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Marketing Principles

Assignment – 4

Find four advertisements (TV Commercials) that illustrate each of the four objectives of
advertising (Informative, persuasive, comparative and remainder). Describe how each ad either
reinforces an existing attitude or is aimed at changing an attitude.

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Best of Luck! 
Advertisement Analysis

Assignment # 4
Muqadas memon (Registration # 1811277)

Assigned by:
Faiza Ali Shahani

Marketing Principles

Spring 2020

Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology (SZABIST)

Advertising is a marketing strategy to advertise and promote a product or service. The goal of
advertising is to attract people who are most likely willing to pay for the products that company
has to offer and make them buy the product.

An advertisement can have one of the following objectives:

1. Informative advertisement:
An informative ad is used to market a product or service which is new. In order to
persuade consumers that your product is best, you need to know what your product does
and what are its benefits and in this advertisement, you basically inform the customers
about those benefits.

2. Persuasive advertisement:
Persuading customers is the most important objective of an advertisement. When
consumers understand the product offerings that the company provides, the company
must convince them why its brand is outstanding.
Companies use variety of approaches to persuade their customers. This may include
driving their attention to the products quality, service, its unique features, eco-friendliness
of the product and low cost. Companies also focus on the things that emotionally appeals
their customers.

3. Comparative advertisement:
In comparative advertisement, the company make a comparison between their product
and the competitors product to convince the customers that their product is better than
their competitors product.

4. Remainder advertisement:
It is a type of advertisement, in which the customers are reminded about a product being
available in the market and is for sale.
Informative advertisement:

This advertisement of the product mentioned above states the benefits that this product holds for
the customers. It shows that it has all the nutritional benefits that a person requires. A person can
just have this maggi atta and he or she would not require another meal, this will serve him or her
as a complete a meal and the person would be good to go. They call the product nutri-licious and
mention all the nutritional benefits that the product offers to its consumers. The product includes
15% RNA of protein and fibres. The product is made with healthy grains like atta and oats.

Persuasive advertisement:
In this advertisement, they are influencing and persuading their customers by emphasizing on the
energy that their product can provide. They are convincing their customers to buy their product
by presenting it as a product that brings out the true potential in someone. Bourn vita is an
energy drink for growing children. And the choice to buy this product is usually their parents’.
So, they are trying to persuade the parents by presenting something emotionally appealing to
them. Every parent wants their kid to achieve all the good things in life and of course their kid
has to have the energy to make it happen. This product offers that energy and promises the
parents to bring out the inner potential of their kid.

Comparative advertisement:
In this advertisement, lifebuoy compares its product to an ordinary soap and is basically trying to
show and prove that lifebuoy liquid hand wash is much better than any ordinary soap. The reason
is that, while other soaps take a really long time to help us get rid of the germs, lifebuoy liquid
hand wash works much faster than any other soap. It can clean up our hands in just 10 seconds
and can kill upto 99.9% of the germs in such a small amount of time. Which means the product
is really effective and we do not have to put so much of our time into washing our hands.

Remainder advertisement:

In this advertisement, they are promoting their product but along with that they are reminding us
of our tradition to wash our hands in order to keep ourselves safe and healthy.

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