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Protective relaying testing ST6

Protective relaying testing ST-6 to comply with LPP 16.6

Steven de Clippelaar Energy Systems Technology Center

Abstract---- The step-up transformer has the following data:

A new protective relaying scheme is developed for the S= 30MVA
protection of the existing steam turbine generator ST-6. This U= 52.5/6.3 kV
paper describes the testing of the new scheme. The main Uk%= 15.6 %
protection relay is a Siemens 7UM85. The back-up relay is a Pk = 209 kW
MICOM P343. The functions of the new 7UM85 are first tested P0 = 15 kW
statically with the “State sequencer” module of Omicron. After The reactor has a reactance of 0.08Ω, L=0.254mH. The
the static test more detailed testing is done by dynamic testing. substation is normally grounded via the ZZ transformer 100A.
The Omicron “Advanced transplay” module is used for dynamic The reactor feeder powers a main tie main high voltage panel
testing. EMTP-ATP, ATPdraw is used to model a part of the HVP 47-2. Only a part is shown in figure 1.
power system and to simulate different cases. EMTP-ATP
generates PL4 files, these files are converted to Comtrade. The A project was defined to exchange the old switchgear in the
Comtrade files from the simulation are used in the “Advanced substation is by new switchgear. The protective relaying is also
transplay” module to inject into the relay. Two Omicron sets are changed. New Siemens Siprotec 5 IED’s are installed. The
used for the complete test set-up. The 7UM85 settings and logic primary generator protection IED is SIEMENS 7UM85. The IED is
meets the requirements of the LPP16.6. used for protection and control. The protective relaying
philosophy for generators is written down in the LPP16.6 (Loss
I. Introduction
Prevention Principles Standards). The LPP 16.6 distinguish
The steam turbine ST6 is from the make STAL LAVAL. One turbine
between gas-turbines and steam turbines. In this document the
that drives two generators, at both side of the turbine. Both
protective relaying functions and trip methods are described for
generators are connected parallel. The blading of the turbine
steam turbine ST-6.
consists of two halves rotating, in opposite direction. Both 6.3 kV
generators have a power rating of 16.25MVA. The data of the
The protective relaying functions in the IED are tested statically
generators are:
and dynamically. The dynamic testing of the generator
Xd unsat=205%
protection is done by modeling the system in EMTP-ATP and
playback the modeled cases by an Omicron test-set. Modeling in
EMTP-ATP is based on manufacture data of the generator, cable
impedances, transformer manufacture data and current
transformer data. Current transformer data is import for
simulating the secondary currents.
Td'=1.1 sec
The current transformers are measured with the CT-analyzer,
the data from the CT analyzer is used for the current transformer
models in EMTP-ATP. The generator is modeled by the 58/59
model EMTP-ATP. The excitation and governor model are made
in the “models” module. The network that is modeled in EMTP-
J=1.54 Kwsec/KVA
ATP this is shown in figure 1. A swing bus at the 52.5 kV is used
Based on 16250kVA 6300V
as point of connection.
A part of the single line is shown in figure 1.
The EMTP model will generate the current transformer signals
from the star-point side and the breaker side. The generator
potential transformer voltage is also modeled. The output data
of the EMTP-ATP model is in COMTRADE format. This data
format is used in the Advanced Transplay module of Omicron to
inject in the relay.

II. Trip methods

HVP 47-0 2 The trip method for steam turbines is different as for gas-
6300/110V/√3 110/3
turbines. DOW distinguish between a simultaneous and
3 5 sequential trip.
3000/5A Simultaneous Trip - A “simultaneous trip” normally trips the
turbine (for gas and steam turbine generators), opens the
Generator IED

machine line breaker and neutral breaker where applicable,

G G removes machine excitation, and for steam turbine applications
100A 3000/2.5A - initiates the closing cycle of all motorized block valves on the
ZZ transformer turbine inlet, extraction, and exhaust lines simultaneously.
Sequential Trip - A sequential trip is only associated with steam
turbine operation. A sequential trip closes the turbine stop
valve first. Upon closing of the turbine throttle valve, extraction
valves, exhaust valve, and non-return valves, a reverse power
relay on the generator will automatically trip the generator line
HVP 47-2 16 breaker.
All machine non-electrical fault trips (ex: reverse power,
volts/hertz, under frequency) shall result in permissive trip
signals sent to the machine main breaker and field breaker.
Plant load Under this permissive trip arrangement, the machine breaker is
directly tripped and trip of the field breaker does not occur until
Figure 1 part of single line.
the main breaker is confirmed to be opened. Note: This is

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Protective relaying testing ST6

Protective relaying testing ST-6 to comply with LPP 16.6

Steven de Clippelaar Energy Systems Technology Center

normally accomplished by inserting a main breaker supervisory

“b” contact at the appropriate location in the trip circuit of the
field breaker.

In the LPP requirements the protective relaying functions are

described and also the trip function for the turbine, excitation
and machine grounding.

III. The test set-up

The tests will be performed with two CMC 356 test sets. The test
sets will be synchronized with two CMIRIG-B modules. A master
and slave OCC file are made. The Master file will inject the
currents from the generator star-point side and also the
simulated voltages from the cable potential transformer. The
binary in and outputs will also be read and send by the Master
set. The Slave test set will inject the simulated currents from the
generator circuit breaker current transformers. The test-set-up
is shown in figure 2.
Figure 3 Omicron test-universe injected values.

No trip is generated. The function 87G picked up due to CT

saturation but was blocked by the external fault detection, so
87G function was stable even with current transformer
saturation. The 51V function picked also up, this is the back-up
overcurrent protection for remote faults.
In the fault recording of the relay the pick-up of the function
during external fault detection can be visualized, see next figure
4, the trip charteristic is shown in black.

CMC356 7UM85


Figure 2 Test set-up.

The following binary IED outputs are routed to the Omicron:

- Trip coil one
- Trip coil two
- K20-1 simultaneous trip
- K20-2 sequential trip
- Field breaker trip
- Trip to back-up relay.
Four outputs are also simulated with the Omicron test set:
- CP 6.1 steam trip valves closed
- Q0 open
Figure 4 Pick-up of 87G during out of zone short circuit.
- Q0 closed
- Trip from back-up relay.
51V function
The master CMC set will generate the time telegrams. The slave
The coordination is checked with outgoing feeder faults at the
CMC set will get the trigger via the CMIRG-B unit to start.
6.3kV and 52.5kV. The proposed setting is 6A secondary, very
inverse and a time dial of 0.4 sec. This protection function is a
IV. Simulated cases back-up protection to clear the generator contribution on
EMTP-ATP is used to model the network. Current transformers remote faults. So this function should be coordinated with the
and potential transformers are also modeled in the network. back-up protection of the outgoing feeders, so not trip faster as
Different cases are simulated to check the settings in the 7UM85 300msec. The 51V function is also a back-up for generator faults.
relay. The produced comtrades have a sample rate of 10 kHz. A fault on an outgoing feeder is simulated in EMTP-ATP, the trip
To verify if the current injection is conform the settings a normal time of the algorithm is checked in EMTP-ATP. The algorithm is
load case is run. In this case the differential should be zero and modeled in the MODELS module of EMTP-ATP.
the restraining two times the generated current. Every
simulated case will start with a normal load.

** The accidental energization will be set off for the dynamic


Case 1 Out of zone three phase fault at the HVP 47-2 bus.
The injected signals are shown in the next figure.

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Protective relaying testing ST6

Protective relaying testing ST-6 to comply with LPP 16.6

Steven de Clippelaar Energy Systems Technology Center

The 51V pick-up is changed depending on the phase to phase The remote feeder faults at HVP 47-2 and HVP 70 are
voltage. dynamically tested to check setting value of 51V function.
Case 2 Out of zone three phase fault at the HVP 70.
In this case the relay reacted the same as for faults at HVP 47-2.

Case 3 In zone three phase fault at the generator terminals.

A three phase fault is simulated at the generator terminals. The
7UM relay tripped the breaker in 10 msec, trip contact
measurement in the Omicron, see figure 5.

Figure 5 Voltage dependent over current function.

When the current integral is higher as 1 then a trip is issued, the

trip is from 1->0 in EMTP. The trip is issued after 420 msec.

Figure 9 87G trip during in zone short circuit, time< 10msec.

The simultaneous trip K20-1, field breaker trip, back-up relay trip
are issued at the same time. The fault recording of the relay
showed a trip time of 3 msec by Idiff>> in phase C.

Figure 6 Current integral calculation in EMTP-ATP.

The pick-up is lowered due to the fact that the voltage is almost
zero, so min pick-up is 0.25*1.1*Ip.

Figure 10 Idiff>> in 3 msec.

Figure 7 Pick-up change by under voltage.
So the relay is very fast detecting in zone faults by the IDIFF>>,
An outgoing feeder fault will no cause tripping in 400msec, the in this scenario the IDIFF> operated also after 23 msec, this is a
current integral will only reach the value 0.4. See graph below. slower algorithm.

Figure 8 Current integral on an outgoing feeder fault.

Figure 11 Fault log 87G operation.

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Protective relaying testing ST6

Protective relaying testing ST-6 to comply with LPP 16.6

Steven de Clippelaar Energy Systems Technology Center

Case 4 Ground fault detection

Ground fault protection is done by different functions in the
7UM85. Normal system grounding is by the zig-zag transformer.
The power system is 100A grounded. The grounding switch at
the starpoint of the generator is open in this operation mode.
The main protection is a 67N function measuring the ground
fault current at the breaker current transformers and looking
into the generator zone. The trip time of the 67N is 500msec.
The back-up is the 50N protection that is released by the 59N
function to avoid operating with current transformer saturation.
This back-up is coordinated with all ground fault protection
functions in this system while it is also active when grounded via
the star-point of the generator. The last defense is the SGF 90%
function tripping at 3sec. The injected voltages and currents are
shown in figure 12. Figure 14 Evolving ground fault phase C- phase B.

The 87G will trip after the second ground fault in 12 msec. This
is within the specification.

Case 6 Negative sequence current event.

This event is simulated by a loss of generator circuit breaker
pole. The 46 function pick-up and trips when 46 memory is
100%. The simulated case is repeated to get the thermal I2
memory at 100%.

Case7 Out of step protection

A short circuit at the 6.3 kV volt level is simulated with a long trip
time. The machine is accelerating and does not come back into
Figure 12 Ground fault tripping test. synchronism when the fault is cleared.

In the fault log of the relay the events are shown.

Figure 15 Out of step case.

The impedance trajectory is shown in the next figure. The

impedance trajectory enters the setting zone and leaves it at the
other side, then the trip is issued.

Figure 13 Fault log ground fault protection.

In the fault log the trip sequence is shown. First the 67N is
tripping then the 50N&59N and the last defense on SFG 90% at
3 sec. The ground fault detection will generate a simultaneous

Case 5 Evolving ground fault.

Ground faults are the most common faults in industrial
networks. The experience is that these ground faults escalate to
a phase to phase ground fault. The second ground fault occurs
due to the voltage jump by the first ground fault while the
networks are resistance grounded. This case is also modeled in
EMTP-ATP. The second ground fault happens in 10msec after the
first ground fault. Figure 16 Impedance trajectory and zone of protection.

The 51V protection is also picking up and tripping during the

swings. So the 51V is back-up for the 78 function with our

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Protective relaying testing ST6

Protective relaying testing ST-6 to comply with LPP 16.6

Steven de Clippelaar Energy Systems Technology Center

Case 8 Under excitation scenario

The exciter in EMTP-ATP is tripped. After the trip of the exciter
the generator is pulling MVAR from the network. In the next
figure the FTRC is showing the behavior. At the blue cross the 40
function is picking up and at the orange cross the trip is

Figure 20 Fault log: Reverse power test by closing trip valves.

The trip time becomes 4 sec instead of 2 sec.

Case 10 islanding with steam turbine after short circuit

In the model an island scenario is simulated. A fault at the
Figure 17 Under excitation trajectory. incoming transformer is simulated for 200msec. The incoming
breaker is tripped. The generator is in island with HVP 47-2, at
In the fault log the tripping sequence is shown. The trip is issued the moment of the short circuit the generator was exporting
3 sec after the under excitation pick-up. approx. 20 MW power over the transformer. The load at HVP 47-
2 is approx. 3MW. During the fault the AVR is boosting, try to
keep the voltage. When falling back to island mode the AVR is
not fast enough (in the modeling) to avoid tripping on
overvoltage. The trip was issued 2 sec after the islanding.

Figure 18 Under excitation fault log.

Case 9 Reverse power function

Normal steam turbine shutdown is by closing the control valve
(governor). By closing the control valve the steam supply is cut
off. The governor is closed slowly until is completely closed. The
generators will start motoring and pulls MW’s from the network.
The reverse power trip is set at 10sec, the trip contacts will open
de breaker and after opening the breaker the field breaker is Figure 21 Trip on overvoltage during islanding.
tripped. This is called a permissive trip of the field breaker. This
logic is written in the CFC logic of the relay. A deeper check should be done on the modeling of the AVR.
During the normal load situation already 8MVAR was exported,
The second trip on reverse power is with steam trip valves this was simulated by a higher voltage set-point at the AVR. The
closed. With a turbine trip the steam trip valves are closed. This AVR should be tuned in the modeling according the ALSTOM
will motorize the generator. Operating the generator with settings.
23MW and suddenly the turbine is trips gives a MW swing of the
machine. This is simulated by EMTP-ATP to close the governor Case 11 Inadvertent energization
instantaneously. The test results are shown below. The trip time The generator breaker is closed when the machine is at still
of 2 sec is not reached due the MW swinging, see fault log. stand. The generator wants to operate like an induction motor.
Pulling a large starting current from the network.

Figure 19 Reverse power test by closing trip valves.

In the fault log the pick-up and drop off of the 32R is function is
shown. The trip valves are connected to an input of the 7UM85.
This contact is simulated with the Omicron output. Figure 22 Inadvertent energization scenario.

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Protective relaying testing ST6

Protective relaying testing ST-6 to comply with LPP 16.6

Steven de Clippelaar Energy Systems Technology Center

The breaker is tripped after 13msec. The fault log is shown V. Conclusion
below. The protective relaying settings in the 7UM85 are tested. The
test results comply with the specification and DOW
requirements. The testing proved compliance to the LPP16.6.

VI. Thanks
My special thanks to the test team EPDS, Martijn Van
Fraeijenhove en Koen van Wijck.

VII. Literature
[1] ATP Rule book
Figure 23 Fault log inadvertent energization.
[2] Protective relaying J.L. Blackburn
[3] ETAP 11
Case 12 Sequential trip
[4] Siemens Sigra
According the LPP 16.6 the over-excitation 24 and under-
frequency 81 are sequential trips. These two functions will trip
the turbine first. With tripping the turbine the trip valves are
closed and the generator will motorize. The 32R function will trip
the generator circuit breaker. The confirmation of the open
position of the generator breaker will trip the field breaker. This
sequential tripping sequence is written in CFC logic. The logic is
tested statically and dynamically tested. K20-2 is the sequential
trip relay that trips the turbine.
The underfrequency function 81 is also set in the relay. This
function is also tested with the sequential trip mode. See next
figure, K20-2 is tripped first.

Figure 24 Under frequency 81 sequential trip.

The second underfrequency setting is 45Hz is needed to trip the

generator circuit breaker when operating in island mode. In
island mode no reverse power is available to trip the generator
circuit breaker when shutting down the turbine. This second 81
function is a simultaneuos trip.

Rotor ground fault alarm.

The sensitive current input of the 7UM85 is used for the 64R
protection function. The function IRgnd,Fn is used. This function
is only alarming to the control room. This is tested according the
test procedure in the Siemens manual.

Breaker failure.
In both relays breaker failure is programmed. A re-trip of the
own breaker is done after 200msec. If this is not clearing the
fault the breaker failure function will issue a trip to the feeding
breakers. This trip will be made after 400msec. The breaker
failure function is done on the current measurement and
auxiliary contact of the breaker. The last is needed for the
voltage related functions. The tripping of the feeder breakers is
done via the GOOSE protocol.

Overvoltage settings.
Two over voltage stages are set in the 7UM85. Stage one is
115%-10sec and stage 2 is set at 130% for 1 sec. Both stages are
tested statically and no false tripping during the dynamic

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Rev. Date: : November 2016

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