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— Present Simple ()—he/she/it * Questions and negatives Jobs * What time sit? What are the jobs of the people in your family? Tell the cass. Myfatherisa doctor. My mother's... My brother. ee A good job! TWO OUTDOOR JOBS Present Simple - he/she/it 1 Listen to and read about Andrew Johnson and Claudia Luke. What are their jobs? Where do they work? 2 Underline all the verbs in the text: is, comes, ‘What is the last letter of these verbs? Pronunciation 3 Listen and complete the chart. Practise saying the verbs, hes comes: teaches 4. Complete the sentences. 1 Andrew is an engineer. Claudia a zoologist 2 She comes fom the US.He from New Zealand 3 He lives in Scotland. She in Californiz 4 She works in the desert. He onan oil rig. 5 He earns £200 day. She $60,000 a yer. Andrew Johnson 6 She likes her job, and he his job, too. Andrew, 30, is an engineer. He comes from 7 He to the gym in his free time. She her New Zealand, but now he lives in Scotland. dog, Her dog’ name Brewer. He works on an oil rig 440km from the coast 8 She. married. Her husband's is Jim. er Nee ed ea apie. ieee. weeks, and then he has two weeks’ holiday. He earns £200 a day. In his free time he goes to GRRB Listen and check. Read the sentences aloud. the gym and plays snooker. He isn't married. 4 Unit2 + A good job! 5 Complete the chart about Andrew and Claudia. WHAT DOES HE DO? Andrew | Cl Questions and negatives sumame 1 Read and listen. Complete the lines about age Andrew, Practise them with a partner country 1. What does Andrew do? (= What’ his job?) Hes an eb 2 Where doeshe come from? New 3 Does he live in Scotland? ‘he does. salary 4 Does he live in New Zealand? . he doesn't. free time 5 He ‘married. He doesn't have any children. married? orn eeu) 6 Close your books. What do you remember about Andrew and Claudia? Talk about them with a partner. Spear ata ecraad sre the corect orm of ve, Positive Andrew's surname is Johnson. He's $0 and Fame Scotia he comes from New Zealand... Nei He in New Zealand. Question Where ___he__ In Scotland, 2 EEEB Listen. Practise the pronunciation of does and doesnt. doz! Idazl —— fdgznti/ Does he ply football? Yes, he does /No, he doesnt >> Grammar Reference 21-22 p13 Claudia's surname is 2 Complete the questions and answers about Andrew. 1 ‘Where _does_ Andrew _work 2” “Onan oil rig? \___he work hard?” "Yes, he__? 3 ‘How much ‘¢___aday’ he do in his free time?” ‘He and he : ZOOLOGIST 5 he ike hisjob?? Claudia Luke aa he earn?* “he have a dog?” Claudia, 41, is American, She's a zoologist 5 Noh? and she teaches at a university. She lives in Calievaa anil weaks With hae habband! Sisk Bsten and check Askand answer questions at the Research Centre in the Mojave Desert about Andrew with a partner. where she studies snakes and other animals. 3. Ask and answer questions about Claudia, She likes working in the desert. In her free time she writes songs and walks her dog, Brewer. She Crmeenct et (isi ot. earns about $60,000 a year. Unit2 + A good job! 15 PRACTICE The dancer and the DJ 1 Look at the photos of Darcey /'da:s1/ Bussell and David Guetta /'geta/. Do you know them? 2 Read the information about them. Talk to a partner. Darcey’s ballet dancer and David's a DJ. She comes from Job Country Home now Place of work Languages Family Free time Job Country Home now Place of work Languages Family Free time Darcey Bussell Ballet dancer ballet dancer and model London, England Sydney, Australia mainly London and Sydney English and alittle French rmartied to an Australian banker, Adam Forbes two daughters, Phoebe and Zoe writes stories about ballet for children Dj (disc jockey) France Paris allover the world: bia. Mami Maurits Frenchandnglsh ‘married to Cathy from Senegal son, Tim-Elvis and a daughter, Angle writes songs and likes playing music fr his friends Asking questions 3 Complete the questions about Darcey or David. Ask and answer them with your partner. + What. do? + Where..come from? + Where. live now? + Where... work? + speak French? + How many children + What... her/his children names? + What 16 Unit2 * A good job! in her/his fee time? Stress and intonation 4 Listen and respond to eight sentences about Darcey and David. Correct the wrong sentences. Darcey comes from London. She lives in England. 2 GERD Listen and check. Practise again. Yt a) Yes, that's right. ae (No, she doesn't. She ves Ta 1g about family and friends 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form, 1 My husband _comes_(come) from Belgium, 2 My grandmother (live) in the next town. 3. My mother 4 (love) reading, My father (travel) a lot in his job. My sister _(speak) Spanish very wel. She (want) to learn French, too. 6 My little brother (watch) TV a lot 7 My friend ‘Tom ___ (write) a blog on the Internet. 6 Match the questions to the sentences in exercise 5 to continue the conversations. a []Does she want to be an interpreter? b [1] Where exactly in Belgium? ¢ [Does she visit you often? []What does he write about? € []What does she read? £ (]Where does he go? g []What does he like watching? 1 Listen and check. What extra information do you hear? Listening 8 GERD Listen to five conversations. What are they about? 9 Listen again. For each conversation, write some of the verbs you hear. Td 4 2 5 Bo 10 Write the name of a friend or relative, Ask and answer questions with your partner. Charlotte | Whois she? A A friend, 4 ae a A Ca) (here does she tee? > a ll What does she ike doing? (“0 axag Ty 0 Listen and tick () the sentence you hear. 1 a JHe likes his job. b [She likes her job. She loves walking. She loves working. 3 a |_|He’ married, b |_| He isn’t married. 4 a [_|Does she have three children? b []Does he have three children? 5 a [_]What does he do? Where does he go? >> wriTiNe Improving style pos READING AND SPEAKING A really good job 1 Look at the pictures. Read these sentences about Babur Ali, Underline what you think is true. 1 Babur gets up at 5 am. / 8.a.m He helps his mother in the house {father at work. He goes to school by bus / car. He studies hard until J p.m. /4 pum. He begins his homework / the classes at 5 p.m. He likes / doesnt like his work, He speaks / doesn’t speak English. He wants / doesn’t want to go to university. 2 Read the first paragraph about Babur, Ask and. answer the questions with a partner, Where does Babur come from? Where does he live? Does his village have a school? Why ishe lucky? Because... How much does his school cost? What does he teach the children? Are all the classes outdoors? 8 Whats his school’s name? Isit free? 3. Read about Babur’s Busy days. Ask and answer questions about the times in Babur’s day. What time does he getup? | (“Ars ovdock. ot es) 4 Read about Babur’s ambitions. Correct the s 1 The school has 60 students. Itdoesn't have 60 students. It has 2 Ithas five teachers. 3. Babur wants to stop teaching, 4 He wants to be a doctor. 5 Look back at exercise 1. Were your answers correct? Roleplay - An interview 5 Work with a partner, Complete the questions. 1 How many students...? 5... your teachers name? 2 How many teachers...? 6 ...agood teacher? 3. What time...start/finsh? 7 What....teach? 4 How much... cost? 8 ...he work hard? Student A You are a journalist. Ask the questions. Student B You are one of Babur’s students. Answer the questions. FEED Listen and compare. 18 Unit2 + A good job! PCLT ETA Co) Uo ate rd bur Ali_ ‘Tlove teaching. Tam never tired? af Ali’ comes from West Bengal in India He is 16 years old.and livesin the small village of Bhabta. His village doesn’t have a school, bil Babur is luicky because he goes to a private school in the next village. His school costs 1,000 rupees, £12 a year. This is too expensive for many children in Babur’s village, but they ‘want to learn, so Babur teaches them everything that he learns. More and more children want to learn, so Babur’s friends help him teach. The classes are in bamboo huts, but sometimes they sit outdoors. The school is free and now has a name, the Anand Shiksha Niketan School, and Babur is the head teacher. Busy days Babur’s days are very busy. He has no free time. He gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning and helps his mother with the housework. At 8 o'clock he goes by bus to his school three miles away. He studies hard all day until 4.00 in the afternoon. Then he travels back to his village and at 5.00 he begins the classes. He teaches English, Bengali, history, and maths until 8.00 in the evening. He says, ‘I love teaching. I am never tired,’ Babur’s ambitions Now the school has 650 students and ten teachers. Babur wants to study at univer | but he doesn’t want to stop teaching. He says, ‘Talways want to teach poor children? VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Jobs 1 Match a picture with a job. CO taxi diver (Oy architect) dentist (Cy hairdresser nurse Cl receptionist. [| joumalist 1 pit CO tawyer 1 secoureart 2 Complete the sentences with a jo. 1 She'sa She cuts hair. Hesa He flies from Heathrow airport. Shesa She works in a hotel Hes an He designs buildings. Sheba She works for a family law firm. Hesa He knows ll the streets of London. She's a She writes news stories. Heésa He looks after people’ teeth. Shes a She works in the City Hospital. 10 Hes an. He likes working with money. Listen and check. 3 Listen, Complete the conversations with the jobs. 1 A’ What does your brother do? B Hesa___. He writes for The Times newspaper. Oh, that’s a good job. A © What does your father do? D Hesan. He works for a big firm in the city. And your mother? What does she do? D E F She a___. She teaches French and Spanish Does your sister work in the centre of town? Yes, she does, She’ a Ritz Hotel E_ Oh, that’s near where I work. . She works in the 4G Areyoua__? H No,I'm not. Ima G Oh, but I want to see a 5 1 Twanttobea____ when I'm big J Iwanttobea ‘They earn lots of money. 1 earn allot too, and they travel the world, Practise the conversations with a partner. Speaking 4 Work with a partner, Have similar conversations about your friends and family. enters (an Oh, what does she study? Ce) Where does...? 20 Unit2 + A good job! EVERYDAY ENGLISH 2 GERD Listen. Look at the times. What time is it? 1 Look at the clocks. Write the times. It’s nearly three o'clock. It's just atter five o'clock. 3 With a partner, draw clocks on a piece of paper. Ask and answer about the ti mmm 4 WD Listen and complete the conversations. Practise them with a partner. 1 A Excuse me, Can you tell me the __, please? B Yes, of course. Its after___ o'clock, A Thank you much. Do ‘me. Can you ___ me the time, please? D I'm don't have a watch, © Never mind, A 3 E Excuse me. What time does the bus leave? & ue Fat ten E Thank you. What time is it now? 5 F Its____five past. 5 a E Five past ten?! F No,no, five past You're OK. No need to hurry. ” When does this lesson 2 LI E GERD Listen and check. Practise saying, the times. What time does your lesson end? At four o'dock. Oh dear! It’s only ano past three! Unit2 + A good job! 21

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