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CH-7 Cantilever

Examples: Horizontal and Vertical

Description cantilevers
 A cantilever is a structural system
which distributes loads through a
projecting member supported at
only one end;
 Cantilever is designed resist
forces– Shear & Bending;
 Horizontal and Vertical cantilevers
 In trees the wood is good in
tension and compression and
cross section is circular making it
efficient to resist these forces
from any direction.
CH-7 Cantilever
Examples: Horizontal and Vertical
Description Cantilevers
 Cantilevers cross section are
thicker near supports and
thinner at the free ends;
 Because @ supports the
internal (reaction to)
bending and shear forces
are maximum;
CH-7 Cantilever
Examples: Horizontal Uniform
Load Distribution(LD): Cantilevers
 Top= Tension;
 Bottom= Compression;
 The Internal Forces (Reactions) Tension

created due to applied loads

are less at the free end but
load increases at the
supported ends;
 The stresses in experienced by
cross section is similar; less at
free end greater at fixed
supports. (figure 8.4)
CH-7 Cantilever
Examples: Horizontal Tapered
Load Distribution(LD): Cantilevers
 Stress = force (P)/ cross
sectional Area (A)(figure
 Uniform stress by
Geometry; Compression
 Material efficiency;
 Lighter member;
CH-7 Cantilever
Uniform loading Beam excluding
cantilevered member : Examples: btw 2 columns
 Similar to simple beams(figure 8.6);
 The cantilevered beam has no
effect on LD of the rest of the beam Tension
if weight of this portion is excluded;
 Two Columns or supports are equal
size in compression; Compression
 Beam would fail in middle due to
increasing loads;
 Beam Deformation downwards in
the middle of beam;
 Beam failure in mid-span.
CH-7 Cantilever
Examples: Uniform Loading of cantilever
Loading of the Cantilever Beam: member in the beam
 In (figure 8.7);
 Only cantilevered beam portion is
loaded with uniform load; Tension
 Columns @ cantilever support is
bigger size and in compression
force - applied cantilever load; Compression
 Column in the right side is smaller
and in Tension;
 Beam Deformation upwards in the
middle of beam;
 Beam failure at left support due to
excessive loading.
CH-7 Cantilever
Uniform Loading Single Cant. Uniform Loading Single Cant.
• In (figure 8.8);
• Beam deflection is less @ free end
& mid-span compared to figure
• Less internal stresses & forces btw
• Internal stresses in cantilever
similar to figure 8.6;
• Left column is bigger >
compressive loads;
• Failure due to excessive loading
will be at left column
CH-7 Cantilever
Uniform Loading Double Cant. Uniform Loading Double Cant.
• In figure (8.9) load is
• More Efficient than single
• 2 cant. Push the mid-beam
upwards, reducing beam
deformation and deflection;
• Advantage
– Increasing the span;
– Without increasing the stresses;
– 2 columns are equal
CH-7 Cantilever
Uniform Loading P&B Uniform Loading P&B
• In figure (8.10) load is
• Internal stresses in the
beam material (reactions)
are large;
• The beam cross section is
large & deep;
• 2 columns support similar
loads and equal in size.
CH-7 Cantilever
Uniform Loading Double Cant. Uniform Double Cant.
• In figure (8.11) load is
symmetrical with double
• Advantage:
– Beam Cross section area is
1/3 of Post & Beam;
– Material and structural
efficiency by use of cant.;
– 2 columns support similar
loads and equal in size.
CH-7 Cantilever
Uniform Loading Single Cant. Efficient Single Cant.
• In figure (8.12) single cant.;
• Efficient when cant. 30% of
beam length; 30%D
CH-7 Cantilever
Uniform Loading Double Cant. Efficient Double Cant.
• In figure (8.13) Double D
• Efficient when cant. 20%
20%D 20%D
of beam length;
• In case of concentrated
loads then Cant. Lengths
must be reduced
CH-7 Cantilever
Post & Beam Frames P&B Frames
• In figure (8.14) simple
frame system P&B; A

• Centre column load = One A

• Side Columns = Half Bay
• Corner column = 1/4 Bay
• 3 Column sizes = 3 types
of loading
CH-7 Cantilever
Frames & 2 Sides Cant. P&B Frames & 2 Sides Cant.
• In figure (8.15) simple
frame system 2 sided A A
cant.; BAY

• Centre column load= One

Bay area;
• Side Columns= Half Bay;
• 2 Column sizes = 2 types
of loading
CH-7 Cantilever
Frames & 4 Sides Cant. P&B Frames & 4 Sides Cant.
• In figure (8.16) simple
frame system 4 sided BAY

cant.; BAY

• All columns load= One

Bay area;
• One Column sizes = one
types of loading;
CH-7 Cantilever
 Increase in span with cant. But columns size increase;
 Cant. Is extension of Post & Beam system but more
materially and structurally efficient ;
 Reducing the dead loads and making lighter system;
 The material in cantilever is sufficient to resist any bending
and shear stresses due to its geometry under uniform
 But sudden change in loading condition at the free end (e.g.
impact loads) or large spans may require considerable
depth at the cantilever support.
CH-7 Cantilever
Lateral Stability Examples
• In figure (8.17) structure is
• Because the size of the base
is less than the top;
• To resist bending due to
applied load on the top;
CH-7 Cantilever
Lateral Stability Examples
• In figure (8.18) stable;
• The size of the base is larger
or equal to the top to resist
any bending;
CH- Cantilever
Lateral Stability Example: Triangulation
• In figure (8.19) stability in
series of cantilevers;
• By Triangulation;
• The column sizes remain
CH- Cantilever
Lateral Stability in Vertical Cant. Example: Vertical Cant.
• In figure (8.20) stability in
vertical cantilevers;
• By shallow foundations;
• Can’t resist applied lateral
forces thus over turns.
CH- Cantilever
Lateral Stability in vertical cant. Example
• In figure (8.21) stability in
vertical cantilevers;
• By Deep foundations;
• Resist applied lateral forces
thus over turns.

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