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Lecture 3 (18th Oct)

31 October 2021 15:47

Keep updating the venture list

Product roadmap: It is basically a set of releases. And each release is a set of features. E.g. of a feature:
search, payment

DevOps: It allows CI/CD -> Continuous integration continuous deployment. DevOps allows for a
continuous development and operations process

Road maps can be developed in many ways. one such way is the feature based road map. In this
method random features are clubbed together, irrespective of their functionality.

Goal based roadmap:

Roadmap selection matrix:

DEEP framework for product road map:

• Deliver value
• Embrace learning
• Evolve with change
• Prioritize ruthlessly
Developing a user journey map: (for example, it is an operations manager handling the delivery of the
hub for Amazon)
1. First determine the user journey goals. Here the goal would be delivering goods
2. Prev. step could be planning the capacity. Determining who is available for the delivery
3. Confirm the availability of the product for which the order has been placed (necessary in a market
place model, because there is a latency between the inventory and what is there on the app)
4. Search function to see what all has to be delivered (can be based on pincode, customer, delivery

Each feature then will have a user story. Normally, one user story belong to only one feature. But
if the same user story is being used, even if part of 2 different sprints, it is considered to be the
same user story.
Things like the loading speed of the page is not an example of a user story, since a user will never say
that I want the page to load in this this time. But this is a feature that is required to make the journey
more comfortable and hence is an enabler.

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