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Name:Inez Thomas

Test:Unit 1 Paper 1 May/June 2006

Module 1-Drama
Questions (1-5)

1)Iluminada requests for an or a temporary place to inhabit and stay.In addition,she requests for
a bit of money.
2)The inclement weather enhances the atmospheric setting or mood in which Illuminada feels a
sense of devastation and loneliness.In relations, to the physical setting it enhances the visual
imagery and creates realism to the audience.
3)Lola:(Slams the door in her face.)- reflects and enhances the emotions of the character towards the audience; it
portrays her being frustrated and angry.
Juana:(pushed her children into their rooms) (speaks to them):reflects that she is a protective mother and
creates a situation or general thought to her children that illuminada is dangerous.
Octavio:(takes refuge in the house.) and (laughs) -shows that octavio is a conniving person,who seeks to get
rid of illuminada through what means necessary by calling her mad.

4)Illuminada shouts and beats the door and acts hysterical on the streets and grips domingos. This conveys, to
the audience,and shows her descent from rage into pure madness,as she was in a state of desperation where
she needed money and aid.

5)Verbal Irony is seen through dialogue:Iluminada speaks off lending her “ornaments,tablecloth,radio and
bed-spread” as a way of aiding lola’s family.However Lola in return does not return the same kindness in
courtesy and expresses ungratefulness.She states: “And you speak to me like that ... a fine lot of
rubbish were your lamp, your bedspread and your looking-glass! If you gave
me those things, it was because they were giving you new stuff. (Annoyed.)
And even if it weren' t so, favours are not asked back, you dirty old woman!”

Situational irony: is expressed in which kindness was extended to the neighbours of illuminada but in return
Illuminada is treated as someone lowly. For example Illuminada calls the neighbors “Juda” a reference to the
bible of the man who betrayed Jesus,just as Jesus was taken away by the guards in exchange for
money,Iluminada is taken away to an asylum by the police.
Unit 1 Paper 1 May/June 2005
Drama module Question (1-5)

1)It can be inferred that Popova’s dead husband was an adulterer,unfaithful and
neglectful to his wife.
b) Develop the characterization of the speaker (Popova) as being faithful in contrast to
the husband.It also gives a revelation of the husband through the exposure of his past
2)Lines (1-2) enhances the physical setting of the home
Lines (6):enhances the atmospheric mood and conveys to the audience that Popova is
in grief and emotionally suppressed.
Line (26):subtly creates tension within the environment,and in addition that she isn’t
very thrilled to have a guest within her home

3)It is clearly portrayed that Lookov is a loyal servant to Lady Popova and obeys her
every command For example “I did, but he won' t listen:” or kept telling him, but .. .
he's a proper devil .” .However Smirnov seems to be authoritative and unkind to low
class stature,and insensitive of Lady Popova’s condition and circumstance.This is
evidenced when he “ swore and shoved past” Lookov to the dining room. However,he
seems courteous and respectful to a lady of high stature by expressing simple courtesy at his
greetings while assuming “a dignified manner”

4)The use of the word “state” is meant to give semblance to the emotional difficulty
of Popova and the economical difficulty of Smirnov

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