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International Journal of Impotence Research (2003) 15, 152–155

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Original Research
Spontaneous tumescence after implantation of three-piece
hydraulic penile prostheses: a short-term experience
M Manning1, FJ Martı́nez, P Alken3 and K-P Jünemann2
Department of Urology, University-Hospital of the Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany; 2Department of Urology,
University Hospital of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany; and 3Department of Urology, University
Hospital Mannheim, Carl-Ruprechts-University of Heidelberg, Germany

We evaluated spontaneous tumescence after penile prostheses implantation in a retrospective

study. A total of 32 patients with three-piece hydraulic implants (17 Mentor Alpha I, 15 AMS Ultrex
Plus) were enrolled. Consultation, personal interviews and questionnaires for both the patients and
their partners provided the necessary information. The average follow-up period was 29 months. In
total, 50 % of the patients reported spontaneous tumescence without activation of the implant and
one further patient (3%) claimed full rigid spontaneous erections. General satisfaction with the
prosthetic result was high at 91%. The following complications arose: one case of prosthesis
infection, one case of mechanical failure, one case of cylinder dislocation and two cases of
paraphimosis. A possible explanation for spontaneous tumescence after penile prosthesis
implantation is the elevated preload of the compressed rather than destructed cavernous tissue.
The artificial erection evoked by the prosthesis then takes the form of a normal physiological
reaction and/or a good objective ridigity, and could account for the high patient satisfaction rate
with three-piece hydraulic implants.
International Journal of Impotence Research (2003) 15, 152–155. doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3900979

Keywords: erectile dysfunction; hydraulic three-piece penile implant; spontaneous tumescence;

corpus cavernosum

Introduction plantation, some patients report regular sponta-

neous tumescence. Although the remaining
functional cavernous tissue between the prosthetic
In spite of the latest pharmacological developments cylinder and the tunica albuginea plays an impor-
and advances in the treatment of erectile dysfunc- tant part in soft penile prosthesis implantation,2 the
tion, one group of patients still remain nonrespon- same has not yet been evaluated for hydraulic three-
ders to oral or intracarvernous pharmacological piece implants.
therapy. The general alternative option for this We investigated whether the corpora cavernosa
group is the surgical management of their impo- are still capable of tumescence or even spontaneous
tence. Vascular penile surgery is only successful in erection after the implantation of hydraulic three-
certain selected groups of patients and therefore, piece prostheses.
implantation of penile prosthesis is an alternative in
the unsuitable candidates for this type of surgery.
Although long-term satisfaction is high (up to over
90% after 4 y),1 a general point to be considered is Materials and methods
the destructive aspect of penile prosthesis implanta-
tion. It is a common belief that erectile tissue is
destroyed when the corpora cavernosa are dilated to Patient population
make room for the cylinders of the implant.
Surprisingly, subsequent to penile prosthesis im- A total of 32 patients were evaluated. Mean age at
the time of surgery was 56 y (41–71 y). All patients
had organic erectile failure (see Table 1) and were
nonresponders to intracavernous injection of papa-
*Correspondence: FJ Martı́nez MD, PhD, Department of
Urology, University Hospital of the Christian-Albrechts- verine/phentolamine (max. dose of 30 mg papaver-
University, D-24105 Kiel, Germany. ine + 1 mg phentolamine) and/or prostaglandin E1
E-mail: (max. dose of 40 mg). The mean persistence of
Received 26 August 2002; revised 5 November 2002; impotence at penile prosthesis implantation was
accepted 23 November 2002 7.4 y (1–20 y). Owing to the fact that a high number
Spontaneous tumescence after penile prostheses implantation
M Manning et al
Table 1 Origin of the erectile failure of the study patients ported full rigid erections without activation of the
prosthesis. In the remaining 47%, no spontaneous
n=32 action of the corpora cavernosa was experienced.
Out of the 17 patients reporting spontaneous
Diabetes mellitus 20
Arterial hypertonia 12
tumescence or erection, seven had a Mentor
Hypercholesterolemia and obesity 14 Alpha-1 and 10 an AMS Ultrex Plus prosthesis. In
Chronic renal failure 6 consequence, there was spontaneous tumescence in
Multiple sclerosis 2 41% (7/17) of the Mentor Alpha-1 patients and in
Neurogenic injuries after surgery or trauma 6 59% (10/15) of the AMS Ultrex Plus group (Table 2).
The mean frequency of the reported spontaneous
tumescence was 5 per month. Spontaneous tumes-
of patients in this cohort had a long persistent cence inadequate for sexual intercourse was experi-
erectile dysfunction of up to 20 y and since some enced by all patients except one, who reported full
implants were done more than 8 y ago the IIEF erection.
questionnaire could not be used because it was not Out of the 17 patients with spontaneous tumes-
available at that time. Several patients, most of them cence or erection, preoperative cavernosography
in other institutions, had already previous surgery gave evidence of pathology in 76.5% of the patients
for erectile dysfunction: five penile revasculariza- and normal results in 23.5%. One of the patients
tion, five penile implants and one both revascular- had a previous penile implant.
ization and implant.

Surgical procedure General satisfaction

Penile prosthesis implantation was performed as a In the Mentor Alpha-1 group, 53% of the patients (9/
standardized procedure. All patients were operated 17) were highly satisfied, 29% (5/17) were satisfied
by the same surgeon (KPJ). Intravenous antibiotic and 18% (3/17) dissatisfied. In all, 47% of the AMS
treatment with ofloxacine commenced the day Ultrex Plus group (7/15) were highly satisfied, 53%
before surgery and was then orally administered (8/15) satisfied, no patients were completely dis-
for further 2 weeks, supplementary combined in the satisfied (Table 3). Only three patients stated that
first 5 days with gentamycin. Standardized washing they would not choose penile prosthesis implanta-
procedures were performed in the evening and tion again. The mean frequency of prosthesis
morning before surgery. activation was 4.5 times per month in the Mentor
Three-piece hydraulic prosthesis were implanted group and 6.4 times per month in the AMS group
in all patients: 17 Mentor Alpha-1 and 15 AMS (mean 5.45 times/month).
Ultrex Plus. A penoscrotal approach was chosen for Satisfaction in the partner group did not signifi-
all. The first activation of the prosthesis was made cantly differ from the patient group. Three partners
under supervision of the surgeon at a mean period of made no comment, 52% (15/29) were highly
6 weeks after implantation. satisfied, 38% (11/29) satisfied and 10% (3/29)
dissatisfied. General satisfaction is depicted in
Table 2.

Table 2 Spontaneous tumescence

In our retrospective study, follow-up data were
acquired by patient and partner questionnaires and Spontaneous Without
personal interviews. Physical examination was n=32 erection spontaneous erection
included. The mean follow-up was 29 months (6–
70 months). No patients were lost in the follow-up. AMS Ultrex plus 10 (59%) 5
Mentor Alpha-1 7 (41%) 10
In all 29 patient partners participate in the ques-
tionnaire, and 3 partners made no comment.

Table 3 General satisfaction

Mentor AMS Female
n=32 Alpha-1 Ultrex Plus partner
Spontaneous tumescence
Highly satisfied 9 (53%) 7 (47%) 15 (51%)
Satisfied 5 (29%) 8 (53%) 11 (38%)
Spontaneous tumescence was reported by 16 of 32 Dissatisfied 3 (18%) 0 3 (10%)
patients (50%). One additional patient (3%) re-
International Journal of Impotence Research
Spontaneous tumescence after penile prostheses implantation
M Manning et al
Table 4 Complications after three-piece hydraulic implants tion. Patients undergoing penile prosthesis implan-
tation should be informed of the possibility of
Complications n additional physiological tumescence or rigidity of
the penis and should be encouraged to utilize
Implant-associated infection+urethral lesion 1
Mechanical failure 1
effectively this for sexual intercourse so that the
Perforation of the cylinder 12 erection experienced resembles the normal physio-
Paraphimoses 2 logical type.

Complications Hypothetical mechanism

In the 32 patients, infection of the implant in Hypothetically, spontaneous tumescence after pe-
combination with urethral lesion arose in one, nile prosthesis implantation could be explained by
mechanical failure of the prosthesis (pump failure) the elevated preload of likely compressed rather
in another and perforation of the cylinders in a than destructed cavernous tissue that allows the
further patient. Successful revision was carried out easier induction of tumescence and erection.
in all three cases. Less severe paraphimosis after Subrini et al2 postulated various factors involved
prosthesis implantation was observed in two pa- in the restoration of erectile function by soft penile
tients (Table 4). implants. The implant reduces the volume of the
cavernous body, which in turn leads to hemody-
namic effects. The compression of the cavernous
bodies between the implant and the tunica albugi-
Discussion nea significantly lowers the blood inflow necessary
for the attainment or maintenance of rigid erec-
Spontaneous tumescence tion.2,3
Another hypothesis favors an elevated preload
and easier venous compression as the underlying
The achievement of spontaneous tumescence after mechanism of spontaneous tumescence with penile
penile prosthesis implantation has already been implants.6 So in our study the patients with a
reported.3–5 In their pressure measurements made in minimum of arterial blood inflow were able to
1992, Pescarori and Goldstein5 revealed that when develop spontaneous penile tumescence after penile
the three-piece hydraulic implants were activated, prosthetic implantation. Of the 17 patients who
the intraluminal pressure was much higher than reported spontaneous tumescence, in 13 patients the
arterial pressure, thus resulting in compression of reason for their ED was an arteric vascularization
the arteries and inhibition of the blood inflow. failure. In summary, the 50% patients with lack of
The development of special penile implants (soft spontaneous erections were patients with reopera-
implants) aimed at avoiding this adverse event. The tion and caverno-venous failure. A possible expla-
objective of the Subrini-type implant2 was to restore nation could be scar formation that created caverno-
erectile function by the initiation of a new hemody- venous insufficience. The other 50% that did
namic status in the corpora cavernosa. Dilation of develop tumescence, clearly demonstrate that the
the cavernous bodies was performed prior to the dilatation of intracavernous smooth musculature
implantation of these soft cylinders. Once again, this does not destroy erectile tissue, if it just pushes
demonstrates that this surgical step is not identical the cavernous tissue aside during the operation.
with complete cavernous body destruction. This preserves partial erectile ability because the
In our patient population, over one-half (17 intracavernous volume that has to be filled in order
patients/53%) of the patients interviewed reported to achieve an erection (intracavernous or penile
spontaneous tumescence or even erection with preload) is reduced, thus allowing the remaining/
three-piece hydraulic implants. However, only one surviving erectile tissue to relax and so to fill up the
patient reported spontaneous full, rigid erection and cavernous or lacunar space, which in consequence
therefore the ability to achieve spontaneous tumes- causes penile tumescence.
cence should not be over-rated and should not Interestingly, fibrosis of cavernous tissue does not
replace the function of the actual prosthesis. In all necessarily have a negative impact on spontaneous
remaining patients (n ¼ 16), tumescence was weak tumescence. A total of 11 patients with previous
and inadequate for vaginal penetration. penile surgery were included in our series of 32
However, not only the corpus spongiosum with patients. One (previous penile prosthesis) of these
the glans penis, but also the corpora cavernosa also reported regular spontaneous tumescence.
together with the additional relaxation of the However, 10 out of these 11 males with previous
corporal tissue, support in combination with the surgery (91%) did not experience tumescence,
activation of the prosthesis in the erectional func- whereas only five out of the remaining 21 patients
International Journal of Impotence Research
Spontaneous tumescence after penile prostheses implantation
M Manning et al
without previous penile surgery (24%) experienced With one exception, this tumescence was inade-
no spontaneous tumescence/erection at all. These quate for sexual intercourse in all of these patients.
statistics positively predict an additional physiolo- We demonstrated that the destruction of cavernous
gical erectile component during sexual intercourse tissue during dilatation was incomplete and tumes-
in patients without previous surgery. cence, even with three-piece hydraulic implants,
was not completely prevented by the compressed
arteries in the remaining cavernous bodies. A more
Consequences normal physiological cavernous reaction (relaxa-
tion) improving the objective rigidity after prosthe-
sis implantation could be responsible for the
During dilatation of the corpora cavernosa for penile reported high satisfaction rate with this type of
prostheses implantation, surgeons should be made implant. This phenomenal aspect will be addition-
aware of the possibility of preserving the corpora ally enlightened in further investigations.
cavernosa tissue. Crude dilatation maneuvers
should be avoided for numerous reasons. On the
other hand, incomplete dilatation can cause severe
complications such as ill-fitting implants.

Satisfaction with three-piece penile implants

1 Lewis RW. Long term results of penile prosthetic implants.

In our series, general satisfaction with three-piece Urol Clin North Am 1995; 22: 847 – 856.
hydraulic penile implants was high (91%) and is 2 Subrini L. Subrini penile implants. Surgical, sexual and
psychological results. Eur Urol 1982; 8: 222 – 226.
comparable with the latest published results of 65– 3 Pisani E, Austoni E. Medical Therapy and Radical Surgery in
90%.6–8 Phenomenally, spontaneous tumescence the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease. Masson: Milan, 1990, pp
can transform the artificial erection with penile 93 – 95.
implants into a more normal physiological erection, 4 Etcheverry M. Douze ans déxperience des implants semi-
which could explain the high satisfaction rate. The rigides intracaverneux. Acta Urol Belgica 1989; 57: 227 – 228.
5 Pescarori ES, Goldstein I. Intraluminal device pressures in
partners were especially satisfied about the cosmetic three-piece inflatable penile prostheses: the pathophysiology
and functional results. Furthermore, the simple of mechanical malfunction. Int J Impot Res 1992; 4: A 123.
manual handling of the prothesis was often men- 6 Goldstein I et al. Safety and efficacy outcome of Mentor
tioned in our questionnaire to be of high value for Alpha-1 inflatable penile prosthesis implantation for impo-
tence treatment. J Urol 1997; 157: 833 – 839.
the patients and their partners. 7 Daitch JA et al. Long term mechanical reliability of AMS 700
series inflatable penile prostheses: comparison of CX/CXM
and Ultrex cylinders. J Urol 1997; 158: 1400 – 1402.
8 Wilson SK, Cleves M, Delk Jr II. Long-term results with
Conclusions Hydroflex and Dynaflex penile prosthesis: device survival
comparison to multicomponent inflatable. J Urol 1996; 155:
1621 – 1623.
In all, 53% of patients report spontaneous tumes-
cence with three-piece hydraulic penile implants.

International Journal of Impotence Research

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