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JOEL: Hello, Amelia!. The weather is so cold today. How are you?.

AMELIA: Hello, Joel I'm fine , oh yes it’s windy but I’m going to continue with

my activities .

XIOMARA: Hi! Joel. I'm Xiomara. I'm her new roommate and I´ m studying at

medical school. What about you?

JOEL: Nice to meet you, Xiomara, I am studying administration, I don't know

where the medical area is.

XIOMARA: No problem , I’m going to take you to the medical area because I’m

taking my tour of the university today.

AMELIA: Great! Xiomara . You know that I’m ready to help you in whatever you


FRANCIS: If you want I can help too.Don’t worry , you are going to adapt to this


AMELIA: Yes! Francis was already in college before us.

FRANCIS: I know the university like the back of my hand.

AMELIA: What time does your tour end? . Because there is a book fair in the


FRANCIS:I think the tour would end at 1 p.m

JOEL: Oh , hi guys , you are here, well you know in the afternoon we are going

to the fair.

XIOMARA: I think it's a good idea

AMELIA: So, where are we meeting? It’s okay if we meet at 3 p.m.?

FRANCIS: Yes, I like the idea, see you later guys.


JOEL: Hi Xiomara, did you see the others? They said that they were going to arrive

at 3 p.m., but they don’t

XIOMARA: wait, I will call to Amelia

AMELIA : hi Xiomara, sorry to be late, I couldn’t find my keys

XIOMARA: mmm that 's okay, don't take too long, by the way do you know where

Francis is?

AMELIA : no, I don't know where he is, but I'll give you his number so you can call


XIOMARA: all right, I'll wait for you

AMELIA: his number is 966151630

XIOMARA: thank you

FRANCIS: Hello Xiomara, I will be at the university in 5 minutes

XIOMARA: It's okay, don't be long, Joel is a little uncomfortable.

FRANCIS: Yes, let's all go and at the end of the fair we'll share everything we find.

AMELIA: I think it's a good idea

XIOMI: What do you guys do on Halloween every year?

JOEL: I go out dressed up as a little bee and ask for candy all night long.

FRANCIS: I don't celebrate Halloween, I prefer to celebrate Creole Song Day.

XIOMI: I find it interesting, I would like to celebrate the same, but Amelia takes me to

celebrate Halloween.

AMELIA: but Halloween is nice and more fun.

JOEL: I think so too, but it wouldn't be bad to experience new things to celebrate.

XIOMI: that's right, it's good to learn new things.

AMELIA: If you say so, my friend, it's okay.

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