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Advertisement Report of Coca Cola

Submitted to: Ma’am Murk Fatima

Subject: Consumer Behavior

Submitted by: Hasnain Bhutto (1811265)

Muhammad Uzair Khan (1811273)

Muhammad Javed (1811272)

Jespy Bhojwani (1911280)

Aisha Ahmed (1811256)

Date of Submission: 23-01-2021


Table of contents

1. About The Company 3

2. Target Market 4
3. Marketing Mix 4ps 5
4. Communication Mix 8
5. Ad Brief 10
6. Media channels and timings. 11
7. Conclusion 12

About The Company:

Coco cola was founded by John Smith Pemberton and was bought out by businessman Asa
Griggs Candler, It was invented in 1886. The Coca-Cola Company manufactured the Coca-Cola
and Cock is a carbonate soft drink. Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational beverage
corporation incorporated under Delaware's General Corporation Law. Headquarter of coca in
Atlanta, Georgia. The interest of Coca-Cola Company is manufacturing, retailing and marketing
of non-alcoholic beverages and syrups. Since 1889 the Coca-Cola Company has operated
franchised distribution system. The corporate largely produces syrup concentrate, which is then
sold to varied bottlers throughout the planet who hold exclusive territories. In North America
Coca-Cola owns its anchor bottler, Coca-Cola Refreshments.

In all over the world Coca-Cola's brand is successful and renowned. The Coca-Cola company is
presiding and focuses on the needs and demand on consumers. That's why the Coca-Cola
company business is worldwide successful. Critical success factors of Coca-Cola is its various
operations which effective consumers awareness, the dimensions of introducing Competitive
prices, variety of product and service available for consumers, and the other critical success
factors are timely and effective distribution channels and worldwide system of operations.  By
the using of IR framework tool its proof that the Coca-Cola Company is worldwide company
performing business in more than two hundreds countries with a worldwide strategy and a local
response. The Formula of Coca-Cola Company’s for its Coca-Cola syrup, water to create the
company's flagship cola soft drink, it is firmly cautious and dealing secret. The founder of Coca-
Cola Company Asa Candler begin the veil of secrecy that surrounds

The formula in 1891 as a publicity, marketing and property protection strategy while several
recipes, each purporting to be the authentic formula, are published, the corporate maintains that
the particular formula remains a secret, known only to an awfully few select (and anonymous)

Target Market:
The primary market of the Coca Cola Company is all consumers of all nations that have a thirst
for high quality beverage from a reputable brand that cares about small communities and saving
the environment. The Coca Cola Company is well known for advertising to person of all ages,
genders, income, ethnicity and lifestyle. Nevertheless, more specifically, over the last decade the
Coca Cola Company has focused on secondary target market, based on psycho graphic
characteristics of the consumers that are health conscious and interested in buying products to
support their wellness. The Coca Cola Company has reached this market through many product
lines and has customized their website to provide healthy resources and marketing of products
that are considered smart choices. The target market is where Coca Cola focuses its marketing
efforts as it feels this is where it will be most productive and successful. The target market for
Coca cola is very wide as it satisfies the needs for many different consumers, ranging from the
healthy diet consciousness through Diet Coke to the average human through its best-selling drink
regular Coke. Most Coke products satisfy all age groups as it is proven that most people of
different age groups consume the Coca Cola product. This market is relatively large and is open
to both genders, thereby allowing greater product diversification. Once the situation analysis is
complete, and the marketing objectives determined, attention turns to the target market. The soft
drink market is very large, and the business cannot be “all things to all people”, so it must choose
which market segments have the greatest potential. The target market is the group of customers
on whom the business focuses attention. The most apparent method used by Coca Cola is with
no doubt the differentiated marketing method as Coke satisfies a range of different markets. Diet
coke satisfies the weight consciousness, regular coke, sprite, Fanta the average human, coffee,
iced tea etc. Each group of beverages satisfies a particular group of people but majority the
average human.

Marketing Mix:
The marketing mix is probably the most crucial stage of the marketing planning process. This is
where the marketing tactics for each product are determined. The marketing mix refers to the
combination of the four factors(price, promotion, product, place) that make up the core of a
business’s marketing strategy. In this step of the marketing planning process, marketing mix
must be designed to satisfy the wants of target markets and achieve the marketing objectives.
The most successful businesses have continually monitored and changed their marketing mix due
to respective internal and external factors and have monitored the external business environment
in order to maximize their marketing mix components.


Many Products are physical objects that you can own and take home. But the word product
means much more than just physical goods. In marketing, product also refers to services, such as
holidays or a movie, where you enjoy the benefits without owning the result of the service.
Businesses must think about products on three different levels, which are the core product, the
actual product and the augmented product. The core product is what the consumer is actually
buying and the benefits it gives. Coca Cola customers are buying a wide range of soft drinks.
The actual product is the parts and features, which deliver the core product. Consumers will buy
the coke product because of the high standards and high quality of the Coca Cola products. The
augmented product is the extra consumer benefits and services provided to customers. Since soft
drinks are a consumable good, the augmented level is very limited. But Coca Cola do offer a
help line and complaint phone service for customers who are not satisfied with the product or
wish to give feedback on the products.


The pricing Strategy a business will use will have to focus on achieving the marketing plan’s
objectives and support the positioning of the product, and take external factors such as economic
conditions and competitors in to account. There are 5 strategies available to business: Market
skimming pricing, Penetration pricing, Loss leaders, Price Points and Discounts. Over the years
Coca Cola has used Penetration Pricing as a way of grabbing a foothold in the market and won a
market share. Its product penetrated the marketplace. Once customer loyalty is established as
seen with Coca Cola it is then able to slowly raise the price of its product. There has been a
fierce pricing rivalry between Coca Cola and Pepsi products as each company competes for
customer recognition and satisfaction. Till now it appears as if Coke has come up on top,
although in order to gain long term profits Coke had to sacrifice short term profits where in some
cases it either went under of just broke even, but as seen it has been all for the best.

Pricing Methods

Good pricing decisions are based on an analysis of what target customers expect to pay, and
what they perceive as good quality. If the price is too high, consumers will spend their money on
other goods and services. If the price is too low, the firm can lose money and go out of business.
Pricing methods include: Cost based Pricing, Market based pricing and Competition based
Pricing. Over the years Coca has lost ground here in it’s pricing but has regained it’s strength as
it employed the Competition-based pricing method which allowed it to compete more effectively
in the soft drink market. Leader follower pricing occurs when there is one quite powerful
business in the market which is thought to be the market leader. The business will tend to have a
larger market share, loyal customers and some technological edge, thus the case currently with
Coke; it was first the follower but through effective management has now become the leader of
the market and is working towards achieving the marketing objectives of the Coca Cola. Survival
in the market place, own 60 % of market share by 2007, increase further awareness of product
and a return on 20% on capital employed for August 2007.


The place P of the marketing mix refers to distribution of the product- the ways of getting the
product to the market. The distribution of products starts with the producer and ends with the
consumer. One key element of the “Place/Distribution” aspect is the respective distribution
channels that Coca Cola has elected to transport and sells its product. Selecting the most
appropriate distribution channel is important, as the choice will determine sales levels and costs.
The choice for a distribution channel for any business depends on numerous factors, these
• How far away the customers are;
• The type of product being transported;
• The lead times required; and;
• The costs associated with transport;
There are four types of distribution strategies that Coca Cola could have chosen from, these are:
intensive, selective, exclusive and direct distribution. It is apparent from the popularity of the
Coca Cola’s product on the market that the business in the past used the method of intensive
distribution as the product is available at every possible outlet. From supermarkets to service
stations to your local corner shop, anywhere you go you will find the Coca Cola products.

Physical Distribution Issues 

Coca Cola needs to consider a number of issues relating to the physical distribution of its soft
drink products. The five components of physical distribution are, order processing, warehousing,
materials handling, inventory control, transportation. Coca Cola must further try to balance their
operations with more efficient distribution channels.

Order Processing- Coca Cola cannot delay their processes for consumer deliveries (i.e. delivery
to selling centers), as this is inefficient business functioning and is portrays a flawed image of the
product and overall business.
Warehousing and inventory control- warehousing of Coca Cola products is necessary. Inventory
control is another important aspect of distribution as inventory makes up a large percentage of
businesses assets. Choosing the correct and desired inventory measure that Jackson’s sees as
most effective is vital. Jackson’s must remember though that there are factors involved with
inventory control that can hinder the products sales and customer perceptions (hazards,
distribution from storage facilities, etc…).
Materials handling- this deals with physically handling the product and using machinery such as
forklifts and conveyor belts. When holding products, then Coca Cola has benefited from
purchasing or renting respective machinery.
Transportation- transporting Coca Cola products is the one most important components of
physical distribution. Electing either to transport the sports drink by air, rail, road or water
depends on the market (i.e. global or domestic) and depends on the associated costs. The most
beneficial transportation method for Coca Cola would be ROAD if the product were moved
around from storage to the cost centers


In today’s competitive environment, having the right product at the right place in the right place
at the right time may still not be enough to be successful. Effective communication with the
target market is essential for the success of the product and business. Promotion is the p of the
marketing mix designed to inform the marketplace about who you are, how good your product is
and where they can buy it. Promotion is also used to persuade the customers to try a new
product, or buy more of an old product. The promotional mix is the combination of personal
selling, advertising, sales promotion and public relations that it uses in its marketing plan. Above
the line promotions refers to mainstream media advertising through common media such as
television, radio, transport, and billboards and in newspapers and magazines. Because most of
the target is most likely to be exposed to media such as television, radio and magazines, Coca
Cola has used this as the main form of promotion for extensive range of products. Although
advertising is usually very expensive, it is the most effective way of reminding and exposing
potential customers to Coca Cola Products. Coca Cola also utilizes below the line promotions
such as contests, coupons, and free samples. These activities are an effective way of getting
people to give your product a go.

Communication Mix:
Communication is used to develop marketing processes for creating design briefs, content
strategies and marketing plans. It's also a vital skill when providing feedback on images, copy
and campaigns. Having processes to manage all of the activities ensures that employees have the
structure they need to stay on track. Communication mix comprises in various ways that a
company can communicate with customer and it involves the tools in order to aware customer or
potential customers about product. His could be through advertisement, social media, events and
list goes on. In the project we group members are promote our product. We will use video
advertisement that telling about coca cola that provide the energy to the customer. In the
globalization there are so many video platforms, such as YouTube, face book, instagram and
snap chat, but we have chosen facebook and instagram and time about 30 seconds. There
benefits of these two application we can easily tract our adds because mostly people are using
these app they can attract ads and increase engagement. Being the most powerful device of
marketing communication, advertising offers an extended reach to audience and high frequency
of message delivery. It is unquestionable that Coke is no 1 beverage company in the world. But
the scenario is quite different in Pakistan. Above defined objective in bullet points are
weaknesses in Pakistan, that’s reason Coke is not able to make space in Pakistani Market. The
defined objective need to address through marketing / communication strategy. Wish the
proposed communicational strategy would prove suitable strategy to boost up Coke’s market
share in Pakistani market. Coca Cola Pakistan offers vary of product portfolio like as Coca-Cola
(Classic), Sprite, Fanta, Coke Diet, Kenly (Water) brand, with unique bottling style more famous
in the World. Now a days Coke as different communicational strategy as per their culture of
hosting country that prove best strategy as previously they practiced. Marketing /
Communicational strategies is actually planning / methodologies way to bring right product at
right time in right price to the right place with utmost executional of promotional strategy. Coca
Cola is always designed unique marketing mix to make it better than best (Coca Cola, 2016). In
Product Life Cycle there are distinct product process phases like Born, Introduction, Growth,
Maturity and Decline (Ahmed et al., 2016). In western region such as USA, Europe Coke is on
Maturity stage meanwhile the sale remains on consecutive stage a slight chance to turn back sale
in growth phase. It is vivid opportunity for Coke to focus on untapped market in Asia or those
regions in the world where Coke is still on combating stage. This is the fertile time for Coke to
make their communicational strategy be unique be smart in Asian market. In Advertising
strategy Coke must focus Bill Board with coming soon and bring unique idea on billboard not as
cultural add like others. TVC add like now a day’s seen during World Cup “Go Coke Pakistan”.
Over their needs to raise the emotion of People of Pakistan through patriotism TVC. Although
the best strategy of Coke evergreen is Coke Studio, while online add like social media one of the
best mod to pursuit your message to youth (upcoming leader). Coke use both strategy Pull and
Push in Sales Promotion.

In promotion strategy Asian people are dying heart friend of Cricket So Coke needs to sponsor
organize different matches, tournament, and world cup matches, because this is only fertile time
to get people visibility on peak level. Furthermore it is also way to recall your brand in the
viewer’s mind. As per research in Asian people are fond of Cricket on maximum level secondary
they focus on their cultural game, like Hockey in Pakistan and India. But make sure in this era
young people also getting interest in Football matches and its world cup matches. Coke also need
to take sponsorship on Country’s cricket dress for maximum visibility in people mind.
10 | P a g e

AD Brief:
11 | P a g e

Media Channels and Timings:

12 | P a g e

In conclusion, based on the analysis of the report, it can be said that Coca Cola has done great in
terms of attracting and retaining customers using various marketing techniques in the
international market. It has achieved its place as a symbol of American Product in across the
globe. The people living in various part of the world are addicted with the products being
produced and sold by Coca Cola Company. This is one of the reasons why Coca Cola has been
able to achieve number one position in terms of brand value for 13 continuous years. The Coca-
Cola Company is the leading soft drink maker nationally and globally. It has set itself far apart
from its competitors by building a solid foundation of consumers since 1896. The Coca-Cola
Company’s marketing machine continues to come up with new, exciting, and innovative ways to
keep customers returning. They have effectively been able to execute the concept of marketing
along with establishing a solid marketing mix. Combine all of the aforementioned with their
strong presence in the community and you have a recipe for success that the Coca Cola Company
has grown accustomed to.

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