Advances in Application of ICT in Crop Pest and Disease Management

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Advances in Application of ICT in Crop

Pest and Disease Management

INTRODUCTION of information and communication technology (ICT)

Crop-protection chemicals are used during presowing, in plant protection with multifold possibilities of
sowing, and postsowing stages of farming. To multiply centralization and decentralization and considering
their savings, it is essential that farmers use crop- the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders
protection chemicals judiciously across these stages. involved, the National Research Center for Integrated
The use of crop-protection chemicals across the value Pest Management (NCIPM) in India with its mandate
chain can increase the overall yield of crops, not only of eliciting national pest scenario across crops vis-á-vis
resulting in rise in incomes for the farmers but also dissemination of integrated pest management (IPM)
boosting their profitability with significant cut-down practices to the growers revolutionized the ICT-
in crop losses [1]. Controlling pest outbreaks through driven pest surveillance [7].
chemical means is not always cost-effective [2].
Internet has immense scope to impact research, agri- Increasing Use of Pesticide
cultural extension, and farmers teaching in ento- Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nation
mology domain. Extension entomologists may use estimates that the use of different types of pesticide in
information on pest management and can disseminate the developing countries was found that collectively
to the deserving farmers. Farmers may communicate pests, weeds, and disease cause the destruction of
directly with concern experts for remedies of their spe- around 40% of crops. The damage to crops is caused
cific problem. Internet supportive communication is mainly by insects, followed by pathogens and weeds.
gradually becoming well acquainted among extension There is indiscriminate use of pesticide throughout the
workers and farmers, as it allows broader options for world. The use of pesticide was more in Asia (3.62 kg
the farmers and permits sufficient time and space for a.i. ha1) and America (3.39 kg a.i. ha1) as compared
the subject expert to reply a query [3]. In the manage- to Africa (0.31 kg a.i. ha1), Oceania (1.17 kg a.i. ha1),
ment of insect pest and disease, the web-based models and Europe (1.67 kg a.i. ha1) as per available latest
and decision support systems (DSS) are getting their data from FAOSTAT. The world average use of pesticide
special attention because minimal or no client soft- was 1.98 kg a.i. ha1 in the year 2000 and now it is
ware is essential; in consequence, it reduces software around 2.57 kg a.i. ha1, so there is an increase use of
management and distribution costs [4], as information pesticide, 29.80%. The top 10 pesticide used countries
technology had strengthened the efficacy of data in the world are Bahamas (32.22 kg a.i.ha1), Costa
collection and its analysis; pest recognition, biocontrol Rica (18.78 kg a.i.ha1), Barbados (18.06 kg a.i.ha1),
agent selection [5], and epidemiological information Malta (16.77 kg a.i.ha1), Colombia (14.57 kg
can be used with weather data to anticipate disease a.i.ha1), Saint Lucia (14.33 kg a.i.ha1), Japan
onset, and disease advisories can be applied to reduce (14.18 kg a.i.ha1), Republic of Korea (12.74 kg
the unnecessary use and improve the timing of fungi- a.i.ha1), Maldives (12.29 kg a.i.ha1), and Israel
cide sprays [6]. Integrated pest management failed to (11.60 kg a.i.ha1). The aforesaid data are compiled
replicate in sub-Saharan Africa in their major small- from FAOSTAT latest update in their website.
holder food crops due to inadequate extension, under- Smallholder farmers immensely contribute in agri-
investment in agricultural research, and faulty culture. In Tanzania, the distribution of pesticides
government policies [2]. However, realizing the scope used by smallholder farmers in insecticides use was

Natural Remedies for Pest, Disease and Weed Control.

Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 235
236 PART III Techniques, Biotechnological and Computational Approach

59%, followed by fungicides (29%), herbicides (10%), weather data, that is, temperature and humidity, the
and the remaining being rodenticides (2%) [8]. In a proposed method can be implemented.
study about vegetable production in Red River Delta
of Vietnam, it was noted that farmers’ expenditure on Farmers Information Access in Crop Pest
pesticide application is around one-fourth of their total and Disease Management
cost of cultivation [9]. The average costs of cultivation The most frequently mentioned source of information
for 1179 farms in case of cultivation of corn and soy- on pesticide usage is from commercial media, govern-
beans was $98 per acre in the United States. The costs ment agricultural extension officers, village leaders,
of cultivation include fertilizer ($37 per acre), pesticides and the opinions of other community leaders [15].
($32 per acre), and seed costs ($29 per acre) [10]. mASKdbuilding an Agricultural Advisory System that
would leverage the power of two-way communication
Intelligence in Crop Pest and Disease over mobile phones would help bridge the information
Management gaps existing between farmers and experts, and carry
Agriculture practice is a dynamic domain where condi- small group of farmers along by supporting them
tions cannot be generalized to suggest a common solu- with customized agricultural advisories. Customized
tion. With the techniques of artificial intelligence (AI), advisories would play a crucial role in revitalizing
the complex details of each situation can be analyzed agriculture [16]. The use of ICT for pest surveillance
and a best fit solution of the problem can be provided. comprises e-pest surveillance that is basically an
With the advancement of computational technology in internet-based system for capturing of pest-related in-
AI, the complex problems are being solved more pre- formation from fields and send information to the
cisely [11]. DSSs in crop pest and disease management plant protection experts to provide advisory services to
are easy-to-use techniques that execute intricate tasks the state agricultural extension agencies who further
effectively and efficiently. The Internet-based DSSs de- advise the concerned farmers for crop protection [17]
livery increases user accessibility, allows the DSSs to and plant disease forecasting was valuable when the sys-
be updated easily and continuously (for rapid transfer tems give timely information to the farmers for their
of knowledge efficiently), and allows farmers to main- judicious pest management decisions. A Case Study of
tain get in touch with service providers. For diagnosis USDA’s Soybean Rust Coordinated Framework showed
of potato diseases, the prototyping an expert system, that soybean producers’ profits by a total of $11e$299
Boyd and Sun [12] divulged excellent potential for million, or between 16 cents per acre, depending on the
expert system (ES) use in managing the disease compo- quality of information and other factors supported
nent of potato seed production. This ES was ruling- through the forecast framework [18].
based systems, and its 127 rules diagnose 11 pathogenic A study was conducted among 120 farmers of India
diseases and 6 nonpathogenic diseases, and it utilizes 8 between March and August 2018 with the objective to
knowledge bases accessed via an agenda in a Pascal know the roles of different information sources on
environment. Most of the fungal and bacterial plant plant pest and disease management advisory service to
pathogens need free moisture for infection and repro- the farmers. Data obtained were presented in Ta-
duction; accordingly, disease forecasting model requires bles 20.1, 20.2 and Fig. 20.1.
for estimating wetness duration on plant surfaces if It was noted that farmers received plant protection
direct measurement is not available. Artificial neural measure-related advisory information from 15 sources.
network models with a backpropagation architecture The major sources of information were progressive
can predict wetness on wheat flag leaves by using envi- farmer (ranked I), neighbor farmer (ranked II), agri-
ronmental variables recorded at 0.5 h intervals with an input dealers (ranked III), Kisan Salahkar (ranked IV),
electronic data logger [13]. Various meteorological data and Bihar Krishi apps (mobile apps) (ranked V), and
such as temperature, humidity, and leaf wetness dura- other information sources as shown in Table 20.1. It
tion played a vital role in the multiplication of microor- was also noted that farmers accessed on an average eight
ganism responsible for disease. Precise forecasting of information sources, out of which five sources (average)
such plant diseases based on climate data must help was tried. The mean frequency of use of sources was 3.4,
the farmers to take timely actions to control the dis- that is, the respondents used “tried information sour-
eases. Weather-based forecasting system was considered ces” from fortnightly to monthly (Table 20.2).
a part of agricultural decision support system, which is a Farmers received plant protection measure-related
knowledge-based system. Keeping this in consideration, advisory information from aforesaid 15 sources.
Tilva et al. [14] used fuzzy logic-based structure for Considering types of information disseminated by
plant disease forecasting system. With minimum sources, modus operand of sources, and ease to access,
CHAPTER 20 Advances in Application of ICT in Crop Pest and Disease Management 237

TABLE 20.1
Rank Position of Different Sources of Information (Agriculture-Related Activities).
Information Sources (Agriculture-
Order No. Related Activities) Weighted Mean Rank Order
1. Progressive farmer (FIS1) 4.87 I
2. Neighbor farmer (FIS2) 4.67 II
3. Kisan Salahkar (FIS3) 4.25 IV
4. Assistant technical manager (FIS4) 3.21 XII
5. Block technological manager (FIS5) 3.12 XIII
6. Agriculture coordinator (FIS6) 3.95 VII
7. Scientists of Bihar Agricultural 4.06 VI
University (FIS7)
8. Kisan call center (FIS8) 2.89 XIV
9. BAU, Kisan help line (FIS9) 3.86 VIII
10. Bihar Krishi apps (mobile apps) (FIS10) 4.12 V
11. Radio (FIS11) 2.17 XV
12. Television (FIS12) 3.23 XI
13. Newspaper (FIS13) 3.78 IX
14. Bihar Agricultural University, Kisan 3.67 X
diary (FIS14)
15. Agri-input dealers (FIS15) 4.45 III

Data Source: Primary data collected through field survey [19] (FIS ¼ farmers’ information source. This code is used in dendrogram); n ¼ 120.

TABLE 20.2
Summary Statistics for Variables Used in Information Search.
Order No. Variables Mean SD Maximum Minimum
1. Number of sources accessed 8.34 2.34 10.00 3.00
2. Number of sources from which information tried 5.43 2.12 7.00 2.00
3. Mean of frequency of use (6 ¼ daily, 5 ¼ weekly, 3.40 1.30 6.00 0
4 ¼ fortnight, 3 ¼ monthly, 2 ¼ seasonal,
1 ¼ yearly, 0 ¼ none)

Data Source: Primary data collected through field survey [19].

it became imperative to group or club or cluster similar of advisory in plant protection timely measures
type of sources. Hence, clustering of the sources was (Fig. 20.1).
done through the dendrogram using single linkage. It
was noted that the information sources agriculture Public and Private Extension System ICT
coordinator (FIS6), agri-input dealers (FIS15), Kisan Endeavor
Salahkar (FIS3), BAU Kisan diary (FIS14), and BAU, Throughout the world, national government and pri-
Kisan help line (FIS9) have similar type of implication vate agencies support farmers through advisory service
and these were in one cluster. Most interesting thing in crop pest and disease management. However, in
to note that Bihar Krishi apps (mobile apps) (FIS10) developed nation, the role of public extension system
is stand-alone in dendrogram, it implied that these mo- in general advisory service is less as compared to the pri-
bile apps are strong enough to support farmers all kinds vate extension service. Although, this scenario is reverse
238 PART III Techniques, Biotechnological and Computational Approach

FIG. 20.1 Dendrogram of Cluster Analysis on Information Sources used by the farmer (FIS ¼ farmers’
information source). (Data Source: Primary data collected through field survey [19].)

in developing and low-income nations. In developed agriculture is progressing and government extension
nation, the mechanization in pest and disease manage- wings, private extension service providers, companies,
ment is well recognized and established; however, it is international agencies are applying it for better plant
less in low-income nations. In developing nation, the pest and disease advisory services to the farmers. The
agri-input dealers play a pivotal role in crop pest and ICT tools that are used in pest and disease advisory ser-
disease advisory. In a study conducted in India by Na- vices are website and web portals, mobile apps (iOS &
tional Sample Survey Organization [20], it was noted android), mobile SMS (text & voice), sensors, drones,
that agri-input dealers’ contribution in farmers’ advisory wireless sensor network, etc.
service is 13%. In India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri-
lanka, under the Training and Visit (T&V) System, the Mobile apps
farmers were supported with advisory service by village The agricultural sector has developed mobile applica-
level extension workers. For the last 2 decades, the Agri- tions (or “apps”) for agricultural consultants and pro-
cultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) has ducers with educational materials and support tools.
strong extension services throughout India. This ATMA These “Ag-Apps” received increasing interest among
network is working in close contact of farmers in plant farmers, and the use of this “Ag-Apps” technology in-
protection advisory services. Apart from this, some creases the efficiency in communicating and decision-
group approaches are working in South East Asia, viz. making of farmers [21] and these are developed with
Farmer Club, Commodity Interest Group, Farmer Inter- number of purposes viz. identification purpose (weeds,
est Group, Farmers Producers Organization, Farmer insect pest, crop disease, nutrient deficiency) and diag-
Producer Company, Farmers Club, etc. These groups nosis and recommendation (controlling the weed,
are formed in close association with farmers, and in crop insect and disease), market price, weather informa-
most cases government provides some financial support tion and advisory, fertilizer calculation, etc. The use of
to the group as boost up fund. These group approaches “Ag-Apps” proves its worthiness, to bridge the gap be-
support farmers with crop pest and disease manage- tween “Information-haves” and “information-have-
ment advisory services through some ICT tools viz. Mo- nots” and reducing the “digital divide.” Agricultural
bile SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. extension services (viz. weather-related information,
crop advisory service, market price, buyers, and seller’s
ICT Tools in Crop Pest and Disease information) is provided to farmers through mobile
Monitoring and Management SMS either through basic mobile, feature mobile, and
With rapid scientific progress in information and android mobiles. However, potentiality of Android mo-
communication technology, the use of ICT in bile in agricultural extension is more as compared to
CHAPTER 20 Advances in Application of ICT in Crop Pest and Disease Management 239

basic mobile [22]. The following are some important also extension advisors. Some important websites in
Mobile Apps used in agricultural extension. these regards are as follows:
I. Plantix: It supports farmers, extension workers, and
gardeners in diagnosing plant diseases, pest dam- http://www.knowledge
ages, and nutrient deficiencies affecting crops and
offers corresponding treatment measures in free of http://www.accessagriculture.
cost. This mobile app is worldwide popular, and it
was downloaded more than one million among http://www.digitalgreen
150 nations. The Plantix also hosts online com- .org
munity to network with other farmers, discuss http://www.agmarknet.
plant health issues, and access their local weather
II. Kisan Suvidha: It provides current weather infor-
mation and forecast weather for the next 5 days, ecropdoctor.aspx
market prices of agricultural commodities in the
nearest town of the users, knowledge on use of
fertilizers, seeds, farm machinery, etc. The farmers
can use this app in major Indian languages. which
facilitates its more widely accessible.
III. Pusa Krishi: Farmers receive information on new Use of drone
release and old varieties of crops, resource conser- The technological breakthrough in the use of un-
vation cultivation, farm machineries, and agricul- manned aerial vehicles or drones in field crop manage-
tural implements, release plant protection measures ment, livestock monitoring, fish farming, forests
through this mobile app. This app is developed by resource management, and other natural resource-
Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), based management activities represents a new techno-
New Delhi. logical edge and opens a range of thrilling opportunities
IV. Field Check App: Through this mobile app the [23], as the raw data collected through drone provide
pesticide applicators can easily locate speciality the basis for analytical models for agriculture advisory
crop and also beehive location from their smart to the farmers and also conducting research. Use of
phone or tablet. The special features of this app drone in precision farming for soil health scans, crop
were ease of use; larger icons and choosing of health monitor, irrigation schedules, fertilizers applica-
desired search location through GPS support. tion, yield data generation, and data for weather anal-
V. Agri Sync: AgriSync makes it possible for farmers ysis is well recognized through the world [24]. Use of
and advisors to connect and resolve problems drone in agriculture measures plant health details, gives
related to issues on the farm viz., insect pest and plant counts and estimates yield, optimizes input
disease management. Farmers can connect with timing, identifies plant health patterns before these
number of advisors from different companies to are visible, measures water conditions in fields, detects
submit problems and receive solution in real-time resistant weeds or invasive weed species, regulates nitro-
via video. Advisors can manage multiple services gen fertilization application in row crops, quickly esti-
through a dashboard and remote videos that allow mates storm damage to settle crop insurance claims
advisors to see what the farmer sees in real-time rapidly and assesses areas for replanting, optimizes wa-
basis. ter usage by monitoring drought stress at different
VI. Climate Basic: Climate Basic support farmers with growth stages, records plants density, plant size, and
track up-to-the-minute, field-level information on condition, and provides guidance for optimal harvest
current and future weather data, soil, and crop timing of crops [25]. The advantages of using drone
growth stages information. It can set alerts for each are as follows:
field of the farmers. 1. Drones are affordable, requiring a very modest
capital investment when compared to most farm
Website and portal equipment.
In agricultural extension advisory services, website and 2. Drones can pay for themselves and start saving
portal provide technical knowledge to the farmers and money within a single growing season.
240 PART III Techniques, Biotechnological and Computational Approach

3. Operation is relatively simple and getting easier with CONCLUSIONS

every new generation of flight hardware. From the aforesaid discussion, the following conclusions
4. Drones are easy to incorporate into the regular crop- can be drawn on Advances in Application of Information
scouting workflow; instead of visiting a crop field to and Communication Technology in Crop Pest and Dis-
check for pests’ infestation or other ground issues, ease Management:
the drone can provide ground data through aerial 1. Information technology has strengthened the effi-
data capture to server. ciency of data collection and analysis, pest identi-
5. The real advantages of drones are not about the fication, control agent selection, and pesticide field
hardware; the value is in the convenience, quality, applications.
and utility of the final data product. 2. DSS and web-based models in pest and disease
management are drawing attention of experts as it
Wireless sensor network in crop pest and requires little or no client software. The cloud server
disease management and cloud computing are the basis for it. Ultimately,
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is considered as a group it reduces the software management and distribution
of spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors for moni- costs in pest management advisory.
toring and recording the physical environmental condi- 3. As internet-based communication provides broader
tions. The data and images collected through the choices for the farmers and permits enough time to
wireless sensor are stored in central location for subse- experts to answer a query, hence it is becoming more
quent interpretation. WSNs measure environmental pa- accepted among farmers in pest and disease
rameters viz. temperature, humidity, wind, fog, rainfall, management.
etc. [26] those are used in crop pest disease forecasting. 4. With rapid development of computational tech-
An acoustic sensor device can monitor the noise level of nology, especially artificial intelligence, there is a
the pests and give an indication to the farmer through shift to automated expert system in crops’ pest and
an alarm when the noise crosses a threshold [27]. The disease management and precise and localized
use of WSN in crop pest and disease management and crop advisory service to the farmers.
also advisory services to the farmers are newer in ICT 5. Drone in crop disease and pest monitoring and
intervention in agriculture. pesticide application, more accuracy of different
sensors in studying different parameters of
Social medias in crop advisory weathers and soil, changes the way of pest and
Social media is an internet-based digital tool for infor- disease management of crops.
mation sharing among people. It serves as a platform 6. Social medias connected farmers and experts in real-
for sharing of text messages, video, audio, image, time basis in crop advisory and feedback console.
multimedia, and other relevant contents. This plat- 7. Judicious application of weather data along epide-
form also gives opportunity for expression of views miological information to anticipate disease onset,
[28]. Social media play effective role in agricultural accordingly the disease advisories to farmers from
crisis during pest and disease outbreaks as well facili- the experts can reduce unnecessary use and improve
tating quick communication among scientists, advi- the timing of fungicide sprays in the crop fields.
sory experts, farmers, and other actors helping in 8. e-pest surveillance that is basically an ICT-based sys-
countering situations [29]; in a research program con- tem of integrating pest information from fields and
ducted by Extension wing of Iowa State University in producing instant and customized pest advisory re-
association with other universities in United States, it ports to the plant protection experts for advisory ser-
was noted that by using social media (Twitter) it was vicestothefarmers.Useofe-pestsurveillancecanhave
possible to map and identify the spread of pests and reduced the cost of pest and disease management.
pathogens in major crops [30]. Stellenbosch University 9. The Mobile “Ag-Apps” are able to identify insect pest
has started IPM service to help growers and industry and crop disease in situ and provide advisory service
players identify unknown pests in the field through to the farmers.
WhatsApp, which acts as a basic information sharing 10. WSN can capture environment factors (tempera-
hub, as opposed to the more comprehensive reports ture, humidity, sunshine, etc.) and organize the
provided by the Insect ID Service when samples are collected data at a central server and predict the
submitted [31]. occurrence of crop pest and diseases appearance.
CHAPTER 20 Advances in Application of ICT in Crop Pest and Disease Management 241

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