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This book is joyfully dedicated to all Teenagers, Youths and Adults, who
have purposed never to give up on their dreams irrespective of their
present or past experiences.

Youths, who had their teenage lives filled with situations that are not
palatable and yet they did not give in to depression or made quitting an
Adults, who choose to impact knowledge and wisdom to teenagers
around them based on what they had experienced.

I want to encourage you all to keep standing, never to give up. God bless
you for your determination. Amen.

My heartfelt gratitude is first to God Almighty for the privilege given to

write this masterpiece. I appreciate my Parents, Dn. & Dns. Oladoja, for
birthing, raising, believing and influencing me. You are the best parents
any child could ask for.

I appreciate my Siblings for their constant support and encouragement.

May God bless you richly.

My Friends and Sisters, Elizabeth Oluwaferanmi Ayoola & Afolabi Eniola,

who has been such a huge support and encouragement. My heart blesses

My Friends and Brothers; Abayomi Mordecai and Olabisi Ayomide; for the
constant reminder of the book, for the support and encouragement. May
you never be stranded in life.

To Olatubi Ayomide, thank you for the wonderful experiences shared.

God bless you.

I genuinely appreciate the contributions of all who has contributed to my

growth and healing, who has given themselves to inspire and to
encourage, Bro Olajuwon Rasheed, Bro Daniel Oyewale and Bro Fashipe
Paul. Thanks for your encouragement, always.

To my Editor, Okegbile Olawale, for reading through and making all the
necessary corrections, I say, a big 'thank you'.

To my able graphics designer, Shittu Ayomilesi and Oghenetega Igho.

Thank you so much for the sacrifice. You are blessed.

Lastly, to you reading this book, thank you for the commitment to pick this
up. I hope you are blessed beyond measure with this amazing book.
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Life is full of experiences. What make up life, are experiences. No life is

without the word called EXPERIENCE. Your experience is your story; your
experience speaks volume of what has happened to you and what you
have gone through. No one is void of experience and the truth is your
experience informs, educates, guides and determine your approach and
disposition to situations.

Everyone needs to have a better attitude towards whatsoever he or she

had gone through in life, because your experience can make you or mar
you. Each day has its own experience package, and a lot of things sum up
your experiences in life. Experience is the sum of conscious and
unconscious decisions, background, exposure and more.

Ms. Beatrice has written in a concise and clear way about some of the
penitent aspects that make up someone's experiences. She did well, as
each chapter is well cut out examples versified with biblical passages.

She said emphatically that life is fun and amazing but not without hurdles.
Life is not bed of roses. There will be a time when people around you will
fail to appreciate you. When life seems not to be fair; choose to be strong.

One of the thrust of this book is irrespective of what you are going through
in life, and you have gone through, stay positive. Don't give up on your
dreams, trust God and when you make mistakes, break free from its
shackles. Every pages of this book is loaded and worth reading. I know you
will be glued to this book until you consume every page of it. No life is void
of experience; life is indeed full of experiences.

I strongly recommend this book to everyone irrespective of your age

bracket and especially to everyone who is purpose driven.

Pastor Festus Oladoja,

Lead Pastor,
Households of Faith Ministries
Chapter 1: Dream

Chapter 2: Mercy
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Chapter 3: Lonely Days 9

Chapter 4: When Life isn’t Fair, Be Strong 12

Chapter 5: Can They Be Recovered 15

Chapter 6: Perfect Stranger 17

Chapter 7: Shackles 21

Chapter 8: I Hate The Girl I Was 25

Chapter 9: Integrity 28

Chapter 10: Isolation 31

Chapter 11: To The Proud Lady 34

Chapter 12: Faithful Days 36

Chapter 13: Dating 38

Chapter 14: Sex 42

chapter 15: Peace 46

Chapter 16: Love 49

Chapter 17: Betrayal 51

Chapter 18: Light 54

Chapter 19: Glory 56

Chapter 20: Restoration 59

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Teenagers have emotions, too! My life as a teenager and introvert girl was
full of different experiences. It was full of both good and painful
experiences but remember life is not a bed of roses. Teenage age was
impactful, life changing and most especially, a training ground. Though
being an introvert child was so challenging but the experiences it brought,
is never a barrier to success. Your personality is your uniqueness. It was in
the phase of growth that I discovered that even though I am an introvert, I
could still move out of my comfort zone and break out of shell.

Teenagers are not different from anyone else. They have many of the
same problems adults have, but they are less equipped with knowledge,
experience and ways in dealing with them. The fact is, we learn much
more about life from the things we go through. We gain knowledge from
books; we gain experience from life.

Some teens do have more common sense than some adults. Not all adults
are doing what they should be doing in life. It seems almost everyone has
personal problems, and I have observed that people with problems
usually cause problems for those they are in a relationship with.

You as a teenager may be facing some difficult problems in your life right
now. Those problems did not just appear suddenly; there is a reason, a
root cause for them. Nevertheless, there is also a solution.

In this book, we are going to explore some of the teenage problems, their
cause and ways to overcome them. I believe that God wants your teen
years to be a happy, healthy, exciting time of life, one filled with positive
learning experiences.

I pray that reading this book will be one of those positive experiences for
you in which you will learn that God loves you, your parents love you,
everyone around you love you and with God's help, you can overcome
every problem and become the person He created you to be!

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“If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.”
When there is no vision, wish or desire, you follow the crowd and get
lost easily. Stop being a follower of someone else's vision or goal. You
are diminishing yourself that way. Have a dream.

Proverbs 2:11 – “wise planning will watch over you. Understanding will
keep you safe.” (NLT)

What would be life without a dream? The life of man has become so
complicated that most has lost the sight of their primary goal; dream,
hope and wish. The dream of our youth, the dream of bliss; what we keep
looking intently at, in the midst of all restraints. What we continue to
thrive at, till they become true and real.

Life where nothing is taken lackadaisically. It looks straight to success and

achievement of dream, more than thoughts but as a reality. Let's learn
from Joy:

I have hoped for many things

I hope for a perfect life
The good and the bad
Striving through the worst
Embracing the best


I was told to keep hoping

Dare not to stop the dreams
Ponder on my aspirations and purpose
Every aspect, not what it seems

My wishes, my dreams
The things that I want and hope for,
The things I wish to achieve and acquire
And to live my life in peace and harmony

Till now, I keep on hoping

I still look intently to those dreams
I think about my wishes
Hoping for the best

What lies ahead of me?

A simple question without a reply
It's more than just a book in a shelf
Take a walk on a path that never ends.

I have my own dreams

And my own desire and wish
Something for which I'm keen
I want to set the world on fire.


I don't want to follow the crowd

I want to dream big
Impossible is achieved when you dream big
Everything is achieved when you dream big.

You get sense of things

Which is absent in beings
I no longer want to hide
I want to be free of their grasp.

How I live is who I am

I try to show them who I am
I'm not the one with others
I'm not who they want me to be.

I want to become someone worth remembering

A name in a book, a name worth memorizing
I want to change the world
I will change the world
Just watch and see me thrive.

From this poem, what Joy dreamt is not yet in existence but she kept
thriving and working hard. Dear Teenagers, giving up on your dream is
never an option. Nobody has the right to make you feel worthless. You have
a worth, know who you are in Christ.


On the path of dreams, there are doubts on the way. The pathway to
excellence is always rocky but perseverance and endurance pushes you
through. Discouragement will come forth, but they are not for you to give
up, but to keep you thriving. Creations are waiting for your flight.
Generations are waiting. Don't ever disappoint them.

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There is always an unexpected moment in everyone's life. A moment where
you got what you don't deserve. The time when you are left in awe and
possibly amazed in response to what you experienced. When such moments
come, do you see everything that happened as what you merited? You are
entitled to every good thing as a child of God but in return, you must have a
heart of gratitude.

Psalm 103: 8-11 -“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and
plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide; neither will he keep his
anger for ever. He has not dealt with us according to our iniquities. As far
as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions
from us.”

Daily, we come across situations in which we got something that we

don't deserve. The literal meaning given to this word mercy is getting
what one does not deserve. The English dictionary meaning of this word is
– tendency toward forgiveness; pity or compassion; blessing. Obviously,
mercy is a much wider term than what is normally understood. Let's learn
What have I done to deserve all?
I was the wretched fellow
That was raised from the dung hill
And placed among royals

The past was looked beyond

The period of being tagged bad


That was raised from the dung hill

And placed among royals

The past was looked beyond

The period of being tagged bad
The period of being filled with anger
Despite all, mercy was shown.

Times when the unknown master was traded with,

Period when my soul was enslaved and malnourished
The groaning in pain was heard
And helping hands was stretched.

Mercy was all I obtained

Hurt was healed
Patience was restored
All through, compassion was shown.

Going through the poem, I thought of the story of a young lady. She was
dedicated to God's work and was zealous for the things of God. In church,
in school, at home, anywhere she got to, her passion for God was always
shown. Unfortunately, while in the journey, she got entangled in the sin of
watching pornography. She knew it was bad but she couldn't help herself
out of the situation. She was unable to open up to anybody due to fear of
being chastised and rejected. She was on the journey to heaven but not
enjoying the trip at all. She was always home alone, suffered betrayal from
friends, believed she wasn't loved by anybody, had low self esteem which
cost her, her academic excellence. Everybody thought she was strong but
deep inside, she knew what she was going through. Friends didn't notice
her then, she was neglected and it was such a horrible moment in school.

Almost seven years of being sad and lonely, battling a lot, her trust
betrayed, love denied, and all her soul cried for, was revenge. Then she
met with a friend who looked beyond her sin of watching pornography, all
guilt, all pains of betrayal; He showed her mercy. She was given the heart
that loves unconditionally; she was restored, and released all the guilt.
She remained strong and being dedicated more to the things of God. The
friend's name is Jesus. She focused on the future and forgets the past for
there is now no condemnation for her who is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).
If Jesus can do that for someone like that, then He can do much more for

If Jesus can do that for someone like that, then He can do much more for

Life where nothing is taken lackadaisically. It looks straight to success and

achievement of dream, more than thoughts but as a reality. Let's learn
from Joy:

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Never must you forget that you are human; likewise your friends. They are not
perfect, neither are you. When friends begin to act like the human they really
are; don't blame them but see beyond the change. Don't be depressed instead
learn your lessons and keep moving.

Deuteronomy 31:6 -“Be strong and be of good courage, do not fear nor be
afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you. He
will not leave you nor forsake you.”

D aily, we come across situations with which we don't agree to. Some
relationships can become bondage and a cause of our sorrow at one point
or the other. We expect happiness out of a relationship but the outcome
sometimes turns out to be just the opposite. At that time, we feel
shocked, making us unhappy. Our trust on others suffers a setback and
we become unsure of ourselves. Most people turns out to be unhappy,
making them isolate themselves from people around them.

Temmy's story:

When friends distant themselves

Thinking all about life, is walking away from her
Life, full of experiences that are not palatable
Such an unpleasant memory

When everything seems doom for

That unexpected situations happened


And friends turned back

She was left alone.

The period when maturity says;

'Leaving her alone is the right option'
Different situation with its thought and lessons
And she was neglected.

Opening up to people became hard

Trusting people seems difficult
Moving along and sharing ideas together with friends is hard
She was made to be quiet as a result

How she relate is who she is

She tried to be who they wanted her to be
But, she was never able to please them
Then she became sad and lonely

Everywhere became boring

She had solely depended on them for happiness
Suddenly, they withdrew
Leaving her lonely

She had always wanted them to be part of her story

Their attitude changed towards her


Making her disappointed

They cared less about her welfare
They withheld themselves totally.

Times, seasons and life changes so does man, too. The period when you
are left in sixes and seven, don't start blaming, feeling emotionally hurt or
trust betrayed. You have a decision in such situation; either to learn from
the situation and get better or focus on the dark side and remain pitiful for
being left alone. Remember that God is with you always, therefore, you
don't have to worry.

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Life is fun and amazing but not without hurdles. Life is not bed of roses. There
will be a time when people around you will fail to appreciate you. When life
seems not to be fair; choose to be strong.

John 16:33- “I have told you these things so that in me you may have
perfect pace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials
and distress and frustration; but of good cheer [take courage; be
confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have
deprived it of the power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]”

Life can be compared to so many things and it is advisable to take life

accordingly. We have people talk about life daily. Some say it's a game,
others say It's fun. Among all of these comparisons, life can also compared
to things like pencil, table tennis game and many more. I consider life to
be more like a pencil.

A pencil is a writing material with an eraser built in. The main purpose of
using pencil sometimes is that, one can easily erase what is being written
with pencil. It's possible I planned my to do list tomorrow starting from
today and peradventure by tomorrow, I did not agree with what was
written yesterday, I can just take my eraser easily and clean it off. The
same is the case with life. Today, friends may promise you heaven on
earth, tomorrow they might say, '' hell no, who wants to be your friend''

When life experiences isn't lovely

Friends kept distance
Life giving up and turning away
Will you ever remain strong?


When life becomes miserable

When situations are not pleasant
Remembering the lost beloved ones
Will you still be ever determined?

How can life be this unfair?

Deeply, you wonder
To soft hearted and honest person like you
You can't but let go of the thought.

When life become unpleasant to live

That all could think of, are bad memories
Trying to put up yourself together
Trying to cheer yourself up

When life remains unfair to you

Isolated and left you out,
Thinking you can't do it alone
Strengthen yourself to achieve all you have to do.
Making her disappointed
They cared less about her welfare
They withheld themselves totally.

Life situation can be challenging and overwhelming. It could be fun and
amazing. Life's journey has never been on a straight path, it has always
been full of vicissitudes. When you are faced with unpleasant situations,
what will be your actions toward it? Regardless of the situations, choose
to be strong. Some days, staying strong can be so exhausting that giving
up seems like the easiest option. However, what you must always
remember is that God has assured us of victory and he never stopped
reminding us to ask to ask Him for strength.

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Living in darkness is awesome until you get to experience light. It's okay to be
remorseful the moment you realize you have been prodigal. Being conscious,
concluding you have lost a lot if not all; putting an end to participating in
spiritual activities is what is not acceptable. This is because you are not
condemned despite all the experiences. His arms are wide open to receive

Isaiah 59:1- “Listen! The lord is not too weak to save you, and he is not
becoming deaf. He can hear you when you call”.

Can they be recovered? How much I would love if they can be recovered.

The question above is what traumatizes most people whenever they

ponder on their past life and how they lost many things. The thought of
how their lives used to be, how they used to be fervent for the things of
God, how their academic excellence drifted into something else. Follow
through as I share with us how Favour who was in deep thought of her
Can I recover them again?
Can I ever regain them?
The integrity I lost when I was engrossed in men's applauds.
The virginity that was lost on the bed of immorality just because I wanted to
feel among
The zeal of reading, studying and meditating
Where has the pleasure of seeking God's face through prayer gone?


The zeal that was lost to the pleasure of confidently chatting with friends
Ohhh! I need them all again

Let's follow through another thought of a brother;

I was never bothered about losing them until I became empty of them
Self respect has gone on the lane of asking all ladies that I came across out
Precious self that I lost on the bed of 5-minutes enjoyment
During the gathering and sitting of mockery and making jest, truth
consciousness is gone
I lost interest in fellowshipping with other believers
Ignored church activities
When last I have picked up my bible to read?
Can I ever get back all this?

The answer to the raging questions that traumatize people is YES, all can
be recovered. Provided, you are intentional about getting back what you
have lost. You are aware about the enemy of your soul then you must be
ready to fight back, get back on your feet and restore all that has been lost
with the help and strength of God. It is a great assurance that all can be
recovered and restored back to you.

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I have always thought there is a perfect being somewhere. Guess what? I was
wrong as nobody is perfect. You will not always be applauded. Sometimes,
you will be accepted. Other times, you will be criticized. But don't let those
words get into you. Never stop growing to be a better you. Renew your mind
daily on your reality in Christ not what they think of you.

Ephesians 2:9 – “we don't play the major role. If we did, we would probably
go around bragging that we had done the whole thing.”

Are you wondering what perfect stranger could mean already? You
have no need to worry, just follow me closely.

Who is a stranger? According to the dictionary, a stranger is a person

whom one does not know, a person who is neither a friend nor

What does it mean to be perfect? It means without fault or mistake. To be

excellent and delightful in all respects.

So, combining the two words gave us perfect stranger which I will
interpret to mean '' the flawless being whom I'm yet to meet or get
acquainted with.'’

Most times in different situations and phases of life, we come across

situations that do not align with our lifestyle. People understanding you
wrongly, sometimes they judge and place high expectations on you
whereas everyone is aiming towards perfection.

Florence wrote a letter to a perfect stranger that she is hoping to meet

one day.

Dear perfect stranger,

I am the unique, best version God has created

Trying to be the best I can to make the world an easier place.
Just trying to get all things right
The world that seems all wrong and unpleasant
We all have problems at one point or the other

We all have past stories

Times when I felt guilty
Held on to resentment, hurt and pain
And I have been working through mine
Father has been cleansing and purging
I am far from perfect
Yet, he has been brooding over me

Hello! Listen up.

Times when I tried making friends
But all was miserable
I had fear and low esteem
But all that I have got to realize is that
I have not been given the spirit of fear but of peace and sound mind
That I am unique.
That comparing and competing with others is no option for me


Friend had turned strangers

Envy grew in place of love
Relatives and family seems distant
Nobody was there when all was not going right

You know what, perfect stranger?

All have taught me to be strong
Failure showed up, inferiority complex arose
The outcome was too late to be averted
For it cost a lot of things
Yet, the journey through life has been full of lessons and amazing stuffs
Situations and challenges had made me to be strong.

People never realize that I was hurting based on words and jokes
And I held on to the pain deep inside.
I learnt to let it go.
I was admonished to be anxious for nothing but to rejoice always.
Finally, to refuse to be insulted by anybody.
I hope you understand my letter to you, oh, perfect being.
With love from,
A princess with a perfect King.


Your past does not defines you. Your identity can only be defined by your
creator and can be perfectly understood by you alone. You are you!
Possibly you have wandered away from the creator's definition of you and
tune your volume to the perfect stranger's identity; it's never late to turn
back to the creator who knows your real identity. Prove to the perfect
stranger that you have a perfect creator as a father who created a
wonderful and unique being. Remind the perfect stranger that it was then
you lost connection with Him but you have been renewed and perfected
with your perfect father.

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I know you have a past you wish no one will ever discover, and you are
probably battling with guilt, resentment and pain that the mistakes made,
have caused. It is good to feel sober but being held down by shackles of the
past is dangerous. Though you are being held, you can break free with the
help of God. Choose to be a warrior and not a worrier. If you are yet to be
trapped in it's den; don't give in.

Romans 8:1 - ''There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are

in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to
the Spirit.'’

In life, there are different lessons to learn from the mistakes of people
shared in the pages of books. Books that embed in it stories of people of
various ages and categories, who held on to guilt, pain, hurts and
resentment of the past.
Numerous people have been drowning, they have been constrained in
their actions, activities and even progress due to different experiences
they have had.

Once upon a time

You were the sun my earth revolved around
Your presence was heaven to me
I was summoned back by the replay of my memories

Memories that were constituted with gibberish

Wallowing in my own pool of thought

Blaming myself for being entangled
I gave room for the unwanted pleasure

Now I blame my heart for taking such decision

Here I am forcing myself not to yell
Filled with guilt and pain
Sinking and drowning in my pool of thought

Thinking all has been lost

Devil made it all seem right
I was deceived and all turned out bad
I gave in to it but was already in the bondage

Oh! I wished I didn't do that

Oh! Can't it be reversed?
I couldn't think straight because I had been malnourished
My mind was void of every nutrient needed for growth

Everything may seem fine and okay

I have traded with a master,
One I forgot I had been sold to
Subconsciously trading my destiny with two masters

Lucifer wants nothing but the death,

Eternal damnation of her soul

He made every meal void of the nutrient for my growth
The thief comes only to steal, to kill and to destroy

I knew there was more, which awaits me

Waiting for me on the bleeding cross of Calvary
I was overwhelmed with the guilt of sin
That I thought I could not behold his presence

I was engulfed in sin

I could not move near his throne
I could not behold his presence nor bear his light
Thoughts of going back to the slavery of the devil,

Kept gushing through my mind like a river

For I know I had sinned
Nevertheless, from the throne of grace, I heard a voice
“You, you are perfect”

With the tragic past I had

Yet I was perfect in his eyes
He saw me as His bride, neglecting my flaws
He saw me as the apple of His eyes

He pleaded with me never to go to Lucifer

Even that He may roar like a roaring, devouring lion

Bringing his tricks again here and there
Now I am with the lion of tribe of Judah

Hurts gone, Pain forgotten

My pain disappeared, scars healed up.
Shackles had been broken.

Restraintment has been broken. Condemnation has gone. The journey to

destiny of the young lady has begun. Do you know of the shackles you are
or that you had been that has held you down in one way or the other?

The enemy of our soul however, has a way of selling us his lies to get us
trapped especially when it comes to pain, hurt, guilt, restaurant may past
life. Remember the consequences of one person differs from another.
The lady in the story got mercy on time, another person may get mercy
but the situation may leave that person in a devastating way Grace differs,
destinies are not the same. Don't wait till you experience the
consequence of being held in shackles. Run back to God. It's for your own

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I once hated myself. Shocked? Don't be. It was the girl I was that I detest. This
happened because she allowed peoples opinion get to her. You are best
version of yourself God has ever created. You are unique. You are not an
accident neither has God made you to be a bonus. You are not a junk.

Isaiah 44:2 -'' GOD who made you has something to say to you; the God
who formed you in the womb wants to help you. Don't be afraid, dear
servant Jacob, Jeshurun, the one I chose.'’

Thinking about how the past years were,
Thoughts of how things was done started playing back
Remembering the experiences, I had
And the pain, hurt I held on to,
I regretted them all.

The period I held on to the feeling of “I wished I had not done that”.
Memories on how I was neglected by friends.
The challenges I had concerning my body stature and size
Oh! I hate the girl I was

Tears flowed down my eyes

Tears rolled down my cheeks

Those unpleasant periods came fresh on my mind
The thought of “I shouldn't have existed”.

Times I never cared about my dressing

Periods when peers made me a laughing stock
A lot of negative mindset set in
All resulted in the regrets.

Listen! I hate the girl I was

I dislike the life I lived then
Frowning up and down
Never putting on a single smile.

Teachers did not help matters,

They were not encouraging at all
They choose to insult based on body stature
I hate the girl that choose to be insulted

Then, low self-esteem set in,

I hated myself, I saw the low Diana then
I never thought of being an overcomer
I challenged God for creating me to face those hurdles

Why would you create me with such a stature?

Why would I find myself with such people?

Why would I have preferred to dress that way?
I kept asking these questions.

I believed I was not loved

I was never allowed to express myself
Friends kept distance from the bad tagged girl
Mockery was all they could offer
The girls that believed she was not loved was the girl I hated.

I hate those memories and experiences

The girl I hate was the girl that made others
Opinion about her become her reality.

Many people have been faced with different challenges during their early
life. Challenges like:

You are too dark, light,

You are big, too thin and small
You are an introvert, extrovert and so on.

Many young people, who could not let it all off, held on to the pain and
hurt received just like Diana's story. The world is getting to a place where
you cannot base your life on what someone says, unless you will be
deceived if you don't know who you are in God yourself. Many people will
sell to you, philosophies, facts, and opinions that are not yours, thus taking
advantage of your ignorance. Anyone who cannot accept you the way you
are but rather make jest of you in anyway is up to no good.

Have an understanding of who God has made you to be, of how He

wonderfully and fearfully created you. Refuse to be insulted in any way.

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Trading with the wrong master will cause your soul to be malnourished. Devil
is a bad master that will nourish you with sin. There is a great master who
nourishes His children with every good and perfect thing. Choose the right
master for yourself; stand firm; and focus on who you are in Him.

Deuteronomy 30:19 – I call heaven and earth to witness against you today;
I place before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that
you and your children will live. (MSB)

There has always been a dark moment in everyone's life. A moment

when you don't seem to understand what's going on. A moment when
you can't see the next step to take. Who do you run to? This decision
period is majorly a war, going on in your mind about which master to
follow or the one to neglect.

DIANA'S story continues:

I had traded with a master

I had been in his shackles
I was in slavery,
Since my soul was malnourished.

I couldn't be true to myself

I lost that courage
To admit when I am wrong
Always shying away from the truth
My life had been endangered.

I could no longer choose to do what is right

I had been encamped
I couldn't stand firm on what I believe
I lost my integrity.

Everything seemed okay outside

But deep down, I knew something was wrong
I had been enslaved
I had been malnourished.

Integrity is something you are not born with

It is something that is learned over time
And then embedded in your heart
I lost all that was learnt then.

I had fear
I had low esteem
I had failed
I had suffered emotionally

Integrity is being true to yourself

It is choosing to do what is right
It is not focusing on who you were
But focusing on who you are.

Due to different challenges that Diana had experienced, she had hard
times developing and maintaining good relationships because she had
fear of what people will say. For many years, she had difficulties in her life
but she blamed others for her own circumstances. All she held on to was
that all the people in her life needed to change so that they could get

In conclusion, of Diana's story, she gave all she was experiencing up to

someone who later helped her out of it all. She received the ability to
mingle and relate with people again, easily.
Were you amazed with that story? The same person that helped Diana can
help you out, too. Even if you are experiencing more than what was done
to Diana.

A moment you can't see the next step to take, that moment when you are
put in a six and seven condition, so dark that you have to stay on a spot to
take a decision either to give up or take charge. When you get to that
moment, don't let situations determine what you do. Go back to God and
find out what He says about it.

The answers to the issues of life are in Him alone.

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Life will not always be fair. There are times you will be forced to isolate yourself
from others. When such moment comes, always remember the Omnipresent.
He has always been there for the past, yours can't be an exception.

2 Corinthians 4:9- we are hunted down but God never abandons us. We
get knocked down but we get up again and keep going.

Have you ever been isolated or you intentionally isolate yourself from
others? Isolation according to The English Dictionary means the state of
being away from other people, to set apart or cut off from others. Being
isolated or neglected by others could be devastating, but do you know
that someone had been with you all these while? THE PERSON IS JESUS.

We've all been faced with different situations but some people went
through it alone, they motivated themselves, encourage themselves and
yet they stood strong. Some people got rejected by friends due to what
they were passing through, hence had nobody around them. Let's learn
from Sarah's story:

Beautiful and awesome moment of memories flashed back

Uniquely and wonderfully made for different purpose
Thriving all best to make the works an easier place
Remembering how things were all kept
Trying all possible means to be the best

Setting gaze at keeping all things right

Maintaining cordial relationship with friends

Ensuring I gave them the best I could afford
Always ready to listen and be of help

Sharing awesome moment with them

Keeping and trusting them with most secrets
Times when little was shared together
Through thick and thin, ups and downs

In a twinkle of an eye, all became strangers

Everyone turned from being friends
I was left all alone, life seemed hard
The world became sour and unpleasant

I was all alone with my thoughts

Sharing things with friends existed no more
Exploring life together became stories
Entirely, life began with another series

Times when I was emotionally down

My heart bleeds, for I was hurt
I was left alone with my guilt
We all had problems, but I shared mine alone

Friends created distance, situations was not pleasant

Brooding day and night became the normality

Life turned misery and miserable
I was tagged the bad girl

I held unto resentment and pain

My heart cried of for revenge
Revenging was all my soul longed for
My care was hurt

The trust I had was denied

Hatred replaced love
I concluded that I was deceived
How I wished it was all a dream
And I didn't have to lose my friends
I was alone, I was introverted
How could life be that unfair?

Her story ended with “How could life be that unfair?” It's possible such
questions has been pondering in your mind too for a while now, but I have
an answer for you today.

Life will not always be fair nor will it always be unfair, but despite all the
situations and challenges of life, remember always that you are not alone.
Periods when you thought all is doom for you since friends has distanced
themselves or life's situations when you thought you need people around
but nobody was there to help out; It's not yet over because you have
someone who is Omnipresent and that's your father. He is ever present
with you.

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Living your life based on opinion of others is unhealthy for you. As you heal
from your past; living a new life, people will give their opinion. Don't be
disturbed, instead hold on to the new you.

Jer.1.5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were
born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."

Imagine knowing a person and encountering two different personalities

in the same person, in less than a year. Firstly, you met with a girl in her
early teen struggling with a lot, deep inside of her that she couldn't open
up to anybody. You can imagine how pathetic the girl will be. Thereafter,
the same girl who had suffered with hurt, pain and guilt was healed and a
lot has changed in her life. Can you imagine how calm tranquil every
moment with her would be?

That fulfilled the saying that “The best of a man is still a man”.

Most people nowadays relate with others based on how they behave
physically not knowing that behind those broad smiles are hidden tears,
past experiences and all. So the moment you change or you are able to
break out of your tears and they noticed the changed YOU, thereby
criticizing, judging, and creating a distance from the changed you.

HANNAH'S story
I love the lady I am
To the woman I will be, I say kudos to you
Nobody can make me feel worthless
For he has created me to be priceless.
I am unique
I love how I'm created
The smile I always put on
Yes! I am not an accident.

They never knew the experiences I had

They have forgotten all I went through
Now, I am an overcomer
The testimony from them now is “She is a proud lady”

Has she not any sorrow or trouble?

For she is always smiling every now and then
Has she not any budget about her finance
For all she know is fashion, bags and shoes.

Despite all the pain I held to

The shackles of guilt that I was in,
The hurt that I never allow to be treated,
That made the girl I was unpleasant
The truth is ashamed girl I was

Hannah thought that due to the change that happened, she would be
accepted of all but her expectations were cut short. The main lesson now
is that change, because you need to change. People's comment will not
always be pleasing but out of the comment, pick the ones that are yours,
shuffle them and throw the rest into the trashcan. Never allow those
comments to hold you down to the extent that it will alter the changed
'you' after. HOLD ON TO THE CHANGED YOU, positively.

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Situations you have been through came to build you up and made you strong.
You might be going through overwhelming challenges but my advice for you
is that you look beyond the situation and see glorious days ahead.

Psalm 30:5 – “Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the

You may have been faced with different life's experiences but there
always lie ahead, faithful days.

“For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again and
that its tender shoots will not cease.”

Though life challenges might have cut you down, that you felt all hope is
lost, but when there is life, there is always hope. The period you were
down might be the darkest hour but there is always a light after each dark
tunnel. Glorious days lies ahead of you, don't give up in the midst of the

Ireoluwa's Testimony:
The day my hope fades
And on the same day my dream died
The day my life went dead
And on the same day that I was killed

When life was unfair to me

That my life was traded with a master
And it was more than I can take
I looked up to God, He sees the struggle

And every bend in the road

I was broken by life's trial
And weary from life's defeats
I gave God the broken pieces

He made a beauty from brokeness

He made me better than before
With a touch of sweet grace
Times when I feel like I can't face another day

He has been there when I needed Him

Even when I felt all hope was gone
Knowing that he is always there for me to lean on
Satan came but Jesus defeated Him

Psalm 147:4

God is not a man that he should lie; he says you are chosen not forsaken;
he heals the broken hearted and binds up their wound. That situation is
not the end of you; it remains a step out of it. Giving up is never an option.

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Beware of wolves in human skin that will ask you out for relationship, knowing
fully well that you are not their future partner, but just to catch pleasure out of
it. In any way you might have defined the word “dating”, what you get
yourselves involved in during that period matters most. Are you not selling
out your worth for a cheap price because of the relationship you are in? You
are expensive, treat yourself as one. Don't mess yourself up. Be smart.

1 Peter 2:9 – “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy

nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him
who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

The word “dating” has thrown many young minds into confusion. As a
noun, date is one's companion for social activities or occasions or it could
mean a romantic meeting or outing with a lover or potential lover. As a
reciprocal verb, it means to be romantically involved with each other. We
see from the definitions that, it is practically impossible to speak about
dating accurately without the word Romance.

What then is Romance? It is actually an intimate relationship between two

people, usually considered to be a love affair. If romance is an intimate
affair that involves Love, then we should know what love is.

It's needful to mention here that research has shown that the most
abused word in our world today is Love. Many people use the word on a
daily basis without actually knowing what it really means. An exhaustive
meaning of love can be summarized in the verses of the following
scriptures: John 15:13, John 3:16, 1Corinthians 13:1-13.

The oxford advanced learners dictionary provides eleven (11) “noun”
definitions as well as seven (7) “verb” definitions for the word love, but
none of them contains Jesus' view of love. In the 13th verse of the 15th
chapter of the Gospel.

according to St. John, Jesus said

“Greater love has no man than this, that a man should lay down his life for
his friends”. We know and have discovered a lot of lovers who do not
actually love, how do I know? They cannot lay down their lives for the
person they claim to love.
Let's learn from this :

In a world where a non-Christian language seems to be the order of the

Where youth of this contemporary time have been overwhelmed with the
enjoyment of this world,
When personal engagement between male and female especially
teenagers turns out to be the one ruling the world,
Where others are more concerned about their own idea of lust rather than
God's idea of marriage
Do you remain who you are?

In a place, full of darkness.

Where romantic interaction is now seen as a pleasure
Where no ones cares about what will happen or what the world have to say
about their bad acts
Where teenagers can no longer have their stand as a teen,
Where no one cares about being pure till their wedding night
Will you still keep maintaining the real virtues or not?

Will you still be worthy of that chosen call?
When all seems to dawn that teenagers, youth or adult can no longer be
recognized in a society
Where what you know is wrong begins to show forth as the normality
When you feel proud for doing something wrong
Generation where children could no longer harken to their parent's voice
Do you still remain what you are called for?

Will you be bold to stand for who you are, in this contemporary world?
Will you really be that holy one that the Lord has called?
Do you still work with the heavenly principles or just camouflaging?
Are you still the called brethren or just a bench warmer in that vineyard?
Why do you change from the real you simply because things are changing
and in vogue?
I bet you don't want to get lost in the crowd before realizing yourself back
Will you fall or keep moving despite trending things?

When people are making jest, tossing you here and there because of your
decision to stand out
If friends are encouraging you on the other path, you've chosen
If friends are moving off the track
When circumstances are hitting you hard like a stone
When circumstances seems tempting and look fancy
Will you keep going or look back?

Times when you feel like you are missing out
Times when you are losing your grip
When emotions, feeling start hitting up as sharp as you think of,
Will you still take your stand?

Why are you choosing to have a clear vision when what you are seeing is still
Why are you rushing to get inside the mansion even when it is yet to be
thoroughly furnished for you?
Why are you in a haste to set light on an uncompleted candlestick?
Do you want to end up putting it under the bushel?

Early relationship has destroyed many great youths

A lot of glorious future has been truncated
A royal person doesn't stay in the dark
Don't be afraid of who you are.
The ball is in your court, play it wisely.

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Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? If you secretly
give yourself to a man who is not your husband, you are dishonoring your
body, your parents and God. Therefore, glorify God with your body.

Philippians 2:15-16 –“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of

God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,
among whom ye shine as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life;
that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain neither
labored in vain.”

So many people have drifted into error and have made themselves
believe the lie that sex is an authentic prove of love or designed just for
fun. Not at all! Jesus loves you eternally, and he knows what's best for you.
Sex does not prove love; it only shows that lust has gained roots in you.

A generation is fast rising that has changed the definition of SEX to suite
their own satisfaction and fleshy desires, such that if they're not taught
the real reason behind the establishment of sex in the first instance,
upcoming generations will lose touch with the original meaning and
reason of sex.

We have often heard about sex here and there but have you ever
wondered how this three-letter word called “sex” has been changing the
world upside down.

Have you ever wondered how this generation is twisting and changing to
suite their own lust and desires?

Have you forgotten these African mothers' teachings on sex?

How about lessons from teachers, seminars and conferences?

Have you ever thought of how this contemporary world will turn out to be,
on this issue of sex?

Teenagers, youth and adult can no longer be identified and differentiated

when it come to sex issue?

Confusion has filled the whole world

Things that could hardly be heard happening during teen age before has
become 'pleasure’

New school generation, where are you heading?

Where has all those teachings gone?

Teachings from church and seminars
Were they not taught or not properly instilled?
Could teachings be easily forgotten?
Teachings from parents and elderly people.
Where had they gone?

Teachings on keeping yourself pure, chastity, the glory of women and all
Teachings that clearly stated sex is only for marriage
Teachings on abstinence as the key
Friends, where have we missed it?
At what point did our parent miss the teaching?
Where have we strayed away from our parents' teaching?

Sex among teens, not married; sacrificing destiny on the bed of immorality
Truncating glory on the bed of lust

Destroying lives on the bed of fornication
Damaging glorious images on the bed of adultery
Yet, sex is seen as enjoyment
Yet, it is known as something in vogue
Where exactly did we miss it?

Why do we practice something that should not be heard of teens?

Secret acts that can't be boldly mentioned amidst friends and parent
Five minutes satisfaction that has destroyed thousands of glory
Repercussion arises and catches up yet it is seen as a routine.
Friends, it is time to get sense!

Can these be told to the upcoming generations?

Testimony of how you lived during your teen age?
Story of how many lives you destroyed and even killed in your teen?
Can they be heard by your unborn kids?

Princes and princesses, why have you forsaken your king?

Why have you given room for slavery of sex to encamp you?
You have been caught up in the web of enjoyment and satisfaction
Deposit of glory in your life has been thrown in to the trash can
Destiny and glory has been released to the gloom of forest
Can the changes of this generation begin with you?

Love or pleasure can never be determined by how much money a guy
spends on you, his sweet words or caring attitude. Sex is not for fun or
pleasure (for unmarried folks) neither to be expressed on a basis of
friendship. Anyone can show you the side of them they want you to see. It
is only what a person chooses to let you know that you are aware of.

You need a different kind of eyes to see clearly in this morally decayed
generation. When you fall so deeply in love with God, you will see through
the lenses of the Spirit. You will not just fall in love with just anybody, your
love for God will drive you towards healthy relationships. You will not sell
your worth for a pot of porridge. Remember, you are not cheap. No
amount of gift or money can measure up to your glorious destiny. You are
not an object of sexual pleasure. Your footsteps can be others direction.
Tread in a pathway that other people can follow.

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Whatever is going on in the world around you, has a great influence on you.
It's fine to feel concerned but there's more to that. Ask. Pray. Plead on behalf of
that situation.

John 16:24 – “Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you
will receive, that your joy may be full.”

John16:33 – “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have
peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have
overcome the world.”

Nigeria has been a nation characterized as a land flowing with milk and
honey. She is provided with different mineral resources like crude oil,
petrol and all but she has lacked an important feature in times past to this
moment which is good leaders. Nigeria has a bad leadership, since the
head is bad then the whole body too, is sick. Therefore, the citizens of the
nation at the receiving end, experience different situations that affects
academically, financially even social wise.

Taking for example, in a situation when the government refuse to give the
salary of the workers to them, they conclude on going for strike which
they eventually do and all academic activities are put on hold for students.
This is making us to understand that whatever is going on around us
especially in the nation we are in has the power to affect us either
negatively or positively. The question is in such situation, what do you do
as a child of God? Do you feel concerned by standing in gap for the nation?
Or you feel not concerned thinking you have another nation to travel to if
this nation is failing? Or you feel concerned and worried doing nothing?
You can create a good world for us all through your own participation and
concern for this nation. Let's learn from Sandra's story:

Through negligence and Ignorance
The country flowing with milk and honey
Lost its peace through conflict
Oh, great nation! Where is thy peace?

Through religion bias

A country full of unity and cooperation
''To serve our father's land with love,'' they say
Where is the service with love?

''And living, just and true,'' we pledge daily

Yet corruption is the order of the day
Leaders are not exempted on the path
Followers are experts too

One nation bound with freedom we sing,

Freedom even when the citizens are still enslaved
Depriving them their right despite working tirelessly,
Bounded in freedom with valueless currency.

A better nation, we plead

Leaders of tomorrow are dying,
The future of this nation is being disturbed,
Nevertheless, we hope for a better impact henceforth.

Sandra's comment shows a lot of thought going on in the heart of most
teenagers. They fear what the future holds because of what the nation is
going through. Feasibility study shows that teenagers are mostly faced
with the consequences of what the world around them does to them. The
question now is that, do you as a teenager only feel concerned about what
goes on around you without taking any particular action.

As a youth faced with different situation due to the atmosphere around

you, do you only complain and criticize the leaders?

C'mon, enough of being disturbed alone without any action. You are a
child of the one who is able to change situations. Why not cry out on
behalf of the world around you today? It worth your cry and plead,
because the impact it gives will certainly affect you.

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God is not relating with you based on your performance, what you do or what
you failed to do. He is not imputing your past life or sin into you. His Love is

Romans 8:36 – “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us.”

Your parent, friends and family might have been disappointed because
of your past mistakes to the extent that you felt neglected. You might
have blamed yourself for years to have done what had occurred and you
hate yourself because of all. There is a father whose arm is wide open and
beckoning on you to come and enjoy his warmth, for his love is beyond
human comprehension.

Let's learn from Praise's Testimony:

How deep the unending meaning

The feeling that is overwhelming
The reckless love of God
The experience beyond scientific explanation.
How great and awesome the feeling
The feeling that is touching
That cannot but affect your daily living positively
The love is so appealing to the heart.

Each persons with the way they show love to others,
Different tribe with their unique expression of affection
But I've witnessed a specially packed expression of love
For He looked beyond all that I've done and saw the perfect Praise.

When I was surrounded with situations

All I could sense is His love
When it looks like the road came to an end
It was still the fire of love that over burns

Romans 8:35 – “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall
tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or

Yes! Nothing can separate us from the love of the father. No tribulation, no
experience, no hurt nor pain, no guilt or disease can separate us from the
overwhelming love of God. Why? Because his love for humankind is

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Never allow anyone make you feel worthless or not having value. There is
always a need for you to focus on the positive side of each situation and
experience you are going through. After all, you learn from the situation. Don't
dwell on the hurt, grow with the lesson and experience. You are priceless.

Psalm 118:8-9 –“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in
man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.”

Betrayal is a word frequently used in day-to-day life. It is the breaking of

trust, contract or confidence that produce moral and psychological
conflicts within a relationship amongst individuals or organization.

Firstly, one should analyse whether in a given situation, one has been
betrayed or one is still feeling betrayed. If we objectively undertake such
an analysis, we shall find that in most cases (not all though) the alleged
offender had no intention of betraying our trust or the events which made
us feel betrayed are not deliberate acts. They are either on the account of
one's ignorance, mere innocence, misinformation or our own inferiority

In such situation, it is mainly our own ego, which makes us feel betrayed.
There can be a number of such situations. For example, you have a friend
who happens to be a close friend, but suddenly you noticed distance
between you both, instead of walking up to the friend to know what is
going on between you, you choose to sit and conclude that despite all
things you have done and shared together, all the best the friend could
offer is creating distance.

There may be another kind of situation where you have been insulted or
ignored deliberately but in good faith. This is done to make you realise
something which will help you. However, the underlying message is that
there is no cause for feeling betrayed. As a matter of fact, these situations
should refine you and you should be grateful to the person creating such
situation. Let's learn from this experience.

What deepest hurt have you experienced?

How often have you been betrayed?
Your love, your trust and care
When your emotions were disturbed

Imagine the years you have been here on earth

For how long will you be betrayed?
You kept moving in the journey of life
Yet not enjoying the trip

Have you ever thought of moving on, with life?

Or all you think of, is holding to resentment
He was betrayed yet He fulfilled purpose
He was despised yet He became a victor.

Behind every success is great story

What has happened to you is common to humanity
You made friends, they left you
They are not destined for more than a scene with you

Get up and leave the hurt and memories behind
Rejoice and dance away the sorrow
Yes, your love has been betrayed
The one whom you trust has disappointed

Forget all the hurt behind

Move on with life
Get the good out of it
And allow yourself to get healed of the experience.

Refuse to be betrayed. Just allow the situation to refine you. Get the best
out of the situation and throw the negative side into the trash bin.

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Each phase of life comes with its own experience, lesson and result. Whatever
phase you are in presently, do ensure to get the best out of it regardless of
what you are passing through.

When someone or a situation strikes you, glorify the pain; be grateful that
you have a chance to prove your steadfastness and loyalty. A person's test
of strength and wisdom rests on this- how great is your sense of
persevering and enduring when life starts hitting at you hard. It is testing
your sense of equilibrium under stress.

It's time to learn:

There is always an end result

After each phase of life
Each phase destined with its own encounter
Encounter yielding another desired expectation

Expectation turned out different

Thoughts produced different result
Planned goals went AWOL
Making you blind folded

It's time to accelerate

Your thoughts are different from his

His thinking are not the same with yours
Yet, it will produce the best result

Behind all issues, there is an end result

After all problems, success will show face
Weeping may also last, joy comes after
After each tunnel, there is always a light.

A wise man is one who can live in peace and keep growing with the phase
he is experiencing and still get the best result couple with growth and

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Look carefully into everything you passed through and give glory to Him who
alone deserves all the praise. The devil tried you but you stood. Situations
shook you but you kept your balance. You conquered as the real son of Abba
who is always victorious. Think deep and have reasons to give glory to Him.

Philippians 4:19 – “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.”

Thinking about how the past years had been and how patiently you have
waited for such a time like this, whom do you return all glory to? To the
one who was shaken, abased, humiliated and failed to stop thriving? Or to
the one that stood by you in all the situations, encouraged you and even
lift you up again reminding you that you can't give up at this moment
because you have come this far?

Who do you return the glory to? Let's share from Flora's story:

How they thought hurting was the best attack?

Friends turned their back
Distance was created here and there
Yet, all glory to the father that took control.

They thought I could never be something

Apart from them being in my life

Hatred among peers
Glory to God who saw me through.

For years, devil made me to realise that I was not loved

That I believed, received and conceived
I hated myself
Despite all, I went through all and conquered.

For many years, I did not enjoy life

Not to talk of celebrating it
I was not enjoying the trip at all
Still till today, nothing else but glory.

Oh, how wonderful and awesome God is!

He neglected my flaws
Yet he saw the perfect me
Glory to him in the highest.

I was malnourished for years

I had traded my soul
I had been encamped into slavery
Yet, God's love still found me.

I had been hurt

I had been emotionally down

I cried all through the night
I was depressed.

Despite all, He saw his daughter in me

He healed, comforted and restored my soul
I came, I saw and I conquered
I returned all glory to him.

Flora is able to recognize the best person who deserve the glory for
staying and pushing her through all. Don't be too overwhelmed to ignore
the necessary things you ought to do. Return all Glory back to God, today.
Do it now!

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There is more to those pain and hurt; you can always go through each phase
joined with its own experience in peace and not pieces provided you can hold
on to the one who is faithful. They are all grooming and making you better
conjoined with being a strong person preparing you for the future. Don't only
endure the process, but also, enjoy the process. You are getting there.

Job 22:21 - “Give in to God, come to terms with him and everything will
turn out fine.”

Whether you believe it or not, there is always, the part of restoration

after you have experienced all the phases. Time when you feel so
overwhelmed to have gone through all and still been able to come out
strong, hale and healthy. Going through the experiences and flowing with
how it comes around for you, is not the best decision. You can pass
through all and still enjoy the process, how?

Romans 8:18 – “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are
not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

Our present and past situation should not define us negatively. You can
just look beyond now and see the glorious future ahead! And finally,

Philippians 4:6 – “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.”

You have the freedom to talk out and speak out your mind to your
heavenly father when it seems all is not going the way it ought to be. He is
always ready to listen to his own children.

Let's share from Joy's Testimony:

When the joy, peace and captivity turned again
Dreamland of wonders I thought I was
Then my mouth was filled with joy
And my tongue was filled with singing.

My soul was overwhelmed with love

My heart lingers for joy
Then it was said among peers, friends and relatives
The Lord has done great things for her.

Eyes have seen, ears have heard

They confirmed the miraculous work of God
Stunned, shocked and surprised they were
It was marvellous in their sight.

Captivity turned to freedom

Fortunes has been restored
Hurts has been healed
Just as the streams are restored by the torrent.

I was deeply hurt

I had sowed in tears
I found a soothing balm
And I reaped in joy and singing.

I went forth weeping
I went off with heavy heart
But I came back rejoicing
I returned with armloads of blessing.

Pray without ceasing

Rejoice evermore
Wait and wait patiently
Then all will be restored.

Remember a natural man cannot be rejoicing while he is sorrowful,

something must have been cheering and encouraging to rejoice always
regardless of what is going around. It takes a spirit man to choose to be
rejoicing even when everything around doesn't call for rejoicing.

What is the state you are presently? A SPIRIT MAN who is directed by the
Holy Spirit or A NATURAL MAN who is guided by his instinct and sense
alone. With the state of man you are right now, do you think it can sustain
you through life's journey and experiences? Do you think it can help you to
keep rejoicing and enjoying all the experiences even when it's looking
otherwise? Reflect on this!

The only person that can help and keep you rejoicing while sorrowful is
Jesus. If you have not given your life to Christ, the time is now for
tomorrow may be too late. Accepting that God exists is not enough but
you must confess him with your mouth as Lord and savior.

Romans 10:10 "for with the heart a person believes, resulting in

righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in

God has loved us before we come into His light and salvation. The Bible
says "when we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly.” Can you
fathom that kind of love?

John 3:16 also reminds us that “For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but
have everlasting life”

Yes, it's true. God loves you and sent his only son to die for you even in your
sin. Imagine what manner of man that would die for you even when he
knows that you are not dong what is expected of you. If you choose to sin,
you choose to suffer. But Jesus is saying come to me and I will not send
you away.

Isaiah 1:18 - “ Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord,
“though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they
are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

Jesus is still accepting those who come to Him no matter the measure
of their sins. It doesn't matter how bad or terrible you have been. It's a
new dawn for you. Embrace His love.


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About The Author

Beatrice M. Oladoja is a delight of God and Food Science

and Technology student of the prestigious Federal
University of Technology, Akure (FUTA).

In her daily living, she loves creativity, writing and

impacting people around her, through her experience.
She is also passionate about young ones and good

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About The Book

Life; Full of Experiences is a book that aptly describes the pains of a

teenager and sheds light on how to overcome them. The pains, sufferings
and challenges listed in this book are things most teenagers would not
want to open up on. The writer in her own way has helped show teenagers
a way out of this dilemma and I can say that Life; Full of Experiences is a
book I would recommend for every Teenagers to support them as they
journey through life.

Ayomide J. Olabisi

The book is a very nice compilation of "the commons" of life and it was not
just a motivational piece; I specifically like how each discussion was
justified by the word of God at the end. I'm saying there is strength to

-Joseph Oladiti

This book is a good read for everyone most especially teens and youths,
because it recognizes your struggles as a youth or teenager, it also talks
about certain phases of life no one would really sit down to discuss with
you and it guides you on how to handle those circumstances. Personally, I
was blessed reading it.

-Aina Fiyinfoluwa


Teenage years are filled with lots of experiences that form clutters and
complex webs in the soul of very many young people. Maybe this book
will reveal to you, that your personal struggles are not unique. But
certainly, regardless of how messy your experiences have been, the
lessons of this book will show you that you're not defined by them and
that you can be restored back to who you're meant to be. It is good news
to know you can rewrite your story by choosing a path with Jesus, and
continuing in His love as you lead a beautiful and victorious life. It will be
worth it to invest a few hours of your time to be reminded of going past
the things that actually don't matter in your life, to being a person of
virtue and substance.

-Rasheed Olajuwon

Either from our personal experiences, or from the experiences of others;

we all cannot but learn from experience. Experience as it is, is capable of
making you; and at the same time can mar you. In the book "Life; Full of
Experiences," the writer; Beatrice Oladoja revealed to us her experiences
during the teenage years, and how she was able to overcome the ones
that intended to mar her. I recommend this book to you if you have an
awful experience you want to heal from.

-Elizabeth F. Ayoola

Welcome to the world of men where mistakes are made especially as

Teenagers. This is a stage where many fall into the ditch due to ignorance.
Thus, ignorance doesn't give you justification. Life; Full of Experiences is
more than just a book, It's not only telling us what the young face but also
the remedy and solution to this experience. Don't just read. Understand
and Take action! Endeavour to share as well.

-Olatubi Victor.


Unified and thought-provoking experiences has a way of shaping the life

of man but, better when it is being channeled through the right cause.
Teenage hurdles are inevitable but, crossing them with the wisdom of
God is that which is encapsulated in this book. Having pensively gone
through the book Life; Full of Experiences by Beatrice Oladoja, I strongly
recommend it for every teenager who desires an awesome teenage
experience and as well to the aged individuals, who desires
wholesomeness from their past experiences. Are you enthusiastic about
getting the book? Congratulations I say to you. Get set for an encounter!

-Emmanuel AKINOLA

One of the challenges and draw backs teenagers who are to be potential
leaders face today is the one which happens during their teenage age, as
a result it has stolen many future. I recommend this book for every young
individual, who knows he has a great potential, but what he has been
experiencing is otherwise. This is the book you really need. It will guide
you through how you can navigate through that which God has purpose
for you.

-Fashipe Paul

I must say the author of this book; Beatrice OLADOJA, spoke the mind of
Christ. The book is God inspired and a blessing to generations. This book
will make impact on people's life the way it went vast and cut across
necessary areas like your dream as a purposeful man. And we are aware
that a man without vision is blind. It talks about our love walk as believers
and how that replaces offence. It is expedient for us to walk in love. I was
blessed and I encouraged everyone to enjoy, too.

-Bello Kanyinsola.

Wow, this is a book that I wished I read while I was a teenager because it's
well detailed, full of experiences, solutions, and steps to take if you find
yourself in these vices. Nevertheless, it was still impactful and an eye
opener to me. I employ all teenagers, pre-teens and post-teens that
come in contact with this book to take time to read, meditate and follow
the instructions as stated because it is well loaded and built on the
foundation of the bible. I also beseech all parents to read this book
because it will serve as an eye-opener to what their kids are facing in this
generation and help to know the necessary actions to take to keep their
Children (wards) secured from these vices or help serve as a guide to
coming out if they are in it already. Thank you

-Olatunji Damilare.

LIFE FULL OF EXPERIENCES is one of the books that every teenagers

must read before entering the adolescent stage. The writer breaks down
the challenges and solutions every teenagers must know. In the first
chapter of the book titled Dream, it was stated by the writer that "If you
don't stand for something, you will fall for something", and the
interpretation according to the book is "When there is no vision, wish or
desire, you follow the crowd and get lost". Meaning that when the
purpose of waking is not known, sleeping becomes interesting. To be a
successful person in life, you must have a DREAM. And it's not only to
dream, the best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
Anatole France said and I quote, "To accomplish great things, we must
not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe". The meat of
this book is far more focused on the experiences of life and the solutions
to the challenges you'll be facing. This book this book is not limited to

-Abayomi Oladayo.


“Wow”… “Wow”… “Wow”… Those were my words after reading the book
“Life; Full Of Experiences”. Beatrice has defined life beyond the popular
facade of imaginations but make it real. Life indeed is full of experiences
and one has to be prepared for them.
“It has been said and proven over the years that the teenage stage is a very
delicate times in life because the phase is characterized by rapid and
significant physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual changes.”
Beatrice has skillfully put together how a teenager can walk through this
phase in peace and not in pieces, managing the pains and hurt life may
bring maturely.
The book was beautifully written in such a way that, it reveals the possible
unexpected many teenagers faced in their teenage phase with solutions.
She employed her poetry skill and was epigrammatic in her presentation
to convey the message with clarity using life examples. The chapter
eleven of the book got me so much because it reminded me of my
beautiful childhood days with the popular commander Obe song which
says; “ko si ogbon to le da, ko si iwa to le wu, to le fi te aye loru” (meaning
that, there is nothing you can do, no wisdom you can display to satisfy all
of mankind)
The book will deliver anyone who is already in shackles of hurt and pain,
guide its reader on how to live a peacefully and keep growing with the
phase he/she is experiencing and yet get the best result couple with
growth and glowing.
I recommend the book to be read not only by teenagers, but also
institutions and people who need a concise guide to help younger
generations grow.

-DANIEL Oyewale


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