A Novel Nested Real Time Polymerase Chain

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A Novel Nested Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction

for Treponema pallidum DNA in Syphilis Biospecimens
Yi Zhang, MD,*† Xiangnong Dai, BM,*† Zefang Ren, PhD,‡ Hongda Lin, MD,‡
Wenling Cao, BM,*† and Xingdong Ye, MD*†

Serum-specific treponemal antibody arrays (e.g. T. pallidum particle

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Background: Early diagnosis of Treponema pallidum infection is help- agglutination [TPPA]), T. pallidum Western blot, chemiluminescent
ful for disease management, and conventional PCR is suitable for lesion magnetic microparticle immunoassays (CMIAs), and nonspecific
swabs of patients with probable early syphilis. We thus tested nested and treponemal antibody arrays (e.g. rapid plasma regain [RPR]), are
real-time PCR (NR-PCR) in various biosamples from syphilitic patients. suitable for the identification and management of suspected syph-
Methods: Samples were collected from syphilis patients before treatment. ilis infections.2 However, nontreponemal antibody arrays may
Specific primer sequences targeting the T. pallidum gene polA were give false positives, not only for cases of nonvenereal treponema-
designed for NR-PCR. tosis, but also in the event of concurrent pregnancy, autoimmune
Results: Across syphilis types, most samples assayed with NR-PCR returned disease, or other infections. Furthermore, a positive treponemal or
a positive result, including earlobe blood (92.0%), cerebrospinal fluid nontreponemal test result may indicate serostate, not active syphilis.3
(CSF) (90.2%), lesion swabs (74.3%), serum (66.9%), and whole blood With serum treponemal antibodies, electrochemiluminescent
(64.2%). No significant differences were observed in positive samples for immunoassays and CMIAs have high sensitivity and specificity
whole blood, serum, and lesion swabs between primary and secondary and can be used to screen for T. pallidum infection.2 Marra's group
syphilis (P > 0.05 for all comparisons). However, more whole-blood sam- reported that a CSF-TPPA titer threshold of 1:640 was sufficient
ples from patients with secondary syphilis were positive for NR-PCR than for neurosyphilis diagnosis, and that CSF-TPPA might be useful
whole blood samples from patients with tertiary and latent syphilis for identifying patients with neurosyphilis when a CSF venereal
(P < 0.05 for all comparisons). For neurosyphilis patients, significantly disease research laboratory (VDRL) test is nonreactive.4 The con-
more earlobe blood samples tested positive than did whole-blood samples ventional test for T. pallidum DNA using PCR is suitable for lesion
(P < 0.05), but there was no difference in positive results for earlobe blood swab specimens from lesions of patients with probable early syph-
and whole blood in latent syphilis. Significantly more serum samples tested ilis.5,6 Indeed, conventional PCR testing has a sensitivity of up to
positive in latent syphilis patients with rapid plasma regain (RPR) titers of 78.4% for lesion swabs of primary genital or anal chancres, and up
1:8 or greater, compared to those with RPR of 1:4 or less. to 83.0% for blood from neonates with congenital syphilis; the
Conclusions: Nested and real-time PCR can be used to identify T. pallidum specificity of both tests is approximately 95%.7 However, the sen-
DNA in biosamples from syphilitic patients, especially earlobe blood. sitivity of PCR was low for T. pallidum DNA in peripheral blood
specimens in adult.8,9 There is an optimal window for PCR-based

S yphilis is a chronic systemic sexually transmitted infection

caused by Treponema pallidum, a pathogen that cannot be
subcultured in the laboratory on any biochemical medium.1 Early
diagnosis of neurosyphilis, although nested and real-time PCR
with T. pallidum polA or tpp47 is preferable.10 Grange's group
found no agreement between T. pallidum in blood using nested
diagnosis of T. pallidum infection is helpful for disease management. PCR and a syphilis serological diagnosis; nested PCR had a sensi-
tivity of only 29% for peripheral blood mononuclear cells and
14.7% for serum.3 Conventional PCR is more likely to contami-
*From the Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou Institute of Dermatology; nate DNA leading to unstable results, and real-time quantitative
†Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou Medical University; and PCR can omit an electrophoresis step, decreasing contamination
‡School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, P.R. China in a sealed reaction environment. However, its sensitivity for T.
Acknowledgements: The authors thank Prof. Yin Yueping (National Venereology pallidum DNA array is low.10,11 The nested PCR, after several ini-
Reference Laboratory, Nanjing STD Research Center, China) for providing tial cycles, can amplify the target gene and increase accuracy.3,10
the reference T. pallidum DNA strain Nichols. Thus, we tested the sensitivity and specificity of nested real-time
Y.Z. drafted the article. X.Y. conceptualized the research design and revised PCR (NR-PCR), which is sensitive to a minimum of 2 T. pallidum
the draft, X.D. analyzed the data. W.C. handled samples. Z.R. and H.L.
strain Nichols cells/mL,12 which is greater than 103 T. pallidum
completed all experiments, and all authors were involved in revising the
manuscript and approving the final version.
strain Nichols cells/mL using real-time quantitative PCR11 and
Y.Z. and X.D. are co-first authors. 20 T. pallidum strain Nichols cells/mL of nested PCR.3
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: None declared. Available studies of T. pallidum DNA in biospecimens of
Correspondence: Xingdong Ye, MD, Department of Dermatology, syphilis patients are limited, so we investigated the feasibility of
Guangzhou Institute of Dermatology, 56, Heng Fu St, Guangzhou, NR-PCR for identifying T. pallidum DNA from biological sam-
Guangdong province, China. E‐mail: yxingdong@qq.com. ples from syphilitic patients.
Received for publication April 16, 2018, and accepted August 18, 2018.
DOI: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000908 MATERIALS AND METHODS
Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
on behalf of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Participants and Specimens
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0
(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work Inclusion Criteria for Participants
provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or All patients with suspected syphilis visiting the out-patient
used commercially without permission from the journal. dermatology or sexually transmitted disease (STD) departments of

Sexually Transmitted Diseases • Volume 46, Number 1, January 2019 41

Zhang et al.

seven hospitals in Guangzhou, China between July 2012 and June VDRL were positive, and neurosyphilis was classified according
2014 were asked to participate in this study if they met the follow- to symptoms. For example, patients were considered to have a di-
ing criteria: a history of high-risk sexual behavior or more than 1 agnosis of asymptomatic neurosyphilis if they had been without
partner in the past; a reactive treponemal serological antibody test, symptoms but had a positive serum TPPA and RPR test, a positive
with or without manifestations consistent with syphilis; and no CSF routine test, and a positive CSF treponemal antibody test. Pa-
prior syphilis treatment. Patients gave informed consent for partic- tients with meningeal neurosyphilis presented with fever, headache,
ipation prior to enrollment. All procedures used in this study were stiff neck, and papilledema. Patients with cerebrovascular syphilis
approved by the medical ethics committee of the Guangzhou Insti- presented with cerebral vascular occlusive syndrome (e.g., hemiple-
tute of Dermatology (N20121A031001_1). gia aphasia) and epilepsy. Patients were diagnosed with brain paren-
chyma syphilis with additional mental symptoms, such as apathy
and disorientation, and/or with nervous system symptoms, such as
Syphilis Diagnosis ataxia, thrill, and myasthenia. Confirmed early latent syphilis was
All participants were tested using TPPA and RPR. Syphilis diagnosed if the patients were positive for TPPA and RPR, and
was diagnosed based on previously published methods.13 Briefly, had no obvious CSF abnormality, and if patient had a sexual partner
based on a history of high-risk sexual behavior in the past with a history of confirmed early syphilis within the past 2 years, or
12 months, patients were diagnosed with confirmed primary syph- if patient had a history of high-risk sexual behavior or a blood trans-
ilis if they had one or more chancres and if they were positive for T. fusion within the past 2 years. Also, if the patient had untreated
pallidum based on dark field microscope regardless of result of manifestations consistent with either primary or secondary syphilis
RPR and/or TPPA test (RPR could be negative if the T. pallidum within the past 2 years, a diagnosis of confirmed early latent syphilis
infection is less than 2 to 3 weeks, and TPPA could be negative was made. Late latent syphilis was considered if asymptomatic pa-
at an early stage). Patients were diagnosed with confirmed second- tient were TPPA- and RPR-positive, and had a syphilis history of
ary syphilis if they manifested syphilitic polymorphic skin erup- more than 2 years. All syphilis patients were treated according to
tions and/or mucosa condylomata lata, and if both TPPA and STD guidelines.13 The “first visit” was defined as the visit when
RPR were positive, regardless of DFM results. We diagnosed pa- syphilis was identified for the first time.
tients with confirmed tertiary syphilis if they had either primary
or secondary syphilis for more than 2 years; or if syphilitic skin
Specimen Collection
nodules or gummas were observed; and if the patient presented
with bone, eye, or other visceral syphilis, or with cardiovascular All biospecimens were collected according to
syphilis, such as simple aoristic, aortic regurgitation, or aortic an- prescribed procedures.12
eurysm. We diagnosed patients with neurosyphilis based on serum
TPPA and RPR positivity, and a routine CSF test recovered protein Lesion Swabs
greater than 500 mg/L and white blood cell counts greater than For patients with ulcerate eruptions, the lesion exudate was
5  106/L without another explanation. Also, diagnoses were collected with a lesion swab. For secondary syphilis with skin le-
made if CSF fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption and/or sions, such as macules or papules without mucosal lesions, lesions

TABLE 1. Distribution of the 452 Biospecimens Obtained From 266 Participants

Samples Size
Characteristics No. Participants (%) *Subtotal (%) Lesion Swabs Serum Earlobe Blood Whole Blood CSF
Males 159 (60.0) 310 (69.0) 40 118 18 102 32
Females 107 (40.0) 142 (31.0) 13 58 7 45 19
Study group
Primary syphilis 19 (7.0) 45 (10.0) 19 9 0 14 3
Secondary syphilis 23 (9.0) 57 (13.0) 16 16 0 23 2
Tertiary syphilis 10 (4.0) 13 (3.0) 0 10 0 3 0
Latent syphilis
Early latent 85 (32.0) 149 (33.0) 0 86 2 61 0
Late latent 21 (8.0) 26 (6) 0 20 0 2 4
Asymptomatic neurosyphilis 13 (5.0) 30 (7.0) 0 1 8 1 13
Meningeal neurosyphilis 15 (6.0) 25 (6.0) 0 3 6 3 15
Cerebrovascular syphilis 14 (5.0) 23 (5.0) 0 3 9 2 14
Subtotal 200 (75.0) 368 (81.0) 35 148 25 109 51
Control group
Negative controls
Genital herpes 9 (3.0) 18 (4.0) 9 0 0 9 0
Scrotal eczema 4 (2.0) 8 (2.0) 4 0 0 4 0
Fixed drug eruption 5 (2.0) 10 (2.0) 5 0 0 5 0
Healthy person 20 (8.0) 20 (4.0) 0 0 0 20 0
Probable syphilis 28 (11.0) 28 (6.0) 0 28 0 0 0
Subtotal 66 (25.0) 84 (19.0) 18 28 0 38 0

Total 266 (100.0) 452 (100.0) 53 176 25 147 51

* Subtotal = number of swab samples+ serum samples + earlobe blood samples + whole blood samples + CSF samples.

Total = c1subtotal + c2subtotal.

42 Sexually Transmitted Diseases • Volume 46, Number 1, January 2019

Real-Time PCR for T. pallidum

were scraped gently with a lesion swab to obtain serous exudate. PCR Primer Design
For DFM analysis, lesion exudate was collected with a bacteriol-
ogy loop and transferred immediately to a glass slide for examina- Primers and TaqMan Minor Groove Binder Probe
tion. For DNA extraction, lesion exudate was collected with a All PCR was performed at the School of Public Health, Sun
lesion swab, then immediately placed in 1-mL sterile PBS. Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. For the NR-PCR assay, we
designed two pairs of primers specific to the target T. pallidum gene,
Whole Blood, Serum, and CSF Collection polA (partial coding sequence (CDS); GenBank accession no.
TPU57757.1; Table 2). We renewed additional sets of primers for
We collected 3-mL whole blood in dry tubes from patients PCR and real-time PCR using published primer sequences.14,15
with primary, secondary, tertiary, and latent syphilis. We divided Primers and the TaqMan Minor Groove Binder probe (Table 2)
1 mL of the collected blood into five 0.2-mL aliquots, and centri- were synthesized by Applied Biosystems (Guangzhou, China).
fuged the remaining 2 mL for 10 minutes at 2500g at room temper-
ature. We then collected the supernatant (sera) and subpackaged it in
0.2-mL aliquots. We collected 50- to 100-μL earlobe peripheral NR-PCR Assay
blood from latent syphilis and neurosyphilis patients, and to the We amplified T. pallidum DNA using Taq Man Master Mix
blood, we added 200-μL 0.9% NaCl. We collected CSF via lumbar (ABI Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, China) for PCR. Each 25 μL initial
puncture from suspected neurosyphilis patients without contraindi- PCR volume contained 3 μL extracted DNA as the template,
cations. Patients who received lumber punctures were given 500 mL 1 μL of each outer primer (F1/R1, 0.4 μM), and 20 μL Platinum
of 10% glucose plus 2 g vitamins C (intravenously guttae), and were PCR Super Mix (Invitrogen, Guangzhou, China). Initial PCR
asked to lie flat for 6 hours of observation. Irrespective of syphilis was performed in a Thermal Cycle PTC-200 (Bio-Rad, Shanghai,
type or stage, we attempted to amplify T. pallidum DNA in all col- China), with the following cycling program: degeneration at 94°C
lected samples which were stored at −80°C until NR-PCR was per- for 5 minutes; 30 cycles of 94°C for 30 seconds, 68°C for
formed. We also collected 38 samples from nonsyphilitic patients as 30 seconds, and 72°C for 2 minutes; and a final extension at 72°
negative controls for DNA amplification. Table 1 depicts the charac- C for 7 minutes. The product of initial amplification was diluted
teristics of these collections. in 1:2, We then added 4 μL of dilution as template to each well
of a 384-well plate, the remaining dilution was stored in −20°C.
Plates were dried in an incubator at 65°C for 30 minutes. We next
added 2.5 μL TaqMan Master Mix (ABI, Guangzhou, China) and
DNA Amplification 1 μL of each inner primer (F2/R2, 0.3 μM) to each well. PCR cy-
Preparation for Reference T. pallidum DNA cling conditions were as follows: incubation 50°C for 2 minutes,
followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 minutes, 95°C for 15 sec-
Rabbit testis cultures containing T. pallidum strain Nichols onds, and 60°C for 1 minute. For each specimen, we also ampli-
were donated by Dr. Yin Yueping (National Venereology Refer- fied negative and positive controls (negative sample, sterile
ence Laboratory, Nanjing STD Research Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu water and T. pallidum strain Nichols, respectively). For all speci-
province, China) to be prepared for reference DNA. We isolated T. mens, Ct values were derived using Sequence Detection System
pallidum DNA with a TIAN Amp Micro DNA kit (TianGen Biotech (SDS, ABI) software. We considered Ct values less than 40 posi-
Co., Ltd., Beijing, China), following the manufacturer's instructions. tive for T. pallidum DNA.
We used Nano Drop ND-1000 Ultraviolet spectrophotometers
(Thermo Scientific Co., Guangzhou, China) to quantify extracted
DNA. We amplified T. pallidum DNA using Taq Man Master Mix Statistical Analysis
(ABI Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, China) for PCR. We used χ2 tests and SPSS 17.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL) to as-
sess the relationship between positive T. pallidum PCR results and
Patients DNA Extraction syphilis type (P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant).
We extracted DNA from 200 μL each of lesion swabs,
whole blood, serum, earlobe peripheral blood, and CSF using a RESULTS
TIAN Amp Micro DNA Kit mentioned above, following the man- There were 266 participants in our study, between the ages
ufacturer's instructions. A UV spectrophotometer was used for of 21 and 65 (median: 36) (Table 1). Of these participants,
quantitating DNA from patient samples, which were stored at 228 patients with suspected syphilis, with an average disease dura-
−80°C until amplification. tion of 6.8 months (range, 3 days to 52 months), and 38

TABLE 2. Primer Sequences for polA

Method Primer Pair polA Sequence (5`–3`) Locus in Genome (TPU57757.1) Length
PCR F1 TGC GCG TGT GCG AAT GGT GTG GTC 116972–116995 377 bp
NR PCR F2 AGG ATC CGG CATATG TCC AA 117213–117232 67 bp
R2 GTG AGC GTC TCA TTC CAA A 117258–117279
Probe FMA-ATG CACCAGCTTCGA 117239–117253 15 bp

TPU57757 Treponema pallidum PolA gene, Partial cds:116761–117352.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases • Volume 46, Number 1, January 2019 43

Zhang et al.

Yat's continuous correction algorithm χ21, χ22, and P values indicate the results of χ2 tests comparing secondary syphilis with other types of syphilis (in serum and whole blood samples), or comparing adjacent

nonsyphilitic individuals used as controls of these patients. Of the

228 patients, 200 were eventually diagnosed with confirmed in-



fections (Table 1). All 19 of the patients diagnosed with primary

syphilis presented with chancres. Of the 23 patients diagnosed

38 (90.5)

46 (90.2)
4 (100)
+ (%)

with secondary syphilis, 12 presented with a rose rash and 11 pre-

0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
2 sented with condyloma lata. The remaining 28 patients, without
confirmed infections, were considered probably syphilitic: 11
were diagnosed with probable primary syphilis, 12 were TPPA-


positive with no other symptoms, indicating nonreactive syphilis,

Earlobe blood

and 5 were suspected to have latent syphilis or be in a syphilitic




serostate (RPR positive with a history of syphilis treatment within

the last 2 years).
21 (91.3)

23 (92.0)
2 (100)
+ (%)

0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)

Positive T. pallidum Tests in Different Specimen

Types From Patients at Various Stages of
Syphilis Progression



Our NR-PCR identified 71.7% of the syphilitic patient

samples (264/368) as positive for T. pallidum DNA (Table 3); all


38 control samples were negative for T. pallidum DNA. In patients

TABLE 3. Nested Real-Time PCR Analysis of Different Types of Samples Indicating Those Positive for Treponema pallidum DNA (N = 452)



diagnosed with neurosyphilis, there were no significant differ-

Whole Blood

ences between the results for the serum and whole-blood samples
(P = 0.2), or between the earlobe blood and CSF samples






(p = 0.74). When serum and whole-blood samples were combined

(to generate venous whole blood samples [VWB]), earlobe blood
8 (57.1)

3 (50.0)
20 (87.0)

39 (61.9)
70 (64.2)

samples tested positive significantly more often than did the

+ (%)

0 (0)

0 (0)
0 (0)

0 (0)

VWB samples (Fisher exact test, P = 0.02), but no significant dif-

Pearson χ2 tests comparing subtotal of syphilis type and control group (in serum, lesion swab and whole blood samples).

ference was observed between the CSF and VWB samples

(P = 0.14). In the patients diagnosed with latent syphilis, there



were no significant differences between the number of serum


and whole blood samples positive for T. pallidum DNA


(P = 0.18); all earlobe blood and CSF samples tested positive


(Table 3). Of the 84 biospecimens considered negative for the


NR PCR test, 1 serum sample from a patient with serological


RPR positive was positive for T. pallidum DNA.





Testing for T. pallidum DNA in Serum From Patients

1 (3.57)
10 (62.5)
5 (50.0)
6 (72.3)

99 (66.9)

1 (3.57)
2 (22.2)

76 (71.7)
+ (%)

With Different RPR Titrations

0 (0)

We divided all syphilis patients with serum samples into 2

groups based on serum RPR titer (≥1:8 or ≤ 1:4). We tested these
159 serum samples independently for T. pallidum DNA (1 serum


sample per patient). All 33 patients (23 diagnosed with secondary,


and 10 with tertiary syphilis) had RPR titers >1:4 (Table 4). In all
Lesion Swab

23 cases of secondary syphilis, RPR titer was 1:8 or greater;




62.5% of these samples tested positive for T. pallidum DNA. Of

14 (87.5)

26 (74.3)
12 (63.2)

the 10 tertiary syphilis patients with RPR of 1:8 or greater; 50%

+ (%)

0 (0)
0 (0)

0 (0)


of these samples tested positive for T. pallidum DNA. There were

no significant differences in number of positive NR-PCR results
between the RPR groups for primary and neurosyphilis. However,
*Fisher exact test; gTotal = g1subtotal + g2subtotal.
Positive %

there were significantly more positive T. pallidum DNA tests in the


latent syphilis patients with RPR titers of 1:8 or greater, as com-



pared with the patients with RPR titers of 1:4 or less (Table 4).
samples (e.g., lesion swabs, earlobe blood).
Total samples





Nested and real-time PCR to assess T. pallidum DNA in

various biospecimens from syphilis patients correctly returned a
positive result for 71.7% of samples: lesion swab samples were
74.3% positive, serum samples were 66.9% positive, whole blood
Negative controls
Probable syphilis

samples were 64.2% positive, earlobe blood samples were 92%


Control group

positive, and CSF samples were 90.2% positive across all patients
Syphilis type

with confirmed syphilis infections. No significant differences



were observed in positive results from lesion swab and whole




blood samples from early syphilis cases, perhaps due to small



sample size.

44 Sexually Transmitted Diseases • Volume 46, Number 1, January 2019

Real-Time PCR for T. pallidum

TABLE 4. Relationship Between Serum RPR Titer and T. pallidum DNA Results in Syphilis Patients at Initial Visit (N = 159)*
Primary Syphilis Neurosyphilis Latent Syphilis
DNA Result Sample Size ≤1:4 ≥1:8 p†1 ≤1:4 ≥1:8 pj2 ≤1:4 ≥1:8 χ21 p3
Positive 72 0 2 0.44 1 7 0.15 7 55 23.3 <0.01
Negative 54 4 3 2 1 24 20
Total 126 4 5 3 8 31 75

*Of the 159 serum samples, 33 serum samples including 23 from secondary and 10 from tertiary syphilis were not included in this table, because their
RPR titers were ≥1:8.

P values calculated with Fisher exact test for both primary syphilis and neurosyphilis groups.

Nested and real-time PCR accurately returned more correct Key Message
positive results than previous PCR approaches for the collection (1) NR-PCR is feasible and valuable for identifying T. pallidum
methods used here3,11,14,16; nevertheless, NR-PCR did not return DNA from biospecimens of patients at various stages of syphilis
more positive results than previous PCR approaches for lesion disease progression.
swabs.3,7,14 This may be due to insufficient T. pallidum DNA in le- (2) Peripheral earlobe venous blood from latent syphilis
sion swab samples. The NR-PCR results also indicated specificity and neurosyphilis patients had the greatest T. pallidum
for T. pallidum DNA of 99%—only 1 of 84 control samples was DNA positivity.
positive for T. pallidum DNA (Table 3), and the positive DNA re- (3) Serum T. pallidum DNA positivity for latent syphilis patients
sult was from a patient with positive serological RPR. Increased with RPR titers ≥ 1:8 was greater than that for RPR titers ≤ 1:4.
accuracy of NR-PCR may be explained by three differences be-
tween NR-PCR and previous PCR approaches. First, we increased
the concentration of the T. pallidum DNA template after amplifica- REFERENCES
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