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Purple hibiscus essay

Part 1 and Part 2 of the text,are entitled “Breaking Gods, Palm sunday” and “Speaking with our
spirits, Before palm Sunday”

“The Purple Hibiscus”,represents a time of renewal and multicultural experience between

western and african culture, which coexists and interelates which each character in the story
additionally it represents the freedom and breakage of jaja from an otherwise oppressive and
authoritative religious father.During the period of a post-colonial Nigeria ,independence is
gained and ties are severed from the British Empire.Hower,this creates new obstacles and
difficulties are challenged by the Post colonial era such as economic difficulties and political
instability.The themes incorporated within in the novel are : Childhood, politics, social criticism,
religious extremity, the cultural transformations of a country, domestic violence,mental
abuse,toxic parenting and the strength of family.
In “The Purple Hibiscus”,Palm Sunday,commemorates the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem
(Matthew 21:1–9), when palm branches were placed in his path, before his arrest on Holy
Thursday and his crucifixion on Good Friday.The Catholic Church considers the blessed palms
to be sacramentals.The title palm sunday signifies the celebration the Achike family attended in
the catholic church and in addition reveals the doubling of a rather complex character named
Eugene who seems to very pious,religiously strict and holy within the catholic church,and is an
exemplar for the congregation in contributing funds to the cathedral,being strong in the faith,and
standing up for freedom and democracy politically despite the adversity of losing
advertisement.However,within the home and the environment of his family his true colours are
revealed when he abuses his wife,and tries to exert toxic control over his son jaja who begins to
rebel against his toxic/abusive control which are exerted under the guise of his religious
beliefs.This is evidenced in the act of Eugene trying to throw a missile(a catholic service book
for prayers reading and meditation) at Jaja.It also seems Jaja’s rebellion to his father signifies
that he will no longer adhere to a faith he does not believe in simply because he is threatened by

In “Speaking with our spirits, Before palm Sunday”,further characteristics of Eugene are
revealed in the utilization of timetables and schedules he creates for his children,that there is an
underlying desire and need for him to show possession and complete control over his children’s
lives.Additionally his perfectionist traits create an otherwise underlying and deep desire for his
daughter Kabilli to measure up to his desires and to receive recognition ,appreciation,there seem
to be an underlying emptiness within her heart which cannot be filled without her father being
proud this is evidenced through criticism her father makes towards her being second place as a
“failure” and creates a comparison with herself and another classmate,and lastly creates guilt by
complaining that his "Godless" father Papa-Nnukwu never spent money on his education, so he
sends his children to good schools and expects them to be first in their class.
Furthermore,Kabilli is seen experiencing emotional suppression of her own fears,anxieties and
simply the prevention of speaking out about her own feelings and the abuse of her mother it
affects her mental health greatly this is evidenced when she sees blood on her notes as a
hallucination this represents and acts as symbolism of violence within in her own home and
addition the scar she sees on her mothers forehead.
However,in terms of religion spirituality,Mama is less severe than Papa, often pointing out the
more beautiful, natural world of God. Kambili takes solace in the natural world, especially in her
mother’s famous red hibiscuses. Mama’s connection with nature and respect for the natural
world represents another dimension of faith. Mama finds God in the natural world, not just in the
rosary. Kambili’s relationship with God is complex, consisting of the fear of hell instilled by
Papa and the reverence for beauty instilled by Mama.Moreover,Mama brings Kambili her
uniform even though it is not proper for older people to do the chores of young people. “…there
was so much that Mama did not mind.” Mama is thoughtful and caring and, in subtle ways,
flouts convention if it is unreasonable. Unlike Papa, she will not insist on following only “what is
done.” It is a simple gesture, but meaningful in the context of the issues presented in the book –
authority vs. reason, duty vs. love, and familial relationships. Though Mama is not as liberal and
independent as her sister Iufeoma her love for her family allows her to break certain minor
rules.Her strength and resilience to her husbands maltreatment is also expressed through the lies
she makes to father Benedict about her “allergies” despite of her paleface.It can also be inferred
that she lost her baby to her husbands severe flogging

In conclusion,Eugene's pride,perfectionism and abuse of his family whilst being a holy and pious
man in the cathedral creates a facade and makes him a hypocrite.

N.B The video which portrayed Jesus being invited into the temple is read as a sermon in the
palm sunday chapter.

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