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Difference between ISLAM and Social

Many social changes took place under Islam between 610 and 661, including the period
of Muhammad's mission and the rule of his four immediate successors who established
the Rashslam "from the first denounced aristocratic privilege, rejected hierarchy, and adopted a
formula of the career open to the talents".[1] Other scholars disagree, with Leila Ahmed stating
that historical evidence shows that pre-Islamic Arabia already contained many of the same
supposedly progressive customs in women rights that scholars like Lewis attribute to Islam.[7]idun
Caliphate. Bernard Lewis believes that the advent of Islam was a revolution which only partially
succeeded due to tensions between the new religion and very old societies that
the Muslims conquered. He thinks that one such area of tension was a consequence of what he
sees as the egalitarian nature of Islamic doctrine. Islam from the first denounced aristocratic
privilege, rejected hierarchy, and adopted a formula of the career open to the talents. Lewis
however notes that the equality in Islam was restricted to free adult male Muslims, but even that
"represented a very considerable advance on the practice of both the Greco-Roman and
the ancient Iranian world".[1]
Bernard Lewis writes about the significance of Muhammad's achievements:
He had achieved a great deal. To the pagan peoples of western Arabia, he had brought a new
religion which, with its monotheism and its ethical doctrines, stood on an incomparably higher
level than the paganism it replaced. He had provided that religion with a revelation which was to
become in the centuries to follow the guide to thought and conduct of countless millions of
Believers. But he had done more than that; he had established a community and a well-
organized and armed

Constitutional of Madina
he Constitution of Medina, also known as the Charter of Medina, was drafted by Muhammad in
622. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and
families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, and pagans. The document
was drawn up with the explicit concern of bringing to an end the bitter intertribal fighting between
the clans of the Aws (Banu Aus) and Banu Khazraj within Medina. To this effect it instituted a
number of rights and responsibilities for the Muslim, Jewish, and pagan communities of Medina
bringing them within the fold of one community-the Ummah.
The precise dating of the Constitution of Medina remains debated but generally scholars agree it
was written shortly after the hijra (622).It effectively established the first Islamic state. The
Constitution established: the security of the community, religious freedoms, the role of Medina as
a sacred place (barring all violence and weapons), the security of women, stable tribal relations
within Medina, a tax system for supporting the community in time of conflict, parameters for
exogenous political alliances, a system for granting protection of individuals, a judicial system for
resolving disputes, and also regulated the paying of blood-wite (the payment between families or
tribes for the slaying of an individual in lieu of lex talionis).

According to Islamic sources, no limitations were set on men's rights to marry or to obtain a
divorce in pre-Islamic tradition.Islamic law, however, restricted polygamy to four wives at one
time, not including concubines.( 4:3])[The institution of marriage, characterized by unquestioned
male superiority in the pre-Islamic law of status, was redefined and changed into one in which
the woman was somewhat of an interested partner  Furthermore, the offer and acceptance had
to be made in the presence of at least two witnesses. According to a hadith collected by Al-
Tirmidhi, "And indeed I order you to be good to the women, for they are but captives with you
over whom you have no power than that, except if they come with manifest Fahishah (evil
behaviour). If they do that, then abandon their beds and beat them with a beating that is not
harmful. And if they obey you then you have no cause against them. Indeed you have rights over
your women, and your women have rights over you. As for your rights over your women, then
they must not allow anyone whom you dislike to treat on your bedding (furniture), nor to admit
anyone in your home that you dislike. And their rights over you are that you treat them well in
clothing them and feeding them.

Inheritance and Wealth

John Esposito states that "women were given inheritance rights in a patriarchal society that had
previously restricted inheritance to male relatives, Similarly, Annemarie Schimmel wrote that
"Compared to the pre-Islamic position of women, Islamic legislation meant an enormous
progress; the woman has the right, at least according to the letter of the law, to administer the
wealth she has brought into the family or has earned by her own work" Leila Ahmed argues that
examples of women inheriting from male relatives in pre-Islamic Mecca and other Arabian trade
cities are recorded in Islamic sources. However it's practiced varied between tribes and was

Status of women

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