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A renaissance of interest in innate

immunity: will new treatments for rheumatoid
arthritis emerge?
immunity and, as we might expect, more and
‘…will the new insights being more complexities are being revealed [2–4]. Even
gained in innate immunity allow for more excitingly, the role of innate immunity in
further progress in the the pathogenesis of a multitude of inflamma-
tory diseases continues to be determined.
development of new treatments Insights from innate immunity give us what is
for diseases such as RA?’ effectively a ‘step up’ from cytokines and adap-
tive immunity, since the evidence so far indi-
As the old adage goes, if you think you know cates that it is the driver of all that comes next
what’s going on in any given situation, you in both host defence and in the chronicity that
Luke AJ O’Neill haven’t got a clue. The uncovering of the mole- is a signature of diseases such as RA. Receptors
Trinity College, cular and cellular basis of a disease such as rheu- involved in innate immunity, when activated, are
School of Biochemistry and
Immunology, Dublin 2, matoid arthritis (RA) has had many false dawns. responsible for induction of all inflammatory
Ireland When it seemed that prostaglandins held the mediators from cells such as macrophages. As
Tel.: +353 1896 1608; answer to the question of what the central we unravel this system, will the new insights
Fax: +353 1677 2400; inflammatory mediators were, cytokines came being gained allow for further progress in the
along as important and bewilderingly complex development of new treatments for diseases
drivers of disease. A clear pathogenic role for such as RA?
T lymphocytes suggested that the answer would Where does innate immunity fit into the
be found in dysregulated adaptive immunity, immune system and immune-mediated disease?
with breakdown in tolerance to self antigens Despite recent substantial clinical advances in
being blamed. This was also suggested from the the treatment of diseases such as RA, with the
genetic associations involving the MHC, whose advent of biologics to target cytokines (notably
role is to present processed antigens to TNF), B cells (the aforementioned rituximab)
T lymphocytes. The role of the B lymphocyte and T cells (with agents such as abatacept), there
was also explored for a number of years, and has remains a major unmet need. This is owing to the
undergone a revival with the therapeutic effect of lack of patient responsiveness (as many as 50%
the B-lymphocyte-targeted agent rituximab [1]. in some studies fail to respond to anti-TNF [5]),
However, those investigators whose primary difficulties associated with administration (since
interest lay in inflammation always felt that the biologics have to be injected), and inflammatory
answer would lie in innate immunity. diseases (in which these newer treatments have
Innate immunity was usually seen as the been shown to have limited efficacy [6]). A clear
poor relation of adaptive immunity [2]. picture of what is driving the cytokines, T and
Immunologists saw it as primitive (lowly crea- B cells has yet to emerge, and this is where innate
tures such as fruit flies and sea urchins only immunity plays its role. Starting in the late
have innate immunity), crude (the mechanisms 1990s, new families of receptors were uncovered,
involve processes such as coagulation to trap largely in macrophages, which sense microbial
the infectious agent or proteins such as products and then provoke production of pro-
lysozyme that burst open bacteria) and inflammatory cytokines and also, and very impor-
unsophisticated (no memory response, unlike tantly, the costimulatory molecules CD80 and
the elegant and complex genetic rearrangements CD86, which are required for T-cell activation [4].
that give rise to memory T and B lymphocytes). Toll-like receptors (TLRs) were the first class and
Immunologists working on innate immunity these provide a repertoire to respond to all
were the Cinderellas of the field, staying at pathogens [2]. Equally importantly, however, is
home whilst those interested in T and B cells that certain TLRs respond to host factors
went to the ball (or international conferences). released during tissue and cellular injury, such as
part of
However, the past 8 years or so have seen a host DNA, which is sensed by TLR9 in the con-
remarkable renaissance in the study of innate text of immune complexes [7], or hyaluronic acid

10.2217/17460816.3.3.203 © 2008 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1746-0816 Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(3), 203–205 203

fragments released during damage to the extra- factors [8]. TLR4 induces TNF production very
cellular matrix, which is sensed by TLR4 [8]. The strongly. Two inhibitory pathways have recently
other major class are the NOD-like receptors been found for TLR4. One of these involves
(NLRs) [3,9]. They too respond to various micro- three tyrosine kinase receptors termed Tyro, Axl
bial ligands, but also to host-derived factors such and Myr, and the other a phosphatase termed
as uric acid, the causative agent of gout, which SHP-1 [12,13]. If either of these TLR4 inhibitors
binds the NLR Nalp3 [10]. It can therefore be are deficient or mutated in mice, systemic
hypothesized that these receptors arose, in terms autoimmunity results. We also have clear
of evolution, to respond to ‘danger’, either exo- evidence that inhibiting TLR4 in a spontane-
genous (e.g., microbial) or endogenous (damaged ous murine model of RA – the IL-1 receptor-
tissue) [11]. That a given receptor can respond to deficient mouse – prevents the arthritis pheno-
either a microbial factor or an endogenous factor type [14]. Arthritis in these mice is probably
is challenging since, similar to autoimmunity, it driven by bacteria, but will spin out of control
raises the prospect of inappropriate responses to because of the lack of the inhibitory protein
our own tissues. However, the response to the IL-1 receptor antagonist. A second example
host is strictly controlled since it appears to only concerns Nalp3. Mutations in this protein in
occur when there is injury. The job of the humans give rise to autoinflammatory diseases
inflammatory response that results is to help with joint involvement, such as Muckle–Wells
clear infection and also, and highly importantly, syndrome [14]. The complex clinical features of
repair the damaged tissue. this syndrome can all be blamed on the Nalp3
Why would this system go out of control and mutation, since it is a key driver of IL-1 produc-
give rise to an inflammatory disease such as RA? tion, and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (whose
These new insights allow us to hypothesize why. production requires Nalp3) is showing remark-
All inflammatory diseases probably have an able clinical efficacy [15]. These advances would
infectious origin – something from outside the not have been possible without the fundamental
body that is dangerous and needs to be dealt research that uncovered receptors that are key
with. These microbes will be sensed by the for innate immunity.
innate receptors, which in turn cause inflamma-
tion. This will give rise to the production of ‘The new targets being revealed in
endogenous inflammatory factors, which feed innate immunity are all worthy of
back on the receptors and amplify the whole further analysis…’
process. Autoantigens will be released from tis-
sues to provoke T and B cells via antigen-pre- Can we therefore exploit these findings to
senting cells. The cytokines that result from break the vicious cycle that is evident in a chronic
these cells, or the antibodies from the B cells inflammatory disease such as RA? Luck will be
acting via complement fixation, will cause fur- needed. The success of anti-TNF, although in
ther inflammation. This could pivot into chro- retrospect seemingly predictable, was still a sur-
nicity, but in all likelihood this will only occur prise to the investigators involved, since there was
with a certain genetic background. Variants in always a chance that it would be too immuno-
receptors or signaling proteins might provide suppressive, or because TNF was not as important
too strong a response, or alternatively, since we a target in humans as had been indicated from the
now know that there are widespread inhibitory preclinical studies. At that time, IL-1 was seen as a
mechanisms to keep this dangerous system in much more likely target, and the resurgence of
check, variants in proteins involved in inhibi- clinical interest in targeting IL-1 is a testament to
tion that limit their activity might also allow for the researchers who continued to pursue it in
an overactivation. the face of the success of anti-TNF [16]. The
new targets being revealed in innate immunity
‘All inflammatory diseases probably have are all worthy of further analysis but ultimately
an infectious origin – something from we will need to await clinical trials on the target-
outside the body that is dangerous and ing of these newly found processes to test their
needs to be dealt with.’ importance for a disease such as RA. We also
have to confront the sobering reality of current
Two excellent examples will suffice. TLR4 will research, where there is a constant deluge of new
sense lipopolysaccharide from bacteria but also information appearing. A good example here is
hyaluronic acid fragments or other endogenous the recent description of miRNAs in RA [17].

204 Future Rheumatol. (2008) 3(3) future science group

A renaissance of interest in innate immunity – EDITORIAL

miRNAs are a recently discovered class of small companies who fund the research, and, most of
RNA molecules that are believed to regulate the all, patients afflicted with debilitating inflam-
expression of many genes. Their dysregulation matory diseases and the clinicians who treat
has been linked to specific human diseases, nota- them, certainly hope so.
bly cancer and viral infections. miRNAs could
be seen as the cytokines for the new millennium Financial & competing interests disclosure
– some, termed immunoMiRs, are key regulators Luke O’Neill is a Founder and Director of Opsona Thera-
of immune cell function and their role must now peutics, a company dedicated to developing new medicines to
be superimposed on our knowledge of RA. They treat immune and inflammatory diseases. The author has no
are yet another set of inflammation-regulating other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
factors that could turn out to be excellent drug organization or entity with a financial interest in or finan-
targets [101]. cial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in
Will new treatments therefore emerge from the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
this renaissance of interest in innate immunity? No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
Government agencies, charities and drug this manuscript.

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