My Lifelong Learning Characteristics-1

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Reflections on Enhancing Active Listening and

Inclusivity in Diversity

Yihong Fan, Red

Wenzhou-Kean University


Mr. Mingze Lin

26th September, 2021

Reflections on Enhancing Active Listening and

Inclusivity In diversity

In my daily study and life, talking about active listening, I have to

mention my own unique listening skills. When the others want to express

the main idea to you it is necessary to listen active, so here I will point

out the orientation about how to listen and concentrate by yourself,

maybe by which you could enhance the active listening and Inclusivity in


Initially, when listening to others, it is very important to make eye

contact with the speaker. Maybe sometimes he can help you better

understand the main meaning of the speaker. For example, opening your

eyes to others means that you can't believe or understand each other's

meaning. Besides, blinking means asking the other persons to rethink

what is the meaning they send out. What is more, look straight at the

talker is my additional superiority, and it is necessary in some occasions.

However, I still have a gigantic shortcoming, which is about the habit

of noting. I could not develop into a habit of taking notes as appropriate

rapidly. If sometimes I lose my mind when others are talking, and I can't

react immediately, I will feel very embarrassed. As a consequence, I have

to slowly develop the habit of accompanying notes through the

accumulation of time, which may play a great role in emergent conditions

in the future.

When it comes to why listening is important to foster Inclusivity in

diversity, active listening can express your respect for the other person,

which he or she can feel, so as to lay the foundation for your next

communication. Even sometimes listening actively can bring us less guilt,

which indirectly enhances the self-confidence.

In a word, facing the prosperous international communicating circle, it

is no denying that active listening is necessary in our working life.

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