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Unit Review Conservation Laws

Concepts I Should Know:

• Kinetic energy
• Gravitational potential energy • Efficiency
• Elastic potential energy • Newton’s second law expressed in terms of
• Work done as energy transfer rate of change of momentum
• Power as rate of energy transfer • Impulse and force–time graphs
• Principle of conservation of energy • Conservation of linear momentum
• Elastic collisions, inelastic collisions and

Things I Should Be Able To Do:

• Discuss the conservation of total energy within energy transformations (p. 62-63)
• Sketch and interpret force–distance graphs (p. 65)
• Determine work done including cases where a resistive force acts (p. 64)
• Solve problems involving power (p. 65)
• Quantitatively describe efficiency in energy transfers
• Apply conservation of momentum in simple isolated systems including (but not limited to) collisions,
explosions, or water jets
• Use Newton’s second law quantitatively and qualitatively in cases where mass is not constant
• Sketch and interpret force–time graphs
• Determine impulse in various contexts including (but not limited to) car safety and sports
• Qualitatively and quantitatively compare situations involving elastic collisions, inelastic collisions and
Free Response
1. Starting from rest, a box slides from point A down a smooth curved ramp. The end of the ramp is horizontal at
point B. The end of the ramp is a height h 1 below A and a height h2 above the floor as shown.



a. On the diagram above, sketch the shape of the path taken by the body after it leaves the ramp.

b. In terms of the variables, m, h1, h2, and/or g, determine the speed of the box at point B.
PEa = KEb
mgh1 = ½mv2
v = √𝟐𝐠𝐡𝟏
c. In terms of the variables, m, h1, h2, and/or g, determine the range of the box from point O. Simplify your
answer as much as possible.
x = vxt

y = ½gt2 + voyt
h2= ½gt2 + 0
t= √
x = √2gh1 √
4gh1 h2

x = 2 √𝐡𝟏 𝐡𝟐

d. In terms of the variables, m, h1, h2, and/or g, find the angle of velocity just before the box strikes the floor.
Simply as much as possible.
Because it was launched horizontally, v = √2gh1 represents the vx velocity and this value does not
change as it flies through the air.

The voy = 0 and the final y velocity will be vy2 = 0 + 2ayy

vy2 = 0 + 2gh2
vy = √2gh2
tan θ =

tan θ =
θ = tan -1 (√ 𝟐 )

2. This question is about collisions and radioactive decay.

a. Define linear momentum and impulse.
Linear momentum: the vector product of an object’s velocity and its mass
Impulse: a vector quantity. The amount of force applied to an object multiplied by the amount of time that
force is applied. It equals the change in momentum.
b. State the law of conservation of momentum.
In a closed, isolated system the momentum is conserved.

c. Using your previous definitions, deduce that linear momentum is constant for an object in equilibrium.
If object is in equilibrium, by definition it is not accelerating. Therefore, it maintains a constant velocity. If
velocity is constant by my answer in (1a), the momentum must be constant.

d. A stationary radon-220 ( 86
Rn) nucleus undergoes α-decay to form a nucleus of polonium (Po). The α-
particle has kinetic energy of 1.01 x 10-12 J. The α particle has a mass of 6.68 x 10 -27 kg. Deduce that the
speed of the α-particle is 1.74 × 107 m s-1.
KE = ½ mv2
1.01 x 10-12 = ½ (6.68 x 10-27)v2
v = 1.74 x 107 m/s

The diagram below shows the α-particle and the polonium nucleus immediately after the decay. The direction
of the velocity of the α-particle is indicated.

polonium nucleus

e. On the diagram above, draw an arrow to show the initial direction of motion of the polonium nucleus
immediately after the decay.

f. Determine the speed of the polonium nucleus immediately after the decay. To find the mass of the
polonium nucleus multiply its mass number (217) by the mass of a proton (1.67 x 10 -27 kg). The mass of a
proton and the mass of a neutron will be considered equal in this example.
po = p f
0 = (6.68x 10-27kg)(1.74 x 107 m/s) + (216)(1.67 x 10-27 kg)(v
v = 3.2 x 105 m/s

g. In the decay of another radon nucleus, the nucleus is moving before the decay. Without any further
calculation, suggest the effect, if any, of this initial speed on the paths shown in (e).
The radon nucleus already has momentum in a direction. The expelled alpha particle and the polonium
nucleus momenta must still add to the initial momentum. If the polonium nucleus continues in the same
direction as the motion of the radon nucleus, it will move a little faster. This is because the alpha particle
will gain a negative momentum. To ensure the momentum is still conserved, the positive momentum of the
polonium nucleus must be greater than the momentum of the radon nucleus. In addition, the polonium
nucleus is less massive than the radon nucleus, meaning with more momentum and less mass, the
polonium nucleus must have a greater velocity.
3. Two players are playing table tennis. Player A hits the ball at a height of 0.24 m above the edge of the table,
measured from the top of the table to the bottom of the ball. The initial speed of the ball is
12.0 m s−1 horizontally. Assume that air resistance is negligible.

The ball bounces and then reaches a peak height of 0.18 m above the table with a horizontal speed of 10.5 m s−1.
The mass of the ball is 2.7 g.
a. Show that the time taken for the ball to reach the surface of the table is about 0.2 s.
y = ½gt2 + voyt
0.24= ½gt2 + 0
t = 0.22 s

b. Sketch, on the axes, a graph showing the variation with time of the vertical component of velocity vv of
the ball until it reaches the table surface. Take g to be +10 m s−2.


c. The net is stretched across the middle of the table. The table has a length of 2.74 m and the net has a
height of 15.0 cm. Show that the ball will go over the net.
x = vxt
The net is position at 1.37 m
1.37 =(12)t
t = 0.114 seconds to reach the net.

Now, calculate the y position at that the time the ball reaches the net.
y = ½gt2 + voyt
y= ½g(0.114)2 + 0
y = -0.064 m.

This means the ball fell 0.064 m in the time it took to reach the net. If the ball was struck at a height of
0.24 m and it fell 0.064 m, it will be at a height of 0.176 m when it reaches the net. Thus the ball clears
the net.
d. Determine the kinetic energy of the ball immediately after the bounce.
Some mechanic energy is “lost” during contact with the table. However, whatever energy remains in the
ball will be conserved through the bounce.

We are told the bouncing ball reaches a height of 0.18 m with a velocity of 10.5 m/s. Thus, find the total
mechanical energy at the height of the bounce to find the kinetic energy of the ball when it leaves the

KEo = KEf + PEf

KEo = ½ (0.0027kg)(10.5)2 + (0.0027)(9.8)(0.18)
KEo = 0.15 J


Player B intercepts the ball when it is at its peak height. Player B holds a paddle (racket) stationary and vertical.
The ball is in contact with the paddle for 0.010 s. Assume the collision is elastic.

e. Calculate the average force exerted by the ball on the paddle. State your answer to an appropriate number
of significant figures.
An elastic collision with a rigid paddle will result in the ball rebounding with the same velocity, albeit in the
opposite direction.

F= = 5.7 N
4. The graph shows the variation with time t of the horizontal force F exerted on a tennis ball by a

The tennis ball was stationary at the instant when it was hit. The mass of the tennis ball is 5.8 × 10 –2 kg. The area
under the curve is 0.84 N s.

a. Calculate the speed of the ball as it leaves the racket.

FΔt = m Δv
The area under the curve is the impulse.
0.84 = (5.8 x 10-2)(v- 0)
v = 14.5 m/s

b. Show that the average force exerted on the ball by the racket is about 50 N.
The force is exerted for roughly 15 ms (12.8 ms to 27.2 ms). Any time estimate from 14 to 16 ms is

FΔt = 0.84
F(0.015) = 0.84
F = 56 N

c. Determine, with reference to the work done by the average force, the horizontal distance travelled by the
ball while it was in contact with the racket.
The work done by the force resulted in a change in kinetic energy of the ball. Thus,
W = Fscosθ. The angle is the angle between the force and the displacement. Since the force is horizontal
and the distance is horizontal, the angle between the two is 0°. Thus, we can simplify the expression to
W = Fs

W = Fs = ΔKE
Fs = ½ mvf2 – ½ mvo2
56(s) = ½ (0.058)(14.5)2 - 0
s = 0.11 m


d. Draw a graph to show the variation with t of the horizontal speed v of the ball while it was in contact with
the racket. Numbers are not required on the axes.

The slope of the v-t graph is acceleration. Acceleration is proportional to the force. When the force is 0 (from times
0-13 ms) the acceleration is 0 and the slope of the v-t graph is 0. As the force increases, the slope of the v-t graph
should increase until it reaches a maximum value at a time of 20 ms. Then as the force decreases, but remains
positive, the slope should also decrease, but remain positive.


5. A chicken’s egg of mass 58 g is dropped onto grass from a height of 1.1 m. Assume that air
resistance is negligible and that the egg does not bounce or break.
a. Define impulse.
The product of a force and the time the force is applied. It is also equal to the change in


b. Show that the kinetic energy of the egg just before impact is about 0.6 J.
PEo = KEf
mgh= KEf
0.058(9.8)(1.1) = 0.63 J
c. The egg comes to rest in a time of 55 ms. Determine the magnitude of the average
decelerating force that the ground exerts on the egg.
FΔt = mΔv
F(0.055) = (0.058)(0 – v)

Need to find the velocity just before striking the ground. Use the kinetic energy from above to solve for
impact velocity.

KE = 0.63 J = ½ (0.058)(v2)
v = 4.64 m/s

F(0.055) = (0.058)(0 – 4.64)

F = 4.9 N

d. Explain why the egg is likely to break when dropped onto concrete from the same height.

The egg will receive the same impulse when striking the concrete, however that impulse will be
made of a large force and small impact time. The concrete will not provide much cushioning so the
impact time is reduced, which means when the change in momentum is divided by a smaller time,
the result is a larger force.

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