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1. Call for Proposals - Call for Tender manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1 CFT - chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 CFT - chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 CFT - chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 CFT - chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.5 CFT - chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.6 CFT - chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
1.7 CFT - chapter 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
1.8 CFT - chapter 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
1.9 CFT - chapter 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Call for Proposals - Call for Tender manual
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Call for Proposals - Call for Tender manual

Here is the Table of contents of the Call for Proposals - Call for Tender manual. Select a title to consult the corresponding
chapter or section.

If you work in a delegation and you have a slow internet connection, you can also read this manual in PDF format.

1 Background and purpose of the module

2 Quick reference guide on basic functions
2. Quick reference guide on basic functions
2.1. How to open an existing call
2.2. How to use the filters
2.3. Opening a previously recorded application
2.4. Encoding an evaluation grid
2.5. Comment fields in the different evaluation grids
2.6. Printing a completed evaluation grid
3. The publication
3.1. Automatic publication
3.2. Life cycle of calls for tender/calls for proposals
3.2.1 Life cycle of international calls for tender
3.2.2 Life cycle of local calls for tender
3.2.3 Life cycle of open calls for proposals
3.2.4 Life cycle of restricted calls for proposals
3.2.5 Life cycle of open or restricted calls for proposals having several deadlines
3.3. How to enter a Call for tender/proposals and lots in CRIS
3.3.1 How to create a new call for tender/proposals Identification Mandatory information Optional information Provisional calendar
3.3.2 Lots
3.4. Publishing documents
3.5. Printouts
3.6. No visa
3.7. Annexes on publication
3.7.1 Structure of the call reference
3.7.2 How to create a PDF file
3.7.3 EuropeAid's Internet website
3.7.4 Functional mailboxes for publication of international tenders
3.7.5 Summary notices for publication
3.8. Permission to enter data for publication
3.9 Deviations & Prior Approvals
4. List of tenders
4.1. Record the list of tenders
4.2. How does it work
4.3. Early Warning System (EWS)
5. The evaluation process: Chronological stages
5.1 Visas : Permission to enter, validate or modify data in the evaluation process
5.2 First stage: Create the evaluation and select the evaluation criteria
5.2.1 Checks prior to the creation of the evaluation procedure
5.2.2 How to create an evaluation procedure
5.2.3 The calendar
5.2.4 Persons in charge
5.2.5 Steps and criteria
5.2.6 Visa 10
5.2.7 Deletion of a whole evaluation process
5.3 Second stage: The registration of applications
5.3.1 Creation of a new application
5.3.2 Proposal number and Dates of Submission
5.3.3 General information about the application
5.3.4 Data concerning the applicant
5.4 Third stage: The (first) administrative check.
5.4.1 The evaluation grids
5.4.2 Encoding of the Administrative checks
5.5 Fourth Stage: Concept note evaluation.
5.5.1 Entering the evaluation due date
5.5.2 Encoding of the assessments
5.5.3 Preparation of the Evaluation Committee meetings
5.5.4 Evaluation by the Evaluation Committee.
5.5.5 Cancelling a re-evaluation
5.5.6 The Evaluation Committee Report
5.5.7 Notification letter
5.6 Fifth stage: Proposal Evaluation.
5.6.1 Encoding of the assessments
5.6.2 Evaluation by the Committee
5.6.3 Notification letter
5.6.4 Evaluation Committee report of the full proposals
5.7 Sixth stage: Verification of the Eligibility
5.7.1 Encoding of the Eligibility checks
5.7.2 Notification letter
5.7.3 The final evaluation report
5.8 Seventh stage: End of the evaluation procedure
6. Documents to be printed
6.1. Who can print the documents ?
6.2. How to print
6.3. What types of documents are printed ?
6.3.1 The reports
6.3.2 The letters that need to be sent to the applicants at the end of each evaluation phase
6.4. How to add a comment to a standard letter
6.5. How to modify the dates that appear automatically in the letters
6.6. Special cases
6.6.1 For Restricted Calls when the Proposal never arrives
6.6.2 At the eligibility phase, if Proposals have been placed in the "reserve list"
6.6.3 Modifications of evaluation grids 1 and 2 because of an encoding mistake : effect on the letters.
7. The grant contract
8. How to find a contract from a call or a call from a contract
8.1. How to find the call for proposals from which a contract originated.
8.2. How to find all the contracts related to a call
9. Call for tender/proposals procedures

CFT - chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Background and purpose of the module


1 Background and purpose of the module

1 Background and purpose of the module

1.1. Document history

Modification Date

14/01/2014 New Call Type codes

01/02/2008 New explanations for the following fields in General Info screen: Publication Date, Starting Date for Submission and Status
(temporary work-around for problem of CfPs appearing on the internet with the "Forecast" status, pending modification of
18/04/2008 °Link from EuropeAid ID to PADOR (4.3.1)
°How to find all the contracts linked to a call
°Grids 1 and 2: who completes them?

11/06/2008 Additional explanation on Committee evaluations + new menu

03/03/2009 Update of Publication information

16/06/2009 General update of the manual

23/02/2010 Permissions info added

30/09/2010 Modifications according to PRAG November 2010: no letters printed at end of first evaluation step, etc.

06/10/2011 Addition of chapter 4 - List of tenders

15/02/2012 Revision of the 'Publication' chapters

01/10/2013 Update with the CFT 13.01 and CFP 13.02 release notes

1.2. Background and purpose of the module

The "Call for Tender & Call for Proposals" module in CRIS aims at:

centralising calls for tender in a unique system;

publishing calls for tender and calls for proposals on the Internet;
setting evaluation criteria;
recording and evaluating applications and tenders; and
generating the printouts of relevant standard documents.

This document has two main parts:

The first part is a quick reference guide that briefly describes the different functions of the module.
The second part covers, in detail, all the functions of the module. These chapters are basically for the use of the Chairman and the
Secretary of the Evaluation Committees who have to manage calls. Operational Managers of calls will also find in this document
explanations on how to publish their calls or on how to create contracts from the selected applications.

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Related pages

Chapter 2: Quick reference guide on basic functions

All chapters

CFT - chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Quick reference guide on basic functions

2. Quick reference guide on basic functions

2.1. How to open an existing call
2.2. How to use the filters
2.3. Opening a previously recorded application
2.4. Encoding an evaluation grid
2.5. Comment fields in the different evaluation grids
2.6. Printing a completed evaluation grid

2 Quick reference guide on basic functions

2.1 How to open an existing call

! VERY IMPORTANT: To be able to view information in this CRIS module, you need to have permissions for the module!
Any CRIS user has read access to other modules, even when he/she does not have any permissions. The Call for Tender/ Call for Proposals module
does not work in the same way.
To be able to view data in this module you need to have either the "CONSULT" role or another role that allows you to enter, modify and/or validate data
in this module such as ENCOD, GESTOPE, PRESJUR.

In the "Call for tender/proposals" menu, click on the "Call" sub-menu.

In the "Call reference" field, enter the six digit number of the call (as shown in the example below), then press "Enter".
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2.1.1 Opening an existing evaluation process

Important notice: Every call requires an evaluation process, but currently only the call for proposals evaluation process can be
managed in CRIS. The call for tenders evaluation process is under development.

From the "Call for Proposals" screen, select the "Evaluation" tab.

Please note that this tab is available only for Open/Restricted calls for proposals under the following codes: C - Centralised with
publication by Headquarters (old code), L - Centralised with publication by Delegation (old code), DH - direct management with
publication by Headquarters, and DD - direct management with publication by Delegation.

Should your call for proposals have lots, enter the lot number in which you have to work. Then click on the "Search" button at the bottom of the
The system then displays the evaluation process with the "General information" tab open. If the selected call has no lot, the previous lot selection
screen is skipped and you directly reach this view.

top ^ Opening the List of applications

From the "Evaluation process" screen (see 2.1.1 above), select the "List of applications" tab

... which opens the screen below.

To display the list of applications to be processed at one of the evaluation stages , first select the stage from the drop-down menu.

When the value "Please select" is kept, all the received applications will be considered. If you choose a particular stage, only the applications to
be assessed during that stage are considered.
Then, click on "Search".

Clicking on the "Search" button without entering any values in the filtering fields will display all the applications for the selected stage.*

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2.2 How to use the filters

The number of available filters varies according to the selected evaluation stage. As seen above, there are at least three filter fields available
when handling all received applications. The captions below show the filters for each of the evaluation stages.
Whatever the evaluation stage, there are two types of filters: with or without a drop-down list.

Filters with a drop-down list (an arrow on the right of the field) limit the number of possible values (you have to choose from the list)
For example: "Delegation in charge" gives the list of all Delegations involved in the selected evaluation process.

This filter is particularly useful for the Delegations which need to retrieve the applications they have to assess for regional or
global calls managed by HQ.
In filters without a drop-down menu, you may enter any string of characters. When clicking on the "Search" button, the system will retrieve
all applications matching that string. This function can be used to select a range of applications.

Example 1: Entering the string "11" in the "N°" filter (application n°) will display not only application 11, but all applications containing "11"
in their number, i.e. applications 11, 110, 111, 112... 119, 211, 311, and so on.
Example 2: Entering the criterion "600006" in the "Applicant" filter will display all applications submitted by applicants whose LEF number
contains "600006".

Please note that the system accepts any combination of filters. Below is an example of a selection based on three filters.

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2.3 Opening a previously recorded application

From the displayed list of applications, click on the Applicant number of the application you wish to open. This number usually appears in blue, as
on the example above. However, once you opened an application, its number appears in red.

If you have the permission to modify the content of the selected application, the Modify button is displayed.

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2.4 Encoding an evaluation grid

To open an evaluation grid, click on the hyperlink that shows the status (in this example, Not Evaluated/Evaluated) of the selected grid. The
example shows the evaluation grid 1 of application 111.
Users having the right CRIS permissions (PEV - ENCOD on the domain of the call and possibly in the concerned Delegation) have access to the
"Modify" button.

Others have the same view without the button for a read-only access.
Click on the "Modify" button to open the "write" access to the grid and encode your mark for each criterion. The marks have to range from 1 to 5
and can contain half points.

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When entering decimals, make sure to use the dot (.) separator and not the comma (,). The latter will generate an error message.
The only decimals accepted are half points in grids 3 of the concept note and the proposal evaluation phases.

To conclude the assessment of the concept note you have to specify whether the assessment is complete (Evaluated) or not (Not
Evaluated) and enter the login or the name of the assessor .

Once the encoding of the assessment is finished, the total score is displayed in the Evaluation column of the List of Applications page, between
brackets after the evaluation status (Evaluated or Not Evaluated in the example).

As you can see in the above screen, each assessor only has access to his/her own evaluation grids. Above, the assessor at the Delegation in
Burundi only has access to grid # 1 of applications where "Burundi" is defined in the field Delegation in Charge (see details in point 4.3.3 -
General information about the application).

Important Notice for calls NOT using assessors:

The "Practical Guide 2008" in its point reads "In the case assessors are not used, it suffices that the Evaluation Committee completes
one collective evaluation grid for each respective stage of the procedure." In such a case the grid to fill in is the "global evaluation" one in the
column furthest on the right.

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2.5 Comment fields in the different evaluation grids

The various Comment fields are available to provide the concise and pertinent appreciation of your overall assessment and recommendation
for selecting or rejecting the application at each evaluation stage.
The total capacity of each Comment field is 4.000 characters, which corresponds roughly to two A4 pages, and is much larger than the visible
window. The system only accepts simple alpha-numerical characters. Therefore, please avoid any special character such as #, %, €, \, <, >, etc.

No word processing is possible in any of the Comment fields in CRIS. Therefore, please note that if you copy/paste some text from an
MS WORD file, all formatting and special characters will be ignored in the comment field.*
Depending on the evaluation stage reached (Opening & Administrative checks , Concept Notes evaluation ,
Proposals evaluation , Eligibility checks), there are different comments fields.
Comments on the Opening & Administrative grids and on the Eligibility grids.

Two Comments fields are available:

Standard Letter Free Text, where you should enter any comments that you wish to be included in the letter to the applicant, together with
the standard comments that are automatically generated for each criterion you marked as negative.
Committee Report Comment containing your comments which will appear only in the Evaluation Committee report .

Comments on the technical evaluation grids (Concept Notes & Proposals)

On grids 1 and 2 which are filled by the assessors, one Comment field is available to enter text for the attention of the Evaluation Committee.
On the re-evaluation grid, three fields are available:

Standard letter free text (see above)

Committee Report Comment (see above)
Re-evaluation Comment where the Evaluation Committee's comments are recorded.

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2.6 Printing a completed evaluation grid

On the screen displaying the selected evaluation grid, press the "Export to PDF" button.

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Related pages

Chapter 1: Background and purpose of the module

Chapter 3: The publication

All chapters

CFT - chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The publication

3. The publication of local calls

3.1. Automatic publication
3.2. Life cycle of calls for tender/calls for proposals
3.2.1 Life cycle of international calls for tender
3.2.2 Life cycle of local calls for tender
3.2.3 Life cycle of open calls for proposals
3.2.4 Life cycle of restricted calls for proposals
3.2.5 Life cycle of open or restricted calls for proposals having several deadlines
3.3. How to enter a Call for tender/proposals and lots in CRIS
3.3.1 How to create a new call for tender/proposals Identification Mandatory information Optional information Provisional calendar
3.3.2 Lots
3.4. Publishing documents
3.5. Printouts
3.6. No visa
3.7. Annexes on publication
3.7.1 Structure of the call reference
3.7.2 How to create a PDF file
3.7.3 EuropeAid's Internet website
3.7.4 Functional mailboxes for publication of international tenders
3.7.5 Summary notices for publication
3.8. Permission to enter data for publication
3.9 Deviations & Prior approvals

3 The publication of local calls

Since this module leads to immediate and automatic publication on the EuropeAid website, you should be particularly careful when
using it.

Access even in the "write" mode for data entry agents (ENCOD) should not be granted without adequate training. Any operational or financial
agent who has fairly good knowledge of CRIS is likely to publish a local call for tender (p.ex. for a works contract (or call for proposals)
via this module.

With the exception of local tender procedures and calls for proposals, international calls for tender can be only published by users
from DEVCO R5 unit. Unit R5 is in charge of entering these tenders in CRIS and will ensure simultaneous publication in the
Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Communities (if required) and on the EuropeAid website. You can read more about
publication of international calls by consulting the publication guide.

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3.1 Automatic publication

Data available in the module is automatically transferred to EuropeAid's Internet site at the following address once the publication date specified
for a document is reached or when the publication date of a document has been set in the past as long as the Publication date of the Call
(General Information) is specified and has been reached or is in the past.

These documents are published together with the call on :

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3.2 Life cycle of calls for tender/calls for proposals

3.2.1 Life cycle of international calls for tender
In the life cycle of a call for tender, the publication process follows the timeline below.

The status of the tender changes along with the publication of the documents: 1 from the publication of the pre-information notice (for
services , supplies , works to the publication of the tender notice (for services , supplies ,
works ), the status is "Forecast".

From the publication of the tender notice to the deadline for submission, the status is "Open". After the deadline for submission, the status is

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3.2.2 Life cycle of local calls for tender

In order to keep costs under control, only two documents are published locally. The procedure for local calls consists in publishing a summary
(advertisement) and a procurement notice. The summary should indicate where it is possible to obtain the complete tender notice. The address
given can be the EuropeAid internet site.

For local tenders, the "Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions" 2 does not render mandatory a pre-information notice, a
shortlist and the publication of the complete contract notice, however it is recommended that such contract notices (and tender dossiers) also be
published on the EuropeAid website. The life cycle of a local tender includes the publication of the summary notice and the award notice. It follows
this time-line:
The publication date of the summary notice is the starting date for submission, while the deadline is the submission deadline for tenders dat
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3.2.3 Life cycle of open calls for proposals

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3.2.4 Life cycle of restricted calls for proposals

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3.2.5 Life cycle of open or restricted calls for proposals having several deadlines
In case of an open or restricted call with several deadlines, the evaluation processes described above are repeated as many times as the number
of deadlines. The call becomes closed at the last deadline. Overlaps between evaluation processes are theoretically possible but not

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3.3 How to enter a Call for tender/proposals and lots in CRIS

3.3.1 How to create a new call for local tender/proposals
On the menu "call for tender/proposals", click on the "call" sub-menu as described in point 3.1. The following screen opens:

Click on the "New" button to open the fields in which you will encode the information.


Watch out! The information in the three fields mentioned in the table hereunder (in the General Information tab) will vary according to
the nature of your call (call for Tender or call for Proposals).

The status of calls for tenders/calls for proposals changes automatically or is to be changed manually (in a Call for tender/Call for proposal) by the
user from 'forecast' to 'open' and from 'open' to 'closed' once data has been properly entered. The publication date, the starting date for
submission and the submission deadline for tenders or concept notes must therefore be encoded with special care. Identification

Please be aware the fields followed by a globe symbol are published on Calls for tenders/Calls for proposals page on
EuropeAid website:

Type of call
Provisional budget
Zone benefitting from the action
Publication date
Starting date for submission
Submission deadline for Tenders or Concept notes.

Call reference: The call for tender/proposals reference is a six-digit number given by CRIS which serves as the call's system reference all over
the procedure. This reference number is generated after the first submission of data of the General information of the call (first screen).

Status: The status indicates how far the call has reached in the process. The status by default is PO, i.e. Forecast (other possible values being
OP "open", CL "closed" or CA "cancelled"). For local tenders, as well as for Calls for Proposals, the OP (i.e. open) status must be encoded as
soon as the call is created (please consult table in point 3.3.1) since there is no pre-information notice (so no Forecast Status). For international
calls for tender, in most of the cases (except re-publication), the system updates this field automatically - from forecast to open, on the basis of the
Starting Date for Submission; In all cases (except re-publication) the status is automatically updated from open to closed - on the basis of the
submission deadline.

Please find below the way the publication date and the starting date for submission impacts the status of the call:

Call for Tender

Publication Date on which the CfT and the documents attached to it (if they were given the same publication date as the call in the Attached Documents tab
date become visible on the internet. The call will automatically appear in the PO (Forecast) Status.3
This date gets the call into the "latest publication's list" on EuropeAid's website:

Starting Date on which the status of the CfT automatically changes to OP - Open.
date for
Status Do not alter this field.
(On the day when the CfT is published on the internet (date indicated in the Publication Date field), the call will appear with the Forecast (PO) sta
On the day indicated in the Starting Date for Submission field, the Status of the call will automatically change from Forecast (PO) to Open (OP)

If you tick the Call with lots box, you will get a "Lots" tab, which you can use to handle lots (see point 3.3.2 below). It is the same procedure as
for the Framework Contract module.

PRAG reference: This fields indicates the PRAG (Practical Guide to EU Contracting Procedures) rules and procedures applying to your call
for proposals. This field is filled out automatically by the system as explained below:

For calls for proposals registered as from 01/01/2013 CRIS proposes the 'PRAG 2013' if the evaluation environment was created until
the 07/04/2014 excluded;
For all calls for proposals with a publication date equal to or greater than 07/04/2014 CRIS automatically fills in the field with the ‘PRAG
2014’ value, if the linked evaluation environment is created after 07/04/2014;
For calls registered before the entry into force of the Financial regulation 2012, CRIS automatically fills out this field with the 'PRAG 2010'

For a call with lots, as soon as the first evaluation environment is created (for the first lot), the 'PRAG reference' field is filled in
automatically in the call's 'General information' tab.

Insert the number of the decision in the Decision No. (optional) field. It is possible to link a call to several decisions.

Title: Mandatory field in which the title of the call for tender/proposals should be indicated. It refers to the title as it is to be published on the

Description: free-text field where you can briefly describe the activities covered by the call for tender/proposals. You can enter up to 500
characters, spaces included.

Please be aware that the selected award procedure ('Information' zone) type must be compatible with the starting date for submission
or with the publication date of the documents of the 'TEN' type. For instance, if you have selected an award procedure type that is only
valid for FR2007, but the submission date or the publication date of the 'TEN' document is in 2013, CRIS displays an error message on
the submission of 'General Information' tab and of 'Attached Documents' tab.

This check is done on the submission of the 'General information' tab and of the 'Attached documents' tab. Information

Domain Mandatory field. The domain is a code given corresponding to a geographical or thematic working programme; for example: PHARE,
: ENPI, DCI-ASIE, DCI-FOOD etc. for the Budget or FED (for the EDF). If the domain of your call is the EDF, the applicable regulation
field will be automatically filled in with the FREDF value on the submission of the general information of the call. If there is a decision
number, the domain must be identical to that of the decision(s) to which the call for tender/ proposals is linked.
Type of This field indicates the management type as well as the entity who will manage the call and the publication process: Headquarters or
call: delegation. Double-click on the yellow field or click on the magnifying glass to get a pop-up list of codes.

Please note that new codes apply to calls and Forecast notices published after January 1, 2014. For calls that have already been
published before this date, the old codes apply.

The call type codes to use are as follows:

Calls published before January 1, 2014 As of January 1, 2014

C - Centralised with publication by DH: Direct management with publication by Headquarters (publication ensured by DEVCO/R5 on
Headquarters (call for proposals + the EuropeAid website and the Official Journal (if applicable): i.e. all international tender
international tender managed by HQ) procedures and call for proposals managed by HQ)

D - Decentralised with publication by IH: Indirect management implemented by third parties with publication by Headquarters
Headquarter (international tender
managed by beneficiary)

L - Centralised with publication by DD: Direct management with publication by Delegation (publication ensured by Delegations on the
Delegation (call for proposals + open EuropeAid website: i.e. all local open tender procedures and call for proposals managed by
tender managed by Delegation) the Delegation).

M - Decentralised with publication by ID: Indirect management implemented by third parties with publication by Delegation
Delegation (call for proposals + local
tender managed by beneficiary)

DAH: Direct management implemented by Executive Agency with publication by Headquarters

DAD: Direct management implemented by Executive Agency with publication by Delegation

N: Call not published N: Call not published

When the contract notice has already been published under the old codes, they are not changed into the new ones.

If both the publication date and the starting date for submission are before 2014, the old codes are used.

For all other cases, the codes in the first column have been transformed and the codes applicable as of January 1, 2014 should be

Nature The nature of the call is a necessary precision which determines the nature of the implementation contract (call for tender) or of the
: grant contract (call for proposals) to be awarded following the call procedure. The nature also determines the list of award procedures
which will be available in the 'Award procedure type' field.

For a call for proposals, one of the following natures should be selected:
- ACT - Action grants: grants to finance a determined project, not an entity (i.e. not the administrative costs of an NGO);
- OPR - Operating grants: grants to cover part or all of the operating costs of an entity so that the entity can achieve its social

For a call for tender, one of the following natures should be selected:
- SER - Services or framework contract
- SUP - Supplies
- WKS - Works
- SPE - Specific contract, formerly called letter of contract or order. Code to use when creating a contract resulting from a framework
contract not available and not covered in the 'Framework Contracts' module, for instance: AUDIT ELARG.

It is important to stress that if you select "OPR" (operating grants) or "ACT" (action grants) you will generate a CALL FOR
PROPOSALS. If you choose any other code, you will generate a CALL FOR TENDER.
Types of This field is editable only for the call for tender. It is a code specific to services contracts (if the SER/SUP/WKS/SPE nature was
services: selected in the Nature field) to cover reporting needs from the Court of Auditors and in compliance with Article 236 of the
implementing rules of the Financial Regulation. This code brings further details concerning the type of services which will be
covered by the awarded services contract(s).

AT Technical assistance
ST Study
EV Evaluation
AU Audit
NP Not specified

Award In this field, an award procedure must be selected. The procedure is to be selected according to the amount and the nature of the
Procedure action and in line with the PRAG rules:
For a call for tender, please consult the list of available procedures available in the
available procedures in the Practical Guide .

For a call for proposals, please consult the list of available procedures in the Practical Guide .

For call for proposals, according to the award procedure type, the evaluation is done in CRIS or not. The evaluation is done in
CRIS ( the Evaluation tab is displayed) only for open or restricted calls, having as procedures AOP, APR (FR 2007) or 2PZ and
2PR (FR 2012) and as type of call C/ DH or L/DD.

In addition, there are a number of specific codes to be used in the case of direct award of grants and negotiated procedures.

Provisional The Euro is the currency available by default. For calls for proposals, this field is compulsory. For calls for tenders, it is
budget: compulsory only for SERVICES.

In a call for tender, for centralised and decentralised calls, if the nature of the contract to be awarded is Works or Supplies, th
e budget information is not published on the EuropeAid website.

Languages: Indicate the different languages in which the call is to be published. At least one language must be entered. The possible
values are: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish. These are the languages in which CRIS will generate the documents that
will be available on the internet.

Zone The code of the country or region covered by the call can be selected from the available list when double-clicking on the
benefitting yellow field.
from the

top ^ Optional information

Contracting Within the framework of decentralisation, the authority (other than the EC) that launches the call for tender/proposals should be
authority: mentioned in that field.

Please note that the Contracting authority field becomes mandatory if the call type is ‘L’ / ‘DD’.

Delegation If the call for tender/proposals is launched by a delegation, the country code of the delegation should be inserted in this field.
in charge:
Please note that the Delegation in charge field becomes mandatory if the call type is 'M' or 'D' or ‘ID’ or ‘IH’ (decentralised).
Contact The name of the person within the contracting authority that deals with the call for tender/proposals.

Official Only to be completed by DEVCO/R5 for international calls for tender.

Journal Ref

Person in Login of the person within the headquarters or the delegation, if relevant, who deals with the call for tender/proposals. By
charge: default, CRIS shows the login of the person who enters data in the "General Information" page. The login can be modified by
the ENCOD or will be adapted as soon as the name of the GESTOPE is identified in the "Persons in Charge" page.

Reference Used in cases where a call for tender/proposals follows another call for tender/proposals (which could, for instance, have been
of linked cancelled).
call for

Once all data has been encoded, click on SUBMIT. CRIS will generate the number you need to complete the publication reference
(EuropeAid/number/../.../) on the documents before uploading them).

The "Comments" fields available in many places of this module can usually contain 4000 characters (roughly two A4 pages).
No word-processing is possible in any Comment field of the CRIS Call for Tender/Proposal module. Even though CRIS seems to give
the user the possibility of copying and pasting WORD text into the "free text" fields, YOU MUST NEVER DO THIS, as the special
characters contained in WORD documents cause the failure of the report-generating programme.
The SOLUTION to this problem is to copy/paste text from WORD to NOTEPAD and then from NOTEPAD to CRIS (NOTEPAD
deletes any special characters).

top ^ Publication

Publication The date recorded here is the date on which the call will be published on the "Calls for tender/proposals" section of the
date: external EuropeAid website. If you want the documents to be published on the same day, you have to attach them and to
encode the same date. The publication is immediate.4

1. For both calls for tenders and calls for proposals, if the Publication date is filled in the 'General Information' tab of
the call, there must be at least one attached document that has been uploaded in the 'Attached documents' tab a
nd that contains a ‘Publication date’. If this is not the case, the system displays a blocking message and the user will not
be able to submit the information.
2. For calls for proposals only, if the Publication date is filled in the fields ‘Starting date for submission’ and
‘Submission deadline for Tenders or Concept Notes’ are mandatory.

Starting date As from this date (usually the publication date), potential applicants can apply. This date changes the status of the call from
for PO to OP. Please refer to the table situated at point 3.3.1.
For calls for tender, if the ‘Starting date for submission’ is inserted the ‘Submission deadline’ for Tenders or Concept Notes
fields are mandatory.

For calls for proposals, if the Publication date is filled in, the fields ‘Starting date for submission’ and ‘Submission deadline
for Tenders or Concept Notes’ are mandatory.

Submission After this date, which appears on the website, no tender or concept note can be submitted. At this date the call status will
deadline for turn from OP to CL.
Tenders or
Concept Notes For calls for proposals, if the Publication date was filled in, this field is mandatory.
: For Open calls for proposals, at this date both concept note form and application form must be submitted. For Restricted cal
ls for proposals, only the concept note forms must be submitted.
Submission Only for Restricted calls for proposals, date when the application form must be submitted. This date is unknown when
deadline of creating or publishing the call. It must then be updated later on, when defined by the Evaluation Committee. This date
Proposals: appears in the letter which is sent to the contractors if their Concept Notes have been accepted.

Submission Used only for calls for proposals. It is the date when the documents supporting the eligibility of applicants and possible
deadline for partners must arrive by the contracting authority. This date is unknown when creating or publishing the call. It must then be
supporting updated later on when defined by the Evaluation Committee.
Important notice! When guidelines require applicants to submit those supporting documents together with a previous part of
the demand, this date must be left blank. When existing, that date is used in letter type E9c1 (to applicants provisionally
selected after evaluation of proposals).

End of reserve Used only for calls for proposals. It is the date when the reserve list of applications becomes obsolete. Practically it
list date: corresponds to the final date for contracting (FDC ILC) of the Decision related to the call. This date is known when creating
the call for proposals. It is therefore compulsory.

According to the PRAG, a minimum defined time period between publication date and the different submission deadlines (Starting date for
submission and Submission deadline for Tenders and Concept notes) should be respected. To this end, the system verifies:

the time period between "Publication date" and "Starting date for submission"
time period between "Starting date for submission" and "Submission deadline for tenders or concept notes"

This check is done for calls with the type DH – direct management with publication by Headquarters or IH – indirect management with publication
by Headquarters and the Nature of the call SUP – Supplies, WKS – Works or SER – Services and the award procedure types 2IO, 2IR or and
with the type ‘DD’ or ‘ID’ and the award procedure type is 2LO or 2LW, CRIS checks whether there is a minimum delay between the above
mentionned deadlines.

top ^

3.3.2 Lots
Calls divided into lots must be dealt with in exactly the same way as normal calls. The evaluation process and the evaluation steps are identical.

REMARK: Where a call is divided into separate lots, in this CRIS module, all data will be dealt with lot by lot separately, even the minutes of the
Evaluation Committee.
Before lots can be entered, the "Call for Tender with lots" box must be ticked in the "General Information" page.

In the "Lots" page, click on the "New" button:

Lot number/phase: The number of the lot (entire digits) must be specified. The lot number is followed by the publication version number
(normally '0'). The version number is used for cases where tenders are re-published if the evaluation is unsuccessful. The lot numbers do not
need to be sequential between two or more lots.

The record of a provisional budget for this lot number (different from the one for the call for tender/proposals) is optional. However, this amount
is used in the different Evaluation Committee reports. So if left blank here, the reports will show "0" as available budget. The default currency is
Other data taken from the call is displayed but can be customised or adapted for a specific lot.

Example of lots for tender procedure EuropeAid/110799/C/SUP/ID

Note about calls for proposals having several deadlines to submit Concept Notes (for restricted calls) or Concept Notes and Proposals
(for Open calls)
In such cases, one specific lot has to be created for each deadline specified in the guidelines. Each lot will have a different "Submission deadline
for Concept Notes". It is recommended that the very last deadline be recorded in the field "Submission deadline for Concept Notes" of the Call for

top ^

3.4 Publishing documents (Attached documents tab)

The publication on the Internet of the various documents regarding a call for tender/proposals is a simple procedure which just involves attaching
the required document(s) and inserting the exact date of publication.

For both calls for tenders and calls for proposals, if the Publication date is filled in the General Information tab of the call, there
must be at least one attached document that has been uploaded in the 'Attached documents' tab and that contains a ‘Publication
date’. If this is not the case, the system displays a blocking message and the user will not be able to submit the information.
To attach a document, go to the 'Attached documents' tab and click on the 'New' button. The following screen appears:

For each document, the following data is necessary:

Lot Enter the lot number for which you wish to attach the document.

Document Corresponds to the titles of the documents available on the Internet and created automatically, except for the code OTH. With
title this code, the title will be published the way it is introduced in the field "Document title".

Document Code for the specific document attached - e.g.:

Type of document Description

ANN Cancellation

AWA Award

CLA Clarification

COR Corrigendum

DOS Tender Dossier

FOR Prior Information Notice

NP Not specified

OTH Others: used for all other documents (e.g. annexes, technical specifications, guidelines, FAQ)

REL Relaunch

RTD Relaunch tender Dossier

SHT Shortlist

SUM Summary

TEN Contract notice: this code should be used only once per publication number
Extension The extension of the programme you used to issue the document (e.g.: "PDF" for documents created in ACROBAT, "DOC"' for
code Word documents, "HTM" for documents converted into HTML) (see annex 6.2) - Make sure that the document has the same
extension as the one under "extension code".

Extension code Description

DOC MS Word document


JPG JPG Image Format

PDF Acrobat document

PPT Powerpoint presentation

RTF RTF document

TIF TIF Image format

TXT Text document

XLS Excel table

ZIP Zip file

Language Language of the document(s) published.

Publication This is the publication date of this document on the Internet. For calls for tender only: if no publication date is entered in the
date General information of the call, the publication date of the document tender notice (TEN) determines the automatic selection of
the Applicable regulation of the call.

Publication CRIS will automatically grant a publication order for each document (10, 20, 30, etc.). However, if you want to modify this order
order you are free to specify for each document its publication order.

Blocked If you want to publish a document, DO NOT CHECK THE "BLOCKED" field. This field is used for documents which you
annex in CRIS but do not want to publish. Checking the box blocks their publication.

Then click on the "Submit" button.

Afterwards, to load the relevant file, click on the "Upload file" button.
Click on "Browse" to locate and attach the document to be published. Please make sure that the file format is the same as the extension code
(otherwise the document published on the website will be unreadable). Then "Submit" and check if the upload has worked.
Note: to consult the document, click on the URL hyperlink in the URL localisation field once the document has been loaded.

To modify the file before the publication date, you can do Upload file again. To modify the file after the publication date, you have to publish a
With a view to ensure coherence concerning the way headings and documents are displayed on the website, persons in charge of publications
should observe the following codification depending on the nature of the procedure.

Nature Document title Type of Extension code


International service tender Forecast FOR PDF


Done by DEVCO/R5

Tender TEN PDF for international service tenders, HTM for

all other tenders

Corrigendum COR HTM

Shortlist SHT HTM

Award AWA PDF for international calls, HTM for all other
award notices

Cancellation ANN HTM

International supplies/works tender Forecast FOR HTM


Done by DEVCO/R5

Tender TEN HTM

Tender dossier DOS PDF or ZIP

Clarifications (xx.xx.xxxx) CLA PDF

Corrigendum to tender dossier OTH PDF


Award AWA PDF for international calls, HTM for all other
award notices

Cancellation ANN HTM

Award lot 1 etc... OTH PDF for international calls, HTM for all other
award notices

Re-launcg lot x (xx.xx.xxxx) REL HTM

Re-launch tender dossier RTD ZIP

Local open supplies/works tender Tender Either TEN (full HTM

procedures PN)


Or SUM (Annexes HTM


Tender dossier DOS PDF or ZIP

Clarifications (xx.xx.xxxx) CLA PDF

Call for Proposals 6 Guidelines (xx.xx.xxxx) OTH DOC


Application form OTH DOC

Budget OTH XLS

Logical Framework OTH XLS

Annexes OTH ZIP

Corrigendum (xx.xx.xxxx) COR DOC or HTM

FAQ (xx.xx.xxxx) OTH PDF

Award/Cancellation AWA or ANN HTM

Twinning Call for Proposals Notice (xx.xx.xxxx) OTH HTM

(xx.xx.xxxx) = date of publication

top ^

3.5 Printouts
Three printouts are available from the "Print" button scroll list.

Displays all data available in CRIS on the call for tender/proposals concerned, including the list of lots and the list of
Call for tender form: documents attached.

top ^

3.6 No visa
The publication does not depend on a visa. There is no visa chain within the publication phase.

Only the Publication date entered in the General information screen of the "publication date" specified for each attached document in the
ATTACHED DOCUMENTS tab determines the automatic publication on EuropeAid's tender website.
top ^

3.7 Annexes on publication

top ^

3.7.1 Structure of the call reference

The call number allocated by CRIS serves as a basis to create the call reference. Example: EuropeAid/110799/DH/SUP/ID

EuropeAid This is the reference to the EuropeAid publication system.


110799 The number of the call for tender/proposals in CRIS (identifying key).

DH The type of call for tender/proposals: DH for Direct management with publication by headquarters; DD for Direct management
with publication by delegation (local procedures); IH: indirect management with publication by headquarters (international
procedures); ID: indirect management with publication by delegation; DAH: direct management by Executive Agency with
publication by Headquarters; DAD: direct management by Executive Agency with publication by Delegation; N: Call not

IHSUP The nature of calls for tender/proposals: SUP for Supplies, WKS for Works, SER for Services, ACT for Action Grants,...

ID The ISO code: 2 characters (added by CRIS) for the beneficiary country. The 'Multi' code means that there are more than one
beneficiary countries covered by the call for tender/proposals.

top ^

3.7.2 How to create a PDF file

The Europa team insists that we use documents in PDF format rather than WORD files to avoid forcing users to purchase MS WORD.
A functional mailbox has been set up to make it easy to convert .DOC files to PDF: all you have to do is send your document to EC PDF CODE
WEB and it will be returned to you in PDF format. Alternatively, right-click on the saved word document and choose the option

To create "RTF" files from your word processor, when saving, select the Save As function then select the Rich Text Format which has the
advantage of being modifiable by a large number of word processors and operating systems.

top ^

3.7.3 EuropeAid's Internet website

Consulting calls for tender/proposals

Calls for tender and calls for proposals are published on EuropeAid's Internet site available at the following address:
top ^

By default, the Latest Publication page opens.The results list displayed shows the calls whose status was changed from ‘Forecast’ to 'Open'
status in the last 10 days.

In the Search by Reference page, you can enter the reference number of a Call.

In the Advanced Search page, you can search for Calls using different search criteria such as Programme, Type, Status, Geographical Zone and
Publication Date.
The result list will show the references, short descriptions and documents published.

To view a document published, just click on its reference.

top ^

3.7.4 Functional mailboxes for publication of international tenders

There are six functional mailboxes available in OUTLOOK:

Name of the mailbox To be used for the following Programmes




DEVCO IPAPUB Instrument for Pre-accession


DEVCO AWPPUB Publication of Annual Work Programmes of Grants (all instruments)

top ^

3.7.5 Summary notices for publication

The model documents for publication can be found in the electronic version of the PRAG under the 'Annexes' menu:

top ^
3.8 Permission to enter data for publication
Because the Call for Tender/Proposals module of CRIS allows direct publication on the EuropeAid website, with no visa needed at this stage, the
access to it has to be limited.

Only the USM is allowed to grant the following permission to only one user and a back-up at the headquarters or within a delegation:

Entity: AOF
Constraint: DELG
Constraint value: country code

3.9 Deviations & Prior Approvals

In some cases foreseen by the DEVCO Companion, the time period between certain deadlines (Starting date for submission and Submission
deadline for tenders or concept notes) of the calendar of the call can be exceeded if a deviation/prior approval is granted on this purpose and it
is registered in CRIS in the corresponding module - see the explanation above.

The registered deviations & prior approvals are displayed in the ‘Deviations & prior approvals’ zone, available in the 'General information' of Cal
ls for tender only. If a deviation/prior approval was registered concerning the call, you to access it by clicking on the hyperlink reference number
in blue. You will then be redirected to the respective file from the 'Deviations & Prior approvals' module.

The status referred to here is the status towards the public: is it possible to submit an application or a tender?
2See the Practical Guide to contract procedures for external actions :
4 To access the website, start from EuropeAid's intracom, click on "EuropeAid on Europa", then on "work with us", "funding" and "apply for grant
or contract".
5Incase of a re-launch tender procedure, the status has to be modified manually from "CLOSED" to "OPEN" and the new dates have to be
encoded under Starting date of submission and under Submission deadline. (xx.xx.xxxx)
6 The main annexes for publication to the Guidelines are: the concept note form, the application form, the budget and the logical framework. Other
annexes (Per Diem, etc.) are already available in the Annexes of the PRAG. It is therefore advised to gather all annexes in a single zip file. Please
also note that the publication of a notice for a call for proposals is not compulsory.
top ^

Related pages

Chapter 2: Quick reference guide on basic functions

Chapter 4: List of tenders

All chapters

CFT - chapter 4

Version française de cette page

Chapter 4: List of tenders

4. List of tenders
4.1. Record the list of tenders
4.2. How does it work
4.3. Early Warning System (EWS)

4. List of tenders
4.1 Record the list of tenders
This tab allows you to enter the tenders received in the framework of a Call for tender procedure launched via CRIS. The aim is to keep a trace of
the short-listed tenders and to be able to perform an automatic check on their Early Warning System (EWS) level.

Please be aware that entering the tenders is only possible if the type of the call for tender is:

DH: Direct management with publication by Headquarters (publication ensured by DEVCO/R5 on the EuropeAid website and the
Official Journal (if applicable) : i.e. all international tender procedures and call for proposals managed by HQ).
DD: Direct management with publication by Delegation (publication ensured by Delegations on the EuropeAid website: i.e. all local
open tender procedures and call for proposals managed by the Delegation).

top ^

4.2 How does it work?

If you record a Restricted Call for Tender or a Restricted Procedure after publication of a contract notice, a new tab will appear
once you submit:
'Record Tenders'.

Once the Call is closed and the evaluation begins, you can click on the Record Tenders tab.
Click on 'New' to create the evaluation process of the call.

In this screen, CRIS automatically displays the Title of the Call, the publication date and the Submission deadline for Tenders or Concept Notes.
You can select whether or not you want CRIS to automatically number the tenders you will record later on.

Be Careful
The CRIS number of the tender should be the same as the tender number used in the evaluation. If you leave the box empty, you can
insert the number of the tender manually when you record it.

Once you have submitted this page, the List of Tenders tab becomes accessible. You can also return to the Call via the Call for Tenders / Call
for Proposals tab.

There are no Persons in Charge to be specified or Visas to be granted in the Call for Tender!

The only action available in the Evaluation of the Call for Tender is recording the tenders.
Go to the List of Tenders tab and click on the 'New Tender' button:
In the following screen, enter the details of the tenderer and its consortium members, if any.
If the 'Consortium?' button is ticked, you must record the LEF reference of the consortium members.

Once you submit the tender information, CRIS will display whether or not the tenderer or one of its consortium members has an EWS level.
Example for tenderer:

Example for a consortium member:

You can only record up to 8 eligible tenderers per Call or Lot!

top ^

4.3 Early Warning System (EWS)

If one of the tenderers has an Early Warning level of NW5, they are automatically considered as 'ineligible'. If a tenderer has a consortium partner
with EWS level NW5, the tender is considered as ineligible as well.

In the List of Tenders, you will see for each tenderer (or its consortium members) what the EWS level is.
In the example below, we can see the 3 tenders that were recorded for this call:

The first one does not have an EWS level, you can see the green . Tender no. 2, however was submitted by a company that has EWS level
4, this information appears in orange. This colour is used for tenderers (or their partners) that have EWS level 1 to 4.
If the EWS level is 5, as is the case for tender no. 3 in the above print screen, the EWS level is displayed in red.

If there is a tenderer in EWS 5 (either because itself is EWS 5 or one of its partner), and maximum number (8) is reached, another tenderer can
be recorded.

top ^

Related pages

Chapter 3: The publication

Chapter 5: Chronological stages

All chapters

CFT - chapter 5

Version française de cette page

Chapter 5: Chronological stages

5. The evaluation process: Chronological stages

5.1 Visas: Permission to enter, validate or modify data in the evaluation process
5.2 First stage: Create the evaluation and select the evaluation criteria
5.2.1 Checks prior to the creation of the evaluation procedure
5.2.2 How to create an evaluation procedure
5.2.3 The calendar
5.2.4 Persons in charge
5.2.5 Steps and criteria
5.2.6 Visa 10
5.2.7 Deletion of a whole evaluation process
5.3 Second stage: The registration of applications
5.3.1 Creation of a new application
5.3.2 Proposal number and Dates of Submission
5.3.3 General information about the application
5.3.4 Data concerning the applicant
5.4 Third stage: The (first) administrative check
5.4.1 The evaluation grids
5.4.2 Encoding of the Administrative checks
5.5 Fourth Stage: Concept note evaluation.
5.5.1 Entering the evaluation due date
5.5.2 Encoding of the assessments
5.5.3 Preparation of the Evaluation Committee meetings
5.5.4 Evaluation by the Evaluation Committee
5.5.5 Cancelling a re-evaluation
5.5.6 The Evaluation Committee Report
5.6 Fifth stage: Proposal Evaluation
5.6.1 Encoding of the assessments
5.6.2 Evaluation by the Committee
5.6.3 Evaluation Committee report of the full proposals
5.7 Sixth stage: Verification of the Eligibility
5.7.1 Encoding of the Eligibility checks
5.7.2 Notification letter
5.7.3 The final evaluation report
5.8 Seventh stage: End of the evaluation procedure

5. The evaluation process: Chronological stages

The evaluation of the applications is an integral part of the Call for Tender/Proposals module.

The evaluation is done in CRIS ( the Evaluation tab is displayed) only for the restricted and open call for proposals, having an
award procedure type AOP, APR (FR 2007) or 2PZ and 2PR (FR 2012) and a type of call C/ DH or L/DD.

Depending on the procedures the evaluation process will comprise

four or five

stages in addition to the file registration and the Evaluation procedure closure steps.

Four steps

stages for an Open Call for Proposals(AOP/2PZ)

1. Opening & Administrative Checks

2. Concept Note Evaluation
3. Proposal Evaluation
4. Eligibility
Five steps

stages for a Restricted Call for Proposals (APR/2PR)

1. First Opening & Administrative Checks

2. Concept Note Evaluation
3. Second Opening & Administrative Checks
4. Proposal Evaluation
5. Eligibility

Each procedure (open call for tender, restricted call for tender, etc.) covers a different number of phases. In order to make things easier for the
user, all stages work in a similar way.

top ^

5.1 Visas: Permission to enter, validate or modify data in the evaluation process
Two roles are necessary to enter, validate or modify data in the evaluation process. These roles are the following:

Domain Entity Role Constraint Constraint value Use

E.g.: ALA, Asia... PEV ENCOD DELG TPS or country code Data entry in call for proposals/tender

E.g.: ALA, Asia... PEV PRESJUR DELG TPS or country code Data entry in call for proposals/tender

Please note that the GESTOPE role has a "read only" access to all aspects of the evaluation procedure (i.e. all evaluation grids, reports and
letters). The only tab that can be modified by GESTOPE is the 'Calendar' tab. However, he/she has "read/write" access to the record of the calls
as described in point 2.3 above.
Along the course of the evaluation process, only two visas have to be given by the Chairman of the Evaluation Committee (PRESJUR). A third
visa (admin) has been added at the end of the procedure; its main use is to repair the "problems" caused by the PRESJUR having given the 60
(or 70) visa too early (therefore blocking the possibility of entering or modifying data).

Domain Entity Role Constraint Constraint Use


E.g.: PEV PRESJUR DELG TPS or Visa 10: Before the evaluation procedure starts; used to define: -
DCI-ALA, country Evaluation steps; - Evaluation criteria;
FED... code Visa 60 (or 70 for restricted calls): After total completion of the evaluation
procedure, used to freeze all entered information.
: once visa 60 (or 70) is given, it is no longer possible to modify the
evaluation procedure, except to switch applications from the reserve list to
the accepted list.

USM Visa Admin: given by the delegation's USM or by unit 04, in case of problems.
The Admin visa must only be a RV visa (used to send back the evaluation
procedure to an earlier stage). ADMIN should NEVER give an AC visa!!

top ^

5.2 First stage: Create the evaluation and select the evaluation criteria

5.2.1 Checks prior to the creation of the evaluation procedure Publication of the call for tender/proposals:

To publish on EuropeAid's website , the call for tender/proposals must be recorded in CRIS. See point 3.4 above.
top ^ Themes and lots

Although these terms are specific to calls for tender, a call for proposals can also be split into different themes. If they are to be evaluated
separately, it can be useful to create as many lots as there are themes available.
Tick the "Call for tender with lots" box in the GENERAL INFORMATION page of the call for tender/proposals and fill in the Lots page (see Section
3.3.2 "Lots").
top ^ Type of procedure

There are two types of procedures: restricted call for proposals and open calls for proposals.This manual specifically covers
open calls for proposals , for which the AOP code must be indicated in the "Procedure" field. If an open call for proposals is published, a
prior agreement must first be granted.
top ^ Submission deadline for tenders or Concept Notes

The submission deadline date for the submission of Concept Notes (see definition on - Provisional calendar) available on the
"General Information" page for the publication of the call for tender/proposals must be correct.

Be aware that you will not be able to start the evaluation process before the submission deadline for the Concept Notes. In
this CRIS module, one single deadline of each type can be recorded for each call. Should you have several deadlines for a
given call, please consider them as separate lots (see point 3.2.5 - "Life cycle ..." and the note at the end of point 3.3.2 - "Lots").

top ^ Title of the call for proposals

As the title of the call is to be used as a correspondence reference, it would be useful to provide at least the English and the French versions of
the title.

top ^

5.2.2 How to create an evaluation procedure The Evaluation page

Once you have selected the call for tender/proposals published through CRIS (see point 2.1 - How to open an existing call), click on the
"Evaluation" tab to launch the evaluation process.

You are now in the evaluation page. Click on 'New' to create the evaluation background that will enable you to define a.o. the calendar, the
evaluation criteria, the persons in charge and record the received applications.
On the next screen, select (or not) the "Automatic numbering" function according to your choice and press the "Submit" button.

Automatic numbering of applications: The automatic numbering of the applications option is useful only when there is a limited number of
applications submitted and only one person is in charge of encoding them in the order of receipt of the envelopes. Any mistake such as double
encoding, applications submitted under another call and wrongly encoded, etc., would lead to an "empty" number (the CRIS support team
recommends not to use this function if possible).

Evaluation starting date: this date has no influence on CRIS. It is an indication for the evaluators. When you are creating an evaluation
procedure, this date is by default today's date.

Date of approval of the final evaluation report: this date is the official date on which the evaluation is closed. It is used mainly for statistical
purposes. By the time visa 60/70 is given, if nothing has been indicated in this field, CRIS automatically puts in the date of visa 60/70. If, on the
other hand, a date has been encoded, CRIS will not let you visa if the date is later than today's date (you will get a red error message, and you
will have to go and change this date before you can sign).
top ^ Evaluation procedures for calls with lots

If the call for tender/proposals is split into different lots, enter the number of the lot relevant to the ongoing evaluation in the "Lot number" field and
click on SUBMIT to create the evaluation.
When creating an evaluation procedure for a specific lot of a call, that lot must be defined for the call as described in point 2.3.2 above.
After the creation of the evaluation procedure for a first lot where information such as the calendar (see 5.2.3 below), the persons in charge (see
5.2.4) and the evaluation criteria (see 5.2.5) has been defined, it's possible to create the evaluation procedure for other lots by retrieving the
information of the first one. To do so, just select the appropriate lot number you want to copy in the dropdown list of the field "Duplicate lot".

top ^

5.2.3 The calendar

The calendar is designed to plan the different meetings that will be held along the evaluation process, such as: the opening session, the
Evaluation Committee for the opening and administrative checks, or the Evaluation Committee for the technical and financial assessment, etc.
A list of the minimum Evaluation Committee meetings is created by default for the evaluation procedure. You have to fill in the missing values
(Date, Hour, Place).

To encode a new meeting, click on the "New" button, fill in the fields and click on "Submit".
When these meetings are recorded in the calendar page, they will appear in the Evaluation Committee reports.

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5.2.4 Persons in charge

The Evaluation Committee comprises a Chairperson (PRESJUR), a Secretary (SECJUR) and an odd number (minimum three) of
Evaluators (MEMJUR). Evaluators may have no access to CRIS (they do not have a login in the system). However, their identity can be specified
in the NAME OF PERSON IN CHARGE column. Click on SUBMIT to save data.
Observers (OBSERV) may also be added in the list of persons in charge.

Important Notice: Only users with the PRESJUR permission on the Evaluation process (PEV) entity are authorised to define the
different Persons in Charge of an evaluation process. This implies that any person with the PRESJUR role defined in his CRIS
permissions will be able to modify the list of Persons in Charge on a call. This was done on purpose to avoid any blocking while the
specific PRESJUR on a call is absent.

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5.2.5 Steps and criteria

In the Steps/Evaluation Criteria page, depending on the type of call for proposals, a template indicating the minimum threshold for certain parts of
each evaluation will be automatically generated based on the criteria defined in the "Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external

To modify the threshold for a specific stage, select the corresponding radio button, then click on the 'Modify' button.
You can also modify the minimum thresholds defined in the Practical Guide for the Concept Note and the Proposal evaluations (stages 2 and 4 in
the example below).

The thresholds per chapter are displayed in the lower part of the screen:
Evaluation Criteria:
The default evaluation criteria displayed in CRIS can be adapted for the administrative evaluation steps: Administrative Check (in case
of Open Call for Proposals), First and Second Administrative Check (in case of Restricted Call for Proposal) and Eligibility.
Use the radio button to select the step that needs to be adapted and click on the 'Modify' button.

Click on the magnifying glass next to the criteria that needs to be adapted or added and select the correct criterion.
Once you have made the necessary modifications, click on the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes.

Assessor evaluation due date: until this date, the assessors can record their respective evaluations (in grid 1 for the assessor in the
delegation, in grid 2 for the assessor based at Headquarters). Once this date has passed, they can no longer access their evaluation grids. Only
the Committee Members (including the President) are allowed to access the Evaluations after the Assessor Evaluation Due Date has passed.
Moreover, in order for the Committee Members to be able to access the Committee evaluation grid, this date has to be in the past (yesterday at
the earliest), which is logical, since the Committee grid contains the average results of grids 1 and 2.

Note: if there are no assessors, this date has to be completed anyway because otherwise CRIS will not allow access to the evaluation grid.

Consulting Office: You can also add the name of the consulting office that will perform the assessment. Once you have clicked on the 'Modify'
button of the step for which the consulting office will perform the assessment, select the correct office from the drop-down menu.

Warning: A derogation issued by competent services, prior to the publication of a call, is necessary to skip a standard evaluation stage.
Such a derogation may be granted in very specific and limited cases. Once you have deleted an evaluation stage in CRIS, it is
impossible to recover it. Therefore, we advise you to be extremely cautious before using this deletion facility. Make sure the call
received the necessary dispensation and double-check that you are deleting the right stage.

To delete one of the evaluation stages, click on the "Delete" button, which only appears BEFORE the 10 visa has been granted by PRESJUR.
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5.2.6 Visa 10
When the Chairman of the Evaluation Committee gives visa step 10, he/she sets the assessment stages. The registration of the applications can
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5.2.7 Deletion of a whole evaluation process

It is possible to erase the whole evaluation process with the Delete function. The deletion is no longer possible once visa 10 has been granted.

Should a deletion be necessary after visa 10, a return to that visa is required 1. Please note that in such a case the deletion will erase the
evaluation process together with all applications recorded under it and with all related evaluation grids.

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5.3 Second stage: The registration of applications

5.3.1 Creation of a new application
On the 'List of applications' screen, click on the 'New application' button to open the fields available for an application. This button is only visible
after visa 10 is given to the call / lot and is only visible to the persons having the necessary CRIS permissions (see 4.1 above).
Fill in the various fields on the basis of the instructions below, then submit your request.

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5.3.2 Proposal number and Dates of Submission

Proposal If the Automatic Numbering box was checked when recording the call, this number is automatically provided by the system.
number: Otherwise, enter here the number identifying the application (the one written on the paper envelope).

Submission Indicate in these two fields the date of which the documents were mailed (copy the date postmarked on the envelope). If the
date fields : documents (Concept Note and any other documents as requested in the guidelines) are posted after the submission deadline,
click on the "Deadline overdue" checkbox. (The screen will adapt, opening a new field where you can enter the date and time of
the postmark).

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5.3.3 General information about the application

Action title: As stipulated in the Concept Note or Application form.

Total cost of action: There are three sections, each of them corresponding to one stage of the evaluation process: the total cost as
stated in the concept note, as stated in the application and as eventually accepted by the Evaluation Committee. In
each section, once the total cost of the action is determined and the
"EU Contribution"

mandatory field filled in, the

"% of co-financing"

field is automatically fed by the system.

In the case of a Restricted call, at step '2: Concept note evaluation', you must encode the amount in t
he 'EU contribution' and 'Total cost of the action' fields. The '% co-financing' field (value between 0 (zero)
and 100 (included) is automatically calculated by the system.

'Prag Reference'2013: for all the proposals (with an award procedure type 2PZand 2PR) where the EU
contribution accepted amount is equal or inferior to 60000€, the step 4 'Eligibility' in the 'list of proposals'
tab must no longer be completed. Thus, all call for proposals with these types of procedure and whose
amount is smaller than or equal to 60000€ are automatically accepted at the 'Eligibility' step.

Action duration: in months. As stipulated in the Concept Note or Application form.

Beneficiary Countries: This is/are the country(ies) where the action will be implemented.

Action Extension: This is to specify if the action is national, regional or global. Note that in CRIS the word "Regional" is used to mean a
group of several neighbouring countries (and not part of a country).

Delegation in charge o The Delegation in charge is the delegation in charge of the project. The 'Unit in charge' field allows to identify the
r Unit in charge: unit responsible of the contractualization phase at Headquarters, should the proposal be accepted after the

The 'Unit in charge' field cannot be used for proposals for which the contractualization phase is
managed by the delegation. Should this be the case, a value must be entered in the 'Delegation in
charge' field.

Sector: Please specify which DAC sector is involved in the application.

Person in Charge: This is the login of the person in charge of the application within the Commission service.

Language: The language used for the correspondence with the applicant. It is the language of the Concept Note or the

Co-appicant(s)/Affilited To be ticked if the applicant specified any co-applicant/affilated entity for the implementation of the action.
Reference of Applicant Encode here either the *EuropeAid ID 2 number or the Legal Entity File (LEF) reference.
If you choose to record the EuropeAid ID reference, its corresponding LEF reference will automatically appear
when you go to the next field or when you submit the data.
If you choose to record the LEF reference, its corresponding EuropeAid ID reference will automatically appear
when you go to the next field or when you submit the data.
If the contractor does not have a EuropeAid ID yet, this EuropeAid ID part of the field will remain blank even
when the LEF is filled out (this is normal).
If you make a mistake when copying the EuropeAid ID reference and no LEF reference is found, it will be
impossible to submit the information. To submit the proposal, at least the LEF is needed in this part of the

Once the data has been submitted, the EuropeAid ID becomes a hyperlink which opens the applicant's PADOR

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5.3.4 Data concerning the applicant

Contact name: Name of the applicant's contact person for the application.

Email, Tel. number, Fax: These are the contact details of the applicant's contact person.

Default Address: Click on this checkbox to keep the applicant's address as recorded in the Legal Entity File and PADOR. All
address-related fields displayed on this screen will then automatically be filled in with data from the LEF. Should
the contact address for the application be different than the LEF one, then un-tick this checkbox and fill in the
address-related fields displayed.

Co-applicant(s)/Affiliated Tick this case to indicate whether the grant is signed with a coordinator of a group of beneficiaries or do not
Entity (ies)/Partners: tick it if there is a single beneficiary. In a grant the applicant (grant beneficiary) may act individually or with
co-applicant(s). However, if awarded the grant contract, both the applicant and the co-applicant(s) (if any) become
Grant Beneficiary(ies).

For every line to be completed, select one of the radio buttons - 'Co-applicant' or 'Affiliated entity'. You may then
complete the 'Europeaid ID' field or the 'LEF' reference and submit.

For all previous Prag 2013 ('Prag Reference' field), this field is named 'Partners'.

In this table, you can encode either the EuropeAid ID (generated by PADOR - see above) or
the LEF if this partner is already known in CRIS.

Finally, do not forget to click on 'Submit'.

IMPORTANT: Applicants and/or their partners with an Early Warning System (EWS) level NW5 are blocked at the evaluation of the
proposals. This check is performed at the Concept note evaluation, the Proposal Evaluation and the Eligibility check.
Moreover, information on the EWS level is always visible in the proposal itself.
Together with the applicant's LEF, we see the EWS level:

This also applies to any partner(s) in this proposal:

When the level is NW5, this value appears in red:

CRIS will not allow the status 'Accepted' on a proposal where the applicant and/or partner(s) have EWS level NW5.

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5.4 Third stage: The (first) administrative check

5.4.1 The evaluation grids

A bit of vocabulary: an assessor is a person who carries out an evaluation (grids 1 and 2) prior to the Committee's evaluation (grid

If no assessors are used: In the case where no assessors are used, evaluation grids 1 and 2 do not need to be filled out. For each of
the evaluation stages, the Evaluation Committee completes its single collective "Global evaluation" grid.
If assessors are used: If the Committee employs assessors, then at least two different evaluations are needed (which means both grid 1
AND grid 2 must be filled out).
Grid 1 is reserved for:

Evaluations performed at the Delegation, when the proposal concerns one single country;

Evaluations performed at the Delegation in Charge, in the case of regional proposals;

Evaluations carried out at Headquarters by the competent services, if no Delegation has been identified (e.g.: a
global proposal for the whole African continent).

Grid 2 is reserved for :

Evaluations registered at Headquarters, carried out:

Either by the competent services at Headquarters

Or by external evaluators (but encoded at Headquarters).

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5.4.2 Encoding of the Administrative checks

The Administrative Check evaluation grid of a specific application is accessible from the List of Applications page where you have to select the "1.
Administrative Check" stage in the drop-down list (see point 2.3 above) and click on the 'Not Evaluated' hyperlink which appears on a specific
application line.
On Restricted calls for proposals, this stage appears as "1- First Administrative check".

When the Administrative Check evaluation grid of the selected application is displayed, click on 'Modify' to update it.

As shown below, for each criterion you have to choose between one of the predefined answers in the dropdown list: "Yes", "No", "NA" (Not
Applicable) or "To be discussed".
When all the criteria have been assessed, you have to determine if the application is acceptable or not. To do so, scroll down into the information
part of the screen and select the appropriate answer in the drop-down list available in the "Selected application?" field. Afterwards you have to
specify the Login (if applicable) or the Name of the assessor (if the person does not have a CRIS login).

Finally, do not forget to click on the "Submit" button. You will notice that for each criterion which received a negative answer (No) a standard text
is published in the "Standard letter free text" box and will appear in the acknowledgement letter.

Additional explanations or comments may be entered in the 'Comment' field (see point 2.7). The content of both fields will appear in the
Evaluation Committee report.

Applications for which the Committee's decision (Accepted or Rejected) has not been recorded do not appear in the Evaluation
Committee report. The system is also not able to produce the corresponding notification letter for such applications. Therefore, it is
essential that, after the Committee's decision is taken, the Chairman or the Secretary of the Committee makes sure that all applications
are updated with the status corresponding to the decision.

top ^

5.5 Fourth Stage: Concept note evaluation

5.5.1. Entering the evaluation due date
To initiate the concept note evaluation, the Chair person of the Evaluation Committee has to set an evaluation due date in the "Step/Evaluation
Criteria" page. Select the radio button corresponding to the second stage "Concept Note evaluation" and click on the 'Modify' button.

The 'Evaluation Due Date' field opens. Fill in the correct date.

Please bear in mind that as long as the evaluation due date is not specified, the concept note evaluation phase is not possible. This
impossibility will be confirmed by a "Restricted Access" indication in front of each application in the List of Applications page.
Once the Evaluation due date3 has been specified, each of the two evaluations assessors (or encoders) can have access to their own concept
note evaluation grid until the due date at 24:00 Brussels time (GMT +1). After this deadline, access to evaluation grids will be restricted to
members of the Evaluation Committee. It is important to note that in order for Committee Members to be able to access the Committee evaluation
grid, the Evaluation Due Date has to be in the past (yesterday at the earliest), which is logical, since the Committee grid contains by default the
average results of grids 1 and 2. Other users will see Restricted Access (see above).

Access to the Global Evaluation is restricted... which is perfectly normal since in this example the Evaluation Due Date has not been reached yet.

Important Notice for calls NOT using assessors:

In the case assessors are not used, it suffices that the Evaluation Committee completes one collective evaluation grid for each
respective stage of the procedure. In such a case the grid to fill in is the "global evaluation" one in the column furthest on the right.
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5.5.2 Encoding of the assessments

To enter an evaluation grid, you must start by selecting 2. Concept Note Evaluation - in the drop-down list situated in the List of Applications
tab, and clicking on the 'Search' button.

Then click on the "Not Evaluated" hyperlink for Evaluation 1 (if you are the first assessor) or 2 (if you are the second one).
To start registering the results of an evaluation, click on the 'Modify' button and encode a mark between 1 and 5 for each criterion.
Marks in grids 1 and 2 cannot contain half-points. In grid 3 this is possible.
The next thing to do is to indicate whether the evaluation is complete or not, and enter the login (if the assessor is from EuropeAid) or the name (if
the assessor is external) of the assessor.

Once the evaluation is registered, the total score appears in the 'Evaluation' column of the List of Applications tab (between brackets, after the
"evaluated" indication).

top ^

5.5.3 Preparation of the Evaluation Committee meetings

The 'Export to Excel' is the main tool available to prepare the Evaluation Committee meetings. It is only accessible to members of the Evaluation
Committee, through a button on the screen displaying the list of applications.
Please note that the content of the Excel files produced is adapted to each evaluation phase.
For those in Headquarters several standard pre-programmed reports are also available on Data Warehouse via the Data Warehouse menu in
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5.5.4 Evaluation by the Evaluation Committee

After the evaluation due date, all CRIS users which are not members of the Evaluation Committee no longer have access to the grids.

However, Evaluation Committee members have access, for each application, to the evaluation grids 1 and 2, and to the Global evaluation which
is the average of both.
When the average of grids 1 and 2 is below the minimum threshold defined for that evaluation stage (i.e. 30), as described in point 5.2.5 above
(Steps & criteria), the global evaluation in the third column appears as "Insufficient". When the average is above the threshold, it appears as

To record the decision of the Evaluation Committee on an application, click on its Global Evaluation hyperlink (Acceptable or Insufficient). This
opens the "Evaluation grid 3" page, where you have to click on the 'Modify' button.
The Evaluation Committee can:

either confirm the global mark and specify whether or not the application is selected,
modify the average marks when a "re-evaluation" is performed upon a decision of the Evaluation Committee.
After having clicked on the 'Modify' button the following screen appears where the average marks can be modified.
Alternatively, it is also possible to modify the marks in grid(s) 1 and 2, but this possibility should only ever be used when correcting data entry
mistakes. It must not be confused with "re-evaluations" as described in the practical guide.

If no assessors are used: In the case assessors are not used, the evaluation grids 1 and 2 do not need to be filled. The Evaluation
Committee needs to complete one collective evaluation grid for each respective stage of the procedure. That single grid is then the
"Global evaluation" one.
Don't forget to fill in the evaluator login (or name) field. Note that after a re-evaluation, the status of the global note is automatically "Reevaluation".
See point 2.7 about comments.
After the Evaluation Committee meeting, specify for all applications if they are selected or not. When modifying the global notes (Accepted or
Rejected) recommended by the Evaluation Committee, no evaluator login has to be entered (as it is a Committee recommendation).
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5.5.5 Cancelling a re-evaluation

It sometimes happens that a re-evaluation is erroneously recorded for an application. Therefore there is a (complicated) way to erase it.

Open the "Global evaluation" grid of the application,

by clicking on the hyperlink, then press the 'Modify' button.

In the re-evaluation grid, copy the average scores that appear in the 1st "averages" column into the 2nd "re-evaluation" column. In the
example below, for criterion 1.1 instead of "3" enter back "4"; for criterion 1.4 enter "3.5" instead of "4", etc.
Once all scores have been modified, click on 'Submit'.
The application still appears with the Re-evaluated status.

Click on the 'Modify' button again and change the Re-evaluated status into one compatible with the average score. In our example, the
total average score of 36 is above the threshold of 30, so the status may be Acceptable, Accepted or Rejected.

In the list of applications, the status has now been updated (in the example we chose Acceptable) and the re-evaluation score has

The same process can be applied to erase re-evaluations at the Proposal Evaluation stage.
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5.5.6 The Evaluation Committee Report

The minutes of the Evaluation Committee meeting may be entered as described in point 5.4.2 above (The opening report). Then the evaluation
report may be printed from the List of Applications page (see details on point 5.4.2):
Important Notice: Applications for which the Committee's decision (Accepted, Rejected, or Reserve list) has not been recorded do not appear
in the Evaluation Committee report. CRIS is also not able to produce the corresponding notification letter for such applications. Therefore, it is
essential that, once the Committee's decision is taken, the Chairman or the Secretary of the Committee makes sure that all applications are
updated with the correct status.

top ^

You can also print the letters to all applicants in one go. For this, click on the drop-down print button in the 'List of Applications' tab and select
Batch E9B_1/E9B_2 - Letter to applicants after evaluation concept note.

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5.6 Fifth stage: Proposal Evaluation

For restricted calls for proposals, before the Proposal Evaluation stage, there is the second opening and administrative check, which is similar to
the first one described in point 5.4 above.

The procedure for initiating the proposal evaluation is similar to the one described for the Concept Note Evaluation. First, the Chairperson of the
Evaluation Committee has to set an evaluation due date in the "Step/Evaluation Criteria" page. Select the radio button corresponding to the
fourth stage "Proposal Evaluation" and click on the 'Modify' button (see point 5.5.1 - Entering the evaluation due date).

Please bear in mind that as long as the evaluation due date has not been specified, the proposal evaluation phase is blocked. This impossibility
will be confirmed by a Restricted Access indication in front of each proposal in the List of Applications page.

Once the Evaluation due date has been specified, each of the two evaluations assessors (or their encoders) can have access to his own proposal
evaluation grid(s). The assessors (or their encoders) will have access to their own evaluation grids until the due date at 24:00 Brussels time (GMT

After this deadline, the access to the evaluation grids will be granted only to the members of the Evaluation Committee.
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5.6.1 Encoding of the assessments

To reach the evaluation grid, select the option "3. Proposal Evaluation" from the drop-down list in the List of Applications tab. Then, for each
application click on its hyperlink (Evaluated or Not Evaluated) under the column "Evaluation 1" (or 2) as described in 2.6. - Encoding an evaluation

To enter the assessment results, click on the 'Modify' button and encode the mark for each criterion.

The first section of this grid (1. Financial and operational capacity) is scored differently according to the applicable PRAG of the call - 2013 or
2014, as follows:

PRAG 2013

1. The operational and financial criteria (1.1 to 1.4) of evaluation grids 1 and 2 can be scored with 'Yes' or 'No':

2. The rest of the criteria can be scored with points from 1 to 5 and the total of the scores are added up against a maximum of 80 points.

Only the numeric criteria are taken into consideration when calculating the total score (the maximum points to be awarded during the ev
aluation of the proposal is 80).

To conclude the evaluation of the proposal you have to specify that the proposal has been assessed, and identity the evaluator by filling either the
Login field or the Name of the 'Evaluator' field.
As soon as the evaluation has been registered, its total will be displayed between brackets in the 'Evaluation' column on the 'List of Applications'
page and in the Global evaluation column.

If all criteria in grids 1 and 2 have received the value 'Yes', the proposal will show as 'Acceptable' in the 'List of applications' tab before
the evaluation committee changes the status.
If at least one of the criteria in grids 1 and 2 has received the value 'No', and, without looking at the average score of the proposal, this
latter will show as 'Insufficient' in the 'List of applications' tab before the evaluation committee would change the status.
If one of the criteria in grids 1 and 2 has received the value 'No', the average score in the global grid will show the value 'To be discussed'
for the criterion(a) where one of the grid is 'No'.

The default score for grid 3 (which can be modified by the evaluation committee) is as summarized in the table below:

Evaluation grid 1 Evaluation grid 2 Global evaluation

Yes Yes Acceptable

1No 1No Insufficient

1Yes 1No To be discussed

PRAG 2014:

All criterias are scored with points from 1 to 5 and the the scores are added up against a maximum of 100 points.

An application is considered 'Acceptable' if the average sub-total for Section 1 is at least 12 points or and no criterion has an average score o
f 1 (if grids 1 and 2 are filled in)/score (when the evaluation is made by the Evaluation Committee only). The average score is as summarized in
the table below:

Average sub-total for At least one Status of the evaluation How can this status be changed?
Section 1 criterion displayed

with average before modification of the global

score '1' grid by

the Evaluation committee

<12 points Iresspective Insufficient The evaluation committee can change this
status only
>12 points Yes Insufficient by performing a Re-evaluation.

No Acceptable

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5.6.2 Evaluation by the Committee

Once the evaluation due date has been reached and both assessors have completed their grids, the Evaluation Committee members can
compare and analyse assessments (this is similar to the Concept Note evaluation phase). The Evaluation Committee can also perform a
re-evaluation and hence modify the average marks.

Access to the Global Evaluation is restricted, which is perfectly normal since in this example the Evaluation Due Date has not been reached yet.

To do so, proceed as described in point 5.5.4 for Concept Notes.

After all re-evaluations have been recorded, the Evaluation Committee compares applications on their average or re-evaluated scores (see point
5.5.3 about Export to Excel) and establishes the list of applications which are selected, rejected or in reserve list, through the Modify function on
each application. See point 2.7 about comments.

PRAG 2013

The possible values for criteria 1.1 to 1.4 in grid 3 are 'Yes', 'No', 'To be discussed':
For non-numeric criteria (Yes/No) in grids 1 and 2, the default score for grid 3 is 'To be discussed' for the criterion(a) where one of the grid 1 or 2
is 'No'. The status of the proposal's Global evaluation in the List of applicationns' tab will show the value 'To be discussed' as long as the
evaluation grid has not been modified by the evaluation committee.

As for any score modification performed by the evaluation committee in grid 3 of step FA, the evaluation's status is considered as 're-evaluated':

If the evaluation contains at least a criterion showing the value 'To be discussed', when the evaluation committee changes it, the status in the
'Information' zone will appear with the default value 'To be discussed' and it cannot be modified. The evaluation's status is considered as

In order to confirm the modification, the evaluation committee must modify again the grid and confirm the evaluation status. To do this, click on the
'Modify' button to change the evaluation status and submit the information.

When you perform a modification in grid 3, the evaluation status is set automatically to 'Re-evaluation':

If any of the criteria in section1 has received the value 'No' (grid 3), the evaluation status is automatically set as 'Rejected'. This cannot be
changed by the evaluation committee as there is at least a value set as 'No' in section 1. As soon as all the criteria in section1 have received the
value 'Yes', the evaluation status can be adapted manually.
Grids 1 and 2 are taken into account only should they have been set as 'Evaluated'. Should grid 1 or 2 be set as 'Not evaluated', CRIS
will not take into account the scores and values.

PRAG 2014

The user can change this status only by performing a Re-evaluation.

Important Notice:
Applications for which the Committee's decision (Accepted, Rejected or Reserve list) has not been recorded will not appear in the
Evaluation Committee report. CRIS is also not able to produce the corresponding notification letter for such applications. Therefore, it is
essential that, as soon as the Committee's decision has been taken, the Chairman or the Secretary of the Committee make sure that all
applications are updated with the correct status.
In addition, when giving the Accepted status to an application at this stage, the system will automatically update the four fields in the
Acceptance column of the application. These fields are: Total project cost, % of co-financing, EU contribution and Project duration.

Should the Evaluation Committee accept some of the applications for a different amount or duration than that requested by the applicant, this data
will have to be modified in the "Acceptance" column after having given the "Accepted" status and BEFORE editing the Committee report and the
notification letter.

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5.6.3 Evaluation Committee report of the full proposals

The minutes of the Evaluation Committee meeting may be entered as described in point 5.4.2 - The opening report. Then the Full Proposals
Evaluation Committee report may be printed from the 'List of Applications' tab.
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5.7 Sixth stage: Verification of the Eligibility

The last stage of the evaluation process is the verification of the Eligibility for each application.
To proceed with this stage, select the 'Eligibility' menu in the drop-down list of the 'List of Applications' page and then click on the 'Not Evaluated'
or 'Reservable' link.

top ^

5.7.1 Encoding of the Eligibility checks Evaluation grid

To fill in the Eligibility grid, click on the 'Modify' button and answer the displayed questions. Proceed as described in point 2.6 - Encoding an
evaluation grid (and if you need to add Comments refer to 2.7).
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5.7.2 Notification letter

The notification letter is printed from the Proposal's General Information page or in 'bulk' mode from the 'List of Applications' tab. See section 5.5.7
of this manual.
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5.7.3 The final evaluation report

The minutes of the Evaluation Committee meeting may be entered as described in point 5.4.2 - The opening report. Then the final evaluation
report is printed from the 'List of Applications' page.

top ^

5.8 Seventh stage: End of the evaluation procedure

When the final evaluation report is signed by the sub-delegated Authorising Officer (ORDO), the date of that signature must be recorded in the
evaluation procedure.
This date is essential for the annual reporting as requested in article 169 of the Financial Regulation's implementation rules.

To conclude the evaluation procedure the Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee grants visa 60 (or 70 for restricted calls for proposals).

Please note that if the field Date of Approval of the Final Evaluation Report is blank when the visa is given, it will be updated with the current date.

This visa definitively freezes the Call. After visa 60 or 70, the only possible update to the call or its applications is the modification of the final
status of applications after eligibility from Reserve to Accepted 4. Therefore it is recommended to grant visa 60 (or 70) only when all contracts
have been signed and when there will be no further need to modify a proposal from "reserve" to "accepted".

Important Notice: It is compulsory to give the final visa to enable the creation of the contract record for the selected applications as
described in point 5 below.

1 In other words, an RV visa must be given at the next visa step - for more information on visas, refer to the General Principles manual

2 Unique ID automatically attributed by EuropeAid to every organisation registered on PADOR.

3 Assessor evaluation due date : until this date, the assessors can record their respective evaluations (in grid 1 for the assessor in the
delegation, in grid 2 for the assessor based at Headquarters). Once this date has passed, they can no longer access their evaluation grids. Only
the Committee Members (including the President) are allowed to access the Evaluations after the Assessor Evaluation Due Date has passed.
Moreover, in order for Committee Members to be able to access the Committee evaluation grid, this date has to be in the past (yesterday at the
earliest), which is logical, since the Committee grid contains the average results of grids 1 and 2.

4 Except if the admin visa- which can only be given by your USM - sends it back to an earlier stage with an RV visa. [A third visa (admin) has
been added at the end of the procedure; its main use is to repair the "damage" caused by the PRESJUR having given the 60 (or 70) visa too early
(therefore blocking the possibility of entering or modifying data). This visa can only be granted by your USM or by unit 04].

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Related pages

Chapter 4: List of tenders

Chapter 6: Documents to be printed

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CFT - chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Documents to be printed

6. Documents to be printed
6.1. Who can print the documents ?
6.2. How to print
6.3. What types of documents are printed ?
6.3.1 The reports
6.3.2 The letters that need to be sent to the applicants at the end of each evaluation phase
6.4. How to add a comment to a standard letter
6.5. How to modify the dates that appear automatically in the letters
6.6. Special cases
6.6.1 For Restricted Calls when the Proposal never arrives
6.6.2 At the eligibility phase, if Proposals have been placed in the "reserve list"
6.6.3 Modifications of evaluation grids 1 and 2 because of an encoding mistake : effect on the letters.

6. Documents to be printed

In this section we concentrate on the documents to be printed. We do not elaborate on how to find an application, how to reach a
certain evaluation stage, how to perform the evaluation, etc. For information on this, please refer to the appropriate sections of this

The documents to be printed in a Call for Tender

Since the evaluation procedure is not completed in CRIS, no document needs to be printed from CRIS.
The documents to be printed in a Call for Proposals

Throughout the evaluation of the Call, several documents are generated via CRIS and they need to be printed and/or sent depending on the
progress of the evaluation.

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6.1 Who can print the documents?

Only the Committee members can print the documents related to the evaluation procedure. They are: MEMJUR, PRESJUR, SECJUR and

The people with the ENCOD and/or GESTOPE role cannot print these documents since they are not a member of the Committee.

The Committee members have access to the 'Print' button available in the 'List of Applications' tab (for the Committee report) and to the 'Print'
button in the Applications (for the letters to the participants). ENCOD and GESTOPE therefore do not have access to these buttons.

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6.2 How to print

Be careful: the 'Print' button in the 'List of Applications' tab is only visible when an evaluation step has been previously selected in the
drop-down menu. Here is an example:

When you click on the 'List of Applications' tab, this is the screen you will see:
In the drop-down menu, the default value is "Please select". There is no 'Print' button.

As soon as you select the appropriate evaluation step, the 'Print' button appears (if you are a member of the Committee).

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6.3 What types of documents are printed?

There are two types of documents to be printed in a Call for Proposals:

1. The REPORTS that need to be printed at the end of each evaluation step. They contain information on what was done during the
previous step (legal obligation). These reports are printed from the 'List of Applications' tab.
2. The LETTERS that need to be sent to the applicants at the end of the Concept Note, Proposal evaluation and Eligibility step
(legal obligation). They are printed from each separate Application or in 'bulk' mode from the 'List of Applications' tab.

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6.3.1 The reports

A draft version is printed before the Evaluation Committee meeting as well as the evaluation details so that the Committee can use
these documents as their working documents.

Once the final evaluation by the Committee has been encoded, the report generated by CRIS is updated accordingly. This final Evaluation
Committee report must be printed at the end of the evaluation phase of the concept note, the proposal evaluation and the eligibility.

Which report for which evaluation phase?

Phase that has just been finalised Title of the report to be printed

Concept note evaluation Evaluation report of the concept note

Opening and Administrative check

Second Administrative check (only for Restricted Only for Restricted Calls: Opening session and administrative check second
Calls) phase

Proposal Evaluation Restricted Call: Evaluation report of the application

Open Call:
Evaluation report of the full application form

Eligibility Restricted Call: Final Evaluation report

Open Call: Evaluation report

Minutes of the Evaluation Committee

Before printing the report at the end of the evaluation phase, you can (not mandatory) fill out the field "Modus Operandi" in the Steps /
Evaluation Criteria tab of the Proposal. This can be done for each evaluation phase.

In this field, you can enter the minutes of the Evaluation Committee. It is the PRESJUR who encodes this field. Select the '?' radio button of the
appropriate evaluation step and click on the 'Modify' button. In this field, you can enter up to 4000 characters (*/- 2 A4 pages). Do not forget to

Once all applications have been evaluated for a certain evaluation step, open the Steps / Evaluation Criteria tab. Select the '?' radio button of the
desired step (in this example: First Administrative Check) and click on the 'Modify' button. In the Modus Operandi field, enter the text that needs to
be displayed in the Evaluation Committee report and Submit.

Once the minutes have been inserted, the Evaluation Committee report can be printed: it will contain the text that was inserted manually. This
report is printed from the 'List of Applications' tab.
Never paste MS Word or Excel text into this field as this causes CRIS to close, which means you lose all unsaved data.

The 'Comments' fields in this module usually can contain up to 4000 characters (*/- 2 A4 pages). No word processing can be performed
in these fields.

Although CRIS does allow the possibility to copy and paste from Word or Excel in the so-called free-text fields, NEVER USE THIS
Any special characters may cause immediate closure of the programme that generates the CRIS reports.

The workaround for the moment is to copy and paste from Word/Excel to Notepade and then from Notepad to CRIS. This solves
the issue of the special characters since they are removed by Notepad.

Before the report is being generated, when clicking on the drop-down menu next to the Printer icon:

You have the possibility to select the persons who participated in the evaluation of the corresponding step (having a CRIS login or not, but
registered in the 'Persons in charge' tab of the call). Please note that the persons selected will appear in the section 2 'Participants' of your
The detail of the same persons (specified in the 'Persons in charge' tab and having a SECJUR, PRESJUR or MEMJUR role) who have been
'flagged' in the displayed pop-up will appear in the section '5. Signatures' of your report:

Then click on the 'Report' button. You will be able to save the report.

It is usually the SECJUR (Secretary of the Committee) who prints the reports.
In these reports, we find also any free comments inserted in the Assessor Comment field of the evaluation of each application. The comments
appear in the report below the name of the applicant.

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6.3.2 The letters that need to be sent to the applicants at the end of the evaluation phases
At the end of the evaluation phases (= when all proposals that reached the evaluation phase have been completely evaluated in CRIS) we must
inform the applicants about the status of their proposal. This is a legal obligation that we must absolutely comply with.

These letters are printed from within each proposal: you need to open the proposal and select the letter to be printed from the drop-down print
menu at the top right.

The rejection letters (informing beneficiaries that they have not been selected for the following step) contain both the evaluation results and the
comments made by evaluators in the Comment box.

Which letter for which evaluation phase?

Phase that has just been finalised Title of the letter to be printed

Administrative check

Concept note evaluation Letter to applicants after evaluation concept note

Second Administrative Check (Only APR) Letter to applicants after opening phase 2
Proposal evaluation Letter to applicants after evaluation application

Eligibility Letter to applicants awarded, not awarded and in reserve list.

These letters are "dynamic": the text of the letter is adapted automatically to the evaluation result encoded in CRIS. The letters are very precise,
they include the grades which were given for each evaluation criteria.
Proposals / Concept notes that were posted after the submission deadline: at the moment, CRIS does not allow to print letters for proposals that
were rejected before the first evaluation phase. There is, however, a workaround to print these letters. If you need to use this workaround, please
contact your USM for more information.
We can recognise the proposals that were sent after the submission deadline by the "red cross" next to the reference of the applicant when you
select the appropriate evaluation phase in the 'List of Applications' tab:

The "red cross" is generated by ticking the box "deadline overdue" in the registration of the application itself.

Letters in batch mode: 'Eligibility' step: PRAG 2013 applying

For calls for proposals for which the PRAG 2013 applies, when choosing the print option 'Letters in batch mode', a warning message appears
when printing the positive letters, informing you that one section has not been generated automatically:
Should this be the case, you must add manually on the positive letters the section 'Budget and/or description modification', available in
the document coded E9c, attached to the PRAG 2013.

If you click on the 'OK' button, the system launches the automatic generation of the letters. If you click on the 'Cancel' button, you'll be redirected
to the 'List of applications' tab.

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6.4 How to add a comment to a standard letter

When you register the evaluation of a proposal (at each evaluation step), there is a field "Standard letter free text":
This optional field serves to add an additional explanation to the letter sent to the applicant WHEN A PROPOSAL IS REJECTED when this is
deemed useful. It has no use adding a free text in this field in proposals that were accepted since CRIS will only print this field for a rejected

Example: The comment was inserted in the field. After submitting, when you print the letter (only when the proposal was REJECTED): the
comment appears in the printed letter.

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6.5 How to modify the dates that appear automatically in the letters
Some dates that were registered in the 'General Information' tab of the Call for Proposals appear in the letters.

Example: Letter to applicants that were added to the reserve list. The date in the red box is the date that was registered in the 'General
Information' tab of the Call for Proposals in the field End of reserve list date.
Submission deadline for proposals: Only for Restricted Calls. Date by which the application form must be submitted. This date is unknown at
the time of the creation or publication of the Call. The date must be registered as soon as it has been decided by the Evaluation Committee. This
date appears in the letters sent after a positive concept note evaluation.

Submission deadline for supporting documents: only for Calls for Proposals. Date by which the documents proving the eligibility of the
applicants and any partners must arrive at the contracting authority. This date is unknown at the time of the creation or publication of the Call. The
date must be registered as soon as it has been decided by the Evaluation Committee. When procedures define that supporting documents must
be sent together with the proposal, this field must be left empty. If this date exists, it is used in the letter type E9c1 (for the applicants
selected provisionally after the proposal evaluation).

End of reserve list date: it is the date by which the reserve list no longer applies. This date is known at the creation of the Call for Proposals and
is therefore mandatory. This date can not be equal to the FDC ILC. FDC ILC indicates the date on which the contract must be signed by all
parties. The end date of the reserve list must be prior to the ILC FDC and a minimum period of time between the two dates should be respected
to allow the preparation, the 'negotiation' and the signature of the contract.

To return to the Call, click on the Call for Tender / Call for Proposals tab:

Click on the 'Modify' button:

Modify the appropriate date and Submit:

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6.6 Special cases

6.6.1 For Restricted Calls when the Proposal never arrives
If the proposal never arrives, select the box "deadline overdue" in the proposal itself. As a result, this proposal will have the evaluation status "Not
received" automatically:

Note: the difference with the status "deadline overdue" is that for this proposal (proposal 25 above), the proposal did arrive but after the
submission deadline. The status was updated automatically when the encoder ticked the box "deadline overdue" AND entered the submission
date of the proposal.
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6.6.2 At the eligibility phase, if Proposals have been placed in the "reserve list"
You need to make sure that the End of reserve list date was correctly registered in the 'General Information' tab of the Call since this date will
appear in the letter sent to the applicants who are in this list.

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6.6.3 Modifications of evaluation grids 1 and 2 because of an encoding mistake: effect on the letters
If you modify evaluation grids 1 and/or 2 after having submitted grid 3 (which is not normal, of course!) the letters to the rejected candidates will
not display the average of the modified grids 1 and/or 2. In the letter, it is the result of grid 3 that is displayed (and the average is not automatically
modified if grids 1 and/or 2 were modified afterwards).

So, if you need to modify the average score, this needs to be modified in grid 3 (as well).
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Related pages

Chapter 5: 'The evaluation process: Chronological stages'

Chapter 7: The grant contract

All chapters

CFT - chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The grant contract


7. The grant contract

7. The grant contract

Only applications retained after the Eligibility check can be converted into a contract following the procedure below, providing the visa 60 (or 70)
was given by the Chair person of the Evaluation Committee (see 4.8):
Enter the "Contracts" module and select the "Grants" sub-menu.

Click on the appropriate New (from proposal) button:

Insert the call for tender reference (followed by the number of the lot, if relevant), the offer number, the nature, the language of the contract, and
the operational duration in months.

Submit the information: CRIS will retrieve the rest of the data from the Call's record.

Important notice regarding LEFs starting with "SCR..."

If, at the time of encoding the proposal, the LEF of the applicant had not yet been approved in ABAC (in other words, if its reference still starts with
"SCR..."), you now have to follow the procedure explained in the LEF manual, under point "3.3 - validation of a LEF in ABAC". Once this is
done, the LEF will be attributed a reference starting with "600...", and the contract will not be blocked.

When faced with an "SCR..." LEF reference, never try to create a new LEF! This will only create additional problems!

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Related pages

Chapter 6: Documents to be printed

Chapter 8: How to find a contract from a call or a call from a contract

All chapters

CFT - chapter 8
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Chapter 8: How to find a contract from a call or a call from a contract


8. How to find a contract from a call or a call from a contract

8.1. How to find the call for proposals from which a contract originated.
8.2. How to find all the contracts related to a call

8 How to find a contract from a call or a call from a contract

8.1 How to find the call for proposals from which a contract originated
From the 'General Information' page of the contract, click on the hyperlink in the 'Call Reference' field.

This takes you to the 'General Information' page of the call.

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8.2 How to find all the contracts related to a call

From the 'General Information' page of the Call, click on the 'Evaluation' tab.
Type in the lot number (here: lot 1)

Now click on the 'List of Applications', choose 'Eligibility' in the drop-down menu, and click on 'Search'.
The references of the linked contracts appear in the 'Contract Number' column. They are hyperlinks that take you to the 'General Information'
page of the contract.
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Related pages

Chapter 7: The grant contract

Chapter 9: Call for tender/proposals procedures

All chapters

CFT - chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Call for tender/proposals procedures


9. Call for tender/proposals procedures

9 Call for tender/proposals procedures

For more details on the available call for tender procedures, please consult For more details on the available call for tender procedures, please
consult the list of available procedures in the Practical Guide .

For more details on the available call for proposals procedures, please consult the list of available procedures in the Practical Guide .

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Related pages

Chapter 8: How to find a contract from a call or a call from a contract

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