Electronic Document Management As A Basis For Digital Economy

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Electronic Document Management

as a Basis for Digital Economy
Architecture of the Doculibrium solution 7
Registry Office 8
Internal delivery book 14
Tasks (inbox)  16
Email integration 20
Notifications module 21
Lifecycle management 24
RASCI matrix 25
Validation module 27
Template management and Comtrade Document
Content transformations  28
Versioning  28
Signing and approval  29

DOCULIBRIUM ECM solution provides renditions of the same content by conversion
efficient management of all content of any services, while eletronic signature with
organization (documents, cases, dossiers, timestamping services provide legal basis
folders, video clips, project files) during for electronic business. Security services are
the whole content lifecycle, starting with responsible for highest level of information
content origination by some of the capturing security, collaboration services and tools
channels (scan, email, fx, web pages, web enable efficient team work on the same
services), via classification and organization, document, while wokflow management
processing through wokflows, till the final capabilities provide automation,
short and long term archiving and disposal, controllability and formalisation of all
according to legal regulation. Content business processes.
transformation services provide different

Benefits of implementing Doculibrium

òò Reducing company’s paperwork, with direct savings

òò Increased efficiency, through fast and simple documents search

òò Maximum information security, in accordance with legal requirements

òò Greater efficiency in processing documentation, task transparency and

document flow

òò Centralized repository of all documents, with classification and

organization according to the rules and procedures

òò More effective collaboration of multiple participants on a single document


òò Easier and more efficient reporting and reviews

òò Minimization of risk of non-compliance with legislation


As part of the digital economy, the most records, documents in various formats,
valuable information, including unstructured presentations, pictures, video clips, projet
content such as documents, video clips, or files, all the way to web content, social
even social media content, are all in digital media content or data generated by some
form. Efficient management of this type connected devices in era of connected
of information is the key success factor to and smart devices. With application of new
effective business processes, high quality technologies in everyday life, it starts to be
service, and market advantage. more challenging to collect, organize, classify,
store, transform and process data in order to
In today’s digital world, information with get real business value.
significant business value may be in different
forms, such as data stored as database


In order to leverage these information to get business process into electronic workflows.
real business value, there is a specialized Some of the examples are invoice approval
segment of software solutions, known as process, contract management processes, or
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) business trip approval processes. Any kind
solutions. ECM solutions manage content of process with document or case as subject
through all content lifecycle, from creation of processing, may be implemented as
all the way to the long term archiving or electronic workflow in ECM system. Content
final disposal, with wide range of various transformation services provide different
products, tools, applications or services. formats (renditions) of the same content,
while comprehensive security services take
In ECM system content origination may care about security of the content and legal
occur in different ways – by scanning of compliance, according to legal regulation
paper document, importing electronic and security policies.
document, creating document from template,
generating from email or creation from
external system by integration services.
With indexing and Index Classify
classification services
Capture Version
content is defined with
metadata (properties) Create
and stored into ECM Edit
repository for further
processing. During the
processing, through
the content lifecycle,
content may be modified, Archive Collaboration
edited, versioned, in a
collaboration of actors in a Notifications
Transform Procesess
Search Tasks
Process and task
management services
enable modelling of any Figure 1 ECM – Enterprise Content Management


Comtrade ECM solution, DOCULIBRIUM, provides all services and

tools required for efficient content management, during whole
content lifecycle in any organization. Doculibrium contains the
following basic modules:

òò Electronic Registry Office which òò The Responsibility and Distribution

implements the operation of the registers, Matrix (RASCI), enables automation of
according to regulations defining office processes if creation, co-authoring and
business operations. approval of documents, using simple
configuration engine (matrix).
The module contains the following
submodules: òò System for automatized business
process management (Workflow
• Incoming submissions, intended for
Engine, WFE), which enables modelling
receipt, recording and distribution of
and processing of documents and cases
incoming submissions
• Registers, intended for the receipt
and recording of the register book of òò Notifications module enables
all company documents. configurable defining of notifications
to users regarding various events in the
• Outgoing submissions, intended system.
for preparation for submission and
submission to external recipients. òò Email integration enables the received
email from the defined email addresses
òò Internal delivery book (IDB), intendedperceived
to be received and saved directly in the
for delivery/distribution of all documents
system and submitted to processing, in a
and cases among employees in various
simple and expedient manner.
units or teams.
òò Integration services represent a group
òò Workspaces represent a system
of REST services for each system entity,
for managing documents, cases
which enables interaction of external
and folders, which implements all
applications with system objects -
necessary functionalities of document
documents, cases, registers, etc.
management, such as authorization,
lifecycles, versioning, content editing, All specified modules and components are
transformations, e-signing, etc. realized through solutions and platforms

which fulfil all requests of the customers desktop scanner, on an unlimited number
and represent the most efficient manner of of items for scanning.
managing all company contents:
òò Alfresco ECM, as one of the leading
òò Doculibrium web application, with global ECM platforms.
Electronic Registry Office as central òò Activiti, as BPM platform for modelling
module, with the DMS and Archive and execution of documents and cases
modules, as modules of the integral DMS workflows.
and ECM solution.
òò PostgreSQL relational database, used by
òò Doculibrium web scanning , module Alfresco, Activiti and other components of
for scanning paper documentation using the solution.

The solution architecture at the highest level
of abstraction may be represented by the
following illustration.

Doculibrium web application Doculibrium modules and services

Presentation Layer PrimeFaces+JSF Registry Office

Internal Delivery Books Doculibrium Integration Services

Business Logic Layer
RASCI model

Data Access Layer Workspaces

Business Process Management

Doculibrium Data Layer
Email Integration



Scan and Image Processing

PostgreSQL Alfresco ECM

Figure 2 Architecture of Doculibrium Solution

The central point of the solution is taken by delivery book and expedition book, as well
the ECM repository, with all features exposed as contract management, case management,
through API. Web application represents the scanning, are contained within the web
basic tool for the operation of all users in application. However, there are also
the system. It simultaneously uses Alfresco independent modules and services, which
repository and its own persistence in the form are rounded wholes, which may provide
of the relational database. services to all external parties, through an
integration layer of the solution.
The majority of required functionalities,
such as Registry Office with register books,


Registry Office consists of three basic modules:

01 02 03
Input submissions, Output submissions, Registers,
intended for recording which enable which represent
received submission functionalities necessary registers in which all
containing one or more for updating (sending) documents and cases
input documents. submissions outside are entered.
organization (company).

Registry Office, and the entire Doculibrium the case, as well as organization which do not
solution, supports operation of organizations use cases, rather all operations and business
using cases and all processes and processing logic are based on a document.
are based on the case and documents within

Input submissions
Overview and all operations with input submissions are performed in a special module of
input submission, as a special application option, which is available if there is input mail book
as a special record, and if the user has the relevant rights for working with input submissions.

Figure 3 View of input submissions

Input submissions are divided into several òò Receipt and recording of input
groups, according to status: submissions, which implies entry of new
submission in the book, marking with
òò Created – all submissions recorded in the defined attributes and its registration.
system, the documents of which are not Registry records all received properly
downloaded by the organizational unit. addressed mail and records basic
òò Returned - recorded submission, which information of the submission which is
have registered document, and which are available without opening the submission:
downloaded by the organizational unit. Date of submission, Information on the
sender, Method of receiving submission,
òò All – representation of all received Urgency mark, Confidentiality degree,
submissions, irrespective of the fact Sender number, etc.
whether they are downloaded by the
If the received submissions are marked
organizational unit or not.
with a higher level of confidentiality or
Some of operations realized within the addressed to an individual, the registry
module of input submissions are: does not open, but rather only carries

out basic recording of the submission. It for addition of submission documents.
hands over unopened submission to the On that occasion, he/she records data
person authorized to open it. Regular or on the document, addresses it to the
registered mail is opened by the registry organizational unit and scans the received
and it carries out further recording of the content. The Registry selects the register
input submission recording. book in which the document received a
filing number. One submission may also
òò Recording and registration of
contain several documents, and then
incoming documents includes
the registry records and registers each
entry and registration of documents
individual document. Documents created
belonging to the input submission, after
in that manner are visible on the card for
its opening and recording, with the
inspecting submission documents.
creation and registration of the case, if
cases are used. Based on the content òò Input document or case distribution,
of the submission, the registry classifies which enables further submission of the
documents according to internal rules. entry document or case, after completed
The submissions mostly contain one recording and registration, to the relevant
document, which is recorded by a recipient in the organization unit or team.
clerk in the registry by special action

Figure 4 Recording of new input submission

Registers in the Doculibrium system enable internal business method of the client. This
registration and recording of all received means that users within the Doculibrium
(input) documents, which can be recorded system may separate special Registers for
directly through the register using the recording, e.g. contracts, invoices, decisions,
document registration action from the rulings or other document types. In this
Input mail. All internal documentation manner, difference is made in the format of
which remains inside the organization or the document counter, which indicates the
which is forwarded to an external recipient business substance with its structure.
is also recorded in the register. Recording
and registration of cases is performed in In order to prevent recording of a certain
case registers. The primary role of register document type into a wrong register, system,
is to record or register a filing number of in module configuration, it enables control
a document or case, thus Doculibrium of a list of document types which can be
distinguishes two main registers: Document entered in each individual register.
Register and Case Register.
Numbers in all registers are assigned
Register books and counter formats within automatically, by taking the first available
each individual book are created on the basis number, according to the counter key. If there
of the client’s needs. The Doculibrium system is a need within some register book to leave
enables creation of an unlimited number of a certain number of filing number, the system
specific-purpose Registers in line with the allows “Reservation of filing numbers”.

Figure 5 Overview of document register

Figure 6 Reservation of filing number

In addition to basic metadata which are version and history, entry and inspection of
common for each document type in the comments, etc.
system: “Filing data” (filing number, date of
filing, organizational unit, creator), “Basic
document information” (register, document
Scanning paper documents
type, name, processor, confidentiality degree, Doculibrium contains a module for scanning
date of creation, note), “Party information” paper documents using a desktop scanner,
(type of party, name of party, TIN/JMBG, during registration in the protocol. The
address...) and “Document content”, the Doculibrium scanning module has the
document form contains a dynamic section features of zooming, annotations, rotations
which includes all “Additional data” specific and some features of image processing, such
to each individual document type or group. as de-skew, cropping, flip, mirroring, etc.
The employer may independently add new
attributes of document types, without a In addition, there are also standard scanning
need for any changes to application, as the options, such as choosing file format,
mechanism of dynamic attributes enables its scanner, resolution, choice of color scanning
use immediately according to the definition or black and white, etc.
of attributes through a data modelling tool.
The installed browser enables current
In addition to the basic ones, the following insight into scanned pages, which enables
definitions are included in the Records: immediate reaction in the event of poor
Joining documents with other documents scanning quality or any other reason for
in the system, addition of documents in repeating scanning or application of image
the existing case, monitoring document processing.

Figure 7. Doculibrium Web Scan

Import of electronic documents format, for further possibility of e-signing of

Doculibrium, in addition to document
scanning functionalities, enables “Content
Each new addition of “Content” to the
addition” from the file System. Selection
existing document initiates creation of a new
and addition of any document format is
document version. All previous versions with
performed in that manner.
the date of version creation, information on
use who initiated the version, version umber,
Doculibrium possesses the functionality of
etc. are monitored in the system.
converting any imported format into the pdf

Output submissions
“Output submissions” in the Doculibrium recorded at the location of generation (case,
system serve for monitoring all internal workspace) and as new document in the
documents marked as documents for Registry in the book “Output submissions”.
submission. Such documents are generated
during case processing or as individual Output submissions are divided into several
documents in the system and as such remain groups of records:

òò Documents for submission – documents of shipping” is the same. In addition
created in the system over which to basic information on submission,
the processor initiated the action for the user can enter: Transport type,
“Submission” recommendation type, recommendation
number and mark whether the submission
òò Documents for submission – submissions
has “Delivery note”
created by selected on or more
documents for submission. One òò Sent submissions - “Dispatched”
submission may contain a number of submissions
documents in it provided that the “Name òò All – unified display of “Shipments for
of recipient” is the same and the “Method submission” and “Submitted shipments”

Figure 8 Output submissions

The internal delivery book represents the are recorded, which represent internal
central module for supporting exchange of movements of registered official cases, acts,
documents and cases among system users, acts in processing and other submissions – to
organizational units or teams. Through organization wholes of the company.
this model, all internal delivery records

All internal delivery records are monitored
through several views:

View “Received, View “Received, View “Delivered”

not downloaded” downloaded” – created IDB
– delivered IDB – received IDB records ready for
records. records submission.

In each of the views the user sees an attribute and/or content of any act sent
corresponding IDB records (for the set search to their OU, view the same act, take it over,
criteria) which refer to its OC. forward it or return it to the sender without
specifying the reason for for return. After
Through the view “Received, not downloading, the downloaded act may be
downloaded”, the user may, after viewing further submitted to another OU.

Figure 9 Internal Delivery Record

Every received and acquired document òò Organization unit, selected from the
may be downloaded to some folder of any organization structure
workspace user is member of, with proper
òò Team, from the list of teams defined in the
access rights.
In addition to the action of downloading into
workspace, user may also forward recieved
document to one of the following recipients: After forwarding, document appers
in the view “Delivered”.
òò Individual user, selected from the list of all
users in the system

The module “Work tasks” represent groups, according to the definition in the
application support to the process RASCI matrix.
management module (BPM) as management
òò AD HOC tasks are generated when
of all tasks generated by processes is carried
sending a document for review, approval,
out through this module.
opinion and they are not a part of any
System tasks are generated automatically, on predefined process. They are created by
the basis of: execution of corresponding action.

Actions may include: acquiring a task,

òò Definition of processes modelled in the
finishing a task, approval/signing or
BMP tool – automatic generation of tasks
rejecting a document or data entry of any
representing activities of processes for
of document attributes. A list of actions and
which performers are defined. Performers
attributes is also defined in the parameter
may be individual user, user group,
base and it may differ from one process to
organizational unit or a team
òò RASCI matrix, which represents a kind of
document distribution matrix, according During execution of certain actions in the
to roles (Responsible, Accountable, application, the system generates a TASK
Supported, Consulted, Informed) and the which is sent to the inbox of the performer.
document lifecycle status. The process The task is access from the inbox (view
management system automatically “Tasks”):
generates tasks for users, roles and

Figure 10 Task list

The view shows data on task creation, task Task performer, which is assigned to perform
name, set deadline until which the task must the task must have the ability to forward
be performed, task instructions, and instance, the task should they evaluate that they are
i.e. Definition of the process on the basis of not competent for that type of task. On
which the task is created. that occasion, the performer initiated the

Figure 11 Review of one task

“Forwarding” action, whereby they must basic data of the document with all metadata,
enter, from the list, a user to whom the task shown in the “Entity” section.
will be delegated.
User from this form must have the ability to
The performer of the task, when working on review: document history, document version,
the task, accessed the form which has, in a linked documents and other data visible in
special section of “Task properties”, unified any document processing procedure.
data on a specific task assigned to them, and


Workspaces is the module of the solution all information needed to the user at each
which represents a central point for work with moment of their work.
all contents and implementation of various
activities over them, in line with authorization A workspace is defined for an organizational
rules and the user’s role in the system. unit or arbitrary team, which may be a project
Workspaces represent a document storage team, commission, board, or any other
in hierarchical organization of folders, such formally organized group of employees.
as the file system, with clear overview of

Figure 12 Workspace home page

The following is defined in each workspace: the level of organization structure or
team, therefore, that specific types of
òò Basic workspace properties - code, documents are used only in certain
name, organizational structure to which organizational units, without a need for
the workspace belongs, and default them to be defined and used at the level
folders for cases and templates. of the entire organization.
òò Workspace members - each user may be òò Recycle bin contains all content deleted
a participant on a workspace, in addition within a workspace.
to employees of the organizational unit or
team for which the workspace is defined. Creation and change of folders and
Thereby, an employee may have access documents are carried out within a
to a larger number of workspaces with workspace, and all actions over them, such
defined rights for each of them. as versioning, initiation of processing,
submission and sharing, etc.
òò Document templates in workspace
- this option allow defining document The document form contains all information
templates at the workspace level, which on that document, for fast and simple
means that each organization or team, overview, in the form of card, and all actions
with a defined workspace, may have their over a document enabled in that moment, to
own, adjusted, document templates. the current user.

òò Local types of documents - enable

the document types to be defined at

Figure 13 Document properties form

Some of information that may be seen on òò all classifications assigned to the
the document form, in addition to basic document
document data-attributes:
òò lifecycle states
òò internal delivery records, which represent òò document access permissions
previous document movements among
various users and organizational units òò validation errors, if validation rules are
defined for that type of document
òò document history with all document
changes òò all document approvals, including
electronic signatures
òò linked documents
òò all comments on the document, of various
òò document versions users who participated in its preparation
or alignment.


Module for email integration enables the email

to be downloaded directly to the application, Email server parameters are defined
from the defined email addresses. This enables in the configuration of this module,
fast and simple inclusion of the material as well as users and their email
received via email into system processing, accounts. A number of accounts
starting from downloading into the workspace, of email used directly from the
through definition by indexing, filing in the application may be defined for
register, until initiation of processes and every user.
processing in it and archiving.

Figure 14 List of received email

The notification mechanism is designed as a Notifications may be defined for all system
special module, which provides services to all users, or for individual user. Additional
modules and system users. options define whether email is sent with
notification, level of notification priority, and
Each notification is related to a certain event,
other options important for the notification
which produces submission of notification.
Event is defined in the configuration of
notifications, and each user may subscribe or
unsubscribe from specific notifications.

Figure 15 Example of notification for a specific user

Case in the Doculibrium system represents Documents are an integral part of the
a record with basic information on the case regardless of the case lifecycle. Some
processing matter and as such it contains documents within a case may also have
all documents (acts, submissions and a specified document lifecycle (invoices,
attachments), related to this matter and contracts, requests).
Case counter is fully configurable and
All cases in the system have defined lifecycle created on the basis of the user’s needs.
states through which they pass. Case states Assignment of numbers within the counter is
differ depending on the chosen case automatic, first available number is assigned,
lifecycle. but within arbitrarily defined counter key.

Counter key may contain an organizational of archiving (until that is not systemically
unit, matter class, year, and any other case predefined in classification).
attribute, depending on the user’s needs.
The system enables monitoring of issuance of
Case type has its own standard metadata cases with check-out form, with information
(attributes), with addition of specific on the user who took the case (physical case
metadata, related to case type. This makes from the Archive), date of return and status.
definition of cases fully configurable, with Filters are enabled in the application on the
no need of any code change, when defining basis of which the user/registrar controls
case types and their attributes. issued cases and return deadlines.

The user has option to connect related cases, On the case itself, it is possible to record and
and if the need arises, cases may be grouped monitor all comments of participants during
into one common folder (dossier), that will processing and assigned tasks with a status
contain basic information on the content and description.
inside the relevant file.

A case, as a collection of documents, also

contains information on case resolutions.
On the case itself, it is possible to
This functionality is completed by the case
record and monitor all comments
processor or, sometimes, by registrar, at the
of participants during processing
time when the case is resolved and when
and assigned tasks with a status
it is sent to the archive. The user enters
and description.
information on resolution deadlines, method
of resolution and determines the period

Figure 16 Case in the Doculibrium

The Doculibrium solution enables a series In addition to fast filtering of object list
of capabilities for fast and efficient finding of according to column values, advances search
documents, cases, folders, according to various by all entity attributes enables selection of
criteria. Some of the basic features are: values for searching any attribute, with the
possibility to choose a type of object being
òò search by all attributes (metadata) of
searched (case, document, folder), and
object types
document type (incoming invoice, contract,
òò search by part of document content request, decision, etc.).

òò fast filtering of list by columns. The search may be adjusted to specific needs
of a specific employer, by adjusting the form
During filtering of lists by column values, the
appearance and selection of attributes being
user may combine several search criteria in
various columns.

Figure 17 Filtering of object list by columns


According to legal regulations in the area of with unlimited number of hierarchy levels.
office business, each document and/or case Each artefact classified in one moment is
is classified using a class from organization’s defined by precisely one class from the
classification plan. Classification plan classification plan.
defines the matter in detail and represent
The classification plan is linked with LCRM
an important designation which can also be
(List of Categories of Registration Materials)
a part entity’s business identifier - case and
which define retention period for each matter
document. Classification plan is hierarchical,

class. These retention periods are joined to The solution provides the ability of arbitrary
each artefact being archived, thus control creation of classifications by the system
of period of retention in the archive, and administrator, whereby no changes of the
extraction from the archive, are carried out solution code are required, in order for new
according to LCRM designations. classifications to be used for labelling system

The object lifecycle represents a sequential application of corresponding actions over the
series of conditions through which an object.
object passes from its emergence until
the extraction or removal from the system. According to conditions in lifecycle, RASCI
Any system object, of arbitrary type, may matrix is defined for the document, which
have an attached lifecycle. The object with establishes duties of processing participants
an attached lifecycle passes through its in each lifecycle condition, with the
conditions as a result of processing, i.e. corresponding role and authorization rules.

Figure 18 Example of object lifecycle

Management of confidential documents is regulated by legal regulation
and system is adaptable to any specific regulation in every country.

Usually, there are several basic levels of data confidentiality, such as:

Internal Confidential Top Secret State secret

Data defined as secret, is marked with some confidentiality. This is realized by defining
of confidentiality levels and in that event, it special ACLs (Access Control Lists) for
may only be accessed by users who have confidential objects, according to the level of
assigned rights over the defined level of confidentiality.


RASCI (Responsible Accountable Supported òò RASCI configuration - module which,

Consulted Informed) matrix is a central like codebook, is in charge for the entire
module of the system for defining RASCI configuration - creation and editing
authorization, liability and obligation of the RASCI matrix
regarding documents, in line with their type,
class and lifecycle. The matrix aims to define òò RASCI API - module which represent a
who, at what time and with which duties is program layer in charge of communication
liable for a specific object instance during its with the entire system and provision of
information of the RASCI matrix to all
RASCI matrix, in a certain manner, provides system elements using the RASCI matrix
functionalities of modelled simpler sequential
processes of preparation and approval of RASCI configuration
documents. Of course, it does not replace
WFE functionality, but only supplements it RASCI configuration is a module providing
and provides the possibility of document definition of the RASCI matrix, with
processing by several users in the form of a capabilities for managing that definition -
simpler processing procedure. creation, change, deletion of records, in line
Two submodules may be distinguished within with rights assigned to the RASCI matrix.
the RASCI module: Generally, the RASCI matrix defines who,

with which rights and available actions moment, i.e. condition of lifecycle, receive a
is responsible for an object instance, task, with relevant available actions and task
depending on its current conditions, class instructions.
and type.
In the processing defined by the RASCI
The appearance of RASCI matrix, on the matrix, role A represent the certification
example of several document types and their authority in each stage, while role R
lifecycles, is given in the table below. represents the person responsible for
document creation and approval. Person
It is recommended to use roles and groups responsible for document creation and
within the RASCI matrix, and not specific approval manages the process by deciding at
usernames. Depending on their position what time the next lifecycle stage begins, on
in the matrix (R, A, S, C, I), a corresponding the basis of previous activities of the process
group or role shall, in the appropriate participants.

Name Artef. type OU LC LC condition R A S C I Deadline

Draft author mgr officemgr genmgr -
Overview mgr -

Approval legal, finance, mgr mgr gendir 3

sm_agreem 01 lc_agreem
agreement Signing genmgr mgr 3
Signed registry -
Submitted author officemgr -
Draft author -
mgr, legal, finance, legal,
Approval mgr officemgr genmgr 5
mgr finance
Agreement Signing genmgr autor, mgr 5
sm_agreem 02 lc_agreem
of Works
Signed registry -
Submitted author -
Filing registry officemgr 1

Control dirfin, sefkom 3

Approval dirfin, genmgr author 2

Liquidation finance dirfin 2

sm_agreem 03 lc_invoice Posting accountant dirfin 2
Payment finan dirfin -
Paid dirfin, sefkom -
Cancelled -

Table 1 Example of RASCI matrix

For each complex system, which consists configuration, by trained IT personnel,
of a number of modules and components, addition of various validations, according to
with modelled data flows and various data the needs of business processes and policies.
sources, it is of exceptional importance to
Validation enables the relation of referencing,
maintain consistency, completeness, validity
type, specific content and order of temporally
and alignment of data at all times during its
separate instances to be of set quality and
according to set rules. The ECM solution will
Validations are a special module, support horizontal and vertical validations.
which enables simple and fast, through


Module for managing templates of MS Module also enables the following

Word documents, Comtrade Document functionalities:
Generator, enables defining templates of
òò specification of formatting for the
DOCX document, by defining places in which
attributes of amount and date
appropriate information of the context will be
entered, by defining FIELD and PROPERTIES òò specification of rules for specific attributes
elements within WORD documents. The (e.g. signatory)
following options are supported for mapping
values of field in the template: òò a number of templates for one type of
òò other data from the same document
òò automatic conversion into PDF after
òò data from another document in the same
automatic filling of templates
òò specification of inquiries merging a
òò data from case
number of entities
òò data from inquiry result
òò locking fields in templates which are filled


Each ECM system has a need for services The Doculibrium solution has a developed
to transform content from one into another module for content transformations which
format. In a case of, for instance, approval uses LibreOffice for content transformation,
lifecycle of a document, at the time of thus supporting all transformation supported
achieving the final version, it is transformed by LibreOffice.
into PDF or PDF/A, after which it is signed
The following is achieved in this manner:
electronically. The other case is automatic
publishing on the portal, when transformation òò high level of similarity of the transformed
is needed in the format adjusted to the web content to the original content
portal presentation, such as HTML or again
PDF. òò support for all transformation formats
supported by LibreOffice.


Doculibrium repository with its services New version in the Alfresco system is an
enables versioning of any content. Versions object with the same identifier and metadata.
are marked with a pair of number - major and
By default, versioning is not enabled for
minor version.
every content. During creation of the object
During each change of content for which type, in the data dictionary its property
versioning is enabled, it is possible to create VERSIONABLE is places, thereby enabling
a new version, both major and minor. During versioning of all instances of that type during
creation of new version, it becomes the any change.
current version, available through searches
At all times, it is possible to return to any
and views, while the old version is saved in
of the previous versions using the REVERT
the version storage, such as snapshot. During
action. Thereby, the version becomes current
new version creation, the system remembers:
and can be viewed in the system from that
òò new content point on through inquiries, views and use in
òò version author
Versioning operation is realized through
òò date and time of creation
standard CHECKOUT/CHECKIN services,

which control rights over a document comment of a new version, and it is also
edited by any user. During registration of a possible to only enter a comment, without
new version, it is also possible to enter the changing the content.


The Doculibrium solution provides two types òò e-signing of PDF content in PAdES format
of approval: signing, which implements
òò approval / initialing of content at the level
e-signing according to the PAdES standard,
of metadata
and approval equivalent to initialing, which
is carried out at the level of metadata/ òò refusal of document
òò clearly shown record of refusal and
The process of approval is realized through approval of documents
the RASCI matrix, which may define, for
each document being approved, lifecycle òò automatic conversion of content during
condition which represents approval of first approval (DOC, DOCX -> PDF,
artefacts and type of approval - e-signing PDF/A), according to defined rules
or approval (initialing). At the time when
òò submission of notifications in the event
the document achieves lifecycle condition
of approval and refusal, according to
configured as approval, users defined as
responsible for approval will have the option defined notification rules, and periodic
of approval enabled, unless they have submission of notifications-reminders in
already approved that document.The module the event of pending approval
for signing enables, inter alia, the following


Specialized module for business process òò MODELER

management, called Activiti, is used to web-based graphic interface for process
implement electronic business processes of modelling, based on Signavio
documents and cases. It supports BPMN 2.0
standard, which provides interoperability and
Eclipse plug-in for process development
compatibility, based on this standard.
Activiti is comprised of a series of BPM system core, in charge of process
applications which are integrated and make execution
up a platform:

Figure 19 Activiti process example

òò EXPLORER option of process versioning. Each process
web-based tool for installing process change may be saves as a new version. The
definitions, process starting and other platform takes care that processes initiated
activities enabled through the interface on a specific version are executed on that
version until completion, until all new process
The system provides a series of options for
instances may be initiated on a new version.
the performer of activities, which may be a
group, role or user. By implementation of the Activity supports BPMN 2.0 open standard,
application logic through activities that allow which allows import of already created
coding, it is possible to influence whether the processes in other systems, as well as export
background activity is executed on behalf of of processes that can be used in other
the system or application user (employee). systems.
Conditional branching may be carried out
depending on a document parameter or Activiti provides option to define attributes
attribute, while return branches enable for each process phase. They are displayed in
return of processes into some of the previous a dynamic area of task form, thereby avoiding
stages. Parallel execution by a number of any need for code modification in a case
executors is possible, or consequential, of adding new task attributes, adding new
one after another. The platform has the process phases or creating new processes.

Figure 20 Activiti Process Editor

Figure 21 Activiti – Setting metadata for process phase


Comtrade System Integration was founded in 2001 and is part of

Comtrade Group, one of Europe’s largest technology companies
with over 2,000 customers worldwide. We are a provider of
market-leading hardware and software solutions, and digital
transformation consulting services. We help companies reinvent
their business models through new technology to improve
operational processes, service delivery, customer experience and

Our team comprises of 200+ IT experts who leverage their deep

domain knowledge, top industry certifications and industry
experience to help businesses adopt digital technology more
quickly than their competitors. We work with a wide range
of clients: from small and medium sized businesses to big

Comtrade SI provides strategic consulting and system integration

services in order to drive business transformation across the
region. Partnering with technology leaders such as Microsoft,
Oracle, IBM, HPE, Cisco, HP, Open text & Dell EMC, Comtrade SI
ensures that our customers receive the best IT products on the
market, while at the same time offering deep expertise in design,
architecture, implementation, customization and management of
systems and applications.

Our experts are problem solvers with a deep understanding and

passion for digital technologies, enabling our clients to simplify,
accelerate and make the most out of their digital transformation
initiatives. Apart from providing IT services for clients, our team
makes sure to examine, understand and address their individual
business and technology challenges/objectives.

Comtrade System Integration specializes in:

òò Enhancing business performance and efficiency through

innovative system integration services

òò Accelerating and simplifying deployment of new (cloud, big data

analytics) and traditional (ECM, HCM, ERP, CRM etc.) technologies

òò Cloud based digital transformation

òò Design, development, integration and management of systems

and applications

Our achievements:
5M+ telco users
on different platforms

We are a premium content provider

for more than 80% of the banks in Serbia

40+ public institutions

use our solutions and services

20+ TB of consolidated data

and 8M customer profiles stored in our data warehouse

100+ successful data center

implementations region wide

0% rate of
unfinished projects

15K+ patients registered in our

Health Information Systems

Our team works around-the-clock to keep

our clients’ infrastructure up and running 24/7

Phone: +381 11 201 5600
E-mail: info.rs@comtrade.com


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