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Peng Liu, Lingjun Zhao, Yan Ma

Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ABSTRACT not applicable to remote sensing image. In this paper we

We reconstruct the multispectral image based on proposed an algorithm that explores the band correlation of
compressive sensing theory. Both spatial domain the multi-spectral image to improve performances. These
regularization and transform domain regularization are algorithms are based on Bregman split and principal
employed in the proposed objective function. Bregman split component analysis (PCA). With the perspective of
method is used to optimize the proposed objective function. compressed sensing, we formulate the remote sensing
In order to making use of the correlation features between imaging model as linear transform corresponding to the
different channels of multispectral image, principal measurement matrix in the CS theory. Thus, based on the
component analysis (PCA) is introduced into the shrinkage sparsity regularization, the high-resolution MS images can
step of the spatial domain regularization. For further be recovered precisely.
enhance the performance of CS reconstruction, the similarity
of wavelet coefficients between different channels are also 2. COMPRESSIVE SENSING BASED ON BOTH
explored in the shrinkage step of transform domain. We SPATIAL AND TRANSFORM DOMAIN
compare the proposed method with some other methods. REGULARIZATION
Experiments validate the better performances of the For the ith band, let xi  R n represent the unknown
proposed method, and it is attributed to combine two
regularizations and employ the spectral correlation between multispectral image signal. We consider a measurement
channels. system that acquires m linear measurements. We can
represent this process mathematically as
Index Terms— Compressive Sensing, Multispectral yi  i xi , (1)
where  i is an m  n matrix, and yi  R m which is the
1. INTRODUCTION observed data. The matrix  i represents a dimensionality
Recently, Donoho and Candès et al. proposed a new reduction, i.e., it maps R , where is generally large, into
sampling theory, compressed sensing (CS) theory, for data R m , where m is typically much smaller than n . When xi
acquisition. The CS theory can recover a sparse signal from
is compressible in a linear basis  (DWT basis is used in
a small set of linear measurements, which has been applied
this paper), we can get:
in many image processing applications. The key point of CS
theory is the sparsity regularization which refers to the yi  i  1i (2)
nature of the natural signals. For example, if  i is random and is chosen according
In practical applications the correlation widely exists in
remote sensing image, such as multi-spectral image, hyper- to a Gaussian distribution and  is the wavelet, then one
spectral images and multi-look SAR images. There exists can easily know that i  will also have a Gaussian
algorithms consider correlation, i.e., the correlation among distribution so provided that m is sufficiently high, and
different band in remote sensing images. In reference [13],
an algorithm exploring the correlation among different i  1 will satisfy the RIP [1] with high probability. Thus
channel of color image was proposed and better results were  i can be reconstructed with high probability based on
acquired. A color image compressive sensing imaging
method based on group sparstiy was proposed in reference compressive sensing theory [1], further more we can get
[14], in which a new object function was constructed and the image xi by xi   1i .
optimization method was derived to get better performance.
There is also algorithm [16] that explores the intra-block For the multispectral image, when we have N bands we
correlation among multiple measurement signals, but it is can get multi-measurements as y1 , , yi , yN . For every

978-1-4799-1114-1/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 2558 IGARSS 2013

band image, as there is equation (2), we can construct the i
min  yi   i  1 i  di  di   i  bi
objective function as  i , d i , d xi , d yi 2 1 2 2

i . (5)
T (i )  yi  i  1i   i 1 . (3)  d xi 
1 2
d xi   x  1 i  bxi
The optimization problem of equation (3) can be recast  d yi  d yi   y  1 i  byi
1 2 2
as a linear program, and it can be solved using methods such
as Bregman split method [2], Basis-Pursuit (BP) [3] and the One can break this algorithm down into several easy steps
Orthogonal Matching-pursuit (OMP) algorithms [4], by equation (6)-(12).
Bayesian estimation [5] iterative thresholding algorithms or
i k
accelerated iterative thresholding [6][7], and CoSaMP [8].  ik 1  arg min yi  i  1 ik 2  d   ik  bk
Recently, in CS field, Non-convex regularization using i 2 i i 2
, (6)
L p functional for p < 1 can also be solved approximately  
 i d x   x  1 i  bx  i d y   y  1 i  by
using re-weighting schemes [9][10] [14]. 2 i i 2 2 i i 2

In order to utilizing the features of multi-spectral image i

in spatial domain, we introduce the gradient constraints into dki1  arg min dki  dki   ik 1  bki , (7)
the CS objective function, and then we get: di 1 2 2

T ( i )  yi   i  1 i  i  i 1 i k
(4) d xki 1  arg min d xki  d x   x  1i k 1  bxk (8)
i  x    i   i  y    i  2
1 1 d xi 1 i i 2
1 1

where i  x is the
is the regularization parameter, i k
d yki1  arg min d yki  d y   y  1i k 1  byk (9)
differential operator in horizon direction and  y is the diy 1 2 i i 2

differential operator in the vertical direction. When i is bki1  bki  ki1  dki1 (10)
the coefficient of wavelet transform of the image,   i is

bxki 1  bxki   x  1i k 1  d xki 1 (11)

the image itself and the regularization  x   i  and
byki1  byki   y  1i k 1  d yki1 (12)
 y   i 
are implemented in spatial domain.
In each step of the iteration, equation (6) is a differentiable
Therefore, both the features in transformation domain and
optimization problem, equation (7) (8) (9) can be solved
spatial domain are employed in the proposed CS model.
efficiently using shrinkage as equation (13) (14) and (15),
However, for multispectral image, the spectral information
and equation (10) (11) and (12) are explicit and easy to
should also be considered, so in the following section, we
will discuss how to optimize the equation (4) by Bregman
split and introduce the PCA which represents the spectral dki1  shrink (ik 1  bki ,1  i ) (13)
information into the CS model.


d yki1  shrink ( y  1i k 1  byki ,1  i ) (14)
Many of the optimization methods work very well for d xki 1  shrink ( x  1i k 1  bxki ,1  i ) (15)
single image CS. We employ Bregman split method [2] to
solve equation (4), and principal component analysis (PCA) where  1i  xi can be look as the image in spatial
is introduced into the shrinkage step of the iteration in
Bregman split [2] in the next Section. domain. So actually, the shrinkage of d yki1 and d xki 1 is
When introducing auxiliary variable b and d into performed in spatial domain, but the shrinkage of dki1 is
equation (4), based on Bregman split method [2], there is performed in the wavelet transform domain. They are all L1
regularization, but their meanings are different from each
other. For equation (6), we derive it with respect to  ik ,
and then we get

   i  1   y          d  1k 1 , ,  Nk 1 d1k 1 , , d Nk 1 by
T 1 k k
 bi transform back to
i i i i i i
inverse PCA for every band image.
i   x  1      d  b 
T 1 (16) 6. Transform  x  11k  1 bxk1 , ,  x    Nk 1  bxkN1
x i xi xi

i   y  1 T
     d  b   0
i yi yi
into 1k , ,  Nk by PCA
Shrink 1 , ,  N , get 1 , ,  N , and then
k k k 1 k 1
When  ik is looked as variable, we rearrange equation (16)
transform 1 , ,  N back to d x , , d x
k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1
and get 1 N

inverse PCA for every band image.

  
 i Tx  x  1  i Ty  y  1   iT  i  1   i 8. Update bk11 , , bkN1 , bxk11 , , bxkN1 and
  d i i 
 bi  i  d xi  bxi T
x   (17)
byk11 , , bykN1 by equation (10) (11) and (12) for every

i Ty d yi  byi    1i  yi 
band image.
9. If convergent condition is satisfied, then terminate; else
Now equation (17) is a linear equation with respect to  ik , k  k  1 and go to step 2.
we change its form into a equation for  i ,
  i
i   L  i  G
In order to validate the proposed method, we
experiments on the simulation data of different multispectral
images such as LandSat7, Cebers2 and IKONOS. For matrix
 in the algorithm, the Wavelet transform is used in this
G   i I  i   x   i   y    i  i    i
1 T
1 T 1
paper. The size of all test images is 256x256. The
performance of the proposed algorithm is measured both

i bi  di  i Tx bxi  d xi   (19) qualitatively and quantitatively with Mean Square Error
(MSE). To avoid the affection of regularization parameter,

i Ty byi  d yi    1 i  yi 

the graphics of MSE vs.  are plotted for the comparisons.

In the experiments, the proposed method based on PCA is
L  i I  i Tx  x  1  i Ty  y  1 (20) named as PCA-CS, and the common single channel
reconstruction method is named as SCR-CS.
We can solve equation (18) by conjugate gradient In Fig.1 the simulation data is from LandSat7, and 30%
optimization conveniently. When the regularization of the total number pixies are measured. In Fig.1 (d) we can
parameter i  0 , the proposed model is degraded to initial observe that the MSE of proposed method PCA-CS is
CS equation (3) without spatial regularization and with the always smaller than SCR-CS. The optimal results for the two
only regularization in wavelet domain. methods are shown in Fig. 1(b) and Fig. 1(c), when different
Based on the deductions above, for the multispectral images  is chosen in the experiments. We can see that more
which have N bands as y1 , , yN , now we sum up the details are recovered by PCA-CS than PCA-CS. In Fig. 2,
algorithm: the simulation data is from Cebers2, and we get the similar
result as in Fig.1, but for the length limits of the paper we
1. Set k  0 and set the initial values of
cannot show Fig. 2.
 , b , b , b , d , d , d , ,  , b , b , b , d , d , d x0N
yN In order to further validate the proposed method, we
to zeros. compare the results when the percentage of pixel number
2. Solve equation (18) by conjugate gradient and get and the image are both different. In Table 1, Image1 is the
multispectral image from LandSat7, Image2 is from Cebers2
1k 1 , ,  Nk 1 for every band image. and Image3 is from IKONOS. The percentage is 20%, 30%
Shrink  i  b and get d for every band image.
k 1 k k 1 and 40%. The performances of PCA-CS are always better
3. i i
than SCR-CS. The better results are attributed to the
4. Transform y  1 k 1
1 b , k
y1 ,  y   1 Nk  1 bykN combination of PCA and Bregman split method.
into 1k , ,  Nk by PCA
Shrink 1 , ,  N , get 1 , ,  N
k k k 1 k 1
5. , and then

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Using the compressive sensing theory framework and its
extension, we proposed an algorithm to recover
multispectral image based on Bregman split and PCA. The
regularization in both spatial domain and transform domain
are employed. The algorithms have the ability to explore and
exploit the correlation in multi-band images and thereby
improve performance. We experimentally demonstrated that
the algorithm significantly outperform existing algorithms.
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