Siclot, Hanna Marie J. Bsism 2-A Physical Security System

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I – Identification
1. Badge Reader
2. Fire Resistant safes
3. Natural Barrier
4. Identify Assets
5. Point-to-point system
6. Safes
7. Knee or thigh buttons
8. Central Station System
9. Security Cabinet
10. Structural
11.Warded Locks
12.Vibration Detector
13.Proprietary System
14.Drilling or Punching
16.Barbed wire fence
17.Physical Security
19.Third Line of Defences
20.First Line of defence
22.Fence top
25.Fibor glass
II: ESSAY (30 points)
 What is the importance of physical security when it comes To the
ANSWER :Physical security is very important, but it is usually overlooked by most
organizations. It is necessary if you do not want anyone to snatch away your
information or destroy it, in case of natural calamity. The reason could be anything, the
attacker doing it for personal gain, financial gain, for seeking revenge or you were the
vulnerable target available. If this security is not maintained properly, all the safety
measures will be useless once the attacker gets through by gaining physical access.
Though physical security is proving to be challenging than previous decades as there
are more sensitive devices available (like USB drives, laptops, smartphones, tablets,
etc.) that enables the stealing of data easy and smooth. Protecting important data,
confidential information, networks, software, equipment, facilities, company’s assets,
and personnel is what physical security is about. There are two factors by which the
security can be affected. First attack by nature like a flood, fire, power fluctuation, etc.
Though the information will not be misused, it is very hard to retrieve it and may cause
permanent loss of data. Second is attack by the malicious party, which includes
terrorism, vandalism, and theft. All the organization faces different kinds of physical
security threats. At its core, physical security is about keeping your facilities, people and
assets safe from real-world threats. It includes physical deterrence, detection of
intruders, and responding to those threats. Physical attacks could be breaking into a
secure data centre, sneaking into restricted areas of a building, or using terminals they
have no business accessing. Attackers could steal or damage important IT assets such
as servers or storage media, gain access to important terminals for mission critical
applications, steal information via USB, or upload malware onto your systems.

III – Part I
Matching Type: Match A with column B. Two (2 points each). Write your answer in
the blank.

1. Fibber walls
2. Proprietary system
3. Line Supervision
4. Multiplexing
5. Actuator

III – Part II
Identification: Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Conductor
2. Loop System
3. Line Supervision
4. Fibber walls
5. Penetration Sensor
6. False Alarm
7. Alarm Signals
8. Proprietary System
9. Local alarm System
10. Fibber optics

III – Part IV
Direction: Write your ideas about the topic below.
Topic: What is/are the positive and negative effect of access control system in the
establishment? (30 points)


Advantage: Prevention of Theft Disadvantage: Hacking

An access control system's Access control systems can be
primary task is to restrict access. hacked. When a system is
This is critical when access to a hacked, a person has access to
person's account information is several people's information,
sufficient to steal or alter the depending on where the
owner's identity. Many websites information is stored. Wired
that require personal information reported how one hacker created
for their services, especially those a chip that allowed access into
that need a person's credit card secure buildings, for example. Not
information or a Social Security only does hacking an access
number, are tasked with having control system make it possible
some sort of access control for the hacker to take information
system in place to keep this from one source, but the hacker
information secure. can also use that information to
get through other control systems
legitimately without being caught.
Despite access control systems
increasing in security, there are
still instances where they can be
tampered with and broken into.

III – Part V
Identification: Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Biometric authentication
2. Facility Security
3. Access control system
4. Continuous
5. Incandescent
6. Protective lighting
7. Magnetic card
8. Quartz Lamps
9. Fail safe

III – Part VI
Essay: (10 points)
Instruction: In your own word, explain what you have learn on this topic. What is the
benefits of Access control systems In the establishment
ANSWER: With access control security, you save money on locks and security
personnel. An access control system can verify a person’s identity without the need for
a security guard Access control systems can also be integrated with lighting, heating
and cooling systems. Lights can turn on when there are people in a room and will shut
off when they leave. You can also adjust temperatures when no one is in an area to
save on energy costs.
III – Part VII
Direction: You are going to give other example of locks and keys that is/are not given
in the topic. Minimum of 3 per students. (10 points each).
 Master Lock is an American
company that develops padlocks,
combination locks, safes, and
related security products. Now a
subsidiary of Fortune Brands
Home & Security, Master Lock
Company LLC was formed in 1921
by locksmith-inventor Harry E.
Soref and is headquartered in Oak
Creek, Wisconsin.

 Electric Strike Locks or “Electric

 Electric strikes are
electromechanical door locking
devices, meaning they are
mechanical locks with electronic
devices that provide additional
functionality. Electric strikes are
used in combination with
another form of locking devices,
such as a lock set or a panic
 An electromagnetic lock,
magnetic lock, or maglock is a
locking device that consists of
an electromagnet and an
armature plate. ... Locking
devices can be either “fail safe”
or “fail secure”. A fail-secure
locking device remains locked
when power is lost. Fail-safe
locking devices are unlocked
when de-energized.


Essay: In this activity, you can give an example on the situation given below. Write
your answer on the space provided.

Question: What do you do when you’re locked out?

ANSWER: A lockout can pose a serious problem, especially if you have pets and kids
inside who need your help or dinner in the oven. Thankfully, we’ve got a few options to
get you back inside.

Steps to take if you get locked out of your house, Ask for help, Call a locksmith, Look
for unlocked windows or doors, Improvise tools, Take off the door knob, Front door
with shrubbery Step up your safety with our weekly newsletter
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it’s preventing accidents, preparing for a natural disaster or responding to an

Option 1: Ask for help. Call your partner, roommate, or anyone you live with to see if
they can come home and let you in. It may be inconvenient for them, but you’ll spend
less time stranded outside your house.

If you rent your place, try reaching out to your landlord. They will usually have a copy
of your house key and may be close enough to unlock the door.

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