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(break –come – catch- do – have- give)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

1. I keep practicing listening hours and hours without a _______ in order to get good marks in
the next exam.
A. break B. rest C. relax D. relaxation
2. After realizing that her boyfriend was having an affair while dating with her, she
immediately _______ with him.
A. had a try B. gave him a present
C. does battle D. made a break
3. With his speed, I thought that he would break the _____ for running 20 km in just about
A. report B. record C. rebel D. repost
4. She did get the ______ when she had a narrow escape from that car accident. No one believed
she could be still alive from it.
A. rests B. breaks C. escape D. lives
5. If you break______ with someone you made a promise to or something you believed in, you
stop acting in a way that supports them.
A. destiny B. promise C. words D. faith
6. He was arrested for 2 days because of breaking the ______ of the town. He thought that this
punishment was really disgusting.
A. quiet B. silence C. peace D. atmosphere
7. In order to become a good teacher, besides your knowledge, you also have to learn how to
break your _____ to your students well.
A. mind B. brain C. head D. heart
8. The moment I heard about the doctor's breaking the _____ that my grandfather had passed
away, I fainted.
A. information B. knowledge C. news D. hearing
9. I don't want to break your ______, but it's is necessary for your to think about the drawbacks
of what you always desire to do.
A. will B. readiness C. determination D. spirit
10. She really broke her mother's ______ when she left home. Now, all her mother wants is her
coming back.
A. emotion B. heart C. mind D. soul
11. It was the character Tony Stark who broke the _____ for Marvel Universal and also the
superheroes movies series.
A. means B. method C. way D. approach
12. I broke into ______ when I got my test result. I didn't know why I had studied really hard
but my result was that kind of low.
A. tears B. sadness C. grief D. anger
13. I used to stupidly think that getting into university would allow me to break from my
mother's _______. However, right now, I miss my mom a lot.
A. ties B. bonds C. union D. relationships
14. The magazine breaks ___ tradition this week by publishing photographs of its contributors.
A. down with B. into
C. from D. with
15. The final winner will be the one who breaks through ______ and survives till the last
A. obstacles B. difficulty C. hindrance D. impediment
16. With a view to breaking the _____ between students in the first day of university, the
lecturer decided to hold a warm up game.
A. frost B. hoar C. ice D. slush
17. I am trying to advice my father to ________ of smoking as he was diagnosed to have ability
to catch lung cancer by using chew gums whenever he wants to smoke.
A. break faith B. play a prank
C. face the music C. break the habit
18. If it happens that an individual in the congregation does _______, the congregation will not
help him evade lawful punishment.
A. break the law
B. break the regulation
C. commit to commandment
D. miss the law

1. - I shall be there tonight, come what _____.
- Thank you. You are my best friend heart and soul.
A. may B. might C. though D. be
2. If you wear baggy jeans in the years of 2000s, you will be thought to be weird and old –
fashioned. However, this is not the case in 2019 when this kind of jeans comes into _____.
A. style B. custom C. trend D. fashion
3. I had always dreamed of owning my own home, and now, after years of setting aside all my
money, my dream has ______ true.
A. become B. turned out C. come D. turned into
4. The new dynasty has come into _____ for 6 months. Hardly had they defeated the previous
one, they made a policy of getting rid of all the rest of the former empire.
A. power B. authority C. control D. dominance
5. If I were you, I would come _____ with your parents about what you did with the money they
had gave them. Stop telling lies or when they know, they will be really disappointed about
A. fresh B. clean C. sterile D. clear
6. If you ask about my learning English experience, I have to say that all the knowledge has
come _____ to me through Disney movies.
A. naturally B. natural
C. normal D. normally
7. I know I was supposed to run a full mile. I didn't want to _____ , but I was going to collapse if
I didn't take a break.
A. come short B. come clean C. break down D. break through
8. Discrepancies in the yearly budget report only _____ after the auditors began analyzing it.
A. came to light
B. stood in its light
C. saw the light
D. brought it to light
9. The new tax regulations will come into ______ next week. The plan to implement this law has
been carried out for a year.
A. power B. strength C. vigor D. dynamism
10. Last week, I and my roommates came to a seminar called The European Day. It was so
interesting that I really didn't want it to ______.
A. come under fire
B. come to an end
C. beat the clock
D. come into use
11. If you come to _______ with your failures without standing up again, you will never succeed.
A. terms B. conditions C. rapport D. provisos
12. The government's record will be come under _____ in the weeks before the election.
A. notice B. scrutiny C. critic D. success
13. We came ______ to hitting that car, but luckily, it swerved out of our way at the last second.
A. close B. closely C. near D. almost
14. The government will come under ______again when the latest crime figures are released.
A. blaze B. combustion C. fire D. ignition
1. I were you, I would take off that wet clothes. I don't want to catch a ______.
A. cold B. disease C. fever D. temperature
2. While all people were sleeping deeply, suddenly, the house caught _______. Luckily, there
was no death.
A. burn B. flame C. fire D. blaze
3. While she was doing window shopping with her friends, she surprisingly caught a ______of
his boyfriend and another girl dating in the mall.
A. eye B. peek C. flash D. glimpse
4. Your store needs a bold sign that will catch the _____ of anyone walking down the street.
That may help to sell more products.
A. eye B. peek C. flash D. glimpse
5. If only I had got up early enough to _____ the bus. My alarm clock didn't go off.
A. catch B. get C. go to D. make
6. Had he made his speech a little bit shorter and more understandable, everyone in the
summit would have caught his ______.
A. idea B. meaning C. mind D. quote
7. She is such a gifted singer that she could catch a ______ of any song surprisingly quickly
when she was toddler.
A. chorus B. verse C. tune D. harmony
8. Policemen did catch a group of people ______ while they were gathering in a hostel room to
A. red – handed B. black – handed C. green – handed D. blue – handed
9. When you catch your _____ while you are doing something energetic, you stop for a short
time so that you can start breathing normally again.
A. breath B. breathe C. exhalation D. gulp
10. His debut movie did catch the _____ and made him famous, especially with the teenagers.
A. public B. urban C. society D. audience
11. If he had not caught at a(n) ______ to secure a place in that university, he would not have
been that kind of famous.
A. opportunity B. chance C. prospect D. outlook
12. In order to catch customers' ______, marketers have made the advertisement interesting
and impressive.
A. eye B. care C. notice D. attention

1. Let's ____ our best. I believe we can easily pass this exam with flying colors.
A. do B. make C. fight D. take
2. The storm did a lot of ______ to our village. All the crops were drastically destroyed and
many houses were washed away.
A. injury B. hardship C. harm D. damage
3. Many animal lovers have objected the idea of ______ experiments on animals. It is inhuman.
A. making B. taking C. doing D. conducting
4. I am too lazy to do ______. That is why I have chosen a very extreme diet to lose weight
rather than going to the gym.
A. exercise B. exercises C. gym D. gymnasium
5. On the contrary to many people's thinking, not all snakes do _____ to humans.
A. mischief B. damage C. harm D. ruin
6. Could you please do me a ______? I lost my map and now I don’t know how to get to the train
A. favor B. give C. consideration D. help
7. I think it is high time you ______ your hair. You really need a fresh start with something new.
A. do B. did C. cut D. made
8. My mother always yells at my sister since she never _______ her homework but always
spends hours watching silly movies.
A. does B. makes C. writes D. finishes
9. My friends invited me to do the_______ with them to prepare for the prom the next month.
They said: "Let's shop till we drop".
A. buying B. shopping C. clothing D. groceries
10. I was offered a position as an environmental researcher. As I did not know the first thing
about this aspect, I did have to _____ a lot of research.
A. make B. create C. do D. take
11. Before starting the lesson, the teacher held a small warm up game: ______ a crossword
about environmental problems.
A. solving B. making C. creating D. doing
12. I know it isn't easy to facing off against the lowlifes of town, you’re on the police force and
you have to ______ your duty.
A. do B. finish C. take D. make
13. Trust me. Doing more and more exercises every day will only do you ____. I assure you will
feel better day to day.
A. good B. better C. well D. healthy
14. If you say that something does someone ______, you mean that they should
be praised or admired because of it.
A. trust B. credit C. notice D. fame
15. I had to spend my whole day long to do a _______ because my relatives had said they would
come to stay at my house for one night.
A. room B. place D. bed D. house
16. She tried to do the ______ at her first coming to his boyfriend's house, which made her
completely tired after that.
A. politeness B. courtesy D. courteous D. polite
17. Tommy did his mother ______ of stealing her money to gamble, which really broke her
A. out B. in C. on D. up
18. Not until 2 hours before the deadline did she finally do her _______. That is why her mark
was that kind of low.
A. assignment B. work C. presentation D. preparation
19. Nowadays, the number of people who come to Hanoi to ______ business is remarkably
A. do B. make C. create D. attend
20. She was turned down for that position because of her poor English, which is why she
decided to _____ an English course.
A. study B. learn C. attend D. do
21. If I were you, I would come clean to your father about your stealing his money. You are
doing _____ when you keeps lying many times.
A. false B. wrong C. bad D. incorrect
22. It's amazing how the overhead lighting does ____ with this room – it's like an entirely new
A. miracles B. magic C. surprise D. marvels
1. _______ in mind that you have done really well. There's no need for you to blame yourself on
that failure.
A. Bear B. Make C. Spring D. Take
2. My younger sister always has a great _____ to become a firefighter because she thinks that
saving people is such a meaningful job.
A. head B. brain C. mind D. heart
3. He has _______ a mind to do the assignment by a team with his haters, which is why though
they are discussing, he keeps quiet.
A. wool B. hair C. fur D. leather
4. After beating my brains out, I finally have an idea about my next project on my ______.
A. head B. brain C. mind D. think
5. My teacher advises me to have a _____ to spend a day traveling around Hanoi and then I will
fall in love with this city.
A. go B. run C. come D. touch
6. I always ______ problems with anything relating to Maths and statistics. I really do not have a
mind for numbers.
A. have B. make C. meet D. encounter
7. Since I got into university, I have had ______ in making friends and communicating. I cannot
get along with my classmates.
A. trouble B. difficulty C. hardship D. obstacle
8. In order to celebrate for the championship of my class in the running competition, my head
teacher decided to _____ a party in class with a small birthday cake he made himself.
A. make B. take C. have D. get
9. I have to thank my classmates for having a surprising party in my eighteenth birthday. I did
have a(n) _____ and was really moved.
A. excitement B. amusement C. riot D. blast
10. Let me have a _____ at your paper test. I need to know where you are weak at.
A. look B. see C. watch D. eye
11. I have a _____ that he will turn up in the last minutes. He always wants to be outstanding.
A. thinking B. feeling C. belief D. eye
12. I did _____ an experience as a tourist guide when I come to the national museum last week.
Because the tour guide of the museum was sick, I did his job and luckily, I didn't make any
A. take B. get C. make D. have
13. I had a ______ last night when I dreamed that a ghost was trying to approach me and used
her hair to tie me.
A. horror B. illusion C. nightmare D. ordeal
14. I tried to have a ______ with my crush, but he was so cold that he ignored all of my
A. conversation B. talk C. speech D. gossip
15. My best advice for you is that you should have a ______ right now. You have been working
for hours.
A. rest B. relax C. break D. recreation
16. After having a ______ with my mother about our financial condition, my father stormed out
of the house.
A. quarrel B. trouble C. dispute D. row
17. We had a car ______ last week. When we were driving home, a car suddenly crashed ours.
Luckily, all were safe.
A. accident B. crash C. incident D. mishap
18. Hardly had she heard about his wife ______ a baby when he jumped with joy and shout out
loud: "I am a father."
A. taking B. bearing C. having D. giving
19. I did explain really clearly that I and Jane were having a panic ______, but no one believed
A. relationship B. affair C. friendship D. interrelation
20. After such a big quarrel last night that even woke their son up, the couples haven't had a
_____ with each other.
A. saying B. word C. talk D. speech
21. You cannot fix the roof on your own. It's better for you to have someone _______.
A. to help B. help C. helped D. helping
22. My mother is so busy at work that she doesn't help time to help us prepare before going to
school in the morning, which is why I and my brother always have to _____ breakfast out.
A. eat B. take C. have D. make
23. My mother is _____ a splitting headache. Although did take some medicine, there's no sign
that she will feel better.
A. having B. getting C. taking D. kicking
1. In her 18 – year- old birthday, she was ______ her dream present – a guitar by her mother.
She was blissfully happy the moment she saw it.
A. given B. taken C. got D. touched
2. If you give someone a (n) ________ that something is true or will happen, you say that it is
definitely true or will definitely happen, in order to make them feel less worried.
A. assurance B. support C. affirmation D. promise
3. _____ a cry whenever you have a feeling that you are in danger so that everyone could hear
you and come to help immediately.
A. Send B. Give C. Make D. Lend
4. Their parents set a curfew about home coming time for them. If any of the two brothers
want to go home later than that, they have to be given ______ , otherwise, there will be
A. admission B. acceptance C. permission D. license
5. My mother, the person who _____birth to me, is the one who always love and stand by me at
any time.
A. sent B. took C. gave D. lent
6. I don’t want to give my parents much of ______ so that I keep quiet about every hardship I
have encountered since I got into university. However, it turns out that my parents know
A. problems B. troubles C. difficulties D. obstacles
7. In order to say off to their fans before disbanding, the team decided to ______ the biggest
concert to all their lovers.
A. make B. create C. build D. give
8. If you see the elderly or a woman having a baby on the bus, you should give _____ to them.
A. standing B. ground C. space D. land
9. "The more we live by ______, the more harmonious our families are" – this is the slogan of
my family that was passed down from generations.
A. given-and- taken B. give – and – take
C. taken – and – given D. take – and – give
10. I have to thank John for giving me a ______ to my house when my car broke down. Had it
not been for his help, I might have walked about 3 km to my house.
A. lift B. ride C. drive D. go
11. Misha did give me a _____ with my Math test. Thanks to her, I aced it this morning.
A. favor B. lift C. help D. assistance

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