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Intuitive eating: An emerging approach to eating behavior
Leslie Cadena-Schlam and Gemma López-Guimerà1
Dept. Clinical and Health Psychology. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain.


Introduction: In an effort to treat obesity, health care
professionals pursue, by means of dieting and exercise
interventions, weight loss as a primary goal of treatment. Resumen
Although in few cases these interventions induce short- Introducción: Con la finalidad de tratar la obesidad,
term moderate weight loss, in the long-term, the efficacy los profesionales en salud buscan, por medio de inter-
of these treatments is at least questionable. Weight-loss venciones dietéticas restrictivas y ejercicio, la pérdida de
interventions based on restrictive diets may be associa- peso como objetivo principal del tratamiento. Aunque en
ted to adverse health and well-being. In this regard, some algunos casos estas intervenciones inducen pérdida de
researchers have considered shifting the focus of obesity peso a corto plazo, en el largo plazo la eficacia de estos
treatment into a health-centered paradigm. Among the tratamientos es, al menos, cuestionable. Investigaciones
models derived from this new paradigm, Health at Every recientes han sugerido que los tratamientos dirigidos a la
Size (HAES) is one of the most referenced. HAES has pérdida de peso basados en dietas restrictivas no resultan
enhanced intuitive eating as a core component of the pa- eficaces a largo plazo e incluso pueden comprometer la
radigm, which refers to the reliance on biological mecha- salud y el bienestar del paciente. En este sentido, algunos
nisms to regulate food intake (i.e., internal hunger and investigadores han considerado cambiar el enfoque del
satiety cues). Recently, intuitive eating has been winning tratamiento de la obesidad a un paradigma centrado en
recognition since it have been associated with numerous la salud y no en la pérdida de peso. Entre los modelos
indices of physical and psychological well-being, and no- derivados de este nuevo paradigma, Salud a Cualquier
teworthy, it have not been related to any adverse effects. Talla (HAES, por sus siglas en inglés) es uno de los más
Objective: The present paper reviews the concept referenciados. Como componente central de este para-
of intuitive eating, as well as the existing evidence that digma se sitúa la ingesta intuitiva, la cual se refiere a la
upholds this emerging approach. Also, it discusses the confianza en los mecanismos biológicos para regular la
implication of shifting the focus of dietetic interventions ingesta de alimentos (i.e., las señales internas de ham-
into a health-centered paradigm. bre y saciedad). Recientemente, la ingesta intuitiva ha
Design: Narrative Review. ganado reconocimiento, pues se ha asociado a diversos
Conclusions: Although it is certain there is a need to parámetros de bienestar físico y psicológico, además, no
extend current research on health-centered interven- se ha observado ningún efecto adverso en pacientes que
tions, this approach may be a more promising and realis- la practican.
tic alternative to address overweight and obesity than the Objetivo: El presente artículo revisa el concepto de
conventional weight-loss treatments. la ingesta intuitiva, así como la evidencia que sustenta
(Nutr Hosp. 2015;31:995-1002) este nuevo enfoque. Además, se discute la implicación de
cambiar el enfoque convencional de los tratamientos die-
DOI:10.3305/nh.2015.31.3.7980 téticos a un paradigma centrado en la salud.
Key words: Intuitive eating. Health-centered paradigm. Diseño: Revisión Narrativa
Weight-neutral approach. Obesity. Conclusiones: A pesar de la necesidad de ampliar la
investigación de las intervenciones centradas en la salud,
este enfoque podría ser una alternativa más prometedora
y realista para el abordaje del sobrepeso y la obesidad
que los tratamientos de pérdida de peso convencionales.
(Nutr Hosp. 2015;31:995-1002)
Palabras clave: Ingesta intuitiva. Enfoque en salud. Per-
Correspondence: Leslie Cadena-Schlam cepción neutral del peso. Obesidad.
Jurel 37. Costa de Oro.
Boca del Río, Veracruz. CP 94299.
Recibido: 20-VIII-2014.
1.ª Revisión: 21-IX-2014.
Aceptado: 1-X-2014.


001_7980 Ingesta Intuitiva Un nuevo abordaje del comportamiento alimentario.indd 995 04/03/15 01:01
Abbreviations Thus, the attempts to restrict caloric intake may bac-
kfire by disconnecting individuals from their natural
BMI: Body Mass Index. hunger and satiety cues19. Such internal disconnection
ED: Eating disorders. is considered to be a potent risk factor of eating disor-
HAES: Health at Every Size. ders (ED), as well as overweight and obesity6,20-22.
HDL: High Density Lipoprotein. Regarding the adverse effects associated to weight-
IES: Intuitive Eating Scale. loss interventions, some researchers have considered
IES-A: Intuitive Eating Scale for Adolescents. shifting the focus of obesity treatment into a health-
IES-2: Intuitive Eating Scale version 2. centered paradigm, by supporting interventions that
IH: Initial hunger. encourage the adoption of healthy behaviors regard-
IS: Interoceptive Sensitivity. less of weight status. Among the models derived from
LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein. this new paradigm, Health at Every Size (HAES) is
one of the most referenced 11,16,23,24. In order to address
eating behavior, HAES has enhanced intuitive eating
Introduction as a core component of the paradigm, which refers to
the reliance on biological mechanisms to regulate food
According to traditional weight-centered paradigm, intake (i.e., internal hunger and satiety cues), while a
weight loss must occur in order to achieve health. The- sense of body appreciation is well infused. In other
refore, in an effort to treat obesity, health care profes- words, intuitive eating intervention aims to address the
sionals pursue weight loss as a primary goal of treat- cause of energy deregulation by retrieving the innate
ment by means of dieting and exercise interventions. abilities of food intake regulation and promoting posi-
In few cases, these interventions induce short-term tive attitudes towards food and body image.
moderate weight loss (between 5 and 10 % of body Recently, intuitive eating has been winning recog-
weight), which in turn, may result in improvements nition since a broad range of research has associated
of certain health parameters such as blood pressure, this eating behavior with numerous indices of physical
cholesterol and blood glucose1,2. However, a growing and psychological well-being25-29. Most importantly,
body of evidence demonstrates that, in the long-term, intuitive eating interventions, in addition to improving
the efficacy of these treatments is at least questiona- health outcomes such as cholesterol levels, blood pres-
ble. Most of the patients (95-98%) regain weight over sure and insulin sensitivity, have not been associated
three to four years, being unable to maintain neither with any adverse effects. In fact, body acceptance and
the behavioral lifestyle changes, nor the improvements intuitive-based interventions have proven effective in
in health3-5. In fact, several longitudinal studies reveal reducing the risk of disordered eating, by decreasing
that restraint eating (i.e. dieting) may prompt weight thin-ideal internalization, dietary restraint, and psy-
gain6-8. chological impairment30.
Furthermore, it has been mentioned that weight-loss In order to raise a proper state of affairs, the first
interventions based on restrictive diets may be asso- part of this paper aims to review the concept of intuiti-
ciated to adverse health and well-being. In this line, ve eating as well as the existing evidence that upholds
research also indicates that these types of interven- this emerging approach. In the second part, the impli-
tions may increase psychological distress, food/weight cation of shifting the focus into a health-centered pa-
preoccupation, depression and dissatisfaction, prompt radigm in current research and clinical practice will be
weight fluctuations, lower self-esteem, and embolden discussed.
disordered eating4,9-12. In addition, the strong focus
placed on weight and appearance may endorse weight
stigmatization13-15. Weight stigmatization and discri- Definition of Intuitive Eating
mination are highly associated with several unhealthy
practices, such as increasing food intake, engaging in Intuitive Eating is defined as “the dynamic pro-
binge eating behaviors, avoiding exercise and postpo- cess-integrating attunement of mind, body and food”31.
ning medical care, which in turn may heighten the risk It refers to an adaptative form of eating essentially ba-
of obesity11,16. sed on hunger and satiety cues to regulate food intake.
Besides, it has been suggested that dieting, as not Thus, a strong connection with internal body signals,
being consistent with internal physiological hunger known as interoceptive awareness, is fundamental to
and satiety signals, disrupts interoceptive awareness, this process.
i.e. the perception of sensations that originate within This eating style was initially developed by Tribo-
the body, which in turn increases the susceptibility to le and Resch in 1995, but it was not until 2006, that
other stimulus that incite eating, such as external or Tylka and cols. operationalized intuitive eating featu-
emotional motivations9,17. Indeed, it has been sugges- res.31,32 Since then, four core components of intuitive
ted that the stronger the emphasis on external factors eating have been identified and empirically supported
(e.g., weight and appearance), the higher the interfe- by several studies25,27,32. The four components of intui-
rence with energy intake regulation mechanisms18. tive eating help remove the barriers that interfere with

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interoceptive awareness and improve such awareness new version IES-2, the fourth factor Body-Food Choi-
in relation to food intake, while a sense of body appre- ce Congruence was included. The IES-2 consists of 23
ciation is well infused31. The main components of in- items, such as: 7) I trust my body to tell me what to
tuitive eating style are: 1) Unconditional permission to eat, 12) I am able to cope with negative emotions (e.g.
eat when hungry and whatever food is desire goes on anxiety, sadness) without turning to food for comfort,
the opposite direction to diet mentality. As people who and 20) I mostly eat foods that make my body perform
respond unconditionally to feelings of hunger and food efficiently (well). Responses are rated on a 5-point sca-
cravings do not tend to classify food into categories of le ranging from 1=“strongly disagree” to 5=“strongly
“good” or “bad” and instead perceive every food as agree”. The possible range for total IES score is 21-
emotionally-neutral; 2) Eating for physical rather than 105, where a higher total score corresponds to more
emotional reasons reflects the tendency to eat to satis- intuitive eating.
fy physical hunger rather than to cope with emotional According to current evidence, IES-2 and IES-A are
distress; 3) The intuitive eater’s reliance on internal considered viable measures to assess intuitive eating
hunger and satiety cues to determine when and how in both men and women, and within adult and adoles-
much to eat. Perceiving hunger and satiety cues is not cent populations27-29. Moreover, it has been stated that
sufficient to eat intuitively; a sense of strong reliance IES-2 could be a useful clinical tool to assess not only
to these cues has to be developed, and 4) Body-Food adaptative behaviors (i.e., intuitive eating), but also the
Choice Congruence has been identified recently27. It risk of developing maladaptative comportments (e.g.,
consists in using gentle nutrition to guide food choices emotional eating, dieting) that could result in disorde-
that meet both physical and sensory needs. This means red eating and obesity, due to the fact that this ques-
that intuitive eaters tend to be mindful about how their tionnaire predicts psychological wellness beyond the
body responds to certain foods, usually choosing foods mere absence of eating disorder symptomatology27.
that better contribute to their body functions, but also
considering flavor as a central component of food
choice. Intuitive Eating Correlations

The above mentioned instruments have been the

Self-report measures of Intuitive Eating basis for many subsequent investigations aimed at ex-
ploring intuitive eating correlations with other cons-
In order to be able to gauge the above-mentioned tructs25,27-29,35,36. This research demonstrates that intuiti-
features, self-report measures had to be developed. To ve eating is inversely related to, although distinct from,
our knowledge, there are only two validated question- ED symptomatology, but it is also positively related to
naires that measure intuitive eating in adults. Both are several parameters of physical and psychological well-
referred to as Intuitive Eating Scale (IES). The first being. Since, the newest version of the IES (IES-2)
one was developed by Steven Hawks and cols. in is very recent, previous studies have used the IES-1
2004, and the other one by Tracy Tylka in 200632,33. which encompass only three components of intuitive
Despite the fact that both seem to measure intuitive eating27,32. These correlations are reviewed in the fo-
eating features, they do not share the same factor struc- llowing sections.
ture. While Hawk’s IES encompasses a four-factor
structure (intrinsic eating, extrinsic eating, antidieting,
self-care), Tylka’s IES embraces a three-factor model Intuitive Eating as the absence of ED symptomatology
(unconditional permission to eat, eating for physical
rather than emotional reason, and reliance on internal Recent studies claim that the intuitive eating compo-
hunger and satiety cues to determine when and how nents are inversely associated with various risk factors
much to eat). Nevertheless, most researchers preferred of ED, such as internalization of the thin ideal, pres-
Tylka’s IES to better assess intuitive eating style, and sure to lose weight, body dissatisfaction, body survei-
have been using it widely in subsequent studies25,27-29,34. llance, body shame, lack of interoceptive awareness,
Moreover, building on Tylka’s work, new scales have emotional eating and negative affect25,27,28. Particularly,
emerged. In 2012, Dockendorff et al. developed In- intuitive eater’s unconditional permission to eat pre-
tuitive Eating Scale-Adolescents (IES-A) to assess dicts lower levels of ED symptomatology because it is
intuitive eating in adolescent population28. Some of strongly associated with lower cognitive restraint and
the items included in this questionnaire are: 8) I can dieting25. In fact, intuitive eaters are 40% less likely to
tell when I’m slightly hungry, 16) I use food to help indulge in extreme weight control behaviors, and less
me soothe my negative emotions, such as feeling sad likely to experience chronic binge eating and dieting29.
or angry, and 20) I don’t trust myself around fattening Moreover, unconditional permission to eat is highly re-
or high-calorie foods. More recently, the Tylka’s IES lated to the perception of bodily signals (interoceptive
questionnaire has been updated to the latest version awareness), which directly influences the vulnerability
named Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2), in order to ad- to emotional and external stimuli17,32. Interestingly, this
dress certain limitations of the previous scale27. In this relation is bidirectional, creating a spiral effect. To be-

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gin, people with low interoceptive awareness are more suggests that having a stronger awareness of physiolo-
susceptible to develop disordered eating, because they gical signals and relying on them to decide what, when
tend to adjust food intake based on other reasons rather and how much to eat can be associated with a lower
than their physiological needs (e.g. emotional eating). caloric intake35 (in regard to the amount of food rather
Subsequently, people that already have an ED strive than the type of food eaten)34. Thus, it seems that in-
to ignore their internal signals of hunger and satiety to tuitive eaters are less likely to engage in behaviors that
the extent that, at some point, they no longer perceive may lead to weight gain (e.g. binge eating) than those
them normally (e.g. anorexia nervosa), preserving and who follow external rules32. However, the causality of
aggravating the disordered eating cycle. Although the this relationship needs to be further investigated, as in-
causality of this association is not yet well defined, it tuitive eating and BMI can be bidirectional related29.
is certain that the lack of interoceptive awareness is On the one hand, it is well-demonstrated that intuiti-
particularly seen in people suffering from an ED21. ve eating promotes a healthy weight status, but on the
Based on these results, it appears that low levels of other hand, people with normal weight are more likely
intuitive eating might be a risk factor for ED. Inversely, to trust their internal hunger and satiety cues to regula-
high levels of intuitive eating may guard against disor- te their intake, being therefore more intuitive29.
dered eating, by endorsing psychological wellness25. In addition, since there is some concern about whe-
ther intuitive eating (particularly the unconditional
permission to eat premise) could result in an excessi-
Intuitive Eating as a distinct construct associated ve and unbalanced diet, some studies have focused on
with indices of physical and psychological wellbeing examining its relationship with the nutritional quality
of food intake. Research has shown that intuitive ea-
The absence of ED symptomatology does not ne- ters do not tend to consume more high-fat/sugar foods
cessarily predicts adaptative eating (e.g. people could than restrictive eaters34. In fact, intuitive eating has
eat in absence of hunger but without experiencing a been associated with a more varied and nutritious diet,
binge). This fact supports the idea that intuitive eating as well as, the adoption of healthy eating habits (e.g.
has distinctive characteristics that go beyond its rela- eat breakfast)35.
tion with ED.25 In this sense, several clinical trials have
associated intuitive eating with significant improve-
ments in psychological wellbeing indices (e.g. self-es- The role of interoceptive sensitivity
teem, body appreciation, optimism), cardio-metabolic
parameters (e.g. blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL The findings mentioned above are based solely on
cholesterol and triglycerides), and healthy behaviors self-report measures of intuitive eating, which reveal
(e.g. dietary and physical activity habits, nutritional only subjective data. In this regard, some researchers,
quality of food intake)23,24,26,35. attempting to find a more objective marker, have used
In regard to its psychological benefits, research has interoceptive sensitivity (IS) as measured by a heart-
associated intuitive eating with higher levels of body beat perception17. Because interoceptive sensitivity re-
appreciation, self-esteem and feelings of satisfaction27. presents a significant predictor of intuitive eating be-
These findings suggest that people who eat intuitively havior, researchers have explored its association with
are more likely to be satisfied with their own body and BMI and health outcomes. In this sense, Herbert and
feel less pressure to achieve societal thinness ideals. cols. reveal that training in self-perception of bodily
Thus, it is presumed that intuitive eaters show greater signals could prove effective for increasing responsi-
psychological well-being because they do not condi- veness to bodily symptoms in regard to food intake
tion their self-worth to weight or body image. In ad- regulation17. Furthermore, interoceptive sensitivity
dition, two components of intuitive eating, eating for could partly explain the inverse association between
physical rather than emotional reasons and relying on intuitive eating and BMI, as it directly influences the
hunger and satiety cues, have been positively asso- degree of individual vulnerability to external factors
ciated with certain adaptative psychological features, that incite eating17.
such as positive affect, proactive coping, optimism and Meanwhile, Ciampolini and colleagues have eva-
social problem solving25. luated the effects of training in the recognition of ini-
Furthermore, studies focused on examining the re- tial hunger (IH) by using levels of pre-prandial blood
lationship between intuitive eating and physical health glucose as a biochemical marker of hunger38. This
have shown that intuitive eating is significantly corre- method aims to standardize the training program by
lated with lower levels of blood triglycerides, lower helping identify more accurately interoceptive sensa-
levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, higher tions. As Ciampolini has stated, “blood glucose acts
levels of HDL cholesterol, decreased diastolic blood to clarify, verify, and validate what might otherwise
pressure, and therefore, diminished cardiovascular remain as undifferentiated interoceptive sensations”22.
risk26,37. Moreover, intuitive eating has been associa- In this sense, people who have been trained in percei-
ted with lower body mass index (BMI) in numerous ving initial hunger have significantly improved energy
cross-sectional surveys 17,26,27,29,32,34,35,38,39. This broadly regulation (i.e. intuitive eating), reduced their caloric

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intake by a third, increased their insulin sensitivity le- Furthermore, despite of what is commonly thought,
vels, and lowered their BMI by 2 points22. Based on weight is not a modifiable behavior, but a result of in-
these findings, the authors suggest that overweight and voluntary factors both personal and environmental16.
insulin resistance might be rooted in the unconscious- Therefore, weight suppression may be an unattainable
ness of body signals22,38. target for health care interventions. The fact that in-
tuitive eating interventions may offer a more realistic
longer-lasting improvement of health outcomes and
Potential benefits of an intervention based on general wellness, independent of weight loss, makes
Intuitive Eating them more promising than conventional treatments.
This might be linked to the significantly higher reten-
Recent evidence suggests that intuitive eating inter- tion rates seen in health-centered interventions when
vention has shown several benefits. Primarily, train­ing compared to diet and control groups37,41, as patients
in intuitive eating has a relative long-term last­ing effect involved in this approach may be less likely to beco-
on improving physical and psychological wellness in me discouraged and may continue to engage in healthy
comparison with conventional weight loss interven- behaviors by not using weight loss as a marker of suc-
tions23,24,40-42. Secondly, this model has an integrative cess44. However, although it is not the central aim of
scope for action. As it not only reduces the risk of the health-focused and intuitive-based interventions,
developing disordered eating by endorsing numerous modest weight loss might occur37,41,42. And it could
adaptative strategies (e.g. increasing interoceptive sen- continue to occur post-treatment, contrary to dieting
sitivity); but also reduces the onset of chronic diet-re- outcomes where weight rebound is particularly com-
lated diseases (e.g. obesity) by improving physical and mon. The mentioned weight loss can be explained by
psychological outcomes. the fact that intuitive eaters have shown to be able to
The table I shows the studies aimed to explore the maintain a stable eating behavior over time, while diet­
efficacy of interventions based on Intuitive Eating and ers tend to increase their food intake post-treatment46.
HAES principles. That being said, an intervention based on intuitive eat­
ing skills might be a viable strategy towards weight
management and weight gain prevention.
Implications for research and practice In addition, since intuitive eating not only promotes
adaptative behaviors, but also prevents the occurren-
Weight loss strategies are widely encouraged in pu- ce of future ED, this intervention should be especially
blic health policy and health care practice as an answer useful for chronic dieters who have not obtained satis-
to the increasing rates of obesity affecting the general factory results with conventional treatments and are at
population. However, since dieting has been associa- risk of engaging in disordered eating. Moreover, some
ted with disordered eating, health risk and psychologi- surveys have revealed that women who binge especia-
cal distress, encouraging patients to start dieting may lly benefit from training intuitive eating skills31,34,47.
be uncertainly ethical11,43. Therefore, the pursuit of a Finally, a further advantage of intuitive eating inter-
more ethical and effective approach to eating behavior ventions is that, from a clinical point of view, it could
should be the priority for health care professionals16,44. be applied to a wide range of areas. For instance, it
In this regard, an alternative approach with a main could work as health diffusion strategies in workshops
focus on health and inclusive focus on weight has been or support groups, health campaigns at college centers,
proposed. So far, such health-centered interventions educational courses with curricular value or even as
have met ethical standards of beneficience and non- individual therapy session48.
maleficience by stopping weight stigma, honoring size Some limitations of the present paper should be
diversity, and being constructed from a holistic focus acknowledged. Firstly, it is not a systematic review.
where all aspects of health are considered16. Instead Secondly, the studies presented in this paper were the
of pursuing weight-loss by means of food restriction, ones consider having a greater scientific rigor, leaving
these interventions aim at adopting healthy behaviors a side part of the literature related to this subject. Last
regardless of weight status. Plenty of evidence has but not least, it is worth adressing some limitations
shown that it is likely the behavior to change (and of the intuitive eating framework. Further research is
not the weight loss per se) that plays a greater role in required to describe more precisely the effectiveness
health improvement11. In a recent study conducted by of this new approach. Future studies should focus on
Matheson and cols., healthy life style habits (mode- deep­ly examined adaptative eating behaviors in order
rate drinking, not smoking, regular exercise, fruit and to extend the current evidence regarding health-cente-
vegetable consumption) were inversely associated red interventions and address unsolved matters in this
with mortality risk, irrespective of the subject’s initial subject. It could be meaningful to explore the effects
BMI45. In fact, the researchers revealed that the “obese of intuitive eating interventions in specific cases whe-
individuals who adopted all 4 healthy lifestyle habits re its implementation can present certain complica-
had the lowest risk of mortality compared with every tions (e.g. low-income population)27. Also, it seems
other weight strata and life style combination45”. necessary to estimate the impact of weight-neutral

Intuitive eating: An emerging approach to Nutr Hosp. 2015;31(3):995-1002 999

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Table I

Controlled trials that used interventions based on Intuitive Eating and HAES principles

Tx sessions Follow-up
Study Population / length in (weeks Attrition Main findings
Group type (n)
weeks post-tx)
Mellin et al., Training group 22 Obese men and women 18/18 78 T group 18% The intervention showed several positive effects: improved health
1997   indexes, as well as various aspects of psychosocial, vocational and
economic functioning, decreased depression and lowered body weight.
Goodrick et al., Nondiet group 62 Overweight and obese 50 sessions 78 Not reported Both intervention groups, Non Diet and Diet, reduce binge eating
1998 Diet group 65 women, binge-eaters episodes in a similar way, but none of them showed significant weight
Control group 58 loss.
Bacon et al., HAES group (39) obese female chronic 30/24 72 HAES 8% Despite de HAES group do not showed significant weight loss, the
2002 & 2005 Diet group (39) dieters   Diet 42% improvements in metabolic fitness, psychology and eating behavior
were remarkable. Also, the attrition rates within de HAES group were

001_7980 Ingesta Intuitiva Un nuevo abordaje del comportamiento alimentario.indd 1000

significantly lower in comparison to the diet group. After a two-year
follow-up, only the HAES group maintained weight and sustained
improvements in all outcome variables.
Provencher et al., HAES group (48) Pre-menopausal obese 14/16 48 HAES 8% Larger decreases in habitual susceptibility to disinhibition and

Nutr Hosp. 2015;31(3):995-1002

2007 &2009 Social Support (48) and overweight women S.S 19% susceptibility to external hunger, as well as higher increase in flexible
Control group (48) Control 21% restraint, were associated with the maintenance of a lower body
weight in the HAES group (63.4% of HAES women maintained a
2% weight loss at follow-up).No large difference was noted between
HAES and SS groups.
Gagnon-Girouard HAES group (48) Weight-preoccupied 14/14 48 Not reported In the long-term, psychological variables (depressive symptoms, body
et al, 2010 Social Support (48) obese and overweight and self-esteem, binge eating and quality of life) and body weight
Control group (48) women remained stable or continued to improve among the HAES group, but
not in the other groups.
Ciampolini et al, IH Training 89 Men and women adults, 7 weeks 12 IHT 20% Over a 5-month period, training in hunger recognition improved
2010 Control group 31 suffering from symptoms Control 16% insulin sensitivity index and cardiovascular risk factors, and decreased
of functional bowel energy intake, body weight and BMI.
Leblanc et al., HAES group (48) Pre-menopausal obese 14/16 24 HAES 8% HAES group reported decrease in hunger and external hunger, which
2012 Social Support (46) and overweight women S.S 19% were associated with a decrease in overall energy intake.
  Control group (46) Control 21%
Gravel et al. Sensory-based (24) Restrictive overweight 6/6 12 S-Based 20% Sensory-based intervention improved eating-related attitudes and
(2013) Control group (26) women Control 30% behaviors among restrained women. Intervention group showed a
significant decrease in disinhibition and situational susceptibility to
disinhibition, after treatment and in the follow-up.
T group: Training group; HAES: Health at Every Size; SS: Social support intervention group; BMI: Body Mass Index; IHT: Initial Hunger Training.

Leslie Cadena-Schlam and Gemma López-Guimerà

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