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Self-Healing—The Ultimate Solution

for Global Health Care Crisis

By Hongchi Xiao



1. This article puts forth fresh thinking and a self-healing method—

PaidaLajin to improve the health and lifestyle of humanity. It offers insight
on ways to remove the roadblocks in today’s health; it also empowers any
nation in the world to transform its health industry. Who will be the first
ones to recognize the value of self-healing and fully utilize it? Well, this
will be a test for government leaders and medical institutions.

2. Unlike mainstream medical practices that use medicine, surgeries and

other external interventions, the PaidaLajin self-healing method boosts a
person’s own healing energy. For an individual, it is a shift from passively
receiving medical services to actively taking charge of disease prevention
and healing. The responsibility for healing can then be shifted from
hospitals to individuals and families.

3. The PaidaLajin self-healing method has repeatedly been proven to be

effective on over 80% of the chronic diseases that modern medicines have
yet to find a cure for; it can help relieve over 90% of common acute
symptoms, including acute heart attacks, acute pains, and acute sports
injuries (excluding those with bleeding wounds and/or bone fractures). In
particular, Paida is far more effective than cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) in rescuing heart attack patients.

4. The PaidaLajin self-healing method can radically reduce medical

expenses and investment, avoid wasted resources and medical pollution,
and offset the negative effects of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Over 60%
of those previously on medication enjoy better health after practicing
PaidaLajin and stopping medication or reducing the dosage.

5. The PaidaLajin self-healing method can help resolve health crises and
dilemmas in the world such as: health equity, soaring medical expenses,
accessibility of medical resources, etc.

6. It could be “illegal” to practice natural therapies, or it could be a target of

crackdown under current health laws that are influenced by western
medicine. However, the PaidaLajin self-healing method, being practical and
effective, has successfully transcended medical, cultural, religious and
other such barriers and blazed a new trail for promoting natural therapies
in the world.

7. The Internet has spurred the global spread of PaidaLajin. In just six years,
it has benefited millions of people in over 50 countries and regions. They
include people from all backgrounds, including those believing in science,
Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity. The book
PaidaLajin Self-Healing has been translated into over a dozen languages,
including English, German, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Indonesian, etc. In the
next five years, it is expected that millions of people will practice and
benefit from PaidaLajin.

Key Words:
self-healing, PaidaLajin, national strategy, medical reform, medical crises


Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................................................................... 6  
I Status Quo of Humanity’s Health Care ................................................................................... 6  
II Brief Introduction of PaidaLajin Self-Healing Method ...................................................... 10  
1. What is a self-healing method? ...................................................................................... 10  
2. How to choose a suitable self-healing method? ............................................................ 10  
3. What is PaidaLajin self-healing method? ...................................................................... 11  
III PaidaLajin Self-Healing Effects .......................................................................................... 15  
1. Statistics from PaidaLajin clinical research workshops ................................................ 16  
(1) Report on a PaidaLajin workshop in India (2015) ................................................ 17  
(2) Report on a PaidaLajin workshop for diabetics in Hong Kong (2016)................. 19  
2. Statistics from end-of-workshop and post-workshop surveys...................................... 35  
(1) Post-workshop survey report (2011) ...................................................................... 35  
(2) End-of-workshop and post-workshop survey reports (2015) ................................ 36  
3. Statistics from online PaidaLajin self-healing workshops (2016) ................................. 39  
4. Statistics from PaidaLajin grassroots groups (2016) ...................................................... 40  
(1) Statistics from Fei Schmitz (Germany) .................................................................. 40  
(2) Statistics from Brother Cao (Chongqing, China) .................................................. 42  
(3) Statistics from Qing Hetao (Hubei, China) ........................................................... 44  
(4) Statistics from Yimu (Shandong, China) ............................................................... 45  
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 46  
IV Global Promotion of PaidaLajin ......................................................................................... 47  
V PaidaLajin Self-Healing Philosophy ................................................................................... 49  
1. PaidaLajin from the perspective of Chinese medicine ................................................. 50  
Differences between PaidaLajin and other TCM therapies ...................................... 50  
2. PaidaLajin from the perspectives of science and Western medicine ............................ 51  
(1) Physics: Vibrations produced by PaidaLajin ........................................................ 51  
(2) Biochemistry: Biochemical changes produced during PaidaLajin ....................... 53  
(3) Electromagnetic changes produced during PaidaLajin ........................................ 54  
(4) Energy boosted during PaidaLajin ........................................................................ 55  
(5) Clinical explanations of PaidaLajin ...................................................................... 55  
VI A Strategic New Thinking in Medical Reform ................................................................... 57  
1. First of all, there needs to be a breakthrough in thinking. ............................................ 57  
2. Seize the strategic opportunity of the amazing PaidaLajin self-healing effect. ........... 57  
3. Seize the strategic opportunity presented by the Internet. ........................................... 58  
4. Seize the strategic opportunity of establishing new medical standards. ...................... 59  
VII A Breakthrough in Medical Reform .................................................................................. 60  
VIII PaidaLajin Self-Healing Method and a New Culture ..................................................... 61  
1. PaidaLajin helps to elevate the industrial civilization. ................................................. 61  
2. PaidaLajin redefines human right. ................................................................................ 62  
3. PaidaLajin manifests the universal value of self-healing. ............................................ 63  
4. PaidaLajin self-healing method is of great economic value and cultural significance. 64  
5. Promotion of PaidaLajin self-healing method will have a global effect. ..................... 64  
6. A complete person is a self-healer. ................................................................................. 65  
IX Self-Healing Market and Trend Analyses .......................................................................... 65  
1. Market Analysis .............................................................................................................. 65  
2. Trend Analysis ................................................................................................................ 67  
X Proposals for Health Care Reform ........................................................................................ 69  
1. Formulate health care laws and policies centred on self-healing ................................. 69  
2. Set up a national committee to promote self-healing .................................................... 70  
3. Support the self-healing movement ............................................................................... 70  
4. International institutions can research on and promote self-healing ........................... 71  
5. Encourage and support self-healing organizations and health tourism ....................... 71  
6. Encourage hospitals and IT companies to adopt PaidaLajin self-healing method ...... 72  
7. Resolve the aging crisis with a self-healing strategy ..................................................... 73  
8. Establish Self-Healing Special Administrative Regions ............................................... 74  
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 74  
Contact Us .................................................................................................................................. 75  



Human health has been going in the wrong direction.

In short, the thinking, methods and techniques of health care are all wrong!
And the thinking has erred the most by looking outward instead of inward
for health solutions, thus leading to catastrophic errors in medical
education, diagnosis, treatment, and investment.

The health industry is like a giant ship with holes. People busy themselves
getting out the water that keeps leaking in, but do not know how to plug
the holes, not to mention change the ship.

Without holistic, transformative thinking and a method derived from

contemplation on human history and civilization, humanity will continue
to be led astray by Western medicine, causing health systems to fail,
whether government-sponsored or business-oriented. People are rushing
to a dead end, as long as the focus and investment are still on medicine,
medical appliances, medical insurance, and medical institutions. Many
people have realized that the current health care model is a bottomless pit
that no investment can fill up. Only a revolutionary philosophy and
method can make a breakthrough, ignite innovation, and resolve the crises.

I Status Quo of Humanity’s Health Care

Now much of the world is undergoing the crises of an aging population,

unaffordable medical expenses, and lack of quality health care for all

Many countries follow the medical model in the West, and their health care
reforms are reduced to a tug-of-war amongst various interest groups. Their
interests are based on a premise: The more patients and the higher the
medical bills, the better. The so-called healthcare reforms are a
redistribution of patients’ money among hospitals, pharmaceutical
companies and medical insurance providers. They have nothing to do with
healing. It may sound extreme, but it is indeed the case. The stakeholders
in any given country’s medical reform talk incessantly about money,
budget, etc., yet seldom about efficacy.

If health care means universal, long-term inefficacy (not short-term

exceptions) and even deterioration of a patient’s condition, but jaw-
dropping medical bills, is it “health care” or an “industry”? Here is a
conflict of interest: The medical industry is most concerned with making
money, whereas patients yearn for actual curative effects, i.e. better health.
From an economic point of view, humanity’s health care attracts huge
investment, but yields minimal return of a very poor quality.

Disease treatment is not an end in itself, but a means to the end of good
health. But now, it has somehow become a means to the end of making

The medical industry invests enormous social resources in the final stage of
a person’s life, when a person is very sick and even dying. Doctors busy
themselves rescuing drowning people in the downstream of a flooding
river, while disregarding soil and water conservation in the upper reaches
of the river. Humanity’s health care reforms have basically been going in
the same direction.

Why has health care been wrong for hundreds of years, and still roam in
the wrong direction?

Because the problems with health care have never been purely technical,
but involve cultural and ideological issues as well. Over the past two
hundred years, humanity has been continually westernized, largely due to
colonization. And the field of medicine has been affected by westernization
the most.

In terms of both scope and depth, medicine has a significant cultural

impact. It affects our body and mind. All individuals and families are


under its influence. When Western medicine is the mainstream, it indicates

that Western culture has become the mainstream, for Western medicine is
representative of Western culture.

Western medicine has significantly influenced our lives, because humanity

has become accustomed to and indulged in its way of thinking and living
without knowing it. We have fully embraced the education, products, and
services of Western medicine. We think, study, work, and live our lives in
the “compartmentalized” mode. And powerful interest groups are formed
in countries across the world.

The medical crises we face today mirror the cultural crises. Western culture
has many merits and has been contributing enormously to human progress,
particularly through technological innovation and material abundance.
And we have no desire to reject it as a whole. However, apparently
humanity has not absorbed much of its nutrition but has already been
contaminated by its toxic wastes.

Western medicine has been dominating the medical world mainly because
of the Industrial Revolution, which in turn is the result of a religious
reform and the Renaissance. Clearly, the progress in Western ideology and
its economic development have gone parallel. Although Western countries
colonized much of the world through the use of force, Christianity
followed, with its churches, hospitals and schools. They not only spread
Western culture, but also were closely related to people’s livelihood, and
thus penetrated into people’s everyday life.

Western medicine has its obvious advantages, such as antibiotics and

surgery, but they are most needed during wars and epidemics. Indeed,
people have been much plagued by wars and epidemics over the past two
hundred years, which is why the alias of Western medicine is “wartime
medicine”. However, in the parts of the world where there are no wars and
epidemics, there is not a great need for Western medicine. It is not as
effective in curing common ailments and chronic diseases.

Progress in thinking and technology has always gone hand in hand in

human history. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, Europe had been
through endless wars and medieval darkness. Then the steam engine
quickly fueled industrialization in European countries, which went on to
conquer much of the world.

However, nothing can go too far. Today’s medical and other crises are also
results of over-industrialization. We urgently need a transformative,
universally applicable health philosophy and method to balance and offset
the subsequent disasters.

The steam engine and the Industrial Revolution originated in Britain. This
seeming coincidence is an evitable result of cultural and religious reforms
in Britain. Although the religious reform started in Germany, Britain was
the first country to convert from Catholic to Protestant belief. It shows that
technological breakthroughs are in essence results of culture advancement.
Thus, Britain led human civilization for several hundred years. And
America further developed Western culture.

Flowers wither after full blossom. Western medicine has made its due
contributions to humanity, but its golden era has passed, just like Western
culture. It is time to re-examine the direction of Western medicine: Is
disease treatment the purpose of medicine? Is it right to develop a huge
medical industry for making profits?

Without a whole set of revolutionary thinking and methods, Western

medicine will continue to define the direction of humanity’s health care. A
preventive, healing philosophy and method is not revolutionary when it
does not have an amazing efficacy; nor is it universal when the method
cannot be popularized on a large scale. Medical reforms that do not change
the very nature of healing will fail prematurely.

But is there a revolutionary healing philosophy and method?

Yes. In fact, it has always been there, in humanity’s blood and culture.
Sadly, we have failed to make good use of it. Right at this critical age when
people’s minds are westernized to the extreme, a seed lying dormant for
millennia has sprouted. This is the seed of self-healing.


II Brief Introduction of PaidaLajin Self-Healing Method

1. What is a self-healing method?

The inherent ability in the human body, as well as in plants and animals, to
repair and heal itself, is the self-healing power. A method that mobilizes
this power roots from self-healing.
Our self-healing power is an original creation of God, or the Creator. It is a
precious gift bestowed to us. The immune and self-reparatory functions are
part of our self-healing power. It enables the body to produce in vivo
various biochemical substances according to the person’s specific needs,
thus self-healing diseases. These biochemical substances can be referred to
as “endogenous medicine” or “organic medicine” without any side effects.

2. How to choose a suitable self-healing method?

Humanity has been using various therapies to self-heal. How do we choose
a suitable self-healing method? The following are some criteria based on
our years of experience:

(1) Highly effective: This is the greatest motivation for people. Without a
preventive and healing effect superior than that of mainstream medical
practices, why should anyone practice it?

(2) Extremely simple: It should be simple enough to be mastered by most

people in just one minute or a few minutes, without the need for a doctor’s
Being simple and effective, it can transcend medical, racial, language,
religious and other barriers and spread all over the world.

(3) DIY diagnosis: The non-medical simple method can diagnose more
accurately than medical check-ups, and it can diagnose latent diseases that
cannot be detected by medical approaches.
(4) Very safe: It has no toxic side effects. However, it does have highly
welcomed “by-products” such as weight loss, better looks, better sexuality,

(5) Universally applicable: It should be effective in self-healing most

physical and mental disorders as categorized in modern medicine,
including common ailments, acute, chronic, and critical diseases.

(6) Low cost or even no cost: It should be low cost or even no cost, so that
ordinary people and even the poorest families can afford it, thus saving
huge medical expenses for individuals, families, organizations and entire

(7) Eco-friendly: It should not rely on any medicine or medical appliances,

thus avoiding contamination of the human body and Mother Nature, and
waste of energy and resources.

In fact, a healing method that is simple and effective should be promoted.

There are many good therapies, but most of them cannot be grasped in a
few minutes. And people won’t accept a simple therapy without a good
efficacy. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and other natural
therapies are wonderful, but they are hard to learn and require a
practitioner to have the requisite license. These therapies can be more
difficult to popularize and more easily eradicated using medical laws
dominated by Western medicine.

3. What is PaidaLajin self-healing method?

Paida: To use hands and/or tools to repeatedly slap on parts of and the
entire body at a tolerable intensity, in order to enable smooth energy flow
in meridians (energy channels in the body that are connected to their
respective organs). You can do it on your own, with or for others.


Paida the universal regions (elbows, knees, hands and feet)

Paida is also a natural diagnostic method. In ancient times, it was called

“Diao Shang (revealing old injuries)”, i.e. slapping to reveal and heal the
injuries and diseases in the body. Where there is no health problem,
nothing will be revealed.

Lajin: To stretch the limbs and joints of the body in very simple postures,
to make the bones in place and tendons flexible, and to enable smooth
energy flow in meridians. The most effective and also the most often used
method is Lajin in reclining posture, i.e. stretching on a specially made Lajin
bench with one leg raised up.

Lajin in reclining posture

People voluntarily practice PaidaLajin, which incorporates these non-

medical slapping and stretching exercises, to prevent, diagnose and self-
heal pains and diseases.
I have learned many therapies, and I have chosen to mainly promote the
PaidaLajin self-healing method. This decision was not made early on, but
has matured after years of clinical practice. I learned and practiced
acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, bone-setting, knife, massage, Ba
Guan (cupping), Gua Sha (skin scraping) and other external therapies in
Chinese medicine. I also learned and practiced yoga, Tai Chi, meditation,
horse stance, waist swirling, wall hitting, Tie Qiang Gong, and other self-
healing methods. But Paida and Lajin are the best in terms of the first two
criteria—they are very simple and effective.

Paida and Lajin are much simpler than yoga and Tai Chi. They help boost Qi
(energy) and blood circulation, and enhance the body’s self-healing
mechanism. With better Qi and blood flow, a person can feel pain,
numbness, soreness, swelling sensation and other discomforts at the
blocked areas in the body. Self-healing is the process of continuing
PaidaLajin and overcoming these discomforts. During this process, disease
prevention, diagnosis and treatment are automatically completed—toxins
and blockages are removed, Qi and blood flow is enhanced, diseases are
self-healed and the effects of aging are reversed.

The core value of the PaidaLajin self-healing method comes from ancient
Chinese philosophy on life and healing: When the positive energy is kept
in, evils shall not enter. That is to say, a person’s inner power plays a
decisive role in his/her life and health. This philosophy can be traced back
to two Chinese classics—Tao Te Ching (Laozi) and Huang Di Nei Jing (The
Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine). In this sense, PaidaLajin self-
healing method is not revolutionary, but rather reflects ancient wisdom.

The glory of Western medicine can be largely attributed to the Renaissance

and the Industrial Revolution; the re-discovery and development of
PaidaLajin self-healing method is much influenced by China’s cultural
renaissance and the world’s revolutionary information technology.

I promote PaidaLajin self-healing philosophy and method not because I am

a Chinese, but because it is of universal value, and is mankind’s common
cultural heritage.


Unfortunately, PaidaLajin has been under the harshest criticism and

suppression in the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, because they are both
very westernized.

Clearly, this time, the “health care revolution” does not have an external
enemy. The “enemy” is mankind’s old thinking and habit of seeking
external medical help. The fact is, you will stay healthy as long as you
change your mindset, and turn inward to enhance your own self-healing

PaidaLajin is the main self-healing method we promote. You can combine it

with other self-healing methods, such as meditation, moxibustion, horse
stance, wall hitting, waist swirling, Tie Qiang Gong, meditative jogging, etc.
We teach these methods at our workshops.

Attracted by the obvious interests of good self-healing effects and low or

no cost, more and more people around the world are passionately
practicing PaidaLajin and sharing their healing stories. It is clear that self-
healing is the way to go, and it has gathered an unstoppable momentum. It
does not reflect the wishful thinking of a particular person or nation, but is
a timely correction of the wrong direction in humanity’s health care.

Obviously, PaidaLajin is not a medical treatment as defined by modern

medicine. It is not implemented by doctors, but is practiced by individuals.
And it is easy to share the PaidaLajin method with other people. More
amazingly, PaidaLajin can help prevent, diagnose and self-heal pains and
diseases far better than mainstream medicine, without the need for a doctor
or a medical license. The various legal obstacles that other natural therapies
face are thus removed.

As long as the World Health Organization (WHO) and governments across

the world make concerted efforts to promote PaidaLajin self-healing
method among the public, the majority of pains and illnesses that torture
humanity today will be self-healed.
III PaidaLajin Self-Healing Effects

PaidaLajin has incredible curative effects. The most conservative estimate is:
Practicing PaidaLajin can help prevent and self-heal up to 60% of the pains
and diseases that people suffer from. It is backed by online and offline data,
clinical research reports from medical institutions, and millions of people
who practice and benefited from it over the past six years.

The effective rates of PaidaLajin in self-healing such common chronic

diseases as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and prostate disorders are
up to 80%. Many diabetic and hypertensive patients now have no need for
medication or insulin injections after years of practicing PaidaLajin. Click
the link to read relevant testimonials:

The effective rates of PaidaLajin in self-healing cervical, lumbar and knee

joint problems are up to 90%. Many people avoided surgery thanks to the
practice of PaidaLajin. Click the link to read relevant testimonials:

In addition, PaidaLajin can effectively relieve and heal various pains and
diseases that elderly people suffer from, such as diabetes, hypertension,
Alzheimer’s disease, prostate disorders, lower back and leg pains.
Click the links to read relevant testimonials:

PaidaLajin has been proven very effective in relieving common acute

symptoms, particularly acute heart attacks. Up to now, almost all those
who used Paida have successfully rescued heart attack patients. For


instance, Fei Schmitz, an artist in Germany, used Paida and saved a

contestant who had a heart attack prior to an international Tai Chi event;
Ms. Wenyu Ma, a doctor of Western medicine in China, saved a dying
college girl at a sports meeting; an 11-year-old girl brought her heart-failing
granny back to life; Mr. Kaijun Liu saved Mr. Weisheng Duan, a doctor at
an emergency clinic, who fainted while they were climbing a mountain;
Businessman Cao saved at least five heart attack patients. Click the link to
read relevant testimonials:

However, some people regard the amazing healing effects of PaidaLajin as

mere exaggerations. Well, I would be lying if I downplayed the actual
efficacy of PaidaLajin, for we are able to prove it with testimonials, data,
and clinical reports. Doubt and criticism may contribute to the progress of
science; but more importantly, we need the spirit to explore and
experiment. Those who support PaidaLajin have one thing in common: they
have practiced and benefited from it. And we welcome any individuals,
institutions and nations to test the efficacy of PaidaLajin strictly in
accordance with medical standards.

Thanks to the Internet, PaidaLajin has gone beyond national borders, and
has transcended racial, cultural and language barriers. Now millions of
people have embraced the message of self-healing with PaidaLajin. And the
healing effects can be tested and quantified using the instruments and
standards of Western medicine. As smart wearable devices become
increasingly popular, it will be more convenient for people to check their
own health indicators. Once anyone can easily practice and test the efficacy
of PaidaLajin, being free and effective, it will be rapidly popularized on an
even larger scale. Data from numerous self-healers across the world will
rewrite today’s seemingly unshakable medical theories.

The following are PaidaLajin self-healing statistics from four sources:

1. Statistics from PaidaLajin clinical research workshops

(1) Report on a PaidaLajin workshop in India (2015)
In March 2015, Dr. C. V. Krishnaswami, Director of TAG-VHS Diabetes
Research Centre in Chennai and a renowned diabetes expert in India,
invited me to address the Centre’s Fourth Annual Day Oration. And
together with the Centre, we co-organized a 5-day PaidaLajin clinical
research workshop on March 9-13, 2015. This was the first systematic,
comprehensive clinical study of PaidaLajin that strictly adhered to Western
medical standards. Local and national media in India reported on the
Oration and the workshop in English and several Indian languages. At the
end of the workshop, doctors at the Centre presented the world with the
following Conclusions and Take-Home Message:

a. Type 2 Diabetes responds very well to PaidaLajin therapy in the holistic

workshop setting. This is not surprising as it involves a very strict diet
regime, fasting, and control of mind and through effective sessions of
medications. A dedicated and motivated ex-soldier normalized his
established diabetes without any of the medications he was taking
previously during this short span of five days and remains in excellent
health more than a week after leaving the workshop. This definitely raises
hope for recently (< 1 year) detected Type 2 Diabetes to try out this regime
for at least 3–6 months, and there is promise that all cases of IGT and many
cases of overt asymptomatic Type 2 Diabetes could use this modality as a
beneficial first choice.

b. Type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) which is

the more severe, insulinopenic form, occurring in children and young
adolescents, also recorded improvement in their clinical condition over the
5-day period of the workshop. However during the healing crises (healing
reactions) and fasting when their blood sugars went up, they needed
medical support in the form of calories, fluid & small doses of rapid acting
insulin to prevent ketoacidosis. This was not alarming. All of them
recovered and completed the full course with renewed energy, needing
approximately half of their original requirement of insulin. A longer
observation period of 6 months is underway which may provide more


c. Hypertension was not an issue at all during the entire duration for any of
those patients who were on varying doses of antihypertensive medication.
After 1 week of returning home, only 1 out of 10 people who were taking
medication required half of the original dose, and even this needs review
and revision with continuation of therapy.

d. There were 4 people with varying labels of coronary artery

disease/ischemic heart disease; but none of them had any problem during
the strenuous workshop. It is too short a period to assess the impact of
PaidaLajin on heart disease. We need to study a much larger sample over a
longer period to assess the full benefits claimed for this condition.

e. A host of minor and chronic illnesses like knee pain (OA), hip pain (OA),
low back pain, periarthritis of shoulders, degenerative diseases of the spine
(spondylitis), disc bulges, etc. were treated with ease and assurance with a
remarkably high percentage of success (98%).

f. The true discovery and revaluation of PaidaLajin during this study was its
remarkable improvement in cases of Parkinsonism, facilitating reduction in
one case and complete withdrawal of anti-Parkinson’s drugs in the other
case. This provides a definite silver lining to the millions of patients around
the world afflicted with many types of Parkinsonism and the resultant
drug-induced dyskinesias and other ADR. The mobility offered after
PaidaLajin was unparalleled, making it exciting to watch and demonstrate
(video graphs). Surely this workshop has shown that there is hope and
optimism for patients with Parkinson’s disease. A long–term systematic
study of about 3 years will, I believe, reveal all the benefits that might
qualitatively improve their lives.

g. The final take-home message of the PaidaLajin workshop was indeed,

that it virtually doubled the ENERGY LEVELS of all the participants
(100%), both individually and as a “mass effect”. It gave optimism and
hope to all the people involved, with the idea of health taking precedence
over disease, self-healing taking lead over seeking medication, and fear of
the unknown/imaginary risks giving way to self-confidence in simple
methods of self-healing.

To read the full report, please download A Preliminary Report on

PaidaLajin Clinical Research Workshop at

(2) Report on a PaidaLajin workshop for diabetics in Hong Kong (2016)

The first Hong Kong PaidaLajin Self-Healing Workshop for Diabetics was
held on April 8-13, 2016. The workshop was mentored by Mr. Hongchi
Xiao, organized by Evergreen Health Association, and tested by New Kin
Tak Medical Laboratory. This was the first time in China when a third-
party medical institution tested whether PaidaLajin is effective in healing
A total of 11 participants (4 men and 7 women) attended the 6-day
workshop and experienced Paida, Lajin, meditation, horse stance,
meditative jogging, Waist Swirling, Wall Hitting and other activities. The
workshop and subsequent PaidaLajin practice have contributed to varying
degrees of improvement in their blood sugar level, as well as blood
pressure and other health problems.

Statistical Report of 1 Hong Kong PaidaLajin


Self-Healing Workshop for Diabetics (April 8-13, 2016)

Name Medication at Medication at Blood Sugar
Serial Sugar at
& Age Start of End of at End of
Number Start of
Gender Workshop Workshop Workshop
No. 1 Ms. Fu 45 None None 16.30 12.48
No. 2 48 None None 12.59 8.15
No. 3 Ms. Xu 52 None None 10.82 8.80

No. 4 Mr. Wu 61 None None 9.10 4.67

No. 5 67 None None 10.97 4.94


No. 6 70 None None 9.92 8.57
No. 7 Ms. Xu 62 None None 8.66 9.01
No. 8 Ms. Cai 62 Yes 11.19 8.63
No. 9 Mr. Wu 54 Yes 8.89 8.26
Ms. Stopped
No. 10 55 Yes 6.71 12.30
Zhou medication
No. 11 Mr. Liu 72 Yes 7.94 11.73

Note: Ms. Xu (62) drank water with brown sugar before being tested at the
end of workshop (blood sugar at 9.01).

The report shows that PaidaLajin is effective on 80% of the diabetic


After the workshop was over, they continued to practice PaidaLajin back at
home, and those who used to take diabetic medicine have either reduced
the dosage or stopped medication.
Below is a follow-up report on them produced by Evergreen Health
Association on May 1 . st

Follow-up Report (May 1, 2016)

Name Medication Medication at Medication Blood Sugar
& Age at Start of End of After After
Gender Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop
No. 1 Ms. Fu 45 None None None 16.70
No. 2 48 None None None 8.00
No. 3 Ms. Xu 52 None None None 7.6
No. 4 Mr. Wu 61 None None None
No. 5 67 None None None 7.9
No. 6 70 None None None 9.2
No. 7 Ms. Xu 62 None None None 7.6
Reduced Reduced
No. 8 Ms. Cai 62 Yes 8.1
dosage dosage
No. 9 Mr. Wu 54 Yes None 8.9
Ms. Stopped Reduced
No. 10 55 Yes 6
Zhou medication dosage
Stopped Reduced
No. 11 Mr. Liu 72 Yes 6.5
medication dosage
Note: After the workshop, Ms. Fu (45) hasn’t persisted in PaidaLajin well
due to life and work pressures.

According the May 1 Follow-up Report produced by Evergreen Health

Association, PaidaLajin is effective on 82% of the diabetics. 75% of those
who do not take diabetic medication and persist in PaidaLajin have reduced
the blood sugar level. Those who used to take medicine have either
reduced the dosage or stopped medication altogether, and the blood sugar
has improved with continued PaidaLajin practice. It is evident that
PaidaLajin can significantly improve diabetes.

The following are photos of workshop activities and test results:


Workshop activities
Taking a participant’s blood sample (and then getting it back to be tested in
the lab)


Test results

No. 1: Ms. Fu
No. 2: Mr. Zhang


No. 3: Ms. Xu
No. 4: Mr. Wu


No. 5: Ms. Chen

No. 6: Ms. Chen


No. 7: Ms. Xu (Drank some water with sugar in it)

No. 8: Ms. Cai


No. 9: Mr. Wu (Stopped medication at end of workshop)

No. 10: Ms. Zhou (Stopped medication at end of workshop)


No. 11: Mr. Liu (Stopped medication at end of workshop)

2. Statistics from end-of-workshop and post-workshop surveys

(1) Post-workshop survey report (2011)

In August 2011, we conducted a post-workshop survey involving
telephone interviews with participants of previous workshops held in the
Chinese mainland. The results are as follows:

Sample size 418 participants

Number of 285 (68%)


Continued Of the 285 participants successfully interviewed,

PaidaLajin 243 (85%) have continued to practice PaidaLajin
back at home.

Medication Of the 243 respondents who have continued

taken by those PaidaLajin, 226 of them (93%) have stopped
who continued medication altogether, while 17 (7%) continue to
PaidaLajin take medicine.

Health condition Of the 226 respondents who have continued

of those who PaidaLajin and stopped medication, 134 (59%)
continued reported excellent health; 76 (34%) have made
PaidaLajin and visible improvements, while the remaining 16
stopped (7%) have maintained the same health condition
medication as when they were under medication, and
stopping medication has caused no adverse

PaidaLajin self- a. Diabetes

healing effects Of the 14 diabetics (5% of the 285 people
on specific interviewed), 12 (86%) reported a significant self-
diseases healing effect.
b. Hypertension
Of the 34 participants with hypertension (12% of


the 285 people interviewed), 30 (88%) reported a

significant self-healing effect.
c. Sciatica
93 participants (33% of the 285 people
interviewed) suffered from Sciatica, and 91 (98%)
have greatly improved their condition after

The statistics show that 93% of those who keep practicing PaidaLajin and
have stopped medication are in better health than when they were under
medication; the remaining 7% have maintained the same health condition
as when they took medicine, which is an improvement in itself; and the
effective rates of PaidaLajin for self-healing diabetes, hypertension and
Sciatica are up to 86%.

(2) End-of-workshop and post-workshop survey reports (2015)

In December 2015, we summarized end-of-workshop and post-workshop
statistics on 520 participants who took part in a 7-day PaidaLajin self-
healing workshop over the past two years.

We have kept before-workshop and end-of-workshop records of some

diseases that could be examined without the need for hospital checkups:
diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, problems with joints, neck, shoulder
and back pains, lower back and leg pains. The results are as follows:

End-of-Workshop Statistics
Disease Rate in all Number of Number of Effective
name participants participants participants rate (%)
(%) with the who have
disease improved
Hypertensio 12% 62 60 97%

Heart 24% 123 118 96%


Diabetes 6% 31 28 90%

Problems 26% 133 125 94%

with joints

Neck, 56% 292 265 91%

and back

Lower back 42% 220 203 92%

and leg

Post-Workshop Statistics
Sample size 520

Item No. of people Rate (%)

Number of respondents 399 77%

Number of people not 121 23%


Of all respondents: 109 27%

health much improved
after PaidaLajin

Of all respondents: 227 57%

health somewhat
improved after


Of all respondents: no 63 16%

improvement after

No. of respondents who 290 73%

have continued
PaidaLajin after

No. of respondents who 109 27%

have stopped
PaidaLajin after

Number of respondents 281 97%

who have continued
PaidaLajin and didn’t
take medicine or have
stopped medication

Number of respondents 9 3%
who have continued
PaidaLajin and

Of those who have 164 58%

continued PaidaLajin
and stopped medication:
enjoying excellent

Of those who have 96 34%

continued PaidaLajin
and stopped medication:
health improved

Of those who have 21 8%

continued PaidaLajin
and stopped medication:
same as before (not
deteriorating after
stopping medication)

Summary of the end-of-workshop and post-workshop statistics:

(1) At the end of workshop, the effective rates for diabetes, hypertension,
heart disease, problems with joints, neck, shoulder and back pains, lower
back and leg pains are all above 90%.

(2) Whether the participants continue PaidaLajin or not after workshop, 84%
of them find their health condition better than before workshop. Those
who continue PaidaLajin have reaped greater benefits. And those who enjoy
excellent health practice PaidaLajin almost every day, and they do
meditative jogging as well. The more PaidaLajin they practice, the better
their health becomes.

3. Statistics from online PaidaLajin self-healing workshops (2016)

In January-April 2016, we organized four online PaidaLajin self-healing
workshops. The first two were month-long workshops; the 3 and 4
rd th

workshops each lasted half a month. The problems the participants had
prior to workshop amounted to 38 diseases, including insomnia,
hypertension, thyroid disorders, lower back and leg pains, etc. During the
workshop, they were required to do PaidaLajin for one hour each day. A
total of 196 participants from across the world completed and returned the
questionnaire. Here is the result: 91% of the respondents have improved
health condition, 98% of them are satisfied with the workshop, and 44% are
highly satisfied. The statistics are as follows:

Statistical Report on January-April 2016 Online PaidaLajin Workshops

Health improvement Number of Rate (%)

Much improved 58 30%

Somewhat improved 120 61%


No improvement 18 9%

Medication Number of Rate (%)


No use of medicine or
have stopped
medication after
PaidaLajin 173 88%

Reduced dosage after

PaidaLajin 8 4%

medication 15 8%

Satisfied with the Number of Rate (%)

workshop? respondents

Highly satisfied 86 44%

Satisfied 106 54%

Not satisfied 4 2%

4. Statistics from PaidaLajin grassroots groups (2016)

In 2016, we received statistics from some people who voluntarily practice
and promote PaidaLajin locally. There are numerous PaidaLajin grassroots
groups worldwide. The following statistics can offer you a glimpse into
their spontaneity and self-healing efficacy.

(1) Statistics from Fei Schmitz (Germany)

Fei Schmitz (a Chinese artist and therapist living in Germany) has been
practicing and promoting PaidaLajin since 2011. She has collected the
following statistics:

Disease Total Obvio Rate Improv Rate Stoppe Rate

Name no. of us (%) ement (%) d (%)
respond impro medicat
ents veme ion
Overall 68 14 19.40% 54 77.61% 62 91.04%
Hyperte 5 1 20.00% 4 80.00% 5 100.00%
Heart 3 0 0% 3 100.00% 3 100.00%
Stroke 1 0 0% 1 100.00% 1 100.00%
Neck & 25 3 12.00% 22 88.00% 25 100.00%
Back, 14 2 14.29% 12 85.71% 11 78.57%
Depressi 3 1 33.33% 2 66.67% 2 66.67%
Insomni 2 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 2 100.00%
Diabetes 1 1 100.00% 0 0% Stopped/
Type 1 reduced
Thyroid 4 0 0% 4 100.00% 4 100.00%
Skin 2 2 100.00% 0 0% 2 100.00%
Allergie 3 0 0% 3 100.00% 3 100.00%
Gastroin 1 1 100.00% 0 0% 1 100.00%
Varicose 1 0 0% 1 100.00% 1 100.00%


Eye 2 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 2 100.00%
Parkinso 1 1 100.00% 0 0% Stopped/
n’s reduced
disease medicatio
*The diabetic patient has stopped all medication, and takes only 30% of
the original insulin injection.

(2) Statistics from Brother Cao (Chongqing, China)

Eldest Brother Cao (a businessman in Chongqing, China) has been
practicing and promoting PaidaLajin since 2011. He has collected the
following statistics:
Total Obvious Ra Improve R Stoppe Ra
no. of improve te ment at d te
respond ment (% e medica (%
ents ) ( tion )

Overall 61 57 93 4 7
figures % %

Hypertens 6 5 83 1 17 5 83
ion % % %

Heart 10 9 90 1 10 10 10
disease % % 0%

Neck, 9 9 10 0 0 9 10
shoulder 0% % 0%
and back

Problems 11 11 10 0 0 10 91
with joints 0% % %
Lower 12 12 10 0 0 12 10
back and 0% % 0%
leg pains

Sub- 1 1 10 0 0 0 0%
health 0% %

Constipati 4 4 10 0 0 4 10
on 0% % 0%

Gynaecolo 9 9 10 0 0 7 78
gical 0% % %

Prostate 3 3 10 0 0 3 10
disorders 0% % 0%

Digestive 11 9 82 2 18 9 82
problems % % %

Insomnia 13 13 10 0 0 11 85
0% % %

Diabetes 4 3 75 1 25 4 10
% % 0%

(1) After practicing PaidaLajin, 94% of the respondents have improved

health conditions relating to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease,
problems with joints, neck, shoulder, back and leg pains.

(2) 85% of those who used to take medicine have stopped medication after
practicing PaidaLajin.

All the 61 respondents have persisted in practicing PaidaLajin. The overall

effective rate is 100%—93% of them have shown obvious health
improvements, and the remaining 7% of them have improved health to a
certain extent.


(3) Statistics from Qing Hetao (Hubei, China)

Qing Hetao (nickname of a bank official in Hubei province, China)
practices and promotes PaidaLajin. She has collected the following statistics:

Total no. of Obvious Rate

respondents improvement (%)

Overall figures 45 45 100%

Hypertension 3 3 100%

Heart disease 5 5 100%

Neck, shoulder 10 10 100%

and back pains

Problems with 4 4 100%


Lower back 12 12 100%

and leg pains

Sub-health 7 7 100%

Constipation 2 2 100%

Gynaecological 7 7 100%

Digestive 4 4 100%

Poor sleep 6 6 100%

Diabetes 1 1 100%

(1) After practicing PaidaLajin, all respondents have improved health

conditions related to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, problems with
joints, neck, shoulder, back and leg pains. The overall effective rate is 100%.
(2) All the 45 respondents have persisted in PaidaLajin practice, and 100% of
them have shown obvious health improvements.

(4) Statistics from Yimu (Shandong, China)

Yimu (a retired driver in Shandong province, China) practices and

promotes PaidaLajin. He has collected the following statistics:

Tota Bette Rate Stopped Rate Reduced Rate

l no. r (%) medication (%) dosage (%)

Overall 16 16 100% 9 56% 6 44%

Hypertensio 3 3 100% 1 33% 2 66%
Heart disease 6 6 100% 3 50% 3 50%
Diabetes 1 1 100% 1 100% 0 0%

Neck, 2 2 100% 1 50% 1 50%

shoulder and
back pains
Problems 1 1 100% 1 100% 0 0%
with joints
Lower back 4 4 100% 2 50% 2 50%
and leg pains

Skin diseases 3 3 100% 1 33% 2 67%

Coughing 2 2 100% 1 50% 0 0%


Gynaecologic 1 1 100% 1 100% 0 0%

al disorders
Piles 2 2 100% 2 100% 0 0%
Digestive 1 1 100% 0 0% 1 100%

(1) All the respondents have persisted in PaidaLajin practice, and the overall
effective rate is 100%.
(2) Of those who used to take medicine, 56% have stopped medication and
44% have reduced the dosage after practicing PaidaLajin.

Some people criticize PaidaLajin from the perspectives of Western medicine.
In fact, we have repeatedly proven its self-healing efficacies using western
medical standards; we have collected data, and there are numerous self-
healing cases. Why does the media, medical and scientific communities fail
to take note and respond positively? Fortunately, with the help of the
Internet, ordinary people have taken on the roles of doctors and reporters
by practicing, testing and sharing PaidaLajin voluntarily without bias.

Efficacy matters most. Being a non-medical therapy that’s available to

everyone, the PaidaLajin self-healing method has been proven more
effective than mainstream medicine. It erases medical laws’ restrictions on
and even deprivation of man’s right to self-heal. Promoting PaidaLajin self-
healing method via the Internet has thus created a strategic opportunity for
reviving humanity’s self-healing culture.

As the Internet, smart wearable devices, and the PaidaLajin self-healing

method become increasingly common in people’s daily life, it will be more
convenient for individuals to check their own health indicators. Self-
healing via online workshops and communities will transform the medical
industry, just like online shopping has been changing traditional
businesses. With the big data from countless PaidaLajin self-healers, we will
usher in a new era—the Era of Self-Healing.
IV Global Promotion of PaidaLajin

PaidaLajin includes the physical exercises of slapping and stretching which

are simpler than yoga and Tai Chi. Anyone can learn the techniques in a
few minutes. The book PaidaLajin Self-Healing has been translated into over
a dozen languages, including English, German, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic,
Indonesian, etc. In just six years, it has benefited millions of people in over
50 countries and regions. They include people of all skin colours and from
all backgrounds, including those believing in science, Islam, Judaism,
Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. And it is expected that millions
more will practice and benefit from PaidaLajin in the next five years.

As PaidaLajin is a set of non-medical, non-religious self-healing exercises,

we have been invited to present this method on TV and radio stations, in
schools, hospitals, companies, Islamic mosques, Catholic churches,
Buddhist and Taoist temples, monasteries of other religious/spiritual
orientations, and other institutions across the world. Wherever we go,
PaidaLajin is enthusiastically received.

We have been to South Africa and other African nations to promote self-
healing with PaidaLajin three times—in January-February 2014, January
2016, and March 2016. I have given three seminars in Soweto, the
hometown of Former President Nelson Mandela. PaidaLajin also appeared
on TV programmes, radio programmes, and in newspaper reports in South

The biggest “drawback”, in some people’s minds, is that PaidaLajin seems

too good to be true. PaidaLajin has been the target of suspicion, criticism
and suppression from the media and medical experts. Many of them speak
out of prejudice but do not proceed to try it themselves or scientifically test
the efficacy of PaidaLajin. Moreover, we have met more opposition from
our relatives and close friends. Indeed, the most insidious enemies are our
deep-rooted culture, thoughts, and education. Ironically, PaidaLajin
originated from traditional Chinese culture, but mainland China and


Taiwan, where a strong habitual thinking and large interest groups have
developed as a result of westernization for over 100 years, launched the
harshest attacks on it.

I began to promote PaidaLajin in mainland China in 2010, one year after the
book Journey to the Cure (now renamed as Journey to Self-Healing) was
published. I went on various TV and radio interviews, and gave dozens of
seminars. All were well received, particularly the series of talk shows at
Shenzhen People’s Forum organized by Shenzhen TV Station. But soon, we
met criticism and suppression from the media and medical community.
The book PaidaLajin Self-Healing could only be published in Taiwan and
Hong Kong, not in mainland China.

Our promotion of PaidaLajin overseas was initially centred in the Chinese

community. In two years, I went on 18 trips to Taiwan and demonstrated
PaidaLajin on major TV and radio programmes there. A special PaidaLajin
self-healing seminar, hosted by Director Wang Jinping, was held at The
Legislative Yuan. World-renowned movie director Ang Lee, while shooting
Oscar-winning Life of Pi, invited me to host a PaidaLajin party in Taipei to
his relatives, friends and professionals in the entertainment industry. At
the party, Lee was the first person to taste the effect of Paida. At that time,
he suffered from frozen shoulder. A lot of dark Sha came out during Paida,
and his shoulder problem was greatly relieved.

PaidaLajin has gradually spread all over the world, as more PaidaLajin
videos and more language versions of the PaidaLajin Self-Healing book
become available on the Internet. There are more and more self-organized
PaidaLajin groups both online and offline. Some PaidaLajin groups on
Facebook have attracted thousands of members. They organize and attend
various PaidaLajin parties, seminars and workshops. Up to now, we have
held several hundred self-healing seminars and workshops in Asia, Europe,
Africa, America and Oceania. And there is a growing demand for more of
these events.

Our promotion of the PaidaLajin self-healing method has created an

industrial chain. More and more clinics, health clubs, and yoga centres
have adopted PaidaLajin; more factories and businesses across the world
are producing and selling Paida tools and Lajin benches. Pirated PaidaLajin
books, Paida tools and Lajin benches are rampant in the market, which
mirrors the true efficacy of PaidaLajin and its huge market potential.

V PaidaLajin Self-Healing Philosophy

There was no medical profession for much of human history. Humanity

has survived till today thanks to the ability to self-heal. People accustomed
to sophisticated thinking find the self-healing power so magical, or too
good to be true. In fact, everyone is born with a self-healing mechanism. It
follows the natural law.

If we believe that the Creator makes man, then the self-healing mechanism
is a software program preset in us by the Creator. Self-healing is divine
healing, i.e. it is the Creator (or God) doing the job. Therefore, everyone can
become a self-healer. Self-healing is to use a certain method to activate and
empower the self-healing mechanism to do its job well. It is like pressing a
key to start a car; the car’s hardware and software are already there.

Chinese people summarized the natural law and dubbed it as “Tao (the
Way)”. They believe that Tao is the very source of everything in the
universe, and that it is manifested in various ways. The self-healing power
is one of its numerous manifestations. Tao has universal value because it is
not limited to Chinese people, but transcends racial, cultural, religious and
other barriers. Although ubiquitous, Tao needs to be manifested through
certain methods. PaidaLajin is a self-healing method that manifests the Tao
of Healing.

According to Chinese wisdom, the human body is a product of God’s 造化.

It has two connotations: 造 (to create) and 化 (to change; to transport, and
to transform). In other words, man is a product of prenatal and postnatal
influences. For us, the initial creation is a bygone past. However, we can
play an active role in the transformation that is happening here and now.


PaidaLajin is neither Qi Gong nor an occult practice, but includes slapping

and stretching exercises that everyone can practice. It may seem simple
physical actions, but is an accurate interpretation of the digits 0 and 1, i.e.
Yin and Yang.

1. PaidaLajin from the perspective of Chinese medicine

(1) A healthy person is well balanced. Getting sick indicates an imbalance
between Yin-Yang, which is invariably caused by meridian blockages.
Unblocking meridian blockages results in health.
(2) All Chinese therapies, including cupping, bone-setting, skin scraping,
acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, herbal medicine, etc. are aimed at
removing meridian blockages. The same is true with PaidaLajin, only it
works more efficiently.
(3) The overall trend of a person’s health from birth to death is rising Yin
energy and declining Yang energy. PaidaLajin boosts Yang energy and curbs
Yin energy. During this process, pains and diseases are naturally self-
healed, and it has a proven anti-aging effect.

There are many natural, holistic therapies. Each is precious in its own way.
Due to various reasons, it is a challenge to share most of these therapies on
a large scale. PaidaLajin has great overall healing effects, and it is
complementary to other therapies.

Differences between PaidaLajin and other TCM therapies

(1) PaidaLajin is a non-medical self-healing method that ordinary people
can practice on their own and with others. Its core feature is voluntary
practice; other traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapies are normally
dependent upon certified professionals.
(2) According to Chinese medicine, the heart is the King of bodily organs
and its power is the greatest. When a person voluntarily practices
PaidaLajin, the power of the heart is fully mobilized. This initiates a
fundamental change in the nature of healing. By contrast, when a person
receives treatment, mainly medication and other means of external
intervention, much of the innate Heart power is wasted. Excessive use of
medication and medical instruments can result in many serious side effects.
(3) By practicing PaidaLajin, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment
are completed simultaneously. It also automatically completes the “eight
principal syndrome differentiation” according to traditional Chinese
medicine (TCM). PaidaLajin does not target a specific illness or a certain
part of the body, but activates and enhances the self-healing power to work
on its own.

2. PaidaLajin from the perspectives of science and Western medicine

From the perspectives of frontier sciences and Western medicine, there are
infinite mysteries in PaidaLajin waiting to be unraveled.
To establish scientific evidence, the research method needs to be
universally acknowledged, the subjects be observed and measured, and the
research results be analyzed and repeated. PaidaLajin meets all these
research requirements.
Now, let me use general theories, methods, standards, and vocabulary
used in modern science and Western medicine to explain how PaidaLajin
Please note that only a summary and the conclusion are listed here. You are
welcome to do more research on these theories and PaidaLajin efficacies.
For more details, please read the handbook PaidaLajin Self-Healing.

(1) Physics: Vibrations produced by PaidaLajin

Everything in the universe vibrates, be it visible or invisible, audible or
inaudible. Our hearts, thoughts, and feelings vibrate at a certain frequency.
PaidaLajin produces rhythmic vibrations, just like percussion and orchestral
music. It changes the vibration patterns and frequencies of all organs and
cells and produces resonance in the body. This helps to normalize
discordant frequencies of protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, molecules
cells and organs in the body. It is like tuning noisy instruments to create
beautiful melodies. We can regain health by getting rid of the “noises” (i.e.
pathogenic elements) in the body.


First, PaidaLajin changes the frequency of the heart, King of bodily organs.
By addressing the heart, the vibration patterns and frequencies of all other
organs and cells are changed. A healthy body resembles a symphony, and
an unhealthy body is a chaotic mess. The human heart is the conductor of
this symphony orchestra.

Music and colour are tiny vibrating particles manifested in various forms.
A person falls sick when the frequency of a part of the body (a musical
instrument) becomes discordant with the overall frequency (the entire
band). This is why in English disease is dis-ease.
Chinese medicine explains it as the generating-inhibiting interactions of the
Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) in the body. In other
words, organs with different attributes vibrate at different frequencies and
interact with each other to create what is called “interference waves” in
physics. A constructive interference is a “generating interaction among
organs”; a destructive interference is an “inhibiting interaction among
organs”. Chinese medicine advocates the treatment philosophy of
maintaining good balance—removing the excess and replenishing the
Ancient Chinese used Qi to describe the energy and Qifen to describe
vibration frequencies. All Chinese therapies, whether medication or
external treatments like massage and acupuncture, aim to change the Qi.
The traditional Chinese character 藥 (medicine) is composed of 艹 (grass,
herbs) and 樂 (music), i.e. music produced by medicinal herbs, or music
from Heaven. One of the differences between Chinese herbal medicine and
western medicine is that the former does not look at the chemical
composition of a drug, but its Qi and which meridians it acts on. The
frequency of Qi is more subtle and accurate than the chemical composition.
Chinese herbal medicine underlines the inhibiting impact of its frequency
on problem areas and related meridians. It clears discordant frequencies,
and eventually makes the body’s overall frequency balanced and
harmonious, thus healing diseases.
Following the recent discovery of gravitational waves, people are talking
passionately about physics and cosmology. Gravitational waves signify
two things: Gravitation, i.e. energy, which is in essence a vibration
frequency; and waves, which are also vibration frequencies. In fact,
PaidaLajin heals with the vibration frequencies of gravitation and other
waves. PaidaLajin does two things: Boost energy and regulate frequencies.
The problem areas are energy fields (Qi fields) where the energy is low and
their frequencies chaotic. This is caused by meridian blockages. The
meridian system is a network of channels that energy travels through and
different frequencies are transmitted. As long as the meridian blockages are
removed, the energy level will rise and discordant frequencies will be
balanced with the overall frequency of the entire body.

Gravitational waves exist everywhere in the vast universe, including the

human body. PaidaLajin heals with the help of gravitational,
electromagnetic and other known and unknown waves.

(2) Biochemistry: Biochemical changes produced during PaidaLajin

PaidaLajin includes physical exercises that directly stimulate biochemical
changes in the body, producing endocrine secretions conducive to health.
Bones have long been considered to play an important role in supporting
the body, making movements, producing blood cells, storing minerals, and
regulating pH values in vivo. The latest research shows that the skeleton
and skeletal muscles also have endocrine functions, producing in vivo
various hormones that the body needs, including insulin, encephalin,
adrenaline, etc.

Prof. Gerard Karsenty (Columbia University, U.S.) and his co-researchers

found that osteoblasts exert an endocrine regulation of the physiological
state of other tissues, and that osteocalcin could be one of the hormones
directly involved in the process. Their findings were published in the
August 2007 issue of Cell Journal (Title: Endocrine Regulation of Energy
Metabolism by the Skeleton, Cell 130: 456-469).

The findings have an important clinical implication: They tell the world
that an entirely new theory for clinical treatment of diabetes, supported by
biological experimental results, is now established. They foretold that a
new therapy for diabetes would be found in the near future.


Soon after, I began to promote self-healing with PaidaLajin. Now we have

substantial clinical evidences of this new theory: we have thousands of
testimonials of patients self-healing their diabetes with PaidaLajin; and we
have statistics of diabetics self-healing with PaidaLajin from several
hundred workshops worldwide, particularly the PaidaLajin Clinical
Research Workshop co-organized with the Diabetes Research Centre in
Chennai, India in March 2015.

(3) Electromagnetic changes produced during PaidaLajin

Doctors of Western medicine are educated about the “chemical body”, and
chemical drugs are prescribed to rectify its malfunctioning. Based on
Theory of Complex System, Prof. Zhang Changlin used non-destructive
wave detection equipment and discovered that a living organism has an
“electromagnetic body” apart from the “chemical body”. The dissipative
structure of the “electromagnetic body” is unstable. It is constantly
vibrating and has no clear boundary. Its anatomical features are invisible to
the naked eye. The physiological feature is that the human body is
holographic and indivisible. The vitality feature is that the
“electromagnetic body” governs the “chemical body”, i.e. reorganization of
the former leads to reorganization of the latter. And the pathological
feature is that the “electromagnetic body” is directly influenced by changes
in its boundary. (Please refer to The Invisible Rainbow: A Physicist’s
Introduction to the Science behind Classical Chinese Medicine authored by Prof.
Zhang Changlin).

In the words of Chinese medicine, when Yang energy rises, Yin energy falls,
and vice versa. The Yin and Yang energies constantly re-organize till they
eventually reach Yin-Yang equilibrium.

In the scientific language, the order of the life structure is reorganized, i.e., it
is the reorganization of and balance between matter and energy, law and

PaidaLajin is the simplest method to change the boundary of a person’s

“electromagnetic body”. A direct result of PaidaLajin is the reorganization
of the “electromagnetic body”, and subsequent transformation of the
“chemical body” and Yin-Yang equilibrium.

(4) Energy boosted during PaidaLajin

Illness and aging are caused by energy deficiency and blockade of energy
channels, i.e. the meridians system. PaidaLajin directly boosts energy, both
at the stimulated areas and all over the body. For instance, when a certain
part of the body is slapped, it warms up quickly, and this warmth
gradually spread all over the body; when you slap all over the body, the
entire body warms up. The same is true with Lajin. The general rule is, the
more painful PaidaLajin is, the faster the internal heat is produced. That is
why we dub the pain of PaidaLajin “Pain Medicine”. Persistent pain during
and after PaidaLajin is continuous intake of the “Pain Medicine”. We often
see people stretching on Lajin benches sweating heavily, although they just
lie there motionlessly, sometimes even in cold weather. The boosted energy
quickly clears blockages in the meridians, and heads to wherever it is
supposed to go. Diseases are thus healed during this natural process.

Where does the boosted energy come from? From the wastes, toxins and
other pathogenic substances (such as lumps, tumors, cold-dampness, etc.)
burnt during PaidaLajin. PaidaLajin helps to detoxify, reduce weight, heal
pains and diseases, and enhance Qi and blood flow.

(5) Clinical explanations of PaidaLajin

a. PaidaLajin brings Sha, swelling and elongated tendons.

There is pain and swelling during and after PaidaLajin, which causes fear
among many people. In fact, toxins and wastes are removed, and Sha is
dissolved during the process. Persistent pain and swelling means
continued detoxification.

PaidaLajin induces physical changes in the body, causing the body to repair
and renew itself. First, the “electromagnetic body” experiences the changes,
which is manifested as: swelling, appearance of Sha under the skin, the


tendons and ligaments getting longer and softer, etc. This means that the
boundary and dissipative structure of the “electromagnetic body” are
changed, and the “chemical body” also receives the impact. The human
body then works like a pharmaceutical factory, producing in vivo whatever
medicine it needs. For instance, the limited pain of PaidaLajin stimulates the
“chemical body” to secrete large amounts of adrenaline; Stress response
warms up the body, i.e. Yang energy is rising.

b. PaidaLajin stimulates the body to produce stem cells.

PaidaLajin is not only good for stimulation to the skin, nerves and
subcutaneous blood vessels; it also has a strong impact on the bones,
skeletal muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Normally, what we slap most are joints. It induces in vivo production of

stem cells in the perichondrium of the joints. Stem cells have the potential
of almost infinite proliferation and multi-directional differentiation. They
engage in immune and hematopoietic activities, and they are self-replicable.
They play a vital role in repairing pathological damages to organs and
tissues. Many medical theories and treatments underline the importance of
stem cells. During the body’s re-organization process, new, normal cells
and organs will replace the old, damaged ones. And the physiological
functions of the human body are thus recovered. And it occurs in vivo, in
situ. It can be called “autologous stem cell regeneration in situ”.

c. PaidaLajin increases body temperature.

PaidaLajin also directly increases the body temperature. Whether through
observation of the nature, or according to Chinese and Western medicine,
we know that diseases are mostly cold-induced. All sorts of viruses, tumors
and blockages are caused by cold-related stagnation. And during the aging
process, the body temperature drops continually. When a person dies, the
body cools down completely.

PaidaLajin increases the body temperature both locally and holistically. This
is the natural result when the self-healing mechanism is empowered to do
a better job. In other words, it is the inner vitality that is rejuvenated and
extended. As long as the body’s capacity to produce heat in vivo is
recovered and enhanced, it will have better disease-resistant and anti-aging

VI A Strategic New Thinking in Medical Reform

No new thinking, no breakthrough in reform. The religious reform was an

ideological breakthrough in Europe, and Protestantism was thus born.
Although started in Germany, the new thinking blossomed and bore fruit
in Britain, which became the first Protestant country. There, people’s minds
were more thoroughly emancipated, and their productivity improved
faster. The steam engine was invented in Britain. This technological
breakthrough played a decisive role in the Industrial Revolution, and
further fueled emancipation of the mind. Clearly, Britain seized the
strategic opportunities and made both ideological and technological

Now, we are at a critical moment in humanity’s health care reform. We

need to adjust our course. Now we have the new thinking of self-healing
instead of seeking medical services, and we have the PaidaLajin self-healing
method. Who will be the strategic thinkers and doers?

1. First of all, there needs to be a breakthrough in thinking.

We need to be aware of the limitless potential of self-healing, and direct

our attention from the endless use of medicine, surgery and other external
interventions to activating our innate self-healing power.

2. Seize the strategic opportunity of the amazing PaidaLajin self-healing

Western medicine made full use of strategic opportunities presented by the
efficacies of antibiotics and surgery. Although Western countries colonized


much of the world through wars, church hospitals and schools followed,
both of which have practical value and are related to people’s livelihood.
Western medicine began to dominate the world because it was effective.
Wars and epidemics greatly contributed to the globalization of Western
medicine, which is nicknamed “wartime medicine”. However, nowadays it
has become “market-oriented medicine”.

The PaidaLajin self-healing philosophy and method are based on actual

efficacy. If it is not as good as Western medicine, why should people accept

In much of the world today, wars and epidemics are no longer major
threats to man’s life and health. More and more people suffer from various
chronic diseases, which cannot be cured with antibiotics or surgery. If the
world knows that numerous people can practice PaidaLajin to rapidly self-
heal the so-called “hard-to-cure” or “incurable” diseases like cancer,
diabetes, depression, hypertension, prostate disorders, etc., how will it
react to this message of self-healing?

This is a strategic opportunity. The Industrial Revolution has rippled across

the world because the products are affordable and have practical value.
Similarly, PaidaLajin self-healing method has rapidly spread all over the
world because it is low/no cost and highly effective. It can rapidly solve
the dilemmas that governments face: inadequate medical budget, and
ineffective mainstream medicine.

Which countries will seize the strategic opportunity and take the lead to
test the claimed efficacies of PaidaLajin self-healing method and popularize

3. Seize the strategic opportunity presented by the Internet.

It is impossible to provide mass medical treatments via the Internet; but
PaidaLajin self-healing method can be rapidly popularized this way. This
presents another strategic opportunity.
Synchronized popularization of the Internet, smart wearable devices, and
PaidaLajin self-healing method will usher in a self-healing era. Just as online
shopping has changed traditional businesses, self-healing via online
learning will transform the health industry.

We have been promoting PaidaLajin self-healing method for six years. We

haven’t opened a single physical store. Instead, the publicity, Q&As,
product sales, and workshop enrollment are basically processed online.
This has far surpassed that of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in
terms of healing efficacy and promotion efficiency. Starting from early 2016,
we began to host online self-healing workshops. The participants have
reported amazing self-healing effects. It is the first step in tapping into the
massive potential of online self-healing across the world. By contrast,
traditional natural therapies cannot be so effectively popularized online
due to their complexity and professional requirements.

4. Seize the strategic opportunity of establishing new medical standards.

Whoever establishes a set of standards has grasped the communication and

decision-making powers. Up to now, standards based on Western medicine
have dominated the medical world for a long time. Once the self-healing
efficacies are universally acknowledged, the health philosophies, concepts
and standards that are derived will redefine the current medical standards.
Since it is super-simple, the healing effects of PaidaLajin are measurable and
replicable. Tests of its efficacy can be in strict accordance with standards of
Western medicine.

Any institution or nation can invite a panel of doctors and scientists to

study the PaidaLajin self-healing method. If it is scientifically proven to be
ineffective, then all our claims are in vain; if, however, it is proven to be
indeed so effective, can you envision the impact of its promotion through
out the world? Individuals, families, organizations, and entire nations,
including the world’s medical, financial, insurance and elderly care
industries will need to change accordingly. Will you join in and ride the
tide of history, or be left out like Kodak?

Any country and region can produce scientific reports on PaidaLajin and
promote it among all its citizens. It will become a landmark event in the
history of medicine.


VII A Breakthrough in Medical Reform

Just as the steam engine was a technological breakthrough that fueled the
Industrial Revolution, PaidaLajin will play a decisive, mind-boggling role in
humanity’s medical reform thanks to its self-healing efficacy.

Firstly, the PaidaLajin self-healing method directs the majority of patients

from hospitals to families. It will help solve the problems of lack of
adequate medical resources in the world and deteriorating conflicts
between doctors and patients. By practicing PaidaLajin, patients can
prevent, diagnose, and self-heal most pains and diseases on their own.
Follow-up surveys show that 80% of participants of PaidaLajin self-healing
workshops have improved health. If PaidaLajin self-healing method is
promoted nationwide, the healing effects will be even better.

Secondly, PaidaLajin will lift the effective rates in treatment of acute

symptoms and major chronic diseases. Our preliminary statistics indicate
that by practicing PaidaLajin, 80% of patients with chronic diseases that
modern mainstream medicine find no cure have relieved their symptoms
or thoroughly self-healed their illness. These diseases include but are not
limited to diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, skin diseases, liver
problems, kidney problems, immune disorders, prostate disorders,
emotional disorders, gynaecological disorders, gastrointestinal diseases,
Alzheimer’s disease, various joint pains, tumors, etc. PaidaLajin has been
proven effective in dealing with over 90% of the common emergencies,
including cold, fever, heart attacks, acute headache, acute gastroenteritis,
acute dysmenorrhea (period pain), acute sports injuries (without bleeding
wounds or broken bones), etc. Participants have found that Paida is much
more effective in relieving acute heart attacks than cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).

Thirdly, the PaidaLajin self-healing method helps to greatly reduce medical

expenses. Statistics show that over 60% of the PaidaLajin doers have
stopped medication, but their health condition is much better than when
they took medicine. The self-healing efficacy and reduction of medical
expenses are two sides of the same coin of taking health into our own
hands. PaidaLajin is especially effective in self-healing chronic diseases that
normally incur huge amounts of medical expenses, including pains,
cardiovascular diseases, and cancers. According to statistics, 70% of the
medical expenses are used in treatment of these chronic diseases.

Finally, PaidaLajin self-healing method will transform the mode of thinking

in health care; it will go on to change the direction of modern medicine and
health care investment. When PaidaLajin is embraced as a mainstream way
of life, medical waste and investment will be greatly reduced; medical costs
and the negative effects of overdiagnosis and overtreatment will be much
alleviated. It will help improve our health, and create a positive impact on
cultural, economic, ecological, and other aspects of human existence.

VIII PaidaLajin Self-Healing Method and a New Culture

PaidaLajin originated from Chinese culture. The promotion of PaidaLajin not

only popularizes a life-improving and life-saving self-healing method, but
also contributes to exchanges between and integration of Eastern and
Western cultures. It will usher in a new era, a new culture of self-healing
and self-awareness.

1. PaidaLajin helps to elevate the industrial civilization.

Industrialization has improved people’s living standards; however, it has

also caused all kinds of pollution and disasters. The various crises that
humanity faces today, including the medical crisis, are invariably
associated with excessive industrialization.


PaidaLajin self-healing method is no new invention. We re-discovered the

ancient therapy passed down from Chinese ancestors, and have been
practicing, promoting and improving it. It is mankind’s common heritage.

The significance of re-discovering PaidaLajin self-healing method can be

compared with the invention of the steam engine. The steam engine is a
visible machine. It is like hardware. PaidaLajin stimulates the invisible self-
healing power preset in us. It is like running a software program. The
steam engine fueled industrialization; whereas the PaidaLajin self-healing
method guides humanity towards de-industrialization. The former is a tool
that leads to fast development of material civilization, which has polluted
and destroyed the human body and our Mother Earth; the latter is a
method that contributes to win-win spiritual elevation, and will greatly
offset the pollution and destruction caused by excessive industrialization.

Industrialization has led to our over-dependence on, pollution, and

destruction of the external material world; the PaidaLajin self-healing
method unravels man’s immanent potential and reduces our dependence
on the external materials. Industrialization is human-oriented—man
altering nature to serve its needs; the PaidaLajin self-healing method guides
people to revere and follow the law of nature, to change themselves to
adapt to nature, to return to nature, and to achieve harmony between man
and nature. Once man’s innate self-healing power is activated through
PaidaLajin, it will act like an anti-virus software program to automatically
diagnose and heal pains and diseases. It will help purify man’s body, mind
and soul, and elevate human morality and civilization.

2. PaidaLajin redefines human right.

It is everyone’s basic right to pursue good health. However, this right is

wasted if you cannot manage your own health. Therefore, it is more
important to exercise the self-healing right, i.e. the right to manage our
own health.

In modern times, our self-healing right is handed over to doctors. Only

when we take back the self-healing right can we really enjoy the right to
good health.
Several hundred years ago, Europeans did not have freedom of religious
belief. Commoners had no right to even read the Bible. The right to read
and interpret the Bible was limited to priests. A believer had to talk to God
through a priest. The Church was a symbol of medieval darkness and
corruption. Then Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation. It
pronounced one thing that seems so common to today’s people: Everyone
has the right to read the Bible and talk to God directly. It made everyone a
priest and changed human history—ideological liberation led to the
Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution, the Church of England
separated from the Church of Rome, and Protestants escaped to America to
avoid persecution and established the United States of America.

How similar today’s medical world is to the medieval darkness: People

cannot manage their own health, and they have to go and see a doctor
when sick. How similar they are, doctors and priests, hospitals and
churches! And the natures and root causes of their corruption and darkness
are the same.

What we are doing is a simple reform: To empower everyone to prevent,

diagnose and self-heal pains and diseases, i.e. to enable everyone to
become his/her own healer. What seems so difficult and ridiculous today
will become the norm in the years to come. It will be likened to everyone
being able to decide his/her own faith and spiritual life through reading
the Bible.

3. PaidaLajin manifests the universal value of self-healing.

When it comes to universal values, democracy, freedom and other Western

concepts instantly pop up in people’s minds. Compared with democracy
and freedom, health better reflects humanity’s common aspiration.
PaidaLajin shines the light and vitality of ancient Eastern wisdom that
humans, plants and animals invariably self-heal. But man is the only
species on our planet that voluntarily gives up the right to self-heal, and
turns everyone’s self-healing right to external intervention by professional
doctors. In this sense, humans do not enjoy the same right to self-heal as
plants and animals. It is then empty talk for humanity to pursue the right
to good health. Without the right to good health, do we have real freedom?
Clearly, the right to self-heal reflects ultimate respect and love of human


existence. Our innate self-healing power is a divine, God-given gift.

People’s right to self-heal is a most basic human right. This right is sacred
and inviolable.

Starting from managing their own physical health, people can naturally
move on to elevating their mind and soul. When a person changes
himself/herself, the world around him/her changes as well. Countless
transformed individuals will trigger a global mass movement. It will help
improve all aspects of human life, including finance, education, global
economy, people’s livelihood, ecological environment, health and medical
insurance, etc. Eventually, the universal value of self-healing will continue
to exist in the world and benefit future generations.

4. PaidaLajin self-healing method is of great economic value and cultural


Man’s awareness and exercise of the self-healing right will produce the
practical value of self-healing pains and diseases. It will also have a huge
economic value. Once aware of its economic value, individuals,
organizations and governments alike will hasten to learn and make use of
PaidaLajin. Humanity will re-define the right to self-heal and the right to
access health resources. Medical laws and regulations, medical and related
industries, and medical education will be changed and reorganized

The self-healing values will facilitate the mutual learning and integration of
Eastern and Western cultures. The excessive pursuit of external material
possessions will be balanced by more focus on internal spiritual pursuits.
People will follow the natural law to purify their body, mind and soul. As a
result of practicing PaidaLajin and other self-healing methods, it will
become a mainstream way of life to maintain oneness of body, mind and

5. Promotion of PaidaLajin self-healing method will have a global effect.

Although originated in the Chinese civilization, PaidaLajin self-healing

method is humanity’s common cultural resource. Wherever PaidaLajin is
practiced, more and more people will passionately learn Eastern culture.
Humanity will gradually turn from “conquering nature” to “following the
natural law”, and from various pursuits in the external material world to
elevating their inner Self.

6. A complete person is a self-healer.

A self-healer is one who cures his/her own pains and diseases. Everyone
has an innate, preset self-healing power, a gift from God, or the Creator.
Self-healing is actually God, or the Creator healing us. Blind faith in
doctors is a tragedy of our times, and is a product of over-westernization.

What disciplines the human heart is internal morality, or inherent, natural

law, not external force, laws or regulations. In this sense, man can only self-
heal and raise his consciousness, and cannot expect to be salvaged by
external help. Self-healing and self-awareness lead to real freedom. Any
individual, organization and nation can tap into man’s self-healing power
and make people their own healers. Only when you take back from doctors
the right to manage your own health (i.e. the right to self-heal) can you be a
complete person, and enjoy full human rights and true freedom.

IX Self-Healing Market and Trend Analyses

1. Market Analysis
From the economic point of view, where there is a demand, there is a
market. The self-healing market is probably the largest market in the world,
for every individual and every household can face the challenges of illness.

The demand for self-healing in different social groups are as follows:

(1) Patients. They form the large group, and also have the strongest
demand. Just imagine how many patients there are in the world’s families
and hospitals right now! How desperately they need a way out of their


suffering, a way to self-heal! As long as there is hope of getting rid of their

pains and diseases, the survival instinct will drive them to try any
therapeutic method. Patients come from all walks of life, whether rich or
poor, powerful or powerless. There are patients in virtually every family,
organization, community and nation.

(2) Governments. Governments are the second largest group that needs
effective self-healing methods. This is not only because of the efficacies, but
also because of budgetary considerations. The government in any country,
poor or rich, is faced with medical and aging crises due to huge medical
spending and insufficient medical resources. PaidaLajin self-healing
method, being effective and low/no cost, is a timely rescue for all
governments in the world.

(3) Organizations that have bought medical insurance for their employees.
They are interested in cost-saving natural therapies. By practicing
PaidaLajin self-healing method, the spending on medical insurance will be
lowered, and the employees will stay healthy, which means higher
efficiency and fewer sick leaves.

(4) Medical insurance companies. When individuals and organizations that

have bought medical insurance practice PaidaLajin, medical bills that the
insurance companies pay will decline exponentially. Therefore, insurance
companies will support any individual or organization that self-heals. For
instance, some medical insurance companies pay for their clients’ yoga

(5) The World Health Organization (WHO) and various disease-specific

institutions and foundations. As their goal is to find effective and
inexpensive therapies to improve people’s health, they will opt for the
highly effective and low/no-cost PaidaLajin self-healing method.

(6) Organizations that advocate organic and eco-friendly options.

PaidaLajin self-healing method is in itself organic and eco-friendly—it un-
necessitates from the source the pharmaceutical and medical appliance
industries’ demand for much energy and various raw materials; At the
final section of the health care chain, it eliminates medical pollution of the
human body and our environment, and puts an end to huge medical waste.
(7) Elderly care organizations. The aging crisis is in essence a health crisis,
for almost all elderly people are patients. Old age-related pains and
diseases consume huge amounts of social resources. Statistics and
testimonials of elderly people practicing PaidaLajin show that it has
wonderful efficacies yet cost very little. We are certain that elderly patients
and elderly care organizations will warmly welcome PaidaLajin.

(8) Sports groups. There are a large number of sports injuries. Traditionally,
they are treated with medicine and surgery. By practicing PaidaLajin, the
drugs and operations can be reduced by over 50%, and the healing effect
will be even better. PaidaLajin has proven an easy and effective cure for
over 90% of the soft tissue injuries (excluding those with open wounds
and/or broken bones). Persistent PaidaLajin practice can greatly improve
an athlete’s speed, bounce, endurance, and other sporting qualities.

(9) The army, police and schools. They all have the need to maintain and
improve physical fitness. They can incorporate PaidaLajin into their regular
training to improve their physical health and learn how to self-heal, as well
as rescue others in case of emergencies and chronic diseases.

2. Trend Analysis
The medical industry will not be replaced by the PaidaLajin self-healing
method; however, it will feel its great impact and a resulting crisis.

Let me use the bankruptcy of Kodak as a case study. Kodak used to be the
leading camera maker in the world. However, it went bankrupt because it
failed to keep pace with digital technology.

How to determine whether to adopt a new technology? Just examine

whether it represents the trend of human development in its depth and

Initially, digital technology was nothing significant, but in just a few

decades, it has penetrated into many aspects of human life and
transformed the way we live and record our lives. Kodak is a giant that fell
because it made a mistake in strategic evaluation of digital technology.


Interestingly, after the fall of Kodak, Sony was immersed in the joy of being
a leading digital camera producer. Then it suddenly found that Nokia was
selling best, for each Nokia cellphone had a camera. Sony suffered
substantial losses. Then the Apple iPhone beat Nokia.

When China Mobile was complacent of being China’s largest

telecommunications provider, it was oblivious of the fact that Wechat users
had exceeded 600 million. When many people are planning to rent a place
to do business, online shopping is forcing many department stores to go

When you are still following the Western medical model, talking about
health care reform, and indulged in the illusion of medical investment, do
you know that millions of people have learned online how to self-heal,
with curative effects far better than you can imagine? More amazingly,
such healing effects do not come from medication, injections, infusions or
surgery. And it cost almost nothing to self-heal. If the information is false,
of course it is nonsense. But what if it is true? How many Kodak-like
tragedies will there be in the future?

Survival or death? This is the question.

For doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical insurance

companies and investors, PaidaLajin self-healing method presents both
challenges and opportunities. They could be both dubious and tempted.
The self-healing industry is still a much-untapped land. That is to say, there
are huge business opportunities in self-healing. Just as a saying goes, “If
you can’t beat them, join them.” Why not switch to the self-healing
industry? You can make more money, and it is a win-win game for
yourself, your loved ones, total strangers and our Mother Earth. Isn’t it

You can, of course, wait and see, and even oppose self-healing. However, if
the efficacies of PaidaLajin self-healing method are repeatedly and
scientifically proven true, what will be the result if others join in and you’re
out of the game?
Thanks to the Internet, PaidaLajin will soon gain worldwide popularity and
start a global self-healing movement. This trend is not determined by any
individual, but is created by humanity’s joint efforts: Mainstream medicine
is drying out its advantages, the direction of medical reforms worldwide is
wrong, and soaring medical expenses are depleting our wealth and
resources on Earth.

Now, people’s minds and needs are changing. We hope to return to nature,
to use organic products, and to lead a healthy life. The world trend is
unstoppable. Will you follow it to prosper, or go against it to a dead end?
PaidaLajin follows this historical trend. In the next few years, individuals
and organizations including the media, patients, doctors, hospitals,
politicians, governments, medical colleges, pharmaceutical companies,
medical insurance companies, and retirement homes will interact, change
and be changed because of PaidaLajin self-healing method.

Be part of the self-healing dramas unfolding on Earth!

X Proposals for Health Care Reform

The self-healing philosophy and the PaidaLajin self-healing method are

humanity’s common cultural resource. Any individual, institution or
nation can produce a scientific report on PaidaLajin. It will give them an
edge in the health strategy.

The following proposals are for your reference:

1. Formulate health care laws and policies centred on self-healing

The PaidaLajin self-healing method presents a golden opportunity for many
countries. Decision-makers can formulate health care-related laws,


regulations, policies and standards centred on self-healing, i.e. re-define

rules of the health care game.

PaidaLajin points to a way to remove the roadblocks in today’s health care;

it empowers any nation in the world to transform its own and global health
industry; it liberates humanity from the constraints of laws and regulations
much influenced by Western medicine. Can the decision-makers recognize
the value of the PaidaLajin self-healing method and fully utilize it? Well,
this is a test for government leaders worldwide.

PaidaLajin is derived from ancient Chinese classics Tao Te Ching (Laozi) and
Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine). It is not
a medical therapy, but a self-healing philosophy and method, and a way of
life. It has thus transcended the barriers of laws and regulations much
influenced by Western medicine. It can be easily integrated into ordinary
people’s daily life.

Being highly effective and cost-effective, PaidaLajin will soon become

mainstream health exercises. It will gradually transform the medical
industry into a health industry in its real sense. It is not a rival of today’s
mainstream Western medicine; they are complementary to each other.

2. Set up a national committee to promote self-healing

Health care reform is a systemic project that impacts the interests of all
stakeholders. It is impossible to successfully reform the health care system
internally. Any country aspiring to promote self-healing needs to set up a
national committee directed by its state leaders. This reform will create a
new atmosphere centred on self-healing and health management instead of
seeking medical treatment.

3. Support the self-healing movement

When a government promotes self-healing as a national policy, many
health care crises will be naturally resolved, such as inaccessible medical
services, alarming medical expenses, inadequate medical resources,
incomplete health insurance coverage, lack of health equity, etc. There will
be no worry of and contradictions over doctors’ income, prices of medicine
and medical checkups, state-owned or private hospitals, etc. This is
because self-healing distributes the medical burden on major hospitals to
every individual and family, and completely flattens the medical pyramid.

PaidaLajin self-healing method has very good efficacies. It is safe, easy to

learn and practice, and requires minimal investment. Since no country in
the world can afford to sustain its soaring medical expenses, it is of
paramount importance to promote the self-healing mass movement that
costs very little or nothing. If a country spends just 1% of its current
medical budget on the promotion of self-healing, it will be rewarded with
wonderful health and other benefits. PaidaLajin does not need huge
investment in drugs, doctors or hospitals. For a government keen on
promoting self-healing, it is enough to introduce favorable policies, laws
and regulations, implement tax relief policies for related industries and
encourage everyone to just do it.

Self-healing related industries have mushroomed even in places like

mainland China and Taiwan, where PaidaLajin is bashed by the media and
suppressed by various interest groups. If a government actively promotes
PaidaLajin, the self-healing mass movement will develop sooner. Humanity
puts inexhaustible efforts in pursuit of good health. People will be
passionate about this self-healing method that costs nothing and has good
curative effects. It will help save enormous medical investment. And it will
be a fundamental solution that uproots the problems of inaccessible
medical services and alarming medical expenses.

4. International institutions can research on and promote self-healing

A government keen on promoting self-healing should collaborate with the
United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other
international institutions, organize a panel of experts to research the
PaidaLajin self-healing method, and produce a report as soon as possible.
Everyone and every nation stands to benefit when PaidaLajin is included in
the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, and is promoted globally as
a self-healing method and a way of life.

5. Encourage and support self-healing organizations and health tourism


The government can encourage people to invest in and run self-healing

organizations, and turn hotels and resorts into venues for self-healing
workshops and health tourism.

We have gained much experience in promoting self-healing through

PaidaLajin workshops. We have run several hundred 7-day workshops
worldwide over the past six years. The average effective rates for self-
healing various pains and diseases without medication or injections are
over 80%. This is unprecedented in human history. There will be an even
greater effect when one-month workshops are held at PaidaLajin self-
healing centres.

Once people know that PaidaLajin is a highly effective and organic self-
healing method, they will go on self-healing travels. Many self-healing
resorts will be established to meet this growing market demand, thus
creating a lot of job opportunities.

These self-healing organizations have almost all the capabilities of a

modern hospital—diagnosing and curing diseases. But they do not use
diagnostic and treatment means like drugs, surgeries and chemotherapies
that do harm to the human body. Patients come to the centres not to seek
medical treatment, but to self-heal and help heal each other in a group
setting. With self-healing centres to complement traditional hospitals, the
pressure on hospitals will be greatly relieved, and medical costs will
decline dramatically.

6. Encourage hospitals and IT companies to adopt PaidaLajin self-

healing method
It is an unstoppable trend that the PaidaLajin self-healing method will be
practiced worldwide. Once PaidaLajin becomes popular globally, hospitals,
pharmaceutical companies, medical insurance companies, and IT
companies will face a historic opportunity: to integrate PaidaLajin self-
healing method into their business so as to better service humanity.

It is reported that almost all top IT companies, including Microsoft, Apple,

Google, Facebook, Alibaba, Tencent, etc., are investing heavily in the
medical industry. But their investments are basically in peripheral facilities
and services, and they haven’t been deeply involved in the core business of
medicine—preventing, diagnosing and curing diseases. On the one hand, it
is because of stringent government regulations on medical services; on the
other hand, these companies may not know the PaidaLajin self-healing

The traditional medical industry and IT industry have their own

advantages. When they integrate self-healing, they will help create a more
humane and diversified health industry where mainstream medicine and
self-healing work together for man’s better health.

However, it is doomed to fail as long as the investment in the health

industry is still focused on hospitals, medicine, surgery, and medical
equipment. People have realized that it is like throwing money into a
bottomless pit. It is a strategic mistake when the direction is wrong.

Therefore, investors need to be cautious. However good medical stocks

may appear at present, who knows what will happen to the medical
industry in 10-20 years? Evaluation of a company should be based on its
current performance, and more importantly, on your forecast of the future

7. Resolve the aging crisis with a self-healing strategy

Almost all elderly people are patients, and many are critically ill. Therefore,
the aging crisis is primarily a health crisis. Right now, almost all treatments
on elderly patients use western medicine. The result is accelerated
degradation of their bodily functions. And the way to treat functional
degradation is to use more drugs, which further worsens their condition.
Many elderly people at retirement homes live a life of poor quality and no
dignity. They are simply waiting to die.

The good news is, those who (are helped to) practice PaidaLajin have
enhanced their self-healing power, they are less reliant on medication and
medical devices, and they suffer fewer toxic side effects. PaidaLajin is
proven to have very good preventive and self-healing effects on various
aging-related problems, including lower back and leg pains, and chronic
diseases like diabetes, hypertension, prostate disorders, cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular diseases, etc. It is particularly effective in relieving
Alzheimer’s disease.


PaidaLajin improves elderly people’s quality of life, and will greatly reduce
the waste and hazards of medical resources. It will be a timely answer to
the problem of aging when Elderly Care Self-Healing Centres are
established nationwide and worldwide.

8. Establish Self-Healing Special Administrative Regions

The government can establish Self-Healing Special Administrative Regions
(Self-Healing SARs) in poor areas that lack a medical budget, facilities and
professionals, and are thus more motivated to promote self-healing. In the
SARs, self-healing centres take the place of hospitals (except for first aid
hospitals), individuals and businesses that promote self-healing are
granted tax breaks and enjoy other favorable policies. It will motivate
residents there to practice PaidaLajin, and encourage more people to
become self-healing coaches, thus creating many employment

Big data of the self-healing effects and dropping medical expenses will
attract patients and practitioners worldwide to the Self-Healing SARs.
Tourist, catering, education, transportation and other industries in the
SARs will flourish as a result.

The promotion of self-healing will create a huge new industry: the Health
and Life Management Industry.


Self-healing should be incorporated into a country’s economic, cultural,

diplomatic and global strategies. It is a pragmatic and wise choice.

How to incorporate self-healing into a country’s national strategies? Start

with the health care reform. PaidaLajin self-healing method can rapidly
eliminate medical crises. When a country fully implements a health
strategy that prioritizes disease prevention and self-healing, much of the
diagnostic, treatment and first aid work will be shifted from hospitals to
individuals and families. The enormous amount of money thus saved in
medical investment can be used to improve education and people’s

As individuals, anyone can redefine his/her own life goals through

practicing and promoting PaidaLajin. Promoting self-healing is sharing a
universal law, a higher value and morality.

The PaidaLajin self-healing method is rooted in Classical Chinese medicine

(CCM). It has cultural and philosophical values. It heals physical and
psychological traumas of individuals, whole nations and the entire world.
In the foreseeable future, it will have a great impact in the world’s medical,
cultural, political, economic, military and diplomatic arenas.

Contact Us

For more information on PaidaLajin self-healing method, please visit:

Multi-Lingual Website:
English Website:
Youtube Playlist: PaidaLajin Self-Healing
Chinese blog:
Chinese Wechat No.: paidalajin999

2013-7-6: initial draft in California, U.S.A.

2013-8-8: improved draft in Vancouver, Canada
2014-1-26: improved draft in South Africa
2015-4-11: improved draft in Auckland
2016-1-22: improved draft in South Africa
2016-2-12: improved draft in Hong Kong
2016-3-6: completed in South Africa


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