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Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206

Water quality change in reservoirs of Shenzhen, China: detection

using LANDSATyTM data
Yunpeng Wang*, Hao Xia, Jiamo Fu, Guoying Sheng
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O. Box 1131, Guangzhou 510640, PR China

Received 8 April 2003; received in revised form 17 November 2003; accepted 13 February 2004


The objective of this research is to explore a precise and fast way of monitoring water chemical and biochemical
quality in the reservoirs of Shenzhen, China. Water quality change in 1988 and 1996 are detected by synthesizing
satellite data and ground-based data. One scene Thematic Mapper (TM) image in winter of 1996 was acquired and
the simultaneous in situ measurement, sampling and analysis were performed. Main methods include radiometric
calibration of TM remote sensor, atmospheric correction to image data and statistical model construction. The results
indicate that satellite-based estimates and in situ measured water reflectance have very high correlation, and the root
mean square differences between two kinds of indices are close to 0.02–0.03 for each TM band in Visible-Near
Infrared (VI-NIR) range. Statistical relationship between calibrated image data (average of 5=5 pixels) of TM bands
and laboratory analyzed data of water samples indicated reflectance of TM band 1 to band 4 and organic pollution
measurements such as TOC, BOD and COD had higher correlation. The same scene TM data in the winter of 1988
was processed in the same procedure. Results indicate that water quality of most reservoirs have become worse.
Water of eastern reservoirs near Dongjiang River is characterized with higher TOC and TSS, and water of western
reservoirs is characterized with higher BOD and COD.
䊚 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Water quality change; Remote sensing; Landsat-5 TM image; Reservoir water; Shenzhen; Biochemical oxygen demand;
Chemical oxygen demand

1. Introduction Most reservoirs accumulate the runoff formed of

rainwater, such as Tiegang reservoir and Shiyan
Reservoir water is the main source of drinking reservoir, and some reservoirs accumulate the
water, industrial water and agricultural water in water from rivers with long distance drainage,
Shenzhen and Hong Kong. There is an important such as Shenzhen reservoir whose main water is
need for ongoing water quality monitoring to from the Dongjiang River. Shenzhen is one area
ensure the water standard continuous to be active. with the most rapid development speed of econo-
my and urbanization of China in the past 20 years.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q86-20-8290170; fax: q86-
20-85290706. Local industrial developments and population
E-mail address: (Y. Wang). increases have affected reservoir ecosystem and

0048-9697/04/$ - see front matter 䊚 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
196 Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206

water quality. Now, and in the future, there isywill doing so, the paper provides the first information
be the need for more high quality water. on the statistical model between water chemical
Traditional water quality monitoring depends on and biochemical measurements and the satellite
in situ measurements or sequent laboratory analysis estimated reflectance of TM bands and the prelim-
of the samples. This kind of point sampling meth- inary application of the water quality change in
ods may give accurate measurements, but they are the reservoirs of Shenzhen.
time and money consuming. Further and most
importantly, they can’t give the real-time spatial 2. Study area
overview that is necessary for the global assess-
ment and monitoring of water quality (Brivio et The study area is in the north of Shenzhen,
al., 2001). Guangdong Province, south of China (Fig. 1).
Satellite remote sensing may provide suitable This is a tropical area with abundant rainfall.
ways to integrate limnological data collected from According to the Shenzhen meteorological station,
traditional in situ measurements. Since the 1980s, the annual precipitation of Shenzhen varies from
with improvement of sensor spatial and spectral 1600–2000 mm, average annual precipitation is
resolution, satellite remote sensing has been used 1933.3 mm, and in most area of Shenzhen the
to monitor inland water by using correlation average annual precipitation is over 1700 mm
between broad-band reflectance and other proper- (
ties of the water column, including Secchi disk htm). There are more than 30 reservoirs in Shen-
depth, chlorophyll concentrations, pigment load, zhen and they accumulate water throughout year.
total suspended sediments, temperature and water The five largest reservoirs Tiegang, Shiyan, Xili,
quality data analyzed in a laboratory (Schiebe et Yantian and Shenzhen, which account for over
al., 1992; Dekker and Peters, 1993; Schneider and 80% water column of the surface water in Shen-
Mauser, 1996; Zilioli and Brivio, 1997; Fraser, zhen, are studied here. The typical characteristics
1998; Giardiano et al., 2001; Kloiber et al., 2000, of these reservoirs are the heavy organic pollution
2002). and eutrophication, and the main pollutants include
The Landsat-5 TM (Thematic Mapper) images total nitrogen and phosphorous, BOD and volatile
were selected to acquire broadband reflectance hydroxybenzene (Annul Report of Shenzhen Envi-
data. All bands of TM Band 1 (TM1) to TM Band ronmental Protection Bureau, 2002).
7 (TM7) were used, and the most common were
TM1-TM4 and TM6. TM1-4 bands known as 3. Material and methods
visible-near infrared bands are in the spectral range
where light passed through the water, providing One scene TM image was acquired and the
some information about water quality (Giardiano simultaneous in situ spectral measurement, water
et al., 2001; Kloiber et al., 2000, 2002). sampling and laboratory analysis were performed.
Previous studies prove TM1-4 bands may reflect Image process methods include radiometric cali-
the routine parameters of water quality including bration of TM remote sensor and atmospheric
aquatic humus, chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton, dis- correction to image data. Multiple regression meth-
solved organic matter, suspended matter, etc. (Dek- ods were used for the statistical model construc-
ker et al., 1992; Lathrop, 1992; Dekker and Peters, tion. The water quality change was detected by
1993; Lavery et al., 1993; Pattiaratchi et al., 1994; comparing two scenes of TM data through the
Cox et al., 1998; Brivio et al., 2001; Giardiano et same procedures.
al., 2001; Stadelmann et al., 2001; Kloiber et al.,
2002). In this paper, a study of statistical model 3.1. Satellite data and spectral measurement
between reflectance of TM band 1–4 and chemical
measurements of water quality including total The date of the TM image is for the 10 March
organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand 1996, a time when the composition of reservoir
(COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) water is relatively stable in the dry season. This
is presented for the reservoirs of Shenzhen. In date is chosen because the image is cloud-free and
Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206 197

Fig. 1. Location of study area, Shenzhen, Guangdong, South of China.

in good quality (Detailed in http:yy from 8 to 10 according to the reservoir size. The For comparing the radiation of position of the sampling ship was geolocated by a
water in remote sensor and the in situ measure- portable Global Position System (GPS: Model
ment, a digital count and related parameters of the GM-100 of Beijing InterGPS Corporation). At
image were used. A sub-image in size of each sampling site, water was collected with a
1200=700 pixels was extracted, which covered dark-colored bottle from depths of 0 and 2 m.
the most of the study area. Then an integrated water sample of two depths
For determining the relationship between the was taken in situ for the further analysis in the
satellite data and in situ measurement, the surface laboratory. The interval between sampling posi-
radiation of water was measured during satellite tions was maintained as short as possible, and
overpass. The in situ measurements were taken these time was usually between 30 and 60 min. In
using a HG-100 portable spectroradiometer the field, all the sample were stored in a tempera-
designed by our institute. It is a spectrally based ture- maintaining (5"2 8C) container with a black
colorimeter, which can perform complete radio- cover to avoid sample deterioration from biological
metric measurements in the range of 400–860 nm activity. At the laboratory, all sample bottles were
with a spectral bandwidth of 10–2 nm accuracy. stored in the refrigerator at the same temperature
This instrument can mount different optics (cor- prior to analysis.
responding to 18) and remote cosine receptor Laboratory analysis includes TOC, COD and
(RCR) fields of view (FOV). A sun-photometer BOD. All analytical methods used were China
was used to measure the atmospheric transmittance Standard Method (GB Method), which were as
in different wavelengths from visible to near infra- follows:
red range.
1. TOC: Determination of TOC by non-dispersive
3.2. Sampling and analysis infrared absorption method (GByT 13 193-
The sample gathering sites were arranged to 2. COD: Determination of the chemical oxygen
coincide with satellite passages along a section in demand, Dichromate method (GByT 11 914-
the north–south direction. Sampling number varies 1989).
198 Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206

3. BOD: Determination of biochemical oxygen Table 2

demand after 5 days, Dilution and seeding The atmospheric transmittance Tlx values in TM bands meas-
ured by a sun-photometer (March 10, 1996)
method (GByT 7488-1987).
Band 1 2 3 4
The other determination methods were also GB
Methods, which would not be listed here. Tlx 0.6705 0.7433 0.8402 0.9905

3.3. Calibration and atmospheric correction

r*s (2)
For comparing the spectral properties of water TlxE0ms
received by satellite and the in situ measurements,
the satellite image data needed to be calibrated
L* is the radiance (Wmy2sry1mmy1); dS: is
and corrected for atmospheric effects. The objec-
Earth–Sun distance normalized with respect to
tive of absolute radiometric sensor calibration of a
mean of 1.0 A.U; ms: is cosine of solar zenith
satellite is to produce accurate calibrated data in
angle; E0: Exo-atmospheric solar irradiance
SI units for broad usage (Brivio et al., 2001).
(Wmy2mmy1); Tlx: is the atmospheric transmit-
Compared to soil and vegetation, the fraction of
tance along the path from the sun to the ground
light reflected from water is very small (Maul,
surface measured by sun-photometer simultaneous-
1985). Therefore, accurate absolute radiometric
ly while the satellite over-passing, which is shown
correction of the sensor is critical (Gordon, 1987).
Thome et al. have done the long-term research of in Table 2.
TM and ETM data calibration (Thome et al., 1993; The haze effect is thought to be the most
Thome, 2001 ). In this study, Eq. (1) is used to important atmospheric effect due to the scattering
calibrate the digital signal levels (DSLs), which and absorption of the radiation by molecules and
are then converted to (Lambertian) apparent reflec- aerosols (Kaufman, 1989). Many atmospheric haze
tance by Eq. (2) with the coefficients in Table 1. removal techniques have been developed for the
use of digitally remote-sensed data (Kaufman and
Sendra, 1988; Caselles and Lopez Garcia, 1989;
DSLyDSL0 Richter, 1990; Fraser et al., 1992; Gilabert et al.,
L*s (1)
G 1994). These techniques are grouped into two
classes: a simple dark object subtraction (DOS)

Table 1
Radiometric calibration coefficients and exo-atmospheric solar irradiances from Landsat-5 TM (Thome et al. (1993) and Palmer

TM band Center wavelength Gain, G Offset, DSL0 Solar Irradiance, E0

(mm) (countsyWmy2sry1mmy1) (counts) (Wmy2sry1mmy1)
1 0.4863 1.6599 2.523 1959.2
2 0.5706 0.85099 2.417 1827.4
3 0.6607 1.2411 1.452 1550.0
4 0.8382 1.2277 1.854 1040.8
5 1.677 9.2526 3.423 220.75
6 2.223 17.550 2.633 74.960
1 Gs(y7.84=10y5)(days since launch)q1.409
2 Gs(y2.75=10y5)(days since launch)q0.7414
3 Gs(y1.96=10y5)(days since launch)q0.9377
4 Gs(y1.10=10y5)(days since launch)q1.080
5 Gs(7.88=10y5)(days since launch)q7.235
7 Gs(7.15=10y5)(days since launch)q15.63
Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206 199

4. Results

4.1. Satellite estimated and in situ measured reflec-

tance of water

A 5=5 pixel window, corresponding to the area

of 150=150 m, was extracted from the images for
each of the locations in each reservoir. Average
DLS of 25 pixels within the window was converted
to radiance L*, reflectance rag*. Also, the ground
reflectance (rg*) was calculated by DOS methods
as the above description.
Satellite estimated and in situ measured reflec-
tance of water in 42 sites are compared in a scatter
plots in Fig. 2. The results show that the computed
values are close to the measured values, in general,
and present a good fit (Fig. 2). The correlation
Fig. 2. Scatter plot of satellite estimated reflectance vs. in situ analysis results show that the correlation coeffi-
measured reflectance of water in three TM bands (42 sites of 2
reservoirs, Shenzhen).
cient square (RTM1 ) for TM1 of 42 samples is
0.638, 0.607 for TM2 and 0.780 for TM3. The
satellite-based estimates and in situ measured water
method and using atmospheric transmission model reflectance are significantly correlated: the t-sig-
combining with in situ field measurements. nificance test of correlation analysis was used (ts
Hence, an improved dark-object subtraction 8.18)t0.01(40)s2.704, P-0.01).
technique for atmospheric haze correction is used For assessing the absolute error of this method,
based on the method of Chavez and Teillet after the root mean square (RMS) errors in TM band
comparing different atmospheric correction meth- 1–4 for the 42 sites were computed. RMS is the
ods (Chavez, 1988, 1996; Teillet and Fedosejevs, standard deviation of the differences between sat-
1995). Eq. (3) is used to compute apparent reflec- ellite estimated and in situ measurements of water
tances at the sensor form DSLs extracted from the reflectances. The bar graph of TM band 1–4 is
imagery for the dark target and average back- presented in Fig. 3. It shows that on average, the
ground: root mean square differences between the two
kinds of indices are close to 0.02–0.03 in VI-NIR
rag*s (3)

This equation is used to obtain rag* values for

the dark target DSLs and the average background
DSLs in each of Landsat TM band 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The radiometric calibration gain and offset coeffi-
cients, G and DSL0, listed in Table 1 were deter-
mined by Thome et al. (1993) and Palmer (1984).
E0 is the exo-atmospheric solar irradiance. The
recommended gain coefficients are given in the
lower part of Table 1. A sun angle computation Fig. 3. The root mean square errors of water reflectance dif-
will give ms for the scene center and ds for the ferences in TM band 1–4 between satellite and ground meas-
date of image acquisition by the remote sensor. urement, 42 locations in Shenzhen.
200 Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206


(MRs0.829, Ns40,

standard error of estimates0.25) (4)


(MRs0.707, Ns40,

standard error of estimates0.24) (5)


(MRs0.626, Ns40,

standard error of estimates0.30) (6)

Fig. 4. Scatter plot of predicted values and analyzed values of Where r1, r2 and r3 are the atmospherically
TOC (40 samples, rs0.911, Ps0.01).
corrected reflectance of TM band 1–3. MR is the
multiple linear correlation coefficient and N is
sample number.
range. It indicates that satellite estimated reflec-
Scatter plots of predicted values from the Eqs.
tance of water presents a high accuracy in TM
(4)–(6) vs. analyzed values of TOC, BOD and
band 1–4.
COD are shown in Figs. 4–6. The correlation
coefficients are 0.911(Ps0.01) for TOC,
4.2. Water quality models 0.841(Ps0.01) for BOD and 0.791(Ps0.01) for

Statistical techniques were used to determine

the relationships between the satellite estimated
reflectances or their ratios and water quality para-
meters just like in previous studies (Baban, 1993;
Mayo et al., 1995; etc.). A few previous studies
used non-linear power models to address the cur-
vilinear behavior of this relationship (Lathrop,
1992; Cox et al., 1998). In this study, some
multiple regression methods including linear, expo-
nential and log transformations were used to exam-
ine the statistical models between water parameters
analyzed in laboratory (TOC, BOD, and COD)
and remote sensing reflectance values in TM 1–4.
Through comparing, we chose the multiple linear
regression method because of its higher multiple
correlation coefficient. The regression equations of
TOC, BOD and COD and the atmospherically
corrected reflectance of TM band 1–3 (r1, r2 and Fig. 5. Scatter plot of predicted values and analyzed values of
r3) were as follows: BOD (40 samples, rs0.841, Ps0.01).
Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206 201

1996, while the distribution of water is relatively

dispersive. It is due to the change of water quality.
The results show that calibration and atmospheric
correction to TM data is effective.
Regression Eqs. (4)–(6) were applied to the
whole surface of the reservoirs and produced the
density-sliced map of TOC, BOD and COD. These
measurements are used for water classification
according to the Standard of State Environment
Protection Bureau, China. Fig. 8 is a comparison
of two BOD maps of Shiyan reservoir in 1988 and
1996, which were calculated by Eq. (5).
The BOD value varies from 2 to 3 mg ly1 in
1988, and the high BOD area locates in the middle
to northern parts of the reservoir (Fig. 8). How-
ever, in 1996, BOD value varies from 2.5 mg ly1
to more than 3.5 mg ly1, and the BOD value in
most of the reservoirs is larger than 3 mg ly1. The
Fig. 6. Scatter plot of predicted values and analyzed values of map of COD shows the same characteristic in
COD (40 samples, rs0.791, Ps0.01).
space distribution. It indicates the pollution of
Shiyan reservoir has increased from 1988 to 1996.
COD. The results indicate that reflectance of TM The other reservoirs in the western area of Shen-
band 1–3 and organic pollution measurements zhen show the same trend, and the main source of
such as TOC, BOD and COD have relatively the pollution is from the agriculture pollution.
higher correlation. Eqs. (4)–(6) are proved effec- Comparison of two TOC maps of five reservoirs
tive to be used in predicting the water quality in 1988 and 1996 (Fig. 9) reveals that TOC value
parameters of TOC, BOD and COD. varies from 2 to 3.5 mg ly1 in 1988, and the high
TOC areas locate in the Northern parts of Shiyan
4.3. Water quality change detection in 1988 and reservoir and the southern part of Shenzhen reser-
1996 voir. However, in 1996, TOC value in all reservoirs

The same scene TM data in the same season of

1988 (January 10) was processed in the same
procedure on the basis of radiometric calibration
and atmospheric correction. The calibration and
atmospheric correction is of critical importance for
the multi-temporal remote sensing data while using
in change detection. For verifying the result of the
calibration and atmospheric correction methods, A
Scatter plot of atmospherically corrected reflec-
tance of TM1 vs. TM2 for some dark objects such
as water, shadow and dense vegetation in 1988
and 1996 was constructed, showing in Fig. 7. The
reflectance (i.e. TM1 vs. TM2) of these dark
objects in different years (1988–1996 with the
interval of 8 years) is distributed in the same areas Fig. 7. Scatter plot of atmospherically corrected reflectance of
generally (Fig. 7). The distributions of shadow TM1 vs. TM2 for water, shadow and vegetation (1988 and
and dense vegetation are very close in 1988 and 1996)
202 Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206

Fig. 8. BOD maps of Shiyan reservoir in 1988 (up) and 1996 (bottom), calculated from TM atmospherically corrected reflectance
through statistical model (Eq. (5)).

were higher, varying from 3.5 mg ly1 to more worse trend, as the source of the pollution is from
than 5 mg ly1, and the TOC value in most of the increased agriculture, industry and urban pollution.
reservoirs was larger than 4 mg ly1. The charac-
teristic in space distribution indicates that the 5. Conclusions
pollution of all reservoirs in Shenzhen have
increased from 1988 to 1996. With the reservoirs A precise and fast way of water quality moni-
in the eastern area of Shenzhen showing relatively toring was explored in some reservoirs of Shen-
Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206 203

Fig. 9. TOC maps of reservoirs in Shenzhen in1988 (up) and 1996(bottom), calculated from TM atmospherically corrected reflec-
tance through statistical model (Eq. (4)). 1. Shiyan Reservoir; 2. Tiegang Reservoir; 3. Xili Reservoir; 4. Yantian Reservori; 5.
Shenzhen Reservoir.
204 Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206

zhen. Water quality change in 1988 and 1996 are tory analysis instead of a single sample, because
detected by remote sensing. One scene TM image the spatial resolution of TM.
in winter of 1996 was acquired with simultaneous ● The size of the location pixels should be eval-
in situ measurement, sampling and analysis. The uated. Of course, single pixel DSL analyzed
radiometric calibration of TM remote sensor and could not be compared with a ground sample
atmospheric correction to image data and statistical because of the fluidity of the water. Some
model construction were performed. The results experts take the scale of 3=3 pixels (Giardiano
indicate that satellite-based estimates and in situ et al., 2001). According to our experience,
measured water reflectance have very high corre- larger scales should be considered, such as
lation, and the root mean square difference 5=5 pixels in this research.
between two kinds of indices are close to 0.02– ● In situ measurements of radiation and atmos-
0.03 for each TM band in VI-NIR range. pheric conditions are vitally important both for
The study shows that satellite estimated reflec- the calibration and correction to remotely
tance of water presents a high accuracy in TM sensed data and the statistical model construc-
band 1–4. Correlation between calibrated image tion of water quality. In a new area, it is
data (average of 5=5 pixels) of TM bands and necessary to perform the in situ measurements
laboratory analyzed data of water samples were of spectra and atmospheric conditions, even
performed and results indicate that reflectance of through the same technique and procedure are
TM band 1 to band 4 and TOC, BOD and COD used. Combining with the actual measurement,
have higher correlation. The statistical relationship different methods of calibration and atmospher-
between satellite-based reflectance and organic ic correction should be compared in a new area
pollution measurements including TOC, BOD and or reservoir to determine the better strategy.
COD were constructed. The standard errors of ● The complexity of water quality affects the
estimation of these models vary from 0.24 to 0.30. accuracy of this technique. TSS should be taken
The same scene TM data in the same season of account in, especially in the shallow area of
1988 was processed in the same procedure on the the water. Seasonal variation is another impor-
base of calibration and atmospheric correction to tant factor to the remote sensor and hydraulic
the remote sensed data. Results indicate water conditions. The calibration parameters should
quality of most reservoirs has become worse. be adjusted in different seasons. This study is
Water of eastern reservoirs near Dongjiang River undertaken in dry season, the calibration para-
is characterized with higher TOC and TSS, and meters and statistical models should be modi-
water of western reservoirs is characterized with fied while being used in humid season.
higher BOD and COD. ● Multi-regression method should be proved and
This study demonstrates the possibility, accura- modified by some ground sample analysis
results and applied regionally. Finally, although
cy, potential and effectiveness for determining the
the satellite data can be used to reflect the
water quality measurements of reservoir such as
water quality parameters such as Secchi disk
TOC, BOD and COD with a little ground proof.
depth, chlorophyll concentrations, pigment
Hence this technique has many advantages, such
load, total suspended sediments, temperature
as more convenient, providing the spatial distri-
and some chemical properties, and this tech-
bution of water parameters and relatively less time
nique is valuable and important for remote
and money consuming comparing with traditional
areas where direct access is not easy and where
methods. Some factors must be considered while the sum of sampling and analytical chemistry
this technique will be used. These factors include: cost is high, it should be emphasized that this
technique cannot substitute the traditional meth-
● A composite sample from relative large areas ods because some parameters of water quality
in one location should be used for the labora- such as heavy metals, nitrate, phosphate and
Y. Wang et al. / Science of the Total Environment 328 (2004) 195–206 205

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