmer well skilled in divine incantations ment that, while good gifts are bestowed on
applies a cure and antidote or the remedy of the humble and refused to the proud and
words of salvation, the poisonous evil does reprobate, those who, as the Apostle says,
not reach to the everlasting death of the soul. deserve to be given over "to a reprobate
But the poison of envy as if emitted by the mind," should be smitten and consumed by
basilisk, destroys the very life of religion and envy sent as it were by Him, according to
faith, even before the wound is perceived in this passage: "They have provoked me to
the body. For he does not raise himself up jealousy by them that are no gods and I will :

against men, but, in his blasphemy, against provoke them to jealousy by them that are
God, who carps at nothing in his brother no nation."®
except his felicity, and so blames no fault
of man, but simply the judgment of God. By this discourse the blessed Piamun ex-
This then is that " root of bitterness springing cited still more keenly our desire in which we
" ^
up which raises itself to heaven and tends had begun to be promoted from the infant
to reproaching the very Author Who bestows school of the coenobium to the second standard
good things on man. Nor shall anyone be of the anchorites' life. For it was under his
disturbed because God threatens to send '* ser- instruction that we made our first start in soli-
pents, basilisks,'"* to bite those by whose tary living, the knowledge of which we after-
crimes He is offended. For although it is wards followed up mqre thoroughly in Scete.




CHAPTER I. who left the desert and submitted himself to

that coenobium with the utmost goodness and
Of the coenobium of Abbot Paul and the patience of a certain
humility, yet \^e think it not at all absurd to
relate without any unnecessary verbiage, what
After only a few days we made our way we think is most instructive to those who are
once more with great alacrity, drawn by the eager for goodness. And so when the whole
desire for further instruction, to the coenobium body of the monks was seated in separate
of Abbot Paul, where though a greater number parties of twelve, in the large open court,
than two hundred of the brethren dwell there, when one of the brethren had been rather slow
in fetching and bringing in a dish, the afore-
yet, in honour of the festival which was then
being held, an enormous collection of monks said Abbot Paul, who was busily hurrying
from other coenobia had come there as well: about among the troops of brethren who were
for the anniversary of the death * of a former serving, saw it and struck him such a blow
Abbot who had presided over the same monas- before them all on his open palm that the
tery was being solemnly kept. And we have sound of the hand which was struck actually
mentioned this assembly for this reason that reached the ears of those whose backs were
we may briefly treat of the patience of a certain nd who were sitting some way off.
brother, which was remarkable for immovable But the youth of remarkable patience received
it with such calmness of mind that not only
gentleness on his part in the presence of all this
congregation. For though the object of this did he let no word fall from his mouth or give
work has regard to another person; viz., that the slightest sign of murmuring by the silent
we may produce the utterances of Abbot John * movements of his lips, but actually did not
* *
change colour in the slightest degree or (lose)
Heb. xii. 15. Jer. viil. 17.
' A word used for the of the death
the modest and peaceful look about his mouth.
Defiositio. frequently day (or
burial) in Calendars and MartyroloRies.
On this Abbot John compare the note on the Institutes V. xxviii. Rom. i. 38. * Deut. zxxii. 31.

And this fact struck with astonishment not ject nor refuse, but rather embrace and regard
merely us, who had lately come from a monas- with the utmost veneration : in which system,
learnt the blessing and after I had passed thirty years living in
tery of Syria and had not
of this patience by such clear examples, but all a. coenobium, I rejoice that 1 have also spent
those as well who were not without experience twenty more, so that I can never be accused of
of such earnestness, so that by it a great lesson sloth among those who tried it in a half-hearted
was taught even to those who were well ad- way. But because its purity, of which I had
vanced, because even if this paternal correc- had some slight experience, was sometimes
tion had not disturbed his patience, neither soiled by the presence of anxiety about carnal
did the presence of so great a number bring matters, it seemed better to return to the
the slightest sign of colour to his cheeks. coenobium t6 secure a readier attainment of
an easier aim undertaken, and less danger
from venturing on the higher life of the hum-
CHAPTER II. ble solitary.^ For it is better to seem earnest
with smaller promises than careless in larger
Of Abbot John's humility and our question.
ones. And therefore if
possibly I bring for-
In this coenobium then we found a very old ward anything somewhat arrogantly and indeed
man named John, whose words and humility somewhat too freely, I beg that you will not
we think ought certainly not to be passed over think it due to the sm of boasting but rather to
in silence as in them he excelled all the saints, my desire for your edification; and that, as I
as we know that he was especially vigorous in think that, when you ask so earnestly, nothing
this perfection, which though it is the mother of the truth should be kept back from you, you
of all virtues and the surest foundation of will set it down
to love rather than to boast-
the whole spiritual superstructure, yet is alto- ing. For think that some instruction may

Wherefore be given to you if I lay aside my humility,

gether a stranger to our system.
it is no wonder that we cannot attain to the
and simply lay bare the whole truth about my
aim. For I trust that I shall not incur any
height of those men, as we cannot stand the
training of the coenobium I will not say up reproach of vainglory from you because of the
to old age, but are scarcely content to endure freedom of my words, nor any charge of false-
the yoke of subjection for a couple of years, hood from my conscience because of any sup-
and at once escape to enjoy a dangerous liberty, pression of the truth.
while even for that short time we seem to be
subject to the rule of the Elder not according
to any strict rule, but as our free will directs. CHAPTER IV.
When then we had seen this old man
Abbot in
Of the excellence which the aforesaid old man showed in the
Paul's ccenobium, we were struck, first by his
system of the anchorites.
age and the grace with which the man was
endowed, and with looks fixed on the ground If then anyone else delights in the recesses
began to entreat him to vouchsafe to explain of the desert and.would forget all human in-
to us why he had forsaken the freedom of the tercourse and say with Jeremiah: "I have
desert and that exalted profession, in which not desired the day of man: Thou knowest," ^
his fame and celebrity had raised him above I confess that by the blessing of God's
others who had adopted the same life, and
grace, I also secured or at any rate tried to
why he had chosen to enter under the yoke secure this. And so by the kind gift of the
of the ccenobium. He said that as he was Lord I remember that I was often caught up
unequal to the system of the anchorites and into such an ecstasy as to forget that I was
unworthy of the heights of such perfection, he clothed with the burden of a weak body, and
had gone back to the infant school, that he
my soul on a sudden forgot all external
might learn to carry out the lessons taught notions and entirely cut itself off from all
there, according as the life demanded. And material objects, so that neither my eyes nor
when our entreaties were not satisfied and ears performed their proper functions. And
we refused to take this humble answer, at last
he began as follows.
my soul was so filled with divine meditations
The true reading, as given by Petschenig, appears to be the
following E/ minus de prcEsutnptce sublimioris professionis humili-

CHAPTER III. iate periculutn. It is probably on account of its difficulty that

hiimilitate has been altered into difficultate, as in the text of Gazet
(the two humilitaie difficultate are found together in some MSS.)
Abbot John's answer why he had left the desert. But the fact appears to be that humilitas is here used for the life
of an anchorite, as in Conference XXIV. ix., where Abbot Abraham
The system of the anchorites, which you are uses the expression disirictionejn hujus humilitatis. The word is
also used in a somewhat similar sense in Conf. I. xx. and XI. ii.
surprised at my leaving, I not only neither re- ^
Jer. xvii. i6. .

and contemplations that often in

spiritual system rather than to grow cold in that sub-
the evening did not know whether I had
I lime mode of life, by providing for carnal
taken any food and on the next day was very wants; so that, if that liberty and those spi-
doubtful whether I had broken my fast yester- ritual ecstasies are denied me, yet as all care
For which reason, a supply of food for for the morrow is avoided, I may console my-
seven days, i.e., seven sets of biscuits were self by fulfilling the precept of the gospel,
set apart in a sort of hand-basket,^ and laid and what I lose in sublimity of contemplation,
by on Saturday, that there might be no doubt may be made up to me by submission and
when supper had been omitted; and by this obedience. For it is a wretched thing fo'V a
plan another mistake also from forgetfulness man to profess to learn any art or pursuit,
was obviated, for when the number of cakes and never to arrive at perfection in it.
was finished it showed that the course of the
week was over, and that the services of the
same day had come round, and that the fes-
tival and holy day and services of the con-

gregation could not escape the notice of the Of the conveniences of the ccenobium.
solitary. But even if that ecstasy of mind of
which we have spoken should happen to inter-
Wherefore I will briefly explain what ad-
fere with this arrangement, yet still the method I now enjoy in this manner of life.
of the days' work would show the number of Yoii must consider my words and judge
the days and check the mistake. And to pass
whether those advantages of the desert out-
over in silence the other advantages of the
weigh these comforts, and by this you will
desert (for it is not our business to treat of also be able to
prove whether I chose to be
their number and quantity, but rather of the
cramped within the narrow limits of the cceno-
aim of solitude and the ccenobium) I will the bium from dislike or from desire of that
rather briefly explain the reasons why I pre- of the In this life then there is
solitary life.
ferred to leave it, which you also wanted to no
providing for the day's work, no distrac-
know, and will in a concise discourse glance tions of
buying and selling, no unavoidable
at all those fruits of solitude which I men- care
for the year's food, no anxiety about
tioned, and show to what greater advantages
things, by which one has to get ready
on the other side they ought to be held bodilywhat is not for one's own wants
necessary only
but also for those of any number of visitors,
finally no conceit from the praise of men,
CHAPTER V. which is worse than all these things and some-
times in the sight of God does away with the
Of the advantages of the desert
good of even ^eat efforts in the desert. But,
to pass over thtfee waves of spiritual pride and
So long then as owing to the fewness of the deadly peril of vainglory in the life of
those who were then living in the desert, a the anchorite, let us return to this general bur-
greater freedom was afforded to us in a wider den which affects everybody, i.e., the ordinary
expanse of the wilderness, so long as in the anxiety in providing food, which has so far
seclusion of larger retreats we were caught up exceeded I say not the measure of that ancient
to those celestial ecstasies, and were not over- strictness which altogether did without oil, but
whelmed by a great quantity of brethren to is beginning not to be content even with the
visit us, and thus owing to the necessity relaxation of our own time according to which
of showing hospitality overburdened in our the requirements of all the supply of food for
thoughts by the distractions of great cares, I a year were satisfied by the preparation of a
frequented with insatiable desire and all my single pint of oil and a modius of lentils pre-
heart the peaceful retreats of the desert and pared for the use of visitors but now the need- ;

that life which can only'be compared to the ful supply of food is scarcely met by two or
bliss of the angels. But when, as I said, a three times that amount. And to such an extent
larger number of the brethren began to seek has the force of this dangerous relaxation
a dwelling in that desert, and by cramping grown among some that, when they mix vine-
the freedom of the vast wilderness, not only gar and sauce, they do not add that single dfop
caused that fire of divine contemplation to of oil, which our predecessors who followed
grow cold, but also entangled the mind in the rules of the desert with greater powers of
many ways in the chains of carnal matters, I abstinence, were accustomed to pour in simply *
determined to carry out my purpose in this for the sake of avoiding vainglory, but they
* Im prechirio id t*t admattiumi tporta. > Cf. Conference VIII.

break an Egyptian cheese for luxury and pour ascended to the very heights, we should like
over it more oil than is required, and so take, to know what is the end of the coenobite's life
under a single pleasant relish, two sorts of and what the end of the hermit's. For no one
food which differ in their special flavour, each can doubt that no man can discourse with
of which ought singly to be a pleasant refresh- greater fulness or fidelity on these subjects
ment at different times for a monk. To such than one who, taught by long use and experi-
a pitch however has this ihx^ xifiaig, i.e., ac- ence, has followed them both, and so ca'n by
quisition of material things grown,
that actually veracious teaching show us their value and
under pretence of hospitality and welcoming aim.
guests anchorites have begun to keep
a blanket
in- their cells— a thing which I cannot men- CHAPTER
tion without shame —
to omit those things by

which the mind that is awed by and intent The answer to the question proposed.
on spiritual meditation is more especially
hampered; viz., the concourse of brethren, the John: I should absolutely maintain that one
duties of receiving the coming and speeding and the same man could not attain perfection
the parting guest, visits to each other and the in both lives unless I was hindered by the
endless worry of various confabulations and example of some few. And since it is no
occupations, the expectation of which owing small matter to find a man who is perfect in
to the continuous character of these customary either of them, it is clear how much harder
interruptions keeps the mind on the stretch and I had almost said impossible it is for a
even during the time when these bothers man to be thoroughly efficient in both. And
seem to cease. And so the result is that the if this has ever happened, it cannot come
freedom of the anchorite's life is so hindered under any general rule. For a general rule
by these ties that it can never rise to that in- must be based not on exceptional instances,
effable keenness of heart, and thus loses the i.e., on the experience of a very few, but on
fruits of its hermit life. Arfd if this is now what is within the power of the many or rather
denied to me while I am living in the congre- of all. But what is attained to here and
gation and among others, at least there is no there by but one or two, and is beyond the
lack of peace of mind and tranquillity of heart capacity of ordinary goodness, must be kept
that is freed from all business. And unless out of general rules as something permitted
this is ready at hand for those also who live outside the condition and nature of human
in the desert, they will indeed have to undergo weakness, and should be brought forward as
the labours of the anchorite's life, but will lose a miracle rather than as an example. Where-
its fruits which can only be gained in peaceful fore I will, as my slender ability allows, briefly

stability of mind. Finally even if there is any intimate what you want to know. The aim
diminution of purity of heart while I am
my indeed of the coenobite is to mortify and
living in the coenobium, I shall be satisfied by crucify all his deSires and, according to that
keeping in exchange that one precept of the salutary command of evangelic perfection, to
Gospel, which certainly cannot be less es- take no thought for the morrow. And it is
teemed than all those fruits of the desert; I perfectly clear that this perfection cannot be
mean that I should take no thought for the attained by any except a coenobite, such a man
morrow, and submitting myself completely to as the prophet Isaiah describes and blesses
the Abbot seem in some degree to emulate and praises as follows: "If thou turn away
Him of whom it is said: "He humbled Him- thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy
self, and became obedient unto death and own will in my holy day, and glorify Him,

so be able humbly to make use of His words; while thou dost not thine own ways, and thine
For I came not to do mine own will, but the own will is not found to speak a word: then
will of the Father which sent me." shalt thou be delighted in the Lord, and I will
lift thee up above the high places of the earth,
and will feed thee with the inheritance of
CHAPTER VII. Jacob thy father. For the mouth of the Lord
hath spoken it."^ But the perfection for a
A question on the fruits of the coenobium and the desert. hermit is to have his mind freed from all
earthly things, and to unite it, as far as
Germanus: Since it is evident that you human frailty allows, with Christ: and such a
have not, like so many, just touched the mere man the prophet Jeremiah describes when he
outskirts of each mode of life, but have says : Blessed is the man who hath borne the

1 Phil. ii. 8; S. John vi. 38. Is. Iviii. 13, 14.

yoke from his youth. He shall sit solitary the day that they altogether dread intercourse
and hold his peace, because he hath taken it with men, and, when they have even for a
upon himself;" the Psalmist also: "I am little while broken through their habit of
become like a pelican in the desert. I retirement owing to the accident of a visit
watched and became as a sparrow alone upon from some of the brethren, boil over with
the housetop." ^ To this aim then, which we marked vexation of mind, and show clear
have described as that of either life, unless signs of annoyance. And this especially
each of them attains, in vain does the one happens in the case of those who have betaken
adopt the system of the coenobium, and the themselves to the solitary life without a well-
other of the hermitage: for neither of them matured purpose and without being
will get the good of his method of life. trained in the coenobium, as these men are
always imperfect and easily upset, and in-
cline to one side or the other, as the gales of
CHAPTER IX. trouble may drive them. For as they boil over
Of true and complete perfection.
impatiently at intercourse or conversation with
But this is f^fQiy^i, i.e., no thorough and the brethren, so while they are living in solitude

altogether complete perfection, but only a they cannot stand the vastness of that silence
Perfection then which they themselves have courted, inasmuch
partial one. is very rare
and granted by God's gift to but a very few. as they themselves do not even know the
For he is truly and not partially perfect reason why solitude ought to be wanted and
who with equal imperturbability can put up sought for, but imagine that the value and the
with the squalor of the wilderness in the main part of this life consist in this; viz., in
intercourse with the brethren and
desert, as well as the infirmities of the bre- avoiding
thren in the coenobium. And so it is hard to simply shunning and loathing the sight of a
find one who is perfect in both lives, be- man.
cause the anchorite cannot thoroughly acquire
uy.niuoavvt]^ i.e., a disregard for and stripping
oneself of material things, nor the coenobite CHAPTER XI.
purity in contemplation, although we know
that Abbot Moses and Paphnutius and the A question how to ctire those who have hastily left the
two Macarii *
were masters of both in perfec- congregation of the coenubium.

tion. And so they were perfect in either

life, and while they withdrew further than Germanus By what treatment can any help

all the dwellers in the desert and delighted be given to us or to others who are thus weak
themselves unceasingly in the retirement of and only up to this; who had received but
the wilderness, and as far as in them lay little instruction in the system of the coeno-

never sought intercourse with other men, yet bium when we began to aspire to dwell in
solitude before^ve had got rid of our faults;
they put up with the presence and the infirm-
ities of those who came to them so that when or by what means shall we be able to acquire

a large number of the brethren came to them I

the constancy of an imperturbable mind, and
for the sake of seeing them and profiting immovable steadfastness of patience we who ;

all too soon gave up the common life in

by it, they endured this almost continuous
trouble of receiving them with imperturb- the coenobium, and forsook the schools and
able patience, and men fancied that all the training ground for these exercises, in which
our principles ought first to have been tho-
days of their life they had neither learnt nor
practised anything but how to show common roughly schooled and perfected? then How
can we now while we are living alone gain per-
civility to those who came, so that it was a
fection in long-suffering and patience; or how
puzzle to all to say in which life their zeal
was mainly shown, i.e., whether their great- can conscience, that searcher out of inward
ness adapted itself more remarkably to the motives, discover whether these virtues exist
in us or are wanting, so that because we are
purity of the hermitage or to the common life.
severed from intercourse with men, and not
irritated by any of their provocations, we may
CHAPTER X. not be deceived by false notions, and fancy
Of those who while still imperfect retire into the desert. j
that we have gained that imperturbable peace
of mind?
But some are sometimes so tantalized
the silence of the desert lasting all through tioneil frequently before. On (to whom the fiif=t two Con-
ferences are assigned) see the note on jhe Institutes X. xxv. ; on
Ijim. iii. 27, 28; Ps. ci. (cii.) 7, 8. Paphnutius see on Conference III. i. ; and on the two Macarii, the
Moses, Paphnutius, and the two Macarii have all been men- {
Institutes V. xli.

CHAPTER XII. ence when they broke out, but that they were
then at last made public, because they had
The answer telling how a solitary can discover his faults.
I been long lying hid. And so even a solitary
can detect by sure signs that the roots of each
John To those who are really seeking relief, fault are still implanted in him, if he tries
: I

healing remedies from the true Physician of not to show his purity to men, but to main-
souls will certainly not be wanting; and to tain it inviolate in His sight, from whom no

those above all will they be given who do not secrets of the heart can be hid.
disregard their ill-condition (either because
they despair of it, or because they do not care
about it), nor hide the danger they are in from CHAPTER XIII.
their wound, nor in their wanton heart reject
A question how a man can be cured wlio has entered on
the remedy of penitence, but with an humble solitude without his faults eradicated.
and yet careful heart flee the heavenly
Physician for the diseases they have con- Germanus: We very clearly and plainly
tracted from ignorance or error or necessity. see the
proofs by which the signs of infirmi-
And so we ought to know that if we retire to ties are inferred, and the method of discern-
solitude or secret places, without our faults
ing diseases, i.e., how the faults which are
being first cured, their operation is but re- concealed in us can be detected for our every :

pressed, while the power of feeling them is day experience and the daily motions of our
not extinguished. For the root of all sins not
thoughts show us all these as they have been
having been eradicated is still lying hid in us, stated. It remains then that as the proofs
or rather creeping up, and that it is still alive and causes of our maladies have been
we can tell by these signs. For instance, if, to us in a most clear
way so their remedies
when we are living in solitude we receive the and cures
may also be shown. For no one
approach of some brethren, or any very slight can doubt that one who has first discovered
tarrying on their part, with any anxiety or the grounds and beginnings of ailments, with
fretfulness of mind, we should recognize that the
approving witness of the conscience of
an incentive to the most hasty impatience is those affected, can best discourse on their
still existing in us. But if when we are ho- remedies. And so though the teaching of
ping for the coming of a brother, and from your holiness has laid bare the secrets of our
some cause he perhaps delays a little, our wounds
whereby we venture to have some
mental indignation either silently blames his
hope of a remedy, because so clear a dia-
slowness, and annoyance at this inconvenient
gnosis of the disease gives promise of the hope
waiting disturbs our mind, the examination of a cure, yet because, as you say, the first
of our conscience will show that the sin of elements of salvation are
acquired in the
anger and vexation is plainly still remaining coenobium, and men cannot be in a sound
in us. Again, if when a brother asks for our condition in solitude, unless they have first
book to read, or for some other article to use, been healed
by the medicine of the coeno-
his request annoys us, or a refusal on our part
bium, we have fallen again into a dange'rous
disgusts him, there can be no doubt that we state of despair lest as we left the coenobium
are still entangled in the meshes of avarice in an
imperfect condition we may not now
or covetousness. But if a sudden thought or that we are in the desert succeed in
a passage of Holy Scripture brings up the
recollection of a woman and we feel that we
are at all attracted towards her, we should
know that the fire of fornication is not yet
extinguished in us. But if on a comparison The answer on their remedies.
of our own strictness with the laxity of another
even the slightest conceit tries our mind, it is John: For those who are anxious for the
clear that we are affected with the dreadful cure of their ailments a saving
remedy is sure
plague of pride. When then we detect these not to be wanting, and therefore remedies
signs of faults in our heart, we should clearly should be sought by the same means that the
recognize that it is only the opportunity and signs of each fault are discovered. For as
not the passion of sin of which we are deprived. we have said that the faults of men's ordinary
And certainly these passions, if at any time life are not wanting to solitaries, so we do
we were to mingle in the ordinary life of men, not deny that all zeal for virtue, and all the
would at once start up from their lurking means of healing are at the disposal of all
places in our thoughts and prove that they those who are cut off from men's ordinary
did not then for the first time come into exist- life. .When then anyone discovers by those

signs which we described above, that he is penalty of fasting and vigils and, by punish-

attacked by outbreaks of impatience or anger, ing his sin ,of lightness of mind by continual
he should always practise himself in the oppo- pains of self-restraint, he should while living
site and contrary things, and by setting before in solitude consume in this fire of practice
himself all sorts of injuries and wrongs, as if what he ought to have thoroughly driven out
offered to him by somebody else, accustom his in the life of the ccenobium. This at any
mind to submit with perfect humility to every- rate we must firmly and resolutely hold to in
thing that wickedness can bring upon him; order to secure a lasting and unbroken pa-
and by often representing to himself all kinds tience; viz., that for us, to whom by the
of rough and intolerable things, continually Divine law not merely vengeance for, but
consider with all sorrow of heart with what even the recollection of injuries is forbidden,
gentleness he ought to meet them. And, by it is not permissible to be roused to anger
thus looking at the sufferings of all the saints, because of some loss or annoyance. For
or indeed at those of the Lord Himself, he what greater injury can happen to the soul than
will admit that the various reproaches as well for it, owing to some sudden blindness from
as punishments are less than he deserves, and rage, to lose the brightness of the true and
prepare himself to endure all kinds of griefs. eternal light and to fail of the sight of Him
And when occasionally he has been recalled " Who is meek and lowly of heart ? " ^ What
by some invitation to the assembly of the I ask could be more dangerous or awkward
brethren —
a thing which cannot but happen than for a man to lose his power of judging
every now and then even to the strictest in- of goodness, and his standard and rule of
mates of the desert, —
if he finds that his mind true discernment, and for one in his sober
is silently disturbed even for trifles, he should senses to do what even a drunken man, and a
like some stern censor of his secret emotions fool would not be pardoned for doing? One
charge himself with all those various hard then who carefully considers these and other
wrongs, to the perfect endurance of which he injuries of the same kind, will readily endure
was training himself by his daily meditations, and disregard not only all kinds of losses, but
and blaming and chiding himself as follows, also whatever wrongs and punishments can
say: My good man, are you the fellow who be inflicted by the cruellest of men, as he
while training yourself in the practising will hold that there is nothing more dama-
ground of solitude, ventured most deter- ging than anger, nor more valuable than peace
minedly to think that you would get the of mind and unbroken purity of heart, for the
better of all bad qualities, and who just now, sake of which we should think nothing of the
when you were representing to yourself not advantages not merely of carnal matters but
only all sorts of bitter reproaches, but also also of those things which appear to be spi-
intolerable punishments, fancied that you ritual, if they cannot be gained or done with-
were pretty strong and able to stand against out some disturbance of this tranquillity.
all storms? How is it that that unconquered
patience of yours is upset by the first trial
even of a light word? How is it that even a
gentle breeze has shaken that house of yours CHAPTER XV.
which you fancied was built so strongly on the
solid rock? Where is that which you an- A question whether chastity ought to be ascertained just as
nounced when during a time of peace you the other feelings.

were in your foolish confidence longing for

war? "I am ready, and am not troubled;" Germanus: As the cure for other ailments,,
and this which you used often to say with the viz., anger,vexation, and impatience, has
prophet: "Prove me, O Lord, and try me: been shown to consist in opposing to them
search out my reins and my heart;" and: their contraries, so also we should like to
"prove me, O Lord, and know my heart: learn what sort of treatment we ought to use
question me and know my paths and see if ;
against the spirit of fornication I mean, :

there be any way of wickedness in me."^ whether the fire of lust can be quenched
How has a tiny ghost of an enemy frightened by the representation, as in those other cases,
your grand preparations for war? With such of greater inducements and things to excite
reproaches and remorse a man should con- it: because not merely to increase the incen-
demn himself and not allow the sudden temp- tives to lust within us, but even to touch them
tation which has upset him to go unpunished, with a passing look of the mind, we believe
but by chastising his flesh with a severer to be utterly fatal to chastity.

1 P». cxviii. (cxix.) 60; xxv. (xxvi.) 2; cxxxviii. (cxxxix.) 23, 34. > S. Matt xi. 29.
est recollection of this passion, in such a way
CHAPTER XVI. that sometimes at the remembrance of holy
women, or in reading a story in Holy Scrip-
The answer giving the proofs by which it can be recognized. ture a stimulus of dangerous excitement is
aroused. For which reason our Elders used
John: Your shrewd question has antici- deliberately to omit passages of this kind when
pated' the subject, which even if you had said any of the juniors were present. However for
nothing must have arisen from our discourse, those who are perfect and established in the
and therefore I do not doubt that it will be feelings of chastity there can be no lack of
effectually grasped by your minds, since in- proofs by which they may examine themselves,
deed your sharp wits have outstripped our and establish their perfect uprightness of
instruction. For the puzzle of any question heart by the uncorrupted- judgment of their
is easily removed, when the inquiry antici- own conscience. There will then be for the
pates the answer, and is the first to travel man who is thoroughly established a similar
along the road which it is to follow. And so test even in regard to this passion, so that

to the treatment of those faults of which we one who is sure that he has altogether exter-

have spoken above, intercourse with other men minated the roots of this evil may for the sake

is not merely no hindrance, but a considerable of ascertaining his chastity, call up some
help, for the more often that the outbursts of picture as with a lascivious mind. But it is
their impatience are exposed, the more tho- by no means proper for such a test to be at-
rough is the sorrow and compunction which tempted by those who are still weak (for to
they bring on those who have failed, and the them it will be dangerous rather than use-
speedier is the recovery of health which they ful), ut conjunctionem femineam et palpatio-
confer on those who struggle against them. nem quodammodo teneram atque mollissimam
Wherefore even when we are living in solitude, corde pertractent. Cum ergo perfecta quis vir-
though the incentive to irritation and matter tute fundatus ad illecebram blandissimorum
for it cannot arise from men, yet we ought of tactuum, quos cogitando confinxerit, nullum
set purpose to meditate on incitements to it, mentis assensum, nullam commotionem carnis
that as we are fighting against it with a con- in se deprehenderit exagitatam, he will have
tinual struggle in our thoughts a speedier cure a very sure proof of his purity, so that train-
for it may be found for us. But against the ing himself to this steadfast purity he will not
spirit of fornication the system is different, only possess the blessing of chastity and free-
and the method an altered one. For as we dom from defilement in his heart, but even if
must deprive the body of opportunities of lust, he is obliged to touch the body of a woman,
and contact with flesh, so we must deprive the he will be horrified at it.
mind of the recollection of it. For it is suffi- With this Abbot John brought his Confer-
ciently dangerous for bosoms that are still ence to an end, as he saw that it was just time
weak and infirm even to tolerate the slight- for the refreshment of the ninth hour.



CHAPTER I. reader, I here pass over in silence the praise
of his humility, which I touched on in a brief
Of the humility of Abbot Pinufius, and of his hiding-place. discourse in the fourth book of the Institutes,^
which was entitled "Of the rules to be ob-
Now that I am going to relate the precepts served
by renunciants," especially as many
of that excellent and remarkable man. Abbot who have no
knowledge of that work, ma)'
Pinufius, on the end of penitence, I fancy that happen to read this, and then all the authority
I can dispose of a very large part of my mate-
1 Cf. Institutes IV.
c. xxx., xxxi. Nothing further is known of
rial, if out of consideration lest I weary my Pinufius than what we gather from these passages of Cassian.

of the utterances will be weakened if there is punction because they had told off a man of
no account of the virtues of the speaker. For his virtues and a priest to such mean offices.
this man when he was presiding as Abbot But he, shedding copious tears, and charging
and Presbyter over a large coenobium not far the serious accident of his betrayal to the
from Panephysis, a city, as was there said, of envy of the devil, was brought in honourable
Egypt, and when all that province had praised custody by his brethren surrounding him to
him to the skies for his virtues and miracles, the monastery and after that he had stayed

so that he already seemed to himself to have there for a short time, he was once more
received the reward of his labours in the re- troubled by the respect shown to his dignity
muneration of the praise of men, as he was and rank, and stealthily embarked on board
afraid lest the emptiness of popular favour, ship and sailed to the Palestinian province of
which he especially disliked, might interfere Syria, where he was received as a beginner
with the fruits of an eternal reward, he secretly and a novice in the house of that monastery
fled from his monastery and made his way to in which we were living, and was charged by
the furthest recesses of the monks of Tabennae,* the Abbot to stop in our cell. But not even
where he chose not the solitude of the desert, there could his virtues and merits long remain
not that freedom from care of which the life secret. For he was discovered and betrayed
of one alone affords, which even those who in the same way, and brought back to his
are imperfect and who cannot endure the effort own monastery with the utmost honour and
which obedience requires in the coenobium, respect.
sometimes seek after with proud presumption,
but he chose to submit himself to a most
famous monastery. Where, however, that he
might not be betrayed by any signs of his Of our coining to him.
dress, he clothed himself in a secular garb,
and lay before the doors with tears, as is the When then after no long time a desire for
custom there, for many days, and clinging to
holy instruction had urged us also to visit
the knees of all after being daily repulsed by
Egypt, we sought him out with the utmost
those who to test his purpose said that now in
eagerness and devotion and were welcomed by
extreme old age he was seeking this holy life him with such kindness and
courtesy that he
not in 'sincerity, but driven by the lack of
actually honoured us, as former sharers of the
food, at last he obtained admission, and there same cell with him, with a lodging in his own
he was told off to help a young brother who cell which he had built in the furthest corner of
had been given the charge of a garden, and his And there when in the presence
when he not only fulfilled with such marvel- of all the brethren at service he had delivered
lous and holy humility everything which his to one of the brethren who was
submitting to
chief ordered him or which the care of the the rule of the
monastery sufficiently difficult
work entrusted to him demanded, but also and elevated
precepts, which as we said, I
performed in stealthy labour by night certain summarized as briefly as I could in the fourth
necessary offices which were avoided by the book of the Institutes, the heights of a true
rest out of disgust for them, so that when renunciation seemed to us so unattainable and
morning dawned, all the congregation was so marvellous that we did not think that such
delighted at such useful works but knew not humble folks as we could ever scale them.
their author; and when he had passed nearly And
therefore, cast down in despair, and not
three years there in the
rejoicing labours, concealing in our looks the inner bitterness
which he had desired, but to which he was so of our thoughts,we came back to the blessed
unfairly subjected, it happened that a certain old man with a tolerably anxious heart: and
brother known to him came there from the when he at once asked the reason why we
same parts of Egypt from which he himself were so sad, Abbot Germanus groaned deeply
had come. And this man for a time hesitated and replied as follows.
because the meanness of his clothes and of
his office prevented him from readily recog-
nizing him at once, but after looking very
closely at him, fell at his feet, and first as-

tonished all the brethren, and afterwards,

A question on the end of penitence and the marks of
when he betrayed his name, which the fame of satisfaction.
his special sanctity had made known to them
also, he smote them with sorrow and com- As your grand and splendid exposition of
a doctrinenew to us has opened out to us a
1 On Tabennae or Tabenna see the note on the Institutes IV. i.
more difficult road to the most glorious re-

nunciation, and has removed the scales from no doubt that all this is well known to you,
our eyes, and shown to us its summit raised either from your natural wisdom, or from your
in the heavens, so are we proportionately cast unwearied study of Holy Scripture, so that
down with a greater weight of despair. Since, from this the first shoots, so to speak, of your
when we measure its vastness against our conversion sprang up. Finally, you are an-
puny strength, and compare the excessively xious not about the character of penitence but
humble character of our ignorance with the about its end, and the marks of satisfaction,
boundless height of virtue shown to us, we and so by a very shrewd question ask what
feel that we are so small that we not only has been left out by others.
cannot attain to it, but that we are sure to
fall short in what we have. For as we are
weighed down by the burden of excessive CHAPTER V.
despair, we fall away somehow from the low-
est depths to still lower ones. Accordingly Of the method of penitence and the proof of pardon.
there one and only one support which can

provide a cure for our wounds; viz., for us Wherefore in order to satisfy as briefly
to learn something of the end of penitence and shortly as possible, your desire and ques-
and especially of the marks of satisfaction, tion, the full and perfect description of peni-
that we may feel sure of the forgiveness of tence is, never again to yield to those sins for
past sins, and so be spurred on to scale the which we do penance, or for which our con-
heights of the perfection described above. science is pricked. But the proof of satis-
faction and pardon is for us to have expelled
the love of them from our hearts. For each
CHAPTER IV. one may be sure that he is not yet free from
his former sins as long as any image of those
The answer on the humility shown by our request sins which he has committed or of others like
them dances before his eyes, and I will not say
PiNUFius: I am indeed delighted at the a
delight in
—but the recollection of —
very plentiful fruits of your humility, which haunts his inmost soul while he is devoting
indeed I saw with no indifferent concern, himself to satisfaction for them and to tears.
when I was formerly received in the habita- And so one who is on the watch to make
tion of that cell of yours, and I am very glad satisfaction may then feel sure that he is free
that you welcome with such respect the charge from his sins and that he has obtained pardon
given by us, the least of all Christians, and the for past faults, when he never feels that his
words that I have taken the liberty of saying heart is stirred by the allurements and imagi-
so that if I am not mistaken you carry them nations of these same sins. Wherefore the
out as soon as ever they are spoken by us; truest test of penitence and witness of pardon
and though, as I remember, the importance is found in our own conscience, which even
of the words scarcely deserves the efforts you before the day of judgment and of knowledge,
bestow on them, yet you so conceal the merits while we are still in the flesh, discloses our
of your virtue, as if no breath ever reached
acquittal from guilt, and reveals the end of
you of those things which you are daily prac- satisfaction and the grace of forgiveness.
tising. But because this fact is worthy of And that what has been said may be more
the highest praise; viz., that you declare that
significantly expressed, then only should we
those institutes of the saints are still unknown believe that the stains of past sins are forgiven
to you as if you were still beginners we will,
us, when the desires for present delights as
as briefly as possible, summarize what you well as the passions have been expelled from
so eagerly ask of us. For we must even be- our heart.
yond our powers and ability, obey the com-
mands of such old friends as you. And so
on the value and appeasing power of peni- CHAPTER VI.
tence many have published a great deal, not
A question whether our sins ought to be remembered out of
only in words but also in writing, showing contrition of heart.
how useful it is, how strong, and full of grace,
so that when God is offended by our past sins, Germanus: And whence can there be
and on the point of inflicting a most just aroused in us this holy and salutary contri-
punishment for such offences, it somehow, if tion from humiliation, which is described as
it is not wrong to say so, stops Him, and, if follows in the
person of the penitent :

I may so say, stays the right hand of the have and mine
acknowledged my sin, unright-
Avenger even against His will. But I have eousness have I not hid. I said: I will

acknowledge against myself mine unrighteous- likings, and by perfect and complete purity
ness to the Lord," so that we may be able of heart. And this most certainly will not
effectually to say also what follows: "And be attained by any of those who from sloth
TIiou forgavest the iniquity of my heart; "^ or carelessness have failed to purge out their
or how, when we kneel in prayer shall we be faults, but only by one who by constantly
able to stir ourselves up to tears of confession, continuing to groan and sigh sorrowfully has
by which we may be able to obtain pardon removed every spot of his former stains, and
for our offences, according to these words: by the goodness of his heart and his labour
*' '*
Every night will I wash my bed I will water has proclaimed to the Lord
: I have acknow- :

couch "* if we from our and mine have

my with tears; expel ledged my sin, unrighteousness
hearts all recollection of our faults, though I not hid;" and: "My tears have been my
on the contrary we are bidden carefully to meat day and night;" so that in the end it
preserve the remembrance of them, as the may be vouchsafed to him to hear these words :

Lord says: "And thine iniquities I will not " Let thy voice cease from weeping, and thine
remember: but do thou recollect them?'" eyes from tears for there is a reward for thy :

Wherefore not only when I am at work, but labour, saith the Lord;"* and these words
also when I am at prayer I try of set purpose also may be uttered of him by the voice of the
to recall to my mind the recollection of my Lord: "I have blotted out as a cloud thine
sins, that I may be more effectually inclined iniquities, and as a mist thy sins and again : :

to true humility and contrition of heart, and I even I am He that blotteth out thine in-
venture to say with the prophet Look upon iquities for mine own sake, and thine offences

my humility and my labour: and forgive me I will no longer remember; and so, when he '

all my sins."* is freed from the "cords of his sins," by

which "ever)one is bound," ' he will with all
CHAPTER VIL thanksgiving sing to the Lord Thou hast :

broken my chains: I will offer to thee the

The answer showing how far we ought to presence the sacrifice of praise."'
recollection of previous actions.

PiNUFius: Your question, as has been al-

ready said above, was not raised with regard
to the character of penitence, but with regard
Of the various fruits of penitence.
to its end, and the marks of satisfaction: to
which, as think, a fair and pertinent reply
For after that grace of baptism which is
has been given. But what you have said as common to all, and that most precious gift of
to the remembrance of sins is sufficiently
martyrdom which is gained by being washed
useful and needful to men who are still
in blood, the?? are many fruits of penitence
doing penance, that they "may with constant by which we can succeed in expiating our sins.
smiting of the breast say: For I acknowledge For eternal salvation is not only promised to
my wickedness: and my sin is ever before the bare fact of penitence, of which the blessed
me;" and this too: "And I will think for Apostle Peter says: "Repent and be" con-
my sin."' While then we do penance, and verted that your sins may be forgiven and ;

are still grieved by the recollection of faulty

John the Baptist and the Lord Himself:
actions, the shower of tears which is caused
"Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at
by the confession of our faults is sure to hand: " '* but also by the affection of love is
quench the fire of our cgnscience. But when, the weight of our sins overwhelmed: for
while a man is still in this state of humility
of heart and contrition of spirit and continu-
"charity covers a multitude of sins."" In
the same also by the fruits of almsgiving
ing to labour and to weep, the remembrance
of these things fades away, and the thorns
a remedy provided for our wounds, because
As water extinguishes fire, so does almsgiv-
of conscience are by God's grace extracted
ing extinguish sin."** So also by the shed-
from his inmost heart, then it is clear that he
has attained to the end of satisfaction and the ding of tears "is gained the washing away of
reward of pardon, and that he is purged from
offences, for Every night I will wash my
bed: I will water my couch with tears.
the stain of the sins he has committed. To
which state of forgetfulness we can only attain Finally to show that they are not shed in
vain, he adds: "Depart from me all ye that
by the obliteration of our former sins and
" Ps. xxxi. (xxxii.) 5; xli. 'xlii.) 4: Jer. xxxi. 16.
* ' '" Acts iii. S. Matt.
Ps. xxxi. (xxxii.) 5, 6. Ps. xxiv. (xxv.) 18. Is. xliv. 23 ; xliii. 25. ig ; iii. a.
* Ps. vi. 7. • P». 1. (li.) s ; xxxvii. (xxxviii.) 19. • Prov. V. 23. " I Pet. iv. 8.
Is. xliii. 35, 26. » Ps. cxv.
16, 17,
" Ecclus. iii. 33.
work iniquity, for the Lord hath heard the by profuse almsgiving. If you have nothing
voice of my weeping."
Moreover by means that you can give to the needy (although the
of confession of sins, their absolution is claims of want and poverty exclude none from
granted: for "I said: I will confess against this ofiice, since the two mites of the widow
myself my sin to the Lord: and Thou forgav- are ranked higher than the splendid gifts of
est the iniquity of my heart;" and again: the rich, and the Lord promises that He will
"Declare thine iniquities first, that thou give a reward for a cup of cold water), at least
you can purge them away by amendment of
mayest be justified." By afflicting the heart
and body also is forgiveness of sins com- life. But it you cannot secure perfection in
mitted in like manner obtained, for he says:
goodness by the eradication of all your faults,
"Look on my humility and my
you can show a pious anxiety for the good and
labour, and
forgive me all my sins; and more especially salvation of another. But if you complain
by amendment of life: "Take away," he says, that you are not equal to this service, you can
"the evil of your thoughts from mine eyes. cover your sins by the affection of love. And
Cease to do evil, learn to do well. Seek if in this also some sluggishness of mind
judgment, relieve the oppressed: judge the makes you weak, at least you should submis-
orphan, defend the widow. And come, reason sively with a feeling of humility entreat for
with Me, saith the Lord: and though your remedies for your wounds by the prayers and
sins were as scarlet, yet shall they be as white intercession of the saints. Finally who is
as snow, though they were red as crimson, they there who cannot humbly say I have ac- :

shall be as white as wool."* Sometimes too knowledged my sin: and mine unrighteous-
the pardon of our sins is obtained by the in- ness have I not hid;" so that by this
if a man knows confession he
tercession of the saints, for may be able also to add this :

his brother to sin a sin not unto death, he "And Thou forgavest the iniquity of my
asks, and He will give to him his life, for him heart."" But if shame holds you back, and
that sinneth not unto death; and again: " Is you to reveal them before men, you
any sick among you? Let him send for the should not cease to confess them with constant
Elders of the Church and they shall pray over supplication to Him from Whom they cannot
him, anointing him with oil in the name of be hid, and to say to Him: "T acknowledge
the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save mine iniquity, and my sin is ever before
the sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and me. I sinned, and
Against Thee only have "
if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him."
have done evil before Thee; as He is wont ^'^

Sometimes too by the virtue of compassion to heal them without any publication which
and faith the stains of sin are removed, ac- brings shame, and to forgive sins without any
cording to this passage: "By compassion and reproaching. And further besides that ready
faith sins are purged away,"^ And often and sure aid the Divine condescension has
by the conversion and salvation of those who afforded us another also that is still easier,
are saved by our warnings and preaching: and has entrusted the possession of the rem-
For he who converts a sinner from the error edy to our own will, so that we can infer
of his way, shall save his soul from death, from our own feelings the forgiveness of our
and cover a multitude of sins." ® Moreover offences, when we say to Him Forgive us our :

and on our we we our debtors."

" Who-
by pardon forgiveness part debts as also forgive
obtain pardon of our sins For if ye forgive ever then desires to obtain forgiveness of his

men their offences, your heavenly Father will sins, should study to fit himself for it by these
also forgive you your sins."'' You see then means. Let not the stubbornness of an obdu-
what great means of obtaining mercy the com- rate heart turn away any from the saving
passion of our Saviour has laid open to us, so remedy and the fount of so much goodness,
that no one when longing for salvation need because even if we have done all these things,
be crushed by despair, as he sees himself they will not be able to expiate our offences,
called to life by so many remedies. For if unless they are blotted out by the goodness
you plead that owing to weakness of the flesh and mercy of the Lord, who when He sees
you cannot get rid "of your sins by fasting, and the service of pious efforts offered by us with
you cannot say My knees are weak from a humble heart, supports our small and puny

fasting, and my flesh is changed for oil for I efforts with the utmost bounty, and says
I :

have eaten ashes for my bread, and mingled even I am He that blotteth out thine iniqui-
my drink with weeping," then atone for them ties for Mine own ^^sake, and I will remember

thy sins no more." Whoever then is aiming

> 2 Ps. xxxi. xliii. 26.
Ps. vi. 7, g. (xxxii.) 5; Is.
3 8 S.
Ps. xxiv. (xxv.) 18; Is. i. 16-18. James v. 20. "
* v. 14, 15. ' S. Matt. vi. 14.
' Ps. xxxi. (xxxii.) S. Matt. vi. 12.
I John V. 16; S. James >"
* ^ Ps. cviii. (cix.) 24; ci. (cii.) 10. Ps. 1. (li.) 5, 6. Is. xliii. 25.
Prov. XV. 27.

at this condition, which we have mentioned, either by words or by embraces. And cer-
will seek the grace of satisfaction by daily tainly unless he at once withdraws himself
fasting and mortification of heart and body, from contact with her, and if he allows him-
for, as it is written, "Without shedding of self to linger the very least in impure talk,
blood there is no remission ;" ^ and this not even if he refuses his consent to the shameful
without good reason. For "flesh and blood pleasures, yet he cannot avoid the brand of
cannot inherit the kingdom of God.'"* And infamy and scorn in the judgment of all the
therefore one who would withhold "the sword passers by. So then we also, if by noxious
of the spirit which is the word of God" ' from recollectionswe are led to thoughts of_ this
this shedding of blood certainly comes under kind, ought at once to desist from dwelling
the lash of that curse of Jeremiah's; for upon them and to fulfil what we are com-
"Cursed," says he, "is j:ie who withholds his manded by Solomon: "But go forth," says
sword from blood."* For this is the sword, he, "do not linger in her place, nor fix thine
® "
which for our good sheds that bad blood eye on her lest if the angels see us taken

whereby the material of our sins lives; and up with unclean and foul thoughts, they may
not be able to say to us in passing "
cuts off and pares away everything carnal and by The :

earthly which it finds to have grown up in the blessing of the Lord be upon you."' For it
members of our soul; and makes men die to is impossible for the soul to continue in
sin and live to God, and flourish with spiri- thoughts, when the main part of the heart is
tual virtues. And so he will begin to weep no taken up with foul and earthly considerations.
more at the recollection of former sins, but For this saying of Solomon's is true: "V\hen
at the hope of what is to come, and, thinking thine eyes look on a strange woman, then
less of past evils than of good things to come, shall thy mouth speak wickedly, and thou
will shed tears not from sorrow at his sins, shalt lie as it were in the midst of the sea,
but from delight in that eternal joy, and "for- and as a pilot in a great storm. But thou
getting those things which are behind," i.e., shalt say They have beaten me, but 1 felt no

carnal sins, will press on "to those before,"' pain; and they mocked me, but I felt not."®
i.e., to spiritual gifts and virtues. So then we should forsake not only all foul
but even all earthly thoughts and ever raise
the desires of our soul to heavenly things, in
accordance with this saying of our Saviour:
CHAPTER IX. "For where I am," He says, "there also shall
My servant be. For it often happens that
How valuable to the perfeckis the forgetfulness of sin. when anyone out of pity is in thought going
over his own falls or those of other faulty
But with regard to this that you said a little persons, he is affected by the delight and
way back viz., that you of set purpose go over
; assent to t&*» most subtle attack, and that
the recollections of past sins, this ought cer- which was undertaken and started with a show
tainly not to be done, nay, if it forcibly sur- of goodness ends with a filthy and damaging
prises you, it must be at once expelled. For termination, for there are ways which appear
greatly hinders the soul from the contem- to men to be right, but the ends thereof will
plation of purity, and especially in the case of come to the depths of hell." *"
one who is living in solitude, as it entangles
him in the stains of this world and swamps
him in foul sins. For while you are recalling
those things which you did through ignorance
or wantonness in accordance with the prince CHAPTER X.
of this world, though I grant you that while
you are engaged in these thoughts no delight How the recollection of our sins should be avoided.
in them steals in, yet at least the mere taint
Wherefore we must endeavour to rouse
of the ancient filthiness is sure to corrupt your
soul with its foul stink, and to shut out the
ourselves to this praiseworthy contrition, by
aiming at virtue and by the desire for the
spiritual fragrance of goodness, i.e., the odour
of a sweet savour. When then the recollec-
kingdom of heaven rather than by dangerous
tion of past sins comes over your mind, recollections of sins, for a man is sure to be
must recoil from it just as an honest and up-
suffocated by the pestilential smells of the
right man runs away if he is sought out in sewer as long as he chooses to stand over it
public by an immodest and wanton woman or to stir its filth.
Heb. ix. 22. '
Eph. vi. 17.
1 Phil. iii. 13.
• Prov. ix. i8. ' Prov. xxiii. jj-ss.
" Prov. xvi. 35.
* Cor. XV. 50. * ' '
I Jer. xlviii. 10. Ps. cxxviii. (cxxix.) 8. S. John xii. 36.

CHAPTER XL righteous falls seven times and will rise

again," penitence will never cease. For
Of the marks of satisfaction, and the removal of past sins. either through ignorance, or forgetfulness, or
thought, or word, or surprise, or necessity, or
But we know, as we have often said, that weakness of the flesh, or defilement in a
then only have we made satisfaction for past dream, we often fall every day either against
sins, when the very motions and feelings, our will or voluntarily; offences for which
through which we were guilty of what we David also prays the Lord, and asks for puri-
have^ to sorrow for, have been eradicated from fication and pardon, and says: "Who can
our hearts. But no one should fancy that he understand sins? from my secret ones cleanse
can secure this, unless he has first with all the me and from those of others spare Thy ser-

fervour of his spirit cut off the opportunities vant;" and the Apostle: "For the good
and occasions, owing to which he fell into which I would I do not, and the .evil which I
those sins; as for instance, if through danger- would not, that I do." For which also the
ous familiarity with a woman he has fallen same man exclaims with a sigh :
O wretched
into fornication or adultery, he must take the man that I am! who shall deliver me from
utmost pains to avoid even looking on one; the body of this death?"'' For we slip into
or if he has been overcome by too much wine these so easily as it were by a law of nature,
and over-eating, he should chastise with the that however carefully and guardedly we are
utmost severity his craving for immoderate on the lookout against them, we cannot alto-
food. And again if he has been led astray gether avoid thcfn. Since it was of these that
by the desire for and love of money, and has one of the disciples, whom Jesus loved, "de-
fallen into perjury or theft or murder or blas- clared and laid down absolutely saying : If

phemy, he should cut off the occasion for we say that we have no sin we deceive our-
avarice, which has allured and deceived him. selves, and His word is not in us."' Further
If he is driven by the passion of pride into for a man who is anxious to reach the heights
the sin of anger, he should with all the virtue of perfection it will not greatly help him to
of humility, remove the incentive to arrogance. have arrived at the end of penitence, i.e., to
And so, in order that each single sin may restrain himself from unlawful acts, unless he
be destroyed, the occasion and opportunity by has always urged himself forward in unwearied
which or for which it was committed should course to those virtues whereby we come to
be first got rid of. For by this curative treat- the signs of satisfaction. P'or it will not be
ment we can certainly attain to forgetfulness enough for a man to have kept himself clear
of the sins we have committed. from those foul stains pf sins which the Lord
hates, unless he has also secured by purity of
heart and perfect Apostolical love that sweet
CHAPTER Xn. fragrance of virtue in which the Lord delights.
Thus far Abbot Pinufius discoursed on the
Wherein we must do penance for a time only and wherein it marks of satisfaction and the end of penitence.

can have no end. And although he pressed us with anxious love

to decide to stay in his ccenobium, yet when
But that description of the forgetfulness he could not retain
us, as we were incited by
spoken of only has to do with capital offences, the fame of the desert of Scete, he sent us on
which are also condemned by the mosaic law,
our way.
the inclination to which is destroyed and put
an end to by a good life, and so also the pe- 1 Prov.
xxiv. i6. ' Ps. xviii.
(xix.) Rom. vii. 19, 34.
nance for them has an end. But for those 3 I
John 8, 10.

small offences in which, as it is written, "




CHAPTER I. whose carnal gifts he was reaping.* And
finally thus began his word of exhortation.
How Theonas came to Abbot John.

Before we begin to set forth the words of

this Conference held with that excellent man
Abbot Theonas,' I think it well to describe in The exhortation of Abbot
John to Theonas and the others
a brief discourse the origin of his conversion, who had come together with him.
because from this the reader will be able to
see more clearly both the excellence and the I AM indeed delighted, my children, with

grace of the man. He then while still very the duteous liberality of your gifts; and your
young was by the desire and command of his devout offering, the disposal of which is en-
parents joined in the tie of marriage, for as trusted to me, I gratefully accept, because you
with pious anxiety they were careful about his are offering your firstfruits and tithes for the
chastity, and were afraid of a critical fall at a good and use of the needy, as a sacrifice to
dangerous age, they thought that the passions the Lord, of a sweet smelling savour, in the
of youth might be anticipated by the rem- belief that by the offering of them, the abun-
edy of a lawful marriage. When then he had dance of your fruits and all your substance,
lived for five years with a wife, he came to from which you have taken away these for
Abbot John, who was then for his marvellous the Lord, will be richly blessed, and that you
sanctity chosen to preside over the adminis- yourselves will according to the faith of His
tration of the alms." For it is not anyone command be endowed even in this world with
who likes who is of his own wish or ambition manifold ric|Tp»ess in all good things: "Ho-
promoted to this office, but only he whom the nour the Lord from thv righteous labours, and
congregation of all the Elders considers from offer to Him of the fruits of thy righteous-
the advantage of his age and the witness of ness; that thy garners may be full of abun-
his faith and virtues to be more excellent dance of wheat, and thy vats may overflow
than, and superior to, all others. To this with wine."' And as you are faithfully car-
blessed John then the aforesaid young man rying out this service, you may know that you
had come in the eagerness of his pious de- have fulfilled the righteousness of the old law,
votion, bringing gifts of piety among other under which those who then lived if they
owners who were eager to offer tithes and first- transgressed it inevitably incurred guilt, while
fruits of their substance to the old man I if they fulfilled it they could not attain to a
mentioned,* and when the old man saw them pitch of perfection.
pouring in upon him with many gifts, and
was anxious to make some recompense in
return for their offerings, he began, as the CHAPTER IIL
Apostle says, to sow spiritual things to them
Of the offering of tithes and firstfruits.
* On Quinquagesitna see the note on the Institutes II. vi.
Nothing further is known of this Theonas than what Cassian For indeed by the Lord's command tithes
here tells us he is clearly a different person from the one mentioned

by Rnfinus, Hist. Mon. c. vi. Cf. PalLidius, Lausiac History, c. 1. were consecrated to the service of the Levites,
* Diaconia. Cf. the note on XVI 11. vii.
* This is
noteworthy as being the earliest instance on record
but oblations and firstfruits for the priests.'^
of the
payment of tithes to a monastery. The language of the Con- But this was the law of the firstfruits; viz.,
ference, It will be noted, shows thai they were not regarded as
hsially due or in any way compulsory, but as a free-will oftering on
the part of the faithful. Cf. Bingham, Antiquities. Hook VII. cili. " Cf. I Cor. ix. II. ^ Cf. Numb, xviii. 26 ;
v. 9, 10.
f 19; and the Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, Vol. ii. p. 1964. • Prov. iii. 9, 10.
should nor sow any seed, nor plant vineyards nor
that the fiftieth part of fruits or animals
possess them: but ye shall dwell in tents all
be given for the service of the temple and
" also they were per-
and this proportion some who were your days ? Wherefore
while those mitted to hear from the same prophet these
faithlessly indifferent diminished, "
words Thus saith the Lord God of hosts, the
who were very religious increased it, so that :

God of Israel there shall not fail a man from

the one gave only the sixtieth part, and
the :

fruits. the stock of Jonadab the son of Rechab to

other gave the fortieth part of their
For the righteous, for whom the law is not
stand in sight all the days;"* as all of
not under the them were .not satisfied with merely offering
enacted, are thus shown to be
to fulfil but even to tithes of their possessions, but actually refused
law, as they try not only
rather to God them-
exceed the righteousness of the law, and their property, and offered the
devotion is greater than the legal require- selves and their souls, for which no redemp-
ment, as it goes beyond the observance of tion can be made by man, as the Lord testifies
what is due of its own in the gospel For what shall a man give in
precepts and adds to

free will. exchange for his own soul ? ^


How went beyond the

Abraham, David, and other saints
requirement of the law.
How those wholive under the grace of the Gospel ought to go

For so that Abraham went beyond

we read beyond the requirement of the law.
the requirement of the law which was after-
Wherefore we ought to know that we from
wards to be given, when after his victory over
the four kings, he would not touch any of the whom the requirements of the law are no
the word of
spoils of Sodom,
which were fairly due to him longer exacted, but in whose ears
as the conqueror, and which indeed the king the gospel daily sounds: "If thou wilt be
perfect, go and sell all
that thou hast and
himself, whose spoils he had rescued, offered
give to the poor, and thou shalt
have treasure
him and with an oath by the Divine name he
in heaven, and come follow Me,"® when we

I lift up my hand to the Lord

exclaimed :

Most High, who made heaven and eajrth, that offer to God tithes of our substance, are still
I will not take from a thread to a shoe's
in a way ground down beneath the burden of
latchet of all that is thine." So we know ^ the law, and not able to rise to those heights
that David went beyond the requirement of of the gospel, those who conform to which
the law, as, though Moses commanded that are recompensed not only by blessings in this
present life, but also by future rewards.
vengeance should be taken on enemies,^ he
not only did not do this, but actually em- the law promises to those who obey it no re-
braced his persecutors with love, and piously wards of the kingdom of heaven, but only
entreated the Lord for them, and wept bitterly solaces in this life, saying: "The man that
and avenged them when they were slain. So doeth these things shall live in them." But
we are sure that Elijah and Jeremiah were not the Lord says to His disciples: "Blessed are
under the law, as though they might without the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom
" "
blame have taken advantage of lawful matri- of heaven and ; Everyone that leaveth

house or brothers or sisters or father or mother

mony, yet they preferred to remain virgins.
So we read that Elisha and others of the or wife or children or field for My name's
same mode of life went beyond the commands sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall
of Moses, as of them the Apostle speaks as inherit eternal life."^ And this with good
follows: "They went about in sheepskins and reason. For it is not so praiseworthy for
in goatskins, they were oppressed, afflicted, us to abstain from forbidden as from lawful
in want, of whom the world was not worthy, things, and not to use these last
out of reve-

they wandered about in deserts and in moun- rence for Him, Who has permitted us to use
tains, and in caves and in dens of the earth.
" ^
them because of our weakness. And so if
What shall I say of the sons of Jonadab the even those who, faithfully offering tithes of
son of Rechab, of whom we are told that, their fruits, are obedient to the more ancient
when at the Lord's bidding the prophet precepts of the Lord, cannot yet climb the
Jeremiah offered them wine, they replied: heights of the gospel, you can see very clearly
"We drink no wine: for Jonadab the son how far short of it those fall who do not even
of Rechab, our father, commanded us, say- do this. For how can those men be partakers
ing: Ye shall drink no wine, ye and your of the grace of the gospel who disregard the
sons forever: and ye shall build no house.
* ^ g. Matt. xix. 21. 8 Matt. v. xix. 29.
Jer. XXXV. 6, 7, 19. 5. 3 ;

^ ' Cf. Exod. xxi. 24. ^ " S. Matt. xvi. 25. T Lev.
Gen. xiv. 22, 23. Heb. xi. 37, 38. xviii. 5.

fulfilment even of the lighter commands of the so it suffers not the weak to be dragged down
law, to the easy character of which the weighty to the depths, for it secures to the perfect the
words of the giver of the law bear testimony, fulness of blessing, and brings to those who
as a curse is actually invoked on those who do are overcome through weakness pardon. For
not fulfil them for it says
Cursed is every-
: the law placed those who fulfilled its com-
one that does not continue in all things that mands in a sort of middle state between what
are written in the book of the law to do they deserved in either case, severing them
them." ^ But here on account of the superi- from the condemnation due to transgressors, as
ority and excellence of the commandments it it also kept them
away from the glory of the
is said: "He that can receive it, let him re-
perfect. But how wretched and miserable this
ceive it."^ There the forcible compulsion of is, you can see from comparing the state of
the lawgiver shows the easy character of the this present life, in which it is considered a
precepts; for he says: "I call heaven and very poor thing for a man to sweat and
earth to record against you this day, that if labour only to avoid being regarded as
ye do not keep the commandments of the Lord among good men, not also to be esteemed rich
your God ye shall perish from off the face of and honourable and renowned.
the earth. "* Here the grandeur of sublime
commands is shown by the very fact that He
does not order, but exhorts, saying " if thou : CHAPTER VII.
wilt be perfect go and do this or that. There
How it our own power to choose whether to remain
lies in
Moses lays a burden that cannot be refused under the grace of the gospel or under the terror of the law.
on those who are unwilling: here Paul meets
with counsels those who are willing and eager Wherefore it lies today in our own power
for perfection. For that was not to be enjoined whether we choose to live under the grace of
as a general charge, nor to be required, if I the gospel or under the terrors of the law for :

may so say, as a regular rule from all, which each man must incline to one side or the
could not be secured by all, owing to its won- other in accordance with the character of his
derful and lofty nature; but by counsels all actions, for either thegrace of Christ wel-
are rather stimulated to grace, that those who comes those who go beyond the law, or else
are great may deservedly be crowned by the the law keeps its hold over the weaker ones
perfection of their virtues, while those who are as those who are its debtors and within its
small, and not able to come up to "the meas- clutches. For one who is guilty as regards
ure of the stature of the fulness of Christ,"* the precepts of the law will never be able to
although they seem to be lost to sight attain to the perfection of the gospel, even
and hidden as it were by the brightness of though he idly boa.sts that he is a Christian
larger stars, may yet be free from the darkness and freed b)Cthc Lord's grace for we must :

of the curses which are in the law, and not not only regard as still under the law the man
adjudged to suffer present evils or visited with who refuses to fulfil what the law enjoins, but
eternal punishment. Christ therefore does the man as well who is satisfied with the mere
not constrain anyone, by the compulsion of observance of what the law commands, and
a command, to those lofty heights of good- who never brings forth fruits worthy of his
ness, but stimulates them by the power of free vocation and the grace of Christ, where it is
will, and urges them on by wise counsels and not said Thou shalt offer to the Lord thy God

the desire of perfection. For where there is thy tithes and firstfruits;" but: "Go and sell
a command, there is duty, and consequently all that thou hast and give to the poor, and
punishment. But those who keep those things come follow Me; ^ where, owing to the grand-
to which they are driven by the severity of eur of perfection, to the request of the dis-
the law established escape the punishment ciple there is not granted even the very short
with which they were threatened, instead of space of an hour in which to bury his father,*
obtaining rewards and a recompense. as the offices of human charity are outweighed
by the virtue of Divine love.
How the grace of the gospel supports the weak so that they CHAPTER VIII.
can obtain pardon, as it secures to the perfect the kingdom
of God. How Tl^eonas exhorted his wife that she too should make her
And as the word of the gospel raises those
that are strong to sublime and lofty heights, And when he had heard this the blessed
Theonas was fired with an uncontrollable
Deut. xxvii. 26. Dent iv. 26.
* S. Matt. xix. 12. * * Exod. "
Eph. iv. 13. xxii. 29; S. Matt. xix. 21. Cf. S. Matt. viii. 21, so.

desire for the perfection of the gospel, and, ings he had preferred earthly and mean ones.
committed, as it were, the seed of the word, Further that the grandeur of perfection was
which he had received in a fruitful heart, to open to every age and either sex, and that all
the deep and broken furrows of his bosom, the members of the Church were urged to scale
as he was greatly humiliated and conscience- the heights of heavenly goodness when the
stricken because the old man had said not Apostle said
So run that ye may obtain " -

nor should those who were ready and eager

only that he had failed to attain to the per-
fection of the gospel, but also that he had for it hang back because of the delays of the

scarcely fulfilled the commands of the law;

slow and dawdlers, as it is better for the slug-
since though he was accustomed every year gards to be urged on by those running before
to pay the tithes of his fruits as alms, yet he than for those who are doing their best to be
mourned that he had never even heard of the hampered by the slothful. Further that he
law of the firstfruits and even if he had in
had determined and made up his mind to
the same way fulfilled this, he humbly con- renounce the world and to die to the world
fessed that still he would in the old man's that he might live to God, and that if he
view have been very far from the perfection could not attain this happiness; viz., to pass
of the gospel. And so he returned home sad with his wife into union with Christ, he would
and filled with that sorrow which worketh rather be saved even with the loss of one
repentance unto salvation,^ and of his own member, and enter into the kingdom of heaven
will and determination turns all his wife's care as one maimed rather than be condemned
and anxiety of mind towards salvation; and with his body whole. But he also added and
began to stir her up to the same eager desire spoke as follows: If Moses suffered wives to
with which he himself had been inflamed, with be divorced for the hardness of their hearts,
the same sort of exhortations, and with tears why should not Christ allow this for the
day and night to urge her that together they desire of chastity, especially when the same
might serve God in sanctity and chastity, tell- Lord among those other affections; viz., for
ing her that their conversion to a better life fathers and mothers and children (all due
ought not to be deferred because a vain hope regard to which not only the law but He Him-
in their youth would be no argument against self also charged to be shown, yet for His
the inevitableness of a sudden death, which name's sake and for the desire of perfection He
carries off boys and youths and young persons decreed that they should not simply be disre-
equally with old men. garded but actually hated) to these, 1 say, —
He joined also the mention of wives, saying:
" And
everyone that hath left house, or brethren
CHAPTER IX. or sisters or father or mother or wife or child-
ren for My name's sake, shall receive an hun-
How he fled to a monastery when his wife would not consent. dredfold and shall inherit eternal life."^ So
far then is He from allowing anything to be
And when his wife was hard and would not set against that perfection which He is pro-
consent to him as he constantly persisted with claiming, that He actually enjoins that the
entreaties of this kind, but said that as she was ties to father and mother should be broken
in the flower of her age she could not alto- and disregarded out of love for Him, though
gether do without the solace of her husband, according to the Apostle it is the first com-
and further that supposing she was deserted mandment with promise; viz., "Honour thy
by him and fell into sin, the guilt would rather father and thy mother, which is the first com-
be his who had broken the bonds of wedlock mandment with promise, that it may be well

to this he, when he had for a long while with thee and that thy days may be long upon
urged the condition of human nature (which earth.
And as the word of the gospel
' '

being so weak and uncertain, it would be condemns those who break the chains of
dangerous for it to be any longer mixed up matrimony where there has been no sin of
with carnal desires and works), added the as- adultery, so it clearly promises a reward of an
sertion that it was not right for anyone to cut hundredfold to those who have cast off a
himself off from that virtue to which he had carnal yoke out of love for Christ and the
learnt that he ought by all means to cleave, and desire for Wherefore if it can be
that it was more dangerous to disregard good- brought about that to reason
you may listen
ness when discovered, than to fail to love it and be turned together with me to this most
before it was discovered further that he was al-
; desirable choice; viz., that we should together
ready involved in the guilt of a fall if when he serve the Lord and escape the pains of hell,
had discovered such grand and heavenly bless- I will not refuse the affection of marriage,
' '
Cf. 2 Cor. vii. lo. Cor. ix. 24. » S. Matt. xix. 29. * vi. 2, 3.

nay Iembrace it with a still greater love.

will origin of the conversion by which this great
For acknowledge and honour my helpmeet
I man was dedicated to God. And I ask the
assigned to me by the word of the Lord, and reader kindly to allow that, whether he likes
I do not refuse to be joined to her in an un- this or no, in either case I am free from
broken tie of love in Christ, nor do I separate blame, and to give the praise or blame for
from me what rhe Lord joined to me by the this act to its real author. But as for me,
law of the original condition,^ if only you as I have not put forward an opinion of my
yourself will be what your Maker meant you own on this matter, but have given a simple
to be. But if you will not be a helpmeet, narration of the history of the facts, it is fair
but prefer to make yourself a deceiver and that as I claim no praise from those who ap-
an assistance not to me but to the adversary, prove of what was done, so I should not be
and fancy that the sacrament of matrimony attacked by the hatred of those who disap-
was granted to you for this reason that you prove of it. Let every man therefore, as we
may deprive yourself of this salvation which said, have his own opinion on the matter.
is offered to you, and also hold me back from But I advise him to restrain his censure in
following the Saviour as a disciple, then I considering it, lest he come to fancy that he
will resolutely lay hold on the words which is more just and holy than the Divine judg-
were uttered by the lips of Abbot John", or ment, whereby the signs even of Apostolic
rather of Christ Himself, so that no carnal virtue were conferred upon him (viz., Theo-
affection may be able to tear me away from nas), not to mention the opinion of such great
spiritual blessings, for He says: "He that fathers by whom it is clear that his action
hateth not father and mother and children was not only not blamed, but even so far
and brothers and sisters and wife and lands, praised that in the election to the office of
yea and his own soul also, cannot be My almoner they preferred him to splendid and
disciple. When then by these and such most excellent men. And I fancy that the
like words the woman's purpose was not judgment of so many spiritual men, uttered
moved and she persisted in the same obstinate with God as its author, was not wrong, as it
hardness. If, said the blessed Theonas, I can- was, as was said above, confirmed by such
not drag you away from death, neither shall wonderful signs.
you separate me from Christ: but it is safer
for me to be divorced from a human person CHAPTER XL
than from God. And so by the aid of God's
An why in Egypt they do not fast during all the
grace he at once set about the execution of inquiry
fifty days (of Easter) nor bend their knees in prayer.
his purpose and suffered not the ardour of
his desire to grow cool through any delay.
But nviv time to follow out the plan
it is
For at once he stripped himself of all his
of the promised discourse. So then when
worldly goods, and fled to a monastery, where Abbot Theonas had come to visit us in our
in a very short time he was so famous for the
cell during Eastertide* after Evensong was
splendour of his sanctity and humility that over we sat for a little while on the ground
when John of blessed memory departed this
and began diligently to consider why they
life to the Lord, and the holy Elias, a man
were so very careful that no one should during
who was no less great than his predecessor,
the whole fifty days either bend his knees in
had likewise died, Theonas was chosen by the
prayer* or venture to fast till the ninth hour,
judgment of all as the third to succeed them and we made our inquiry the more earnestly
in the adminisLiation of the almsgiving.
because we had never seen this custom so
carefully observed in the monasteries of

explanation that we may not appear to recommend
separation from wives.
The answer on the nature of things good, bad, and indifferent.

But no one imagine that we have in-

vented for the sake of encouraging
To this Abbot Theonas thus began his reply.
It is indeed right for us, even when we can-
divorce, as we not only in no way condemn
marriage, but also, following the words of *
the Apostle, say: "Marriage is honourable " The 20th Canon of the Council of Nicza (a.d. 325) alludes.
to diversities of custom with regard to posture for prayer on Sun-
in all, and the bed undefiled,"' but it was
days and from Easter to Pentecost, and ordered that for the future
praver should be made standing
at these times. Cassian's language
in order faithfully to show the reader the
in the text would seem to show that in his dav the Canon in ques-
tion, though kept in Egypt, was not strictly observed in Palestine,
Cf. Gen. ii. 18. * S. Lake xiv. a6. * Hcb. xiii. 4. but that the ancient diversity of customs still to some extent prevailed.

not see the reason, to yield to the authority of Xni. CHAPTER

the fathers and to a custom of our predeces- What kind of good fasting is.
sors that has been continued through so many
own and to observe
years down to
our time, Wherefore we must now inquire what we
it, as handed
down from antiquity, with con- to hold about the state of fasting,
But since you want whether we meant that it was
stant care and reverence. good ii the
to know the reasons and grounds for this, same sort of as justice, prudence, forti-
receive in few words what we have heard as tude and temperance, which cannot possibly
handed down by our Elders on this subject. be made anything else, or whether it is some-
But before we bring forward the authority of thing indifferent which sometimes is useful
Holy Scripture, we will, if you please, say when done, and may be sometimes omitted
little about the nature and character of the and which sometimes
without condemnation ;

fast, that afterwards authority of Holy

the it is wrong and sometimes laudable to
to do,
Scripture may support our words.
The Divine omit. For if we hold fasting to be included
Wisdom has pointed out in Ecclesiastes that in that list of virtues, so that abstinence from
for everything, i.e., for all things happy or food is placed among those things which are
those which are considered unfortunate and in themselves, then certainly the par-
For good
unhappy, there is a right time saying taking of food will be bad and wrong. For
: :

all things there is a time, and a time for every- whatever is the opposite of that which is in
thing under the heaven. A
time to bring
its own nature good, must certainly be held
forth and a time to die; a time to plant and to be in its own nature bad. But this the
a time to pull down what is planted; a time of does not allow to
authority Holy Scripture
to kill and a time to heal a time to destroy
us to lay down. For if we fast with such
and a time to build; a time to weep and a
thoughts and intentions, so as to think that
time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to
we fall into sin by taking food, we shall not
dance a time to cast away stones and a time
only gain no advantage by our abstinence

to gather stones; a time to embrace and a but shall actually contract grievous guilt and
time to refrain from embracing; a time to fall into the sin of impiety, as the Apostle
get and a time to lose; a time to keep and says: "Abstaining from meats which God
a time to send away; a time to scatter and a has created to be received with thanksgiving
time to collect; a time to be silent and a time
to speak a time to love and a time to hate
by the faithful and those who know the truth.
; ;
For every creature of God is good, and no-
a time for war and a time for peace;" and
thing to be refused if" it is partaken of with
below: "For there is a time," it says, "for For if a man thinks that a
None there- thanksgiving."
everything and for every deed." thing i; common, to him it is common."^
fore of these things does it lay dov/n as always
And therefore we never read that anyone is
good, but only when any of them are fittingly condemned simply for taking food, but only
done and at the right time, so that these very when something was joined with it or followed
things which at one time, when done at the afterwards, for which he deserved condemna-
right moment, turn out well, if they are ven- tion.
tured on at a wrong or unsuitable time, are
found to be useless or harmful only except- ;

ing those things which are in their own nature CHAPTER XIV.
good or bad, and which cannot ever be made
the opposite, as, e.g., justice, prudence, forti- How fasting is not good in its own nature.

tude, temperance and the rest of the virtues,

or on the other hand, those faults, the des- And so that it is a thing indifferent is very
cription of which cannot possibly be altered clearly shown from this also; viz., because
or fall under the other head. But those things as it brings justification when observed, so it
which can sometimes turn out with either does not bring condemnation when it is broken
result, so that, in accordance with the char- in upon; unless perhaps the transgression of
acter of those who use them, they are found to a command rather than the partaking of food
be either good or bad, these we consider to be brings punishment. But in the case of a thing
not absolutely in their own natures useful or that is good in its own nature, no time should
injurious, but only so in accordance with the be without it, in such a way as that a man
mind of the doer, and the suitableness of the may do without it, for if it ceases, the man
time. who is careless about it is sure to fall into

^ Eccl. iii. i-S, 17. * I Tim. iv. 3, 4; Rom. xiv. 14.


mischief. Nor again is any time given for they did not deserve to be heard: "Behold,"
what bad in its own nature, because what he says, in the days of your fast your own
is hurtful cannot help hurting, if it is indulged will is found and you exact of all your debtors.

in, nor can it ever be made of a praiseworthy Behold you fast for debates and strife, and
character. And further it is clear that these strike with the fist wickedly. D.o not fast as
things, for which we see conditions and times ye have done unto this day, to make your cry
appointed, and which sanctify, when observed to be heard on high. Is this such a fast as 1
v/ithout corrupting us when they are neglected, have chosen, for a man to afflict his soul for
are things indifferent, as, e.g., marriage, agri- a day? Is it this, to wind his head about like
culture, riches, retirement into the desert, a circle, and to spread sackcloth and ashes?
vigils, reading and meditation on Holy Scrip- Will ye call this a fast and a day acceptable
ture and fasting itself, from which our discus- to the Lord ? Then he proceeds to teach
sion took its rise. All of which things the how the abstinence of one who fasts may
Divine precepts and the authority of Holy become acceptable, and clearly lays down
Scripture decreed should not be so inces- that fasting cannot be good of itself alone,
santly aimed at, or so constantly observed, as but only when it has the following reasons
for it to be wrong for them to be for a time which are added: "Is not this," he says,
intermitted. For anything that is absolutely "the fast that I have chosen? Loose the
commanded brings death if it be not fulfilled: bands of wickedness, undo the bundles that
but whatever things we are urged to rather oppress, let them that are broken go free, and
than commanded, when done are useful, when break asunder every burden. Deal thy bread
left undone bring no punishment. And there- to the hungry, and bring the needy and the
fore in the case of all or some of these things harbourless into thine house: and when thou
our predecessors commanded us either to do shalt see one naked cover him, and despise
them with consideration, or to observe them not thine own flesh. Then shalt thy light
carefully with regard to the reason, place, break forth as the morning and thy health
manner, and time, because if any of them are shall speedily arise, and thy righteousness
done suitably, it is fit and convenient, but if shall go befcre thy face and the glory of the
incongruously, then it becomes foolish and Lord shall gather thee up. Then shalt thou
liurtful. And if at the coming of a brother, call, and the Lore', shall hear: thou shalt cry,
in whose person he ought to refresh Christ and He shall say, Here am I."* You see
with courtesy and to embrace him with a most then that fasting is certainly not considered
kindly welcome, a man should choose to ob- by the Lord as a thing t.hat is good in its own
serve a strict fast, would he not rather be nature, because it becomes good and well-
guilty of incivility than gain the praise or pleasing to Gt>d not by itself but by other
reward of devoutness or if when the failure works, and again from the surrounding cir-

or weakness of the flesh requires the strength cumstances it may be regarded as not merely
to be restored by the partaking of food, a man vain but actually hateful, as the Lord says:
will not consent to relax the rigour of his When they fast I will not hear their
abstinence, he not to be regarded as a cruel prayers. "

murderer of his own body rather than as one

who is careful for his salvation? So too CHAPTER XV.
when a festival season permits a suitable in-
How a in its own nature ought not to be
lulgence in food and a necessarily liberal thing that good
done for the sake of sonic lesser good.
jpa'st, if a man
will resolutely cling to the
Urict observance of a fast he must be consid-
For we ought not to practise pity, patience
:;red as not religious so much as boorish and
and love, and the precepts of the virtues
mreasonable. But to those men also will
mentioned above, wherein there is what is
:hese things be found bad, who are on the
ookout for the praises of men by their fasts, good in its own nature, for the sake of fasting,
but rather fasting for the sake of them. For
md by a foolish show of paleness gain credit our endeavour must be that those virtues
or sanctity, of whom the word of the Gospel
which are really good may be gained by
ells us that they have received their reward
n this life, and whose fast the Lord execrates fasting, not that the practice of those virtues
In whose person he first may lead to fasting as its end. For this then
>y the prophet. the affliction of the flesh is useful, for this the
•bjected to himself and said: "Wherefore
ave we fasted and Thou hast not regarded rernedy of abstinence must be employed viz., ;

by it we may succeed in attaining to love,


/herefore have we humbled our souls, and

wherein there is what is good without change.

"hou hast not known it?" and then at once
'. e answered and explained the reasons why ' Isa. Iviii. 3-9. »
Jer. xiv. la.

and continually with no exception of time. out of the mouth, that defileth a man." ^ And
For medicines, and the goldsmith's art, and so a man disparages what is good in its own
the systems of other arts which there are in nature, and does not treat it properly or with-
this world are not employed for the sake of out sin, if he does it not for its own sake but
the instruments which belong to the particular for the sake of something else, for everything
work; but rather the implements are prepared else should be done for the sake of it, but it
for the practice of the art. And as they are should be sought for its own sake alone.
useful for those who understand them, so they
are useless to those who are ignorant of the
system of the art in question; and as they CHAPTER XVII.
are a great help to those who rely on their aid
for doing their work, so they cannot be of the Of the reason for fasting and its value.
smallest use to those who do not know for
what purpose they were made, and are con- So then let us constantly remember this
tented simply with the possession of them; description of the character of fasting, and
because they make all their value consist in the always aim at it with all the powers of the
mere having of them, and not in the perform- soul, in such a way as to recognize that then
ance of work. That then is in its own nature only is it suitable for us if in it we preserve
the best thing, for the sake of which things regard for time, its character and degree, and
indifferent are done, but the very chiefest this not so as to set the end of our hope upon
good is done not for the sake of anything else it, but so that by it we may succeed in attain-
but because of its own intrinsic goodness. ing to purity of heart and Apostolical love.
Therefore from this it is clear that fasting, for
which not only are there special seasons ap-
CHAPTER XVI. pointed at which it should be practised or
relaxed, but conditions and rules also laid
How what is goodin its own nature can be distinguished from down, is not good in its own nature, but some-
other things that are good.
thing indifferent. But those things which are
either enjoined as good by the authority of a
And this may be distinguished from those
precept, or are forbidden as bad, are never
other things which we have termed indiffer-
subject to any exceptions of time in such a
ent, in these ways if a thing is good in itself
way that sometimes we should do what is for-

and not by reason of something else if it is use- :

bidden or omit what is commanded. For there
ful for its own sake, and not for the sake of
is no limit set to
justice, patience, soberness,
something else : if it is
unchangeably and at all
modesty, love, nor on the other hand is a
times good, and always keeps its character and
licence ever granted for injustice, impatience,
can never become anything different: if its re-
and pride.
moval or cessation cannot fail to produce the wrath, immodesty, envy,
greatest harm if that which is its opposite is

in the same
way evil in its own nature, and
can never be turned into anything good. And CHAPTER XVIII.
these descriptions by which the nature of
How fasting is not always suitable.
things that are good in themselves can be
distinguished, cannot possibly be applied to Wherefore as we have premised this on
fasting, for it is not good of itself, nor useful
the conditions of fasting, it seems well to sub-
for its own sake because it is
wisely used for
the acquisition of join the authority of Holy Scripture, by which
purity of heart and body, it will be more
that the pricks of the flesh clearly proved that fasting
being dulled the neither can nor should be always observed.
soul may be pacified and reconciled to its
In the Gospel when the Pharisees were fasting
Creator, nor is it unchangeably and at all
times good, because often we are not together with the disciples of John the Baptist,
injured as the Apostles, as friends and companions of
by its intermission, and indeed sometimes if the heavenly Bridegroom, were not yet keep-
it is
unreasonably practised it becomes injuri-
ous. Nor is that which seems its opposite ing the observance of a fast, the disciples of

evil in its own nature, John (who thought that they acquired perfect
i.e., the partaking of
their fasts, as they were fol-
food, which is naturally agreeable, which righteousness by
cannot be regarded as evil, unless lowers of that grand preacher of repentance
ance and luxury or some other faults are the who afforded a pattern to all the people by his
own example, as he not only refused the differ-
result; "For not that which entereth into the
mouth, defileth a man, but that which cometh >
S. Matt. XV. II.

v«> i

ent kinds of food which are supplied for when produced from
the instruction of a new
man's use, but actually altogether did without
doctrine, consecrated the firstfruits of the
eating the bread which is common to all) com-
Jews as a Christian people to the Lord, five
plained to the Lord and said:
"Why do we
thousand men being filled with the gifts of the
and the Pharisees fast oft but thy disciples food. And therefore these ten days are to
fast not?" to whom the Lord in His reply be kept with equal solemnity and joy as the
plainly showed that fasting is not suitable previous forty. And the tradition about this
or necessary at all times, when any festival festival, transmitted to us by Apostolic men,
season or opportunity for love intervenes should be kept with the same uniformity.
and permits an indulgence in food, saying: For therefore on those days they do not bow
"Can the children of the bridegroom mourn their knees in prayer, because the bending of
while the bridegroom is with them? But the knees is a sign of penitence and mourn-
the days will come when the bridegroom shall ing. Wherefore also during these days we ob-
be taken away from them; and then shall serve in all things the same solemnities as on
" ^
they fast words which although they were Sunday, on which day our predecessors taught

spoken before the resurrection of His Body, that men ought not to fast nor to bow the
yet specially point to the season of Easter- knee, out of reverence for the Lord's Resur-
tide, in which after His resurrection for forty rection.
days He ate with His disciples, and their joy
in His daily Presence did not allow them to CHAPTER XXL

A question whether the reLixation of the fast is not prejudicial

CHAPTER XIX. to the chastity of the body.

A question why we break Germanus Can the flesh, attracted by the

the fast all through Eastertide. :

unwonted luxuries of so long a festival fail to

Germanus: Why then do we relax the produce something thorny from the incentives
rigour of our abstinence in our meals all to sin although they have been cut down ? or
through the fifty days, whereas Christ only can the soul weighed down by the consumption
remained with His disciples for forty days of unaccustomed feasts fail to mitigate the
after His resurrection ? rigour of its rule over its servant the body,
especially when in our case our mature age
can excite our subject members to a speedy
CHAPTER XX. revolt, if we venture to take our usual food in

The answer. larger quantities, or unaccustomed food more

freely than usual?
Your pertinent deserves to be
:old the perfect true reason. After the As-
;ension of our Saviour which took place on CHAPTER XXIL
he fortieth day after His Resurrection, the
The answer on the way to keep control over abstinence.
ipostles returned from the Mount of Olives,
i»n which He had suffered them to see Him
vhen He was returning to the Father, as the Theonas: If we weigh everything that we
1 took of the Acts of the Apostles also testifies, do, by a reasonable judgment of the mind, and
; nd entered Jerusalem and are said to have on the purity of our heart always consult not
waited ten days for the coming of the Holy
the opinions of other people but our own con-
'rhost, and when these were fulfilled on the
science, that interval for refreshment is sure
not to interfere with our proper strictness, if
1 ftieth
day they received Him with joy.
only, as was said, our pure mind impartially
. >.nd thus in this
way the number of this fes- considers the right limits of indulgence and
t val was
clearly made up, which as we read
abstinence, and fairly checks excess in either,
A as
figuratively foreshadowed also in the Old
and with real discrimination discerns whether
estament, where when seven weeks were ful-
:f lied the bread of the firstfruits was ordered to
the weight of the delicacies is a burden upon
^l 2 offered by the priests to the Lord
and this :
our spirits, or whether too much austerity in
iy as indeed shown to be offered to the Lord abstaining weighs down the other side, i.e.,
that of the body, and either depresses or raises
/ the preaching of the Apostles which they
e said on that day to have addressed to the that side which it sees to be raised or weighed
down. For our Lord would have nothing
iople the true bread of the firstfruits, which

done to His honour and glory without being

S. Matt. ix. 14, 15. * Cf. Deut. xvi. 9. tempered by judgment, for the honour of a
matter: "Great and small weights and double
king loveth judgment," and therefore Solo-
mon, the wisest of men, urges us not to let measures are both unclean before the Lord, and
our judgment incline to either side, saying: one who uses ihem shall be hindered in his
"Honour God with thy righteous labours and contrivances."^ Further not only in the way
offer to Him of the fruits of thy righteous- in which we have said, but also in this must
ness."^ For we have residing in our con- we strive not to have unfair weights in our
science an uncorrupt and true judge who hearts, nor double measures in the storehouse
sometimes, when all are wrong, is the only of our conscience, i.e., not to overwhelm
person not deceived as to the state of our those, to whom we are to preach the word
purity. And so with all care and pains we of the Lord, with precepts that are too strict
should preserve a constant purpose in our and heavier than we ourselves can bear, while
circumspect heart for fear lest if the judg- we take for granted that for ourselves those
ment of our discretion goes wrong, we may things which have to do with the rule of
be fired with the desire for an ill-considered strictness are to be softened by a freer allow-
abstinence, or allured by the wish for an ance of relaxation. For when we do this,
excessive relaxation, and so weigh the sub- what is it but to weigh and measure the goods
stance of our strength in the tongue of an and fruits of the Lord's commands in a double
unfair balance; but we should place in one weight and measure? For if we dispense
of the scales our purity of soul, and in the them in one way to ourselves and in another
other our bodily strength, and weigh them to our brethren, we are rightly blamed by the
both in the true judgment of conscience, so Lord because we have unfair balances and
that we may not perversely incline the scale double measures, in accordance with the say-
of fairness to either side, either to undue ing of Solomon which tells us that "A double
strictness or to excessive relaxation, from the weight is an abomination to the Lord, and
preponderating desire for one or the other, a deceitful balance is not good in His sight."

and so have this said to us by reason of ex- In this way also we plainly incur the guilt of
cessive strictness or relaxation If thou using a deceitful weight and a double mea-

offerest rightly, but dost not divide rightly, sure, if out of the desire for the praise of men,
hast thou not sinned? " ^ For those offerings we make a show before the brethren of greater
of fasts, which we thoughtlessly extort
by strictness than what we practice in private in
violently tearing our bowels, and fancy that our own cells, trying to appear more abstinent
we rightly offer to the Lord, these He exe- and holier in the sight of men than in the
crates who "loves mercy and judgment,"
say- sight of God, an evil which we should not
ing: "I the Lord love judgment, but I hate only avoid but actually loathe. But mean-
" *
robbery in a burnt offering. Those also while as we have wandered some way from
who take the main part of their offerings, i.e., the question before us, let us return to the
their offices and actions, to benefit the flesh point from which we started.
for their own use, but leave the remains
of them and a tiny portion for the Lord,
these the Divine Word thus condemns as CHAPTER XXIIL
fraudulent workmen " Cursed is he that doeth

the work of the Lord fraudulently."^ It is Of the time and measure of refreshment.
not then without reason that the Lord reproves
him who thus deceives himself by unfair con- So then we should keep the observance of
siderations, saying: ''But vain are the chil- the days mentioned in such a way that the
dren of men: the children of men are liars relaxation allowed may be useful rather than
upon the balances that they may deceive."® harmful to the good of body and soul, because
And therefore the blessed Apostle warns us the joy of any festival cannot blunt the pricks
to keep hold of the reins of discretion and of the flesh, nor can that fierce enemy of ours
not to be attracted by excess and swerve to be pacified by regard for days. In order then
either side, saying: "Your reasonable ser- that the observance of the customs appointed
vice."'^ And the giver of the law similarly for festival seasons may be kept and that the
forbids the same thing, most salutary rule of abstinence be not at
saying: "Let the
balance be just and the weights equal, the all exceeded it is
enough for us to allow the
bushel just and the sextarius «
and permitted relaxation to go so far, as for us
Solomon also gives a like opinion on this out of regard for the festival season to take
the food, which ought to be taken at the ninth
1 Ps. xcviii. (xcix.)
hour, a little earlier; viz., at the sixth hour,
4. ^
Jer. xlviii. 10.
Prov. iii. 9. * Ps. Ixi. (Ixii.) 10.
' Gen. iv. 7 (xxx.).
Rom. xii. i.
Ps. xxxii. (xxxiii.) 5 Ixi. 8. ' Lev. xix. 36. • "
Prov. XX. 10, II. 16. 23.

but with this condition, that the regular allow-

ance and character of the food be not altered,
for fear lest the purity of body and upright- The answer to the effect that the fast of Lent has reference to
ness of soul which has been gained by the the tithe of the year.
abstinence of Lent be lost by the relaxation of
Easter-tide, and it profit us nothing to have Theonas: Although the pious simplicity
acquired by our fast what a careless satiety of some folks would put aside a question on
causes us presently to lose, especially as the this subject, yet because you are more scru-
well-known cunning of our enemy assaults the pulous in your examination of those things
stronghold of our purity then chiefly when he which another would consider unworthy to
sees that our guard over it is somewhat relaxed be asked about, and want to know the whole
at the celebration of some festival. Where- truth of this observance of ours and the secret
fore we must most vigilantly look out that the of it, you shall have a very clear reason for
vigour of our soul be never enervated by seduc- 1
this also, that you may still more plainly be
tive flatteries, and we lose not the purity of convinced that our predecessors taught no-

our chastity, gained, as was said, by the con- j

thing unreasonable. By the law of Moses the
tinuous efforts X)i Lent, by the repose and . command propounded to all the people gene-
carelessness of Eastertide. And therefore no |
rally was this: "Thou shalt offer to the Lord
addition at all should be made to the quality I

thy God thy tithes and firstfruits."* And so,

or the quantity of the food, but even on the i
while we are commanded to offer tithes of
highest festivals we should similarly abstain

our substance and all our fruits, it is much

from those foods, by abstinence from which 1
more needful for us to offer tithes of our life
we preserve our uprightness on common days, 1 and ordinary employments and actions, which
that the joy of the festival may not excite in certainly is clearly arranged for in the calcula-
us a most deadly conflict of carnal desires, tion of Lent. For the tithe of the number of

and so be turned to grief, and put an end to all the days included in the revolving circle of

that most excellent festival of the heart, which the year is thirty-six days and a half.
exults in the joy of purity; and after a brief in seven weeks, if Sundays and Saturdays
show of carnal joy we begin to mourn our lost are subtracted, there remain thirty-five days
purity of heart with a lasting sorrow of re- assigned for fasting. But by the addition of
pentance. Moreover we should strive that Easter Eve when the Saturday's fast is pro-
this warning of the prophetic exhortation may longed to the cock-crowing at the dawn of
lot be uttered against us to no purpose: Easter Day, not only is the number of thirty-
'Celebrate, O
Judah, thy festivals, and pay six days made up, but in regard to the tithe of
:hy vows." For if the occurrence of festival the five days which seemed to be over, if the
iays does not interfere with the continuity of bit of the nighV4\hich was added be taken into
)ur abstinence, we shall continually enjoy account nothing will be wanting to the whole
ipiritual festivals and so, when we cease from sum.
iervile work, "there shall be month after
Donth and Sabbath after Sabbath." CHAPTER XXVL
How we ought also to offer our firstfruits to the Ixrd.
But what shall I say of the firstfruits which
A question on the different ways of keeping Lent. surely are given daily by all who serve Christ

Germanus: What is the reason why Lent ties in the way of accepting the statement about the custom at
Rome (see below), but the ^rcat variety of customs is fully confirmed
s kept for six weeks, while in some countries by Sozomen (H. E. VII. xix.): " In some churches the time before
possibly more earnest care for religion seems Easter, which is called Qiuidragesima, and is devoted by the people
to fasting, is made to consist of six weeks and this is the case in :

D have added a seventh week as well, though lUyria, and the western
regions, in Libya, throughout E^ypt, and in

I either number when you subtract Sunday and Palestine : whereas m.ule to comprise .seven weeks at Constanti-
it is

nople, and in the nei;'hb(>uring jirovinces as far as Plirenicia. In


aturday, gives the total of forty days.'' For some churches the people faat three alternate weeks during' the
space of six or seven weeks ; whereas in others they fast continu-
nly six and thirty days are included in ously during the three weeks immediately preceding the festival."
t lese weeks.' The statement here m.ide with regard to tiic West is true except as
regards Milan, where Saturday was kept (as in the East) as a lesti-
val: while for the Constantinopolitan practice Chry»ostom(Hom. xi.
Nah. '
i. IS. I»a. Ixvi. 23. in Gen. § 2] confirms what Sozomen says while Cassian's language

On tlie different uses in regard to the I^nten last Socrates

in the text bears witness to the fact that both Egypt and I'alestine
" Those
( E. V. xxii.) writes as follows:
I. at Rome f.isttliree succes- agreed with the Roman practice. In either case, whether the fast
e weeks before Easter, The
excepting; Saturdays and Sundays. began seven or six weeks before Easter, the number of days ob-
yrinni, Achaians, and Alexandrians observe a fast of six weeks, served in the fast was the same Saturdays (with the exception of

V lich they call the

forty days'
fast. Others conimencinj? their fast Easter Eve which was always regarded as a fast) being excluded in
fi >m the seventh week before Easter, and
fasting for fifteen davs by the former case, while they were all included in the latter. Cf be-
ii ervals, yet call that time the forty days' fast." There arc diflBcul- low, c. xxvi. * Exod. xxii.

faithfully? For when men waking from sleep by the Lord as worthless and common. And
and arising with renewed activity after their if he is not
prevented by us with watchful cir-
rest, before they take in any impulse or cumspection of mind, he will not lay aside his
thought in their heart, or admit any recol- habit of miserably anticipating us nor cease
lection or consideration of business conse- day after day to prevent us by his wiles. And
crate their first and earliest thoughts as therefore if we want to offer firstfruits that
divine offerings, what are they doing indeed are acceptable and well pleasing to God of the
but rendering the firstfruits of their produce fruits of our mind, we ought to spend no
through the High Priest Jesus Christ for the ordinary care to keep all the senses of our
enjoyment of this life and a figure of the body, especially during the hours of the morn-
daily resurrection? And also when roused ing, as a sacred holocaust to the Lord pure and
from sleep in the same way they offer to God undefiled in all things. And this kind of
a sacrifice of joy and invoke Him with the devotion many even of those who live in the
first motion of their tongue and celebrate His world observe with the utmost care, as they
name and praise, and throwing open, the rise before it is light or very early, and do not
first thing, the door of their lips to sing hymns at all mix in the ordinary and necessary busi-
to Him they offer to God the ofiices of their ness of this world before hastening to church
mouth; and to Him also in the same way and striving to consecrate in the sight of God
they bring the earliest offerings of their hands the firstfruits of all their actions and doings.
and steps, when they rise from bed and stand
in prayer and before they use the services of
their limbs for their own purposes, take to CHAPTER XXVIL
themselves nothing of their services, but for
His glory advance their steps, and set them Why Lent is kept by very many with a different number of
in His praise and so render the first fruits of days.

all their movements by stretching forth the

hands, bending the knees, and prostrating the Further, as for what you say; viz., that in
whole body. For in no other way can we ful- some countries Lent is kept in different ways,
fil that of which we i.e., for six or seven weeks, it is but one sys-
sing in the Psalm: "I
" tem and the same manner of the fast that is
prevented the dawning of the day and cried ;
" preserved by the different observance of the
and: Mine eyes to Thee have prevented the
weeks. For those who think one ought to fast
morning that I might meditate on Thy
also on the Saturday, have determined on the
words;" and: *'In the morning shall my
" ^ observance of six weeks.
prayer prevent Thee unless after our rest
They therefore fast
in sleep when, as we said above, we are re- for six days out of the seven, and this being
stored as from darkness and death to this six times repeated makes up the six and thirty
It is therefore, as we said, but one
light, we have the courage not to begin by days.
taking any of all the services both of mind system and the same manner of the fast, al-
and body for our own uses. For there is no though there seems to be a difference in the
other morning which the prophet "prevented," number of the weeks.
or which in the same way we ought to
vent, except either ourselves, i.e., our occupa-
tions and feelings and earthly cares, without CHAPTER XXVni.
which we cannot exist —
or the most subtle
Why it is called Quadragesima, when the fast is only kept for
suggestions of the adversary, which he tries to thirty-six days.
suggest to us, while still resting and overcome
with sleep, by the phantoms of vain dreams, But further, as man's carelessness dropped
with which, when we presently awake, he will out of
sight the reason of this, this season
fill our minds and
occupy us, that he may be when, as was said, the tithes of the year are
the first to seize and
carry off the spoils of our offered by fasts for thirty-six days and a half,
firstfruits. Wherefore we must take the ut- was called
Quadragesima,^ a name which per-
most care (if we want to fulfil in act the mean-
ing of the above quoted verse) that an anxious '
Cassian here gives three suggestions why the fast of thirty-six
watchfulness takes regard of our first and days' duration was called Quadragesima, (i) As roughly corres-
ponding to the forty days fast of Moses, Elijah, and the Lord Him-
earliest morning thoughts, that (2) because "forty" is the number associated with a time of
they may not self;
probation in Scripture and (X) because of the analogy of a legal
be defiled beforehand being taken " "

hastily tribute of Quadragesima paid to the Sovereign. It is certainly

curious and difficult question why the name Quadragesima sliould
possession of by our jealous adversary, and ahave been so universally applied to the fast, when there is no evi-
thus he may make our firstfruits to be dence of its having been kept for forty days till sometime after the
rejected date of Gregory the Great, when Ash
Wednesday and the three fol-
Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 147, 148
lowing days were prefixed to the six weeks expressly for the purpose
bcxxvii. (Ixxxviii.) 14. of making up the number forty.
The name however, had as we


haps they thought ought to be given to it for lished for those who all the year round are
this reason; viz., that said that Moses it is involved in pleasure or business, that they
and Elijah and our Lord Jesus Christ Himself may be bound by this legal requirement and
fasted for forty days. To the mystery of which forced at any rate during these days to find
number are not unsuitably applied those forty time for the Lord, and dedicate to Him the
years in which Israel dwelt in the wilderness, tithe of the days of their life, all of which
and in like manner the forty stations which they would have consumed as their profits.
they are said to have passed through with a But the righteous, for whom the law is not
mystic meaning. Or perhaps the tithe was appointed, and who devote to spiritual duties
properly given the name of Quadragesima not a small part; viz., the tenth, but the whole
from the use of the custom-house. For so time of their life, because they are free from
that state tax is commonly called, from which the burden of tithes according to law, for this

the same proportion of the increment is as- ;

reason, if any worthy and pious occasion hap-
signed for the king's use, as the legal tribute pening to them constrains them, are ready to

of Quadragesima, which is required of us by relax their station fast* without

any hesita-
the King of all the ages for the use of our life, j
tion. For in their case it is no paltry tithe
At any although this
rate, has nothing to do ;
that is diminished, as they offer all that
with the question raised, yet I think that 1 1 they have to the Lord equally with themselves.
ought not to omit the fact that very often our j
And this certainly a man could not do without
elders used to testify that especially on these being guilty of a grievous wrong, who, offer-
days the whole body of monks was attacked ing nothing of his own free will to God, is
according to the ancient custom of the people forced to pay his tithes by the stem compul-
opposed to them, and was more vehemently sion of the law which takes no excuse.
urged to forsake their homes, for this reason, Wherefore it is clearly established that the
because in accordance with this figure, whereby servant of the law cannot be perfect, who only
the Egyptians formerly oppressed the children shuns those things which are forbidden and
of Israel with grievous afflictions, so now also does those things which are commanded, but
the spiritual Egyptians try to bow down the that those are really perfect who do not take
true Israel, i.e., the mona.stic folk, with hard advantage even of those things which the law
and vile tasks, lest by means of that peace allows. And in this way, though it is said of
which is dear to God, we should forsake the the Mosaic law that "the law brought nothing
land of Egypt, and for our good cross to the to perfection," * we read that some of the
desert of virtues, so that Pharaoh rages saints in the Old Testament were perfect
against us and says They are idle and there-
: because they went beyond the commands of
fore they cry saying Let us go and sacrifice to
: the law and lived under the perfection of the
the Lord our God. Let them be oppressed Gospel Kmiyving that the law is not ap-

with labours, and be harassed in their works, pointed for the righteous but for the un-
ind they shall not be harassed by vain words." ' righteous and disobedient, for the ungodly and
For certainly their folly imagines that the holy sinners, for the wicked and defiled, etc."'
jacrifice of the Lord, which is only offered in
the desert of a pure heart, is the height of
'oily, for "religion is an abomination to a
iinner." * CHAPTER XXX.
Of the origin and beginning of Lent.

HowBEiT you should know that as long as
How those who are perfect go beyond the fixed rule of Lent. the primitive church retained its perfection
Lent did not unbroken, this observance of
By this law of Lent then the For they were not bound by the re-
man who is exist.
ipright and perfect is not restrained nor is he quirements of this order, or by any legal
;ontent with merely submitting to that paltry enactments, nor confined in the very narrow
ule which the heads of the church have estab- limits of the fast, as the fast embraced equally
the whole year round. But when the multi-
;e from Socrates, Sozomen, Cassian himself, and many other tude of believers began day by day to decline
'riters, existed long before this and on the whole it appears proba-

te that it originated in none of the reasons Riven above by Cassian, from that apostolic fervour, and to look after
that in the first instance it was connected " with the
ut period dur-
which our Lord yielded to the power of death, which was
their own wealth, and not to portion it out for
itimated At /oriy hours ; viz., from noon on Friday till 4 a.m. on the good of all the faithful in accordance with
unday." See Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, Vol. ii. p. 973 ;
id cf. Irenxui Ep. ad Victor, in Kuseb. V. xxiv. ; and TertuUian
>e Orat. c. 18; and De Jejuniis c. ii. and xiii. » Stittio. Cf Note on the Institutes V. xxiv.
> Exod. * » I Tim. i.
v. 8, 9. Ecdiw. 1. 34.
* Heb. vii.19. 9,

the arrangement of the apostles, but having one who has not laid the foundation by a
an eye to their own private expenses, tried similar study and training. And therefore I
not only to keep it but actually to increase think it necessary for us first to inquire some-
it, not content with following the example
of w^hat carefully what is the purpose or mean-
Ananias and Sapphira, then it seemed good ing of the law, and what is the system and
to all the priests that men who were hampered perfection of grace, that from this we may
by worldly cares, and almost ignorant, if I succeed in understanding the dominion of sin
may say so, of abstinence and contrition, and how to drive it out. And so the law
should be recalled to the pious duty by a fast chiefly commands men to seek the bonds of
canonically enjoined, and be constrained by wedlock, saying: "Blessed is he that hath
" ^
the necessity of paying the legal tithes, as this seed in Sion and an household in Jerusalem ;

certainly would be good for the weak brethren and: "Cursed is the barren that hath not
and could not do any harm to the perfect who borne. "^ On the other hand grace invites us
were living under the grace of the gospel and to the purity of perpetual chastity, and the
by their voluntary devotion going beyond the undefiled
state of blessed virginity, saying:
law, so as to succeed in attaining to the Blessed are the barren, and the breasts which
blessedness which the Apostle speaks of: have not given suck;" and: "he that hateth
"For sin shall not have dominion over you; not father and mother and wife cannot be my
for ye are not under the law but under disciple;" and this of the Apostle: "It re-
grace." For of a truth sin cannot exercise maineth that they that have wives be as

dominion over one who lives faithfully under though they had them not."^ The law says:
the liberty of grace. "Thou shalt not delay to offer thy tithes and
firstfruits;" grace says: "If thou wilt be
perfect, go and sell all that thou hast and
CHAPTER XXXI. give to the poor." The law forbids not re-

taliation for wrongs and vengeance for inju-

A question, how we ought to understand the Apostle's words ries, saying: "An eye for an eye and a tooth
" Sin shall
not have dominion over you."
for a tooth." Grace would have our patience
Germanus Because this saying of the proved by the injuries and blows offered to

us being redoubled, and bids us be ready to

Apostle, which promises freedom from care endure
not only to monks but to all Christians in twice as much damage; saying: "If a
man strike thee on one cheek, offer him the
general, cannot lead us wrong, it seems to us
somewhat obscure. For whereas he maintains other also; and to him who will contend with
that all those who believe the gospel are at thee at the law and take away thy coat, give
him thy cloak also."'' The one decrees that
liberty and free from the yoke and dominion
of sin, how is it that the dominion of sin holds we should hate our enemies, the other that we
should love them so that it holds that even for
vigorous sway over almost all the baptized,
in accordance with the Lord's them we ought always to pray to God.
words, where
He says Every:one that doeth sin is the
" ^
servant of sin ?
CHAPTER XXXH. Of t!;e fact that the precepts of the gospel arc milder than
those of the law.
The answer on the difference between grace and the commands
of the law. Whoever therefore climbs this height of
evangelical perfection, is at once raised by
Theonas: Your inquiry once more raises the merits of such virtue above
before us a question of no small extent. every law, and
The [

disregarding as trivial all that is commanded


explanation of which though I know that it by Moses, recognizes that he is only subject
cannot be taught to or understood
by the in-

to the grace of the Saviour,

by whose aid he
experienced, yet as far as I can, I will try to !knows that he attained to that most exalted
set forth in words and briefly to explain, if condition. Therefore sin has no dominion
only your minds will follow up and act upon j

lover him, "because the love of God, which

what we say. For whatever is known not is shed abroad in our hearts
by by the Holy
teaching but by experience, just as it cannot

Ghost which is given to us,"^ shuts out all

be taught by one without experience, so neither
can it be grasped or taken in
by the mind of 2
Isa xxxi. 9 (Ixx.). ^ Cf. Job xxiv. 21.
S. Luke xxiii. 29; xiv. 26; i Cor. vii. 29.
" Exod. xxii. 29; S. Matt. xix. 21.
Rom. vi. 14. S. John viii. '
Exod. xxi. 24; S. Matt. v. 39, 40.
34. » Rom. v. 5.

care for everything else, and can neither of this world, or, bound by the rules of the
desire what is forbidden, or disregard what is old law, distributes, the tithe of his produce,
commanded, as its whole aim and all its and his firstfruits, or a portion of his income,
desire is ever fixed on divine love, and to although he may to a considerable degree
such an extent is it not caught by the delights quench the fire of his sins by this dew of
of worthless things, that it actually does not almsgiving, yet, however generously he gives
take advantage of those things which are per- away his wealth, it is impossible for him
mitted. But under the law, where lawful altogether to rid himself of the dominion of
marriages are observed, although the rovings sin, unless perhaps by the grace of the Saviour,
of wantonness are restrained, and bound down together with his substance he gets rid of all
to one woman alone, yet the pricks of car- love of possessing. In the same way he can-
nal lust cannot help being vigorous; and not fail to be subject to the bloody sway of
it is hard for the fire, for which fuel is ex- sin, whoever chooses to pull out, as the law
pressly supj)lied, to be thus shut in within pre- commands, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a
arranged limits, so as not to spread further tooth, or to hate his enemy, for while he
and burn up anything it touches. As even if desires by retaliation in exchange to avenge
this objection occurs to it that it is not al- an injury done to himself, and while he che-
lowed to be kindled beyond these limits, yet rishes bitter hatred against an enemy, he is
even while it is kept in check, it is on fire sure always to be infiamed with the passion
because the will itself is in fault, and its habit of anger and rage. But whoever lives under
of carnal intercourse hurries it into too speedy the light of the grace of the gospel, and over-
excesses of adultery. But those whom the comes evil by not resisting it, but by bearing
grace of the Saviour has fired with the holy it, and does not hesitate of his own free will
love of chastity, so consume all the thorns to give to one who smites his right cheek, the
of carnal desires in the fire of the Lord's love, other also, and to one who wants to raise a
that no dying embers of sin interfere with the lawsuit against him for his coat, gives his
coldness of their purity. The servants of cloak also, and who loves his enemies, and
the law then from the use of lawful things prays for those who slander him, this man has
fall away to unlawful; the partakers of grace broken the yoke of sin and burst its chains.
while they disregard lawful things know no- For he is not living under the law, which does
thing of unlawful ones. But as sin is alive not destroy the seeds of sin (whence not with-
it\ one who loves marriage, so is it also out reason the Apostle says of it: "There is
in one who is satisfied with merely paying a setting aside of the former commandment
his tithes and firstfruits. For, while he is because of the weakness and unprofitableness
dawdling or careless, he is sure to sin in re- thereof: for the law brought nothing to perfec-
gard to either their quality or quantity, or the tion;" and^ie Lord says by the prophet:
daily distribution of them. For as he is ** And I gave them commands that were not
commanded unweariedly to minister to those good, and ordinances, whereby
they could
in want of what although he may dis- not live"*), but under grace which does not
is his,

pense it with the fullest faith and devotion, merely lop off the boughs of wickedness, but
yet it is hard for him not to fall often into actually tears up the very roots of an evil
the snares of sin. But over those who have will.
not set at naught the counsel of the Lord, but
who, disposing of all their property to the CHAPTER XXXIV.
poor, take up their cross and follow the be- How a man can be shown to be under grace.
stowcr of grace, sin can have no dominion.
For no faithless anxiety for getting food will Whoever then strives to reach the perfec-
annoy him who piously distributes and dis- tion of evangelical teaching, this man living
perses his wealth already consecrated to Christ under grace is not oppressed by the dominion
and no longer regarded as his own; nor will of sin, for to be under grace is to do those
any grudging hesitation take away from the things which grace commands. But whoever
cheerfulness of his almsgiving, because with- will not submit himself to the complete re-
out any thought of his own needs or fear of
quirements of evangelical perfection, must not
his own food running short he is distributing remain ignorant that, although he seems to be
what has once for all been completely offered
baptized and to be a monk, yet he is not under
to God, and is no longer regarded as his own,
grace, but is still shackled by the chains of
as he is sure that when he has succeeded in the law, and weighed down by the burden of
stripping himself as he desires, he will be fed sin. For it is the aim of Him, who by the
by Cod much more than the birds of the air.
On the other hand he who retains his goods *
Heb. vii. 18, 19; Ezek. xx. 25.

grace of adoption accepts all those by whom carefully

to expound why sometimes when we
He has been received, not to destroy but to are fasting more strictly than usual, and are
build upon, not to abolish but to fulfil the exhausted and worn out, severer bodily strug-
Mosaic requirements. But some knowing gles are excited. For often on waking from
nothing about this, and disregarding the splen- sleep, when we have discovered that we have
did counsels and exhortations of Christ, are so been defiled* we are so dejected in heart that
emancipated by the carelessness of a freedom we do not even venture faithfully to rise even
too hastily assumed, that they not only fail to for prayer.
carry out the commands of Christ as if they
were too hard, but actually scorn as anti- CHAPTER XXXVL
quated, the commands given to them as begin- The answer, telling that this question should be reserved for a
ners and children by the law of Moses, saying future Conference.
in this dangerous freedom of theirs that which
the Apostle execrates: "We have sinned, Theonas: Your zeal indeed, whereby you
because we are not under the law but under desire to reach the way of perfection, not for
He then who is neither under grace, a moment only but fully and perfectly, urges
because he has never climbed the heights of us to continue this discussion unweariedly.
the Lord's teaching, nor under the law, be- For you are anxiously inquiring not about
cause he has not accepted even those small external chastity or outward circumcision, but
commands of the law, this man, ground down about that which is secret, as you know that
beneath a twofold rule of sin, fancies that he complete perfection does not consist in this
has received the grace of Christ, simply and visible continence of the flesh which can be
solely for this, that by this dangerous liberty attained either by constraint, or by hypocrisy
of his he may make himself none of His, and even by unbelievers, but in that voluntary and
falls into that state, which the Apostle Peter invisible purity of heart, which the blessed
warns us to avoid, saying: "Act as free, and Apostle describes as follows: "For he is not
not having your liberty as a cloak of wicked- a Jew which is so outwardly, nor is that cir-
ness." The blessed Apostle Paul also says: cumcision which is outward in the flesh, but
For ye, brethren, were called to liberty," i.e., he is a Jew which is one inwardly, and the cir-
that ye might be free from the dominion of cumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit rot
sin, "only use not your liberty for an occasion in the letter, whose praise is not of men but
of the flesh,"
i.e., believe that the doing of God, ^ who alone searches the secrets of the
away with the commands of the law is a heart. But because it is not possible for your
licence to sin. But this liberty, the Apostle wish to be fully satisfied (as the short space of
Paul teaches us is nowhere but where the Lord the night that is left is not enough for the in-
is dwelling, for he
says: "The Lord is the vestigation of this most difficult question,)
Spirit, but where the Spirit of the Lord is I think it well to postpone it for a while. For
there is liberty."* Wherefore I know not these matters, as they should be propounded
whether I could express and explain the by us quietly and with an heart entirely free
meaning of the blessed Apostle, as those know from all bustling thoughts, so should they be
how, who have experience; one thing I do received into your minds; for just as the in-
know, that it is very clearly revealed even quiry ought to be undertaken for the sake of
without anyone's explanation to all those who our common purity, so they cannot be learnt
have perfectly acquired nQnxuxii, i.e., practi- or acquired by one who is without the gift of
cal training. For they will need no effort to uprightness. For we do not ask what argu-
understand in discussion what they have ments of empty words, but what the inward
already learnt by practice. faith of the conscience and the greater force
of truth can persuade. And therefore with
regard to the knowledge and teaching of this
CHAPTER XXXV. purification nothing can be brought forward
except by one who has had experience of it,
A question, why sometimes when we are fasting more strictly nor can anything be committed except to one
than usual, we are troubled by carnal desires more
than usual. who is a most eager and very earnest lover of
the truth itself, who does not hope to attain it
Germanus You have very clearly explained
by asking questions with mere vain words, but
a most difficult question, and one which, as by striving with all his might and main, with
we think, is unknown to many. Wherefore no wish for useless chattenng but with the
we pray you to add this also for our good, and desire to purify himself internally.

* Cum deprehenderimus nos sordid! liquoris contagius pertulisse.
Rom. vi. 15. 2 I Pet. ii. 16; Gal. v. 13. 3 2
Cor. iii. 5 Rom. ii. 28, 29.



This Conference is omitted.




CHAPTER I. lingly by adulteries and fornication? Who

against his will prepares plots against his
Discourse of Abbot Thconas on the Apostle's words " For I neighbour?
Who is driven by unavoidable
do not the good which I would."
necessity to oppress a man by false witness or
cheat him by theft, or covet the goods of
At the return of light therefore, as the old another or shed his blood? Nay rather, as
man was forced by our intense urgency to in- Scripture says, "Mankind is diligently in-
vestigate the depths of the Apostle's subject, clined to wickedness from his youth."' For
he spoke as follows: As for the passages by to such an extent are all inflamed by the love
which you try to prove that the Apostle Paul of sin and desire to carry out what they like,
spoke not" in his own person but in that of that they actually look out with watchful care
sinners : For I do not the good that I would, for an opportunity of committing wickedness
but the evil which I hate, that I do;" or and are afraid of being too slow to enjoy
this: But if I do that which I would not, it their lusts, and glory in their shame and the
is no longer I that do it but sin that dwelleth mass of their crimes, as the Apostle says in
in me;" or what follows: "Fori delight in censure,* and seek credit for themselves out
the law of God after the inner man, but I see of their own confusion, of whom also the
another law in my members opposing the law prophet Jeremiah maintains that they commit
of my mind, and bringing me into captivity their flagitious crimes not only not unwil-
" *
to the law of sin which is in my members; lingly nor with ease of heart and body, but
:hese passages on the contrary plainly show with laborious efforts to such an extent that
:hat they cannot possibly fit the person of they come to toil to carry them out, so that
{inners, but that what is said can only apply they are prevented even by the hindrance of
o those that are perfect, and that it only suits arduous difl[iculty from their deadly quest of
he chastity of those who follow the good sin as he says " They have laboured to do

:xample of the Apostles. Else how could wickedly."* Who also will say that this
hese words apply to the person of sinners: applies to sinners: "And so with the mind I
For I do not the good which I would, but myself serve the law of God, but with the
he evil which I hate that I do " ? or even flesh the law of sin," as it is plain that they
his: "But if I do what I would not it is no serve God neither with the mind nor the
onger I that do it but sin that dwelleth in flesh? Or how can those who sin with the
le ? For what sinner defiles himself unwil- body serve God with the mind, when the flesh
Kom. vii. i8, tq. • Gen. vHi. ii. » Cf. Phil. lii. 19. Jcr. ix. 5.

receives the incitement to sin from the heart, the perfection of which the Apostle was lack-
and the Creator of either nature Himself de- ing, unless we have advanced to that state of
clares that the fount and spring of sin flows mind in which he was speaking. And so all
from the latter, saying: "From the heart pro- those virtues which we say that he possessed,
ceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, though they are like most splendid and pre-
thefts, false witness, etc."^ Wherefore it is cious gems, yet when they are compared with
in any way be that most beautiful and unique pearl which
clearly shown that this cannot
taken of the person of sinners, who not only the merchant in the gospel sought and wanted
do not hate, but actually love what is evil and to acquire by selling all that he possessed,
are so far from serving God with either the so does their value seem poor and trifling, so
mind or the flesh that they sin with the mind that if they are without hesitation got rid of,
before they do with the flesh, and before they the possession of one good thing alone will
enrich the man who sells countless good
carry out the pleasures of the body are over-
come by sin in their mind and thoughts. things.

What is really the good which the Apostle testifies that he
How the Apostle completed many good actions. could not perform.

It remains therefore for us to measure its What then is that one thing which is so
meaning and drift from the inmost feelings of incomparably above those great and innu-
the speaker, and to discuss what the blessed merable good things, that, while they are
Apostle called good, and what he pronounced all scorned and rejected, it alone should be

by comparison evil, not by the bare meaning acquired? Doubtless it is that truly good
of the words, but with the same insight which part, the grand and lasting character of which
he showed, and to investigate his meaning is thus described by the Lord, when Mary
with due regard to the worth and goodness of disregarded the duties of hospitality and
the speaker. For then we shall be able to courtesy and chose it: "Martha, Martha,
understand the words, which were uttered by thou art careful and troubled about many
God's inspiration, in accordance with his pur- things but there is but need of but few things

pose and wish, when we weigh the position or even of one only. Mary hath chosen the
and character of those by whom they were good part which shall not be taken away from
spoken, and are ourselves clothed with the her,"^ Contemplation then, i.e., meditation
same feelings (not in words but by experi- on God, is the one thing, the value of which
ence), in accordance with the character of all the merits of our righteous acts, all our
which most certainly all the thoughts are aims at virtue, come short of. And all those
conceived and opinions uttered. Wherefore things which we said existed in the Apostle
let us carefully consider what was in the main Paul, were not only good and useful, but even
that good which the Apostle could not do great and splendid. Put as, for example, the
when he would. For we know that there are metal of alloy which is considered of some
many good things which we cannot deny that use and worth, becomes worthless when silver
the blessed Apostle and all men as good as is taken into account, and again the value of
he either have by nature, or acquire by grace. silver disappears in ccmparison with gold,
For chastity is good, continence is praise- and gold itself is disregarded when compared
worthy, prudence is to be admired, kindness with precious stones, and yet a quantity of
is liberal, sobriety is careful,
temperance is precious stones however splendid are outdone
modest, pity is kind, justice is holy: all of by the brightness of a single pearl, so all
which we cannot doubt existed fully and in those merits of holiness, although they are not
perfection in the Apostle Paul and his com- merely good and useful for the present life,
panions, so that they taught religion by the but also secure the gift of eternity, yet if they
lesson of their virtues rather than their words. are compared with the merit of Divine con-
What if they were always consumed with the templation, will be considered trifling and so
constant care of all the churches and watchful to speak, fit to be sold. And to support this
anxiety? How great a good is this pity, what illustration by the authority of Scripture, does
perfection it is to burn for them that are not Scripture declare of all things in general
offended, to be weak with the weak! ^ If then which were created by God, and say: "And
the Apostle abounded with such behold everything that God had made was
good things,
we cannot recognize what that good was, in very good;" and again: "And things that
S. Matt. XV. 19. - Cf. 2 Cor 5 S. Luke X. 41, 42. Cf. the note on I. viii.
" ^
God hath made
good in their season ? called good, as the
are all Lord says " None is good :

These things then which in the present time save God alone ?
In whose sight even the
are termed not simply and solely good, but apostles themselves, who in the excellence of
emphatically "very good'' (for they are really their calling in many ways went beyond the
convenient for us while living in this world, goodness of mankind, are said to be evil, as
either for purposes of life, or for remedies for the Lord thus speaks to them:" "If ye then
the body, or by reason of some unknown use- being evil know how to give good gifts to
fulness, or else they are indeed "very good," your children, how much more shall your
because they enable us "to see the invisible Father which is in heaven give gccd things to
things of God from the creatures of the world, them that ask Him."^ Finally as our good-
being understood by the things that are made, ness turns to badness in the eyes of the High-
even His eternal power and Godhead,"* from est so also our righteousness when set against
this great and orderly arrangement of the the Divine righteousness is considered like a
fabric of the world and to contemplate them menstruous cloth, as Isaiah the prophet says:

from the existence of everything in it), yet "All your righteousness is like a menstruous
none of these things will keep the name of cloth."® And to produce something still
good if they are regarded in the light of that plainer, even the vital precepts of the law
world to come, where no variation of good itself, which are said to have been "given by
things, and no loss of true blessedness need angels by the the hand of a mediator," and
be feared. The bliss of which world is thus of which the same Apostle says: "So the law
described: "The light of the moon shall be indeed is holy and the commandment is holy
as the light of the sun, and the light of the and just and good," when they are compared
sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven with the perfection of the gospel are pro-
days."* These things then which are great nounced anything but good by the Divine
and wondrous to be gazed on, and marvellous, oracle: for He says: "And I gave them pre-
will at once appear as vanity if they are com- cepts that were not good, and ordinances
" The
pared with the future promises from faith; as whereby they should not live in them."
David says: "They all shall wax old as a gar- Apostle also affirms that the glory of the law
ment, and as a vesture shall Thou change is so dimmed by the light of the New Testa-

them, and they shall be changed. But Thou ment that he declares that in comparison with
irt the sam3, and Thy years shall not fail."* the splendour of the gospel it is not to be
Because then there is nothing of itself endur- considered glorious, saying: "For even that
ing, nothing unchangeable, nothing good but which was glorious was not glorified by reason
Deity alone, while every creature, to obtain of the that excelleth." " And
glory Scripture
.he blessing of eternity and immutability, aims keeps up thistn^mparison on the other side
It this not by its own nature but by participa- also, i.e., in weighing* the merits of sinners,
:ion of its Creator, and His grace, they cannot so that in comparison with the wicked it justi-
maintain their character for goodness when fies those who have sinned less, saying:
:ompared with their Creator. "Sodom is justified above thee;" and again:
"For what hath thy sister Sodom sinned.^"
and: "The rebellious Israel hath justified her
soul in comparison of the treacherous Judah." **

low man's goodness and righteousness are not good if

So then the merits of all the virtues, which I
enumerated above, though in themselves they
compared with the goodness and righteousness of God.
are good and precious, yet become dim in
But if we want also to establish the force
comparison of the brightness of contempla-
I f this opinion by still clearer proofs, is it tion. For they greatly hinder and retard the
ot the case that while we read of many things saints who are taken
up with earthly aims

s called good in the gospel, as a good tree, even at

good works, from the contemplation

! nd good treasure, and a good man, and a of that sublime

ood servant, for He says " A good tree can- :

1 ot bring forth evil fruit and " a good man ;

< ut of the good treasure of his heart brings CHAPTER V.

i )rth good things;" and: "Well done, good
; nd faithful servant
" '
and certainly there can How no one can be continually intent upon that highest good.

e no doubt that none of these are good in

For who, when "delivering the poor from
t lemselves, yet if we take into consideration the hand of them that are too
strong for him,
t le goodness of God, none of them will be
' S. Luke xviii. 19. " (jal. iii. Koni. vii. la.
ig ;

Gen. * Isa. XXX. 26. ' S. Matt. '" Ezck. xx. 25.
i. 31; Ecclus. xxxix. 16. vii. II.
' Rom. i. 20. P». ci. (cii.) 27, 28.
• I.'ia. Ixiv. 6. '• 2 Cor. iii. 10.
' S. Matt. vii. 18; xii. 35; xxv. it.
" Ezek. xvi. 52, 49 ; Jer. iii. 1 1.

and the needy and the poor from them that Other hand considered in his heart the good
him," who when "breaking the jaws of of meditation, and weighed as it were in one
the wicked and snatching their prey from be- scale the profit of all these labours and in the
tween their teeth," can with a calm mind
other the delights of divine contemplation,
regard the glory of the Divine Majesty during when for a long time he had corrected the
the actual work of intervention? Who when balance in his breast, while the vast rewards
ministering support to the poor, or when re- for his labours delighted him on one side,
ceiving with benevolent kindness the crowds and on. the. other the desire for unity with and
that come to him, can at the very moment the inseparable companionship of Christ in-
when he is wdth anxious mind perplexed for clined him to depart this life, at last in his
the wants of his brethren, contemplate the perplexity he cries out and says What I :

vastness of the bliss on high, and while he is shall choose I know not. For I am in a strait
shaken by the troubles and cares of the pres- betwixt two, having a desire to depart and to
ent life look forward to the state of the world be with Christ, for it were much better but :

to come with an heart raised above the stains to abide in the flesh is more necessary for
" °
of earth? Whence the blessed David when your sakes. Though then in many ways he
laying down that this alone is good for man, preferred this excellent good to all the fruits
longs to cling constantly to God, and says: of his preaching, yet he submits himself in
It is good for me to cling to God, and to put consideration of love, without which none can
my hope in the Lord."^ And Ecclesiastes gain the Lord; and for their sakes, whom
also declares that this cannot be done without hitherto he had soothed with milk as nourish-
fault by any of the and says " For there
saints, : ment from the breasts of the gospel, does not
is not a righteous man upon earth, that doeth refuse to be parted from Christ, which is bad
good and sinneth not." For who, even if he for himself though useful for others. For he
be the chief of all righteous and holy men, can is driven to choose this the rather by that
we ever think could, while bound in the chains excessive goodness of his whereby for the sal-
of this life, so acquire this chief good, as never vation of his brethren he is ready, were it
to cease from divine contemplation, or be possible, to incur even the last evil of an
thought to be drawn away by earthly thoughts Anathema. "For I could wish," he says,
even for a short time from Him alone Who that I myself were Anathema from Christ for
is good? Who ever takes no care for food, my brethren's sake, who are my kinsmen ac-
none for clothing or other carnal things, or cording to the flesh, who are Israelites,"'' i.e.,
when anxious about receiving the brethren, or I could wish to be subject not only to tem-
change of place, or building his cell, has poral, but even to perpetual punishment, if
never desired the aid of man's assistance, only all men, were it possible, might enjoy
nor when harassed by scarcity and want has the fellowship of Christ: for I am sure that
incurred this sentence of reproof from the the salvation of all would be better for Christ
Lord: "Be not anxious for your life what ye and for me than my own. That then the Apostle
shall eat, nor for your body what ye shall put might perfectly gain this chief good, i.e., to
on"?* Further we confidently assert that enjoy the vision of God and to be joined con-
even the Apostle Paul himself who surpassed tinually to Christ, he was ready to be parted
in the number of his sufferings the toils of all from this body, which as it is feeble and hin-
the saints, could not possibly fulfil this, as he dered by the many requirements of its frailties
himself testifies to the disciples in the Acts cannot help separating from union with Christ :

of the Apostles: "Ye yourselves know that for it is impossible for the mind, that is ha-
these hands have ministered to my needs, and rassed by such frequent cares, and hampered
to the needs of those who were with me," or
by such various and tiresome troubles, always
when in writing in the Thessalonians he to enjoy the Divine vision. For what aim of
testifies that he " worked in labour and weari- the saints can be so persistent, what purpose
ness and day."^ And although for
night can be so high that that crafty plotter does
this there were great rewards for his merits not sometimes destroy it ? Who has fre-
prepared, yet his mind, however holy and quented the recesses of the desert and shunned
sublime it might be, could not help intercourse with all men in such a way that
sometimes drawn away from that heavenly he never trips by unnecessary thoughts, and
contemplation by its attention to earthly by looking on things or being occupied in
labours. Further, when he saw himself en- earthly actions falls away from that contem-
riched with such practical fruits, and on the
plation of God, which truly alone is good?
Ps. xxxiv. (xxxv.) lo;
Who ever could preserve such fervour of spirit
Job xxix. 17. * S. Matt. vi. 23.
2 Ps. Ixxii. (Ixxiii.) 28. s Acts xx.
34 ; 2 Thess. iii. 8.
Eccl. vii. 21. " Phil. ^ Rom. ix. 3, 4.


as not sometimes to pass by roving thoughts say any evil or vain thoughts creep into the
from his attention to prayer, and fall away doors of their mind, but even the recollection
suddenly from heavenly to earthly things? of a Psalm which has to be said takes off the
Which of us (to pass over other times of wan- attention of the kneeler at the time for prayer.
dering) even at the very moment when he For if, say they, when we ask some great man,
raises his soul in prayer to God on high, does I will not
say for our life and salvation, but
not fall into a sort of stupor, and even against for some advantage and profit, we fasten all
his will offend by that very thing from which our attention of mind and body upon him, and
he hoped for pardon of his sins? Who, I ask, hang with trembling expectation on his nod,
is so alert and vigilant as never, while he is with no slight dread lest haply some foolish
singing a Psalm to God, to allow his mind to or unsuitable word may turn aside the pity of
wander from the meaning of Scripture? Who our hearer, and then too, when we are stand-
is so intimate with and closely joined to God, ing in the forum or in the courts of earthly
as to congratulate himself on having carried judges, with our opponent standing over
out for a single day that rule of the Apostle's, against us, if in the midst of the prosecution
whereby he bids us pray without ceasing?
and trial any coughing, or spitting, or laugh-
And though all these things may seem to ing, or yawning, or sleep overtakes us, with
some, who are involved in grosser sins, to be what malice will our ever watchful opponent
trivial and altogether foreign to sin, yet to stir up the severity of the judge to our damage :

those who know the value of perfection a how much more, when we entreat Him who
quantity even of very small matters becomes knows all secrets, should we, by reason of our
most serious. imminent danger of everlasting death, plead
with earnest and anxious prayer for the kind-
ness of the judge, especially as on the other
CHAPTER VI. side there stands one who is both our crafty
seducer and our accuser! And not without
How those who think that they are without sin are like purblind reason will he be bound no light sin, but
by a grievous fault of wickedness, who, when
As if we were to suppose that two men, one he pours forth his prayer to God, dejiarts at

)f whom was clear

once from His sight as if from the eyes of one
sighted with perfect vision,
md the other, one whose eyesight was ob- who neither sees nor hears, and follows the
•cured by dimness of vision, had together vanity of wicked thoughts. But they who
entered some great house that was filled with a cover the eyes of their heart with a thick "
of their sins, and as the Saviour says, See-
quantity of bundles, instruments, and vessels,
vould not he, whose dullness of vision pre- ing see not ^d hearing hear not nor under-
-ented his seeing everything, assert that there stand,"^ hardly regard in the inmost recesses
vas nothing there but chests, beds, benches, of their breast even those faults which are
and deadly, and cannot with clear eyes
tables, and whatever met the fingers of one great
^ fho felt them rather
than the eyes of one who look at any deceitful thoughts, nor even those
f aw them, while on the other hand would not vague and secret desires which strike the
1 le other, who searched out what was hidden mind with slight and subtle suggestions, nor
^ 'ith clear and
the captivities of their soul, but always wan-
bright eyes, declare that there
A ere there many most minute articles, and dering among impure thoughts they know not
how to be sorry when they are distracted from
\ hat could
scarcely be counted; which if they
^ ere ever gathered up into a single pile, that meditation which is so special, nor can
\ ould
by their number equal or ex- they grieve that they have lost anything as
perhaps while they lay open their mind to the entrance
c ied the si^e of those few
things which the
c ther had felt. So then even saints, and, if of any thought as they please, they have no-
set before them to hold to as the main
V e
may so say, men who see, whose aim is the thing or to desire in
I rmost
perfection, cleverly detect in them- thing every way.
s lives even those things which the
gaze of our
X) ind
being as it were darkened cannot see,
a id condemn them
very severely, to such an ex-
t' nt that those who have as it seems to our
not, How those who maintain that a man can be without sin are
c relessness, dimmed the whiteness of their
charged with a twofold error.
b )dy, which is as it were like snow, with even
t e slightest spot of sin, seem to themselves The reason however which drives us into
t( be covered with many stains, if, I will not this error is that, as we are
utterly ignorant
Cf. I The»8. V. 17. *
S. Matt. xiii. 13.

of the virtue of being without sin,^ we fancy the eyes of their heart with the utmost speed
that we cannot contract any guilt from those to behold the brightness of the Divine Glory,
idle and random vagaries of our thoughts, but yet they cannot tolerate even for a very short
being rendered stupid by dullness and as it were time the darkness of carnal thoughts, and ex-
smitten with blindness we can see nothing in ecrate whatever keeps back their soul's gaze
ourselves but capital offences, and think that from the true light. Finally when the blessed
we have only to keep clear of those things Apostle John would instill this feeling into
which are condemned also by the severity of everybody he says Little children, love not

secular laws, and if we find that even for a the world, neither the things which are in the
short time we are free from these we at once world. If any man love the world, the love

imagine that there is no sin at all in us. of God is not in him for everything that is :

Accordingly we are distinguished from the in the world is the lust of the flesh and the
number of those who see, because we do not lust of the eyes and the pride of life, which is
see the many small stains, which are crowded not of the Father but of the world. And the
together in us, and are not smitten with sav- world perisheth and the lust thereof but he :

ing contrition, if the malady of vexation over- that doeth the will of God abideth forever."^
takes our thoughts, nor are we sorry that we The saints therefore scorn all those things on
are struck by the suggestions of vainglory, which the world exists, but it is impossible for
nor do we weep over our prayers offered up so them never to be carried away to them by a
tardily and coldly, nor consider it a fault if brief aberration of thoughts, and even now no
while we are singing or praying, something man, except our Lord and Saviour, can keep
else besides the actual prayer or Psalm fills his naturally wandering mind always fixed on
our thoughts, nor are we horrified because we the contemplation of God so as never to be
do not blush to conceive many things which carried away from it through the love of some-
we are ashamed to speak or do before men, in thing in this world; as Scripture says: "Even
our heart, which, as we know, lies open to the the stars are not clean in His sight," and
Divine gaze; nor do we purge away the pollu- again: "If He puts no trust in His saints,,
tion of filthy dreams with copious ablutions of and findeth iniquity in His angels," or as the
our tears, nor grieve that in the pious act of "
more correct translation has it Behold :

almsgiving when we are assisting the needs among His saints none is unchangeable, and
of the brethren, or ministering support to the the heavens are not pure in His sight." *
poor, the brightness of our cheerfulness is
clouded over by a stingy delay, nor do we
think that we are affected by any loss when
we forget God and think about things that are CHAPTER IX.
temporal and corrupt, so that these words of Of the care with which a monk should preserve the recollection
Solomon fairly apply to us: "They smite me of God.
but I have not grieved, and they have mocked
me, but I knew it not." I SHOULD
say then that the saints who keep
a firm hold of the recollection of God and are
borne along, as it were, with their steps sus-
CHAPTER VIII. pended on a line stretched out on high, may
be rightly compared to rope dancers, com-
How it is given to but few to understand what sin is. monly called funambuli, who risk all their
safety and life on the path of that very narrow
Those on the other hand who make the rope, with no doubt that they will immediately
sum of all their joy and delight and bliss con- meet with a most dreadful death if their foot
sist in the
contemplation of divine and spir- swerves or trips in the very slightest degree,
itual things alone, if
they are unwillingly or goes over the line of the course in which
withdrawn from them even for a short time alone is safety. And while with marvel-
by thoughts that force themselves upon them, lous skill they ply their
airy steps through
punish this as if it were a kind of sacrilege in space, if they keep not their steps to that all
them, and avenge it by immediate chastise- too narrow path with careful and anxious
ment, and in their grief that they have pre- lation, the earth which is the natural base
ferred some worthless creature
(to which their and the most solid and safest foundation for
mental gaze was turned
aside) to their Cre- all, becomes to them an immediate and clear
ator, charge themselves with the guilt (I had
danger, not because its nature is changed, but
almost said) of impiety, and because they fall headlong upon it by the
although they turn
Anamartetiid est impeccanice. Prov. xxm. 35. * *
I John ii.
15-17. Job XXV. 5; XV. 15.

weight of their bodies. So also that un- things, they betake themselves to the grace
wearied goodness of God and His unchanging of God, "Who justifieth the ungodly,"* and
nature ^ hurts no one indeed, but we ourselves cry out with the Apostle O wretched man :

by falling from on high and tending to the that I am! Who shall deliver me from the
depths are the authors of our own death, or body of this death? Thanks be to God
rather the very fall becomes death to the through our Lord Jesus Christ."® For they
fallen P'or it says: "Woe to them for they feel that they cannot perform the good that
have departed from Me: they shall be wasted they would, but are ever falling into the evil
because they have transgressed against Me ; which they would not, and which they hate,
and again " : Woe to them when 1 shall depart i.e., wandering thoughts and care for carnal
from them." For "thine own wickedness things.
shall reprove thee, and thy apostasy shall re-
buke thee. Know thou and see that it is an
evil and a bitter thing for thee to have left
" "
the Lord thy God for every man is bound ;
" For I
by the cords of his sins."^ To whom this Explanation of the phrase: delight in the law of God
after the inner num," etc
rebuke is aptly directed by the Lord: "Be-
hold," He says, "all you that kindle a fire, And they "delight" indeed "in the law of
encompassed with flames, walk ye in the light God after the inner man," which soars above
of your fire and in the flames which you have
all visible things and ever strives to be united
kindled;" and again: "He that kindleth ini- to God
alone, but they "see another law in
quity, shall perish by it."'
their members," i.e., implanted in their na-
tural human condition, which "resisting the
law of their mind,"' brings their thoughts
CHAPTER X. into captivity to the forcible law of sin, com-
pelling them to forsake that chief good and
How those who are on the way to perfection are truly huntble, submit to
and feel that they always stand in need of God's grace. earthly notions, which though they
may appear necessary and useful when they
When then holy men feel that they are op- are taken up in the interests of some religious
want, when they are set against that good
pressed by the weight of earthly thoughts and which yet fascinates the gaze of all the saints,
fall away from their loftiness of mind, and
are seen by them to be bad and such as should
that they are led away against their will or
rather without knowing it, into the law of sin
be avoided, because by them in some way or
and death, and (to pass over other matters) are other and for a short time they are drawn away
from the joy- of that perfect bliss. For the
kept back by those actions which I described
law of sin is really what the fall of its first
above, which are good and right though earthly,
from the vision of God; they have something father brought on mankind by that
fault of

to groan over constantly to the Lord; they his, against

which there was uttered this sen-
have something for which indeed to humble tence by the most just Judge:
"Cursed is the
ground in thy works; thorns and thistles shall
themselves, and in their contrition to profess
forth to thee, and in the sweat of thy
themselves not in words only but in heart, it bring
and for while brow shalt thou eat bread."' This, I say, is
sinners; this, they continually in the members of all mor-
ask of the Lord's grace pardon for everything the law, implanted
that day by day they commit when overcome tals,
which resists the law of our mind and
it back from the virion of God, and
by the weakness of the flesh, they should shed keeps as the earth is cursed in our works after
without ceasing true tears of penitence as they which, ;
of good and evil, begins to pro-
see that being involved even to the very end the knowledge
of their life in the. very same troubles, with
duce the thorns and thistles of thoughts, by the
continual sorrow for which they are tried, they sharp pricks of
which the natural seeds of vir-
without the sweat of
cannot even offer their prayers without ha- tues are choked, so that
So then as they know by ex- our brow we cannot eat our bread which
rassing thoughts. "
Cometh down from heaven," and which
perience that through the hindrance of the "
burden of the flesh they cannot by human strengtheneth man's heart."* The whole
reach the desired nor be united human race in general therefore is without
strength end,
to this law. For there is
according to their heart's desire with that exception subject who
chief and but that are led no one, however saintly, does not take the
highest good, they
away from the vision of it captive to worldly
* Rom. iv. 5. ' Gen. iii. 17, 19.
Sttb$taHlia, * Hos. vii. 13; Ix. 12; Jer. ii. 19; Prov. v. 22.
* Rom. vii. 34, 25.
• S. John VI. 33; Ps. ciii. (civ.) 15.
* Isa. II Prov. xix. * lb. vii.
1. ; 9. 22, 23.
bread mentioned above with the sweat of his it would have been wrong for Him to have
brow and anxious efforts of his heart. But recalled the blessing of freedom granted,
many rich men, as we see, are fed on that unfair for Him to have by His power op-
common bread without any sweat of their pressed man who was free, and by taking him
brow. captive, not to have allowed him to exercise
the prerogative of the freedom he had received,
as He was reserving his salvation for future
ages, that in due season the fulness of the
Of this also :
" But we know that the law is spiritual," etc. appointed time might be fulfilled. For it was
right that his offspring should remain under
And this law the Apostle also calls spiritual the ancient conditions for so long a time, un-
saying But we know that the law is spiritual,
til by the
price of His own blood the grace of
but I am carnal, sold under sin. "^ For this the Lord redeemed them from their original
law is spiritual which bids us eat in the sweat chains and set them free in the primeval state
of our brow that "true bread which cometh of liberty, though He was able even then to
down from heaven " ^ but that sale under sin save them, but would not, because equity
makes us carnal. What, I ask, or whose is forbade Him to break the terms of His own
that sin? Doubtless Adam's, by whose fall, decree. Would you know the reason for your
and, if I may so say, ruinous transaction and being sold? Hear thy Redeemer Himself
fraudulent bargain we were sold. For when proclaiming openly by Isaiah the prophet:
he was led astray by the persuasion of the ser- "What is this bill of the divorce of your
pent he brought all his descendants under mother with which I have put her away? Or
the yoke of perpetual bondage, as they were who is My creditor to whom I sold you?
alienated by taking the forbidden food. For Behold you are sold for your iniquities and
this custom is generally observed between the for your wicked deeds have I put your mother
buyer and seller, that one who wants to make away. Would you also plainly see why when
himself over to the power of another, receives you were consigned to the yoke of slavery He
from his buyer a price for the loss of his would not redeem you by the might of His
liberty, and his consignment to perpetual own power? Hear what He added to the
slavery. And we can very plainly see that former passage, and how He charges the same
this took place between Adam and the ser- servants of sin with the reason for their volun-
pent. For by eating of the forbidden tree tary sale. Is hand shortened and be- My
he received from the serpent the price of his come little that I cannot redeem, or is there
" ^
liberty, and gave up his natural freedom no strength in to deliver? But what it Me
and chose to give himself up to perpetual is which is always standing in the way of His
slavery to him from whom he had obtained most powerful pity the same prophet shows
the deadly price of the forbidden fruit; and when he says " Behold the hand of the Lord :

thenceforth he was bound by this condition is not shortened that it cannot save, neither
and not without reason subjected all the is His ear heavy that it cannot hear: But your
offspring of his posterity to perpetual service iniquities have divided between you and your
to him whose slave he had become. For God and your sins have hid His face from
what can any marriage in slavery produce but you that He should not hear." *
slaves? What then? Did that cunning and
crafty buyer take away the rights of owner-
ship from the true and lawful lord ? Not so.
For neither did he overcome all God's XIIL CHAPTER
perty by the craft of a single act of deception Of this also " But I know that in
so that the true lord lost his me, that is in my flesh,

rights of owner- dwelleth no good thing."

ship, who though the buyer himself was a
rebel and a renegade,
yet oppressed him with Because then the original curse of God
the yoke of
slavery; but because the Creator has made us carnal and condemned us to
had endowed all reasonable creatures with thorns and thistles, and our father has sold
free will, hewould not restore to their natural us by that unhappy bargain so that we can-
liberty against their will those who contrary not do the good that we would, while we are
to right had sold themselves
by the sin of torn away from the recollection of God Most
greedy lust. Since anything that is contrary High and forced to think on what
belongs to
to goodness and fairness is abhorrent to Him human
weakness, while burning with the love
who is the Author of justice and For of purity, we are often even against our will
Rom. vii. 14. '
S. John vi. 33. ' Isa. * Isa. lix.
1. I, 2. I, 2.


troubled by natural desires, which we would comes like a natural law, which, implanted
rather know nothing about; we know that in in the man's weak members, leads the feel-
our flesh there dwelleth no good thing viz., ings of the soul that is not yet instructed in
the perpetual and lasting peace of this medi- all the pursuits of virtue, but is still, if I may
tation of which we have spoken; but there is say so, of an uninstructed and tender chastity,
brought about in our case that miserable and captive to sin and subjecting, them by an an-
wretched divorce, that when with the mind we cient law to death, brings therh under the yoke
want to serve the law of God, since we never of sin that rules over them, not suffering
want to remove our gaze from the Divine them to obtain the good of purity which they
brightness, yet surrounded as we are by car- love, but rather forcing them to do the evil
nal darkness we are forced by a kind of law which they hate.
of sin to tear ourselves away from the good
which we know, as we fall away from that
lofty height of mind to earthly cares and
thoughts, to which the law of sin, i.e., the
sentence of God, which the first delinquent
The answer to the objection raised.
received, has not without reason condemned
us. And hence it is that the blessed Apostle, Theonas: Your notion does not come to
though he openly admits that he and all saints much as you yourselves have actually now

are bound by the constraint of this sin, yet

begun to maintain that this cannot possibly
boldly asserts that none of them will be con- stand in the person of those who are out and
demned for this, saying: "There is therefore out sinners, but that it properly applies to
now no condemnation to them that are in those who are trying to keep themselves clear
Christ Jesus: for the law of the spirit of life from carnal sins. And since you have already
in Christ Jesus hath set me free from the law
separated these from the number of sinners,
of sin and death,"" i.e., the grace of Christ
it follows that you must shortly admit them
day by day frees all his saints from this law into the ranks of the faithful and holy. For
of sin and death, under which they are con- what kinds of sin do you say that those can
stantly reluctantly obliged to come, whenever commit, from which, if they are involved in
they pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of them after the grace of baptism, they can be
their trespasses. You see then that it was ? or of what
in the person not of sinners but of those who
by the daily grace of Christ
are really saints and perfect, that the blessed
body of death are we to think that the Apostle
said: "Who shall deliver me from the
For body
Apostle gave utterance to this saying :
of this death.'' Thanks be to God through
I do not the good that I would, but the evil
Jesus Christ- our Lord" ?* Is it not clear, as
which I hate, that I do;" and: "I see another truth compels you yourselves also to admit,
,. law in my members resisting the law of my that it is spoken not of those members of capi-
mind and bringing me captive to the law of tal crimes, by which the wages of eternal death
sin which is in my members."'
are gained; viz., murder, fornication, adultery,
drunkenness, thefts and robberies, but of that
body before mentioned, which the daily grace
CHAPTER XIV. of Christ assists? For whoever after baptism
and the knowledge of God falls into that
\n objection, that the saying " For I do not the good that I

death, must know that he will either have

would," etc., applies to the persons neither of unbelievers
nor of saints. to be cleansed, not by the daily grace of
Christ, i.e., an easy forgiveness, which our
Germanus We
say that this does not apply
: Lord when at any moment He is prayed to,
o the persons either of those who are involved is wont to grant to our errors, but by a life-
n capital offences, or of an Apostle and those long affliction of penitence and penal sorrow,
vho have advanced to his measure, but we or else will be hereafter consigned to the pun-
hink that it ought properly to be taken of ishment of eternal fire for them, as the same
hose who after receiving the grace of God Apostle thus declares: "Be not deceived:
nd the knowledge of the truth, are anxious neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulter- ,

o keep themselves from carnal sins but, as ers, nor effeminate, nor defilers of themselves
ncient custom like a natural law rules most with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous per-
orcibly in their members, they are carried sons, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extor-
way to the ingrained lust of their passions. tioners shall possess the kingdom of God."'
or the custom and frequency of sinning be- Or what is that law warring in our members
Cf. Rom. vti. t8. *
Rom. viii. i, i, * Rom. vii. 19. * Rom. vii. 24, 2$, * t Cor. vi. 9, 10.

which resists the law of our mind, and when "O wretched manthat I am," but "Impure,"
it has led us resisting but captives to the law of or "Wicked man that I am," and he would
sin and death, and has made us serve it with wish to be rid not of the body of this death,
the flesh, nevertheless suffers us to serve the i.e., this mortal state, but of the crimes and
law of God with the mind? For I do not misdeeds of this flesh. But because by reason
of his state of human frailty he felt that he
suppose that this law of sin denotes crimes or
can be taken of the offences mentioned above, was captive, i.e., led away to carnal cares
of which if a man is guilty he does not serve and anxieties which the law of sin and death
the law of God with the mind, from which law causes, he groans over this law of sin under
he must first have departed in heart before he which against his will he had fallen, and at
is guilty of any of them with the flesh. For once has recourse to Christ and is saved by
what is it to serve the law of sin, but to the present redemption of His gra^e. What-
do what is commanded by sin? What sort ever of anxiety therefore that law of sin, which
of sin then is it to which so great holiness and naturally produces the thorns and thistles of
perfection feels that it is captive, and yet mortal thoughts and cares, has caused to
doubts not that it will be freed from it by the spring up in the ground of the Apostle's
grace of Christ, saying: "O wretched man breast, that the law of grace at once plucks
that I am! Who shall deliver me from the up. "For the law," says he, "of the spirit of
body of this death? Thanks be to God life in Christ Jesus hath set me free from the
" ^
through Jesus Christ our Lord ? What law, law of sin and death."
I ask, will you maintain to be implanted in
our members, which, withdrawing us from the
law of God and bringing us into captivity to
the law of sin, could make us wretched rather
than guilty so that we should not be consigned
What is the body of sin.
to eternal punishment, but still as it were sigh
for the unbroken joys of bliss, and, seeking
This then is that body of death from which
ior a helper who shall restore us to it, exclaim we cannot escape, pent in which those who
with the Apostle * : O
wretched man that I am !
are perfect, who have tasted "how gracious
Who shall deliver me from the body of this Lord
the is,"''^ daily feel with the prophet
death?" For what is it to be led captive to "how bad for himself and bitter it is for a
the law of sin but to continue to perform and man to depart from the Lord his God."^
commit sin ? Or what other chief good can be This is the body of death which restrains us
given which the saints cannot fulfil, except from the heavenly vision and drags us back
that in comparison with which, as we said
to earthly things, which causes men while
above, everything else is not good? Indeed
singing Psalms and kneeling in prayer to have
we know that many things in this world are their thoughts filled with human figures, or
good, and modesty, continence, so- conversations, or business, or unnecessary
briety, humility, justice, mercy, temperance, actions. This is the body of death, owing
piety but all of these things fail to come up to which those, who would emulate the sanc-

to that chief good, and can be done I

say not tity of angels, and who long to cling contin-
by apostles, but even by ordinary folk; and, ually to God,
those by whom they are not done, are either yet are unable to arrive at the
perfection of this good, because the body of
chastised with eternal punishment, or are set
death stands in their way, but they do the
free by great exertions, as was said above, of
evil that they would not, i. e. they are dragged ,

penitence, and not by the daily grace of down in their minds even to the
Christ. It remains then for us to admit that
things which
have nothing to do with their advance and
this saying of the Apostle is rightly applied
perfection in virtue. Finally that the blessed
only to the persons of saints, who day after denote that he said this
Apostle might clearly
day falling under this law, which we described, of
of sin not of crimes, are secure of their salva- saintly and perfect men, and those like
himself, he in a way points with his finger to
tion and not precipitated into wicked deeds,
himself and at once proceeds " And so I my- :

but, as has often been said, are drawn away

I who say this, lay bare the secrets
from the contemplation of God to the misery self," i.e,
of my own not another's conscience. This
of bodily thoughts, and are often deprived of
mode of speech at any rate the Apostle is
the blessing of that true bliss. For if they
felt that by this law of their members familiarly accustomed to use, whenever he
they wants to point
werQ bound daily to crimes, they would com- " specially to himself, as here :

I, Paul, myself beseech you by the mildness

plain of the loss not of happiness but of inno-
cence, and the Apostle Paul would not say: 1 Rom.
viii. 2. ' Ps. xxxiii.
(xxxiv.) 9.
Jer. ii. 19.
and modesty and again: ''except
of Christ;
perhaps even then he would not have felt the
that myself was
I not burdensome to you ;
uncleanness of his lips, unless it had been
and once more " But be it so I myself did
: :
given him to recognize the true and complete
not burden you;" and elsewhere: "I, Paul, purity of perfection by the vision of God, at
myself say unto you: if ye be circumcised the sight of Whom he suddenly became aware
Christ shall profit you nothing; and to the of his own uncleanness, of which he had pre-
Romans: "For could wish that I myself
I viously been ignorant. For when he says:
were Anathema from Christ for my brethren." * "Woe is me! for I am a man of unclean lips,"
But it cannot unreasonably be taken in this he shows that his confession that follows
way, that "And so I myself" is expressly refers to his own lips, and not to the unclean-
said with emphasis, i.e., 1 whom you know to ness of the people: "and I dwell in the midst
be an Apostle of Christ, whom you venerate of a people of unclean lips." But even when
with the utmost respect, whom you believe to in his prayer he confesses the uncleanness of
be of the highest character and perfect, and all sinners, he embraces in his general sup-
one in whom Christ speaks, though with the plication not only the mass "of the wicked but
mind I serve the law of God, yet with the also of the good, saying Behold Thou art

flesh I confess that I serve the law of sin, i.e., angry, and we have sinned in them we have :

by the occupations of my human condition I been always, and we shall be saved. We are
am sometimes dragged down from heavenly all become as one unclean, and all our right-
to earthly things and the height of my mind is eousnesses as filthy rags."* What, I ask,
brought down to the level of care for humble could be clearer than this saying, in which
matters. And by this law of sin I find that the prophet includes not one only but all our
at every moment I am so taken captive that righteousnesses and, looking round on all
although I persist in my immovable longing things that are considered unclean and disgust-
around the law of God, yet in no way can 1
ing, because he could find nothing
in the life
escape the power of this captivity, unless I of men fouler or more unclean, chose to com-
always fly to the grace of the Saviour. pare them to filthy rags. In vain then is the
sharpness of a nagging objection raised
against this perfectly clear truth, as a little
while back you said If no one is without

sin, then no one is holy; and if no one is holy,

How all the saints have confessed with truth that they were then no one will be saved."' For the puzzle
unclean and sinful. of this question can be solved by the prophet's
testimony. "Behold," he says, "Thou art
And therefore with daily sighs
the saints
and.jye have sinned," i.e., when Thou
grieve over this weakness of their nature and didst reject our pride of heart or our careless-
while they search into their shifting thoughts ness, and
deprive us of Thine aid, at once the
and the secrets and inmost recesses of their of our sins swallowed us up, as if one
conscience, cry out in entreaty: "Enter not should say to the bright substance of the sun I

into judgment with Thy servant, for in

Thyj Behold thou hast set, and at once murky dark-
sight shall no man living be justified;" and! ness covered us. And yet though he here
this: "Who will boast that he hath a chaste and have
says that the saints have sinned,

heart? or who will have confidence that he is not

only sinned but also have always remained
pure from sin?" and again: "There is not in their sins, he does not altogether despair
a righteous man upon earth that doeth good of salvation but adds " In them we have been :

and sinneth not " iind this also " Who know-
; and we shall be saved." This say-

eth his faults ?

" *
And so they have recog- always, and we have
ing: "Behold Thou art angry
nized that man's righteousness is weak and
sinned," I will compare to that one of the
imperfect and always needs God's mercy, so Apostle's: "O wretched man that I am!
that one of those whose iniquities and sins Who shall deliver me from the
body of this
God purged away with the live coal of His death?"
Again this that the prophet sub-
ATord sent from the altar, after that marvellous been always, and
joins: "In them we have
/ision of God, after his view of the Seraphim we shall be
saved," corresponds to the fol-
)n high and the revelation of heavenly
mys- lowing words of the Apostle: "Thanks be to
eries, said: "Woe is me! for I am a man of God In the
through Jesus Christ our Lord."
mclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a same also this passage of the same pro-
)eople of unclean lips."' And I fancy that "
Woe is me for I am a man of uncleanphet : !

lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of

16; Gal. v. 3; Rom. ix. j.
a Cor. X. I ; xii. 13,
' Ps.
cxlii. (cxiiii.) a; Prov. xx. 9; Eccl. vii. ai ; Ps, xviit.
ux.)]}. * Iia. vi.
* Isa. Ixiv.
5, 6.
» Cf. XXII. viii.

unclean lips," seems to agree with the words righteous man upon earth, that doeth good
quoted above O wretched man that I am and sinneth not," ^ i.e., no one ever could or
: !

Who shall deliver me from

the body of this ever will be found on this earth so holy, so
death?" And what follows in the prophet: diligent, so earnest as to be able continually
And behold there flew to me one of the Se- to cling to that true and unique good, and not

raphim, having in his hand a coal (or stone) day after day to feel that he is drawn aside
which he had taken with the tongs from off from it and fails. But still though he main-
the altar. And he touched my mouth and tains that he cannot be free from wrong doing,
said: Lo, with this I have touched thy lips, yet none the less we must not deny that he is
and thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin righteous.
is purged," is just what seems to have fallen
from the mouth of Paul, who says: "Thanks CHAPER XIX.
be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord."
How even in the hour of prayer it is almost impossible to
You see then how all the saints with truth avoid sin.
confess not so much in the person of the
people as in their own that they are sinners, Whoever then ascribes sinlessness to hu-
and yet by no means despair of their salvation, man nature must fight against no idle words
but look for full justification (which they do but the witness and proof of his conscience
not hope that they cannot obtain by virtue of which is on our side, and then only should
the state of human frailty) from the grace and maintain that he is without sin, when he
mercy of the Lord. finds that he is not torn away from this
highest good: nay rather, whoever consider-
ing his own conscience, to say no more, finds
CHAPTER XVI IL that he has celebrated even one single service
without the distraction of a single word or
That even good and holy men are not without sin. deed or thought, may say that he is without
sin. Further because we admit that the dis-
But that no one however holy is in this cursive lightness of the human mind cannot
life free from trespasses and sin, we are told get rid of these idle and empty things, we thus
also by the teaching of the Saviour, who gave consequently confess with truth that we are
His disciples the form of the perfect prayer; not without sin. For with whatever care a
and among those other sublime and sacred man tries tokeep his heart, he can never,
commands, which as they were only given to owing to the resistance of the nature of the
the saints and perfect cannot apply to the flesh, keep it according to the desire of his
wicked and unbelievers. He bade this to be spirit. For however far the human mind may
inserted: "And forgive us our debts as we have advanced and progressed towards a finer
also forgive our debtors."^ If then this is purity of contemplation, so much the more
offered as a true prayer and by saints, as we will it see itself to be unclean, as it were in
ought without the shadow of a doubt to believe, the mirror of its purity, because while the
who can be found so obstinate and impudent, soul raises itself for a loftier vision and as
so puffed up with the pride of the devil's own it looks forth yearns for greater things than it

rage, as to maintain that he is without sin, performs, it is sure always to despise as infe-
and not only to think himself greater than rior and worthless the things in which it is
apostles, but also to charge the Saviour mixed up. Since a keener sight notices more ;

Himself with ignorance or folly, as if He and a blameless life produces greater sorrow
either did not know that some men could be fault with and Amendment of life,
when found ;

free from debts, or was idly and earnest striving after goodness multiplies
teaching those
whom He knew to stand in no need of the groans and sighs. For no one can rest con-
remedy of that prayer? But since all the tent with that stage to which he has advanced,
saints who altogether keep the commands of and however much a man may be purified in
their King, say every day "Forgive us our mind, so much the more does he see himself
debts," if they speak the truth, there is indeed to be foul, and find grounds for humiliation
no one free from sin, but if they speak falsely, rather than for pride, and, however swiftly
it is
equally true that they are not free from he may climb to greater heights, so much
the sin of falsehood. Wherefore also that more does he see above him whither he is
most wise Ecclesiastes reviewing in his mind tending. Finally that chosen Apostle "whom
all the actions and purposes of men declares
Jesus loved,"* who lay on His bosom, uttered
without any exception: "that there is not a this saying as if from the heart of the Lord :

1 2 ' *
Isa. vi. 6, 7. S. Matt. vi. 12. Eccl. vii. 21. S. John xiii. 23.

"If we say that we have no sin we deceive more eagerly hasten to it for the healing of
ourselves and the truth is not in us." ^ And our soul, and purifying of our spirit, and seek
so if when we say that we have no sin, we the rather a remedy for our wounds with hu-
have not the truth, that is Christ, in us, what mility of mind and faith, as considering our-
good do we do except to prove ourselves by selves unworthy to receive so great grace.
this very profession, criminals and wicked Otherwise we cannot worthily receive the
among sinners? Communion even once a year, as some do,
who live in monasteries and so regard the
dignity and holiness and value of the heavenly
CHAPTER XX. sacraments, as to think that none but saints
and spotless persons should venture to receive
From whom we them, and not rather that they would make
can learn the destruction of sin and perfection
of goodness.
us saints and pure by taking them. And these
thereby fall into greater presumption and
Lastly" if you would like to investigate
arrogance than what they seem to themselves
more thoroughly whether it is possible for hu- to
avoid, because at the time when they do
man nature to attain sinlessness, from whom receive
them, they consider that they are
can we more clearly learn this than from those
worthy to receive them. But it is much
who "have crucified the flesh with its faults better to receive them
and and to whom "the world is every Sunday for the
lusts," really healing of our infirmities, with that
" humility
crucified ?
though they have not only of heart, whereby we believe and confess that
utterly eradicated all faults from their hearts, we can never touch those holy mysteries
but also are trying to shut out even the
worthily, than to be puffed up by a foolish
thought and recollection of sin, yet still day persuasion of heart, and believe that at the
after day faithfully maintain that they cannot
year's end we are worthy to receive them.
even for a single hour be free from spot of Wherefore that we may be able to grasp this
and hold it fruitfully, let us the more ear-
nestly implore the Lord's mercy to help us to
perform this, which is learnt not like other
CHAPTER XXI. human arts, by some previous verbal explana-
tion, but rather by experience and action
That although we acknowledge that we cannot be without sin,
yet still we ought not to suspend ourselves from the Lord's leading the way; and which also unless it is
Communion. often considered and hammered out in the
Conferences of spiritual persons, and an-
Yet we ought not to suspend ourselves xiously sifted by daily experience and trial of
from the Lord's Communion because we con- it, will -either become obsolete through care-
fess ourselves sinners, but should more and lessness or perish by idle forgetfulness.




CHAPTER I. mystically corresponds to that of the four and

twenty Elders who are said in the holy Apo-
How we laid bare the secrets of our thoughts to Abbot calypse^ to offer their crowns to the Lamb,
Abraham. we think that we shall have paid the debt of
all our promises. And henceforth if these
This twenty-fourth Conference of Abbot- four and twenty Elders of ours have been
Abraham ' is by the favour of Christ
produced, crowned with any glory for the sake of their
which concludes the traditions and decisions teaching, they shall with bowed heads offer it
of all the Elders; and when by the aid of your to the Lamb who was slain for the salvation
prayers it has been finished, as the number of the world for He it was Who vouschafed

> * Gal. v. 34; • Cf. the note on XV. *

I John i. 8. vi. 14. iv. Rev. iv. 4.

for the honour of His name to grant to them would have been buried and altogether driven
such exalted feelings and to us whatever out of your hearts, if you had got hold of the
words were needful to set forth such profound right method of renunciation, and the main
thoughts. And the merits of His gift must reason for the solitude in which we dwell.
be referred to the Author of all good, to whom And so I see that you are labouring under
the more is owed, as the more is paid. There- that infirmity of sluggishness, which is thus
fore with anxious confession we laid before described in Proverbs Every sluggard is

this Abraham the impulse of our thoughts, always desiring something;" and again:
whereby we were urged by daily perplexities "Desires kill the slothful."* For in our case
of our mind to return to our country and re- too these supplies of worldly conveniences,
visit our kinsfolk. For from this the greatest which you have described, would not be want-
reason for our desire sprang, because we re- ing, if we believed that they were appropriate
membered that our kinsfolk were endowed to our calling, or thought that we could get
with such piety and goodness that we felt sure out of those delights and pleasures as much
that they would never interfere with our pur- profit as that which is gained from this squalor
pose, and we constantly reflected, that we of the country and bodily affliction. Nor are
should gain more good out of their earnest- we so deprived of the solace of our kinsfolk,
ness, and should be hampered by no cares that those who delight to support us with their
about bodily matters, and no trouble in pro- substance should fail us, were it not that this
viding food, as they would gladly minister saying of the Saviour meets us and excludes
abundantly to the supply of all our wants, and everything that contributes to the support of
besides this we were feeding our souls on the this flesh, as He says: "He who doth not
hope of empty joys, as we thought that we leave (or hate) father and mother and child-
should gain the greatest good from the con- ren and brethren cannot be My disciple."*
version^ of many, who were to be turned to But if we were altogether deprived of the pro-
the way of salvation by our example and in- tection of our parents, the services of the
structions. Then besides this the very spot, princes of this world would not be wanting,
where was the ancestral possession of our as they would most thankfully rejoice to
forefathers, and the delightful pleasantness of minister to our necessities with prompt liber-
the neighbourhood was painted before our ality. And supported by their bounty, we
eyes, how pleasantly and suitably it stretched should be free from the care of preparing
away to the desert, so that the recesses of the food, were it not that this curse of the prophet
woods would not only delight the heart of terribly frightened us. For "Cursed," he
a monk, but would also furnish him with a says, "is the man that putteth his
" hope in
plentiful supply of food.^ And when we ex- man;" and: Put not your trust in princes."^
plained all this to the aforesaid old man, in We should also at any rate place our cells on
a straightforward way, according to the faith the banks of the river Nile and have water
of our consience, and showed
by our copious at our very doors, so as not to be obliged
tears that we could no longer resist the vio- to
carry it on our necks for four miles, were it
lence of the impulse, unless the grace of God not that the blessed Apostle rendered us inde-
came to our rescue by the healing which he fatigable in. enduring this labour, and cheered
could give, he waited for a long time in silence us by his words, "
saying Every one shall re- :

and at last sighed deeply and said ceive his own reward according to his labour." ®

Nor are we ignorant that there are even in our

country some pleasant recesses, where plenty
CHAPTER 11. of fruits, and pleasant gardens, and fertile
ground would furnish the food we need with
How the old man exposed our errors. the slightest bodily efforts on our
part, were it
not that we were afraid lest that reproach
The feebleness of your ideas shows that might
apply to us, which is directed against the rich
you have not yet renounced worldly desires man in the gospel " Because thou hast received

nor mortified your former lusts. For as the ^

thy consolation in this life." But as we des-
wandering character of your desires testifies pise all these things and scorn them together
to the sloth of your heart, this
pilgrimage and with all the pleasures of this world, we
absence from your kinsfolk, which
you ought only in this squalor, and prefer to all luxuries
rather to endure with
your heart, you do en- this dreadful and vast desert, and cannot
dure only with the flesh. For all these things compare any riches of a fertile soil to these
Petschenig's text reads conversione, others conversatione. '
Prov. •
* On the bearing of this passage on the question of Cassian's xiii. 4 ; xxi. 25. I Cor. iii. 8.
* S. Luke '
xiv. 26. S. Luke xvi. 25.
nationality see the Introd. p. 183. 5
Jer. xvii. 5 Ps. cxlv. (cxlvi.)
; 2.

barren sands, as we pursue no temporal gains rion.* For though they are separated from
of this body, but the eternal rewards of the all the cities and dwellings of men by a longer
spirit. For it is but little for a monk to have stretch of desert than the wilderness of Scete
once made his renunciation, i.e., in the early- (since by penetrating seven or eight days'
days of his conversion to have disregarded the journey into the recesses of the vast wilder-
present world, unless he continues to renounce ness, they scarcely arrive at their hiding places
it daily. For to the very end of this life we and cells) yet because there they are devoted
must with the prophet say this: "And I have to agriculture and not in the least confined to
not desired the day of man. Thou knowest."^ the cloister, whenever they come to these
Wherefore also the Lord says in the gospel :
squalid districts in which we are living, or to
"If any man will come after Me, let him Scete, they are annoyed by such harassing
deny himself and take up his cross daily and thoughts and such anxiety of mind that, as if
follow Me. "» they were beginners and men who had never
given the slightest attention to the exercises
CHAPTER III. of solitude, they cannot endure the life of the
cells and the peace and quietness of them,
Of the character of the districts which anchorites ought to and are at once driven forth and
obliged to
leave them, as if they were inexperienced and
For they have not learnt to still the
And therefore by him who is exercising novices. motions of the inner man, and to quell the
anxious care over the purity of his inner man,
those districts should be sought, which do not tempests
of their thoughts
by anxious care and
their fruitfulness and invite his persevering efforts, as, toiling day after day
by fertility in work in the open air, they are moving about
mind to the trouble of cultivating them, nor
all day long in empty space, not only in the

drive him forth from his fixed and immovable

flesh but also in heart j

and pour forth their

position in his cell, and force him to go forth

to some work in the open air, and so, his thoughts openly as the body moves hither and
thither. And therefore they do not notice the

thoughts being as it were poured forth openly,

scatter to the winds all his concentration of folly of their mind in longing for many things,
nor can they put a check upon its vague dis-
mind and all the keenness of his vision of his
aim. And this cannot be guarded against or cursiveness; and as they cannot bear sorrow
of spirit they think that the fact of a continu-
seen by anyone at all however careful and
ance of silence is unendurable, and those who
watchful, except one who continually keeps
are never tired
by hard work
in the country,
his body and soul shut up and enclosed in
are beaten by silence and worn out by the
walls, that, like a splendid fisherman, looking of their rest.
out for food for himself by the apostolic art, length
he may eagerly and without moving catch the
swarms of thoughts swimming in the calm V. CHAPTER
depths of his heart, and surveying with cu-
rious eye the depths as from a high rock, may That anxiety of heart is made worse rather than better by
sagaciously and cunningly decide what he
restlessness of body.

ought to lure to himself by his saving hook,

and what he can neglect and reject as bad and Nor is it wonderful if one who lives in a
cell, having his thoughts collected together as
nasty fishes.
it were in a narrow cloister, is oppressed
by a
CHAPTER IV. multitude of anxieties, which break out with
the man himself from the confinement of the
What sorts of worlc should be chosen by solitaries. dwelling, and at once dash here and there like
wild horses. But while they are now roaming
Everyone therefore who constantly perse- at large from their stalls, for the moment
veres in this watchfulness will effectually ful- some short and sad solace is enjoyed: but
fil what is very plainly expressed by the when, after the body has returned to its own
prophet Habakkuk: "I will stand upon my cell, the whole troop of thoughts retires again
watch, and ascend upon the rock, and will to its proper home, the habit of chronic licence
look out to see what He shall say to me, and gives rise to worse pangs. Those then who
what I may answer to Him that reproveth are unable and ignorant how to struggle
me. ' And how difficult and tiresome this is, against the promptings of their own fancies,
is very clearly shown by the experience of those when they are harassed in their cell, by
who live in the desert of Calamus or Porphy- accidie attacking their bosom more violently

» « S. Luke » Hab. *
Jer. xvU. i6. ix. aj. ii. i. (LXX.). Cf. Institutes X. xxiv.
than usual, if they relax their strict rule and CHAPTER VII.
allow themselves the liberty of going out
oftener, will arouse a worse plague against A question why the neighbourhood of our kinsfolk is considered
themselves by means of this which they fancy to interfere with us, whereas it does not interfere in the case
of those living in Egypt.
is a remedy: just as men fancy that they can
check the violence of an inward fever by a
Germanus It is a very useful and needful

draught of the coldest water, though it is a rule that is

fact that by it its fire is inflamed rather than given for the kind of works that
as a worse attack
can be done within the cells. For we have
quenched, far follows after
often proved the value of this not only by the
the momentary alleviation.
example of your holiness, based on the imita-
tion of the virtues of the apostles, but also by
our own experience. But it is not sufficiently
CHAPTER VI. clear why we ought so thoroughly to avoid the
neighbourhood of our kinsfolk, which you did
A comparison showing how a monk ought to keep gu;lard over not reject altogether. For if we see you,
his thoughts.
blamelessly walking in all the way of perfec-
tion, and not only dwelling in your own
Wherefore a monk's whole attention
country but some of you having not even re-
should thus be fixed on one point, and the tired far from their own
village, why should
rise and circle of all his thoughts be vigor- that which
does not hurt you be considered
ously restricted to it; viz., to the recollection bad for us ?
of God, as when a man, who is anxious to
raise on high a vault of a round arch, must
constantly draw a line round from its exact
centre, and in accordance with the sure stand- The answer that all things are not suitable for all men."
ard it gives discover by the laws of building
all the evenness and roundness
required. But Abraham Sometimes we see bad prece-

anyone tries to finish without ascertain- dents taken from good things. For if a man
ing its centre
— it

though with the utmost confi- ventures to do the same thing as another, but
dence in his art and ability, it is impossible not with the same mind and purpose, or not
for him to keep the circumference even, with- with equal goodness, he will immediately fall
out any error, or to find out simply by looking into the snares of deception and death through
at it how much he has taken off the very things from which others gain the
by his mistake
from the beauty of real roundness, unless he fruit of eternal life As that strong armed :

always has recourse to that test of truth and matched with the warlike giant in the combat
by its decision corrects the inner and outer would certainly have found, if he* had been
edge of his work, and so finishes the large clad in the heavy armour of Saul fit only for
and lofty pile to the exact point. ^ So also men and that by which one of stronger age

our mind, unless by working round the love would have laid low countless hosts of foes,
of the Lord alone as an would only have brought certain danger to the
immovably fixed
centre, through all the circumstances of our stripling, had he not with prudent discretion
works and contrivances, it either fits or chosen the sort of weapons suitable to his
the character of all our thoughts
by the excel- youth, and armed himself against his foul foe
lent compasses, if I
may so say, of love, not with breastplate and shield, with which
will never by excellent skill build he saw that others were
up the equipped, but with
structure of that spiritual edifice of which those weapons with which he was able to
Paul is the architect, nor possess that beauti- fight. Wherefore it is right for each one of
ful house, which the blessed David desired us first to consider
carefully the measuije of
in his heart to show to the Lord and said: " I his powers and in accordance with its
have loved the beauty of Thine house and the to choose what system he pleases, because
place of the dwelling of Thy glory; "^ but though all are good, yet all things cannot be
will without
foresight raise in his heart a fit for all men. For we do not assert that be-
house that is not beautiful, and that is un- cause the anchorite's life is good, it is there-
worthy of the Holy Ghost, one that will pres- fore suited for everybody for by many it is :

ently fall, and so will receive no glory from felt to be not only useless, but even injurious.
the reception of the blessed Nor because we are right in
Inhabitant, but taking up the
will be of the coenobium and the
miserably destroyed by the fall of his system pious and
building. praiseworthy care of the brethren, do we there-
fore consider that it
ought to be followed by
Unius puncti lege. ' Ps.
XXV. (xxvi.) 8. So also the fruits of the care of

strangers are verj' plentiful, but this cannot be alone, Abbot Apollos stolidly replied to his
taken up by everybody without loss of pa- 1 entreaties:
Why did you not ask our younger
tience. Further, the systems of your country

brother who was nearer to you as you passed

and of this must first be weighed against each '

by than I ? and when the other, thinking that

other and then the powers of men gathered

he had forgotten the death of his brother who

from the constant occurrence of their virtues had been long ago buried, and that he was
or vices must be severally weighed in the op- 1
almost weak in his mind from excessive abstin-
posite scales. For it may happen that what ; ence and continual solitude, replied: "How
is difficult or impossible for a man of one could I summon one who died fifteen years
Abbot Apollos said: " Don't you know

nation in the case of others is somehow


turned by ingrained habit into nature: just as that I too have been dead to this world for
some nations, separated by a wide difference \
twenty years, and that I can't from my tomb
of region, can bear tremendous force of cold .
in this cell give you any assistance in what
or heat of the sun without any covering of the belongs to the affairs of this present life?

body, which certainly others who have no ex- And

Christ is so far from allowing me ever so
little to relax my purpose of mortification on
perience of that inclement sky, could not pos-
sibly endure, however strong they may be. which I have entered, for extricating your ox,
So also do you who with the utmost efforts of that He did not even permit the very shortest

mind and body are trying in this district to intermission of it for my father's funeral,
get the better of the nature of your country in which would have been undertaken much more

many respects, diligently consider whether readily properly and piously. And so do ye
in those regions which, as report says, are now search out the secrets of your breast and
frozen, and bound by the cold of excessive carefully consider whether you also can con-

unbelief, you could endure this nakedness, if' tinually preserve such strictness of mind with
may so term it. For to us the fact that our regard to your kinsfolk, and when you find
holy life isjof long standing has almost natu- that you are like him in this mortification of
rally imparted this fortitude in our purpose, soul, then at last you may know that in the
and if we see that you are our equals in virtue same way the neighbourhood of your kinsfolk
and constancy, you in like manner need not and brothers will not hurt you, when, I mean,

shun the neighbourhood of your kinsfolk and you hold that though they are very close to
brethren. you, you are dead to them, in such a way
that you suffer neither them to be benefited
IX. by your assistance, nor yourselves to be re-
laxed by duties towards them.
That those need not fear the neighbourhood of their kinsfolk,
who can emulate the mortification of Abbot Apollos.

But that you may be able fairly to measure X. CHAPTER

the amount
of your strength by a certain test A
question whether it is bad for a monk to have his wants
ot strictness I will point out to you what supplied by his kinsfolk.
Aras done by a certain old man; viz.. Abbot
^ Germanus: On this subject you have cer-
\pollos that if your secret scrutiny of your
leart decides that you are not behind this tainly left no room for any further uncertainty.
nan in purpose and goodness, you may ven- For we are sure that we cannot possibly keep
ure on remaining in your country and living up our present wretched garb, or our daily go-
lear your kinsfolk without detriment to your ing barefoot in their neighbourhood, and that
there we should not even procure with the
)urpose or injury to your mode of life, and be
ure that neither the feeling of nearness nor same labour what is necessary for our suste-
our love for the district can interfere with nance, as here we are actually obliged to
he strictness of this humble lot,' which not fetch our water on our necks for three miles.
For shame on our part as well as on theirs

nly your own will but the needs also of your

would not in the least allow us to do this be-
] ilgnmage enforce upon you in this country.

Vhen then his own brother had come to this fore them. However how will it hurt our plan
< Id man, whom we have mentioned, in the of life if we are altogether set free from anxiety
on the score of preparing our food, by being
< ead of
night, begging him to come out for a
1 ttle while from his monastery, to help him supplied by
them with all things, and so give
t ) rescue an ox, which as he sadly complained ourselves up simply to reading and prayer,
1 ad stuck in the mire of a swamp a little way that by the removal of that labour with which
( fT, because he could not possibly rescue it we are now distracted we may devote our-
selves more earnestly to spiritual interests
Cf. the note on II. xiii. *
Cf. the note on XIX. iii. alone?
also for those who were prevented by neces-
sary duties with regard to his ministry, say-
ing Ye yourselves know that these hands

The answer stating what Saint Antony laid down on this have ministered to
matter. my necessities and to the
necessities of those who were with me.
Abraham: I will not give you my own to show that he did this as a pattern to be
useful to us he says elsewhere: 'We were not
opinion against this, but that of the blessed
idle among. you; neither did we eat any man's
Antony, whereby he confounded the laziness
of a certain brother (overcome by this luke- bread for nothing, but in labour and in toil we
warmness which you describe) in such a way worked night and day lest we should be char-
as also to cut the knot of your subject. For geable to any of you. Not as if we had not
when one came as I said to the aforesaid old power; but that we might give ourselves a "^

man, and said that the Anchorite was pattern unto you, to imitate us."
not at all to be admired, declaring that it
required greater virtue for a man to practise
what belongs to perfection living among men CHAPTER XII.
rather than in the desert, the blessed Antony
asked where he lived himself, and when he Of the value of work and the harm of idleness.

said that he lived close to his relations, and

boasted that by their provision he was set free And so though we also might have the pro-
from all care and anxiety of daily work, and tection of our kinsfolk, yet we have preferred
gave himself up ceaselessly and solely to read- this abstinence to all riches, and have chosen
ing and prayer without any distraction of to procure our daily bodily sustenance by our
spirit, once more the blessed Antony said : own exertions rather than rely on the sure
Tell me, my good friend, whether you grieve provision made by our relations, having less in-
with their griefs and misfortunes, and in the clination for idle meditation on holy Scripture
same way rejoice in their good fortune ? " He of which you have spoken, and that fruit-
confessed that he shared in them both. To less attendance to reading than to this labor-
whom the old man: ''You should know," said ious poverty, ^nd certainly we should most
he, "that in the world to come also you will gladly pursue the former, if the authority of
be judged in the lot of those with whom in the apostles had taught us by their examples
this life you have been affected by sharing in that it was better for us, or the rules of the
their gain or loss, or joy or sorrow." And Elders had laid it down for our good. But
not satisfied with this statement the blessed you must know that you are affected by this
Antony entered on a still wider field of dis- no less than by that harm of which I spoke
cussion, saying:"This mode of life and this above, because though your body may be sound
most lukewarm condition not only strike you and lusty, yet you are supported by another's
with that damage of which I spoke (though contributions, a thing which properly belongs
you do not feel it now, when somehow you only to the feeble. For certainly the whole
say in accordance with that saying in Proverbs : human race, except only that class of monks,
'They strike me but I am not grieved and : who live in accordance with the Apostle's
they mocked me but I knew it not; or this command by the daily labours of their own

that is said in the Prophet: 'And strangers hands, looks for the charity of another's com-
have devoured his strength, but he himself passion. Wherefore it is clear that not only
knew it
not'^), because day after day they those who boast that they themselves are sup-
ceaselessly drag down your mind to earthly ported either by the wealth of their relations
things, and change it in accordance with the or the labours of their servants or the produce
variations of chance; but also because they of their farms, but also the kings of this world
defraud you of the fruits of your hands and are supported by charity. This at any rate is
the due reward of your own exertions, as embraced in the definition of our predeces-
do not suffer you to be supported by what these sors, who have laid down that anything that
supply, or to procure your daily food for your- is taken for the requirements of daily food
self with your own hands, which has not been procured and prepared by
according to the rule
of the blessed Apostle, as he when the labour of our own hands, ought to be re-
giving his
toj charity, as the Apostle teaches, who
last charge to the heads of the Church of ferred
Ephesus, asserts that though he was occupied altogether forbids the help of another's bounty
with the sacred duties of preaching the gos- "
to the idle and says If a man does not

pel yet he provided not only for himself, but work, neither let him eat."' These words
1 Prov. xxiii. 35 (LXX.); Hos. vii. 9. '
Acts XX. 34 ; 2 Thess. 3 2 Thess. iii. 10.
the blessed Antony used against some one, and tiny bit of meat all the shillings that he had
instructed us also by the example of his teach- gained, and did not take home a surplus of
ing, to shun the pernicious allurements of our even a single penny. And when he saw that
relations and of all who provide the needful his gains were thus used up every day so that
charity for our food as well as the delights of he not only failed to put by anything but could
a pleasant home, and to prefer to all the scarcely get what he required for his daily
wealth of this world sandy wastes horrid with food, he thought over the matter with himself
the barrenness of nature, and districts over- and said: *I will go back to my city, and once
whelmed by living incrustations, and for that more seek those very moderate profits, from
reason subject to no control or dominion of which, when all my bodily wants were satis-
man, so that we should not only avoid the fied,a daily surplus gave a growing sum to
society of men for the sake of a pathless support my old age; which, though it seemed
waste, but also that the character of a fruitful small and trifling, yet by being constantly
soil may never entice us to the distractions of increased was amounting to no slight sum. In
cultivating it, whereby the mind would be re- fact that gain of coppers was more profitable
called from the chief service of the heart, and to me than is this nominal one of shillings
rendered useless for spiritual aims. from which not only is there nothing over to
be laid by, but the necessities of my daily
food are scarcely met. And therefore it

is better for us with unbroken continuance

CHAPTER XIII. to aim at this very slender profit in the desert,

from which no secular cares, no worldly
A story of a barber's payments, introduced for the sake of no pride of vainglory and vanity
recognizing the devil's illusions. can detract, and which the pressure of no
daily wants can lessen (for "a small thing
For as you hope that you can save others that the righteous hath is better than great
also, and are eager to return to your country "
riches of the ungodly *) rather than to pursue
with the hope of greater gain, hear also on this those larger profits which even if they are
subject a story of Abbot Macarius, very neatly procured by the most valuable conversion of
and prettily invented, which he also gave to a
many, are yet absorbed by the claims of secu-
man in a tumult of similar desires, to cure lar life and the daily leakage of distractions.
him by a most appropriate story. "There For, as Solomon says,
Better is a single
was," said he, in a certain city a very clever handful with rest than both hands full with
barber, who used to shave everybody for three labour and vexation of mind." ' And in these
pence and by getting this poor and wretched allusions and inconveniences all that are at all
sum for his work, out of this same amount used weak are sure to be entangled, as while they
to procure what was required for his daily are even doubtful of their own salvation, and
food, and after having taken all care of his themselves stand in need of the teaching and
body, used every day to put a hundred pence instruction of others, they are incited
into his pocket. JJut while he was diligently
by the
devil's tricks to convert and guide otners,
imassing this gain, he heard that in a city a and
as, even if they succeed in gaining any
long way off each man paid the barber a shil- advantage from the conversion of some, they
ing as his pay. And when he found this out, waste by their impatience and rude manners
how long,' said he, 'shall I be satisfied with whatever they have gained. For that will
his beggary, so as to get with my labour a
happen to them which is described by the
)ay of three pence, when by going thither I prophet Haggai: "And he that gathereth
night amass riches by a large gain of shil- riches, putteth them into a bag with holes."'
And so at once taking with him the For indeed a man
puts his gains into a bag
mplements of his art, and using up in the ex- with holes, if he loses by want of self con-
>ense all that he had got together and saved trol and
daily distractions of mind whatever he
luring a long time, he made his way with appears to gain by the conversion of others.

reat difficulty to that most lucrative city. And so it results that while
they fancy that
.vnd there on the day of his arrival, he re- can make the instruction
they larger profits by
< eived from everyone the pay for his labour in of
others, they are actually deprived of their
i ccordance with what he had heard, and at own For "There are who
( ventide seeing that he had gained a large make themselves out rich
though possessing
umber of shillings he went in delight to the
nothing, and there are who humble them-

1 utcher's to buy the food he wanted for his selves amid "
and: "Better is a
great riches;
apper. And when he began to purchase it
1 )r a
large sum of shillings he spent on a » P«. xxxW.
(xxxvii.) i6.
» Eccl. ir. 6. »
Hag. 6. i.

man who serves himself in a humble station name of the fault is given to it in accordance
than one who gains honour for himself and with the part affected. For if the plague of
" ^ sin has infested its rational parts, it will
wanteth bread.
produce the sins of vainglory, conceit, envy,
pride, presumption, strife, heresy. If it has
CHAPTER XIV. wounded the irascible feelings, it will give
birth to rage, impatience, sulkiness, accidie,
A question how such wrong notions can creep into us. pusillanimity and cruelty. If it has affected
that part which is subject to desire, it will be
Germanus: Very aptly has your discussion the parent of gluttony, fornication, covet-
shown the error of these illusions by this il- ousness, avarice, and noxious and earthly
lustration: but we should like in the same desires.
way to be taught its origin and how to cure it,
and we are equally anxious to learn how this CHAPTER XVI.
deception has taken hold of us. For every-
body must see that no one at all can apply That the rational part of our soul is corrupt.
remedies to ill health except one who has
already diagnosed the actual origin of the And therefore if you want to discover the
disease. source and origin of this fault, you must
recognize that the rational part of your mind
CHAPTER XV. and soul is corrupt, that part namely from
which the faults of presumption and vainglory
The answer on the threefold movement of the soul. for the most part spring. Further this first
member, so to speak, of your soul must be
Abraham Of all faults there is one source healed
by the judgment of a right discretion

and origin, but different names are assigned and the virtue of
humility, as when it is
to the passions and corruptions in accord-
injured, while you fancy that you can not
ance with the character of that part, or mem-
only still scale the heights of perfection but
ber, if I may so call it, which has been
actually teach others, and hold that you are
injuriously affected in the soul As is some- capable and sufficient to instruct others,

times also shown by the case of bodily dis-

through the pride of Vainglory you are carried
eases, in which though the cause is one and the
away by these vain rovings, which your con-
same, yet there is a division into different fession discloses. And these you will then
kinds of maladies in accordance with the be able to
get rid of without difficulty, if you
nature of the member affected. For when the are established as I said in the
humility of
violence of a noxious moisture has seized on true discretion and learn with sorrow of heart
the body's citadel, i.e., the head, it brings how hard and difficult a
thing it is for each of
about a feeling of headache, but when it us to save his
soul, and admit with the inmost
affects the ears or eyes, it passes into the
feelings of your heart that you are not only
malady of earache or ophthalmia: when it far removed from that pride of teaching, but
spreads to the joints and the extremities of that
the hands it is called the gout in the joints or of a
you are actually still in need of the help
hands but when it descends to the extremities

of the feet, its name is changed and it is

termed podagra: and the noxious moisture
which is originally one and the same is How the weaker part of the soul is the first to yield to the
described by as many names as there are se- devil's temptations.

parate members which it affects. In the same

way to pass from visible to invisible things, You should then apply to this member or
we should hold that the tendency to each fault part of the soul which we have described as
exists in the parts and, if I may use the ex- particularly wounded, the remedy of true
And, as some humility: for as, so far as appears,
it is
pression, members of our soul.
weaker than the other powers of the soul in
very wise men have laid down that its powers
are threefold, either what is i-oyixdv, i.e., rea- you, it is sure to be the first to yield to the
sonable, or dvuixot', i.e., or im assaults of the devil.
As when some injuries
OvuriTixof, i.e., subject to desire, sure to come upon us, which are caused either by toil
be troubled by some assault. When then the laid upon us or by a bad atmosphere, it is
force of noxious passion takes possession generally the case in the bodies of men that
of anyone by reason of these those which are the weaker are the first to
feelings, the
give in and yield to those chances, and when
1 Prov. xiii.
7 xii. g.;
the disease has more particularly laid hold

of them, it affects the sound parts of the body mind which was subject to desire, when he
also with the same mischief, so also, when said: "Command that these stones be made
the pestilent blast of sin breathes over us bread;" the part subject to wrath, when he
the soul of each one of us is sure to be tried to incite Him to seek the power of the
tempted above all by that passion, in the case present life and the kingdoms of this world;
of which its feebler and weaker portion does the reasonable part when he said: "If
not make so stubborn
a resistance to the pow- Thou art the Son of God cast Thyself down
erful attacks of the foe,and to run the risk of from hence."* And in these his deception
being taken captive by those, in the case of availed nothing for this reason because he
which a careless watch opens an easier way found that there was nothing damaged in
to betrayal. For so Balaam ^ gathered that Him, in accordance with the supposition
God's people could be by a sure method which he had formed from a false idea.
deceived, when he advised, that in that quar- Wherefore no part of His soul yielded when
ter, wherein he knew that the children of tempted by the wiles of the foe, For lo," He
Israel were weak, the dangerous snares should saith, "the prince of this world cometh and
be set for them, as he had no doubt that when shall find nothing in Me."'
supply of women was offered to them, they
and be destroyed by forni-
,vould at once fall
because he was aware that the parts of
heir souls which were subject to desire were
corrupted. So then the spiritual wicked- A question whether we should be drawn back to our country
by a proper desire for greater silence.
nesses tempt with crafty malice each one of
us, by particularly laying insidious snares for Germanus
other kinds of illusions :
ihose affections of the soul, in which they
which by the vain
and mistakes on our part,
1 ave seen that it is weak, as for instance, if
promise of spiritual advantages have fired us
bey see that the reasonable parts of our soul with a longing for our country (as your holi-
r re affected, they try to deceive us in the ness has discovered by the keen insight of
eime way that the Scripture tells us that king
.ihab was deceived by those Syrians, who your mind), this stands out as the principal
reason, that sometimes we are beset by our
Slid: "We know that the kings of Israel are
brethren and cannot possibly continue in un-
1 lerciful And so let us put sackcloth upon

broken solitude and continual silence, as we

( ur loins, and ropes round our heads, and go
should like. And by this the course and
cut to the king of Israel, and say to him:
measure of our daily abstinence, which we
hy servant Benhadad saith I pray thee, let :

want to maintain undisturbed for the

riy soul live." And thereby he was affected always of our body, is sure to be inter-
no true but chastening
by goodness, by the empty praise fered with on the arrival of some of the breth-
o" his clemency, and said: "If he still liveth,
" ren. And this we certainly feel would never
h ; is my brother; and after this fashion they
happen in our own country, where it is im-
c in deceive us also by the error of that rea-
possible to find anyone, or scarcely anyone
sonable part, and make us incur the displeas-
who adopts this manner of life.
u e of God owing to that from which we were
h )ping that we might gain a reward and re-
C( ive the recompense of goodness, and to us

t( the same rebuke may be addressed

Be- :
c: use thou hast let go from
thy hand a man The answer on the devil's because he us the illusion, promises
w was worthy of death, thy life shall be for
lo peace of a vaster solitude.
h > life, and thy people for his people.'"* Or
w len the unclean spirit says " I will go forth, : Abraham : Never to be resorted to by men
ai d will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all at all is a sign of an unreasonable and ill-
h; prophets,"* he certainly spread the nets
> considered strictness, or rather of the great-
oi deception by means of the reasonable feel- est coldness. For if a man walks in this way,
in ^ which he knew to be exposed to his deadly on which he has entered, with too slow steps,
w les. And this also the same spirit expected and lives according to the former man, it is
in the case of our Lord, when he tempted right that none I
say not of the saints but — —
H m in these three affections of the soul, of any men should visit him. But you, if you
wl erein he knew that all mankind had been are inflamed with true and perfect love of our
ta en captive, but gained nothing by his crafty Lord, and follow God, who indeed is love,
wi es. For he approached that portion of his with entire fervour of spirit, are sure to be
C Numb. xxiv. * i Kings xx. 31, 33, 42.
* 1
Kings xxii. 33. * S. Matt. iv. 3, 6. * S. John xiv. 30.

resorted to to whatever inaccessible

by men, experience and perfection, that unless the
and, in proportion as the strain and tension of their mind is lessened
spot you may flee,
ardour of divine love brings you nearer to by the relaxation of some changes, they fall
God, so will a larger concourse of saintly either into coldness of spirit, or at any rate
brethren flock to you. For, as the Lord says, into a most dangerous state of bodily health.
"A city set on an hill cannot be hid,"^ be- And therefore when there occur even frequent
cause "them that love Me," saith the Lord, visits from the brethren they should not only
"will I honour, and they that despise Me be patiently put up with, but even gratefully
shall be contemned."^ But you ought to welcomed by those who are wise and perfect ;

know that this is the subtlest device of the first because they stimulate us always to de-

devil, this is his best concealed pitfall, into sire with greater eagerness the retirement of
which he precipitates some wretched and the desert (for somehow while they are thought
heedless persons, so that, while he is pro- to impede our progress, they really maintain
it unwearied and unbroken, and if it was never
mising them greater things, he takes away the
requisite advantages of their daily profit, by hindered by any obstacles, it would not endure
persuading them that more remote and vaster to the end with unswerving perseverance),
deserts should be sought, and by portraying next because they give us the opportunity of
them in their heart as if they were sown with refreshing the body, together with the advan-
marvellous delights. And further some un- tages of kindness, and at the same time with
known and non-existent fepots, he feigns to be a most delightful relaxation of the body con-
well-known and suitable and already given fer on us greater advantage than those which
over to our power and able to be secured we should have gained by the weariness which
without any difficulty. The men also of that results from abstinence. On which matter I
country he feigns to be docile and followers will briefly give a most apt illustration
of the way of salvation, that, while he is handed down in an old story.
promising richer fruits for the soul there, he
may craftily destroy our present profits. For
when owing to this vain hope each one sepa-
rates himself from living together with the
Elders and has been deprived of all those How the Evangelist John is said to have shown the value of
things that he idly imagined in his heart, he relaxation.
rises as it were from a most profound slumber,
and when awake will find nothing of those It is said that the blessed John, while he I

things of which he had dreamed. And so as was gently stroking a partridge with his
he is hampered by larger requirements for hands suddenly saw a philosopher approaching
this life and inextricable snares, the devil him in the garb of a hunter, who was aston-
will not even allow him to aspire to those ished that a man of so great fame and reputa-
things which he had once promised himself, tion should demean himself to such paltry
and as he is liable no longer to those rare and amusements, and said: "Can you
and spiritual visits of the brethren which he be that John, whose great and famous reputa-
had formerly avoided, but to daily interrup- tion attracted me also with the greatest desire
tions from worldly folk, he will never suffer for your acquaintance? then do you
Why "
him to return even to the moderate quiet and occupy yourself with such poor amusements?
system of the anchorite's life. To whom the blessed John: "What is it," said
" "
he, that you are carrying in your hand ?
The other replied: "a bow." "And why," said
CHAPTER XX. he, "do you not always carry it everywhere
bent?" To whom the other replied: "It
How useful is relaxation on the arrival of brethren.
would not do, for the force of its stiffness
would be relaxed by its being continually
That most refreshing interlude also of re-
bent, and it would be lessened and destroyed,
laxation and courtesy, which sometimes is
and when the time came for it to send stouter
wont to intervene because of the arrival of arrows after some beast, its stiffness would be
brethren, although it may seem to us tiresome lost by the excessive and continuous strain,
and what we ought to avoid, yet how useful and it would be impossible for the more power-
it is and good for our bodies as well as our
ful bolts to be shot." "And, my lad," said
souls you must patiently hear in few words.
the blessed John, "do not let this slight and
It often happens I
say not to novices and short relaxation of
weak persons but even to those of the greatest unless my mind disturb you, as
it sometimes relieved and relaxed the

rigour of its purpose by some recreation, the

Cf. S. Matt. V. 14. - I
Sam. ii. 30.

spirit would lose its spring owing to the un- sires as dung, so that he may gain Christ, and
broken strain, and would be unable when by continual meditation on this command of
need required, implicitly to follow what was the gospel, scorns and gets rid of agitation at
right." every loss: "For what shall it profit a man
if he
gain the whole world, but lose his own
soul ? Or what shall a man give in exchange
CHAPTER XXII. for his soul ? *
For the loss of what will he
A question liow we ought to understand what the gospel says be vexed,
who recognizes that everything that
My yoke is easy and My burden is light." can be taken away from others is not their
own, and proclaims with unconquered valour:
Germanus: As you have given us a remedy "We brought nothing into this world: it is
for all delusions, and by God's grace all the certain that we cannot carry anything out"?'
wiles of the devil by which we were harassed, By the needs of what want will his courage be
have been exposed by your teaching, we beg overcome, who knows how to do without " scrip
that you will also explain to us this that is for the way, money for the purse,"* arid, like
" "
said in the gospel :

My yoke is easy, and My the Apostle, glories in many fasts, in hunger
burden is light." For it seems tolerably op- and thirst, in cold and nakedness"?' What
posed to that saying of the prophet where it is effort, or what hard command of an Elder can
said: For the sake of the words of Thy lips disturb the peace of his bosom, who has no
kept hard ways;" while even the Apostle will of his own, and not only patiently but
says : All who will live godly in Christ suflFer even gratefully accepts what is commanded
" ^
persecutions. But whatever is hard and him, and after the example of our Saviour,
fraught with persecutions cannot be easy and seeks to do not his own will, but the Father's,
light. as He says Himself to His Father: "Never-
theless not as. I will, but as Thou wilt ? By

what wrongs also, by what persecution will he

CHAPTER XXIII. be frightened, nay, what punishment can fail
to be delightful to him, who always rejoices
The answer with the explanation of the saying.
together with apostles in stripes, and longs to
Abraham We can prove by the easy teach- be counted worthy to suffer shame for the

name of Christ?
ing of our own experience that our Lord and
Saviour's saying is perfectly true, if we ap-
proach the way of perfection properly and in
accordance with Christ's will, and mortifying CHAPTER XXIV.
all our desires, and cutting off injurious lik-

ings, not only allow nothing to remain with Why the Lord's yoke is felt grievous and His burden heavy.
us of this world's goods (whereby our adver-
sary would find at his pleasure opportunities But the fact that to us on the contrary the
of destroying and damaging us) but actually
yoke of Christ seems neither light nor easy,
recognize that we are not our own masters, must be rightly ascribed to our perverseness,
and truly make our own the Apostle's words: as we are cast down by unbelief and want of
"I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."* and fight with foolish obstinacy against
For what can be burdensome, or hard to one His command, or rather advice, who says:
who has embraced with his whole heart the "
If thou wilt be perfect, go sell (or get rid of)
yoke of Christ, who is established in true hu- all that thou hast, and come follow Me,
" "
mility and ever fixes his eye on the Lord's we keep the substance of our worl(^ly goods.
sufferings and rejoices in all the wrongs that And as the devil holds our soul fast in the
are offered to him, saying: For which cause I what remains but that, when he
toils of these,
please myself in my infirmities,
in reproaches,wants to sever us from spiritual delights, he
in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses,
should vex us by diminishing these and de-
for Christ: for when I am weak, then am I
" * priving us of them, contriving by his crafty
strong ? By what loss of any common wiles that when the sweetness of His yoke
thing, I ask, will he be injured, who boasts and
lightness of His burden have become
3f perfect renunciation, and
voluntarily re- grievous to us through the evil of a corrupt
jects for Christ's sake all the pomp of this
desire, and when we are caught in the chains
tvorld, and considers all and every of its de- of that
very property and substance, which
we kept for our comfort and solace, he may
The story is auotcd by S. Francis de Sales, The Devout Life,
ind bv Deal) Goulboum, Personal Religion, Part III. c. x.
« ^. Matt. xi. * Gal. ii. jo. • •
30. S. Matt. xvi. 26. S. Matt. x. 9, 10. ><*
S. Matt. xxvi. 39.
* Pt. xvi.
(xvii.) 4; 2 Tim. iii. la.
* 2 Cor. xii.
10. ' I Tim. vi. 7. * 2 Cor. xi. 27. " S. Matt. xix. 21.

always torment us with the scourges of worldly by the sharp thorns of the brambles but actu-
cares, extorting from us ourselves that where- ally laid low by the bites of deadly serpents
with we are tortured ? For Each one is bound and scorpions lurking there. For " there are
by the cords of his own sins," and hears from thorns and thistles in wrong ways, but he
the prophet: "Behold all you that kindle a that feareth the Lord shall keep himself from
fire, encompassed with flames, walk in the them."* Of such also the Lord says else-
light of your fire, and in the flames which you where by the prophet " My people have for-

have kindled." Since, as Solomon is witness, gotten, sacrificing in vain, and stumbling in
Each man shall thereby be punished, whereby their ways, in ancient paths, to walk in them
he has sinned."^ For the very pleasures in a way not trodden."^ For according to
which we enjoy become a torment to us, Solomon's saying: "The ways of those who
and the delights and enjoyments of this flesh, do not work are strewn with thorns, but the
turn like executioners upon their originator, ways of the lusty are trodden down."^ And
because one who is supported by his former thus wandering from the king's highway, they
wealth and property is sure not to admit perfect can never arrive at that metropolis, whither
humility of heart, not entire mortification of our course should ever be directed without
dangerous pleasures. But where all these im- swerving. And this also Ecclesiastes has
plements of goodness give their aid, there all pretty significantly expressed saying: "The
the trials of this present life, and whatever labour of fools wearies those who know not
losses the enemy can contrive, are endured how to go to the city;" viz., that "heavenly
not only with the utmost patience, but with Jerusalem, which is the mother of us all."''
real pleasure, and again when they are wanting But whoever truly gives up this world and
so dangerous a pride springs up that we are takes upon him Christ's yoke and learns of
actually wounded by the deadly strokes of Him, and is trained in the daily practice of
impatience at the slightest reproach, and it suffering wrong, for He is "meek and lowly
may be said to us by the prophet Jeremiah : of heart,"* will ever remain undisturbed by
And now what hast thou to do in the way of all temptations, and "all things will work

Egypt, to drink the troubled water ? And what together for good to him."® For as the pro-
hast thou to do with the way of the Assyrians, phet Obadiah says the words of God are
to drink the water of the river? Thy own "good "to him that walketh uprightly;" and
wickedness shall reprove thee, and thy apos- again :For the ways of the Lord are right,
tasy shall rebuke thee. Know thou and see and the just shall walk in them but the ;

that it is an evil and a bitter thing for thee to transgressors shall fall in them."'°
have left the Lord thy God, and that My fear
is not with thee, saith the Lord."^ How
then is it that the wondrous sweetness of the
Lord's yoke is felt to be bitter, but because the CHAPTER XXV.
bitterness of our dislike injures it? How is
it that the
exceeding lightness of the Divine Of the good which an attack of temptation brings about.
burden becomes heavy, but because in our
obstinate presumption we despise Him by And so by the struggle with temptation
whom it was borne, especially as Scripture it- the
kindly grace of the Saviour bestows on us
self plainly testifies to this very thing
" saying: larger rewards of praise than if it had taken
For if they would walk in right paths, they
away from us all need of conflict. For it
would certainly have found the paths of right- is a mark of a loftier and
" ^ grander virtue to
eousness smooth ? It is plain, I
say, that it remain ever unmoved when hemmed in
is we, who make rough with the
nasty and hard persecutions and trials, and to stand faithfully
stones of our desires the right and smooth and
courageously at the ramparts of God, and
paths of the Lord; who most foolishly forsake in the attacks of men,
girt as it were with the
the royal road made stony with the flints of arms of
unconquered virtue, to triumph glori-
apostles and prophets, and trodden down by the ously over
impatience and somehow to gain
footsteps of all the saints and of the Lord Him- strength out of weakness, for
"strength is
self, and seek trackless and thorny places, and, made "For behold I
perfect in weakness."
blinded by the allurements of present delights, have made
thee," saith the Lord, "a pillar of
tear our way with torn legs and our
wedding iron and a wall of brass, over all the land, to
garment rent, through dark paths, overrun with the kings of Judah, and the
the briars of sins, so as not only to be pierced
princes and the
* Prov. xxii. *
5. S. Matt. xi. 29.
^ "
Jer. xviii. 15. Rom. viii. 28.
Prov. V. 22 Isa. 1. ii Wisd. xi. 17. "
Prov. XV. 19, ">
; ;
Micah ii.
7 ;
Hos. xiv. 10.
Jer. ii. 18, 19. Prov. ii. 20. '
Eccl.x. i5(LXX.); Gal. iv. 26.

priests thereof, and all the people of the CHAPTER XXVL

land. And they shall fight against thee and
shall not prevail: for I am with thee to deli- How the promise of an hundredfold in this life is made to those

ver thee, saith the Lord."

Therefore accord- whose renunciation is perfect.

ing to the plain teaching of the Lord the Further also that recompense of reward,
king's highway is easy and smooth, though it wherein the Lord promises an hundredfold
may be felt as hard and rough for those who :

in this life to those whose renunciation is

piously and faithfully serve Him, when they and says: "And
have taken upon them the yoke of the Lord, perfect, everyone that hath
left house or brethren or sisters or father or
and have learnt of Him, that He is meek and mother or wife or children or lands for My
lowly of heart, at once somehow or other lay name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold in
aside the burden of earthly passions, and find
the present time and shall inherit eternal
no labour but rest for their souls, by the gift
life,"' is rightly and truly taken in the same
of the Lord, as He Himself testifies by Jere-
sense without any disturbance of faith. For
miah the prophet, saying: "Stand ye on the
many taking occasion by this saying, insist
ways and see, and ask for the old paths, which with crass intelligence that these things will
is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you
be given carnally in the millennium, though
shall find refreshment for your souls." For
to them at once "the crooked shall become they must certainly admit that that age,
" which they say will be after the resurrection
straight and the rough ways plain and they ;
cannot possibly be understood as present. It
shall "taste and see that the Lord is gra-
is then more credible and much clearer that
cious,"* and when they hear Christ proclaim-
one, who at the persuasion of Christ has
ing in the gospel: "Come unto Me all ye made light of any worldly affections or goods,
that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
receives from the brethren and partners of his
refresh you," they will lay aside the burden
life, who are joined to him by a spiritual tie,
of their sins, and realize what follows: "For
even in this life a love which is an hundred
My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."' times better: since it is certain that among
The way of the Lord then has refreshment if it and children and brothers, wives and
is kept to according to His law. But it is we parents
relations, where either the tie is merely
who by troublesome distractions bring sorrows formed
and troubles upon ourselves, while we try by intercourse, or the bond of union
the claims of relationship, the love is tol-
even with the utmost exertion and difficulty by ^ort lived and easily broken. Finally
to follow the crooked and perverse ways of and duteous children when they
this world. But when in this way we have have good
grown up, are sometimes shut out by
made the Lord's yoke heavy and hard to us, their
parents from their homes and property,
we at once complain in a blasphemous spirit and sometimes for a
really good reason the tie
of the hardness and roughness of the yoke
of matrimony is severed, and a quarrelsome
itself or of Christ who lays it upon us, in
division destroys the property of brothers.
accordance with this passage: "The folly of Monks alone maintain a
lasting union in in-
man corrupteth his ways, but he blames God and possess all things in common,
in his heart;"* and as Haggai the prophet
" as they hold that everything that belongs to
says, when we say that the way of the Lord
" their brethren is their own, and that every-
is not right the reply is aptly made to us by
which is their own is their brethren's.
the Lord: "Is not My way right? Are not thing
If then the grace of our love is compared to
" '
your ways rather crooked ? And indeed if those affections where the bond of union is a
you will compare the sweet scented flower of carnal love, certainly it is an hundred times
virginity, and tender purity of chastity to the sweeter and finer. There will indeed also be
foul and fetid sloughs of lust, the calm and
gained from conjugal continence a pleasure
security of monks to the dangers and losses in that is an hundred times greater than that
which the men of this world are involved, which arises from the union of the sexes. And
the peace of our poverty to the gnawing vex-
instead of that joy, which a man experiences
ations and anxious cares of riches, in which from the
possession of a single field or house,
they are night and day consumed not without he will enjoy a delight in riches a hundred
the utmost peril to life, then you will prove
times greater, if he passes over to the adop-
that the yoke of Christ is most easy and His
tion of sons of God, and possesses as his own
burden most light. all things which belong to the eternal Father,
and asserts in heart and soul after the fash-
Jer. vi. 16; Isa. xl. 4; Ps. xxxiii. (xxxiv.) 9.
Jer. i. i8, 19.
S. Matt. xi. 28-30. fi Eiek. xviii. 25 (LXX.).
* Prov. xix. 3 (LXX.). S. Matt. xix. 29.
ion of that true Son: "All things that the the Gospel of Mark who says There is no :

" ^
Father hath are mine and if no longer man who hath left house or brethren or sisters

tried by that criminal anxiety in distractions or mother or children or lands for sake My
and cares, but free from care and glad at heart, and the gospel's sake, who shall not receive ]

he succeeds everywhere to his own, hearing an hundred times as much now in this time: ;

daily the announcement made to him by the

houses and brethren and sisters and mothers
" whether and children and lands, with persecutions,
Apostle :For all things are yours, *
the world, or things present, or things to and in the world to come life eternal." For
" " The faithful man he who for the sake of Christ's name disre-
come ;
and by Solomon :

has a whole world of riches."^ You have gards the love of a single father or mother or
then that recompense of an hundredfold child, and gives himself over to the purest

brought out theby of the value, and love of all who serve Christ, will receive an

the difference of the character that cannot be hundred times the amount of brethren and
estimated. For if for a fixed weight of brass kinsfolk; since instead of but one he will
or iron or some still commoner metal, one had begin to have so many fathers and brethren
given in exchange the same weight only in bound to him by a still more
fervent and ad-
gold, he would appear to have given much mirable affection. He also will be enriched
more than an hundredfold. And so when for with an increased possession of lands, who
the scorn of delights and earthly affections has given up a single house for the love
there is made a recompense of spiritual joy of Christ, and possesses countless homes in
and the gladness of a most precious love, even monasteries as his own, to whatever part of
if the actual amount be the same, yet it is an the world he may retire, as to his own house.

hundred times better and grander. And to For how can he fail to receive an hundred-
make this plainer by frequent repetition: I fold, and, if it is not wrong to add somewhat
used formerly to have a wife in the lustful to our Lord's words, more than an hundred-
passion of desire I now have one in honour- fold, who gives up the faithless and compul-

able sanctification and the true love of Christ. sory service of ten or twenty slaves and relies
The woman is but one, but the value of the on the spontaneous attendance of so many
love has increased an hundredfold. But if noble and free born men? And that this is
instead of distrusting anger and wrath you so you could prove by your own experience,
have regard to constant gentleness and pa- as since you have each left but one father and
tience, instead of the stress of anxiety and mother and home, you have gained without
trouble, peace and freedom from care, instead any effort or care, in any part of the world to
of the fruitless and criminal vexation of this which you have come, countless fathers and
world the salutary fruits of sorrow, instead of mothers and brethren, as well as houses and
the vanity of temporal joy the richness of lands and most faithful servants, who receive
spiritual delights, you will see in the change you as their masters, and welcome, and re-
of these feelings a recompense of an hundred- spect, and take care of you with the utmost
fold. And if we compare with the short- attention. But, I say that deservedly and
lived and fleeting pleasure of each sin the confidently will the saints enjoy this service,
benefits of the opposite virtues the increased if they have first submitted themselves and
delights will prove that these are an hundred everything they have by a voluntary offering
times better. For in counting on your fingers for the service of the brethren. For, as the
you transfer the number of an hundred from Lord says, they will freely receive back that
the left hand to the right and though you which they themselves have bestowed on
seem to keep the same arrangement of the others. But if a man has not first offered
fingers yet there is a great increase in the this with true humility to his companions,
amount of the quantity.® For the result will how can he calmly endure to have it offered to
be that we who seemed to bear the form of him by others, when he knows that he is bur-
the goats on the left hand, will be removed dened rather than
helped by their services,
and gain the reward of the sheep on the right because he prefers to receive attention from
hand. Now let us pass on to consider the the brethren rather than to give it to them?
nature of those things which Christ gives back But all these
things he will receive not with
to us in this world for our scorn of
worldly careless slackness and a lazy delight, but,
advantages, more particularly according to in accordance with the Lord's word, "with
S. John xvi. 15. 2 I Cor. iii.
; Prov. xvii. 6 (LXX.). persecutions," i.e., with the pressure of this
8 The
passage alludes to the practice of counting on the fingers, world, and terrible distress from his
in which all the tens up to ninety were reckoned on the passions,
fingers of
the ie/i hand,, but with the number of a hundred the
reckoning be- because,
as the wise man testifies: "He who
gan with the same arrangement of the fingers, on the ri'g-Ai hand.
S. Jerome has a similar allusion to the practice in his work
easy going and without trouble shall come
Jovinian I. i. and compare also Juvenal Satire. X. 1. 247, 248. * S. Mark x. 29, 30.
to want." For not the slothful, or the care- whose humble condition would perhaps have
less, or the delicate, or the tender take the been looked down upon even by common folk,
kingdom of heaven by force, but the violent. either because of their obscure birth, or
Who then are the violent? Surely they are because of their condition as slaves, if they
those who show a splendid violence not to had continued in their life in the world .-'

others, but to their own soul, who by a laud- But because of the service of Christ no one
able force deprive it of all delights in things will venture to raise a calumny against their
present, and are declared by the Lord's mouth state of nobility, or to fling in their teeth the
to be splendid plunderers, and by rapine of obscurity of their origin. Nay rather, through
this kind, violently seize upon the kingdom the very opprobrium of a humble condition by
of heaven. For, as the Lord says, "The which others are shamed and confounded, the
kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the servants of Christ are more splendidly en-
violent take it by force." Those are certainly nobled, as we can clearly show by the case of
worthy of praise as violent, who do violence Abbot John who lives in the desert which
to their own destruction, for, man," as it"A borders on the town of Lycus. For he sprang
is written, that is in sorrow laboureth for from obscure parents, but owing to the name
himself and does violence to his own destruc- of Christ has become so well known to almost
tion."^ For our destruction is delight in this all mankind that the very lords of creation,

present life, and to speak more definitely, who hold the reins of this world and of em-
the performance of our own likes and desires, pire, and are a terror to all powers and kings,
as, if a man withdraws these from his soul venerate him as their lord, and from distant •

and mortifies them, he straightway does glori- countries seek his advice, and entrust to his
ous and valuable violence to his own destruc- prayers and merits the crown of their empire,
tion, provided that he refuses to it the pleas- and the state of safety, and the fortunes of
antest of its wishes which the Divine word war.'
often rebukes by the prophet, saying: "For In such terms the blessed Abraham dis-
in the days of your fast your own will is coursed on the origin of and remedy for our
found;" and again: "If thou turn away thy illusion, and exposed to our eyes the crafty
foot from the Sabbath, to do thy will on My thoughts which the devil had originated and
holy day, and glorify him, while thou dost suggested, and kindled in us the desire of
not thy own ways, and thy own will is not true mortification, wherewith we hope that
found, to speak a word." And the great many also may be inflamed, even though all
blessedness that is promised to him is at once these "things have been written in a somewhat
added by the prophet. "Then," he says, simple style. For though the dying embers
"shalt thou be delighted in the Lord, and I of our words cover up the glowing thoughts
will lift thee up above the high places of the of the greatest fathers, yet we hope that in the
earth, and will feed thee with the inheritance case of very many who try to remove the em-
of Jacob thy father. For the mouth of the bers of our words and to fan into a flame the
Lord hath spoken it. " * And therefore our hidden thoughts, their coldness will be turned
Lord and Saviour, to give us an example of into heat. But, O holy brethren, I have not
" indeed been so puffed up by the spirit of pre-
I came not to
giving up our own wills, says :

do My own will, but the will of Him that sent sumption as to give forth to you this fire
Me ;
and again " Not as I will, but as Thou
(which the Lord came to send upon the earth,
wilt."^ And this good quality those men in and which He eagerly longs to kindle ) in ''

particular show who live in the ccenobia and order that by the application of this warmth I
are governed by the rule of the Elders, who might set on fire your purpose which is already
do nothing of their own choice, but their at a white heat, but in order that your au-
will depends upon the will of the Abbot. Fi- thority with your children might be greater,
if in addition the precepts of the greatest and
nally to bring this discussion to a close, I ask
you, do not those who faithfully serve Christ, most ancient fathers support what you are
most clearly receive grace an hundredfold in teaching not by the dead sound of words but
this, while for His name's sake they are by your living example. It only remains that
honoured by the greatest princes, and though I who have been till now tossed about by a

they do not look for the praise of men, yet most dangerous tempest, should be wafted to
become venerated in the trials of persecution the safe harbour of silence by the spiritual
gales of your prayers.
« * Isa. Iviii. 3, 13, 14.
Prov. xiv. 23 (LXX.).
» » S.
S. Matt. xi. 12. John VI. 38; S. Matt. xxvi. 39. 7 Cf. S. Luke
» Prov. xiv. 26 (LXX.). 6 Cf. the note on the Institutes IV. xxiii. xii. 49.



I had now finished the books of Spiritual Conferences, the merit of which consists
in the thoughts expressed rather than in the language used rude utterances were
(since my
unequal to the deep thoughts of the saints), I had contemplated and almost determined on
taking refuge in silence (as I was ashamed of having exposed my ignorance) that I might as
far as possible make up for my
audacity in speaking by modestly holding tongue for the my
future. But you have overcome determination and purpose by your commendable earnest-
ness and most urgent affection, my dear Leo, my esteemed and highly regarded friend, orna-
ment that you are of the Roman Church and sacred ministry,* as you drag me forth from the
obscurity of the silence on which I had determined, into a public court which I may well
dread, and oblige me to undertake new labours while I am still blushing for my past ones.
And though I was unequal to lesser tasks, you compel me to match myself with greater ones.
For even in those trifling works, in which of our small ability we offered some small offering
to the Lord, I would never have attempted to do or apply myself to anything unless I had
been led to it by Episcopal command. And so through you there has been an increase of
importance both of our subject and of our language. For whereas before we spoke, when
bidden, of the business of the Lord, you now require us to speak of the actual Incarnation
and glory of the Lord Himself. And so we who were formerly brought as it were into the
holy place of the temple by priestly hands, now penetrate under your guidance and protection,
so to speak, into the holy of holies. Great is the honour but most perilous the undertaking, '^

because the prize of the holy sanctuary and the divine reward can only be secured by a vic-
tory over our foe. And so you require and charge us to raise our feeble hands against a
fresh heresy and a new enemy of the faith," and that we should take our stand, so to speak,
against the awful open-mouthed gapings of the deadly serpent, that at my summons the
power of prophecy and the divine force of the gospej. word may destroy the dragon now rising
up with sinuous course against the Churches of GodT' I obey your intreaty I yield to your :

command for I had rather trust in my own matters to you than to myself, especially as the

love of Jesus Christ my Lord commands me this as well as you, for He Himself gives me this
charge in your person. For in this matter you are more concerned than I am, as your judg-
ment stands in peril rather than my duty. For in my case, whether I prove equal to what
you have commanded me or no, the very fact of my obedience and humility will be in some
degree an excuse for me if indeed I might not urge that there is more value in my obedi-

ence, if there is less that I can do. For we easily comply with any one's orders, out of our
abundance but his is a great and wonderful work, whose desires exceed his powers. Yours

then is this business, and yours it is to be ashamed of it.

work and Pray and intreat that
your choice not be discredited by my clumsiness and that, supposing we do not answer
may ;

the expectations which you have formed of us, you may not seem to have been wrong in
commanding out of an ill-considered determination, while I was right in yielding, owing to
the claims of obedience.

'Mi Leo, ventranda tie suicipienda cariias ntea, Rontana ecclesia ac diinni ministerii decus (Petschenig). Gennadius (De Vir.
us of Cassian, that " finally at the request of Leo, then archdeacon of Rome and afterwards Rishop,' he wrote seven
Illust. c. Ixi.) tells
books against Nestorius on the Incarnation of the Lord, and thus brought to a close his literary labours at Marseilles, as well as his life,
in the reign of Theodosius and Valentinian. The date of the work must have been a.d. 430, shortly before the Council of Ephesus.
/Vo/i»«/'o (Petschenis): J'rog'ressio (Gaixu^),
' Nestorius had been consecrated Hishop of Constantinople in a.d. 428, and very shortly afterwards joined Anastasius in the denial
that God could be bomof a woman, and developed the heresy associated with his name.



CHAPTER I. most dangerous birth, in the new heresy to

be put down, so that at last its monstrous
The heresy compared to the hydra of the poets.l fecundity may cease to answer to its dying
The tales of poets tell us that of old the
hydra when its heads were cut off gained by
and sprang up more abundantly:
its injuries,
so that owing to a miracle of a strange and Description of the different heretical monsters which spring
unheard-of kind, its loss proved a kind of gain from one another.
to the monster which was thus increased
For these shoots of an unnatural seed are
by death, while that extraordinary fecundity
doubled everything which the knife of the no new thing in the churches. The harvest
executioner cut off, until the man who was of the Lord's field has always had to put up
with bvrrrs and briars, and in it the shoots of
eagerly seeking its destruction, toiling and
sweating, and finding his efforts so often choking tares have constantly sprung up.
baffled useless
by added to the cour- For hence have arisen the Ebionites, Sabel-
Arians, as well as Eunomians and
age of battle the arts of craft, and by the lians,

application of fire, as they tell us, cut off

Macedonians, and Photinians and Apolli-
with a fiery sword the manifold offspring of narians, and all the other tares of the churches,
that monstrous body; and so when the inward and thistles which destroy the fruits of good
faith. And of these the earliest was Ebion,'
parts were thus burnt, by cauterizing the re-
bellious throbbings of that ghastly fecundity, who while over-anxious about asserting
at length those prodigious births were brought Lord's humanity'
robbed it of its union with
to an end. Thus also heresies in the churches Divinity. But after him the schism of Sabel-
bear some likeness to that hydra which the lius burst forth out of reaction against the
above mentioned heresy, and as he declared
poets' imagination invented; (or they too hiss
that there was no distinction between the
against us with deadly tongues; and they too
cast forth their deadly poison, and spring up Father, Son and Holy Ghost, he impiously
again when their heads are cut off. But be- confounded, as far as was possible, the Per-
cause the medicine should not be wanting sons, and failed to distinguish the holy and
when the disease revives, and because the ineffable Trinity. Next after him whom we
have mentioned there followed the blasphemy
remedy should be the more speedy as the in order to avoid
sickness is the more dangerous, our Lord of Arian perversity, which,
the of confounding the Sacred Per-
God is able to bring to pass that that may appearance
be a truth in the church's which sons, declared that there were different and
Gentile fictions imagined of the death of the " as the
' The earliest writer to allude to an " Ebion supposed
hydra, and that the fiery sword of the Holy founder of th(; Ebionites is Tertullian (Pr;cscriptio c. xxxiii.). He
Rufinus (In Symb.
Spirit may cauterize the inward parts of that
is followed in tliis by Epiphanius (I. xxx.);
Apost. c. xxxix.). and others; but the existence of sucli a person is
more than doubtful, and the name is now believed to have
" Ebhion eenerally
Petschenie's text gives no titles to the chapters in this work. been derived from the Hebrew =poor.
' Incamatio.
They are added here from the text of Gazseus.

dissimilar substances in the Trinity. But with a fresh head from the old stock of the
after him in time though like him in wicked- Ebionites, and so it is still a question whether
ness came Eunomius, \vho, though allowing it ought to be called old or new. For it was
that the Persons of the Holy Trinity were di- new as far as its upholders were concerned but ;
vine and like each other, yet insisted that they old in the character of its errors. Indeed it
were separate from each other; and so while blasphemously taught that our Lord Jesus
admitting their likeness denied their equality. Christ was born as a mere man, and main-
Macedonius also blaspheming against the Holy tained that the fact that He afterwards obtained
Ghost with unpardonable wickedness, while the glory and power of the Godhead resulted
allowing that the Father and the Son were from His human worth and not from His
of one substance, termed the Holy Ghost a Divine nature and by tliis it taught that He ;

creature, and so sinned against the entire had not always His Divinity by the right of
Divinity, because no injury can be offered to His very own Divine nature which belonged
anything in the Trinity without affecting the to Flim, but that He obtained it afterwards as
entire Trinity. But Photinus, though allow- a reward for His labours and sufferings.
ing that Jesus who was born of the Virgin was Whereas then it blasphemously taught that
God, yet erred in his notion that His Godhead our Lord and Saviour was not God at His
began with the beginning of His manhood;^ birth, but was subsequently taken into the
while Apollinaris through inaccurately con- Godhead, it was indeed bordering on this
ceiving the union of God and man wrongly heresy which has now sprung up, and is as it
believed that He was without a human soul. were its first cousin and akin to it, and, har-
For it is as bad an error to add to our Lord monizing both with Ebionism and these new
Jesus Christ what does not belong to Him as ones, came in point of time between them, and
to rob Him of that which is His. For where was linked with them both in point of wicked-
He is spoken of otherwise than as He is ness. —
And although there are some others
even though it seems to add to His glory yet

like those which we have mentioned yet it
it is an oifence. And so one after another out would take too long to describe them all.
of reaction against heresies they give rise to Nor have we now undertaken to enumerate
heresies, and all teach things different from those that are dead and gone, but to refute
each other, but equally opposed to the faith. those which are novel.
And just lately also, i.e., in our own days, we
saw a most poisonous heresy spring up from
tlie greatest city of the Belgae,^ and though CHAPTER in.
there was no doubt about its error, yet there
was a doubt about its name, because it arose He describes the pestilent error of the Pelagian.

Cassian's statement here is scarcely accurate, as Eunomius is
known from his bold assertion that the Son was unlike
At any rate we think that this fact ought
(a.v6ii.o\.ov) to the Father. not to be omitted, which was special and
Photinus, the pupil of Marcellus of Ancyra, appears to have
taught a form of Sabellianism, teaching that Christ Himself, the peculiar to that heresy mentioned above
Son of God, had not existed from all eternity but only from the which sprang from the error of Pelagius; viz.,
time when He became the Sou of God and Christ ; viz., at
the Incarnation. that in saying that Jesus Christ had lived as
8 Et maxima
Belgarujn urbe (Petschenig). Gazaeus edits: a mere man without
Et tnaxiine Beligaruni ttrbe. The city must be Treves, and the any stain of sin, they
allusion is to the heresy of Leporius, which was an outcome of actually went so far as to declare that men
Pelagianism. Leporius was apparently a native of Treves, who could also be
without sin if they liked. For
propagated Pelagian views in Gaul, ascribing his virtues to his own
free will and his own strength and going to far gieater lengths than

his master in that he connected this doctrine of human

they imagined that it followed that if Jesus
thus combining Pelagianism Christ being a mere man was without sin, all
with heretical views on the Incarnation

with what was practically Nestorianism, teaching that Jesus was a men also
mere man who had used His free will so well as to have lived with-
could without the help of God be
out sin, and had only been made Christ in virtue of His Baptism, whatever He as a mere man without
whereby the Divine and Human were associated so as virtually to
make two Christs. He taught further that the only object of His pating in the Godhead, could be. And so
coming into the world was to exhibit to mankind an example of they made out that there was no difference
virtue and that if they chose to profit by it they also might be
without sin. For these errors he was rebuked by Cassian and between any man and our Lord Jesus Christ,

any man could by effort and striving

others in Gaul, and on his refusal to abandon them was formally as
censured by Proculus Bishop of Marseilles and Cylinnius (Bishop
of Frdjus?). He then left Gaul and came to Africa, where he obtain just the same as Christ had obtained
was convinced by Augustine of the erroneous character of his
His earnestness and efforts. Whence it
teaching, and under his influence signed a recantation, which was by
perhaps drawn up by Augustine himself, and from which Cassian resulted that they broke out into a more griev-
quotas below (c. v.). This recantation was read in the Church of
Carthage, and subscribed by four bishops as witnesses (including
ous and unnatural madness, and said that
Augustine). It was then sent to the Galilean Bishops
accompanied our Lord Jesus Christ had come into this
by a letter from the four attesting bishops (E^p. August, no. ccxxix.)
commending the treatment which Leporius had previously received, world not to bring redemption to mankind
but recommending him once more to their favour ns having retracted but to
his errors. See further Fleury H. E. Book XXIV. c. xlix. and give an example of good woiks, to wit,
Dictionary of Christian Biography, Art. Leporius. that men, by following His teaching, and by
BOOK I. 55,

walking along the same path of virtue, might US and corrected by God, and so nobly con-
arrive at the same reward of virtue thus de- demned his former erroneous persuasion that

stroying, as far as they could, all the good of his amendment was almost as
much a matter
His sacred advent and all the grace of Divine for congratulation as is the unimpaired faith
redemption, as they declared that men could of many. For it is the best thing never to
their own lives obtain that which fall into error: the second best thing to make
by just
God had wrought by dying for man's salvation. a good repudiation of it. He then coming to
They added as well that our Lord and Sav- himself confessed his mistake with grief but
iour became the Christ after His Baptism, without shame not only in Africa, where he
and God after His Resurrection, tracing the was then and is now,- but also gave to all the
former to the mystery of His anointing, the cities of Gaul penitent letters containing his
latter to the merits ofHis Passion. Whence confession and grief; in order that his return
this of a heresy that is not new, to the faith might be made known where his
new author ^
who declares that our Lord and Saviour was deviation from it had been first published,
born a mere man, observes that he says ex- and that those who had formerly been wit-
actly the same thing which the Pelagians said
nesses of his error might also afterwards be
before him, and allows that it follows from witnesses of his amendment.
his error that as he asserts that our Lord
Jesus Christ lived as a mere man entirely
without sin, so he must maintain in his blas- V. CHAPTER
phemy that all men can of themselves be
without sin, nor would he admit that our By the case of Leporius he establishes the fact that an open
Lord's redemption was a thing needful for sin ought to be expiated by an open confession and also ;

teaches from his words what is the rigiit view to be held on

His example, since men can (as they say) the Incarnation.
reach the heavenly kingdom by their own ex-
ertions. Nor is there any doubt about this, And from his confession or rather lamenta-
as the thing itself shows us. For hence it tion we have thought it well to quote some
comes that he encourages the complaints of part, fortwo reasons: that their recantation
the Pelagians by his intervention, and intro-
might be a testimony to us, and an example
duces their case into his writings, because he to those who are weak, and that they might
cleverly or (to speak more truly) cunningly not be ashamed to follow in their amendment,
patronizes them and by his wicked liking for the meji whom they were not ashamed to fol-
them recommends their mischievous teaching low in their error and that they might be

which is akin to his own, for he is well aware cured by a like remedy as they suffered from
that he is of the same opinion and of the a like disease. He then acknowledging the
same spirit, and therefore is distressed that perverseness of his views, and seeing the
a heresy akin to his own has been cast out of
light of faith, wrote to the Galilean Bishops,
the church, as he knows that it is entirely and thus ^
"I scarcely know, O my
began :

allied to his own in wickedness. most venerable lords and blessed what priests,
first to accuse myself of, and what first to ex-
cuse myself for. Clumsiness and pride and
CHAPTER IV. foolish ignorance together with wrong notions,
zeal combined with indiscretion, and (to speak
Leporius together with some others recants his Pelagianism. truly) a weak faith which was gradually failing,
all these were admitted by me and flourished
But still as those who were the outcome of to such an extent that I am ashamed of hav-
this stock of pestilent thorns have already by ing yielded to such and so many sins, while
the Divine help and goodness been healed,
we should also now pray to our Lord God * The after
history of Leporius appears to have been this.
Having come under Augustine's influence, he was persuaded by him
that as in some points that older heresy and to give up all his property, and renounce the temporal care of a
this new one are akin to each other. He monastery which he had previously founded in a garden at Hippo ;

where also he had begun to build a xenodochium or house of refuge

would grant a like happy ending to those for strangers, partly at his own expense, and partly out of tlie alms
the faithful. He also at Augustine's suggestion, built a clnirch
which had a like bad beginning. For Lepo- of in memory of the "eight martvrs
(see' Aug. Serm, 356). This
rius, then a monk, now a presbyter, who fol- complete renunciation of the world must have taken place about 425 ;

and in the following year we find that he was present at the election
lowed the teaching or rather the evil deeds of of Eraclius to succeed Ausnstine (Aug. Ep. 213) but subsequent ;

to tills nothing is known of history except that he was still living

Pelagius, as we said above, and was among when Cassinn wrote. It is right to mention that doubts have been

the earliest and greatest champions of the raised by Tillemont whether the presbyter of Hippo is identical
with the quondam heretic, but on scarcely sufficient grounds.
aforesaid heresy in Gaul, was admonished by ' The recantation of
Leporius may be found in the Bibliotheca
Maxima Patrum. vol. vii. p. 14; Labbe, Concilia, ii. p. 1678; and
Nestorius. Migne Patrol. Lat. xxxi. p. 1221.
at the same time I am profoundly thankful for diminution of His substance for God knows

having been able to cast them out of my soul. how tocommunicate Himself without suffer-
And after a little he adds " If then, not :
ing any corruption, and yet truly to commu-
understanding this power of God, and wise in nicate Himself. He knows how to receive
our conceits and opinions, from fear lest God into Himself without Himself being increased
should seem to act a part that was beneath H im, thereby, just as He knows how to impart
we suppose that a man was born in conjunction Himself in such a way as Himself to suffer
with God, in such a way that we ascribe to no loss. We should not then in our feeble
God alone what belongs to God separately, and minds make guesses, in accordance with
attribute to man alone what belongs to man visible proofs and experiments, from the
separately, we clearly add a fourth Person to case of creatures which are equal, and which
the Trinity and out of the one God the Son mutually enter into each other, nor think that
begin to make not one but two Christs from God and man are mixed together, and that ;

which may our Lord and God Jesus Christ out of such a fusion of flesh and the Word
Himself preserve us. Therefore we confess (i.e., the Godhead and manhood) some sort
that our Lord and God Jesus Christ the only of body is produced. God forbid that we
Son of God, who for His own sake^ was be- should imagine that the two natures being in
gotten of the Father before all worlds, when a way moulded together should become one
in time He was for our sakes ^ made man of substance. For a mixture of this sort is de-
the Holy Ghost and the ever-virgin Mary, structive of both parts. For God, who con-
was God at His birth; and while we confess tains and is not Himself contained, who
the two substances of the flesh and the Word, enters into things and is not Himself entered

we always acknowledge with pious belief and into, who fills things and is not Himself
faith one and the same Person to be indivisi- filled, who is everywhere at once in His
bly God and man and we say that from the completeness and is diffused everywhere,

time when He took upon Him flesh all that communicates Himself graciously to human
belonged to God was given to man, as all that nature by the infusion of His power." And
belonged to 'man was joined to God.^ And after a little: "Therefore the God-man, Jesus
in this sense the Word was made flesh * '
not Christ, the Son of God, is truly born for us

that He began by any conversion or change of the Holy Ghost and the ever-virgin Mary.
to be what He was not, but that by the Divine And so in the two natures the Word and
'economy the Word of the Father never left Flesh become one, so that while each sub-

the Father,^ and yet vouchsafed to become stance continues naturally perfect in itself,
truly man, and the Only Begotten was incar- what is Divine imparteth without suffering
nate through that hidden mystery which He any loss, to the humanity, and what is human
alone understands (for it is ours to believe: participates in the Divine; nor is there one
His to understand). And thus God ' the person God, and another person man, but the
Word Himself receiving everything that be- same person- is God who is also man: and

longs to man, is made man, and the manhood again the man who is also God is called and

which is assumed, receiving everything that indeed is Jesus Christ the only Son of God;
belongs to God cannot but be God; but and so we must always take care and believe
whereas He is said to be incarnate and un- so as not to deny that our Lord Jesus Christ,
mixed, we must not hold that there is any the Son of God, Very God (whom we confess
as existing ever with the Father and equal
Sibi .nobis.
to the Father before all worlds) became from
^ zwA Verbutn vihsn used in this way stand for the Hu- the moment when He took flesh the God-
manity and the Divinity of Christ.
' The meaning of course is not that the manhood was endowed man. Nor may we imagine that gradually
with the properties of l^eity, or conversely the Deity with the pro-
as time went on He became God, and that
perties of Humanity, but simply that two whole and perfect natures
were joined together in the one Person.
* S.
He was in one condition before the resurrec-
tion and in another after it, but that He
i. 14.
This phrase gives some countenance to the idea that the recan-
tation was actually drawn up by Augustine, as the thought which it was always of the same fulness and power."
contains is a favorite one with him, as excluding any notion that
Christ ever for one moment ceased to be God.
" See Serm. 184. And again a little later on: "But because
Intelligerent Eum ... in homine ad nos venisse et a Patre
. . .
the Word of God'' vouchsafed to come down
non recessisse." 186 " manens quod erat." Similar language is
used by S. Leo, Serm. 18. c. 5. In Natio. 2. c. 2. and S. Thomas upon manhood by assuming manhood, and
Aquinas in the well-known Sacramental hymn " Verbum supernum
prodiens. Nee Patris linquens dexteram." Cf. Bright's S. Leo on
manhood was taken up into the Word by
the Incarnation, p. 220.
* Homo is here used as being assumed by God, God the Word in
frequently bv Augustine and other early
writers for
Manhood," and not an "individual man." In this His completeness became complete man.
way it was freely used till the Nestorian Controversy,. after which For it was not God the Father who was made
it went out of favour as capable of a Nestorian
" humanitas " " interpretation, and
gave place to or humana natura," when the man- man, nor the Holy Ghost, but the Only Be-
hood of Christ was spoken of. See the Church Quarterly Review,
vol. xviii. p. 10 and Bright's S. Leo on the Incarnation, p. 165.
Verbum Dei (Petschenig) Verbum Deus (Gazxus).
BOOK II. 555

gotten of the Father; and so we must hold in the first instance rather condemn his per-
that there is one Person of the Flesh and the verseness than listen to his assertions, for one
Word so as faithfully and without any doubt
: who impugns the judgment of all announces
to believe that one and the same Son of God, beforehand his own condemnation, and a
who can never be divided, existing in two man who disturbs what has been determined
natures ^ (who was also spoken of as a by all, is not even given a hearing. For
"giant "^) in the days of His Flesh truly when the truth has once for all been estab-
took upon Him all that belongs to man, and lished by all men, whatever arises contrary to
ever truly had as His own what belongs to it is
by this very fact to be recognized at
God since even though ' He was crucified
: once as falsehood, because it differs from the
in weakness,
yet He liveth by the power of truth. And thus it is agreed that this alone
God." is sufficient to condemn a man; viz., that he
differs from the judgment of truth. But
still as an explanation of a system does no

CHAPTER Vr. harm to the system, and truth always shines

brighter when thoroughly ventilated, and as
The united doctrine of the Catholics is to be received as the it is better that those who are wrong should
orthodox faith. be set right by discussion rather than con-
demned by severe censures, we should cure,
This confession of his therefore, which as far as we can with the Divine assistance,
was the faith of all Catholics was approved this old heresy appearing in the persons of
of by all the Bishops of Africa,* whence he new heretics, that when through God's mercy
wrote, and by all those of Gaul, to whom he they have recovered their health, their cure
wrote. Nor has there ever been anyone who may bear testimony to our holy faith instead
quarrelled with this faith, without being of their condemnation proving an instance of
guilty of unbelief: for to deny what is right just severity. Only may the Truth indeed be
and proved is to confess what is wrong. present at our discussion and discourse con-
The agreement of all ought then to be in it- cerning it, and assist our human weakness
self already sufficient to confute heresy: for with that goodness with which God vouchsafed
the authority of all shows undoubted truth, to come to men, as for this purpose above all
and a perfect reason results where no one He willed to be born on earth and among
disputes it: so that if a man endeavours to men vi^.. that there might be no more room ; ,

hold opinions contrary to these, we should for falsehood.


CHAPTER I. sentence of due condemnation for him. For

as he has the same roots and grows up out of
How the errors of later heretics have been condemned and the same fallow * he has already been amply
refuted in the persons of their authors and originators. condemned in the persons of his predecessors,
especially as those who went wrong immediately
As we began by setting down in the first before these men very properly condemned the
book some things by which we showed that
very thing which these men are now assert-
our new heretic is but an ofTshoot from ancient
ing,^ so that the examples of their own party
stocks of heresy, the due condemnation of the
ought to be amply sufficient for them in both
earlier heretics ought to be enough to secure a
directions; viz., that of those who were re-
stored and that of those who were condemned.
' Tlic allusion
is to Ps. xviii. (xix.) 5, where the Latin (Gallican For if they are capable of amendment they
Psalter) has Exultavit, ut gigas, ad currendam viam." The mys- have their remedy set forth in the correction of
tical interpretation wliich takes the words as referring to Christ is
not uncommon. So in a hymn " De Adventu Domini" (Mone. their own party. If they ^re incapable of it
Vol. i. p. we have the verse, " Procedit a thalnmo suo I'udoris
they receive their sentence in the condemna-
aula reiria Gemin«e gigas substantia:, Alacris ut currat viam," and
in another D'i natali Domini" (p. 58) " Ut gigas egreditur ad
currendam viam." " Scrobibus (Petschenig): The text of Gazsus has enorihus.
Etsi Petschenic)
( Rt sic
' Theallusion is to the recantation of I.eporius and. his com-
* The
attesting I'.ishops who subscribed his recantation as wit- panions. They were the immediate predecessors of Nestorius, and
nesses were Aurelius of Carthage; Augustine of Hippo Regius; Cassian means to say that their recantation of their error ought to
Florentius of the other Hippo ; and Secundinus of Megarmita. have been an example for Nestorius to follow.
tion of their own folk. But that we may not angel of God speaks to the shepherds of the
be thought to have prejudged the case against birth of God. "There is born," he says, "to
them instead of fairly judging it, we will pro- you this day in the city of David a Saviour
who is Christ the Lord."^ In order that you
duce their actual pestilent assertions, or rather
I should say their blasphemous folly: taking may not take Christ for a mere man, he adds
''above all the shield of faith, and the sword the name of Lord and Saviour, on purpose
of the Spirit which is the Word of God,"^ that you may have no doubt that He whom
that when the head of the old serpent rises you acknowledge as Saviour is God, and that
once more, the same sword of the Divine (as the office of saving belongs only to Divine
Word which formerly severed it in the case of power) you may not question that He is of
those ancient dragons may even now cut it Divine power, in whom you have learnt that
off in the persons of these new serpents. For the power to save resides. But perhaps this
since the error of these is the same as that of is not enough to convince your unbelief, as
those former ones, the decapitation of those the angel of the Lord termed Him Lord and i

Saviour rather than God or the Son of God,

ought to be counted as the decapitation of
as you certainly most wickedly deny Him to
these; and as the serpents revive and emit
the Lord's church, be God, whom you acknowledge to be Saviour.
pestilent blasts against
and cause some to fail through their hissing, Hear then what the archangel Gabriel an-
we must on account of these new diseases add nounces to the Virgin Mary. "The Holy \

a fresh remedy to those older cures, so that Ghost," he says, "shall come upon thee, and ;

even if what has already been done prove the power of the Most High shall overshadow
insufficient to heal the malady, what we are thee: therefore also that holy thing which

now doing may be adequate to restore those shall be born of thee shall be called the Son
who are suffering from it. of God."® Do you see how, when he is
going to point out the nativity of God, he
first speaks of a work of Divinity. For
"the Holy Ghost," he says, "shall come upon
thee, and the power of the Most High shall
God was
overshadow thee." Admirably did the angel
Proof that the Virgin Mother of not only Christotocos
but also Theotocos, and that Christ is truly God. speak, and explain the majesty of the Divine
work by the Divine character of his words.
And so you say, O heretic, whoever you For the Holy Ghost sanctified the Virgin's
may be, who deny that God was born of the womb, and breathed into it by the power of
Virgin, that Mary the Mother of our Lord His Divinity, and thus imparted and commu-
Jesus Christ ought not to be called Theotocos, nicated Himself to human nature; and made
i.e., Mother of God, but Christotocos, i.e., His own what was before foreign to Him,
only the Mother of Christ, not of God.^ For taking it to Himself by His own power and
no one, you say, brings forth what is anterior majesty.''' And lest the weakness of human
in time. And of this utterly foolish argument nature should not be able to bear the entrance
whereby you think that the birth of God can of Divinity the power, of the Most High
be understood by carnal minds, and fancy strengthened the ever to be honoured Virgin,
that the mystery of His Majesty can be ac- so that it supported her bodily weakness by
counted for by human reasoning, we will, if embracing it with overshadowing protection,
God say something later on.*
permits, In and human weakness was not insufficient for
the meanwhile we will now prove by Divine the consummation of the ineffable mystery of
testimonies that Christ is God, and that Mary the holy conception, since it was supported
is the Mother of God. Hear then how the by the Divine overshadowing. "Therefore,"
he says, "the Holy Ghost shall come upon
thee, and the power of the Most High shall
Eph. vi. 16-17.
Curationem (Petschenig) Damnationem (Gazaeus).

3 The Neslorian controversy was originated by a sermon of overshadow thee." If only a mere man was
Anastasius a follower of Theodore of Mopsuestia, whom Nestorius
to be born of a pure virgin why should there
brought witli him to Constantinopla as his chaplain on his appoint-
ment as Archbishop, a.d. 428. This man, preaching in the presence be such careful mention of the Divine Advent?
of the archbishop, said: "Let no one call Mary Theotocos; for
Mary was but a woman, and it is impossible that God should be Why such intervention of Divinity itself?
Certainly if only a man was to be born from
born of a woman." In the controversy which was immediately ex-
cited by these words Nestorius at once took the part of his chaplain
and preached a course of sermons in maintenance of his views re- ; man, and flesh from flesh, a command alone
fusing to the Blessed Virgin the title of Theotocos, while admitting For
that she might be termed Christotocos. See Socrates H E. Book might have done it, or the Divine will.
VII. c. xxxii. Evagrius H. E. Book I. c. ii. and Vincentius Lirinensis if the will of God alone, and His command
Book I. c. xvii. The sermons are still partially existing in the
writings of Marius Mercator and in the second of them the title

XoLo-TOTo/cos is admitted. Cf. Hefele's Councils Book IX. c. i. 5 S. Luke ii. II. S. Luke i. 35.
' On the
(Vol. iii. Ene. Transl. p. 12 aq.'). conception by the Holy Ghost compare Pearson on
subject is dealt with in Book IV. c. ii.
* The VII. c. ii. sq. the Creed. Article III. c.ii.
BOOK II. 557

sufficed to fashion the heavens, form

the Theotocos, i.e., the Mother of God? This
earth, create the sea, thrones, and
and alone ought to be enough for you; aye this
angels, and archangels, and principalities, ought to be amply sufficient for you.
and powers, and in a word to create all the
armies of heaven, and those countless thou-
sands of thousands of the Divine hosts (" For
He spake and they were made, He com- CHAPTER HI.
manded and they were created " ^), why was Follows
up the same argument with passages from the Old
it that that was insufficient for the creation of Testament.
(according to you) a single man, which was
sufficient for the production of all things But as there is an abundant supply of wit-
divine, and that the power and majesty of nesses to the holy nativity; viz., all that has
God did not entrust that with the birth of a been on this account written, to bear witness
single infant, which had availed to fashion all to it, let us examine in some slight degree
things earthly and heavenly? But certainly an announcement about God even in the Old
the reason why all those works were performed Testament, that you may know that the fact
by the command of God, but the nativity was that the birth of God was to be from a virgin
only accomplished by His coming was because was not only then announced when it actually
God could not be conceived by man unless He came to pass, but had been foretold from the
allowed it, nor be born unless He Himself very beginning of the world, that, as the event
entered in; and therefore the archangel to be brought about was ineffable, incredulity
pojnted out that the sacred majesty would of the fact when actually present might be
come upon the Virgin, I mean that as so great removed by its having been previously an-
an event could not be brought about by human nounced while still future. And so the "

appointment, he announced that there would prophet Isaiah says: "Behold a virgin shall
be present at the conception the glory of Him conceive and bear a Son, and they shall call
who was to be born.'' And so the Word, the his name Emmanuel, which is interpreted
" *
Son, descended: the majesty of the Holy God with us. What room is there here for
Ghost was present: the power of the Father doubt, you incredulous person?* The prophet
was overshadowing; that in the mystery of the said that a virgin should conceive a virgin has :

holy conception the whole Trinity might co- conceived that a Son should be born a Son : :

operate. "Therefore," he says, "also that has been born that He should be called God : :

holy thing which shall be born of thee shall He /i- G-^led God. For He is called by that
be called the Son of God." Admirably does name as being of that nature. Therefore when
he add "Therefore," in order to show that the Spirit of God said that He should be called
this would therefore follow because that had God, He proved that He is without the Spirit
gone before; and that because God had come of God who makes himself a stranger "
to all
upon her at the conception therefore God would fellowship with the Divine title. Behold
be present at the birth. And when the maiden then," he says, "a virgin shall conceive and
understood not, he gave a reason for this great bear a Son, and they shall call His name
thing, saying: "Because the Holy Spirit shall Emmanuel, which is interpreted God with
come upon thee, and because the power of the us." But here is a point on which it is pos-
Most High shall overshadow thee, therefore sible that your shuffling incredulity may
also that holy thing which shall be born shall fasten; viz., by saying that this which the
be called the Son of God;" that is to say: prophet declared He should be called referred
That thou mayest not be ignorant of the pro- not to the glory of His Divinity, but to the
vision for so great a work, and the mystery of name by which He should be addressed. But
this great secret, the majesty of God shall what are we to do because Christ is never
therefore come upon thee completely; because spoken of by this name in the gospels,
the Son of God shall be born of thee. What though the Spirit of God cannot be said to
further doubt can there be about this? or have spoken falsely through the prophet?
what is there further to be said? He said How is it then ? Surely that we should un-
that God would come upon her; that the Son derstand that that prophecy then foretold the
of God would be born. Ask now, if you like, name of His Divine nature and not of His
how the Son of God can help being God, or humanity. For since in His manhood united
how she who brought forth God can fail to be to the Godhead^ He received another name
' ' Isa. vii. /wcrifrf///? (PetscheiiiR).
Ps. xxxii. (xxxiii.) q. 14. IncredulceiGazxvif.).
Pefschenig's text is as follows : Videlicet tii, quia af^i ianta ''
Here is an instance of language which tlie mature judgment of
res fier humanum officiutn non valebat, ipsiiis ad futuratn diceret the Cliurch has rejected, as experience showed how it was capable
majestatem in conceptu, qiti trot futitrus in partu ; while Gazaeus of being pressed into the service of heresy. Homo unitns Deo, in
reads dtierei for diceret. Cassian's mouth evidently means the manhood j oined to the God-
in the gospel, certainly clear that this
it is mighty." And that you may not imagine
name belonged to that to His
His humanity, Him whom He announced as God* to be
But let us proceed further and other than Him who was born in the flesh, he
summon other true witnesses to establish the adds a term referring to His birth, saying:
truth: For where we are speaking about the "A child is born to us: a son is given to us."
Godhead, the Divinity cannot be better es- Do you see how many titles the prophet used
tablished than by His own witnesses. So to make clear the reality of His birth in the
then the same prophet says elsewhere For :
body? for he called Him both Son and child
unto us a Son is born: unto us a child is on purpose that the manner of the child which
given; and the government shall be upon His was born might be more clearly shown by a
shoulder; and His name shall be called the name referring to His infancy; and the Holy
angel of great counsel, God the mighty, the Spirit foreseeing without doubt this perversity
Father of the world to come, the Prince of of blasphemous heretics, showed to the whole
" ^ world that it was God who was born, by the
peace. Just as above the prophet had ex-
pressly said that He should be called Em- very terms and words used; that even if a
manuel, so here he says that He should be heretic was determined to utter blashemy, he
called "the angel of great counsel, and God might not find any loophole for his blasphemy.
the mighty, and the Father of the world to Therefore he says: "A Son is born to us; a
come and the prince of peace " (although we child is given to us; and the government
certainly never read that He was called by shall be upon His shoulder; and His name
these names in the gospel) of course that : shall be called the angel of great counsel,
we may understand that these are not terms God the mighty, the Father of the world ^to
belonging to His human, but to His Divine come, the prince of peace." He teaches that
nature and that the name used in the gospel
this child which was born is both prince of
belonged to the manhood which He took upon peace and Father of the world to come and
Him,'-^ and this one to His innate power. God the mighty. What room is there then
And because God was be born in human for shuffling? This child which is born can-
form, these names were so distributed in the not be severed from God who is born in Him,
sacred economy, that to the manhood a human for he called Him, whom he spoke of as born.
name was given and to the Divinity a Divine Father of the world to come; Him whom he
one. Therefore he says: "He shall be called called a child, he foretold as God the mighty.
the angel of great counsel, God the mighty, What is it, O heretic? Whither will you be-
the Father of the world to come, the prince take yourself? Every place is hedged and
of peace." Not, O heretic, whoever you may shut in: there is no possibility of getting out
be, not that here the prophet, full as he was of it. There is nothing for it but that you
of the Holy Spirit, followed your example should at length be obliged to confess the
and compared Him who was born to a molten mistake which you wonld not understand.
image and a figure fashioned without sense. But not content with these passages which
For "a Son," he says, "is born to us, a Child are indeed enough let us inquire what the
is given to us; and the government shall be
Holy Ghost said through another prophet.
upon his shoulder; and His name shall be "Shall a man," says he, "pierce his God, for
called the angel of great counsel, God the you are piercing me?"^ In order that the
subject of the prophecy might be still clearer
the prophet foretells what he proclaimed of
Uead, but the words might easily be taken as implying that a man the Lord's passion as if from the mouth of
was united to God, i.e., that there were in the Incarnation two per-
sons, one assuming and the other assumed, which was the essence
Him of whom he was speaking. "Shall a
of Nestorianism. Compare above, the note on Homo to Book I. man pierce his God, for
c. V.
" you are piercing
1 Isa. ix. 6
where the LXX. B reads on -naihiov kye.vvi\6-t\ me ?
ill Does not our Lord God, I ask, seem
rifliv, vibs (cai iS60r) oi, apxri iyevrjOri cttI roil uifj.ov aVTOv,
KoX KaKelrai to ovofi-a avTOV MeyaAn? BovA^s ayyeAo? a^ia yap
to have said this when He was led to the
K.r. A. To this, however, N and A add after ayycAos, Sau^tacrTo? Cross?

6»e6s (our ©ebs A) i<TXvp6s f|ouerta(TTr)s apxiav eipijvjjs
Why indeed do you not acknowledge
TTarrip tou /xcAAovtos aliavo^ and hence in the main comes the old
Me as your Redeemer? Why are ye ignorant
Latin version, which Cassian here follows. Jerome's version lias of God clothed in flesh for
Parvulus enim natus est nobis et filius datus est nobis et factus est
you? Are you
principatus super humerum ejus et vocabitur nomen ejus admira-

bilis consiliarius Deus fortis pater

futuri saculi princeps pacis. The
Hebrew has nothing directly corresponding to the " angel of great * The text of Gazxus omits Deus.
counsel," which seems to be intended as a paraphrase of " Wonder- 5 Malachi 8.
iii. Jerome's rendering is almost identical "Si
ful Counsellor" (Cf. Judg. xiii. " Father of " where the
i8), while the world to homo Deum, quia vos configitis me; Douay ver-
come " is an interpretation of the Hebrew " Father of eternitv."
sion strangely departs from the literal sense of the word and renders
Suscepti hominis. Cf. the line in the Te Deum, which origin-
" vaguely "afflict." It is clear however that it was intended to be
ally ran Tu ad liberandum mundum suscepisti hominem non : understood literally, as it is here taken by Cassian as a direct
horruisti virginis uterum." prophecy of the Crucifixion. The LXX. has n-Tepnei. The He-
3 See the language of Nestorius himself quoted below in Book brew word, which is only found again in Prov. xxii. 23, appears to
VII. c. vi. and cf. V. iii. mean " defraud."
BOOK II. 559

preparing death for your Saviour? Are you Saviour." Admirably does he use a word

leading forth to death the Author of life? I I

suited to show the arrival of a new grace and
am your God whom ye are lifting up: your ;

birth; for by saying "there appeared," he in-

God whom ye are crucifying. What mistake, dicated the approach of a new grace and birth,
I ask, is here or what madness is it? "Shall for thenceforward the gift of a new grace
a man pierce his God, for you are piercing began to appear, from the moment when God
me ? " Do you see how exactly the words de- appeared as born in the world. Thus by using
scribe what was actually done? Could you the right word, and one exactly suitable, he
ask for anything more express or clearer? Do ;
shows the light of this new grace almost as if
you see how sacred testimonies follow our In- he pointed to it with his finger. For that is

carnate Lord Jesus Christ from the very cradle most properly said to appear, which is shown
to the Cross which He bore, as here you can by sudden light manifesting it. Just as we
see that He whom

elsewhere you read of as read in the gospel that the star appeared to
God when born in the flesh was God when ;
the wise men in the East and in Exodus :

pierced on the cross? And so there, where "There appeared,'''' he says, "to Moses an
His birth was treated of. He is spoken of by angel in a flame of fire in the bush " ® for in :

the prophet as God: and here where His cru- all these and in the case of other visions in
cifixion is concerned, He is most clearly the Holy Scripture, Scripture determined

named God; that the taking upon Him of that this word in particular should be used,

manhood might not in any point prejudice the that it .might speak of that as "appearing,"
dignity of His Divinity, nor the humiliation which shone forth with unwonted light. So
of His body and the shame of the passion then the Apostle also, well knowing the
affect the glory of His majesty; for His con- coming of the heavenly grace, which appeared
descension to so lowly a birth and His gener- at the approach of the holy nativity, indicated
ous goodness in enduring his passion ought it by using a term applied to a bright appear-
to increase our love and devotion to Him; ance expressly in order to say 'that it

since it is certainly a great and monstrous sin appeared, as it shone with the splendour of
if, the more He lavishes love upon us, the a nev/ light. "There appeared" then "the
less He is honoured by us. grace of God our Saviour." Surely you can-
not raise any quibble about the ambiguity of
the names in this place, so as to say that
"Christ-ib-is one and "God" another, or to
divide "the Saviour" from the glory of His
CHAPTER IV. name, and separate
the Lord
from the
Divinity? Lo, here the vessel of God speaks
He produces testimonies to the same doctrine from the from God, and testifies by the clearest state-
Apostle Paul. ment that the grace of God appeared from
Mary. And in order that you may not deny
But passing over these things which cannot that God appeared from Mary, he at once
possibly be unfolded because there would be adds the name of Saviour, on purpose that
no limit to the telling of them, as the blessings
you may believe that He who is born of Mary
which he gives are without stint, it is time for is God, whom
you cannot deny to have been
us to consult the Apostle Paul, the stoutest born a
Saviour, in accordance with this pas-
and clearest witness to Him, for he can tell us "
sage: For to you is born to-day a Saviour."*
everything about God in the most trustworthy O excellent teacher of the Gentiles truly
way because God always spoke from his given by God to them, for he knew that this
breast. He then, the chosen teacher of the wild heretical folly would arise, which would
nations, who was sent to destroy the errors of turn to controversial uses the names' of God,
Gentile superstition, bears his witness in the and would not hesitate to slander God from
following way to the grace and coming of our His own titles; and so in order that the
Lord God: "The grace," he says, "of God heretic might not separate the title of Saviour
and our Saviour appeared unto all men, in- from the Divinity he put first the name of
structing us that denying ungodliness and God, that the name of God standing first
worldly desires we should live soberly and might claim as His all the names which fol-
justly and godly in this world, looking for the lowed, and that no one might imagine that in
blessed hope and coming of the glory of the what followed Christ was spoken of as a mere
" ^
great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. He man, as by. the very first word used he had
says that there appeared the grace of God our

S. Matt. ii.
* Krtj /?« (Petschenig) : Gazxus has Tu /?#£
Titus ii. 11-13. Exod. iii. 2 *>
S. Luke ii. 11,
taught that He was "
God. "Looking," says belief refuse to believe you have nothing to:

the same Apostle, for the blessed hope and deny in the matter of your blasphemy.
coming of the glory of the great God and our
Saviour Jesus Christ. Certainly that teacher
of divine wisdom saw that plain and simple CHAPTER V.
teaching would not in itself be sufficient to
meet the crafty wiles of the devil's cunning, From the gifts of Divine grace which we receive through
Christ he infers that He is truly God.
unless he fortified the holy preaching of the
faith with a protection of extreme care. And
so although he had used the name of God
Although we began to speak some time
back on Divine grace of our Lord and
the Saviour up above, he here adds "Jesus
Saviour, I want to say somewhat more on the
Christ," in case you might think that the mere
name of Saviour was not enough to indicate same subject from the Holy Scriptures, We
read in the Acts of the Apostles that the
to you our Lord Jesus Christ, and might fail
Apostle James thus refuted those who thought
to understand that the God, whom you
that when they received the gospel they ought
acknowledge as God the Saviour, is the same
still to bear the yoke of the old Law: "Why,"
Jesus Christ. What then does he say? He
for the blessed hope and said he, "do ye tempt God, to put a yoke
says: "Looking
coming of the glory of the great God and our upon the necks of the disciples which neither
our fathers nor we have been able to bear.
Saviour Jesus Christ." Nothing is here
But by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we
wanting as regards the titles of our Lord,
believe to be saved in like manner as they
and you see here God, and the Saviour, and
But when you see all also."*^ The Apostle certainly speaks of the
Jesus, and Christ.
gift of this grace as given by Jesus Christ,
these, you see that they all belong to God.
For you have heard of Him as God, but as Answer me now, if
you please : do you think
You have heard of Him as that this grace which is given for the salvation
Saviour as well.
of all men, is given by man or by God.-" If
God, but as Jesus as well. You have heard of
Him as God, but as Christ as well. That you say. By man, Paul, God's own vessel,
will cry out against you, saying: "There ap-
which the Divinity has joined and united to-
gether cannot be separated by this diversity of peared the grace of God our Saviour."* He
titles for whichever you may seek for of them
teaches that this grace is the result of a

The Saviour is God, Divine gift, and not of human weakness.

all, you will find it there.
And even if the sacred testimony was not
Jesus is God, Christ is God. In all of this
which you hear, though the titles used are sufficient, the truth of the matter itself would
bear its witness, because fragile earthly things
many, yet they belong to one Person in power.
For whereas the Saviour is God, and Jesus is cannot possibly furnish a thing of lasting and
immortal value nor can anyone give to
God, and Christ is God, it is easy to see that ;

all these, though different appellations, are

another that in which he himself is lacking,
united as regards the Majesty. And when nor supply a sufficiency of that, from the
you hear quite plainly that one and the same want of which he admits that he himself is
Person is called God in each case, you can suffering. You cannot then help admitting
see that in all these cases there that the grace comes from God. It is God
surely clearly
is but one God spoken of. And so you can- then who has given it. But it has been given
not any longer seek to make out a distinction by our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore the Lord
of power from the different names given to Jesus Christ is God. But if He be, as He
the Lord, or to make a difference of Person certainly is, God then she who bore God is

the mother of God. Unless

owing to variety of titles. You cannot say: Theotocos, i.e.,
Christ was born of Mary, but God was not; perhaps you want to take refuge in so utterly
for an Apostle declares that God was. You absurd and blasphemous a contradiction as
cannot say that Jesus was born of Mary, but to deny that she from whom God was born is
God was not; for an Apostle testifies that the mother of God, while you cannot deny
God was. You cannot say the Saviour was that He who was born is God. But, however,

born, but God was not; for an Apostle supports let us see what the gospel of God thinks about
the fact that God was. There is no way of this same grace of our Lord: "Grace and
escape for you. Whichever of the titles of truth," it says, "came by Jesus Christ."* If
the Lord you may take. He is God, of whom
So Petscheniir, after his authority. however
you speak. You have nothing -to say: no-
Jacobufn. It is
an error on Cassian's part, as the words quoted were spoken not by
thing to assert: nothing to invent in your S. James, but by S. Peter.
with no authority I'etntnt.)
(The text of Gazasus reads apparently
wicked falsehood. You can in impious un- 2 Acts
XV. ID, II. 3
Titus ii. ii. * S.
John i. 17.
BOOK 11. 561

Christ is a mere man, how did these come by CHAPTER

Christ? Whence was there in Him Divine That the
power of bestowing Divine grace did not come to
power if, as you say, there was in Him only Christ in the course of time, but was innate in Him from
the nature of man ? Whence comes heavenly His very birth.

largesse, if His is earthly poverty? For no But perhaps you will say that this grace of
one can give what he has not already. As our Lord Jesus Christ, of which the Apostle
then Christ gave Divine grace, He already writes, was not born with Him, but was after-
had that which He gave. Nor can anyone wards infused into Him by the descent of
endure a diversity of things that are so utterly
Divinity upon Him, since you say that the
different from each other, as at one and the man Jesus Christ our Lord (whom you call a
same time to suffer the wants of a poor man, mere man) was not born with God, but after-
and also to show the munificence of a bounte- wards was assumed by God :
and that through
ous one. And so the Apostle Paul, knowing this grace was given to the man at the same
that all the treasures of heavenly riches are time that Divinity was given to Him. Nor
found in Christ, rightly writes to the Churches: do we say anything else than that Divine
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with grace descended with the Divinity, for the
you."^ For though he had already often Divine grace of God is in a way a bestowal
enough taught that God is the same as Christ, of actual Divinity and a gift of a liberal
and that all the glory of Deity resides in supply of graces. Perhaps then it may be
Him, and that all the fulness of the Godhead thought that the difference between us is one
dwelleth in Him bodily, yet here he is cer- of time rather than of what is essential, since
tainly right in praying for the grace of Christ the Divinity which we say was born with
alone, without adding the word God: for Jesus Christ you say was afterwards infused
while he had often taught that the grace of into Him. But the fact is that if you deny
God is the same as the grace of Christ, he that Divinity was born with the Lord you can-
now most perfectly prays only for the grace of not afterwards make a confession according to
Christ, for he knows that in the grace of the faith; for it is an impossibility for one
Christ is contained the whole grace of God. and the same thing to be partly impious and
Therefore he says: "The grace of our Lord also to turn out partly pious, and for the same
Jesus Christ be with you." If Jesus Christ thing partly to belong to faith and partly to
was a mere man, then in his wish that the misbelief. To begin with then I ask you this :

grace of Christ might be given to the Churches Do you. say that our Lord Jesus Christ, who
he was wishing that the grace of a man might was born of the Virgin Mary is only the Son
be given; and by saying: "The grace of of man, or that He is the Son of God as well?
Christ be with you" he meant: the grace of a For we, I mean all who hold the Catholic
man be with you, the grace of flesh be with faith, all of us, I say, believe and are sure
you, the grace of bodily weakness, the grace an4 know and confess that He is both, i.e.,
of human frailty! Or why did he ever even that He is Son of man because born of a
mention the word grace, if his wish was for woman and Son of God because conceived of
the grace of a man? For there was no reason
Divinity. Do you then admit that He is
for wishing, if that was not in existence which both, i.e.. Son of God and Son of man, or do
was wished for; nor ought he to have prayed you say that He is Son of man only? If Son
that there might be bestowed on them the grace of man only then there cry out against you
of one who, according to you, did not possess and the Holy
apostles and prophets, aye
the reality of that grace for which he was Ghost Himself, by whom the conception was
And so you see that it is utterly brought about. That most shameless mouth
absurd and ridiculous —
or rather not a thing of
yours is stopped by all the
witnesses of the
to laugh at but to cry over, for what is a matter Divine decrees it is stopped by sacred writ-

for laughter to some frivolous persons becomes and it is stopped

ings and, holy witnesses: aye
a matter for crying to pious and faithful souls,
by the very gospel of God as if by a Divine
for .they shed tears of charity for the folly of hand. And that mighty Gabriel who in the
your unbelief, and weep pious tears at the case of Zacharias restrained the voice of un-
by the power of his word, much more
folly of another's impiety. Let us then re- belief
cover ourselves for a while and take our strongly condemned in your case the voice of
breath, for this idea is not only without wis- " that which was formed in the
» maintained that
dom but also without the Spirit, as it is cer- wombNestorius
Mary was not God Himself but because God dwells
. . .

tainly wanting in spiritual wisdom

and has in him whom He has assumed, therefore also He who is assumed is
called God because of Him who assumes Him. And is not God it

nothing to do with the Spirit of salvation. who has suffered, but God was united with the crucified flesh."
(Fragm. Marius Mercator p. 789 sq. (ed. Migne).) Thus he made
out that in Christ were two Persons, one assuming and the other
* I Cor. xvi. 23. assumed.
blasphemy and sin, by his own lips, saying to glory have ever existed together with Him and
the Virgin Mary, the mother of God: "The in Him, whether in heaven or in earth or in
the womb or at His birth.
Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the Nothing that is
power of the Most High shall overshadow proper to God wa;s ever wanting to God. For
thee: therefore also that holy thing which the Godhead was ever present with God, no
shall be born of thee shall be called the Son where and at no time severed from Him. For
of God."^ Do you see how Jesus Christ is everywhere God is present in His complete-
first proclaimed to be the Son of God that ness and in His perfection. He suffers no
according to the flesh He might become the division or change or diminution; for nothing
Son of man ? For when the Virgin Mary was can be either added to God or taken away
to bring forth the Lord she conceived owing to from Him, for He is subject to no diminution
the descent of the Holy Spirit upon her and of Divinity, as to no increase of It. He was
the co-operation of the power of the Most High. the same Person then on earth who was also
And from this you can see that the origin of in heaven: the same Person in His low estate
our Lord and Saviour must come from thence, who was also in the highest the same Person

whence His conception came; and since He in the littleness of manhood as in the glory of
was born owing to the descent of the fulness the Godhead. And so the Apostle was right
of Divinity in Its completeness upon the in speaking of the grace of Christ when He
Virgin, He could not be the Son of man un- meant the grace of God. For Christ was
less He had first been the Son of God; and everything that God is. At the very time of
so the angel when sent to announce His His conception as man there came all the
nativity and sacred birth, when he had already power of God, all the fulness of the Godhead ;

spoken of the mystery of His conception for thence came all the perfection of the God-
added a word expressive of His birth, saying: head, whence was His origin. Nor was that
"Therefore also that holy thing which shall be Human nature of His^ ever without the Deity
born of thee shall be called the Son of God as it received from Deity the very fact of its
[i.e., He shall be
called the Son of Him from existence. And so, to begin with, whether
whom He was begotten].^ Jesus Christ is you like it or no, you cannot deny this; viz.,
therefore the Son of God, because He was be- that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God,
gotten of God and conceived of God. But if especially as the archangel declares in the
He is the Son of God, then most certainly He gospels: "That holy thing which shall be
is God: but if He is God, then He is not born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

lacking in the grace of God. Nor indeed was But when this is established then remember
He ever lacking in that of which He is Him- that whatever you read of Christ you read
self the maker. For grace and truth were of the Son of God: whatever you read of the
made by Jesus Christ. Lord or Jesus belongs to the Son of God.
And so when you recognize a title of Div-
CHAPTER VII. inity in all these terms which you hear
uttered, as you see that in each case you
How in Christ the Divinity, Majesty, Might and Power have
existed in from
perfection and will
eternity, ought to understand that the Son of God
continue. .

is meant, prove to me, if you like, how you

Therefore all grace,power, might. Divin- can separate the Godhead from the Son of
ity, aye, and the fulness of actual Divinity and God.


CHAPTER L rather lamenting the unbelief of the Jews,

i.e., of his own brethren, made use of these
That Christ, who is God and man in the unity of Person, words: "I wished myself," said he, "to be
sprang from Israel and the Virgin Mary according to the
flesh. accursed from Christ, for my brethren, who
are my kinsmen according to the flesh, who
That divine teacher of the Churches when
are Israelites, to whom belongeth the adoption
in writing to the Romans he was reproving or
as of children, and the glory, and the testa-
S. Luke i. 35. ments, and the giving of the law, and the ser-

2 There is some doubt whether the words enclosed in brackets

form part of the genuine text. Petschenig brackets them, as want-

ing in some MSS. * HotHO UU.

vice of God, and the promises

whose are the
blessed," he excludes a blasphemous and per-

fathers, of whomChrist according to the

is verse interpretation of it, for fear that some

flesh, who is over all things, God blessed for evil-disposed person to depreciate His abso-

ever."^ O, the love of that most faithful lute Divinity might quote the fact that the

Apostle, and most kindly kinsman! who in word God is sometimes applied by grace in
his infinite charity wished to die —
as a kins- the Divine economy temporarily to men, and
man for his relations, and as a master for his I\hus apply it to God by unworthy comparisons,
disciples. And what then was the reason why as where God says to Moses I have
given :

he wished to die? Only one; viz., that they thee as a God to Pharaoh," * or in this pas-
might live. But in what did their life con- sage: "I said ye are Gods," where it clearly
sist? Simply in this, as he himself says, has the force of a title given by condescen-
that they might recognize a Divine Christ sion. For as it says "I said," it is not a
born according to the flesh, of their own flesh. name showing power, so much as a title given
And therefore the Apostle grieved the more, by the speaker. But that passage also, where
because those who ought to have loved Him it says: "I have given thee as a God to
the more as sprung from their own stock, Pharaoh," shows the power of the giver rather
failed to understand that He was born of than the Divinity of him who receives the
Israel. "Of whom," said he, "is Christ ac- title. For when it says: "I have given,'" it
cording to the flesh, who is over all things, thereby certainly indicates the power of God,
God blessed for ever." Clearly he lays down who gave, and not the Divine nature, in the
that from them according to the flesh, was person of the recipient. But when it is said
born that Christ who is over all, God blessed of our God and Lord Jesus Christ, "who is
for ever. You certainly cannot deny that over all, God blessed for ever," the fact is
Christ was born from them according to the at once proved by the words, and the mean-
flesh. But the same Person, who was born ing of the words shown by the name given :

from them, is God. How can you get round because in the case of the Son of God the
this? How can you shufile out of it? The name of God does not denote an adoption
Apostle says that Christ who was born of by favour, but what is truly and really His
Israel according to the flesh, is God. Teach nature.
us, if you can, at what time He did not exist.
"Of whom," he says, "is Christ according to CHAPTER
the flesh, who is over all, God." You see that
because the Apostle has united and joined He explains the apostle's saying If from henceforth we

"Tmow no man according to the flesh," etc.

together these, "God" cannot possibly be
separated from "Christ." For just as the And so the same Apostle says " From :

Apostle declares that Christ is of them, so henceforth we know no man

he asserts that God is in Christ. according to the
You must
flesh, and if we have known Christ according
either deny both of these statements, or you
to the flesh, yet now we know Him so no
must accept both. Christ is said to be born
longer."* Admirably consistent are all the
of them according to the flesh but the same
of the sacred word with each other,

Person is declared by the Apostle to be God " writings

and in every portion of them even where :

in Christ." Whence also he says elsewhere: do not correspond in the /(?rm of the
"For God was in Christ, reconciling the they
words, yet they agree in the drift and sub-
world to Himself."* It is absolutely impos- As where he says " And if we have
stance. :

sible to separate one from the other. Either

known Christ according to the flesh, yet now
deny that Christ sprang from them, or admit we know Him so no longer." For the wit-
that there was born of the virgin God in
ness of the passage before us confirms that
Christ, "who is," as he says, "over all, God "
Of whom
quoted above, in which he said :

blessed for ever." is Christ according to the flesh, who is over

all, God blessed for ever." For there he

writes Of whom is Christ according to the

and here " if we have known Christ


The title of God is given in one sense to Christ, and in according

to the flesh." There: "who is
another to men. over all, God blessed for ever;" and here:
"yet now we no longer know Christ accor-
The name of God would for the faith- ding to the flesh." The look of the words is
ful be amply sufficient to denote the glory of different, but their force and drift is the
His Divinity, but by adding "over all, God same. For it is the same Person whom he
Rom. ix. 3-5. 2 Cor. V. ' Exod. vii. I. * Ps. Ixxxi. (Ixxxii.) 6. '2 Cor. v. 16.
there declares to be God over all born accord- Body, from which weakness of the flesh can
ing to the flesh, whom he here asserts that he be known in it. And thus whatever had
no longer knows according to the flesh. And formerly belonged to a twofold substance,
plainly for this reason; viz., because Him has become attached to a single Power.
whom he had known as born in the flesh, he Since there is no sort of doubt that Christ,
acknowledges as God for ever; and therefore who was crucified through human weakness
says that he knows him not after the flesh, lives entirely through the glory of His
because He is over all, God blessed for ever; Divinity.
and the phrase there: "who is over all God,"
answers to this: "we no longer know Christ
and this phrase: "we
according to the flesh;
no longer know Christ according to the flesh " From the Epistle to the Galatians he brings forward a passage
implies this: "who is God blessed forever."^ to showthat the weakness of the flesh in Christ was
absorbed by His Divinity.
The declaration of Apostolic teaching then
somehow rises, as it were to greater heights,
and though it is self-consistent throughout,
The Apostle indeed declares this in the
whole body of his writings, and admirably
yet it supports the mystery of the perfect faith,
with a still more express statement, and says :
says in writing to the Galatians: "Paul an
"And though we have known Christ accord- Apostle not of men, neither by man, but by
Jesus Christ and God the Father."* You
ing to the flesh, yet now we know Him so no see how thoroughly consistent he is with him-
longer," i.e., as formerly we knew Him as self in the former and the present passage.
man as well as God, yet now only as God. "
For when the frailty of flesh comes to an end,
For there he says Now we no longer know

we no longer know anything in Him except Christ according to the flesh." Here he says :

the power of Divinity, for all that is in Him

"Not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus
Christ." It is clear that his doctrine is the
is the power of Divine Majesty, where the
weakness of human infirmity has ceased to
same here as in the former passage. For
where he says that he is not sent by man,
exist. In this passage then he has tho-
he implies: "We have not known Christ ac-
roughly expounded the whole mystery of the to the flesh:" and so I am "not sent
Incarnation, and of His perfect Divinity. cording "
For where he says " And if we have known by
man but "by Christ;"* for if I am sent
I am not sent by man but by God.
Christ according to the flesh," he speaks by Christ,
For there is no longer room for the name of
of the mystery of God born in flesh. But
man, in Him whom Divinity claims entirely
by adding "yet now we know Him so no for itself. And so when he had said that he
longer," he manifests His power when weak-
ness is laid aside. And thus that knowledge was sent "not of men, neither by man, but
of the flesh has to do with His humanity, and by Jesus Christ,"
he rightly added: "And
that ignorance, with the glory of His Divinity.
God the Father," thus showing that he was
For to say "we have known Christ accord- sent by God the Father and God the Son;
ing to the flesh
means " as long as that in whom owing to the mystery of the sacred

which was known, existed. Now we no longer and ineffable generation there are two Persons
know it, after it has ceased to exist. For (He who begets, and He who is begotten),
but there is but one single Power of God who
the nature of flesh has been transformed into
a spiritual substance: and that which for-
is the sender. And so in saying that he was
sent by God the Father and God the Son, he
merly belonged to the manhood, has all become shows that the
God's. And therefore we no longer know Persons are two in number,
but he also teaches that their Power is One
Christ according to the flesh, because when
in sending.
bodily infirmity has been absorbed by Divine
Majesty,^ notfxing remains in that Sacred
Petschenig's text reads as follows : Ac per hoc
et illud ibi ;
Qui est super omnia Deus, hoc die it non novitnus jam C\ristum
: ,

secundum carnem, et hie von novimus jam Christum secitndum

: As it is
blasphemy to pare away the Divinity of Christ, so also
carnem, hoc ait Qui est Deus benedictus in sacuta.
: That of blasphemous to deny that He is true man.
is it
Gazsushas: Ac per hoc et illud ibi qui est super otnnia Deus et :

hoc dicit, non novimus jam Christum secundum carnem Quia est :

Deus benedictus in scEcula.

2 The
But he says "by Jesus Christ, and God the
language used in the text by Cassian is scarcely defensible.
The whole tenour of the treatise shows clearly enough that his Father, who raised Him from the dead."
meaning orthodox enough, and that he fully recognizes that the
Human nature of Christ is still existing (See especially c. vi.) :
heresy against which Cassian himself is writing. These instances
but the language used comes perilously near to Eutychianism, and of inaccurate language, which a later writer would have carefully
might be taken to imply that the human nature had been absorbed avoided, serve to show one great service which heresies did to the
in the Divine. Again m
Book V. c. vii. he speaks of the Son of Church in making Churchmen write Aoynciorfpof. Cf. Domer,
man " united to the Son of God " (Cf. also c. viii.) language which Doctrine of the Person of Christ, Vol. i. p. 458 (E. T.).
taken by itself might seem to sanction Nestorianism, the very * Gal. i. I. * Christum
(Petschenig) Jesum (Gazasus).

That renowned and admirable teacher, know- the Apostle said that he no longer knew ac-
ing that our Lord Jesus Christ must be cording to the flesh one whom he had seen in
preached as true man, as well as true God, such splendour and majesty. For when as he
always declares the glory of the Divine in lay prostrate he saw the splendour of that
Him, in such a way as not to lose hold of the divine light which he was unable to endure,
confession of the Incarnation plainly exclud- : there followed this voice: "Saul, Saul,
ing the phantasm of Marcion, by a real In- persecutest thou Me?" And when he asked
carnation, and the poverty of the Ebionite, who it might be, the Lord answers and clearly
by Divinity: lest through one or other of points out His Personality: "I am Jesus of
these wicked blasphemies it might be believed Nazareth, whom thou persecutest." Now
that our Lord Jesus Christ was either alto- then, you heretic, I ask you, I summon you.
gether man without God, or God without man. Do you believe what the Apostle says of him-
Excellently then did the Apostle, when de- self, or do you not believe it? Or if you
claring that He was sent by God the Son as think that unimportant, do you believe what
well as by God the Father, add at once a con- the Lord says of Himself or do you not be-
fession of the Lord's Incarnation, by saying: lieve it? If you do believe it, there is an end
"Who raised Him from the dead:" clearly of the matter: for you cannot help believing
teaching that it was a real body of the Incar- what we believe. For we, like the Apostle,
nate God, which was raised from the dead: in even if we have known Christ according to
accordance with this " And though we have
: the flesh, yet know Him so no. longer. W-'V
known Christ according to the flesh," excel- do not heap insults on Christ. IVe do not
lently adding: "Yet now we know Him so no separate the flesh from the Divinity; and all
longer." For he says that he knows this in that is in Christ we believe is in God. If
Him according to the flesh; viz., that He was then you believe the same that we believe you
raised from the dead; but that he knows Him must acknowledge the same mysteries of the
no longer according to the flesh inasmuch as faith. But if you differ from us, if you refuse
when the weakness of the flesh is at an end, to believe the Churches, the Apostle, aye and
he knows that He exists in the Power of God God's own testimony about Himself, show us
only. Surely he is a faithful and satisfactory in this vision which the Apostle saw, how
witness of our Lord's Divinity which had to much is flesh, and how much God. For I
be proclaimed, who at his first call was smit- cannot here separate one from the other. I
ten from heaven itself, and .did not merely see thejneffable light, I see the inexpressible
believe in his heart the glory of our Lord splendour, I see the radiance that human
Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead, weakness cannot endure, and beyond what
but actually established its truth by the mortal eyes can bear, the glory of God shin-
evidence of his bodily eyes. ing with inconceivable light. What room is
there here for division and separation? In
the voice we hear Jesus, in the majesty we see
CHAPTER VL God. How can we help believing that in one
and the same (Personal) substance God and
He shows from the appearance of Christ vouchsafed to the Jesus exist. But I should like to have a few
Apostle when persecuting the Church, the existence of both more words with
natures in Him.
you on this subject. Tell
me, I pray you, if there appeared to you in
Wherefore also, when arguing before King your present persecution of the Catholic faith
that same vision which then appeared to the
Agrippa and others of the world's judges; he
Apostle in his ignorance, if when you were
speaks as follows: "When I was going to not
Damascus with authority and permission of expecting it and were off your guard, that
radiance shone round about you, and the glory
the chief priests, at midday, O king, I saw in of that boundless
the a from heaven above the light smote you in your
way light bright-
terror and confusion, and you lay prostrate in
ness of the sun, shining round about me and
all those that were with me. body and soul; which the un-
And when we darkness of indescribable
limited and terror of your heart
were all fallen down to the ground, I heard a
voice saying unto me in the Hebrew tongue, increased,^

tell me, I intreatyou; When the
dread of immediate death was pressing on
Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? It
and the terror of the glory that threatened
is hard for thee to kick against the goad. you,
you from above, weighed you down, and you
And I said.Who art Lord? And the
Lord said to me: I am Jesus of Nazareth,
' Intfstimabili
majestatem Dei luce fulgenietn (Petschenig):
" Gazasus edits Intrstimabilefti majestatem. Dei lucc/ulgeiitem.
whom thou persecutest. ^
You see how truly *
Quas tibi immensus el inej^abilis pavor mentis augeret (Pet.
schenig) CJaZc-ciis has Quas tibi immensas et ineffabiles angustias

1 Acts xxvl. 12-15. pavor mentis augeret f

heard as well in your bewilderment of mind us, speaks in him, is man or God. If He is
those words which your sin so well deserves :
man, how can another's body speak in his
Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me ?
" and heart? If God, then Christ is not a man but

to your inquiry who it was the answer was God; for since Christ spoke in the Apostle,
given from heaven
:I am Jesus of Nazareth, and only God could speak in him, therefore
whom thou persecutest," what would you say? a Divine Christ spoke in him. And so you
"I do not know, I do not yet fully believe. see that there is nothing to be said here, that
I want to think over it with myself a little no division or separation can be made be-
longer, who I think that
Thou art, who speak- tween Christ and God: because complete
est from heaven, who overwhelmest me with the Divinity was in Christ, and Christ was com-
brightness of Thy Divinity: whose voice I pletely in God. No division or severing of
hear and whose splendour I cannot bear. I the two can here be admitted. There is only
must consider of this matter, whether I ought to one simple, pious, and sound confession to be
believe Thee or not whether Thou art Christ
made; viz., to adore, love, and worship Christ
or God. If Thou art God alone whether it is as God. But do you want to understand more
in Christ. If Thou art Christ alone, whether fully and thoroughly that there is no separa-
it is in God. I want this distinction to be tion to be made between God and Christ,
carefully observed, and thoroughly considered, and that we must hold that God is altogether
what we should believe that Thou art, and one with Christ? Plear what the Apostle
what we should judge Thee to be. For I says to the Corinthians: "For we must all
don't want any of my offices to be wasted. As be manifested before the judgment seat of
if I were to regard Thee as a man, and yet Christ, that every one may receive the proper
paj' to Thee some Divine honours. If then things of the body, according as he hath done,
you were lying on the ground, as the Apostle whether it be good or evil." ^ But in another
Paul was then lying, and overwhelmed with passage, in writing to the Romans he says:
the brightness of the Divine light, were at "We shall all stand before the judgment seat
your last gasp, perhaps you would say this, of God:for it is written: As I live, saith
and prate with all this silly chattering. But the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and
what shall we make of the fact that another every tongue shall confess to God."* You
course commended itself to the Apostle and ; see then that the judgment seat of God is the
when he had fallen down, trembling and half same as that of Christ; understand then with-
dead, he did not think that he ought any out any doubt that Christ is God; and when
longer to conceal his belief, or to deliberate; you see that the substance of God and Christ
it was enough for him that he was taught is altogether inseparable, admit also that the

by inexpressible arguments to know that He Person cannot be severed. Unless forsooth be-
whom he had ignorantly fancied to be a man, cause the Apostle in one Epistle said that we
was God. He did not conceal his belief, he should be manifested before the judgment seat
made no delay. He did not any longer pro- of Christ, and in another before that of God,
tract his erroneous ideas by deliberating and you invent two judgment seats, and fancy that
disbelieving, but as soon as he heard from some will be judged by Christ and others by
heaven the name of Jesus his Lord, he replied God. But this is foolish and wild, and mad-
in a voice, subdued like that of a servant, der than a madman's utterances. Acknowledge
tremulous like that of one scourged, and full then the Lord of all, the God of the universe,
of fervour like that of one converted, "What acknowledge the judgment seat of God in the
shall I do. Lord ? And so at once for his judgment seat of Christ. Love life, love your
ready and earnest faith, it was granted to him salvation, love Him by whom you were
that He should never be without His presence created. Fear Him by whom you are to be
whom he had faithfully, believed: and that judged. For whether you will or no, you
He, to whom he had passed in heart, should have to be manifested before the judgment
Himself pass into his heart: as the Apostle seat of Christ, and laying aside wicked blas-
himself says of himself Do you seek a phemy and the childish talk of unbelieving

" ^
proof of Christ that speaketh in me ? words, though you think that the judgment
seat of God is different from that of Christ,

CHAPTER VII. you will come before the judgment seat of

Christ, and will find by evidence that there is
He shows once more by other passages of the Apostle that no gainsaying, that the
Christ is God.
judgment seat of God
is indeed the same as that of Christ, and that
I WANT you to tell me, you heretic, whether in Christ the Son of God, there is all the
in this passage He who, as the Apostle tells of God the Son, and the power of God the
1 ' *
2 Cor. xiii. 3. 2 Cor. V. 10. Rom. xiv. 10, II.
Father. For the Father judgeth no man, but circumlocution, nor did he when he preached
hath committed all judgment to the Son, that the gospel of the Lord blush at the mention
all men may honour the Son as they honour of the cross of Christ. And though it was a
the Father."^ For whoever denies the Father stumbling-block to the Jews, and foolishness
denies the Son also. "Whosoever denieth to the Gentiles to hear of God as born, God
the Son, the same hath not the Father: he in bodily form, God suffering, God crucified,
that confesseth the Son, hath the Father yet he did not weaken the force of his pious
also."^ And so you |hould learn that the utterance because of the wickedness of the
glory of the Father and the Son is insepa- offence of the Jews: nor did he lessen the
rable, and their majesty is inseparable also; vigour of his faith because of the unbelief
and that the Son cannot be honoured without and the foolishness of others: but openly,
the Father, nor the Father without the Son. persistently, and boldly proclaimed that He,
JHut no man can honour God and the Son of whom a mother' had borne, whom men had
God except in Christ the only-begotten Son of slain, the spear had pierced, the cross had
God. For it is impossible for a man to have stretched was "the power and wisdom of —
the Spirit of God who is to be honoured ex- God, to the Jews a stumbling-block, and to
cept in the Spirit of Christ, as the Apostle the Gentiles foolishness." But still that
says: "But ye are not in the flesh, but in which was to some a stumbling-block and
the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God foolishness, was to others the power and wis-
dwell in you. But if any man have not the dom of God. For as the persons differed, so
Spirit of Christ, he is none of His."' And was there a difference of their thoughts: and
again: "Who shall lay anything to the charge what a man who was void of sound under-
of God's elect? It is God
that justifieth. standing, and incapable of true good, fool-
Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ ishly denied in unbelief, that a wise faith
Jesus who died, yea rather who rose again."* could feel in its inmost soul to be holy and
You see then now, even against your will, life giving.
that there is absolutely no difference between
the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ, IX. CHAPTER
or between the judgment of God and the
judgment of Christ. Choose then which you How the Apostle's preaching was rejected by Jews and Gentiles
will —
for one of the two must happen either —
because it confessed that the crucified Christ was God.

acknowledge in faith that Christ is God, or TELL-tne then, you heretic, you enemy of
admit that God is in Christ at your condem-
all men, but of yourself above all to whom —
the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is an offence
as with the Jews, and foolishness as with the
CHAPTERVIII. Gentiles, you who reject the mysteries of true
salvation, with the stumbling of the former,
When confessing the Divinity of Christ we ought not to pass and are foolish with the stubbornness of the
over in silence the confession of the cross.
others, why was the preaching of the Apostle
Paul foolishness to the pagans, and a stum-
But let us see what else follows. In writ-
bling-block to the Jews ? Surely it would
ing to the church of Corinth, he whom we never have offended men, if he had
of the instructor of all the taught
spoke above,
that Christ was, as you maintain He is, a
churches viz. Paul, speaks thus: "The Jews,"
" mere man? For who would think that His
says he, seek signs, and the Greeks ask for
birth, passion, cross, and death were incred-
wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified, to
ible or a difficulty? Or what would there
the Jews a stumbling-block, to the Gentiles
have been novel or strange about the preach-
foolishness: but to them that are saved, both
ing of Paul, if he had said that a merely
Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God human Christ suffered that which human
and the wisdom of God."' most power- O nature daily endures among men everywhere ?
ful teacher of the faith, who even in this
But it was surely this that the foolishness of
passage, when teaching the Church thought the Gentiles could not receive, and the un-
it not enough to speak of Christ as God with-
belief of the Jews rejected; viz., that the
out adding that He was crucified on purpose
declared that Christ whom they, like
that for the sake of the open and solid teach- Apostle
fancied to be a mere man, was God.
ing of the faith he might proclaim Him, whom you,
This it certainly was which the thoughts of
he called the crucified, to be the wisdom
wicked men rejected, which the ears of
of God. He then employed no subtilty or thesefaithless could not endure; viz., that the
S. John V. 22, 23.
' Rom. viii. 9. • I Cor. i. 22-24.
' * Ibid. ver. 33, 34.
" Mater (Petschenig) : Caro (Gazjeus).
I John ii. 23.
birth of God should be proclaimed in the man offends you. Italways offended the Jews as
You shudder at hearing that God
Jesus Christ, that the passion of God should well.
be asserted, and the cross of God proclaimed. suffered: the Gentiles in their error mocked
This it was which was a difficulty: this was at this also. I ask you then, in what point
what was incredible; for that was incredible do you differ from them, since you both agree
to the hearing of men, which had never in this frowardness? But for my part I not
been heard of as happening to the Divine only do not water down this preaching of the
nature. And so you are quite secure, with holy cross, this preaching of the Lord's pas-
such an announcement and teaching as yours, sion, but as far as my wishes and powers go I
emphasise it. For I will declare that He who
that your preaching will never be either fool-
ishness to the Gentiles or a stumbling-block was crucified is not only the power and wis-
to the Jews. You will never be crucified dom of God, than which there is nothing
with Peter by Jews and Gentiles, nor stoned greater, but actually Lord of absolute Divin-
with James, nor beheaded with Paul. For ity and glory. And this the rather, because
there is nothing in your preaching to offend this assertion of mine is the doctrine of God,
them. You maintain that a mere man was as the Apostle says: "We speak wisdom
born, a mere man suffered. You need not be among them that are perfect: but the wisdom
afraid of their troubling you with persecution, not of this world, nor of the rulers of this
for you are helping them by your preaching. world who are brought to nought: but we
speak the hidden wisdom of God in a mystery,
which God ordained before the world, unto
CHAPTER X. our glory: which none of the princes of this
world knew: for if they had known it, they
How God would never have crucified the Lord of glory.
the apostle maintains that Christ is the power of
and the wisdom of God. But as it is written that eye hath not seen,

nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the

But let us see something more on the sub- heart of man, what God hath
prepared for
ject. Christ then, according to the Apostle, them that love Him." ^ You see what
is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
matters the Apostle's discourse comprises in
What have you to say to this ? How can you how small a He says that he speaks
get out of it? There is no place for you to wisdom, but a wisdom which only those that
escape and fly to. Christ is the wisdom of are
perfect can know, and which the prudent
God and the power of God. He, I say, whom of this world cannot know. For he says that
the Jews attacked, the Gentiles mocked, whom this is the wisdom of
God, which is hidden in
you yourself together with them are persecu- a Divine mystery, and predestined before all
— He, I say, who is foolishness to the worlds for the
glory of the saints: and that
heathen, and a stumbling-block to the Jews, therefore it is
only known to those who savour
and both to you. He, I say, is the power of of
God; while the princes of this world are
God and the wisdom of God. What is there But he adds the reason,
utterly ignorant of it.
that you can do? Shut your ears, forsooth, so to establish both points that he had mentioned,
as not to hear? This the Jews did also when "
For if they had known it, they would
saying :

the Apostle was preaching. Do what you will, never have crucified the Lord of glory. But
Christ is in heaven, and in God, and with it is
written, that eye hath not seen, nor ear
Him, and in Him in the heavens above in hath neither hath it entered into the
whom also He was here below you can no heart heard,
of man, what God hath prepared for
longer persecute Him with the Jews. But them that love Him." You see then how the
you do the one thing that you can. You wisdom of
God, hidden in a mystery, and
persecute Him in the faith, you persecute
predestined before all worlds, was unknown to
Him in the church, you persecute Him with those who crucified the Lord of
glory, and
the arms of a wicked belief, you persecute
known by those who received it. And well
Him with the sword of false doctrine. Per- does he
say that the wisdom of God was hid-
haps you do rather more than the Jews of old den in a
did. You now persecute Christ, after even of mystery, for never yet could the eye
any man see, or the ear hear, or the heart
those who did persecute Him, have believed.
But perhaps you think that the sin is less shouldimagine this; viz., that the Lord of glory
be born of a virgin and come in the
because you can no longer lay hands on Him.
flesh, and suffer all kinds of punishment, and
No less grievous, I tell you, no less grievous shameful But with regard to these
to Him is that persecution, in which sinful
men persecute Him in the persons of His fol-
gifts of God, as there is no one who
— since

lowers. But the mention of the Lord's cross *

I Cor. 6-9. i.

they were hidden in a mystery could ever of —

himself understand them, so blessed is he who CHAPTER Xn.
has grasped them when they are revealed.
He proves from the renowned confession of the blessed Peter
Thus who have failed to grasp them must
all that Christ is God.
be reckoned among the princes of this world,
and those who have grasped them among But if
you prefer the authority of a greater
Cod's wise ones. He then does not grasp
person (although you ought not to slight the
who denies God born in the flesh; therefore authority of any one of either sex, on whom
you also do not grasp it, as you deny this. the confession of the mystery confers weight —
But do what you will, deny as impiously as for whatever may be a person's condition, or
you like, we the rather believe the Apostle. however humble his position, yet the value of
But why should I say the Apostle ? the rather his faith is not thereby diminished) let us
do we believe God. For through the Apostle interrogate no beginner or untaught school-
we believe Him, whom we know to have boy, nor a woman whose faith might perhaps
spoken by the Apostle. The Divine word appear to be but rudimentary; but that greatest
says that the ord of glory was crucified by of disciples among disciples, and of teachers

the princes of the world. You deny it. They among teachers, who presided and ruled over
also who crucified Him denied that it was God the Roman Church, and held the chief place ^
whom they were crucifying. They then who in the priesthood as he did in the faith. Tell
confess Him have their portion with the us then, tell us, we pray, O Peter, thou chief
Apostle who confessed Him. You are sure to of Apostles, tell us how the Churches ought to
have your lot with His persecutors. What is believe in God. For it is right that you
there then that can be replied to this? The should teach us, as you were taught by the
Apostle says that the Lord of glory was cruci- Lord, and that you should open to us the gate,
fied. Alter this if you can. Separate now, of which you received the key. Shut out all
you please, Jesus from God. At least you those who try to overthrow the heavenly
cannot deny that Christ was crucified by the house: and those who are endeavouring to
Jews. But it was the Lord of glory who was enter by secret holes and unlawful approaches :

crucified. Therefore you must either deny as it is clear that none can enter the gate of
that Christ was nailed to the cross, or you the kingdom save one to whom the key be-
must admit that God was nailed to it. stowed on the Churches is revealed by you.
Tell us then how we ought to believe in Jesus
Christ Tfirtl to confess our common Lord. You
will surely reply without hesitation Why do

CHAPTER XL you consult me as to the way in which the

Lord should be confessed, when you have be-
fore you my own confession of Him? Read
He supports the same doctrine by proofs from the gospel. the gospel, and you will not want me myself,
when you have got my confession. Nay, you
But perhaps it- is a'
difficulty to you that all
have got me myself when you have my con-
this time am for though / have no weight apart
chiefly using the witness of the fession;

Apostle Paul alone. He is good enough for from my confession, yet the actual confession
me, whom God chose, nor do I blush to call adds weight to my person." Tell us then, O
as the witness to my faith, the man whom God Evangelist, tell us the confession: tell us the
willed to be the teacher of the whole world. faith of the chief Apostle: did he confess that
But to yield to your wishes, as perhaps you Jesus was only a man, or God? did he say
fancy that I have no other proofs to use, hear that there was nothing but flesh in Him, or
the perfect mystery of man's salvation and did he proclaim Him the Son of God? When
eternal bliss, which Martha proclaims in the then the Lord Jesus Christ asked whom the
For what does she say? "Of a disciples believed and confessed Him to be,
truth. Lord, I have believed that Thou art the Peter, the first of the Apostles, replied one —
Christ, the Son of the living God, who art in the name of all —
for the answer of one was
come into this world." ^ Learn the true faith to the same effect as the faith of them all.
from a woman. Learn the confession of eter- But it was fitting that he should first give the
nal hope. Yet you have a splendid consola- answer, that the order of the answer might
tion you need not blush to be taught the
correspond to the degree of honour: and that
mystery of salvation by her, whose testimony he might outstrip them in confession, as he
God did not refuse to accept. outstripped them in age. What then does he
• *
S. John xi. 27. Principatus,
say? "Thou art," he says, "the Christ the the Son of the living God," what was the
I am obliged, you answer of our Lord and Saviour?
Son of the living God." "Blessed
heretic, to make use of a plain and simple art thou," said He, "Simon Barjonah, for
Tell me, I pray, flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee
question to confute you.
who was He, to whom Peter gave that answer? but the Spirit of Father which is in
You cannot that it was the Christ. I ask heaven." If you do not like to use the testi-
then, what do you call Christ? man or God? mony of the Apostle use that of God. For by
Man certainly without any doubt: for hence commending what was said God added His
springs the whole of your heresy, because you own authority to the Apostle's utterance, so
deny that Christ is the Son of God. And so that although the utterance came from the
too you say that Mary is Christotocos, but not lips of the Apostle, yet God who approved of
Theotocos, because she was the mother of it made it His own. Blessed art thou," said
Christ, not of God. Therefore you maintain He, Simon Barjonah, for flesh and blood
that Christ is only a man, and not God, and hath not revealed it unto thee, but the Spirit
so that He is the Son of man not of God. of Father which is in heaven." Thus in
What then does Peter reply to this ? " Thou the words of the Apostle you have the testi-
art," he says, "the Christ, the Son of the mony of the Holy Spirit and of the Son who
living God." That Christ whom you declare was present and of God the Father. What
to be only the Son of man, he testifies to be more can you want, or what comes up to this?
the Son of God. Whom
would you like us to The Son commended the Father was present
: :

believe? you or Peter? I imagine that you the Holy Ghost revealed. The utterance of
are not so shameless as to venture to prefer the Apostle thus 'gives the testimony of the
your own opinion to that of the first of the entire Godhead for this utterance must neces-

Apostles. And yet what is there that you sarily have the authority of Him from whose
would not venture on? or how can you help prompting it proceeds. "Blessed then art
scorning the Apostle, if yoft can deny God? thou," said He, "Simon Barjonah, for flesh
"Thou art then," he says, "the Christ, the and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but
Son of the living God." Is there anything the Spirit of Father which is in heaven."
puzzling or obscure in this? It is nothing but If then flesh and blood did not reveal this to
a plain and open confession: he proclaims Peter or inspire him, you must at last see who
Christ to be the Son of God. Perhaps you inspires you. If the Spirit of God taught him
will deny that the words were spoken but who confessed that Christ was God, you see

the Evangelist testifies that they were. Or do how you are taught by the spirit of the devil if
you say that the Apostle told a lie? But it is you can deny it.
an awful lie to accuse an Apostle of lying.
Or perhaps you will maintain that the words
were spoken of some other Christ? But this
is a novel kind of monstrous fabrication.
What then is left for you ? One thing indeed How the confession of the blessed Peter is the faith of the

viz., that since what is written is read, and whole Church.

what is read is true, you should finally be
driven by force and compulsion (as you But what are the other words which follow
cannot assert its falsehood) to desist from that saying of the Lord's, with which He
impugning its truth. commends Peter? "And I," said He, "say
unto thee, that thou art Peter and upon this
rock I will build My Church." Do you see
CHAPTER XIII. how the saying of Peter is the faith of the
Church ? Fie then must of course be outside
The confession of the blessed Peter receives a testimony to its the Church, who does not hold the faith of the
truth from Christ Himself. Church. "And to thee," saith the Lord, "I
will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven."
But still, as I have made use of the testi- This faith deserved heaven: this faith re-
mony of the chief Apostle, in which he openly ceived the keys of the heavenly kingdom.
confessed the Lord Jesus Christ as God, let See what awaits You cannot enter the
us see how He whom he confessed approved
gate to which this key belongs, if you have
of his confession for of far more value than denied
the faith of this key. "And the
the Apostle's words is the fact that God
gate," He adds, "of hell shall not prevail
Himself commended his utterance. When against thee." The
gates of hell are the
then the Apostle said: "Thou art the Christ belief or rather the misbelief of heretics.
1 S. Matt. xvi. i6. For widely as hell is separated from heaven.

so widely is he who denies from him who you do, the Lord from His body: and had no
confessed that Christ is God. ''Whatsoever," idea how to rend God asunder from Himself.
He proceeds, "thou shalt bind on earth, shalt He was holy, straightforward, upright: filled
be bound in heaven, and whatsoever tliou with practical innocence, unalloyed faith, and
shalt loose on earth, shalt be loosed also in pure knowledge having a simple understand- :

heaven." The perfect faith of the Apostle ing joined with prudence, a wisdom entirely
somehow is given the power of Deity, that free from all evil, together with perfect sim-
what it should bind or loose on earth, might plicity: ignorant of any corruption, and free
be bound or loosed in heaven. For you then, from all heretical perversity, and as one who
who come against the Apostle's faith, as you had experienced in himself the force of the
see that already you are bound on earth, it Divine lesson, he held fast everything which
only remains that you should know that you he had learnt. And so he countryman and

are bound also in. heaven. But it would ignorant fellow as you fancy him shuts you —
take too long to go into details which are so up with a brief answer, and destroys your
numerous as to make a long and wearisome position with a few words of his. What then
story, even if they are related with brevity did the Apostle Thomas touch when he drew
and conciseness. near to handle his God? Certainly it was
Christ without any doubt. But what did he
exclaim? "My Lord," he said, "and my
God." Now, if you can, separate Christ from
God, and change this saying, if you are able
St. Thomas also confessed the same faith as Peter after the
Lord's resurrection. to. Make use df all dialectic art — all the
prudence of this world, and that foolish wis-
But I want still to add one more testimony dom which consists in wordy subtlety. Turn
from an Apostle for you: that you may see yourself about in every direction, and draw in
how what followed after the passion corres- your horns. Do whatever you can with inge-
ponded with what went before it. When then nuity and art. Say what you like, and do
the Lord appeared in the midst of His dis- what you like you cannot possibly get out of

ciples when the doors were shut, and wished j

this without confessing that what the Apostle
to make clear to the Apostles the reality of !
touched was God. And indeed, if the thing
His body, when the Apostle Thomas felt His can possibly be done, perhaps you will want to
flesh and handled His side and examined His alter the statement of the gospel story, so that
wounds — what was it that he declared, when we may-T3j0t read that the Apostle Thomas
he was convinced of the reality of the body touched the body of the Lord, or that he
shown to him? "My Lord," he said, "and called Christ Lord and God. But it is abso-
Did he say what you say, that it lutely impossible to alter what h written in
my God."
was a man and not God.'' Christ and not the gospel of God. For "heaven and earth
" "
Divinity.'' He surely touched the body of his shall pass away, but the words of God shall
Lord and answered that He was God. Did not pass away." ^ For lo, even now he who
he make any separation between man and then bore his witness, the Apostle Thomas,
God? or did he call that flesh Theotocos, to proclaims to you Jesus whom I touched is

use your expicssion, i.e., that which received God. It is God whose limbs I handled. I did
Divinity? or did he, after the fashion of your not feel what was incorporeal, not handle what
blasphemy, declare that He whom he touched was intangible: I touched not a Spirit with
was to be honoured not for His own sake, but my hand, so that it might be believed that I
for the sake of Him whom He had received said of it alone 'It is God.' For 'a spirit,'
into Himself? But perhaps God's Apostle as my Lord Himself said, 'hath not flesh and
knew nothing of
that subtle separation of bones." I touched the body of my Lord.
yours, and had no experience of the fine dis- I handled flesh and bones. I put my fingers
tinctions of your judgment, as he was a rude into the prints of the wounds and I declared :

countryman, ignorant of the dialectic art, and of Christ my Lord, whom I had handled :

of the method of philosophic disputation; for My Lord and my God.' For I know not

whom the Lord's teaching was amply suffi- how to make a separation between Christ and
cient, and as he was one who knew nothing God, and I cannot insert blasphemous distinc-
whatever except what he learnt from the in- tions between Jesus and God, or rend my Lord
struction of the Lord! And so his words con- asunder from Himself. Away from me, who-
tain heavenly doctrine; his faith is a Divine ever is of a different opinion, and whoever
lesson. He had never learnt to separate, as says anything different. I know not that
> » S. Matt. xxiv. 35. • S. Luke
S. John XX. 28. xxiv. 39.
Christ is other than God. This faith I held not to be believed concerning the only begotten
together with my fellow apostles this I de- : Son of God.^ "This," He then says, "is My
livered to the Churches: this I preached to beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. '

the Gentiles this I proclaim to thee also,

: But perhaps you will try to maintain that this
Christ is God, Christ is God. sound mind A
madness, and that this was said of the Word

imagines nothing else: a sound faith says and not of Christ. Tell me then who was it
nothing else. The Deity cannot be parted who was baptized? The Word or Christ?
from Itself. And since whatever is Christ is Flesh or Spirit? You cannot possibly deny
God, there can be found in God none other that it was Christ. That man then, born of
but God." man and of God, conceived by the descent
of the Holy Spirit upon the Virgin, and by
the overshadowing of the Power of the Most
CHAPTER XVI. High, and thus the Son of man and of God,
He it was, as you cannot deny, who was bap-
tized. If then it was He who was baptized,
He brings forward the witness of God the Father to the
it was He also who Avas named, for
Divinity of tlie Son. certainly
the Person who was baptized was the one
" "
What do you say now, you heretic ? Are named. This," said He, is My beloved
in whom I am well pleased." Could
these evidences of the faith, aye and of all Son,
your unbelief, enough for you or would you or anything be said with greater significance

like some more to be added to them ? but

clearness? Christ was baptized. Christ
what can be added after Prophets and Apos- went up out of the water. When Christ was
tles.-' unless perhaps —
as the Jews once de- baptized the heavens were opened. For
manded —
you too might ask for a sign to be
Christ's sake the dove descended upon Christ,

given you from heaven But if you ask this, the Holy Spirit was present in a bodily form.

we must give you the same answer which was The Father addressed Christ. If you ven-
formerly given to them
An evil and adul- ture to deny that this was spoken of Christ,

terous generation seeketh after a sign. And the only thing is for you to maintain that
no sign shall be given to it, but the sign of the Christ was not baptized, that the Spirit did
prophet Jonah."
And indeed this sign would not descend, and that the Father did not
be enough for you as for the Jews who cruci- speak. But the truth itself is urgent and
fied Him, that you might be taught to believe weighs you down so that even if you will not
in the Lord God by this alone, through which confess it, yet you cannot deny it. For what
even those who had persecuted Him, came to says the Evangelist ? When He was bap-
believe. But as we have mentioned a sign tized, straightway He went up out of the
from heaven, I will show you a sign from water." Who was baptized ? Most certainly
heaven: and one of such a character that Christ. "And behold," he says, "the heavens
even the dc^vils have never gainsaid it were opened to Him." To whom, forsooth,

constrained the demands of

save to Him who was baptized ? Most cer-
while, by truth,
though they saw Jesus in bodily form, they yet tainly
to Christ. "And He saw the Spirit of
cried out that He was God, as indeed He was. God descending like a dove and coming upon
What then does the Evangelist say of the Lord Him." Who saw? Christ indeed. Upon
Jesus Christ? "When He was baptized," he
whom did It descend ? Most certainly upon
says, "straightway He went up out of the
Christ. And a voice came from heaven,
water. And lo, the heavens were opened to saying
of whom ? —
Of Christ indeed for :

Him, and He saw the Spirit descending like what follows? "This is My beloved Sen, in
a dove, and coming upon Him. And behold, whom I am well pleased." In order that it
a voice from heaven, saying This is be made clear on whose account all
My be- might

loved Son, in whom am

well pleased."
I '^ this happened, there followed the voice, say-
What do you This is My beloved Son," as if to say
say to this, you heretic ? Do you ing : :

dislike the words spoken, or the Person of the This is He on whose account all this tcok
Speaker ? The meaning of the utterance at place. For this is My Son on His account

the heavens were opened: on His account My

any rate needs no explanation nor does the :

worth of the Speaker need the commendation Spirit came: on His account My voice was
of words. It is God the Father who heard. For this is My Son. In saying then
What He 'said is clear enough. Surely you "This is My Son "whom did He so desig-
cannot make so shameless and blasphemous nate ? Certainly Him whom the dove touched.
an assertion as to say that God the Father is And whom did the dove touch Christ in- ?

deed. Therefore Christ is the Son of God.

S. Matt. xvi. 4.
S. Matt. iii. 16, 17. My promise is fulfilled, I fancy. Do you see
BOOK IV. 57:

then now, O heretic, a sign given you from special properties of the Divine nature and ;

heaven ;
and not one only, but many and that that might specially redound to the glory

special ones ? For there is one in the opening of the Son of God, which had never happened

of heaven, another in the descent of the Spirit, to any man. And so just as in the case of our

a third in the voice of the Father. All of Lord Jesus Christ these special and unique
which most clearly show that Christ is God, things happened viz., that the heavens were

for the laying open of the heavens indicates opened, that in the sight of all God the Father

that He is God, and the descent of the Holy touched Him in a sort of way, through the
Spirit upon Him supports His Divinity, and coming and presence of the dove, and pointed
the address of the Father confirms it. For almost with His finger to Him saying, "This
heaven would not have been opened except is My Son so this too is special and unique

in honour of its Lord nor would the Holy in His case viz., that He is specially beloved,

Ghost have descended in a bodily form except and is specially named as well-pleasing to the
upon the Son of God nor would the Father Father, in order that these special accompani-

have declared Him to be the Son, had he not ments might mark the special import of His
been truly such; especially with such tokens nature, and that the special character of His

of a Divine birth, as not merely to confirm the names might support the special position of

truth of the right faith, but also to exclude the only begotten Son, which the honour of the

the wickedness of guilty and erroneous belief. signs previously given had already confirmed.

For when the Father had expressly and point- But here comts the end of this book. For

edly said with the inexpressible majesty of a this saying of God the Father can neither be

Divine utterance, "This is My Son," He added to, nor equalled by any words of men.
added also what follows I mean, —

My be- For us God the Father Himself is a suffi-


loved, in whom well pleased."

I As He ciently satisfactory witness concerning our
had already declared Him by the prophet to I
Lord Jesus Christ, when He says "This is My
be God the Mighty and God the Great, so Son." If you think that it is possible for these
when He says here, beloved Son in utterances of God the Father to be gainsaid,
"My 1

whom 1 am well pleased," He adds further then you are forced to contradict Him, who by

to the name of His own Son the title also of the clearest possible announcement caused
His beloved Son, in whom He is well pleased Him to be acknowledged as His Son by the

that the addition of the titles might denote the whole world.


CHAPTER L ornamentation. Therefore since in the earlier

books we proved the Divinity of our Lord
That Christ was before the Incarnation God from
Jesus Christ while He was in the flesh by the
evidence not only of prophets and apostles,
As we have finished three books with the but of evangelists and angels as well, let us
most certain and the most valuable witnesses, now show that He who was born in the flesh
whose truth substantiated not only by human
is was God even before His Incarnation that ;

but also by Divine evidences, they would you may understand by the harmony and con-
abundantly suflice to ^rove our case by Divine cord of the evidences from the sacred Scrip-
authority, especially as the Divine authority tures, that you ought to believe that at His
of the case itself would be enough for this. birth in the body He was both God and man,
But still as the whole mass of the sacred who before His birth was only God, and that
Scriptures is full of these evidences, and He who after He had been brought forth by
where there are so many witnesses, there arc the Virgin in the body was God, was before
so many opinions to be urged —
nay where His birth from the Virgin, God the Word.
Holy Scripture itself gives its witness so to Learn then first of all from the Apostle the
speak with one Divine mouth

we have teacher of the whole world, that He who is
thought it well to add some others still, not without beginning, God, the Son of God, be-
from any need of confirmation, but because of came the Son of man at the end of the world,
the supply of material at our disposal so that ; i.e., in the fulness of the times. For he says :

" But when the fulness of the

anything which might be unnecessary for pur- times was come,
poses of defence, might be useful by way of God sent His Son, made of a woman, made
under the law." ^ Tell me then, before the and in whose person He Himself, so to speak,
Lord Jesus Christ was born of His mother preached. For it is right to believe Him in a
Mary, had God a Son or had He not ? You matter concerning knowledge of Himself, as
cannot deny that He had, for never yet was everything that we know of Him comes from
there either a son without a father, or a Him Himself, for God could not possibly be
father without a son because as a son is known of men, unless He Himself gave us the

so called with reference to a father, so is a knowledge of Himself. And so it is right that

father so named with reference to a son. we should believe everything of Him that we
know, from whom comes everything that we
know, for if we do not believe Him from whom
our knowledge comes, the result will be that
CHAPTER H. we shall know nothing at all, since we refuse
to believe Him, through whom our knowledge
He infers from what he has said that the Virgin Mary gave
birth to a Son who had pre-existed and was greater than she comes.
herself was.

You see then that when the Apostle says
that God sent His Son, it was His own Soft, He proves from the Epistle to the Romans the eternal
" Divinity of Christ.
to use the actual words of the Apostle, His
own Son" that God sent. For, since He sent And so as it is clear from the above testi-
His own Son, was not some one else's Son
mony that God sent His own Son, and that

that He sent, nor could He send Him at all He who was ever the Son of God became the
if He who was sent had no existence. He Son of man, let us see whether the same
sent then, he says, His own Son, made of a
Apostle gives any other testimony of the same
woman." Therefore because He sent Him, sort
elsewhere, that the truth which is already
He sent one who existed and because He clear
enough in itself, may be rendered still

sent His own, it certainly was not another's

more clear by the light of a twofold testimony.
but His own whom He sent. What then be- So then the same
Apostle says: '"God sent
comes of that argument of yours drawn from His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh." -
this world's subtleties ? No one ever yet gave You see that the
Apostle certainly did not
birth to one who had already existed before.
use these words by chance or at random, as
For had not the Lord a pre-existence before he
repeated what he had already said once
Mary? Was not the Son of God existent
before the daughter of man ?

for indeed there could not be found in him
In a word did chance or want of consideration as the fulness
not God Himself exist before man —
since cer- of Divine counsel and
speech had taken up .its
tainly there is no man who is not from God. abode in him. What then does he "
You see then that I do not merely say that sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful
Mary gave birth to one who had existed be- flesh." He says the same thing again and re-
fore her, not only, I say, one who had existed "
peats it, saying, God sent His own Son."
before her, but one who was the author of
Oh renowned and excellent teacher for !

her being, and that in giving birth to her Cre-

knowing that in this is contained the whole
ator, she became the mother of Him who gave ^
of the Catholic faith, in order that it
her being because it was as simple for God mystery
believed that the Lord was born in

might be
to bring about birth for Himself as for man,
the flesh and that the Son of God was sent into
and as easy for Him to arrange that He Him- this
world, again and again he makes the same
self should be born of mankind, as that a man "
proclamation saying, God sent His own
should be born. For the power of God is not
Son." Nor need we wonder that he who was
limited in regard to His own Person, as if
specially sent to preach the coming of God,
what was allowable to Plim in the case of all made
this announcement, since even before
others, was not allowable in His own case, and the
law, the giver of the law himself proclaimed
as if He who in the Divine nature could do all " I beseech
it, saying Thee, O Lord, provide

things as God, was yet unable in His own Per- another whom Thou
mayest send," or as it
son to become God in man. Setting aside then
stands still more clearly in the Hebrew text :

and rejecting your foolish and feeble and dull " I

beseech Thee, O Lord, send whom Thou
arguments from earthly things, we ought merely wilt send." * It is clear that the
to put credence in straightforward evidence holy prophet,
and the naked truth, and to adapt our faith to ^
Rom. viii. 3. s Sacratnentum.
* Exod.
Where the LXX. has Ac'o;u,ai, Kvpie, npoxfCpia-at
iv. 13.
those witnesses of God alone, whom God sent, Swdfiffov aWov
Of dTToo-TeAci?, which was followed by the old
Latin. Jerome however rendered the passage correctly from the
Hebrew ":
obsecro, Domine, mitte quern misurus es. Cf. the
1 Gal. iv. note on the Institutes, XII. xxxi.
BOOK IV. 575

feeling a yearning for the whole

in himself since Christ and the Word were united in the
human prayed as it were with the voices
race, mystery of the Incarnation, Christ and the
of all mankind to God the Father that He Word of God became one Son of God in
would send as speedily as possible Him who either substance. And when the Apostle
was to be sent by the Father for the redemp- John was anxious to state this clearly, he §aid
tion and salvation of all men, when he said, God sent His Son to be the Saviour of the
" I beseech
Thee, O Lord, send whom Thou world."' Do you see how he joined together
" "
God and man in an union that cannot be
wilt send." God," he therefore says, sent
His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh." severed ? For Christ who was born of Mary
Full well, when he says that He was sent in is without the slightest doubt called Saviour,
the flesh, does he exclude for Him sin of the as it is said, "For to you is born this day a
flesh for he says "God sent His own Son in
Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."
But here
the likeness of the flesh of sin," in order that he calls the very Word of God, which was sent,
we may know that though the flesh was truly a Saviour, saying " God sent his Son to be :

taken, yet there was no true sin, and that, as the Saviour of the world."
far as the body is concerned, we should under-
stand that there was reality as far as sin is ;

concerned, only the likeness of sin. For though CHAPTER V.

all flesh is sinful, yet He had flesh without

sin, and had Himself the likeness of sinful How in virtue of the hypostatic union of the two natures in
flesh, while He was in the flesh but He was Christ the Word is rightly termed the Saviour, or incarnate

free from what was truly sin, because He was man, and the Son of God.
without sin and therefore he says
: God :

sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful

And so it is clear that through the mystery
of the Word of God joined to man, the Word,
which was sent to save men, can be termed
Saviour, and the Saviour, who was born in the
CHAPTER IV. flesh, can through union with the Word be
called the Son of God and so through the ;

He brings forward other testimonies to the same view.

indifferent use of either title, since God is
joined to man, whatever is God and man, can
If you would know how admirably the
be terroed altogether God.^ And so the same
Apostle preached this, hear how this utter- Apostle well adds the words
Whoever be- :

ance was put into his mouth as if from the ;

lieveth that Jesus is the Son of God, God
mouth of God Himself, as the Lord says :

abideth in him, and the love of God is per-

For God sent not His Son into the world to fected in him." ® He tells us that /i£ believes,
judge the world, but that the world might be
and declares that Ae is filled with divine love,
saved through Him." For lo, as you see,
who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
the Lord Himself affirms that He was sent by
But he testifies that the Word of God is the
God the Father to save mankind. But if you Son of God, and thus means us fully to under-
think that it ought to be shown still more
clearly, what Son God sent to save men,
— stand that the only begotten Word of God,
and Jesus Christ the Son of God are one and
though God's own and only begotten can only the same Person. But do you want to be told
be one, and when God is said to have sent more fully that, —
though Christ according to
His Son, He is certainly shown to have sent
— the flesh was truly born as man of man, yet

His only begotten Son, yet hear the prophet in virtue of the ineffable unity of the mystery,
David pointing out with the utmost clear-
ness Him who was sent for the salvation of Men. by which man was joined to God, there is no
" " His Word and healed separation between Christ and the Word Hear .''

He sent," said he, the gospel of the Lord, or rather hear the Lord
them." Can you twist this so as to refer it to
the flesh as if
you could say that a mere man ' I John iv. 14.
* S. Luke ii. 11.

was sent by mankind ? You cer-

God to heal Cf. Hooker Eccl : c. liii. § 4.
Politv., kind of mu-
Book V. "A
tual comnutatiou there whereby those concrete names, God and

tainly cannot, for the prophet David and

;«rt«,when we speak of Christ, do take interchangeably one an-
other's room, so that for truth of speech it skilleth not whether we
the holy Scriptures would cry out against you,
" He sent His Word and healed them." say that the Son of God liath created the world, and the Son of
saying, man by Jfis death hath saved it, or else that the Son of man did
create, and the Son of God die to save the world. Howbeit as oft
You see then, that the Word was sent to heal as we attribute to God what the manhood of Christ claimeth, or to
men, for though healing was given through man what His Deity hath rijjht unto, we understand by the name of
God and the name of man neither the one nor the other nature, but
Christ, yet the Word of God was in Christ, tlie whole person of Christ, in whom both natures are." The tech-
nical phrase by which this interchange of names is described is the
and healed all things through Christ and so :
Communicatio idiomatum, and in Greek acTiSocris. Cf Pearson on

the Creed, Art. IV. c. i.

* • iv. 12.
S. John iii. 17. Ps. cvi. (cvii.) 20. J John
Himself saying of Himself: "This," says He, things were created, and by the Word, by
"is life eternal, may know Thee, the whom the Evangelist relates that all things
that they
only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou were made, we are meant to understand one
hast sent." ^ You heard above that the Word and the same Person. Hear, I tell you, what
of God was sent to heal mankind here you the Word of God, Himself God, has said of

are told that He who was sent is Jesus Christ. Himself. No man," he saith, " hath ascended
Separate this, if you can,

though you see into heaven, save He who came down from
that so great is the unity of Christ and the heaven, even the Son of man, who is in
Word, that it was not merely that Christ was heaven."
And again He says "If ye shall :

united with the Word, but that in virtue of the see the Son of man ascending where He was
actual unity [of Person] Christ may even be before." He said that the Son of man was ''

said to be the Word. in heaven He asserted that the Son of man :

had come down from heaven. What does it

mean ? Why are you muttering ? Deny it, if
CHAPTER VI. you can. But do you ask the reason of what
issaid ? However I do not give it you. God
That there is in Christ but one Hypostasis (Le., Personal has said this. God has spoken this to me :

His Word is the best reason. I get rid of
But perhaps you think it a trifle to make arguments and discussions. The Person of the
this clear: not because it fails in clearness, Speaker alone is enough to make me believe.
but because the obscurity of unbelief always
may not debate about the trustworthiness of
causes obscurity even in what is clear. Hear
what is said, nor discuss it. Why should I
then how the Apostle sums up in a few words question whether what God has said is true,
since I ought not to doubt that what God says
this whole mystery of the Lord's unity [of "
"Our one Lord Jesus Christ," he is true. No man," He says, " hath ascended
" into heaven, save He who came down from
says, by whom are all things."
O good
Jesus, what weight there is in Thy words !
heaven, even the Son of man, who is in
For Thine they are, when spoken of Thee by heaven." Certainly the Word of the Father
Thine own. See how much is embraced in was ever in heaven and how did He assert :

that the Son of man was ever in heaven ? You

the few words of this saying of the Apostle's.
are then to understand that He showed that
"One Lord," says he, "Jesus Christ, by whom
are all Did he make use of any cir- He who was ever the Son of God was also the
cumlocution in order to proclaim the truth of Son of man when He asserted that He, who

this great mystery } * or did he make a

had but recently appeared as the Son of man,
long was ever in heaven. To this points still more
story of that which he wanted us to grasp ?
"Our one Lord," he says, "Jesus Christ, by that other passage in which He testifies that
whom are all things." In a plain and short the same Son of man viz., the Word of God ;

phrase he taught the secret of this great mys- who, as He said, came down from heaven,
even at the time when He was speaking on
tery, through this confidence by which he
realized that in what refers to God his state- earth,was in heaven. For "no man," He
ments had no need of lengthened arguments, "hath ascended into heaven, save He who
and that the Divinity added faith to his utter- came down from heaven, even the Son of man
ances. For the demonstration of facts is who isheaven." Who, I pray you, is this
who is
speaking? Assuredly it is Christ.
enough to contirm what is said, whenever the
But where was He at the moment when He
proof rests on the authority of the speaker.
There is then, he says, " one Lord Jesus spoke ? Assuredly on earth. And how can
Christ, by whom are all things." Notice how
He assert that He came down from heaven
when He was born, and that He was in heaven
you read the same thing of the Word of the
Father, which you read of Christ. For the
when He was speaking, or say that He is the
" same Son of man, when certainly no one but
gospel tells us that All things were made
by Him, and without Him was not
God can come down from heaven, and when
made." ^ The Apostle says, " By Christ are all He speaks on earth, and certainly cannot be
things : the gospel says, " By the Word are in heaven except through the Infinite nature
all things." Do these sacred utterances con- of God? Consider then this at last, and note
tradict each other ? Most certainly not. But that the Son of man is the same Person as the
Word of God for He is the Son of man since
by Christ, by whom the Apostle said that all

He is truly born of man, and the Word of

£>e se dicentem (Petschenig) Gazaeus reads descendentem.
: God,, since He who speaks on earth abideth
S- John xvii. 3. Tanti mysterti sacramentum.
» Cor. viii. 6. b g.
John i. 3. * S. '
John iii. 13. S. John vi. 63.
BOOK IV. 577
ever in heaven. And so when He truly terms when all Scripture was written with reference
Himself the Son of man, it refers to His to this ? We must then say as far as can be —
human birth, while the fact that He never said —
some things briefly and cursorily, and
departs from heaven, refers to the Infinite enumerate rather than explain them, and sac-
character of His Divine nature. And so the rifice some to save the rest, as for this reason
Apostle's teaching is admirably in accordance it would certainly be well hurriedly to run
with those sacred words (" for He that de- through some points, lest one should be

scended," says He, is the same that ascended obliged* to pass over almost everything in
also above all heavens, that He might fill all silence. The Saviour then in the gospel says
things," ^) when He says that He that de- that "the Son of man is come to save what
scended is the same that ascended. But none was lost." * And the Apostle says " This is :

can descend from heaven except the Word of a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation ;

God who certainly " being in the form of God, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save

emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, sinners, of whom I am "chief."

But the Evan-
being made in the likeness of men, and being gelist John also says He came unto his own, :

found in fashion as a man, He humbled Him- and His own received Him not."' You see
self, and became obedient unto death, even the then that Scripture says in one place that tlie
death of the Cross." * Thus the Word of God Son of man, in another Jesus Christ, in an-
descended from heaven but the Son of man other the Word of God came into the world.

ascended. But He says that the same Person And so we must hold that the difference is
ascended and descended. Thus you see that one of title not of fact, and that under the
the Son of man is the same Person as the appearance of different names there is but one
Word of God. Power [or Person]. For though at one time
we are told that the Son of man, and at an-
other that the Son of God came into the
world, but one Person is meant under both
CHAPTER Vn. names.

He returns to the former subject, in order to show against the

Nestorians that those things are said of the man, which be-
long to the Divine nature as it were of a Person of Divine
nature, and conversely that those things are said of God, CHAPTER VIII.
wiiich belong to the human nature as it were of a Person of
human nature, because there is in Christ but one and a
single Personal self. How this interchange of titles does not interfere with His
Divine power.

And so following the guidance of the sacred

word we may now say fearlessly and unhesi- For certainly when the evangelist says that
tatingly that the Son of man came down from He came into the world by whom the world
heaven, and that the Lord of Glory was cruci- itself was made, and that He was made the Son
fied : because in virtue of the mystery of the of man, who is as God the creator of the
Incarnation, the Son of God became Son of world, it makes no difference what particular
man, and the Lord of Glory was crucified in title is used, as God in all cases is meant.

(the nature of) the Son of man.* What more For His condescension and will do not inter-
is there need of? It would take too long fere with His
Divinity, since they the rather
to go into details for time would fail me,

prove His Divinity, because whatever He

were I to try to examine and explain every- willed came to pass. Therefore also because
thing which could be brought to bear on this He willed it, He came into the world ; and
subject. For one who wished to do this because He willed it, He was born a man ;

would have to study and read the whole Bible. and because He willed it. He was termed the
For what is there which does not bear on this. Son of man. For just as there are so many
words, so are they powers belonging to God.
Eph. iv. lo.
* See Hooker as above
» Phil. ii. 6-8.
" When the
The variety of names in Him does not take
(V. liii. 4) Apostle saith of
the Jews that they crucified the Lord of Glory, and when the Son anything away
from the efficacy of His power.
of man being on earth affirmeth that the Son of man was in heaven Whatever be the names given Him, in all
at the same instant, there is in these two speeches that mutual cir-
culation before mentioned. In the one, there is attributed to God cases it is one and the same Person. Though
or the Lord of Glory death, whereof Divine nature is not capable
in the other ubiquity unto man which human nature admitteth not.
there may be some variety in the appearance
Therefore by the lx)rd of Glory we must needs understand the of His titles, yet there is but a single Divine
whole person of Christ, who being Lord of Glory, was indeed
crucified, but not in that nature for which he is termed the Lord of
Person (Majestas) meant by all the names.
Glory. In like manner by the Son of man the whole person of
Christ must necessarily be meant, who being man upon earth, filled
heaven with his glorious presence, but not according to that nature
* Ne necesse tit (Petschenig). • I Tim. i. 15.
for which the title of man ia given Him."
* S. Luke xix. 10. T S.
Johni. II.

incomparison of Him." Beautifully does the
prophet here foresee false teaching, and so
clude the interpretations of heretical perverse-
He corroborates this statement by the authority of the old
prophets. ness.
There shall no other be accounted of
in comparison of Him." For He is alone be-
But since up to this point we have made gotten to be God of God at
whose bidding :

use more particularly of the witness, compara- the completion of the universe followed whose :

tively new, of evangelists

and apostles, now will is the beginning of things whose empire :

let us bring forward the testimony of the old is the fabric of the world who spake all things,

at times new things and they came to pass commanded all things,
prophets, intermingling

with old, that everybody may see that the holy and they were created. He then alone it is
it were with one mouth who spake to the patriarchs, dwelt in the
Scriptures proclaim as
that Christ was to come in the flesh, with a prophets, Avas conceived by the Spirit,
born of
body of His own complete. And so that the Virgin Mary, appeared in the world, lived

famed and renowned prophet as richly en- among men, fastened to the wood of the cross
dowed with God's gifts as with his testimony, the handwriting of our offences, triumphed in
to whom alone it was given to be sanctified Himself,* slew by His death the powers that
before His birth,^ Jeremiah, says, "This is were at enmity and hostile to us and gave to ;

our Lord, and there shall no other be ac- all men belief in the resurrection, and by the
counted of in comparison with Him. He glory of His body put an end to
the corruption
found out all the way of knowledge and gave of man's flesh. You see then that all these
it to Jacob His servant and Israel His be- belong to the Lord Jesus Christ alone
and :

loved. Afterwards He was seen upon earth therefore no other shall be accounted of in
" This
comparison with Him, for He alone is God be-
and conversed with men." is," then,
he says, "our God." You see how the gotten of God in this glory and unique

prophet points to God as it were with This then is what the prophet's
his edness.
hand, and indicates Him as" it were with his teaching was aiming at; viz., that He might
" our God." Tell men be the only begotten
finger. This is," he says, be known by all to
me then, who was it that the prophet showed Son of God the Father, and that when they
by these signs and tokens to be God ? Surely heard that no other was accounted of as God
it was not the Father? For what need was in comparison with the Son, they might con-
there that He should be pointed out, whom fess that there was but one God in the Persons
all believed that they knew ? For even then of the Father and the Son. After this," he
" He was seen
the Jews were not ignorant of God, for they said, upon earth and conversed
were living under God's law. But he was with men." You see how plainly this points
clearly aiming at this, that they might
come to to the advent and nativity of the Lord. For
know the Son of God as God. And so excel- surely the Father

of whom we read that He
lently did the Prophet say that He who had can only be seen in the Son was not seen —
found out all knowledge, i.e., had given the upon earth, nor born in the flesh, nor con-
law, was to be seen upon earth, i.e., was to versed with men ? Most certainly not. You
come in the flesh, in order that, as the Jews see then that all this is spoken of the Son of
did not doubt that He who had given the law God. For since the prophet said that God
was God, they might recognize that He who should be seen upon earth, and no other but
was to come in the flesh was God, especially the Son was seen upon earth, it is clear that
since they heard that He, in whom they be- the prophet said this only of Him, of whom
lieved as God the giver of the law, was to be facts afterwards proved that it was spoken.
seen among mon by taking upon Him man- For when He said that God should be seen.
hood, as He Himself promises His own advent
He could not say this truly, except of Him
by the prophet For I myself that spoke,
who was indeed afterwards seen. But enough
behold I am here."
There shall then," of this. Now let us turn to another point.
says the Scriptures, be no other accounted of "The labour of Egypt," says the prophet
" and the merchandise of
Isaiah, Ethiopia and
1 Cf. Jer. i. 5. of the Sabaeans, men of stature, shall come
2 comes not from Jeremiah, but from Baruch (iii. 36-
Tlie passage
38). quoted as from Jeremiah by Augustine (c. Faustin.
It is also over to thee and shall be thy servants. They
xii. c. and iu the LXX. version the book of Baruch is placed
43) ;
shall walk after thee, bound with manacles,
among the works of Jeremiah, e.g., In both the Vatican and Alex-
audrine MSS. they stand in the following order: (i) Jeremiah, (2) and they shall worship thee, and they shall
Baruch, (3) Lamentations, (4) the Epistle of Jeremy (Baruch c. vi. in make
A. v.). The passage which Cassian here quotes is constantly ap- supplication to thee for in thee is God, :

pealed to by both Greek and Latin Fathers, as a prophecy "

of the and there is no God beside thee. For thou
Incarnation. See e.g. S. Augustine (I.e.) S. Chrysost. Ecloga"
Horn, xxxiv. Rufinus in. Symb. § 5.
* * Cf. Col. ii.
Isa. Iii. 6. 14. IS-
BOOK IV. 579

art our God and we knew thee not, O

God of know. For it is clear that those who after
Israel the Saviour." ^ How
wonderfully con- their previous ignorance come to confess Him,
sistent the Holy Scriptures always are For say that formerly they knew Him not, whom

the first mentioned prophet said, " This is our up to this time they have ignorantly denied.
God," and this one says, Thou art our God."
In the one there is the teaching of Divinity, in
the other the confession of men. The one XI. CHAPTER
exhibits the character of the Master teaching,
He returns to the prophecy of Isaiah.
the other that of the people confessing. For
" The "
consider now the prophet Jeremiah daily teach- labour," says he, of Egypt, and the
ing, as he does, in the church, and saying of merchandize of Ethiopia, and the Sabaeans,
the Lord Jesus Christ, "This is our God," men of stature shall come over to thee." No
what else could the whole Church reply, as it one can doubt that in these names of different
does, than what the other prophet said to the nations is signified the coming of the nations
Lord Jesus, "Thou art our God." So that who were to believe. But you cannot deny
full well could the mention of their past
igno- that the nations have come over to Christ, for
rance be joined to their present acknowledg- since the name of Christianity has arisen, they
ment, in the words of the people: "Thou art have come over to the Lord Jesus Christ not
our God, and we knew thee not." For well only in faith but actually in name. For since
can these who, in times past being taken up they are called what they really are, that which
with the superstitions of devils did not know was the work of faith becomes the token by
God, yet when now converted to the faith say, which they are named. They shall," he says,
" Thou art our
God, and we knew thee not." "come over to thee and shall be thine: they
shall walk after thee bound with manacles."
As there are chains of coercion, so too there
CHAPTER X. are chains of love, as the Lord says
I drew :

them with chains of love." • For indeed great

He proves Christ's Divinity from the blasphemy of Judaizing
are these chains, and chains of ineffable love,
Jews as well as from the confession of converts to the faith
of Christ. for those who are bound with them rejoice in
their fetters. Do you want to know whether
But you would like to have this proved
Hear how
to you rather from representatives of the Jews,
this is true ? the Apostle Paul
exults and rejoices chains,in his when he
consider the Jewish people when after their
says : Lord be-
"-Jjherefore a prisoner in the
unhappy ignorance and wicked persecution seech you." And again
' " I
beseech thee, :

they were converted, and acknowledged God whereas thou art such an one as Paul the aged,
here and there, and see whether they could
and now a prisoner also of Jesus Christ."*
not rightly say, " Thou art our God, and we
You see how he rejoiced in the dignity of his
knew Thee not." But I will add something
chains, by the example of which he actually
else, to prove it to you not only from those stirred up others. But there can be no doubt
Jews who confess Him, but also from those that where there is single-minded love of the
who deny Him. For ask those Jews who still
Lord, there is also single-minded delight in
continue in their state of unbelief whether
chains worn for the Lord's sake as it is writ- :

they know or believe in God. They will cer- ten: "But the multitude of the believers was
tainly confess that they both know and believe of one heart and one soul."' "And they
in Him. But on the other hand ask them "
shall worship thee," he says, and shall make
whether they believe in the Son of God. They
supplication to thee for in thee is God, and

will at once deny and begin to blaspheme

there is no God beside thee." The Apostle
against Him. You see then that the Prophet
clearly explains the prophet's words, when he
said this of Him of whom the Jews have "
says that God was in Christ reconciling the
always been ignorant, and whom now they world to Himself." ® " In Thee then," he says,
know not and not of Him whom they imagine
; "
is God and there is no God beside thee."
that they believe in and confess. And so full When the prophet says " In Thee is God,"
well can those, who after having been in igno-
most admirably does he point not merely to
rance come out of Judaism to the faith, say,
" Thou Him who was visible, but to Him who was in
art our God, and we knew Thee not."
what was visible, distinguishing the indweller
For rightly do those, who after having been
from Him in whom He dwelt, by pointing out
ignorant come to believe, say that they knew the two natures, not by denying the unity (of
not Him in whom up to this time they have
not believed, and whom they strive not to Person).
2 * "
Hosea xi. 4. Philemon, ver. 9. 2 Cor. V. ig.
> Ita. xiv. 14, 15. * iv. I. * Acts iv. 32.
CHAPTER XII. own received Him not." ^ But if you say
Gentiles, it is clear that the Gentile world was
How Saviour given to Christ in one sense, and
idols, and knew not Christ,
the title of is
to men in another. given over to
knew not the Father any more but though it ;

"Thou," he says, "art our God, and we still if it has now come to know Him, it is only
knew Thee not, O God of Israel the Sav- through Christ. You see then that whether
iour." Although holy Scripture has already the believing people belong to the Jews or the
shown by many and clear tokens, who
here Gentiles, in either case they can truly say for

spoken of, yet it has most plainly pointed to themselves "Thou art our God, and we knew :

the name of Christ by using the name of Sav- Thee not, O God of Israel the Saviour." For
iour: for surely the Saviour is the same as the Gentiles who formerly worshipped idols
" For to
Christ, as the angel says you is knew not God and the Jews who denied the

born this day a Saviour who is Christ the Lord, knew not the Son of God. And thus
Lord." ^ For everybody knows that in Heb- both truly say of Christ " Thou art our God :

rew "Jesus" means "Saviour," as the angel and we knew Thee not." For those who did
announced to the holy Virgin Mary, saying not believe in God were as ignorant of Him as :

And thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He those who denied the Son of God. If there-
it is that shall save His people from their fore Christ is to be believed in, as the truth
And that you may not say that He is declares, as the Deity asserts, as indeed Christ
termed Saviour in the same sense as the title Himself declares, who is both, why are you
is given to others ("And the Lord raised up to miserably trying in your madness to interpose
them a Saviour, Othniel the Son of Kenaz," ^ between God and Christ ? Why do you seek
and again, " the Lord raised up to them a to divide His body from the Son of God, and
Saviour, Ehud the son of Gera *), he added try to separate God from Himself?
: You are
"for He it is that shall save His people from severing what is one, and dividing what is
their sins." But it does not lie in the power joined together. Believe the Word of God
of a man to redeem his -people from the cap- concerning God for you cannot possibly make
tivity of sin,

a thing which is only possible a better confession of God's Divinity than by

for Him of whom it is said, "Behold the Lamb confessing with your voice that which God
of God, which taketh away the sin of the teaches about Himself, For you must know
world." * For the others saved a people not that, as the Prophet says, "the Lord Himself
their own but God's, and not from their sins, is God, who found out all the way of know-
but from their enemies. ledge; who was seen upon earth and conversed
with men," * He brought the light of faith
XIII. into the world. He showed the light of salva-
" For God is the
tion, Lord, and hath given
He explains who are those in whose person the Prophet ^
Isaiah says " Thou art our
God, and we knew Thee not."
us light," Then believe Him, and love Him,
and confess Him. For since, as it is written,
" Thou art " our "
then," he says, God, and Every knee shall bow to Him, of things in
we knew Thee not, O God of Israel the Sav- heaven, and things on earth, and things under
iour," Who do you imagine chiefly say this; the earth, and every tongue shall confess that
and in whose mouths are such words specially Jesus Christ is Lord in the glory of God the
suitable, Jews or Gentiles ? If you say Jews Father," whether you will or no, you cannot

certainly the Jews did not know Christ, as it

deny that Jesus Christ is Lord in the glory of
is said, But Israel hath not known Me, My God the Father. For this is the crowning
" ® "
people have not considered and, The virtue of a perfect confession, to acknowledge

world was made by Him, and the world knew that Jesus Christ is ever Lord and God in the
Him not. He came unto His own, and His glory of God the Father.


CHAPTER I. and contends in every way to make ism, strives

believed that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Sonit
He vehemently inveighs against the error of the Pelagians,
who declared that Christ was a mere man. of God, when born of the Virgin was only a
mere man and that having afterwards taken ;

We said in the first book that that heresy the path of virtue He merited
by His holy
which copies and follows the lead of Pelagian- and pious life to be counted worthy for this
^ S. Luke * 5 ' • Ps. cxvii.
ii. ii. Judges iii.
9. S. John i, 29. S.John i, II. (cviii.) 27,
* S. Matt. 21. * lb. yer. " Isa. i. 8
i. 15, 3. Baruch iii, 37, 38.
10 Phil, ii. 10, II.
BOOK V. 581

holiness of His life that the Divine Majesty As if the birth of the only begotten of God,
should unite Itself to Him and thus by cut- :
predicted by prophets, announced since the
ting off altogether from Him the honour of beginning of the world, could be dealt with or
His sacred origin, it only left to Him the selec- measured by human reasons. Or did the Vir-
tion on account of His merits.^ And their gin Mary, O you heretic, whoever you are, who
aim and endeavour was this ; by slander her for her childbearing
viz., that, bring about

bringingHim down to the level of common and consummate that which came to pass, by
men, and making Him one of the common her own strength, so that in a matter and
herd, they might assert that all men could by event of so great importance, human weak-
their good life and deeds secure whatever He ness can be brought as an objection ? And
had secured by His good life.^ A most dan- so if there was anything in this great event
gerous and deadly assertion indeed, which takes which was the work of man, look for human
away what truly belongs to God, and holds arguments. But if everything, which was done,
out false promises to men and which should
was due to the power of God, why should you
be condemned for abominable lies on both consider what is impossible with men, when
sides, since it attacks God with wicked blas- you see that it i the work of Divine power ? i

phemy, and gives to men the hope of a false But of this more anon. Now let us follow up
assurance. A
most perverse and wicked asser- the subject we began to treat of some little
tion as it gives to men what does not belong to way back that everybody may know that you ;

them, and takes away from God what is His. are trying to fan the flame in the ashes of
And so of this dangerous and deadly evil this Pelagianism, and to revive the embers by
new heresy which has recently sprung up,^ is breathing out fresh blasphemy.
in a way stirring and reviving the embers, and
raising a fresh flame from its ancient ashes :

by asserting that our Lord Jesus Christ was

born a mere man. And so why is there any CHAPTER II.
need for us to ask whether its consequences
are dangerous, as in its fountain head it is That the doctrine of Nestorius is closely connected with the
error ot the Pelagians.
utterly wrong. It is unnecessary to examine
what it is like in its issues, as in its (fommence-
ment it leaves us no reason for examination. You say then that Christ was born a mere
For what object is there in inquiring whether man. But certainly this was asserted by that
like the earlier heresy, it holds out the same wicke.d heresy of Pelagius, as we clearly
showetTin the first book viz., that Christ was
promises to man, if (which is the most awful

born a mere man. You add besides, that

sin) it takes away the same things from God ?
So that it would be almost wrong, when we see Jesus Christ the Lord of all should be termed
what it begins like, to ask what there is to fol- a form that received God (^Oeodv/o^). i.e., not
low as if some possible way might appear in
God, but the receiver of God, so that your view
is that He is to be honoured not for His own
the sequel, in which a man who denies God,
could prove that he was not irreligious. The sake because He is God, but because He re-
new heresy then, as we have already many times ceives God into Himself. But clearly this also
was asserted by that heresy of which I spoke
declared, says that the Lord Jesus Christ was
born of the Virgin Mary, only a mere man and :
before ;viz., that Christ was not to be wor-

so that Mary should be called Christotocos shipped for His own sake because He was
not Theotocos, because she was the mother of God, but because owing to His good and pious
And further to this blas- actions He won this viz., to have God dwell-
Christ, not of God.

ing in Him. You see then that you are belch-

phemous statement it adds arguments" that are
as wicked as they are foolish, saying, No one ing out the poison of Pelagianism, and hissing
ever gave birth to one who was before her." with the very spirit of Pelagianism. Whence
it comes that you seem rather to have been
* See
above Book I. cc. ii. iii.
than to have now to undergo
* See Book VI. c. xiv. For the twofold error of Pelagi- already judged,
anism cf. a strikiiiR article on " Theodore of Mopsuestia and Modern judgment, for since your error is one and the
Thought" in the Church Quarterly Review, vol. i. See esp. p. 135
same, you .must be believed to fall under
where, speaking of Pelagianism, the writer says: "As the hypo-
static union was denied, lest it should derogate from the ethical the same condemnation not to mention for the

completeness of Christ, so the efficacious working of grace must be

explained awav lest it should derogate from the moral dignity of present that you compare
the Lord to a statue
Christians. The divine and elements must be kept as jea- of the and break out into such
lously apart in the moral life of the members as in the person of the Emperor,
Head of the Church. In the ultimate analysis it must be proved wicked and blasphemous impieties that you
that the initial movement in every irood action came from the human
will itself, though when this was allowed, the grace of CJod might
seem in this madness of yours to surpass even
receive, by an
for the result."
exact process of assessment, its due share of credit
Pelagius himself, who surpassed almost every
Viz., N'estorianism.
one else in impiety.
and blood cannot do so that He is
shown to be God, from the very fact from

which you deny Him to be God. For since

How this participation in Divinity which the Pelagians and
Nestorians attribute to Christ, is common to all holy men. you cannot deny that He who dwells in man is
God, it follows that we must believe that He,
You say then that Christ should be termed whom we know to dwell in men, is most de-
a form which received God (0fO()"o/o;), i.e., cidedly God. All, then, whether patriarchs,
thatHe should be revered not for His own sake or prophets, or apostles, or martyrs, or saints,
because He is God, but because He received had every one of them God within him, and
God within Him. And so in this way you were all made sons of God and were all re-

make out that there is no difference between ceivers of God {Of 086x01), but in a very differ-
Him and all other holy men for all holy men : ent and distinct way. For all who believe in
have certainly had God within them. For we God are sons of God by adoption but the :

know well that God was in the patriarchs,
only begotten alone is Son by nature who was :

that He spoke in the prophets. In a word we

begotten of His Father, not of any material
believe that, I do not say apostles and martyrs, substance, for all things, and the substance of
but, all the saints and servants of God
have all things exist through the only begotten Son
within them the Spirit of God, according to of God —
and not out of nothing, because He
" Ye are the temple of the living God not like a birth, for there
this :
is from the Father :

as God said. dwell in them."

For I will
And is nothing in God that is void or mutable, but

again: "Know ye not that ye in an ineffable and incomprehensible manner

are the temple
of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in God the Father, wherein He Himself was
you ? And thus we are all receivers of God ingenerate, begat his only begotten Son and

(0eo56/ot) and in this way you say that all so from the Most High, Ingenerate, and Eter-

the saints are only like Christ, and equal to nal Father proceeds the Most High, Only
God. But away with such a wicked and Begotten, and Eternal Son. Who must be
abominable heresy as that the Creator should considered the same Person in the flesh as He
be compared to His creatures, the Lord to is in the Spirit and must be held to be the :

His servants, the God of things earthly and same Person in the body as He is in glory, for
heavenly, to earthly frailty and out of His when He*was about to be born in the flesh,^

very kindnesses this wrong be done to

Him He made no division or separation within

viz., that He who honours

man by dwelling in Himself, as if some portion of Him was born,
him should therefore be said to be only the while another portion was not born or as if :

same as man. some portion of Divinity afterwards came upon

Him, which had not been in Him at His birth
IV. from the Virgin. For according to the Apostle,
" all the fulness of the Godhead dwelleth in
What the difference is between Christ and the saints. Christ bodily."
Not that It dwells in Him at
times, and at times dwells not nor that It was ;

Moreover there is between Him and all there at a later date, and not an earlier one :

the saints the same difference that there is otherwise we are entangled in that impious
between a dwelling and one who dwells in it, heresy of Pelagius, so as to say that from a
for certainly it is the doing of the dweller not fixed moment God dwelt in Christ, and that
the dwelling, if it is inhabited, for on him He then came upon Him when He had won ;

it depends both to build the house and to by His life and conversation this viz., that ;

occupy it. I mean, that he can choose, if he the power of the Godhead should dwell in
will, to make it a dwelling, and when he has Him. These things then belong to men, to
made it, to live in it. " Or do you seek a men, I say, not to God,
" of Christ
that as far as human —
proof," says the Apostle, speaking weakness can, they should humble themselves
in me ?
" ^
And elsewhere, " Know ye not to God, be subject to God, make themselves
that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be repro- dwellings for God, and by their faith and piety
"* And "in the inner man, that win this, to have God as their guest and in-
bate ? again :

Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith." dweller. For in proportion as anyone is fit for
Do yoii not see what a difference there is God's gift, so does the Divine grace reward
between the Apostle's doctrine and your blas- him in proportion as a man seems worthy of :

phemies ? You say that God dwells in Christ

as in a man. He testifies that Christ Himself * Idem credendus in
corpore qui crediiur in majestate, quia
dwells in men which certainly, as you admit. nasciturus tit came non divisionetn, etc., (Petschenig) Gazjeus
: :

reads Ideiit credendus in majestate gtiia itasciturus in came. Non

' 2 Cor. xiii. 3. 5 divisionem, etc.
2 Cor. vi. 16. Eph. iii. 16, 17.
* * Id. ver. Col. ii.
I Cor. iii. 16. 5. 9.
BOOK V. 583

God, so does he enjoy God's presence, accord- and righteousness hath looked down from
" ®
ing to the Lord's promise If any man love :
heaven," we may know that when the
Me, he will keep My word and I and My ;
Son of God looked down from heaven (i.e.,
Father will come to him and make Our abode came and descended), righteousness was born
with Him." ^ But very different is the case as of the flesh of the Virgin, no phantasm of a
regards Christ in whom all the fulness of the
; body, but the Truth for He is the Truth, ac-

Godhead dwelleth bodily for He has within :
cording to His own witness of Truth I am :

Him the fulness of the Godhead so that He the Truth and the life." ^ And so as we have
gives to all of His fulness, and He as the — proved in the earlier books that this Truth
fulness of the Godhead dwells in Him Him- —
was God when viz., the Lord Jesus Christ,

self dwells in each of the saints in proportionborn of the Virgin, let us now do as we deter-
as He deems them worthy of His Presence, mined to do in the book before this, and show
and gives of His fulness to all, yet in such a that He who was to be born of the Virgin, was
way that He Himself continues always declared to be God beforehand. And
in all that ful-
ness, — who even when He was so the prophet Isaiah says, " Cease ye from
on earth in
the flesh, yet was present in the hearts of all the man whose breath is in his nostrils, for it
the saints, and filled the heaven, the earth, the is He in whom he is reputed to be or as it ;

sea, aye and the whole universe with His in- is more exactly and clearly in the Hebrew :

finite power and majesty; and yet was so "for he is reputed high."* But by saying
complete in Himself that the whole world cease ye," a term which deprecates violence,
could not contain Him. For however great he admirably denotes the disturbance of per-
and inexpressible whatever is made may be, yet secution. " Cease ye," he says, " from the
there are no things so boundless and infinite man whose breath is in his nostrils, for he is
as to be able to contain the Creator Himself. reputed high." Does he not in one and the
same sentence speak of the taking upon Him
of the manhood, and the truth of His God-
CHAPTER V. head.'' "Cease ye," he says, "from the man
whose breath is in his nostrils, for he is re-
That before His birth time Christ was always called God by
puted high." Does he not, I ask you, seem
the prophets.
plainly to address the Lord's persecutors, and
" "
He it is then of whom the Prophet says are :
to say, Cease ye from the man whom ye
For in Thee is God, and there is no God be- persecuting, for this man is God and :

though lie appears in the lowliness of human

side Thee. For Thou art our God and we
flesh, yet He still continues in the high estate
knew Thee not, O God of Israel the Saviour."

" of Divine glory.!* But by saying "Cease ye

Who afterwards appeared on earth and con-
from the man whose breath is in his nostrils,"
versed with men." ^ Of whom and in whose
he admirably showed His manhood, by the
Person the Prophet David also speaks " From :

" * clearest tokens of a human body, and this fear-

my mother's womb Thou art my God show- :

lessly and confidently, as one who would as

ing clearly that He who was Lord and man

was never separate from God in whom even :

urgently assert the truth of His humanity as
that of His Godhead, for this is the true and
in the Virgin's womb the fulness of the God-
Catholic faith, to believe that the Lord Jesus
head dwelt. As elsewhere the same Prophet
" Truth has Christ possessed the substance of a true
says sprung from the earth
body just as He possessed a true and perfect

S. John xiv. 23. ' Baruch iii. Divinity. Unless possibly you think that any-
thing can be made
' *
Isa. xlv. 14, 15.
" the
Ps. xxi.
^xxii.) 11. out of the fact that he uses
" Dominicits Homo, literally Lordly man." The same " "
the word " High instead of '* God whereas
title is used afi;,iin
by Cassiau in Book VI. cc. xxi., xxii., and in the " "

Conferences XI. xiii. It is however an instance of a title which the it is the habit of to
mature judgment of the Church has rejected as savouring of an liere- holy Scripture put High
tical interpretation. We learn from Gregory Nazianzen (Oral. 51) for "God," as where the prophet says: "the
that the Greek equivalent of the title 6 xvpiaxbt di-ypcoiros, was a fa-
vourite term with the ApoUinarians, as it might be taken to favour
.Most High uttered His voice and the earth
° "
their view that the Divinity supplied the of a human soul in was moved," and Thou alone art Most High
Christ. It is however freely used by Epiphanius in his Anchoratiis, ^°
and is also found in the exposition of faith assigned to Athanasius over all the earth." Isaiah too, who says
(Migiie. Pat. (iraic. xxv. p. 197). And Augustine himself actually this
" The High and one who
lofty inhabit-^
uses the title Dominicus Homo in his treatise on the Sermon on tlie " "
Mount, Book II. c. vi., though he afterwards retracted the term, see eth eternity where we are clearly to under-

" " Non video utrum recte dicatur Homo

Retract," Book I. c. xx*. stand that as he there puts Most High without
Dominicus, qui est mediator Dei et hominum, homo <^hristus Jesus,
cum sit utique Dominus Dominicus antem homoqnis in ejussancta

familia non potest dici ? Et hoc quidem ut dicerem, apud quos-

adding the name of God, so here too he speaks
dam legi tractores catholicos divinorum eloquioriim. Sed ubicunque of God by the name of Most High. So then,
hoc dici, dixisse me noUem. Posteaquippe vidi non esse dicendum,
" Ps. Ixxxiv. (Ixxxv.) 12. '
quamvis noniuilla possitrationedefendi." Tlie question is discussed S. John xiv. 6.
' Cf. the note on the Institutes xii. xxxi.
bv S. Thomas, whether the title is rightlv api>lien to Christ and de- Isa. ii. 22.
cided by him in the negative. Summa III. Q. vi. art. 3. 9 Ps. xlv. (xlvi.) 7.
w Ps. Ixxxii. (Ixxxiii.) 19. *' Isa. Ivii. 15.
since the Divine word spoken by the prophet i.e., touched and by his own hands and by

clearly announced beforehand that the Lord those of others. Admirably indeed by show-
Jesus Christ would be both God and man, let ing how He took flesh, does he shut out the
us now see whether the New Testament corre- view of the Marcionites and the error of the
sponds to and harmonizes with the testimony Manichees, so that no one may think that a
of the Old. phantom appeared to men, since an apostle
has declared that a true body was handled by
CHAPTER VI. him. Then he adds " the word of life and :

the life was manifested," and that he saw it,

He illustrates the same doctrine by passages from the New announced it, and proclaimed it thus at the :

same time carrying out the duties of the faith
" and striking the unbelievers with terror, that
That," says the Apostle John, "which was while he declares that he proclaims Him, he
from the beginning, which we have heard,
which we have seen with our eyes, which we may bring home the danger in which he stands,
have looked upon, and our hands have handled,
to the man who "We declare
will not listen.

of the word of the life for the life was mani-

to you," he says, " the eternal which was

with the Father, and hath appeared to us."

fested: and we have seen, and do bear wit-
He teaches that that which was ever with the
ness, and declare unto you the life eternal,
Father appeared to men and that which was
which was with the Father, and hath appeared :

ever in the beginning, was seen of men and

unto us." ^ You see how the old testimonies :

that which was the Word of life without be-

are confirmed by fresh ones, and the support
ginning, was handled men's hands. You
of the new preachinggiven to the ancient see the number and by
Isaiah said: "Cease ye from the variety, the particularity
man whose breath is in his nostrils for he is and the clearness of the ways in which he un-
reputed high." But John says
That which folds the mystery of the flesh joined to God,

was from the beginning, which we have seen in such a way that no one could speak at all
with our eyes, which we have looked upon, of either without acknowledging both. As "
and our hands have handled." The former Apostle himself clearly says elsewhere For :

said that as man He would be persecuted by Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to-day,
the the latter declared that as man He
and for ever." "^
This is what he said in the
Jews :

was handled by men's hands. The one pre- passage given above "That which was from

the beginning, our hands have handled." Not

dicted that He whom he announced as man,
would be God Most High the other asserts that a spirit can in its own nature be handled :

that He whom he showed to have been handled but that the Word made flesh was in a sense
handled in the manhood with which it was
by men, was ever God in the beginning. It is
then as clear as possible that they both showed joined. And so Jesus is " the same yesterday
the Lord Jesus Christ to be both God and and to-day " i.e., the same Person before the

man and that the same Person was after-

commencement of the world, as in the flesh ;

wards man who had always been God, and the same in the past as in the present, the
thus He was God and man, because God same also for ever, for He is the same through
Himself became man. That then, he says, all the ages, as before all the
ages. And all
" which this is the Lord Jesus Christ.
was from the beginning, which we have
heard, which we have seen with our eyes,
which we have looked upon, and our hands
have handled of the word of life; and the CHAPTER VII.
life was manifested, and we have
seen, and do He shows again from the union in Christ of two natures in one
bear witness, and declare unto you the life Person that what belongs to the Divine nature may rightly
eternal which was with the Father, and hath be ascribed to man, and what belongs to the human nature
to God.
appeared unto us." You see the number of
proofs and ways, very different and numerous, And how was it the same Person before the
in which that Apostle so well beloved and so who was but
origin of the world, recently born }
devoted to God, indicates the mystery of the Because it was the same Person, who was re-
Divine Incarnation. In the first instance he
cently born in human nature, who was God be-
testifies that He, who ever was in the fore the rise of all And so the name
begin- things.
ning, was seen in the flesh. Lest in case it
everything that the name of
of Christ includes
might not seem sufficient for unbelievers that God does for so close is the union between

he had spoken of Him as seen and heard, he Christ and God that no one, when he uses the
supports it by saying that He was handled, name of Christ can help speaking of God un-
^ I
John i. I, 2. 2
Heb. xiii. 8.
BOOK V. 585

der the name of Christ, nor, when he speaks the Son of man shall sit on the throne of His
of God, can he help speaking of Christ under glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones,
the name of God. And as through the glory judging the twelve tribes of Israel."
of His holy nativity the mystery of each sub- fore he callsHim the first-born from the dead,
stance is joined together in Him, whatever whom he had previously declared to be the
was in existence —
I mean both human and invisible Son and image of God. But who is
Divine —
all is regarded as God. And hence the image of the invisible God, except the only-
the Apostle Paul seeing with unveiled eyes of begotten, the Word of God ? And how can
faith the whole mystery of the ineffable glory in we say that He rose from the dead, who is
Christ, spoke as follows, in inviting the peoples termed the image and word of the invisible
who were ignorant of God's goodness to give God ? And what
that follows afterwards ? is it
" "
thanksgiving to God Giving thanks to the
: That
hold the primacy
in all things He may :

Father, who hath made us worthy to be par- for it pleased the Father that in Him should
takers of the lot of the saints in light, who all fulness dwell, and by Him to reconcile all
hath delivered us from the power of darkness, things to Himself, making peace through the
and hath translated us into the kingdom of the blood of His cross, both as to things on earth
Son of His love, in whom we have redemption and the things that are in heaven." Surely

through His blood, the remission of sins who the Creator of all things has no need of the

is the image of the invisible God, the first-born primacy in all things ? i Nor He who made
of every creature for in Him were all things them, of the primacy of those things which

created in heaven and on earth, visible and were made by Him ? And how can we say of

invisible, whether thrones or dominations, or the Word, that it pleased God that all fulness
powers: all things were created by Him and should dwell in Him who was the first-born
in Him. And He is before all, and by Him from the dead, when He was Himself the
all things consist. And He is the head of the only-begotten Son of God and the Word of
body the Church, who is the beginning, the God, before the origin of all things, and had
first-born from the dead; that in all things He within Him the invisible Father, and so first
may hold the primacy. Because it pleased had within Him all fulness, that He might
the Father that in Him should all fulness Himself be the fulness of all things ? And
dwell; and through Him to reconcile all things what next ? Bringing all things to peace
unto Himself, making peace through the blood through the blood of His cross, both things
of His cross, both as to the things on earth, on earth, and the things which are in heaven."
and the things that are in heaven." ^ Surely Certainly'he has made it as clear as possible
this does not need the aid of any further ex- of whom he was speaking, when he called Him
planation, as it is so fully and clearly expressed the first-born from the dead. For are all things

that in itself it contains not merely the sub- reconciled and brought into peace through the

stance of the faith, but a clear exposition of it. blood of the Word or Spirit
Most certainly .-'

For he bids us give thanks to the Father: and not. For no sort of passion can happen to
adds a weighty reason for thus giving thanks; nature that is impassible, nor can the blood
viz., because He hath made us worthy to be of any but a man be shed, nor any but a man
partakers with the saints, and hath delivered us die and yet the same Person who is spoken

from the power of darkness, hath translated us of in the following verses as dead, was above
unto the kingdom of the Son of His love, in called the image of the invisible God. How
whom we have redemption and remission of then can this be ? Because the apostles took
sins : who is the image of the invisible God, every possible precaution that it might not be
the first-born of every creature for in Him thought that there was any division in Christ,

and through Him were all things created of or that the Son of God being joined to a Son

which He is both the Creator and the ruler: of man, might come by wild interpretations to be
and what follows after this ? " He is," he made into two Persons, and thus He who is in
says, the head of the body the Church who Himself but one might by wrongful and wicked

is the beginning, the first-born from the dead." notions of ours, be made into a double Person

Scripture speaks of the resurrection as a birth in one nature. And so most excellently and

because as birth is the beginning of life, so admirably does the apostle's preaching pass
resurrection gives birth unto life. Whence from the only begotten Son of God to the Son
also the resurrection is actually spoken of as of man united to the Son of God, that the ex-
regeneration, according to the words of the position of the doctrine might follow the actual
Lord " : I
Verily unto you, that
which course of the things that happened. And so
have followed me, m the regeneration when he continues with an unbroken connexion, and
* « S. Matt. xix. 28.
Col. i. 12-20.
makes as it were a sort of bridge, that without certainly announced the eternity of His Divine
at the nature with marvellous grandeur of language,
any gap or separation you might find
end of time Him whom we read of as in the for nothing can be spoken so worthily of God,
as that He should be said ever to be.
beginning of the world; and that you might " "
not by admitting some division and erroneous to be admits of no beginning in the past
separation imagine that the Son of God
was or end in the future. And so this is very
one person in the fiesh and another in the clearly spoken of the nature of the eternal
Spirit when the teaching of the apostle had
God, as it exactly describes His eternity.
so linked together God and man through the And this the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, when
mystery of His birth in the body, so as to show He was speaking of Abraham, showed by the
that it" was the same Person reconciling to difference of terms used, saying, Before Abra-
Himself all things on the Cross, who had been ham came into being I am." Of Abraham he
proclaimed the image of the invisible God said, Before he came into being:" Of Him-
" I
before the foundation of the world. self, am," for it belongs to things temporal
to come into being to be belongs to eternity.

And so " to come into being " He assigns to

human transitoriness but " to be " to His

own nature. And all this was found in Christ

who, by virtue of the mystery of the manhood
and Divinity joined together in Him who ever
He confirms the judgment of the Apostle by the authority of
the Lord. "was," could say that He already "was."

And this is the saying of an Apos-

tle,yet the very doctrine of the Lord.
it is

For the same Person says this to Christians

by His Apostle, who had Himself said some- CHAPTER IX.
thing very like it to Jews in the gospel, when
He said " But now ye seek to kill me, a man,
Since those marvellous works which from the days of Moses
who have spoken the truth to you, which I were shown to the children of Israel are attributed to Christ,
it follows that He must have existed long before His birth
heard of God for I am not come of Myself,
in time.
but He sent me." ^
He clearly shows that
He is both God and man: man, in that Pie And when the Apostle wanted to make this
says that He is a man God, in that Pie clear and patent to everybody he spoke as fol-

affirms that He was sent. For He must have

llows, saying that, "Jesus having saved the
been with Him from whom He came and out of the land of Egypt afterward

He came from Him, from whom He said that people them that believed not." ^ But else-
destroyed 1

He was sent. Whence it comes that when the where too we read " Neither let us
" tempt :

Jews said to Him, Thou art not yet fifty and were
" Christ, as some of them tempted,
years old and hast Thou seen Abraham ? by serpents,"
Peter also the chief
He replied in words that exactly suit His destroyed
of the apostles says
And now why tempt ye :

eternity and glory, saying, "Verily, verily, I God to

put a yoke upon the neck of the disci-
say unto you. Before Abraham came into ples, which neither our fathers nor we have
being, I am." I ask then, whose saying do
been able to bear. But we believe that we
you think this is ? Certainly it is Christ's shall be saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus
without any doubt. And how could He who
Christ even as they were." ^ We know most
had been but recently born, say that He was
before Abraham ? certainly that the people of God were delivered
Simply owing to the Word from Egypt, and led dryshod through mighty
of God, with which He was entirely united, so
tracts of water, and preserved in the vast desert
that all might understand the closeness of the
wastes, by none but God alone as it is writ-
union of Christ and God since whatever God
" The Lord alone
did lead them, and

ten :

said in Christ, that in its fulness the unity of

there was no strange God among them."

the Divinity claimed for Himself. But con- And how can an
scious of His own eternity. He rightly then
Apostle declare in so
and such clear passages that the peo-
when in the body, replied to the Jews, with the manyof the were delivered from Egypt
ple Jews
very words which He had formerly spoken to
by Jesus., and that Christ was at that time
^oses in the Spirit. For here He says, " Be-
fore Abraham came into being, I am."
tempted by the Jews in the wilderness, say-
But "
Neither let us tempt Christ, as some
to Moses He says, I am that I am." '
He ing,
< S. Jiide, ver. ' Acts XV. 10, II.
* ' ^
S. John viii. 40, 42. Ibid. ver. 58. Exod. iii. 14.
I Cor. X.
' Deut. xxxii. 12.
BOOK V. 587

of them tempted, and were destroyed of the CHAPTER X.

serpents ?
And further the blessed Apostle
Peter says of all the saints who lived under He explains what it means to confess, aad what it means to
the law of the Old Covenant that they were dissolve Jesus,

saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Get out then, and wriggle out of this if you Forthis it is which John, the man so dear
can — whoever you are —
you who rage with
to God, foresaw from the Lord's own revela-
tion to him and so spoke of Him, who was
vapid mouth and a spirit of blasphemy, and "
think that there is no diflference at all between speaking in him. Every spirit," he says,
Adam and Christ and you who deny that He
which confesseth Jesus come in the flesh is of
was God before His birth of the Virgin, show God, and every spirit that dissolveth Jesus is
not of God and this is the spirit of Antichrist,
clearly how you can prove that He was not

God before His body came into existence. of whom you have heard already, and he is
For lo, an Apostle says that the people were now already in the world."' O the marvel-
saved out of the land of Egypt by Jesus and :
lous and singular goodness of God, who like
that Christ was tempted by unbelievers in the a most careful and skilful physician, foretold
wilderness and that our fathers, i.e., the pa-
beforehand the diseases that should come
triarchs and prophets, were saved by the grace upon His Church, and when He showed the
of our Lord Jesus Christ. mischief beforehand, gave in showing it,
Deny it if you can.
I shall not be surprised if a remedy for it that all men when they saw
you manage to deny

what we all read, as you have already denied the evil approaching, might at once flee as far
what we all believe. Know then that even then as possible from that which they already knew
it was Christ in God who led the
people out
to be imminent. And so Saint John says,
of Egypt, and it was Christ in God who was Every spirit that dissolveth Jesus is not of
tempted by the people who tempted, and it God and this is the spirit of Antichrist."

was Christ in God who saved all the righteous Do you recognize him, O you heretic? Do
men by His lavish grace for through the : you recognize that it is plainly and markedly
oneness of the mystery (of the Incarnation) spoken of you For no one thus dissolves
.? .

the terms God and Christ so pass into each Jesus but he who does not confess that He is
other, that whatever God did, that we may God. For since in this consists all the faith
say that Christ did and whatever afterwards
and all the worship of the Church viz., to ;

Christ bore, we may say that God bore. And confess that Jesus very God who can
is ;

so when the prophet said, " There shall no more (C^^olve His glory and worship than
new God be in thee, neither shalt thou worship one who denies the existence in Him of all
^ that we all worship ? Take then, I beseech
any other God," he announced it with the
same meaning and in the same spirit as that you, take care lest any one may even term
with which the Apostle said that Christ was you Antichrist. Do you think that I am re-
the leader of the people of Israel out of viling and cursing ? What I am saying is not
Egypt to show that He who was born of the
; my own idea for lo, the Evangelist says,

Virgin as man, was even through the unity of Every one that dissolveth Jesus is not of'
the mystery still in God. Otherwise, unless God and this is Antichrist." If you do not

we believe this, we must either believe with dissolve Jesus, and deny God, no one may call
the heretics that Christ is not God, or against you Antichrist. But if you deny it why do
the teaching of the prophet hold that He is a you accuse any one for calling you Antichrist ?
new God. But may it be far from the Catho- While you are denying it, I declare you have
lic people of God, to seem either to diUfer from said it of yourself. Would you like to know
the prophet or to agree with heretics or per- whether this is true ? Tell me, when Jesus

chance the people who should be blessed may was born of a Virgin, what do you make Him
be involved in a curse, and be charged with to be man or God — If God only, you cer-

putting their hope in man. For whoever de- tainly dissolve Jesus, as you deny that in Him
clares that the Lord Jesus Christ was at His manhood was joined to Divinity. But if you
birth a mere man, is doubly liable to the curse, say He was man, none the less do you dissolve
whether he believes in Him or not. For if he Him, as you blasphemously say that a mere
" Cursed
believes, is he who puts his hope in ' S. John iv. 2, 3.
I It will be noticed that Cassian quotes this

man." * But if he does not believe, none the passage with the reading " Qui solvit Jesum," where the Greek lias
o fiij ofioKoytl Tov 'Irj^ovv. Au«t is found in no Greek MS., uncial or
less is he still cursed, because though not be- cursive, and the only Greek authority for it is that of Socrates, whc^
says it was the reading in the old copies." " Qui solvit " was
lieving in man, he still has altogether denied
probably an early glo%s, current in very early days in the West, being
God. fo\ind in Tertulhan (adv. Marc. v. 16; De Jejun i.) and in all Latin

MSS. whether of the Vetus or Vulgate (with a single exception),

and finally becoming universal in the Fathers of the Western Cnurch.
P». Ixxx. (Ixxxl.). to. •
Jer. xvii. 5. Cf. Westcott on the Epp. of S. John, p. 156, sf.
man (as you will have it) was born. Unless when the Jews of that day believed with you
perhaps you think that you do not dissolve that Jesus was only a man without Divinity,
Jesus, you who deny Him to be God, you who and the Lord was asked a question about the
would certainly dissolve Him even if you did union in marriage, in His teaching He not
not deny ^ that man was born together with God. only referred to it, but to this also though :

But possibly you would like this to be made consulted about matters of less importance
clearer by examples. You shall have them in His answer applied to greater and deeper
both directions. The Manichees are outside matters,when he said, "What God hath
the Church, who declare that Jesus was God joined together, let not man put asunder," i.e..
alone and the Ebionites, who say that he was
: Do not sever what God hath joined together
a mere man. For both of them deny and dis- in My Person. Let not human wickedness
solve Jesus the one by saying that He is
: sever that which the Divine Glory hath united
only man, the other by saying that He is only in Me. you want to be told more fully
But if

God. For though their opinions were the that this hear the Apostle talking about
is so,

opposite of each other, yet the blasphemy of these very subjects of which the Saviour was
these diverse opinions is much the same, ex- then teaching, for he, as a teacher sent from
cept that if any distinction can be drawn God that his weak-minded hearers might be
between the magnitude of the evils, your able to take in his teaching, expounded those
blasphemy which asserts that He is a mere very subjects which God had proclaimed in a
man is worse than that which says that He is mystery. For when he was discussing the
only God for though both are wrong, yet it is
subject of carnal union, on which the Saviour
more insulting to take away from the Lord had been asked a question in the gospel, he
what is Divine than what is human. This repeated those very passages from the old Law
then alone is the Catholic and the true faith on which He had dwelt, on purpose that they

viz., to believe that as the Lord Jesus Christ might see that as he was using the same
isGod so also is He man and that as He is ; authorities he was expounding the same sub-
man so also is He God. " Every one who dis- ject besides which, that nothing may seem to

solves Jesus is not of God." But to dissolve be wanting to his case, he adds the mention of
Him to try to rend asunder what is united
is carnal union, and puts in the names of hus-
in Jesus and to sever what is but one and in-
band and wife whom he exhorts to love one
divisible. But what is it in Jesus that is united another '* Husbands, love your wives even as

and but one ? Certainly the manhood and the Christ also loved the Church." And again :

Godhead. He then dissolves Jesus who severs " So also

ought men to love their wives even
these and rends them asunder. Otherwise, if as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife
he does not rend them asunder and sever loveth himself. For no man ever hated his
them, he does not dissolve Jesus But if he : own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, as
rends them asunder he certainly dissolves Christ also doth the Church, for we are mem-
Him." bers of His body." * You see how by adding
to the mention of man and wife the mention of
Christ and the Church, he leads all from tak-
CHAPTER XL ing it carnally to understand it in a spiritual
sense. For when he had said all this, he
added those passages which the Lord had
The mystery of the Lord's Incarnation clearly implies the "
applied in the Gospel, saying For this :

Divinity of Christ.
cause shall a man leave his father and his
mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and
And so to every man who breaks out into this And after
they twain shall be one flesh."
mad blasphemy, the Lord Jesus in the gospel "
this with special emphasis he adds : This is
Himself repeats what He said to the Phari- a great mystery." He certainly altogether
" What God hath
sees, and declares :
joined cuts off and gets rid of any carnal interpreta-
together, let not man put asunder." For
tion, by saying that it is a Divine mystery.
although where it was originally spoken by
And what did he add after this ? " But I am
God seems to be in answer to another mat-
speaking of Christ and the Church." That is
ter, yet the deep wisdom of God which was to say
But that is a great mystery. But I

speaking not more of carnal than of spiritual am speaking of Christ and the Church," i.e.,
things, would have this to be taken of that since perhaps at the present time all cannot
subject indeed, but even more of this for :

grasp that, they may at least grasp this, which

is not at variance with it, nor different from it,
1 Non negares (Petschenig). Gazaeus has denegares.
2 The last sentences are placed in brackets by Petschenig.
3 S. Matt. xix. 6. * V. 25-30.
BOOK V. 589
becaus2 both refer to Christ. But because "Jerusalem which is the mother of us all,"®
they cannot grasp those more profound truths, and has cleaved to human flesh, as to his wife.
let them at least take in these easier ones, And therefore he
expressly says in the case of
that by making a commencement by grasping the father " a man shall leave /as
father," but
what lies on the surface, they may come to the in the case of the mother he does not
deeper truths, and that the acquisition of a "his," but simply says "mother:" because she
somewhat simple matter may open the way in was not so much his mother, as the mother of
time to what is more profound. all believers, i.e., of all of us. And He was
joined to his wife, for just as man and wife
make but one body, so the glory of Divinity and
the flesh of man are united and the two, viz.,
God and the soul, become one flesh. For just
CHAPTER XII. as that flesh had God as an indweller in it, so
also had it the soul within it dwelling with
He more God. This then is that great mystery, to
explains fully what the mystery is which is signified
under the name of the man and wife. search out which our admiration for the Apos-
tle summons us, and God's own exhortation

Wh\t then is bids us and it is one not foreign to Christ

that great mystery which is sig-
nified under the name of the man and his wife }
and His Church, as he says, " But I am speak-
Let us ask the Apostle himself, who elsewhere ing of Christ and the Church." Because the
flesh of the Church is the flesh of Christ, and
to teach the same thing uses words of the
in the flesh of Christ there is present God and
same force, saying: " And evidently great is the
the soul and so the same parson is present in

mystery of godliness, which was manifested in Christ as in the Church, because the mystery
the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels,
which we believe in the flesh of Christ, is con-
preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the
tained also by faith in the Church.
world, received up in glory." What then is

that great mystery which was manifested in

the flesh?
it was God born of the
flesh, God seen in bodily form who was :

openly received up in glory just as He was CHAPTER

openly manifested in the flesh. This then is
the great mystery, of which he says " For this Of the

longing with which the old patriarchs desired to see the

3ause shall a man leave his father and mother, revelation of that mystery.
ind shall cleave to his wife and they two

>hall be one flash." Who then were the two This mystery then, which was manifested in
n one flesh ? God and the soul, for in the one the flesh and
appeared in the world, and was
lesh of man which is joined to God are pres-
preached to the Gentiles, many of the saints of
ent God and the soul, as the Lord Himself old
" longed to see in the flesh, as they foresaw
>ays No man can take
: life My
(anima) it in the spirit. For " Verily," saith the Lord,
iway from Me. But I lay it down of Myself. " I say unto you that many prophets and
[ have
power to lay it down, and I have power righteous men have desired to see the things
o take it again." ^ You see then in this, which
ye see, and have not seen them and to ;

hree viz., God, the flesh, and the soul. It hear the
things which ye hear and have not
s God who speaks the flesh in which He heard them."
And so the prophet Isaiah

ipeaks the soul of which He speaks.

: Is He "
O that Thou, Lord, would rend the
says :

herefore that man of whom the prophet says heavens and come down," * and David too:

brother cannot redeem, nor shall a man " O
Lord, bow the heavens and come down."

edeem"?^ Who, as it was said, "ascended Moses also "

Show me that I
says Thyself

ip where He was before,"

and of whom we ^^
No one ever ap-
ead " No man hath ascended'into heaven, but
may see Thee plainly."
proached nearer to God speaking out of the

ie who came down from heaven, even the Son

clouds, and to the very presence of His glory
>f man who is in heaven."
For this cause, I than Moses who received the law. And if no
ay, He has left his father and mother, i.e., one ever saw more closely into God than he
Jod from whom He was begotten and that
did, why did he ask for a still clearer vision,
saying, " Show me Thyself that I may see Thee,
1 Tim. iii. 16. Quod manifestumincarne. The true reading is
Simply because he prayed that this

certainly ot, see Westcott and Hort, Greek Testament, vol. ii.,

H2. The neuter 6 is found in D. and in many Latin Fathers, as
;>11 as tha Vulgate.
» S John X. 18. * Cf. S.
John vi. 62. " iv. 26. • Isa. 1. " Exod. xxxiii. 13.
" Ixiy. _
' • S. S. Matt. xiii. 17. " Ps.
Ps. xlviii. (xlix.). 8. John iii. 13. xcliii. (cxliv). 5.
might happen which the apostle tells us in CHAPTER XV.
almost the same words actually did happen ;

What the prayers of the saints for the coming of Messiah

viz., that the Lord might be openly manifested contained and ;
what was the nature of that longing of
in the flesh,might openly appear to the world, theirs.

openly be received up in glory and that at ;

This then all the saints wished for for this :
last the saints might with their very bodily
they prayed. This they longed to see with
eyes see all those things which with spiritual their
had foreseen. eyes in proportion as they were wise in
sight they
heart and mind. And so the prophet Isaiah
" O that
says Thou wouldst rend the heavens

and come down." ^ But Habakkuk too de-

CHAPTER XIV. claring the same thing which the other was
" When
wishing for, says : the years draw nigh.
He refutes the wicked and blasphemous notion of the here- Thou wilt show Thyself : at thecoming of the
tics who said that God dwelt and spoke in Christ as in an
times Thou wilt be manifested God will come :

instrument or a statue.
from Teman," or " God will come from the
south."® David also: "God will clearly
Otherwise, as the heretics say, God would come " and again " Thou that sittest above
in the Lord Jesus Christ as in a statue or
in an instrument, i.e., He would dwell as it
the Cherubim, show Thyself."* Some de-
clared His advent which He presented to the
were in a man and speak as it were through a
world others prayed for it. Some in different
man, and it would not be He who dwelt and

forms but all with equal longing understand-

spoke as God of Himself and in His own

to a certain point how great a thing

body and certainly He had already thus ing up

were praying for, that God dwelling in

dwelt in the saints and spoken in the per- they
sons of the saints. In those men too, of God, and continuing "
in the form and bosom
whom I spoke above, who had prayed for of God, might empty Himself," and take
the form of a servant and submit Himself to
His advent. He had thus dwelt and spoken.
And what need was there for all these to ask endure all the bitterness and insults of the pas-
for what they already possessed, if they were sion,
and undergo punishment for His good-
ness, and what is hardest, and the most dis-
seeking for what they had previously received ?
Or why should they long to see with their eyes graceful thing of all, meet with death at the
what they were keeping in their hearts, espe- hands of those very persons for whom He
would die. All the saints then understanding
cially as it is better for a man to have the —
same thing within himself than to see it out- this up to a certain point
up to a certain
side } Or if God was to dwell in Christ in the point, I say, for how vast it is none can under-

same way as in all the saints, why should all stand with concordant voice and (so to speak)
the saints long to see Christ rather than them- by
mutual consent all prayed for the advent
selves ? And if they were only to see the of God for indeed they knew that the hope of :

same thing in Jesus Christ, which they them- all men lay therein, and that the salvatioii
of all was bound up in this, because no one
selves possessed, why should they not much
rather prefer to have this in themselves than could loose the prisoners except one who was
to see it in another ? But you are wrong, you Himself free from chains no one could re- :

wretched madman, "not understanding," as lease sinners, save one Himself without sin :

the Apostle says, " what you say and whereof for no one can in any case set free anyone,
for all the prophets and all the unless he is himself free in that particular, in
" ^
you affirm :

saints received from God some portion of the

which another is freed by him. And so when
Divine Spiritas theywere able to bear it. death had passed on all, all were wanting in
But in Christ "all the fulness of the God- life, that, dying in Adam, they might live in

head " dwelt and " dwells bodily." And there- Christ. For though there were many saints,
fore they all fall far short of His fulness, from many elect and .even friends of God, yet none
whose fulness they receive something for the :
could ever of themselves be saved, had they
fact that they are filled is the gift of Christ not been saved by the advent of the Lord and

because they would all certainly be empty, His redemption.

were He not the fulness of all. * Isa. Ixiv.
' Hab. iii. 2, 3, where the Old Latin has "Themati," and the
* I
Vulgate "Austro."
Tim. i. 7. * Ps. xlix. (1.) 3 ; Ixxix. (Ixxx.) 2. Phil. ii. 7.
BOOK VI. 591


CHAPTER I. Holy Scripture, and contain life-giving trea-

sures in contemptible surroundings. And even
P'rom the miracle of the feeding of the multitude from five in this point they are not unlike those loaves,
barley loaves and two fishes he shows the majesty of Divine for
Power. though they were poor things to look at,
yet they proved to be rich in blessing and so :

We read in the gospel that when five loaves these books, though, as far as my powers are
were at the Lord's bidding brought to Him, concerned, they are worthless, yet they are
an immense number of God's people were fed valuable from the sacred matter which is
with them. But how this was done it is im- mingled with them and though they appear

possible to explain, or to understand or to outwardly worthless like barley owing to my

imagine. So great and so incomprehensible words, yet within they have the savour of the
is the might of Divine Power, that though we bread of life
owing to the testimonies from
are perfectly assured of the fact, yet we are the Lord Himself. It remains that, after His
unable to understand the manner of the fact. example, they may, by the gift of Divine grace,
For first one would have to comprehend how furnish life-giving food from countless seeds.
so small a number of loaves could be sufficient, And as those loaves supplied bodily strength
I will not say for them to eat and be filled, but to those who ate them, so
may these give
even to be divided and set before them, when spiritual vigour to those who read them. But
there were many more thousands of men as then the Lord, from whom this gift comes
than there Were loaves ;
and almost more as did that, by means of that food provided
companies than there could be fragments of that they might be filled and so should not
the whole number of loaves. The plentiful faint by the way, so now is He able to bring it
supply then was the creation of the word of about that by means of this men may be filled
the Lord. The work grew in the doing of it. and not err (from the faith). But still because
And though what was visible was but little there, where a countless host of God's people

yet what was given to them became more than was fed with a mighty gift, though there was
could be reckoned. There is then no room very little for them to eat, we read that to
for conjecture, for human speculation, or imagi- those fiv^ loaves there were added two fishes, it
nation. The only thing in such a case is that is fitting that we too, who are anxious to give
like faithful and wise men we should acknow- to all God's people who are following, the
ledge that, however great and incomprehen- nourishment of a spiritual repast, should add
sible are the things which are done by God, to those five books corresponding to the five
even if they are altogether beyond our com- loaves, two more books corresponding to the
prehension, we must recognize that nothing is two fishes :
praying and beseeching Thee, O
impossible with God. But of these unspeak- Lord, that Thou wilt look on our efforts and
able acts of Divine Power, we will, as the sub- prayers, and grant a prosperous issue to our
ject demands it, speaks more fully later on, pious undertaking. And since we, out of our
because it exactly corresponds to the ineffable love and obedience, desire to make the num-
miracles of His Holy Nativity. ber of our books correspond to the number of
loaves and fishes, do Thou grant the virtue
of Thy Benediction upon them and, as Thou

dost bless ^ this little work of ours with a gospel

CHAPTER II. number, so mayest Thou fill up the number
with the fruit of the gospel, and grant that this
The author adapts the mystery of the number seven (made up may be for holy and saving food to all the
of \.\\t.Jive loaves and two fishes) to his own work.
people of Thy Church, of every age and sex.
And ifthere are some who are aff'ected by the
Meanwhile as we have alluded to the five
deadly breath of that poisonous serpent, and
loaves, I think it will not be out of place to in an unhealthy state of soul and spirit have
make a comparison of the five books which we
caught a pestilential disease in their feeble dis-
have already composed. For as they are
positions, give to them all the vigour of health,
equal in number, so they are not dissimilar in and entire soundness of faith, that by grant-
character. For as the loaves were of barley,
ing to them all, by means of these writings of
so these books may (as far as my ability is
" of ours, the saving care of Thy gift just as

concerned) be fairly termed barley,"
although they are enriched with passages from *
Muneraris, (Petschenig) : Gazaeus reads numeraris.
that food in the gospel was completely sanc- the third day He rose again according to the
tified by Thee, so that by eating it those Scripture and ascended into heaven, and
hungry souls were strengthened,

so mayest shall come again to judge the quick and the

Thou bid languid souls to be healed by these. dead," etc.^ In the Creed which gives the
faith of all the Churches, I should like to know
which you would rather follow, the authority
CHAPTER III. of men or of God Though I would not .'

press hardly or unkindly upon you, but give

He refutes his opponent by the testiomny of the Council the opportunity of choosing whichever alter-
of Antiodi.
native you please, that accepting one, I may
Therefore since we have, as I fancy, deny the other for I will grant you and :

already in all the former books with the yield to you either of them. And what do I
weight of sacred testimonies, given a com- grant, I ask ? I will force you to one or other
plete answer to the heretic who denies God, even against your will. For you ought, if you
now let us come to the faith of the Creed of like, to understand of your own free will that
Antioch and its value. For as he ^ was him- one or other of these is in the Creed if you :

self baptized and regenerated in this, he don't like it, you must be forced against your
ought to be confuted by his own profession, will to see it. For, as you know, a Creed
and (so to speak) to be crushed beneath the (Symbolum) gets its name from being a col-
weight of his own arms, for this is the method, lection."* For what is called in Greek aittfAAo;
that as he is already convicted by the evi- is termed in Latin "Collatio." But it is there-
dence of holy Scripture, so now he may be fore a collection (collatio) because when the
convicted by evidence out of his own mouth. faith of the whole Catholic law was collected
Nor will there be any need to bring anything together by the apostles of the Lord, all those
else to bear against him when he has clearly matters which are spread over the whole body
and plainly convicted himself. The text then of the sacred writings with immense fulness
and the faith of the Creed of Antioch is this.^ i of detail, were collected together in sum in the
I believe in one and the only true God, the matchless brevity of the Creed, according to
Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible to the Apostle's words Completing His :

and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, word, and cutting it short in righteousness :

His only begotten Son, and the first-born of because a short word shall the Lord make
every creature, begotten of Him before all upon "the earth."
This then is the " short
worlds, and not made Very God of Very God,
: word which the Lord made, collecting to-
Being of one substance with the Father By gether in few words the faith of both of His

whom both the worlds were framed, and all Testaments, and including in a few brief
things were made. Who for us came, and was clauses the drift of all the Scriptures, build-
born of the Virgin Mary, and was crucified ing up His own out of His own, and giving
under Pontius Pilate and was buried and the force of the whole law in a most compen-

Nestorius, who had belonged to the monastery of St. Eupre-

1 '
Cassian nowhere quotes the last section of the Creed of Anti-
pius near tlie gate of Antioch before his elevation to the see of och, as it did not concern the question at issue. A few clauses of it
^ This
may however be recovered from S. Chrysostom's Homilies (In
creed is plainly given by Cassian as the baptismal formula I Cor. Hom. xl. § 2); viz., Kai ci? afiapriuiv a^ediv Kai eis vfKpiov
of the Church of Antioch and with it agrees almost verbally a avd<TTa<TLV Kai ei? ^idtji/ aiuiviov-
ment of tlie Creed preserved in a Contestatio comparing Nestorius *
Symbolus, or more commonly and correctly Synibolum (= ffu/u-
to Paul of Samosata (a.d. 429, or 430) which is said by Leontius to /SoAoc) is the general name for the creed in the ancient church, met
have been the work of Eusebius afterward 15ishop of Dorylsum. with from the days of Cyprian (who uses it more than once, e.g.,
The form is especially interesting as showing that the Creed of Ep. Ixix.) onwards. In the account which Cassian gives in the text
Antioch, in common with several other Eastern Creeds, underwent of the origin of the name he is certainly copying Rufinus (whose ex-
revision, probably about the middle of the fourth century, from the position of the Apostles' Creed is directly quoted by him below in
desire to enrich the local creed with Nicene The in- Book VII. c. xxvii.). The passage which Cassian evidently has in
phraseology. "
sertions which are obviously due to the Creed of Nicaea are non fac-
: his mind is the following: Moreoverfor and excellent rea-
tum, Deum verum ex Deo vero, homoousion patri, or as they would
sons they determined that it should be called Symbohim. For Sym-
run in the original ov jtoi.-ifiivra, %(.ov aX-rfiivav ix 0tov aKi,eLvcv, bolum '
in Greek may mean both Indicium (a token) and collatio (a
oM-ooutrioi' Tu> Uarpi, and it has been
sugQ;ested that tliey were pro- collection), that is, that which several bring together into one ; for the
bably introduced at the Synod held at Antioch under Meletius in 363. apostles effected this in these sentences by bringing together into
Similar forms of local creeds thus one what each thought good. Therefore being about to depart
enlarged by the adoption of Nicene .. .

phraseology are (i) that of Jerusalem as given bv Cvril in his Cate- to preach, the apostles appointed that token of their unanimity and
chetical Lectures, (2) the Creed of " In these words there
Cappadocia, (3) that of Mesopo- faith." (Ruf. De Symb. § 2). Cf. also § i.
" Creed
tamia, and (4) the of Charisius " preserved in the Acts of is truly discovered the prophecy which says
Completing His work

the Council of Epliesus (Mansi IV. On all of these see and cutting it short in righteousness, because a short word will the
Dr. Hort's " Two dissertations," p. no sf. Lord make upon the earth.' " This exj^lanation, however, of the
Another interesting feature in the Creed as given by Cassian is origin of the term labours under the fatal mistake of confusing two
that It was in the singular " Credo," I believe ; whereas the Eastern distinct Greek words <Tv\i.^o'Kr\ a "collection," and ayit-^oKov a
Creeds are almost all in the plural 7ri(TrciJo(iei'. That however " watchword " and the true
explanation of the word is probably
^vhich is found in the Apostolical Constitutions that which Rufinus gives as an alternative, which gives it the mean-
(VII. xli.) has the
singular Trio-Teuoi ical /3aTrTi^0(, and therefore it is possible that ing of "watchword." It was the watchword of the Christinn sol-
Cassian may have preserved the original form here. It is however dier, carefully and jealously guarded by him, as that by which he
more probable that the singular Credo is due to a reminiscence of could himself be distinguished from heretics, and that for which
the form current in the Western church, which has influenced the he could challenge others of whose orthodoxy he might be in doubt.
translation. See further Hahn's Bibliothek des Symbole p. 64 ^ Rom. ix. 28.
BOOK VI. 593

dious and brief formula. Providing in this, the words of the law itself I would refute you

like a most tender father, for the carelessness by the truth of the Creed which has been ap-
and ignorance of some of his children, that proved throughout the whole world. I would
no mind however simple and ignorant might say that, even if you were void of sense and
have any trouble over what could so easily be understanding, yet still you ought at least to
retained in the memory. follow universal consent : and not to make
more of the perverse view of a few wicked men
than of the faith of all the Churches which :

CHAPTER IV. as it was established by Christ, and handed

down by the apostles ought to be regarded as
How the Creed has authority Divine as well as human. nothing but the voice of the authority of God.
which is certainly in possession of the voice and
You see then that the Creed has the author- mind of God. And what then if I were to deal
" a short word will the Lord
ity of God : for with you in this way ? What would you say ?
make upon the earth." But perhaps you What would you answer ? Would it not, I ad-
want the authority of men nor is that want- jure you, be this viz., that you had not been
: :

ing, for God made it by

means of men. For trained up and taught in this way that some- :

as He fashioned the whole body of the sacred thing different had been delivered to you by
Scriptures by means of the patriarchs and
your parents, and masters, and teachers. That
particularly his own prophets, so
He formed you did not hear this in the meeting place of
the Creed by means of His apostles and priests. your father's teaching, nor in the Church of
And whatever He enlarged on in these (in Scrip- your Baptism finally that the text and words

ture) with copious and abundant material,

He of the Creed delivered and taught to you con-
here embraced in a most complete and com- tained something different. That in it you
pendious form by means of His own servants. were baptized and regenerated. You would
is nothing wanting then in the Creed
There ;
say that you would hold fast this which you
because as it was formed from the Scriptures had received, and that you would live in that
of God by the apostles of God, it has in it all Creed in which you learnt that you were re-
the authority it can possibly have, whether of generated. When you said this, would you not,
men or of God Although too that which was
: I pray, fancy that you were using a very strong
made by men, must be accounted God's work, shield even against the truth ? And indeed it
for we should not look on it so much as their would be no unreasonable defence, even in a
work, by whose instrumentality it was made, bad busin'ess, and one which would give no bad
but rather as His, who was the actual maker. excuse for error, if it did not unite obstinacy
" I " in one true
believe," then, says the Creed, with error. For if you held this, which you
and only God, the Father Almighty, Maker of had received from your childhood, we should
all things visible and invisible and in one
try to amend and correct your present error,
Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, rather than be severe in punishing your past
and the first-born of every creature Begotten ; fault: Whereas now, as you were born in a
of Him before all worlds, and not made Very ; Catholic city, instructed in the Catholic faith,
God of Very God, being of one substance with and regenerated with Catholic Baptism, how
the Father by whom both the worlds were
can I deal with you as with an Arian or Sabel-
framed and all things were made who for us; lian ? Would that you were one I should

came, and was born of the Virgin Mary; and grieve less had you been brought up
in what
was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and was was wrong, instead of having fallen away from
buried. And the third day He rose again ac- what was right had you never received the

cording to the Scriptures and ascended into

; faith, instead of having lost it had you been

heaven and shall come again to judge the

: an old heretic instead of a fresh apostate, for
quick and the dead," etc. you would have brought less scandal and
harm on the whole Church; finally it would
have been a less bitter sorrow, and less injuri-
CHAPTER V. ous example had you been able to try the
Church as a layman rather than a priest.
He proceeds against his opponent with the choicest arguments, Therefore, as I said above, if you had been a
and shows that we ought to hold fast to the religion which
we have received from our fathers. follower and assertor of Sabellianism or Arian-
ism or any heresy you please, you might shel-
If you were an assertor of the; Arian or Sa- ter yourself under the example of your parents,
bellian heresy, and did not use your own the teaching of your instructors, the company
of those about you, the faith Cf your creed. I
creed, I would still confute you by the authority
of the holy Scriptures I would confute you by ask, O you heretic, nothing unfair, and nothing
same own "
hard. As you have been brought up in the is the as your >
I believe," the
CathoHc faith, do that which you would do for Creed says, "
one God, the Father Almighty, in
a wrong belief. Hold fast to the teaching of Maker of all things visible and invisible and ;

your parents. Hold fast the faith of the in the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten
Church hold fast the truth of the Creed hold Son, the first-born of every creature Begotten
: :

fast the salvation of baptism. What sort of a of Him before all worlds, and not made." It
wondei —
what sort of a monster are you ? is well that you should first reply to this Do :

You will not do for yourself what others have you confess this of Jesus Christ the Son of
done for their errors. But we have launched God, or do you deny it ? If you confess it,
out far enough and out of love for a city that everything is right enough. But if not, how

is connected with us,^ have yielded to our do you now deny what you yourself
grief as to a strong wind, and while we were confessed } Choose then which you will Of :

anxious to make way, have overshot the mark two things one must follow viz., that that ;

of our proper course. same confession of yours, if it still holds good,

should alone set you free, or
you deny it, be
the first to condemn you. For you said in the
Creed " I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ

His only begotten Son, and the first-born of

CHAPTER VI. every creature." If the Lord Jesus Christ is
the only begotten, and the first-born of
Once more he challenges him to the profession of the Creed of creature, then by our own confession He is
Antioch. certainly God. For no other is the only be-
gotten and first-born of every creature but the
The Creed O only begotten Son of God as He is the first-
you heretic, of which

born of the creatures, so He is also God the
we gave the text above, though it is that of
Creator of all. And how can you say that He
all the churches (for the faith of all is but one)
was a mere man at His birth from the Virgin,
is yet specially that of the city and Church of
whom you confessed to be God before the
Antioch, i.e., of that Church in which you were
world. Next the Creed says " Begotten of
brought up, instructed, and regenerated. The

the Father before all worlds, and not made."

faith of this Creed brought you to the fountain
This Creed was uttered by you. You said by
of life, to saving regeneration, to the grace of
the Eucharist, to the Communion of the Lord :
your Creed, that Jesus Christ was begotten
before the worlds of God the Father, and not
And what more Alas for the grievous and

made. Does the Creed say anything about

mournful complaint Even to the ministerial

those phantasms, of which you now rave

office,the height of the presbyterate, the dig- .?

Did you yourself say anything about them ?

nity of the priesthood. Do you, you wretched
Where is the statue ? Where that instrument
madman, think that this is a light or trivial of yours, I pray.? For God forbid that this
matter,? Do you not see what you have done ?
should be another's and not yours. Where is
Into what a depth you have plunged yourself .''

it that you assert that the Lord Jesus Christ

In losing the faith of the Creed, you have lost
everything that you v^^ere. For the mysteries
is like a statue, and so
you think that He ought
to be worshipped not because He is God, but
of the priesthood and of your salvation rested
on the truth of the Creed. Can you possibly because He is the image of God and out of ;

the Lord of glory you make an instrument,

deny that ? I say that you have denied your and blasphemously say that He ought to be
very self. But perhaps you think that you adored not for His own sake, but for the sake
cannot deny yourself. Let us look at the text
of Him who (as it were) breathes in Him and
of the Creed that if you say what you used to
sounds through Him ? You said in the Creed

do, you may not be refuted, but if you say

that the Lord Jesus Christ was begotten of the
things widely different and contrary, you may
not look to be confuted by me, as you have
Father before all worlds, and not made and :

this certainly belongs to none but the

condemned yourself already. For if you now only be-
maintain something else than what is in the gotten Son of God that His birth should not

Creed and what you formerly maintained your- be a creation, and that He could be said simply
to be begotten, not made for it is contrary to
self, how can you help ascribing your punish-

the nature of things and to His honour that

ment to nobody but yourself, when you see
the Creator of all should be believed to be a
that the opinion of everybody else about you
creature and that He, the author of all things

Viz., Constantinople, where Nestorius was Bishop and where that have a commencement, should Himself
Cassian liimself had been ordained deacon by S. Chrysostom, as he have a beginning, as all things began from
telis us below in Book VII. c. xxxi., where lie returns to the subject
of his love for the city of his ordination, and interest in it. Him. And so we say that He was begotten
BOOK VI. 595

not made: for His generation was unique and CHAPTER VIII.
no ordinary creation. And since He is God,
begotten of God, the Godhead of Him who is How it can be said that Christ came and was born of a
begotten must have everything complete which Virgin.
the majesty of Him who begat has.
But let us look at the remainder which
follows. As then the Creed says " The Lord :

Jesus Christ, Very God of Very God, Being of

CHAPTER VII. one substance with the Father By whom both ;

the worlds were framed, and all things were

He continues the same line of argument drawn from the made," it immediately subjoins in closest con-
Creed of Antioch. nexion the following, and says " Who for us :

came and was born of the Virgin Mary." He
But there follows in the Creed Very who Very God, who

then, is of one sub- is

God of Very God Being of one substance
stance with the Father, the Maker of who is
with the Father by whom both the worlds
all things. He, I repeat, came into the world
were framed, and all things were made." And and was born of the Virgin Mary; as the
when you said all this, remember that you " But when
Apostle Paul says the fulness of

said it all of the Lord Jesus Christ. For you the times was come, God sent forth His Son,
find stated in the Creed that you believe in
made of a woman, made under the law." ^
the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son You see how the mysteries of the Creed corre-
of God, and the first-born of every creature
spond with the Holy Scriptures. The Apostle

and after this and other clauses " Very God :

declares that the Son of God was "sent from
of Very God, Being of one substance with "
the Father The Creed afiirms that He

the Father by whom also the worlds were

"came." For it certainly follows that our
framed." How then can the same Person be faith should confess that He has "come,"
God and not God God and a statue God
; ;
whom the Apostle had taught us to be sent.
and ^n instrument? These do not harmo- Then the Apostle says " Made of a woman " : :

nize, you heretic, in any one Person, nor do The Creed, "born of Mary." And so you see
they fit together, so that you can, when you that there speaks through the Creed the Scrip-
like, call Him God; and when you like, con- ture itself, from which the Creed acknow-
sider the same Person a creation. You said But when
" ledges that it is itself derived.
in the Creed, Very God." Now you say :
the Apostle says, "made of a woman," he
a mere man." How can these things fit
rightly enough uses "made" for "born," after
together and harmonize so that one and the the manner of Holy Scripture in which " made
same Person may be the greatest Power, and stands for "born:" as in this passage: "In-
utter weakness the Highest glory, and mere
stead of thy fathers there are made to thee
mortality These things do not meet together

" *
: or this " Before Abraham was made,

in one and the same Lord. So that severing I am

" '
where we certainly see clearly that

Him for worship and for degradation, on one He meant " Before he was born, I am " :

side, you may do Him honour as you like,

alluding to the fact of his birth under the
and on the other, you may injure Him as you term "was made," because whatever does not
like. You said in the Creed when you re- need to be made has the very reality of crea-
ceived the Sacrament of true Salvation the
"Who," it then says, "for us came and
Lord Jesus Christ, Very God of Very God, was born of the Virgin Mary." If a mere
Being of one substance with the Father, man was born of Mary, how can it be said
Creator of the worlds. Maker of all things."
that He "came"? For no one "comes" but
Where are you alas Where is your former
He who has it in Him to be able to come.
self ? Where is that faith of yours ? Where But in the case of one who had not yet re-
that confession ? How have you fallen back ceived His existence, how could He have it in
and become a monstrosity and a prodigy ? Him to come. You see then how by the
What folly, what madness was your ruin ? word "coming" it is shown that He who came
Vou turned the God of all power and might was already in existence for He only had the :

into inanimate material and a lifeless creation

power to come, to whom there could be the

Your faith has certainly grown in time, in age,

opportunity of coming, from the fact that He
and in the priesthood. You are worse as an was But a mere man was
already existing.
old man than formerly as a child worse now
certainly not in existence before he was con-

as a veteran than as a tyro worse as a Bishop

ceived, and so had not in himself the power

than you were as a novice nor were you ever


a learner after you had begun to be a teacher. Gal. iv. 4. * Ps. xliv. «
(xlv.) 17.
* S.
John viii. 58.
to come. then that it was God who says that they did happen ? How is it that
It is clear
came : to whom
belongs in each case both you yourself said that they did ? For let us

to be, and to come. For certainly He came be- compare what you now say with what you
cause He was, and He ever was, because He formerly said. Once you said I believe in :

could ever come. God the Father Almighty and in Jesus Christ ;

His Son, Very God of Very God Being of ;

one substance with the Father; who for us

CHAPTER IX. came and was born of the Virgin Mary and ;

he convicts his of his own

was crucified under Pontius Pilate and was
deadly heresy by ;
Again opponent
confession. buried." But now what is it that you say ?
"If we should say: I believe in God the
But why are we arguing about words, when
the facts are clear enough ? and seeking for a
Word, the only Son of God, Begotten of His
determination of the matter from the terms
Father Being of one substance with the

Father, who came down and was buried, would

of the Creed, when the Creed itself deals with "
not our ears be shocked at the sound ? The
the question. Let us repeat the confession of
bitterness indeed and blasphemy of your words
the Creed, and of you yourself (for yours it is
as well as the Creed's, for you made it yours might drive us to a furious and ferocious attack
in answer; but we must somewhat curb the
by confessing it), that you may see that you reins of our pious sorrow.
have departed not only from the Creed but
from yourself. " I believe " then, says the
" In
Creed, one only true God, the Father
Almighty, Maker of all things visible and in-
visible And in the Lord Jesus Christ, His He inveighs against him because though he has forsaken the

only begotten Son, and the first-born of every Catholic religion, he nevertheless presumes to teach in the
creature Begotten of Him before all v/orlds
Church, to sacrifice, and to give decisions,
and not made Very God of Very God Being
; ;
I APPEAL then to you, to you yourself, I say.
of one substance with the Father By whom ;

both the worlds were framed, and all things Tell me, I pray, if any Jew or pagan denied
were made. Who for us came, and was born the Creed of the Catholic faith, should you
of the Virgin Mary." "For us" then the think that we ought to listen to him ? Most
Creed says, our Lord Jesus Christ "came and certainly not. What if a heretic or an apostate
was born of the Virgin Mary, and was cruci- does the same ? Still less should we listen to
fied under Pontius Pilate and was buried, him, for it is worse for a man to forsake the

and rose again according to the Scriptures." truth which he has known, than to deny it
The Churches are not ashamed to confess this without ever having known it. We see then :

the Apostles were not ashamed to preach it. two men in you a Catholic and an apostate : :

You yourself, you, I say, whose every utter- first a Catholic, afterwards an apostate. De-
ance is now blasphemy, you who now deny termine for yourself which you think we ought
to follow for you cannot press the claims of
everything, you did not deny all these truths

that God was born that God suffered, that the one in yourself without condemning the
God rose And what next? Whither

other. Do you say then that it is your former

have you fallen ? What have you become ? self which is to be condemned and that you :

To what are you reduced ? What do you say ? condemn the Catholic Creed, and the confes-
What are you vomiting forth ? What, as one sion and faith of all men ? And what then ?
says, even mad Orestes himselfwould swear O shameful deed O wretched grief What ! !

to be the words of a madman.-' For what is are you doing in the Catholic Church, you
of Catholics ? Why is it that you,
it that
you say? "Who then is the Son of preventer
God who was born of the Christotocos ? As who have denied the faith of the people, are
for instance if we were to
say I believe in God
still polluting the meetings of the people :

the Word, the only Son of God, begotten of And above all venture to stand at the altar, to
His Father, Being of one substance with the mount the and show your impudent and
Father, who came down and was buried, would
treacherous face to God's people to occupy —
not our ears be shocked at the sound ? God the Bishop's throne, to exercise the priesthood,
dead ? " And again " Can it possibly be, you:
to set yourself up as a teacher ? To teach
the Christians what ? Not to believe in Christ
say, that He who was begotten before all

to deny that He in whose Divine temple they

worlds, should be born a second time, and be
God ? " If all these things cannot possibly are, is God.^ And after all this, O folly O !

be, how is it that the Creed of the Churches *

Petschenig's text is as follows: Ut quid <1oceas Christittnos?
Ckristit/ii non credere, cunt ipsunt in cujtis Dei temfilp sint Deuin
Persius Sat. iii. 1. ii6 . . .
"quod ipse non sani esse hominis negare. Gazjeus edits Ut quid doces Christianos, Christutn non

non sanus juret Orestes." credens f Cum ipsunt, in cujus Dei tetnplo sunt, Deutn tieges.
BOOK VI. 597

madness you fancy that you are a teacher

! not be what all others are, they may be what
and a Bishop, while (O wretched blindness) you want A splendid authority indeed, that

you are denying His Divinity, His Divinity because you are not now what you used to be,
(I repeat it) whose priest you claim to be. the world must cease to be what it formerly
But we are carried away by our grief. What was !

then says the Creed ? or what did you yourself

say in the Creed ? Surely the Lord Jesus
Christ, Very God of Very God Being of one ;

substance with the Father By whom the" ;

worlds were created and all things made :

He removes the silent objection of heretics who want to recant
and that this same Person " for us came and the profession of their faith made in childhood.
was born of the Virgin Mary," Since then
you said that God was born of Mary, how can But perhaps you say that you were a baby
you deny that Mary was the mother of God ? when you were regenerated, and so were not
Since you said that God came, how can you then able to think or to contradict. It is true :

deny that He is God who has come ? You that your infancy did prevent you from con-
said in the Creed " I believe in Jesus Christ tradicting, when if you had been a man you

the Son of God I believe in Very God of would have died for contradicting.
: For what
Very God, of one substance with the Father if when in that most faithful and devout Church

who for us came and was born of the Virgin of Christ the priest delivered the Creed ^ to the
Mary and was crucified under Pontius Pilate Catechumen and the attesting people, you had
; ;

and was buried." But now you say " If we tried to hold your tongue at any point, or to

should say, I believe in God the Word, the contradict.-* Perhaps you would have been
only Son of God, Begotten of the Father, of heard, and not sent forth at once like some
one substance with the Father; who came new kind of monster .or prodigy as a plague
and was buried, would not our ears be shocked to be expelled. Not because that most earnest
at the sound ? Do you see then how you are and religious people of God has any wish to
utterly destroying and stamping out the whole be stained vfith the blood of even the worst of
faith of the Catholic Creed and the Catholic men but because especially in great cities the

mystery ? O Sin, O monstrosity, to be people inflamed with the love of God cannot
driven away," as one says, ^ " to the utmost restrain the ardour of their faith when they see
parts of the earth for this is more truly said anyone rise up against their God.
: But be it
of you, that you may forsooth go into that soli- so. As'Vbaby, if it be so, you could not con-
tude where you will not be able to find anyone tradict and deny the Creed. Why did you
to ruin. You think then that the faith of our hold your tongue when you were older and
salvation, and the mystery of the Church's stronger. At any rate you grew up, and be-
hope is a shock to your ears and hearing. came a man, and were placed in the ministry
And how was it that formerly when you were of the Church. Through all these years,
hastening to be baptized, you heard these through all the steps of office and dignity, did
mysteries with unharmed ears ? How was it you never understand the faith which you
that when the teachers of the church were in- taught so long before At any rate you knew .-*

structing you your ears were not damaged that you were His deacon and priest.
.'' If the
You certainly at that time did your duty with- rule of salvation was a difficulty to you, why
out any double shock to your mouth and ears did you undertake the honour of that, of which

when you repeated what you heard from you disliked the faith ? But indeed you were
others, and as the speaker yourself heard a far sighted and simply devout man, who
yourself speaking. Where then were these
injuries to your ears? Where these shocks to '
Ul, quia tu esse nolis quod omnts sint, omnes sint, quod tu veils
did Gazasus lias Et quia tu esse nolis quod omnes sunt,
Why you not contradict quod
(Petsclienis). :

your hearing ?
tu veils a text which he confesses must be corrupt.

and cry out against it ? But indeed you are 3 The reference is the
ceremony known as the"
Traditio Symboli,
which is thus described by Professor Lumby The practice of the
at your willand fancy, when you please, a dis- :

to baptism seems to have

early church in the admission of converts
ciple ;
and when you please, the Church's been of this nature. For some period previous to their baptism
(the usual seasons for which were Easter and Pentecost) the candi-
enemy when you please a Catholic, and when
dates for admission thereto were trained in the doctrines of the faith
A worthy leader A
few days before they were to be bapti/.ed (the
you please an apostate. by the presbyters.
number of days varying at different periods) the Creed was delivered
indeed, to draw Churches after you, to what- to them accompanied with a sermon. This ceremony was known
as Traditio Symboli, the delivery of the Creed. At the time of
ever side you attach yourself to make your was upon the articles of the
Baptism each candidate interrogated
will the law of our life, and to change man- Creed which he had received, and was to return an answer in the
words which had been given to him. This was known as Redditio
kind as you yourself change, that, as you will Symboli, the repetition of the Creed, and Baptism was the only oc-
casion on which the Creed was introduced into any public service of
Cicero in Verr, Act. II. Book 1. xv. 40. the Church." History of the Creeds, pp. 11, 12.
wished so to balance yourself between the two, CHAPTER XIIL
as to maintain both your wicked blasphemy,
and the honour of Catholicity ! He replies to the objection in which they say that the child
born 3 ought to be of one substance with the mother.

But indeed in your deceit and blasphemy

you use a grand argument for denying and
Christ crucified is an offence and foolishness tothose who attacking the Lord God, when you say that
declare that He was a mere man. the child born ought to be of one substance
with the mother." * I do not entirely admit
The shock then to your hearing and ears is it, and maintain that in the matter of the birth

that God was born, and God suffered. And of God it would not be observed for the birth ;

where is that saying of yours, O Apostle Paul :

was not so much the work of her who bore
" But we Him as of her Son, and He was born as He
preach Christ crucified, to the Jews
indeed a stumbling block, but to the Gentiles willed, whose doing it was that Pie was born.
foolishness but to them that are called, both
: Next, if you say that the child born ought to
Jews and Greeks, Christ the Power of God and be of one substance with the parent, I affirm
the Wisdom of God." ^ What is the Wisdom that the Lord Jesus Christ was of one sub-
and Power of God ? Certainly it is God. But stance with His Father, and also with His
he preaches Christ who was crucified, as the mother. For in accordance with the differ-
Power and Wisdom of God. If then Christ ence of the Persons He showed a likeness to
is without any doubt the Wisdom of God, He each parent. For according to His Divinity
" He was of one substance with the Father
is therefore without any doubt God. We," :

" but according to the flesh He was of one sub-

then, he says, preach Christ crucified, to the
Jews indeed a stumbling block, but to the Gen- stance with His mother. Not that it was one
tiles foolishness." And so the Lord's cross, Person who was of one substance with the
which was foolishness to the Gentiles and a Father, and another who was of one substance
stumbling block to the Jews is both together with His mother, but because the same Lord
to you. Nor indeed is there any greater fool- Jesus Christ, both born as man, and also being
ishness than not to believe, or any greater God, had in Him the properties of each parent,
stumbling block than to refuse to listen. and in that He was man He showed a likeness
Their ears were wounded then by the preach- to His human mother, and in that He was
ing and the passion of God, just as yours are God He possessed the very nature of God the
wounded now. They thought as you think Father.
that this shocked their ears. And hence it
was that when the Apostle was preaching
Christ as God, at the name of our God and
Lord Jesus Christ, they stopped the ears in He compares this erroneous view with the teaching of the
their head, as you stop the ears of your under- Pelagians.
standing. The sin of both of you in this mat-
ter might seem to be equal, were it not that Otherwise if Christ who was born of Mary
your fault is the greater, because they denied isnot the same Person as He who is of God,
Him, in whom the passion still showed the you certainly make two Christs; after the
manhood,^ while you deny Him, whom the manner of that abominable error of Pelagius,
resurrection has already proved to be God. which in asserting that a mere man was born
And so they were persecuting Him on the of the Virgin, said that He was the teacher
earth, whom you are persecuting even in rather than the redeemer of mankind for He ;

heaven. And not only so, but this is more did not bring to men redemption of life but
cruel and wicked, because they denied Him in only an example of how to live, i.e., that by
ignorance, you deny Him after having received following Him men
should do the same sort
the faith they not knowing the Lord, you when
: of things and so come to a similar state.
you have confessed Him as God they under : Your blasphemy then has but one source, and
cover of zeal for the law, you under the cloke the root of the errors is one and the same.
of your Bishopric they denied Him to whom
They maintain that a mere man was born of
they thought that they were strangers, you Mary you maintain the same. They sever

deny Him whose priest you are. O unworthy the Son of man from the Son of God you do :

act, and one never heard of before You per- ! the same. They say that the Saviour was
secute and attack the very One, whose office made the Christ by His baptism you say that :

you are still holding. in baptism He became the Temple of God.

1 I Cor. i. 23, 24.
Homo. '
Nativitas. * Homoousios par ietUi debet esse nativitas.
BOOK VI. 599

They do not deny that He became God after out another Christ of
Mary, you certainly make
His Passion you deny Him even after His the blasphemous assertion that there are two

ascension. In one point only therefore your Christs.

perverseness goes beyond theirs, for they seem
to blaspheme the Lord on earth, and you even
in heaven. We do not deny that you have CHAPTER XVI.
beaten and outstripped those whom you are He shows further that this
teaching is destructive of the con-
copying. They at last cease to deny God fession of the Trinity.

you never do. Although theirs must not alto-

gether be deemed a true confession, as they But Still even if your obstinacy and dis-
only allow the glory of Divinity to the Saviour honesty are not restrained by this faith of the
after His Passion, and while they deny that Creed, are you not, I ask you, overwhelmed
He was God before this, only confess it after- by an appeal to reason and the light of truth ?
wards for, as it seems to me, one who denies Tell me, I ask, whoever you are, O you here-

some part in regard to God, denies Him alto- tic —

At least there is a Trinity, in which we
gether and one who does not confess that believe, and which we confess
: Father and :

He ever existed, denies Him forever. Just as Son and Holy Ghost. Of the Glory of the
you also, even if you were to admit that now Father and the Spirit there is no question.
in the heavens the Lord Jesus Christ, who was You are slandering the Son, because you say
born of the Virgin Mary, is God, would not that it was not the same Person who was born
of Mary, as He who was
truly confess Him unless you admitted that begotten of God the
He was always God. But indeed you do not Father. Tell me then if you do not deny :

want in any point to change or vary your that the only Son of God was begotten of God,
opinion. For you assert that He whom you whom do you make out that He is who was
speak of as born a mere man, is still at the born of Mary? You say "a mere man," ac-
present time not God. O novel and marvel- cording to that which He Himself said:
lous blasphemy, though with the heretics you That which is born of the flesh, is flesh." ^
assert Him to be man, you do not with the But He cannot be called a mere man who was
heretics confess Him to be God begotten not after the law of human creation

alone. For that which is conceived in her,"
said the angel, "
is of the
Holy Ghost."
thiseven you dare not deny, though you deny
CHAPTER XV. almost atl the mysteries of salvation. Since
then He was born of the Holy Ghost, and
He shows that those who patronize this false teaching cannot be termed a mere man, as He was
acknowledge two Christs.
conceived by the inspiration cf God, if it is
But had begun to say, that as you not He who, as the Apostle says, "emptied
still, I
out two Christs this very mat- Himself by taking the form of a servant," £nd
ter must be illustrated and made clear. Tell "the word was made flesh," and "humbled
Himself by becoming obedient unto death,"
me, I pray you, you who sever Christ from the
Son of God, how can you confess in the Creed and " who for our sakes, though He was rich,
that Christ was begotten of God } For you became poor,"* tell me, then, who He is,
" I
believe in God the Father, and in who was born of the Holy Ghost, and was
say :

Here then you have conceived by the overshadowing of Gcd ?

Jesus Christ His Son."
Jesus Christ the Son of God but you say that :
You say that He is certainly a different Per-
it was not the same Son of God who was born
son. Then there are two Persons viz., the ;

of Mary. Therefore there is one Christ of one, who was begotten of God the Father in
heaven and the other who was conceived of
God, and another of Mary. In your view then ;

there are two Christs. For, though in the Mary, by

the inspiration cf Gcd. And thus
Creed you do not deny Christ, you say that the there is a fourth Person whom you introduce,
Christ of Mary is another than the one whom and whom (though in words you term Him a
mere man) you assert actually not to have
you confess in the Creed. But perhaps you
been a mere man, since you allow (not how-
say that Christ was not begotten of God how :

then do you say in the Creed " I believe in ever as you ought) that He is to be honoured,

Jesus Christ the Son of God?" You must worshipped, and adored. Since then the Son
then either deny the Creed or confess that of God who was begotten pf the Father is
Christ is the Son of God. But if you confess certainly to be worshipped, and He who was
in the Creed that Christ is the Son of conceived of Mary by the Holy Ghost is to
you must also confess that the same Christ, »
St. John 6. « S. Matt.
iii. jo.
the Son of God, is of Mary. Or if you make » Phil.
7, 8; S. John 14; 2 Cor. viii. 9.
ii. i.
be worshipped, you make two Persons to be hand of God the Father, nor will He come at
honoured and venerated, whom you so far that day of judgment which we look for, nor
sever from each other, as to venerate each will He judge the quick and the dead.
with an honour special and pecuhar to Him.
And thus you see that by denymg and by
severing from Himself the Son of God, you CHAPTER XVIIL
destroy, as far as you can, the whole mystery
of the divinity. For while you are endeavour- He directs his discourse upon his antagonist with whom he is
disputing, and begs him to return to his senses. The sacra-
ing to introduce a fourth Person into the Trin- ment of reconciliation is necessary for the lapsed for their
ity,^ you see that you have utterly denied the salvation.

whole Trinity.
And so, you wretched, insane, obstinate crea-
ture, you see that you have utterly upset the
CHAPTER XVn. whole faith of the Creed, and all that is val-
uable in our hope and the mysteries. And
Those who are under an error in one point of the Catholic
religion, lose the whole faith, and all the value of the faith.
yet you still dare to remain in the Church :

and imagine that you are a priest, though 3-ou

And since this is so, in denying that Jesus have denied everything by which you came to
Christ the Son of God is one, you have be a priest. Return then to the right way,
denied everything. For the scheme of the and recover your former mind, return to your
senses if you ever had any. Come to your-
mysteries of the Church and the Catholic faith
"if there ever was in
is such that one who denies one portion of the self, you a self to which
Sacred Mystery cannot confess the other. For you can come back. Acknowledge the sacra-
all parts of it are so bound up and united to-
ments of your salvation, by which you were
that one cannot stand without the initiated and regenerated. They are of no
gether other,
and if a man denies one point out of the whole less use to you now than they were then for ;

can now regenerate you by penance, as

number, it is of no use for him to believe all they
the others. And so if you deny that the Lord they then gave you birth through the Font.
Hold fast the full scheme of the Creed.
Jesus Christ is God, the result is that in deny-
the Son of God the Father also. Hold the entire truth of the faith. Believe
ing you deny
For as St. John says " He who hath not the in God the Father believe in God the Son
: :

Son hath not the Father but he who hath the in one who begat and one who was begotten,

Son hath the Father also." ^ By denying then the Lord of all, Jesus Christ Being of one ;

Him who was begotten you deny also Him substance with the Father; Begotten in His
who begat. By denying also that the Son of divinity born in the flesh of twofold birth,

God was born in the flesh, you are led also to yet of but one glory who Himself creator of ;

all things, was begotten of the Father, and

deny that He was born in the Spirit, for it is
the same Person who was born in the flesh was afterwards born of the Virgin.
who was first born in the Spirit. If you do
not believe that He was born in the flesh, the
result is that you do not believe that He suf- CHAPTER XIX.
fered. If you do not believe in His Passion
what remains for you but to deny His resur- That the birth of Christ in time diminished nothing of the
rection? For faith in one raised springs out glory and power of His Deity.

of faith in one dead. Nor can the reference

to the resurrection keep its place, unless be-
For the fact that He came of the flesh and
in the flesh, has reference to His birth, and
lief in His death has first preceded it.
By involves no diminution in Him and He was
denying then his Passion and Death, you deny

not changed for the worse. ^ For

also his resurrection from hell.^ It follows simply born,
though, still remaining in the form of God, He
certainly that you deny His ascension also,
for there cannot be the ascension without
took upon Him the form of a servant, yet the
the resurrection. And if we do not believe weakness of His human constitution had no
that He rose again, we cannot either believe effect
on His nature as God but while the:

that He ascended *'

power of His Deity remained whole and unim-
as the Apostle says,
: For
all that took place in His human flesh
He that descended is the same also that as- paired,
cended." * Thus, so far as you are concerned, was an advancement of His
manhood and no
the Lord Jesus Christ did not rise from hell, diminution of His glory. For when God was
nor ascend into heaven, nor sit at the right
born in human flesh. He was not born in
human flesh in such a way as not to remain
1 3 ab
Cf. Augustine, Tr. 78 in Joan. inferis.
* I John ii. 23. Eph. iv. K " Demutatus.
BOOK VI. 60 1

Divine in Himself, but so that, while the God- man, who was always God and so I shall say :

head remained as before, God might become that that man who was afterwards born, had
man. And so Martha while she saw with her always existed. I do not want you to be con-
bodily eyes the man, confessed Him by spiri- fused by this blind ignorance, and these ob-
" scure misconceptions, so as to fancy that I am
tual sight to be God, saying, Yea, Lord, I have
believed that Thou art the Christ the Son of maintaining that the manhood which was
the living God, who art come into the world." born of Mary had existed before the beginning
So Peter, owing to the Holy Spirit's revelation,of things, or asserting that God was always in
while externally he beheld the Son of man, a bodily form before the commencement of the
yet proclaimed Him to be the Son of God, world. I do not say, I repeat it, I do not
saying, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the that the manhood was in God before it was
living God."
So Thomas when he touched born but that God was afterwards born in the :

the flesh, believed that he had touched God, manhood. For that flesh which was born of
" ^
the flesh of the Virgin had not always existed
saying, My Lord and my God." For they :

all confessed but one Christ, so as not to make but God who always was, came in the flesh of
Him two. Do you therefore believe Him man of the flesh of the Virgin. For " the ;

and so believe that Jesus Christ the Lord of Word was made flesh," and did not manifest
all, both only Begotten and first-born, is both flesh together with Himself but in the glory :

Creator of all things and Preserver of men of Divinity joined Himself to human flesh.

and that the same Person is first the framer For tell me when or where the Word was made
of the whole world, and afterwards redeemer of flesh, or where He emptied Himself by taking
mankind Who still remaining with the the form of a servant: or where He became

Father and in the Father, Being of one sub- poor, though He was rich ? Where but in the
stance with the Father, did (as the Apostle holy womb of the Virgin, where at His Incar-
says), Take the form of a servant, and hum- nation, the Word of God is said to have been
ble Himself even unto death, the death of the made flesh, at His birth He truly took the
" "
Cross: * and (as the Creed says) was born of form of a servant and when He is in human ;

the Virgin Mary, crucified under Pontius Pi- nature nailed to the Cross, He became poor,
late, and was buried. And the third day He and was made poor in His sufferings in the
rose again according to the Scriptures and flesh, though He was rich in His Divine glory?

ascended into heaven and shall come again to Otherwise if, as you say, at some later period

judge both the quick and the dead." This is the Deity entered into Him "
as into one of the
our faith this is our salvation to believe that Prophets and saints, then the Word was made

our. God and Lord Jesus Christ is one and the flesh" in those men also in whom He vouch-
same before all things and after all things. safed to dwell then in each one of them He :

For, as it is written, "Jesus Christ is yester- emptied Himself and took upon Him the form
day and today and the same for ever."
For of a servant. And thus there is nothing new
"yesterday" signifies all time past, wherein, or unique in Christ. Neither His conception,
before the beginning. He was begotten of the nor His birth nor His death had anything
" "
Father. Today covers the time of this special or miraculous about it.

world, in which He was again born of the Vir-

gin, suffered, and rose again. But by the ex-
pression the same "for ever "is denoted the
whole boundless eternity to come. CHAPTER XXI.

The authority of Holy Scripture teaches that Christ existed

from all eternity.

Andyet to return to what we said before,
He shows from what has been said that we do not mean that all these things are so, as we have
God was mortal or of flesh before tlic worlds, although Christ, though
who is God from eternity and was made man in time, is but stated how do we read that Jesus Christ

one Person.
(whom you assert to be a mere man) was ever
But perhaps you will say If I admit that :
existing even before His birth of a Virgin, and
how is He proclaimed by prophets and apos-
the same Person was in the end of time born
tles as God even before the worlds ? As Paul-
of a Virgin, who was begotten before all things "
says One Lord Jesus, through whom are
of God the Father, 1 shall imply that be-

all things." And elsewhere he says " For ''

fore the beginning of the world God was in


in Christ were created all things in heaven and

the flesh, as I say that He was afterwards *
on earth, both visible and invisible." The
S. a S. XX. a8. 1 Heb.
John xi. 27. John xiii. 8.
» S. * Phil. ii. • 1 1
Matt. xvi. 16. 7, 8. Hontinem. I Cor. viii. 6. Col. i. j6.
Creed too, which framed both by human and was born of man, but affirms that He ever was

up on high. And the Apostle also, when con-

" I believe in God the
Divine authority, says :

Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son." sidering what happened in time, says that all
And after other clauses " Very God of Very things were made by Christ. For he says,

" Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are

God by whom both the worlds were framed There is one
and all things were made." And further: all things." But when speaking of His Pas-
Who for us came and was born of the Virgin sion, he "shows that the Lord" of glory was cru-
Mary, and was crucified, and was buried." cified. For if," he says, they had known,
they would never have crucified the Lord of
glory." And so too the Creed speaking of

the only and first-begotten Lord Jesus Christ,

Very God of Very God, Being of one sub-
The hypostatic union enables us to ascribe to God what stance with the Father, and the Maker of all
belongs to the flesh in Christ. things," affirms that He was born of the Vir-
gin and crucified and afterwards buried. Thus
How then is Christ (whom you term a mere joining in one body (as it were) the Son of
man) proclaimed in Holy Scripture to be God God and of man, and uniting God and man, so
without beginning, if by our own confession that there can be no severance either in time
the Lord's manhood did not exist before His or at the Passion, since the Lord Jesus Christ

birth and conception of a Virgin ? And how is shown to be one and the same Person, both
can we read of so close a union of man and as God through all eternity, and as man through
God, as to make it appear that man was ever the endurance of His Passion and though we ;

co-eternal with God, and that afterwards God cannot say that man is without beginning or
suffered with man whereas we cannot believe that God is passible, yet in the one Person of

that man can be without beginning or that the Lord Jesus Christ we can speak of man as
God can suffer? It is this which we estab- eternal, and of God as dead. You see then
lished in our previous writings viz., that God that Christ means the whole Person, and that

being joined to manhood,^ i.e., to His own the name represents both natures, for both man
body, does not allow any separation to be and God are born, and so it takes in the whole
made in men's thoughts between man and Person so that when this name is used we see
God. Nor will He permit anyone to hold that no part is left out. There was not then
that there is one Person of the Son of man, before the birth of a Virgin the same eternity
and another Person of the Son of God. But belonging in the past to the manhood as to the
in all the holy Scriptures He joins together
Divinity, but because Divinity was united to
and as it were incorporates in the Godhead, manhood in the womb of the Virgin, it follows
the Lord's manhood,^ so that no one can sever that when we use the name of Christ one can-
man from God in time, nor God from man at not be spoken of without the other.
His Passion. For if you regard Him in time,
you will find that the Son of man is ever with
the Son of God. If you take note of His Pas-
sion, you will find that the Son of God is ever
with the Son of man, and that Christ the Son
of man and the Son of God is so one and in- That the figure Synecdoche, in which the part stands for the
whole, is very familiar to the Holy Scripture.
divisible, that, in the language of holy Scrip-
ture, the man cannot be severed in time from
God, nor God from man at His Passion.
Whatever then you say of the Lord Jesus
Hence comes this "
No man hath ascended Christ, you say of the whole person, and in

into heaven, but He who came down from mentioning the Son of God you
mention the
Son of man, and in mentioning the Son of man
heaven, even the Son of man who is in hea-
ven." * Where the Son of God while He was you mention the Son of God by the gram- :

matical trope synecdoche in which you under-

speaking on earth testified that the Son of
man was in heaven and testified that the stand the whole from the parts, and a part is

same Son of man, who, He said, would ascend put for the whole and the holy Scriptures :

into heaven, had previously come down from certainly show this, as in them the
Lord often
heaven. And this " What and if ye shall see uses this trope, and teaches in this way about

the Son of man ascend up where He was be- others and would have us understand
where He the name of Him who Himself in the same way. For sometimes
fore," gives
days, and things, and men, and times are de-
1 Do7ninictis homo, see above on V. v.
2 Homini. * *
S. John iii. 13. I Cor. viii. 6.
' Dommiais homo, ^ S.
John vi. 63.
^ I Cor. ii. 8. See the note on IV. vii.
BOOK VII. 60 '

noted holy Scripture in no other fashion. there is nothing lacking to the whole period of
As where God declares that Israel time, which is made up of its portions. The
in this case
shall serve the Egyptians for four hundred holy Scriptures abound in such instances of
years, and says to Abraham Know thou ways of speaking but it would take too long
: :

that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land not to relate them all. For so when the Psalm
theirs, and they shall bring them under bond- says, What is a man that Thou art mindful
^ *
age and afflict them rfour hundred years." of Him," from the part we understand the
Whereas if you take into account the whole whole, as while only one man is mentioned
time after that God spoke, they are more than the whole human race is meant. So also where
four hundred but if you only reckon the time Ahab sinned we are told that the people sinned.
— though

in which they were in slavery, they are less. Where are mentioned, a part is
And in giving this period indeed, unless you to be understood from the whole, John also
understand it in this way, we must think that the Lord's forerunner says "After me cometh :

the Word of God

(and away with such a
lied a man who is prreferred before me for He was
thought from Christian minds !). But since before me." ^ How then does He mean that
from the time of the Divine utterance, the He would come after Him, whom He shows to
whole period of their lives amounted to more be beforeHim ? For if this is understood of
than four hundred years, and their bondage a man who was afterwards born, how was he
endured for not nearly four hundred, you must before him ? But if it is taken of the Word
" a "
understand that the part is to be taken for the how is it, man cometh after me ?
whole, or the whole for the part. There is also that in the one Lord Jesus Christ is shown
a similar way of representing days and nights, both the posteriority of the manhood and the
where, when in the case of either division of precedence of the Godhead. And so the
time one day is meant, either period is shown result is that one and the same Lord was
by a portion of a single period. And indeed before him and came after him for according :

in this way th^ difficulty about the time of our to the flesh He was posterior in time to John;
Lord's Passion is cleared up for whereas the : and according to His Deity was before all
Lord prophesied that after the model of the men. And so he, when he named that man,
prophet Jonah, the Son of man would be three denoted both the manhood and the W'ord, for
days and three nights in the heart of the as the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God was
complete in both manhood and Divinity^ in
earth, and whereas after the sixth day of the
week on which He was crucified. He was only mentioning one of these natures in Him he
in hell
for one day and two nights, how denoted the whole person. And what need is
can we show the truth of the Divine words .-• there of anything further ? I think that the
Surely by the trope of Synecdoche, i.e., be- day would fail me
were to try to collect or
if I

cause to the day on which He was crucified to tell everything that could be said on this
the previous night belongs, and to the night on subject. And what we have already said is
which He rose again, the coming day and so ; enough, at any rate on this part of the subject,
when there is added the night which preceded both for the exposition of the Creed, and for
the day belonging to it, and the day which the requirements of our case, and for the limits
followed the night belonging to it, we see that of our book.


CHAPTER L of the heretics, although I have reached the

limit of the work which I set myself, yet I
Vs he is going to reply to the slanders of his opponents he am beginning to dread the close, which I had
implores the aid of Divine grace to teach a prayer to be longed to reach. But, as the Prophet says,
used ijy those who undertake to dispute with heretics. " The Lord is
my helper I will not fear what ;

As it happens to those who man can do to me," ' so we will not fear the
having escaped which crafty heretics have dug in front
he perils of the sea, are in terror of the sands pitfalls
of us, nor the paths thickly strewn with horrid
hat stretch before the harbour, or the rocks
hat line the shore, so it is in my case that,
thorns. —
For as they make our road difficult
but do not close it, there is before us the
s I have kept to the last some of the slanders
* Ps. viii. « Verbi.
Gen. XV. 13.
« S. Matt. xii. 40.
' AJ>ud inferos. * S. John 1. 15.
' Ps. cxvii. (cxviii.) 6.
trouble of clearing them away, rather than the and splendour, so do Thou pour upon all whose
fear of not being able to do so. For when, eyes the darkness of heretical obstinacy has
as we are walking feebly along the right blinded, the light of Thy compassion and
road, they come in our way, and frighten the truth, that they may at length with clear and
walkers rather than hurt them, our work and unveiled sight behold the great and life-giving
business has more to do in clearing them mystery of Thine Incarnation, and so come to
away, than to fear from the difficulty of this : know Thee to have be*i born as Very man of
And so, laying our hands upon that mon- that sacred womb
of a pure Virgin, and yet
strous head of the deadly serpent, and long- to acknowledge that Thou wast always Very
ing to lay hold of all the limbs that are God.
entangled in the huge folds and coils of his
body, again and again do we pray to Thee,
O Lord Jesus, to whom we have ever prayed,
that Thou wouldst give us wcTrds by opening He meets the No one gave
objection taken from these words

our mouth "to the pulling down of strong- birth to one who had existed before her.

holds, destroying counsels, and every height

that exalteth itself against the knowledge of And before I begin to speak of those things
God, and bringing into captivity every under- of which I have given no foretaste in the ear-
" ^
standing unto Thine obedience : for he is lier books, I think it right to try to carry out
indeed free, who has begun to be led captive what I have already promised, that when I
by Thee. Do Thou then be present to this have thoroughly redeemed my pledge, 1 may
work of thine, and to those of Thine who are begin to speak more freely of what has not
striving for Thee above the measure of their been touched upon, after having satisfied my
strength. Grant us to bruise the gaping promise. So then that new serpent, in order
mouths of this new serpent, and its neck that to destroy the faith of the holy nativity, hisses
swells with deadly poison, O Thou who mak- out against the Church of God and says : No
est the feet of believers to tread unharmed on one ever gives birth to one older than her-
serpents and scorpions, and to go upon the self." To begin with then I think that you
adder and basilisk, to tread under foot the know neither what you say nor where you get
lion and the dragon.^ And grant that through it from. For if you knew or understood where
the fearless boldness of steadfast innocence, you got it from, you would never regard the
the sucking child may play on the hole of the nativity of the only begotten of God in the
asp, and the weaned child thrust his hand into light of human fancies, nor would you try to
the den of the basilisk.^ Grant then to us also settle by merely human propositions, about
that we may thrust our hands unharmed into Him who was born without His conception
the den of this monstrous and most wicked originating from man : nor would you bring
basilisk ;
and if it has in any holes, i.e., in human impossibilities as objections against
the human heart, a lurking or resting place, Divine Omnipotence if you knew that with
or has laid its eggs there, or left a trace of its God nothing was impossible. No one then,
slimy course, do Thou remove from them all you say, gives birth to one older than herself.
the foul and deadly pollution of this most nox- Tell me then, I pray, of what cases are you
ious serpent. Take away the uncleanness their speaking, for the nature of what creatures do
blasphemy has brought on them, and purify you think that you can lay down rules ? Do
with the fan of Thy sacred cleansing'' the you suppose that you can fix laws for men or
souls that are plunged in stinking mud, so that beasts or birds or cattle ? Those (and others
the " dens of thieves may become " houses of the same kind) are the things of which such
" ^
of prayer : and that in those which are now, assertions can be made. For none of them
as is written, the dwellings where hedgehogs and is able to produce one older than itself for ;

monsters,® and satyrs, and all kinds of strange what has already been produced cannot return
creatures dwell, there the gifts of Thy Holy to it again so as to be born again by a new
Spirit, namely the beauty of faith and holiness creation. And so no one can bear one older
may shine forth. And as once Thou didst than herself, as no one can beget one older ,

destroy idolatry and cast out images, and make than himself for the opportunity of bearing

shrines of virtue out of the temples of devils,

only results where there is the possibility of
and let into the dens of serpents and scorpions begetting. Do you then imagine that in refer-
the rays of shining light, and make out of the ence to the
nativity of Almighty God regard
dens of error and shame the homes of beauty must be had to the same considerations as in ^

^ 2 Cor. X.
^ Cf. S.Lukex.
19; Ps. xc. (xci.) 13.
the birth of earthly creatures ? And do you
* Cf. Mai. * S. Matt. xxi.
3 Isa. xi. 8. iii. 2, 3.
bring the nature of man's conditions as a diffi-
Onocentauri: the allusion is to Is. xxxiv. 14, 15. Cf. Jeromein
Esaiam, Bk. X. culty in the case of Him who is Himself the

author of nature ? You see then that, as I may be given to this as to what you said be-
said above, you know not whence or of whom fore :or you may conceive that the answer
you are talking, as you are comparing creatures given to this assertion, which you are now
to the Creator and in order to calculate the
making, applies to that also. You say then
power of God are drawing an instance from that the one who is bom must be of one sub-
those thin:;;s which would never have existed stance with the one who bears. If this refers
at all, but that the very fact of their existence to earthly creatures, it is most
certainly the
comes from God. God then came as He case. But if it refers to the birth of God, why
would, when He would, and of her whom He in the case of His birth do
you regard prece-
would. Neither time nor person, nor the dents from nature ? for appointments are sub-
manner of men, nor the custom of creatures ject to Him who appointed them, and not the
was any difficulty with Him for the law of ; appointer to His appointments. But would
the creatures could not stand in the way of you like to know more fully how these slanders
Him who is Himself the Creator of them all. of yours are not only wicked but foolish, and
And whatever He would have possible was the idle talk of one who does not in the least
ready to His hand, for the power of willing it see the omnipotence of God ? Tell me, I pray,
was His. Do you want to know how far the you who think that like things can only be
omnipotence of God extends, and how great produced from like things, whence was the ori-
1 believe that the Lord could do that
it is }
gin of that unaccountable host of quails in the
even in the case of His creatures which you wilderness of old time to feed the children of
do not believe that He could do in His own Israel, for nowhere do we read that they had
case. For all living creatures which now bear been previously bom of mother birds, but that
things younger than themselves could, if only they were brought up and came suddenly.
God gave the word, bear things much older Again whence came that heavenly food which
than themselves. For even food and drink, if for forty years fell on the camp of the Hebrews .''

it were God's will, could be turned into the Did manna produce manna ? But these refer
foetus and offspring and even water, which
: to ancient miracles. And what of more recent
has been flowing from the beginning of things, ones ? With a few loaves and small fishes the
and which all living creatures use, could, if Lord Jesus Christ fed countless hosts of the
God gave the word, be made a body in the people that followed Him, and not once only.
womb, and have birth given to it. For who The reason that they were satisfied lay not in
can set a limit to divine works, or circumscribe the food for a secret and unseen cause satis-

Divine Providence ? or who (to use the words fied the-hungry folk, especially as there was
of Scripture) can say to Him
" much more left when they were filled than
What doest
thou ? * If you deny that God can do all there had been set before them when they
things, then deny, that, when God was born, were hungry. And how was all this brought
one older than Mary could be born of her. about that when those who ate were satisfied,
But if there is nothing impossible with God, the food itself was multiplied by an extraordi-
why do you bring as an objection against His nary increase ? We read that in Galilee wine
coming an impossibility, when you know that was produced from water. Tell me how what
for Him nothing is impossible in anything ? was of one nature produced something of an
altogether different substance from its own
quality? Especially when (which exactly ap-
plies to the birth of the Lord) it was the
duction of a nobler substance
from what was
He one who born must be of one
inferior to it ? Tell me then how from mere
replies to the cavil that the is
substance with the one water there could be produced rich and splen-
who bears.
did wine ? How was it that one thing was
The second blasphemous slander or slan- drawn out, another poured in ? Was the cis-
derous blasphemy of your heresy is when you tern a well of such a nature as to change the
say that the one who is born must be of one water drawn from it into the best wine Or .?

substance with the one who bears. It is not did the character of the vessels or the dili-

very different from the previous one, for it gence of the servants effect this Most cer- .''

differs from it in terms rather than in fact and tainly neither of these. And how is it that
reality. For when we are treating of the birth the manner of the fact is not understood by the
of God, you maintain that one of greater power thoughts of the heart, though the truth of the
could not be born of Mary just as above you fact is firmly held by the conscience? In
maintain than one older could not be begotten. the gospel clay was placed on the eyes of a
And so you may take it that the same answer blind man and when it was washed off ^ eyes
Isa. xlv. 9; Rom. ix. 20. * ^i/«/<»^o (Petschenig) : A 6 iuia eo (Gaziexis).
were produced. Had water the power of giv- ness should not advance. How
wildly then
birth to or of creating light? do you bring human impossibilities as an ob-
ing eyes, clay
as water could be of jection in the case of Him, who possesses all
Certainly not, especially
If you estimate the
no use to a blind man, and clay would actually powers and possibilities.
the of those who could see. And Person of the Lord by earthly weaknesses,
hinder sight
how was it that a thing that itself in its own na- and measure God's Omnipotence by
will most certainly fail to find any-
ture was injurious, became the means of restor- rules, you
ing health and that
what was ordinarily hurtful thing which seems appropriate to God as con-

of His Body. For if it

to sound people, was then made the instrument cerns the sufferings
You that the of God can seem to you unreasonable that Mary could
of healing ? say power
of God birth to God who was anterior to her,
brought it about, and the
remedy give
caused it, and that all these things of which how will it seem reasonable that God
was cru-
we have been speaking were simply brought cified by men ? And yet the same God who
" Shall a
about by Divine Omnipotence which is able was crucified Himself predicted
" ^
afflict Me ?
to fashion new things from unwonted material, man aftfict God, for you

and to make serviceable things out of their op- then we cannot think that the Lord was born

posites, and to change

what belongs to the of a Virgin because He who was born was
realm of things impossible and impracticable anterior to her who bore Him, how can
into and actual performances. believe that God had blood ? And yet it was
possibilities "
said to the Ephesian elders Feed the Church

of God which He has purchased with His own

Blood." ^ Finally how can we think that the
Author of life was Himself deprived of life :

Peter says: "Ye have killed the

How God has shown His Omnipotence in His birth in time And yet
as well as in everything else. Author of life." ^ No one who is set on earth
can be in heaven and how does the Lord

Confess then the same truth in respect of Himself say: "The Son of man who is in
the actual nativity of the Lord, as in respect heaven"?* If then you think that God was
of everything else. Believe that God was born not born of a Virgin because the one who is
when He would, for you do not deny that He born must be of one substance with the one
could do what He would unless possibly you who bears, how will you believe that different

think that that power which belonged to Him things can be produced from different
natures ?
for all other things was deficient as regards Thus according to you the wind did not sud-
Himself, and that His Omnipotence though denly bring the quails, nor did the
manna fall,
proceeding from Him and penetrating all nor was water turned into wine, nor were many
things, was insufficient to bring
about His own thousands of men fed with a few loaves, nor
nativity. In the case of the Lord's nativity did the blind man receive his sight after the
you bring this as an objection against me :

clay had been put on him. But if all these

No one gives birth to one who is anterior in things seem incredible and contrary to nature,
time and in regard of the birth which Al-
: unless we believe that they were wrought by
mighty God underwent you say that the one God, why should you deny in the matter of
who is born ought to be of one substance with His nativity, what you admit in the matter
the one who bears as if you had to do with
; of His works ? Or was He unable to con-
human laws any ordinary tribute to His own nativity and advent what
as in the case of
man, to whom you
might bring the impos- He did not refuse for the succour and profit
sibility as an objection,
as you include him in of men ?
the weakness of earthly things. You say that
for allmen there are common conditions of CHAPTER V.
birth,and but one law of generation and that ;

a thing could not possibly happen to one man He shows by proofs drawn from nature itself, that the law
only out of the whole of humanity, which God
which his opponents lay down; viz., that the one born
has forbidden to happen to all. You do not ought to be of one substance with the one who bears, fails
to hold in cases.
good many
understand of whom you are speaking; nor
do you see of whom you are talking for He ; It would be tedious and almost childish to
is the Author of all conditions, and the very
speak further on this subject. But still in order
Law of all natures, through whom exists what- to refute that
folly and madness of yours,
ever man can do, and whatever man cannot which maintain that the one born ought
do for He certainly has laid down the limits to be of one substance with the one who

of both viz., how far his powers should ex-


tend, and the bounds beyond which his weak- Mai. ill. 8.
J ' Acts xx. 28. s Acts iii.
* S.
John iii. 13.

i.e., that nothing can produce some- is suddenly darkened, and the earth filled with
thing of a different nature to itself, I wjU bring locusts. Show me their seed —
their birth —
forward some instances of earthly things, to their mothers. For, as you see, they proceed
convince you that many creatures are pro- thence, whence they have their birth. Assert
duced from things of a different nature. Not in all these cases that the one who is born
that it is possible or right to make any com- must be of one substance with the one who
parison in such a case as this but that you
: bears. And in these assertions you will be
may not doubt the possibility of that happen- shown to be as silly, as you are wild in your
ing in the case of the holy Nativity, which as denial of the Nativity of the Lord. And what
you see takes place in these frail earthly things. next ? Do even you think that we must go on
Bees, tiniest of creatures though they are, are any further ? But still we will add something
yet so clever and cunning that we read that else. There is no doubt that basilisks are
they can be produced and spring from things produced from the eggs of the birds which in
of an entirely different nature. For as they Egypt they call the Ibis. What is there of
are creatures of marvellous intelligence, and kindred or relationship between a bird and a
well endowed not merely with sense but with serpent ? Why is the thing born not of one
foresight, they are produced from the gathered substance with that which bears it And yet

flowers of plants. What greater instance do those who bear are not the authors of all these
you think can be produced and quoted ? Liv- things, nor do those who are born understand
ing creatures are produced from inanimate : them but they result from secret causes, and

sensate from insensate.^ What artificer, what from some inexplicable and manifold law of
architect was there ? Who formed their bodies ?
nature which produces them. And you are
Who breathed in their souls ? Who gave them bringing as objections to His Nativity your
articulate sounds by which to converse with petty assertions from earthly notions, while
each other ? Who fashioned and arranged you cannot explain the origin of those things,
these harmonies of their feet, the cunning of which are produced by His bidding and com-
their mouths, the neatness of their wings? mand, whose will does everything, whose sway
Their powers, wrath, foresight, movements, causes everything whom nothing can oppose :

calmness, harmony, differences, wars, peace, or resist; and whose will is sufficient for every-
arrangements, contrivances, business, govern- thing which can possibly be done.
ment, all those things indeed which they have
in common with men —
from whose teaching,
or whose gift did they receive them ? from
whose implanting or instruction ? Did they He refutes another argument of Nestorius, in which he tried
to make out that Christ was like Adam in every pomt.
gain this through generation ? or learn it in
their mother's womb or from her Hesh ? They
never were in the womb, and had no experi- But since we cannot (as we should much
ence of generation. It was only that flowers prefer) ignore them, it is now time to expose
which they culled were brought into the hive the rest of your more subtle and insidious

and from this by a marvellous contrivance blasphemies that at least they may not deceive
bees issued forth. ^ Then the womb of the ignorant folk. In one of your pestilent trea-
mother imparted nothing to the offspring nor tises : you have maintained and said that
" Since man is the
are bees produced from bees. They are but image of the Divine na-
their artificers, not their authors. From the ture, and the devil dragged this down and
blossoms of plants living creatures proceed. shattered it, God grieved over His image, as
What is there akin in plants and animals I an Emperor over his statue, and repairs the

then that see who is the contriver shattered image and formed without genera-

fancy you
of those things. Go now and inquire whether tion a nature from the Virgin, like that of
the Lord could bring about that in the case of Adam who was born without generation and ;

His own which see that He raises up man's nature by means of man for :

nativity, you pro-

cured in the case of these tiniest of crea- as by man came death, so also by man came
tures. Perhaps it is needless after this to add
the resurrection of the dead." They tell us
further. But still let us add in sup- that some poisoners have
a custom of mixing
with the poison in the cups which they
port of the argument what may not be neces- honey
to the We see how the air prepare that the injurious ingredient may be
sary prove point. ;

concealed by the sweet and while a man is


F.x inanitnis animrtlia, ex insfnsibilibifs xensibilia tmscuniur charmed with the sweetness of the honey, he
The text of Gazxus has ex atomis nnimnlia tuis-
may be destroyed by the deadly poison. So
Rufinns, on the Apostle's Creed then, when you say that man is the image of
' Cf.
Virgil's Georpics IV.
(c. xi.) gives the same illustration of the Incarnation, and cf. with
the passage in the text S. Basil Horn, in Hexaem, IX. ii. the Divine nature, and that the devil dragged
this down and shattered it, and that God CHAPTER
grieved over His image as an Emperor over
his statue, you smear (so to speak) the lips of Heretics usually cover their doctrines with a cloak of holy
the cup with something sweet like honey, that Scripture.

men may drain the cup offered to them, and

not perceive its deadliness, while they taste "For as," you say, "by man came death,
what is alluring. You put forward God's so by man came also the resurrection of the
name, in order to speak falsehoods in the
dead." Do you actually try to prove your
name of religion. You set holy things in wrong and impious notion by the witness cf
the front, in order to persuade men of what is the Apostle ? And do you bring the " chosen
untrue and by means of your confession of vessel into disgrace by mixing him up with

God you contrive to deny Him whom you are your wicked ideas ? I mean, that, as
you can-
For who is there who does not not understand the author of your Salvation,
see whither you are going ? What you are con- therefore the Apostle must be made out to
triving? You say indeed that God grieved have denied God. And yet, if you wanted
over His image as an Emperor over his statue, to make use of Apostolic witnesses, why did
and repaired the shattered image, and formed you rest contented with one, and pass over all
without generation a nature from the Virgin, the others in silence and why did you not at .''

like that of Adam who was born without gen- once add this Paul, an Apostle not of men

" ^
eration, and raises up man's nature by man,
neither by man, but by Jesus Christ or :

" We wisdom
for as by man came death, so also by man this :
speak among the per-
came the resurrection of the dead. So then fect :and presently " Whom none," says :

" of
with all your earnestness, with all your profes- he, the princes of this world knew for ;

sions, you crafty plotter, you have managed by

had they known, they would not have crucified
your smooth assertions, by naming God in the the Lord of glory." Or this: "For in Him
to come down to a man in dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bod-
forefront, (mere)
the conclusion and in the end you degrade ily."
And " One Lord Jesus Christ through

Him to the condition of a mere man, from whom are all things."* Or do you partly
whom under colour of humility you have al- agree, and partly disagree with the Apostle,
ready taken away the glory of God. You say and only receive him so far as in consequence
then that the Divine goodness has restored of the Incarnation ^ he names Christ man,
the image of God which the devil shattered and repudiate him where he speaks of Him
and destroyed, for you say that He restores as God ? For Paul does not deny that Jesus
the shattered image. Now with what craft is man, but still he confesses that that man
you say that He restores the shattered image is God and declares that to mankind the

in order to persuade us that there was no- resurrection came by man in such a
way that
thing more in Him, in whom the image is re- he shows that in that man God arose. For
stored, than there was in the actual image, of see whether he declares that He who rose was
which the restoration was brought about. And God, as he bears his witness that He who was
thus you make out that the Lord is only the crucified was the Lord of glory.
same as Adam was that the restorer of the

image is nothing more than the actual destruc-

tible image. Finally in what follows you show
what you are aiming and driving at, when you CHAPTER Vin.
say that He formed without generation a na- The heretics attribute to Christ only the shadow of Divinity,
ture from the Virgin like that of Adam, who and so assert that he is to be
worshipped together with
was born without generation, and raises up God but not as God.
man's nature by man. You maintain that the
Lord Jesus Christ was in all respects like But still in order to avoid thinking of the
Adam that the one was without generation,
: Lord Jesus as one of the whole mass of peo-
and the other without generation the one a
: ple, you have given to Him some glory, by
mere man, and the other a mere man. And attributing to Him honour as a saint, but not
thus you see that you have
carefully guarded Deity as true man and true God. For what
and provided against our thinking of the Lord do you say ? " God brought about the Lord's
Jesus Christ as in any way greater or better Incarnation. Let us honour the form of the
than Adam since you have Theodochos ® together with God, as one form
compared them
together by the same standard, so that you of Godhead, as a figure that cannot be severed
would think that you detracted from the Divine link, as an image of the un-
from Adam's perfection, if you added
any- '
Gal. i. I. ' "
thing more to Christ. * I Cor. ii. *
Col. ii. 0.
Cor. viii. «
Cf. V. ii.
6, 8. I 6.

seen God." Above you said that Adam was adore Him, and angels declare Him. What
the image of God, here you call Christ the more do you want? His voice was yet silent
image the one you speak of as a statue, and on earth, and His glory was already crying

the other also as a statue. But I suppose we aloud in heaven. Do you say then that God
ought for God's honour to be grateful to you, was and is secret in Him ? But this was not
because you grant that the form of the Theo- the announcement of the Prophets, of the
dochos should be worshipped together with Patriarchs, aye and of the whole Law. For
God in which you wrong Him rather than they did not say that He would be secret,

honour Him. For in this you do not attribute whose coming they all foretold. You err in
to the Lord Jesus Christ the glory of Deity, your wretched blindness, seeking grounds for
but you deny it. By a subtle and wicked art blasphemy and not finding them. You say
you say that He is to be worshipped together that He was secret even after His advent. I
with God in order that you may not have to maintain that He was not secret even before
confess that He is God, and by the very state- His advent. For did the mystery of God to
ment in which you seem deceitfully to join be born of a Virgin escape the knowledge
Him with God, you really sever Him from of that celebrated Patriarch on whom the
God. For when you blasphemously say that vision of God present with him conferred a
He is certainly not to be adored as God, but title, whereby from the name of Supplanter he
to be worshipped together with God, you thus rose to the name of Israel ? Who, when from
grant to Him an union of nearness to Divin- the struggle with the man who wrestled with
in order to get rid of the truth of His him he understood the mystery of the Incar-
Divinity. Oh, you most wicked and crafty nation yet to come, said, I have seen God
enemy of God, you want to perpetrate the face to face, and my life is preserved."
crime of denying God under pretext of con- I pray you, had he seen, for him to believe
fessing Him. You say Let us worship Him that he had seen God ? Did God manifest

as a figure that cannot be severed from the Himself to him in the midst of thunder and
Divine will, as an image of the unseen God. lightning ? or when the heavens were opened,
It is I suppose, then, owing to His kind acts did the dazzling face of the
Deity show itself
that our Lord Jesus Christ has obtained to him ? Most certainly not but rather on

among us honour as Creator and Redeemer. the contrary he saw a man and acknowledged
If then we were redeemed by Him from eter- a God. O truly worthy of the name he re-
nal destruction, in calling our Redeemer a ceivedf as with the eyes of the soul rather than
figure we are endeavouring indeed to respond of the body he earned the honour of a title
to His kindness and goodness, by a worthy given by God He saw a human form wrest-

service and a worthy allegiance, if we try to ling with him, and declared that he saw God.
get rid of that glory which He did not refuse He certainly knew that that human form was
to bring low for our sakes. indeed God for in that form in which God

then appeared, in the selfsame form He was

in very truth afterwards to come. Although
CHAPTER IX. why should we be surprised that so great a
patriarch unhesitatingly believed what God
How those are wrong who say that the birth of Christ was Himself so
a secret, since it was clearly shown even to the patriarch plainly showed in His own Person
to him, when he said, I have seen God face
to face and my life is preserved." How did
But I suppose you excuse the degradation God show to him so much of the presence of
offered to the Lord by means of a subordinate Deity, that he could say that the face of God
honour, by the words as the image of the was shown to him ? For it seems that only a
secret God." By the fact that you term Him man had appeared to him, whom he had actu-
an image you compare Him to man's estate. ally beaten in the struggle. But God was cer-
In speaking of Him as the image of the secret tainly bringing this about by precursory signs,
God, you detract from the honour plainly due to that there might not be any one to disbelieve
Him. For " God," says David, " shall plainly
come our God, and shall not keep silence." *
* Gen. xxxii.
The name Israel was in the 4th and 5th centuries commonly ex-
And He surely came and did not keep silence, plained to mean the " man seeing God " as if it came from ly'Xi
who before that He in His own person uttered and /X/ S. Jerome (Quaest. in Genesim c. xxxii. ver. 27,
anything after His birth, made known His ad- 28) rejects this interpretation as forced, and prefers
" a Prince with
vent by both earthly and God. Hence the rendering in the A.V. " For as a prince hast thou
heavenly witnesses
power with God and with men and hast prevailed." This however
alike, while the star points Him out, the magi IS now generally rejected, and the right interpretation of" the name
appears to be He who striveth with God." Cf. R. V. For thou
hast striven with God and. with men, and hast prevailed." Cf. the
P».xlix.(l.)3. Conferences, Pref. and V. ^xiii. XII. xu
that God was born of man, when already long Lord's head had made itself a clear and open
before the Patriarch had seen God in human proof of a God who declared Himself. The
form. voice too which was sent from God not in
riddles or figures had moved him, when it
said: "Thou art beloved Son, in Thee I am My
X. CHAPTER well pleased.'"' And though he saw a man
He collects more witnesses outwardly in Jesus, yet he was searching for
of the same fact.

the Son of God, when he said "

If Thou art :

But why am I lingering so long over one the Son of command that these stones be
For even made God,
instance, as if many were wanting bread." Did the contemplation of the

then how could the fact that God was to come man drive
in the flesh escape the knowledge of men,
away the devil's suspicions of His
Divinity, so that owing to the fact that he
when the Prophet said openly as if to all man- saw a
Behold your God
and else- man, he did not believe that He could
kind of :
be God ?
" "
Most But what does
certainly not.
where Behold our God." And this God :

"If Thou
he say? Son of God, com-
art the
the mighty, the Father of the world to come,
" mand that these stones be made bread."
the Prince of Peace and " of His kingdom :

Certainly he had no doubt about the possi-


there shall be no end."

But also when He
had already come, could the fact of His having bility of that, the existence of which he was

come escape the knowledge of those who examining into. His anxiety was about its
truth. There was no security as to its im-
openly confessed that He had come ? Was
Peter ignorant of the coming of God, when he possibility.
said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the
living God?"^ Did not Martha know what CHAPTER XII.
she was saying or whom she believed in, when
she said, "Yea, Lord, I have believed that Thou He compares this notion and reasonable suspicion of the devil
with the obstinate and inflexible idea of his opponents, and
art the Christ, the Son of the living God, who shows that this last is worse and more blasphemous than
" *
art come into this world ? And all those the former.
men, who sought from Him the cure of their
sicknesses, or the restoration of their limbs, or But he certainly knew that the Lord Jesus
the life of their dead, did they ask these things Christ was born of Mary: he knew that He
from man's weakness, or from God's omnipo- was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in
tence ? a manger: that His childhood was that of a
poor person at the commencement of His
human life and His infancy without the
CHAPTER XI. proper accessories of cradles further he did

How the devil was forced by many reasons to the view that not doubt that He had true flesh, and was
Christ was God. born a true man. And why did this seem to
Finally as for the devil himself, when he him not enough for him to be secure in ? Why
was tempting Him with every show of allure- did he believe that He could not be God,
whom he knew to be very man ? Learn then,
ments, and every art of his wickedness, what
was it that in his ignorance he suspected, or you wretched madman, learn, you lunatic, you
wanted to find out by tempting Him ? Or what cruel sinner, learn, I pray, even from the devil,
so greatly moved him, that he sought God to lessen your blasphemy. He said " If :

under the humble form of man? Had he Thou art the Son of God." You say: Thou
learned that by previous proofs ? Or had he
art not the Son of God." You deny what he
known of anyone who came as God in man's asked about. No one was ever yet found but
you, to outdo the devil in blasphemy. That
body ? Most certainly not. But it was by the which he confessed to be possible in the case
mighty evidence of signs, by mighty results of
of the Lord, you do not believe to have been
actions, by the words of the Truth Himself
that he was driven to suspect and examine possible.
into this matter inasmuch as he had already

once heard from John " Behold the Lamb of:

God, behold Him who taketh away the sin of How the devil
always retained this notion of Christ's Divinity
the world." * And again from the same
" person (because of His secret working which he experienced) even

I have need to be up to His Cross and Death.

baptized of Thee, and
comest Thou to me ? " ^ The dove also which
came down from heaven and stopped over the But perhaps he afterwards ceased and
rested, and when his temptations were van-
1 Isa. xl. 9; XXV. 9; ix. 6, s s. "
7. John xi. 27. S. Matt. ill. 14.
» S. Matt. xvi. 16. * S.
John i.
S. Matt. iii. 17.
S. Luke iv. 3.

quished laid aside his suspicion because he

found no result ? Nay, it rather remained CHAPTER XIV.
always in him, and even up to the very cross He shows how heretics pervert holy Scripture, by replying to
of the Lord the suspicion lasted in him and !
the argument drawn from the Apostle's words, " Without
was increased by peculiar terrors. What need I
lather, without mother," etc. : Heb. vii.

is there of anything further ? Not even then

did he cease to think of Him as the Son of I
You then make use of the holy Scriptures
God, after that he knew that such licence was against God, and try to bring His own wit-
granted to His persecutors against Him. But nesses against Him. But how ? Truly so as
the crafty foe saw even in the midst of His to become a false accuser not only of God, but

bodily sufferings the signs of Divinity, and ,

of the evidences themselves. Nor indeed is
though he would have much preferred Him to it wonderful that, as
you cannot do what you
be a (mere) man, was yet forced to suspect want, you only do what you can as you can- :

that He was God: for though he would have not turn the sacred witnesses against God, you
preferred to believe what he wanted, yet he I
do what you can, and pervert them. For you
was driven by surest proofs to that which he say Then Paul tells a lie, when he says of

feared. And no wonder for although he be-
: Christ I Without mother, without genea-

held Him spitted on, and scourged, and dis- logy."

I ask you, of whom do you think that
graced, and led to the Cross, yet he saw Divine Paul said this ? Of the Son and Word of God,
powers abounding even in the midst of the or of the Christ, whom you separate from the
indignities and wrongs when the veil of
Son of God, and blasphemously assert to be a
the temple is rent, when the sun hides itself, mere man t If of the Christ, whom you main-
the day is darkened, and all things feel the tain to be a mere man, how could a man be
effects of the Passion all things even, which born without a mother and without a genea-

know not God, acknowledge the work of logy on the mother's side ? But if of the Word

And therefore the devil seeing this, of God and Son of God what can we make of —
and trembling, tried in every way to arrive it, when the same Apostle, your own witness,

at the knowledge of His Godhead, even at as you impiously imagine, testifies in the same

the very death of the manhood, saying in place and by the same witness, that He whom
the person of those who crucified Him "
If you assert to be without mother, was also with-

He be the Son of God, let Him come down out father: saying, " Without father, without
now from the Cross, and we will believe Him." ^ mother, wmiout genealogy " ? It follows then
He certainly perceived that by His bodily Pas- that if you use the Apostle's witness, since
sion our Lord God was working out the re- you assert that the Son of God was without
demption of man's salvation, and also that by mother," you must also be guilty of the blas-
it he was being
destroyed and subdued, while phemy that He was "without father." You
we were being redeemed and saved. And so see then in what a downfall of impiety you
the enemy of mankind wanted by every means have landed yourself, in your eagerness for
and every wile to defeat that which he knew your perversity and wickedness, so that, while
was being done for the redemption of all men. you say that the Son of God had not a mother,
If," he says,
He be the Son of God, let you must also deny Him a Father a thing —
Him come down now from the Cross and we which no one yet since the world began, ex-
will believe Him : on purpose that the Lord cept perhaps a madman, ever did. And this,
might be moved by the reproach of the words, whether with greater wickedness or folly, I
and destroy the mystery, while He avenged hardly know; for what is more foolish and
the wrong. You see then that the Lord even silly than to give the name of Son and to try
when hanging on the Cross was termed the to keep back the name of Father But you .?

Son of God. You see that they suspect the say I don't keep it back, I don't deny it. And
fact to which they refer. And so do you learn, what madness then drove you to quote that
as I said above, even from His persecutors, passage, where, while you say that He had no
even from the devil, to believe on the Son of mother, you must seem also to deny to Him a
God. Who ever came up to the unbelief of Father ? For as in the same passage He is
the devil ? Who went beyond it } He sus- said to be without mother and also without
pected that He was the Son of God even father,it follows that if it can be understood

when He endured death. You deny it even that there He is without mother, in the same
when He has risen. He suspected that He way in which we understand that He is with-
was God, from whom He hid Himself. You, out mother, we must also believe that He is
to whom He has proved it, deny it. without father. But that hasty craze for deny-

S. Matt, xxvii. 4a, * Heb. vii. 3.

when it quoted the Lord, the writings of the Evangelist and
ing God did not see this and ;

mutilated, what was written entire, it failed to of the Apostle agree together. For according
see that the shameless and palpable lie could to the Evangelist He has a genealogy without
be refuted by laying open the contents of the father," when born in the flesh and according :

sacred volume. O foolish blasphemy, and to the Apostle, the Lord has not, when begot-
" without mother "
madness which, while it failed to see what it
ten in His Divine nature ;

as Isaiah says But who shall declare His
ought to follow, had not the wit to see even

" *
what could be read: as if, because it could generation ?

get rid of its own intelligence, it

could get
rid of the power of reading from everybody
else, or as everybody would lose their eyes

in their heads for reading, because it had lost He shows that like the devil when tempting Christ, the heretics
the eyes of the mind. Hear then, you heretic, garble and pervert holy Scripture.
the passage you have garbled hear in full :

and completely, what you quoted mutilated Why then, you heretic, did you not in this
and hacked about. The Apostle wants to way quote the whole and entire passage which
make clear to every one the twofold birth of you had read So you see that the Apostle


God and in order to show how the Lord laid down that the Lord was "without mother"
was born in the Godhead and in flesh, he says, in the same way in which he laid down that
Without father, without mother
for the : He was born " without father " that we might :

one belongs to the birth of Divinity, the other know that He is " without mother " in the same
to that of the flesh. For as He was begotten way in which we understand Him to be "with-
in His Divine nature "without mother," so out father." And as it is impossible to believe
He is in the body " without father " and so : Him be altogether " without father," so we
though He is neither without father nor with- cannot understand that He is altogether "with-
" without
out mother, we must believe in Him out mother." Why then, you heretic, did you
father and without mother." For if you regard not in this way quote what you had read in the
Him as He is begotten of the Father, He is Apostle, entire and unmutilated ? But you in-
without mother if, as born of His mother. He
: sert part, and omit part and garble the words ;

is without father. And so in each of these of truth in order that you may be able to build
births He has one in both together He is
up your false notions by your wicked act. I
without each for the birth of Divinity had no
: see who was your master. We must believe
need of mother, and for the birth of His body. that you had his instruction, whose example
He was Himself sufficient, without a father. you are following. For so the devil in the
" If Thou
Therefore says the Apostle " Without mother, gospel when tempting the Lord said :

without genealogy." art the Son of God, cast Thyself down. For it
is written that He shall give His angels charge

concerning Thee to keep Thee in all Thy

CHAPTER XV. ways."
And when he had said this, he left
out the context and what belongs to it; viz.,
How Christ could be said by the Apostle to be without "
Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the basil-
isk : and thou shalt trample under foot the lion
How does he say that the Lord was " with- and the dragon." * Surely he cunningly quoted
out genealogy," when the Gospel of the Evan- the previous verse and left out the latter for :

gelist Matthew begins with the Saviour's he quoted the one to deceive Him he held :

genealog}^, saying The book of the gene- his tongue about the latter to avoid condemn-

rations of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the

ing himself. For he knew that he himself
Son of Abraham " ? ^ Therefore according to was signified by the asp and basilisk, the lion
the Evangelist He has a
genealogy, and accord- and dragon in the Prophet's words. So then
ing to the Apostle, He has not for according you also bring forward a part and omit a part

to the Evangelist, He has it on the mother's and

quote the one to deceive; and omit the
side, according to the Apostle He has not, as other for fear lest if
you were to quote the
He springs from the Father. And so the Apos- whole, you might condemn your own decep-
tle well "
says Without father, without mother, tion. But it is now time to pass on to further

without "
genealogy and where he lays down matters, for by dwelling too long on particular

that He was
begotten without mother, there points, as we are led to do by the desire of ^^

also he records that He was without

genea- giving a full answer, we exceed the limits even
logy. And thus as regards both the nativities of of a longish book.

1 * *
S. Matt. i. 1. Isa. liii. 8. 2 S. Luke iv. g, lo. Ps. xc. (xci.) 13.

then that that which was conceived by the

Holy Ghost was built and perfected by the Son
That tlie glory and honour of Christ is not to be ascribed to of God not that the work of the Son of God

the Holy Ghost in such a way as to deny that it proceeds is one thing, arid the work of the Holy Ghost
from Christ Himself, as if all that excellency, which was in
but that through the unity of the
another :

Him, was another's and proceeded from another source.

Godhead and glory the operation of the Spirit
You say then in another discussion, nay is the building of the Son of God and the ;

rather in another blasphemy of yours, and He building of the Son of God is

" the co-operation
the from the Divine nature of the Holy Ghost. And so we read not only
separated Spirit
Who created His humanity. For Scripture that the Holy Ghost came upon the Virgin,
but also that the power of the Most High over-
says that that which was born of Mary is of
the Holy Ghost. ^ Who also filled with right- shadowed the Virgin that since Wisdom Itself ;

is the fulness of the Godhead, no one might

eousness (justitia) that which was created :

doubt that when Wisdom built Itself a house

says He appeared in the flesh, was jus-
for it
the fulness of the Godhead was present.
Again Who made Him
' all
tified in the Spirit.' :

also to be feared by the devils For I,' He :

' But the wretched hardness of your blasphemy,
* while it tries to sever Christ from the Son of
says, by the Spirit of God cast out devils.'

Who also made His flesh a temple. For I *

God, fails to see that it is entirely severing
saw His spirit descending like a dove and the nature of the Godhead from Itself. Un-
Who granted less perhaps you believe that the house is there-
abiding upon Him.' Again :

to Him His ascension into Heaven. For it fore built for Him by the Holy Ghost because
" He Himself was insufficient and incapable of
says, Giving a commandment to the apostles
whom He had chosen, by the Holy Ghost He building for Himself an house. But it is as
was taken up." ' Finally that it was He who absurd as it is wild, to believe that He, whom
we believe to have created the whole universe
granted such glory to Christ." The whole of
your blasphemy then consists in this that :
of heavenly and earthly by His will,
Christ had nothing of Himself nor did He, a :
was unable to build for Himself a body es- :

mere man, as you say, receive anything from pecially as the power of the Holy Ghost is His
the Word, i.e., the Son of God but everything ;
power, and the Divinity and Glory of the Trin-
in Him was the gift of the Spirit. ity are so united and inseparable,
that we can-
If then
we can show that all that which you refer to


not think ^
anything at all in One Person
the Spirit, is His own, what remains but that of the Trinity, which can be separated from
Therefore when

we prove that He whom you therefore would the fulness of the Godhead.
this is laid down and grasped viz., that ac-
have taken to be a man, because as you say ;

everything which He has is another's, is there- cording to the faith of holy Scripture, when
fore God, because everything which He has is the Holy Ghost came upon (the Virgin) and
His own ? And indeed we will prove this not the power* of the Most High overshadowed
her. Wisdom builded Itself an hci,se the rest
only by discussion and argument, but by the

voice of Divinity Itself for nothing testifies

of the slanders of your blasphemy come to
of God better than things divine. And be- nothing. For neither is it doubtful that He
cause nothing knows itself better than the made all things by Himself and in Himself,
in whose name and faith, the faith even of be-
very glory of God, we believe nothing on the
lievers can do anything. For neither did He
subject of God with greater right than those
need the aid of another, as neither have they
writings in which God Himself is His own
witness. First then, as to this that you say needed it, who have trusted in His power.
that the Holy Spirit created His humanity; And so as for your assertions that He was jus-
we might take we could tified by the Spirit, and that the Spirit made
simply, if ac-
knowledge that you had not brought it for-
Him to be feared by the devils, and that His
ward in the interests of unbelief. For neither flesh became the temple of the Holy Ghost,
do we deny that the flesh of the Lord was con- and that He was taken up by the Spirit into
ceived by the Holy Ghost but we assert that
heaven, they are all blasphemous and wild :

the body was conceived by the co-operation of not because we

are to believe that in all these
the Holy Ghost in such a way that we can say things which He Himself did, the unity and
that His Humanity'' was created for Himself co-operation of the Spirit was wanting since —
the Godhead is never wanting to Itself, and the
by the Son of God, as the Holy Spirit Itself
" of the Trinity was ever present in the
says in holy Scripture, testifying that Wisdom power —
hath builded for Itself a house." ' You see Saviour's works but because you will have
it that the Holy Ghost gave assistance to the

Sepantvit (Petschenig).
* S. Luke xi. 20. '
Homintm suum. Lord Jesus Christ as if He had been feeble
' S. Matt. i. 20. • S. ' Prov. ix. i.
John i.
» I Tim. iii. 16. • Acts i. 2. and powerless and that He granted those ;
things to Him, which He was unable to pro-
cure for Himself. Learn then from sacred CHAPTER XIX.
witnesses to believe God, and not to mingle
falsehood with truth : for the subject does not That it was not only the Spirit, but Christ Himself also who
made Him to be feared.
admit it, and common sense abhors the idea
of mingling the notions of the spirit of the
devil with the witnesses that are Divine. You say too that the Spirit made Him to
be feared by the devils. To reject and re-
fute which, even though the horrible cha-
racter of the utterance is enough, we will still
add some instances. Tell me, I pray, you
who say that the fact that the devils feared
CHAPTER XVin. Him was not His own doing but another's,
and who will have it that this was not His
How we are to understand the Apostle's words " He appeared own power but a gift, how was it that even

in the flesh, was justified in the Spirit," etc.

His name had that power, of which He Him-
self was, according to you, void ? How was it
For to begin with this assertion of yours that in His name devils were cast out, sick
that the Spirit filled with righteousness (jus- persons were cured, dead men were raised ?
titia) what was created, and your attempts
to For the Apostle Peter says to that lame mim
prove this by the evidence of the Apostle, who was "sitting at the beautiful gate of the
where he says that " He appeared in the flesh, Temple In the name of Jesus Christ arise :

was justified in the Spirit," you make each and walk." * And again in the city of Jcppa
statement in an unsound sense and wild spirit. to the man who had been lying on his bed
For you make this assertion viz., that you will paralysed for eight years he says, ".-^Eneas,

have it that He was filled with righteousness may the Lord Jesus Christ heal thee arise :

by the Spirit, in order to show how He was and make thy bed for thyself."
Paul too
void of righteousness, as you assert that the says to the pythonical spirit " I charge thee :

being filled with it was given to Him. And as in the name of Jesus C hrist come out of her,"
for your use of the evidence of the Apostle on and the devil came out of her. ^ But under-
this matter, you garble the arrangement and stand from this how utterly alien this weak-
meaning of the sacred passage. For the ness was from our Lord for I do not call :

Apostle's statement is not as you have quoted even those weak, whom He by His name made
it, mutilated and spoilt. For what says the strong, since we never heard of any devil or
Apostle? "And evidently great is the mys- infirmity able to resist any of the apostles
tery of Godliness, which was manifested in since the Lord's resurrection. then did How
the flesh, was justified in the Spirit." ^ You the Spirit make Kim to be feared, who made
see then that the Apostle declared that the others to be feared? Or was He in Himself
mystery or sacrament of Godliness was justi- weak, whose faith even through the instrumen-
fied. For he was not so forgetful of his own tality of others reigned over all things ? Fi-
words and teaching as to say that Fie was void nally those men who received power from God,
of righteousness, whom he had
always pro- never used that power as if it were their own :

claimed as righteousness, saying " Who was but referred the power to Him from whom
made unto us righteousness and sanctification received it for the power itself could never :

and redemption." Elsewhere also he says have any force except through the name of :

But ye were washed, but ye were justified, Him who
gave it. And so both the apostles
but ye were sanctified in the name of our Lord and all the servants of God never did
Jesus Christ."^ How far then from Him was thing in their own name, but in the name and
it to need
being filled with righteousness, as invocation of Christ for the itself de-
He Himself filled all things with righteous- rived its force from the samepower

source as its
ness, and for His glory to be without right- origin, and could not be
given through the in-
eousness, whose very name justifies all things. strumentality of the ministers, unless it had
You see then how foolish and wild are your come from the Author. You then who say —
blasphemies, since you are trying to take away that the Lord was the same as one of His ser-
from our Lord what is ever shed forth
by Him vants (for as the apostles had nothing but
upon all believers in such a way that still in what they received from their Lord, so you
its continuous make out that the Lord Himself had nothing
supply it is never diminished.

* Tim. 2 3
I iii. i6. I Cor. i. 30. I Cor. vi. 11. * Acts ^ Acts ^
iii. 6. ix. 34. Acts xvi. 18.

but what He
received from the Spirit and ;
to work in His own name, if He Himself
thus you that everything that He
make out worked in Another's name ? Or did He give
had, He had not as Lord, but had received it to others, as if it were His own, what He
as a servant), do you tell me then, how it was Himself, according to you, did not possess,
that He used this power as His own and not as unless He received it from Another? But
something which He had received ? For what tell me, which of the saints
receiving power
do we read of Him? He says to the paraly- from God, so worked ? Or would not Peter
tic :
Arise, take up thy bed, and go to thine have been thought a lunatic, or John a mad-
house." ^ And again to a father who pleads man, or Paul out of his mind, if they had said
" " In
on behalf of his child, He says Go thy : to any sick folk our name arise " or to

^ " "
way thy son liveth."
: And where an only the lame In our name walk
: or to the ;

son of his mother was being carried forth for dead " In our name live " or this to some

" " I "

burial, Young man," He says, say unto We give you power to tread upon serpents
thee, Arise,"
Did He then, like those who and scorpions and upon all the power of the
received power from God, ask that power enemy ? You see then from this your mad-
might be given to Him for performing these ness for just as these words are mad if they

things by the invocation of the Divine Name ? spring from man's assurance, so are you utterly
Why did He not Himself work by the name of mad if you do not see that they come from
the Spirit, just as the apostles wrought by His Divine power. For you must admit one of
Name ? Finally, what does the gospel itself two alternatives either that man could pos- ;
state about Him? It says: He was .teach- sess and give Divine power, or at any rate if
ing them as one that had authority, and not no man can do this, that He who could do it,
like the Scribes and Pharisees." * Or do you was God. For no one can grant of His liber-
make out that He was so proud and haughty ality Divine power, except Him who possesses
as to put to the credit of His own might the it by nature.
power which (according to you) He had re-
ceived from God ? But what do we make of
the fact that the power never submitted to His
servants, except through the name of its au-
thor, and could have no efficacy if the actor That it must be ascribed eqtially to Christ and the Holy Ghost
claimed any of it as his own ? that His flesh and Humanity became the temple of God.

Butthere follows in your blasphemy that

His was made a temple of the Holy
Ghost, for this reason, that John has said :

CHAPTER XX. For I saw the Spirit descending from heaven
and abiding upon Him." For you try to sup-
He tries by stronger and weightier arguments to destroy that port even this wild statement of yours by
notion. wherefore let us see
Scriptural authority :

whether this sacred authority has said that

But why are we so long dealing with your which you say. " For I saw," it says, " the
wild blasphemy, with arguments that are plain
Spirit descending like a dove, and abiding
indeed but still slight ? Let us hear God Him-
" upon Him." Discern here, if you can, which
self speaking to His disciples Heal the :
is the more powerful, which greater, which
sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast more to be honoured? He who descended, or
out devils." ' And again " In My name," He
He to whom the descent was made ? He who
; says, ye shall cast out devils."
Had He any brought down the honour, or He to whom the
need of Another's name for the exercise of His honour was brought ? Where do you find in
power, who made His own name to be a this passage that the Spirit made His flesh a
power? But what is still added? "Behold,"
" temple ? or wherein does it lessen the honour
He says, I have given you power to tread of God, if God Himself descended to show
upon serpents and scorpions and upon all the God to mankind ? For certainly we ought not

power of the enemy."

He Himself says that to think that He is less whose
high estate was
He was gentle, as indeed He was, and humble
pointed out, than He who pointed out His
in heart. And how was it that as regards the
high estate. But away with the thought of
greatest possible power, He commanded others believing or making any separation in the
Godhead for one and the same Godhead :

S. Matt. ix. 6. S. Matt. vii. 19. • S. Mark xvi. 17.
' s S.
S. John iv. 50. Matt. X. 8. ''
S. Luke X. 19.
* S. Luke vii, 14. » S. John i. 3J.
and equal power shut out altogether the had chosen by the Holy Ghost, He was taken
wicked notion of inequality. And so in this up." Which is an instance of Hyperbaton,
matter, where there is the Person of the Father and must be understood in this way what :

and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and Jesus began to do and to teach until the day
where it is the Son of God to whom the de- in which he was taken up, giving charge to
scent is made, the Spirit who descends, the the apostles whom He had chosen by the
Father who gives His witness, no one had Holy Ghost so that we ought not perhaps to

more honour, and no one received any slight, have to give you any further answer in this
but it all redounds equally to the fulness of matter than that of the passage itself, for the
the Godhead, for each Person of the Trinity entire passage ought to be sufficient for the full
contains within Himself the glory of the whole truth, if the mutilation of it was available for
Trinity. And so nothing further needs to be your falsehood. But still, you, who think that
said, except only to show the rise and origin our Lord Jesus Christ could not have ascended
of your blasphemy. For thorns and thistles into heaven, unless He had been raised up by
springing up from the roots produce shoots of the Spirit; tell me how is it that He Himself
their own nature, and from their character says No one hath ascended into heaven but
show their origin. So then you also, a thorny He who came down from heaven, even the Son
" *
offshoot of the Pelagian heresy, show in germ of man who is in heaven } Confess then
just the same that your father is said to have how foolish and absurd your notion is that He
had in the root. For he^ (as Leporius his fol- could not ascend into heaven, who is said,
lower said) declared that our Lord was made although He had descended into earth, never
the Christ by His baptism you say that at
: to have been absent from heaven and say :

His baptism He was made the temple of God


whether to leave the regions below and ascend

by the Spirit. The words are not altogether into heaven was possible for Him to whom it
identical but the wrong-headedness is alto-
: was easy when still on earth, ever to continue
gether the same. in heaven. But what is that which He Him-
self says: "I ascend unto my Father."^ Did
He imply that in this ascension there would be
the intervention of Another's help, who by the
very fact that He said He would ascend, shows
That the raising up of Christ into heaven is not to be ascribed the efficacy of His own power? David also
to the Spirit alone.
says of the Ascension of the Lord God as- :

cended with a merry noise, the Lord with the

But you add this also to those impieties of sound of the trumpet " ^ He clearly explained :

yours mentioned above viz., that the Spirit the glory of Him who ascends by the power of

granted to the Lord His ascension into the ascension.

heaven showing by this blasphemous notion

of yours that you believe that the Lord Jesus

Christ was so weak and powerless that had
not the Spirit raised Him up to heaven, you
fancy that H^e would still at this day have
been on earth. But to prove this assertion He continues the same argument to show that Christ had no
need of another's glory as He had a glory of His own.
you bring forward a passage of Scripture for :

you say Giving commands to the apostles
whom He had chosen, by the Holy Ghost He .But to end let us see the addition with
was raised up." What am I to call you ? which you sum up your preceding blasphe-

What am I to think of you who by corrupting mies. Your words are, " Who gave such ^
the sacred writings contrive that their evi- glory to Christ ? You name glory in order to
dences should not have the force of evidences? degrade Him. For by the assertion that the
A new kind of audacity, which strives 'by its Lord was endowed with glory, in saying that
impious arguments to manage that truth may He received it you blasphemously imply that
seem to confirm falsehood. For the Acts of He stood in need of it. For your perverse
the Apostles does not say what
you make out. notion suggests that* the generosity of the
For what says the Scripture ? " What Jesus giver shows the need of the receiver. O mis-
began to do and to teach until the day in erable impiety of yours and where is that !

which giving charge to the apostles whom He which Divinity itself once foretold of the Lord
Jesus Christ ascending into heaven? Saying:
enint ; viz., Pelapus. This appears to be the true "Lift up your heads, and the King of glory
though one MS. followed by Gazjeus has Leporius ille enint ; a read-
ing which would involve the supposition that there were two persons
of the name of Leporius, master and scholar. ^ S. "
John iii. 13. Ps. xlvi. (xlvii.)6.
* Acts i. 2. * S. ' Tantatn Petschenig.
John XX. 17. Tatnen Gazaeus.

shall come in."

And when He (after the he attained the dignity of being a Confessor,*
fashion of Divine utterances) had made an- —
he testifies in the First book on the faith
swer to Himself as if in the character of an that the Lord Jesus Christ, Very God of Very
" Who is the "
inquirer :
King of glory ? at God, was both begotten before the world, and
" The Lord
once He adds :
strong and mighty, afterwards born as man. Again in the Second
" "
the Lord mighty in battle showing under book
: One only Begotten God grew in the

the figure of a battle fought, the victory of the womb of the holy Virgin into the form of a
Lord in His triumph. Then when, to com- human body He who contains all things, and ;

plete the exposition of it, He had repeated the in whose power all things are, is brought forth
words of the utterance quoted above, He according to the law of human birth." Again
showed by the following conclusion the ma- in the same book An angel is witness that :

jesty of the Lord as He entered heaven, saying He who is born is God with us." Again in
" The Lord of
hosts. He is the King of glory." the Tenth book We have taught the mystery :

On purpose that the fact of His taking a body of God born as man by the birth from the Vir-
might not interfere with the glory of His gin." Again in the same book: "For when
mighty Divinity, He taught that the same God was born as man, He was '
not born on
Person was Lord of hosts and King of hea- purpose not to remain God." Again in the
venly glory, whom He had previously pro-^ same writer's preface to his exposition * "
of the
claimed Victor in the battle below. Go now gospel according to Matthew For to begin :

and say that the glory was given to the Lord, with it was needful for us that for our sakes
when both prophecy has said that He was the the only Begotten God should be known to be
King of glory, and He Himself also has testi- born as man." Again in what follows "that :

fied of Himself as follows: "When the Son besides being God, He should be born as man,
of man shall come in His glory."' Refute which He was not yet." Again in the same
" Then this third matter was
it, if you can, and contradict this viz., that place fitting
: :
whereas He testifies that He has glory of His that as God was born as man in the world
own, you say that He has received Another's. etc. Here are a few passages
: out of any
Although we maintain that He has His own number. But still you see even from these
glory, in such a way that we do not deny that which we have quoted, how clearly
and plainly
His very property of glory is common to Him he asserts that God was born of Mary. And
with the Father and the Holy Ghost. For where then is this saying of yours The :

whatever God possesses belongs to the God- creature ctJuld not bring forth the Creator:
head and the kingdom of glory belongs to and that which is born of the flesh, is flesh."

the Son of God in such a way that it is not It would take too long to quote passages bear-
kept back from belonging to the entire God- ing on this point from each separate writer. I

head. must try to enumerate them rather than to ex-

plain them for they will sufficiently explain :



He supports this doctrine by the authority of the blessed

He shows that Ambrose agrees with S. Hilary.

But quite time to finish the book, aye

it is
and the whole work, if I may however add the Ambrose, that illustrious priest of God, who
never leaving the Lord's hand, ever shone like
sayings of a few saintly men and illustrious
a jewel upon the finger of God, thus speaks in
priests, to support by the faith of the present "
day what we have already proved by the au- his book to the Virgins My brother is white :

and ruddy. White because He is the glory


thority of holy Scripture. Hilary, a man en-

dowed with all virtues and graces, and famous of the Father ruddy because He was born of

for his life as well as for his eloquence, who the Virgin. But remember that in Him the
also, as a teacher of the churches and a priest,
tokens of Divinity are of longer standing than
advanced not only by his own merits but also the mysteries of the body. For He did not
by the progress of others, and remained so * S.
Hilary of Poictiers {ob. a.d. 368). The reference is of
steadfast during the storms of persecution that course to his banishment to Phrygia by the Emperor Constantius in
of his resolute defence of the Niccne faith against
through the fortitude of his unconquered faith 356, because
De Trinitate II. xxv., xxvii. X. vii.
* ;

Ps. xxiii. (xxiv.) 7. This Preface to Hilary's work on S. Matthew is now lost,

/ nunc Petschenig. The text is however doubtful.

* One MS. though the commentary itself still exists. See Opera S. Hilarii Pic-
reading In kunc, and 3Lno\htT jatn nunc. tav :
(Verona, 1730). Vol. i.
* ' Cf. Cant. V. 10
S. Matt. XXV. 31, (LXX.).
begin to exist from the Virgin, but He who thee. Wherefore that holy thing which shall be
was already in existence, came into the Vir- born of thee shall be called the Son of God."
Again on Christmas Day See the : And in Proverbs " Wisdom hath builded :

miracle of the mother of the Lord A Virgin : herself an house." ^ Compare this if you
conceived, a Virgin brought forth. She was a please with your doctrine or rather your blas-
Virgin when she conceived, a Virgin when with phemy, in which you assert that God is the
child, a Virgin after the birth. As is said in Creator of the months, and was not an off-
" And the For lo, Jerome, a man of
Ezekiel :
gate was shut and not spring of months.
opened, because the Lord passed through it." the greatest knowledge and also of the most
A splendid Virginity, and wondrous fruitful- pure and approved doctrine testifies almost in
ness The Lord of the world is born and the very words in which you deny that the
! :

there are no cries from her who brought Him Son of God was an offspring of months, that
forth. The womb is left empty, and a true He was an offspring of months. For he says
child is born, and yet the Virginity is not de- that He waits ten months in the womb to be
stroyed. It was right that when God was born born. But perhaps the authority of this man
the power of chastity should become greater, seems a mere nothing to you. Vou may take
and that her purity should not be violated by it that every one says the same and in the
the going forth of Him who had come to heal same words, for whoever does not deny that
what was corrupt." ^ Again in his exposition the Son of God is the offspring of the Virgin,
of the gospel according to Luke he says that admits that He is the offspring of months.
one was especially chosen, to bring forth
God, who was espoused to an husband."
certainly declares that God was born of the
Virgin. He calls Mary the mother of God.
,And where is that awful and execrable utter- To the foregoing he adds Rufinus and the blessed Augustine.
ance of yours asking how can she be the
mother of one of a different nature from her RuFiNUS also, a Christian philosopher, with
own. But if she is called mother by them, it no mean place among Ecclesiastical Doctors
is the human nature which was born not the of the Lord's Nativity in
testifies as follows
Godhead. So, that illustrious teacher of the "
his Exposition of the Creed. For the Son
faith says both that she who bare Him was of God," he says, "is born of a Virgin, not
human, and that He who was born is God :
chiefly allied to the flesh alone, but generated
and yet that this is no reason for unbelief, but in the soul which is the medium between the
only a miracle of faith. flesh and God." * Does he witness obscurely
that God was born of man Augustine the .?

priest® of Hippo Regiensis says: "That men

CHAPTER XXVL might be born of God, God was first born of
them for Christ is God. And Christ when

He adds to the foregoing the testimony of S. Jerome. born of men only required a mother on earth,
because He always had a Father in heaven,
Jerome, the Teacher of the Catholics, whose being born of God through whom we are
writings shine like divine lamps throughout made, and also born of a woman, through
the whole world, says in his book to Eusto- whom we might be re-created." ^° Again, in
chium: "The Son of God for our salvation "
And the Word was made fleshthis place :

was made the Son of man. He waits ten

and dwelt among us.
months in the womb to be born and He,
Why then need you
wonder that men are born of God } Notice

in whose hand the world is how God Himself was born of men." Again
held, is contained
in a narrow " But Moses
manger."* Again in his com- in his Epistle to Volusianus :

mentary on Isaiah For the Lord of hosts,
himself and the rest of the prophets most
who is the King of glory. Himself descended
truly prophesied of Christ the Lord, and gave
into the Virgin's womb, and entered in and Him great glory they declared that He would :

went forth from the East Gate which is ever come not as one like themselves, nor merely
shut." ® Of whom Gabriel
" says to the Virgin
greater in the same sort of power of working

The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and

miracles, but clearly as the Lord God of all,
the power of the Most
High shall overshadow and as made man for men. Who therefore
Himself also willed to do. such things as they
S. Ambrose. De Virg. Lib. i. xlvi. 2
Ezek. xliv. 2.
These words are not found in
any extant writing of S. Ambrose, ' Book in. c. vii. 8 Rufinus in
Symb. c. xiii.
but something very hke them occurs m
S. Augustine's Sixth Sermon ^
There no authority
Cuyck and Gazxus
is for the reading of
in Natah Dommi.
* In Lucam II. i. "Magnus Sacerdos." On
the coldness with which Augustine is
" Cr. li,zek.
Ep. xxii. Ad Eustochium. here spoken of see the Introduction, p. 191. Note.
xliv. 2. " August. Tract. II. in Johan. xv.
did to prevent the absurdity of His not doing changeable, but taking to Himself what He
Himself tliose things which He did through was not for He is pitiful so that He, who

them. But still it was right also for Him to do could not be embraced, can now be embraced."
something special viz., to be born of a Virgin,
; You see how grandly and nobly he asserts the
to rise from the dead, to ascend into heaven.
majesty of His Godhead so that He may bring
And if anyone thinks that this is too little for in the condescension of the Incarnation for :

God, I know not what more he can look for.^ that admirable teacher of the faith knew well
that of all the
blessings which God granted to
us at His coming into the world this was the
CHAPTER XXVIII. chief, without diminishing in any way His
As he Greek or Eastern glory. For whatever God gave to man, ought
is going to produce the testimony of
Bishops, lie brings forward in the first place S. Gregory to increase the love of Him in us, and not to
Nazianzen. lessen the honour which we give to Him.
Bur perhaps because those whom we have
enumerated came from different parts of the
world, their authority may seem to you less XXIX. CHAPTER
valuable. An absurd thing, indeed, because In the next place he puts the authority of S. Athanasius.
faith is not interfered with by place, and we
have to consider what a man is, not where : Athanasius also, priest of the city of Alex-
especially since religion unites all together, andria, a splendid instance of constancy and
and those who are in the one faith may be virtue, whom the storm of heretical persecu-
also known to be in the one body. But still tion tested without crushing him whose life :

we will bring forward for you some, whom you was always like a clear glass, and who had
cannot despise, even from the East. Gregory, almost obtained the reward of martyrdom be-
that most grand light of knowledge and doc- fore attaining the dignity of confessorship :

trine, who though he has been for some time Let us see what was his view of the Lord
dead, yet still lives in authority and faith, and Jesus Christ and the mother of the Lord.
though he has been for some time removed in "This then," he says, is the mind and stamp
the body from the Churches, yet has not for- of Holy Scripture, as we have often said viz., ;

saken them in word and authority. "When that in one and the same Saviour two things
then," he says, God had come forth from the have to be^jjnderstood (i) that He was ever :

Virgin, in that human nature which He had God, and is Son, Word, and Light, and Wis-
taken, as He existed in one out of two which dom of the Father, and (2) that afterwards
are the opposite of each other viz., flesh and for our sakes He took flesh of the Virgin

spirit, the one is taken into God, the other Mary the Theotocos, and was made man."*
exalts into the grace of Deity.- C) new and Again after some other matter Many then :

unheard of intermingling marvellous and were

! O
saints and clean from sin Jeremiah also :

exquisite union He who was, came to be, was sanctified from the womb, and John, while

and the Creator is created and He who is still in the womb leapt for joy at the voice of

infinite is embraced by the soul which is the Mary the Theotocos."

He certainly says
medium between God and the flesh and He that God, the Son of God, who (to declare

who makes all rich, is made poor." Again he the faith of all in his words) is " the Word,
" and Light and Wisdom of the Father," took
says of the Epiphany But what happens

What is done concerning us and for us ? There flesh for our sakes and therefore he calls the ;

is brought about some new and unheard of Virgin Mary Theotocos, because she was the

change of natures and God is made man." Mother of God.

* "

Again in this
passage The Son of God :

began to be also the Son of man, not being

changed from what He was, for He is un- CHAPTER XXX.

Ep. cxxxvii. c. 4. He adds also S. John Ciirysostora.
» Aliud in Deum
adsumitur, aliud in Deitatis gratiam fireestat.
So Petschenig edits. The text of Gaiseus has aliud Deitatis gratia
As for John the glory of the Episcopate
Greg. Nazianz. Oratio xxxviii. The Greek of the passage of Constantinople, whose holy life obtained
which Cassiati translates is as follows itftatKOmv hi ©ebs \t.(.-ra. tij?

n-/)0(rA)ji//«<u5 iv tK Siio Tuv ivavTiutv, o-apKot xai nveviiaroi ii' to •

fjiiveOeioat rh Si idtmOri, ui T^« xatcijt m'fetos, ui 7-^9 * See the orations against the Arians IV. The Greek is as follows
irapajofov :

Kpao-eiof, 6 uif yiverai <col 6 a«Ti<TTos (CTi^crai <cai 6 a^uipiTos Sfcoirbf Toivvv oCtov Kai xap<»«Tr)p Tri<; ypa^^t, tus TroAAaxif tinofiey,
Xupcirat Sid nt<n\<; il/vxfl<: voepas M€<riT«uou<rTjs e«dT7)Tt «ai (rapKoi SirT\.r]v tivai riji' irepi toO (TiuT^pos anayyeAiav ey ai/Tfj, oTi re aei
«ac »rAoi>Tt^<oi' wTmxtvfi- Oratio xxxix. Ti yiVerai xai ©eos Jjv Ka'i iariv o vfdf, Ab^ot mv Ka'i aTTavyaiTU.a Kai <ro<t>ia toO
Ti TO fitya Trepi 17/ /biuo'Tiiptoc ; KaivoTonovuTai. (^uo-ctf Ka'i ©cos
jraTpos, Ka'i brt varepov Si' Tuxai adpKa Aa/Suf iii napOevov t^s flto-
avOpuitro'; yivtrai , . . not o ui6« roO ©coO Several Ka'i uibs TOKOv Maptaf avOpiotroi yeyovtv.
avOpiunov ytvi<r9ai re Ka'i K\j}0rii'ai, oi/x o iji^fiero^aAwi', oTptJTTOvu ^ Hid. jroAAoi
yoCv oiyioi yeyovairi Ka'i Ka9apo'i »ro<r7j« afiapriat •

a\\ 'o oxiK ^v npoi\afiiiv, <t>i\.di>9pu)itOi yap, iva

^ip, X'^PV^TI o 'I«p«f*i'as jexai eK KotAia; riyid<r9jj Ka'i 'liadw-qi en Kvo<t>opovnevoi
aX'aprjTo';. iaKiprr)<rev iv dyaKXidati in'i rfj <l)iovj) rjjs ©eoToxov Mapi'af.
the reward of martyrdom without any show for when it is a question of the faith, all are as
of Gentile persecution, hear what he thought good as the best in so far as they agree with
and taught on the Incarnation of the Son of the best.
God :
And Him," he says, whom if He had
come in unveiled Deity neither the heaven nor CHAPTER XXXL
the earth nor the sea nor any other creature
could have contained, the pure womb of a Vir- He bemoans the unhappy lot of Constantinople owing to the
misfortune which has overtaken it from ^that heretic and at
gin bore."
This man's faith and doctrine the same time he urges the citizens to stand fast in the

ancient Catholic and ancestral faith.

then, even if you ignore that of others, you
ought to follow and hold, as out of love and af-
fection for him the pious people chose you as Wherefore I also, humble and insignificant
their Bishop. For when it took you for its as I am in name as in desert, and although I
cannot claim a place as Teacher among those
priest from the Church of Antioch, from which
it had formerly chosen him, it believed that it illustrious Bishops of Constantinople, yet ven-
would receive in all that it had lost in ture to claim the zeal and enthusiasm of a
him.^ Did
ask you, all these almost
not, I disciple. For I was admitted into the sacred
with prophetic spirit say all these things in ministry by the Bishop John, of blessed me-
order to confound your blasphemies. For you mory, and offered to God, and even though I am
declare that our Lord and Saviour Christ is absent in body yet I am still there in heart :

not God they declare that Christ the Lord

and though by actual presence I no longer mix
is Very God. You blasphemously assert that with that most dear and honourable people of
Mary Christotocos not Theotocos they do
is : God, yet I am still joined to them in
not deny that she is Christotocos, while they And hence it comes that condoling and sym-
acknowledge her as Theotocos. Not merely pathizing with them, I broke out just now into
the substance but the words also are opposed the utterance of our common grief and sorrow,
to your blasphemies that we may clearly see
: and in my weakness cried out (which was all
that an impregnable bulwark was formerly that I could do) by means of the dolorous
prepared by God against your blasphemies, lamentation of my works, as if for my own
to break on the wall of truth ready prepared, limbs and members for if as the Apostle

the force of the heretical attack which was at says, when the smaller part of the body is
some time or other to come. And you, O you grieved, the greater part grieves and sympa-
most wicked and shameless contaminator of thizes with it,^ how much more should the
an illustrious city, you disastrous and deadly smaller part sympathize when the greater part
plague of a Catholic and holy people, do you is grieved? It is indeed
utterly inhuman for
dare to stand and teach in the Church of God, the smaller parts not to feel the sufferings of
and with your wild and blasphemous words the greater in one and the same body, if the
slander the priests of an ever unbroken faith greater feel those of the smaller. Wherefore
and Catholic confession, and say that the peo- I pray and beseech you, you who live within
ple of the city of Constantinople are in error Constantinople, and who are
the circuit of
through the fault of their earlier teachers ? my
through the love of my
Are you then the corrector of former Bishops, country, and my brothers through the unity of
the accuser of ancient priests, are better the faith separate yourselves from that raven-
you ;

than Gregory, more approved than

Nectarius, ing wolf who (as it is written) devours the
greater than John,^ and all the other Bishops people of God, as if they were bread.^ Touch
of Eastern cities who,
though not of the same not, taste not anything of his, for all those things
renown as those whom I have enumerated, lead to death. Come out from the midst of him
were yet of the same faith ? which, as far as and be ye separate and touch not the unclean
the matter in hand is concerned, is
enough thing. Remember your ancient teachers, and

your priests Gregory whose fame was spread


The passage has not been identified with any now extant in the
through the world, Nectarius renowned for
wntings of S. Chrysostom.
- holiness, John a marvel of faith and purity ;

S. Chrysostom had been taken from Antioch for the

of Constantinople
and after the death of Sisinnius in 426, as there
: John, I say; that John who like John the
was so much rivalry and party spirit displayed at Constantinople,
the tmperor determined that none of that Church Evangelist was indeed a disciple of Jesus and
should fill the
vacant see, but sent for Nestorius from
Antioch, where he had al-
an Apostle; and so to speak ever reclined on
ready gained a great reputation for eloquence (cf. Socrates H. E. the breast and heart of the Lord.
VII. XXIX.) It is to the fact that both S.
Chrysostom and Nestorius
came from the same city that Cassian alludes in the text. him, I say. Follow him. Think of his purity,
3 The
reference is to Gregory Nazianzen,
Bishop of Constanti-
nople from 379 to 381 when he retired in the interests of
peace ;
his faith, his doctrine, and holiness. Remem-
to Nectanus who was chosen to succeed him, and the post
from 381 10397; and to his successor, S. John occupied * Cf.
Chrysostom, ^^'
397 to I Cor. }^i. 26.
404. «
Ps. xiii. (xiv.) 4; Col. ii. 21, 23; 2 Cor. vi. 17.

ber him ever as your teacher and nurse, in heart and voice, to Thee, O God the Father of
whose bosom and embraces you as it were our Lord Jesus Christ, that Thou wouldest
grew up. Who was t^e teacher in common gift of Thy love whatever we have
fill with the

both of you and of me whose disciples and written by Thy bounteous grace.
And be-
pupils we are.
Read his writings. Hold fast cause, as the Lord our God Thine Only Begot-
his instruction. Embrace his faith and merits. ten Son Himself taught us. Thou hast so loved
For though to attain this is a hard and mag- this world as to send Thine Only Begotten Son
nificent thing:
yet even to follow
is beautiful to save the world,
grant to Thy people whom
and sublime. For in the highest matters, not Thou hast redeemed that in the Incarnation of
merely the attainment, but even the attempt 'J'hine Only Begotten Son they may perceive
to copy is worthy of praise. For scarcely any- both Thy gift and His love and that all may

one entirely misses all parts in that to which understand the truth that for us Thine Only
he is trying to climb and reach. He then Begotten, our Lord God, was born and suffered
should ever be in your minds and almost in and rose again, and may so love it that the
your sight he should live in your hearts and condescension of His glory may increase our

in your thoughts. He would himself commend love and let 'not His Humility lead to a dimi-

to you this that I have written, for it was he nution of His honour in the hearts of all men,
who taught me what I have written and so do but let it ever produce an increase of love and
: :

not think of this as mine, so much as his for may we all rightly and wisely comprehend the

the stream comes from the spring, and what- blessings of His Sacred Compassion, so as to
ever you think belongs to the disciple, ought see that we owe the more to God, in propor-
all to be referred to the honour of the master, tion as for our sakes God humbled Himself

lUit, beyond and above all 1 pray with all my yet lower.


Abraham, 71. Clarus, Anatolius, and the hunted hare, 43; sayings, 43;
Ambrose, St., on baptism, 5. devil's garment, 15; tempts St. the soldier and his wife, 43;
Angels, 71. Martin, 16. virgins and women, 44; conver-
Antichrist, the coming of, 15; battle sation with Agnes, Thecla, and
with Nero about the rule of the Dialogue I., between Postumianus, Mary, 45; synod of Memausus;
earth, 45; the ten plagues at returning from the East, Sulpi- Nero and Antichrist, 45.
his coming, 112. tius, and a Gallic friend, con- Dialogue III., continuation of Dia-
Arianism, in Illyria and Gaul, 7; or- cerning the virtues of the monks logue II., 46. A
great number
igin, spread, definition, and his- of the East, 24; visit to Cyrene; of people rush to the place
tory, 113; infiltration in the the presbyter's hut, the church; but are not admitted, as it is
catholic church after the council comparison between Cyrene and not proper for the merely cu-
of Nice, intrigues, violence, 1 14; Gaul; refusal of gold coins, ac- rious to mix with the truly pious,
Valens, the condemnation of ceptance of pieces of clothing, 46; St. Martin as a Western
Athanasius, 115; Liberius and 25; visit to Alexandria, strife compeer of the Eastern saints,
Hilarius exiled, homo-ousion between the bishops and the 46; the dumb girl of Carmites,
and homoi-ousion, Osius of monks about the writing&»«>3f 46; blessed oil, 47; Avitianus,
Spain, the Gallic bishops at Origen, 26; visit to Bethlehem; 47, 49; manner
of exorcising
Ariminum, 116, the synod of Hieronymus; his attack on the demons, 48; the village of the
Seleucia in the East, 117; vic- Gallic monks, 27; visit to The- Senones, 49; the idol-temple of
tory of the Arians, 118; final bais; the monks of the Desert the Ambatienses, 49; various
overthrow of Arianism, XI9. and their abbot, 28; comparison miracles, 50; Priscillian and
Athanasius, 114. with the monks of Gaul, 29; the Ithacius, 50; the ordination of
Auxentius, 7. hermit and his ox, 30; the her- Felix, 52; the Egyptian mer-
Avenger 'and Defensor, 8. mit and the wolf, 30; the an- chant, Lycontius, and other
Avitianus, 47, 49. chorite and the lioness, 31; the miracles, 52; "If Christ bore
anchorite and the ibex, 32; the with Judas why should not I
Baptism, in its relation to regenera- recluse of Mount Sinai, 32; bear with Brichio? "53.
dying without baptism, 8.
tion, 5 ; the monasteries along the Nile
Bishops, appointment of, 8; "sum- and the principle of monastic Esther and Judith, 102.
mus sacerdos," 17; St. Martin's life;obedience, 32; examples of
episcopal throne, 38; his mir- obedience, 32; recluses caught Felix, 52, 54.
aculous power greater while a by vanity and spurious righteous- Fish at Easter, 50.
monk than when a bishop, 39. ness, and punished therefor,
33; eulogy of the book of Sul- Gnosticism appears in Spain, 119;
Christ, the birth, life, and crucifixion pitius on St. Martin; eulogy of its origin in the East, spread,
of, no. the monarchism of the East, and and invasion in the West, 120.
Chronology, 56, 71, 72, 77, 106. transition to the eulogy of St.
Clarus, 15, 20. Martin, 34. Helena, 113.
Claudia, the sister of Sulpitius, 55, Dialogue II., between the same in- Herod, no.
58. terlocutors concerning the vir-
Creation of the world, the number of tues of St. Martin, 37; clothing Idols and idolatry among the Gauls,
days not given, but the number the shivering man, 37; restores 49; among the Hebrews, 84.
of years, 71. Evanthius and the poisoned bag, Israel in Egypt, 75.
Cross, The true, 113. 38; is beaten by the soldiers Ithacius, 50, 120.
but stops their conveyance, 39;
Daniel, 97. preaches to the Carmites and re- Jerome in Bethlehem; his attack on
David, 87 et seq. stores the widow's dead son, 40; the Gallic monks, 27.

Day of Judgment approaching, The, forces an entrance to Valentin- Jerusalem, 91; destruction, in; the
14. ian, 40; in intercourse with the Jews forbidden to approach the
Demons, 42, 48, 49, 53, no. palace, 41; the cow with the city, n2; magnificently rebuilt
Devil, The, and St. Martin, 14; demon on its back, 42; the by the Christians, 113.

Jews, The, slaughtered at the

time of — IV. To the same, compli- Paradise situated outside our world
Passover to expiate the crucifix- menting him upon his talent and altogether, 71.
ion of Christ, III. success as an instructor and edu- Persecutions of the Christians, 1 10,
Joseph, 75. cator, 68.

V. To an unknown 112; end of persecutions, 112.
Joshua, 81. person, concerning a youth who Popes, papa," 17.
Judith and Esther, 102, 104.
had fallen into the snares of the Prayer as the foundation of miracu-
JuUan, the Apostate, 4, 6.
theatre but escaped, 68. VI. — lous power, 19, 40, 46, 49.
To Salvius, concerning some Priscillian, 50, 120.
rural and domestic affairs,
Length of Life among the fathers of 69.
mankind, 71, 72, 73-
— VII. To an unknown per- Quotations from the Bible. 5, Matt.
Letters, whose genuineness is not son, asking for a letter, 70. XXV. 40; 7, Ps. cxviii. 6; Luke
doubted. — L To E u s e biu s, viii. 46; 8, Ps. viii. 3; 9, Matt,
concerning some infirmity as- Manna, 78. iii. 4; Matt. xi. 8; 18, Matt.
cribed to Martin, and not
St. Martin, St., Birth, military service, xxvii. 42; Acts xxviii. 4; Rom.
of in his Hfe by Sul- 4; vision of Christ, baptism, 5; xi. 13; 55, Luke
2 Cor. xi. 25;
pitius, 18. — IL To Aurelius, retires from military service, con- iv.62; Ezek. xviii. 24; 56, Ex.
concerning a vision of St. Mar- verts a robber, 6; meets the XX. 14; Lev. xix. 18; De-ut. vi.
tin, which occurred to Sulpitius devil, visits Illyria, Milan, 13; Ex. XX. 3; Ps. cxi. 2; Ps.
at the moment of the death of Rome, joins Hilarius, restores a cxlix. 5; 57, cxii. 10; Isa. v.
the former, 19. —
IIL To Bas- catechumen to life, 7; restores 8; Matt. xxii. 13; Ps. xxxiv.
swla, concerning the death of one strangled, becomes bishop 13; 58, Rom. xii. i; 2 Cor.
St. Martin, 21. of Tours, 8; his hermit cell, vii. 17; Isa. Ivi. 5; Matt. xix.
Letters, whose genuineness is doubt- fasts, camel-hair clothing, 9; 12; Rev. 59, 2 Cor. vii.
xiv. 5;
ed. —L To his sister Claudia, demolishes the robber's altar, 25; 60, xxxiv. 14; Rom.
concerning the last
judgment, stops the peasants with the dead xii. 15; Matt. vii. 12; 61, Matt.

55. Happy be our depart-

shall body, 9; escapes from a falling XXV. 41; James ii. 10; 62, i
be granted us
ure, for glory will pine-tree, destroys heathen altars Cor. vii. 34; Phil. iv. 8; Eccl.
through mercy. But where shall and temples, 10; offers his neck xxi. 24; 63, Prov. iii. 3; Wisd.
the wise men of the world be? to an assassin, cures the paralytic i. 12; Ps. xxiv. 3; I Pet. i. 22;
56. They will say: "We did girl at Treves, 1 1 ; casts out Rev. xiv. 4; I John iii. 24; 2
not know Thee, Lord," but several devils, performs various Pet. ii. 8; 64, Rev. xiv. 5; Eph.
Noah will testify against them miracles, 12; cures by a letter, v. 27; I Pet. iii. i; 65, Ps. xcvii,
and Abraham, 56; and David 13; at the banquet of Maximus, 10; John V. 24.
and the Son of God, 57; and 13; disputes with the devil, 14;
the Evangelist will say to them: Clarus, Anatolius, and the devil's Revelation, The, foolishly or impi-
" Go ously not received by many, 112.
you into outer darkness." garment, tempted by the
— IL To his sister Claudia, con- devil, 16;
intercourse with Sul-
cerning virginity, 58. pitius, 16; excellences, 16; piety,
Samson, 84.
has both the common and a 17; death, 19, 21; virtues, see Samuel, 86.
No court of Saul, 86.
special grace. Dialogue L, II. III. ,

heaven closed against the vir-

Martyrs in Gaul, 112. Sayings of St. Martin, 43.
Christ chose a virgin for Maximus, the emperor, invites St. Secretarium," 19.
mother, 58. But as honey is Martin to a banquet, 13; the Simon Mngus, no.
preserved by the wax, so virgin- queen waits upon him, 46; Pris- Slavery, 78.
itycannot be possessed without cillian and Ithacius, 50. Solomon, 90.
some other necessary adjuncts, Memausus, Synod of, 45. Sulpitius Severus. Life, i ; writings,
2; editions and translations, i;
59. Virginity must lead to con- Mercury annoying St. Martin, Jupiter
estimates by Paulinus of Nola,
tempt of the world, and con- stupid and doltish, 45; acknow-
tempt of the world again to Gennadius, p.p. Scaliger, Vos-
ledging themselves demons, 49.
sius, Archdeacon Farrar, 2;
righteousness, 59. Definition of Miracles, views of, by Sulpitius Seve-
reasons for writing the life of St.
righteousness, 60, according to rus. Dr. Arnold of Rugby, Arch-
which the Christian must not deacon Farrar, 4; performed by Martin, 3; intercourse with St.
only keep himself from wicked- St. Martin, 7, 8, li, 12, 13;
Martin, 16; defence of St. Mar-
ness, but also fulfil the duties, views of the miracles of St. Mar- tin, 18; Vision of St. Martin,
The question, however, is 19; see and Letters.
" Summus Dialogues
60. tin, by Milner and Cardinal
not about the nature of the of- Newman, 17; more miracles by Sacerdos," 17, 58.
fence, but about the transgres- St. Martin, 38, 39; testimonies
sion of the commandment, 61.
Ten Tribes, The, 102.
to miracles, 48.
While the married woman pleases Mistakes in Sulpitius's Sacred His- Texts, corrupted or uncertain, 4, 8,
her husband, the unmarried 10, 14, 21, 22, 23, 38, 41, 43,
tory, 71, 72, 75, 79, 85, 87, 94,
46, 47.59, 61, 62, 65, 67, 76,
pleases God, 62; and everything
depends upon being pure also in Monasteries along the Nile, 32. 77, 80, 86, 108, 114.
But why did not the Thebais, The monks of, 28; the boy
spirit, 63. Moses, 76.
and the asp, 29; the hermit and
Apostles enjoin these things on
his ox, 30; the hermit and the
virgins? 64. Because it was un- Nero and Antichrist, 45, no; his
necessary, for if you wish to be in. wolf, 30; the anchorite and the
with Christ, you must live ac- lioness, 31; the anchorite and
the ibex, 32.
cording to the example of Christ, Obedience, the principle of monastic
65. Rules for virgins and women
in general, 66. —
IIL To Paul,

Forgery in his writings; re-
Valentinian, the emperor, 40.
the Virgins, 44, 58 sqq.
bishop, recommending a lation to Hieronymus, 26; mar-
rather mediocre cook to him, 67.
tyrdom, 112. Women, 40, 41, 44, 62, 66.


Agrippinus, bishop of Carthage, Faustus, bishop of Riez, 127. Pelagius, 149.

Person, persona, 141, 142.
Ambrose, St. de Fide, 134. Gennadius, 127, 128. Philip, the first Christian emperor,
Antelmi, 143, 157. 144.
Honorat St., Island of, 127. Photinus, 128.
Apollinaris, 128, 139, 143.
Ariminum, council of, 133. Honoratus, St., 127, 131. Possidius, 134.
Arius, 128, 133, 150. Hilary, bishop of Aries, 127, 157. Porphyry, 139, 144.
Aries, council of, 135. Hilary, bishop of Poictiers, 133. Prosper, 127, 158, 159.
Athanasius, St., 133. Hooker, 133, 135, 142.
Athanasian Creed, 128, 140, 141, 157. Quod ubique, quod semper, quod
ab omnibus, 128, 132.
Augustine St., 127, 135, 155. 158, 159. Jerome, St., 133.
"Julian, bishop of Eclanum, 153.
Sabellius, 150.
Baptism, Iteration of, 128, 134, 135.
Lerins, island of, 127.
Sedes apostolica, 135.
Baronius, 127.
Bazaine, Marshal, 127. Semi-Pelagianism, 128, 149.
Mammea, mother of the Emperor Simon Magus, 150.
Capreolus, Bishop of Carthage, 155. Severus, 144. Sixtus Third, Pope, 127, 130, 155.
Celestine, Pope, 127, 130, 156, 159. Marguerite, St., island of, 127. Stephen, Pope, 134.
Celestine, letter to the bishops of Massilian clergy, 127, 158.
Southern Gaul, 156, 159. Monasterium, 127. Tertullian, 129, 145.
Coelestius, 149, 150. Montanus, 145. Theotocos, 143, 157.
Commonitorium, 131, Tillemont, 128, 132.
Communication of Properties, 142. Nestorius, 130, 138, 139, 140, 143, 155.
Cyprian, St., 135. Nicene creed, enlarged, 129. Vandal persecution, 134.
Cyril, St., of Alexandria, 127, 155. Novatian, 150. Victor, Bishop of Vite, 134.
Noris, Cardinal, 127. Villula, 131.
Development, 147.
Donatus, Donatists, 128, 133. Objectiones Vincentianse, 128. Waterland, 157.
Orange, 2d council of, 149.
Ephesus, council of, 127, 130, 138, Origen, 129, 143. Zosimus, bishop of Rome, 149.
155. Orosius, 149.


Abel replaced by Seth and his seed, Andronicus, abbot, cured of a Pos- others, 186, 246; earned money
session, 373. to clear off his mother's debts,
Abraham, Egyptian abbot, consulted Angelic powers created by God, 377, 246; was Bishop of Panephysis,
by Germanus and Cassian, 186; 381; His purpose in creating, 415-
quoted from, 188; works miracu- 377; two to each person, 381. Arians and Arianism, 551, 552, 593.
lous cures, 447; his Conference Anger, its evils,
257, 342, 367, Ascension of Christ by His own
on mortification, 531 sq. 451 sq., 459, 485; its better power, 616, 617.
Accidie, Acedia, 233, 266 sq., 339, side, 258; examples against, Ash-Wednesday, 514.
343-4i 533; akin to dejection, 259; against ourselves is valu- Athanasius quoted, 401; teaches the
266, 342, 533; injures the soul, able, 260; as spoken of God, Incarnation, 619.
267 sq.; description of, 267 sq., 258; its implacable form as re- Athlete in Christ, 237 sq., 263.
533; how to be cured, 268 sq., venge, 260, 261 cured by recon-
; Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Regius,
275, 342 sq., 350, 533; of two ciliation, 261, 386, 452, 457, teaches the Incarnation, 618;
kinds, 344. 459; as cured by the Gospel, developed predestinarianism,
Adam called vpwTonXaarof 281; an ex- 263, 350, 386; "with excuse" 190-3; his teaching one-sided,
ample of sin, 340; had know- considered, 363, 452; of three 193; how related to Pelagian-
ledge by divine inspiration, 383; kinds, 344; destroys friendship, ism, 190, 191; not valued by
how tempted and fell, 379; sac- 452, 4S3» 459; to be repressed, Cassian, 191, 618; restored Le-
rificed his liberty, 526; moral 459, 485 to be rooted out by a
; porius, 552-5; date of his death,
results of his transgression, 519 monk, 257 sq., 339, 343, 350, 192.
sq.; not a complete figure of 452. Augustinianism, 190-3.
Christ, 607-8; first restored in Anger's Synopsis, 304. Aurelian of Aries,, his rule, 224.
the Second, 340. Anthropomorphic language account- Auxerre, Council of, 401.
Alleluia, ending a psalm, 207, 2IO. ed for, 258-9. Auxonius, Bishop in Gaul, 192.
Alms, a duty and privilege, 503. Anthropomorphites and their teach- Avarice a principal fault, 339.
Altar reproached by Nestorius* pre- ing, 187, 188, 258, 401, 403;
sence, 596. the heresy and controversy, 319, Babel and the confusion of tongues,
Ambidextrous, applied spiritually, 401 sq. 335.
356-7. Antidosis, its definition, 375. Bad things, discussed, 352 sq
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, his teach- Antioch, creed of, 592, 593, 596; Baptism, the grace of, 527.
ing on the Incarnation, 617. used against Nestorius, 594-6. Barber, Abbot Macarius' story of,
Ammon organised monasticism in Antiphona, 205, 208, 217. .537-
Lower Egypt, 186. Antiphonal singing, 205, 217. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, 254; aided
Ananias and Sapphira, C52, 256, 257, Antony, hermit in the Thebaid, 186, monasticism, 200, 212; his rule,
432, 516. 234, 308, 310; founder of mon- 213, 217, 219, 224, 274; a say-
Anastasius, Nestorius' chaplain, 190, asticism, 234, 243, 481; his ing of his, 254.
556; follower of Theodore of sayings to the monks, 234; his Basilisk said to be from the Ibis'
Mopsuestia, fastings, 243; how he became
556; preaches egg, 607.
against Theotokos, 190, 556; an ascetic, 320; bequeathed his Bees, used in illustration, 607.
originates Nestorianism, 190, sheepskin to Athanasius, 203; Benedict of Nursia, organiser of mon-
549. 556. originated the anchorites, 481; astic system, 189, 194, 243; his
Anchorites in Egypt, 184, 293, 319, his opinion on prayer and its rule, 194, 205, 209, 215, 216,
477, 480 sq., 523; visited by conditions, 398; and on se\}- 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224,
Cassian and Germanus, 184; help for a monk, 536; was 225, 232, 243, 274, 405, 482.
originated by St. Antony and tempted by the devils, 382. Bethlehem, monastery at, 184, 185,
St. Paul, and why so called, 481 ; Apollinarians, 551-2; taught that 230; received Cassian and Ger-
their aim, 185, 293, 319, 477, Jesus had no human soul, 552. manus, 185.
484, 490, 492; their humility Apollonius, Apollos, abbot in the Maxima Patrum, 553.
and patience, 484, 490; pre- Thebaid, 314, 335. Bingham quoted, 217,330, 482, 503.
ferred by Cassian, 185, 480, Appear, its Scriptural force, 559. Birth, the new, through the font,
523; have a grander life than Arcadius, Bishop in Gaul, 192. 593 sq., 600.
the Ccenobites, 293, 481, 490, Archebius,anchorite, Bishop in Egypt, Bishops, why disliked by the Egyp-
523; how they are trained, 480, 184, 245, 246, 371, 415; assists tian monks, 401.
490« 523; the best districts for Cassian, 184, 246, 415; gives Blessed oil, 244.
them, 523. his cell to Cassian, and builds Braga, Council of, 401.
Bright quoted, 190, 191, 193, 207, singing, 205 founded a monas-
; 613; how different from the
212, 554. tery and died, 205, 293. saints, 582, 587, 590, 598; not
Burial by embalming, 447. Casuistry, cases of, 351 sq., 460 sq., a bodily phantasm at birth, 583,
Butler, on the Coptic churches, 186, 468-9, 519 sq. 584, 590, 594; or like a molten
187. Catechumens, Mass of, 278, 279. image, 558, 581, 590, 594, 608
Catholic rule, the, 202. sq.; misrepresented by Ebion,
Csesarius, Bishop of Aries, 193; his Cave of the Nativity, 230. 552; by Nestorianism, 190, 421,
rule, 206, 215, 224. Celestine, Bishop of Rome, 190; ap- 551 sq. ; by Photinianism, 553,
Cain, the seed of, 382 sq.; called pealed to from Gaul, 192; his 554; how our Saviour, 580; a
"the Daughters of men," 383. death, 193. sacrifice and an example, 552;

Calamus, desert in Egypt, 274, 321, Cells, monastic, and their furniture, His name effective in miracles,

371. 533- 389. 497- 447; His doctrine complete,

Canaanites represent classes of sins, Cenodoxia, or vainglory, 339. 552; omnipotence in His birth,
347. 350. Chaeremon, aged anchorite in Egypt, 606, 608; never a secret God,
Canonical prayers, 205, 208, 2IO. 184, 415, 416; received Cassian 609, 617; descended into hell,
Cases of conscience, 185. and Germanus, 184, 416; de- 213,214; had a genealogy, 612;
Cassian, called John and Afer, 183, livered three discourses, 185, His twofold parentage, 61 1-2;
184, 245; probably from Gaul, 192,415; his teaching criticised, was more than Adam, 607-8;
183, 184, 186, 188; his own 192; his bodily appearance and born yet eternal, 574, 604, 606;
account of his country, 183, condition, 416; first Conference foreshown in prophecy, 558,
532; his parentage and rela- on Perfection, 413, 416 sq.; third 578, 579, 583; acknowledged
tions, 184; connected with Mar- Conference on The Protection of by the devil, 610; His Incarna-
seilles, 183; well educated in God, 422 sq. tion taughtby S. John, 584, 587;
youth, 183, 184; ordained by Chastity discoursed upon, 185, 235, His teaching about Himself, 586,
John Chrysostom, 184, 188, 594, 236, 361 sq., 422 sq., 437, 518; 587; the teaching of His resur-
620; travelled with his friend that of the philosophers often im- rection, 585, 600; the teaching
Germanus, 184, 185, 295, 450, aginary, 424; it ought not to be of the Creed, 594-5; account
460, 479; was long in Egypt, tested, 495. and teaching of His baptism,
183, 186, 413, 415; attached to Cheek offered to the smiter, 457. 572; the ascension by His own
the monastery at Bethlehem, Cherubim, what they mean, 440. power, 616-7; His yoke easy
184, 416, 460; visited the Egyp- Christ, not a mere man, 190, 552 sq. ; and burden light, 541-3; draws
tian anchorites, 184, 319, 413, always was and is God, 562 sq.; by love, 505; not two Christs,
415, 460 sq., 479; had prom- called God, 563, 564, 577, 582 598-9, 602.
ised to return to Bethlehem, sq., 598, 606; called God in Christian Remembrancer quoted, 193.
185, 416, 460 sq. ; wished to prophecy, 557, 558, 559, 578; Christmas, its observance, 401.
stay longer in Egypt, 673; made called God by S. Paul, 559, Christotocos, why advocated by Nes-
Joseph his adviser, 185,460 sq. ; 560, 564, 565, 567; given divine torius, 556, 557, 620.
longed for the anchorite life, titles, 560, 562, 564, 566, 567, Chrysostom quoted, 401, 592.
185, 186, 416, 480 ; his duty to 577^ 582, 583. 585. 606; giver
Church Quarterly Review, 581.
return to Bethlehem, 186, 532, of divine grace, 561, 582; state- Clement of Alexandria, 218, 488.
539; his visits toEgypt uncer- ment of His nature and titles, Coenobite monks, 185, 206, 480;
tain, 186, 187; was ordained at 562, 564, 577, 582, 606; the practise obedience and subjec-
Constantinople, 188, 620; put in Wisdom of God and the Power tion, 185, 206, 480; their aim
charge of the Cathedral treasury, of God, 568, 598; born of a and perfection, 492; their origin,
188; supported S. Chrysostom, Virgin, 552 sq.; has two natures 480; their institutes, 205 sq.,
188, 619,620; was sent as en- and one Person, 565 sq. ; alone 480; inferior to the Anchorites,
to Rome and made sinless, 340 sq., 552; the hypo-
voy priest 293, 490 sq. their renunciations,

there, 188; settled at Marseilles, static union in Christ, 575, 602; 480; their customs as to using
188, 189; wrote at Marseilles, the Communication of Properties, Scripture, 206.
188, 189; influenced Western 575. 577-9> 584, 598, 600, 601; Coenobium, like the primitive church,
monasticism, 189; his dates, 184, One Person in Christ, 555 sq.; 480; how different from a mon-
188, 189, 193; his relation to not God through His merits, 553 astery, 483; its training, 490;
Pelagianism, 193; his Pelagian sq., 561 sq., 581-3, 594, 598; less strict than the anchorite
writings, 192, 193; his biblio- not made God at baptism, 553, monastery, 490-2; its conven-
graphy, 193 sq.; his writings ex- 554, 561, 562, 598, 616; or at the iences, 491 sq.; its distractions,
purgated, 194; his writings resurrection, 553, 554, 562, 599; 492; what if one leaves it,
against Nestorius, 195, 549 sq.; . was before His birth, 557 sq., 493-4-
his and conference with
573 sq., 587, 595, 600, 601, Collect, Collecta, 218.
Paphnutius, 187, 319 sq.; his 606; existed from all eternity, Commentators to be avoided, 245.
visit and conference with Abbot Communication of Properties, its
573 sq., 601, 606; prayed to
Daniel, 330 sq.; how he came by name, 604; worshipped as definition, 575; as in Christ,
to write the Institutes and Con- God and in God 609; had His 575-80, 584, 598, 601-2.
ferences, 413; and on the In- own glory, 616; called by Communion, Holy, on Saturday and
carnation, 430, 549; uses doubt- Nestorius, Theodochos, 581, Sunday, 486; daily, 373, 486;
ful language in theology, 564; 582, 608; had power in Him- weekly, 531; once a year by
misinterprets, 592. self, 613-5; ^ow tempted as some monks, 531 ; is the Lord's,
Cassiodorus organised monasteries, the Second Adam, 340 sq., 218; how often to be received,
194; his rule, 215; quoted, 184. 610; how unique in nature and 373, 531; if to be refused to
Castor, Bishop of Apta Julia, 189, temptation, 340-1 ; the order of possessed, 372-3.
199; asked Cassian to write His temptations, 341 ; His sacri- Compline service, 215.
upon the Institutes, 199, 234, ficial death, 213, 340; how filled Concealments by the saints, 469, 470.
293. 387. 413; taught psalm- with the Spirit, 421, 554, 557, Conception of Christ, 557, 562.

Confession, part of monastic training, by suggestion, 367-9, 453, 538- ity, 552; the first Anomoeons,
221, 312 sq., 5CX5; destroys Sa- 9; their modes of attack, 368, 552.
tanic tyranny, 312-3; to be re- 371. 374. 382, 453; various in Eunuchs, their lukewarmness, 336.
ceived in sympathy, 313-5; as a rank and aims, 368, 374 sq. 381, Euprepius, his monastery at Antioch,
means of perfection, 455, 499 538; have struggles in tempting 592.
sq.; its seal, 313-4. and overcoming,369, 382; limited Eusebius, Bishop of Csesarea, quoted,
Conscience, as our guide, 511; gives by divine permission, 370, 382; 207, 302, 488, 515.
surest proof of pardon, 498. fear Christ, 613; are driven out, Eusebius, Bishop of Dorylseum, 592.
Contrition by remembrance of sin, 445, 487; fight with men, Eutychianism approached by Cassian,
499. 501. 449; sow disputes, 453; pro- 564-
Conviction of sin, of different Icinds, claim false doctrine, 374; their Evagrius quoted, 556.
396; leads to fervent prayer, fall, 378-9; invisible in the air, Eve suffered by persuading Adam,
396, 397; often to tears, 397. 379; fight with each other, 380; 379-
Cook, to the monks by turns, 225; or why called powers, 380. Evening Service in the monastery,
permanent, 225-6 Diaconate, its duties, 278. 445. 461-
Cords of the monk, 203. Diaconia, its meaning, 483, 503. Evil has no power over the unwill-
Counting on the fingers, its spiritual Diogenes, story alx)Ut, 424. '"6. 353. 3^5. was not created,
meaning, 544. Diolcos, monasteries at, 246, 479;
354, 377; as equivalent to afflic-
Covetousness, arguments against, 248 visited by Cassian, 246. tion, 354.
sq., 342 sq.; as a vice, yet Discipline for obedience, 211. Excommunication in a monastery,
made useful, 249; its root, 250, Discretion, discoursed upon, 187, 308 211.
344; its effects upon a monk, sq. necessary to a monk, 308 Extremes meet, 316.

250 sq.; treated as a sin, 252, sq. examples of its aljsence, 309

342; how to be conquered, 255; sq.; how to h)e gained, 309; its Faith, itself from God, 327; leads to
found in complete poverty, 255; Scripture testimony, 311, 316. shun sin, 417; does not limit
examples of, 255-6; three kinds Dismissal of the Catechumens, 279. divine grace, 433.
" Dissolves
of, 344. Jesus," criticism upon, Fall, its moral results, 519 sq.
Creed, has divine and human author- ..587-. Fast, two days in the week, 218,
ity, 593; is witness to the truth, Divine gifts, discoursed upon, 185, 241, 242, 243; that of Easter
593-6, 602; to be believed as a 445 sq.; threefold system of, and Pentecost relaxed, 186, 212,
whole, 600-1. 445; powers of healing, 446-7; 217, 507, 508 sq.; not on the
Creeds, enriched from Canons, 592; chief is humility, and casting out Sabbath (Saturday), 217, 317,
in singular or plural, 592-3; that personal faults, 448. 513; a canonical observance,
of Antioch, 592, 593, 596, 601. Divine government, questions upon, 236, 512; may be relaxed by
Cross, sign of, 382,447; preached by authority, 242-3, 509, 51 1-2;
S. Paul, 567; an offence to the Divinity of Christ, misrepresented by Easter fast announced by Festal
world, 567, 598. heresy, 551 sq. ; is not a later letters, 401; the Lenten fast,
Curzon quoted, 185. addition, 553 sq., 561. •=*
Cyclinnius, perhaps Bishop of Frejus, Dorner quoted, 564. Fasting, not alike to all, 235, 317,
552- Dove descended on Christ, 610. 508 sq.; rules for, 236 sq., 306,
Cyril of Alexandria quoted, 190, 401. Duchesne quoted, 401. 316 sq., 508 sq.; canonical o\>-
Duties in the monastery divided, 224. servance, 236, 512; a spiritual
Dalila the Philistine, 465. exercise, 241-2, 297, 508 sq.;
Daniel, Egyptian priest, visited Cas- Easter, time announced from Alex- is sparing and voluntary, 243,
sian and Gcrmanus, 187, 330. andria, 401; preceded by Lent, 297. 317. 3»8, 508 sq.; only an
David, as an example of self-restraint, aid to perfection, 298 sq., 306,
259, 260. Easter and \\hitsuntide season, 207, 316, 317, 508, 510, 512; when
" how
Daughters of men," related to 212,447; called Quinquagesima, harmful, 306, 316, 508, 510;
the fallen angels, 382 sq. 207, 212, 447, 503; its customs, is not good in itself, 508, 509;

Dead man raised to life, 446-7; the 207, 212. its value, 510 sq.; not to be
bodies embalmed, 447. Easter-Eve, 513. done in anger, 457; not always
Decanus, the dean in a monastery, Eating only at meals, 224. done by the disciples, 510,
221. Ebion, speculations as to his per- 511.
Dejection, as hurting the soul, 264 sonality, 551; a humanitarian, Faults, overcome by three thoughts,
sq-. 339. 342. 343; whence and 55'. 588. 416; their nature and cure, 435,
how it comes, 265, 342; how Ebionites, their teaching about Christ, 493 how cured even in solitude,

healed, 264 sq. 350; when use- 551. 588. 494-S-

ful, 266; akin to Accidie, 266, Economy, the divine, 588. Fear, an imperfect motive, 419; the
343; of two kinds, 344; as Envy, a fault hard to cure, 488. outcome of greatest love, 420;
despair of salvation, 265. Ephesus, Council of, 549. leads to perfection, 421, 422.
Demoniacs, as possessed, 366. Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, pro- Feeling, sudden changes of, 331; of
moted monasticism, 212; quoted, fear and hope, how imperfect,
Deposition of a late abbot, celebrated,
185, 489. 274, 401, 488, 551. 419.
Descent into hell, with release to Epiphany, account of the festival, Feet- washing in the monastery, 225.
" Festal letters "
some, 213-4. 401. announcing Easter,
Desert, its
advantages, 491. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons, 189, 401, 402.
Devils, how united to the human 413. 479; epitomised Cassian's Filtanius, Bishop in G.nul, 192.
soul, 366, 371, 374; subject to Institutes, 193; received the Flesh, used with different meanings,
man's power, 382; have power dedication of Seven Confer- 333; its lust, 333 sq.; as affected
over the possessed, 366, 371, ences, 477, 479. by freewill, 334 sq.; and spirit,
374, 382; how they know men's Eunomians, 446, 551; perhaps sepa- 332 sq.
thoughts, 367, 371, 389; tempt rated the Persons of the Trin- Fleury quoted, 184, 552.
Florentius, Bishop of Hippo Diar- begins, continues, and ends, Healing, gifts of, 445, 446.
rhytus, 555. 328-9 331, 365; why allows Heathen virtues and God's grace,
Food, dried, 225, 226, 375; raw, 225, temptations, 331-2, 430; our 424.
226; abstinence from, 235 sq., desertion by, 332; not unjust or Hefele quoted, 556.
:?o6j 316 sq.; canonical allow- careless, 352 sq.; a moral gov- Helladius, Bishop, friend of Cassian,
ance to monks, 318,491; monk- ernor, 351 sq.; did not create- 189, 293, 387, 413, 477; see
ish feast described, 375, 491 ; evil, 354, 377; alone unchange- unknown, 293; induced Cassian
quantity used is made a measure able, 360, 582; alone incorpo- to write his Conferences, 413,
of time, 491. real, 366; universal ruler for Heresies, a list of, 551-2; propagate
Fornication, 339 sq., 343, 345, 367, good, 373, 385 made everything
each other, 552, 555, 580, 581,
424,449, 506; remedies for, 339 perfect, 385; as "taken away 599, 600; new condemned in
sq-. 343. 344. 350; three sorts from me," 402; His help essen- the old, 556; pervert the Scrip-
of the sin, 344, 424; in. thought, tial to us, 423 sq.; His daily tures, 614, 616.
494. providence, 425, 433; His in- Hermas Pastor, 382.
Francis de Sales quoted, 541. scrutable providence, 433, 434, Hermiani, 302.
" born of a
Freewill, in relation to divine grace, 445; as woman," de- Heron, aged anchorite, attempted
192, 193, 325 sq., 365, 424, 426 nied by Nestorius, 549, 560, suicide, 310.
sq.; the difificulty stated, 329, 561, 568, 569; the Word of, Hesycas, pupil of S. Jerome, intro-
426; as between Flesh and truly Incarnate, 553-4, 560-I, duced monasticism into Cyprus,
Spirit, 334 sq., 365; given by 568 sq., 604; not God but God- 212.
God as part of human nature, head united to the manhood, Hezekiah, an example of vainglory,
428 sq.; not sufficient for salva- 557, 583, 585 sq.; born in hu- 277.
tion, 434; its weakness, 427. man form, 558, 561, 563, 569, Hilarian introduced monasticism into
Freewill offerings, 513, 515. 577, 582; being pierced," Palestine, 212.
Friendship,Conference upon, 450 sq.; said in prophecy, 558; name Hilary of Poictiers, 188, 617; con-
of different kinds, 450; how and given to Christ, 557 sq., 563-4, fessor for the faith and banished,
when indissoluble, 450-2; only 577; as applied to men, 563; 617; his teaching on the Incar-
among the perfect, 451; some to Him nothing impossible, 604; nation, 617.
cannot last, 460. as seen face to face, 610; cruci- Hilary, layman, correspondent of
Frontinius, ascetic, retired to Nitria, fied in the Lord of Glory, 569; S. Augustine, 191, 192.
186. Son of, aenied by the Jews, Hippolytus quoted, 488.
579; yet true of Christ, 582. Holy Communion, when celebrated,
Games, the Grecian, may teach spiri- Godhead, fulness of, in Christ, 583; 213.
tual rules, 237-9. united to the manhood in Christ, Holy Ghost, called a creature by
Gehazi, an example of covetousness, 557. 583 sq. Macedonius, 552; not in Christ
256, 257. Good, the highest unreached, 521 as in the saints, 582; how re-
Gennadius quoted, 183, 184, 193, sq. ; obtained from temptation, lated to Christ's conception, 613;
" "
does not prevent the agency of
194. 542; good things discussed,
Germanus, friend and fellow-traveller 352 sq. the Son, 613-5.
of Cassian, 184, 295, 300; spiri- Goodness, human compared with the Homo, its theological meaning, 554,
tual brother to Cassian, 185; in divine, 521. 557. 598, 601, 602.
monastery at Bethlehem, 184; Gore quoted, 330. Homo dominicus, a term now disused,
visited the Goulbourn quoted, 541.
Egyptian anchorites, 383, 421, 602.
184-5; ordained at Constanti- Grace of God in our perfection, 192, Honoratus, Bishop of Aries, 189, 190,
nople, 188; sent with Cassian to 283 sq., 331, 423, 582; as al- 191, 413; received dedication of
Rome, 188; discusses Freewill lowing for freewill, 325 sq.; seven Conferences from Cassian,
and Grace with Paphnutius, forsakes us for a time and pur- 477-
325 sq.; Eight principal faults pose, 332; how related to hea- Honorius of Autun, 183.
with Serapion, 339 sq.; Incon- then virtues, 424; essential to us, Hood of the Egyptian monk, 202.
stancy of mind and Spiritual 423 sq. ; precedes and follows Hooker quoted, 209, 575, 577.
wickedness with Serenus, 361 sq. our goodwill, 427-8; never Hope, an imperfect motive, 419.
Girdle, the mark of a monk, 201; against human effort, 430; gives Hort quoted, 592.
spiritually understood, 204-5. many calls, 432; transcends all Hours of prayer, authorities for, 214;
Gladiator, as a Christian type, 345-6. human faith, 423; supports the third, 205, 212, 213, 214;
Gloria Patri used, 208, 209. where law condemns, 505; con- the sixth, 205, 213, 214; the
Gluttony, 317, 339 sq., 367; forbid- trasted with law, 505, 515 sq., ninth, 205, 213, 214; daily, 205,
den to the monks, 234 sq.; rem- 527; frees saints from the law of 212 sq.; the seven canonical,
edies for, 239 sq., 340 sq., 348, sin, 527, 529; gives easy for- 214, 215.
350; of three kinds, 343; repre- giveness, 527; its gift innate in Humanitarianism of Ebion, 551, 552;
sented by the Egyptians, 348; Christ as God, 560-1; as repre- of Nestorianism, 580-1, 608-9.
how a daily debtor, 349, sented in Pelagianism, 190 sq.
350,367. Humility, among the monks, 225 sq.,
Goal, valuable to have one fixed, 300; Gregory, Naz., Bishop of Constanti- its signs, 232, 497; a
229, 331;
that the soul cleave to God,
298; nople, 620; teaching on the In- cure
for pride, 279, 282, 287,
goal and aim of life, 296 sq.; of carnation, 619; quoted, 583. 290, 331, 457; mock humility,
a monk discoursed
upon, 187. Gregory, Bishop of Rome, quoted, 484; true humility, 484, 497-8.
God, anthropologically spoken of, 218, 258, 279, 483. Hydra, the tale, 551; a symbol of
258; His grace and help stated, Gyrovagi, monks spoken of by S. heresy, 551.
283 sq., 365, 423 sq.; contem- Benedict, 482, 483. Hypostasis, its theological use, 576.
plation of, how gained, 302; au-
thor and finisher of grace,
Hypostatic union in Christ, 575, 576,
325 Hahn quoted, 592. . 602.
sq. ; faith and virtues from Him, Hall quoted, 234.
327 sq., 331, 377. 423 sq., 445; Hammond (Lit.) quoted, 483. Idleness full of danger, 273,. 536.

Image of God restored in Christ, 607, I John iv. 2, 3, criticism

upon, 587. Lessons in Church, two or three,
608. Joseph, anchorite in Egypt, 184, 185, 206; how selected, 207.
Impossible commands, if
given to a 416, 449, 450; received Cas- Lies, to be feared, 464, 465; admit
monk, 221, 227. sian and Germanus, 184, 416, of casuistry, 465; Scripture ex-
Impossibilities not to be mentioned re- 450 ; had been primarius of amples considered, 465-7; can
garding God, 604, 606. Thmuis, 185, 450 ; could speak we be driven into them, 468;
Impure cannot give or receive spiri- in Greek, 450 ; first Conference
examples of dissembling and
tualknowledge, 442; may have on Friendship, 450 sq.; second hiding, 469, 470.
knowledge beyond the saints, Conference on making promises, Life, uprightness of, more than mira-
442, 443; has not true know- 460 sq. cles, 449.
ledge, 443. Jovinianus, a holy brother, friend of Lightfoot quoted, 394.
Incarnation, the, Cassian's writings Cassian, 477. Locust, illustrative of Christ's birth,
upon, 549 sq.; statement of, Judas, an example of covetousness, 607.
555 sq., 564. 568 sq., 573 sq., 255, 256, 257, 472 ; had no Lord's Prayer and its Petitions, 393 sq.
577 sq.; S. John's teaching merit in our salvation, 335, 463, Love, to guide even in
reproofs, 272;
upon, 584; the mystery implies 472. the divine, will not end, 299;
the Divinity, 588, 606; no ques- Julius Africanus quoted, 383. how to attain its height, 417,
tion of time, 604, 606; no ques- Justin Martyr quoted, 230. 452; protection against sin, 417.
tion of possibility or impossi- Juvenal quoted, 544. 418; perfects God's image and
bility, 604, 606; confessed by likeness, 418, 452; perfected in
Martha, Peter, and Thomas, Kindness, even to the idle and care- prayer for our enemies, 419,
569 sq. ; testimonies in the less, 271; also to the erring, 452; the bond of true friend-
church, 617 sq. 272. ship, 450 sq.; lost in disputes
Inconsistency of mind and spiritual Kindred, should be far from monks, and angry feelings, 452-3; is
wickedness, 187, 361 sq. 534. S3Si 539; should not pay God, 454; of different grades,
Indifferent things, what, 352 sq. for monks' wants, 535, 536; .454-.
Indulgences to monks, 218, 242. should be welcomed when visit- Lucifer, turned from archangel to
Inferiors may see a truth and offer a ing, 540. devil, 280-1.
good suggestion, 454. Kneeling, when forbidden, 212, 507; Lucius, Arian, Bishop of Alexandria,
Intention qualifies an action, 463. custom considered, 507. 483-
Intercession, what, 391. Knowledge of the religious, practical Lumby quoted, 597.
Irenaeus quoted, 488, 515. and contemplative, 435 sq.; Lust of the flesh and of the spirit dis-
Isaac, Egyptian abbot, 187, 387; dis- practical twofold, 435, 436, 438; coursed upon, 187.
ciple of S. Antony, 387; his system of true knowledge, 439.
two Conferences on prayer, 387 Macarius, abbot, his advice to monks,
sq., 401 sq. Labbe quoted, 553. 248.
Isidore of Seville, his rule, 215, 220, Labour, among the monks, 210 sq., Macarius of Alexandria, 248, 372,
221. 268 sq.; joined with prayer, a*!, 436; was over the guest-house,
Isidore, presbyter in Egypt, 486, 487. 213, 268; prevents many faults, 436; master in perfection, 453.
Israel, interpretation of the word, 271. Macarius of Upper Egypt, 248, 345,
293. 350. 609. Laodicea, Council of, 213, 217. 446; story about, 537.
Lateness, penance for, 216. Macarius, priest of Cellse, 352.
Jacob, deceiver yet given the blessing, Lauds, service of, 215, 216. Macedonians, 551.
463; wrestled with God, 609. Laziness, as found in a monastery, Machetes, anchorite, 243 sq.; his
Jerome, his dates, 184; at Bethlehem 273 sq. counsels, 244.
monastery, 184; writer and trans- Leisure, itstemptations, 269, 271. Mafor, the monk's cape, 203.
lator, 200; visited the Egyptian Lent, its fast, the tithe of the year, Magical arts, 382, 384.
monks, 186; much respected by 513; very counted,
differently Man, his aim and perfect bliss, 404:
Cassian, 184; teaches the Incar- 513, 514, only a small
515; made immortal, 425; was proved
nation, 618; quoted, i!i2, 218, tithe, 5'5» was not in primitive by temptations, 430 sq. strength

221, 222, J26, 243, 258, 274, times, 515. of will tested, 430; called by
304, 339, 468, 481, 544, 574, Leo, Bishop of Rome, friend of Cas- grace, 432; goodness not good
604, (yog.ef^l sian, 188, 549; induced Cassian like God's, 521, 582; his moral
Joash, an example of pride, 286. to write on the Incarnation, inability, 519 sq., 553; under
Job, his victory, 356; Job's patience 549; had been archdeacon, 190; the law of sin, 525 sq., 552,
no benefit to the devil, 355. quoted, 554. 553; not man, but manhood,
John, abbot of Thmuis, 436, 437. Leontius, Bishop, 189, 192, 293, 387, united to Godhead, 557.
John Chrysostom, Bishop Con- of 592; had dedication of Cassian's Manhood and Godhead in Christ,
stantinople, came from Antioch, Conferences, 293, 413, 477. 557, 583 sq.; Christ's shown in
620; teacher of the Incarnation, " brother " at the New Testament, 584 sq.
Leontius, a Marseilles,
619,620; ordained Cassian, 184, 189, 477. Mansi quoted, 592.
188; quoted, 184. Leporius of Treves, heretic, his his- Manichees and their teaching, 583,
John, Egyptian abbot, of; great Jiu- tory, 552, 553; propagated 584, 588.
mility, 185, 243, 246,' 247, 437, Pclagianism, 190, 552, 553, Marcellus oi Ancyra, master of Pho-
489, 490, 496; became a Coeno- 616; combined it with Nestori- tinus, 552.
bite for austerity, 185, 490; dis- anism, 552> 616; was recovered Marcionites, errors on the Incarna-
coursed upon the aim of the by S. Augustine, 552, 553, 554; tion, 584.
coenobite and hermit, 185, 489 recanted his Pelagianism, 553 Marinus, Bishop in Gaul, 192.
sq.; had charge of the alms, sq.; his letters of recantation, Mark, first Bishop of Alexandria, 206.
SOS- .
552, 553. 554. 555. Marriage v, spiritual perfection, 505-
John of Lycopolis, 188, 226, 306, Lerins, monastery, 188, 189; famous 7; its teaching upon the Incar-
545- in its scholars, 188. nation, 588-9.
Marseilles, its monasteries, 189. 216, 217; introduced into Pales- how affected by eight faults,
Martha, her case and Mary's, 298; tineand Cyprus, 212. 339 sq., 348; are best as ambi-
her confession, 569. Money-changers, their duties, 304 dextrous, 356 sq.; should re-

Martin, Bishop of Tours, his influence sq., 311.

main in their cells, 360, 535;
on monasticism, 189. Monks, of three kinds in Egypt, 185, instant in prayer, 387 sq., 398;
479 sq.; perhaps a fourth, 482- teach the younger by example,
Martyr-relics, 351, 352.
Mary, Ever-Virgin, 554, 556, 617, 3; in the Egyptian deserts, 185, 416, 479; should have patience
618; truly Theotocos, 556, 557, 186, 206, 480; as seen when with a brother, 455, 456; silence
559, 560, 561, 562, 563. 570, lately visited, 186, 242;
their not patience, 456; fast spoiled
581. 583. 595. 596, 597, 604, robe, 202, 222; their girdle, by anger, 457; gain by relaxa-
605, 606, 611, 612, 618, 620; 201, 204; not usually wearing tion, 540; the work best suited
not merely Christotocos, 556, s.ickcloth, 202; their hood, for monks and solitaries, 533;

570, 581, 596, 620; strengthened tunic, 202; their scapular, 205; hindered by kindred, 534, 535,
to become Theotocos, 55^, 581, their cords, cape, sheepskin, 536, 540; how they began to
604, 606; her part in the Con- goatskin, staff, 203; their bed, retire from the world, 480-1;

ception of Christ, 557, 562, 572, 222, 307, 461; no shoes but into heresy on the Godhead,

598, 604, 606, 611, 612, 617; sandals, 204; their food, 222, 187; their spiritual adoption and
bore her Creator, 574; had a 224, 242, 316, 317, 318, 343; union, 543-4.
Son Eternal, 573 sq., 604, 605, their meals, 218, 222, 224, 242, Montalembert quoted, 188.
606; had a son greater than her- 312, 318, 343, 375, 422, 489, Moral questions and difficulties dis-
self, 574; was of the same sub- 491; their wardrobe, 222; their cussed, 351 sq., 460 sq., 468-9,
stance with Christ, 605, 606, cells, 210, 222, 243, 245, 278, 519 sq.; on the divine govern-
607. 307, 339, 360, 416, 480, 497, ment, 352-3; on blame and
Massilians, 191. 533, 535' ^°^ ^^^^^ trained, merit, 354; on moral weakness,
Mats,' for sleeping and writing on in 206, 221, 268 sq., 480; trained 519, 520, 525 sq., 529.
" More blessed to give than to re-
the cells, 222, 307, 445, 461. by work, 227, 232, 268 sq., 484,
Mazices, a tribe met in the Thebaid, 489; trained in obedience, 206, ceive," 273.
310. 221, 222, 278, 288; their duties, Mortification, discoursed upon, 186.
Meals, in fasting, 243. 251, 343, 489; indulged on Moses, abbot in Calamus desert,
Meditation on God, 301. Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, 321.
Melotes of a monk, 203. 218, 375, 491; their absolute Moses, abbot in Nitrian Valley, 187,
Memorial and oblation for those at renunciation, 219 sq., 248 sq., 275; gave Cassian and Ger-
rest, 310. 343, 5355 ^^^ ^'^^ endow the manus two discourses, 187, 275;
Memory should be filled with Scrip- monastery with their money, abbot at Scete, 293, 295; ex-
tifreand good thoughts, 441. 219, 220; clothed and fed by posed to temptation, 372; mas-
Merits, where not allowed, 423. the monastery, 220, 222, 491, ter in perfection, 493; first Con-
Mind, concentrated in prayer, 386, 535; might be dismissed, 220; ference, on The goal and aim of
389, 408, 441, 530; in persever- served a noviciate, 220; con- a monk, 295 sq.; second Confer-
ance, 365, 388; .its perfection, fessed to a senior, 221, 286, 313, ence, on The grace of discretion,
363-4; wanders, 362 sq., 388, 314; had no property, 219, 222, 307 sq.
389, 408 sq., 441, 530; question 251, 25577,.297, 338, 339, 535,
of its remaining in one condi- their inconsistencies, 223, Narbonne, third Council of, 209.
tion, 359, 362 sq.; even celes- 250, 251, 262, 287, 343 sq., Natural impulses useful, yet may be
tial may change, 360. sinful, 249.
" V)rother " at Mar- 455, 456, 457, 484, 493, 533;
Minervius, a their penances, 211, 216, 223; Natural knowledge of the law, 384-5.
seilles, 189, 477. readings at meals, 218, 224, Natures in Christ, two and perfect,
Mines, common penalty for confes- 225; weekly share of duties, 554; not one substance, 554.
sors, 483. 224; their fasting, 234 sq., 316 Nesteros, anchorite and abbot in
Miracle of the loaves and fishes, 591, sq., 489, 507 sq. ; celebration Egypt, 184, 416, 435; received
605; not explained how, 591; of anniversary, 489; not to Cassian and Germanus, 185, 416,
mystically interpreted, 591. judge others, 244, 268, 269; 435; gave them two discourses,
Miraculous powers, 445, 446, 447, their pessimistic murmurs, 250, 185; first Conference, on Spirit-
591; not from human merits, 343; sowing discontent, 251, ual Knowledge, 435 sq.; second
447; less than moral upright- 273; combat dejection, 264 sq., Conference, on Divine Gifts, 445
ness, 449. 540; uproot anger, 257 sq.; aim
Missa, use of word shown, 208, 210, at perfect calmness, 259, 297, Nestorianism, its origin, 190, 549,
216, 218, 278. 298, 484, 489; also at patience 551, 556, 580; its heresy, 190,
Monastery, the Egyptian, described, in the heart, 262, 484, 498; 552, 553, 556, 561, 580, 581,
187; adapted to conditions, 204; some temptations are wanting 608 sq.; connected with Pelagi-
practice of psalm-singing, 205 in solitude, 262; must guard anism, 190, 551, 552, 553, 555,
honours and precedences
sq.; against Accidie, 266 sq., 540; 580 sq., 616; caused more ac-
within, 205sq.; duties within, escape from the monastery, 273; curate statements in theology,
2iosq.,25i; how different from combat pride and vainglory, 399; refused to B. V. M. the title
a Coenobium, 483. 280
275 sq., sq., 484, 491, 497; Theotocos, 556 sq., 580, 581;
Monasticism, organised in Lower avoidwomen and bishops, 279, approached in Cassian's lan-
Egypt, 186, 413; how developed 371,401; how they deteriorate, guage, 564; was humanilarian-
in Gaul, 188, 189, 199,
413; 287, 288, 310, 484, 532; their ism, 580, 581, 608-9; allowed
Western owed much to Cassian, aim and end, 295 sq., 307 sq. ; to Christ divinity through His
189, 199, 201
sq. ; how de- aim at purity of heart, 296; and merits, 553 sq., 561 sq., 580;
veloped the East, 212 sq.;
in at discretion, 307 sq. ; have three called Christ Theodochos 581,
its institutes, 201, 205 sq. ; its vocations, 320 sq.; must avoid 608; its blasphemy, 610.
austerity and strictness, 205 sq.. Nestorius, Bishop of Constantinople,
gluttony, 343, 348, 349, 491;

190, 549, 556, 592, 594; written 402; fought openly with demons, mony to the Incarnation, 569;
against by Cassian, 183, 188, 449; admired in youth for good- confesses the faith of Christ, 570.
189, 190, 19s, 399, 549 sq,, ness and grace, 486, 487; mas- Petitions in the Lord's Prayer ex-
592 sq., 608—21; had belonged ter in perfection, 493; how plained, 393 sq.
to Euprepius' monastery at An- accused of theft, 486-7; was he Phantasm, charged of Christ, 583,
tioch, 592; fell away from the bishop or presbyter, 330. 584, 590, 594.
truth, 593 sq. ; belonged to An- Paralysis, case of, 372. Piamun, abbot in Egypt, 188, 246,
tioch, 594, 620; presuming to Patermucius, abbot, 227, 228. 469, 479; hid his abstinence,
be bishop, priest, and deacon, Patriarchs, the, desired to see Christ 469; and position,
his character

yet a heretic, 596, 597, 600, and His Day, 589, 590. 479; conference on three sorts
620; taught two Christs, 598-9; Patience assumes different evil forms, of monks, 479 sq.
erred regarding the Trinity, 599; 455 sq.; strong in yielding, Pinufius, Egyptian abbot and priest,
summary of his teaching, 619-21 ; 458; how to be gained, 484; ex- 185, 228 sq., 496 sq.; his ex-
denounced by Cassian for im- amples of, 485, 487, 489. treme humility, 228 sq., 496-7;
piety and heresy, 603 sq., 620-I. Paul, the Apostle, as a Christian ath- fled to the Thebaid, then to
Nicaea, council of, 507; canons lete, 239, 240; advises against Palestine, 229, 497; conference
moulded the creeds, 592. Accidie, 268, 269, 270; taught on the End of penitence and the
Nicholas, one of the deacons, author by example and words, 270; Marks of satisfaction, 496 sq.;
of heresy, 487, 488. was trained in his call, 316; the on renunciants, 229, 496; sketch
Nicolaitans, their origin doubtful, form of his purification, of his life, 496-7.
468; his
488. Pious frauds, 465, 466; attributed to
apostolic work, 559, 567; teach-
Nile in Egypt, frequented by the ing of his call, 365; preached Apostles, 467, 468.
monks, 185, 246,416; its floods, the cross, 567. Plani, devils, 374.
447- Paul, Egyptian abbot, 185, 274, 275, Pliny quoted, 304.
Nitrian valley and its monasteries, 371, 489; had a large monastery, Poisons given in honey, 607, 608.
186, 352. 185; his work annually burned Possessed, those, with unclean spirits,
Noah, transmitter of knowledge, 384. by himself, 274-5; originator of 370sq.,487; not to be despised,
Nocturnal illusions discoursed upon, Anchoritism, 481. t^ oH ^'Mf-*^'^ 372» 373; debarred from the
186. Paul of Samosata, 592. ^Ovy* foJ^
Holy Communion, 372; question
Nocturns, 205, 206, 215, 216. Pearson quoted, 556. of their exclusion discussed,
Nones, 205, 212 sq. Pelagianism, connected with Nes- 373; cleansed, 487.
torianism, 190, 552, 555, 580 Poverty, monastic, 219 sq., 248 sq.
Oath, often rash, 462, 470. sq.; its history, 190, 551 sq.; 338 sq., 535 sq.
Obedience and subjection, required its aim in lowering Christ, 581. Prayer, discoursed upon, 187, 207
from the coenobite, 185; to an- Pelagians, 285. sq-. 331. 387sq.,405; in-prostra-
cient and approved customs, Pelagius, his impiety, 581; taught tion, 208, 507; collecting prayer,
202; absolute, learned by the two Christs and was humanita- 208, 484; canonical prayers,
young monks, 221, 222, 225, rian, 598, 616. 208, 210, 400; conciseness and
338; to what perfection, 222, Penance, monastic, 211, 216, 223, silence in, 209, 210,400; mixed
225 sq., 248; even to God may 486, 502. with psalm-singing, 209, 408,
be fruitless, 657. Penitence, blessed to David and to 461; suspense from, as a pen-
Offices at hours of prayer, 214. the thief, 283; its aim, 497 sq.; ance, 211, 212; fixed time for,
Oil, the form of blessing, 244; blessed its modes, 498; its fruits, 499 sq. in monastery, 212, 507; sclf-

by contact with the corpse, 372; Pentecost, the term how used, 207. collectedness in, 209, 331, 388,
plain, used at the anchorite Pera of a monk, 203. 405 sq., 408; the road to per-
meals, 375, 491, 492. Perfect bliss aimed at, 404. fection, 387 sq., 405 sq.; pure
Only Begotten was incarnate, 554. Perfection, discoursed upon, 185, and sincere, 388, 405 sq.;
Orange, council of, 193. 232, 234, 295 sq.; in and by strictly in private, 400; different
Ordination to the priesthood, 330. God, 283, 284, 287, 290, 346, characters of, 390; fourfold
Origen, quoted, 230, 304, 382. 423, 525; its teachers, 284; nature of, 391-2; method of con-
what are only aids to, 298, 525; tinual, 405 sq.; with standing at
Pachomius, rule of, 218, 219, 220, how to be reached, 234 sq., 259 certain seasons, 507; daily and
222, 223, 224, 225, 307. sq., 262, 265, 279, 283, 287, at fixed hours, 214, 422, 437,
Paesius, anchorite in Egypt, 243. 290, 296, 308, 313, 319, 322, 445; as being heard, 398 sq.;
Paget, quoted, 234. 345 sq., 351, 404. 417. 436, conditions of an answer, 398 sq.,
Palladius visited the Egyptian monks, 493. 499 sq, 502, 525; in con- 405; proper kinds, 392, 405; to
186, 226, 243, 246, 275, 314, stant prayer, 387; what aimed God alone, 391, 405 sq.
319. 339. 387. 416, 479, 503. at, 404, 420, 493, 502, 524; in Predestination and Freewill, 190-1.
Panephysis, Egyptian city, 229, 371, love, 417; of different kinds, Pride, combated by a monk, 275 sq.,
415,416, 497. 420; in the work and line begun, 280 sq., 339; its forms many, 275
Papa, the word how used, 199, 293. 436, 493; an example in one sq., 280 sq., 287; solitude no
Paphnutius, surnamed the Buffalo," case, 437; picture of, in acts protection, 276; destructive to
Egyptian abbot, 187, 247, 310, of daily life, 437; in teaching virtues, 280 sq., 290; as in Luci-
319 sq., 449, 486; his austerity, Scripture and doctrine, 444; in fer, 281; destroyed by humility,

187, 486; receives Cassian and yielding more than in mastering, 282 sq., 287, 290, 350; exam-
Germanus, 187; reformed his 458; in patience, an example, ples. 286, 289; carnal, 287, 289;
monastery, 187; was of Scete, 487; in only one direction at spiritual, 287, 342; its fruits,
319, 402, 486; several bearing once, 493; by forgetfulness of 288 sq.; remedies against, 290,
the name, 319; presbyter, 330, sin, 501; needs more grace, 342; Satanic suggestion, 374.
402, 486; promoted Daniel to 525; through humility, 525. Priesthood and diaconate, 278, 286,
the priesthood, 330; received Peter, the Apostle, at Rome with 293, 330; their dignity sacrificed
and read the Festal Letters, Simon Magus, 218; his testi- by Nestorius, 594-7, 600.
Proculus, Bishop of Marseilles, 552. Rule,. the Catholic, 202; monastic, to 283, 422; in Cassian's writings,
Property in monastery is common, be adapted to cases, 204. 190 sq., 422 sq.
202, 205. Serapion, Egyptian ascetic, 187, 339,
Prophets, as witnesses for Christ, Sabbath (Saturday), exempted from 484; discoursed with Cassian
557 sq., 578-9. 583- 589; de- fasting, 212, 217, 218, 513; a and Germanus, 187, 339 sq.;
siring to see Christ and His day,
feast with Sunday, 217, 513; at' was educated under Abbot The-
589- Rome a fast, 218. onas, 312, 339; his anecdote
Prosper of Aquitaine quoted, 184, Sabbatier quoted, 202, 258. about himself, 312, 484; became
474- Sabellianism, form of, taught by Pho- anthropomorphite, 402; several
Protection by God, discoursed upon, tinus, 552; the heresy, 593. of the same name, 339.
185. Sabellians, 551. Serapion of Arsinoe, abbot of icoo
Psalms, sung by the monks, 205, 225, Sackcloth not a monk's robe, 202. monks, 339.
408, 409; fixed at twelve, 206, Sacrament (mysterium), 303. Serenus, Egyptian abbot, 187, 375;
207, 210; the order, 205 sq. ; by Sacramentum explained, 204, 214, discoursed to Cassian and Ger-
the priest alone chanting, 209; 574. manus,187, 361 sq., 375 sq.;
sung in sections, 209, 2IO; divi- Saints, how far different from Christ, Conference, on Inconstancy

ded by prayers, 209,408; modes 582, 587, 590, 594. of Mind and Spiritual wicked-
of singing, 217; arrangements Salt-fishused by the monks, 226. ness, 361 sq.; second Confer-
at Lauds, Prime, and Matins, 216, Sandals of a monk, 204. ence, on Principalities, 375 sq.
217. Sarabaites, an order of monks, 185, Seth and his seed as God's elect, 383
" detested and
Ptolemy quoted, 436. 480; execrable," sq.; had knowledge from Adam,
Purity of heart aimed at, 296 sq., 340, 482; painted by Cassian in dark- 383,384; naturally had complete
346, 361 sq. the measure of our
; est colours,480; broke off from knowledge of the law, 384.
heavenly vision, 403. the Coenobites, 482. Sickness cured, 445, 446.
Saraceni, their slaughter of monks, Silence, general, at meals, 224; at
Quadragesima, 513, 514. 187, 351 sq. psalm-singing, 209; in the cells,
Quinquagesima from Easter to Pente- Satan, the devil, tempter of the 460.
cost, 212, 447, 503; relaxation monks, 210, 304 sq., 312 sq., Simeon, expert copyist, friend of
during the season, 503 sq. 331. 365; perverting Scripture, Cassian, 247.
305, 306, 612; appeared, 306, Sin, its nature, 524 sq.; as a present
Rahab's action at Jericho, 465. 310, 311; cast out of a monk, power, 517, 518, 522, 523 sq.,
Ravvlinson quoted, 436. 312-3; a fallen spirit, 335, 377 552; present in the best, 523,
Recantation of Leporius, 552-3. sq.; forced to acknowledge 527, 530; the body of, 528;
Relaxation, useful to a monk, 540; Christ's divinity, 610-2; feared present even in prayer, 530;
at Quinquagesima season, 503 sq. Christ, 614; his motive for tempt- brought on man by the Fall,
Relics of Martyrs, 251, 252. ing Christ, 610 sq.; tried to 525-6; in Adam's transgression
Remoboth, monks mentioned by S. defeat human redemption, 611, our heritage, 525 sq.; grace frees
Jerome, 482. 612, from the law of sin, 528; sin as
Renunciants of Tabenna, 219 sq. Satisfaction for sin, and a natural law, 527; law of sin
their discipline, 219 sq., 469; 496 sq. is obedience to it, 528; if man
their novitiate, 220, 231.
Saturday and Sunday services, 213, can be sinless, 552.
Renunciation, discoursed upon, 187, .319. 513- Sins, different kinds of, 252, 347;
206, 230 sq., 248 sq., 532 sq.; Saviour, a title belonging to Christ, corresponding to the Seven Na-
by the monks, 206, 219 sq., 248 580. tions of Palestine, 347; cr to
sq., 256, 338; must be complete, Scapular of the monks, 205. Eight, 348; or to Ten, 349;
219 sq., 251, 252, 253, 256, Scete, in the Egyptian desert, 185, blind the eyes to sinfulness,
287, 297, 322, 338, 342, 439, 186, 278, 293, 294, 319, 330, 523; how to be shunned and
505> 532; by the apostles and 352, 416, 533; date of Cassian's overcome, 417-8; how forgiven,
primitive church, 253 sq., 486; visituncertain, 186, 187, 188. 496 sq.; worse than devils, 371.
only an aid to perfection, 298, Scripture, how read by the monks, Sitting at psalm-singing in Egypt,
322, 439; threefold, 320, 321, 206, 207; its senses, 260, 377, 207, 210; an indulgence in the
338; Scripture examples, 322-3, 437, 440; perverted for a pur- West, 216; sitting in their order
505; by the Coenobites, 480; its pose, 273, 329, 464, 611, 616; at meals, 224.
recompense, 543, 544, 545; of misunderstood and misapplied, Sixtus, Roman priest, friend of S.
the soul's possession of sins,
306, 310, 329, 354, 443, 444, Augustine, 190.
323-4. 611; itsvariety, 376, 440, 464 Slanders by the heretics, 603 sq.
Repentance, 266. sq.; true knowledge, how to
its Smith and Cheetham, D. C. A., 194,
Resurrection, a birth and regenera- be attained, 438, 439, 443, 464; 203, 208, 217, 241, 401, 482,
tion, 585; His "abinferis" not manifold meanings, 440, 611; 503. 515-
to be denied, 600, 603. meaning hid from the ungodly Smith and Wace, D. C. B., 183, 186,
Revelations, satanic and false, 310, mind, 443, 444, 464; its econ- 387. 552.
311- omy, 464 sq. used as a cloak to
; Socrates, story about, 424.
Riches of different kinds, 324; their
heresy, 608; its te.stimony to Socrates (Hist.) quoted, 217, 248,
renunciation, 324 sq. truth of doctrine, 569 sq.; fear 486, 556, 620.
Righteousness, divine and human, of perversion does not close Sodom sinned in fulness of bread,
521 sq. Scripture, 464 sq. 235.
Robe of a monk, 202. .

Scythia, named as Cassian's birth- Solitude, excludes some temptations,

Rope dancers, 524. place, 183. 262, 493 sq. ; cannot have others,
Rufinus teaches the Incarnation, 618;
Secundinus, Bishop of Megarmita, 262; has its own, 262, 362, 493
quoted, 186, 226, 243, 246, 248, 555- no protection
sq-._533. 539. 540;
314. 319. 339. 446, 479. 486, Seluciani, 302. against pride, 276, 277; resorted
503. 551. 578, 592. 607. Semi-Pelagianism, 190, 191, to by the monks, 262, 319, 362,

404, 491, 493, 533, 539, 540; 227, 228, 230, 430, 484, 485, torius, 599; present in the Con-
itsadvantages, 491, 493, 533; 541; of renunciation, 206, 219 ception, 557, 613; present in
can show faults to the monk sq., 227, 228, 230, 541. every work of Christ, 613 sq.;
himself, 494. Thanksgiving, 392. its unity denied by Macedonius,
Sons of God " as the seed of Seth, Thebaid, 415. 552.
Thennesus, town described, 415. Truth, must it always be told, 464

Soul, aim and perfect bliss, 404;

its Theodochos, Nestorian title for sq., 468-9; gains by thorough
subject to the law and body of Christ, 581, 582, 608, 609. ventilation, 555; has fixed au-
sin, 523 sq.; its powers three- Theodore, abbot of Tabenna and thority and use, 555.
fold, 538-9; how to be healed of friend of Pachomius, 245. Tunic of the monk, 203.
its faults, 538; how weighed Theodore, abbot in Egypt, 187, 351, Two hearts in one body, 295.
down, 338, 523 sq.; how re- 352; at Celiac, 352; consulted
lated to evil spirits, 366 sq., 382, on a point of the divine govern- Uzziah, an example of vainglory,
388; how tempted, 538; not ment, 351 sq. 277.
incorporeal, 367; its threefold Theodore, Abbot, 245, 351.
" brother " at
condition, 336 sq.; ideas regard- Theodore, Marseilles, Vainglory, to be combated, 275 sq.,
ing, 302, 366, 382. 189, 477. 306, 339, 346; carnal and spiri-
Sozomen quoted, 186, 202, 207, 219, Theodoret quoted, 226, 401, 488. tual, 275, 342, 351; assumes
220, 226, 248, 274, 275, 352, Theodoret, abbot in Egypt, 185, 312, many forms, 275, 278, 344;
401, 446, 479,486, 513. 503; visited by Cassian and dangerous when mixed with vir-
Spiritual persons in dispute, 453. Germanus, 185; had been mar- tue, 277, 351 examples in Scrip-

Spiritual wickedness, its malignity, ried, 185, 503; left his wife for ture, 277, 346; examples in
335; knowledge neither received the desert, 506-7; chosen abbot monks, 277; remedies for, 279,
nor given by the unclean, 437, of the monastery, 507 first Con-; 306, 342, 346; of two main
442; teaching often unfruitful, ference, on The Relaxation dur- kinds, 344; none in miraculous
445- ing the Fifty Days, 503 sq.; powers, 446 sq.; none in using
Staff of monks, 203. third Conference, on Sinlessness, oil at meals, 375, 491.

Stations, 241, 243. 519 sq. Venerius, Bishop. of Marseilles, 192.

Strangers, entertained, 219, 220, 229, Theophiius, Bishop of
Alexandria, Vespers service, 214.
242, 243, 245, 246, 278, 295, his Festal Letters, 187, 188, 401 ; Vices, their range and results, 280.
310, 375, 415, 416, 422, 450, succeeded Timothy, 401. Victor, Bishop of Martyrites, 194.
461, 479, 485, 489, 491, 497. Theophylact quoted, 302. Vigilia, its office, 216, 217; its indul-
Substance true of God and man, 556 Theotocos, inveighed against, 190, gence, 217.
sq., 577 sq., 606-7. 556, 581; how different from Vigils to festivals, 217; sleepless,
Suicides, 310. Christotocos, and true of B. V. 460.
Sun of Righteousness, 260. M., 119, 556, 557, 559, 560, Vincentius Lirinensis quoted, 556.
Sunday, a 212, 217, 218;
feast, its 570, 581, 618, 620. -:^ Virgil quoted, 607.
services,218, 486; its observ- Therapeulae, 186. Vocations, three to a monk, 320 sq.,
ance, 375; for Holy Commun- Thomas, Apostle, his confession, 571. 328; Scripture examples, 320.
ion, 486. Thomas Aquinas quoted, 234, 373,
Supersubstantial bread, 394. 554. Washing the monks' feet, 225.
Supplications of four kinds, 391, Thoughts, changeable, 303, 362, 387 Wednesday and Friday fasts, 241,
393- sq., 408, 441, 534; can be di- 242.
Symbole, a collection, 592. rected, 303 sq., 365, 388 sq., Weekly share of duty, 224, 225; of-
Symboli, traditio, explained, 597. 405 sq.; their origin, 304, 362 ficers or
Hebdomadarii, 225.
Symbolum, a creed or watchword, sq., 390, 441 care of, 363,
; West, few monasteries in, and why,
592. 365. 389.. 408, 409, 534; why 274.
Synaxis, 209. so vanishing, 390, 408, 409, Westcott quoted, 304, 587.
Syncletius spoiled and not made a 534- Why does God allow the just to suf-
monk, 254. "Three days" counted by Synec- fer, 352.
Synecdoche, a common figure, 602, doche, 603. Widows, 584, 585.
603. Tierce service, 205, 212 sq., 2 18. Wife forsaken for greater austerity,
Tillemont quoted, 553. 506,
Tabenna, its position and monastery, Time no question in the Incarnation, Wine from water in Galilee, 605.
219. 497; its discipline, 219. 603, 606. Women, avoided by monks, 251,
Talking gossip forbidden to the Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria, 401, 279, 371; invaluable as nurses,
monks, 209, 211, 224, 269. Tithes, given to a monastery, 503 sq., 372, 485-
Tatham quoted, 186.
506; their law tonsidered, 503 Word of God truly Incarnate, 554.
Tears, their value in bringing convic- sq-, 513, 517; Christian as well Works means of blessing, 268 sq.;
tion, 397. as Jewish, 504, 505, 506, 516, necessary to a monk, 536.
Temptation of Christ by Satan, 340 517.
— Lent a tithe of time, World, three kinds of things in,
sq., 610. 352 sq.
Tertullian quoted, 225, 346, 440, Traditio symboli, 597.
468, 515, 551, 587. Trinity, Holy, errors upon, by Ebion, Yoke of Christ, how easy and light,
Testaments, why called instruments, 551; by Eunomius, 552; by 541, 542, 543.
440. Arius, 551; by Macedonius,
Tests of obedience, 222, 225, 226, 552; by Photinus, 552; by Nes- Zeal in serving and in labour, 225.


iTim. V. 6 .
301 Heb. vii. 18
VI. 7 •
541 vii. 19
vi. 8 202, 256, 348 ix. 4. 5

vi. 8-10 •
251 ix. 22
vi. 10 X. 36 .

xi. 5
249, 250, 288, 341 .

vi. 16 .
258 . xi. 16 .

vi. xi. 24-26

17-19 324. 353
vi. 20 . •
443 xi. 37, 38

2 Tim. i. 6 . .
429 203
7 . .
421 xi. 39, 40

•4 • .
267 xii. 5-8

11. 5 • •
237 xii. 6 .

ill. 12 . •
541 xii. 6-1 1

iv. 7 .
240, 369 xii. 9 .

iv. 8 .
240 xii. 15.
Titus ii.
11-13 •
557 xii. 22, 23
ii. II . •
558 xiii. 4 .

Philemon, 9 •
577 xiii. 8 .

Heb. iv. 12 310, 364, 367 xiii. 20, 2

iv. 13 •
367 S. James i. 8
iv. IS .
340 i. 12 .

V. 14 , .
309 i.
14. 15
vii. 3 .
609 i. 17 .
viM-'tV* ^
tAAR 1 8 1982




A Select libraxy of Nicene and

60 post-Nicene fathers of the
S^6 Christian church
1890 Second ser.

HOI Vihial^


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