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Ling Jie See 11010147


I didn’t organize well for my lesson and made many mistakes when I was
carrying out the lesson. For instance, I didn’t give clear instructions to the students such
as I want them have a group work but I didn’t mention how many in a groups. Besides,
when they are doing the worksheets, I didn’t walk around to guide them. For each
activity, I didn’t give a closure to summarise what I have taught. Other that than, I have
bad posture when I was teaching. Although I have brought sweets as rewards, I have
forgotten to mention that I’ll be giving rewards if they answer the worksheets correctly.
This is the biggest mistake I have made. In addition to that, I didn’t make the class
interesting because I didn’t make much eye contact with my students. Students are bored
in my lesson.

In order to improve my teaching skills and my class interesting, I’ll prepare well
for my next lesson. So, I won’t be panic and lost direction in my lesson. I’ll make sure
what should I teach for the lesson. Other than that, I’ll have more interaction with
students so they can be motivated in the lesson.

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